VOL.47, NO.9· Friday, March 7, 2003
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Parishes across. diocese to celebrate Rite of Sending FALL RIVER - On Sunday, ing Mass because it is from this someone to become part of the in many churches across the Fall liturgy that our catechumens.have Church is larger than the River diocese parishioners will been presented to the community catechetical team, larger than the take part in the joyful Rite of and went forth week-after-week parish, and part of the life of the Sending with their catechumens. to Break Open the. Word." whole Church, the Body of "The rite of sending is the loThis rite gives those who have Christ." cal parish celebration that sends watched and prayed for the catHe continued, "It fills me with catechumens to St. Mary's Cathe- echumens "a chance to publicly joy that such a large institution dral in Fall River for the Rite of proclaim their affirmation," takes the faith life and human Election," said Father Henry J. Robinson added. journey of each individual so seDahl, director of the Rite of riously that the shepherd of Christian Initiation of the' diocese himself calls Adults. "It fills me with joy that such a each person to the final phase in preparation for the "Although it is an optional rite, it was developed large institution takes the faith life celebration of initiation of to allow members of the 10- . and human journey of each indi- admission into full comcal community to experi- vidual so seriously that the shepherd munion. The diocesan ence some aspect of the of the diocese himself calls each bishop, or the ~drninistrator awesome Rite of Election," person to the final phase in prepa- in our case, not only stands he added. as the leader of the diocese, ration for the celebration of initiation· but the figure of unity with Later on Sunday, at 3 of admission into full communion." the umversal Church."· p.m., the catechumens the unbaptized - will According to Father - Father Marcel H. Bouchard, Dahl, "The rite of sending gather at the cathedral for Pastor, Corpus Christl Parish is, as it were, the nurturthe actual Rite of Election. East Sandwich ing parish's affirmative reThere, with Msgr. George sponse and recognition of W. Coleman, administrator of the diocese, presiding, they will There and in many other par- God's choice to call the catechusign the Book of the Elect and will ishes following the Rite of Send- mens for immediate initiation henceforth be called ''The Elect." ing, parishioners host a luncheon into the Church at the great EasIn a combined ritual on Sun- for the candidates, catechumens, ter vigil." This recognition of God's day in the cathedral, those al- . their sponsors and families. ready baptized in other Christian "Mter lunch, the entire group choice and the affirmative retraditions and who wish to enter travels by bus to the cathedral. sponse of the catechumens and into full communion in the Catho- There is a real spirit of family to- <,:andidates profoundly affects the Church. lic Church will also come for- getherness," she noted. "We send our people forth beward. Father Marcel H.Bouchard, Mrs. Joan Robinson, coordi- pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in cause what they do changes nator of the RCIA process for St. East Sandwich, said ''The Rite of adds to ....:... the whole Body of Pius X Parish in South. Sending for Election and for the Christ throughout the world, and Yarmouth, said, "We celebrate call to Conversion reminds me in glory," Father Bouchard asthe Rite of Sending at the morn- that the process of preparing serted.
Office- of Adult Education releases rosary. CD as a prayer'for world peace FALL RIVER - The diocesan Office of Adult Education and Evangelization has released a rosary CD in celebration of the Year of the Rosary proclaimed by Pope John Paul n. The CD has the three traditional mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious) and also includes the new Luminous Mys-
teries promulgated by the Holy Father. Michael Tellier, a liturgical musician, performs original meditative background music to accompany each of the brief Scriptural meditations. Lisa M. Gulino, director of Adult Education stated, "it is my hope that this CD will assist Tum to page 13 - Rosary CD
Parishes mourn fire victims - page three
TCMS singers play it cool with the Providence Bruins PROVIDENCE, R.I. - The Taunton Catholic Middle School Choir took center stage recently, singing the National Anthem at the Dunkin' Donuts Center here at the beginning of the Providence Bruins vs. Springfield Falcons game. The choir, which formed last September, has been highlighted in several venues, including the St. Mary's Education Fund Dinner last October, and the Open House for new students earlier this month. The choir, directed by Patti Lacerda, performed a cantata at this year's Christmas Pageant, as well. Choir members include: Peter -Hoye, Anthony Howard, Lauren Cronan, Michelle Martin, Emily Silva, Morgan THE TAUNTON Catholic Middle School Choir, under the direction of Neill, Lauren LeClair, Evan Enos, Robert Patti Lacerda, right, sings the National Anthem prior to a Providence Bru- Pulsinelli, Cassandra Amaral. Chelsey Rezendes, Desiree Scanlon, ins game at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, R.I.
Kim Connon, Brianne Perry, Jillian LeBlanc, Simon Burhoe, Alison Warren, Melissa Robens, John Paquette, Molly Malo, Ryan O'Connell, Joseph Tutino, Sarah Hoyng, Kim Freitas, Ashleigh Chaves, Sarah Casey, Alyssa Freitas, Christine Carpenter and Stephen White. More than 165 people, choir members and their families attended the game. The students were confident as they took the ice to sing an a capella version of the National Anthem. Smiling faces watched Lacerda as she lead them through the "Star Spangled Banner" and when they reached ''the rockets red glare," many smiles broadened as students hit the high notes perfectly. Shoulders relaxed and the rest was a breeze. Following their performance, all students joined their families in the stands to watch the Baby Bs win 4-2.
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Friday, March
Fall River parishes to host city-wide Lenten mission FALL RIVER - For the second straight Lenten season, several Fall River parishes will participate in a city-wide seasonal mission, entitled "The Cross of Jesus - From Scandal to Glory," March 10 through 13. The host parishes are St. Michael's, Holy Trinity, Notre Dame and Sacred Heart. The mission presenter will be Father John Grace of St. Marie Parish in Manchester, N.H. Father Grace has served many years, as director of Spiritual Renewal Services for the Diocese of Manchester, and is a well-known preacher of parish renewals and missions. "This retreat week is an opportunity to share God's word and to be nourished by the Eucharist
with Catholics from all parishes," said Father Scott A. Ciosek, a parochial vicar at St. Michael's Parish and coordinator of the event. "So often, especially in the city, we get so caught up in our individual parish identities that our vision of Church becomes limited," he said. " During last year's mission, many people found a source of support in gathering with Catholics from other parishes, not only in sharing our faith, but in witnessing that faith to one another as members of the wider Church." Father Ciosek said that by the end of last year's mission, nearly 400 faithful were in attendance. Each evening will begin at 7 p.m. and on March 13, the sacrament of reconciliation will. be available at 6 p.m. Each evening will include Mass, and following
FOR ALLDAY WALKING COMFORT JOHN'S SHOE. STORE 295 Rhode Island Avenue Fall River, MA 02724
FUNERAL HOME 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. Rose E, Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my izame that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for tile saLvation oftheir souls, aLL those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shaLL: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive HoLy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation; the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:' Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
For information, contact any of the listed parishes.
Daily Readings Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12
Mar 15 Mar 16
庐bttuartra Father John McCarthy CSC
Sister Anne Maria LeBrun SUSC
Mar 14
EASTON - Holy. Cross Fa- late Mary (Ahearn) McCarthy, ther John McCarthy died March he graduated from Notre Dame the homily, Father Grace will lead I after a ,battle with cancer. He University and then served as an a prayer of recommitment to was 78 years old and lived on the officer in the U.S. Navy during Christ and his Gospel. World War II. Stonehill College campus. "The Church is going through He made his profession as a Universally kQown as "Father an exciting time of renewal and this Mac," he served the college for member of the Cong:-egation of retreat will help us all work toward almost four decades and was the Holy Cross in 1953 and was orgreater faithfulness to our Baptis- recipient of two awards for his dained a priest in 1958. mal call," said Father Ciosek. Besides his brothers in the , contributions. From 1964-1991, The first of the four-night gath- he served as religious superior, Congregation of Holy Cross he erings will be held March 10 at campus minister, faculty member, leaves a brother, Richard F. St. Michael's Church, 189 Essex chaplain, director of campus min- McCarthy of New York City; and. Street (508-672-6713), with "Is istry, and since-1991 as nieces and nephews. Jesus For Real?" as the theme. His funeral Mass was celStonehill's first alumni minister. The following evening, Father Born in The Bronx, N.Y., the ebrated Wednesday in Holy Cross Grace will discuss "Changing son of the late John E., and the Church, South Easton. Life's Channel," at Holy Trinity Church, 951 Stafford Road (508672-3200). FALL RIVER - Sister Anne the Baptist School in Pawtucket, i "Daydreaming or Dreaming of Maria LeBrun, 78, a Holy Union R.I.; taught and was principal at a New Day?" is the topic for the Sister for 60 years, died suddenlY Rose Hawthorne School in ConWednesday evening session at March I at The Landmark, where cord; taught and waS an administniNotre Dame Church, 529 Eastern she resided since 2000. tor at St. Joseph's,Pre-Primary Day Avenue (508-679-1991). Born in Taunton, the daughter of School in !.-unenburg, and was a The retreat concludes on March the late Alfred and the late Alphea teacher at St. Cecilia's, Pawtucket. 13 at Sacred Heart Church, 160 (Marcoux) LeBrun, she was chrisBesides her sisters in the Holy Seabury Street (508-673-0852), tened Annette Marie Graziella Union Community she leaves two with the theme, "Today, Salvation brothers, Roland and Normand LeBrun. Has Come to this Home!" She was a graduate ofSt. Jacques LeBrun ofTaunton; two sisters, Rita In addition to the host parishes, the Fall River Lenten retreat is School in Taunton, attended LeBrun of Taunton and Lillian Taunton High School and earned a Anctil of Falmouth; and nieces and , sponsored by the parishes of: St. bachelor's degree in education from nephews. She was also the sister of Mary's Cathedral (508-673~ the Catholic Teacher College in the late Raymond LeBrun, Evelyn 2833), Good Shepherd (508-678Almeida and Lucienne Ouilette. 7412), Holy Name (508-679- Providence, R.I. Her funeral Mass was celShe entered the Holy Union Sis" 6732), Immaculate Conception 'ebrated Tuesday in SL Ma'ry's ters on Sept. 8, 1942 and made her (508-673-2122), Holy Rosary (508-672-7232), St. Anne's (508- . first vows in 1944 and her perpetual Cathedral, Fall River. Budai was Wednesday in St. Joseph's Cem674-5651), St. Joseph's (508- vows on July 6, 1950. etery, Taunton. Sister LeBrun taught at St. John 673-1123), St. Stanislaus (508672-0423), and SS. Peter & Paul
Mar 13
Lv 19:1-2,11-18; Ps 19:8-10,15; . Mt 25:31-46 Is 55: 10-11; Ps 34:4-7,16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Jon3:1-10; Ps 51 :3-4,1213,18-19; Lk 11 :29-32 Est C:12,1416,23-25; Ps 138:1-3,7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119: 1-2,4-5,7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Gn 22:12,9a, 1'0-13, 1518; Ps 116:10,15-19; Rom 8:31 b-34; Mk 9:2-10
Jrtalis it easierfor tliose you Ibw, 11I1111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Ma~s. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS sem address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA CJ2722.
Abuse Prevention Training schedule is announced
FALL RIVER - The schedule" for Abuse Prevention Training for the Fall River diocese was recently announced for the spring as follows: - March II from 7-9 p.m. at Christ the King Parish, The Commons, Mashpee. For more information call 508-477-7700;路 - March 18 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier school auditorium, 223 Main Street, Acushnet. Call 508-995,7600; - March 19 from 7-9 p.m. atthe St. John ~he Evangelist Hospitality Center, One', St. John Place, Attleboro. Call 508-222-1206; - March 24 from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Mary's School, 106 Washington Street, Taunton. Call 508-822-9480;
- March 27 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Mary's Parish center, 106 Illinois Street, New Bedford. Call 508-9953593; -April 3 from 7-9 p.m. at Holy Redeemer, 57 Highland Avenue, Chatham. Call 508-945-0677; - AprilS from 1-3 p.m. at Oak Bluffs Parish center, Oak Bluffs Martha's Vineyard. Call 508-6930342; - April 9 from 7-9 p.m. at Sl. Paul Church, 261 Tremont Street, Taunton. Call 508-824-7166; - April 14 from 7:9p.m. at Notre Dame de Lourdes, 529 Eastem Avenue. Call 508-673-7831; - April 29 from 7-9 p.m. in the church hall of St., Thomas More Parish, 386 Luther Avenue, Somerset. Call 508-673-7831.
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the.coming week March 12 1961, Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1989, Rev. Adrien E. Bernier, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1991, Rev. George I. Saad, Retired Pastor, Our Lady of Purgatory, New Bedford ' March 16 1957, Rev. Francis 1. Maloney S.T.L., Pastor, St. Mary, North Attleboro
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the anchot\)
Friday, March 7, 2003
CSS sponsors Adoption Information Day
Services for The Station fire victiDls continue across diocese dence. The funeral of Donna M. Mitchell, 29, of Fall River, was held February 28 with a Mass.in St. Michael's Church, Ocean Grove, Swansea. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River. A 1991 graduate of Joseph Case High School in Swansea, she was employed at the Holiday Inn in Warwick, R.I. She was the daughter ofWilliam J. and Don,na M. Mitchell. She leaves two daughters, Brooklyn and Joslynn Belanger; a brother, Jonathan Mitchell; and a sister, Ashley Mitchell, all of Fall.River; and her matemal grandmother, Margaret Nicastro of Sharon, Pa. A funeral Mass for Thomas Frank Marion Jr., 27, of Westport, was held February 28 in Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport. Buria1 was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall River. A graduate of Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School, he was employed as a furniture manager at Wal-Mart in Raynham. Bom in Fan River, the son of Dorothy Arruda Marion ofWestport and Thomas Marion, he was an ac- . complished guitarist. Besides his parents he leaves two brothers, Michael and Jason Marion; a sister, Wendy Marion, all
FALL RIVER - Even as the blaze that consumed The Station nightclub in West Wmwick on February 20 claimed a98 th Ii fe this week, Masses and funeral sclvices continue across the Fall River diocese. The Anchor has published obitumies of those from parishes in the diocese as they became known and when details were forthcoming. A Mass of Chlistian Burial for Judith I. (Dalton) Manzo, 37, ofWest Yarmouth, was celebrated FeblUary 28 in St. Theresa Church, Attleboro. Burial was in Mt. St. Mary Cemetery, Pawtucket. Born in Attleboro, the daughter of Blair Dalton of Attleboro and Carole (Hindle) Dalton Malcolmson of West Yarmouth, she graduated from Attleboro High School in 1983. She attended cosmetology school and worked as a hairdresser in Attleboro and recently as an administrative assistant at First Choice Medical Staftlng in East Providence. Besides her parents she leaves a son, Anthony Manzo Jr., a daughter, Brianna Manzo, both of North Providence; two sisters, Sue Ellen LeBeau and Linda Dalton, both of Attleboro; two nieces; her stepmother, Paula (Fredette) Dalton of Attleboro; and her former husband, Anthony Manzo, of North Provi-
of Westport; and nieces and ne(>hews. A Mass of Christian Burial for Robert 1. Croteau, 31, of Fall River, was celebrated March I in Notre Dame Church, Fan River. A graduate of Durfee High School, he had been employed at Bames Tree Service in Rochester and Summit Grove Landscaping in Dmtmouth. Bom in Fall River, he was the son of Harvey and Judith (Morango) Croteau. Besides his parents he leaves four brothers, Kevi nand Thomas Croteau of Fall River, Michel Croteau of Waltham, and Russell Croteau of Tiverton; his maternal grandmothers, Delia Morango of Fan River; and nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Also on Saturday, a Mass for Daniel Young, 29, of Taunton, was celebrated in Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton. A computer consultant, he was the husband of Jennifer Young. He was a 1991 graduate of Foxboro High School and studied at Western New England College in Springfield. A funeral Mass for Kristine Carbone, 38, of Taunton, was celebrated Monday in Immaculate Conception Church, Stoughton. She was a salesperson at Heritage Salmon Company in Canton.
FALL RIVER ---..:. Catholic Social Services of Fall River is sponsoring an Adoption Information Day March 23 from I:303:30 p.m. at Catholic Social Services, '1600 Bay Street. The presented information will cover domestic newborn and in-
ternational programs. Attendees are asked to arrive on time because the front doors will be locked at I:30 p.m. To register, or to request an agency adoption package and application, call 508-674-4681 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. M-F.
SAINT MARY'S CATHEDRAL PIPE ORGAN FUND Plans are in progress to restore a 40 rank pipe organ to the Cathedral choir loft using pipes from the St. Louis Church organ and the former Kilgen organ. A five rank antiphonal positiv division of the org~.rj near the sanctuary will allow for flexibility in accompanying cantor, choir and congregation. Consoles at the front of the church and in the loft will connect both instruments. Gifts and pledges of $60,445 have been made. Please help us to raise the additional $115,000 needed to acquire this instrument for our Cathedral. Pledges and gifts will be gratefully received in honor of living persons or as memorials for deceased loved ones. Contributions a'1d inquiries may be directed to: Cathe'dral Pipe Organ Fund Rev. Edward J. Healey, Rector 327 Second Street Fall River, MA 02721
The National Shrine of St. Anthony and St. Jude at St. Francis Chapel & City Ministry Center Providence, Rhode Island We are pleased to remember your special intentions throughout Lent and the Easter Season. Dear Friends, We h~ve just begun the great and holy season of Lent. This is ~he time of year when we prepare for the celebration of the resurrection by renewing out hearts and asking God to heal all that is hurt and broken. It is the time of year when we offer special prayers for'ourselves and for the people we love.
Enroll your loved fines, living or. deceased, in our Book ofRemembrance at the National Shrine ofSt. Anthony and St. Jude.
Fr. Frank Sevola, OFM, Director
.................•.•......••.....................•••••••.............•.••.••..•........•.............•.•........•.•.. Yes, Fr. Frank, I have written my special intentions and the names of my loved ones on the form below. Please remember them during Lent and Easter at the National Shrine ofSt. Anthony and St. Jude. I am enclosing a gift of$ to'help your work among the poor and needy.
-:--_ _ _
Address City State
Please Remember my Intentions and Loved Ones:
Please Return To: Fr. Frank Sevola, OFM National Shrine of St. Anthony and S1. Jude 58 Weybosset Street Providence, RI 02903
Friday, March 7, 2003
the living word
Save your pennies Have you looked at your gas or fuel oil bill recently? What about the prices at the gas station? These two items alone are demanding mon,; income each week. Now tie this reality with-some other economic signs and you will see we have a real worry about where our economy is headed. Across the nation there is growing anxiety that we are heading for financial hard times. Glancing at the unemployment picture we see that more and more people are being laid off from what once was thought as safe jobs. Teachers. police and firefighters will be targeted to help balance state and local budgets. From coast-to-coast the news is not good. Governor after governor are announcing that the situation is grave. We've been told that belt tightening will be the order of the day. The hardest hit of course will be the poor. Social and health services wi II be areas targeted by budget cuts. Last year was also a time that saw tremendous corporate bankruptcies. The wage imbalance between executive officers and ordinary workers in so many companies was scandalous. Many people have been financially bankrupt by corporate gr~ed. Those who were able to maintain their employment did not get much of a wage increase. For some there was a glimmer of light- when -mortgage rates fell. but this was offset by an equal fall in consumer confidel1Ce. Apublic trying to stretch its income to cover all the financial obligations has victimized the retail sector. I A group that will have to face bleak opportunities will be our new college graduates. The high-paying salaries for plush jobs will be hard to find. For example, cutbacks in the airline industry from engineers to pilots have shut the doo~ on many seeking employment in this particular field. Ongoing jitters about sabotage and terrorism have and will c'Ontinue to hamper the tourist industry. As danger signs continue to be. announced by Homeland Security, few are straying far from home. A real insecurity about future dangers is beginning to permeate the American spirit and it is paying its predictable prognosis with people across the land. Finally, add to all these fiscal woes the cost of the impending war with Iraq. No one knows how much this conflict will cost. A war budget per se has not been given to ·Congress. However, serious' financial experts theorize that a last $90 billion to $100 billion will be needed to tinance a short campaign. If a war and its aftereffects are' prolonged, then the stars are the monetary limit One cannot depend on wartime compensation to repay such military expenses. The daily undertaking of warfare will have to be the responsibility, of the nation. Speculating about future prosperity after conflicts have' been settled is pie-in-the-sky economics. There are simply too many tiscal uncertainties in this sitl.!ation. All citizens will feel the brunt of this particular item as we meet military demands. Putting all the variables into the proverbial mixing bowl we have a very sticky batter on our hands.-Pour it into the pan to cook together and we come up with a very flat or perhaps an equally uneatable financial pie. These are portends that can't be ignored. They are real and many are having a currently disheartening effect on people. However, it is important to note that we cannot become fainthearted by these fiscal anomalies. Rather, prudence, responsibility and financial accountability should be the course of action. An equitable distribution of funds must be balanced by care and concern for the common good. Americans have in the past" traveled through depressions as well as good times. The lesson ofthese journeys will indeed help all as we live through today's eC<;>rlomic times. Once more we have to learn to save our pennies.
The Executive Editor , -
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFJHE DIOCESE OFFALL RIVER , Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fali River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 ).• Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA, 02722~0007 Telephone 508-675-7151, FAX 508-675-7048 ' ' E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address, changes to P.O. Box, call or use'E·maiiaddress
, EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
Roots of terrorism By
to help raise their standard of living, we also see the ugly head During a stroll down of corruption. Too often that aid Washington's Pennsylvania never gets to the most deserving Avenue, I suddenly realized I because of despotic power and was zigzagging to avoid barriers government corruption. that were erected because of the One wonders how much less terrorism alerts. But what, terrorism, and for that inatter ultimately, was causing my path how many fewer AIDS cases, to change? would exist had American aid A frieze at the U.S. Supreme been distributed equitably. When Court gives us one answer. In the people have jobs, food, medical middle of the frieze are Justice aid, just treatment and are and Truth, with the works of ,building toward a bright future, good on their right and on their terrorism loses its purpose. As left the works of evil: corruption, goes the infrastructure of a slander, deception and despotic country, so goes its rate of crime. power. The United States is not Ultimately, ~errorism is the exe"mpt when it comes to result of these works of evil. corruption that helps terrorism. One reason we are being Recent scandals in major terrorized is because we have a corporations have demonstrated better life than people in most that the fraud depicted on the nations. Whenever anyone is No. Supreme Court frieze is in our I, there is always someone own backyard. Not only were plotting to take over thL top spot. life savings lost, the economy Some consider this normal in the weakened and unnecessary world of competition. More hardships created, but the often it should be attributed to scandals provided ammunition to jealousy, one of the seven deadly terrorists who can point to our sins. corruption and argue that When we look more closely at Americans are greedy, the kind the billions of dollars the United .who would want to take over the States has sent to poor countries / world.
Evil in its many forms is the ultimate reason we are fighting terTorism. I also believe a less perceivable evil is a factor: fallout from global modernization. Countries that are spawning terror don't want to be forced into modernization. Like most of us who cling to old traditions, I they want to hold onto their ways of life. With the revolution of the digital world and global trading, they arep" heing given a choice. Economic and technological pressures literally are forcing them to change their way of life. More ilTitating for them than this is that they feel they are being Westernized. The implication is that Eastern culture is inferior. This has caused serious misunderstandings and resentment, both of which are evils. The next time anti-terrorist precautions force you to zigzag down a sidewalk or through a building, use it as an opportunity to reflect on the enormous powers of evil behind them and how new forces of global modernization factor into the situation.
Friday, March 7, 2003
Good can come from bad Allow me to set the scene Several offers later, I license plates. Learning the for you. It's a cold, very rainy accepted the usc of a cell phone proceeds went to the Jimmy and the dry interior of a fellow Saturday afternoon. A motorist Fund, daughter agreed. is stranded at the end of a busy human being's van to call I was so proud of my (her) highway exit, in such a spot AAA. Within minutes of that new plates. I couldn't wait for where cars could easily happening, my sister-inmaneuver past, but law pulled up and both whose occupants could daughters accepted a also easily look into the ride home (bailed out). I can '( say for sure, but I eyes of the dejected sensed the three of them poor soul behind the , .) giggled aloud until wheel of the motionless vehicle in question. reaching their destina; To recap - there tion. By Dave Jolivet t ./. was a bro~en-down So there I was automobile with hood alone, stationary and raised and emergency pathetic looking - but with my new Red Sox license flashers rhythmically tapping people to see them. Well, let plates. But as I mentioned out ti me to the beat of the me tell you many, many, many earlier, God turns bad into' torrential rain. The driver sat people got to see them - up good. It was a 90-minute wait sadly behind the useless close - at the end of that steering wheel, while others for the tow truck. During that highway exit. went about their Saturday period the number of people Most of us know that God, routines. Could this scene in addition to having a sense of who offered assistance touched me. I can't count the number of possibly be more pathetic? Yes. humor, has a way of turning Add to that the fact that the car women (it was mostly women) bad into good - and this was and men who expressed was adorned with bright shiny no exception. new Massachusetts Red Sox concern. In a world filled with Both my daughters were road rage and cashiers who license plates! At the risk of with me when the car initially don't even look you in the having my loyalty to the Bosox failed to respond to my foot eyes, this restored my faith in questioned further, nothing pumping the accelerator. I felt people. Goodness from badcould spell L-O-S-E-R more. bad for myself, but worse for As bad as the whole thing them, knowing that they, unlike ness. Time passed and my heart was, the worst part was the me, actually have fun things to driver was yours truly! Only do on Saturday afternoons. the day before I had put the car Almost immediately feJlow on the road in anticipation of motorists (after stifling a my eldest daughter shortly snicker or two) began pulling obtaining her license. The car up beside us asking if we was given to me and I agreed to needed assistance. At first I register and insure it for said declined (it's a guy thing) eager offspring with the hoping the car was minutes stipulation that I could slap on away from behaving. Alas, that a pair of shiny new Red Sox wasn't to be.
My View
from the Stands
, I
was filled with joy (almost) because of my sister and brother motorists. The tow truck arrived and took my vehicle upon its back for the ride home. After climbing the 30 feet up into the truck's cab, I sadly looked out the rear window to see the disabled beast directly behind me. It was then I realized this sight was even more pathetic - a car with Red Sox license plates ri'ding piggyback on a flatbed truck. L-O-S-E-R. Once home and dry, I forlornly gazed out the window at the car with the Red Sox license plates. Evi I thoughts infiltrated my mind - "Is this part of the Curse of the Bambino'?" Even worse, I started to doubt the mvtives of those who offered to·Help. My heart grew cold as I began to think concern for a fcllow
human being wasn't the reason they acted - rather it was pity for a man who would actually put Red Sox license plates on his vehicle. As I sat and collected my shaken thoughts, my heart grew warm again. Warm in the glow of knowing that people were actually moved to action because of my horrible, hopeless plight - being a lifelong tried and true Rcd Sox fan. How sweet. People are nice. See'? Goodness from badness. Dave Jo/ivet, el/itor of The Anchor, is a former sports editor/writer, and regularly gil1es one fan's perspectil'e 011 the unique world of sports. Comments are welcome at dave;o/ivet@allcllOrilews.qrg.
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UWe cannot direct the wind, but ~e can adjust the sails."
Letters to the Editor Sisters deserve one line in the hisEditor: After reading the article about tory. Sister Silveria Sullivan, St. Lawrence Church in The Anchor (February 14) it pierced my RSM heart to note the glaring omission. The Sisters of Mercy worked Editor: in thc parish from 1904 to 1984. Yesterday's Anchor (February Thc gave their life's blood dur- 21) on page II has a photograph ing 80 years of service and were which mocks our president and I completely ignored in the article. am outraged and demand an apolThose Sisters down through the . ogy from your paper. years would smile wryly and say, At this time in our country we "Well! We did it for God and he should be supporting our governremembers so it doesn't matter." ment and soldiers. It is especially However, it does matter to me. disgusting to sec a Christian I was educated by the Sisters and newspaper degrading our presileft St. Lawrence's Parish only to dent and supporting the ravings become one of them. of our enemy. I never taught there but did Shame on you. spend 20 years teaching in the Ruth Hanlon Seekonk Fall River diocese. I do feel thos«
Hospital to host CPR program FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's signs and symptoms of heart atHospital will host the American tacks, cardiac an'est, stroke, chokHCaJ1Association's "CPR for Fam- ing, CPR techniques and ways to ily and Fi'iends Program" March 29 reduce your risk of hemt disease. It is designed for both children from 9 a.m. to I p.m. Children and adults will learn how to recognizc and adults and advance registrasudden cardiac an'cst and the life- tion is required by March 21. For saving skills of cardiopulmonary more information call the hospital at 508-674-5600 ext. 2480 or resuscitation. The program will include edu- . visit them on the Web at: cation about the "chain of survival" www.saintanneshospital.org.
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Friday, March 7, 2003
Motherhood ATTLEBORO - A Lenten prayer service with Benediction will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the La Salette Shrine. John Polce's Bethany Nights will present "Witnesses to the Passion" on March 28 at 7:30p.m. For more information call 508-222-541 O. ATTLEBORO - The Lenten schedule for La Salette Shrine is: Distribution of ashes, March 5 at the' 12: 10. 4 and 6:30 p.m. Masses. Beginning March 5. confession hours are Monday-Friday 2-3 p.m. and 5-6 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday 1-4 p.m. Stations of the Cross are held Friday evenings at 7: 15 p.m. For more information call 508-222-5410. FALL RIVER - The Fall River Diocesan Choir will rehearse for the Apri I 15 Chrism Mass on March 15 at 7 p.m. in the Bishop's Chapel at St. Mary's Cathedral. Singers in all voice parts are needed. For more information call Madeleine Grace at 508-6781054. FALL RIVER - Father Marc Bergeron', pastor of St. Anne's Parish, Fall River. will address the Fall River Area Men's First Friday Club tonight following a 6 p.m. Mass at Sacred Herut Church, 160 Seabury Street. A catered supper will follow. For information, call 508-672-8174. MISCELLANEOUS- The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's annual reU'eat will be held April 4-6 at the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation facilities. 3012 Elm Street, Dighton. Father Michael Racine will. be spiritual director. For more information call Claudette Armstrong at 508-672-1658. MISCELLANEOUS - Do you have a possible calling to the priesthood? Come join other college-age men for a weekend at the Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD, March 20-23. It will be and opportunity to see life in the seminary, speak with men who are discerning God's call and spend time in prayer. For more information contact Father Kevin Cook at 508-993-4704. MISCELLANEOUS - The Guaimaca Honduras Mission sponsored by the Diocese of Fall River, is seeking donations of portable sewing machines in good working condition to teach native women how to sew clothes for their families. For pick-ups call Lou Emond at 508-76 I-5432. Baby and young children's clothes are also needed. NEW BEDFORD - Volunteers are needed for the Donovan House, a transitional home for women and children. Share your time, knowledge and skills. Training and ongoing support will be provided. For more information call Debra Kenney ofCatholic Social Services at 508-999-5893. NEW BEDFORD ....:... The New Bedford Chapter of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will hold its annual St. Patrick's Day celebration March 15 beginning with a 9 a.m. Mass at St.
not your children. They are the Many readers h\lve sent me sons and daughters of life's letters in the 25-plus years I longing for itself. Though they have been writing this column, and I cherish them as gems come from you, they do not belong to you, and where they go, . received from friends. you may not. For they live in the I hold one now that I call a Julie Billim Church. A complirnenand wondersurprising tary continental breakfast will follow ful gift sent to me before in the church hall. Christmas by Rosemary NEW BEDFORD - Holy Fam- Foley of Worcester, . ily-Holy Name School will hold its Mass. She writes that annual Penny Sale April 12 at the Holy she ha~ followed my Name Center, 121 Mount Pleasant column in the Catholic Street, at 4 p.m. For more information Free Press for many By Antoinette BoscO call 508-993-3547. years and recently came across one she had kept. NEW BEDFORD - The Cour- I wrote it in the mid '70s age Group will meet Saturday at 7 p.m. and it was titled "When in the rectory of Holy Name of the the First Child Leaves Home." house of tomorrow, which you Sacred Hem of Jesus Parish. Cour- ' I reread it with smiles and can never enter." age is a support group for Catholic; tears'. "That's the plan of life," I men and women who are confronting It was a story of a very wrote, "and it is as it should be. same sex attraction issues and who are special family reunion I had But while I accept that with my striving to lead chaste lives. For more ,planned as a going away party head, why is the sense of empty 'information call Msgr. Thomas for my son John, who was so severe in my body? Is it Harrington at 508-992-3184. moving west and wanted to because John is the first to break "wide, open away so clearly? Will it be the settle in the NEW BEDFORD - Calix, a spaces." Foley wrote: "Your same with the others? And'what group which enlists Catholic men and about the last, what will I feel women who are gratefully celebrat- words have taken on new when Peter, still only 11, leaves ing recovery from alcoholism, drug meaning for me as my children addiction and other dependencies will have ventured out as young men for his house of tomorrow? "Maybe that's when I'll write meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. at the par- and women. Perhaps you may the book I always wanted to ish center of Holy Name of the Sa- choose to reprint this column, write, titled 'Motherhood is cred Hem ofJesus Church. Newcom- since for me and, I would say, ers always welcome. many mothers, it was one of Becoming.' It will be the bottom your finest." line of what I've learned - that NEW BEDFORD-Devotion to The years fell away as I reread motherhood isn't bestowed on Our Lady of Perpetual Help is cel- the column, where I had quoted us and we don't earn the title by ebrated every Tuesday and devotion the lines from "The Prophet," by giving birth. It is a title we earn, to Divine Mercy every Thursday fol- Khalil Gibran: "Your children are little by little, event by event, as lowing the noon Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual H~lp Church. For more information call 508-992-9378.
The Bottom
NEW BEDFORD - The New Bedford Catholic Women's Club is sponsoring a Mass for deceased members March 12 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Lawrence Church, 565 County Street. Its monthly meeting will follow at the Wamsutta CIl!b with Msgr. Thomas 1. Harrington as guest speaker. For more information call 508-995-9319. NORTH DARTMOUTH ---.: A Diocesan Divorced-Separated Support Group will meet March 10 from 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Center. 500 Slocum Road. It will include a video presentation entitled "Forgivertess." . NORTH DARTMOUTH - A Diocesan Ultreya for people who have lived the Cursillo experience or who are interested, will be held March II at 7 p.m. at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. The evening includes sharing and a Lenten prayer service. NORTH DARTMOUTH - A support group for men and women who have lost their spouses within the last five years meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday' ofeach month at the Family Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. There is no charge and pre-registration is not necessary. For information call 508-999-6420. WEST HARWICH- The Holy Trinity Celebrate Life Committee welcomes guest speaker Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk March 12 at 7 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Parish hall. He will speak on life issues. For more information call Deacon Vincent Walsh at 508-430-8262.
we face each new problem, blast through each barrier, savor each triumph and deal with our own growth side by side our children's growth. Motherhood? It's a condition of life, with no set job description, for step by step we're always in the process of becoming a mother." Today I know even more clearly how true that is. As I reread my long-ago column, the joy of that party came back to me, that night when never could I have imagined that my terrific son John would face violence, murdered in the 'peaceful place that was his chosen home. And how could I have known that my beautiful Peter would be a victim of a brain malady six years later, a condition of such pain that he would take his own life in his 20s? \ Oh yes, motherhood has no set job description, only a permanent question: Who are we becoming now as our children move on to face their own uncertainties? This letter I'm holding has reminded me how uncertain, yet precious, life is and somet~ing more -.that through my writing, I have connected with others.
Leave some duct tape for me
I will admit this now because does not, use WD-40. If someI would have felt totally unpatri- thing moves and it should not, otic and selfish to say it while' , use duct tape." the national orange (or tangerine I bet the authors of" 10 I or mango) alert was in effect. Uses for Duct Tape" did not When the government.said include "to protect yourself Americans should stock 'up on against chemical or biological duct tape to seal their homes in attack." the event of chemical or biologiWhy, I ask, didn't the cal attack, I nearly panicked. If government also mention wide other old boat owners -let's make that owners of old boats, OK? - are honest, they might also admit they experienced similar dread. ' With run on duct By Dan Morris tape it was only a matter of time until people would begin hoarding it. It would be available only on masking tape, packing tape or the black market or maybe from other types of tape? Maybe they someone you know named did, and I missed it. "Slick," who always seems to Here's one for you: What if know where to obtain "things." the run on duct tape reaches How would I keep my boat such proportions that desperate running? I make my living by Americans rip it off places it is diving. Without a boat that is being used? On my dive vessel difficult. And without duct tape alone that would mean that the to keep the boat on (as opposed air compressor's muffler guard to under) the water, there is a would fall off as would its real problem. flywheel cage, throttle setting I don't know if it was the and gas cap. Several seams of National Home Security people my wet suit are duct taped. or Red Green who said, "You We write messages on duct only need two things to function tape too. For example, one duct well - WD-40 and duct tape. If tape patch on the right side something should move and reads "starboard, stupid" and
The offbeat
world of
Uncle Dan
one on the left states, "port, dummy." These were posted by crew, apparently for my benefit. Duct tape holds fuel lines in place, keeps hydraulic lines polite, bundles electrical wires. It secures handles to tools, cup holders to counters, pencils to bulkheads, zippers to rain gear. It has patched gloves, served as a Band-Aid, repaired dive mask straps, mended net grips, covered splintered fiberglass. It has sealed cracked pilot house windows, cracked outboard cowlings, cracked soup cups and cracked foreheads. Itis not true, however, that when dive people have too much time on their hands they sculpt sea creatures of duct tape.' I have seen a couple of good horses, though, and a great bust of Napoleon. And please know that in the case of chemical or biological attack, if Slick cannot help you you are very welcome to the duct tape on my boal. It would do a good-size house. Leave the port and starboard signs if you can.
Comments are welcome. Email Unele Dan at cnsuncleOI @yahoo.com.
Friday, March 7, 2003
Pope revises Vatican norms on clergy sex abuse, confession By JERRY FILTEAU CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON - Pope John Paul II has changed several Vatican norms to expedite the trial or laicization of priests who have sexually abused minors. The expedited procedures can also be used to prosecute and, if warranted, laicize priests for committing certain particularly serious crimes against the sacraments. The pope also refined Vatican norms concerning the crime of breaking the seal of confession. Copies of the changes were distributed to more than 200 U.S. . canon lawyers attending workshops in Washington this February on the Church's legal rules and procedures for handling cases of priests accused of molesting minors. Catholic News Service obtained a
copy recently. The changes are revisions in the substantive and procedural norms enacted by the pope in 200 I, giv-' ing the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith direct jurisdiction over cases involving certain particularly serious crimes· against morals and against the sacraments, including sexual abuse of a minor by a cleric. As Vatican norms, they apply to such crimes anywhere they are committed. Their use is not restricted to the United States, as is the case with the special U.S. norms for dealing with clergy accused of sexual abuse of minors. One addition to the Vatican norms says that in certain "grave and clear cases" of a priest committing one of the crimes in question, the doctrinal congregation can '
now dismiss the priest from the priesthood by decree, without a formal Church trial. For cases that go to trial, the congregation now has the power to dispense with some requirements for judges and other court officials. Under the original norms in 2001, only priests with doctorates in canon law could serve as judges, notaries, promoters ofjustice (prosecutors) or advocates (defense attomeys) in those criminal cases. Now the congregation can make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. It can allow the appointment of a layperson or a deacon and the appointment of someone who has a canon law licentiate - one degree below a doctorate - and has "worked in ecclesiastical tribunals for a reasonable time." . Those exceptions could be es-
The new Mysteries of Light, Q. When are we going to put in the new mysteries in the daily rosary? Aren't we supposed to say the new mysteries on Thursday? In some recitations of the rosary that is not done. I'd really like to know what is right. (Illinois) A. As most Catholics are aware, the rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is among the most popular prayers of our faith for contemplating the life and teachings of Christ. In a selies of IS mystelies Goyful, son'owful and glorious), with prayers including numerous recitations of the Hail Mary, we retlect on the early and final events in the life of our Lord, usually in light of Mary's direct expeJience and participation in these events. In a recent apostolic letter titled "The Rosary of the Virgin Mary" (October 2(02), Pope John Paul II offered live additional mystelies for meditation on paI1icularly significant moments in the public ministry of Jesus, between his baptism and his death and resun·ection. These mysteries, he said, may be called in a special way mysteries of light since the truth that Chlist is the "light of the world" (In 8: 12) emerges in a special way dllling those years when he proclaims the good news of the kingdom of God. Each of these mysteries, said the pope, is a revelation of the kingdom now present in the world in the person of Jesus. The five mysteries of light, which our Holy Father also calls luminous mysteries, are: I. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River, when the Holy Spilit invests him with his mission from the Father. 2. His sclf-revelation at Cana (In 2: 1-12), whcn hc opens thc
hearts of his disciples to faith. 3. The preaching by which Jesus proclaims the kingdom of God, calls people to conversion' "and forgives the sins of all who draw near him in humble trust."
Questions and Answers By Father John J. Dietzen 4. The Transfiguration, when .Christ prepares the apostles to experience the passion, the joy of the resurrection and life transfigured by the Holy Spirit, and 5. The institution of the Eucharist in which Jesus offers his body and blood as food under the signs of bread and wine, and testifies "to the end" his love for humanity (In 13:1). The pope did suggest that the "mysteries of light" could be meditated upon on Thursdays, with the joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the glorious on Wednesday and Sunday. As has been noted often, however, many beautiful ideas and helpful proposals have been smothered to death by someone wanting to turn them into laws. Clearly, in his letter the pope is attempting not to do that. The rosary is "one of the traditional paths of Christian prayer directed to the contemplation of Christ's . face," he writes. How and whether to'implement his recommendations "is left to the freedom of individuals and communities," to each one's spiritual life and journey. Without question, this form of prayer has proved immensely powclful for centuries in bringing
people to the contemplation of Christ through the eyes and memories of Mary. This contemplative meditation is essential for the rosary: Without it the rosary· is "a body without a soul," and "its recitation runs the risk of becoming a mechanical repetition of formulas," . says the pope, quoting the apostolic exhortation "Maria/is Cu/tis" of Pope Paul VI. According to John Paul II, it is this contemplative remembering, starting with Mary's experience, that makes present for us today "the works brought about by God in the history of salvation." It is this focus on Christ, ,he says, by which the rosary "makes us peacemakers in the world." Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: j jdietzen@aoI.com.
pecially important in the United States, where an increasing number of tribunal personnel are nuns, deacons or lay people and where the clergy sex abuse crisis of the past year has contributed to substantial popular sentiment against allowing only priests to serve as judges in Church courts trying priests accused of such abuse. In addition to the procedural changes in the norms, there was a substantive change in addressing the crime of breaking the seal of confession. Since a 1988 Church decree, any Catholic who makes a recording of a sacramental confession or divulges it through the media has been subject to automatic excommunication. A new norm added in February reserves ju4,gment on those cases to the doct4nal congregation. Another norm on breaking the seal of confession, in the 200 I version, reserved to the doctrinal congregation cases involving "the direct violation of the sacramental seal." It has been revised now to
cover cases involving "the direct and indirect violation of the sacramental sea1." Most of the changes in the 200 I norms were approved by the pope February 7. On February 14 he approved one more change, excluding any appeal to the Apostolic Signature, the Church's supreme COUI1, against any administrative act of the doctrinal congregation in its dealings with any of the graver Climes listed in the norms. Undcr the new provision, a person's only recourse against such a decision is an appeal to the doctrinal congregation itself. Among othercrimcs rcserved to ' the doctrinal congregation in thc 200 I norms are crimes against thc Eucharist, giving absolution to an accomplice in sexual sins and soliciting a penitent to commit sexual sins.
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secretariat. The conclusions of the council, whose one U.S. member VATICAN CITY - A new is Chicago's Cardinal Francis E.. papal encyclical focusing on the George, then must go to the pope Eucharist is expected to be pub- for approval. lished on Holy Thursday, when In recent months the pope the Church commemorat~s repeatedly has highlighted the Christ's institution of the sacra- theme of the Euch~rist. Speakment, Vatican sourc;es said. ing to Brazilian bishops in The 67-page document is in January, he called the Euchafinal editing stages and as of last rist the "supreme spiritual good week did not yet have a defini- of the Church" and said its tive title, the sources' said. Holy "spiritual strength" must infuse Thursday this year falls on April the Church's evangelization, 17. catechesis and charitable works. "But to give its full efficacy to Sources s.aid the encyclical, the . 14th penned by Pope John Paul the eucharistic sacrifice, it must II, would be followed this fall by always be marked by the worthy a "doctrinal note" on the Eucha- and genuine celebration of the rist that is being drafted by the mystery according to the doctrine Congregation for the Doctrine of and directives of the Church," he . ,the Faith and is aimed at correct- told·them. ing eucharistic abuses. The same month, he encourBut, contrary to recent media . aged Christian spouses to face the speculation, the pope has not "inevitable difficulties of any scheduled an ordinary' assembly . family life"· by drawing strength next year of the world's bishops especially from the Eucharist. In a speech to the Vatican's to discuss the Eucharist, a Vatican laity c~uncillast fall, he said that source said. . "Absolutely nothing has been to effectively live the faith moddecided," he said, but added that em Catholics need to rediscover a topic and date for the next ordi- the centrality of the Eucharist and nary assembly are likely to be dis- the importance of parish life. The pope issued his last encyccussed at a March 26-27 meeting of the IS-member "ordinary lical, "Fides et Ratio" ("Faith and ,council" of the S'ynod of Bishops Reason"), in 1998.
Jesuit expert sees signs of hope in Catholic-Muslim relationship By CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ROME - Optimism is hard to find in a world bracing for war, but a Jesuit priest long involved in Christian-Muslim dialogue believes there are signs of hope. "The great majority of Christians and Muslims want to live together in peace," said Father Thomas Michel, director of the Jesuits' office for interreligious dialogue., . Since Sept. 11, 2001, he said, "for the first time we Christians and Muslims are speaking seri~ ously to one another about serious matters, and we are both asking what the implications of a war would be." Father Michel's recent speech was part of a series of reflections on interreligious dialogue being offered in Rome by the Gregorian University's Institute for the Study of Religions and Culture. The Jesuit said that while "it is difficult to be optimistic" as a U.S.-led coalition prepares for a war in Iraq it is clear that the majority of people around the world, including Christians and Muslims, want peace., However, he said, most Christians in the West have little or no idea what the majority of Muslims think or believe. But that, too, has started to change over the past 18 months, Father Michel said.
"In my experience, many Christians now know 'that they' know nothing of Islam or how Muslims think, and they want to know," he said. ' "Muslims do not want to see a war between Islam and the West. Osama (bin Laden) does not represent them, but they fear they will be the victims" of a fight he started, Father Michel said. Muslims see what happened in Afghanistan and the preparations for war against Iraq, as ~ell as the continuing tensions with the Muslim-dominated areas of the southern Philippines, he said, and "they wonder, 'What next?'" IT the U.S.-led coalition goes. ahead with a war on Iraq, Father Michel said, "we know there might be a negative reaction" a violent reaction against Christians in Arab countries. We hope not, but it is possible." Being threatened and frightened does not help people act rationally, he said. "When people see something terrifying, they react emotionally," he said. The attacks on Christian churches in Pakistan after the invasion of Afghanistan are an example, he said. The attackers "knew those Christians were not responsible, but for them the churches were a symbol of those who were responsible," he said.
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Friday, March 7, 2003
'Touched by an .Angel' will end its nine-year run in May By
man series, "American Dreams," has come close to filling the bill. WASHINGTON - All good Of the 146 regularly scheduled things must come to an end: Such comme'rcial broadcast network seis the case with "Touched by an An- ries shown thus far this season, gel," which will conclude its nine- "American Dreams" is 53rd, beseason run on. CBS in May with a hind time period competitors "The Simpsons" (19th) and "King ofthe two-hour send-off. ''Touched by an Angel" .was a Hill" (42nd) on 'Fox, and just beratings. bulwark for CBS for about hind ABC's "Wonderful World of half of its tenure, succeeding "Mur- Disney" (52nd) but ahead of CBS' der, She Wrote" in the viewer- "Becker" (56th) and the execrable friendly 8-9 p.m. EasternlPacific - and cancelled .:...- "Bram and, time zone slot Sundays light after Alice" (72nd).' The Office for Film & Broad-' "60 Minutes." It thrived there, just as "Murder; casting thought more highly of She Wrote" had. It ran into trouble, "American Dreams," which fo. though, when ABC put an install- cuses on a Philadelphia Catholic ment of "Who Wants to Be a Mil- family from 40 years ago feeling lionaire?" opposite 'Touched by an the culture shock of a changing soAngel." The drama, which stars ciety. The series "holds promise;' Della Reese, Roma Downey, John the office said, adding it was "wellDye and Valerie Bertinelli. written with believable characters, stumbled from its t.op-I 0 perch in although its story lines may challenge traditional Catholic values." the ratings. One selies that, like 'Touched CBS. sensing Sunday night needed more of an edge, moved by an Angel," took viewers a "Touched" to Saturdays, the least- couple of years to find it, is the watched night on network televi- WB's "7th Heaven." Airing 8-9 sion for more than a decade. Even p.m. EasternlPacific time Mondays, against movies and Fox's "Cops" the series focuses on a Protestant selies, ratings continued to dwindle. minister - whose denomination is nie move was reminiscent of never mentioned - and his wife CBS moving "Murder, She Wrote" who are the parents of seven chilfrom Sundays to Thursdays oppo- dren. site another ratings juggernaut, The series is in its seventh seaNBC's "Fliends." In that case, too, son. Even though the WB gives lots viewers did not follow the selies more attention to series like "Gilmore Girls," "Charmed" and from one night to another. It's interesting to note that both "Reba," "7th Heaven" has been the "Fliends" and "Touched by an An- network's ratings champion each of gel" debuted in the same year. But the past four seasons. This season, "Fliends" has'gotten loads more ink it's trailing sophomore WB drama than "Touched," which is seen as "Smallville" by 340,000 viewers a TV for squares. week - and there's still a chance Even the U.S. bishops' Office it could ovel1ake "Smallville" befor Film & Broadcasting told read- fore the 2002-03 TV season is over ers "don't bother" with the drama, in late May. calling it "something on the order As long as there are children to . of 'Highway to Heaven' with a raise and lessons to be learned laugh track. One might also pre- . the minister's family now includes sume that it is not destined for a pre-schooler twins- "7th long stay." Heaven" appears to have a long and "Touched by an Angel." how- healthy future ahead of it. ever, endured. ~hat was not desIf you've missed episodes,' you tined for a long stay was the pro- can see "7th Heaven" reruns 7-8 gram that replaced it, the singularly p.m. Mondays on the ABC Family awful "The Education of Max cable channel, and 'Touched by an Bickford." "Millionaire," though Angel" reruns can be seen 8-9 p.m. family-fliendly, flamed out last sea- and II p.m.-midnight Sundays-Frison as well. days on cable's Hallmark Channel. For viewers who crave drama at Pattison is media editor for that hour on Sundays, NBC's fresh- . Catholic News Service. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
JOSEPHINE BUTLER stars in a scene from the dramatic comedy "Lawless Heart." (eNS photo from First Look Pictures)
'Lawless Heart' is offbeat comedy-drama \
NEW YORK - A man's funeral sets off a chain of events that changes relationships in a small English seaside town in "Lawless Heart" (First Look). The offbeat, comic drama is somewhat of a thrice-told tale. Events are repeated from the separate perspectives of the dead man's brother-in-law, Dan (Bill Nighy), the deceased's gay lover, Nick (Tom Hollander), and childhood pal Tim (Douglas Henshall), who returns for the funeral after eight years abroad. At the funeral reception, listless husband Dan gets into a seductive conversation with a Frenchwoman (Clementine Celarie) and starts considering having an affair. While he stands her up at the last minute, he gives a lift to an intoxicated young woman who has hasty sex with him, making him ashamed of his infidelity. Dan's wife, Judy (Ellie Haddington). is preoccupied trying to decide whether to give all of her late brother's money to his partner, Nick, even though she and Dan are financially strapped. Restaurant owner Nick, meanwhile, is devastated by his lover's accidental drowning. He allows traveler Tim to stay in his house but is appalled by the wild party Tim throws to impress local girl Leah (Josephine Butler). Worse, at the party a drunken Charli (Sukie Smith) collapses on Nick's bed and she stays the night uninvited, demanding tea, toast
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tCaIIV§Ulllte§ NEW YORK (CNS)'- The following are capsule reviews.of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"Cradle 2 the Grave" (Warner Bros.)
and taxi money in the momingbefore she leaves. Oddly enough, Nick finds her intriguing and eventually seduces her, throwing him into sexual-orientation confusion. The final third picks up as self-centered Tim decides to settle down with Leah and plans to propose in Nick's restaurant, where Dan and Judy have come to celebrate Judy's birthday. Charli is serving aSIa waitress for Nick and the Frenchwoman arrives to deliver flowers so everyone is conveniently assembled for possible romantic fireworks. As Dan and his wife come to terms about Nick inheriting or not, Tim for once looks beyond his own needs to encourage someone else's romantic reunion. The movie exhibits a good sense of place and community which make the relationships seem less contrived. A dry sense of humor also makes the characters' shortcomings seem less egregious; eventually most of them learn some sort of lesson from their romantic mishaps. The very brief sexual scenes are unnecessarily explicit, but in the course of the narrative serve to underline how such casual sex is an empty, even humiliating experience. Due to briefly graphic sexual encounters, fleeting nudity, intermittent rough ·Ianguage and an instance of profanity, the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-IV - adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.
Pare is the director ofthe Officefor FiLm & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of CathoLic Bishops.
Brutal action film in which a "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" (Goldwyn) thief (DMX) whose little daughFrench love story' turned ter has been kidnapped must retrieve stolen black diamonds as thriller in which a besotted art ransom and so reluctantly teams student (Audrey Tautou) pursues with a Taiwanese cop (Jet Li) who a married cardiologist (Samuel has his own reasons for fin.ding Le Bihan), taking drastic action the black ice. Director Andrzek when he seemingly rejects her. Bartkowiak orchestrates a noisy, Writer-director Laetitia chaotic tale of murder and re- Colombani presents rather unvenge where fatherly affection .sympathetic characters but is seems to negate felonious crimes. clever in initially deceiving the Excessive violence, a sexually audience until the intriguing suggestive scene and sexual ref- story comes full circle when reerences, much rough language,. peated from a separate perspecracist remarks and a few instances tive. Subtitles. Some violence of profanity. The USCCB Office and sexual situations.· The for Film & Broadcasting classifi- USCCB Office for Film & cation is 0 - morally offensive. . Broadcasting classification is AThe Motion Picture Association. III - adults. Not rated by the of America rating is R - re- Motion Picture Association of stricted. America.
I Friday, March 7, 2003 Cardinal cites moral, practical arguments againstcloning
THANKSGIVING IN FEBRUARY - Sisters Gloria, Maria and Janice Robles enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal sponsored by the Capuchin Food Pantry and Southgate Tower Hotel in New York last month. Capuchin Father Francis Gasparik noted that contributions to the pantry, which feeds 1,000 families each week, have not kept up with increased need since the September 11 attacks in 2001. (CNS photo by Chris Sheridan)
Tennessee Catholics back switch to 'green power' as good stewardship By T. JENSEN LACEY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
She pointed out that St. Jofalo Mountain in east Tennessee; they produce power without in- seph Parish in tiny Norris reNASHVILLE, Tenn. - De- terfering with television or radio cently signed up for the program. "This is a very exciting time pendency on coal for energy may reception. Jill Shashaty, of Nashville, is for us at TVA," Chaney said. soon be a thing of the past, thanks to a Tennessee Valley Au- involved with the Tennessee "It's also an opportunity for thority program supported by the Stewardship Project, which Church members to take an acstate's churches and businesses. works with faith-based commu- tive role in supporting the enviThe program is officially nities under the umbrella orga- ronment and being stewards of known as Green Power Switch, nization of the Tennessee Envi- the earth." and its customers are growing ronmental Council, a statewide, "Green Power Switch is steadily in number since its in- ' nonprofit organization dedicated something churches can do," ception on Earth Day 2000. The to education and advocacy for said Joyce Wilding, an EpiscoTennessee Valley Authority is public health and the protection palian who is leadership trainencouraging churches to be ing consultant and liaison involved as part of their for the Tennessee Valley stewardship commitment Authority's green power "We've developed a program to program. to protect God's gift of the produce electricity from cleaner, earth. "Congregations should "We've developed a 'greener' or renewable sources," ... examine their habits.and program to produce elec- those that don't come from fossi/- find ways to reduce the tricity from cleaner" based resources, said Christopher strain on the environment 'greener' or renewable ... -clean energy enables us Chaney, product development man- . to sources," those that don't show care for all of come from fossil-based re- ager for the Tennessee Valley Au- God's creatio,:\. Caring for sources, said Christopher thority, known as TVA. the earth is a sacred trust," Chaney, product developWilding added. Green Power Switch is ment manager for the Tensold in blocks of 150 kilowatt nessee Valley Authority, known of the environment. A member of St. Ann Catho- hours - about 12 percent of a as TVA. Based in Knoxville, the au- lic Parish, she said she is living typical home's monthly energy thority is a federal corporation, her faith by turning people to use - that cost an additional $4 organized in 1933, to promote greener ways of living. each. A faith-based organization "As part of my presentations," or church can buy specific numcheap electrical power, flood control and irrigation for the en- she said, "I encourage (groups) bers of the blocks, based on its tire Tennessee River basin by to consider the Green Power energy consumption. For instance, a small church building dams and reservoirs. Switch. It's a positive way to As outlined by the plan, some support alternative energy with power requirements of 50 electrical power is generated sources and participate in envi- kilowatts or less is asked to buy at least five blocks per month. from gases produced by landfills, ronmental stewardship. some is created by wind turbines, In the Knoxville diocese, That is an additional charge of and some comes from solar pan- Shirley Nicholson observed in an only $20 on the monthly utility opinion piece in the diocesan bill. A church with more than 50els. At the Dollywood theme park newspaper, East Tennessee kilowatt requirements is asked to in Pigeon Forge, power is pro- Catholic, that "we, as Christians purchase 25 blocks at an addiduced using solar panels. Wind ... should be concerned about tional charge of $100 per month, turbines were erected on a preserving the beauty God has or five percent of its current bill, heavily strip-mined area of Buf- given us." whichever is higher.
WASHINGTON (eNS) Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia, in a letter last week to members of Congress, urged them to pass the Human Cloning Prohibition Act. "While the practical case against all human cloning has become stronger, the basic moral issue has not changed," said Cardinal Bevilacqua, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities. "Cloning dehumanizes human procreation, treating new human life as a mere laboratory product made to specifications," he said. "Human cloning diminishes us all. The allegedly lofty goals proPOS€l!1 for human cloning cannot outweigh the grim reality of the activity itself." The House vote was expected this week. Cardinal Bevilacqua also cited evidence, uncovered since a similar bill against cloning was approved in the House two years ago but never saw a vote in the Senate, that cloning experiments have met with little success. "Embryonic stem-cell research in general has encountered numerous practical and scientific obstacles, including difficulties in cul-
turing the~e stem cells and the cells' own tendency to form lethal tumors when transferred into animals," he said. "Medical research is developing new and promising treatments for Parkinson's, diabetes, hemt disease and other illnesses - but these are from adult stem-cell research and other approaches that pose no moral problem," the cardinal·added. At the time of the 200 I House vote, "supporters of human cloning for biomedical research said they were about to usher in a new era in modern medicine," Cardinal Bevilacqua said. "Almost two years later we can see how exaggerated these claims were," he added. The Human Cloning Prohibition Act, sponsored by Reps. Dave Weldon, R-Fla., and Bart Stupak, DMich., passed the House Judicimy Committee 19-12. Cardinal Bevilacqua criticized an alternative cloning bill, sponsored by Rep. James C. Greenwood, R-Pa., saying it would "directly involve the federal government in registering for-prot1t human cloning laboratories and supervising their manufacture of human beings as research matel;al."
La Salette of Attleboro 947 Park Street· Attleboro, MA OZl03
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Friday, March 7, 2003
Romanian Church leaders say Dracula theme park hurts country's image By JONATHAN LUXMOORE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
"Dracula isn't the kind of national symbol we should be offering visitors - there should WARSAW. Poland Church leadcrs in Romania are be better ways of making warning against attempts to re- money," Father Cristian Sabau, locate a planned $32 million Bucharest vicar general, told Dracula theme park, saying the CNS. park would present an inaccu"Snagov is a beauti ful place, full of churches and monasterrate image or the country. The park was planned 1'01' the ies. Most people will oppose atcountry'~ Transylvania region. tempts to change its character," but Romanian orficials an- he said. nounced in early Febru:iry that Father Sabau told CNS the the park would be built at a Church would SUpp0rt a park lakeside resort north of that .promoted economic develBucharest. ncar the burial site of opment "but not one named afVlad the [mpaler. the real-life ter a fantasy character who has Romanian prince who inspired nothing to do with Romanian the vampire myth. history and spiritualjty." "The Catholic and Orthodox "Ifit's iwst an attraction like chl,rches hold the same views Disneylalld, we can hardly exahout this project, which won't pect religious themes. But it give a.good image of Romania," should at least contain "someArchbishop [Dan Robu of thing cultural and educational," Bucharest told Catholic News he said. Service in a telephone interWork on the park at oak-covview. "[f the government wants ered Bre"ite Plateau outside to build such a park in future, it Sighisoara was begun in Noshould think carefullv about the vember 2001 by Tourism Minkind of picture it's presenting of ister Dan Agathon in a camour country." paign to attraet a million tourThe archbishop spoke after ists annually. orficials canceled plans for the However, representatives of 2bO-acre theme park near the Romania's Catholic, Orthodox medieval town of Sighisoara in and Lutheran 'ehurehes' warned Transylvania. the project would fuel interest Meanwhile. a senior priest in the occult and disrupt the from the Romanian Catholic northern town. Church, an Eastern rite, warned The project'was attacked by the government would face op- " environmental groups and' position if it went ahead with UNESCO, whose World Culplans to relocate the park to Lake tural Heritage list includes Snagov, north of the capital. Sighisoara.
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MALAYSIANS SHOUT slogans against a po?sible U.S.-led war on Iraq during a peace rally in Kuala Lumpur recently. About 100,000 people gathered at the Bukit Jalil Stadium for the demonstration. Speaking to Indonesian religious leaders, Pope John Paull! warned that a war on Iraq could damage international interreligious relations. War is rlot only a defeat for humanity, but a "tragedy for religion," he said. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Ecumenical group says Iraqi war would destroy people By
WASHINGTON - An international ecu.menical group of church leaders, meeting on Capitol Hill, said a war. against Iraq would further destroy an already impoverished [and. Those who participated in the Feb. 26 briefing, which was preceded and followed by .a prayer vigil, represented churches from countries of the U.N. Security Council. The briefing and vigil were organized by the National Council of Churches. The same day, another NCC delegation and representatives of Pax Christi USA met with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican to request that the pontiff personally appear before the U.N. Security Council to express his opposition to a pre-emptive war on Iraq. The Rev. Robert Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches who· was in Iraq in January on a humanitar-
ian mission, said the religi,ous leaders met in Washington to express "our concern over the rush to war." "It is one thing to be upset over' the government of Iraq," Rev. Edgar said. "But we believe there is an alternative." Marie Dennis, vice president of Pax Christi International, said the organization "has repeatedly condemned a pre-emptive war with Iraq. We believe that military intervention there will tear apart the very seams of international security." She expressed Pax Christi's support for the Franco-German disarmament plan for Iraq, which would include reconnaissance flights, increasing the numbers of weapons inspectors and making all ofIraq a no-fly zone. "Such a plan would pacify any potential Iraqi threat to world security while giving the U.N.-mandated weapons inspection process sufficient time to ensure the complete and comprehensive removal
of any weapons of mass destruction from Iraq," she said. Dennis cited a U.N. report that said more than 1.26 million Iraqi children would be endangered by war and that the disruption to the U.N. Oil for Food Program would endanger the more than 60 percent of Iraqi families dependent onil. "We urge that every effort be made to seek a nonmilitary solution," she said. Lutheran Bishop Manfred Kock, president of the German Protestant Church Council. said he thought many America[1s perceived wrongly that European governments and organizations that oppose a war with Iraq were anti-American. "I can assure you that we are not anti-American," he said. . "War is such a great evil that it must only be considered as a last resort," he said, addi ng an Iraqi invasion would be "unjustifiable according to international law."
Pope encourages Missionaries of Charity to follow founder's example
<,. ....
Other tosks toke up seven hours weekly f9r Catholic priests and 10 hours for Protestant ministers. Source: Pulpit &Pew Research an Pasloralleadership, Duke Divinity School ©2003 CNS Graphics
VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II encouraged the Missionaries of Charity to model their lives on the founder of their order, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, discovering and serving Christ in the poor. "You are her spiritual heirs, her beloved children," the pope told the sisters holding their general chapter meeting in Calcutta, India, in late February. The meeting was the first general chapter the sisters have held since 1997; in March that year Sister Nirmala Joshi was elected superior general, succeeding Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa, who died in September 1997, will be beatified by the pope October 19 at the Vatican.
"Christian love is not simply an act of charity, it is also an encounter with Christ himself in the poor,'·' the pope wrote inhis letter. "Love of Christ, therefore, means love of the poor," he said. ) He encouraged the general chapter to ensure the order's almost 4,500 members receive the continuing formation they need to be faithful to Mother Teresa's vision for the order as they expand their outreach in new cultures and new circumstances. The pope prayed that the Blessed Virgin Mary would guide the general chapter members "as you discern how best to respond in love to suffering humanity."
I Friday, March 7,2003
ron mental Assistance, they purchased the $110,000 mold from its maker, Lakeland Tool in Anoka. The couple continues to "live by faith," Martha Port said. They believe that through donations, the help of volunteers of many faiths and First World sales of solar ovens, the society wi 11 be(:~~~
Rosary CD
come self-sufficient and increasingly feed the world's hungry safely. The Solar Ovcn Society, 3225 East Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55413, can be ulI1tacted by phone: 612-623-·+70(): FAX: 612-623-3311: 1'1' I-->mail: sos(n)"olarnvens.l1rg. Its Website address is: www.sohll:~\'ens.org.
people in this personal devotion vide a resource to help people reof praying the rosary as a means discover the bcaut), of the rosary of meditative prayer and contem- and its contemplative aspecl." plation of the life of Christ." Like many of his predeccssors The idea of making the rosary Pope John Paul II has·attributed f CD came about when the new Lu- great importance to this player minous Mystelies were established and has called it "the compenand Pope John Paul II urged the dium of the entire Gospel." Pope faithful to pray the ros~'W for world Paul VI wrote in his apostolic letpeace. In his apostolic letter, the ter, 'Marialis CII/fIlS. "By its naCATHOLICS TONY Eneanya, left, and Robert Nepper assemble solar ovens at the Solar pope wlites, "a number of histori- ture the recitation of the rosary Oven Society workshop in Minneapolis. They are among the volunteers who support the cal circumstances also make a re- calls for a quiet rhythm and a lingering pace, helping thc' indioven program, which aids families in the Third World by making cooking easier and less vival of the rosary quite timely." "To rediscover the rosary," vidual to meditate on the mysterreliant on dangerous or hard-to-obtain fuels. (eNS photo by Dave Hrbacek, Catholic Spirit) writes John Paul II, "means to im- ies of the Lord's lifc as seen merse oneself in contemplation of through the eyes of her who was the mystery of Christ 'who is our closest to the Lord. In this way peace' ... one cannot recite the ro- the unfathomable riches of these sary without feeling caught up in mysteries are disclosed." a clear commitment to advancing Gulino stated, "this rosary CD peace." captures that quiet rhythm and "The Office of Adult Educa- prayerful pace through thc usc of By DAWN GIBEAU joined St. Peter Claver in 1986 met one of them, Bil1 Sperber of tion has over the years sought to rich voices, gentle music, and apCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE and married Eunice, also from the Pil1sbury Co., who taught incorporate the many' and varied propriate Scripture mediations. I MINNEAPOLIS - A St. Nigel;ia, in 1993. They have four them how to build and use it. forms of public and private enjoy using the CD in my car as I Paul parish is among the children. The Ports took it to Haiti and, prayers such as the Liturgy of the drive." churches and organizations helpHe plans to return to Nigeria during the next several years, ex- Hours, Adoration, Lectio Divino For information about the ing a local couple to al1eviate the in a year or two to set up assem- perimented with various oven. (prayerful reading of Scripture), CD, contact the Office of Adult harmful side-effects of cooking bly plants for the solar ovens. models - cardboard ovens, ply- and guided meditations," said Education at 423 Highland Avwith wood, especially in the Retired 3M engineers designed wood ovens, metal ovens - and Gulino. "During the Year of the enue, Fall Rivet' 02720, 508Third World: . . precise jigs to facilitate assem- surveyed interest in developing Rosary, this office wanted to pro- 678-2828. Mike and Martha Port, mem- bly without electricity, providing countries. bers of the Summit Avenue As- both employment and a safe, After years of research, they found the prototype for the SOS sembly of God in St. Paul, dis- economical means of cooking. covered solar ovens after prayTo get St. Peter Claver inter- Sport, a model chosen for its low ing for an activity they could do ested, he conducted a presenta- cost, durability, efficiency and together to help people. tion about the cooker at church aesthetics, according to Martha Today the Ports operate the .' and cooked baby carrots in one Port. INVESTMENT COMPANY. INC. Solar Oven Society, sponsored for a parish picnic. The Solar Oven Society Sport by Persons Helping People, a Father. Kevin McDonough, uses sturdy but inexpensivema@ nonprofit corporation established pastor, introduced him to Deacon terials. Its outer shell and inner in 1991. With the help of friends Mickey Friesen, director of the collar are made from recycled and other volunteers, they make Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. soft drink bottles. Foam insulasolar ovens - but not flimsy Paul's Center for Mission, who tion is held in place and protected cardboard ones that moisture can contacted Catholic Relief Ser- by an aluminum liner. Dark-col• Mutual Funds Of All Types disintegrate or cookers with vices in Baltimore about the ored pots placed within the • Tax Free Insured Income Trusts metal exteriors likely to burn project. A staff member there cooker absorb sunlight to cook anyone who touches them. agreed to inform field supervi- food. A clear, plastic lid covers • U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes The stoves sel1 for $89.95 to sors around the world about the the oven. • IRA's. Pension Plans campers, gardeners and retired ovens. Solar ovens cook food much • Tax Planning people in the desert Southwest Deacon Friesen also asked a as crock pots do, without oil or who use them where open ftres Maryknol1 representative to con- water, retaining nutrients. Breads AND are outlawed, Mike Port saio:-- vey information about the ovens and cakes may be baked in them. The price drops to $35 for Third to missionaries. Water pasteurization is possible World countries, though the The solar ovens could solve a because of the "wapi" or water Ports hope to cut costs enough number of environmental' and pasteurization indicator, deEsta!! ... Trust and Portfolio Analysis to lower that to $25. health-related problems in the signed in a basement from simple components by retired Catholic Churches and organizations Third World. such as Rotary International buy The United Nations reports 3M engineers. and transport the ovens overseas. that 52 percent of trees cut gloMade of polycarbonate tubRecently, 400 stoves went to Af- bal1y are used as cooking fuel. ing, nylon fishing line, stainless ghanistan and 50 to Cameroon. Women in Third World countries steel washers and a soybeanSoon, 200 wil1 fol1ow to Nicara- who cook with wood often suf- based wax, the indicator i's imgua. fer from lung and eye diseases mersed in water in a pot within Anthony Eneanya of St. Pe- because they inhale smoke the solar oven. The wax melts tel' ClaveI' in St. Paul has big equivalent to 10 to 20 packs of and sinks when water is suffi. plans to bring solar ovens to his cigarettes a day. In Kenya', ciently heated to be safe to drink. "The 'wapi' is major," said JOYCE B. WHITE native Nigeria, then to all of Af- women walk two to four hours MARK A. QUINT AL CFP Account Ellecutive Certified Financial Planner rIca. each day to col1ect firewood for Martha Port, "because children die from impure water." He came to the United States cooking. . Quintal Bldg. at Lunds Cor. In 1997, the Ports obtained in 1974. studied husincss ecoThe Ports' involvement with 2177 ACUSHNET AVE. nomics at the University of Min- solar ovens dates to 1988, when funding for mass production. NEW BEDFORD, MA nesota and earned a master's in they read about two men who With Coca-Cola's $50,000 conbusiness administration from teach Guatemalan~ to cook with tribution and $60,000 from the Mankato State University. He cardboard solar cookers. They Minnesota Department of Envi-
Twin City parishes, individuals work to. proInote solar ovens
A.G. Quintal
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Friday, March 7, 2003
t&i~CC~ ~~==~_:_:~_-_=~~u#L:P!J-~!!~'~~~-:2-路Stang senior attends program in Washington NORTH DARTMOUTH pub.lic policy. It introduces stuBishop Stang High School, North dents to the inner workings of Dartmouth, Senior Matthew Voci, the government and examines son of Mary Ellen how current isand Jose'ph Voci of I"'"""--::--~~-::-~~""'" sues shape public East Falmouth, repolicy. cently returned -' , .. ' Highlights of fromtheweeklong: Voci's program Presidential Classincluded a semi-,.;~~ /.iJ ~ room Scholars \ j . r' nar on the floor Program in Wash\I'~ of the U.S. ington, D.C. . .~ -- L. House of RepreThe program, "<.--: sentatives, a CIA in its 3yh year briefing, a semiprovides top high nar at the U. S. school students Department of with unprecState, a mock eden ted access to \, presidential electhe federal govtion and visits to ernment and the the White House people who shape MATTHEW Voel and Capitol Hill.
".< .
THE HOLY TRINITY School of West Harwich Bear Scouts Pack 74, Den 1, present gifts and activity boxes for children of Angel's Hope, a non-profit organization for children with cancer. From left are: Brendon Keefe, J,J.' Pagliaro, Angel's Hope representative Christopher Knapp, Jeffrey Hadley, Andrew Perrino and Joseph Beasley. i .
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS from St. Anthony School, New Bedford, check out a ladder truck during a recent visit to a local firehouse.
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SECOND-GRADERS from St. Anthony's School, New Bedford, enjoy a meal at Cafe Portugal where they learned about Portuguese food. The field trip was part of a class on the food and culture of Portugal. .
SEVENTH-GRADERS from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, .New Bedford, above, enjoy an indoor winter picnic lunch together. Clockwise from left are Monika Pacheco, Renee . Brum, Kenny Paulino, Nicole Patricio, Katelyn Marques, Kirsten Pereira and Melanie Gouveia. Below, first-graders in Margaret McCormick's class celebrated the -1 ooth day of school recently with activities centered around the number 100. Here Joseph O.'Hara, Sara Ferreira and Mason Amaral count colored gumballs to see if their estimate of less than 100 was correct.
Friday, March 7, 2003
Bishop Feehan H'igh School strives to feed the hungry ATTLEBORO - In response to a challenge from philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein and the growing injustice of hunger and to offset the declining community response to this crisis students of Bishop Feehan High School have organized The Million Can March. . From now until the end of the month the school, through its many students, groups and affiliates will attempt to do the impossible - collect 1,000,000 food items which will be donated to local anti-hunger agencies. Monetary donations to be used to buy
food items will be welcome as well. This endeavor is part of the school's mission which is to instruct the students towards compassionate action and caring response to the needs of the community, in keeping with the teachings of Jesus. To accomplish this task, the students need help. They ask for donations, contacts, salesmanship and optimism. To help, call the faculty contacts, Sister Pat Harrington, Nancy Miranda or John Clossick at 508-226-6223.
Coyle and Cassidy senior receives national recognition TAUNTON - Coyle and Cassidy High School student Ashleigh Boiros was recently selected for membership in The National Society of High School Scholars. The society inducts outstanding high school students and honors them, for superior academic achievement. Claes Nobel, honorary chairman of the society said they select students nationally and award this distinction on a very limited
basis. "I congratulate Ashleigh on being recognized as one of the most outstanding high school seniors in the nation," said Nobel. The Nobel prize was established by his family in 190 1 in order to note outstanding contributions in the fields of peace, literature, medicine, chemistry and physics. More than a century later they continue to honor those individuals and now outstanding high school scholars as well.
Santo Christo Parish hosts Lenten Youth Mission FALL RIVER Santo Christo Parish will host a threeday Lenten Youth Mission on March la, II and 12 at 7 p.m. in the church hall at 185 Canal Street. Mass will be celebrated each
evening. Father Craig A. Pregana will be the main celebrant and speaker for the mission, geared specifically to teen-agers. The mission is open to all. For information, call 508-676-1184.
I'M WITH YOU I'm standing on a bridge I'm waiting in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now There's nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but there's no sound Refrain: Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't someone please take me home? Trying to figure out this life . Won't you take me by the hand? Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I'm, I'm with you I'm looking for a place Searching for a face Is there anybody here I know? 'Cause nothing's going .right And everything's a mess And no one likes to be alone (Repeat refrain.) Oh why is everything so Is anyone trying to find her? confusing? Well, from the song's context, Maybe I'm just out perhaps not. However, God always of my mind is reaching out to us. Our challenge Yea,yea,yea is to learn how to open our hearts to It's a cold cold night路 this forever connection with our Trying to figure out this life Creator. Won't you;' This begins with exactly what the Take me by the hand girl in the song is doing - being Taka me somewhere new . genuinely open to her feelings. I don't know. who you are While this sounds easy, in reality it is But I'm, I'm with you not. We have many opportunities to I'm with you avoid painful emotions. Some of Sung by Avril Lavigne these options hilVe their own Copyright (c) 2002 by Arista damaging consequences and almost Music How do you deal with loneliness? . Avril Lavigne's "I'm With You" deals with this question. The song is off her highly successful debut disc "Let Go" which also contains the hits
all work only for a while. So, in times of loneliness, try to accept your feelings. This seemingly simple act opens the door to greater awareness of what is going on in our souls. Loneliness is often a message
'We're all going to die' By
I was talking in my office with a 14-year-old boy, brought by his mom for counseling. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "We're all going to die." He shared this information with me as if he had found the secret of life. In a way, he had. Life is a process of making choices. Those choices are important only because life doesn't go on forever. You really can't do everythi ng. If you watch the Grammy Awards, you won't see whatever is on the other 52 channels at the same time. If you read a romance novel, you'll be skipping the science-fiction book near it on
the shel f. If you choose ceramics for youi' sophomore elective, you probably won't ever go back and take photography. There isn't time to do everything. We don't like thinking that way. We imagine that life will go on forever and that our choices aren't permanentwe can always go back and do things a different way. The fact that life is limited "We're all going to die" means that you can't go back and choose again, over and over and over. That came home again as I read that nearly 100 people were killed in a nightclub fire. Certainly, they did not go out that night thinking they would never come home. They
believed they still had a life of choices ahead of them. Tragically, when the fire was over, 98 members of that young crowd would make no
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Coming of
flge more choices. Everything they would ever do on earth they already had done. No more classes or books or boyfriends. No more college or career.. No more going back to make things right with friends. As I write this, it is the
week for their funerals. At each of those funerals, someone will stand up and recall the meaning of the lost loved one's life. Someday, someone will do that for you. What would you want to have said about you? No, you. won't be there to hear it, so maybe the words won't be that important. But the value of a life is very clear in the way you are remembered by those who knew you best. Will they say you were a good and loyal friend? Will they remember that you took your responsibilities seri- . ously? Or will you beremembered only as a mad partier, a guy who got loaded whenever he got the chance? Wi II they say that you made their lives better by
being there? Will they know what you stood for and what you tried to accomplish in your allotted days'? There wi II be another judgment of your life, one that matters far more. In eternity, we will be.held to account. God will say to each of us, "I gave you an entirc lifc. Tcll me what you did with il." Today, make your choices well. Strivc to be thc best 'person you can be right now. Don't wait for somc far-off better time to do thc things that you know mattcr most.
Your comments are welcome. Please address: Dr. Christopher Carstens, do Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washing.ton, D.C. 20017.
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Fall River'diocese marks' its centennial The fonowing are the next in a series ofhistorical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese ofFall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest to newest parish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese. '
Holy 'Trinity Parish, West Harwich WEST HARWICH ..:.... In 1866, even as America's Civil .War was still fresh in the hearts of the nation, the first Holy Trinity Church was built in Harwich Center. Mass was celebrated there occasionally when the missionary priests traveled the circuit from Boston to Sandwich but the church was seldom used, historical accounts tell us. Father George F. McGuire came to revitalize parish life in 1'904 even as the Diocese of Fall River was estab-, lished by Pope Pius X. Six years later, Bishop Daniel F. , Feehan entrusted the care of the parish to the Holy Cross Fathers. In 1911 the parish became a mission church of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Wellfleet and 20 years passed and it became a parish again. In its early years, Holy Trinity ,served the . spiritual ,needs of Catholics from Yarmouth' " to Provincetown. Rebuilt and enlarged, ~wo days after its completion - Dec. 18, 1927 it was destroyed by the first of two fires to plague that commu-
, nity. It was subsequently rebuilt and dedicated on Aug. 1, 1930. A chapel was added in,1953 and named in honor of Our Lady of the Annunciation. On March 30, 1963, Holy Trinity Church was again destroyed by fire. Its parishioners undaunted, they raised $500,000 and a new church was completed in the summer of 1965. In 1990, after more than 80 years of dedicated service, the Sacred Heart Fa- ' thers decided to leave all the parishes on Cape Cod. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin appointed Father Gerald T. Shovelton as pastor. In recent years 'a school was constructed and in 2000 it was expanded to include grades kindergarten through eight. An adoration chapel, Our Lady of Life Chapel, was dedicated on Oct. 13,2002. " The current pastor is Father Thomas ,L. Rita. Fathers Michael O!Hearn and Marek Chmurski are the parochial vicars. Permanent deacons are Ralph F. Cox, Dana G. McCarthy and Vincent P. Walsh, The coordinator of religious
education is Marie C. Mann, and Mary Beth Medeiros is the parish secretary. Holy Trinity Parish is located at 246 Main Street, '1'-:4'
P.O. Box 428, West Harwich, MA 02671: It can be contacted by phone at 508-432-4000;. by FAX at
508-432-3494; E-Mail: HolyTrinity@Mediaone.net; and at,the parish Website: www.htp,arish.homestead.com.
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St. John the Baptist Parish, New Bedford .
NEW BEDFORD - By the mid- were later established, St. John the 1800s New Bedford was the whaling Baptist remains the mother church, the capital of the world and it was natural first Portuguese church in the United that many of the Azorean immigrants States. 'landed in the American whalers' The church was destroyed by a fire homeport. in 1908, but through the dedication and The Azores, a group of nine islands generosity of parishioners and friends a in the mid-Atlantic, were an important new house of worship was built and dediport-of-call for the whaling industry and cated on May 30, 1913. the Azoreans were inspired to escape the ,A school, cemetery and convent for limited 'opportunities of their small is- the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary lands. Hard working, honest, economi- were to come as the parish grew and cal, the first settlers adapted to their new expanded, always dedicated to the Porhome, and diligent workers that they tuguese traditions. ' were, they prospered. . It has been served by a number of fine ,As word of their success reached their priests, including Father John Baptista homeland, entire families followed the de Valles, who was a highly decorated first emigres, and by 1869, there was a military chaplain duting World War I and colony of about 2,000 Portuguese in who returned to New Bedford to die . ' from war injuries. : New Bedford: A people of deep faith, they first atAmong the pastors in recent decades tended St. Mary's Church, 'the only were Msgr. John A. Silvia, Father #'! Catholic church in,New Bedford and Manuel P. Ferreira, a native of which wa~ English-speaking. Provincetown; Father Luciano 1. de M. Word of the immigrants' discontent Pereira, Father Bento R. Fraga, Father ,and tales of lapses in religious practices Henry S. Arruda and Father John J. reached the Azqres and on Jan. 6,1869,' Oliveira. 'Father Joao Ignacio d' Azevedo, The current pastor is Father Maurice Encarnacao, a missionary from the, O. Gauvin and Father Rodney W. Azorean Island of Pico, arrived. Con- Thibault is the parochial vicar. Paul J. struction of a church began. Macedo is the deacon and Marge 'Under succeeding pastor, Father An- Ferreira is the religious education coor, tonio de Mattos Freitas, the church was dinator. dedicated on June 27, 1875 - the feast . St. John the Baptist Rectory is at 344 day of St. John the Baptist - the name County' Street, New Bedford, MA the congregation had chosen for its com- 02740-4895. It can be reached by telemunity of faith. phone at 508-992-7727 and by FAX at While other Portuguese parishes .508-997-1462.. '; --\
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