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t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO. 8


20c, $6 Per Year

Bishop raps hudget cuts WASHINGTON (NC) - Testi­ fying twice in one day, a repre­ sentative of the U.S. bishops told Congress Monday that the Rea­ gan administration's budget cuts are "difficult to justify moraHy." Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan of Brooklyn, N.Y. said government has the responsibil­ ity to preserve "the dignity of the human person" when private efforts cannot. "The harsh reality of America's present economic system is that, without substantial and effective government intervention, people wiH go hungry, families will be homeless (and) mothers and chil­ dren will be without basic health care," he said. . Bishop Sullivan, testitfying on behalf of both Catholic Charities and the U.S. Catholic Conference, public policy arm of the U.S. bishops, appeared first before the House Budget Committee's task force on entitlement pro­ grams. In the afternoon he moved across Capitol Hill to testify on food stamps before the nutrition subcommittee of the Senate Agri­ culture Committee. Bishop Sullivan, a former na­ tional president of . Catholic Charities, told the House task force, "Decisions about the fed­ eral budget and about the econ­ omy are not devoid of moral content," Reports from Catholic Chari· ties offices and other Catholic agencies around the country, he said, show that last year's cuts "hurt the poor severely," Requests for financial assis­ tance have doubled and tripled and lines at soup kitchens are longer than ever, he said. "For the first time we are seeing in these lines not only the chroni­ caHy destitute but many new faces - for example, the re­ cently unemployed, the working mother who has lost AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Chil­ dren) benefits. The dignity of the human per­ son is a key element of Cath­ olic social teaching, he said, and generates obligations and rights, such as the right to food, cloth­ ing and shelter. Last year's cuts and further Turn to Page Two



L. From left, Theresa Lee and Suzette Emsley, Theresa Van Horn, !Eleanor IEmsley

In a millio'n

a By Pat


"It's no big deal," says Eleanor Emsley of her unique family. But many would disagree. Her comfortable house in Taunton's St. Joseph's parish shelters adopted daughters Theresa Lee and Suzette and foster child Theresa Van Horn, as well as her 91-year-old grand­ mother. Theresa Lee, 15, and Suzette, 12, are natural sisters. Theresa Lee has Down's syndrome, Su­

zette is normal. Theresa Van Horn, severely retarded, cannot speak and also has many sur­ gical problems. She has been in and out of hospitals all her life. Miss Emsley is assistant direc­ tor in charge of nursing services at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, succeeding Sister Thomas More, OP. The position includes super­ vision of three associate directors and ultimate responsibility for the nearly 300 nurses at the 200­ bed institution.

Pope returns from By Father Kenneth Doyle

NC News Service In the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna about 1,000 lay peo­ ple crowded into tiny St. Jo­ seph's Cathedral to see Pope John Paul II. Many were dressed in maroon cloaks covered with printed por­ traits of the pope.

She came to the position from St. Luke's Hospital Center in New York City, where she was director of nursing and associate vice-president. A Taunton native, she is a 1963 graduate of the nursing school of Sturdy Mem­ orial Hospital, Attleboro, leav­ ing that hospital in 1969 as superVisor of nursing services. She returned to Taunton last November, she said, for the sake of her three girls and she "loves being back," Her Cedar


As the pope walked up the aisle, the people vigorously sang the psalm "All my Life I Will Bless his Name," Animal horns pounded against home-made metal drums. People slapped hands. as a basketball team does at the buzzer, after a winning shot. They swayed in unison to the

Street home is within walking distance of school, downtown shops and dancing lessons for lively Suzette, while the two Theresas have an easy bus ride to 'their special education classes. From a large family, most of whom have settled in the Taun­ . ton area, Miss Emsley says an­ other advantage of her move has been the availability of nieces and nephews as babyTum to Page Six

plans new trips

music and the vibration shook the wooden floor. In a corner of the church, a policeman cast a sideward glance to see where his sergeant was, then, convinced that he was not being watched, he set down his rubber billy club and clapped to the rhythm. That scene crystallized the

purpose of Pope John Paul's African trip. For eight days from Feb. 12 to 19 the pope asked the people of Nigeria, Ga­ bon, 'Benin and Equatorial Guin­ ea to set aside other pursuits and to focus on God. Throughout the journey the pontiff emphasized in 35 talks Tum to Page Ten


Brother 'died a hero'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb; 26, 1982

Jesuits ponder future GROTIAFERRATA, Italy (NC) - More than 100 of the world's Jesuit leaders gathered in an 18th-century villa in Grot­ taferrata near Rome on Tuesday to look at the pa!!t of the Society of Jesus and consider its future. The week-long meeting of 86 Jesuit provincial superiors, gen­ eral assistants, counsellors and regional assistal')ts was convened by Jesuit Father Paolo Dezza, the 80-year-old delegate of Pope John Paul II. The appointment' of Father Dezza stirred contro­ versy in the society. But the meeting was not called to air dissent, said a communique from the Jesuits headquarters in Rome. "The purpose of the meeting : is to relay to the whole society, through the meditation of the provmcial superiors . . . the pope's wishes regarding the soci­ ety and to ponder how the so­ ciety might best accede to those wishes," the communique said. Pope John Paul's views were stated in a letter to Father Dezza shortly before the Italian Jesuit


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Two iltl hospital 'posts Bishop Daniel' A. Cronin has er Furtado: at Sacred Heart, Fall announced appointments of two River. Ordained in 1968, Father Cor­ pastoral ministers to the sick, to be effective Wednesday, reia serveci as associate pastor at Our ,Lady of Victory, Center­ March 10. Father -Edward E.Correia, ville; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; since 1977 associate pastor at and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Anthony of Padua parish, New Bedford, before being as­ Fall River, will join the pastoral .signed to St. Anthony of Padua. ministry at St. Luke's Hospitaf, While on Cape Cod, he was area CYO director. New Bedford. Father F,urtado was ordained

Father Steven R. Furtado, who has been in the St. Luke's pas­ ,.in 1973. He served at Our Lady

toral ministry since 1978, will of Lourdes parish, Taunton, be­

fore being assigned to the hos­

take up similar duties at Charl­ ton Memorial Hospital, Fall pital ministry. He was also a chaplain'for Taunton KPights of River. Columbus 'and active in the Father Correia will be in resi­ dence ,at St. John the Baptist Taunton area pre-Cana aposto­ rectory, New Bedford, and Fath- late.

"rap,-' pudget

, ~:~er:~ePco~~~::~tiOc:.n~~~in~~I;'~· .' .. Bish,~.p:~ '. type of assembly empowered ' , '" ' . .' ' " , ,.'. under Jesuit rules to elect a sucContinued from' page one the' same points before' the Sen­ reductions proposed this year ate subcom,mittee, though he alcessor to Father Arrup~. Father Dezza has said that a "stand in stark contrast to the so commented more specifically general congregation will not massive tax breaks for wealthy. about the food stamp program. be held before promulgation' of indiViduals and corporations," Calling food stamps "one of the new Code of Canon Law, ex- said the bishops. the government's most effective pected this year. Asked for his comments on the tools for protecting the right to Reagan administration's proposi- eat," Bishop Sullivan said it tion that the needs of the poor was "particularly unfair" that could be met if every church the food stampprograrn, which adopted 10 welfare families, suffered large-scale cuts last Bishop Sullivan called the idea year, is "to' be' singled out again "simplistic. for some of the most severe VATICAN CITY (NC) - A He said in New York a third cuts" in the coming fiscal year. 38-year-old African priest will of the churches are themselves become Pope John Paul II's sec­ in poverty, and another third are ond personal secretary, say Vati­ just barely making it. Thus can sources. churches have little or no cap­ VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Msgr. Emery Kabongo, a acity to generate the income theme chosen'for the 1983 Week French-speaking native of Zaire, needed by welfare families to of Prayer for Christian Unity 'is will take the place of Father' pay their rent and food bills. ' "Jesus Christ, life of the world," John Magee, a Northern Irish Bishop Suliivan made many of Vatica~ Radio reported. priest recently named master of. pontifical ceremonies, the sources said. The pope's other personal

secretary is Msgr. Stanislaw


Father Pierfrano Pastore, as­

sistant director of the Vatican

Press Office, refused to confirm

or deny the reports, saying that appointments of the pope's per­ sonal secretaries are not an­ nounced formally. , Msgr. Kabongo has 'been 'work­ APPOINTMENTS ing in the Council for the Public . Rev. Edward E. Correia from Associate Pastor, St. An­ Affairs of the Church at the . thony of Padua Parish, Fall River, to Pastoral Ministry to the Vatican for the past four months Sick, St. Luke's Hospi1tal, 'New Bedford, with residence at St. after a stint as an auditor in the

John the Baptist rectory, New Bedford. apostolic nunciature in Brazil. The sources said that Pope Rev. Steven R. Furtado from Pastoral Mittistry to Ithe Sick, John Paul met Msgr. Kabongo St. Luke's Hospitaq, New Bedford, 10 Pastoral Ministry, Charl­ during his July 1980 visit to ton Memorial Hospital, FaH River, with residence at Sacred Brazil and was' impressed with Heart rectory, Fall River. his talents. The African priest

fioth appointments effective Wednesday, March 10, 1982 speaks several languages in addi­ tion to French.


Unity theme



African priest papal secretary


Howard C. Doane Sr.

assumed the administration of the society last October and in several private conversations since then. The pope's letter to

Father Dezza was never made


At an Oct. 31 Mass marking

the inauguration of his duties las

papal delegate; Father Dezza

s9id that Pope John Paul and

other previous pontiffs' do not

want to "coerce or restrain the

apostolic impetus of the Society

of Jesus" but have been "con­

cerned about the consequences

on. the church of certain defici­

encies of members of the soci­ ety."

Tomorrow the Jesuit leaders

are scheduled to meet with Pope

John Paul after a concelebrated

Mass at Jesuit headquarters in Rome, with ailing Father Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit superior general, . . as homilist. . Coincidentally, the pope will begin a week-long Lenten retreat on Sunday, conducted by Jesuit Father Stanislaus Lyonnet. Key input for the Jesuit lead­ ers is coming from more than 5,000 reports received in 1982 from superiors, consultors and , directors of particular apostolates thoughout the world. ' The Jesuit communique des­ cribed the reports as "the steady ingredient of internal communi­ cation" within the 26,622-member order, founded in 1540 by St_ Ignatius of Loyola. The Grottaferrata meeting is a


Diocese of Fall River


ST. PAUL, Minn. (NC) Some 1,000 people gathered at 51. 'Paul's cathedral last week to mourn the death of Christian J3rother James Miller, murdered in Guatemala by unknown ass­ assins Feb. 13. Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, the cele­ brant at the Mass of -Christian Burial, told the congretion that Brother Miller "died a hero" for having served the poor and oppressed in violence-torn Cen­ tral America. Brother Miller, 37, died from shot wounds in the chest and neck while doing repairs at the Indian Center at Huehuetenango, where he taught and lived. The killers, who fired from a car, escaped and it has been impossible to determine who they are or to what political faction they belong, said Christian Brother Paul Joslin, regional su­ perior in Guatemala. He flew in with the body to the Twin Cities· after a memorial Mass at the Indian Center Feb. 14 attended by some 800 persons. Archbishop Roach said Brother Miller and other missionaries in Central America must work in fear of those who oppress the poor. "Day by day he and those for whom he worked live in the shadow of death, so that the people he served could be brought into life," the archbishop added. Brother Joslin said Brother Mille~ did not get involved in Guatemala's' political struggles. He said he was killed because of his work to help the poor. "Any teacher or religious worker might have been the target of the gun­ men, but nevertheless Brother James died for what he was and' for what he stood for; a Christian educator and apostle of the poor, a worker for justice and social change." The brother added that 15 church people, priests and broth­ ers, have been killed or abduct­ ed in Guatemala in the last 18 months. "The religious commun­ ity is being singled out for its work for the poor." The Christil,ln Brothers' direc­ tor general Brother Jack John­ ston, who flew in from Rome for the services in St. Paul, said he was saddened and frustrated by the killing of Brother Miller, whom he taught as a novice. , Brother Johnston was critical of. U.S. foreign policy for not dealing with the poverty and po­ litical repression in the area that, he said, cost the death of Broth­ er Miller and others. "If the poor people do not get help from the church and from the Americans, they are going to' go to communism," he said. The director general plans to go to Guatemala with Brother Jos­ lin. He said he will evaluate the situation of the six remaining' brothers. ...."".nmnnn.,IIIII...IIt"..IIII1.....'......II_nn.." ....I..nm..tn.'1l1lm"lll'I~~

THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published' weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven­ ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the cath· olic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per ~ear. Postmasters send address Chanf:s ~~7~2~ Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River, A

tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982


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BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN, center, Father Normand Grenier, left, and Father Ern­ est E. Blais prepare to celebrate Mass inaugurating Notre Dame fundraising campaign.

Notre Dame campaign Quoting the Gospel of the day, "We have never seen anything like this," Bishop Daniel A. Cro­ nin last Sunday inaugurated a $1 million fund-raising campaign for the restoration of Notre Dame Church, Fall River. "Those I am sure were the sentiments of the founding fami­ lies who literally built this awe­ inspiring structure, said the bishop. "These, no doubt, have been the sentiments of devoted parishioners throughollt the years and the reaction of countless numbers of visitors to this mag­


nificent church: 'They were awe­ struck; all gave praise to God saying, 'We have never seen anything like this.''' The bishop spoke and was principal celebrant at an after­ noon Mass which 'saw Notre Dame crowded to the doors with parishioners and many friends from outside the parish. The liturgy was concelebrated by Father Ernest E. Blais, pastor, and Father Normand Grenier, associate, together' with 13 priests having special ties to Notre Dame.

Music was by the Notre Dame Chorale and the parish junior and senior folk groups, while children from Notre Dame pre­ sented spiritual gifts at the offer­ tory. Other offertory procession participants paid tribute to Notre Dame's heritage, its .future, the vocations that have sprung from the parish and those who have taught in its schools, including the former Msgi'. Prevost High School, which merged with Bish­ op Connolly High School follow­ ing a disastrous fire.


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New Bedford pr~ject :offers shelter

ford area, who keeps records for the. ·task force. He said that about half the cases have involved individuals and half family un~ts. Until the SheHer Task Force came along, he added, police and other offi­ cials simply had no place to ,lodge homeless people, who might include fire victims, evict­ ed persons or transients. Re­ cently, he said, another shelter has opened in New Bedford and the task force hopes to cooper­ ate with its organizers. The origina1 Shelter Task Force, however, has no quanters of its own, said ·Father Bergeron. Instead, It has arran~ements with several area motels rto ac­ commodate people for a maxi­ 'mum of three nights. When a need arises, he said, it

During this difficu1t winter, a bright spot in the Grea-ter New Bedford area has been the Shel­ Iter Task Force, an ecumenical program providing emergency shelter to families or individuals. Cosponsored by the New Bed­ ford deanery of the Fall River diocese and rthe New Bedford Area Clergy Association, the pro­ gram has as codirectors Father Marc H. 'Bergeron, associate pas­ tor of St. Anthony of Padua par­ ish, New -Bedford, and Rev. Rob­ ert A. Thayer, minister of Unita­ rian Memorial Chu'rch, Fair­ haven. Since ~ast May it has come to rthe rescue in 32 cases, involving 70 individuals, said 'Pa'trick C. McCarthy, Catholic Social Ser­ vices director for the New Bed­






is referred to one of six clergy who serve as an intake screening board. If.that person and one of the codirectors approve the case, shelter is provided. During the three-day sheHer period, it is ex­ pected that social agencies or other ,interested persons will be working towards a more perma­ nent solution of the situation in­ volved. Father Bergeron said that the program is funded mainly through contributions from par­ ticipating churches, but that in­ diviclual contributions are more \than welcome and may be sent to the ·task force ,in care of .the Interchurch Council, 412 County St., New Bedford. Something to think these cold winter nights.


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the living word'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982 4:...-_---------~---


the 'moorin~


Making Lenten Sense


Once more we have begun the Lenten season. For some Catholics it will be a serious period in their spiritual journey of faith. They will look at these 40 days with eyes of faith as a time when they' will hot hesitate to go into th~ desert place alone to pray, to go and to meet the Lord. In the wisdom of the Spirit they will be challenged by the beauty and mystery of the Lenten liturgy to open their hearts and minds in a positive and uplifting manner. The magnificent liturgy of the Easter Vigil will have a , refreshing and personal meaning for Christians who allow the Lord to come into their lives, who decrease that He might increase. However, sad to say, Lent will have little effect and effect little in many of the so-called Catholic faithful. Like so many other things in their spiritual life, Lent has gone by the board. , True, efforts will be made to "get" the ashes. Some might even' buy a new wardrobe to show off on Easter Sunday. The time between seems to have no meaning. To many we can indeed say "What has happened to Lent?" , This' indeed' is a valid question to raise in today's American church. To be sure, there are the usual voices of doom and gloom sounding their usual dirge, crying that tpe failure to enforce Lent is the church's own fault. Once Vatican II opened the windows, they moan, it threw out everything good. Furthermore, the church has gone too soft. What we must do to be saved is to return to the good old days and the good old religion. If and when this happens, we can be sure that Lent will regain its " meamng. , ' The opposite view insists that each individual is re­ sponsible for his or her own spiritual growth.. Each must be free to discern what is truly relevant in the spiritual life. Church guidelines, suggestions and programs only hamper and burden one's growth in the Spirit. ' Both viewpoints lack Lenten sense. Both have a very narrow and limited view of the church. They lash out against her efforts to bring the Good News to man because they just do not or will not kilow what church and commun­ ity are all about. Individualistic in their approach to s.alva­ tion and spirituality, for such persons even the Trinity is a crowd. In the real world of 1982, however, there is ,a growing spirit of renewal and rebirth in the church. More than a reaction to the old or an escape from the new, it is a realiza­ tion that the church is a part of that real world. . This balanced min~ refuses to cop out but would seek solutions. On the one hand it appreciates the sense of con­ tinuity that is part of the faith while on the other it is always open to the realization that each person can indeed be, touched by the Spirit. There is in the church today a growing number of ,epeople who are not afraid to be Catholic, who want the church· to guide them and who seek the holiness that she can foster within them. . For these believing Christians, Lent does have a mean­ ing. . \ It is a time for them to walk with the Lord even' if the journey takes them to a personal Via Dolorosa. As in. the days of .the prophet Micah, so like our own, these are the people who believe that the Lord wants them to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with their God. Doesn't that make Lenten sense?












·410 HighlCind Avenue

Fall River, Mass: 02722 675-7151

PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O." S.T.O.




Rev. John F. Moore, ~

leary Press-Fall River


'I was hungry and you gave me to eat/ Matt. 25:35


By .Yo-ann Price

Public concern during the past decade about ethical questions in medicine, nursing, law,. busi­ ness and 'politics ha~ resulted in a sharp rise in interest in ethics courses in colleges, according to a $200,000 study released by the Hastings Center in Hastings-on­ Hudson, N.Y. The two-year study, financed by 'the Carnegie Corporation of New York, was co-directed by Daniel Callahan, author,. and Sis­ sela Bok, lecturer at Harv'ard Medical School. It involved 20 sch,olars and numerous consul­ tants who produced ,a nine-book series titled, "The Teaching of Ethics in Higher Education." "The most striking aspect. he found was enormous ambiva­ lence among professional schools toward teaching ethics courses," Callahan commented at a press briefing held at t}:le Carnegie Endowment for Internatfonal . Peace offices in New York. '~There are by now 12,000 ethics courses across the coun~ try," Sissela Bok added, refer­ ring to higher education. "Most did not exist 12 years ago. Now there is a groundswell of con­ cern about ethical issues." The schools have asked, she said, whether it is possible to up­ grade the courses and have them taught "seriously" or "will they becointl- a passing fad, like hula hoops?" The preliminary studies ar~ rived at these findings:

- Comparatively few univer­ sities offer a full exposure of ethics courses to students: - In many institutions, the teaching of ethics is seen as a highly controversial matter, whh a main concern being 'expressed about the danger of indoctrina­ tion. In alm~st all professional schools, the teaching of ethics has little prestige. - A central problem facing those teachirig ethics is the lack of adequate; case studies, text­ books and scholarly research. - Teachirig ethics is beset by uncertainty, political and insti­ tutional obstacles: , - Very few fu~ure doctors, lawyers" journalists, nurses, en­ gineers and other professionals receive any kind of training in the moral problems they will face in their, professional lives. The authors suggested that goals for tea~hing ethics should include stimulating the moral imagination; I recognizing· ethical issues; developing analytical skills; eliciting a sense of moral Obligation, a~d tolerating or re­ sisting disagreement and am­ biguity. They noted that, while ethics teaching was "central to the undergraduate curriculum" in co}.leges during the 19th century, it was .gradually pushed liS ide. Despite present-day uncertain­ ties, ethics are resurfacing as an "importllnt topic" in higher edu­ catiqn. The. great ferment in' right-wrong decisions, the direc­ tors suggested, is in medicine,

nursing, law and the business world. The findings of the project will be expanded, Callahan said, with an additional $200,000 Carnegie grant for a new "pro­ gram on applied and professional ethics.~'

The initial study, Callahan said, ran into various degrees of resistance from educators. They ,said they felt ethics should not be taught, was a "loser" among academic courses and was "too soft." "Fear "of "indoctrination "was strong among state col­ leges." In its overview volumes on "The Teaching of Ethics in Higher Education," the directors stated: "Indoctrination, whether political, theological, ideological or philosophical, is wholly out of place in the teaching of ethics. Although students should be as­ sisted .in developing moral ideas and fashioning il coherent way of approaching ethical theory and moral dilemmas, the task of the teacher is not to promote a special set of values, but only to promote those sensitivities and analytical skills necessary to help students reach their own moral judgments." . Among those consulted during . the course of the study were half a dozen professors from Catholic-oriented universities and institutions. They included John Fielder, Villanova University: Dean J. McGowan, Fordharr University; and Vincent Punze of the philosophy department 01 St. Louis ,University..

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982

L'ent and families

"I miss Lent," a woman of 50 said to me. "It's so differ­ ent with most of the child­ ren gone. We just don't lieem to be able to make it work for us anymore." Lent does change as the fam­ ily changes. U's always been a time of spiritual opportunity in the family, a chance to renew ourselves spiritually, to look at ourselv,es and our collective faith in light of the humdrum of our daily existence. And, as the family grows and develops, so must our Lent. I like the way this womlllO phrased it. We need to make Lent work for us. We don't serve Lent, it serves us. Or should. But it can't if we behave as if the family stays static and the same rituals and practices should be as rich and meaningful as they were when we were younger and more immature in the family arid in the faith. In this Lenten series, I plan to examine the seven stages of fam­ ily life and talk about predict­ able stresses and promises of each, presenting some sugges­ tions for spiritual development in each stage. These stages are: 1. Courtship; 2. Beginning a fam­ ily; 3. When the last child enters school; 4. When children reach adolescence; 5. Disengagement; 6. Empty nest; and 7.When chil­ dren have children. In this column, I'll talk of

courtship. Although we may think our courtship stage was long enough ago to forget, it was and remains a vital stage that lays the foundation for all subse­ quent stages in family life. Fam­ ily therapist Sonya Rhodes in her book, "Surviving Family Life," submits that the courtship or romantic stage lasts from six to 12 months and those who marry before it ends have the greatest chance of divorcing later on. She holds that there should be a disillusionment period followed by a realistic look at the relationship during which couples faU in love again, this time with the real person. She presents a good case for mandatory premarital prepara­ tion without intending to do so. The four or six month period re­ quired, plus the frank appraisal of one another's attitudes through various tests, gives young people an opportunity to fall out of love with the roman­ ticized person or with love itself and meet the real person. U's at this point in our lifetimes that we can discover how our future ml!te feels about God, faith and family. I have found that the spirit­ uality of a potential mate is the least discussed before marriage and the greatest disappointment after marriage. Priests' tell me they meet young couples so in love with themselves, love, and each other that they cannot





on guns think of God and church. But a fw years later, when the new­ ness of the marriage wears off or when a baby is born, they come back wondering why they are poles apart in faith. Eventually such marriages mature (if they remain intact). And many of these young couples who never take the time or initiative to look together at their faith hopes and life. This is where Lent comes in. Whether a marriage is one or 20 years old, Lent gives us a reason to exam­ ine our original spiritual hopes, expressed or unexpressed. During this week, let couples pull aside for an hour or so and talk about their image of God, Church and family faith before they are married, really listen­ ing to one another. It may well be the first time they have ever done so. Let them begin with the question: What were my family faith hopes and expectations be­ fore we were married? And when they have shared that, let them follow with: Were they realistic? H~ve, they been realized? If so, how? U not, why not?

Cuts complicated

If Congress is serious about reducing President Reagan's projected $91.5 bil­ lion deficit for fiscal 1983, one of the most likely targets for cuts will be the defense budget. Last Christmas several Cath­ olic bishops, in particular Bish­ op Roger Mahony of Stockton, Calif., and Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, Ohio, said in­ creased defense spending robs the poor because the nation's priorities are being converted from butter to guns. But resolving to cut defense

spending, something many in the church have said should happen, and actually doing it in a mean­ ingful way are two different things. First, of course, are the politi­ cal obstacles, since many in Congress agree with the presi­ dent's basic assessment that several aspects of our defense need beefing up. Secondly, actual expenditure of funds for various defense pro­ jects is spread over several years, meaning that cutting out a par­ ticular missile or battleship won't achieve much in immediate savings. Reagan's blueprint for defense spending, which calls for $1.6 trillion $1,600,000,000,000) in ex­ penditures over the next five years, includes sharp increases in both strategic and general pur­ pose forces. Strategic forces are defined as those which deter a nuclear at-

tack against the United States and its allies. General purpose forces' in­ clude tactical units of the four major military services plus their hardware. such as ships for the 'Navy, planes for the Air Force, and tanks~for the Army. Annual outlays - the actual - expenditures in a single fiscal year - are scheduled to in­ crease from $187.5 billion in 1982 (25.9 percent of the total bud­ get), to $221.1 billion in 1983 (29.2 percent), to $364.2 billion in 1987 (37.2 percent).

,Obviously those kinds of in­ creases make defense a likely target for those seeking ways to reduce Reagan's nearly $100 million deficit for 1983. But while some defense experts such as Rep. Les Aspin (D-Wis.) say there is no question defense can be cut, Aspin also warns that be­ cause of the way defense D:\oney is spent, cutting defense to re­ duce the deficit is not as easy as it may, seem. The problem, according to As­ pin, is that cutting the "big ticket" items from the defense budget, such as the B-1 might possibly save $9.7 billion over the next three years, but the first-year savings would be only $497 million. That won't put much of a dent in the deficit. So when the defense knives come out they usually turn to more immediate spending cate­ gories, such as operations and maintenance. And that, says A's-




pin, is the whole problem; "readi­ ness" gets sacrificed' when the economy is in trouble, and de­ fense budgets follow a roller­ coaster pattern which leads to waste because the military ser­ vices are forced to start and stop programs. Aspin, in a recent statement published in the €ongressional Record, suggested that if defense savings are to be made, hawks and doves in Congress must compromise on a defense growth rate thllt will put an end to "feast or famine" defense spend­ ing. Defense budgets, he also said, must be seen as a multiyear function "and not just an exer­ cise in holding down this year's outlays." Thus this year's debate over cutting the defense budget to re­ duce the deficit is likely to be a complicated affair. Congress can try to reduce the deficit by cut­ ting defense, but it has to be careful how it does it. And ef­ forts to cut defense spending overall have to be presented as part of a long-range plan rather than as a battle over the sheer number of dollars in the defense budget.

It will be high noon on guns next November in California, where citizens often write their own laws. The nation's largest state will have on its ballot the boldest anti-handgun initiative yet at­ tempted. It would require all handgun owners to register their weapons before Nov. 2, 1983. As of April 30, 1983, there will be a freeze on the purchase of hand· gus. The only sales will be from the existing supply of registered handguns. The, outraged gun lobby recent­ ly held an emergency meeting at the Los Angeles International Airport. Members of 18 state gun clubs and representatives of the Citizens Committee for the Right to I{eep and Bear Arms and its big brother, the National Rifle A:ssociation, which claims 2 mil­ lion members and an enormous war chest, were in attendance. Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, pro­ posed that the gun fans launch a counteroffensive to add to the California constitution the Sec­ ond Amendment language of the U.S. Constitution, which reads: "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the peo­ ple to keep and bear arms shall not be' infringed." The National Rifle Association presently favors merely an "edu­ cation" campaign. Proponents of the big hand­ gun freeze have been told by allies and friends that they have gone too far, that while 80 per­ cent of Americans favor hand­ gun ,registration - and have for the last 50 years - they are op­ posed to an outright ban on sales. The chairman of Handgun Control Inc., Nelson T. ("Pete") Shields, flew to California to im­ portune the mangers of the con­ trol initiative to retreat from their "extreme" position and to settle for mere registration of the some 4 million handguns in circulation in California. His argument: A defeat could set back the cause of handgun control. But John Phillips, a Los Ang­ eles lawyer who is executive director of the Committee Against Street Crime and Con­ cealed Weapons, says that con­ trol advocates are losing ground every day anyway. For instance, the modest 1968 handgun-control bill is under at­ tack in Congress. A pill sponsor­ ed by Sen. James McClure, R­ Idaho, and Rep. Harold Volkmer, D-Mo., shoots holes in its rec­ ord-keeping requirements. And in response to an ordin­ ance against handgun sales and possession voted by the citizens of Morton Grove, Ill., Sen. Steve Sy,mms, R-Idaho, who always


rides shotgun for the gun lobby, has announced plans to draft legislation that would deny cer· tain federal funds to localities that have the temerity to elim­ inate traffic of firearms. The NRA is contributing to the financing of an appeal to a fed­ eral court ruling that upheld the Morton GlI'ove ordinance. The gunlobby is always stri­ dent, but lately there has been a new edge to its propaganda. Re­ cently, the NRA took out full­ page newspaper ads to suggest that if Pollmd didn't have tough handgun Jaws, the citizens might somehow have averted the mar­ tial law that is currently being visited upon them. "As long as the Second Amendment is not infringed.. what is happening in Poland can never happen in these United States," is the closing line of this astonishing call to arms. And in Point Blank, the news­ letter of the Citizens Committee for the RigI'lt to Keep and Bear Arms,thEl editor urged church­ going readers to withhold con­ tributions to "gun-snatching clergymen." Instead, they were told .to put in a note, "stating you're not giving any more until they renounce the anti-gun posi­ tions from the pulpit." Washing­ ton Archbishop James A. Hickey was singled out for special men­ tion because he is on record for the lIelimination of handguns from society," So far, no nasty notes have been found in collection plates. There is no doubt among poll­ sters that an outright ban is re­ garded as a suicidal position. But Phillips says control ad­ vocates have little to lose, and the boldness of the initiative ­ of which Jimmy Carter's am­ bassador for refugee affairs, Vin­ cent Palmieri, is chairman - will attract attention and contribu­ tions. A California victory will "break the back of. the gun Ilobby, which has intimidated most of our public officials," says Phillips. Gottlieb says the anti-gun forces will be unable to get the 346,119 signatures needed to get on the ballet. John Acquilino of the NRA says the "totally wrongheaded" effort would "do nothing to stop crime," ' One set of figures put out by proponents of the initiative, how­ ever, makes a compelling argu­ ment to the contrary: In 1979, handguns killed 8 people in Great Britain, 21 in Sweden, 34 in Switzerland, 42 in West Ger­ many, 48 in Japan, 52 in Canada, 58 in Israel and 10,728 in the United' States. Californian's who don't mind being thought far-out, might think, in the light of those fig­ ures, that it would not be .far­ out to ban handgun sales.



THE. ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feq. 26, 1982

Continued from Page One sitters. "They've, accepted the girls beautifully, she said. It pays to advertise in The Anchor, the largest She began her family with weekly newspaper in, Southeastern M!Jssachusetts, Theresa Van Horn, whom she first met as a patient at St. reaching, 27,000 - subscribers and an estimated Luke's Hospital in New York. 100,000 actual readers. "At age 7, she weighed only 24 pounds," related Miss Emsley, "and she had no one. So I took ••••••••••••••••••• M••••••••••••••••• her." - The nursing supervisor was living in Ney.' York City at the time but she moved to a New Jersey apartment and then : GENERAL CONTRACTOR : bought a house in the state so that Theresa could have more : PAVING - EXCAVATING - UTILITIES : room for play and development. : : - EQUIPMENT RENTALS "She doesn't speak but she understands a great deal," : "A TRUSTED NAME IN CONSTRUCTION" • chuckled Miss Emsley. "When i SINCE 1933 : • decided I would like to adopt : (617) 673-2051 : the' other girls and I told her about it, she shook her head ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! very firmly. But it has worked out well," she added. "She re­ lates well wfth the, other child­ ren.. Suzette and her sister are from New Jersey and their adoption ,for- Personal Loans­ was arranged through a social Low Savings Bank Rates agency in that state. Suzette Since


Ever)' a pope 'can have trouble with his collar. , Thoughtful Service helps a great deal with the other , ' I ' girls, said Miss Emsley, "but' I ~ All depOSits & accumulated dividends are Insured In full -_ make sure she has plenty of nor,~ 4 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS '000' .OU~.G mal activities too.'" . During the day. while Miss Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, will be held at 8 p.m. Wednes­ Emsley is at her hospital p~st, meeting with the priest directors day, April 14, at Bishop Con­ the family is cared for by a nolly High School auditorium, of the diocesan Catholic Chari­ housekeeper who makes sure the ties Appeal, said he is optimistic' 'Fall River. Over 900 members of girls get off to school and are the clergy, teligious and laity welcomed home in the afternoon. that the 1982 Appeal will sur­ are expected to attend. pass last year's total, which at­ She also gives Miss Emsley's tained over $1 million for the The Special Gift Phase of the grandmother whatever assistance sixth time in Appeal history. Appeal will be held from, April she needs. This year's Appeal is the 41st . l!Ho May 1. The Parish House· Weekends are the nursing di­

7 Perry to~House Campaign. is scheduled ' rector's time with her' girls, when ,annual diocesan drive and marks ~'OUI 'Heating " the '12th time that Bi'shop Cro for Sunday,. May 2, from noon they engage in the activ~ties of .-=.. ,;p, ..=-. , Avenue to 3 p.m., When over 107,000 ariy family. =III~ nin will be its honorary chair­ Oils Make homes will b~ visited by 19,500 AMERICAN man. "It's really not too much of a Taunton Mass. volunteer solicitors for Appeal problem being a single parent," At the director's meeting, ~ Warm Friends' concludes Eleanor Emsley.

822-2282 Bishop Cronin reviewed last contributions. I year's Appeal, stressing the al­ But she turns serious when she

location of funds to the many speaks of the guarded medical

apostolates in the diocese and . outlook for Theresa Van Horn.

, noting that budgets of many will "I hope she dies before I do,"

rise due to cost increases and in­ she says soberly.


'flation. 'Development of a family pray­ For now, however, the two Msgr. Anthony M:, Gomes, di­ er enrichment l evening has been , Theresas and Suzette are enjoy­

INC. ocesan Appeal director, explain­ announced by the Families for ing a New England upbringing

ed campaign procedures and Prayer regional office in Lynn. with a mother in a million.

mechanics. Families for; Prayer, a national

Area priest directors are: New program, is in use in Our Lady

Bedford, Rev. Richard L. Chre­ of Fatima parish, Swansea, SS. tien; Ca'pe Cod and the Islands, Peter and PaOl, Fall River, and

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Rev. John F. Andrews; Attleboro, St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset; John Paul II named Archbishop Rev. Bento R. Fraga, assisted by and in preparation at OUI' Lady Bruno Heim apostolic pronuncio Rev. Roger L. Gagne; Taunton, of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford. to Great Britain Feb. 22. This Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton. Msgr. , The purpose of the enrichment follows the Jan. 16 'establish­ Gomes is, directing Appeal acti­ evening, conducted by Sister ment of diplomatic relations be­ 363 SECOND ST. FALL -RIVER, MA$S. vities in the Fall River area. Mary Manning, SND, a director , The' Appeal kick-off meeting , of Families for Prayer, "is to tween Great Britain and the Holy See. offer practi~l suggestions to Swiss-born Archbishop Heim, encourage and facilitate com· 70, had been apostolic delegate munication and prayer in the in Great Britain until the new family. ' diplomatic ties, under which the Booklets containing family dis­ cussion' outlines and ,a variety of British' Legation to the Holy See prayer forms are offered to par" was elevated to the rank of an !., ,,,, ticipating families to help them embassy. ";;::::::;:i::::::::::: :':':.. ::::::.;.;:;:;:: strengthen home prayer life. NA TlONALLY ADVERTISED A further gqal of the evening • FINE,FURNITURE • ELECTRIC APPUANCES is recognition. of family prayer

as' an integral part of parish life, • CARPETING Installed by Experienced Mechanics SAN FRANCISCO (NC)

contributing to community re- Archbishop John R. Quinn of San

'Open Daily and Monday, TUe'5day Thursday & Friday Evenings newal. .', . Francisco has called on the Uni­

(Over 50,000 Sq, Feet! Information ,on the evening, ted States and its NATO part­ DIAL which may be conducted sepa­ ners to conduct a "rigorous, ex­ FERRY ST., FALL RIVER rately from the five-week Fami- ' plicit analysis and debate" on a NOS FALAMOS PORTUGUES lies for Prayer' program, also di­ pledge not to use nuclear wea­ rected by Sister Mary Manning, pons first in war. 'n hope that Bedding by:

Furniture by: Appliances by: may be obtained from her at 32 such a proposal is not 'rejected ECLlPS~ NICHOLS & STONE BROYHILL'

City Hall Squ'are, Lynn 01901, as unthinkable," sai~ the arch­ RCA WHIRLPOOL BURLINGTON HOUSE TEMPLE·STUART DOWNS CARPETS bishop. . telephone 599-1946.

5Sherry Conslrudion Corp. 5



;,.- .


Ii. £1!"I~~~,!Rd~~y..!.'!~~~~~i< ~l.:JJl!M,I

CCA' heads review plans



Family' prayer . evenIng program



'Pronuncio named





'-'::':~:::,,: ':;:::;:;;::::;::':';::;::::;:;:;"':':':::~;:;:;:~;:

Debate asked





Friday, Feb. 26. 1982


m"n pocket

letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a hQme or business eddress.

Never alone


ness is there than the words: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" For the singles, for the mar­ rieds, for the clergy, ..isn't the whole basis and foundation -"of our faith the fact that we are never alone if we search for the truth, the way and the light? Dan Murrican Mansfield

Dear Editor: This is in response to the Dolores Curran article of Feb. 5, "Alone in Marriage," one of d9z. ens of such articles with the same theme, the same com­ plaints. Always, but always, the onus for failure of these marri· ages falls like not-so-gentle rain Dear Editor: from heaven squarely on the I'm submitting this letter in response to Mrs; Connors' last shoulders of the hapless hus­ column dealing with a troubled bands. The essay is replete with con: marriage. (Apparently the writer tradictions that militantly assail refers toO Dololl'es Curran's col­ every reasonable father. Mau· umn of Feb. 5, "Alone in Mar­ riage." Ed.) reen is a loving mother, has five Her column disappointed me well-adjusted chiidren and a hus· band who works hard to support because it failed to recognize the family. Further; she has a mariage as a sacrament which nice home, adequate sex, and Christ himself instituted. ... If apparently neither health nor the Holy Spirit resides in Mau­ money problems. reen's· husband and children, However, our loving mother how can she be alone in her has serious complaints. She has faith? Isn't it prayer that' moves reached the season of discon­ the human soul and can't and tent, and claims there has to be <l> doesn't the soul move the hu­ more to life than the above. Per­ man flesh? . So to Maureen I say start the haps a job in the marketplace or reentry into' the academic world Family Rosary in your family and would solve her discontent and go visit Jesus in the tabernacle. unrest. She is no longer happy Tell him about it. The Sacred and has reached a plateau des- Heart of Jesus loves families ribed as one of, despair, .loneJi· and sinCe. your marriage. is.~.· ness, anger im(j'totaloqredomt, sacrament ,that, he. himself jnsti~ .Para d'· II . th" d'" f tuted,t he's not going to forget . oXlca y, ousan s O b women would change places with a ou you. Maureen with no questions asked But have you remembered and they wouldn't need a $50- him? ...It's not ju~t religious an-hour psychologist or a re- people wh?, should 1.1V~ a~d do treat to encourage the transition. ~or Jesus, It s all .Chrlstlan~. And I'm referring to countless woo In def.ense of JacInta, LUCia and men in dire circumstances. Some FranCISco, I can only say that face terminal cancer or other the term "offer it up" was cruel­ dread disease. Others are in men- ly used by Mrs. Connors. There tal institutions or prisons. are many who cherish this term . since they hold fast to the ReveCountless mothers mourn lations of Fatima. while their children slowl! _ -But it's a choice and those 't " '11 be starve. Thousands . 0 er I up WI . . spend their w h0 can 't "ff nights prostitutIng them~elves. helped by the Holy Spirit. The Women who have lost t~elr hus- Family Rosary is a treasure that b~nds to de~th or desertion know no Catholic family should be bitter lonehness. without. It opens a doorway to The harsh truth is that many heaven and I can substantiate individuals - hedonistic, narciss- this statement... istic, covetous, vicious, and imArlette M. Oliveira penitent, are living lives of morNew Bedford al and spiritual squalor amid circumstances of material abun­ dance. The Holy Father's call for Dear Editor: family solidarity is uncompro­ A few years ago you were mising and unequivocal. The kind enough to print a request church will not, indeed cannot recognize birth control, abortion, for used stamps and records that euthanasia or divorce. Dolores we sell to help our missions. We want to thank you and your Curran states that these mal­ contents have lives rich in faith, readers for the tremendous re­ but are a~one in their faith as in sponse we received. At this time, we would like to their marriage. I dispute this premise. Faith in what? Faith in renew our request Any canceled stamps, foreign and domestic, whom? If faith in Christ, then beware! and any type of records would Faith in Christ means embracing be most helpful. If any donor would like a re­ parenthood in poverty (Bethle­ hem); f~ith in discipline means ceipt for a charitable donation law an~ anonymity (Nazareth); we would be happy to send it. faith in humiliation, fear, and Rev. James Racca sweat (Gethsemane); faith in Consolata Missionaries blood, searing pain (Golgotha). P.O. Box C Somerset, N. J. 08873 Finally, what greater loneli.

Direction of

Rev. J. Joseph Kierce

Author end Producer of

The New En£lland Passion Play



Stamps needed





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Father Woodrich surveys his guests. ,1.'.


i I .• '~"';


.... '.




'Streetpc'ople.extended' warm welcome By Richard Tucker DENVER (NC) "They're just. thankful that somebody cares," said Terry Sharp, 34, who is helping to keep things orderly during the new open-door policy for street people at Holy Ghost Parisll. Sharp is one of the street peo­ ple himself. He had only been in Denver about a week, he said Feb. 10, coming from Indiana after hearing work might be available. Unemployment figures in Den­ ver are lower than in much of the country, chiefly because of a downtown building boom, but not everybody who comes to Denver finds a job - as Sharp soon found out. He said he went to the church one night when the pastor, Fath­ er C. B. Woodrich, opened the doors for people who had no place to sleep during freezing weather. Sharp volunteered to help dish up soup, sandwiches and coffee for the' hungry and cold people. Now he's in charge of other vol­ unteers who are keeping order in the church basement. Father Woodrich, who also is director of information for the Denver Archdiocese and .editor of the Denver Catholic Register, the archdiocesan newspaper, first opened the doors of Holy Ghost Feb. 3 when temperatures fell ~o below zero. Since then he has decided to



stay open all the time, offering a warm refuge for people who otherwise would be sleeping in doorways, trash dumpsters or under makeshift cardboard shel­ ters. From 125 to 200 people have been coming to Holy Ghost every night for a place to sleep and some food. Sharp said about half are peo­ ple like himself, who have coine to Denver recently and haven't been able to find jobs. About half are people who have been living on the streets for years. "This isn't the most comfort­ able place in the world" to sleep, said Sharp, "but it's in out of the cold and it's sure better than a dumpster." With that many people who are "down on their lU,ck" Sharp said, "you never. know what might happen" but there has been no trouble with 99 percent of them. Sharp and other volunteers keep an eye Qn those who come to the church, turning away ob­ vious drunks who might cause trouble, he explained. "Father Woodrich has stuck his neck out and we don't want to give him any trouble," Sharp said.

cD •


• •

• •

• •

• •

+ ••




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982




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LOS ANGELES (NC) - Mid­ wifery is' the, newest service of­ fered at a free walk-in medical clinic at the Catholic Worker· house on Los Angeles, skid row. -Rosemary Occhiogrosso, a reg­ istered nurse at the clinic, also has been serving as midwife since she passed her examination in January. She completed a one­ year postgraduate course at the' University of California and San , Francisco General Hospital, then . interned for two months at St. Mary's Hospital in Philadelphia 'to become a state-licensed mid­


"We are open five days Ii week, but lack of staff and sup­ plies limit our caseload capac­ ity," she said of the clinic. "In the past we've seen 60 patients in a single day. But now we must limit the number to 40." Patients come to the medical clinic for an infinite number of ailments, 'according to Ms. Occhi­ ogrosso, who earned her degree at Hunter College, Bellevue School of Nursing, New York. She took the midwife training to meet a community need. The cost of tuition and books was financed by friends and a fund­ raiser which cleared $3,500 for her education. help. be­ "These women need . . •• ' t-... fore, during' 'and after birth,"

Ms. Occhiogrosso said. She

doesn't think it's enough simply to be anti-abortion. "We must offer alternatives to the economi­ cally deprived." She called it" wrong simply to say abortion is sinful, and look the other way. Ms. Occhiogrosso thinks the solution is centers where the poor can have prenatal care, birth care and professional fol­ lowup attention in a "continu­ ing Christian relationship." So the Catholic Worker is exploring ways of establishing its own non­ profit obstetrical center with the volunteer help of obstetricians; nurses and midwives. A New York native, Ms. Occhi­ grosso came West in 1976 to help families of poor migrant field workers. She was paid room, board and $5 weekly by




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Durfee Attleboro ....-JIIII

the United Farm Workers Union

at Delano, Calif.

Two years ago a Delano co­

worker invited her to a Mass

and potluck supper for members of the Catholic Worker aposto­ late in Los Angeles. There she met one of its leaders, Jeff Die­ trich. "Hi Rosemary," he said, "1 hear you're going to nurse in our clinic?" , Taken offguard, she replied impulsively: "Okay. When do I start?" Skid row became her place of work and residence the following Monday. She wrote home inform. ing her family of her new wage scale: room,! board and $3 a week. Her mother wrote back from Brooklyn, N.Y., tongue in cheek, in mock shock:

Mass brings prison term

MILAN, Italy (NC) A The priest, Father Jaroslav Czeschoslovakian Dominican Duka, was charged with "in­ priest has been sentenced to 15 fractions of 'the norms on reli­ months in prison for "illegal" gious activity" after celebrating' celebration of a Mass, the Milan­ 'Mass and administering the an­ based daily Catholic newspaper, ointing of 'th~ sick without per­ Avvenire, reported.





Members Federal Deposit Insuran'ce Corporation.

"Rosy, how you can afford a 40 percent cut in pay?" Last year Stephen Fischer, who has a master's degree in public health, became a volun­ teer at the Catholic Worker complex. In April he and Ms. Occhiogrosso will be married in Brooklyn. They plan to return to the Los Angeles Catholic Worker house. Also in April Ms. Occhiogros­ so's 21-year-old twin sisters, Christa and Julie, will join the Catholic Worker crew. "They were out last summer and tOQk a trial run," Ms. Occhiogrosso said. "Now they intend to work for CW full time:' They will concentrate on the playground adjoining the clinic, where children play while their mothers get medical attention.

mIssIon of the Communist gov­ ernment, Avvenire said. Dissident sources in Prague re­ ported that Father Duka was imprisoned in Pilsen in the Bo­ hemia region of Czechoslovakia.

plans th\varted

ROME (NC) - Thieves stole Rome's Sari Luigi· Gonzaga 10 paintings and other art works Church shortly before the sched­ valued at $170,000 which had uled sale of the items, which in­ been scheduled to go on sale to 'cluded 16th· and 17th~century provide relief funds for Poland, ,paintings of the Flemish school, Rome Police said. according to Father Vincenzo The robbery took place at Vitanza, pastor.

The art works had been do­ nated by parishioners and pro­ ceeds of the sale were to have gone to Italian Caritas, the Cath­ olic charities organization, for distribution to the Polish people.

Bill Ford seeks justice

By Michael Gallagher

her there in 1976, three years after Allende's overthrow.. "We stayed at the shantytown where Ita worked and the po­ lice and soldiers used to come through in trucks, just like the opening scene of 'Missing,' and I got' the impression that they were an occupying force.

would be paid. They very quick­ ly backed off when Congress­ man (Benjamin) Gilman (R-N.Y.) went down to the State Depart­ ment and raised hell. ."I got the yery definite im­ pression that there are a lot of very unfeeling people in the State Department who are not really concerned about the death of Americans but oniy about this mindless and morally bank­ rupt policy that they are push­ ing. The death of the women is a mere distraction, a blip on the screen. They're concerned only about not embarrassing their client government.. "I was also struck by what the ambassador finally tells Horman: If this hadn't happened, you would have been sitting fat, hap­ py and stupid in the States, more or less oblivious to all of this. And I'm sorry to say that in my case that's true. If Ita hadn't been murdered, 1 would have been sitting quietly, making soft, . clucking noises about what's going on in El Salvador without being moved to take any action. I just hope that the American people . . . that nobody else has to suffer that kind of tragedy I did to get involved." . Does Ford think that the church in the United States is doing enough?

I saw Greek-born director Costa-Gavras' film, "Missing," sitting next to Bill Ford of Mont­ clair, N.J. He is the brother of Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford, who with Maryknoll Sister Maura Clark, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and lay missioner Jean Donov~n, was brutally murdered in El Salvador on Dec. I, 1980. That terrible event changed Bill Ford's life. Since then, with the skill and tenacity gained in years of practice as a Wall Street lawyer, he has dedicated himself to seeing that justice is done - not only for Ita and her sister martyrs, but for the op­ pressed Salvadoran people for whom these courageous women laid down their lives. "Missing" is based on a true story, Edmund Horman's search for his son, who disappeared in Chile following a military coup that overthrew the democratic government of Marxist President Salvador Allende. Like Edmund WILLIAM FORD Horman, Bill Ford has had his fill of dealing with less-than­ "The house Ita lived in was helpful functionaries. ransacked a number of times by How did he feel about "Miss­ the police. There was no ques­ ing"? . "It was particularly difficult," tion that Ita felt a sense of ter­ he said, "watching the scenes of ror and menace." Discussing the relati~ns of the violence. Obviously when you watch something like that, you families of the murdered U.S. missioners with the State Depart­ wonder what happened to Ita be­ "I think that on this the bish­ ment, Ford said "Our group gets ops might be ahead of their own fore she died.." He paused. "You just realize a lot of sympathetic murmurings . people. But I still don't ·think but virtually no information. that they're pushing hard enough the overwhelming sense of vio­ lence, the overwhelming sense of We've had no contact with (Sec­ to have an effect. I think that evil. I never had that feeling . retary, of State Alexander) Haig. there' should be a pastoral letter read from every pulpit denoun­ watching a film before, but, of We write him and we get an­ cing the fact that our govern­ course, I never watched a film swers from somebody else. "One scene in the film in which' ment is supporting a regime that in which I've had such a sense of involvement." I especially symp'athized with has murdered American mission­ aries, has murdered Beligian I asked him if he thought the Mr. Horman was when they pre­ sented him with a bill for ship­ film's atmosphere of terror seem­ missionaries - and the fact that ed excessive. ping his son's body home. The the dollars of Catholic taxpapers are being used to finance the "No," he said, explaining that State Department told the Dono­ his sister had worked in Chile vans that it would cost $3,500 killing of Catholic missionaries. before going to El Salvador and to ship Jean's body home, and .'1 think ·the bishops have to be that he and his wife had visited they wante4 to know how they clear on this."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982


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. SISSY SPACEK and Jack Lemmon in a scene from "Missing," a film awaking terrible memories for William Ford, brother of murdered Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford. (NC Photo)





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'FrL, Feb. 26~ 1982



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curity in our love life without By Dr. James and Mary Kenny giving up passion, intensity and 'Las't week I happened upon a excitement. There are exercises new book on interpersonal re­ lationships. I was shocked. Was to get started. Wanna try?" "Um-m-m. If you have time I behind times! today, would you check on our For years I have expected my interpersonal relationships to supply of garden tools. We'll be take care of themselves. In the needing th~m soon, and I think some items at the give-and-take of daily living we were shbrt I many rough edges have been , end of last year," "Will do. Now about these smoothed out, and I thought this was the way relationships exercises. Here's one for explor~ developed.· The book told me ing each other's inner space. I thought that tonight ... " I've been neglecting things. "WelI, I did want to look over The author claims that couples can 'maintain passion, intensity, some seed catalogs, but I guess and excitement in their love life, that can wait. OK." Scene 2:· After school. Annie, and that this relationship can be a secure one, extending over a our oldest, enters. "Mother, I what are you doing lifetime. ". Security' I know about. Raising" lying on the floor like that?" "I'm just trying a relaxation 12 children gives a couple a most secure plan of life. We might exercise, hpney. You see, I im­ fantasize about running off and agine that I I'm filled with this changing lifesty'es, but deep sticky, syrupy, orange liquid. down Vie know we can't run off. • Then I just let all the syrupy We probably can't even find the liquid drain slowly O\lt of my body and ... "

car keys. Annie was gone. The afternoon But passion, intensity and ex­ citement, ah, that's something went very smoothly. The child­ else. And the book promises it ren had no arguments. They can be ours for a lifetime, and' it didn't even object to doing their is never too late to start. It chores. They just tiptoed around, occasionally whispering to each offers a whole set of love exer­ cises for thos'e of us who are out other and giving me an anxious " of practice. Maybe it's worth a look. try. Scene 3: A.fter supper. Parents' room. The Cloor is locked. Scene 1: Breakfast. "Now hJney, the first thing "Honey, I've been reading this new book which promises to" we do is to sit crosslegged fac­ show us the' way .t~ achieve se- ing each ot,her . . .' "






; ... ;'. ,.

Voice from beyond the door: "Mom, Mrs. Brunton's on the phone. She wants to know if you or dad cap drive the car pool for her tomorrow because she's sick," "Tell her that's fine, honey." "Now we have to take several deep breaths and ... " Voice from beyond the door:

"Mom, did you wash my jeans?

I can't fil1d them, and I must

have them tomorrow,"

"They're in the dryer, honey. I never got around to taking them out,"

"Want me to unload the


"That would be nice," "Now we are supposed to look deep in each other's eyes and " Voice from beyond the door:

"Mom, you'd better come quick.

Matt says he doesn't feel good

and he thinks he's gonna throw


"You look so relaxed, honey," said my spouse, "you stay here. I'll take care of. 01' queasy­ stomach. And after that I'll make us each a cup of tea. By the way, mind 'if I bring the seed cata­ logs when I come back?" Reader questions on" family living and child care to be an­ swered in print are invited. Ad­ dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

t\~:, ";:,. P:9P,f; r.e1tlll!~S~f.from ' Africa '.. ,',.f

Continued from page one that the combination of tradi­ - tionaI African values and the Christian message was the for­ mula to solve the problems of social dislocation and moral chal­ lenge which the continent faces as a result of developing tech­

nology and growing urbanization. He focused frequently on love and generosity within the family as pivotal for religion and for society. The pope's ringing theme was: Africans have something to teach the world about family life and they must take care not to lose what they have in the fam­ ily dislocation which urbanization is causing. ~ During the trip the pontiff countered efforts of political leaders seeking to turn his visit to their own advantage. In Benin as Marxist President Matthieu Kerekou welcomed the pope with a 2S-minute speech extolling th~ virtues of his so­ cialist regime, the pope stood patiently with a barely·repress­ ed smile. In oil-rich Gabon, President Omar Bmigo used the occasion to show off his "kingdom. The capital of Libreville was decora­ ted with giant posters display­ ing equal-sized photos of the pope and of Bongo. The presi­ dent built the pope a very com­ fortable house for his two-night stay, with Mrs. Bongo as the designer. Though the pope was given a 21-gun salute upon his arrival in several cities, he was a differ­ ent type of world leader than the political figures who usualIy visit.·

• • •, .



In Lagos, where organizers at . the. airport had expect~d the pope" to review military troops in the customary manner of ar­ riving heads of state, the pope gracefulIy turned in a different direction to greet another group instead. Although: it is too early to pre­ dict the lopgterm effect of the papal trip, I certain assessments can be immediately made. One is that the pope's message was notable not for its novelty but for its insistence. In many cases he had covered the ground before, particularly in his first African trip in 1980 to six other countries. But this time he hammered more persis­ tently at the need for retaining cultural arid religious values in a 'time of" sweeping economic .change. \ What the pope's words will' mean' to African development can only be known much later. What is clear now is that pas­ torally the visit was important. People who once felt they lived on the fringes of the Catholic world now feel closer to its visi­ ble head. Several million more Africans have seen the pope. The journey had to be person­ ally encouraging for the pope. Some feared he would wilt under the oppressive African heat, yet he outpaced his Vatican compan­ ions. It was proof that he can resume the traveling pastorate in­ terrupted by the attempt on his life May 1'3. The African trip was the 10th outside Italy of his pontificate. High on the priority list of future trips is one to Poland,



:. 4





planned before the prseent unrest" in his native land. The pope had expected to be present on Aug. 26 for 'the 600th anniversary of the arrival of the image of Our Lady of Czestochowa at the shrine of Jasna Gora in south­ ern Poland. Asked at a press conference

during his return flight from Africa if the trip is still planned, the pontiff said "Whether I go at this time or another time I do not know." But he leaned towards say­ ing that he might well' go in August anyway, even if martial law is still in effect. "Martial law has existed since December. Our Lady has been in Poland for 600 years," he said. Commenting on the worsening situation in Poland, the pope said, "We are in a moment that is very serious. I would like to go to Czestochowa because I want to pray that Mary will make order out of this situation. This is her business too," the pope said. Of his planned trip to Eng. land, Scotland and Wales, sched­ uled for May" 28-June 2 of this year, the pope called it "a very

important trip, an ecumenical


Two questions about the need

for extra secur.ity on papal trips,

the pope indicated that he would

not be deterred from traveling

by his near-fatal experience of

last May, when he was shot in . St. Peter's Square. "The administration feels very cautious," said the pope. "But a doctor, must visit the sick,"


uestion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. A few weeks ago you an-· swered a question about the ap­ pearance of Mary and Jesus at Bayside, New York. You. said that the bishop there had decided that there Is nothing supernatu­ ral ahoot these occurrences. If this is true, can you tell me why our Pope John Paul II has biessed this shrine? I am enclos­ ing ene of the papers from the shrine with a picture of the pope and a quote of his blessing for:' the people there. I think If the pope approves It, that shculd be enough for everybody. (Massa­ chusetts) A. There is no evidence what­ soever that the routine blessing the pope gave to some people from Bayside in any way implied approval (or even a knowledge of) the alleged apparitions there. The Bayside people frequently and prominently emphasize "a 'blessing from John Paul II" which one of Veronica Lueken's close workers received at a gen­ eral audience in October 1979. The pope was handed papers which contained the "messages of Bayside" after which he said "I bless you, your family, your relatives, and all your friends back home; and I place you all under the protection of our Blessed Mother." Anyone who has ever been at a general audience with the pope knows that he is handed dozens, perhaps hundreds, of items as he makes the rounds of the people present. Of the 10,000 or 12,000 attending the general audience, he probably shakes hands and talks with several hundred, par­ ticularly after the audience itself when he goes to meet those in front or on the edge of the crowds. The blessing he gave is not at all uncommon in this circum­ stance. and certainly cannot be interpreted as any judgment on the appearances claimed at Bay­ side. If the pope or one of his offices wished to make a judg­ ment one way or the other. that decision would be made public more explicitly and formally than this. Q. My daughter is 23 years old, a good CathoDc and one of the finest young ladies I know. A few months ago she met an older man and their friendship grew into love. They want to marry and of course she wishes to be married in the Catholic Church. The malt was married in a civil ceremony but has been c1avorced for several years. He was born to Catholic parents but wasn't raised as one. He doesn't know If he was baptized and, if he was, where to look for a record. His mother has died and his father cannot remember much of the past. How should she pro­ ceed? (Arizona) A. From the information- you give, the chances are great that the man was baptized a Catholic. If he was, his first civil marriage


Friday, Feb. 26, 1982

,February 27 Rev. Joseph N. Hamel, 1956, Founder, St. Theresa, New Bed­ ford e , c' Rev. Philip Gillick, 1874, Founder, St. Mary, North Attle­ boro

would not be valid according to Catholic marriage laws. In this case J:te would be free to marry your daughter. You give no indication that your daughter has discussed this situation with her parish priest. I strongly suggest that she do this as quickly as possible. Unless something is being pid­ den (which, unfortunately, hap­ pens more often than one w~uld think), a Catholic baptism certi­ ficate. if it exists. can almost always be traced down. The priest will be able to give your daughter sources to contact in the places of residence of her fiance's family around the time of his birth.

HALLETT Funeral Home Inc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.

Tel. 398·2285

February 29 Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan, 1980, Pastor Emeritus, St., Mary, Taunton

... .. ..". . FAIRHAVEN


March .1 Rev. James F. Mastersan, 1906, Founder, St. Patrick, Somerset Rt. Rev. Peter L. D. Robert, P.R., 1948, Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River

MAKING HIS silver ju­ bilee of ordination, Father Patrick M. Rolak, OFM Conv., will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving at 3 p.m. March 2 Sunday, March 14; at Our Rev. James J. Brady, 1941, Lady of Perpetual Help Pastor, 5t. Kilian, New Bedford Church, New Bedford. Fam­ . Rev. Antonio Berube, 1936, ily and friends are invited Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen, SS. Questions .for this column to a following tea in the CC., 1952, Monastery Sacred should be sent to Father Dietzen, church hall. Heart. Fairhaven St. Mark's Parish, U13 W. Brad­ Rev. Alphonse Gauthier, 1962, The son of the late Stan­ ley, Peoria, D1. 61606. Pastor, Sacred Heart, New Bed­ ley and Alice Rolak of New ford Bedford, Father Rolak at­ Rev. J. Omer Lussier, 1970. , . tended Our Lady of Perpet­ Pastor, Sacred Heart, North ual Help School and Holy Attleboro March 3 Family High School in that Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney, city. CHICAGO (NC) - The Thom­

Complete Line

Building Materials

118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611 .* .

New authors. get chance

as More medal. traditionally awarded annually for "the most distinguished contribution to to Catholic literature," will now be presented for "an outstanding work of Catholic non-fiction written by a previously unpub­ lished author," the Thomas More Association announced. The winner of the medal will receive a publication contract from the Thomas More Press, said Dan Herr. president of the association, a non-profit organ­ ization dedicated to fostering Catholic education. reading and culture. Previous winners of the award have included novelist Graham Greene; Jesuit Father Pierre Teil- . hard de Chardin, paleontologist and spiritual writer; Father John L. MaKenzie. Scripture scholar; . Jesuit Father Daniel Berrigan,. poet. essayist and anti-war acti­ vist; sociologist Father .A:ndrew Greeley; playwright Robert Bolt and novelists Flannery O'Connor, Muriel Spark, Tom McHale and Piers Paul Read. "We are changing the criteria for winning the Thomas More Medal in order to provide an in­ centive and stimulus for new and pro~pective Catholic writers." said Joel Wells, editor of the Thomas More Press. "Get­ ting a 'first book' published on any subject is increasingly diffi­ cult today - especially so in the religious field. We hope the medal and contract will result in outstanding books that might not otherwise see print." Authors with no previously published books are invited to submit their manuscripts to:, Thomas More Medal, The Thomas More Association, 225 West Hu­ ron Street, Chicago, Ill. 60610, together with return postage.

A halo has only to slip to be­ come a noose.









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Force Field Faith is a person's or a group's way of moving into the force field of life. It is oui' way of finding coherence in and giving meaning to the multiple forces and relations that make up our lives." - James Fowler



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LL.O;, 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, New Bedford

He has served at his com­ munity's novj.tiate in Elli­ cot City, Md., and in par­ ishes staffed by the Con­ ventual Franciscans. He is currently stationed at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary parish, Buffalo, N.Y.


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THE ANCHqR-Diocese of .Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982

A new type of literature words, relevant to life now. The first Christians adapted those The first generation of Chris­ words to their own situations. tians evidently saw no need for One result was that stories a formal biography of Jesus as about Jesus ana his remembered we would understand the term. words soon became detached Through association with those, from their original context. Ma­ who took part in his ministry, terial cited out of context can they were quite familiar with his of course; easily be misunder­ career. stood. As far as preserving the infor­ Not infrequently we hear pub­ mation for posterity was con­ lic figures complain,justiflably, cerned, their reaction probably that they l:tave been quoted out would have been: "What' poster­ of context and made to say ity?" things they never intended. And The first Christians seemed there are certain people - a convinced that the risen Lord growing number, unfortunately would return soon in glory,end· - who quote Scripture with ing the present age and establish­ great conviction and pass~on, ing the reign of God inaugur!lted but ignore the fact that no pass­ by his life, death and resurrec­ age of Scripture can be under­ tion. So a formal biography of stood apart from its context. Jesus would have served no pur­ In our ordinary experience, pose. readings at Mass sometimes Even fuore important, the first puzzle us unless the homilist Christians ~id not think of Jesus puts them in context and ex­ as a great figure of the past plains them accordingly. whose ~emory should be pre­ Obviously, the traditions about served. As risen Lord, he was Jesus, taken as isolated stories part of their present lives ­ and sayings, were open to inter­ guiding, nourishing and teaching pretation and misinterpretation. them. ' The danger increased when the Jesus', actions were not simply stories circulated outside Pales­ things done in the past. Take the tine among converts from pagan­ feeding of the multitude as an ism. example. Jesus was still feed­ The miracle stories, for in­ ing the early Christians with the stance, could have suggested to Eucharist. The way the early Christians told the story of the pagans that Jesus was to be multiplication ,of the loaves equated with their famous won­ brought out its current meaning der-workers. The wisdom of his teaching could have suggested in their lives. The words of Jesus were not to them that Jesus was simply simply teachings given to specific a rival to their great philosoTum t~ Page Thirteen circumstances; they were living By Father John Castelot




"CLONE MASTER," a science fiction movie, dramatizes possible results of research into techniques of reproducing identical life forms from a single cell of an organism.

Science and faith By Neil Puent


Yuri Gagarin hurtled into space in the year 1961. Aboard Vostok I, the Russian cosmonaut became the first man to orbit the Earth. He seized the occasion to taunt religious believers, proclaiming that he had not seen God any­ where out there in space. Reactions ranged from mild amusement to oiltrage but no mature believer really felt threatened by this first peek in­ to the cosmos. Later. that same year, Ameri­ can astronaut Alan Shepard Jr.

conquered into space. Then it

was John Glenn Jr.'s ·turn.

. Science and technology. How much they shape our time! But their accomplishments are not always applauded. In recent years, new concerns about science have been heard. Some say scientists go too far, usurping the role of Go~1. Experiments with the splicing together of genes from different organisms to create a, new or­ ganism, "in vitro" fertilization and cloning (nonsexual repro­ duction of life through a single cell of an organism) alarm some observers. They are concerned that science is transgressing God's scheme for nature; that experimentation may damage rather than enhance life. Science does need to be criti­ qued but does it hold benefits for faith? Science delves into the myster­ ies of nature. It can lead to greater awareness and apprecia­ tion of, God as creator. Nature, like poetry and other works of art, is the signature of its author. To understand its ways is to gain yet another glimpse of its maker.' . Scientific discoveries can also spur personal growth, posing


new problems to solve, thus When Galileo openly espoused the theories of Copernicus in the .' forcing us to expand our under­ standing. 17th century, asserting that As we grapple with questions , Earth revolves around the sun, raised by scientists, we may. find he" was censured by church au­ that' .we are paying attention to. thorities. our faith - a condition for its Recently Pope John 'Paul II· -===~=====================j growth. '. called for a reinvestigation of II Can science and religion be the Gallileo case. He urged "an mentioned in the same breath? honest recognition of wrongs on Some ,people probably would whatever side they occur" and By Katherine Bird And he finds the bigbang respond "no." They recall the expressed hope that the investi­ theory quite interesting, though wedge of suspicion that came gation "might make disappear One day Father James Shilts he cautions that science "never between the two in the course the obstacles that this affair still was lecturing to his college stu­ speaks absolutely" and a new Tum to page thirteen of history. dents on the sp-called bigbang theory could displace it to­ theory or the beginning of the morrow. universe. A teacher at the University of One student listened intently Notre Dame for 20 years, and a as the priest explained how, ac­ priest for 28, Father Shilts points cording to this theory, the uni­ "Be quiet!" ordered Jesus. verse has been expanding ever out to students the differences By Janaan Manternach between astronomy, and faith. Then, as if talking to a wild Miriam was sitting with her spirit inside the man, Jesus said since its explosive beginning, In astronomy, he says, scien­ sister in the synagogue at Caper­ . in a loud, firm voice: "Come out perhaps ,for some 10 to 20 bil-. tists measure distances, study lion years. naum. She loved coming to the of him!" "Father," he finally burst out, behaviors of stars and planets synagogue to pray and listen to The man shook. violently. A "how can you continue 'to be a and then develop theories about God's word. terrible shriek rang through the priest' and teach something like those behaviors. The ultimate She wondered why it was so synagogue. Then he fell to the aim is to understand the physical crowded today. There were pe~­ ground. His body trembled for Jl , thaU" universe - to find out how the For this student, the teachings pIe she had never seen befo~. few minutes, then he was at of science and Of Christianity universe and solar system began Most of them seemed to be . peace.- seemed to conflict. For Father and how, they will end. watching a man named Jesus. However, .he emphasizes, as­ The wildness had gone out of Shilts, however, it was different. Jesus was called a prophet. him. ,tronomy has nothing to say He told the student he was He came from the town of Naz­ Miriam had never seen any­ "very comfortable" with being about who set ~he physical pro­ areth. Every~ne wanted' to see Tum to Page Thirteen both a Christian and a physicist. Tum to page thirteen and' hear him.

Suddenly there was a loud

shriek. 'Miriam froze with fear.

A wild looking, man ran, to the

front of the synagogue, shout­ ing, jumping and waving his arms. He ran over to Jesus. "What do you want from us, Jesus of Nazareth?" he yelled: Then he poked his finger. almost into Jesus' face. "I know who you are," . he taunted Jesus. "You are the holy one of God!" Miriam wondered what Jesus wouid do. She was amazed at how -calm he seemed to be with this wild man screaming at him.

Man of science and faith

For children

know your faith

Man of science and faith Continued from Page Twelve cess in motion, about the funda•. mental causes of the universe. "These answers have to come from theology," he believes. Father Shilts tries to "steer students in the directions I be­ lieve." As a scientist, he thinks the "value I put on knowing about the physical universe says something about the God I pro­ fess to be true." The priest encourages students to look up at the sky and ob­ serve the world they live in. Of­ ten they are astonished at what they see, he reports. For in­ stance, the photographs sent back to earth by Voyager 2, the U.S. spacecraft, show clearly the "mystery, magnificence and complexity" of the thousands of rings around the planet Saturn. The trick, says the Holy Cross priest, is to "translate this won· der into human values." Faith enters the pictures, he says, when the scientist makes a "jump of faith" and thinks "someone really fantastic" must be be­ hind the wonders of the universe.

Literature Continued from page twelve phers, a status still assigned him by some historians. This may explain why a man named Mark suddenly decided to write what we have come to call a Gospel. He realized how im· portant it was to put the frag­ mentary Jesus-traditions into a context that which would inter­ pret them correctly. The framework Mark devised was a narrative of the public ministry of Jesus. Not simply history or biography, it was a story bringing out the meaning of Jesus' whole career. In the process it brought out the mess· age of individual stories and sayings. The result was the first Gospel ever written, a new and unique type of literature. Although it contains some biographical data, ' it is not really a life of Jesus. It is a proclamation of good news, Mark's interpretation of the meaning of Jesus. It is the Good News according to Mark.

For children \ Continued from page twelve thing like this before. All around her people were asking one an­ other, "What does this mean? What does this mean?" Everyone was amazed. Some said, "Jesus gives orders even to wild and evil spirits, and they obey him!" Miriam did not understand all this. She could not take her eyes off this new prophet from Gali­ lee. "He is so strong," she thought. "But he seems so gentle. If I am ever afraid I would like to have Jesus close by:' People left the synagogue and gathered in groups outside, talk­ ing about what they had seen. They told others about it. Soon people all over that part of the country knew about Jesus. Miriam thought about him as she fell asleep that night. "I wonder who he really is?"



Therefore, Father Shilts tries to teach students to make judg­ ments concerning their attitudes toward the world, each other and God.

Friday, Feb. 26, 1982



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Science Continued from page twelve sets up, in many minds, to a fruitful concord between science and faith, between church and world:' When the pope traveled to Hiroshima, Japan, where the first atom bomb was dropped, he again spoke of the need for co­ operation between science and religion: "All those who generously dedicate their knowledge to the progress of the people and all those who have faith in man's spiritual calling are invited to a common task: to constitute a real science of the total advancement of man." If science can. contribute to faith, can faith contribute to science? It seems so. Faith enables us to look be­ yond what we can observe in the here-and-now world. It frees us for lif~'s transcendent side which is not confined to material things. Scientists sometimes see their creative efforts as part of God's work. Last December a group of Nobel science prize winners met with Pope John Paul II. One was Australian neurobiologist Sir John Eccles. A comment of his is worth noting: "I, myself, have the strong be­ lief that we have to be open to the future. The whole cosmos is not just running on and running down for no meaning . . . Each of us can have the belief of act· ing in some unimaginable super­ natural drama. We should give all we can in order to play our part. -Then, we wait with seren­ ity and joy for the futUi"e revela­ tion of whatever is in store after death:'

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9. Printer' l!I maaaure 11. 12. 13. 15.

16. 17. 19. 20.

23. 24. 27.



)1. 33. 34. 37. 39. 40.

Ia. 43. 47. 49. $0.

$1. $2. $3. $6.

WI'1t1ng . _ t (3 John 1.13) Prlllll1•• or plodgo (Aoto 18,18) Verbalio. (Ilark 11.)1) ProaollCj- (Mottholf 13.24) Halt or an em Cit7 in 1ohor (Ooneo1.49.13) SoPJl17 hoa.. (j.oko 12,24) David'. brother (1 SDwol, 16.8) Light brOllD • Cit7 in Jodoh (1 CIlroaiolo. 4,12) Father or Shopp1n (1 Chron1ole. 7.12) Neator pronoun (RAmll&t1one 8,12) P1QJ'al pronoun (Motthov 6.12) Pitch ' , , Notoo and .h.tcbeo Son or tho moro1"ll (I.doh 14,12) Ilonll8J (John 12'14) . SAp (!IlmolaU.... 18.17) Son or'Shobal (00...10 )6,23) An article Son or Koran (Exodoo 6.24) The .nd (Z) (l!ImllaUone 1.8) A BOll or torn '

Broad (Mattholf 7'13) .

Son or Johdai (1 Chronlolo. 2.47)

Lilal (Matthew 21.6)

one or David'. pri••t (1 Chron1olo. 24,18)

Tor. apart (Matthew 9,16)

17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 2$. 26.

29. 32. )). )$. 36. 38.


Ia. 44.


A R o _ with Zorob_l (Eo.. 2,43) A oit7 in Oaliloe (Loke 7.11) A poet or p11lar '1'0 vaah Conter or tho mind

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Lilal (Mott_ 21.6)

To label (Mottllow 1.2)

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Friday, Feb. 26, 1982



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Fogelberg says, "It's never easy and it's ~never clear who's to navigate and who's to steer." A sure ,way to "flounder drift· ing ever near the rocks" is 'to follow the scenario described by 'the Columbus reader. If love robs us of our individuality, the relationship'is in trouble. Real l~ve supports and chal­ lenges us, but should enable us to see m'ore clearly and appre­ ciate the igift of being, ourselves. Real 10vJ helps us to face our problems; not to sluff them off by simply adopting another per­ son's solutions or answers. The reader says her relation· ship ended a year after its be- ' ginning but that she "feels for· tu~ate to have learned such a valuable : lesson." Apparently, this tee~ had the courage to walk away from a. bad situation. As Fogelberg sings, "It's hard to walk away from love, it may never come again." Often peo· pie allow that kind of fear to trap them in an unhealthy rela­ tionship.. It' takes courage to be happy, particularly when the hap. piness c~n only be attained by ending a. dating relationship. Rough times alone do not mean that a dating relationship should end. We invest much of our­ selves in a close relationship. So it is well to work to keep it· alive. But the fear of ending such a relationship when all means have been exhausted can be stifling. The reader in Columbus said: "I do not know what will J:1ap.' pen in the future, but now I know that I will always be able to go on with myself." It is ltard to say where love can go 'wrong, .but confidence in ourselves enables us to learn from ourmistakes and to become more the person that the Gospel asks us to be.

Christ By Cecilia Belanger

I believe it was Origen who said that C~rist becomes all things to all men, "according to the necessities of the whole cre­ ation capable of being redeemed by him. Happy, therefore, are they who have advanced so far Sy Charlie Martin as to need the Son of God no longer as' a healing Physician, no longer as a Shepherd, no longer HARD TO SAY, as the Redemption, but who Lucky at love need him only as the Truth, the Well, maybe so Word, the Sanctification, and in There's still a lot of things you'll never know whatever other relation he stands Like winy each time the sky begins to snow to those whose maturity enables You cry ••. them to comprehend what is most You're faithful to her glorious in his character." . In your careless way . Christ is also called "the true So ,you miss her when she's far aw~y . Passover" by which the angel But every, time you think you've got it straight of spiritual death is made to pass You, fail ' by. You face the future with a weary past A young Bible student told Tho~ dreams you. banked upon are fading fast she was' compiling a list of all You know you love her but it may not last, you fear the names by which Christ has It's never easy been called and she added, "I've And it's never clear put in a fe~ of my own." Who's to navigate There are so many scriptural And who's to steer names for Jesus, as windows So you flounder drifting ever' near the rocks .through which we gaze to see It's hard to say where love went wrong his beauty. His character shines It's hard to say just when . through them: Intercessor, Re­ It's hard to waik away from love , deemer, Alpha and Omega and It may never come· a g a i n , . all the rest from everlasting to You do your best to ~eep your hand in play everlasting. And try to keep those 10nesol1)e blues at bay 'The follower of Christ never You think you're winning but it's hard to say sometimes. wearies of inventing 'new names, new forms in which to show Sung by Dan Fogelberg, (c) 19~1 by Hickory Music; forth Christ's expression of the :' ,) Righ~ administered 'by April Music Inc., divine love to. humankind. They NOT "LONG AGO" a reader Columbus reader also wrote: "I are his diadems, the many wrote: always depended on him being crowns he wears, each of pecu­ "I am 15 and believe me I there to make my decisions for liar glory. have learned a valuable lesson me and give me an answer. We Yet the name which underlies about love. I met a guy my age could no longer be ourselves. them all is Love, wearing an ale about a year ago and we got We both cut out other activities ,most endless variety of forms. along great - that is, until he in our lives and our' ,iove just This is what is meant by the wanted to live my life for me and ate away at our personalities." old Hebrew prophet who cried There are many ways for love I wanted to live his life for him" . out concerning the Messiah, "His The letter was from Columbu~ . to go wrong. Love is not just a Name shall be called Wonderful," Comments on this column are Ohio. I think it offers insight in: feeling of being on top of the I have seen many families to where love can go wrong, to world. A close relationship with welcomed. A:ddress to Chariie through the years constrained by. paraphrase lyrics from' Dan another person is complex and Martin, .3863 Bellemeade Ave., the love of Christ, able to bear Fogelberg's "Hard to Say." My can lead to many questions. As Evansvil~e, almost anything because of that , Iud. 47715 l~ve. "We serve," says St. Ber­ nard, "in that love which cas-teth out fear, fe~ls no toils, thinks of no merit, asks no re­ ward, and yet carries with it a mightier restraint than all things else. No terror so spurs me on, no reward so strongly attracts, no demand of a due so pressingly urges," ' Let us therefore see to it that we love Christ with the love he deserves. Let us cease to talk of unimportant things and be­ come absorbed in him. Thus we gain the greatest possible motiva­ tion towards a successful Chris­ tian life.' Since Christ is all in all ,to us, let us, like the disciples after the transfiguration, lift up . our eyes and see no man save Jesus only.

. Can we, like Christ, lay aside our prejudices, imdeven friends if need be, and enter into that strange and solitary kind of life he, led, learning to look on this world as he did?

.' If Christ is to us all that we

. need and· if we truly love him, we shall be approaching, little by. little, the life he led in the flesh, becoming more and mo~e like him.' ,,'

And this is' the only thing worth living for. V~in is all our POPE JOHN PAUL II and a Nigerian child enjoy a tender moment during pontiff's' worship if it· is only lip service and church attendance! . African trip. (NC/UPI Photo) ,





i I



By Bill Morrisse"e

'ports watch Shamrocks Wrn Crown The Shamrocks of Bishop Fee­ han High School are the Class B champions of the New England Catholic Basketball Tournament. The Feehan hoopsters, sparked by Sam Ruddy's 20 points, de­ feated host Xaverian, 55-34, in the tourney final in Westwood last Sunday. Feehan had a 26-9 lead at the intermission and coasted to its victory. Ruddy scored 10 points in each half, all on field goals, !lnly two Jess field goals than the entire Xaverian effort.

The Shamrocks qualified for the Eastern Mass. Division Two South Sectionals basketball tournament. They defeated Digh­ ton-Rehoboth 59-52 on the lat­ ter's court Tuesday' night. Also Tuesday night, the Bishop Stang Spartanettes defeated Duxbury 66-57 in the Division Two South Sectionals in the girls' Eastern Mass. tourney. Action today is limited to Division Three in the boys' tour­ nament and Division One in the girls' division.

Leading Conference Scorers Steve Lopes, of Holy Family, with 175 points for an average of 17.5 was runnerup to Mike Barros, Old Rochester, 196, 19.6, for scoring honors in Division Three of the Southeastern Mass. Conference. Barros wa~ the top scorer overall with 455 points in 20 games for an average of 22.7. Bishop Connolly High's Rick Gray was runnerup to Barros overall with 319 points, 19.9, in 16 games. Gray was runnerup to Mike Croteau, of Dartmouth,

the conference's Division ·Two. Croteau had 219, 21.9, Gray 209, 20.9, each in 10 games. Ruddy. was third with 183, 18.3. Peter McNally of Somerset topped Division One with 203, 20.3, in 10 games. Durfee's Brian O'Neil, a transfer from Connolly, was the runnerup with 164 points, 18.·2 in nine games. Paul McCann, Dighton-Rehoboth, led Division Four with 196, 19.6, with Mike Borah, Seekonk, the runnerup with 159, 15.9 in 10 games.

cya Hockey Season Ends'Sunda'y The Bristol County CYO Hockey League's regular season ends Sunday night with the usual twin bill in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. Defending champion New Bed· ford will meet Marion at 9 o'clock and Somerset opposes Fall River South, the runnerup, at 10. New Bedford needs at least a tie to retain its crown. On March 7, Marion an~ Some

erset will meet at 9 o'clock in a one-game playoff for a berth in the best-of-three semi-finals which get underway on March 14. Second games are set for March 21. Third games, if needed, would be played on March 28. Other­ wise the final will start on that date. If third games are needed in the semis, the best-of-three final will start on A'pril 4.

Fall River Cya All Stars Fall River CYO director Rev. Bruce M. Neylon has announced the All-Stars of the three divis­ ions representing the Fall River Area and the schedules of the games. The Junior All·Star game will be played in Fall River at the Anawan Street hall on Sunday, when Fall River will tap off at 2 p.m. against Attleboro. Taun­ ton will meet New Bedford at the same location at 1 p.m. The winners will play at 3 p.m. and the awards will be presented at 4 p.m. Representing Fall River in the Junior division are Tom D'Am­ brosio, Steve Vincelette, Mitch Lown, Steve Hubert, Doug Ed· monds, Lou Viveiros, Skip Kar­ am, Ron Avilla, Joe Senra and Norm Dumont. The two alter­ nates are Louie DeAlmeida and Tim Plante. The squad will be coached by Jeff Medeiros of Holy Name. , The Prep All-Star team of Fall River will play at the Taunton Catholic Middle School in Taun­ ton at 7:30 p.m. Monday. At this time, Fall River will play the

stars of Taunton. Coached by Mitch Petty the Prep team includes: Vic Pereira, Paul Medeiros,' Joe Rodrigues, Mark Nassiff, Bob Curran, Mike Pontes, John Carvalho, Ed De­ Almeida, Mark Medeiros, Dave Cornell and Dave Jette. The al­ ternate player is .Mike Desmar· ais. The Kennedy' Centre in New Bedford will be the site of the Senior Division All-Stars on Tuesday. Beginning at 7 p.m. New Bedford will play host to Fall River. The winner of that game will play Taunton at 8 p.m. Fall River's Senior All-Stars are Jim Donnelly, John .Pereira, Jeff Medeiros, George Benoit, Tim Gallant, Kyle Snell, ,John Vezina, Tim Murray, Tom Ren­ aud and Dave Latinville. Two al­ ternate players are Ted Gagli. ri and Bob Brabant. John Ander­ son is the coach. Father Neylon said five tro­ phies will be awarded in each division after competition is completed at the respective locations.

tv, mOVIe news



Fridav, Feb. 26, 1982





Saturday, March 6, III p.m. (CBS) - "The Champ" (1979)­ A tearjerking remake of the old Wallace Beery' classic starring John Voight as the supposedly washed-up fighter, Faye Duna­ way as his ex-wife and Ricky Schroder as their son. Some vio­ lence in fight scenes. A2, PG Symbols following film reviews indicate TV Programs both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. Wednesday, March 3, 4:30-5:30 General ratings: C-suitable for gen­ p.m. (ABC) "Daddy, I'm Their eral viewing; PC-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for Mama Now." After her mother's death, a 13-year-old girl is left to children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for raise her two younger brothers children and adults; A2-approved for because her father is too busy adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-:-separate classification pursuing a career as a country this "Afterschool (given to films not morally offensive singer in which, however, require some analysis Specials" presentation, and explanation); O-morally offensive. Wednesday, March 3, 9-11 p.m. (CBS) "Desperate Lives." This New Films drama about teen-age drug abuse "Making Love" (Fox): This un­ inspired film has the husband tells the story of a brother and (Michael Ontkean) leave his wife sister who become its victims (Kate Jackson) for another man and of the battIe waged by a (Harry Hamlin).' Homosexuality high school guidance counselor to - a word not mentioned in a save them and others from ad­ diction. script that uses even the euphen­ ism "gay" but once - is pre. Religious Broadcasting sented as nothing more than an Sunday, Feb. 28, ~E,Chan­ acceptable variation on the nor­ nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ mal process. This attempt to fore­ vision Mass, celebrated by Rev. stall moral implications is as Frederick O'Brien, SJ. obviously fabricated as the rest "Confluence," 8 a.m. each of the film. 0, R Sunday, repeated at 6 a.m. "Quest for Fire" (Fox): In this each Tuesday on Channel 6, is prehistoric adventure, three war­ a panel program moderated by riors (Everett McGill, Ron Perl­ Truman Taylor and having as man and Nameer EI- Kadi) seek permanent participants Father fire to sustain their tribe after Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ marauders have extinguished rector of social services; Rev. Dr. their own fire. The heroes rescue Paul Gillespie, of the Rhode Is­ a .girl (Rae Dawn Chong), who is land State Council of Churches; more culturally advanced. Under and Rabbi BarucJ1 Korff. This her influence, they too become week's topic: Test-tube Babies. humane and sensitive. Although "The Glory of God," with much intelligence and research Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. have gone into this film, and the each Sunday on Channel 25. scenery is awesome, the simple Sunday, Feb. 28, (ABC) "Direc­ plot does not seem to justify the tions": Issues of feminist theolo­ effort expended. Violence is re­ gy. strained but sexual activity, lack· Sunday, Feb. 28, (CBS) "For ing a serious enough context, is Our Times": Highlights of Asso­ objectionable. 0, R ciation of Religious Broadcasters "Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man" convention in Washington. (Warners): Bernardo Bertolucci Sunday, March 7 (ABC) "DI­ directs this film about a wealthy rections": Catholicism in Brazil. factory owner ~Ugo Tognazzi) Sunday, March 7 (CBS) "For whose son is kidnapped. Berto­ Our Times": Problems of disab­ lucci had a chance here to come led Americans. to grips with Italian terrorism, On Radio but he merely tries to make am­ Charismatic programs are biguity do duty for profundity. heard from Monday through Fri­ We're never quite sure what's day on station WICE, 1290 A.M. going on. Because of wholly un-. Father John Randall is heard necessary nudity, this film is from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. rated O. and Father Real Bourque is heard Films on TV from 8:45 to 9 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, 9 p.m. (CBS) Sunday, Feb. 28, (NBC) - "The In-Laws" (1919) - Alan "Guideline": Plight of Amerasian Arkin and Peter Falk star as children in Asia. a New Jersey dentist and a seedy Sunday; March 7 (NBC) CIA agent thrown togeUierwhen "Guideline": Talk with Father their children become engaged, Foley, retired university pro­ plunging the hapless Arkin into fessor and recovered alcoholic. ' a wild adventure in a corrupt Central American dictatorship. ~ ~ Very funny though with some Montie Plumbing profanity. A2, PG & Heating Co. Sunday, Feb. 28, 9 p.m. (ABC) Over 35 Yeers

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Please check dates and times of television programs with local listings, which may differ from the New York net­ work schedules supplied to The Anchor.





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THE' ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1982




Ladies' Guild members will Forthcoming activities include attend 6 p.m. Mass Wednesday, an Eleventh Step Weekend for March 17. The unit's annual communion' supper will follow women In: Alcoholics Anony­ with Father Horace Travassos, mous,' beginning today. A day of: recollection for the assistant chancellor,as speaker. permanent diaconate community STONEmLL COLLEGE, will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. and N.EASTON Parish Family Ministry leader­ Among new off~rings at ,the ship couples will meet at 7 p.m. college isa pilot program offer­ both on Sunday. ing career information to wo­ Monday's: program will· in­ men students. Also available is ST. MARY, NB clude a luncheon meeting of dio­ PUBLICITY CHAIRMI!:N ST. lLOUIS DE FRANCE, participation tnthe New Eng­ Lenten services will include a cesan principals and- a CARE re­ are asked to submit news items for this SWANSEA land/Quebec Student ·Exchange holy hour each Mon­ 7:15 p.m. ,olumn to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall treat day for confirmation can­ A parish mission will be con­ River, 02722. Name of city or town should day, 7 a.m. daily Mass preceded . didates from St. Patrick's parish, Program, offering one year of be included as well as full dates of all ducted by Father Robert E. Car­ by recitation of the rosary and Wareham. 'On Wednesday a studies at any of 10 Quebec in­ activities. please send news of future rather son, O. Praem., from. Sunday' litany of Our Lady and special CARE program will be held for stitutionS of higher learning. than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as through Thursday. The program programs for parochial school candidates ifrom St. John the BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR bingos, whists, dances. suppers and bazaars. will include daily Mass at 9:30 CCD classes. Baptist par.ish, Westport. Various bus trips ·are sched­ We are happy to carry noti.ces of spiritual a.m., followed by discussion and programs, club meetings, youth projects and A three-day workshop for the uled by the Women's Guild. Fur­ similar nonprofit activities. refreshments :andevening 'talks ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, NB New Bedford Child and Family ther information: Helen Ouel­ Fundraising projects may be advertised. at Area Vincentians will meet Service Department will begin 'and discussions from 7 to '8 p.m. our regular rates. obtainable from The lette, 674-4050. The Thursday evening session for 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. at St. Wednesday.' Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. Vespers and Benediction will On Steering Points Items. FR Indicates Fall will include confessions and Mary's Church, New Bedford. A be conducted at 3 p.m. Sunday. River, NB indicates New Bedford. communion breakfast will fol­ Benediction. ST. RITA, MARION low in the school, wHh Father During Lent Mass will be off­ ALHAMBRAORDER,FR A potluck supper will be held FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FR George Coleman, diocesan direc­ ered 'at 7:30 a.m. daily ·and Sta­ Region Oile Council of Cara­ Members will meet Friday, tions of the Cross will take place tor of education,as guest at 7 p.m. Saturday for past and vans of the Alhambra Order will present C<r:D teachers. Those March 5, for 6 p.m. Mass at Sa­ speaker. at 7 p.m. each Friday. meet at 8:30 p.m. Friday, March wishing to I attend are asked to cred Heart Church, Fall River, 5, at St: Anne's Fraternity hall, call the reotory. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, FR followed by supper in the school TA,UNTON DEANERY Sister Rita Pelletier, CCD co-. 144 Guild St., Fall River. Leon Area Vincentians will meet for and an address by Father Jon­ Five parishes will join in con­ Caravan of Fall River will be Paul Gallant, ,associate pastor of firmation ceremonies at 7 p.m. Mass and ,a following meeting at ordinator of St. Mary's parish, the host unit. New Bedfofd, will conduct a day 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, at St. Mary's Ca,~hedraI. Wednesday, March 31, at St. of recollection for parish women Mary's Church, Taunton. A total Santo Christo Church, Fall from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March ST. MrnCHAEL, SWANSEA PERMANENT DIACONA'll'E An information evening for of 250 candidates will participate River. 7, in the parish center. Members of the dia.conal com­ high school students on the Bill­ in the service, representing St. SACRlED lHIlEART, FR . munity will hold a day of recol-' Joseph parish, North Dighton, ings method of natural family A lector workshop for present OUR lLADY OF GRACE,

lection Sunday at the Diocesan and St. Joseph, St. Paul, St. planning will be held from 7 to WESTPORT

lectors will be held at 7 p.m. Family Life Center, North Dart­ 9 p.m. Sunday in the church hall. _ Mary and Immaculate Goncep­ Cub Pack 100 will hold a Blue Tuesday. at the rectory. . mouth. Hosts will be Fall River tion parishes, all in Taunton. A session for adults will take and Gold bimquet Sunday in the Vincentians will meet at 7:30 area members. _place at 7 p.m. Sunday, March Many of the candidates will p.m. parish cent~r. . Monday, also. at the rectory. also join in a preparatory peni­ 14. . 'Stations of the Cross WIll be BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS CCD sessions for second grad­ tential service to be held ·at St. ST. GEORGE,WESTPORT recited at 7 tonight. Adorers will partiCipate in ex­ ers willitake place 'at 10:30 a.m. Joseph Church, Taunton, Wed­ 'A healing service will- take Parishion'ers 'a're asked to sub­ position of the Bleseed Sacra­ nesday, Ma'rch 3. place at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 7. mit recipes ;for a planned parish this Sunday and next Sunday. ment from 8:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, cookbook. ' March 5, at Sacred Hearts ECHO, FR DIOCESE ST. STANISlLAUS,FR S1. Isidore Council, 'Knights of Church, Fairhaven. Information: An Echo follow-up palanca CCD students will participate Columbus will celebrate its sil­ Angelo DeBorteli, 996-0332. party will be held at 7:30 p.m. in a day ,of 'recollection from ver jubilee Iat 4 p.m. Mass Sun­ Friday, March 5, at La Salette 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. ~DOWED,ATTLEBORO day, March 7. A banquet will Shrine, At,Ueboro. An Echo re­ Stations of the cross will be follow in the .parish center. R: Merkle of New Hope, Inc., treat closing ceremony will be conducted at 6:35 tonight.. will speak ata meeting of ,the held Sunday, March 28, at the ST. THOMAS MORE,


Attleboro Area Widowed Sup­ Peacedale, R.I., retreat house. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN SOMERSET

During Lent this year members

port Group set for 8 p.m. Friday, Applications for an .April Echo Cub. Scouts will hold a Blue A "Words of Life" program of the Franciscan' Center in Las

March 5, at St. Theresa's parish. retreat are available from Marie ,and Gold banquet in the church will follow:9 a.m. Mass on Mon­ hall, South Attleboro. hall at 2 p.m. Sunday. Flinkfelt, 761-70'70. day througn F'riday during Lent. Vegas will sponsor prayers' for

peace in the desert at the Nev­

Stations of :·the Cross will be re­ cited at 7 p.m. each Wednesday ada nuclear test site about 60

and a parish. family potluck miles north of Las Vegas. .

supper win precede 7 p.m. ser­ "Th.e Nevada desert has been

vices on Holy Thursday. \ Coffee ,and doughnuts are for three decades the place of

served in ;the parish center fol­ testi'ng nuclear death," said a

lowing 9 a.m. Mass each Sunday. statement issued by the center.

Adult vdlunteers are needed "This Lent we pray that the

. to serve as" .acolytes and lectors people of Nevada, especially the

at daily· M~sses. workers at the test site, will join

SS: PETERI & PAUL, FR us in prayer for the conversion

steve Malenfant was high scorer at !l ;.recent CYO bowling of the test site for peaceful uses;

that the president of the. United

tournament. . A Yankee Swap will highlight States and the heads of state of

,the Women's Club meeting Mon­ all nuclear powers attend in good

day night. : faith the U.N. Second Special

It was ,announced ,that as a safety mea~ure parking will not Session on Disarmament; and

be permitted in the schoolyard that testing of all weapons, be­

until after ! 2:30 p.m. on school ginning at the Nevada test site,

days. ' ends." .

I The Franciscans said they were

ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA planning a march and rally 011

Stations of the Cross and Benediction will be held at 7 Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

p.m. each Friday of Lent. They invited people from out of

Free danCing lessons will be state to join them.

offered ,to. parish youth in March They said that on Easter Sun­

and a general meeting of youth group mem'bers wPI bl~ held at day they would release thou­

7 p:m. Thursday, March 18. A sands of white balloons at the

film festival is planned for Sat­ test site gates to symbolize their

urday, March 27. Children! preparing for first faith in the resurrection, ".in life

penance 'alld first communion overcoming death."

will participate in ,a workshop from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.

Iteering pOintl

Alcazaba Circle will hold an open meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thurs­ day, March 4, 'at K of C Hall on Hodges Street. A film and slides will be shown. All welcome. Circle members will join Knights of Columbus on Sunday, March 21, for a . communion breakfast in the hall following 8:45 a.m. Mass at St. John's Church, Attleboro.


Peace prayers set at nuclear site


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Lenten' programs will begin at 7:30 p.m; TuesdaY,\continuing each Tuesday during the holy .season. ! HOLY REDEEMER, CIIATHAM

CREDIT - 75c PER CASE On Empty Glassware Retumed

The annual day of recollection for the Association of ;the Sacred Hearts will: be held Tuesday, ,be­ ginning at ;10:30 a.m. with Mass celebrated by Father Rene Gelinas, MS, pastor of Our Lady of the Cape Church, Brewster. - A talk by: Father Gelinas will follow the Mass and he will also lead an :after-lunch question period: An'association meeting will close ,the day;. Further in­ formation:. Mrs. Alan Ford, 432­ 5671. I

New. stage


document of church unity ap­

.proved' by an international com­ mission of theologians meeting in Peru ·sets a "new stage" for world ecumenism, said American Jesuit Father Avery Dulles, an 'adviser at the meeting. A'pproved unanimously by nearl)" I 00 theo­ logians, the 16,000-word docu­ ment, "Baptism, Eucharist and Minstry," suggests guiding . principles for church~s to enrich their own traditions and recog­ nize the value of other traditions.

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