VOL. 48, NO.9· Friday, March S, 2004
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Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Four percent of priests who served over last 50 years accused of abuse By AGOSTINO BONO CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON - About four percent of U.S. priests ministering from 1950 to 2002 were accused of sex abuse with a minor, according to the first compre-
hensive national study of the issue. _ The study said that 4,392 clergymen - almost all of them priests - were accused of abusing 10,667 people, with 75 percent of the incidents taking place
FATHER MARK R. Hession, pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville, has been reelected president of the National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy. (Anchor file photo)
Mass will mark 100th anniversary
Father Mark Hession reelected to lead national education ofclergy group By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR
CENTERVILLE - Father Mark R. Hession, pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, has been reelected president of the National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy (NOCERCC) at its recent 31 sl annual convention in Huntington Beach, Calif. In an interview with The Anchor, Father Hession said he was honored by the support shown him and spoke excitedly about the many challenges ahead. His election comes at a time when NOCERCC, founded in 1973 following a meeting of directors and chairmen of continu-
between 1960 and 1984. During the same time frame there were 109,694 priests, it said. Sex-abuse related costs totaled $573 million, with $219 million covered by insurance companies, said the study done by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. It noted, however, that the overall dollar figure is much -higher than reported; 14 percent of the dioceses and religious communities did not provide financial data and the total did not include settlements made after 2002, such Tum to page 12 - Report
FALL RIVER - The Fall River diocese will commemorate its 1()()lh anniversary at a Mass ofThanksgiving at 3 p.m. on March 14,2004 at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Fall River. A musical prelude will begin at 2:15 p.m. Pope St. Pius X established the Fall River diocese on March 12, 1904 by separating from the Providence diocese all of southeastern Massachusetts, including Cape Cod and the Islands. Fall River became the See City and its St. Mary's Church designated the new Cathedral. Within its 1,194 square mile territory, the new diocese already had 44 parishes serving some 130,000 Catholics. Tum to page 12 - Mass
ing education of priests at Notre Dame University, launches a whole new initiative to promote the unity of priests and bishops and the solidarity of religious communities with priests as members. Titled "Cultivating Unity: The Presbyterate and the Bishop," the initiative, following up on the U.S. bishops' Basic Planfor the Ongoing Formation of Priests, approved in 2000, is intended to be a transformational process engaging the entire diocesan body of priests with its bishop in frank, and faith-centered dialogue leading to a common rededication to Tum to page 12 - Education
Catholics must act to protect marriage BOSTON - The campaign to amend the state constitution reaffirming marriage as the union between one man and one woman continues. The proposal is called the Marriage Affirmation & Protection Amendment (MA & PA). It would reverse a state court decision radically redefining marriage as the union of any two adults. On March 11, the state legislature will again meet in Constitutional Convention. They will resume the marriage debate started on February 11-12. The future of marriage hangs in the balance. Citizens across the Commonwealth, especially Catholics, have created a frrestorm of calls, E-mails, and letters urging their legislators to vote yes on MA &
P A. Pressure needs to continue. Massachusetts Catholic Conference, the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in the Commonwealth, asks everyone coricerned about marriage to help by doing the following: 1) Pray to God unceasingly. Ask for the intercession of Joseph and Mary, and Father Patrick Peyton ("The family that prays together, stays together") whose sainthood cause was begun in the Diocese of Fall River. 2) Send a MA & PA reminder. Even if you have already contacted your state senator and representative, do so again with a "MA & PA reminder" to both. Any weekday is fine, but calls or E-mails March 8 through March 11 will have the greatest
effect. Use your own words to convey the following message: "My name is _ _. I live at _ _. I'm calling/writing to remind Sen./Rep. _ _ to approve MA & PA without mandating same-sex civil unions." 3) Tell the Senate President, "No more stalling." Send a follow-up call or E-mail to Senate President Travaglini, with a message as simple as this: "No more stalling, please. We want our legislators to approve MA & PA without mandating same-sex civil unions." Senate President, 617-722-1500, Email: RTravagl@senate.state.ma.us. Legislators' Contact: Senate clerk 617722-1276 and House clerk 617-722-2356 (the clerks will forward calls to your sena-
tor and/or representative.) E-mail: Find your legislator's E-mail address listed online at http://www.state.ma.usDegis/. Find out how your senator/representative voted so far on the marriage issue at www.macathconf.org and click "Vote Analysis." To identify your state senator/representative call your local Election Department or enter your street address online at www.wheredoivotema.com/bal/ myelectioninfo.php. 4) Join MCC-Net. Become a member of the legislative action network for Catholics in Massachusetts. Join online at www.macathconf.org or by calling the tollfree automated sign~up at 866-367-0558.
Prepared by Mass. Catholic Conference.
Friday, March 5, 2004
Mission to Haiti: where By MARGARET PENICAUD
donations to our brothers and sisters in need. We were on our way Editor's note: Margaret to Haiti. For most of the pilgrims this Penicaud, a member of the Catholic Parishes of Martha's was their first time to enter this Vineyard,recently returned land of abject poverty. It also was safelyfrom her seventh humani- their first experience of being on tarian trip bringing needed medi- mission. The preparations were cine and financial aid to a mis- thorough: passport, vaccinations. sion project in Haiti, a country malaria pills, plane tickets, at the time torn by civil war. She traveler's checks, flash lights and flied the following story with The batteries, bug .spray, and sun Anchor shortly after her return. . screen, to name a few of the items The pilot of flight No. 328 on the check list. Cameras and .from Port-au-Prince to Miami an- film were an important part of our nounced that we would be land- equipment. We were coming to ing in an hour and 43 minutes. It assess the progress of the Fish was February 18, and we were Farm for Haiti Project and doculeaving a country that was in po- ment the needs of the poorest country in our hemisphere, the litical upheaval. Many Americans on our flight fourth hungriest in the world. The Fish Farm Project is lohad cut short their stay, forced to leave by the rioting of govern- cated in the village of Lilavois, 45 ment opposition. Just nine days minutes outside of Port-auearlier we had set out on this jour- Prince, on two-and-a-half acres of ney of faith with our bags packed property belonging to the Daughfull with medical and school sup- ters of Mary Queen Immaculate plies, soccer balls, Frisbees, and of Haiti, who are members of the Beany Babies. We were on a mis- Missionary Cooperative Plan of sion to deliver these and financial the Fall River diocese. This order SPECIAL TO THE ANCHOR
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21 :33-43,45-46 Mi 7:14-15,1820; Ps 103:14,9-12; Lk 15:13,11-32 Ex 3:1-8a,13-15; Ps 103:1-4,68,11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
1111111111 " III " III " 111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Chrisnnas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send addres~hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
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brings life
of indigenous Roman Catholic nuns is a teaching order. We fondly refer to them as the "Blue Nuns" because of their bright blue habits. The Sisters run primary, secondary, and training schools, and a medical dispensary in nine different locations in the southern half of Haiti. Our Project began in January 1998, the fruit of daily Mass and Eucharist, monthly confession, the rosary, daily Bible reading and prayer coupled with fasting on bread and water. Our Lady Queen of Peace has told us in her messages that the solution to all the world's problems can be found in prayer. Through prayer TILAPIA, a fresh water fish, is being harvested in Haiti to and fasting we can stop wars and help Haitians support themselves. (Photo by Louisa Gould) even suspend natural laws. Not through presidents and governments will peace come to our fed a hot lunch while taking a have survived but are not thrivworld but through the cultivation break from their work of pouring ing as they previously had. When and conversion of our hearts. the foundation for the living quar- we left, the Sisters were purchas"God must be in the first place." ters that are now under construc- ing the ingredients for Sherlyne Through donations and fund- tion. to make the feed on the property. raising events enough money had The school is growing, as each We enter the penitential season been raised to complete the year another class of preschoolers of Lent, a time in which the ground level of the school on the is added. The Sisters currently Church encourages us to practice property, drill a well, and con- live in two of the classrooms, spiritual exercises and voluntary struct five basins where tilapia, a 'making the construction of sepa- self-denial, such as fasting, fresh water fish, are now being rate living quarters a high prior- almsgiving and fraternal sharing raised and harvested. "Give a per- ity. It was also encouraging to see through charitable and missionson a fish, feed him for a day; all this activity, knowing that the ary works. teach a person to fish, feed him money we had brought down on May we be mindful of those for a lifetime" has become the our earlier visit in November, was who have much less than we Project's motto. being put to good use. These have. May we commit ourselves When we arrived at the Project workers would have money to to greater generosity toward those site there was much activity in feed their families at the end of who need our support. Please progress. The school was just each day of labor. pray and fast for a peaceful resoending its morning preschool A full-time agronomist had lution to the political turmoil in classes and preparations were be- been hired last November to over- Haiti. It is always the poor who ing made for the afternoon classes see the farming aspect of the suffer during these uprisings. in cooking and sewing, which are Project. Sherlyne Nelson is Hai- Please consider donating to the offered to adolescent girls. A team tian and has a degree from the Fish Farm for Haiti Project. We of 20 to 25 workmen were being Universite Caraibes in aquacul- know we can no longer wait for ture and agriculture. Under her presidents or governments to indirectio'n and with our financial tervene. Our Haitian brothers and Daily Readings backing the Sisters are planning sisters need our help now. Thank to implement a poultry farm of you in advance for your generosMar 8 On 9:4b-10; Ps 1,000 laying hens and add veg- ity. 79:8-9,11,13; Lk etable gardens around the basins. Our Website is located at 6:36-38 Our goal is to create a self-sus- www.fishfarmforhaiti.org. TaxMar 9 Is 1:10,16-20; taining project that will help fi- deductible checks may be made Ps 50:8-9,16bcnance the school and add protein out to "Fish Farm for Haiti" and 17,21,23; Mt to the Haitian diet. mailed to P.O. Box 1803, Vine23:1-12 Sorrowfully, the Project has yard Haven, MA 02568. For more Mar 10 Jar 18:18-20; Ps been affected by the political tur- information call 508-693-0368. 31:5-6,14-16; Mt 20:17-28 . moil. Sherlyne and our technical Margaret Penicaud is a memMar 11 Jar 17:5-10; Ps advisor, Dr. Val Abe, have had ber, Eucharistic minister and lec1:1-4,6; Lk their fair share of frustrations. tor at St. Augustine's, one of the 16:19-31 .Business has been disrupted, and three churches that comprise the Mar 12 Gn 37:3-4,12for two months our fish did not Parishes of Martha's Vineyard. 13a,17b-28; Ps receive their feed, which is im- She is a frequent contributor of 105:16-21; Mt ported from the States. The fish stories to The Anchor. Mar 13
npl:e~~~:;:;~!w~rs priests during~tJie--c~g weeks
1947, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Noon, VG., Pastor, St. James, New Bedford; Third Vicar General~all River, 1934-47
. March 12 1961, Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, P~t r, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1989, ·Rev. Adrien E. Bernier, Pastof, 81. Mathieu, Fall River 1991, Rev. George I. Saad, Retired P~stor, Our, Lady of \j. Purgatory, New Bedford
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Friday, March 5, 2004
Understanding of child sex abuse has evolved in last 50 years By JERRY
WASHINGTON - In the late 1960s there was so little professional literature available on people who sexually abuse minors that "you could read it all in one morning," said a longtime Canadian expert on the issue, psychologist William L. Marshall. In telephone interviews with Catholic News Service, he and other leading North American experts described a sharp leaming curve on sex abuse in the United States and Canada and a few other countries around the world in the 1970s, '80s and '90!1. They said most other countries haven't even entered that learning curve and still do not regard child sexual abuse as a problem or are barely beginning to address it. They described a combination of pervasive societal, legal, professional and organizational obstacles that made it far more difficult years ago to recognize child sexual abuse, report it, prevent it, arrest or treat perpetrators of abuse, or generally provide the tools to halt child sexual abuse as a major problem in society. Those facts will present an im-
portant context for Americans, and American Catholics in particular, when they try to come to grips with the data released recently on a national study on the nature and extent of sexual abuse of minors by U.S. Catholic clergy from 1950 to 2002. But the experts interviewed said most people do not realize how little was known even in the most advanced countries until recently about sexual abuse ofchildren, the impact on the victims, the psychological or otherfactors driving the perpetrators, the treatment needed for victims and perpetrators, or a variety of related issues. Contributing to the lack of knowledge was a combination of gaps in state orfederal laws, lax prosecution of offenders, societal attitudes demeaning children's claims, and implicit anti-disclosure policies by organizations serving. Monica Applewhite, president of Texas-based Praesidium Religious Services, which provides child abuse prevention training for a number of U.S. religious and child-service organizations, said such organizations traditionally tended to 'disbelieve claims by children and to stand by
the adult leader or volunteer who was accused. FatherStephenRossetti, president ofSt Luke Institute in Maryland, one of the leading institutes in the country treating Catholic priests and religious who have addictions or psychological or behavioral problems, including sexual abuse, said there is currently a better sense of possible damage for the victim and when a child reports abuse, there is a tendency much more to believe it. In 1985, when the U.S. bishops held their first national discussion on how to deal with sexual abuse of minors by priests, Father Michael Peterson, founder of St. Luke and one of the nation's leading priestpsychotherapists, wrote to them saying that the issue "is just (now) being investigated in a scientific fashion." "We are at approximately the same point in time with pedophilia in the medicaVpsychiatric world as we were with alcoholism in the late I950s when the American Medical Association finally agreed that alcoholism was a disease in its own
themes, one for each night. On Sunday it will be: "The women at the well"; Monday - "Roll away the stone and be transformed"; Tuesday - "the Prodigal Son"; and Wednesday -'- "Emmaus: Recognizing him in the breaking of the bread." The sacrament of reconciliation will be available on Wednesday evening, with priests from the Taunton area. There will also be a time of fellowship and refreshments following the Wednesday evening presentation. St. Anthony's Church is centrally located and has ampl~, well-lit parking for many. Special thanks from the Taunton area pa~ishes go to St. Anthony's for again hosting the Mission, and they invite one and all to come and experience a spiritual renewal which is the intent of a Lenten Mission.
State Rep. Elizabeth Poirier is scheduled to attend, and several other elected officials have been invited. The event will give people the opportunity to learn more about same-sex marriage and the Marriage Affirmation & Protection Amendment to be debated at a state Constitutional Convention at the State House in Boston on March 11.
St. John's Parish Mission Sf. John the Evangelist Church 133 North Main Street Attleboro, MA 02703 "Can You Hear Me Now?" St. John's Parish will have a Parish Mission, March 8th through 10th, 2004. . Our guest presenter will be Father Ray Kemp, who will speak at all the Masses on Match 6th & 7th and then celebrate daily Mass at 9:00 am on Monday-Wednesday followed by discussion. The
evening services will be held on Monday-Wednesday at 7:00 pm. A parish celebration and reception will conclude the Mission on Wednesday evening. Babysitting will be available for the 9:00 am Masses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Nursery for young parents who would like to participate! .
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Noted author to speak on 'The case for marriage' ATTLEBORO Mass. Voices for Marriage, a non-denominational grass-roots citizens group defending traditional marriage will host guest speaker Maggie Gallagher at Highland Country Club hi Attleboro, Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Gallagher, the co-author of ''The Case for Marriage," is President of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy.
a tiny bit in the Nordic countries. In places like Japan it's ignored, not an issue at all." Marshall said treatment programs for offenders before 1980including psychoanalysis and shock therapy, were not effective. Asked about statements by bishops that in those days most treatment-givers often advised a quick return of priests to ministry after treatment, Marshall said, "In retrospeCt it was dumb advice. They were doing their best to guess what was most effective. It's not the advice that I would have given in the '60s, but in fairness, we were all in the dark."
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Sacred Hearts Father Kolasa to lead Taunton area Lenten Mission TAUNTON - The sixth annual Taunton Area Lenten Mission will begin Sunday and run each evening through Wednesday. The Mission begins at 7 p.m. each night at St. Anthony's Church, 126 School Street, Taunton. People of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend as part of their effort to grow closer to Christ during Lent. Once again, an outstanding preacher of the Word has accepted im invitation to lead the Mission - Sacred Hearts Father Stan Kolasa, pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, New Bedford. Father Kolasa has been a vowed religious for 40 years and a priest for 34. He has served in various parishes in the Diocese of Fall River as well as_mission parishes elsewhere. There will be four different
right," he wrote. Another Canadian expert, R. Karl Hanson, said it was in the 1960s that all states passed laws requiring physicians to report signs of physical abuse of children to authorities. It also applied to Canada and was somewhat similar for England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. ''But each country in Europe has a different attitude, and they haven't followed the same trends at all. France is starting to (address it), but they're just starting to now. It's' barely being discussed in Italy. Germany is doing something. (There's)
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Friday, March 5, 2004
the living word
Reminders of our time The study released this past week by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York, analyzed the extent of sexual abuse of minors by U.S. Catholic clergy since 1950. In commenting on the study, Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, offered some very important reflections on the issue. He acknowledged the extent of the abuse is one step in many ahead. Despite being painful and hurtful, the bishop stated, ''The Church in the United States needs to shine a light on the past to gather as much information as possible about how this dreadful chapter in our history came about; we cannot change history, but greater and more accurate knowledge will help assure that it is not repeated." Then he stated, "I pray as well that what we are doing will be of benefit, not . only to the Church, but to the whole of society." If this is to become a reality, then the whole of society must undertake their own Jay Report. From coast to coast, the Catholic Church has taken a tremendous pounding. To be sure, the evil of abuse must be eradicated in the daily life of the Church. What has been revealed is horrendous and shameful. All admit there is more work to be done that this evil is expunged from Church life. The Jay Report, together with the effective work of diocesan review boards; the implementation of CORI checks, and the implementation of acode of conduct for all diocesan employees, are needed steps in the right direction. Yet, as a social issue, this work must not be confined to the Catholic Church alone. Now is the time for churches of all denominations to conduct a similar study. If we are to be truly dedicated as a peopJe to eradicate child abuse in our nation, then we must go beyond the sphe~ of churches and synagogues. Every social agency, educational institution _and service related program should be mandated to surface all issues relating to child abuse. Boys and Girl~ clubs, YMCAs, all school programsinvolving youth, summer camp programs and the like, should be held to the same scrutiny that has been demanded of the Catholic Church. CHILEAN MEN STAND ON A HILL OVERLOOKING SMOG-COVERED SANTIAGO IN MAY 2003. IN The National Center for Victims of Crime reported that more than: A RECENT ISSUE 'OF THE JESUIT MAGAZINE, LA CIVlLTA CAITOUCA, AUTHOR FATHER 880,000 children were the victims of abuse or neglect in 2000 alone. It GIANPAOLO SALVINI SAYS THE MEDIA OVERSTATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS, OFTEN is more than obvious that the problem goes far beyond Church doors. CREATING A DOOM-AND-GLOOM VIEW OF THE WORLD. FATHER SALVINI SUGGESTS THAT Yet, the contemporary secular media has failed to make this fact a real ALTHOUGH ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ARE SERIOUS HUMAN BEINGS HAVE THE CAPACITY TO new issue. We are all gratified by honest and just reporting; we are all hurt by prejudicial and subjective c:ommentary. For those hardworking REPAIR AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS LIKE EROSION AND SOIL DEPLETION. (CNS PHOTO FROM men and women of the print and television media who have tried their REUTERS) very best to surface the truth, we all must be grateful. At the same time, we also should hold those accountable who use their powerful influ"THE EARTH IS THE LoRD'S, AND ALL IT CONTAINS, THE WORLD, ence to detract and distort. It also should be noted that many clinical psychologists and certified , AND THOSE WHO DWELL IN IT" (PSALM 24: 1). social workers would agree that the number of children abused by their parent, relative or friend is practically incalculable. Child abuse is often a pattern offamily violence. So much of this particular type of abusive practice goes unnoticed and unreported. As Catholics, all in the Church must remind ourselves that to become a child in relation to God is the condition for entering the Kingdom. As St. Matthew writes in his Gospel, ''At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, 'Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Editor's note: The following into the human condition. One of This testimony echoes the f~nda Heaven?' Jesus called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, is the second in a three-part se- those truths is that marriage ... is mental points argued before the 'Amen I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one child such as ries on this' most topical issue by exclusively a union of one man county of Suffolk ,in the ComSulpician Father Gerald and one woman." Maggie monwealth of Massachusetts. The this, receives me.''' He goes on to tell the disciples, ''Whoever causes one of these little Coleman, who addressed the Gallaghl?r of the Institute for Mar- 14th Amendment was cited as ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great subject in a single address Janu- riage and Public Policy insists, precluding government from intherefore, that'there are "good truding into "deeply personal millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the -depths of the ary 28 at Santa Clara University things that happen when hus- realms," of violating "common in Santa Clara, Calif. The entire sea." article appeared in the February bands and wives are joined in per- human dignity," most uniquely These powerful words are indeed a reminder for our times. 12 issue of Origins, the Catho- manent, public, sexual, emo- manifested in the "deeply perThe Executive Editor lic News Service's documentary tional, financial and parenting sonal realms of consensual adult union," and these "good things" expressions of intimacy and of service. Marriage - can only be realized in a sexual one's choice of an intimate.partJ1le proposed federal marriage love that is an expression of ner." The thread that weaves this amendment straightforWardly af- sexual complementarity, perma- argument rests strongly on the firms that "marriage in the United nent commitment and point that the "right to choose to marry" is a "fundamental right." States is exclusively a union of generativity." , ,*' _. . , . &",0 0:,'·0 " one man and one woman." This This definition is in extreme Advocates of this position genOffiCIAL NEWSPAPER Of tHE OIOCESE-O~ FiALL-RIVER 9 i- definition repeats the 1996 De- opposition to-the meanings given erally sustain these arguments: Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RiVer A.fense of Marriage Act, which to same-sex unions. An affidavit - First: Marriage is the high", , . > _ $ .. h,. t·. Mt ~.J,,,,$,, ;4., ",,4,·:.£,'" states that in federal law marriage by a Catholic priest to the Su- est form of public recognition of is the "legal union between one preme Court of Canada in 2003, "personal integrity" and denying Telephone 508-675-7;15J _ FAX.S06.,$75.7jo4a·,.. man and one woman," and a praises the decisions of the it to same-sex people is an "afE-mail: TheAoCf:'lor;@AochorneWSlorg, t spouse is "a person of the oppo- Ontario Court of Appeals, the front to their civil equality." Such Send address changes to, P.O. Box, call.or.use e·mafladdress> ;. site sex who is -a husband or a British Columbia Court of Ap- a denial constitutes the "imposiwife." Defending this meaning is peals and the Quebec Superior tion of unjustified inequality." not merely an exercise in seman- Court for "reformulating" the P;ui.ty, then, is the key issue; tics but a defense of a "public definition of marriage as "the vol- Second: Sexual relationEDITOR moral culture which recognizes of two perships should be defined primarily untary union for life David B. Jollvet that there are moral. truths built l'sons with the exclusion of others." Tum to page i3 -issues
Same-sex unions and, marriage: The issues
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~riday, ~1l15. 2004
No hard feelings, OK? or higher, than his peers. I think I have the lingo down to become a successful Respect. He wants to be superstar athlete. I believe all remembered for all the blood, New Englanders do because sweat and tears he's given to we've been taught by the very the Red Sox. best. We see it day in and day Funny, I don't remember out in our sports pages, in Garciapara being hurt when sound bites, online, on ESPN, he took over the shortstop NESN, CNN, and just in case we missed it, sports agents reiterate certain mantras for their clients: "I'm hurt," "It's not about the money," "It's a matter of respect." According to what By Dave .Jolivet I've seen this past baseball off season, Sox shortstop Nomar Garciapara has to be the most position from long-time Soxer sensitive athlete in baseball. John Valentin·. Here was He's hurt that his employers Nomar, this young upstart shopped him around this from Pawtucket, suddenly winter. He's hurt that he taking the position of a man found out about being trade who'd given his blood, sweat bait from a friend while on his and tears for the Sox· for years. Strange, I don't recall honeymoon. He's hurt that he's not getting the respect he Nomar being hurt when he deserves. was given a nice fat, multiBut, he wasn't hurt when year contract the likes of he turned down a beefy fourwhich Mr. Valentin would . year contract offer from the never see. I can't seem to Red Sox. But remember folks, remember Nomar being hurt that his coup at shortstop it's not about the money. It's meant the beginning of the respect. He wants to be end of Valentin in Boston. compensated at the same rate,
My View From the Stands
Boohoo Nomar. Maybe if you hadn't turned down the millions the Sox were offering you to stay in Boston, they wouldn't have shopped you around like a piece of meat. Maybe, if in fact it wasn't about the money, you'd have the respect you feel you deserve - especially from the fans. Frankly Nomar, some fans are getting tired of you and those like you. How much is enough anyway? How many.millions .of dollars will give you financial security? Can you say PRIDE? Alas, No.5, your crybaby antics are not the only act in town. Teammates Pedro and Derek can moan and groan with the best of them. But the champion whiner comes from the champion New England Patriots - Ty R-E-S-P-E-C-T Law. The Patriots insulted Law with their request to restructure his obscene financial deal. It's not about the money! It's about respect. . Well Mr. Law, we' didn't hear you moaning and groan-
Parochial vicar speaks out on abuse scandal Editor's Note: The following is a February 21 message by Father David E. Frederid to his parish. ioners at Our Lady ofVICtOry Par· ish, Centerville. Dear Friends, In June of 2002 the U.S. bishops issued their document Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. In that document, courses of action were stated. One of these was to commission an independent study to examine the scope of abuse by clergy over a 50year period. The John Jay School of Criminal Justice will be issuing that report this week. In anticipation of that report, the Diocese ofFall River released the information conceming our diocese. This information, along with a letter from our bishop, may be found in the bulletin this week. In addition to the statistics of the last 50 years, it includes information on the financial settlements. It is important to note that no funds were taken from parishes or from the Catholic Charities Appeal. This issue has caused a lot of pain to aU Catholics, lay and ordained alike. The purpose of releasing this information isn't to rekindle the issue or to open ourselves up for attack, but to take a lead in combating a very serious social issue. We, as a society, have leamed much about sexual abuse and perpetrators of this abuse in the last 20 years. Over the last 20 years changes have occurred in the application process
to the seminary and the formation in the seminary. In 2004, a candidate for the priesthood must -go through a series of interviews, background ch~cks and psychological testing before being accepted by the diocese and then the seminary. Throughout the seminary he goes through what is called "human formation," through which the seminarian. prepares to live as a priest, with its sacrifices and demands. In addition, a committee of faculty, laypersons and seminary administration personnel decide whether to invite the candidate back for another year of formation. The Holy Father has chosen as a theme for this Lent a quote from Jesus found in Matthew's Gospel: "Whoever receives one such child in my name received me" (Matt 18:5). In this letter, His Holiness writes, ''Today Jesus continues to call children to himself and to set them as an example to all those who wish to be his disciples. Jesus' words call us to see how children are treated in our families, in civil society, and in the Church." Our Church is doing what is necessary to make our parishes and institutions safe for aU children, teen-agers and adults. Yet, the job does not end with just making our faith communities safe. The National Center for Victims of Crime reports that in the year 2000, 879,000 children were the victims of abuse orneglect. In 2001,83,000
teens were sexually assaulted 1.5 million were physically assaulted. These numbers as well as recent news reports in the Cape Cod Times remind us that this is a very serious issue in our society, not a Church issue or a celibacy issue. Father Mark R. Hession (the pastor) and I, in consultation with the Pastoral Council, are working with Dr. Joe Ryan to provide a forum for our parishioners to make known their feelings and concerns and to educate themselves on such an important issue. There will be information about this soon. Please watch the bulletin for the date and time. Anyone wishing to speak with either of us privately concerning this issue, or any aspect of our parish, should feel free to contact us. On behalfofyour priests, I thank you for the support so many have shown us and the other priests who assist at our parish. We too have been saddened and angered with what has happened in our Church. We have willingly sacrificed the gift of parenthood for the sake of our parishioners and are hurt that some in the priesthood have mocked that sacrifice by their actions. Please know that we are very happy as your priests and wilJ continue to serve you to the best of our ability. You and your families remain in our prayers. Please keep us in yours. In Christ. Father David C. Frederici
ing when you learned how to use your defensive talents to the max. Do you really think you would be, as you say, "the best cornerback in football" if you had spent the last half-dozen years in Cincinnati, San Diego or Buffalo? Do you think the coaching staffs there would have refined your skills as have the Patriots' defensive gurus? Do you really think that spreading out your cash over a few more years so that you can stay in New England and they can continue to put a quality team on the field is an insult? Can you say PRIDE? Go, make more money somewhere else. Surround yourself with mediocrity and see how good you really are. You know what guys, it's the New England sports fans that deserve a little respect. We're the ones' who pay astronomical prices to watch you. We're the ones who suffer when you don't win.
We're the ones who brave all types of elements to support you. We're the ones who pump up your fragile egos. Yet we're the ones who must endure your incessant griping. Go Ty. Go find the success your friend Lawyer found last season. Go Nomar. Go Pedro. Go play in pinstripes next season. The fans her~ will remain loyal to the Sox no matter who puts on the uniform. We were here before you arrived and we'll be here after you go. No hard feelings, OK? It's simply about respect. Dave lolivet, editor of The Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchornews.ore·
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salv'ation oftheir souls, all those who on theftrst . Saturday of ftve consecutive months shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for th~ offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Friday, March 5, 2094
Bishop Coleman comments on John Jay Report results ACUSHNET - St. Francis . is leading an adult education course Xavier Parish, 125 Main Street, pre- on the controversial and often misunsents a three-night Lenten Retreat en- derstood issues in Catholicism Suntitled "Les Missions," on March 14, day from 6-8 p.m. in the school. The 15 and 16 at 7 p.m. in the church. The topic is "Fully CatholicResponse to theme is repentance and it is based on the Jay Report on Clergy Sexual the musical "Les Miserables." The Abuse." , There will be a Lenten Mission at 7 event is free. The week will end with . a Lenten Fish Bake on March 19 from p.m. March 8-11 at the church. It is 5-7 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier School themed "Getting More out of the Bahall. For more information, call 508- sics: The Five Pillars of Holiness." It will include Benediction ofthe Blessed 995-7600. Sacrament and confessions will be CHATHAM - A parish Lenten heard nightly. For more information Mission will be conducted by Father ca11508-775-0818. Henry J. Rancourt, SM, March 15-l7 MASHPEE - An Irish dinner beginning at 11 a.m. at Holy Redeemer Church. Themed "Journeying dance, sponsored by the Knights of with Jesus," it will include the celebra- Columbus, will be held March 13 betion of Mass and reconciliation. The ginning at 6 p.m. in the parish hall of March 16 mission will be repeated at Christ the King Church. It will fea7 p.m. For more information call 508- ture Irish music and step dancing by youngsters who will perform cultural 945-0677. jigs, reels and hornpipes. For more inEAST FREETOWN - A post- formation call 508-477-7700. Confirmation Yes Retreat will be held TAUNTON- A Taunton March 19-21 at Cathedral Camp. For more information write: Yes Retreat, Chapter of the Secular Franciscans 477 Milford Road, Suite 175, Order, is being established and will Swansea, MA 02777, or call Frank meet the second Sunday of the Lucca at 508-324-4576. month at Holy Rosary Parish Center, 80 Bay Street at 1 p.m. For more' HYANNIS ' - Father Roger information call 508-822-9079 afLandry' of St. Francis Xavier Parish ter 5 p.m.
FALL RIVER --'-- Bishop George W. Coleman has issued the following statement on the release of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Study on "The Nature and Scope of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States 1950-2002" and the National Review Board's "Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States": "As part of their June 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the Bishops of the United States requested that the National Review Board commission two studies. One was' to determine the nature and scope of the problem of sexual abuse of minors by clergy within the Catholic Church. To conduct this study, the Board selected the John Jay Col- . lege of Criminal Justice路in New York. The other study sought py the bishops was to look at the causes and context of the sexual abuse crisis. . Today, reports on both studies have been released. Bishops received them just two days earlier. I have found reading them difficult and even painful, on the one hand, but also hopeful, for the National Review Board in its report indicates that the Charter and Essential Norms 'have'placed the Catholic Church in the United States on a course to ensure the safety of its children and young people and to recover the confidence of the laity.'
These reports, containing data and recommendations, must be studied by those who want to make sure that the mistakes of the past never happen again. The intent of the bishops' call for the reports was to help all in the Church to understand the problem of clergy sexual abuse more fully and to try to comprehend the actions or .inactions that allowed this crisis to take place. Only by a thorough study of the problem of clergy s'exual abuse, can effective steps be taken to create appropriate preventive measures. I know of no other institution that has undertaken a study on the scale of the John Jay in its efforts to ensure a safe environment for children. I hope that this model may encourage other groups and institutions to engage in a similar study in order to advance their own child protection efforts. . The reports are lengthy and demand time for . close reading and reflection, and in the days ahead, I will do that. As I stated last week in my letter accompanying the release of our diocesan statistics related to the John Jay Study, it is my priority to ensure that our policies and procedures regarding abuse are as complete and encompassing as possible. It is my hope that the two reports issued today will help both to ensure a safe environment for children and to bring about healing to our wounded Church." .
Fall River pari,shes to host Mission FALL RIVER - The parishes of Fall River will once again sponsor a "City-Wide Lenten Mission," to be held at various locations from March 9-12. Mission preacher will be Father Craig A. Pregana, parochial administrator at St. Michael's Parish, Swansea. The theme of this year's event is "Christ, the Beloved: Taken, Blessed, Broken and Shared." Eucharist will be celebrated on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. On Friday, a reconciliation service will take place with several priests from the area. The locations are as follows: March 9 - Holy Trinity Parish, Stafford Road; March 10-
St. Michael's Parish, Essex Street; March 11 - SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Pulaski Street; and March 12 - Good Shepherd Parish, South Main Street. All starting times are 7 p.m. The Mission will provide an opportunity for spiritual renewal and will allow Catholics from different parishes to join together as members of one Church, to share faith as they witness to the common bond in Christ whIle living out the Gospel ill their daily lives and individual parishes.. . All invited. For more information c0ntact your parish or Father Scott A. Ciosek, parochial vicar at St. Michael's Parish at 508672-6713.
New Bedford Deanery hosts Mission NEW BEDFORD - The New Bedford Deanery will once again host a city-wide Lenten Mission March 29,30,31 and April 1 at St. Mary's Church, TarkJin Hill Road. The theme of this year's mission is "Restoring All Things in Christ." Four different priests will preSent topics in conjucton with the theme. The mission talk will be repeated twice daily - at the 12:05 p.m. daily Lenten Mass and in the evening at 7 p.m. within the context of Benediction except on Thursday when it will be presented within the context of Mass celebrated in the.Maronite Rite. The sacrament of reconciliation will be available before the Mass from 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. each day except Monday, and in the evening from 6:00 - 6:45
p.m., except Monday evening. The priests and the themes of the talks are as follows: Monday: "It All Starts With Forgiveness," Father Stephen A. Fernandes (pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, New Bedford). Tuesday: "A Plan For Holiness," Father David A. Pignato (secretary to the bishop and chaplain, Bishop Stang High School). Wednesday: " God's Word in Our Life of Prayer," Father Timothy P. Driscoll (parochial vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish, New Bedford).. Thursday: "Communion With Our God and With One Another," Father John J. Oliveira (pastor, Our Lady ofMount Carmel Parish. New Bedford).
Honoring those who serve Our archdiocese decided two years ago to 40nor the service of unheralded members of our faith community. They exist in every diocese, every parish: the unsung heroes. The woman or man who is always there, who volunteers for the job nobody else wants, who can always be counted on. So often, we take them for granted. Sometimes, it's the priest who goes the extra mile, searches out the homebound, opens his door to ~me more appointment at the end of a long
For almost two decades, said her pastor, this woman has been "a catalyst for almost every parish activity." Only recently, he said, . has she been willing to accept a stipend for her ministry. When the parish council decided to nominate her for the award, it was mentioned at Mass that other parishioners could also nominate her individua:lly if they chose. The response was overwhelming, said her pastor in his nomina-
ins and nursing homes. Her pastor spoke of people who, even though dementia has robbed them of memory, still light up when they see this gentle woman walk through the door. A deacon and his wife were honored in the clergy 'category for years of generosity and a remarkable response of leadership when a devasta~rig fire ravaged their comer of Alaska. And a youth group from a sma:ll town was honored for traveling to a small Eskimo village to teach religious education. Besides a night of
for the ' J,oarney
:;t get .. winners are those of us his calendar is already full. who hear about these gifts ;, ;\ " of self when we might Many times it's a By Effie Caldarola otherwise not have known woman, that pillar of the Church who volunteers to about them. teach another religious These awards aren't education class, organizes the tion. From a parish of 300 meant to honor the priest who prayer group, hauls the parish families, almost 200 nominations raises the most money to build the fanciest church or the laype.rson donations to the food bank, poured in, many of them long, delivers the Eucharist to the heartfelt tributes, many from who opens a fat checkbook. The elderly shut-in on a snowy Sunday. young adults who had benefited head table isn't sold to the highest from this woman's gift for bidder. The St. Francis of Assisi recognition banquet is now an catechesis. Instead, the event honors the annual event in our archdiocese When this woman decided to . people who put the word "faith" pursue a degree in pastoral into faith community. The.banquet and a source of many blessings. The evening honors people in ministry to enhance her work, her is simple and becomes a family three categories: clergy or relipastor wrote that the parish council reunion for our far-flung. archdiogious, laity and youth or youth "unanimously and immediately" cese. group. Anyone in the archdiocese offered to pay her costs because This is where the people who may nominate candidates, and a "supporting her education will do the hard work of Christianity in have immeasurable benefits to us a sometimes indifferent culture are selection committee makes the final determination. as a parish community." acknowledged. It's the kind of This year the laity award was Another woman honored is a dinner where you leave with a given to two women, volunteer home visitor for our good feeling, but a restless One is a religious-education cathedral parish. Her quiet ministry question: What have I done for my director from a small-town parish. takes her on weekJy rounds'to shut- faith community lately?
the anch~
Friday, March 5,2004
How long was Jesus on the cross? Q. I'm reminded each Lent of a question about Jesus' death. According to St. Mark's account of the passion, Jesus was crucified at 9 in the morning (the third hour) and died at the ninth hour. This means he hung on the cross for six hours, rather than the three hours we usually assume and the other Gospels say. How is this explained? (New York)
a belief reaffIrmed every Passover. SignifIcantly then, John tells us (19:14-15) that, at the sixth hour, when Pilate presents Jesus to the Jewish leaders as king, the "chief priests" reject the ancient adherence to God as their only
Questions and Answers
By Father A. Some differences John J. Dietzen in the Gospels' chronology of Good Friday are traceable to the various king by declaring, "We have no themes and theologies of the king but Caesar." evangelists who wrote them. But the problem you raise isn't There seems little question that this chronology was that complicated. adopted by John to connect that All three synoptic Gospels note the "darkness" over the rejection of God and Jesus to land from noon to the ninth the sixth hour, the hour when hour, 3 in the afternoon, after Passover regulations went into which Jesus died. Neither effect for the Jews. Matthew nor Luke indicates a John's timing of the crucifixtime for the crucifixion, but they ion and death of Jesus would describe several events after the thus be quite different than in crucifixion but before the the synoptics, but he makes no darkness, implying that the time attempt to provide any further on the cross was somewhat chronology. In any case, of course, Jesus more than three hours. As he does so often, John would have remained on the makes the whole picture much cross a considerable time after his death while Joseph of less neat. The core of Hebrew Arimathea made arrangements faith through the centuries had been that God is their only king, with the authorities to assume
responsibility for his body.
Q. When does Lent officially end now? In preparing our Holy Week programs, we are told Holy Thursday, not Holy Saturday, is the last day of Lent. Is that true? (Texas) A. Yes. Lent concludes on Holy Thursday. Those of us who are older will recall that for a long time Lent ended at noon on Holy Saturday. This happened because the great liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday were all twisted out of shape, and were "celebrated" in relatively brief and informal ceremonies on the morning of those days. The earlier, long tradition of the Church, however, was that the sacred triduum (literally the sacred three days) formed a separate holy time between Lent and the beginning of the Easter season. Now, therefore, the Mass celebrating the institution of the Eucharist again takes place on Holy Thursday night, and the Easter Vigil liturgy is back where it traditionally belongs, during the night between Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, promulgated by Pope Paul VI in
7 1969, states, "Lent lasts from Ash Wednesday to the Mass of the Lord's Supper exclusive" (28). In other words, Lent ends before the Mass on Holy Thursday evening. The triduum itself begins with the evening Mass on Holy Thursday and reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, which begins the Easter season.
A free brochure describing basic Catholic prayers, beliefs and moral precepts is available by sending a stamped, selfaddressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651.
Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: jjdietzen@aol.com.
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Benefits for farmworkers seen _ in newest immigration bill WASHINGTON - The lives of immigrant farmworkers, who make up more than half of the 1.8 million U.S. agricultural workers, could be improved under a proposed law that could legalize their status by the end of the decade, speakers said at a social ministry workshop. The bill is supported by a bipartisan coalition in both houses of
Congress - and by both growers and farmworkers unions - but could be scuttled by its congressional opponents, according to 1. Kevin Appleby, director of migration policy for the U.S. bishops' Migration and Refugee Services. "There are some very, very powerful people who have problems with this bill;' he said at a workshop
Our Lady's Monthly Message From Medjugorje February 25, 2004 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children! Also today, as never up to now, I call you to open your hearts to my messages. Little children, be those who . draw souls to God and not those who distance them. I am with you and love you all with a special love. This is a time of penance and conversion. From the bottom of my heart, I call you to be mine with all your heart and then you will see that your God is great, because He will give you an abundance of blessings and peace. "Thank you for having responded to my call."
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session during the annual February 22-25 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington. The bill- known as the Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits and Security Act - also could be jeopardized by legislative amendments. The bill was crafted by the farmworkers unions and the growers during arduous negotiations.
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St. Joseph-St. Therese Parish, New Bedford ST. JOSEPH-ST. THERESE PARISH, ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH,
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NEW BEDFORD - The Par- Gamache in memory of William ish of St. Joseph-St. Therese was and Rose Gamache and Maurice established by Bishop Sean P. Gamache. O'Malley, OFM Cap., on Nov. The second floor of the 28, 1999 and St. Joseph School former St. Theresa's Church received the new name of St. Jo- was converted into a gym for seph-St. Therese School. Father the youth of the new parish. It Roger J. Levesque was ap- is being used by parish youth pointed the first pastor. for basketball practice. The One hundred families from former rectory and CCD CenSt. Therese chose to join the ter has become home for seven new parish. young women teaching in the The beautiful crucifix, which schools of our diocese. Miss hung over the chair in St. Pamela Swan is a teacher in the Theresa's Church, was brought School of St. Joseph-St. into the new parish church to Therese. The current pastor is Father hang above the presiding chair Roger J. Levesque. Holy Cross in the sanctuary. A fine painting of St. Therese Father Robert J. Rioux offers in the hallway of St. Theresa's two Masses every weekend. The church in loving memory of At- 'deacons are Maurice Lavallee torney George B. Constantine and Leo.W. Racine. Jacqueline from "His Little Angels" dated Rogissart is the organist and Jan. 18, 1986, donated and re- choir director. Mary Beth furbished by the Constantine Moriarty路is the school principal Family, was hung above the and Edward Mello Jr., is coornorth entrance of the new dinator of religious education. church. . Edward Houle is chairman of St. The former baptistery of the Joseph-St. Therese Youth Minnew church was named St. istry. The parish address is 51 Theresa's路 Room. It includes a Duncan Street, New Bedford, lying-down statue of St. MA '027,45-6108. It can be . ,_,Theres!y. A valuable gift, the reached by telephone at 508: : "~cadllons, were donated to the 995-5235; and by "PAX:at'S08::' . . ; new parish by Miss Lorraine 995-7266.
Holy Trinity Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - Holy Trin- Jean's. The altar of reservation of ity Parish was established on the former St. William's has been June 28, 2000 to serve Catholics beautifully recreated to become in the Maplewood section of Fall the altar of sacrifice. River. In addition, the crucifix and Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, side altars of St. William's have OFM Cap., asked that the three been refinished for use in the new parishes of the area, St. parish. Elizabeth's, St. Jean Baptiste, and A beautiful stained glass winSt. William's, come together to dow was added to the sanctuary, form one, new parish, utilizing St. which itself is another legacy Jean's Church building as it wor- from the former St. Mathieu's ship site. Parish in Fall River. Extensive renovations had There is also a new entrance taken place on both inside and for the handicapped along with an outside the church building. On elevator providing full accessibilOct. 29, 2000, the new parish ity. community celebrated a Mass of In addition to the many structhanksgiving with the bishop. tural improvements, creating a In his homily, Bishop vibrant parish community has O'Malley stated that the mission been the number one priority for of Holy Trinity Parish, for the the new parish. One of the great- . new millennium, is to form a new, est challenges of a newly-merged vibrant family offaith to proclaim parish is to create an atmosphere the Gospel in the Maplewood of welcome and belonging for all community of Fall River. parishioners. For this reason, evIncorporated into the church ery aspect of parish life had a new were many liturgical items fr9m ,beginning which helped to reafthe former parishes. In many firm both welcome and belongcases these items were restored ing for all. and reconfigured to blend into the The various ministries and overall architectural design and committees began to form with a space. new sense of mission in respondThe altar of sacrifice from the ing to the many pastoral needs. former$t. Elizabeth's is now the The parish also has the responsialtar of reservation for the holy bility of sponsoring a Catholic Eucharist, as well as, the newly elementary school, which shares created ambo for the proclama- .a close relationship with the partion of God's Word. The taber- ish conference of St. Vincent de nacle and baptismal font are Paul in responding to those in among the items from former St. need.
The new parish is now comprised of more than 1,400 families as it approaches its fourth anniversary. Father David M. Andrade is the founding pastor. Mrs. Kathleen Barboza is the school principal. Mrs. Patricia Pasternak
is the director of religious education. Mrs. Deborah Jezak is the confirmation coordinator and youth minister. Mrs. Betty-Ann Hickey is the director of music. Mrs. Gertrude Cadima is the parish secretary. The parish is located at 951 Stafford Road, Fall River,
MA 02721-3339. It can be reached by telephone at 508-6723200; by FAX at 508-673-5518; and by E-mail at HolyTrinity@worldnet.att.net. The Website is www.catholicforu m. comIc h urc h site sl holytrinity/.
Friday, March 5, 2004
Annunciation of the Lord Parish, Taunton TAUNTON - On June 21, 2001, the new Parish of the Annunciation of the Lord was founded. Although the name of the worshipping community was new, it was comprised of the warp and weave of faith that had withstood the storms and travails of time. It was the result of the merger of
what had been Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Sacred Heart Parish, which are within a block of one another. In 1873, Bishop Thomas Hendricken of the Diocese of Providence, whose territory at the time included portions of Massachusetts; announced the creation of the Parish of the Sacred Heart
in Taunton. For more than 128 years it served the spiritual needs of Irish, Italian and Portuguese Catholics. Father Jon-Paul Gallant was its last pastor. It was Bishop William Stang of the newly-formed Diocese of Fall River, who a year after that founding, announced the creation of the Parish of Our Lady of
Lourdes in 1905. For 96 years it served the needs of Portuguese Catholics. Father John Gomes was to be its last pastor. The two parishes became one and on the weekend of June 23 and 24, 2001, members of the new faith community joined together in the celebration of the Eucharist. During a parish retreat on Nov. 25-28, 2001, the parishioners made a commitment to write a covenant that would express a spiritual vision of what they would become. The preamble to that covenant reads: "We believe the union of these two parishes is the plan of God. We belieVe God gives us the graces necessary to cooperate in this plan so that from this union would flow new graces for our community. We, as Roman Catholics, believe that Mary was an instrument of God's plan in the Annunciation story. We also believe that we are caHed to follow the example of Mary of Nazareth by being instruments in living out the Good News of Salvation as the new faith community of the Annunciation of the Lord in Taunton, Massachusetts." The people became one in the various parish ministries: Ministry to the Sick, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Music Ministry, Faith Formation for Children and
Adults, Parent Participation in the Religious Education Program, Baptismal Preparation Sessions, Ministers of Hospitality, the Women's Guild, Social Functions, and Youth Ministry. In September 200 I, major renovations began on the church property. They included an elevator at the side entrance, a circular drive leading to the church, new windows installed in the church hall, air conditioning and increased parking. The main church, the former Sacred Heart, which seats 800, has all weekend Masses, while the chapel, the former Our Lady of Lourdes, is used for daily Mass. The option is given parishioners for weddings and funerals at either site. Our Lady of Lourdes School is the parish school, with grades kindergarten through grade-five. . Currently, Father John A. Gomes is pastor of the Annunciation of the Lord Parish. The deacon is Joseph P. Medeiros. Margie Copeland is director of religious education, Doreen Soares is administrative assistant, Arleen Booker is school principal and Mercy Sister Margretta Sol, is the development director. The parish address is 31 First Street, Taunton, MA 02780. It can be reached by telephone at 508-8232521; by FAX at 508-823-2522; and by' E~Mail at anno1325@aol.com.
Good Shepherd Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - In the mid as St. Patrick because as a conse1990s Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, . crated church the name cannot OFM Cap., formed a Pastoral Plan- change. In preparation for the ning Office with the responsibility merger, a major renovation of St. of overseeing the restructuring of Patrick's Church began in April of the diocese due to the decline in the 2002 under the direction of Deanumber of priests along with shift-con Tom Palanza, building consulting demographics. ant for the diocese. A crucial asIn September of 1999 as part of pect of this renovation was the conthis restructuring, Bishop O'Malley struction of a new building connectannounced that the three parishes ing the rectory and church, containof St. Patrick, Our Lady of the An- ing bathrooms and an elevator. The chapel in the lower gels, and Blessed Sacrament in the South End of Fall River would church was transformed into the mergetoformanewparish.Aspart parish hall complete with of the merger process, a Planning classrooms and kitchen. Task Force was formed consisting Good Shepherd Parish was of clergy and laity from each of the formed on June 5,2002 as the parthree parishes. ishes of St. Patrick, Our Lady of In the fall of that year Bishop the Angels, and Blessed Sacrament O'Malley announced his decision were closed. to use St. Patrick's Church as the Since St. Patrick's Church was primary worship site of the new not yet handicapped accessible beparish. In December, the parishio- cause the renovations were not ners of Blessed Sacrament re- completed, weekend Masses were quested that the merger be delayed also held at Our Lady of the Anuntil 2002 so that they could gels' Chapel, which was handicelebrate their centennial. capped accessible; At the same time the parishioThe first baptism and wedding ners of Our Lady of the Angels re- in Good Shepherd Parish were eelquested that their church building ebrated the weekend of June 9, remain open as a chapel of the new 2002 and the first social activity parish. Bishop O'Malley granted was a Fourth of July-chicken parboth requests. becue. In December of 2000, Bishop InJanuary 2003, the renovation O'Malley chose the name of Good of the lower church was completed, Shepherd for the new parish based and Mass was celebrated there upon suggestions from all three while the renovation of the upper parishes. church began in eamest. The upThe name of the church remains per church was completed for Holy
Week in 2003. The first Mass in the renovated church was celebrated on Holy Thursday. Work was finished an hour before the Mass began. On June 1, Msgr. George W. Coleman, who had been named the new bishop of Fall River, but not yet ordained, celebrated a bilingual Mass during which he blessed the renovations and dedicated a new altar. This new altar contained a Last Supper scene from the Blessed Sacrament altar, carved wooden angels from the St. Patrick altar, and the altar stone from Our Lady of the Angels. The following weekend, all Sunday Masses were held in the main church for the first time including the first Portuguese Mass there. Since the founding in June 2002, Good Shepherd cpntinues to grow as a multi-cul~ural,and multi-lingual parish ser,ying the diverse people of the South End of Fall River. The current pastor is Father Freddie Babiczuk. The deacon is John F. Branco. Marion, Carrier is religious education coordinator, Deborah Jezak is youth minister and coordinator ofthe confirmation class, and Michelle Hood is the parish secretary. The parish address is 1598 South Main Street, Fall River, MA 02724-2596. It can be reached by telephone at 508-678-7412; and by FAX at 508-673-1280.
Friday, March 5, 2004
eNS video reviews NEW YORK (CNS) - The fol- formances and honest emotions, lowing are video capsule reviews including its touching theme song, from the Office for Film & Broad- "Life Is So Short." Subtitles. Focasting of the U.S. Conference of eus on terminal illness and some Catholic Bishops. Theatrical mov- sexual references. The USCCB ies on video have an Office.for Film Office for Film & Broadcasting & Broadcasting classification and classification is A-ill - adults. Not Motion Picture Association of rated by the Motion Picture AssoAmerica rating. ciation of America. (Criterion) "The Accidental Tourist" "My Darling Clementine" (1988) (1946) Poignant, whimsical adaptation Poetic Western follows Wyatt ofAnne Tyler's novel about an emo- Earp (Henry Fonda) after he betionally shut-down travel writer comes sheriff of Tombstone in (Wtlliam Hurt) struggling to cope 1882, befriends Doc Holliday (Vicwith the death ofhis son and the dis- tor Mature) and takes on the integration of his marriage. Direc- Clanton gang (led by Walter tor Lawrence Kasdan depicts the Brennan) at the O.K. Corral. Direcgradual unfolding of this withered, tor John Ford builds an evocative weary man in relation to the two picture of a pioneer community and women in his life (Kathleen Thrner the people who helped build it, and Geena Davis) in a sensitively largely through a series of vignettes told story of death and rebirth. A beautifully photographed by Joseph discreetly filmed bedroom scene and MacDonald. Stylized violence and implied cohabitation without benefit romantic complications. The ofmarriage. The USCCB Office for USCCB Office for Film & BroadFilm & Broadcasting classification casting classification is A-IT is A-ill:""'" adults. The Motion Pic- adults and adolescents. Not rated ture Association of America rating by the Motion Picture Association is PG - parental guidance sug- of America. (Fox) ' ' ' O n e From the Heart" (1982) gested. (Wamer) "Alice in Wonderland" (1951) Teri Garr and Frederic Forrest Disney animated version of the fall ,out of love and back into it in Lewis Carroll classic about a this lavishly produced musical that schoolgirl who daydreams her way seems more interested in its techthrough a fantasy world of strange nical effects than in its story of a creatures and odd personages, such young couple's relationship. Dias the White Rabbit, the Madhatter reeted by F~ancis Ford Coppola, the and the Cheshire Cat, is whimsical result is artificial and tedious. Some entertainment for the entire family, partial nudity, sexual byplay and especially youngsters unfamiliar profanity. The USCCB Office for with the original. The USCCB Of-, Film & Broadcasting classification fice for Film & Broadcasting clas- is A-ill - adults. The Motion Picsification is A-I - general patron- ture Association of America rating age. The Motion Picture Associa- is R - restricted. (Fantoma) tion of America rating is G - gen"Pickup on South Street" eral audiences. (Disney) (1953) "Everybody's All American" Run-of-the-mill crime caper (1988) turns into a counterespionage case The 25-year saga of the rise and when a New York pickpocket (Rifall of a Louisiana football hero chard Widmark) filches a wallet (Dennis Quaid) and his Southern containing government secrets on belle wife (Jessica Lange). Direc- microfilm, then finds himself tor Taylor Hackford's entertaining caught in the ,middle between a romance raises questions about communist spy ring (led by Richhero worship and also touches on ard Kiley) and a squad of G-men. integration and other cultural Writer-director Samuel Fullerloads changes affecting the South in the far-fetched plot with violence, 1956-81. Brief sexual scenes, a especially directed at women (Jean flash of nudity, some bloody vio- Peters and Thelma Ritter), with a lence and vulgar language. The hokey ending lauding the nasty USCCB Office for Film & Broad- crook as a hero after he nails the casting classification is A-ill - ' communists. Hard-edged violence adults. The Motion Picture Asso- and sexual situations. The USCCB ciation of America rating is R - , Office for Film & Broadcasting restricted. (Wamer) classification is A-ill - adults. Not "Ikiru" (1960) rated by the Motion Picture AssoUniversal tale from Japan in ciation of America. (Criterion) which a petty municipal bureaucrat "Superfly" (1972) (Takashi Shimura) learns he has Black exploitation movie about stomach cancer but can find no so- a tough, cool drug dealer (Ron lace either from farnily or empty di- O'Neal) who is planning one last versions until he determines to give deal so he can make a killing and some meaning to his life by cutting 'get out, but the police (all white) and through the red tape of city agen- a New York City commissioner cies to build a children's play- want in.. Directed by Gordon Parks ground in a poor neighborhood, as Jr., the super antics ofaffluent crimitold in flashbacks at the man's nals glamorize these fantasy charwake. Directed by Akira acters as viable, attractive figures to Kurosawa, the 1952 production be admired. Excessive violence and turns the story of a dying man into sex. The USCCB Office for Film & a convincing affirmation of life as Broadcasting classification is 0 he recovers the lost sense ofhis own morally offensive. The Motion Pichuman worth by helping others, in ture Association of America rating ~ ...路a movie filledwith compelling per- .is.R..,,-restricted,(Wamer);~ _"
STUDENT JIMMY Q'Laughlin, left, discusses Mel Gibson's ''The Passion of the Christ" with fellow students from St. John's College High School in Washington. The controversial film opened Ash Wednesday in some 3,000 theaters nationwide to steady lines of filmgoers and scattered protests by religious groups who claim the movie is anti-Semitic. (CNS photo by Paul Haring)
CNS mov,ie review: 'The Passion of the Chr路ist' By GERRI
from the near-incessant bloodletting, but more importantly for how it conveys Jesus' core message NEW YORK - "The Passion of the Christ" of God's boundless love for humanity, a love that (Newmarket) is an uncompromising, interpretive does not spare his son death on the cross so that we dramatization of the final 12 hours of Jesus' earthly might have eternal life. More of these flashbacks life. Unflinching in its brutality and penetrating in would have been helpful in fleshing out the,life and its iconography of God's supreme love for human- teachings of Jesus. ity, the film will mean different things to people of Concerning the issue of anti-Semitism, the Jewdiverse backgrounds. Co-writer, producer and di- ish people are at no time blamed collectively for rector Mel Gibson has undoubtedly created one of Jesus' death; rather, Christ himself freely embraces the most anticipated and controversial films of re- his destiny, stating clearly "No one takes it (my life) cent times. from me, but I lay it down of myself' (John 10: 18). Like other films on Christ's life, "The Passion" By extension, Gibson's film suggests that all hudoes not simply translate a single Gospel narrative manity shares culpability for the crucifixion, a theoonto the screen. Rather it is a composite of the Pas- logical stance established by the movie's opening sion narratives in the four Gospels embroidered with quotation from the prophet Isaiah which explains nonscriptural traditions as well as the imaginative that Christ was "crushed for our transgressions." inspiration of the filmmaker. The result is a deeply Catholics viewing the film should recall the personal work of devotional art - a moving Sta- teachings of the Second Vatican Council's decree, ' tions of the Cross, so to speak. "Nostra Aetate," which affmns that, "though JewHowever, by choosing to narrow his focus al- ish authorities and those who followed their lead most exclusively to the passion of Christ, Gibson pressed for the death of Christ, neither all Jews inhas, perhaps, muted Christ's teachings, making it discriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be difficult for v'iewers unfamiliar with the New Tes- charged with the crimes committed during his pas, tament and the era's historical milieu to sion." contextualize the circumstances leading up to Jesus' Overall, the film presents Jews in much the same arrest. And though, for Christians, the Passion is way as any other group - a mix of vice and virtue, the central event in, the history of salvation, the good and bad. Yet while the larger Jewish commu"how" of Christ's death is lingered on at the ex- nity is shown to hold diverse opinions concerning pense of the "why?" Christ's fate - exemplified by the cacophony of The film employs a visceral, undiluted realism taunts and tears along the Via Dolorosa - it fails in its retelling of the Passion, eschewing Sunday to reflect the wider political nuances of fIrst-censchool delicacy in favor of in-your-face rawness that tury Judea. The scene of the stock frenzied mob is much too intense for children. That notwithstand- uniformly calling for Christ's crucifixion in Pilate's ' ing, the movie is an artistic achiev.ement in terms of courtyard is problematic, though once Christ beits textured cinematography, haunting atmospher- gins his laborious way of the cross Jewish individuics, lyrical editing, detailed production design and als emerge from the crowd to extend kindness soulful score. It loses nothing by using the languages, including Veronica wiping his face and Simon of of the time, Aramaic and Latin, as the actors' ex- Cyrene helping carry the cross, ~ a chorus of weeppressions transcend words, saying as much if not ing women lament from the sidelines. more than the English subtitles. , i However, the most visually distinctive represenThe film opens with a distraught Jes!Js (Jim tatives of Jewish authority - the high priest Caiphas Caviezel) facing down evil, personified as an an- (Matia Sbragia) and those in the Sanhedrin aligned drogynous being (played by Rosalinda Celentano), with him do come. across as almost in the mist shrouded garden of Gethse~ane ,and J.l}9nolithically malevolent. Caiphas is portrilyed as progresses to his death on the cross,. followed by a adamant and unmerciful and his influence on Pilate fleeting, but poetica,lly economic, resurrection coda. is exaggerated., Conv,ersely, Pontius Pilate (Hristo Flashbacks of his public ministry and home life in Naumov,Stiopov}is almost gentle with Jesus, even Nazareth with his mother, Mary (Maia" o.ffering his .prisoner a drink. This overly sympaMorgenstern), pepper the action, filling in s0II!e of thetic portrayal of the procurator as a vacillating, the narrative blanks. ,. " ,'. ,..: conflicted and world-weary backwater bureaucrat, Turn to page 13 - Passion Each flashback in the film is a welcome respite
...L-. __ ~l...J..b.~"
Friday, March 5, 2004
Lenten Reflection: The 'Transfiguration By HOLY CROSS FATliER THOMAS FEELEY The transfiguration is an important event in the life of Jesus. All three synoptic Gospels report it. But it is also puzzling. Why did Jesus take only Peter, James and John? Why did they go to a high mountain and leave the other apostles below? What is the significance of the appeardIlce of Moses and Elijah, the cloud that covered them and the voice, which spoke to them? In fact what is the purpose of Christ appearing in a transfigured state? Lastly, what does all this have to say to us? The first thing to notice is that all three of the evangelists place the story of the transfiguration of Jesus right after his announcing to them that he would have to undergo his passion, be put to death, and rise again three days later. The apostles did not understand what he was talking about. Peter even attempted to dissuade him and was sternly rebuked. Clearly, the transfiguration must be seen in reference to Christ's passion, death and resurrection. When we recall that after the Last Supper Jesus took Peter, James and John with him into the Garden of Gethsemane, we can see why he also took these three apostles with him to witness his transfiguration. The apostles had followed Christ because they had seen him change water into wine, cure the blind and the lame, calm the storms at sea and confound the scribes and Pharisees who tried to catch in his speech. In the garden, however, they would see Jesus frightened, seeking their support and even sweating blood. They would see him powerless, and taken prisoner by the mob. Jesus knew they would have to have their faith strengthened before they witnessed the scandal of the cross. Jesus led them up a high mountain ''where they could be alone by themselves" , Mark tells us. These three were going to have a special encounter with God and they needed to be alone. One ofthe names for God in the Old Testamentis "Shaddai," God ofthe Mountain, for when God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, he appeared to him on Mount Sinai. On the high mountain Jesus is transfigured, that is ''his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light" (Mt 17:2). The apostles had frequently found Jesus at pmyer during his public life and were so struck by his serenity and intensity that they asked him to teach them to pmy. It was on such an occasion Luke . tells us (Lid 1: 1-4) that Jesus taught them the Our Father. Butthis time Jesus appeared to them in divine splendor as he pmyed to his Father ''who dwells in unapproachable light" (l Ti 6: 16). Jesus let these three apostles see him tmnsfigured to strengthen their faith so that they would not be scandalized when they saw him sweating blood from fear in the Garden of Gethsemane and led away to suffer his passion and death. But Jesus was doing more. Moses and Elijah appeared talking with Jesus so that the apostles could alize that Jesus had come not to destroy the Law of Moses but to complete it and that the prophecies of the Old Testament about the messiah found their fulfillment in him. Later on when they read the psalms and Jeremiah's description of the suffering servant, they could see how the passion of Jesus had been foretold and described in detail. Their faith would be strengthened not weakened by the scandal of the cross. No 'one can see God and live, we are told, so God
made his presence known by descending on the mountain and enveloping them in a luminous cloud. The apostles knew that a luminous cloud had covered the mountain when Moses climbed Mt. Sinai to commune with God and receive the Ten Commandments. When Solomon dedicated the temple a cloud had covered the temple to show that it would be God's residence among them. And the Gospels tell us that the Holy Spirit "overshadowed" Mary when she conceived the Son of God. The apostles knew that they were in the presence of God, who said to them: "This is my Son, the beloved; he enjoys my favor. Listen to him" (Mt 17:5). The Apostles ''fell on their faces in fear. But Jesus came up and touched them. 'Stand up,' he said, 'do not be afraid.' And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but only Jesus (Mt 17: 6-8). They saw Jesus, after the vision had passed, as they had come to know him "meek and humble of heart" but now they began to see that within him dwelt the fullness oithe Godhead. The experience had been so powerful that Peter wanted it to continue, but it was over and Jesus sternly warned them, 'Tell no one about the vision until the Son of Man has risen from the dead" (Mt 17:9). After his passion, death and resurrection when the Holy Spirithad come upon them, they would understand the vision's meaning, but for the time being they were not to speak about what they did not understand. But now that the Holy Spirit has come upon the Church there is much that we can learn from the Transfigumtion. We can see how understanding Jesus is of our weakness. Just as he strengthened the faith of the three apostles so they would not be scandalized by his passion and death, so, as St. Paul tells us, "He never permits us to be tried beyond our capacity to endure" (lCo 10:13). In the transfiguration Christ revealed his divinity as Son ofGod and showed us why we should put our faith in him, but he also taught us not to fear him nor his heavenly Father. In fact our love for God should be so perfect that it "casts out fear" (Un 4: 13). The Transfiguration also teaches us that we must try to find times and places in our busy lives when we can be alone so we can commune with God. But we do not have to go to a high mountain. We just h~ve to enter into our own hearts. For Christ has told us; "If anyone loves me he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home in him" (In 14:23). We can also learn that t9~re may be times when we have mystical experiences-of God, but though we might long, like Peter, to prolong them, we too must come down to face the world of sin and human imperfection and bear our daily crosses. But having been strengthened by pmyer we can live our lives full ofconfidence because we are sure that "God makes all things work for the good of those who love him" (Rm8:28). Father Feeley is the vice postulotor of the Cause for CanonioJtWn of Servant of God Father Patrick Peyton, CSC. . Holy Cross Family Ministries, which carries on the works of Father Peyton, is headquartered in North Easton, and serves Jesus Christ and his Church by pro,!lOting and supporting the spiritual weU-being of the family in 15 countries worldwide. For more information caUSOO-299-PRAYorwg on to www.hcfm.org.
Bush appoints Catholic appeals court nominee By CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON - President Bush has bypassed Senate Democrats by appointing Alabama Attorney General William Pryor, a Catholic, as a federal appeals court judge who will serve until 2005. Bush praised Pryor as a "leading American lawyer" whose "impressive record 'demonstrates his devotion to the rule of law and to treating all people equally under the law." Pryor took the oath of office in Alabarna a week ago and joined the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, which covers Alabama, Georgia and Florida and is based in Atlanta. During a congressional recess, the president can make temporary appointments such as Pryor's without Senate approval. Last summer, his nomination was blocked in the Senate by the failure of a motion for cloture, a procedural call for an immediate vote. The 53-43 tally fell short of the 60 votes needed. Pryor's nomination process be-
came a contentious one as Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee accused their largely Catholic Democmtic counterparts of being anti-Catholic for not supporting Pryor, whose statements on some issues, including abortion, echo teachings of the Catholic Church. The cloture vote this summer followed what Democrats said was a too-hasty 10-9 party-line vote by the Judiciary Committee to send Pryor's nomination to the full Senate. In a contentious July 23 committee meeting, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said the questions raised by Democmts went too far. Committee Democrats suggested that some of Pryor's "deeply held beliefs" that conflict with prevailing court rulings might be an impediment to him serving impartially as a judge. In particular, they mentioned Pryor's remark in his confirmation hearing that abortion was "ap. abomination" that has led to the "slaughter of millions of unborn children." ,
La <SaJettJe !
./A;OOebo:r6, MA 02703
BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Tuesday, March 9,16,23 - 7:15 p.m. "The Return of the Prodigal Son" - Part IT . by Father Henry Nouwen Fr. Vic Chaupetta, M.S. - Theater Good-will donation. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 5,12, 19-7:15 p.m. HEALING SERVICES Sunday, March 7 - 2:30 p.m. - Hispanic with Mass Sunday, March 21 - 2:00 p.m. - Portuguese - no Mass Sunday, March 28 - 2:00 p.m. - English with Mass Barbara Shlemon Ryan and Fr. Richard Lavoie, M.S. A CONCERT OF GREGORIAN CHANT Fr. Donat Lamothe, A.A., Professor of Music Assumption College Sunday, March 14, at 2:00 p.m. - Church Followed by individual confessions at 3:00 p.m. No confessions prior to this service. JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Friday, March 26 - 7:30 p.m. - Church Good-will donation. DAY OF PRAYER. MEDITATION & HEALING Barbara Shlemon Ryan - Theater Saturday, March 27, at 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $30 'or $37 with lunch Pre-registration requested by 3/22 Call 508-222-5410 for further information.
Friday, March 5, 2004
Continued from page one
Invitations have also been sent to whose members number 33 and priestly ministry. Father Hession participated in representatives of other faith groups come from 12 different parishes in in the area and the mayors ofthe cit- the diocese, will lead the congrega- the writing of the Basic Plan, ofies located within the diocese. tion in music for the Mass. The choir ten called the Green Book, beBecause of the limited capacity is under the direction of organist cause of its'color. The "Cultivating Unity" iniof St. Mary's Cathedral, admission Madeleine Grace. Instrumental acwill be by ticket only. companiment will feature harp, tim- tiative.Js drawn from the third Two former bishops of the dio- pani, trumpets and trQIllbones. Can- section of the Basic Plan. It will cese, current Boston Archbishop tors will be Guadalupan Missionary be piloted in San Bernadino, CaSean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., and ofthe Holy Spirit Sister Aida Sansor, lif., an area torn apart by the retired Hartford Archbishop Daniel . Shirley Guerreiro and Elizabeth clergy sexual abuse scandal; and in Grand Rapids, Mich. A. Cronin, will be among bishops Grace. participating. . Cardinal Roger M. Mahoney A dinner at White's of Westport of Los Angeles, Calif., has Bishop Robert Mulvee of the will follow the Mass. Providence diocese, from which the The diocesan 100" anniversary pledged $1 million in seed territory of the Fall River diocese celebration was inaugurated in par- money to further the initiative. "The whole point of it is to was separated at its creation, will ishes late last fall with the enthronealso concelebrate. ment ofan icon representative ofthe say that there has been so much .The Prayer of the Faithful within centennial theme of "The Spirit disrepair, if not distrust, between the Mass will be multi-lingual, with Gives Life" (John 6:63). On that bishops and their priests in the intercessions offered in languages weekend parishioners also received scandal," Father Hession said. representative of many of the ethnic centennial celebration prayer cards "The thrust of my next three groups who have been part of the and centennial calendars. years, my pledge, is that if we diocese during the past century. In December, members of the do no~ work together, we will In the Offertory of the Mass, the . diocese were invited to participate never have the sacramental unity gifts will be presented by two fami- in a program of "100 Days of that should be the strength of evlies whose members span three-gen- Prayer" leading up to the March 12 ery local Church." erations of involvement in diocesan anniversary date. The disunity exits not just beparish life. Other activities planned as part tween priest and bishops, Father Lectors for the Mass of Thanks- ofthe centennial celebration include Hession noted. The Charter comgiving will be Meghan Couet, a pa- an early spring publication of a his- ing out the bishop's meeting in rishioner of St. John Neumann Par- tory of the diocese by archivist Fa- Texas affecting the action to be ish, East Freetown, and Holy Union ther Barry W. Wall; an April Dioc- taken against priests involved in Sister VIrginia O'Hare. esan Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi; sexual abuse is another factor. Deacons will be Rev. Mr. John 'and an outdoor Centennial Rosary Father Hession cited the recent ,P. Harrington, a transitional deacon Celebration at LaSalette Shrine in report of six scientists who constudying for the priesthood for the Attleboro in October to close the tend the zero tolerance policy diocese, and Deacons David B. yearlong observance. adopted by the U.S. bishops "is Pepin and Frank D. Fantasia, both Planning the March 14 Mass of not an easy answer, if any anpermanent deacons. Thanksgiving is a liturgy commit- swer at all." Seminarians ofthe Fall River dio- tee headed by Msgr. Avila, who is He recalled the changes time cese will serve the Mass. director of the Diocesan Worship has affected in the development Master of Ceremonies will be Office, and Father Edward J. of priests. Father David A. Pignato, secretary Healey, rector of the Cathedral. "Thirty years ago when we to the bishop, assisted by Msgr. The dinner to follow the Mass is , began directing the ongoing Stephen 1. Avila, Father Richard D. being coordinated by Michael 1. formation of priests we put emWilson, and Father Maurice Gauvin. Donly and members ofthe Diocesan phasis on the education of The Fall River Diocesan Choir, Council of Catholic Women. priests, making sure priests attended' an annual retreat and updated their moral and sacraContinued/rom page one mental theology," Father Hession reported. as the $85" million agreed to by 195 of the 202 dioceses, Eastern - a majority of the victims But several years ago there the Boston Archdiocese. eparchies and other ecclesial ter- were post-pubescent adolescents was' a decided change in the emThe study, released in Washing- ritories tied to the United States. with a small percentage of the phasis towards the ongoing forton February 27, was commis- This 97 percent compliance was priests accused of abusing children mation of clergy and it involves sioned by the U.S. bishops' Na- "an extraordinarily high response who had not reached puberty; a broader scope of caring contional Review Board, which also rate," said the study. - most of the accused commit- cern for the life and ministry of released its own report at the same The study also contains data ted a variety of sex acts involving priests, and of their support ilnd news conference on the causes of from 60 percent of the religious , serious sexual offenses; nurturing, he said. the clergy sex abuse crisis that has communities in the United States - the most frequent context for "So much so that in 2000, the ,rocked the Church for the past two representing 80 percent of the re- abuse was a social event and many U.S. bishops promulgated the so years. ligious priests. priests socialized with the families called "Green Book," the basic The study said the sharp decline The number of permanent dea- of victims; . plan for clergy. They forecast a in abuse incidents since 1984 cons accused was 41, about one- abuses occurred in a variety 10-year implementation procoupled with the declining per- quarter of one percent of the per- of places with the most common gram fully aware they were callcentage of accusations against manent deacons ordained during being the residence of the priest. ing for what one of our consultpriests ordained in recent years the period. The number is so small "Like in the general population, ers, Dr. Christa R. Klein of Bal"presents a more positive picture" that the survey includes the .figure child sex abuse in the Catholic timore, suggests is a 'new culthan the overall statistics. in the overall total for priests. Church appears to be committed ture' of .formation," Father It said that 68 percent of the alOf the total clergy accused, 929 by men close 'to the children they Hession explained. legations were made against were religious priests, said the allegedly abuse, many appear to "It calls for some fairly radipriests ordained between 1950 and study. use grooming tactics to entice chil- cal things from what we had been 1979, while priests ordained after The study listed the main char- dren into complying with the looking at," he reflected. 1979 accounted for 10.7 percent acteristics of the sex abuse inci- abuse, and the abuse occurs in the Father Hession's affiliation of the allegations. dents reported. These included: home of the alleged abuser or vic- with NOCERCC began in 1996 For the entire 52-year period - an overwhelming majority tim;' said the study. when he was named director of "the problem was indeed wide- of the victims, 81 percent, were Enticements included buying the Fall River diocese's Office spread and affected more than 95 males. The most vulnerable were the minor gifts, letting the victim for Priestly Life and Ministry. percent of the dioceses and ap- boys aged 11 to 14, representing drive a ,car and taking youths to The following year, he was proximately 60 percent of reli- more than 40 percent of the vic- sporting events, said the study. elected a board member of the gious communities," said the tims. This goes against the trend Although most of the incidents national organization's New Enstudy. in the general U.S. society where occurred before 1985, two-thirds gland Region, and in 1998 beThe study was based on de- the main problem is men abusing of the allegations have been re- came its national,vice president. tailed questionnaires returned by girls; ported since 1993. In February 2001, Father
Today there are 346,000 Catholics in the diocese who worship at 101 parishes. The Mass ofThanksgiving is the central celebration in the yearlong diocesan centennial year observance, which began in parishes the . weekend ofNovember 29-30, 2003, the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new year in the . Church's calendar. , Bishop George W. Coleman will be principal celebrant of the Mass and homilist. Iri discussing plans for the celebration, Bishop Coleman said, ''This Centennial Mass offers us an appropriate opportunity to thank God for his many blessings to the Fall River diocese over these past 100 years. I look forward to gathering with members of our diocesan family, priests, religious and laity, and our guests, for this very special day which will truly mark a milestone in our local, beloved Church of Fall River." Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, chairman of the Centenni3.1. Celebration Committee, said, "As Catholics we are a Eucharistic Church, so it is fitting that we come together to celebrate the Eucharist as we observe the 100" anniversary of the diocese." Concelebrating the Mass with Bishop Coleman will be active and retired priests of the diocese, religious order priests who minister in the diocese, and visiting bishops and priests. Representatives from the diocese's 101 parishes as well as from its numerous apostolates, organizations, rninjstries, and high schools will take part in the Mass, as will permanent deacons of the diocese and delegates from religious communities who serve in diocesan entities.
Continued from page one
Hession was elected president for a three-year term and last month accepted a new nomination, and stepped into his second term as president effective February 19, this year. "Currently it is no longer conceivable that a man ordained a priest is going to be a healthy, integrated and holy - and more to the point effective parish priest - unless a more 'longitudinal' look at his development, his formation is taken," he said. It calls- for a special concern for the early years, distinct in the transition from seminary to first assignment; a look at the middle years and other pastoral assignments; when one becomes a pastor for the first time; and retirement. "Emphasis has to be placed more on the transitional dynamics that take place in the priest during all these phases of his life rather than focusing on him taking a course or attending a lecture, or getting an A-plus at a convocation," Father Hession asserted. He said the heart of the Cultivating Unity initiative is drawn from that part of the Basic Plan when the bishops, for the first time, took elements of conciliar teachings, and culled an essential formation that addressed an entire presbyterate. "What they said was that priests are not priests simply one by one, but are priests and serve the mission of the Church in a presbyterate in union with the bishop. The corporate sense of priestly identity and mission, although not fully developed even in official documents, is clearly emerging as an important direction for the future," Father Hession said. "The bishops also addressed the reality that each diocese is unique and cannot be compared to another," he added. The "great twist," Father Hession pointed out, "is that the terrible clergy abuse scandal got in the way and this wonderful plan was shunted aside: The result was that the money and resources approved for the plan fell through the cracks;' He said that at last month's convention, "we decided that since next year's convention is half-way in the lO-year plan, that we will say to the bishops: 'Remember the Green Book,' and in the context of the abuse scandal, say, 'care for the parish priests we have. Work at improving their morale, and strengthen their own formation at the human, intellectual, spiritual and personal levels to make them better relational creatures.", Father Hession said that wben NOCERCC meets next year in Miami, Fla., it will include a tongue-in-cheek session themed "Back to the Future" and "we will ask the bishops leading the conference to ask where the basic plan is at." â&#x20AC;˘
Friday, March 5; 2004
Continued from page four
by love and commitment, rather than by a "specific form," e.g., one man and one woman. All persons have deep erotic and human desires for closeness and friendship, and these desires form the bedrock of the meaning of marriage. William Eskridge, the prominent advocate of same-sex marriage, thus argues that marriage is a matter of "simple justice" because all persons have a "right to intimate relationships" protected by the "unitive" institution of marriage; - Third: Marriage is primarily a choice, an agreement between individuals. Marriage is, therefore, invented rather than natural. Marriage above all, then, is a private choice arising from one's own personal reasons and desires. Personal support is the central expectation of marriage. In viewing these approaches, it is important to keep in mind that . advocates of same-sex marriage do not wish to undermine the "institution" of marriage nor to abolish it. In general. they do not attack the binary nature of marriage or any of the main gate-keeping provisions of marriage-licensing law such as consanguinity. What is desired is "inclusion": to legally permit same-sex persons to enter the "institution" of marriage and consequently realize its many benefits: e.g., property rights; medical insurance; medical decisions; custody rights; economic protections. Set against this panorama is this belief that marriage has a meaning prior to individual wishes, desires and choices, and this meaning cannot be realized by persons of the same sex. This affirmation does not mean that homosexual people do not have hopes or seek lasting and significant relationships. It does not mean, as some argue, that homosexuals are "second-class citizens" if denied marriage. Let us view this point from two perspectives:
A Secular Perspective Marriage is a union that enhances the welfare of the community and of society because it anchors "family," which lies at the heart of any ordered society. Marriage is a union which encourages stable over transient relationships and ensures that children are properly aI1d adequately cared for. Can a same-sex couple "properly and adequately" care for a child? Adequate data is not available in this regard, even though there are doubtlessly a number of same-sex couples who have children whom they deeply love, nourish and care for. There is more than adequate evidence to show that heterosexual marriage, committed to fidelity and permanence, is the very best place of fostering stability for the full nourishing and growth of a child. Some argue that gender and sexual orientation make no difference in nurturing children; the main ingredients are a safe, consistent- and supportive environment. It is an untested asser-
tion that this is true, and history demonstrates that children learn about sex and gender first of all from their parents. To preclude these factors, then, seems overly naive at best, and inconclusive at the least. Heterosexual marriage remains the principal weave of our social fabric and de facto provides the normative link to procreation. A child binds together husband and wife and places them in a critical relationship to themselves and their child. Society cannot sep~ate heterosexual intercourse, marriage, procreation and child care. This is the normative understanding of family, and family grounds all of society. It is critical to remember that benefits accorded to families by government and society are not primarily benefits rendered to individuals who are married (although they do extend to married couples without children and to couples whose children are grown). Rather, benefits are rendered to establish a nurturing environment for children. Any discussion of same-sex marriage that misses this point becomes mired in confusion. It is impossible to justify special benefits to married couples if these benefits are seen first and foremost as benefits to the spouses themselves. Sexuality is indeed a creative force that aligns people together in intimacy; however, the main stabilizing factor is the begetting and rearing of a child. Human sexuality seeks to beget new life, and only the procreative dimension of sexuality within a committed heterosexual marriage can fully realize this basic human factor. The "procreative purpose" of sex cannot be adequately grasped by a mere understanding of acts of sexual intercourse. It is parenthood that makes sex, or the couple's sexual relationship, fully accountable and contributory to the well-being of society beyond the couple. Consequently, in the same-sex marriage debate, it is not only the unity of love and procreation that is at stake, but also the social implications of sex and its reproductive potential. In this fashion, a man and a woman unite their entire persons in marriage and create a "new union" radically different than simple sexual intercourse. Marriage .is, then, a social structure which embodies four interlocking dimensions: consummation, a bodily union which is open to new life (the structural dimension); companionship, a relationship of . mutuality (the social dimension); consent, a choi.ce to marry a particular person (the subjective dimension); and covenant, a promise of total commitment (the anthropological dimension). The law cannot require a married couple to l~ve one another, to have children or to stay together for life. But the law can and does require that marriage be modeled
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in accord with its inherent unitive and procreative nature, which means, as a matter of fact, the union of a male and a female.
A Theological Perspective The 1981 exhortation of Pope John Paul II "Familiaris Consortio" ("On the Family"), sets the parameters for the Church's teaching on marriage. The pope explains that marriage and the family find their ultimate origin and mission "in the plan of God." From "the beginning" God's "creative act" set in motion marriage as an "intimate communion of life and love" which finds its fulfillment in enha~cing the world and the kingdom of God with new life. "Familiaris Consortio" repeats the teaching of the 1980 synod on the family by insisting that marriage sustains four general objectives: to form a community of persons, to serve life, to participate in the development of society and to share in the life and mission of the Church. Christ inscribes in a married couple "a new heart," which helps them to overcome "hardness of heart" and thus serve as faithful witnesses of God's plan for hu-. mankind. Sexuality is the means by which a man and a woman give themselves to one another in not merely some biological fashion, but more significantly in a total human bond (una vita) which is .a sign of their complete personal self-giving, with the promise of new life, thus precisely imaging God's love for his people. The crowning of marriage is the family, wherein a married couple cooperates with God (cooperators Dei) in the procreation and nourishing of children. This teaching is at the heart of the 1965 Vatican Council II document "Gaudium et Spes" (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World): In marriage, a man and a woman "are no longer two but one flesh" as they create an indissoluble bond of a life-long covenant wherein their marital intimacy finds its completion in the procreation of children (No. 48). "Gaudium et Spes" summarizes this vision in this way: "Of their nature, marriage and married love are directed toward the begetting and bringing up of children. Children are the supreme gift of a marriage, and they contribute greatly to the good of their parents. God, who said 'it is not good that the man should be alone' (Gn. 2: 18) and who 'from the beginning made them male and female' (Mt. 19:4), wished to give them a special share in the divine work of creation and blessed the man and woman, saying, 'be fruitful and multiply' (Gn. 1:28). Thus the true practice of marital love and the whole dimension of family life which results from it, without prejudice to the other purposes of marriage, point toward married couples courageously prepared to c~operate with the love of the Creator and Savior, who is daily increasing and enriching his family through them." Theologically speaking, then,
marriage is much more than. a personal commitment of love to another person. Rather, in a marriage, commitment is primarily to a community, carrying the promise of the beginning of a new community. Marriage is more than partnership and love as it entails a combination of personal and interpersonal relations. In other words, marriage is not simply an intimate relation to a private other, but rather a commitment to fo'ster a community of intersecting relationships and interests, marked critically in the creating of new life. Perspectives of marriage which make its central component simply a matter of interper-
sonal affection and love mirror the individualism of modem society and in fact contribute to the breakdown of marriages. One author states the problem clearly: "The logical progress of this trend in modem Western society, where love is conceived as being the single most important consideration in the choice of spouse and in the relationship between husband and wife, is that the loss of sentiments of love on the part of one spouse toward the other (or mutually) is more likely than ever to be perceived by them as indicative of the breakdown of their marriage." Consequently, marriage can never be viewed simply as a "private affair."
Continued from page 10
averse to unnecessary roughness and easily coerced by both his Jewish subjects and his conscience-burdened wife, does not mesh with the Pilate of history remembered by the ancient historians as a ruthless and inflexible brute responsible for ordering the execution of hundreds of Jewish rabble-rousers without hesitation. However, while the members of the Sanhedrin are painted in villainous shades, the film is abundantly clear that it is the Romans who are Christ's executioners (a fact. corroborated by both the Nicene Creed and the writings of Tacitus and Josephus). The Roman soldiers are unimaginably - even gleefully- sadistic in flaying Jesus to within an inch of his life. "The Passion" is exceedingly graphic in its portrayal of the barbarities of Roman justice. According to Gibson, much of the visual grisliness of Christ's suffering sprung from his own personal meditations on the passion. As depicted, the violence, while explicit and extreme, does not seem an end in itself. It is not the kind of violence made to look exciting, glamorized or without consequences. It attempts to convey the depths of salvific divine love. Nonetheless, viewers' justifiable reaction is to be repelled by such unremitting inhumanity. In the end, such savagery may be selfdefeating in trying to capture the imagination of the everyday moviegoer. In contrast to Jesus' physical agony is the emotional desolation seen in the figure of the Virgin Mary. When Mary utters, "When, how, where, will you choose to be delivered from this?" the viewer is pierced by the depth of Mary's understanding of Christ's divinity and her sublime acceptance of seeing her son suffer. It tears at one's heart to see Mary struggling to get close to Jesus as he walks through the winding, narrow streets carrying the cross. Seeing him suddenly fall, she is transported, along with the viewers, to Christ's childhood, to a time when she was able to scoop him up when he stumbled. When she finally reaches Jesus, and he
is on the ground, crushed by the weight of the cross, it is he who comforts her with his words, "See, mother, I make all things new." Morgenstern's portrayal of Mary is beautifully rendered, never more so than in the Pietalike tableau when Christ's body is laid in her arms. The juxtaposition of the wounded and bleeding body of Christ on the cross with scenes of the Last Supper compellingly underscores how the Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood of Christ. Other indelible images include a derided Jesus faltering under the weight of the cross intercut with his earlier triumphant entry into Jerusalem and a single raindrop - a tear from heaven - heralding Christ's death. The power of the cross is also keenly conveyed. Jesus does not recoil from either the horrific scourging at the hands of the Roman soldiers or from carrying the burdensome cross. Instead, he declares his "heart is ready" and embraces the cross as if comforting a fallen sinner. These are truly moving and emotional points in the film. Cinematically, there are flaws as well as triumphs in Gibson's fUm, such as a recurring tendency to slip into the horror-genre conventions, including a scene of a guilt-wracked Judas being taunted by little boys whose faces tum into those of grotesque, macabre ghouls. And close-ups of Christ's scarred and mutilated body are truly horrible. For those corning to the film without a faith perspective it may have little resonance. But for. Christians, "The Passion of the Christ" is likely to arouse not only passionate opinions, but hopefully a deeper understanding of the drama of salvation and the magnitude of God's love and forgiveness. It is not about what men did to God, but what God endured for humanity. Subtitles. Because of gory scenes of scourging, torture and crucifixion, a suicide and some frightening images, the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-ill - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.
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EIGHTH-GRADE Teacher Marie Guy, far right, at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, was recently chosen as this year's recipient of the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational-Technical High School Excellence in Education Award. She was nominated by her student Karissa Raposa. From left are: Sue Phillips and Loretta Maranhas who delivered the good news.
Friday, March 5, 2004
SEVENTH-GRADE students Elias Lagesse, Patrick Gouveia and Taylor Bolarinho of Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, get ready to tape a message for soldiers in Iraq. They and other students celebrated "Patriotic Day;' by dressing in red, white, and blue, writing letters to soldiers and taping an appreciation message for them. Below, fifth-graders Andrea Xavier, Marina Pinheiro and Lisa Rodrigues work on letters.
EAST SANDWICH native Michelle DePersis, back row second from right, recently enjoyed volunteering at The Glenmary Farm, an immersion program ofthe Glenmary Home Missioners. She spent a week in the Appalachians involved in home construction for low-income families. Glenmary is a Catholic society of priests and brothers dedicated to serving the poor.
PARTICIPANTS IN the annual teacher-student basketball game at S1. Margaret Regional School, Buzzards Bay, take a break from the game. Standing from left: Greg Carbone, Joyce Saucier, Mary Beth Carlson, Principal Mary Ann LaFleur, Jade Santos, Ashley Spellman and Maureen King. Kneeling: Ben Teehan, Allysa,Barry and Carina Melanson.
TAUNTON MAYOR Robert Nunes visits with kindergarten students at Our Lady of Lourdes School during a recent trip to the school. He was on hand to speak to students and share part of their day. He stands with kindergarten Teacher Linda Wade.
Friday, March 5, 2004
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Catholic schools' uniform purchasing practice part of anti-sweatshop effort· By MARK
WASHINGTON - Since the mid-1990s, in an effort to practice what they preach about social justice, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., have asked prospective vendors of school uniforms to certify that the clothing is not made under sweatshop conditions. The effort spread to the Philadelphia and Chicago archdioceses, and now to eight dioceses in New York. The New York dioceses are using In some of their schools a series of new state laws aimed at eliminating sweatshopmade goods from public schools and colleges. The efforts were discussed during a February 24 workshop, "Clean Clothes! Promoting Worker Justice Through AntiSweatshop Campaigns," at the annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, cosponsored by three,agencies of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and 10 national Catholic organizations. Kay Furlani of the Archdiocese of Newark said the archdiocese in 1996 asked its schools to send in the names of the vendors they use for school uniforms. That list came to II vendors; the 200304 list has nine vendors. The vendors were sent a questionnaire asking about, among other things, the manufacturers who made the clothing and contractors who supplied it. Furlani said the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor, at the
archdiocese's request, investigated the manufacturers to confirm their compliance with Labor Department regulations. ''To our surprise and delight, almost all of our vendors were obtaining their uniforms from reputable firms here in the United States," Furlani said. Joseph Petrecca, a Wage and Hour Division district director serving the New Jersey-New York area, said inspectors saw violations, but they were quickly rectified by manufacturers - including one who made what he called a "substantial" award of back pay to garment workers. Petrecca added that, when the initiative began, only "one or two" manufacturers were based _ outside the United States. Now, about half of Newark's school uniform manufacturers are based outside the United States. Furlani told of one retailer who neglected to reply to the archdiocesan questionnaire. That retailer did not get on the.ap-' proved list of vendors. When the retailer approached a longtime Catholic school client, the school said it could not use the retailer because it wasn't on the approved list. "There were a lot of phone calls," she said, and the retailer in question sent "the information real fast" using overnight shipping. Brian O'Shaughnessy of the New York State Labor-Religion Coalition, said that "we have made some real progress in New York state" on what goods
schools buy, considering there are 720 public school districts and 84 colleges in the state. "Until recently, they had to accept the lowest bid (on items), even if they came from sweatshop labor," he said. It was known as the "lowest responsible bid" in the sense that low prices would save taxpayers money, he added. Now, under state law, schools can use "informed choice purchasing," which can take into account, among other things, whether garment workers are paid ajust wage for their labor, according to O'Shaughnessy. He noted how one school uniform supplier is a women's garment cooperative in Thailand. The blouses they make are quite similar to the styles used in some Catholic schools, the quality is high, and the women earn a livable wage, he said. "To buy them in this way is life-saving to the women of Thailand," O'Shaughnessy said. "The' alternative (for jobs) is the sex industry." Another apparel manufacturer moved its factory from Mexico to Pennsylvania. "They meet all the aspects of a code of conduct" for sweatshop-free goods, 0' Shaughnessy said. "They will take less of a profit to benefit the workers." The New York Catholic effort currently involves three schools in each of the eight dioceses, he added, with plans to expand as more manufacturers can be found who can attest to having their clothing made in sweatshop-free environments.
CHILDREN WATCH flames rise from the burning of dried palms outside St. Mary School in Griffith, Ind. The palmburning rite provided ashes for distribution on Ash Wednesday. (CNS photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic)
TWO YOUNG boys re-enact rebel fighting with a toy gun in the town of Gonaives, Haiti. The rebel-held city is headquarters for the fight against the government of deposed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was midway through a second term as president. (CNS photo by William B. Plowman)
I've brought you tonight's supper By M. REGINA CRAM CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE All winter I'd been wrestling with a difficult passage in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. God told his people that their fasting was unacceptable because their lives were so sinful, especially in their treatment of the poor. "Is not this the fast that I choose," God had asked, "to share your bread with the hungry and bring homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?" It was obvious that God was telling us to feed hungry people, but how could I do that if I didn't know any? How could I clothe the naked or visit the imprisoned if I'd insulated myself from the very people I was supposed to help?
I knew I had to do something, so I asked God to show me where to start. I certainly didn't know. The following week my husband returned from work carrying bags of unopened cold cuts he'd been given at a business luncheon. We started eating turkey sandwiches, ham quiche and every type of coldcut recipe ever invented. By the end of the week I never wanted to see another cold cut again, but the supply stubbornly remained. Ignoring it didn't help. So as I headed off to church Sunday morning, I sil~ntly prayed, . "Lord, what am I going to do with all this food?" That was all I said. Late that afternoon I absentmindedly chopped salami for yet another chef salad. When I was
done, I looked at the salad and thought, "Why did I just do that?" It's not as if I wanted to eat it. Then a woman came to mind. Her name was Anna and
or flge her husband was dying. They were only in their 30s, but they looked twice that age after years' of poverty and hard living. They had a teen-age son who sometimes accompanied them to church, but mostly Ijust saw Anna, always cheerful and willing to help others in need. It
spend the day at her husband's occurred to me that Anna lived nearby. So without much thought side. She hadn't even stopped to eat. Just moments earlier Anna I stuffed the chef salad into a brown paper bag and headed into had arrived home ravenously hungry, but when she'd walked the late afternoon winter dark. into the kitchen, there was no ness. food. Knowing her circumWhen I arrived at Anna's stances, I think she meant that house, I walked up the steps and literally. So she had quietly rang the bell. Anna opened the prayed, "Lord, what am I going door and stared at me blankly. I to do for tonight's supper?" quickly thrust the bag into her At that moment the doorbell hands and blurted out, "Here. . had rung. When Anna opened I've brought you tonight's the door, a woman on the edge supper." of darkness handed her a bag As soon as the words were with the words, "Here. I've spoken, I regretted them. How brought you tonight's.supper." condescending they sounded, as Anna and her son received if I was Superwoman rescuing a dinner that night, but I gained a damsel in distress. greater treasure. God had brought Anna just stood there. Tears began to well up in her eyes, and hungry people into my life, arid he even provided the food for slowly the story spilled out. their meal. All I had to provide After Mass that morning, was the brown paper bag. Anna had gone to the hospital to
Before there was a Constitution, even before there was the Church, there was the Holy Family I
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IcOn CtlPYJ9'l! ~*' On ~ w Monl dn QIlv1.rs and E.dilionI CHOISIR, G.nM: used IIWttl pemawon 01 The ~lJlterr House. Concep,on Abbey. Concepb)n. MO.
. '~cross ti~es,· culture's, and very different religious beliefs, .marriage is the foundation of the famil)'. . Jhe family, in iurri~ is the basic 'unit of societ}'. Thus, ~arriage"is a personal relationship with public significance." - ''Between Man and WOman: Questions and Answers About Marriage and Same-Sex Unions. "
Call your legislators and tell them they have a duty to reaffirm the millennia old definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman and to oppose civil unions March 11
For more information call the Massachusetts Catholic Conference at 617-367-6060 or visit their web site at www.macathconf.org ,
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