
Page 1

Law Will Decide Who Will Die


NEW YORK (NC)-From across the ocean and across the continent came recog. nized authorities to join with New Yorkers in opposing "wit,h f.acts, not emotion" pro­ posals to limit the state's abortion laws. A British member, of Parliament charged that abortion reform was similar to nazi laws of the Hitler regime that legalized execution of the handicapped and un­ . . , wanted' by the state. An Abortion Law at a public hear­ ly handicapped people put his . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . Episcopal priest from Cali- ing here. . hand on his heart and say: 'These Fall River, M~ss., Thursday, March' 7, 1968 forniaheld"abortionisnoth­ t. Mrs . JtUl Knigbht, a ConsBe;va- ;:P~~n~~:~d~o right to live?'"

V O I• 12, N0 • 10


1968 The Anchor

'''400' <J.

P""'ICE 10c

New Curia Regulations In Effect March 1

' year .



Ive par y mem er f rom Irm­ • h am,, E n gl an, "d mad e a s t·In g ­ "I firmly believe that they 'ng • t th ey Ing indictment of abortion law h ave such a r i g ht and th a', ' th em t 0 th e find their oWn ways to enjoy ch anges, l I' k enmg '1 life's blessings. Nature has de­ nazI. 1aws w h'IC h s1aught ere d ml­ lions f or th e sak e 0 f a "super nied -them so much', should man " deny them life itself?" Mrs. race. She com,pared them to the Knight added. "Nazi Germany, of course, nazi laws that legalized execu­ tion of the physically and mental­ 'thought man certainly should. ly handIcapped and those other­ Turn to Page Fourteen wise unwanted by the state. In considering abortion, the question is raised, she said: "Is .it right to kill a human being because he is not physically per­ fect?" "Can anyone who has seen and talked to blind people" or spas:" tics, paraplegics or even mental-

ing but murder." A ;Baltl'more medl'cal specI'al­ 1st called abortion a form of "mercy killing," and no different than "in:fanticide." These conyictions were ex­ pressed in testimony given to 'C' . th 'e G overnor s omffilSSlOn on

P h · ISh I aroc Stu'dents Score

Above Average

VATICAN CITY (NC}-A new series of regu]ations 10 C 00 governing the working conditions in the offices of the Roman Curia have fixed the ages of retirement, working hoprs and others matters, including the abolition of a long-stand-inganoyance-the time clock and signing in and' out. The new regulations con­ PHILADELPHIA (NC)­ sist of 130 articles and went More than 46,000 students in into effect March 1; The 'rules Catholic elementary schools were officially described as be­ . took part last year in stan­ (~'

... ......._"._.... .ABBI SAMUEL RUDERMAN

Stonehill Names Ra.bbi Rudermon To Faculty Strongly ecumenical Stone­ hill College, a Catholic In­ Iftitution, has appointed a prominent area Jewis'h rabbi 60 the faculty to teach in the Dteology Department. Rabbi Turn to Page Seven

ing neither a "great novelty" dardized tests which revealed nor a "revolution." . that children in the Philadel­ The rules are to be common phia archdiocesan, system scored to all curial offices but each will well above national norms. draw up its special norms ac­ Father David Walls, assistant cording to its special works. superintendent of schools, said The general norms aim at estab­ the 21,134 eighth grade students lishing common levels of equal­ scored an average of two years ity among the higher officials above the national average in of each Qffice and equality of reading, languge arts and math­ salaries throughout the Curia, ematics. depending on the grade of the The 25,505 fourth grade stu­ persons involved. dents in parochial elementary Retirement schools last year scored an av­ The retirement age for higher erage of one-and-a-half years supel,"iors, such as the substitute above national norms in the secretary of state, secretaries of same subjects. congregations and others is set In mathematics, Father Walls as of the 74th year. said, above average class rec-_ Other major officials, such as ords were compiled by 318 out undersecretaries and employees of 326 elementary schools in the of lesser rank, are to retire at archdiocese. While higher aver­ the age of 70. ages were generally reported in Cardinal prefects of Curial. .suburban schools, inner city offices have no retirement age" schools were either above or but they will hold their. offices slightly below national averages. only for a five-year period,' All Children Accepted renewable at the. will of the The test results were revealed Pope. in testimony by Father Paul Pastoral Work Curran" assistant superintendent All priests employed in the of schools, before the Pennsyl­ Curia' are to be associated with vania House of Representatives Tum to Page Seven . Turn to Page Five 0


Ask Financial Aid For Non-Public School Students SPRINGFIELD (NC) ­ The Illinois Federation of Citizens for Educational Freedom has asked a state legislative committee here to support a bill which would pro­ vide educational grants for the benefit of children in non-pub­ lic schoois. . The CEF recommended $100 grants be paid to the parents or guardians of an children in ac­ credited non-public high shools and $50 for those in grammar schools. George P. Smith, a member of the CEF national board of trus­ tees, testified in behalf of the grants at a public hearing held by the state commission on school problems. Noting that some 20 per cent of the children in Illinois are educated in non-public schools,


Physician Speak.s In, Cape Parish Dr. James F. McCourt, resi­ dent psychologist at the Brock­ ton Veteran Administration Hos­ pital, will speak .this . coming Sunday evening at 7:45 in the St. Joan of Arc Parish School, Bridge Road, Orleans, on Deal­ ing, With Present-Day Tensions. The talk is open to the public and those not of the Catholic Faith are invited to attend. There will be an opportunity after the talk for questions and discussion. ..'



Trw fortowing copyrighted editorial by Malcolm S. Forbes,



pubished in the March 1 i8sue of Forbes, one of the nation's leading business maga­ zinetf, i8 reprinted with the permission of Forbes: The fight in states and cities over extend­ equal aid ro individual students-regardless m whether they are in public or private schools --in such matters as busing, nutrition and so :t?ol'th seems unending. Multiple court decisions have often clouded rather thallll clarified the ~onstitutional argument. ~g

Famous last words.

Because there's a mighty good chance that in many major cities and states these Catholic schools now educating tens of thousands of IlIA the course of these battles Catholics -~Qungsters may be aiscontinued.· ))Oint out the enormous sums the average tax­ payer is saved booau~ of. tb vast system @f Not for reasons of rhetoric, but for rea­ I£tholie schoolls sons that are understandable and valid. RighteouSp rlgl/ltRst Protestants stand. em There are not enough trained Catholic nuns, 8!l?I Constitationa1l principle even' in peripheral priests, laymen to meet staffing needs. Costs /Ilrguabie matte~' aoo declaim tl1nat the cost have so. skyrocketed that the "return" in the _UieJl"lJ DOt. fOirm of religious awareness from a Catholic

education' seems increasingly less worth the enormity of effort and expense. Just as they are regular in attendance at Mass, practicing Catholic parents are reason­ ably sure to see that their publicly schooled young regularly attend Sunday parish classes in catechism and religious instruction. To be sure, particular Catholic educational institutions will certainly be maintained, prob­ ably at a better-than-ever level. But vast city systems of Catholic grammar schools, junior high schools and high schools are very much under the gun. Study groups of the most em­ inent and informed Catholics are pondering the problem and preparing recommendations The tax implications for all residents of cities and states with sizable Catholic school systems is sobering indeed. Governor Rockefeller is said to have told one member of such a Catholic study group in New York. "For God's sake don't do it!" To which the rest of us, regardless of Faith or faithlessness, can utter a fervent Amen.

BC Is· Helping One in Th',ee "

,TtiE AN'cHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7,1968 , r ' . ,


Roc·hester·: Parish' G·iff:.", Back to' Diocese'" Again: .




CHES~UT :Hn.L (NC) \ ­ BOston College students are re­ ceiving moi'ethan$5 million ilill financial aid through· scholar­ ships, grants-in-aid, loans anell employment, according'to Father Michael P. Walsh, S.J.. presi­ dent. More than one-third of tho 3,500 enrollment .of undergr~d­ uate and graduate students re­ ceive aid totaling $5,009,902. The largest amount of aid is in un­ dergraduate scholarships which total $1 million· and are up 16 per. cent since last year. Other funds are granted for graduate scholarships, assistantships, tui­ tion reductions and remissioDB and campus employment.


ROCHESTER (NC) ' - Things have reverted to the. status qu<>-'--8t. Bridget's parish here is back in business at the same old stand under the same old management. The parish weI1,t through a hootic four days before Rochester's B ish 0 p . Fulton J. Sheen ohanged his mind and de­ church .and school," Father VOg'! eided agains,t donating the said. "We have 2,000 Puerto Ri­ arish to the United StaJtes cans in the parish, and the school P is the most important thing in

government to benefi,t the poor. the neighborhood. If we can give

Father Francis H. Vogt, St. the children a good education, Bridget's pastor, announced at that's the most important tl\ing Sunday Masses to his parishion­ we can do." ' ers that parish life and opera­ tions would go on as usual­ Reaction against the bishop's that the bishop had changed his decision mounted as word spread mind. There was no stateme!lt . through the parish. and the di­ from Bishop Sheen. ocese. Te~chers It started Ash Wednesday. A group of pickets, including a

Bishop Sheen announced the di­ number of girl students from

C~((JH~ises ocese, in' observing the penitenti­ Monroe Community College,.

al Lenten season, would donate picketed the chancery office in Sr. Maureen Francis, assistant

downtown St. Bridget's parish a protest. There were calls and principal at Stang High School to the U.S. government. He spe-. letters sent to the chancery proand Sr. Mary St. Michael, sci­ cified only that the gift should te~ting the bishop's' action. . ence and mathematics teacher be used to serve the ~r. He There was a letter signed by at the No. Dartmouth Diocesan designated the gift to the U.S. 130 priests of the diocese which High SChool are enrolled in the 'DepartmEmt of Housing and Ur­ protested:·It' Pointed' 'ou( that Can:lpbell School, ~ew Bedford, : bllD Development (HUD). the bishop made his decision for special courses on the lin­ . H U D Secretary Robert C. .' without prior' consultation With . .' pact of" Data-Processing , "in Weaver 'described the bishop's' the clergy, Religious' and laity S,][,~ ANTHONY ALUMNi : RecE!iving Holy Communion ,'. School Administration. . ' donation as "excellent; 'feasiDle of the parish' and the diocese and '. :as group. New 'Bedford Paroohfal High School Alumni .The co~rse is .b~iilg co~dJic~ed l and most desirable." He pledged stressed this is' contrary' to 'cur- . ' .. d' . A"1" 'A' " t" . t~" .. ' . 'h" d' f ..,; ,.... ': 'al on ' ~2 ,co.nse.c~tive Sa,tllrday HUD 'would, use the gif.t to'the . r-ent procedUre in sllchimpottant "an ': ,u~nae SSOCla Ion .,en.. g~t ere. 9r .ltsannq ." mormngs'and. <:onsists in a se~ies maJiimum',to upgrade t~e' area 'matters. ., ' ' ' . ' ' "" CommUnIOn banquet. At, the ral1mg: Mrs. .f\lfredLafleur, of '1~ures aJ1d 4em6nstrati'q'hs. and its residents as . "a; mOdel" . M~~r ,the.' ~~Jirt~' d,ay' .0CP~0­ 'presid~nt, .aI?d Mrs: Paul' Letourneau,,·'oommittee ,member. ,t: ,"The topiCs "tre:ated are teafh·,~hich can be duplicaf,ed in.other, t~sts .(Ma,rch.. I) Bishop' .SJ;leen Standmg 'IS Commi,ttee member Alfred' L a f l e u r . - " , ing data-procE!Ssl~g on the H.I,gh eommunities. ,.'. dis~atched Msgr. Oharles "B,gyle •'" .. . . ... \ ~. "'." ' .... , '.,," .. ' ,School . lev~r~.. ~~ste~ of d.a~­ _The bishop's announcement. to call on Father Vogt. The mon­ 'h' • ,:,.<ji :'; ,,' '" . '''.:' "proc~SSJD~~ sclieduli,ng ~or ,.~he took .even Father Vogt, ·who "'. ' .,. ". ., ... ,. .. . '''~. .~ . ' . . ,''';i ~.~~. in secondary and test . .., has ". SIgnor. ~~tif.~,~ ,.th~ pastq_,: 1;Qat ' , ' 'and' .....scliool; "'11.:;'slB....., :: .'scor­ ..1­ ,been at St. Bridget's 14 years, the bishop had recinded his ac­ ' ." ' .... ' '. .....'. ana .7 g the last seven as pastor, by. com- tion, .that the' p;'lrish would func­ C '. t B'• h' A k' . ··U '., p" plete surprise. He immediately tion in the uSl,lal manner'arid the ' OV I1I1 9 on IS op C erman rges.. arents Necrology 'opposed the bishop's action. The' ~as.tor could so notify t?e par­ 'To' Instill Virtue La'cking in Youth' MAR. 16 parish plant covers 1 Jh acres' in IshlOners. , . ' . .' Rev. )'rancis J. M aloney, . a neighborhood' predominantly HUD Secretary Weaver ,1'S­ 'COVINGTON' (NC) - Bishop" t' by 11 ts' th t populated by Negroes and Puer­ za Ion a our paren ' a to ~icans. sued a statement, saying he un­ Richard H. Ackerman of Cov- the discipline arid the peace'and . S.T.L., .1957, Pastor, St. Mary. ~erstood the situation' and the ingtori'has' urged 'parents to goodness of Nazareth must once ' No. Attleboro School Important bishop's decision. teach their children respect, "8 again be found".' in all our· MAR. 19 "There- is enough property Father Vogt made the an­ virtue . wh~ch is ~adly lacking .homes."

R,ev. John J. McQuaide, 1905, around withqut, taki~g . the no'uncemEmt. to the parishiOners not only m s.o many of our

Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton'.' at the Sunday Masses and· St. you~h but also ~~ our older genMe.morial Mass

Bridget's parish reverted' to the eratlOn a~ well. '

MAR. 20 Court Turns Down status q u o . ' . .The BIshop made his. appeal . Rt. Rev, Hugh A. Gallagher, n.~v.· Francis A. Mrozinski, in a pastoral letter on Lent. P,A.,.pastor of St. James Church, . He 'stressed that Christian New Bedford, and chaplain for 1951, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New 'Catholic C.O. Case' · education is primarily' the duty '. the Ancient Order' of Hibernians Bedford. WASHINGTON (NC) - With University Council of parents· arid asked the parents and .the Auxiliary, will offer a dissents from two justices, the Has' F,ive Students of the diocese to' look to Naza­ Memo~al. Mass 'at 11 Sunday United States ·Supreme Court turned down the case of ST. LOUIS. (NC) .-,- Five St. rethas a model for .their homes. morning, March 17, in St. "re:q~REY Discussing the respect shown James Church, New Bedford. Stephen Spiro, ,'a Catholic con- Louis University students have All departed. members of· both FURerol Dome, scientious objector sentenced to been'. added to ·the university throughout the life· of the Holy Fa~ily, Bishop Ackerman said: .organizations will be remem­ two years in prison for failing councU:-the highest all-univer­ 550 Locust Street "Perhaps it may seem ,that I b.ered in.. ,the Mass. to report to his Hackensack, .sity academic body, it was an" have· elaborated too extensively FaD River. Mass. N. J., draft board for induction nounced ,here. ,. into' the armed forces. " Father ,Paul. C. Reinert, S.J., · the need ,of helping' our chiidren 672-2391 The high court's refusal to university president, said· "as to' acquire' and practice' the vir­ OIROUR,KE tue of ·respect. I have done so Rose E. Sullivan hear the case reaffirms Spiro's , far as· we can determine ·this is . sentence handed dbwD. Oct. 20, ., .the. largest number of voting . only', to contribute to the reali­ Jeffrey E. SullivaJI 1967, by the 3rd U. S. Circuit,. student, representatives on any 571 Second Street . Court of" Appeals in philadel­ university council. This:- new Seminary Training ,at. phia. Justices 'Hugo Biack and arrangement should give the .Fall River, Mass. William O. Douglas dissented students ~ continuing opportu­ Home High School - , 679:.6072 " from the brief order announced nity to express their opinons LANSING (NC)-····Manpower MICHAEL J. McMAHON"· by the court, although there' and desires. in those areas of -Home Seminary Pro'gram," a were no .'?pinion§ published on university life 'with which they new: approach to: the early train­ ,licelJs,ed. Funeral Director, either side. '. are ~ost vi~ally concerned." .Registered Embc:.lmer. ing of young men interested in ThE! five' students- will serve the' priesthood, will be· inaugu­ ~##;.;~_ until Aug. 31. This Spring, the rated in the Lansing diocese.' ',~. student congrells will elect five ..~ . ,,~, "Priest~I...S~nllJte new representatives to' serve . r~ther .William J. Fitzgerald, . diocesim' . director 'of the home .. ~h~ P~ie!lts' ,Sen~ie of.ih~ Di­ one year terms starting, Sept. 1. .' seminary' program, said that DOANli·B£.AL·AMt:S INCOR.PoR.A,""O ocese ,will meet at-'l:30, . Friday young men who prefer to em'oll J~,~ERAl HOME. INC. ~ afternoon, March 8, at the Cath- : Mass Ordo in a seminary may still cio so, ',. It. Marcel Roy ~ G. Lorraine Roy olic Memorial Home in Fall .F~DAY~:& m ,p e r Friday in "but w,e believe that there are .. Roger laFrance· . Rf~er~ · real advantages to the develop­ 'Lent, II Class. Violet. "­ , FUNERAL DIRECTORS SATuRDAY..::....Ember Saturday ment of young men ·to· live· at • HYANNIS' \ I home with their family and par- / 15 Irvington' Ct. in Lent.. II. Class. Violet. • HARWICH PORT SUNDAY - Second -Sunday of ticipate in the life of the local New Bedford • SOUTH YARMOUTH Lent. I Class. Violet: Mass high school and its diverse ac­ .' '995-5166 FORTY HOURS .Proper; Creed'; Preface, .of tivi ties.~' Lent. '. :

DEVOTION MONDAY-Monday of second

Mar. I~Holy FamilY,Taun-

YOUR.5 TO LOV': AND TO GIVEI Week of Lent. III Class. Vio­ '\l. . . ton. . . . let. the Iit~ .. ot a DAUGHTER Of sf PAUL Love Goll Our Lady of ,Perpetual TUESDAY-Tuesday of Second more, and give to' souls knowledge and love 07 FUNIERAL HOME Help, New Bedford. . God'by serving Him in a Mission which 'uses thE! Week ·ofLent. III ,Class. Vio- '. Press, Radio. Motion Pictures' ~nc 'nl. to llrinp let. . 469 LOCUST STRIEET H!s Woro to souls' evervwhere.- :eal.ou~ vounr. WEDNESDAY - Wednesday 'of girls 14-23 vears· mterested.i(l this ,UniqUE' FALL RIVER, MASS. 't:E ANCHOIl Second Week ,of' Lent. III . I Ap.os.tolate may write to: , .: Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River . Class. Violet. . 672-3381 Mass. Published 'every Thursday' at 411i REVEREND, MOTHER SUPERIOR .. Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 THURSDAY-Thursday of Sec­ Wilfred C. James E; '. . DAUGHTERS OFSl, PAUL ' oy the Catholic Pre.s of the Dio~ese of Fall ond Week of Lent' III Class Driscoll , Sullivqn, ~r.. ,sq ST. ,PAUl:S AVE., . . .BOSTON 3D, MASS ~~~~ ~~b;~~~lion price by mal~~ p~~!~id '_ ... , Violet. . '.'

Stang Attend


T eac ". ""h' It:·espect



Fune,al Home'

- ... • ,-










D. SUIUW«ll118 & Sons

President's' Plan For Cities Gets


,Schedule Jewish Study Institutes

Li~tle '~espon'se

WASHlNGTON (NC) ~ President· Lyndon B. John­ 90n told Congress there was "no time to lose" in enacting the multi-billion-dollar plan to aid the nation's cities which he unveiled on Washington's Birth­ day: But there was no indication that Congress shared his en­ thusiasm. While the big-city mayors and the nation's \ home-building industry were busy praising the plan - which would, among other things, provide 26 million new homes in the next 10 years -two influential Congressmen were busy voicing their reser­ vations. Rep. Wright Patman of Texas chairman of the House Banking Committee, said he didn't like the President's proposal to raise the six per cent ceiling on FHA and VA mortgage rates. Rep. Wilbur Mills of Arkan­ sas, chairman of the Tax-writing W~ys and Means Committee, 81Hd he didn't like President Johnson's attempt to couple the long-installed 10 per cent in­ come tax surcharge to the urban legislation. N~body else said anything. The urban program, issued at the Texas White House where the President was spending a long holiday weekend, is cen­ tere,d around' the Housing and Urb;lD Development Act. of 1968, wholle goal is to help build 26 million new housi,ng uni.ts in 10 years. six million of these would re­ place slum housing units-,-that's 10 times the present replace­ ment rate. ' Cost $10 Billion Under the bill, 300,000 units would be started in fiscal 1969; 100,000 of them for low-income families aided by partial mort­ gage interest subsidies; 75,000 new public housing units; 35,000 new units under the rent sup­ plement program, and 90,000 new rental units for moderate­ income families. In all, the package would cost government and private in­ dustry about $10 billion. In addition to asking for money, the President also re­ peated his plea for fair housing legislation and issued his strongest recent endorsement of the Office of Economic Oppor­ tunity. The war on poverty, he said, "must be pressed, with renewed emphasis on the most critical needs of the poor." His urban message strength­ ened the President's apparent efforts to involve private indus­ try in alleviating the problems of the cities.

Suggest Catholics R~vise Inner Unity STOCKHOLM (NC)-In the ecumenical climate in which non-Catholics are seeking unity Ilnd Catholics are entering into dialogue with them, Catholics must "revise their idea of inner unity," the bishops of Scandi­ navia said in II joint Lenten Pastoral. Noting that many Catholics "fear that the unity of the Church is threatened," the bish­ ops said that "this unity has become more filled with ten­ sion than it has been for a long time in the history of the Church." When faith is challenged" the pastoral said, the bishops want to gi ve CaithoMes "'a deeper in­ eight into that faith." The pas­ toral urged "Eucharistic re­ newal in our parishes" because "'in the EUCharistic real unity ill realized."


Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968



"111.1' ,,'



. DIRECTO~S OF SPECIAL GIFTS FOR cce: Heading the committee in three sec­ tIOns of the DIocese for the Annual Catholic Charities Appeal scheduled for May 5-15 are: Rt. Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, pastor of Our Lady of the Angels Parish Fall River' ~ev. James F. McOarthy, assistant at St. John's, Attleboro; Rev. Roger' ~ Due, a~, BIstant at Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro.

Urges Patience With Renewal of Church 'Impatience Is Weakness' Archbishop Says CALGARY (NC)-·Archbishop Emanuela Clarizio, apostolic delegate to Canada, has cau­ tioned Catholics to be patient in the, "continual reformation" of the Church. During a talk to priests of the Calgary diocese, the Pope's rep- .. resentative said confidence in the. Church "is going through a graye crisis." " He ended his talk by thank­ ing the'thousands of priests and Sisters who "against the-' storms of time have remained faithful to their spiritual duties, 'giv:ing such "great good ,example of what can be done when' our ac­ tion is based upon fai th." - ,

Archbishop Clarizio is on a tour of western Canada. O.n the question of renewal, he said: "Patience is the daugh­ ter of Christian fortitude, of courage which inspires faith, while impatience is weakness." Duty of Priests , He ,told the priests that they haV:e the responsibility to do more than' "deplore ,tha'!' which appears ~s deficient in the Church as an jnstrhition.'~ "We must better our own ac­ ,tion,s whis:h Wi!l already'be a great good for the Church, since, all 'together, we are responsible for' her holiness." ' He said they would find the

Fall' River· Parish Presents Talks On Marriage' and Family ,Life ss. Peter and Paul Parish hi Fall River is' presenting a series of four talks on marriage and family relationships beginning nex,t Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Church Hall on Dover Street. The first talk of this Cana

series programs will be on the Husband-Wife relationship and is titled "Being husband and wife doesn't mean war." • The other talks will take place on succeeding Wednesday nights. On ,March 20 the talk will, dis­ cuss the Parents-Young Child relationship and is c a II e d, "Here's the baby-how to raise him." The talk on March 27 is "Parents and teenagers can get along" and is ,on the Parents­ Young Adult relatio~ship. The final talk on April 3 is for young adults only and is called "Can 10\1 live with your parents."

Admission is free and is open to both 'parishioners and those

outside the parish. Discussion and, quesions, and answers wiU follow each talk. Speakers will be Mr. John M. Clements, case supervisor of the

New Bedford Catholic Welfare Bureau, Rev. John F. Hogan, Catholic Welfare Bureau Direc­

tor of New Bedford and Cape

Cod, and Rev. John P. Driscoll, assistant at SS. Peter and Paul. Fathers Hogan and Driscon are members of the Diocesan Family Life Bureau. All three speakers have had experience in marriage counselling and talks to youth.

Requests $50,000 T~ Relieve Hunger

, EDMONTON (NC) - ' Arch­ bishop Anthony Jordan of Ed­ ~onton has asked the people of Laymen Ask Bishop his archdiocese ,to raise $50,000

for the relief of hunger in the'

,Act on Civil Rights, woi-ld through self-denial during


-Members of the Long Island I~ a pastoral, the archbishop, '.Association of Laymen have urged Rockville Centre's Bishop said: "Let our Lenten gift be Walter P. Kellenberg to take the resulit of our own hunger; can we not eat less every day of "two steps to implement racial Lent, becoming thereby involved equality in this suburban New in the hunger of children, wo-" York diocese. men and men of the world, and Members urged Bishop Kel­ give our gift of money at the lenberg to issue a public state­ of Lent as the evidence of ment in behalf of open housing end our own hunger?" and called on him to introduce

The money be collected

Project EquaUty into fhe diocese. Project Equality is a program in parishes for relay to the new

Ca_nadian Catholic Organization,

founded by ~e National Cath­ oliic Conference for Interracial :llor Development and Peace. The

organization has launched a

Justice. It aims to use the ec­ onomic power of dioceses and "Share Lent '68" program "to

church groups to influence fait' convince Canadians that they

employment prac1Jces among must share their goods to aid

the world's hungry."

oompanies willh the churches.

SOUTH ORANGE (NC) .....: Three institutes of Jewish stud­ ies will be held on Catholic col­ lege campuses this Summer, ac­ cording ,to" the Secretaria't for Catholic-Jewish Relations of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The first institute, to be cOn­ ducted at Marymount College, Tarrytown, N.Y., June 9-21, will be directed by Dr. Michael Zeik, professor in the Oriental Studies program a,t Marymount, ,and Dr. Joseph Lichten of the Anti-Dt:'­ famation League of B'nai B'rith. Wheeling College, W. Va. will sponsor its second annual insti­ tute, June 30-July 12, directed ,by Rabbi Martin Siegel. A third program, directed by Sister Rose Albert Thering, O.P., will be held at Barat College, Lake For­ est, Ill., Aug. 4-16. The programs will continue the work of the first institutes designed primarily for special­ ized students and educators held last Summer at Wheeling Col­ lege and St. Meinrad, Ind., and in Dubque, in cooperation with the' Association of Theological Faculties in Iowa.

true answer to the present "questioning of the priesthood" in their faith in Christ-the­ priest. On the crisis of confidence, the Apostolic Delegate said that Plan Encyclopedia

for certain people faith in In' Every Parish

Christ has a, tendency to disas­ , WASHINGTON (NC) The sociate itself from adherence to board of directors of the Nation­ the .Church. , H~ cautioned agaidst judging' al Council of Catholic Women or questioning the sincerity of has endorsed a project promot­ priests who, have ,left the ing: the New Catholic Encyclo­ Church because -they believed ped!a. The NCCW 'board will urgle change was' not ,taking ,place presidents of dioceSan councils quickly enough. ~e said /itiS the duty of of Catholic wbmen to endorse plans to place a IS-volume New pri~sts to help others who might be influenced by emotional Catholic Encyclopedia in every criticisms of the Church so that parish a! the!r dioceses. their confidence is shaken. Mrs. John Shields, national president of NCCW, said that 'Planning Interfaith supplying parishes with the en­ is an "indispensable Dialogue in Can'ada cyclopedia step toward putting Vatican TORONTO (NC) - Canadian Council II and its implementa­ Lutheran and Catholic repre­ tion within the ready grasp of sentatives have agreed to open all the living Church." ,national-level dialogue on doc­ trinal, spiritual and practical matters of mutual concern. The "Hope is the dream first session is scheduled here of a man awake." next Nov. 3. The national talks will be preceded by regional studies in Montreal, Toronto and Saska­ toon. The regional studies will be prepared by two or three representatives of each church. Similar dialogues have ill ready been held in Europe and in the United States where they were begun almos,t thrE~e years ago., '

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Three-Fourths of States Have App~~~ed. \ Medi~aid Prog~am~

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, }968.

Com.,,~nds Father Chale·t's:·'.···: N~w

Approach to Prayer

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy A book of pecu)i.ar strength and beauty comes to us from F'ather Francis Ohalet, a French priest who has pursued two careers in tandem: teaching languages in a' seminary and an active apostolate· among people of the working class. He is now chaplain to a project aimed present circumstances. It is recommended to those at rehabilitatirig prostitutes. warmly of all ages and conditions. His book, translated by 'Listen Pilgrim' Mary Ilford, is called Cries from the Heart (Sheed and Ward, 64 University Pl., New York, N.Y. 10003. $3.95). It might be called a prayerbook, w hie h would probably kill the interest of many. Rather, let us call it a book of prayers and say at once that from it any one can learn a DeW approach to prayer. It is introduced by a letter to "Henry, Michael, Lucille, and aM the others.". People, that is, whom he has met ill. the course 01. his work. They are 'luite ordinary folk. ' "-r can't -pray!' That's what yeu've all told me some time or another." But it seemed to him that the very words of anguish, puzzlement, pleading w h i c h they addressed to him, were really prayers misdirected, or could readily be turned into proper prayers. Psalms Pertinent For, as he' read the Psalms, after the day's appointments, it occurred to him that everything which people had just been saying to him had been better put in the Psalms many centu­ ries ago. Those who wrote tpe Psalms had their troubles and their aspirations to'. God, an4 so prayed readily and power­ fully. . Consequently, Father Chalet has drawn up a representative list of the cries from the heart "'hich People made in his pr~sence, and paired each ex­ ample with one of the Psalms. .The result is to show, often astonishingly, the Psalm's per­ tinence to the plaints and per­ plexities common - to people today, and thus to enable us to turn the water ·of our daily ut­ terance into the wine of prayer. The book has three divisions: "Cries of Distress," "The Voices of Trust," and "The Voices of Joy." There are almost 50 items among these categories. In the English translation, the version of the Psalms is in some in­ stanceS that of the Jerusalem Bible, in some that of the Knox Bible. School of Prayer Father Chalet's ingenious idea "'orks wonderlully. He urges people to tell God exactly how they feel. Tell your fear to God,' he says, tell your disgust; pour out your discouragement, call for help. And then" listen. For each of these moods, and others, he has a Psalm ,which could not. be more apt. Merely repeating it is a great help, be-' cause it makes one realize that one is_ not alone in one's plight. But besides that, there is the forceful expression of one's need to God, and the answering voice orGod, between the lines or in the silence after the Psalm. This book is a little school of prayer, easy and practical. It demonstrates the usefulness of an ancient, unaffected but highly' effective method which has never been surpassed, and needs only to be applied ill

If dialogue, implicit or ex­ plicit, is present 'throughout Cries from the Heart, it is large­ ly absent from Listen, Pilgrim ,by Christopher William Jones (Bruce, 400 N. Broadway, Mil­ waukee, Wis. 53201. $3.95). This is a monologue, and. one in which the "I's" have it. The book has a foreword by CON S U L TOR: Sister Daniel Berrigan; S.J., and a pro­ Mary Orner, superior general logue by Pastor Donald F. An­ derson. It is rather less than of the Sisters of Charity of these two claim it to be. It is Oincinnati,' is one of six Sis­ written by a man who, after ters named by Pope Paul VI being in and out of a number of seminaries, decided, perhaps to be consultors to the Con-. in his mid-twenties, that his gregation for Religious and vocation was to be a pilgrim. Secular Institutes. NC Photo. "The pilgrimage' &f which I speak, then," he tells us,. "is the journey to become one with Being itself." He has moved about from piace to place, meet­ ing ·many People, listening' to' NEWARK (NC) - A massive them, trying til help them, seek­ housing de"elopment will be ing to recognize in each the built under Church auspices in presence of God: ' : the beart of the ghetto area Hits Home where rioting took place last The people he has striven to Summer. serve are mostly the disturbed, The project will be located the unconventional, the down­ on a 45-acre site near Ci.ty Hos­ and-out. He has" worked in a Hospitality House in the Middle piltal, an area where the New West and at'Emmaus House in Jersey College of Medicine and New York. He has endeavored Dentistry will be located. Controversy over the college's to be "radically. availa'ble and radically vulnerable to one's building plans and the fear that ~o provision would be made for brother." There ,is something to !De ihe relocation of residents was learned from what Mr. Jones is one of the proximate causes of saying. In his' clumsy way,' he the rioting. ., The new development will be hUs home quite frequently. 'One could only wish .that he had sponsore<Lby the Newark arch­ diocese'through Queen of An­ avoided impression and exag­ geration both in his ideas and gels parish. Priority will be given ·to residents being dis­ in his diction. . placed by college construction. Fr. Evely's Joy Another book by Father Louis The land involved is part of urban renewal parcels originally Evely is at h;md. Entitled Joy, earmarked for the medical translated. by Brian and Marie'­ Claude Thompson (Herder and school which dropped its land Herder, 232 Madison Ave., New demands from 150 acres to 57 acres. York, N. Y. 10016. $3~50). it is a Some 4,600 persons now live set of reflections on the ap~ ,in the 45-acre tract, but the pearanees of the risen Christ. Father Evely remarks on Church project, called New. something which most of us Community, Inc., will provide homes for 8,000. Many Will be have already noticed: namely, large families which cannot be that we busy ourselves all dur­ accommodated in existing pub­ ing Lent with systematic con­ .lie housing projects. sideration of the sufferings and Gov. Richard J. Hughes death of Christ, but with the pledged he personally will make coming of Easter simply cease the appeal for federal funds, ac­ any particular spiritual activity. cording .to Father William J. And this despite the wonder Linder of Queen of Angels, a and delight of the Resurrection, member of New Community's with its rich matter for ·consid­ board of directors. eration. "Strangely enough, we do not cherish the joy. of God. We are much more inclined to Some ideas here have been mourn with Christ than to re­ encountered . in other books joice with him." from the same hand. But they' Searched Scriptures bear repetition, and are inter­

To right the balance, Fatl)er woven in much more that is

Evely, observing ihat' Christ re­ fresh' and refreshing.

proached only fear and sadness,

and that· sadness really means attchment to self, puts before us the post-Resurrection experi­ ences of M.ary Magdalene, the DISPENSING disciples at Emmaus,. Peter, OPTICIAN Thomas, Paul. He has something Prescriptions to say, in conclusion, of our for Eyeglass•• Lady and of the Ascension. filled The Evely mark is all over Office Hour. these pages. He has reached if 9:DO· 5:00 not ransacked, the Scriptures, except Wed. and pored over every word. Fri. Eve. lIy APPt. Saturday-9-3 This enables him to come up 197 BANII ST., COR. PURCHASE SI. with lights we probably have OPP. F. R. TRUST PARIlING LOT 178.£412 not glimpsed before.

Church' Sponsors Housing Project.:




WASHINGTON (NC)-Medicaid started con Jan. I, 1966,and· . the states have- until Jan. 1, 1970, to qualify for participation. At roughly the half-way mark, 40 ,jurisdictions 37 states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Vir-' gin Islands-have federally ap.proved Medicaid programs. Programs are in the final stages of preparation in South Carolina and the District of Columbia. In the cases of 12 other states none is expected to implement Medicaid in the near future. These states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Coloraoo, ,Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, New 'Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. .States and jurisdictions which do not produce acceptable pro­

grams, by the end of 1969 will

lose out, not only on Medicaid . but also on all federally aided medical assistance programs. Medicaid provides medical care to persons receiving public assistance and to certain other needy people. It is designed to bring medical services to chil­ dren and adults who need it most but cannot afford it. Generally, the largest group of individuals'to benefit from Medicaid are ~y cbildren,

maliy of whom have received

only emergency medical atten­ tion in the past. . BasIc. Services Legislation setting up Medic­ aid requires'that state. programs provide at least five basic serv" ices to the indigent as a begin­ ning for' participation in the plan. These basic services are doc­ tors services; in-patient and out­ patient hospital care, x-ray al)d' laboratory services outside hos­ pitals, and nursing care for adults. In practice, the great preponderance of states provide more than these basic services to indigents in their Medicaid programs. Under the law, the contribu­ tion . the federal government

Conventuals Post For Dean at -CU WASHINGTON (NC)":'-Father Aubert J. Clark, O.F.M. Conv.~ acting dean of the Catholic Uni­ versity of America's school of edlication, has been appointed custos in the Conventual Fran­ ciscans. ' The appointment puts Father . Clark in charge of a geographic subdivision of his community's province. Describing his n~w

job as "trouble-shooting,". the

priest said his main responsibil­

ity will be to report on the state

of the cOplmunity's houses and

churches in his area. Father Clark emphasized his

new post will not affect his p0­

sition' at the university where he is now working on the edu­

cation school's budget and cat­ alogue. .

makes in each instance is deter-" mined by the 'average- per cap­

ita income in the state involved.

In the cases of- five states

which have qualified for Medic­ aid participation in the last four months, federal contributions are approximately as follows: 50 per cent of the cost in Nevada, 54.3 per cent in Oregon, 58 per· cent .in Kansas, 60 per cent in New Hampshire and 73.8 per cent in Missouri. It is estimated that the grand total cost - federal, state and local contributions of the Medicaid program for the fiscai year ending June 30, 1968, will be $3,362.7 million dollars, of which $3,215.7 million will be for services and $147 million for administration.

Saginaw Favor~

.New liturgy SAGINAW (NC)-Catholics of the Saginaw diocese like the "new liturgy," aecording to a

poll taken among their priests. . Eighty-nine'of 91 priests re­ sponding to a -"Survey of Utur­ gical Renewal since the Promul­ gation of the Constitution on the SaCred Liturgy" said reaction to liturgical retilrm bas been gen­ era}ly favorable. ~y also saw the people responding favorably to congregational recitation of responses and prayers. ,Tbe survey was initiated by the U.S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy at the request of Arohbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, president of the Na­ tional Conferenee of Catholic Bishops. It is being conducted in every diocese in the country having a diocesan liturgical Com­ mission. By 90 to one, the Michigan priests believe the iturgical re­ newal has had a positive effect on the understanding, attitudes and participation of the people. Eighty-one priests reported .an increase in the reception of Com": munion since the advent of li­ turgical renewal. 'Three reported a decrease and seven said there was no change. " Eighty-nine of 91 priests found congregational recitation of re­ sponses and prayers flavored by the people, but only 76 said people favored congregational singing.

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Guatemala Mary.knollers Repudiate, Statements of Expelled Priests GUATEMALA CITY (NC)In a letter addressed to their oommunity's superior general, aU 102 Maryknoll missionaries here repudiated public statements made by Maryknoll Fathers Blase Bonpane, Thomas Melville and Arthur Melville concerning the need for revolut:ion in this country. Emphasizing Maryknoll's apolitical role in Guatemala the letter to Father John J.' McCormack, M.M., said: "Statements given to the United States press by priests of this society who were recentIy expelled from Guatemala have tried to gain stature for their very personal 'Christian witness' and have cornered front pages of the press around the world. "We want to make clearly known that those statements reilect no more than their own very personal points of view, which from no standpoint can be assumed to promote the official opinion of the Maryknoll society. "The erroneous opinions as. well as the thinking adopted by Thomas and Arthur Melville by the ex-Sister Marian Peter 'and Blase Bonpane, are completely foreign to the Mljryknoll community in Guatemala since they, against our norms, took active part in the internal affairs of the country:" lnvol~ed in . Politics Commenting that the action of their four former co-workers was "naive, showing a complete Ignorance of the realities of this country," the 102 signers of the letter said that the four's in­ volvement in politics, because it was contrary to Article 66 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, forced their expul­ sion from the country. ­ The letter added that "this painful incident has concerned us beyond measure, since. it.has I:i ven rise to a misunderstand­ ing about the work of the 102 Maryknoll priests, Brothers and Sisters who still work in and identify themselves with this generous country, asking in ex­ change no more than that their vigil become a direct spiritual and material benefit to the country. "With all our heart we pledge ourselves to continue working for the welfare of this country, of which we have become so much a part. In spite of the problem which we have had, we place our complete faith and confidence in the right judg-

Above Average Continued from Page One Committee on Basic Education. In further testimony before the same committee, Msgr. Ed­ ward T. Hughes, archdiocesan superintendent of schools, noted that the results were obtained despite the fact that the Phila­ delphia Catholic schools are not "select"-no tuition is charged for attendance at parochial schools and all children are ac­ cepted without special entrance requirements. The eighth grade tests were administered last March by Science Research Associates. The fourth grade tests were ad­ ministered last October by Ed­

ucational Testing Service, the

organization which adminis­

ters College Entrance Examina­

tion Board and Graduate Record

tests. The results of tests adminis­ tered a year ago as part of a federally funded project in all public and parochial schools in officially designated poverty areas have not been released by ~e Philadelphia Board of Edu­ cation.

ment of those people (}f Guate­ mala' who know of our work: through the last quarter-ceo­ tury." . Fr. BreeD'S S&a&emeot Growing J1rom a statement drawn up by the community's superior in GU2ltem811a, Father Jolm Breen, M.M. of Fall River, the final 'letter resulted from suggestions made by the 102 missioners when ]~ather Breen's original draft was circularized: Father Breen's first draft was m?r~ critical of the fc:'ur former mISSIOners than the Imal letter. Controversy over the Fathers Melville, brothers from Newton, Mass., over Father Bonpane and over Sister Marian Peter Brad­ ford erupted aiter their coop­ e.ratio~ with Guatemala revolu­ ttonaries became known. Or­ dered to return to Maryknoll headquarters in New York, only Father Bonpane showed up. As a result the MelvilIes were suspended from the priesthood. Soon after, Sister Marian Peter married Father Thomas Melville incurring automatic excommunication for both. The thr~e Melvilles h~ve continued theIr pro-revolutionary work from Mexico while publishing several. articles and statemen~.s defendIng their activities here. Father Bonpane, assigned to a missionary post in Hawaii, re­ ported to Hawaii and then re­ turned to the U. S. to dlsciiss his own work as a Maryknoller a: well as the political and reli­ glOW; situation here in Guate­ mala.

Seek to Control Private Schools

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Maryknoll Plans Radio Station In Bolivia RIBERALTA (NC) - A third transmitting station to broadcast educational and instructional material is

ENTHRO~EMENTAT NEW BEDFORD HOME: The enthronement of the Sacred Heart in St. Mary'.S Home, New 'Bedford, was conducted on Sunday under the sponsorship of the Men of the Sacred Heart. The very posture of Brian Micherski. and Kerry Hurley, residents of the Home, and Manuel Gonzalves, president of the sponsoring organization, manifest their elation 'at the spread of this devotion.

Policy C:hange Council of Churches in San Diego Favors Drastic Shift in U.S. Foreign Plan

ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-Ed­ SAN DIEGO (NC)-The Na­ Fuller, head of the ·council tiooal Council of Churches has of chief state school officers urged here that there be sta~ recommended a drastic altera­ oontml over n9Qpublic schools tion . of United States foreign policy with less reliance on if they receive tax support. military power for keeping Fuller spoke at the 100tb an­ nual meeting of the American world peace and greater co­ operation with cemmunist na­ Association of School Adminis­ 1ions. trators. Specific recommendations Nt He said it was clear that aid a major policy statement m­ to the. pupils of private schools . cluded: was acceptable to the courts and A halt to the bombing ill 6G the general public. But he Vietnam and negotiations to end added that such aid to private the war. . institutions was not .acceptable. Admission of Red China to Giving private schools the the United Nations. same access as the public schools Recognition of the govern­ to federal aid would result in ments of Cuba and Eas~ Ger­ splintering education into public, many. nondenominational and denom­ Removal .of restrictions on inational divisions, Fuller sta.ted. imports from and cultural ex­ "All the gains during the last changes with the Soviet Union. century in developing larger The statement, adopted by a 100 to 14 board vote, stresses units of administration and' in­ struction required by modern that the United States has-based education would be reversed ,in its foreign policy on false con­ a trend toward numerous small cepts that there must be divi­ sion between the free and com­ units serving primarily the pri­ vate ~urposes of the sponsors," munist worlds and that the United States has a duty to he saId. Should the" private schools get police the world. full tax support, Fuller said, the public schools would be left to The Newman Club of Cape educate the children from de­ nominations too small to operate Cod Community College will sponsor a folk Mass at St. Fran­ schools, the unchurched, the cul­ cis Xavier Church, South Street, turally deprived and the rejects and problems students from the Hyannis, at 5 Sunday afternoon, March 10, followed by a "hoot" private schools. and refreshments in the lower "The neglect of minorities and church hall. disadvantaged individuals would be perhaps the largest .penalty our society would pay," Fuller said. g>al'

folk Mass


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It hit at unilateral decisi9ns

the use of military power throughout the world and the use Gf U. S. power te preserve the status que in underdevel­ oped areas. Economic Ai. Another adopted resolution specifically warns against the "Americanization" of the Viet­ nam war and repeated requests for a halt in the bombing. The board also adopted a resolution calling for a vast in­ crease in foreign economic aid. The statement said that public and private aid should total at least two per cent· of the gross national product. It favors a change in direction of the aid program, warning that United States' efforts "should not re­ flect a. desire to impose our ideology upon different cul­ tures." OR

Urn Pah Pah an extra hour on the energy


get from a slice of Sun~earn


being set up by the Maryknoll -Fathers in this tropical river town on the Beni River. The· station will be called Radio San Miguel. Father Leo J. Sommer, M.M., newly appointed director of so­ cial communications for Mary­ knoll in Bolivia, said that con­ struction of the station and erection of a transmitting tower are expected to begin soon. Radio San Miguel will join two other Maryknoll radio schools in Bolivia-Radio San Rafael in Cochabamba, which broadcasts in Spanish and in the Indian language, Quechua, and Radio San Gabriel, located outside of La Paz, which broad­ casts in Asmara, another Indian language, ~s well as in Spanish. Spanish will be the principal language of Radio San Miguel. according to Father Sommer, director of Radio San Rafael for the past five years and a native of West ROJl'bury, Mass. Riberalta is a small (pop. 12,000) and important town carved out of the Pando jungle -the "green hell" of Bolivia­ on the muddy Beni, not far dis­ tant from Bolivia's border with Brazil. Daily Lessons First established over 10 yean ago, Maryknoll's radio schools are an integral part of Bolivia'li educational technique today ­ especially in areas where up­ wards of two-thirds of Ute people are illiterate. From the broadcast centers, lessons are beamed daily to 130 school centers on the altiplano, or high tableland, and in the Cochabamba valley area. The principal task is to teach the Aymara-and Quechua-speak­ ing Indians, who make up about 60 per cent of Bolivia's popula­ tion, to speak, read, and write Spanish, the national language: In addition, history, arithme­ tic, geography, agriculture, hygiene and religion are taught. "What 'we are doing," said Father Sommer, "is attempting to incorporate the Indians into the' civilization of the country by improving their living condi­ tions and providing them with the necessary educational and moral training."




of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7,1'168


Some Post-Conciliar Thoughts In 1958, Cardinal Roncalli, a man imknown to the world at large, became Pope John XXIII. He was an old man when elected to the Chair of Peter. Many surmized that he was chosen because he would not live long. It was hoped that the church could have a short breathing space to reassess the problems facing her and plan accordingly. for the remaining years of this century. Pope John did 00't live long. As for a breathing space, the church has scarcely had time to keep pace with the changes. The last ten years have witnessed more developments than the preceding four hundred. Yet withal, it is the same church. \-



Christ entrusted his gifts of truth and life to Peter and the Apostles with the solemn injunction to bring them to all men. That command can never change. Admittedly though some developments have caused traumas. Many _Catholics have wavered in their allegiance to what they considered -a changeless institution. Actually; the revolu­ tion, or more acurately, evolution, in the church has been made possible by the forty years which preceeded Pope John.

Understandably, the rank and file 'of the faithful are at times puzzled and pained with the activities going on within. the staid institution which is the Church. Every­ one kneW that sooner or later some change 'had 'to take place. The Church had to come to task with the gripping problems of a post war world. The thing that shocked was how fast and furiously the changes came. Ten years ago, who knew or even cared about ecumenism? Who oould envision that within the space of a few short years, the Latin of the Mass would b~ replaced by a breezy and somewhat oommon vernacular? Today one reads; as never before,. of priests leaying their calling and asking -to be reduced to the lay state, some

even leaving the Church. Nuns picket with the ease with which they formally joined the line into chapel for night prayers. Priests and sisters march with negroes in Ala­ bama and Detroit. Seminarians, our future priests, picket Cardinals, refuse to attend daily Mass, attend classes at will, and generally decry the state of the Church they hope one day to serve. There is a crisis of faith among the young people. And over all hangs the immensely oompli­ cated problem of contraception. These are difficult times. .


Perhaps, though, it is time for all of us to draw some lines and take in the slack on the barque of Peter. Things are not as bad as they se·em. In all this apparent upheaval, 'we cannot fail to note that .the Church is still very much alive and vibrant. In all the talk about liberals and con­ servatives, as if such a dichotomy never existed, -we must advert to our common radical beliefs- the Trinity, In-· carnation, Redemption, the Mass, sanctifying grace:-These are still with us and always will be. They.are an essential part of our Catholic life. Pope John called the Vatican Council to let in some fresh air. Metaphorically the results have been more in the nature of a tornado. More changes and unrest will continue to be the norm for the time being. Eventually, the storm will clear. Much thinking and reevaluation will have to be done, painful though it may be. There can however, be only one final and ultimate result-victory for the Church .of God. No other conclusion is possible. Christ himself has given us the proof-I am with you all days, even until the end of tl}e world. .


@rheANCHOR \





Pu.blished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dio~ese of Fall River ~10

Highland Avenue

fall River, Mass. 02722


PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER . ., Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden'

.Sect's, Statement Seen Favorable To C~ristianity,. TOKYO (NC) - A leader of Sokagakkai, Japan's mili­ tant Buddhist sect, has is­ sued a s·tatement surprisi.ng­

ly favorable to Christiimity. At a' press conference here, Yo s h i k a tu T a k'e i i-i the chairman of Komeito, or the Clean Government party, the political arm of Sokagakkai, said: "Sokagakkai expresses its deepest respect for both Cathol­ icism's and Protestantism's ef­ forts for peace." Sokagakkai, or Value Creat­ ing Society, which claims a membership of over five million households, has been considered as the main threat to Christian­ ity in this country because it has officially .sponsored the elimi­ nation' of all Christian influ­ -ences from Japan.

Sokagakkai, which has called Christianity and communism Japan's greatest enemies, claims it is based on a 13th-century Buddhist sect founded by Nichi­ ren Daishonin (1222-1282), who denounced all other forms of Buddhism as false and danger­ ous to Japan and called for a Buddhist government. Similarly, "Shakufuku Scrip­ ture," as the official handbook of Sokagakkai, condemns all other religions as false and superstitious and demand~ that organization members oppose them.. Condones Violence

The sect has used threats and blackmail to oppose rival reli­ gions and to increase its own power, although its leaders have called any criticism of Sokagak­ Rev. John F.Moore, St. Joseph's, Taunton kai "persecution." It has con-' B,A., M.Hist., M.Ed. doned violence.

At times, sect members have

A Reply to A few Cfotic:S invaded other Buddhist temples and Christian churches and oc­ casionally destroyed sacred ob­ jects. Nichiren, the alleged . founder, has been cited as say­ ing: "To kill heretics is not A Fa;r Share for Every Child murder." Organized along military lines, Sokagakkai has strict discipline Let's set the record straight. We believe wholeheartly in separation of church and and a cell system, comparable to communism, which have en­ state. We do not seek, directly or indirectly, support for abled it to control the votes of the teaching of religion. We do not ask the government members, whose fanatical zeal has helped' them to .win large to grant special privileges benefit theory. numbers of new converts. Many for church-related schools. theThechild unbias and fair-minded Catholic pastors have, in the We ask only that a fair ma'n can readily understand this past, reported Sokagakkai pros­

distributiqn of public monies theory. He understands that elytizing among parishioners. be made for children attending when the state gives textbooks, Points in Common denominational schools as it is bus rides, health services and Takeiri's' statement indicated

for children in public schools for tuition grants to children and the same purposes and meeting stu den t s in church-related that the sect's position is chang­

ing. He said: . the same academic standards. schools, the state helps the stu­ "Sokagakkai and Christi ani ty We are seeking equal treat­ dent, the individual child and ment of children who, by con­ not his school or church. He have fundamentally different knows too, as the U.S. Supreme doctrines. But we have also stitutional right, attend churcb­ many' points in common. The 'Court said, such benefits serve a related schools. Buddhist teaching on reverence For the unacquainted, this is public purpose. for life, respect for man, striv­ ing toward happiness of all peo­ ple is very similar to the Chris­ Distinction Between Child and School tian doctrine on universal love, Pl'inciples of freedom and benevolence and peace. The tragedy of the entire sit­ equality are easy to talk' about. uatiOll is that critics O'f church­ "We believe that, since Bud­ related schools can not bring l'he reality of freedom and dhism and 'Christianity have themselves to make a real and equality is something else. these common objectives' both true distinction between the should maintain liaison and The survival of democracy re­ cbild and the school. . jointly undertake the important To confuse and muddle this ·quires that the pluralistic value mission to lead humanity system be maintained. The gen­ distinction with- preconceived toward a_ renaissance of tbe eral' welfare of the State and notions is not being honest and spirit and of peace." sincere. Why haven't they raised the common defense of the na­ llon require that all children of . thei·r voices against the G.I. Bill state without regard to race, Form Federation of Rights? Millions of Veterans paid their tuition in state and religious belief or national origin be afforded the best quality ed­ Of Lay Societies private colleges and universities SYDNEY (NC) - Lay repre­ with federal tax funds. There ueation possible while their are dozens of other welfare and rights to freedom of belief and sentatives of seven 'Christian educational programs in which education are protected. At the denominations met here to form present time this is not the an ecumenically oriented Feder­ the Congress and States give di­ ation .of CJ1ris,tian Lay Societies. reet grants to college students ~se. and to the colleges and univer­ Children in church related Convened by Ronald Arnott, sities themselves. And church schools are being denied their secretary of the Church of En­ related schools do participate in equal -rights' because of their gland's Men's Society, the meet­ these programs. religious conVictions. ing 'had the' blessing of Norman We seek fair and just treat­ It is about time that something Cardinal Gilroy of Sydney and ment from the government, was done about.this form of dis- ­ the approval of other religious neither more or leSs. crimination. .leaders.



Y CU're Missing the Point



Fall. -River - High Schoolers View Film .on Dangers of Smoking, Take National Merit Exams

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Rabbi, Ruderman

Welcome'to a new school paper on the Diocesan teen scene. It's "The Happening," published by SOI)homores at Prevost High SChool, Fall River. It's nat intended to sup­ plant the all-school paper, "The Mapl~ Leaf," say its editors, just to boost. school ~rit Winners Will receive grants to among sophomores. It 11 be celleges of their choice .eoncerne<l solely with 8'OphoAt Prevost the basketball · more news, so that's that. squad finished its season with a 5-9 record • High scorers were Wayne Levesque, 180 points; week as a program including Robert.Gallant, 178j·Daryl Mur­ n film, discussion session and phy, 139. talk by Mike Holovak, coach of Jesus-Mary seniors have been the Boston Patriots, was sched- measured for caps and gowns; uIed at each school. "The film bringing graduation day one ahowed the lungs of someone step closer; and also 'at JMA, who died of lung cancer," shud- Paul Souza and Claire Bernard dered one -girl, who obviously have been accepted at Bristol bad no plans to start smoking. 90unty Community College. It's hoped that the program will Kevin Harrington of Holy Fami­ be followed up in all schools 1y has received a $1,000 yearly next year with a brief course scholarship..to Providence Col­ on the "history, benefits, hazards lege. At Prevost Gilbert L'Itali­ and uses of tobacco." _ en has been accepted at NorthBasketball teams of Jesus- eastern and Norman ChlM'est at :Mary Academy, ~evost, and UMass. Connolly Highs met Sunday Prevost's junior prom is slated night for a "powder puff derby" for Friday night, May 24 at :in which boys wore with oox- Venus de Milo rest'aurant, Swan­ ing gloves. Also at J M A the sea; imd the Prevost Mothers" girls' volleyball team will com- Guild will hold a scholarship pete this year in the Bristol fund dinner dance at 6 SaturCounty League. day night, April 28 at White's Science Faull'S restaurant. The Smoo,thies will Science fairs are moving in- play. to their yearly spotlight. Ait Ten seniors f,rom Holy Family Mt. St. Mary's in Fall River aided in a civic project when first grant winners in the senior they participa.ted in Crime Pre­ division inoiuded Jane McDon- vention Week activities in New aId, Anne Bibeau, Alice Game- Bedford. lin, Martha Nugent, Sharon WoUpcoming at Sacred Hearts jciechowski, Constance Raposa Fall River is a Spanish fiesta, and Diane Desmarais. Junior to be held at 8 Sunday night, winner was Carol Vasconcellos. March 24 in the llcademy gym­ The seniors will represent MQunt . natorium. The program will be at the upcoming regional science an all-school affair, with tots fair. Some 180 students competed from t<he Holy Union pre-school, in the annual event. gIrls froJll the new junior 'high Seventy Prevost boys entered d,ivision and high school students that school's fai-r, with exhibits participating. Returning to SHA in the field of biology, chemis- fur the oe<;asion wioll be several try, physics, earth science and .alumnae, incl\!-ding members of math. the fi.rst Spanish class taught by Snoopy's the dog of the hour Sister Carmen .Joseph, back in at SHA Fall River, where junior 1946. The alumnae will present Ann-Made Charette has w-ritten a Southern scene, Spanish style. and produ~d three Peanuts Stang Debating playlets since October. Titles Paced by four victories, have been "Charlie Brown Vis- Stang's negative team had a its the Haight-Asbury District," commendahle 5 and 3 record "Charlie Brown Saves Christ- at the Joseph P. Kennedy Tour­ mas" and "Snoopy Falls in nament at Boston' Latin School Love." last week. Eight SHA girls portray the Twenty-three Stang students Peanuts oharaeters, including are in the final stages of prep­ Linus, Charlie Brown, Snoopy, aration for the Massachusetts Lucy, Violet, Peppermint Pattie, Speech Festival scheduled for Schroeder and Pig Pen. They've March 9 at Natick High School. played before aoademy audiThe Stang Alumni Associa­ ences and most recently at a tion will sponsor a, dance, Fall River grade school.' "S~ng into Sp'ring" on Mrach '.Dhe Msgr. McKeon 'Debating 16. Alternating bands will' be Society of Holy Family High t1le Ea~ern Sound Company in New Bedford is the proud and the. Petrified Fore~t. Ray possessor of a plaque signalizing Landrevllie' '66 and Kathleen the unit's status as a finalist at Connor '66 are CO-Chairmen, and ~e Georgetown University Inwill be assisted by seniorS and Yitational Debate Tournament. sophomores. Junior Ka1"1 Fryzel and senior The National Honor Society Cynthia Rego were HF's repre- :t'-as.~nnounced its new members: sentatives in Washington. Gary semors-Anna Bastoni, Steph.en · Rego and Margaret McIntyre Coffey, Paul Cyr, Robert Du­ represented their sChool at the quette. . .Joseph P. Kennedy Debate Paul Gamelin, William Her­ ,Tournament in Boston,' placing ,OUR" Michael. Keaney, ,Eileen third in tpe championship Keavy. swItch-side division Kathleen Muldoon, . J.u Ii a National Merit,· Scholarship O'DoD!1e1l, George Oliver, Jef­ Qualifying Tests have been tak- frey ~such,.Linda Richard. en in Diocesan schools. Next step Den~e Rivet, Janelle Sevier, for sem.l-finalists in this initial - Catberme Sweeney, .Russell Vi­ exam will be scholarship tests ,eira and Henry Ward.· • quette. . . Juniors-Mary Ann Adamow­ ski, Edna Black, Laurence ST. LOUIS (NC) -Delegates Bums, Timothy' :\3yrne" Nina · participating in Operation Re­ 9arroJ,l. . newal Deanery Assemblies here Karl Fernandes, Robert John­ rejected any proposal to close son, Paul' Morency, Ja'mes Ma­ down Catholic schools. Tabula­ honey, 'Randall Osuch. tion of vote's taken ih 12 deanery ;..Joseph Perry, Stephen Perry, distl'ic~ showed the districts Paul 'Pryzybyla, Stephen Reale, 'evenly div.ided· over . whether Sally Ross.

Catholic schools could expand Anthony Smith, Stanley Stan­

or should begirt' a policy of con- kiewicz, Marc Sylvia 'and Stan­ tainment. . lq ZiewaC3. ' " .


Fall River highs were wa'rned

of the dangers of smoking last.

NEWSPAPER STAFF: Helping to publish the Maple Leaf at Prevost High School, Fall River, are, seated Gil­ bert L'Italien, Paul Martel, Roland Lambalot; standing, Robert ThibaUlt, David Poisson, Alan White. Jesus-Th[ary ~ewvs A St. Patrick's Day assembly and a Father-Daughter dance are on the· Student Council agenda for the month of March. TheClassembly will consist of a skit, reading of the winning short story and poem with an Irish theme, and a sing-along. The Father-Daughter dance will be held Tuesday, March 19. It is. curr'ently being debated as to whether the mothers will be

allowed to come along as ob­ servers. As of yet, they're not. Seniors Collette Forcier and Diane Dugal and junior Yvette Berthiaume have been selected by their French teacher, Mother Athanase, to represent JMA at a French testing session spon­ sored by Prevost, to be held to­ day at the boys' school. A trophy will be awarded to the school scoring highest in the test.

-New Regadatons for Curia Continued from Page One a church, oratory or religious institute where they can do pas­ toral work for the Holy See. Week Work A 33-hour week has 'been es­ tablished, a slight reduction from past schedules. In addition to being open mornings, all Cur:ia are also required to keep part of the staff on duty for two hours in the evening. Time Off

All curial priests are guaran­ teed six days off to take part in spiritual retreats as well as 30 days annual vacation with travel time allowed for non-Italians. This is to be -the same 'for all Curia employees without regard for rank or seniority. Time mock The requirement, that- priests punch a time clock or at least write their names in a registry on arrival and departure has been done away with. "It does .not seem improper to trust them," it was commented. Internationalization The regulation calls for an internationalization of personnel on various levels and grades and and gi've particular attention to candidates proposed by national episcopates. . Promotion '. . Promotion that jump over the regular movement from one grade to 'the next higher grade are to be avoided. Plenary Meeting's Plenary meetings of cOngre- '. gations, Le., when all the mem­ bers of the congregation--cardi-­ nals and bishops--come togeth-

Oppose Closing

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er, may submit to the Pope mat­ ters which he may decide op­ portune to ask the Synod of Bishops to examine. Politics, Etc. All officials and employees of the Curia are forbidden from belonging to political parties or participating in associations and institutions which are not in conformity with the doctrine and discipline of the Church. Hiring'; Firing Provisions are made on hiring and firing with the establish­ ment of commissions of review on ,disputed cases. lI:J[oRiiGllay

Feb. 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts in which Vatican City State was set up as a soveretgn state, has been designated as Vatican City's national day and will be a holiday.

Worcester to Survey Laymen1s Attitudes WORCESTER (NC) - A dio­ cesewide "attitudinal survey" of laymen to developments in the Catholic Church in the wake of Vatican Council II, is being planned in the Worcester dio­ cese. ...... A team of professional inte'l'­ viewers will solicit the opinions and attitudes "of a sampling ell about 1,200 lay persons in the diocese" on their beliefs and their response to recent changes in Church practices, according to the plan, Father Donald J. Gervais, secretary of the Priests' Senate, said.

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Continued from .Page One Samuel Ruderman of Tem.l?le Beth El in Fall River will teach courses in Contemporary Juda­ ism and Living Universal Themes of the Old Testament, beginning next Fall. A Protestant minister, Rev. Robert F. Hardina of East Bridgewater, has been teaching Theology at Stonehill since last year. Wi~h the appointment of Rabbi Ruderman the full curric­ ulum of Theology at StonehiU now includes, in addition to the basic tenets of Catholicism, courses in Protestant and Jewish beliefs and a ~udy of atheism as a force in the world. A former faculty member at the' Jewish Theological Seminary at Connecticut College, Rab~ Ruderman holds degrees from Harva,rd University, the Jewish Theologic&l Seminary and is a :fellow of the Layman Institute of Ethics. He served as a chap­ lain in the U.S. Navy during World War II and is the author of "A Zionist Credo For The American Jew". He is President of the New England Region Rabbinical As­ sembly of America; President of the Fall River Ministerial Asso­ ciation; National Ohairman <l'2 the Rabbinical Assembly Semi­ nary Fund; a trustee of the Fall River Public Library; a member of the Rabbinic Cabinet-Jewish Theological Seminary of Amer­ ica; Chairman of the Jewish Family Welfare Committee, Fall River; a member of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Housing fur the Elderly; and is a member of the Executive Boards of­ Cerebral Palsy Association, Boyd' Club of America, SPeC, Boy Soouts, Rehabilitation Center, and United Fund of Greater Fall River. He also noted a lee-­ turer and greR;tly in demand aB a public speaker.

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conege Honors,; Mrs. A. L. Zepf

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Pe.n·ance ~s Harder

CINCINNATI (NC) Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of Toledo, Ohio, has been named for the 1968 Mater et Magistra award ofl Mount St. Joseph-on-the-Ohi~ College here. A former presideJllt of the Na­ tional Council of Catholic Wom­ en, Mrs. Zepf will be the fiftb recipient of the award which is conferred annually on a woman who has made an outstanding contribution in keeping wtih the encyclical, Mater et Magis­ tra, of Pope John XXIII. Mrs. Zepf is now vice presi­ dent of the Freedom :£rom Hun­ ger Foundation. The Ohio col­ lege for women is conducted by the Sisters of Charity.

It's Self-Imposed By -Mary Tinley Daly So, we're "into" Lent, .more than a week into it. Not flhe Lents of yesteryear are we in, ·those 40 day.s of strict fast fish on Wednesdays and Fridays, with full comple­ men'rt of three-squares-a-day rolling around only on Sun-. days. 'Twas no doubt good :fur ,the soul, th'3lt austere, day? Might be a penance for those called, but for me, afflicted . Ohuroh~imposed routine hav­ with telephonitis, 'twould be ing to do largely wi'vh food pure pleasure.

and drink. And as a fringe ben­ Came memory from the past, efit, one we seldom mentioned from a well-disciplined Sister aloud, followed in school: "What-is it you dislike the slimming ef- . doing most? That you should fect that made do for a real penance!" . the new Easter l The answer" mundane, but outfit fit more true,' ironing; followed closely becomingly, re­ by mending. How could some­ · minding us of one who likes to wash, hate to· Coleridge's iron; loves to ,sew, despise to couplelt: And mend; be 'crazy about cooking the devil did and loathe dishwashing? Here grin, for his she be! darling sin Is So, what's for Lent at our pride that apes humility. house? Ironing and mending­ Now, in a seemingly more re­ laxed mood the Church no the' mechanical dishwasher hav­ longer lays 'down an intricate ing disposed of number three hate. set of Lenten regulations spell­ No more washing until every ing out for us an allowance of so many ounces of food for last piece of ironing is done: the breakfast, the less than half-a-. blue-striped shirt the Head of full-meal "collation" called by the House has been seeking in vain (found at the bottom of lome luncheon, by oth!!rs sup­ the clot~esbasket), even the »er. put-offable ironing of the heavy lJp to lJ6 linen napkins we used' at a din­ With the new rule of' order, ner party two weeks ago. the penance we espouse is more A couple of hours ·of push­ or less up to :us-really a more push and that chore was out ,of difficult assignment - as we the way, everything neatly fold­ eome to griPs with our own con­ ed and' laid to rest in its accus­ science. tomed drawer or closet. In the olden days as a Lenten Now for sewing! My fingers ·voluntary" I'd give up candy, itched to finish up the little an item eschewed anyway be- dress for Ta['3 the plaid £kirt eause it's fattening, and then for Ginny th; Spring hat for 'hypocritically laugh at <;Hnny's / myself and a couple of other gj-ve-up of sauerkraut whlch she' on-going projects laid out in the loathes. . sewing room. ' Talking ove; Lent-as-Is. vs. But, like the proverbial skele­ Lent-as-w!1s. wI.th a good frI.e~d, ton in the closet, that sewing she ca"?e up WIth some pOSItive room closet held a basket piled. suggestions: high with to-be-mendeds. "I'm going to walk to ea~ly Ugh! "You don't have to do all Mass every day instead of drIV- your penance in one day" whis­ " B e tty ' ing ,to an afternoon one,. pered Beelzebub. "Just shut that said. "And I'm going to glve up closet door and nobody will be smoking." the wiser." . Now that is penance! My exCame memory of Sister's ad­ pression must have shown ad- vice'" '" '" SO I'm still at the pen­ miration for such will power. itential task of button-sewing "But," Betty confessed, "that's hem-shortening rip-mending' "D t ' only half the s t ory o.c or s knee-patching, , salvaging crib, orders are to walk tw~ ml1es a sheets out of worn big ones. day and t;o stop ~mo~mg, s~ I ~ - metimes penance can be guess you d say I m Just usmg heroic-sometimes merely dull. Lentas a crutch."

This is Penance?

Timing might be a crutch for Indian State Cuts Aid

Betty-Ash Wednesday to Eas­

ter-to inaugurate doctor's or­ To Catholic School BOMBAY (NC)-The Mahar­ ders. But Betty is also putting

her cigarette and gasoline ashtra state government has cut its grant to a local Catholic money into the poor box. More­ school accused of offending the over, bashful little Betty is mak­ ing a point to call one person a religious sentiments of Hindu day, by Phone or in person, pupils. Announcing a 15 per cent cut

someone who would welcome a in the grant for 196J-68 to St.

friendly gesture. , Now comes the personal Anthony's Convent High School, education minister M.D. Chaud­ hang-up of that old rascal, pen­ ance. Call up someone every hari told the state legislature here that the action was· taken because the institution did not Schedule .Conference function in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by · On Higher Education. the governmerit. . NEW YORK (NC)-The first The minister pointed out that national conference on Catholic school authorities last March· higher education, organized' and asked some Hindu, girls to re­ directed by students, will be move their, bangles and vermil­ held at Fordham University ion marks. The minister said, here, March 22 to, 24. however, that it could not be T-he conference is sponsored ascertained whether the girls by the United States National were penalized for using. these Student Association, and will be Hindu symbols. . hosted by Fordham's School of Last June, a Committee. for education. . Hindu Honor organized a dem-' PUJ,pose is to consider the con­ -onstration against the school ~ tinuing problems of Catholic in­ protest what it called anti­ stitutions of higher learning, Hindu propaganda. The plliest­ · .and the advisability of creating principal 'of the school denied • USNSA office on religiously the charge, but offered to all?l- . Ilffili'ated colleges 'and univer-' 'ogize -fot a 'ban on the ·wearing slues;; 0:' '. ba~ile.s. _'.

Interfaith Corporation Offers IBid' on Housing BISHOP'S BLESSING: Family Blessing Day sponsored by the Christian Family' Movement of the Steubenville, Ohio, diocese, brought scores of children to receive the blessing of Bishop John King Mussio. NC Photo.

MIAMI (NC) - Ecumenical Develophents, Inc., an interfaith, nonprofit corporation organized . several months ago by a" Cath­ olic, an Episcopalian and two Baptist churches, is one of four groups bidding for purchase of land in Miami's central Negro , district on which to build hous­ ing for low-income families. Organzied by St. Francis Xavier Catholic church, SIt. Agnes Episcopal church and St. John and Mount Zion Baptist churches here, the ooJ'lporaJtion is the only nonprofit g,roup com­ peting for purohase of 2.6 acreS of property on which it proposes

to build 50 two-stories apart­

melllts at a Cost of $686,760.

Financing would be under the Federal Housing Administra­ tion's mortgage guarantee pr0­ gram, and because the corpora­ tion is nonprofit it would qual­ ify for 100 per cent guarantee. 011. its mortgage.


"You're fortunate to have been born women in the latter part of the twentieth century," I told a group of teenage girls to whom I talked recently, "be-' cause never has it been so easy to stay youthful and attractive'" The statement couldn't have been truer, for just a glance at the millions of cosmetic ads will verify the fact that' chem­ istry is on our side and the battle to stay beautiful is be­ ing won, or at least advanced. Just within the past few months, for instance, a new form of hair removal has appeared. It's a scientifically developed proce­ dure that when administered by a. trained operator (in a. beauty salon) claims to help re­ move superfluous ha~r for a longer period than any other pre_us cosmetic methods. The originators of this new' method vow that after a num­ ber of monthly visits to a beauty salon that gives this treatment that woman who has lived with this embarrassment for years will find relief. -A combination of ingredients' are used in the treatment and the results that I viewed on two beauticians that­ had .had t~is done at the recent Boston Cosmetologist show were certainly remarkable. Another new cosmetic to ap-' pear on the market this month

..is a see-through lipstick' that

stains the lips· with color rather than heavily coating ftlem. I tried one of the deeper colors­

for Spring, "cocoa-berry," but found it a little too pale for my taste. Ho~ever, it's perfect for the woman who wants just a tint of color on her mouth. Hair innovations are not ne­ glected this Spring and with curls appearing on heads all over the country you can even purchase separate ones to make sure you end up with that Shir­ ley Temple look. These individ­ ual curls can be bought for as . little as $1.50 and they certainly do look quite fetching when properly arranged in a romantic evening' hai,rdo. The woman of '68 has no ex':' cuse other than laziness for not keeping up her appearance: Re­ ducing salons and body toning centers are springing up like mushrooms' all over the nation. The beauty business (including hair salons) is doing a million dollar and more business each year, the cosmetic industry is

constantly searching 'for new·

and better ways to pre~erve a . wbman's youth and beauty-the rest· is up to you. .



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Catholics, Orthodox Hold Secret Talks KOTTAYAM (NC)-A Cath­ olic delegation headed by Max­ imilian Cardinal de Furstenberg, prefect of the Congregation for Eastern-rite Churches, and Archbishop Guiseppe Caprio, apostolic pronuncio to India held private talks here on Chris­ tian unity with top dignitaries of the Orthodox Church. A joint statement on the talks, held at the headquarters of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox' Church, said that the dialogue 'centered on the urgent need to· promote greater mutual under-, standing and cooperation among· the Christian churches;,'


__ -





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Lent Still Season to Enjoy Fish from Local Waters By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick The department fftores and .nu,rseries have· already begun displaying seeds, and it is about time to start an­ nuals fur the Summer garden. As far as I am concerned, ~ere are really only two seasons for starting one's own seeds: they are far less ex­ pensive and the grower has pass up rich, heavy fried foods feast with delight on sole a wider selection to choose and or cod or haddock that has been from. This is why I like to broiled until it is a delight of

keep my seed preparation proc­ light flaky goodness. css as simple and inexpensive We in New England and espe­ as possible.~ cially in Massachusetts have There are 'many' gimmicks been brought up to expect fresh available in our affluent society fish to appear in our markets :for starting and nurturing seed­ often because of our close prox­ lings', but I' find them for the imity to many of its sources. most part ridiculous. For ili­ Why, the lowly cod brought stance, one can buy "fertile wealth and work to the early cubes," little cubes of peat moss New Englander to such an ex­ impregnated with fertilizer, for tent that to honor this tasty fish the germination and later a wooden Sacred Cod was hung arowth of seedlings at a cost of in the State House in Boston. approximately five cents each. Codfish balls were once con­ Now, it doesn't take much sidered an absolute must for common sense to realize that Sunday morning breakfast in a flat of asters, marigolds, petu­ the Bay State and, to many, nias or other annuals can be had Sunday was not Sunday if they for as little as .75, so it would were omitted from the menu. seem ridiculous to expend as Well, whatever your prefer­ much mon'ey with no' guarantee ence, cod or lQbster (according of ' success' and seed-starting to your budget), try some new materials. ." ' fl,sh dishes this. Lent andl enjoy Prohibitive C4l$t' , : the bounty of the waters that , ,'" .f ',', ' . 'Peat potS are als'o available to sl,irround us. This is an Italian' codfish' dish

t!J.,e, s~ed'., 'starter, ',:the,': selling p.?int he~e b 7il,l; tha~ t,qer~)s that is very similar to a Portu­

no need to transplant seedlings, guese favorite of Joe's. The re­

they, cari' be planted,' pot: cipe makes a large quantity but

and 'aU. You can:,l!ls~ b~y',sp'ec~al it, ill so, delicious, that y~u won't. m~nd having enough left Qver Bh~rillied potting soil, watering trays,· niiniliture' greenhouses f~r another, Lenten meal. and the like, 'but' prices come' Baccala 'Alla, Marinara high and unless you are really (Italian Salt Codfish attempting rare or difficult seed in Tomato Sauce) the cost may be prohibitive for 2 pounds of salt codfish filets the amateur who is only inter­

csted in growing some pretty 'k cup olive oil % cup of scallions or regular annuals for his garden. onions if scallions are not For most of us, adaptations of available eommercialized methods are good enough to do the job. Like % cup sliced fresh mushrooms If.I cup of finely chopped basil anything else, there are special­ If.I cup finely chopped parsely ties ad infinitum if one is will­ 2 cups tQmato puree ing to pay for them or if one is particularly enamored of special ground pepper 1) The night before you're gadgets. There is no question that the special products are going to use this, cover the cod­ useful and I am sure will in'; fish with cold water. Change the crease germination markedly, water frequently and soak over­ . but for my purposes, if I can night. get 50 per cent of a package of 2) Drain the cod and remove asters to germinate I have more the bones, also shred the fish. than enough of one variety to 3) In a heavy kettle saute the deal with. scallions (sliced) and the mush­ In the Kitchen rooms along with the basil and Even though the Lenten rules parsley in the olive oil until the vegetables are tender. of fast and abstinence have be­ come so modernized that fish is 4) Add the tomato puree 'and not an absolute must all through the prepared codfish to the sau­ Lent, it will still remain a fa­ teed vegetables and simmer, vorite food on the dinner tables stirring occasionally, over low of the DioceSe for the remain­ heat for 40 minutes. Season ing weeks until Easter. We have with freshly ground pepper become fish oriented for the and serve with; rice. seven weeks leading up to the Resurrection, and it doesn't lleem quite right that meat Ecumenical Symposium should take the place of our finny friends at thls time of To View Seminary )'ear. NOTRE DAME (NC)-"Edu­ cation for the New Ministry" In our household, fish will be served at least on the Fridays of will be the topic' of an ecumen­ Lent. Of course, because Joe ical symposium Monday, April and the children truly 'enjoy 16 at the University of Notre anything that swims, it's more Dame, sponsored by Moreau of a joy than a penance. Also I College Seminary and the de­ (who adore thick juicy steaks) partment of theology. console myself with the fact Church officials, pastors, sem­ that a few fish days a week inary authorities' and vocation stretch the food dollar. Fish directors from both Catholic dishes can be fun, tasty, eco­ and Protestant groups are ex­ nomical and easy to prepare. pected to attend. The variety of recipes for pisca­ The speakers will include Dr. torially minded cooks is endless Walter Waggoner, associate dean and will add great change to a of the Graduate Theological recipe repertoire that has be­ Union, Berkeley, Calif.; Father come Winter stale. Vincent J. Giese, associate pas­ Aids Dieters tor, Blessed Sacrament parish, Chicago; Father Dennis P. Along with being tasty, eco­ nomical and easy to 'prepare, Geaney, O.S.A., assistant pastor, fish is the answer to a dieter's 81. Rita parish, Chicago; Father prayers. High in protein and low Louis J. Putz, C.S.C., rector of Moreau Seminary; and Father in calories, many of the worth­ while diets use' fish 'as the· David Burrell, C.S.C., associate backbone of their menus. If you professor, of philosophy at are a fish fan, ,you can easiJT Notre Dame.




Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Submit Hospital Dispute to Cou rt NEWARK (NC)-5t. Michael's Hospital Center and some 330 striking maintenance and ser­ vice personnel have agreed to submit their dispute to the Chan­ cery Division of the Superior Court of Essex County. Attorneys for both sides will petition the court for a legal determination of whether the union-Local 1199, Drug and Hospital Workers, AFL-CIO­ should represent the employes on the basis of a card count alone, or whether an election, which the hospital has demand­ ed,' is necessary. Hospital officals have refused to recognize the labor group un­ less a secret ballot election is held. The union claims it is supported by 80 per c~nt of the workers but has refused to have an election because it claims the hospital recognized another union without an elec­ tion. The hospital has maintained PLAN STYLE SHOW: Making arrangements for style that in the case of Local 68, Union of Operating show to be held Monday., March 11 at White's restaurant' International Engineers, AFI.·CIO, the unidn under sponsorship of Women's Boards of Union, Trues­ took over When another union dale and St. Anne's Hospitals in Fall River are, seated from became inactive. The hospital ,left, lYIrs. Bernard H. Herman, program co~chairrI:t'an; ~rs.' did not recognize the union, Wil­ Paul A~ Giroux, planning committee, chairman; staJ:ldmg, liam Corne'tta, associate' admirt-' istrator of the hospital said, until Mrs. Ludger Dalbec, general chairman. a card check 'was ~ade in the presence of an arbitrator.


'Three' fall River: Hospitals· to' ,Bemtf'it from Monday, Night ·Affair The Women's Boards of Truesdale, Union and St. Anne's Hospitals in Fall River will co­ sponsor a style show at 8 Mon­ day night, March 11 in the grand ballroom of White's Res­ taurant North Westport. Pro­ ceeds will benefit the three in­ stitutions. G€ n eral chairman is Mrs. Ludger Dalbec, aided by presi­ dents of each hospital board as co-chairmen. They are Mrs. George J. Bounakes for Union Hospital; Mrs. Franklin P. Smith for Truesdale; and Mrs. Richard J. Donovan for St. Alme's. Mrs. Hyman Sacknoff is ' co-ordinator for the event and Mrs. Gaston Plante and Mrs. Andre Plante are.in charge of a special showing of jewels. Mrs. Eugene J. Dionne is handling publicity. Work of Boarc1s Tickets for the pr{)gram are available from committee mem­ bers and at convenient down­

Cardinal Protests

Enforced Atheism

town locations in Fall River. The Women's Boards at the three hospitals have been active in some cases since the early years of this century, and all have a tradition of varied ser­ vices to patients and personnel. All operate gift shops for the benefit of the hospitals and all

provide book cart service to

patients on a once or twice weekly basis. Information and guidance booths are manned by Women's Board members and Christmas .decorations in the hospitals are also the I:esponsi­ bility of these groups. All the boards maintain nurs­ ing school activities committees which provide scholarships and act as liaisons between nurses and the boards. Other benefits prOVided stu­ dent nurses include books for school libraries, equipment and furniture for dormitories, and financial aid for social and ,cul­ tural events sponsored b,. the nursing schools.



·Decrease in Vocations, Closes Two Houses" CLEVELAND (NC) - Two houses of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a secular institute of lay women, have been closed here. Msgr. Francis A. Karwoski, di­ ocesan vicar for Religious, said the recent "loss in vocations and small number of prospective candidates" made it economical­ ly not feasible to continue the the operation. A few of the women, who take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience but work at regular jobs will remain in Cleveland as "externs," residing separately.



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BERLIN (NC)-8tefan Car­

dinal Wyszynski of Warsaw,

Poland, assailed what he called

"enforced atheism" in Poland in

a Lenten pastoral read in the

country's parishes.

The cardinal did not specifi­

cally mention the communist­

ruled government of Poland

when he said that his "voice is

being raised" against enforced

atheism in schools, labor rela­

tions and the military service.

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Vatican, Me,rges

.THE ANCHOR-­ Thur~.,

Mar. 7., 1968

Press. ,Offices

Priests Prepare Hc;u.!ls;ing !Effort

VATICAN, CITY (NC)-~he Holy See' has closed down' the press service~of'the ,Vatican, City daily, which hall supplied , tb~ bulk 'of Vatican news for the past three decades and has merged it with a separate office that grew out of an official pre~s service created for the Second Vatican Council.

In Putt$!b>lIJIrgh PITTSBURGH (NC)-The Association of Pittsburgh p'riests plans to buy and re­ habilitate s'om~ houses for


leasing to the poor as' a way of demonstrating what small groups with little capital can do about housing problems. Furthering integration is part of the plan. Houses will be pur­ chased in "stable neighborhoods and le'ased "ordinarily" to low­ income Negro familfes. None will be bought in black ghettoes.' ...'Fathe; Garrett Dorsey, chair:" man of the committee whil;h ­ will direCt the project, said members' have pledged' more than $10;OQC to get things mov­ ing. The association will incor­ porate as a non-profit organiza­ tion to carry out the program. The idea is to make use of the Pittsburgh Housing Authority's, leased housing program. &ig,n of Conc~rn ",'A house ~ill be bought ,on the wen' market and rehabilitated; then mortgage and repair costs Will, be 'paid off by leasing the howleto,the housing authority. The authority in turn will sub­ lease, it to a low-income family, usually ,one eligible for rent subsidy from the government. Father Dorsey hazarded a guess that the association might buy five houses the first year -"but we won't really know how many until we get 'into it." Besides demonstrating that groups with small aI~ounts ~f capital can do somethIng pOSI­ tive about housing the poor, the project will be a symbol of the priests' interest in the poor, ,he pointed' out. - "As priests, we shouldn't be i.n the housing business but thIS will be a sign of our concern,", he 'declared. , To find families for the hous­ ing the priests will call on ho~sing-oriented agencies and ~eighborhood groups. The asso­ 'dation is composed of over 80 ~ocal priests, most of them dioc~san clergymen.

jPrelates Stress Church in Peril I

This decision, aimounced at a press conference, put an end to an ambiguous situation in which the two services existed uneas­ ily side by side. Despite' the creation of the new press office of the Holy See, journalists spe­ cializing in coverage of Vatican, affairs had always remained at their desks in the press ser; vice of L'O sse l' vat 0 r e Ro; mano, the vatican CitY'~aiiy., , They got v.irtually aN official _ communications through the paper's service and put most' of their questions to Vatican au­ thorities through the head of that press service. , Dr. Casmiri now assumes the' post of vice di~ctor of tlle press office of the Holy I See,. Msgr. FaUsto Villainc continues as ,itS director. , ' , ' ",' :, .

,The official:. announcement said: "The press office will get its information directly from' the Papal Secretariat ,of, State.­ Such news will be distributed impartially among all accredited journalists."

The Best

FIRST AID: In Hue, Vietn,am, a U. S. 1st Oavalry Division medic and a Vietnamese elder administer first aid to two small boys wounded in a small village north of the city. NC Photo.

.Archbish/op Raimondi D;scusses' D'uties

E. Md\~'ll y (Coll1struction C~o; ~nc.

Apostolic Delegate Fili1dsTravel EssentoQ,1

WASHINGTON (NC)-Travel, whether it be across the city or across the' country, is a top, es­ sential in the' duties of the Apostolic Delegate in the United States. ' ' , That's the view of Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, currently, Pope Paul VI's personal representa'; tive in -this country. Just re­ turned :f.rom., plane· trips to California and Alaska, where he officated at consecrations of bishops, the archbishop turned his attention to his 'first official visit to Baltimore, just 40 miles from the nation's cap­ ital. He views his travels in line with his duty ·to represent the Pope in his universal ministry. "The work of an Apostolic Delegate is by no means pure-" ly administrative," Archbishop Raimondi said in discussing his visits to many parts of, the coun­ try since his'" appointment by Pope Paul on June 30, 1967. During the previous 10 years he was Apostolic Delegate in Mex­ ico.

; BONN'(NC)-Stefa~ Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw has an­ nounced the Polish bi$ops' des­ ignation of the year-long· period from M;ly, 1968, to May, 1969, as the "Year of the Church in Ped!." Each'month of the observance ,will be devoted to a special peril facing the Church. The months of 1968, beginning with May's "defense 'of the menaced Virgin," will be devoted to "de­ fense of the faith· menaced by atheism," "defense of the nation menaced 'by deliberately planned demoralization," "defense of the nation menaced by hatred," to "the Mother of the Church," to "the work of the bishops in de­ fense of the Church's liberty," and other 'themes. 1969's themes will include: "defense of the nation menaced by secularization," "defense of Extensive Communication the 'young menaced by modern pagan,ism," and "defense of the During an interview' in a nation menaced by alcoholism," second floor reception room Other observances ordered by of the apostolic delegation, a and solid structure the cardinal have been planned large , to mQbllize the forces of the on Massachusetts Avenue's "em­ 'Chureh before' and after the bassy rQw" in the capital, the meeting of the Communist party soft-spoken prelate acknowl': in Poland and to reaffirm the ,edged long hours at his desk. position of the Church regard­ '!'Ilhe office of the Apostolic ing the dialogue between social­ Delegate has a great deal, of ist countries and the nations of correspondence with bishops ,the West. and with organizations, with

Catholics and non-Catholics," he said. "There is extensive ,commu~ nication with the congregations, the hierarchy, the conference of bispops, the conference of Religious and others. We arE:, con­ stantly in t~)Uch with them," he


"But," he added, ,raising both hands in a relaxed gesture, "I also have been visiting exten­ sively for the purpose of the

consecration of bishops, their

installation and for anniversa~

ries of dioceses or persons."

: Duties of Today Archbishop Raimondi's own

devotion to the Holy See repre­

sents a lifetime of ded,icated

'service. He is in his mid-50s, a 'man whose personal strength' and sense of dignity are soft­

ened by a ready smile. He has

been in the diplomatic service of the Holy· See since 1938.

"The 'life of the Church to­

day," Archbishop Raimondi re~

plied, "is oriented toward the

fulfillment of the duties pf to­

day-dutics that are influenced

by the historic content of the present circumstances.

"Problems do not have easy

answers today," he continued.

"There is an effort, a search,

b in fact a soul-searching on the part of the people of God~ The answers are not always clear, but each person is contributing

in his own way, advancing one idea or another. ~'I think. the trend is towai'd

'finding precjsely, ,the re~ponse required ,by the appeal the Vat­ '<:>



ican Council, directed 'to the Church, 'an appeal cal)ing upon the Church to fulfill its task in relation to the world in which

we live and.. to respond, to the

yearnings, and' needs ,of the the present," he said.

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Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Bishop Approves Greater Voice For Lay"'e".·

Agency Assigns

Sisters to Hue

.LANSING·' {NO)-Aser­

res of proposals that give lay­ men a greaJter' voice in par­ i9h and dioceSlan affairs was endorsed by Bishop Alexander lVI. Zaleski of Lansing. At an unprecedented dio­ cesan renewal congress attend­ ed by some 5,000 persons, five main recommendations came out of a two-month home dis­ cussion program conducted in the 115 parishes and missions in the 15-county diocese. They were presented to the bishop at the congress in the Lansing Civic' Center, climax­ ing detailed study by the lay­ men on the Vatican Council II decree on the apostolate of the laity. The laymen's proposals included: .Establishing by .June 1, 1968, parish councilfl in each parish and mission in the 246,OOO-mem­ bel' diocese. The councils would be a means of employing the special skills of parishioners as well as serv1ng as a more ef­ fective instrument of parish re­ newal. .' . Establishment of a diocesan council composed of clergy, Re­ ligious and laity to aid the bish­ op in promoting mutual coor­ dination of various 'associations and enterprises in· the diocese. Included would be· broad com­ munication lines wi,th parishes to disseminate information from the diocese to parish level. Youth Commission Establishment of a diocesa"n youth commission which would transmit information to adults so they could better assist youth in their moral and intellectual development. Encouragement of the Dio­ cesan Office of Social and Com­ munity Service in its search for programs of social action and for sources of funds to resolve the problems of open housing and poverty. Creation of a diocesan com­ mission for the lay apostolate. It would communicate informa­ tion concerning the various apo­ stolic programs of the laity and assist clergy and laity in their apostolic endeavors.

Rector to Evaluate . Seminary Changes DARLINGTON (NC) - The new rector of Immaculate Con­ ception seminary here in New Jersey, Msgr. William F. Hogan, said he will be more immediate­ ly concerned with an evaluation of changes already made in the seminarians' training program than with making more changes. "We have some plans on the fire, but I'd say' they are pretty !far back on the fire right now," Msgr. Hogan explained, adding: "We've had some pretty radical changes in the last few years and we are now in the process of evaluating them." : Changes have included a de­ crease in seminary rules, expan­ sion of apostolic activities, and a new program of spiritual ex­ ercises involving a new pedago­ gical approach. The seminary supplies both the Paterson dio­ cese and the Newark archdio­ cese with most of their clerical manpower.

Enters Order BARDSTOWN (NC}-A Bards­ town man has received the habit of the Congregation of the Res­ urrrection in Dundas, Ont. B l' 0 the l' Thomas Augustine Biven is·the first Negro to enter the order in its 300 years of existence. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Biven of tbUJ Kentucky ~ommunity.


DEMONSTRATION: The manner of administering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is demonstrated to a group of 34 high school students who visited St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., for a 'weekend look at a seminarian's life. The Rev. Mr. David Glancy, a deacon at the .seminary bends over the patient, who is played by Stephen Crowe, a student at St. James high school, Chester, P·a. NC Photo.

Seminary 'Live In' Stimulates Vocations Di!r~~tor

Says Program Total Success

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Thir­ ty-five high school students staged a weekend ";live in" at suburban St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. It was an invitation affair, .rated productive and gave the volunteers an insight in what it's like to be a seminarian and a priest. The "live in" was arranged through a seminary program in which last year parish priest moderators learned more than 200 high school students were interested in vocations to the priesthood. It brought together students who had been corresponding with seminarians in the theol­ ogy department of the seminary. By invitation from the semi­ narians .the high schoolers ar­ rived on a Friday evening to stay until Sunday afternoon. Authentic Experience . They participated in a typical seminary schedule, including common prayer, classes and a concelebrated Mass in which they joined the seminarians in receiving Holy Communion un­

Cotholocs to Join Finnish Coun"cil HELSINKI (NC) - With a unanimous vote of approval by its Protestant and Orthodox members, the Finnish Council of Churches has moved to accept the Catholic Church into full membership in the council. The decision, approved by Lutheran, Orthodox, Baptist, Methodist, Free Convenant a:nd Salvation Army delegates to the council, was announced by Lu­ theran Bishop Ells Gulin. Two of Finland's 2,610' Cath­ olics will be named as council representatives. Speaking at a press confer­ ence called to discuss the new council membership, . Father Martti Voutilainen, O.P., Fin­ land's only native Catholic priest, said: ''The admission of the Catholic Church into the council for all pJ:ac~lcal purposes

means that the Catholic Church

acknowledges cooperation all one member among others.~

der two forms. At two group "classes," discus­ sions were led by Msgr. Thomas J. Welsh, seminary rector and



Loses $50 000 ,1

KANSAS CITY (NC) - The New People, newspaper of the Kansas C~ty-St. Joseph diocese, in an effort to increase circula­ tion, reported to its readers it had lost over $50,000 last year.

Income from "a little more than 10,000 subscriptions totaled $41,850. Advertising brought in $37,000, and m i see 11 a n eo u S sources, about $2,650, for a total income of $81,500. Expenses last year tota~ed $132,700. These included $39,295 for printing, production and mailing; $11,000 for circulation and promotion; $39,400 for edi­ torial salaries, art work, photos, news services, features and col­ umnists; $38,000 for advertising, administration and rent. Before the paper changed from

forced to voluntary subsCrip­

tions, it had a circulation ~f 32,­

000 and a total income of $165.­

000, the paper said. Msgr. Richard J. Schumacher, president, said the figures "give an idea of what it costs to pub­ lish our newspaper. I,t is obvi­ ous that under the old system Otf forced subscdptions, it was much easier to balance the bud­ get. "Now however," he added, "it reqiures the interest and cooper­ a.tion of the laity to do the job."

ELECTRICAL Contractol'll

by Msgr. Edward J. Thompson, archdiocesan director .of voca­ tions. At another class on "prac­ tical liturgy" the high schoolers learned about sponsors for Bap­ tism, wedding ceremonies-and one young man served as the subject for a "practice" admin­ istration of the Anointing of the Sick. Msgr. Thompson called the program a "total success." Both. seminarians and visi­ to~ he commented, reacted with complete enthusiasm. He said he was especiall~r pleased by the fact that there was nothing artificial in the welcome given to the visitors-"they were ab­ sorbed into the community for

the weekend." 'S 0 m e' seminarians vacated their ' rooms for temporary quarters' to give the students what Msgr. Thompson called "an authentic experience in seminary living."

NEW YORK (NC)-Catholie - Relief Services (CRS), the

overseas relief agency of U. S.

Catholics will send seven nurses

from Saigon to wartorn HI.,fe to

help meet the medical needs

of refugees and war victims

there, CRS headquarters here


Father Robert L. Charlebois of Gary, Ind., director of CRS in Vietnam, said that he thinks the Sisters will be able to meet the emergency. The Sisters will be led by Sister Mary McDonough, C.S.C.. of Brooklyn, medical supervisor of 'CRS in Vietnam. Matthew D'Arcy of Glasgow, Scotland. CRS representative in Danang., will accompany the Sisters. The CRS warehouse in Hue 19 one of the few buildings no~ damaged in the battle there. The Sisters will find food and clothing already in stock, but are taking 800 pounds of e~erQ gency medical supplies with them. The Vietnamese government and the U. S. embassy have given clearance for the projec.t. The Sisters and the supplieD were to leave on the first cargo plane authorized to land in Hue. Father Charlesbois made aJiil appeal to CRS in the Unitecl! States to rush help to the hos~ pital being built by Bishop Pierre Marie Pham ngoc Chi oR Danang. Although Danang is the only major Vietnamese city that has not yet received a Viet Cong offensive, the situation of the sick there, Father Charlesboi9 said, is deplorable.

Morality Theme ST. LOUIS (NC) -Catholic" Protestant and humanist moral~ ists and ethical theorists win take part' in an institute OJiil "Contemporary Approaches t@ Morality" March 15-17 undel? sponsorship of the divinity school of St. Louis University.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs:, Mar. 7, 1968

Tau!mtonaons 'to Aid Benefit Show For Drrish Co~umban Fathers Members of 'the Greater Taunton Gaelic Society are serving on a committee for the presentation of unique Irish entertainment at 8 Friday evening, March 15, at West Junior High School, West Street, Brockton. ' Mary E. McNamara, St. Mary's parish, Taunton, general chair';' man of the Brockton program, announces that 28 members of the Irish Airlines Musical 50eiety (stewardesses, pilots, and others) will present a two hour show of music, step-dancing, and singing. In addition to the music of Ireland, show tunes from "My Fair Lady," "Carousel," and other musical comedies will be offered as well as 'popular American folk songs. For the second year, this group is presenting 12 concerts

in East Coast cities for the bene­ fit of the Columban F,athers, an Irish missionary group working in South America, Asi~, Austra­ lia, and the Philippines, as well , as in colleges and seminaries in this country and Ireland. This year's program salu·tes the gold­ en anniversary' of the founding of the' Columban Fathers. The Musical Society was form­ 'ed in 1962 by members of the Dublin staff of Aer Lingus (Irish International Airlines). It has bee~ acclaimed internationally for the excellence, of its fast­ paced concerts. , Tickets ire obtainable from William C. Kearns, Catherine M. Cody, Josephine F. McNa­

Prog"'(!lm Prepares Conege Grads for, Teaching MILWAUKEE' (NC)-Catholic education here has something going to get college graduates back, to school. For the past six weeks 16 women 'and five men with degrees in many areas but educa-

tion have been involved ill • teacher orientation course. The program was developed between the archdiocesan office of education and Mount Mary College to get more qualified lay teachers ill parish schooJs.

On completion. participantl earn six credits'toward a teach­ ing certificate. Some who taug;be previously and are certified ... tended to refresh their know&­ edce and metboda.

mara, or Mary E. McNamara, all of Taunton.

The Parish Parade OUR LADY OF ANGELS,


lFALLRIVER Girl Scouts will mark G~rl'

The parish pas*oral councn Scout Sunday by attendance at 'wni meet at 7' Sunday night, Mass. Breakfast will "follow 'in March 10:: , the 'parish school. Confirmation classes are be­ Contemporary music will ac,:., ing held at 3:30 every Thursday company the '8:30 Mass Sunday" afternoon in preparation for mornfng, March 10.' ' administration of the sacrament ; Pa;rishioners'with sons, daugh-' Sunday, 'April 7., Children at­ tel'S' or husbands in the" armed' tending , CathoHc 'schools ate forces are requested" to notify also to be present for the meet-· the rectory. The AnchOr 'will be' ings. sent· to service personnel free, of A Portuguese' parish· mission ' ~arge. _ _ is -in progress and will end ,Sun- ' Parents ·of children in ,the day: ,Mass and" sermon 'are confirmation class are requested scheduled at 7 every, night. to attend a meeting at 8 Thurs­ Religious articles are available day night" March 14 in the during the mission. school hall. During Lent Masses are at ., A.M. and 4 and,7 P.M. daily. . ST. JOSEPH, Confessions are' heard half an FALL RIVER

hour before Masses. Stations of CCD executive board mem­ the Cross are held at 3:45 and 'bel'S will meet following 9:30 Mass Sunday morning, March 6:45 Friday afternoon and eve­ ning. Children are urged to 10. The parish council will meet attend the afternoon Mass and at 7:30 tonight In the school Stations of the Cross. hall.

Girl Scouts will attend cor­ , :Men's Club members will

serve a St. Patrick's 'Day Supper porate Communion at 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 10• . from 5:30 until 7 Saturday night, Parishioners will meet at ., March 16. Sunday night, March 17 to plan IMMACULATE CONCEP'Il'ION. the Espirito Santo Feast to be NEW BEDFORD held May 31 and June 1 and 2. ,Regular card games at the Children of Mary announce school hall on Earle Street are a penny sale for Friday,' March held each Saturday night at 7:30. 15. Special prizes are featured weekly. ' IMMACULATE CONCIj!PTION, .TAUNTON 8T. THERESA, 80. ATTLEBORO The Confraternity of Chris­ tian Mothers and the Holy Name Society will co-sponsor a .,Giant Penny Sale on Thursday and Friday evenings, March ., and 8 In the parish hall OIl Washington Street. . Rev. Roger Gagne is general chairman and he will be as­ sited by Mrs. Aline Lariviere and Martin McCann. Proceeds will go *owards the CatechetiCal Building Fund. ST. ,JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7:30 Monday night, March 11 in the church hall. Members are requested to make and bring hOats for a humorous hat show arranged by Mrs. Emile Rancourt, aided by Mrs. Norman Levesque. Girl Scouts and Cadettes will hold a candlelight ceremony and investiture at 7:30 tomor­ row night 'in the church.

Catholic Teacher LANCASTER (NC) -Father William J., Walsh, S.J., has been harned assistant professor, of church history' at Lancaster Theological ,S?minary here, ef­ fective July 1. ,


The Holy Name 'Society win receive Corporate Communion at the 8 o'cloCk Mass OIl Sunda,. morning, March 10. Members will hold their meeting at 8:15 OIl Monday night in ,the church auditorium. Topics to be discussed are: the By-Laws and Constitution; the ham and bean supper scheduled for April 6; the Spring Dance for the parish. Tickets for the May 17th night ball game between the Red Sox and the Yankees may be o~ tained at, Monday's meeting.

Explain Paper's Circulation Dip TOLEDO (NC)-Two r:easons -an increase in the . annual subscription price and the "rest­ less renewal in the Church­ were given as the reasons for the Catholic Chronicle's circu­ lation drop from 49,000 to 42,000. The reasons were cited at the close of the annual subscription campaign 'of the diocesan news­ paper, conducted by the students of the diocese's schools during two weeks in February. Shortly before the campaign, the Chron­ icle announced a subscription increase. from $4 to $5 because Gf nicre~ costs. '






would you rather have?-IF-you had a choice ••• ·

Most Africans have little choice, for the majority

the~e is only one physician for 50,000 people.

For most missionaries doubling as doctor is all in

a day's work. Granted, healing the sick i's only

one of the corporal works of mercy, but isn't this

the way Christ ministered to the multitudes?

Those to whom the missionary reaches out in Christ's

name are your brothers! ~elp him help them.

Remember everything you send to The Society for the

Propagation of the Faith, the' Holy Father gives

Within the year to the ,most needy.



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SEND YOUR GIFT TO " The Right Reverend Edward T.,O'Meara National Director 366 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10001

The Right Reverend Raymond T. Considine

OR Diocesan Director


368 North Main Street

Fall River, Massadlusetts 02720 ..




President Denoul1lces Gregory's 'Tactics, ' Language' SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The president of st. Ma,ry's Uni­ versity here has denounced the '6fJactics and language" used by Negro comed.ian Dick Greg()ry when he spoke on ci viI lIights to a group of students. 'Father Louis J. Blume, S.M., said Gregory "abused his privi­ lege as a guest of the university and I deeply regret his breach of good taste and judgment." Father Blume called a Pl'ess conference after Gregory's ap­ pearance triggered a wave of criticism directed at the uni­ versity. One local daily paper speculated that as a resuIt of the comedian's appearance many contributors were withdrawing their support f,rom St. Mary's. Father Blume said he "didn't have any information" about the loss of income, and he denied that civil rights was an issue in his denuncation of Gregory. After hearing a tape of the comedian's 2lh-hour speech, Fa­ ther Blume said he was "greatly shocked by both the content and the language of his presentation. Abused Privilege '''His villification of our Amer­ ican system, our P.resident and our flag I found partciularly ob­ jectionable. Mr. Gregory abused his privilege as a guest of this university and I deeply resent his breach of good taste and judgment. ' "The right of free speech has never been construed as a lJ­ eense to use foul language or to make, ind,iscriminate a,ttacks on such highly regarded institutions and personages as the flag Of our country and our' chief ex­ ecutive." During his talk, Gregory aim­ ed several jokes-:Some off-color

-at President Lyndon B. John­ son. But most of the reaction to the speech was' directed at his comments on the flag: "'I'he American flag is nothing but a rag, I don't care how patriotic you are, a flag is a rag," he said. "I'm not interested in rags-' I'm interested in people and in the day we can respect one an­ other as human beings. On that day we can salute one another as humans, that's the day that our rag will be safe." Insulting Statements Among his other comments: "This is what you young kids are going to have to do. You are going to have to build an America that ;you won't be ashamed of-an America you don't have to worry about." "Basically, Mack folks 'don't hate white folks. We hate your stinking system. That's 'what we're going to change. When' men hate a system-that's revo­ lution." The No. 1 problem of America is "not air pollution--it's moral. pollution." America is the "No. 1 1"3cist country in the world, including South Africa because South Af­ J'lica doesn't have a ,constitution pretending all men lire created equal." Of the debate over fair hous­ ing bills: "We are sick and tired of yourinsuIts, telling us, i!f we behave ourselves" we can live next door to you. These insults' are what we are upset about." Father Blume said the major­ ity of St. Mary's 9tudents ­ whom he described as conserva­ tive and responsiI)](l-"rejected the many abus-ive and insul~ing, statements."

Asks 'Peace Sunday' Observance

To Dem,onstrate Faith in UN PITTSBURGH. (NC)-A Va­ "Personal freedom and human ­ tican official at the United Na­ dignity continue to be viola.ted. tions has called for stronger "The shocking display between commitments to the UN Decla­ rich and poor peoples; the in­ J'lation on Human Rights and equality of races; the scandal of asked American religious lead­ apartheid, hunger, disease, ig­ ers to sponsor a Peace Sunday norance and discrimination are to demonstrate faiih in the UN. still the stumbling blocks to the l\fsgr. Ettore DiFilippo, proto,:, realization of a better world. "Every hour on the hour'. Co co col secretary to' the Holy See's permanent UN observer, 'Msgr. the· press, radio and TV feed us Alberto Giovannetti, spoke at a disturbing in!formation on wars, riots, civil disorders and astro­ special Human Relations Sun­ day Mass at St. Paul'~ cathedral nomical expenditures for arma­ ments. here. "Decla,rations and conventions "Millions are suffering from are one thing," Msgr. DiFilippo malnutrition, or are homeless, said, but "their implementation or living in the misery and ig­ in the daily lives of millions of norance that breeds resentments people is quite another. In this and hatred." struggle for human rights, in this main 'peace-building opera­ Diocesan Weeklies

tion,' ,nobody can be neutral, nobody can be a spectator." Press Awards

He noted that Pope Paul VI WILMINGTON (NC) --.: Two had called the UN the "obliga­ tory road of modern civilization diocesan weeklies each won two and world peace," and asked first-place awards in the annual that a United Nations Sunday or Better Newspaper Coniest of the Maryland Dela.ware Press Asso­ a Peace Sunday be an ecumeni­ eal observance in all our ciation. The Catholic Review, Balti­ ehurehes, schools and organiza­ more arehdiocesan newspaper, tions. ' was given first place for editor­ He asked: "Would it not stim­ ials written by A.}~.P. Wall, edi­ ulate new initiaHves for a bet­ tor, and' for community service. ter understanding of our com­ mitment to the modern world? The community service award Could i-t not inspire Christians was for a series of articles on throughout the world to promote pornography by Gordon Hender­ the international fund £Or de-: son. The Delmarva Dialog, Wil­ veloping countries prop<lSed by mington diocesan newspaper, the Holy Father?" , soored first place £Or excellence The Human Relations Sunday and for page-one layout. Mass was the initial event in 'I'he Caiholic Review also re­ a year-long sellies of diocesan ceived a second-place award in activities here marking the 20th feature writing and a third anniversary of the UN's Declara­ award in women's interest writ­ tion on Human Rights. ing. ,The Delmarva Dialog won a Reasons for AetioDS thil'd-place award Ifor an editOT­ In his talk, Msgr. DiFilippo ial wn.tten by hmes P. Parks, listed 'reasons for imm.ediate ac­ J'I'., interim ed,itor, who bas ii4lIl in the field of bumall rights: fIinc:e leJt iibe Dialog.



Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968


Teachers Choose BargaE!J1~ng Ag)®nt

UNIQUE MIIDETliNG iN ECUMENISM: Representa­ tives from the fiVe areas of Council of Churches within the confines of the Diocese meet with the purpose of cooperat­ ing facilities with the Ecumenical Commission of the Diocese in order to centr~lize programs. Among the representatives were:Rev. Sydney Adams, New Bedford; Mrs. Dorothy W. Broadhurst, Fall :River; Rev. Robert Ryder, Attleboro Area; Rev: Reginald Tllleriault, O.P., Fan River.

University Board To Have Laymen OMAHA (NC) - The five­ member Jesuit board of direc­ tors of Creighton University has voted unanimously for lay par­ ticipation in the university ad­ ministration. "Giving laymen an opportu­ 'nity to contribute to university life at thepolicy~making level 'wi.ll better enable Creighton to achieve its educational goals,"

said Father H. W. Linn, S..J., university president. Father Linn said a committee comprised 0:': five Jesuits and five laymen will be appointed to assist in establishment of a governing body composed of both Jesuits and lay leaders from various fields. Target date for the implemen­ tation of the new board is June L

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-"We have no intention of striking but of cooperating," James E. McGrath, president of Philadel~ phia's Association of Catholic Teachers said in the wake of an electi~n among all lay teach­ ers in the 32 diocesan and pa­ rochial high schools of the Phil­ adelphia archdiocese. A 470-202 vote gave sole and exclusive bargaining rights· to ACT as the representative of the lay teachers in the archdi­ ocesan secondary school system. McGrath asserted: "We need a cooperative dialogue more than we need a union-manage­ ment relationship," addin~ tI'Jat his group would meet with archdiocesan school officials to continue contract talks for the 683 teachers in the Catholic secondary school system. The archdiocesan high schools are also staffed by 1,450 priests, Sisters and Brothers. McGrath said his group will seek a union shop, a require­ ment that all lay teachers in archdiocesan high schools join ACT, Local 1776 of the Amer­ ican Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, but added ACT prob­ ably would settle for an agency shop, in which all lay teachers would be assessed to compen­ sate the union as their bargain­ ing representative. Commenting on the ele.;tion, Msgr. Edward T. Hughes, archdiocesan superintendent of schools, said: "We look forw;ud to a fruitful and cooperative re­ lationship among our school administrators, our Religious teachers and· the lay teachers whom the association now rep­ resents."






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Continued from Page One . Only physically~ perfect speci­ mens were the Reich's annointed. But any country who adopts this ereed is not a Christian coun­ try," she said. The most dramatic moment of the hearing came when a tall, lean elderly man in clerical garb leaning heavily on a cal).e walk­ ed slowly before .the commission. In soft, measured words,. he 'started his testimony: ' . "I am a priest .. ~ .. I am mar­ ,ried .. .. .. I have four .ohildren



to destroy a life deemed arbi­ trarily devoid of value.. Can such power be given to any segment of society without do'­ ing individuals and society harm?" he declared. Claims Dr. Ayd' held liberalized abortion laws have not achieved the objectives claimed by th~ir sponsors. , He asked: "What is the differ­ ence between abortion and .fetuscide? -The term 'abortion' euphemistically avoids what Is actually done; namely; removal of the fetlis before it 'can sur­ vive - 'mercy killing' of the fetus. . "If fetuscide is carried out for the preventing of defect would not infanticide be' a logical . and medically preferred conse­ quence? Errors in prenatal diag­ nosis, dangers to the mother, and sacrifice of normal fetuses would be avoided," he said. Super Race Dr. Ayd held: "I deem it im­ perative to stress that no dis­ cussion of the movement to lib­ eralize abortion laws would be .complete without. calling atten­ tion to the fact that is a part of an overall plan. to produce a super race of men." The nazi theme recurred throughout the testimony heard by the commission headed by Charles W. Froessel, former As­ sociate Judge of the New York' State Court of Appeals. . Charles Rice, professor of constitutional law at Fordham' University law school said the' philosophy underlying the re­ form legislation "is the philoso-, phy that motivated the nazi re­ gime in Germany. If you pass this law, you are saying that a human being can be killed be­ cause he is inconvenient or un­ comfortable to others."





PARIS (NC) - The French Bishops' Commission on the Family has criticized Catholic authors who "allow themselves to settle the question (of birth control) authoritatively by an­ ticipating the teaching of the Pope." . In a pastoral note entitled "The Mission of Husbands and Wives," the commission con­ ceded that for some couples there are tragic situations," and went on to say that for this rea­ son "the decision of the Pope is anxiously awaited." It pointed out that the Pope "has reserved to himself the right to give cer­ tain detailed information for the enlightenment of consciences." Taking note of a law legal­ Izing birth controi which 'the French parliament approved last December, the bishops wrote that "it is normal, that civil leg­ islation according. to the compe­ tence of the state occupy Itself with the problems of married life • • • But the problem is also of the moral and religious order. That· is why the bIshops must speak."


SARITA (NC) - Special Pro­ member of the New 'York foUJllo bate Judge William R. Edwards dation .which received. the bulk: bas rejected a 1000 wui leaving of the estate. most of a $300 million estate to . Tbe 1960 wiD' named Chris­ a New York foundation.. topherGregory;New York bankThe Texas judge said that "un­ due influence" was exerted on . er 'J.Peter Grace and Father Patrick J. Peyton Of the Cat'h­ Mrs. Sarita Kenedy East, grand­ daughter' of a co-founder of the olie Family RosarY, Inc. of Ne'W wst King Ranch, by a Trappist York as members of a new :fIoun­ monk .:who was later expelled dation. After her death,' Greg­ oryproduCed a doucument sIgn-­ from his. order. Mn. East, who died in Febru­ "ed by Mrs. p,:ast naming him sole ary, 1961, was under. the , spir­ me~ber of the lfoundQti~. itual care ()f Brother Leo--also The judge ruled. tha4; he Wiill

known as Christopher Gregory admit to proba,te a 1948 ww.

-who was expelled from the and two codicils, leaving most of

Trappists in 1966. Under the the estaJte to friends, distant tel­

terms of the rejected will, Greg­ ativ~ and another Oatholic Ol­ ory would have been the sole der, the Oblate Fathers.



Am@l?D~«tH1U "l?@~@te




~@IJil~ l?®@@lfD@n


VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has continued his new policy of naming residential bishops to the Roman Curia by appointing seven new m"embers of the Congregation of the Clergy, including Archbishop. William E. Cousins, Archbishop of Milwaukee. . The Congregation is that' which deals with the election of bishops, and' the organization of dioceses. The new members will have the same rights and duties as card.inal-members but will attend only the - plenary' meetings of the congregation. Other prelates appointed were: Archbishop J~mes Knox of Melbourne, Australia; Archbish­ op Segundo Garcia de Sierra y Mendez of Burgos, Spain; Bishop Alfreda Rubia Diaz of Sonson, Colombia; Bishop Joseph Scho­ iswohl of Graz-Seckau, Austria; Bishop Gerard Coderre of St.-' Jean de Quebec, Que.; and Bishop Anthony Janggi of Basel, Swit7;erland.




In south India alone 274, Sisters·to-be neeel TEU. sponsors. $900 will train three of them•••• It Show this column to a friend. We'll send him FRIEND (or her) full Information.

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SAN ANTONIO (NC)-An ec­ umenical religious procession to mark the dedication of Hemis­ Fal,r 1968 "to God by all the men of God," will be held here Fri­ day, April 5,. the day before the :liaix officially opens.

From Kunnamkulam, south India, Father Josepl't Vandakoott writes ·that his small church Is be· yond repair and has become a safety hazard for the 500 famlllas who worship there. Determined A to build a new ohurch, his near destitute parish­ LABOR Ioners have slven what they can from their' OF meager earnings and have pledged to build the LOVE ohurch free-of-charge If someone provides the materia III ($2950) •••• Build the church In your· lo.ved ones' memory, If you give the full amoun~ Even smaller Lenten sacrifices ($1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $25, $10, $5, $2) will go far In a village whe~e men don't take pay when they work for God.








Expelled Priest

Le~ves ·MQry~nolU.'


DOllARS For only $10,000 you 'can build a complete GO . "parlsh plant' .(churoh, sC,hool, rectory- and co... FAR vent) In south india,•••• In memory?


Have you 'ever wished your h1mlly had a nunf This Lent you can have a 'nun of your own'­ and ahare forever In all the good she does•••• Who Is she? A healthy wholesome, penniless girl In her teens or Clarly twenties, she' dreamQ of the day she can bring God's love to lepera, orphans, the aging••• _ Help her become fA Sister7 To p'ay all her expenses this year and next she needs only $12.50 a month ($150 II 'year, $300 altogether). She'll write you to ex­ press her thanks, and she'll pray for you at dally Mass. In Just two years you'll have a 'Sister of, your own' ••• We'll send you her name on receipt of your first L~mten gift. (All gifts are tex-de­ duotlble, of course, In the U.S.A.) As long as sM lives you'll know you are heiplng the pltlablo people ahe cares for•••• Please write us today 80 she can begin her training. She prayssomc­ one will help.



'. Deer


. .-~-~---~--------_. ." co." .HOLOUD, PLEAII flHD ;~R:-

.OSSINING (NC)-The Maiy­

knoll Fathers announced that

Father Blase Bonpane, M.M.,

on of three ~Maryknoll mission­ ~.e~ '. arIes ordered out of Guatemala I~ N " n..n S in December for working with' VATICAN' CITY (NC)-Pope guerrillal!, has. "unilaterally dis­ Paul VI has named Joseph Car.:.' associated himself" from wotk­ dinal Beran of Prague and·' ing with Maryknoll. Cesare Cardinal Zerba of the Father Bonpane had been as- . Congregation: of the Sacraments signed to Hawaif and. reported to be members of the cardinal- t1).e~~ at.t1).e end Qf-January but· alatial Commission for, the Pre- immediately requested home fecture of Economic Affairs of " leave' and' returned to New:, the Holy See. York­ 't

,Judge Rejects Will Lea~i'~g:$3()O ~illion To Expelled Trapp~st '

Life Determinant

The audience, silent and still, waited. . "I am 'the Rev. Charles Car­ roll, priest of the Episcopal di­ .ocese of California, Protestant chaplain to faculty and students at the University ()f California­ San Francisco Medical Center." Life and Death Father Carroll told the com­ 'mission: "The issue which we have come here to discuss is not abortion alone. The issue is power, the power of· life and death--over ourselves and over <lJthers." He told the commission he was at the University of Berlin dur­ ing the Hitler period, an officer of the U.S, Military Government '. in Germany from 1947-49 and an observer at the trial of nazi doctors in Nuremberg. Citing medical experts who hold "life begins at conception," he said: "I am deeply troubled by the proponents of 'liberali­ .zation' who on one hand deny this and on the other hand in­ Gist that it would be wrong to \Perform an abortion after the 20th week of pregnancy. Why is it right in the 19th week? And wrong in the 20th?" , He said: "I believe, .with Prof. Helmuth Thielicke of' the Uni­ versity of Hamburg, that once

wpregnation has takeI.J. place,

,',t is no longer a question of -.: Wlhether the persons concerned ~ave responsibility for a: possible !parenthood; they have become parents; with Prof. Karl Barth of Basel, that he 'who destroys ger­ minating life kills a man;' and with Dietrich Bonohoeffer that 'abortion is nothing but mur­ der." Opposed Elmer "Is it not interesting fihat an of these eminent Protestant the­ <Dlogians are. Germans who op­ posed Hitler at the risk of their lives?" he asked. Dr. Frank J. Ayd, Baltimore psychiatrist, questioned the need :!lor abortion law changes. . He asked: "Do a majority of people desire a change or is it a vocal minority utilizing the resources of a monolithic propaganda mill?" ~ He charged ''those who favor lIiberal abortion laws have only fragmentary information· on the issues involved and that they. are influenced greatly by· hu.,. manistic compassion .and Un­ bridled emotions which prevent 'them from bringing' wIsdom and reflection to. the .issue." "Their emotions a~ fed by h~lf-truths· •• they have' been

invaded by Ideas through prop­

aganda • • • what they see is the giving of the right to one to de­

Cide if another should live and,. in the case of children likely to be born with a grave phys-' !eal or mental defect, the right


'Undue Influence '," . .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968


Please retumwith coupori >,our offering


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.MSGR•.JOH~ G.' NOI,.AN, National Secretary­ Write: ·CATHOLIO NEAR EASTWELFARIl Assoc. 330.Madlson Avenue-New York, N.Y. 10017 'telep~onel,'aI2/YUkon,6-~840 .' ,

Laity Undertake New Approach To Housing

Spanish Fiesta at Sacred Hearts Academy To Spotlight Tots, Teens, Alumnae

WASHINGTON (NC) At a time when low-income housing projects are under criticism as unrealistic and

An effervescent Puerto Rican Sister who "can't keep my feet sWI when I hear music" is responsible for a Spanish Fiesta at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River to be held at 8 Sunday night, March 24. A sparkling introduction to Spanish culture, song and dance has been planned by Sister Carmen Joseph, S.U.S.C., 25 years a Holy Union religious this month and as young at heart as a j ust-en­ tered postulant. The program is unique in that it will take

calloused in recognizing the true needs of the poor, a group of laymen here has undertaken a project that answers both the need and the criticism. The project, known as Sursum Corda, has been two and one­ half years in the planning stage. It will be completed by the Summer of 1969 on 5% acres of h.nd a dozen blocks from the U. S. Capitol building. Among the criticisms leveled at other low income housing is that the poor have no say in what the type and character of the dwellings will be. Sursum Corda, Inc., a non­ profit corporation dedicated to providing decent homes for families displaced by urban re­ newal, foresaw this need and met regularly with the people of the neighborhood. The archi­ tect showed them his plans for comment and change. Critics also say that low in­ come housing is too unimagina­ tive and stereotyped. But Sur­ sum Corda will not be the high­ rise telephone booths generally associated with inner city urban renewal. Modern Conveniences For the most part, the 199 dwellings will be multi-roomed town housp.s in the center of the inner city. They will have the modern conveniences found iIi higher-ref.lt areas - air condi­ tioning, patios and washer­ dryers. The tenants will also have access to luxuries not readily available to the average apartment dweller trees, grassy areas, shaded walks and their own park. Sursum Corda will give first priority to families displaced from the area by urban renewal. Applications have already been accepted from 170 such fam­ ilies. Sursum Corda workers have put in thousands of hours in meetings, received no pay and met expenses from their own pockets. But they profited from the mistakes of others, their own dedication and professional maturity, and cooperation from government agencies, local and federal. The public housing leasing program will allow families to live in Sursum Corda town houses without paying more than 25 per cent of their month­ ly income for rent. The rent subsidies program is designed to allow families eli­ gible for public housing to live in moderate income housing. This is the first time that both programs have been allowed for a single project. None of the tenants will know if another is receiving federal aid. ' The project will have an esti­ mated 1,143 tenants, of whom about 715 will be children under

16.' Each unit of two bedrooms will be equipped with a refrig­ erator, kitchen range, garbage disposal and washer-dryer. Washer-dryers for tenants of one-bedroom apartments' will be provided for use without charge in the proposed Com­ munity Building.

Names Americans VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has named 10 cardinals -including John Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia and Francis Cardinal Brennan, prefect of the Congregation of the Sacraments -to be members of the Pontifi­ eal Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law.

in every section of the academy's educational program. Tots"from the Holy Union pre-school group will present a Mexican hat dance, the new junior high school division will be repre­ sented, the high school Spanish Club and Spanish classes will be responsible for a major part of the show, and climaxing the program, alumnae will return to their alma mater t.o offer a Stephen Foster selection, Span­ ish style. Not content with staging this ambitious production, Sister Carmen Joseph has made 90 costumes for participants and twined 800 artificial roses for a gala patio scene. "I do things very fast," said she, in explain­ ing how she's been able to make all these preparations in addi­ tion to handling her normal teaching load of five Spanish classes daily and aiding in in­ firmary duties in the Holy Union convent. "I've always been this way," she added. "My mother used to say that St. Peter will send me

back when I get to heayen­ he'll say I came too fast." Born in Puerto Rico, Sist.er Carmen Joseph came in contact with the Holy Union community as a young aide at the National Catholic Welfare Conference' headquar(ers in Washington. She SaYS she didn't mind the' change from Puerto Rican warmth to Massachusetts chill when she \. entered the Fall River noviti­ ate of the Sisters. Attract Alumnae She taught a' Sacred Hearts Academy as a young Sister, then at the Nanaquaket Prep School maintained at that time by the community. In 1948 she went to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she taught for 12 years in a Holy Union high school. Since her return to the United States in 1960 she has been at Sacred Hearts. Sister Carmen Joseph says'

she picked up mimy of the dances and songs that will be

seen March 24 during her years in Argentina. Others were learned during Summer courses and by watching Spanish dance' programs. "I really have music in me," she said. "I think I inherited it from my father." She sighed as she commented that sometimes she watches teen dances at SHA. "There are couples actually sit-

Approves Priests' Retirement Plan OAKLAND (NC) - Bishop Floyd L. Begin of Oakland has approved a retirement program for diocesan priests which calls for optional retirement at 65 and compulsory retirement at 70. Bishop Begin approved the plan in a letter to Father A. J. Quinan, president of the dio­ cesan priests' senate, which had made the retirement proposal. The California prelate asked the priests' senate to research and develop details of the pro­ gram. He agreed with the senate that "there is need for a definite retirement· age, both optional and compulsory, so that a priest can look forward and prepare ,for his retirement, and in order that a just and equitable policy be set up which will adequately support him."

THE 1>' 'CHOR­

Thurs.. Mol'. 7, 1968


Caution In PassGcL"U Plays

, FlESTA P ARTICIP ANTS: Preparing for Spanish Fi­ esta at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, are, from left, Rosemary Bonner, Joyce Sousa, (behind trellis) Francine Miranda, Rosemary Silvia, Patricia Morris. ting down, wasting all that music!" She says a big aim of the fiesta program is to bring SHA alumnae back for a pleasant visit. "We want to see our for­ iner students," she said. She is "­ particluarlY pleased that two members of her first Spanish class at SHA will be in the alumnae act. They are Mrs. Betty Turner Sullivan and Mrs. Lucille Borges Murphy.

Detroit University Boycan Cancelled DETROIT (NC)-A threatened boycott of classes at the Uni­ versity of Detroit has been can­ celled by' students leaders. Father Malcolm Carron, S.J., president of the university, agreed to establishment· of a joint student, faculty and ad­ ministration board to work for quality education. The boycott was planned to demonstrate support, for 23 de­ mands presented to Father Car­ ron by a group of student lead­ ers. Most 'demands focused on greater 'student participation in academic affairs. A short demonstration and teach-in took place earlier in an effort the student leaders de­ scribed as' a bid "to make the educational quality of the uni­ versity more reflective of the price we are paying."



Appropriately enough, pro­ ceeds from the· show will bene­ fit, Latin American missions, as well as a Holy Union mission in Africa. Lending aid in the way of making up the 90 young senori­ tas who'll be in the program are Mrs. Donald Landry and her daughter Miss Jane Landry. . Also helping will be members of the SHA Spanish Club, led by Joanna Rego, president and Belhany Stike, treasurer. Sister Carmen Joseph empha­ sizes that although most of the program will be in Spanish, "you won't need to understand the language to enjoy the show." /

WASHINGTON (NC) - Al­ though the prim'ary purpose of Passion plays is "to stimulate religious fervor," when care­ lessly written or produced they may become a source of anti­ Semitism, according to a state­ ment issued here. The statement, signed by six· members of the executive com­ mittee of the Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations of the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, said that such anti­ Semitism is "foreign and inju­ rious to true Christian piety and to the intent of Sacred Scrip­ tures, as well as offensive to our Jewish brothers." Those signing the statement were Father Edward H. Flan­ nery, executive secretary of the secretariat; Msgr. George G. Higgins; Msgr. John M. Oester­ reicher; Father John B. Sheerin, C.S.P.;Sister Katharine Har­ grove, R.S.C.J.; and Father Ber­ nard F. Law director of the ecu­ menical and interreligious af­ fairs committee. The statement said that sim­ plistic and erroneous intel'pre­ tatiol1s of Scripture have "occa­ sioned the accusation that the Jewish people of all time bear the unique responsibility for the death of Jeslus."

The statement added that its remarks, while primarily di­ rected at plays which depict the Passion of Christ and which are popular during Lent, are "equal­ ly applicable to sermons and teachings on the Passion of Christ." The Second Vatican Council documents clearly state that Christ underwent His Passion and death freely because of the sins of 'men, the statement said, and urged that all persons in the Church remember that the Jews should not "be presented as rejected or accursed .by God as i£ this followed from the Holy Scriptures."

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THE ANCHOR-DioCese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Cat,holic Schools' Financial Crisis May Cause Sys,tem to Qisappear


Employees Strikes Problem· Puzzles Experfs

PITTSBURGH (NC)-The fi- ligation of ttle state and is not nancial crisis facing Catholic forfeited when a ehild enters a schools in Pennsylvania "will reUgious school. not just disappear, but • • • may' "No religious group SIbould , \ cause a school system to disap- have to pay hundreds at- mil­ pear," the deputy superintend- lions of dollars for the privilege, By Msgr. George' G. Higgins ent of Catholic schools for the ()f giving a few hours of religious The recent garbage strike in New York City has evoked Pittsburgh 'diocese told a legis- education to its children," be lative committee here. added. , a spate of grimly serious articles and oolumns by well' John T. Cicco was one of four He strongly urged passage 01. known political pundits-including the acknowledg~~ dean, representatives of non-public the proposed legisla,tion, and of the corps, Walter Lippmann-on the vulnerabIlIty, of schools who testified before the criticized what he called "a bi­ urban Hving. The almost ap- ~ Pennsyvania House Committee goot-ed attack" 'which was mount­ ocalypitically somber tone of This promises to be the No. 1 on Basic Education. The.commit- ed when the bill was introduced!. question in the field of labor­ tee is holding hearings throughNot Religious Issue L ippmann's piece in the Feb. management relations for the out the s~te on a bill which As Clayton Sweeney, a lawyer issue of Newsweek ("Lind- indefinite future. The experts, would permit the state to pur- and a member 9f the Pittsburgh say and Rockefeller at Odds") is who are writing about it in the

chase the secular education of diocesan school board, put it: calculated to scare the living wake of the New York garbage

students in non-public-primari''The issue of aid to non-pub­ daylights out strike are badly divided on the lY' religious--schools. He schools is not now, nor has of anyone who issue and, in some cases, feel so Cicco, like the other witnesses, it ever been, a religious one. takes it at face strongly about it that they have noted that if Catholic schools are "Any non-public school is, in value. Mr. Lipp- taken to calling one -another ANGLICIAN THEOLO­ forced to close because' of in- fact, a public institution since mann is con- names in the public prints. vinced that the To cite but on example, The­ . GIAN: Dr. Eric Lionel Mas.. creasing losses, the cost to the it renders * * >Co, a very great problem of pro- odore Kheel- a very experi- _ call; one of England's most public school system wil~ be public service." Sweeney noted that the state viding indis- enced and highly successful me- prominent theologians, will enormous. 'Cannot Exist !Long' pays hospitals and orphanages pensable public - diator-has scornfully accused lecture at the Catholic Uni­ He said in 1967 that the Pitts- for their services to- the public, s e I" vic e s t 0 the New York Times editorial urban dwellers page of being completely preju- versity- of. America, Wash- burgh diocesan schools suffered and asked if "the duality of their without interdiced and doctrinaire in its ap- ington, D.C. in March. NC a net operating loss of $80,000. (the religious schools') service "Any group of people cannot (in providing both secular and ruption is "inproach to the problem and has Photo. herently insolwarned the New York State exist long under those condi- religipus education) is justifica­ uble," By that he means "under Legislature not to be taken in tions," he commented. tion for depriving them of what' prevailing standards the .pr.ob- by the Times. The Pittsburgh d i 0 c e san is' otherwise their right as a Pitt~burgh lem cannot be solved. It IS re'I1he Times argues, in season , schools are now "saving the gen- citizen?"

duced to an issue of abstract and out of season, that state, eril1 public about $350 million

principle. The problem can o!lly county and municipal employees in operating costs alone," ,he

be, managed." .. should never, under any circum- said. If Catholic schools in the PITTSBURGH (NC)-Four.: ex­ The utter defen,selessness of, stances, 'be, permitted to strike. perts on world problems will city of Pittsburgh were ,forced ~od~rn cities, he says, is so No-Strike Pledge to close, he added the city "must take part in a "D~y, of Aware­ ominous that "if the unions keep, be prepared to add at least $22 ­ WASHINGTON (NC) -John ness" sponsored by the Pitts­ on exploiting it there will be a Mr. Kheel, on the 'Contrary, million to their' annual schQOI Cardinal Krol of, the Philadel..· 'reaction, and the reaction will would permit some categories of burgh diocese, Bishop John J. budget for operating costs," and phia archdiocese is the new, Wright announced. , be some American v:ariaQt of municipal employees (park at­ The theme of the March 27 they 'must ~'be ready to invest president of the board of direc­ Fascism •• *,,' , , , tendants, for example) to strike; but would prohibit strikes by event will be ''The Poor ~f the approximately $75, million for tors of the Center for Applied' Research in 'the Apostolate, na­ Lippmann Realistie other categories{police and fire- ' World." Featured speakers will facilities and equipment." Cicco said "this same st()ry tional Catholic research and in­ The unrelieved pessimism of men, for example). be: this gloomy essay on the frightAt, the level of abstract the­ Barbara Ward (LadrJackson), could be told about Catholic formation center here. Cardinal Krol succeeds Law­ ening complexities of modern ary, there is probably something British economist, author, and schools throughout the Commonrence Cardinal Shehan of Balti­ wealth." ' living would be enough to make to be said for Mr. Kheel's dis- member of the Pontifical Com­ more. 'Rabbi, Charges Bigotry 'one despair were it not for t~e tinction, 'in this context, be­ mission 'on World Justice and Other Catholic Bishops on the Rabbi Abba Leiter, executive fact that some of Mr. Lipp- tween so-called essential and Peace, speaking on the plight ()f board of directors are: Coadju­ mann's earlier prophesies of non-essential public services. seCretary of' the Pennsylvania the world's poor. / Rabbinical Advisory Committee tor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of doom -dating back at least as _ Realistically, however, I doubt Harold Graves, associate di­ far as the New Deal-have, hap- that any local or state legisla-. rector of development for the on Religious Affairs, told the St. Paul and Minneapolis, Arch­ pily, failed to come to pass. ' tive body is prepared at this International Bank for Recon­ committee that "secular educa­ 'bishop Philip M. Hannan el New Orleans, Bishop Ernest J. On the other hand, ~ has time to buy the distinction, es­ struction and Development, OR tion is the responsibility a~d 00­ Primeau of Manchester, N. H., the uneasy feeling that this time, pecially in view of the fact that ''The Poor of the World and the and Bishop John J. Wright of alas 'he may be right. in the Federal service all cateof the Secular." Pittsburgh. ~ that as it may, Mr. Lipp- gories of employees, without Role Rev. Frank L. Hutchison, di­ mann is'much more realistic, I exception, are denied the right MILWAUKEE (NC)-Alver­ think, than those analysts who' to strike. , . rector for world hunger inter­ no College has reorganized its pretation, National Council of bave accused Governor RockeIn other words, I suspect that board of direc,tors to give con­ WEAR Churches, on "The..!"oor of the feller of selling out to organized - almost every state, county, and trol to lay members. The board World and the Role of labor because of his refusal to municipal legislature will insist -";'previously consisting of nine Churches." '­ call out the National Guard that all of the unions represent­ ''THE FAMILY SHOE STORE'" School Sisters of St. Francis, Msgr. Marvin Bordelon, direc­ when Mayor Lindsay decided ing public employees within the order which runs the wo­ tor of the U.S. bishops' Secre­ that the garbage strike has got- their jurisdictions agree to a men's college-will now have tariat for' World JUstice and ten out of hand. - no-strike pledge. 15 members. Nine board mem­ Peace ,on ''The Poor of the bers will be laymen, five will Lippmann thinks that this would not have been a practical Involes 8.5 Million World and the Christian Com­ be representatives of the re­ 43 FOURTH STREET

solution to the strike. The' NaIt should be perfectly obvious, munity." ligious order, and one will be Fan River OS 8-5811

tional Guard, he says, cannot however, that merely prohibit­ Bishop Wright will deHver the a priest. collect the garbage and operate ing strikes by state, county and welcoming addresses and the . the subways and teach schools. municipal employees is no solu­ concluding remarks. , I couldn't agree with him more.' tion to the problem. The program,' under the pa­ What, then, is the solution to In the words of A. H. Raskin tronage of the diocese, is being the problem of crisis strikes by of the New York Time~, the an­ provided by the bishops' secre­ municipal employees, whether onymous target of Mr.' Kheel's tariat, to be represent,ed by they be policemen, firemen, recent criticism of that distin­ Msgr. Bordelon and James R. Rt. 6-Between Fall River and New Bedford

teachers, or garbage collectors? guished newspaper's editorial Jennings, assistant director. Ar­ Mr. Lippmann, as noted above, page, "the men and women who thur B. Pisula, Pittsburgh dio­ One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities

thinks that there really isn't any work for state, county, and local cesan adminishative assistant Now Available for:

solution to this problem, At best, governments - there are riow for lay activities is the local co­ he 'says, it can only be managed. 8.5 'million of them-are entitled ordinator. 'BANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC.

But how? to know that forfeiture of the right to strike, almost universal FOR DETAIILS CALL MANAGER'

among other workers, does not 636-2744 or 999-6984 n 01 a SYSTEMATIC condemn them to being short­ ~ " y 10 year ~AVINGS changed by their governmental PD«ll1i'il iD'll J~rse)' employers, either on wages or MONTHLY DEPOSITS TRENTON (NC) -A Respect on having an effective voice in fit 01 a INVESTMENT for Life Committee has been or­ adjudicating grievances." ("How " V 10 year SAVINGS ganized by the New Jersey To A void Strikes by Garbage­ , NOTICE ACCOUNTS Catholic Conference, agency of men, Nurses, Teachers, Etc.," Year Books Coler Process the state's Catholic Bishops. 01 a REGULAR New York Times Magazine, Feb. The committee will engage in 25, 1968) " 10 year SAVINGS , Book~ets Brochures public relations efforts to in­ This is obviously the nub of form the public about issues re­ the problem. I would~ like to lated to efforts to change the think; that Mr. Lippmann is be­ state's laws governing abortion. ing overly pessimistic when he Sav~ngs Msgr. Joseph A. O'Connor, rep­ says that it is inherently insol­ resentative to hospitals in the uble. Bank By Mail Trenton diocese, will head the In any event, a number of the We Pay The Postage OFF SET PRINTERS ~ LEnERPRESS eommittee. alternative "solutions?' now be­ ~ YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA Two separate resolutions to, ing kicked around in academic, , 1-11 COFFIN AVENUE Phone 997-9421 establish committees to study, and legislative' circles will be e SOUTH YARMOUTH '* HYANNIS the need fo: changes - in the' discussed in a subsequent issue New Bedford, Mass. e DENNIS PORT 0 OSTERIfILLIE state's anti-abortion statutes are ,of this column, for whatever now pending in the Assembly• they may be worth

, Plans Awareness Day

Cardinal Krol Heads Research Directors.'. '.

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American Press,


THE ANCHORThurs.. Mar. 7. T968

Plan Ecumenical Housing Project: In Kentucky

Teachers Return

To Classrooms

. COVINGTON (NO) Eight Covington ehurches have furmed a non-profit housing organization, their first ecumenical project. The Northern Kentucky So­ ciety for Better Housing, which includes Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal and United Church of Christ parishes, will build a complex of townhouses and gar­ den apartments in Covington for low and moderate income :fIamilies. The development, known as Prospect Heights, has" been approved by the Federal Housing Administration for rent supplement. Father Ralph Hartman, editor of the Messenger, Covington diocesan newspaper, and Pastor Richard Giessler of Zion Evan­ gelical Lutheran Church, are co­ chairmen of the ecumenical or". ganization. Note Advantages Father Hartman explained that initiative for economic im­ provement is built into the pro­ gram because a family that is able to increase its annual in­ come is not penalized by being forced to move, as is the case with public housing. A resident of Prospect Heights with increased income would have his rent supplement either diminished or discontinued but could continue to live at the project. Pastor Giessler explained that the housing organization has been initially approved for a 100 per cent federally guaran­ teed loan from private sources and has been allocated nearly $150,000 per year in rent sup­ plement support by FHA.

Dutch Prelates Issue Pastoral UTRECHT (NC) - 'n their Lenten paswral, "Renewal and Confusion," the Dutch bishops urge Catholics not ro "increase the confusion by renovations that are not sufficiently well founded or by experiments that are not based on a sound phil­ osophy. "But," they, added, "beware of any hasty condemnation of those people who are honestly seeking modern ways of expres­ sion." "Every adult has the duty constantly to remain critical and" Dot to take his beliefs for granted," they said. "No society will eternally remain un­ changed. Everywhere there is change and man feels the urge to open new doors. The house of the Church must be "remod­ eled. Many people now consider this house uninhabitable. "It is unfair if we consider the authorities of the OhW'oo as the only ones responsible for the mistakes that are being made inside and by the Church. The whole Christian community fails in its tasks. "If renewal is inevitable and confusion inevitable, we must maintain our faith in the invis­ ible God. To believe is to re­ main faithful w God, to" trust that He is with us, as He was with the Jewish people that crossed the desert."

Washington Laymen Want Fiscal Report WASHINGTON (HC) - The Washington Lay Association has asked Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle of Washigton for an annual pub­ lic accounting cd archdiocesan expenditures and the issuing cd a proposed budget for 1he fol­ lowing year. The lay group request came m a letter !rom its hoard of directonJ.


LENTEN PROCESSION: Pope Paul VI leads a Lenten procession in Rome to be­ gin the traditional peri~ of Lent. The group is at the church of St. Sabina on Rome's Aventine Hill. NC Photo.

Seek New Catholic University "Rector Seven Study Candidates' Qualifications WASHINGTON (NC)--A sev­ en-man committee of faculty and board of trustees' represen­ tatives is seeking a new rector for the Catholic University of America here. The position presently is held by Father John Whalen,' appointed on a tempo­ rary basis until November 1968. Three committee members have been chosen by the faculty and four were appointed by the board of trustees. Also included are top officials from three other Catholic universities. John Cardinai Cody of Chi­ cago, member of the board of trustees, is chairman of the rector-search committee which includes: Father Theodore Hes.,

"burgh, C.S.C., president, Uni­ versity of Notre Dame, Father Paul Reinert, S.3., president, St. Louis University and Dr. John Meng, vice president of Fordham lfniversity. Father Hesburgh and Dr. Meng are Catholic University alumni. Members elected by the uni­

Ask Government Aid in Crisis

MENDOZA (NC) -The Ar­ gentine government has been urged to take immediate steps to alleviate the problems of the "Yine industry in the provinces of Mendoza .a~d San Juan by Bishop Olimpo Maresma, apos­ tolic administrator of the Men­ doza archdiocese. ",In a pastoral letter, the bishop cited the suffering and poverty ROCHESTER (NC) - Con­ Of the vineyard and winery tracts for the construction of a religious activity "center to workers and the critical condi­ tion of the grape and wine in­ serve all patients at the State Hospital here were signed by dustries, which are the back­ bone of economic life in the two the executive committee of the legal corporation representing Provinces. religious groups with churches Bishop Maresma said that the in southeastern Minnesota. Church is deeply concerned over what he calied "a grave Construction, which will be­ gin this Spring, has a projected crisis," because it is the duty as well as the 'right of the cost of $357,000 which the spon­ soring churches will contribute Church "to participate in the in proportion to the number of principal aspirations of men and members who are served at the in their suffering" and, through her service, make its "influence hospital. A spokesman for the Catholic felt in' the world." Urging that "the voice of the diocese of Winona said it has ac­ cepted 35 pe"r cent of the cost Church be heard," the bishop stressed the low wages of the as its share since Catholic pa­ tients constitute that proportion. vineyard and winery workers, The Catholic commitment has their low level of subsistence, been made with funds received the maldistribution of earnings, and the low production in the or to be" received through be­ quests or memorials and gifts" two provinces. for general works of ooarity. The problems of the industry itself, t'he bishops said, are in­ creasing the difficulties of the needy and are affecting the Church itself throughout Az­ gentina. " PHILADELPHIA (HC)-The Philadelphia U.S.O. has awarded a special citation to Villanova OOOOOOOOOOOOOOC University fur its student-spon­ sored "Mail Can! Vietnam" pr0­ gram which sent 15,000 Christ­ mas Cards to servicemen in Viet­ n_ last year. The presentation was made durjng a luncheon meeting of the U .5.0. board cd directors. "Mail Call Vietnam" origi­

365 NORTH FRONT STREET nated at VillanoV8 three years NEW BEDFORD ago. Since then more than ~O,­ 000 greeting cards and lettel'lll 992-5534 have been sent via U.S.O. clubs located in the war 'M'CQ.

Hospita I" to !Have Religious Center

'Mail Call Vietl1lam' P"rogram Cited

DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners

versity faculty are: Msgr. John Moody, Fat her Walter J. Schmitz, S.S., and John Murphy. The faculty members were chosen by the university's aca­ demic senate from among nine candidates elected by faculty­ wide balloting. The academic senate also made thE:- original proposal for the joint committee to find a new rector. Changes in the administration of the Catholic University and the make-up of the school'. board of trustees made room jor the rector-search committee, a first for Catholic University. Other changes include a faculty voice in selection of the rector and greater lay representation on the board of trustees.


and diocesan officials agreed to

continue salary negotiations here

after a one-day "study day"

closed eight high schools in the

Cleveland diocese. Normal class­

room schedules were resumed.

Some 8,000 students got the

day off when classes at Cathe­

d'NII Latin, Chanel, Padua, St.

Angustine, St. Joseph and By­

zantine Catholic high schools

here and Archbishop Hoban and

St. Mary's in Akron were sus­

pended. The day off will have

to be made up by the students,

diocesan officials said.

The walkout, first in the his­

tory of the diocese, was called

by CHALTA-Cleveland High

School, Academy and Lay Teach­

ers Association, which claims to

represent 309 of the 524 lay

teachers in 38 high schools of

the eight-county diocese. Two hundred and eighty-nine teachers, inClUding 36 members of religious orders, at.tended a professional study day protest­ ing a rejection by the diocesan school board of salary demands. James Simonis, CHALTA sec­ cretary, said telegrams of in­ vitation to the study day were sent to Bishop Clarence G. Is. scomann of Cleveland; Auxil­ iary Bishop Cklrence E. Elwell, episcopal vicar for education; Msgr. Richard E. McHale, dio­ cesan school superintendent, and two other priest-members of the school board. Only Msgr. 'Me­ Hale, who wired he was unable to attend, replied.

Further reorganization will be the main topic of the board of trustees' April meeting in St. Louis, in conjunction with the Spring meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. For the first time, three faculty representatives will be sitting in at the board meeting.




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Qf'"fan River- fhurs., Mar. I, 1968


'Pr~ICites,~ .,U p~o~,d

W~rkersf :~R'ights

Panama '·Churc'h "Authori~es Ban Priest's Candidacy for Assembly COLON (NC) Catholic Church authorities in' Panama have re~used to authorize a coiltroversial priest to' run for' the national assembly in the elec:, tions to be held May 12. The Catholic Bishops' Confer-, ence of, Panama, meeting here, disapproved the announced bid of Father Perez Herrera to run as a candidate of ,the opposition Panamaista party 1n the forth­ coming elections. One of the resolutions adopted 'at the conclusion of the bishops' meeting stated that the Church in Papama "after careful c'on­ 'sideration of canon law and the special situation in Panama where the Church, in the per,fion of her ministers, has always' remained outside of politics and respected the national constitu­ tion, forbids its clergy to opt for electoral public posts." The sta'tement said the Church "has not approved and does not approve of~any priest not re­ duced'to the lay state present­ ing himself for a public elec­ toral post." The Panamaistas have already, named Father Perez as their candidate from Santiago de Veraguas, an interior city where Father Perei was reared. Father Perez, in a'recent in­ terview; said he foresaw little difficulty in getting Church au­ thorization, . citing priests who had' been elected. in other' coun­ tries. Connietine 'OpiniollS' However,' his candidacy alsO pOsed a' question' of a' civil na­ ture. There are' conflicting opin­ ioils here as to the constitution": amy of Father Perez' 'running for elective office... The con­ stitution provides that' {'minIs­ "ters of religious cults cannot , hold public office, civil or mili­ tary. except those relating to social assistance or public teach­ ing." Some observers believe it possible that Father Perez' can­ didacy would be ruled 'constitu­ tional by the electoral tribunal on the grounds that the proviso did not apply to elective office. Father Perez has been widely known for more than 15 years for his militant views on social ,problems and has been a center of controversy from time ,to time because of statements regarded as at lea'st extremely liberal.

In February, '1966, he praised Camilo Torres, Colombian priest who was killed fighting with guerrillas in' Bolivia. Father Perez was ,press secretary' for the Panama archdiocese and pastor of a parish in Panama City. In Militant Meeting Shortly after his statement on Torres he was removed from his archdiocesan post and pa'rish and later taught French and Latin in ,a downtown Panama City high school. Father Perez' present where­ abouts are, unknoWn. Bishop Mark G. McGrath, C.S.C., said he did not know where the priest was except "somewllere in the interior." Father Perez recently caused more reaction with his active role in a militant Jan:' 30 meet­ ing in Panama on Pope Paul's encyclical, The Development of Peoples. ­ Communist and leftists groups were well represented at the meeting which had pronounced anti-imperialist overtones and included much discussion of violence as an ,institutional tool' wielded by the oligarchy and those ,controlling power.

Cite,Church'Role In' Inner, City

NEWARKOirC)-Citing Vat­ ican Council II- documents as a basis, a' group of priests here gave some inkling of' what" the Church can do' hi alleviating the ,problems of people living in the inner-city., ,', The priests . published a: 34­ page report based on an' exhaus­ tive study of' Newark's, piob-' lerns in, tilE; . fields' of 'housing, health, education, anti-poverty programs, recreation, city finan­ cial needs, and employment. The report was the first phase of a two-part study undertaken by a special committee for the Newark Priests' Group, an asso­ ciationof the city's clergy. It contained some general recom­ mendations for Church involve­ ment, but more specific sugges­ tions are due when the ' second part of the study is completed: That portion of the study is to be a detailed examination -of Church resources, the resoUrces of Church institutions, and how these can be applied to the 'Urges Restriction problems pinpointed'in the first part of the report. , ~ On Farm Workers , The committee cited the Sec­ BROWNSVILLE (NC)-The ond Vatican ,Council's Constitu­ '"7 U.S. governmen4; should restrict tion on the Church' as the basis the employment of'Mexican citi­ for its proposals for Church in­ zens by American industry and volvement. There, the commit­ agriculture in the Southwest,a tee noted, it is said that "when Congressional commirttee was 'circumstances 'of time \ and told by a priest long involved in place create the need, she (the border-area ~abor problems. ' Church) can, and indeed should Father John McCarthy, assist­ initiate activities 'on behalf of ant, director of the U.S.' Cath~ all men. This is particularly lic Conference's social action de­ . true of activities designed for the' needy." . , partment, told the Select Com­ Without referring to the riOts' mittee on Western H~misphere' Migration tha't "green card" which took place in Newark C9mmuters- as the Mexican "last Summer, the committee, re­ WQrkers are called -"depress POrt noted: ~'Poverty in the wages, spawn inhuman vy'orking m~dst of affluence is always the ,source of social. unrest.~ eonditions and make unioniza­ . ,­ tion ,., * *, difficult if not im­ \.. possible'! for American workers St. Louis Teachers in border areas. Form Association Their description comes from the green card issued by the ST. LOUIS (NC)-First steps Immigration and Naturalization are being taken here fur forma:' Service to Mexicans permitted to tion of a Catholic teachers' as­ commute to work within the sociation which, would 'bargain United ,States. fur teaching contracts in' the St. Chu'rch groups, labor organi­ Louis archdiocesan 'school sys­ zations and Mexican-American tem. organizations have opposed their At present, preliminary meet­ employment for years, charging ings are only for lay teachers in that they depress wages and pro­ archdiocesan high s c h 0 0 Is. mote job, scarciJty and poor Spokesmen stresse;d these are working conditions for U.S. res­ not necessarily permanent limi­ ' idents who should be hired first. tations.. , ' .



HEAD COMMISSION: Report on big ci,ty race riots w.as published by the National Commi'ssion on Civil Dis-' orders. Heading the commission were Illinois Governor Otto Kerner, right, as chairman and New York Mayor John Linds'ay as vice-chairnlan. NC Photo. -: /

Scores Reform .Brooklyn Archbishop McEntegart's P'astoral Opposes Easing New York Abortion Law BROOKLYN (NC) - Archbishop Bryan J. McEntegart, Bishop of Brooklyn, has defined the Catholic Church's position on abortion with particular refererice to reform legislation currently being'considered by the Nevy' York State legislature.' .- In a pastoral 'letter reiui' at all' . MasSes in the ,diocese's 228 churclles, the Archbishop 'de': scribed abortion as "an' attack' 'on the innocent that has "grave , implication,s for all who are in' any way defenseleSs or handicapped."

: SEOUL (NC)-In a statement on social justice and the rights of workeJ,'S,. the South Korean bishops have defended the ef­ forts of Young Chrlstiim Work­ ers (YCW), and their American chaplain to unionize silkworkers on Kang-Hoa' island in the In­ chon diocese. ' , In' the' statement', the South Korean . Bish0p.s" Gonference also' criticized the anti-union activities of the' silk manufac­ turers and said that improving the conditions of workers is "demanded by economic prog­ ress" and is a condition for "final victory over communism." After the YCW had organized the 'union of silkworkers the manufacturers fired the union leaders, and several YCW mem­ bers were arrested when they held a meeting' to protest the dismissals. The silk manufacturers then refused to hire any members of the YCW. The area's deputy in parliament and the police com­ missioner threatened to prose­ cute' U. S. Maryknoll Father Michael J. Bransfield, pastor at Kang-Hoa and chaplain of the YCW, for pro-communist' agi­ tation. Father Bransfield was brought to the police station and told. to ask pardon for his activities. Although he refused to do so, the police announced that he had. U; S.-born Bishop William' J. McNa'ughton, M.M., of Inchon then made' a p~blic statement . supporting 'Fa,ther 'Bransfield and the workers.

He referred to Pope Paul VI's 1964 pronouncement on abor­ tion, which insisted that "human life, in whatver condition it is found, is to be secure from the very first moment' of its exist­ ence from any direct attack." 'The Archbishop noted his awareness of the "disastrous proplems- of',' illegal abortions and their tragic consequences."

He --disagreed that' abortion

'Honors Editor the 'problem solution and staied that there is nothing in theo­ , GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-Nor­ 'logi,cal research o'r study ihat man: Cousins, ,editor, of the sat­ would, change Roman Catholic urday Review, .will, be presented teaching on abortion. ' with the 10th annual Aquinas Only' One P~siUon Award of Aquinas College at The Archbishop refrained ceremonies here tomorrow., The from urging specific action on award is given annually by the diocesan Catholics' with regard college, conducted by Dominican to tile legislative! propos~ls but nuns, to a person wl)o has made SEVILLE (NC) Only a a great contribution to human­ united' front of all laborers can he noted -that no man could af­ ford to remain neutral on the " ~ty., aboli~h the injustices among both agricultural and industrial issue. He said Catholics were to be guided by Church teaching

workers in Spain, a Catholic ,labor leader said here at the' informing their conscience on

the, matter.

Social Week of Andalusia. The' 'labor leader, Emilio Fa­ A diocesan !lpokesman de­

bregas, said the injustices, espe­ scribed. the letter as fulfillment

of the Archbishop's magisterial cially among the farm workers COMPANY in ,this predominantly agricul­ function-his obligation to teach

tural region, could be overcome the faithful on matters of


in line with Catholic social doc­ Complete line trine only if there is a sympa­ Archbishop McEntegart's pas­

Building Materials toral letter on abortion came a

thetic and understanding solid­ arity of t~e whole working class. week after a similar letter was

Fabregas, denounced the 'law issued by Bishop William A.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968

Severa' New Coaches on ,Scene:


Baseball and Trac,l<: Squads ,De'wey'Outstanding Crusader Runner Taunfron Athlete on .'Champion Relay Team

Awaiting Spring'Session's: By PETER BARTEK Norton High Coach All major league baseban aggregations have begun Spring training in the sunny warmer regions of· the coun-' try but looaI" high school clubs wHl have to wait until the l&bh of March before they S'bart practice. According to the rules of the Massachu­ boro at the end of the 1967 setts Second8iry Principals' season. Associ'anon, no Spring sports The new coach is quick to program may begin until point out that competition in mid-March so as to assure that the Bristol County League is no team gains an advantage compatible with any baseball over a club stilL. league in the State, and, he participating in feels the Shamrocks will. be basketball. This hard pressed to,cop another title. date also allows While not overly optimistic, multi-sport ath­ Maccarrone admits he has the letes to rest potential for another champion­ briefly before ship club but he will have to embarking see what progress is made in on another cam­ early practice sessions. paign. While the The Shamrocks, who have diamond and some key men returning, un­ trackmen wait doubtedly will feel the losses in the. wings, Peter suffered because of graduation. ,Ma,rch madness Bartek Ace pitcher John Shea, one of reigns in the form of the Tech the outstanding hurlers in the , tournament in basketball':> ,part­ a'rea, will backbone the mound. s,tajf. Paul Sullivan, slick field­ "ing shot ~or another: Winter. , ,As ,many local ,fans and ing shortstop and clutch hitter will be called ,upon to stabilize ~oal:hes travel to Boston to view ,~ favorites ,in, action for , the ,infield and veteran D.ave ,what may be the last time, most Downarowicz will head the' Ol,lt­ ,.baseball and track ,mentors will field corps for, the Attleboro , , be home specl.\lating about ~r !liocesans.' ." te<l~' ,potential, fortunes .this . ;)One major" problem .. facing ;Maccarrone will be to find a ;year. , " . " " " Tom Maccarrone has inherited repiacemellt for catcher ,Pete the unenviable task of taking Phipps who acted as a control over a defending, champion in lever for the champion, Sham­ bis first year as a varsity coach. rocks. Maccarrone succeeds H a r old The defending champs expect Hanewich whl) resigned as foot­ a stern cb-allenge from Durfee ball and baseball mentor at High of Fall Riv~r, Taunton and Bishop F'eehllln High in Attle­ Bishop Stang of Dartmouth.

Plenty of Competition for Champs The situation at Msgr. Coyle High in Taunton directly paral­ lels Feehan's plight. Coyle; the Bristol County track champions a year ago, also has a new coach in Paul Therrien llke Mac­ carrone, inherits a title winner. Therrien, who is also an as­ sistant football coach at the di­ ocesan school, will be hard pressed to duplicate last Spring's championship. He does. : lay claim to one of the best milers' ih the state. Mike Malone, who in all likelihood will be ruiming' the distance in the 4:20's this Spring, has proven himself' time and again on' the track. He will be tough to beat. But, the overall strength of the Coyle club is questionable. The Warriors could make a go of it again but "Attleboro seems to be ,the team to beat this year. Goach Tom Crowe, who has been biiilding 'a track p'ower at Attleboro for the past two sea­ sons, appears to have his club ready this 'Spring, The' Jeweler , mentor, a student of track,' has conducted an intensive Winter 'program at the school, and 'he is hopeful that his and his trackmen's labors will be re­ warded wit~ bot~ ~e. Coupty League and County Meet Cham­ pionships. In the smaller-school Narra­ gansett League, Case High of Swansea will be bidding for its


~ Fin~

second successive crown in baseball. And, this year 'the Cardinals will also be directed by a new helmsman. Coach Bob Gordon, successful basketball coach, will turn his sights to baseball when his Car­ dinals conclude play in the Tech Tournament. Coach Jack McCar­ 'thy relinquished the coaching duties to become administrator in the Swansea system. He has left an abun<Iance of 'talent to his succesor. The' experts always say the strength of a baseball club 'is up the middle. That is where Case is 'strong. Veteran performers will be returning to fill these vital positions. . 'Wayne Chace will be back to handle the catching chores, Joe Kirkman and Blll Eddy will again, comprise the double-play combination - Eddy at second and Kirkman at short - and strong-armed Ed Thibeault will hold dowll the center field spot. The brunt of the pitching duties will fall to lanky Tom Austin. Case's opposition is expected to come from Westport and Somerset Realistically, Somer­ set is a more serious threat to upend the Cardinais. . Coach 'Jim Sullivan, ex-Prov­ idence College shortstop ,and knowledgeable baseball man, has nine men returning ftom last season's tournament club.

,Athlete Dies as HlE' P'mayed

The Blue Raiders have their whole infield intact and two of . the three outfield berths filled. Somerset's main problem, ac­ cording to Coach Sullivan, is pitching and catching. If the 'Raiders can come up with one or two capable hurlers and a steady receiver, look for them to challenge Case. On the Narry track scene, Somerset, present title holder,

must work out a few problems and develop depth if the title is going to be its again. Coach Jim White has Jim Franco back for' sprint duty, Ken Day to throw the shot and Preston Henderson for the distance events. He must find long and high jumpers to gain a repeat­ crown. The Anchor hilS been covering local high school athletics since

BY JOE l"ilRANDA Bob Dewey, former Coyle High track star, is furthering his education at Holy Cross College in Worcester. Dewey, a 20-year old junior, is a prominent member of Holy Cross' mile and two-mile relay teams and has done an outstand­ ing job for the Crusaders during the Winter track season. Maintains B Average A History major and B aver­ age student, Bob hopes to enter the' education field upon gradu­ ation in 1969 and, if possible, continue his association in track through coaching. The only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dewey, Bob resides with his parents at 37 Briggs Street, Taunton and is a member of Sacred Heart Parish. The Fall River 'Diocesan stu­ dent graduated cum laude from Msgr. Coyle High School in 1965 Where he was named to the National Honor Society. Oatsbnding Frosh Dewey began his college track career' at Holy Cross in 1966 and at the completion of his first season was named as the Cru­ COACH AND STUDENT: Holy Cross track coach Tom saders outstanding freshman Duffy, left, talks' .over the current track season with Bob performer .by the school's the Crusaders' track tel:\In Dewey of TaurltOn; a member coaches. ,Dewey's accomplishments this and former ,outstanding athlete at Coyle High School.", season have pleased Holy Cross . . ,.' .. coach Tom DiJffy, who recently that he qualified for. the Nation­ ball League at Taunton and shifted his sprinter from the al SchoolbQY· championships at played Little League baseball.' mile ,to the two-mile relay team. Likes Fishilllg, Hockey' the old Madison Square Garden The Taunton star was a mem­ in New York. ' Among his hobbies, Bob lists ber of Holy Cross' record break­ Under the guiding hand of fin fishing and hockey, both' of ing team in the mile relay dur­ coach Bob Lane, Dewey regis­ which he participates in whim ing the New England Intercol­ tered 22 consecutive victories as given the opportunity. Bob legiate Athletic Association a schoolboy and was never beat­ also plays golf and is an ardent meet at Boston Garden when en in his senior year at Coyle. supporter of all athletics. ' the Crusader foursome sped Coyle Recoll'Cl Holder During the Summer months, around the oval in three min­ The Sacred Heart parishioner Dewey keeps himself physically utes, 27 seconds. Bob and his teammates were holds the existing records in the fit by swimming and working also victorious in the Penn Re­ ,440 and 600 at Coyle and is as a construction helper in ,the owner of the Bristol County ', lays; which, brought the Holy League 440-yard run record for . Taunton area. Cross foursome national recog­ his ,time during the all-league nition. . meet of 1965 at Sargent Field, P'resent Motion

New Bedford. -' Class C Champion Dewey recorded the best time Picture Awards

While at Coyle, Dewey won in the State in the 600-yard run NEW YORK (NC)-The se~ as a senior and following a bril­ the Massachusetts Class C cham­ ond annual joint Protestant­ pionships in the 600-yard and liant career at Coyle 'was Catholic motion picture awards awarded the Amos Alonzo Stagg were presented here to "The 440-yard runs. The 600 is a Winter track event, the 440 is Award as the Warriors out­ Battle of Algiers" and "In the a Spring competition. Heat of the' Night." . standing athlete. The award was made jointly Bob made such an outstand­ Bob Dewey began his educa­ ing showing in the 600-yard run tion at Sacred Heart in Taunton, by the National Catholic Office went on to Coyle and then Holy for Motion' Pictures (NCOMP) Cross. While a grammar school and the National Council of its beginning in April 1957. student he represented his par­ Churchs' Broadcasting and Film ,Since that time it has been the ish in the CYO Junior Basket­ Commission (BFC). privilege of The Anchor to re­ port the· outstanding events' of many young men who perlorm on the athletic fields and courts w~thin this area. . 'We at The Anchor and coaches in the diocese were deeply sad­ 'dened last week to learn of the , death of one. of the best athletes .ever produced in this vicinity, 'First Lt. Francis Driscoll of At­ tleboro. '. First Lt. Driscoll, who was killed in a fall from his plane over Thailand when returning 'from a mission over Vietnam, 'won varsity letters in three sports while attending Attleboro High. He was awarded the How­ ard O'Hare trophy as the out­ standing student athlete in 1960, his senior year at Attleboro. Fran Driscoll went on to scho­ lastic and athletic honors at 'Brown University where he captained the Bruins in 1964. Athletic director Bill Madden who coached Driscoll at Attle­ boro says he was "the finest athlete I ever coached" and those who played against him Tile bread for nuider,. AmteU"kl!.H. ,know he played the game the only way he knew how-fairly and to win.


Those on the go ,,' ...go Sunbeam

ItO -


ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 7, 1968




\. ;






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