The ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Soul, Surf) and lI'iNn-ST. PAUL
Vol. 6, No. ] ~
.... © 1962 The Anchor
PRICE 10c $4.00 per Year
~®nten Seo$crrn
"Why are you fearful, 0 ye of little Faith. H St. Matthew 8 :26 Beloved in Christ, The words above were spoken by Our Lord to the Apostles; They also apply to us here~ Like the Twelve, we are caught in the sea of uncertainty, fearful for our way of life, and indeed, fearful for our lives. But. the path to safety for us as well as the first followers of Christ remains the same. We must be strong in Faith. We must prove what we profess by the way we think and act. "This ig the victory that overcomes the world, your Faith." (1st St. John 5 :4) Proof for this rule is readily had. Holy writ endorses it: "As a man thinks himself in his heart, so is he. History supports it in the record of great deeds and conquests made by people that believed. in their destiny. But no more than the record of Christianity need be cited to show that heights were reached by men and women who lived by faith, and that failure inevitably came to those whose faith in God wavered or stayed' weak. Such too; is our story. We all'h~we moment$ of greatness. Faith has swayed' us many times. At F.irst Communion certainly, or when.we.have been witness<to some work of Divine .Providence. We have learned from the . faith of others. We have been lifted up by sharing in 'some great service of God, proving,our love for Him by. 'What we do to make this world a better place to' live, in. But these moments, unfortunately," h~ve not been constant.,
HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Chairmen prepare for mid-Winter vacation retreats for teen-agers of Holy Trinity parish, West Harwich and Holy Redeemer, Chatham. Left to right, Rev. Francis Coady, retreat master; Mrs. Arthur LeFrenier, chairman of teachers; Mrs. Joseph Galizio, chairman of helpers; Sister Dolores, O.L.V.M., supervisor of High School of Religion. Girls attended exercises at Chatham, boys went to La Salette Seminary, Brewster.
law Expert Supports
Limited School Aid
Turn to, Page Two
Pre-Council Group Treats Many Church Life Aspects
ANN ARBOR (NC)-Substantial arguments can be made to support the constitutionality of limited Federal aid to parochial schlols, a University of Michigan expert on constitutional law said here. A respectable body of opinion supports this view as being in line with Supreme Court rulings and historically sanctioned practices. Paul G. Kauper told a university speech ~s- should not be confused with the sembly. The professor mam- merits of Federal aid to educa~ tained that "the problems we tion. as a matter of public policy. are concerned with are prob- The. decisio,ns on polic~ consid-
Ministers Agree Mixed,Marriages· Faith
ST. LOUIS· (NC)-Cathone and' Protestant church· leaders agree that both partners in mixed' marriages tend to drift' away from their respective religions, the National Council of Churches' Division of Christian Education was told here. . "Without doubt the number of mixed religious marriages is in. creasing," said the Rev. Dr. William H. Genne, director of the NCC Department of Family Turn to Page Eighteen
VATICAN CITY (NC)~lncreased authority for bishops and the status of secular institutes were among topics discussed by the fourth series of meetings of the Central Preparatory Commission for the coming Vatican Council. , The discussions centered on all aspects of the eccles- Dio~esan P,iesf Slta,es iastical life of the Church. The meetings were attended by 39 cardinals and other bigh Church officials. . His Holiness Pope John X~III attended the first day of meetIngS and welcomed the presence of Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland. After the Pope left the meeting, Benedetto Cardinal Aloisi Masella, president of the Preparatory Commission fpr Bishops and the Government of Dioceses, led the discussion of two proposals. Although the decisions of the commission remain secret, it was known that the proposals concerned the size of dioceses and the establishment of national conferences of bishops. Many dioceses, especially in Europe, do not correspond to present demands in that they are either so large as to be unwieldly or too small to function effectively. On the second day Cardinal Aloisi 1l.'Iasella read two other reports, These dealt with the relations between bishops and the offices of the Roman Curia-the . Holy See's central administ~ation - and the relation between bishops and pastors within their jurisdictions. The offices of the curia are .-!=. Turn to Page Eighteen
lems of degre'e and problems that must be answered by reference 10a variety· of considerations, rather than by invocation of some absolutist principle of separation of Church and State." He cautioned that the question
Catholic Laity Responsible For Church Schools' Future PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A priest-political scientist charged here that future historians will hold today's Catholic laity responsible if the nation's church-related schools are lost. Father Virgil C. Blum, S.J., a Marquette University political scientist, speaking in a Convent of the Sacred Heart lecture series here, scored the passivity of
Padre Pio· 'Meeting" Impressive Stigmatized Monk· Radiates Love, Obedience By' Rev. It was a quiet September morning in the year 1918. In the choir of the monastery chapel in the poverty-stricken Italian town of San Giovanni Rotondo a young, beared Francisoan monk knelt in prayer. Suddenly a cry of pain shattered the silence and the priest fell to the ground. Moments later his fellow-monks found him there, prostate before a crucifix, with strange bleeding wounds in his hands and feet and side. For Padre Pio the hidden life of a monk had abruptly ended; he had been swept into history as one of the few men to bear on ,his body the bleeding wounds of Christ, the Stigmata. I have just returned from a trIp to San Giovanni Rotondo. 'Ilhere I met Padre Pio, saw him say Mass, and listen,ed to the many stories that are told about him. This brief account is by way of sharing that 'experience with you.
Edward J. Mitcheil
A word of caution must be voiced at the very start. The
eratlOns belong to Congress, be noted. , .From a constitutional standpoint, Kauper said: "'Ilhe ITlost pervasive and comprehensive source of power in Turn to Page Eighteen
Catholic Church has taken no official stand on the stigmata of Padre Pio, nor of the miracles 'attributed to him, nor on his reputed bi-Iooations (being several places at the same time). The attitude of the Church has rather been one of caution, a " let's-wait-and-see " approach. Because of the sometimes-excessive enthusiasm of the followers of Padre. Pio, the Holy See has several times curbed his activities. His obedience in each of these instances was quick and complete. We rose at four o'clock in the morning in order to attend his Mass. It lasted one hour. Although the Mass itself moved along at a regular pace, he paused at several places for long moments of prayer, especially at the mementos of the living and the dead and the consecration. To hide the stigmata in his hands from the morbidly curiTurn to Page Four
American Catholics. "Their refusal to organize with Protestants and Jews for participation in the democratic processes may well make the collapse of religious education inevitable," the Jes,-!it educator stated. Any program 'of Federal aid for public schools only would violate the basic civil rights which the Constitution defends, Father Blum said. "The crisis is not so much in classroom shortages and low teachers' salaries, as in the resolution of the question: who shall control the minds of our children?" Father Blum said. "In America we see that parents in increasing numbers are being forced to surrender the control of their children's education," he said. "The cost of education has increased more than 700 per cent since 1940. As the cost of government increases and the cost of education skyrockets, an increasing proportion of parents will be compelled to surrender control over the minds of their children to the state. "There is every indication," Father Blum said, "that this parental surrender will become Turn to Page Eighteen
THE ANCHOR~Diocese ofFal! River-Thurs., Mar. 1, 1962 -......;"---------....;.;.-----------..;...;~-
Continued :Irom Page One
. Lenten Regulations for Fast and Abstinence
To foster the spirit of penance and of reparation for sin, to encourage self-denial and mortification and to guide her children in the footsteps of Our Divine Savior, Holy Mother Church imposes by law the observance of fast and '. abstinence. . I According to the provisions of Canon Law, as modified through the use of special faculties granted by the Holy See, we herewith publish the following regulations:
ON FAST Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is bound
to observe the law of fast. The weekdays of Lent are days of fast. On these days only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one's need; but together they should not equal another full meal. Meat may be taken at the principal meal on a day of fast except Fridays and Ash Wednesday. Eating between meals is not permitted; but liquids, including milk and fruit juices, are allo'Yed.. When health and ability to work would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige. In doubt concerning fast or abstinence a parish priest or confessor should be consulted.
MIS S ION S: Auxiliary Archbishop William D.O'Brien of Chicago, who' spent more than 50 years· serving the cause of the home mis-' sions in the United States has died: NC Photo..
CY(Q) Everyone over seven years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence. be observed on Fridays Complete abstinence is and Ash Wednesday. On days of complete abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat may not be used at all. Partial abstinence is to be 'observed on Ember Wednesday and Saturday and Holy Saturday. On days of partial abstinence meat and soup or gravy made from meat may be taken ONCE a day at the principal meal. We earnestly exhort the faithful during the Holy Season of Lent to attend daily Mass; to receive Holy Communion often; to take part more frequently in exercises of . piety; to give generously to works of religion and charity; to perform acts of kindness toward. the sick, the aged and the poor; to practice voluntary self-denial especially regarding alcoholic drink and worldly amusements; and to . pray more fervently, particularly for the intentions of the Holy Father. Obligation to fulfill the Easter duty may. be satisfied from Sunday, March 11, the First Sunday of Lent, until June 17, Trinity Sunday. P.S.-In virtue of faculties granted by the Holy See,' the Bishop dispenses from the Laws of Fast and Abstinence on March 17th.
Mass Ordo
!Q)1i'«lJU'iJ'il«ll !F~.Sti';V«lJ1
The Sacred Heart parish CYO i1.mior' dramatic dub of Fall River was awarded an outstanding rating at the CYO drama festival conducted at the Catholic Community Center, Fall River. Charlene Mitchell, Ellen Kroger and Theresa Lavallee were given honorable mention :for their roles. Two members of St. Joseph's group .were given honorable mention. Rita Skelly received hers for acting and Kathleen Meagher for stage appearance. . . Mrs. John Trainor directed the Sacred Heart Senior division in the outstanding play of the festival. Susan Johnson was awarded a medal for performance' ap.d Mary Davitt, Alice Burgmeyer ahd Joan Gallagher received honorable mention. Mrs. James F. Wilcox and Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly, Jr: acted as the festival judges.
The following films are to be FRIDAY-Mass of previous Sun- added to the lists in their re. day. IV Class. Violet.M:,ss spective classifications: Prope,r; No Gloria or Creed; Unobjectionable for general Common Preface. Two Votive patronage: Follow that Dream; Masses in honor of the Sacred Land We Love; Prisoner of the Heart of Jesus permitted. To- Iron.Mask. morrow is the First Saturday . Unobjectionable for adults: of the Month. Information' Received; Satan . SATURDA Y - Mass of the Never Sleeps. MAR. 3 Blessed Virgin for Saturday. Objectionable in part for all: Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney, IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Force of Impulse (suggestive, 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, New Gloria; no Creed; Preface of undesirable moral behavior). Bedford. Blessed Virgin. Condemned: Odd Obsession SUNDAY-Quinquagesima Sun- (treats sexual perversion in MAR. 6 day. II Class. Violet. Mass grossly suggestive manner). Rev. John W. Quirk, 1932; Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Founder, St. Joseph, Taunton. Common Preface. On Sd~ll1ce· Board " MAR." . . TUESDAY - SS. Perpetua and ST. LOUIS (NC)-Father WilFelicitas, Martyrs. III Class. Rev. Arthur P. J.' Gagnon, liam Stauder, S.J., assistantproRed. Mass Proper; Gloria; no 1958,. Pastor, Holy Rosary, New fessor of geophysics and geoCreed. Commoh Preface. The physical Bedford.. engineering at St. Louis' beginning of the Lenten Fast University, has been! elected to at midnight. the board of directors of the WEDNESDAY-Ash Wednesday. Seismological Society of Amer~ I Class. Violet. Mass Proper; iea. FORTY HOURS No Gloria or Creed; Preface of Lent. In Masses which immeDEVOTION'} diately follow the Blessing and N~lI"rrDSHe Distribution of Ashes, the Prayers at the Foot of· the Mar; 2-LaSalette Seminary, SHEET METAL Altar are omitted. The BlessAttleboro. J. TESER, Prop. ing and Distribution of Ashes. Mar. 4-Santo Christo, Fall RESIDENTIAL THURSDAY - Thursday after River. Ash Wednesday. III Class. INDUSTRIAL St. Anthony Convent, Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria Fall River. . COMMERCIAL Second Collect St. John of Our Lady's Haven, Fair253 Cedar St. New Bedford' God, Confessor; no Creed; . haven. WY 3-3222 Preface of Lent; Mar. ll-St. James, New Bedford. Our Lady at. Lourdes, Taunton. Mar. 18-St. Mary, Taunton. St. Francis X a vie r , Acushnet. Mar.25-St. Joseph, North Dighton. Espirito Santo, Fall DOMESTIC '& HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS River.
THE ANCHOR Second CIIUIll Postage Paid at FaU River. Ill.... Published eve.., l'h1l1'lldQ at no Hllrhland Avenne. Fall River, MIUIll.. '" the Catholic Preee of the Dloe""" 01 Fall River. SUh.cripiton Drlce U mall. POll tpaid N.OO per , ....
Our faith if!' puny; it is too littl~. It has Dot gro~ strong through frequent exercise. Too often it is calettlating. It comes forward chiefly in times of distress whea we ask the ~rd to alleviate some pain or ·sorrow. We look. for immediate rewards, for ouselves. We aN not too concerned with conformity to God's Holy Will. W. need to grow; And grow we will once we seriously beg for an increase of faith. This was the prayer of the Apostleu "Lord i~crease our faith, Lord teach us to pray." Such should be our sentiments too if we are to spend profitably the holy season of Lent. We have much to pray for. Our Holy Father begs us to "intensify our prayera for the happy success of the coming Ecumenical Council.We must be constant in our quest for peace for all huma:akind. A spirit of thanks could prompt us to profit by aD the spiritual aids we. have, in the sacraments. We should frequent. them growing strong by the grace, the spiritual energy that derives from them. Faith finds expression in seeking the company of Christ. It follows Him meditatively along His sorrowful way. It communes with Him through frequent aspirations. It imitates Him in the love we show . our neighbor in need. Finally, if our faith is to grow, it must prompt us to works, of self-sacrifice. Lent cannot be Lent, unless it be a season of'penance. Prayer and penance have always been the theme of Lent. But the best prayer is that which comes from a contrite heart. It· should not be necessary to spell out what should be done~ A lot depends on the age and physical condition of the Christian soul. But something should be. done, som&thing that stands for sacrifice. It could be dancing. Some people might say they'd hate themselves for giving it up. They should hate themselves if they don't. Definitely~ no Parish Halls, or Youth Centers may have dancing in tlwl Holy Season. In other matters too, we should show restraint. TheN are many such which I mention in the hope of winning some one .or other to a definite resolve to discipline himself.. Could we not get free from the domination of tobacca, or T. V.? Should we not fast between meals? Is it not possible to forego the theatre and movies? ]s there no selfish, quarrelsome habit for us to overcome ?Could we noS put aside, as alms, monies, we would ordinarily spend 011 luxuries? . . In any case, if our faith is to grow strong, we must do works of penance, and Lent is the time for this. Let U8 not th~n drift through this ~eason, but use it rather for a nearer approach to God. So doing we will Qepefit by the s<:>lemn Liturgy and find ourselves, with Christ rising to a better life. Faithfully yours in Christ,
Legio.n of Decency
MAR. 2 R~v. James J. Brady, 1941, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford. Rev. Antoine Berube, 1936, Pastor, St. Joseph, Attleboro. , Rev. Tarcisius Dressen, SS.CC;, 1952, Monastery of" Sacred Hearts,. FaiX:hayen.
of Fall River'
Benedictine Oblates Oblates of St. Benedict will meet at 7:30 Tuesday 'night, March,6 at St. Vincent's' Home, Fall River.
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For Fr.
·P,eyto~·. ~
TtfE, ANCHORThurs., ,Mar. 1, 1962
Clergy Number' Fails to Match Population
: HOLLYW.OOD (N·b)·.....,; 'J;'wenty, years ago ll'ather' Patrick 'Peyton, C.S.C., came here and \kilOcked on many, doors for help for his, Fkmilr' , Rosary Crusade. , People opened their doors and as Father Peyton wciuld put it, "Our Lady opened their hearts." The result was "Family Theater" headliriing the biggest names in the entertainment industry. . Now with no one having to knock, Hollywood began its second great response to Father Peyton. It began with a lunche'on at the Beverly Wilshire on a rainy afternoon. But the mist didn't dull the glitter. , Present were most of the 32 stars who first responded to Father Peyton, plus many more. Father Peyton himself? I:Ie was in the Philippines preaching the Family Rosary. All-Star ProductIon . Luncheon hostesses ,were Irene Dunne, Louella Parsons and Loretta Young. Each described her own first meeting with Fathel' Peyton and then told of Hollywood's plan for a 20th anniversary response to his appeal to Hollywood for help. It will be an all-star production titled "A Testimonial Dinner for Father Patrick Peyton," Tuesday, May 15, in the Beverly Hilton's International Room. Chairman Jack Haley has described it as not a testimonial "to a man who needs no recognition" but as a benefit to help further the Family Rosary Crusade. Guests are expected from aU parts of the U. S.
Enthrone Prelate, At St. Paul ST. PAUL (NC)-Archbishop Leo Binz was enthroned as the fifth Atchbishop of St. Paul in colorIul ceremonies in the St. Paul cathedral here yesterday. The 61-year-old former Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa, succeeds Archbishop William O. Brady, Fall River native, who died in Rome Oct. 1, 1961. Archbishop Binz now has spiritual jurisdiction over some ~57, 000 Catholics in the archdiocese. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, officiated at installation lIites. ' , Ceremony on TV The televised' ceremony brought together the largest gathering of the hierarchy in the upper midwest since the 194~ Eucharistic Congress in St. Paul. Crowding the huge cathedral were 14 archbishops, 66 bishops and six abbots, and an estimated 665 members of the clergy, 175 Brothers and Sisters, 300 high school and college student representatives, government and civic leaders and lay people.
Tithing to Aid Fund Program HAMILTON (NC)-Tithing is
to be introduced in the Diocese of Hamilton to replace periodic building fund campaigns. Immediate plans call for building of four churches at a total ClOst of $1,000,000. A study of the tithing system conducted here for several months indicates that many persons already are carrying it out. Under the tithing program, five per cent of a member's net income will go to the church and five per cent to cbarities of his choice. "Tithing is a practical, appropriate way for the people to return to God some of the gifts He has abundantly bestQwed Oft them," said Bishop J. F. Ryan of Hamilton.
Anti-Red Pastora-I ERNAKULAM (NC) - India's Minister Jawaharlal Nehru has criticized the Bishops of Kerala state for urging CathdUes to vote against communism lin the nation's coming parliamen.. (tary elections.
P rim e
VATICAN CITY'(NC)The·number of priests is not keeping pace with the growth in Catholic popula-
PLAN FETE FOR FOUNDER: A committee representing 32 Hollywood stars met recently in the film capital to plan a testimonial dinner for Father Patrick; Peyton on the 20th anniversary of his appeal to Hollywood for the Family Rosary Crusade. The committee included, seated, left to right, Loretta Young, Louella Parsons and Irene Dunne. Standing were Jack Haley and Father Albert J. Heinzer, C.S.C., of the Family Theater, staff. NC Photo. ' ,
Connecticut Senator Dodd Says:
Government Ignores. Missionaries into action, and soon he', filed a story which carried this lead paragraph: , "The Chinese Reds are Marxist communists in the true sense. sitions to garner first-hand inTheir objective is the classless formation concerning conditions society. They are committed to in foreign iands and also 'to dialectic materialism." assess the' character and 'wishes ,This jarring, statement was of the people with whom they" based on an hour-long interview come in contact. with Gen. Chou En-Iai, then one And, ,far too often, the opin- of five top communists in China ions of these missionaries are and official Red envoy to GeR. summarily dismissed according George C. Marshall's peace negoto United States Senator Thomas tiations. J. Dodd of Connecticut. Agrarian Reformers "Information submitted by Five months later, Father American missionaries of variO'Connor quoted Chou En-Iai as ous 'denominations" 'has been saying 1947 would be the deci"mstidiously ignored," the Consive year. The Red leader also necticut Senator told his col- told him that "ideologically all' leagues in the national congress the communists are alike" and in a talk concerning Africa. that "any difference is only in He emphasized missibnarles degree of understanding of' ought to be listened to when they Marxist doctrine." have something to say, because Fatl~er O'Connor's ability to he found them "honest, dedicated put down Chou En-Iai's direct men without any political axe to quotations was something of a grind, but their vocations give sensation at the time. There were them a unique opportunity to those il\ this country who vehelive with the people, to learn mently maintained that the their languages, and to understand their psychology." . Warning in China KENT (NC)-A new $275,000 "I note in passing that we once disregarded the advice of Amer- chapei and Newman Club student center has been opened f(Jr ican missionaries in China, who tried to tell us the simple truth the 2,621 Catholic students at that the Chinese communists Kent StaN University' hePe in Ohio. were not really agrarian reformers." This recalls that, late in 1946, Father Patrick O'Connor, C.S.C., Contractors reported to the NCWC News Service from Shangha,i that "informed public opinion here" disagreed with the denial by a high UNRRA official in Ohina that there was any connection between the communists of China and Soviet Russia. The Chinese COOmmunist pal'ty had been likened in aims to the America!! 944 County Sf" Farro-Lahor Pan:'. New ledford!, MlI,1I'Xist COl1l1nm!ll1~ 'iID1en· Fathet' @!COllD(l;l' w.en1l'
WASHINGTON (NC) - ' Missionaries' serving thruout the four corners of the world are in excellent po-,
Chinese Reds were not commun_ ists but only "agrarian reformers" 'seeking to correct abuses in their country. Priest Was Right "We follow the ideology of Marx," Chou En-Iai told Father O'Connor. "Our present policy is not our ultimate goal, which is classless society for China and for the world." . There were those in this country at the time who'tried to discount the real journalistic achievment 'of the Holy Cross Father. Of course, subs~quent developments have only proved how accurately Father O'Connor reported a frank profession of Marxist communism which Chou En-Iai, by, that time, was not afraid to make.
~' Heating. Oils Open Newman Center ) and Burners
tion, a report of, the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities indicates. . The report was carried in the recently published "Activities of the Holy See in 1961," an official publication. The report r<;ves comparative figures of the , nber of Catholics, priests and seminarians for the years 1959 and 1960. However, these statistics are drawn from only 39 countries, which are not identified. The, number of Catholics in these nations in 1960 was reported as 427,788,715, an increase of mOre than 9.5 million over 1959. The-number of diocesan and religious priests, how'ever, in 1960 totaled 336,298, an increase of 2,026 over the previous year. Moreover, 5,426 priests, both diocesan and Religious were ordained in 1960, or 49 less than in 1959. Under One The Catholic population in these nations has grown by more than 2 per cent, while the number of priests in the world has grown by well under 1 per cent. The ration of Catholics to a diocesan priest in various parts of the world for the two years was:' 1960 1959 E.urope 1,086 1,08Z America 3,998 3,730 Philippines 12,577 11,940 , The total number of seminarians studying for the priesthood in both major and minor seminaries has increased in 1960 to 154,835 as compared to 148,711 in 1959, or an overall increase' of 6,124. Seminarians This increase is particularly interesting compared to the increases logged in' -i958 and 1959, which were respectively 2,241 and 2,958. However, of the total of 6,124 increase of 1960, more than 95 per cent, or 6,076 are aecounted for in the first years of the minor seminary.
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THE ANCP.OR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 1,1962
~M~~~O~, ~®~@~d ~@W®~ M@rf~
cloth that does not irritate the mark of the nail. In meeting Padre Pio, how-. ever, the characteristic that o:l!fers the biggest surprise is, I, believe, his sense of humor. (Once when asked why he became a Capuchin, he answered, " Because I liked bearded . mo'nks!") Padre Pio put us completely at ease as he conversed with us· about Americans and Roman students. He was the soul of kindness. After several moments of conversation we kissed his stigmatized hand and asked his blessing. This he read. ily gave, prefacing it with the· hope that "we might be blessed and saints." Before parting we asked to be remembered in his prayers. He shot back, "Yes, those who study Canon Law need a lot· of prayers!" Our encounter lasted no more than four minutes, but it left behind a lasting impression. During our three days at 8t. Giovanni Rotondo we heard enough stories about Padre Pio to fill a book. Many of them seemed like the emotional concoctions of overly-pious people; others were well-documented and quite capable of belief. But the over-all impression that we took away with us was not an overpowering awe for a. man who bleeds from the wounds of Christ, a man who is said to be a reader of thoughts and a worker of miracles (some of these may be explained naturally!) but rather a deep admiration for a very kind man who bears a heavy' cross with' obedience and love. o The stigmata is not necessarily' a mark of holiness. Most saints, the Blessed Mother. herself, never had it. But there is one' mark of holiness with which every saint must be stamped, that of which St. Paul said, "Be always eager to have the gift that is more precious than al1' the others." That gift, of course, is LOVE. Padre Pio has this in an eminent degree. And in this, I· believe, he is more stamped in the image of his Master than by the fact that he bears His bleeding wounds. . Few there are who can suffer with Christ in his bodily passioJll -but every man is called to live the life of Christ in hie soul, "The gift that is more precioU6 than all the others." This is the answer to the riddle of Padre Pio tha't I brought back.
~®~@d~@m@tfo~T[fu@Cfi) M@WOCfi)@ By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy In The Pyx, John Buell produced an extraordinary first novel. Its- story was out of the ordinary and fascinating from first to last., Mystery an<l suspense were expertly managed. A supernatural element figured prominently and was never mishandled. The what is afoot, try to cut in on the climax was stunning, the de- job. They are rebuffed. They nouement shattering. It was , seize and threaten one of Milt's hard to believe that a begin- accomplices, force out of him the
ner had produced this exception- salient details, tip off the police. The robbery takes place, Milt al book, and one wondered what conveys the money to the boy, Mr. Buell would who gets away without difficuldo in the future. ty. But the police are waiting as Could he surthe robbers reach the street, pass his first shooting ensues, and Milt is p'erformkilled. As the .boy makes off, he ance? Could he sees his brother slumped upon even match it? the sidewalk. He has not matched it with Boy Victimized 4 Days, his secStill, he does as Milt directed ond novel, just him. Without incident he arrives published (Farat the resort hotel, takes a room. rar, Straus and He can only carry out the plans Padre Pio's Wounds Visible Cudahy. $3.95). as drilled into him. Milt will not Once again he has ·an unusual ':>e joining him now; he is alone; theme and he has taken pains calling to their minds forgotten Continued from Page One he cannot improvise a next move. with its development. The writsins. But since such stories are He simply waits, torn by grief, ous, Padre Pio wears an alb ing is meticulous, and the charof their very nature incapable acters are, in conception, not trying to keep up a show of in- with unusually long sleeves. of proof, it is best to reserve dependence and unconcern. Nevertheless, at certain mostock figures. There are chills judgement on their veracity. He is victimized ,by two men ments of the Mass his wounds and -thrills in the course of the in the strange town. One is the At noon that same day we were clearly visible. They apnarrative, but the book is no hotel clerk, who snoops i.n his peared to be large red patches had the rare opportunity of mere thriller. room discovers the money m the covering most of his palms.' At meeting Padre Pio. He was on Main Character Nameless his way to dinner (his only meal, the time of the consecration his . ,As to the story, the central sUitc~st.:, gets in touch with a character is a boy of 12, living in local criminal and offers to turn body shuddered as though in of the day) when we were introduced to him in one of the Montreal, which is the author's' over the $45,000 which is hot, in pain, and from that point on his native place. This boy is never exchange for a few thousand. genuflections became very brief corridors of the monastery. What The other is a charming, friendand labored. For the most part, does he look like? Well, he is given a name in the book, a an old man now with gray hair device used by Graham Greene ly, apparently well off man who his face showed no emotion. His and beard. Although he 'moves voice was barely audible. in his The Power and the Glory. has a peculiar interesc in boys. There were about two hundred slowly and carefully because of He is addressed as "kid" or just Strains Belief his age, his face radiates a '''you.'' This conveys his insignifThe one. person who might people assisting at his Mass, youthful joy. Large eyes, alert most of them women. Some of icance as a person, to those dealhelp is the local priest, a good to all that goes on about him, ing with or encountering him. and understanding man, but he them had come from distant He lives with his brother, Milt is preoccupied when the boy parts of Europe, ·but thl'! major- dominate a face, attractive with Landers in a couple of rooms first comes near him, and the ity were Italians. They assisted radiant kindness. As a y-oung man he was thin; now his body over H~rry's poolroom. Milt is only real meeting between them with attention and devotion. and his face are full but not 29, a restaurant cook. The cook- occurs too late to save the boy There were no emotional disfleshy. He wears the course ing job is not his principal from the horrors in store for him. . plays: broWn Capuchin habit, with its occupation. He is a criminal, Following a lengthy thanksThe story ends with the boy's hood and half cape. On his hands heading a small gang. A probagiving, Padre Pio drank a glass death, in a situation so contriv'ed he wears fingerless gloves, to tion official styles him a com- as to strain belief. Bd even be- of water (his breakfast) and keep too marks of Christ hidden pulsive paranoid. fore the improbable resolution of began to hear the men's con- from the curious. His shoes Strange Happiness the plot, the book has begun to fessions. Later in the morning have a flexible instep of black he heard the women, of which But he is the boy's whole fampall. , there are· so many that it is now One keeps expecting Mr. Buell ily, and the latter considers him Upholds Tombstone to bring off'a surprising and necessary for them to sign the a hero. Their mother was a woman of the street; they were brilliantly staged conclusion, as appointment book several days Plea for Prayers dragged up, or merely allowed he did in his first book, but such in advance. At certain times of WILMINGTON (NC) -. The the year they must wait at to survive as best they could, in expectations are dashed. least twenty-eight days for the local Anglican rector's edict wretched and corrupt surroundCharacter Too Vague opporturiity of confessing to against tombstones that plead ings. The chief flaw i e: dlat the boy Padre Pio - and then receive for prayers' for the dead has After the mother's death, Milt been overruled by a: Churoh of was convicted of a crime and is too vague a character to car~y from him a stern rebuke for given a . stiff ~entence. The the book. Mr. Buell has l)urpose- waiting so long merely to con- England court. Now Mrs. Marly kept him nameless and ren-:- fess to him. jorie Smith, an Anglican, can younger br6ther, put in a foster dered him resourceless in order' home, never ceased agitating This seventy-five ,year old inscribe on the monument to her' until he got' Milt released. Ever 1'1 establish that he is a victim- priest spends five or 'six hours late husband, a Catholic, "Pray neglected, exploited, abused. since, the two hav~ been togetheach day in' the confessional for the repose of the soul of But one thinks of the some- box. He is' at it seven days a Oswald Smith." er, and this has meant happiness what similarly c.1rcumstanced week. TrulY,his confessional is for the youngster. . The rector, the Rev. Tom Now his happiness is coming young£ter in Arthur Roth's The a. magnet. Padre Pio himself Shaw, had banned from his' to a new peak. Hc and Milt are Shame of Our Wounds, and real- discounts the stigmata and the church cemetery all inscriptions izes that is is by no means nec- stories of the miracles, and that imply the existence of Purgoing away from Montreal for a vacation. They are to start out necessary to render such a char- would prefer to be known simp- gatory. Catholics are given the separately, meet at a resort town, acter so negatively in order to ly as a confessor. In the Sacra- right to use the Anglican cememake one's point. proceed from there together. tery because it is the only one ment of Penance he can be kind Because of the negative ren- or gruff; as the occasion deThen by accident, the boy overavailable. The church court hears what is to be a preliminary dering, the boy never comes' mands, but he is forever kind ruled that this right would be to the excursion. Milt is planning alive catches at one's interest to hardened sinners and those "hollow" if it did not carry with a bank robbery, in which three and 'one's heart, evokes one's long away from the Church. One it the right to choose inscripothers are to participate. The pity. He is a symbol put thorough hears countless stories of his tions. a sequence of developments more . reading peoples thoughts and reboy feels fear. melodramatic than moving.. Ingenious Scheme Next he learns that he is to lPlaJlI1llnlDl1ilg 9'0 Sh(tlldde have a part in the robbery. He Cat,hoRDes O,pose Inc. is proud to .do anything for Milt, in no matter. Dressed in a messen- Sterilization 'LONDON .(NC)-Amnesty, a Fabrieaton of ger's uniform, he is to stroll into RICHMOND (NC)-A bill authe arcade just outside the bank thorizing voluntary sterilization movement aimed at securing the release of prisoners jailed for Structural· Steel and, as Milt emerges with the was passed by the Courts of Justheir religious or political bemoney, the boy is to stick it in tice Committee of the Virginia and a newspaper bag and thereafter House of Delegates and sent to liefs, has charged here that the government of Ceylon is planexecute a series of moves .which the House floor over Catholic Miscellaneous I ron ning to shackle the Church in will bring him, laden with the , objections. C.eylon. . 753 Davof St., Fan River loot, to the resort town, where In public hearings Catholic Milt will join him. The scheme groups had opposed the measure, The movement said that most OS 5··7471 is ingenious. if not all of 23 persons arrested which would make it lawful for But it doesn't work. A couple a surgeon to perform a steriliza- , for allegedly trying to overthrow . of older criminals who suspect tion operation on an individual: the Ceylonese regime are Catholtcs·. It accused the government requesting it in writing. L~((1}trT/ Re jeeefl's P ~e(lJ The committee approved the' of trying to make the arrests ap- ' . NEW YORK' (NC)-Fordham bill by an 11-5 vote after adopt- ' pear as evidence of a plot by University has formally rejected ing amendments which eliminate.· Catholic Action members in that a' student proposal' to bring back authority for the- serilization of . predominantly Buddhist nation of southeast Asia. intercollegiate football on a juveniles except those with herAmnesty stated it had received small - scale, . non - scholarship editary defects: Earlier, the' State Senate's. a' report from Ceylon that the basis. Father Laurence J. McGinley, S.J., Fordham president, said General Laws Committee killed. prisoners-22 army officers and in a statement that the univer- ·two .other sterilization bills a police officer-will be tried by AT sity's board of athletics had con- aimed at unwed mothers. Catha special court set up for the occluded that, restoration of the olic spokesmen led the attack on casion. The movement ad~ed sPort "would not in the long run the bills quringpublic hearings, . that it. will "strain every nerve prove of lasting benefit to stu- .arguing. that they were immoral to win for the detainees .\ fair UNION WHARF, dent spirit at Fordham." and unconstitutionaL impartial triaL"
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Public Schoolmen Oppose Private School Aid ATLANTIC CITY (NC)'I' h e influential American Association of School Administrators has reaffirmed its stand against Federal aid to pal'Ochial and other private 8Chools. The reaffirmation by the association of public school officials eame in a convention resolution which favored Federal assistance of $8 billion year for public schools. The AASA's proposal-making the largest request yet for U.S. aid to public schools-calls iior Fe,leral grants to the states of $200 for each public school pupil from kindergarten through publicly supported junior colleges. States could use the' funds fJor any purpose.
'l'radlional Stand In regard to the nation's private schools" the division of the National Education Association stated: "Feder,al final)cial support of public education should follow the principle of restricting the use of public tax moneys to publicly controlled and supported schools." This has been the association's tmditional stand and was stressed here earlier in a press conference by the AASA's retiring president, Benjamin C. Willis, Chicago public school superintendent. Fewer than 500 of the association's 9,000 voU~g delegates were present when the resolution, distributed in advance, came up fur • vote. '
ProJl)Osld 'Unreallstie' The vast Federal support proposed was criticized as unrealistic by Abraham Ribicoff, Secrectary of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Wel:tlare who attempted unsuccessfully to get congressional approval last year of Federal aid iior public grade and high schools. "We are having so much trouble putting through a relatively modest program that I think we are even further away from an $8 billion program," he told newsman. The bill Ribicoff backed would cost about $2.5 billion in three years.
Lenten Rosary Starting Ash Wednesday, March 7, and continuing at 10:45 each weekday evening, Monday through Saturday, during Lent, New Bedford curia of the Legion of Mary will ,sponsor a radio recitation of the rOa<.ry over station WNBH.
Mar. 1, 1962 5 British Honduran Student Thanks Diocesan Thur$., THE ANCHORSUlpB(:Otmtn feels Childte-n for Good Deed Done in Secret
By Patricia McGowan
"When thou dost alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth, that thy alms maybe in secret: and thy F~lf'her who seeth in secret will repay thee." These Gospel words are taken seriously by school children of the Fall River Diocese. Last Fall, after Hurricane Hattie devastated British Honduras~ students of Diocesan parochial and high schools staffed by the Sisters of Mercy rallied to r-;"T"~-"'-"'--,,.. .-,'-,r' " ""J:'h~--,~ the cause of fellow students at St. Catherine's Academy, Belize, also a Mercy school. Quietly they have been gathering food, clothing and medicine, shipping theI.l to British Honduras Only when a letter of gratitude from Sister M. Joycelin, R.S.M., principal of the Belize school, reached The Anchor, was anyone but the students and Sisters involved aware of what had been done. 'Not Us' First action of The Anchor staH was to call Msgr. Raymond T. Considine of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, ask him about the Belize project. "Not us," he said. "The Society sent a donation, but not food or other material aid." Next call was .0 Sister M. Olga, superior at Mt. St. Mary Convent, Fall River. "Oh, yes," she said. "Girls at Mt. St. Mary Academy contacted doctors in the Fall River area for drug samples and pupils in parochial schools collected food and clothing. We have already sent much to Belize, are still preparing shipments of more donations." What she didn't say, but what Sister Joycelin gratefully recorded was that literally hun-' dreds of children and adults in British 'Honduras have been aided by the generosity of youngsters of the Fall River Diocese. "We cannot possibly reach all these children," wrote Sister Joycelin, "but we would like them to know that we are grate'ful for their charity." She enclosed an open letter to the children from Amalia Blanco, a student at St. Catherine's. "Dear Friends," wrote Amalia. "When I extendr.eartfelt gratitude to you in this letter, I am voicing the sentimetnts of all the British Hondurans, and particularly the girls of St; Catherine' Academy, who have benefited greatly from your very kind and generous shipm'ents of food, clothing and medicine to Belize after Hurrican Hattie.
'Apostolic Activity' Father Kauwe paid tribute to the Congolese priests and Sisters who accompanied their people ,for hundreds 'Of miles over rough and impoverished terrain .when tribal warfare forced hundreds of thousands to flee. "I have stood in admiration 'before the apostolic activity of Congolese priests and nuns; refugees. themselv-cs, who have been
CLEVELAND (NC)-Fr. John F. Cronin, S.S., assistant director of the Department of Social Action, National Catholic Welfare Conference, says the controversial John Birch Society is "more' effectively subversive" than the communists. "If the policies of the John Birch Society were strictly followed," Father Cronin said, "the whole world-including the U. S. - would fall to communists within 20 years. He emphasized that under the Birch policy in foreign aid, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America would be handed over to the communists and America c~uld not survive by itself. The U. S., he said, would be strangled economically, if not politically.
in Peknng Still Well Auen«:lled
',1],,', """"',-
AID BELIZE STUDENTS: Fall River students extend helping hand to Belize youngsters as Diane Martineau, Carolyn Murphy, Carol Fairhurst and Kathleen Cordeiro, left to right, of Mt. St. Mary Academy pack shipment of drugs for St. Catherine's Academy in British Honduras. Other shipments have already reached the hurricane-ravaged capital. "In the crucial period of our extreme disaster, when we needed help most, you helped us. When we were hungry and thirsty, you gave us to eat and drink and when we had lost our clothing you clothed us. We can not offer you material gifts in return, but we can and do offer you spiritual ones, our prayers, asking God to guide and protect you always. "Although Hattie stripped our country bare, robbed us of our possessions, and sapped our strength, leaving deep scars in
Congolese ZeaI 'for 'Ed.uca,tion Astounds Belgian ReHefC'hief LEOPOLDVILLE (NC) Eage'rness for education ,among young Congolese has astounded the national director of Belgium's Catholic Charities he reported after a tour of the' Congo. "I encountered primary schools of 5,000 or 6,000 pupils in the bush," Father Albert Cauwe declared before returning 10 Belgium. "I even saw at Kadimba-Diba, on the other side of Lake Mukamba, a primary school of 400 pupils,' up to the sixth grade, built entirely of palm leaves."
John BiD'ch U'nit Harms America
able to create fervent Christian communities," he said. He was referring especially to Baluba refugees in Kasai provinee. He said the health of the refugees has grown visibly better b~t warned i~ c?uld deteriorate if further aId 18 held back.
Appoint New Rector MONTEZUMA (NC)-Father Pablo Lopez de Lara, S.J., 'has been appointed to serve as rector of the Montezuma Seminary here in New Mexico, a post he held previously.
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our hearts, nevertheless, encouraged by your assistance, with firm determination our people are rebuilding the whole city, a herculean task, restoring schools, churches, public buildings and homes. "We know that you did not give entirely of your abundance. We know that you made real sacrifices for us. Without imme_ diate supplies of food, clothing and medicine, how could we, thirty thousand people, have survived the aftermath of 'Hattie? How could we have begun to work, to forget the terrible past, to face the future? , "Again, thank you from the depths of our hearts. May God bless you, all!"
REGENSBURG (NC)-Thomas Cardinal Tien, S.V.D., Archbishop of Peking, reported here in Germany that he has information that Catholic churches in his See city, from which he has been exiled by the Chinese Reds, are still well attended. But the Cardinal warned that "if the communists remain in power, in 40 years there will be no priests in mainland China." Cardinal Tien was here to visit Regensburg's center for recruiting priests for Formosa. He is now Apostolic Administrator of the Taipei archdiocese on that island.
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ARCHBISHOP: Bishop Paul J. Hallinan of Charleston, S.C., has been appointed first Archbishop of the newly established Archdiocese of Atlanta. He was ordained in Cleveland in 1937 and served as an Army chaplain during World War II. NC Photo.
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·rHE ANC.":lOR-Di,o,=~s~ of Fall Ri,v~r.----:-Thun.,Marl,J,1962
' Is
Keep a Day 'of-Peate'"
'a' Man
A, happy by-product of John Glenn's 'remarkable flight is the image which himself lias given to 'the American .public. For a long time. the press agents have done their work .well, and newspaper readers have been assaulted to' the ,point of nausea with pictures of "American heroes"---'-pret:.. .tied-up Hollywood types and simpering "singers" who, as "American heroes," held out a disturbing future. for the country and those whom they presume to represent. . Colonel Glenn has done' a wonderful work in shattering that disgusting situation.· Here is not a callow teen-ager or over-sweet charmer but a mature man of forty-:-and 'what debt of gratitude is owed him by anyone hovering around that age! " Here is a typical American--.:a man of unusual balan~e and keen intelligence, a man' in complete control of himself at all times, a man of humility and humor. Here is a man of strong belief in God and character enough, to live up to that faith in a steadfast and unassuming way. Here is a man who looks and acts like a man-and not ,a Hollywood fa1?rication. Here is a man who projects all the manly characteristics-strength, character, goodness, decision; intelligence. Yes, America's astronaut is a worthy hero for the American public. He stands in welcome relief to the pseudoheroes that' have been pushed to the fore by promoters. He is genuine, sincere, and represents what Americans hope is the. "real American" of today. And these others who have held the stage far too ·Iong and have exerted an unwholesome influence far too strong? Pray God they have been swept from the scene for' good. They represented a "sick America," and taught those who looked to them for guidance, how to whine and how to judge only by material standards. Now, to adapt Shakespeare's words in the mouth of Anthony, This is a man! '
7HANJ(HiAP~N ..:-- 7'OMON/?()W{s
diiNI.'·':":O$VNDAY'· . ,
'Worth,while Re~ipes_. ,
'By Rev. JOM R~ Foliter
'91: Aisth,,"y'. Churelt, "'lit", 3.cHoro
NOVENAS H'O"N many recipes aN there in your cookbook~ Would you ever think Qf serving your family· everr
single one of them one after the the other in a series? No? Cou),d' it be because you realize that you r family's needs must be planned and that each meal must be substantial I est someone suffer. S u gar and cream could ' well send some' of your children into orbit but both 'melt very quickly. So it is with the buildin~ and maintaining of the spi,..; itual life. What is substantial is most necessary. The rest - iH,though tasty and also necessa~ for' the well functioning of too body-is not as necessary. . th~ History Early Christians had no devO: By lREV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University tions like our Way of the Cro'ss, Rosary - and novenas. Their spirituality was confined to the MONDAY-Mass as on SUDliturgy. It was not because thai TODAY-Mass as on Sunday. So the grain that fell in good day. Consciousness of sin is, were not learned enough thllit soil stands for those who endure. then, even more than virtue, the this was so but because they uJtoO derstood profoundly the lituriW Nor is the Church satisfied to gateway to the Father's lovingtalk abstractly. -In the Epistle kindness. ,And the criterion of ~nd through participation they she proposes one figure to us as sin is not chastity, nor sobriety, were thus able to obtain "unuta model of endurance: Paul, still less human propriety, but terable joy and peace that stH'passes all understanding and the love hymned so beautifully apostle, teacher, priest. (w,hich) filled their hearts ancl We talk about' too 'many things in the first lesson of this Mass. merely in the abstract. We talk Sin is a turning away from God overflowed into their liVe!>, maa:: ing joy the. dominant temper 01. who is Lo\;e. A ,Methodist Convocation speaker called upon about civilization, religion, truth. Our preoccupation with sins ~he Christian and the ChristiaB All about us 'we see men doing , " '. PrQtestants to i'fall in love -with the' ¢ity~' and put -the .city the most outrageous things in of sex has robbed us of a Chris- ~h).lrch"., ,. at the top of the missionary priority list. the service of civilization or re- tian consciousness of sin. As -Lent . . ~owever. times were trouble« turns our eyes toward ,our E,aster and soon men ceased to unda-He went on to say that the Catholic Church has been 'ligion, things they would never hope, it will ,teach us. through the st.a,nd .t!le liturgy and., to take more effective' in the city because it has been ,more' af home do if tP-ey thought about their ;. 'liturgy ,to. echo· the blind man's : ilai-t iii it. ,:!,heir ti~st was alwa~ neighbor, whom the Gospel 'in the city. ,. ' " .., '.',' , , . 'commands us to love. cry with:a ,full- realization .olthe th~re ..!~nd so various devotionlli ',' ~p!,ang ,up., to s!lstain· them foti 'dimensions of ,evil; Catholics respond that' the Church is at home ,everyth,e momeJlt. TodaY,these devoTOMORROW Mass as on where. ,TU,ESDA¥ - Saints, ..Perpet1l1' .. ~iQI1s ltav.e com<. c;lown to us .an4 , ·It isa fact' that the' great concentrations of Catholics , Sunday. Preparing for our Lent- ,and Felicity', Martyrs., ShrOVe can well flouriSh side-by-sidlt en training, the Church does coming f~m Europe in: the last century settled in the city not talk about the difficulties oJ. Tuesday is a day of joy and cel~ with a. living ·liturgy for oUr ebration for the Christian' com- !:!\\7n' p~rsonal profit. ' and the Church .with them. the Christian life ,and the endur-:. 'Preparation , But it is likewise a fact -that in that same Europe th~ 'ance it demands. She talks about ,mUn~·ty. -And. the Mass: of· Ui~~, . ' Church was' and is at home'in the rural areas 'as well'. And 'Paul's difficulties and'Paul's en,;, ~artyrs gives'us reasons. for this. _ .:Wh~t the act,uai be'gi~ning joy. ,God is o~ deliverer, ,say,!, nove! ca'nnot be accuratelY Like the Bible, the litthere are some Catholics, happily a small handful, who durance. the first· reading from God's given. The first recorded novena urgy prefers the concrete case to , look back longingly to the medieval days of a rural ,culture the vague moralism. It prefers Word. .... was. the nine days the apostl~ Lent will not meim lifting our- 'spent in prayer awaiting the • with the Church presiding over the surrounding count~~ to suggest to us the living exselves up by our own bootstraps. rival of the Holy Spirit. How'ample of a man loyal to the disside. It will mean rather opening ourever, this period. was not an ettcipleship of Jesus rather than to The Church, however, does not live in the past. She is enumerate the reasons why such' selves· up to His Word,. to, His tablished one, nor was it renewed the extension of Christ on earth and recognizes no bound- loyalty is prudent. action in us. And the Gospel tells by the apostles as a type Glf ' us that the Kingdom of Heaven prayer. aries or locales where she is more af home than in other is the "single pearly of great But.just as the Church often SATURDAY - Mass of Our places. So Lent will mean open- ' 'extends a period of celebratioa Where there is ·a single soul to be cared for, there is Lady. "Blessed are they who .price." ing o~r eyes to a real value. ' . to. the eight. days following • hear the word of God and keep the Church at home. ' it." Endurance, again, in this particularly important feast; so ASH WEDNESDAY. Sinners some of the faithful thought of Mass in honor of St. Mary. Not that Jesus denies the true bless- all, we take the ashes and ~ preparing for the feast with a ing of her physical mot~erhood. pray for mercy. But with like period of days of prayeA. what confidence we pray, be- This was especially for Chris~ But he points to the deeper asA sigil of the times in which men live today is to be pect of her fruitfulness: the fact cause already' God has shown mas and before long a ninth day was added to honor the nine that she was faithful to God's His mercy. For this Lent is no seen on one of the pages of a great New York newspaper. dark night of questions without months of the Incarnate Wor4 Word and God's promises. The Along with Public Notices and the Lost and Found Christian must always guard answers. It is a time of spiritual spent in the womb of the Virgin.. column there is, without comment and in a very matter against superficiality and the engagement, of renewing our Soon this preparatory devotion commitment to Christ in whom became widespread and was exmerely exterior in religion. The of fact way, a heading "Visible Satellites." And the infor- seed germinates and the plant His mercy comes among us. Our 'tended to other feasts of the mation given is about what satellite is visible when and of divine'life grows interiorly. primary way of doing this is Church year. We have one foJirwhere over the city this day. through participation in the mally established today and that QUiNQUAGESIMA SUNDAY. public worship of the Church: is the Pentecost novena. As history progresses, that is certainly a new high Christian worship is our school Mourning in sophistication. Viewed a dozen years or more from now, of the moral life as well as our . The Eastern Church, and soon , it will undoubtedly be.looked at with'tolerant amusement- school of doctrine. Today's Mass the Franks and the Anglothat such a rude and primitive piece of equipment as Echo teaches us something about our !Benefit From Fund ' Saxons, established a like period corporate sinfulness as a race AUSTIN (NC)-Six Catholic during which to especially mourn I could provide such interest and enthusiasm. and our individual sinfulness as schools of higher education in the passing of a relative. The But to the world of 1962, "Visible Satellites" is in- persons and assures us that Texas were allotted $78,600 dtir.. custom was established in the deed _a sign of the times._ Christian hope does not depend ing the last school term from the pagan world and the Church on the absence of sin but exists Texas Foundation of Voluntarily christianized it by offering in spite of it. Supported, Colleges and Univer- Masses and prayers for some The Gospel proclaims Jesus' sities. . soul for nine days after death. submission to the torment imThe six Catholic institutions The custom is now no longer posed ')y human sin as the cause are St. Edward's Ur.iversity here; common but may continue in OUF of resurrection and redemption. ' Incarnate ,Word, College, Our use of black clothes, ties, (Y' And it is the blind man's cry for Lady' of- the Lake '.College and arm-bimds for some certain time. mercy which brings him the S,t. Mary's University in San An- The custom is established only J •• promise of salvation. tonio, and Sacred Heart Domin- for ,the death of' a Pope after OffICIAL NIEWSPAPIE~ OIF1HIE DiOCIESE OIF IrAU ~IV~Wl whic,h the Cardtnals. of Eo~~ ~, lean'·, College and ,St. ,Thomas celeorate nine 'solemn Masses f01! tNIleW ~(QI\l'ie<eIhJO$li'$-: College in Houston. , , Published weekly by The Catholic 'Press of the Diocese of Fall River the Pop~.·. ,. There" a1-e '2'2 'church-related SAGINAW (NC) -Eighty-six 410 Highland Avenue " . Indulgenced schools in the foundation. A total men and women, the first class Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-715) It was only in the 19th Cenof lay datechists to be graduated of $349,000 was distributed on tury that the Church formally PUBLISHER the basis of a formula among in this Michigan diocese under a recommended (never exactecf) Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0., PhD. ,program sponsored by the Con- . the members. The foundation the devotion, of novenas ~ fraternity of Christian Doctrine, solicits funds for its members to GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER received their certificates from provide "a facility for mOre ade- granting certain Indulgences to ,Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll those who sincerely and piously ,Bishop Stephen S. W'.:>znicki of quately supporting the non-tax used this method of prayer. Any MANAGING EDITOR supported colleges and' univerSaginaw in a cereJl1 Any at St. Turn to Page Seven Hugh J.Golden Paul Seminary. sities of Texas."
CWeekCWith the Chunch
At Home
Sign' of the Times
Sax Catholic Schools
ANCHOR"Worthwhile Recipes / Holy R~sary.Parish~uilding in· New, Bedford THE ,? Thurs., Mar. 1 1962 Continue4 from Page Six '" ,tCombirle~ Schoqpl, S~~oild Floor Church Orthod@x Pre~ate such novenas-the First Fridays, instance-whether made priBy AvisC. Roberts ,vately publicly, are always to H-ard's Surprise be accompanied· by pious exer~.
Our La.dy of 'the Holy Rosary Chur~h .at Acushnet ,Avenue and Logan Street, New
From Council
:cises and the reception of the ·Sacraments. Only then can the Bedforo was fo~ed from a part of St. Anthony and Sacred Heart parishes and was or~ igin~UY known as Guardian Angel Chapel. The church was erected in October, 1908. At Indulgences be I! :anted. PORTLAND (NC) l.--- "I Petition that· time the French population in New Bedford had mushroomed. But as the large' expect that after Oct. 11 we But the novena as a private, cotton ~ mills . we~ construcmay have some surprises for extra-liturgical devotion, con- ted ,further.· north of Holy the world," the primate of sisting of special prayers for nine Ro~ary's Weld Square locathe Greek Orthodox Church in days, weeks, or months, to some North and South America, who saint asking that he or she inter- tion, the French population will be an observer at the ecumoved also to more northern cede for us, came about only in menical councing opening on the 11th century. At about the poipts and population dwindled that date, said here. year 1000 the custom was ex- until today parishioners at Holy Archbishop Iakovos, one of the tended by analogy from the Rosary number only about 141 presidents of the World Council . -preparation for the great feast- families. of Churches, declined to indicate The little church has pale days of Our Lord and Mary to what the "surprise" at the counthat of the saints. Especially im- green palnted walls and white cil might be. portant then were SS. Hilary, maiD. altar surmounted with a statue of Our Lady with the "It's too early 1x> speak of MarcoU, and Mommolus. Soon, them," he said. the devotion spread to other Holy Rosary and Christ Child: saints and other lands. Many ef- There are other statues to St. In a visit to Portland, Archfects were attributed to this de- Joseph, St. Anne, St. Theresa bishop Iakovos stressed the votion, often miraculous cures as and the Sacred Heart. Side altars theme of Christian unity in his ean be shown from the processes are dedicated to St. Anne and to public appearances. Our Lady of Angels. of Canonization. Observer at Council This is' all very good and anFirst Pastor A featured speaker at a banswers a profound individual and . Rev. Arthur Savoie was first quet given by Greek Orthodox emotional need in man but like pastor of Holy Rosary Church. church members in honor of any method-the holiest-there He was succeeded in November their archbishop was Msgr. can be abuses. The Catholic takes 1910 by Rev. J. E. Potvin, who Thomas J. Tobin, vicar general great care that there be not the was pastor until 1914, when he of the Catholie Archdiocese of taint of superstition in his devo- was succeeded by the Rev. Henry Portland. tion. This is only a way to exer- J. Musseley. Father Musseley reArchbishop Iakovos told 11 cise that confident and persever- turned to' Belgium, his native Catholic presss newsman that he ing prayer he knows and honor land, after heading the parish HOLY ROSARY CHURCH, NEW BEDFORD will be an observer from the the saints whom he realizes can eight years. The next pastor was Henri Charest, now at St. Ernest N. Bessette, the present United States for his church at intercede for him. There must the Vatican council. Rev. Adrian .Gauthier, who Mathieu's, Fall River, and Rev. pastor. ever be that great care, therefore, the remained four years and was He said an official invitation to that there is never a magical followed again by Father PotAnniversary Year the council is expected within a effect attributed ;0 the number vin. Other pastors who followed or the method of this devotion. were Rev. Francis E. Gagne, Rev. During the 50th anniversary month. He was the first representative Our spirit should resemble that Arthur Gagnon, Msgr. M. P. year of the church in 1958, exPlea~es described in an old theology Leonidas Lariviere, Msgr. Alhnsive repairs and improve- of the Ecumenical Patriarchate manual which stated when men- fred Bonneau', Rev. William VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope ments were made to the church of the Orthodox Church to meet with a pope in centuries. tioning the devotion of the John expressed his congratula- and school where 28 children lJre Smith, Rev. Roland Decosse, novena to some saint: "This cus- Msgr. Albert Berube, Rev. Eu- tions on the space flight of U. $.. taught by the Sisters of the Holy "We discussed in friendliest tom of nine days' prayer came gene Dion, Rev~ L. Morais, ,Rev. astronaut, Col. John Glenn Jr. Cross and the Seven Dolors. The terms--unofficially, of course-to precede the feast of saints, 1. e., J. O. Lussier, Rev. George S. during an audience granted here school is housed on the first floor the matter of unity," he said of their 'dies natalis'-the day on Daigle, now administrator of St. to Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy. of the building; the church on his visit with the Pope. which they entered heaven. The the second. SaYS Jews Interested The Pope received the Presinine days represented the saints' Rach Church, Fall River, Rev. dent's brother in 'private audi;' Jews also are interested in the mortal lives. On the tenth day, ence in his priv~te library. He Asserts' Faith S.till movement tow a r d Christian the actual feast, the saints' tri- .Ogdensburg .PriestS ' later received the Attorney ~n .unity, he indicated. He said a umph was celebrated. So, when erat's wife Ethel in the library, Survives in' Russia· prominent Jewish scholar atS~rve in_ Pe~u' w:e make, ~ novena, we imitate and then met officials and newsPEORIA (NC)-A 70-year-old tended the Pan Orthodox ConOGDENSBURG (NC) - The men accompanying the couple for nine days the prayers and ference in Rhodes. the good, wor~ of the saints so firSt priests of, the, Ogdensburg in. a small thron,e room. Msgr. priest who spent six years in a "Most probably he also will'be Soviet prison ca~p said here diocese to undertake missionar'y ~ to particij;>a~ in their happiThomas Ryan of the Vatican that 'Catholicism' still survives in at ·Rome," ·Archbishop ·Iakovos ness and also to obtain through assignment, Fathers Paul M. Secretariat of State acted as Russia and it is flowering in said. their intercession those' graces ,Hagan, and. J{oger M. ,MC!rtin, re~ interpreter. . While an increase in world in'Poland and Lithuania. ceived mission crosses froni for which. we ask." terest in' religion is "more Presents ,Medals .. 'If that ,be our spirit lind not B.ishop Jamesj. Nayagh of OgFather Joseph Hermanovic, marked in the United States," he Pope John' gave the Kennedys the incessant "give me, give me" 4el\sburg in - a depC\rture c~re medals M.I.C., described conditions in said, "Europeans are equally inof his reign and presented of the little child, our own spir- money here in St. Mary's Cath~Mrs. Kennedy with a rosary" as ·those areas during a visit here 'terested in the ecumenical itual diet,' the substance. by dr,at. . in Illinois with Dr., and Mrs. movement." The two volunteers will serve well as medals and rosaries for 'Witold Romuk, members of St. 'which we pray to God with His Church and 'through Christ OUf in a· parish in P~ru for five years. their seven children. The Pope Mary's parish. Some 30 years only Mediator, and the fixings by "The need of one part Qf the postponed his regular Wednesago he. taught Dr. Romuk's which we satisfy our own per- Church is the need of all of the day general· audience a day· to bro~her. at a high schpol in Rusreceive the Kennedys. Home' sonal tastes and feelings, will Church," said Bishop Navagh. Following the audience, Ken- sia. give us indeed the strength, He expressed hope that the first EST. 1870 courage and 'energy of the sons volunteers soon would be joined nedy said he was "very gratified" , The religious feeling is strong 1 Washington Square Of God, who we are. by other priests, SiSters and lay at being received by the Pope in his native Byelorussia, a reNEW BEDFORD and reported that the Pontiff public in the Soviet Union, and Next week: Way of the Cross. volunteers in South America. Reg. Funeral Director and looked well and was very kind in Lithuania, the Marian priest and cheerful. He said' that Pope said through his interpreter, Embalmer John had expressed concern for Mrs. Romuk. In Poland, he conPRIVATE PARKING AREA the health of his father, former tinued, the best explanation is a TEL. WY 6.8098 U. S. Ambassador to Great Brit_ faith oppressed, not sUppressed. ain Joseph P. Kennedy, who reHONG KONG (NC) - The tics and active participation in cently suffered a stroke. ·Patriotic Association of Chinese manual labor. Catholics" at its recent second Helping the governmellit make congress put itself squarely be- its plan for "freedom of relighind the communist regime's ious belief" effective, and adaptprogram for' the "new China" ing religious life to China proand resolved to l'e totally inde- duction' needs and political propendent of Rome, it was learned ·grams. . here. A total of 256 "bishops, priests, Religious and laity" were present at the meeting in the communist ~ic"ael capital city of Peking. The Peking daily, Kuang Inc. Ming Jih Pao, described the congress as being held under the FUNERAL SERVICE Catholic men and women now other insurance. You spend the auspices of the secular authoriget-low cost hospi.tal insurance money as you wish-for hosties. Party and government offifrom our 83 year old non-profit pital bills, doctor bills, or excials addresSed the meetings, • HYANNIS Society-The Catholic Associapenses at home. Choose from 549 COUNTY ST. and copies of the~ talks became t'OI: of Foresters (formerly a wide variety of lllans to bring • HAAWICHPORT required reading for the "Cathoknown as the Massachusetts your present insuranc~ up to NEW BEDFORD, MASS. • ~O~!.H~ARMOU1'H Ca~holic Order of Foresters). date or get complete protection. lic representatives." Here's an example: for only With hospital costs more thaa The congress was followed by $2.05 a month men under 61 . d'lllble what they were just ten the ilUcit consecration of seven ra" receive $50 a week while years ago, there is a good bishops, bringing the total of ht'spitalized for any accident chance you need more insul'auch illegal consecrations to 42. or sickness covered· by our ance. . Kuang Ming Jih Pao's issue, tnsurance. Payments 'of $100 or Send for complete information ,Famous Reading HARD COAL which has now reached here, $150 a week are also available. Including details on our excelNEW ENGLAND COKE said the goals of the congress inCatholics of advanced age can lent life insurance plans. There clude the following: ~ insured at additional cost. ... no obligation-so mail the DADSON OIL BURNERS You are paid in addition to coupon today. VVholehearted acceptance of 24·Hour 011 Burner SerVICe FREE! NO OBLIGATION Comrxiunist party directives. 'Total Independence' Charcoal Briquets •~------------------_._----------_ CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OF FORESTERS FRA 3-1 ~I Militant suport of the patriotle I . (Formerly Masachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters) • drive against "imperialism," Bag Coal - Charcoal • • 347 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 15, Mass. promoting the cause of world • Please rush free facts on insurance plans for Catholics: • peace, foiling the American im: Name _._...;._ _•_ _.• ..._ ...._ ..__ Age ; perialistic plot to use the Catholie Church to destroy the "new • Address '_._-_.-. I Successors to DAVID DUFF (; SON I City County_•._.__ State•. • China," and total independence for the Catholic Church in China. :_ _Phone ,_ Occupation : _& • • ._D~&m& _ .._ _ ~ 640 Pleasant Street Tel. WY 6-8271 New Bedford Promoting the study of pol!-
Cot Glenn Flight POrl1tiff
Williams' Funeral
Red China's 'Patriotic CathoUcs' Resolve. Total Break With Rome
C. Austin
SHELL ,ipremium"
CO~, In~.
'8 .'.
,THE, A~CHOR':":'DioCese ~(Fall. River:....Thu,s., MOr.-l; 1962- u . . , . ". - -- .. ... -'".,
";'W6rrleh 'Pr6rhateJ
"Sci,fe~ ~ rog ran:-
·Mom's Sickness Means '.Lots· Of $tamps,. 'Large Food B,ill By Mary Tinley Daly HWe see now through a mirror iIi an obscure' manner • ~." ~hat's the way ,it is when the housekeeper' at your :house or at ours is laid up with "the thing." Whether you call it flu, virus, a h~avy cold" or old-fashioned grippe, I k 'th h' h I' ·effects ·. th IIare, the same. Thereawo e WI an ac mg s ou16 e,a -over weakness! the der, glanced at the clock-10:30 eouldn t - ~are - less attItude -pulled the rosary from under that makes it a real pleasure the pillow, made the sign of the to . hear the doctor's' verdict: "Keep her in bed." Whew that makesitofficial. ·Witl.1 ,an aban. donment of all ·r e.s p 0 n s i bility you .can take to bed in ·good conscience and let housekeeping t a k e care of its.elf. With 'time off, you can take it easy: write letters, pay bills, ,catch up on reading . . .' It happened that way at our house recently. ' In Background Like one in the world but not of it, I co.uld hear the al,arm clocks go off one after another, snuggle back amongst the pillows, pull the blankets over my ears and let the morning preparations go on as they jolly well pleased. · There" ~as the smell of- coffee perking, coffee fixed by so'mebody else;' the Sound of frozen juice stirred in a pitcher; the bang of the .refrigerator door as somebody" else fixed lunches: "Do you want ,mustard on your sandwich? Two sandwiches? For heavens sake 'you don't need two, no wonder you're fat!," ': · Then the. whispered coosulta,tion, "Think Mom will' 'want .coffee-or shall we let her sleep? "Let her sleep!" I managed to croak. · One by one, famJly members departed for the day with a "You call us, we won't call you" admonition. Coffeepot plugged in at the 'bedside table, a pitcher of juice, medicines prescribed by the,doc:tor, the morning pape'r and pIeri:. ty of reading matter, I settled down for a day of utter peace and quiet. ' . " : I' could be as miserable a's I liked with nobody to worry about, not an appointment to keep. Even let the telephone ring itself out in a non-conformist burst " that was therapeutic m itself. Let's see... I'd' say' a decade of the rosary, do a little spiritual reading, take a nap, 'then a 'dose of medicine ... Now where did that cobweb come from? Dangling from the ceiling light, it must have been there for da'ys and I'd never noticed. Oh, well ••
cross and started ... the phone rang. Why, it was noon! Good News, "Mrs. Daly, I have good neWs for you! You have been selected as one of a small group of people to receive three free dance lessons!' Now let me tell you." That was quickly squelchedNO MORE PHONES WOULD BE ANSWERED. , Up to take medicine and then the unutterably weariness that sent me back under the covers again. Maybe read a little bit? I glanced at the morning paperwoe in the headlines. Another look at the cobweb. It seemed to be growingly hourly. Make a list of groceries, telephone it to the Head of the House. The hardest assignment of the qay, it sent m,e back, to sleep 'until the family arrived home. '. "Dinner? .No, thank you. Fix y!>ur own and just forget about
BLESSES GRAPES: During the annual Valley of the Moon Festival in Sonoma, Calif., Father Alfred Boeddeker, .O.F.M., of ,St. Boniface C~urch, San Francisco, officiates "at the blessing of· the grapes in front of the old FrancisCan mission. NC Photo. '
Cardinal ·Meyer Approves New 'P'O As at' , f W
, WASHINGTON '(NC) . - . A '$10,000 grant has .been giveR to 'the National Council of Catholic 'Women to continue its efforts in 'the promotion of 'safety by thO Allstate Foundation. ' The check was presented heR to Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of Toledo, Ohio, NCCW president, by Mrs. .Robert Beaton, director of the women's division of the Allstat3 Safety Department. . Mrs. Beaton said the grant was made to assist the NCCW in its ,efforts to promote safety, a field .in. which the council has worked for years. . During the 1960 NCCW co. . .ven~ion the delegates adopted a ,resolution which stressed the ,moral obligation regarding safe,ty. It .called on affiliated units ,to intensify their efforts in traffic safety and· expand safet.v .programs to include home, farm. ·industrial or occupational fieldlJ and also water safety. Mrs. Zepf said the grant wiD .be, used specifically this year to assist national program chail"" men in implementing suggested safety programs through thei:2' established committees; for the printing of various program helps in this area; and for the continued implementation of the 'NCCW convention resolution.
Lauds Welfare Service Of Private Agencies NEW YORK (NC)-The ex~ utive director of New York Catholic Charities said here the public frequently gets an inc~ plete picture of welfare services because the voluntary ~gencies' role is not adequately reflected. . Msgr. George H. GuilfoyJe told a meting of priest directol'lS for the '1962 Catholic Charities , Fund Appeal that "any descrip:. tion of. welfare seryices in our community with only casual ref_ ' erence to voluntary programs iiJ misleading and even unfair."
much stage-Whispel'ing, banging of pots and pans' S 0 . and finally clattering of dishes, I U S CI Ion 0 omen A spokesman said a college ·they went on their way down-; CHICAGO (NC)-Albert Car~ stairs. No, I didn't want the TV' dinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chi- 'education or training in cine of ·brought upstairs, nor the radio... cago,' has given his approval to the professions involved in social So sleepy day slid into restless a new group of Catholic profes- work, nursing and psychology 'is night, with fantastic dreams. sional women' organized as a required for, membership. 'ApNext dopey day much like its· "pious ·association" under the plication for membership and re:' quests for further information predecessor: no letters written, name of Regina Mundi. no reading done, little real pray- ' The associati'on hopes eventu- should be made to Margaret A. ing. Toward evening, life began .ally to qualify as a full-fledged Galvin, 10210 South Walden Sisters of Charity to take on slightly more interest. secular institute. The status of Parkway, Chicago 43, HL Pillowcase wrapped around, a a "pious association" is a recogPlan Medical Center yardstick, I got rid of that, nized stage in this process. SEA~LE (NC)-A six-mfto. DCCW Members Slate blamed cobweb! I' Members of the new group lion-dollar medical center is From downstairs wafted the: will be drawn from the ranks of Meetirig in Westport planned by the Sisters of Charity most entrancing aroma-sizzling', women engaged in the behavPresidents and ·alterna·tes' of of providence on a site adjacent steak! And Markie;s delighted:' ioral scierices--sociaf work, psy- District One of the Diocesan to their. present Providence Hoscry, "Why, Daddy, look at aH I chology, guidance and' mental,: Cchmcil of' Catholic Women will pital here. ' ... , .' these stamps! I'll bet Rafal and I " health. Sister Gertrude, superior and I meet at 8 Tuesday night, March will have enough to get a lamp!" Take Simple Vows 6, at Our Lady of Grace parish administrator, said the' addition . .Curiosity' and hunge~ .got Regina Mundi, whose spiritual hall, Sanford Road, North West- will include 240 general hospital program will be modeled on that into a housecoat and downstairs of the Dominicans, will aim to port. Units of Fall River,' Som- beds for the acutely ill and a 160-" . to view the embarrassment of foster leadership by Catholic erset, Swansea, Westport, Cen~ unit surgical suite. The present hospital will be riches. women in these fields. Members tral Vi11age and Assonet will be converte'd to a "progressive care That's right, the Head of the will take simple vows of poverty, repr~sented. Reports of Fall spiritual, and unit," she said: With this type of' I House had gone wild again as he chastity and obedience. social activities will be submit- care, the Sisters hope to cut always does when let loose alone The new group plans to estabin a grocery store. There were lish a residence here for mem- ted in preparation for a final hospital bills one-third to onethe usual assortment of fancy bel'S. It is now engaged in re- report to be presented at the half for persons who are not se.-' May convention of the Diocesan riously ill, Sister Gertrude adsauces, meats that' would do jus- cruitment. ded. ·tice to a luxury hotel, tins of Council. 'imported tid-bits and crackers, 'England Revisited' The district will hoW an open smoked oysters, candied ginger, meeting, Tuesday, Mareh 27. 'fresh dates. Much in the way of On Catholic Hour NEW YORK (NC) ..:... The goodies, much in the way of CDA Convention stamps, and much in the way of Catholic Hour radio program CAN SAVE YOU UP TO will broadcast during ,March a CHEVY CHASE (NC)-Plans a grocery bill. 25% Thus we celebrated the ClOok.. series of four programs' entitled for the national convention of "England Revisited" which were' the Catholic Daughters of AmerON YOUR FUEL .BILLS recovery. originally presented' on the tele- ica, to be held July 8 to 12 in Brokston Chem. Co. vised Catholic Hour. Denver, Colo., will be discussed Blast IndiaA Campaign' This was announced here by at Ii C.D.·of A. board meeting in Brockton 19, Man. the Radio-Television Office of Ho~ston, Texas, this week. For Birth Control the National Council of Catholic BANGALORE (NC) - India's Men which produce'd the series ~ Catholic Bishops have again con- in cooperation with the NBC A FAMILY TREAT demned the government's birth network. control program. and have deBAR-B~Q CHICKENS Four great English Catholics they will keep telling the will be discussed by authorities nation why birth control is on their lives a'nd works. The wrong.' ' . , " four are, St. Thomas More, John "Family 'planning, oli which Henry Cardinal Newman, G. K. FARMS unfortunately. our co~ritry has Chesterton and' Msgr. Ronald 146 Washington St., Fairhaven ~ffi<:ial~y. emp.~rked, nee;ds to be Knox. The series was recorded Just off Route 6 Southeastern Massachusetts' c.ombl'tt~c1,", the. stan(jJng comin England. ' WY 7-9336 largest Indep~ndent Chain mittee of the ,Indian' ,Catholic, Watch for Signs Bishops' Conference stated after New York Laywom'an a weeklong meeting. While out for a Drive "The Church, through its 'va- To Get Marillac Medal Stop at. this Delightful' Spot 'We Give Gold Bond Stamps'. EMMITSBURG (NCr Mrs. rious agen<;ies, is educating the _----~--,; public' o~ the moral aspects of Mary Shea Giordano; president ,f \'" this campaign,» the Bishops said. of the Ladies of Charity of th~ New York archdiocese, will receive the St. Louise de Marillac Hyacinth, 0 of , Medal of St. Joseph College here , Members of Hyacinth Circle, in Maryland at a convocation' 0111 New Bedford Daughters of Isa- Saturday, March 10. bella, will receive corporate The college said that Francis at Communion at 9 o'clock Mass Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop Passion Sunday. morning, April of New York, had confirmed the 8 at Holy Name Church. Break- selection of Mrs. Giordano to refast will follow at 10:15 in the ceive the award. The medal is church hall. Mrs. Catherine Le- presented annually to a CathTendre is chairman, aided by olic laywoman approved by the Teresa Beehan. A 45th anniver- hierarchy of her diocese for selfNEW BEDFORD, MASS. 115 WILLIAM ST.. sary banquet for the unit is set sacrificing personal service to for Sunday., May 20. her neighbors.
ON TV:: Romano Guardini" dean of German Catholic' thinkers, will. be the subject of a National Council of CathoHc Men telecast at 3 this Sunday afternoon; Script for the presentation was prepared by Michael Novak, author who recently addressed Fall River Catholic Woman's Club.
"Save' With
Between Parents, Ch~~dreLFC
Observe Newman . Week Here
By Audrey Palm Riker "Mama, what are the Grady's children's names?" "Flop~ sie, Mopsie and Cottontail," answers Mama, smiling. The peals of childish laughter that follow the painfully modest pun are worthy of Red Skelton's finest efforts. Children have a built-in laugh mechanism a rich fund of wh'm- . They like to show anger in their , . 1 humor-they think it hilarious sy and JOy. Parents can tap to threaten a parent with a ihis abundant natural re- poised club or a clenched fist. source to help relax the inevitable tensions that build in fam_ Uy life and to D u r t u rea health:- sense of humor in their offspring. Laughter appears early in life. By four weeks most babies can- smile. Peekaboogames or a friendly' tickle will coax a chuckle from a solemn three month old, and by four months almost lill babies are capable of a loud and happy laugh. Corny Jokes By the time he is two, the average youngster is sophisticated enough to be amused by the strange sounding words of the Doctor Seuss stories. And older pre-schoolers find roaring de-light simply in being active, running. jumping, climbing. By five many children are aei- -' cornplished pranksters. In anawer to mother's question, "Did you brush your teeth?" the kindergartner guffaws, "Nol" eveil though ~le has. ,. Around six and seven the seemingly endless era of the eorny joke dawns. Having never heard tired, whiskered old jokes of the caliber: "What holds up the mooq?" (Answer, "Moonbeams") these blooming comedians are convulsed by their own cleverness. Seven and eight year olds are often accomplished buffoons.
Thurs.. Mar. 1, 1962
Members of the Regional Newman Club of Providence and Fall River are observing this week as Cardinal Newman Week. The week was proclaimed by Governor Notte of Rhode Island for the purpose of emphasizing the significance of Newman's works for the 20th century and encouraging participation in Newman Club activity. Observance included a Communion dinner which followed a Mass at St. Sebastian Church, Providence, attended by representatives of eight area colleges and universities, inclUding Bradford Durfee College of Technology, Fall River and New Bedford Institute of Technology.
Many adults wince at the gross, primitive humor of young children, but just as it takes time for a child to -appreciate good music or art, it takes time and maturity for him to learn the subtle nuances that adults find amusing. Laughter Therapeutic Meanwhile, laughter is a priceless technique in rearing children. Parents who use a light touch can quickly clear the air after a blow-up or necessary scolding. For example, use wholesome banter to ease the strain on a youngster who demands too much of himself. Or, with good nature, let the one who exag-' gerates the truth know he isn't fooling you. Laughter is a therapeutic tool. But it can alse;» be used to belittle or deride a child. You've probably seen - the bubbling,' good spirits of a youngster cruelly squelched by an adult, who is simply indifferent or so absorbed in his own troubles that he can't make the effort to laugh with a child. And some adults think it' humorous to ridicule a child's earnest effort to pronounce a word correctly or master a diUicult job. To develop a healthy personality, children need a full measure of giggles and guffaws. When parents and children can laugh together, age lines melt and a warm common' pleasure fOnDS a bond of communication and understanding between geoerations.
MIGRAT:u:ON AWARD: Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo of Chicago receives the first Gold Medal of the American Committee on Italian Migration at the organization's 10th anniversary dinner, in Chicago. The medal honoring Bishop Wycislo for his many years of service ~ behalf of the immigration and rehabilitation of people of all races and creeds, was presented by Father Caesar Donanzan of New York,execu-tive,secretaor of the ACIM. NC Photo. '
Fall Rivell' Meeting Newmanites at Bradford Durfee College of Technology will hear Atty. Francis T. Meagher at an open meeting set for 7:30 Tuesday night, March 6 in the college lecture hall. His topic will be "The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Point of View." Vitally interested in education, Atty. Meagher served in 1955 on the White House Youth Conference board and Is presently chairman of the board of trustees at Bradford Durfee.
N' un, 73 "Ta kes N ew,.M·· Isslon. post After Recuperatlng " In Hospital
MONROVIA (NC)-At Maryknoll Hospital here in the California foothills they call Sister Mari~ Emi~ia a "tin~, holy little lady. She.19 under five feet, ~ut possesses ~lant reso.urces of falth. At 73 Sl~er Marlll; Emilia possasses nothmg of th.IS world. but her . _.he a lth, an 0 b VIOUS sp irIt ua1 vlta~lty, and. her well-worn Domimcan habIt. She has seen her native Cuba lost and much of her life work destroyed, an~ she has had to fa~e the lone~mess and wand~rWEBSTER GROVES (NC) The letters in the portfolio ex_ ing of au exlle. Last May With Pope John has lauded the press the intention of women', DO luggage and heavy heart, she promptness with which leaders religious superiors to cooperate . and her companions in religion of U. S. women's religious coni:- in the Holy See's request for rell- left Cuba. "We were not formally exmunities have responded to his gious communities in the U. S. to call for aiding the Church in send personnel to Latin America. pelled. We were simply refused Latin America, according to, a The ideal set by the Holy See the means of living," she said iJl letter from the Vatican received called for assignment by 1970 of a sunny parlor off the hospital's here in Missouri. personnel totaling a tenth of each pure-air wing. Sister Emilia had been a The letter was sent by Carlo community's membership as of teacher at the College of Our Cardinal Confalonieri, president 1960. Lady of the Rosary in Havana of the Pontifical Commission for when Fidel Castro came to Latin America, to Mother Mary Professor to Teach power. Militia women soon were Florence, secretary of the Constationed at the college' and exference of M1ljor Religious Supe- Journalism in Brazil riors of Women's Institutes of DETROIT (NC) - A woman plained they were there to guard V.S.A. professor at M.trygrove College the Sisters against harm. . "I laughed inside," said Sister The letter was in response to here, conducted by Sisters, Serva portfolio containing, 94' letters ants of the Immaculate Heart of Emilia, "because unt! they came we had never been in any of adherence to the Holy See's Mary, has been invited to set up program written by superiors of journalism seminars at four of danger." In short order the Castro women's religious communities Brazil's leading universities. tnthe U. S. M: Elizabeth Lynch Is belleved militia women ordered all tuiThe portfolio, entitled "I Will : to 'be' the first woman and the tion inoney and other valuables Give You Nations for an !nheri- first professor of journalism to Assumption 0 of I tance," was sent as a Christmas receive a Fulbright grant to gift last year to the, Holy See Brazil as a lecturer and Assumption Cicrle, Fall River fr,om the Conference of Major searcher. Daughters of Isabella, will hold Religious Superiors of Women's She will leave for Brazil in a dessert bridge, originally set Institutes. 'It was forwarded JUDe and conduct seminars at for Feb. 20, on Tuesday night, through the office of Archbishop the Catholic universities of Rio March 6. Egidio Vagnont, Apostolic Dele- de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Rio gate in the U. S. Grande do SuI and Bahia.
Pope John Lauds Quick Response Of Women Religious Superiors
turned over to them. Castro also initiated' a confiscatory tax on property. The government, Sister said, overhauled the school's curriculum, eliminated religion and supplanted it with a regular hour of Red indoctrination. Sister Emilia leaned heavily on her cane as she walked out the lobby of the hospital. She said the kindness shown to her at the hospital is something she would never forget. Then she left by jet to join exiled memhers of her community ill Colombia . ••••••••
fr....... very.CaH
IDEAL LAUNDRY 373 New 8ostoft Road
Fa" River
OS 8-5677
Daughters of Charity Have New Superior CHICAGO (NC)-51ster Mary Rose McPhee has beeft appointed .perior of the. Western Province of the Daughters of Clulrity 01. St. Vincent De Paul The province, with headquarters in St. LOuis, cover.! all state. west of the Mississippi, as well .. Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentuc~ Mld Alabiuna. I She' llas served at St. .Tosepla Hospital here, at St. ,Vincent'. Hospital, St. Louis, and Mary'. Help Hospital, San FrancIsCo.
Rivier Alumnae Alumnau of Rivier College will meet this month at the home of Mrs. Roger Poirier, Tiverton and at 8 Tuesday night, April 10 at the home of M1'& George Cote, Somerset.
Cape Recollection Day
Cape and Islands District Five' of the Diocesan Council of Cath. oUe Woinen will hold a day of recollection from 8:30 to 3:30 Saturday, March 10 at St. Francis Xavier Cburcl., Hyannis. Breakfast and lunch will be MrVed.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 1, 1962
Family to Serve As MissDoners In Alaska'
LEBANON (NC)-James M. Crane, his wife and their 10 children are ,giving up a comfortable life on their 103acre farm here to serve as lay missionaries in Alaska: The family, scheduled to leave in June, will be ~urnished shelter at the Copper Valley Mission in southeast Alaska, but will serve without pay and have to purcbase all their food and clothing. Why are they exchanging' comfort for hardship? "We've been blessed so much, we figure we owe sO!'llething back," said James Crane, a builqing contractor. Mrs. Crane said: "For many years Jim and I have contemplated missionary work but 15 babies arrived, (10 of whom are l'iving), so our zeal for the work dimmed until 1960. 'In Debt to Heaven' "In May, 1960, we lost our 15th child . . . and only a strong constitution, along with' many prayers, kept me ~lere. Jim and I feel deeply in debt to heaven for my recovery, and the fact that we have such a lovely group of youngsters and two boys aspiring for the Benedictine brotherhood at St. Meinrad (Seminary), Indiana." The Cranes will sell their farm and furniture, and will leave here with a pickup truck, a car, and a 45-foot house trailer pulled by a semitractor. Mr. and Mrs. Crane have no romantic illusions about life in Alaska. The entire family went to Alaska on a vacation in 1959 and they know the conditions under which they will have to live. At Copper Valley they will live in an abandoned chapel, about three miles from the mission, conducted by Jesuits. Their nearest water supply will be three miles away. They are committed to a twoyear stay in Alaska. Mrs. Crane said that her husband and the oldest son will help with church building projects while she and the other children will try by example to impress Indians and Eskimos with the Christian family way of life.
Name MILWAUKEE (NC) -Father William F. Kelley, S.J., 45, has succeeded Father Edward J. O'Donnell, S.J., 52, as president of Marquette University and rector of the Jesuit community. The change in' office carried out in a traditional and simple Jesuit induction ceremony. Announcement of Fa,ther' Kelley's appointment by Fat!I~r John B. Janssens, S.J., JesUlt General in Rome, was read in the community dining hall. Fr. O'Donnell stepped down from ... bead place at the table and
.~ ..
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Pontiff Reconfirms Latin As Languag~ of, C~~rch . VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has issued a document reconfirming Latin as the official language of the Church and forbidding any' efforts to supplant it. His Holiness said that Latin is "a 'source of doctrinal clarity and certainty" and can contrib:' Prefect of the Sacred Congregaute to unity and understand- tion of,~miiiaries and Universiing aI:nong nations. The Pope ties. r-rinted copies were distri):lspoke in an apostolic consti- uted among the cardinals and top tution, "Veterum Sapientia," (The Wisdom of the .Ancients) signed in St. Peter's basilica with. great solemnity in tl,J.e pres¢nce of 41, cardinals, official!> of the, Vatican's administratice 13 t a ff " members of prepartory commis-, sions for the corriing ecumenical council and the pastors of Rome. The signing took place at the Pope's annual audience for -lenten preachers of Rome, which this year was made a speCial occasion to mark the approach of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, which will open Oct. 11. 'Scrupulously Follow' .. After signing the document, Pope' John handeq a' COpy. of it to ~ Giuseppe Cardinal Plzzardo,
of MQllrqL!letfre was replaced by Kelley. Father O'Donnell will remain at Marquette in the post of chancellor. He served as president for 13lh years. Father Kelley, a native of Madison, Wis., spent his boyhood here in Milwaukee. He had been stationed at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., since 1949. He is an alumnus of Marquette, joined the Jesuits in 1931 and was ordained in 1944.
Truman To Speak BUFFALO (NC) - Form~r President Harry S. Truman will speak at Canisius College here Monday, March 26 in the first of an annual series of political science lectures.
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Jesuit community. NCPhoto.
Minneapolis, Minnesota for detailed Information write to CHARLES A. MURPHY Registered RePI:~sentatlve 145 Pond Street Winchester, Mass. PA 9-2696 AN Name _ _ •._ _ _ _ _
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Service for Peace "The language of Rome,\ used in'the Latin Rite of the Church, c'an still render noble service today in the work of peace and unity. It can also render service to the new nations which are confidently entering international life. It is, in fact, not linked witl,J. the interests of any nation.
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to the will of the Apostolic See, on this point and . . . scrupu-. lously follow these Our direc-, tives." . ,. The' same authorities should, see to it'that within their juris:,,' dictions "none of their ~ubjec!s, moved by an inordinant desire for novelty, write against the use . of Latin either in the teaching of the sacred disciplines or in. ~he. sacred rites of the liturgy, or, urged by prejudice, less~n the' directive force of the will of the Apostolic See in this matter or alter its meaning." , Revive Teaching , No one should be admitted to philosophical or theological
"But We want especially ttl point out here the importan.~e of this language at the present moment of history when, tog. ther with a sincere desire for '-'l'nity and understanding among nations, individualistic expresqions are not found wanting.
Vatican officials. The constitution provides: 'Bishops and superiors of religious orders should see to it that ih seminaries, where candidates: for the priesthood are prepared, "all show themselves submissive
studies who does not know Latin perfectly. . The teaching of Latin according to acceptable methods should be revived in those seminaries where 'it has become minimized by the employment of methQds used in secular schools. . , The ,major sacred sciences should be taught in Latin from Latin textb'ooks. . , ,There should be' instituted, under the authority .of the Congregation'of Seminaries and Univ.ersities, an academy of Latin usage composed of experts in Latin and Greek from various nations. , Study Greek . The study'of Greek should not be neglected, since it is important for the perfe'ction of Latin' usage. ' A method for the teaching of Latin should be developed under the authority of the same congreg~tion which, while it should never be altered in substance, may be adapted to local usages, but only with the congregation's permission. , , Pope John said in his address: "Historical reasons urge Us to do honor to the Latin language and to remain faithful to its usage ~ .•
PRESIDENT: Fr. William F. Kelley, S.J., has been named president of Marquette University in Milwaukee and rector of the
1 ~'
niE ANCHOR"':'Diocese-clf Fall Riv~;':':Thurs:; M~rA:;tT96!r
;. J
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, ,~. D.
lIY Father John IL. Thomas, S. J. . Asst. Sociolog'J' Prof.-8t Louis University
"Si~ce we brought television into our family circle, I'm
considered a 'crumb.' You see, most fathers like what ~he children like, so where does that put -m()thers? I' tried ~ make some rules, but because I'm the only one that likes
rule~, they're 'no good.' ~y plan and work together in facing faml1y has thrown mUSIC, their responsibilities to meet the good reading, and so on, out needs of their fa~ili~. . the window since we have Such cooperation IS requ~edtelevision. They turn it on any by the very ~ture of marrIage time they like and will watch and the famIly) yet many parW t ents seem utterly unaware of cri~:s ::dn o~ci their obligations in this regard. re-run~ by the out and agree u~on h ur What can no consIstent rules for promotmg I °dO?" o~derly living w~t~in their famI d 't kilo illes, so that declSlons are made whet;e~ y 0 uv;. individually and usually ·on the o b s e r v a _ spur of the moment.. tionsconcerning As a result, they ;have n.o over.,. ClHlA][JRMAN: Mrs. Laurthe television all . plan for dealing. Wl~ the ence Lacaillade is chairman viewing tastes varIOUS p~oblems theIr c.hl1dr~n of fathers are meet at different stages m th~Ir of Taunton Queen's Daughamie development, and the famIly ters fourth annual charity rrect M c " . 1 d 'fts. butothere isn't SImP y rl ball, set for Easter Monday, " much doubt that television is one Escape for Husbands April 23 at the Cotillion ,Ballinvention .that has profoundly What can you do in your situroom, Taunton. She 'willbe affected the modern home. ation, Mamie? Since your husband does not aided by Mrs. Thomas Wynn We read complaints that it has changed the family circle into a share your views on this matter, and . ~rs. Pafrick Lyons. BP.mi-circle, and that though it there is probably little that you offers a good deal of first grade can do at this late stage. For ~.Il!!l.M!fft~"..A:~~.,..rlf, en t e r t a in men t, u n many husbands, watching tele1~\'Iij 'W (IJIuIWllllVlI/.IY 'I fortunately most viewers are· vision has become a convenient' well past that age. escape from the responsibilities' I . Role of TV of marriage and family life. " , ..... ·As you indicate, it'also ap,;," 1heyare "too busy" to discuss 9pears to threaten the develop- . family matters, to offer companment 'of music reading,and ionship to their children. Their, . NEW YORK (NC)-The other desirable'forms of !leM~ childish fixation on such passive culture within the home. ." entertainment is a sad commen- phen'omenal growth in numThis . adds-~p, for it isesti-' tary on their mental and spirit... bers 'of the American hier-' mated that American families 081 liveS, but like all addictions, archy during the past 25 watch television on an average it can be overcome only if the years will be revealed in the new afsix' hours per day, and since victim wishes to make the effort. edition of the "Dictionary of the children and teen agers are unHowever, it seems to me that American Hierarchy." doubtedly the most 'persistent you can do someth~ about the Msgr. Joseph B. Code, ·the viewers as well as users of radio, children. 0 At least when your book's author and director Githe many of. them caI).'t have mucb husband is not home, you can St. Paul Guild, New York, said time Ie:':', for other pursuits. regulate the use of the set ~ the volume will contain 830 Of course there is a positive whether they like it or not, this biographies as against 498 in the side to the picture. Television is your obligation. first edition of 1939-an increase offers many excellent programs, At the same time you can help of 332. . and though its educational pos- them toward an appreciation of. In addition, he said,· the new sibilities have unfortunately not better programs by calling their volume will have more than 1:00 yet been fully realized, it has attention to what is being offered brief biol{raphies of prelates who coine to playa significant role in and discussing various good pro- are nOt of the U. S. hierarchy forming public opinion and grams with them. itself, but who have had some shaping the popular mind by the Advises Mother' connection with this country's news prograi,ls, discussions, and You can also accomplish a hierarchy. portrayals of current national great deal by your example. It, will also have a complete and international events it so Keep a supply o~ good books, list of titular Sees given Amerassiduously presents. magazines and papers available. ican Bishops, information on the Regulate TV TIme Try to bring topics of wider in-. various ecclesiastical jurisdicLike most 'modern inventions.. terest and concern into your tions pertaining to the United such as telephones, automobiles, conversation with them; States and a complete necrology movi~s, radios, and so on, televiTake a genuine interest ia of American bishops of the past sion lends itself to good use as their studies and start them . 175 years, he said. well as abuse. Because it invades thinking about what they hope the home and appears equally to be in life and what preparaMsgr.Code's reviseddictiOIiary will coincide with the ee1e:" attractive to young and old alike, tion they will need to achieve bration of the 175th anniversary however, it probably creates their goals. of the establishment of the hiermore problems for parents than This is indirect, but perhaps archy in the United States. most other inventions. more effective in the long run Difficulties related to t~e use than rules which they see that .... of the telephone, car, or radio the head of the house ignores. .' MEN 17 - 25 are confined primarily to teen JOIN THE NEW agers, while in one form or anEnglish,_ Welsh Give other ,the television set tendB Society of Brothers of to involve the entire family. Pope John $44,650 Under these circumstances, Our Lady,ofProvidence LONDON (NC)-English and common sense requires that par': Welsh Catholics gave $44,650 to for infomtation write to: ents establish some rules and Pope John for his 80th birthday . FATHER MASTER norms regulating 'the use of tele- last November, it has been an,. St. Joseph the Worker vision' in the home, for not only nounced here. are' various programs available Novitiate Catholic clergymen sent the at the same time, but different Pope $32,190 toward the cost of . Warwick Neck, R. I. age groups within the family-.,. an international student center children, young teen agers, adol- . iJi Rome. Laymen contributed escents, adults - have different $12,460 toward construction of viewing needs and tastes. the new Church of St. Gregory Specifically, parents should Barbarigo in Rome. regulate the amount of time to The gifts were brought to Pope be spent before the set and the John by William Cardinal Godtype of program to be viewed. frey, Archbishop of -Westminste1", Marriage Is Sacred Trust when he visited the Holy See reThis implies, of course, that cently. Amleto Cardinal Cicognparents have some sense of re- ani, Papal Secretary of State. ·sponsibility in this matter. Un- asked Cardinal . Godfrey to sfortunately, Mamie, the situation tend "warm thanks" to contrib,. you describe in your home is all . utors in a letter published' here. SeaS... tOo common. I . which also contained a special . Because they 'do not see the~r blessing for the country's CathTet MY 11 marriage as' a .sacred trust, a oUcs.' . divine mission to bear and rear children in. Christ, many fathers YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GlVB and mothers' never learn how to tIM life of • DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL ..... God
Shows Growth f Hierarch.y
Some of. the sick may be pleased' with socialized medicine, but most people 'prefer a· personal relationship with their own physician, on the basis of justice. In much the same way, "socialized spirituality" thrusts the individual soul' into the background; it breaks the bond of justice which binds the soul to the Cross when ~ priest is asked to offer Mass for one's own intention. Thus, we beg you readers to ask for a Mass for your personal intentions. Our Lord addressed the Good Thief on the Cross by the word. "thou." Let Him address ,you as intimately in the Mass. If y01lll' parish priest cannot offer the. Mass, send 'your intention to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. We will have a Mass said for each offering you make by, one of our missionaries 'til Asia, Africa, Oceania: you will not bti gTouped with hundreds of' otherS. You will be helping the pri~sts, many 01' whom depend. on Mass stipends for survival: you will be helping yourself spiritually by recognizing the personal va,ue, of the Mass. Remember, . when you became a member 01 Cbrlst's Body, you were personally baptized. Let U be 80 with the Eucharist!
, \ \. GOD LOVE YOU to Brother V ~r'$5'''As 11 am about to brate my Diamond Jubilee in the Friiilciscan' Order, I enclose ·this offering in thanksgiving."... to Miss .l.A.B. "Many people save for their old age. ItsEiems a much better investment to plan for eternity, so her.e is the first installment" ... to .l.R. for $100 "Asking the prayers of the faithful and. priests for the return of a relative to the Church." AM yo.U pray the multicolored WORLDMiSSION ROSARY. remember that the white decade is offered lor the Holy Father. Thea remember thaitbe Vicar of Christ has said that:The Society for the PrOpagation of the Faith must be "first and principally aicled."Send ;your request and an offering 01 $2, and we will send . Y011 thts WORLDmsSION ROSARY blessed by Bishop Sheen.'
'Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it toflhe Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the :Society for . the Propagation of the Faith, 366 -Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., . or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main 'Street, Fall River, MaSs.
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more, CIJId giq 10 souls knowledge cmcI love of God by serving HUn ill a Missloa whld! __ the Preu, Radio. MotioII Pictures CIJId TV. . . bring His Word to .-IS overywh_. ZeaIow Yovalg girls, 14-23 yecm interested bI ... unique Apostolate may write 10: 'REVEREND .MOTHER SUP~OR
;. ,
This a.buse, in a diminished degree", ha.s crept Into the Iafty. Instead of having Mass offered for their special Intentions. they send an offering asking to be remembered "in a Mass," "in nine Masses" or in Masses "every day for a month." They seem to forget tha.t this collective remembrance is included in every Mass by every priest in every part of the world. True, there is the merit of sending alms in asking "to',be: remembered in nine Masses," but there is no personal relationship with Christ In His Holy Sacrifice.
,l' :
The Mass of .the Consecration of a bishop' includes what· is known as concelebration. This means that the new bishop offers the Mass with the consecrating prelate, both saying ~e entire Mass together, even the words of Consecration. But the Churoh recently bad to reprove a few Catholic liturgists who advocated the· concelebration of priests. at daily Mass. These would have one priest stand at the altar, the other priest circle the altar while reciting the words. The Church rightly insisted that each priest offer the Holy Sacrifice himself.
WILKES - BARRE (NC)-" Bishop Jerome D. Hannan of Scranton officiated at the dedication of the new five-story addition to Mercy Hospital here. The new buildnig cost $2,691,7'16 and will provide the hospital with '252 beds.
Persona~ Value of' th4,
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FIRST. FEDERAL OF FALL RIVER 1 North Main St•• ~. ~dforcf - • Opew ..... EW 'til 8
Northern',lreland'" Prelates Protest,' Seizure Bill
MANCHORThurs., .- Mar. 1", 1962 '
LONDON (NC) - Northern Ireland's Catholic Bishops have buttressed their public protest against a bill authorizing seizure of church lands by sending a delegation to the government here. Bishop Eugene O'Doherty of. Dromore and Auxiliary Bishop William Conway of Armagh, Ireland's primatial See, brought the fears of the Northern Irish Hierarchy before the Lord Chancellor, Lord Kilmuir. The Bishops told Lord Kilmuir that such a law would almost certainly be used by anti-Catholics in power in some parts of Northern Ireland to seize essential lands of the Church. They suggested safeguards. Extends Powers The Lord Chancellor, who wields power not only as speaker of the House of Lords but also as head of the judiciary and as a government minister, promised to weigh the objections of the Bishops. The legislation, called the Northern Ireland Bill, seeks among other things to extend the powers of Northern Ireland's semi-autonomous Parliament in acquiring by compulsory purchase land belonging to religious and educational bodies. Its F AMIL Y CRUSADE: Members of Family Communion Crusade at Sacred Heart parsupporters claim it is necessary for housing, slum clearance and ish, North Attleboro, are the family, of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Desilets. Left to right, Rev. other developments. Edmund L. Dickinson, curate, Mr. and Mrs. Desilets, John Jeanne, Patricia and Stephen. But the Bishops of Northern Ireland said in their public pro- , test they are "gravely disquieted" by the bill. Show Discrimination They said they recognize "the very desirable ends which can By Patricia McGowan be served by development schemes or by schemes for housAn organization with no meetings, save at the altar rail, and no dues is in enthusing or slum clearance," and iastic operation aJt Sacred Heart parish, North .Attleboro. It is the Family Communion noted "that modern social legislation has tended to give public Crusade and it's just what its name indicates. To date, some 72 families, totaling more authorities wide powers for 'the than 250 individuals,' have enrolled at the North Attleboro parish. They have agreed to implementation of such schemes." receive Holy Communion as But they said they "feel: bound The purpose "f the movement Again, one or more members to point out that such powers a family unit at least once is to. sanctify the family by may represent the family. if the take on an entirely different sig- monthly. "The first Sunday bringing Christ into it through others are, for some reason, prenificance' when transferred to the of the month is by far the group Communion. Christ be- vented from or not disposed to context of Northen Ireland, most popular," says Rev. Ed- comes the center of the family join them. Living members may where the pas't 40 years have mond L. Dickinson, curate at circle. through frequently re- participate in memory of those witnessed the sustained use of Sacred Heart.. Thirty-nine iam- newed consecration of the ,unit deceased. power particularly by Local Au_ , Hies have agreed' to communi- to the Holy Family, through Only formality of membership thorities to discriminate' against ,cate on this, date. TwentY-two special celebration of the Janu- is filling out of an' enrollment Catholics in the exercise of the families are improving on the' ' ary feast of the Holy Family and, card by the head of the family franchise in housing, in public, pr;1ctice by 'pr')mising, Weekly.· of course, through the practice or other responsible member. employment and many other Communions, while one' farpily , of at least monthly reception of , This card is turned in to the pasfields." is signed up for daily reception- the Eucharist. tor' or other officer designated of the Sacrament. If family members cannot reby him. Typical Family ceive the Holy Eucharist togeth1,000 Iowans Anell1d A typical participating family er" they should at least receive Brotherhood ~ass is that of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard on the same day. "Members of & DAVENPORT (NC) ~ More Desilets, 204 North Washington the armed forces, particularly," ONE STOP than 1000 area residents crowded Street. With four children in at- note the promoters of the cruinto Sacred Heart cathedral here tendance at Sacred Heart School, sade, "will find satisfaction in SHOPPING CENTER for a brotherhood Mass spon- they have pledged weekly Com- this union which goes beyond • Television • Furniture all merely worldly communicasored by the Davenport' Inter- munion as a family unit. Very active in parish affairs, tion such as letter 9r telephone. • Appliances • Grocery racial Council. Despite roads clogged with Mr. Desilets is a member of the No greater means of protecting 104 Allen St., New Bedford five inches of fresh snow, mem- Holy Name Society, while Mrs. oneself spiritually from the posWYman '1-9354 bers of the three major faiths, Desilets is in charge of publicity sible perils of military life or of Negroes, whites and Mexican- for the Ladies of St. Anne, CCD obtaining solace for the family Americans, made their way up representative for the Sodality,' at home is available." Parents of very young chilCork Hill for the Mass, the first and a former Girl. Scout leader. Both parents are helpers as dren are not forgotten. They may of its kind in the city. Union and business leaders were present, advisors for the parish CYO. have to attend Mass separately as well as city and state officials, Their eldest daughter will grad- . while there are infants at home, students and nurses from many uate from eighth grade this year but they can still receive on the and hopes to enter Bishop same day and continue the pracof the hospitals in the diocese. "This Mass portrays the apos- Feehan High School, while their tice until the children are old enough to join them at the altar tolate of brotherhood," said eldest son is, an altar boy. Msgr. M. J. Dingman, Chancellor Sponsorship, Origin rail. of the diocese, in the sermon. . The Family Communion Cru"We will leave here today with sade is sponsored by all orgaQstrengthened intellectual convic- . izations of participating parishes tions; we will find a natural anci is" promoted particularly featuring sympathy through our associa- through the Parent-Educator tion with different nationalities, section of the C'onfra'ternity 'of '~he Gaslight Room" races and religions." Christian Doctrine. Ideal for Communion BreakIt had its origiQ in 1912 ,when fasts. Orltani~atlo,n Banquets Mexico Sends First ~ group of college -students at 386 Acushnet Ave. Fordham Medical School agreed New Bedford Missioner to Africa to receive Holy Communion' each Call WYman 2·1703 MEXICO CITY (NC)-Mexico ..first Friday. Each month"as,they is sending its first missionary approached _the altili': rail, they & , 'noted a family group of mother, priest to Africa. He is Father Jose Flores, father and three children, also . F.S.C.J., the first Mexican mem- present. Many"years later, this member of the Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an Italian con- ory- sparked the family of one of gregation which is also known the Jox:mer studentS to begin reas the African Missionaries of ception 'Of Holy Communion as a Verona. unit. On the Feast of the Holy OIL B,URNERS Father Flores, who received Family fn 1950 they.breakfasted AIDO oomplete BoDer-Burner his mission cross here from together and decided to ,promote or Furnace Vnits. Effiolent Archbishop Miguel Miranda y the practice of monthly Comlow cost heating.' Burner and fuel on sales and service. Gomez of Mexico City, will go munion among other families. to a post in Uganda, British proObtaining permission from the Stanley Oil Co., Inc. tectorate in east Africa sched- ' Archbishop of their Diocese, they 480 Mt. Pleasant Street uled to become independent iD have propagated the devotion New Bedf"rd WY 3-266'7 October.. ever since.
Communion Crusade Popular with Families, In Sacred Heart Parish, North Attleboro
Stress Council's Intense Interest For Laymen MANILA (NC) ThE! coming ecumenical council is the concern of the humblest member of the Church, not alone the prelates who will participate in it, the Bishops of the Philippines told their people in a joint pastoral letter. "The fruits of the council will in general be in proportion to the efforts of the fathers and of the whole Catholic Church, clergy and laity," the Bishops said. . They added: "It is God's ordinary way of dealing with men, even in such highly spiritual activities as an ecumenical coun-' cil, to extend the assistance 0:2 His grace in answer to prayer. Have Personal Share "Here is the part that each Catholic must play in the council. Through his prayers he can sit with the fathers and influence the decisions to greater fruitfulness, for the glory of God, fol' the good of souls, and especially for the union of all men under the Kingship of Christ, with His vicar on earth, and within the fold of the Catholic Church." Noting the recent announcement by Pope John that the council is to open next Oct. 11, the Bishops stated that "the faithful should be intensely interested in the proceedings, ,problems and outcome of tho council."· They went on to say: "Thus one fruit of the councel will be an intensifying of the spiritual lives of Catholics, while they thus realize their own personal share in the council and are invited to more fervent prayers, livelier faith and l!l warmer zeal." I
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River"':Thurs., Mar. 1, 1962 ,J
Ora'ma, M,~De!)tw Of 1~j7@ Vatican ,Council 0'
By Most Rev. 6Q~~rt J.:Dwyer,D. D~ ,. " . Bishop' oiRe~o,' ':',>,:,':--' , _" The 'morning of July 18; 1870, dawned over'the Eternal ,City with ,forebodings of a' storm. The Clouds were heavy, ,with a sickly, yellowish cast, and from the 'distant hills and mountains occasional flashes of lightning could' be seen. St. 'Peter's, was, opened at 7 :30, 'and at 9 a low Mass was cel- acceptance Father professed their faith and of the dogma. ebrated by one of tlJ,e Sacred It is not recorded whether Pio ,College at the altar set up Nono was particularly pleased
, in the tribune of the Council; by their performance; he was in the right transept of the easily hurt and showed it in Basilica, , . every line of his face. At its concluAnglican View sion' His Hali";' The Rev. Thomas Mozley~ reness 'Pope Pius Jated to Newinan by marriage IX, was escorted and acting as correspondent for to his throne the London Times, saw the scene and vested' for through Anglican eyes, yet with. ,the Solemn Sesa vivid sense of its richness: sion announced . "The storm was at its height for the day, He when the' result of the voting t h r. n intoned was taken up to the Pope, and the Veni Creathe darkness was so thick that tor, which was a huge taper was necessarily taken up by the brought and placed by his side assembled prelates with more as he l'ead the, words, 'Nosclue, good will than musical discrim- sacro approbante Concilio, illa, mation. ut lecta sunt, definimus et aposThereafter a Bishop approach- tolic auctoriate confirmamus." ed the throne and received from "And again the lightning flickthe' ""ope the text of the Consti- ered around the hall, and thuntution Pastor Aeternus, the fimil der pealed. ,The Te Deum and the summary of the dogma of the in- Benediction followed; and the fallibility of the Sovereign Pon- entire crowd fell up on their tiff. Mounting a low pulpit he knees and·the Pope blessed them r~ad it through in a loud, clear' in' those clear, sweet' tones disvoice, and at the end put the tinguishable among a thousand," question: Candid Account ~ Extraordinary Coincidence" William Ullathorne, Bishop' ,: "Right: Reverend Fathers, ,do '(later Archbishop) of' Birmingthe'decrees and canons contained ham, England, whose account 'of in this Constitution please you?" the First Vatican Council, con,The voting began at once, "tained in hi~, letters and diaries, those accepting it answering edited many years ago by AbbOt "1"iacet" (it pleases me), in re'" Cuthbert Butler of Downside, is sponse to their name. The alter- one of, the m'ost forthright, and native was "Non Placet," and it candid on record, gives another was hardly imagined that any- picture of the memorable incione who felt this about it would ' dent: ' , !be present for the recording of . '''The great Sessio'n is over. The his vote. ' !lecree \vas, vote!! by '533 Plac.ej;s The scene has been many to tWo, ~on Placets, amidSt' a times described. It must have im- grea'tstorm,",' ' The' 'lightning pressed those present with ,its flashed into the aula, and thUo:'" tremendous .. 'drama, quite aside r'oiled oyer the roof, 'and from theextl'aordinary coinci- glass' was broken by' the tern":'''' dence of the storm, breaking in P est in a window nearlY' over the fts full fury just as the voting pontifical throne and came' ratbegan. tling ,dowri.: ,', " , ,-' I'!lacet' , . .' '.: ~'.A.ft'er,"Jhe Vveregivea" .j Won, ... , . - " , ~voies " , ..... As each..n~me-was called,down ,~h,e,.Po'p:e· confir~ed.: it,at 9 n ce, 'th I 11 f h and' immediately there',was a ~, e ongro . 0 t e 700 prelates ' · eat" cheering and clappin,g' attendaqce, at the Council,'a'rid .... las each 'Cardinal, or Bishop, .or from the Bishops, and cheers ihead of a, religicius orCler an- from the body of St. Peter's. ;swered with his Placet, the light- Then', ,the Te Deum began, the 'ning seemed to crackle in the thunder forming the diapason." :yery vaults of, St. Peter's, and Await Second Council :the thunder was deafening in'its The next day, July 19, 1870, 10aring:' _' : the French Chamber of Deputies ; Unexpectedly, amid the dill of :voted war against the Kingdom ',the storm; .two prelates of the ',of Prussia. ,A "few. rather .desul635 who were actUally present; tory sessions of the General,CQn.. - ..answered Non Placet when their gregations' 6f :the:'Council were 'iilame was called. held in August and Septe~ber, One of these was the Irish- but actually the Session of July :J>orn Bishop of Little Rock, Ark., 18 was the last. With the with, ;Edward Fitzgerald, and the cler- drawal ,of the French troops the \ ical wits have never ceased to collapse of the \ Papal govern!,ecall the day when the little ment, tinder the steady pressure : rock stood up' against the Big ~ for the unification of Italy under ; Rock of St. Peter., ,the House of Savoy, became , Profess Acceptanc;' inevitable. ;: It was indeed unfortunate that Will the Second Vatican Coun: ~he good Bishop was persuaded' cU, summoned for Oct. 11 of this :to stay on and cast his negative year, produce, a scene of com'vote publicly. Practically all the parable majesty? Typically, his::prelates who shared his view, tory gains its importance through :,that the definition was untimely perspective, and it is seldom the i and calculated to create more immedia.te actors are visited with i problems than it would solve, a feeling of the vast significance i had left Rome already. These in- of' their words and deeds. We : eluded Fitzgerald's metropolitan, have not so very long now to : Archbishop Peter Kenrick of 51. wait for our answer. : Louis, as well as the ,voluble : Bishop of St. Augustine, Augus! tin Verot. : The other who answered Non WILMINGTON (NC)-A rabi,jPlacet was Bishop Riccio of bi told a parish Catbolie Youth : 'Cajesso, in the Kingdom of Organization here that continued , 'Naples. Both Fitzgerald and Ric- conversations are necessary to 'cio, at the conclusion of the vot- eliminate racial and religious , ,ing, ad"anced to the throne and , prejudice, ' . ,:kneeling .in front of the Holy . "As Jong "as humans ,continue i to sPe~ to. each other, ~ere is hope that -prejudice- will disap" MEXICO CITY '(NC) ...... His pear," Rabbi Jacob' Kraft of' 100th 'Climb to the top of 17,887- Temple Beth'Shalom told the st. loot MountPopocatapetl was an Catherine of -Siena CYO. Rabbi Kraft said anti-5emi: eventful one for Father Fernando de la Mora. He set up an tism is no stronger in one section 'altar at the peak of the snowy of the U. S. than another. Where volcano, heard confessions for a anti-Jewish feeling is present, .score of mountain-climbers, and he added, anti-Negro and antithen celebrated a Nuptial Mass Catholic feeling are usujllly present too. , for two of them.
Rabbi Voices Hope For Prejudice Ban
"Mass Atop Volcano
e , - '-: , ,
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, ••• , , ,
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Schedule .Entrance- andPICicement
THf.ANCHOR....,.Diocese of Fan
Mar. 1,1962
Examinations at AU Catholic High Schools on Saturday By Clement J. Dowling Excitement, tension, and determination will abound in an. the Catholic high schools on Saturday. Probably the busiest Saturday of the school year, hundreds of grammar school students will be striving for scholarships and entrance into Diocesan secon- ness course. College course indary schools. Hundreds of terest is increasing. Some college junior and senior high school level business schools prefer scholars will be hopefully college course students from absorbed with College Entrance nigh schools. Board exams. Bishop Stang started a comRewards of full or partial mercial course this year for scholarships await eighth-grad- juniors and seniors, while Feeers who excel in' high 'school han is planning one for 1963 placement tests. Scholarships when it will accept juniors. Holy available at the different schools Family has but 15 seniors taking vary in number and value. business courses. Jesus-Mary Academy in Fall Elsewhere, St. Mary's in TaunRiver has waiting two full and ton finds comparatively few three partial scholarships. Their girls taking straight business but present students will make the many c\assical course scholars' day a full one for the coming taking shorthand and typing. freshmen by followin~ up the Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairtests with a play titled "Star haven reports a similar situaPlayer" and a sophomore-served tion. All-boy Prevost High in Fall collation. Open house for all eighth River has no straight business graders will have Dominican course but 30 take business law' Academy in Fall River buzzing and other subjects needed in the tomorrow. Swarming over the commercial field. school on conducted tours, the Good Speller younger teenagers will also parJuniors and seniors at New take of entertainment, basket- Bedford's St. Anthony's are enball, dancing and refreshments. gaged in a nationwide typing For Parents contest aimed at perfection rathSophisticated juniors and er than speed. Nearly 4,000 seniors will join the ever-grow- students throughout the U. S. ing numbers striving to enteT are competing for an all-excollege. Saturday's ColI e g e .pense paid vacation trip to Boards will be aimed at testing Sweden. Twenty-five other winthe knowledge and abilities of ners will receive deluxe portmillions across the nation: Com- . able typewriters. petition is keen, exams are deEfficiency in spelling is admanding, and the res~lts are ex- mired greatly by high school tensively analysed by the 001- and college teachers and emleges. Dominican's Francoise ployers of office personnel. JanLajoie made a perfect score of ice Berube, a senior at St. Anth800 in French last year-a most ony High, correctly spelled 200 unusual accomplishment. words in a list proviqed by the Enlightening is the news that National Office' Management parents of students at NoIilh Association. Not a spelling bee Dartmouth's Bishop Stang High but a teaching device, the con-. School will take part in a Twi- test provided the -New .Bedfol"d_ light Eveping Recollection. Fr. student an opportuni.t~ to win . Thomas Reddy, O.M.!., who oon- a gold engroS$ed cert~fl~te..- ducted a Stang student retreat Science Fair last October, wiH be the confeTFollowing a refreshing week· ence speaker. of vacation which included reThe noted leoturer and editor treats, outdoor recreation' and of "Oblate World" will ;also con- need~d studY,'Diocesan high duct a question box period and schools are humming :again.: . celebrate Benediction. A social Looking forward' ·to graduabreak in the new ca~eteria is tion, the writing staff of Prealso planned for the Mar~h 25tlh vost's year book spent vacation occasion. compiling a mountain of hisSt. Patrick's Day festivities at torical information. Year book Bishop Feehan will feature the theme will be "Men of Prevost" first Feehan Frolic on' March and promises many ..surprises. 18th. Long awaited and pIanned, Across the way at Jesus-Mary the Feehanites will cavort to- the all-girl Glee Club could ·be morrow night at their postponed heard each day perfecting tlhemValentine dance, now converted selves for coming everits. to a pre-Lenten Mardi Gras. UnSlated for Tuesday, March 6 usual but ideal, the cafeteria will at Kennedy Memorial in New be the scene of the gala·affair. Bedford is a Science 'Filir which College Beckons Many will feature intriguing projects Business or oollege course- concocted by' Holy Family stuwhat shall I take? That ques- dents. tion is being mulled by thousHoping that Provincial Brother ands of Diocesan students. Prac- Patrick of the Christian Teachtically every' business senior at ing Brothers will be an honored New Bedford's Holy F'amily High guest, Prevost High has schedhas a job promised upon gradu- uled a Vocation Night for Sunation. . day, March 18. Dropping eaoh year at F'all Talks will be delivered by a River's Mt. St. Mary's Academy priest, a brother and a layman. is the number taking the busi- Participating will be Rev. John' , .." _ _ _ __.._ P. Driscoll, a Prevost brother, and alumnus Mr. Paul Dumais. O~ at Dominican Academy, F·all RlVer, basketball and debating add interest to school life. Smiling with pride are 12 new senior members of the National Honor Society including CLaudette Cassiabeve, Pierette Cardinal, Elizabeth Donnelly, Mary Rose DuPont, Michelle Gariepy, Barbara Hart, Francoise Lajoie, Lillian Lavoie, Olivia Paiva, Diane Pratt, Jeannine Reaganand Lorraine Vidal. Diocesan DebaterS Victor over St.: Brendan's of the Bronx just two months ago ,at Dartmouth' College, Holy .. i I Family bowed to the New York / I . school Saturday i~ the finals of .........__........_i the 100 school New York Unidebating tourney. WINNER: Janice Berube, versity Co a c h Maurice Downey's St. Anthony High School, charges gave an outstanding perNew Bedford, is winner of a formance and left in New Yorker spelling proficiency certifi- minds an admiration for our disputants. cate from the National Of- diocesan H. F.'s second team finished fice Management Associa- 11th in a field of 51 on the same tion., day at the aruiual Holy CrosS
, -:
I "
. COYLE DEBATERS: D~bate ~eam at Coyle High Schoo~, Tau~on, includes, left to rIght, Peter Saracco, St. Ann s parIsh, Raynham; John Dalton, Holy Family, Taunton; Roderick Hart, Holy Name, Fall River; James McGarry, HolY,Family, Taunton. College tournament. Private individuals in various :New Bedford parishes are to be commended for covering the. expenses of these fine forensic squads.' The New York trip ineluded a viewing of "Music Man,'" celebrated Broadway musical. Gridsters of Coyle High School,
Taunton, are accepting congrat.:. uations for their achievement of retiring' the city Lions Club trophy.for the fourth out of 'six times.. Teams must win three legs on the trophy for permanent 'retirement and Coyle boys have 'done this four times. The award 'was 1p.ade by Lions representa- .
tives at a Tuesday morninB assembly. Roderick Hart, ·Fall River senior at the Taunton school, is alSCll being congratulated. He has WOD' area contests in the annual -American Legion oratorical competition and will now enter fur.ther elimination rounds.
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Labor Problems Demand Serious Th~ught By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, NCWC Social Action Department
Professor Will Herberg, the Jewish scholar, mayor may not be the most profound student of the sociology of religion in the' United States, but surely he is one of the most provocative. Herberg deservedly enjoys the reputation of being able to see the feeling that "nothing" in 'the forest for the trees. The familiar ethics of social justice trees in this case are a con- equips us to understand and deal stantly growing mass of with this kind of problem." statistical material about organized religion in the United States. He is also -able to discern more precisely than most of his conteMporaries the development of new problems and new trends in the sociology of religion. Professor Herberg I i v e s
THE ANCf-lC'~ -9iocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. " 1962
up to this reputation in an article published originally a year ago in the Christian Century and reprinted within recent weeks in II paperback symposium entitled "How My Mind Has Changed"a series of essays by 13 authors ' assessing tfi.e impact of the last decade on their lives and thought (Meridian Books, The World Publishing Company, New York $1.25) . New Approach In the course of this article Herberg comments briefly on the changing nature of the social problem in th~ United States and on the consequent need for a new approach to the social problem on the part of organized religion. Writing as one who in his salad days was a convinced Marxist but has long since abandoned every vestige of the Marxist philosophy, :Herberg says that nowhere has his mind changed more drastically in the past decade than in- his conviction as to what constitutes the social problem of today. He used to think that "the 'social problem, meant the 'economic problem~ or even more narrowly the 'labor problem.''' It took him a long time to realize, he says, that this notion is no longer valid, at least not for the United States, Britain and the Scandinavian countries. Defines Today's Problem Granted, he continues, that economic and labor problems are still with us ,and perhaps will always be, nevertheless he contends that "the crucial social problem of today would seem to Je no longer how to achieve a larger measure of, social justice in a competitive system, but rather how to achieve a greater degree of personal authenticity amid the massive pressures for conformity and mediocrity asserted by our increasingly other-directed culture." We are confronted today, he says, with a social problem which is radically different in kind from the social problem of earlier generations. The new"SQcial problem, he contends, is one of "the quality' of life, of the creative use of leisure and of the influence of prefabricated mass-culture in the century of the "common man.' " Impact 'of Automation Coupled with Herberg's conviction that this is the real social problem of our generation is his
The monthly meeting of the Fall River Particular Council, Society of St..Vincent de Paul, will be held Tuesday evening, March 6 at 8:00 o'clock. The me~bers are invited to be guests of the St. William's Conference. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be given in St. William's C h uI' Ch , Chicago Street, Fall River at 7:45 and the meeting will be held in the Church hall following Benediction. Parking fanilities are available in the Park.
Shows Newman ·Clubs Needed
BUFFALO (NC) - How much need is there for New'man Clubs at secular colleges? A survey taken here
The percentage was much higher among Catholic seniors in public high schools. A full 89 per cent of them planned to enter secular colleges. Results The survey was made last year by the Newman Club Directorateof the Buffalo diocese and its resuits recently relo"s",~ 1\ +"h.1 nl' 3,981 students responded to the
offers one answer. It shows that 51 per cent of local Catholic highschool seniors who planned to attend college hoped to enroll in non-Catholic . institutions. it
questionnaire. Of this number, 2,815 were from Catholic schoo18 and 1,166 from public schools. The study also showed that 61 per cent of the respondents from Catholic high schools intended to pursue higher studies. Newman Clubs provide a program of religious, intellectual and social activities for Catholics attending non-Catholic colleges.
Herberg is probably correct in saying that we are· confronted today with a radically new type of social problem. But in stressing the importance of this new problem he may be underestimating the continuing importance of economic and labor problems. It is entirely possible that economic and labor problems will be even more important in the future than they were in the recent past. Who can say with any certainty, for example, that we will succeed within the foreseeable future in solving .the eco. pro blems w h'IC h are a1 nomIC most certain to accompany the continued development of automation.
Use of Computers , . My own feeling is that we will not be able to solve these problems in time to avert a crisis unless we begin to take them more seriously than we seem to be doing at the present time. This opinion is shared by a number of ,writers whose qualifications in the field of economics and politi_ cal science ,are far superior to myown.' Mr. Donald, Michael, for example, formerly of the Brookings Institution and now DirectOr of Planning and Programs for the Peace Research Institute in Washington, warns in a recent monograph published by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions that the widespread use of computers and au-' tomation may create vast unemployment and social unrest which would seriously weaken the founoations of our free society. ("Cybernation: The Silent Conquest," Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, -133 East 54th Street, New York 22, New York). Somber Warning Mr. Michael raises a number of ,searching questions about the possible. impact of automatiort. He doesn't pretend to have the answer to all of these questions, but surely he is correct in saying that "if we do not find the answers ... soon, we will have a population in the next 10 to 20 years more and more out of touch with national and international realities, ever more the victims of insecurity on the one hand and ennui on the other,and more and more mismatched' to the occupational needs of the day." This somber warning, in my jUdgment, is a salutary corrective to Herberg's tendency; in an otherwise excellent article, to underestimate the importance of economic and labor problems hi the foreseeable future.
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Sig'n Pledge Ba~ring Race Discrimination PROVIDENCE (NC) - More than 2,500 persons in Rhode Island have signed a "Good Neighbor" pledge opposing discrimination in housing because of race, religion or national origin. ,The pledge carries the endorsement of Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence, the state Council of Churches, and the state. Rabbinical Association. It is being circulated in Rhode Island by religious, ethnic, civic, social and student groups. The pledge reads in part: "It is my personal conviction that every person has the moral right tt. rent, buy, or build a home anywhere without restrictions which are based upon race, religion or national origin.'"
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tills .......It¥ & ¥lolDIIr
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The Parish Parade ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will told a 'h1ystery ride Saturday, March 17. It was postponed from an earlier date due to snow. The executive board will meet Monday, March 5 at the parish hall and a regular meeting, featuring nomination of officers, will be held Tuesday, March 20, with Mrs. Mary Silvia as chairman. ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Womtm will meet at 7:30 Monday night, March 5 in the school hall with Mrs. Albert Cantin as chairman. A colored film, "Wonderful World," will be shown following a business session. . A fundola sponsored by the council will be held Wednesday, April 25, not April 1, as previously announced. Donations for the fundola should be brought to the March meeting. OUR LADY OlF ANGELS, FALL lltllVlEllt Girl Scout Troop 1032 will observe Scout Week Sunday, March 11 by reception of corporate Communion at 8 o'clock Mass, followed by breakfast. A parish Mardi-Gras featuring a malasada supper and dance are set for Saturday, March 3. Parishioners are reminded of a two week mission to be preached by Rev. Antonio Janeiro, O.F.M., Franciscan from Portugal, Women will attend services beginning Sunday, Mar. 11 and men's devotions will begin Sunday, Mr.rch 18. Cub Scouts will meet at 6:30 tonight at the I?arish hall. All boys from eight to ten and a half years of age are eligible to join. Boy Scout troop 76 will hold an apron sale Sunday, March 11. Proceeds will Durchase troop equipment.
Thurs., Mar. 1, 1962
~~®~ [P©~~a[bo~o{()J
lFALL lltllVlEllt A spaghetti supper, postponed because of storm conditions, will be held from 6 to 7:30 Tuesday night, March 6, at the parochial school under sponsorship of the PTA and Alumni.
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HONOLULU (NC)-The average parish some day may have to tax every member to overcome the "fright-
ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD Msgr. Noon Circle wID hold a public ham and bean supper Saturday night, March 3. Mrs. Edward Morrow and Mrs. William S. Murphy are in charge of arrangements, aided by a large committee. Msgr. Noon Circle plans an April cake sale and also a Communion breakfast. A St. Patrick entertainment will follow the Wednesday, March 14 meeting of the unit and guests are welcome. ST. GlEORGlE, 'WlESTlPOlltT
Rev. Edmund Levesque is completing plans for a parish-sponsored chicken barbecue supper, to be held from 6 to 7;30 Saturday night, March 3 in the school, and to be followed by a penny sale. Tickets are available from parishioners. ST. JTOSlEJPlIlI'S, F AlLlL RllVlER
Men and women's clubs of the parish will sponsor a corned beef supper St. Patrick's night. Rev. James W. Clark is'chairman of a penny sale scheduled by senior CYO members for 8 Saturday night, March 3 in the parish hall on Brightman Street. Mrs. James A. Bradshaw and Mrs. Thomas P. Considine, cochairmen announce that prizes suitabe for all ages will be awarded. CYO members'will be runners.
HEAD CALIFORNIA SEES: A bishop, two auxiliary bishops and a bishop-designate have been named to head the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and three new dioceses of Stockton, Sa.nta Rosa and Oakland. Bishop Joseph T. McGucken of Sacramento, upper left, has been named Archbishop of San Francisco and Auxiliary Bishop Floyd L. Begin of Cleveland, upper right, becomes the first Bishop of Oakland. Auxiliary Bishop Hugh A. Donohoe of San Francisco, lower left, has been appointed first Bishop of Stockton, and Msgr. Leo T. Maher, lower right, chancellor of San Francisco archdiocese, becomes the first bishop of Santa Rosa. NC Photo.
OUR LADY OF VCTORY, CENTERVILLE Rev. Howard A. Waldron, pasSACRED HEART, tor, will i:.ddess members of the FALL RIVER Women's Guild on the forthcomThe Women's Guild will meet ing Ecumenical Council at the at 8 Monday nigh., March 5 in . unit's ..nnual covered dish supper, set this year for Monday the school hall. night, March 12. Mrs. William Rev. John J. Delany and his Murzic will entertain at a brunch group will present Irish enterThursday, March 29 and a tea is tainment. planned for Friday, May 18 at Mrs. Joseph Golden and Mrs. the home of Mrs. Irving Harri.NOTRE DAME, James Hennessey will head the son. FALL RIVER refreshment committee. The Councillof Catholic Women Other activities on the guild schedule include a Summer baz- will meet at 7:45 Monday night, ST. MARY'S, zar in July and a luncheon and March 26 in Jesus Mary AcadpAIRHAVEN fashion show in August. Annual emy auditorium. Mrs. Normand A large committee is in charge Morrissette and Mrs. Normand of arrangements for the annual Communion breakfast will follow 8 o'clock Mass Sunday LaFrance will head the social penny sale sponsored by Ladies morning, May 13. Sister Joel, committee. of the Sacred Hearts Association, Nazareth Hall, Hyannis, will be to be held from 7:30 to 11 SaturST. ANTHONY OF DESERT, breakfast speaker. day night, March 3 at Oxford FALL RIVER School auditorium OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, . Blessed Mother Guild will NEW BEDFORD sponsor a style show at 7:30 SunST. DOMlN"Members' of Our Lady of the day night, April 1 at tebanonSWANSEA Assumption Club will sponsor a American Hall. Mrs. Richard P. Parishioners are observing this pot luck supper from 5 to 7 Rashed is general chairman. SundaY and the first Sunday of Saturday night, March 3 in the Rev. Ferris A. Kleem, C.S.C., every month as Family Comparish hall. Proceeds will bene- will conduct a mission from munion Sunday. The practice fit the organization. Sunday, March 25 through Sunbegan in January. IMMACULATE CONCEJPTION, day, April 1. SS. PETER AND PAUL, Blessed Mother Guild will BREWSTER AND DENNJlS FALL RIVER meet Tuesday, March 20 and the The Women's Guild will hold program will feature a demonThe Women's CluJ-, will hold a a Hawaiian luau from 5:30 to 7:30 stration of flower arranging by pre-Lenten supper for members Saturday night, March 3 at only at ;:30 Monday night, Carleton Hall, Dennis. Hawaiian' Mr.. and Mrs. Theodore Smith. March 5 in the church hall. Mrs. dances will be presented by chilST. lPATlltllCK, William F. O'Neill and Mrs. Lyn_ dren of the parish. WAREHAM wood Barlow are co-chairmen. The Holy Name Society will The slate of officers of the The regular monthly meeting meet at 8 Ash Wednesday, March Rosary and Altar Society inwill follow at 8. '1 at Brewster Town Hall, stalled were Mrs. Timothy CYO members will hold. a OUR LADY OF GRACE. Walsh, president; Mrs. William splash party Sun:iay, March 4 NORTH WESTPORT LeFavor, treasurer; and Mrs. The parish Council of Catholic at Otis Air Force Base pool, They Annie Cardoza, treasurer. will be accompanied by Rev. Women will receive corporate Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, Communion this Sunday. The Joseph A. Nolin, pastor and Rev. the new spiritual advisor, was Real Richard, curate. unit's monthly meeting is set for introduced. 7:30 Tuesday evening, March 6. ST. MICHAEL, The parish choir will meet Members are reminded to bring OCEAN GROVE every Wednesday evening at 8 in articles for a Maybasket whist The fourth annual pre-Lenten. o'clock to prepare Lenten and and white cloth for the Rose Mardi-Gras Whist Party will be Easter music. All interested paHawthorne sewing group. .sponsored by the parishioners on rishioners are invited. At 8, following the business Tuesday night in the· Knights of meeting, the council will be host Columbus Hall Old Warren ANT@~[ to representatives of the District Road, Swansea. ' Council of Catholic Women. Miss' .... Anyone desiring transportao (fice Houl'O Helen Chace will be presiding tion is asked to meet at the 9 :00.·5 :30 officer and Rev. Raymond McOcean Grove Pharmacy before Carthy, district moderator, will 7:30 Tuesday evening. except Wed. speak. Mrs. Beatrice Berube will The whist party is open to DISPENSING be chairman of a social hour to the public and tickets may be OPTICIAN follow. purchased at the door. Door PrescripiolUl Mrs. Lorraine Zajac, chairman, prizes will be awarded and reFor Eyegl......... announces that the Rose Haw- freshments will be served. Filled thorne sewing group will meet Mrs. Robert J. Thibault and . 1 No. MaiD St.• Pal 1\\".... 08 8-0411 at 8 each Thursday night of Lent Ferriand LizOtte are oo-chairin the church halL men..
S. fENO,' JR.
ening financial situation" facing Catholic schools, a Catholic educator said here. This move or some other "radical" method of financing to broaden the base of support will have to be made, predicted Father Robert R. Mackey, S.M., president of Chaminade College. The Marianist, speaking to the Holy Name Society of Honolulu's Holy Family parish, said that "we must rethink our whole ap_ proach to Catholic education in order to maintain the required excellence in the face of a frightening financial situation." The primary sources of educational excellence, he said, are good libraries and qualified and dedicated instructors. "All other facilities are secondary," he said. But there is a hitch, he added. Can Catholic schools afford both assets, especially the increasing number of lay teachers? 'lIlIave to Merge' "We can learn something from business," he advised. "To continue to exist, Capital Airlines had to merge with United Airlines. The New York Central and Pennsylvania railroads are talking merger for the same reasons. "Without any doubt, we will have to merge in the future some of our parish schools and our institutions of higher learning to have an economical operation."
Mrs. Hester D. Sears Homefinder
Gasoline fuel and Range
Fall River Publie Library (Room 40) MARCH 2, 1962
OILS OIL BURNERS G. E. BOlLIER BURNER UNITS For prompt delivery .& Day & Night Service
Rural Bottled
. 105 William St., New Bedford (District Office) MARCH 9, 1962
Barnstable Town Hall (Basement) MARCH 16, 1962 9 A.M. to 12 Noon
.Attleboro. - No. Attleboro Taunton
1- P.M. to 4 P.M.
SHOP TOWELS Also Reclaim Industrial Gloves
INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY Successor to New Englond Overall & Supply Co. 20 Howard Ave.. New Bedford Phone VVV 7-4787 or 9VY 7-0788
:; iCongo ~':Massacre "GI· , , , ,oru)us,'P' age·. ,for ,Ch'ur(:h ,.
", ,Expert'" ~:e~s~'; 'S~h:Od(~Ai(r ~:l~gtJJ'I'
Continued from .Page One "'~ ~To illustrate his point, Kauper support of general ed- ,said: . ucation is the power of Congress : iIave. Secular 'Aspect' to spend' for the 'general wel-," "It' is' plain,' that' parochial . fare:'" . " " , 'schools do' have a' secular aspeCt recognized by law and that when : . Thus, he added; the. "really 'a parent sends his children to a critical 'question" is not whether parochial' school, he is sending 'Congress may sp~,(ld to aid edu- ' them to an institution that satiscation~certainly this is for the' fies the public purpose of the general welfare - but whether compulsory educational laws because of any. spectfic 'limitawhile at the same time exercistion in the Constitution, it's ing his coristitutional right to precluded from aiding certain have his children receive relitypes of educational institutions, gious instruction. and. their students. "It is on this ground that a No Authoritative Support substantial argument can be , "The principle of separation of made that Federal fund's may be Church and State as a limitation used to give some assistance to on Congress is derived· from the parochial schools in recognition First Amendment which states of their secular furictions under that Congress shall make no law the compulsory e,ducation laws." respecting an establishmerit of The view that any assistance religion or prohibiting the free to parochial schools is unconstiexerCise thereof.' The critical tutional stands in sharp contrast phrasing here is that Congress with the much readier acceptshall mak no law 'respecting an ance of Federal aid to private establishment of religion,'" colleges, including church col-, Kauper pointed out. leges, Kauper noted. "The arguments to support Fed,"A study of all the relevant considerations of actual court eral aid to church colleges as part of a program of assistance holdings and of historically to higher education are wholly sanctioned practices makes clear that no authoritative support can pragmatic and. functional in character and seem to have little be found for the proposition that relevancy in respect to any clear the First Amendment forbids any kind of aid to parochial schools cut principle respecting separation of Church and State," he or to the educational programs there." said.
M<9Jtr!fD(Qjg®~ Tihllr<e@{f'elfil ~@8t~
. Continued from Page One Life and a minister of the United Church of Christ. Warning of the consequences of mixed marriage, he said that: when husbands and wives both, ~end to drift away from their reIigions "there then remains no religious foundation for . , '. a family. Their children are religiously and morally rootless." He quoted Father John L. Thomas, S.J., of the Institute 'of Social Order at St. Louis University, as saying "one third of all valid Catholic marriages are of . mixed· religious background.", , Conversations between Protes. tant and Catholic ieaders about . mixed marriages have been' '''cordial,'' with, prospects " for '.: Interfaith cooperation "promis-' '.' ing" in developing a guide to, be,
Discus~ions by
used by partners to the mixed marriage, he stated. \ The guide, he said; would be designed to develop the spiritual resources in an interfaith marriage, drawing on the religious traditions of both partners. Both Protestant and Catholic leaders share "a common concern' for the moral and'spiritual welfare" of persons entering mixed religious' marriages; the Rev. Genne said. " , Two Catholic priests' were invited speakers at the ·annual convention of the NCC's Division of Christian Education. The convention drew 2,000 delegates from all parts' of the ~. S. The priest guests were Father Edward Duff; S.J;, and Father Hubert H. McKemie, S.J.; both of St. Louis University.
Pre-Council Group
- LONDON " (1IjC) The 'Provirichil of the' :ij,oly Ghost F~thers 'in. England has de'scribed the' New Year's Day.
FIRST NATIVE BISHOP: The first native of the old French Congo fo become a bishop, the Most Rev. Theophile Mbemba (on throne) was consecrated Coadjutor Bishop of Brassaville by Archbishop Mi~hael Bernard, C.S.Sp., at left, of Brassaville. NC Photo.
'massacre of 21,'members, 'of his' congregation in the Congo as "a glorious page in the history of, the Church." Fat her Henry Parlllinson, C.S.Sp., preached to thousands 'of Catholics who came to Westminster Cathedral for a Requiem for the 20 priests and one Brother massacred at the mission 'of Kongolo.Ni1li~m Cardinal Godfrey, Archbishop of Westminster, presided at the Mass. "Seldom if ever before have so many priests been done to death in one cruel moment as at Kongolo," Father Parkinson said. "The only crime .hat can be, laid to the charge of those who were slaughtered in cold blood is that they remained faithful to their duty, both to the people and to the land for which they had left all, and to God who had giv'en them their vocation.'" Father Parkinson ask e d prayers for the murderers of his fellow Religious "that they also may come to love what they threatened to destroy."
Continued from Page One a rout in the' event. the Federal Government, . through discriminatory legislation, imposes further penalties on· the, nation's seven million independent school children. In fact there can be little doubt that such Federal penalties on religious-minded children will mark the beginning of the end of religious education in America." Freedom in education is the essence of a free society, and the' best 'measure of a nation's commitment to freedom, Father Blum stated. Great liberal thinkers abhorred the possibility of . state monopoly in education. "So incompatible with freedom is state-thought control that the United States Supreme Court 'unanimously struck down an Oregon law (in 1925) that was designed to impose it upon the ,. children of the state," he said. , "When a nation restricts freedom . of, education by either direct or ',:~ indirect means, it is engaging in thought controL"
Continued from Page One " place of Latin as the language of " the effe~tive means by which the : the ·Church. Pope regulates the religious'life . Immed,iately after the audio: of the world's dioceses' with the ence, members and consultors', . : collaboration of the' bishops.' gathered to consider two reports., .~ Reserved to Pope ' ;. by Pietro Cardinal Ciriaci, pres-' .. ', As successor to St. Peter,' the ident of the Commission for ,the' PROVIDENCE' (NC)-A Holy ~ope, through the congregations;' ,Discipline of ·the Clergy and of See official has urged members can reserve to himself all those the Christian People. . of the U. S. Catholic Broadcast- .' things which are considered of Duties of Faithful ing Associa'tion to explain Cath- " major importance ,because of The first report examined at olic life in Latin America on their most important nature or length the relation of the pastor their programs. because of the difficulties into his flock and his function as Archbishop Antonio Samore, volved in the solution of certain teacher, priest and pastor. Sec- vice president of the Pontifical problems or because of. the im- ondly, the commission considered Commission on Latin America, portance of the persons mvolved. proposals relating to the duties made the appeal in Ii message However, proposals to allow of the faithful. sent the association. more authority in both spiritual During the fourth and' fifth, and material matters to the· sessions the commission' examOrdinaries of dioceses have long iiied p;oblems. relating to the been put forward and in fact various types of religious orders were slated for action during the presented by Valerio Cardinal, First Vatican Council, but were Valeri, president of the Commi§- . ab?ndoned because of its hasty' sion of the Religious. .' adJournment. The problem of, maintaining Thus, proposals have been and restoring the ancient dici- ' considered which seek to permit plines of the older orders and at the bishops to exercise more the same time of assuring their easily their duties and rights in effective functioning in today's ~ove.rnin~ t?e ?i~ceses with legworld are among the major conCHARLes F. VARGAS IsI.ahve, JUrISdICho~al and execcerns facing the Church. 254 ROCKDALE A YElNUIL utIve ,jJower accordmg to norms Secular Institutes establIshed by canon law. . NEW BEDPORD, MASS. Also considered were proposals . At the' same time, ~he. great as to the nature of the-relations Increase of secular mstltutes, between a bishop and th'e pastors ~hose member~ live and work who govern individual churches In the world, wlt.h the problems under his jurisdiction. atten.dant 0n t?elr newness and On the third day, the deliberarelative worldmess are also of tions were preceded by a solemn concer!1 to the Fathers of the audience in St. Peter's basilica CouncIl. with the Lenten preachers of At .the si~th meeting ~iuseppe , Rome, during which Pope John Cardmal ~Iz~ardo, presl~ent of signed the apostolic constituthe ~o~mlsslon of Studies and' tion reconfirming the primary Semmarles, reported on the' vocation shortage and on the problems surrounding the 'edu-· Canis6u.s; ILClmll'\l cation and preparation of priestWASHINGTON (NC)-Cani- ly vocations. sius College, BUff~lo, N. Y., has At present there are 228,000 been '{iven a Federal loan of priests in 1,100 dioceses under $1,242,000 to combine with its the jurisdiction of the Sacred·· own funds to finance construc~· ' CQngregation· of Seminaries' and [}={]~~1I0~~ '. tion of a union building at the Universities - one priest for ::: ~ Jesuit :colle'ge. . -.' ...:. ". every 1,~OO:Gatholics.· .' '. ' .~. '1b=======~==~==:!J
Asks More Air Time On :Latin America' .;-
lot qullk~"til.
LENT BEGINS NEXT WEDNESDAll. Jl1"S TIME FOR PRAYER, SELF-DENIAL, SERIOUS SELF-EXAMINATIlON S t fh . . . Months ago we quoted Nikita ~1> ' "'J/ . Khrushchev. It's well to quote him, .c.. ' . ' again... In 1956. Khrushchev told tt', .... bis PartY's Central Committee: "A QJ 0 Communist has no right to be a mere '~ onlooker." EVERY COMMUNIST, he + said; IS A MISS~ONARY . . . Omi. , t, nous words, certainly . . . In 45 years atbeistic communism has devoured one-third of ,the people of the world. By contrast, after 2,000, years, ONE The Holy Falhtrt Missitm Aid BILLION NINE HUNDRED MIL/;,., Iht Orimtal OJmrh' LION PEOPLE have never beard of 1"' the Gospel, of Cbrist, of the Churcb • ' .• Wbere is it we raU sbort? •••"The Catholic Church is essentially a missionary Churcb," Cardinal Cushing said not long ago. "If we rail to understand and act upon this principle, tben we are going to lose the battle witb international communism." " .'. Tbe Cardinal went even furtber. "For the first time in'ibe bist«!ry of mankind," be said, '. "atheism is on the marcb; and the Church is' belpless to prevent the advance of anti-Christ becaus~ we don't have, in my opiniOn, 4 misssiona,.y Church." • •• Questions to think about during Lent: " ' 1. To ,what extent am' I to blame? Am i a Catholic 00looker? "', Z. What did I do for the missions in 1961T 3. What can ,I do right no;'? . ThereiS'no room, In-1962, for'C'atholie onlookers. We're at war! Ecclesiastics says: "Whatsoever thy 'right hand findeth to do, do M with thy might." " , .'
In INDIA, ETHIOPIA, ERITREA, EGYPT. TURKEY, fRAN, IRAQ, JORDAN, LEBANON, and ,SYRIA,' our priests, Brothers and SISTERS, need your help every day. They need your prayers (the Rosary, a' visit to the Blessed Sacrament), your fUlCrifices ("doing without" and "making do"), your regular financial support. Help them, please . . . Help them regularly ... Help them now , , SEND US YOUR MASS INTENTIONS. The offering 3"OU make. when a missionary priest offers Mass for your intention, supports him for. one day. Mass intentions are the missionary's usual means of support-Write to us. . EDUCATE A NATIVE PRIEST. FOr 27_ a day (wbat a smoker pays for cigarettes) you Call help a poor boy become a priest. The training, which lastS six years, costs $600 altogether ($8.50 a month, $100 a year). You may write to the boy you ·help. He will write to you, keep you informed of his progress-Write to us. ' . TRAIN A NATIVE SISTER. For 41_ a day you can, make it possible for a young girl in INDIA or EGYPT to become a Sister., The training lasts two years, costs $300 altogether ($12;50 a month, ~150 a year)-Write to us. El FEED A F AMILY OF REFUGEES. For 33_ a day ($10 a month) you can help us feed a family of Palestinian Refugees. Victims of the Arab-Israeli War of 1i}48, these people are still living iB refugee camps in LEBANON, JORDAN, SYRIA and GAZA-Write t-o us. O'SEND US EACH WEEK, OR ONCE A MONTH, A GI~ "NO STRINGS ATTACHED." These "stringl~s gifts" we'll use at once, wherever the need is most pressing-Write to WI • 0' JOIN A MISSION CLUB. Pot 's.' a day {$I a montbt yOU call help immeasurably by joining one (or moret of the f-ollowlog clubs: DAMIEN LEPER CLDB cares iIor lepel'S [j ORPHAN'S BREAD .. ,.... •.•• .. • • • . . .. feeds orphans PALACE OF GOLD , .• , ••••••,.• pttOvides for the aged D THE BASILIANS .... '" ... suppOllts e::at1lolle schools tJ THE MONICA GUILD . chaftees, altaI'S, etc. foi:' churches ,.,'. .
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Tech Tournament 'Jottings; The Record of a Decade
THE ANCHOR..,.. Thurs., Mar. 1, 1962
By Jack' Kineavy The Tech Tourney, 1962 edition, is underway and has been since Tuesday when the initial contests were carded in the qualifying round. All area representatives with the exception of Narry champion Case, were sch~duled for mid-week play. The Cardi. Dame lummary. nals have a d'ate to . mon:ow Of particular note is the immght at Needham High pact that Narry schools have where they'll engage the made in Class C competition.
To Geti' Medal
winner of the Sacred Heart _ Somerset went all the way in '54 Sharon tilt which was played under coach Bill Kearns now at e a 1'1 i e I' t h i 8 . Weymouth. Holy Family kept week. }~ the title in Narry the following The Tourney year with retired mentor Ed timetable did . Lowney at the helm and after a not indicate the Wareham interlude in '56 coach brackets i n t 0 Jim Cassidy's 'Case quintet rew h i c h the stored Narry prestige. The Carschools weI' e dinals subsequently went to the divided but it finals in '60 where they were deis likely that feated by Silver Lake. . where multiple That was coach Cassidy's last I' e pre sen _ year at the Swansea school. Mov_ tation from one ing on to Attleboro, the genial league exists all _ mentor piloted the Jewelers to a will be placed in the same draw. share of the Bristol County This would affect the Bristol crown last year and a strong secCounty four-team delegation ond place finish this campaign. which at this writing has been Attleboro, owner of the only dereduced by one, at least, as a cision over Durfee this season, result of the Durfee-Fairhaven had a Wednesday date at the match on Wednesday. Garden against a Brookline High Durfee High, '61 finalist, takes quintet that ran up a season's the best overall record into record of 16 victories against Tourney play among the Class only 3 defeats. A entries. The Hilltoppers' 18-1 Holy Family turned in a {'me slate is a game better than those effort against Catholic Memorial posted by Lynn and Rindge Tech of Boston in the Class B semi- who stand at 18-2. Both these finals of the New England Cathclubs must be highly regarded. olic Tourney at Lawrence last We don't recall the· score but Saturday before finally bowing, Rindge came up with a tremen- 49-42. Coach Jack Nobrega's dous, albeit losing, effort against ironrnan five was at a decided Somerville in last year's compe- height disadvantage against the tition, one week after the death Catholic champions who are enof their coach. tered in Class B of Tech. The Looking over the last decade fine outstide shooting of John in Tech, we find substantial evi- Calnan who tossed in 18 points dence for healthy respect accol'd- and the strong rebounding of ed teams from this general' center Norm Lague highlighted locale. Sectional leader in this the Parochials' performance. post season competition is DurESCIT TOlU'1ley fee High which is in Tech for the Six teams are aiready in the . 18th time in the' last 19 years. fold for the 25th Annual ESeIT The Hilltoppers have been a Tourney which again will be Class A finalist four times in the staged at Rogers High, Newport, lnst ten years, twice emerging. R. I., ~arch 29-31. Back to devictorious and in 1956 going on fend Its title is St. Peter's Prep to annex the N. E. title. of Jersey City, N. J. Also repreMissing trom the 1962 scene senting the Garden State win be far ~e first time in 20 years is Trenton Catholic and Bergen the only other school with a rec_ Catholio. St. ~gnes High of Rock_ . 01'11 c~mparable to Durfee's in. ville Centre, Long Island, N. Y" the Jut decade. This would of De Matha' of Hyattsville, Marycourse be Somerville. Class A. land and St. John's of Washingehampions in '56 and" '58 and fiton, D. C'., round 'out the Hst of nalist in. 'SZ ancl '00. The Red and those already invited. . Blue made a gallant last-ditch Two more schools are yet to effort to _qualify this year but be selected. Among those under fell just short after winning six consideration are Fordham Prep, of.their last seven games. All Hallows and LaSalle, all This area bas no record in from New York City,. and the Class B since Fairhaven moved Catholic champions of the Chiup to A as a result of its Bristol cago and Pittsburgh areas. HavCounty affiliation. In the late ing the inside track at present '40s, however, the Blue domi- are LaSalle and All Hallows, the nated B as much as did Win-' latter an old ESCIT favorite , chester in the mid 50s. The co.ached. by the colorful Dick Sachems attempted to move up King. . to A in '56 where they went to For the first time in the histhe finals before bowing to tory of the Tourney DeLaSaile of Durfee, 62-00. Newport will be among the missLast year it was Class C Silver ing. The Crusaders, coached by Lake which attempted unsuc- Jack Allen, are in a building cessfully to go for all the mar- rear. and school authorities bles. The Lakers failed to get by deemed participation in this exthe quarterfinal round but their cellent competition inadVisable exciUng brand of play drew under the circumstances. The plaudits from hoop followers. - Tourney which exhibits scholasTheir coach John Killelea who tic basketball at its best is exsubsequently moved up to Mel- pected to attract college scouts. rose brought the Raiders into by the score most of whom will Tech this year for the first time observe with close interest De in the school's history. Matha'll Austin who has been Melrose is a big hockey school, touted by no less an authority has been for years yet last week than coach Bob Dwyer of Archthe hockey sched~le was rearbishop Carroll of Washington as ranged to permit fans to attend "the finest prospect in the the hoop playoff between the country." Raiders and Lexington. It was a Dwyer should recognize a ball big day for Melrose; its teams player when he sees one for it won the Middlesex diadem in was under his tutelage that both sports. The basketball title Carroll was acknowledged nawas another first for Melrose tional champion in 1958-59 when which is scheduled to oppose a trio of established college stars Cardinal Spellman (18-2) to-. wore the spangles of the Washmorrow afternoon in the Garden. ington school. Two of them, Tom Undefeated Teams Hoover and G~orge Leftwich, Three schools took undefeated went on to Villanova; the third, records into the Tourney. Ja- John Thompson, is at Providence' maica Plain, Boston District College. titlist, posted a 13-0 season's slate Don't forget. that P. C.-H. C. and drew a bye in the qualifying game Saturday night! round. Oliver Ames, 17-0, rates Science' Grant the position of prime contender' WASHINGTON (NC)-Trinin C. The Hockamock champions are no strangers to Tech winning tty College here has anoounced the title in 1959 and advancing receipt of $3,400 from the Nato the final round in '56 and '58. tional Science FoundaUcm to The, are coached by Val Mus- support the fourth year of a cato,lormer Concord High-Noue program tQ develop scieDee '.
NegU'o Educator WINDSOR (NC) - Benjamin Elijah Mays, president of Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga" and head of the United Negro College Fund, Inc., has been named for the 1962 Christian Culture Medal of Assumption University here in Ontario. Father E. C. LeBel, C.S.B., university president, said the presentation will be made at the university on Tuesday, April 17. Father LeBel said the award citation refers to Mays as a "renowned and beloved leader, II great Christian humanist who feels that the two greatest needli of our century are education and religion, neither of which has been tried enough." Mays,a native of South Carolina, has written extensively for magazines and is the author of two books, "The Negro's God" and "Seeking to Be Christian in Race Relations."
F ..
Uli'MIMl@O'tl U'@ ~[9'®@~ OMAHA (NC)-Former President Harry ~. Truman will pre- • sent the 1962· Alpha Sigma Nu Lecture for the Creighton University chapter of the national Jesuit honor society on April 15.
Fall Rover Fre$hman Tops St:hc8CHsticcd81
Seeks Regular Eaglet Keystone Job DOl!lg
By Frank Tr01lud
A popular Fall River youth who has had many awards and honors heaped upon him, Douglas "Doug" Mello, tops as both an athlete and a scholar, will be launching his collegiate baseball career very shortly when he· makes a bid for the second base position on the Boston College Freshman nine. To most Fall River contemporaries the 19-year-old infielder needs little introduction; A grad- . uate of Durfee High School last June, Doug holds the honor of being only the second student ever to be elected class president. in each of his four years at Durfee. Versatile Infielder· Doug, the son of MY. and Mrs. John C. Mello of 114'7 PJoesident Avenue, played the diamond sport aU four years at Durfee.. He played third base his- first three years with the 'Toppers but moved to the ~eystone sack in his senior' year. Including tourney games, Doug's batting average was up around the- '.300 . mark last season. A veteran baseballer, Doug first played for. organized teams' as a Little Leaguer at third base. Among his early honors was the time he emerged from a Little League All-Star tourney with· the top batting average. Doug moved on to Pony League baseball and was also in the Babe Ruth loop. He has played the -diamond .sport for teams at his parish, Holy Name Church, has seen American Legion baseball experience with. Fall River's Stafford Post, and last Summer was picked to play with the CYO. All-Stars in the CYO Suburban League. ExceUentStudent A right-handel', the 5-foot, 10inch. baseballer,. 'who. weighs a lean 156 pounds, .can· also hold his own in a basketball contest. Doug played the hoop sport in his Frosh year at Durfee but a host of other activities halted him fr~m further hardwood play.. He has seen. intramural basket-" ball action at Boston College where he has cap~ained his own . squad. Doug's SchOlastic achievements earned him the Father Donovan award, a four-year tuition scholarship to Boston College. In his Junior year at Durfee,. he won the Williams Book Award for being. outstanding in his c:1as&. On All-A List Othel' awards that ha~ CClme
Doug's way are the Elks Award for Leadership. He placed third in a State-wide contest and received a $200 bond after writing' a theme and compiling a notebook on the last five years of his life. Doug also won the Portuguese-American Loyalty Association award, the Durfee Boost_ ers award and a Durfee Alumni Scholarship. For three years at Durfee, Doug was on the All-A list, with marks of 90 or better. He was on the Principal's List in his senior year. Active CYOer Doug has served as president . of the Young Adults Club at the CYO' in Fan River and was president of the Youth for Kennedy Club when Presiden. Kennedy was running for office. For hobbies he lists all sports. Baseball is his favorite but golf is high on the list, and Dougwho belongs to the Green Valley Country Club - heads for the links whenever the opportunity arises. He has also t;Iken a liking to jazz, and has started a record collection. At BC, where Doug is a dormitory student, he is a member of the German Club, besides playing intramural basketball. Stiff Course Doug's subjects at the Jesuit college are English, German, math, philosophy, theology and geology. Due to his demanding studies he does not get home too often. Doug, who has a sister Cheryl, 13, tentatively plans to major in government and minor in history. While not completely decided on a career after college,
he is thinking seriously aboIN being a lawyer, or possibly a diploma,t. With all his activities, Doug has found time for Summer jobs. In past years he worked with Q surveyor, and over his last vaca_ tion he was employed at Horseneck Beach. Classy Fielder Although the competition fa? positions on the Boston College Freshman baseball squad will be, without a doubt, exc~ptionally keen, Doug stands a good chance of nailing down a starting role. While he does not normally hit the long ball, Doug is often on base and has had good bauang averages in the past, which point up the value of a spray type hitter. Doug, with his strong, accurate throwing arm, his classy fielding, and his timely batting, should make the grade with the BC Frosh with little trouble. Doug Mello is capable of becoming a star wi th the Eaglee of. Boston College.
SULLIVAN BROS. PRINTERS Main OHiee and Plant lOW~U, MASS. TGle~hone Lowell GL 8-6333 @i'id GL 7.7500
Holy Cross Family The Lay Family of the Congregation of Holy Cross will meet Sunday, March 11 at St. Joseph's Hall, Tucker Road, North Dartmouth.
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.THE'ANCHORThurs., Mar. 1~ 1962
Birch Society' UI:'I'.Christian
Cites ;rnp@!rt@nc~ Of E.~«:ytt~Q<c@I/S JlJIstuc® 1r®@~hing
GLEVELAND (N C ) . h" Catholics who belong to the every parIS '.J oh n B"Irch S OCIe . t y s' h ouId get out of it and start read"
CINCINNATI (NC) Many Catholics refuse to take seriously the Church's , social teaching "in spite of
ing His Holiness Pope John XXIII's encyclical Mater et Magistra instead of the Birch "Blue Book," This advice was offered by Msgr. Francis, W. Carney, president of the National Catholic Adult Education Commission, who said the Birch Society, by 'its principles and practices, "stands in open opposition to Catholic social principles." Msgr. Carney, director of the Institute of Social Education at St. John College here, said:
the authority ,of the' papal pronouncements," a priest said here. Father Charles M. Garvey, chaplain and professor of philosophy at Villa Madonna College, criticized Catl.1Olics who have taken the attitude that Pope John's social encyclical Mater et Magistra is "a tissue of super-, ficialities." , In publishing an encyclical, he said, "the Pope is obviously exercising his office ,of teacher, and he is addressing all the faith-
Antagonistic "The philosophy of government which the society espouses, viewing government as a necessary evil is wholly antagonistic to Catholic 'social philosophy. "In principles, Mr. Robert 'Welch would find himself in conflict with every major recommendation of Pope John XXIII in Mater et Magistra." Msgr. Carney said of Welch: "His loose use of words, 'his general indictments of persons and organizations, his immoderate and irresponsible language do not equip him to lead a 20th century crusade against communism. "What is not kind is not Christian," Msgr. Carney said., "The John Birch Society is not kind."
AT CCD COURSE: Eager to learn how to set up CCD UNION CITY (NC)-A buildin their home parishes are, from left, A. Clayton Tucy, St. " ing destined to become the nerve Margaret's Buzzards Bay; Leonard D. Maza, St. Joan of center for the mission activities Arc, Orleans', Freeman W. P,hill,ips Jr., Holy Redeemer, . of the four American provinces of· the Conventual Franciscans Chatham'. Mr. Phillips' beard' is growing in preparation for has been dedicate'd here in New' Chatham's 250th annivers,ary celebration. Jersey.' Apostles of GOod Will ... but no division is of more importance than any ,other and none can function properly without the, help, cooperation, and involvement of the others. " , Thi~ is why' a complete Bo'a~d',' in addition to, 'the Preside'nt :' Vice-president, Secretary, an. d. Treasurer, is necessary. A Chair..;' 'man should, be appointed for 'each Division even if that Division is not active at the time the Confraternity is established. Fo~ it is not necessary that every' division function all at once ... some one unit may be of' immediate' need to a particular' parish, and it is better to start with one strong unit and build the program slowly by adding a new activity each year. But it, must always be clearly understood that having one program in operation does not mean the parish has the C.C.D. , Pastor's Authorit~ There may be a strong and needed,teaching program.:....:...or' an .. extensive system of Discussion Groups ... Good! But only as it start! 'f.his is not the C.C.D. The' C.C.D. is for the Spiritual In-" struction of the entire parish ... not for the sole accomplishme'nt of anyone phase. ' , All C;::.C.D. Units must have a
Announces 'f<Olmily Movement P!I'@gram' NOTRE DAME (NC) - The ,theme of the Christian Family Movement's program for 1962-63 will be taken from the encyclical'Mater et ;Magistra of Pope John. The movement's coordinating committee announced at a meeting here that the program will focus attention on Pope John's call to the laity to act in the world as Christians. The Foundation for International Cooperation, set up by the coordinating committee a year ago, reported that it sponsored a study of African students in Catholic colleges in the U. S. and helped fin rl . .,. ~ 11'1' ment for 500 foreign stU~_..• 3.
109th Courndl WASHINGTON (NC) - The Worcester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has become the 109th diocesan women's council to become affiliated with the National Co'uncil of Catholic Women, the NCCW announced here.
, 'Father William M. D'Arcy'" Priest Director, appointed by the" O.t.M. Conv.; Minister Provin~ Pastor.',And".all activity, super- : ',cial of the Eastern Province of vi!lion, and: final, direction, are th~ Immaculate' Conception with subject ,to' ,the authority ~,the ' headquarte'rs' iii"SyraCUSe, 'Y.. P.ast,o~:,.:",', ' " " 'officiated at the blessing. ' ,There,can be rio doubt Ullit this Father Timotliy Cahill, O.F.M. cO,u,r~e ,in, ,tlie' orgimization lind' 'Conv;; 'has been 'named superio; ptomotio,n~ of the C.C.D: is need-:' of the new'friary and director' of e(f 'and".will be~ of ,the greatest,' .! Franciscan,' missions. ,The new vallie"on the ,Cape. 'f.he attend- ',' center h~s been dedicated to the ance shows interest and purpbse fir~' five Frailci~an' martyrs on the part of the various pas'- ' ,slam .byMoslems m Morocco in tors a!1d, once the prized c~rtifi~ 1226. Under the' name Franciscates .are issued, the, C.C.D.' can ;tVIissions, the friary will should be in full swing with ac-: functIo~ as th~ ~entral office 'for tive ~nd trained, parishioner all foreIgn mlsslona.ry activities executIves. conducted by the frIars. For the complete an~ detai1~d story o~, ~e C.C.D. and Its pa.rt m CatholIc. l~fe...why not dro~ m, at ,Holy, Trml~y 111 West HarwIch on ' Truck Body Builden Tuesday mght? , Aluminum or Steel In addition to the information 944 County St. acquired, there will be the pleas- , NEW BEDFORD. MASS. ur,e of listening' to Sister Dolores WY 2·6618 lecture ... it will be a Tevelation of how much pertinent material can be g~ven withQut making'the ' volume 'noticeable. , ,An~' ~i,th ~5 years of active' a~soclatH:m. w,lth,the C.C.P. ,be-. ' hm!i ~er present wOJ::k, ,there' is , v:ery little in the way of prob- , lems:tha( sh~ has not metahd; - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; . ... conquered., So' all. questions get': a responsive and 'ull answer' , based on actual experience. And, ask' anyone attending' this course, what you learn .• It's sticks! '
.SEGUIN. Cape Parishes The nine Cape parishes are St, Francis Xavier, Hyannis, 10 attendants; St. Pius X, Yarmouth, 17; St.. Patrick, Falmouth, 6; St. , Anthony, East Falmouth, 7; St. Joan of Are, Orleans, 7; Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet, 7; St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay, 11; Holy Redeemer, Chatham, '10;, Holy Trinity, West Harwich, 8. One student is also attending from St; Mathieu's, Fall River. Religious iri attendance inClude' Sister Anita Marie, M.S.B.T., Hyannis and priests are Rev. Christopher Christensen, SS,CC., Chatham; Rev. Francis Coady, Orleans; Rev. Boniface G. ,Jones, SS.CC., West Harwich; Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, Buzzards Bay; Rev. John W. Pegnam, Hyannis; Rev. John F. Sullivan, SS.CC.. Wellfleet.
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