t eanc 0 VOL. 30, NO.1 0
$8 Per Year
Diocese· welcomes Cardinal Law By Pat McGowan (More pictures pages 8 and 9) The family of the Fall River diocese gathered last Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral to welcome Boston Cardinal Bernard Law as principal celebrant of a majestic and joyous Eucharistic liturgy. Concelebrants were Bishop· Daniel ·A. Cronin and some 125 - priests of the diocese. At its close the cardinal turned to the bishop and said "Now I understand better why you say you have the best diocese in the country." Turning back to the congregation, he added, "And he does say it, even when ·you're not here!" The informal comments characterized the warmth of the occasion, as some 1,200 representatives of the 115 diocesan parishes and all diocesan ·organizations and apostolates crowded the cathedral for the first official pastoral visitation of Cardinal Law to any diocese in his province. The province comprises the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. ' The tone of the event was set as the cardinal entered the brilliantly lit and flower-decked cathedral to spontaneous applause, pausing to bless a baby held up by a proud young couple and to shake outstretched hands. Welcomed by Bishop Cronin before the liturgy began, Cardinal Law recalled his previous visits to Fall River to pray at the grave of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, his predecessor. He noted his delight a~ seeing members of the Medeiros family in the cathedral congregation.
In his homily, the cardinal, recalling the ancient saying, "Where the bishop is, there is the church," said that in the Fall River diocese, "Where Bishop Cronin is, there is the church." He explained that the bishop's influence is extended across the diocese through the work of priests and deacons. But the work of the church is also to be done "in and through" all the faithful, he continued, "not in isolated moments, but in our work every moment of our lives." Discussing the scripture readings of the Mass, Cardinal Law noted that "a funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem"to the Isrelites who turned aside from God to idolize the golden calf. Idolatry, he said, "is failing to .give God his place." To experience change in one's life, he said, one must look to God with hope and love. Again quoting scripture, he concluded, "Now is the acceptable time; now is the day of sa·lvation." The cardinal, Bishop Cronin and many priests and permanent deacons distributed holy communion to those in attendance, with the cardinal unexpectedly going to the choir area of the cathedral to bring the host to two persons in wheelchairs. For nearly an hour after the liturgy, Cardinal Law and Bishop Cronin stood in the rear of the cathedral greeting members ofthe congregation', including students at Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, brought by their chaplain, Msgr. Norman J. Ferris, pastor of St. Turn to Page Six o
.Easter Vigil
In night, not light
Cardinal Law and Bishop Cronin
Gaudette photo
Times ad saddened cardinal At a press conference preceding last Sunday's Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, Cardinal Bernard Law was besieged by questions concerning a full-page ad placed in last Sunday's New York Times by the Committee for Concerned Catholics. The ad, signed by over 900 persons, declared solidarity with Catholics "who face reprisals "from the· church for dissenting on abortion or similar controversial issues. . The "reprisals" referred to church action against some of 97 signers of an earlier ad in The New York Times about Catholic views on abortion. Church officiaJs objected to the earlier ad, which appeared on Oct. 7, 1984, because it claimed that, although popes and bishops have condemned direct abortion in all instances, that is not the only "legitimate Catholic position" on the matter. Among signers of last Sunday's ."
ad was Mary Ann Sorrentino, executive director of Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island, whose excommunication due to her association with the organization was announced last January on the eve of. the 13th anniversary of the proabortion decision of the Supreme Court. Saying that he felt~'deep sadness"at the ad because'" work out of a vision that sees Jesus as incarnating the love of God" and "am saddened when that vision is not shared within the church," Cardinal Law did not directly address the case of Mrs. Sorrentino, on which reporters sought his opinion. He noted that as a resident of the Providence diocese, she does not come within jurisdiction ofthe Boston Province of the U.S Catholic Church, and that he was not versed in all details of her situation. On continued questioning, he not.~d that in this or any such m~t-·
ter, "the critical issue is the teaching of the church." He added that it is a "great glory of the cpu~ch that it is on the cutting edge of human rights issues." Pressed further as to his own policy with regard to excommunication, the cardinal gave the media what amounted to a mini-lesson in canon law, pointing out that ·culpabiIity in .any particular case depended on "the degree of knowledge and goodwill" of the parties concerned. Signers of the new. Times· ad included 804 people from the United States and Puerto Rico and 138 from foreign countries, mainly Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru. According to The Times, at least five priests and 40 nuns were among the signers. The ad included clip-out coupons for readers to sign and mail to key church officials. Turn to Page Six
THE ANCHORFriday, Mar. 7, 1986
British bishops 0 K limited use of 'morning-after' pill for rape
In Philippines
By NC News Service
Speaking truth to power
about the time the British bishops approved the bioethics committee statement. Doerflinger said the U.S. center's conclusions were "a little more cautious, a little more precise," recommending low dosages of hormones to assure prevention of ovu'Iation, not prevention of implantation of the fertilized egg.
The British bishops have approved use of the "morning -after pilI" in cases of rape, if physicians determine the victim has not ovulated. The statement said that Catholics may administer or seek horBy NC News Service monal post-coital contraception - commonly referred to as the As word spread that former Phi"morning-after pill" - ifit is adminlippine President Ferdinand Maristered "within about a day after cos had stepped down and opposithe assault." tion leader Corazon Aquino had Another form of post-coital conreplaced him, many Filipino-Amertraception - insertion of an intraSAN FRANCISCO (NC) icans and Catholic Church leaders uterine device - was judged to be reacted with joy and prayers for effective only if the IUD were The papal commission of U.S. the futuie. inserted within one-half hour, of religious 'life met with some 40 In the United States, Bishop experts in various fields Feb. 21-23 the attack. James W. Malone, head of the If the IUD were inserted later, for a brainstorming session on the U.S. Catholic Conference, sent a or if the pilI were administered. state of religious life today and the message of "prayerful and fraterduring or after ovulation, it could decline in religious vocations. nal solidarity" to the Philippine San Francisco Archbishop John cause an abortion, said the statebishops, while the Catholic peace R. Quinn, commission head, hosted ment. group Pax Christi USA issued a MISS MARIE ROBERT, center, of Our Lady's The statement cited a 1980 doc- the closed San Francisco meeting, statement commending Mrs. Aquiument by the Catholic archbishops which brought together specialists Haven nursing home, Fairhaven, who hit the century no and the Philippine bishops for of Britain which said a rape victim, in theology, Scripture, history, an.mark yesterday and has been a home resident since 1973, their "moral leadership. " is "entitled to defend herself against thropology, psychology, sociology, was honored last Tuesday at a Mass of Thanksgiving at In Rome, leaders of missionary the continuing effects of such an spirituality and church law. which a letter of congratulations from Bishop Daniel A. orders with members in the PhiA news release afterward said attas;k and to seek immediate medCronin was read. At a party yesterday, Msgr. John J. lippines expressed support for the ical assistance with a view to pre- documentation or details would nation's bishops, and at the Vatinot be released because the discusventing conception." Regan, director of diocesan health facilities, was among sion was "only an interim stage"in can, Pope John Paul 11 reaffirmed It said there was a difference guests ofhbnor. At left in picture, Mrs. Martha Daneault, development of a report to be his solidarity with Filipinos. between preventing conception in Our Lady's Haven administrator; at right Father Lucien Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumra pe and preventing conception by presented to the Vatican next fall. Jusseaume, home chaplain. Father Thomas Merson, Archbleton of Detroit, president of the married couples. Citing works of Catholic peace group Pax Christi Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul bishop Quinn's secretary, said the USA, said that after the Philippine 11, the statement noted that "con- group "did not come up with any rebellion, critics no longer could traception by married couples de- definitive conclusions" but rather say nonviolence does not work. grades human sexuality by separ- presented "lots of thoughts .. .lots ating 'the two meanings that God of ideas" to consider. "By their courageous and crea_ the Creator has inscribed.' " Also on the commission, formed tive use of nonviolent tactics, the The bishops' statement was by Pope John Paul 11 in 1983, are Philippine people have both overdrafted by a joint bioethics com- Archbishop Thomas Kelly of Louisthrown a harsh and oppressive mittee for the' bishops' conference By NC News Service government and demonstrated that else goes into the programs" such of Ireland, Scotland, England and ville, Ky., and Bishop Raymond justice can be won without fullas food for famine-stricken Ethi- Wales. It was approved by the Lessard of Savannah, Ga. Father • Merson said they and all the reliThe annual Lenten American opia. scale military force," said Bishop , bishops last November. gious on the commmission's con~ Bishops' Annual Overseas Appeal Gumbleton. Seventy-nine percent of the bishIn Washington, Richard Doer- suiting committee attended the meethelps keep Catholic Relief Servi- ops' collection covers administra"It was evident that the Philipflinger, assistant director U.S. ing. . ces and a handful of other overseas tive costs for CRS, the U.S. bishops pine peoples' thirst for justice and bishops' Office for Pro-Life Activaid agencies running. commitment to nonviolence was overseas aid agency. The rest of According to the news release, ities, noted that the conclusions The collection, to be taken up the collection is divided among rooted in their faith;' they have there was agreement among parreached by the British bishops this weekend in diocesan parishes, given a clear witness of what it other ,agencies involved in overis traditionally known as the Lae- seas projects: the Apostleship of were similar to conclusions in a ticipants that religious life "is in a, means to speak truth to power as a statement by the Pope John XXllI generally healthy state and has a tare Sunday collection. Last year's Gospel people. the Sea, the Archdiocese for the Medical-Moral Research and Edu- promising future in the church, about $12 million, appeal raised Military Services, papal charities, Archbishop Jose Sanchez, secrecation Center in Boston. The cen- even though numbers may be according to Sister Frances Miothe USCC Office of Social Develtary for the Vatican Congregation ter's conclusions were published down." It said the group viewed cek, U.S. Catholic Conference diropmelH and World Peace, and for the Evangelization of Peoples, the present as a period of transiector of finance. Migration and Refugee services.said the Philippine bishops "acted tion and growth. Jean Gartian, CRS special proForeign dioceses struck by major as teachers and guides... when they disasters may also receive collec-' Topics discussed, according to said that 'political authority in a jects officer, explained that "beBROOKLYN, N.Y.(NC)- Two tion money. the release, included a vocation as democracy has to be based on the cause we get that support (for Lithuanian men have been jailed administrative costs), everything In 1984 CRS received almost and three others given suspended a divine call and as a human will of the people." $10 million from the bishops' col- sentences following their convicreponse, permanent commitment, The archbishop said, however, lection. The agency received a total tion for running an illegal religious celibacy, the impact of social and that from news reports on televiof about $437 million that year printing operation, a Brooklyn- cultural factors on vocations, relasion, it appeared that "in Manila from all fund-raising and revenue based Lithuanian organization tions between U.S. religious and some priests and religious went sources, according to its annual Vatican authorities, contemporary too far when they were practically said. The Lithuanian Information report. symbols of religious life, and the acting as leaders in the massive Center, quoting an article in a relationship between diverse mindemonstrations. We have to remain During Lent U.S. Catholics are Soviet publication, said the men SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (NC) istries and common corporate idenon the level of teachers." had reportedly operated the press - The 13 Catholic dioceses of asked to open their minds as well tity in religious communities. as their pockets through another for seven years in Gargzdai, in Jesuit Father Jose Fuentes, his Texas will mark the state's 150th northwestern Lithuania. They CRS program, Operation Rice order's regional secretary for East anniversary of independence from The commission was formed to Bowl. A six-week-Iong project, it printed religious items, including Mexico with a dramatic presentaAsia, said religious were "decidhelp U.S. bishops establish closer is designed to "alleviate root causes cards, calendars and prayer books. tion arid liturgical celebration edly on the side of the people" and relations with religious and to anaof hunger through education as The center said 60 Catholic priests April 6 in San Antonio. Among lyze the sharp decline in U.S reli"did not take any partisan role." well as money for CRS, according had been summoned to testify the dioceses is Fort Worth, headed "They supported the people and gious vocations since the .ate 1960s. CRS spokeswoman Beth Griffin. against the men, but only two to Joseph P. Delaney, a by Bishop gave voice to what the peoplewanted appeared at the trial. in order to insure that the integrity Fall River native. "It's no't a buck-in-the-basket of the people's vote was preserved," The drama will depict the histype of thing," Ms. Griffin said, said Father Fuentes. "Their doing' tory of the Catholic Church in but a program that calls on famiso prevented the people's rage from Texas from 1836 to 1986. Technilies. to become more aware of being expressed in a violent way. cal staff, actors and dancers are hunger problems by eating orie The evening is "a way of saying Father Ronald A. Tosti, direc"This would not have been pos- being provided by four of the sacrificial meal a week and by tor of the Diocesan Office of Fam- 'thank you' to the people who staff sible if people simply were milling state's Catholic colleges: Incarnate learning more about needs in other ily Ministry, has announced an the Marriage Preparation program, ,around in the streets," he said. "It Word College and Our Lady of the parts of the world. Simple card- appreciation night for, diocesan the Natural Family Planning pro, was the result of organized prayer Lake University, both in San board "bowls" are provided to col- , family ministry workers. gram and the support groups for , rallies, which centered around the Antonio, St. Edward's University lect money saved by eating the the widowed', divorced and separEucharist, novenas and the rosary." in Austin and the University ofSt. The director said that Bishop ated, as well as the lay volunteers simpler, less expensive meals. .. Thomas in Houston. Rice Bowl was started by Msgr. Daniel A. Cronin will be principal in family ministry at the parish Robert Coli, a priest ofthe diocese celebrant of a 5 p.m. Mass Sunday level and the Family Life Center Catholics from throughout of Allentown, Pa., in connection at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, staff,"FatherTostisaid. The FamGOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS Texas are expected to attend. ily Life Center is located in North There are some 3 inillion Catholics with the 1976 International Euch- to be followed by a buffet dinner at White's Restaurant, Westport. aristic Congress in Philadelphia. Dartmouth. in the state. '
Experts brainstorm vocations decline
Laetare Sunday collection this weekend
Lithuanians jailed
Sesquicentennial fete in Texas
Family Ministry night set
(j) e
'WinsTempleton Prize NEW YORK (NC) - The 1986 Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion has been a warded to the Rev. James McCord, head of Princeton Theological Seminary. The Presbyterian minister was
cited as "an international churchman, religious statesman and educator par excellence." His found'ing of a center for studying the interrelation of science, religion and culture was noted in the award, which amounts to $235,000. .
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AT DIALOGUE SESSION, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, from left, seated, Sister Joseph Marie'Le'vesque, OP, the bishop, Sister Margaret Fromm, SUSC: standing, Sisters Joan Bellenoit, SSJ, Teresa Trayers, SND, Father James C. O'Brien, SJ, Msgr. Joh~.J. Oliveii'a, Brother David J. Touchette, FIC, Sisters Mary E. Moynagh, RSM, Sandra Durant" SSA. (Torchia photo)
Diocesan dialogue sessions are part of natio~al stu'dy o,f religious A series of four dialogue sessions between Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and religious men and women of th'e diocese will conclude tomorrow, morning, at the Fall River chancery office.' The sessions follow hearings held last year throughout the diocese in cooperation with a papal commission studying religious. life in the United States. All at the chancery office, the meetings were arranged by an ad hoc com mittee com prised of Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan vicar for ecclesiastical matters; Sisters Mary Christopher, RSM, Barbara McCarthy, OP, Carol Regan; SUSC, Dorothy Ruggiero, OP; Brother Robert Michaud, FIC; Very Rev. William Heffron, SS.Cc. Tomorrow's session will consider' concepts of community life. Previous meetings consider~d religious identity in the church, the place of authority and obedience in religious life, the relationship betwe,en religious consecration and apostolic mission, and concepts of community life. ' . t ers, b ro th ers A t o t a I 0 f 40 SIS and religious order priests were
'" Also Fathers Raymond'Graham, M M, John Howard, SJ, and Alphonsus McHugh, SS.Ce. " At the consecration and mission sessiori:Sisters Mary Rose de Lima 'Clark, RS'M, Shawn Flyn'n, O. Carm., Theresa M. Horvath, S USC, M. Thomas More, 0 P, Mary Oliveira, SUSC, and Madeline Tacy, OP. ' Also Fathers Columban Crotty, SS.Ce., Norman Lemoine, MS, George S. Mahan, SJ, and Charles Porada, 0 FM. Conv. At the community session: Sisters Ann Mildred Brown, OP, M. Josepha Haskins, RSM, Mary Evangela McAleer, RSM, Edith McAlice, SSJ, Marina Mejia, OP and Mary Agnes Shannon, OP. Also Fathers James Benson, SJ. Edmond Bo~rque, MS, Felix Lesnek, SS.Ce., and Robert McDonnell, CSe. Archbishop John Quinn, head ofthe papal commission with which the diocesan sessions cooperated, reported on its progress to Pope John Paul II on March 3 at the Vatican. ' . The San Francisco' archbishop said he told the pope that a recent meeting of specialists from discischeduled to represent their (;omplines such as anthropology and munitie.s a:t the four sessions. history "seemed to have a consenAt the religious identity s~ssion, sus that religious life generally is in good cOl'rdition, notwithstanding those listed to be present wer~ Sissome difficulties here and there ters Francisca Aldama, MGES, Joan Bellenoit, SS}, Sandra Durwhich are a Dart of life," , ant, SSA, Margaret Fromm,Archbishop Quinn, who also S USC, Joseph Marie Levesque, . attended meetings at the Vatican OP, Mary E. Moynagh, RSM, Congregation for Religious and and Teresa Trayers, SND. Also Fathers Thomas McElroy, SS.Ce. and James C. O'Brien, SJ, and Brother David J. Touchette, FIe. ' At the authority and obedience session: Sisters Judy Brunell, OP, Amore Carrier, SJA, Mary Christopher, RSM, Mary Immaculate Killelea, O. Carm., Dorothy Anne Lengerich. OLVM, Mary Margaret Mello, OP, and Mary Lou Sim.coe, SUSc.
Third World eyed ROME (NC) - The Internationa] Right to Life Federation has targeted the Third World fo'r special attention in its anti-abortion campaign:The group also has expressed concern about infanticide and euthanasia. One country of concern is Kenya, where people are being strongly pressurized into cutting the size of their families .
CENTENNIAL BANQUET Wednesday, April 2, 1986 ,Venus de Milo Restaurant -, Swansea, MA
Secular Institutes during his Feb. 28-March 6 visit, said ,that· the pope "was very responsive and expressed a great deal of interest in the study.:', " The commission expects to submit its final report to the pope in October"the archbishop said. During its meeting, planned for August, it will synthesize material it has gathered regarding the U.S. decline in religious vocations.
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THE ANCHOR ---, Diocese of Fall Ri"er - Fri." Mar. ,7, 1986
the moorin&-,
the living wnrd
Another Cross to Bear The recent New York Times ad sponsored by a group calling itself Catholics for a Free Choice (CFFC) had a rather negative effect on die area of public discernment of religious affairs. Despite CFFC's coverage by the media, it would seem that its total impact measured quite low on the Richter scale. indeed, the divide and conquer tactic has less and less influence in our social order, quite apart from the area of so-called independent theological liberalism. It is. interesting to note where t4is would-be pretentious body finds its base, support. Reversing a bromide, "Their mouth is where their money is." For a group that claims to be searchi~g for openness,' it's ,more than interesting that their financial support stems from narrow and singleminded sources. A recent. supplement to the Newsletter of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights rather definitely points out that those who support free-choice activities do indeed have an ax to grind. , For example, the Sunnen Foundation was the largest single funding source. This foundation derives its monies from Emko contraceptive foam. It helped fund the litigation that led to the' Supreme Court's infamous 1973 ruling and has been irivolved in attacking the Catholic Church as a detrimental force in today's world. The Brush Foundation, which has long supported pro-abortion activities, was the sec.ond largest funding source. , CFFC's third most generous monetary source is the Ford Foundation. The Catholic League Newsletter indicates funds have also been received from Playboy. , CFFC, closely allied to Planned Parenthood whose New York office building was its first headquarters site, has also ,become an active force in pro-abortion congressional activities. First, it is clear that CFFC is not merely pro-choice. It is definitely pro-abortion. Its ads and publications support only one' position: that the act of abortion can be morally justified in an unspeCified' but wide range of circumstances. Secondly, its financial and other ties with the secular abor:tion rights and population control groups clearly indicate that .it does not believe in options, no matter how stridently it proclaims the opposite. ' As to religious freedom, the Church, as is seen in the teachings of Vatican II, supports and upholds the centrality of conscience. Yet one must realize that to act on one's conscience means that one is sincere but not necessarily that the action involved is objectively correct. The Church has always ta.ught .that the conscience of a Catholic must be formed by Church teaching before he or she attempts to make reliable moral judgments. One of the more serious aspects of the CFFCpublic statements is that they can apply equally well to other subjects besides abortion. A principle such as freedom of conscience, so often invoked in CFFC advertisements, can as easily be used to defend euthanasia or the direct killing of innocent civilians in a nuclear' war. The present CFFC campaign to discredit and debase the moral and ethical teaching of the Catholic Church is well described as "sad." The CFFC efforts have generated controversy that, rather than attempting to foster an atmosphere of sincere and honest questioning, seeks to encourage schism and rupture~ ., . The Church in her long life has borrie much suffering. The present trial is yet another cross to bear.
The Editor
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 .Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rr:v. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . . Leary Press-Fall River
NC photo
'Exult in yoUr King! Praise his name with dancing~accompanied by drums and lyre.' Ps.149:3
The Little Way By Father Kevin J. Harrington
Lent has always been a difficult time for me. After I decided on some small act of self-denial, I either kept to my good intention and then wondered if the act was too small or found that what I had thought would be a small sacrifice was too taxing. Either way, I found the concept of giving something up for Lent difficult to understand. St. Therese of Lisieux, in her best-selling autobiography, The Story of a Soul, addressed this yery issue as well as any spiritual master. Rather than going out of her way to do heroic deeds, she chose what she called the Little Way, a far less drall}atic path to sanctity. Unfortunately, although she lived less than a century ago, her insights have fallen out of favor with our present generation of Christians. ., St. Therese of the Child Jesus entered the Carmelite Convent at Lisieux, France, at age 15 and died at age 24 after a long illness. Summarizing those nine years of religious life she said of herself: "All I did was to 'break my selfwill, check a hasty reply and do little kindnesses without making a fuss about them." . She evidently did such a good job that one of her companions in
religion said with a touch of jealousy: "She's never done 路anything worth talking about!" But it is only in the light of the Little Way that giving up things for Lent seems to make sense. Our efforts to achieve self-mastery amount to nothing unless we understand virtue as self-possession. . This thought permeated Ther~ ese's prayer life. She understood that it was better to speak to God than about him' because she knew that our spiritual discussion's are often sullied wit\1 self-love. The sister who annoyed her most was the sister she resolved to love the most. She succeeded so well that after her death that sister said: "During her life, I made her really happy." We find in Therese the full blooming of the human potential for unselfish action, our natural inclination toward sanctity. She is the good Christian that each of us could be if we just found the time and had the patiepce to rise to the minor challenges that confront us daily inthe disguise of the ordinary. No one who takes Therese seriously can deny that holiness is within our grasp. Actually, Lent should be seen less as a time of giving up than as a time for giving more of ourselves
to others. Sometimes it is necessary to give up'our bad habits to be free to do the will of God. . My problem with giving up things for Lent was that as a child I thought that the giving up itself was what' pleased God. Thus, I focused solely (;>0 my efforts and my sense of accomplishment and achieving my task became its own reward. Rather than being an exercise in self-mastery, my Lenten penances became an exercise in selfwill. Nowadays, however, Lent is my season to remember Therese and try to achieve those unheralded conquests ~ver selfishness. Her life abounds in examples:joyful service to a nagging shut-in, attention willingly paid to a silly bore, possessions given away without thought of return, time shared freely, acceptance of unearned blame and suffering hidden under a peaceful exterior. My favorite name for Therese is the Little Flower. Like a,Victorian rose, she bloomed in her harsh setting. She reminds us that virtue is self-possession and that Christ's victory over sin and death was and, is mirrored in myriad ways in the life of his disciples in every age. Lent emphasizes that this'victory is not won without a battle and that our best armor and weapon will always be love.
Couple stress This week, let's just have mom and dad light a candle, say a prayer and talk about their life together. One of the
What are some characteristics of couples who deal well with the' stresses of their relationship? , 1. They view stress as a normal part offamily life. They don't feel top stresses named by both men that because they have problems and women was the couple rela- they have failed as a couple or as tionship: friendship/ communica- parents. They tend to share expection/ sex. tations of marriage and family. A 40 year-old 路husband put it 2. They share feelings as well as succinctly when he. told me, "I notice'that when things are going words. Why is this so difficult for well between us, other pressures married couples? When courting, disappear. But if we're not click- they shared feelings, but once maring, even the cat becomes a stress." ried they begin to protect their He speaks the truth because when feelings. Eventually, some couples their own relationship is good, a become afraid to risk sharing, couple is better able to deal with because they feel vulnerable and ordinary stresses - money, time, fear that their feelings will be used children, work and shared respon- against them later on. In the example I used earlier, sibility in the home. the wife was afraid to say to her Often when a couple seeks help with a child who has a problem, husband, "I feel unappreciated they discover that it is their rela- around here. 1 feel ignored and tionship which is the problem and that makes me feel unimportant to the child is merely responding to it you. Then 1 get angry and take it in his or her way. Frequently, the out on the children. I need your couple then become angry because help in dealing with this." Notice that in this scenario she they came for help in fixing their child, not themselves. It's easy to doesn't attack him with, "You never listen to me," or "You always take delude ourselves. Let's take the 'familiar example me for granted. " Frequently a husof a wife who feels unlistened to band responds to such feelings and unappreciated by her husband. with surprise. "I never realized yoiJ Her anger and resentment spill Telt that way. I do appreciate you over onto the family and the child- and I will try harder to listen. ren react with varying disrespect- Please don't think you are unimful behaviors. The couple can try, portant to me. all sorts of disciplinary devices 3. They can develop conflict but until they address the roots of resolution and creative coping her discontent, the issue isn't going skills. They don't ignore, compete, to be addressed. or accommodate each other when
THE ANCHOR - Diocese ofFaU River - Fri., Mar. 7, '1986 By DOLORES CURRAN
there is a conflict but they compromise and collaborate. When there's a problem, one says, "We have to deal with this. Let's set some new rules." And they do. They don't let problems go on endlessly. . Q. Isn't it more devotional if a 4. They make use of support lady lector' wears a gown (like people and systems. They don't try graduates wear) when she reads a~ to solve everything alone. They Mass? I t.hink when they do not use groups, church support, famwear these gowns it is like they are ily and friends. showing off their dresses and it's S. They are 'adaptable. As they distracting. Is there a rule about move through.the family life cycle, this? (Kansas) they are able to change in sync A. It is understandable that many with one another. For instance, Catholics still think back, perhaps they give up the rewards of courtwithout realizing it, to days when ship for the rewards of the first priests did nearly everything at baby. They don't constantly lament Mass, including activities now perwhat is lost but focus on what is formed by other ministers. Pergained. haps for that reason the tendency I suggest couples go through has been to consider liturgical minthese five characteristics and grade isters "undressed" unless they wear themselves on each. Talk about something similar to clerical vestthose you do well and those you ments. don't. How can you deepen your The generai principle ~hich the communication, friendship and church today seems to follow, howsex? ever, is that except for ordained And don't be afraid to call God ministers, dress for liturgical par~ in on improving your marriage. ticipants need not be, as it were, Clearly, couples who are happiest semiclerical. Lay persons, in other with one another make God an words, would dress appropriately impo.rtant support system. as lay people when they serve in the liturgy. Thus there is nothing, to my knowledge, in any liturgical directives for lectors at Mass requiring By some k'ind' of special garb. The assumption seems to be that they will dress normally, obviously with FATHER regard for the solemnity and digSociologists add a dimension to nity of their role in the Liturgy of EUGENE the shifting plates theory. A promthe Word. inent movement in U.S. society, as The same goes, incidentally, for they see it, is the expansion of the HEMRICK special ministers of the Eucharist. middle class, a class of people who The study text of the American are competitive and when Cathobishops' Committee on the Liturgy lics do more questioning than their on Holy Communion, speaking of Being able to put a vision for the lay eucharistic ministers, says simpimmigrant parents. parish into words and to act on ly: "Special ministers do not wear Many of these persons hold man- that vision speaks to the growing a-gement positions. They are respon- middle class. It is a key to convert- the liturgical garb of an ordained sible for organizations and are ing seemingly divisive persons into deacon or priest but they should be dressed neatly in a way consonconstantly on the outlook for ideas. a cooperative community. ant with the dignity of their funcOften their leadership roles foster tional role (e.g., coat and tie for a a certain. type of rugged individulayman). Local usage should be alism and a questioning mentality. followed in this matter." Moreover, what some might conBecause of longstanding tradisider divisive behavior, others contion, a cassock or other special sider critical thinking necessary garb continues to be used in most for growth. A person who balks at March 9 places by Mass servers, even though parish organizations and demands Rt: Rev. Henry J. Noon, V.G., they are almost always lay people. better services for the family might Pastor, 1947, St. James, New BedQ. I was married twice to my be seen as a selfish individualist by ford; 3rd Vicar General, Fall River first husband, once by a justice of some, as a leader by others. 1934-37 the peace, and some years later by a priest. Five years after that we How can a pastor and parish March 12 staff capitalize on the' talent of Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, Pas- were divorced, and I remarried middle-management ,types for the tor, 1961, St. Mathieu, Fall River before a justice of the peace. I have one child from my first betterment of t~e parish? marriage and four from my second Perhaps if one wants to win marriage. All have been reared as these people as a cooperative, creaCatholics. 'Family Problems tive force for the parish, it is necesI ,have been told to speak to "A rebellious son is a calamity sary to have a well-founded vision. of exactly what a parish should be. to his father and a nagging wife someone about a dispensation so I can receive communion, and this annoys like constant dripping." _ Should it be, for example, a Provo 19:13 would mean a lot to me. But I do . place primarily thought of as the not feel I have the right to receive center for the, sacraments, a cataany sacraments. My husband lyst for social justice, a refuge for doesn't understand that, no matter THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second what my cousin (a priest) and our those in sorrow or for the destiClass Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. family friend who is a priest tell tute, a people of God, the Mystical Published weekly except the week of July 4 Body or a worshiping community? me, I feel it should come from and the week after Christmas at 410 Highsomeone outside of family or land Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by The vision should include clear the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall friends. ideas about the desired outcomes River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid I am married to my present husof programs sponsored by parish 58.00 per year. Postmasters send address band for 30 years, and apart from ministers, directors of religious ed uchanges to The Anchor, P.O, Box 7, Fall this am very happy. (Louisiana) River. MA 02722. cation, youth ministers, etc.
A changing church It would seem that the Catholic Church and the United States are experiencing more turbulence these days than ever before. There seems to be less coming together on issues and more dissonance: more individualism and less community spirit; more speaking out and less listening. , The pope, bishops and priests are being challenged when pronouncements are made. Almost everyone runs to a lawyer at the slightest provocation. In the business world, a good relationship of management and labor represents a mammoth task. In many parishes the're are damaging splits among' parishioners on critical iss~es. ' How does one interpret all this? Perhaps it has something to do with the shifting-plates,..concept of Earth. It maintains that ea.rth is made up of plates which are constantly shifting and occasionally cause an earthquak'e or volcanic eruption. " Applying the theory to society, we might say that the decades are like earth's plates. New ideas and readjustments every 10 years or so cause a shift in thinking, along with a movement away from tried and proven experiences to an unknown and mystifying future. The Second Vatican Council was one such shift. We moved from the traditional Latin Mass and Gregorian Chant to the English Mass and an entirely different set of sounds. For some, it seemed that an earthquake had hit the church.
Gowns for lady lectors? .,
A. You need two ,things from a good priest-adviser. One is solid and knowledgeable advice, based on the church's present awareness of the situations of divorced and r-emarried Catholics. Many are doing all they are morally capable of doing to live as good Catholic Christians. The American bishops have tried to address this problem, especially in relation to reception of the Eucharist. , Second, and at least as important, you need someone who will be sensitive to what your own conscience tells you. It is your conscience you must follow, not someone else's, and any good priest-counselor will keep that in mind. A friend or relative may very well be one who can help you in both these needs. But if not, please go to another priest in whom you have confidence, tell him exactly what you told me, and ask his advice. Q. Why do so many Catholic theologians today try to make us believe that our great Christian feasts are really just pagan feasts that the church took over? Now I read (in an article on Lent) that Easter is connected with pagan celebrations and that the name of the feast is from a pagan god. (Kentucky) A. There are many reasons for celebrating our major feasts when we do. In general, however, it is true that many have at least an indirect connection with pre-Christian feasts celebrated about the same time of year - feasts centering around the harvest, the rebirth of the sun at the winter solstice (now Dec. 21, but Dec. 25 in the old Julian calendar), the renewal of nature in the spring, and so on. Our Easter is, of course, directly related to the Jewish feast of Passover which Our Lord and his disciples celebrated shortly b~fore his death. In turn, Passover, a joyful festival of freedom and hope, was most probably celebrated in the spring not only because it was naturally appropriate, but particularly as the Jewish version of similar pagan spring feasts, in which they were forbidden to participate. The name Easter-may have come from the Christian liturgy by way of'an old German word for dawn, "eostarum." However, from the time of St. Bede, the renowned sixth c.entury'church historian, the more popular. explanation is that the word comes from the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, Eastre. A free brochure glvmg basic prayers, teachings and practices of the Catholic faith is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed , envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington; III. 61701.
Kind Words "Kind words are like honey enjoyable and healthful." - Provo 16:24
NCCW names administrator
THE"ANcirOR-' , Friday, Mar'. 7, 1986
Cardinal Law Continued from Page One Anthony of the Desert Maronite Church in Fall River. There were special words for young men considering the priesthood, a blessing for an expectant mother and thanks for Fall River police officers who directed,traffic in biting'March winds before and after the Mass, for members of the diocesan choir and for Cathedral ushers, attired for the occasion in tuxedos and red bo~ ,ties. The choir, was ,.dire(;;ted and accompanied by Glenn Giuttari with Joanne : Mercier as cantor. 'Readers were Mrs; James, A. O'Brien Jr. and seminarian Edward Healey. Seminarians were also minor ministers fot the Mass. The mood of the congregation was expressed by an elderly woman who summed up, "It was a wonderful day and I was proud to be there. "
WASHINGTON (NC) - The board of directors of the National Council·of Catholic Women has appointed Annette P. Kane as executive administrator. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Fall River, long active in NCCW affairs, served on the search committee screening candidates for the position. For the past seven years, Mrs. Kane has been NCCW's program director and editor of its magazine, Catholic Woman. A graduate of Trinity College in Washington, she holds master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Kane and her 'husband, Joseph, are residents of Fairfax, Va., and have four children. They are members of St. Mark's parish in Vienna, Va., where Mrs. Kane is a lector and liturgy planner and serves 'on the pastoral council. The NCCW, founded in 1920, is a federation-of more than 8,000 U.S. women' organization, ranging from parish units to national organizations.
, AT ANNUAL BISHOP'S NIGHT of New Bedford Serra Club, from left, Dennis Desnoyers:president; Bishop;Danlet A.•Cronin; Dr. William Muldoon, vice-president; Rev. Brian J. Hahington, chaplain. The~bishop presented piris to new club members and urged all to continue working for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. (Rosa photo) ,
Times ad'
Continued f~oin Page One .., One coupon was addressed to Cardinal Jerome Ha~er,prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes; a second to Bishop'James W. Malone By NC News Service , -' ,I ral family planning pro'grarits in of, Youngsto~n, Ohio, pr,esident , U.S. dioceses, was commenting on of the, National Conference ofCathProfits mot_iv~ted companies·to " the Jan.. 31 annoul}cement by ~eaalie Bishops; and a third ,to the develop intratitine :contraceptive "de that it 'would nO longer sell its" Committee of Concerned Cathol- devices.in the 1960s and it was falIUDs in the United States. icsto be used to' Offer s'upport to profit~ that .led, q.~. Se~rle Company officials attributed the ling the group. and Co. tc!. ~t~p U .S:~ale~, says a decision to the "escalating cost" of The committee was formed to na~ur.al fa~ll~ planmng an~popu- defen~j,!g increasinR nUIn!>erS of generate support for signers of the latIqn speclahst., " •. "unwarranted" lawsuits' by users first ad shortly after the religious ~sgr.James.~. ~cHughctiarged and said such cases have made who signeawere threatened with Searle_d~cl~lOn ,:-vas ;~~t ~a.sed "future p~oduct-liab,lityinsuranc,e the penalties for their participation. On conctirn for wo~en. ".' '. virtually. unattainable." , A full-page, ad in a Sunday ediMsgr. McHugh, who dl~ects a , tion of The Times costs $36,137. national project to develop natu"Practically speaking; it' (Sea. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , r1e's decision) ends the marketing of the ,IUD," Msgt. McH~gh said. "The company has recogmzed that the IUD has always been controversial because of the side effects." The A.H. Robins Co., maker of the Dalkon Shield IUD, filed a bankruptcy action last August. , . . , . Hundreds of, women h~ve , 54 KANE ST., , FALL 'RIVER,MA
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b;ought suits against the compan- , and' the health of women in the iess'eeldng damages for infeCtions, .Third World is as precious as the fertility problems, birth defects and health 'of women' in the First .othet injuries they attributed to World,'· he said. the devices. He said the IUD was heralded ,The o~ly IU D ~em.aining on the as an effective contraceptive in the 1960s because It .was marketed as mark~t IS a deVIce made. by the Alza Corp. based on a hormone- an answer "to hysteria over population growth." release system. , . "The IUD also gained 'accepThe fate of the two;companies, Msgr. Mc.Hughs~i.d, ."revolves tance because of the stress' on around theIr cpmphclty In mark~t- 'reproductive freedom, sexual-freeing an essentially dangerous deVIce dom," Msgt. McHugh said. "Women are the victims" of the without full disclosure of the risks." development of IUDs,- based on Searle officials said the com"less than honest data," tile priest pany will continue to sell IUDs in 94 other countries, including Can- said. "But while some pro-lifers may ada Great Britain France and herald Searle's announcement as a We~t Germany. ' gain for the movement, artificial Msgr. McHugh expressed conbirth, control "is still· a problem cern over'this. and it is not going to go away," he "The debate about IUDs has said. not been settled in the Third World
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BISHOP DANIEL A~ CRONIN, left, holds the 1986 Catholic Charities Appeal poster with Rev. Richard L. Chretien, Pastor of S1. Theresa's Parish,-New Bedford, and gre~ter New Bedford are~ Appeal chairman. Supervising area Appeal activities, he and his volunt~ers will contact professional, business, industrial and fraternal organizations in the Special Gift pahase of the Appeal from April 21 to May 3. 'C.
Wasteland's place for porn movies WASHINGTON (NC) -
Mistake "Long I mistook seeing the end for being in the way." - Coventry Patmore.
- _Feb. 25 ruling, the Supreme Court said that communities have broad authority to use their zoning pow,· ers to limit adult movie houses to isolated areas or scatter them throughout II; city or lown. By a 7-2 margin, the court said that the city of Renton, Wash., did - 0'01 violate the constitutional right of free speech by restricting such -theaters to an area described as an ,"industrial wasteland." Speak.ing for the majority, Justice Rehnquist said Renton's zoning law serves the legitimate pur-
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In other action, the court .declined to review a lower courl (ll.ling which overturned an Indianapolis ordinance which made it possible to sue pornography dealers on gTOu.nds .of se~ discrimination. ChiefJustice Warren Burgerand Justices William Rehnquist and Sandra~Day O'Connor voted to bear arguments in the case, but four votes are needed to grant such review. . Theconuo~rsial
ordinance was enacted by the Indianapolis City Council on April 23. 1984. It said pornography discriminates against women by portraying them 3S sexual objects who enjoy pain and hUmiliatio'n. . : The ordinance allowed women - who felt tIJeywere injured by someone who,'bad read cir 'seen porno· graphS' to sue the maker or seller of the material. Indianapolis Mayor William H. Hudnut III and other city officiais arl~ ,that the ordinance is ~n "innovative and promising way" to help porngraphy victims. But the ordinance was attacked immediately in a federallawsuil by the American Booksellers Associ· ation and federal courts ruled Ihat it violated free·speech rights. John Samples. a press spoke's· man for Hudnut, said that the mayor and others plan to petition the Supreme Court to reconsider its action and hear the case.
'2299 ::':"J une 1()th MSGR. ·LUtZ MENDONCA, pastor of OUT Lady of Mt~ Carmel Church, New Bedford. congratulates 92-year.old Mrs. Joseph Peters and her husband, 90, prior to celebrating a home Mass in honor of their 70th wedding anniversary.CRosa photo)
Bishops' visit to Haiti rescheduled WASHINGTON (NC)- A visit mated that there are about 70,000 of three U.S. bishops to Haiti Haitian refugees. postponed in February because of Bishop Bevilacqua is chairman the turmoil before Haitian dicata- oBhe bishops' Migration and TOllrtor Jcan-Qaude Duvalicr abdicated ism Committee and Migration and and fled the country - bas been Refugee Services Oversight Comrescheduled for March 5 to 8. mittee. Meeting with Haiti's bishops Another concern facing the Hai· will be Archbishop Edward McCar· tian church, Quigley said, is semi· thy of Miami, Bishop Anthony nary development. Facinga boom Bevilacqua of Pittsburgh and Bish- . in applicants. the single major sem· op Daniel Reilly ofNorwicb, Conn. inary in the country last year had Duvalier's departure has changed to limit the number of seminarians the context of the visit and created each dioce$e could enroll. "new opportunities.. for the church Other staff aides in the U.S. in Haiti. said Thoroas Quigley, delegation are Holy Cross Father head of the Latin America desk at William Lewers, USCC director the U.S. Catholic Conference and of international justice and ~ace, one of three staff experts accomand SCalabrinian Father Silvano panying the U.S. delegation. But the U. S. and Haitian bishops would still be discussingessentially "the same issues as before," Quigley said.
Hollywood to invade Holy City WASHINGTON (NC)-Israeli film prodUcers Menahem Golan and Yararo Globus, owners of U.S.·based Cannon Films, plan to build a permanent biblical movie set just outsid~.JerUsaJem. In an interview with National Catholic News Service, Golan said the set, to be: called "Bible La.nd," would be "8 similar situation to Universal City" in metropolitan Los Angeles. . Universal City i, a movie.making complex and tourist attraction. ~We are now building afilm and TV studio and communications center seven minutes from Jerusa· lem," Golan said...It will he the biggest in all of the Middle Eau. to He said it would take two years to complete the comm\UliCf;tion center, after which work Would beain on Bible Land. In addition to a permanent aet, Golan said. a zoo might be built. He said the intention was to build "everything needed" for filming a biblical movie. "Whether or not (the complex) will be used as a tourist attraction. we don't know," said Golan.
Friday, Mar. 7, 1986
He denied, however, pUblished reports that Bible Land would be a Disneyland .of biblical lore.
Program reopens EVANSVILLE, Ind. (NC) After a year', moratorium, the Diocese of Evansville has revamped and reopened its permanent diac· onate program. It has redesigned its formation program and changed guidelines for accepting candidates for deacon. Nine men have joined a yearlong "pre-candidate" program, including five who were rejected the year before. The mora· torium was called in October 1984 when the deacon board said that none of 10 applicants matched tbe personality profile for a deacon that the diocese was seeking. The diocese said some time was needed "to study and reeducate the diocese on what is a deacon." The disbanding 'of the 19M class brought controversy over a screen· ing test, Selection Research Ine.'s "Deacon perceiver," which had been used in the diocese for the first time that year.
He cited the deep "poverty and desperation of the people" as an overridingissuc. Ruled bytbe Duvalier family since 1957, Haitiansare the poorest and least educated people in the Western Hemisphere. The yearly per capita. income in the slitall Caribbean nation is only $)00 and fout out of five Haitians are illiteraae. Quigley u.id a f ormalinauguration March 7 Oftbe Haitian bishops, National Literacy Program would bighligbt the U.S delegation" visit. He called the church program a "vcry large. very ambitious" effort with ,8 lonc-r&IlSC- sdal of r.eaching some 3 millioll adults, oi: helfHai· d's total population. The .project may cost $5 million or more. , Catholic Reliefscrviccll, the U.S. Catholic overseas aid agtney, pro· vided the first $250,000 and tech· nical assistance·for a literacy pilot programlut year inJerer'nie, Haiti. Bishop Reilly is CRS board chair· man. Another issue up for discussion, Quigley said, was pastoral care of Haitian immigrants in the United States. In Miami alone it is esti·
Tomasi, director of the u.S. bishops' Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees. Archbishop ROier Mahony of Los Angeles was originally going to lead the delegation, but Archbishop McCarthy replaced him due to schedule conflicts.
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"Hltbdling abig;,.moutb By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Q. Dear Mary: We bave a 15year-old daughter who is settillJ the whole I.mny on edle with ber
moutb. -She says whatever she
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thinks- or feels, however rude or critic.., to anyone In the ramily. We bave tried to Silence ber, but witboDt success. What alternatives do we have! (illinois) Most crises that affect teen-age girls are not caused by the famity, but the family bears the brunt of the, problem. Teens get upset over schoolwork, teachers, differences· with same-sex friends, differences with 'opposite sex friends, perfor. mances in music or sports, .and a host of other situations. In most situations they cannot "mouth ofr' but must keep their anger or frustration inside. Once they get home, the family gets all the pentup frustration in the form of meanness, criticism or yelling. Parents distressed by rude remarks are often doubly upset because they feel that the criticism is against them. Somehow they are aUault. Most likely the teen's frustration has little O£ nothing to do with the parents' behavior. Home is simply the one place the teen feels free to let off steam. Tellingan angry teen to be quiet is usually futile, as you have disco-
vered. Your suggestion of isola-
that when daughter helps out with
tiOR for briefperiods is a good one.
dinner, she worb more and
The teen cannot yell or be rude if there is no one there to attack verbally. Send your daughtertci her room for a brief period of time, just long enough to break the verbal tirade. And use it only when you need , some relief. Ideally to change her behavior you would like to pay little or no attention to the rude, mean remarks and plenty of attention to any cooperative, normalconversation. This is not easy. How can you ignore meanness and yelling? Suppose she never talks "normally"? What then? To pinpoint the trouble spots, pick the time of day you find'most trying. Perhaps it is around the dinner hour. Everyone is tired and hungry and daughter begins her attack. For a few days observejust how ml1Chdiseord occurs. Makea chart. Divide the hours into IS-minute periods and keep score. Every period free of "mouthing oft" gets a plus; every period when mouthing does occur gets a minus. Charting helps locate the worst periods, but it also maku you aware of the good moments. 'Now try to increase the troublefree times. Perhaps you will find
"mouths oW less. A regular task - making salads, setting table, doing dishes - might stop' the rude mouth temporarily. Whenever you find shejs acting cooperatively, notice it. A complimen~, a hug, an offerto help her with some project, are positive responses to good behavior. Be sure to give some positive response every time she is pleasant aro_und the family. By focusing on thepositive, you give your daughter more incentive to be civil and you force yourself to notice the good moments rather than dwell on the unpleasant ones. Adolescents are going through a tumultuous period. Theyfind many ways to release their emotions. Yelling and rudeness, whileunplea~ sant for the family, are fairly harmless outlets. They are likely to pass as your daughter is more comforw table with herself. At the same time, for family harmony and sanity, you would like to improve the situation as much as possible. Reader questions on family Iiv-. iqa!lld child eare to be answered in print are invited. Address The Kenny., Box 872~ St. Joseph's ColleJe, R.ensselaer, Ind. 47978.
The marketing of eligibles By Antoinette Bosco In the United States, 87 million men and 9S million women are 'of marriageable age arid a major concern oemany is how to find a suitable mate. Several times in past years I have written that maybe some oldfashioned ways 'of intrOducing young people, like through family friends or young !ldult parish groups should come back into style. But it seems that even angels fear to tread on that kind of "interference" in the independence. of marriageable adults! Instead, what we're seeing is a new industry that could be caUed the marketing of eligibles. Dating services and singles groups are thriving. Advertising to meet people is gaining popularity. Believe it or not, "personals" in newspapers and magazines have become the latest boy-meets-girl rage. Judging from these ads, the days of finding a future spouse at a college dance or church social may well be relegated to the status of a quaint and hoary. practice. A recent issue ofWoman advises readers: "Don't knock it until you've tried it." the author suggests pointers on how to write good advertising copy to sell yourse1f to the target audience you want to reach. A 'good ad will result in, a ~seleetion of people to choose f'om." Ten years ago most of us would have cringed at the thought, figuring that personals were for weirdos and losers ,and, what's more, could· be dangerous. Now, apparently, they've become popUlar and acceptable, particularly with busy professionals ofthe baby~boom generation. But not everyone who tries it likes it. "I received nearly 300responses," one woman told me. "I ended up dating about IS men, all of whom
were attractive, intelligent and S11(:cessful. Most seemed to be decent people, and perhaps three-fourths wanted to see me again. Nonethew less, when I look back on the experience, it gives me the ~reeps. This woman complained that most ofthe time "you end up wasting an evening with someone whose company you don't really enjoy. And when it's over,you walkaway feeling queasy - slightly dimin· ished as a person." Why do so many people feel desperate. enough to turn to personals?
It must be a combination of reasons: It's hard to meet the right person wh,en expectations for an "ideal" relationship are high;Jocal communities don't play their former role in people's lives; jobs keep people too busy. Lasting relationships happen only when there's a "chemistry"the result of soul-to-soul connection and shared values. Without such depth, marriages fail and families break- apart. Personals emphasize superficial characteristics, not a good start for building a meaningful, solid life together.
No secrets, says Opus Dei ROME (NC) ~ Opus Dei, a worldwide Catholic organization of about 75,000 lay members and 1,200 priests, has denied allegations by an Italian magazine that it imposes a strict Iiule over its members through secret internallaws. The weekly magazine Espresso said in its March 2 issue that Opus Dei, which means in Latin "the work of God," governs members through a 479-article code that requires strict obedience to superiors in all areas of life. Opus Dei, which became a per· sonal prelature in 1982, has never made its internal.laws public, the magazine said. Instead, it has furnished an abbreviated set of statutes to church officials and local bishops, which "pretend to update" the rules, it said. The Opus Dei headquarters in Rome said in a Feb. 24 statement that "no secret statute exists, or has ever existed." It said its rules have been modified over the years, and that the latest version has been given to the Holy See and local bishops in dioceses where Opus Dei operates.
Opus Dei was founded by a ·Spanish priest, Msgr. Jose~aria Escriva de Balaguer, in 1928. Some members are celibate, live in Opus Dei houses and contribute their earnings to the organization. Others live with their families. All are guided by the organization in their spiritual activities. The Espresso article quoted alleged Opus Dei rules that obligate members not to reveal the names of other members or one's own membership in the organization, even to immediate family members, without permission from Opus Dei superiors. -' It said the rules require continual recruitment efforts, especially among intellectuals and those in positions of al!thority. All members, the magazine said, must consult Opus Dei superiors on "professional, social or any otherquestions," even those unrelated to Opus Dei. The Opus Dei statement said its rules now require members not to conceal their membership. It said ·the rest of the article referrred to rules that either do not exist or have been modified for sometime.•
, '~
Cuban Chu,rch enc'uentro first in quarter century
Friday, Mar. 7,1986
O'ROURKE Funeral Home
HAVANA (NC) - The Cuban Catholic Church capped its first national meeting in more than 25 years with a vow to evangelize the Communist-ruled island-nation and seek dialogue with non-believers, The 181 delegates to the Feb. 17 to 23 "encuentro" approved a 200~ page document which said in part that Cuban Catholics "desire to be an evangelizing church...assuming with serenity and courage the risks that might arise froll} being faithful to the mission of announCing'in good ~nd bad times the Gospel'of Jesus Christ. " ' In calling for dialogue\vith nonbelievers, the document said that the Christia,n faith was not an ideology but "could live in any political'system or in any historical ", process." , The docU'ment;five years in the making, must now be approved by the Cuban bishops' conference. Since Fidel Castro took power .in 1959, Catholic evangelizing has been restricted. In addition, Cuban Catholics were often excluded from universities and pr,ofessional posts, and Catholic leaders,: have been imprisoned or exilt:d.
"We slowly discovered that the renovation of our Cuban church in the light of Vatican II was the only way to live within our socialist context," Bishop Meurice told National Catholic News Service.
571 Second. Street Fall River,' Mass.
The five-year reflection which followed was "extremely wide," said Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio, Texas, official encuentro representative of the U.S bishops. It began in the small towns and advanced to the diocesan level in each of Cuba's seven dioceses.
P'!Iinti"ll & Decorating Co. INTERIOR &: ~XTERIOR • CHURCH PAINTING
But withi~, the past year, signs of a thaw in church-state relations have occurred. Most recently, a draft document ofthe Cuban Communist Party's nextlive-year plan calls on Cubans to re~pect the beliefs of churchgoers. Planning for the encuentro began after the Latin American bishops met with Pope John Paul II in Puebla, Mexico, in 1979. ' , According to, B'ishop Pedro Meurice of Santiago de Cuba, the bishops felt that they needed to assimilate the documents of Vatican II; of Puebla, and of an earlier meeting of Latin American bishops in Medellin, Colombia~ in 1968, '
(Undated) (NC) - Posters linking Adolf Hitler to the Catholic Church have appeare.d on walls and in mailboxes in'the United States and Canada. Dipcesan newspaper editors in Atlanta; Bal· timore,Ro-ckford, Ill., and Newark, N.J., reported receiving posters. They also said they receiv,ed, anti-Vatican, posters which accus.ed th~ Vatican of c~n trolling branches, of the governm~nt and media. The Hitler poster, also sent to several Toronto area residents describes Hitler's Catholic boyhood and claims he based the Nazi party structure on that oOhe Jesuits: '
Foreign observers included Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, president of the Pontifical Council on the Laityand personal representative of the pope to the encuentro. Car~ dinal Pironio later met with Castro to discuss Latin American problems, including poverty and underdevelopment.
Poster received
,Rules for sleepovers .
We are pre~ty firm about jam on the kitchen ceiiing' being taken care of before it sets and becomes pari of the paint, The' same for raisins on t!).e wall and popcorn oil on pillowcases, If potato chips are left in a sleeping bag and not discovl,:red until another ,member of th¢ ,family uses it later --; notably me ---: the c~'prit ~ill be rempved ffl>m,the will and putu'pfor adoption. ' ,
.. ••
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (NC) - Father Charles Gonet wants no recognition for his recent rescue of two men from a burning car on a highway near Springfield because, he said, he was just being "a good Samaritan." "However would I have felt if I had kept going? I' had to turn back," the priest, pastor of St. Catherine of Siena parish in Springfield, told the Catholic.Observer, diocesan newspaper. : Father Gonet was returning from celebrating Mass in nelub'y' Holyoke when. he noticed a tow truck without lights stopped in the oppo'site lane of the highway and a spinning car. The car apparently had hit the truck,which was stalled. "My first thought, was that the car might go over the bat;rier into the I~ne 1 was in so I immediately slowed down," Father Gonet recalled. "Then I noticed there was fire coming from the motor' of that car;~' . The 55-year-old priest parked his car~ jumped the highway barrier and went to the car where, he said, he saw thaton~ occupant had a broken. leg an<J, the other facial cuts. He ,realized that in seconds the fir~ would be out of control. "I hesitated to pull the passenger out because his leg was ~o badly fractured, but the fire was spreading," said Father Gonet. "I knew I had only precious 'seconds., so (I yelled (to spectators), 'unless you help me, two'young men are going to burn.,'"
Springfield pri'esta hero .
NC p~oio.
Hero priest
The culmination was the February meeting of 181 bishops, priests and lay people in Havana..
By Hilda Youpg
25 y ..... in Buaineu 617 428-6803
. When lJOllce, fire equipment and ambulances arrived and the situation was under coqtrol,' he left. ,-, Springfield Bishop Joseph F. Maguire said -Father Gonet's, actions did not surprise him. DireCtion of' "Father Gonet is not a mail who looks for recognition, "said the Re.v. J; Joseph Kierce bishop, "q.ut he is one of our:mosi Author and Producer of dedicated priests~" . . N~w Engl~,:,d P.as~i~n Play The Willi¥DRQbeH&, 26,the driver of the car, suffered a concussion "THE CHRISTU5" among other. injuries. "Passenger ·James Moran, 29, ended up with two bro'kenlegs. , ~, . . Roberts said : ~hat because of .Father Gonet, he has started to , attend Mass at St. Catherine 'of"' :Siena, . "I really wasn't into (church): that much until that happened," he said.
~ -I. '\ •_
'Passivity"rap,p:e'~""" ". LONDON (NC) ~A Catholic ,international affairs organization has criticized Western "passivity~' .,toward' human rights abuses by Indonesian troops in 'East Timor. "The' deaths, disease, hunger' and break-Up of families in Eas't' Timor are not' the result of a natural disaster 'but of IJldonesian pol,icies," the -London-based Catholic Institute for International Relations sa~. ,"Western' governments should press Indonesia on all these issues," it added', , .' , The institUte, an agency of the ,English and ~elsh bishops"pro'vides information about irlter~ nat,ional issues and recruits 'church 'volunteers for work' 'abroad.
The Experience of A Lifetime
$1129 APRIL 11 • 24·
* * TOUR.2 * *
There comes a time in early THE NORWEGIAN FJORDS, SWEDEN, aJid adolescence when spending at least DENMARK plus LONDON and CRUISING on the NORTH SEA! one weekend night, with a friend or SCENES OF SPECTACULAR BEAUTY having a friend over 'for the night is mandatory. It ranks just below FOR 0 N,L'Y breathing and just ;tbove cQllJplaining about doing the dishes. /,1 I think it was the .we'ekend the L , With help the pnes~ pulled the neighbors phoned at .3 a:in. to tell JULY 18· AUGUST 1 .. ' men from the seat and away from us there were people ~ith !1ashlights the burning car: ..... . '.\'YOOR; 3 on our. r'oofthatmy husband and I Some locations are off limits for VANCOUVER'S EXPO 86 and THE HEART decided ·.to set down rules' that ,eating: the shower, under the sheets OF THE CANADIAN ROCKIES! must be signed by off~pring ,~nd , of a brothe~ ,or sister's bed and my FABULOUS JOURNEY BY,LANB, SEA friend before any sleeping bags are cl()set. " AND AIR rolled out in front of the TV set. P'O-R 0 N tY ., The television may not,be turned Or was iUhe weekend oldest son and his friend made French toast up so loud that the, test' pattern Shoreway Acres has so many for breakfast and went through a , sounds like ajet making a low pass reasons to escape to Falmouth for loaf of bread; a' dozen eggs', two over the 'house. a truly memorable weekend. A. AUGUST ,,"3'· 22 The stereo Shall be kept at a .dining room where Lobster Bisque cubes of butter and a bottle of (Plus 6-Day ALASKA, OPTION . and Chateaubrland 'are regular de,cibel level: below, that which syrup? For Only $1490 August 22·28) occurences, An Inviting indoor pool bursts small blood vessels, in the Rule No. I is that the family of eye. and sauna. A short walk to splendid ,. (S~hed!Jied·flights. from/to Boston the child knows about it. This shops and ca~ Cod beaches. And ,• or New York for all tours) Telephone calls to Brucll'Spring; the entire weekend, with eight': greatly reduces time spent filling lAir fares subject to chailge) steen, other countries or a boymeals. dancing, and our unique out missing person's reports. The , .,1 friend in'another state must be colBYOH club. probably costs les~ - SPACE LIMITED, ~. CALL NOWI corollary: The family accepting lect.P~rsons seen walking'to the than a room and meal allowance our child for the night must know bathroom with the telepho'ne and REV. J. lOS£PfHUERCE someplace else, ThaI'S what makes he or she is coming. closing the door, will be rep9rteq to Shoreway Acres the ultimate value, Saint Kevin Rectory. . 35 Virginia St., Dorchester; Ma; 02125 There are a number of rules on the local police for~"eft. $43.45 $57.25* A DineerlFamily Res<m, Objects 'such as empty' chips' .. Telephone: (6171 436·2771 food; generally covering the areas ~~-~.;..--:--:---lFalmouth;Bo",;.o, Shore st, 540-:~()OO' MA 02541 (6171 bags, dental floss, nylons, hair • _. OR .. of quantity, cleanup and feeding MA'resldenrs call free:8<X)·352·7HX) F 0r . GEORGE OSBORN·UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO. locations, One rule of thumb is pins, brace retainers' and candy Oin Us d J Weeken ·Per person per night, db!. occup... 129 Mt. Auburn. Street. that an, individual not eat an wrappers will not be flushed down '," . "A other's Day " Good 1/24/86-(\/29/86 the 'toilet. Cambridge, Ma.02138 amount in one night exceeding lVI 6/20'& 6/27 prices We are still working on a' rule Telephone: (6171 864·7800 slillhtly hillher . what he or she had consumed over Min. 2 ni~hh, holidaYH 3 ni~htK. Tax, gratuities not incl. that will put them'to'sleep, the past week O,OW9. •I
• • ....
~I ~
* *'
THE ANCHORFriday, Mar. 7, 1986
.F all River, Mass. Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
679-5262 LEARY PRESS . _-"
'Cath'olic schools' mission,to poor examined WASHINGTON (NC) - LowThe major problem found by income students in Catholic high the study, Guerra said, is that schools learn at the same rate as financial problems throw long-term higher-income students, says a new school survival prospects into quesNational Catholic Educational As- tion. sociation study. The study, "Catholic .High The study is the second and final Schools: Their Impact on Low- part of NCEA's extended look at Income Students," was published Catliolic high schools. The first Feb. 27 in Washington. Researchers part, "the Catholic High School: surveyed 910 high school princi- A National Portrait," found that pals, 938 teachers and 7,551 stu- one-third of Catholic high school dents. students come from families with The study found that in Catholic annual incomes below $20,000, schools, unlike other schools, "in- one-third from families in the come doesn't have a depressing $20,000-$30,000 range and oneeffect on the rate at which kids third from those earning over learn," said Michael J. Guerra, $30,000. CEA associate project director. Guerra said poor students sucThe new report found that 21 ceed because of high .academic percent of th'e very poor (under standards that "aren't w'atered $10,000) make up the stude'nt down for one group of. kids," bodies at Catholic high schools in because of strong community sup-' low-income communities, comport of schools and because teach- pared to 37 percent of the relaers involve themselves in the lives , tively poor ($10,000-$20,000) and of their students and ha~e high 27 percent in'the $20,000-$30,000 expectations for them. range.
. A higher proportion of women - Thoroughly integrated relireligious and priests are teachers' gious belief, rather than one im~ and administrators in schools that posed from outside circumstances, serve, low-income students than at is strongly associated with avoidothers, according to the study. ance of drug 'and alcohol abuse And a smaller proportion of these and antisocial behavior. schools' total income comes from . In research focusing on teachers tuition and fees; subsidies must the study found: make up the difference. - The top motivations of teachIn research focusing on students, ers in low-income schools are their the report found: desire to teach in that kind of - While 90 percent of Hispanic environment and their view of students and 92 percent of white teaching as a ministry. students in low-income Catholic - The great majority of the schools are Catholic, only 39 per- teachers said they are generally cent of black students are Catholic. satisfied with their jobs; however, Thirty-six percent of black stu- 64 percent said they do not earn a dents in Catholic high schools are decent salary. Baptist. -'- 7J percent of the teachers - Only 7 percent oflow-income said they believe they should proschool students are enrolled in , mote the 'religious faith' of their vocational programs. Fifty-nine students; 2'5 percent oflay teachers percent of the very poor category reported being unsure oftheir role are enrolled in college preparatory in students' religious formation. programs. The figures rise to 68 - Nearly one-half the teachers percent for moderately poor stu- said it is no harder to teach lowdents and 78 percent for students income students than other stuwho are not poor. dents.
February was, bad month for dictators Marcos' tanks on their way to put Church communications also down the rebellion. played a role. Radio Soleil, a Cath"Who could have expected nuns WASHINGTON (NC) - Feb- olic-run station in Port-au-Prince, to face down the tanks of this wily ruary was decidedly unkind to was a prime source of information dictator?" The New York Times about what was going on in Haiti. dictators. asked editorially Feb. 26. The month began with Haiti's The station was shut down by One recalls the consummate impoverished population in revolt Duvalier in December 1985 for against the nation's well-heeled reporting on demonstrations aPresident-for-Life Jean-Claude Du- gainst him. valier, finally forcing him into temRadio Soleil· was so respected "Programs for all seasons•.." porary refuge at a French resort. that when Haitians first heard that For Filipinos, the month ended Duvalier had left the country Feb. similarly. The 20-year rule of Pres- 7, they gathered in front of the - Summer 1986 ident Ferdinand Marcos, much of station to listen to reports. .VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Even more dramatic, perhaps, it under martial law, came apart at June 15·20 John Paulll has urged priests to the seams after an election that was the role of the church in the A Theological Colloquium recruit brothers, the group of reliobservers said he stole. ; Philippines in Marcos' final days. gious hardest hit in the vocations Raymond E, Brown. S,S, (PaSSion Nar· An ailing Marcos fled the Phi:' Over the years, the church, esperatives), Marlene Halpin. a,p, (Forgiving: decline following the Second Vatilippines Feb. 26 and, after a stop in, cially as represented by Manila Present·Perfect), Boniface Ramsey. a,p, Guam, found at least a measure of CardinaIJaim'e Sin, was a thorn in can Council. (Developing Images of Christ), Reginald "All pastors of the church" Haller, a,p, (Musical Settings on the Pas, peace in Hawaii. Marcos'side. Since the early 1970s, sion), should encourage men to become Jour'nalists, diplomats and oth- when Marcos declared martial law, brothers, the pope said. Without ers generally agreed that aside from, Cardinal Sin frequently denounced withdrawal of U.S. support, Cath- human rights violations in the Phil- brothers, "the vitality of the local churches would lack something." olic Church opposition was per-' ippines. Graduate Courses ' He said brothers should receive haps the most crucial factor in the But the pot really began to boil and Programs "adequate theological formation" . demise of both the Duvalier and after Marcos was declared the winJune 23· (July 14)· August 1 Mllrcos governinellts. ner in a special Feb. 7 election in order to perform their apostolic '(Three and Six Week Courses: •Begins June 23· ' In Haiti and the' Philippines, against now-President Corazon work. ends August 1: 'Begins June 23 ' ends July 11; The pope spoke at the close of a + Begins July 14 . ends August \), both overwhelmingly Catholic Aquino. In a Feb. 14 statement, meeting of the Vatican CongregaBiblical Studies: seven courses including -' countries, an ever-increasing level, the bishops said the election was Synoptic Gospels (Terence Keegan, of criticism by church leaders, dis- an unparalled fraud and lent their tion for Religious and Secular a,p,) +, Epistles of Paul (Patrick Reid)*, Institutes. se,minated worldwide by the,meQia" full moral weight to Mrs. Aquino. Wisdom literature (Jo-Ann Stanley, a,p,)o" At the closed meeting members contribute'd to the international The message was clear when the Biblical Greek (Sean Drury)·, of the congregation, headed by controversy. bishops said the Marcos govern'Religious Studies: eleven courses inclUding With poiitical, oppositio'n' out- ment had lost its moral legitimacy Cardinal Jean Jerome Hamer, dis(Dogmatics) Redemption (Justin Hennes:sey, a,p,)*, God, ane and·Three (Colman lawed in Haiti, the Catholic Church and callel;l for a "nonviolent strug- cussed the identity and mission of a'Neili. O:P,) +, Contemporary Theologibecame not ~nly' the leading but gle for justice" to repair the wrong brothers. Bishop Anthony Bevical Methodologies (Aidan Nicholas, lacqua of Pittsburgh,\!. member of p,erhaps the only organized voice imposed by Marcos. P,P,) +', (Moral Theology)' Comtemporary Moral Problems (Paul Seaver, a,py. ~pposing Duvalier. . ':.. Although the bishops did, not, the congregation, was among those in attendance. . , . Foundations/Christian Morality (Raymond HolyCross Father William Lewdirectly say so, said retired PhilipF, CollinS) +,. (Spirituality/Liturgy) Spiritual Vatican statistics indicate there ers, director of the ,U.S bishops', pine Bishop Francisco Claver of are few neophyte brothers. Less ClaSsicS' (Mary Ann Follmar)*, Sacred Lit· lJrgy (Giles Dimock. a,p,)*, Office of International Justice and Mal'aybalay, implicit in their state- than 2.5 p,ercent of all brothers are Religious Education: Theology of Ministry ment was' the belief that. Mrs. in the novitiate stage. Peace, said he lfelieves the Haitian (Elaine ScUlly. R.S,M,) +, Ministry to Youth Aquino had won the election, that church, was inspired to action by and Families (Kathleen Killion) + , Pope John Paul II's.) 983 visit to the Marcos government was illegHaiti. itilTIate, and that civil 'disobedience The pope's homily at a Mass'in was the necessary response. (Undated) (NC) ~ The Vatican Haiti, in which he spoke out force- , As in Haiti, a Catholic radio stais studying a possibly miraculous Afternoon Workshop fully for social justice and against ,tion - Manila's Ra<lio Veritascure attributed to the intercession . "Tomorrow's Church Today" political repression, "gave great ' became a leading opposition voice. of' Franciscan Father Junipero William J. Bausch encouragementto the church at all After two of Marcos' top military Serra, the 18th-century apostle of levels," Father Lewers said. leaders rebelled, against Marcos California whose cause for canonJune 24· 25 Thus, encouraged, the Haitian and holed up at a military base, ization is being widely promoted. Picturesque Campus bishops began an adult literacy Cardinal Sin told Radio Veritas, An approved miracle would open Full Recreational Facilities program that was perceived by listeners: "Our two good friends the door for Father Serra's beatifi.For further information write: Duvalier, who wanted to keep have,shown their idealism. I would cation .and eventual canonization. ReligIous Studies Haitians The case under study involves poor and ignorant, as a be very happy if you could support Summer Programs Franciscan Sister Boniface Dyrda challenge, Father Lewers said. . them now." Providence College of Clyde, Ohio. She said that her That plea resulted in the scenes, And, beginning with a pastoral Providence, R. I., 02918 itl November 1984, the bishops made prominent on U.S televi- case was investigated last October Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Ins~itution by a special tribunal of the St. began speaking' out regularly sion, of thousand of Filipinos, Louis Archdiocese and that all against Duvalier's human rights including Catholic priests and nuns ... .-1. abuses. with rosaries, blocking the path of findings had been sent to Rome. By Joe Michael Feist
Providence College
tyrant Josef Stalin, who, when told of papal criticism, remarked, "And how many divisions does the pope have?" In the Philippines and in Haiti, it seems the pope has many divisions.
Status of brothers discussed at Vatican
The congregation discussed whether or not brothers can' be elected head of clerical orders which have priests as well as brothers. Canon law forbids this, but the Vatican frequently makes exceptions. Many brothers have complained that the law is discriminatory. Last summer, at its annual meeting in New York, the Conference of Major Superiors of Men voiced concern about "equal access to positions of 'governance" in clerical orders. In his speech, the pope said that brothers, "alongside priests" in their orders must do "all they can to favor the vitality of their institutes. "The Code of,Canon Law opens to them many possibilities for participation in the life and the mission of their religious family," except those aspects that, depend strictly on priestly ordination, the pope said. H'e said "the more precise study and application of these possibilities" should be determined by general chapters. Father Paul Boyle, superior general of the Passionist brothers and priests, and a member of the Vatican congregation, said th.at opinions at the meeting were divided on w,hether brothers can be elected to head orders made up of priests and brothers. The position of his order, said Father Boyle, a ,canon lawyer, is that a brother can be elected to head the order. Any distinction between a brother and priest "is a wound'to the spirit of fraternity and unity that ought to prevail in the community," he said. ' Others at the meeting, however, took the position that "jurisdiction is reserved by divine law to clerics," sl,iid Father Boyle.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall people should be encouraged to grow to maturity and "get married before they start their families," he said.
By Bill Morrissette
Blacks should be informed .of events affecting them, the bishop said. "In the language of our day, we have to know what's coming down." He said many are not aware of the encyelicals published on black issues, including the pastoral letter of the black bishops.
portsWQtch New Bedford senior hoop champs New Bedford pinned a 78-57 setback on the Fall River hoopstel's in the Senior CYO All-Star Basketball Tournament final. FilII River had defeated Taunton 61-51 in the semifinals. New Bedford's Ken Of(ey was named the tournament's MVP and joined All-Tournament players Jim' McGlynn and Mark Medeiros of Fall River, Joe Andr!=ws of New Bedford and Chuck Hewed ofTaunton. In the girls' tournament, New
Bedford won with a 43-34 victory over Fall River. Jennifer Botelho, who scored 16 points for New Bedford, was named as the MVP. Others <in the AIlTourney team were Cathy Silvia and Becky Pare of the whaling city, and Anne Harrington and Danielle Jusseaume of Fall River. Fall River, however,' bounced back to win the prep championship with 62-48 and 74-37 wins over New Bedford and Taunton.
CYO hockey playoffs The best-of-three semifinals in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League get underway Sunday night at Fall River's Driscoll Rink. New Bedford and Mansfield meet at 9 p.m. Regular season champion Fall Riyer South is up against Somerset, the team that qualified for the semifinals with a 7-4 victory last Sunday over Fall River North. The semifinals will continue
March 16, and, if necessary, March 23. In regular season play, the Southies had the edge over both Somerset and Fall River North while Mansfield topped New Bedford. South finished the regular season with a 15-1-2 (won, lost, tied) record. Mansfield was 11-40, New Bedford 9-7-1,' Fall River North 3-13-0, Somerset 2-15-1.
* * * North Attleboro High School's girls' basketball team swept through its 16-gaine schedule to win the
Hockomock League' crown. , Oliver Aniescaptured the boys' basketball championship.
• • • Bishop Stang High School students Sherry Lopes, Jen Markey, Mike Brady, Tom Clark and Greg
Finally, "black Cath'olics must not lose sight of their deeply spiritual dimensions. It is only this faith that will set our souls free." God "did not lead us this far just to leave us," concluded the bishop.
Downey have been named to'the New Bedford Standard Times Indoor All-Star Track Team.
FATHER Richard Beaulieu, diocesan director of ed ucation, will be spiritual direc': tor at a weekend retreat to be sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, March 21 to 23. A candidate for a doctorate in administration and supervision at Boston College, Father Beaulieu was formerly principal of Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton, where he was also previously chaplain and a teacher. of religion. He has served at St. Jacques and Sacred Heart parishes in Taunton and at St. Louis de France in Swansea. Retreat information may be obtained from Claudette" Sykes, committee chairman or 'any parish council president. .
Mar. 7, 1986.
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."Russia will spread her errors ~hroughout- the world causing wars and persecution of the chu·rch'."·· M~ry at Fa.tima
Bp. Marino u.rges 'black unity
Julv' 13., 1917
Tuition vouchers' ~.pposed. by House subcommittee WASHINGTON (NC) - U.S. Educa'tion 'Secretary William J. Bennett recently took the Reagan administration's voucher proposal for disadvantaged public and nonpublic students before some hostile House subcommittee members. Testifying before the House Subcommittee on Elementary; Secondary and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, Bennett said vouchers would increas'e educational oppoitu'nities for disadvantaged children, encourage parental involvement in education and foster competition. Several opponents attacked both the proposal itself and the Reagan 'administratio'n's overall record on.education. Although students at both public and non-public schools are elig.: ible for remedial aid th'rough Chapter I of the 1981 Education Consolidation and Improvement Act, the Supreme Court last year ruled that public school teachers may not provide instruction in non-public school classrooms. School systems have been left struggling to find ways to deliver the Chapter I program and Catholic organizations, including the U. S. Catholic Conference,
have now endorsed the proposal to give poor parents vouchers worth an average $600 to enroll their children in schools of their choice. Rep. Augustus F. Hawkins, DCalif., chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, said the Chapter I proposal followed a Reagan administration "pattern 'of cutting, squeezing and then exterminating programs altogether. " Ina prepared stateme'nt,Hawkins said the bill would needlessly overhaul a program currently working well and would harm public education by transferring money to private schools at a time when federal education resources are 'shrinking. " In his testimony Bennett cited Hawkins' prepared statement as an example of·.what he called common myths about vouchers. He said that while some critics claim the proposal creates no real opportunities, it would be enough money to make a difference for many poor parents. He said Education and Justice department lawyers disagreed with the contention that the proposal violates the principle of separation of church and state.
. FORTWALTONBEACH,Fla. (NC) - Blacks must not let major differences in religion or minor differences in style divide them when they have mutual problems to solve, Auxiliary Bishop Eugene A. Marino of Washington said at the "One in Spirit" annualliturgical conference, held in FO'rtWalton Beach. "We can start by putting a stop to looking at our brothers and sistel's as non-Catholics. . . . How long has it been since someone referred to you as a non-Presbyterian?" Other Christians should be treated as fellow Christians, he said. " Differences in style also must not be allowed to stand in the way of unity, the bishop said. "Some of us, may not be. into foot-tapping and ,h~nd cll;lp'ping, some of us are lou~y singers, like myself," Bishop Marino' said. "However, many of our black brothers and sisters are 'comfortable with some motion." So do not look askance at these blacks, he said, as if this form of expression has no ~eaning in "our Roman Catholic Church." A growing problem for blacks is the increasing number of unmarried mothers, Bishop Marino said, estimating that about 57 percent of all black children are born to unmarried mothers. While "blacks can be justifiably proud that we have not accepted the abortion mentality,," young
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Mar. 7,1986
relationships fit together. Then love and happiness will be given and received and problems will only be memories.
CIii By Charlie Martin
Someday Somewhere ,We'll find a new way of living We'll find a way of forgiving Somewhere " , There's a place for us ,Somewhere,a place for, us' Peace and ,quiet ,and open air Wait for us ' Somewhere There's ,a time for us , ,Someday there, will be a tjme, fQr us ,Time together with time to spare' Time'to learn"time to care. There's a place for us A time' and a place for us Hold my hand and we are , halfway there' Hold my hand and I'll take :, ' 'you' there ' ' , SO,mehow, someday, soin~where.
The songal~o s~ggests that we "find a new way of living." In part; this means .learning to, .live patiently, persevering toward our goals. " ,, '
Written by' Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, sung by Barbra Streisand, (c) 1?~5, CBS Inc. Barbra Streisand's new release , "Somewhere" was origimilly a 1950's hit" from the Broadway', musicaf"West Side Story." Rarely "'do remakes do well on the' Top Forty, yet, a combinat'ion' of
- t's'; , ,a Wh
Young people face many pressures, and at times may wonder if they will ever get what they want out of life. This song offers a few hints on how to achieve one's hopes. First, "find a way of forgiving." We cannot move toward what we want while burdened with guilt, anger or resentment. Each of us must forgive ourselves, putting mistakes behind us.
Somewhere "
Streisand's cross-generational appeal and 1980s synthesizers have made this ~. hit single: ' , " It describes' a young person's hope for 'a time when the pieces of life 'and its most important
Part of finding a new way to. live involves,a dialogue,with parents, teachers and others who' hold power in our world. Honesty,' respect and patience can bring us closer to the "time" and "place" we seek. The song 'encourages us to hold' hands, 'realizing that we I)eed each '<;>ther's, gifts, insights and strength to create a world with "time to learn, time to care." , For each, ,person, there is a time and place. Don't be afraid to seek it" using your God-given gifts, learning and love. , Your coinme~ts are 'welcome. Address Charlie'Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwooil Avenue; Evansville, hid. 47114. '
,Scouts mar:Jc birthday
==focu/~ onyouth·~
Cub ,Scouts and Webelos of St. Jacques Pack 44, Taunton, recently TOM marked the 76th birthday of Scouting in America with a Blue and LENNON , Gold Banquet. The celebration, themed "The Knights of the Roundtable," also recognized the 56th anniversary of Q. Why are so many parents so The last thing she wants around Cub Scouting. protective? My friends and I wish the house is another child. She is at Pack members heard various we could get our parents to change" 'the breaking point. , speakers, including Frederick and not worry so much. They" . Perhaps even 'more troubling ",Chief" Gouvain, Anna.won " are her sense of failure as a parent overprotect us. (Iowa) Council executive. Winners of the " A. Before you try too hard to get 'an~ the naggi~g ques'ti'ons that pack's Bowl-A-Thon were named your parents to change, consider a· plague her. , and enterainment was provided by 'very real parent we will call Angela, "Shouldn't dad and I have op" the Cubs. :' "a 50-year-old mother who is now' posed the marriage more thari we At an,awards ceremony, pack ,facing one of the most serious did? Shouldn't we have stood m'orC( 'members were recognized as,hav~ crises of her life. , ,.' firm? ing achieved skill in archery; 'baseHappily married, she has seven' . "Shouldn't I have made Mari:: ball, basketball, sk'iing, soccer, ,children and raising them is a real anne discuss much more' the pros swimming and volleybalL Webe:.challe'nge fo'r her and her husband. and cons of her marriage to Bart? 'los colors, activity pins and badges . Four are 'stilriat hom'e; 'three "left "Why'didn"" we have Bart over were also presented. the nest in recent years for various more often so we could get to Pack 44 leaders, Scouts' and ,reasons. . know him better than we djd?' family members recently attended ~ Marianne depa,ried at 19 t?'inat-. ' ~'How do you l)r~tect.a child a Scout Sunday', Mas'S at St.,ry 19-year-old Bart, who can t hold from the Barts of this world? Jacques church, 'at which 13 Cubs :ajob. He be~ame an alcoholi<; and.: "knd what now? What will hap" received the Parvuli Dei award, a ,a dr~g addlct..and once he beat, pen to Marianne? How many young Catholic' religious aw~rd fqr Cub t Mananne. . men want to marry'a young'woman Scouts. Father Andre P. Jus'saume, • They have one child. Usually with child? How can Marianne ~ele~rar{t> spoke, on the Scouting 'I Bart or a sitt~r takes care of the get a 'good job with,so little e(!uca~ movement.' '" child while ~~rianne works to tio~?·'.' : , ... ,,' . ~ support the family. " 'Once, on an espe.cially'bad day· Co~n~lIy .' A month. ago t:Aananne and, 'when Angela was ,terribly, tired Bart h~da fierce ~Ight and .there and discouraged, she found herself D'ave Gauvi~,a former amateur was .another ..beatmg. Mananne thinking: "Will I have to raise al) boxer'n'ow turned pro and' a 1982, : has filed for.dlvorce and has. asked my other grandchildren too?", . graduate of Bishop Connolly Hi'gh ,'herparents Ifshe and her chIld can How would you answer Ange- School~ Fall, River" recently won , come home. la's questions and' what advice his ninth straight professional bout. They were stu~ned by the re- 'would you give her? Now attending ,the University of quest, but are going to let them .', come., Send your questions to Tom Houston on scholarship, Gau'vin But Angela is deeply tired after Lennon, 1312 Mass., Ave. N. W., is remembered as one of Fall Riv~ er's standout athletes. so many years of raising a family., Washington, D.C., 20005.
on your mind?
A,_rue By Cecilia Belang,er A young man told me that he had the bad habit of being ungrateful for what his parents did for him. "So you did this for me," he would say. "I don't care. You were responsible f9r me." One day his words came back to him in a strange way. Someone told him a true story. It had to do with a group of friends, all to varying degrees detached from their religion. Vacationing in a European city, ,they pass~d a church. One dared another to go in, seek out a priest and go to confession. TheJatter accepted the challenge and e'ntered the church, but t,h'en told the priest that he had no' confession to make, since he didn't believe a word of the Christian message. The priest presented him with another challenge. '~I dare you to go o"er to that I
~tory crucifix, look up into the face of Christ and say 'You died for me and 1 don't care one bit.' " The vacationer walked to the foot of the cross. He looked up. N,o w~rds,came. , He returned to the priest and said, "Father, I now want to make my confession." , The man who told thilt siory was a priest himself. After the telling, he paused. "1 know it to be true,~' he said. "I was that young man." How many of us really care? Havewe been trying to bring Christ and the Church down to the world's standards? Whose side are we really on? Let us pray not to be guilty of the same betrayals as Peter, that we do not succumb to the bribe of 30 pieces of silver, that we are not guilty' of dividing the Lord's garments among us, dividing Christ as if he could be divided.
" .
P'revo~t ~~uJ1ion' pla,nned Paul A. Dumais, general chairDumais expects'about 600 alumman ofthe committee planning an ni to attend the reunion, represent'August'16 grand reunion of alumni -ing each of the 'Catholic school's of Fall River's former Msgr. Pre- graduating classes. vost High School; ha~'announced He'urgd Rrevost men who have ,that his" 50 member com'mittee is not' been contacted by"mid-April :well into the, process, of contacting to call him at 673-7675, or Roland graduates of t,he Catholic school Masse, '64, at 676-04~2. , 'for boys. ' ", " • Prevost, destroyt;d in a 1968 'fire, gr~9uated 1,41'6 young 'men from 1938 to 1972, merging with: Bishop Connolly High School after the fire. Operated by Fall River's Notre BRASILIA, Brazil (NC) : Dame de Lourdes parish, Prevost was staffed by the Brothers of Condemned by Pope John Paul Christian Instruction, Four bro- II, denounced by bishops and prothers who were at Prevost are now tested by thousands in France, ,on the Connolly fac'Ulty: Brothers Italy and many parts of the United Roger Millette, David Touchette, States, Jean Luc-Godard's French Michael Barnaby and Robert Mich- film "Hail Mary" now has been banned in Brazil: aud. Brother Millette, Connolly's assoAfter protests by 'Catholic ciilte principal', is honorary chair- Church leaders, Brazilian Presibe held at dent Jose Sarney informed Justice man of the reunion, White's Restaurant, Westpor.t. Minister Fernando Lyra of his Dumais" a 1939 graduate, said decision,to ban the film. . ,that his committee is, preparing a 'mailing to ,graduates whose cur, ' Bishop Jos~ IvoLorsth'eiter of · rent addresses required a ~il: of SantaMaTia; h'ead ofthc'Brazilian detective work to find. A mailing bishops' conference, said a work 'to other grad uates went out after a purporting" to -be artistic that i February planning'meeting.- ' . attem'pied to destroytht: Christian · !'D~mais s~id thatalthougli t'he ,version 0[. the virgin birth and the ': p~ogram fc;r .the sumn'1~~ e'vening, 'life of Mar,y is unacceptable. cthemed '~We Remember Prevost," ;. He'added t,hat moralcens~rship ~ is 'still i'n the p'lanning stages'; many impo$.ed f(jr the commo'ri' good alumni have come forw.ard ':with couldnbt'be' c'ompare'd with politf helpful ideas a!ld offers., ',,: ': iC,al and ideological censorship. 'Btother.Patrick Menard, he said, " a Prevost teacher who is now pro- :' ~'Hail .Mary,"which opened in , vinci'al of his order, is helpingcon- ,France in. January 1985, is a , tact former Prevost.Ja:culty. ,A modern-day'version of the life of , group of brothers now working in Mary, the :mother of Jesus. The Italy expect to be at, the reunion. main character is the'daughter of a ,Others worki,ng in.;Maire" Ohio g~s-station mechanic and Joseph · ancl, "New York have also been is a taxi driyer. · notified. The actress portraYing Mary • • • • • •+ • • appears nu<!e in several scenes. Pope John" Paul II last April · <DGOD'S ANCHOR HOLD' said the film "deeply wounds the religious sentiments of believers" • .••••• t •••••••••••••• 1 and disto,rts tlJ~. Christian faith.
,Brazil says' no to 'Hail Mary'
tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.
THE COAT OF ARMS of Bishop Stang High school, North Dartmouth, carved by Sr. Gertrude Gaudette, OP, combines symbols ofthe Fan River diocese, Bishop Stang, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and academic achievement. The Notre Dame Sisters were the school's founding community. (Motta photo)
Area Religious Broadcasting The following television and radio· programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally do not vary from week to week. They will be presented in The Anchor the first Friday of each month and will reflect any changes that may be made. Please clip and retain for reference. E3ch Sunday, 10:30 a.m. WLNE, Channel 6, Diocesan Television Mass. Portuguese Masses from Our Lady of Mt. Cannel Church, New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each Sunday on radio . station WJFD-FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on television Channel 20. Mass Monday to Friday every week, 11 :30 a.m. to noon, WXNE, Channel 25. "Confiuence," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program. moderated by Truman Taylor and having -as pennan~nt participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social servic~; Right Rev:. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. "Breakthrough," 6:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 10, a program' on the power of God to tQuch lives, produced by the Pastoral TheolQgical Institute of" Hamden, Conn. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 a.m. each Sunday, Channel 27. "MarySon," a family puppet show with moral and spiritual- perspective 6 p',m.
each Thursday, Fall River and New Bedford cable channel 13. "Spirit and the Bride," a talk show with William Larkin, 6 p.m. Monday, cable channel 35. On Radio Charismatic programs with Father John Randall are aired from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday .on station . WRIB, 1220 AM; Mass is broadcast at 1 p.m. each Sunday. Programs .of Catholic· interest are broadcast at the following times on station WROL Boston, 950 AM: Monday throl,lgh Friday 9, 9: 15, ,11:45 a.m.; 12:15, 12:30, 1 p.m. Contemporary C h r i s t ian rock music is heard at 5 p.m. . each Saturday on WDOM, 91.3FM, Providence College radio. Produced by the Good News Catholic Radio Ministry of Taunton and reaching diocesan listeners' in Taunton, .Fall River and' Attleboro, the program also discusses artists, concerts and videos. connected with this fastgrowing sector of the rock scene.
New Films "Lady Jane" (Paramount) contrasts the idealism of youth with adult treachery in 16th-century England. Its context is the great Catholic-Protestant power struggle after the reign of King Henry VIII. Lady Jane (Helena Bonham Carter) is a well-educated, principled teen-ager of noble· birth. Her parents and the parents of her intended husband plot, through the marriage, to reassert Protestant control of the monarchy by subverting rightful succession' to the throne. Flogging can't bring Lady Jane to accept the marriage to the seemingly amoral Guilford Dudley (Cary Elwes). Convinced only by her cousin, the dying adolescent King Edward to marry, she imposes a platonic nuptial agreement upon Guilford, but the marriage blossoms into true devotion and love and Lady Jane is proclaimed queen as King Edward dies. Within nine days, Queen Jane forfeits the throne to the Catholic Mary Tudor, who offers Lady Jane her life if she will embrace Catholicism. Refusing; Lady Jane is beheaded . Left undeveloped is the issue of Jane's personal profession of faith grounded in Scripture. The narrative tends to confuse theological issues with social problems. The complexities of both the British line of succession and the religious issues of the Reformation are known to English audiences; but Americans may gather overly simplified impressions of matters of faith, and the power of the Church of Rome. . Because of brief nudity and an extended flogging scene, this film is rated A3, PG-13, "Power" (Fox) - Richa~d Gere is a public relations expert and power broker in this glamourized depiction of the 'p·rocess which creates and manipulates politicians' images. Much profanity. 0, R. "Nomads" (Atlantic) ...:- A French anthropologist (Pierce Brosnan) is tormented by punkrock,erlike demons who invade his new Los Angeles home. After the evil spirits are transferred at' his death to his doctor (Leslie Ann Down), they scare her out ·of California. Because of profanity, brief nudity and scenes of violence, this is rated 0, R.
"House" (New World) - A divorced novelist rescues his captive son from angry spirits which infest his grandmother's house in this parody of "Poltergeist" that has some fun and fright, but also gore and harsh language in Vietnam War flashbacks. 0, R. "The Delta Force" (Cannon)Lee Marvin and Chuck Norris replay the 1985 Lebanese hijacking of an American airliner in which a U.S. Army Special Forces team attacks and defeats Arab terrorists while saving every American hostage. Excessive violence, unacceptably justified by patriotic fervor. 0, R. "The Hitcher" (Tri-Star) - This tale of a homicidal maniac who terrorizes the teen-age driver who has given him a lift makes excessive use of violence to propel itself . to a gory conclusion. 0, R. Films on TV . Sunday, March 16, 7-9 p.m. EST (ABC) "Robin Hood" (1973) - A Walt Disney version of the exploits of the English folk hero who robbed from the undeserving rich·to give to the exploited poor. The cast consists of crisply drawn animals, with Robin depicted as a crafty fox and King John as an anemic lion. A I, G. Sunday, March 16, 9-11 p.m. EST (ABC) ~ "Blue Thunder" (Columbia) - A tough policeman and helicopter pilot (Roy Scheider) and his callow but brainy sidekick (Daniel Stern) thwart the efforts
THE ANCHOR"Friday, Mar. 7, 1986
of some sinister government types to test out on real people a super helicopter designed to put down .urban riots·. The plot is meri:ly a pretext for slam-bangaerial action. Gratuitous nude sequence in theater version. 0, R. Monday, March 17,9-10:30 p.m. ESl; (PBS) - "Tell Me a Riddle" (1980) - Melvyn Douglas and Lila Kedrova play an old Jewish immigrant couple', at odds for decades, who are reconciled while visiting their granddaughter (Brooke Adams). Despitefine acting, the script is awkward and the direction clumsy. Somber theme and implicit acceptance of abortion. A3, PG. Religious TV Sunday, March 9 (CBS) - "For Our Times" - The work of contemporary painter Walter Gaudnek and the late British sculptor . Michael Ayrton are discussed. Religious Radio Sunday, March 9 (NBC) "Guideline" - Richard Virgil of Partnership for the Homeless explains his work.
John McCarthy is honored WASHINGTON (NC) - John E. McCarthy, a veteran of almost 40 years of refugee resettlement, has been made a Knight of St. Gregory. . . McCarthy is president of the Geneva-based Internation~1 Catholic Migration Commission and former director of Migration and Refugee Services for the U.S. Cath. olic Conference.
FILM RATINGS A-I Approved for Children and Adults The Adventures of . Mark Twain
The Journey of . Natty Gann
Rainbow. Brite and the Star Stealer
'A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Clue Dreamchild Eleni Krush Groove Lady Hawke The Last Dragon Lily in Love Lost in America
Marie (REC) Pee Wee's Big Adventure Ran Revolution Santa Claus: The Movie
Shoah Silverado The Trip to Bountiful Turtle Diary White Nights Young Sherlock Holmes
A-3 Approved for Adults Only Back to the Future Compromising Positions Enemy Mine Fever Pitch The Jewel of the Nile Lady Jane
The Legend of Billie Jean Macaroni Murphy's Romance Pretty in Pink Quicksilver Rocky IV
Starchaser Sweet Dreams· Teen Wolf When Father Was Away on Business
A-4 Separate Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which while not ,morally offensive, requir<; some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions) After Hours Agnes of God A Chorus Line
.Hannah and Her Sisters Joshua Then and Now
Little Treasure Out of Africa Plenty, .'\
o - Moralfy Offensive Bad Medicine The Best of Times Better Off Dead Clan of the·Cave Bear The Color Purple Commando Creator 'Death, Wish III The Delta Forc.e Down and Out in Beverly Hills Dream Lover
Fool for Love French Lessons The Hitcher House Invasio"n U.S.A. Iron Eagle . Jagged Edge , King Solomon's Mines .. Lifeforce '9\>2 Weeks Nomads
Once Bitten Power Runaway Train Savage Island Silver Bullet Spies Like Us Stripper To Liye and Die in L.A. Twice in a Lifetime Wildcats
(Rec.) after a title indicates that the film is recommended by the U.S. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category of viewers under which it is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further information on recent . films is available from The Anchor office, 675-7151.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Mar. 7, 1986
Iteering pOint, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates, of all activities: Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraisin, activities such as bingos. whists. dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual (lrOllram~, club meetin~s. youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·1151. On Steerin~ Points Items FR indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.
DIVORCED AND SEPARATED, CAPE Ministry for Divorced and Separated Catholics: meeting 7 to 9 p.m. March 23, St. Francis Xavier parish center, Hyannis. Deacon Richard Hassey will conduct a night of reflection. Information: Patti Mackey, 771-443~.
ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Parish penance service 7:30 p.m. March 24, church. Boys' confirmation retreat 9 a.m. tomorrow to 3 p.m. Sunday, parish center. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Folk choir sings at 8:30 a.m. Mass first and third Sundays; parish choir sings at the same Mass second and fourth Sundays. ST, PATRICK, FR People of Peace Youth Group meeting 12:30 p.m. tomorrow, school. WIDOWED SUPPORT, ATTLEBORO Attleboro area Widowed Support Group meets after 7 p.m. Mass 'on First Fridays at St. Theresa's Religious Education Center, South Attleboro. Tonight: video presentation and discussion. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until II tonight, church. ' Men's League meeting after 10' a.m. Mass March 16. DOMINICAN LAITY, FR Meeting beginning with Mass, 1:30 p.m. March II in chapel of St. Anne's rectory, South Main and Middle Streets. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Parish penance service 7:30 p.m. March 19, Queen of All Saints Chapel, Mashpee. Catholic Women's· Club: meeting 7:30 p.m. March 12, St. Jude the Apostle Chapel basement, Cotuit. Slides on Northern Ireland will be shown.
ST. GEORGE, DARTMOUTH Lenten program 7 to 8 March 16 to 18. ' , Christian Coffee'House 7:30 to 9 tonight, church hall, with parish folk group. Free admission. School board meeting 7 p.m. Sunday, cafeteria.
SACRED HEART, FR Sacred concert of choral and orchestral music accompanying StaNOTRE DAME, FR Father Marc Tremblay, parochial tions of Cross: 2:30 p.m. Sunday: vicar, has resumed teaching adult church. All welcome. The 1985 Sacred Heart Women's education classes at the parish school Guild Rose E. Sullivan Scholarship 7:30 p.m. Mondays. has been awarded to Wayne M. D of I, NB . Serra, a medical technology student The New Bedford area Daughters at Southeastern Massachusetts oflsabella meeting: 7:30 p.m. March ,University. 20, K of C hall, New Bedford. 0.1. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE , SAINTS & SINGERS Ultreya meeting 7:30 tonight. A Saints & Singers Chorus Easter . cantata, "How Great Thou Art," 4 Birthright representative will address p.m. March 16, Holy Redeemer OLV Guild members at noon MonChurch, Ch'atham; 8 p.m. March 21, ' day, parish center. all parish women invited and asked to bring a baby Corpus Christi Church, Sandwich; 3 gift. p.m. March 23, St. Johnthe EvangeVincentian meeting 7:30 p.m. list Church, Pocasset. Monday. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Volunteer needed to pick up and Women's Guild meeting and fa- deliver bakery products to a charitshion show will begin with 7 p.m. able organization. Information: Mass March 12. Paul Hebert, 778-0568. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR " ST. MARY, Prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. Fridays, N. ATTLEBORO small chapel. All welcome. Healing serVice and Mass 2 p.m. Sunday, church. ST. CASIMIR, NB The parish feast day will be observed Sunday as a day of prayer ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS Beginning this weekend, Sunday and recollection. Closing services at Masses in Orleans will be at 8, 9:30 4 p.m. All welcome. and II a.m. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Parish Lenten mission: March 10 Coffee and pastry will be served to 14, led by Father Jay Madden, after 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, church S.J. hall. All welcome. ,"Slippery Slope," a movie about LaSALETTE SHRINE, ' th.e threat of euthanasia to the elderly, ATTLEBORO WIll be shown at 7:30 p.m. March 13 , Healing service led by Father Leo in the church hall under sponsorship Maxfield, M.S. 2 p.m. Sunday, People's Chapel. All welcome. of parish pro-lifers. Lenten Recollection 10 a.m. to 5 ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN p.m. March 15, People's Chapel. Sacred Hearts Association meet- Father Ronald Hebert, M.S., shrine ing after 7 o'clock Mass tonight. community superior, will lead the program. Information: 222-5410. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA The parish is collecting rosaries, HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Lenten penance service 3 p.m. for the poor. They may be left in the church vestibu~e. Sunday, followed by laying on of hands, prayers for healing and adoBREAD OF LIFE ration of the Blessed Sacrament. PRAYER GROUP At"7:30 tonight at Blessed SacraST.ANNE,FR ment Church, Fall Riv,er, prayer Exposition of Blessed Sacrament group 'members will hear Dr. Owen after 11:30 a.lll. Mass today. ConT.P. McGowan, Bridgewater State cludes with preached holy hour at 2 College librarian, discuss Catholip.m. cism in India and Africa as he Girl Scout Mass 10 a.m. Sunday, observed it on recent visits. upper church. SECULAR FRANCISCANS ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET St. Clare's Franternity meeting Rosary 3:30 p.m. Thursdays. 6:30 p.m. March 9, Rose Hawthorne Fellowship meeting 7 p.m. March Lathrop Home, Fall River. Mass 9, parish center. New members followed by discussion of sacrament welcome. ' of reconciliation. Information on fuel assistance ST.. MARY, SEEKONK and low-cost home energy conservaVincentian meeting after 10 a.m. tion available at rectory. Mass' Sunday.
ST. THERESA, S. ATTLEBORO Widowed Support Group meeting 7:30 p.m. tonight. ST. JAMES, NB Couples' Club meeting 7:30 p.m. March II, church hall. New members welcome. CYO Bowling Tournament standouts: Shawn Martin, high score of 159; Mike Spencer, a total of nine strikes in three games. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NB St. James/ John School Family Mass 7:30 p.m. March 12, church. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET 55 and Over Family: Bloodpressure check II a.m. to noon Tuesdays, followed by hot meal and bridge. Hot meals also offered at noon Thursdays. Reservations required 24 hours in advance, 563-5530. Babysitting service available dur~ ing 9: 15 a.m. Mass Sundays. Women's Guild scholarship appliciations: deadline March 31. Information: Mrs. Linhares, 759-3320. Prayer group meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays, parish center. F AMILY LIFE CENTER N. DARTMOUTH Christ the King parish, Cotuit/ Mashpee, Women's Retreat begins today. Marriage Preparation Program I to 5 Sunday. New Bedford Deanery meeting II a.m. Monday. Bishop Connolly High School Retreat Day March II. Divorced and Separated meeting 7 p.m. March 12. Bishop Stang High School Retreat Day March 13. . HOLY NAME, NB Women's Guild'meeting 7:30 p.m. March 10. Music and refreshments. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH "How Great Thou Art," an Easter cantata, performed by Saints & Singer Chorus 8 p.m. March 21, church. The 50-voice group, directed by Dolores J. Powell, has sung throughout S'outheastern Massachusetts. Free admission. CATHEDRAL CAMPS, E. FREETOWN St'. Mary, Mansfield, Confirmation Retreat Weekend March 7 and 8. Holy Trinity, West Harwich, Confirmation Day Retreat 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow. ECHO Retreat Weekend March 7 to 9. CHARISMATIC RENEWAL, NBDEANERY Monthly prayer meetings 8 p.m. first Wednesdays, Cathedral Camp, E. Freetown. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Father John J. Steakem, pastor, will tape a television Mass at II a.m. tomorrow at St. Julie Church, N. Dartmouth, to be broadcast at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Parishioners interested in being in the congregation may call the rectory, 824-8794. ' ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT ' Pastoral council meeting March 12, church hall. ' ST. JOSEPH, NB Prayer Group meetings 7 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning with rosary. First Friday vigil: begins with Mass 7:30 tonight. LEGION OF MARY, NB Holy hour 5 p.m. March' 21, beginning with Mass. Acies ceremony, the yearly consecration of Legionaries to Our Lady, 2·p.m~ March 16, St. Mary Cathedral, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will presid'e. SILENT SCREAM This pro-life film will be shown at 8 p.m. March lion cable, Channel Il serving Fall River, Westport, Dartniou,th and New Bedford.
Father Jusseaume at Rome meeting Father Lucien Jusseaume, for
20 years Episcopal Representativefor Religious for the Fall River diocese and more recently also chaplain at Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, is in Rome for the 20th asseinbly of the National Conference of Vicars for Religious. The conference began yesterday and will continue through March 16. The time frame inclu(Jes Father Jusseaume's birthday and he noted that it would be a "great honor and privilege to celebrate it in the Eternal City." The assembly of vicars will be presided over by members'of the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, which has as prefect Cardinal Jean Jerome Hamer,OP. Father Jusseaume said the meeting will include a private audience with Pope John Paul II for the U.S. vicars. Personally, he will visit Father Jon-Paul Gallant, formerly parochial vicar at St. Mary's Cathedral, now pursuing graduate studies in liturgy in Rome. In Father Jusseaume's absence from Our Lady's Haven, Sisters Emma Guenette and Marie-Joseph Leblanc, SSJ, will continue their ministry to residents and Eucharistic ministers Mrs. Patricia Broadland, RN, and Miss Margaret Goggin will distribute holy communion three times weekly.
O.L. MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Youth Ministry meeting 6:45 Sunday. "Make your own 'sundae Sunday" featured. New members welcome. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR To observe Girl Scout Sunday" parish Scouts will attend 9:30 a.m. Mass March 9. Rabbi Norbert Weinberg of Adas Israel Synagogue will conduct a seder supper for parish school and religious education teachers at 7 p.m. March 10. There will beno religious education classes that day. ' Parish school faculty day of recollection March 12. No classes that day. ST. STANISLAUS, FR Lenten afternoon of recollection for parents with Father Peter J. Scagnelli 2 to 6 p.m. March 16. ~nglish-language Lenten retreat 7 p.m. March 17 to 21, directed by Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor. Men's Club meeting 7 p.m. Sunday. Seniors' Club meeting I p.m. Monday. Board meets at noon. CATHOLIC NURSES, CAPE Cape Cod Catholic Nurses' meeting 7:30 p.m. March 12, St. Anthony Church, East Freetown. Father Michael R. Nagle, Cape Cod Hospital chaplain, will offer Mass. All RNs and LPNs welcome. Information: Ellen Peterson, 362-3395. WIDOWED SUPPORT, NB New Bedford Widowed Support weekend March 14 to 16, Family Life Center, No. Dartmouth. Information: Imelda Vezina, 998-3269. CATHOLIC WOMEN, NB New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club Evening of Recollection March 12. 6:30 p.m. Mass for deceased members at St. Lawrence Church followed' by regular meeting at Wamsutta Club. Lucille Pimental of the Blue Army will'give a travelogue and exhibit slides of Fatima, Portugal. Information: Maryann Dupere, 997-4427.