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teanc 0 VOL. 43, NO.9· Friday, February 26, 1999



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Year ofthe Father proclaimed at Mass ~

Bishop O'Malley launches celebrations in preparation for Jubilee Year 2000

FALL RIVER - In officially opening this year's celebrations of the Year of the Father in preparation for Jubilee Year 2000, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley told those attending a special Mass Feb. 19 in St. Mary's Cathedral: "Let us strive to live as Jesus has taught us, in the Father's love, rich in mercy." Delegations from parishes across the diocese attended the Mass. The liturgy was the third during three years of spiritual preparation for the new millennium that began in 1997 with the Year of the Son. That was followed by the Year of the Holy Spirit in 1998. Following this year which focuses on God as Father, the jubilee year itself will be dedicated to the Eucharist as the cent~al mystery of our lives of faith. The recent liturgy was called a Mass of Reconciliation because it is the spirit at the heart of the Lenten journey, Bishop O'Malley said. In his homily, the bishop keyed on Luke's Gospel story of the Prodigal Son and the son's conversion. The theme was visibly depicted by a huge reproduction of Rembrandt's famed painting, "Return of the Prodigal Son" in the sanctuary of the Cathedral. "Our beautiful painting depicts for us the family torn apart by sin ... but now coming together because of the Father's mercy and love. We can see

HERITAGE - An ornate cross brought from Rome and similar to one used by the Holy Father to bless a papal audience, is carried by Chris Kinnane, an altar server from S1. Stanislaus Parish, during the procession to the altar in S1. Mary's Cathedral for the special Mass launching the Year of the Father. (Photo by John E. Kearns, Jr.) ourselves in this portrait - sometimes the prodigal son wanting freedom to do what we want, only to discover that having fun is not the road to happiness." Noting that the prodigal finally came to his senses, the bishop said that "In

conversion, we come to our senses with the light of the Holy Spirit, who shows us our misery, but also holds out the hope of the merciful forgiveness of the Father." The son comes to realize that the real evil of his sin was not that he wanted

his inheritance, the bishop said. "Rather, the real tragedy lay in his sin against the father and the loss of his dignity as a son. He had made his father suffer and because his father loved him so much, the father had suffered more than the son." Bishop O'Malley said that while we can still call our dad, father, or call our priest, Father, or call our teacher, teacher; "We must realize that when we turn around and address God with the same terms, we really mean something much different. God is not just one more father or one more teacher. He is the Father, the source of all fatherh·ood. He is the teacher, the source of all truth. In this final year of preparation for the jubilee, the entire Church casts her eyes on God the Father, the creator of all, the Father of all mercies." As we approach the jubilee, the Holy Father has asked us to examine our lives and ask forgiveness of our sins, our prejudices .and especially for the lack of mercy we have shown to one another, the bishop said. "Let us try to take the Holy Father's teaching to heart and work for a civilization of love, a culture of love - one that will make the Father's mercy more present in our hearts and in our world." The painting by Rembrandt was reproduced for the front side of a special prayer card printed for the Mass. A processional cross brought from Rome was used to lead celebrants and participants to and from the altar for the special Mass.

Candida'tes for Church membership are enrolled ~

Catechumens advance through Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults during. liturgy in St. Mary's Cathedral. " By JAMES N. DUNBAR

FALL RIVER - To loud applause more than 140 catechumens and candidates on their path to baptism were welcomed Sunday afternoon by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley and the assembly at Rite of Election ceremonies in St. Mary's Cathedral. . For the candidates, it is the 'process of progressing through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults as they seek full communion in the Church. PATH TO BAPTISM - Mary Amarante, right, a candiOn Holy Saturday, the catechumens will be baptized, receive their first Communion and be confirmed at Iitdate for t.he ini.tiating sacrar'!'ents that ~ill brin~ her in~o full urgies within their own parishes. communion With the Catholic Church, IS all smiles as IS her. Bishop O'Malley welcomed the candidates .saying mother-in-law and sponsor, Peggy Amarante, left, at Rite of . that they will soon be joining more than one billion Election ceremonies in S1. Mary's Cathedral Sunday. Catholics across the globe who have been led by the

Holy Spirit to come into the Church. "We come in all shapes, colors and sizes and our history is 2,000 years of a long rosary with joyful and sorrowful mysteries. We are a Church that has saints and sinners. The Holy Father has raised many saints to the altar to remind us that there is a universal Church that issues a call to holiness; all of us are called to be saints." The bishop said that many saints, like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, came into the Church as adults, "just as you are doing. Just as immigrants bring new gifts to this nation, so too in the Church. Within the Church, new Catholics bring new gifts and enthusiasm into our par. ishes. They help us to be more faithful in our call to holiness." One of those Godparents who came forward to put her hand on the shoulder of a catechumen and answer to a candidate's worthiness was Peggy Amarante of St. Mary Parish, South Daftmouth~ She was there to speak in favor of her daughter-in-law, Mary Amarante, 37, also .

Turn to page five - RCIA

Bishop O'Malley issues Pastoral Letter on capital punishment -

pages 7..10


THEANCHOR.. . .:. . DiQcese ofFall River- Fri., Feb. 26, 1999

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CONTEMPORARYWAYOFTHECROSS Fri., Feb. 26 - 7: 15 p.m. - Chapel Fr. Ernest Corriveau

DURING ITS recent Provincial Chapter, the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation elected its new government for the USA Province. Sister Joanna Fernandes; center, was re-elected provincial.' Elected to the council were, from left, Sisters,Marta Ines Toro, director of evangelization for the Diocese of Providence; Maria Gomez, pastoral assistant for Hispanics at Holy Spirit <:;atholic- Community, Central Falls; Karen Champagne, director of public relations af Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River; and Annette Desmarais, assistant ' director of campus ministry at Providence College.

NEWTON, Mass. CCNS) - Re- .. tired Archbishop Joseph E. Tawil of Newton, a bishop since 1960 and . " head of U.S. Melkite Catholics from' 1969 to 1989, died at home Feb. 17 after a long illness. He was 85 years old. He was buried at the diocesan cemetery in Central'Falls, R.I., following a funeral liturgy Monday at Annuncia- ' tion (Melkite) Cathedral in Boston. Archbishop Tawil was born Dec. 25,1913, in Damascus, Syria. He was ordained a priest in Jerusalem July 20, 1936, after studies at the Patri'archal College in Damascus and seminaries in Jerusalem. He was president of the Patriarchal College in Cairo, Egypt, in 1959 when he was named patriarchal vicar of Damascus under the late Melkite Pa-

Mar. 1

Mar.3 '

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Mar. 4 ~


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GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM . . ·Thurs. Mar. 4 -" '1:00 p.in.' "Blessed Are Those Who Mourn" Counseling Center -,$10/~ession'

Mar. 5 ~

DISCOVERTHE MAGIC INYOUR LIFE A Workshop with. Milton Young, Ph.D., Sat., Mar. 20 - 10:00-4:00 - Theater ._. Pre-registration-' $25 Donation

On 9:4b-1 0; Ps 79:89,11,13;Lk 6:36-38 Is 1:10,16-20; Ps 50:89,16bc17,21,23; Mt 23:1-12 Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31 :5-6,1416; Mt20:1728 . Jer 17:5~10'; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 1'6:19-31

Gn 37:3-4,1213a,17b-28;


LOAVES & FISHES: LENTEN.SHARING Fridays in Lent - •. 1:00 p.m•.-.. .Cafeteria" Fr. Richard Deiisle & Fr. John Gabriel (Lun~h can be purchased at'the Harvest House)

triarch Maximos IV Saigh. Patriarch Maximos ordained him a bishop with personal title of archbishop in Alexandria, Egypt, on Jan. 1,1960. In October 1969 he was appointed apostolic exarch for Melkite Catholics in the United States after Patriarch Maximos V Hakim sent him to America three months earlier as a special representative to help resolve divisive dispute between the Melkite rite and the Vatican over the naming of Melkite bishops. In June 1969 the bishops of the


;PS,1 05:t6·21;



Mar. 6

Mar. 7

:43A5~46·.Mi 7: 14-15;·1820; Ps 103:1.4,9-12; Lk ' 15:1-3,11-32 ·Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2,6-9; " Rom 5:1 ~2,58; In 4:5-42 or 4:5-15,19b26,39a,40-42 •


111I1111111111111111111111 II THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-illO) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highlam Avernre, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by th~ Catholic Press of the Diocese ofEaIl River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year: Postmasters send address charges to The Anchor, P.O:'Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722:'

rite had warned the Vatican that if the power of a Melkite synod to name new bishops was not restored, in accord with the Second Vatican Council, a schism could occur. In 1976, when the Newton Exarchate, a quasi-diocese, was made an eparchy, or diocese, Archbishop Tawil became its first bishop. Archbishop Tawil retired in December 1989, s~ortly before his 76th birthday. The nationwide Melkite Eparchy of Newton has 35 parishes spread over 18 states and'serves about 28,000 Catholics.


~ _ _~


I 111 Y OU'p Prayers. Please pray for the following' priests during the co.m,Jng week

Daily Readings

Mar. 2

COFFEE HOUSE: SPIRIT Sat., Feb. 27- 6:30 p.m. Cafeteria -, Goqd-w.i11 donation


Melkite Archbishop Joseph Tawil

NECROLOGY February 29 1980, Rev. Msgr. James J. Dolan, Pastor Emeritus, St. Mary, Taunton March 1 1906; Rev. James F. Masterson, Founder, St. Patrick, Somerset 1948, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Peter L.D. Robert, P.R., Pastor, Notre Dame, Fall River' . . ' ,MaITh~ , 1936, Rev. Antonio Berube, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro 1941, Rev. James :1. Brady, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford 1952, Rev. Tarcisius Dreesen,. SS.Cc., Sacred Hearts Monastery, \\ , Fairhaven "'1?62, Rev) AI~hon~~\Gauthier, Pastor, .5acred·:Heart, New BedfordD,., '. .,' .~ \ '. : ' . ' . ,. .:.'" '1 ~1970, Rev. J: Orner LUSSier; Pastor, Sacred, Heart, North Attleboro ,

_ i'i ',;~




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'.; .' '. \ ' \ March 3 ' "-'.') , ,.I 1,960, ,Rt. Rev. Msgr.,T\mothy P. Sweeney, LI;-.D''-J~stor: Holy Name,'New:Bedford '\ \', ~ ~ / . ,.

\\ \



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: ." . March.6 1932, Rev. John3_.Quilk,-\F9Under, St. Joseph, Taunton " . 1?,32, ~ev ...~,erp~dP.~C,onnblly, S.S:" St: Charles College, Maryland. ~.~:>// 1996,-Rev. Antoine Lanoue, a.p., St. Anne, Fall River




Mar~h\7 1958, Rev. Arthur PJ. Gagnon, Pastor, Holy Rosary, New Bedford , -" . .. \ \' ' ,



March l; March 2 .., March 3 : March 4 March 5 March 6 March? ..:

Rev. Rev. ;.;: : Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. : ~:.: .. Rev.


Hugh \T.\Munro Msgr. Henry T. Munroe Clarence 'Murphy Edward A. Murphy John J. Murphy John M. Murrav Michael ~. Nag.le ..


THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFal! River - Fri., Feb. 26, 1999

Actor to perform three special o'ne-man shows FALL RIVER - Charles Baker .will perfonn three separate one-man dramas next week in the Fall River Diocese focusing on the lives of Father Damien, St. Francis ofAssisi, and St. Paul. Baker will perform "Damien," on March 1 at I 0 a.m. in Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish,. Fall River. It chronicles ~he life of Belgian-born Joseph de Veuster, who in the spring of 1864 arrived in the Hawaiian Island to begin his life as a missionary priest and upon ordination took the name Father Damien. He volunteered to minister to the lepers on the Island of Molokai, and in 1884 contracted the illness of those he ministered

to. He died April 15, 1889 after a five-year battle with the dreadful disease. Also on March 1, Baker will perform "The Last Canticle of St. Francis," at 7 p.m. in Notre Dame de Lourdes Church. St. Francis is depicted in his role of misCharles Baker sionary and e":,angelist. It focuses on how he fulfilled his vocation, the formation of the

Norris H. Tripp



550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass.

Franciscan Order and it's growth. Baker's third performance, "I Paul," will be held on March 4 at 7:45 p.m. in St. Anne's Church, Raynham. It focuses on the life of St. Paul. During the play, the audience will meet Paul on the road to Damascus and in his cell in Rome during his trial. They will experience his struggles to explain that God, through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, has set a new covenant that replaces the old law with a new rule of love. All three performances are free, but a free-will offering will be taken. Baker has been presenting inspirational and educational performances on the lives of saints since 1989.

Catholic weekly in Ireland banned .from advertising


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SUIT SHOWER - Mary Jo Foley, Community Concerns chairman for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, displays one of the many women's suits donated by women's guilds in area parishes at an event held recently at a board meeting of the DCCW. Business suits were collected by Foley as a one-time event to support Women in Community Ser. vice, a Boston-based group that works with women leaving welfare and seeking employment. The suits will be used for job interviews by those being integrated into the workplace.

Saint Anne's announces mobile mammography schedule FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's Hospital has announced the schedule for its mobile mammography' van for March. A registered nurse and radiology technologist provide mammograms, clinical breast exams, pap tests and physical exams. Portuguese-speaking staffers are available. Appointments are necessary for all services and women should call the host sites listed below to schedule appointments. Services are covered by most insurance. Call the

appropriate numbers below for more information. The schedule for the St. Anne's Mammography Van is as follows: March 2, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at SSTAR, 400 Stanley St., 675-1054; March 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Hudner Oncology Center, 675-5686; March 11, 8:30 a.m.-I :30 p.m., TruMed I, 6758:30 a.m. to' 3 1522; March p.m.; Hudner Oncology Center, 675-5686; and March 17, 8:.30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Health First, 102 County St., 679-8111.


Blessed Sacrament Parish hosts Lenten series FALL RIVER - Blessed Sacrament Church, 2492 South Main, will host Dorothy 1. Levesque ofthe Providence Diocese's Office of Ministry with Divorce and All Other Losses at a four-part Lenten series, "Four Faces of Jesus," Mondays March I, 8, 15 and 22, 7-8: 15 p.m Each session will include a prayer, presentation and

questions and answers. The schedule oftopics is: March I, Jesus of the Incarnation; March 8, Jesus ofSurprise; March 15, Jesus of Compassion; and March 22, Jesus of Salvation. Sessions are free, but a free-will donation will be accepted. For more information call (401) 943-7903.

DUBLIN - Ireland's largest-seIling religious newspaper, The Irish Catholic, has been banned from advertising on the radio. The Irish Independent Radio and Television Commission ruled that advertisements by publications such as The Irish Catholic would be contrary to Section 10(3) of the Radio and Television Act of 1988, which states: "No advertisement shall be broadcast which is directed toward any religious or political end or which has any relation to an industrial abuse." The commission interpreted the act to include ads by religious publications like The Irish Catholic, a weekly tabloid with a circulation of 27,000. Previously, the commission ruled against advertisements produced by the pro-life group Youth Defense. David Quinn, editor of The Irish Catholic, said he hoped the ruling would be overturned, but said it was unlikely a planned advertising campaign would proceed.during Lent. 'He denied that the advertisement .was proselytizing, saying it was aimed at increasing newspaper sales. ;.

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Looking into the new century One commentator on social projects stated that by the year 3000 the world's population will have Asian features, speak English and eat pizza. As we end one century and prepare to enter another, data on the population, culture and education confronts us. The new millennium will bring tremendous changes to America. For example, social scientists predict' that by the middle of the next century the number of white people in the United States will be in the minority. Hispanic and Asian populations are increasing rapidly in'many states. The Hispanic population will double in the next 15 years, Another prediction that will sur~ly come to fl\li~ion centers on the age of people in our 'nation. In the early part of the next ,century the numbers of Americans age 50 and over will increase the fastest. The implications of this are amazing. This age group now controls half of our disposable income and close to 75 percent of our financial assets. Ju~t think,of the power this group will eX(frt at the polls and on the stock market. 'Yith longevity increasing and dramatic developments in medi'cal breakthroughs,'senior citizens will be'the nation's power brokers. As we continue, to see a decline in ,birth rates, the balance of power will not be held by youth. This shift will affect the business world with a bang. Increasing concern for the retired ,and elderly will 'find a boom in housing and ,telemarketing. As our nation's labor force fails to meet the demands, more people over 65 will remain in the workplace, especially on a part time basis. The economics of vacation and leisure will benefit tremendously from more people of this age group traveling and touring. Millions of jobs will be ,created in' travel,medical services and home care to accommodate the' elderly. Education will continue to pose a major problem in our sqciety, The gateway to success in, America is through education, but schools are not meeting people's expec"tations. The federal government will be~ome more involved in the education process just as it currently does in Europe. State standards for teach'ers and students will become more regulated. Mo~e and more Americans will be attending colleges and universities. Asians will dominate the educational scene. These are but a few of the realities that are certain to develop in the new century. They are based on facts and figures and not mere speculations. For many people the only life they enjoy is the status quo. Sad to say, many will not be able to make the necessary adjustments that change demands. The constant advance of technology will affect everyone, especially in the field of communications. We are just now on the threshold of new scientific development. , Because' all these changes are coming so rapidly they can breed contradiction and imbalance:A change in attitude and in . the structure of humanity frequentiy calls accepted situations , into question. The institutions, laws and manner of thinking and feeling that is a legacy from previous generations ,are fre: quentiy not adaptable to contemporary times; The results can , ,be an upheaval in behavior patterns. We- have, witnessed,'this in the recent presidential impeachment revelations. The comi,ng century will demand\yisdom during its precarious times. The , future of our civilization stands' in ,peril unless wiser men and women come to the forefront of l~adership. Those who believe know that through the gift of the Holy Spirit,: people co'me by :faith to value truth. With this rilindset we will rise above the flaws that our changing times will certainly implode on us.·' j


The Editor

the ancho,(S)'

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River . 887 Highland Avenue .. P,O, BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675~7151 , FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes'to P,O.' Box 7 or call telephone number above

"EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore




NEWS EDITOR ' 'James N. Dunbar


2SfiH #WWiM4*,Wf.·",jlwmV1hMW'Sp·@1 ·~'-a




Is it ex~iting to be a priest? By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK

occupations as jetting off aircraft carriers. What is their ultimate objective? "Being a priest is boring. It doesn't seem like they To be a priest is to search for 'these answers with do anything." others and to inspire them to learn where the fullness This impression of the priesthood was expressed in, of life can be found. • ari i~terview by a grade-school boy who recently atAs a Jet pilot soars through the clouds and feels tended a special Mass for vocations at the Basilica of almost "in heaven," a priest's work is to help others the Immaculate Conception in Washington. soar into 'the world 'of spirituality and experience Another student confided that he never thought 6f heaven touching earth; , becoming a priest He wants to be a professional hockey .As a lawyer uses his or her mind to get at the truth, ," . 'a priest works with God's truth and encourages people player. If the priesthood appears boring to some, from a , to discover its depths. As a bu~iness person strives to build an empire based distance; close up it is oanything but. True"it's differentfrom becoming,a pilot.~ho jets off aircraf~ c~~rs, on economic gains, a priest el1deavors to build a spirior a scientist studying the structure of human genes, tual community built, on the more meaningful founor'even a professional hockey piayer. Nor 90es it con- dation of faith and Jove ~ a love that leads them to t~in the unique joys of being married, having afamily ,'. care for one another and to build up their world. . As a hockey player inspires crowds by making difand creating a home. What is unique to the priesthood, however, is work- , ficult goals, a priest works' with crowds who hope he ing with the very souls of people in all walks of life. , ,can inspire, them with God's word and wisdom. Being a jet pilot, scientist, lawyer, ,professional One priestly joy that often is hidden from the pubbusiness person, or being married and having a family lie comes in listening to people struggle with conare definitely special and ,sacred callings. The unique- sciens:e, seeing tqem suddenly embrace God, cry tears ness of the priesthood, however, is fostering a loving, of happiness and walk a~ay feeling a n~w freedom. faithful bond between the person who is called and Although dioceses are using every conceivable the caller, who is God. It is having a. responsibility to means to attract vocations to the religious life, I wonbond earthly vocations with heaven and people with der if the images used in these efforts reflect the advertheir Creator that make the priesthood exhilarating. tising world ~ one that deals with human life rather No matter what path we ch'oose in life, ev~ntually than a human's soul. I wonder what would happen if we end up questioning why that is our vocation, what vocational efforts focused on getting the message out more we must do to be happy in it and where we must 'that the excitement of a religious vocation is found in ultimately look for happiness. If these questions ,go nurturing the search for the interior life and exploring unanswered, life is empty an~, worse, frightening. We the spiritual chambers where God can speak so clearly need to know why we chose marriage or. such risky to us and motivate us so strongly. CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

Marriage Savers plans to help more couples in ne~ millennium By Lou PANARALE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Leaders of an interreligious group that" aims to reduce the nation's growing divorce rate have pledged to help more couples bring stability to their marriages in the coming mil1ennium. The nonprofit group is called Marriage Savers, co-founded by Michael and Harriet McManus, who are also co-chairs of the organization. Michael McManus spoke in Washington at the Heritage Foundation along with pollster George Gal1up, a member of Marriage Sav-' ers' national board of advisers, and William Pierce, president of the

1999Year of the Bible

National Council for Adoption, who is a member of its board of directors. The same day Marriage Savers. celebrated the addition of Culpeper, Va., as the 100th city where clergy have adopted its community marriage policy. The program includes pre-marital counseling; an inventory of a couple's strengths and weaknesses; classes on how to make a marriage work; and "mentoring couples" assigned from a church or synagogue to help new couples. The Marriage Savers national board of advisers also includes Car. dina! Wil1iam H. KeelerofBa!timore. McManus, a Presbyterian, is a former Time magazine reporter, a nationally syndicated columnist and author of the book "Marriage Savers." "The disintegration of the family is the central domestic problem of our time," McManus said in his remarks at the Heritage Foundation. . "But that's only pa,rt of the problem," he said, reporting that over the past three decades there has been a 41 percent drop in the marriage rate. "The reason we've had such an enormous drop in marriages is that cohabitation has become a substi-

tute ~or tens of millions of people," McManus said. McManus said couples who live together in so-called "trial marriages" and marry later have a divorce rate 46 percent higher than couples who never lived together before marriage. Trial marriages end up as permanent marriages only 20 percent of the time, McManus said, so "instead of calling these arrangements 'trial marriages,' we should call them 'trial divorces.''' Gallup also expressed concern about the growing numbers of divorces in the Unitt;d States. "As we enter the new century, we may be in for a cruel shock if we do 'not take new and creative steps to save marriages and to discover those marriages that will lead to disaster," said Gallup. "If a disease were to afflict the majority of a populace, spreading pain and dysfunction throughout all age groups, we would be frantically searching for reasons and solutions," he added. He considers divorce a "neglected topic in a nation that has the worst record of broken marriages in the entire world. Divorce is the root problem in our country and is the cause of any number of

THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., Feb. 26, 1999 other social ills." "Simply because something is a majority view or a fad or a law or something that people say is inevitable doesn't mean that it's right," he sai-d.

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Holy Spirit Breakfast

"Five minutes a day"

The Diocesan Service Committe2C2

March schedule

Fellowshi p & Teaching SflTORDfiY. HfiReH 13 fIT 8:30 fI.H.


Day Chapter &Verse


01 02 03 Q4 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


11,1-18 11,19-30 12 13,1-25 13,26-52 14 15,1-21 15,22-35 15,3&16,15 .

16,16-40 17,1-15 17,16-34 18,1-22 " 18,23-19,20

'19,21-41 20,1-16 20,17-38 21,1-16 21,17.-40 22,1-21 22,22-23,11

23,12-35 24 25,1-22 25,2}26,11

26,12-32 27,1-26 27,27-28,10

28,11-31 1,1-20 1,21-45

is sponsoring

II Morning of Praise. at Our Lady of Light Hall 664 Quarry St., Fall River

Our Guest Speaker:

Mr. David Thorpe ----"....-.

GIVING WITNESS - Hundreds attended "the liturgy of enrollment by catechumens at St. Mary's Cathedral. The annu'al event solemnizes the choice of candidates to fully enter the Catholic Church and to receive the sacraments on Holy Saturday.


Continued froin page one' :

of South Dartmouth and St. Mary's: ; .. Becau~e' she is handicapped and used wheelchair posed no problems for Peggy, who came forward to act as a godparent. ';' "Mary lived in California and . is marri~d to my stepson and every tiJ.Tle she came here to visit she· would go-to Mass with me," Perry related. "When she and my son moved back here, she said she felt . comfortable in a Catholic Church and that maybe it was where shebelonged. The conversion was not because of my part; it came from her; she did it on her own." Mary Amarante said that she is looking forward to Holy Saturday and the initiating sacraments. "It is up to each candidate in the RCIA process t~ decide how long it takes for them as they adyance and get ready," Mary said. "I have been in the process for about a year."



-Father RichardE:Degagne, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, and diocesan director of the RCIA, explained that "The RCIA is tailored for each candidate; because, after-all·it is a spiritual process, a process of conversion. It involves discernmt;nt on the part of the candidate and that's what we base the progress on. We had candidates and their sponsors from all across our diocese today. The final step will be taken back in their own parishes during Holy Week, on Holy Saturday." In his final message to sponsors like Peggy Amarante, Bishop O'Malley said: "Sponsors, continue to support these candidates with your guidance and concern. May they see in you a love for the Church and a sincere desire for doing good. Lead them this Lent to the joys of the Easter mysteries."

Speaking on "God • the


Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from DSC Members. See your Prayer roupDSC Contact before March 6th or call Mary @ 508-822-2219 or Barbara - @ 508-336-8972

. The Parish Family of Ou~ Lady ofthe

Most Holy Rosary

120 Beattie Street, Fall River

.Welcomes The Archdiocese ofBoston's

Black Catholic Choir, Meyer Chambers - Director,

as they embellish the celebration of Mass on Saturday, March 13, 1999 at five-thirty 0 'clock in the evening. All are welcome.


THEANCHOR~DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,Feb.26, 1999

Sharing stories of my favorite people One thing I learned from being a mother, and now a grandmother, is that there's a sure way to get the attention of children: Tell the~ stories. When it came to spinning a tale, I had a great advantage as I entered the journey of motherhood. A nonstop readerfrom age four, Ihad readjuStabout every fairy tale and mythology yarn written. More than that, I had memorized all the stories in the great "Bible History" books that accompanied our By catechisms in elementary school. Then, when I became a teen-ager, my fascination with the saints took over, and I never found a book about these incredible faith-ancestors ofours that I didn't want to read immediately. Admittedly, I had an edge when it came to getting my children interested in the saints. We had our own, personal namesake saint: St. John Bosco. And his story was loaded with color. This poor Italian farm boy was a great juggler,

strong enough to defeat three bullies at once, bright enough to get a seminary scholarship. He never forgot his roots in poverty and yearned to help the


The Bottom Line Antoinette Bosco

poor boys who filled the alleys of city streets. He founded whatI used to call the ''Boys Town ofItaly;' which sparked the hatred ofmean, greedy business owners. They resented him for taking away these boys - their ultracheap labor pool - and teaching them a trade. Don Bosco's enemies even plotted to have him killed, but got

their comeuppance when a strange, big, gray dog showed up suddenly to protect the gentle priest. My kids thought their special saint was really a neat guy! . , I recalled the saint stories I used to tell my children as I read a new book, "Saints for Our TIme"(Twenty-Third Publications). Written by Ed Ransom, a former submariner in the Navy and now a catechist in his parish, the book tells the story of a saint honored each day of the year. It was a joy to read again about some of the saints who were my favorites: Elizabeth of Hun,gary, PeterClaver, Elizabeth Seton, Rose ofLirna, Kateri Tekakwitha and Francis Xavier. And there were a few saints who were new to me: Bruno, Jerome Emiliani, Gabriel Possenti, Frances of Rome and Vibiana'. It was so nice to make their acquaintance. Another saint perhaps new to most would be Marguerite Bourgeoys, a French-born woman who left her country to go to Canada to care for

and educate children in the French settlement at Ville Marie, the present day Montreal. This became her life, and she founded an order ofnuns to carry out her work, the Congregation of Notre Dame. I know all about St. Marguerite Bourgeoys because she is the patron of my parish in Brookfield, Conn. Ed Ransom's book is special because he does more than simply tell the story of each saint he selected. He presents these saints as real people who experienced many of the same problems, hopes, fears and drearns we do. As the publisher puts it, ''Each saint has a message for our time, one which proclaims that mercy, piety, wisdom, forgiveness, charity and the other virtues are relevant and attainable through grace." , I strongly recommend that when achild pleads, "Tell me a story;' parents and grandparents look to the saints for great material. We have this rich heritage. We should pass it on to the children.

A new paradigm for 'viewing parish life In the interest of promoting Gospel simplicity, I would like to propose a new paradigm for viewing parish life. Sure, a lot of people already , are fed up with paradigms just when I've found a spellcheck that has it. They're already off into "holistic visions" and ~'fluid CO!1ceptualizatio~s" and "organic communities." Well, they can just go get their own spellchecks. "Paradigms are a dime a dozen;' sighed my friend, Bud, when I asked him to take an intellectual shakedown cruise with me on the idea. "Maybe a pair a dimes a dozen, eh? Get it? Pair-a-dirnes?" I chuckled. 'That's comy;~ he obserVed intellectually. "That's the beauty of it," I proclaimed. "Everyone will understand my paradigm, . and it will simplify the rules of engagement in that worshiping family known- as the

Battlefield of the Parish." "Game starts in 10;' he yawned. 'You better spit it out." OK, OK, here it is: We no longerhave tension in parishes between .conservatives (aka traditionalists or the "more-Catholic-than-CardinalRatzinger" crowd) and liberals (aka progressives or the ''Let's-do-sparklerirat-confirmation'' troops). Next, vye no longer have conflict between older parishioners (''I've lived here all my life, and my grandfathersponsored the St. Patrick window") and younger or recent move-ins ("I don't see why we can't just have the Carrara marble side altar cut into pairs of dice and auctioned to build a new school"). , We also throw out any bitterness between families with children in Catholic school ("I want my child educated in a value-steeped environmenf') and those whose children, are not in Catholic

school ("I want my children to take values into the classroom and playground"). We might even be able to jettison the Our Father hand-holding schism, th~ charismatic vs.

that hold our parish life together and replace them all with one big rope - tah, dah - men ys. women:' , Bud took the toothpick out of his mouth. will Msgr. O'路Kneel feel about ,.-------...;..---lr"""":'"::=~-.., .. "How thisT he asked. ''Don't get hung up on details;' I told Bud. "Just be overwhelmed by the vision. Conservative men and progressive men, younger men and older men, all these men can put aside their petty differences and form one, unified group of Catholic men with a common sense of By Dan Morris parish life - getting their Wily." "What about the women?" Bud pedantic division and the kneelers-no-kneelers asked. "What if they get together in one big factionalism. group?" "Ramble on," encouraged Bud. He had a good point. The .shakedown cruise . 'Wetaketheconfusinglinesofsquabblingism . had hit a sandbar. "I'll work on it," I said.

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan


you." Was Abram a perfect pei-so'n who always acted in accord with God's will? No.


February 28. Second Sunday of Lent. Cycle A. Readings:


II :1


1) Genesis 12:1-4a Psalm 33:4-5, 18-20,22 2) 2 Timothy 1:8b-1O 3) Matthew 17:1-9

Ii Ii !I


Ii, II

Ii I] if



" Ii II


IiIi Ii

By Jeff Hensley


hen bad things happen to people, the worst thing they can do is spend large amounts of time seeking to answer the question "Why?" One of my favorite Ziggy ca'rtoons shows the little round fellow walking down the street. In every shop window is a sign with two words. The same words are lettered on the T-shirts of those who walk by him. The same words are blinking in a sign on a blimp floating in the sky above him: "Why me?" When good things - extraordinarily good thing~ - happen to us, we often ask the same question. And often we cOIl)e up quickly with an answer that has to do with our own virtue or worthiness. We reach this answer despite our intimate knowledge of our own imperfections. In this Sunday's Genesis Scripture reading, Abram acts in obedience to God:s direction in such a way that God is able to say to him, "All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in


But he obe<;iient be a'trerriEmdous channel of blessing for the human family, obedient enough to be the foundation stone of the Jewish people through whom God's salvation was to come. In Matthew, Jesus is transfigured, and poor Peter blusters about, trying to prolong the moment, to comemmorcite it with a brush arbor shrine, to somehow sanctify the holy. Was Peter a perfect guy? No. But he was obedient and loving enough to serve as the foundation stone of the Church which would bring salvation to the nations. And so to you and I. What will we dq that is foolish and weak and reveals our own flaws on our path to obedience to God? Plenty. Does that make us unusable by God? No. ., A s it says in Timothy, the an'swer to all of our why questions has more to do with grace than with goodness. "God has saved us and has cailed us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours, but according to his design - the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus before the world began but now made manifest through the appearance of our' Savior." God will make our mortal dust enough, enough for the foundation stones of his glorious purposes, if we will only believe - believe, obey, and love.


..... '.


' "God has saved us and has caJIed us to -a.holy life"not because ofany merit ofours but according to his own design - the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus before the world began.... "

-2 Timothy 1:9

QUESTIONS: Have you been tempted to'beIfeve God has given up on you? Have you considered going to the Bible to read about the sins and errors of God's heroes?

Copyright 漏 1999, Diocese of Fort Worth =====================~=======~~=


A Pastoral Letter on Capital Punishment by Bishop Sean P.路O'Malley, OFM Cap. person's life is ~ 'most se- states to resume using the murder. Politicians often his attempts to reinstate the rious event. Historically, death penalty. This deci- appeal to the deterrence death penalty in Massahe Holy Father the teaching of the Church sion claimed that new pro-' ,factor as a justification of chusetts, said: "my gut is Pope John Paul II that ... capital punishment has challenged us is a deterrent." Nevertheto begin the new millenless, more scientific apWhen human life under any circumstance is nium with a renewed comproaches seem to indicate not held as sacred in a society, all human life is mitment to the Gospel of. that capital punishment is Life. An important way not a deterrent. diminished and threatened. that we can promote the' STUDIES BY EXPERTS civilization of love in the The Church's pro-life stance is consistent and Survey authored. new millennium is to call is based on the theological affirmation that the by Richard C..Difor the abolishment of the eter, Esq. that was death penalty. o.ur task is person is made in the image of God, the conducted in 1995 involvto work for a more just so-, philosophical assertion of the dignity of every ing interviews with 386 ranciety and for real solutions domly selec~ed police chiefs to alleviate crime and vioperson, and the Church's social teaching that and sheriffs resulted in only lence in our communities. one percent of the responThe more respect we have s,ociety and the state exist to serve the person. dents choosing the death for life, the safer our compenalty as a primary way to munities will become. reduce violent crime. The In a growing culture of death devoid of morality, has allowed the taking of ,cedures would address the the death penalty. When death penalty ranked last we face the life-threaten- human life only in 'very objections involved in the Governor George Pataki among six options. The ing issues such as abortion, rare instances, viz., in the previous ruling and so set signed legislation that re- most effective way named immoral genetic practices case of self-defense, and off the debate once again. instated the death penalty by the police chiefs and and experimentation, civil by extension of this prin- Since that time, many in New York in 1995, he sheriffs was "reducing drug strife, nuclear war, ethnic ciple, in the case of capital people have been sur:' stated: "This bill is going abuse," followed by, "better prised that the Bishops' to save lives." Former economy and more jobs." conflicts, euthanasia and punishment. Turn to page eight capital punishment. These It is not surprising that Conference has consis- Governor William Weld, in various assaults on life in our own 20th Century, tently opposed the death cannot be melded into a the most violent century路 in penalty, in spite of the consingle problem. They are recorded history, the pre- trary opinion of a majority distinct, complicated is- sumption on the part of of the Catholics in the sues that require indi- moralists against taking United States. However, vidual attention, but they human life has been Catholic teachings are not do form pieces of a larger strengtheried and the ex- based on polls; or prevailpa,ttern. When human life ceptions deemed ever ing sentiments, but upon under any circumstance 'is more restricted. Certainly, the magisterium with the not held as sacred in a so- the dramatic situation with two-fold font of Scripture ciety, all human life is di- legalized abortion has and Tradition. minished and threatened. heightened our awareness The Church's pro-life of the urgent need to de- THE MYTH OF DETERRENCE ince .the popularity stance is consistent and is fend the sacredness of evof the death penalty based on the theological ery human life. in great part issues affirmation that the person The Supreme Court in its is made in the image of decision in Georgia v. from people's frustration God, the philosophic.al as- Furman (1972) held that over violent crimes, one of sertion of the dignity of the death penalty as then the most popular arguevery person, and the administered did consti- ments in favor of the ,death Church's social teaching tute cruel and unusual pun- penalty is its presumed MISSOURI GOVERNOR Mel Carnahan and his wife, Jean, right, greet Pope John Paull! at the airport prior to the value as a deterrent. The that society and the state ishment and so was conpope's departure from St. Louis on Jan. 27. Gov. Carnahan exist to serve the person. trary to the Eighth Amend- conventional wisdom is commuted the death sentence of convicted murderer Darrell Because we hold the sa- ment of the Constitution. that we need capital pun- Mease to life without parole, citing a personal plea by the credness of human life, the In Gregg v. Georgia in ishment to' discourage pope. Looking on at left is Vice President ~I Gore. (AP 1St. . taking of even one. 1976, the court allowed people from committing Louis Post-Dispatch photo used by permission)

Dearly beloved in Christ,








THE GOSPEL Continuedfrompage seven

Simplifying courf rules, longer sentences, more police officers, and reduc'ing the number of guns were also considered to·be, more important as ways of reducing violent crimes than expanding the use of the death penalty. Of those interviewed, 67 percent termed inaccurate the statement: "the death penalty significantly reduces the number of homicides.". Commenting on the poll, former New York Police ,Chief Patrick Murphy wrote: "Like the emperor's new clothes, the flimsy notion that the death penalty is an effective law enforcement tool IS being exposed as mere political puffery." A similar survey, by Michael Radelet and Ronald Akers, among the leadership of the country's largest associations of professional and academic criminologists, such as the American Society of Criminology (2,500 members) and the International Association of Police Professors (membership' 2,400), likewise debunk the deterrent benefits of the death pen-:alty. Of the ex:perts .interviewed~ 80 percent stated that on the basis of literature and research in criminology, the death penalty does not have significant deterrent effects. It would seem that the best deterrence is crime prevention and dealing with the causes and situations such as poverty and drug addiction that foment crime and violence. For any punishment to be a~ effect.ive deterrence, it must be administered fairly and swiftly. Experience has shown how difficult it is to administer capital punish-· ment "fairly and swiftly," (cf. the Supreme Court decision Georgia v. Furman and the moratorium·on the death penalty as requested by the National Bar Association.)



When· someone is ac- healing and closure in tb~~r parties. ~e sometimes not cused of a crime, if he is lives. Expeditious trials and convi~ted because jur~rs poor or of a minority group,· life sentences without pa- fear sending someone ,to he is more likely to be con- role for heinous crimes the gallows. In those demned to' death than would be more merciful not cases the death penalty is someone who is wealthy only to the crimin.als but -"a deterrence, not to crimiand well-educated. The de- also to the families of the nal behavior but a deterlays and costs involved in . victims. rence to co'nvicting a murappeals and other necySderer. DANGER OF ERROR The sad truth is that our sary procedural safeguards make it impossible to mong serious ob:.. juries 'and courts m~ke jections to the mistakes. Sometimes we execute criminals swiftly. death. penalty is its exonerate guiJty parties, Short of a reign of terror, one is hard pressed to con- irrevocability. The Mar- but at times we err by find-


on death row, was being released because of new evidence and a confession that cleared Mr. Porter of the crime. The new investigation was carried out as . a class project by five journalism students from Northwestern University and their professor. The Times points out that this is not an isolated case: "But the truth is they have seen things like this before. If Mr. Porter (an African-American man with an IQ of 51) is exonerated, it will be the 10th time since Illinois reinstated the death penalty in . 1977 that a death row in. mate in Illinois: has been freed because he turned out to be innocent." The question remains how many innocent people have been executed in Ulinois and the other 37 states that still maintain the practice of capital punishment? CATHOLIC PRINCIPLES

ver the last 20 years the AmeriPEG MALANOWSKI, left, and her son, Dar:l, are among the family members of murder victim can Bishops have Christine Doerfler. The spiritual journey the family has traveled in the 10 years since the murder has taken them through disbelief and sorrow to forgiveness for Christine's killer, opposition to the . grappled with the problem death penalty and, eventually, a sense of peace: (CNS photo,from the Malanowski family) of capital punishment. In . ceive how the cleath penalty quis de Lafayette, who ing innocent people 1980, the U.S. Bishops, in could be administered in helped the Americans in . guilty. It has been dem- a statement on capital such a way that it would be- our struggle for freedom onstrated that all too often punishment, reviewed the come an effective deter- and democracy, once de- innocent people have fo'ur usual arguments jusrent. It would be much clared in. the French been found guilty of tifying the death penalty: more feasible. to improve Chamber of Deputies: "I crimes they did not com- retribu~ion, deterrence, court proceedings and shall ask for the abolition mit. Indeed the execution reform and protection. bring about swifter justice of the punishment. of of an innocent man, Timo- The last argument: protecif the maximum punish- death until I have the in-· thy Evans, was among :the tion is the one that Cathoment would· be incarcera- fallibility of humanjudg- reasons for the abolition lic thought has seen as the tion without parole. Allow- ment demonstrated to of the death penalty in justifying reason for capi- ' .. Great Britain. In 1975, th~ tal punishment. We find ing months and even years me." We do know that ~n government ·of. Florida the emblematic statement to pass between the time of the arrest and the· imposi- overzealous pros'ecution, pardoned two African- of Thomas Aquinas in the tion. of a punishment cer- mistaken or perjured tes- American men, Freddie "Summa Theologica": "If tainly undermines the de- timony, faulty investiga- hee Pitts and Wilbert Lee, a man is a danger to the terrence. value of any sen- tions, the defendant's pre- who were twice tried and community, threatening it tencing. In addition to viti- vious record, inept de- sentenced to death. They with disintegration by ating any value as a deter- fense counsel, and com-' spent 12 years waiting on some wrongdoing of his, rent, ·the prolonged pro- munity pressure for con- death row for crimes com- then his execution for the ceedings of capital punish- viction ,can all contribute mitted by someone else. healing and pre~ervation of The New York Times re- the common good is to be ment subject the families of to a miscarriage of justice. victims to tortuous yeats of The mistake is irrevocable ported recently (February commended." Because our criminal hearings and ap- once the accused is executed. 6, 1999) that Anthony Por- modern Western societies Turn to page nine peals, often preventing On the other hand" guilty ter, who has spent 16 yt:ars



lHEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1999


THE GOSPEL OF LIFE VS. THE DEATH PENALTY Continued from page eight

have the resources and means to separate criminals and isolate them from society without having recourse to the extreme of capital punishment, the Church opposes capital punishment. Capital punishment can be moral only when it ~s necessary for pub,lic safety. It is no longer necessary and therefore must be abolished. It is understandable that when' a terrible crime is committed there is a reaction from the public charged with emotion. We all instinctively identify with the grief of the victims' families. Everyone knows that no one is exempt from the possibility of a violent attack on one's own person or on a loved one. The senseless violence and brutal violation of innocent victims instinctively repulses us,. There is an outcry demand, ing redress. Our laws, however, need to be debated in an atmosphere of serenity and with a commitment to

promote public morality. Decisions made at a time of great grief or anger are seldom rational and lead to disastrous consequences.' It is ill-advised for public figures to try to engage the legislators in votes on capital punishment as a cathartic response to a recent tragedy. Violence should not be our response to violence. Justice is not revenge. Killing murderers does not ,deter murders, but, rather, promotes an attitude that life is cheap and that when we have the power it is all right to kill. Much has been said about violence on television, in the movies, and in the lyrics of modern music. Our people are being desensitized, not unlike the ancient Romans finding entertainment in watching gladiators kill one another or applauding as Chris-, tians were thrown to wild beasts. State-sponsored violence will not promote a new respect for life but

only serve to erode reverence for life even more. RECENT PAPAL TEACHINGS

he Holy Father has spoken out against capital punishment three times in the last month: in. his Christmas message, "Urbi et Orbi," again during his' public statements during his visit to Mexico, and most recently during his pastoral visit to St. Louis. Although the first edition ,of the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" allows for the death penalty only in highly restricted circumstances, in his Encyclical "Evangelium Vitae" Pope John Paul II went even further, stating that such extreme cases were very rare indeed, if they existed at all. The Pope puts the responsibility of proof on the government to demonstrate that there is no viable alternative to the death penalty. That affirmation forced a clarification in subse-


quent editions ~f the "Catechism." Now the Pope is calling for an abolition of the death penalty. As he said in St. Louis: "The death penalty is cruel and unnecessary." In response to the Holy Father's request, the Governor of Missouri graciously cpmmuted the sentence 'of a man on death row. The reality, however, is that the death sentence is on the increase. Since 1976, there have been approximately 500 executions, with 68 carried out in 1998 alone. LOOKING TO SCRIPTURE


he Church's participation in the debate on capital punishment, as on any public policy, seeks to convince our fellow citizens that this position in路 favor of life is based on reason and on a natural law that binds' all human beings. We appeal to 'human rights and dignity and call people to embrace ,

policies that will promote our humanity and the common good. We present our convictions with cogent arguments that should appeal .-to all people of good will in a pluralistic society. However, in our own teaching to those of the household of the faith, to our Catholic people and other Christians, we turn to the New Testament. There we find the example and words of Jesus as the primary source of Christian life-ethics. Nowhere does Jesus offer violence as a solution to set things straight. The Gospel reveals God's boundlyss love for every person, regardless of human merit or worthiness. He does not will the death' of a sinner, but rather that the sinner be converted. Jesus often shifts the locus ofjudgement to a higher court, a court where there is no need for polygraph, where there is absolute knowledge of the evidence, of good deeds and of evil, of things Turn to page 10



lHEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1999 ,

THE GOSPEL OF LIFE VS. THE DEATH PENALTY one who ,can kill the body, Morality is never upheld by ''T1).e facts clearly show that th~ death penalty is reprivate and thit(gs ~l1?lic: ~. " 'I,n.me .9~s~~,~s:~~~st's. but rather the one路 who can ,a legalized murder." garded in Europe as somecourt where there IS Jl,lstlce mercy IS III sliarp con:. . cause 'you robe cast into thing of an anachronism ...." and mercy, both law and trast with the attitude eternal hellfire." Jesus on PRESENT DEBATE 'grace, wrath and tenderness. of those invoking capital the Cross is an innocent vic- 路UnfOrtunatelY, in the Capital punishment has In the book,oLGenesis,__Runishment for the woman tim_~f anintimidated judge.-路' ~ '. public debate, capi- been abolished in 28 counthe firsi murderer was Cain. c~~gh't-iii'aaiineri"-Our Despite Jesus' ownpain,He tal punishment is tries of Europe. In fact, this He was pu~ished but not Lord commutes her sen- holds out mercy and hope to often seen as a symbolic is- week a Paris newspaper, Le executed. God protected 'tence by challenging the the guilty as He speaks to the sue: Do you or do you not Monde, reported that the Cain from those who would worthiness of her accusers Good Thief: "Today you' support your local police? French courts,were allowing threaten to kill him. The Old to judge. Then He forgives shall.be with ~e in Paradise." Do you or do you not care extradition of Ira Einhorn to ,Testament injunction, "an her sin and admonishes her By trading路 places with enough about crime to get .the United States only on the eye for an eye, a tooth for a to sin no more. The Lord the guilty and with his en- tough on criminals? How- condition that the state of tooth," was an attempt to hates sin but loves the sin- emies, by dying in the mur_ ever, the reality is that capi- Pennsylvania not invoke the . curb the spirit of v'indica- nero Discipleship calls us to derer Barabbas' stead, Jesus .tal punishment does not deal death penalty in case of contion' among God's people. have the same sentiments as ,teaches,us that even people with crime in any useful viction. In 1976 Canada who would have.sought t<f,- the Master. The Sermon on who do us evil have a claim way, rather it deludes' the ended the death penalty, and punish the gJlilty'sevenfold the Mount and the teaching on our love. Jesus' whole .public into a false sense of in recent years the United by plucking out both eyes of the New Testament are mission teaches us about security about a complex so- Nations has issued resoluand, knocking out several clear in forbidding revenge His love for sinners. St. Paul, cial problem. The death pen- tions stating the desirability teeth. Just as the .law of' . and iIi demanding an atti- in Romans, reminds us: "In- alty is really a way of avoid- of abolishing capital punMoses in Deuteronomy 24 . tude of mercy when dealing deed only ,with ,diffh~ulty ing the problem of crime in- ishment. Quite conspicuous should be seen as a conces- with a sinner. The Pharisees does one die for a just per- stead of dealing with it. In by their indifference to sion and not an approval of were ,quick to condemn son, though perhaps for a studies referred to earlier, al- these recommendations are divorce, a concession that Jesus because "He ate with good person one might even most 87 percent of the nations generally known for Jesus later abrogates, so too sinners." He replied to their find courage to die. But God criminologists and 57 per- their disregard for human the law of talion does not criticism by saying that it is proves His love for us in that cent of police chiefs find' it rights of their c;:itizens, such comma,nd but limits fe- the sick who need the phy- while we were still sinners quite accurate to say: "De- as China, Iraq and Iran. For venge. sician. Our task as Chris- Christ died for us." , bates about the death pen- instance, recent reports inAll of this is notto say that alty distract Congress arid dicate that in China prisonThe provision of cities of tians is to bind up 'the sanctuary in the Old Testa- wounds of sin. The si,n we do'not need to find ap- 'state legislaturesfroni fo:' ers are execute~ as needed , ment was still another way causes greater harm to the propriate punishments for cusmg on real solutions to and their organs are harof limiting people's thirst perpetrator than to the vic- ' crime and 'ensure the safetY crime problems;" A consid- vested and then sold. Within the United States, for revenge. tim of a crim,e. "Fear not the of our people: but we must eration of the monetary strive to free our- costs' of an execution illus- . one-third of the states have . selves from hatred trates this point. A former already abolished capital and a desire for Texas attorney general, Jim' punishment. The opposition vengeance in our Mattox, is quoted in the Dal- to the death penalty is widedealing with crimi- las Morning News as saying spread and diverse. Cathonals. A very strik- that presently, it costs about lic, Protestant and, Jewish ing Christian wit- $2 million to execute a pris- groups, as well as many naness was given by oner. This is three times what tional organizations, have Coretta Scott King; it costs to incarcerate a per- expressed their opposition widow of Dr. Mar- son for 40 years. 1\\'0 mil- . b,ased on religious, moral tin Luther King, lion dollars, the cost of one and civic reasons. As we prepare to end 'the when she. stated, execution, translates into ''Asonewhosehus- the salaries for .approxi- , most vio~ent century in the band and mother- mately 48 additional police history of the world and as in-law have died officers. Rather tllan invest- we cross the threshold of victims of murder ing millions of dollars in a hope into a new millennium, assassination, I dubious deterrent and de- we must join our voices stand firmly and .. humanizing vengeance, the with that of our Holy Father unequivocally op- state would do better to in- in calling for an abolition of posed to the death vest its limited resources in the death penalty. We want penalty for those programs for crime preven- our country to be characterconvicted of capi- tion; drug rehabilitation, and ized by justice, not revenge; , taloffenses.Anevil maintaining' a well- by safety, not violence; by deed is not re- equipped police force. life. not death. deemed by an evil '. The United States is one of deed of retaliation. the last democracies of the ZE~~ID~ ECHEGARAY, Whose husband, Leo, was to be executed by is never ad- West to maintain the death Justice lethal InJection Feb. 5, p'rays the rosary outside the Philippine National Peni~ tentiary in Manila Feb. 3. Despite pleas from Church officials, the execution vanced in the tak- penalty. The Council ofEu- Bisbop of Fall River took place, the first in the Philippines in 23 years. (CNS pryoto from Reuters) fig of a human life. rope reported in 1962 that: First Sunday of Lent, 1999 Coritinu'edfr..om page nine






- . . .t-..


Planning your family's charita.ble giving Dear Mary: Our family is flooded with requests for donations. We must be on every mail- • iog list in the country. My children have started to notice the pleas for help. I talk to them about hunger and poverty and world conditions; but I haven't done too much beyond talking. On our middleclass income, how' might we become a responsible yet generous family? - Ohio

young. Your example of concern and generosity with family resources is the best long-term plan for teaching your children to be generous. Make a plan for giving on an annual basis. Here are some possibl tl choices. Give to your church and church

,....-----------Il Family Talk

Many people are flooded with requests With Dr. James & for contributions. Your Mary Kenny idea of using your family contributions as a way to teach your chilcharities. Your parish represents dren is excellent. In planning I would emphasize giving on a local level.giving as a family, using funds In addition you might choose from your own income rather than Catholic Relief Services, which is having children give from their the Church's arm for giving, parfunds. If your children have small ticularly in crisis situations, on a sources of funds and wish to con- global level. Through its literature, tribute, fine, but do not impose a CRS will help you educate your plan on them which demands a lot children about the global problems of poverty and hunger. of their money. Some parents believe that if Next consider giving in your children are required to give 'part own communitY' where personal of their earnings or allowance to involvement is most available and church or charity, t~ey will then most important. You might shop become generous givers. Not true. for food pantries or soup kitchens, Learning to give is part of the long contribute to children's health and process of growing to maturity. It welfare or assist in services to the is not a habit we instill by starting elderly poor. You and your chil-

dren can become personally involved. Here is perhaps the best place to teach your children about giving and the needs of others. The recipients are not people in photographs in other parts of the world but your own neighbors. You can see how and where your gifts are being used. Finally you might develop your own special interests which you try to support on a regular basis. Perhaps a school you attended is doing innovative work in education you want to support. Perhaps as you serve in your own community you will discover unmet needs. You might organize friends and neighbors to attack the problem with money and service. Give the gift of time. Adopt someone in a nursing home as an honorary grandparent. Be a respite home to relieve overburdended foster parents for a day or a weekend. Shop for shut-ins or drive them to medical appointments. The needs of the poor are evident in every community. Plan your gi·ving on both a global and a local level. Strive to become involved personally as well as through money.. Evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen charities. Both you and your children will become more aware, more sensi-

. Purgatory revisited Q. I am 74, raised Catholic, and finally find there are many truths of our faith I don't know much about. One is purgatory. What exactly is that? I did not know, for example, that when we go there we cannot pray for ourselves; others pray for us. I also learned that Masses should be said for the people ther~. But now.when someone dies, often it is requested that memorials be sent to Hospice, a heart or cancer society and so on. This is wonderful, but· how does this fit in with praying for those who have died? (Ohio) A. You ask a lot of good questions, which I know' puzzle many others as well. First it's good to clear up exactly what Catholic teaching is about what we call purgatory. The Catechism of the Catholic Church sums it up by noting that those who die in God's grace and friendship, but .may still be imperfectly purified, undergo a "purification" to enter the joy of heaven. It then adds, "The Church gives the name purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned" (No. 1031). Note first of all that in the Church's understanding expressed here, purgatory is an event, a process, not a place or location. After death we enter into a wholly different framework of existen'ce where there would seem to be no time or place in our sense of those words. We know, of course, that for God there is no past or future. In his eternal vision, all is in his knowledge as one present moment. Thus, in spite of a lot of folklore thaf (especially during the Middle Ages and later into the Renaissance) made purgatory into a kind of minihell where people endured ages of torture and pain, the Church consistently avoids speaking of purgatory as being "somewhere," or lasting some "time." . As the catechism says, something happens to us at or after death which, if necessary, prepares us for the face-to-face vision and presence of God, Could that purification occur immediately after death in the blinding awareness of the holiness of God as we confront that holiness with our human weakness and sinfulness? Or might it happen in the process of death itself, when the knowledge of our sins and selfishness becomes so acute and intense that this entire cleansing takes place in an instant? The Church in its official

teachings does not attempt to supply tpese kinds of details. How.about indulgences? Don't we believe they take "time" off of purgatory? I hope everyone knows by now that, in the Church's"understanding and teaching, an indulgence of "one year," for example, does not mean one year off of purgatory. It means rather whatever alleviation of that final purification might ,... _


and Answers By Father John J. Dietzen

THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri" Feb. 26, 1999 tive and more caring human beings. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, IN


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be achieved by one year of fasting or other penance for the benefit of those who have died. Part of the problem has been some confusion concerning the ancient and consoling,Christian belief that we, the living, can assist those who have died with our prayers. This doctrine is one significant aspect of our belief in the communion of saints, which unites all who are joined in Christ, whether still on earth or in the next life. . Some Christians through the centuries have not been content to accept that belief as it lies, but have tried to embellish it with all sorts of theories about hundreds of years of affliction in some mid-place between heaven and earth, and how we can "shorten" . this time of terror by our prayers. Such horrible images may literally scare the devil out of someone, but again they are irrelevant to the actual teaching of the Church on the subject. . As for your question- about memorials, while the Eucharistic Sacrifice is the pre-emi nent form of prayer for the dead, the catechism reminds us that gifts of charity, indulgences and works of penance are also good ways to commend our deceased loved ones to the mercy of God (No. 1032). A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral practices is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions for this column should be sent to Fa·ther Dietzen at the same address.




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TIIEANCHOR ~ Diocese. ofFall River'- Fri.-, Feb. 26,1999

Anti-Muslim sentiments 'bother , South African Church leaders CAPE TOWN, South Africa (CNS) Pearson, parliamentary liaison officer - South African Church leaders ex- for the Southern African Catholic Bishpressed concern over growing anti- , ops' Conference, Public outrage reached new intenMuslim sentiments after a rash of mursity after childre~ were,killed in shootders and bomb attacks in Cape T-own. The widely held perception that ing incidents in November and DecemMuslims are to blame is extremely of- ber, By January, after a bomb exploded at a synagogue and another at a popular fensiv~ to the country's half million Muslims, said Father Peter-John tourist spot, and a police station's arms arsenal was robbed, police admitted that they were failing to combat the crimes, The government announced a program to send police, money ?nd re~ sources to the area and said it was considering anti~terrorist laws, Police statistics show that in 1998, Cjifts & Weari,ng Apparel out of more than 660 violent attacks, , ~ Waterford Crystal nearly 200 were blamed on the primarilyMuslim anti-gang group PAGAD, .Jfe Belleek China , People Against Gangs and Drugs, and .,. Royal Tara China 28 suspeds wer~'arrested, Another 140 .,.. Nich~las Masse Pottery su~pects were arrested in connection with 470gang-related attacks, hut none " , : I lV''. , were sent,enced, and ~os~ suspects are ,0utonbaJl. " . ,'. • ' ,Brian Redelinghuys, who heads the ,arch,diocesan justice and peace commi's, . '. sion, said he' was also very concerned


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" Only a small mihorityofCapeTown's Daily 9:30 to 5:30Frid~)'s uhlil8:00' : MuslimsbCidngtoPecipleAgainstGangs , . and Drugs and more overtly political orTel. '508-678-4096 ganizations, including Muslims Against ,Fax 508-619-9345 Global Oppression and Muslims Against ~ fAIiiIiJ ~ I!lIIl!II!m Illegitimate Leaders, ' .: ~ ~ ~ -. But the Muslim community. as a Executive Plaza whole has been "unjustifiably labeled 101 President Ave, Fall River, MA militant," Reddinghuys said,

MARTHA DE'OR~NTES visits her son;-Father Mario Orqnt~s"at the, Guatemala City' hospital where he has been under arrest for several' months in connection with the murder of Auxiliary Bishop Juan Gerardi Condera last April. Prosecutors met With Father Orantes Feb. 16 to determine whether they would continue to hold the, priest. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Judge orders release of priest arrested for bishop's murder ~ A wider probe set for


r------~-----------------..,O suspects in death of '~Ay ~/n C'o/!l8 Guatemalan Auxiliary Bishop Conedera. wilt 'Ae on eD/ltM a4



CW'" " .:7TeeweR


Consecration to the Divine Will

Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the im-

mensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Pros-· trate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does nbt pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life" the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will tohav.e life in this heart any longer. I will cast it ' away frqm me and ~hus form the ne~ Eden o( Peace, of happi,, ness and of love. )\lith It r ~hall be always happy: .I shall have a , singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all (hings and' conducts them to God. ,' . . . ' .\ ,Here prostrate, I invoke the help oJ the, Most Holi'Trin,ity that They permit me to livetH the, cloister of the, Divine Will and , thuS'fetuni in me the first order of creation, just as,the creature was created.' ," ' , ' , .: Heavenly Mother: Sovereign 'and QUeen,of the E>ivine'Fiat; i 'i " - take JIlY hand ,~d-introouce'me::ifito .the Light of the :Diyine" Will.';YqiI. will6t'fIIlY guid~:my rriost"~nd~fMother, and will teach me t6 live in 'and'to 'm-aintairi myself ill the order ahd the , ,bounds'afthepiv'ineWiU. Heavenly Mother,I copsecrate my ~wholei5eihgto Your Irtunaculate Heart:,¥ou wiil t~acq,me the '. doctri~e ?f~~ Riv~?~ Wil~~d 1, wi~l,!isten.most, att~9tiYely; to Your lessons. You WIll cover me wItli Your mantle so thai the infernal serp~nt 'dare penetrate into this sacr~d' to en.: tice me aJld make me fall into the maze of-the; hUIp.an ~UL> Heart of my greatest qood,- Jesus, YOQ- will· give' me Yo~' flames that they may bum me, consume,me,andfeed me to form in me the Life of theDivine WilL ,;' Salndoseph, you will be my protector, theguardiari of my . heart, and will keep the keys' of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to again, that I may be sure .of never leaving the Will of God.' My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the' Kingdpm of the Divine Will. Amen.







( In Honor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child ofthe Divine Will)

GUATEMALA CITY -Ajudge ordered the release of a diocesan priest charged in the murder of a bishop on the grounds of insufficient evidence, but also ruled 'that the cleric would remain under investigation. . Judge Henry Monroy, who recently took up the case, said in his recent ruling' that the attorney general's special prosecutor failed to provide sufficient proof to implicate Father Mario Orantes, -who had been in detention since July, He is charged with the April murder

of Auxiliary Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera of Guatemala City. The judge also said authorities should "widen the investigation" beyond Father Orantes. A tired-looking Father Orantes,, who received the news in his hospital byd, where he was recovering from chronic migraine and ulcer ailments, told reporters, "The judge has demonstrated that justice ex- , ists in Guatemala." Church leaders welcomed the de~isioil, but criticized state pros- ' ecutors for implicating the Church in the murder. Archbishop Prospero Penad.os del Barrio of Guatemala City callen the ruling "positive" and said that the charges against fatherOrantes h<id· been "~ thorn· in our side, since it was a member of the Church" who was being ac. ._; . '.

cused of the crime. In the early hours of April 26, Bishop Gerardi was bludgeoned to death in the garage of the rectory he shared with Father Orantes. The murder sent shock waves through the country. Many Church and human rights officials believed Bishop Gerardi was killed 'in reprisal for his work as a human rights campaigner. Just two days before his death, he released a report blaming the military for the majority of the abuses committed during the 36-year civil war. Lawyers for the archdiocese said official inquiries should also follow up leads from a witness who allegedly identified a vehicle parked outside the rectory at the time as belonging to the Ministry of Defense.


',~isliop' s'ays inte;I:.a4m'~rican,·meeting

shows world remembers- ·Cub·a

, ;" . . La'," Am" ,... '~b' h··..· _{'c. 'I d I h' 'h " .'Th'" h CAlHOu.cNEW~fSERViCE;' tin encan IS ops counCI an a ot mOre ,as t9 app~n. ;;' ere as, . ~ihe Canaaian arid U.S. bishops' con- to be a 19t more openness:' he added. . ,>"'jSAN SALVADOR.;,-Thepr:esi- ferences was the first time the bien- ,Thepope's~m:tuary)9~8visitwas 'dent of the:U.S. bishops' conference nial gathering has b~n held o~ the 'considered a,turning poirit in churchsaid the inter-American bishopsl meet- communist-ruled island. It also n~ly state relations in Cuba, where weeks ing.in Cuba showed how "the:.-world coincided vyitll the fIrst.anniversary _ before the visjt the government perhas not forgotten" the 6uban people, of Pope JohnYaul,ll's his~oric visitto , mitted Chris~as as a publi¢ holiday ' ., " after ~'3Q-year ban. The government . suffering ~'the horrible impact"of the . Cuba. U&tradeembargo.:,·, . . , . ' FoUowing an :9pe,ning .Mass at 'offiCially reinstate9 Christmas in . ' 'The Cuban bishopsJell us that ' Havana's cathedral the<bishops began 1998., . it's very important the meeting is be- tw.o days ofdiscussions. on the state of .Observers said that the'presence of ing' held in Havana :.. It's a sign tilat the Cuban church after the papal visit such a large contingent of U.S. bish,theChurchirttheAmericancontinent 'as well as,on the application of· ops on the island would have been continues insolidaiity. vyiththe Cu- "Ecclesia in Amer.ic~' the pope's ap- unthinKable before the papal ,visit. . ban church," said the prt;.sident, ostolic exhortation on the 1997 Synod Bishop Fiorenza'said there '!Vas Bishop Joseph -A. Fiorenza of o.fBishops for America, said Bishop consensus among bishops on the need Galveston-Houston .. .The bishop Fiorenza. to "work together" to get lay people spoke to Catholic News Service in a , The Cuban bishops presented' an to playa more active role in the telephone interview from his Havana up-to-date report on "small but sig- Church. He said that one of the priorihot~1. nifIcant,.steps take'n f()r the Cuban ties that would be set by the interHe said one of the "major ways" church" since the pope's visit, indud- American meeting .would be to gento show support was for the U.S. ing greater religious freedom for the erate "more solidarity with one anCatholic Church to "convince (our) . bishops and greater dialogue about other," through pastoral and program government to lift the embargo." religious affairs, Bishop Fiorenza said. exchanges between different counThe meeting of officials from ,the ':'We're grateful for the changes, but tries, .



Bv,MII<E ~CHII:.j ··r.... ..

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TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., Feb. 26, 1999



Priest recalls his role in integrating high. school hoops By GEORGE P. MATYSEK JR.

Jesuit that no one outside the two teams would be alerted that the ,BALTIMORE - Sometimes all ga!lle was on. Because integrated it takes to ignite a revolution is games were against the law in Louisomething as simple as a game of siana, the schools didn't want the basketball. police to break it up, Father Verrett That's precisely what some said. Josephite priests thought when they After S1. Augustine trounced Jeorganized the first integrated bas- suit on the white school's home ketball game in- New Orleans, court by more than 20 points, someplayed in 1966 between the top- one leaked the news to the press. A ranked, all-black St. Augustine firestorm of controversy erupted, High School and the top-ranked, which lyd to St. Augustine filing all-white Jesuit High. suit in federal court for admission "Passing Glory," a movie based to participate in the white league. on their experience, aired Feb. 21 The court ruled in favor of S1. on the TNT cable network and is to Augustine and Louisiana was be repeated. forced to disband its segregated Josephite , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . athletic system. Father Joseph I'PassingGlory,"a movie The basketball C. Verrett, editor based on their expe'ri,game accomof the Josephite ence, aired Feb. 21 on the plished just what Father Harvest and a Grant had priest in resi- TNT cable network and is den~e at St. to be repeated. hoped it would. In the film, Francis Xavier in Baltimore, is . written by St. Augustine one of the priests on which the film is based. graduate and basketball star Harold Back in segregated New Orleans, Sylvester, Andre Braugher (forFather Verrett was the assistant prin- merly of TV's "Homicide';) stars as Father Verrett. The real Father cipal at St. Augustine. "The key behind having the Verrett said the 'film does a good game was the attirude of the me- job in showing how he tried to press dia," Father Verrett recalled. "They the local media into covering just refused to cover activities of black sports. Howewr, he said there black schools. It was more than be- were a lot of artistic liberties taken nign neglect. It was just like blacks in how he was portrayed. The Verrett character is made weren't there." Without any media coverage, into the basketball coach for the Father Verrett said outstanding team and路 a radical activist for inteblack students never got the expo- gration. The Father Grant characsure they needed to get recruited ter, by contrast, is shown as a more by the nation's best universities. He cautious man often in conflict with said the principal of the school, Father Verrett over just how far the Josephite Father Robert Grant, be- school should go in pushing for inlieved that an integrated game tegration. "The truth be told, I was really would help break down barriers to black advancement by forcing the more like the Grant character in the media to begin covering black ath- film," said FatherVerrett. "It was Father Grant who was really behind letes. "Father Grant thought that as the game. He was the one who was long as we sit back and don't fight ahead of his time." "The film is beautiful in the way Jor recognition, don't fight for exposure and don't try to open doors, it captures the climate of New Orleans in those days," he said. "It rethen no doors are going to open," Father Verrett recalled. "Once the ally captured the sense that people two teams get on the floor and play, had that you shouldn't rush this thing. Everyone thought that once you've made a quantum leap." The historic game between the you integrate; you're going to igtwo Catholic teams was not with- nite a tinderbox or unpleasantness out conditions. Played behind of some kind: Society has come a closed doors, there was an agree- long way since that game was ment between St. Augustine and played." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

AJAV NAIDU and David Herman portray two fed-up employees in the comedy "Office Space." The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. (CNS photo from Twentieth Century Fox)

'Office Space' comedy raps corpoCrate ethics, but rough langoage is irksome By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting. ''Office Space" (20th Century Fox) Sly comedy in which three downtrodden office buddies conspire to rip off their soulless corporation; then relent, just as another disgruntled employee feels driven to desperate measures. While somewhat predictable, writer-director Mike Judge comically cap.tures the atmosphere of numbing corporate environments where disposable workers are at the mercy of bureaucratic policies and power-mad superiors. Fleeting nudity, brief sexual refer~ces, gangsta rap lyrics with recurring rough langu~ge and racial

slurs, and a few instances of profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. "The Apple" (New Yorker) Factual story about an elderly Iranian man and his blind wife, who kept their 12-year-old twin daughters locked in their room since birth, followed by the efforts of a social worker to convince them to allow the children out to play and develop normally. Director'Samira Makhmalbaf recreates the news story with the actual participants in a intriguing, sometimes baffling docudrama whose depiction ,of innocents at the mercy of adults and bureaucracy raises social and political issues. Subtitles. A few vulgar expressions. The U.S. Catholic

Conference classification is A-11adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association ofAmerica."Jawbreaker" (TriStar) Feeble black comedy in which three arrogant high school beauties accidentally kill a classmate, then proceed to transfqrm the class geek into a vixen to guarantee her silence about the crime. Writer-director Darren Stein's catty dialogue lamely satirizes snooty cliques but the stale results are unamusing and derivative. Brief violence, fleeting sexual encounter, frequent innuendo, intermittent rough language and an instance of profanity. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.


'My Favorite Martian' brings nostalgia to sitcom fans By GERRI PARE CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

NEW YORK - Yet another forgettable TV sitcom is given the big-screen treatment, with likewise results, in "My Favorite Martian" (Disney). Based on the 1963-66 sitcom with Bill Bixby and starring Ray Walston in the title role, this frantic, flailing update teams TV newsman Tim (Jeff Daniels) with a crash-landed alien whl) assumes human form posing as Tim's odd Uncle Martin (Christopher Lloyd). The comedy is still a sitcom, laboriously'drawn out to movie length, but the frene'tit goings-



Movies Online Can't remember how a recent film was classified by the USCC? Want to know whether to let the kids go see it? Now you can look film reviews up on America Online. Once you're connected to AOL, just use the keyword CNS to go to Catholic News Service's online site, then look for movie reviews. .


ldeview on can't disguise a threadbare narrative. Sensing; Ii. career-making story, Tim initially sets out to expose the alien but is won over once he 'realizes ominous government agents are out to snatch his bogus uncle with dastardly intent.路 . . Daniels and Lloyd go into overdriv,e competing with the real star of the show ~ the 'special effects. The prime one is the Martian's talking silver space suit which has a life of its own, rushing around uninhabited and uncontrollable in ways likely only to amuse young schoolchildren. With not much happening story-wise, several female characters are supposed to amuse, but Daryl Hannah is simply

bland as a TV operator sweet on Tim, Elizabeth Hurley gets few laughs as an on-camera brunette bimbo, and Christine Ebersole is embarrassing to watch as Tim's sex-starved landlady. By and large the characters amount to walking c.artoons; but they are wacky without being witty, especially when dire,ctor Donald Petrie resorts to vulgar toilet hurrior. NoStalgic fans of the show , will appreciate Walston's appearance as a Martian hunter and the twist ending that. reveals a hidden agenda. However, based on this dopey movie, the suggestion ,that a sequel could be down the road 'should definitely blasted into the farthest reaches of outer space. Due to some slapstick violence, fleeting rear nudity, occasional sexual innuendo and toilet humor and a few instances of profanity, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG parental guidance suggested.

TV programs of note By GERRI PARE CATHOUC News SERVICE

NEW YORK - Here are some television programs of note for the week of March 7: Sunday and Tuesday, March 7 and 9, 9-11 p.m. EST each night (CBS) "Seasons ofLove!' Dramatic saga of an American family (led by Peter Strauss and Rachel Ward) who farm a plot in Ohio for a half-century starting in 1866. Sunday, March 7,10 p.m.-midnight EST (BBC America) "The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries!' Debut of a mystery movie series set in the 1920s with Diana Rigg in the title role as a stylish sleuth. Wednesday, March 10, 8-9 p.m.

EST (CBS) ''More T,ru~ Stories from Touched by an Angel!' New special in ~hich viewers,share how the popular series has touched their lives for the better. Thursday, March 11, 8-9 p.m. EST (A&E) "John Steinbeck: An American Writer!' From its "Biography" series, a profile of the acclaimed, Nobel Prize-winning author of 'The Grap.es ofWrath," "Of Mice and Men," and "East ofEden." Thursday, March 11, 9- 10 p.m. EST (A&E) "Multiple Personalities!' From the series 'The Unexplained," profiles offour people who suffered from multiple personality disorder, including the women on whom the movies "Sybil" and 'The Three Faces ofEve" were based.

. .'



TIIEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River - Fri" F,eb. 26, 1999

TIME CAPSULE- Student Erin Harrington, parliamentarian of Bishop Stang High School's National Honor Society (NHS), places a time ,capsule, in a holder held by Sarah Chase, NHS historian, as other students look on. Stude~tsburied items as part of the c,hapter's 35th 'anniversary and plans to open the capsule in.the'year 2038. .'.



Stang st~de,nts, bu~ytime capsule NORTH DARTMOUTH- The Sister Teresa Trayers Chapter of the National Honor Society at Bishop Stang High School recently gath-

ered to bury a special time capsule commemorating its 35th anniversary as a school group. Joel Maxwell, president of the

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chapter, said that "The burial of the time capsule marKs a special anniversary of the National Honor Society chapter. It's a celebration of the past, present and future," , Among the contents of the capsule were a photo of Sister Teresa , Trayers, swatches of the boys and girls uniform fabric~, lists of best sellers, and various memorabilia and photos representing aspects of student life in the 90s. Members of the NHS' plan to gather in 2038 and unearth the time , capsule to re-examine it's contents, and remember their. time ,at Stang. , Each student. was' invited to place cement on the capsule and the cer.-. emCiny cCinclud~,?' with prayer.

MARDI GRAS - First-graders Jillian' Correria and Matthew Allain from Kathlee Desrosiers's class at St Mary's School, New Bedford, enjoy a Mardi Gras celebration.' Each chi,ld made a colorful mask and with the help o(parent volunteer Diane Pepin, helped bake a king cake, a traditional Mardi Gras desert.

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::FALL.RIVER-:-BishopConnolly .David Bate~, MorganBuonanno, ' Fhildren \\iere- visited 'by Hi~h School recently held its induc- '-Karin Cordeiro, Lauren Daley, Shane ,Ang,.e Hehman..from T~e. Lloyd tion ceremony fornew members ofits . Fennessey, Caitlin Fennessey, Jennifer' ~nvlrqnmental Ce!l.ter m. Sputh Nation~ Honor Society..The cer-, Hale, 'Catherine Josey,' Kristin Dartmout~. who ,spoke to them emony 'honored juniorS and seniors Kokoszka,' Jenilee Lindo,' Kim about her Job takmg care of and for their hard workanddetemiination. Marcantonio, Justin Marcoux, Jamie studying'animals and their habiThose elected to the National Honor McCoy, Evonne Mendes, Jessica tats. T~ey learned about differSociety must demonstrate dedication Nadeau, Sean O'Connor, Julie Ribeiro, ent species of crabs, sea·stars, sea to scholarship, service, leadership and Marie Savoie, Joshua Securo, Jason urchins, scallops and clams. Stucharacter as judged by their teachers Silva, Physith Sokum, Aaron Sylvia, dents had the opportunity to and administrators. . William Sylvia, Meghan Tafe, Erica view marine life up close and , Those inducted were JenniferAlleri, Tavares, Elyse Travers and Debbie take part in a hands-on'experiMichael Almeida, Katherine Bates, Viveiros. ' ence.


stand next to their ~~-t,~ .f?cien&el' pr<:*~:cts , 1, .\~"'" ;~ ,aU~e ar:mu~1. sci.~ '.:' ~~~~ ·,ence fair: Teacher· ·r ~p,: ,..... . Jennifer Kane said J(.·'ll.,~~ 'thris year's fair was ;11'. ;;.! l "the' most. .suc-


ence Exhibition at sL JosephSchool', ',NewB~dford,gather.,', :: NEW .~.EDFORD,~, '!Cat.hofor' a photo. From left to right are .Shane Dumont, second li~ Schools Week w~s a fun-filled place,·,social.studies· Greg Moore Jirst place science' Neil. ,w,ee~,for all,op~ ~tudents and the L' d h " . .' :.' ' : ' . school," declared pre-school I~ 0" on,o,ra~le, rn~,ntl~n, sCI~nce"St~p~ameWalecka! ~ec~' te~cher Ann M.. Cafferty of Holy ond. place, .~Glien<~~" ~o~~~~~n Hughe~,.h?n9ra~l~ .r:n~ntlon, J'~miJY" Holy'Nam~ 'School" ,res~clal studies; ~en. VI.all,thlrd ,p,lace"sclen,c~; JJlha~,Ma~ks,: .cent~y. Stud~nts in her. c,lasses third place; ,social studies; and Samantha-Reusch, first place, ' ,participa~ed in, a ':variety of ac- , social studies.'··, ".,,:, , ,'. " ,:; ... " , . ' ,_ tiYities:including Career Day on ,

SCIENCE FAIR -:- Sixth graders Tanya I_ Ray.Fox, left, and U I Amanda Arponen, loI below from 'Saint


, I


"c~~sNI,'.we;ve .'h,ad

to date" and was pleas~q ,with, students' -participa,tion: . , ,

lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River - Fri., Feb. 26, 1999

Catholic students help free wr.ongly convicted death-row inmate, By HEIDI SCHLUMPF CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE'

CHICAGO - Lori D' Angelo is dressed in baggy overalls, her hair held back with a plastic clip, a backpack slung over her shoulder. The 21-year-old's biggest concerns are homework (she has a lot) and spring break (she's doing a service project in Appalachia). Her speech is so fast, and so peppered with "like" and "Oh my God," that it's easy to miss what she's saying. But what she's saying is quite profound. "I've come to see that there is so much injustice in the world and that as Catholics we are called to correct those injustices," said the journalism and English major from Pittsburgh. D' Angelo is one of the six Northwestern University students who worked with journalism professor David Protess to uncover evidence

recent decades. Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago was among those who opposed the execution. "I do not believe the people of Illinois would sanction the death penalty for a person so intellectually retarded," the cardinal wrote to then-Gov. Jim Edgar. "It would be like executing a child." For the students, the actual work was less than glamorous. "We looked through piles and piles ofdocuments to see if there were any contradictions," D'Angelo said. Among their findings was a witness' assertion that the murderer held the gun in his left hand. Porter is right-handed. " In November, the students took a field trip to the park where the crime occurred for a re-enactment in which D' Angelo played one of the witnesses. "We realized there's no way things could have happened the way the witness said it did," she said. 'There was at least doubt." Then came finals and Christmas break, and D' Angelo's involvement in the class - and the case - ended.

that freed a man wrongly convicted and eucharistic minister, led student of double homicide from death row. retreats and founded the social jus"One of the things I learned from tice committee. this case is that the system doesn't When she registered for "The really work for people like Anthony News Media and the Death Penalty" Poner. He's a poor, black man with a class last fall, D' Angelo had no idea criminal record who grew up on the she would playa role in freeing the South Side of Chicago," she said. 10th wrongly convicted death-row "Before he went in front of the jury, inmate in I1linois. he had three strikes against him." The course required students to Although D' Angelo is proud that pick a case on which to work. she contributed to uncovering the D' Angelo chose that of Porter, who truth, she is frustrated with a system . was convicted in 1983 for the fatal that would allow the truth to be cast shooting in 1982 of Jerry Hillard, 18, aside. . and Marilyn Green, 19. He had main'This shouldn't have been found tained his innocence since the day out by us," she. told Th{! New World" of his arrest. Chicago"s 'archdioces3!1 newspaper. Porter was scheduled to be ex"I think every person should have ecuted by lethal injection Sept. 23, access to adequate legal help." 1998, but was granted a temporary D' Angelo is actively involved in stay by the I1linois Supreme Court the Sheil Center; the Catholic parish after a psychiatrist determined Porter at Northwestern University in had an IQ of 51 - lower than any Evanston. She has served as a reader prisoner nationwide put to death in


and Role

.-r-~:1 Coming . fjge

She had learned through e-mails from Protess that a key witness finally recanted his testimony against Porter. Then, after the students tracked down his estranged wife who implicated him, Milwaukee resident AlstOIY Simon confessed to the crime. As it turned out, D' Angelo read about Porter's release in the newspaper. "No one expected it to come down so fast," she said. While D'Angelo admitted she's "opposed to it morally," she does not describe herself as a "death penalty activist." , ''Activism is separate from journalism," she said. 'The whole assignment was to look at the case to see if he's innocent or guilty. We were not supposed to find him innocent at all costs." Still, as a Catholic, she has always been opposed to the death penalty. "I personally don't think it's a good punishment for anything," she said. 'This case shows that the system is so flawed that innocent people could die."

Our Rock

you haven't really asserted your own taste. But choosing a film that interests you and seeing it by yourself tests your own decision-m&k-

Teens travel in groups, and whether it's at the mall or in the parish hall, where there's one teen, there will be four or five. Teen-agers are social creatures; you hardly ever see onc of them alone. Why? Because it's comfortable. v c~ There's no worry about what to do next - somebody will always have an idea. Loneliness isn't a problem, FOR YOUTH • ABOUT yOunt and mostly boredom isn't either. Many teens find being alone uncomfortable. In fact, they dread it ing process, and even get a bit frantic if nobody Again, consider the simple act else is around. of buying a shirt. If you go shop"Mom," they SilY, bemoaning ping with two friends, and they their fate, "this is an awful week- both say it's a cute shirt and a great end. Everybody's gone, and there's color for you, you may buy it just, nothing to do." because they say so. But if you shop Here's a different point of view. by yourself, the' ~ecision is really As annoying as it may be, as bor- yours. You'll ask yourself what your ing and difficult and miserable as really like, make your own choice being alone might make you feel, and experience the consequences. Developing your own taste and sometimes it is good for you. There are some lessons you can learn from ,style is the accumulation of a bunch ' life only by spending time alone. . ,bf small decisions you make all by , First, if you're never by.yourself, yourself. You'll never find your the native dread of being alone own style without practice. grows stronger. If you al\,¥ays have, There's a final reason, one that family or_ friends:ar6.l;Ipd; you can re~lly will challenge your growth: : find youist:;lf fe~ling anxiouS and ,,: Spiritual development - finding abandolieq whenever you're, by ,,:'-your own heart" ~!1d op~ni~g up ; . yourself.' ' " ". "'your life for a relatioliship:with God A lot of'kids get'stuck'in .really·' .~ requires solitude,: ~ . _ ,.'. \ miserable, painful relationships '. Prayi~g in a gr9up:.~an·be won,- ... simply because they're 'afraid of" 'derful. and moving; :~u.t thought;': being alone. I've knQwn m&ny teens' reflectio!l' and prayer. !Jfthe ~eart . who put up with partners who .be:- . require so~itlid.e.',' - ". .: ..... ,.'littled, insulted and sometimes:', . If.ypu··are·.a\\¥aY~·witli other': even hit th~m ...:..- because i~ was people,)f Y?u., fill upeyery. qliie~" ' "better th'an being alone." cb~~~~ <:>/'-Y9':!r' life, with the',reac~. If you can take advantage of time tions, .face~ ano' yoices of frie!lds;, alone - sit for a few hours with a there is ncr Clumce· for God to get' book, go shopping by yourself, your ~tte!1ti·on., Spiritual growt~ is' hang out in the library or at a cafe fostere~f~hen:you. ,risk spen<;!inga : - then you become less dependent little .time alone.' " ' when you're in a relationship. BeGreilter independence, a sense of, comincr comfortable with your own your own taste and style, and opencompa~y makes you stronger, since ness to God in your life: Those are you need not put up with abuse out three really good reasons for taking of fear of loneliness. . some time for yourself, by yourself. Second, spending time alone Your comments are welcome. helps you develop your own tastes Please address: Dr. Christopher and preferences. Consider, for ex- Carstens, c/o Catholic News.Serample, a movie. If five friends pick vice, 3211 Fourth S1. N.E., Washout a certain film and you go along, ington, D.C. 20017.


Facing fears with faith and. hope By CHARLIE MARTIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

When You Believe Many nights we pray With no proof anyone could hear And our hearts a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know There's much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could Chorus There can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail It's hard to kill . Who knows what miracles You can achieve ' : .. '. When' you believe, ' .... , ,.Somehow you will , : ...You will when yOu believe ..; In this time of fear .. When 'prayer ~o- often proves, in. v~in , ;

• "'I • •• •



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Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away And now I am standing here My heart's so full I can't explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say Repeat chorus They don't always happen when you ask And it's easy to give in to your fear But when you're blinded by your pain Can't see your way safe Through the rain, Thought of a still resilient voice Says love is very near , . Repeat chorus. ' Repeat three times:' . You will when you believe: . Written by 'S~ephen Schwartz/Baby Face 'Sung by Whitney Houston. a!"d Mariah ' :Carey'Copyright (e) 1998 by Arista . RecordslDream'Wor~s, LLC . :


'~'WHEN YOU Believe" appears on Doth Whitney, . fact, fear isJik:ely.to shout olit ifs:negative messages even Houston's new disc and the soundtrack from the film· ,louder! :' , : '. " . '''TJie prince: 9fE&YPY',H~~ston isjoined ~y pop,star, . Consequently, it is helpful to acknowle4ge what fear Mariah Carey on both verSIOns, Put these two together i~ ,saying 'within ·you. Give fear it,S 4ue. Then, focus' on'just about'any recording, and'a smash hifis born! squarely on the,vision that faith and hope reveal.' . . ' .. The song 'presents an important message:'The power . , For'example, let's say as a.teen you are dre'aming.of ofbelief m~es a huge difference in the quality of our lives. buying your first car. You glance through the pf\ces inthe , Your belief plays a large role in the course.of you!, life. paper, and fear immediately says: "You are crazy! Where , Fai~h take$ the opposite point ofyiew from that ex- are you going to get this kind of money?You can't haVe pressedin,the popu,lar saying, "I'll believ~ it when,I see a cat" Now yo~ ~ave a .c~~ice bet~e~n giving in to it!" The power offaith is not restricted by objective real- . fear s'message of ImpQsslblhty or faith s words about " ity. Rather, i.t creates that reality,., formulating a plan. If you choose ~he ~atter approach.. you . In the words of the song, ''There can be miracles when'· can admit to your fears but detennmcJust what you would , you believe; though' hOpe is frail, it's hard to kill; Who need to do to attain the needed m~ney,. . . . . knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe." Ahelpful way to strengthenthls chOIce IS to Imagme . The combination of hope and belief makes for power- . what it will be like to own this,car. rmagin~ the JOY of ful stuff! To access this power, we need to fas;e the other driving it. A~ much as possibl~, genuinely feel the whole human quality mentioned in the song, namely, fear. The experie~c~ ofachieving this goal as ifit were' happening , voice of fear shouts out that we cannot have what we ,right now, ., really want,. that our dreams are no mo....c than passing . In the biblical Sto~y on which ,the film is based, the fantasy. , • Israelites chose to peheve, even as they feared what the We have a choice between listening to this inner voice Egyptians might do to them. My example is far less seriof fear or focusing on the vision of faith. Not that this ous, but the powe~ of belief applies even to the more choice always makes fear disappear immediately. We may mundane parts of hfe. . . Ask God to help.you see w~at you really want m lIfe, genuinely focus on the belief necessary to make our dreams and goals c!Jme true, yet our fear might remain. In and then have the fmth to genumely pursue your dreams.



THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., Feb. 26, 1999

J'teering· pOintJ' ATTLEBORO - The musical group Spirit will perform at the La Salette Coffee House on Feb.. 27 at 6:30 p.m. All welcome. A healing service and Mass will be held on Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. at the Shrine's chapel. Father Andre Patenaude will lead the service which includes music an9 the opportunity for people to be prayed over and anointed individually. All welcoine. The Shrine will celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 7 at 6 p.m. with a dinner and show featuring the acoustic quartet The Dingle Regatta: Advanced registration is required. Call222-5410 for more information. I The Shrine's counseling center is loffering GriefEducation Programs for hose dealing with the death of a oved one. "Blessed Are Those Who. ourn" will be held on March 4; "Is !his Death God's Will?", March 18; fI~d "Hope: Grief's Best Music," flarch 25 from 1-2:30 p.m. Evening sessions will be held from 6:30-8 p.m.



Lent. The program "Growing Our Spirituality I," will be held on March 3; "Growing Our Spirituality If' on March 8 and ''The Passion Narratives II" on March 15. All programs begin at 7 p.m. For more information call 678-0873.

and include "Venting Alternatives" . on March 8 and Spirituality and Grief NORTH DARTMOUTH - The on March 22. For more information Fall River Diocesan Council of call the counseling center at 226-8220. Catholic Women is sponsoring a retreat for all women in the diocese CHATHAM A Lenten March 19-21 at the Family Life CenTriduum will be held at Holy Re- ter. Father Thomas M. Kocik will deemer Church on March 8. It will serve as retreat master. For registrabe conducted by Father William Kane tion information call Agnes Lyons at . • Md is themed "IfYou Only Knew the 362-6337. Gift of God." Masses for the Triduum will be held at II a.m. and 7 p.m. on NORTH DARTMOUTH- Jim Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. and Kathy McGinnis, founders and The sacrament of reconciliation will available following all Masses. All welcome. FAIRHAVEN - The Spiritual Life Commission ofSt. Mary's Parish will offer a free prayer workshop entitled "Eastern Spirituality and Icon Prayer" on March 23 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the church hall. AlI welcome. . NORTH ATTLEBORO - Sacred Heart·Church is offering several adult education opportunities during



FAX (508) 673-1545 .

.0'_ The Doon

directors of the Institute for Peace and Justice and creators of the Families Against Violence Advocacy Network, will speak at the Family Life Center'on March 9 at 7 p.m. They will offer ideas for parents, educators and those who work with families on . how to curb violent mentality and prevent violence. For more information call 999-6420. TAUNTON -A Mass sponsored by the Taunton District Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be celebrated March I at 7 p.m. in Holy Rosary Church for the intention of the canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam and in memory of deceased members. All welcome. The regular monthly meeting will

follow in the parish hall. TAUNTON - The St. Jacques Choir is looking for new members. Choir practice is held on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., in the church at 249 Whittenton St. For more information call Frank Wilhelm, choir director at 678-9649. All welcome. WAREHAM - The men of the Sacred Hearts Seminary and Retreat . House will host "Inner Transformation for Men and Women" on March 7 begInning with 9 a.m. Mass and ending with a holy hour at 6 p.m. All welcome. Guest speakers will include Fathers John Sweeney and Matthew Sullivan. For more information call 995-5609.

Religious educators called to lead with 'eyes o·f wisdom'

theme, "Lead with Eyes ofWisdom." who want us to slow down and from "Wisdom is perceiving and hon- those who want us to speed up." CATMOUC NEWS SERVICE Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. oring the other as other," said Fath.er LOS ANGELES - Seeking wis- Himes, "to understand that the Mahony said in a homily at the closdom at the Religious Education people around me are not my cre. ing liturgy that seeing with "eyes of Congress in the Los Angeles Arch- . ations, that they do not exist for my wisdom" means seeing "with the diocese is nothing new for the cat- purposes, that they have their own eyes of Jesus." "Everything we have done this echists from throughout the United goals and purposes. God is God, and States who attend the annual event. I am not. If we don't see with eyes of weekend, all we have seen and But the 22,000 who flooded the wisdom, we become teachers who heard, has invited us to draw closer Anaheim Convention Cen.ter and its are dictators, who insist on dupli: to the person of Jesus, and to see the . surrounding hotels last weekend cating ourselves in others. And there .world through his eyes, the eyes of . were reminded that wisdom is much is nothing more destructive than wisdom," Cardinal Mahony added. more than facts and data: It is also that." "Once we are committed to doing In an opening address, Religious that, the hard part of our ministry understanding, compassion and, in Sister of Charity Edith Prendergast, becomes much easier." some ways, conversion. "Wisdom .is a gift of ,the Holy director of the ar~hdiocesan Office The three-day gathering offered Spirit, having the capacity to see of Religious Education, pointed out more than 200 workshops on spirisomeone or something for who and that in ministry, "great challenges" tuality, classroom instruction, perwhat it is, to know where it comes comeJrom the fact that "the Church sonal growth, worship, social issues, from and where it is going," said is confronted by various theologies, family life and a wide range of other Father Michael Himes, professor of ideologies, misunderstandings, topics. More. than a dozen liturgies theology at Boston College, in his even disagreements. We see pressure - eucharistic celebrations and keynote address on the congress from the left and right, from those prayer services - were held.


Church. r~cognizes 1987 .healing at Lourdes shrin~




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theancholS> Media For A New Millennium

OpenYo.or Hearts to Ch'rist . Catholic Press Month 1999 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT C, OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY GLOBE MANUFACTURING COMPANY • FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY WALSH PHARMACY· DURO FINISHING CORPORATION

Church officials declare the genuineness of paralyzed man's complete cure. By CATMOUC NEWS SERVICE

LOURDES, France - Church authorities declared that a "sudden and complete" healing of a paralyzed man occurred at the Marian shrine at Lourdes 12 years ago. Bishop Claude Dagens of Angouleme announ<;,ed the Catholic Church's official recognition of the healing in a statement at the shrine last week. "In the name of the Church, I hereby recognize publicly the genuine character of the healing of which Mr. Jean-Pierre Bely was the beneficiary at Lourdes on Friday, Oct. 9, 1987: This 'healing, which was sudden and complete, is a personal gift of God for this man and an effective sign ofGod who is savior, and which was accomplished through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes," . said Bishop Dagens. Bely, who lives in the Diocese of Angouleme, was not present at the press conference. However, remarks he made in an earlier interview were made available. "At Lourdes,"· he said, "I had the

distinct impression of complete for- duty-bound to submit his case to giveness, filled with gentleness. the Lourdes Medical Office. "It is as if God wiilked at me," he "I couldn't keep this sign all to myself," he said, adding that the said. Bely, now 63, lives in a small physical healing was accompanied house in La Couronne, a village of by "an interior healing," which he 2,000 inhabitants on the outskirts attributes to the sacrament of recof Angouleme. onciliation. In 1984 he was diagnosed with The official examination of multiple sclerosis. By 1987 he was Bely's case took II years. Approximately 2,000 cases per year are recompletely paralyzed. In the interview, he said he came ported to the Medical Office at to Lourdes "bed-ridden and on a Lourdes, which, since 1998 has stretcher." . . . been under the direction of Dr. Jean He took part in the traditional Theiller. October Rosary Pilgrimage at Theiller heads a team of doctors Lourdes, part of which was the sac- who examine these cases thorrament of reconciliation, and then, oughly'to check three key features: on the final morningofthe pilgrim- that a genl,line, verifiable healing age, the sacrament of the anointing has taken place; that the healing is of the sick. lasting and effective; and that there He felt what he described as "a is no "natural" or'''medical'' explasensation of coldness" then "a nation for the healing. gentle warmth" that seemed to fill Mos(cases are dismissed fairly his whol~ body, quickly, but of the 6,500 that medi"Later, I tqok my first steps, just cal experts have pursued, some like a baby who is learning to walk," 2,500 were finally declared as "extraordinary" by the medical team. he added. He said he chose not to make a Of the 2,500 cases that were fuss "for the sake. of all the other judged "extraordinary" by the sick people who were there." He medical experts, only 66 passed the stayed in his wheelchair and waited hurdle of the canonical examinauntil he was reunited in the privacy tion. of his family with his wife and two - The most recent miracle had children before revealing what had been that of a 12-year-old Sicilian girl, Cirolli Delizia, that was rechappened . . Bely, a former nurse, said he felt ognized in 1989.

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