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Four Pastors Sell Twice Parish Quota Four parishes - two national and two territorial of the 110 parishes in the entire diocese, a tremendous -today reported they will sell more than double their accomplishment for a medium-sized parish. quota of subscriptions to The Anchor during the Rev. Joseph LaRue, pastor of Sacred Heart in coming year. North Attleboro, is confident that every family in his The four parishes are among the 18 who have parish soon will be a regular subscriber to The achieved their quotas as set by the Circulation DeAnchor. He is getting nearer and nearer to his obpartment of this diocesan newspaper which is the jective. He sells more than twice his quota. 18.rgest weekly in Southeastern Massachusetts. Rev. Lester Hull, administrator of Our Lady of The success of the four pastors, in selling twice as many copies as their quotas, is t1le best evidence that every parish in the Diocese should at least attain its quota. The zeal and enthusiasm of the four pastors also augers well for the expectation that The Anchor will be delivered by mail to every home in the Diocese within the im· mediate future. Rev. Anthony Gomes, administrator at Our Lady of Angels Church in Fall River, still is "our best friend." Proportionately, Father Gomes sells more home-delivered FR. CARROLL FR. LaRUJi FR. FR. GOMES copies of this newspaper than any other:

The ANCHOR AM Amlor of tAl

,,0lIl. tJvro. "!' If'''' "'


Fall River, Mass., Thursday, March 7, 1963

Vol. 7, No. 10 ©


1963 The Anchor


$4.00 per Year

Expect New Emphasis On Secular Institutes Secular institutes have already proven their value, and the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council in their work of revitali~ing and modernizing the Church will devote some att~ntion to them. The status of secular institutes is still up in the air. Their members ular institutes are better depledge themselves to pover- ferred to a more opportune time ty, chastity and obedience, lest the present evolution of do Religious. But they do these institutes be retricted."

. as

not wear uniform clothing, are not bound to conventual life, and do not change their social status. Thus if lay they remain lay. If diocesan clergy they remain secular, not Religious. It was Pope Pius XII who gave formal approval to these in. stitutes - as recently as Feb. 2, 1947. That their present law is not to be regarded as complete ana final is evidenced from the Instruction of the Sacred· Congregation of Religious, Cum Sanctissimus, of March 19, 1948. It states that "the complete and definitive Dorms l'espect~ sec-

Are secular institutes to be accorded a special place in a revised canon law code similar to that of religious institutes, such as orders or congregations of priests of Siste·rs? Present legislation recognizes three classes of persons: clergy, religious and la·ity. The Ecumenical Council will probably ~mphasize the secular character and apostolate of these institutes rather than increase their resemblance to religious congregations. . This will increase the possiTurn to Paie TwentY'

Mount Carmel in Seekonk, today reported a 20% circulation gain over last year as he rioted sales in his parish are more than double his quota. Rev. John G. Carroll, administrator at St. John the Baptist in Central Village, has repeated his performance of last year - twice as many sales as his quota. We announced last week that the first nine parishes reporting to the Circulation Department had attained theit quotas. Ten more are added to the list this week. They are: Holy Redeemer, Chatham Our Lady of Angels, Fall River. Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk St. Boniface, New Bedford St. Joseph's, Woods Hole St. Patrick's, Falmouth St. Pius X, South Yarmouth St. ROeh's, Fall River Will your parish be listed amonl; the HULL quota-Class next week?

Harvard Law School Dean Asserts Supreme Court Leading Americans Into Darkness on Religious Life SALT LAKE CITY (NC) - The Dean of the influential Harvard Law School has sharply attacked the U.S. Supreme Court for leading Americans into darkness on mat• ters of religion and public life. Erwin N. Griswold has also stated flatly that the court was wrong in ruling as unconstitutional the voluntary recitation in New York public schools of a 22-word, nonsectarian p ray e r recommended by the State Board of Regents. He told a University of Utah audience it would be "sheer 'invention" if the court reasons that the Constitution requires that all traces of religion must be kept out of public activities. The high court is guilty of narrow "constitutional absolu-· tism" and t'his reasoning is "more likely to lead us· into darkness than to light," he said. He cited Justice Hugo Black's decision for the majority against Turn to Page Fourteen

New Cassidy High School Blessing On May 24 His Eminence, F ran e i g Cardinal Spellman, Arc h . bishop of New York, will bless the new Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton and will preside at the dedicatory exercises that will follow. The high school for girls will be dedicated on Friday, May 24 at 2 :·30 in the afternoon. ' Cardinal Spellman, a friend and admirer of the late third Bishop of the Diocese, expressed his desire to bless the school which bears Bishop Cassidy's name as a mark of his esteem for the late prelate. The student body is already attending classes in the school having moved from St. Mary'~ High School the first of the year.

NEW SCHOOL RECEIVES CHALICE: Rev. Thomas Taylor, pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton, presents chalice to Sister Stanislaus Joseph, S.U.S.C., sacristan, for new Bishop Cassidy High School, also Taunton. Sacred vessel was given to Father Taylor by Bishop Cassidy and was originally ordination gift to the late Bishop from Archbishop Corrigan of New York.

From Far, Far Away Borneo Prelate Calls on Bishop Connolly A visitor from half way round the world was in the Fall River Diocese last week. He was Most Rev. Lambert


van Kessel, S.M.M., Bishop of Sintang, Borneo. Returning to his Indonesian see from the Ecumenical Council, he has been visiting Montfort Fathers foun. dations in the midwestern and eastern United States, including the newly-established Montfort Mission House in Taunton. Accompanying him in this country is Very Rev. Roger Charest, S.M.M., Provincial Superior of the Montfort Fathers in the United States and a native of St. Anne's parish, Fall River. Formerly served by Montfort Fathers of the Dutch Province of the congregation, the Borneo

mission has been under jurisdiction of the American province since 1958. Bishop van Kessel's Diocese is 60,000 square miles in area and numbers some 8,600 Catholics among its 260,000 inhabitants. Most of the population is pagan, said the Bishop, with some Mohammedans and Buddhists among them. Montfort Fathers are the only priests ~n the territory and there are 24 assigned to the Diocese, including five Americans. Of six Mont. fort Brothers, one is from the United States. Sisters of St. Anthony, a Dutch congregation, assist the priests. There is no hostility towards the missionaries on the part of the pagans, noted the prelate, saying that ~he people of his

island Diocese were friendly and hospitable. "When they are in danger of neath, they are quite eager to be baptized," he said, but otherwise they adopt a "wait and see" attitude towards Christianity. About 200 adults are converted a year, he said, and about 300 babies in danger of death receive baptism. "It is not a quick affair," he concluded. Neither is travel about Bishop van Kessel's Diocese a quick affair. There are no roads and no air transportation. Journeying is done by small boats or Oil foot via jungle trails only one person wide. The Bishop is on the move several months a year in the process of visiting each 01. _ TurD ~ Paie Twelve


Volume Studies

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River- Thurs", Mar: 7, 1963


Patria rchate

ScheduJe SpecDal At -Catholic Educato'rs WASHINGTON (NC) - Lay people active in support of Catholic education will get a special briefing on current problems during the convention of the National Catholic Educational Association. Invitations are being sent to men and women across the coun. try to take part in the session to be held on April 17, the second day of the four-day convention in St. Louis, starting Tuesday, April 16. Topics for discussion include how to inform the public about Catholic education and how to increase ;nterest of Catholics in public schools. Federal aid to education also will be treated. This year's session grew out of an informal meeting of lay people during· last year's NCEA assembly 'n Detroit. Speake:.-s will include John Donnelly of Holland Mich., national secretary-treasurer of the

Rev. Emile ~id, nephew ctf . Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, pastor {)f S1. A!l.thony of the Desert Church, Fall River, has announced publication ofa seconcl edition I)f his definitive Frenell. work "La Figure Juridique de Patriarcat," A historical and canonical study of the institution of the patriarchate, the work is an amplification of Father Eid's doetoral thesis, written in Latin at· the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome.· The Maronite priest, who visited Chor-Bishop Eid here ia 1958, holds a doctorate in boUl canon and civil law from the university. receiving his degree summa cum laude. He· is presently representative of the Maronite Patriarch to the Holy See and has been appointed an Oriental Rite advisor to the Ecumenical Council. He is also a professor at the Pontifical Institute of St, Anselm. The new edition of his book was pre9ared for use at the forthcoming Ecumenical Council session, which will have on its agenda matters touching on the Eastern Rites of the Church.

National Council of Catholic Men; Daltiel L. Schlafly of the St. Louis public school board; and William R. Consedine~ direc. tor of the Legal·Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D. C. The NCEA said from its headquarters Jlere that the conven· tion-expected to attract nearly 15,000 resistrants--"':will be openen with a Solemn Pontifical Masss celebrated by Joseph Cardinal Ritter, Archbishop of St. Louis. Preacher at the Mass will be the president general of the association of Catholic school teachers ana administrators, Arch. bishop John P. Cody, Apostolic Administl'ator of New Orleans. The keynote address will be delivered in a session following the Mass by Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, executive secretary of the aSSOCIation.

Plan Choral ·Drama Presentation In Cathedral at Providence PROVIDENCE (N C) - A Uturgical "first" will take place during Holy Week in the Cathedral of SS. Peter. and Paul here when "The Passion" by Max Baumann wilt"have its American premiere. The Wednesday, April 10 presentation of the German choral drama of Golgotha will mark the first time in the Providence dio_ cese's hfstory that an orchestra and choral group have been permitted in the sanctuary of the cathedral. Bishop Russell J. McVinney of Providence approved the drama.tic presentation which will replace the Tenebrae in the hope that Holy Week may become as meaningful as possible to the Christian community. Baumann's work was presented at the Fourth International Congress of Sacred'Music in Cologne, Germany, in 1961 by C. i\J.exander Peloquin,nationally known composer and choir director, who then began planning for the American premiere of the work. Three Languages . The presentation is the story of Christ from Palm Sunday to Golgotha, based on Sacred Scripture and the Liturgy. One hundred speaking and singing participants will perform the work in three languages, English, German and Latin.

Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their respective classification: Unobjectionable for, general patronage: The Bear. Unobjectional for adults: Love and Larcency; The Quare Fel. low; The Trial. Objectionable in part for all: Main Attraction (glamorizing of premarital sex; sensational costuming and situations).

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Mar. 10-Santo Chr,isto, Fall River. Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton. St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven. Mar. 17-St. Mary, Taunton. St. Francis X a v .i e r , A.:ushnet. Mar. 24-St. Joseph, Nor t h Dighton. Espirito San to, Fall River. . Mar. 3·1~St. Boniface, New Bedford. .. St, Peter, Dighton. Our Lady of Perpetual Help; New Bedford. THE ANCHOR

Second Class postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highlano "venue, Fall River Mass. by the Catholic Pr~ of the Diocese of Fall River. SubscriptiOll pric. 111 111I11, postpakl $4.110

oer year.

The . University Chorale of Boston College, the Emmanuel Glee Club and Peloquin Chorale, with full orchestra, will be in the sanctuary. Among the instrument.s in the presentation will be two pianos, four percussion instruments, one harp, two trumpets, and four flutes.

Papal Dignitary Requiem Today Most Rev. James J, Gerrard, D.D., V.G., pastor of St. Law. rence Church, New Bedford, cel. ebrated a Pontifical Funeral Mass in that Chu:rch· today for William S. Downey, Papal Knight of St. Gregory and a former Lay Chairman of the Diocesan Catholic Charities Ap. peal. The promine-nt New Bed. ford attorney died on Monday. Mr. Downey has been active in St. Viucent de Paul work for many years and was a trustee of St. Lawrence Parish. In December of 1959 he was honored by the Holy Father who made him a Papal Knight of St. Gregory, an order established to reward meritorious service to the Church and religion. Mr. Downey is survived by his wife, Mrs. Marie Jackson Downey, two sons Dr. William S. Downey and AttorneY Maurice F. Downey, and two daughters, Miss Mary L. Downey and Dr, Anne D. Saunders.

Mass Ordo FRIDAY-Ember Friday in Lent. I! Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. John of God, Confesspr; no Creed; Preface of Lent. . SATURDAY - Ember Saturday in Lent. II Class, Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Col. lect St. Frances of Rome, Widow: no Creed; Preface of Lent. The celebrant may omit the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th lessons with their versicles and prayers appointed for this day. The first lesson and the Epistle . must however, be said. SUNDAY-II Sunday, of Lent. I Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; • Creed; Preface of Lent. MONDAY-Monday of II Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or. Creed; Preface of Lent. / TUESDAY-Tuesd'ay ofIL-Week of L.ent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No . Gloria; Second Collect -St. :Gr.egQry I, Pope, Confessor ·and. Doctor .of the Church;' no CrE!E~d; ·Preface of Lent. . WEDl'.""ESDAY. - Wednesday of II Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glo. ria or Creed; ~eface of Lent. THURSDAY - Thursday {)f Il Week of Lent III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or 'Creed; Preface of Lent.

Bloodmobile Visit On March Slo"e SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS: Claudette Demers (left), first grant winner in a junior division at Mt. St. Mary A~ad­ emy science fair in Fall River, looks over project of Margaret Sheehan, senior division winner.

For Catholic Cousins Young Jewish Artist Has Unusual Technique In Depicting Crucifixion Scene NEW YORK (NC)-A young Jewish artist her.e has drawn a picture of Christ and St. Francis of Assisi and is now working on a drawing of Father Isaac Hecker (1819-1888), founder of the Paulist Fathers. Howard Weinstein, 29, of Brooklyn spent 160 hours doing the first picture, which depicts St. Francis and the crucified Christ. He has an unusual technique in his work: He uses various densities of dots within whorls of connecting lines, and

Honorary Degrees, JERSEY CITY (NC) - Gov. Richard J. Hughes of New Jersey and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Costello of Newark will be awarded honorary degrees by St. Peter's College here at commencement exercises in June. Gov. Hughes will be the princi. pal speaker.

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marc.l Roy - C. Lorraine Roy RoaerLaJl'ran".


his figures are outlined by a seriescDf black and white dashes. Weinstein, who works for an advertising agency, made the picture of Christ and St~ Francis for his cousin, Marguerite Meltz, who is. Catholic. The picture of Father'Hecker is being done for another cousin, Kenneth Meltz, a seminarian with the Paulist Fathers in Baltimore.

Necrology MAR. 9 Rt. Rev. Henry J. Noon, V.G., 1947, Pastor" St. James, New Bedford. ,]~l.ird Vicar General, Fall River, 1934-47.

Bishop Cassidy Council, Swansea Knights of Columbus, wiD sponsor a visit of the Red Cross bloodmobile from 12:45 through 6:45 Monday afternoon, March. 18 at the council home, Old Warren Road. Members of the ·public may contribute blood. The COuncil will hold .its annual St. Patrick's Day dinner and dance Saturday night, March. 16. Gilbert Lowney is chairman. Also s~heduled for March is a 10th :mniversary committee planning meeting on Sunday, the 10th. A public auction is announced for Saturday, the 23rd, with Law~ence Borge in charge of arrangements.

K of C Award PRINCETON (NC) - Peace Corps Director R. Sargent Shriver was honored -here ia New Jersey with the first annulM Patriotic Award of the Bishop Griffin G e n e r.a I Assembly, F 0 u r t r. Degree Knights 01 Columbus.


MAR. 12

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Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, 1961, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River.

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'ftfE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

BUSY SISTERS: Servants of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy keep domestic wheels running smoothly at St. Anthony of Padua rectory, New Bedford. Left, Sister Mary St. Jeal1 of France and Sister Mary of St.

Request Direct Ed ucation Aid To Parents

include grants to- parents or to pupils in Federal aid to education proposals. - The three testified before the Bouse Education Committee on behalf of Citizens for Educational Freedom, a non-sectarian organization of some 20,000 members in 165 chapters across the Dation. The witnesses were Rabbi Alexander Mittelman of Rochester, )J.Y., v:ice president of the CEF ehapter there; Glenn Andreas of Pella, Iowa, who is associated with schools operated by the Christian Reformed church; and Vincent P. Corley of St. Louis, a Catholic who is president of CEF. CEF is the principal supporter of the so-called "G. I. Bill for .Tunior." This proposal would give a flat grant to parents or to pupils which could be spent at any school. Cite Precedent Bills calling for this approach to Federal aid on the elementary and secondary level have been introduced by Reps. Hugh L. Carey and James Delaney, both of New York. The three CEF spokesmen said in a statement submitted to the eommittee that such a system of grants has a precedent in the C.1. Bill under which veterans were allowed to attend the school oi. their choice with government assistance. They said such grants would be constitutional and also would avoid discrimination against education in parochial and other private schools.

Motto On Stamps WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. .Ternes G. Fulton of Pennyslvania has introduced a bill to require that the motto "In God We '1'·rust" appear on all U.S. postage stamps, stamped envelopes and post cards. The measure (H.R. 3944) was referred to the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee-

Charity are busy in kitchen; right, Sister Mary Eugene, superior, waters plants. Sisters care for a 20-room rectory, have been represented at St. Anthony's since 1942. .

Protestant Monks Visit Pope John

Servants of Our Lady, Quee':t of Clergy Care for New Bedford Rectory By Patricia McGowan

WASHINGTON (NC) A rabbi and two laymen-a Catholic and a Protestant have appealed to Congress to

Since 1942 priests at St. Anthony of Padua rectory, New Bedford, have rejoiced in the presence of the Servants of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy to keep their domestic wheels running smoothly. Three Sisters are at present assigned to the 20-room rectory, only foundation of the Servants in the Fall River Diocese. The community, however, is active in over 30 rectories, cooking, and caring for ironing, place on the schedule, since each seminaries and Bishops' res- laundry and mending. priest eats at a different time, idences in the United States A big job is the answering of depepding on when he says and Canada. Founded in 1929 bells, say the Sisters. In a large Mass. by Father Alexander Bouillon of


Lac-au-Saumon, Quebec, Canada, the congregation's motherhouse is located there. Its purpose is the service of Christ in His priests. "Our whole life is dedicated to the priest," declares an explanatory leaflet. "In him we see Jesus, Saviour of the world. Our desire is to place our merits in the hands of the priest to assist him in saving souls. We wish to help him in his seminary years, in his active ministry through care of his house and sacristy, and finally in his old age in retreat houses for retired clergy." Sister Mary Eugene is superior of the Sisters at St. Anthony's. She is aided by Sister Mary St. Jean of France and Sister Mary of St. Charity in the .work of maintaining the rectory,

Corned Beef Supper St. Isidore the Farmer Council, Westport and Dartmouth Knights of Columbus, will hold its annual corned beef and cabbage supper from 5:30 to 7:30 Satur7 day night, Mitch 16 at Our Lady of Grace Church, North Westport. Tickets are available from Anthony Ferreira, grand knight, or from members of his committee. Reservations deadline is Wednesday, March 13.



WY 7-9167



parish like St. Anthony's the doorbell or the telephone is always active. In the morning breakfast assumes an -important

$25,000 Fund Helps Fatherless Students· ORADELL (NC) - A $25,000 fund has been established at !Bergen Catholic High School here in New Jersey to assist students whose fathers die or become disabled. The fund was started four years ago to aid a student whose father died. The parents of other students got together and staged a show to raise funds to enable the student to continue in the school. Since then the annual show has been the backbone of the Emergency Tuition Fund.

LEMIE'UX PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. for Domestic .-... ~ & Industrial ~ Saiesand Oil Burners Service WY 5-1631 2283 ACUSHNET AVE. NEW BEDFORD

Girls interested in this special vocation of service to the priesthood should be between 15 and 30, notes Sister Mary Eugene. For the Servants of Our Lady, ability to speak and write French is important. Entrance dates to the community are July 22 and January 23, and more detailed information may be obtaned from Reverend Mother General, Motherhouse of the Servants of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy, Lacau-Saumon, P .Q., Canada.





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VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John received in audience three monks from a Protestant monastery in Taize in eastern France. In the group were Pastor Roger Schutz, founder and prior of the Taize community; Pastor Max Thurian, a ,theologian and writer; and Brother Alain Giscard. Pastors Schutz and Thurian who were guests of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity at the Ecumenical Council's fir~t session, previously visited Pope John in October, 1960.


DAVIDSON'S, Moe Gregor' Bi(AND


Ohio Catholics Spend $35 Million To' Build 24 New School Plants

THr= ~ • ..... "':'... '):ocese of Foil Ri~er- Thurs., Mor. 7, 1963

The Parish'P~~~de ST. PATRICK, YALMOUTH Holy Name Society men will receive corporate Communion at 8:45 Mass this Sunday morning. The annual banquet will be held at 7 Sunday night at Smith's Surrey R«;om, with a social hour preceding from 6 to 7. Rev. William Roche of the Catholic Boys' Guidance Center in Boston will speak. Re<;ervations close tomorrow. The Holy Nnme society, together with other men of the parish, "'ill sponsor a retreat the weekclld of April 19 through 2..1 at Lakeville.

ST, JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The parish will spons<Yr ins annual felhos supper Sunday, March 24. The Couples Club will meet make plans for its semi-annual banquet in May. . . SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO Catholic Young Adult Organization members of the parish are ext'ending honorary membership to young men and women in the armed forces or studying <lway' from home. The unit. 'is carrying on a membership drive and members are also submItting ideas for a club emblem. March activities will include I meeting at 7:30 Wednesday, the 13th, a pilgrimage to La Salette Shrine. Sunday, the 17th. and participation in retreats for men and womep of the parish. CYO members will hold a hobby club meeting at 7 Tuesday night, M;crch 12. The unit's advisory board will meet at 8 Thursday night the 14th. The Home and School Association has slated a meeting for Wednesday March 13. The Holy Name Society announces an officers' and commit~. tee chairmen's meeting for 8:15 Monday night; March 11 in the rectory.. A membership drive is now inu orogress and new Holy Name men will be received at ceremonies Friday, Mar.ch 29, or F'riday, April 5. \

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Regular meeting of the Women's Club is plar.ned for 8 Monday night., March 11. A social hour to follow will be in charge of Mrs. Charles J. Holland and Mrs. Raymond A. Dooley. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VII.LAGE The Women's Guild will meet at 8 tonight in the church hall. Margaret Neville of Assonet will speak on unusual techniques of decorating cakes and meats. Prizes will be awarded following the meeting, and members are L1rged to l'ring guests. The unit's regular whist party Is announced for 8 Saturday night, March 9, also in the hall, with Mrs. ~sther Perry and Mrs. Louise Vieira in charge of arrangements. OUR LAUY OF ANGELS,. FALL RIVER The Women's Mission will conclude on Sunday afternoon and the Men's Mission will 'open that evening at 7:30. Two Holy Cross Fathers, Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, C.S.C and Rev. John J. Foley. C.S.C. are conducting the Miss~ ..>n and weekday serv:ces are at 7:30 P.M. On March 17 the Council of Catholic Women will hold its monthly .neeting at 7:30 P.M. ,with a coffee hour following. ST. ANNE FALL RI"ER The Holy Name Society announces a whist party to be held in the p3rish recreational hall at 8 Saturday night, April 6. Francois Ross is chairman. lMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NEW BEDFORD The 20uples Club has set a banquet for Sunday, March 24. Members will receive corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass and att~"n breakfast in the 'chonJ n.. JI.

OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER, DENNIS The Women's Guild will hold i.l card social at 8 Friday night, April 19 in the parish hall. The March meeting of the unit has peen cancelled. Future plans also include a May Communion breakfast, a penny sale in July and a public ham and bean supper in August. 'The Women's Guild has set Sunday, ,Vlay 19 for a Communion breakfast. 'Summer activities will .nclude a July penny saye and a ham and bean supper in August. ST. THOllfAS MOR,E, SOMERSET The Cl.over Club choir will sing at 'l corporate Communion Mass Sunday morning, March 31. ST. ANTHONY O'F PADUA, FALL RrrER The Council of Catholic Women plans a c:orpoJ:'ate Communion a~d an hour of recollection Sunday, March 31. A cake sale and mystery ride are on the April program. A meeting Tuesday, .March 5 win further plans for the latter. Mrs. Mary Silvia is chairman. ST, GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild is making final arrangements for a style show set for 7:30 Tuesday night, March 12 at White's restaurant. Mrs. George St Martin is chairman. A recent parish - sponsored variety show will be repeated for the benefit of the Cerebral Palsy Parents Council at 8 Saturday night, March 16 in Keith Junior High SchooL ESPIRITO SANTO, FAL RIVER Parishioners will hold a turkey .supper at 6:30 Sunday night, March 17 in the church hall. Mrs. Mary Paulino, general chairman, announc'O!s that proceeds' will benefit the parish building fund. Young people ot the parish .will serve. HOLY NAME, NEW BE FORD Mrs. John Clarke is in charge of arrangements for a Communion breakfast planned for Sunday, March 24 by the Women's Guild. HOLY NAl\'..E, F'ALL RIVER . The Women's Guild plans a rummage sale from 6 to 9 tomorrow night in the school hall. Mrs. Stanley. Mikolazyk and Mrs. Antiolony D'Ambrosio are in charge of arrangements, aided by a large committee. ST. MATHIEU. "'ALL RIVEi{ The Council of Ca tholic Women announces a Springtime basket whist party for Saturday, April 6. Mrs. Edgar Gagne is in charge of arranJements. The regular April meeting will be chairmanned by Mrs. Eugene Dionne. Tljere wil' be no March meeting, dUe to re~reats. ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD Msgr. Noon Circle will hold a Communion breakfast Sunday morning, May 5. ST. JOSEPH, fALL RIVER Clover Club members will attend corpor.::te Communion at 9:30 Mass this Sunqay and the club choral group will sing for Ihe Mas'. Area Brownie Scouts will receive corporate Commun!onat 8:15 Mass, also this Sun(!ay. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Mrs. Walter White and Mrs. William Hargraves are in charge (If a fashion show to be presented by the Women's Guild at 2 Sun,jay afternoon, March 24 at White's restaurant. ST. ELIZ.\BETH, FALL RIVER Boy Scout troop :!5 will hold a camoing 1rip the weekend of March 29 a; Camp ~'loQuochoke,

FOR BROTHERHOOD: Father Herman Porter faces _ the congregation at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Davenport, Iowa, as he offers the second annual Brotherhood Mass of the Davenport diocese, attended by area residents of many races and creeds. NC Photo,

u. s.

Teenagers Help Peruvians LIMA (NC)-A home financing project for Peruvians, initiated by a missionary priest from the U'1iteci States, is receiving further help from the U: S. .A tpen-age group from 'Connecticut has sent money raised in a candy sale. A savings and loan association from California haS' purchased a $1,000 share in the project. , The bendiciary is a mutual ;credit group for low-cost housing founded by Father Daniel McLellan, M.M., who is also known throughout the Western. . Hemisphere for a credit union he started in the Andes highlands near here . The housing organization, called "EI Pueblo," achieved its goal last year of financing a "home a day" for 365 families. This year it aims at three homes per day. In two years it has 'acqui~ed 4,0000 members. The Connecticut contributors, who sent $21 and promised more, are members of a high school class at the Congregational Church of Easton, Conn. The other support came from John A. Davis, oresident of a savings and loan association in La Mesa, Calif.

Six Religious Orders Plan Joint Seminary QUEBEC (NC) - A" plan for a joint minor seminary near here for the students of six religious communities is now being studied by representatives of the communities, a c cord i n g to L' Action, Catholic daily. newspaper published here. ' L' Action said the joint seminary would cost some two million dollars. Three other religious communities in addition to the original six have expressed interest in the idea, the paper reported.

COLUMBUS (NC) -; Ohio Catholics have spent $35 million on high school construction during the past five years, according to a report released here this week. The study, compiled by Father John Tague, principal of Bishop Flaget High School in Chillicothe, reports that a total of 24 new high schools were· built in five of Ohio six dioceses during that period. Eight of the schools were built in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati; six in both the Columbus and Toledo dioceses; three in the Cleveland diocese; and one in the Steubenville diocese. Father Tague's survey shows that the 24, schools contain a total of 411 academic classrooms, 111 laboratories. 235 special purpose rooms and will accommodate a total of 19,950 pupils. The actual' total cost of the building was $30,193,237. In adjition, $4.5 million was spent to equip' thlo new schools. On Select Sites Father 'l'ague pointed out that "impressive as these figures are, they do not tell the whole story of the sacrifices made by Ohio Catholics for secondary education." . "Most of the new buildings stand on large, select sites, the cost of which is not included in

Honor Celebrezze BUFFALO (NC) - Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Anthony J. Celebrezze will be presented with the 1963 St. Peter Canisius Medal here Sunday, April '7 by the Canisius College Alumni Association. The medal is awarded annually to an outstanding American.


the construction figure. This cost would easily add another several million dollars to the total spent." Father Tague continued: "Nor do the figures include the large sums spent by already existing high schools for additions, remodeling and new equip.. ment."

Modern Campus' For University \

MANAGUA ,NC)-The twovear-old Central American University, run here by the Jesuits, will mov~ to new buildings OIl 2 suburban campus in May. The unIversity which started Its just-completed 1962-1963 school year with 420 students, has temporary facilities in the center of Managua. It has faculties in law engineering and business administration, and an institute of numanities. The Catholic Bishops of Germany have offered the univer~ity a physics laboratory for the faculty of engineering and $10,000 for a scholarship fund. The Organization of American States and the governments of the United Sta;;es, France, Germany, England, Italy and Spain have granted scholarships to professors of thlO university. The Spanish government has also 'promised books for the universIty library. The university's Central American Historiai Institute has the most comolete collection of Central American historical sources, It includes a 10,000-volume li. brary and 500,000 microfilmed pages .of docun,ents, maps and engravings. &

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Pope John Urges Americans Back Relief Fund

THE ANCHOR5 Fairhaven Youth Salute· Outstanding Leader Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963 Magazin'e Holds On Occasion of Girl Scout Week

By Patricia McGowan

NEW YORK (NC)-Pope John is confident the generDsity of U.~. Catholics again will support a relief program

She's the grandmother of nine, but she ,leads her Girl Scout troop on bike hikes. She's got a s~x day a week job, is active in civic and parish affairs, but is taking time off next month to escort 30 Scouts on a five day trip to Washington. She's Mrs. John that will diminish "the hardships Rogers, for 35 years leader of Fairhaven. Girl Scout Troop 24. With national Girl Scout and privations which are still Week starting this Sunday, the lot of so many members of. it's a gOod time to salute her. ,the human family." She started in Girl Scouting The Pope's sentiments are expressed in a letter to the mem- as ·assistant leader for a bers of the U. S. Hierarchy in troop meeting in East Fairhaven connection with the 17th annual School, directly across the street Bishops' Relief Fund appeal, from her house. When the leader which will be conducted, gener- had to drop out, she took over ally, in parishes throughout the the troop - and -there she's been nation on Laetare Sunday, ever since. March 24. "Ifo'you want to keep children A minimum goal of $5 million out of mischief, yOU have to . has been set for the March 17 to keep them busy," she declares. 24 campaign. The Bishops' Relief Her Scouts have a long 'record Fund is the principal source of of useful activity' to prove her financing Catholic Relief Serv- s tat e men t. They were outives--National Catholic Welfare standing in various wartime serConference, which conducts a vice projects and also have made world wide program of relief news from time to time with . for the hungry and homeless dis- their unique presentations to tributed solely on the basis of world figures. need. . When the pre sen t Queen Look to U. S. . Pope John told the U. S. Bish- Elizabeth of England and her ops the "manner of your paritici- sister, Princess Margaret, were pation in the (Second Vatican) little girls, Mrs. Rogers' Scouts Council was a source of joy to learned they'd been sent a the Common Father." He re- Christmas gift of fruit - unminded that U~ S. prelates at fortunately spoiled by the time meetings during the Council' it reached them. The Fairhaven with bishops from other coun- girls took up a collection and tries heard "cordial manifesta- sent candy and preserved fruits tions of gratitude" for the work to the little Princesses. CRS-NCWC has accomplished As Girl Guides (sister organithroughout the world~ zation to the Scouts), the PrinFOR THE BIRDS: Members of Laurel Troop 24 pre"Your brothers in the hier- cesses were delighted and their pare suet containers as part of work for Bird Finder proarchy from· other lands," Pope letter of thanks was long treaficiency badge. From left, Mrs. John Rogers, leader; Girl John wrote, "especially from sured by Troop 24. mission countries and from Scouts Ann Mello, Michele Oliver, Paula Lewis. Golden Golf Balls South America, will also have told you of the hardships and An 0 the r presentation was preparation for the Washington her previous parish, St. Anprivations which are still the lot made to President Eisenhower, . trip. "We want to look tidy and thony's, Mattapoisett. of so many members of the on the occasion of a previous She attends weekly Legion of well groomed when we go to the human family. They will have trip to Washington by Mrs. Mary meetings and also devotes explained to you that, until such Rogers' girls. His gift was a set Capital." considerable time to the affairs' The trip will cost the girls $50 time as their own individual na- of golf balls with his name apiece, of which $10 per girl of the East Fairhaven Improvetions will have achieved a cer- lettered on them in gold. ment Association. will come from the troop treatain measure of development In "spare time," she knits, and progress in every field, they Will there be a gift for Presi- sury. Varied activities were unhooks rugs, gardens· and paints. are obliged to look with hope to 'dent Kennedy, or possibly for dertaken to raise the money, the Holy See and to the contin- Caroline. a potentfal Girl Scout, including cookie and candy For a while, she even led two ued generosity of the Catholics on the occasion of next month's sales. "It took us three years,". Girls Scout troops, filling in at her parish troop for a five year of the United States for the Washington trip? Mrs. Rbgers noted the energetic leader. Mrs. Rogers works in a New period when no other leaders maintenance and furtherance of says she never knows what her their various projects of zeal and girls will thil)k up next, so it Bedford department store. Scout were available. When cars weren't as comcharity." wouldn't surprise her. meetings are held on Tuesday monplace as now, she was a afternoon, her half day off. Last Imparts Blessing An especial favorite in the Pope John told the ,U. S. prel- gift-giving line has been Fair- , year her grateful girls presented .familiar Sunday morning figure ates: "We are confident that the haven's Maryknoll Bishop, the her with a Thanks Badge, Scout ,in her neighborhood, rounding up children with no transportaaward to ·adults who. have made response of your· beloved cler- . Most Rev. Joseph W. Regan, a tion to church, and herding them an outstanding contribution to gy and laity will continue to be . schoolmate of Mrs. Rogers. aboard special !;msses to make in keeping with your country's When the missioner was sta- the organization. But Scouting isn't her only sure they got to Mass. noble tradition and· provide yet tioned in ehina, he told Troop During this Gi~l Scout week, activit~·. For' 28, years she has another eloquent token of grati- 24 that his children there had Fairhaven girls wiu salute a tude to Divine Providence for never seen a Christmas tree, so taught catechism at St. Joseph really good Scout. the multiple blessings and ben- the Scouts promptly bought Church, Fairhaven, and she also efits received." and shipped him an artificial maintains an active interest in The special apostolic blessing tree, complete with .decorations. of Pope John was imparted in They have also provided him You the letter to the archbishops and with phonographs and bicycle bishops "and to the clergy, Reli- pumps, the latter for use when gious and faithful under your he was statione,d at a post where Whether the damage involved an care." bicycles provided the chief automobi.le or a truck the place to transportation.

Private School Aid Is Legal WASHINGTON (NC) The New Republic 'magazine says it believes state aid to church-related schools would be constitutional. The weekly magazine also reported "the case for public support of private schools depends upon public control over those activities it supports." The magazine's editorial said the state' has an interest in ensuring that all school children have a mastery of certain subjects. "The state can and should pursue this interest by subsidizing instruction in these subjects," it asserted in its editorial. "So long as the student is mastering them it makes no differ. e,nce to the state .whether his in. l;tructors are Jesuits or agnostics, whether his classroom is owned by the Lutherans or the local school board," the magazine said. The national interest, it added, i!' in better education for all children. "Nobody needs to send his child to a private school; but millions do. No useful purpose is served if these children grow lip knowing less history or less chemistry than children who att.end public schools." "Ignorance, not the Catholic hierarchy, is the enemy," it stated.

Cubans Resettled DETROIT (NC) - Forty-four Cuban refugee children and 375 Cuban adults have been resettled to date in the Archdiocese of Detroit, according to Msgr. Wilbur F. Suedkamp, secretary' lor Catholic Charities.

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Catholics Plan Shrine Chapel CHICAGO (NC) - Lithuanian Catholics of the U.S. plan to erect a memorial chapel jn honor of Our Lady of Siluva, Lit h u ani a, at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D,C. Announcement of the project was made here by the Committee for the Chapel of Our Lady of Siluva, which has as its general chairman exiled Auxiliary Bishop Vincent Brizgys of Kaunas, Lithuania. Bishop Brizgys and Auxiliary Bishop Charles A. Salatka of Grand Rapids, Mich., said in a statement issued in the committee's name that the "proposed Lithuanian m e m 0 ria I ehapel would cost $325,000 plus the expenses of conducting a campaign for funds,"

Honors Prelate SALINA' (NC) - Msgr. Raymond M. Menard, editor of the Northwestern Kansas Register and director of Hospitals for the Salina diocese, has been promoted by Pope John from a papal chamberlain to a domestic prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor.

One of Mrs. Rogers' Scouts carried assistance to Maryknoll even further, joining the Maryknoll Sisters herself. She is now Sister Mary Harding, M.M., and at her station in Bolivia she is herself. leader of a Girl Scout troop.


H. BERUBE, Mgr. 951 Slade St.' 'I. Of 5-7836

Pro fie i e n c y badges Mrs. Rogers' girls are earning this year include bicycle, bird, tree and good grooming badges. The ' Hitter is being undertaken in


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Varied Activities Mrs. Rogers has three daUghters and a son. All the girls were Scouts and one is now a Den Mother for Cub Scouts, while a granddaughter is an enthusiastic member of "grandma's troop."

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THE !'.~!CHO~ -Diocese of fall River- Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

Lenten Gifts

Frightening Experience It is a frightening experience even to read the recent report by a special state commission investigating nursing homes in Massachusetts. The suffering and anguish of body and spirit of those who are undergoing such treatment as the report describes defies description. Inadequate fire protection and nursing services, lack of sanitation, inadequate food and accomodations - these dreadful conditions were not typical but showed up often enough to call for corrective measures and even punitive action against those who would make a business out of the ills of old age and a money-making racket out of the care of the sick. The section of the report that strikes a chill through any decent person is that which goes to the very heart of the· whole situation. In the words of the report itself, the abuses found in all too many nursing homes indicate a 'lack of recognition of the human dignity of the individual." Once a person or a community permits such a lack of recognition of the individual to continue, once a person or a community allows the treatment of the aged and sick on an animal or numbers level, with the accompanying lack of respect for personal dignity, then that person and that community are sick themselves. They are forgetting that a person is important not for what he has or for what he does or for something that he contributes to the' common good. A person is important simply because he is. His very existence, the result of an act of creation by God, is guarantee of his dignity and worth. He is entitled to reverence and respect by the very fact of his existence. The condition of age or sickness or even poverty and dependence does not cancel out the right to personal diginity that each person should enjoy.

Anti-Protestantism A person who is doing incalculable good for warm relations among all Christians is Methodist Bishop Fred Pierce Corson of Philadelphia. An official obsE~rver at the Council, Bishop Corson has shown himself to be a largethreated person, a man who sees the truth and is expressing it without bias. He is doing a great deal of speaking about tpe Council and is reporting on the freedom that exists within the Catholic Church, the· spirit of devotion to Christ th~t was in evidence at the Council, the kindness that was exhibited to non-Catholics by all connected with what he calls ~'the most important and most outstanding world event in this country." Bishop Corson, as well as teaching those of his own flock, teaches a lesson to Catholics as well. His zeal in spreading the truth about the Council is a silent reproach to the Catholics who are quick to accuse non-Catholics of bias and prejudice, when all the time it is usually no more than lack of understanding by the non-Catholics and absence of charity toward them on the part of Catholics. In an area strongly Catholic, this anti-Protestant bias is a real fear and, at times, a fact. . It has no place in the heart of any person calling himself Catholic or Christian.

And Khrushchev Approves Congratulations extended by the Soviet government to Pope John on' the announcement of the Pope's being awarded the 1963 Peace Prize of the International Balzau Foundation must be seen in proper context. .The Holy Father is hailed correctly as the outstanding symbol of peace in the world and as the man who by prayer and work and dedication is working for peace among men and nations. But, as a Rome newspaper pointed out, "the fact that the Soviet government and its Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev appreciate to the greatest degree the efforts of the Pope for the cause of peace among all nations does not save the faithful from being victims of unheard of persecutions in Catholic countries under the authority of the author of the document." The Reds are trying to make propaganda out of their beaming approval of the Holy Father's award.. 'They are masters at the use of words. Expressions like "peace" and "friendship" come easily to their lips and flow from their press - as long as these express only tactics and not truths. The Pope· is a realist. He is gracious· enough to extend his warm-hearted charity to all men, even and especially Communists. But, at the same time, he knows full well that there is no substitute for actions.

®rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. 410 Highland. Avenue Fall River, Mass: OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0.. PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden



REV. JAMES CLARK Assistant, St. Mary's Church New Bedford

.THE VOICES OF THE VOLUNTEERS UThirty patients have received care in our two-room hospital so far and I can truthfully say I have never

Cfhnot.l<th thE WEEk With thE ChWlch By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University TODAY-Thursday, First Week in Lent. That renewal "in mind'; for which the Collect prays requires a Lenten examination of our relation to the externals of religion. Are they helps to inner faith and love, as they should be, or are they camouflage by which we mask emptiness or even ill will? Today's Bible readings are clear in their warning. The foreigner (the Chanaanite woman) in terms of externals may be the one justified in God's sight. TOMORROW - Ember Friday in Lent. PE'nitence and healing (First Reading and Gospel) are common .themes in Lent. And the pool reminds us that Baptism is the beginning of that healing process. That it is not the end of the process is clear from our inconstancy (Entl'ance Hymn, Tract, Prayer after Communion) and from the renewal of Baptism Jesus gave His Church in Penance and the Eucharist. We pray at the beginning of Mass that our fervor might be revived. To be rightly conscious of our sins and truly penitent, more than a merely intellectual assent ·is needed. EM BE R SATURDAY IN LENT (simplified to the first and the last two Scripture lessons). The vision of Jesus' transfiguration, of His glory (Gospel), sees Moses and Elias with him. Moses and Elias,· who, as we saw on Wednesday, were men whose relationship to God was the chief concern of their lives. The First Reading points out that this relationship is a covenanted one-a covenant freely offered by God to His people and freely accepted by them. The "freedom of spirit" for which we pray (second prayer) is not freedom from obedience but freedom to make obedience possible. SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT. Today's Gospel continues the lesson of last week's ember days: Jesus as fulfillment of all that Moses and Elias stood for in the Old Covenant. The Transfiguration is the kind of "preview" that heightens faith, expectancy, eagerness * * * and that gives in-· centive for moral discipline (F~rst Reading). Perhaps it can teach us some· thing, too, about the relation between liturgy arid the rest of life, between our moments of public worship and our moments of work, rest, recreation, family and civic duties Liturgy, public worship, should be a "preview" of sorts, a preview of heaven, of ultimate beauty and love and harmony, something to lift up men's hearts and renew their spirits..

The Ecumenical Council showed its concern over the fact that Catholic public worship, especially Sunday Mass, is in most places still far from this. Ugli. I'.ess (in art, architecture, vesture) rather than beauty; isolation and individualism (I don't want to be bothered during my prayers) instead of love and unity. Silence and mental cacophony (priest muttering, congregation not responding, everyone going about "his own business") instead of vocal harmony. As the· "little Easter," Sunday Mass should be a transfiguration experience for every parish. MONDAY - Second Week in Lent! Lent is a retreat preparing for the feast (Easter Vigil) of cur Baptism in t]:J.e Lord Jesus. In the Gospel He says: "It is myself you look for. And the Collect, Or opening prayer, asks "that your servants in punishing their bodies by fasting from food may abstain from sin by striv. ing to be holy." .We do n'ot" abstain from sin by cataloging faults and avoiding them, but only "by striving to be holy." And when we look for holiness, ·"it is myself you look for." TUESDAY - Second Week of Lent. T.hose who do not believe in applying our modern knowlf;dge of ancient languages and literary forms to the Bible will still see in today's Gospel a con· demnation of Jewish and Christian etiquette. But the whole thrust of the Mass and the Gospel reading is toward trust in God, toward the worship of God,· and away from all varieties of. idoltary. Men may be, and often are, His instruments, but they are never Him. Lent warns us against placing our trust elsewhere than in Him, against allowing our etiquette to. carry us to the point of forgetting our basic baptismal equality. .

enjoyed nursing so much" writes Rita Rempe, volunteer from Kansas. "You can see the wages of home care and mail order treatment of the sick in each patient. Some enter with a generous supply of leaves all· over them, 0 the r s with juice from a certain wood and_others with some midnight tea. They need real medical help. Two of my eight students are already work. ing every day with me and love their work. They even come on their day off! Florence Nightingale has nothing on me now, as many nights I take a candle ill hand and make the last rounda at the hospital." Loves Job "I am completely in love with my particular job", writes Omaha nurse Mavis Kocina. "My task is bringing medical care, especially health education, to the Indians within about 30 miles of the city. Right now, I and Senora Ida, an auxiliary nurse who is a native of Temuco, cover six stations. "Being pitifully short of medicine and equipment we take supplies along in a shoe box. I have come to love these Indians Oind their hospitality. They have :nvited us into their small grass h-qts with dirt floor and shared their food with us. "In reality these dwellings are one of the causes of the numer_ ous skin infections we see on !:lick calls but I have to admit they are very warm and comfortable with the fire in the middle of the floor and the smoke keeping the flies and other insects away." . Show Results From Ron Henry: "Vila da Barca, located in Belem's Perpetual Help padsh, is mater>lIy one of the poorest developed areas in the city It is more difficult to tell a sick, hungry man about the beauties of God than it is to tell a happy, healthy man. "For this reason most of my work is in the improvement of the conditions of the Vila. The Archbishl)p realizes. the needs and has sent a social worker to help improve the conditions. At the present time we are still planning most of our projects, but several have already been started. Courses.in pre-natal care, mid-wife training, kitchen sanitation, adult education and sewing classes are showing results.

WEDNESDAY-Second Week Hopes for Future in Lent. Today's Gospel contin. ues the lesson of yesterday's. "Our greatest hopes for the The Christian community, the future lie in projects yet to be new People of God, will have tried-a sewing course, distribuorder and hierarchy, as will any tion of land plots, barber school, society of human beings. It will etc. The average home in the have "lords", but no "lording -it Vila has a home-made stove. It over" the rest. It will have pow- usually consists of a tin can over er, but no vaunting of power. a kerosene burner. Most receive The Son of Man came to serve flour from Caritas. and to give. The answer to the "For a family without a real. evil times upon us (First Read- stove, the flour does not have a ing) is God's rescue in Jesus' . great value We hope to start a Resurrection (Gospel). bakery for these \leople. We hope to install water hydrants Urges Fair Housing for in this city of 4,500 there are SAN FRANCISCO (NC)- only two places to obtain water The Catholic Interracial Coun- for cooking, cleaning, bathing cil of San Francisco has adopted and laundry.". This is the life of papal vola resolution urging support for unteers. extended fair housing laws.


THE ANCHOR":" Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

Doctor-Wife Teams Plan Month Aiding Maryknoll Missioner ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) ~ "This is sort of a pilot. trip -Two doctors and their wives for the future," explained Dr. will team up for a month of Hetzer. "The Catholic Physicians . medical work in a Maryknoll Guild in the Diocese has been mission in Guatemala after com.· . looking for a medical mission pleting their most difficult task post to adopt. "We got the idea at the 1961 -finding babysitters for their national convention in Denver 13 children. The Long Island doctors will when we heard about the projhelp their classmate of the Ford- ects of the Los Angeles and Deham University Class of '37, troit guilds. They are the only Father Joseph J. Rickert, M.M.; two in the United States workof Brooklyn, N. Y., who is pas- ing with 'definite missions. "At· many of our meetings we tor of a remote' mountain mishave discussed taking on one for sion for thousands of Indians. The two physicians are Dr. ourselves. If things work out on Malcolm Hetzer, obstetrician on our trip we will probably take the staff of Mercy Hospital, Father Rickert's. "Already there have been sevRockville Centre, and Dr. Mar.tin Gately, general practitioner' eral doctors who have expressed In Levittown, Long Island. The a willingness to go down there -two doctors together with' their and work for a two or threewives will leave next week for week period. The ideal situation would be to get a doctor for a Guatemala. n will be sort of a busman's' specialized field. "However, nothing is definite holiday for the Long Island doctors. since they plan to· assist right now. It all depends on how their priest-classmate solve some things work 0!lt on this trip." of the medical problems that confront him in his mission' post. While making plans for the trip the lioctor's wives had trouble finding relatives and PORTLAr-.'O (NC)-Archbishfriends willing to care for their op Edward D. Howard of Port13 children while they are in land in Oregon told some 400 Guatemala. The doctors first got the idea persons at a Protestant-sponsored of going to Guatemala last year meeting here that Pope John is when Father Rickert was in the "a Christian optimist" working unity of mankind. n. S. on a brief furlough: When forHethe said at a meeting sponsored the priest told them about the medical problems in his mission, by the Portland Council of ·they agreed to visit and giv~ him- Churches for Protestant ministers and their guests that the a hand on their vacation. One of the big medical prob- first sessions of the Second Vatlems is the delivery of children. ican Council "gave' us a fore. -A great many mothers and taste of ultimate success:" He babies die," says Dr. Hetzer. · added, however, that "full unity "'In order to try to correct this · in fellowship of all Christ's folsituation I'm going to start a lowers is something that is difschool for mid.wives and give ficult to foresee." The Archbishop spoke of/Pope them basic instructions in obstetrics. Dr. Gately will delve John as "a Christian optimist, into general medical problems convinced that Divine Proviand set up a program that the dence is leading us to a new order of human relations." people can follow easily." The Pope, he said, "has demThe two doctors will receive plenty of help from their wives. onstrated his unswerving conMrs.. Dorothy Hetzer is a nurse cern to build a. bridge - one and anesthetist and will assist in · which strengthens union among a medical way, while Mrs. Rhea Catholics, fosters that wider Gately will handle all the ad- Christian unity for which the Church considers it her duty to ministrative details. work actively and, indeed, prepares for the vitally necessary unity of mankind."


Urges All Clerics In Latin America To Cooperate CINCINNATI (NC) -:- A priest stationed in Chile has called for cooperation between Catholic and Protestant missionaries in Latin America. Father William F. Schenk, C.P:i>.S., of the Catholic Univer. sity of Chile at Santiago, told a mission discussion panel at Xavier University here this co. operation ought to be applied to "community development" programs and leadership training. "If we could follow the example of brotherly love and guod will between all Christians in the missions as it was shown in the Second Vatican Council, I feel we could receive help from the U. S. Government and could help our foreign aid go further and do more to solve the socio-economic problems of Latin America," the Precious Blood missioner said.

Prel'ate Asserts Pope Is Optimist

Honor Foundress

DRAWN BY JEWISH ARTIST: More than 160 hours Jewish artist Howard Weinstein in completmg thIS pIcture of Christ and St. Francis of Assisi. He made . the drawing for his Catholic cousin, who' is the daughter . .of a conyert ftom Judaism., NC Photo. ~ere ~peI1:t by

He was one of three mission. aries who spoke at a "Meet the Missions" program honoring Pauline Jaricot, foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, who died 100 years ago. · The others were Bishop Angelo · Barbisotti, F.S.C.J., Vicar Apos· tolic of Esmeraldas, Ecuador, and Father Lawrence Endrizzi F .s.C.J., who was expelled fro~ the Sudan recently after work_ing there more than 10 years. Bishop Diego Parodi, F.S.C.J.. Prelate l'tullius of Santo AntoDiode of Balsas, Brazil, presided.


Medieval Art Work Adorns Vestment

BIRMINGHAM (NC)-A medieval work of embroidery-described by art experts as "priceless" and a museum showpiece for centuries--has been mounted on a vestment used for Mass here in England. The embroidery depicts the Crucifixion. It has been mounted on a chasuble by Benedictine Brother Sebastian, O.S.B., of Prinknash abbey, Gloucester, for use at St. Chad's cathedral here. The piece of embroidery was brought to England by the architect of St. Chad's cathedral, Augustus Welby, Pugin, (1812 to 1852) a convert to Catholicism who led the Gothic revival in English architecture in the first half of the 19th century.


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THE ANCHOR-'Dioce~eof Fan River...:. Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

Offers Methods of Combating Mid-Wi,nter Pit, of Blues . By \Mary Tinley Daly . What to do when you're "all in, down and out" has become alinost a theme song. How to combat feelings of depression, of frustration? First of all, perhaps, is to recognize that such feelings are a part of nearly all human living and, unless exagger- one that can be completed witk. ated, they are here today and in a short span of time is theragone tomorrow. To get away peutic. Take cleaning, for infrom the "poor little me" at- stance. titude; go ahead, s'ay it out loud. Complete with troubles, go to the mirror and say: "Poor little me!" Ten to one it will brmg an I automatic laugh, chuckle, or at least a wry smile that will start taking care of the situation. Very often a rundown physical condition is the cause of the blues, Rev, James A Mag. ner of the 'Catholic University of America, in his book "Mental Health in a Mad World" says: "Often a disposition to complain, criticize or worry rather than to take a bright constructive view is the result of a physical ailment or a rundown condition." After a bout with a disease like the flu, many of us have experienced irritability, gnaw. ing anxiety for no particular reason, touchiness, and a vague dissatisfaction with life in general. Or we have observed it in cur families Being "overly tired" we've always called in at our house. Matter ·)f fact, it has become Part of the "Daly Jokebook." Whenever 'anybody blows his top" somebody is sure to say 'Watch out, you're 'overly tired," Even when the cause of irrita. bility isn't physical-or not entirely so-there are lots of home remedies. You have yours, we' have ours. Action Helps Being in the writing business, perhaps it's natural that we turn to paper and pen. At any rate, we find making a list of woes of the moment a practical help. When it seems as though there are "millions of troubles," a concrete listing of them in the order of their severity, shows them to be surprisingly few. Dating the paper and comparing it with the Woe Paper of some weeks ago', or whenever, is an eye-opener and cheerer-upper too. This, of course, should be followed by action-immediate action-"to keep the devil away" as the old saying has it. Some satisfying task preferably in. volving physical activity, and

The other. day Ginny and I both found ourselves edgy., Things evidently had gone wrong in school. And things had gone wrong at home. The washing machine had RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS: From left, Phyllis Robertshaw, Marlene Gauthier and broken down with a load of Anne Louise Gibbons, students at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, who are recipients sudsy heavies to be rinsed and of college scholarships. Miss Robertshaw and Miss Gauthier are semi-finalists in Rhode wrung out by hand, other domestic annoyances, a dis- Island State Scholarship contests. Both are Tiverton residents and members of Holy Ghost parish. Miss Giboons has been awarded a four year scholarship to Immaculata College, tressing telephone call '" '" '" "Want to make cookies, Mom?" Pennsylvania. She is a. member of Holy Rosary parish, Fall River. Ginny asked. "Or do windows? Take a walk?" All these had proved tension-relieving in the' past and we'd enjoyed "working it off" together. Cure for Blues This time we decided on winInhabitants of northern no escape in the immediate part of Bishop Regan's Pretadows-the whole seven in Ginof Tagum. The yearly loss Davao Province in the Phil- future from the miserable con- ture ny's room. from floods is an example of ditions under which the people It was one of those balmy ippines, part of the territory irresponsible logging operations. Winter days that come now and under the jurisdiction of are now living." The threEl Maryknoll parishes 'Wild West' then - a foretaste 01 Spring and Bishop Joseph W. Regan, M.M. of Nabunturan, Compostella and ideal for the job. The windows of Fairhaven, are suffering the Forests are cut· down and the had the cloudy Wintertime haze, after-effects of what is termed Monkayo are centers of the lumber is s hip P e d abroad logging industry in the northern as dull and foggy as our states of the ":worst flood ever" by Maryleaving no trees to check the minds. water from the mountains. There knoll priests in the area. With our vinegar-water. soluis alsQ no flood control system A terse telegram spelled out tion, which we find better than the desperate situation accurate. on the rivers. After a month' of commercial cleaners, and paper ly: "Worst flood ever, send resteady rain, they overflow and ~~ome towels, we set to. I was doing lief, medicine, clothing, food the rain waters run down the . the outside of the windOWs, quickly - Galvin - Cateel." PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The mountain sid e s unchecked. Ginny the inside. . The telegram from· Father · Grey lIouns of the Sacred Heart, Therefore river water cornel The good clear air coming in, William . J. Galvin, M.M., of · who voluntarily vacated a gift from one direction and mountain the moderate exercise, watching Queens, N.Y., in' the remote, estate in Haverford Township, water from another, with towOll one pane after another coming devastated mission of Cateel set · Pa., . last December, have ar. caught in the middle. out sparkling from our efforts, the wheels of Catholic Relief ranged to purchase an estate ill Since Apr i 1 1958, Ma~ · Lower Makefield Township as a . knollers have concentrated most the companionship-·all combined Services in motion. to lift the. spirits. of their Philippine activity ill Month-long rains had swollen · site for their inotherhouse. Soon Ginny was telling me the rivers, causing floods_which The arrangement for the nuns the Davao Province on the isabout a funny happening in inundated most of the 14 Mary- 10 purchase the siteill condi- land of Mindanao. The area .. school, then about ~I new shot in knoll mission parishes in the tional on their being granted a the "Wild West" of the Philip. basketball she had been practic- province on the southern island · special zoning exception to use pines where homesteading is enthe property' for religious pur- couraged. Confided to the care of litg-demonstrating with a wad of Mindanao. of dampened paper towel. Some 10,000 families were poses. The township's zoning 44 Maryknollers are 418,000 peo_ I told ber about plans for re- soon made homeless by raging board of adjustment will hear ple in the Prelature of Tagum doing one Qf the bEldrooms, and w'aters which destroyed the re- testimony· on the question under the spiritual leadership of Bishop Regan. a joke I'd heard recently: "Know cently planted rice crop. Rats shortly. The Grey Nuns received nawhat the hypochondriac had put and insects spoiled much of the on bis tombstone, Ginny? He reserve foodstuffs. Continual tionwide publicity in December had engraved: 'See? I really was dampness and cold winds spelled when they relinquished the disaster for a people very sus- estate in Haverford Township at sick!" "Maybe that's a joke, H Gin- ceptible to tuberculosis. Surging the height of a zoning dispute ny's brow wrinkled in puzzle- waters destroyed roads and dis- over their occupancy of the property. The nuns explained ment, "if you know what a hypo- rupted communications. Quick action on the part of that they did not wish to remain chondriac is." Explanation of the word, and Catholic Relief Services-NCWC where they were not wanted. in Manila brought supplies to Controversy over the zoning Ginny laughed. 273 CENTRAL AVE. "Well, let's don't be hypochon- the area. The first shipment to question is still going on in driacs, Mom!" Ginny grinned as Davao City included 800 bags Haverford Township, where a WY 2-6216 she polished away at the final of flour, 20 bales of clothing, citizens' group is seeking repeal pane of glass. of a law prohibiting conversion and 560 bags of beans. NEW BEDFORD Plight Not Over of homes to institutional uses. Well, let's don't-not so long HBut the plight isn't over,· as there are windows to wash and a somebody to 1;alk with! pointed out Father Charles McOn Dean's List Hugh, M.M., of Philadelphia, Pa. uThe real damage from the flood Elaine A. Thomas, senior.at NO JOB TOO BIG will come to light in about six Salve Regina College, Newport, months. The present crop is and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NONE TOO SMALL ruined - therefore no harvest Peter S. Thomas, New Bedford, - therefore no money to pay has been named to the first Asserting that the problem II debts' now being incurred and aemester dean's list. national in scope, Crozier cited recent interest in a shared-time program ~y officials of the Chi- Sisters of Mercy Build PRINTERS cago arcJ;1diocesan schools. $2 Million Convert Main OHice and Plant "Calling for shared-time now CEDAR RAPIDS (NC) is certa~nly calling' for help," he LOWELL, MASS. Construction of Sacred Heart said. Convent, the new $2 million Telephone Lowell 1Jnable to Compete motherhouse for the Sisters of GL 8-6~33 and OL 7-7500 Crozier also pointed to the Mercy, has been started on the moratorium on School building Mount Mercy College campus Auxiliary Plants Southeastern Massachusetts' in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. here in Iowa and is expected to Largest Independent Chain He added that "her(~ in Omaha, be .completed in September, BOSTON we find ourselves unable to 1964. OCEANPORT, N. J. compete with the public schools The motherhouse will house a PAWTUCKET, R. L for teachers." novitiate and administration of'We Give Gold Bond Stamps' "Beginning teachers - gradu- fices, as well as residence for ates just out of college-get a 150 Sisters. The Sisters of Mercy salary in our private schools that of Cedar Rapids staff 21 schools is $1,7QO lower than the public and four hospitals in Iowa, Minnesota and Montana. schools. offer," he said. Crozier also said Omalia CathAlumnae Style Show olic schools are unable to' accept almost 5,000 childrlm for 'lac.k Alumnae of Sacred Hearts of space. Academy; Fall River, will sponCrozier reiterated CEF's neu- sor a Spring fashion show at 8 trality . on the question. of Sunday night, March 10 in the whether Federal aid should be new auditorium of the school. appropriated in the first place, Mrs. William H. McGrady is but its insistence that if aid is chairman, aided by Mrs. Roger voted it should benefit all chil- Sullivan and a large committee. UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN dren-those in independent as Refreshments will be served by ,_••_ _ " _ _" "_.,, _w-.... academy freshnae~ well as tax-supported schools.

Flood Crisis in Fairhaven Bishop's See

Northern Philippines in Need of Much Help

Nuns' ro Occupy . New


Wants Private Schools Included In First Education Aid Bill OMAHA (NC)-If ,a general aid to education bill is passed by Congress, church-related schools must "get in the first time, because if we don't, we may never get in," participants in a Citizens for Educational Freedom informational program were told here. William Crozier, history in_ structor at Duchesne College, a Catholic women's college here in Nebraska, and CEF 'program chairman, also told the group that "if a Federal aid bill is passed and. private schools are left 'out, private schools will be in trouble. We will face the prospect of having second-rate schools." .

Attleboro DCCW to Meet Ladies of S1. Anne Sodality of Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro will be host unit to a business meeting of the AttIe. boro District Four of the Dioc. esan Council of Catholic Women at 8 Tuesday night, March 12 in the church hall. Entertainment will be by the Catholic Young Adult Organization, directed by Rev•. Roger LeDuc.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Feill River- !hOts.,' Mar, 7,1963


Causes of Minor Quarrels By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Asst. Sociology Prof.-8t. Louis Universit.,

"Why do some married couples quarrel so easily? Mter 'almost five years of marriage we have no major differences ' - she's a good wife and mother - yet we find ourselves fre,quentIy bickering over a lot of little things that come up. She admits she has a realistic expectations are the temper, and I know I lack real source of the difficulty. patience, so we usually make One of the first lessons that wp quickly after each spat. couples must learn at marriage Our good resolutions seldom last long, however, though I feel we're both trying to be sincere. Do you t h ink we're a little incompatible by nature and must learn to accept it?" Your final question, Frank, calls to mind C h e s t e rton's sage rejection of incomplementary rat her than identical. When men and women enter the intimate partnership of marriage, the differences resulting from their natural complementarity can become sources either of conflict or unity, depending upon how they are viewed. As one marriage counselor facetiously suggests, we can speak of real incompatibility in marriage only when one partner has all the "income" and the other all the "patibility." Convenient Rationalization Like many other words":':" ''immature,'' maladjusted," "neti~ rotic," and so on - incompatible iti a term that has little meaniti~ unless clearly defined in the context. When used as an explanation for marital conflict, it often signifies liWe more than a convenient rationalization for fail.. ure to exercise adequate selfcontrol or to face up to the realities of one's situation. You have probably heard about the Hollywood couple who wishes to obtain a divorce on the grounds that they had "incom.:. patible" ·taste-he liked women; she liked men. Tendency to Grow On the other hand, Frank, you are rightly concerned about your tendency to quarrel so easily, Frequent spats, even thoug~ they may end very quickly, are bound to leave you somewhat tense, uncomfortable in eacl1 other's company, and perhaps not a little humiliated with ;yourself. More important, the tendency to repeat the performance in epite of contrary resolves indicates that you learn little from the experience. Hence you are wise not to !enore the problem on the grounds that you quarrel only eover "little things," for in the Context of marriage it is no more eorrect to speak of being. Ii ""little" antagonistic than oJ; ~ing il "little" pregnant lef~ to themselves, both conditions have remarkable tendencies. to 2l'ow rapidly. ; U·nfulfUled Expectations • , Granting there is need for ehange; what can you do about 'tlle situation? In the first place, Frank, since you mentioned no maj or or specific areas of dis~ 'agreement, it may be helpful to analyze your general attitudes and expectations relating to marriage. . In the family, as in all other human situations, ·-frustration re_Its primarily from uilfilled ex~ Pectations, so that if these are unrealistic we are bound to be frustrated frequently. On such Occasions, our first impulse is ·to blame external conditions or the actions of others, yet our UD-

Alumni Reunion Members of the Class of 1948

et Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will hold a reunion at T:30 Saturday night, june 1 at .Jean's Farm. Mrs. Bett»' Ann Balbardier, chairman, announces ftservatioDS will cloR Wednesdq,~l.

is that premarital expectations must be redefined in terms of reality. Little Pretense ~any partners become impatient, irritable, and quick to anger not because marital conditions are unusually trying, but because they are not what was expected. No partner - not even the best - is perfect. Every marriage makes routine demands on time, energy and interest, with corresponding loss of independence and freedom. Moreover, dissatisfaction with one's mate is felt so acutely because living together involves inescapable intimacy and little pretense. Within .the home, partners normally tend ~o be themselves, displaying less restraint and greater variability of mood and conduct than in public. All 01 these factors become potential sources of frustration for couples who insist that reality must conform to their. expectations rather than vice versa. 'Let's Be Reasonable' Second, you should analyze your own conduct when you quarrel. On such occasions, most couples focus attention on their partner's actions, forgetting that these may only be reactions to something in themselves. We are all much less flexible anti more self-centered than we like to admit. Marital arguments tend to be so unproductive because most partners are unwilling to admit to themselves that they are not at all interested in learning the other's point of view. What they are really saying ,is, "Let's be reasonable -.- do it my


. Finally, an analysis of past unpleasant experiences can prepare you to meet similar situations in the future. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Grow in Adjustment After five years of marriage you should have some understanding of when and how conflicts tend to occur.· Experience can be a good teacher, provided weare willing to learn, and learning in this instance implies growth in the kind of insight that leads to foresight. The unreflective learn little from experience. They trip over the same obstacle again and again because they never bother to look back to discover what causeQ them to falL Although we should not. exaggerate the significance . Qf minor quarrels, the .mutulu an": ~gonism they generate tends to affect the entire ieiations!1ip. Hence don't dismiss your problem ~ mere incompatibility to be accepted but tackle it as a challenge calling for gr~ in mutual insight and mature adjustment.

CIl He Catholic Charities Run Camps for 100,000 SANTIAGO (NC) - Chile's Catholic charities orgariizatiori is sponsoring Summer camps for more than 100,000 of the COUlltry's needy children. Caritas-Chile's Summer camp program, directed by Father Alceste Piergiovanni, this year has been running three camps. for teenagers and four for younger children. Some 4,000 of Chile's young attend each 10 to 15.day session of the c.amps, which were "started in 1959. Caritas-Chile also· distributes surplus U, S. food products to 103,887 children in 180 Summer schools. The food--amounting to 671,406 pounds distributed to camps and--schools is received through the U. S. Catholic Relief 5ervic~National Catholic Welfare Conference.

SPONSOR INTERFAITH MEETING: Protestant, Jewish and Catholic women's groups joined forces to sponsor an interfaith tea at the House of Hope Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul deanery Council of Catholic Women cooperated with the other groups to promote interfaith friendship. Looking over display ideas are co-chairmen Mrs, Linn C. Cook, St. Paul United Church Women, with the shield; Mrs. Harold Goldish, B'Nai B'rith, with menora; and Mrs E. V. Bergstrom, St. Paul Deanery,' holding a baptismal robe. NC Photo.

Moscow .Editor 'Cites Pope's Impact KhrushChev Kin Speaks of Cuban Cdsis ROME (NC) - The peace appeal issued last Oct. 25 at the time of the Cuban crisis by .Pope John "had a deep impact on the Russian people," ,the editor of the Moscow daily Izvestia and son.in-Iaw of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev said here. Alexei Adzhubei also told a press conference organized by tbe Italy-USSR Society that "we welcome the release of * * • (Archbishop) Josyf' Slipyi from a Russian prison if this helps to ]'elieve tensions in the world." The Ukrainian Rite Ordinary of Lviv was released early in Feb. ruary 'after 18 years of detention in the Soviet Union. Adzhubei said he knew nothing of the circumstances leading to the release of the prelate, whom he mistakenly called a cardinal. He noted only that Archbishop Slipyi was a prelate from the Ukraine where "many Russian soldiers were killed." One journalist at the news conference asked: "Do you con. sider an understanding possible between the Holy See and an atheistic state ~uch as the Soviet Union?" . Adzhubei prefaced his repl~ with the remark that coexistence

Coyle Fathers The newly-organized, Falhers' Club of Coyle High School, Taunton, will hold a Communion breakfast following 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 24, at St. Mary's Church, also Taunton. Breakfast will be served, at Goyle, and Senate President John Powers and Brother Alber. tus Smith of Stonehill College will be guest speakers.


concerns nations, not ideas "even though we proclaim that

Proposes Mandatory Marriage Counseling DETROIT (NC)-Circuit Court Judge Alfonse A. Magnotta has proposed a bill which would make· marriage counseling mandatory for engaged eouples and those seeking divorce. The measure would provide that at least six hours of marital counseling be taken by couples contemplating marriage before issuance of a license, The counseling must be received within one year before applying for a license to wed. It also would pl'ovide that divorces not be granted to couples with children under 18 years of age unless they have taken six hours of counseling in domestic relations with a view toward reconciliation.

Cape DCCW Will Meet ~ape and Islands District Five of the Diocesan Council of Cath. olic Wome'n will meet in Pocasset Community Clubhouse Sunday, March 10.


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ideological controversies must be solved by war." Then said: Vatica.n Influence "It would be a mistake to conceive the problem of relations with the Catholic Church as exclusively ideological. The Vati. can is a state with its own political organization and we must take this into account. It has a great influence over many countries." . Stating that Pope John is not only a religious leader but also a head of state, the 38-year-old editor said that it was in the latter capacity that the PC'l)P spoke last Fall when he urged the solution of international controversies through peaceful means. The Pope's appeal for a peaceful solution prompted Khrush. chev to send him his good wishes on his B1st birthrl'lY in Novem~ ber, said Adzhubei. _..JIi

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Hungarians Plan 'Irish Madonna' Novena in Toledo

Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

Strong Guidance Program Defeats Steady DQting

. TOLEDO (NC) - A novena honoring the "Irish Madonna" will be conducted in Toledo's Hun-

CHICAGO' (NC)-Educators agree that a strong guidance program designed to steer teenagers away from steady dating is working wonders in Catholic High schools here. Msgr. William' E. McManus, superintendent of archdiocesan schools, said "The overwhelming majority of our students are responding favorably and positively. They are being t~ught that steady dating is hazardous and foolish. They are even beginning to look at 'steady daters' as persons who are insecure and unable to develop many friendships." Msgr. McManus said he is satisfied that good guidance is more effective than a threat of expulsion from school except in very serious situations. He said: "The authority of the school, it seems to me, should be extended only in exceptional cases." More than 70,000 boys and girls attend 92 high schools under Msgr. McMam~s' jurisdiction. Stress Folly "Much local authority is given ',the' individual school adminis,trators," he said; "We stress the folly of steady dating in spiritual retreats for Catholic, high , school students, in sociology and family life courses, in group and individual counseling, and in our full semester course' on preparation for marriage." Catholic high school principals related how they handle the situation i,n their schools. . Sister Inviolata, principal at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, said: "We frown upon steady dating. We prohibit the wearing of rings or other symbols of steady dating. Teenagers are not ready for emotional responsibility. Their academic progress is hampered. They don't achieve. The matter becomes a parental responsibility outside of school."

'Explains Council To Inquirers The desir~ of Pope John XXIII for understanding and communication among religious groups has been imp 1e men ted in Provincetown by the Inquirers, a discussion group co-sponsored by the Universalist and Episcopalian churches of the Cape-tip Community. . Following a stimulating discussion on the Ecumenical Council, members requested Rev. Leo J. Duart, pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Church, to clarify issues and ideas involved in the world-wide gathering of prelates. After Father Duart's meeting with the group. "participants remarked that they felt this was an excellent beginn~ng of a gen. uine ecumenical movement in Provincetown."

Prelate Lauds Youth Employment Bill WASHINGTON (NC) - The administration's youth employment bill would be" of particular benefit to boys who drop out of high school, the secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Charities told a Senate subcom. mittee. Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher said that under the Youth Employment Act of 1963 such young men would be able to continue the basic learning process inter. ~upted when they left school. He testified before the Senate subcommittee on employment and man90wer. The $100 million youth em. ployment program seeks to establish a 15,OOO-member Youth Conservation Corps to work in the countryside and a Home Town Employment Corps of 50.000 for the towns and cities.

PONTIFF ,VISITS SEMINARY: His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, kneels 'is prayer at the foot of the Altar of Our Lady of Trust in the Major ROlnan Seminary near the Basilica of St. John Lateran, where he once studied. At right is Msgr. Loris Capovilla the Pope's private secretary, and to the left of the Holy Father is Archbishop Enrico Dante, Secretary of the Sacred Con~regation of Rites. NC Photo.

Pope Opens Annual Children's Drive Ash Wednesday. Address Pleads for Needy NEW YO R K (NC) Five million students in U.S. 8atholic schools were remined last week by Pope John tliat. man y children throughout the world "languish in privations and hunger,ill-clad and exposed to hardships of in. clement weather." The Pope appealed to the U. S. youngsters to make Lenten sacrifices again this year and "to make them generously not only in the spirit of compassion toward those who are less fortunate than you, but especially for the love o~ Our Divine Lord Himself, who had a speci,al predilection for little children. The Holy Father urged the students to continue their prayers for the success of the Second Vatican Council. He said: "You will have heard fr'om your parents, teachers and priests about the Second Vatican Council, in which the bishops of various countries met to consider' matters concerning the universal Church. We are aware that you have been praying for the success of the Council; continue to implore for it the guidance of ihe Holy Spirit, and do so with great hope." Traitional Message The plea was made in the tra. ditional Ash Wednesday message of the Pope which opens the Lenten campaign of U. S. school children for the '0. S. Bishops' Relief Fund appeal. In each of recent years the Catholic stu. dents have raised more than one

Seminar WASHINGTON (NC) -The problems posed by inde'cent publications in communities will be discussed in a seminar at the' convention of the National Council of Catholic Men in Atlantic City from April 24 to 28.

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million doilars for the fund. Washington's Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle, chairman of the administrative board, National Catholic Welfare Conference, read the Pope's message. The 10_ minute, pre-recorded program, which also featured music by the Pius X Choir of Manhattanville ~ollege of the Sacred ,Heart, Purchase, N. Y., was car,:, ried by the nation's major radio networks. The 17th annual Bishops' Re. lief Fund .campaign will be conducted nationwide from March 17 to 24. A minimum goal of $5 million has been set. The appeal will be climaxed with the Lae. tare Sunday (March 24) collection in Catholic parishes throughout the country. "

Highway' toSepar~te 239-Year-old Parish MONTREAL (NC) The church of a' parish which dates back to 1724 will be demolished to accommodate today's heavy motor traffic. St. Francois d'Assise 'parish is the third oldest in Montreal. Its stone - faced, double - turreted, Norman style church and some 150 homes surrounding it will be torn down to make way for a link of the Trans-Canada Highway. A new church to be constructed on another site will contain" many of the furnishings from the present church, but highway development will split the parish.

GEORGE M. MONTlE Plumbing - Heating Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service

806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River OS 5-7497

The collection is the princfpal source of finance for Catnolic Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, the worldwide relief and rehabilitation agency maintained by U. S. Catholics. 'Many Hungry, DI-Clad' The Pontiff reminded the American students that not all children get the benefit of "a Christian education in warm classrooms." He asserted "very few of them enjoy the pleasures of a comfortable home, or the luxuries and educational distractions that you are accustomed to; mariy of them languish in priva~ tiOl~ and hunger; ill-clad and exposed to the hardships of inclement weather; the vast rna.' jority of them lack the proper food and vitamins which would build up their little bodies sufficiently and give them the en'ergy that normal children dis-' play in recreation on the playground. "Those children are boys and girls of your own age; and it is on their behalf that We are aupealing to you today," the Pope' told the American students.

garian parish from Saturday., March 9 to Sunday, March 17, St. Patrick Day, by Father Titus Cranny, S.A., director of the Chair of Unity Octave. St. Stephen's church here has a copy of the painting which hangs in the Gyor cathedral" in Hungary. It was presented in 1914 by the late Archbishop Joseph Schrembs, then Bishop of Toledo, when he dedicated the church. He had brought it back from Hungary. The painting was given to the Bishop of Gyor by Bishop Walter Lynch, who fled Ireland in 1652 during the Cromwell persecution. In exile, Bishop Lynch served as Auxiliary Bishop of Gyor. He died in 1663. Attest Event The painting d e pic t s the Blessed Virgin praying beside the Infant Saviour. The story is told that on St. Patrick Day.. 1697, the year the English parliament banished "the Popish 'clergy" and the Turks invaded Hungary, a bloody 'sweat came' from the painting,continuing' after the picture was taken from the wall. . In the Gyor cathedral archives is it document with more than 100 ,signatureil attesting to the event.

Prelates to Receive' Foundations Honor VA,LLEY FORGE (NC) - A Catholic Bishop and a monsignor are among clergymen cited here by the Freedoms 'Foundations for 1962 sermons in' which the nation's need for spiritual valueal was stressed. Named for George Washington Honor Medal Awards and $100' each were AUxiliary Bishop Philip M. Hannan of Washington 2nd Msgr. Joseph B. Coyne of Silver Spring, Md., a WashingtOll suburb. '









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THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 7, 1963

AFL·CIO Council Supports Private School Aid

North Ireland's Prime Minister Denies Bias

MIAMI BEACH (NC) The AFL-CIO ex e cut i v e council has urged that any program of Federal aid to e d u cat ion give non - public schools "as much assistance as is constitutionally possible." The labor council, in a stl!tement adopted here on President Kennedy's aid to education program, said the program "needs to be strengthened" as it applies to non-public grade and high schools. "No American, whatever his religious beliefs, can fail to . realize the extent to which nonpublic schools carry, a large share of the burden of educating the young," the statem'ent said. "These nonpublic schools face many of the same crises confronting the public schools. We believe that nonpublic elementary and seconday schools should receive as much assistance as is constitutionally possible." The AFL-CIO council went on to spell out ways in which Federal aid to nonpublic schools could be increased. It said: Urge Expansion "Private nonpublic schools are . presently eligible for National Defense Education Act loans to - assist in proCuring equipment . for teaching' science, mathematics and foreign languages. The constitutionality of this program 'is by now well established.: . " "We urge a considerable' expansion of this program. At the present time the NDEA loans are available only for' equipment; we propose that they be made available also for the construc-, tion of classrooms to be used for the prescribed subjects. "We also urge that the teaching of English and soCial studies be added to the present list of subjects for which NDEA loans are permitted."

BELFAST (NC) - Prime Minister Lord Brookebrough said here that Northern Ireland's government is defi-

BROWNIES RECEIVE FLAGS: Members 'of three Brownie Scout troops of St. Joseph's parish, ~all River, receive American flags from VFW Post 486 Auxiliary. _From left, Browmes Karen Belanger, Jo Ann O'Connell, Mary ConnearTllHf' rear Rev George Sullivan, pastor; Miss Ida L'Heureux; Mrs. Irene Frazer.' ,.

Proposal Arouses Churchmen's Fears Property Levy Se'en Grave Threat to Religion PORTLAND (NC)- . government such as streets and Cat hoI i c spokesmen here fire and police protection. Such property eventually have v 0 ice d apprehension now-exempt would go on the rolls at a third over possible· consequences of its value.

of a proposed state tax on property of churches, charitable agencies and fraternal organizations. Arc.h b ish 0 p Edward D. Howard of Portland in Oregon said the proposed taxation would reduce s e r vic e s of church agencies. "We can't now begin to meet needs of people in the services SPENCER (NC) - For the we must provide," he said. "The first time a Protestant Biblical taxation proposed would mean scholar spoke before the New that we would have to reduce England Region of the Catholic services we now provide, parBiblical Association which met ticularly in the fields of charity." The measure would tax the for the first time in a monastery, the St. Joseph's Trappist Abbey property of churches, fraternal societies, cemeteries, and literhere. A paper on "An Approach to ' ary, benovolent, charitable and Old Testament Theology" was scientific organizations. One of given by Dr. George E. Wright, its 'sponsors said the object of theologian of the Harvard Uni- the bill is to assess tax-exempt versity divinity school. Other property only for the direct papers were given by Father benefits it receives from local Thomas W. Buckley of Cambridge, chaplain of the Harvard. Radcliffe Catholic Club, and Fat her M. Francis Martin, O,C.S.O., of the Trappist abbey. DURBAN (NC) - West GerA number of non-Catholic scholars among the 50 who at- man children are financing the tended the meeting heard Bishop building of a $140,000 center for Bernard J. Flanagan of Wor- crippled children in Umtata in Bantu territory. ~ester declare their pr,esence was Father Koppelberg of Aachen, "most gratifying." the national director of the Pontifical Association for' the Holy Childhood in Germany, said here that West German' children are also paying for special training for two African nuns in Four Knights of Columbus England. . Councils will sponsor their Three White Sisters will run fourth annual joint Communion the center when it opens, but an breakfast following 8 o'clock all·African staff will eventually' Mass, Passion Sunday morning, take over. March 31, at Bishop Stang High Umtata is the capital of the SchOOl chapel, l:"orth Dartmouth. 12,000-square-mile predominantBishop Connolly will preside ly, Bantu Transkei region on at the Mass and will be guest of South Africa'S eastern coast. The honor at the breakfast to follow region is being prepared for in the school cafeteria. limited independence as a self• .Parti<:ipating councils are St. governing state within the ReISIdore the Farmer, Westport public of South Africa. and Dartmouth; McMahon and Bishop Stang, New Bedford; and Damien, Mattapoisett. Members of other councils are also invited to attend, according to officials of the St. Isidore unit, in charge of this year's observance.

Biblical Society H'ear's Protestant

German Children Financ'e Center

Set Annual Meal For KC Councils


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Civil Defense BIRMIl:"GHAM (NC)-Priests in nearby Walshall are receiving civil defense training to prepare them as leaders in local rescue actions and in protective and evacuation operations here Ja EnilancL


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Increase Burden Sister John of the Cross, assistant administrator of St. Vin-

Iowa Legislature Gets Bus Bill DES MOINES (NC)-A bill -has been filed in the Iowa House to permit parochial and other private school pupils to ride on tax-paid school buses. . The legislation was introduced by Rep. Scott Swisher of Iowa City who noted that Gov. Harold Hughes, in his inaugural address, suggested that children attending private schools be permitted 'to ride school buses. The' Swisher' bill is expected to be assigned to the' House Schools Committee. It's future there will not be bright because a recent poll of committee mempersshowed a large majority oppose changes in present 'school . bus practices; Form Committee In the meantime, an "Iowa' Committee for Equal School Bus Transportation" was formed here by a group of citizens headed by Stanley Rooda of Pella, who is associated with the Christian Reformed Day School movement. The citizen's committee said it will be a .non-sectarian, non-. partisan organization working to secure legislation "to permit equal bus transportation to all Iowa children' attending state accredited schools."

St. Francis Residence , FOR YOUNG WOMEN 196 Whipple St., Fall River Conducted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ROOMS - MEALS OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY Inquire OS 3-2892

ANTONE S. FEND, JR. DISPENSING OPTICIAN Prescriptions for Eyeglasses Filled OHice Hours

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cent hospital here and president of the Oregon conference of the Catholic hospitals association pointed out that paying patient~ now shoulder much of the-costs of hospital ~rvice for' welfare and indigent patients. "Any tax put on a hospital will actually increase the burden of the paying patient," she said. .Do.n Adkisson of Portland, past dIstrict deputy of the Knights of Columbus, said that fraternal organizations would have to reduce .funds available for charitable works if they were taxed. The advisory board of the archdiocesan Catholic Charities passed a resolution opposing the proposed legislation.

Greet Visitors NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Dominican Sisters of the Congre-. gation of St. Mary here played hosts recently to two nuns from the Irish convent from which in 1860, the community's first members came to New Orleans. The visitors were Mother Mary Jordan, mother general and Mot1)er Mary Catherine, vicar general, of St. Mary's Convent, Cabra, Ireland. .

nitely against religious discrimination. The Prime Minister was replying to a question in Parliament referring to recent issues of the London Times and the London Qaily Telegraph which reported religious discrimination in the allocation of employment of Northern Ireland. Harry Diamond, Republican Labor party member of Parliament, 'said that there has never been a Catholic memb.er in the Labor Control Section of the Bel fa s l' Unemployment Exchange. Charges Discrimination The P.rime Minister is on record, Diamond added, as having made speeches favoring religious discrimination and has never re- • tracted .them. The Prime Minister denied that there is any such discrimination in the employment services operated by. the Ministry of Labor and National Insurance. Liberal party member Miss Sheelagh Murnaghan asked: "Is the Prime Minister now prepared to state that the government has set its face against religious discrimination in any form?" "D e fin i tel y, yes," Lord Brookeborough replied.

Seminary Sponsors Courses fo .. Adults COLUMBUS (NC)-An adult education program offered for the first time at St. Charles Col.lege, the Columbus diocese's minor seminary, will be expanded because of this year's success. More than 400 persons com. pleted courses at the Adult In. stitute of Catholic Studies. Begun in January, it offered four courses each Monday' evening. Subjects were Scripture, cateehetics, theology and Catholic socia.l doctrine.

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G1:ve Yourself. G: Mission· .;



Sfress Ad'ults Obligation) To Maker E.nforce

God Love: You By MOst

Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

A ~ussbLn Ol!thedox JPlliest was asked how, fa a Communist go.venunent, seminar,fans: were reeruited for' the. priesthood. He answered tha.t such: a' young man .never enters the seminary without a complete and: total renouncement. One day he walks' out of his' home without telfing a soul and without saying good.. b~e tcJ· anyone, for' IIiO' one. can be' t'rusted; He' walks to the' seminary, often a. diStance of a 100 mileS;' there he- assumes a new: name, so that he c:lnnot be t'raced. Not even-the seminary officials kno'w hiS. familY. name.

By Rt. Rev. Magr. JaM S. Kemredy' The title of Grace ,and Fred M: Hec1tin:g~s new book, Teen-Age Tyranny (Morrow. $4.50)~ is. double...m eaning. On the one hand, it refers, to the tendency of our whole society to conform tQt callow teeliHlige, standands of' thOli'ghn. and culture~ Orr th-e other, it false', Moreo:ver, the still-ex:presre1el'3- to the tendency an sian. pnin'Ciple' leads to: trouble in teen-agers to conform, out of this respect, compound'ed by fear, to the. ways of the elimination of the principle of



cco<wd and be. manipulated and self-discipline, Still again, children. are, now exploited to their own detriment encouraged, ' w h e- n they are but to the mascarcely out of 'kindergarten, to , terial gain of pair off, to date, to go steady, to certain. shrewd anticipate adulthood. They are commercial. exposed to unremitting sexual operators. I t stimulation by advertising,. by scarcely nee d the movies, by television, by rebe sa i d that CHARLES COLLINGWOOD cords. And parents have shown neither tendthemselves terribly afraid to inency is good. terfere, to give orders, to, set up Mr, and Mrs. sensible restraints. Hedhinger a r'e wri ters who Early Marriages PHILADELPHIA (NC) have specialized In consequence, ~any teenCharles Collingwood, veteran ill repo;oting agers are corrupted and get into the educational scene in the serious straits. Early marriages newsman of Columbia BroadUnited States. Their knowledge are- increasing becillile of j;lre- casting System television network, was presented with the • is wide and deep. They are not mature and irregular sexual in15th annual Journalism Award anti-teen-agers·.. Qliite the re- volvements. verse, they are quick to deplore They are no solution of the at La Salle College here. and rebut 'sweeping, criticisms. of iness, for, in a great number of . B.rother Daniel BeI:nian, F.s..C., president of the college conducthis agl~ group and to insist that instances, they are bitterly rewhatever may be wrong, with it gretted and fail disastrously. In ted by the- 'christian Brothers, is attriDutable in large. part to Dallas there were 59 married presenft!d Collingwood with the abdication of authority' and re- students in the' city schools in plaque. The award, established sponsibility oy tlie.· teen.-agers' 1953; by 1959 there were 480, by the college, student. newselOers. But· they' are not spine- and of these; 12 were in junior • paper, was bestowed' for "distinguished public, service in the less, idolaters of' teen-agers, high school, either. How' handle' the problem? The' field of journali~m." ,PTA recommended the estabProgressive Educati,on' Much of. what. is, noW' amiss lishment of special schools ,for. they' lay to the excesses, of so'" mar r i e d youngsters! To be called progressive education. For name'd "His" and "Hers?' Continued from Page- One' example, the' superstition of seif~ ' . Ddnking Problem seven MISSIon outposts. His, expression, and that of the child"" Another disorder -is, that at centered school. drinking. "The national estimate, priests and the Sisters, of St. , Botlh self-expnession aQd' the of the proportion of teen-a.gerg, Anthony are much in demand chHd-Clmtered sllli:ooL are- ad-, who drink is between l;i0 and, 66 since' there are but two. doctors in the' whOle area. Malaria and mb:3lb1e concepts. But, sel.f-ex- per cent." pression can be' a mere out-· • What to do about it? Well, • malnutrition are among scourges pouri~ of ignorance; prejudice; parents in Rose Valley,. not far of the people and supplies that ami ineptitude; Amd tne child- from Philadelphia, decided to have been received from the centered school can be miilrlJ.ess, assert their authority by al- Medical Mission Board in New tasteie5S) and' ufferlY' lacking in lowing teen-agel'S to' bring their York City have been greatly atrthe'same discipline, which is an-, own bottles to dances but askin€:- preciated and put to' immediate use. essentiaL part of ed'ucatiori. them not to take a drink withThe missionaries are grateful The unhappy, and' 'linfortu- out permission from the chaQnately persisting results of this erones; and by making the' too for food donations from Catn... stunting of education: are the' parents barfenders at these olic Relief Services, also, with headquarters in New York.' stnotliel'ing of i n; t e llec ill' aI' pleasant gatherings. Another important facet of growth and the hothouse forcirig' Still another disordE!r pertains activities in the' missionary Dio-, to automobiles. The Gallup Poll of social- gl:ow~ And. these' are principally what is awry with a' discovered that 44 per cent of ces is that. of education. There larg,e proportion of' today's teen- high school boys have their own' are 34 elementary schools in the' agers-.. cars, but in: suburban areas· the Bishop'a territory., mostly staffed: by lay teachers, and some' 12 percentage- is at. least 75. 'rough Regulations The' same' sUJ;Vey shows:that 6lJ ca~cltists are active- as. religion The ltUthors strongly object to per 'cent of the: male' teen-agel's teacbers. relegating: teen-agers, to, perWorld: Citizen manent confinement. in a special have, been iIwalved: in automQ. Bishop van Kessel might stand' and, peculiar' subdivision of' hu- bile accidents ami: thE! National' manity, w Ii i c h categorization Safety Council neported that as:· a symbol of' the· universality really pushes its victims down teenagers were, in.. 1959i,involved of the Chutren', Born in Brabant,' in twice as man;w accidents:, as' Hol1and~, he' has' been in lndo_' to a subnuman level.. nesia since '1940 and has' become" theirr numbeJ:Si would' justifY'. 'The~ score a society·' which It, has' been: suggestedi that: an IndonesialL citizen.. He is at stuPidl:if accommod~te& itself to • tlfle demand$, and preferences; of there, is it direct:. rE!futionshi'p~ home' in Germarr,. EngliSh, tl!le irnm.a.fune: ~ plead: for between access to car use and, French',. Latin:, DutCh and In'dl:t~ tl!l.e assumptiim. and diiRtliaillge. of classroom failure. Once more, nesian, He' characterizede the; work: of its obI1'l,'1lmns bY' the alder gen,- ad:ults; have simply' abdicated,. tolera,ting, 'if' not: aclively- en- the Ecumenical Council: alJ, eration. "hoJ1eful" good,. encou'l'agin/f."· ,By ilie' latter they chiefly couraging, harmful: abuses. Buying PowE,r Asked ilie inevitahl'e. question as; mean tfu1:t; adults. 9houllii make There are some very illu_ ~ his impr.essions of Pope' John.'s and enforce' rules.. A\gain and again the~ stress: this point, minating- pages as. to, the teen..;, heaJ.t,h, he; admitted that .as' II' age manket" now a-. Irnj,ior. :factor' "i,linior' Bishop," consecrated! iR: ~lling on pal:entg.an:d'school and community; officials; to, formulate ill' the' national' economy. The; l!},61" his seat. at Council p~ .tough, sp-eci!fiC' IlOTms; an£'regu- teen-agers' bu;ying, pClw.ez: runS'! ceedings. 'wa'S. "far ,fro the- back;" lations ancL. insist on their being intO' the bi1l1ons; ami in m59' the' 'an:d lie had na ciose~u:p' view oC average of. purchases, exclusive the Pontiff. liived up to'.. of what 'the fiunily normally He was one of 11 Montfod False A-sswnptioftl Bishops at the Counit. The need, OD suchi limits is. supplies, .was; $555' pel! teen-ager. The prelate' expects to' return. It has gone- so far that therei demonstrated' throughout the te Borneo by mid~June: It will alreadY' exists in California a· booK; as' the authors fake up,. sll'CcessiiveTy; a'spects of' disorder shoppfu:g center' fOr teen..-agers. be the. dry season.. in Indonesia. only, and this pioneE!ring pro.. Winter !S the rainy season, but· in; the teen-age. world. all' year round, "we have· a hot There is; for' example, the :i,ect cost a mere $2,500~aOO. time;" explained Bishop: Van Waving: paid their C01!rosivec .matter of: sex. The assumption, is, that biolo-gi'cal information in- z:espea1:s' to, everYthing from "the' Kessel in; his Dutch-accented English. He- chuckled. when the sures the avoidance ot. tragic millennium of the untalented" American me'llning of III hot. time mistakes (prescinding, of course, as. e~emp1ified in the non": was explained. to him. " . signers who, are-, l:een-agers:' fJ:E>m even the notfu9' of si~, This, is hiti,. second visitt'o, the' idols; tOI advi'ee.loto..parents booksl which is not diScussedll1ere:-);. Unite'dt States; The' first came- tn. .There is an appalling- aoun- Which a'd'v:ocaJte! "understanding" that is really the allowing :of 196114 dance of evidence that" ial pIJ'a'C-' ~ing at aU; the authors con':' t~, the assumptioDi ill: ~ c:f.\rde wttI:i' lKlme hardhead~_ fllCrease constructive I!roposali; w'h i c m DENVEBi. (NC))-Latest, sta;ti&. emphasize the" necessity of an in":' HONG KONG CNC),- Bishop' tellig,mt" rea&<Ulable" soberl;w tics. compiled bY' the; Den:veI'Lawrence Bianchi, P~I.NI.E., 9/" sympatheti'c" e.o u.r a.g.e'O' us ap-, catholic' R'egjsteJ!" n;ewspaper dlS'-;Hong Kong' has' appealed' "to all proach on tlie part of adults. closed' tl'l:ere- are ~692: C.athOioo I! ~o:w.nupsl will, in. every. reo.· llcs in, a t'otall papulation.. 01.' civic-minded and righ;~thinking their age, the teen- 1,347,5175 is the' Alrchdi:ocese- o€ people from every walk o4l. lilfe speet,. _ 8iId creed'" to join in an iitten.. age tyranny can~ to the profit of: Den~. 'Phe archd:iioCesaDr ~ s&-e c.amyaig'j1' -_.~;nst. pornoaU a~ g~~. be bmHmnl. ~ paper' reponed tfu!o 19~ ClIIIiwtie' papk'riC- publ1~auvus. ~ W'a& 2$9J)D'&' it musf be; ~ seH-evillent.

Philadelphia. College Honors Newscaster

Borneo' Prelate

War on S-ut



now to another part of the world. We recently inquired'

of a Bishop of Borneo concerning the spiritual lives of his primitive. people. He told' us, that they quickly reached an eminent degree, of sanctity,. because when t:hey entered' the Church they put a period after their, old lives rather than a comma. The! old ways of living were completely broken off, leaving more room for the Lord. Thi!:, is true also in other countries behind the Iron Curtain, where every Catholic lives ready for martyrdom. . This brings up tlie question: What is it that makes a saint? It is always having something to do for Christ and the Church, something to give up for the spread of His Gospel-- perhaps a neighbor to convert, someone sick to visit, some po{)r siuner to bring back to the Sacraments. A Borneo chief, when~ ever he assists at a board meeting in Australia, makes it a point to as~ each of the members if they have prayed to God that day; A. saint never· has time on his hands. Thus,. Our Lord was described as "alw.ays gaint:' about doing good." Fellow Catholics of the United. States! Be- not just. "Sundar Catholics," but "Take~up~your-Cn)ss-daily-and-follow..:Me-Cath_ olics." ,Give yourself a Mission. Don't just- sit tJrere.· making: money! Do something!. While you. are a8Cllilring "othenJJeSS" to someone else, everybody else is pinning "otherness1' 011: you. That is why the world is. the way it is.. Why not start. with this id'ea-? Eve~ morning, resolVe to deny J'ourself dlB'ing the cJa,y SOliie' little luxury worth a dime. Make a like saCJ:ifice dalbo: do it. for the Poor in Asia; ..... or' Africa. .... or Oceania.. At. tire end of the month, Send. the $3.00 to the Holy Father. He, knowing, the MiSsion needs of the world better thaD. anyone, will see tha. it gooes where: it is most needed..This. he does tIu!ough his. Socie~ f-or the, P'ropagation of the- Faith. GOD LOVE YOU. to D.T. for $],.0 "In answer for a favor. received;" ... to' J.R.W. for $6,83 "This' represents savings from. eating some meals in a 'cafeteria instead of, a- good restaurant, on a recent business trip." ... to P.A.D. for $5 "Please accept this' money which was. given to me- by my recently ordained cousin. The money Vlras a gi'ft to him; he gave it to me; I give it to you:." ." to H'.M.C. for' $6, "This is in thanksgiving.'~ . .

A'1'e you: on our MISSION mailing. list? MISSION, yom know.

is, the SPOF magazine containing artiCles. anecdotes; cartoous and' pictllres which IS, pablislled every two months by '!'he So-

ciety for the ProJlagatioR of the. Faith. Ou Mareb.,.Aprit isSue is a special' issue, cfirected to,. American. CatlwIies. Won't you. write fit, now and ask to, be put On our list? A sabscl'iption is only' a dollar. H yoU' already subscribe,: watck for this special issue. ' . Cut out. this colnmn:, pin your' sMrit'ice to· it and: mail it to the Most. Rev:. Fulton J. SHeen, National Director of the Society' for the Propagation Itf the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue. New York 1, N. Y., or your Diocesan Ditector,.· RT. REV. RAYMOND T.· CONSIDINE;. 368 North Main' Street, Fall River, Mass-

YOURS' TO LOVE AND: TO. GIVEf the Gf. of Q DAUGHTER OF, ST. PAUL. love <foci' more, and give to souls knowledge· ond love' of . God by. \m'Ving Him u. IL Mission whiCh uses til., s. Radio. Motion PiCtures lifter 1'V. to brfng His. Word to saols e.vervwhere. Z:aeus "oung girfs" r4:-U". YIUIft iilterestec( iii Ibis unique' . Apostolute, may write· fo,. IEVERDlD: MOlHD SUP£RIOtt DAUGfifERS' Of' $1, P'AUll50 ST. PAUl'$; AVE; 10StON, 10, MAH.-




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lHE ANCHOR::"'Dioeese of F~n' River- Thurs., Mar. 7, '1963

Daily Mass, Rosary, Liturg'y Study' Form Part of Lenten Program A.t Diocesan High Schools March is a busy month. Students at our Diocesan high schools a;.re engaged in a wide variety of activities. The Lenten spirit prevails, with tnany of the students attending daily Mass. At Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton the Sodality has undertaken annual concert to be presented the responsibility of setting on Wednesday, March 27 and up breakfast in the cafeteria again on Sunday, March 31. This for the benefit of students is one of the highlights of the


who attend daily Mass and who year at Jesus-Mary and promises otherwise would be unable to to be a great su<;cess. Included in the program will be selections receive Holy Communion. The Sodality is also conducting from "Brigadoon" and many daily recitation of the rosary in Irish airs. The choristers will the school's chapel during Lent. also sing in German, Spanish At Bishop Feehan High School and French. in Attleboro the student council Meanwhile the Music AppreIs sponsoring a special drive for ciation class at Bishop Feehan silence in the corridors and on High will present an exhibition the stairs in keeping with the of typical dances, both old and spirit of penance. Each class at modern. The minuet will be Feehan has also held a study demonstrated by Sheila Brennan, session centering on some aspect Carolyn Fitzpatrick, Donna Ga. of the liturgy. Students will con- mache and Karen Preston. Jactinue these liturgical discussions queline Baker, Paulette Baker, during the remaining weeks of Regina Rondeau, Ellen Swanson, Lent. Kathy Sullivan and Jean Murphy Communion Breakfast will do the polka. The waltz At the monthly general assem- will be danced by Kathy Sulli. bly the students of Jesus-Mary van and Paulette Baker. Sandra Academy in Fall River renewed Makin and Carol Miller will their consecration to the Sacred dance the tango. The Charleston Heart. An enthronement cere- will be done by Gail Nadeen, mony then followed in individual Christine Gagnon and Colleen Martin, while Janice Morris and classrooms. And at· St. Anthony's High Cheryl Bussiere will dance the School in Nev' Bedford seniors cha-cha. Another group will recently attended the first St. demonstrate square dancing. Anthony Alumni Communion Chairmen of the program will breakfast. After attending Mass be Mary Ann Iwuc and Marie the group was served breakfast Brennan. They will introduce in the school cafeteria. Rev. the numbers and the dancers. Raymond Bertrand, S.J., a grad- Lynn Regula is in charge of uate of the 1947 class, was guest records. And on Friday, April 19 the speaker. . Meanwhile the student council members of the junior class at at Mt. St. Mary's Academy in Holy Family High will hold Fall River is making plans for their junior dance. The name of their first Mother - Daughter the affair is "Some Enchanted eommunion breakfast which will Evening." Proceeds from the be held on Sunday, March 10. dance will help cover graduation Rev. John Driscoll, assistant expenses of the class ,of '64. The general manager of The Anhor, dance will be held in the Golden will speak to the group follow. Room of the New Bedford hotel. ing Mass celebrated according Music will be provided by the to the Dominican rite in the "Kingsmen," several of whom are seniors at Holy Family; school auditorium. Members of the ticket committee United Nations Junior class members at" Sa- include Timothy O'Leary, Rich. cred Hearts Academy in Fall ard Pariseau, Edward Parr, River are busy preparing reo Theresa Walsh, Robert Carlin search papers on American poets. and Jane Williams. The coThe class recently presented a chairmen of the decorations comdramatization of Thornton Wild- mittee are Francine Filipek and Cecilia Cambra. er's "Our Town." Meanwhile the dramatic club And the "Decency in Reading" program was launched at Bishop at Feehan High is practicing Cassidy high this week by Mr. every day after school for the Barnett. He spoke to the student "Feehan Frolic" which will be body at an assembly on the im- presented to the public on Su~ portance of Catholic literature day, March 17. _ in all homes in order to combat SchOlarship Exams. the evils of Communist propaEvery Latin student at Bishop ganda in our daily lives. Stang High in North Dartmouth Sacred Hearts Academy in will participate in the National Fall River has been declared a Auxilium Latinum examination winner in the Elks Newspaper to be given at Stang on Tuesday, Award contest for the.ir school March 19. paper, "Shacady." Kathleen ColOne hundred and fifty students lins, make-up editor, and Susan from Sister Francis Sebastian's Johnson, literary editor, received Latin classes at Sacred Hearts the trophy for the staff. Co-edi- . Academy in Fall River will take tors-in-chief are Kathleen Raposa the same examination, which is &I1d Mary Beth Furze. sponsored by the Association for And on' Saturday, April 20, • the Promotion of the Study of model United Nations session Latin. will be held at the New Bedford Several members of the French Institute of Technology. Having classes at Bishop Cassidy High been a great success in past have been chosen to participate years, the day's activities will at- in the National French Contest tract students from many schools which is sponsored by the Amerin Massachusetts. Among the ican AssoCiation of Teachers of students representing Holy Fam- French. Students will take the ily High in New Bedford will be test at Harvard University ,)n Bonita Gomez. Mary Stager, 'Saturday, Aprii 6. They inlude Elaine Mathews, Kathleen Sis- Louise Bury, Louise Ladebauche, cento, Thaddeaus Dabrowski, Estelle Lague and Maureen Albert Poulin, Theresa White, Gamache. Annette Pepin, Patricia Racine, A' scholarship examination Alice O'Leary, Margaret O'Leary will be held at Bishop Stang &nd Susan Rousseau. High on Thursday, April 4. Sub. ject will be the history of the Some Enchanted Evening The Glee Club at Jesus-Mary American labor movement and Academy it. getting ready for its it will be st>onsored by the de. partment of eduation and research of the Massachusetts State Labor Council, AFL-CIO. NEW YORK (NC) - Parish A total of $7000 in scholarships "open house" programs for non- will be awarded winners. Catholic visitors are "one of the Margaret Donnelly and Diane most pleasant, gracious and Dube, students at Sacred' Hearts fruitful means of extending the Academy in Fall River, have work of the Ecumenical Council been awarded book certificates into the dioceses ,of the United by the local order of Elks for States," according to Father high ratings achieved in the John A. O'Brien, research pro- state finals of the Youth Leaderfessor of theology at Notre Dame ship program. University. And scholarships are ill the

Lauds Open House


MOUNT OFFICERS: Officers at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, are from left, Anna Machado, treasurer; Monica Ferreira, home room director; Inez Dion, treasurer; Linda Ferreira, president; Joann Leandro, secretary; Susan Kinarski, home room director; Theresa Viveiros; secretary. . news at Holy Family High. Kathleen Sciscento, a senior has applied for the Thom MeAnn Leadership award. She was chosen by the faculty to write a 300 word composition on "College Education and Leadership" which makes her eligible for 1Z scholarships and 12 other na· tional awards. Winners will be notified at the beginning of May. Students at Bishop Cassidy High, Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, and at Holy Family High will take part in the Na. tional Merit Scholarship exam. Ination on Saturday, March 9. In addition, 50 seniors at Holy Family will take the Massachusetts State Labor Council exam Thursday, April 4. Science Fairs A new club is being formed at Prevost High in Fall River. Arthur Desrosiers and Reginald Cadrin have organiZed a Chess club and are urging all of like mind to join. Looking forward to the Regional Science Fair to be held later this month, school science fairs were held at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, Dominican Academy and Mt. St. Mary's Academy over the past weekend. Members of the Vanguard Science Club of Mt. St. Mary Academy held their annual sci. ence fair on Thursday, Feb. 28, Sn the academy gymnasium. The fair was under the direction of Sister Mary Donalda, R.S.M. and Sister Mary Albertus, R.S.M. moderators of the club. Winners of first grants in the !lenior division were Margaret Sheehan, Linda Ferreira, Jeanne Claire Fewkes, Noreen Pingley, Sandra Whelly, Kathryn Chippendale anc Margaret Mulyk. In the junior division first grant winners were Claudette Demers, Janis Biszko and Elsie Pelton.

All first grant winners will enter , have Easter for its subject, wm their exhibits in the regional be produced over a New Bedford fair to be l.eld Jater this month. 'radio station with the author taking an active part in the proSacred Hearts Academy, Fall duction. ' River held their science fair on To represent Bishop Stang at Sunday, Mar. 3. It featured math, physics, chemistry and biology the Youth Citizenship Conte.rence to be held at Bridgewater projects. on Monday, April 15 are five The science fair at Dominican juniors and five seniors. . Academy in Fall River opened Bishop Cassidy High on Friday, March 1 and close!! on Sunday, Vlarch 3. All winners in The Art Class of Cassidy High these fairs will enter their ex- presented the school with a surhibits in the Fall River Regional prise exhibit last week. Their Science Fair to be held at the projects for Val e n tin e Day, Dwelly Street Armory later this mostly three-dimensionals, were month. displayed for the students, as well as corrugated cardboard Youth Conferene cut-outs, the' current activity of David'Murphy. a sophomore at the class. . Bishop Feehan High, is the first The library is being filled member of the Radio Club to rapidly. The new additions are receive his novice amateur radio in the fields of science, biOlicense. This license carries lim- graphy, and fiction. A twentyited amateur privileges. The three volume set of the Encyradio club is a subsidiary of the clopedia Brittanica was added as science club and is under the well as a Dictionary of Ameridirection of Allan Moulton. can Biography. .... Bernadette Gallant, Kendra The senior class enjoyed its Ann Harrison and George Car- annual trip to New York last rier, all seniors at St. Anthony's Friday. After the train ride, the High in New Bedford, have en- girls visited the United Nations tered scripts in the annual . Bui'lding, saw famous sights, and script-writing contest sponsored then returned that night. Two Of by St. James parish in New Bed- . the sisters' accompanied the ford. The best script, which must group.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

C~t from Tender, Succulent Porkers -CONFIRMS AMERICAN: Alfonso Cardinal Castaldo, Archbishop of Naples, is shown confirming one of crew of U. S. aircraft carrier Roosevelt in Mediterranean. Ship's crew donated over $3,000 to orphans of Naples.

Harvard Dean. Hits Supreme Court Continued from Page One decided by the court in June 'public school prayer as an ex- 1962, Griswold said the prayer ample of the "absolutist" or practice did not conflict with the "fundamental theological" ap- Firs t Amendment's require, proach. ments. "If one thinks of the Consti"Those who wrote the 'estabtution as a God-given text lishment of religion' elause stating fixed law for all time, , might be perplexed by the use and then focuses on a single which is made ,of it in 1962," he passage, or indeed on two words pointed out. . Wrong Results - 'no law' - without recog, "I venture' the thought that nizing all the other words in Hie document and its relation to the it was unfortunate the question society outside the document, was ever thought of as 'a one can find the answers very matter of judicial decision~ that it was unfortunate the court desimply," Griswold said. This apparently was a refer- cided the case, one way or the ence to Black's comment that the 'other, and that this unhappy First Amendment says Congress situation resulted solely from shall "make no faw respecting the absolutist position which the the establishment of religion court has taken and intimated in such matters, this inviting such " Black commentad that "when litigation in its extreme form," it says 'no law,'" that is what it said the Harvard Law School Dean. means - 'no law.''' Griswold asserted the absoluG l' i s w old said the First Amendment does not mean that tist approach of the court religion must be taken out of amount to "a failure to exercise public life. America, he said, is the responsibilities - and inhistorically a Christian nation deed the pains - of judgi~g. , "By igqoring factors relevant with a spiritual and cultural tradition related to Christianity. to sound decisions, it inevitably "We ought not to be deprived leads to wrong results," he conof this tradition by judges cluded. carrying into effect the local implications of absolutist notion9 Buys Jewish Center not expressed in the ConstituMONTREAL (NC)-The Unition itself and surely never contemplated by those who put the versity of Montreal, a Catholic institution, has purchased for constitutional provisions into ef$500,000 the Young Men's and fect," he emphasized. Young Women's Hebrew AssoFar From Intent ciation building here for its Defending traces of religion physical education and rehabilifound in public life, he said: tation courses. "E>ur history is full of these traces: chaplains in Congress and in the armed forces;' chapels in prisons; 'In God We Trust' on our money; to mention only a few. "God is referred to in our Nat ion a 1 Anthem, and in 'America' and many others of wha t may be called our naNIW IIDPOID tional songs. ' "Must all of these things be rigorously extirpated in order to INDUSTRIAL OILS satisfy a constitutional absolutism?" HEATING OILS On thlt New York prayer case,



Fall River Nurses Sponsor Lectures "

The Fall River Council of Catholic Nurses is sponsoring. a series of four lectures on the Wednesday evenings of March in St. Anne's Hospital Cafeteria. The lectures will take place at 8 P.M. and are open to all registered nurses and licensed practical nurses of the area;


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, Menus, Recipes


Third Week of Lent

THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese of Foil River- Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963


By Nancy Carroll THURSDAY, MARCH 14




Breakfast: Cranberry juice, French toast wUh maple syrup.

Breakfast: Half grapefruit, scrambled eg路gs, bran muffins.

Lunch: Clam chowder, crackers, apple and eelery salad, hermits. Dinner: Meat loaf, scalloped potatoes, baked peaches,'" beans and cauliflower, mocha' layer eake. Baked P,eaches Place canned peach halves in baking dish. FUI each cavity with 1 t brown sugar and dot with butter. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Bake in 350 oven about 20 min.

FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Fast and Abstinence Breakfast: Orange juice, poached egg on toast. I.unch: Fruit salad with cottage cheese, corn . muffins, cake. Dinner: Seafood Newburg'" Oft patty shells, peas, tossed green salad, 6rown-and-serve rolls, steamed snow balls with strawberry sauce.'" Seafood Newburg 1 can (6 oz.) crabmeat 1 can (5% oz.) lobster 1 can (4lh oz.) shrimp

3 T butter 2 T flour % t salt % t white pepper dash cayenne dash nutmeg or mace 2 C milk 2 egg yolks 2 T sherry

Lunch: Spanish rice,* celery stuffed with cottage cheese, da1e bars. Dinner: Corn beef hash, lima' beans, buttered beets, hot cheese rolls,* baked apple tapioca.'" Spanish Rice Brown 1 cup white or brown rice, 1 choppeq onion, and 1 chopped green pepper lightly in % C butter or margarine. Add 1 crumbled bay leaf, 2 whole cloves, 1 t each salt and sugar, % t pepper, 1 can (19 oz.) tomatoes and 2 C boiling water. Bring to boil and simmer, covered, 30 min., or until water' is absorbed, stirring occasionally. Makes 4 servings. Hot Cheese Rolls 3 C milk 1 pkg. dry yeast % C warm water 21j4 C flour % C soft margarine 2 T sugar % t salt 1 egg % C grated sharp cheddar cheese Scald milk, cool to lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast into water in mixing bowl. Stir to dissolve, add milk, 1% C flour, marg.arine, sug'ar, salt and egg. Blend at low Jlpeed, beat 1 min. at medium speed. Dough will be very soft. Add 1 C flour and grated cheese. Beat 1 min. Spoon into 12 large muffin cups. Cover; let rise in warm place, free from draft, until double, about 1 hr. Bake at 400 degrees 20 min. or ul\til golden brown. Baked Apple Tapioca

Pick over seafood, rinse shrimp. In double boiler or chafing dish, over direct heat, cook fish lightly in butter 2 or 3 min. Blend in flour and seasonings. Gradually add milk and cook over boiling water, stirring until thickened. Stir small amount of mixture into egg yolks, put back into pan and cook, stirring, 2 or 3 min. Do not let sauce boil after egg yolks are added. Stir in sherry and serve on patty shells. Makes 6 servings.

3 C sliced tart apples 2 T butter % t cinnamon lk C quick-cooking tapioca 1 C light brown sugar 1 t salt 2% C water 2 T lemon juice Arrange apples in greased baking dish, dot with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon. Combine remaining ingredients in saucepan, cook and stir over medium heat until mixture boils. Pour oven apples, cover and bake in 375 OYeIl 25 min. or until apples are tender. Remove from oven and stir. Serve warm with eream. Matte. 6 to 8 servings.

YOUNG COOKS: Linda Bonneau, St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro and Rita Boyle, St. John's, Attleboro, both stuqents at Bishop Feehan High School, try one of Anchor's Lenten recipes. Sister Mary Kateri, R.S.M., reads directions.

Maryknoll Missioner Aids Blind Youths CHUNGJU (NC)-Father Wilbur J. Borer, M.M. of Brooklyn, N. Y., a veteran of 39 years in the missions of the Far East, has started a school for blind Korean youths at his parish near here. ''There was no program of edlICation or training for these youngsters in the area,", reported Father Borer. "It was difficult

convincing parents that they should send their blind children to our school. "Most of the blind belong to very poor families and their parents see little use in an education for them. Up to now, the main occupation of the blind here was that of a fortune teller."

Steamed Snowballs Prepare 1 small box white cake mix as directed on package. Half fill 4 greased 6-oz. custard cups with batter. Cover top of each with wax paper and secure with rubber band or string. Put on small rack in deep skillet, add 1 inch boiling water to skillet. Cover and steam about 25 minutes. Unmold into serving dishes and serve with thawed frozen strawberries.

TUESDAY, MARCH 1$ Fast Breakfast: Prune juice, cereal, buttered wi1eat toast. Lunch: '.[1una and tomato sandwich, chocolate pudding. Dinner: Braised shoulder lamb ehops wiIh Iilauce,. mashed potatoes, wax beans, Under the Sea Salad,'" angel cake and We cream.




Fast Breakfast: Cereal with bananas, buttered cora muffins. Lunch: Soup scramble,'" rye bread, apples. Dinner: Corned beef and cabbage, boiled potatoes, avocado and grapefruit salad, Irish soda bread,'" lime sherbet. Soup Scramble 1 can vegetarian vegetable soup 8 eggs, slightly beaten

dash pepper 2 T butter or margarine Stir soup in bowl until smooth, blend in eggs and pepper. In skillet melt butter, pour in egg mixture. Cook over low heat until eggs are set. Stir gently now and then. Makes 6 servings. fNote: May also be made with cream of mushroom soup. Does not contain meat extract.) Irish Soda Bread 1% C flour % t salt 3 t baking powder 1 T shortening C milk 1 t sugar If.l C raisins If.l C currants 2t caraway seeds


Silt dry ingredients into bowl. Cut in short.esaing. Stir in milk. Add currants, raisins and earaway seeds. Turn onto floured board. Knead :zo seconds. Shape into a ball lh" to %" thick. Bake in buttered heavy frying pan 30 min. at



Under the Sea Salad 2 pkg. lime gelatin % lb. cottage cheese 1 small can pears, drained and diced

% t ginger 3% C boiling water Combine 1 pkg. lime gelatin with 2 C boiling water. Pour into 1% qt. ring mold or 8 inch square pa:n. Place in refrigerator to set. Combine 1 % C boiling water with second pkg. gelatin. Chill until it is consistency of e&e white.. Add cottage cheese and beat until it begins to hold its shape. Pour mixture over plain gelatin. When set, unmold and serve on crisp greens.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Fast Breakfast: Orange juice, fried egg, toast. Lunch: Grilled cheese


mixed fruit.

Dinner: Veal cutlets, creamed potatoes, buttered carrots, lettuce with bacon dressing,. lemon meringue pie. Lettuce with Bacon Dressing 2 small heads tender lettuce 4 strips bacon 2 T vinegar 2 T water salt and pepper 1 T brown sugar Wash lettuce, dry thoroughly. Tear into pieces and put in large salad bowl. Fry bacon . until crisp. Drain on paper towel and crumble into bits. Add to bacon fat in frying pan vinegar, . water, salt, pepper and sugar. Heat to boiling point. Add bacon and p.our hdt dressing over lettuce. Toss to wilt lettuce.

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:~~0~ -Diocese 'of Fall River- Thurs., Mar. 7, 1963

Upholds Convictions for Selling 'Dirt for Dirt's Sake'·Magazines


Race, Religion Conference SJ.lbmits Recommendations

TRENTON (NC) - Convic_ tion of two news dealer firms on charges of sale and posession of obscene magazines was upheld by the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court.

By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director,NCWC Social Action Department (In' two recent columns I referred in r2.ther (lowing terms

The decision sustained action of the Hudson County Court which found guilty the Hudson County News. Company and Hudson County News. Dealers Supply Company on five indictments. The firms were fined a total of $8,000.

'tit the National Conference on Religion and Race held in Chicago In January under the joint auspices of the Social Action Department, of the National Catholic Welfare Confer-ence, .the National Council of Churches and the Synagogue Council of' America. Last.week, it was emphasized that, while the National Conference was undoubtedly very successful as meetings of this kind go, it would prove to have been much ado about nothing unless its recommendations are impiemented as soon as possible at the local level. This week, for those who would like to initiate a program in their own communities, I present, without comment, the substance of a Report by the temporary follow-up committee of the Conference.)

The Conference objective is not another organization, but a cooperative involvement of religious leadership in a solution of local, regional and national problems. 1) Set up a committee of the top religious leadership of the community. Experi- the conference. Such staff reence has shown that a first sources mlght be put at the and essential step is enlisting service of the local committee, the support of the president particularly in view of the growof the local Council of Churches the president of the Synagogue ....., Co u n.c i. 1 0 l' Board of Rabbis, and the Roman Catholic bishop or archbishop. 'Small~ er communities will have to adjust to their 10 cal circumstances.) Committee chairmanship ~hould be drawn from official non-staff religious leadership. Whatever approaches are necessary should be made to reach these' persons for their cooperation before other steps are taken. Through personal or telephone eontact approach should then be made to all the local equivalents of the churches and organizations involved in the National Conference to secure commitment and involvement from the toP leadership of each. Top Leadership More will be accomplished through the,.soclal education and action outlets of religious groups. It is extremely important that from the beginning you observe the following: a. include representation from as many 0: the 68 sponsoring groups as are 'found in your community b. Include in a consultative capacity organizations wit h knowledge experience and skill' in racial matters, e.g., Urban League, NAACP, local and regional organizations, municipal, state and Federal agencies in your communities. e. Relate directly to existing agencies carrying on program: e.g., mayor's commissions. Ethnic Groups d. Insure that the group from ilie beginning is interracial (this is not guaranteed by the structure of the major religious groups) and that responsible Negro leadershlp be involved. e. Include representation of other ethnic groups, e.g., Puerto Ricans, C:ubans, Orientals, Indians, etc. 2. Plan a meeting or series of meetings in which representatives can be given a report of the conference, and can look frankly at the lo(:a: situation, its needs, and the potentials for change. Local circumstances dictate the ways by which this must proceed. and whether the meetings should be local, regional, or statewide in character. In some communities, there are already existing channeh of cooperation, governmental or voluntary. Staff Resources 3. Make use of existing resources of personnel. In larger communities, there are staffs working on behalf of the organizations which participated in

ing inter-religious eooperation. 4. Select a local agenda which is specific and important. This could include non-discriminatory principles which affect the religious mstructions of the community( themselves (e.g.; hospitals and agency hiring and intake practices); joint reaction to tension caused by racial in. cidents, and support of individuals involved in crises as well as community prob:ems, etc. On issues in which program is already being undertaken by governmental and unofficial groups (e.g., housing) action' by the religious leadership should be carefully coordinated with community efforts. At an early date, therefore, local communities shoulc'. become intimately related to and supportive of responsible existing programs. Use Mass Media 5. Make use of the mass media, e.g., by panel reports on the. conference and community fol. low-up. The National Conference had extensive coverage in the preSs, and on radio-television. Stories on local follow-up can be linkad to ones of. activities in other communities; Contact the Conference Secretariat for information on available kinescopes and other materials. 6. Please send accurate and full reports of your plans, programs, and actions to the interim Conference E;xecutive Secretary, the Rev. Dr. Galen Weaver, 289 Park Avenue South, New York, 10, New York, Area Code 212GRamercy 5-2121, and the Rev. Arthur E. Walmsley, 281 Park Avenue South, New York 10, New York, Area Code 212SPring '7-9100. 7. For assistance in developing the follow-up work of the conference, a new Conference Steering Committee is in. the process '0£ formation. In the meantime, questions about the follow-u!, n:ay be addressed to the Rev. Dr.,Galen Weaver.


RELEASED: Fr. Joseph Nguyen huong Tien, a 32year-old Vietnamese priest held prisoner by the communist Vietcong guerillas for 25 days, was released recently. NC Photo.

The defendants also contended the magazines in question were not obscene, on the ground that the only workable definition for criminal obscenity is "hard core pornography". . The Superior Court decision, written by Judge Mark A. Sullivan, Jr., sai.d: "We do not agree

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"We have examined these magazines," the opinion, stated, "and find that their dominant theme taken as a whole is an appeal to prurient interest. They are patently offensive ... Their dominant note is erotic allurement tending to excite lustful and lecherous desire, d~rt for dirt's sake only, smut and inartistic filth, with no evident purpose but to counselor invite to vice or voluptuousness . . • The magazines are utterly without redeeming importance.

MONTREAL (NC)-Auxiliary Bishop Gerald E. Carter of London, Ont., suggested here that religious differences should first be ironed out before there is widespread discussion of complete union of all churches. "We certainly all dep)ore schisms of humanity," he said at a news conference, "and it is terrib~e to see Christian churches sometimes fighting against each other. But I don't even like to to talk about church union now. "Talking about it," he added, "might frustrate the type of unity we are seeking. Years ago we were at odds. Now we are discussing with respect our religious differences." Bishop Carter said that the next session of the Second Vatican Council, opening in Rome on Sept. 8, is an absolute necessity "because 'of the vast amount of work yet to be done."

Fall River

Since constitutional freedoms were involved in the case, Judge Sullivan's opinion noted, the appellate court had the duty to make its own determination as to whether or not the magazines were obscene and thus outside the protection of freedoms of speech and press provided in the Federal and the New Jersey constitutions.

Warns of Hasty Unity Approach

Commercial • Industrial Institutional Painting and Decorating

76th A.,niversary WASHINGTON (NC) - The Christ Child Society, a lay organization that aids needy children regardless of race or creed, will observe thE' 76th anniversary' of its founding on Mar.ch 25.

. The convictions were appealed to the Superior Court on the ground that the statute under which the firms were indicted is unconstitutionlcl b e c a use the statutory phrase "obscene or indecent" is vague; indefinite and . lacks proper standards. The Superior Court held this contention was without Jilerit.

that the only workable definItion for criminal obscenity is 'hard core pornography'. Obscenity and pornography are synonymous terms. The addition of the adjectival phrase 'hard core' merely indicates a certain type of obscenity."


You get more than deli~ious flavor from Hood Cottage Cheese. You get almost as much pro..· tein as meat - ounce for ounce. Keep your family's protein level up during Lent ••• with Fresher Flavor Hood Cottage Che~se.




1 lb. Hood Large Curd Cottage Cheese 1h cup chopped nuts % cup bread crwmbs

! eggs % cup chopped celery

.% cup chopped green pepper % cup chopped onion Stdt <mil pepper to taste Mix thoroughly and shape into eutlets. Brown on both sides in shallow fat. Serve hot with hot

tomato, or eheeaeaauce. 14aku 6.s cutleti..



Ecuador Prelate Asserts Douglas Charge False

Lenten Season Appropriate Time to Study Inetf>A·~- ""'stible Treasury of Symbolism

HARTFORD (NC) Ecuador's Car din a I has denied· a charge by a U.S. Supreme Court Justice that

By Russell ColJinge

a Catholic priest in that country incited the murder of two United Nations officials. Carlos Cardinal' de la'Torre of Quito said in 'a letter published here that there is "no basis" for the charge made in a Hartford speech last December by Justice William O. Douglas. Douglas told a meeting sponsored by Temple Sinai here and broadcast over a radio station that "a Catholic priest turned natives loose on two United Nation's doctors because they were vaccinating 'for smallpox and therefore w ere communists. They took refuge in the church and were there murdered." Dr. Josephine Mary Brown of West Hartford, who holds a law degree, later wrote to Douglas asking for further details. He responded that the incident took place in an Ecuadorian village in October, 1962, adding: "I have been in communication wtth the American Ambassador in Quito about it." Denies InvolVflll1lent Dr. Brown related in a latter to the Catholic Transcript, Connecticut's Catholic newspaper, that she wrote for details to the Quito Ambassador, but received no answer. She then wrote to Cardinal de la Torre. She said he replied that the Justice's charge is "absolutely false," The Cardinal said Indians in a remote village did kill two men, both Ecuadorians, in the belief they were communists. He denied that a priest was involved, saying that "the murder was committed two kilometers away from his home." 'Grave Accusation' The Cardinal identified the two men as Dr. Jorge Merchan, a physician, and Hernan Vinne;;.a, .a social worker. The Transcript, in commenting on the Cardinal's statement to Dr. Brown, described Douglas' charge as a "grave accusation . .. magnified by the speaker's prestige as a member of the na-· tion's highest tribunal." Noting the Cardin'al's statement and saying that Dr. Brown had consultations with other inform~ persons which led her to conclude that the Dou-glas charge cannot be sustained, the newspaper said: "Indications of such irresponsibility on the part of persons in high places are shocking, to say the least."

As ~tholics we ar~ fortun?te in that our history and background provide an lnexhaus~lble source ?f mformatIOn and instruction to further our knowledge and understandmg of obr falth. We have endless opportunities for study - for no matter how much we may'know, there is always more to learn. Always new facts, new or more complete explanations, new paths to explore .... and old ones waiting to be re-discovered. One such path is the

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 7, 1963

17 •

Seeks Apology For AUeged Slur" On Chu!l'ch PROVIDENCE (NC) - ~ Catholic priest here has demanded a public apology from an Episcopalian clergy. man who charged the CathoUe Church, through the Roode Island r.ommission to EncOurage Morality in Youth, is trying to force "its moral principles" on all people in the state. The apology has been demanded by Father Edward W. K. Mullen, a commission member, from the Rev. Howard C. Olsen, rector of St. Barnabas Episcopal church in Warwick. Puritan Charge Rev. Olsen, in a sermon at hill church, discussed the U. S. Supreme Court deCIsion which held the Rhode Island commissioR violated the Constitution in a "scheme nf state censorship" b;V sending book and magazine distri.butors lists of publications the commission judged objectionable for youths. "We have an example of a ~trong religious group attemp$. ing to force its moral principles in the field of literature on all people in the state," Rev. Olsea told his congre?ation. The Episcopal clergYnntft . identified the "strong religious group" ~s the Catholic Church Clnd claimed it is "Puritan." Father Mullen said the Episcopalian's ,remarks were an "in.sult to the (C:::tholic) Church, the governors who have ap.. pointed the members of the com.. missions and to the commission.ers themselves." Father Mullen is the only priest on the commission. ' The priest observed that R~ Olsen's remarks were "unjustified, unfortunate and irrespon!'ible." He deplored the intimation that Roman Catholics have an a?reed policy on obscenit;v that IS unconstitutional. "Catholics are certainly Pun. ~an if by this is meant they are opposed to obscenity" 'Fath. Mullen declared.' .

use of symbols We find them everywhere-the way the priest uses his hands in the Mass, the 'actions of the server at the Consecration, the decorations and furnishings of our churches-and all of them, individually and collectively, tell a fascinating and continuous story of the things ilnd people that are the Church -and they center our attention where it should be centered * * * en Christ. Symbol, like almost everything else, comes from two Greek words meaning "together" ::!nd "to throw' * * * to throw together, to combine. And a symbol is a combination of a visible ~ign-a painting, drawing, statue, or gesture-and some definite idea or though which we supply from our own mind. Take a simple example * * * the IHS we see on many vestments. We know that these letters do not stand for "I Have Suffered"-not even fo~ "Jesus Hominum Salvator"-but are a ':ontraction of the name of Jesus in its Greek spelling. Secret Sign Then take what is perhaps tnt! oldest symbol of our faith, the crude ~utline of a fish. Why !:hould this stand for a belief in SYMBOLIC CROSS: Child studies symbolic cross. Christianity and indicate that Gre~k .letters Alpha and Om!'!ga on arms represent God, one is a follower of Christ? Well, begmmng and end of all things; Chi Rho monogram in in the early days the Greeks center is formed of first two Greek letters of name of made gre'lt use of the phrase: Christ. Introduction to Church's wealth of symbolis~ is Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Savior. And the first- letters of these suggested as appropriate for children during Lent. words spelled out· the Greek will stop and speak to us. And once again we hear-this word for fish. And if He should talk to us, time the measured phrases of The early Christian were over10yed at this discovery. No'w we shall then have an equally the Litany of Our Lady. The they had a symbol, a secret long walk home across rough glorious imagery and splendid sign, which they could use as a country, in the dark, and with- titles roll from the altar steps means of identification withQut c-ut food. But given the chance to and wrap us in a mantle of sethe usual dangers of confiding in hear His words we shall think curity. Tower of Ivory, Queen of that we 'ave spent ourselves to Peace, Mystical Rose, Gate 'of the wrong person Because it was Heaven * '" * and here we may not a happy time to be"a follow- good purpose. And He does speak to us. And r.-ecall St. Peter's grievance-and ed of Christ. For On one side were the people when He has finished, His dis- in our hearts believe it truedples, being human and much that when he turned sinners AUSTIN (NC) -A bill hn who would immediately have like the rest of us, may have :;way from Heaven, Mary ran been introduced in the Texas you in most unpleasant trouble, and on the other side were those ;.ried to get the crowd moving. and let them in at the back door. legislature to grant churchowned non public school buses who made i~ pIa'n "'~y con~~d­ "All right, now That's all. Let's going. You can all go home Symbols are there for our inspecial tax and registratiOll f'red you to be some kind of nut. get now." struction-the early Church debenefits. The early Christians were very But Christ knows we are hunpended on pictures to spread the The measure would exempt much in the middle. But now, /!ry and tired, dnd have a long truth among the faithful. The church-owned nonpublic school with the sign of the fish, they were able to find each other way to go. And, out of His love message 'vas always before the "buses from state sales taxes for us, His. understanding of our eyes of those who could not read. license (\1' registration fees with comparative safety. Talking to a stranger, it was human needs, He provides food ,Wherever they might look, they state gasoline taxes. -and uses a miracle to do so. saw some early martyr, some Sponsors' of the bill are Reps. ~ simple matter to trace an outBequest to Catholic line apostle, some scene, that joined Lloyd M. Guffey of El CaMpo in the dirt or scratch it on And He still knows our needs 'll b roods over us with tender' with others, formed the life of Dnd R. H. Cory of Victoria A ~ t.1 a wall-to an outsider it was an Inst!t.ll~ti~n.s Invif1'l~d r-are, still provides the food we Christ-always some shorthand ,Imilar bill was passed by the idle scribble, to a fellow ChrisCLEVELAND (NC) - A $1,- tian it was an introduction. lleed and still uses a miracle to note of symbolism shining in House :n the last legisla~ve 341,000 bequest to three Catholic wpply it. Through the Eucharist colored glass. Writing they could session, but was not reported So the symbol of the fish institu tions has been declared rou~hly done or elaborated in .~ He gives us the food to fortify pot understano. but truly they Gut of committee in the Senate. invalid l-y the Summit County. design, give.s us the first part ;n us on our long journey home to knew and treasured fundamen~als of Catholicism which we (Akl'on) Probate Court. the representation, and we' sup- Heaven. Ohio law provides that be- ply the ~econd part by letting There are hundreds of symbols with all our literarcy and quests to charitable, religious or our minds put us oack in time -but the easiest to draw and printed book:;, may envy. educational institutions are ef- so that we may share the strong 'TIost severe, two straight lines We shOUld be able to take our fpctive only when the will probelief of the early Christians-- • crossing at right angles. A long children into church,. show them viding them is one year old. The strong' enough to continue de- line and a short one. But when aU the living signs, and tell them benefactor, Charles E. McDer- spite the dangers and fears they we lqok upon this symbol, as what they mean. Au'd use our mott, a toy manufacturer, died encountered, despite the ridicule Catholics, we see a Crucifix with pxplanations as a means to help Dec. 5, 1961-32 days before the they suffered. Our Lord hangin--: there in final the understanding, not only of will would have been effective. payment of our debt. the child, but of ourselves. . Surely m understanding and The will hac stipulated that 50 sharing their special problems And in our minds we follow The season of Lent is a most per cent of the bequest go to we may finc', oUI-selves closer to along the way of sorrow, the seemly time for meditation-and John Carroll University and 25 first. and livi.ng Stations of the symbols help us with our conGod as .a follower of His Son, per cent each to St. Thomas HosCross. We come to the place.of centration. and we may realize that todav pital, I\kron, ano Holy Family execution and watch fhe preparRemember, though, a symbol we really have it easy - th;t parish, Stow The bulk of the esis a combination of a sign and there is little but our own will- ations. And. perhaps, we also tate will gc to Mr. McDermott's hear the sou,d of hammer blows Con idea * '" '" the Church supplies mgness to keep us from protwo aopted sons. the .signs, the thought is up to claiming Christ. nothing to stop on iron. And, p.erhaps, we may remember that each one of '1S us. us from living every minute under the openly displayed carries our own little hammerFBI Agent Heads and each of us. almost every - .ymbol of the fish. Notre Dame Alumni minute of every day, gives the Eucharistic Bread nails our o-wn little tap. And NOTRE DAME (NC)-Oliver Again the fish. Repeat it five some of us trade in our hammers H. Hunter, III, senior resident Urnes and add some little breads FBI agent at Newcastle, Pa., was inscribed 'with crosses. To us, it for a 12 pound Sledge. INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC Our Lady elected president of the Notre becomes the symbol of the mir_ Dame University Alumni Assoacle of the loaves and fishes. And let us turn to the symbols ciation at a meeting here of its Again we let our mind take over of the Virgm Mary-again we board of directors. and we are part of a large group join with others in our minds. Hunter, a 1943 alumnus, sucwalking away from our homes We are gathered together in ceeds William P: Mahoney, Jr., .. • * with our fellows we have fome church-outside it may be of Phoenix, Ariz., who is now covered many long miles. Not dark and cold, but here there IS serving as U.S. Ambassador to cJemanding anything-not even a gentle warmth ansi light, with Ghana. The alumni association €xpecting anythin--:-just hoping roandles softly m~ldng counter- : 312 Hirtman St WY 7-'161 Ne-v. 8edf~ has 30,000 membe.... the time will c-ome when Jesus point ,against the brighter glow. • • • •. .· · ~ • • • • _ • •~M


Seek Tax Benefits PriV(I'te Buses



, •'•. ••

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THE ANCI-J0R-Dioces.e of Fall River- Thurs., Mar. 7, .963

Theater Owners Get Papal Medal

'Pleasures Are Ultimcites'. Holmes' Total Philosophy

GRANITE FALLS· (NC) Putting personal convictions into business may not be easy, but Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schindele, owners here in Minnesota, have been honored here for doing just that for 36 years. Since they brought their first theater in 1926, the Schnideles have shown only movies classified as '~A" by the National Legion of Decency. At a special Mass in St. Andrew's Church, the couple was decorated with the Benemerenti papal medal, but for Mrs. Schindele the honor was posthumous. She died Dec. 7, a day before the honor was approved in Rome. Bishop Alphonse J. Schladweiler of New Ulm made the presentation. The medal was established by Pope Gregory XVI in 1832 "to reward civil and military daring and courage" and is seldom given to both a husband and wife, the Bishop said.

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno

"Pleasures are ultimates," the old man wrote, perhaps with ironic reflection, "and in cases of difference between ourself and another there is nothing to do except in unimportant matters to think ill of him and in important matters to kill him." He grace to agonize over their loss paused; even for his young of faith: E:nglish admirer, Harold J. A cha·Js is set, for example, Laski, this was pretty potent between Nietzsche and Holmes;

stuff taken neat So for the sake the one quite literall~' went mad of Laski's Socialism he added, when he saw what confronted him, the other dismissed the "Until you have nightmare with a quip. In remade _he Holmes there is much of the world I can spirit of Mark Twain, the striclass as impor. dent laughter in bedlam. . tant only those There ).1 all the difference in the that. have an world between Holmes' pursuit internaof the law as a science, his pastional sanction sion for exactness and concern in war." It was for accJlracy, and the cavalier a hitter ·he was fashion in which he abandoned writing, not a his own premises. 1 ega I .Jpinion, EYES LITURGY WEEK POSTER: Archbishop John He once remarked that it was and it was ocBELFAST (NC)-Stella Maris J. Krol of Philadelphia is shown in his office looking over the mark of a civilized man to casioned, as Mr. House, a new residential hostel a poster proclaiming the 24th North American Liturgical .. ;Edmund Willson remind.s us, by question his first principles, and for seamen now being built here nothing more casuistic than the there is a certain homely wis- Week to be held in Philadelphia, Aug. 19 to 22. At right is in Northern Ireland at a cost of merits of Jane Austen as a dom in the saying. The trouble Father Joseph Kavanagh, a member of the Archdiocesan $210,000, is expected to be com:' . novelist. But it is of a piece, is that Holmes, having asked Commission for the Sacred Liturgy. NC Photo. pleted by May. . r actually; with the total philoso- the questions, failed to ·bother phy of Justice Oliver WendelI about the answers. Village Atht~ist Holmes. Holmes matured in that era What hA was thinking at the tIme, 1926, was the crystalliza- of disillusionment which followtion of a ·lifetime of pragmatic ed the shattering of the AmeriSACRAMENTO (NC) - Gov. THE FLOODED RlC~ FIELDS of southern India have been scepticism. If it would not be can dream in the Civil War. He drained. The tall-standing heads with their close-packed seeds altogether true to say that the lived through the collapse of Edmund G. Brown of California, are gathered in • • • After threshinlf. old man believed in nothing and the Puritan ethos and the expos- in a Catholic Press Month statethe grains. still encased In their acknowledged no law, it would ure of New England Transcen- ment, urged his "fellow Califorbrown hulls, are called paddy. Each nians to join in * * * tribute to a dentalism as misty nonsense. not be too far from it. year at this time the nineteen sisten Others equally gifted, philoso- valuable contributor to AmerHe believed in himself, emfrom ST. JOSEPH'S HOME FOR THE ica's free pres::;." like William James pnatically, and he believed, al- phers ABANDONED appear for the harVest most morbidly, in his impending Josiah Royce, and the younge~ "The religious press has tradiat ARPPOOKKARA, In the diocese John Dewey, exhibited much the death; b~yond that he seems to tionally played an important of CHANGANACHERRY • • • The, h av e subscribed, somewhat same intellectual provincialism role in the life of Californians come to beg paddf for some 150 vaguely and inconsistently, to a as the future Supreme Court and the Catholic press of our orphans, qed, handicapped and W Gocti-ine of might making right, Justice. For they jumped straight state has participated actively in under their care. Whatever they .... bG the conclusion that 19th cenor" to the virtue of the successful strengthening and enriching thatoelve DOW must last for tho whole pa!ty. And beyond that, pleas- tury German scepticism was the tradition," the governor stated. n, HrJ.. Pathtr's Mission ,AiJ "'J " year! ••• SISTER CARMELA tells 118 beginning and end of man's ur~. fir tht Orimkl/ CbNrrh sadly that man)' who seek admittance thinking, that nothing had hap....Iame Flickers at ST. JOSEPH'S must be turned away. She cannot meet mountpened to the mind before and He has not worn well. Some that nothing significant was likem. debts and laok of space makes the work doubly hard • • • years back a popular biography ly to happen to it again. The Sisters have only one room for themselves; another small 1 describing him as The Yankee corner for a ohapel. They need a real chapel, • house for the To an almost rehearsed degree from Olympus was served up as they offered exemplars of Flau. Sisters, as well u an infirmary where those coming In with hash in a film version, which berts village atheist strutting oontaglous diseases can be Isolated . . • A gift of t8,000 wID BUSINESS AND managed to portray him as.a across the stage of the world. reUeve the strain on these valiant women. WID you, for ST. DUPLICATING MACHINES startling mixture of God the JOSEPH'S FEAST this month, help a house dedicated ~ 1Umf Way to Materialism Second and Morgan Sts. Father and Ola Judge Priest. The cult of Oliver Wendell SPRINGTIME IN GALILEE FALL RIVER Holmes had the sense of the Holmes as the Most· Wise ludicrous to have found this "Because He was a man as well as He was God, WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 a km 0 s t excruciatingly· funny, Bavian may have declined in He loved His own goat-nibbled hills, ffis crumbling E. J. McGINN, Prop. these residual times, but that is though he also had enough digJewish sod. SSiSiiiiSii':':\¥iS"> not to suggest that his influence He bowed. to Roman rule and dared none to rebell nity to resent its awful taste, on the philosophy of the law But oh the windflowers out of Nairn,· and likely would have done both in America has noticeably lesWe know He loved them welIl" -Eileen Duggan by turns. sened. Or perhaps it would be Right now those "hills of Galilee" where He so often walked But the cult of the great jurist more accurate to say that even are ablaze with color-red, blue; white. The narcissus ("Ros. has not flourished of late years yet the intellectual and moral ot Sharon") shines in the sunlight . . . Whole hillsides as mightily as was predicted. bankruptcy of pragmatism has covered with wild anemones C"LlIy of the Field") and with. His disciples, lesser men, have not dawned on the elite mind. pink flax, crowfoot, iris, broomrape and borage. And here, on allowed the flame to flicker unIt is this nihilism which has a day not long before the Crucifixion,. Peter, in answer to Our tended in the shrine. prepared the way for whatever Lord's question, uttered his immortal reply: "Thou are the . . Or perhaps, having looked materialism - as power - has Christ!" down into the pit of intellectual been arrived at in the classroom In appreciation for the MASS STIPENDS and other gifts and moral nothingness more crit- the legislative hall, or th~ you send us, we would like to give you a small memento-a ically, they have recoiled from executive chamber. We're Famous for card with ftowers from the Holy Land. Or we'll gladly lend his insouciant acceptance of The betrayers of America are one to the friend or reiative In whose name your offering is • CHARCOAL STEAKS pure nihilism. not the 5th Columnists or the made, If you wish.. Swallowed Darwinism • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN furtive and bewhiskered anar• PRIME RIBS OF BEEF It was his settled and pro- chists of the popular cartoons. "EGG MONEY;' nounced conviction that no gen- They are the men who think "Egg money" traditionally goes to the farmer's wife for her DINNER DANCING eral proposition is .worth a damn. with Justice Holmes that "pleasuse. Recently a woman wrote us' that for years her egg money Every Saturday Night Clearly enough, this disposes of ures are ultimates." W8ll given for the education of a seminarian ••• At times she truth and falsehood as objective featuring wondered if the sacrifice were worth while. Then oame word concepts. just as it disposes of that the young man ill now ordained • • • Childless themselves, HENRY COTREll right and wrong as anything thlll good couple have been given great happiness by their and his orchestra more than purely subjective imadopted priest-son. ONE STOP pressions. You also can help educate a seminarian or Sister in one of Reservations accepted for: SHOPPING (:ENTER The notion of the divine law, our mission lands. $2 a week for six years pays for a semina• Weddings • Banquets he tells us, was shot away by the rian's training. $3 a week for two years prepares a girl for • Television • Furniture and Showers • Stag bullet at Bali's Bluff which alreligious life ... Or you can join a DOLLAR-A·MONTH OLUB: • Appliance. • Grocer,. most exacted his life as the CHRYSOSTOM CLUB for seminarians 91 Crandall Rd., Tiverton price of amputation. The idea 104 Allen St., N IlW Bedford MARY'S BANK for Sisters.oft Rte. 177 of the natural law yielded shortWYman '··9354 Tel. MA 4-9888 & 4-9979 .Kindly remember us in your \ViiI. Official tltlet ly thereafter to the persuasions THE CATHOLIO NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOOIA'IIOIt of Professor Charles S. Pierce; DEAR MONSIGNOR RY~ whose circle, in Cambridge he frequented during his fledgling . N Enclosed please find .•••••••••••.. f.or .... days at t.he law. • There is no least evidence that Name Famoul Reading HARD COAL Holmes ever made the slightest effort to subject his philosophNEW ENGLAND COKE Street , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••one .... ical prejudices to any further DADSON Oil BURNERS examination. He swallowed the Cl-ty • • • •• • "• • •.. State .' ...... 24-Hour Oil Burner Service crudest form of Darwinism without blinking an eye. Charcoal Briquets Laughter in Bedlam Bag Coal - Charcoal ~ It is this caI10w cocksureness '.ANCtI CARDIN.... iPILlMAN. Pr••lde"'. which we find most objectionable Miff. Jo••, ' T. Ii., 'Nat, 1M" in a man like Holmes. There have lend .., _allltlMtlolt tOl been plenty of sceptics whose CAVHOLle NEArt lAST WELFARI AS.oeIAytON reasoning may not have been 480 Loxlng~n Ave. at 46th St. New York 'f.' anywhere near as profound as New Bedford 640 Plealant Street Tel. WY 6·1271 his, but who at least had the

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Says Catholic Press Has Important Role






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• Hilltoppers and Brockton In Garden Semi-Finals Bf Jack Kinea~ Durfee's comparatively easy tij..,Mconquest of CathGlie Memorial assures Bristol :C6-unty 1Jf at least one representative in the semi-final .ro'Uld .'Of. "J1eeh to~orrow .at Bos};ollGardell. The ffilltoppers 'will bee .the strong Brocktoo ·quintet while Rindge . T~ch squares C'1ff "against =~~b~:r~b~:~z:e:::. Malden to 'see wll'O will meet Sa t ~ r d ~ y n.\ght for tbe sp~~s;c::~a~~~:~~e:;

champIonshIp. T he tourney Gola tif New !iark's Knicks ;are thus ~r .h~ defied consensus. :former products of -the ESCIT BrookTine HI~h Tournament. College luminaries chalked up Its that have appeared in the Newfirst .v i c tor Y p o r t , R.I. tournament over the ever m T 7ch, a past five years are Nick Werk67 - 43 VIctory man of Seton Hall, the nation's ~ver. Lynn Engleading college scorer, Vinnie 11sh In the qualErnst of P.C. voted the 01"""_ ifying r 0 u n d standing player in the N.I.T. t ~ e n followed in Madison Square Garden two WIth an upset 51years ago, John Thompson, P.C.'s 49 oftop..seeded, . outstanding center.' Also Jim un d e f eat e d Barry, Georgetown sophomore, B eve r 1 y who is rated one of -the finest The Wealthy .. college basketball prospects in Towners then came WIthin an the -country and JDhn Austin eye.lash of doi:,g. in Brockton freshman at Boston College: WhIch was bailed out by a voted most outstanding in last stunning 51 point performance year's ESCIT who will soon be by Steve Sarantopoulous in a under the tutelage of Bob Cousy free - scoring 78-77 contest. .are recent ESCIT grads. Brookline had beaten Brockton twice in Suburban League play, T~e same ~u~s.tanding extr:a both overtime contests. currIcular actIVitIes that have taken place during tourney time, Malden High had to win its such as the Coaches and press final game of the season to dinner, luncheons for the players qualify for Tech. The Golden sponsored by local civic groups Tornado had lost twice to and the tour and lunch at the Somerville in regular season Naval Base as g~ests of the Complay but the third time around mander Naval Station, Captain proved quite a different story as O.D. Finnegan will prevail again Coach Art B'oyle's squad subthis year. dued the Greater Boston League Oompeting Quintets titlists by a whopping 73-49 One change has been schescore. And so both Brookline duled for the Saturqay luncheon. and Somerville were sent to the In the past, the boys have dined sidelines by teams which they in the Officers' Club. This time, had defeated twice in official the boys ,and tourney friends competition. Doesn't seem riglrt will go "through the chow line" somehow. at the brand new enlisted men's In oustiu"g Catholic Memorial, ·mess. A delicious menu has been Durfee for the second time desplanned. patched a pretender to the In the tourney "fold so far this throne up on request from Class B. The previous occasion was a year are defending champion DeMatha High of Hyattsville, one point final round victory over Winchester High which had Md., St. Johns of Washington, D.C.,' Cathedral High of Trenton, won three successive B titles and figured to prove nothing by N:J., CeIJ±r,al Catholic, Allenton, Pa., Bergen Catholic, Oradell, annexing a-fourth. The Sachems, whose lineup included a fellow N.J., Canevan High, Pittsburgh, by the name of .Joe Bellino, Pa., St. Peter's Prep, Jersey City, posed a real threat tor Tech N.J. and DeLaSalle, Newport, honors, unlike Silver Lake :the.host team. which sought to make "the jump Mr. Herman Rathkamp, the from C .a couple 'of years back veteran tourney director, who and Memorial, -the would-.be has :held the position !orthe past Cinderella clabof '63. ·twen"ty-six years has for the.fifth consecutive' year named RlliY narfee-Br4Hlkton The Durfee - Brockton clash Ready, 01' Somerset, as Solithbrings together a pair of long .eastern Mass. ESCIT representative. Those named to assist standing rivals singularly wellnotched in size, hustle and Ready :are R,a 0 u 1 '''Tubber'' scoring ability. As a matierof "Gagnon of Swansea, his 1;hird fact Durfee, :for the :first time UI. year In this post and "Ike" tourney .eompetition, will enjoy Robinson of Somerset. Robinson a slight heigbtadvantage'a.gainst is well known to all basketball Sarantopoulousand Co. The buffs .in the Greater Fall River Hilltopper.s showed .. balanced Area. attack against Memorial. Four ficket Rcserw.a.'tio:ns starters hit double figures. The cos i of transporting, Woody Berube hit for 20, Bob housi.p.g 2nd feeding "8 teams, Bonalewicz 15, Ed Siegfried 12 coa"Ches, athletic directors 2nd and John Isador 12. Bonalewicz referees has risen to :five !igures turnned in the finest J:ame of for the three uC\Y stay. To help his career. ·defray 1.h.e .expenses and 10 .keep Southeastern-Mass. had one this:fine tournament in the wea, representative still alive .after souvenir ball point pens, suitably inscribed, are being offered the heavy going in Classes C and D. Lawrence High of Falmouth, to ESCITBoosters for fifty cents. undefeated in 21 games, will go for all the marbles in Class D Reserved adult tickets may be tomorrow afternoon at Boston purchased for Thursday afterGarden when it engages denoon's games for $1.00. Reserved fer.ding champion W est wo 0 d adult tickets for Thursday, FriHigh which in its own r.ight, 20day and Saturday nights' games 0, boasts a tremendous record. are $2.00. A block of reserved Falmouth's Mike Lopes' turned adult tickets for 'admission to in another superlative effort in all tourney ,games may be purthe semifinal round 79-70 vicchased for $6.00. tory over Bellingham. The big Unreserved student tickets are center, also State Class D high jump champion, bagged 40 seventy-five cents for all games. However, through the courtesy points, just one shy of the record. of Somerset who has sent along . of the tourney dirE')ctor, area the following .comprehensive students may purchase blocks of data on the tourney which down tickets for school groups in advance. ESCU' 'I1eorD~ Area residents are-asked 10 The 2BtJh AJanual· Eastern contact ReadY, Gagnon or RobinStates Cat hoI i c Invitational son for :adV8l'lce :reserved tick!ets Tourney is scheduled to get un- and for student admissions. All derway three weeks from today, ticket sales through axea repMarch 28, at Rogers High in resentatives close March "25. Newport, ".1. We are imilebted SOl.lvenix .BooSter .Pens ana:also to al'ea representa·tive Ray Ready availabel from these men.

Alves, A.raujoSpark Dea'n Quin·tet High SehooI Bivals Reunited in Junior Coller;e By L.YJIa~Y

Dean .Junior College finished the 'seaSOll with .a !lespeetable 12-10 1Won~@Bs TOOOI'd, playing ~ainBt 'some of New England's top rol~.e freshman teams .and .other junior colleges like powerful LeicesterandChambeda..YJIle. .And part of the -rea-sonfar Dean':s success (a good ,part) :is directly tr~oeaMe to theA-4lO'Y"s, a pair of iN-ew BedfordatbJe'OOs, who, ·over their nigh school years were arch-rivals 00 the hardwood. They are J ulio "Skip" Alves, four year cackcourt-vetexan at New Bedford VocatiorUu High, and Don Araujo, three-year defensive rtandout at New Bedford High. Close friends who grew up together in New Bedford's South end, they were early in their careers teammates for a cham. pionship YMCA Little League outfit. Then they went their separate ways--"Skip" to the Trade school and Don to New Bedford High. It was inevitable that their paths would cross when Voke and the Crimson met in basketball. Both were good in their special ways-Skip the adroit ball handler and scorer and Don the sure-fisted feeder and defensive ace. .Varsity Rivals For Don, winning a starting berth was a. little more difficult. As a sophomore he was a jayvee starter. Skip, on the other hand, moved right into the Yoke starting cast as a freshman, playing alongside the fabulous Gomes brothers Martin and Paul. But, finally, in their junior years, the' .60-61 season, Alves an4 Araujo squared off :as varsity starters in the' first of what was to be four interesting meetings. NB won both tilts that year enroute to the Eastern Massachusetts school. boy championship. Neither game was close, although Alves, with~ut the Gomeses, was still a tOll.Q:h customer to defense. The following season, with New Bedford wiped of its tremendous front court led by current URI pivot, Frank Nightingale, Yoke won both frays with .Alves lea~g the wrecking crew in the first game. The second game was a one-pointer, Yoke winning on a last second hoop. Araujo had the job of coralling Alves in both outings. . Good Playmaker Who hatl more sUCcess de. J'ends on the point of view.


DON.ARAUJO Araujo frankly admits he. had trouble the first time out. He. picked up several quick louls (Alves drew them on drives), then sat out most of the game watching the Yoke sharpshooter hit :for 18 enroute to an ·easy win. The second time around was ,different. "SkW" frankly admits Don had him "locked u,p."1'[e wound up with 8 points in that one (four hoops were taken away for traveling). Despite their friendlychidi~g both have a tremendous respect for {lne another. Reunited .at Dean, theY complement Dean scorers wit& 16-plus game aver.a,ge. A clever driver and ,deft ballhandler wbo mov.es either way, Alves hi:. a season's high '27 points against Dean's :top .rival Leicester. He .also bangs away from the outside, many of llis 'pops' coming on' the run. Araujo, conversely, .is a more deliberate type of player. He's a stationary shooter who does most of his hitting just outside the key oralon,g side it. The less spectacular of the two, Don doesn't ma1l:e the moves Alves mll. Nut 'Primarily a scorer, Don IE always looking to set up the good shot whether he "takes it or '!lot. In fact, much of the time he was feeding teammates' Alves or Charlie GToc'hmal, the Attleboro Higll whiz. AgainstEig Boys Coach 'Sa, Lombardo is very bigh on both, as one might ex'Pect, but for different reasons. "Alves does so many things with a basketball," Sal volun.teered, "and he's an exceptionally fine shooter. Araujo I Tegard as my best defensive player, a real ,hounddog who -I assign to the other club's top scorer." As a case in point, Dean'-soen~ ter, .6.:3 Pau" O'Sullivan of ,Brockton, suffered a 'broken hand against Leicester and had to sit out much of the last half of the season. In the game following the injury, Ara~jo was "forced into the pivot and given the unenviable tas1l: of guarding 6~6 'Charlie Stead, the former Rindge Tech phenoDl. Playing like be owned Stead, .AraiUo held the ~ant to apal.trs 8 points.

Alves is always explosiv.e. lie can kill the opposition when he's <In the target. "He was particularly 'mul'Cle.r' in winning eff<Jrts against the Harvard and 'St. Alselm's Frosh," Sal pointed out. "'And his pas~ "Work, at times, iborders 'on the -aazzlin·g." Dean's biggest problem acooodjng to Lombardo, was not that DeaDbeat themselv.es btrt that most :;of :the ,clubs they £ared were too big. Right now, Lombardo is on the 'Dl'owl far 'at least one good ;big man to ,go a'l-ortg with . his holdov.ers, .especially the A boys, G~ochmal .and Steve Manogue !If Middleboro. Will Be Teachers

Both Ah>es and Araujo are pointing towara teaching careers. SkiJ;> "Wants 'to teac'h social.stu-die. and coach baskie:tball. The "9CIll 'of Mr:. :and J\ixs. Julio Alves of 16 Washington Street, "Skip" is ;taking a straight liber.al ;aritg program. Don, san of Mr. ~ Mrs. W.Hson .Anuj!l .of ·6 Cottage Street, jg taking the "p'hysical cducati.o:n progr.am. He 'hopesto be :a ;phy.s (ad :instructor .and coach basketball, too. Both boys are members of Our Lad,y of Assumption parish, a hasketball power in eyO circles. Yet, .oddly enough., neither has had an opportunity to play with Assumption. for four straight .:rears, Diocesan kingpins. Both would have 1J.'ked to, but under high school rules were ineligible. Wen disciplined athletes, .and real gentlemen, on and off the floor, Skip and Don .should .go far in the teaching field. After Dean's two .year program, leadi~g to the Associate of Arts degree, both hope to continue tbeir studies at four y.ear colleges. Right now, Alv.es is thinking in terms of the University of Rhoqe Island. Araujo is looking t~ either Howard University ill Washington, D. C., or :the University "f Bridgeport for .their pbysical education programs. For the time being though, tb~ are content to De teammates d'" Dean and reminisce, DOW and then, about these New Bedford Hl.gll- Vocational High hardwood battles. They take turns ceWnc ~n .(be last werd.




THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 7, 1963

"Sterilization Bill In Maryland


Lay Missionaries Prove Relevance Of Church

ANNAPOLIS (NC) - A bill which would permit sterilization has been introduced in the \ Maryland General Assembly. Delegate Russell O. Hickman" of Worcester, who introduced the bill, said it is identical with a law now in effect in Virginia. He said there is nothing compulsory about its provisions and that it requires a 30-day waiting period before an operation is performed. The Virginia legislation was "denounced as immoral by Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington and Bishop John J. Russell of Richmond, Va. The bill would permit sterilization at the request of a person over 21 years of age or for a minor under court order.

OMAHA (NC) - 'rne lay missionary movement i s proof that the Church is "alive, relevant and up-to-

date," the codirector of the Latin America Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Conference, said here. Msgr. William J. Quinn of Chi('ago made the remark at a departure ceremony for two lay missionarIes headed for assignments in Chile. During the ceremony Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan of Omaha presented mission crosses to Dorothy Conry, Omaha, and Dr. John Keenan, St. Paul, Minn. In his talk Msgr. Quinn deHunger Campaign scribed the lay missionary movePARIS (NC)-France's Assem. ment as "a giant stride forward." bly of Cardinals and Archbishops "This work is important for has called on French Catholics OPEN COMMUNITY·SAVlNG DRIVE: The bells of St. Mary's Church, Dunkirk, N.Y., laymen not just because others to make a special sacrifice dursignal the start of a community-wide fund drive to finance a new industrial plant in an ing Freedom From Hunger will be benefited or the cause of the Church advanced," he area hard-hit by economic decline. The bulk of the funds for a new steel-lproducing plant- Campaign Week March 18 to 24 said. "It i.s necessary for the lay $1.8 million-came from the Area Redevelopment Administration of the U. S. Department to help the campaign. The five.,.. .. people themselves in seeking of Commerce. In 10 days, Dunkirk oversubscribed its own quota, raising $575.000 to in- year campaign was started by perfection." the United Nations Food and sure the opening of a plant that will mean 160 jobs. Shown ringing the bells are, from the Agriculture Prompt Aid Organization in 1960 Archbishop Bergan said he left, Daniel Kennedy, Paul Norris, and Mike Kennedy, while Father Leo Vanstan, pastor, to focus the world's attention on hopes some day to establish a looks on. NC Photo. the problem of hunger. parish in Latin America staffed by Omaha priests assisted by lay volunteers from the archdioOPEN MONDAY Thru FRIDAY cese. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Stressing the need for prompt aid to the Church in Latin AmerSATURDAYS UNTIL·6 P.M. ica, he c0mmented that "if we lose the Church there, we lose one-third of the world's CathoWASHINGTON (NC) lics." The House Education ComArchbishop Bergan said he mittee will divide into three was reminded of a bishop at a l'ession of the Ecumenical Coun- subcommittees for more cil who, rising after other speak- hearings on President Kennedy's ers had referred to the "glorious omnibus bill for aid to educaChurch" and the "conquering tion. This decision reportedly was Church," declared: "This is not true. It is the suf- made in a closed meeting of the fering, the impoverished, the committee in order to get more dying Church unless we supply detailed testimony on each of it with the Blood of our living the 24 programs in the PresiLord." den't big proposal. The action confirms an informal understanding with witnesses who 'already have testified, most of whom told - the committee they expected to return with more specific analyses. MONTREAL INC) - Writers The past three weeks of have a special role in the Church hearings were designed chiefly today, Paul Emile Cardinal "to receive opinion on whether Leger sald here. the bill should be kept in its preThe Archbishop of Montreal, sent form or separated into writing in the first issue of the several measures. It will be kept Challenge, English - language as one bill. Catholic monthly, said writers Despite the committee's inten"must first take a lively inter- tion, the sessions continually est in the Church ;md become veered onto the question of in-· personally involved in her apos- eluding church-related and other tolate so that they will convey private elementary and seconda true picture of what she is." ary schools in the bill. "To do this," Cardinal Leger At present, these schools are said, "they must do more than out. Public schools, however, . . cite facts and relate events. Be- would be given $1.5 billion in hind the vrdinary facts of history four years for "selective and and beyond the passing scene urge~t improvement." they must be able to reveal For Equal Oonsideration something of the mysterious reThe absence of aid to private ality whid·o is the Church." education undoubtedly will be "This can be done when Christ discussed more intensely when lives in the hearts of the writers subcommittee hearings begin. and when their hearts are in Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt, turn fashioned and expanded by director of the education departHim." ment of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, has told the committee he is prepared to return. Continued from Page One Noting in his recent testimony bility of membership, especially that witnesses were limited to -among those whose circum- lO-minute statements, the Monstances of life would not permit signor said this was not time for them to live together, much less a "complete evaluation" of legiswear distinctive uniform or lation "of such importance to Where The Savings Made Possible by Mason's Carload Factory garb. In all this, however, a cer- education and of such serious Purchases Combined With Mason's Low Rent Warehouse tain flexibility would still meet implications to millions of citithe varied needs of places and zens." Location Are Passed Along To You In The Form of Lower times. Prices. The NCWC, the Citizens for Council Problem Educational Freedom and one or The problem confronting the two others, chiefly representaCouncil Fathers is how to use tives of the booming Jewish this apostolate of secular in- parochial school mov~ment, will stitutes more effectively in diourge equal consid,~ration for priceses. vate elementary and secondary A sure way of aiding the total schools. apostolic program of a diocese is to inform the Ordinary of the Marian Congress personnel, training and skills of FATIMA (NC)-The permadiocesan groups of secular institute members and to show nent committee for international ,ry willingness to serve the needs of Marian congresses has decided a the diocese according to capacity world congress will be held here "New England's Largest Furniture Showroom" in 19--· to mark the 50th anniand circumstances. The wise policy of the Church versary of the apparitions of PLYMOUTH AVE. at RODMAN ST. - FALL RIVER - ACRES OF FREE PARKING Our Lady in this Portuguese vilhas always been to permit inilage it was announced here. tiative, to direct it and use it.

House to H'ear More Testimony On School Aid

Writers Have Special Role

The Furniture Wonderland of the East

Secular Groups


Terms To Fit The Most Modest Incomes






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