
Page 1

School Decline Still Leaves Four-Million. Student Body .


WASHINGTON (NC) - The number of children attending' the nation's private schools has dropped about 23 per cent since 1965, according to the U. S. Census 'Bureau. "School Enrollment in the United States: 1971"-released here by the Census Bureau-reports 5.4 million American chilAn Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul dren are attending private elementary and high schools this . year-compared to 7 million in River, Mass., Thurs., ·March91 1972' 1965. PRICE 10, Estimates from the National 16, No. 10 © 1972 The Anchor $4.00 per year Catholic Educational Association indicate 3.9 milli.on of those children are enrolled in Catholic schools. In 1965, the Catholic school enrollment figure was 5.6 million.' An NCEA projection released this Fall also estimated that about 460-financially-pressed Catholic elementary and second-' ary schools did not reopen in September. ,.--

Fall Vol.

'" '" '"

Very Rev. John J. Regan, rec-

tor of St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River, announced to parishioners last weekend that the parish school, oldest in the Fall River mocese, will close in June. '"



The Census study noted that enrollments at public schools have increased 12 per cent since 1965-with 41.5 mil.Jion public school students then and 46.5 m~11ion today. Public school enrollments have grown-and private school enrollments declined-in both inner city and suburban areas, according to to the study. "It's pretty hard to say why

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.Mid;"Lent Charity Dearly beloved in Christ, of our nation one excellent opThe traditional Lenten prac- portunity to exercise. self-denial tices are three: prayer, f~sting, in the traditional penitential form and almsgiving. All entail a' de- of almsgiving. nial of self; motivated by a 'deIn a recent Apostolic Letter sire to make atonement and rep- . to the Hierarchy of the United aration, to be purified and States, Pope Paul VI called atcleansed in.. anticipation Of the tention to the fittingness of congreat Feast of the Resurrection ducting during the Lenten Seaof Christ. The beautiful Preface son the appeal which makes posfor the Sundays of Lent alludes sible greatly needed works of asto this traditional Lenten pro- sistance for the poverty-stricken and indigent of so many coungram, praying: tries around the world. Mankind, "You bid your faithful people Our Holy Father tells us, is seekto cleanse their hearts and pre. ing a new .earth of justice and pare .with joy for the ,paschal love in which those who have feast. More fervent in .prayer, been blessed with much will more generous in 'Works ef;'char- share what they have with those ity, more eager ,in celebrating who have less. the mysteries by which we are I urge you all, in the Lenten reborn, may we come to the' attitude of penitence, to confullness of grace that belongs, to tribute generously to the special the sons of God." . .-. .. '. Bishops' Overseas Relief CollecThe mid-point of Lent -has long tion next weekend. With the been the occasion for the Bish- prayerful wish that we all may, ops' Overseas Relief Collection. indeed, come to the fullness of The proceeds of this annual col- grace that belongs to the .chille<;ti~n ·are carefully dIstributed . drlm of God, I remain by .the Catholic Relief Services Devotedly yours in Christ, Office to areas and people in ffi DANmL A. CRONIN great need. The collection gives Bishop of. Fall River Catholic faithful in all dioceses 1111tmmmmmllllllllll1"I1UlUlIllmn"",,,,,mmmllIrtIIlIlI1l1l111l111IllllllllllUtllllllmmmUm"lIIll1llltnlI11nllllllllll,tUlumm"",m"m'l,nmtllIIllIIllUllllllllllumm11""1111111111111111


people don't come," said Dr. Preliminary indications are that George Elford, NCEA research SUCh. costs are contiritiin~;·to indirector, about the Catholic crease while enrollments are deschool enrollment decline. But creasing. Paying the salaries of the he theorized that increased costs, population shifts, and attitude growing number of-lay teachers changes about Catholic schools in Catholic schools-who last on the part of some parents have year Qutnumbered teaching Religious for the first time - has all contributed to the decline. One reason for the attitude been one c·ause of the cost inchanges, the NCEA official said, creases. Catholic' schools are "in a is a "lessening of Church pressure on (Catholic) school attend- shifting situation, and they're 'ance." He noted that; in years going to have to find themselves past, sending children to the ,in this situation," Dr. Elford parish school was almost re- told NC News. But he added he does not think the schools are quired of parishioners. NCEA estima,ted that tuition on their way out. "We're still talking about four and fees at Catholic grade schools averaged $70 past year, million kids'" he said. "That's with a corresponding diocesan . not going to'disappear. tomorrow ' high school figure of' about $285. 'morning."

Dollar to Catholic Relief Multiplies Many Times} NEW YORK (NC) - During the year which ended June 30, 1971, Catholic Relief Services distributed goods and services worth $154,398,791. They were enabled to do this by the Catholics of .the United States, who donated $5,696,079 during the annual CRS collection in mid-Lent. Question: How do you manage to give $154 million worth of service with a coilection box total of only five and a half million? Answer: you hustle. You take your basic cash income as a point of departure for your activities, not as the ultimate limiting factor in what you can

do. With the kind of organization you can build and maintain on that annual income, you become .eligible for all kinds of donations from governments,' private industry, foundations and other religious and charitable organizations. By working hard to develop other sources of supply, CRS manages each year to multiply the impact of its Lenten collection by more than 30.. Through 'the years, according to a spokesman for the agency, the average has been $32.50 in services for every dollar put in the collection by the Catholics' of the United States. Turn to Page Two

Part-Time Staff Workers of Anchor Produce JVeekly ,Paper with Aid of. Two-Girl Office "Somehow, it all works out." That's what one staff member says about the somewhat remarka,ble way in which The Anchor is put together every week. Except for its two-girl office force, every Anchorite is a part-time worker, and often months will go by between sightings ,of one staffer by another. Yet, punctual as Thursday, The Anchor appears. How is it done? An important factor in this weekly achievement is The Chair. iJt looks like any other, bl,lt it's the spot at the 410 Highland Avenue offices of The Anchor whereon repose all news and featllre stories to be taken "down to Le'ary's," otherwise known as the Leary Press, 10-' cated at 234 Second Street in downtown Fall River. A side note of consic:ierable interest is that the Leary Press blinding is . the original home of Lizzie Borden... Anchor readers may make what they will of this historical coincidence. At any rate, it is gravely'in-, cumbent upon whoever mig;.ht be traveling towards Leary's from The Anchor office to check The Chair and bear with him or her whatever might be aylaiting the good offices of the printer.

What might be on The Chair? There is material concerning Church activities throughout the world, .provided by the National Catholic News Service of Washington, D. C., which also supplies the assorted columns found weekly in The Anchor, with the

Doctors, Nurses Stress Va lue Of Chaplains PARK RIDGE (NC)-A higher percentage of nurses, doctors, pa. tients at Lutheran General Hospital here in Illinois consider chaplains an important· a'sset to hospital care, according to a recent survey. Father Raymond Carey, a Ca~holic priest and social psychologist on Lutheran General's pastoral care staff, reported th~t 87 per cent of nurses he su~eyed and 76 per cent of doctots said chaplains are of great importancce. Most of them also feltJhe chaplains' religion is not critical, Father Carey added. Forty per cent of patients surveyed put gi-eat value on the availability of a chaplain, the priest said, but they differed Turn to Pase TvvQ

exception of the fashion and home and, garden columns by Joseph and Marilyn Roderick, which are of diocesan origin and exclusive with this paper, and The Mooring, by Rev. John F. Moore of SS. Peter and Paul parish, Fall River. There are usually two or three feature stories'.on activities or outstanding personalities in the diocese. These are cont.-ibuted by free-lance writers in various sections of the diocese or by Patricia McGowan of The Anchor staff. Local photographs are taken by area free-lancers, while national and international pictures come from the Washington news service. Not to be forgotten is the very important corps of volunteer couespondents from nearly every parish and organization in th~ diocese, who keep Anchor readers posted on what is going on in guilds and societies,and often supply news leads that re~ suit in full-length feature ~ories. The Anchor had its beginnings in 1957, when former 'Bishop Co~no!ly decided the diocese need~ a unifying force "to let mem~ers of the family know whaf each other was doing." "We started in a one-room . Turn to Page Two

Cath'olic'Relief Dollar 'Multiplies

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaJl' River-Th",rs., Mar. 9, "972. . . ~


Publication of Weekly Paper Leary's checlrJing the mailing Continued from Page One' office in downtown Fall River," list," says Miss Dussault. Miss Dussault handles billing, recounted Miss Rosemary Dus· sault, who has been with' The' advertising, bookkeeping and Anchor since its inception. "OJ.\r correspondence for 'The Anchor, first job was. to organize. a sub- . while Miss Burkett's main rescription list, and we '.did this .' sponsi'bility ,is maintenance of with the help of grade school the all:important mailing list, girl& from .sS. Peter and Paul, which must be updated daily. School. ',We were so crowq.ed we , ,Miss Burkett, the youngest had to put the girls at a table Anchorite,. has' been with the '-in the hall outside, our office." newspaper eig)1t. years, succeed;' Preparations for the paRer, be- ing her sister-in~law, Mrs. Colette gan .in 'February of, 1957, saia l3urke.tt. "Colette only left, to get Miss ,Dussault. ,The' first 'issue married," ,said Miss '·Dussault. appeared', in April of ,that year. "Everyone stays here," "One . of the most exciting . Then as now, Msgr.· Daniel F. Shalloo was general manager for times came when Archbishop the paper, and Rev. John P. Dris- Medeiros was named to the coll was assistant gen'eral ~an- , Boston archdiocese," said Miss ager: Both priests must shoehorn Dussault. "We had television VISITOR: Cardinal Leo their Anchqr responsibilities into men and reporters here 'from aU . their already demanding sched- over Massachusetts," Suenens: of Malines-Brussels The girls 'also take in stride' on a sp,eaking. tour of the ules as pastors,Msgr. Shalloo Ofi Holy Name parish, Fall River, the amazing variety of telephone u.,S. is 'scheduled to speak and Father Driscoll of Our Lady calls they receive. "People call in blaming us be- in San Qiego; Cal.; Phoenix, of Fatima parish, Swansea. Until 1970 the editor of the cause such and such a' parochial Adz; : Kansas City, Mo; St. newspaper was Atty. Hugh Gold- school is closing," sighed Mi~s Louisi Philadephia and New en.' His untimely death in April Dussault. "An~ they want us· to York. He will' return to Belof that year is 'still deeply do something about ladies who , gium on ,IMarch 21. NC Photo mourned 'by those' who worked don't wear hats in church, or with him, but among his legac,les babies who cry at Mass, or noisy . he left a staff sufficiently trained teenagers," ' in journalistic techniques to 'But the" other ,day, even I carryon witholit him. the resourceful Anchorites were One who did not need on-the- stumped. A gentleman called ~~'EW YORK (NC).-Catholic job training \:Vas John Crowley, wanting'to know what kind of who has been with The Anchor medal· heco'uld get for his son, Relief SerVices, the overseas aid who .was going to be on 'sub- ag,~ncy ofl U. S. Catholics, has "since its second issue." As former teacher of journalism at marine duty. "St. Christopher's sent $200,000 in cash to BangIaB.M.C. Durfee, High School in no good any more, "he complain- de!;h for the purchase of aid supplies there~ Auxiliary Bishop EdFall River, arid as faculty ad- ed. "~hat 'saint should I ,get?" ward E. I Swanstrom of New visor to the school newspaper, York, CRS executive director, he brings .to The Anchor years Birth Control Issue announced, here. of experience copyediting, proofFlares in Colombia CRS ,is J.lSO sending. 8,000 tons' reading and headline writing. BOGOTA (NC)-The chairman of food, clothing, medicines and A specialist in "the Roman of the Colombian Bishops Con· mind" is Rev. John R. FoIster of . ference has objected to a U.S.- materials 'for shelter !Tom its Notre Dame Church, Fall River, sponsored "family plan',' under stol:ks in, Calcutta, India, to who edits' stories of international which A,nerican families help Bangladesh for distribution to interest emanating froin Vati- Colombian, children if,tl:teir par- . displaced persons there, Bishop said. can City. He formerly also con- ents register with birth control Swanstrom The caSh,' grant will be used tributed a column to The Anchor. clinics. ma:inly for' refugees in the dis~ But all the part-time Anchor The chairman, Archbishop Aniworkers agree that the ceme'nt bal Munoz Duque of· Bogota, said <tr,kts of r>acca, Chittagong and holding the structure together is / here he was "deeply concerned Khulna, h~ said. CRS has an adsupplied by Rosemary Dussault by the so-called Godparents ditional 20)000 tons of food and other supplies en route by sea to and her co-worker, Carol' Bur- Plan," and asked: either Ca'1cutta qr Chittagong, kett, who 'are on full time duty at "Why is it that aid from desaid: Jhe Highla~d Averyue Anchor "of- veloped nations is always mark- heeRS is Iconducting its emerfice, "except when we're at ed by 'neocolonialism? This is an goocy relief program in coopeTaattempt against the dignity and tion wi,th :the na,tionaJ chaaity freedom of Colombians," . agency of tre bishops of BanglaUnder the plan, families in the desh. Continued from Page One United States' are asked to conwith the medical staff, consider- tribute $5 a month toward helping it essential t~at. a chaplain .ing a 'child of a poor family; but . Wheelir-g College belong to their. own faith, the aid does not reach him un- Pr,esident Resigns 'God's Concern' less his parents attend the ProWHEELING (NC) Jesuit Father Carey said the patients Familia clinics in this country. Father Frank R. Haig, has re, Q '- 'who place greatest importance signed, effective this Summer, as on chaplains tend to be female, Rectories Retain pre~;iderit Wheeling College over 3D, Catholic and widows or here in West Virginia. Tax Exemptions widowers. "The peri,od ahead will require DES MOINES (NC) - A bill Asked' what a chaplain's priingenuity,steadfastness, and remary roles should be; all three that would have forced churches silinecy for all in higher edto pay taxes on rectories and reo groups considered helping paucation," Father Haig ,wrote in tients face death and comforting. tirement homes died after two his letter of resignation. days debate in the state House relatives his most important "It is therefore a g'ood moment of Representatives. functions. as we ente~ a period of forward ISu'ppo'rters of the 'bill. blamed Also ranked high by chaplains looking evolution, for a change themselves was "witnessing 'pt:essure by lobbyists for the defeat of the bill designed to repeal, in presiden~y here at the col· God's concern for the patient." 'property tax exemptions on rec~ lege," Father Haig has held the . Fath,er Carey's survey-part of office for six years. : an effort to evaluate the goals tories, ' non-profit retirement homes, and facilities of veterans , and ,effectiveness of pastoral care· at Lutheran General-has and fraternal organizations. 'Sponsors of the bill allowed been published in a report callit to ,die without a fight saying' Funeral HOlne. ed "Hospital Chaplains: Who , I that it had been destroyed by 550 Locust Street Needs Them?" "crippling amendments," Fall River, Mass. The sponsors had said that the THE ANCHOR 672-2391 bill was only "the beginning ofSecond Class Postage Paid at Fall River, I , Mass, 'Published every Thursday at 410 an effort to establish uniform Rose E. Sullivan Highland Avenue; Fall River. Mass. 02722 tax procedures throughout the by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Jeffrey E. Sullivan , River, Subscription price by mail, postpaid state," I $4.00 per year. ~

Sends $200,000 1'0 Bangladesh


. Stress Val ue




plus the shipping costs reimbursed by the U. S., Agency for , International Development ($23.8 million), donations from' the U. S. government account. for .' more than half of the total CRS program. Some "foreign governments-.. not~bly Germany - and more than 20 private agencies in 15 countries used CRS a~: their channel for overseas aid, last year because of the sizeanci effectiveness of the'CRS organiza'tion around the World: In its ef· f()~t'-to':aid development projects. . which it could not finance out 'of its own cash budget, CRS helped to place specific project proposals before more than 100 foundations and other funding agencies - Catholic and nonCathlic, governmental' and nongovernmental, around the world. "There is no way of counting how ,much foundation money :will be eventually channeled into development programs with the. aid of CRS, but the total is certainly in the millions. Be'sides the individuals ~ho drop their confribution' in the collection box once a year, CRS has been supported in various ways by continuing programs of Catholic organizations-councils of the laity on both the local and national level and such organizations as the Catholic Daughters of America and, the Daughters of Isabella. , While the total received from -other· sources dwarfs the amounts raised in' the annuai collection, however, the money dropped in the collection boxes around the country on Sunday, , drop of $30 million per year in March 12 this year remains the such contributions. A compro-' basis for the entire CRS operamise measure, now before Contion. For on'e thing, it is cash, gress, would increase' the deduc- while most of the other resources tion aJ.lowed but keep it lower given to CRS are food, commodithan it was before the 1969 tax reties, medicine or credits' for form. If pass~d, this compromise transportation. Without the is expected to make medical sup- small donations of individual plies easier to get for overseas Catholics, the entire operation relief agencies. The biggest dOnor ,to CR'S, would be impossible. One way to look at it ,is this: last year and ,in all previous years, was the United States ,in terms of its results, every government., If you. count the dollar you give to CRS is worth value of commodities donated by $32.50 to the poor people of the WOI"ld. It's an unusual oppOrtu,the government for CRS pro- nity to be very generous at grams overseas ($64.7 million) minimum cost. ' Continued from Page>One ' Money, is, olf course, no~ the only. gift Ameri~n Cathlics give· to the needy of the world through CRS. The 1970 Thanksgiving Clothing .Collection brought in approximately 19.5 million pounds of' used clothing, blankets, bedding EiOd shoes, valued at more than $24 million. This clothing was sl~nt to the neeuy in some 55 countries, 'chi,efly in Latin America, Asia and Africa. SmaJ.ler ,in volume tt\an. the Clothing shipments but certainly equal in importance were the medical supplies sent overseas by CRS. last year-1942 tons, valued at $1'3.9 million. Obviously, oli ~ $5~5 mi.llion budget, you 'can't buy almost $14 million worth of medicine. Some medical supplies are bought by' CRSparticularly when they are needed fast in an emergency situation - but mOBt 'of them are contributed. The 1970-71 contributions of medical supplies-charineled to CRoS through the Catholic Medical Mission Board and other medical reiief agencies-represented a decline from previous years' because of a provision in the 1969 Tax Rl~form Act. 'Previously a c!>mpll.nY donating medical supplies was allowed' to use their fair market value for tax 'deduc~ion '. purposes. The' 1969 -act cut this allowance, permitting the companies' to deduct .only what the medical supplies actually cost them. Across the couritry, counting all the organizations that receive medical supplies in this way, ,the tax law change resulted in an estimated


Necrolo~y MARCH 12 Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, 1961, Pastor, ~t. Mathieu, Fall River. MARCH 16 Rev. Francis J. Maloney, S.T.L., Pastor, St. Mary, No. Attleboro.

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5 Day Ius Tour To Canada Sponsored by the South End Mens Club

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Minority Student Funds Increased At Notre Dame NOTRE DAME (NC) - A $3 million scholarship fund for minority students has been establfshed at the University of Notre Dame here. Hoiy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, Notre Dame president, said that the endowed fund will provide a stabilized source of minority student awards. In recent years, such scholarship have been tied mainly to profits obtained from bowl appearances .by the university's football team. Notre Dame broke II 44-year ban on post-season football appearances in 1970 to 'play in the Cotton Bowl, held each New Year's Day in Dallas, stipulating that net profits would go primarily for non-athlete minority student education awards. More than $250,000. was raised for such awards through 1970 and 1971 Cotton Bowl appearances.


SA UL Palrilk makel hil fiut real landing and laYl Mall in a barn.

Thaulandl 01 pilgriml come barefoot each year 10 Ihe remole


ARDGlASS Sile 01 a Druid well blelled by Patrilk,


Slopping, for lupplie. Polrilk hal hil goal Ilalen.

Patrick buries hil fa路

Additional Scholarships The new endowment, gathered from sources including the Ford Foundation, a Knights of Columbus gift, an' over-the-top Notre Dame fund-raising campaign, will provide about $150,000 annually in scholarships to undergraduate minority students, university officials said. Father James T. Burtchaell, Notre Dame provost, noted additional minority scholarships offered by the university bring the total funds available to about $200,000 annually. "This would represent about 25 per cent of our total endowed and contributed scholarships going to about three per cent of our undergraduate students, n Father Burtchaell said, noting that one purpose of the new en~owment was to increase the number of minority students at the university.


Open Sale Of Contraceptives SEATTLE (NC)-While many parents in Washington state were working to defeat a proposal allowing doctors to supply contraceptive services to minors with parental consent, the state legislature went ahead and enacted a bill letting pharmacies display contraceptives openly and sell them to customers of any age, reports tlie Catholic Northwest Progress. The Seattle archdiocesan weekly s'aid few parents in Washington State realize that their teenage sons and daughters can now buy products and devices "contributing to sexual promiscuity, regardless of their youth, but they can't legally buy a glass of beer until they are 21 years of age." The Progress noted, that along with maximum legal availability of contraceptives, the state has also licensed 500 .vending machines to make prophylactics available in ~upermarkets, service stations and other places.

Search Though we trave~ the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we will find it not. --Emerson _

. , .....'1

lHE ANCHOR. Thurs., March 9, 1972


Bishop Sees Age Needing Denial , SAN DIEGO (NC)-Affluence, leisure and permissiveness have degraded rather than bettered mankind, Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego said in a Lenten pastoral issued here. "Rarely in modern times has. there been so urgent a need for self-knowledge and self-discipline as presents itself in this tormented age," the bishop said, saying that Lent presents an opportune time for sacrifce, mortification and self-study. Lamenting today's troubled times, Bishop Maher said, "We are witnesses of unprecedented crises in church and state. Worldly things have paved the way for the great evil of our time, lawlessness in all its forms. "The road to peace is long and rugged. It entails hardship, prayer, saorfice, an honest look at our frailties, courage, patience, prayer and perseverance. "The time for effort is here," he said. "What more appropriate a period for reform and renewal than t~e season of Lent."

Lauds Yugoslavia's Efforts for Peace

Ireland. NC Photo.

Christop'her Award Recipients 'Named ica"; executive producer Warren Bush, producer-director Robert Guenette, and writer Theodore Strauss for the NBC special "They've Killed President Lincoln."

NEW YORK (NC)-Sixty-two producers, directors and write,rs have received Christopher Awards for their achievements in the fields of film, books and television. In all, 15 books, 15 television special and two films were cited during the annual awards ceremony at the Christopher Center here. AJward winners' were selected on the basis of their affirmation of the "highest values of the human spirit, artistic and technical accomplishment and a significant degree of public acceptance of the work." The motion' picture general audience award went to producer Robert Lynn and directorwriter Lionel Jeffries for "The Railway Children," a Universal release.

Book Awards A special Christopher Award was given to Geraldo Rivera for his investigative television reporting about conditions in institutions for the mentally retarded. Adult book awards include "One Time, One Place" by Eudora Welty and "The Survival of Dogma" by Father Avery Dulles, S.J. Youth hook award went to "The Rights of the People-The Major Decisions of the Warren Court" by Elaine and Walter Goodman. Father Richard Armstrong, M.M., Director of the Christophers explained the purpose of the awards: "These awards pay tribute to individuals who have used their God-given talents to provide high quality literature

TV Documentaries

The .motion picture award in in the adult and adolescent category went to producer Pierre Cottrell and director-writer Eric Rohmer for "Clare's Knee," a Columbia release. Television awards went to individuals who produced documentaries for the three major networks. The awards went to Director-writer Av Weston and producer David Buksbaum for the ABC news special "Heroes and Heroines"; executive producer Burton Benjamin and director-writer John Sharnik for the three-part CBS series on the court system, "Justice in Amer..







.' . . .





HARTFORD (NC) - Vivian R. Stephenson has been named news editor and research coordinator of The Catholic Transcript, diocesan newspaper here. Miss Stephenson, research director for the paper since 1966, succeeds John J. Daly, Jr., who resigned to take a position with a Hart-ford advertising and public relations firm. '.

and entertainment for the general public." The awards are given by the Christopher Movement, an organization founded for the purpose of stimulating person~l initiative and responsible action in line with Christian principles.

VATICAN (NC) - Pope Paul VI paid tribute to the peacemaking efforts of the government of Yugoslavia when he received the new ambassador to the Vatican from Yugoslavia, Stane Kolman. The Pope told the ambassador that he is aware of the Yugoslavian government's concern for "the solving of conflicts and the establishment of lasting peace among nations." At the audience Feb. 28 at which the ambassador presented his credentials Pope Paul said that "it is evident that this peace can be founded only on justice and with respect for the inalienable rights of persons and minorities, and with attention to the harmonizing of the development of each with the common good of the country, of Europe and of all peoples."



LENTEN SCHEDULE: MASSES: Daily Monday through Friday. 7:00-8:00-12:05 P.M. Confessions: Each day before the 8:00 Mass and the 12:05 P.M. Mass. Stations of the Cross:路 Friday at 3:00 P.M.

SATURDAY -SHRINE DAY: MASSES: 7:00-10:00 A.M. and 12:05 P.M. Confessions: 10:30 A.M. till 4:30 P.M. . Devotions: 1:30 Stations of the Cross. , 4:30 Rosary and Benediction.

Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament Throughout the Day from 10:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. Plan to make Lenten Devotions at the Cathedral.



THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.,' Mar. 9, 1972 .



'"tellee'tua.ls' Contribu'tion To Gover;nmentls Limited The Washington Post. recently featured a fascinating series of articles by Marilyn Berger, a, staff, writer, on !he 'role of intelleCtuals in the U.S. Government. Miss Berger recalls that in the. early <;lays of the'kennedy Adglinistration . dozens of scholars from Har. vard and other' great .uni- 'lic policy....:.by throwing, in their vers,ities. flockeq. .to,. Wa, ~h- lot;a:s' politiCal partisans, with a particular government', or' a'dington under' the illusion ministration. , ' that they were going to "make America new,'" that. they would "speak the truth to power" in Ii congenial political atmosphere ff.{mi;:t'~fMtK'f:gmW;wt) B~,

GEORGE G. . HIGGINS and tha~ the problems of thE! world would. thereby become manageable. .. . 'Then years later, she reports, it ,became clear, especially in the light of the Vietnam" debacle, that "their hopes - and their capacities - were.ovednflateq." . Useful Reminder Governor Ge9rge Wallace' of Alabama, .among other' public figures, seems to take a kind of


r· It.).




Moreover,he says,"""govern~ ment is itself a skiil, and the'politician's trade, like ethers"must be learned .in, practice' and by . early'.and, prolol)ged apprenticeship." ',' ,",




, :' :,Int~lIe~tua~ ,~!9~8l1ce~ . ' , liis co'ndusion'·~is', i,hat, "as, a . ·,general rule; intellectua.!s ..who seek' to s~rve th~: pu6iic ~hould . .do .so ."outside:,poJitiGai·;·.Jlfe itself or only on "its' m'arifir'L '. ; It 'is the' middle'distance that, is all-important -:-,ih e "c~eation' of . opinion on subjects' of v.ital. :con- ' cern but· not yet fully . ripe ·for positive legislation.';" ,'.' '. . If ,Professor':l3eloff • is concerned about safeguarding the·. integrity and independence,' of intellectuals and thereby enhanc'ing their influence in the area of public policy, he is equally con, . cerned about the harm that in.tellectuals can do to the political process jf they pursue an activist role in a doctrinaire fashion. . At this point he begins to use some rather strong language, What worries him, ,he says, is ':the intellectual· arrogance" which assumes that important matters of State '(disarmament, arms control, peace-keeping, etc.) . ,"which involve the most delicate of assumptions about the political and human emotions of vast communities, and upon the successful resolution of which hu- '

perverse delight in ridiculing the ·intellectuals, especially those ' who' have' attached' themselves . KNOWtYOUR'FA.rfEl AND.~'IMAGES" IN USE: Members ,of OUf Lady of Fatima to the Government. I ,wouldn~t be' caught dead playing that Parish, .Deriver:,:" 'Colorado use the ',Know Your Faith and Images of Faith programs in game. It's the cheapest kind of their' reli~ohs:"ediication classes: ~'NC Photo. . political demagoguery. k . <, " . '. '" On the other hand, I do thin I .~. that the publication of Miss Ber~. ger's recent series on the role Of . · intellectuals in the U: S. Govern- . ROME: (NC), -·Piaiogue be- accept. each other's. respective affairs of theAnti:Defamati~n ment was a useful reminder 'to man survival may depend, are Je" a d' C· thol'c"s too values,'" Lichten said. purely technical ones, that it is t Leag]Je, but still serves the h t h e' contn'b u-. 'a 11 concerne d tat· all a matter of 'correctly proween· VIIs n a I s I league as consultant. He keeps tion· which 'the intellectuals .. . , important Ito be permitted to be'~In: point of :fact," he added, can m'ake, to the political process gralTl~ing the c?~puter.~' come a mere "mutual admiration. "it is' our differences whic~ are up contacts with the Vatican's -though indispensable, especial-' . Church 'Gover~enL soc:iety,'~: ~nexpert, in· the field the central ,axis ,of 'dialogue"and ' ~ecretariat for ,Promoting Chris. ,lyatthe present time--is Ii 'lim-~ , The problem' discussed in Pro- toU semil~arians,'at the North which di!llogue is intended· to tian Unity ,and other 'Catholic ited one at best, and, this 'be-' fessor,'BelOff'sessay and in Miss ,Am~tician' .;College ~in:,Rome. , b r i n g u.s to accept. Perhaps. the organizations dealing with Chris~ Dr. J,osep!:t ·,L. Lichten"a former most important taskfacing us at tian"jewish relations.· , cause' of the very~ature of'the 'Berger's recent articles is not, , politJcili process .itself. It's good,. confined to the'area of civil gov- official' ofl the Anti.Defamation this moment is that of literally scholars and ernment. It' also arises, in its.· Lellgu~ of: B'Nai .B'Rith, was in- .keepi'ng 'tile diaiogu~:,~live,'!.." ... for the humility intellectuals to ',be reminded:· of, oOown'way,'in':the'area cf ecclesi~' vit,ed .!?y: the college' to deliver Li.chten' w;unecL:agilinst,lim. Prie~t~: ,I)'eport~d · this, from time. to ,time, 'not by' astical government. three ·lectures" on. Jewish- iting ,discussion :.of.~· Jewish-·L1MA (NC)-The 'Peruvian inanti,intellectual. ,.politicaL. dema- .. ' Father Andrew Greeley recent- Catholic,r~lations irt .tlle' Uni~ed , Chri5ti~ '. ,elations to 'the situa- " terior ministry"has' deported two l gogues, but by their. own peers,;' ". ly' spoke to. the' later issue, with States., , tion of past centuries. "Catholics ,foreign' priests and a Brazilian Lichten, ,who is living in Rome . and Jews have· been more ready .,soCiologist. as "social .agitators." , his usualskiU and· dilicernmertt, 'f~o' Se,ts of Dan~ers . in a widely publicized paper' en: at present; ,was among the first to discuss the dist,llnt Jewish . But the two priests, French One ·of. 'their peers;-'Dr;, Max titled "The State ·of the Priest· ,of his fai~h to lay, the ground- past ,ratJ:lE~r.tha.nJudaisni,~nd' Father.' Eugene' :l3ourdon ' Brun . ' ,Beloff" Professor.,ofGovernment hood.",. ,Father Greeley said; . , work for .the present-day cooper- the aspir:a~iol1.s, of the , Jewish ,arid: Spanish i Father Jose Luis and ,Pl,1blic· Administration ,at ,'among other things, that while", atil)n~et~een Catholic and Jew- people.pt.-this time,". hes~id., . Gomez, · ..were simply'denounc., ,,' .' , ,Oxford University,. recently pub- there, is ,no reason why a l3ishop , ish co~mpnities. in the U~ited ' " L!chten.~en·~ly retired, from ingramparit: social injustices in " ,his J'few: Y;ork.positiol1 as na-' the' country," according to ,the' lished a"most;:perceptive essay should.let a scholar ,make ,his "SuLtesand ~urope.,;· \ on this',subject. the lead essay in decisions for him and'..many'rea- , 'Lichten.ltold -the, seminarians ·,tiol)!ilh .~ire"ctor" of :,in~~,rcultural .: nation,al' news magazinej:Oiga.. a ,book entitled "The Intellectual s.9n5., ~hy' 'p~ .s1:JC?ul~n:t; !it J,s. -ur~. ,llis,t the whole area Christian..' .in Poiitics';(Th'e Library': Press; gently: nece!;sary, especially' at' Jewish relations'· 'isoile' of the ............-,.--~-.- ....-,;...,'-.,.•-..,-,.-.-.'-,.-,--'"!'~-,:--"'-!o""----""4 .' New'York, $8.95)" . '. . thiS ·criti~al.stage in· Church his- ''''clucia,l' problems" of the, times .,·Professor.Belofh,ee.s'..tw!> s~ts,' t,0!Y;.Jor,·e~lesi.astical;adminis- .. bei:ause of 'its internal sigiiifi- ,', ... ' ·of dangers in ,the use of academ-:' ·:trators··..to:takescholarship seri-' callce in·t]. S. soCietY. as'well as": ' .. ic experts in ,the framing 'of 'oilsly and be ready to learn from . its internationalov.ertones. . . ,public policy or ·the' spon~oring". ~it,'~. '. '.' ",' :., . '. ' , : ' . "':" :He said: that: disc'iissions of ". ' ',' ':}o',,<the Cape' .. of. legislation. There are dangers, Father. Greeley hammered' su(~·· relations must be' 'cilrried he, says, b?th to the intelle~tuals .' ,a~ay ,very', ~ard at the latter out withcflndor.. a~d respect for : ,' .. Th, Highe$f Savings Dividends themselves and' to the particular .. pomt, and With very good rea- differences. "We do not need to government or administration son, in this, writer's judgment." ,.1. ." ~.;' .. . ,', :. " , '.' ~lloweiJby ,Law. they may be calleCI on'to serve. What -he said: in hi!;"recent .paper . ",.,' '. , The intellectuals; he argues, on the 'priesthood aboutlhe ·role Re~a~n Affiliatiorl 5 % - Regul~1r Savings ,have a crucial ~ole to play ·in of scliolars ,and intellectuals in CHEXJ;:~NE (NC) ·--.A recent 5JI:i% -:- 90 \I,?ay. Notice' " , forming public policy. But they :the' area of eccle,siastical govern- general meeting of the Cheyenne .: ~,%01) --Te~m: I;)eposit C;i1~fi~ates; ..1, ·yr. run the' greatrisk, he' says, ofment closely,' ,parilllels·thedis- diocese's priesthood voted' to re,,6% .. ~ Term- DepositCe,~i~icates,'2.3yrs. becoming' politiccil' ·'·courtlers· ··tinctions· made'.. 'by" Professor tain thedibcesaii.'priests senate's and of . sacrificing their, own in- B~loff- in his .es'say'on ,tM role. membership in tpe- National Fed· : " . Ban~bt inail - it costs 'you 'nothing' " " . , tegrity and ,the, .r:espe.ct of, their, of, intellectuals in civi,l' govern-' eration' of~ Priests Councils. The " ' ".,. inteliectuaLpeer~tlier~by; .·un~.· '~me,-tt:', ",1'hese, .. distinctions, it 'diocese, ~hich covers· the entire dermining their: ,piTn' ,ihdi$p,ens:, . ,,~'eems to' me;';. make' ';pel"fectly' state of Wyoming; has some 65 ,', 30'7 MAIN sr.,~OUTH YARM.O.!J.TH; MASS> 02664 , , able infl~e!1ce:iri the;f~eld .I()f:p.u.!>~ '.:good, ~ense" inbO.thc~~~s;: :, " "" . ' ptiests.,' ,~:' .. ' ;" "

S'. ' 'tressesl

- h-(....at'h0 I-Ie Dialogue ..'J'leWIS






:,,: "~~~~. :~h'.~r saVi~g~, ~a'rik"




tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972

Laity to Attend· Bishops'. Meeting WASHINGTON (NC) - Three Th'e lay delegates were elected laymen and two laywomen were by the 50-member advisory couo· elected here to attend the next cil of the U.S. Catholic Confermeeting of the National Confer- ence during a three-day meeting ence of Catholic Bishops as ob-. here. The Council, composed of . bishops, priests and Religious as servers.· . Representatives of the laity at well as laity, restricted its sethe bishops: meeting, to be held' lection to .lay members, Repre" in Atlanta in April, will be Mrs. sentatives of priests and ReligHelen Casey, housewife, of Mid" .ious men and women toa~tend land, Mich.; David Doherty, city . the bishops' meeting will be ~e­ planner, of Pontiac, Mich.; Mrs. lected by other representative Rosa Gonzales, civil rights work- bodies. ' er, of Corpus Christi, Texas; JosFor the first time, the April eph Maguire, college educator, of . Worcester, Mass. and Charles bishops' meeting will also be Tilton, hospital administrator, of open to accredited members of Baltimore. the press.


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,NEAR EAST NO. WESTPORT PARISH VISITED: Continuing his parish visitations, Bishop Cronin offered Mass on Sunday morning in' Our Lady of Grace Church and then met the parishiopers of the Westport parish. Top:' Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, pastor, assists· the Bishop in'distribution of Holy Communion. Center: .Seiiousness always seems to pervadeithe facial expresssions when the shepherd meets a senior member of his flock. On the Bishop's left is Rev. Rene R. .Levesque, parish assistant. Bottom: Two Bruins ·rooters discuss Bobby Orr-did this discussion jinx the Boston' puck-chasers as they lost Sunday night after winning 24'cOIisecutive ganieson the Garden ice? .

MISSIONS· TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National SecretarY , Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840 .

Plan, Workshop On Canon Law, In Wareham

THE ANCHO'R-Diocese of FQII River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972


" : '"

; ".

. ..,

- "-I




_ ..~.

Spirit of -Chat-ity" . ~ -'

~ ~;~'.


'';." . ' , .

' .... -

American Catholics have every'reason to be proud of their contribution to aiding the ,needy of the world~ Since '1943, Catholic Relief services programs have made available for distribution overseas some 10.8 million tons of supplies with' a value of 2~ billion dollars. ,Last'year, more than , 483,000, tons of supplies were sent to the poor an4 needy overseas. The value was $154 million dollars.:....an· amazing multiplication of the actual dollars given. A striking aspect of the charity is that it goes to the poor and needy of all races and creeds; and it is given to them not in a ,spirit of affluent people but· as brothers sharing what they have with other' brothers whom they may not see but who are united, to them under the 'Father. . , 'hood of One God. . Charity is nev~r th~ giving of tip or the throwing of crumbsfrc;>m one' person to another. That is not charityit· is. an ,insult. Charity means concern of one person for anot,her. Charity means, that a i>.erson who, has a measure ,of comfort .~nd .goods realizes that w~th th~se comes the , obl,igation':t~ care fc;>r .those who have les~ than he has. Charity 'means that, a', perSort "who has'" is privileged to .. ' 'help'one ,"who has not" sinc~. what is done for· the least ,One's brothers is done for €hrist. ' , . . . ",.'it is' in this spirit that Catholics will give thisweek-, end to the Laetare Sunday Appeal.' And it is because of :' this spirit that God will. bless'those. who giye.- ' . . .

Father William Bassett, professor of Canon Law at Catholic University in Washington, will conduct a day-long workshop for Priests and Brothers at Sacred Hearts Novitiate, Great NeCK Road, Wareham, on Wednesday, March 15. The day is <sponsored by the Sacred Hearts Fathers and is open to priests and men religious. of the diocese. The' workshop will open at 10 in' the morning with ~ talk by Fr. Bassett dealing with the general theme of "Law, Liberty and Life/' and a look at what is hap-. pening in Church Law.-Th!s will be followed by a concelebrated liutrgy . and lunch, and a concluding 'talk at 1:30 concerning more specific pastoral conce~s . ...:.marriage, divorce, etc. There will be' ample time for exchange and. questions. Editor Father Bassett" a priest of the Diocese' of Peorili, holds a doctorate in Canon Law {rom the Gregorian University in Rome and Ii doctorate in Civii Law from Catholic University. He is rom~~-i~m8~"a@Pmtwm:iUlrrW;mD~It~~rnllimiUlmlww_W'm'meditor. of the Jurist and one of . the editors of Concilium. A Many things can be ~aid and have been' said and ~ill .' member of the Bi~hops Canonical be said about the declining. numbers in Catholic schools. Commission, the Illinois native But one fact startds out clearly' and strongly-the obligation is the author of .several books of religious education' and training will weigh even more and. numerous articles, has ~heavily upon par~nts and. families.' .' spoken to many groups of priests, including last Spring's All too often, the parochial school has given parents New England Priests' Study a good reason or excuse to carry lightly the obligation. of Week at StonehiII College. . religious education that they, the ~irst teachers o( their Priests or Brothers wishing to children, have always had. But it has been easy to' look to take part are asked to call 11 the Catholic school teachers for the discharge of this obliSacred Hearts Provincial Hoqse gation. .' . -, : . ... ~ . in Fairhaven' (993-2442) to R1a~.~ Rev. JohJ'- F. Moore, B.A.,. M.A., M.Ede • • . """". of\, ~. ,- •. a reservation': A nominal regis~' f : .. r :,." .'.55:' P~ter~;& Paul, FaliRiver ~ . , , With fewer Catholic schools in existence; ,parents must traiion fee of $5 will be taken' up I face up to 'th,e facethat theirs is and has always been .on arrival.




Work of' Parents.




the 'primary responsibility 'in teaching rel,igion;, that what is said and done in th~ family in the way 'of' religion' will. have and has always had ,more impact on the, children than what a school teaches; that 'religion must, be :seen ih action by childrert where they'themselves willllve it, in the setting of home and family' and, ~ommunity. . At best, the Catholic school has never bee'n niore than a support' and help to parents and' fatpily. .'. r .. It is a support that :will be sorely missed.. ' " But it has never pretended to do the work that 'parertts .. and family have always been oblige~ to perfoim~ ,



,'lyit:tlonal Primary

The 'present. fiasco of the, New Hampshire primary' . h ld campaign! for the Pr~sidentia.l party nomination. s o~ serve as 'an indication that a real need exists: for a nation wid,e primary. The prime evidence for this is incum~ent on the nominees themselves' ff h 1 I toric eyolution of this nation. , and. t he 0\ ice t ey lave a - We are still operating tinder the ,ready been elected to by the politic~l methods of 18th century , people.," Sertators. and' mayors America.. Local primaries were'

candidate coffers much like the betting on a favorite horse. With, political donations coine political obligations. The greater the donation the greater demand for political returns' and let us not . kid ourselves, it does happen. Reducing the primary from a four month to a four week na. tional campaign certainly would think nothing of 'leaving .their meant for the people when this help a great deal to eliminate responsibilities to view tjle nation was but one step removed local vested interest that each 'mountai~~, 'of ,New Hamps~irefiom the town meeting house. ' candidate must· recogJ}izein " .. or taste, the oranges of Florida, ,In fact one of the great prob- state primaries. The New. York police are still, shakiI)g their hea~s. " , 'leaving'- the'! basic work 6f their tems Of ,the ,present governmenThis together' with a national A few short years ago they 'were being· clubbed and 'office to appointed.underlings. tal form is that there seems to policy of limited' spending in shoved off Gampuses. Now Columbia University students Even .when, tr.em~mdo~s issues be presistently ;;resent the no- poiitical campaigns, certainly have demanded more police on campus. such as, the busm~ Issue are tion that we are going to return would restore some sense of - 'A d· h h'l h'" t d' brol::ght . to: the floor of. the to the p1e~ting huuse. This' na- sanity, to the present 'mess. The n were aWl e ago t ey were argets~an, 10 United States Senate the party ,tion cannot exist today on' this news .media peeking out from places, still are-for sniper bullets and vituperation, now lead,ers are: left, in a lurch be- I:oncept.. With 50 states arid over every snow covered bush in the they have been hosted to' a ~'thank you" dinner by the cause everypne seems to be on :i60 iniliion people a constitu: New Hampshire countryside, Chinese' mission to the United Nations.. The President the campaign trail. If we' had a Honal process shi>Uld give' some could do a great deal to help has not been the only on~ busy with chopsticks during the' na~()nal priFarY set ~ithin ~he 'evidence of change. . initiate the reform necessary in . ' " ,basle framework of a time perIod Unfortul)ately this is not the American politics. They could . past week 01: S O , , ' . ' much of thik uncalled for' absenh let the people know the benefits 5_0 New York's Finest-have begun to experience some, teel'sm w.oul.d be. elimina,ted. The 1:ase. We all com'plain about t e red tape 'and confusion of big of a national primary and could of the civility that should be accorded men who pledge worle of elected officials would government but when it comes help reduce the exorbitant costs themselves to help their· fellowmen live· peacefully and n?t become' another mere ~~ep- to positive programs of change of pOlitical advertising which happily and fI,'eely in society. pm.g stone to a greater polItical within the framework of our na- seemingly ·is. determined by . . policeman . 1.:lOnaI' deve Iopmen t th The' .slogan~the is your friend---:-is begin'- office. . en every- some unreachable accountant in ning to be understood. It is necessary for both police and Another,fact.or .that mus~ com· ' ()n~,' especiiilly the politicians a mythical front offiCe. . '. ..., . . pel us to senously conSider a run to duck their heads in the If the American system is to pubhc to. contmue to make It so. national primary rests in the his- sand. grow, develop and improve it _ , . " must look into new ways and ~ Advocate's Nptn~ll1:-wi-de' Primary .. f~rms. o~ politicaldevelopme?t. i . . To remamstagnant and passive , . ' A nationwide' 'primary would present scene would be th~ tre- in the total ~cope of political have meaning, for ,all' the of local pnmary. growth will 'only serve tq unp,eople of this 'land. It would elections. We all know what derm'ine the 'basic principl~$ of ~ , " " eliminate the circus-like atmo- happens~ the democratic process. We 675-7151 ' , . sphe:re Of, present P9litics and Politicians need money to should not be; -afraid to try, to Fal! ·River; Mass: 02722'" " " PUBLlSH'ER' ,'. , ' .' , :," ' ,assum~, th!'l ! seri!lusness 0(. pur- campaign. Working' under the risk that we may 'improve artd . . Most' R~v: Daniel Cronin:: 0';0:, S.T.D. ' . - " ,p~se l::a~.~ ,Pres.idential election rather trite and 80mewhat cor- better this political system GENERAL 'MANAGER . ' -ASST;- GENERAL MANAGER " ,s ou eYI. enc~: rupt notion that to the victor which has done so much for so. Rev. Msgr. DanielF. Sh'all.o.o;M.A. R~Y.'.Jo.hn P.· Driscoll' The third .great pitfall that belong the spoils, particular in-. many i!1 the search for·freedom ~le"" Prell-FIII:'Rlver '. ~'., I!'d,..ii L~d dlrJl;','il wQuld' be ... ,eliI!1illa5~<}' ,(ro~ .~~. t~~~~tG:~9~R~.,pq!fJr ,~lni?-!1~[~in~.?q ~I;l~-'l~~'~~~' . 'niu):;

Pleasant .Surprise

, , ,'," .dJ",,The:.,ANCHO-R @

rnen~ous cost~


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Jesuits' Attempt To Solve India's Labor Problems·

THE ANCHOR-" Thurs., March 9, 1972


Canadian Jesuit Gets Rome Post

NEW DELHI (NC)-Two Indian Jesuit organizations are trying to implement Prime Minister Indira Ghandi's slogan "Drive Out Poverty." Those words helped her win her massive support in last year's elections, although she insists that they are not a slogan but a policy. The prime factor in eliminat· ing poverty from India, says the Indian Planning Commission, is an increase jn production. But the low productivity in both government and private industries is attributed to perennial strikes and lockouts. Last year one mil· lion man'days were lost by' industrial conflicts. To remedy this evil the two Jesuit organizations are putting their faith in education of. both labo.r and management. . Recently American Jesuit Fa· ther Joseph Kennedy of the Xavier Labor' Institute gave a leadership course to management personnel of the government· operated Indian Airlines in this city. Almost Chaotic

TORONTO (NC)-Father Edward F. Sheridan, 59, head of the English-speaking Jesuit province in Canada, will assume his new post in Rome as a regional assistant to the superior general of the Jesuits sometime after Easter. Father Sheridan will have ad· ministrative responsibility for Jesuit provinces in Canada, England, Ireland, Malta and Bel· gium.. There are 10 regional assistants in the Jesuit order. Father Sheridan has been p.rovincial in Canada since 1969. The .' English-speaking Canadian province has 375 priests, Brothers and seminarians. Born in Montreal. Feb. 20, 1912, Father Sheridan entered the Jesuits in 1933 and was or· daine<:i in 1944 in Toronto. He' was rector of Regis College from 1957 to 1964 and taught moral theology both. at Regis College. and St. Augustine's seminary here.

Announce $103,000

In Madras, Indian Jesuit Father Aloysius Fonseca and his In New Grants team from the Indian Social InWASHINGTON (NC) - The stitute . recently concluded a Campaign for Human Developmonth-long leadership course for ment, the ·major, national anti· 27 trade union leaders. effort of the Catholic CCD' Ol\GANIZERS: Key workers in the CCD program of St. Mary's parish, New poverty Strikes ~nd lockouts over the Church in the United States, has past decade in the government- Bedford, are, from left, Janice Bastoni, chairman· of teachers; Marie Sullivan, Toni Ber- announced new grants totalling owned Hindusthan Steel's three talotto and Dorothy Roncka, assistant chairmen; and Rev. George Harrison, program $103,400 to 11 projects aimed at mills has kept them below 60 per director. . helping poor people. cent of operating .capacity, The latest awards bring na· caused a deficit for the fifth tional campaign grants anstraight year and. create~ a nounced so far to a total of 232, shortage necessitating 'imports . amounting to $4,673,813.19. Anthat ate into' India's dwindling other $2.5 million have been foreign credit. Hindusthan Steel awarded on the local level by represents the government's dioceses throughout the country. largest investment, exceeding The largest of the 11 new CCD is alive and -well at St. teachers refer to texts for guid- 'perfect textbook," but none was even the railroads. Mary's parish, New Bedford. ance and use multimedia tech- found entirely adequate. grants was $20,000 to the 5th Labor-management relations , That's the word from the dedi- niques with the yo~ngsters. To solve the problem, St. Congressional District Voters are almost chaotic in many cated laywomen in charge of an Mary's chairmen and teachers League in Danville, Virginia. Its Qwn Guides areas. In the southern town of active program serving 420 pubpurpose, the announcement said, Fifth and sixth graders are is- have developed their own curric- is "to assist black citizens to Coimbatore recently 50,000 tex- lic school children in grades one sued texts and their use is op- ulum guides and vocabulary lists take their rightful position in tile workers went on strike to through eight. tional in seventh and eighth for each grade. "Most of our volforce the reopening of mills and Spearheaded by Mrs. Amy grades, added Mrs. Bastoni. This unteers are mothers who have the political, economic and eduto remove the ceiling on bonuses. Gamache two years ago, the pro- varied approach to teaching came' had no previous teaching experi- cational processes of the fifth In the same town 8,000 workers gram has grown to its present about last year,' she explained, ence," said Mrs. Bastoni. "Our district." walked out of 600 small hosiery The new grants, announced by strength of 24 teachers, four re- when a search was 'made for the structure gives them something factories. solid to hold on to, and they feel Auxiliary Bishop Michael R. ligious and 20 lay, guided by Becoming Militant very comfortable in our' pro- Dempsey of Chicago, National Mrs. Janice Bastoni, general Director of the Campaign for gram." ' At Madras, also in the south, chairman and three assistant Diocesan P'roject Human Development, encompass 30,000 workers recently returned chairmen, Mrs. Marie Sullivan, She holds monthly teachers' Helps Elderly after a month-long strike against Mrs. 'Dorothy .Roncka: and Mrs. meetings, kicked off this year a wide variety. of specif.ic proBROOKLYN (NC)-An unus- by a three-week workshop pre- jects. One program, in Franklin, an industrialist concern that Toni Bertalotto. Teachers and prided itself on good working chairmen are backed up by a ual S.O.S. project to help elderly sented by Sister Teresa Sparrow West Virginia, is! designed to conditions. In the same city corps of substitutes, aides, help- persons t!:lrough the red tape of of St. James parish, ,New Bed- help construct a safe water sys· state Medicaid, federal Medi- ford. At subsequent meetings, tern for a community of 14 fam3,500 workers recently termi- ers and attendance checkers. care, rent exemption and other discussions have centered on the ilies. This program received nated a two-week strike against Children in grades one through government programs has met use of audiovisual materials, ·les- $4,000, the smallest sum in the a government heavy vehicles four do not use textbooks, says with modest success in its first son planning, and teaching meth· latest set of grants. factory. . Mrs. Bastoni. Instead, their year in the Brooklyn diocese. After a lull due to the recent ods. A new unit on the study of S.O.S. stands for Step Out the Mass in all grades has also India-P\lkistan war, workers at Services. It was started a year been formulated. Durgapur, one of the govern- Plan Ecumenical ago by Aging Services Division ment steel mills, are again be- Studies Institute Teachers and children are alof Catholic Charities. Its cliencoming "militant," according to EAST ORANGE (NC)-Upsala tele of senior citizens covers all ready enthusiastic about St. plant managers. To safeguard College and Seton Hall UniverMary's CCD program, said Mrs. the mill the government moved sity will use a $4,000 grant from faiths, according to Father Rene Bastoni. For this year, her goal A. Valero, director. He termed 1,500 police into town. is to get parents equally involved. the Lutheran Church in America Labor unrest throughout India to start an Ecumenical Studies its initial success "only a start." Betwee.n March and Decemhas moved President V.V. Giri, a Institute here in New Jersey.. ber last year; he. said, S.O.S. career trade unionist, to write to The Catholic university and teams visited 20 parish centers Mrs. Gandhi urging a tri-partite meeting with management and the Lutheran-supported college and made themselves available labor to work out a three-year will offer two evening courses to help elderly persons file apmoratorium on strikes and .lock- taught by two priests, Father plications to receive benefits to John Radano and Father Richard which they were entitled beouts. Nardone of Seton Hall, and a cause of .their age or limited fiminister, the Rev. W~lter Wag- nancial means. . .Success ner of Upsala. Fifty-seven per cent of the The courses will, de;!l 'with the over"65 population of New York There is no way of making a business successful that can 'vie Bible in modern life, ecumenis m City-or an estimated 532,000 MEMBE.'D'C with the policy of promoting in the United States, the roles. persons-reside in the two borof cler~v and laity, and contemthose who rerider ~?$C~~tlo~al: ullll,.,;; (j'llll'IJ '\1....)~I"W.('·£ .• f.. l;·J! 0:.~S.1 ,9,f'j Br,98Jf.Jj8.1,§n~'liQ~.y~n,~, 11 CO~X~.NI~Nr-~~~TtQJi$ ... 4; ... .'FALL RIVER service. '~alheWt€ porao J oCla anu H' 16,OU::r Issues. covered oy tne diocese.

St. It:fa.ry's Parlsh,Neiv Bedford" Conducts Active CCD Progra1n for 420 Children.

we've got it all together


,uniTED nATionAL BAnK



'Cho'rges N~'glect

THE ANCH~R-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972


Of Imm i'g rants

Not only are wO:rnen filtering into the man's world, after 20 years· we're finally getting ,around to recognizing Red ~hina and innerwear is becoming outerwear. In case you're confused by the last statement, let me cla~fy it by saying that items found in the· lingerie departments of' dual purpose. , Whomever we ,~tores, that have usually have, to thank for it, I think it's a great idea, and' I applaud this been okeptfor the privacy economy move. , of our own homes are now becoming so 'attractive that they cry to be worn to more public affairs.-




The above-mentioned fashions are already available at s,ome area stores and as I mentioned in the beginning of this column, now is the time when everything is at its newest and the best selection is available. If you've peeked at all at Spring styles, you'll note that Anchors Aweigh could well be the season's slogan, and here too' leisure wear is not left out. Navy Look



NEW ALTAR: Brooklyn

NEW YORK (NG) - A city program director for immigrant Haitians has accused the' New York archdiocese and the Brook· Iyn diocese of discrimination against Haitians. . The charge was levelled during the Church-sponsored "One and Many" conference' which leaders of' some 25 ethnic and civic groups att~nded. Frantz Derenoncourt, director of the Haitian programs of the Manpower and Career Development Agency, said he was raising the charge "regrettably." . Responding in part, Father Anthony Bevilacqua of the Brooklyn Diocesan Migration Of· fice said that Brooklyn diocesan officials had stepped up' foreign language work and were seeking to increase the present number of 14 Haitian 'priests. The Haitian exchange came as ethnic leaders articulated problems of identity, language and , legal employment into w~ich immigrailts are thrown. , , ,The conference, spOnsored by the New York archdiocese, appeared to update the traditional "melting pot" concept in Amer· ican society. ' . . New York "is still a melting pot, but we shouldn't melt," Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, told NC News Service in discussing the ~eeting. "There is so much to be done."

Stan Herman, who designs unArtist, C~rol Dykeman looks at the altar she made for St. der ,the Youthcraft. Charmfit March and. April,. are the and 81. Edward's out of pieces of the Myrtle 'label, has whipped up a white Michael's , I months when the cream of the 'cotton 'robe printed with large Avenue '~L' which was tom down recently. The altar and spring and summer fashion crop , nid .' anchors and 'pipe~ in red other ,parts of the church arle now constructed from the arrives in the stores, and I was ,braid. Another, label that , has .gilders of the elevated mode of transportation. ·Ne Photo. amazed to see displayed in intiadapted the navy look is Mr. ;Po .mate apparel sections long J.Juniors. The cream-colored, dresses lovely, and exciting cotton' broadcloth gown' has, a " enough for the most important skirt printed with a red and summer party.. grey sailor riding im anchor, Not Expensive Nun Says Women in the Church Want More while the smocked bodice 'features red ;and ,while polka dots. One of the' nicest 'things about Than Token Liberation ,these dual fashions is that the It's a very romantic. gown that, PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Wom- arid perform similar jobs, Sister, Meat Pie Supper' price tag is geared' more for ,could be used for dreaming or dining: ' en :mayruri ·religious orders, hos- Rita questioned whether such in- ' loungewear than (or dress-up. St. Catherine's Fund Raising Color' has become an. imPor- pitals and ~chOOls but, according stances were a sound, argument One particularly exotic print in Committee of Dominican Contant ingredient of and, in lingerie, to a leader of Sisters here, that Sisters are truly liberatec;l. bright green emblazoned with vent, 37 Park' Street, 'Fall River, , and 'very ,often this department women in ;the Church have not "Since the order is composed will hold a meat pie supper and white flowers was selling for is th'e brightest in the store, out- been fully liberated. of women, it's a natural conclu- St. Patrick whist party Saturday $20. It was made of ribbed cot"Women, in general and Sis- sion that a woman would direct night, March 11, at the convent ton with a high waistline that ' done '~mly l'!y children's wear. ended in a sash, back-tied, a This emphasis, on color, bright ter~ in particular, haye a role in the order's institutions," she hall. Supper will be served from prints' and the use of, heavier the Church which has not been said. "I don't know if you can squared-off neck and 'short 5 to 7 and the whist will begin puffed sleeves. It was a delight- cottons and blends for lounge- accorded them," said Sister Rita say that's liberating.". at 8. ful dress that would look wear. is part of the reason why Margraff in. an interview with smashing with a' tan, and y'et it so many women'refuse to _k,eep the Standard 'and Times, archdi- District Council No. 1 a't-home clothes at home. oce:ian papf-lr here. wouldn't make such a dent in ' If your summer always inSister Ri~a, a Grey Nun of the To Meet in Swansea your budget that you'd feel See Us The Fall River District Counguilty that it wasn't a sho'rter cludesa large round of parties, Sacred He~rt who teaches in a dress you could get more wear then pick out a few of these high school, here, said true liber- cil will hold an open meeting on double ,fashion value gowns now ation will'qnly occur for w01Den Thursday evening, March 16 at from.' . , See Us Last -and when you're tired of dis- in the Church when they are St. Louis de France Parish Hall Another bright red diablo with playing them at a yacht club . given full ~quality to, men, from in Swansea. butterfly sleeves had an eyedance, you can always use them the hierarchy down. But See Us catching tag attached that begRev. Ronald A. Tosti will be "'Women experience them- the guest speaker. His topic is ged the shopper to take it off the as a bright bathing' suit coverhanger arid wear it to her next up, and of course if worst selves as free and mature per- "Religious Education Today." A comes to worst you can wear son:; ready and eager to serve party. president's meeting will precede sl,lpposed nightgowns to God and Church in major, ways," these The younger set, who find the opening meeting at 7:15 P.M. she said. "They acknowledge Jashion can be fun and that one bed. Rev. Louis R. Boivin will be themselves las loved by God and doesn't .need to spend a lot of the host moderator and Mrs. instruments of the Spirit. They money to look pretty, may have Urge UN to Help ask to be recognized as having Raymond Levesque is president influenced the Inner Fashion deof the host guild. such a J:ole lin the Church. signers to ma,ke their clothes Bangladesh Women GENEVA (NG) - Four interWaritCMajor Role national Catholic organizations "They are women of prayer Priest Found Pdson called on the United Nations and purpos~," Sister Rita added, On Equity In Your Home Experience 'Creative~ Status of Women Commission, "and ask for a change in the JOOJ Kings You May Use The Money ,.Church's attitude toward them. DANBURY (NC)-Father Dan- meeting in Geneva, to take "a However You Wish. iel Berrigan was released from positive interest in the plight of As women of faith, they should NEW ...BEDFORD federal prison here amid the the women and girls raped dur- have freedom to exercise a major AVCO FINANCIAL cheers of nearly 1,000 supporters ing the recent fighting in East role in decision-making,' particuSERVICES larly in' areas which concern ' and a display of his poetic wit. Pakistan, now Bangladesh.'" 71 William St., New Bedford Open Evenings The 51-year-old Jesuit priest The groups also urged efforts theil' lives. 'Thus far, they have 994·9636 rece ived only token admissions , -told r~porters crowded around by women's organizations to colhim on steps of the prisori's ad- lect funds for on-going programs of this freepom.'" All example of what' Sister ministration building that his 18~ like that ,of Mother Teresa and' month imprisonment for burning her Missionaries of Charity in Rita called ~he secondary role of WE, SELIL MONEY, BUT OUR BUSINESS IS PEOPLE draft files in Maryland was "cre- Dacca,. Pabna, Rajshani and wornen is that the Vatican Conative, resisting, good" and that Khulna, in which' the, raped' wo- gregation of Religious and Secuthe best '~hing that ever 'happened to Cape Cod lar Institutes, which supervises he had no regrets about his ac- 'men were being rehabiliated. tions or the four months he later The statement submitted to the religious ol'ders, only recently spent underground after being UN commission Was signed by 'adm:itted its first woman mem. sentenced; the Catholic International'Union ber. Sh.e said the vicar for religious 'Father Berrigan was granted for Social Service, the Intemaparole last month for what the tional Catholic Child Bureau, the in most dioceses is male and s1t~~lROUTE 28 HYANNIS . Federal Parole Board called International Conference of Cath- .only in a few -eases are women 13ANI< BRANCH OFFICE ROUTE 28 S'O. YARMOUTH . "reasons of health," after an olic Charities" and the World invo:.ved in .:the office. 775·4500 earlier bid for release was re- Union of Catholic Women~s OrA!I to the 'fact that Sisters fused·laste·year: ;:,,'-,:.\..,:"':'.' ', .. :.~ ..;ga'niz'a'tioi1s-;'j··-;... ·\··~·~: -'.:.\'" ,,'.,,' " head coIfeges;' 'direCt hospitals'

Ask Full



$5,000 Or More



~~,and Trust Companyof Cape Co~l

Hious'ewife' Finds S~h,e Can Tal.k To Mary Anywhe're Statistics are very pliable. They can be mampulated in all directions and prove anything. For example, I've spent one quarter of, the working hours of my married life in, idleness. I've been married 17 years. I average about 20 loads of laundry a week. It takes about 15 minutes the bathroom, and .sometime I'd teach it to cry. to fold one load. That means, later, Then there were the hours I since I've. been married, I've spent when everyone was on

spent somewhere between 4 and 4 Y2 thousands hours folding wash! That's six-months - 24 hours a day.


Thurs., March 9, 1972


Stl'1ess CathoHc Education Value WASHINGTON (NC) - Offi· cials of an international federation of Catholic graduates have reaffirmed their support of Catholic schools "on the basis of their quality and the fullness and orthodoxy of religious education, in keeping with the magisterium of the Church." Issued by the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae's 12-member executive committee here, the recent statement also recognized " the primacy of God in life and in education," and the authority of Pope Paul VI "in his· judgment and deci· . sions regarding the Faith." "Recognizing the fact that education today is beset with problems of transition and change, and needs much encour· agement," the statement noted, "we, as Catholic graduates, pledge our support to the teachers who have continued to work in true dedication for the transmission of our Faith." Drafters of the statement also said they oppose "the establish· ment of secular humanism as the religion of the state," and support the right of all parents "to choose the school and the philosophical-religious values of their child's education by working for justice and equity in the distribution of educational tax dolll;lrs." The Alumnae Federation, open originally to women graduates of CatI10lic educational institutions, but extended in August 1970 to men and to other interested women, will consider a program of action relating to the education statement at a board of directors meeting this Summer in Chicago.

the mad kick doing exercises. Tighten muscles, fold six diapers. Relax, fold five' pairs of socks .. Stretch, fold two sheets; relax" fold a half dozen wash cloths. But I decided it was too late to be "Mrs. America." Anyway, with today's trends, I'm' more' 'By likely to be elected "Prime Por- . tent of the Population P~oblem." MARY Some of the hours could' eve,n blil chalked up to "interior decCARSON oration." If I move the 'couch LEAVING CHURCH SERVICES: South Vietnam: to the other wall, slide the chairs where the couch was, crowd' ,the Mountain tribesmen wearing traditional costume beat brass end tables some place, in be- gongs as they leave a Catholic church in the Central Hightween, there's room for the play- lands city of Kontum, South Vietnam after Mass recently. Folding wash requires very, pen in a. spot where the baby ,The tribesmen were converted to Catholicism during the little effort for my brain: Take can't. reach the lamps. folding diapers-there's a limit· Fr~nch colonial period.. NC Photo. Then I got a long' cor(1 for to the time I can spend finding the most efficient, practical way the kitchen phone, and, could , to fold them. All I have to figure wash dishes while I was talk~ out. is a size that will fit· both ing to a frienq. But I never masthe baby and the, dresser draw- tered holding the phone in the Father Thanks Blessed Virgin for Return crook of my neck,' and wasn't too er. . This was accomplished in fold- neat folding laundry that way. Of Missing Daughter Another Friend ing the 'first ten diapers ·for the BUFFALO (NC)-"Our daugh- daughter· .would not have been first baby-leaving my' brain So I started talking to anavailable for "free' play." other friend. It didn't take 'any ter has been returned to us returned to us." "Today, people flinch at the Figuring each of my eight chil- . big words, or elaborate phrases. through the intercession of the dren spent 2 Y2 years in diapers I'd just think about the Blessed ,Blessed Virgin Mothe;:,'.' said the mention of religion," Sullivan (I had slow learners), averaging Mother as if' she were standing happy father ofa 13-year-old girl said, "but this terrible trial with a, dozen a ,day, that's 85,000 dia- right there, and I was talking to who was found. after a month- its' happy ending have done long disappearance: nothing to our .faith in God. but --;."', . .p'~~s;W1;Ia,t Ji~P'P,~.n~~ to my ~in9 her.' . '~If that sounds ridiculous; then renew.it and strengthen it." during the folding of the other 'I thought about: her"as anI stand on ridiculousness," said Stanek was taken into custody 84,990? . , . other mother who went through at El Paso, Texas, where he was If I spend a total of one hour many of the same problems I John J. Sullivan after he rea day wash,irig dishes, in seven- had. She would understand 'so turned with his daughter from returning with the girl in his car teen years, I've spent over 6 man'y little things about being a Texas where she and a 29-year- from Mexico, police said. He and old school teacher were in police the girl had been the objects of thousand hours at the sink. An- wife and mother. custody. a nationwide search since they other nine months, 24 hours a The whole idea grew. If I could Named Editor , The search for the teacher, disappeared. day, washing dishes. (Sounds talk about problems, why SALT LAKE CITY (NC) - Fr: Warren Staneck of West Seneca, like a pregnancy.) couldn't I talk about the good Robert R. Servatius, administraN. Y., and his former baby sitter, Available Mind little things-and even the inFall River Woman's tor .of St. Joseph's High School Moira Sullivan of Tonawanda, If I take all the hours, my between? in Ogden, Utah, has been named N. Y., began when both disapClub Plan Meeting brain was not needed for the "See if you can keep that editor of the Intermountain Caththe Buffalo area. peared from The Fall River Catholic Womjob I was doing and convert baby from waking up from her "We really believe that it is an's Club will present Mr. Russ olic Register, newspaper of the to an eight hour working day. nap, till I get these dishes finSalt Lake City diocese. Father the result of prayers that she is Burgess in "Mental FascinaI find that in 17 years of mar- ished? Servatius, who will continue as riage my mind was "available" "No one was sick today-and here safe and sound," her father tions" at their regular meeting the high school's administrator, everyone got out to school on said. "We had asked everyone which shall be held at 8 on Tuesfor 4Y2 years! succeeds Father Lawrence P. we talked to, including police, day evening, March 14 at the So what did I do with that time." Sweeney who is retiring as editime? Maybe 'our religion hasn't FBI and the media to pray for us Holy Name Parish Hall on Read tor after 14 years. and they all said they would. Street. Too many of those hours went changed so much.' We used to Mrs. Joseph Giblin and Mrs. into wondering why the kids recite "Prayer is the lifting of They must· have, or else our Henry Feitelberg will be co-chaircan't put both socks into the the mind and heart to God." I'm men of the Coffee Hour, while wash; trying to figure out how just learning how to do it-and Oppose Tax Exemptions club Registrars will serve on -the the ironed shirt; unworn, still that it is so much easier to do PLUMB!NG & HEATING, INC. Hospitality Committee. For Church Properties on the hanger, got back into the it through Mary. Sales and Service . hampe,r. ' DES MOINES (NC) - The for Domestic . _... ~ I've even spent a good deal ,of ways and means committee 'of Pity and Industrial ~'t:T Oil Burners ' time revising God's design of in- Scottish Churches Help the Iowa House of, RepresentaHe that can please nobody is 995-1631 fants. In my plan the child would N. Ireland Children tives has approved a bill to end not so much to be pitied as he . 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE be b,orn knowing how to go to GLASGOW (NC) - Holidays tax exemptions on a wide vari- that nobody can please. NEW BEDFORD ety of church property uses, in-Colton for children from, strife-torn . cluding exemptions on 'rectories Prayer Day for Ireland Northern Ireland are being ar- and p~rsonages. ranged in Scotland by the Also included in the bill are He Id in Australia . Church of Scotland (presbyteriSYDNEY (NC) - A day of an) social service committee and property tax exemptions on nonprofit retirement homes, which prayer for "peace and 'justice in the Catholic child care office. The 'Rev. W. F. Grieve, ·an of- . includes virtually all churchIreland" was held in a number of Catholic and Protestant ficial of the social service com- operated rest or retirement churches in' Australia on Sunday, mittee, told the Church of Scot- homes in 'the state. ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford Feb. 27. . land's Commission of Assembly A date for debate on the bill The special prayer day was in Edinburgh that the two has not 'been set in the House, One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities called for in a joint statement of Churches are working "in paral- but Republican leaders are revarious religious leaders. leI and in mutual help and sup- ported to have placed high priThe statement said that Aus- port" to investigate how best to ority on the bill. The Iowa Now Available for Catholic Conference agency of tralia has "a very large number care for the children. .of persons of Irish origin and Youth organizations, holiday the state's Catholic bishops, and there is danger that our society camps and private homes are Protestant and Jewish organizamay reflect the divisions that are being contacted, and both tions ,are attempting to coordiFOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 • tearing their mother country churches are expected to make nate statewide public opposition .101. apart." national. appe~ls for funds .. , . , t~, !~~~~x ~~~~pti~I,\~iH:,; ..... , ~,/~'_~.'_'I.'~.';<::; .. ,'.'.' '" .,<.<:>~;~:~,:.~., y:\~\~<'~.~ <~:.~\~~ \·v,~ '~.




',:' '....



.. 10

Holds 0 p School. Aid Payment

THE ANCHORThurs., March 9, 1972.'

Says Seminaries Need to Improve Philosophy Study

PHILA-DELPHIA (NC) - A three-judge federaL panel here has changed its :fIlind and is holding up $24 million in back state aid payments to Pennsylvania's nonpublicschools until the U. S. Supreme Court decides . what should be done with the money. The panel originally ruled Dec. 28 that .the Commonwealth of Pennsylivania should pay the $24 million, the amount of aid nonp'ublic schools would have been paid· from the time the' . state legislature. passed the aid law until the Supreme Court · ruled U unconstitutional last

VATICAN CITY (NC)-The study of . philosophy in seminaries must not be watered down or .supplanted by the popular sciences, ,a new Vatican instruc. tion warns the world's bishops. The Vatican's Congregation _ for Catholic Education, stating that it is alarmed' at a lethargy toward philosophy in. semi.nary trafning, admits in the instruction the d~fficu'uies of studying philosophy but also' stresses its absolute necessity for priests. The instruction contains som~ guidelines for.. a philosophy' program in each seminary. The con· gregation's instruction also rec.ognizes that many' seminaries will have an uphill fight toward adequate librar,ies. and a compe.tent staff and suggests that seminaries do "what is possible and realistic" with the means now at of knowledge." .

'june 28.· .

Declaring ·th~tsince the 'law had been ruled. uhco'nstitutional no aid at should be granted 'the nonpublic schools, opponents ·of the legislation appealed the federal panel'.s decision to the Supreme. Court. State officials· dragged their feet on making the aid payment, _ fearing that the high court might eventually reverse the panel's order. Meanwhile, on Feb. 22, the panel granted a 90-day stay of ·its order, pending the Supreme Court's decision on the appeal. . William B.. Ball, Harrisburg, Pa., lawyer representing the schools, had argued that such a delay could prove fatal to some schools which had budgeted or · borrowed money while relying on the aid payment. Ball had asked the panel to require those appealing the ruling to post a bond for the $24 million to assure that .the funds would not be lost.


Major Obstacle , The study of philosophy, the instruction says, can lead' the 'seminarian to the "supreme level of knowledge." Philosophy, it says, is not only a "science of the highest importance for man ... it constitutes the soul of authentic culture because it puts questions of the meaning of things and the existence of man in a' way that is truly adequate to the deepest aspirations." One major obstacle toward an appreciation of philosophy, the instruction says, is that the professor does too much of the' work and the· students have too little interest. "Today's professor of philosophy' (must) assimilate a great quantity. of new ideas which derive from a variety of philosophical mentalities and .the progress of science.

Boston Arclhdibcese Reorganized BOSTON (NC) - To achieve greater pastoral efficiency, Archbishop Humberto 'Medeiros has reorganized 'the, 25,000-squaremile Boston archdiocese' into three sectors, each to have an auxiliary bishop. In a letter announcing the move, Archbishop Medeiros said there is a "great need for closer relationship between the archbishop and the people of God who look to him for spiritual leadership." "I have consulted widely and prayed fervently that some effective method might be developed to make it possible' for men to reach out to every corner of the archdiocese in the ,discharge of

my pastoraJresponsibility,'~ lie said. 'I . Archbishop Medeir.os said he hope,s th~ n~w plan "will help to relieve the ~ensions so often ag.

, ,


Seokln:formation On CorPorations .

gravated by a depersonalized administrative structure." The new archdiocesan North, Central and South regions are headed by Auxiliary Bishops Jeremiah Minihan, Lawrence Riley and Joseph Maguire, re:;pectively. According to the regional scheme, Boston's pastoral ·chain of command will now ascend from the laity, Religious and dergy to the local episcopal vicar, then to the regional bishop, and then, if necessary, to one of the vicars general or to the archbishop himself.

NEW YORK (NC)-Five ProtLawsuits Pending estant dem6ninations with stock On Nonpublic Aid invested, in tour major U.S. CorNEW YORK (NC)-The numporation~ a~e calling for the disber of lawsuits pending on state closure of the corporations' busand federal aid' programs for inesB activities in South Africa nonpublic schools has climbed and Angola: to 32, according to a survey conThe Protestant· groups anGlamor of Technology ducted by the American Jewish nounced they have filed stock"These (ideas) are often totalCongress here. ,fuchbishop Reports· holder proxy motions with the , , , ly new. Furth~r, there is the AJC, a pioneer human relacorporations" ,asking that' they ~$35 Million Debt· need for a new adaptation .of tions agency wi,th 60,000 memeach give ia history of 'their language and of teaching methBOSTON (NC) - The Boston bers, made the tally in its "Litiol>erations, relations with workods. And all of this has often New Orleans Radio Docket of Pending ers and' with governments of archdiocese, second largest in gation to be addressed in a 'relatively the United States, owes $35.5 Cases," which shows that 24 of southern Africa. restricted period of time, with . Station Honored. The project is a cooperative million, according to Archbishop the 32 cases involve state aid to NEW YORK (NC)-Broadcast little means, and with a student nonpublic .schools. The rest in,venture of boards and agencies Humberto S. Medeiros. body' not always adequately 'in- indu;try, governmE;!nt and church of the United Church of Christ, In a repor.t which he called volve. federal aid programs. communications officials honorterested or prepared." the United 'Presbyterian Church "the first account of the stewSeven cases deal with direct The instruction admits also ed New Orleans radio station in l:he U.S.A., the Episcopal ardship' of funds which come aid to nonpublic elementary an.d that another difficulty. is the WDSU at a .dinner here confer- Church, th~ American Baptist directly under my supervision," secondary schools or aid· given glamo'ur of the technological age ring the 1972 Mike Award to the Convention, : and the United the archbishop said the debt is jointly to the scho'ols and parin which the ~ind of man is station· and its president, A. 80 great that he must use 51 Methodist Ghurch. ents of children who attend them. "turned toward th.e material Louis Read.. n.e comp~nies in whose stock· tents of every dollar collected Among the remaining cases are world, the concrete ... reducing The 12th annual award, given hold,~r proxy statements the res- to payoff principal and-interest fDur involving direct aid to knowledge, to the level of the by an organization of early radio schools through tuition reimolutions wilj appear are Gener- of long. term oblig~tions. methods of the positive sciences." veterans called' Broadcast Pi- al Motors Corporation, Goodyear Archbishop Medeiros also bursement or tax rebates to , Commenting.- .on.... the nl;lW in- oneers, ,was presented before Tire and Rlibber Company, Gulf .stated that the archdiocese had -parents, and another four chal, , struction, the Vatican daily, 400 guests.' . 'Oil CorIJoration, and Mobil Oil a net deficit at the end of 1971 lenging the use of publ,ic school L'Osservatore ,Romano, comteachers in nonpublic schools. Cor}: oration.l of $2,969,675. , Read, president of WDSU Ramented:. . ' 1I ...' -. . .·...I~.......- . .- ........I -. . .- . .- . .- . . .- . .- . .- . .- . . .- . . .IIIIIIIII...........IIIIIIlI~~· "Many say today thann place 'dio-Teievision, has been a memof philosophy it would be better ber of the Communications Comto teach sociology, psychology, mittee of the U.S. Catholic ConI anthropology, history or political ference the past five years. His science ..' . To disperse this con- station, which began in 1923' fusion; crisis and distrust of phil- , with a five-watt rig in a backosophy" the congregation has yard chicken ,coop, marks its 50th anniversary and its 33rd spoken. . COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEMS year as a National Broadcasting SALES & INSTALLATIONS Company affiliate next year. PROMPT DELIVERIES Ask Blockade End DIESEl OIU WDSU was cited "for its disINDIANAPOLIS (NC)-A res24 olution callil)g for the end to a tinguished contribution to the HOUR SERVICE 10-year-old trade embargo by the art of broadcasting and in rec4(i5 NORTH FRONT ST•• ogpition of dedicated adherence , United States' against Cuba ,has NEW BEDFORD been approved by two units of to quality, integrity and respont.· _ _ _rt _ . ._ . ._ . ._ _ . ._ . _ __ IIIO_. . milOsibility in programming and the Christian, Church (Disciples . , agement." of Christ).. ' , ,

.... .... 2)e07l044



992-5534 997-8939 996-2571


, Father Hesburgh Hits Anti-Busing Amendment

tHE ANCHORThurs., March 9, 1972


Texas Churches Hold Assembly

WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, chairman HOUSTON (NC) - Subjects of the U: S. Civil Rights Comranging from intercommunion mission, said that a proposed among Christians to conditions anti-busing amendment "would in Texas prisons were discussed whittle away at the protections" here at the third annual assem· of the Constitution. bly of the Texas Conference of Ti)e proposed constitutional Churches, an ecumenical agency amendment, Father Hesburgh which unites the former Texas said, would' undermine the "13th, .Catholic Conference and the 14th, 15th amendments which mainly Protestant Texas Council made free men out of slaves and ·of Churches. granted ,these men equal protecCatholic Bishop John L. Mortion of the laws of the land and kovsky of Galveston-Houston, granted them' the specific right outgoing president of the conferto' exercise the franchise." ence, urged that ecumenism The University of Notre Dame must become the concern of all president· testified at a House the people, not just an elite. Judiciary Committee hearing on "When it hurts, as it is beginamendmehts designed to prevent ning to 'hurt us, that we cannot busing to achieVe racial integrapartake of the same Table of the tion of schools. . Lord; wehllVe started on the An amendment proposed by way," he said. Rep. Nonnan F. Lent (R.-N. Y.) Referring to the conference "would 1).e a· major step backtheme, Thy Kingdom Come, Dr. ward in the quest for equal Paul Crow, general secretary of rights for all Americans," Father . the Consultation on Church UnDIF,FERENCE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH: Pakistan refugee children receive their Hesburgh said. ion, told the assembly, "those "It would undermine what daily glass of milk at a camp in India, and these few ounces of milk provided by the things which keep us from the progress we have made in race . Catholic' Relief Services was often the difference between life and death for thousands kingdom keep us apart from relations both in our schools and of children who suffered from malnutrition. Food, clothing and medical care is needed to .each other." in society as a whole," he told help these families begin their lives anew. Leader of nine Protestant the committee. churches now exploring the possibilities of union, Dr. Crow Lent's Position . called for real decision-making Lent, another opening day witand a rejection of the present ness, said he found such criti"failure of nerve" that is marked cism to be inconsistent. BALTIMORE (NC)-Directors ganization's executive committee Cardinal Wright praised the. di- by "faddism and pessimism." His amendment, Lent said, of .diocesan Confraternity of had "unanimously endorsed" a rector's letter for "its spirit of An advocate of shared eucha"utilizes the typical language of Christian Doctrine programs resolution expressing "our posicollegiality, its openness and its ristic Communion, Crow pleaded most all of our anti-discrimina- have told Cardinal John Wright tive acceptance" of the directory. consequent· requirement that the "if the love of Christ constrains tion statutes" including fair that they find "many hopeful Cardinal Wright, prefect of Church and its center have at all us, then we have no right to achousing, public accommodations, signs for the future of catechettime the same spirit of coopera- cept the status quo of divided equal employment opportunity is" in the General Catechetical the Vatican's Congregation for tion with you and your associa- tables or altars as the only testithe Clergy, which issued the diand voting rights law. Directory. ates on the frontier." rectory, said he is "thrilled"" mony to truth." Lent's amendment states: "No The comments on the contro- by the letter from the CCD Consensus Document Bishop Fulton J. Sheen told republic schools student shall, be- versial religion teaching guide. cause of his race, creed or color, lines came in a letter signed by directors. The CCD directors, Msgr. porters that he will vote to have In a. telegram to Msgr. Cook, Cook said, share the cardinal's the· Roman Catholic Church join be required to attend a partic- Msgr.. Paul Cook, director of the ular schoo!." "concern about the proper pres- the National Council of Churches CCD program here, and three Father Hepsburgh and Lent other officers of entation of doctrine" and they when the American bishops contile National testified at: the House hearing Conference of Diocesan Direcagree that "the Christian mys- sider this question. However, in regard to shared Communion, following a Senate vote favoring tors of CCD. teries form an organic whole." Sheen distinguished a compromise busing bill. It "We also note," he said, "the Bishop In the letter Msgr. Cook, chairNEW YORK (NC) - Chinese wisdom of the directory in not ·among social, liturgical and euwould allow federal aid for bus- man of the national conferences, women have made tremendous imposing one system of ordering charistic Communions, saying ing programs only if the funds praised the directory for "its are sought by local school broad vision, its emphasis on strides toward equality with men, these truths of faith. In sum- that shared eucharistic Commubut some elements of "male chaunion is "a long way off." boards. The bill would prevent ·adult education, and its concern venism" are still deeply imbed- mary, we find the section on ·the federal agencies from ordering for the total education of the ded in Chinese 'culture, a woman Christian Message positive in local boards to request the funds. people of God." tone, comprehensive in contents Carmelite to Head visitor to China reported here. and pastoral in orientation." Spirit of Cooperation Mrs. Ray Whitehead, a United Irish' News Service Msgr. Cook d~scribed the diClimb Monuments The directory, Msgr. Cook Church of Christ missionary rectory as a "consensus docuST. PAUL (NC) - The Irish said, "renders a service to the based in Hong Kong, described ment" which includes "areas American Cultural Institute here To Get Attention ROME (NC)-To wage a pro- Church through its pastoral tone, for a luncheon gathering of wo- which from our point of view re- has started the Celtic News Sertest, many people take to the its encouragement of unity and men at the Interchurch CeI)ter quire a more substantial atten- vice to distribute Irish news. Carmelite Father Kevin Shanstreets, hut more than two its· reflection of the mind of here the role of women in the tion." Peoples' Republic of China. The CCD directors, he said, ley will direct the news service dozen unhappy Italians climbed Vatican H." Msgr. Cook said that his or"Women in China build bridges, "will devise strategies for im- from an office in Joliet, II!. four of Rome's famed monuthey drill for oil, hold responsi- plementing" the "spirit and prinFather Shanley is editor of ments recently to call attention ble posts in the government, ciples of the directory." That Sword magazine and communito their grievances. Creative Services teach in the universities. They project will be the organization's cations director for his order in What goes up, of course, must are not afraid to stand up against. goal for 1972. Directors Named the United States and Canada. come down-all except the new NEW YORK (NC)-Two men men. In terms of history, a treThe organization, said Msgr. He has written for the Chicago champion of Italian sit-ins, 25year-old Salvatore Laudati who have been named associate di- mendous amount has been ac- Cook, is ready to assist the Sun-Times and has received two perched atop the ageless Colos- rectors of the newly formed complished, yet they still have a U. S. bishops "in working toward awards for journalism teaching Creative Services Division of the long way to go,'" she said a directory for this country." from the Newspaper Fund. seum. Mrs Whitehead and her misSalvatore, who started his U. S. Catholic Conference's Comsionary husband were members vigil over a squahble with the munications Department. Jack Franchetti, director and of a group of 13 Americans, city commission for a peddlar's license, angrily shouted from a general manager of the television sponsored by the Committee of ledge of the Colosseum that he center at St. John's University, Concerned Asian Scholars, which Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport would not move until he re- New York, has been named asso- toured China for a month last Summer. It was the first group ceived a hearing. ciate director of broadcasting. Where The Frank Frost, film instructor of American visitors to be adMonument-climbing, an occaEntire Family sional sport .in Rome, got off to and doctoral candidate at the mitted to China in the era of a good start in January when University of Southern Califor- Ping-pong diplomacy. Can Dine The Whiteheads both speak about 20 persons took to the nia, has been named Associate Economically Chinese fluently. For the past heights protesting a lack of jobs Director of. Film. . The Creative Services Division five years they have been in and housing. But with the recent FOR assault on St. Peter's Basilica, gives the U. S. Catholic Confer- Hong Kong attached to the China RESERVATIONS the city hall, the Colosseum and ence a promotion agency with Program of the National Counthe Victor Emmanuel monument, broadbased creative and produc- cil of Churches as "China-watchPHONE the demonstrations for jobs and tion capabilities to service high- ers," monitoring Chinese maga675-7185 housing captured headlines' all priority programs' within the zines and newspapers and radio transmissions. over Italy. conference.

Directors Laud Catecheti cal Directory

Chinese Women Lack Equality

WH ITE'S Family




THE ANCHOR-Di~cese of Fall River-Thurs:, Mar. 9, 1971 12 .:.=.-........--.:.-~~----:-~..;.........-~-..--).



The, Parish \,


Publicity chairmen of parish or· SACRED HEARTS, , ganizations are asked to submit FAIRHAVEN ' , news items for' this column to The A ,penance service for the 17 Anchor, P. O. Box 7, fall River boys' and girls receiving the 02722. Sacrament of Penance for the ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, first time will be'conducted at FALL RIVER 3 ,on Saturday afternoon. First The, Men's Club will, hold, its; , Holy~ Communion will be given annual Communion breakfast 'at, .to them at the 8:30 Mass on the Corky ,Row Club '.f()llowing,Sunday morning, March 12. 8:30 Mass Sunday,m~rning,' ',:Parents, relatives and. parish· March 19. Members and', sons ion'ers are invited to avaIl them· are urged to attend. selves of a~re-Easter confession , " by attending this service. FolOUR LADY OF ANGELS; , , jowing the 6 o'clock Mass on FALL 'RIVE~ ' , S a t u r d a y night, a ham and bean Knights of the AltaranilO~nce , supper will be se!Ved in the a' cake sale to '.follow Mass'es this"" church hall. Proceeds ,will be weekend.' ' divided between paying for the The Co~ncil of Catholic Women improvement of the hall kitcl1en' will sponsor a turkey supper and, and a relief donation for Ban-; blitz at 6:30 Saturday' night, gladesh through the Catholic Relief Services. March 18 in 'the parish hall. A rummage ·sale will ,be held ST. ANNE, today through Saturday at the Holy Ghost Portuguese Social FALL RIVER Toby Johnson 'and Ed Michno, Club on Flynn Street: co-chairmen, have reported that ST. STEPHEN, tickets for the Apr~l 8 dance ATTLEBORO may now be, obtained from The' Women's Council will members of the parish commithost. the March meeting of .the tee or at the rectory. A roast DCOW, District No. 4·.of the ,beef dinner will be served at 7 Attleboro Area at 8 o'clock on and' music by the Staccatos for· Monday e~e~ing, March 13 in dancing until midnight. Cost will / the. church liall:Mr;s'. Mary be $3.25 per person. ' Maurice L. Franco\lur is organTavares, '. areap'resident, will, preside.'; ',,0' ',. : . c·:! izing a bus trip to New York Mrs. Claire Bearegard, pro· City for the benefit of the school. gram chairman, has announced The day's outing will take place that a variety"show with mem- on Saturday March 25 and the ' bers of St. Stephen's Women's price will be $10. . Reservations for the' trip may Council and their faniilies,' together' with area guest artists be made by calling Mr. Franwill provide the entertainment. coeur at 674-2411 ,after..6. o'clock Ja!1et Daneau, Rita Nadeau and in the evening. Dorothy Gorman will be in charge of refreshments. Reservations for the bus trip to, New York must be finalized with-Mrs. Rejeann'e Marquis. at this meeting. BERLIN (NC) - The ·Polish government has stopped requirMT. ~~EL, ing the Catholic, Church in PoNEW BEDFORD 'land to' submit reports of in, Fourth graders under the di- com~ and spending and to main.' rection of Sr. Luongo will pro- tain detailed records of property, vide the entertainment at the including sacred objects. PTA meeting planned for Sunday A decree issued in Warsaw by evening, March 12 in the school the Ministry of Finance annulled hall: a 10-year-old law that has been Mrs. Alex Costa' and 'Mrs. a major cause of friction between Dolores Vasconcellos will be in Church .and state. The clergy . charge of refreshments. generally refused to' submit in-, ventories on the ground that some property, such. as chalices, ", served only religious purposes, and tax officials retaliated by , ADELAIDE' (NC) - The Au- imposing higher taxes on church . stralian Council of Churches property. The change was 'reported on and Australian Catholic Relief together received almost $2.3 the front page of Slowo Powszemillion in,1971 for their oversea~ chne, a Warsaw daily published aid arid' development programs, . by Pax,' a pro-government assoaccording to Archbishop James ciation of Polish Catholics, which Gleeson of Adelaide and Angli- has criticized government poli'can David Garnsey. of Gippsland, cies toward the Church in the Victoria, . president of 'the Au- past. stralian Council of Churches.. Describing the' new decree as 11te total income for the two "extremely important to the' church,. agencies in 1971 .was a Church in Poland," the paper reco'rd figure ,of, $2,285,000. ' said that "legal church officials, From this total, just'. over: half religious orders and den'omina-$1.2 million...,....was distributed tionaI congregations" are no for development projects-':'self- longer requjred to keep income, help programs for the develop-' expenditure and stock records. The newspaper said that the ment of fqod production, water resources, education and voca- decr~e also annuls the obligation tional training, medical welfare to maintain detailed records "of all elements of the real and movand community services. An additional $800,000 was al- able assets utilized by the church located for emergency relief- institutions - land, buildings, $460,00 of which went to church- 'equipment, durable goods, sacred sponsored relief programs in In- , objects and property ,of church farins. dia for Bangladesh refugees.

Church Report Rules Eased

- $2.3. Million Given To' Aid Programs

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BREAKS GROUND lIN HONG KONG: While the world focused on President Nixon's trip to Red China, Maryknoll Bishop 'James E. Walsh, ~ho spent 12 ~ears'i~ prison in Red China was breaking new ground in Kong Kong. Bishop Walsh is assisted by Hong Kbng's 'Bishop Francis Hsu as he broke gr.ound for a new school run by the. C~i­ nese Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Bishop Walsh founded the commumty- In Kongmoon, Kwangtu~g Province in 1934. NC Photo. ,


Religious Freedom


CHARLOTTE (NC) - Federal tax laws have become "a bar to effective collective action" by charches'ih areas of public interest, the' General Board of the National 'Council of Churches charged here. In a re~olution passed during a five-da~ meeting, the 250member policy-making board of the NCCcriticized the Internal Revenue ServiCe for recent decisions which jeopardize the taxexempt st~tus of some churches and church orga~izations. The Internal Revenue Code "gr~lOts tax-exempt status: to churches knd church organizations 'if' propaganda and other activities designed to iJlftuence legislation i are not a 'isubstantial part" ,of their activities.

of reactionary leaders in both religion and poHtics, the NCC has been active in evaluating and 'commenting on proposed legislation in such fields as civil rights. Speculations and unofficial reports that the Council was in danger of losing its tax exemption have been Circulating for months. Kelley criticized 'church leaders for letting the situation go so far. wjthout mor~ vigorous, protests. His report .indicated, that the cracIcdown on churches, via their tax exemption, was probably not 'a matter of highlevel government policy but rarth~r a "spontaneous" se,t of impulses, felt concurrently by many "middle-echelon officials."

Eefore' Jpproving the resolu· Resign,s Presidency 'tio:Il, the hoard heard a report SIOUX crIT (NC) - Sister from the' NCC Director of .Reli·· Jordan Dahm, has resigned as" gious and:, Civil Liberties, Dean the president of the board of M. Kelley,: who sai~' that about trustees of Briar Cliff College 15 times in the last year and a , here in Iowa to become first half IRS agents have subpoenaed councilor' and vicar of the mathe recordl books of churches or jor'superior of the Sisters of St. church' agencies suspected of Francis of Duhuque. In her 10 "substant:i~l" political activity. years as president, Briar Cliff The National Council is om~ became co-educational, adopted of the agencies that .have been a three-year curriculum, and reunder investigation by the IRS organized its administration and curriculum..,9~ such grQuJlds, ,I.,ong. iii targ'~l: .

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These officials, he said, are inclined "to clamp down on all assorted deviations and impertinences, whatever their sources." In its resolution, the board said that "speaking out on public issues can be and for us is part of the 'free exercise of religion' protected by the First Amendment."


. B~ilding Materials .118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN 993-2611



1"• • .'.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972

The Parish Parade


SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD The Home and School Association will sponsor a concert at 7:30 Saturday night in the auditorium of Keith Junior High School. Featured will be the Rays of Sunshine choral group, directed by Joe DiBiase.

ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild will hold its a!1nual fashion show and dinner at 7 Monday night, Marcn 20 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. In charge of arrangements are Mrs. Edmond Steadman, chairman; Mrs. Antone Souza, cochairman; and Mrs. HOLY NAME, John Caron, ticket chairman. FALL RIVER Children to receive confirma- Reservations may be made with tion_ in this parish on Sunday, any of the chairmen, and will April 16 should register at the close Wednesday, March 15. parocnial school at 7:30 tonight. Door prizes will be awarded. The 'annual parish variety All children now in sixth or seventh grade are eligible for recep- show is scheduled for 8 P.M. tion of the sacrament. Those not Saturday and Sunday, March 25 baptized in the parish will need and 26 at Dartmouth High to present a baptismal certifi- School. Mrs. Bradford Eddy will direct participants and accomcate by Thursday, March 23. panist will be Felix Fournier. A A rummage sale will be held large arrangements committee is in the school hall from 6 to 8 headed by Mrs. Ralph P. Souza tomorrow night. Clothing may' and costumes, are being debe brought to the school during signed by Mrs. Raymond Le school hours this weelc. Blanc and Mrs. Napoleon Bussiere. . ST. MARY, Tickets will be available at MANSFIELD Rev. Kevin F. Tripp, secretary the Dartmouth Mall Friday, to the Commission for Divine March 17 and Thursday, March Worship for the Diocese will be 23, from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. on both days. They are also on sale gue~t speaker at the Lenten serat the rectory and can be obvice on Friday night at 7:30. . The service will include a tained from Mrs. Souza and Mrs. Mass, followed by Father Tripp's David Buckley. If any tickets talk on "The New Liturgy and remain by show date, they will its Impact on You" and a social be available at ~the door. A special children's matinee hour. The commission's secretary will be held at 2 Sunday afterwill diseuss contemporary litur- noon, March 19 in the parochial gical renewal and the needs of school hall, with admission limAmerican Catholics. The film ited to children and supervision "Ritual Makers" will be used in available for pre-schoolers. Tickets for this performance will be the presentation. sold at the door. ST. JOSEPH, A public whist will be held in ATTLEBORO the schQol hall at 8 Saturday Registration for Holy Ghost night, March 11, by' the Guild. kindergarten will be held from Mrs. Carol Forand, chairman, an1:30 to 4 P.M. Tuesday, March nounces that prizes will be 14 and Wednesday, March 15. awarded and refreshments Children who will be 5 years old served. by Dec. 31 of this year are eligible to attend. Parents should ST. THOMAS MORE, bring birth and vaccination cer- SOMERSET The Womeil's Guild will meet tificates to the .registration. Girl Scouts will attend a spe- at 8 tonight in the lower church cial Mass at 6:30 P.M. Saturday hall. Plans will be made for a' and on Sunday, Girl Scout Sun- penny sale to be held in the hall day, will present at an ecu- on Saturday, April 22. Mrs. John menical service at Centenary Russell will be general chairman. Guest speaker tonight will be ' Methodist Church at 3 P.M. The Women's Guild will not Paul Heb~rt of FISH, a projected meet Tuesday night, March 14, aid organization for the Greater due to conflict with the Lenten Fall River area. He will show a film of typical activities of FISH Bible Studies program. Parish youth interested in at- members. Social hour chairman tending a Boston Celtics game will be Mrs. Robert Lord, aided Tuesday, March 14 at Boston by a large committee. Garden may make reservations ST. ANN, with Father Boulet. RAYNHAM The Women's Guild has schedSANTO CHRISTO, uled a public whist party for 8 FALL RIVER A f;,lower show and dinner o'clock on Wednesday night, 15 in the church audidance,to be held from 6 to mid- March night, Sunday, March 19 at torium on Rte. 104, North Main Venus de Milo'restaurant, Swan- Street, Raynham. sea, will benefit the church re- OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL pair fund. Dress may be formal HELP, NEW BEDFORD The Holy Name Society will or 'informal. Music will be by sponsor a public ham and bean the Roman IV. Further information may be supper from 5:30 to 7:30 this obtained by contacting Mrs. Lor- Saturday night in the church raine lima at 676-0076 or Arthur hall. Alfred Cioper, chairman, wili be assisted by John Izdebski. Silvia Jr. at 672-7872. The Women's Guild will hold The following slate of officers for the Catholic Couneil of Cath- a ham and bean supper and aucolic Women has been installed tion at 6 Saturday night, March for the coming year: Mrs. Helen 25 in the hall. Mrs. Helen Bobrowiecki and Mrs. Pauline Woclaik L. Oliveira, president; Mrs. Ida Cabral, vice-president; Mrs. , are in charge of the supper; and Mary Medeiros, treasurer; Miss Mrs. Jeannette Rolids is auction chairman, with Mrs. Irene IzdebBeatrice Conoryer, secretary. 'Board of directors will consist ski to serve as auctioneer. The unit's next regular meetof Mrs. Mary Raposa, Mrs. Francelina Fidalgo and Miss Rose ing is slated for 6:30. Monday Marie' Flda'lg6.路 " ' , : . : ,: -" : - : night, March 26 in the hall.

ATTENDS COYLE-CASSIDY PLAY: Bishop Cronin meets Fagin's gang.of the musical "Oliver" when he attended the adaptation of Charles Dicken's "Oliver Twist" staged by the students of the Taunton Regional Catholic Co-ed School. Bro. Gerald Robbins, esc, served as general director.

P,roposes'lPeace Invasion l of Ireland NEW YORK (NC)-A ~'peace invasion" of Northern Ireland this Summer by thousands of American young' people-Protestant and Catholic-was proposed here as a practical move toward' reducing inter-religious tension there., The idea came from Father David Bowman, associate executive director of the Commission of Regional and Local Ecumenism of the National Council of Churches. He made the proposal on his return from a survey of the situation in Northern Ireland. The Jesuit, who five years ago became the first Roman Catholic priest to join the staff of the NCC, believes that ecumenical teams of American college students in Northern Ireland "not just for a vacation but to work at reconciliation" might begin to break the cycle of religious hatred handed from one generation to the next. While acknowledging that there are many factors-political, economic, historical - involved in the current crisis in Northern Ireland, Father Bowman believes that' the religious, issue is at the heart of it. Even 'in Sports "The warfare has a deep and intrinsically religious basis to it and there's no way to escape that," he said in an interview. The deep hatred between the two bodies of Christians has gone on so Icing that differences are now frozen into the culture. Take sports for example. "11) the Catholic' SGhools, the kids play Irish football and hurling," he said. "In their schools" the Protestants learn cricket and rugby. So the kids can't even compete-they don't know the same sports." "The kids have it dinned into them from the time they can understand: 'Those are the, en-

emy. They're different from us.' The people are segregated from hirth on." . Protestants, he said, "strongly favor subsidies for parochial schools, but' for the wrong reasions: because parochial schools for the Catholics keep the kids' separated." , Father Bowman was accompanied on his trip by Father Donald Campion, editor of America magazine, and the Rev. Wesley R. Baker, an officer of the Commission of Ecumenical Mission and Relations of the United Presbyterian Church. 'Greatest Contradiction' Father Bowman, who for the past five years has focused his total effort on bettering Protestant and Catholic relations, re-, flected genuine anguish when he said "Northern Ireland is the greatest contradiction of all we stand for in the ecumenical movement." It is because the people of Northern Ireland have had no experience with any kind of ecu-

menical cooperation or even coexistence, that Father Bowman feels his promised "peace invasion" of American young people could be helpful. At the very least, he points out" it could demonstrate to them that Protestants and Catholics can get along, together.

Bishops Ask Action On Unemployment EDINBURGH (NC)-The bishops of Scotland have called for a massive program of new technological training for the seriously increasing numbers of unemployed in Britain. "We- call on the civil authority to carry out with courage and firmness the measures it judges essential for a lasting solution to this human tragedy of unemployment," they declared in a joint pastoral letter at the beginning of Lent. "A massive program to retrain men in new skills in this technological age would seem Imperative. We 'are lamentably behind other nations in this."

Fr. Kelly Superior r~""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''', Of Morea~ Seminary' : ORTINS' : NOTRE DAME (NC) - Holy . , Cross Father James E. Kelly has : been named superior of Moreau , Seminary at the University of : Notre Dame. : Father Kelly, 40, an associate , professor of sociology at the Uni- : versity of Portland (Ore.), will ~ succeed Father Louis Putz, the superior for six years, on June 15.

A native of Akron, Ohio, Father Kelly was ordained at Notre Dame in 1958 and received his master's degree in sociology there in' 1961. He received a doctorate from North Carolina University in 1967 and has taught at Portland since 1965.


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of Fall River"::'Thurs.,


Vatlc:ar~ Is~'ues" New', ;., Lengfl1ier

M~r:' 9, 1972

Method of ,Preparing 'Converts


Right Now Is. Time, to Plant . Foolproof Garden Peas ,

,By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick \' For those people who are getting the itch to" get out into the garden for the new season, I would suggest' that this week and the weeks following' are a good time to set out a row, of peas., Peas do best in cool weather, and in this area' any time after ' March lis a, good' time to In fact, 'keeping if out of their get started. Melissa,Jason mouths long enough for the packages to' at least adjust to and I plan to' have our first my kitchen atmosphere ,is really

- ..,

row in by the time this column the present problem. is in print. This is the perfect plant for children,' since it gives Open Door Policy almost immediate 'visible results. I'm badly in need' of a new "Plimting is simple. Package in" refrigerator and' I'm wondering structions, usually say to turn ,if they market one with a swingover the soil to a, depth of one ing door or m'ayJ:ie evena:n elecTO ,TEACH: Sister Martha foot, but I have found that 'with tric eye. The way my friifs door the soil as it is at this time of keeps' opening and closing, Ouellet; !C.S.C. will join the the year, either soggy or as hard there's a good possibility I. could teaching staff of Plus-Kinas rock, that a furrow made get by With one without a'door. yon ,and; Campbell Business with 'a 'hoe' is sufficiellt to get Then: 'I'd" either 'have the 'coolest School, 'New Bedford, in the seeds into the g r o.l:n1d., 'This 'kitcheri :in,town or the warmest Septemb~r. She' is presently is ndt so efficient as: .d.eep turn-' ,refrigerator. ' 'on the faculty of St. Aning, but normally in the home ' 'Not "ol1ly"did my offspring garden efficiencY.is not' too es-' complain about, the lack of ed- thony High School, New "',', "ibles, :aft~r' I had 'spent an e;{t:ta-, Benford. jThe business school se'ntial. Tilkes Two 'Monihs'ordinarlY: delightful hour: or so' officiais ~aid,:to' their knowlFor those people ,Without, a breezing through'the focid'Il,lart, edge, she is' the first area vegetable garden; as such, it is but' they then, 'proceeded to at- religious 'to be employed fullMt. unheard of,toplllnt a r.ow tack everythirigtiiai didn't have of peas as a bqrder'in the flClwer to be broiled;, roasted or time time by a private school. ' ' bed. The life ,'of the pea plant is baked. rather short and once it has proWith the cost of food todaY,.a A~tta~ks duced, it can be uprooted and weekly trip to 'the' supermarket ' discarded. Depending on variety, 'is like a: mini-trip to Europe, peas take a minimum of. 55 days therefore when you stagger into I HONG ~ONG (NC)-Auslralia to produce, which is' approxi-' the house with the plunder you mately 'two months from" the do expect it to last at least a, has a~ affluent society pleased time of planting. ' day or two. Such is not the case. with itself and fearful lest it 'We will set out a row each If I go shopping on a Saturday 16~;e the ~privileged position it ' week for four or five weeks morning, noontime brurichor has enjoyed. so that we will have a fresh sup- lunch is a festive affair. This summ'atio~ of Australia's ply of garden peas every week Jason has opened and sampled "racist" attitude and laws was for five weeks when they begin the three new boxes of cereal, made here by a visiting Austrato produce. Planting 'a row of (more for the pTizes th~n the ,- lian priest, Father George Bagpeas 'is less than an hour's work nutrition) and my other two gio of Syi:lney, where he is enbut the results are more than friends have gone through what- ' gaged in helping immigrants. He worth the effort. As a boy I took ,ever hits their fancy, from' sa:ld: 1 a great deal of. enjoyment from canned squid to frozen pizza. "Space,', work, freedom! We eating the tender' peas raw, and ,By Sund~y we're hack to the have plenty of what' so 'many my children enjoy eating the basics, at 'least until another people, especially.'. throughout peas 'cooked' in the pod. supermarket spree rolls around. Southeast: Asia need and want. . Once in a while, to perk up, By and large, Australia is fearful I repeat that this is the perfect plant for' a' child to experi- our moraie, we' need a stunning that the country's standards will menf with. 'The, seeds sprout dessert to serVe guest' or family be lowered if, '~colored" from quickly, the pl~nts make a,very, -this could be it., other cou9tries are accepted. quick growth, they flower fairly Coffee Mousse "Fortun~tely there are many early and produce 'within a short 'hi Meringue Shell people there who think the illl,,Merin~ue Shell perioo of time, and finally the migration 'door should be opened harvest will delight' any child, wider-not only for national deeven the green vegetable hat~r. 4 egg whites ve]opment, but also on humanY:!' 'teaspoon lemon juice In the Ki~chen % cup sugar itarian grounds. "Ma, how come there's nothing 1) Beat the egg whites (which "Yet racism in Australia is to eat?" I bit my tongue before are at room temperature with a really asb'ad as in Africa, though I 'answered because I had just pinch of salt until they. hold not so visible, since our own returned from the supermarket their shape. 'colored''''';the aboriginees-numwith $57 worth of groceries, and 2) Add the lemon juice and, ber only between 60 and 70 thouI knew that there was something gradually beat in the sugar, a, sand as dompared to our total to eat in the hous~ even though Tablespoon at a time, beating' population of-around twelve mil, it wasn't being advertised as a until peaks form. Spread half the lio[1.'~ Howdy special or Colonel So and meringue on bottom and sides, :f'ather Baggio added that it So's special recipe. of a lightly oiled pie di,sh. ' is not enough to tell aboriginees Needless to say, my offspring 3) With a teaspoon arrange "you are free;" they must also did find something to eat and mounds of' remainirig meringue be given a chance to become eat and eat, and by the next around the rim of pie dish. Bake equal. I morning my grocery order in a 300· oven 55 minutes. Cool looked like a short trip to the Filling I corner deli; and my 'cupboards 2 Taglespoons 'pg,Wdered cof- - Stand the •mixture in a pan of resembled Mother Hubbard's. fee " , boling wat~r ,and stir until gelThere was a 'time when every' 1 envelope gelating atin is dissolved. ,mouthful Was a game, when 3 egg yolks, (sav~ the whites) 4) Beat the, !'!gg whites until mashed potatoes were airplanes 'Yz cup confectioners' sugar thEy hold definite' peak. and my repertoire of stories got 3 egg -whites, !i) Beat the heavy cream until a workout at mealtime. Now the pinch of salt' it holds 'a', shape, fold meringue opp~s,i~e i~ the case. I'm sure a 2 cups heaVy cream " and whipped 'cream into gelatin million' a'nd one other mothers '~. Yz cup,walnuts ,:' " ' , could have told me that the chil- ,'1) ';Oissolve'-.'the coffee in '% mixture. ", dren would get... to tPe'st~gE) "cup boif{ng water ahdiet cool. !i) Sp~dn into meringue shell where pushing' food ';In to' "their' : I -, 2 'Sprinkle the gelatin '. oV~k- 'it and sprin~le witl\ chopped walmouths was no longer a, chore. to sorten for about 5 miriutes. nuts. Chill' until firm.

Racism) II,· Austra lia


VATliCAN CITY (NC) - Dipping into early Christian custom, the Vatican has come up with a lengthy method of preparing would -be adult converts for full membership in the Catholic community. The' new procedure will normally require that the aspirant spend several yea,rs getting ready for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eueharist - the three sacraments of communion with the Church. The method itself was six years in the making and was 'based on controlled experimentation within various cultures throughout, the world, from primitiye societies to' sophisticated Western societies whetre ChI1istianity has long been dom,inant. It recalls the iong period of preparation requil.',ed of "catechumens" in the early centuries of Christianty. Entitled "Ordo Initia:tionis Christianae, Adultorum" or the Order for the Christian Initiation of Adults, the Latin document was dated Jan. 6,by the Congregation' for Divine Worship' and was made public Feb. 17 by the Vatican. It will go into effect locally once regional or national conferences ,of bishops have adapted. it,to local circumst~lDces. Preparation of Children'

There is also a section devoted to alternative texts for reception into' thecatechumenate and other rituals, and a section on the reception into the Church of non-baptized Catholics. Formal' Welcome The ordinary course, for the reception of unbaptized adults into the Church will begin with an initial ,instruction in the Catholic- faith, followed by ,formal welcome into the Christian community as an unbaptized catechumen. , Father Jacques Cellier, a consultor of the worship congregauion who helped' draft the new ritual, described the period of the' catechumenate as "a kind of apprenticeship to the Christian Nfe."

, He told a news conference that durring, this period of some' years the catechumen "may receive basic' 'religious and spjri· tual formation" and "form his Christian conscience." TIle catechumen asks the bishop for Baptism, Conf,irmation and the Eucharist. If the bishop ilgrees, the catechlumen spends a perliod of intensified prepin;ation, usually coinciding with Lent.' ' Easter is ,singled, out as th(! most appropriate moment for formal reception into the Church through the sacraments of Bap.tism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.

The new order provides more than' a fixed system for the lengthy preparation. and recep-, tion 'of unbaptized adults into' Spanish Mass the Church. It' offers a, simpler rite for the reception of unbapBROOKLYN (NC)-A new contized .'persons, in .cases, not- ,re- temporary Spanish Mass, using quiring lengthy preparation. A the latest approved liturgical still briefer rite is provided for . text, has been composed for a adults in danger of death. Spanish - speaking congregation Beyond that, the new manual ' by Father Joseph Roff, widely gives a method for bl)inging bap- known composer of English text tized but uninstructed adult liturgies. The Mass will help alCatholics to Confirmation and leviate a shortage of Spanish the Eucharist-persons baptized , Masses among church mu'sicians, as Catholics but never raised in according to the prize·winning the faith. , priest. ' For children who have reached the age of I:eason (about seven), Self-Restraint lit provides both an outline of ,the Let every man mind his own period of preparation and a ritbusiness. -Cervantes ual for thek reception. ;

....................................... .





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Do We Seem" to ,Be Ready To Let Neighbors Starve There used to be a word in the English language which has virtually disappeared. The word was "dearth"the terrible, recurrent fact of food shortage which followed on bad weather and bad harvests, bringing with it misery, malnutrition, stunted lives, village idiocy. and, in worst from slow-moving,. grain-eating years, death from outright animals. It is not simply that there are reserves in North starvation. It is really only America to counter local emer-

in the last century - in fact, . gencies-for instance, the nearsince the "hungry Eighteen For- famine in Bihar in 1967 which ties"-that the word has vanish- brilliant local management, comed. The coming of scientific ag- bined with millions of tons of ·imported American wheat, managed to avert. . The issue is a deeper one. It is that in the developing world toBy day, the revolution of modern . scientific farming has still to ocBARBARA cur. In India, for instance, until quite recently, the' amount' of WARD fe'rtiliz.er per acre was a fe}V pounds, compared with 300 pounds in Japan. Now this is, in one sense, an encouraging fact. If all the 'land riculture and new farming tech- on our planet were scientifically nologies - machines, fertilizers, farmed and we were still facing pesticides-the new transport of, famine, then indeed we' should swift ships and long distance be near ultimate tragedy. But railways have banished, food today perhaps two-thirds of the shortage . over most of the world's farming could in fact be wealthy Atlantic world. We now revolutionized. As an earlier col'expect to eat regularly. We take umn pointed out, recent methods for graqted our easy purchases of applying fertilizer and water of meat and fats and fruits. If to improved hybrid grains promanything, we worry about over- - ise to multiply the harvests five weight. "Dearth" has disap- and six times over. peared, even as a word. We can feed the human family Contrast; Her'e ~nd There - if we decide to do so. And this, of course, is where the So we, the post·Christi~n peo- fact of our resources, our techpIes of North America and. EI,l~' nology,. our scientific capacity rope have to make a tough, ~ff,ort .' may cease to be instruments of .Qf the imagination to: realiie that hope and become instruments of as the wor,d 'fades am'ong, us, th'e, fudgment, .. ' ·risk of it grows ,steadily. and . " Will We Decide? . For it is not sure that we, the ominously 'almost ..everywhe.re else. In t1)e." d:evelopiQg.. conti~ wealthy nations, who add over nents where, in general, popula- $100 billion to our national intion grows by' at least three per come every year, will decide to cent .a: year, food supplies in~ take in time the steps needed to crease by less than two per cent. see that "dearth" is banished not By .the 1980s, unfess the trend simply from ourselves but from changes sharply, the food gap the whole family of man. A each year will demand more sup- great del1-1 of investment is need, plies than rich countries can pro- ed each year to reform agriculduce or poor cOjlntries pay for. ture, build the fertilizer plants, A 20 million ton gap in food exterid irrigation, provide magrains could perhaps be, man- chines, put in feeder roads and aged.' But 60?A, hiuldred? The build up the technical expertise entire equivalent of a whole required in any massive exten. Indian harvest? Yet it is a gap sion. of tlie use of hybrids. on this scale that could be in Most of this capital will be question a couple of 'decades provided' by the developing pea· from now. pIes themselves - just as, over the last 20 years, they have proIt is hard for our well-fed vided 80 per cent of the investworld even to imagine this risk. ment going into development. And it may be that a first reac- But dollars and marks and stertion is to turn away from it on ling' are "still needed for fertilthe grounds that nothing can be izers and machines-perhaps on done and people are not called the order of seven or eight bilupon to make their lives', miser- lion dollars a year. This is not able about things which· they even one per cent of Atlantic cannot change. Indeed, this was income. But there is no sign of the reaction of most people in it being' made available. On presthe old days of "dearth," So ent evidence, therefore, we seem long as pack animals were the to be ready to let our neighbors fastest means of tr:ansport, you starve. could not worry about food shortages in the next county because the bullock carts would _ Director Honored get there too slowly, even if, WASHINGTON (NC) - Paul which was unlikely, any .spare .Sedillo, director of the' Spanish· grain remaineil in" your· own'. Speaking Division of the U. S. .. Catholic {:onference, has been neighborhood: . cited for .outstanding work in Green' Revolution-When? community activities of ethnic. But of. course this inahility to gl-oups. Sedillo is a recipient of act is precisely what our scien- the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. tific and technological revolu- award presented by the John F. tions hav.e· changed. It is· not Kennedy Library for ·Minorities. simply that ships and trains and The library was established sevnow aircraft, :have taken the eral years ago to 'promote unity movement of food supplies away among various ethnic groups.

, THE ANCHOR..,..Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972


Bishops' Meeting Open to Press, Lay Observ'ers WASHINGTON' (NC)-Seventy-five accredited newsmen will be admitted to the general sessions of the American bishops' semi-annual Spring' meeting April 11-13 in Atlanta, A limited number of clerical and lay observers will also be admitted, it was announced here by the executive commiteee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference. The bishops 'will hold at least one executive sessiop. to which the press and. observers will not be invited, reported Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, NCCB and USC.C general secretary. The decision to admit the press and observers was made by the bishops at their meeting here 'last November' on the recomme~datiqn 'of a' committee. . In .the past 'the bishops' meet-

ings have been closed. In recent years, press panels ha~e provided reporters with basic information and interpretation of the bishops' meetings. These will be contino ued. In providing for closed executive sessions, Bishop Bernardin reported, "there is no intention of emasculating the open sessions. Everyone agrees, however, that there are matters which might have to be discuss~d in closed sessions." 75 Newsmen Limit He said preliminary decisions regarding items reserved for executive sessions will be made at the NCCB administrative committee and usee administrative board meetings that precede the

Ruler A good mind is lord of a kingdom. -Seneca

twice-yearly general meetings. He added that a credentials committee is being established to ensure that only bona' fide communications media representatives are admitted. The committee will be composed of four representatives from the media, two staff members of the USCC communications department, and three bishop members of the USCC communications committeeBishop John L. May of Mobile, Ala.; Bishop Edward A. McCarthy of Phoenix, Adz., and Auxiliary Bishop John J. Ward of Los Angeles. The limit of 75 newsmen, Bishop Bernardin said, is based on the physical limitations of the facilities in Atlanta and the num· ber of reporters who normally attend the bishops' Spring meeting.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese, of fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972~


KNOW ~rOURFAITH and,Welfare' l Christieln' Attitudes ,to ,Peopl,e.:.in' Need


",The ,',(h'ri~tian




POOR IN AN EMPTY APARTMENT: Whether'<;ategorized as "deserving" or "undeserving," the emptiness ' of life for the poor, on, welfare is a despairing sight. , BY RUSSELL SHAW


A recejt television documen- the'carly' day'; o~ Christi~nity, enable growth in realistically tary portrayed' the plight of the Coimcll,"urges all, both ip.di,~ compassionate attitudes toward thousands: of unemployed highly', viduals and governments, to ',re- 'the poor and needy. We adults ' , skilled 'aerospace administrators, member the saying of the'· need to seriously reflect on conengineers I and teChniCians. Sev- 'Fathers: 'Feed the man, dying of . temporary social" conditions in, 'eral years ago these men held , hun,ger, because if you' have,n,;,~t "the light of the sobering judghigh payirig, creative jobs. Today ment'of Christ. "Lord, when did ~::~Wlii'!m,mm~lmm" 'we 'see you hungry and feed you th,~y. are unemployed. or see', you thirsty and give you Watching the inner lives of By drink? ,When did, we, .w~lcOme . men and their famiiies 'unfold on away frQin ,home' clothe , thl~ TV' screen was a saddening ·FR. CARL J• your, nakedness? ,WheIl did we experiericJ.Many of them were , '" visit, you when you were ill ,or ' on welfare, lining 'up as anonyPFEIFE~, in prison?: The King ,will answer mously': a~ possible to re~eive them: 'I assure you, as often as theit welfare 'checks.. ,Some were you' dfd it 'for one afmy least so embarrassed about having to brothers, you did it for', me' .. use food ~tamps that they drove '~~!~' " to supermarkets, where they fed him you have killed him.' '(NIt 25:37-30). Our youngsters will best learn would not' be recognized. Others Acco'rding to their ability, let all were forced, by their change in individuals and governments un- the' meaning of Jesus' words fortune to' join lines of men and . dertake a genuine' sharing of from, us, their parents, teachers, women picking up free food their 'goods. Let them use these or' priests, who' atteinpt to transgoods especially to provide indi- late the words of Christ into atfrom charitable organizations. viduals with the means for help- titudes and, action. Hopefully Several of these humiliated ing and developing themselves" we and they may grow in reml~n and ,women admitted that spect and compassion for the their whole attitude to poverty (Church in World, 69).. needy, without having to experiTeach Compassion and welfare had changed now Religious education programs' ence 'the shattering reversal of' that they were experiencing both. Desperate for work, any fo'r adults as well as for the fortune ,experienced by the unkind of respectable work, the)'. young need to encourage and employed aerospace' specialists. rec:ognized that their previous attitude to welfare reCipients as, shiftless and lazy was a form of prejUdice, They experienced their own need. for assistance in spite ,of their deep desire to find emOn the feast 0 f th e Assu mp _ good reason. Each o,f the three ployment, :and in the experience tion last Summer, P ope P au1 VI' modifications , .noted above en, grew in respect and compassion issued a, revised , rIte, . for con'f"11'- J'oys theological support,' The foJ' people they formerly looked mation. Like the ,other renewe d Vatican document explains their down upon. They were grateful, rituals, recently published (e.g., doctrinal basis in these terms: though embarrassed, to receive baptism, marriage, funerals~, it Individual Sponsors wdfare checks and free food, contains a variety of alternative A sponsor for each: , texts-reading!!, prayers" bless"The sponsor brings the candi" . Prejudice ings-and expects the bishop in date to receive the sacrament, They were equally embarrassed consultation with those ,who presents him to the minister for about the prejudicial attitudes plan the liturgy to select those anointing, and will late~ help they' previously held' toward ,which best fit the Circumstances him. to fulfill his baptismal promthose on welfare. Many of us of a speCific congregation. ises' faithfully under the influCatholic adults no doubt share The decree, however, also ence of the Holy Spirit." similar attitudes toward the poor includes 'several significant The same sponsor for baptism unemployed-:-prejudice, lack changes in the manner that and confirmation: "This change of sympathy, To the sacrament has customarily b,een expresses more ciearly the reiaextent,.that we express prejudi- admin'istered. In this column'I tionship between baptism and ci~.I attitudes we tend to crea.te would -like briefly. to describe a confirmation and also makes the them in the 'young and deepen few of thol!e innovations. duty and function of the sponsor them in others. ' more effective." A truly Christian attitude t() II;F&tww.;"1R~"-- , , Parents as sponsors: "The th!~ poor' and to welfare proi~itiation of the children into grllms designed to 'aid the needy the sacramental life is especially is not necessarily naive or blind. By the 'responsibility and concern of The Second' Vatican Council Christian parents. They are to 'tealisticillly recognizes the risk FR.' JOSEPH M,i f6rm and gradually increase' a that such progr:ams will be CHAMPLIN spirit of faith in the children and, ab':Jsed by some: "Care must be ' with the help of catechetical intal.en lest, as ,a resuItof all ~titutions, prepare them for the these provisions, the citizenry Ilt§1'li'k"TIiffiWMWBWilMG fruitful reception of the sacrafall I·nto .. a kl'ndof slugg'ishness ' , f' me'nts of confirmation' and the Sponso,rs. Formerly, con Irma-, Eucharist. The role 'of the partoward s,ociety,' and reJ'ect the were who to be fulfilled distinct, _ ents is also expressed, by , their burdens of office and of public tion from sponsors the' adults (Church in World, 6H). ' active participation in the celeI " that role at' baptism. ,Nor were " , Sharing of Goods ,parents allowed -to " stan,d up"" , bration of the sacrameI)ts." .' f th , , for their boys or girls during this Parental preparation 0 e Yet the, risk of abuse s h o u l d , , candid'ates. Vatican II" stateI ceremony. The r,eviseq. legislanot nurture a hardn'ess of hea:l't, tion takes a totally ,different ','ments on Christian education


come welfare reCipients? In very general terms, people At, what point does a war on on welfare break down into two povt;rty become' a war on the broad categories: the "deserV'- ' poor? ' ing" poor and the "undeserving." Almost at once that question ,Little defense should ,be needed requires some ~ather careful of those, in the first group-the qualifieation. It is not a matter widowed or deserted mothers of, f o conscIous mo t'Iva t'lOn, as I'f the several children, for insta'nce, ' . d many groups an m . d'IVI'd ua Is whose poverty is re.,il and no II 'working to. a eVlate ' th e pI'Ig ht' fault of their own, and for whoin . ,of the' pO<;Jr were actua IyI ''m public assistance is vital.league against the objects of But what about the so-called 'their concern. "undeserving~' poor: those who' . Yet built in'to human nature presumably could support them' ,is 'a sort of recurrent resentment selves but do not-perhaps will. , "!lgai'nst the poor-at least, when not - and thereby' contrive to demands on their behalf begin stay on welfare? Are the pleato be made upon the non-poor. sures of the American welfare Nobody bears ill-will toward the \ system so substantial that it is poor ,as long as, they keep quiet only normal for anyone to be (except to say "thank you" for tempted, to break the law, and the occasional dole that is di- waste his life, in order to enjoy the'ir way). But when they them? Or doesn't. the veryfaot become vocal and obstreperous, that' some welfare recipients when they insist that soCiety has (their n~mbers ,have, probab'ly unfulfilled obligations'. toward been exaggerated)' have abused them, they suddenly blkome ob- and exploited the system point - jects of' suspicion and, hostility. to pathology rather than 'crimi-' Then wars on poverty tend to nality?, This point needs to be' ma,de merge into, wars on the poor.,' ' It may be that something of clearly. There 'is, so far as is the sort has been operative in known, nothing very pleasant'or recent discussions of the welfare attractiv~ about being on we'lfa,re. "mess," Noone can' seriously So-called "undeserving" welfare doubt that the weifare'system in recipients are not c;ashing in, ,qn, this country has in .fact become a glorious ponanza; and the fact' ' a "mess'-" but it is,,aconsiderable that some . have 'apRarently leap ,from' this faCt to the as- chosen welfare as, a way of ,sumption':"-implicit and some- only points to a tragic inabil,ity ' even explicit ,in .many dis- on their' part ',to. live and w,ork times ,cussions' 'of the prob\eql "- that in ,conventional, competitive sothis is the fault of the recipients ciety. of, welf 'are.' " Undeserving ' " ::" ;',Tw" 0' "Ca',tego',rl:e's 'b Among the poor who are 0 "Consider wha,t happened over J'ects of public hostility, these' the 10 years. The 'number "undeserving" individuals (the " qf:; peoPI.e on welfare in the welfare "bums" and "foafers") a' disdain,! or unwillingness to view even expressly ,abrogating,' clearly, specify that parents 'are United States' rose, from 7 mil- rank very high.-perhaps second , aSHist -those in need. The Council previous Church law '.in the pro"' the prime religious teachers ,of ore :liO,n ,~ decad~ a~o~'t~i " , c~ildren. ThIS trut/1 has enol'tnan ' only to' militant spokesmen for te~lches that the right to have a cess. ' " " ': ,':14 million in'1971,' That is cer" the poor.: Yet without ,accepting share of· e~rthly goods, sufficient,,' . .'",' ,' . , ",mous consequences on the prac;tainly a dism'aying' fact' of na- ,'their behavior as,tight or\iorma-' fol' oneself ani:! one's family be-' , " OrdmarIly there should be a tical levef effects 'already ob.'" ', for '''It' each bfd those tional life, from 'whatever ,pel;'- , tive, one should be aware of,:the .' longs to everyone. If f or reasons sponsor , f" 'd" . bl tothb,et " servable 10 the current" countryspective one views it: economic" elements' of, sickness and self-, " beyond, one's control-for exam- con Irm~ . e~lrar e ~f wide progr~ms of parent involvecost, 'human wastage, or any: ,--destructiveness involveCl, in' it. 'pIE', forced unemployment, sick- th~, go -Plaren~ '~h ap Ism, \ :ment in catechesis for first Co.mother. Yet for' present' purposes'~" Righteous indign,ation'seems n'ei-'; 'ne:;s-an individual' is :unable to pre~~mt't~ so" '~E e ::onsor~, munion and first c'onfession. , , the 'question is .what conclusion ,ther an adequate neii' a Christian' eam what; is necessary for a re- 'con Irma Ion. ven, e paren s C 'biz P t ' ison,eto reach'about the 7 mil~":' ,responsefrom~this,poinfof:Yiew.' sp,ectable'human life, society ' " , has themselves may present their," , atec e ar,en s , lion who were adde~ to the wel-" " To·:,wnaf' exterit ':the, present: a responsibility' to. come to his children, for confirmation."· 'The quot~tion just cited ,would fare rolls during the decade, Are': ~diiiinistration"s''welfar,e ,reform ", aiC~. ,', ' ','Autl1orities naturally did~or seem' to encourage', a similarapthey'to be blamed .for having b!=!- ' Tum to Page Seventeen. Drawirig on testimony from introduce those reforms without' ' Turn to Pase Eighteen . :::.: ..

New Rite' of Confirmation











De .Gaulle Memoirs Relate Historic Achievements

tHE ANCHORThurs., March 9, 1972


Two Popes, John XXIII and Paul VI, get brief mention in the final, unfinished volume of Charles de Gaulle's recollections, Memoirs of Hope.: Renewal and Endeavor (Simon and Schuster, 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020. $10). But De Gaulle, applies to . himself expressions specifi- . paralysis and billiousness within cally and indeed peculiarly , France,. an economic crisis, the identified with the papacy. 'constramts, .and cO,sts o~ an ou~­ At one point, .he says that he was ready to speak urbi et orbi; at another, that "my talks to the ' ' d l' na t Ions were e Ivered ex cathedra " . ~&"'w.I..%.~


RT,' REV'.



. His intention may have been slyly humorous, to indulge in a bit of self-mockery. This would appear doubtful, since De Gaulle took himself most seriously, as the very personification of "eternat France," and pronouncing apodictically on any number of subjects. True, he once refers to "my limited abilities" (Page 19); still, there is no evidence that he considered himself unequal to reordering the whole world.

COJltinued from Page Sixteen program will come to grips with this and other problems remains to be seen. The reforms have many good features: a federally guaranteed income floor for the poor and assistance to the working poor, for example. The program also includes a number of weaknesses and certain aspects . (such as work "incentives" designed to get employable persons into some sort of jobs) whose long-range implications only experience will show. What Seems obvious, however, is that, even i(all parts of the reform package prove a smash· ing succ;ess, the intractable 'problem of >the "undeservinif' poor will remain largely untouched. It is then that one would have to fear "get-tough" policies which would in fact amount to makin'g war on the poor. The challenge, it 'seems is to develop deepened public understanding of thepoverty problem-in all its human complexity-in order to head off possible punitive measures against the poor themselves.

mo~ed .emplre,. ~he ~Iace of the nat.lOn 10 relatIOn to Europe, t~e qn~ted States, and the Soviet Umon, etc., . H t 'd' th 11' hi e expec e, e reca : In , S mind, the alterna,tives for France .wer~ De Gaulle or chaos. ,He se~ resolutely ,to work. And what he achieved: iilfour years was truly historic, even if he does say so hi~self. ~ ' ..

Initiated Referenda the 'Alg~;i~n nightmar~. He. drastically revised the politic.al structure at home. He liquidated: the ,empire, with lasting advaritag~ both to', France and to its former colonies. He established an i~dependent position and policy for France. And he overhauled one after another crucial elements in the social structure (e.g., education). How 4e went about each of these tasks, he relates in detail. On subjects of prime importance he initiated national referenda (on a new Constitution, on P.oPular election of a President who would really be a chief execu: tive, 0l?- granting independence to Algeria). We follow the progress of each' of his proposals, ,from its first announcement to its realization in fact. He



LOVING CAAE AMIDST TRAGEDY: Civil disruption in East Pakistan last year caused the mass exodus' of over nine million human beings to flee their homeland to the safety of refugee camps set up in India. This nun cares for a child whose life hangs in the, balance at a camp clinic, Your generosity on Sunday will <;:ontinue to bring loving care amidst tragedy,

Methodists Plan Jewish Dialogue NEW YORK (NC) - The nation's 11 million-member United Methodist Church may soon embark on what it terms a "new interreligious adventure", its first official dialogue with members of the Jewish faith. Its "Statement on Interreligious Dialogue: Jews and Christians" says it is the desire of the United Methodist Church "honestly and persistently to participate in conversations with Jews." Submitted by the Methodists' General Commission on Ecumenical Affairs, the statement cautions, however, that "a reduction of Jewish or Christian beliefs to a tepid lowest common denominator of hardly distinguishable culture religions is not sought in this process." What is taught, the statement says, is "a, new confrontation of our common roots, of our 'com· ·mon potential for service to humanity, with the benefits from mutual' explorations, and with 'the knotty contemporary problems of world peace , . .". \

1958-1962 Events This toplofty attitude can be annoying. But De Gaulle had something to be toplofty about. Australia's 'Girl i'n a Million' Enters It was he who single-handedly Warned Kennedy , rallied Frenchmen after the tata'He' describes the'op'p6sition, Convent of Cistercian Nuns c1ysmic defeat of 1944; he who which he met. Some of this was LONDON (NC) _ "I love life th' t b f k' f' I elr conven e ore tamg lOa pulled France together after its from old-time politicos who had and' I love wine, particularly, vows as a Cistercian nun. he who revi profited from the revolving door champagne, but I, don't anticipate ll'beratl'on I'n 1944', ' She told newsmen here that talized the nation and gave ,it a arrangements which saw govern- hearl'ng the corks pop any more. 'In an d go outWit ' h I like male compan,ions, too. she is "happy to devote my life s come strong, sta bIe, political system men t after his return to power in 1958 dizzying speed and in utter ftitil- 'I'here were plenty of boy to God." .. Before she left Australia Chrisfollowing 12 years out of office. ity. Some of it was from the friends." It is of 'events between 1958 press,of which De Gaulle speaks tine said that she had made her Those words-not inappropri- deCision to become a nun after and 1962 that he treats in the scornfully again and again: That 'present' work. Death· overtook' the criticism stung seems· appar- ate for a beauty queen - came .six years of careful thought. him before he ,could complete ent from his frequent 'allusions from 23-year-old Christine ,Fran. h h d "I f~el deeply that I have a' his plan of composition outlined to it, but it ,never CIS; a teac er w 0 was crowne , calling and will find my . fulfill, deterred him. in a' letter' toa research assistant ,He r.esented American hege- Australia's "GiI:I in, a, Million" ' , ment in an enclosed contempla. which is pr-inted at theconclu- mony, 'in Europe, and worked 'about two years ago and is the . . . M' 'Q 1 d tive order," she adde,d. "My par-, sion of the, text. doggedly to end it: He ·was, he re,lgnmg ISS ueens an . 'ents have' been wonderful., In Most memoirs by political says,' in. favor, ,of a' genuinely' - Christine hadw-hat perhaps fact, my' whole family and all my leaders are' so pedestrian and European Europe,' playing its ·in- was her last drink of champagne ' . friends ha,ve beei.l understanding deadly'dull as to be all ,but Un- dispensable part in .world affairs. aboard the airliner that brought . . when I explained my desire to readable. De Gaulle's escapes In talking with Eisenhower and her here to end her life 'as ,a them. I don't feel I am giving up , that blight handily. It is not that Kennedy, one of his themes was celebrity. anything but gaining a lot." ·Tp.e Australian 1;>eauty queen, he is chatty or anecdotal, gossipy the danger in the United States' College Goes Coed. or indiscreet.· There are no amus- attempting, the role of"universiI fashionably 'dressed in a maxi ' Christine was educated by the BELMONT (NC) - Belmont ing or revealing stories here. The judge and policeman. He scoffed coat, fur hat, knee~high boots and Sisters of' Mercy in Glympie, in approach, is sober, almost grand. -at the'notionof a divine mission a white dress, 'was 'photographed the Australian state of Queens- .Abbey College here in North DeGaulle addresses himself ·to' . for AmenC,a, yet, he never ques- arid interviewed by the press at land, before spending two years Carolina will begin accepting substantive matters only. and tioned sUch :a·mission for France. the airport here. ata teachers' college in Brisbane, women day' students next Fall. discusses these" with utmost' '.. De, Gaulle' declares ,that in . B~t al,so' in .the ~aitjng 'cro~d "When' L was 17 I wanted to be The college and Sacred Heart 1~~lh~ vv~med K~nne(iy against" " a nUll' but' I .had. tp ,Wait to be College" a nearby women's , gravity. , " , .. '. , ', ' - .-:the course he was taking!n Indo- ~o"'.weJqmieChrist~ne~ were two. .sure;~'· she said. "That tirtle has school, 'will continue their coopEXpect~ R.ec.aII China. "'You will find,' I ·told: .. nuns. A.n,dafter a. brief stay in . come.'~ erative programs. ' ,But l.1e, writes' with extraordi- him,' 'that intervention-' in .. this, ,Londo~. Chri~~ne tray~~ed wi~h ',' nary, pithiness,~d c1axity. His. 'area .will 'be 'an, endless entan- the!". "to, ~Imb~~e" In ; rur.aI,. ~..... _u~ French style is said to be of 'glement .'. .: I predict ,·that, you '. western England, to s~end five " classical perfection:.Its,'preCision will sink-step'bY'step'ihto a bat- ',:to .sev~,n, pr~parat~~,years,.!lt and elegance cannot,' of 'course, ' tomlessmflitary arid' political "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,;,,,'",,,,,,,,,,,"';,;,,",,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,.;,;,;;,,:;,,"'' ' ' ';' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : be reproduced or approached in quagmire, however much you ness characterize.s the general's INC~ a translation. But Terence Kil, spend in men and money." .. comments op these p~rsonalities, martin's·Englishing of the o r i g i " w ld' F' nal has its own high distinction. ,or Igures, ' , It appears, to' one reader, at One is reading lite'rature, nof The book contains thumbnail . least, ' that· time has vindicated. ' . ' , public'relations trash" aI).'d '.one sketches of, and-crisp judgments DE;. Gaule. Omniscient or infalli, REFRIGE,RATI'O~I knows it and enjoys-a corres~ on, many world, figures with ble he certail'lly was not. But he I~ ponding pleasure. . whom -De Gaulle, dealt: Kennedy, did. wonders for France, wonders :),' '''PLIA~ICES Upon his recall" to .the 'helm '.,Eisenhower, Nixon, Dulles' among . which have outlived him. And he ,'l~ I~ ofa ,floundering, .perh,aps 'foun,' the Americans; Adenauer, Eliza- 'showed no little wisdom .In his oR CO~IDITIO~II~IG dering, nation in 1958, DeGaulle 'beth II, Macmillan,' Heath;, Neh- " ,an,alY,_SiS of manyofth,e, pr?b!ems I~ I~ I~ had a' galaxy of. vexatious q~es~ ,ru, Khruschev (with wnom he,: of the gr_e~t:· wor)d,.' As ,If that. ~ 36'3, SECO ~I D ST. ,'FA--L-L RIVER" MASS. ,tiorts to -cope with:, the bitter' ,joked), Ben Gurion, Salan; Bour-, were ,not. en.otigh he was.' a ~, I~ waril1 ,Algeria,. the political,. giba, and others. Great shr,ewd~ super~ wrI~r. "' , ~~~~~=~~=~~===~=~~=====~~~

'I Have a Calling'













AIR ' . '" .



New Rite

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 9, 1972'


It '15 Time for the British To .Go liome ~Permaneritly In whatever section of the hereafter they keep Irish rebels under lock and key, there must be considerable amuseme.nt these days. Wolfe Tone,'Robert Emmett, Brian , Borou, Hugh 'O'Neill and "Mick" Collins must be singing IRA songs ~nd celebrating The Storemont government 'is the fact that after a thous-. illegal, immoral, and oppressive.. and years the British keep It has no right to exist and is on making the same dumb supported by an army of occupa· mistakes. British imperlialism operates on a .much smaller scale than it did in 'the good old days 'when




the sun never set on the Eimplre, but it 'is just as self·right~ously stupid as it ever was. The Derry.~ massacre and the whole current policy in Ulster is a replay of the British mistakes of 1916. The Heath government is doing all it can to drive Ulster Catholics into the arms of the IRA. The facts of the case are dear enough.' The British have no right to be in Ireland. Despite the Anglo-Americl!-n editorial writers who are so eager to sympathize .with the British problem (and so unready to sympathize with American problems); ,Ed-' ward Kennedy is right: the British should. finally get out of Ireland. ..But what about the Ulster Protestants? The British brought them in, let the British wOI:ry about getting out those who refuse to become part of a United Ireland. The' French colons in Algeria had to be resettled in France~ If the Peid Noirs. (as they were called) had to,leave Algeria b~cause they didn't belong there, 'let 'the Protestants leave Ulster if they don't want 'to live as peaceful citizens of the Irish Re· public. Surely there is.a lot of room in. the English countryside for them. ' . Force of Arms They may have c.ome to Ireland long before the colons came to Algeria, but they came for the same ~ reaso.n; a conquering power' sent them 'to' subjugate and hopefully replace an inferior people. That they didn't succeed was no fault of theirs. The British brought. the Lowland Scots to Ulster, they kept them there eve" when it meant' starving Irish Catholics to death in times of famine, and they tolerated and reinforced an Ulster separat· ist movenient in 1920 when such a ~ovem~nt has no legal' or moral right to exist. Mr. Heath argues that Ulster is a part of the United Kingdom. It ·is in the some way much of Poland was part of Russia till 1918. It is part of the United Kingdom because Mr. Heath's' remote predecessors - kept it by force· of arms. The treaty which CoIlins so' reluctantly signed in 1921 was imposed on Ireland be· cause the. only alternative was the continuation of a hopeless war. "';








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tion. There will never be peace in Ireland 'until both Storemont and the British army are:golle. 'Irrational Attitude' The British have contempt for the Irish, as is obvious from the attitude of British politicians and mass media: The' Irish are unciv. ilized barbari.ans who have never 1?othered to snow proper grati-· tude for the .many 'benefits' that British rule ;has bestowed on them. - They want now what theY have wanted since an English Pope "gave" Ireland to England. They want· the English- to get out of the country and stay out (save, of. course, as tourists and' then they'll always be welcome). The' British mind. has never been able to comprehend this irrational attitude. Nor has it bee'n able to understand that it has no right to be in Ireland and never had and that what goes on in that befogged and bedeviled island is none of its business. No 'Blood Bath' The Australian historian Patrick O'Farrell neatly summar· "izes Britain's historical attitude _toward the Irish. ','The Irish hated British government but British government was the best IS IT REALLY COMIN(..?: The little Honduran girl form of government, enshrining expresses anxious concern as she waits for her daily glass law and order so as to permit of milk. These daily feeding programs are made possible liberty, prosperity and civilization. By their refection of it, the by American Catholic donations to the Catholic Relief Ir'ish stood self-convicted as Overseas Aid Fum}. Your parish :appeals on Sunday for lawless, improvident, lazy, stu· the world's needy without regard to race or religion. pid and uncivilized by nature. The British sought to goverft Ireland well. The Irish made this impossible. Therefore, they were to blame for their own misforSpecial Interest Groups React tunes." Mr. Heath's rhetoric may. be To ReCOITlIlIIendation different but, in substance his attitude is no different from that NEW YORK (NC) - Special state aid to religious schools.... Father Patrick F. Shanahan, of Thomas Carlyle during the, interest' groups reacted swiftly, superIntendent of schools in the famine. "Ireland is like a ,half- pro and con to a New York state starved rat that crosses the commission's recommendation Rockville Centre diocese, said path of an elephant. What must, that state aid to non-public the no-aid report of the commis· sion "show a lack of sensitivity the elephant do? Squelch it, by . schools be ended. heavens, squelch it." T:le c'ommittee for Public Ed~ to an issue involving 800,000 Would there be a "blood bath" ucation ana Religious Libertv (Catholic school) children, their if Britain turned Ulster over to (PEARL) hailed' the recomme~­ parents and supporters." Father Shanahan charged that its rightful owner,' the Republic datkm of the Fleischmann Comof Ireland? That is the fashion· mis!:ion as '''a welcome recogni· the commission did not investiable argument that the British ,tion that public schools have the gate fully the quality and financgovernment and their friends in only legitimate el~lim on the ing of all· schools in the state, particularly nonpublic cshools. the American press use. Bu't the public purse." "Nowhere in the commission's Ulster Protestants. are a canny PEARL said it hoped Governor bunch. If Britain gets out, they'll· Nelson Rockefeller and the state report is there an in-depth study . have no choice but to make a legi!:lature Would "heed the call of the quality of nonpublic deal with the government in. of the comn1lssion, based on two schools," he said. "To my knowlDublin. years of in-depth study,. for arl ledge, the commission did not Promote Religious Strife end to violations of the state and leven enter a nonpublic school They have use.d the .threat of U. S. Constitutions created by even though the com!'Ilission and its stllff were openly invited to violence to provide Britain with do so," a pretext for keeping a foothold He said the no·aid report imin its former possession. But that the Ulster" Presbyterians once such eagerly accepted joined the .'Catholic farmers of plies that nonpublic schools enmoral· background no longer ,Wexford in ithe rising of 1798-, eourage segregation. "This is an works, most of the Ulstermen headed by the Anglican, Wolfe. 'insult to the conscience of all may decide that they are Irish Tone. The present religious con·· nonpublic school-supporters. It after all. In any case, the Irish met in Ireland would be much is a charge which in no way is will be much more likely to set- less serious' if· Britain had not documented but only gratuitously tie. their own problems if they mad,~ as its historic policy the stated," Father Shanahan said. don't have to put up with any promotion of religious strife to The public should keep in further British interference. . keep the Irish under a tyranni· mind that the Fleischman Report It is worth remembering that._ cal I'ule. js only a report. Its recommenthe orange band in the Irish triIt is time for the British to go dations in all areas will be studcolor. commemorates the fact homl~ perman~ntly: ," ~ed by the Legislature," he said. . ,

Fleischmarl'n. Report




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- Continued from'Page Sixteen proach for confirmation. However, for the priest simply to throw this educational baIr to mother and dad, then walk away, is nQt exactly what the Roman ~ext .recommends. An earlier paragraph notes: "It is the responSibility of the people of. God to prepare the baptized for the reception of the sacrament of confirmation. Pastors should see that all the baptized come to the fullness of Christian initiation and are therefore carefully prepared for confirmation. Parents, as I see the picture, ought to do more, to 'be more intimately involved in the confirmation preparation, but in .cooperation with others (parish priest, religious instructors, fellow.parishioners), not to the ex-• elusion of them. Priests as Ministers Priest assistants for the bishop. The latter was the original minister of confirmation and as a consequence "ordinarily the sacrament is administered by the bishop so that there will be a more evident relationship to the first' pouring of the'Holy Spirit, on the' day of Pentecost. After, they were filled with the ~oly Spirit, the apostles themselves, gave the Spirit to the faithfUl through the laying on of their hands. In this way, ~he reception of the Spirit through the ministry of the bishop shows the close bond which joins the confirmed to the Church and the mandate of Christ to be·witnesses among men." Nevertheless: the law now gives certain others the authority to confirm in special situations. Of particular interest, in my mind, is this provision: "In -case of true necessity and special reason, for example" the large number of persons to' be confirmed, "the minister of confirmation may associate other priests with himself in the administration of this sacrament." Among those listed are "the pastors of the places where confirmation is conferred, pastors of the places where the candidates belong, or priests who have taken a special part in the catechetical preparation of the can· didates." This solves a particular problem for us in the United States. It. makes confirmation within Mass not only a desirable goal, but a practical possibility: But more on that in a few weeks.

CORREIA & SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER • Television • Grocery • Appliances • Furniture 104 Allen St., New Bedford 997·9354

ELECTRICAL Contractors

944 County St. New Bedford


Thurs., March 9, 1972


Cheerleaders Set Attleboro Meet


The lOth annual cheerleading contest spOnsored by the CYO of the Fall River Diocese will be held Sunday, March 19 at Feehan High School, Attleboro. Elemen-tary and CYO units will perform at 2 P.M. and high school groups at 7 PM. Deadline for squads to enter the competition ,is tomorrow, and information' is available from Sister Mary Sheila at.Feehan High School. Public and private schools are eligible for both the grammar and high school divisions.

By PETER J. BARTEK. Norton· Hllh Coach

Southeastern Conference T earns To Act on Basketpall Proposal ' The annual March meeting of the newly formed Southeastern Massachusetts Conference will l:!e held Monday evening in Bourne. All 26 member schools, are expected to be present to hear progress reports from both the Board of Governors on Athletic Affairs and the Board of GQv- as to provide equitable competition, and that consideration be ernors on Non-athletic Af- given to a school's strength, .fairs. The membership will size and' geographical location.

then will be asked to act upon Just what criteria will carry recommendati,ons already sub- the most weight is still a quesmitted by the Athletic Directors tion. However, in, light of past Committee to the league's execu- recommendations, it is felt that tive body. a team's ability to win will be The topic of major concern the most important factor. If the group does recommend will undoubtedly be the recommendation for alignment of three divisions, each school will schools for the 1972-73 basket- playa 14-game schedule within ball campaign. Since all but two each .of the three eight team of the member schools partici- brackets. Under this format a .pate in boys' interscholastic scho.ol . may then schedule as basketball, the issue is expected many as six. games outside of to bring about a great deal 'of . its division. In attaining one' of discussion. the goals of ·the Conference an Most observers feel the rec- individual school could then ommendation will be similar to maintain traditiona,l rivalries by that made for football. That is, scheduling non-divisional games three divisions be established so against long time adversaries.

County Loop Superiority Claim. Challenged Over the years constant debate has centered around the relative strengths of each of the leagues in the diocese. Many contend that the Bristol County League is the hotbed of area basketball. It is generally conceded that Durfee High of Fall River and New Bedford rate at the top of the County, but it, is also held by many that most of the other County teams would consistently beat teams from either the Narragansett League or Capeway Conference. Holy Family fans, on the other hand, question the superiority of the County. The perennial Narry leaders have proven year-in and year-out that they can compete with the best in post season tournaments. The New Bedfordites, at this writing, are preparing for a showdown

with league rival Case High of Swansea for Division III honors in the state tourney. Narry loop followers are quick to point out that in the past few years Case, Somerset, and Bishop Connolly High of Fall River have battled Holy Family right down to the wire. They can see no reason why any of the four cannot compete against Bristol County teams in the new circuit. Since neither Durfee nor New Bedford have been accepted into the Conference, Narry fans may . have a. point. Down on the Cape, one would have a hard· time. convincing Capeway Conference loyalists ,that Barnstable, Lawrence Higli of Falmouth, Fairhaven and perhaps Dennis-Yarmouth are incapable of beating any team in the diocese. 0

New Season to Bring New Opportunities Barnstable performed admirably in Division I in thjs year's state play-off. It was beaten by Catholic Memorial of Roxbury, in a hard fought game, which is no disgrace. Capeway fans have a strong case. Teams aligned in the top division of the new Conference will have their work cut out for them next season. There will be no easy games. If the top clubs from each of the three loops will be aligned together it should make for some inter:sting games. Whatever the alignment, there there will be some discontent-· ment. Some wiLl protest their favorites are in too high a division, some too low. But, a great deal of thought .and consideration will have gone into the divisional placements. And, in keeping with the har0

mony that presently exists, some concessions 'will be made. All realize that the good of the Conference is at stake and will continue to act accordingly. They will do so knowing that if injustices have been rendered, they will be corrected when teams are realigned two years hence. The 1972-73 basketball season is a year away. Yet, following Monday's meeting all will view the season with anticipation. For schools aligned in division one there will be the challenge of proving they deserve to be rated among the best in the area, second division teams will be out to convince the rating committee they should be in the top group, and for the third division clubs there will exist the opportunity of .competing against schools in similar circumstances and the ho~e of moving up.


New England Contest

LEAGUE CHAMPIONS: Norman Letendre, left, of St. Anthony's High School basketball team of New Bedford and Dennis La Perriere,' right, most valuable player on the League All Star Team hold the trophy awarded to the New Bedford Parochial High School as champions 'of the Mayflower League.

Actions Show Attitudes Editorial States Political. Neutrality Impossible for Priests A front-page editorial entitled "Priests and Politics" appeared in the archdiocesan newspaper, Pastoral, with reference to the general elections to be held here next November; Puerto Rico, a commonwealth of the United States, will hold elections for governor, a resident commissioner in Washington, legislators and municipal officials. WASHINGTON (NC) -- The There are five political parties Catholic Press Association has in Puerto Rico either promoting criticized a decision upholding large postal rate increases for retention of the commonwealth, religious journals as based on or advocating statehood or inde"insufficient and unsatisfactory" pendence. "As priests," the editorial evidence. reads, " we live, work and are a The criticism came in a brief filed with the Postal Rate Com- part of a country which is curmission on behalf of the Catholic rently having enormous transforassociation; Associated Church mations in all senses, where unPress and the Evangelical Asso- doubtedly evangelical values are involved." ciation. As priests,'the letter continued, The organizations fear that "almost all our actions have rehikes in second class, non-profit postal rates will sharply increase percussions for those around us, the costs of already hard-pressed and indicate, even without our religious newspapers and maga- knowing it, our attitudes toward society as a whole." zines. Political neutrality is imposJames A. Doyle, executive di-. rector of the CPA, said that the sible, the eOditorial continued, beorganization will fight the in- cause "our actions and omissions creases before the full commis- always indicate something." The editorial said "it is an ilsion and possibly through court lusion to talk of a Christian action. Doyle said the commission ex- earthly commitment which is not political." aminer based his Feb. 3 decision on ·a misinterpretation of postal Sagacity legislation. ' The wisdom of the wise is an Congress did not demand that uncommon degree of common each class of mail' pay rates ex- sense. --Inge actly reflecting the postal systems' costs of handling the mail, Doyle said. He said this factor was only one of eight in the legislation. The examiner, Doyle said, ,ignored the other seven factors "which are very important for the non-profit religious press." The examiner also erred, according to Doyle, by setting attributable costs as "a floor below which rates cannot' go" rather than as a "ceiling" which the rates cannot exceed. 'J

SAN JUAN (NC) -- Political neutrality for a priest is impossible because his actions implicitly carry political judgment, it was stated in an archdiocesan editorial here.


Criticize Postal Hike Decision

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Awards will be given the top three squads in each division, and selections will be made for the, all-New England tourney to be held Thursday, April 20 at the University of Hartford, Conn. In preliminary competition for the Greater Fall River area, held last week at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, Bishop Gerrard Academy, also Fall River, emerged victorious in the high school division, with Durfee High School, Fall River, in second place. In the junior varsity division, first place went to Durfee High School; and second place to Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. First place in the senior CYO division went to Our Lady of Angels, Fall River; second place to St. Louis de France, Swansea; and third place to St. Anne's, Fall River. First place in junior CYO competition went -to St. Mathieu, Fall River; second place to Sacred Heart, Fall River; and third place to SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. All winners are eligible for the March 19 contest. They will be judged on app~arance, teamwork, execution, originality and enunciation.

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. ReligiouS Leade.rs: P.lan ConlFer,nce on OIPpression in Soviet Union CHICAGO (NCr - Religious leaders from throughout .the . United States wiill meet March 19-20 at the University -of Chiago to search for ways to relieve the oppression of Jews in the Soviet Union. Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum, one of four co-chairmen of' the consu.ltation, said it will be the largest and broadest-based reli-, gious conference on the. Soviet Jewish issue to date. The Nixon administration will

~e-represented by Rita Hauser, .bi Tanenb~um sand' U. S. representative on the He said Mrs.- Hauser's appearUnited Nations Commission on anee takes on special imporHuman Rights. She and Mayor tance in the light of President Charles Evers of Fayette, Miss., Nixon's forthcoming visit to the will deliver keynote speeches Soviet Unibn and that the sponMarch 19. sor:; believb "a prestigious state"She indicated to me she will ment (by the consultation) will bring a tnessage from President demonstrate symbolically the Nixon to tQe consultation :.and emergence lof a national consenwill declare a policy statement . S\IS on this, issue" $at t.he by the Administration on behalf President cbuld present to Soviet' of human rights of Jews -and all leaders. those in the Soviet Upion," RabF:ep. Robert Drinan, (D.I

Mass.), Jesuit priest turned con- Dr. Mr. L. Wilson, chairman of gressman, will address a lun- the National Committee of Black cheon session. Workshops and a Churchmen; Rabbi Ernest Lorge, wrap-up plenary meeting are CCRR president; and Rabbi Tanschedul~d in the afternoon. enbaum. The Chicago Conference on Sister Margaret Ellen Traxler, Religion and Race will host an executive director of the Naecumenical service路 at Holy tional Catholic Co'nference on Name Cathedral auditorium to Interracial Justice, said the goal end the consultation that night. of the meeting would be "practiFeatured at the service will be . cal programs" for relief of Soviet ,Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen; Dr. Jews, such as a "permanent sec-. Cynthia Wedel, president of the retariat" to concentrate interre路. National Council of Churches, ligious efforts on the issue. _



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