The :.._;.~. : ANCHOR'
An Anchor f'f the Soul. Sure and Pirm-ST.
Fall River, Mass. Thursday, Ma'rch 6, 1958
Irish Parade Cardinal'Stritch Is Named March. 16 Congregation Pro-Perfect
- Vol. 2, No. 10
S.,.,ond CIa.. Mail Pril'lIeWN A.thorized at Fan River. Maaa.
PRICE tOe $4.00 .... Yea'
. VATICAN CITY (NC)-His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of'Chicago, has been named Pro-Prefect 8f the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in Rome by His Holiness Pope Pius XII. The Chicago prelate will be appointment was unexpected the first U.S. born prelate and a "pleasant surprise," ac ever to serve as a Cardinal cording to Vatican circles. One of the Roman Curia, the official of the Curia hailed the .pecial commissions of Cardinals who dispatch the administrative business of the Church. (In Chicago Cardinal Stritch
tssued a statement in which he
aaid: "Jot is clear, that His HoW·
ness. in honoring me, principally
had in mind honoring the Church
in the United States.")
The congregation of which
Ute Cardinal will be pro-prefect
was established by Pope Gregory
XV in 1622. It deals with all
matters relating to Catholic
missions throughout the world.
- It also has jurisdiction over areas
in which the organizational
IItl"Ucture of the Church is still
»elatively undeveloped.
Marks Anniversary The appointment of ;;tn Amari
eon Cardinal to pro-prefect the
eongregation came just 50 years
alter the Church in the' United
States was removed from mis
, .ionary status and the congre gation's jurisdiction. On Nov. 3, 1908, under the Apostolic Conl" lItitution "Sapienti Concilio," the American Church came of age. To fill his new post Cardinal Stritch will have to leave Chi eago and come to Rome. Here he will be associated with His Eminence Pietro Cardi nal Fumasoni Biondi, 86-year ~ld Prefect of the Congregation, of the Propagation of the Faith and former Apostalic Delegate to the United States. Although Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi, who wffers from poor eye-sight, remains as the congregation's prefect, it is believed that Cardi nal Stritch will direct the greater part of its affairs. The news of Cardinal Stritch's
. "
appointment as' "magnificent ~nd surprising news."
The Fall River' Clover Club, Friendly Sons, of St. Patrick, will pay tribute !to the patron saint of Ireland With a spectacu lar. parade on Sunday, March 16, in honor of hisfe~st day. Over 15,000 Persons are ex pected to participate in the affair which promises to be one of the largest St. Patrick's Day celebra tions ever held in l New England. . The parade, featuring some 60 marching groups, 40 bands and 35 floats, wili start at 1 o'clock at a point beyond St. Patrick's Church where the saint will be honored by the passing march ers. , Stepping off at the head of the' line'of march will be the Honor Turn to Pag~ Twenty
Italian Found
CARDINAL STRITCH As' Pro-Prefect Cardinal Stritch will serve an orga'nization re sponsible for 31,894,515 cate chumens in mission areas. Under the congregation's jurisdiction are 78 archdioceses, 292 dioceses, 197 apostolic vicariates, 114 apostolic prefectures, six inde pendent abbeys and three inde pendent missions. Serving in these judsdictions. are 26,350 priests, 9,962 Brothers, 66,185 'Sisters and 113,421 'catechists. Cardinal Stdtch is only the third Cardinal to be named Pro-Prefect of the congregation in more than 200 years. He is also the third non-Italian to rank so high in it.
Vatican Exhibit,to Show Catholic Life in America
B~shop G~ilty
Bishop Pietro,' Fiordelli of Prato, Italy, has been convicted by a panel of tJ?ree judges of criminal defamation of charac ter~ He was fined ~ token amount of $65 whiCh was, suspended. He must also pay tdal costs, and damages to the plaintiff to be fixed in separate proceedings. The Bishop was tried for a pastoral letter' written by him and·read by the parish priest of Soccorso parish in August, 1956. On August 15, ,1956, the Feast of the AssumpticID, Mauro Bel landi" a militant communist, and Loriana Nunziati, a practicing Catholic, were married in a civil ceremony. This Was after Bishop Fiordelli had spoken to Miss Nun~iati and learned that, she would like to be, married in the 'Church but that Mr. Bellandi would not agree.' Turn to Page Sixteen
Rev. Jame$ A. Clark To Conduct Seminar' The Rev. James A. Clark of St. Mary's 'Parish, New Bedfqrd, will 'iirect the second seminar on religIOUS education' next Monday night :at St. James Church Hall., . Mrs. Mildred I Gifford of St. Mary's Church, South Dart mouth, will demonstrate teach-
Ilubmitte~ exhi~its to Bru~~els
for. the mternabon~l exposlhon which opens 0~1 Aprl~ ~ 7. . The ~c~o~ls J?arhcIPah?n in the exhibIt IS bemg coordma~ed by t~e Albertus. M~gnus. GUIld, • ~atIO~al .orgamzahon .of C;:;.thol~c sClenbsts.. Th~ ~lld l~elf wIll ta.ke part 10 CIVitaS. D~l by operatmg a booth and dlstrlbuttog copies of its bulletin. Model of Observatol'7 ~dham University laM
archy. A copy of the letter w. released here by Catholic Re lief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, worldwide relief and rehabilitation agency of the U. S. Bishops, under whose auspices the relief fund eampaign is 'being conducted. The goal of the campaign is a minimum of five million dol lars. It will culminate on Lae tare Sunday, March 16, with a collection to be taken up at aU Masses in some 16,300 parishell throughout the nation. The text of the Pope's letter follows: As you prepare, Venerable Brothers, to call once again upon the vast generosity and untirinl Christian charity of your faith ful flocks in favor of Our lea fortunate children throughout the world, We willingly lend' Our voice to the urgent appeal DOCTOR D'ERRICO you are about to make. To the The third in a series of Lenten Holy See, there are daily ad Forum conferences for young dressed countless requests for adults, juniors and seniors' of aid and relief, and ,DO one eaa high school and any Poy or girl, visualize more vividly than the Common Father of all the con. 16 years and older, W-ill be held tinuing poverty and need whicla at 7:30 P.M. next Sunday, at the afflict great and growing num Catholic Community Center, 31 Franklin, St., Fall River. All who bers of men, women and inno eent children in every elime. are eligible are invited to attend Depends on Liberaliiy even though they may have missed the firs't two conferences. For it would seem that, ao Registration cards are avail sooner is suffering soothed and able at the C.Y.O. hall on Ana destitution relieved in one re wan St. 'and at the Catholic, gion, than new, pressing, and Community Center. perhaps increased necessitiea The general topic of the Forum arise elsewhere. To the disastera is called "Let's Talk About Mar of fire, flood; earthquake and riage" and is being sponsored famine, We sorrowfully see Turn to Page Ten Turn to Page Eighteen
Presiden~ Calls B'ishops'
NEW YORK (NC) -President Eisenhower has caned the relief fund drives of the three major faiths an "inspiring example" of the American effort "to build a future in which the peoples of this earth can live together in strength and friendship." The, President also ex"The ?verse~s .relief ~fforts of . . our .maJor rehgIOus faIths em I>resse~ hIS congratulatIOns phasi,ze th~ spiritual brother and WIshed success to all en- hood of man and demonstrate
principal paths of earthquake
waves. Visitors will be able to start a miniature quake and shock wav'es by pushing _ a button. There will also be records qf actual quakes on display. American Catholic life in all its aspects will be represented b a photographic display in the C~vitas Dei social section. Col lection of the photographs is being directed by the Bureau of Information of the National Catholic Welfare Conference here, which has requested them from hundreds of Catholic 01' ganizations all over the country. Seek Photographs Fields of interest' in which photographs are sought were listed by the Commissariat Gen TurD .. Page TwentT '
NEW YORK (NC)'-His Holiness Pope Pius XII haa called upon "the unflagging goodness and liberality" oi American Catholics for support of the 12th annual Bishops' Relief Fund to aid thousands of destitute persons through out the world. Doctor D/Errico The Pope's appeal waa made in a letter sent • Forum Speaker members of the U.S. Hier
Fund' 'Inspiring Example'
. WASHINGTON (NC)-The science, education and soc ial structure of the United States will be represented in the Vatican's exhibit at the 1958 Brussels world's fair. American participation is planned in four se<;:tions of the Holy See's pavilion, shipped a scai~ model of its seis which will be called Civitas mic observatory to Belgium. The Dei (City of God). American model is equ,ipped with tiny in d the Church in the stru~ents and includes ~ cross 1°f I ~ an. se'cbon of the earth. showmg the Umted .States. ~Ill be r.epre.ented 10 exhibIts on SCIence, . . I l'f d C th ed.ucatIOn: SOCIa 1 e an a obc chanty. . . Reports r~cel~ed.bY the NCWC N~ws .ServIce. mdlca.te that the sclenbfic se~bon WIll. see the m~st ~xtenslve AmerIcan ~articlpabon. Ele,:en. ~mencan eolleges and umverstbes have
Holy See, Commends
_ishops' Relief Fund
FATHER CLARK ing .. class of, fifth grade pupils about original sin. The children participating will be from St. Mary's, South Dartmouth, and St. James' and 1St. Mary's, New Bedford. Registrars will be fl:om Mount Carmel Women's Club.. This series of'four seminars is sponsored by tbe New Bedford District of the Fall River Dioce san Council of Catholic Women. I
gaged in "this great mission" in the concept of neighborliness a letter .received here by Msgr. which is the essential foundation , Edward E. Swanstrom, execu- of peace. tive . director .of Catholic. Relief "Through the Catholic Bish. Servlces"-NatIOnal Cathohc Wel- ops' Relief Fund appeal, the' fare Conference. Protestant One Great Hour of ..The l~th ?nnua.l Bishops' Re- Sharing and the United Jewlsh hef Fund .IS bemg conducted Appeal Rescue Fund, millions under a.usplce~ of CRS-NC;:~C, of needy persof,ls in all parts of ~orldwIde rehef and reha.blhtathe free world are assisted by bon agency o~ the U. S. BISh~p~. the pdvate generosity of AmerThe campaIgn seeks a mlm- ican citizens. mum of $5 million as its goal." ' ' The drive will come to a climax' -:r:hese prog~ams. ~f voluntary on Laetare Sunday March 16 servIce a1:e an msplrmg example with a collection·to 'be taken u~ of the ov~ra~l .effort of our pea at all Masses in some 16 300 ple:-as mdlvl~uals and as. a '. ' natIOn - to bul1d a future In churches across the nabon. h' h th 1 f thO th To Aid Destitute w lC. e peop es o. IS ear The money collected' will be can h~e to~ether 111 strength used to aid thousands of desti- and frle~dshIP.
tute persons throughout the "To all engaged in this great
world. mission, I send my congratu·
The text of President Eisen- lations and best wishes for suo hower's message 'follows: cess. Dwight D. Eisenhower."
Vatican Paper' Objecf of Slander Suit
Thurs., March 6, 1958
Father Insists Girl Must Leave Convent
VATICAN CITY (Radio. NC) -French author Roger Peyre fitte, charged with slalldermg His Holiness Pope Pius XII and HILLSBORO (NC) - Circuit 'the 'Holy See ina recent article" Judge Glen· Hieber has. been dilled upon to decide whether has. filed a slander suit against a -19-year-old Portland girl must L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican leave' the Sisters of St. Mary City daily.. Convent at Beaverton at the m. The Vatican officia.lly pro sistence of her father. . tested to the Italian government, Mr. Peyrefitte's article in the' Judge Hieber has under ad . communist - oriented. periodical, visement a ruling on a writ oil Paese Sera. The government ~ habeas corpus action brought by gan legal action against him, ac Ivan R. Miller against the Sis ~rding to provisions laid down ters of St. Mary of Oregon and in article eight of· the Lateran AMBASSADOR PRESENTS GOLD MEDAL TO POPE: His Holiness Pope Pius XII Mother ColJette, mother superior Treaty, while L'Osservatore de and the Hon. James D. Zellerbach, U. S. A bassador to Italy, ate pictured in left photo, of the community. nounced him editorially.. ·Mr. Miller's daughter, Alice 'following presentation of the George Was ington Carver: ¥emorial Institute Gold Medal Mr. Peyre£itte, who is living in Miller, joined the Catholic Taormina, Sicily,. told newsmen pictured at right, to the' Pope, for .his wor. in bet~e~ing race relation.s and ~uman welfar~. Church and a few weeks ago that he was surprised the Vati .Previous recipients of the award are PreSl. e nt EIsenhower, and HIS Emmence FranCIS entered .the convent as a postu can resented his article, but Cardinal ;Spellman, ~rch,bishop of New Yo k. NC Ph?tos. lant. added he "never thought that The father, who says he re the Vatican would take such gards himself as a Protestant In~ia action." - aithough he does not attend any He said he wrote the art~cle church, charged in his complaint two months ago for the. French that his daughter was the vic magazine Pretext, and that it the KARACHI -More than four tim of coercion and undue influ whep all the facilities of Twenty years of CYO athletic was translated into Italian by times as many non-Catholics as ence in becoming a postulant available to some communist friends who activities in New Bedford will Center will Catholics were admitted in 1957 and that she was restrained from Alumni memb rs. asked permission to reprint it in be memorialized by a plaque to to . Holy Family Hospital· here, leaving" William J. erreira of Mount operated by the Medical Mis be placed in the auditorium..: Italy. Carmel parish nd a representa gymna'sium of the Joseph P. sion Sisters of Philadelphia. .Judge. Hieber ruled after a L'Osservatore, commenting on two-day hearing that there W311 tive of Holy N me to. be_named bis remarks, suggested that Mr. . Kennedy Jr. Youth and Com no 'evidence of coercion. undue later will serv as co-chairmen. , Statistics released by the has Peyrefitte had another reason munity Center, according to a pita I show that a total of 3,878 influence, or restraint. He held David P. Davi of Our Lady of·' vote taken at a meeting of pres' for complaint-he was .called a" at the same time that Mr.' and Perpe,iual He p ,was chosen in-patients entered the institu ent and. former coaches' and coward. , tion during the year-an increase Mrs. Miller 'are fit parents to treasurer,. • ,.. Referring to the author's de-' managers of diocesan champion- '. of 500 over 1956. have custody of their daughter, Alfred J, Go es, chairman of . fense; printed in L'Unita, Italian·. ship baseball and ... basketball Of this number" 2,869 Were, :who is a minor.
teams..' . . ... the ·Adult Cou. cil of the Center, communist organ, L'Osservatore The wooden' plaque, 48" by presided at the meeting..Others Moslem~, 698 were Catholi~".and. ". • Emancipation Question'
declared: ~'We are confronted, 311 belong to other. relIgIOUS S 'll'-t- b led ;. tb then, with ';pretexts' (a pun on 24", will have the CYO insignia present were oger A. Gallant faiths tI 0 e ru on are, e and the names of· all parish of St. Joseph', New Bedford; the name of. the French maga . '. .. quest,ions of whether the girl had teams winning city and diocesan Bernard V. V' nasse of Sacred" Although It has no~ yet ~n been emancipated from parental zine in .. which the article first championships. It' will ge the Heart; David avares of Mount completed, Holy FamIly Hospl control and whether it would . appeared) not only, and natu gift of present and former team Carmel; and bert Strong of tal is one of the best equipped be in h~r best interest to remain rally, of lies, but also of coward members. and most efficiently run bos in 'the convent. 'Holy Name. ice arising from a shameful lack Presentation and dedication The next me ting will be held' pitals in Pakis~n. of courage for his· personal The question of emancipation w.ill take place on .Alumni Day, 'at 7:30 next Tu opJnions and deeds," was argued by Albert Kemmer The Vatican City newspaper of Portland, one of the attorneya ridiculed the idea that it con representing the girl. sidered 'Peyrefitte another Vol I Legally, emancipation is des taire since ". . . neither :having cribed as "the act by which one as much intelligence nor the DAYTON (NC )-A Requiem who was unfree or under power Appropriate opening religious ance in force e ceeding $58.000, Mass was offered in St. An and control of another is set at same biting irony and polemic ceremonies are part of elaborate 000, and has aid out benefits thony's church here for Mickie d' ter nor' stylistic power of Voltaire, amounting to n arlY$18,OOO,OOO, Koerner, 15-year-old youth who liberty .and rna e hiS own mas • he could not. begin to approach preparations ·for 1theC 19th quad-f I'ncludl"ng sch larshl'p aw'ards This was acquired by the girl, rennial N a t lona ongress 0
had expressed a desire to die Mr. Kemmer said, when she W311 Voltaire. . ." l'Union St. Jean Baptiste d'Ameand assistance t aged members.
because it was God's will. told by. her fatlier she had to Answering Peyrefitte's charges rique, to be held in Hartford, In additio•• to Goguen, Execu-.. Mickie aroused national inter choose between the Catholic of slander, L'Osservatore said: tive Committe. members in est last month when be was Church a'nd her home. She chose -ro slander the slanderer is DO Conn., May 1 to 3 inclusive. The full program was outlined by J. elude Adhemar A. Brodeur, of looked to as a possible candidate, 'to remain a Catholic. longer possible.. ;" HEmri Goguen, national presi-, Putnam, Conn., nd Dr. Omer E. - for a. "'specific miracle" that Mother Collette testified ,at,the dent of the Franco-American . Boivin, .pf Fa . River, Mass.;' c;ould be attributed to the inter- hearing that Alice was fr.Cf'l to I'RJDAY-St.Thomas Aquinas, fraternal society, at its ho'me' of-. national vice..p sidents; GeQrge ces_sion ot Father· William' Cham- leave the convent at any time ConfeSsor and Doctor of the _ £ices, 1 Social Street, WoonFilteau, of WQo socket, national inade, founder of the Soc~ety of and had taken no vows. .c. socket, ~" L... . . . secl'etary, and ean Pi<;her, of.· Mary. A. miracle is. needed to ., Alice told the cour~ slle, .·did ~ ~~:;~;' ~~~~~~ ...~~~ed ~:~ According: to the'" announce-·i,. Winooski,. Vt., J;lati~nal ,tl'eas- . introduce Father .. Chaminade's not want to leave the. 'coll\~ent " lect Friday of; Second Week' ment, delegates of 'the largest u r e r " c a u s e for c~nonization.. . ".' ',and, i( forcedto' do so" w.~uld .. in' ,Lent; Third ,ColfeCt for·' national ,Catholic Franco-Amer- . '0' As a.student a'nd friend of' the., ,return as soon as she .coull;l, Peace; Creed; Preface ot'Lent. ican organization in the United " ' S o c i e t y , o f MarY"Mickie was'wil-." :.uz;~ SATURDAY-St. John of God,. States wiU-attend:solemn rites, .'. " . .' . ' "·····;·,1ingto"~cceptamiracle"to'cure··' ." ." Confessor. '.. Double. Wtlite.' including. a J)ontifical Mass; to. :h.~nJ. ~f a br:ain tumor if it. would . ,. , Mass Proi;e"r'; Gloria; Second'. be held in conjunction with ·thei· "help Fa.th.~r, Chaminade'scause. ColleCt 'Saturday' of'Second 'cOnvention af'St: Anne's ChUrch,;' AMSTE~DA ;-Dutch Cat~o- But his own feelings were .that"" Week in Lent; Thi"d Collect leading French parish· in the" lies, ~ho,.pulI). .·~.,-..only about he ,would prefer ,to -die. At the'· for"Peace; Preface o.f Lent.. .Hartford archdiocese. ' four ,~illio~" su . p<>.~t .. nearly, 40 . time people were praying for his 8UNDAY - Third : Sunday of , A fe'sident of,. Leominster,':- Cath()lie·:dally n,wspapers. cure Mickie suggested. that he ;,. Lent. Double of I Class. Vio Mass., and a former U. S. Mar- " , The national dailies average would rathl;!r have them pray let. Mass Proper; No Gloria; shal ip. tre Bay State, .Goguen, about ten page .in ·size, with for· "God's will to be done." Creed; Preface fo Lent. . in 'behalf of the organization's larger ,'editions f from 16 to 24 . MONDAY - Monday of Third Executive Committee, which is' pages being pu lished on Sat Week' in Lent,: Simple.. Violet. -in charge of over-all planning urdays. Women's Apparel
Mass Proper; No Gloria or for the conclave, disclosed that The journalis ic level of the .
Creed; Second Collect Forty about 400' delegates are currently country's Cathol c daily press is 262 Union ..St. ' . Bed~
'. Holy. Martyr; Third Collect being chosen .by.more than 300 high and com ares· favorably , . :., IlUl;>ordinate 'councils of the or- ·wi~\1.Dutch.s~cu ar pUblicatio~. for Peace; Preface of: Lent. 915 Acushnet Ave: TUESDAY ~ Tuesday of Third .. ganization, to attend the: Con- None. of the Ca holic papers is' At Weld Sq.~are Week in Lent Simple. Violet'. gress' to be held at 'Hotel Statler.: . sensat!onal, in i news. p,resen- I Mass Pro~r; No Gloria or The sOciety, founded in 1900' tation and most give competent New Bedford Creed; Second Collect .for for Ainerkan Catholics of French, ~overage of nati nal.and inter .. New 'Bedford's Le'ooift/1 :peace; :Prefa<;e of Lent. .and French-Capa(ii~norigin,has . n'atiorial ·events. . Plumber WEDNESDAY....:...St.Gregory I, an enrollment of 'more than' . ~--..;;;;;;.;...;,;,;;;.--4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..... Pope, Confessor and Doctor. of 75,000. ,in New England,. New the Church. Double. White. York, Michigan and Illinois. It Electrical Mass Proper; Gloria; Second has assets of $15,000.000; insur Collect Wednesday of Third Contractors Week in Lent; Third Collect "';' .-----.~.-~_••• CHARLESF~ VARGAS" .' Pope;_Creed; Preface of Lent·· &' 254 ROCKDALE A VENUE THURSDA Y. ~. Thursday of, NEW BEDFORD, MASS." Third Week in Lent. ·Simple. . . ONE STOP.
Plan ·Memorial Plaque at ennedy Nuns in Treat Moslems Youth Center in New Bed ord
L'Union Saint Jean' Bapti te To Conduct National Con
Youth Accepts God's Will·
, Mas$ Orcllo
D'"'' "'h'" :th'c · • ' s "', ,ute oI c Support P·ress
P.lumbing- Heating
Violet: Mass Proper; .Second' Collect for'Peace;'Preface of Lent.'
FORTY HOURS· DEVOTION,...· March 9-8t. Mary, Taunton . St. J:oseph. New Bedford. March 16 - Espirito . Santo, FalJ River' ::. Our
Lady of Lourdes, Taunton
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THE ANCHOR Sceond-claas mail privileges authorised at .'all River, Mas.. Published f!VU7 Thursday .t 410 Highland A "enne. 1'.11 River. Maas.• by the Catholic Pre... of the Dioeesp of Fall River' SuhseriJ)ti01l price ... mail, _l.i>ald $~.OO per ,eu•.
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HEATING ~Il. ......l
Stational Churches of Lent Help Explain the Liturgy
ntE ANCHOR Thurs., March 6, 1958
Philatelists Plan April Meeting
ST. LOUIS (NC)-A St. Louis Cardinals have presided at Le~ pastor has fQund, that a centu ten devotions in the various sta ries-old Roman tradition can tional churches. Many U. S. help explain the Church's lit priests studying in Rome 1)ave, urgy to his parishioners. . made it a practice to celebrate
Msgr. Martin B. Hellriegel Mass at the' proper stational pastor of Holy Cross Chur~h, is , church for each day during Lent. using the custom of visiting The Propers of the Masses for . "stational" churches during Lent these days often contain pass as a way of bringing a more ages which are especially sig complete understanding of the nificant because of physical liturgy to the faithful and fa characteristics of the stational miliarizing them with the lives ehurch or' its surroundings. of many saints. The stational church of the The stational churches are 45 Friday of 'the third week in churches in Rome. Centuries Lent, for example, is the Roman ago, on the days of Lent, on church of St. Lawrence in Lu ember days, Sundays in Advent cina. The proper of the Mass for and certain vigils and chief that day contains many refer feasts, a procession of Roman ences to water - explained in clergy and people went to the part by the fact that there are appointed stational church of the two great spouts of water at the day. entrance to the church. Noted in Missal The particular "station" of the Procession Held day is still noted in the Roman Each day during Lent a pro missal on the 84 days in the year cession is held in Holy Cross on which the procession took Church, while the children of place. In Ro~e in recent years the parish chant the Litany of the Saints and the priest carries Father Eid Speaks to the altar a relic of the saint
for whom the day's "stational" At Newport College church is named. Rev. Joseph Eid, D.D., pastor Mass follows and a sermon on' of St. Anthony of the Desert the saint is preached. After Church, Fall River, lectured and Mass the congregation is blessed showed colored movies Tuesday with the relic. A large map of afternoon before students at Rome is placed bef()re the pul Salve Regina College, Newport, pit, with a purple cross marking R. I. ~ the location of the "stational" Father Eid, a Cnor-bishop of ehurch. . the Maronite Rite, who has Holy Family Church has ac tQured the Middle East, spoke on quired relics of all the stational the Holy Land. His lecture and saints and the relic of the saint ~ovies included Lebanon, Syria of the day is carried in the and Egypt. Lenten proce~sions there.
The Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the Vatican Philatelie Society will open its 1958 sea son with a meeting next month, the exact, time and place to be announced at a later date. President William Wonneber ger Jr. reports that early in 1958 the Vatican will release a set of two air mail stamps with face values of 500 and 1000 lire. They will have the same design as the , 1953 air mail stamps (Scott C22 23) depicting the St. Peter'. Dome, but will be of different colors. For the first time in its 29 year philatelic history, Vatican City will issue commemorative stamps to re'cord a non-religious event. This Vatican "first" will mark the Worlds Fair at Brus sels, Belgium, at which the Vati can will have a three-building
exhibition, "Civitas Dei", City of God. This set is expected in April to coincide with the open PATRON OF VOCATIONS: St. Alphonsus Maria'de' ing of the fair. A very good description and Ligouri, fou.nder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Re historical background of the deemer,known as the Redemptorist Fathers, is patron saint Vatican City stamps are being of Vocations. While his Feast Day is observed on August, published in Vatican Notes, the 2nd, he is object of particular devotion during March, which official publication of the Vati is Vocation Month. Born near Naples in 1696, he was Bishop can Philatelic Society. The lat issue presents the first of a Dei Goti, and a Doctor of the Church. NC est of Sant' AO'ata ~ 0 series of articles on the regular Photo. issue' postage stamps, known aa the "Popes Series", Scott num Dr. Rogers to Speak At Stonehill Dinner bers 158 to 168. The three-lire The annilal banquet of the dent members and those who St. Peters, and the five-lire Saxon Society, Honor Society of will be received into member Pope Pius XII are described. ship. New members will receive Stonehill College, will be held tomorrow at Capeway Manor, pins symbolic of their' member ship from Rev. James J. Shee Brockton, according to an an han, C.S.C., president of Stone nouncementby Rev, James J. • OFFSET Parishioners of St. Casimir I beatified in 1521 and canonized hill. . Parish, New Bedford will ob-' in 1602. His Holiness, Pope Pius Doyle, C.S.C:, moderator of the LITHOGRAPHY aerve the 500th anniversary of XII, in 1948 declared Saint Society. Migrant Workers I • COLOR Dr. Francis M. Rogers, former the birth of St.. Casimir, patron Casimir special patron of a.ll ST. AUGUSTINE (NC)-The dean of Harvard University saint of St. Casimir Church. AILithuanian youth. St. Augustine diocese has PRINTING Graduate School and pr~ently though the feast day was TuesThe Congregation of the Sis launched a program of aid for • BOOKS d professor of romance languages d~y, March 4, the oeeervance ters of Saint Casimir was estab 15,000 to 20,000 Spanish-speakan Will be. held Sunday, ~Iarch .9. Jished in the United States in at the university, will be the ing migrant workers ,and their PERIODICALS A speCial ,:,esper service will April, 1907. Numbering 500 featured speaker. Dr. Rogers, a families. native of Ne\' Bedford who now take place In the church at 3 professed Sisters who are in P.M., followed b~ a program at charge of 50 fouddations in this makes his home in Belmont, was 4 and a s~aghet~1 supper at 5:30 country, the Sisters work for the granted an honorary degree 'by Stonehill College last year. in the pansh h~ll. The program salvation of souls, conduct He has alsQ been honored with and .supper Will be u~d~~ t.he schools, maintain social centers
degrees from Loyola University,
auspices of the St. CaSimir C!rand homes for the aged, and 69 SCHOOL STREET Miami University, and was made cleo R C" K . tk administrate hospitals~ , • . WILLIAM and 2nd STS. The ev. aslmlr wla o w - . ' a Fellow of Harvard University Ri, curate, is program chair. O~lcers of St. ~asimir <?ircle in 1941. He: is an international man and Miss Isabelle Gonet is ar~ Edmund Copach, president; authority o~ Portuguese and chai,~man of the supper.' Guest ,MISS. R~salie Lada, vice-presi Spanish, studies. . ,lJ>Caker wil~ be Walter Mrozek, dent, ~lS~ Fran~e~ Copach, sec-, Special gu~sts at the banq~et' who recently arrived from ,re.tary, MISS CecIlia Peltz, treas-, will include; alumni members of ' Poland and is visiting relative. ..,,:,.rer;, Mrs. Walti:!r Machowski, .the Saxon ,Society, present stu-. 'NY 7-9384 Union Printen Iu. New Bedford sergeant-at-arms; Stanley Jo~~5 P t ~ P I 'd fel!: and Louis Pe~tz,Jr... trustees, ,Hyannis 2921 " .:. ~_ .. _--_._._-----~ .:.~ a ron, 0,. 0 an . and Father -Kwiatkowski chap Saint Casimir, patron of Poland lain. ' , and Lithuania, was born Oct. 3, ... 1458, of royal parents-Casimir.. ···· Great ,Archduke of Lithuania o and reigning king of Poland, and Elizabeth, daughter of the Aus trian emperor, Albrecht II. Mundane treasures and pleas ares of the court failed to sway' BOYS WANTED for the Saint Casimir ,from his persist TOOTE'LL Priesthood and Brotherhood. ent striving toward God. He Lack 'of funds NO impedi achieved a remarkable degree Monument Works ment. of sanctity by cultivating a deep 'AL' ALBANESE, Prop. love for prayer through frequent Write to: Designing & Manufacturin~ meditations on the passion of I,. ROBESON ST.. NEW BEDFORD P. O. 'Box 5742 Christ, and by his great devo Just above Shawmut Ave. tion to the Blessed Mother. Baltimore 8, Md.. WY 8-5142 OS 3-4074 His two outstanding virtues, HOUI·by.HoUI account 01 'he most imporfanl love of chastity and almsgiving 24 hou,'s in history. to the needy, merited for him the titles, "Flower of P.rinces," and "Father of the Poor." Saint Casimir died in Gar "Jim Bishop has made • magnificent contribution
dinas on the day he had foretold,
to the spread ot knowledge of and appreciation of March 4, 1484, and was buried in Christ: it is hard to imagine ... nyone being unimpressea NORTH EASTON, MASS.. Vilnius where many miracles or unmoved ;"y his, account fhe author has mad. took place at his tomb. He was ORGANIZED, 1889
St. Casimir's Parish, New Bedford Honors Patro'n Saint Sunday
;;-------is-'-'- ·1 I· ~:~~~I~N:LANTS LUMBER- CO 1'1
III Re;~I;;~;~;~il ~T_'_'_'_'
Jim Bishop's Story
,trinitarian F.athers
. The Da~
Christ Died
Paid-Up Shares Available , Series Shares 41f.a%
plai~ the reason we call the day Christ died' Good Friday." Most Re~ Richard J. Cushin9
' Curr~nt Dividend 3~ % Savings ~hares 31;.1,%
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'E-G-G-S That are RICH'N'YELLOW'N'ROBl:JST. From
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iI I
,Just oH Route 6 •
. A.,,,bhubup of 8m"'•
March. 9
Daily in, the'
Hollywood in Folcus ~
Pr.edicts lOrscar Awards For Guinl ess and Kerr ,
. By William H.' Mooring , More than a mOf'th ago I pieked all but two of the top Oscar nominees. I ex ecte9 M~rlene Dietrich ("Witness for the Prosecution") tc get a chance. Instead they gave it to Anna ("Wild Is the Wind") Magnani. 'Among the actors Anthony Quinn wa:' nomi Last year a fi~titiOus "Robert nated, also for "Wiltl Is the Rich" won the Oscar for a story Wind, while James Cagney's later found to have been the great impersonation of Lon work of a barred Hollywood
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., March 6, 1958
Workmen Remove
Spire Scaffolding
ANTWERP (NC) - Travelers from foreign countries to this ~rt city on' the Schelde river this year will witness a sight denied to an entire generation of Belgians. The majestic 400-foot spire of the Cathedral of Notre Dame will be seen without the net work of scaffolding which hu covered it for almost 29 years. In 1929, engineers decided that the, five-century-old spire needed to be restored. Save for a four-month interruption dur ing the 1930 World's Fair at Antwerp, the tower has been encased with a steel and wood framework ever since. With great patience, workmen have restored the s!=ulptures and stone ornaments on the slender spire, 'a masterpiece of Flemish medieval church building. At the same time the crampS, which secure the n,any floors of the tower to the stone walls, were replaced. A lew years 'ago several engi neers thought the entire tower should be replaced. They said the foundations were slowly sinking into the swampy groul')d of the cathedral site on the banks of the Schelde River. 'A thorough examination later proved 'that- the build1ng wa. , sound 'and that there was little danger of the tower's collapse. Currently, workmen are ~ moving scaffolds above the 300 foot level. The work is expected ' to 'be' finished in time for the MORE THAN 100 MASSES A DAY:'To dominate the Brussels 'World's Fair, whicb entire St. John's University eampus, Collegeville, Minn., is opens this April. this uniquely designed church shown in an architect's rriodel~ The famous spire was built hi the work of Marcel Breuer, Hungarian: architect of New Gothic style between 1420 and be of concrete and granite, while the 1430. 'The cathedral, begun in York.' The church wfll , r ' , 14th century, contains many eye-catching bell-banner is designed not only to serve as a the works of art and famous paint landmark, sustaining the Cross, but will also act as an en ings, including Peter Paul Ru trance archway, and surface reflecting sunlight from the, bens' 'renowned "Descent from south through the north window screen. Costing more than the Cross."
co~munist. Plenty of voters will will be reluctant to' risk similar mistake this year'" 'Heads They Win While an impo~ter (presum ably American) of fqreign films was fighting the district attorney in Philadelphia and the State Censorship in Rhode Island, to' get before the American public an obscene,- condemned, foreign 'film, our own American produc, ers in Hollywood were reading stern ultimatums from their best customers abroad. A t l' 'd "c t t th us ra la sal: ~ ou e criminal violence or we will cut . fil ~"N' sh' s. your ? scenes owmg youths with sWitch-blades would be allowed "Down Under'" nor ., ' an~ m which a male char~ct~r stnkes a woman. Gre~t BntaIn and several other Important 'Kwai' Best Film overseas markets already had Best film: "The BridgE on the laid down similar rules. River Kwai." My vote goes to . ' . "Witness for the Prospcution" So It wOU!d: seem t~at whIle 'h' h l'k "P ey t on PI a e " an d filthy and VICIOUS W IC " I e . foreign ' . films "Sayonara" will run "The may be publIcly shown In our Bridge" very closely, lllaving count~y because our S';'PQeme "·12 An r 'Men" the on I)' out Court' rules the screen, hke the 'd g y press, must be free, our own al er. ' A" ker must Best actor: Alec Guinlless for men<:an ~OVI~ rna s
' h e 'B n'd ge on t'h elver R~ IK w. "a ltoe drawn by . ' . censorial . hnes . ' -r charles Laughton ("Witness for foreign a';;h~ntles or lose their the Prosecution") and Marlon overseas .a e . . , , Brando "Sayonara") will give . ParadOXically In at least one . . Instance, the same countrY Alec a tough (B't') • h' fight and , either d n aln, w h ose fil m C ensor may pass 1m. FranclOS8 an • 'I' b t H 11 ood Quinn will trail. co~p ams a ou 0 yw , . " c n m e and sex films, has sent us, Best actress. My vote-, nd my, via its Lord Rank, (a pillar ,of hope--say Deborah .Kerr M e th 0 d'Ism, ) "S ml'Ies 0 f 8 S um . . . for her won d er f u I nun In eaven N' ht" L' K M' tAll' "H mer Ig, a eglOn-con $2~million, t.he church will seat 2,100 lay, people and a choir nows, ,IS er Ison. ,o'!"demned sex-film his lordship ever, Joanne Wood ware With . ' of 404 Benedictine monks. 36 chapels are· planned for a I01iVer "The Three t~ces of Ev, "will Imported from Swe?en. church, for the 100 masses said by the Benedictine monks ron nip and tuck with Debbie And t~ose who hke to argue L' IT' ay 1o r "that foreign . of the school each day. NC Photo. and may Win, IZ , , 'sex films are more ("Raintree County"), Lana Tur . m,ature than those we make Maintenance Suppl,ies ner ("Peyton Place") anClAnna In; Hollywood, shoul~ co~pare Guil~' SWEEPERS - SOAPS
M . t T g' thiS condemned Swedish picture COPENHAGEN (NC)-In the agnam ral m . with Pa'ramount's movie of BOSTON (NC)-During the DISINFECTANTS
Supporting Roles' " ' Eugene O'NeilPs "Desire Under course of redecorating the Cath past two months, nearly 600 'per FIRE EXTINGUISHERS
olic Church of Sf. Benedict in Among the supporting actors the Elms," , sons in the legal professio~ in Rudkjoebing, near here, it de I favor Red Buttons to wi witli Both films deal with the se the Archdiocese of Boston have cided to install spring bumpers "Sayonara," although hI' will". duction of young wives by their been enrolled as charter mem all around the outside.' There find Sessue Hayakawa (":fridge stepsons. The Swedish film 1886 PURCHASE. ST. bers in the newly-formed Cath is a parking lot close by. Fre on the River Kwai"), hard to treats thi~ situation with a soph olic Lawyers' Guild, Archbishop NEW BEDFORD quentlythe church has been beat. Vittorio De Sica ("A Fare omoric smirk. This time iUs the Richard J. Cushing of Boston dama'ged by careless drivers. WY,3-3786 well to Arms"), the onls good Hollywood film which has the announced. St.. Benedict's now prides itself thing in this film to gain,a nom adult appeal as well as the on being perhaps the first and ination and Ar,thur Kenn'!,d Y in adultery! , only "bump'er-equipped church" "Peyton Place" both are v orthy in the world.' ' / but like Russ Tamblyn ("Pey ton Blace") stand a poorc ance. Stiff competition amon~ sup porting actresses will give Diane BONNER FLOWERS Varsi ("Peyton Place") the Specwiists ~n' ' slight edge· over her J~ellow Special Floral Arra/ngem.enu DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS actress Hope Lange andl Elsa Lanchester ('.'Witness foJ' the WASHINGTON (NC)-:-An in • Funerals • Corsages Prosecution"). Typical lIolly_stitute to train priests for social • Weddings • Hospital wood sentiment could giv, Mi action will be held June' 30 to yoshi Umeki ("Sayonara') an August 8 at the Catholic Uni MAIN' OFFICE - 10.DURFEE ST 0' FA.LL RIVER 2082 Robeson St.
"upset ballot." Chances ,for versity of America here.. Fan, River OS 5-7804
,Carolyn Jones ("The Bac helor Five priests widely known in Party") look slim, althoug she the field will make up the shone, faculty of the Institute of Cath David Lean ("The Bridge on olic 'Action, under the direction the River Kwai") is most J11ikel Y of Father Patrick W. Gearty, to get the Oscar for best c irec assistant professor of economics tion with Billy Wilder ("Witness at the u·niversity. for the Prosecution"), Mark Rob Other instructors are Msgr. o s~>n ("Peyton Place") and J( shua JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY George G. Higgins, director,. and Logan ("Sayonara"), in thi's or owner/mgr.
Father John F, Cronin, S,S" as der, his main threats. ~ 142 Campbell St.
sistant' director, Social Action " $9.,95 'April Love' Department, National Catholic New Bedf~rd, M,ass.
Three -songs, "April L, ve," , sq. Welfare Conferen·ce; Father WYman 9-6792 "'Tammy" and "All the Dennis J. Geaney, O,S.A" writer ron neck and neck this ear, and lecturer, and Father William ,HEADQUARTERS FOR Mainly because Ray Evans and J, Smith, S,J" director, St. COLONIAL AND .Jay Livingston who v rote Peter's Institute of Indutrial TRADITIONAL FURNITURE "Tammy" already have had Rela-!ions, Jersey City, N. J. ' three Oscars, I think "1 pril ,Love" will win. For the best screenplay (written from an other medium) "Bridge on the River Kwai" is nominated a~' "by Pierre Boulle." New Bedford .' Fall River· Mattapoisett Mr. Boulle is not k,nowI11 in Hollywood as are certalll oth'~rs who are widely believed to'lllave INC. done the actual writing. It mlight SINCE 1885 spare the Academy embarrass PLANT CHAMP.ION TER, NO. DARTMOUTH ment therefore, if this av1fard were to go to one' or othe:' of ' "f:.W the competing nominees; "HI av , ANY PLAIN SUIT, COAT OR DRESS en 'Knows, 1\1istcr Allis fl," BEDFORD "Peyton Place,", "Sayonara;' or CLEANED AN~ PRESSED-CASH and CARRY "12 Angry Men."
Chaney in "Man of a 1'housand Faces" was overlookec'!' There was nothing as , blatantly unfair as last yea,r's om iss ion of Charlton Hes ton's M 0 s e s. Still the chances seemed to have been doled 8".l0ng th van",. ous stt:dios, ~o giv.e .eac1h a ~alr ,crack accordmg to size a nd Im portance! On March over BC-TV '11 b bf t 'h final y~u WI e la e Of see . ~ 0 wmners wa k up or tl ,elr s cars. Who will they be? Voting t' '11 1: lose i n th e mean. Ime WI e c. . Your guess IS as good ~ s mme, but this is how I foresee the final results.
Bum'per Church
Pia... Social, Action Course For Priests
Sales - Service - Installation
Phone OS 5-7484
FOT Rugs and BToadloom
Furni'ture Store
WooL ,~ Tweed Carpet ~~c;
, •
$6. ~ 5
THE ANCHOR Thurs., March 6, 1958
Labor Department Survey Shows Change in Role of U. S. Women
Bishop Urges Foreign Aid By Missions WASHINGTON
U. S. foreign aid intended for
80Cial and medical care of the wnderprivileged should be fun neled through religious mission aries, Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York said here. The Bishop called on the United States to utilize these "great forces of service and eharity which are . . . scattered throughout the world." He sug gested that missionaries would be especially qualified to admin Ister foreign aid since they "live with the underprivileged people • . . speak their language, share their hunger and are identified with the people." Bishop Sheen spoke at a one:;, day conference on foreign as pects of U. S. national security, held here at the request of President Eisenhower. Social Aid Urging that the U. S. admin Ister. part of its foreign aid through missionaries, Bishop Sheen pointed out that ,the So ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, of which he is national director, last year aided some 85 million underprivileged persons. He called attention also to the missionary activity of various Protestant denominations, which -rM!nt some $44 million on such activities last year, and to Jewish 80Cial work.' The Bishop emphasized that bls suggestion applied oniy to lIOCial and medical aid. He • tressed that he was not speak big of aid "for purposes of apos tolate." He asked, "why shouldn't these religious groups engaged In social work be aided soCially?" He added that by putting funds for social assistance at the disposal of 'missionaries "we would remove the stigma that the only reason we're giving' economic aid is the political one."
Church Values Letter By Washington BALTIMORE (NC)-A photo of an orignal four-page letter
of George Washington to the Catholics of the United States bas been reproduced in a recent issue of The Catholic Review, archdiocesan weekly. The important document is preserved in the archives of the Baltimore Cathedral. Dated, March 12, 1790, it is a reply to • congratulatory message sent late in 1789 to President Wash ington, and signed by Bishop John Carroll on behalf of the clergy, and by four prominent Catholic laymen in the name of the Catholic laity. One of the signers was the Bishop's cousin, Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Gen. Washingtor. in his reply yniced the hope that "your fel low-citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their Rev olution, and the establishment of their government, or the iinport ant assistance which they J:e ceived from a nation in which the Roman Catholic religion is professed." The latter words were presumably a reference 19 Catholic France.
Vocation Prayer WORCESTER (NC) - The Berra Clubs of the Diocese of Worcester have distributed 270, 000 copies of an official 'diocesan prayer for priestly vocations. Purpose is to promote awareness of the need for vocations and to Reure pledges of a monthly lIIass and Communion for in creased vocations.
Maronite Church ACCRA, Ghana (NC) - The first Maronite Rite church in. West Africa was blessed and opened here by ;Bishop Joseph O. Bowers, S.V.D., of Accra. The church, called the Churcb 01. St. Maron, was built by the Lebanese community ill Ghana.
MISSIONARIES CAN AID U. S. AID: Three religious leaders taking part in a one day National Conference on Foreign Aspects of U. S. National Security are Bishop Fulton J.-Sheen, Auxiliary of New York, and from left, Rev. Edwin T. Dahlberg, President, National Council of Church of Christ, U. S. A., and Rabbi Theodore L. Adams, :President, Syna gogue of America. Bishop Sheen called· on the U. S: to ultilize religious missionaries scattered throughout the world, in funnelling U. S. foreign social and medical aid to the world's underprivileged. Also attending the meeting were Presi dent Eisenhower, Vice-President Nixon, Secretary of State Dulles, and Former President Truman. NC Photos.
Reconstruction Work- Progresses' At American Church in Rome ROME {NC)-Santa Susanna, the national church for Amer ican Catholics in Rome, haa completed the restoration of one of its side chapels as another step in its program to restore the church to its 16th ·century appearance. , Long considered one of the most artistically decorated small churches in Rome, Santa Susanna has been operated by the Paulist Fathers since 1922 as a church for ·Americans. For the past four years, Father 'James F. Cumiirigham, Procura tor General of the l"aulist Fath ers and acting rector of the church, has devoted much of his time' to the restoration of the many murals and other decora tions in the church. The chapel is dedicated to St. Lawrence. Its walls carry murals depicting the martyrdom of St. Lawrence and those of St. Eleu-
Stonehill Grants 20 Scholarships Six residents of the Diocese were among the 20 winners of Stonehill Coliege scholarshipa given as the result of competi tive examinations, Rev. James J. Doyie, C.S.C., dean and chair man of the Stonehill scholar ship. committee, announces. More than 300 high school students took the examination held at the North Easton campus last December. Of the 20 win ners three' received full tuition scholarships and the reIl}aining 17 received half tuition grant. for their four years of college. Stonehill gives $20,000 annually. in scholarships. Winners from Fall River in cluded Rochelle H. Olivier, 239 Whipple Street, a student at Dominican Academy; Carole A. Mattimore, 39 Berkley Street, Mount St. Mary Academy; Ar mand R Aubut, 182 Suffolk Street, Msgr. Prevost· High; Richard J. Grace, 111 Rodman Street, Msgr. Coyle High. Other recipients were Rose anne . E. Thomas, .416' Rivet
Street, Holy Family High, New
Bedford; Claire A. Ducharme,
262 Tremont Street, St. Mary'.
High, Taunton:
therius and :St. Genesius whose remains are encased in the chapel's altar. Restoration work included cleaning and retouching the murals which were painted in the chapel in 1585; installation of two small marble side altars, and recol1diponing of the chapel floors. Money for the· restoration work has been raised by the women of ;the Santa Susanna Guild with the assistance and support· of His Eminence Edward Cardinal Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit, whose titular church it is. In the past years, restoration work was done on large murals which line' the nave depicting t:pisodes out of the life of Santa Susanna.. She was buried in the .crypt. The, church glows with fresh colors, unusual in many of the older churches in Rome. . Since SarHa Susanna is classed . as a national monument, Father Cunningha1D has had to submit all restoration plans to the ital ian governlTIent for approval. <
Instruction Series SAN ANTONIO (NC)-"Oper ation Understanding," a project originated by Auxiliary Bishop Stephen A. Leven, proved· a success during the month of February, drawing an attend ance of 2,800 persons. Bishop .Leven designed the program, with the assistance of the local Court of the Catholic Daughters of America and a Knights of Columbus Council, to invite and, encourage Protestants or other non-Catholics to come to a series of four lectures that explained' doctrines and devo tions of the Church. Bishop Leven gave the lec tures in a city auditorium. Some 9,500 pieces of literature were distributed.
AUleboro--South Attlebore
10 A.M. (Moss) - 12: 10 (Moss) 5: 10 - 8 P.~.
Sermons by Father Matthew Gaskin, O.F.M.
Franciscan Missionary from New York City
Rt. 6 at the Narrows in North Westport
Distributors for
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. in our beautiful Garden Room
MAJESTIC' Home Appliances
Real Old. Fashioned
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Served Family Style
Modern Man Is Unhappy
WHITE'S Family Restaurant
WASHINGTON (NC) - Al ances, and ready-to-eat foods most a third of all workers in have facilitated women's as the United States are women. sumption of their new duties." Over a third of the women in Nevertheless, the Women'.s this country - 22 million out of 60.7 million 14 years old and Bureau found that over half of . the women 14 years of age or over - were found to be work older were exclusively home ers. makers, about a tenth were in These included: Half of the 11 million single school, or were women who are unable to work. women. .
About a third of the employed Two-fifths of the 11.5 million
married women were year women who were widowed, di vorced or separated, or ~hose round, full-time workers. The husbands were in ·the armed rest were "in and out" of the services or employed away from labor' force or were part-time workers, students working dur home. ing rush seasons or housewives Three-1enths of the 38.3 mil working only two or three day. lion married women whose hus a week. bands were living at home. These statistics have been compiled from figures gathered . in 1956. They have been pub lished in "Spotlight on Women in the United States, 1956-57," a
study made by the Women's ieth-century man is devitalized,
Bureau of the U. S. Department and basically unhappy, Frank J,
of Labor. The study also reveals that Sheed of Sheed '0& Ward, pub lishers, asserted at Holy Croa women cast approximately half College here. of the votes in the 1956 presi dential election; slightly out Delivering the college's annu number men as stockholders al Fenwick lecture series, Mr. (but the total value of the stocks Sheed said "modern man cannot they hold is less than that of tolerate his own company." A stock owned by men); are a third . happy man does not need lUI of the college students, and are much external entertainment u nearly a fifth of all labor-union is desired today, he observed. members. Mr. Sheed said this unhappy Worker Increase state stems from the fact that The Department of Labor majority of people, even amon« forecasts an increase 'of five mil church-goers, do not truly know lion ,women workers in the God. decade between 1955 and 1965. . "While believing in God, they One-half of the women work have no knowledge of His su . en in 1956 were over 39 years prelT\e majesty, what He can 'do of age; one-half were married; for them, and what He want. one-fourth were single, and them to do in return," he com , slightly less than a fourth were menteq. widowed, divorced, or their hus bands were away from home. Of Award to Priest those who were' ever married WATERLOO, Iowa (NC) more than one-fourth had no Msgr. Edward J. O'Hagan, pas children under six years of age, tor of Sacred Heart Church and well over half had no chil here, was awarded the Negr~ dren under 18. History Week trophy of the year The Women's Bureau says a at a program in Logan Junior "long social evolution" has al tered the pattern of women's High School here. The award cited Msgr. O'Hagan as the first lives in the course of a hundred person in Waterloo to hire a years. Negro teacher in an all-white "The social structure has un school. He retained Jim Martin dergone change," the study as biology and science teacher points out. "Children, by virtue at Sacred Heart School. of school attendance laws, have been removed from the labor market. Older men now cus TRI-CITY tomarily retire with some years of leisure in prospect. Inter Office Equipment national tensions require large TYPEWRITERS - ADDING numbers of young men to serve and in our Armed Forces. Inevitably ACCOUNTING MACHINES women have had to take over FURNITURE and SUPPLIES an increasing shilre of the work .. Edward J. McGinn, Mgr. that mlist be done outside the 427 Second St., cor Mor~an home. Apartment'-house living Fall River OS 9-671Z and mass production of ready WYman 2-0682 made clothing, household appIi-
PHONE OS 5-7185
P.S. Don·t Forget to Come to Fall River to See the Lar~est and Most Beautiful St. Patrick's DaT Parade in Yeras.
,Honor to America .
....;, ,.~
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.t: .. '.
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.... ... ,-
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., ~arch 6, 1958 '
. The Church in the United States has received a great· ..:honor with the appointment of Cardinal Sttitch of. Chicago . to be Proprefect of the Sacred Congregation for the 'Propa"':' :, .ation of the Faith. . . .' ." , The Cardinal is the first Americanprela.te toliead, this" . C TODAY-SS. Perpetua, Feli one of . the twelve departments . of the, hurch's. a d" mmls-. . eitas and others, Martyrs. SS. tration. .\ Perpetua and Felicitas were The Cardinal's appointment by the .HolY Father to 'aid married women of good families the aiJing Caroinal Fumasoni Biondi in th!s most important and SS. Revocatus, Saturnius and Secundolus were slaves. They · th'IS coun t ry h as come 0 f 'post is a sign that the Ch urc h m were arrested as Christians in age in.a very short time. For it was only fifty years ago that 203 and were thrown to wild the United States was removed from the jurisdiction of,this beasts in the Amphitheatre at 8ame Congregation, an indication that it had emerged from . Carthage at public games in cel the mission stage..That the Church here .has come so far ebration of the birthday of Em in so few years is.a tribute to American Catholic vitality. peror Septimiu&Severus.. . TOMORROW - St.Thomas The Cardinal surely can contribute much to this sensi Aquinas, Confessor,.Doctor. He tive position. Uniting priestly charity and zeal with brilliant
was born of noble parents at administrative ability in the best American tradit~on, he
Aquino in 1225, was educated at will help' direct about 25,000 missionary priests,' nearly
Monte Cassino and joined the io,oOO 'lay brothers and more than 60,000 nuris in ·five
then newly-founded Dominican order. He became known as the Angelic Doctor and was one of · continents. More than 30,000,000 Catholics live in the vast Areas that will be Ullder his jurisdiction. the greates~ Christian teachers The' Hoi y Father recognizes that this courttry. in the of all time. His' writings are a I· h' f I t ff treasure house of sacred doc person of Cardinal Stritch has somet mg 0 va ue o' 0 er . trine. He was noted particula.rly to the whole Church and the cause of.Christ ona universal for his devotion to the Blessed' lcale.That is not only a tribute to the CardinaI-,-it i8a~" Sacrament. ··He died at Fossa honor to the Catholic atmosphere that' gave him .. tO the' ... -, ,. . . nova, near Rome; in 1274, and Church, an honor to the country and the Catholicism. ~at, '.. . .. ' was canonized in 1323. '00 d h' " . .. .. SATURDAY-St. John of God, · pr ute . I~. ~'.,. .. . . . .. . .. ' . ; . ,'TheFa~i~y c:linic, . ' . .' . . Confessor. He' was a native of . By thIS appomtment, the Holy Father has also md~cat~,., P~rtugal and the founder of the. the zealous part that this country has played and is plaYIng ',. Brother Hospitallers. Until the ·in the conservation and the preservation of the Faith. He' is ' _ . . _. _ . ..' age of 40, he had been in turn IIhowing more and. more he will 10,ok to the Catholics of ,the -. In" O' shepherd; a soldier and a shop. . keeper in Gibraltar. Impressed United States not oJ:}ly for financial help but for leadershii? . ..' ' b y a. sermon preached by St. iD advancing the cause of Christ on a world-wide scale.'.; By Rev. JohnL. Thomas, S;J. John of Avila, he went to Africa ·Not only is this country'responding.withBishops·,and, Assistant Professor:of ~o~iOlog;r and took to caring for Christian d slaves held by the Moors. Gath-, · 1aymen an. aywomen i s "'•. .LoU i'S u· DlverSI·tY P riests,' brothers. and nuns;" Cat h 0 1IC ering others in. the work, he f Id th have begun to take -their place in the mission,fle ,s' 0., e What does a girl do when her family criticizes every founded his Institute. He died world. And there is' ev~rysi~ that thi~... missio~. '!~~~ .bY.· .young,· man ~ith whom she'goes? I'm already 20 and feel ten years later, in 1550, of all' illness contracted while minis-, Jay Catholics'willbe on the mcrease .wlth every p~s~ng., I'm old 'enough to marr.y, but my family acts as if none year. . ' , ' . ' .. ; .,' '. 'the boys in our 'neighborhood are good enough forme. Dad' ~ring to tl!e sick. .America's hour to spread the Faith has surely sttuck.' . doesri'tsay much' it's moth" . .. SUNDAY - St. Frances of . . " . ' '. Under these cIrcumstances. Rome, Widow. She founded the er and my two brothers who criticism of a' possible prospecOblates of Tor dei Specchi in do all the talking.' Although tive mate becomes the usual Rome. She was born in 1384 and I want to follow my parents' procedure. It is. such a subtle, desired to become a nun, but at . This is the twelfth year that the American Bishop~ have advice,. how am I ever going ~ devastating weapon because it the age of 12 was married to appealed to their people for funds for a world-wide program ,et married at this rate? 'gradually destroy;s respect foz: Lorenzo Ponzianni. She lived of charity. The program is carried on through the Catholie . the. person, whereas true love by the axiom: "A wife is bound .YO!! '. k no w, can be found and developed only to leave her devotions at the Relief Services~National Catholic Welfare Conference. Bettr, your.letthe basis of mutual respect. ,Altar and to find God in her The'fund will be collected on Laetare Sunday-March ter puts me on , household work." She became a I gather from your letter, 16. The campaign will be conducted in 16,300 parishes the spot- a' bit! model to the matrons of her , I have always ,petty, that past criticism has time, doing much to correct their throughout the country. insisted t hat already caused you to drop sev idle manner of life. She stood The Bishops' Relief Fund }S the world's largest private p a,r e n t s are eral young men from your list. by her husband in adversity · f .. Th t l' f 'd d . . te ed obliged to ex,You wonder how long this is I re Ie orgamzatIOn. e pas year saw re Ie al a mmls r ercise w~tchfulgoing to keep up. Well, if the and exile until his death in 1436, to.morethan 40,000;000 of the world's destitute and hungry ness and care in criticism stems from some of. then joined the Oblate institute which she had founded three in°53 countries. The total value of the CRS-NCWC relief and helping fh e i r the factors I have mentioned, it' years previously. She spent the rehabilitation program in 1957 amo,unted to $148 million children select . will continue no matter what last four years of her life in piety -uitable kind dollars. . . com~ . of. man you meet. and severe penance. She died -"I'18h els d' b eyond descrlp . t'Ion., frienaship paiiionS;- : ielldsNoOne~1s sincti.: in 1440, and was canonized in . · ao.;omp T h e good th a t IS Perfect No price can be put on the hopes kindled, the lives mended, .. to': lc/ve' andmanil;lge. What should you do? In the 1608. that this charity of .Christ in ac~ion does. T~is' is h,eeq,ing " '. '~L' ike~,iie, ·I..'havestr.es.'se..d the first place, you'reQld enough. to MONDAY - The Forty Mar, . tyrs . of Sebaste. They were· the words of Christ to perform the corporal works of mercy ·.erious 'obligation '~f. ch,ilq.ren to know. your. o~n mind and to Christian soldiers quartered' in in His Name and as giving to·Him. '.:.: ooey'their' parents and, to follow stand ,on. you'r own feet. You Armenia about 320. When'their' , " el··r· reas'on,able adviCe. When ,can't, go picking' your friends legio" was ordered to sacrifice It I'S amazing how much. mo.re propaganda and p'ublicity·. app' lying 'these'principles to yo,ur according to, t h e likes or dis .1_' • . th N 0 t th a t -a'se,'emph,asis.,m,ust be 'placed 011 likes of your family. Above all, to heathen gods, they refused. M! gIven to programs f ar I ess t ex enslve .. an thO _ IS..,~ . . Stripped of their clothing they' one has the desire to cast aspersions on·any charity given'to the terlJl J,"easonable. in selecting your future partner, were .made to lie on the ice of the needy by any'group. But on the basi,S of statistics~~nd remember it will,beyou and not a frozen lake. A warm bath was' · . d by s t a t'IS't'ICs' W h'chIdo after Fear of ~ your mother, or" brothers who placed on the bank as a tempta we A mencans are Impresse ', It is a fact of experience that· will share married life with him. all, have a certain validity-':-this Fund raJ;lks am_ong the first many parents, and mothers in Second, you know the quail'_ tion to apostatize.. One weak ' Ca th 0 l'ICS.,· ened and went to the bath, but . 0 f th e prou des t boas t s 0 f A an d II'. ! one merlCan particular, tend to regard the ties_to look for in a mate. Does his place was taken by a guard Giving to the Fund is prompted by sheer charity. The' future mates of their children he understand and appreciate who was coverted by the cour .Bole basis for the destitute recei"ing help is neither their with a jaundiced .eye. ' I sup his faith? Does he have an ade age of the others. They were religion nor race nor national origin-it is need. '. pose few women feel that an quate sense of responsibility, forced to remain on the ice until . other woman could raise some- that. is, can he hold a job, and they were frozen to death. The minimum ·goal 'of the Fund is $5 million dollars. one who wotil.d be quite wo~thy is he capable of supporting a h d .. 'd TUESDAY - St. Euthymius, The monetary value of the good,s that can be bought with. of their , own cheris e prI e family? Is he emotionally bal Bishop-Martyr. He was a monk that amount of money is many times that figure. The charity and joy.'
anced and mature, that is, has he and became Bishop of Sardis in that can be done is inestimable. ' ' T h i s is perhaps' a .necess!!ry grown up yet? Does he respect Lydia. He courageously opposed 'b'll' d f I h' eOnsequence of parenthood. All you and your sense of values? the Iconoclasts arid was banished Last year more than one I IOn poun s o c ot mg, parents nqurish glowing hopes etc., etc. by Emperor Nicephorus. He was medicines and U. S. Government surplus food was shipped for the future of the infants they Third, although common sense pennitted to return to his See overseas. More than 42,000 refugees were documented for' bear, and long years of loving tells you to weigh carefully what city several times but each time visas and provided with homes and food in this country, care frequently contribute little your parents say, yo'u should not was 'exiled when he refused to to bring these hopes into focus let your judgment of others be 'become an Iconoclast. He re Canada, Australia and other receptive countries.
,', Weekly· Calendar Of Feast Day's
"R'easona '. bl e Parenta' " '. I Ad vice. - '. G" u·I-de, C'holce' ,f Mate ·
Bishops' Relief Fund
The relief supplies given last year would fill a tram of 29,500 freight cars and would be 27~ miles long. Surely all this is worth the sacrifice in money asked of American Catholics.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RlVER PUblished Weekly by The Catholic Press at ttie Diocese at Fall Riv.er 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. . OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER . Most Rev. James .... Connolly, D.O•• Ph.D. GENERAl MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Sholloo. M.A. . Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Attorney Hugh j. Golden
with reality. swayed by that shallow, carping Perhaps an added factor in criticism which belittles every parental opposition is the un one outside' the family circle. conscious fear of loss. Marriage No young man is pei'fect, but does take' children out of the then, neither are you! home and consequently narrows ... f '1 . 1 ' Temporary Coolness .ue amI y CIrC e. Particularly when fathers and What will happen if you do mothers have not grown closely ignore family opposition? For together as husbands and wives, tunately, Betty, although studies they tend to center their interest show that' a good percentage of and affection on their children. future brides or grooms were The possibility of the child's originally not wholly acceptable marriage then appears as a" to their partner's parents, par threat to this type of parent ental coolness proved temporary child relationship and will· be in the majority of cases. o,?posed in- vario~s ways. On the other hand, if it should .. Opposition arising from this persist unreasonably, this would cause is all the more difficult to be a clear indication -that it was deal c:with because its source is unhealthy, and you would have seldom recognized or admitted. done well to ignore it. Remem Rather,' parents rationalize it as 'ber, you are .looking for your an honest :effort to seek the man; it is your life and your own ~ild's bJst interests. happiness that is at stake.
mained in exile 29 years and eventually was scourged to death about 840. WEDNESDAY-St. Gregory the Great, Pope _ Confessor,. Doctor. He was born in Rome about 540. His mother was St. Sylvia. Before he was 30 he be.. came MayOi of Rome. He soon, resigned his office, left the com.:." forts 0 ~ his hom. and became a Benedictine monk. He was sent to· Constantinople as a Papal Nun .cio and in 590 was elected Pope. The'14 years of his Pontificate. made him a commanding figure. in world history. He sent St. Au gustine to spread the Faith in· England; promoted the c0nveI': sion' of' the Lombards in Italy and the Goths in Spain; upheld the rightS'. of Rome against Con~ staritinople, and brought about a number of other achievementL
M'indanao' N~:w Assign~ent
For' Fairhave,n Maryknoller
THE ANCHORThurs., March 6, 1958
Ui,ion' .Members Must Follow Blueprint
Our~Lady has
many ways of reaching her children, but one of the pleasantest must surely be the "barangay" of the Blessed Virgin Mary as practiced in the Philippines. , Father Joseph w,:, :a'egan, Maryknoll missioner from ~airhaven, now on 'home part of the Islands. In his new leave from his Pacific as- assignment he will use many signment, explains that the techniques developed in Paete "b "·"1 to Laguna. arangay IS SImI ar a "We find that a house-to
MELBOURNE (NC) - The Young Christian Workers' or ganization here has issued • blueprint to keep communist. and wrong-doers out of positiolUl of influence in the trade unions. To insure clean and honest unionism, the YCW plan say. that rank and file membeI'l should make a constructive ef· fort to: 1. Attend all meetings. 2. Study the issues. 3. Make their voice heard. 4.' Take an' active interest Ia . policy-making. 5. Accept appointments 0.'
block rosary. Groups of 15 famh . 11 .. . 'htl . th ' . g ouse census IS an exce ent way il"les Jom mg Y m e saym f h' 1 f th ' t' t dif 0 reac mg peop e, and we make o e rosary, mee mg ~ , a the census yearly," he relates. ferent home ~ach evenmg. "We go to every house, whether But th;, umque ~~d~d feature it is known to be Catholic or not, , of the. barangay mclude a and we find many fallen-away pro~esslOn to the chosen home Catholics through this method." behmd a banner of Our Lady . IN D;RAMAFESTIVAL: Sylvia Houle (left) and Kath decorated with ribbons bearing The LegIOn of Mary, he says, leen Frain, Mount' St. Mary Academy students, have im the names of the participating ~oes excel~ent work in contact families; and a nightly catechism mg P?tentJal conv~r~, and ?as portant roles: in· "One Red Rose" which the school will pre lesson, attended by young and been ~nstrumental'm mterestmg sent at the Massachusetts Drama Festival next Saturday olii alike. This ritual is popmen in the Church. in Hingham'. " , uhir that man'y non-Catholics "We have several praesidia wish to join in it. entirely composed of men, and committees.. "We tell them that only Cathwe also find they ca,n be reached 6. Run for office or encourage olics may participate in' the' through the Holy Name Society," others with high ideals and com-" 'barangay,''' says Father' Regan,' says Father Regan, in explaining petence to do so.' "and we have had many cases' that' it is far ,harder to induce NOTRE DAME (NC) - The of the .world's outstanding teaehwhere interest in' the Church' men ,to attend church regularly University of Notre Dame has ers to the campus.'" 7. See that complete financial' ahd eventual conversion have than women. announced a,' $66,600,000 devel- . ;Notre Dame,' he continued, statements are regularly giveJl to the,entire membership. dated from a family's initial de-' "The fact that it is always the opment program geared "to hopes to 'increase its faculty sal-" Pray t'hat charl't'y,' fal'rne. sire to join th~r neighbors in man of the house who leads the consolidate . and fur'ther its ary scale 75 per cent by 1968.
this devotion." rosary during the 'barangay' has academic ex~ellence" during the Although the currellt' median ,and honesty prevail in all uniba
Sister in Order helped' to give prestige to aetive next 10 yeaI;s. salary for a Notre Dame faculty. activities. The son of Mrs. Mary Regan 'Catholicism, however," he states. Fahter Th~odore M. Hesburgh, ~ember is $6,400, "c~msiderably
C.S.C., university president, hIgher than the nabonal aver
of St. Joseph's parish, Fairhaven, Need Catechists said that more than two-thirds age," Father Hesburgh pointed
Father Regan has been, assign,~d, The great need of the mission of the projected goal will be deout ,that pro~essors' salaries have
to, the Philippines since 1952" ers, he said, is for money to voted to the university's "inter- lagged behmd those of other after being, expelled from <;:011).employ trained catechists. This Dwnist China in 1951, to~ether is so because under, President nal growth ,i with the balance professions. earmarked "for new buildings Place of Research with his siste!;" also' a Maryknoll, Magsaysay religion was made a VATICAN CITY (NC)-L'Os 'Re~arch, Father Hesburgh missioner. " compulsory subject in the public and additions to existing campus servatore della Domenica, Vatl,· 'The two, one of some half-, schools; however,' the religions st.ructures. .. emphasized, "constitutes an in dozen brother-sister teams in concerned must supply their own Notre D~me's lO-:-Ye~r, p,rotegral' phase of Notre Dame's can City ,Weekly, 'has deplored the French bombing, 'of the TU-', the Maryknoll order", 'Qoth teachers for religion periods. gram, as ~)Utlined by Father program for' the, future." In re nisian town ofSakiet-Sidi-You. served in China, Father Regan Volunteers are not suitable Hesburgh, 'includes $27,000,000 cent years, he disclosed, the uni sef earlier this month. for 22 years. His sister, Sister for the work, Father Regan said, in endowment f()io increased 'fac- versity has ,received anniIal sup It termed 'the bombing, fa R'lta Marie, is now stationed in both because they, are not so ulty salaries, $18;600,000 for ,port of more than one' million which women and children Formosa. During their years in dependable as paid instructors buildings, ~l1,OOO,OOO for redollars from corporations, foun were killea, "extreme" and noted China, however, the pair saw and because they must compare search, $5,OQO,000 for student aid, dations and government agen that it lias made solution of the each other only three or four ,in efficiency and educational and $5,000,000 for administrative cies for research and fellowships Algerian problem more difficult. times, their missions being two' techniques with the other teach-' purposes. in such vital areas as nuclear weeks' journey apart. ers in the schools. So the mis "As in the past," Father Hesphys,ics, radiation ~hemistry, In addition, the paper said, it has "delivered a new blow at the "It was hard learning another sionaries' conduct training ,burgh declared "we look with germfree life and aeronautics. solidarity of the western alliell." language, after so many years courses for catechists, then em confidence' to ~ur alumni and The Notre Dame president in China," ,recalls Father Regan. ploy the best of them as regular friends as well as to corporations listed seven new buildings and Fluent in Cantonese and Manteachers. and foundations whose growing ,additions to three buildings cur darin, he had to start all over However, great numbers of generosity provides the means to renUy in use' as "essential" to again with Tagalog, one of the ~ch instructors are needed, realize No~~e Dame's hopes for accommodate the universitY'lI languages of, the Philippines, SInce every school has religion tomorrow." He reported that present student body of 5,800. wllen assigned there, And when periods several times a week; since the Notre Dame. FoundaHeading the list is a $5,000,000 he, returns to the Islands next and so far the funds available tion was oi-ganized in 1947, the library to replace the current month, he will be tackling yet for this work have not been ,university :has received a total. library, which was built in 1917. OIL 'BURNERS another language, Visayan, for adequate to meet the demand. of $27,16~310 in gifts and grants, Also complete Boiler-Burner he has been appointed superior 'Health Problem exceeding: its 10-year goal of or Furnace Units. Efficient oCa mission territory new. to Health is another inajor prob- ' $25,000,000: ,Of this total, $4,210 low cost heatin:. Burner and Maryknoll, the area surroundlem among the people of the 928 was. :r;eceived during 1957, fuel oil sales and service. ' iog Davao, on the island of Philippine(l. The, country is he said. Truck, Body Builders Mindanao. ' l a r g e l y composed of jungle and ,Aluminum' or Steel Faculty Funds '.:' ,Enormous JQb , , .. " tuberculosis due to malnutrition .80 Mt. Pleasant Street Father, i Hesburgh described 944 County St.· Apart from the conversion of is,;prevalent. 'New Bedford' WY '3-2667 NEW BEDFORD., MASS.,
pagans, however, there, is, an ,'As an example of' ,dietary 'de- ' the n~d rfor, .faculty funds as "pre':'e'rriinent." These fundS:"
WY 2-6618 enormous job to be done in the ficiency" Father, Regan' noted Phil'ippines, nominally 80 per that there is no fresh milk avail- ' wiUbe us~d, he said, "to stabi-"
cent Catholic. Previous 'to the aple and that if ,a baby does not' lize and ~,trengthen the present '
CATHOLIC Spanish-American war, the receive canned milk, he never ,faculty as ~ell as to attract some Islands were served by Spanish tastes it after being wearied, - PILGRIMAGES priests, who did not train a However, the tall, gray-haired native clergy. missionary regards the varied Man,. feature the 19~ After the war, the withdrawal diffiCulties ,awaiting him as so Lourdes Centennial plus Fa of Spain from the Philippines many challenges. "Now, those tima and other Shrines ill left them virtually without unexplored regions-" he mused., Europe • • each will be ac priests; and as a result CatholiA.n d it was obvious that al-' companied by a Spiritual NO JOB TOO BIG HOMOGENIZED and cism became corrupt and though he's still bodily in the Director. Wide range of de mingled with superstitious prac- Fall River Diocese, his mind 'and PASTEURIZED NONE TOO'SMALL parture dates and itineraries tices. Missioners from many 01'heart are already at work in his at popular prices. del'S and countries work there new mission assignment. Call or' write toda,. for now, according to Father Regan, details .. on these or our own Dial OLdfield 4-8711 and they find their chief task to Dec~ncy 1958 PERSONALLY CON be the proper instruction of the 60$1 MAIN, RD. The following films are to be DUCTED TOUR •• 12 Coun people. added to the lists in their respec TIVERTON, R. I. Mal.. Office and Plent tries • . 52 days .• departill&' Visit Every Home tive classifications: Jol,. 1st. No obligation. Before returning to the Un'ited Unobjectionable for General LOWELL, MASS.
States on his home leave, the Patronage-No Time for Ser T.I_hone Lo_1I
Maryknoll missioner was supe geants, Underwater Warrior. rior of a nine-parish area in GL 1-6333 and GL 7-7500
Unobjectionable for Adults Paete Laguna, in the northern & CO., Inc. and Adoles~ents-BitterVictory, Auxiliary Plants Cattle EmpIre. Unobjec,tionable for Adults- BOSTON Stage Struck, Teacher's Pet. 101 RIVET STREET OCEANPORT, N. J. Objecttonable in Part for AD New Bedford -d's q whale en a drink'" PAWTUCKET, R. I. -Hell Drivers, Naked Africa. WY 3-2296 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS Condemned-Last Paradise.
Multi-Million' 'Development Plan A,nnoun,ced,, by Notr"e, Do"me
Vatican Paper Deplores Action By Franc:e
Stanley Oil Co., Inc.
Milk. Cream
Legion of
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COME ALIVE! new, scientific" drug less discovery •• helps relieve TENSION, FATIGUE and the pains of ARTHRITIS, BURSITIS and RHEUMATISM ..• Listen to ARTHUR GODFREY on CBS RADIO, mornings For News of NIAGARA. Inquire about The NIAGARA WEIGHT CONTROL program •••Free Booklet tells all ••• Granted Good Housekeeping ~ Underwriters Lab. seal
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-~rHE '~~C;;H9R
_ -' -Thurs., March 6; 1958 '
.4t?ioc;'~'rY '$hQPping-"Wo,rthwh i Ie Break---in' -Day' s~· Occupation
father Greene To Lecture Before Catholic. Women
By Mary Tinley -Daly _The boys, with the slide rules and the tables of life' expectancy statistics have' figured out many a "YQu may expeCt", including .how 'many days you probably. will be ,hosp'italized, how much money you willeam, th,e number . of. dependents you may live of cans to buy (practical arith:" to _see. One-~statistic' we've metic). Bever: seen' is how many This is not really·time lost, as· hours_ the.- average woman the engaged girl facing those
A lecture by Rev. Robert W. Greene, M,M. wlll feature the annual meeting of Fall the Catholic Lenten Woman's Club of
River, which W-lll be held in the -Sacred Heart School Audi.toium, at 8 o'clock, next Tuesday night. ~nds 'grocery shopping _ that four and, one-half years might Father Greene was born in ., basic shopping. envision. Sliding things into Jasper, Ind. in 1911.He attended Perhap!! ~t's baskets might not provide, the, St. Joseph's gramm-ar school, "'st as well. . . satisfaction Grandma felt when Jasper Academy, St. Meinrad If an engaged she knocked herself out growing' College and Maryknoll Seminary ~rr were faced beets, carrots and cabbages, then . in Ossining, New York. Ordain ...ith the stark canning. them. ,~~t there is that ed at Maryknoll by Bishop tact that .She , certain sociability in the superJames E; Walsh in June, 1937, W0 u I d -:ordi:" -. market today which Grandma -Father Greene left a few -weeks iaarilylook for'- . found' in he.r sewing circle.' - later for. the- Maryknoll mission ward to -four'; Perhaps, if we went grimly of Kweilin, in the- province - Of 'and one _ half about the business of sliding 'Kwangsi, South China. ' ' stuff Into our carts; with only • Father Greene spent .15 yean ·7ears of 40-hour ...eeks (no vabrief nod to' acquaintances and as a missioner in South China. · ea~ionii), :of ~er "How l\re you?" to friends, -we He was expelled fro rn China by futu're life in a. cOuld cut the four' and one-half the Communist Govel'nment af jroc'ery. -~ore-+. . year figure,to Ull:ee years or le8a, tei- a year and a half of, iiri and. as ".custOmer, mind you, .- over' the long stretch. . -prisonment by the Reds.' . .ot as'. 'Clerk, she w9uld laugh So JVhat? We not Only .ee' WINTER CARNIVAL QUEEN: Alice Jane, HardI_'ng, Author of the I book "Calvary . ;It -ott ~s, "Impossible!" friends -arid actiuaintancea, we in China" his ~tory also appea-red ' In the .old days,' of course, . make new ones. - '. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.ohn <;:l. Harding, of 384 Grove: twice 'ori·, the 'TV program wom~n spimtfarmoretime than, - Which. LiDe. ' Street, Fall River, has been chosen Winter Carnival Queen "Crossroads". . thaUnpreparing, food for husDuring Lent, we alwayi baVe 'at Merrimack College, No. Andover. Miss Harding, 'a junior In his talk Father Greene will tiends andchild'ren before the additio'la~ co~vers.ation with' -" majoringin sociology is a graduate of the Academy of the speak about some of: his, exper":' . _." actu"'al co'oking' process began. people m the supermar,ket. ' , I'· . - , -' . " -'. d th C . t . ·There. was ,the. ga·rden.ing, then Catholics pause to ': exchange _Sacred Hearts, _Fa I RIver. - .lences er e committee ommums s.for hospitality, - The ·un 'the meeting will be headed by the butc' he'-rl'n'g, ',the smoldng of recipes,. and inevitably lIOIIlein. eats', ill.e. c~rining, churning, then ask comes up to listen in and . . f h' k about Lenten obseZv. Mrs. William T. Donnelly as l'Iusmg 0 c IC ens. 'ances. chairman assisted by the followFigure _it Out Comes check-out time. It's'. ing club members: Miss Alice E. lit our streamlined economy" IO r t of game. Which line? -Very#Rev. Leonard J. Daley, of St.. Margaret Mary Guild, Leriaghan, Mrs. James E. Shea, moderator of District 5, Diocesan served a silver tea. Pourers Mrs. James H. Ellis, Mrs. Ray eVeri - with supermarkets and The thought comes: this .. their packaged pick-ups, the IOmethi'lg like other lines en- Council.of Catholic Women, ex- were Mrs. Frank Rocchi, Mrs. mond J. Stuart, Miss Kathleen " _ . " h f plained -the graces and benefits JosephZogar, Mrs. William Tobin, Miss Anne Kiencke, Mrs. -baking ,that IS done or al -done counte~ed, usually on a Satur when we ,- drop. the del.~ctable day afternoon along confessional of Extreme Unction at a meeting McLaughlin and Mrs. Grace William J. Roderick, Mrs. John Items into our baskets, there is row. All these lines, the check- of. district affiliates at St. Steele. E. Edgett, Mrs. William J. Ma , , . .....ary's Hall Buzzards Bay loney', and Miss Helen M. Buck .till that time spent in the corner outlines and the check-up on~ , ,.'
',-racery or in the_"Super." clm be deceptive. You have • Father Daley took part in a C'redit Union Work . ley. '
, _As .to' -the' four and one-half better chance to make • hasty - d.emonstration of Catholic 'sick KINGSTON, Jamaica (NC). lIach club member may bring
,.ear figure, 40' hours each week exit from the supermarket than' - room procedure presented by A' J~suit- missionary here' has .. guest to this ineet~ng. -let's' see: • girl marries when' from the church. ' M r s . RussellColllnge and a com- been congratulated by His HoliA me is 20 years of -age, grocery' In church, six or .even.m- mittee of the Association of the ness Pope- Pius XII for his work '/ ustraliq Catholics
·~ops.unti1 she is. a "girl'.' of- 70. ners bound for a general confes- Sacred Hearts, West Har~ich. in promoting the credit union SYDNEY, Australia (NC)~
'Fifty years;' Say 'sre _does the Ilion can keep you longer thaD, . - Rev. David A. O'Brien, -pastor movement here in .the West The Catholic population" of
....eek-endmarketing.· on ·Friday.· say, -. line of'18 when the Sainu of 'St. Margaret's.church, opened Indies. . Australia now exceeds two·_mil :. With crowc;ied .~to~~s; it takes .at come marching in. . ' the meeting with prayer and in a liQn_, . the 1958 edition of' th .. e
He is Father John PeterSulll _.
When you're in . ' grocery' brief-address exhorted the memAustralasia!! Catholic Director7 best.one,and ,.one-halfhoul·s. On : lSaturdaY,sbe:gOes again for -tore,- you can see what you're 'bers' to· continue to strengthen van, ·S.J.; director' of the co- reveals. - operative department 'of St. .arne a dd ed'. th'i ngs-.- - per h aps counting if . you're any· good .at ........, Lay ~postolate. - ' The exact -figure given b After Benediction of the Most GeOrge:s College and -managing .2,010,165, as against 1,804,658 eompany. Js~ eomi_ng ":""al'lother _all in estimating b8skeu:" . -'''-u'r -, S ' ·ke t"eermg ill .. _ art. ' , Blessed ' au " _. ,:.' ;. ' . upermar _- Sacrament, which fol- director of the Jamaica' Credl't listed in the 1957 directOl:y,:--:a lowed ,the meeting, Mrs. Jameson Union League. Father Sullivan gain of 205,507 for'the year m ·On ,Monday·, .slle stops by the _ore for· mille .and; bread, the Fall Riyer Student Risser, preSIdent, and members is a .native of Boston, Mass. a _nation of about lO'millio!',· illways-run-out-ofs - still' anW,ons Honor M---'a'----,-----------------------~----.-,.-------.:..:.... .ther half hour. Another halfeu
:hour on Wednesday, a total of ,Miss Mary Castro, daughter
three and one-half hours'for the of .Mr. ·and. Mrs. Joseph Ca~
.week, and this is probably mini- of· 424 No. Underwood' St., '_ _JIlum;' Multiply that by -the 52 '- honor studeDt at the Academy of
weeks in the yea: and we find' the Sacred Hearts, Fall River,
12 hoUl~s • year _spent· in the ,has rec'eived a notification, from
«I'ocery store. -Multiply this by Wesleyan University that she . '50 for the 50 yea-rs and there merited Honorable Mention in
are 9,100 hours. or approximately the ~957-58 OUR TIMES Schol
228 40-hour weeks. Hence, the arshlp Program' in Current Al. four -and one-half years. fairs. . . .
The figures arrived at in this BeSIdes qualifymg for the pre eolumn represerit a cross-section . liminary requirements and ex
of interrogation' of women old aminations,. Miss Castro submit
and young and in-between ' ted a 750-word essay on ~'The
Matter of fact, women' being Algerian Crisis". Although she
just people; ther~ are all kinds. ~as not the reciI?ient of a finan
, There are the truly efficient _clal reward, MISS. Castro was
who "freezer shop" ·three or four congratulated on the fact_ that
- times • year an-d_ can quote im- she excelled among. hundreds of
. pressi~(dig,ur~s orrtheir savings. co.nte~tants from 4~ ~tates, the"
Most of ,us }lren't ~hat thrift~ or ~~:r.lCt of Columbia, and Ha . ,that foreSIghted, or I we Just I ;t'
· plain get·.U_red'of :frozen foods. 9ta d'! grecob~lt lon· of hher ~~1 . Then. there 'are the ones who . n m_ all y sh . e as uccn Just have to !'stop by th t " pres~nted the _Charles Pal~er
-. ' .. . e s ,Qre DavIS Medal for 11 .
every day, ,s~bconsciously~now- current events, a~~:a:i:: ~;
l1I meet. a frIendly a splendid recommendation from
ing _they person. ,-Wlth. a cr~vmg for hu- Wesleyan University to the col
man -comp~ru!>nshlp, they find . lege of her choice
that the supermarket provides . . a psychological boost. . Teachers Guild These day-by-day "stop bys" . .
ean prove mighty expensive, BOMBAY (NC)-A guild to
filling cars with "specials" which foster "the spiritual life"... · of
are not really money-saving and Catholic teachers' has been
add only frills to the budgeted founded in the Bombay arcb
menus of the week. Perhaps, diocese..
though, the slight ad,dition to the r;o.=~"*==~~-~,,*~~
grocery bill saves a session with a .psychiatrist.. :., ( .If anyone Keep my word, he Certain Sociability For' most women the super will never. see You give your youngsters milk to go - and grow - on. Naturally, you want to give market shopping has come to death. them the best And the best is Hood. Because there's extra quality in every drop. be a -break in the day's occupa Beca~ Hood sets standards for richness and purity that fill exceed the state and tion, whether it be daily, weekly, . John 8:51 local requirementS for !lcceptable milk. Because Hood lives up to semi": or tri-weekly. Tots can these standards day in, day out. That'll why you get extra richness, go along, sit in the provided seats in ·the baskets. Older children purity, and quality f~ Hood. JEWELED CROSS can congregate in the corner COMPANY
where they read comics and get ,MO. •JTlUOIO. "'$1.
...."""ACTUlflJ., .
acquainted,' those still older can C1l'-KI.FIXE~_ ~ A~fS • ~llC>f:'l 'f~e ~ mOBteconomicals~e. >
h I E I· . . Sacramen.,-t f ,at er D a ey xp alns
At Women.'s Council Meeting
Your Men of Tomorrow
.deserve the extra quality of Hood },filk
Known' and trusW since 181,6
Today's Fashions
THE ANCHORThurs., March 6, 1958
Continental Look Feat~res Milady's Mew Spring Suits
Hyacinth Circle
Presents Play
By Ellen Kelley Spring is at hand in the new longer and slimmer gloves. The crisp, young "shorties" are even a little longer .. just a shade above the wrist bone for the new, tapered look. Too, sleeves on the new Spring coats and suits demand a long, slender length in gloves. ICmi-fit, the peignoir silhouette. Gloves of double-woven .cot-· They're loveliest in light pas ton are leading favorites. tels, bright shadings, muted Popular too, are nylon and tones. My favorite was a black
nylon-blend fabric gloves, lacey and-white, hand-loomed Irish crocheted gloves, glace and' tweed .. a gently tailored suit that will depend upon an exoti suede gloves. All-are avail 'cally styled white hat and gloves, able' in a veritable Spring rain bow of colors and shadings . . black calfskin pumps and 'hand with plenty of always"popular bag .. to be utterly alluring! A pace-setting fashion for white, and black. Posy-printed, and delightfully Spring is the textured wool coat.. eye-compelling are "Mademoi~ It is superb in Canary Red . '. in selle" shoes .' . with matching· Forstmann's Chungo : . is regally. priilted headband, hand bag and cut by L.ouis Goldstein. It's: gloves! You'll note them in redS, genuinely lovely, definitely pace setting .' . very obviously Spring, blues, greens,' gold tones....:..ruri . ni ng riot on a field of white' ' 5 8 ! ' linen. Indeed, there's no better Spring Wool Dress accessory idea to set off a,color I admired a new and beautiful .. to pick t!P a color ... to wear basic Spring wool 'dress this with all the brilliant new whites morning.· It's a "wardrobe and brights of the colorful ·sea bbilding" sheath with soft hip IOn at the door.· pleats and notched neckline . . Take, to the fresh look of the that you can dress .up or down flowering accessory.. Pluck a by a change of accessories! Tail posy print or two from .the ored in feather-weight black, charming new collections bloom-' navy, beige or Spring blue wool ing noy.. .• for the resort-anQ · . it is available in sizes for cruise .planners .. for wear late!;", Misses and for, women .. will do here "up North!" .. , ' an' excellent job of flattering Upswept Hats each sizet Fashion Forecast for Spring, An immediate success is "the 1958 - "Upswept Hats!',' . Ye~; late-day silk dress" .. an exotic you'll note with delight, upswept flow of dark, 'liquid' silk brims, rollers, bretons, wattea'us skirted with soft'cartridge pleats and padres! There is, indeed a and illuminated with sheer insets world of variety in the new of marquisette. Wear it now, brims! when the weather says "Winter" There are plenty of upswept · . but your heart says "It's crowns, too .. that just sit upon Spring!" the head and have "air space':: Movemcnt in Jewelry between the hair and hat . . "The Chemise" calls for square crowns that look like roof ''movement-in jewelry! Wind a tops or pointed crowns resem rope of beads three times around bling steeples or cones. your neck .. let it swing! Some Popular, too . . is the new necklaces are shorter than ropes, "chemise" hat . . it's a young, are sort of off-beat in length. IOphisticated. cloche-the kind It's fun to wear the different you just tuck your hair into and lengths. together. Dangle or look pretty! It's deep-crowned', ,drop' ear-rings are your ticket as it was in the 20s, but with a · . when you wear the Chemise new. light-weight, delicate air Dress. A. pendant pin does won .. with the beauty of line ; . the ders too .. for a starkly simple simple length of "the chemise" Chemise. . ' dress. Worn, together._they're :. C910r-:coordinate.your'jewelry nothing short of ,-devastatingl to your costume. You cal) match Just about every gal wants' a' ~ny rea·dy~~O'7'wear,. :c9;I~r . WW~ new· suit or two this Spring. jewelry. For navy, how about Here again, the suit, like, the a red/wl1ite/blue thoker?' For cloche, follows the "Chemise" charcoal gray wool\ or crepe'. . look. Yes, "The Chemise Suit" try the highly colorful new is newest of all the suit versions metal jewelry (copper or. brass!) of the spectacular "Chemise Sil IncidentallY,white .is terri~ic\ houette"! with white or a' white' ground' It's the suit with a rolling print. collar ... it's jacket just touches '. And-there's a'. new 'interest the hips .. it has only a 'hint of in pearls. The m;w '~at 'fi~ish shaping in front .. buttons down pearl also appears in" pastel the back for added fashion in tones, and there are ·pearl col terest. One lovely that 1 ad-_ ors to match navy, beige or gray. mired yesterday was deftly tail A rope of pearls and a gold ored in Stroock's black and white chain make a dramatic duo! wool-and-silk tweed.' Anoth~r Pearl ropes are perfect with the beauty was made of light blue chemise : : add pearl drop ear wool flannel • • was classically rings . • and you have "The .imp.le . . teamed with violet Look!" accessories .. with telling efft!ct. Imported Suits Speaking of Spring suits .• ·i want to' acclaim the ····just...; arrived - from - France, England, Inc. .......
",'-' Scotland; Ireland and.' HalY. wits. They're made' of,,~ ~ft . tweeds,. fine-textured. wools ~: defini'tely typical of: th.e .import. ' :549 COUNTY ST. . " . They're distinctively styledsoits . • . have the Continental look.. '. . 'NEW BEDFORD, MASS. feature the 'elongated jack~t; 'the .
CYO SE"'ING CL'ASS': The Fall RiverGirls eya has some enthusiastic sewing students. Admiring their ,handi work are, left to right, Barbara Plummer, Mt. St. Mary . Acad~my, Mrs. Wilfred Oarand, instructor, Jeanne Plante, Lise 'Toupin, and. \Madeline Pineault, all of' Jesus-Mary Academy. .'
Sewi.;,.g. Cla$s. Has
Graduation !from the weekly by Miss Catherine Coughlin, is two-hour seWing class, Inter being sponsored by the Spiritual mediate Divi~on sponsored by Committee under the direction the Fall Riv~r CYO, was ob of Mrs. John J. Sullivan and served with a style show. will be supervised by Miss Mary Under the direction of Mrs. Cronin, director of the Girls' Wilfred E. Garand· of Notre CYO, with the allsistance' of the Dame Parish' and Mrs.. Michael sewing instructors and students. McConnon of i St. Mary's Cathe When it is completed Father dral Parish ,seven girls com Sullivan will display the vest pIeted the c~urse in fundamental ~ents and explain their use and sewing and received, the, con hIstory. gratulations' of their -instructors and Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Second Conference' CYO direc,tor: .The grado-ates and their At Buzzards Bay At St. Margaret's Church, achievements. were as follows: Mount St. Mary Academy Buz~ards Bay, th~ second .Cana students-BaIibara Ann Nikinas, Conference for married couple. grey tweed skirt; Francis in that area will be held in the Mosen, brown woolen skirt; Ann parish hall at 8' P. M. on Tues Marie Vogel, grey check skirt; day; March 11. This conference Barbara Plummer, ·red plaid. deals with the parent-child re:" ,lation'ship in a discussion of skirt-waist dress.. Jesus Mary ,Academy. student. paren~' dutiell and obligation. to children from infancy to -:-J~ann~ . ,Plapte,-, .bl,ue .f~red puberty. .' .' skirt-wai:?t dre~s;, ~ll.delin~ .PJ-. Rev. J9hn P. D'~iscoll of S5. neault, red, ~otton flared Skirt;. Lisa Turpin, blu~. Austrlll_ian Peter and Paul Church and woolen skirt. Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy,. These girlS have volunteered Sacred Heart Church, diocesan their assistaQce 'in making a set director of the Family Life of solemn vestments for a young Bureau, ,both c;»f'Fall River, 'will Benedictine seminarian who will conduct the conference which 'is be ordained·' thi~ Spring. This sponsored by the :Diocesan Fam-' project, proposed' and designed i1y Life Bureau. "
Daughters of Isabella, Hya. cinth Ci~cle 71 of N~w Be~ford, viewed an original play ill Mount Carmel Hall entitled "Scenes: From Lo~rdes," writtell ,and narrate,d by Miss Ellell Gaughan. Commemorating the 100th an niversary of the first Appari tion at Lourdes, the play con sisted of a series of dramatic scenes emphasizing the major events in the life of St. Berna dette from the day of her first vision until she left her home for the convent. The impact of these events upon her faniily and acquaintances, was portrayed 'ill dramatic. form. . The 'cast included: Bernadette Soubirous, Miss Anne' .Ma~ie Splaine; Madame Soubir()t.I~ Miss Natalie Ferreira; Marie Soubirous, Miss Priscilla Da Prato; Aunt Basile, Mrs. Blanche King. Antoinette, Miss Martha Doughlas; Madame Millet, Mi. Lydia Pacheco; Mlle. Estrada. Mrs. Cecelia Weaver; Madame Croisine, Miss Dorothy GibbS; Jeanne, Miss Jean Parkinson, and Woman, Mrs. Lillian Guth rie. Musical background' through out the program was furnished by' Miss Hilda Matthews. Par ticipating in a tableau at the conclusion of the program were Miss Theresa Feehan and Mia Splaine. Miss E.ileen MarshaB was prompter and assisting be hind the scenes was Mrs. Jam~ Hesford. Glee Club members who en tertained under the direction of Mrs. Elizabeth Markey were Mrs. Catherine LeTendre, Mra. Mary O'Connor, Mrs. Florence Carter, Mrs. Margaret Dias, Mra. Betty Rogers, Mrs. Ella Hines. Mrs. Minnie Maguire, Mra. Amelia Bramwell, Mrs. Loretta Langis, Miss Alice Tatro, Mi. Alice Miller and Miss Ethel r. Almada.
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10 Thurs.,':"'THE ANCHOR 6, 1958
Balancing' the. Books
Recommends Risen Christ'
And Approach to Penance
Doctor D'Errico
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy This'is a time of year when we are-or s~ould b~ occupied in a special way with the rassion of ChrIst and HIs Resurrection: The two cannot be dIvorced, although we may habitually suppose that· they can. Our blessed Lord, when He speaks in the Gospels of thought of death," writes Father'
, the sufferings nnd 'death Van Zeller, "the Christia? asce · h 't Him speaks as tic has always before hIm the
Wh IC awal . ' thought of life in Christ. Where
~ell of the. trIUmph ~n~ the the one makes i~ his resolve to
glory in WhICh they wI.ll Issue. Our Lent should be aImed at E a s t e r, and there is some · thing radically wrong if the spiritual exer cises which we pursue during the 40 days end 8~ruptl! on ~~.e
Day a , t!te Resurrec tion. . . T be rke are ..' . \ • 1 two boo snow h <1' h' h' mightily help. at .an w ICt"nC:~mperfect con us It? cor~n·ecthII'S· regard One is · eep Ions I . A h to Penance by Dom Zeller, O.S,B. (Sheed 'and Ward. $2.50); the other is The RIsen. Christ by Caryll Houselander .(Sheed and Ward. ' $2:75')~' Britti are lean, and lumi: ". I DOUS.' ..... 'r.ean, ,I' si:!y, . ~ecause '.,' '. neither 'is 'ericumbered'wlth the .. , ......, f t f "b''''ge' they' have :cerL!'
refuse the body all that can keep
alive its desires, the other"makes
it his resolve to refuse the body
all that weakens its union with'
God. Asceticism for one means
the minimum of sustenance; as ceticism for the other means the
maximum of love."
Rules for Testing Especially thought-provoking
ill the discussion, of active and
passive penance. The first is in-'
ferior to, and means virtually
nothing,-without the secon~.
That is "it is what is done to us,
more than what we do, that
.. 1 t' brmgs us '1I,lto the closes re a Ion
with Christ's passion." We put·
ourselves completely in the
f G d t d ·th He handso 0, 0 0 WI as likes, the chastening which PRIEST CONQUERS Americ.an Holy follows· 115 much more va.lu~ble k Af than any of our Qwn appomtmg. Ghost Father' Fredic Trumbllll;: of Kile~a, ~anganyi a, . Father Va~. 2':eller lays dowllc rica:, and a n!ltive of ·Bridgepqrt,. Conn., IS PI~.tl.!red"of~ertn~gt roles ~or. tesbng,,~~an,ce.Th.e, ',Mass a bare 2,500 'feet from the toP. of AfrIca, a pom . a . 1O~~relgn one.. IS w~ether it~': 17;000 feet, which has .been called the hi~h~st point at whIch brI~gs., a~u~ ,harmon)' ~,." Mass'l's'kn'own to have been offered. ASSIstIng. Father Trum ·Chrlst,ChrlstIan,peace·andJoy. ,
Continued from Page One by the Catholic Youth Organ ization in 'cooperation with the Diocesan Family Life Bureau. The third conference entitled "What Does the Catholic Doctor See in Marriage" will be giveD by a well'~'known Fall River physician, Dr. Francis J. D'Er rico, discussing the conditioning necessary for marriage by phys ical, psychological and mental health. Dr. D'Errico will explain the qualities of the sanctity of the body and the holiness of pro creation, A question and answer period will conclude the confer ence. Last Sunday's talk by Re1l, Reginald M. Barrette of st. Roch's Church, Fall River, dis cussed the legal aspects of mal' riage as a sacrament and a con tract. It was entitled "The 'Church Looks at Marriage," and the session was attended by 400 young adults. At the Kennedy Comm'unity ,Center in New Bedford, 801 young adults heard Rey. Jam~ A. Clark of St. Mary's Church, New Bedford, speak on "What Is This Thing Cfilled Love." F'ather CIa r k discussed .the Christian .concept 'of love and also talked about, the purpose and duration of courtship: The number of those attend ing in' ~ew Bedford has included large groups of .young adults of the Protestant and Jewish faiths. This coming Sunday in New Bedford Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca of Immaculate Con c e p t i 0 • Church will speak on "Lookinl Ahead." Father Mendonca wiD discuss the preparation for mal' . riage, probl~ms involved in mar riMe, qualities to be developed for ma·ri"iage. . . Mr.' and' Mrs. Albert Morris of the Spiritual Committee wiD preside' at the session.
':in °th~~~~~ ~ offer';' ~l!d pre He concludes with.some s~irring bull~Wthe'historiCMass'isMr. John Tunstall, leader of·the lent them 'directly. And lumi words about the Mass, WhICh he British Kilimanjaro Exposition, a conver~, whoinvitedt,he nous, becau'sedn ea·ch. a light is proposes as "an alrno~t unbroken "missioner to accompany the ¢linibto Kili~~nJaro~~.summit. kindled the first page and hymn of repentance. , "'; ." burns'.' without blinking right ·RiSe~ 'Christ' ~ Him in others. through to the last. . Father Van Zeller's excellent Transforms Existence , . . . . "If book . fits .in .nicely 'with Miss see everyone: in our'life' Penance Neglected Houselander's. She 'begins with' 'a's 'another Christ,' n 'she says," We hear much of·the indis.... the statement ''Our'Christ''life "we sh'ali treat everyone with' , RO:ME(NC)~:ita~i~n PrerPier p,': pensability 'of' penance; but most is the life of the Risen: Chiist."'· the' re~erence 'and 'objectivity . Adone Zoli ,defended a. Rome of, us' k.riow .sadly little of' J~ This. is' nothing new. St. Paul that mu'sf grow 'into love, and as Cardinal during a debate, in the what, and why, and how of It. said precisely that 20 centuries a matter of sheer logic we shall Senate against charges of thrust Father Van Zeller briskly routs ago. . . accept wliatever they bring to us'. ing the Church into politics: our ignorance. To the Romans he wrote, '''In in the' way of joy or sorrow or Premier Zoli said that an ar Yes, he sa:l!'s, pena~ce is abso-, our baptism we' have been responsibility, as coming from iicle of His Eminence' Alfredo Jutely necessary. Our ,blessed buried with Him, died like Him, the hand of Christ. .. Once that Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Secre ELECTRICAL
Lord .Himself has t.old us so. that so, just as Christ was raised is understood' we can. never tary of the Sacred Congregation' CONTRACTORS
Nobody is exempt from its prac by His Father's Power from the again feel completely frustrated of 'the Holy Office, in which the tice.. But· it is much neglected dead we too might live and by anyone, or lose the serenity Cardinal warned Catholic poli- " Residential _ Commercial
today. The reason is that it is mov~ in a new kind ·of exist of our minds by nursing. a griev tici~ms against using the Church Industrial
generally c0':lceived of.~s nega~ ence. We' have_ to .be closely ance," , for their own political benefit, 633 Broadwciy,'Fall'.River
tive, sel~-;certered, and' perh/aps fitted' intO'the . patteril.' of· His.. . 'She ·treats of· work\even the was within the Cardinal's' right ihowy or spectacular. , 'resurrection as we have been· most.. ordinary 'and· tedious, as asa churchman' arid a citizen'. , ", ; . ()S 3-.1691, its essence is turning wholly into the pattern of'liis death.,.. irradiated' by the risen life: of In the'- article, printed in Ii. '~~~~~~'~"~~~~_::' ~_~~ to God. "This' is quintes,sentially You' too mtist thirik" 'of your- " the acquisition,in the Easter Quotidiano, Rom'e's Catholic. Ac':' . , positive. i\nd so are"the faith, selv~s as"dead to'siri; and alive· modeof·the 'mind of':Christ; of, tiondaily, the Cardinal was.crit-· .the hope, and the love which'a~e with a lIfe wtlichlooks~towa.r'~s :th,e' r~;t--.:that is, the 'patien'~e--': ical of' officeholder.s: in .certain ; . . ~,~ . · necessary to. penance rightly God, thr?,ughChrist our of the Resurrection.·' A; host of he"didn:ot d l' understood. Moreover, penance.' . Lord" . ." .. , ' , t h e :plain, familiar features'. of :... who betraY.,their reljgious con ' Is the very, reyerse of self-ceri 'Th~ Christian' th~n >'if he,is, 'our humble, rQutine. she relates . ~ictioris .,lind "!lhow:. that' they.. , . tered:,.. it is' Goq,..center.ed, or' it trulya' Christia';' '1Ives"dailythe ' ',to. Christ ;rise~" indicating' how' ):uive their OWN aWbi.ti9ns" polit- . ,,'"'''' "is iIot pena.nce· at all; ,And it is··ri·sen·'iifeof·Ch~ist:.'·Itise~sy ,.our."whole.. existence,.is tr'iins-', 'ical success or social.positions , , . CI.TIES SERVICE , at its· best and f~dlest 'when' it· 'to' say. 'It'sotirid$' oea\itiful.· But. formed .if, we. pursue . it' in' His more at heart than the progress' , DISTRIBUTORS , Is int~ri?r .and s~c~~t. .. what,' practicaliy, does it !"~ap? " .company.,.· , . :1 "," ~,' 'towatd' a better'w6rld in which' , ~., I~~e. ruljng ~rI~Clp~e m ~~- In this last book,. written~hen .' The writing in, Miss ~(juse- " the Church" seeks' tel iead: hu-' . ance IS that It ~s, In Ch~I~t I she was already m;the shadow lander's book is more poetIc than manity." Gasoline · n.ame,·, after Christ s example, of d~ath, 'Miss Houselander set that 'in Father Van . Zeller's. ~)ooCJ~)()OClOC)oOC)oOO~)()02 , and effects in us an ever c~o~er out to tell, us. And the pages are instinct with Fuel and' Range iden~ity with Him. The suffering Love Dominates Easter serenity, But both books CONTRACTORS it involves is linked with His She 'examines those rather have a common spirit, a common suffering' and 'has the same end: alighted portions of the Gospels vision. Each is valuable in itself: and .: satisfaction for sin. It is the which deal with the 40 days of but the value Of each is height OIL BURNERS shouldering of the cross w!th Christ's risen life, the few weeks ened by a reading of the other. BUILDERS Him the particular cross WhICh between the Resurrection and .. . G. E. BOiLER BURNER UNITS He ~ssigns_ to us, Our manner of the Ascension. In them" she finds ' bearing .the cross must be the' clues which ~ost of us have John B. For prompt deliv.ery same .as' His,and the most im never noticed. ' " & Day & Nfght Service portant thing.' is the motive--: She shows' that the dominant love. feature is love. "Love that is RJral Bottled Gas Service .'., . : ProcesS of. Disciplfine ligh£ and peace. Love ,thl!t for "finest since 1877" United' with Christ, we are gives and heals and, sustains, and Sons, Inc. 61 COHANNET ST. [ still not the same 'as Christ, We ,that makes' us one. Love that . Same day -service . TAUNTOt04 are sinners; He was not. The gives life to the ·world and gives' OSTERVILLE if .desired! Attleboro - No. Attleboro consequences of original sin beauty to life.. Love that is food, GArden 8-6509 Taunton hobble us; He was unto'uched by and clothing and water for 3~SS28 them..We have to discipline the ·thirst. Love that is bread." will, the mind, the imagination, She calls our attention to all ,6 CAMPBELL ST. the senses, for, in our case, there the homely little things which is disorder in all of them. Some Christ in glory did, the ~veryday NEW .BEDFORD . of Father Van Zeller's most tell things which He touched with ing suggestions haye to do ~ith Easter splendor. -In a very,strik this process of discipline. ing passage she demonstrates INCORPORATED 1937 Thus, wqile saying some of the His approach to people: in each standard things' about disCipline appearance He - let thqse con of the will, he' accentuates the cerned discover in their own way yielding of the will to the will of that it was He. Third Order Regular of God. One can, train and harden ' And we, as we pursue our .... St. Francis the will and still accomplish . vocation of showing forth Christ very ·little. The point is making to others,' must do the same: not Offer to Young Men and Boys it alert and 'responsive to the spo.uti.ng fast formulas of apolo '- special opportunities to will of God; getics, . but, discerning 'and' ap,..· study for the Priestho,od. Lack JAMES H.COLlINS,'C.E.i Pres•. . of, funds no obstacle. So, too, wi.th the affections and, pealing to: what it is in each " Registered civil and Structural Engineer .. senses. The aim is not to kill per-soil that:is most likely tore:" . .For furthe~information.write Member 'National Society Professional Engineers to these,' but to' order them aright. sPond to Christ. And there must be no Manichean She makes' much of the fact, FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R. FRANCIS L.' COLLINS, JR;, Treas. hatred and abuse of the body, for that Christ'sr'isen life· 'isa ·hid-· FR.ANCISCAN THOMAS It .COLLINS, ~y. the body is sacred and will.be den life, He',did not, dazzle me~ PREPARATORYSE~ARY glorified in the resurrection. with His 'l!tup~ndous victory; ". P. O. ,BOX-.289 .'ACADEMY BUILDING, FALL RIVER, MASS. . " . .... ,;. ., , "Where .the h~athen or heretic' --Only; His' .ow.n ·,·saw Him:. And, ,. HOLLIDAYSBURG II, PA. '. "" .. ,".' ascetic pr~poses to him'self ~' .only, His> own· toda,Y ~n'discerD '/:1, :
'on .
'Premier ,Defends Ca,'dinal ' $:'Stand
W'.'. 'H RI LEY "&" ,,SO',.' N,', I.'nc.
The, Franciscan Fathers
, THE ANCHOR. Thurs.• March 6, 1958 ,
Sodalists Aid Lepers
Spotlighting Our Schools
Stonehill N~mes
Honor Stude!l'its
ST. MARY'S HIGH, HOLY FAMILY HIGH, TAUNTON NEW BEDFORD Our Lady' of Good Counsel Rev. James J. Do:_c, C.S.C., The Sodality. at its third meet Sodality is sponsoring, a band dean of Stonehill College, today ing, elected officers for the age drive in response to a re announced the college honor month of March. Those elected quest for bandages by' the Jesuit students. To qualify' for the were Jane O'Hearne '59, prefect; Missions. Although the actual Joyce Gamache '60, vice prefect; Dean's List, students must at rolling and cutting will be done tain a semester aver:age of 85 Suzanpe Milot "59, secretary; by the Sodalists, the entire stu or over. and Mary Beth Riley '60, treas dent body is taking part in the Diocesan residents winning urer. donation of material. The need honors for the first semester A committee was chosen to is very great. Almost any color make a survey during Catholic were the following: or type of bandage will be wel Taunton Press Month of how many fam comed by the Lepers who are Seniors Robert V. Byrne, 39 ilies at St. Mary's High are sub presently using dried· leaves in scribing to The Anchor. The Cedar Street; Paul D. Cayer, 443 lieu of bandages. The drive is West Britannia Street; Edward members of this committee are scheduled to continue for the A. Roster, 168 Tremont Street; Sandra 'Lavoie and Joan Silva, remainder of the school year. John E. Sullivan, 26 Briggs juniors, and J'oyce Gamache and The Freshman Class sponsored Alyce Yelle, sophomores. Street. a program last Friday for Ron Juniors - Frances N. Papa Members were chosen for a ald Carlin who will enter Bos zoni, 1 Kilmer Avenue; Evelyn film committee ·which will post ton Children's Hospital to un A. Rice, 6 Grant Street; Jame. the ratings of movies playing at dergo surgery. Ronald ·will not R. Tormey, 151 Broadway. local theatres. Cynthia Sullivan, return to school this year, but Sophomore-Thomas H. Flan Beverly Oliveira, Lucille De his classmates thought of a way gheddy, 128 Whittenton Street. to keep in touch with him, Each mers and Carol Duarte were Freshmen - Armand Yelle, 82 , week he will receive a' copy of chosen. At the next meeting School Street; Alfred Fraga, 115 questions concerning daily duties the Sports Caster, an illustrated Tremont Street. will be submitted for panel dis sports magazine, which his class East Taunton cussion at the general meeting Freshman - John R .. Brassard, mates hope will brighten the in Fall River. AMERICAN STUDENTS' LOSING OUT? Although 195 Cas-,.vellStreet. hours of his convalescence. Fall River The basketball team finished Martha Egan '54 has been Edda Gnad,exchange student from Vienna, Austria, con elected to appear in the 1957-58 Seniors - Carol A. Braga, 2'1 the season in fifth place in the cedes mathematics isn't "her cup of tea," she feels American Heatley Street; Jean A. Guil issue of "Who's Who' Among Norry League, having won seven students' who avoid stiffer courses in favor of easy electives mette, 1618 Slade Street. Students in, American Colleges out of nine tries. Their initial are losing out. A 17-year old ju~ior at Holy Name Academy, Junior - John D. Connell, 131 encounter in the 'Bay State and Universities." While at Tournament ended in a 54-36 tending St. Mary's, Miss Egan Seattle, Miss Gnad has completed mostly in Austrian schools, Martha Street;' Sophomore - Felix R. Jan was the business manager of· th ' an d... ch emlS . t ryan d h Icovere d victory against Norfolk County the Corona and is now editor~iilree YE\li.rS 0 f Ph YSICS as a so son,. 219 New Boston Road. . Agricultural School:' Thomas Freshm~n- Carol Ann D\I Muldoon, who has' been a high ,chief :ofthe . Eminimuel Year-'. ; biology, ,algebra,g~9metry, trig'oJiqriIetrY;,andwQrld,history. book. She speaks English fluelltly, ~pd. has st4died, Italian 81ld, gan, 162 Mct;l(jskey Street; Al scorer all season;' sc~ted 26 of the team's 54 points: B'Elcause' of In accordance with 'the celJfr~n~h. i She is. pict~red with Sr. Cornelius Marie" who is , bert. D. lt0Y, .J,r., 65. Walk. Stre~t. his high score in this' game he is ebration of Catholic Book Week, gjving Edda. an ~rt lesson.' NC Phot'os . Somerset ", the, se.nior class ga:ve book re-. ., eligible for a t~ophy. ..' . Senior -Richard 1. Kaegael, Holy Family Debaters' met the views on Christian "literature. 7~ R,ipjey Stree1. Dominican Academy Debaters Some of the well-know'n C;ith Sophomore -:- David' Botelho. yesterday in a Narry' League olic authors whose books have 1592 CountYo Street. been reviewed are Hilaire Bel-. ,eav~s O~,I Debate. Rochelle 'Oiivier and . New Bedford' Una Raymond repres~rited Do loc, <;r. K. Chesterton, R(jbert. BUEN()S _AIRES, __ Argentina "tudes Frondizi ,will take to the Seniors ~ Rose E. Gillin, 21' minican Academy a'rid'the var Hugh Benson, Evelyn Waugh (NC)-The futare status of .the Cliurch once in. office, sity J;'epresentatives' from Holy and Cardinal Newman. The stu Church 'in Al-gentina.· ren1ains, Frondizi has. r~pudi;'lted any. Summer: Street; Bernard T. Swansey, . 53 Vine Street; Ed Family were Martha'rilarie Rog dents did not 'concentrate on vague and. undefined. with the: Marxist support a.nd has ire ers 'and Roseanne Thomas. 'The Catholic authors alone, but re election of Arturo Frondizi, can- quently voiced his agreement ward J. Tynan, 42 County Street. Sophomore - Kaye R. Ciao judges' decision was a tie' score. viewed some of the greatest didate of ·the leftwing Intransi- with many of the Church's re The JV team lost to Dominican works in English literature. gent Radical party, to the counquests despite protests from his re1ie, 68 Hillman Street. Freshmen - Frederick J. Mc Sister Stella James,S.U.S.C.,. try's presidency. party's leaders. JVs. Loughlin, 22 Robeson Street; Roseanne Thomas is the win will attend the New England . Early: returns indicate that Pauline M. Lapre, 27 Roy Street. ner of the Stonehill College meeting of the National Cath Mr. FrQndizi beat his nearest ew uarters Acushnet scholarship offered to students olic Business Association at Rose' rival, Ricardo Balbin, the candiVATICAN CITY (NC) - Six Sophomore Paul A. La in the area. Roseanne, who is Hawthorne School in Concord date- of the People's Radical of the 12 Sacred Congregations rocque, 88 Washington Street. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. next Saturday. Sister is in party, by more than 1,500,000 which administer a great por South Dartmouth George J. Thomas of 426 Rivet charge of the business depart . votes. i tion of the Church's affairs will Sophomore-Theresa C. Theo Street, was adjudged the win ment at the high scltooi. .l'ofr. Frondizi had d.isclaimed move into new quarters close dore, 29 }fartford Stree~. ner as a r,esl,llt. of a ~ompetitive . reports, that he ,had the backIng' to. St. Peter..'s b,asilic;a' ,~his sum North Dartmouth examination given some months , of Arge-ntina'sCommunist ,and ,mer., . ' '.' . Freshman Rochelle M. . According to an announce-.. ago by the C6llege. The'scholar Champ~gne,' Connecti~ut Ave other extreme leftist: parties. "mept of the Vatican, C.ity Gov ship will entitle her to one':half But observers here. feel that , 'ernmerit, the congregations now nue. of the tuition fee over a period North Easton' of four years. The ,winner has
PITTSBURGH . (1'lC) - Se~en there is.Iittle doubt ,that his 'suc'- . h~used in t.ne' Sal), Callisto Senior' - Robert J. Wooster, ceSs w~s partly. due . to large building in the nearby Trastemaintained high honor grades' students from a two-room Cath , , : ' vere district'" will have offices 16 Sherid;;\r' Street. during her four years at Holy olie 'school in ··theGlenfleld\lCc-, Peronist support. Junior - William F: Farren, Points of ,Interest . in two buildings which enclose' Family.
'., tion of Pit.tsburgh '''stole the. 56 . Day Street. ' : The major' points of' interest 'St.' Petet's square. ' . , SACRED HEART ACADEMY,
show" 'at a geography eXQibit Freshman .:... Ellen ~Hankina. Final work on the build FALL RIVER
held in ·the Buhl Planetarium to the' ;Church in 'the,'. eleCtiori Street. concerned' state monopoly' ~f " iilgs is expected' to be' completed . " 27 Linden ' Debators Barbara Levesque " here. ' . . education, absolute ,separation of . within fwo or three' 'months. and Winifred,Welch downed' the, 'Theyourig'stt~rs~ p~pils in the Church and state and' legalized" 'BI" , ' k' '1' k··"j representatives from : De La' \,firs~, thre~ grad~s' at ,S,t. Mary~s divorce!> - all·' suggested' ' as ac n·: Salle of Newport in the debate . School,Glenfield, almost. made a amendments to the national eon-" . ST;' LOUIS (NC)-'-St. Louis' held recently at the AcadelT)Y. clean sweep of the awards in stitution. ,. .University finished the fiscal The Debrabant debators reprethree different primary school Though Frondizi's party, an year 1956-57 in the black for the sen ted the affirmative view of categories: pictures and posters, offshoot from the anti-clerical ' third straight year. the foreign aid topic. notebooks and geographic layliberal: People's Radical pa'rty, A rosary' each Wednesday outs. has a great similarity to its r""'-~--------------~ during the Lenten season for the Under the guiding hand of mother' party and includes many' Church in Silence is the latest their teacher, Sister M. Camilla, Marxists in its ranks, it is still project of the Sodality. This they won seven of a possible uncertain precisely what atti recitation of 'Our Lady's prilyer twelve awards. The competition You Have' : has been attended volun~arily by was open to both Catholic and 80 per cent of the student body pubiic schools. A total of' 46 who sacrificed a portion of their Catholic students and .teachers , At OUR LADY OF .' recreation period to attend the won individual and.' group chapel exerCise. ,. awards. THE 'ASSUMPTION, .. Insurance A.gency Taking part in a French II ,," 'CHURCH .:54 PLEASANT STREET Class play' "Le Malad~ Imagi Fall River OS 8-5677 SO, Sixth 'and, 'Cherry Sts. naire" by Moliere are: Theresa : NORTH ATTLEBORO ' New Bedford Gomes, Rita Faria, MaryLou 373 New Boston Road : TEL. MYrtle 9-8231 Daily' Evening Mass Simcoe, Jean Callahan, Ann (Except Sunday) Midwood, Sandra Seneca, Bev ~------~--------------~ erly Core-. and Gail Roberts. Plumbing - Heating 5:15 P.M. St. Patrick's Day has been Dai.y Stations of the Cross Over 3S Years
chosen as the date for the an 12:10. of Satisfied Service
nual orchestra concert which will feature many Irish melo Con~essions before all Masses Do You Work in a Factory, 806 NO. MAIN STREET
dies. Fatt.ers of the Sacred ·Hearts Garage, Machine Shop or Fall River OS 5-7497
The Fall River Mission Club Gasoline Station? presented dramatists from S.H.A. last Sunoay in a tape recording We pick up and deliver. clean of an original mission play. The an~ repair overalls. Also. we have participants included: Carol o complete line ot Coveralls. Pants Souza, Anne Delaney, Gloria and Shirts tor sale. Proulx and Agnes Crombie and We reclaim and wash any oily. Winifred Welch and Mary Eliz abeth Di Nucci, sophomores., dirty or greasy rags. Christ was portrayed by ~ay Why Buy When We Supply Green Room . . . "Chariot 'ROf)m Welch.
Arg'eintine' ,Presid,ential EI'ec,t,i'on L Ch V
" urc h., P -t-Ion 'agile
Smcill School
,Steals Show,
, .;,
: What
,, ,,, ,, ,,
- Attention Mechanics!
Catholic University LISBON (NC)-A proposal to erente a Cath9lic University 01. Portugal at Braga will soon be introduced into the Portuiue.e National AS&embI7.
Wedgewood Room
Business Breakfasts,! Parties 'Available for Social Orgoniations
.OSborne 6.,;8221 ., .\
lfhone· WY
t r Howard' Ave.. New Bedford .-6~2f
or WY 9-6.25
12 ,<
Foreign Aid Pr9gr~m.... ,
Writer Resents.,Confus'ing., '., G~nero~-i.ty' Wi.th '$tup'i-dity~':
.. .. , ,Thurs.,
M~~ch .~,
" , ' D~v~n]I)ori Catholic Messenger'
'By Most Rev:'Fiilton: J. Sheen, D.D.
, "
Whim people die their rehltives ask: "How much did he leave!" But the recording angel asks: "How .much did he take with'him?" It'is hard for some 'souts' to realize that even what tl.ey give away aIreiidy beiongs to the' Lon( i .' . . ". ', ... : ,.....
Bv Donald McDOnald
G~~tL~t;;~Y~~:f .
I ,
'. :
'FatherRichardGinder, who.writes a.weekly ,colurim for Our, Sunday VisiWr, devoted that column. -in the last two' weeks to an attackon the United States' foreign aid program.. This is nothing' neWj Father Ginder has frequently attacked the' idea 'of' our country giv- aid is implacable and unqUllli~ ing 'aid' to the _peoples of fi~d, I can only refer' readers ~o . .' B t" h' I t hIS column. of· Oct.. 16, '1955, In other countrIes. u IS as which' he clearly drew the line
two columns have been between Americans.and all other
Our Lord revea:Ied this lesson ,the week· . Be gave His Life. Oil PalDiSunday, "Be needed a beast for the 'journey into·.Jerus.: alem. Using' His 'ownership of creation He told His· disciples to tell· the owner . of the beast: "The Lord hath need of it," On Holy Thursday, He had need of a house. He then told His discipies to follow a man w~o was carrying a jar of water. "Follow him into the house to which he· is going and there you say to the owner of the house:· 'The Master sends word, where is the room I am to eat the Paschal meal with My dis eiides?" The room he showed was' the Upper Room where Our Lord instituted the Eucharist.
particularly' virulent. peoples, claiming that only
He says that our Senators and Americans can be called our
Congre ssm e n "brothers."
, have no "proper It happened that in that same
'r e s p e c t for month, the Pope gave an ad money, They've dress in 'which he said the
Dever had to ,"Church ·teaches ... that all men
get out and dig .~ the entire. world, according lor it."
to.thedemiu1d'.of"the Redeemer, FIRST TIME IN U. S. One He callsAmer-. .. •.
de~rv~'; l~~.e~;:.:compassion arid lean foreign .aid respect."' ': '. <~::'"'\"", . of the world's foremost 'his ~ both instances Our LOrd '~lt option on another ~.an'. . .' 'N'ovel RestriCtion torian-philosophers and soci- property without any formal transa~~ion. "The"earih is the Lord'. • G i v e a W8 y' .
Money."· .
In ~at '1955 cQlwrin, Father ologists, Chistopher D~wson, and the fullness thereof." Whatever we have is h'eld in trusteeship And he .. de":'
, 'Ginder"further impOsed a novel will visit the 'U: S. for the from God. That is why He could take, away our Possessions at any :restriction on ,the :rti~aning of. f.irst· ti.~e, from his home moment, if He willed, as He did with Job. Why notuien, while. ICribes tha.f ait::t· blessings are yours consider the following: . .,' . ' .' a s m o'ne:·y·...
Christia'ncharity::.,;,jt' only re. ' . .poured ·dow~.: __.
quires," he said,"that'we give olin England;.to lecture' at. 1) Each week, make a little sacrifiee in' Christ's Dame and at' the rathole' in .han4,0~t.s to for- ~r superfluous gQOds... It does Spokane's Gonzaga Univer the end of the month Send it to Hi!1 Vicar on Earth; the Holy Father %) This 70U caD do b7 sending. it to the Boly Father's own eigners since 1948."-:'. . not require that ~e·.go into debt sity. He will conduct a course Soeiety. for the Propagation of tbe F a i t h . . .. While t!Iere'·.i!l:.n9 thin g v~ry . .0'. that our neighbor may have of 12 lectures and 12 ,semi '. original ill' the llbov~ invective, egg in his beer much less does 3) Whatever he reeeives.through his Society for tIie Propa "Th' it IS virulept·and':it,' does ·indi- " it urge thatw€ : 'iak~ off our own nar discussions on e gation of the Faith he distributes to the Missions in' Afriea. eate an l1,ttitude· and a spirit·. shOes So thatne have two Christian I.de~·of· History," Oceania and Asia. wh!ch are, to ~aY the least, in-. pairs."..' '.. fr,<?lll ,'J une16 .to July 2~.
. 4) Be knows better 'than aD70ne the DeedS of each Mission and he equalizes distribution, which is mO!ltimpo~tant.· , ' compatible with aU that we h~ve; .Well; apart from the. fact that -Fa'ther John P. 'Leary, "S. J'.,
5) "The Lord hath need of it" . . been hearing . from . Pope PIUS' the' traditional meaning of ." .d~an of -; Gonzaga's" summer
XII about international obliga- Christian' charity .. gQes> beyonj!' .... .
. . . tions, world' justice and peace, the brushing of crumbs. off. our sessio~h says the J eSl:lit. in:"
GOD LOVE YOU to' W.X.C. for $40. sent at the- beginning of the noxiousness Of filltional sel- well-filled' tables for ·those whb .stitution feels studeiltil.wiU
"One dollar for each day' of this season." . , . to L.R; for $3 "I fish ness, the duty of str~ng and are starving, and .apar~· from the w'elcome a,'chance ,to hear'· Lent helped a friend make out his income tax, he insisted on paying; I rich nations to help' weaker na- . fact that few Americans to date"a most profound and dUll", . didn't want to take the money, can you use' it?" ..:. to Mrs. H.T.. tions, etc. ". '.. have .gjveri 'away:thejr las~pair·. lenging ,scholar. NG Photos: for 10c "I made a promise that if I 'could keep my job and'support 'Great Glveaw-ay'·. of shoes so that· a non-exIstent, , , ~ . .'. my two children I would send ten cents every' month for the rest Father: Ginde; . acknowledges prosperous ·pea.sant .in southern.:' ....' . . ·C···.:.' . of my life." ... to H.M.K. for $1 "Refused by' a ,kind man who gave 'lbat the materiaLin his last two Italy mi&hthave two pairs, we .• ~,e:w., O"s~UC ~Ion 1;l1e a push when my car was stalled...· , eolumns has' been derived 'from can comprehend:' ..*e size of -... ::.... . . : . a book called; what else?-"The 'F.ather.. 9ind~r'lietr?r only' by Will you pray for .the whole world this week? When you kneel Great Giveaway.~';;· "eomparmg.,hls 'posltIon to that .. :', ': . NEW YORK (NC)~Physical down hold a WORLDMISSION ROSARY in your hand. The colors 'He quote$ p~ragraph after of Pope PlUS XII: 'of the decades differ, r:epresentingeach of the five continents, 'and paragraph from:tlle.:bopk to s!-'p-' ·N~w.. I happen to have .enough assets of private re~igious, 'ed'u thus the prayer is offered for all the needy of the world. By sending port his contEmtiQIl. that.. a~~'p';crtment Papal quotations to . 'cational and heal.th; orgarliza an offering of $2 with your request to this office or to your Diocesan American aid.to· ·underfed, #Q.,the·space of 20 columns such· ',tirins in the U .. S,:increased' by diseased, homeless 'a!ld destittite, '\ . ~}hi$, but I will select simpl.y .~:record.· 1,892,OOO;QP:O ;in new DI,ector the WO~LDMISSION ROSARY will be yours. peoples (that's Pius' XII's; de.:.' }hlS. on.e: passage from one of hls;.eollstrtiction during 1.9!>7, an or Cut out this column, pin your s8~rifice to it ~nd mail it to the ICription of these unfor~ul1ates,'. Chrl!ltmas Messages. Let Father"";g~nizatio~ Said 'here.';:·BOt mine) is 'really only 'mol1ey~' <:;riI?d'er square, .if. be . can, his'..·. ';'; .t\ppto:X:imat~IY .' t'!\"o-thirds of Most Rev:. Fulton J. 'Sheen, National Director Q~' The Socitey for the Propagation of the F;aith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New. York I, N.Y., or ·down a rathole." att~tude an~ SPIrl.t WIth these, ',the $1;892,QOO,QOQi~ estimated to One feels that he could spend words. 0(; PlUS XII. . ':. ".,have . come "£Tom .current gift. your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE . , his n!ading time much more . , ;:> <Quotes Pontiff '. . ;.'i. <:: :an(f)~quesis"~accor:ding to the 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Ma.Sl!. profitably. by studying carerullY,,~A~onvinced Christian .caJin~t'1.J~u'1ietiri,:'6f;'the:American·A sso the 18 Christmas .Messages of eon.~il1~· himself within ~Q:,e:asrt.,:l:fieilHion;,'ofFuhd:Raising Counsel.
the Pope not to mention. the and'· ..:~g?tis~ical 'isol~H~r}§~'i77'~ii\:iOr~~,niz~tion with headquar 1C0res of other Papal allocutions when he. WItnesses u~e\~.pt7,eiiS,·:':ten·here. ',.
and addresses on !he real .facts and the. misery of his·.:b.roWer.~;\·;;'("·N····· l'g'ous construction in INC.' -. t' I l'f . ht w h ' f or h · t ' , 9)t~T:;:'· . · . . · · eluding ew reremodeling, I I of mtern~ lona I e.. H e mig en I peas. el p ·c~me'. reached, aa pay parb.cular attenbol}. to ~he uom thos~ In econ9~lc·'dl~H:~.S~;' all:'time high value of $868 mil 1952 ChrIs~mas Message which when he IS aw~re of,the,;,abu.~l:l~. lion in 1957 according to the In most~01gnant langua.ge tel.l' . of an economic Syst~W·'v.'~~~b:: report.- This'represents ari in .......'" , "
the. n:agmtude of the misery In ~ts. money abov~ .soclal. obhga- 'crease 'of 13 per cent over i956.. certam parts of- th.e wor.ld. tions; when ~e IS not .Ignora~t when the old record was set. Now what preCisely IS wrong of .the aberratIOns of an mtransl... . ... with Father Ginder's strange gent nationalism which denies N.ew hospItal constructloll attitude? Is it that he is critical or spurns the common bond. d~rl~g 1957 was valued at $505 of some of the bungling and in li~king the sepiuate nations to~I1lIon, 54 per cent ~ver the ~re efficiency that is bound to ap ,ether, and imposing C?n each ~IOUS year. E~u~abonal buIld FOANCIS DOUCET pear in any 'massive foreign' aid one of them many· and varied Ing, at $519 mIllIon, waa three program? duties toward the great family per cent under 1956. If he would limit his remark. of nations." The increase in physical assets '363 .". tD such criticism and' then go on, 'Rathole' indeed! . of these institutions brings the ~ as the Holy- Father has repeat I have no personal quarrel to~l assets ~f gift-supported in -_. '. edly done, to praise and encour with Father Ginder. I simply: atitutions in the U. S. to nearl,. age the manifest good that it :feel he has. been reading Jhe," $44, "illi~. . , accomplished for the world:s sick wrong books, listening .to the ' and the world's poor, then there wrong. people. and.retailing,the . ebviously would be nothing at wroilg ideas, '. -' . . ... , ,.• ' NEW YORK (NC)-The MacTJu ~r CtJ.tlt-olic College m tlf,eDioceseo! Fa.ll.,'RivtW aU wrong with his position. He has been,ignor~ng,:for;ye~~':millari[Company, ;:orie :of the ,"; Attacks Idea DOw,. the truiy massive evidence world's largest general publish Wha,t is wrong is that Father of contr~dictory Papal thought ers, 'has devoted its entire Fifth. Ginder is not simply attacking on international, relations and, Avenue window to a display of. the administrative mistakes that' whether he realizes ito~.not, he .:.' itsCalbolic. pUbliCations. There are occasionally mad<. in the has, in 'the 'process; 'been . ini~are 138 books of Catholic inter distribution of foreign aid. He leading th~.hundreds of. thou- est on the'companyll active list, is attacking the very idea of sands of Visitor readers who do 21of which were published foreign aid itself. ' .not suspect, I suppose, that there.,~ Within the 'past year. He is telling his readers, at are principles' and convictions least implicitly. that the United on ·foreigp. aid. and international. 'Chi-ist'ian :diarity . knows· no States has no moral obligation justice that are considerably . strings. And because American to help peoplE:s' of depressed more authoritative .than' that o~. . generosiiy .h·~is been traditionally areas in the world, that in fnet the Visitor columnist. selfless, it has been.. Christian, it is stupid and dang~rous to tol Christian Nobility whether we realize it or not, I erate much· longer any kind of Has there been some waste in hope it stays that way.
foreign aid program. our foreign aid? I suppose there
He is even opposed to low-cost has, and if so, let's cut out' the HEADQuARTERS For technical assistance s~ch as our' waste, not the. program. And
Relaxing Between Classes Point Four and the UN's various let's. not rob American' Catholics' CATHOLIC LITERATURE, • <J. self-help (an_d Pope-encouraged) of the nobility that is truly GET ACQUAINTED WITH' YOUR' COLLEGE FOR ALL AGES programs. Christian by telling them their Father Ginder may have hnp. . generosity to the poor is slieer Vtsit01'S Are Always \,Velcome SEVERAL,SELECTIONS 'at some time something' good to stupidity. . for HELP YOUR COLLEGE TO·GROW say about. the AmerIcan aid pro If Father' Ginder wants a
gram. And since I am ,not one' really damaging criticism of our'
LENTEN READING of his constant read'ers, I may .. foreign aid, I can furnish him' • Rev. THOMAS C. DUFFY, C.S.C. . with one: ·it is that our' own have missed i t . ' . DwectlW of BUildm(l FUM, StcmehiU C~~~ But every time I have read his leaders have been. tying strings Emily C. Perry column on this .subject it has to economic aid, have been of-: PHONE CEdar 8-2221 . 562 County Street been the same old "ra,th91e" rc fering it nQt· for",tI.umaoitadan' Opposite St.· Law:renee Churob .... ~. NORTH EASTON, MASSACHUSETTS· frain. And lest anyone doubt reasons, but for 'military and ,,,,,:;l!lew·.Bellford: Mass. -. ---:.. "- - ". that his animosity to foreign political reasons. "'<""'\'
9"'5'" 7 .
Jumps In 1 .'
.D & D Sales and Service, .•
I' .
Soyiet~"ssia .Fails,' JfE'W YORK (NC)-Commu aism'. failUJ'e. to provide' the Rull8ian people with a bigher Mandard of living has been a chief realIOn for its failure to IUppress religion in the Soviet Union, Assumptionist Father Georges Bissonette said here. Father BiSsonette was chap lain to American Catholics in :Moscow from 1953 to 1955, when be was. expelled from' Russia. Be -Poke at the. annual' Com-
To Suppress Religion
munion' break~ast of the New would not drive them to God for York province of the National help," other methods of sup Newman Club: Federation, held pressing religion-such' as per here after MasS in St. ·Patrick's secution and indoctrination would have been unnecessary. Cathedral. The AssumptIonist priest said Survival Struggle that a higher' living standard He recalled that Lenin had might have been the Soviets' sought to "give the people an "most powerful weapon" in, easier and more pleasurable life, turning the Russian people away from religion.' He maintained and then allow religion, without help from the Soviet Union, to that if the communists had sup erode away." plied the people with "an abun However, Father Bissonnette dance of goods .... 80 .their needs
THE ANCHOR Thurs., March 6, 1958
pointed out, the preoccupation of the communist regime with its own survival had prevented it from improving the standard of living of the Russian people. He added that anti-religious ii"ldoctrination had failed to win 'the people away from religion because "the Soviet people think twice about discarding beliefs inherited from their mothers and fathers."
Fal" River Girl Enters Convent Miss Carol Ann Rogers, daugh ter of Mr. and· Mrs. Ernest Rogers of 2671 North Main Street, Fall River, has entered the religious life as a postulant with the Carmelite. Sisters. The oleest of three children,
Miss Rogers who is 18 years of
age. will serve a six-month pos-·
tuiancy at Mary Manning Walsh
Home, New York, following
which she will enter the Avilla
~ovitiate, New York for a period
of two years.
Prior to entering the convent,
she was engaged in charity
work for three ·years in the
Catholic Memorial' Home; Fall
River where she assisted the
Carmelite Sisters who are in
charge of the home.
Miss Rogers, an alumna of B. 1\1. C. Durfee High School,
graduating with honors with .the
Class of 1957, was a member of
the Children of Mary Sodality
of St. Michael's Church. She has
a sister Judith and a brother
Neighborhood Banking-
Priest States
Differences 'In
World Youth
ST. LOUIS (NC) - Teenage U. S. Catholics have a vitality and freedom lacking in their European counterparts, a Dutch priest-educator said here. Jesuit Father Bernard T. Ter voort, here on a Dutch govern ment mission to study methods of speech instruction for deaf children, said he marveled at the "eagerness of life" shown by Catholic teenagers here. Youth in both Europe and America are "basically the same," with the same problems and ideals, Father Trevoort ad mitted. But he said European teenagers were more uncerta~n and "afraid of life" than those in the U. S. "They have serious doubts about life," he said. "Conse quently, they are more inclined to be philosophical and engaged' with culture," he said. Democratic Life He said he believed American teenagers "real lust for. life" stems largely from the freedom. they enjoy because of demo cratic life here. "Not .only is your country. founded on a Christian ideal of freedom, but it actually offers a freedom of opportunity in mate rial things as well," he said. He noted many U. S. teenagers have their own cars, have more pocket money than their Euro pean counterparts, and as a rule marry younger. Shortage of fi nances prevents most European couples from marrying at the early ages possible in America, be said. Disadvantages While the teenagers have un deniable vitality, from the edu -c:ational point of view this hal its disadvantages, the priest· said. "Many of your students seem to think higll school means only having a wonderful time.' And many school authorities try to make education as easy as pos .ible for fear they might frus trate the child," Father Tervool1 said.
Convenient as 'a IPiggy-Bank"
Saving is a wonderful habit to acquire-even if It means laving in a "Piggy-Bank." But the practical, .ensible way to save is iIi Ii neighbor~' .hood Branch of the Fall'River 'rrnst. o
Neighborhood banking is' safe, convenient and profitable. No loSses by fire or theft to . worry about .•. no traffic jams or parking prob lems and we help your savings deposits Irowthrough generous dividend payments.
Total Assets Over $27,000;000.00
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic War Veterans will bold their 23rd annual eonv~ntlon .. tbM dt¥ IrGIIl Aquat" 13 • l~
SOMERSET BRANC" 1045 County Street
SOUTH END BRANCH 1649 Soulh Main SUed
Catholic War Vets ..~ ..
Sage and Sand '
Writers M·iss Importa~c~ , '
Thurs., ;March 6, ,1958 , .'
Built "·O.,':German;
Priest Can' O,ffer'-' No Exp'~a~ati'c)~" For Strqllg~, fH~pp~nin9$ Jo, Ho,u~~", a
SEAFORD (NC) - A priest, that the 'force is poltergeist: who blessed. 'the house' here, "a mischievous,. ~nnatu.ral fo~ where a series ofrepor,tedly in.,., of some' kind krio'Wl,l}o,ni~ri"for explicable eventS have taken.. centuries." . By Most Rey~, .Robert J.' Dwyer, D.D.,
~ ,:'; . place said he can offer no ,ex;., 'Many of' the events~pot'ted ." . ,.' "Bishopof Reno '
S~p~r~'ighwa'y 'planation. . by the Hermanns have'centered .,,' A'green thought in a green shade: How did they publish AUGSBURG (NC) tierFather William J. McCloud (>f," around their'll-year-old' boy: the ,news about app~.ritions'at Lourdes? Out library, which many's first superhighway St. - William the Abbot Church In one instance, the ,family said, seldom useful anyway, vouchsafes no information. The ' church has been completed near said he visited the home of Mr: a crucifix on the' wall 'of' his telegraph was al'readYlnvented in 1858. Was ,the news put here and will be dedicated soon, and Mrs. James M. Hermann, bedroom was detached' and fell members of the parish, at' the to ,the fl.oor. When the boy waa em the wires by some hack, . The texts all headline Marx, The new Catholic church, put in his parents' bedroom to to appear, 'next forerunner of the enormous up which is on the Stuttgart-Mu-, ,family's request. heaval of Communism, 'but ap--· nich superhighway in the, sec"I went out there on February sleep near them, they said, a repor.t er, . . .' , mornmg mthe ParIS :papers parently in the Virgin's Book of tion between' Augsburg and Ulm, 11 "and blessed the house. This night table with a lamp on' It with the screaming head Hours he did not rate so much as 'is located near ,Augsburg. , , was, about a week after the' fell over' and the lamp's, bulb was 'broken. line': "Gir: Claims BVM Visi'on!" a footnote. The -church, which is, small, ' strange events were said to have Among the groupo-including Or is that type of blasphemy Emphasize- Wrong Things was designed to harmonize with begun. Mrs. Hermann told me peculiar to these latter days ,Is this the way God looks at the modern features of the su- that things were normal for two newsmen and police officials whEm time has stained the white our history; snubbing the very perhighway itself and with the days, 'after my visit, but ,that investigating the reported hap after that time, it all started penings was Dr. J. Gaither ,Pratt; radiance of eternity to' a bilious thiri"gs that seem to us of such traditional architecture of the again," ,Father McCloud said. a psychqlogist from Duke Uni yellow?' It is not altogether a' breathtaking significance, mag region. It will provide travelers The Hermanns have reported vers,ity's Para~sychology Lab footling speculation. What/if nifying events which we, in our with place to stop for prayer that since February 3 the mys oratory. H~ sald the laboratory the' miracle had happened,' ye~- abysmal ignorance', would mini and medftation. terday instead of a' hund,r¢, mize or forget1 What must He Perm'ission for reservation of terious happenings in their studies ,"nonphysical factors of man as they apply to telepathy, years ago? How w01,I1d"thepress think as He looks down on ,us, tne, Blessed Sacrament and for' ,house have included theu1\ h'-andle it? How would: it come, our heads buried in our' news regular services is now being screwing and popping of :bottle clairvoyance, preco~nition and the, power,. of the mmd to alI~t over television? .' , papers; our ey~s glued to te~~ sought.' So far, the problem of a " caps and the hurling of appli the. behavlOr of ~atter." It is not too, difficult to imagvision, readi~g and ·not making regular Mass: schedule has not,· ances and' otqer articles by an "unknown force." Ine the crisp, cool tones of the sense, hearing" and not under been l101ved. Sisters,Sacrific~: Father McCloud, a ,priest from announcer des~ribing;,with a standing!' ' \ . , . ,WARSAW (NC)-;--A-commun Edmon,tol1, Alberta, wh,o is help nice sense of uncommitted rE;v':. A~d bow ted.iously'incompet~ ing out at this Long Is~and ity of Sisters in a town ceded to, erence, the 'crowds 'gathering, tent must He find ,ou~ ,writing , , the Soviet 'Union' in 1945' has parish, ,said many persons who 'around the gr()tto, th'e' physical of history, as 'we 'emphasize' all chosen, to':, remain, there, to aid appearance ot" Mlle. Soubirou~; the wrong things and ignor~ all NEW'YORK (NC) _ The coD-; have visited the home and seen the local Catholics ~~ther ,than the' apparent results of the 'un and, the opinions' of the' local the items of real value. Not tqe least of' theantici'pations of trast between a life of ,silence knovrn force ,have volunteered return to Poland. P'astor and the "police, all', be ' a n d "this age of noise" will high tween hearty plugs for Gritties" paradise, for one who hoq.ors the breakfast food for gorillas. Clio from the gallery, is, the ,light thel\llarch' 9 program pro- ' . duced by the National Counc,U Miracles and, Murders . . prospect of readin.'g history lUI of. Catholic Men, on the Lo9k ••• 'th~ Bishop of ,Zarka '(Jordan) writes to us, "Yes,we' are 'happy 'to ask We have coine to, take' roch Gqd has written It'all down. Up and Live television series." for more money to build still another Chapel. ,Your generoUs peo things for granted, even: to de 'Nevertheless, the thought of ,Entiiled "Picture of Silence," , ple,have made it possible for us to' build mand lthem' as partot',our, daily another Lourde~, in our time, Is, the .program will be shown from fare. We are aIrpost frightening. La Salette, two Churches In Zarka and as' a result ' 10:30 to '11, a.m.,' EST , surfeited ' :with' news " . , . , . ., on the'
more and more refugees are 'coming here of all kinds until it 'is reduced and Fatima got by with very, Columbia Broadcasting System
to a grey ~ass of indigestible little publicity fa~fare, but sup TY network. to live. ,These poor 'people are so anxioua &0 'remain close, to the Church that ,we, Information. Miracles go into posing the Virgin were to return It will include films of the, 'must now build another Chape. to '&ccom th~ hopper,along~~J.th,'J~utdeJ;s in such a ",:ay , t~a,t. the. press, ,monastic,'community of St: Ben 'modate them." This Is, certainly an un and' bank ~obbel'ies;",u~Jil' the would be on the spot In a matter ()i1 du'Lac'in Quebec; showing + ' usual approach-but to tell the truth we , headlines blu~ 't~geth~r:';'llnd the ,ot hours,,~vid.o1or,c;Ietails, dex- . the peJ,fection of the life of si share the good bishop's joy In this in cultivated'voice' ,trails off into teroilsly balancing between "ob lence' in the :monastic vocation. .crease of his nock, even though more the weather' report for south • jectivity" and anxietyiest the As a feature, Etienne de Croux people mean more problems. "·We are eastern 'Ashi. '" ' feelings of four hundred million will illustrate thro'ugh sequences We can:',ha'rdiy distinguish the Catholics or the POAU be of in mime the coritrastbetween Tbt Holy Fafhrr's Million Aid ha~py also to tell you of the great work , 'bemg done by your prayers and sacrifices. Important 'from 'the utterly in fended? '~the present age of noise-and the' The Church' of Christ Is on the, march in Zarka-wllI you be a part consequ'ential, and. there is no For ,our peace of mind there richness of a life of silence. of this great forward movement? The total ,cost of the new Chapel exp~rience so bracing as to get com_es the reflection that God 'Mr. De Croux is the teacher , will be .$3,000. WlII you help this zealous Bishop-why not do it for away' for a' couple weeks from usually manages these things of Marcel Marceau, internation LentT all news, printed or spoken, only quite satis'factorily. But we woke ally known French pantominist. to find that nothing has hap up, t~e other night, in a cold The p r 9gram script was pre WHAT YOU PUT'INTO THE HANDS OF OUR HOLY FATHER. pened. We' tried this recently sweat after dreaming ,about it. pared by David Ebin. YOU PUT IN THE HANDS OF'CHRIST and it works. It .was the flash bulbs that did it. Look Up and Live will present The point is, of 'cours~, that on March 16 a program cal,led "'RESOLVED: IT'S EASIER TO DIE,BY FIRE THAN BY WATER. there is almost no observable "Picture of'Penance." The series Remember when this was a favorite topic for relation between the real impor will conclude on March ,23 with achool talks and debates? The poor: ,refugees IJI tance of events and the way they Ii program enJitled "Picture of are handled by news commen Love." . ..' . ~ Palestine have no debates and' neither do they 'liave .' choice except it be between' itarvation
tators and the majority of his TOLEDO (NC)-Thirty-three 'and' exposure! Will YOU' help 'to feed an entire
torians. Take any handbook of women of Gesuparish ,here have ,'refu&'ee family for ',. week. Our food package
.19th century history that Is used -enrolled for the second semester 'will do jUst that for about ih-e same price as two
in, ,our colleges, Look in the at Mary Manse Colle~e,in a spet;,. , cartons of c;igareftes ($10). 'Will your LenklD
Index"for Lourdes. Do you find ial project spurred by the teacher , . 'Penance feed a 'family for weekT ' ,
It? Not a syllable" shortage problem.:" • J', LONDON (NC)-Malb's'320,I Yet from the point of 'view of The project is 'a development' 000 'Catholics are alafIned'by the ,"STRINGLESS ,GIFTS GIVE THE HOLY FATHER A 'rREIl: 'HAND' GOd's':dealings with humanity it of a Gesu Mothers' Guild start charges of England,~s'" Ahglican J", ,', , TO HELP THE POOR OF CHRIST. '" ' was.." incomparably the most ed last fall, providing women. Primate that the Ch\.ir:ch on Brit ,< ..... spectacull:ir thing that hap'pened to help withvariotls duties about ain's Medfterranean':island col ,"GOd didn't call 'my boy to be· a priest,'" one dear mother' told ... in ,ihose~~ hundred years, Nor the parish schoo~. ' ony is "ihtoi~rant.';:' .: 'the' other .day, "but He has given me many sons in thepriesthood. would ':'H<:be entirely just' to The organizational effort led 'This was reported,' here by She was talking, of course, about adopting an blame' a,::secularized jlress or,. to the discovery that-the parish the Catholic Herald/,national .other seminarian (iter fourth!) so. she could philosophy" of' history for this had eight women already quali Catholic weekly."- , . have the joy of 'another ordination day a'nd the conditio,n., We ,ourselves" God fied to teach. Others have col The Herald's'" correspondent peace of knowing somewhere in the ,world she forgive u,s, are equally to blame lege degrees and" can qualify stated that non-Catholics visit would be remembered at Mass every day. and equally secularized. How quickly for state certification. ing the island "enjoy complete Michele and Anastasio are now waiting to begin many 'of" us,. spontaneously,' The college for women has ar-' freedom of worship. We are not their Seminary, studies in Ghiza (India)., Each would think of Lourdes in terms ranged two courses to serve, the aware of any lack of religious will need $100 a year-$600 for the entire cours. of historical importance in the' 33, Gesu parishioners" one on toleration." ' -for necessary expenses. Or would you pre perspective of the last 'century.' practice .teaching and the other At a recent meeting of the fer to have a NUN IN THE FAMILY who would devote her evel7 , Ignored Marx ' • on teaching the .skill subjects. Church Assembly,. governing , waking hour to prayer for you and your in The distant past is reasonably This latter. course will prepare body ,of· ,the state-supported tentions. Sister Mary Brigid and Sister' Mary I18fe. The truth about history some women to assist teachers Church'of England, Dr. Geoffrey . Chel!!a are anxiously watching the, mail in tends to emerge, though slowly, who may wish to divide lj.tten Fisher, Archbishop of Canter Ernakulam, India. They wish to be Carmelite in spite of all the deliberate lies' tion between fast and slow bury, said Anglicans and'others Sisters ·but they can't' begin until Some gen told by historians. If we can groups."'had· "often and grievously" been erous benefactor' will contribute $150 • year not ,discern the complete patterIf The, project was developed denied their proper liberties. for two yearS to pay the necessary $300 ex that justifies the ways of God pril)cipally. to expedite traii)ing The Archbishop, however, gave penses for each. You can send the money In with man (and probably never of teachers a~d to encourage wo no examples of the alleged in any way convenient while your "adopted child" will be able to, see it this side men who might be interested in tolerance. .. preparing to serve Christ. ' of eternity), there are at least teaching. It will also provide, Malta, whose population la , ,---'---a few massive facts which stand for mothers who wish to do more about 99 per, cent~atholic, is MASS OFFERINGS SUPPORT OUR MISSIONARIES. forth, like great mountain peaks to their own children and stirn;., now for economic and strategic . REMEMBER THEM IN LENT. above the mist, and which give ulate others to' personal respon reasons seeking full, integration us a partial' glimpse of reality. sibility in the educational prob in the United Kingdom. Under' SUGGESTION OF THE WEEK It is the more immediate past lems to be faced. its Socialist 'Prime Mihister, Your Lenten sacrifice can bring a "luxury" to a refUI'M and the present which throw us Dom Mintoff, it 'wants to ac child. Ten dollars will give one child the sheer Joy of into complete confusion. quire a status similar'to that of a new suit or dress for First Communion Day. ,You cau At the. time, for example, that LOS ANGELE8-Theannual Northern Ireland. perform this act of charity for a loved one who fa de the Virgin appeared to Berna diocesan convention of the Prot Archbishop Michael Gonzi of ceased OR our beautiful gift card will tell a sppcial dette, ~arl Marx, already mid- . estant Episcopal Church in Los Malta has advised against the friend or relative that this kindness has been done for dIe-aged, had pretty well for Angeles unanimously went on 'proposed integration. Maltese their intention. We'll send the card, .nywherefor you mula ted his theories of dialectic record in op'position to . the Catholics fear the Church would and enclose PRESSED FLOWERS FROM THE HOLY materialism and class warfare "current, ill-advised, effort 'to ,be endangered if the island be LAND which have been blessed on the Holy Sepulcher. which were to affect so pro tax nonprofit education" in Cali comes' apart of a non-Catholic GIVE TO WIN THE WORLD FOB CHRISTI foundly the whole subsequent fornia. country. course of history. 'Strangely, from our point of view, the 'Lady made no ~east JAKARTA, Indonesia (NC)": BOGOTA, Colombia (NC) reference to him in' her collo There's anxiety among Catholic Colombia has had an increase, FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President
quies with the child. Was he circles in. this capital over the of 558, priests in the past five Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y
really' so' unimportant as all possibility that the stand taken years, bringing the total num Send all communication. tOI
that, not worth mentioning in by the anti-communist "rebel ber of di()cesan 'and religious t~e same breath as the necessity colonels" on the island of. Su priests. to 3,884, according to CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION
for prayer and penance? Or matra may' only' consolidate· figures. contained in the Year 4~O Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17,.N: Y.
could he simp~y be taken for communist influence within the book of the Church in Colombia granted? central government here. just releasde here.
Of. C,onf~'inporary:Eve,nts
Program:' Show Monasti,c,Life
Women Combat Teacher Need'
Anglican Hits .Malta Church'
Oppose Tax
Indonesia Fear
Priests Increase
~'near fitst02issions~
,Economist Urges World PQlice
Spotlighting Our 'Schools DOMINICAN ACADEMY. I'ALL RIVER Dominican debat~rs have BC eepted the invitation of The Barristers, varsity debating group of Providence College; to enter B negative and an affirma tive team in the First Annual Southeastern New England High School Debate Tournament to be held April 19 at the college. The invitation is extended to 8eCondary school debating groups in Rhode Island, south eastern Massachusetts, and east ern Connecticut, who will be guests of the college for the day and will participate in three rounds of debate on the topic: Resolved that Direct United States Economic Aid to Indi vidual Countries Should Be Lim ited to Technical Assistance and Disaster Relief. Awards for winning teams and for individual debaters will be presented with the compli ments of the President and Ad ministration of Providence Col lege. A negative team from Holy Family tjed Dominican varsity debaters on the league topic, foreign aid. Roseanne Thomas and Marthamarie ,Rogers repre .ented Holy Family, while Ro chelle Olivier and Una Raymond took the affirmative for Do minican. ..JUdges were Atty. Roger F. Sullivan, Miss Maureen Cleare, debate coach of Somerset High School, and Albert Desmarais. Jacqueline Oliveira was chair man; Marilyn Young and Agnes Gallagher were timers. Responding to an appeal by IOdality prefect Claire Sinotte at an assembly, all classes have launched a Lenten project for the Church of Silence. 'To help those Catholics who are suffer ing persecution behind the iron and bamboo curtains, and who are denied the consolation of openly practicing their Faith" all students will recite daily the prayer composed by His Holi ness, Pope Pius XII, for these Christians, and will offer for these people the sacrifice of a perfect observance of silence in prescribed places and times through the routine school day. Students agree that this self imposed observance constitutes an appreciable sacrifice for them. Dominican varsity basketball team will play an Alumnae team at horrie next Tuesday night. Varsity and Jayvees will play Colt High School ne'xt Thursday in Bristol. JESUS MARY ACADEMY,
Senior Catherine Goulet Is among the 10 highest rating girls of the state of Massachusetts in the 1958 Betty Crocker Search of the American Homemak,er of Tomorrow. Objective and sub jective parts of the examination papers of all 10 girls are now being reviewed by Science Re search Associates. She, there fore, may earn $1,500 or $500 IICholarship. The student body attended the 11 :15 Mass daily in the parish church as a Lenten devotion. Seniors Jeanine and Cecile Na deau competed for a Ka'tharine Gibbs Scholarship. Seniors Claudette Caron and Jacqueline Caron offered congratulations in the name of the student body to their pastor, Rt. Rev. Albert Bonneau, who has been ele vated to the rank of Monsignor. The Press Drive sponsored by the Catholic Digest was an over whelming success, spiritually and financially. The Sophomore Class with M. St. Athanase as home room teacher and Patricia Lafleur as captain won the IIChool honor trophy. Sophomore Patricia Lafleur brought in the most subscriptions with Bar bara Amundsen, eighth grader, eoming in second. The following students will receive certificates of award for having reached the $25 quota: Patricia Lafleur, Pauline Gen dreau, Barbara Amundsen, Jac queline Boutin, Lorraine La , prise, Madeleine Lacroix, Helena Dumont, Lillian Phenix, Paul ette Charron, Jeannette Ga mache, Pauline GaBDon, 1.01-
'raine' Marceline, Patricia Par ker, Colette Jusseaume, Cath erine Goulet. Open House took place last Tuesday afternoon from 1 io 3. The actviity was sponsored by the sophomores, who entertained the visitors with an informal program. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO The third grade class elected the following officers at a "town meeting": Richard LeCompte, president; Donna Christensen, vice-presi dent· ~ichael Chabot, secre tary: and Sylvianne Ryng, treasurer. They were assigned various duties to be carried out during their terms.
Gift to Briscoe
Secretary Folsom Praises Private Social Agencies
SAN FRANCisco (NC) - A brown-eyed LOndon housewife came to town and in a clipped British accent, proposed some world-sized ideas. , Barbara Ward, Catholic author and world famed economist, con tended that: The West (particu,larly the United States and Bri tain) must push, hard for a Uni ted Nations w(lrld police force as an alternative to global war, an effective containment of So viets on the prowl, and as a pre lude to rule by international law and a condition for survival. , In additiori, the visiting Briton said that: ' 1). The West ,must get Russia out, of, eastern Europe, particu larly Germany;, 2). The brigh,test, glimmer of hope in the world economic pic ture'today is the facot that' "the West realizes it ,must remain eommitted to a 'program of eco nomic aid and development for , underdeveloped: countries . . . .. ,3). The darkest shadow on the ,world econoqlie hori~on is the threat of recession: "It may be ' only a breeze in America, but it will blow up ~'hurricane other places. We must check it, .....
MOUNT ST. MARy ,ACADEMY, FALL RIVER 'The Forensic Club was host to Coyle High debaters on Fri day. Coyle 'scored o,the victory when its negative te'al1lwon a two-to-a-tie decision over,the Mount on the league topic' of foreign aid. The winning Coyle debaters' were Fred" Fitzsimmons and George Costa. Their affirma tive opponents were, Mary ,But ler and Margaret Griffin of the Academy. Carole Mattimore and Fran ces Moson were chairman and timekeeper, respectively. The judges were Atiorneys Ephraim Horvitz, Daniel Sullivan and Roger 'Sullivan. Henry' Griffin is the Coyle coach; Atty. William B. Sullivan' is, ,coach. for the ,Mount girls. Sister M. Flora, RS.M., A.M., is the -moderator of the Mount Forensic Club. A High Mass of Requiem was sung in the Chapel last ,Tuesday for the repose of the soul of Beatrice Van Zandt, "61, who died suddenly during ihe Febru-, ary vacation. Rev. John Breen, M.M., was the celebrant at which the faculty and all the students were' present. SiJ'.lging at the Mass was by the Academy students. " The Academy orchestra will render a radio program of Irish music Sunday, March 16. This program will be sponsored by the Fall River. Mission Club. Students and their teachers will participate in a Lenten pilgrim age Saturday, March 22. to the famed Mission Church 'in Rox bury, now a basilica. Following the ser.vices4n the church at the beautiful shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the students and Sisters will attend a' presentation of the oldest Pas sion Play in America, "J':'ilate'. Daughter," a yearly tradition for over 50 years. The Maryniounters (members of the dramatic club) w'ill pre sent "One Red Rose," it dra'btatic presentation ',in eight scenes at the Massachusetts Drama Fes tival next Saturday. The fol lowing girls have roles in the production: Diane Turcotte, The resa Medeiros, Patricia Kearns" Sylvia Houle, all of the class of 1958; Kathleen FrCiin, Barbara Botelho and Ann Mis, class of 1960; Carolyn Howarth, class of 1961. Stage manager is Eileen Mc Cormick, '61. Sister Mary Mercy, RS.M., B.Ed." is the dramatic coach. She will accompany the girls to the festival, accompanied by Sister Mary Carmela, RS.M." A.M., principal: . The Academy varsity basket ball players scored another vic tory when they met New Bed ford High on the latter's court in New BedfOl;,d. The Mount junior varsity team, however, lost· to New Bedford's junior varsity players. The scores were: Var-. lity: Mount 65, New Bedford 56;' Junior Varsity: Mount 16, New Bedford 33.
DUBLIN (NC)-Qn the eve 01. his departure on a goodwill tour of the United States,Robert Briscoe, former Lord Mayor of Dublin, received, a portrait of himself painted by a DOted Dominican artist. The artist is Father A. Buck ley, O.P., of Limerick, whose work includes many large murals III lriah churchea.
WASHINGTON Secretary Marion B. Folsom expressed a "deep conviction" here that, the programs of public and private social welfare agencies can complement each other. "Both programs are needed and there is a constructive role for each to play," said the head of the Department of Health;' Education and Welfare. The Cabinet member was the principal speaker at a. program, marking the tenth anniversary of the merger of two instttutions to form the present National Catholic School of Social Service of the Catholic University of America. Mr. Folsom spoke at the university. In 1947~48 academic year, the Catholic University School of Social Work and the National Catholic School of Social Service merged to provide a broader program of professional training in social work under Cath-' olic auspices. The, title of the latter school was maintained. Democracy in Action Mi. Folsom said "the public and private partnership in social welfare is one of the finest ex pressions of democracy in action. It is, in fact,one of the distin ,uishing characteristics of our PORT ELIZABETH, Soutb free and democratic way of life." Africa (NC)-A Catholic bishop "As I see the picture," he con-, has appealed to the Port Eliz tinued, "the task of the volun abeth Rotary club to help him . tary agency does not duplicate obtain South African govern or conflict with public programs. ment permission to open a fourth Rather these agencies have dif-, school for deaf African children. ferent and i~portant tasks to
School for Dea-f
perform in their own right aM in their own way." He cited cooperation in the Federal government's old-age and survivors insurance pro gram. Some surviving children, he pointed out, do not have a parent or relative to receive so cial security payments, and fre quently a voluntary agency gets the funds to use for the chil dren's benefit. Religion Important Mr. Folsom noted that the government is unable to carry out some types of welfare pro grams, ''It cannot, for example, conduct programs under reli gious auspices," he said. Yet, he added, such religious programs must operate because "religion is an important factor in the growth and development, of a sound family life." Private, church-related agencies can run these programs. he implied.
Medical Schools NEW YORK (NC)--=-The five accredited Catholic medical schools in this country were , among the nation's 82 medical schools which shared in a $3,178, 825 grant from the National. 'Fund for Medical Education, which has headquarters here. The medical school of Sl Louis University received the largest sum, $45,420. George town University, Washington, D. C., was given $42,560. Mar quette University in Milwaukee received $40.285.
Super-Right Meat. One Price - As Adve1,tisedl
Super7Right, Hvy. Steer Beef
CHUCK ROAST C Block Style LB 49 Bone In
- , - _ ~_ _ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - . -
St•. Bonaventure
The Yardstick
Organized Labor Is .Open To Legitirnat~ Criticism
I 16.
Saints In Cr'o,sswords _ _ _ _ _ _ _ By, Heary Michael -"l"-----..
The' wedding took place with great fanfare, the reception waa held at a restaurant in Cathe dral Square, and the couple stood. in front of the Cathedral to receive congratulations.
Director NCWC Social Action Dept
Dr. Edward Chamberlin of Harvard University, in the booklet referred to in last week'!, column ("The Economic Analysis of Labor Union Power", American Enterprise Association, Washington, D.C.) "says that the average man
in the street as well as the on the other hand, it could mean average professional econo~ that labor's popularity is con mist does most of his think~ siderably less than Dr. Cham ing about the labor problem, berlin makes it out to be. As an
For several' years none of the communist party council or im portant communists leaders had been married in the Church. Because of this scandal, and be cause of the increasing conflict t>etween communist party policy and religious duties, the Bishop acted. In his letter, read in Miss Nun ziati's parish church, the Bishop - declared the - civil ceremony a public scandal and the couple public sinners, guilty of public concubinage.
Mr. Bellandi brought suit against the Bishop in July, 195'1, for serioUs personal damage to himself. The communist press has been attacking the Bishop consistently and has made many unsubstantiated charges 'against
in terms ~ outmoded cliches. "Organized labor," he says, "is · on the whole rather well up the income scale, yet the an-a c h r onisrn that labor is down - trodden and deserving of some special
kind of public sympathy car ries on." .This so-called ·cultural lag,"· · Dr. Chamberlin eontinues, has been a deterrent ·to. any rational economic analy sis of labor unions and has made it almost impossible for eCQno mists and even for the popular press to criticize the labor move ment without being accused of having an anti-labor bias. "Yet the plain facts are," he eoncludes, "that for anyone con cerned with the preservation of free institutions the power posi tion of labor· has become truly om4nous, that it h~s gone largely unrecognized, and that it cries out. for analysis from a .truly public, as distinguishelil from a labor point of view." . I wonder if things ace really as bad as all that. It is true that economists as· a grouj> are so sensitive to public opinion that they are reluctant to criticize the labor movement for fear of being labeled or caricatured as mid-Victorian reactionaries? Maybe they are, but frankly I wouldn't have thought so on the basis of my own fairly extensive reading in the field of profes sional economic literature..
Book' Inspired B.y Prelate
Sacred Cow? In any event, whatever the situation may be within the ranks of the economics profes sion, there is no evidence, to the best of my knowledge, that the popular press of the United States has been or is being sub stantially influenced, .much less intimidated by, the alleged popularity of organized labor. On the contrary, there is reason flo believe that the majority of American newspapers and peri odicals have criticized the labor movement more often than they have praised it. This could mean one of two things. On the one' hand, it could mean that the American press" is courageously and even recklessly indifferent to, the pl"essures of public opinion; or,
BOSTON (NC)-FBI Diree- • tor J. E(j.gar Hoover has di~ . The Lenten Pre~Cana Confer closed that his ne...' hook, "Mas- , ences ·for 'engaged couples and ters of Deceit," which deals with couples contemplatihg marriage communism. its aims' and worka in the near future will be held in this count.ry, was inspired by'. in the four parts of the diocese the fight being waged against this month. communism.by Archbishop Rich On March 9, the engaged ard J. Cuhing of Boston. eouples in the 'Attleboro area, The book is scheduledfOl' 'will attend the conference at ·St. publication on March 10. An ad .John's Hall, Attleboiro, at ., vance copy received here by 'P. ·M. and in the Taunton area Archbishop Cushing contained at the C.Y.O. Hall, High St.. an inscription inside the cover' Taunton; at 8 P. M. _ in Mr. Hoover's handwriting .In Fall River and in New Bed which said: "To His Excellency, fmod, ~nferences will be held the Most Reverend Richard J. Sunday, March 16, at Fall River Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, whose magnificent :6.ght against in the Sacred Heart School at Pine and Linden Streets at 'I atheistic communism inspired the wiiting of this book." It P. M. and in New Bedford at the Kennedy Youth Center at 'I P. IL was signed !'Sincerely, four <:> friend, J. Edgar Hoover."
Prato Bishop Continued from
B)' Msgr. George C. Higgins
omnivorous reader of newspap ers and magazines from all sec tions of the CGuntry, I am rather inclined to think that it means the latter. In the course of developing his highly debatable thesis that labor is a kind of sacred cow ill American society, Dr. Chamber 'lin makes another point which should be qualified,. I think, nof 'only in fairpess to the labor movement but in the interest 01. objective truth. He says that "Those who are rightly concerned with the lot of the underprivileged' in our economy will hardly be im pressed by the claims of the trade union sector. Today's un derprivileged are to be found elsewhere." Dr. Chamberlin might . have added that the labOr movement,. with all its faults and imperfec tions, is probably doing more than any other single group in the American economy (and fre quently' against the allegedly better judgment of profession81 economists) to raise the stand ards of the underprivileged," wherever they are found. That iioesn't mean, of course., that organized labor should' be immune from legitimate, eriti-. cisrn. Not at all. Economists and newspaper editors, among oth ers, have a perfect right to go on criticizing the iabor move ment to their heart's content, .. so many of them are doing at the pJ;esent time.
~~urs., March 6, 1958
ACB088 1 I.a'b..ro • Paired 11 Ulo.e-....re4
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.. r ... .llarp"
• . F:aropeaa .count..,. ." Bachelor of
Arts (abbr.) Make load noise loS HE WAS FA.. MOUSFOB HIS ........~ •
AT THE U. OF ........ ~
Ve"'raa (Uk.)
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ST Coafailoa as A"qalre . S1l Earl, pan of ~ .. daJ' .. Drill
U Perto4a
Bishop's Right
The Bishop,. defending his right to exercise· the spiritual government of the faithful-a right guaranteed by the Lateran . Treaties between the Italian government and the Church refused to· appear at the court' hearing. The Bishop. further pointed out that his letter con tained only such phrases as ap-' pear in the code of canon law, which is recognized by the Lat eran Treaties. He declared fur thermore . that his action waa within the framework of Italian law, . as his .letter was of a reli gious character, the' considera tion' made therein being on Catholic mo'rals and Church law concerning two Catholic~. The Holy Father showed his grief at the sentence imposed on the Bishop by cancelling the
celebration of the 19th anniver sary of his coronation which was to be held in St. Peter's Basilica on March 12.
&I M ..... p ......
" AdJola " BefD. . "Orea_' . 11001,. 61 8appU'" .... 61 Spar II Freaeb rI ...
II Deela . mor.. ft HE IS
.. DOCro.··-
la.' ''• M . Sl Hoaor a Sof"'... os Boaod 1I~ 85 Af"'mooo , 8'l' Aeh..ml.... ~ 88 ~~ell:.. rU 10 Go' ap 13 For fear Uuat 14 FamoD. Irl.1o
18 RI..pban", ear plao, n Marrt... 80 Flsb egl!. d .I.o.Imal'. loot
Solution on PaKe Eighteen
Pre-Cana Conferences Scheduled
First Catholic
'MONTPELIER, vt. (NC) When Walter H. Cleary of New port steps into the position of Chief Justice of the State Su 'pre'f!le Court on March 1, he will be the :6.rst Catholic to head the tribunal- in its 180-year-old bill . tory.
A Delicious Treat
These Pre-Cana Conferences are sponsored by the Family Life Bureau of the diocese under the direction of Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. Priests, physicians and married couples eonduct the conferences.
From Our Own ~ Tested HerdAcushnet, Mass. WY. J-.W57
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Special Milk .. Homogenized V'tt. D Mille Buttermilk Tropicana Orange Juice Coffee and Chac. Mille Eg'gs - Butter
·Made Rite Chips Ask For Them, Today .
l·c A SHAVE!
.........ua-arF 11& __ risk. 0.... bundred omoodI pod< GU ARANTEED ,....... _ " " eheerlullJ' refuaded. Bolrria Bladeo DOUBLE KDGB. rrAINLESS STEEL - ....tproof. IIoW Ja Mrcund,. pl tie....If...erTlnc - .
Jfow ..,.
....... ...&be
HOFFRrrZ BLADES - 15 for $1 Ask Your Barber
Sales & Service light, Father?: -Slllggested by Lt. Col. John A. Hayes, EnglaftCI
,DORSEY LANDSCA'PE & TREE CO. Designi'ng-Planning-Construction
Specializing in, Church P~opertr
OSbome 4-5698
THE ANCHOR Thurs.• March 6. 1958
Noon-day Mass Listed
The Parish Parade IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. NORTH EASTON Laetare Sunday, March 16, has been set aside by the' WOmen's Guild for their third annual Communion breakfast which is slated to take place in the parish hall following the 8 o'clock Mass. Rev. Richard Sullivan,' C.S.C., will be the principal ~eaker.
Committee In eharge eom prises Chairman Mrs. Arthur Heath, Miss Helen Darby, Mrs. Leo Harlow, Mrs. Frances Sweet, and Mrs. Daniel Linehan. Rev. Thomas Tobin, C.S.C., bighlighted the last Guild meet ing with colored slides of Rome which were taken while he was studying for the priesthood. Also included' were pictures of bis ordination in Rome. Coffee was served by Mrs. Gerald Gray assisted by Miss Mary Gouveia and Mrs. Carl HanSon. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, ACUSHNET Sixteen Brownies of Troop 70 who received their pins during investiture ~eremonies whicb were conducted in Acushnet Town Hall include the follow ing: Gale Broadhurst, Janet Cour noyer, Louise Crouteau, Diane Cormier, Jean Cormier, Claud ette Charest, Pauline Forgu~, Michell Girard, Florence "Guil lette, Brenda Millette, Nancy Langevin, Joyce Meredith, Sherri Smith, Barbara Wingert, Anna Audette and Jane Bert rand. Receiving one year pins were Terese Bosse, Rosalind Bosse, Gloria Bessette, Diana Goyette, Sharon Grigaitis, Lynn Gron land, Celeste Laprade and Georgette Meredith. A one year pin was also pre .ented to the assistant leader, Mrs. Dorothy Grigatis, by Neigh borhood Chairman, Mrs. May Collins. '
ST. PAUL'S. TAUNTON The regular, monthly session of the Women's Guild is sched uled to take place at 7:45 next Thursday night in the parish ball. Plans are being completed for the annual Communion break fast which is slated for Sunday, April 13, under the chairman ship of Mrs. Oscar Hedberg, assisted by Mrs. William Lamb, Mrs. Joseph Braga and Mrs. William F.' O'Donnell. ST. ANNE'S. FALL RIVER The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being celebrated daily at 12 o'clock during the Lenten sea IOn. Confessions are also being beard during the Mass ST. JAMES. NEW BEDFORD Ladies of the Msgr. Noon Circle will hold a Communion breakfast on Sunday morn,ing, March 16 in the lower church ball following the 7:30 Mass. Miss Minnie McDonald will be in charge as chairman, with Mrs. Grace O'Brien as co-chairman.' The next monthly session will be conducted next Wednesday night instead of the regular third Wednesday of the month. Presi dent Mrs. Catherine F:. ,Clark will preside and the pastor, Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. will offer the opening prayer. Mrs. Helen McGrath and Mrs. Steph anie Meggison are the chairman and eo..:chairman, resj)eetively.
KofC Church Burned NEW HAVEN (NC)-A four alarm fire did about $100,000 damage to the interior of St. Mary's Church here, where the Knights of Columbus was
CINCINNATI-A priest's re spect for the radio field has helped him win first p.lace in a national contest and nearly $2,000 worth of receiving l;lnd sending equipment. Franciscan Father Peter Riche, math teacher and glee club dir~ctor at Roger Bacon High School here, knew very little about short waye communication until 18 months ago. But when Father Brice Mul roy, O.F.M., was transferred last year from Roger Bacon to the Phiiippine missions, the: high school's amateur radio associa tion was left without a director.
President Notes R.eligion's Work
The anguished face and rag WASHINGTON (Nt) - The «ed raiment of this Chilean Influence U. S. religious leaders boy are mute evidence of the hunger and destitution that wield in the cause of peace was exist in many parts of the eited as one of "the real facts of world. He is also testimony to American life" by, President the great need which con Eisenhower in a letter sent to fronts Oatholic Relief Serv ices-National Catholic Welfare Soviet Premier' Nikolai Bul Conference in, its world-wide ganin. efforts to pro¥ide assistance The President used some of "- clothes, lIledicines, U. S. the strongest language he has Government surplus foods and used since he entered the White other relief supplies-to these House five years ago, in replying and other people. Funds r.aised· to Soviet allegations that there each year through the Cath are warmongering groups in the olic Bishops' Relief Fund Ap U:nited States. peal provide t~e basis for the Among the real facts of life in world's largest voluntary over this country, the President cited .eas relief prqgram. You caD "the intense longing of the help by contributing to the nearest Cathdlic Church or American people for peace" and Bishops' Relief Fund, Empire "the decisive influence for peace of American religious, labor, in SUtte Buildingl N. Y. C. tellectual and political leaders and of their organizations." founde'd more tlian 75 y~ars ago. In 1882 Father Michael J. The President's letter eon tained one "surprise" proposal: McGivney, then a curate ,in St. that "leaders of thought and in Mary's, was the 'leader in found ing of the K. of, C. fluential citizens within the S0 viet Union" should visit this eountry 'to'~ rid themselves of "totally false conceptions" about the United States and its attitude toward peace. ' Mr. Folsom was asked by Rep. Frank Thompson Jr. of New Jersey about aId to pupils in parochial schools. The Congress man said he was aware of the "business of separation of reli gion and the state," but he was "disturbed" about how the "lit erally hundreds, of thousands" of pupils in parochial schools could take advantage; of the "testing, guidance and counseling service." ,
Father Ricke was tapped for the job. of supervising Roger Bacon's short wave station W8MTM. He applied himself to the job of mastering the Inter national Morse Code and the techniques of snatching faint messages from the ether. Licensed Ham Within a year be bad his own "ham" radio license and was as signed his own call letters, K8HHY, by the Federal Com munications Commission. When a national equipment manufacturer sponsored one of those testimonials of "25" words or less, "Father Ricke saw an opportunity to equip the Fran ciscan Provincial headquarters with its own radio station. Out of thousands of entries, his was chosen as best. Father Ricke's K8HHY may become the nucleus o! a wid~spread Fran-, cisan radio net-work-though he himself takes a modest view of the matter. • The station at Roger Bacon High School has brought Father Ricke into communication with "hams" all over the world. Post cards confirming radio contaets have come from Resolution Is land in the Arctic, and the Unio{l of South Africa, among many other places. Messages have been received from Australia and Japan, from North Africa, and even from the Iron' Curtain country of Yugoslavia. Contacta with operators in Western Eu rope and Latin America are commonplace, the priest said.
Share for Parochial School Pupils In Administration Aid Proposals
WASHINGTON (NC) - Wel fare Secretary Marion B. 1'01 .am told Congressmen that pupils in parochial schools of various denominations would share in some phases of the administration's Federal aid to education proposals. The head of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare said students attending non public schools would benefit from the recommendations' for eollege scholarships and the Compar~ble Tests testing of students to determine their aptitudes early' in their The Secretary responded that educational career. "as far ,as the' testing is .con eerned, 'that is i a concern with He said also tha't "all estab individuals, and we feel that lished graduate schools" would share in the proposal for funds where a state has a provision which will prevent the state to help to expand the' output of from testing an individual in future college teachers. private schools, we can make Mr. Folsom made these state arrangements with the Commis ments in his appearance before a joint meeting of the Special sioner of Education to administer (tests) to tfiose (pupils) on a Education and the General Edu OUR LADY OF THE ISLE. eation subcommittees of the. 'basis comparable to the tests NANTUCKET being administered by the state House Education and Labor General Communion day was Committee. He testified on the to public school students." held last Sunday following the administration's proposed bilHowever, Mr. Folsom said it Lenten retreat which was eon •lion-dollar; four-year aid to would be "difficult" for the gov ducted for men, women and' education program. ernment to help expand the teenagers of the parish. To Strengthen TeachiD&, guidance programs of the non Rev. Peter Quinn, C.P., and He indicated in ~is 'prepared public schools' themselves be Rev. Regis EichmiIler, C.P., statement, however, that the cause funds for, this purpose are .erved as retreat masters. phase of the program involving to be handled as a grant to aid the largest amount of Federal public school progr:ams through OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, aid-about $110 million the first the state's educational agency. NEW BEDFORD year-would apply only to pub Mr. Folsom apparently made Rt. Rev. Michael Abraham of lic schools. • distinctiQn between aid to Michigan City, Ind. will act as He said this is the recommend schools and aid to individuals in retreat master at the annual ation for 50-50 matching grants these statemen~s. It is geJ1erally mission which is scheduled for to states to strengthen the teach recognized that government aid next Monday night. Monsignor ing of science and mathematics to private elementary and sec Abraham will preach both in in public schools by helping to ondary schools is a touchy Arabic and English. increase the pay of present church-state separation matter, teachers, hiring new instructors and that aid to pupils, as indi ST. JEAN THE BAPTISTE. and purchasing up-to-date lab viduals, prese$ts fewer prob .'ALL RIVER oratory equipment. lems. Mrs. Remi Rinfret, chairman
of the next Women's Guild
meeting scheduled for next
YOUR DOLLAR BUYS Monday night at 7:30, announces ber assisting committee: Mrs. Joseph Fiola, Mrs. Edgar
Frenette, Mrs. Yvonne Heffer
THAN EVER BEFORE nan, Mrs. Frank Melanson and Mrs. Armand Theroux. See us for the BEST DEAL in a
Ford Car or Truck
A mission in Arabic and Eng
lish scheduled for Sunday" FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS March 16, will be conducted by Rt. Rev. Michael Abraham vi. 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford. Mass. llichiian City, Ind.
SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Mrs. William Slater president of the Women's Guild presided at the regular monthly meeting 'fl'hich took place last Monday night in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium. Rev. John G. Car roll, moderator offered prayers. Featuring the meeting was a floral display presented by John Bonner who was assisted by Andy Latessa. Techniques in decorating were also displayed. Mrs. C. Joseph Driscoll and Mrs. William Halleran, co-chair men of the coffee hour were assisted by Mrs. Slater, Mrs. Charles Mitchell, Mrs. James McMahon, Miss Mary Daley, Miss Grace Daley, Miss Mary Skammels, Mrs. Robert Nedder man, Mrs. John Fay and Mfa. Norman Burrows.
Franciscan Priest Radio Ham
Wins First Prize in Contest
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Catholic Intellectuals
Cites Confusing .Oddities Of .Monsignor Ellis' B'ook,
Cross Word Solution' PER M
By Joseph A.Breig
, Cleveland Universe' Bulletin
HI ~ 84.
o tln~~IiI~
Msgr. John Tracy Ellis' book, "American Catholics and the Intellectual Life," is in some ways a cm:ious dociIment. ~t begins with, the unsupported conclusion (which may er may not"be correct) that Americans are anti-intellectuaL It goes on to assert that abroad whfrling through Amer Catholic Americans, because ica in a fortnight or two, may . they are Americans, are not be the best judges of the anti-intellectual, too. American people. An? even S?,
:: ~
g,' 0~4~'~ 'io~~i i~1
R ~
Gradually the book becomes I have. not f~und tOUrIsts .U~a~l• condemnation of Catholics as mous m calling us materIalistIc.. being, in this Some stand agh~st at our un respect shame worldly generosity and unselfull y' m 0 r e
fishness., - R O M E (NC)-The faculty and American than
Worldly and Unworldly students, of the North American o the r Amer-'
Msgr. Ellis also forgets that College here marked the begin leans.
material success is one of ~e ' ning of the Lourdes centenary chief requisite,'s for being listed Then fol'lows year, with, the dedicaiton of a what I consider ' in Who's Who-ard that he him shrine to Our Lady of LourdeS an undiscrimi self has cited Who's Who as a ,on the college campus. Dati'ng criti standard, and has deplored the «ism of' Catholic education. comparative paucity of C.atholic The, shrine, built in the, form The alleged faults of Catholic ,names .therein'. " of a small cave ina wall at one \ end,of. the col~ege;s front garden, I .chools are emphasized: the vil' Apparentiy we' 'A",ericaD was the ,gift, of Mr. ,and', Mrs. tues hardly mentioned. Catho)ics are expected to ~polo-, 'Charles L. Harney of San Fra":" Three-9,uarters through the gize both f<;)r beIng worldly, and 'eisco, ,Cal~f. ' " , book, .Msgr: Ellis, remarks, al for being, sO unworldly that' " , , , . " t th ' ' ,Bishop' "MaI:tin ,~, O'Connor, , : " i ' most' is: an afterthought" '. a Who's' Who 'has:',not 'yet discoY.;.' , , ," thus far he 'has been "assuming 'ered out existence., ' , , " .., rector of th,ecollege" !llessed the I ;eneral a"greemellt',' with his lo~ , At 'this' i>o~ri:i,:al.ow me )0' shriqe', in the ,presence 'of ,the I h Ip' 'quote:fr!>m a'letterto 'l a c ,u.lty " estimate 0 f C. a.th 0 IIC ,SC h oars '~America;" " 'and, stUde,nts. . and leadership. . :written by Msgr., H. -1);' Bucha- ' , ,A trickle, of ,water flows out Catholic Inleriorit;, ',nan, a consultor, of the EI Paso ' o~ the, WillI of the ~!lve, into, a .. He seems to'realize suddenly'· dioce'se '-who seems to be fed up' , ~marble fOnt and is symbolic of. that it is ~emotely possible that as I atn',with thi~ indiscri,miIiat~ the sp~ingat LOut:,des., 8Omeone' might inquire: "Where criticis'!l ,of Catholics and Cath- ' ,The" col~egei which ,educatea .'\> are your, proofs?" ' ' olie education. ,He ,wrifes; , priests'sentfrom dioce~es in the Msgr. EIlis then offers, for'evi ,:,- Time for' Estimate '. ',United S~tes,"has a special de dence, his references to Who'. -. . . I wish sOmeone 'would' .votion' to the Immaculate. Con:. Who and other sources--refer,, offer us a balance sheet, show"- ' ception; patroness of the United ences which I have shown to be ing in what fields intellectual-' States, who'proclaimed her title : ,meaningless. and otherwise we ~re up to par' toSt. Bernadette SoubirioUB at , Father John Cavanaugh, in his' or possibly ev~n ahead of others, Lourdes iIi 1858. lPeech based on the Ellis book and those in which we are be :-----,-~._ _ and his later letter to "Ameri hind. 1:... _ _ ._. ._._. ._._._'. lea" magazine defending his talk, "... Our critics have taken as also blandly "assumes general defi.nitive the non~Catholic esti agreement" with ~he position he mate' of what constitutes an in and Msgr, Ellis have taken. telleetual. What is the matter He talks about alleged Cath with theology, philosophy and olic intellectual inferiorit.y as if the, rational sciences generally?' "For Your Protedioll it were. unthink~ble ,tha •. a~y-, 'Spirituality-the science of the, \ , Buy From body might question hiS opmlO!l. saints-is regarded outside the '
Both Ways? Church as emotionalism.
,The confusion is compounde.d, , ~ '. .'. It seems to me high time
132 Rockdale Ave. by the fact .that MsgI'" ElliS for someone ,to give us a fuli list New. hdtord ' quotes, approvmgly, a statement '. of'intellectual pursuits 'witti 'a' from ~ 1905 talk by the, late, .. fair esti1TIate of', the 'p~rcentage ' WY 5-7947 Archbishop Jo.hn Ireland of St.' of Catholics in 'each 'ofO,them. ,',
Paul.. , .,. Then 'we' can consider 'Why?' ,oD+. .-----~---.~-:--~----:'Archbishop Ireland said: 'ThIS' and what we should do about 'it" Is an intellectual age. It worships' :' ' ..
intellect, It ~ties all things by
the touchstone of intellect." At this point, one's mind reels. NEWPORT CENTER (NC)Inc.
Does Msgr. Ellis want it both' ,An overseas infantry veteran of ways? We Americans are anti World Wa? II has resigned as Fabricators of
intellectuals who worship intel principal of,the Newport Center, lect and try all things by the High School to study for the touchstone of intellect! priesthood. But Msgr. Ellis soon gets back , and , Vernon J. Hart will enter the on the track, He quotes the' opin Servants of the Holy Paraclete, ,. ion of unnamed "visitors" from a religious order with headquar abroad" that Americans aI:e ters in New Mexico. A branch 53 Davol St., Fan River materialists who think only of of the order has been established making fortunes. It seems not to in Randolph, Vt., and Mr. Hart , OS 5,.7471 occur to him that visitors from will go there ~t once. ' '
Ere'cts, Lourdes Shrine
Continued from Pag-e One added the consequences o'f war, which are' unfortunately still widespread and persistent. Many of those who; through no fault of their own, are afflicted by these scourges, turn to .Us; and We can depend only upon the unflagging goodness and liberal ity of those of Our children' who : have been granted a gre~ter abundance of material goods and comforts. "Being enriched in all things," We may say to you and your faithful in the words of St. Paul: "You may contribute with simplicity of purpose, and thus through us evoke thanksgiving to, God; for the administration of this service' not only supplies the want of Ule saints, but over flows also in much gratitude 'to the Lord." (2 Cor. 9, 11-12). This, , indeed, will doubtless be the recompense reserved by Divine Providence for the increased ,munificence of your self-sacri ficing oblations: .that, as your donations supply the material needs of your brethren, so their thankful prayers will' invoke further and richer blessings lipon the Church in'-the United States , ,OfArtt~rica; ,arid upon 'each!am ilT 'and, individual' contributing, " to'; ,~,s ,J:lecessary , and' most praiseworthy char~ty. , '
Expresses Gratitude While emphasizing the unre mitting urgency of your annual appeal, Venerable Brothers, We cannot omit the expression of Our heartfelt and sincere grati tude for the conspicuous assist ance you and your diocesan. have given Us in past years. The fruit of your' sacrifices, offered to' the Vicar ,of Christ on earth, has, . as it were, been placed in ,the very' hands of Jesus to be distributed by Him' who went about doing good (Acts 10, 18); it ,has re ceived the blessing and the touch of the 'Redeemer who had com passion on the multitudes (Mark 8, 2) before going to bear His pity and "love to afflicted peo ples, to all who labor and are burdened, in every part 'of the earth. It is, then, in' further testi mony of Our warmly appre ciative thankfulness, as' well all to' call down copious divine graces upon all who collabo rate with you in this admirable work of mercy, that Weimp~rt from Our pate'rnal heart 10 you, to the zeal,ous clergy, fervent ReligioWl, ,and devoted faithful of your various jurisdictiona, Our loving ~postolic blessin.g:
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Sports Chatter
Catholic Hoop Tou'rney At Newport March 27.,29
THE ANCHORThurs., March 6, 1958
First Romans Christians Products Of Varied Social Background
Team Honors ,
ROME (NC) - R.oman Chris and defenders of the Faith dur tians of the first three centuries ing the early ages. Cited as the came from widely separated lev great lawyers of their time by Coach~Bishop By Jack Kineavy els of society, according to evi Msgr. Belvederi were Minucio Somerset Higb School Coach dence presented by a member of EUGENE •(NC) In these Tertullian and St. Cyp This has been an unusually poor tournament year for days when "human skyscrapers" the Pontifical Commission of Felice, rian. ,Vezzio Epagato, a lawyer Sacred Archeology. Southeastern Massachusetts basketball teams. Of the 12 populate the nation's basketball who lived during the second Msgr. Giulio Belvederi dis area teams that qualified for Tech only one rema~ns, the courts, a ch~mpionship team had. century, suffered martyrdom be cusses the professions of the first cause of 1;lis defense of his broth winner of the Oliver Ames-Somerset lower bracket Class C a reunion here--and there'wasn't Christians in an article written ers. in Christ d~ring the fero semifinal. Ames, off its 22-0 one-third of the Class A t~ams even a phis-six-footer among for Catholic Studies, a review of cious Roman persecutions. record, its tremendous height were eligible to compete for them. practical theology. The archeol Two professions, architect and advantage, and the court Tech this year. , This smacks of This team from St. Mary's ogist found clues to the profes athlete,' both highly esteemed legerdemain of guard Art "appeasement", as Mike Azzone High School here racked up 35 sions of several members of the during Roman times, have left Christian community in Rome'. f(;lw if any records among the of' Woburn observed. It is evith straight games and won the Wilde, entered th e game e dent that some sort of corrective ancient cemeteries. . favorite .over Narry League county and district champion Christians. Msgr.. Belvederl action is needed but the incen Among the· professions listed ships-butall this happened noted that although the profes champion Som- , tive of the 65 per cent qualifica , back in 193~ and 1933. The get- , by Msgr. Belvederi are fisher erset, w h i c h sion of architecture was wide boasted a 17:..1 tion factor should remain inman, barrel maker, lawyer, doc together hElre was the silver spread in the early Christian .late. violate. tor, businessman, banker and, days, no names have come down anniversary reunion for seven soldier. The Raiders Boston College and Boston . of the eight members of the to us. This, he believes, ill prin advanced to the University exchanged sa b e,r team: And tbe reunion also Noting that the profession of cipally because Roman civil au semis after disthrusts last week on the basket- . honored the, team's former coach medicine during the Roman ages thorities forbade architects to posing of Lynn ball and hockey fronts. B: C. is -Bishop Ftancis P. Leipzig of was practiced only by slaves, sign their work if for a public Trade and apt to have done its downtown Baker. freemen and foreigners, Msgr. building. Wareham, in neighbor irreparable damage, Bishop Leipzig and the late Belvederi reported that "the le Athletes Ignored that 0 r d e r . however, in that the Eagles' 5-3 Father John Dunn coached the gion of great medical 'figures at Athletes, too, are ignored dur Ames, • which ice victory may have knocked team which in three seasons the dawn of the Christian com ing the first cpnturies of Chris drew an initial the power-laden Terrier sextet from 1930 to 1933 won 76 out of munity commanded great ad tianity. St. Cyprian had written round bye, defeated Case of out of the N.C.A.A. picture. On 95 games. The team was in a miration" and .that Christian Swansea, Narry runner-up. The the other hand, B. U. dealt B. C.'s "B" schooi league, which Bishop doctors "contributed immensely against Christian attendance at the public theaters and games.' victory was 'sweet revenge for tournament-bound basketballers Leipzig helped to organize. ·It to the ennobling of the medical Apparently not until the Em the Muscato-coached quintet a sound lacing, which, coupled was confined to schools with an profession." peror Constantine approved the which bowed to Case in the with P. C.'s 81-59 Saturday night enrollment of less than 150. But Medical Men semi-finals last year. trouncing, hardly augers well the team st~pped out of its class Church did Christians take part Captain Slade Cutter, athletic for the Eagles' chances in the and had a 14-9 record against The first Christian doctor was in athletic contests. director of the Naval Academy, forthcoming championship com- "A" school teams; 14-2 against 51. Luke the Evangelist but as Msgr. Belvederi cited one in who last week was quoted as petition. ' Independents and 1-2 against early as the third century an stance, however, which tended to
l8yin'g that basketball was a inscription in the catacomb of 51. show that the professional ath
University of Oregon freshmen "sissies' game", would have been ~arrlngton Stars'" '.... Callistus records the medical lete came into his own after the teams. forced to qualify his. remarks Sophomore Tom Harrington, work of a presbyter named Dio- time of Constantine. He reported had he sat in on the Somerset- R. I. State via Somerse,t, ,led the ,nysius. In the sal\1e catacomb that an early document show. Wareham tilt at Quincy Fr;iday Rams to an upset 85-81 win over there is a grave marking which tha't a statue to an athlete named night. The officials who worked the University of Connecticu~, has depicted on it a box of sur John had been approved by pub the game exerted a noticeable Saturday, at Storrs, Tom had gical instruments. Famous as lic authorities some time be I lack Qf control from the outset 27 points for the night, among Christian medical men are SS. tween the years 384 and 592 A,D. and play became, exceedingly, them the winning basket: . The MANCHESTER (NC) -Spec Cosmas and Damian, brothers He argued that from the name, rough as the contest wore on. victory marked the first success ial serviceS have been held who were martyred for their John it is certain that the athlete Wareham lost the services of for the Rams over the U-Conns throughout Great Britain for the hono~ed was a Christian. faith and who are remembered starter Ken Borsari early in the since the '52-'53 season. In the dead and injured in ,the British daily in the Mass. first period when he was felled interim, Connecticut, also tourairliner disaster which practi Among the more notable by a flying elbow. He didn't nament bound, had measured cally wiped :out England's cham Christibn businessmen of early return to the lineup until the State in 11 consecutive outings. pion soccer team: Christianity is the pope and mar waning moments of the game, Defending champion Trenton, Eight members of the largely tyr, St. Callistus. While he was having made a quick trip to the N. J .. Catholic Boys' High School Catholic team from Manchester a slave he established a banking hospital for four sutures in the heads the field of eight teams were killed when their plane, house and was entrusted with interim. Somerset's fortunes ,selected for the 21st annual returning them to England from the affairs of most of the city's were dealt a severe blow late ESCIT to be played at Rogers Munich where they had played Christian population. Pope Fall River's Largest I in the fourth quarter when High School, Newport, March ,against a Beilgrade team, crashed Zephyiinus called him 19 govern guard Paul Chace came out of 27-29. Trenton also is defending shortly after taking off. Printers and Lithographers
the Roman clergy. On the death a flurry with a hairline fracture New Jersey champion. Bishop A~drew Beck, A,A., of of the pope, Callistus was elected of the cheekbone and several Other teams chosen }'nclu'-'e . W'h ose S ee M anc h est School Year, Books to the papacy in 217 A.D;.. 1I Salford, In loose teeth. All Hallows, finalist in the Newer lies, had called for special Great Lawyers 62 County St., Fall River Qualification Plan Y 0 r k Metropolitan Catholic· days of mourning and memorIn the field of law there were Tourney officials organized tournament; Manhattan Prep; ial services! ' Tet OS 4-3525 some of the greatest champions the A pairings in such a way as St. Aloysiulb Jersey City, N., J.; Crowds lined the streets pray to pro~o~ a Cambridg~ Latin- La Salle, Cumberland, Md.; 'Car- '. in'g as the i bOdies of the (lead Somerville finaL Their studied roll High of Washington,' D'.C.; 'players 'wete brought to: th'e,iI: FRANCIS J. plil ns nearly we~t "awFY,. ~ow-' 51.' Joseph's High; Huntington, 'hom'e ch"urches for Requiem ROSARY ever when Archblsho~ Williams W, Va., 'and De La Sillle"Acad- . Masses. M6st' of the inembers cam~ whhln an eyelash 9£ J>ull-: emy, Newport, R.: ,I; , " ,i ""ofthe'team are Catholics aM the ,CAS'ES, ing off' the upse~' of the year All seven visiting 'telim~ h&ve majority ,of its supporter.·-' iIre , agaln~t highly 'to,uted:, ~omer- >, won district titles or' are'pla~ing ;, Irish. ' " ,'. " " 222., UNlqN STREET ," Ge~'ui'n~ 'l~ather' vilie.' Th,e battling .Bish~ps ~,e~- 'iil championship •tou1'riame'nts. ' ' . TEL.. WY6-9784 '." Ingly had thlngs'well in hand La Salle,'Cumber.1and,"ilas"won''''Earlier, "'His Holiness' Pope ,From $1.25 , ,. 'pius XII had sent a 'message',of NEW' BEDfORD, MASS~'~ until well into the final: quarter ' 20 straight games. The tournasympathy:to MayorJ;Uslie LOver , .' ... .......
when the Greater Boston cham-ment doesn't have·the pageantry ","'of '" ,Manchester ~xpressing hi.
pions' bench strength took its of Tech but for the basketball ' inevitable tolL A successful savant, it's the most " sorrow over 'the disaster., 586 PLEASANT STREET ,GEN'ERAl foul conversion with only ,,14 Opposite librarY ' seconds on the clock gave Som NEW BEDF,ORD' ; INSURANCE Laymen to For~ulate ervll1e a well earned 60-59 '<iecl
sion. Then Brockton upset' the", Council at Cape Area ~',
applecart Monday night by elim District Deputy Frank Fraher, Inating Cambridge Latin, 57-.55. Jr. of' Wareham will visit at ~'Bef'!"..se We, Kno", Our Busines. Of the A teams which we' saw Martha's Vineyard to formulate In action, Cambridge Latin was plans for the institution of a ,Anthracite & Bituminous by far the most impressive. Of new Knights of Columbus Co\m- " For: Y •• to K ..o", ,Us". course their showing may have cil in that area. COAL been due in part to the mediocre All interested Catholic laymen calibre of their 'opponent, Bos are invited to attend a meeting " ton Latin. This has also been a which is slated for 7:30, next Automatic Coal Stokers basketball nadir for the, Boston Monday night in Columbus Hall, Bag Coal - Wood , , schools, though they have 'made Oak l3luffs. ' Charcoal rapid S'trides on the court since the Inception of ~he game in 'the,
Immediate post World War II
GRANITE BLOCK - FAll RIVER - OS 9-6418 HEATU--I~ era. George Bedard Buro D. Perron Frank X. Perron There has been a. good deal APPRAISER . of discUssiori lately regarding R~AL EST ~ TE " I the pros' and cons of the tourl"ey , qualification plan which admits, ' . teams to Tech that have won 65. IfIISU:A.N.cE, . per cent, of their ganlEis with 640 PLEASANT ST. , recognized 'Schools. -The com • NE~ BEDFORD 13G· <;:oriJell St. ment made by Coach}ohnBane 'WY 6-8271-28-3 , of Archbishop' Williams is most ,.New B~d'ord-, apropos. John would a,dvan,ce league champions to the quarter
final round automatically and
permi,t the rest of qualifiers to
battle' it out for' the remaining
berths. Corrective Action Need~ "
Since there are six Class A ,leagues in operation, Bristol County included, that would leave two quarterfinal places IT at available for the survivors of the qualifying rounds. This
would appear eminently fair and place a greater premium on TAUNTON, MASS. 54-56 COURT ST~EEr a league title than has thus far
been accorded. Approximate17
., Specia:1 Sery'ices .For Soccer Dead
R. E. Smith Co'.
---- - _... - - -- -- ,
••• then' 'i~in .the
1 I
THE' "":\-!OR
New Catholic University 'Center Will Aid Scien'tific Program
Thurs., March 6, 1958
Catholic .Life
Continued from Page One eral's Office for the Holy See's· exhibit· They ar.e: 1) Social needs of different classes and solutions proposed · by Catholics. 2) The collaboratio~ of dif • ferent professions, classes, na tionalities and races 'in acbiev-.' ing OI:te .goal. 3) Family life, education and preparation for marriage, the aignificance of woman in society. 4) Vocational orientation, pro fessional life, safety at work, man and automation, man and. technical progress. 5) Habitation, home decora tion, community life. Catholic education in the U. S. : will 'also be represented hy pho tographs. The fourth section in which American Catholics will be rep resented is the display on char itable activities of the Church. · This' novel exhibit will be built , around' the theme of the Good ,Samaritan and composed of paintings and drawings by Catholic school children. , The U. S. contribution to this , _'. exhibit is also 'beipg assembled . "*by. the NCEA, which' has 'con tacted schools all over the coun · try asking for coritributions from pupils under the age of 13. Be~ tween 400 and 500 paintings and drawings by Amerjcan young sters are 'expected to be sent to Civitas Dei. . Rosary Films ,There will be at least two ether American contributions to 'the Vatican pavilion, in addition to the various exhibits being prepared for its several seCtions. Holy Gross Father Patrick Peyton, founder of the Family Rosary Crusade, has made 15 narrative films on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each film lasts 45 minutes. The Vatican exhibit ·will present them as a continu eus feature, showing them in the daytime and at night. Located in front of the three buildings which will make up Civitas Dei will be a large eeremonial square with a caril Jon in the center. This "Carillon Americana" is being built by a tJ. S. manufacturer, Schulmerich, Carillons, Inc., of- Sellersville, Pa, The instrument will cost an - 'estimated $40,000 and, according to its 'builders, will enable its operator "to do things with bells 'that never could be done be 'fore." The Carillon' Americana bas been donated to Civitas' Dei by David' Sar-noff,. chairman of the board of the Radio Corpora tion of' America.
First Red Mass SACRAMENTO (NC) -- His Eminence James Francis Car ""-:tdinal McIntyre" Archbishop of Los Angeles, will preside at the first Red Mass in the California Iltate Capital on March 13.
WASHINGTON (NC) - An aide to President Eisenhower said the new physics research center here at the Catholic Uni versityof America will help contribute to top priority objec tives in this nation's scientific program. Speaking at the cornerstone laying ceremonies for the uni versity's Keane Physics. Re search Center, Dr. James R. Killian Jr., special assistant to the President for science and technology, laude'd "Catholic University for its vitality and its growing contribution to the na tion!' . Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington blessed the cor nerstone for the research cen ter, which' is now under con 'struction at an approximate cost of $1,200,000. It is expected to be completed at the beginning of the university's summer session.
BUDDING ARTISTS: Margaret Rooney, a Durfee High student, shows one of the pictures she has painted at the Girls CYO in Fall River to, stan(}ing ~eft to right, Mary A. Pelton,D"urfee High, 'Judith Hunt, Sacred Hearts Academy, and Susan Silveira, Durfee High, all members of the Art Class at the CYO. ' .
St. Patrick's ,Day Parade Continued' from Page One of grandstand seats and a tag able James Carroll, Lord Mayor day which ~ill be held on Marcb of Dublin Ireland. Also at the 15. DonatIons may be made top of th~ parade will be the payable to St. PatriCk's Day honorary marshall, Mayor Ar- Parade and sent to Atty. William ruda of Fall River. MayorLaw- P. Grant, parade fund treasurer, leI' will lead the New' Bedford at P. O. Box 2212. contingent. Decoration of municipal buildRev. Raymond T. Considine, ings, business establishments and pastor of 'St. William's"Church private dwellings' has been urged and head of the Pro'pagation of by the Clover Club. the Faith office in Fall River The City of Fall River has will serve as chaplain .of th~ initiated,' the decorating by parade. ~ainting the Main Street street The first ,group in the. parade lmes, lanes and crosswalks will be the Clover Club memgreen. bel'S, wearing top hats and green.At St. Patrick's Parish in Fall carnations. They will be fol RIver, the women have been lowed by the Knights of Colum making Irish flags to adorn the . bus, who have been given the store fronts and homes in the' secona position of honor as a South End.. They have worked leading Catholic organization. under the supervision of Rev.. .St. Patrick's Parishes in ,Fall John J. Delany., River and Somerset are planning , General chairman of the pa large representations,honoring rade is James ,1;;, Ju~ge who their patron saint's feast, under heads a large commIttee of the direction of their pastors Clover Club . members... Rt. Rev: Msgr. Edmund J. Ward The club's St. Patrick's Day and Rev. Edward J. Gorman. celebration will be climaKed State ,arid municipal leaders. with a banqu~ a~ the State pariSh groups, veterans and civic Armory followmg t~e par!lde. .. organizations, b ag pip e and Mayo~ Car~oll .wIlI speak at marching' bands will be seen in the affaIr whIch IS expected to the over two-mile long parade. attract some 1,000 people. Reviewing stands will be Vocal sel~c,tions. will be of erected at Sc:>uth Park and' City fered by ~ISS Amc~ta' Shea~' a c:oncert artIst who I~ a native Hall, and grandstands are plan ned at the ,intersection of South of Newport. and a mece of the Main Street and Bradford Ave late D~. MIchael Shea,. ~ormer nue and at CitY. Hall square. Funds' for the parade expenses are being raised through solici tations, contribuiions, the sale
cludes seven teaching labora tories· with a total of 4,670 square feet of floor space; laboratorieS of 6,550 square feet for advanced research, and about 2,000 square feet of laboratory preparation and shop space. There will be laboratories for nuclear research, spectroscopy, ultrasonics in gases and liquids, modern physics and electronics. A lecture-demonstration room, seating 120 students, and built without windows will depend upon artificial lighting for the most efficient conduct of many experiments.
Catholic Lit;,ature
Shown at Meeting
In recognition of Catholic Press Month, a display of Cath olic ,literature was exhibited by Miss Emily Perry, organization and 'development chairman - of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Calling attention to the scien Women, at a meeting of Taunton tific work done by the' Catholic Distril't in St. Anthony's School University of America for many auditorium. years, . Dr. Killian said its his Speakers were Rev. Joseph L. tory. gives "impressive evidence" Powers, Taunton district mod of the university's ability to erator; Rev. Francis A. Mc maintain . t~e "amalgamation of Carthy, diocesan moderator for advanced teaching . and re discussion groups; Rev. Edward search." J, Mitchell of Sacred Heart . University Vitali&,' Church, Taunton, and Mrs. Em mett Almond, diocesan presi "The building of this labora tory, against the background of dent. accomplishment," Dr. K'illian Mrs. Joaquim Bernardino, conclud{;ld, "exemplifies the will Taunton district president, pre and vitality' of this university sided. Members of the Holy ,spirit and gives encouragement Rosary Society of St. Anthony's to all who feel optimistic about were hostesses 3It a coffee hour the future of American educa-' following the meeting. tion." The research center is named after Archbishop John J. Keane, who was the university's first rector. He was appointed on September 7, 1887, and served in that capacity until Septem 591 SUMMER ST. ber 1896. He was nam{;ld Arch bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, in New Bedford WY 3-1346 1900 and'died on June 22, 1918. The newphy'sics building inAll Bundles Insured 'While in Our Possession
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CARDINAL PRAYS FOR PEACE: His Eminence Sam ueI-Cardinal Stritchtalks briefly with President Eisenhower during a one'-day co~ference on the Foreign Aspects of U. S. Nation~ Security meeting in Washington. .
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