Hornsby Plan Means Annihilation A month ago the Reverend Patrick J. O'Neill, superintendent of diocesan schools, proposed a ph~n to the Fall River School Department. At that meeting with the Fall River School Committee and the Diocesan School Board, Father O'Neill outlined the proposal in general terms and expressed his wish that if the School Committee could accept the proposal in principle, then all of the administrative details could be determined at a later date on the appropriate levels. Monday evening, March 2, the Reverend James Hornsby of the Fall River School Committee presented a plan entitled "A Sec-
Reacts .to New Proposal ond Look at Shared Resources:' This plan has many points of agreement with Father O'Neill's plan. However, there are some serious points to be reconsidered. Mr. Hornsby in giving the historical growth of the parochial schQol system goes into detail on the lack of integration of the people of varying religious, national, and racial backgrounds into the public school system of the city. We are in accord with the historical aspects. However, when Mr. Hornsby states: .
criminatory distinctions made on t\1e basis of race, religion and national background is in itself contributing to racial, religious
"Furthermore, I think that any system which· perpetuates dis-
Vol. 14, No. 10, March 5, 1970 Prce 10c $4.00 per Year
and ethnic hatred and misunderstanding:' We take a firm stand in our disagreement with such a statement. While the original historThe proposal for the developical purposes for establishment are sound, such a conclusion is ment of separate courses on reo utterly false. It is a direct accu- Iigion, along with the values of sation against' the English, Marxism communism is unrealFrench, Polish, Portuguese, Cape istic. No school district in the Verdean and Irish groups that country subscribes to such a prohave received the benefits of a _ gram because of legal prohibiparochial education, or are tions. presently in our parochial "What the Hornsby plan tells schools. us," father O'Neill said, "is in Mr. Hornsby's insistence on .substance to fold-up and fade the importance of the public away quietly. That isn't shared school system is disturbing. Fa- resources, that is annihilation:'
Trace Nun Vocations Drop To Turbulence of Times
Fr. Lussier Requiem Rites
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - An inquisitive priest has learned that the turbulence of the times, in addition to changes in religious communities, is the No. 1 reason for the decline in vocations to the Sisterhood in this Pennsylvalllia area. Msgr. Edward J. "What do you think could or Thompson, who is Philadelshould be done to help increase phia archdiocesan vocations vocations to the Sisterhood?" director, reached his concluMore than 92 per cent "assion based on 5,600 replies to his two-question survey which was conducted among 7,300 juniors and seniors in 28 area high schools, novices and postulants in i5 communities and 39' Sisterhood vocations directors. The Philadelphia prelate asked: "What do you feel are the reasons for the present day decline in vocations to the Sisterhood?"
Church Leaders Support Pope On Celibacy WASHINGTON (NC) Though controversy on the issue of mandatory celibacy for priests persists, Church leaders around the world are rallying in ever-growing numbers behind the firm position of Pope Paul VI. Prelates joining with their national conferences, or speaking individually, have made strong public pronouncements supporting the Pope's insistence that the celibacy law must remain in force. For example, the Scottish bishops issued a joint declaration backing the Pope and asTurn to Page Six o
Music and Choir Directors Set For Workshop The Diocesan Music Commission has scheduled a workshop for all those "directly responsible for the musical participation in the parish liturgy." It will be held at Bishop Stang High School, North DlJrtmouth, on Sunday, March 15. The workshop, announced by Rev. James F. Lyons of St. Mary's Church, Taunton, Commission Chairman, will stress the place of music in the new rite of the Mass to be imple~ Turn to Page Six
serted that our restless, turbulent, changing, violent times have much to do with the de<;line," Msgr. Thompson said, adding that changes in religious communities were also cited as a chief factor in the decline. "Reasons for girls not entering the convent were found in the girls themselves by all groups questioned," Msgr. Thompson observed. "These reasons included: the good life, fear of loss of freedom or individuality, reluctance to make a life-time commitment, the plethora of temporary servo ice-salvation opportunities outside religious life. Putting all these things together, we have the profile of a very free-spirited girl who never had it so good and who, in her own way, can do her thing for self and for society without really adverting to what it really means to consecrate and vow herself to Christ permanently:' The survey disclosed "many possible postulants just don't know what is the true, solid nature of religious life, so therefore, they won't even consider it," he declared. Msgr. Thompson said most' high school girls questioned view the religious life as "mysterious, medieval, secret, hidden, not normai, depersonalizing, irrelevant, unnecessary, going out of business:' He added that the large, publiCized number of nuns leaving religious life is a factor in the vocation decline. Regarding suggested solutions to the vocation crisis, Msgr. Thompson said 14,000 answers ranged from "getting rid of voca· tion directors to eliminating Sisters and religious life completely:' Other suggestions included prayers for vocations, updated spiritual formation programs and a general deepening of the spiritual life of Sisters, he asserted. Programs of convent visits for interested girls, association of nuns with possible candidates, school talks by young nuns and better religion courses in high schools also were suggested.
ther O'Neill states, 'The genius of our American way of life is that we don't try to standard differences, but that we stand together in spite ·)f admitted differences . . We need diversity, we need competition-even in cur education system:'
A Pontifical Concelebrated Mass Qf Requiem was offered this mornnng at 10 in the Sacred Heart Church,
HONEST, IT'S GOOD FOR YOU: Big sister is right. This is good, nutritious milk sent from the United States by the Catholic Relief Services. But little brother requires convincinghe never had a cup· of milk before. Such basic essentials of life are missing from the daily diets of millions of overseas children. The collection in all diocesan churches this weekend will help provide some of the needs of these hungry children. See Bishop Connolly's pastoral on Page Six .
Catholic Conference Secreta~y Scores Welfare Reform Delay CLEVELAND (NC) - "There tion. The approach of the adminsimply is not going to be any istration has led some to queswelfare reform this year - and tion whether it really wants the maybe not for many years," said bill passed:' Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, secThe monsignor urged the diocretary of the National Confer- esan group to help bring about Secretary Finch's hopes that ence of Catholic Charities. Addressing the annual meeting greater national attention, in the of the Catholic Family and Chil- form of discussion and debate, dren's Services of Cleveland, will be given to the question of. Msgr. Corcoran said: "We, like welfare reform. "We can help realize it by so many others interested in social welfare, were heartened to stimulating and arranging for see the present federal adminis- such discussions,': he said. "By tration espouse the cause of wel- doing this, we help provide an fare reform. We hoped to see the understanding of welfare probpublic welfare system cured of lems, and help clarify the need its weaknesses, its contradic- for welfare reform. "Only when such understandtions, its inequities-yes, even its cruelties ... * >I< ing becomes universal will there "Now, however, the cold, hard be a widespreaq demand for truth is beginning to dawn. change in the welfare system. There simply is not going to be Only then will' we witness Conany welfare reform thjs year- gressional action to accomplish and maybe not for many years:' it." Msgr. Corcoran traced events The question of national priorof the past year: "The President ities follows inevitably from disannounced his intention to re- cussion of welfare reform, Msgr.· form the welfare system shortly . Corcoran said. "It is obvious that there must after he took office, early in 1969. Not until August did he "be a reordering of our national make his national televised pro- priorities. Many will agree on posal, followed a month later by this. But, national priorities rethe submission of legislation to flect individual priorities. The one will not be changed without Congress. "Little reference was made to a change in the other:' Secretary Finch spoke about it He urged a reevaluation of at the National Presss Club, and what is a necessity and what is a tried to prod Congress into ac- luxury.
No. Attleboro for the repose of the soul of Rev. J. Omer Lussier, pastor of the parish since July 26, 1966 who died suddenly on Monday evening, March 2 as he vested to offer Mass at 7 o'clock. Father Lussier, the son of the late Louis O. Lussier and the late Victoria Labonte Lussier, was born on Sept. 2, lS03 in Weedon, Canada. He attended Notre Dame School, Fall River, St. Joseph High School and ColI(lge, Mont Laurier, Canada and St. Mary's· Seminary, Baltimore. Ordained on May 26, 1927 by the Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, he served as an assistant in the following parishes: St. Stephen, Attleboro; St. Roch, St. Jean the Baptist, and Notre Dame, all in Falll River; and St. AnthollY of Padua, New Bedford. In July, 1951, the late No. Attleboro pastor was named administrator of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, New Bedford and four years later was re-assigned to St. Stephen's Parish, Attleboro as pastor. Following 11 years of service to the people of the area, Father~ Lussier came to the assignment at the No. Attleboro Parish until Turn to Page Two·
Fr.' Lussier
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 5, 11970 •
I .
Parish Parade
SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Parents of the Boy Scouts of Troop 17 will serve a corned beef and cabbage supper on Saturday' evening, March 14 from 5 to 7 in the church hall. The proceeds' will be used to subsidize a trip for the boys to West' Point. Tickets are availab!e from the troop members.' ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS •
The couples club will sponsor a St. Patrick's Day buffet and dance in the new Parish Center from 8 to 1 on Saturday evening, March 14. ' The evening's program will consist of hot and cold buffet dishes, the awarding of prizes and comm'unity singing. Mr. and Mrs. William Meagher, co-chairmen have announced that all reservations must be made by March 11, tickets are $7.00 per couple and may be obtained from Mr. and Mrs, Meagher, 775-7618; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dumont, 775-0576; Mr. and Mrs. Richard MurphY, 775-7218 and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meuse, 775-1278. Tickets will not be sold at the door. " ST. JEAN BAPTISTE,'
FALL RIVER , The parish Council of Catholic Women will cancel its regular meeting this month. Instead, members will be hostesses at a meeting of the District Council at 7:30 Thursday night, March 12 in the church hall, Members of Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts and Cadettes, representing Troops 1031, 1116, 1113 and 1104 will open Girl Scout week by attendance at 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 8. A breakfast will foll0'Y in the hall. !\o1T. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD
The parish host !! fashion show at 7:30 on Sunday night, March 22 in the school auditorium. Admission is free and the public is invited. I Theodore Cloutier and Philip Medeiros, co-cha:irmen havej announced that the school bpard will sponsor a pot luck supper and dance on Saturday, March 7 in the school aud.itorium. Su'pper will be served f!'Om 6 to 81 arid dancing will follow until tnidnight. : Donations are being sought for the affair and the donors' are asked to leave their contributions at the school on Satutday morning between 7 and 10. ,The public is invited. NOTRE DAME, FALL llUVIER
Me~bers of the parish's hewly organized First Friday pub will welcome Msgr. Regina,1d Barrette, their new pastor,at a Mass and meeting tomorrow night. The 7 o'dock Mass will be followed by a father-son supper at Nortre Dame School, at which time Msgr. Barrette! will I address the group. An all-parish welcome will be extended from :~ to 4 Sunday afternoon, in Jesus-Mary aU~ito rium, when the parish council will cooperate with officer~ of all parish societies in holding a recention . , for MSlrr. .. Barrette!! ST. THERESA,
, I
. The parish, CCI) will spon~or a talk on drugs, by a member of the police department at a meetin" scherluled for 6:30 Tue~day evening, Marc~ llO. ! All teenagers and parents are invited. ' I
Day of Pr«lyer
FOUR MilLION TRADING STAMPS LATER: Students, at Marian High SC,hool'in Framingham cheer the arrival of a $7,000 sc;,hool bus they got by collecting trading stamps since last October. The bus will transport the school',; athletic teams. NC Photo.
The PTA will spoqsor a panel Mass Ordo i discussion between eighth grade I' pupils and their parents at a FRIDAY - Friday of the 1hird Week of Lent; Violet. ,(SS. meeting scheduled for 7:30 on Perpetua and Felicity may be :-unday night, March 8 in the commemorated today). ' school. , Mrs. Beverly Souza and Mrs. SATURDAY - S.aturday Of] the Hilda Rocha will selve refreshThird Week 'of Lent. Violet. ments following the meeting. (St.. Thomas Aquinas may be Members ,of the organization commemorated today). ; are requested to bring gifts to , the school on Sunday night in SUNDAY - Fourth SundaY, of order that .plans for the April 4th Lent. Rose or Violet. Mass Family Games Party might be' , Proper; Creed;,Preface of ~unfinalized. day of Lent.' . , . I MONDAY - Monday of i the Fourth Week of Lent. Violet. , Necrology (St. Frances olf Rome may be MARCH 10 commemorated today). I Rev. Francis J. Maloney, S.T.L., 1957, Pastor, St. Mary,' No. At- TUESDAY - Tuesday of I the Fourth Week of Lent. Vi6let. tleboro. . :. WEQNESDAY -, Wednesday of MARCH 19 Rev. John J. McQuaide, 1905, - the Fourth Week of Lent.l,Violet. I' Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton.
.... .
Continued from Page One his untimely death Monday evening. In 1968, he was named Attleboro Area moderator of the St. 'Vincent de Paul Society. Father Lussier is survived by six brothers and two sisters. They are: Rev. Ernest Lussier, S.S.S.; Bro. 'Ra'ymond Lussier, S.S.S.; Louis, Raoul, Gerard and Normand and Mrs. Bertha Phenix and Mrs. Eva Latulippe. Concelebrating with the Most Reverend Bishop were Father Lussier's brother, Rev. Ernest Lussier, S.S.S. and three cousins Fathers Robert Lussier, S.S.S., Thomas M. Landry, O.P., and Albert Landry, O.P. Also concelebrating were Monsignors Gerard J. Chabot and Thomas' F. Walsh; Fathers Cornelius J. Keliher" James F. Kenney, Roger D. Leduc, Roger P. Poirier and John R. Foister. Father Thomas Landry, present retreat-Master at the Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, eulogised his cousin.
THURSDAY - Thursday of, the Fourth Week of Lent..Violet. (St. Gregory the Great may be commemorated! today). i
"Worthy Persons' Ordinary Authorized to Select Laymen To Assist in Giving Communion CINCINNATI (NC) - Selected In the archdiocese, any pastor laymen will distribute Commu- or chaplain who wishes to recnion at Mass in the Cincinnati ommend a candidate to serve in archdiocese. the church or chapel, is to subArchbishop Paul F. Leibold mit to the chancery the name, said he has been authorized by address, age, sex and special ,the Holy See for a period of qualifications of the person to be three years to delegate "worthy cho,sen, toge~her with a. statepersons" to assist in giving Com- ment on the need for the faculty munion where the distribution . in said church or" oratory"by now faltes too long, where there March 7, 1970~ . ~," . . ' is a shortage of priests, or where In due time the selection will the, local priest is ill. tie made, the pastor or chaplain The permission came from the notified and a time and place Congregation of the Sacraments, designated for the formal conwith a general instruction on the ferral of this power on the' cansubject. didates. Archbishop Leibold stipulated: This faculty can be used only for distribution of Communion LAMOUREUX in churches and public oratories in the archdiocese during Mass. IFUNERAL HOME The selection of the person to ALBERT J. LAMOUREUX receive this honor will be made Embalmer - Funeral Director on the recommendation of the Tel. 997·9044 local pastor or chaplain. The person recommended is to 177 Cove St., Cor. SO. Second St. be 'an exemplary Catholic, who NEW BEDFORD excels in the practice of the AMPLE PARKING NON SECTARIAN Christian life, in faith and morais, is of mature age, fully instructed in this office. . In the distribution of Communion the prescribed rite is' to be fo'llowed and any danger of irFoulera' DOllie reverence is to be avoided. '550 Locust Street
May Be Deserved The only gracious way to ac,cept an insult is to ignore it; if you can't ignore it, top it; .if you can't top it, laugh at it; if YQu can't laugh at it, it's probably deserved. -Lynes
Mar. 15-St. Mary, Taunton St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet. St. James, Taunton.
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Th~rsday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rive,', Mass. 02722 bf the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall ,River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.
'. Fun.erc!l" Ser"ice ' Edward F. Carney 549 County Street I'\ew Bedford 999-6222 Serving the area since 1921
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan , Driscoll fUNERAL HOME 469 LOCUST STREET FALL ~IVER, M~SS.
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral (Director
'Rose E. ~ullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan
A U4
".' ".!nc. '
Michael C. Austin
!Fall River. Mass.
Prot. No. M·91 Pierce vs. Correia Ligamen I'
Diocean Tribunal , Fall River, Massachuselts I Insofar as the whe'reabouts of Diogenes E. Correia, respondent. in the case of i Pierce vs. Correia, Prot, No. M-91, are unknown, ·We cite the said Dlog1lnes E. Correia Ito ap· pear before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on March 115; 1970, at 9:30 A.M" at 344 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Massa· chusatts, to give testimony to establish: Whether the marriage in question be null? Pastors and others having knowledge of the whereabouts of sa id Diogenes E, Correia are advised to notify him in regard to this edictal citation, " , Reginald M.Barrette Presiding Official Given at the seat of this Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this, ' the second day of March, 1970. Henry T. Munroe Notary I
More Than Gentility A man can buy nothing in the -Cecil market with gentility.
Mar. B-Our Lady of Angels, Fall River. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford.
Cardinal Named HAMILTON (NC)-A National Race Relations Council was established here in New Ireland and Cardinal Peter McKeefry of Wellington was named. its vicepresident. Set up at a meeting of over 100 delegates of religious, political, labor and university organizations, the council is devoted to the development of harmony and understanding nmong races.
Serving all faiths
Sumner James
rf#,UlIWII 7/t;I'I"HJN City location 178 Winter St. Fall River Suburban location 189 Gardners Neck, Rd. Swansea
Search. for Peace in Vietnam
THE' ANCHORThurs., March 5, 1970
Encourages Relief Director NEW YORK (NC)-The priest Mentioning the great need for who directs the relief program more professionally educated somaintained by U.S. Catholics in cial workers he noted that much South Vietnam, said here he is of the work is training_ of Vietencouraged about the Vietna- namese. mese people "who are tremend~ "If we are to really make a ously interested in the search positive contribution we have for peace." to train them to help themselves, Father, Robert Charlebois, and with the same professional . Catholic Relief Services program competence so they can carry director in Saigon, -came here on," he said. to headquarter~ of the Catholic "The real development is 'not overseas relief agency, to re- of finances nor of economics, port on conditions and for con- but of people. So our program sultations. . must be geared not to land but The program in South Viet· to people. And we must watch nam, he said is primarily con- that we don't get too sophisticerned with the socio-economic cated in this area," he stressed. development of the people. In an Church Growth interview with NC News Service, he also was enthused about the He was asked: "What effect vitality of the Church in South the withdrawal of troops will Vietnam, "which is not hiding, have on the Vietnamese?" Fawhich is very much alive." ther Charlebois replied: "They Lively, energetic, intensely have nothing to compare it with. concerned, Father Charlebois is The average Vietnamese could originally from the Gary, Ind., not define by experience the rediocese. A graduate of the Cath- ality of peace. Americans must olic University of America's have the patience to. let them school of social service, he grow and develop to the potenspent five years in Ecuador be- tial of peace." . fore going to Viet\nam three· . Father Charlebois sees no mayears ago. He directs a staff of jor crisis in the black market 138 with 5 offices and 18 team in Vietnam; reporting there has sites but "spends as much time been "no episode in black marout of as in Saigon." ket in over a year." He attributes In Vietnam since 1954, CRS this partly to the control and carries out its activities in co- "the diligence of the commodity operation with Caritas-Vietnam, control officer on every account the relief agency of the Catholic whose responsibility it is to Bishops in Vietnam, and with the check the given commodity, Ministry of Health, Social WeI- whether it be food, medicine or lore and Relief. clothing." There are 32 voluntary agenDeeply enthusiastic about the de::. in Vietnam nnd a great deal life of the Church and its growth of cooperation, but according to in Vietnam he said perhaps relFatner Charlebois there are no ligion "plays a more serious role plans for a joint. venture such when you don't know whether as in Biafra except for coordi- there is going to be any; tomornating of activities to avoid du- row." plication of effort and to ma!<e "rhere are native. clergy and sure the total area is covered. 'native hierarchy with, only one "Coordination is 00' a grass French bishop. There seems tQ be roots level," he said. "We deal far wider liturgical reform than directly with those in voluntary in the U. S.; far more men at agencies and with other religious Mass, and vocations are on the upswing," he said. and youth groups."
Women's Secular Institute Seeks Well-Being of Family Units The largest secular institute for women living in community and devoted to social work and teaching of r~ligion i~ the two year old Family Service Corps, founded by Rev Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D., ,of Pittsburgh. Father Lovasik explains the purposes of his institute as fourfold: to intensify the Christian life in its members and in society; to witness to Christ by apostolic zeal and personal exampIe; to share in works of charity on the parish and community level; and to teach religion in homes and CCD programs. Spiritual practices include daily Mass and meditation and guidance by a spiritual director. The ideal of members, says Father Lovasik, "is to live and
feel with the Church, and their concern is the service of the People of God." FamO Well-Being .Y The Family Service Corps dedicates itself to "the spiritual, social, emotional and physical well-being of the family of any race or creed, especially where it may be sick, poor or otherwise underprivileged." The rule of the secular institute is based on the spirit of the Gospels and the documents of Vatican II. Members live in small communities and are selfsupporting. Father Lovasik notes that further information is, available from him at 207 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213.
Urge Mid-East Pea.ce Talks PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Nations at war in the Middle East have been urged by leading Philadelphia churchmen to cease military hostilities and begin peace talks. Issuing the joint appeal were John Cardinal Krol, archbishop of Philadelphia; Dr. Rufus Cornelsen, executive director of the Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia, and Rabbi Elias Charry, president of the Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia. The appeal is being sent to Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser,Jordan's King Hussein, Israel's Prime Minister Golda Meir and the heads of other nations at war in the Middle East. The churchmen urged the warring nations to "desist forthwith from military conflict and to begin direct negotiations with one another to seek an unimposed peace so that the peoples of the Middle East can develop their full creative potential." The churchmen stressed that "every. nation has the right to exist without fear that it will be destroyed by its neighbors." Direct negotiations: they maintained, is "civilization's only proven way of bringing about a peace which is just and will endure." . The declaration asserted that "comlQon to our faiths-Islam, Christianity and Judaism-is the imperative that we live as brothers."
. ON NEW BRITAIN: This nurse ministers to the sick and poor on the' island of New Britain in the Pacific Ocean. Some of her ancestors were cannibals, but .Sister is a graduate in nursing 'from the hospital in Vunapope. NC Photo.
.Study Sacrament' of' .Penance MONTREAL (NC) - A thorough-going study of the sacrament of Penance has been started here by a 13-member committee set up by the Canadian Catholic Conference. Composed of a bishop, a nun, three laymen and eight priests, the group of experts ·in theology, Scripture, history, liturgy, religious education, psychology and sociology held its first meeting at the Grand Seminary of Montreal. . The committee was commissione~ by the Canadian bishops'
organization to study doctrines pertaining to the sacrament. Because of the complex nature of the study no deadline was se.t for a final report by the committee. . Among proposed practices to be studied by the committee is "communal penance celebrations," outlined in a report on "Pastoral Conversion on Awareness of Sin and Conversion" made earlier this month by the National' Office of Liturgy and the National Office of Religious Education, jointly. .
WOll"St Foe worst enemy is always p. man of your own trade. -Fagan YOUI'
Every father-even the youngest-should read Maryknoll's free booklet'on wills! -
Sixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully. illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what your heirs can lose if you die withqut a will. Page 5 discusses why you need a lawyer's help in drawing up 'your will.. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to include. No father, young or old, should neglect his will. Maryknoll's booklet will convince you!
Mail the coupon for your copy. today! • • • • • ~.~~_.~~
Maryknoll Fathers 50 Dunster Road Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167-
, Dear Father:
Please send me your booklet on making a will. I understand there is no obligation. NAME ADDRESS
_ ~
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i , I THE ANCHOR~lDioceseof Fall River":"Thurs., Mar. 5, 197f'
", ITaunton
' i
Rec'ommend~ Lodge's Boo~
On Latin American PCJllicy , By Mngro George Go Higgins Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C.
The U.S. Catholic Conference has within it~ Inte~ national Department a large-scale 'Division for Latin America, sta,rted some years ago by Father Jqhn Considine qf Maryknoll and directed at the present time by Father L(ju~s Colonnese of the diocese of . f S ( I partment 0 tate to s~y J b Davenport \\:,ho, y t le way, nothing of the CIA) will take ,it just h~s to be one of the very seriously. " i most loyal and most dedi"!he alterna~!ve co,nfronting t~e
;..1 '
:'1 ;f;!;i 'I
K OF eTO HONOR PRIESTS: To be honored at a St. Patrick's Banquet in Tdunton' on March 15 by Msgr. James Coyle Council will be Rev. Msgr. James Dolan, Rev. M3gr. William H. Dolan and Rev. Msgr. Francis ·McKeon.
K of ~
To Honor Three
Msgr. James Coyle Council No. 82. Knights of Columbus. Taunton will celebrate the Feast of 'S~. Patrick in a very special way by honoring three very special friends of Ireland. The Taunton, Knights of Columbus, proudly counts among its ,members three priests who have given 163 years of service in the vineyard of the Lord. They are: Msgr. William H. Dolan and Rev. Msgr. William H. Dolan andRev. Msgr. Francis McKeon, who is also council cnaplain. The three prelates, now pastors emeriti of three Taunton parilihes, will be honored at a St. Patrick's Party scheduled for 6 on Sunday evening. March 15 in the K of C Hall on Baker' Rd. The evening of honor will consist of ,a program including a .corned beef dinner to be serv.ed at 6, and dancing and entertainment from 8 to 12. The music will be provid~d, by Brother Knight Louis O'Carvalho and his Gas Lite Boys and will include Irish tunes, new tunes, old tunes, sing-alongs and a special entertainment. Brothers Gerald Dooley and Robert Martin are co-chairmen and Charles Sheehan,P.G.K. will serve as m<lster of ceremonies. Tickets are limited and may be obtained from Grand Knight Edward Cabral, John Wright, William C. Emsley, Hugh Flynn Jr., Mr. Dooley, Mr. Martin, at the Sacred Heart Rectory, Spencer Shoe Store. and Armand Ye" of St. Mary's Parish. The general public is invited.
cated friends that Latin America Umted States. Mr. Lodge war,?s has ever had on this side of the our own government, "is not beborder. As 'an tween the status quo and revoluoutsider and a tion. It is between revolutidn ran k amateur, which is hostile to United States with only a interests and revolution which ,is sma t t e r i n g less so." I ' of knowledge 'Enormous Tragedy'! Secre t cny 0 f De f ems e See s Signs " about social and Our continued' failure to and' economic choose intelligently between Of IProsperi'ty in Vieffllam Village. developments in these two options, he says, is Latin America, due to the fact that "long beAN HOA VILLAGE (NC)-=-At _ . ' An Hoi Hamlet No. 1 of An J must apologize mused by the misconceptions. An Hoa Village, a cluster of Hoa Village was .chosen to be to Father Colonthat the conspiratoJrial activitih eight hamlets ,27' miles west of the show place for U. S. Secrenese and his of communism lay at the base bf SaigoJ;l ana 'only nine miles from t~rr of Defens~. M~lvin La'ird's associates for, the revolution, we have lumped the Cambodian border there are VISIt to see pacIfIcatIOn at work. trespassing on their territory in both together, clumsily attacking "signs of returning prdsperity all Seven of the eight hamlets in this column by enthusiastically both at once. j around. the village are rated "B" with recommending to our readers a "Were the Soviet threat to disHonda motorcycles, Tri-Lam- the most western one rated "C". new book by George C. Lodge appear tomorrow, we would con- bretta jitneys, ,smalt cars, water It is sl,Jbject to Viet Cong harentitled "Engines of Change: tinue to be confronted by t~e pumps, new' school buildings, rassmen from time to time,~he United States Interests and Rev- inevitabilitv of revolution in some brick houses, a well-kept last time about four months ag~ olution in Latin America" (AI- in Latin Alllerica; and, as things Cao Dai temple and anew Cath- when a Viet Cong squad tried to fred A. Knopf. New York, $8.95). stand now, it will be a~ anti- olic church under construction. enter the hamlet but was driven If the truth must be told, I American revolution. This is ~n Eighteen months ago the vil- off by a platoon of the People was prompted to purchase this enormous trageody, given t~e lage was rated in the "c" cate- Self Defense Force. book in the first instance for fact that no government has' gory, meaning it was subject to Completing Church purely personal reasons. tried harder than the United ' frequent Viet Cong harras~ment, Rice farmers make up 70 per As a long-time friend and ad- States to promote the develop- the Viet Cong infrastruCture was cent of the Population and are mirer of Mr. Lodge, who served ment 'of poor countries." ~ identified' but untouched, and owner-tillers. Total population Survey Litw(~y during the Eisenhower AdminisA new Random House book, there was little local participa- is 12,089, 15 per cpnt Buddhist, tration as Assistant Secretary of "The Anti-Communist Impulse-' .lion in 'self-help projects. 30 per cent Cao Dai, JO per cent C&langes i~ india Labor for International Affairs by Michael Parenti of the Ins~iToday the village is rated as 'Confucianist and 25 per cent MADRAS (NC)-Ttie )2 bishunder one of' God's noblemen, tute of Government and Public "B," which means it is not im- Catholic. ops of Tamil Nadu, the former the late Secretary of Labor Jim Affairs, at the' University of I1/i- mune to Viet Cong threat but Father .Joachim Nguyen Van Madras ,state, ,have announced Mitchell, I was curious--at first nois serves to corroborate Mr. local security is well organized, Nghi, the pastor, has one assist- plans for a public opinion survey only mildly so, I must admit-as Lodge's critical dia,gnosis of olIr the Viet Cong infrastructure is ant to care for the 3,000 Cath- as a preliminary to "Indianizato what he might have to say Latin American policy and partially neutralized and self- olics of Tha La parish, The 52- , tion" of the liturgy in their dio'about Latin AJ:nerica'n affairs in Lodge's dire conclusion th:athelp and economic projects are year-old priest is now complet- cese. his present capacity as an assist- "present policies and procedures taking hold. ing a new 800-seat church which The bishops' decision made at -ant professor at Harvard Uni- profoundly threaten - the moral, "' "'.."' 1.."' , was first begun 'in 1967. He is' a meeting at Cochin in January, versity's school of Business Ad- political, and economic intereSts naire understanding of the building it with the contributions came in the wake of a controverministration. of the United States." I Church-State issue to blind them of his people, both_in money and sy over the merits of the liturgito' the need for supporting in labor. Underestimated G"asp 'Engine of Change' cal change. Opponents have In other words, while I knew Mr. Lodge differs from mary Church-related movements in An Hao Catholics arc all charged that the move is a step that J could count on Mr. other U. S. observers of the Latin America even when these southerners. Their ancestors set- towards Hinduism, while supLodge's saying something impor- Latin American scene in still movements are known by these tied in the area about 150 years porters see the change as essen~ tant and saying it very well, I another important Irespect: He Iis same officials to be doing effec~ ago to escape persecution. Be- tial to the elimination of foreign thought that his book would extraordinarly sympathetic Ito tive work in the field of socio-' cause of their association with a clements jn Jridian Catholic probably be of only plllssing in- what he refers to as the "radical economic reform. "foreign religion," the Catholics ·worship. t~rest as compared with a dozen Church" in Latin America. I have also encountered this had to prove their loyalty to other recent volumes on Latin "After centuries of support ,of problem, ,on a lesser scale, in their suspicious neighbors. Something for Nothing America by scholars of greater the status quo," he writes, "the segments of the American labor Distrust between Catholics Civility costs nothing and buys academic repute and greater Church together wi!th a compl~x mov.ement. and Cao Daists gave way, in everything. -Montague . public renown. of socio-political forces and «;IFAvert Catastrophe 1947 when they united to oppose By the time I had finished ganizations centered upon it, I is Be' that as it may, U. S. ,gov- th? com'!1unist-domin~ted, Vi~t reading the first few chapters of becoming the most formidable ernment officials labor leaders Mmh takmg over theIr VIllage. his book, however, I knew that engine of change in Latin Amer- et al would be ~ell advised t~ , ,Both 'groups were united also in I had been underestimating Mr. ica." ,'I heed Mr. 'Lodge's advice when he wanting the French out of VietLodge's grasp of Latin American In another context, writing :in says that unless we 'transform nam. Est. 1897 affairs, and by the time I had a similar vein, he says that "in our outIo,ok (which too often come to the final chapter of the spite of the sins of the Church tends to be simplistically antiBuilde;s Supplies Grave Countenance book I was telling all my friends which are" as flagrarit ahd communist)" our policies, and 2343 Purchase Street Let your countenance be that it was a masterpiece and abominable in Latin America las our programs, "we shall be tendwas urging them to beg. borrow, anywhere, it continues to· shihe ing to force even the Church into pleasant, but in serious matters New Bedford steal--or preferably buy-a copy as a thing of singular beauty, the most uneasy and unwhole- let it be somewhat grave. 996-5661 "7""Washington at their earliest convenience. 'striving to form' a modern ciu- some alliances." I would now offer the same sade." (It should not be ne<::~sI take it that one of the major advice to anyone who" for lack sary to note, parenthetically, [at purposes of the' recent CICOP of something better to do with this point that Mr. Lodge-of the meeting in Washington, a meethis time,- may, happen to find original Massachusetts Lodge~ ing sponsored by' the, USCC Dihimself reading this column in is not a Roman CllLtholic.) . vision for Latin America, was Role of Church I to try to avert this catastrophe one of our subscribing papers. TUES., MARCH, 10 Need Revolution Mr. Lodge remaJ'~s in pass~ng by urging the U. S. delegates,' To this writer the great ap- that we in the United States m,ay and through them the American 8:00 P.M. peal of "Engines of Change" is have difficulty understandipg' people in general, to push for a Mr. Lodge's profound sympathy "the peculiarly, critical role lof transformation in our outlook, with the forces of radical change the Church and religion to ~he our policies and our programs. in Latin America. Unlike so process of change and develqpFor those who would like to BALLAD GROUP-STEP DANCERS many other U. S. observers of ment in Latin Ameri.ca." : take part il1 this effort to get the SINGERS-IRELAND'S BOB HOPE the Latin American scene, he is I can vouch for thiS statement Latin American policy of the \ BENEFIT ' not afraid to say that what is on the basis of my own limited 0. S. government back on the needed in Latin America is a experience with Latin American right track, Mr. Lodge's book is revolution - hopefully a non- affairs at the Washington level. required reading. For my own TICKETS: ADULTS $3.0o-CHILDREN $1.50 violent reVOlution, but a revolu- In other words, it is my ch~ar part, I can honestly say that it tion nonetheless. ,. impression, going back over~ a is one of the most impressive Tickets Available at: Mr. Lodge's advice to our own period of 25 years, that far too books I have come across in reSPENCER SHOE STORE, country on this matter is brutal- many U. S. government officifils cent years. J recommend it very DERMODY CLEANERS, EAGAN PKG. STORE, TAUNTON Iy frank. Let's hope that the De- have permitted their own d'oc~ri- highly.
Vehicles, Shrines
Sturtevant 6Hook
<Co <Co "',
West J,-o High School, Brockton
Col umban Fathers---M i /ton
f~Nl"M CQnf~renc@
O~ ~ ~ ~$Ugiornl~ ~n LOY~$iG~~ BATON ROUGE (NC) Eleven major Christian religions in the state have formed the Louisiana Interchurch conference' when leaders of the denominations met at First Presbyterian Church for document-signing ceremonies. Seven Protestant communions and four Catholic dioceses, representing more than two million Louisiana Christians, make up the new ecumenical organization. Signing the document at a constituting assembly were representatives from the Episcopal Church, the Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the U. S., the United Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., the Christian Church (Disciples' of Christ), and the Catholic archdiocese of New Orleans and the dioceses of Lafayette, Alexandria and Baton Rouge. More than 145 delegates to the interchurches' constituting assembly heard three biShops at a dinner held at the Catholic Life Center, before the ceremonies at the First Presbyterian Church. 'True Unity' Bishop Aubrey G. Walton of the United Methodist Church, Bishop Iveson B. Noland of the Louisiana Episcopal Church and Archbishop Philip Hannan of New Orleans spoke briefly. At the document-signing ceremonies. later, delegates heard the Rev. John Macquarrie of Union Theological Seminary, New York City stress that "true' unity" " mu~t bea. uni,ty wl)ich permits tJ!¢' fHII~Wfr,e,e~om. ~" /lB~t,we,. must;, remembeJl' finally 'that man ~s' an historical being," he said. "Unity cannot come by decree or by ,negotiation, Intercommunion 'would mean nothing if it were simply voted by church governing boards ,or decreed by bishops. It is only as we grow together in our common service of Christ that we shall, build a common history in which really profound unity can arise."
Racial Balance Goal Of Catholic Schools BATON ROUGE (NC)-Catholic schools in the Baton Rouge diocese will not serve as a haven for segregationists trying to escape newly integrated public schools, Bishop Robert E. Tracy has warned. The prelate announced that it would be the policy of his diocese to work toward achieving racial balance in all Catholic schools in the diocese, with enrollments proportionate to the racial composition of the diocese as a whole. A recent study revealed the diocese is eight per cent black, the bishop said, but the percentage is not distributed uniformly throughout the entire area. "Some of the communities reveal sharply contrasting racial percentages," he said. "For example, the Catholic community at Plaquemine is only four per cent black, but that Donaldsonville, only 21 miles south, is 31 per cent black." The policy of the diocese, Bishop Tracy said, would be to reserve a proper proportion of each Catholic school enrollment for "Catholic black applicants."
Generates Craft The more courtesy, the more craft. -Clarke
J ubila:rMJjJ!U~ Will BCB Feted at Ma~s SaftllJffdalt V A1lt~rr7J[UI1@lJt at §~<D Alf11Fll,e'~ .ChUflCh
Thurs., March 5, 1970
Saturday will ""be a day of rejoicing and thanksgiving for, the Dominican Sistell's of Park Street, Fall River, for they will be celebrating the golden anniversary of profession of Sister Marie Matthieu Dutil and Sister Emmanuel Thibault. Sister Marie Matthieu Maria Dutil, was born in Fall River on August 30th, 1897. Her father was Joseph Dutil: a well-known collector at the St. Anne's Church Sunday Masses. Mr. 'Dutil died at the age of 34, leaving Mrs. Dutil alone to bring up her family of five, of which Sister was the oldest. A few months after the death of the father, the mother became very sick and was anointed while undergoing surgery. There was nothing that man could do for her, but God in His great mercy, gave her back to her children. She died 44 years later at the age of 74, after having been manager of the souvenir shop of St. Anne's Shril)e for 32 years. When Maria mentioned that she would like to be a nun, her mother disclosed a secret. She had been born with clubfeet. This was in the days when nothing could be done for one who had such an infirmity. Mer the doctor had said that this baby would never walk the mother's faith was challenged. She placed a medal· that had touched the relic of St. Anne de Beaupre between her little, legs while wrapping them in swaddling clothes '" '" . . The baby started to walk when' she was 10 months old. Now, do you wonder why her mother devoted herself to St. Anne's Shrine for so many years!
,_.. -.,~,~~" .,---~.~ . ·.L,~ ..._ ~. .. ~ __. _ .~·l GOLDEN JUBlLARIANS:, Sister Emmanuel, O.P., left, and
Sister Marie Matthieu, O.P., of Park Street Dominican Sisters, Fall River, will mark golden jubilees Saturday aftemoon at Mass of thanksgiving at 'St. Anne's Church.
No Surprise
_Having been brou&IIt upin <l. Dominican parish, It was' nt)' stitp~is~ tJ:ta.t Si~te~ :vv~ul!!- en,t~r, 't.he Dominican' Order on 'A\Jgust' ~Oth" ' 1918. Sister made her first profession 'on March 7th, 1920 and pronounced her last vows on March 7th, 1924. During her 50 years of religious life she taught school at St. Anne's and Dominican Academy in Fall River; at St. Peter's High School in Plattsburgh, N.Y. .for 25 years; and at St. Francis Xavier in Acushnet; besides taking part in CCD programs i,n Mooers Forks and Chateaugay, N. Y., Sister Marie Matthieu was school principal at St. Anne, St. Peter's, St. Francis Xavier and also superior at the Plattsburgh convent. As a young Sister she was assigned with three other Sisters to open the first and only parochial school in Acushnet, St. Francis Xavier.
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. ,Wh,el1,everthe parishioners ,of St. Anne see a Sister in" the sanctuary, preparing the, altar for Mass or putting things away, she is Sister Emmanuel, Noella Thibault, who has been sacristan for the church for quite a number of years. Her religious name was given to her because she was born on Christmas Day" 1900, in Mont-Joli, Province of Quebec. Her parents moved there when she was five years old. Her father, Jean Baptiste Thibault,
Pope Paul Appoints Missouri Ordinary'
LA RIOJA (NC) - The clash between the provincial governor and the bisho;p of La Rioja over the governor's social development program reflects the growing conflict between Church and state in Argentina. Twice within a month Gov. Guillermo Iribarren of La Rioja province has' contested statements by Bishop Enrique Angelelli of La Rioja questioning the. effectiveness of the program, aimed at promoting agriculture and industry. "Are the public powers truly in 'tune with the needs and poor living condttions of our people who have waited so long for a change?" the bishop asked. "Are we to conttnue listening to promises and seeing only plans?" The govenor said he resented what he called the interference "of the negative preaching" of persons ",belonging to the highest cultural and social levels, of men who seem to have been conditioned by the ideologists of the far left." . JBishop Angelelli, backed by his priests who also signed the reply to this charge, said that "we are tired of listening to denunciations claiming that any attempt to free the people from inhuman, shameful conditions comes exclusively from the far, subversive left."
Theologian Denies Switching 'Camps'
FRANKFURT (NC)-The tension between "conservatives" and "progressives" in the Church has become so acute that "the came from Ste; Flavit:l, Province next thing we can expect is that of Quebec and her mother COl'- party me~bership cards will b~ inne Hudon from Ste. Angele de introduced," Father Karl Rahner, S.J., prominr.nt German theoloRimouski. Sister Emmanuel entered the ninn of Muenster University said Dominican Order on the 4th of in a Catholic newspaper here. August, 1918 and pronounced In an article in Publik, Father her first vows on August 4th, Rahner referred to press reports 1920. Two months after she en- claiming that he had said that tered' 'she had the misfortune of he has swiQched over to the losing her mother and a brother "camp" of the conservatives and within 10 days during the influ- has been "converted." enza epidemic, which followed He denied that a statement of his theological position was a World War I. "<:onversion" or that he had O~e of the most important services which Sister Emmanuel "switched over" to another renders at the Academy is to be "camp," and blamed the misinpresent at the children's cafete- terpretation on a "bad and alria during the primary grades' most paraphrased version" of an lunch hour. To these little ones interview he gave in German she is all but mother, seeing to that was translated into French all their needs, and making sure and from French back into Gerall is eaten. She also made thou- man. sands and thousands of hosts for different churches for many years. As the two jubilarians are daughters of St. Anne parish, it was deemed proper to have a Over 35 Years Mass of thanksgiving said at the parish church at 4:30 Saturday of Satisfied Service aJternoon, March 7th. This Reg. Mosler Plumber 7023 Mass Will be followed by a reJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. ception in the auditorium of the 806 NO. MAIN STREET Academy. Relatives and friends Fall River 675-7497 are invited to attend. ,
Anglican-Catholic Dialogue mncreases ROME (NC) - 'Within five years Roman Catholics and An-, glicans may be discussing con· crete ways to unite their churches, the president of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity said here. But the Vatican official, Jan Cardinal Willebrands, warned that such a development would not mean the churches would be "at the door of the promised land." /. In a lecture at the Anglican Center here repeating what he had said in England, the, cardinal said that there had been too many experiences in the past, such as the failure of the Anglican-Methodist merger talks, to warrant such an expectation. But within five years, he said, dialogue between Anglicans and Roman Catholics might focus on what unity might mean in practice.
Argentin@ Bishop Governor C~ash
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI has named Msgr. Willam W. Baum, chancellor of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, to be the bishop of SpringfieldCape Girardeau, Missouri, Archbishop Luigi Raim!?ndi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, announced here. He succeeds to a See left vacant by the elevation of the Most Rev. Ignatius J. 'Strecker last September to be archbishop of Kansas City, Kan. The bishop-designate was born in Dallas, Tex., Nov. 21, 1926, and attended St. Louis Preparatory Seminary and Kenrick Seminary in St. Louis.' He was ordained for the diocese of Kansas City, May 12, 1951. He made post-ordination studies at the Angelicum in Rome, taking a licentiate and doctorate in Sacred Theology. Among th~ offices he has held in Kansas City-St. Joseph are: Tribunal notary, secretary of the diocesan tribunal, executive secretary of the Diocesan Commission on the Liturgical Apostolate, junior clergy examiner, censor Iibrorum, vice-chancellor, diocesan consultor, diocesan tribunal ~ynodal judge and chancellor.
Monlle ,Plumbing & Healing Co.
Color Process
Year Books
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LETTERPRESS Phone 997-9421
New Bedford, Mass. §illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU:l:l:lIl1l1l1l1l1mlllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIII i?
,Getting Huivy
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. Si 1970
,I I
Catholic Relief Services
No one would wish to downgrade the wonderful work being done by the many existing private agencies of ch~r ity in the nation. But the fact remains that of these, ~he Catholic Relief Services, the agency of AmeJrican ·CatAolics, is the greatest: non-governmerit help organization i of its kind. , I 'It 'meets not only, immediate disaster needs all oyer the world and among people of every race and creed, but it established self-help programs which enable people to he'lp themselves. . i Every five dollars in support given to' '~he Cath~lic Relief Services multiplies to three hundred dollars worth of food and medical supplies for, the needy. I Last year Catholic Relief Services provided over ~ne hundred and thirteen million dollars worth of such ne~d to seventy-four nations of the world. Help was sent :to the hungry and war-torn, people of both Nigeria ard Biafra. ' ,, This is charity at its finest. It is the uSle. of char~ty money to its greatest extension. . i And it is a great tribute to the spirit of Ameri,ca that in the midst of its material wealth - and the problems this has caused it - it reaches out to othlers in neJd. This Sunday the Catholic Relief ServicE's colleCii~n will be taken up.
Time for
.' ..
Leaders'Sup'po.rt· Pope on Celibacy Continued from Page One
It might not be amiss at this time to silt down and ' serting .that such a stand ref1~cts ask what sacrifices one has made since AshWednesday. the thinking of, ,most of 'their " This is the age when discipline must come: from with- Catholics. It is rare for the Scottish hishin. It is the age when penance must be self-i~nposed. . i opsto make public statem~nts So we had better ask ourselves-how well have ",e outside their semi-annual me~t"" .' been ~oing so far. How much maturity has' been shown this ings; ',Jh~Scottish bishops:;sai~ they Lent in' matters of self-discipline and self-deilial ? . !. '~liave no reservations" on the I
Coli~g~ ,"
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Humor? , "
In these'days, of Great Causes humor on the college 'campus does not seem to be as plentiful as it once w~s, so any' humorous incident must be seized upon qUick~y and appreciatively. ! The president of Brandeis University nisigned t~n days or so ago to tmter-the political arena. : His ,leaving was greeted with protests and ,some ~f the protestors niade this clear point: theyr,eserited his leaving at a time when more. students were getting involved in the ,protests and they resented the fact th*t he would not be around to be a target of thei.r activism. A humorous occasion indeed. The studerlts claimJd for themselves the freedom to protest. -They resented in him his freedom to choose not to be their pr«~sident any longer. , , . There is an interpretation of free speech. that sa~s this is not a right but a freedom. It is not a right because while a man can speak, no one has the duty to listea. So the use of free speech, this interpretation goes, is, really a freedom to speak a.nd .not a right to speak. And if someone wishes to listen, fine. And if someone does not choose to listen, that is his freedom. -
@rheANCHlOR O~
John Cardinal Heenan of Westminster, at two meetings of his diocesan clergy in London, stressed support for the views of the Second Vatican Council on celibacy. The cardinal said that, while he was not criticizing the Dutch bishops" he beli~ved their failure to support the Holy See
of~!'l,I!1;>acr.,< <!eclaring ,jl1ev~t<tbly,.leq. "eigJl~oringbish
thems~l~es .!'1o ~or:npJet~ ,~Fc.o~d
with the Holy Father in his courageous defense" of •this' sacred and treasured tr.adition in the Catholic priesthood which makes pOSSible that complete and undivided dedication to the service of. God which is, demanded of the priest." . . . Three-lFold Counsel. On the other side of the w'orld, the leader of the Bishops' Conference of the Pacific issued a statement reaffirming full support of the Pope: , Archbishop George H. Pearce, S;M., of Suva, Fiji, noted that the conference at' its last meeting, in June, 1969, had unanimously affirmed the pro-celibacy position "as laid down in -the actual Code of Canon Law, as reaffirmed in the numerous documents 'of the Second Vatican Council, and as restated so beautifully and so forcefully by Pope Paul VI in his encyclical, 'Sacerdotalis Caelibatus,' and since reaffirmed by him in many public statements." The bishops of Ecuador adopted Ii .statement supporting' celibacy, declaring it, to be a "centuries-old tradition launched by Christ's three-fold counsel of poverty" ch:astity .a!ld,obedienc~,"
W o:r'k'shop
, Continued from Page One ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAFlER' THE DIOCESE OF FAI.l RIVER I mented in the Fall River Diocese I Published weekly _I;,y The Catholic Press of the Diocese oHall 'River on Sunday, March 22. William G. Campbell of 410 Highland Avenue i St.Rev. Mary's Cathedral, CommisFall River, Mass. 02722 ' 675-7151' i sion Secretary, also stated that . the meeting is open to all the I PUBLISHER faithful of the Diocese who are in the place of song Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. '[ interested in carrying out a meaningful liturgical celebration of the Holy GENERAL MANAGER 'ASST. GENERAL M.ANAGER, Sacrifice of. the Mass. , Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sholloo, M.A. -, Rev. John P'-[)riscoll Especially included, in the in, vitation are all parish organists. MANAGING EDITOR choir directors, and members .of Hugh J. Golden" LL.B. music and liturgy committees of ~Leary Press-Fall River parish councils.
oops 10 Fx:anc~,Belglum,G~rJPany and Switzerland to exercise' col''.legiallty 01 affirmihg'ipl uneqlilv. 'oca:! language their firm support for Pope Paul in defense of celibacy for the clergy of the Latin Church." The cardinal sa'id that there is 'no doubt the National Bishops' Conference of England and Wales at their April meeting will reaffirm "the already well-' known loyalty of the bishops, priests and people of his country ·to the See of Peter."
Dismiss' Priests Fro~ Seminary , LA 'PAZ (NC}-The Bolivian bishops have dismissed, four Spanish priests who were running the national seminary here, and the Bishop of Cochabamba has taken other Spanish priests ·out of parish work. The bishops 'who also suspend'ed'the seminary's academic for '1970, said that the Spaniards, 'members of the Hispano-American Priestly Cooperation Work, "are not leaving the seminary 'for doctrinal, political or moral reasons." But a reliable 'Church source here said that one of the reasons for the priests' ouster was that they "neglected the spiritual formation of the seminarians and instead devoted their principal efforts to social works for the poor." " Bishop Jose Gutierrez Granier of Cochabamba told the organization priests in his See that they are "guests of the diocese * * -' with no further parish assignments."
',Coopell'atiolll lResuRt Save possibly in education effe<;ts, cooperation can produce no general results that competition will not produce. -George
Bishop Connolly Pastoral "The poor you have always with you." St. John XII:8 Beloved in Christ: The Catholic Faith has always been clear on concern for the poor. In that, we are true to our Founder. Christ was born poor, "emptying Himself of His Divinity." He lived poor. His heart was with those needing help, physical as well as spiritual. To a rich would-be-disciple, he said: "Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and then follow me." (St. Mark; x,21) He praisedZachary, the tax-gath~rer, because he was good to the poor. Rich as our country is, we are not ,without slums and social problems. The government has many times declared a war on poverty, but the victory is further and further away. What then of lands more densely populated than ours? What of those to whom a blight means famine, -a plague, death, and a tempest, desolation? We have always had the means to help, and thank God, our nation and Church have been among the first. Europe after the war, Latin, America in the fifties up to now, the near and far East, and Africa as well, are all our beneficiaries. Fortunately, we have been equipped to bring aid to, the most distant points of need. , Food, medicines, health and home services, that have always been part of missionary effort, are provided now on·a scale bigger than ever by the Catholic World Welfare under the direction of Bishop Swanstrom of New York. He works for Bishops Relief. '. He has a genius for organizing 'and,'enl!sting;:ilid' ffom' dioceses throughout the:-,,'UulcJ, "',"ai1d' :'str.en'gtheiledwhat 'We give. to the point that' five dollars here is worth" over 300 in what it brings to the point of need. ' This is a matter of record. And this is what makes our Bishops Relief so significant. We could make no better investment in Charity than this. It goes a long, long way, practically to the ends of the earth. I 'personally have met many agents of Bishops Relief in the field. One of them, - Maria de Salvo Schmi9t, who was a heroine to the poor in Constantinople, is now at Amman, in Jordan. She is where danger exists, but that's where the need is. This is typical of an image of Christlike concern that must always be part of our Faith. No one is really poor who has such assurance of relief, close at hand. The only poverty to fear is that of never knowing kindness or charity in our hearts. As usual, the Fourth Sunday of Lent is marked as Bishops Relief Sunday. The old physical sacrifices are pretty much gone. But prayer and alms giving have a highly significant role if we are to come out of a penitential season better than we went into it. Those who have known want will give generously, as they always do. Those that' have a better potential, who judge investments by quick and substantial returns, could not do better in time and eternity, than to keep on giving to help relieve such as have no hope. "What we do for one of these least, we do for Him." Always grateful for the generosity that has long characterized the. Fall River Diocese, and with a hearty bleesing on all, I remain, Faithfully yours in Christ, ~ JAMES L. CONNOLLY, Bishop of Fall River. o
Nuns' Committe'e Completes Plans F'or Organization ST. LOUIS (NC)-A 42member national task force of women Religious completed plans here for a nationwide organization to represent some 165,000 nuns in the United States. The plan will be submitted for approval to the third National Meeting for Women Religious to be held April 17-19 in Cleveland, at which an attendance of 3,000 is expected. The proposed organization, to be known .as the National Association for Women Religious, would have six principal objectives: To give impetus and direction to the organization of local groups of women Religious. To work for greater participation of women Religious in the decision-making process and the implementation of decisions on. local and national Church levels. To provide channels through which women Religious may speak with one voice. To share research by means of published newsletters, editorials and statements. To establish a national office to support and service local Sisters' organizations. To conduct an annual meeting which would focus attention of Sisters· on current issues. 'Re-entry Problem' The meeting here also proposed a 20-member steering committee be elected at the Cleveland convention to serve' as an interim governing body until delegates and national officers could be elected. . The' task force recommended adoption of a plan to provide (or open membership' of all Religious women in the. association while at the same time as,'Ouring equal representation for 'm!ividuals, councils of Sisters :md other organizations of nuns. Sister Ethne Kennedy, of Chicago, task force chairman, said that, after years of cloistered and semi-cloistered security, there "is a bit of a re-entry prob· lem" for women Religious to assume some share in Church leadership. She expressed belief that "the emergence of the American Sister will be a catalyst in the church."
More Czech Church Controls Likely BONN (NC) - Although the Czechoslovakian government has r£:laxed certain controls on Church activities, other controls seemed likely to be imposed soon, it was reported here. The government has permitted members of the 37 communities of nuns in the country to work in hospitals, homes for the aged and other forms of social action, Previous restrictions limited Sisters to working in homes for the mentally ill and for aged priests. Representatives of the nuns who met with officials of the Czechoslovak ministry of culture to protest the limitations on their activities were told that they will eventually be permitted to accept novices if continuation of their work makes it necessary. The likelihood of controls on Church activity appeared in re~ cent meetings in Prague and Brno between Dr. Karel Hruza, head of the secretariat for Church Affairs in the Ministry of Culture, and Czech and Moravian priests.
"Do-it-yourself" Efforts Produce New l(itchen in 'New Bedford Church Hall By. Ellen Andrew They didn't exactly say it couldn't be done. But there were those who had their doubts when parishioners at St. John the Baptist Church in New Bedford decided to completely renovate the kitchen in the basement of the church.' That was in October, 1968. So, what's so .difficult about renovating a kitchen? Nothing, except that in this case, the old kitchen "fit" three workers whereas now r' 20 can toil comfortably at f church functions. The "do- ; it-yourself" efforts of 10 dedicated St. John parishioners will be culminated at a ham and bean supper to be served in the church basement March 14. .Proceeds will be. used' to pay for new kitchen equipment. "We'll have two sittings of 300 people each," says Jesse V. Santos, the project's chairman. "That would have been quite an undertaking in the past. "But now with the expanded kitchen, well, we're much better able to handle the job." Started In 1968 St. John parishioners have wanted to do something about !he kitchen for years; so finally, m 1968, they got down to brass tacks,. formed a committee and swung into action. It is noteworthy that there is little experience for such an undertaking among the group. Santos is a probation officer; Vito Gerardi, school teacher; Antone Arruda, mechanic; Manuel Cardoza, a retired boat work- , er; Richard Lopes, a bank manager; Henry Pimental, salesman; Jean Haun, gas company employee, and Tony Neves, a tradesman who did the cabinet work. "We didn't have much experience in this type of work," Santos remarked, "b.ut our crew worked awfully hard. Apparently, their efforts have not been in vain. "We started in October, 1968 and have worked Mondays and Wednesday nights from 7 to 9:30 or so. We brought some tools .with us and borrowed others. "We bought what materials . ·we needed. 1 would venture to say this is a $25,000 project that , we will complete for. about $4,000. We save on. labor, of course. We're not submitting a bill for the project. "We'll just about come in under the wire financially, too. It is my recollection we've spent about $3,900 of the $4,000 we have for the project. That's figuring it kind of close, I'd say." Labor of Love Santos' group, with Cardoza as its foreman, lowered the ceiling, broke down· walls, panelled walls and generally spruced up. the kitchen as it's never been spruced up before. Certain electrical, plumbing and floor work was paid for but the bulk of the work, a true labor of love, was done by the committee. "Even though we come from all walks of life, it's amazing
Plan to Aid Priests LONDON (NC) - The bishops of England and Wales have set up a special service to help priests and Religious' who leave the ministry. The news servic~rganized by the bishops' Commission for Social.Welfare-includes a panel of businessmen, doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, social workers and priests as consultants. It will initially be based) here but will be extended to other cities as the need arises.
. FINAL TOUCHES: Richard lopes. Edward Dutro and Eugene Haun install the lost item of kitchen equipment in St. John's Hall. New Bedford.
how well we got along and got the job done," Santos rel'ated. "We're all good friends to begin with; we've known each other for years. "There never was a complaint and we had no arguments. Wheri thing$ got a little tight, we took time out, talked a bit and told a joke or two. "Ours is a group of good Catholic men endeavoring to do something for our church. The men never once wavered in their desire to do a good job. "Oh, I admit we had our moments. There was the time we had J to go through three feet of wall for the opening for food service between the kitchen and the hall. Job Seemed EverlastIng "We even broke a jackhammer on that one. It seemed as if we'd never get that little job done. But we did." Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, administrator of St. John the Baptist Church,. drops in on the
Two Priests Enter Congressional Race YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - Another Catholic priest, Father Joseph R. Lucas, has filed as a candidate for Congress. Father Lucas, philosophy professor at Youngstown State Uni- . versity, will seek the Democratic nomination from Ohio's 19th district in the May 5 primary. Father Robert F. Drinan, S..J, law scholar and. activist in the peace and civil rights movements, has also entered a congressional primary in Massachusetts. He was vice-president and provost of Boston College and dean of the Jesuit university's law school.
workers every once in a while to see the progress being made. Parish/functions in the church basement can now be held· with a good deal more comfort and pleasure thanks' to this hardworking crew, led by Jesse Santos and Manny Cardoza. Any new projects in mind? "Well, I guess the hall itself could be panelled. But we'll have to hold off on that for a while. We've been going pretty strong for more than 1 Yz years on this kitchen renovation." That's for sure!
THE' ANCHORThurs.• March 5, 1970
Pope Paul Urges Fratricidal War End in Brazil BELO HORIZONTE (NC) -Brazilians have been urged by Pope Paul to end "fratricidal wars" and eliminate dehumanizing "unjust social and economic conditions." The Pope's televised appeal to this strife-torn country climaxed the four-day B~azilian Bishops' Conference deliberations on such subjects as violence, arrests of clergymen, divorce and changes in .the liturgy of the Mass. 'Normal Legal' Rule Brazil has been hit by terrorist activities and repressive measures by the police and military ever sinc~ the government assumed dictatorial powers in December 1968. The military regime is ruling by decree on grounos that subversive groups are trying to overthrow the government. Hundreds, including priests and Catholic lay leaders, have been arrested. Both Brazilian and international groups have charged that the government is torturing political prisoners and a dossier containing data on the torture charges has been sent to Pope Paul by a European group. The Brazilian Bishops, deploring the chain of violence and represssive countermeasures by authorities, have urged the military junta to move toward "normal legal" rule by returning to constitutional government and permitting the normal functioning of the congress and the judiciary. Unjust ConditIons Pope Paul told Brazilians they emust "exercise a fair balance between strength and Christian prudence and a generosity th'at will eliminate the unjust social and economic. conditions, so dehumanizing and all kinds of fratricidal wars." He said that the condition of men requires people to help their "brother in his human and religious needs."
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TbtE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 5,'1970
____--....;..-----------,-~-_!_al Three' Style CategoriE~s' iOrpha,ns of Fashion I r
Marilyn Roderick
There are three divisions ~f women's styles that a~e ,. at the bottom of the barrel as far as fashion· and choice are concerned: half-sizes, maternity clothes and dresse$, and any type o( clothing for the chubby child. With SP much emphasis on dieting
and calorie counting, you Id thO k th t d . WOU In a eSlgners and manufacturers would be aware that not everyone is a perfect size 12. Studies show that eight out of 100 children fall into the' chubby category' and 0 d d I y enough no one seems to care e x c e p t the mot her s and grandmothers of said chubbies. Not only are the chubby. styles atrocious but some fabrics and trim are actual1y shoddy. Many stores won't touch the chubby sizes with a 10-foot pole and when they do condescend to lower themselves and stock a few they hide them in the far reaches of a back rack. Also many (not al1, of course) store personnel show- these fashions as if they were something to be ashamed of and hidden in dark corners. This of course doesn't help the poor child who has just s~ent an hour trying to fit into regular size clothes only to be told that only a chubby would fit her impossible shape. Not Quite the Stigma There doesn't seem to be quite
, , Maternity is the third ar~a where one has to play Sherlock Holmes to find anything presentable. It's been quite a few yea~s since I had to search for this type of apparel but the girls t~l1 me there has beeh very little improvement in the selectio? Materials are sleazy looking, styles that local .stores carr'y leave much to be desired, and al1 ir;t' al1 they do nothing fJr one's morale at a time when la mother-to-be sorely needs a morale boost.. What more and more women find themselves doililg is sewing to compensate for the lack Of, selection in maternity' clothes. Budget-wise, the sewing machiqe . is a boon and fashion-wise it's :a necessity, especial1y in the areas· where the designers appear to have deserted the American female.' With al1 the raises that the needle industry has' been recei~-· ing and with the riising cost Of materials, let us hope that t~e people who receive our consumer dol1ar will give us a partial dollar's worth in fashion, thought and workmansthip. Let's hope they realize th!it not. everyo~e has model proportions and that no matter what shape, size or color that a woman comes .in, she wants to look her very best. Maybe then we won't mind paying the rising prices that are the rule of the. timeS,' . . I
THREE MOSPftTALS:Women's auxiliaries of Fall River's three hospitals will combine to present· a fashion show and dinner Monday night, March 9, at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. From left, committee members are Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, 'president of . St. Anne's Hospital Women's' Board; Mrs.' Henry J. Feitelberg, program chairman; Mrs., Ludger Dalbec~ general chairman.
For Understa'nding Seven Exchange S~udents Form One-Fourth Of High School Senior Class
NEWARK (NC)-For thc third time in as many years, the Brotherhood awards ceremony conducted by the New Jersey chapt~r of the National Conference of Christians and Jews was the target of protests. Target this time was a Negro educator, J. Harry Smith, a member of the editorial board of the Advocate, newspaper of the Newark archdiocese. Smith was one of four award recipients, but about 100 members of the Peoplc's Council, a dissident group of students and teachers at Essex County College, protested his selection. Smith is the chief executive officer of the recently founded two-year institution. In accepting the award, Smith took note of the pickets outside the hotel where the presentation was made, and said he was "with them in their thrust" even though they were calling for his resignation. . Last year pickets protested the giving of an award to Archbishop Thomas A. Boland, of Newark, because of charges about racism in the Newark archdiocese. Two years ago there was a demonstration against the selection of philanthropist Charles W. Englehard for 'an award because of his business interests in South Africa.
Criticizes Woments Status in Church WELLINGTON (NC) - Members of the Wellington Archdiocesan Pastoral' Council want a new. look taken at the status of women in the Church. This . emerge~ v,ery clearly when the nation.al president of the Catholic Women's League in New Zealand, Mrs. Lesley Lang, criticized attitudes toward women in the Church. Speaker after speaker took the floor to endorse what she said, though the meeting did not take any. formal resolution oil. the topic. Mrs. Lang quoted a statement that one's role in the liturgy was thc index to one's place in the life of the Church, and then pointed out that participation in the liturgy applied to laymen out not to laywomen. .
MILROY (NC)-"South Amer- tion." Father ,Buckley said he ica of the U. S." is what Father came in contact with the proGordon Buckley, pastor of St. gram through a form letter sent' Michael parish. calls this Minne- him by the Rev. Robert L. Gilsota towIl with a popu1l1tion of lium, an Episcopal minister from the stigma attached to half-sizes , Cedar Fal1s, Iowa, regional coor20. that there is to the aforemen"It is almost unbelievable that dinator for Youth for 'Undertioned chubbies. Evidently it one-fourth of the senior class standing. isn't as bad to be an overweight Father Buckley said he had no from the' high school here' is 'adult as an overweight child. Jrom South America," he' said. trouble getting host families Fashion-wise, though, half-sizes L'C1W from the Milroy area. "I guess "But it's true." .Ieave much to be desired, espeu In late January nine students that is quite evident," he said, cial1y if you're still in the young TRENTON (NC) -- A commi~"since we were able to bring age bracket but can't, fit in sion set up to study New Jet- from' South America (seven sen- nine students to this community. iors and two juniors) arrived straight sizes. The' designers of sey's divorce laws . will recodt"I us'ed the pulpit to tell the these half-sizes always appear mend to the legislature that ~t' here through the Youth for Un- parishioners about the program," to have run into a, marvelous make a divorce easier to obtaif. derstanding program. For six months, Milroy families are host- he said. "We were slow getting sale on blue and beige lace, beEnactment' of less restrictive started, but once I got one famthe studerlts. cause these are the fabrics they legislation was opposed by CaUl- ingThe program promotes ex- ily, I got another. It was like a emphasize in the so-cal1ed dressy olic spokesmen during a series change of 15-to 17-year-old stu- chain reaction." dresses in this line. . Polka-dots, ugly paisleys and of pU~li~ hearings. held by t~e dents between the U. S. and other countries in cooperation drab dreary colors are also the commission. . I Commission Opposes ..ELECTRICAL signature of the larger sizes and Authorized by the legislature with the U. S. Department of Contractors State. . most designers of these lines two years ago, the 'commissi6n Carswell. Nomination Father Buckley said the' stuavoid bright colors and gay fab- has completed its wt)~k and go~e GREENSBURG (NC) - The rics as if they were the plague. over the final' draft of a report dents ,are here during their vaca- Greensburg Diocesan Human ReVery Little Improvement to be submitted to the legislature tion from school. "They will lations Commission has gone on One store, however, Lane Bry- in April.. Although there is Cat~~ complete the school year here, record opposing President Nixolic representation on the com- then return to their. own counant, is outstanding for its efforts mission, no minority report is tries to .complete their educa- on's nomination of Judge G. Harrold Carswell to the U. S. to bring fashion to overweight expected as was the: case with 'a Supreme Supreme Court. . adults and children. Its windows commission which studied state The commission sent telegrams Plan' Pilgrimage C~nter are striking, its ads truly high hlw on abortion. I to Pennsylvania Senators Hugh fashion and it does appear to Scott and Richard Schweiker, ferret out the designers who The chairman of the commi~ At Buddha's 'Birthplace 944 County St. urging them to vote against conhave an empathy for the heavier sion, Assemblyman Richard DeUNITED NATIONS (NC) New. Bedford figure, and a realization that Korte of Bergen County, said ia In response tq a suggestion made firmation. even half-sizes should be de- package of about 15 bills to by UN Secretary General U signed to enhance a woman's ap- effect reform would be intro- Thant, Nepal has launched a propearance. duced shortly after the report IS gram for development of the NEW HIGHER RATES! ~: submitted. " . I ' birthplace of Gautama Buddha 7~% Term J;)eposit Certificates-$IOO,OOO or more He claimed that the reforfu as a pilgrimage and tourist cenPriests Federation '._ 6% Term Deposit Certificates - Two years bills will not "make New Jers~y ter. The site is at Limbini near the an easy.divorce ,stBlte',' 'but will 5% % Term Deposit Certificates - One year To Elect President eliminate injustices 'in the pre~ Village of Paderia in southern SAN DIEGO (NC)-A three- ent statutes. Presently, the only Nepal, where archeological evi5~ % - 90-Day Notice way race for the presidency of grounds for divorce in New Jet- dence. indicates that Maya; the 5~% - Systematic Savings the 35,OOO-member National Fed- sey are adultery, extreme cruelty mother of Buddha, had stopped 5% % - Regular Savings eration .of Priests Counc,ils has on her way to her parents' home 5% - Daily Interest shaped up for the organization's and desertion for two years or at Paderia, and where she died I third annual convention here more. 'I' Dividends payable quarterly soon after his birth. DeKorte indicated that reforfu March 9 to 12. About 18 miles south! of. the Father Patrick O'M&lley of proposals would permit divorde first foothills of the Himalayas, Chicago has announced he will for homosexuality,' mental iI~ Lumbini is isolated and difficult BANK' BY MAIL not seek reelection. He' has competence where there is rto to reach even by air from Kathserved 'as president, for the last . possibility of recovery, long-term mandu. Reputedly a beautiful we pay the postage two years. The term in the pres- imprisonment and separation of garden in Buddha's time, it is South Yarmouth Yarmouth Shopping Plaza Hyannis idency, beginning in March, will the couple for a spE:cified length almost totally lacking in tourist . Dennis Port Osterville oC time, , '. . facilities. be. two years 'instead of? one.
F' .E . aV'ors! 'OSI'er D,ftvorce'
HIE ANCHORThurs., March 5, 1970
Spring Is Coming at Last And It's Begonia Time
ClQlumban IOrder
Presents Show
.By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
The crocuses are breaking through the ground, the daffodils are on their way, and in a word, Spring is just around the corner. That kind of statement normally is followed by a blizzard of record-breaking proportions, but nevertheless the signs arc A good many husbands arc right. One of my first indi- spoiled by mismanagement. cators of Spring is the fact Some women go about it as if. that I have to get my begoni- their husbands were balloons as started on or about the first week of March. Aside from pruning the grapevine this is one of the first activities of the approaching flowering season. We have mentioned begonias in this column before but they are su~h easy and colorful plants to grow that they are worth mentioning again. Tuberous begonias may be started in the house in peat pots or sand and then planted. in the garden by mid-Mayor after the last frost date has passed. I find that by starting them in early March, , they are large and strong by the time it is safe to plant them in the garden. Tuberous begonias are sold in nurseries and of late I have found them on display in' hardware stores, discount houses, ond grocery markets. Good begonias are expensive, about $8.00 a dozen, but the packaged types come a little cheaper. Don't Overwater I start mine in small pots filled with a mixture: of garden soil' and peat moss which has been given a good soaking. Plant the tubers as directed and water from time to time when the pots are dry. Do not overwater. To test for dryness, merely poke your' finger' into' the soil. arourid the tuber. The peat moss should absorb sufficient water to keep the tubers moist. The pots may be placed in a warm room (about 70 degrees) and left undisturbed. In no time at all the tubers will sprout and stems will appear. The. only thing that has to be done is to turn the pots occasionally so that the stem will not turn toward the light. When weather permits the plants may be moved to the garden. Begonias do especially well in the shade and are very colorful. They are rather tender so they should be planted out of the reach of children or rather away from ,their trampling feet. Because they are tender it is a good idea to stake them so that they will not fall under heavy bloom. In the Kitchen One of my fellow teachers is getting married this Summer and each day at recess we wait eagerly for the news on her preparations. Often half the fun of something as exciting and detailed as a wedding comes about in the preparation and because we're all romantic-minded females we're enjoying her plans almost as much as she is. How to Prepare a Husband Also, of course, we're all very free with the advice and because she's a very lovely young lady she listens (or at least has the good manners to pretend to). One thing that none of us has attempted to discuss with her as yet is the handling of the husband after the ceremony, and when my Aunt Mary came across this following recipe for a happy marriage I couldn't resist passing it on to my fellow teacher and to all future brides; and who knows, perhaps some. of us oldtimers could profit by a little advice too.
"This is Ireland,!' the 1970 program that will benefit the world-wide mission work of the Columban Fathers, will be presented to area residents in West Jr. High School, Brockton at 8 on Tuesday night, March 10. This year's program will include the return of Hal Roach, show-stopping Irish comedian, and the famous McLaughlin School Traditional Dancers, a prize-winning group of 14 youngsters from strife-torn Derry, Northern Ireland. Also, "The Memories." rated "the most polished entertainment group to come out of Ireland." This vocal group has just completed a six-months' run at the well-known cabaret in Jury's Hotel, Dublin. Eilen McClintock from Donegal has starred in Irish productions of "Oklahoma," "The King and I," and "Finian's Rainbow." Michael McWilliams, baritone, and Gerry O'Neill, traditional violinist, round out a lilting, laughing evening under the direction of Daniel O'Doherty, producer, with Mary McLaughlin, leading Irish dance exponent, and James MacCafferty, composer and accompanist. Tickets may be obtained at Eagan's Package Store, Dermody Cleaners and Spencer's Shoe Store, Taunton and committee members from North Easton, South Easton, Taunton, Rayn-. ham, East Taunton, Fall River and New Bedford.
and blow up their ego, where others keep them in hot water. Others let them freeze by indifference and carelessness. Some keep them in a stew by irritating ways and words. Others roast them. Some keep them ina THE KERRY DANCERS: Known as Ireland's most televised pickle all their lives. children, this group from the Mclaughlin School in Derry -will It cannot be supposed that any perform for the benefit of the Columban Fathers at a performhusband will be tender and good ance on Tuesday night' in the West Jr. High School, Brockton. if managed in this way, but they are really delicious if properly treated. In selecting your husband, do not go to market for him, as the best are always brought to your Prelate Reaffirms Supreme Importance door. It is better to have none, unless you will learn patiently Of Catholic Education how to govern him. See that the linen in which you· wrap him is CINCINNATI (NC)-The "su- ·free choice education the like of properly washed and mended, preme .importance" of Catholic which there is nothing else in with the required number of buttons and strings tightly sewed schools and of "dedicated teach- the whole world. ers," both Religious and laity, "God bless them for what they on. (I hope my husband doesn't was reaffirmed here by Cincin- have done; God help them to read this column.) Tie him in the, kettle by a .nati's Archbishop Paul F. Leibold. continue it-for Him." "We are privileged to have strong silk cord called comfort, as the one called duty is apt to built our school system around be weak. They are apt to fall a group of people who by reli- Catholic Schools Act out of the kettle and be burned gious vows have dedicated their To Aid Integration and crusty on the edges, since lives to the service of Christ. JACKSON (NCl - The statelike crabs and lobsters you have Besides being fully competent as wide Catholic schdolboard has educators; they are totally given to cook them while alive. If he sputters and fusses do not be to the service of the students in bcmned ttie building of any new anxious-some husbands do this a spirit of love of Christ," he facilities in Mississippi to acsaid at the dedication of a high commodate' transferees' from until they are' called on. Girls and young women interpublic schools. . Add a little ,sugar in- the form school additioQ.' ested in the religious life are inThe board also directed The same 'spirit is shared by of what confectioners call kisses" vited by the 'Sisters of Charity . schools to admit new non-Catllbut no vinegar or pepper in any lay teachers who serve "at a of Mt. St. Joseph School, 56 St. amount. A little spice improves lesser income than they could, olic students only to existing Joseph Street, Fall River, to schools of the predominantly op· them but it must be used with make elsewhere," he added. spend this weekend or next "Our Catholic school system posite race. judgment. Do not stick any weekend at the school. AraangeThe orders were issued by the ments may also be made for vis· sharp instruments into him to will survive," he said, "indeed it Natchez Jackson Diocesan will prosper,,in direct proportion see if he is becoming tender. Stir itors on other dates. him gently, watching the while to the totality of the dedication School Board while efforts are The Sisters, also known as the underway to integrate racially Grey Nuns, whose novitiate is lest he adhere to the kettle and of its teachers. the state's public schools. The so become useless. "Financing is certainly a praclocated at Mt. St. Joseph, also If this treatment is closely fol- tical and continuing problem- board recommended no new staff Sacred Heart Home, New schools be established lowed you will find him all that but the key issue today is the Catholic Bedford, a boarding and day in the 1970-71 school year. is desirable, but do not be care- dedicated teacher, Religious and school in Lowell, and hospitals, Msgr. Paul V. Canonici, super- schools' and orphanages in Can· less with him and keep him in lay. too' cold a place. "They made our system pos- intendent of diocesan schools, ada. They also operate missions This charming and sage recipe sible in the first place; they pro- said the policies aim to point up in Japan and Latin America. for the proper care and prepara- vided for its unprecedented the "academic excellence and Further information on the tion of a husband was published growth; they made it a system of Christian formation" of Missis- weekends or on the community sippi Catholic schools. He added in general may be obtained from in "Patterson Palate Pleasers," a the Catholic system gives "full Sister Gilberte Marie, superior, cookbook compiled by the residents of the A. Holly Patterson add enough onion liquid to corn support to our Mississippi public at Mt. St. Joseph. Home for the Aged and Infirm. liquid to make % cup of liquid schools and commend1i the many teachers and students who are Which just goes to show -that in the one cup' measure. working 'to maintain a high qual~ good advice knows no age limit. 2) In a skillet saute the poHere's another way to keep tatoes and sausages in butter or ity of education in the schools." that husband happy-feed him margarine until lightly browned well. This unusual meal-in-a-dish in a large frying pan; stir in the Good Manner DRY CII.EANING is a sure husband pleaser, at salt and .pepper. Spoon the mixThere is no policy like politeleast my spouse was· pleased ture into a large bowl. Cllnd ness; and a good manner is the with it. I'm sorry I can't say the 3) Stir tl1e ~4 cup liquid into best thing in the world either to FUR STORAGE same for my offspring but then the drippings in the frying pan; 34·44 Cohannet Street anything that deviates from the stir in salt and pepper and add get a good name, or to supply steak and potato routine does sauce mix from the onions. Cook, the want of it. Taunton 1 822-6161 -Bulwer·Lytton not meet with their approval. stirring constantly, .until sauce Onion Sausage Pie thickens and boil.I minute. Stir pie dough (enough for a two into meat mixture with corn, crust pie) . onions, parsley flakes and hard1 can whole-kernel corn cooked eggs. Spoon into a shal1 can boiled onions' with low baking dish. I used a 9 x 13 cream sauce mix. pyrex. ., can white potatoes, drained 4) Roll out piedough into re~ and diced. tangle and cut into strip,s with ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford package heat and serve sau- a pastry wheel or knife. Weave sage, sliced strips across dish (as you would One of Southell'n New England's Finest Faciliti~s 2 Tablespoons butter or mar- for a cherry pie). Brush strips with beaten egg. garine , y:! teaspoon salt 5) Place remaining strips Now Available loll' around rim of dish, overlapping Ys teaspoon pepper slightly, to make a neat edge. 2 teaspoons parsley flakes BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. Brush again with beaten egg. 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 6) Bake in a 375 oven for 15 1 egg, beaten 1) Drain the liquid from the minutes then brush with the FOR DETAILS CALIL MANAGEft-636-2744 or 999-6984 corn into a one cup measure; beaten egg again. Return to oven drain the liquid from the onions; and bake 25 minutes longer. IA'. ct
System. Win Survive
C;rey Nuns Invite
C;irls for Vi'sits
H~nger Follows
THE ANCHOR-· Thurs., March 5, 1970
Biafra War
Cieveland Priest favors Federal Funded Trairuing WASHINGTON (NC)-A priest from Cleveland underscored 'advantages of continued federal funding, of manpower and training projects in testimony before a Congressional subcommittee here. Father Edward J. Camille, assistant director of Cleveland Catholic Charities, told a Senate subcommittee iiwestigating employment, manpower and poverty, such training programs in time pay for themselves. The subcommittee headed loy Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin has completed hearings. , Federal funded manpower and . training programs have taken on "a new look as well as a new reputation," Father Camille said. He stressed that constructive self-help programs, in which a portion of the tax wealth is reinvested in combatting unemployment, enables persons to attain self sufficiency. Asks Cooperation "They are not decidedly giveaways. It can be shown the trainees return the price of learning in revenues. In this way they pay jor themselves," said Father Camille who directs a j , training project called Peace Skills Center in Cleveland. Father Camille urged that "the rumor that unemployment is looked upon as' a cure-all for inflation" be. dispelled by President Nixon and Congress. He advocated closer cooperI 'ation between government, inRECTORY-WAR:MING iN SO. EASTON: 'lilt's all yours, 'Father Murphy," says Mrs. Albert Fleury, dustry and labor in mapping training 'programs and in locat- ,left, chairman of ttle Holy Cr?ss Rectory Housewarming Party, as Major William Wilson, president of the Mens Club olnd Mrs. Dfnald Bergeron, smile ,approval. ing esential jobs for trainees. .
.Favor fair IProl1:tices In Communicatio~s
NEW YORK (NC}-The communications office of the two-' million-member United Church of Christ has joined forces with legal defense officials of other church representatives and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for fair employment practices in the radio. television and newspaper industries. 'The watchdog project has ':een announced jointly by Dr." :...erett C.Parker, director of :::'.e UCC office of communication; Miss Jean Fairfax; director of legal information and community service of the NAACP legal defense and educati.on fund and Earle K. Moore, attorney for the denomination. A target is to aid local stations and newspapers in wiping out racial and religious discrimination in hiring, training and adva'ncement of employees. Discriminatory employment practices against women, forbidden by the Civil Rights Act, will also come within the range of the joint project, Miss Fairfax said.
Fordham AppoilTftts New Vice-President NEW YORK (NC) - Dr. Paul Reiss has been named vke-president for academic affairs at Fordham' University, a post in which he has been acting since last September, when Dr, Arthur Brown resigned. - - Dr. Reiss had retained his duties as dean of the new Liberal Arts College at the Lincoln Center campus, but wlJl now relinquish the deansh,ip to devote full time to his new position.
Building and Furnishing New', Rectory .jProj~ct of" So~' Easton Laity I
Last July, ground was broken that the project helped to defor the new Holy Cross Rectory. velop between priests and paThere was no ceremony. It was rishioners and among the paall done very quietly-but it was rishioners themselves." a big project for the relat.ivelY Spirit Developed new parish located in South We, both. Father Robert Bren: Easton. Interest ran high,. the peopl¢ nan, C.S.C. and I are trying to wanted their priests near the develop real community spirit in church instead of three miles the parish and there's no better away at the Holy Cross Fathers' way for men to get to ,know Seminary on the Stonehill Col- and' be concerned about each lege Campus. And the men of other than through a cooperathe parish turned out to help tive effort of this kind." with construction and engineer:While the men did the building skills and with picks, sho~ ing, tile Women's Club stood in els, wheel-barrows, hammers and the wings ready to take over the saws. I furnishing and decoration. They The contractor was. the Pastor, appointed a committee, met with Father John Murphy, C.S.C. Td- the priests and listed, everything gether with parishioners A~t essential ' - linens,' appliances, Gelson, Ignatius McCann and Ed furnishings and decorations. Cavacas, he worked out the Nothing was forgotten that was plans and worked right along necessary to make the 'rectory with the men, on every phase of a real home for' the priests. Then they sent a letter to all parishthe building. I "Progress seemed slow," FF. ioners inviting them to the Murphy said, bUll everyone House-Warming Party in the seems to think that the rectorY 'Parish Hall on Feb. 18. went up in record' time. Mayb~, I was just too close to it." I Worked with a, Smile ' I , I "Many of the men. of the par:ish were just great," he continl.ued, "we had professional men working as laborers:: And they did it with a smile. I know that they appreciated what we wer~ trying to do and the way w~ were trying to do it. Men in. th~ building trades tell us that th~ building is worth more tha~ twice the $23,000 that it cost.r But far more valuable than any financial saving is the spiritI . I
I I ,
The response' was beyond their fondest dreams. Everything on their lists was donated without a- single duplication. Nearly 300 people turned out for the Housewarming and everyone brought . something for the rectory. "This wasn't the easy way to build a rectory," Father Murphy said, "but we' needed it and we have it. And I think that all of us will appreciate it because it stands' as a monument to the interest and the zeal and the devotion of the priests and people of this young parish." ~
ROME (NC) - The second group of Catholic missioners to be deported from Nigeria in the wake of the Biafra war have brought out a tale of deathdealing hunger in the former enclave. Even prisoners of war in Nigerian prisons are reduced to eating grass, they said. Bishop Joseph Whelan, C.S.Sp., of Ow.erri said that while imprisoned in Port Harcourt he was awakened at ,night by the sound of prisoners of war climbing trees outside his cell to eat the leaves. "They were just skin and bones," the Irish bishop said. "They ransacked the leavings of the me:J.ls that were sent in to us by friends from outside the prison." Bishop Whelan was one of 17 members of the Holy Ghost congregation who were deported Feb. 19. He arrived in Rome the same day with all the deportees, including one Maryknoll nun" eight Sisters of the Holy Rosary, two Vincentian priests and one diocesan priest. All are Irish save Sister Vivian Votruba of Duluth, Minn., the Maryknoll nun. She is a medical doctor. Several of the missioners said the condition of prisoners of war should be brought to the attention of Nigerian federal authorities and of the world.
See COllltnnilllidi«>ns You see, among men who are honored with the common appellation of gentleman, many contradictions'to that character. -Steele
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Educators Aver Private Colleges Need State Aid
TI-IE;' ANCHORThurs., March 5, 1970
Orders Release Of Objector
BOSTON (NC)-The ultimate survival of the dual system of private and public institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts is dependent upon state aid for nonpublic colleges and· universities, 'according to a report of a select committee of educators. The Select Committee for the Study of Financial Problems of Private Institutions of· Higher Education in Massachusetts presented a report of its year-long investigation to Gov. Francis W. Sargent. The governor named the committee a year ago. Its members included William G. Saltonstall of.Harvard University and Father Michael P. Walsh, S.J., president of Fordham University and former president of Boston College. $25 Million Annually The committee recommended that some $25 million in annual grants be given the non-public institutions, alloting 15 per cent of the cost of educating Massachusetts residents who are candidates for' degrees in the various colleges. The allotment would be based upon the actual cost' of educating the resident in a comparable public institution. The grants would be available to "all private institutions of higher education except those avowedly engaged in education primarily for religious training." The report assumed that the state's constitutional prohibition of public financial assistance to private educational systems would be removed before its recommendations. are implemented in the 1972-73 academic year.
Catholics Esasential In Protestant Plilln CHICAGO (NC)-Roman Catholics must be included in the parish level study of the plan to unite nine major Protestant denominations involved in the Consultation on Church Unio{l, a Protestant scholar and participant in the union planning de-, clared here. The Rev. Dr. W. B. Blakemore, dean of the Disciples Divinity House (Christian Churches) of the University of Chicago, said Catholic involvement in the union discussions was essential to maintain the true aims of the projected Church merger. "Roman Catholics need to be included in these discussions in order that they may be firmly convinced that the purpose of unifying is to effect more' adequate instrumentalities for Christian mission," Dr. Blakemore said. "Th!'l purpose of unification is not to have a bigger Church with which to compete with Roman Catholicism. Ecumenically minded Catholics already know that, but they need to be included in grassroots discussion of the union plan in order that Protestants and Catholics together can sense their unity of purpose."
School to Move CHICAGO (NC)-The Jesuits' Bellarmine School of Theology will move to the Hyde Park Section here by next September from its present location in North Aurora, Ill. It is the theological school of Loyola University here. FatherRobert Murray, S.J., the school president, said the presence of five seminaries and theological schools in the Hyde Park area is a chief reason for the move.
J . . /·/zlU
,.'" _ ." . "..,.. ~~.~._~~ .._ ~l.L_:~ EXPLAINS BILLS: Legislative committee of St. Mary's parish, Taunton, sponsors meeting a? which State Rep. Theodore J. Aleixo explains p,ending legislation seeking to aid non-public schools. From left, Mrs. Charles Grady, parish committ~e member; Rep. Aleixo; Mrs. Norman Larocque and Robert l. Quigley, also parish committee members.
Taunton Parish Legi~lative .Comlnittee Urge~ Support of Harrington School Aid Bill By DQrothy Eastman "Help may soon be. on the way~' was t he message a member of the Massachusetts Joint Legislative Education Committee delivered to Taunton parents concerned about financial problems of parochial schools. State Representative Theodore J. Aleixo addressed a meeting sponsored by the Legislative Committee of St. Mary's parish. Representative Aleixo reported on three bills teacher and not including allowreviewed by the Joint Educa- by the education committee. of the bills, the Mooney ances, contributions or credits tion Committee and then bill,One and one that Aleixo thought for any form of insurance, for sent to the State Supreme most likely to pass constitutional retirement or pension funds for' Court for a ruling as to their tests, would allow the state to legality under hte State Consti- pay $100 a year for each child in gr~des one through 12. tution. . "Some form of State aid to The'money would be paid dinon-public schools will necessary rectly to the school in the case in the very near future. We real- of non-public schools, and to ize more and more day' by day city or town treasuries in pubthe immense financial, social lic school systems. and educational problem we Another bill, the Rogers' Bill, must somehow deal with." AI- would authorize cities and towns eixo said. "But any recommenda- to pay part of the salaries of tions that are made must meet non-public school teachers and the fundamental legal test," he the city would then be reimadded. bursed by the state for these . "It is a problem of the st-ate additional expenditures. and the state must find a soluThe third bill, one that has tion," he asserted. the support of the Catholic comT1tree Areas , munities in the state, is the HarThe state is working in three rington Bill, Senate 370. It would areas to meet this crisis, the leg- go into effect, if passed, on July islator told the audience. 1, 1970. A 31 member special commisIt is described 'as "An act prosion of educational experts !:tas viding for the purchase by the been conducting an in-depth Commonwealth of secular educastudy for the past six months. tional services from non-public "This is a very complicated and schools." involved subject and the commisEmergency Law sion has been working at it inIt has been given the status of tensely," Aleixo stated. They were originally given a an emergency law. The bill is based on a bill mandate to report their findings by January 1971 but in view that recently was passed in the of the rapidly growin~. urgency Pennsylvania legislature. after of the situation they have now passing a constitutional test in been asked to give their report that state. It would authorize the state this year and it may be ready as commissioner of education to apsoon as March or April. '''I am sure the legislature will point a director of the Office of move swiftly once the study rec- Nonpublic Education and such cmmendations are in," Aleixo personnel as may be necessary to assist him in the administraassured his audience. ' ' tion of the program. The main barrier to the state It would create a Nonpublic giving aid to non-public schools is the present anti-aid amend- Education Assistance Fund dediment of the State constitution. cated to the particular use of The second prong of the purchasing secular educational by the bill. State's attack on the problem is services provided Included in this category in the form of finding a method would salaries of teachers of changing the present amend- teachingbe"secular subjects" dement. scribed in the bill as "one of Last year the constitutional the. courses found in convention approved of a mo- the following curriculum of the public tIOn to put the question before schools of the commonwealth, the voters on the ballot. That and which does not contain submotion must be· approved a second time ~t the convention this , ject matter expressing religious teaching or the moral doctrines year. "The solution we are en- or forms of worship of any sect." According to the bill these deavoring to reach right now is a short-range solution." Aleixo subjects are: language, arts, said, and the legislature is seek- mathematics, modern foreign ing ways to give aid immediately languages, physical science, phyuntil the constitution can' be sical education, vocational educational and business education. changed. ' , Teachers salaries under the Three Bills The legislator explained brief- bill are: the base amount in dolly the three bills that have been lars actually paid .by non-pubsent to the State Supreme Court lic schools to a non-public school
the value of contributed services, for the cost of additional teacher training or education, or' for any other 'fringe benefit. Such salaries shall be deemed in any case to be limited to the salary paid in the public school district in which the nonpublic school is located, for a teas:her of similar experience and education. ' Instructional Materialls The bill would also provide for purchase of "instructional materials"-books, periodicals, documents, pamphlets, photographs, reproductions, pictorial or graphic works, musical scores, maps, charts, globes, sound recordings, slides, films and video tapes. Also "any other' printed and published materials of a similar nature made by any method now developed or hereafter to be developed, .including those printed and published instructional materials, and also portable instructional equipment, suitable for and to be used by children and teachers in elementary and secondary schools and which with reasonable care and use may' be expected to last more than one year. Not included in the bill would be payment for furniture, nonportable equipment or items "normally affixed to the realty or forming a part of a building structure." The words "instructional materials" ~nclude materials approved by the commissioner and do not include specially religious or denominationally oriented materials. Although he said the school problem needs more comprehensive legislation than that outlined in the Harrington Bill, AIeixo pledged it his full support. "I ask you not to be apathetic but to continue to Istand up and be counted," Aleixo concluded. The members of St. Mary's legislative committee, Robert Quigley, Mrs. Norman Larocque and Mrs. Charles Grady, urged interested citizens to write to their legislators and' members of the Joint Education Committee expressing their support of the Harrington Bill, Senate 370.
NEWARK (NC) - A federal judge here ordered the Army to release a Burlington, N. J., serv·iceman who became a conscientious objector after entering service. Pvt. Michael Stap, 20, a member of St. Paul's Catholic parish, Burlington, did not rely on the teachings of the Catholic Church to support his contention that he was entitled to discharge under Army regulations. During the trial, Stap admitted that his formal religious training had been Catholic but he said his beliefs on the immorality of war grew out of "living within a religious family and practicing the teachings of Christ." In his ruling, Judge Whipple said the evidence presented to the court was overwhelming that St.ap's opposition to war on moral grounds crystallized during military training, especially after being introduced to firing practice at standup targets. During the hearing the government introduced a letter from Stap's parish priest, Father Robert Heller, in which the priest said that the Church "teaches that at times there is reason and .-, justification for the use of force and even the taking of human life." Father Heller also said' that "At the same time, the Church reeognizes and holds that the final judgment of morality of an act is one's personal conscience."
Reports Deficit SILVIA PORTO (NC)-Bishop Manuel Antonio Pires of Silva Porto here in Angola announced that his dioce~e budget for 1969 showed a del1icit of some $35,000. Total income for the year was $197,000, including a $188,000 grant from the government. Expenditures were $232,000.
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Environmental 'Dictionary
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaU River-Thurs., Mar. 5, 1970 ,
~i .
'Goal for '70s ShoulclBel Redistribution of, WE'alth l By Barbara Ward
,A, committee of' independent experts have been apvising the, United Nations on development policy in t~e Seventies and now their recommendations havE~ been ma~e public. Their chariman, Dr. Jan Tinbergen" is, incidently, " " " f" d . I t the first scholar ever to re-, . , N b I P' f . a central part.o eve opm~n celv~ a ~ ,e nze?r ec.o- strategy in the Sev,enties. \ ,I, nomlCS. HIS fellow commltFor this to take place,' govern-, tee members are all distin- mentshave to recognize thatl a. I
' genuine strategy is necessary:. I If the whole process of D:\odernlfation is left to the normal workings of the market, the necess~ry widening of purchasing poWer does not necessari1y take plate. D)1lamic.Soc!.ety ! The reason IS simple. 1Jhe fundamental change underlymg all modernization: is the cha~ge from a static to a dynamic ~ociety. In a static so~iety, the ~n~ comes, the occupatIOns, the 9P-· ~ortunities of, the people~ .lfre ' fixed v,ery, !argely, ~y tradltl?n. A stupid anstocra~, IS 'not m~ch worse off than a clever one, for WASHINGTON, (NC)-Plagued 'his income from relilts is fixed·1 (\ by a 'number of' problems the clever fa~mer does pot g~m past few years,. Catholic Univermuch .over,.a dUll~;r neighbor jby' sity of America now faces anchangmg hiS agnc:ultural meth - 'other-whether a priest who· beods because he only has ,a, c~r- , 'comes a'layman and marries' tain size .comn,tunity to sell~o. should be allowed to stay on as More ~utput will not be absorqed a· teacher. . , " ,by a bl~~er market.. I . "Laicization," or a priest's re~ TradltlO,n th.u~ help~ t~e we~k, , turn, to the lay, state, has cothe unenterpnsmg, the Ignorant incidentally become 'a test-case and the, ~tupid by giving elev~r, question during the first year in ambitious people nC), great reason office for Dr. Clarence .C. Walfor driving ahead. I , ton,first layman to serve as CU The competitive market changes , president. , all .~h~s. Tough, inv.entive,. enfr~ Dr. Daniel C; Maguire, priest ge~lc mnovators stlrlke their brrand associate professor of moral gams and. mak~: ,the ,changF s . , theology at the big school 'here, ' They borrow money and, m~~e ·hasannounced he will leave the more: When they are success~ul,. priesthood, will marry, and he the nc~ people they borrow from, hopes, will continue on the facI grow ncher. ~~ do they. ulty as a layman. But competition does not proTo determine what other Cathtect the weaker members. On olic colleges and universities do the, cont!ary, . they ~e?d to Ibe in similar cases, NC News Servthrust aSide. Smce dnvmg, enter- ice made a spot check around prising p~opl,e are in the minpr- the nation to see if there are 'Ity, .the first tende?cy of a y - any genenil policies about renamlc economy IS.' to make . The trouble abo~t these clear, l\loney for' the few and dest~oy taining former priests. The survey disclosed a broad, ~Irect and unambIguous targets the modest traditiional security' IS that peoples have hea~d about of the majority. Early stages lof flexible approach ' that ranges them over, and over agam. They modernization _. France under from a policy of dealing with no .longer haye .much power ~o Louis Philippe, the America of each specific case on its own excite new thmkmg and. commlt- the "Robber' Barons" _ tend to merits as it comes up to ,lack of ment.. ' . be exceedingly brutal and unj~st. any· policy but with the faculty For thIS reason one of the Vast for:tunes grow. The masses tenure of fl laicized priest respected. . most important points o~ empha- despair.' '. . I sis in the Tinbe~geD: C?mmitteee Redistributing; Wewth report may be ItS mSlstence on Thechiillenge to development D~plore$ Rejection ' a rather newer point, the need in the Seventies as the Tinbhnot only to secure ,the growth gen 'Committee 'makes clear'l'is Of All Alldhority of deve!opingec?nomies, t~ere- therefore' to pursue' policies of VATICAN CiTY (NC)-I,n his by addmg steadily to natIOnal ,redistributing wealth as well as first general .audience after a wealth and re.llOurces, b~t also to policies for creating' it in the week's retr~at, Pope Paul VI secure a proper dis'fribution of first place. In agric:ulture;for ~n" said the "disobedience"one sees the new, rising incomes.. stance, tlliscan mean preferr:~ng today is "the rejection.' of au-_ Unless the mass- of people the small far~er' and backing thority of any kind." And, he share in. the expanding opportu- him with 'cooperatives and cretlit added, "the higher the authority nities, unless their purchasing rather thanallowillg large cortt- the more it,is contested.~' . p.ower gro~s, the political con- mercial farms to take over. I , odR,':~~e~~op~' ~~k~~~ i;~~:e~:eerni: sequence wdl be apathy towards ' In business, it, can mean an nation-building, ~e social con- attempt to link lcir!.:er enterpri~es' joyment of p'erso';!l.1 liberty abol. Ience, an d . unres t , with a s~tel1ite ring' ofsmal~er ish . the . ancient discipline , .of.pen-? sequence VI~ the economIc consequence a suppliers-as the Japanese man- ance, abstmence ~nd ascetlcls~. local market to'o narrow to aged to. do :with', consideral:ile T~?ay, .h.e c,?n~mued,. there IS absorb the" goods which 'the new, success. It means taxation I to, - an k ~~otlcdlsmd Ifn f whIch fmen sectors of the economy are be- unde'rpin" goverimitent spending hS~be .. ' .un re, s 0 , o~msl 0h ex.;: gining to produce.' on. education and welfare for all. thl . ItJ~D1s~dsens.uba 1dlty , a t touglJl . . ,' . I· IS.1S escn e . as na ura Equally, at the planetary level, ness. youth, art, beauty and libAll through Latm Am:nca t~- , d~y, t.he early stages of mdustn- \t means aid from rich nationsIto eration." . ahzatlon are over. A manufactur-.. poor to redress the world ,1>al~ng ~ase has been created. But imce ot' poverty, for no fOfcel In Raises Interest It. fads to expand . because Peru- the world is more driving, effivla~s and Colomb~ans and Ecuacient, hard bargaining and to~gh. HARRISBURG (NC) -·T h e dorlans are too poor to buy the than the Jsuccessful nation state Harrisburg diocesan Mission goods the industrialists want to -for instance, the United States. Board has raised to 5.1 per cent Ii 'year the interest, it pays to ~oo~~~ I depositors. The f/;'':".ner rate was The Tinbergen Committee and Speak Obligingly -though to a lesser extent-the . . '. 4.5 per cent... dl,is.is the highest We cannot always obhge, but rate of interest which we have Pearson Commission wish to see a wide and far-sighted distribu- we can always spE!ak obligingly. ever paid," said Msgr. Joseph Schmidt, executive secretary. ,'1i: ~Vol~~lirt! tion of the new'opportunities as
guished experts and drawn from all over the world. It is not a body that gives advice lightly, or whose coun- ' sel should be" carelessly dismissed. , The i r basic recommendations follow·· very c los ely those put forward last Fall by' another very dis" tinguished body, the Commission for International Deve opment; set up by the World Bank and chaired by another Nobel prizewinner, the Right Honorable Lester, Pearson, former Prime Minister of Canada. . This body, too, included international' experts of the' highest reputation. Their views,. too, cannot reaso.nably be o,,~rlooked. What do both bodies recommend? Two central points concern the scale of the effort for world modernization in 'he Seventies. The first is proposed to the developing peoples - that they should aim to expand .their econ..' omies by at least 6 per cent a year. Tinbergen. proposes 7 per cent if it can be managed. The second is directed to rich nations-that the flow of resources they send to poorer nations should be equivalent to one per. cent of their gross national product. Important Point
WASHINGTON ,(NC) - Each new movement and issue brings new words into the public vocabulary. Lunar modules and A-OK became common in the Space Age. Radicalization and anti-police epithets came into use during campus unrest: The environmental crisis now facing the world also has its specialized words. Here, are five terms you will, be hearing: Ecology-the vital interdependence that exists among all living things-plants, animals, and man-and the elements in which they exist!2::...air, earth, and water. Eco-catastrophe--the spectac'ular way that man has been assaulting the natural systems which sustain his life. Its use is
With the feaful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die. -Lincoln
You· are needed ... to act as a Mom or Dad to an orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. The cost is very little. The satisfaction is great. LENT 'More than ~,alf of the 1,400,000 refugees in the GIVE, Holy Land',are boys and. girls. A' great many are A orphans. Some barely exist by begging fo'r milk, CHILD food, clothing. Others are in the Holy Father's A ca~e - supported by the generous friends of HOME Ne'ar East Missions ... You can 'adopt' one of these children and guarantee him (or her) three meals ~. day, a warm bed, love ~nd companion. . . . . .shiP.''II'id preparat!o~ to e~rql his .o.wn)~yi~~i}.~ orphan's support costs only $10 a, month .i' '.' ~ • $120 a year. Send us the first montWs 'support and we will send your 'adopted' child's photo. You can write to him or her. The Sister who' cares for your child will write to you', if the child cannot' write yet. A close bond of love will develop. Please send the coupon with your offering today.
"'' '15
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CU ,,professor Asks', Laicization
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TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary , Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
Asserts Hospita I Policy Conforms' To Theology
THE ANCHORThurs., March 5, 1970
Propose Ninth New York. See
PORTLAND (NC)-Portland's Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer said that a new policy on sterilization procedures adopted by Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, Ore., "marks no essential departure from the norms recognized' as valid by Catholic theology." The hospital announced that its policy now in effect "sets forth guidelines for sterilization procedures which may be done as a primary objective" when certain medical, surgical, psychiatric and g)rnecological conditions, recognized by the medical profession, exist. The hospital is operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark. The archbishop said after the hospital issued its policy statement, " certain confusion has arisen over the news handling of this policy." Secondary Effect "What has been reported as a surrender of Catholic moral principals in this instance, a promotion of 'birth control,' is actually a strengthening of the basic position sponsored by the Church and a. tightening of the medical scrutiny of· the individual case," Archbishop Dwyer said. The hospital statement noted that "for years, many people have believed that because Sacred Heart is administered by a Catholic order, sterilization procedures could not be done within the hospital." "Doctors and hospital officials point out that this is not entirely true; nothing in Catholic doctrine prevents the practice of good medicine. When the attending physician determines that the patient requires treatment, to control an illness or disease, that results in the secondary effect of sterlization, that treatment can be given," the statement said. Specific Procedure Under the hospital'S new policy, a seven-member committee of physicians review each case in which sterilization is recommended by the patient's physician. Members of the committee must agree unanimously that' sterilization of the patient is warranted and desirable. Archbishop Dwyer stated: "What is exceptional about the policy of Sacred Heart Hospital is this: the change involved here refers to specific surgical procedure. Prior to the decision to proceed with sterilization, two consultations must be held, the findings of which are then to be submitted to an examining board of medical staff members, whose decision is to be rendered unanimOUSly."
Episcopal Diocese Backs P'rayer Ban BOSTON (NC) - The annual convention of the Episcopal diocese of Massachusetts here adopted a resolution endorsing the 1963 U. S. Supreme Court decision banning prayers and Bible readings in public schools. Newly installed Bishop John M. Burgess, first black to head the diocese, presided at the convention of 1,000 delegates who adopted the resolution that declared formal prayers and Bible readings are "improper activity" in the public school system. The resolution said the "true beauty and depth of the Scriptures is lost in the casual, cursory readings in public schools," and also noted that the court had not ruled out the study of religion in the schools.
ALBANY (NC)-A petition to establish a new diocese in upstate New York is being prepared for study on the state and na-
tional levels before being forwarded to the Vatican. The Committee on Episcopal Succession said it prepared a memorandum at the request of Bishop Edwin Broderick of Albany, who said he would place the matter before the Catholic bishops of the state. The committee said it had a letter from John Cardinal Dearden of Detroit, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, indicating that the matter would be considered by the Conference. Father F. Gerard McCloskey of Rensselaer, N. Y., and William G. Finin of Albany, Committee spokesmen, said there were basic inequalities in existingdiocesan boundaries which hinder growth factors. New York State's six million Cathoics, one third of all people in the state, live in eight sees: the New York archdiocese and the dioceses of Brooklyn, Rockville Centre, Albany Buffalo, Syracuse; Rochester and Ogdensburg. SCIENCE FORTNIGHT: Carrots may send Carol Vasconcellos to Europe, if all goes well. The Mt. St. Mary Academy junior has been selected for Youth Science Fortnight this Summer, contingent on raising $1,000 expense money. Her experimentation on carrot tumors brought her. the honor. She explains her work to Kathleen Leary, left, and Sister Albertus, R.S.M., head of academy science department.
TV Series Shows Changes in Mass
WICHITA (NC)-The Wichita Diocese has produced a five-part television series on change in the Mass, working with local station KAKE-TV. The first four segments are 30 minutes each, the final segment ... a one-hour Easter Sunday Mass The lowly carrot will hopefully be Carol Vasconcellos' passport to Europe this in the new rite. Summer. Primarily because of her experiments with tumor-causing agents in carrots, The Kansas diocese and the the Mt. St. Mary Academy junior has been named one of 45 students to represent station have arranged that any television station in the country th_e United States at the 12th International Youth Science Fortnight, to be held in Lon- , can get the series· without cost don during July and August. by sending blank tape cartridges Preceding the scientific ses- If the bacteria are disposed of hoping to study at the Univer- to KAKE·TV for copying. improperly, they could infect sity of Pennsylvania Medical sion, participants will tour crops." School and specialize in obstetWashington, Paris, AmsterThomas Cahill of the Fall rics. dam, and Copenhagen. River public school system, who She's also deeply interested in 1st FEDERAL SAVINGS About $1000 stands between had worked with Carol in special music and is organist for her OF FALL RIVER Carol and the trip, however. The science classes for gifted chil- parish church, Our Lady of program is not a contest, and al- dren from fourth through sixth Health, as well as 'playing the though it's a high honor to be grades, agreed to "sign for" the piano and guitar. highest rate on The blue-eyed 16 year old has chosen for the fortnight, there bacteria, which she obtained from the University of California. a Summer job as a nurse's aide savings insured by (\lI are no awards involved. Mount He wasn't Carol's only helper. at St. Anne's Hospital and in St. Mary students are doing U.S. Government Agency what they can to aid Carol via She's grateful to many scientists off-~uty hours she enjoys skinwho took time diving. to help her by "I love watching starcake sales, car washes and the . like, but it takes a lot of cakes mail when she hit snags in her fi!:'h," she said. and cars to add up to $1000, so experimentation, to the DepartTop One Per Cent • lTerms 2 to 10 Years they're hoping for aid from some ment of Agriculture, whose speCarol has just been named one • Min. Bal. $5000 cialists advised her on preserva- of Mt. St. Mary's representatives scientifcally-minded angels. tion of carrot samples, and not to the Society for Outstanding Carol's carrot project, which also won her top honors in this least to members of Mt. St. American High School Studepts, Terms 1 to 2 Years year's science fair' at the Fall Mary's faculty, especially Sister and she's also a member of the Min. Bal. $2500 Elizabeth, "who came to my prestigious Mensa. Society, an River academy, has been in the works for three years. What she house and helped me when I was international organization of the has done is to inoculate carrots running 12-hour tests' on my brightest of the bright.. • 90 Day Notice Account "I read about Mensa," she with pathogenic bacteria in 'an samples." With Convenient NO Only sad note in the affair is said, "and. took their tests just 0/ NO~ICE Withdrawal attempt to establish the relation,/0 periods ship between the amount of that Carol's lost her taste for for fun." Her IQ places her in • Min. Bal. $500 "wound sap" at the inoculation eating carrots. "I used to like the top one per cent of the them," she said, "but now I world's population. site and the "tumor response" on . Terms 3 to 6 Months couldn't put one in my mouth!"· No wonder her father, Gilbert the part of the carrot. . 0/· Immediate Availability Basement Lab F. Vasconcellos, reacted as he Human Applications /0. Min. Bal. $1000 Carol operates from a base- did when she got the news she'd If cancer-causing substances in ment lab in her home, fitted for been accepted for the Science the wound sap could be isolated, her by her father, .a carpenter. Fortnight. To his excited family • REGULAR PASSBOOK SAVINGS she said, it might be possible to "They put me downstairs after he said, "What's the matter with draw some conclusions from I filled the house with 'rotten- you people~ I knew all along • Full, Flexibility them applicable to human can- egg gas' during one of my ex- she'd get it." periments," she chuckled. . cers. She intends to develop h~r • Interest earnell from day of deposit , She's not Mt. St. Mary's first research on this point, using • Compounded Quarterly budding scientist. Four, years chromotography techniques. BEFORE YOU ago, said Sister Albertus, head of Why carrots? Carol said she For Information Call 674-46li1 BUY-TRY experimented with other sub- the science department, Lynn / stances, but found carrots to be Chrupcala was chosen for the Science Fortnight. Now heading most responsive to the type of First Federal Savings for a medical career Lynn bacteria she used. OF FALL RIVER Obtaining the potentially dan- worked last Summer' on bone gerous bacteria was a project in marrow research at Harvard OLDSMOBILE No. Main St. Fall River itself, she said. "An adult has to Medical School, noted Sister AIOldsmobile-Peugot-Renault 149 GAR Hwy. Rle. 6 Somerset assume responsibility for a stu- bertus. 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven Carol too is a future doctor, dent working with such material.
Carrots Are Passpori to European .Fortnight For Mount St. Mary Academy ... Junior
31. 5·14,%· 5~2 ,· ' 5~4
Makes 'New Appeal for Peace
THE ANCHORThurs.. March 5, 1970
GENEVA (NC)-A new appeal for peace in Vietnam addressed "to all the parties" involved in the hostilities has. been made by the executive committee of the World Council of Churches. Claiming that "no discernible progress" .has been made in the official Paris peace talks and
Educator Denies Parental Plaint In Philade~phia PHILADELPHIA (NC) - . Philadelphia's archdiocesan superinteJ;.ldent of: schools has denied that this area's
that "the danger of a possible escalation" exists, the council committee backed the appeal of . United Nations Secretary General U Thant for a broadbased national government in Saigon .that has the' confidence and allegiance of most factions in South Vietnam."
Catholic schools are in financial trouble because of parental objection /to religious education , programs. , Replying to charges by officers of Parents for Orthodoxy 'in Parochial Education, Msgr. Edward T., Hughes said: ,"I 'categorically deny that our · religious educat~on program is not sound, orthodox 'and responsive to the needs of children." Leaders of parents organiza- ~L tion, including Mrs. Edward DAY OF PlilAYIER:Planning the Women's Dayc;>f Prayer at Ickinger and Mrs. Richard Kep- la Salette Shrine are: Mis~ Paulo Richards, Mrs. Thoma5 Piggott, hart, had charged that Catholic schools were using "unorthodox Rev. Paul .~ain':~II.er M.S., land Mrs. Yolande Murphy. textbooks~' and were conducting sex-education classes "in flat, , A character in GJ'Elek mythology was the beautiful Narcls-' total violation of. the' magiste'sus who saw his l'~nectlon in the water and fell in love with rium (teaching a.u~J:1ority) of the Church." himself. N@w,Jerisey Judge Bans Reading Schoo~ Lent is a· time- to refiE.et' oil 'ourselves and our life. That CarTy impriMatur reflection should co\ne from the water..of baptism. We should '. '. Rega~d,ing the textbooks, Msgr. 'rayers From Congressional Record see, not oursel'Ves 'alone as Narcissus did, but ourselves in the ,J:lughes said the books being MORRISTOWN (NC) A Supreme Court were fostering reflection of' Christ. criticized have "the imprimatur A ('spiritual narcissus" (one who loves only himself) uses of a bishop, were reviewed by j\,\dge 'ruled here that reading, an "evasion and erosion of va!our best religion tflachers and prayers. used to open thel two ues that constitute our Amen- Lent to strive for perfection for his own. sake. Today's Nar, cissus fasts and abstains to enhance his own discipline, possibly were pronounced 'excellent' by houses of Congress daily l.from can heritage." Some hours before Judge Stam- . to lose weight, and even to boast to others about all he give:> theologians after objections had the Congressional Record in Netbeen received to the books from cong public schools is .unco.nsti-: ler rendered his decision, the up for Lent. ae prays:. "Make. ME better; .give ME ~race" withtutionaI. . , . I , Netcong school board met and out including others. He understands virtue to mean self-perfection a small number of parents." Superior COUJ·t Judg¢ J?S~Ph voted to abide by the dec.ision. for his own esteem. . He noted that the theologians Jesus withdrew many times to reflect, to pray alone, and to had found some flaws in the Stamler wrote a 23,page 0plO1on Palmer Stracco, board preSident, books but had praised them on in the case' and' was critical of said no decision was reached as come to grips with Himself. But each time His retreat led Him the whole as doctrinally and pro-prayer ·:group.s which~ack- to whether Judge Stamler's rul- back to others-to give Himself in teaching, healing; comforting, ed up Netcong school oWcials ing be appealed. feeding the hungry, to dying on a cross. educationally sound. Jesus tells us to fast and pray.so others may be given life. Responding to the ,sex educa-, favoring the pr~lctice. He tells us to pray in the. plural: "Our Father . . . 'give us this The persistent Netcong school Plan Lets Priests tion charge, Msgr. 'Hughes called day." And He capsulizes virtue in one command: "Love one anthe charge "improper and un- officials, rebuffed in - several other," . .' warranted" and said that there previous efforts to restqre :pray- Select .Assignment ': Lent is'a tlm'e to withdraw, to' reflcc~'to' fast ~ndl'pray;' to BOSTON (NC)' - Newly or~ was "no complete sex education ers to· the public schools, hit · program" as alleged in seventh on the idea of ,reading the lpray- dained priests in" the Boston come to grips with oursfllves-In relation to others. It is' a time er from the Congressional i Rec- archdiocese will be given an to rid ourselves of the "Narcissus" in each of us-to find that and eighth grade texts. ord early this school year. opportunity to select their first real life, real virtue, -real c'hril':tlanity, is in giving to others. Lent Despite opposition from Istate pastoral assignments if the arch- means nothing If it does not Include the cross; and the' cross of Piscussions Touch officials the practice continued diocesan personnel board -ap- Christ was carried and raised that others may have life. As Lent is drawing closer to our celebration of Easter we until the case was taken to proves· a plan under .study. Justice, Peace court. I . . The plan was proposed by 24 might ask ourselves what are we doing for others? St. James DUNEDIN (NC) - Discussions Judge Stamler· in his - recent of 28 deacons of St. John's Sem- in his only epistle in Scripture offers us a guide for Lent: _ by a joint working group of the decision said the school bbard's inary her~ who are nearing the What good is it for a man to say, "I have faith," National Council of Churches action was an attempt to cit~um 'end of their studies for ordinaif his actions do not prove' it? Can that fai.th save here in New Zealand and the vent the U.S. Supreme Court's tion to the priesthood. It would him? Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need Catholic Church have now ex- '(1963) rulings. banning praye~ in effect provide for mutual clothes and don't have enough to eat. What good is ;" tended into the fields' of mixed in public schoc,ls. there in your saying to them, "God bless you! Keep I agreement among deacons, pasmarriages, . Baptism, .. authority warm and e~t wel/!"- if you don't give them the neThe judge said that groups , .tors and the personnel board on 'and problems of justice and suoporting the Netcong ~chool placement of the newly ordained. cessities of 'life? This is how it is with faith: if it is peace. alone and has no actions with it, then it is dead. officials, which included the In A statement issued by the 24 This is revealed ina report is- God We Trust Committee and semina.rians noted that an as. (Jm. 4:14) sued.by the group to churches the Veterans of' Foreign }vars, signment "where the newly orThe suffering-poor of the world look at themselves and see in' New Zealand. So far, two ses- in asking him to 'overrule the . dained priest is not accepted, no help. They can only look to us for relief. They need food, sions, each extending over sever. I where he was given no prepara- clothes, and medicine; !h"y IIee,d education, spiritual nourishment; al days, have been held. The retion .or where he is' not able to they need the Good News of Christ. Pfi'i~~t JOifllS legal port says that further .sessions Missionaries in .every type of service are giving the Easter relate to the environment of his will be held in May and Decemministry, can- quickly sour him message to people worldWide, but they cannot do it without your FIUlnd StJff ber. , I on. the priesthood itself. Such giving too. What can you give to others in need today: A lively LOS ANGELES (NC)-Ij'ather personal tragedies have occurred concern for them; a prayer .life that includes their needs;' and The report does not go into the detail of the submissions that Henry Casso, a leader of P~dres, in the past," n Eucharistic-life that believes and receives all men as brothers. And you can' give the necessary financial support to their were made to the meetings by has joined the staff of the missionaries. Your 'money Is·a symbol and reflection of your the two sides. The council has Mexican-American Legal Defense ' Plan Book Awards eight representatives on the joint Fund here. life: your time spent in working, your means of sustenance and A priest of the San Antonio well being. . committee, and the Catholic It is' a reflection of a person who loves, riot as Narcissus, · Church six. But it provides suf- archdiocese, Father CassJ'. an- Dinner on New Yark NEW YORK (NC) - The Na~ but as Christ. Please send a generous gift today. Your love gives ficient information to show the nounced he was granted a Ileave direction of the discussions and .of absence by' Church officials tional Catholic ·Book Awards, a to millions a meaning of life • . • It gives them Easter. Make your to give some notion of progress; there to direct a special project group of prizes' given annually giving for the ~issions this Lent a real sacrifice. for the past six years by the Or as St. James would say; '''Be Alive." for the Defense Fund. i ~ u,u __ u _ The 'priest sa,id he wou~d be Catholic Press Association, will ,~u,",'_""_, Voftoe for Ab@li,tion working in Los Al)geles: ~or at .be 'presented-this year at a spe- p , , , least. a year, securing scholar- cial' dinner April 23 at the Over. Of First Gracfle . ~ SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society , seas Press Club here. ships for Mexic,an-Americart law DROOKLYN (NC)·-The execufor the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column : The awards have, been pre- : tive board of a. group. represent- students. He said he would' con; : amI! send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. : ; sented" in past 'years at the antinue to' exercise his p~iestly ing 23,600 patents in the Brook~ O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New , in nual 'association convention, functions. _ I lyn diocese has urged abolution : York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. : various cities of the 'country, in Father Casso has been active of the first grade iJt dioces,an The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond' T.· Considine : schools next June unless finan- in the Mexican'·American lunity connection with other awards; : movement: He iis it board rttembut directors approved the New : . 368 North Main Street : cial aid is given nonpublic ber of the .Defelllse Fund, ~n ad- York location so that more book ~ schools by the state. Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 , The unanimous recommenda- visor to the U. S. Office ofi Edu- industry personnel might be able tion was made to Bishop Fran- cation's Mexic~m-American Af- to attend. NAME _.................................. : The dinner will be pr'eceded : cis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn by fairs Unit, and has served on the ,executive board of the Di- the Texas Advisory. Committee by the Campion Award RecepAbDRESS :. 'ocesan Home School Associa- of the U. S. Civil Rights Cotnmis- tion, sponsored by the Catholic : tions. The board said if the ac~. sion.. He also helped organize ~oQk Club, operated by America 1!ion is taken it would affect Padres, the recl~ntly formed or- Press. This literary event was : CITY , STATE ZiP............ : · some 22,000 prospective first- g~nization "of Mexican-Am~rican 'directed for many years by the - : 3-7-70 : late Father Harold Gardiner, S.J. nrades in 202 elementary schools. . p r i e s t s . !
... 'Erosio~ of yalues'
Mirror Mi.rror
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Arizona Bishops. Oppose Abortion Law Changes Highlighting the widening efforts in various state legislatures to liberalize abortion laws, the Catholic Bishops
Robert Bishop Goes to Washingtoll F or National Government Study . ,.
By Ellen Andrew
The winter vacation of Robert Bishop, a senior honor student at Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth, could be titled" Mr. Bishop Goes to Washington." While other less fortunate students busied themselves with fun 'n frolic for seven days, of Arizona have spoken out Robert was in the nation's capitol participating in a Presidential Classroom for Young against measures pending in the Americans. "It was quite an Arizona legislature. experience," Robert said in Elsewhere, the Hawaii legislature cleared what has been de- the comfortable living room scribed as the most liberal abor: of his home at 42 Arthur tion law in the nation. Gov. John Avenue, North Dartmouth. "I'll
B. Burns, a Catholic, has indicated he will let it become 'law without his signature. The Hawaii legislation, sponsored by Senator Vincent H. Yano, a Catholic and father of 10 children, repeals the state's 101-year-old abortion statutes and permits an abortion for the asking by any licensed physician or osteopath in a hospital licensed by the state or federal government, on a woman who has been a resident of the state for at least 90 days. Moral Evil Both Burns and Yano believe an abortion ought to be left to the individual decision of an expectant mother and a physician. In a joint statement Bishops Francis J. Green of Tucson, Ariz., Edward A. McCarthy of Phoenix, Ariz., and Jerome J. Hastrich of GallUp, N. M., whose diocese covers part of Arizona, defended "a cherished American heritage, the constitutional right of life." "The teaching of the Church is clear: The direct destruction of innocent life by' abortion is a serious moral evil. This is not an area for any compromise," the Bishops stated. They said genetic scientists have stated human life begins at the mOll1en~ 9f" conception; "psychiatrists have reported major lifelong guilt feelings and depressions after abortions, and . !)ediatricians have noted 85 per cent of pregnancies complicated ~y German measles have resulted in normal births, adding the birth danger should diminish with the new rubella measles vaccine. 'Serious Error' "It would be a serious error to o::en the doors to abortion on demand because of the emotional appeal generated by cases, actually very rare, in which conception is due to rape or incest and there is danger the child will be born with severe birth defects," the Bishops said. In both the Virginia and Maryland legislatures, bills to liberalize abortion laws of each state moved through committees with major provisions intact toward show-down votes ·in the legislative houses.
Germans to Assist Needy Countries ESSEN (NC)-The Association of German Dioceses has budget~ ed $12.8 million for disaster re: lief, development and pastoral work in underdeveloped' countries. The money will be taken from that received for the church tax imposed on all German church members. The funds will be used for underdeveloped nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Other overseas relief aid from German Catholics is channeled through the Misereor and Adveniat agencies. Adveniat aids the church in Latin America. German Catholics have donated more than $250 million to these two aid agencies in the past 10 years.
UIE ANCHORThurs., March 5, 1970
Rebuffs POW V'isit Attempt STOCKHOLM (NC)-A Hanoi diplomat here rebuffed attempts by four New York clergymen to visit U. S. prisoners of war being held in North Vietnam. "This is not a favorable time to get a visa to enter the Democratic Republic of North Vietnam," the charge d'affaires at the North Vietnamese embassy. told them, but he promised to forward their request to Hanoi's ambassador to Sweden. The foul' clergymen, however, may be able to carry their request to him themselves. He is now in Moscow, and the four plan to visit Moscow in an efforll:. to gather support for their mission. Sweden Prime Minister Olaf Palme also met with the group, andl encouraged their efforts. He declined, however, to use any influence to help the four get to Hanoi and urged them to pursue the matter further when they arrived in Moscow. Father Anthony Eremito of St. Raymond's Church in New York will travel alone from Moscow to Rome to see Pope Paul and try to enlist his aid in seeing the POWs. An earlier attempt to visit the Pope met with failure because the Pope had begun his Lenten rereat. Father Eremito's three companions on the trip are Rabbi Schulem Rubin of the Bronx, the Rev. Samuel J. Taylor of Brooklyn's First Presbyterian Church, and New York's Eastern Orthodox Archimandrite Bartholomew.
never forget it. "There was so' much to do. There was never a dull moment from the time we got up in the morning until the 'bull session' speakers at 11 P.M. were finished. Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bishop, was where the action was, listening to the ~o'r danian ambassador to the United States, caught in the middle of a "Chicago 7 demonstration" at George Washington University ~ and gabbing with high schoolers ·from other sections of the United IIff . States. Ill' 340 Participants " ",J There were more than 340 students participating in this ,,"', first of five one-week sessions. Young Bishop is the first student from this area to participate. "The lectures were great," he • r pointed out, "but there were some that were boring. I understand that the speakers were chosen not for their so-called 'entertainment' value, but to give the group a well-rounded idea of what was going on in a short space of time." , Robert particularly enjoyed talking with his fellow students on their bus rides, during breaks MEMENT,O OF WASHINGTON VISIT: Robert Bishop examJoint Conference and in late-hour bull sessions. inesa souve.nir·of his study week in the. nation's. cap!taJ as his ... "We hit eyery possible view parents listen 'intently to his explanation. .. Denounce~ Israel on the political spectrum," he AMMAN (NC)-Israel's occuremarked with a smile. "We' watched all the action Lamonica of the Oakland RaidEnlightened about Others from windows and saw police ers. Former Miss America (1966) pation of the west bank of the "I used to think kids in the pelted with eggs. More than 150 Debbie Bryant Wilson introduced Jordan River and takeover of South were racist. But those I were arrested. By the time we several of the speakers during the entire city of Jerusalem drew the condemnation of a joint met from Alabama and Missis- left it had quieted down." the week. conference sippi were not nor were they The program culminated with Moslem-Christian Robert's biggest disappointfrom the backward states that ment was in not being able to a graduation banquet Friday here. Moslem leaders holding a meet Bay State Sens. Edward W. night at which the students reI thought they were. worldwide emergency session on "Not all kids in California Brooke and Edward M. Kennedy. ceived certificates. smoke pot and kids from the Robert, a member of St. Julie's the Palestine situation were "Sen. Brooke was in Jamaica Midwest know just about as with his wife who is recuper- Parish in North Dartmouth, was .joined by the he'ads of all the much of what is going on in this ating from an illness," he men- selected for the trip because of Christian churches in Jordan at country as anyone else. They're tioned, "and Sen. Kennedy was his scholastic achievement. He is the conference. not isolated from everything confined to the family home in also involved in such other acThe declaration termed the Isjust because they live in the Florida with pneumonia. tivities as editor of the Stang raeli occupation a desecration of middle of the country. "We still' met Congressman yearbook and as it member of the sanctity of the Holy Places "Oh, these same kids had , Hastings Keith and had our pic- the basketball team. and a violation of agreements some choice thoughts about us ture taken with him. And we on the status of Jerusalem, and Air Force Academy Nominee in the North; they think we're a heard three interestig lectures He is a member of. the Na- cont.ended that the Israelis were bunch of liberalists." damaging churches and mosques. by Sen. Vance Hartke, D-Ind~ana; tional Honor Society, a candiThursday was the most interRep. John Braodamas, D-Indlana, date for nomination to the Air esting day. The group heard a lecture by George Y. Shun, Jor- and Rep. Mark Andrews, R.- Force Academy, nominated by his school for the Outstanding dan's ambassador to the U. S., North Dakota. "We weren't able to get into Teenager of America Award and on his country's position in the the FBI building; they had a even has time for a part-time explosive Mideast situation. 43 RODNEY FRENCH BLVD. "There were a lot of Jewish bomb scare at the time. A rep- job in a North Dartmouth super NEAR COVE RD. NEW BEDFORD kids in the audience who gave resentative of the Secret Service market. All Your Mone, Inaured AgaInst Loss to us." . . "I wish every high schooler spoke him a hard time," Robert conAll Personal Loans L1le Insured Another highlight was a visit had the opportunity to take this tinued. "But he handled himself Hon,e Mortgages o~ Eos, Terms to the Smithsonian Institute. one-week course on our national like an· old pro and weathered Special Deposits 1II0ubie at Death "They had a moon rock in a big government right from the seat Bank In Person or by Mall 'the storm.' " Welcome Into Our Credit Union Famll, Later, there was a visit to the glass case. It· was interesting of power itself," Robert said State Department where a lec- alright, but it didn't look any seriously. Open Daily 9 <10-2 pm Fri. 6·8 pm "It's a rewarding experience. I ture and movie on Soviet affairs different from any other rock." -PlIrkingwere presented. Robert's dean of men for the feel so fortunate for having had CLOSED SATURDAYS "We walked from the State week was quarterbacK Daryll the chance to go to Washington." . Department to George Washington University and ran smack into the middle of a demonstration on the Chicago 7 trial," the Stang senior related. BODY COMPANY "In fact, the demonstrators Aluminum or Steel . went right through our ranks. 944 County Street There were a few rocks thrown NEW BEDFORD, MASS. by them, obscenities hurled by 992-6618 them and they even asked us to DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY O;a. BURNERS' join them. "We got into a building at the Sales - Service -lIllstallatnon university and actually were MAIN OfFICE - i 0 DU~fEE STREET, fALL RIVER locked in, for safety's sake. They were going to give us a ,10 ponce escort, but it wasn't necessary.
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THE ANCHOA:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 5; 1970 I
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SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Saying that' stepped-up terrorist attacks on civilians have cost the Arab cause any claim to justice. the Institute of Judaeo-Christian , Studies here urged that all welfare organizations withdraw support of Arab refugee camps unable to guarantee the camps won't be used "for training in hatred and violence."
SCID~nC~ Pr~gr@m T@d~y
A testimonial banquet honoring Coyle Higl( Schobl's tri-champion football squad last Sunday night was a cdmplete sellout. Squad members and managers were presdnted with blue and gold jackets, while coaches recei~ed blazers. At Fall River's DoI minican Academy, the Folk HEers will be goi:ng, come Sep. They~re Ji:m Hayden land Club is preparing for a cof- tember. Carol Jeglinski..,Other acc~pt fee house program on (shud- ances: Leslie Palmieri of H~ at
der) Friday night, March 13 at 7:30. Theme will be "A Time of Peace" and proceeds will go to Credence House, Fall lRiver mental. health halfway-house. Congratulations to Bishop Stang debaters on their victory at a Stang meet involving teams from Durfee, Somerset and Bishop Connolly. Members of the North Dartmouth school's affirmative team were Jorge Cardosa and Alfred Mierjejewski. Negatives were Daniel Baptista and Michael Keary. Also at Stang, a recent assem· biy featured the Newport Naval Band. The musicians presented their program twice, once for freshmen and sophomores and a second time for juniors and sen· iors.
Mountola Progrram . The annual' Mountola program took place last night at Mt. St.' Mary Academy, with proceeds going to the Mother McAuley Guild's scholarship fund. And it's a bazaar at JesusMary Academy, Fall River, slated for 1 to 4 Saturday afternoon in the auditorium. Two ,students from Bridgewater State College visited Holy Family High in New Bedford recen~!y to observe science classes, sitting in on physics, chemistry, biology and physical science sessions. And Bridgewater is where two
Central Connecticut; Michelle Levesque and Denise Parent of Jesus-Mary to Salve Regina; Annette Lapointe, JMA to Johnson and Wales; and JMAers Diane Cadrin and Claire Robillard to Bristol Community College. Robert Boulange~, ~enior: at Bishop Connolly, Fall River, /s a principal nOmineE! to the U. S. Air Force Academy in Color~do. He's hoping to tall;e pilot training if he's finally accepted. I, I Named to National HonOl: !SOciety membership at Dominican are Jeanine Dare, Elaine, :Lapointe, Patricia Leduc and ElizI abeth von Trapp. , About 40 Holy Family upperclassmen are attending Providence College's 17th ann~ual Science Day today. Accompanying them are fa,culty members Sister Charles Mary and Charles Baker. ' i ' And HF's Christian Action Club recently held it's an?ual cake sale to raise funds to send delegates to a Slimmer Institute of Christian Action, to be held l this year at St. trancis COllrge, Biddeford, Me. ' VisioO!I 70 ' Visions 70 is the name of! the 'upcoming yearbook at JesusMary. Seniors )l~ve c,omplfted their'share of work on the Dook and it'll· be back from the ptiQters and binders in May. I ' Also at JMA, xarsity basketball players ended their season by playing games against facUlty members and fathers. I A new phonograph, a chair and a carpet are the latest ~ddi tions to the student centet at Mt. St. Mary's. The latter itwo were probably appreciated. most by ski club members who Iimproved the Winter vacation by spending five days on the iong 'boards at Mittel'sill Ski resort in New Hampshire. Accommbdations were supplil~d by St. Francis college dormjltories. Junipero Club members at Holy Family have announc~d a night of recollection to be held Monday, March 9 at Our Lad~ of Round Hills Retreat House. A talk, informal discussions and a folk Mass are on the agenda land members of. St. Anthony ljIigh School's Junipero Club have been invited to join the H~ers. Guitarists for the Mass will be HFers Rick Aubut, Don 'Blanchard and Steve Wright. Drama Club members at IDominican will mark St. Patrick's Day with a party at which ifaculty members ,will D'e "special guests. ' i ' Also at DA,' students have available a record made i by
The institute at Seton Hall University issued a public statement one day after a tourist bus was machinegunned in Jerusalem. An American woman was killed and two persons were wounded in the attack. Bombs exploded the week before in Switzerland and Germany aboard' airliners bound for Israel, killing 47 on one plane.
"We implore all Christians to come to Israel's defense as the terrorists try again to choke her to death," the statement said.
TIME OF PEACE: Credence House, mento I health halfway-house, will benefit from coffee house program with theme "A Time of Peace," to be sponsored at 7:30 fridav;OMarch 13 at Dominican Academy, Fall 'River, by members of 'academy Folk Club. Committee members, seated from left, Anne Melanson, ticket chair· man; Fran Lauzier, refreshments; Susan Costa, club president; standing, Paula Farias, decorations; Genny' Pappas, publicity chairman. '
Sharon Motta, a '69 graduate. Songs on the record are "The Boy that Nobody Cared For," and "Lovers in the Morning." Science Fair Science fairwiI)ners in ,the senior division at Mt. St. Mary are Carol Vasconcellos" ~ancy Romanowicz, "C~rolyn .Arruda.. Celeste Costa, Dehr:a'Hodkinson and Paula Richardson.' Junior winners are Cheryl Paquette, Jo Ann Hannafin and Sue Rostler. They'll display their projects in the regional science fair to be held April 3 to 5.
and Carol Larson. And Sister Carol Mary, head of Mount's English department, won a teacher's award for her poem, "Gifts." Art, too. Three Mount students will be included in a book entitled "The Art of Young America." They're, Christine Harnett.", Stella Teves,':' and Karen Hochu ·all· winners'· ·in' -Mount's own a~nual 'art contest>.' ", .' .
WINS AWARD: Mic,'hael Le· vesque 18, of Hialeah, Fla., reo
ceived Freedoms Foundation's highest honor at Valley Forge, Pa., for organizing the "Youth for Decency" rally in Miami's Orange Bowl in March, 1969. He is the youngest recipient ever of the foundation's $5,000 George Was h i n 9 ton Award. NC Photo. '
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WASHINGTON (NC) -- Coal miners totally disabled by black lung disease, and widows' and dependent children of miners who died with this disease, may now apply for benefits 'under the Fed" era:! "Co'al ~IMirle~{ H'ealttr;; arid Safety: Act. \' ..~ . '
Honor Cardinal Krol With Jewish 'Award
Miners Benefits
The airliner bombings and the bus shooting have been blamed on the Arab terrorists.
DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL-combine a -life of prayer clnd action. Bringers of the Gaspe! Message to souls everywhere by means of personal contact; Pauline Missionaries labor in 30 Nations. ' Members witness to Christ in a unique missionpropagation of the printed Word of God. The Sisters write. illustrate. print and bind their own publications and diffuse them among people of" all creeds, races and cultures. Young girlS. 14·23 'nterested in this vital Mission may write to: REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR 50 St. Paul's Ave.. Boston. Mass. 02130
Another honor for Celeste Costa and Carol Vasconcellos: they're going to have poems in an annual anthology, "Young America Sings." Other poetic Mounties who'll be represented in the book: Janet Tremblay, Pat Arruda, Lillian St. Laurent, Mary Carvalho, Jo Ann Dawson
PHILADELPHIA (NC) - John ' Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia has' been honored with the Man of the Year Brotherhood Award by the Jewish congregation of Temple Adath Israel in suburban Merion. ' , In his acceptance address, the Cardinal said: "Every Catholic clergyman is' under the imperative to teach and to actualize the twin commandment of love-love of God and of neighbor-and the Chris" tian' concept of' 'neighbor" excludes no one."
It was signed by Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher, institute director, and Father Edward H. Flan· nery and three staff members of the institute. Father Flannery is executive secretary of the Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations, National Conference of Catholic Bishops.
363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. ~II1II11I1I11I11II11I11I1I11I11I1I1I11I11I11I1I1/1I11/1I1I11I11/1/1I11I11I1/1I1I1I!III1I11I1I11I1I11I11I11I1I11I11/1111111111111111I11I11I
....., THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 5, 1970
HONOR YRI-CHAMPION ELEVEN OF COYlE HIGH: Meeting before they face an overflow gathering in honor of their tri-championship attainment during the recent football season were members of the team and principals at the testimonial banquet. left: Jim lanagan, ..coach; Jim Cheyunski, Boston Patriots' linebacker; Bro. Richard Kiniry, CSC., Coyle principal and Tom McConnell of Somerset, review the hghlights of the '69 season. Center: Former Coach Jim
Burns congratulates the two sophomore lettermen, Paul Masi of Middleboro and ..Gary Gaouette of New Bedford. Right: Matthew Skw.arto, chairman of. the testimonial, center, compliments the four '69 co-captain:; on their performances. Robert O'Connell of Taunton, John Witkowski and Mike Suneson, both from Fall River, and Alan Rich of Norton accept the approval' graciously..
Celibate Priest Gives Witness 'Necessary to Faith VATICAN CITY (NC)-French Catholic writer Jean Guitton, writing in L'Osservatore Romano, has defended priestly celibacy on the ground that the faith "in these times of trials needs witnesses." In his article in the Vatican City newspaper Gultton said: "I know all the arguments in favor of the two priesthoods, the married and the celibate, and do not
consider them negligible. I also know that those who advance them intend to give help to the Church in the future by multiplying the number of priests and preventing weaknesses." But, he added,. "However great· the advantages, I believe that nothing can take the place of this higher truth: that faith, in these times of trials, needs witnesses."
The French philosopher and )'Vriter, well known in European Catholic circles, began his article by recalling a recent conversation with a Russian Orthodox bishop who~ he said, told him: "At times we ordain married persons but we· do not. admit that a priest should marry. We authorize an ecclesiastic to work in a factory so that he can make a living, but we want him to
give it up as soon as possible. And in the factory we want him to appear as a priest. "The priesthood is for us Orthodox a sacred function and thai is why we are convinced that you Westerners, you Latins, are not on the right road by allowing the problem of ecclesiastical celibacy to be discussed in public before the tribunal of opinion." . Guitton said the Orthodox bishop warned him: "Be careful -if in the West you disassociate priesthood from celibacy there will be a very swift decadence. . The West is not sufficiently mystical to tolerate the marriage of priests without decadence. The Church of Rome has retainedand it is its glory-this ecclesiastical asceticism for an entire millenium." Gutton said he believes that families need "these angels-the celiba:te priests," without whom many families could not even exist. Guitton, 68, a member of the
-roday Frel1lch Academy, was professor of philosophy at the University of Paris until 1968. Pope John XXIII personally invited him to be an observer at the general meetings of the Second Vatican Council. He is the author' of some 20 books, including a sixvolume work on "Modern Thought and Catholicism."
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OF TAUNTON TAUNTONIANS '70 CAPTAINS: Coach Jim Lanagan and Patriot Jim Cheyunski about to accompany Coyle's new captains, Howard Waldron and Tom Bradshaw, both from Taunton into the Coyle High Auditorium for .the evening's program. .
North Dighton 0 North Easton 0 Norton Raynham • Taunton Member Fede~al DelPosit Insurance Corporation
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The Parish Parade
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thun., Mar. 5, Ii 970
Steiner Tells ExperiE,nce~ With Mexican Amer'icans
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy
A minority 'Which has hitherto got scant attentio~ is that comprising Mexican Americans, located mostly in Ithe Southwest and in California. Cesar Chavez has brought them to national notice, but by no means are they! all fruit workers. Who they are, ' . '~ what they are, and what The war in Vietnam has ~een they want Stan Steiner ~reat number~ of them t~ken , mto the armed forces and sent .. seeks to establish in La into combat, where they Have
Raza: The Mexican Americans made excellent' records ! for (Harper and Row, 49 Eo 33rd St., bravery. ! New York, N.Y. These 'veterans cannot agree 10016. $,8.95).Mr. to return to the subsistence level, Steiner has gone and to the subservient status to to the Mexican which they ,and their fathers Americans, lived have been held. . I among the m , The story' of the Mexitan won their conAmerican agricultural worker~.is fidence. It is his graphically told by Mr. Steirter. experiences with He leads off with a (sketch I of them that make one who worked for 33 y~ars up the greater without ever getting a cent l of part of the book. pay. He listens, they !Pride,' Memories talk, he records His employer promised to bank what they have to say. Interwoven with these direct for him his daily wage of i JiO impressions 'are pertinent pages cents. When finally, in midflle. of history, showing the back- age, the worker ran away and sought legal help, a suit to reground of these people. . cover what was due him, at six They are, of course, descendants of the earliest known occu- per cent interest, was institut~d. Not all· the agrieultural workpants of the continent. They have Indian blood, and are proud ers are so fiendishly abused. It is little wonder that the - of it. They also have Spanish Mexican Americans, with thbir blood, but they are no longer keen on being identified as Span- just pride and their long meln~ ish Americans. They are a dis- ories, are now demanding "an tinctive. blend, with a character- end to the discrimination th~y have suffered and the .depri~a istically Mexican culture. tion of justice and of opportuRidiculed, Exploited nity to which 'they have be~n' Great areas of the United sub,iected. . I States once belonged to- Mexico, Mr. Steiner reports a .gene~al and were wrested from Mexico agreement among them that th~y by trickery and warfare. It is will not be put down or put off. mostly in these areas that the Lambert Rlevels I Mexican Am,ericans are to be An entirely different scene lis found today. , Almost all of them are poor conjured up by Ter,ence de Vere (150,000 are estimated to go White in his novel The Lambert hungry in San Antonio), and Revels (Atlantic-Little, Brown,I8 'they are the least represented Arlington St., Boston, Mass. in government, at any level, of 02116. $5.95), a comedy of martners laid in one section of la any American minority. They have long been treated town in Ireland's County WickI with contempt, ridiculed and ~~. The characters are, for tl~e exploited. They have been made to feel ashamed of their language most part, actual or would-be members of the Anglo-Irish ariSand their culture. tocracy. They live on the LamIn public schools, they have been punished for any lapse into bert Mile, so-called after th1e Spanish, and have been forced family which owns the gre~t I to accept a version of history house dominating the area. The present owners of the which distorts and dishonors the great house, Sir Julian. and hi~' record of their people. wife, are ensconced in Majorca, Agricultural Workers and never come near the ances'But now there are stirrings of tral pile. There arE! occasion~l protest and, self-assertioi, among disturbing' rumors that they them. They insist on theit' spe- mean to sell it. , '; cific identity and its value. They Then, one Summer day, word are not willing to accept second arrives that their daughter, Elizr class citizenship or to be denied abeth, is to pay a visit to the the rights guaranteed to, all 'Mile. She will stay with Canori Americans. Ormsby, an Anglican' clergyman: and his wife. I Wit, Farc(~ I 'Subversive' Priest The ,residents ar~l delighted Joins Guerrillas with the prospect of having BOGOTA (NC) - A Spanish someone in their midst, and be-II I priest expelled last April as a gin to plan festivities. "subversive," has returned illeAs they vie in their projected: gally to Colombia and joined a entertainments, their absurd! group .of guerrillas. snobbery and savage rivalry are\ The guerrilla band is the- same exhibit,ed. One after another, one the famed priest Camilo they make fools of themselves Torres had joined before he was and of one another, and the\ killed in an army ambush four parties, when they OGcur, prove years ago. to be a series of disasters. : Some climbers are cruelly set I The Spanish priest, Father Domingo Lain Sanz, has been down, a bold blackguard is unwarned by top army officers that done, a young lover i.s cooly rehe may meet the fate of Camilo buffed, an old mystery is unTorres who has become a hero tangled, a little world' topples. of Christian leftists. Elements of wit and of farce Torres was laicized, but no are well blended by the author, announcement has yet been along with cutting social co'mmade on the canonical status of mentary, but the narrative sog. Father Lain. gily subsides toward the end. 1
Publicity chairm!ln of parish or· ganizations are asked' to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River
WESTPORT The ninth annual variety show given by the Women's Guild will be held at 8 Saturday and Sunday nights, March 14 and 15 in Dartmouth High School auditorium.
Rhodesia B~n,s Catholic Editor GWELO (NC)-Father Michael Traber, managing editor of the Rhodesian Catholic newspaper Moto and an NC News Service correspondent, has been ordered to leave the country by March 9. His principal assistant, An-. ,thony Schmitz, was also ordered to leave the country. Swiss-born Father Traber was sentenced to six months' imprisonment at hard labor .Iast December for publishing a "subversive statement." The sentence was then suspended conditionally for three years. . His conviction arose from a cartoon he published in June 1969 in Moto. The paper has campaigned for the rights of Rhodesia's black majority for many years. ' The "subversive" cartoon depicted . a . pair· of white hands crushing black African bodies. The caption, a quofation from the government's White Paper on the' new constitution, read: "The proposed new constitution will insure that g'overitment will J:>e retained in responsible hands * * *" Approved by a referendum in June and published in final form in September, the constitution severed all links with Britain and guarantees, white minority rule.
Court Probes' Lawyer's Behavior WASHINGTON (NCr-The be,havior of Philip J. Hirschkop, defense attorney for the N. C. Nine, is being investigated by the U. S. District Court's Com, mittee on Admissions and Grievances. Hirschkop was sentenced to 30 days in jail for contempt of court during the recent trial of the D. C. Nine, who were found guilty of unlawful entry and destroying Dow Chemical Company property in an anti-war protest here. Kirschkop confirmed he had received' a letter from the committee ordering him to respond to Judge John H. Pratt's complaint with an affidavit. The judge had charactrized Hirschkop's behavior during the trial as "offensive" and "degrading." The committee' can initiate proceedings leading to suspension or disbarment.
The program will be directed by Mrs. William Eddy and Mrs. Ralph Souza will be chairman, aided, by Mrs. Napoleon Bus,siere. Resevations maybe made by calIing 636-4817. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW, BEDFORD The Adam Mickiew'icz Society will hold a ham and bean supper from 5 to 8 Saturday night, March 14 at 2031 Purchase Street. The public is invited and proceeds will benefit the scholar'ship fund of the society. Mrs. Joseph Roszkiewicz is chairman. Members of Our "Lady of Perpetual Help SoCiety and the Holy Name Society will receive corporate Communion at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, March 8. Par. ticipants will meet in the church hall before Mass. A breakfast for members and their families will follow. A parish retreat is in progress and will conclude Sunday with a Eucharistic Day of Prayer. Retreat director is Rev. Stanley Moronczyk, OFM Cap. Masses ar~ being celebrated daily at 9 in the morning in Polish and at 7 each night in English. / . HOLY NAMlE, FALL 'RIVER The annual parish supper will be served from 5 to 7 Saturday night, March 7 in the school hall. Tickets are available from guild board members. Parents of chiidren to be confirmed are requested to attend meetings to be held in the school at 7:30 Tuesday night, March 10 and March 17. Responsibility and witness will be the themes of the meetings, to which other parishioners are also invited. The school science fair will hike place from 7:30 to 9 tonight in the school. Children must be 'accompanied by. adults.
The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Guild will be held at 8 on Tu~sday night, March 10. Following the business meet· ing, Gerald Normandin will present a demonstration of the various cuts of meat, suggestions on selection of meats, time to purchase certain types and the met,hod of cooking. Refreshments will be served and all the merchandise used will be awarded as door prizes. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER . Easter water bottles will be available Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday for parishioners. Girl Scouts will receive corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass Sunday .morning, March 8. The Holy Rosary Sodality will sponsor a three-day cherry blossom trip to Washington the weekend of April 10. Reserva· tions may be made with Mary Furtado or'Mary E. Velozo. They will close Sunday. HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM, The Ladies Association will sponsor a card party in the' church hall at 8 on Tuesday evening, March 17. The program will consist of all types of card games, music, singing and entertainment and refreshments. There will be a door prize of $5.00 and each table will receive a .surprise award. Admission is one dollar. '. All are requested to bring their own deck of cards. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL llUVER A pot luck supper will be served from 5:30 to 8 Sunday night at the parish center. The public is invited and ticKets, will be available at the door. Children will be adm.itted at half price. Contributions of cooked foods for the supper ml\Y be left at the center at any time after 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morning. A final planning meeting for the event will be held following 7:15 Mass tonight.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 5, 1970
Jon Violette, Ed Bednarz
Standouts on' SMU Basketball
Have Numerous Awards, for Athletic Achievements By Luke Sims
SMU and also plays basketball. Graduation is still two years away for the rugged Fall Riverite, but his post college plans presently center around a coaching and teachiing career with the possibility of graduate studies. Ed is the proud possessor of a 2.9 average.
Southeastern Massachusetts University's basketball team ' hasn't exactly set the world on fire with its prowess on the hardwood this season, but two players, Jon Violette and Ed Bernarz When a high school basketball team loses its first have' provided Coach John Pawith a spark of excitement seven games, the universal cry "wait until next year" checo and hope. usually emanates from its followers. But, that was not, the Winners in only two of its situation this past Winter when St. Anthony's of New first 18 games, SMU has struggled through one of its most disBedford suffered through the seeking advice' from fellow ad- couraging seasons in recent PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Perearly stages of the campaign. ministrators. memory. sonal popularity has cost La Their day was coming and With the support of parishionLacking in height and plagued Salle College here its top-rated the fans were content to sit ers, St. Anthony's students, fac- with an assortment of ailments head basketball coach. ulty and Principal Sister Rita and wait for that eventuality. throughout the campaign, the Tom Gola, 36, summed it up Coach Stephen "Butch" Mc- Duguay, Fr. Chabot petitioned Corsairs have been hard pressed this way: "My primary responsiNamara continued to drill his for entrance into the Narragan- to find that winning combination. bility is to the people of Philacharges hopeful that their efforts sett League. However, because delphia." The people elected him Violette and, Bednarz have would soon be rewarded. He, un- St. Anthony's was not going to done their parts in trying to city controller last November. doubtedly, spent many hours re- compete in all sports, the Narry solve the dilemma. He said deciding on the best way flecting upon the events that circuit turned down the petition. way to expend city taxes, plus A 5-10 junior out of Fall River, After discussing various avepreceded his appointment as how to figure out zone and nues open to St. Anthony's it Violette has blossomed into a head coach at St. Antony's. man-on-man offenses and detop-flight basketball standout fenses as coach, is next door to Those events are too numer- was decided that it would be without the benefit of high impossible. ous to mention, but the efforts best to petition the Mayflower school experience. While at DurSo Gola decided to quit the of one man should not go un- League for admission. When ac- fee High, Jon devoted his athceptance was granted, the dream coaching job at the end of this mentioned. letic time to track where he was of St. Anthony's devotee~ came season, his second in the post. For it is because of the tirea star high jumper. The first collegian to gain Allless work of Fr. Bertrand Chabot, true. In addition to basketball, the The fact that the team lost American rating three successive administrator of St. Anthony's son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo VioYears when he played for La parish, that the small parochial seven in a row was insignificant. , lette, 96 Garden Street, is also a Salle in the early 50s, Gola led school is once again competing The school had a team, that was high jumper for Coach Bob paramount. All knew victory the Explorers to the NCAA nain interscholastic athletics. Dowd's track team and currently would be forthcoming. ' tional championship in '1954, a Sixteen years ago, St. Anholds the SMU record in that League Small School team the second place finish the next year. And win it did! same, two seasons. thony's discontinued its at~letic Commencing with the eighth event with a leap of 6-0. Other awards include the He then put in a dozen or so program. game, Coach McNamara directed Playing only occasionally for Joseph P. Gilligan Memorial years as a pro-basketball star. However, Fr. Chabot recog- his proteges to nine victories in the frosh in 1967, Violette earned . He too,k the plunge into poli: nized a need, for competitive the final 11 gflmes of the season. a berth on the varsity last year Award as the outstanding ath- tics, was elected to the state lete 'at Diman, Radio Station sports in the overall program at St. Anthony' followers are still but was' a reserve guard behind House of Representatives in 1966, St. Anthony's and set about to talking about the team's, per- backcourt aces Daryl Manches- WALE Athletic Achievement ,reelected in 1968. award, CYO Junior Easter Tourdetermine its feasibility. He formance in the second half of' ter and Lester Smith. He tallied spent many hours attending the campaign and referring opti- 121 points in his ,reserve role but ney All-Star Team (1966) and the MVP and All-Star selection meetings. preparing reports and- mistically about next Winter. was known mo.re for his aggres- in the Fall River Park League. sive style of play. Only a sophomore, Ed is being This season, Jon has really de- counted on for outstanding conMcNamara Looks Hopefully to Future Coach McNamara, who was a Fiano, Dennis Laperriere, Dave veloped into a top-flight individ- tributions in the future. ual. standout performer at Holy Fam- Pellaran and Bill Gonville. The son of Mr. and Mrs. EdThrough' his team's first 18 ward Bednarz, Ed is one of three ily High and later at New BedThose lost to the team games, the little backliner was ford Tech in his playing days, through children and is a communicant graduation, include will have three starters return- guard Gary Trahan considered shooting at a blistering 47.6 pace of Holy Cross Parish. His sister ~// WYman ing, plus a more experienced one of the best in the Mayflower from the field and had dropped Janice is a graduate of Bridgee4tot. 3-6592 in 133' field goals and a blister- water State College and is curbench, next season. League, forward Joe Fiano, cenThe team's high scorer Steve ter Gene Hebert' and Dan La- ing 100 foul shots for a total of rently teaching in Fall River. CHARLES F. VARGAS Forand will be back in the pivot perriere, who worked in the 366 points. His per-game aver- Younger .b~other Tom attends age was a fine 17.4. 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE' post along with Dan Latender forecourt this season. Despite his size (5-10), Jon who will operate in one of the NEW BEDFORD, MASS. The Parochials placed four on has pulled down 135 rebounds Day Center corners. Forand who stands 6'4" MIAMI (NC-A day care cenaveraged 17 points per game this the Mayflower League All-Star in the campaign. ter for infant children of migraseason and Latender chipped in team which competed against His list of awards is numerous. with a 14 point per-game' aver- league champion Blue Hill Re- In addition to holding the high tory farm workers will open, in age. Dennis Messier, a slick ball- gional Vocational in the circuit's jump records at SMU and Dur- south Dade County supported by handler, will be back to assume "game of champions." fee, Violette has earned MVP the United Fund of Dade County Members of the All Star , honors in the Fall River Police and operated at its request by his guard duties. Coach McNamara also expects team, who were selected by op- Athletic League, Fall River CYO the Miami archdiocesan's Cathhelp from sophomores Marcell posing coaches, battled the cham- League, Providence College In- olic Service Bureau. pions right down to the wire be- tramural League and Junior Boys ~ fore dropping an 80-76 verdict. Club League (all basketball). Government Takes WEAR The St. Anthony's performers inHis performance in the classCatholic Schools cluded Trahab, Forand, Latender Shoes That Fit room is as equally impressive. DAR ES SALAAM (NC)-The and Joe Fiano. Jon currently holds a 3.7 aver''THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" Tanzanian government has taken With two of the ,league's best over the management of all among the returnees, Coach Mc- age and would like to enroll into ' school upon, his graduation schools that have been receiving Namara has to be optimistic law in January. . . government, grants, including about next season. The younger of two Violette about 1,500 of the couQtry's 1,It may be wishful thinking but boys (James is employed by the 43 FOURTH STREET 617 Catholic schools. St. Anthony's followers can be Durfee Tr.ust Company), Jon is Fall River OS 8·5811 The Church will retain owner- forgiven if it is already talking ship, but the government will about a league championship and a communicant of Holy Name Parish and is majoring in psymanage them. an appearance in the Eastern The government action is pro- Massachusetts Tech tournament. - chology. Bednarz is the team's biggest vided for by the Education Act The five team Mayflower individual (6-4) and is the team's passed by the National Assembly last December and signed into League is planni~g to expand second leading rebounder with law by President Julius K. Ny- before the next basketball cam- 188. - DISPENSING OPTICIANThe former Diman Vocational paign, possibly to seven teams. erere. High School basketball ace is Prescriptions for eye glasses fllled, Under the act all teachers in And, if the rumors coming out lenses dupUcated. Frames repaired. grant-aided schools will be em- of the Cape are true the' loop shooting at a 46.3 clip and has, ployed by the state. Religious in- may include as many as 10 piled up 272 points on the sea197 Bank St. (Comer Purchase) Son. struction, however, will be in teams. Like Violette, the' honors for Those presently in the league lFa1l Rlveli' Tel. 678-0412 the hands of church organizations approved by the minister inclde Bluehill Regional, South~ Bednarz have been numerous. Hours: 9 - 5 Mon. _ Fri. Sat. 9 • 3 of education. The act specifically eastern Regional, Cape Cod Re- In 1967 and 68, he was selected Friday Eves by Appt; Clooed Wed. exempts seminaries and noviti- gional, St. Anthony's, and Bristol All-Narry League and was named to the All-Bristol County County Agricultural. ates.
Little St. Anthony's High Proud of Mayflower. Record
Quits Coaching For Politics
John's Shoe Store
Antone S. Feno Jr.
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