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The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the sour, Sure and Frrm--St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Feb. 27, 1975 'RICE 15c Vol. 19, No.9 © 1975 The Anchor $5.00 per Jur

Reply to Rev. Kenneth Claus (The Rev. Mr. Claus is a Fall River minister who has urged his congregation not to be intimidated by the "moral rulings and dictates of the Roman Catholic Church" on the abortion issue. Following delivery of his sermon, "A Christian Case for Abortion," he left for a skiing vacation.) --Kenneth, you cannot ski away from God, Nor from His Son, who said, It is not the will Of your Father who is· in heaven, That one of tr~se little ones should perish. Kenneth, you are good. You anguish over babies born To "a childhood of hate, bitterness, resentment and abuse." You cry out at injustice done To women denied "their natural freedom to make choices." You want abortion, Kenneth. It is the easy answer. If we can klil the fetus

Who faces loveless life, Why can't we kill the two-year-old, The 'broken, battered child? Why can't we kill the teen-age junkie Whose life is hell on earth, For whom the counselors and clinics Have abandoned any hope? TURN TO PAGE THREE

Sister Elizabeth Principal Of Bishop Gerrard High Sister Elizabeth McAuliffe, R.S.M. has been appointed principal of Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, for theacademic year 1975-76, according to an announcement by the Diocesan Catholic Education Department. She will succeed Sister Mary Sylvia Rice, R.S.M. who has been principal of the school since its operling in 1971 as a merger of three girls' academies. Sister Elizabeth is the daugh-


ter of Mr. and Mrs. David McAuliffe, 209 Summer Street, Providence, R.I. A graduate of St. Patrick High School, Providence, she holds an A.B. degree in chemistry from Salve Regina College. She will be awarded a master's degree in chemistry from the University of New Hampshire this summer. For the past four years, the newly-appointed principal has . taught in the science department at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. A member of the New England Chemistry Teachers Association, she is Moderator of· the Medical Careers Program at Feehan. She also serves as mod· erator of freshman cheerleaders, assemblies director, a·nd a member of the Feehan Faculty Council. Before coming to the Fall River Diocese, Sister Elizabeth taught at the Tyler School in Providence for three years. In serving as the second principal of Bishop Gerrard High School, -Sister Elizabeth hopes to build upon the educational foundations already laid at Gerrard by the present faculty and administration.


Pope During Retreat Speaks to. Pilgrims Members of the Fall River DIocesan Holy Year Pilgrimage led by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin were among visitors to Rome for whom Pope Paul interrupted a week-long spiritual retreat to hold a general audience. As bright spring sunlight glanced off the helmets and halberds of the Swiss Guard, Pope Paul first addressed a group of Italian soldiers accompanied by their chaplains. Then he spoke to pilgrims from all countries. According to well-informed sources in the Vatican, this was the first time Pope Paul had broken a retreat for a general audience. "The Pope thought that pilgrims to Rome this Holy Year would be disappointed if he did not greet them," one of the sources said. The Pope in his brief talk said: "Participation in the spiritual

exercises which are taking place in the Vatican these dliYS does not permit us to grant much time to our customary weekly meeting with the faithful. "So accept, dear children, these brief greetings of ours which come from our heart, with great affection and spontaneity. Know that the Pope is always spiritually close to you, prays for you and invokes from heaven even greater grace." Among pilgrims from the United States, in addition to those from Fall River, were members of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith from the dioceses of Pittsburgh and Greensburg, Pa.; Wheeling, W.Va.; Des Moines, Iowa, and Newark, N.J. Pilgrims took part ,in,. Masses as a group at the altar of St. Pius X in St. Peter's Basilica; the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Mary Major; St.

Form Bicentennial Group For Diocesan Activity In implementing on the diocesan level the recent decisions of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding the involvement of the Catholic Church in activities related to the celebration of- the 200th Birthday of the Nation, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has given his approval and endorsement to the establishment of an official Diocesan Committee For the Bicentennial. . The members of this Committee are: Rev. George W. Coleman, Assistant Pastor of the Parish of Our Lady of Victory,

Centervillej Rev. Edward E. Correia, Chairman of the Peace and Justice Committee of the Diocesan Senate of Priests; Mr. Alvaro Duarte, President of the Portuguese Youth Cultural Organization of Fall River; Rev. Gilles Genest, M.S. Assistant ProvinCial of the LaSalette Missionaries, Attleboro; Mr. V. Vincent Gerardi, Diocesan President of the St. Vincent de Paul Society; Mrs. Richard Paulson, Diocesan President of the Council of Catholic Women; Sister'M. Theresa Sparrow, R.S.M., Coordinator for Turn to Pllge Three

John Lateran; North American College; St. Paul Outside the Walls. On the Sunday of their pilgrimage, they gathered in the breezy entranceway of St. Peter's basilica. Then, after praying together, they followed Bishop Cronin through the Holy Door that had been opened last Christmas Eve by Pope Paul VI. Later in the day, they received the Papal Blessing from the Pope at noon. The Fall River pilgrims returned to the United States last Saturday.

Set Applications For Diocesan Grade Schools All the Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Fall River will receive applications for new students and transfer students on Sunday, March 2, and Sunday, March 9. Parents wishing to enroll a child or obtain information should go to the school of their choice on either day between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. For a child entering school for the first time parents should bring a birth or baptismal certificate. For transfer students parents should bring a copy of the child's last report card. Registration will be held at the Taunton Catholic Middle School on Sunday, March 2, and Sunday, March 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. Parents and prospective students are invited to tour the school at that time. Space is available for transfer students from public schools,


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Cardinal Krol Says Boston Verdict Not on Abortionl' But Manslaughter

Catholic Adult Education 'Still Work of Periodicals' HUNTINGTON (NC)-In 1974 ing nine in Canada and the there were 434 Catholic news- West Indies), an increase of four papers and magazines in the from last year. They have a cirU.S., Canada, and the West In- culation of 5,206,946. There are dies, according to John F. Fink, 282 Catholic magazines, an inpresident of the Catholic Press crease of five from last year, Association (CPA) and executive with a circulation of 17,560,310. vice president of Our Sunday Vis- The total circulation of these 434 litor, Huntington, Ind., largest . publications is 22,767,256 with even greater readership as cop'ies C:'ltbolic weekly in the U.S. The number, he said, was nine are passed along from one memmore than in the previous year. ber of a Catholic family to anInterviewed for the Feb. 23 other. issue of Our Sunday Visitor, Fink "The Catholic press is more argued that the Catholic Press important than ever before," is needed today llJore than ever Fink concluded. before for several reasons. He po'inted out that recent changes in the Church made it important for adult Catholics to continue their religious education. Yet the number ·of 'People VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope who watch religious program- Paul VI officially recognized ming on TV is small, be said. newly elected Maronite-rite PaAdult education is still the work triarch Antoine Pierre Khorakhe of the periodicals. of Antioch in a telegram expressIs Indispensable ing his pleasure over the elecSince recent professional surtion. veys show that Catholics cannot The recognition ,is known as be well informed about their the extension of ecclesial comChurch through the secular me- munion by a Pope following the dia, he said, the Catholic paper election of an Eastern-rite Patriis indispensable. It is also the arch. most effective pastoral aid for "We learn with great joy that the price available to a pastor, your beatitude has been canonihe said. cally elected by the Maronite "It simply is impossible for Episcopal Synod to the' patriunderstand the archal See of Antioch of the anyone to Church's teachings and be well Maronites," wrote Pope Pau!. informed about diocesan, nation"While congratulating your al, and international Church news without reading a diocesan beatitude on this happy occasion, and a national Catholic news- we willingly accept the request for ecclesial communion and 'tbe paper," Fink said. "Des;>ite this, many people gift of the pallium made by your are surprised to learn that there beatitude and by the synodal are a total of 434 Catholic news- fathers." Pope Paul added: "We wish papers and magazines in the United States and Canada. and also to inform your beat'itude that number increased last year. that he may as of now carry out "There are 152 Catholic news- all acts inherent to the position papers in North America (includ- without waiting for the pallium to be conferred on him." Patriarch Khoraiche was electCPA Directors ed on Feb. 3, and installed Feb. 9. NEW YORK (NC) - Robert L. Fenton, publisher of the Catholic Digest, Lana Duke, adver- Vatican Schedules tising director of the Clarion Beatifications Herald of New Orleans; and ReVATICAN CITY (NC) -The Father Norman demptorist Vatican announced Jan. 24 that Muckerman, business manager ceremonies for the beatifications of Liguorian magazine, have of Bishop Charles de Mazenod been elected members of the and Mother Teresa Ledochowboard of directors of the Cathol'ic ska will take place in St. Peter's Press Association (CPA). Fenton Basilica Oct. 19, World Missionhas been a board member and ary Day. is currently CPA treasurer. Miss Bishop De Mazenod was Duke and Father Muckerman are born in 1782 at Aix-en-Provence, new members of the board. France, and became a priest in . 1811. As a young priest he Necrology founded a society of rural missioners which became the germ MAR. 7 Rev. Arthur P. J. Gagnon, of the Oblates of Mary Immac1958, Pastor, Holy Rosary, New ulate, now a worldwide missionary congregation numbering Bedford close to 6,000 members. He beMAR. 9 Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon, V.G., came bishop of Marseilles, '1947-, Pastor, St. James, New France, in 1837 and died in Bedford-3rd Vicar GeneraI.Fall 1861. River 1934-47 Vcncentians Meet MAR. 12 Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, 1961, Following 7 p.m. Mass at ImPastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River maculate Conception Church, Fall River, on Tuesday, March .4, members of the Greater Fall River Council of ·U-.·e Society of THE ANCHOR St. Vincent de Paul will hold Second Class Postage Paid at .,11 Il;.er, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 a business session. Antone PaHighland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 checo, council president, notes by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall that organization assessments River. SUbscription price by mail, pO$tp~,d are now due. 55.00 per year.

Pope Recognizes Patriarch


Marks 50 Years At Espirito Santo Members of Espirito Santo parish, Fan River, are preparing to honor a lady with the same name. She is Miss Mary Espirito Santo Cabral, who has taught the parochial school's pre-primary class for 50 years, introducing some 2,000 children to the world of learning in that time. Miss Cabral will be guest of honor at the 11 a.m. Mass at Espirito Santo on Sunday, April 6. It will be concelebrated by priests of the parish and by former students of Miss Cabral who are now priests. A reception and dinner will follow at White's restaurant. Former Students Former students of Miss Cabral and parishioners have joined in planning the event, led by Jobn L. Pontes, chairman, Evelyn Vincent, secretary and John Rapoza, treasurer. Master of ceremonies for the reception will be Octave Leite and ticket commit· tee chairman is Jesse Vieira, who notes that tickets are limited and will not be available at the door. Reservations may be made with Pontes at telephone 6783109; Vieira, 673-4094; or Miss Vincent, 679-3550.

Set Ecumenical Press Meetin'g NEW YORK (NC) - Forum 75, the joint national convention of the Catholic Press Association (CPA) and the Associated Church Press (ACP), the association of Protestant and Orthodox journalists, is to be held at the Roosevelt Hotel here from May 13-16. Paulist Father Thomas E. Comber, CPA national convention chairman, in announcing the convention, said: "We expect almost 500 participants who represent every phase of the CPA/ACP religious pub· lishing in a unique annual national opportunity to meet people who not only do, but do well." Over 30 professional workshops aimed at every phase of religious publishing have been prepared, Fatber Comber said.

Coughlin Funeral Home Inc. 308 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael J. Coughlin


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PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The "Some have expressed concern Boston jury's verdict that Dr. that tr.·~ decision may inhibit Kenneth C. Edelin, a Boston abortion. We' pray to God that physician, was guilty of man- it will and that at least some slaugbter 'is not surprising," human lives may be saved." he said Cardinal John Krol of Phil- said. adelphia in a statement issued In related' comment, the chief public affairs officer of the U.S. here. "The issue," Cardinal Krol bishops has critioized "the barsaid, "was not one of abortion rage of innuendo and unfounded but of destruction of human life accusation directed against the following an abortion . . . The Catholic community by many jury is saying that a doctor has of the media" in their coverage no right to kill an aborted fetus of the Boston trial. that iis alive." In his statement Russell Shaw, The Philadelphia prelate, for- secretary for public affairs of mer president of the National tbe National Conference of CathConference of Catholic Bishops, olic Bishops and U.S. Catholic released his statement to the Conference (NCCB-USCC), depress Feb. 15, a few bours after clined to comment on the verdkt the jury declared Dr. Edelin itself. But he suggested that "some gUJiIty of manslaugher in connection with a legal abortion he per- . of the media invested so much formed at Boston City Hospital of their prestige in predicting Dr. Edelin's acquittal that they Oct. 3, 1973. are now unable to restrain their The jury agreed with the prosat those whom they hold fury ecution's contention that Dr. responsible for his conviction. Edelin was guilty of criminal conduct that resulted in the Professing concern that justice death of a "24-week-old male be served, they apparently think child" after separating the child little of Jmpugning tbe integrity from the mother in a surgical of the jurors and the Catholic community in genera!." abortion. Shaw said abortion is '-a senMade by Peers sitive and divisive issue in the The verdict, Cardinal Krol United States today . . . which said, "was made by peers who calls for calm and reasoned dishad no choQice except to base cussion." their decision on the compelling By fostering anti-Catholic senevidence presented in the case." timent "as I believe they have He added: done in their coverage of the "This case mustrates the full Edelin trial," he said, the media impact of the U.S. Supreme "do the entire country a grave Court decision (on abortion in disservice." January, 1973). The lack of respect for human life is not conMonogram Club fined to the unborn child but is The Monogram. Club of Coyle being extended to the child after separat,ion from its mother, even and Cassidy High School, Taunas it was extended in Japan fol- ton, .will sponsor its annual St. lowing legalization of abortion. Patrick's Day dinner-dance at Nothing short of a return to total the school auditorium on the respect for human life, born and corner of Hamilton and Adams Streets from 6:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. unborn, will eliminate abuses. Saturday, March 15. A prize of a Cherry Blossom Festival trip Jesuits Elect to Washington, D.C. will be ROME (NC) - The 32nd Jesu- awarded and proceeds from the ·it general .congregation now evening will benefit the high meeting here reelected (Feb. 15) school's athletic program. No an American, Father Vincent tickets will be available at the O'Keefe, as one of the four door. general assistants of the society and also approved an eight-year maximum term for these general assistants. Father O'Keefe, 55, Funeral Home studied theology at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 550 Locust Street and took a doctorate in theology Fall River, Mass. at the Gregorian University here. 672-2391 He taught theology at Woodstock College, Md., before beRose E. Sullivan coming rector-president of FordJeffrey E. SuIliva.l ham University in New York.


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Thurs., Feb. 27, 1975

Reply to Rev. Kenneth Claus


CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Why can't we kill For whom no cure Why can't we kill Who sit and wait

the cancer-ravaged will come? the sad-eyed old for death?

You shudder? But why? The killing is not less Because the innocent in the womb Lacks speech to beg for mer'cy. The fault, dear Kenneth, is not with you, But with our plastic, made-to-order world That has shaped each of us, That teaches us to 'abhor the inconvenient, the unpleasant, That makes us contemplate with equanimity The killing of a creature in-dear God!-His image. Let us think again: Of would-be parents yearning To nurture a small life, Who wait for years and often vainly To cherish someone else's child. Let us dream bolder dreamsNot of murder and of blood, But of a new earth Where men more easily could be good. Where your church, our church. All of us who fail so much, Could join to shout the gospel message Of life, more life, abundant life. Let us join together, Kenneth, To look behind the easy answer And find the lasting good. What word have we for the journey, We members of a thorn-crowned Head? Not that the way is easy. Only that it is right. -Pat McGowan (Mrs. Owen P.)

Form Bic·entennial Group Continued from Page One Religious Education, Diocesan Department of Education; Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Director, Di· ocesan Department of Social Services and S;>ecial Apostolates, Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee. The principal tasks of this Planning Committee will be twofold-to provide for: (1) a diocesan wide orientation at all age and socio-economic levels, geared to the formation and sensitizing of Catholic consciences in the moral area of social justice; this

Chavez: to Participate In Ordination FRESNO (NC) - The episcopal ordination of Auxiliary Bishop-Elect Roger M. Mahony of Fresno will take place here on March 19. He has taken as his episcopal motto "To Reconcile God's People," and reconciliation will be the theme of the ordination ceremonies. Highlighting the theme is the fact that among the offertory gift bearers are Mr. and Mrs~ Cesar Chavez and Mr. and Mrs. John Giumarra, Jr. The latter is a leading spokesman of California grape growers, and his group last year refused to renew contracts with the Chavez-led United Farm Workers of America and signed with the Teamsters Union. Another highlight of the ceremony will be a special collection for the hungry people of the world, the proceeds from which will be immediately sent for disbursement to Catholic Relief Services. overseas aid agency of U.S. CathQlics.

orientation will culminate in a grassroots survey of the diocese during the late fall of 1975; (2) appropriate programs and celebrations of the Bicentennial on a diocesan level during 1976, along with the formulation of guidelines to assist parishes and institutions in establishing or being properly involved in Bicentennial Committees of a Catholic, ecumenical and civic nature. 'The theme for the Bicentennial for the Catholic Community throughout the Country is "liberty and Justice for All." In addition to participating fully in the patriotic celebrations of our nation's 200th Birthday, a specific goal of the Church is to arrive at both a Catholic expression of the meaning of "Liberty and Justicse for All" and to form a unit· ed commitment to courses of action which will be advocated by the American Bishops during the next decade. The Diocesan Committee will hold its first meeting within the next few weeks.

Neurosis Side 'by side with the decline of religious 'life, the neuroses grow noticeably more frequent. -Jung


Prelate Urges Self-Sacrifice NEW YORK (NC) - Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans. appearing on the American Broadcasting Company's morning TV show, "AM America," told a nationwide audience that the "best cure for America" is the spil1it of self-sacrifice. The program interview with ABC correspondent Jim Kincaid . took place in historic St. Louis Cathedral in New Orelans after scenes showing the city's Mardi Gras parade. Archbishop Hannan deplored the exploitation of the occasion and said Mardi Gras was "in danger of degradation" from the original pre-Ash Wednesday idea of a "wholesome family picnic" before Lent. . Start of Hope "We need an emphasis on the spirit of self-sacrifice . . . The acknowledgement of sin is the PORTRAIT PAINTER: Father Roger Croteau' of Man- beginning of hope," he said. chester, N.H., shows his portrait of Bishop Odore Gendron, Archbishop Hannan noted that who was ordained bishop Feb. 3. The priest-artist, who recognition of sin and man's dehas had several one-man art shows, is a member of the pendence on God have been refpoints for such diverse diocese's marriage tribunal, is involved in psychological erence authors as Dr. Karl Menninger, counseling, and is a certified graphoanalyst (handwnting the psychiatrist; Abraham linexpert). NC Photo. coln, and the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He suggested that at the start of the U.S. hicentennial and while an economic recession faces the country "the self-sacrifice of Lent is good, not only for CINCINNATI (NC) - Make the .possibility that He may not our personal good, but also for Jesus your partner in everything give you the answer you are our national good." you do, Archbishop Joseph L. looking for because you have Bernardin of Cincinnati coun- asked the wrong question?" Prayer seled Catholic press officials last "The effectiveness of your The purpose of prayer is to week. ministry, which is one of making leave us alone with God. He celebrated Mass and known to all people through the -Baeck preached the homily at a Mass written word the good news of Feb. 20 in Mercy center here for our salvation in Christ Jesus, is representatives of more than 40 dependent to a significant degree Catholic newspapers and maga- on your own faith, your own zines taking part in a circula- spirit and attitude," the archPLUMBING & HEATING, INC. tion management seminar spon- bishop said. sored by the Catholic Press AsSales and Service ~. for Domestic "Only if you are close to the sociation. and Industrial "You are in the communica- Lord," he said, "only if you have Oil Burners tion business," Archbishop Ber- incarnated in your own life both .995-1631 nardin said, "but do you per- the sermon and message of 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE sonally communicate with the Jesus will. you become effective NEW BEDFORD Lord? Do you put yourself in instruments." His hands, sharing with Him all your needs, hopes and aspirations as you perceive them?" DAILY INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNTS "And then," he added, "instead of going off on your own before He has a chance to respond, do PER ANNUM you really listen to Him? .Are you open to what He might have to say to you? Are you open to Interest Earned From Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal

Archbishop Advises Newsmen To Communicate With God


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TH~ ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Lecture Tonight On World Hunger

Fundamentals Bicentennial literature and declarations have called for the people of this nation to get back to the fundamentals. This seems to be the yearning in the hearts of many. Perhaps this is one of the reasons behind the nostalgia "kick" that so many people are on. There is a great deal of talk about "the good old days." Of course, when the present age of recession starts to look a bit like the good old days of the depression, then all of a sudden the re-creation doesn't seem quite so good any more. But what does seem to be bothering people is that all . the technology and all the sophistication and all the wonders of the present age have still not brought about peace in the hearts of men and a lessening of crime on the streets and the calming of worried minds. Presumably, the fundamentals are those of honesty and integrity and the value of the individual and concern for the common good. All well and good. But there must also be the realization that these are moral values and so must come about by a renewal in the hearts of individuals and communities. Is there or will there be a commitment to honesty in private and public life? Will the politician and the businessman and the worker and each individual pledge himself, herself to honesty in even the smallest area of activity? The problem is a moral one. Is there or will there be a commitment to the sacredness of the individual-every individual, unborn and born, vocal or silent, aging or in the vitality of youth, working for society or looking to society for support? Will the phrase "quailty of life" be used as the scales to decide who will live and who will die, or will it become rather the goal for which: society exists, the challenge to provide each one of its members with a life of quality. It fs only when people take a hard look at these issues and come to conclusions, some of which may not agree with their own feelings and desires, that there will be a getting back to fundamentals, not by nostalgic thinking about these but in reality, by incorporating them into daily thinking and acting. .

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""Can he make if!"

Lansing Priests Asked to Fast




St. William's ChurCh

With a Difference Once again, registration for Catholic elementary schools is coming up. Parents would be well advised to ask themselves what they want for their sons and daughters. Catholic schools, like all schools, will provide their children with the basic skills of reading and writing and arithmetic. Without resorting to fads or experiments, Catholic schools, like all good schools, are concerned that students grow intellectually and become good citizens, able to live in the community and give to the community and taking a positive place in community life. But there is a difference. Catholic schools are committed to give something more, to do something more. Catholic schools believe that the person is' made by God in His image and made to live in this life and to pass through this life to the life that is to come. Catholic schools believe that education is concerned with the whole person, his soul as well as his mind, his values as well as his spelling and math. The province of school is truth, the whole truth, the truths of God as well as the truths of God's creation. The Catholic school recognizes this and provides for this. Its aim it to teach children the whole truth, to ground them in the truths of God, to inspire them to live these truths in the goodness of their lives, and to reach out and show the results of this inner conviction by helping others. Here is schooling with a difference.

The Signs of Our Times The barrage of "anti-Catholic" bias and bigotry that was let loose by the public news media as a result ot the so called Edelin trial should be fair warning to the comfortable passive Catholic. So many of our fellow religionists have developed a false sense of security that has lulled anger on fellow Americans who hap:-en to be Catholics. There them into -thinkng that the can be little doubt that much of sting of the WASP was a the news media coverning the thing of the past. Well now they can see and hear for themselves that a basic' fundamental bias toward that Catholic Church is still alive and well in this land. Of course it has assumed a new disguise. Today, trotting liberalism and the repetitious politics of tbe left have taken over where the cross burners have left off. in their prejudice and partial predeterminations. Under the guise of a "free" news media, the old taunts and jeers have once more been revived. Taken back by the Edelin verdict, elements of the news media seemingly could only vent their

Edelin case was openly and defiantly anti-Catholic in sentiment, in print and in reporting. Russell Sbaw, s,ecretary of public affairs of the United States Catholic Conference and National Conference of Catholic Bishops, expressed his dismay at what he feels was the media's religious overtones in the coverage of the Edelin case. Mr. Shaw, in his prepared statement, made reference to the fact that the news media made frequent suggest.ive references to the jury's ethnic and religious background and that one reporter went so far as to find out the jurors' parish affiliation.

Insidious Manner of Reporting


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ASSISTANT MANAGERS Rev. John R. Foister Re'l. John P. Driscoll .....,leary Press-Fall Rive:

EASTON-Continuing its lecture series on world famine, the Stonehill College Institute of Justice and Peace will present Dr. Martin M. McLaughlin, senior fellow of the Overseas Development Council in Washington, who will speak at 8 tonight on "Food and the World Order" at tbe college. Dr. McLaughlin was formerly Deputy Director of the Office of International Training of the U.S. Agency for International Development and has also served as a political and cultural officer in the State Department. Other speakers in the series will be Howard R. Cottam, former Ambassador to Kuwait and presently Regional Director of the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organization, Wednesday, March 5, and Dr. Jean Mayer, Professor of Nutrition at Harvard's School of Public Health, Wednesday, March 12. During Lent the student government and the campus ministry of Stonehill will also sponsor fasts to help the famine stricken in a practical way.

Of course the jurors in the Edelin case were not the only victims of published anti-Catholic fears but the judge himself became the obpect of religious scorn. A reporter for the Boston Globe felt it necessary to consider that the presiding justice in the case had the obvious drawback of his religion. This pa~er even felt that it must also let people be aware of the fact that Judge McGuire was a "church going Catholic." It seems that

the news media can express its own subjective bias in a deceptive and insidious manner, having little regard for the basic attitudes that are so necessary in objective reporting. Such attitudes and methods of reporting only have one object in mind, namely, the fostering of anti-Catholic sentiment. In their so-called zeal to see to it that justice is well served much of the news media has little concern for the integr路ity and recti-

LANSING (NC) - The Priests' Senate of the Diocese of Lansing has urged the 177 priests of the 10-county diocese to observe two days of fast each week through the rest of the Holy Year. The senate unanimously approved a resolutioh committing the 16-member Priests' Senate to the fasting pledge and asked other priests of the diocese to consider a liike pledge "to exercise leadership in their parishes in proposing a day of fasting as a means of personal holiness and of creating awareness of our responsihilities to the crisis of world hunger." The senate encouraged those fasting to direct their savings an food and money toward efforts of ministering to the needs of the hungry. The senate based its action on the November 1974 statement on the world food crisis issued by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. "It is through this kind of action that we rediscover the purpose of the Church's law about penance, which ,is to make us aware of the suffering of 'others," Father Matthew Fedeus, senate president, said. tude of the Catholic community. Tbey seem to fail to realize that this in itself is also an injustice. Thus let the Catholic community be on its guard and activate its own campaign to defend its own civil and constitutional rights and freedoms. The leadership of the Church, the Archbishops and Bishops, of this land should not be fearful and hesitant to uphold by every means of their office and position, nationally and' locally, the fundamental liberties of the Catholic Church in America. The Catholic news media should not falter -in courageously pointing out obvious cases of anti-Catholic sentiment. And every person who is a member of the Catholic Church in these United States should read well with caution and care these signs of our times.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Asks Comments on Ammunition WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has called for public comments on a proposal to ban the sale of hand gun ammunition. The commission had previously refused to ask for comments on the proposal, but was ordered to do so ,last December by a U.S. district court here. The commission said ammunition was one of several products - including ,gasoline and automobiles - which were specifically excluded from its work by the law which created the commission.

PRESENT GHEON PLAY: "The Way of the Cross," a play by Fr.ench dramatist Henri Gheon, will be presented at 4 P.M. every Sunday during Lent in the chapel of La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Participating are members of the drama club of Bishop Feehan High School and Brother Raymond Tetreault, M.S. From left are Feehanites Linda Adinolfi, Francis Basile, Michael Demers and Robyn Gauthier' as they prepare for rehearsal. Admission to the program is free.


Dear friend, Who cares about Holy Land refugees? Who cares if the baby born tonight in a refugee tent will have a clean t;>lanket? . Who cares if eager breadwinners deprived of their livelihoods can be re·trained for new jobs?

Rabbi Keynoter at NCEA Convention WASHINGTON (NC) - The 72nd annual convention of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), whose theme is "Seeking a Just Society," is to be held in Atlantic City, N.J., from March 31 to April 3. Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, dirl'ctor of national interreligious affairs of the American Jewish Committee. will give the keynote address at the first official meeting of the association on opening day. Rabbi Tanenbaum is a religious historian and authority on Judaism and Jewish·Christian relations. He attended the Second Vati· can Council and was consulted during the deliberation that led to the council's Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions. Rabbi Tanenbaum's keynote address will be preceded by tho::

convention's opening liturgy concelebrated by Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of Camden, in whose diocese Atlantic City is located, and the other bishops of New Jersey. Archbishop Peter Gerety of Newark is to be the homilist. Among the principal speakers at the convention will be: -Cesar Chavez, founder and president of the United Farm Workers, AFL-CIO, whose efforts to improve the wages and working conditions of U.S. farm workers were enoorsed in 1973 by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops; -Archbishop Robert Sanchez of Santa ,Fe., N.M., on "The Dilemma of the Spanish-speaking Vocation;" -Rep. Leonor K. Sullivan (D.-Mo.), addressing the Special Educational Department on the topic "Equal Partners;" -Dr. Ruth Holloway, director

Washington State Moves Toward Aid to Nonpublic Schools OLYMPIA (NC) - The Washington state House of Representatives has passed a proposed state constitutional amendment which would allow non public school students in the state to participate in state and federal. programs that assist students. The House passed the proposed amendment by a vote of 86 to 10 with two representatives not vot· ing. Proponents of the amendment said its purpose is to ease the "restrictive language" in the state constitution which now pre· vents non public school students from receiving benefits permitted under the U.S. Constitution. They noted that non public school students in other states already receive these benefits. The proposed amendment has now been sent to the Constitution and Election Committee of the st<lte Senate. If passed by

of the U.S. Office of Education's Right to Read Program; -Marilyn Van Derbur, adjunct assistant dean for student affairs at the University of Denver, a former Miss America and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Colorado, appointed by former President Nixon in 1973 to the President's Advisory Council on Adult Education; -Norbertine Father Alfred McBride, oirector of the National Forum of Religious Educators at NCEA, speaking on evangelization; -Father J. Bryan Hehir, associate secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference for international justice and peace, on "The Catholic High School- and the Bicentennial." Among the new features of the 1975 convention is the suggestion of the NCEA Convention Planning Committee that all convention delegates give up one meal during the convention and contribute the cost of that meal to Catholic Relief Services: the overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics. to help alleviate worla hunger. Special envelopes for donations will be provide{) and collection points .,set up.

the Senate and signed by the governor, the bill would be submitted to the voters in the next statewide general election. Gov. Daniel J. Evans, a Republican, has endorsed the measMore than 10,000 persons ure. are expected to attend the conRep. Walt Knowles (D-Spo- vention. The entire exposition of kane), a member of the House educational and other materials Constitution and Elections· Com- and most of the convention initte;e who managed the bill on meetings will be held in Atlantic its way through the committee, City's modernized and recently Convention Hall. said the amendment "is neces- expanded sary in order to carry out what- About 413 .exhibit booths have has in the past been legislative already been reserved. intent." Nine previous NCEA convenHe added: "The legislature rec- tions have been held in Atlantic ognizes it is a constitutional re- City, more than have been held quirement to provide ample edu- in any other city. cation for all the children in the The Catholic Audio-Visual Edstate." ucators Association, the CathoHe noted that Washington lic Business Education Associataxpayers are saving money be- tion, and the National Catholic cause they are not taxed for the Music Educators Association will education of about 45,000 chil- also hold their meetings during dren in non public schools. the NCEA c':''1vention.

The committee said the Consumer Product Safety Commission should consider the ammunition ban because ammunition fits into two categories under the commission's jurisdiction-a "hazardous substance" under the definition of the Hazardous Substances Act of 1960 and under the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 because bullets "present an unreasonable risk of injury and no feasible standard would protect the public." The commission will accept public comments through April 14. Its address is P.O. Box 8137, Washington, D.C., 20024.



Who cares about the orphans of war? Our Holy Father cares. Ever since these wars began, our Pontifical Mission for Palestine has been caring in practical terms: . shoes, blankets, hot meals, medicine, new houses, new classrooms, self·help family loans, re·training, scholarships. The world is beginning to care a lot about the hazard to everyone's peace in the - unsettled status of 1,800,000 Holy Land refugees. While diplomacy remains boggled, your priests, nuns and lay workers are feeding. healing, teaching, mending the peace person-by·person-by. caring where it counts. We believe that you care too. About shivering children, about Christ's homeland, about peace, about thp. humane thing. The headlines of recurring crises in the Holy Land will not let your caring rest. We beg you to invest in people who need you, with the handy coupon below. Your gift will go to work right away. And thanks for caring, Monsignor Nolan


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Our Holy Father has proclaimed 1975 as a Holy Year. He encourages more Pilgrimages to Rome arid the Holy Land during this time of reconcilia· tion. In keeping with his wishes, Catholic Near East is sponsoring two-week tours for just $978 per person. Write for information.



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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975


Eunice Shriver Urges Support For Adult Aids

Passio'n, Death Affect Mary? Last week I speculated what the first "Lent" might have been like for the Blessed Mother. But what of Christ's passion and death . . . how did that affect her? When He went to celebrate the Passover with His friends, did she ask herself, "Why couldn't He come share Passover with . . . her offering herself in His place . . . or fiercely trying to me? Why did those twelve save Him. who follow Him? If He wantSo she wasn',t there . . . but ed to bring them home, I would have fixed a meal for all of them. . . ." And not hearing from Him


for the Passover, did she have doubts about what He was doing? Did she wonder why He couldn't just settle down, and obey the law as it had been written? Would it have been so difficult to just follow the precepts the way they had been for centuries? Why was He always preaching about love instead of following the law? Things He said made some of the elders angry. Where Was She?

The Gospels make no mention of Mary from the beginning of the passion, all the way to the end . . . except in John. He mentions that she was at the Crucifixion. So where was she during those hours, from the time He didn't come home to her for Passover? Did she have that deep uneasiness that a mother senses . . . knowing something was wrong . . . bilt not knowing quite what . . . or where? Did she try to quell her fears, conditioned by having been told so often, "Mother, you worry' too much." Did that uneasiness gnaw at her? I think so. And I doubt she knew, that first Holy Thursday evening, that her son had been arrested. I find it impossible to believe that if she knew He had been _taken that night she would have stayed away. None of the Evangelists reported her presence at His passion . . . only that one mention in Jobn, at the last moments of His Crucifixion. . I'm inclined to believe that she didn't know until those last moments ... that she got there too late to help Him. Saintly as she was, I cannot picture' her standing docilely by, while her Son was subjected to such injustice. There's ·a bit of the lioness in every mother. If she had been there, there would have been reports in the gospels

Holiness Holiness consists not in doing uncommon things, but in doing all common things with an uncommon fervor. -Cardinal Manning

alone at home . . . sensing in her heart that something was wrong ... not knowing what. She must have experienced that agony that only women know . . . women whose men are in danger, yet can do nothing to help. Down through the centuries wives and mothers have experienced that passion. . . . The fear and the helplessness; knowing without knowledge; pain in an uninjured body; grief in a heart full of love. No Relief. That passion is more severe than the physical suffering of the loved one . . . for the woman's passion- is mental and pas,ive, and there is no relief in physical stress. Christ's passion, surely, was terrible . . . but the suffering ended for Him. Mary's agony was the excruciating pain of loneliness . . without reason; heartbreak . . . without hope; worry. . . . When it was over, He found rest. She was left with the dead body of her son ... the convicted criminal . . . and maybe doubts that His message may not have been right . . . and the questions. . . . What of all these others who had been believing Him? Were they to meet the same fate? Doubt! If He was wrong . . . I have raised a Son who has led others ... to this? What were her thoughts as she held His dead body? We'll never know. None of the Evangelists could have known. A mother's heart is cast from a slightly different mold.

Broadcasts Promote Catholic 'Schools BROOKLYN (NC)-Six Catholic dioceses cosponsored a radio advertising campaign on five New York radio stations for the period of Jan. 28 through Jan. 31 to shine up the image of Catholic schools in the metropolitan New York area. One· minute announcements, preceding Catholic Schools Week (Feb. 2-8), were read by the NBC television sports announcer, AI De Rogarts. Listeners were told about the nearly 900 Catholic elementary schools in the metropolitan New York-New JerseyConnecticut broadcast area. The 63 spot announcements end: "Visit them, choose them, support them. Catholic schoolsdifferent where it counts." The idea for the broadcasts, costing $5,500, came from the Diocese of Brooklyn, which persuaded schools offices in the Archdiocese of New York, the Archdiocese of Newark, N. J., and the Dioceses of Rockv.me Centre, N.Y., Paterson, N.J., and Bridgeport, Conn., to share the cost.


-1(' .-.(>




. '

RENEWING ACQUAINTANCES: Mrs. Rose Kennedy talks with Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami at a regional meeting of the Archbishop's Charity Drive in Palm Beach. Mrs. Kennedy, mother of Senator Ted Kennedy and the late President John Kennedy, lives part of the year at Palm Beach and attends St. Edward Church. The fund drive supports more than 40 charitable facilities throughout eight counties of South Florida. NC Photo.

Explai'n Concordat Changes Sanctity of Marriage Remains, Portuguese Bishops Declare LISBON (NC) Portugal's bisho,ns have emphasized that the Church's teaching against civil divorce and remarriage remains valid despite alterations in the Vatican's concordat with Portugal. The Vatican and Portugal agreed Feb. 15 to omit the 25year-Old concordate's provision that a couple married according to the Church's ll.lwS and ceremonies "renounces the civil faculty to seek divorce." In the place of this provision, which also stipulated that civil divorce "cannot be applied by civil courts to Catholic marriages," the Vatican and Portugal substituted a protocol stating that a couple married in the Catholic Church "assumes before the Church the duty of abiding by the canonical norms which govern it." The Portuguese bishops immediately issued a pastoral note declaring: "The Church's doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage remains unaltered by new provisions concerning legal divorce." Catholic coupl~s are bound to keep their marriage vows, the bishops continued, and should therefore not have recourse to divorce. For Better, Worse Their pastoral note observed: "Difficulties often arise from a shallow notion of love, from individualism, from selfishness, and from a life lived impulsively without patience and the willingness to adapt." Calling conjugal fidelity a freely-assumed undertaking, the

bishops asserted that without fidelity, couples cannot overcome their difficulties throughout a lifetime. Love must continue through better or worse, they noted. The bishops emphasized the importance of familv stability on the education of children. "This new legal situation demands serious study, with an understanding of the Church's teaching on Christian marriage. "Priests and laity should prepare engaged cou"'les, and premarriage courses should be developed on an increased scale." The bishops deplored the appearance in Portugal of the socalled permissive society, and declared it devoid of truth and humanity. "It is the duty of Christians to promote standards of family life and marriage," they declared, pointing out that a peaceful and harmonious civil society can be built upon the peace and harmony of the Christian-oriented families that compose it.

MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-Eunice Kennedy Shriver called here for the establishment of "Life Support Centers" to offer comprehensive services to those who want to save life, encourage motherhood and support the family. Mrs. Shriver, a sister of the late President John F. Kennedy, made this recommendation to an enthusiastic crowd of about 400 people attending a "Love of Life Ball" sponsored by American Citizens Concerned for Life and Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life here. Mrs. Shriver, vice president of the Joseph B. Kennedy Foundation in Washington, D.C., established to seek causes of, and cures for mental retardation, said it is difficult to urge respect for life in a society that "seems to be preoccupied with death. And not only physical death but moral death as welL" She maintained that "we will not get a majority to vote for life so long as we are preoccu;>ied with death. We will not pass legislation for child-saving programs as long as abortion can be viewed as more cost effective than child rearing. "We cannot hope to enforce a lifetime commitment of love when the promise of sex lasts no longer that 30 minutes, or the first trimester of a fetus' life. "One of every 10 school-age girls is a mother, 35,000 of these -young mothers are under age 16. "In the nation's capital the number of abortions exceeds the number of live births."

TQunton Group Sef1s Auction Taunton Queen's Daughters will hold an auction at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 3 at St. Mary's school auditorium, according to announcement made by Mrs. Aristides Andrade, president, who requests each member to donate an item for the event, whether or not she attends. Guests are welcome and proceeds will benefit the organization's charities.

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Fashi·o,n Comes Full Circle, Old Movies ··Prove Again

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 27, 1975

Very often we fOTeet £low much fashion comes full circle and that t:1ere :s very little that is all new. One of our area colleges has :':;::;en ::.av~ng a :i1m festivai of movies rmed with nostatgia {as weil as costumes of by-gone periods). o~iler evening we saw "Singing in the just below the knee but fall below the ankles. ~ain," a mm prcduced in Another influence on spring the early fifties but set ~n fashions from that era just prior

A Canadian Fair will be held in the gymnasium of Bishop Ger· rard High School, Fall River, from 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 4, under sponsorship of the school's French club and modern language department. Twelve booths, one for each Canadian province and territory, will be featured. Work on them has been done by Bishop Ger· rard students under direction of Sister Mary Adele Thomas, RSM and with use of materials supplied by the Canadian government. Also on display will be projects suggested by French books. presented to the Bishop Gerrard library by the Canadian embassy in Boston. The public is invited to the fair, for which tbere will be no admission charge. The Whipple Street entrance to the school should be used and Sister Mary Adele notes that in case of snow the event will be postponed to Wednesday, March 5.

Canadian Fair At Ger"ard


the late twenties. WhC'n the film was originally shown I doubt if 11:·(' fashions evoked anything but memories, yet today its fashions

look very up-to-date. T-strap high heels, floating rhiffons and fur·trimmed coats and jackets can be found in the stores today. The shoe:> for spring are especially influenced by the toes of those who tapped through the silver screen during the twenties and early thirties. Besides the T-straps (sold in the believe-it-or-not category of, arc you ready for this, $78), spec· tator pumps, wedgies and very feminine sandals are sr.·owing their early spring faces. Lots of White There is also a twenties look tn evening fashions, panels from the shoulders, layers of chiffon and very soft feminine colors. The only difference from the fashions of the twenties is that the gowns of today do not end

Oppose Nomination Of Former Ambassador WASHINGTON (NC) - A nun and a Protestant minister were among those testifying at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing here opposing the nomination to a high State Department post of the man who was ambassador to Chile during CIA "destabilization" efforts there. Opponents of the nomination of the former ambassador, Nathaniel Davis, 49, said the appointment indicated the administration intended to' pursue similar counter·insurgency policies in Africa. They said African leaders were opposed to Davis' nomination and claimed Davis did not have sufficient background in African affairs.

Bishop Played Mediation Role Amid Bullets LIMA (NC) - Auxiliary Bishop Luis Barharen of Lima braved the crossfire between army and striking police units in efforts to mediate and care for the wounded men. Archdiocesan sources here also confirmed in the aftermath of heavy rioting early in February that the prelate, known for his pastoral care of the poor in Lima's slums, had started conver· sations with the interior minister, Gen. Pedro Richter Prada, as the 20,000-men police force went on strike for higher pay and a change of command.

to the depression (I wonder if O-'lt'S an omen) is a great deal of white. White shar!{skin, white pique, white linen and of course the white ~nits, accented by col· ors or black, arc all ready in the stores. Even men's clothing seems to have returned to that stage in time when white slacks were worn with two·toned shoes, wrap-M5und coats gave the gangster look and colorful sweaters and shirts topped it all off. Any student of design knows that fashion is really only updating what has been done before and making it relevant to the times. A look at any of the old movies will reaffirm this premise and may even give us a look at what's to come in fashion. Another newly released movie that reminds us of this is the luxurious production of "The Orient Express."


Criticism, Pope Tells Officials VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI told scores of officials of the Church's central administration Feb. 22 that they should expect criticism in the press and from history, and that some of the criticism is well founded. During a special Mass in St. Peter's Basilica marking the Holy Year pilgrimage of officials of the Church's central administra· tive offices, known collectively at the Roman Curia, Pope Paul also spoke about the importance of humility for those in high office:> in the Church. The Pope said he and the Curia are "Heirs to a history which is long and glorious, yet on many points worthy of cen· sure." He contin~ed: "Imperfect and sinners as we are, we cannot possibly consider ourselves invulnerable to objections and polemics in news stories and in history,"

Call For Lobbying Disclosure Law WASHINGTON (NC) - A bipartisan group of six senators and two representatives have introduced ·legislation calling for comprehensive disclosure of lobbying efforts. In supporting the proposed legislation,John Gardner, chairman of Common Cause, a citizen's group, called lobbying one .of the most secretive and corrupting influences in American politics. "Lobbying is not wrong in itself," Gardner said.. "In fact, it can serve useful purposes. It is a constitutional right. "But it is wrong to lobby secretly, wrong to deceive the pub· lic, wrong to use money in ways that corrupt the political process. And that is what is going on today."

:mSCARD'S NIECE: Genevieve de las Cases, niece of French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing talks with retired Chrstian Brother in Lafayette, La. Brother Louis (center) is from Lozere, France, Miss de las Cases' hometown. At left is Brother Benedict. The French women was asked by Council for the Development of French southwest Louisiana because of the role which many of her relatives played in American history. NC Photo.

Urge Parochial SARATOGA SPRINGS (NC)"Parochial schools should receive state aid since they are serving the public," the non-Catholic mayor of Saratoga said here. "If private and parochial schools folded, I feel that our public school system throughout the state would be in danger," said Mayor Raymond Watkin of Saratoga in an interview with The Evangelist, Albany, N.Y., diocesan newspaper. Watkin said the current system of financing Catholic education through private tuition and private contributions is "an unfair method of double. taxation" in which homemakers who choose to send their children to Catholic schools are taxed to support public schools. Such parerits should not be "penalized" for exercising their "freedom of choice," the mayor said. Saratoga's mayor said the many opportunities he has had to observe local Catholic schools and to participate in their programs have convinced him that "Catholic schools, with tbe financing they have, do a fantastic job," Teach Respect Watkins added: "I am not Catholic. In fact, I'm not even Christian, but the point is that I can see a difference in the values and attitudes of Catholic school students. The students are well behaved and res;-Ject one another. The faculty in these schools are involved in teaching the young people not only res,ect for one another, but for all human beings. That's a key point. I'm really impressed," The 1974 Gallup poll of attitudes toward education indicated that 52 per cent of U.S. citizens favor a constitutionaI amend· ment to allow government aid to parochial schools. Asked how that constituency could be mobilized, the mayor suggested that parents study

commission reports on education in New York state and contact members of the ~tate legislature to discuss nonpublic school problems and to invite them to participate in changing the tax structures. "Parents, teachers, churchmen and other officials should examine the problems of taxation regarding Catholic schools, and they should become aware of the inequities which are taking place today in tne state of New York. These people must then raise the issue. If it isn't raised, then no one is going to do anything about it."

To Show Holy Land Slides in Taunton A series of Lenten slide presentations on the life of Christ will be pr.esented at 7:30 p.m. the first four Sundays of 'March in the school hall of St. Mary's parish, Taunton, by Sister Adrienne de Champlain, S.U.S.C. Covering the early life of Christ, his public life, Jerusalem at the' time of Christ and the passion, death and resurrection of the Saviour, the slides were taken by the Holy Union Sister last summer while participating in an archeological dig in Galilee and studying in Jerusalem. The programs are open to all and there will be no admission fee.

Social Awareness Sisters' Progrom All Sisters of the Diocese are invited to attend a Social Awareness Program scheduled for Saturday, March 8, at I :30 p.m. in St. Ann's School, 116 Ruth St., New Bedford. Sister Ann Crapo, C.S.C., New England Chairman of the Nation~l Association of Women Religious, will discuss contemporary problems. The program is co-sponsored by the Diocesan Sisters Senate and the Sisters of the Holy Cross.





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tHE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 27, 1975

Chavez Clarifies View on IIlegals

UFWA Slates 110 Mile March For Saturday SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A 110-mile march to the Gallo Winery headquarters in Modesto, organized by the United Farm Workers of America (AFLCIO), will start here Feb. 22 and conclude March 1. The Gallo Company is presently the target of a UFWA nation· wide consumer boycott of its products. The march will consist of farm workers from Delano, Salinas, Coachella and San Joaquin Valleys, as well as their supporters from other labor groups, religious. political and student communities. It will culminate in a rally opposite the Gallo Company headquarters. Major national, political, labor and religious leaders are scheduled to attend and address the rally. The demonstration will commemorate the 1966 Delano to Sacramento pilgrimage (241 miles) of Cesar Chavez and several thousand of his supporters .protesting to the state government over the refusal of California growers to permit the unionization of .the field workers.

Experts Discuss Dialogue Work

I. I I



ST. LOUIS (NC) - Eighteen theological experts from the U. S. Lutheran and Catholic Churches met here to cont,inue their 10-year-ol:! ecumenical dialogue. And although the e::umenists admit they don't know what their eventual goal may be, they said they are keeping up with their work nonetheless. "About the most you can say is that we're working for unity," said Dr. Warren A. Quanbeck, Lutheran theology professor from St. Paul, Minn., during a briefing for reporters at Fordyce House here. "But unity need not be union," Dr. Quanbeck added promptly. Another Lutheran participant in the dialogues, which began in 1964, Dr. John Reumann, noted that "most of us don't get too excited about the idea of actual union" between Lutheran and Catholic Churches. "There are more important things besides a kind of General Motors structul"ized union." A leading Catholic participant in the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue, Jesuit Father Walter Burghardt of the Catholic University of America and the Woodstock Theology Center in Washington, D.C., explained further. "We don't know the shape of unity that God has in mind for us," the Jesuit observed. "But we do know that present disunity is not God's will." He added that the ecumenical work of the dialogue is focused mainly on the "scandal of, disunity" rather than the appeal of a specific formal scheme for chur,ch reunion. '

Happiness Happiness is a mystery like religion, and should never be rationalized. -Chesterton

BLACK CATHOLIC CONCERNED: James McNeil, executive director of the National Black Catholic Lay Caucus, shown (far right) meeting with a group of educators, said in an interview in Los Angeles that the Church should evangelize the black community.

Asks if Church Is Reaching' Blacks Urges Catholic Schools Stress Dogma, Vocations LOS ANGELES (NC)-"There are one million black Catholics in the United States. Their average age is 50. Do you understand what this ,implies? Can you assure me the Church will still exist in the black community in 15 years?" The frank questions were asked here last week by James McNeil, executive director of the National Black Catholic Lay Caucus. "White Catholics need to be concerned about the plight of black Catholics," said McNeil, who belongs to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., 'and v,isits black communities all over the country. "People need to understand the crisis and the state of the Church in the black community, They need to understand the implications of this crisis. "Has the Church given up on black Catholics? "Has the Church given up on evangelization in the black community through normal institutions? . . . ' "It pains me to say it, but it seems that many in the Church have given up the idea of evangeling the black community for an idea of service instead. "Why be apologetic about Catholicism in the black community? Other groups go out and spread their word effectively. Married and the father of four children, McNeil voiced concern particularly over Catholic schools. "When I hear of black Catholic schools being closed around the country I think I'll have no "Place to raise my k.ids in what I consider a necessary environment. Who Is Listening? "Where are my kids going to

receive a Catholic education? If schools are closed, how do we spread the Word? "If black Catholics don't have priests, Sisters and schools for their kids, that frightens me. Black Catholics feel that nobody -is listening." McNeil has some hard observations to make on the subject of education and vocations. "I wonder why, when a Catholic school becomes black and the enrollment becomes about 50 or 60 per cent non-Catholic, the teachers become apologetic for religion and don't feel we should push our religion.

Nuns Urge Release

Of Chile P'risoners LONDON (NC) - More than 4,000 nuns, in Great Britain and Ireland have signed a petition to the United Nations demanding the release of women and young people detained in jails and concentration camps in Chile. Si5ter Mary St. Paul Evans, providal of the Canonesses Regular of St. Augustine and president of the women's section of the Council of Major Superiors, told a London press conference: . "Sisters have been involved at the grassroots level of helping the deprived, but increasingly we feel that we should try reaching a higher level where it all starts. We can do something -without abandoning our traditional role' of helping needy individuals." A young refugee, who refused to reveal her identity because she has relatives living in Chile, told the conference, "Every day things get worse. People disappear and three or four months later end up in concentration camps."

"I want those schools to teach doctrine and dogma, to promote vocations. If they do not, does this mean that Catholicism isn't considered meaningful to black Catholics? "I see the primary function of the Church as spreading the Gospel message."

WASHINGTON (NC) - United Farm Workers of America president Cesar Chavez clarified his views on illegal aliens in a letter to tt'2 Washington Post in which he advocated amnesty for "those illegals who have immediate family members who are citizens and who have preference status." Chavez said his letter was designed to correct a "mislead· ing" Post story which said he had changed his views on iIIegals because of pressure from "urban Hispanic activist groups" who wanted him to go easier on the illegals. Powerless Victims Chavez' union has charged that California and Arizona grape and lettuce growers arc using illegals to break a UFWA strike. "The UFW is not against legal immigrations; we are not against immigration of entire families 'into this country as is the practice from the European countries," Chavez said. "This problem of illegals has reached catastrophic proportions," he said. "For more tb:m 10 years i1legals have been imported into this country by growers and labor contractors specifically to break OUT strikes. Now they are taking jobs away from our workers. . "Additionally, illegals are victims of the most vicious cycle of exploitation seen in this country today. They are completely powerless, and are at the mercy of those who import them here."


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McNeil said that "the Church has a responsibility to assist in Catholic growth and development in the black community at this time in the history of our country when there is 'a great surge and rapid rate of progress among blacks. "One of the most important ways in which the Church can do this," he said, "is to con· sciously develop a black hierarchy. In other parts of the world where this has happened the Church is strong." ~

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Detroit Program Is Bicentennial Model for U.S.

It's Becoming ':l Habit for Fr. Gentile To Discover Priceless Works of Art

DETROIT (NC) - Five parishes and three organizations in the Detroit archdiocese will participate soon in a bicentennial pilot program whose efforts will affect every diocese throughout the country. The archdiocese was chosen by the' bicentennial committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), to initiate the pilot program "because it has the largest adult education program in the world," said Mrs. Jane Wolford Hughes, director of the archdiocesen Institute for Continuing Education (ICE). "The people are used to discussing together and responding through the Church. World, Kingdom program, as they did in Synod/69." The archdiocesan Synod/69 was used as a model for the national bicentennial program whose discussion theme is "Lib· erty and Justice for All." Cardinal John F. Dearden of Detroit is chairman of the NCCB's committee to celebrate the country's 200th anniversary. All Catholics


The program, as it is designed operate in Detroit, involves discussion and listening. Eventually all Catholics in the United States will be asked to review and discuss the Catholic social teachings of the Church and their application to situations in the Church and in American society. The aim of the program is to send recommendations to the bishops. These recommendations, Cardinal Dearden said, will help the Church, through its members. "arrive at both a Catholic expression of the meaning of liberty and justice for all and a collective commitment to a common course of action in the years ahead. Perhaps in this way we can help bring about a marc just. and a more free society." The pilot groups were choscn to reflect different situations and therefore provide a variety . of models. The major vehicle used for the discussion groups will be a nO-page discussion guide titled, "Liberty and Justice for AIL" Topics included in the booklet are: nationhood, the Church, humankind, 'ethnicity and race, the neighborhood, work, family, and personhood. 10

Publish Newspaper In Tulsa Diocese TULSA (NC) - The Diocese of Tulsa. barely two years old, has started its own diocesan newspaper, the Eastern Oklahoma Catholic. The new paper, which will appear twice a month, is being published by the Register System Division of All-Church Press in Fort Worth, Tex., but has its editorial office in Tulsa. It will carry two pages of local news, two pages of national and international news, and inserts of the weekly adult religious education feature, Know Your Faith, distributed by NC News Service. 0

Conqueror I came, I saw, God conquered. -Sobieski

PROVIDENCE (NC) - Last summer, Father Henry Gentile was making his annual retreat at Saint Charles Borromeo Sem· inary on Staten' Island in New York City. As he was walking the seminary corridors he noticed two seminarians struggling with a large painting. "Where are you going with that?" inquired Father Gentile. "We're cleaning out the attic and we're bringing this painting to the incinerator." responded the seminarians. Since the painting caught his eye, he told the boys to put it in his car rather than burn it. "The painting stayed on the floor in my bedroom at the rectory in New York for weeks," said Father Henry. "Finally the housekeeper was tired of stumbling over it and asked me to throw it out. I had a hunch about the painting. I spoke with my brother who is an antique dealer and he looked at the painting. I sold it to him for $100." , Father Gentile, now pastor of Holy Cross Church here, continued to unfold the incredible story. Returned Painting "My brother removed a cheap aluminum frame from the picture and the corner signature 'KorneIius-Roma 1814' revealed a masterpiece. What narrowly escaped a seminary incinerator was in fact an original painting by Peter Von Cornelius, a leading force in the Nazarene school of 19th centurly German art."

Father Gentile then contacted the German government. Negoti· ations are being finalized now to sell the painting to the German government for $2 million. The proceeds of the sale will &0 to the Missionary Fathers of


Issu·e Pamphlet On Food Crisis WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) has published a 24-page pamphlet for use in implementing the Pastoral Plan of Action for the World Food Crisis adopted by the U.S. bishops at their general meeting in November. The plan proposed a program of public discussion "directed toward influencing appropriate executive and legislative action" on tbe food issue and urged Catholics to join with the bishops in fasting two days a week or more. The booklet, entitled "Our Daily Bread," has been mailed out to each U.S. bishop. Copies are available for $.50. o

SAVED FROM JUNKYARD: Scalabrini Father Henry Gentile of Providence, R. L, shows the painting he found recently in a flea market in Boston. It is believed to be a priecless Ribera. If so, it will be the second masterpiece he discovered in the last yeall. Saint Charles, a charity for American immigrants. The painting itself depicts Saint Catherine of Alexandria who died to save her purity. She is shown being carried by angels to Mount Sanai. A symbolic palm of martyrdom shades the saint's face. The perfection of detail and shadowing revealed a master's

FIRST FIND: Saint Catherine of Alexandria is an original Von Cornelius which the German government is negotiating to buy for $2 million. The Von Cornelius was saved from an incinerator by Father Gentile when he was on retreat on Staten Island last summer. NC Photo. When Father Gentile's brother realized that he had purchased a treasure for $100, he returned the painting to his brother's religious congregation, the Society of Fathers of Saint Charles, commonly known as the Scalabrini Fathers. Once the art world was aware of the availability of the painting, various art museums began to make bids. Parke-Bernet Gallery in New York City offered to auction the painting and to start bidding at $300,000. The Scalabrini Fatbers refused the offer.

THE ANCHORThurs., Feb. 27, 1975

hand even before the artist's name was discovered. The German government is particularly interested in the painting because all but four paintings by Von Cornelius were destroyed in the Munich fire in 1'931. One of the remaining four hangs in a German museum; two others are privately owned; the Scalabrini Fathers, thanks to ·Father Gentile, have the fourth. The Fathers have stored the painting in a Syracuse bank un· til the negotiations are finalized. Before the painting is sent to Germany, it will be shown throughout the world. More Good Fortune This is only half the story of Father Gentile and his good fortune. A native of Boston, Father Gentile was transferred to Rhode

Island two weeks ago. Since that time he has been to a flea market in Boston. Again. he was with his brother. Walking through a shop filled with hundreds of paintings, Father Gentile ·again spotted an attractive painting. Without a moment's hesitation, his brother purchased the painting. Preliminary testing at the Rhode Island School of Design have indicated that the painting is an original by Jusepe De Ribera (1588-1656), the famous Spanish painter. Chances are almost certain that Father Henry has once again discovered a priceless masterpiece. "Since my brother was so generous in returning the Von Cornelius painting to the society, I honestly think God is rewarding him with this second pa,inting," he said. How does Father Gentile react to these incredible discoveries? "Since my childhood, my father had always taught us to appreciate great works of art, not because they are worth money, -but rather because they are things of beauty and inspiration. I enjoy art as a -pastime, not a vocation. As a priest, my main concern is my new parish,''' Father Gentile then began to outline his plans for the parish. He was considerably more enthused ·about his parish plans than about the millions of dollars in artistic treasures.

The booklet includes: -A copy of the pastoral plan. -A background paper on "Food: The Crisis and the Churches," by Fath-er J. Bryan Hehir, associate secretary for international justice and peace for the USCC. -An article on "Fasting: A Traditional Practice in a Modern Context," by Father James O'Donohoe, professor of moral theology at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass. -A di'scussion of consumption by the Rev. Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, president of Bread of the World, an ecumenical citizens' lobby on the hunger issue. -A lenten liturgical program geared to the food issue, prepared by Father Frederick McManus, director of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Books Give Opposing Views Of Louis XVI, His Queen Louis xvi was King of France when the French Revolution erupted in 1789. He was deposed ~n 1?92 and pUblic~y executed in 1793. Some months later, hIS wIfe, Queen Mane Antoinette, was also put to death. Louis is commonly represented as stupid and dissoMr. Cronin makes a tight arlute , and so is his wife. In gument. His survey of the state the popular imagination, of France in the years prior to they personify royalty at its the Revolution is comprehensive most corrupt and irresponsible, and fully d~served thz fate which overtook them. There are those who disagree.


:W. :tiEV.



Among them is Vincent Cronin, author of "Louis and Antoinette" (Morrow, 105 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 444 pages. Illustrated. $12.50). His book, a double biography; is a re-evaluation of the pair, based on research which includes consultation of newly available material. The 16th Louis was the inheritor of abuses and troubles attributable to the kings who went before him, especially Louis XIV, his great-grandfather, and Louis XV, his grandfather. The condition of France was parlous when he came to the throne, and all his attempts to correct what was wrong were blocked. He had to contend with short-sighted 'and selfish nobles who resisted reform, a vicious court, and a society shot through with both skepticism and credulity. He was a simple man, but by no means unintelligent. All his life, he was a reader of serious, informative books. He sought to master every subject of importance to his country and people. He also sought to economize. He dressed plainly except on state occasions. He searched for ways to cut down the extravagance of the court. He was interested in helping the poor, and tried to institute reforms which would lift the tax burden from their backs. He took a hand in humanitarian projects like hos· pitals and endeavored to improve the lot of prisoners, for example putting an end to torture. Unjust Targets His doggedness resulted in some needed reforms. But it also won him bitter enemies among the nobility 'and the higher clergy. The weapon they used against him was slander. He was the victim of scurrilous talk, and especially of libelous journalism. His wife was similarly traduced. Louis and Antoinette simply happened to be at the pinnacle of the kingdom at a fateful moment for France, one when longgathering problems were coming to an explosive head. The frustration and fury of the people had to find a target, and they found it, all unjustly, in these two.

and penetrating. He traces the development of the climate which produced the violent change that was the Revolution. For example, there is the matter of religion. France was nominally Catholic. But in fact it was virtually a-religious. Some of the most powerful of the higher clergy were unbelievers and profligate. The Church was rich in worldly goods, poor in performance. One observer wrote, "In more than one sermon lately, the only things Christian are the sign of the Cross and the Gospel citation." A parishioner offered to give a gold coin for every mention of Christ in a sermon. Louis was a believing and practicing .Catholic. 'He was a devoted family man. There is no evidence of extra-marital affairs in his life. Mr. Cronin absolves Marie Antoinette of the accusation of loose morals: He theorizes that there may have heen momentary dalliance with Count Fersen, but no sustained affair with him and no involvement with anyone else. A Change

"MARY LOU'S MASS": Pianist and composer Mary Lou Williams plays her own work during the first jazz Mass ever performed in St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York. A standing room only crowd of 3,000 heard what .she ~alls "Mas~, for the ':oung-o,~ the Young Thinking," and what choreographer AlVIn Alley calls, . Mary Lou s Ma~s. At right, young people listen intently. A jazz trumpet pla~er sal?, afte~ the servIce, "This is the way Bach used to do it. And now we can do It, too. ChOirs f~om four Catholic schools sang the Mass, which desnite the large crowd, was done WIth what one writer called "churchly decorum." NC Photo.

Vatican Wants Talks With Rumania VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican's press spokesman, Federico Alessandrini, has stated that the Holy See hopes to begin talks with Rumania's communist government. Alessandrini said that Archbishop Luigi Poggi, who has the title of "apostolic nuncio for special assignments," left Rome for Rumania "about a week ago." According to the Vatican press office, Archbishop Poggi was trying to initiate a dialogue with the Rumanian government similar to talks which the Vatican has held with communist governments in Hungary, C:zechoslovakia and Poland. Alessandrini recalled a statement made two years ago by the secretary of the Council for the Church's Public Affairs, Agostino Cesaroli, concerning the Vatican's purpose in entering such dialogue: "To create minimal conditions for the development of Christian life and for the existence of the Church, as well as to promote moral and social values." Alessandrini also quoted Archbishop Cesarilo on the way such dialogue should be conducted: "Frank, comprehensive, courteous in form, firm in principles, not denying the significance of the person. who has suffered for the Church." Although a number of promi-

The generally received dim view of Louis and Marie Antoinette is accepted and imaginatively inflated by John Ehle in his novel "The Changing of the Guard" (Random House, 457 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. $7.95). His principal characters are three movie actors and a director. The star among the actors is Richie, an international celebrity past his prime, but rich and prideful. His present wife; Kate, is an actress of lesser fame. They and Kate's friend Annie are in Paris to make a film about the last days of Louis XVI. Richie will play the king, Annie will be Marie Antoinette, Kate will be the Princess de Lamballe. The picture is to be directed by a tough, iconoclastic young man named Sigler, whose method is starkly naturalistic. As soon as work begins, he and Richie clash. The actor intends to play in his usual romantic vein; Sigler will have none of it. As filming proceeds, Sigler prevails. The actors come to confuse their fictional roles with their real lives, more and more imposing the former on the latter. There is nothing new in this device. It was Pirandello's chief stock-in-trade. Mr. Ehle works it passably well. But he makes Louis out to be a slob and something of a mon- ow who, for her charities, was ster. Both Louis and Marie An- known as the good angel of the toinette are contemptible crea- poor. -A friend of the queen, she tures in this rendering, and given was hypersensitive, often in a . state of fright, and inclined to to adultery. The Prin'cess de Lamballe is fainting. Not exactly the strumdepicted as Louis' mistress. She pet of this novel, which takes was nothing of the sort. The real unpardonable liberties with Princess de Lamballe was a wid· truth.

nent churchmen including Cardinal Franz Boenig of Vienna, president of the Secretariat for Non~Believers, and Cardinal Jan Willebrands, president of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, have visited Rumania in recent years, they have been unable to open any discussion of the status of Catholics in that country. At . present there are only three Latin-rite Catholic bishops in Rumania, and only two of them are recognized by the Rumanian regime. Bishop Aaron Marton of Alba Julia, and his coadjutor with right of succession, Bishop Antonio Jakab, now are permitted to QIidain a government-approved

number of priests, to baptize in the cathedral and to visit parish churches for confirmations. But Bishop Peter Plesca, who acts as ordinary in the vacant see· of Jassi has been refused all government recognition. Yet he was ordained a bishop on Dec. 16, 1965, in Rome, in the presence of members of the Rumanian embassy to Italy. The three other Roman-rite sees of Bucharest, Satu MareOradea Mare and Timisoara are vacant. Statistics on the numbers of Latin-rate Catholics in Rumania indicate 445 000 in Alba Julia for 1970, 209,000 in Jassi for 1971, 320,000 in Timisoara for 1970, 202,000 in Satu Mare-Qradea Mare for 1949.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Declares Founder of CFM Great Catholic of This Era

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of oarish orKanizalions are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be incllJd~d. as well as full dates of all actiVities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

We will all miss Pat Crowley. The late co-founder of the Christian Family Movement (CFM) was one of the great Catholics of the era. His contribution to the Church was Immense and the example of his personal life had extraordinary influence on all who knew him. The kind of up- and ease of Murray and Crow· ley. I just know tbat we desperper - middle - class Catholic ately need such people. We do zeal which Pat represented not have very many. And now is currently out of fashion but it is authentically American and speaks' to the American Catholic laity in terms they can understand.



ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will resume monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 3 in the parish hall. Mrs. Frederick J. Sullivan and her committee will be hostesses for the coffee hour.

we have one less. Deep Currents There will come a time, even· tually (I once mistakenly thought it would be soon), when we will be able to understand far more about the American Catholic experience than we do now. Then, I suspect, we will see that a man like Pat Crowley, quite unselfconsciously, was in touch with the deep and powerful currents of the American Oatholic genius. He migbt not have been able to articulate the insights Qf this genius (it is not necessary to do so) but he "felt" it.

Pat was classy. He was a well· The work he and his wife did to·do .Notre Dame graduate who with the Christian Family Movefelt no need to apologize for who ment was successful precisely beand what he was. You can only cause they instituted at a visceral be classy if you are that secure level where American Catholic in your own identity. I doubt , families were, what they needed Pat ever experienced alienation and how to talk to them. You and I'm sure he had a hard time might disagree witb the Crowunderstanding self-hatred. leys on occasion (and I did) hut you still knew that they were So he could be an open, expansive, generous man. His con- "our kind of people." And that victions-and he had some very they understood what the phrase strong ones--did not exist to meant proved that it was true give him an identity which he of them. I had thought that there would otherwise lacked. His commitments to various causes were be many more such'laity emergnot attempts at self-validation. ing in the American Church. His zeal was not an effort to That Pat would be the first of prove anything. His liberalism a new breed. Now I think he was not ,a self-righteous demand may have been the last. that others convert to his supeAnd that makes his premature rior morality. death all the more tragic. For Causes, convictions, commit- Pat Crowley, a typical Irish epi· ments were fine, but what count- taph that he would appreciate: "We shall not see his like ed for Pat was people. He was a man fascinated by people, one again." who found everyone interesting. When Pat dealt with you, you were not a cause to be ministered to, nor a convert to he ST. STANISLAUS, won over. You were someone he wanted to know better. Even FALL RIVER Parishioners are invited to join when you disagreed with him, you couldn't help but like him a sewing group preparing for the because you knew he liked you. annual summer festival. Meetings are held each Tuesday night I often thought that there were in the lower church, following strong analogies between Pat 7 p.m. Mass. Crowley and John Courtney MurHoly Rosary Sodalists will ray. They both came out of legal hold a business session and sobackgrounds. They both were cial in the school hall at 1:30 easy and relaxed in their conVic- p.m. Sunday, March 2. tions. They both were thoroughly A parish Lenten Renewal Proand incorrigibily American. They gram is scheduled to be held both stood for the kind of calm from Sunday, March 16 through and expansive self-confidence Sunday, -March 23. which is so lacking among most A one:-day trip to New York "concerned" Catholics. They City open to all parishioners will both were a mixture of conser- take place Saturday, April 5. vatism and liberalism, which Reservations may -be made with made it impossible to put a Miss Nell Gromada. label on them. They both had Tickets are available at the an immense influence on the rectory or from Mrs. Helena Boy. world around them because they ko or Miss Jean Drzal for a "Polwere quite incapable of being ish Bicentennial Spring Frolic" alienated-and would not have to be staged at 3 p.m. Sunday, wanted to be if they could. April 27 at Bishop Connolly High School by a Polish folk dance I am not sure what it takes to troupe from New York. product such intellectual and personal security. I would be ST. ROCH, tempted to say that they were FALL RIVER both aristocrats in the good The Council of Catholic Womsense of the word, except many en will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monothers who come from similar day, MarCh 3 in the parish conbackgrounds show none of the vent. Officers will be hostesses ari$tQ<;ratiG security, generosity, for a social hour.

Parish Parade



Bible Scholar At Institute Father Raymond E. Brown, S.S., noted 'Bible scholar, will conduct a day-long Christian Culture Institute at John' Hancock Hall, 180 Berkley Street, Boston, on Saturday, April 19, on the topic,. "The Church: A Community of Love"-An evaluation of the Church and Ministry in the New Testament. A Professor of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary, New York, Fatber Brown has been a vfsiting professor of New Testament studies at the Biblical Institute, Rome, and the only American member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. He has also taught for many years at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. The Institute, beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 4:30 p.m., will include three lectures by Fatber Brown and open discussion by the· participants, with a view to applying Biblical concepts to everyday life. Admission to the April 19 Institute is by pre-registration. Information may be obtained by contacting Father Robert F. Quinn, C.S.P., P.O. Box 8579, J.F.K. Station, Boston, Ma. 02114, telephone 523-6083. UmllIIlI1UlllllllllllllllllIlllllI"""IllUmmllll""lI1lllt1'"11l11l1l1111mlllllll'"Ulmmm'"

ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Junior Corps members will leave at 6 p.m. tomorrow from the rectory yard to attend a Boston Garden game between the Celtics and the Bucks. Knights of the Altar will collect prizes and canned goods from homes of the parish from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, March 2 for a penny sale scheduled for Saturday, March 15. The senior and junior choirs of the parish will present a concert at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 8. Tickets are available at the rectory or from any choir member. Preparations for a Christmas bazaar will begin at a planning meeting to be held in the school Sunday, March 2, with Dick Boucher as chairman. ST. ANN, RAYNHAM The Ladies' Guild will hold a mother-daughter night at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5 in the church hall. An Easter egg decorating demonstration will be followed by a social hour with, Mrs. Joan Frost as hostess. The unit will sponsor a whist party at 8 p.m. Friday, March 7 in the hall. Mrs. Eileen Alden and Mrs. Anna Keough will be Go-<;hairmen.

OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The parish council will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 2. The Council of Catholic Women will sponsor a spring dance Saturday night, March 22. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Tickets and further information on a parish Cabaret Night are available from ticket chairmen Joseph Mendes, telephone 992-7307 and Joseph Forand, 678-8219. Tables seating 10 persons may be reserved. A "Sew into Spring" fashion show is slated for Friday, April 11 at the school hall. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Evonne Lavoie, telephone 6368053. ST. TH~RESA, ATTLEBORO Charter members and past presidents will be honored at the 20th anniversary meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, set for Monday, March 3. A film depicting early days of the organization will be shown, followed by a hat con· test. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A whist party will be held in the school hall on Acushnet Avenue at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4. IF'ree lI'efreshments win be served. HOLY NAME, F~LL RIVER A Lenten Renewal Program will take place from Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 7, directed by Rev. Frank Allen of the Montfort Fath-ers. The program will include attendance at a daily Mass and homily at 11:50 a.m., 5:15 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. Confessions will be heard before each Mass. The regular 7 a.m. daily Mass will continue to be celebrated, but without a homily. The Lowell State College Concert Choir will present a program at 2:45 p.m. Sunday, March 16 in the church, ranging "from Mozart to Persechetti." Tickets are available at the rectory and parishioners may also be included in a souvenir booklet as sponsors, patrons or benefactors. Altar boys will meet at 2:45 this afternoon in the church.

ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDFORD The choir will sponsor a card party at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 2 in the church hall on Division Street. Prizes will be awarded and refreshments served. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER The parish Bowling League will sponsor a game night for the Women's Guild meeting scheduled tor 8 p.m. Monday, March 3 in the school hall. Members are asked to bring canned goods or a gift for use as prizes. Guests are welcome, and a small admission fee will be charged. Chairmen for the evening are Mrs'. Arthur Pavao and Mrs. Owen O'Shaughnessy, aided by Bowling League members. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The Couples Club will sponsor a St. Patrick's Dance at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15. Dancing will be to the music of the Quintet Renaissance and a breakfast of ham and eggs, home fries· and danish will conclude the event at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Marcotte, president cou:>le, are chairmen and announce that reservations may be made with any member of the club's executive board. The public is invited. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Rev. Joseph McGreevy, C.P. will conduct a parish mission starting on Sunday, March 2 and ending on Friday night, March 7. A children's mission will be conducted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Spec'ial Mission Masses will be offered at 11 :30 a.m. and 7:30 in the evening. HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD Prospective music coordinators continue to be interviewed for the parish. The Liturgy Committee is endeavoring to bring together the congregation and the choir in singing the liturgy in praise of God. In promoting this work, Helen M. McIntyre, publicity chairman of the Liturgical committee, is stressing the words of St. Augustine, "He who sings prays twice." IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER A program on American handicrafts is planned for the regular monthly meeting of the Wqmen's Guild scheduled for 8 o'clock on Monday night, March 3 in the church hall.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of F~" River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Catholic-Jewish Relations Flourish in New York Art Buchwald, the nation's leading political humorist and one of its most valuable natural resources, was interviewed recently on TV about the tricks of his journalistic trade. Buchwald casually remarked-half in jest, half in earnest-that writing political humor is the easiest job would be cynical to underestimate the long-range Importance in the world. He said that of this dramatic break-through in there is nothing to it, that the field of Catholic-Jewish relayou simply paraphrase the bad news that appears consistently in the morning paper. "When people read 'the front page," he








pointed out, "they are depressed, but when they read it a second time in what they have come to think of as a humor column in a less conspicuous section pf the same paper, their spirits are lifted and they are able to face reality again for at least another day." Buchwald's self-deprecating job description is to be taken, of course, with a grain of Buchwaldian salt. But we can be grateful that there are people -like himself around-not many, to be sure---who are blessed with the charismatic gift of making us laugh at our leaders and institutions-and, last, but not least, at ourselves. . On the other hand, not all news is bad. Occasionally our spirits are lifted by a front-page story which helps to sustain our belief that God is still in His heaven and that something is right with the world. Year of Discussion Take, for example, the frontpage story in the Feb. 12 issue of the New York Times (and second page of the Washington Post) reporting that St. Patrick's Cathedral and Temple Emanu-el, two leading houses of worship in New York City, are spending a year discussing the problems that have strained relations between members of their respective Roman Catholic and Jewish faiths. In a convocation attended by more than 1,200 Roman Catholics and Jews at the Cathedral and, later, at the Reform Temple, spokesmen announced guidelines for their dialogue and appealed to all synagogues and churches in every neighborhood to initiate similar talks. Rabbi Ronald B. Sobel of Temple Emanu-EI spoke from the pulpit at the Cathedral-the first rabbi to do so. Msgr. James F. Rigney of the Cathedral later spoke from the pulpit of Temple Emanu-El. That day I didn't have to turn to 'Buchwald's column to carry me through the day with equanimity. I realize that one swallow doesn't make a summer and that one exchange of Catholic-Jewish pulpits and one round of interfaith conversations, even one that lasts a year-will not usher in the millennium. But I think it

tions. The parallel ceremonies on Feb. 11 were historic and will have far - reaching effects throughout the United States. The New York dialogue is only beginning, and like all new interfaith ventures will predictably have its ups and downs. In the early stages, participants on both sides may tend to get discour· aged by their inability fUlly to understand one another and communicate effectively on matters they consider fundamental and non-negotiable from the point of view of their respective faiths. I wouldn't presume to suggest which so-called Catholic issues will give the Jewish participants the most trouble, but I think that Catholic participants will have to make a special effort to understand the Jewish attachment, in religious or theological terms, to the State of Israeltheir attachment to the "land" which God swor~ to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He would give' to their descendants. This matter, unfortunately, was passed over in silence in the Vatican Council's declaration on Catholic-Jewish relations, "Nostra Aetate," and in the Vatican's recent guidelines on ways and means of implementing both the letter and the spirit of the document. The issue was also fudged in the preliminary New York guidelines referred to above. Promised Land The Catholic participants in the New York dialogue need no assistance from yours truly in coming to a better understanding of the Jewish position on this matter. With apologies for intruding, however, I would call attention to a scholarly essay by Msgr. John Oesterreicher, Director of the Institute of JudaeoChristian Studies at Seton Hall University, which I find helpful in coming to a better understanding of the Jewish attachment to the "land" as a religious and not simply a political matter. Msgr. Oestrreicher's essay is e!1l~itled "The Theologian and the Land of Israel." It was published a few years ago as a chapter in a symposium, "Brothers in Hope" (Herder and Herder, New York, $7.50). Msgr. Oesterreicher. notes that there is "a weighty difference" between Jewish and Christian approaches to the promised land. He says that to the Christian, no country is holier than the others; hence, "no land plays a similar role in the religious experience of the Christian as does the land of Israel in the experience of the Jews." Though this lack of experience makes it difficult for the Christian fully to comprehend the Jewish attachment to "the land," it certainly does not forbid him to respect this attachment. In Msgr. Oesterreicher's

FAMILIAR SMILE: Television personality Art Linkletter shows his familiar smile during a chat with Chaplain Lawrence Dolan and President Arthur Hughes Jr. at the University of San Diego. Linkletter, speaking on human values, said, "Religion is the most powerful antidote in the world. I have seen it work in people who are hurting. Religion is one of the most important pieces in human pUZZle." NC Photo.

Publish Guidelines for Catholics,' Jews NEW YORK (NC) - The first rabbi ever .to speak from the high pulpit of St. Patrick's Cathedral and a Catholic priest speaking from the pulpit of the world's largest Jewish synagogue Temple Emanu-EI, have publicized new local guidelines for Catholic-Jewish relations here. Addressing more than 1,500 persons in St. Patrick's, Rabbi Ronald B. Sobel, spiritual leader of Temple Emanu-EI, said: "We have begun to learn what many of our fathers never knew: namely, that theological differences and divergent views of history's meaning need not be impediments to understanding or barriers to love. "We will maintain our differences proudly and the world will be better for it. We seek not uniformity; we plead only for unity." . Powerful Groups Deploring "problems of poverty and prejudice, corruption and social injustice" in New York City, Rabbi Sobel called on Catholics and Jews, the city's two most powerful minority groups, to "raise our voices to protest in concert." After the rabbi spoke, participants in the twin convocations walked 15 blocks to Temple Emanu-El,' where Msgr. James F. Rigney, rector of St. Patrick's and chairman of the New York archdiocesan ecumenical commission, read the guidelines and said work on them over the last few months had proved that "we can be candid with each other." The guidelines, entitled "How Jews and Roman Catholics Would Like to Live in New

opinion, there is "no religious tenet that imposes on him a detached or neutral stance toward the reality that Jews have regained their ancient land and now live under their own flag."

York," developed out of a year's consultation among the Catholic Archdiocese of New York, Temple Emanu-EI and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith (ADL). They urge forthright discussion of divisive issues. "Whether it is abortion, Israel, suppression of religious freedom, family life, parochial schools, or any other subject, we will speak openly and freely, even when consensus cannot be achieved," they said. Making clear that "proselytizing is to be carefully avoided in the dialogue," the New York guidelines state: "We come from distinct religious traditions and, although we share many values with each other and the general community, we feel we have unique contributions to make by being distinctive as Jews and Roman Catholics." Israel's Rights On Israel, the New York

guidelines said: "Whatever our sentiments regarding the Middle East, the right of the citizens of Israel to live in peace is a vital concern to us alL" Rabbi Sobel went further in saying: "To truly understand us, you will have .to understand the relationship between the Jewish people and the state of Israel, the meaning of that land in our theology, in our history, in our way of life." He urged Catholics as "our Christian brothers, to lend us your voice 'as we proclaim the right of the state of Israel to exist with freedom and in peace alongside of her Arab neighbors." The guidelines exclude any joint Catholic-Jewish worship services: "We worship separately and we will continue to do so iit the certain knowledge that there will be many areas of service to the community which we can share."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975


KNOW YOUR FAITH Confirmation: A Stick-to-it Decision By ANTOINETTE BOSCO

When Bishop Gibbons of AI·bany asked my Confirmation Catholics of my generation class of 1937 "What is the had to have our education up- - Church?" my arm alone soot up. graded when it came to Confir- That was the longest and hardmation. We had been taught est question in the catechism. some interesting things about I remember my cheeks feeling this sacrament, most of which suddenly hot as he pointed to just couldn't be translated into me and I answered flawlessly, our everyday· living. This was "The Church is a congregation especially true for girls. By get- of the faithful. ..." ting confirmed, even little girls We were well prepared. We became "soldiers of Christ" and could recite the catechism; vow members of His "army." The fidelity to Christ under pain of imagery was totally masculine death; proudly accept our new and hopelessly out of step with role as Christ's soldiers; and the "Marylike" virtues gitls affirm that the Holy Spirit had were supposed to adopt. now made us strong and perfect Of course, it gave us an "in" Christians. to the mysterious masculine But the truth is ,in reality we world. I even remember battling didn't have the foggiest notion of bravely, if verbally, with a fel- what all this meant. low fourth grader, a boy, during Sacrament of Maturity Confirmation instructions, that Since the Second Vatican no male would be a better sol- Council, Confirmation has had dier than I when it came to de- a new package. The military lanfending the faith. Bravely and guage is gone and so is the emgladly would I face a martyr- phasis on glamorous martyrdom. dom for Christ. It is now recognized as the sacI looked forward to the slap rament ·of maturity, of adultthe Bishop would give me be- hood, not conferred on children cause it was a mini~proof of my after a proper preparation, but willingness to suffer in witness chosen by young adults making of Christ, or at least Sister said. a decision about their life, sayIn those days the Bishop would ing in effect: also ask catechism questions of "I (name), fully understanding his young flock of nine-year olds the love, sacrifice, joys and about to receive the Holy Spirit, crosses intrinsic in living the and the Sisters had us as well Christian life, do consciously and prepared to rattle off the an- freely choose now to follow swers as little wind-up dons Christ daily until deatb, so that could get. Turn to Page Fourteen

Initiation into Christian Service "I collected for the heart fund because my father has heart trouble and for the cancer society because my grandfathers died of this dread disease."



An eighth grade girl, preparing for Confirmation, wrote these words in her journal of service projects. She had been instructed a year earlier to undertake such activities whicb would "serve as a positive sign you are really ready and willing to let the Spirit work in you ... you are determined to grow in the Spirit of Love." My partner in the parish, Father Tierney, and I personally interviewed our 60 plus candidates for this sacrament of Christian witness. We read over completed questionnaires based on their textbook, listened as they recited from memory several basic prayers and the 10 commandments, asked a few questions about the Church's sacramental system, looked at a brief essay. "Why I wi~h to be

confirmed" and, finally, checked over these service journals. The experience reinforced my opinion that young men and women in .this age bracket generally do possess the basic maturity necessary to understand what this particular sacrament is all about. I have been a bit wary of the approach proposed in recent years which would delay reception of Confirmation until late teens or early 20s. Only at that -time, according to this view, can 'an individual make a mature commitment to the Lord. Acceptance of Duties Pope Paul's Apostolic Constitution introducing the revised Rite for this sacrament states that by it "those who have been -born an.ew in Baptism receive the inexpressible Gift, the Holy Spirit Himself, by which they are endowed with special strength. Moreover, having received the character of this sacrament, they are bound more intimately to the Church and they are more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faitb both by word and by deed as true witnesses of Christ." I am not here necessarily taking the other approach urged today which would push reception of Confirmation back closer to Baptism and prior to First Turn to Page Fourteen

Confirmation: Sacrament of Witness ·Children are lovable and they demand a lot of loving. But their contribution to the family is necessarily limited. It is not until they become young adults that they -become aware that they can no longer be the center of attention, that they too must be attentive to the needs of the family.


What is true of children born of human parents is true of infants who are reborn of "water and the Spirit," who through· Baptism become by adoption what Christ is by nature, children of God and members of the larger family which is the Church. Baptized as infants" they become the center of attention in the Christian family of pa1ents, priests, religious, and their older brothers and sisters among the laity. And much of the parish resources in terms of money and buildings is expended on them. For these children too there comes a time to make a positive contribution to the "building up of the body of Christ which is the Church." The sacramental time is the day of Confirmation, when tbe Holy Spirit, received in Baptism as the lifegiving Spirit, is received again as the prophetic Spirit, in and through whom they are consecrated to a life of service. Call to Witness In the early Church, when the Baptism of adults was the rule rather than the exception, the bisbop immediately after Baptism laid his hands on the heads of the neophytes or newly born and called upon God to "make them worthy to be filled with your Holy Spirit, that they may be filled with your grace, that they may serve you according to your will." The bishop then anointed them with consecrated oil, the oil with which kings and prophets and priests were anointed in the Old Testament, and sealed them with the sign of the cross. From that hour they were to be living witnesses to the crucified and risen Christ, to Christ, the anointed one, whose image they bear through the seal stamped on their souls by the Holy Spirit. In the Eastern churches, Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, the three Rites of Christian initiation, are celebrated together even in the case of infants. In the churcbes of the West it has long been the custom to separate the rites and

JOY IN ADULTHOOD: Others have decided to make Confirmation, after Holy Communion, the sacrament of adolescence or young adulthood. A high grain closeup emphasizes the joy of a young woman as she is confirmed at the Milwaukee Cathedral. NC Photo. even to transpose them, so that many children receive Confirmation after their First Holy Communion. Time for Confirmation Even today, Catholic bishops are not agreed on the a"propriate time to administer Confirmation. Some prefer to keep the original sequence of Confirmation before first Communion, a practice more common in the past when first Communion was delayed to early adolescence. Others have decided to make Confirmation, after Holy Communion, the sacrament of adolescence or young adulthood. There are good reasons for both views but none altogether compelling. In the United States, the 'sacrement of Confirmation is generally received several years after First Communion. More important than the age of administration is the meaning and significance of the Rite itself. If the gifts of the Spirit are received in early childhood, the grown child in his adolescent years will be called upon to activate and to vitalize the gifts he has received. If confirmed as a young adult, the young man or woman will receive the fullness of the Spirit and be motivated to a more intensive life of service and dedication. Perhaps we can even borrow a page from the more Spirit-minded of our separated brethren

and, in doing so, recapture our devotion to the Holy Spirit, the "forgotten" member of the Trinity or divine community, in whom we call God "Abba, Father." Pentecostal groups are found in almost every denomination. They impose hands on their members in what has come to be called a "Baptism in the Spirit." Some of these pentecostals deny that the Holy Spirit is received either in the sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation. They are against an organized church of priests and bishops, a c!1Urch that is sacramentally structured. For them the "Spirit blows where It wills." Charismatics But there are Catholic pentecostals or charismatics who believe in the Church, who believe Turn to Page Fourteen Our experience is your luarantee

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Warns Sta rvation Faces Millions

Parley to Discuss Alienated Youth, Ex-Priests, Divorced Catholics CHIC AGO (:\'C) - Wht'n till' :\ational Federation of Priests' Councils t:\,FPC) meets in St. Petersburg. Fla., March 9-13, it will bypass some of the usual formalities of national com'entions and get right down to work. Father Francis Brown, information officer at I'\FPC headquarters here. told I"C News the conwntion will ha\'â‚Ź' no key. note speaker and few of the other speakers that are usually interspersed throughout com'ention gatherings. :\10re than 300 priests representing councils in 45 of the 48 contiguous states are expected to attend the fiw-day House of Delegat.es meeting. the federation's eighth annual conwntion. The theme of the conwntion is "Reconciliation: Risks and Possibilities." The group will be greeted Sunday ewning, March 9, by Father Reid C. Mayo, NFPC president. But all day Monday and Tuesday they will meet in smaller groups under the guidance of re30urce specialists to work on fi\'C dominant areas that priests' councils across the country have suggested are most in need of reconcilia tion. On Wednesday thc convention delegates are expected to meet in a day-long parliamentary session to hammer out a statement on reconciliation that will give the NFPC its direction for the coming year.

The final day, Thursday, will be deyoted to new business. Five Areas Father Brown said thc fi\'c areas of reconciliation to be discussed, with the resource people for the working groups. are: -Distribution of world resources, with Maryknoll Father Leo Shea of Boston College, Boston, and Maryknoll Father Donald Allen, director of the Maryknoll dewlopment office and representative for Maryknoll as a nongovernmental agency at the United Nations; -Alienated youth, with Father Patrick O'Neill, representath'e for campus and adult ministry in the education department of the U.S. Catholic Conference. and president of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association; -Liberal and conservative Catholics, with Jesuit Father Thomas Sweetser, director Parish Evaluation Project and author of "Catbalic Parish: Shifting Membership in a Changing Church"; -Divorced and remarried Catholics, with Father John Finnegan, president of the Canon Law Society of America and, academic dean and canon law profe3sor at Jope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Mass.; -Resigned priests, with Msgr. P. Francis Murphy, chancellor for pastoral concerns and vicar for personnel for the Baltimore archdiocese.

Confirmation--A Stick-to-it Decision Continued from ~age Thirteen through me, Christ is still alive and well and living on this earth. . . " That's a \'ast improvement oyer the old definition, but I'm not really sure it's all that much clearer than the old language. Confirmation, after all, can't be understood by talking about it. It is not a one-time sacrament, but a way of life. The honest goal of a confirmed Christian should be to act as Christ would in all matters so that eventually being a Christian is so much a part of your nature that to act otherwise would be out of character and altogether wrong. It is parallel to the naturalness with which a mature person consistently acts like an adult, and does not revert back to childish tantrums, outlandish selfishness, unrelenting stubbornness, the demand for immediate gratification of pleasures, and other forms of behaviour which earmark immaturity. This is not to imply that maturity is automatic and irreversible. One has to work at main-


SERVICE TO OTHERS: A confirmed Christian has a special duty to serve others and lead persons to O~r L~rd through labors of love. Seniors at Central CatholIc HIgh School, Binghampton, N. Y., teach the Sign of the Cross to retarded children on a one-to-one basis during a Saturday morning class at the school. NC Photo.

Initiation Into Christian Service Continued from Page Thirteen Eucharist. My only point is that our contact with two groups of young people in the 7-9 grade level indicates most of them do fundamentally grasp what this sacrament means, accept the obligations contained witbin it as sketched by Paul VI and wish. to receive "the inexpressible Gift." How faithfully in later years they will remain to this commitment is, of course, an entirely different question. But we could raise the same issue in the case of a couple entering marriage or a priest accepting Holy Orders or a religious making solemn vows. "Do you think you are ready now for this sacrament or do you believe it should be put off until later in high school? Do you think she is old enough? Do

taining maturity, just as one has to work at being Christian today, tomorrow and the day after. Maturity: Dependability Maturity means dependability, the acceptance of responsibility, the ability to cope with setbacks. the willingness to accept one's strong points while yet admitting one's limitations. It is characterized by order, good intentions well carried out in action, and above all, a permeating courage to support one's determination not to slip backwards and betray one's own, Tax Credit Ruling adulthood by immature actions. It is obvious how naturally these May be Appealed characteristics can be trans- . ST. PAUL (NC)-The Minnelated to apply to the Christian sota's Supreme Court decision life. Wben Confirmation is called declaring the 1971 income tax the sacrament of maturity, it is credit law unconstitutional is to underscore that these quali- written in terms that "invite apties of maturity are essential to peal," according to John F. Marliving the Christian life-which kert, executive director of the is the active one of reshaping Minnesota Catholic Conference the world according to Christ's (MCC). At a press conference at the model of love, justice, peace, archdiocesan chancery, Markert joy and goodness. There's a story that came out instructed parents of children in of World War II, from postwar nonpublic schools to file tax France. A soldier in passing credit claims for the taxable year through a destroyed village came 1974. As of now, claims will be deTaxpayers Protest upon a statue of Christ on the nied by the commissioner of ground, with both its hands ST. LOUIS (NC) - Groups of broken off. The soldier lifted the taxation, Markert said. But the taxpayers in St. Louis City and statue and placed a sign before action will protect the parents' County and in Kansas City, Mo., are awaiting the outcome of it saying: "I have not hands but claims in the event there is a different ruling as a result of an suits they have filed to protest yours." appeal. If Confirmation means anythe allotment of part of their Markert said that the ruling real estate taxes to the public thing, it is not to answer cateschools. The plaintiffs are claim- chism questions and swear may be appealed on the grounds bravely to suffer for Christ, or that it in effect bars all types ing that the public schools are talk about tongues of fire and of aid to religion, including tax teaching a form of religion-seca visit from the Holy Spirit. It exempt status given to most ular humanism - and that taxes property owned by churches, is to say "yes" to Christ with are being unconstitutionally and busing of nonpublic school the broken hands and never used, therefore, for the estab-. students by the state. change your mind. \i~nm~nt of a reli~ion.

you tbink he is mature enough?" These inquiries, posed to a dozen or more of the candidates as well" as their parents, brought, in every case, an affirmative response. " Service Journal The young girl mentioned in the beginning of this article also noted these items in her service journal: "I worked at a bake sale because it was for charity and at a car wash because it was for a needy family." "I got up at 7:00 in the morning and made my father breakfast because he asked me and at 6:30 to clean a neighbor's house because she was in the haspital." "I baked cookies for a lonely old person because I felt she would like to have home-made cookies and a cake for my sister's party because she neede~ one." "I cut the grass of four senior citizens' houses because I wanted to help them out." "I took about 10 different jobs at home because my Mom needed the help." Will . she always remain so idealistic, so close to the Church, so filled with faith and concern about others? We naturally hope so and pray for that intention. But at least she clearly understands now that a confirmed Christian has a special duty to serve others and lead persons to our Lord through labors of love.

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Within the next few weeks, as many as 2 million persons may die from starvation and malnutrition unless immediate aid is forthcoming, Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia said here. At a symposium on Hunger and the American Conscience held at St. Joseph's College, Cardinal Krol said a total of 813 million individuals now face famine and starvation in underdeveloped nations throughout the world. Though he admitted th~t shortages and increased cost domestically have affected the degree to which the United States can provide direct aid, the cardinal said "scarcity doesn't dissolve our moral responsibility." "The right to eat is a basic human right," he said. The symposium, which centered on the moral aspects of hnnger and malnutrition, focused on the question, "Are we, as Americans, doing all we can to alleviate the specter of world hunger and malnutrition globally?"

Witness Continued from Page Thirteen that the Holy Spirit has freely promised to be present and operative in the Christian sacraments. They too practice the laying on of hands in a "Baptism of the Spirit," but not as a substitute nor an optional rite for receiving the life giving Spirit of Baptism and the prophetic Spirit of Confirmation. The call upon the Spirit to rehew, to vitalize, to activate the sevenfold gift of the Spirit received in Confirmation, the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding. the Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of knowledge and piety, the Spirit of reveren¡ tial fear. They ask too that the Spirit will manifest Himself at times through signs and wonders as He once did in the early Church. In an age of unbelief, we should not easily discount the testimony of our Catholic Charismatics who claim that the Spirit still manifests His presence in miraculous gifts of healing and the gift of tongues. In this the Holy Year of reeoncliation and renewal, and of evangelization or witness, who are better equipped for the ministry of witness than those who have certainly received the charismatic gifts of the Spirit in the visible Rite of Confirmation, a Rite guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Christ?

Preacher The preacher is a messenger, not an actor. ---Cockman


699 Bellville Avenue New Bedford

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27,1975




By PETER 1. BARTEK Norton High Coach

Twelve Diocesan Hopefuls Among To·urney Qualifiers Twelve schools from within the confines of diocesan territorial limits will particpate in this year's state schoolboy championship basketball playoff. All league titlsts and any other club that wins 59% of its games qualifies for the prestigious tournament. The first step on the tourney trail three divisions scheduled for March 12, and the hoop camis the sectional competition. paign officially closing with the The local entries thus will finals on March 15. begin their Journey by vying for the South Sectional crown.

Throughout the event competition will be staged in three divisions. Schools are· grouped according to boy enrollment in grades 10-12 with the largest haWing for the Division I title and the smallest for Division III honors. ThE' regional tourney, which commences this week, will continue through March 8 when the finals will be staged. Then the statewide action gets underway with semifinal rounds in all

In years' past the area has been well represented in the schoolboy finale. Usually 16-20 local clubs qualify. But this winter proved to be disastrous to many of the annual tournament participants. For example, Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth', Case High of Swansea, Taunton, Fairhaven and Dighton-Rehoboth, all of whom have had their moments of tournament glory, will be absent. Perhaps the balance of the multi-school Southeastern Massachusetts Conference is the reason.

Durfee-Barnstable Division I Underdogs However, some of the perennials will see action again. Durfee High of Fall River, Holy Family High of New Bedford, Dartmouth and Nauset are among the select group as usual. Durfee and Barnstable will represent the area in Division I. Coach Tom Karam's Fall Riverites will be making their 19th appearance in the past 20 years. The Southeastern Mass. Conference Division I champions finished the campaign with a 16-4: mark. Barnstable who finished third behind Stang qualifies on the basis of its 15-4 over-all record. Anything can happen in tournament action as has been proven many times in the past. But both local contingents enter as decided underdogs. With the likes of Catholic Memorial of

Roxbury and Boston English in the same bracket it will take a super effort for either to survive the regionals. The area's strongest representative is in Division II where Oliver Ames of Easton is slightly favored to win the crown. The Hockomock League champs are 19-0 on the season. A balanced attack Jed by 6'9" center Craig Watts carried the Amesmen through the regular season and Tiger fans believe it will take them all the way to the top of the state ladder. Bishop Connolly High of Fall River, Seekonk and Nauset Regional will also compete in Division II. The Fall River Cougars are ·rated among the better qualifiers and could surprise. Nauset is no stranger to tournament action and has the potential to shock the experts.

Strong Delegates in Small School Bracket Seekonk, Southeastern Mass. Division III pacesetter, while solid, does not appear to have the firepower to stay with the likes of Oliver Ames, Medfield or Rockland. Holy Family High will be one of the best quintets to play in Division III and. may profit from its tourney experience in the New England Catholic High Invitational Tournament held last weekend. The Jack Nobrega coached Blue Wave lost a heartbreaking two point decision to Bishop Fenwick High of Peabody in last Sunday's Class B finals. But there is no doubt the Parochiais will be in contention. Opponents will have to stop 6'7" guard Mickey Gonsalves in order to halt the Wave. Gonsalves scored 41 points in semifinal competition in the Catholic tour-

ney to\ almost singlehandedly gain a finals berth for Holy Family. Holy Family is, however, not the only powerful club representing the diocese in Division III. The Wareham Vikings, winners of the S.E. Mass. Conference Division IV title, are definitely championship material. The Jim Broglioli coached Vikings avenged an early season loss to Bishop Stang last Friday by trouncing the Spartans 75-57. They are ready for the tournament challenge. Bristol-Plymouth Regional of Taunton, Old Rochester Regional from Mattapoisett and Martha's Vineyard will also play in Division III. None of the afore· mentioned ,appear to have the depth necessary to stay with the bracket's top guns, but time will tell.

BIKERS PAY HOMAGE: Bicyclists stop to pay homage to Our Lady of Mount Car. mel at Maipu, Chile, after a 480-mile bike race which attracted riders from seven South American countries. They left a bicycle at t he shrine near Santiago as an offering. It will be given to a needy child. NC Photo.

Communist' Journal Applauds Cardinal Finds School for Child Expelled B'ecause of Color TURIN (NC) - A black child, dismissed from a Turin school because of her race, has been accepted in another school following an appeal from the pulpit by Cardinal Michele Pellegrino.

had the Christian dignity and honesty which- we have so often seen in Cardinal Pellegrino, many of the ugly incidents in Italy today would not have been possible."

Cardinal Pellegrino of Turin called the child's dismissal "a disgrace for our city." He told the congregation: "I put the question to you frankly: Won't you help me find a place for her in a Turin school?" He was the first to bring the child's dismissal to public attention.

Asked Cardinal The young African, whose name was withh~ld by the cardinal, is the adopted daughter of an Italian couple. After her dismissal, the couple searched in vain for another school for her. They then turned to Cardinal Pellegrino for help.

The cardinal made his plea for the child during 'a sermon urging ·Christians to work for justice "with an openness ... aimed at changing fundamentally the structures which are the root of injustice."


The cardinal said later that two or three schools had offered to take the child as a result of his homily. The dismissal was prompted by complaints from 'parents of other children in the school.

The incident, widely reported in the Italian press, evoked a front-page comment from Rome's influential communist - oriented daily, Paese Sera. The paper said Feb. 16: "If all the cardinals of the Holy Roman Church always

SINCE 1898







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Feb. 27, 1975

Cites Gross Imbalances In Wealth in Our Nation ST. LOUIS (NC) - National reaction to the Campaign for Human Development report issued earlier this month has been generally favorable, Father Lawrence J. McNamara, exeGutive director of CHD, said here. The 208-page report, soon to be available in booklet form, details a gross maldistribution of economic wealth and power in the United States. Father McNamara was here to participate in the St. Louis Archdiocesan Commission of Human Rights observance of Martin Luther Ki:lg Day. In an interview with the St. Louis Review he said the report "simply lets facts speak for themselves." "Of course, I expect there will be some, mainly ultra right-wing reactionaries, who will accuse the report of being anti-America, or even communistic," Father McNamara added. Among the facts contained in the report, entitled, "Poverty in American Democracy: A study of Social Power," are figures which reveal an unbalanced distribution of economic power and wealth in this country. "This study deals with facts," Father McNamara continued, "facts which show that 1.6 per cent of American corporations control 75 per cent of all manufacturing assets; which show that the richest 10 per cent of the U.S. population receives the same total income as the bottom 50 per cent; that the top 1 per cent receives more income than the bottom 20 per cent of American Citizens. "The top 1.2 per cent of American families. hold 32.5 times more investment assets than the bottom 60 per cent of American households. If those figures are controversial, well, that's the way it is, Father McNamara said. The report goes on to say that,

CHD Campaign Collections Up WASHINGTON (NC) - Despite hard times, the U.S. Catho· lic bishops' Campaign for Human Development (CHD), designed to belp the poor help themselves, may have collected more money last year than in the previous two, the CHD executive director said here. "Apparently hard times do not make hard hearts," the official, Father Lawrence McNamara, said in commenting on preliminary returns on the 1974 CHD collection conducted in Catholic parishes throughout the United States. Of the first 46 dioceses that have so far sent in their returns to the national office, 41 had totals exceeding the previous year's collection, Father McNamara said. And in four of the five dioceses which reported decreases, the decrease was less than $1,000. The combined increase from the 41 dioceses was in excess of $133,000. The largest single increase thus far has come from the Archdioce3e of Los Angeles. which went up $22,444 over its '1973 collection to a 1974 contribution of $163,240.

as a result of a lack of economic control over their own lives people find they are locked into an eoonomic, social situation which they are powerless to change, despite their hopes, dreams and hard work," he said. "I think that's pretty easy to understand today. No autowork; er who is laid off can be accused of not wanting to work; he is unable to do anything about his situation. And yet the myth is that if he really wanted to change things all he has to do it try." The report suggests, Father McNamara said, that "our system of government is such that we can correct imbalance~. We've always done so. When monopolies began to emerge as an economic form in our country we collectively decided that the monopoly was destructive of the whole concep't." He noted that post·Depression programs guaranteed food to those who are unable to worlt for it and later programs provided medical care for virtually everyone. "What the CHD report asks is if the basic require· ments need an upgrading, a little more dignity to them. Is it enough to guarantee that someone will starve?" Father Mc· Namara asked.

Says Oil Price Redresses Injustice Former President Rafael Caldera of Venezuela, a prominent Catholic lawyer and sociologist pioneering in international social justice, says the hike in oil prices from which his country benefits is only fair compensation for decades of losses from oil exports to the United States and other nations. "Traditionally subjected to unfair terms under the law of supply and demand manipulated by the powerful, Venezuela was forced to accept low prices for its products, while at the same time it had to pay higher prices for importing needed goods from industrial countries. "This is



East, and of England, Spain and Portugal. Venezuela is the third-largest exporter of oil in the world, after Saudi !Arabia and Iran. It is also the main single foreign supplier of crude oil to the United States, and a ~ember of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) which at a December meeting in Vienna set a uniform world price of $10.46 a barrel of crude oil. Caldera told audiences in Europe the old low prices of $2 and $3 per barrel, were the result of unfair trade practices. He explained how such low prices were depressing for the economies of the producing countries.




Giant Monopolies Cause Oil Hikes Avers Jesuit FRAMINGHAM (NC) - MonopoliStic practices among the giant oil corporations are largely responsible for high energy prices, according to Jesuit Father Robert Drinan, Democratic congressman from Massachusetts. "If there were true competition among the oil producers," he said in a speech here, "energy supplies would now be more freely available at affordable prices. "I th·ink it is outrageous that at a time when many Americans are unable to pay their heating bills for the winter months, the net earnings of the 10 largest U.S. oil companies for the first half of 1974 were 148 per cent higher than the same period last year. Father Drinan said "the 20 largest oil companies control 94 per cent of domestic oil produc: tion, 72 per cent of natural gas, 86 per cent of refining capacity and 79 per cent of gasoline marketing." In addition, he said, the same companies are taking over the development of new energy sources, including "solar, geothermal, fusion, wind and tidal power sources. ':One way to avoid this situ ation would be to have the federal government deal directly with the oil exporters, buying oil through. sealed bids which would then be allocated at fixed prices to energy distributors in the United States. "This practice would insure more favorable import prices for consumers while limiting the current monopolistic practices by the oil companies."


American leaders and myself have l:>een advocating international social justice for many years. Now is the time to implement it," he states. Before becoming president of Venezuela in 1969, Caldera was a leading member of tr..e InterAmerican Seminars held regular. Iy by the Social Action department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, predecessor of the U.S. Catholic Conference. He expanded his crusade during visits to Europe and the United States as head of Venezuela's Social Christian party. His fiveyear term as president expired in 1974, and he has recently completed a tour of the oil-producing countries in the Middle



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