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An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL


© 1961 :rhe Anchor

PRICE IOc $4.00 per Year

Socond Class Mail Privil"90B Authorized 'at Fall River, MClIB.

.JI~Ul J . <i l _..~.wk,,,,.,, •. k


With Purchase of Dow7Jl1,U;own Taunton Property

Diocese Now Has Accommodations to Provide For Care-of Over 700 Aged and Infirm 00000o



Open e,en,.r Today For Puerto' Ricans.

Regina Pacis---Centro Catholico Hispano-the Bishop's center for Spanish-speaking· people of the Greater New Bedford area, opened today under the direction of Rev. Francis Regis, 88.CC., recently appointed' by. Bishop Connolly to serve as missionan office and two rooms in the ary to the Puerto Ricans in rear of the old 'Colonial Club. He the area. Located at 610 resides at Our Lady of AssumpsOuth First Street in the tion Rectory, 47 So. Sixth Street

South End of the city, the center will be used for Catechetical in~ruction . of children and for orientation of adultS to life in the United States. Father Regis pas been using


The director will be assisted by Sisters of. the Love of God, members of a religious commun.... ity which has as one of its aims the instruction of Puerto Rican children.

Ask~ G~!7M~r@Us Response to Relief App~al


WASHINGTON (NC)-Pope John has expressed hope that the response of U. S. Gatholics to the 1961 Bishops' Relief Fund appeal "will be magnanimous and liberal as in ~lte past." In a message to the archbishops ·and bishops of the nation, the Pope said it vently invoke upon them the is not necessary "to bring to copious reward that they merit your attention the need for for their appreciation of the oarity which still exists" bounteous resources which Di-

Purchase of the Taunton Inn in downtown "Taunton will further increase diocesan f~ilities and acco~modations fo~ .t?e care and treatment of the aged and infirm by the DIocese of Fall RIver: The acquIsItIon of the Taunton property· has been announced by the Most Reverend· BIshop. The Taunton Home, when renovations are completed will be the fourth of its kind in the ' . diocese as the church ex_.,-'_ - .." - "T - -,'" pands the finest and most -~~...... ! modern facilities' for its eld---~_

erly and infirm brethren. A chapel, which will seat 125. will be established at the Taunton home. The ballroom will be used for .the installation of sterilizing machines, hospital beds and other equipment demanded o.f the most up-to-date establishments. The Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation will staff the new Taunton diocesan home. These nuns have been tending to the needs of the sick at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River for years. The Diocese of Fall River will have facilities and accommoda. tions for more than 700 when it begins operation o.f the Taunton home. The care of the aged and the infirm has developed into such Turn to Page Seventeellll

Morse Advocates Loans'to Schools

PLAN OPENING: Mother Pierre Marie, superior at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, discusses plans for opening new Taunton aged and infirm home with Rt.Rev. Raymond T. Considine of the ~,ioeesan Administrative Council.

among homeless and hungry peoples throughout the world. The relief fund appeal campaign is scheduled from March 5 to 12. A collection usually is taken up in all parishes on Laetare Sunday, March 12. Minimum goal of the campaign is ave million dollars. . The annual campaign furnishes the principal support for Catholic Relief Services - National eatholic Welfare Conference, the world's greatest person-to-per;. ~ relie.f age.ncy. In addition to the support given CRS-NQWC, Pope John Doted that the generosity of U. S. Catholics also' has furnished him with the same means to give "solace and comfort to millions of ... victims of privations and hardships" throughout the world. The Pope a'sked the bishops to 'tell their people that "in our Masses and prayers We will fer-

vine Providel1ce has placed at their disposal" We have repeatedly found occasion to manifest the benevolence which We cherish for Our dear children in the United States of America, and We have often praised their faith and the fervor with which they practice their religion. And in elevating to the sacred cardinalitial purple some worthy prelates from your midst, it was Our intention also to pay tribute to the vitality of the Church in your country. In end~avoring to lead good Christian lives, the Catholic people of the United States have Turn to Page Twelve

J e S; tIS i ~ SU~LGO!rt~ Aid ~o Med9C~~

Every parish in the diocese can look 'up to the Sacred Heart parish in North Attleboro when it comes to a city parish attaining full family coverage. True, the North Attleboro parish is a wee-bit short of family coverage but the energetic clergy and laity have demonstrated by a yearly increase in home-delivered copies of 'The Anchor that there is a growing demand for good it won't be long before every recall his interest in the diocesan Catholic reading in the family. in the parish is receiving paper when it first started. Now home. "We don't have to sell a copy through the mails each they' know that Fr. Dickinson your paper. The people are week. We're not far off that steered them to a good thing~

School. Gl!'cnts NEW YORK (NC) - A spokesman for the Jesuit Educational Association has termed President Kennedy's proposals for Federal aid to Dledical and dental schools and Itudents as "generally sound." "Universities have borne, far lIcyond the call' of duty, the eo&ts of medical and dental edueatlon," said Father EdwaE'd Turn to Page EighlellD


U. S. Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon ,has repeated his support of long-term Federal loans for private school construction but said he will not press for such a program now. The Oregonian told the Senate that 'interest-bea'ring loans to private _ school~.'-- including church schools - would be "clearly constitutional" and "in the public interest." But he said he would not now introduce legislation providing for such loans because to do so Turn to Page Twelv~

Fr. John Considine Seeks 270 Lay Papal Volunteers Fathet John J. Considine, M.M., New Bedford native and director of the Latin American Bureau, NCWC, has establisheda program in a quest for 270 laymen and laywomen to join the Papal Volunteers for service in Latin America. Though only two countries American nations requested were canvassed extensively, Papal Volunteers. 'bishops and religious comThey asked for 78 teams of munities in eig~t Latin volunteers, including 195 un-

The Anchor Subscription Drive


at §acrrea Heart in N ([}f't'h AttlebcrJrd'"()).

~1l(8 JM[(}rte Thaw lJ)([)UD"W PC[)frry,3lh Quofta

looking for it," Rev. Joseph S. Larue, pastor of the North Attleboro parish asserted today. "More than 400 copies of The 'Anchor will be delivered to our parishioners this coming year," said Fr. Larue as he emphasized that this total is more than double his parish quota. ·"And.


' T h e Anchor." , goa!." "Father Edmond L. Dickinson, . "The continual improvement assistant in charge of Catholic in your publication is the reason literature in the parish, has done for. the continual climb in sales," a tremendous job. It was Fr. Fr. Dickinson .observed. ''People Dickinson who really interested four years ago. had to be sold. our people in The Anch()r when Now they dOn't. They look for it first began publication four your paper. They are kept years ago. The people regularly Turn ~ lPllge JF~ve

married men, 29 unmarried women and 23 married couples, to do such jobs as these: -Four single men, specialistll in catechetical instruction, to establish and direct a diocesan 'Il'urn to Jl"l'!,gCO lFOlllIl't<eCOIlll

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WASHINGTON (NC) A Washington newspaper has deplored the fact that the people who have staged "a screaming, riotous lament over. the death of pro-Soviet Patrice Lumumba" have shed "not a tear" nor uttered a single word of regret over the murder of a Catholic priest in the Congo. The Washington Star has titled a leading editorial "Requiem for TlIlrD ,.,



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Bishop Deplores ',:Bias in Fe'deral

TH;: t,: ; ::l":OR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 2, 1961 •. -



Th~~e "~i~tn~tp)~ c:aff~ tE~~~~fr~


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Education Plan

.' '

NEW YORK (NC) - A bishop has condemned the "discrimination" a g a i n 8 , parOChial' and private school

CHARLESTON (NC) - The Catholic Church in the U.S. "is moving steadily toward the full Christian solution" of the racial segregation problem, three Catholic bIshops 'of the South asserted in separate statements. "In justice to ?ur people, ~e cannot just}ce for bO~.'; abandon leadershIp to the The bishOps said in their stateextremists whose only creed ments "the racial problem',does is fear and hatred" said not exist in a vacuum" 'and

students in President Kennedy" Federal aid to education~legislative program frQm the pulpit ia St. Patrick's cathedral. Discussing the President's $5.'1 billion program Auxiliary Bishop Bishop Paul J. Hallinan' of "J)"ust be solve~ ~n the wide;, Joseph F. Flannelly of New York Charleston in a policy statement Cl.ntext of OUf mlSslonary work. commented on the presidential issued for his diocese. "T'" - .. th ~refore, will plan to provic;le billions of dol. The same words were con- prudently judge the appropriate lars for public school educatioB tained in almost identical statetime and conditions in such a in this country but "nothing ments issued by Bishop Francis way that the schools and the would be provided for children E. Hyland of Atlanta, Ga., and children,' whether white or iii Ilrivate or parochial schools.· Bishop Thomas J. McDonough of Negro, will not suff,:,~ by' the "We urge you to write to yomr , "Savannah, Ga. The statements change," each stateme~t said. senators and congressmen to pro-were recently read in Catholic " Based Faith 'test this discriqlination," ~ishop churches of the Charles~n, At; The statements noted that 'in . Flannelly said': "In war there is lanta and Savann?h dioceses. 1943 and 1958 the, Catholic no discrimination. Boys and girlll However, each Bishop. spoke Bishops of the U.S. had outlined in all schools were drafted • o?ly to the people of hIS ,o!'n the Christian position on the POSTULANTS:'Fernande Girarc;l a~d Yvonne St. Pierre, enlisted. After the wars; GI' edudl"'~"se. There was no JOInt problem of segregation. They both from St. Joseph's Parish, New Bedford, have been in- cation was provided for all. So statement. . ,pointed out that the Bisho¢ should it be for the children of Key points in the statements 1958 letter on the problem at- vested 'with the habit of the Sister Servants of Our Lady, these men and women. Let the GI were these: , tacked legal deseiP'egation, \lI:. Queen of the Clergy, Lac-au-Saumon, Q~ebec. " law effect every child. Write toSchool Problem any form of compulsory segre., day to protest to your represea1) "Catholic pupils, regardless gation. tatives." of col?r, will, be admitted to . The three Southern bishops The Bishop emphasized a. Cathohc school~ as soon as this said "the influence of the Cathurgency of protesting to senatoN c8.? be done With safety to the 'olic in the South' has not ,NOTRE' DAME (NC),- Vice, ,superior intelligence and schol- and representatives immediate~ chIldren and the schools ...'" Hyman G. Rickover astic achievement is supposed'to ~'He gives' twice who give. 2) "Th N g' 1\001 '11 be based on great numbers, but Adm. . e e ro sc s WI great f 'th" warned ,here 'that unless the be 'undemocratic.' ' , ' quickly,' said the Romans. If we continued as long as there is ,upon al. "It is odd» he observed "that' do not 'stand up for our· right, we need for them. Their purpose is "When cha\lging 'times have . U. S. excels in science and tech,to reach ana teach, the Negro, called for fresh app~icati9n of ?olog?". l,t: wil~ not ma~~er how we who thi~ we are an ~xcep­ will be submerged," the BIshop not to se'gr"gate him," the eternal God-given. p~lnd-. Its CItIzens, perform m, .other tionally practical and realistic emphasized. ' " people should admire the kind of 3) During ;961 the three dio- pIes," the bishops ·stateq, 'our fields. '. "The surviva,l of ol,lr' own, of . competence which has no great ~f'i..fl~I'l'lllAIPV ceses will til' dertake programs loyal l?eople have not wa,~ered. S' every~ne's freedom depends personal or social value in later ~ ~ U EJ ;' of ,prepanLio 1 for their people., Nor" WIll they wav: er pow., today Qn power ,anchored in life while we' deprecate intel~ m lftl " '. ' , "Pastoral let' ers, sermons, 'study ~~h@@Us scient,ific superio.rity," the father lect~al prowess'of which we have" u-DL'filGli,' 'l.ITGyers ," clubs and'sc.hool instruction will ' ~ ~f ,,~e, nucl~1lr submarine far too little' and need a' great'" Rev. Edward 'J. Sharpe', assisf). explain the full Catholic teachrn:[j'()li'IJ'@[j'()~~ lE~@m'~ warned'. deal." ' , ' ant lit 'Holy Ghost Church, ing on racial justice." . .... Adm.' Rickover received the Attleboro, celebrated' a . Solenm. ::. ..... . -q:J[onest Effort" '[f.@[f M@'[]"~1}u ,TI,l'senior, class Patriotism Award 'M'(t!I$$ . Olrd@ Funeral Mass Wednesday mom-The statements stressed that ,Principals of Stang' High ,and, delivered the ,pri~cipal ad- 'FRIDAY~Fi-iday'of II' We'ek of ing in S1. Joseph's Church, Need, , .' 'the affirmation of these points dress at the University of Notre Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass'" ham, for his mother, Mrs. Agnes ,,"is not just a minimum approach Ilona1 W as h'mgt on ' s Proper; No Gloria or Creed; M . (M cAd am ) Sharpe. to full Christian justice." , ' School, in No.' Dartmouth, D arne 'st ra d't' Msgr. Coyle High 'School in birthday exercises.' He was cited Preface "of Lent. Two Votive Assistng Father, Sharpe were "In a region where our Cath-· Masses in, honor of the Sacred Rev. James A. McCarthy, deacon, olic population is less than two 'tatmton: Holy Family' High as, one "co,mbining unusual Head, of Jesus Permitted. and Rev. Armando A. Annun.per cent, it is an honest effort' School in, New Bedford, and genius and inventiveness with Gloria; SecondCo,llect Friday 'ziato. . to influence a way of life that Msgr. Prevost Hig~,' Fan-River,' forceful character and courage:'" . Professional'Expert of II Week of Lent; no' Creed; The final absolution was given has p.revailed for many decades," have announced, that entrance . The Admiral :said the man, of Preface of Sacred Heart. To- ,by th,e Most Rev. James L. Conthe statements said. "Millions of examinations for all t b r e e' morrow 'is" the Fir~t Saturday 'nolly, Bishop of the Diocese of people have accepted' this way sch~ols 'will be held at ,the the future "on whom we shall, of the Month. Fall River. Chaplains to the of life in good faith, Now, both' schools at 9 o'clock, A,M., on d.epend more and more" is the whites and Negroes face a tre-' Saturd.ay, ,March 11. ",; ."", ' .: professi?palexpel,'t~He p,reqicted , SATURDAY-"Saturda:v of lit Bishop were ",Rev. ,John E. mendous 'challenge-to live in '8 , The four girls' Academies in... , . th~t, ad~,inistra;tors; ",whqs~ sole Week of Lent. III Class. Violet., . ~aughlin. and Rev. William J. lommunity with full Christian the city, of Fall ,River':are also talent IS "to mampulate men, MaSs'Proper; No Gloria; Sec"',' ;M,cMahon. " • holding, ,entrance exams 'at the ,m,oney and,~~rp~ will be o!. little,'ond Collect'St. Casimir,· Con'" . In addition to Father ShlU'PG. s~e,time and on the same ,day. use to us; lD~he,fu~ure, , and, fessor; Third Collect St; Lucius' Mrs. Sharpe'is survived .!by',her NecB'ol~gy Girls desiring to enter the ,Acad- ,'~prof~ss~on,als Who, .can handle i, Pope and Martyr; no Creed; husband, Richard F.' Sr.,' and " The ,ANCHOR lists the 3Uthe intrlcatf;!. mysterIes of, comPreface of Lent. Jean M., Arlene M., and Ri~hud iiiversary dates oflhe deat,hs' ~ e~y ,of .the 'Sacred Hearts; DominiCan Academy, Jesus Mary" pIe::, s~ie~tifi~, and ElJ:.!gineering SUNDAY-III Sunday of Lent I F.' Sharpe,Jr. ,Of iirIests who have served the Class. Violet. Mass Proper' No ~:fall River Diocese' ,since its· ,A<;adeiny' or Mount· ,St. Mary ,proJects are on the way in." Academy will take the exams at "Surv~va~,today," the Admiral Gloria; Creed; Preface' of" formation in 1904, with the ,the school of their choice., stressed "depends, on ability ·to Lent. , " :intention that the faithful will , Stang High 'School will hold 8 ,r~ise intellectual, capacities to i\.:IO'r·mAY-Monday of III Week give them a prayerful remem-, bra.oee.. . " ,.';'... registration" day, on' Sunday, J~lgher levels.' than were ever Of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass by MAR:3 . Ml!rch 5 from 2 unt,il 5 P.M;" before needed; yet though ability ProplM" Gloria', 'Second , , to think, is as important todaY toll~ct' SS. Perp~tua and', " Itt. Rev. TimotKy P. Sweeney, LLjD., 1960, Pastor, Holy Name, Feehan Renistratio"n as ,a~ility to shoot was yesterday, Felicitas Martyrs' no Creed' ;;, many Americans will not accept I:'reface ~f Lent. ' ,, New Bedford.. Johnny Lemos Florist The Most Reverend Bishop has the risk of their child' hurting TUESDAY':-"Tuesday of III Week . MAR:6 of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Rev. Bernard P. Connolly, S.S:, 'announced that registration for himself by failing in a tough Hyannis Sp. 5-2336 Proper' No Gloria' Second 1932, St.. Charles College, Mary- the first Freshman class for the .. curriculum." land. . ?ew Bishop Feeha.n High School ". Adm. Rickover, criticized that 'Collect' St. Thomas' Aquinas Confessor, and Doctor of th~' Rev. John W. Quirk, 1932, ~n Attleboro, ~hlCh will open" "peculiar sense, of logic which In the.Fallof,thl~ year, ,Will, take per~its US, to award the Church; po Creed; Preface of Founder, St. Joseph, Taunton. NO JOB TOO BIG placem St; Johns School, 4ttle., .' star, a,thlete' all., sorts of honors, Lent. MAR.~, ,,'. " Rev. Arthur 1-'. J. Gagnon, boro," on' Saturday after*oon, thereby motivating him to 'prac- ,WEDNESDAY- Wednesday of " NONE TOO SMMl, , " . III; Week' of 'Lent. Ill. Class. , 1958, Pastor, Holy Rosary, New ~ar;c? 11, from 2, to, 4" and in St:, tic'e hard and continuous.ly; ~hil!! Bedford. ' , Mary s .~chool" No. Attleboro, on to do the sam,e .d0r chIldren cJJI. Violet. Mass Proper; NO,.Glo~unday, aftern,o~n, J,V!~r;<;.~,. 1,2 at . • ' ' •I ' ria;, second Collect 5t. John MAR. 9' " Solons.,Flle Measure ,of pod,. Confessor; no Creed: \ R1. Rev. Henry,J: Noon, V.G~ the same hours. 1947, Pastor, St.· James, New' Legi~n of Dec:en'cy;, .To ClossifyMovies' Pref~ce of 'Lent. PRINTERS Bedford, 3rd Vicar General, Fall ALBANY, (NC).:-5enator WilRiver, 1934-47. Ma... Offtee aDd P. . .· The following films are ,:to be Ham Conklin 'has' appealed to 'added'to the lists in thell: re- Gov. Nelson Rockefeller for supILO~L, MASS. ' spective classifications: port of, legisIationto require 'I'eIephone ~eI1 Unobjectionable for general classification of all movies. fORTY HOURS patronage: The Amazing' TransUnder the proposed measure, <E3.'B~6aS3 aDd GI. 7-'600 parent Man; Left, Right and films would be rated by a state . [Ol~V01GON Centre; Question 7 (this power- age~cy ~s for 'adults only, or, as , A.mdi~ II'bBfII ful film dramatizes threat of suitable for general viewing. Mar. 5-Santo Christo, Fall atheism to freedom of man. The propoSal is'.cosponsored by IllC$VO~ River. 'Showing life' under conimunist Assemblyman Luigi. R. Marano. Our Lady of Lourdes, OCfl:ANPOLn, N. J. rule, the story centers. around The Senator charged·the movie Taunton. ~~WlfYIIJlCc{IEY, !l. n. evangelie,al pastor and his teen~ industry with a trend toward Mar. 12-Holy Family, Taunage son, ap.dis b~sed on aCtual' obscenity in the guise 6f ·realiSm.' . " ',.' ~... ton. , incidents '. 'in East ... Germany. F .....""""=.....- ....- - - -.....=======~=-Our Lady's Haven, Fair-' Legion of Decency recommends haven. , this to eyery movie-goer).', JJ©ltl1~_~., (:O~ Mar. 19-5t. Mary, Taunton. Unobjectionable for adult'~ and ':'!,-,' .B~:,'>'.:, Our Lady of, Perpetual a!iolescents:The Canadi~ms.: Help, New Bedford: . .Fe:.bricators of ' Objectionable' in' part' fo~ all: Mar.26-St. Joseph, North LOAN . ASSOCIATION OF ATTLEBORO Sanct~ary (theme of redemption S'tructural'Steel ,. Dighton. is sordidly developed and is re-' Espirito Santo, Fall River. ~~d solved in a morally unconvincing 3V2% on all Savings Accounts manner); Thunder in Carolina Miscellaneo~s I ro~ TBB ANCHOR (suggestive costumjng);, Two v Seeond-elass mail privileges' Ilutborlzed Faces of Dr. Jekyll (suggestive 753 Devol 511." River 1 % Extra on Systematic Bonus Savings M Fall River. Mass, PubUahed ftVer'l costuming and situations: this Thundal at 410 Highland Avenue. FnlJ OS 5-l471 , River. Mass.. bl the Clltbolie Pr.... of the classification applicable only to Diocese of Fall River,' Subscrh,tiOll p.w. prints shown in, U. S.).. b7 ~i1; postpllld 84.00 1* leu. '



Rickover,Asks Tough Curriculum ooen, To Guarantee Survival Today'




$et, '. "


'5=n9 .



Henry' TeixEiira







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THE ANCHORThurs., March 2, 1961

Church. Work Grows With Negro, Indil:n



Catholic Schools Save Taxpayers Many BilliQlns

WASHINGTON (NC)-One of every eight U.S. converts to Catholicism last year was a Negro, according--to the annual report of the Commission for Catholic Missions Among the Colored People and the Indians. The report said there are 653,217 Negro Catholics. They main-tain 494 Catholics in the U.S., an churches as centers of pastOl.:al increase of 37,000, or 6 per service and missionary work, the cent, during the past year. report said.

NOTRE DAME (NC) The Catholic school system in the .U.S. is saving the nation's non-Catholic tax-

payers at least $2,735,162,500 eacb year, Father John A. O'Briell said here. The report was released here by Two thousand Religious and Father O'Brien, research proFather John B. Tennelly, S.S., 600 Catholic "Iay teachers staff fessor of theology at the UniversecI'etary of the commission. 348 schools conducted for 'Negro sity of Notre Dame, asserted the A total of 12,248 converts children. A total of 93,292 Negro saving results from "the stagmade up one-third of the inchildren are enrolled in these gering double burden" shouldcrease in Negro Catholics last schools, a new.high mark. ered by Catholics. He said they year, the report stated. It noted The commission's report said support the public school Systhat there was "a remarkable that i~ New Orleans two of every tem through their taxes and then. nine per cent" growth in the five converts is a Negro. bear the entire cost of educating Negro Catholic population i!l the The report stated that the, 5,142,070 pupils' in elementary missionary region of the South, Church's concern about the spirand high schools and 302,908 stu"'although the increase in actual itual welfare of the Negro "has dents in colleges and universities numbers, 6,345 souls, was comtaken on a definite, specific form \ o~erated by the Church.' in 66 dioceses in 35 of the states." paratively small." Father O'Brien said he bases Eight Sees Care of Indians the saving in taxes on figures The program of spiritual care SCHOOL OF CHARITY: Participating in the series of provided by the Federal governThe report listed eight U. S. among Indians is being carried ment. According to the U. S. Sees with Negro Catholic popuon by 236 priests in 396 chapels lectures on the Charity of Ozanam in St. Mary's Home, New Office of Education, he stated, the lations of more than 30,000. and churches located throughout Bedford, und'er the sponsorship of the St. Vincent de Paul annual average cost for the eduThey are: Lafayette, La., 80,500; the Indian country. Closely Society of the area are, left to right: Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia, cation of a pupil in the elemenNew Orleans, 72,000; Washing- allied with this pastoral work are pastor of St. John the Baptist Church, Rev. John F. Hogan, tary and high schools is $448.62, ton, D. C., 58,582; New. York, 54 missions schoo}s, staffed by and it costs an average of Society director, and Dr. David Costa Jr., president. 45,324; Chicago, 45,000; Phila- 553 Religious and 91 lay teachers. $1,41.4.05 to educate a college or delphia, 42,759; Galveston, Tex.; Indian Catholic children numuniversity student. "Because 40,188; and Los Angeles, 31,796. bering 8,760 from some 175 misCatholic families bear a double There are 702 priests engaged sions are thus being cared for. burden, the educational taxes of exclusively in caring for Negro This specialized work is being each non-Catholic family in the carried on among 125,485 Indian An Ozanam School of Charity, cers and interested members of U. S: are reduced $76.66 eacb Catholics in certain dioceses. based on the writings of Fred- other councils. Priests, Vincen- year," he claimed. Not included in this' number are erick Ozanam, founder of the tians and representatives of state "To grant the right of parents about 25,000 Indian Catholics Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and public welfare departments to determine the education of 'OXFORD (NC)-Man's effort living in other dioceses. their children, as the U. S. Conwhose cause for canonization is are among those who will conto fathom the mysteries of other , Six U. S. dioceses have Indian now underway, 'is being held at duct the series. Certificates will stitution does, and then to make planets is a refreshing change Catholic populations of .more 8 every Tuesday night through it exceedingly difficult or imposbe awarded to all attending each from the depressing psychology than 6,000. They are: Gallup, April 11 at St. Mary's Home, sible financially to exel'cise it. session. N. M., '16,000; Rapid City, S. D., of self-analysis, a U.S. Bishop is virtually to nullify the right N~w Bedford. Subjects covered during the 14,108;' Tucson, Ariz.", 13,000; aaid here. itself," Father O'Brien conSponsored by the New Bedford eight weeks will include a surtended. <> Bishop John J. Wright of Santa Fe, N. M., 10,00; Fargo, Particular Council of Vincen- vey of the Society of St. Vincent "When this simple truth ~ Pittsburg told a Catholic forum a N. D., 7,222; and Helena, Mont., tians, the course' is' open to offide Paul, and a study of charity " made clear to the American peoat Oxford University that "the '6,390. as a theological virtue and in its Reservations . eqntemplation of the heavena practical applications. ' ple, public aid will be forthcoming to all nonprofit or churchb always turned men' • The commission pointed out Attitudes toward those in related schools on all levels," he thoughts to God." that its' 'statistics p'ertained" need,' charity beyond parish predicted. "'The modern contemI)lation mainly to work among Indians bou'nqaries, ~pplicable canon NOTRE DAME (NC)""':'A govliving on reservations. of self is necessarJly depressing." e.rnment 'official has added up law, the spiritual', life, love for The Commissi,on for Catholic' the cost of prejudice and found, families in need, techniques of the Bishop stated. "The new sciBUCK OSSICK'S ence of the space age may revive Missions, 'Among the Colored it too high .. visiting and interviewing, social People and the' Indians was the spirit of wonder." , Louis F. Buekely, mid-Atlantic service and public assistance re- . The Bishop was invited to established by the U,' S. BishOps regional director of the Labor sources and a session of questiontake part in the forum by the in 1884, Since then it' has aided Department's Bureau of Labor answering will be featured. Newman Association, which or- practically every Ihd'j'an arid Statistics,' sitys continued. raCe ganized it. Bishop Wright is on Negro mi!!Sion in the U. S. 'with discrimination in employment Oblates to Meet bis way to Rome in 'connection funds from a collection taken up will be costly to the economy in Greater Fall River Obla'tes of with the forthcoming ecumen- in parishes on the first Sunday the coming decade. St. Benedict will meet at 7:30 of Lent. kal council. Noting a relative shortage dur- Tuesday night, March 7 at St. ing the 1960's of workers in the Vincent's Home. Till'! Oblates' will 35-4.4 age group, he said this will hold a 'c;lay of recollection Palm create "a compelling economic 'Sunday, March 26, at Portsmouth reason for hiring qualified Negro Priory. Friends of members are LOS ANGELES - Pl'esident and the interpretations of its \ workers," in addition to the invited to attend. Information on the day, may be had from Kennedy's message on Federal provisions as contained in the moral reasons: "There wi'll not be enough Mrs. Frank S. Moriarty. aid to education contains,obviolis Everson Case, the McCollum discrimination against a large Case and the Zorach Case, and white workers in the prime age. portion of the citizens of our I can find no reference which group to meet the needs of industry," he told the ninth ar'lnual country and their children, even indicates' the unconstituJazz at the Cotillion James Francis Cardinal Mc- tionality of Federal Aid to chil- • Labor-Management Conference ,, To Benefit at Notre Dame University. dren in pursuit of their educaIntyre declared here. THE FAMILY OF RAUL CUNHA' "This will bring to light the "This discrimination would tion, regardless of what type' of Prime Aged high price we have paid for Sunday, Mo,ch S, 1961 even extend to children of the school they attend ...· Charcoal Broiled Steak. 2:30 to 6:30 P.M. The Cardinal noted that he is moral neglect 'in terms of waste same family," the Archbishop of Roast Beef - Seafood Los Angeles said. "For in many responsible for- the spiritual care of talent and skill, which we COTltllON BALLROOM - Taunton Special Poultry Dishes cases it does happell that part and well-being of elose to 400,- cannot afford· to continue," he F~""ing tt.e, Fined MusiciaN , WEDDINGS AND BANQUETS of the children of the same fam- 000 children, more than half of declared. I'The price 'of prejudice 1ft New England ily attend the public schools, and' whom are in public schools; with will increase in the future." IN PRIVATE ROOMS Established Price 99c Tax k part of them attend non-public about 160,000 in non-public Mayfair 4-9888, 4-9979 TOTAL $1.00 schools. • , . schools. . 91 CRANDALL RD. SpOnsored by A. F. of M., Loeal 231 "They are all my 'responsibility "Are these children different TIVERTON, R. I. EXPERT REUPHOLSTERING and unequal in their inherent equally," he said, "no matter DONE ON OUR PREMISES rights to receive educational aid what school they attend. And provided by the FedCl'al govern- when the Federal government ment, aid which is ostensibly deems it incumbent to disburse' provided for the benefit of the aid to education, all of these Furniture Co. children are entitled to receive nation's children?" The administration has pro- their share. Distinction cannot 384-394 Bay St., Taunton posed to Congress a $5.7 billion b'e made between brother and ~ . VA 4-8707 \ brother and sister and sister." Federal aid, to education proFl1'onciscon Fathers gram. It would give $2.3 billion 600 PLEASANT STREET - NEW BEDFORD to public grade and high schools. Pre-college church schools were The sign of Qua/ify ••• specifically ruled out. CONFESSIONS: An day, every week day from 8:30 in the "The excuse offered for this morning until 9:00 in the evening-and before all' early discrimination is that grants to morning Masses. children attending non-public schools are unconstitutional," he WEEK DAY MASSIES: 7, 8, 8:45, 10 a.m. and 12': 10 noon said. "Is it not strange," asked the EVENING MASS: 5: 10 p.rn. Cardinal, "that aid to students on the college and university level SUNDAY MASSES: 1:30, 2: 15, 5:15, 6:00, 6: 15, 7: 15, 8: 15, is deemed to be constitutional, 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. regardless of whether they attend' public or private instituST. ANTHONY NOVENA . tions, but aid to stUdents on the every Tuesday: 10, 1~:10, 3, 5:19, 8:00 elementary and secondary levels is deemed to be unconstitutional Norton No. Easton E. Bridgewater ST. JUDE NOVENA if they attend' non-public Randolph Plainville achools? ' every Thursday: 10. 12: 10, 5: 10, 7 and 8 p.rn. "Where is that distinction and the new Brockton East Shopping Plaza found in the Constitution? STATIONS OF THE CROSS every Friday 3:00 p.m. ALSO VISIT OUR NEW STORE IN NEW BEDFORD "I have carefully. read the Constitution of the United States,

New Bedford Vincentians Holding Ozonam Scho,ol of Charity

Bishop Pra ises Space Efforts


Avers Prejudice Price Too High


Ango~ Lod~e

Education Bill Discriminates While Constitution Does Not



Lenten Sched ule

Our ·Lady's Chapel





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 2, 1961

Pr.iest Gives Ministers Course JOHANNESBURG (NC) Forty Protestant 'ministers attended a marriage course given here by a Passionist priest who is also a doctor. The course was organized by the Christian Citizenship Department of the Methodist Church ~f South Africa, which invited 'Father Kieran .McIvor, C.P., top:esentto the .ministers

Portra~t Bond

of Sympathy Between Davis, Pius IX By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. B'ishop of Reno

It was a signed portrait of His Holiness, Pope Pius IX. Above the signatu~e w~ inscr~bed the verse from the 11th ehapter of St. }4atthew, "Come to me all ye who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you reSt." As Jefferson .Davis contemplated the gift high-tide 'of Confederate forthat day in the early '70s he tunes, . before Vicksburg and must have savoured the deli- Gettysburg, that Davis and his eacy of its sentiment, a cabinet entertained brightest present from one who had suffered to another, from the Pontiff, who was now . the prisoner of the Vatican to the fall e n President of the Con-federacy, until lately himself a pri'soner at Fortress Monroe. Who inspired the gift is forgotten after all the years, but it marked a bond of sympathy between two men who were. strangely alike in personality, alike in the dealIngS of fate. Both were alien to the harsh realities of their times. The~' ·looked back with longing to the 'illusion ofa vanished patriarchal society, in which by gentle suasion all the bitterness cuuld be obliterated and all th~ injustice repaired. Confronted by, the new liberalism, with its imperious demand for a drastic revision of 1.he social order, they could only . recoil in shock. 'Yet both found themselves cast in the role of defenders of a reactionism . which was. ,quite as forei~n to their dreams as the materialism they rejected. Both Intransigent Nor did the similarity end there. Pio Nono and Jefferson Davis were both victims of thelr Clwn intransigence. If it was difficult for the Confederate President to 'judge men realistically and to accept opposing counsel, it was equally so for the Pope, whose tragedy is so inextrica~)ly boun'd up with the long and dismal domination of that ;,aintly sinister figure, 'Cardinal Antonelli, his Secretary of S~ate. ' The fall' of the' Con[p.deracy was inevitable, but it can be argued convincingly that it actuaily. came about· as ·,largely through the inept interference of Davis with the conduct o~ the will' as through the. superior strength of Northern arms. . 'So too the absorption of the Papal States into a ~'1ited Italy was bound to come, but tne mann~r of its coming was embittered by the Pope's r'efusal to regard it in any other light than as an attack on Holy Church. and the sanctity of his office. Religious Allegiance Thinking back to his early boyhood, Jefferson Davis would recall his schooldays with the' Dominican Fathers at the frontier college of St. Thomas, Washington County, KenhiCky. There he spent three years, and atone, point, at the mature age of seven, determined to embrace the faith. But good Father Samuel Wilson, the superior, as Davis ~e. membered, "handed me a biScuit and a bit of cheese, and 'told me, for the present, that I had better take some Catholic food," At the least, the experience saved him from the anti-Catholic bigotry which was to become 80 promihent a feature of Mississippi Valley Protesta.ntism during the later years of the century. His religious allegiance, as 'manhood developed,· ";"as to the mild Episcopalianism of the gentry, tinged by a, vague. desire for something deeper, more· spiritually' satisfying. '. In Dr. Charles IVIinnegerode, his pastor during the war years in Richmond, he found a guide to something like a mystic. quietude. Minnegerode had contacts with the contempor<\ry Oxford Movement but was even more. swayed by· German pietism. It was 'in 1863, at the deceptive

the Catholic teaching on vario1J8 aspects of marriage and the family. Held in the Methodist Central Hall, here, the lectures were followed by discussion. Subjects treated by Father McIvor were the Meaning and Purpose of Marriage, Marria;' as 8 Sacrament, Separation aDd Divorce, Mixed Marriages.

hopes for international recognition and support. For this he turned with some confidence to his Catholic friends.

Irish Mission Bisliop Patrick Lynch 0 f Charleston offered his not inconsiderable' powers _of persuasion at the Catholic courts. To Ireland, in an effort to counter· Northern recruiting, he sent a Catholic officer and the· Jesuit John Bannon. . The Irishmis.sion succeeded to a degree in alerting the ·hier. APPOINTED: George F. archy 'to the supposed dangers Maciel, New Bedford, has to the faith of the enlistees, been appointed director of though at best emigration was curtailed by a few thousand: . Catholic Scouting for. Cape At St. Cloud the Bishop and Cod and the islands. the Confeder;lte envoy, Dudley Ma'1'l, were completely baffled by the vacillations of Louis Napoleon. Visit Unrealistic Papal Ro~", in the '60s was manifestly living on borrowed time. That· "'W' power should .. WASHINGTON (NC) seek its support was a compli.. Hope that Congress will as::' ment but hardly a piece of polsist all parents and all chilitical realism. dren in legislation it enacts The Washington .government, to . aid education has been exsome years 1lefore, had allowed pressed by Bishop Lawrence J. its Roman ministry to lapse, an Shehan of Bridgeport. . item which Antonelli was not. . "Surely members of Congress likely,to forget, but at the same will not. be insensitive to the time th-ere was the embarrassneeds 'of' all parents and all ment of Southern advocacy of slavery, in the face of the vig- childr'en," said the chairman of orous encouragement the Pap- the Department of Education, acy had given to the cause of· National 'Catholic Welfare Conference. "It is our hope that universal emancipation. When Lyn~h an-i :Mann came' Congress' will seek out-within the framework of the 'Constituto Rome they were nursing an "tion-every means to· assist the. illusion. parents and to 'spur' the maxReceived With' Courtesy . imum intellectual development The Pope's whole interest was of every young American." peace. Already, in Octob~r, '1862; Notes D,iscrimination he had appealed to the ArchThe Bishop said. President bishops of New York and New Orleans, Hughes and Odin, to -Kennedy's message to' Congress on education -was a "keen disapeffect a mediation. When Mann presented his cre- , point;n:lent to millions of parents" dentials to Antonelli> with a let- in that his "suggested program ter from Davis addressed to the ,does not, include 'every' young "Very Venerable Sovereign Pon- American." He noted the mestiff", he was received with all sage calls for the progress of our becoming courtesy, but con-· nation, but "denies even the least bit of help to five rnillionchilfined his representations to the matter. of- Catholic e~igrants drEm'in non-public elementary and secondary schools," being used as cannon fodder by Bishop Shehan said these, chilthe North. Later the Pope received him' dren 'are excluded "simply bein audience, . expressing his cause their parents exercise their highest .regards for President constitutional right l:5y choosing D---· .. and his concern for the for them education other than that of the state." emigrants in the protracted war. Pushed Aside He promised to write to Davis in this vein, and did so' on He pointed out that one out of December 3, 1863. seven children attends non_. Tired Old Men public eleinentary and secondary "To the illustrious and Hon- schools and the parents spend orable Jefferson Davis,' Presi- approximately five billion doldent of the Confederate' States lars a. year on' education. This ill "in addition to their willing supof America." This, for all that Mami tried port of public schools through to make out of it, was courtesy~ the payment of taxes," h'e noted. "Yet, not. one word of comnot recognition. The letter mere. ly expressed the~ Pope's grati- mendation, no recognition of the fication at Southern anxiety for contribution of private elemen':' peace, adding "Oh, that other tary and secondary schools to the people also of· the States .and critical needs of' the country, their rulers . . . would embrace n'othing but a pointe.d exclusion," counsels of peace and tninquH- he emphasized. ity." ' Housing Gll'ant Nothing more came of it. Only, , WASHINGTON (N.C) - A in after years, the portrait from cne tired old man to another, $550,000 loan has been made to as an earnest of the eternal rest Aquinas college in Grand Rapids that would soon come to both to ~mild housing facilities for .... them: 160 women students.

Asserts -Kennedy Education Plan Discriminatory





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Miami Bishop Asks All Americans Shoulder Cuban Refugees Burden MIAMI (NC) - Cuban refugees and their families are the problem of every American, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami declared here. The prelate said "government action" will do only part of the relief job "needed so badly." "We Americans have spoken often and loudly about our oppoaition to communism and our willingness to help the oppressed ill their flight from tyranny," he Pointed out. "So the Cubans have (:Orne to us for protection, for MaPport and for assistance. We must all share the'responsibility and seize the opportunity to back up our words with deeds-and to do so now, when it will do the most good," Bishop Carroll said 10 an open letter in the' Voice. Miami diocesan newspaper. No Delay ·"'Much the government will not and cannot do," Bishop Carroll aaid. He emphasized that private agencies must "shoulder the rest 01 the burden and give emergency care. When people need food, shelter, clothing, there is DO time for delay." During the past month, the Bishop said, the Catholic Church bas provided services to the Cuban refugees valued at more than $100,000, and thousands weekly receive desperately needed food and clothing. "Hundreds are given emergency medical care and medicines," he said. "Dozcns of young refugee mothers are hospitalized for their deliveries." In addition, he pointed out, rents are paid "lest these refugees become evictees as well" and hundreds of chil,elren are cared for while their mothers are looking for employ-


44 Diplomats A.t Holy See VATICAN CITY (NC)-'ntere are 44 diplomats accredited to the Holy See according 'to the DeW list issued by the Vatican Secretariat of State. They include 33 ambassadors, nine ministers and two adminis'teators of affairs. Thirty-five governments maintain embassies at the Holy See, but two-those elf Panama and Bolivia-are temporarily without ambassadors. There are nine ministers. Eleven governments have legations here, but those of Indonesia and Finland are without ministers for the time being. There are also two administrators of affairs for Poland,and for Lithuania. These diplomats were ambassadors to the HolT See for former noncommunist governments of their countries, and continued in that status when the governments they'represented fell. But they were not ealled upon to present their eredentials to Pope John after bis election in 1958.

Leeds Bishop Flays Critics of Liturgy LEEDS (NC)-Bishop George Dwyer of Leeds has hit out at what he called ignorant Catholic critics of the liturgy. "There are things written and aid at the present time by Catholics that are both exaggerated and dangerous," the Bishop has declared. "Too many people with too litUe understanding are at present taking it upon themaelves to criticize the venerable ways of worship of the Church. "It may well be that in the eoming years the Churcb. will' make changes in the earlier part 01. the Mass, even in the longuage, to make it more effective as a means of teaching the Faith. "But the heart of the matter will always be this: to offer the sacrifice with Our Lord and to be united heart and soul with Him, loving Him and adoring Him as you do so" he concluded.

Memorial Mass A Mass for deceased members el Fall River Par~icular Council, St. Vincent de Paul Society, will be held at 6 this Saturday morning at St. Vincent's Home, NorUa l114ain Street.



Thurs., Mo rch 2, 1961

Catholic Wra~e~s Win Christ'ro~~elT Book Aw~ rd1$

Church Saves Bishop Carroll estimated that the ChUrch is "saving the community over a million dollars yearly by taking almost half of the refugee diildren into local parish and diocesan schools." He declared that the Centro Hisp'ano Catolico, Miami diocesan Span'ish center which has borne the brunt of refugee problems, "cannot continue and the Cuban refugees will necessarily be turned away, unless aid from courageous and charitable individuals and groups is forthcoming now in plentiful supply." The Bishop, who inaugurated a program of aid for the refugees more th.an 16 months ago, urged corporations which formerly did business in or with Cuba assume as much'of the relief burden as possible. ,

NEW YORK (NC) - Six individuals were named as recipients of Christopher Book Awards, Father James

Keller, M.M., founder ()f the Christophers has announced. He said citations were bein~ given to Catholics who had m 3 d e notable contributiorul during 1960 to the adult, teenage and children's bOt>k fields. The presentations were made in conjunctiOn with the Vat.lolic Library As'ociation. For adult reading, Fr. John Courtney Murray, S.J., Wall cited, for "'we Hold These Truths," published by Sheed and Ward. Winners for teenage hooks were: '~, James Patrick Derum for ..Apostle In A Top Hilt," pubRAYNHAM WINNER: Joseph Quill Jr,,' Raynham, lished by Hanover House. LOUISVILLE (NC) Ireright, is third place winner in Voice of Democracy broadcast land's Frederick H. Boland,presThe late Doctor Thomas Dooident of the United Natiollll scriptwriting contest. Con'gratulating him is Rep. Joseph ley for "My Story," pn',\l'shed General Assembly, has been W. Martin Jr. Contest was nationwide. Quill is Coyle senior. by Farrar, Straus and Cud'lhy. named to receive the 1961 BelSingled out in the children's . field'were: larmine Medal of Bellarmine Publi~ College h~re. Marie Kellilea (author) and The medal is awarded each I,auren Ford (illustrator) for year to a person "who, on the "Treasure on the HiU," pu~ national or international scene, WILMINGTON (NC)-A plea ter public relations to lessen the lished by Dodd, Mead. exemplifies in a notable manner for a partnership between the G.B. Stern for "Bernadette,"hostility against the Catholic the virtues of justice, charity published by Thomas Nelson, nation's public and private Church in ,this country centered and temperateness in dealing schools for the common good on Catholic schools." Each of the six winners wiD with difficult and controversial was made here by a noted Jesuit ~eceive ,a bronze medallioD ,Catholic Taxes bearing the image of St. Chrisprobelms." educator. topher on one side and, on ',.hl Father ,Neil G. McCluskey, College Ceremony , As for public schools, the other, the motto of the Cht·I..... Msgr. Alfred F. Horrigan. S.J., dean of education at Gon- priest said Catholics should retophers: "Better to light Ontl president of Bellarmine, said the zaga University, Spokane, Wash., member they belong to us, too, medal will be presented to Mr. and former education editor of "because we pay taxes for them,- candle than to curse be dar"Boland at a ceremony at the col- America, Catholic weekly re- half the Catholic children are in ness." lege on May 13, feast day of St. view, spoke heie. them, and, more importantly, Robert Bellarmine. . Among suggestions for work- even if no Catholic pupils were Mr. Boland, a native of Dub- ing together made by Father in them, we should support them lin, has represented Ireland lit McCluskey was: Use of home because of our civic responsibilmany international conferences; economics kitchens and voca- ity." froOl 1950 to 1956 he served as tional training· shops of public "Many thousands of deeply his country's ambassador to schools, be made available to all , dedicated people are in the pubBritain. In October, 1956, he was children of the community. lic schools," Father McCluske,. named as Ireland's permanelllt Father McCluskey quoted Wil- continued. "We should be graterepresentative to the U.N. He was elected president eyf the U.N. liam G. Carr, executive secretar,. ful for them." General Assembly OIl September of the National Education AssoHe' eommented that publie ciation, Washington, D. C., as 20, 1960. school people could also be more having publicly recommended the partnership of public and sympathetic with the staggering private education as desirable problems of rising costs and and necessary for the good of the swollen enrollments which face Catholic schools. nation. ' (al aprlc.you ca~" really a804 COVINGTON (NC) - PopuCatholic Schools larity of closed retreats for stu,The priest -pointed out that dents is increasing 'according to Catholic schools constitute 90 per Father Thomas F. Middendorf, cent of all American private executive secretary of the Na- education, enrolling last year tional Catholic Laymen's Re- 4,900,000 boys and ,girls, 14 per treat Conference. cent of the nation's school chiiThe NCLRC official is director eleen. Oil BURNERS of Marydale Retreat. House at Also comple&e Boller-Burnei' From the presidential camErlanger, Ky. He said' that in paign and election, Father Mcor Furnace OnUs. Bffleient 1953 Marydale had four retreats low eosl beatin,. Burner and Cluskey said, "we learned that fuel oil sales and Ierne.. for 85 students. During the 1960- Catholics are not loved as much 61 season 1,200 students at 30 by their non-Catholic neighbors , retreats will be housed at· Mary- as we had believed. Many, we 480 MI. Pleasant Slreet dale for the closed two day re- learned, still distrust our Church New Bedf"rd WY S-!661 Ala FRAIIC! lUI PILSRIMAGE PAOIlIA. treats, he said. and its people. Perhaps some IIICLUDEULL MAlDR CATHOLIC SHRIHES_ For the last three years the soul-sea_rching by us as well lUI EYm"fHfRE III TIE WORLOI Xavier Universlty basketball by non-Catholics is in order." team frQm Cincinnati has made Vult Rome. Fatima, Lourdefo Father McClUskey urged bet~~ Electrical annual retreats at Marydale. Lisieux. Sl:e the (amoUll PASSION Coach Jim McCafferty originated Contractors PLAY at Erl. Vialt Assisi, home the first one in 1958, when 8EFORE YOU of St. Franc~. ~e Notre Dame. Xavier won the National InviBUY - TRY Saer ~ Coeur In Paris. Tout tationTournament in New York. pilgrimage centers in England, Ireland and Germany. Visit th. ,'Holy Land. Spend Easter in Continued from Page One Jerusalem, Christmas in Bethl&abreast of all diocesan activihem. Ali pilgrimages under tM OLDSMOBILE' ties. In addition, they learn of 944 County St. "( personal leadership and spiritual happenings in the nation and, Oldsmobile· Peugot - Renalt New Bedford direction of Catholic priests. 67 Middle S~eet, Fairhaven the world." t Air France offers pilgrimages from Meanwhile, other parishes are 8 to 54 days' duration with prices making returns to the Circulation Department. We do hope starting at only 8625 complete that we can report next week fn.>m New York. You get AIr ~ that many more parishes have FranceJet Economy CIa&3 roundmore than doubled their quota. trip transportation from New Our hat· goes off to Father York, hotel accommodati01l3, all Larue for another manifestation meals, sightseeing-even tips. of his tre~endous cooperation Several convenient departu~ in every diocesan enterprise. between March 22 and December 13. "Fly Now-Pay Later'" COMPLETE '. plan available. Mail coupon below ' RENTAL WORK UNIFORMS , for complete details.


Boland to Receive College MedaI

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Month of St Jo~eph

THE i,NCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Th,:,rs" Mar. 2, 1961


CnmOLt9hthe Week' With the ChLt7tch

'Baseball and Shame "We are not spearheading any political movements." Simple words. J;tespectable words. Words that conj ure up visions of rising above the maelstrom of bartered votes and caucus decisions to the olympian heights of principles 'and high-minded detachment from mun.dane things. , Words perhaps a shade too 'conservative, but itm't conservatism coming back into fashion? And besides, conservatism sins more on the side of prudent caution than on the side of radical activity. Such words - or similar ones - have been used to explain many stands. ,' And such words can be and have been" used to cloak many shames. In this instance, the words were used by Frank Lane, general manager of the Kansas City Athleticst to explain why Bob Boyd; Negro'first baseman for the club, will not, stay at the George Washington Hotel club headquarters in West Palm Beach for spring training. , And baseball is called the national game ! A Negro is good enough to make a major league club (albeit one that· held oown last place in 1960), but he is strictly a minor', leaguer when it ,comes to citizenship and housing. What can be done about it? Why, ~.we are not spear-, , ,heading any politica1movements." . For shame!" . ',., " " And that is the mentality' of one who is in a 'position' to strike just the smallest of blows for decency' and charity; who can at least protest and at most move the team to new training quarters that woulo. grant each player :full firstclass' American citizenship.' , . But he ;Will not spearhead "political movements." Come to' think of it,' he, won't spearhead any 1961 American League standing,ceither.

- - " - - By - - . REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA 'Catholic University TODi\.Y ....:... Thursday - SeeoD4 , Week in' Lent. The rich mall learns the lesson of service too late-and he learns it from God, not from man. The Christian w not called to serve only the '"deserving." God's Word, not human merit nor human trust, ~ the basis of his ministry. Ilia , ownership of' goods is not abso-' lute. It is a stewardship, a trust, under God. And Lenten penance finds expression in generosity and sharing as well as in fasting and 'prayer. TOMORROW - Fi'iday-Seeond Week in Lent. Jesus' parable of His own crucifixion and the , story ,of Joseph's betrayal' by bU brothers continue the preparation for Christ's saving passiODo Faith and trust' are again the· key. Those who wait for hu",aa applause, who are not ready to, Buffer at the hands of' their' brother's, cannot be His followers. It is not that man should be, indifferent to his brother or, to their applause" nor that, ~ should wish to suffer 'at their hands.. But his Lent-renewed faith should' be So strong, .. Bingle - minded and single hearted, that shifts in the popu-; lar mood or loss of popular approval will neither crush W. purpose nor swerve his aim. .

No Further Comment

SATURDAY-Second Week" Lent. The prodigal ,son is every. , Another "quote of the week" might be this one of man. His return, his confessiOil of sin, opens the door to forgive-: the chairman 6f General Electric, 'commenting on the ness; rejoicing and r.eunion. The reCent price-rigging convictiohs that included that ghint Father showers His gifts on those eorporation among others. The chairman is quoted by Time The editor of th~ Que~tion and Answer ~olum'n does not guarantee to who, ask, whether it is the pr~i-.:, answer anonymoll,s. queries nor letters from unidentifiable sources. In every magazine as saying: "We don't think anybody's been gal son in the Gospel or J acolt instance the desire for 1UI0nYnUt, wiU be respected. To that end, name. damaged." ,'" ' \ in the Epistle. . are /lever appended to the questioll.!, but· unless' the letter is signed THIRD SUNDAY IN LEN'L Ihere is 110 'assurance that any colI.!ideration' wiU, be given it. How wonderful ! Of course a ·few people have gone to The renewal of baptismal·promjail, even a G.E. vice·president, but that is undoubtedly Who ~re the '"Archangels" • ises which will accompany the II a person employed near and ,how many are there? just a minor inconvenience, esPecially considering his salary blessing . of 'the Font in t~ me continually uses t"he Name of $125,000 a year. The chairman also assures the publie Those angels who remained Easter Vigil and for which t~ 01 God in vain in almost evelT Lenten retreat is preparing the that he has' talked with officials in gOVernment and private faithful to God are grouped into sentence, and I have aSked Christian community is a pled~ nine "choirs' (or classifications): industry and they have yet to complain of damages.. that they stop doing it, but to of allegiance. It is a pledge which seraphim, cherubim, thrones, no avail, should I speak to the It is true that the treasurer of the company announced dominations, principalities,pow-requires the kind of decision ancl priest outside of confession to assets in cash of more than four hundred million' dollars ers, virtues, archangels and commitment which Jesus ~ use his Influence? ' ,mands in the Gospel. ' just in case there are damage suits: )~ut if n~one has b¢en angels. So, an ARCHANGEL is You certainly may discuss this It is a consciousness of bapu.damaged then this money can be used to continue to build a spirit in the eighth rank of the' problem with the priest and be mal loyalty, of being pledged to eelestial hierarchy of. nine guided .by· his judgment. ,up this pride of American industry. , Him,' of having chosen sides, tbet orders.' There is one fear, however. Will General Electric, since He wills to renew in His nie~ The Church honors three arch:.. persons guilty of serloftl!l ' it has not damaged anybody, decide to start some suits angels by name; these are the sinAre 'Who talk I.n church,"bers this holy season. Only thea .. ~ ean the Christian become art~ , itself to charge more for the service, it has given to the three named in the· Bible: . ciallJ: going out in the aislea , . nlate, receive the gift of speech, Michael, captain of the heavenly American public by its 'action? If, it has not damaged - after Mass? Some hold converrid himself of inner confusion tilt· Gabriel, angei of 'the An.'&ationS befOre, the Blessed anyone, perhaps the next step will be to- prove itS action' host; peeome' clear and lucid a"a,in. SO . "' nunciation; and' Raphael, who on trivial matten '" actually helped. No 'doubt soine of the company officials -.::. . appeared'to Tobias (and is tra;:' ,Sacrament without 'necessit)'. Is it sinfnlT that the light can shine throug~ , those in jail, for instance - can spend their time profitably" 'ditiona'lly considered to be the Orqiriarily, pebple who 'con- 'MONDAY - Third Week .. 'one who stirred the water·of the verse in church in the 'manner Lent. Naaman's cleansing in,~ working out that thesis. . . you describe would not be guilty .Jordan river, in the waters la~ And as for honesty and law ~ well, why bring those ' pool of Bethsaida). ' of serious sin. We might say 'that made holy by the Baptism of ; The Archangel Raphael Is up? ' , quoted in the book'of, TolJias, in ,they show a lack of respect for Christ, points again to the Chr~ the BleSsed Sacrament, but us- tian passover celebration ~ the Old Testament as" saying: "For'I am the angel Raphael, one ually this is due to thoughtless- 'Easter. It shows Baptism, clean~ , 'of the seven who stand, before ness. There are, extenuating cir':' in'g, salvation not only as· God'. The Greater 'Taunton Area has much ,eau~e' for the Lord." '(Tobias xii;' lSr A1J cumstances which might excuse ,gift, His free and unmerited aett rejoicing. ' .' '" , mentioned above, only three are a discussion of trivial matters in but also as His gift for all rnaDo:' church, ,though ordinarily sUch kind, no longer a tribal 01' a ,By the cooperation of ,priests and laity 'alike, a, 'namedin the Bible, but the 'conversations could wait the few racial covenant, now universal 8ubstantial sum of money has been pledged for. a girls', apocraphyl book of Enoch gives moments it takes to get outside and catholic. . high school, a real need 1>f the community: , t h e names of the four reinaining ',the church; if' both parties are TUESDAY - Third Week Ii. . as Uriel, Raguel, Sariel and leaving the church. , Lent. ,Christians .who gath~ It is hoped that work will begin soon on the school and .Jeramiat around, the holy Table for today'. that it will be ,open for the Fall of 1962. • Who is the 'Black Pope' and Mass hear two lessons about 'the And just as the good People of Taunton have' been who is' the 'English Pope'?' ' communal nature of the Churca. ' Does the word "Karshuni" BLACK " POPE ,is the nlck-The miracle that kept a iami17 eongratulating themselves on this accomplishment., ;Inti have reference to anything rename sometimes 'attributed to 'together and the forgivenesil rejoicing in the realization 'of a dream, a bonus is provided lating to the Catholic Church' the superior general of the 'JeB- which brothers should expect at I overheard a conversation and with the announcement that this act~vity ~or the yOU11g haa uits. -It is based on', an erroneous one another-both testify to the , from the general tone' of the Dot ob,scured the needs of the aged., '",' notion of the great power and God-given unity established oa talk, I gathered that it clld The purchase of the raunton Inn and its remodeling' , have, and curiosity now moves 'authority presumed to be his. His the Cross. So do the referencetl is indeed great within the to fraternal correction and .. to provide home facilities for eighty~five guests is another' me to ask-who or what is It 'power constitutions of his own Society, common prayer~ Common prayer example of the Bishop's 'concern for every one of his. or are ,they? as is the authority of other su- "in the Church' (her liturgy) baa spiritual children. And those older citizens who have borne KARSHUNI is the Arabic lan- ,periors-general within their own therefore an excellence and efflthe burden of the day and the heat can rejoice quietly in guage written in Syriac charac- "orders. ,The :word BLACK 'in . cacy unmatched by any kind of ters. It is used by the Maronites , this title originates from the fact private devotion. the knowledge that they have not been forgotten. and Syrians for the rubrics in that the Jesuit cassock is black, WEDNESDAY _ Third Week their liturgical books. It is used, , while the Pope's cassock is white. in Lent. One of the paradoxes • also for the lessons, Lord's The ENGLISH POPE was 'of Christian faith is that though Prayer ,and other prayers in Afdrian IV, who reign~d as Pope God .gives laws and institute. Jacobite liturgical books, and' rom. 1154 to 1159 and 1S tl1eomy, ritual sacrifices He warns immeoften in those of 'the' Catholic Enghshman thus far to have been 'qiately against 'ritualism and Syrians arid Maronites as well. eleva.t~d to the papacy. His name 'formalism. Whether the law ill There is a Karshuni version of was Nicholas Breakspear and as the Old Law or the New whether Cardinal-Bishop of Alban.o was the sacrifices are the a~imal im" OFFICIAL NEytSPA~ER OF THE DIOCESE "OF FALL RIVER. the Bible. sent as papal legate to Scandi- . molations of the Old Testament Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ,na~!a, where he earned the title or the perfect sacrifice of Christ, 410 Highland Avenue ' of Apostle of the North". it is the spirit and the heart oJ. Where, is the "Imbomon"? Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 The Ii\moMoN is the round man that God desires. , PUBLISHER chapel built at the place on the reater Coverage For Christians, then, the fruit Mount of Olives from which Our RIBERALTA (NC),- A light of their offering the Sacrifice of Most Rev. James L Connally, D.O., PhD. Lord ascended into heaven. The airplane, suitable for flying in the Mass and their sharing in the GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER original chapel was built about this "green hell" jungle region of holy' Food is determined by the Rev. Daniel F. Shaltoo, M.A. Rev: John P. Driscoll the year 350; the present struc- ,northeastern Bolivia, is enabling' extent to which they 'have surMANAGING EDITOR ture was erected by the Cru- missioners to 'cover more terri- 'rendered hearts and'spirits to thG "saders. ' Hugh J. Golden tory with. ~ewer men. Father.



Taunton-and a Bonus' .





• *.




Medical Mission :Laos

SOCB'~ty to 'Send Me~' Overseas'

·Missioner, SQuth Attleboro Native, Tel.ls

Of Primitive Life, People's Deep Faitlt

BRIDGEPORT (NC) - A nine-year~old U. S. medical mission community will send its first members to the forcign missions in March.

By Marion Unswodlln "Even while waiting for the b9at to bring me to the United States, I was lonesome for the Laotian people. They become part of your life," says Rev. Lucien Bouchard, O.M.I., who has just returned home after four years of work in missions in Laos. Father Bouchard, a South Attleb.oro native, told several incidents of his missionary life at the annual Communion breakfast of the Catholic Women's Club of St. Mary's Parish, North Attleboro. Reluctant


Thurs., March 2, 1961


Say s Eu~op~acr't) Dialog,Yes ModeU For .Ungty Talks DETROIT (NC) - A Belgian priest said here that interfaith dialogues conducted in Europe for thCl

Five members of the Sons of Mary, Health of the .Sick, whl leave the U. S. for LIma, Peru, past 50 years should serve as Ii model for U. S. religious leade1'll where they will work in a parish tn one of the city's worst slums. seeking Christian unity. Two of the five men are phy- to· discuss too many details of Fat her George Landzaat" Idcians. A third is a Jewish I:on- the Communist invasion because a.S.B., of the Benedictine mon.ert who will supervise caie- of possible implications for the astery at Chevetogne, Belgium, c.hetical and social work. few priests remaining in Laos, said ''The search for Christian Brother George J. Hungerman, he did not relate that he and his unity was greatly speeded by the F.M.S.L, of Bridgeport is one of companions fled their' village upheavals of World War II. the two doctor-missionaries who only two hours ahead of Comwhich threw Europeans into will take part 'in his community's munist troops, were forced to closer contact than ever before." pioneer project overseas. leave all their belongings beEuropeans then "had to face He recently returned from' iii hind, walked through the mouncommon dangers and persecuthree-week visit to Lima, where tains for six days to tpe capital tions," he stated. "Today we face he and Father John Coss,' city, where they again narrowly an even greater problem-the F.M.S,I., superior of the Sons of' . escaped bombarqment. 'while establishme.nt of a common front . awaiting their bpat, M arr, surveye d th e sl'te of the against communism and mate. Wh h .. 'd 't h' f' t d' I . 'onary team's future': en e ·arr~v~ a IS' Irs rialism." . me Ica -mlSSI l . ,Plissionpost . inLa6~ four years operations. . Urges Kindness ., , ;lgo, the young missi(~lnarY.spent ' .. , Work In' Slums . ~" ..his· first, year learning' the Lao The Benedictine priest· alt-a Brother Htmgermim said in language. ".Then, lIlY ;first. mis- . dressed a luncheon meeting of. interview here in Ohio that the sion I was upon' a mountain with the'Detroit First Friday Club at missioners will operate in ·St.. the Mao peOple, who· spe:lk an which several Protestant minRichard's parish in Lima. The entirely different· language. isters were present. parish is condul;:tedby U ..S. dioc,... Their languag~ has .seven tones, . Catholics cim foster the desire esan priest-members of the SO-... so that one word can mean for Christian unity, Father Landciety of St. James the Apostle, seven.diff~rent things, 'dependzaat said, by recognizing that "it founded by Richard Cardinal. ing ·on. the tone. I ("o~'ainly gave is not .compromising for a CathCushipg, Archbishop of Boston', ,them quite a few laughs at. the' olic priest to meet with Protestin 1958 .to help relieve" Jh~ .. beginning!" he said',. 'laughing. ants in friendly discussion,'" . elergy. shortage in Latin. f\mer-. ~In 'five o~ :sbdnonths, 'however, . "Catholics should be friendly tea. . . you can learn to 'get around; all and kind," he stated. "We The doctor-Brother said he . right." .: .. should shake hands and forget Ilnd the other Sons of Mary will All the Chores old prejudices built up over the be working in one of Lima's' For his first two months, centuries." toughest slums, where poor and Father Bouchard had the .as, Illiterate mouQtaiheers recently sistance of a priest who had DESCRIBES' MISSION ·LIFE: Rev.' Lucien Bouchard, arrived in the city live. . ':6een there for fbur years, but LOURDES (NC) - More tha. He and Brother FrancisCo, soon he left and Father was on O.M:.I., ju-streturned from .Laos, describes mission life to 50,000 soldiers from Europeaa Tanega; also a doctor, wili rlhi a. his own. He had tedo all his own' MrS. Ralph Patunoff, left; president· of;Catholic Women's countries will take part from dispensary there~ Brother Joseph chores, chop wood',' wash, 'mend, Club ..of· St.' ~~I1"s' Parish, North Attleboro, and Mrs. May 31 to June 8 in the annual Saulnier and Brother Paul Tifraise chickens and·' 'sometimes Normand Jette, chairman of breakfast addressed by mis- military pilgrimage to Our tord, who is a convert frOm cook. ' Lady's shrine .here. Maurice sioner. JudaIsm, will do catechetical·· "The first time a fellow came Cardinal Feltin, Archbishop ot. and social work. Father John· to ha.ve hisl tooth .pulled, I was . ' . Paris and Military Vicar' of "The Communists Wallace will be superior 'of the far from willing, but he waited' work with, 'and had to rebuild . 'will try te team. . around for two hours. until I ' two original buildings, as well make them follow Communism, French Armed Forces, will pI'&as. to construct eight other but deep. inside they Will remai.n side over the pilgrimage. finally agreed, with a warning houses for catechetical centers. a loyal," Father said confidently. Support~· .'that.it might not. tUFn out very· church". and. a m'l·ssl·on·resl·dence. Th " 11 ' . e· miSSIOner, who .win go to w~'I' p'ulled it 'all r.igh. but the "Then we built a conveq,t for Rome in July to make his sec... spread' three'nuns who were to co'me to ond'' novi't'1a te,p1ans t 0 re t urn: to trouble was that the.word NEW YORK, (NCh-De.mo-. 'imd. then. everyone WaS. coming staff the first· school in the area. the 'missions directly after that. CI'lltic. leaders of the state legisto me to ,have teeth· pulledLThe It would hold about '80 children;. He exhorted his .audience' to latuJ:'e have agreed, to suppoJt . 'worst of lot was that it was al- . But ,on the ·day I ·was·topaint the. pray for three things: the' conRepublican Gov. Nelson ~ocke'\".. ~ ways the big molars the front "last door on the convent, the·.' version of ~lIe pagans; .retreat 9 f feller:s :. controversial. "sch()l.ar. ones .they pulled th~mselves!'~'. Communists.came.and. we lost it the ''Communists' all over the -:-;. incentiYe" proposaL . . .) After a year on: Uie' 'mountain, all.... ' " ," ,world andparticularly'in'hii: heThisl action by officials of. t~e . Father Bouchard was sent to . "Building.,t~er~. is very. diff~,.. loved Laos; and the 'safety' of DOAI'\lE~·8E.AL·AMrs minority, part! i? the legisiature . Sam Nt'fua ;Provinc~, cloSe to the cult,since ,we.. had., togo into the pr:iests remaining. ther~, who INCOIU'OR.ATltO apparently wIll lJ1crease chan~ North Vietnam border. There the forest for. th.e wood, bri:lg are in grave dange~. . of app,royal of the GovernoI:.S,. ~ight missioners took care of 25' it and put it through:the sawmill . H~ com~ented that . first plan '~oglve state, grants to·New· ':'Mao villages Since .it 'is mounand th.en construct the bllilc~in~3. American he met Tn LilOS' was York re~idents attepding !' I c~~-;_., tain.~ountry· paths are t~o steep' . We "were about. 200 mihis aWay pro Tom D6dley.,,·iHe wa~a very lege 1!1 the state. where tUItIon ' for horses~ the ~issionaries . from the capitaiand the only . fervent Catholic and did won• t:lYANNIS is $500 or more a year. ., h access to us was' .25 days walk .. ~er£ul . work.. His qeil th meaat a . • , HARWICHPORT t1 . G ' ."R· kef'eller told the Ie....:..· ' , :walk between o~e. and 11 ours or plane, which was' very ~x' . ' ro", . to g~t. to these VIllages. grea oss for Laos, but his work . ~v. ?c , SOUTH YARMOUTH Islature 1.n. a message he. p A .section of Laos about the penSive.'" , .' is being carried on." poses glVmg l;lildergradu,ates size 'of' New Hampshire, Sam . iligh D'eath'Rate. $200, graduate stu.dents $400 llnd Neua had 5000 converts, when it '''rPe Mao~.make~their walls of those. working for a doctorate was taken over by the Commun- board, but the boards. a1;'e cut AnLE80RO'S $800 a year. ists from 1952 to 1957. After five with an axe,. which makes for Leading Garden Center Paint and 'Vitally Needed' ,years of indoctrination, the Com- '. some: natural air conditioning. . Dupont Pai..' ., 'rhe plan. has evoked contrn:- munists left: and all 5000 re- In the winter, temperatures go versY over its constitutionality. mained faithful to the Church. down to the 40's an,d 50's, which __ ' Rear· of Store Catholics and other groups have "Each section' is. very differ- is 'Very cold' when. there is no ' ~. 422 Acus/l,. Ave. defended it as rightful aid 'to "ent" Father said. "In·.four years heating; and the people dress South. Main & Wall .Sts. Q"t:.t~ cor M~~d1~ ~ .. Irtuden~ to preser~e fr~edom of the' priest preceding me had con-. the same throughout the year.. educa'ti'on. Opponents call it a . verted one family,. while in Sam For these reasons, about half PARKINQ " plan to evade constitutional pro- .. Neua there were 200 converts the children die.' New.&edfonf CA 2-0234 visions against state aid' to pri':' In two or three mOnths. "The people really have noth_ Yate' '.' or religi~s. institutio'ns~" "When . we arrived .at Sam. ing. WhEm. we are' making vis~--_ _--~': .uch ail church-related colleges:' Neua we had almost nothing to its to the :villa'ges, "we eat and' In'llockaway ';I?ark, support·, .. sleep in their Jiornes. .Rice, for the Governor's proposal'· morriing noon 'and 'night, is their "SPECIAL MILK came from the 13th annual conmain diet.· In season they also From Our OWQ vention of the National' Assoeiation of Hehrew Day School SANTIAGO (NC) .:..- C·a th0 l'IC ,eat pumpkin, boned, and in a.nTested Herdl l Parent-Teacher Associations. Action' of Chile h as d enounce d . other season a v'egetabl~ like BOYS WANTED for the' . tato rips sh' spinach with thek'" rice. Also, the president of . the Latin· American dlc Acus~ .WY .3-4457 Priesthood and Brotherhood. Rabbinical Councll of America, and their campaigns against the "They have very little meat. . •. Special Mille lack of funds NO imped1• leading Orthodox' group, saId Church... One day the' villagers had' shot ment. • Homogenized VIt. D. Milk tluit Gov. Rockefeller's propo- " The national council·of. Cath-' a tiger, 'and I tried some' tiger sals were "vitally needed." . olic Action has also urged "a meat; which was eatable after . • Buttermilk . WrIte to: Rabbi Charles Weinberg told substantial change' in the living it had' been smoked. But they . • Tropicana, Orang(, Juice P. O. Box 5742 a conference of the councll the , conditions of millions of people eat any meat they can catch, in• Coffee and Choc. Mille plan .'.'does not interfere, in the "who are stifled by poverty and eluding monkey' and porcupine." ' Baltimore 8, Mel • Eggs - Butter slightest, with· our cheris.hed. lead a'subnormal existence:' In two years, the missioners at principles of separation. of It denounced "regimes that Sam Neua made' 1200 converts. Church and State." . make of dictatorship a habitual FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU form of government," and it deploted as firmly "disguised Ill' CHICAGO (NC)-Two Cath-, open persecution }'Vhich the Office Ro.... CJlle' students have been elected. . Catholic Church is suffering in to share a scholarship award various countries of America ':OO.~:80 (because) the Church continues made annually by the Praetoe>:cept w.... rians, a Jewish fraternal group to be the bulwark of, freedom." DISPENSING at De Paul University. They are The statement, asking CathoOPTICIAN Lawrence A. Metz, 19, and Jo- lics to promote a "live 'ChristianOf TAUNTON P.....,r1pi..... anne J. Lipinski, 18. Each was· ity" in Latin America, expressed North Dighton Nortl1l E'astoo Narton T~urufilJr1l For Eyegle<lS<S presented with a $150 check by the solidarity of Chile's Catholic Filled ·Sp7ing Street Main Street W. Main Street Main Stree~ Stanley Fisher, 21, Ptaeto.dans Action with the firm stand of T No., Milia St.• FBIRIVG2' OS 8-0412 president. Cuba's Bishops against attaclw Member FederlilJ~ lDe~osi? Bi'!s!tr~l:t~c Cc:lp~:rlilJtE~:7\l even the seminaries.,) on human dignity .and freedom.


Military Pilgrims

Solons Aid to Students






White's Farm Dairy.

Dictators' Campaigns' Draw Ch·.· I Ian B'. as t



Trinitarian Fathers


. Jewish Award







:DCCW te HeCJr Father' Gomes .

THE ANCHQR-Dioceseof FallI.: River-:-Thurs., Mor.2; 1961 \, -, " " . '.", ',' ...




. _:







-'Planning Summertirn'e Te·rrace..· Welcome Relief from Winter·'

Bev. Antho.,. M. Gomes; Santi Christo Church, Fall River, ~ gue~t speaker at aaopea meeting of the family and pare~ education commrittee of New Bedford District Council of Catbw olic Women, to be held at 8 ' Monday night, March 6 in Hoi,. Name parish hall. County and Studley Streets. .


By Alice Bough Cahill Most of' us are pretty tired of Winter, but with the arrival of seed catalogues,- one naturally thinks of those pleasant days ahead, for "if Winter comes; can Spring be . far behind?" Already I've heard one family say, "That steep backyard has been a wash- supporting your roof with 2 x: out; our· breezeway that 8's. At the base of each support, looks SO nice from the str~. leave out a brick' on each side is a wreck; the storms have . to make an earth pocket for

Father Gomes will speak from experience drawn from his years of service as a eana Conference . speaker and member of the Dioo-. esan Family Life Bureau. Mrs. Stephen A; Markey is chairmaa . of the program. · . A coffee hour will follow iho ~rogram with Mrs. James .I. ~!eason, president of Holy Name Guild and Mrs. Clinton Rimmem. guild family. and parent education chairman, in charge of aJIrangementS. Ail New BedfOJid women are invited to attend.

done havoc." These folks have. V'inesto cover the trellis. made such splendid plans to corUse Garage , reet that washSuppose you have a double garage, but use only one side of out, that perit. Here's how you can make a haps you might '. like to consider very inviting rest spot. Extend thei<r ideas, if a trellis from the wall ,out as . . many feet beyond the garage - 'you h a v e a door'as you wish to have a tersimilar problem. race, which terrace can be conFirst, wall off erete, like the garage floor, 01' future rain and made of irregular flagstones. BUSY LADIES: Preparations begin early at St. Pat;. lin 0 w storms N with a wall of ow paint the walls of garage in and floor and this llrea - can rick's parish, Fall River, for annual St. Patrick's snow. Some. First alplomate bricks, laid serve as a shaded retreat where 31 ladies keep 13 sewing machines busy from 6 to 10 eve~ mortar. You'll find a circuyou can arrange your summer weekday night for eight weeks~ making costumes for every . PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Sistel' Jar wsll very attractive. The furniture, with protection On child on the program. Each is individually fitted and where- Mary Franciscq Fernandes of the number of feet you build this three sides and a roof that wiH ever possible clothes are made with an ey.e to future use. ' Medical Mission Sisters here haa become the first Sister to be a - wall from your 'house will de- let you rest out of doors, evea Left to right, representative of the busy 31, aTe Mrs. Albert diplomate of the American through a Summer rainstorm. . pend on the size of terol"ace you You can arrange more chairs Cote, Mrs. Joseph Fazzino, Mrs. Norman Habib. Board of Pathology. A diplomate want.· . is a physician .cer.tified as Plant some sturdy shrubs Hi on the terrace for those wanting qualified specialist. . front of the wall to break the "sunning" and pel'haps add a force of onrushing water clnd portable grill. Using yOur garN t, age in this way has many ad'. elso to provide privacy. e?, vantages, for often there is an you'll want to have a level tel'- entrance from garage to kitcheri,. ST. JOHN (NC)-Mrs. William home while doing her, chores. . crace to get a floor able to With,Stafford of this city is a devout The h9me is meticulous, and a stand the wear of constant fam- you have. a covered place to .and determined' woman. She is stranger, 'watching her move store furniture. and you will fiy use. . probably get the privacy here' also totally blind-has been for about, might never guess shefs Est. 1897 If you have a breezewa}t., that you wantt 18 years. blind. Bu'ilders Supplie~ pave it, too; then roof it .with Then, there's the family that She was"35, the mother of four Makes Annual Retreat . a trellis. Vigorous vines cr~n be just wants a place to put a long children ranging from 2 to 12 . She had. finished her firSt 2343 .Purchase Street' used to filter out excess Summer picnic table for outdoor meals. years old, when she was told she 'closed retreat when she was told . New . Bedford Of course you won't be able . would never see' again.. she would be blind. She hasn't. :n~xecute' these plans immedi- Any kmd o~ lawn. grass is good WY 6-5661 "It was during the depression," . missed an annual retreat in the ing these \ for such a SImple terrace, but a b y m ak ately, b u t '11 g I'd sh d' . h t h she ·recalled. "My husband was a 18 years since at Villa Madonna find that a once a en. op a VIseS me t a t e . changeIS, YbOUk I'd will 'becomtl ' . courser gr/lsses and 'clover will low salaried worker, so there Retreat House in Torryburn. scragg y ac ya ' . wear better than mosses' or never was any question of ob- She's active in the First Aid and BONNER FLOWERS very popular. creeping grass, and then the taining hired help, When I real- ·Home Nursing CI;sses and is ized it was a case of either Joan president of the Fundy Club for Need Privao:v proprietor added this .tip, "flat ,Specialists m . (the oldest child) missing an ed- . the Blind. Maybe you just want a tel'-. board fu.rniture bases 'shouldn't Special Floral A-rrangement8 "Prayer and my eatholic race. The first consideration in be used on law~,even though ucation or me doing the houselocating it is privacy from they do not dIg. holes. They work,. I knew that if I had to Faith have been my great sol• Funerals '. Corsages house walls, or trees. Of course, bleach and eve~!uallykill the crawl around on my hands and ace," Mrs. Stafford said. "One • Weddings • Hospital _ knees the children must go to consoling thought ·that comes there are· terl'aces and terraces. grass they cover. 2082 Robeson St. from blindness is the sources of anything from a grassy plot with And ... don't forget to weath- schoo!." FaA River 0$ 5-7804 Determined Mrs. Stafford de- optimism you can be for somea tree shading it to an ~'''borate er:proof terrace furniture if. it's vised a way of moving about her one else. st-··~ture of wood, concrete, and left exposed. stone. Nearness to your kitchen Hospital Denounces' should be considered if you'll Abortion Legislation want to serve meals on the tel'MANCHESTER (NC) - A -' race. Even if your plans include Catholic hospital has opposed a a barbecue, you'll want the kit- bill in the New Hampshire legischen. nearby :fur setting· and lature to relax the state's law OIl clearing the table and bringing therapeutic abortions.. out supplies. Sacred Heart Hospital here, in An outdoor barbecue that a statement following one from shares a chimney with an In- Bishop Ernest .J. Pl'imeau of door fireplace saves. building Manchester, said the code of costs. With a built-in-barbecue, ethics a·t Catholic hospitals foryour terrace becames' a second bids "any direct destruction of d1ning room as well as an out- fetal life, evim with a theradoor living room. May-be you'd peutie end in view." like a paved patio surrounding Bishop Primeau denounced this barbecue, but be sure that the legislation recently. ."The it's pitched to drain water a'Wa-, performance 01 it direct abortion from the foundation. . is an immoral act and the im. YOUI' . Now that·you can purchase .. morality is not lessened by eWJl colored flagstone, it's possible to legislation," he said. erea·te unusual artistic designs ill terraces. Many people like to 1,500,000 Pilgrimi' leave space betweell stones _ Visit Fatima in 1960· grass or clover. Here's an idea fO!' a very FATIMA (!iC) - More tbaB· t simple terrace, one that can 1,500,000 pilgrimS from 46 naeasily 'be built' and has many of tions visited Our Lady's shrine the a.dvantages of a more el-ab- ' at Fatima during 1960, accordorate project. Have a floor. of ing to statistics released here. A FaR River- Trust Auto I...oa.B is .You may also plaee your insurance bricks laid unmortared on saod. . Over 30,000 Masses were 0f. the practical Mld eeonomieai way with your favorite broker and fered in the basilica, the Chapel to finance the purchase of your have the premium included in your of the Apparitions and Fatima's Fashion Show loan. . On Monday evening, March IS, monasteries,' convents' and sean"; new Call. Hyacinth Circle 71, Daughters of. inaries, while more than 500,000 You pay Low Bank Finance Stop in for cOmplete details at our Isabella, New Bedford, will pre- Holy Communions were distribsent a parade of Spring fashions uted. More than 8,000 pefIllOD8 Charges and have the paynienta Main Bank. or at any of our c0nat the Kennedy Youth Center. took part itt 82 retreats. venient Neighborhood Branches. tailored to fit yOUI' income. Miss Natalie L. Ferreira, regent, North Attfeboro'D. ofL has announced that the proceeds A St. Patriek's Day theme will. will be donated· - to the White OPEN~FRlbAY 9 A.M. to' 8P.M. feature the annual penny sale 01. Sisters of New Bedford. Benedict Circle, North AWeMiss Ellen M. Gaughan • Total Assets Over $3O,OO~,OOO.OO general chairman assisted by boro Daughters of Isabella, to be Miss Yvette Foisy, tickets; Mrs. held ·at· Ii Tuesday night, MarCh 7. Mrs. Wilfred MOOriant, chairLucy Bernardo, program;- Miss . Martha A. Douglas, program list- man,.:'Yill be aided bF a1ar~ ings; and Miss Hilda Matthews, committee. models; who will be selected from the senior and junior cir':' . c:les. Mrs. Ernest LeTendre win di. featuring ~ct the ushering corps. '. ''The Gaslight Room" The ~nnual Corporate Com- . . . ~. ' ,etIIHl DepoIII . . Ideal fOl' Communion Breakmunion will take place on Pas. . . . . C: L. . . . fasts, OrganizatlOD Baaqu.' . ,sion Sunday Ui the Holy Name Church, New Bedford,· at the *·Acush.... ·~ flint Branch ~ ~ .So. hd IraticII ~oocI'~nda 9 o'clock Mass. 'Breaklast will 'be .... BecIfonI ' .... c:..MIr,a M49 l~.J ~fferd'" I I " ............. :·~\:·':·'iiervecI at the New B~forcl Ho&ei . ~, .C.I WY_ ·1-1701 . ..';.- .:10:16",... -.,....."."..,.......-".",.,..,........


Faith, Determinafion Are 'Eyes' For New Brunswick Woman



Sturtrevant & Hook

New Car

with a Fall River Trust·


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Ie;..... , ,'.


• . . . . . ': iT,." "


• • •, .

:.. In'expe·ri'sive; Meals Me,m~orabte: '. ~~'­ ..If,·Se'lied ",';wifh Imagination"':' -,

Thurs., March 2, 1961

Succordium Club To Heor. Sister

. ,', By Mary Tinley Daly , ~ From one of the "depressed areas"· comes this request: . "Do you know any nourishing, filling, and by :all means inexpensive meals for a family of seven? I read the recipes in the paper (go to the librarY for we ~n no longer af~ord to take a daily paper). :rhe plen;y of protein, . but for an pictures practically make me extra "meat" touch, cut a pound drool. But, even the so-called -or even a half-pound-of hot 'economy' dishes are too dogs into half-inch slices and high priced for us. My family is tired of the old standbys within our price range, ham bur g e r served this way and that. Will )'IOu give me • tip? Seems t hat, during Lent; my famI1y is hungrier than ever! Sine ere 1 y, Mrs. 'I'.J.B. "P.S.: My neighbor lets me read her Catholic paper when she has finished wlith it. I'll be watching your column.'" Sundny Dinner

let them float on the top of each bowlful of soup. . This, served with crackers, possibly some cottage cheese, makes a main dish that is good! A mixed salad, or coleslaw cheaper - gives a nice balance of texture and flavor. Dessert after this hale and hearty meal might be jello, apple sauce or stewed prunes, with homemade c('~1(ies. At the outside, .this dinner, for a family of seven, C06ts approximately one dollar.. . . As you know, Mrs. B., it is not· only the food, important liS ilt is, that makes dinner a peak of the day. UAtmosphere'~ has.a lot to do with it. Flowers, candlelight,soft music, gay conversation? These are not to be found exclusively in swank restaurants. A houseplant in the' center of the table can fUrnish the first;' plumber'. candles, costing a fraction of the fancy kind, provide the same soft glow; kitchen radio tuned into a good music station can prove amazingly soothing, com·ing from afar; it fervent gracebefore-meals can set the tone for conversation that may not be scintillating, but wannly re:warding with good family camaraderie.



The Sucordium Club of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will hold its. annual spiritual meeting at 3 this Sunday afternoon in the convent auditorium Ol!ll Prospect Street. Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C., head of the academy's higb school English department, will speak on the life and work of Holy Union Sisters and students in the United States, England and the European continent. She will show colored slides taken in the course of her travel and work in England and on tho continent. Holder of a master's degree · from Boston College, Sister Mary : Hortense attended Oxford Uni. versity during the Summer of 1959. She is an enthusiastic photographer: Mrs... Charles F.' Leonard, · chairman, will be assisted at the · social hour to follow the meeting · by board members. Benediction in the academy chapel will close the program.

At our house, too, Mrs. B., durQueen's Daughters Set OFF TO BOSTON: These Bluebirds of St. Mary's Ing Lent "the family is hungrier Silver Tea Sunday' Cathedral parish, Fall River, improved vacation time with a than ever!" Everybody looks Queen's Daughters of FaD Jorward to that one "full meal, sights'eeing trip 1:9 Boston. Rear, Kathleen Foley;, front, River will hold a silver tea, twice with' meat" at the end or in the left to right, Sharon Boissonnault, Janice Griffin, Barbara postp.oned due to inclement middle of the day. Lynch.. Also on the Bluebird and Campfire Girl agenda is weather, from 3 to 5 this Sunday Here are a few ideas which an art contest betwen St. Mary's and Sacred Heart's uJ:}its, at Bishop Stang Day Nursery. lIlay be of help; low-cost menus .217 Third Street. yr may not have .tried for a to be judged Easter week. Mrs. William T. Donnelly and while: Mrs. Charles F. Brady are in • On Sunday, you might serve a charge of arrangements, and anNew England boiled dinner. The nounce that further plans for -Ilal"''' is not the expensive cut the, year will be announced. ~u see ...: '·'1red in the newsBROOKLINE (NC) :..... The concept of the Church in Biblical pa"er. Tasting the same is a D of I Communion Society of Catholic College thought. pork shoulder, or "picnic." Robert. V. McGowan, K.S.G., Teachers of Sacred .Doctrine has D 1 te ill 1 h t Gently simmer this until almost announced its national conven-. e eg~ s. w a so ear we will address members of Benedone, then add potatoes, cabti" '11 be h Id i' Boston on experts 10 the areas of Orthodox dict Circle 61, D of I, on Sunday bage, onions and carrots - all Aon'I~1 d 4 e n and Protestant theology: Rev.' morning at a Communion BreakJow-cost but nourishing. ~~ h :a: C d' al Cushing John Meyendorff of St. Vladi-::: fast to be held at Howard JohnMembers of the Fall River Flavor of the meat penneatea District Council of Catholic IC .ar ar 10 , mir's Orthodox Seminary, New son's immediately following the these vegetables so they require Women will be hostesses to Archbishop of Boston ~nd pa~on York and Rev Walter Leibrecht of the convention, Will address. . . ' 7 o'clock Mass at St. Mary's DO further seasonings except salt board members of the Diocesan delegates on the first day of the director of the Ecumemcal Instl- Church, No. Attleboro. Breakand pepper. Take the meat out Council at 3 this Sunday after- two-day sessions. tute, Evanston, Ill. fast will be served promptly Ilt while vegetables are having nOOn at St. Louis Church l:Iall, 8:30. The subject of his talk will Father Gustave Weigel, S.J.,. . The sacred doctrine society their last 15 minutes of cooking. Bradford Avenue, Fall River. . be "The Catholic and his Parish." professor of theology at Woodcomprises more than.700 profesRemove heavy skin, put meat in Mrs. John J. Mullaney, DiocMr. McGowan is Deputy Disa "h~11'lW pan in a ,hot oven for ~esan president, will preside and stock (Md.) College, will speak . sors of theology and Sacred at t.he opening session on the Scripture who represent over trict Governor of Serra Interbrowning. plans for the annual May con- state ofCatholiri ·ecclesiology. 275 colleges in the U. S. Father nation'al, former Diocesan l.a1' Serve lit on a hot -'"<~er. sur- vention of the organization will Fa,ner Barnabas Mary Ahern, Bernard Cooke, S.J., chairman of Chairman and member of the rounded by vegetables and you be discussed; C.P.,·of the Passionist Seminary Marquette University's theology Steering Committee of the Cathhave " dinner to set Sunday The hospitality committee . in Louisville, will discuss the department, is society' president. olic Charities Appeal. ar'-< :tq 'a' culinary specialty. will include Diocesan· board -Brown Betty" dessert· (apples, . members, from the Fall River stale bread, dabs of margarine district. They are Miss Margaret and cinnamon) served with milk· M. Lahey,' Mrs. Frederic Tuttle or lemon sauce tops this CYff. and Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr. ..... ''1't throwawaY the liquid They will be assisted by other your "ham" was cooked in, Mrs. district council representatives. B. - "~r the pan, cool, remove eongealed gre"~o "'..... may be ·Taunton Women-to Hear tiSI" bit by bit for later vege-

Sacred Doctrine Teachers to Hold National.·Convenfion in. Boston

DCCW to Meet In Fall River

tal"'" C"" ... - •••• _~.

Missionary Sister'

Taunton Queen's Daughters Depending on the appetites at your house, that "picnic" may will attend corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass this Sunday provide another meal of baked morning at St. Mary's Church, potatoes with creamed ham. followed at 10 by breakfast in When all the meat is gone, CYO Hall. . eomes the making of another Sister Claire Imelda,' S.U.S.G. dinner. Put the ham bone back 'will discuss and display slides into the broth, add water to on African missions, of her com-' make one gallon. Get a package munity. Reservations must be." of lentils, wash well (often they made by today and members ere quite muddy). Add them to may bring guests. Mrs. James the broth with a clove of garlic . Blount is chainnari. finely cut, dked onion, celery, and carrot. Social Graces Simmer for several' hours unA course-in Social Graces will til lentils are soft. Mash the be offered by thE;! Institute· of aolid matter through a collmder AdiIlt Education' at' Stonehiil and return to broth (or just mash College. llegistration is Tuesday with a potato masher). You will night, March 7; from' T:30to 9:30. probably find there are still bits Instructor will be Miss Daly of bam. Enstrom. The lentils themselves provide

Newman Speaker' Rev.Name John Church, F. Moore,Fall curate at Holy River, will speak on "The' American Republic in Education" at' a



mJeeetingfOfTBrahdfOlrdgD~:e C O l ; "

ge 0 ec no.o y wma . Club to be held at 7:30 Tuesday Bight, March 7 in the college lecture hall. A graduate of Holy ramily High School, New Bed-· 6mI, Father Moore holds a IIUlster's degree in the history of education. Guests are invited to attend the lecture.

Infant of Prague ;'!.

Infant of Prague Guild, auxlIiary to St. Mary's Home, New Bedfor~ w~ bolc:l .its 'Center'" !1nn~a!, •. ""·d ....arty·.' at.. Kenned';'

. , ICE CREAM '" f' '" LEO B. BERUBE. M g r . " ~'" . 951 Slade 8&•. leI. Of 5-1886


• ••

.: TJi~G'O,Po'~!,,~.SAtasLIft.R O~T·f A E ._. ~ • a fly DUX 0 crackly . carrots" crunchy celery, sweet . r ad peppers, . omons, fresh green peppers ~led through Hood Cottage Cheese. Spoon it on a plate and enjoy it. A meal iDitaelt.

Ii re realWI. en


of juicy chunks ~{ tart-sweet pineappIe and creamy H 00d C0 ttage Cheese. Spoon i~ on lettuce, or mound it on a plate. It's a winner for lunch or dinner.


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'Santo Chri$to :Pa.rish in Fall"Riv~r Reflects Urges, Catholics Support Open Theater OwnersDev~~ion of Members in· ',Church, Grounds . Housing Plan 10


THE ANCHORThurs., 'March 2, 1961


Ready to Back . Classificati,on .


By A.vis C. Roberts WASHINGTON (NC) During the 17 years (1887-1904) of hIs epistopate;' Bish.op Harkins formed2Q. new · Archbishop Pat ric k A. parishes, more than half of these for 'Catholics who had come foreign 1.aIlds. pp to O'Boy.1e has urged Catholics . NEW YORK (NO) ~:The . that time the only Portuguese church in what. was then the PrOVIdence-Fall RIver DlOce.~e here' to join in a broad attack ,Theatre Owners of America . was ·St. J()hn the Baptist in New Bedford. Father Antonio G. S. Neves, pastor of St. John up,pn economic and other 'factors 'organization is ready.t(j back the Baptist, formed, Santo . that prevent successful open oc.. 'classifying some 'films' as Christo parish in Fall River cupancy of housing for Negroes. "adult" and recommenQing all 'in 1891. The following year, The Archbishop of WashingtOn movie houses show only films Rev. Candido Avila Martins,' also praised local Catholics in a with Production Code ·approval. who served from June 26,1892, Brotherhood Week message "for This was reported here by to June 13; 1898, was assigned the manner in which they have Variety, weekly show' business exemplified the spirit of Chrisas its first pastor. newspaper. It said the recomtian understanding, sympathy mendations are almost certa.in The first church used by the · and fair play." to be made at the meeting of the Portuguese people in Fall Riyer ;'In my own experience ill organization's board of directors was a former Baptist chapel. The· Washington during a period emnext month in 'Washington, D. C. deed for its purchase was signed bracing 13 years, I know of ne Variety llaid the TOA.propos- May 4, 1889. 'instance where" our Catholic 'als are to be made "tosta,ve' off In 1892, parishioners decided, people as gt:0UP (and I, can II rash of. censorship elforts.' by to have Santo Christo as patron speak only for them) have im'''state Ie.gislatures ...." ,. ~and. protector of the new parish, ..peded free. and open occupancy which is now known in New of housing. Symbol England and the Azores as "ParThe organization, said Variety·, oquia do Senhor Santo'Christo." The prela't~ noted that before. will probably recommend :a'symThe' incorporation' of the the 1954 Supreme CO\lrt decision, bol to indicate to the public. that church on Columbia Street was Catholic schools he're\ were inte"the movie has' been screened, ap- approved by the ComplOnwealth grated, ~hat no Catholic church proved or classified by ."6ffic~rs Feb. 4, 1896 'and the .first meethas closed its doors because of a of the Motion PiCture Code, Hol-. ing of the' corporation was on change, in neighborhood populywood's self-regulatory stand- March 7, 1896. lation and that - hospitals. and ard. . charitable homes have welcomed In November, 1960, the U. S. Second Pastor all persons. . Bishops' Committee 'on Motion The second pastor was" Rev. The Archbishop said that only Pictures, Radio and Television Francisco S. Mesquita, who "a strong' love of neighbor" leads ealled. upon thE1 movie industry · started' his duties .June 13, 1898 · to 'action which can make realt4:i .devise a system of classjJica- and resigned July 18, 1913. The ization of the' ideal of open occu.tion of films "to safeguard young third pastor, Rev. Manuel A. pancy effective• , . .and impressionable minds:" ... , Silvia, served from Nov. 21, 1913 SANTO CHRISTO CHURCH, FALL RIVER . The Bishops also' called for a to his death, Oct. 18, 1928. Rt. IEviis of Overcrowding reform of the administration of Rev. Francisco C. Bettencourt mortgage was paid off in 1954 ers and started a drive to. CtlIn" ... The problem of ~pen ocHollywood's code. They said. the was pastor from Nov. 1, 1928 until and was follow'ed by a memor- plete the church. Features of the cupancy of housing demands Jl,umber and quality of objection- last year when Rev. Arthur C. able two-day celebration in the building are three Carrara marble much more than an attitude of able films amounted to a dos Reis became the fifth pastor parish. . altars .and a baptismal font im- good will and absence of racial "national crisis." \ on Oct. 3, 1960., During' his administration . ported. from Italy; An oil paint- prejudice. The corporation of the church s gr. Bettencourt 'acquired ing by Pierre Mignard (1612 to "It calls for a broad attacJt Parish CrecJlit Unions met Jan. 18, 1924 and contracted M property at Ferry and Canal 1695) was donated by Mrs. Mar- on the entire housing problem a $120,000 debt to build the walls Streets and had the corner lan- garet McIlwaine. Steadily mncreasing and also upon the factors that After completion of the church, produce and maintain our slums," .. MADISON (NC) .:.... Catholic of the present church. An addi- scaped with trees and lawn in tional debt of $30,000 was in- 1941. On March 9, 1942, he it was blessed in 1948 by Bishop he said. parishes in the' United. States curred on Oct. 27, 1924, to furformed 63 new credit unions ther the new construction. Work bought another piece of land in- Cassidy. The preacher at the The prelate noted that often cluding two houses on the west ceremonies was Most Rev. Man·during 1960, raising the United on the. project was halted 1927 side of the church. The grounds uel T. Salgueiro; Archbishop of economic factors are behind reStates total to 855. sistance to open housing. Many with the parish bearing a debt The Credit Union National of $150,000 and an unfinished were transformed into a lovely Mitilene and Vicar General of Negroes, he said, are unable to ~hrine of Our Lady of Fatima Lisbon. Association reports "thousands of church. buy or rent housing on the same . with the help of Dr. T. C. Sousa, In 1954 ceremonies celebrating terms as whites. Catholics are now saving their When Msgr.-Bettencourt took-; Francisco B. Oliveira and other money together and making low- over in 1928, Fall River's eCOnth.e burning of the mortagege "They are forced to overcrowd. parishioners. . Bishop Connolly presided over with two or three families occucost loans to each other through omy was faltering and the deFatima Center the Solemn Te Deum. Speaker , their parish credit uni~ns. Many pr~ssion heavily. affected.. the One of the houses was called .of ·the ,evening· was· "Rev.· Jose pying: .'the same space. as WQ8 others are doing it through other people of Santo Christo. H ,w;afJ '!Fatima MerriorialCenter"'" iil Gomes, rural deaQ of the, city. of formerly 'occupied by ,one f~m\l:~ Catholic organizations, such as not until 1948 that the present honor of parishioners, living and the Knights of Columbus." .": ,. · church was completed but grad- dead, who' served ':jn'WorldWar Ponta Delgada, and chaplain of Credit Union development in ually the' debt 'was les·selied. the church· where a.' famous ILThe' shrin'e' itself issurrbuhd:" 0.,;.' ~i. ~e p/aced III front bethe rest of the world' is also on :. Some . $100,000' donated ,. 'by statue of Santo Christo (Ecce the upsurge, "due mainly to the parishioners and, other, benefac- 'ed by 12 trees planted in'memory Homo) . has been venerated for it.. i, more 'Important to look. untiring efforts of Catholic tors was used for ,completion of of' .the 12 ',young men of: Santo centuries. "'ahead than 1001< back. Christo who were killed"iil priests and nuns working ,with the church,'.acquiring new' prop. 'There' are '5,025: parishioners CDNA'S world· extension de- erty and beautifying; .the· sur.;. WOrld War, II. ": REYNOLDS,DEWA'LT, 'afS~nto Cl)ristO qhu~c.h. its, ;l~: . ·The second. house is. used -for. partment." rounding grounds. The '30-year meetings. and entertainments.·· tive ,societi~sare,t!)e Council. of . William & Second Sts•. :. In ,A~g\lst1940 Msgr. BettenWomen,. the Holy Eos: Enthronemer.-t .' . St'ress Internation~1. . C()urt. appealed to' the parishion- G:atholi~ . New Bedford WY 6·8234' ary 'Sodality, Chil!iren of Mary ···.:PHILADELPHIA (NC)~'The .and :H0.lyName Society. : . Duties ·of,C.at'holicS,. : M'ost ReV.: John J. Krolwilr ,be ~8i'Q:zi'I's~"Maids ~thron'ed as Archbishop of Pl).i~­ .. HARTFORD (NC);-"Two Coi;l~ Keep Family Secrets necticut' bishops' have urged adelphia on. .~ar~_h 2.2: WHEN SICKNESS STRIKES RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) · Catholics to be more conscious IT'S IMPORTANT TO SEE of their duties to the i l1 terna- Brazil's Young Christian Workers have reminded women worktional community. . ~UR. OOCTOR. AND WH£N "The' voices of the brown men, ing as family maids that they . tiE'S GIVEN '(00 A yellow men, white' men and. have a duty to guard family PRESCI\I PTION , ITS black men are the voices of our secrets. I,.. PORTANT TO GET . This reminder, contained in a brothers and sisters in the famCITIES SERVICE ,IT FI LLEO AT ily of which God is theFa~her,'! statement issued by YCW!s first DISTRIBUTORS Archbishop Henry J. O'Brien of 'national convention, emphasized the ·needs·and duties' of domestic Hartford said. Bishop Vincent J. Hines Of workers. Gasoline ,The YOW urged. families em" Norwich, Conn., declared that Catholics should have universal ploying'maids to give them love Fuel and Range interests. "Parochialism is out of and respect, de.cent working date," he said. 'iWe. should be conditions including hours of concerned about 'the, world- rest and Clean quarters, a just worries of the Church and about wage and paid vacations. I OIL BURNERS humanity." MEN 11- 25 G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS








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Interior Life TV Theme For March


THE ANCHOR11 Dominican Academy School President Stresses Thurs.. March 2. 1961 Importance of Homework in Student Life Peru Destination

Of 12 Diocesa i1 ' NEW YORK (NC) .......Four By Patricia MCGOWl:\R' half-hour programs entitled uyou ean~t spend half an hour on your hOqlework and expect to get good' grades. If Mission Priests HThe Interior Life", will be . That's the warning of pretty, peppy Nancy Holewka, school president of Dominican BOSTON ( NO) --. Twelve ,_ seen on the Sundays, of Academy, Fall River. She spends two and a half to three' and a half hours on homework , more diocesan' priests will March on ·the television, pro- 'every night and says everyone she knows who ,getl;! honor roll grades does the same. She's leave the United States soon gram, "Look Up and Live." a lass with experience, being This was announced by the for Peru to serve as missionRadio and TV Office here of the accustomed to inhabiting the aries of the Society of St. National Council of Catholic highest honors list at DA. James the Apostle. Men which produces the series But her activtities are by no They will join 40 other diocin cooperation with the Colum-

bia Broadcasting System. The program, designed to assist viewers in taking the spiritual inventory associated with Lent, will be broadcast from 10:30 to 11 a. m" EST, but seen in some areas at a different time. A check of local listitlgs is advised by the N,CCM.' ' . Spiritual Growth The theme of the seri~s,·.s~id the prod'ucers in a statem~nt, ~s that man's spiri,tual growth, b~­ gins in an acknowled~ement of bis limitations; thrives on honest self-knowledge and finds Us expression in prayer. The title of the individual programs are: "The Beginning," "The Opening Mind," Living in the Present," and "The Path to Prayer." The scripts were prepared by John Alcorn, author, TV personality and onetime member of the Harvard University faculty.

Cat~@~OC ~~hn'U1lb@~

B©l@k§ R8Se$

WASHINGTON (NC)-A record 1,003 Catholic trade books were published in 1960, according to a revised report issued here. Eugene P. Willging, director of libraries of the Catholic University of America, issued the report. It supersedes a preliminary report issued on December 31, 1960, which stated that 941 Catholic ·trade books were published. A total of 205 publishers were represented in the books published in 1960. The Newman Press of Westminster, Md",agai" led the Jist of publishers.' .' The next five in the number of I ' tities publis~ed w:~re: .. Bruce ,Publishing Company, 57; Doubleday, 51; Dujarie Press; 45; She'ed , and Ward, 38; and Hawthorn,,·34. The paperback books issued 'increased from 181 in 1959 to 245 in 1960. , ;' ,t,:

Father Finn

BRONXVILLE (NC) - Father William J. Finn, C,S.P., retired priest-musician who founded the famous Paulist choristers, was reported in serious condition at Lawrcnce Hospital here from third degree body burns received in hIs apartment.

esan priest-members of the society now serving there. The Society of St. James the Apostle was founded in 1958 by Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. It recruits diocesan priests to help relieve the clergy shortage in Latin America. ' , Cardina1.' Cushing presided at departure ceremonies in Holy Cross cathedral.· The new missionaries received their mission mandates and crosses fuoo,m tho Cardinal. The 12 men .will work among Indians of the Andes Mountains of Peru. Eight of them are from the Archdiocese of Boston. The other four are from the Newark, N,J., and, Omaha, Neb., archdioceses and the Lafayette, Ind., and Helena, Mont., dioceses. Cardinal Cushing, in a l~tt~ . to pastors in the Boston archdiocese, declared that "Almighty God will certainly' bless us' an for sending help to Latin America where there are more than one-third of all the Catholics on this earth and where communists and other false prophetD have made tremendous progress." . Assisting 'the Cardinal at tho departure ceremony was Msgr. Edward F. Sweeney, superior O!f similar the Society of St. James. '

means ronfined to homework. As school president, she directs a weekly student council meeting, is chock-full of bright new projects to keep DA girls hopping, and finds time to be a cheerleader, hold G weekend job, do copywriting for the school yearbook, and be an enthusiastic memb'er of the Bishop Walsh Study Club. Some of this needs explaining. Among Nancy-projects is planning a code of ethics which will be given' to incoming freshmen next September, and the organizing of a' monthly hunt for a "Student of the Month" in each of the high school's four classes. Not Noticed

"The student of the month isn't a girl who's in everything and gets lots of recogn~tion," explains Nancy, blue eyes earnest. "It's a girl who does little things and isn't no~iced-like cleaning up a room, or folding chairs. We give' her a certificate and let her know she's appreciated." Nancy's a member of St. Anne's parish and the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holewka. She hopes to attend Bridgewater Teachers' Colleg~ after graduation and has more or less decided she'd like to teach elementary school-about third or fourth grade. . She's' "come up through the ranks" on school offices, ~he says, having been class treasurer as a freshman, sophomore president, and junior vice president. Favorite subjects are French and history and she also enjoys writing compositions, "although not too often," she adds hastily. She's a veteran of four years Latin and is inclined to leave it

Bolivia Downgrades Catholic Teachers

LA PAZ (NC) - Communist leaders of Bolivia's Federation of Teachers have persuaded the governmeni to give graduates of the Catholic normal school of Cochabamba the' lowest jobs priority as public school teachers. The Education Ministry.yielded to the federation's demand after rejecting an earJier proposal that graduates of the Catholic normal school be barred from teaching in public schools. The Catholic normal school l;1as been recognized by the state and. many of its graduates teach in public schools. . Under the new 'ruling, Catholie normal school graduates will be given teaching jobs in public schools only if there are no more applicants among the graduates of state normal schools. This is expected to cut drastically the number of applicants to the Catholic normal school which is supported largely by tuition paid by its students.

NANCY HOLEWKA lilt that. "Don't know how I toughed it out," she says ruefully. Oh yell, the Bishop Walsh Study Club. That's a project dear to Nancy's heart. Founded by the late Sister Ignatius, former pr.jncipal of DA, it's a group . comprising nearly the whole student body, with the special purpose of studying communism. Guest, speakers frequently ,a'ddress the girls and four of their members 'have ,for several years earriedon a weekly radio prOigram explaining various face,ts of .communism. to ,Fall 'River listeners. Armand Penha,' well-known FBI counterllpy, has 'frequently visited DA and "speaks 'everywhere he lectures 'about our project" says Nancy. The·schooo has received letters of inquiry from all parts of the United ,


Holy Cross Dorm WASHINGTON (NC) - The Federal Housing and Home Finance Agency has announced loans to Seattle (Wash.) University and College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass. Seattle will be lent $2,690,000 to build housing and dining facilities for 476 ,students, the government agency said. Holy Cross will be lent $2,203,000 to build ' housing for 360 students. Both are Jesuit institutions.

States Blbout Broups.


Stonehill Debater.

Going Fa.r DA's president hasn't traveled far, she admits, yearly trips to New York being the extent of her wanderings to date, but she says she has a yen to travel. One way or another, It's safe to predict that this gay young lass win ' -go far•.

, Emmanuel Grant ,BOSTON (NC)-A' $1,100,000 loan has been made to Emmanuel College here to build a dormitory for 202 women students, the Community Facilities Administration announced. The college which has an enrollment of 920 students, is conducted by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The' college reported that 150 students 'who applied for residence last September had to be refused because Gf lack of suitable housing.

Claire P. Reilly, 32 Lenox Street, Fall River, a jUlliorat Stonehill College, is a member Oif the campus debating team which won six of eight debates at a Harvard, University tournament. Six colleges were defeated by the Stonehill team.


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DEBROSSE OIL ·Co. Heatinq Oils and Burners

Tuition Increase DETROIT (NC) - Tuition lilt the University of Detroit will go up about $48 a semester starting in September. Father Laurence V. Britt, S.J., the university's president, said the rate per semester hour has been increased from $17 to $20. MQ.st full-time students carry 16 c~edit hours per semester.




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FOUR WAYS TO SERVE CHRIST ~ AWARD WINNER: Joseph 'D. Keenan, secretary of the

International Brotherhood of Electrical Work~, has been named to receive the 13th annual Rerum Novarum Award of St. Peter's College, Jersey City, N. J.. NO Photo.


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Falls Be~o,v AMi~~,~rD~ ,:~'3iesfr'

By Most Rev'. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D. Few of us eve,r really_ trust &he Lord as a child t~usts his fllther when he throws him Into &he air. When we have money In tbe bank, we believe In His PrUdence: when our business prospers. we believe in His Goodness: when we find someone to shan oUr love in marriage. we believe in His Loving Klndne~.

By Rt. Rev. M"gr,".Jo·~n S. Ke~l1erlv

Graham Greene's reputation will hardlY be enhanced' -

by his new novel •A Burnt-Out Case' (Viki~g. $3.95). His

exceptional technical proficiency is again exhibited, but the theme is familiar and seem.s 'more a skillful, repetition But for the most part, we are inclined to doubt Him when His than a stirring Will runs counter to our own. Take the case of Peter at the beginning . .. He - h.as a'WI'fe and children but has · variation of Christ's Public Life, Peter, after fishing aU goes out 0 f •h IS way, toward been out of touch with them for Ilight, returned to shore with empty nets. Our the conclUSIOn of the book, a long time. He has prided' himLord told him to cast his nets into the water. to give the back of his hand, -. self on his affairs and exploits (Note the wordj'nets,") Peter was a fisher~strongly, if indirectly, to those with women, man; he ,knew the waters. He had "toiled all of us who in thepas't have taken Now he compares himself with the·, night and taken nothing." Why bother pains and borne' . the burnt-out cases among the fishing in the daytime, when fish do not bite 'obloquy to :de-" lepers, "They are the lepers who at night? But still there was enough faith in fend his work lose, everything that can be eatPeter and, he said: "Master at Thy word I 8b conso n a'n.t en away before they are cured." will let down the. net." Notice that Our r.c:rd with Catholic. Such a case is the Ne!!ro Said to let down the "ne,ts." But Peter was so theology . and: named Deo Gratias, who is -;'sconvinced that there 'were no fish to be ,philosophy ':,"':01 si~ed to ,Querrv as a servant, caught that he just let down one net. ' life, ' '.. Deo Gratias is .- ":'out fingers orThe story' is' , toes; leprosy has destroyed the~; KOREA HONOR: Pres-i. Observe too that Peter ealled Our set in the Con~ but now the disease 'haS been . Blessed Lord;' ''Master,'' &hat is, the dent Posun Yun of Korea go, specifi~aliy stopped. Teacher, One who stands ov~r him. When Peter and the in an abysmal" QuerrY is a burnt-out case has presented Korea's highother Apostles threw &he net into the water, tbe Gospels ly, remote:- and in the sense that he has come est non-military award, the "they too!t a grea~, quantity of fish, so that the net was near primitive lepe~ tei real~ th~ emptiness of his Republic of Korea Medal, to br~aking." In f!,ct, there were so many fish that they filled two C910ny. A giquP of. prielits 'IS 10 professional work and <he' gro':' boats. Seeing this, "Simon Peter fell down and caught ,Jesus b,. Msgr. ,George M~ Qarroll, eharge. The'mediC'al service is)n tesque futil~tjT of ·the heartless ,the knees: Leave me to myself, Lord, M said: I am a sinner." the hands of a Dr. Colin 'who affairs ·which for him had gone M.M., for his 15 years of , Our Lord was no longer Master: 'lIIe was Lord, Savioi', Redeemer. work. as director, for Korea declares that he ,has long since by the name 'of love.. tbe God of the Universe. ' lost all religious faith. Fairiy .He explains to the doctor "I of Cathoiic Relief, Servicesnear the colony lives a' Belgian wanted to be in an empty pl~ce, · NCWC, the worldwide relief Peter was sure he was right about 1lhe' futility of' fishing when plan.ter, Rycker, .once a,' ~~m- where no new building or wohe called Our Lord "Mas,ter"; but, he was sure of his sinfulness, agency --of U.S. Catholic marIan, now marrIed to a chlld- man would remind me that when he called Him Lord. The 'consciousness· of standing before like woman much junior to him; there was a time when I was bishops. NC Photo. Supreme Holiness gives us a senSe of our failure. How often the Rycker is a· poisonous specimen alive with a vocation and a L~rd asks us ~o throw our nets into the Missions to fish for souls, who fancies, himself a Catholic cllpacity to love - If it was ~elief' but we call Him j~ a Master and behave like ut:\wUling se,"vants' Intellectual. love. ' When we do give; even a little, we are amazed at what we get Continued from Page()ne A.rouses, Curiousity. Although ·he affects to be un- been mindful of the admonition back _in blessings. Bread thrown into the watera comes back as To thIS wretched place. With interested in a cure, there stirs of Our Divine Lord's AposUe sponge cake. Its s.warm of hi,deously ~eJormed in him a longing to be made that "faith without .works is victIms of',leprosy 8:nd Its smal- whole again, and he dimly per- dead" (St, James 11,20), and 10 Some of you readers have never .eve~ thrown a hook bito the leI' company of whItes who are ceives that a ill Missions to caleh a soul, some have thrown a net, others nets. they have devoted themseJ.ves · t b st th'" cure w come me d lOcre a e: ~re. comes only through sufferin . with joyful hearts to the' exercise '. What you sabrlfice depends to a ~ extent upon what YOD think • stranger.. He is 10 hIS late 50s, -g of 'yourself. If you think well of yoUrself then He is just • of brotherly love" . • Beligan,' obviously a person . Mystery. Man By t~eir un~ailing generoldty. ' Master; if you know yourself to be a sinner, then He is the Lord. of some distinction. IneVItably, he IS not left ,to Trust Him. He will not be ontdone in Irenerosit,.. Your sacrifices At first he does not mention work out his problem in pt:!ace. ,.our own charitable u'O~"--."~: will be sent to the Holy Fatber, and from him to conntless souls · tion; the Catholic Relief Services bls' name, nor does he explain Rycker, an unscrupulo~ busythroughout the world. Send theSe saerUlcea through hill Societ,. bis presence or allude' to hill 'body, insillts on labelling Querry of the National Catholic' Welfare for' the' Propagatl,on of the Faith: : Conference, hasl:?een -enabled ,to past. He arouses, I. of course, in- a sort of Catholic Schweitzer tense curiousity. and' summons a famous press : bring welcome assistance to vast • GOD LOVE YOU to W.L.O. for $5 "From' a convert who caD It develops that he means to correspondent, to spread, his · areas of the world where there ,never give enough." ... to Mrs. F for $5 ''This is in thanksgiving , were· poverty imd want. to be leave the great world behind "story" through the world: , for Ii favor graated." • • . to A.J ,5. for $10 '·'Instead of spending alleviated; and from their liberonce for all. He has sought out ' ,The correspondent, Parkinson, this for. shoes, I am sending it to you for the', poor 'of the world." a spot which would, in'distance . isuttedy unconcerned about the ality, too, the' Common Father" . '.' to Mrs, D,Y. for $2 "Please accept my small offering for the and every other respect, be far- .fac~ and intent only' on sen- has received the means whereby :Missions. May a mighty 'oak' groW from this little 'acorn.''' ... to thest from his previous environ:' ,satlOns,. Despite Querry's pro- · He gav.e solace and comfort to . CJ\~. for $15 "I~ my (lId, age I remember ho~ I could have been of · 111illions .of hIs children victima ment. He undertakes to perforni testations, Parkinson ,bl:!git:\s, ~ ' some, help to a person now many years departed. I am making this lIInall and simple services in the ,sen~ to London a series of fan- , of priva'Uons and hardshiPs. OIffering in her name." " ' Need Still Exists eolony but not he insists out tastIc articles about the mystery As " you renew your Laetare of an~ religiou~ or hum~itar- man, proclaiming him a saint. , . For inform8:tion aboUt annuities in the Society for the Propaian motive. That the beginnings of a cure . Sunday appeal to your beloved , gatlOn of the FaIth, request one of our pamphlets. We will be happ,. Faith Is Dead are taking. place. in. Querry is flocks, inform them of the conto send it to you. Bit by bit,' his identity" and suggested 9Y what he does for solation which, We derive from the manifold evidence of the.ir history emerge. His name is two people, When Deo Gratias Cut out this column, pin yoUr sacrifice to at and mail It to tho lively faith and of their unflinchQuerry; he is an internationally goes.9ff on a st:ange errand in Most Rev. Fulton J.( Sheen, National Director of the Society for renowned architect, the design- the Jungle, Querry follows him, ing devotion to the Holy See; the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York I, N, Y.. assure them, too, that the invalet" of some famous churches. to make sure that he is. safe. .or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, uable assistance which they have Twenty years earHer he had Later heJries to help Rycker's 368 North Main Stre~t, Fall River, Masa. given up going to Mass and, as unhappy wife. In doing so, he 1$ given Us in Our apostolate of he puts it, retired from being absurdely indiscreet., What he merciful beneficence lias filled Our heart with .gratitude 'and DAUGHTERS Of ST. PAUL • Catholic. His faith is dead. He does is entirely innocent, but with admiration for the p,.~...,­ its appearance is otherwise. Ryinvito 'OUAII gjrll (14-23) to labor .. plary charity of a people that is cker kills him; , Christ'o valt vineyard aa _ Apos!tll of the willi,ng to make perSQnal S"';1·'Bitter Irony Editions: Pro... Radio, Moviell and , • • The best feature of this book fices in order to help others. ...mOIl. wltfi "'_ modem lIl.aRl. llIeM It is not necessary for Us, Ven~i ..lonary Sitton bring Chrht"1 DoctrlM is the bitter and ,relentless irony 10' all, regardl... of race. color _ creeca. that supposedly good' and intel- , erable Brothers, to bring to your !'or blformatioa'..nt. 10. . ligent people refuse to let Quer- attention 'the need for charity REV. MOTHO SUP'.IOIt •ry alone, ,to wor)!: through the ·.which still exists. And so when SO ST. PAUl'. Aft BOltON 10. MAn. impasse at which be has ar- you have recourse once again, in Our name, to the generosity and riv~d, in his own way and time, · whIch may ,also be. God's way understanding of your clergy and faithful, you will tell ,them and time in this instance~ . They ruthlessly invade his prl-, of the trust which We place in vacy, profess to know the state, theJl?,.and ofOu,r ardent hope of his soul better than he does that their' response .will be himself, and seek to use him- magnanimous and liberal as iD even by falsification for ' the the pasl' Yo\!- may assure them that in good of religion. ' Our Masses and pray~rs We will Whip-like Style And these same people fan to fervently invoke upon them the see the turning toward life, 'per- copious reward that they merit haps even the 'supernatural, for their appreciation of the when at last it comes; indeed, bounteous resources which" Dithey misread this as the very vine ProvidenCe has placed at reverse of what it is and strike their disposal; and as a pledge of UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. that recomp~nse.from ,On high, him down for it, ~ ~ We impart from Our. heart to For the adult reader,' not, up~ set by Mr. Gi'eene's bent for you and to the priests, religious · 'outspok~n ,a#d evenshockhlg" and .laity u~der . your ,care, Our allusion to sex, this is an in": speCIal apostolic benediction. teresting work and', the spare; ., whip-like style which are'Greene ~:10 p.m. an~ 7:30 p.m. trademarks, Continued from Page ODe But the book falls below the might jeopardize President Kenbest which this writer has pro- nedy'li aid ,to education. program. BROTHERHOOD AWARD: duced, and' there is a disturbing The administration education John J. O'COnnor, professor' abundance of reminiscent plot- · aid plan bars Federal funds to EVERY ,SUNDAY' 3:00 p..... ting and other deviceS. private grade and high schoat. fi history and philosophy at EVERY TUESD~ Y 2:00 and 7:30 p.-. but allows private colleges and Georgetown University, was · universities to share in grants, .MARCH 5 to MAY 2 one of three., to:, receive NEW 'DELIU (NC)-The 14th scholarships and 'loans.' It calla Free Novena Books will be aent~pon Brotherhood Awards" from , World Healtl~ Assembly here has for $2.3 bn~oD to be sPent over '''voted''31 'to'lS against apropo8aI the next three' year'. 'for' CoDthe Nationae Coriference' ,~l.f~. Jp.r planned parenthood ,;.JO'e ;Midd"·:S~~.~FUU Ri:ii-w{·'Masa. Christians and J:e-'iW:,s:\ fii "as" ',I.' 'preventive measure iD VISIT THE BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED SHRfNI Washing:ton,l?C. NC P~~to. maternal aDd ebild health. leve~bu~ in public schools onq.




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ANCHOR:':"Dioces~'of'FcinRiver'-'-Tliors., Mdr.'2, :t961 \. •



• • •

• •





President. H a i.1 s, Cardinal Ritter's Civit Leadership


Lg,uds Unprecedented Pact 8e~ween K~.i$<er and'.UlfDQo~

ST. LOUIS (NC)-A telegram from President KennOOr lauding the achieve· ments of Joseph Cardinal

By Msgr. GeorgeG. Higgins

Director, NCWC Social Action Department

.On January 18-two days before his· term· of office expired-former Secretary of Labor James P. Mitchell released a 317-page government report entitled "CoUeCtive Bargaining in the Steel Industry." This exhaustive study of labor relations in basic steel Thepresumption..'is that at this was prepared at .the direc- stage of the game Professor tion of' .Secretary Mitchell, Livernash arid his associates . d t t ff of probably know a little more by .:3on in d epen en s a about collective bargaining in

Ritter was the highlight· of a civic rec'eption here in the Cardinal's honor. Some 1,400 persons attended the testimonial banquet in honor of the Archbishop of St. Louis, who was elevated to the cardinalate in ROII)e. "Never before have we had 'such a wide crosssection of the entire commuriity economists headed by Professor the steel industry than do the represented," said Gov. John M. Robert Livernash of the Harvard editors of Human Events and the Dalton of Missouri. Graduate School of Business. 1 recommend it very highly ("Col- Washington Daily News - and. President Kennedy's telegram ne~ess to add. the writer of stated: "I am delighted to add a lective Bargainthis column. message to the testimonial for lng in the Steel It is only fair to note that Cardinal Ritter. This occasion Industry," Superl.ntendent :of while Professor 'Livernash and recognizes his' outstanding comhiS associates tend to play down munity leadership and personal Documents, U.S. G 0 v ern _ the impact' of recent steel disinfluence. ... ,. 'Printing .' "p'utes on the' national economy, 'New Standards ment OffiCe; .Washthey do not.say, noreve!l·imply, ','Cardinal ,Ritter's' life and' ' that' everything is hunky, dorr work stand as one of the finest ington .25 , D . C ., . . . . . in'basic steel. . .achiev,e~ents in guiding ~ w'hole,' $1.25,),. . "'. . ,. . , , community to new standards of Dr. Livernash They explicitly. state that labor· excellence and human concern." and his associand' manageme'nt in basic',' Steel William A. McDonnell, banates report th-at will be asking for, serious quet chairman, read the telethe effects of trouble if' theY continue to slug , gram. A message of congratularecent steel strikes on the it out as they have been doing tions was also sent .by Vice national economy have been' periodically sin'ce the end of· gro'ssly exaggerated. "It is sig-· World War IL BLESSES PARENTS: Father Raphael Nding~ the President Lyndon B. Johnson. State, civic and ~eligious nificarit," . they conclude, "that, Consequences Exaggerated first member of the Kamba tribe of Kenya, East Africa, to leaders gave speeches praising the pul::ilic interest· has no.t bee.n . '. . '. '.' , 'f'th'.:.: "While the conclusions 0 &It be ordained a priest. ,blesses his mother and father followi~g Cardinal Ritter's' community, seriously harmed by stn k es In teel or by steel collective bar- study," they 'report, "indicate ordination',ceremonies in the Kabaa .Mission on the· bankS ~ork and his, spiJ.~it of humiljty. S , that. the consequenCes of steel gaining agreements, despite com- strikes to the public need not of the Athi' River. Thousands of' CatholiCs from his trib81 · The ceremony 'lasted two and " , ': n area attended: ,NC Photo. .... ' one-half hoUrs. mon public opiniQn. to the co :- cause alarm and are typically ex. AU Faiths tr~,~inor changes in. existing. aggerated, the crisis atmosphere .A Protestant minister, the Rev. ' d . which is created can outweigh a O. Walter Wagner, executive dilegislation will. not . prov! . e . logical appraisal. ' . . . .. . . Continued from Page One the other service divisions, is as rector of the Metropoli~~ demonstrably superior results .lD ' the avoidance of ·future steel, .A succession. of long steel lIChool. among'~!Iia:ns in Huan- follows: craf~en-catechists,six ChurCh Federation, gave the in:' strikes. Moreover, the problems strikes can easily 3ead 'to a cavelica, Peru. . teams with a total ofZl unmar-· vocation. Rabbi Ferdinand M. Involved do not seemJto indicate political situation .·wh~ch de-A doctQr; a.laboratory ~b,. .. ri.edmen; St..Vincent de Paul: Isserman. president of the . Sf. the necessity for. the more drastic Manda drastic legislatiOlL The nician and a radiologist to work Society.organizers, six'teains and Louis Rabtiinicat Councii, gava· '. forms of governmental lil.terven"" consequences of such'legls18UOil in a mission hospital in, Guama. 1~ unmarried. men; CathoUe · .the final ble~ing. ' tion that are sometimes proposed. ,are .very difficult to a'ppraise, Brazil. .' ,Action organizers, one unmarried . Cardinal' Ritter,' in. ackriowt~ "In the light, of these conc1u- . but t~ey are not appealing be-Two married couples to or- man; Catholic: Charities organiz- edging the .tributes, said: "I alons it is hoped that the.public cause they sUbstitute the. ~ncer­ ganizeChristian .life movements ers, six teams and 11 unmarried speak 'both candidly and 'since're:' and its representatives will.,be tain. cOnsequences' :01. ·:,public. and teach reading and 'writing to men; medical and health work- )y •.• when I' say' tha t there 'is .. very cautious in·approving legis- . power for private reSpoDsibility." Indians.to Ayavi'ri, Peru. . en;- twO teams and seveD.un- nothing so gratifying as' being welc~med' home "and given a -Three craftsmen to establish married men. . " lative changes·'affecting the exSimilarly Secrelaly M:,itcheD. bting, collective bargaining flYS- in commenUngon the Livernash a !Da~';la" training school in' A~y' SoCial ~rkorganizers, recognition such as this by one's citizens of all ·f'aiths." tern." ' report, expressed' the hope that BarquISlll\ento, yenezuela. .ur ~ams and 1'1. persons-un- . "own.'fellow ''', MitcheH ~ ...... the industry· and .theUnitecl· --:Three ~~unuicationa ez-· married men and. women and one . Secretary Mitchell, in reteas- Steelworkers will have ~ r~ckon per~.to ~t.;1,IP, all, educational ,mart:i~"..~uple;.you~~orkoor~., Ing the report, ·generally. agreed:" "wi~'~ ~uch more, soP~ls~cate,d rad10 statton 10 Riobamba, ~; gan~s,. 14 sing~.men.. ancl. with its findings: He said,' among . publIc lD' future bargammg., , d o r . . . .'. wom'eii';\ CliriStianfami~ life 01" 'nick. Body Builders.' ' other things, that· "Steel strikes 'Secr'etar~' Mitch~ll's"·ho~.Is ":"Thre~ : sin?~~, ~omen social;· ganizers, 18 marrled·couples; or:' , .. Alnmlnum· 01' --Steft1 '.' did not 'warrant the public con';'· already' bemg partially· fulfilled. work.~rs .for. ~~l!lI.CS, Ill. tI:1e work-. ganizers of economic betterment 944 County' St. I ers'seqtiop.; ..o.f,Spn . JO$f! . de. "projects, five teams and U sirigle sternatioil. ahd 'outCry that have .~~ite P~blio"·", men.. 'NEW BEDFORD;' MASS. occurred.in the pa'st:" : ;.: ..:,-" E~~n before .:th~ Liv~~~sh.~ Mayo,.Uru~)-lar.,." ". ... .; Countries Seeking- Aid , . Additionally: academic person, .. ', ,Wl 2-6618 .... The weekly newsletter, Huma)l port was released a~d 'tii~ "SecMajoI'. '"attention so far has nel, seven teams'-18, unmarried Events, says that this was,a "co- retary's comments made public lossa1 boo-boo," on Secre~aJ:'Y.'. the Kaiser Steel Corporation and centered' ·oni, only .. ,two . Latin' men and on'e unmarriedwoman.;,·· Mitchell's part,<andJh~,Wa.*I'1g- ... the' United. Steelworkers",an- American., I, .countries ......:.... "Peru,' English-language', teachers· 'and' . ' ton Daily ;New!!.. ·ha s . c;l:lara<:~er-:-; nounced an' agreement, ·:that: ·in"- from which,46. of the 78 requests . 'religio-social ., organiz-;rs,.· '17' ized ·the· Sel::.ret~ry.'s ..end~rs~"'l vites the publi'c to' take···part· 'in for teams. came, '.·and . Bolivia, ... "te~ms, .and 43 persons--.:.-single· ment of. theL,lve.rQM~ repor,~.as;. 'contract bargaihing through·di.. , from,which',:,ll"'requests came. men ,and' womell and .married , , ·"fantastic." .... ".' . '~" .. ~ .. 'reet participation~for'the·'litst Father,.', Considine,.; ,expressed . couples; communications special- ' . I will .adm1t that·. t~e, find1n~s . 'time. ,;.'. " " " .. ' gratitude for· the cooperation of . ists, five teams and 11 unmarried . ,.;. ef the L1ver,nash ~sk, forc,e ,and ," 'Because of the- complexity "of the Apostolic 'Nuncios in those' 'men; -and· :speeial "aSsignments, Secretary MItchell s comm.e?t on ' today's bargaining;' .the' parties' two. countr,ies~4rchbishop Ro- ", one team, and, two unmarried these findings were sllrpr~smg~y 'said Kaiser and the steel union molo. Carboni in ,Peru and Msgr. men.; optimistic. But that.doesn't pe~7" . 'agr~ed that'it would be wise to Carmine"Rocco -in Bolivia. '. The six other' countries from essarily' -mean th.a~they,. are ""secure third party assistance of. Plumb:i~g;- H.~at.i~g wrong, n<~r. t~at SecretarY·lV.l,l~.ch-:, an' informed .nature" . in· their. which reque.sts have come are: ell was . gU1ltydof' a th political fut g t' t' Brazil, . three teams; Chile, six , . Over 35 Years 'SCRA:P 'METALS" . m It ure ne 0 1a IOns. " .. blunder 10 en op~mg. .~ ~. 00" They;. hope-and,. exp~ct-:-that . teams; Ecuador, five teams; Mexof Satisfied Service WASTE PAPER - RAGS simply .!TIeansthllt he, :gre . ,.public participation .,in bargain- ico, three: teams; Uruguay, one TRUCKS' AND TRAILERS .FOR 806 NO. MAIN ST~EET with the report~nd.that,.,.e, ~~J' ing will minimize strikes.. ,and team; and Venezuela, three . PAPER DRIVES . , faD River OS 5-7497 character,istiqaJlr h.~nest~ ~noug. "'may be a,longstep tow;rd pre-. . teams. CHURCHES, SCOUTS and The Papal Volunteers program to say so publ1C y", . '.. . ._ ',." venting contract strikes entirely. CIVIC. ORGANIZATIONS Issue, War~g . ' ,This unprecedented. agreement' was; launched last .August by the 1080 Shawmut Avenue . The carefully' .documented is' an encouraging 'straw· in. the Holy See to help meet the needs New Bedford WY2':78?8 findings of the Livernash report ,wind.' It 'may be· the ~ imd of the Church in' Latin America. Father Considirie stressed that mayor may not stand up in the '. possiblJ: the. only, way of .forelight of additional research, b4t stalling the kind of drastic: legis- the "basis of all· action" .in the they should not be .lightly ,dUr.- lation which the. Livernash re- program is its status as a coJOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY operative venture of Latin missed. port'warns agl,linst so s~onglJ". Owner/mgr. American and U. ,S.Catholics. " The goal is to enlist V. S. laymen 142, Campbell St. "Everyt~ing fOr the .pffice"' to help train Latin lay leaders New Bedford, MaH. to' increase the effectiveness of TYPEWRITERS, . FURNITURE WYman 9-6792 their work on behalf of the ADDING MACHINES BOGATA (NC)-The Catholic The CPA Latin Americaa Church. HEADQUARTERS FOR : ~ 19 Weir St. Taunton; Mass. Press Association Latin Ameri- Study Committee met first with The breakd:o'YB' of requests i.a o . COLONIAL AND can Siudy Committee has com- Msgr. Julian 'Mendoza GuerrerO, . Tel. VA 4-4076 TRADITIONAL .Fl,JRNrrURE pieted its discussion here on con,;,,' '. secretary general' of CELAM, tinental mass communicationS,· and Msgr. Wilfrido Barrera, suband its members are now ret1Jni:;,:· . secretary in charge' of' "press, ing to the.United States. radio and television for CELAM. Headed by Father Albert Ne. During their stay, in :Bogota, Famous ~eading HARD COAL ~ ~"-""'" "-'/~ vins, M.M.,· president of.the . the . CPA .committee discussed Catholic Press Association,' and .with Marina Bandeira of Rio' de NEW ENGLAND COKE~".;~~V CO~ New England's Playground editor of Maryknoll magazine, Janerio the .present situation DADSON OIL BURNERS ,~~ the committee came. to 'Bago~ and ·iu~ure possibilities ·of radio Plan Your Dance. Party at the invitation of CELAM,the. stations, programming and train24-HourOil Burner Service SHIELL 0 = Fashion Shows and Latin America Bishops' CounciL . ing on the Latin American con~"u (!) C.harcoal Briquets ~ ~:l'~ Discusses Possibilities . tinent. Bc;mquets '~',~,~ Other members of the comMiss Bandeira is the Latin Bag Coal - Charcoal ~",,.-',, " ...., "-" at lincoln Park's rnittee included Floyd Anderson, American secretary general'of CPA vice-president' and' man- UNDA, international Ca.th'olic ,MILLION-DOLLAR aging editor of the Advocate,' . radio organization, and the com., Newark, N,J., and Joseph Sulli- mittee discussed with her 'ways BAllROOM van, head of Sullivan Brothers, .of setting up a Latin American . CaD1l ROILANIDlGAMACHIE Lowell, Mass., which prints· 23' continental office to coordinate WYman 9-698~ 640 Pleasa~t' Street New Bedford C~tholic magazines each month. such radio projects. .

Fr.CC)lIsidine ~ee~s' LaY·Volu...teers



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EARS FOR THE DEAF - VOICE FOR THE MUTE: Sister Caritas, a Benedictine nun laboring in Korea, is guardian, teacher and guide to hundreds of refugees who lack even the ability to speak or to understand what is being said to them. Possessing a special gift for helping the deaf and mute with sign language, Sister Caritas went to Korea in 1938 from

New Anglican Leader, Urges Inter-Church Friendship LONDON (NC)-The Anglican prelate slated to succeed Archbishop Geoffrey Fisher as spiritual leader of the Church of England has urged Anglican and Catholic elergymen to follow the exampie of their spiritual leaders and have friendly chats. before the impact of Christendom Archbishop ,Arthur Michael ,on the world ceases to be hinRamsey of York, who will dered by the unloving behavior become Archbishop of Can- of Christian people." terbury after Archbishop Fisher retires in May, was discussing the effects of December's historic meeting between the ArchbishOp of Canterbury and His Holiness Pope John XXIII. He said in his diocesan newsletter that men pledged to the service of God's truth cannot talk about tl'ivials ,when they meet. No Trivialities "That means that a Roman Catholic will tell us that his Church is,the one and only true Church in the world, itself identical with the Catholic Church of' Christ, and that we, Anglicans are separated from it and must be converted to it one by one," he said. "So too would the Anglican speak in truth's name. He will say that his appeal is to truth a8 found In Scriptures and in the ancient Church, that certain Roman doctrines are not to be found in Scripture and the ancient Church, and that the Church of England is no modern invention but is the ancient Catholic Church of this country, continuous with St. Augustine, St. Paulinus and St.' Aidan." Long Time But Dr., Ramsey emphasized that the truth must be spoken in love, each upholding his convictions as strongly as ever yet with the sting of bitterness' and hatred removed. It· will take a long time for the visible unity of the Church to be restored but it need not wait for all that time

Denounces Bigotry . At Queens College .

NEW YORK (NC)-Religious and racial bias at Queens College "is real, widespread and vicious," a doctor charged in a 52-page open letter to Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Dr. Carmyn J. Lombardo believes the Governor should "order" the State Legislature to investigate the situation at the Flushing-located municipal college which has about 6,000 students. The physician, who served on New York City's Board of Higher Education fl'om 1937 to 1946, said that "Cor almost 24 years" he has "been aware of discriminatory practices in our municial colleges." He charged that the discrimination has been both religious and racial and added: "In recent year's the emphasis has been on Roman Catholics at Queens College, although I have knowledge of five cases Involving Jews and Ulree involving Negroes."

The Catholic Herald, a national newspaper, took up his statement. It suggested as a start that the various denominations throughout the country cooperate in all kinds of social work for the sick, the lonely, the old and the poor. Mnch Locally There is also much that could be done locally for such international causes as famine relief and the need of under-developed' countries, the Herald said. These would be common Christian works of mercy which would form a bond quickly overcoming shyness and suspicion.

Support Anti-Bias Housing Meas·ure HARRISBURG (NC) - The Pennsylvania Catholic Welfare Committee has placed its sUpport behind a measure now in the Legislature which would prohibit discrimination in the sale and rental of multiple housing units. .., Known as the "fair housing" bill, the measure has been approved by the Senate, 30-to-16. It is scheduled to come before 'the House, where approval is anticipated. Opposes Segregation The PCWC statement, issued by William B. Ball, executive director, and, general counsel, said the Catholic group "takes a stand of unalterable opposition to racial segr~gatlon .in housing and of l!upp~rt of' sou'l1(f legislation designed to render it unlaw... fu1." The Catholic Church always bas emphasized the "essential worth and dignity of all human beings as creatures made to the image and likeness of God, irrespective of race, nationality or color," the statement' said. The "hallowed phrase" of the Declaration of Independence that "all men .are created equal" is a "restatement of traditional Catholic teaching of the equality of men before God," the committee asserted..

_her native Germany. After five years of imprisonment by the communists during the Korean conflict, she returned to help her people who fled to .the South. With the aid of food and clothing provided by the American Catholic Bishops' overseas relief agency, she has taught the deaf and the mute to read and write, and even to sew. NC Photo.

Co rd ino I Req uests French Catholics Enter Politics FARIS (NC) ' - Maurice Cardinal Feltin has urged French Catholics to take part in civil and political

New Directory Lists 420 Catholic Camps WASHINGTON (NC) - There are 420 Catholic approved day and residence camps in the United States and Canada, according to the 1961 Directory of

life. The Archbishop of Paris declared in a Lenten pastoral that such service to the common good· could not conflict with service to the Church. "The Church does not demand any special treatment, but only ,what is necessary to safeguard its mission of -truth and salvation;" he said. ' He noted that when the Church feels obliged to warn 'Catholic politicians OIl certain matters, it is not defending i18 own interests but rather those personal and social values "without which it would be vain and illusory to seek tl!,e commOD good," Algeria In a reference to refusals of some Frenchmen to serve in the six-year-old war against Algerian nationalists, Cardinal Feltin .said: "The Church says 'no' to war. But the true" way to achieve thi. end is not in insubordination. That frees individual consciences only in detaching ~hem from their national community. The true way is in a patient and col- leetive effort to change 'the conditions and climate of relations among peoples, to eliminate the risks of conflict, and to increase the means' of peaceful settlement."


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Catholic Camps. A brief description of each camp, prices, attendance require:.. ments, activities, 10"-'· - ~ and mailing address is included.· .41

A VACANT BARN In the rear of a schoon huUdinl, in tb~ village of KANH\fANAGALAM in INDIA, !s used as the parish Church. Tille majOJrhy of &he people of this vUlDge are Don-CathoDes but Iwdeen Cllll'melite Sisters s&atl • aehool there with aD eurollment of about six huncked pupils. The barn belJllr used for divine worship b on the same property u &his iChooi. The devoted work IIlf tbe Sisters in edueatiDi' the ehil4!ren of tbe viUage has taken the hearts of Ute people anell eonverts are IllUmerous. Tbe barn-turned-ehurch Is en'PL. ILL. 'htr AU mrged 011 Sundays and Feast«!nys bJ' .", ""'J Fat. t Missiott.nia bringing ehall'll and benehes from tbe tht Orimtal Chmrh scbool to accommodate the Incll'easin. number of people wbo lU'e in attendaace: even 110, maDlY (i)f tbe people mus1, remain outside, some of them not able to see &he aUar. An appeal for belp In bulldlnc a Church ($3,000 lis needed) bas eome to us from the newly-appointed pastor. The lBishop the Diocese adds ·thls Dote to the pastor's appeal: 1'1 am glad to recommend tbls appeal, because, if we' are to ClOntinue to make eonveris in KANIMANAGALAM,tbe need of a parisb lCbureh ill vel'J' I'reat. The poor looal Caihollea will do their best fum renderiDe manual labor."


JERUSALEM Tboughta of the Holy City. so frequently bJ our minds eaeh Lenten Season, bave always moved the devout to sadness In recalling ,the rejection of Our Saviour by the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all that this ~mplled In bringing about His Passion and Deatb. Those of us who are famillar with the story of the Partition of Palestine feel added sadness when we think of the Land of Our Lord now disastrously divided and thousands of people In exile. Over one million people who fled their homes In Palestine In 1948 are stili llvlng in exile, dependent for their very exlst.cnce on the charity of people from other countries since the host eountrles wtlo received them are too poor to give them anything more than land to live on. 1'01' the past twelve years Ollt' Association has been helping these people throug~ contributions sent to' us for this purpose. Again this Lent we are asking for donations so that at least a small measure of human joy might be- brought to these poor people at Easter time. A gift of $10.00 brings untol4 help to these Refugees in the way of food. clothing, shelter, medicine. education. If you could send us sucb a gift we well send you an Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land as a token of Our and their appreciation of your help. Please help us again th18 Lent. THB MORE MEMBERS OUR ASSOCIATION HAS THE MORE WE CAN DO FOR THE MiSSIONS . WILL YOU JOIN? Perpetual Membership:, ABnuaD Member6bipl Family .••.•••••••.. $100.00 Family ....•••••••••.. $5.00 Individual ••••• ~. • • • • 20.00 Indiv.idual •• •• • •• •••• •• 1.Ot IF YOU Have a Mass celebrated. Give a Sacred Article for a Mission Church, Give an enrollment in the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION or In one ~ of our MISSION CLUBS. FOR A RELATIVE OR FRIEND. we wUl send the recipient of your thoughtfulness a beautiful Easter IL:-=----~ Gift Card, together with 'a holy card from Jerusalem. PLEASE REMEMBER GOD AND ms MISSIONS IN IYOUR LAST WILlL AND TESTAMENT.




Mit" Joseph T. R.;a, Nat'. Sec'J . Send all c:ollll\'lualCGtlollil tOI ' CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATIO~ .

480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.

New York 17; N. Y.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 2, 1961


~Dver F~re,men Recall Priesfr°~C@~rage ail' Fire


Fire! The word 'holds special Father Welsh started to crawl memories for Rev. Joseph K. into 'the burning ruins. Fire offiWelsh, pastor of 'St. Thomas cials tried to stop him but his More Cfiurch, Somerset. It takes 'reply was "There's a man in him back to Ii danger-filled hour there--I'm going,in." . of Jan. 29, 1934, when he was A witness; a veteran fireman, among the first priests on hand says it seemed ages before the at the Merchants Mill fire in Fall ~priest reappeared. He had dug River, among the most spectac- through debris to find the victim, ular of the many blazes the city 34 year l?ld William J. Cote, but has seen. saw that he was alr,eady dead so , Father Welsh, then a curate at made no attempt at rescue, but St. Mary's Cathedral, answered remained in the inferno long . the fire alarm, as he had, many enough to give conditional absoothers, with stole and holy oils. lution, and anoint Cote's head. As he arrived, he was told a man 'Bravest Man' was trapped in a tire shop upon "The bravest man I ever saw," which a mill wall had just was one fireman's comment. "We 'collapsed. ' never forgot it." The incident 18 still discussed among firefighter. Name Fanning Editor as is the Me~chants Mill: fire itself: York Paper "Flames roared over two NEW YORK (NC)-William blocks. The temperature was just H. Fanning, Jr., former Radio abov'e zero. Smoke turned day Free Europe executive, has been into night. It was a battle against appointed editor of the ,Catholic terrific odds," was the descr"ipNews, New York archdiocesan tion of the Fall River Herald !lewspaper. " News of the date. Mr. Fanning succeeds Richard' Water used to fight the flames Reid, who died Jan. 24. He be- speedily froze and for days aftercomes the fourth editor' in the wards streets in the area were 75-year history of the paper. The blocked to traffic, choked with first was John Gilmary Shea, the foot-thick ice. second Michael Madigan. Mr. The incident underlines the Fanning joined the Catholic fact that priests' are usually' News 'staff in Augus, 1960, as as- among the first on hand at dissistant to the editor.' aster scenes. Firefighters testify He is a native of New York that they are almost always and an alumnus of Brooklyn available at serious fires, some-' Prep and Fordham University times staying at a scene aU night. school of education. Mr. Fanning It is taken for granted that joined 'the staff of the N.C.W.C. priests will hasten to' a plane News staff in August, 1960, as aswreck, in this Diocese as elseGreek and German for II year at where, and there are no police Gonzaga High School in Wash-, lines through which a clerical ington. collar is not a passport. ' In short, in disaster as in every other need of her children, the Church is there.

Of New

Republic of GermanyHonors Father Burin WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Edward B. Bunn, S.J., president of Georgetown University, waa decorated with the Commander',' CrosS of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of, Ger:' many at the German Embasq here. The award was presented by . Wilhelm Grewe, German Amba:t-' sador to the United States, who said Father Bunn has become a trusted friend· of Germany. The work of· the head of the Jesuit unive~sity with teachers' and students' exchange pro!!"r:>"'l. he said, has helped promote close U. S.-G,erml!n understanciing.



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Menus, Recipes for Fourth Week. of Len.t

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 2, 1961

Ag~d .and

By Gertrude Lynch THURSDAY, MARCH 9 Fast Breakfast: Sliced Orange, Protein Cereal, Toast, Beverage. Luucb: Cream of Pea Soup, Fruit Salad ~late, Pecan roll, Ice cream or sherbert. Dinner: Broiled Ham, Spiced Peaches, Masbed potato eups with green peas, Buttered squash, Tossed GreeD Salad, Roka Dressing, Lemon Coconut Layer Cake.· Lemon Coconut LaTer Cake Fill 2 8 in. layers with lemon filling and trost with butter eream frosting and coconut. FRIDAY, MARCH 10 Fast and Abstlnenee Breakfast: Stewed Prunes, French Toast, Bev-

erage. Lunch: Tuna Salad Sandwich, Potato Chips, Pickles, Apple Crisp Pudding.· Dinner: Sauteed Scallops,· French ,Fried P0tatoes, French Style Green Beans, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, French Dressing, Chocolate Pudding. Sauteed Scallops 1 lb. scallops 1 small onion minced 2 T fat or 011 . lh t salt 1. Wash scallops quickly and cook 5 minutes in a small amount of salted boiling water. 2. Drain and dry. , 3. Cook onion in fat until tender. 4. Add scallops and cook until brown. 5. Season with pepper and garnish with parsley. Apple Crisp Pudding 6 medium apples (sliced) 1f.J cup sugar Y4 cup nutmeg lh t cinnamon . lh t salt 1 t grated lemojL-rind 2 t lemon juice 1f.J cup flour , % cup brown sugar firmly packecll dash of salt Y4 cup butter 1. Heat oven to 350'. 2. Wash and pare apples and slice them. a. Place apples in a shallow baking dish lind sprinkle with mixture of ~gar, spices, salt and lemon rind. 4. Add lem<>n juice. IS. Mix flour, brown sugar and salt. 6. Blend in butter or margarine wIth pastry blender or cut in with two knives. T. Cover apple mixture and bake until apples are tender and topping is slightly browned 40 to 45 minutes. Serve with light cream or whipped topping. SATURDAY, MARCH 11 , Fast Breakfast: Half Grapefruit, Poached egg em toast; Beverage. ' Luncb: Creamed Shrimp in Timbales,· Hearts of Lettuce, Russian Dressing, Baked apple, Beverage. • Dinner: American Chop Suey,· Green Peas, Buttered Corn, Tossed Green Salad, Italian DressIng, Layer Cake with Fluffy Frosting. Creamed Shrimp in Timbales Remove crusts from bread slices and butter bread. Press bread into muffin pans and browB In 400' oven until g<llden brown. Heat 1 cup eooked shrimp in 1 cup medium white sauce. Add Ih t celery salt and 1 T minced pimento. Garnish with parsley. American Chop Suey 1 small package Minute Rice 1 lb. hamburg seasoned with salt lind pepper 2 strips bacon 1 onion minced 2 cups canned tomatoes . 1 can condensed tomato soup 1. Cook rice as directed. 2. Cook bacon until crisp. Rem<>ve from skilleL S. Cook meat and onion together in bacon fat until done. Add rice and "tomato and one half can soup. Add bacon broken in pieces and cover with remaining lh can soup. 4. Bake at 350' for 20 to 25 minutes. This dish can be made ahead and soup added just before baking.

MONDAY, MARCH 13 Fast ' Breakfast: Baked Apple, Shredded Wheat billeuit, Toast, Beverage. Luncb: Stuffed Egg Salad,· Potato Chipa, Raw carrot sticks, Pickle, Cherry Cobbler. Dinner: Braised Pork Chops with Tomato, Baked Potato, Lima Beans, Prune and Apricot Salad, Apple Pie. Stuffed En Salad 8 bard cooked eggs % cup chopped celery 1 t minced onion Y" cup mayonnaise salt and pepper % t Wor~stershire sauce 1. Cut eggs Hi halves lengthwise and retIlOft yolks.' , , 2. Mix y()lks and remaining ingredients together. 3. Fill egg whites with mixture. 4. Garnish with strips of pimento. TUESDAY, MARCH 14 . Fast Breakfast: Orange juice, Hot bran muffins, Marmalade, Beverage. Lunch: Cream of Tomato Soup, Stuffed prune and cottage cheese salad, Hot biscuits,. Chocolate Frosted Layer Cake, Beverage. . Dinner: Chicken a la King in Patty Shell,· Mashed potato, Green beans, Buttered Carrots, Pineapple and carrot mold, * Sponge Cake witb. vanilla ice cream, Chocolate sauce.' Cbicken a la Kirig 3 cups diced chicken 4 T flour 4 T butter 1 T chopped green pepper 1 cup chicken broth 1 cup milk 1/8 t pepper lf4 t curry powder 1 T pimento chopped 2 T chopped parsley 1 egg or 2 egg yolks beaten Jh t salt . 1. Chicken should be in fairly large pieces. . 1. Heat butter in frying pan. Ad{l,green pepper . and f1<lur. Stir and cook until mixture becomes light brown. 3. Add the seasonings. 4. Slowly add the broth and milk and cook untU creaJTIY. ' 5. Add chicken, pimento and parsley.. G. Add II little of mixture to beaten egg and add this to remainder of chicken mixture. Serve in patty shells, toast timbales or on toast. Quick Method: 2 cans of cream of chicken soup, 1 can water. Add chicken, pimento and parsley. Heat over boiling water 20 minutes. Pineapple and Carrot Mold To 1 package of liine jello add 1 cup boning .water. When dissolved add Y4 cup vinegar, 1 13 oz. can crushed pineapple and, 2 medium carrots grated. Pour into 5 molds. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 Fast . Breakfast: Apple Juice, Corn Muffoin, ,Beverage. . Lunch: Cheese Sandwich Casserole,. Tomato and cucumber salad, Whipped Jello, Oatmeal . cookies, Beverage. Dinner: Potato Meat Pie,. Tossed Green Salad, Thousand Island Dressing, Pineapple' Upside Cake. Cheese Sandwich Casserole (for 6) 12 slices of bread 6 thick' slices sharp cheese 2 eggs 2 lh cups milk 1 t salt 1/8 t pepper Y4 t.dry mustard 1. Arrange 6 slices of bread in buttered baking dish; 1. Cover each slice 'with slice of cheese. 3. Top with remaining 6 slices 'of bread. 4. Beat eggs and add seasonings and milk. Pour the mixture over the bread. Chill in refrigerator so bread will be softened by milk. I. Bake until partially dried and golden brown on top, about one hour in a moderate oven (350'). Potato Meat Pie . Make stew of beef and vegetable in usual way. Place hot stew in ~aking dish and cover with plain pastry. ' Bake at 450' until crust is golden brown about 12 to 15 minutes.



Continued from Page One a tremendous operation that in the three existing homes, in addition to the sisters staffing the institutions, more than' 170 laymen and laywomen are on the payroll. " Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River now serves a total of 244. The Home itself has a capacity of" 170 and the Bishop Cassidy Memorial Home for the chronically ill, is' a 74-bed unit. Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Inlirm staff the Fall River institution. In New Bedford, the Sacred Heart Home, operated by the Sisters of Charity of Quebec (also ~nown as the Grey Nuns) serves th'e needs of 195 guests. The Diocese also operates Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven, for 140 guests. . Bishop Connolly plans to install a new sprinkler system throughout the Taunton property for the safety of the guests and he also plans a new elevator shaft with an elevator to meet . the needs of 10 persons.. The Diocese contemplates an expenditure of between $500,000 and $600,000. This approximation il)cludes the purchase price plus the cost of the contemplated repairs and renovations.

Providence College Plans New Build5ng

PRINCE OF PEACE: This 3"57-foot impressive statue of Christ is situated on a hilltop in Almada, Portugal. The statue fulfills a vow made by the Bishops of Portugal at Fatima in 1940 in thanksgiving for Portugal's having stayed out of World War II. NC Photo.

PROVIDENCE (NC) - A new building for students preparing for the Dominican priesthood will be constructed on the Providence College campus this Spring or Summer. Father WillLam D. Marrin, O.P., provincial of S1. Joseph'li province of the Domipican Order, said the bUilding will house 88 students, four priests.

Michael C. Austin Inc.

Anglican Attends


ROCKHAMPTON (NC) - The Anglican Bishop of RockhalJ1pton in Australia attended the consecration here of Father Francis Roberts Rush as Catholic Bishop of Rockhampton.





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CLERGY SUPPORT: Father Robert G. McDole, with the backing of Bishop Victor H. Reed of Oklahoma City-Tulsa, stands with participants in recent demonstration against racial segregation in downtown Oklahoma City. Priest has been active in crusade for equal rights. NC Photo.



Registered Civil and Structural Engineer Member National Society Professional Engineers






THE ANCHOR:-Diocese of Fall River-T~urs., Mar. 2, 1961

Medical Schools

I.The Parish Parade Eucharistic Mission

SACRED HEART, ST. MARY'S, FALL R]VER NEW BEDFORD The Women's Go.lild will sponThe Women's Guild will sponsor a performance of the motion sor a whist party at 7:30 Wedpicture "Kh,lg of Kings" at 8 nesday night, Mar. 22 at PolishAmerican Veterans' Memorial .Monday night, l\'1a ['ch 6 in the parish hall. It WI!l' be open to 'Bali, Acushnet Avenue: Mrs. Daniel Gabriel is chairman. - , the public and be followed by a coffee hour. Co-chairmen are ST. WILLIAM'S, Mrs. Frank J. Mct:ann and Mrs. FALL RIVER A fashion show. postponed Arthur McCann. from .Feb. 5 due to weather OUR LADY OF VICTORY, conditions, will be sponsored by CENTERVILLE the Women's Guild at 7:30 SunThe Women's Guild will hold day night, March 5 at Venus de a covered dish supper Monday, Milo restaurant, Swansea. March 13 in the parish' hall. Husbands and friends of members • ST. LAWRENCE, will be guests. . NEW BEDFORD A Eucharistic mission will be IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, held from Sunday, March 5 FALL RIVER through Sunday, March 19. The Women's Guild will meet Women will make the first week at 8 Monday evening, March 6 in and men the second and there the church hall. Mrs. Anthony will be a three day retreat for Pascoal is chairman of the social grammar school children of the hour and requests that women parish. Rev. Emile Hebert. S.S.S. who did not serve on the Februand Rev. ~homas Kennette, ary social committee due to the 5.S.S., Blessed Sacrament Fathers cancelled meetin·g form this from New York City, will' conmonth's committee. duct services. Miss Florence Lynch and Mrs. ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDFORD Holy Name Society activities for 1961 will include card parties next month 'and in October. Communion breakfasts in March, June and October, the ninth' annual charity ball in October and the annual Mass for deceased members' in November. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA. FALL RIVER The Council of Cat.holic Women will attend corporate Communion at' 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 19. A cake sale' 'will be held Sunday, March 5. Later events in' the season inelude a pilgrimage in May and • 'bazaar in June; co-sponsored with the Holy Name Society~ IIT.'THOMAS MORE.. SOMERSET' , The Holy Name Society will meet at 8:15 TiJesday, night. March 7 in the Old' Town Hall.. . S ., M S d' . to Rev. Rene auve, . ., uec r ' Attl b 01. La Salette Sh rIne; , e oro; . I will speak, discussing t h e, mlrac e . of La Salette and the miSSiOnary · 't wor:o k f h IS communi y. ST. ANTHONY OF DESERT,

John Roach are program chairmen and announce that a color film depicting life in a Trappist monastery will be shown, with Vincent Andrews, maker of the film, as narrator.

FREEDOM AWARD: Rev. PaulL. O'Connor, 8.J., right, president of Xavier University, Cincinnati, receives one of tQ.e top Freedom Foundation awards from Dr. Kenneth, D. Wells, foundation head, for the University's 1960 "Youth Program" on democracy in action. NC Photo. '

Continued from Page One Rooney. S.J.• association executive director. Five of the six medical ·chools and seven of the eight :iental schools operated by Catholics in the United States are carried on under Jesuit auspices. One of these' instit'll,ions, Georgetown University, which operates both a medical and a dental school. has publiciy g; "E'rl , its support to proposals "or government assistance. President Kennedy has proposed to Congress that the Federal government sponsor scholarships for needy medic:u and dental students, give a "cos~ of education" grant to medical and dental schools, start a program of matching grants for construction and assist schools ill making plans for the future. . He made the recommel''''-'ion in a message which discussed steps to safeguard the health of Americans, especially children and elderly persons. He proposed a system of financing, under Social Security, hospital and nursing care for persons over 65. Commenting on the President's proposals to increase the number of doctors and dentists, Father Rooney said there is a "crying need" for increased medical and dental educational facilities' and for financial aid to students. These needs, he said. are long\J"arige and "tempora,ry programs are not the answer...• "Since medical and dental education are so intimately tied up with the general welfare of the whole country, it would only seem right that the Federal gov. ernment. as well as state and local governments, together with private ~ndustry and pl"'anthropy. sho.uld· seek means to assist medical and dental school.. in 'meeting' the operating cost• of education," he strec;sed. Father Rooney added that lM.lch .programs "should De dE-signed to leave the controL 04. edUcation in the hands of the achools." '' '

ST. MARGARET'S, ST. pAUL, ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, BUZZZARDS BAY, TAUNTON FALL RIVER Lenten devotions, held each • Rev. John J. Griffin, pastor. The Council of,Catholic Women Tuesday evening, consist of roswas host at a dinner to the 47' .will sponsor a fashion show ary and benediction, foliowed by- solicitors wh~rveQ on the'parMonday, March 13· with Mrs. a doCtrinal course in religion by ish committee for the new Girl.' Ernest Mercier and Mrs. Emile Rev. Francis L. Mahoney. All in- High School in Taunton. Pelletier, as co-chairmen. Next terested in learning m0t:e about !athElr Griffin, Father O'Don- regular me~ting is set for Morithe Catholic faith are invited to nell, parish assistant, . Hec,tor' day, April 10,with Mrs. ,Fredattend. Non - parishioners a n'd Demers. Joseph McCarthy· and erick Chlebek as social cha,il'non-Catholics are ~elcome. Sal Spinelli 'expressed their grat- man. . The Women's Guild 'will spon- itude to t,he men for ,their work HOLY FAMILY, , sor a whist par'ty at 8 Friday in the campaign. ' TAUNTON'· night, March 17 in the school The social' ended with the The Women's Guild will serve basement. ' s h o w i n g of two movies, "Secan Italian Spaghetti Supper on ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAY onds for Survival" and "The Big Sl,lnday from 4:30 to 7:00 o'clock ... Bounce". in. the Holy Ghost Hall, MiddleFALL RIVER ' The Women's Guild will meet ST. PIUS X. boro Aye., East Taunton. Chef in the Catholic Com'm!Jnity Cen-' SO. YARMOUTH: Lorenzo will be' ~he caterer. The Holy Name' Society win Mae O'Connor, chairman, has 'anter at,8 Monday night, March 5. hold it regu.lar. mee.ting Wednesnounced-that ttiesupper is open PARIS (NC)-France will isRev. Arthur W. Tansey, Cathe-. ' day nigh. t: in the Church base- to the public and Mrs. Jerry sue a special postage stamp comdral rector, will. show colored m,ent on Station Ave. A com- ,Grosso ' is chairman',of , the dessert memorating this centenary year slides of J:1is trip to Europe on mitte.e, appo.inted at the F,ebru- commi.ttee. of the death of Father Jean the Diocesan pilgrimage. ·Mrs. Baptiste Lacordaire, Il}th cenWilliam E. Wyrick is chairman ary mMting to enlighten the public on Un-American activities tury Domi~ican preacher. FALL RIVER of arran,gements. and smut' literature .in our , Continued from Page One Rev. Ferris Kleem, C,S.C. will ST. MICHAEL, coun t ry, h as 0 bt' amed a film from a Priest" and it paid tribute to eonduct a mission for men and "'ALL RIVER 11: the. H ouse Un-American Activiwomen from Sunday, March 12, To e'ncourage more active par- ties Committee which will be Father Rene De Vos, who was murdered while "walking unthrough Sunday mo'rning, the ticipation in the holy sacrifice, shown; l~th, concluding with a Com- all .Sunday Masses' will be diaChairman Charles Eager hu offendingly and defen'selessly munion breakfast at Leb!1non-' logue, with commentary by Rt. announced that' all members of al()ng a street 'in, a town called Bukavu.':. American Hall following 8:30 Rev. Humberto, S. Medel··ros, semor .. . . I s, teach:' ' c I asses, prlnclpa The editorial said news reports MaSs. , . pastor.. ers and PTA members' of the barely identified :f,ather De Vos Father Kleem, now assistant The newly-organized eyO glee Cape have been invited. NEW BEDFORD and devoted only a few lines to director of the· Associate Fam- ·club of the parish will rehearse ~. .'. . hilt story. It characterized Father ily of the Holy Cross Fathers at tonight under direction of Mrs. ST. PATRICK, De. Vos as "little· more than a St. Joseph Hall,Norlh 'Dart- Laura Fidele..· , - FALMOUTH INDUSTRIAL OILS cipher in the history - of our mouth, has taught high school in 'The Council'of Catholic Women The Women's Guild will hold and done ml's' its annual St. p. atrl'ck's' Day ca'rd' , times." HEATlNG OILS B rI'dg e ptoCon'n r,. will sponsor a fashfon show in aion work in East Pakistan. the school hall Sunday, March 12 . party at 8 Friday night, March Other ,parish events for March -17" at . Falmouth Recreation TIMKEN in~lude a Women's Guild meet- under direction of council offi-, Building. Mrs: Everett G. Finnell cers., ," d M R OIL :BURNERS ing at 8 Tuesday night; March 21, . Plans are under way for. an' rs. ,. aymond C. Knispel preceded at 7:30 by' a .church ' ..are 'co-chairll}en. They announce service,' and', a variety show: penny sale to be sponsored by that about 100 table·s will be in StJl~s the parish school children u'rid'er BUSINESS' AND, sponsored by the guild, Sunday. direction of the Religious of the pla~ with prizes for each table, DUPLICATING. MACHINES March 26. Two performances will 'Holy Union of the' Sacred He'arts. door prizes and ,special awards. , · Books domited to Falmouth be SeCond .and Morgan Sts. 501 COUNTY ST. , given un d er 'd'uec t'iOn 0 f Refre'shments will be served by' Public Library by' the Women's Ed wa rd Peters , . members of the Holy Rosary FALL RIVER I NEW BEDFORD SACRED HEART. Sod&lity; , . . . . , . ' Guild formed the subject of book reports at a Lenten mee'ting of 'NY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 NORTH ATTLE80RO During L,ent an. evening MasS f ~ A II the guild. ,Members are urged to E. J.' McGINN. Prop. WY 3-1751 Th e L ales" d· .::ste. 'me WI is scheduled for 7 each Wednes. I t t S read the books during Lent. U.Iday night. h o ld th err annua re rea day, March 12. Reception into They include Harvest 1960; the sodality is scheduled for 2 ST. MARY. Adam, Eve, and the Ap~; The Sunday afternoon, Maroh 19, in SEEKONK Kennedy Family; and The Imithe church. The 51st annual minstrel and tation of Christ.' ST. JOHN BAPTIST, variety show of St.'Mary's ParST. MARY'S. NEW BEDFORD ish; Seekonk, will be presented FAIRHAVEN The Ladies' Guild will hold a in the Peter Thatcher School The Couples' Club will hold wh;gi party Saturday, March 18, Auditorium, Attleboro on, Sun;,. a social meeting and potluck with Mrs: Claire 'McDonald as day, afternoon and .evening. 'supper Sunday night, Ma,rch 11}. chairman, A bean supper' and March 12. Curtain time will be Mr. and 'Mrs. Matthew Hart are penny sale are planned for Sat- at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock. ' chairman couple. ,YOU urday, April 22, with a rumMrs. Venita Cate ill director mage sale set for Saturday, and Mrs. 'Marie Tetreault is coon regular savings accounts, R. A. WilCOX CO. Apt.il 8. ,director and musical supervisor. and up to 1 % EXTRA on Bonus SS. PETER AND PAUL, ApproximateJY 75 will particiOFFICE FURNITURE Savings Accounts. Inquire. FALL RIVER pate'in the production, including ID Stoe" for Immecllate O'eli ••1'7 The Women's Club will meet members of the senior ,choir to• DESKS • CHAIRS at 8 Monday night, March 6 in gether with a variety of vocal, FILING CABINETS the' church hall. Mrs. Florence instrumental and dance specialty • FIRE FILES • SAfES Laberki will be featured enter- performers, both local and outSave in person, or save by mail. Here ~ FOLDING TABLES tainer. She will present a skit. _... of-town. your money is insured safe by an agency Postage Paid AND (HADRS ST. ANNE'S, Joseph Ostiguy will be interof the U. S. Government. Both Ways FAI:.L RIVER locutor and Frank Duffy, Walter The Holy Name Society will Mitchell, Donald O'Brien, Russell hold its annual whist at 8 Satur- -White, Raymond Giglio and 22 BEDFORD ST. day night, March 25 at St. Anne', Frank Walton will act sa end1 North 'Main· St., cor. Bedford-Open Fri. 'til 8 P. M. FAll RIVER 5-7838 .§\'.i§*"-. '4 zM+W, w:N·.WW "'2 !OW ~hooJ. men.

Issue Special Stamp

,Congo Murder



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R. A. WilCOX CO.


3'7'2 %


Sports Interest Cen,tered On Garden Tournament

THE ANCHORThurs., March 2; 1961

Appea I VerrMroowt

Tuition De<co~;on To HQghe$tCcuri

By Jack Kineavy

The task of a weekly sportswriter at Tech Tourney time is an unenviable one, at best. Several of our Southeastern 'Mass. schools qualified for post seasol! play, in fact the area is well represented in all classes with the exception of B. However, all ,but AttleTwo c:f the New England boro, Fairhaven and Somer- Catholic champions qualified for set will have seen initial Tech play and one, Malden Cathtourney action by 'the time olic, the A titlist, had an interthis article reaches print and conceivably the presence of one OJ' reveral of the schools may now be history. Durfee High. makina its 16th appearance in the last 17 years and its first under Coach Tom Karam, upheld the prestige of Bristol County basketball with a fine 56-51 victory 9ver Arlington High, Suburban League runners-up. Manny Papoula led the Hilltoppers' offense· tossing ill 20 points before exiting on fouls with a little better than one minute left in the game; Woody Berube had 15 markers, nine 01 which came at the foul line where Durfee actually derived its game advantage. Don Carey, held to three baskets from the floor, came up with two consecutive late game buckets that gave Durfee the cushion it needed. Diminutive Gary Drewniak, despite being clobbered on a deliberate foul, dropped in four big points from. the foul stripe in thll! waning moments of the contest to stave off a last-ditch Arlington rally. ,Durfee now moves into the quarter final round and will be in action again nll!Jl:t Tuesday. Tuesday's results involving New Bedford and Holy Family were not available at this writing. The Crimson were' scheduled to go against a 'one-man Gloucester High team which ill built around 6-8 pivotman' Don PaU.ician. Holy Family's date was with Marian High of Framingham which was in Tech for the first time in its -compa!'" , ,atively short existenC;:ll!.. ,The winner of the Marian-aoly I!:'amjly tilt, will ,ao against Somerset tOJ;l1orrow night, at Bridgewate.-. Third Mee~ We look for a third meeting between Somerset and Holy , Family. The New Bedford Par:' ochials, finalists in Class B of the New England Catholic Tourney, will be dropping down one nolich in Tech. St., Mary's of Waltham, 49-46 victims of Holy Family in the Catholic semifinals, were victorious in their initial B test in Tech on Monday, defeat-. ing Jamaica Plain, 48-42. This in itSelf is eloquent testimony of the fine brand of ball coach Jack Nobrega"'s squad has played. Assuming that Holy F~mily is Somerset's quarterfinal. opponent tomorrow night, the Blue Wave will take a decided psychological advantage into the contest de~ spite .:.....or rather, should we, say, because of-their two previous, losses 1;0 the Raiders.,. They "lost the first one by eight, 73-65, came' within a whisker of taking the second, and no doubt will be primed to go out and prove the adage "the third time never falls."

BURLINGTON (NC)An appeal will be made to the U.S. Supreme Court from 'a decision of the state

esting Tuesday date with Silver Lake Regional. The latter, Class C champions in Tech in 1960, requested to be permitted to..participate in A this year. The entire starting team was back and they voted to seek admittance to the tOp-drawer level rather than defend their C laurels. The 1 a s t team to attempt such a move was the Winchester team of 1955 which after winning two consecutive B titles and running up a string of something like" 52 straight victories went to the A finals before bowing to Durfee in a close game. EASTER 'TOURNEY ENTRIES: Mike Fitzsimmons, One of the main cogs on that St. Thomas More, Somerset, left, and Richard Bourgeois, Winchester team was a fellow Blessed Sac~ment" Fall River, right, disC~ss Easter by the name of Joe Bellino who has in the interim made quite Tourney plans with Paul Borkman, director, center. Entries a reputation for himself on the must be submitted to the director by March 12. gridiron at thll! Naval Academy. .Double Duty . No less than eight schools had teams participating in both the basketball and hockey tournaBUFFALO (NC)-A Francisments. We say had because b~rn ~. CoyY, Pa. Her family Arlington and Charlestown are can nun for 75 years who has moved to Olean, N. Y., where her just celebrated her 94th birthday no longer on the scene at Tech father, a contractor, built a hotel having been eliminated in the has e down-to-earth interest- and a home. She was graduated she follows the fortunes of the first round. The Arlington S1. Bonaventure University 'bas- from S1. Elizabeth's Academy, ~ockey team, however, is one Allegany, in 1884 and the followketball team. '. of the seeded. squads in the ing year. joined the Franciscans. The "Bonnies" are ranked sec-' Ar~ma. tournament. Th~ ,Spy She rll!ceived her habit on Febond only t6 undefeated Ohio Ponders, , coached ,by fOrmer ruary 22, 1886. State among the nation's college ,Boston College ace, Eddie Burns, Sister Clotilda began lier have an ice record which com- basketball teams and first among teaching career in the teeming pares favorably to Duffee's and. the Catholic college teams. Sister M. Clotilda,' dean of the .Italian parish: school of S1. AnSomerville's basketball histories. , Allegany Franciscan Sisters, o~ thony's' in New York's Green. Talking' about Boston College, served her 75th anniversary in wich Village. She served as a recalls the disastrous weekend the religious life on February 22 missionary in Jamaica, West the Eagles just concluded in and her 94th birthday on March, Indies, for 16 years and in 1904 upper New York state where 3. She assisted at' a Solemn Mass became prefect of 51. Elizabeth's they lost consecutive games to of thanksgiving offered i~ the Academy. Over the years she St. La"wrence, 3-0, and R.P.I.. motherhoilse chapel here on her also taugh.t in Buffalo, Williams3-2. The twin defeats have just diamond jubilee in the sister- ville and Niagara Falls, N. Y., about written finis to whatever hood. schools. chances B.C. had to go to ColoSister Clotilda" broke her hip rado. Sportswriters had listed several years 'ago, making it nec- @~pCi5e ~Iot Machine. . ,the Eagles the East's,No. 1 team essary to use crutches for dis.WASHINGTON (NC)-Legis, prior ·to the double debacle in tance walking.. But she 'doesn't lalion ~hich would wipe out slot . which, the loss of injured sopho- , need help Of any kind as she machines in Maryland was advo- ,. mores Sullivan and Aiken, to~k pores through the sports pages cated in a resolution adopted at its toll. following her beloved "Bonnil!!S" the. annual convention of the The appointment of Art Spin- from the Franciscan university 'Washington Archdiocesan Counney as line coach at B.C. was in St. 'Bonaventure, N. Y. She cil of Catholic Men. The resolu- . greeted with acclaim by all Eagle also maintains a keen interest in lion deplored particularly the adherents. In his undergraduate World and national affairs. widespread use of slot machines days; Spinney played end 'and he The daughter of Patrick and in' the . southern counties Of captained the 1949, te~. He then Catherine O'Donnell, she was Maryland; which are a' part of moved into professional ball with, . the' 'Washington archdiocese. teammate Art' Donovan and Catholic Lay Groups both young men have had distinguished careers with the Bal- Urge Equal Housing timore Colts. Spinney was· used PORTLAND (NC)-Catholic as a 'linebacker by coach Weeb lay organizations meeting here Ewbank, then he became offen- in Oregon have adopted a ''manYou Have sive guard and it was at this ifesto of conscience" which urgposition that Art really came es help to minority groups in into his own. Watch that B.C. getting suitable housing. line go. . More than 100 persons were at Insurance Agency Back' to the Tech Tourney. the meeting where "The ChristRepresenting the Cape in Class ian Conscience, and DiscriminTEL, MYrile '-823' D were Barnstable and Dennl&oo ation in Housing" was discussed. Yarmouth. Both had early dates. Groups represented, includ~d the 54 PLEASANT STREET Barnstable opened against Scitu- Christian Family -Movement, the NORTH ATTLEBORO ate, while Dennis-Yarmouth ,Young .Christian Workers, the paired off with Immaculate Con.,. Young Christian Students, and ception 'of Newton: From a the Catholic: Interracial Councll.· perusal of the initial pairm,gs it The manifesto called upoi . appears that the two Cape rivals Catholics "to make knowri' their are in dillerentbrackets which willingness to welcome into could lead to their meeting for their neighborhood any resident the title. regardless of race, creed or national origin."

94 Year Old Nun Follows Bonnies As Ardent Basketball ,Fan

K of C hllsurance


HAVEIN (NC) - The of Columbus sOld a record $207,491,648 in insurance in 1960, Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart announced. He also said the K. of C. insurance in force reached a new high of $1,047,805,935 on December 31, 1960. There are 521,478 K. of C. insurance pollcies in force. Knigh~

mpreme court here that it is unconstitutional to use tax funds for tuition' of students at parochial schools. Atty. Frederick J. Fayette announced the intended appeal in behalf of five intervenors in the case. The defendant was the public school boa.-d of suburban South Burlington. It has no high school and students had been permitted to choose from approved out-oftown high schools. The board then paid their tuition. Some students choose Catholic schools, Butler Aids The South Burlington school board will not join in the appeal to the Supreme Court, sai~ Mr. Fayette, who was a counselor for the board in the Vermont court actions. In addition to Mr. Fayette and Christopher A. Webber, who also was counsel for the board, the intervenors' appeal is being aided by Paul Butler, a Washington, D.C., attorney who is past national chairman of the Democratic party. Mr. Fayette said when the appeal is filed, an effort will be made'to secure from the Vermont Court a stay of injunction so that tuition payments can continue. WidlesJl)Ji'e2.d Il"1l'21cUce South Burlington was not' the. only Vermont town paying tuition costs for high school pupils who were enrolled in out-oftoWlll schools, public and private. The practice was widespread in South Vermont. A Cathollc high school in Bennington, Vt., which enrolled about 80 students from nearby small towns whose tuitions were paid with taxes has issued an emergency appeal to help offset .the loss of revenue.


'POWERS': ~nsurafYilce

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·31 C·ctholic !~sg.~{{uli'5@!m§ OD1 Li~t Of ~®~@g~eg@\f~©1 ~@M1l[fu®[('~ $~~@@a~ ATLANTA (NC)-Thirty-one Catholic schools are among 157 desegregated" colleges and universities in 15 so·uthe rn and bord~r states and t!le District of Columbia Included in' a listing prepared by the Sou~hern' Regional Council.. .".'., ,


The counCil, said its list Is based on information in its files and "may not Qe comulete," Most of the schools on the list have desegregated since 1935; when the Unjversity of Maryland first admitted a Negro to its law school, The remaining schools, are new institutions which have opened for the first tUne. in recent fears on an integrated basis. Most of the institutions on the list did not desegregate until 8iter 1948, the Southern Regional Council said. Some still restrict Negroes to graduate and professional schools, while others have not actually admitted Negroes biltprofess a non-diseriminatory admission policy.


NO:UH MAON ~i. l'~~[gllll8iONrg

E. A.



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THE ANCHOR..:..Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 2, 1961

Ii. BdyS' RETREAT: Cape Cod boys enjoyed their first retreat dufing Yacatlon week.. Held at La Salette Seminary, Brewster, it was for many partiCipants tl).eir first visit to a seminary. Left, Rev•. Richard Delisfe,. M.S;,· holds conference' .with James. 'DavenpOrt, Peter Wordell.. Center"

retreatant places oWl). communion host on paten in preparation for consecration and reception. at Mass. Right, boys discuss spiritual reading, left to right, Richard, Rogers, Francis Larkin, Jack Francis. Thirty-fou~ boys made the re,treat. .

Cape Church, Retr~ats Evoke 'Let's Do It· Again' Reaction" have done-and, equally judged : By Russell Collinge . ,for what we ha~e not done. The For some time it has been the practIce of Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham, and Holy essential fac'tor ·of Charity must Tdrhty Parish, West Harwich, to hold a joint annual one day retreat for the high school be a part of our lives and our boys and girls. Chatham and Harwich alternate as host parish.. Both parishes are activities must center on Chrisfortuna,te (just 'plain lucky) to have the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Victory for tian values. Father Delisle pointed out their Catechetical programs about the need for centering all sion i..nto the liturgy made a deep that everything we dO'in fighting -and as mainsprings and our actions on a Christian life, impression on. the communicants the growing secular take:-overstirrer:uppers of the CCD. and showed how this could and who agreed that they felt, as all our efforts to live up to the apply to teen-age groups. never before, a real part' of the principles of our Faith-are a This information is by no should He said that youth is in revolt

means a non ·sequitur. Because, working through the CCD, the against,the sad conditions and Sisters brought about a major turmoil of today - youth is tired change in this year's Retreat of the present world. The trouble is that their revolt is turned the plans. . wrong way. It - !lhould be a First, the Sisters had an idea. Christian revolt .,...- to carry - on 'il'hey talked it over with Father the revolution started by Christ. John Brennan, SS.CC., and Following the· Conference, Father F~nbarr McAloon, SS,CC.~ . everyone went 'outdoors and the pastors of the Holy. Redeemer and Holy Trinity.' Both pastors Rosary was recited while walk-' . agreed it was a good. one. The ing some of the many paths next step was to call Father . around the' Seminary. Then came Armand Proulx, M.S" Superior a period for confession,. counDire~tor. of 'La Salette Seminary selling and spiritual reading ....,.. with three priests· available for in East Brewster. Father Proulx inte,rviews o~ ,talk. ient an interested and coopera:' Dialogue Mass tive' ear·and agreed to tl'Y someNow came the Stations of the thing that was new, not only for his· Seminary but for Chatham, Cross in' the Seminary Chapel and a Dialogue Mass. The reHarwich and the whole Cape. So this' year, while the girls sponses were strengthened by gathered in West Harwich for the Se'minary students who. at. their retreat, the boys - 34 of. tended. them- travelled to East ··BrewAt the Offertory of the Mass, ster and had their. own Retreat the paten was brought to the under the, guidance of Father AJtarrail and each eommuniRichard pelisle, M.S., 'who acted cant came forward and placed as Retreat Master. bis individual host on it. The The day was a busy one, start- 'server then carried ,the paten 'and Ing with the first Conference at hosts up to the Altar and the 9:30 in the morning. During the Celebrant consecrated them with Conference Father Delisle'talked his' own host. This small exctir-'

MasS'.. Time for lunch - and then the Seminary students took the retreatants on guided tours of the Seminary. All the boys were curious, many ·of them had never been near a Seminary before, anti the tours and guides gave them a pretty fair picture of Seminary life and routine.' , . At, the second Conference, Father Delisle made it clear that while we may not like the world and its .conditions-we are here. and a part o(it. ' And, like it or not, we must' uphold our Faith against attack and under very tough difficulties. . Our efforts will 'be' well' rewarded-but we must make t~at. effort. .. Some day' we will have flo account. to God for our life and we will'bE! judged by what we

Workers to March ROME (NC)-More than 100,000 Catholic workers will march, from the Colosseum to St. Peter's Square on May 15 to.' mark. the 70th anriiversary of· Pope Leo .XIII's encyciical on the social order, '''Rerum Novarum...··

GIRLS' RETREAT: Gape girls participated in a separate tetreat simultaneously with boys. Sister Mary.Germaine of Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters, who organized . event, and Rev. Leo Maxfield, M.S., retreat master, share meal with retreatants.

held a question period in Damien Hall. and then held private inter:views. For those who did not want an interview there was a 'film strip shown in Damien Hall. The Retreat ended with a final Conference and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The girls left the Church imd went back to Damien Hall for a final word with the Sisters and part of the Christian revolt. an end of the silence which had The present revolt must be· been strictly observed all day. turned from its concern with God Is Love . secular restriction of our secuIn his Conferences, Father lar ambitions - our desire for Maxfield held to his theme: more and greater worldly gains God is Love. Starting with the and pleasures. It must be a truly idea that 'we 'can't love what Christian revolt against un- we don't know-so that knowlChristian actions and conditions. edge of God is a necessary first When the .second Conference step - Father developed his was finished there was another theme, showing that in Hell there interval for reading, confession, is no love, with no love there and counsel and then, at 3:30 can be no God;. without God in the afternoon, the Retreat there is emptiness, to the con, closed with Benediction and the cluding thought that when we Apostolic ~lessing. love some person we want to Well Worth While give them something-and when In the opinion of Father De- we find a gift for that person lisle the Retreat was well worth we' do" not say: "Two dollars, while and should be repeated'. huh?· I'll find something for a He would be more than willing dollar and keep a buck for myself." to take part. Both Father Brennan and No-we gladly pay the full Father McAloon, as pastors, price--gladly give all we-have---,. were pleased with the attEmaance to get the best for the one w~ and reaction of the high school love. So when we love God we b'oys. want to make Him a gift. And , The students' liked it, too. we do. not hold back any partSome of them said tha't they had' we give gladly and fully of the changed their views on some one· real gift we can make to things or had been able'to ~od--'ourselves. . straighten . out' some problem. Father illustrated one point Most of them would like to do it about Hell with a story I'd like again-and, probably, they will. to pass on. He was talking to a . Certainly they could not have . group of young children and had a' nicer day, weatherwise, . asked if anyone knew about and, the buildings and grounds Hell?' One young man said, yes, of La Salette-all part of the he knew: "Hell is where God Nickerson Estate - are' impres.. ain't and that's what burns you . sive. And, of course, there was up." Father Delisle - and a certain' Chalk up one excellent day all extra freedom, perhaps, in talk- round for Chatham and Haring to and consulting strange wich-and I'd like to quote from priests. Anyway, the· general the. schedule of the Retreat for verdict is--more. . the girls--a quote that may exNaturally, the Sisters were plain why everybody managed to happy over the success ,...- and H " ave a Good Retreat equally happy about the Retreat A 0 sk God's Help for the girls at Holy Trinity in V 0 isit with Christ often West Harwich. After registra- E 0 xperience the Grace of tion, it also started with a ConComm~nion ference at 9:45. The Retreat Master was Father Leo Maxfield, A 0 void distractions M:S. His first Conference was followed by the Rosary. Then a G • ain all the graces you can second Conference and, at 11 o e bserve the silence o'clock, confessions and. private o 0 pen your mind to. the Holy Spirit devotions. Then came a Dialogue Mass and Communion. D • iscuss your problems, Rf n~ed be '. After lunch there was time for reading in Damien Hall, or for saying the' Stations of the T • ry to advance spiritually Cross privately, or for medita- I • nvite Mary's help tion before the Blessed Sacra- M 0 editate, reflect, think ment. . E • nthusiasm is contagious , At 1 o'clock ·Father Maxfield (start an epidemic!)

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