
Page 1

Provincetown Planning Parish School -.January

Target Date Target date for opening' of a school in St. Peter the Apostle parish, Province­ town, is January, 1967, says Rev. Leo J. Duart, pastor. Preliminary plans for the six­ classroom school are complete, he said, and construction plans are now being prepared. It is expected that construction bids will be called for late this month. The classrooms, to accommo~ date kindergarten and grades one through five, will be on the upper level of a split-level, Cape Cod style building designed by David M. Crawley and Associa­ tes of Plymouth. Total building area will be 13,500 square feet. The lower level of the build.. Turn to Page Twenty


The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday, March 10, 1966

Vol. 10, No. 10


1966 The Anchor

PRICE ~Oc S4.00 po,' Yoar

Bishops' Relief Fund Appeal Scheduled for March 13-20

NEW YORK (NC)-American Catholic relief work overseas has advanced to a new emphasis on helping the needy help themselves. The method of the new system and how it best can be brought to the attention of those Iwho contribute to it was He addressed a luncheon at­ • tile main topic of a one-day tended by 73 priest-directors, meeting of relief leaders s c h 0 0 I superintendents and :here. Francis' Cardinal Spell­ Catholic lay leaders from 38 man, with the "Peace Through Ch'arity", launched the 20th ann­ ual Catholic Bishops' Overseas Relief Fund Appeal.

dioceses of the eastern United States. Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholic Relief Services-National Catho­ lic Welfare Conference, overseas aid agency of American Catho­ lics, which sponsor the annual appeal, presided at the meeting and also spoke. Rev. James A. McCarthy, The nationwide campaign to assistant at St. William's aid the needy overseas regard­ .Church, Fall :Jliver, and Dio- , less of race, color or creed is cesan Director of Deaf, will scheduled to begin March 13. It be ~le9rant of Sunday's Mass . will culminate March 20, Lae­ to be televised at 10 o'clock over tare Sunday, with a special col­ Channel 6 WTEV, New Bedford. lection in the more than 17,500 U.S. parish churches., The congregation will be com­ The nation's Catholic school prised of members of Diocesan children again this year will .rganizations of the Deaf. make their own ,contribution Following the Mass, 11 Com­ Il\union Breakfast will be served all during Lent through daily 1M: the Kennedy Center, New and weekly offerings. Cardinal Spellman said the Bedford, at which time the eharter to the Christ the King need for American Catholics' Chapter No. 91 in the Interna­ charity to the world's less fortu­ tional Catholic Deaf Associatiolll nate would go on "forever," wi.U be ~resented. Turn to Page Twenty

Director of Deaf To Offer Mass

More Liturgical Changes In Vernacular March 27 Liturgical adaptation to the mind of Vatican II will take another step forward Ml March 27, the First Sunday of Passiontide. On that da~ the use of the vernacular wil[ be extended to the priestly prayers ofthe Mass and to the Prefaces. Hence forth, the Col. lect, the Prayer over the Offerings (Secret), and the Post-Communion will be in English. Also translated into English solemn eucharistic prayer, the will be the Libera nos, the "deliver us from evil". The Preface, the solemn in­ Canon, or also for those pray­ prayer following the Our troduction to the Canon of the ers which will become the Father and explaining the Mass, will also be in English. priest's and servers' private

Keen Interest I n Vocations ProQ'ram ~

Interest continues to grow throughout the Diocese in the forthcoming Christian Panorama that will take

The U.S. will also use four new prefaces especially composed for certain feasts and circum­ stances. The use of the vernacular for the Prayers at the foot of the Altar and for the Orate Fratres has been left to' the decision of individual dioceses. Eng 1 ish used on at these moments of the Mass could well clash' with the practice of singing appropriate hyms as has been established by some dioceses. Latin will therefore remain the language peculiar to the

prayers since' the congregatiollll is at that time singing an ap­ propriate hymn. The use of four new prefaces. which had normally been used in certain countries, has been. extended to the United States. They are an Advent Preface, for the Sundays and Ferial days of that season; a Blessed Sacra­ ment Preface, for Masses honor. ing the Blessed Eucharist. Also included is a All Saints and Patronal Saints Preface to be used on those respective days Turn to Page Eleven

place March 25, 26 and 27 in Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton. Thirty-five booths will be on display showing the work of the diocesan priesthood, re­ ligious orders of priests, broth­ ers, sisters and the activities of lay people involved in apostolic works. Various groups within the Di­ Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of the Di. ocese are cooperating in this Panorama which has received ocese of Fall River, announced today the re-assignment widespread publicity over tele­ of two curates that will become effective on Friday, March vision and radio 'as well as in 18, 1966. The changes are: Rev. John J. R~gan, assistant parishes and schools. Rev. Joseph Powers, Diocesan at the Sacred Heart Church, Director of the Confraternity of Fall River for the past 12 Connolly and was assigned to Christian Doctrine, has an­ years, to St. Patrick Church, St. James Parish, New Bedford. In August of the same year, nounced that CCD groups Falmouth, as assistant. Rev. Father Regan was appointed throughout the Diocese are in­ William G. Campbell, assistant cluding the Christian Panorama at St. Patrick Church, Falmouth, curate at the Sacred Heart in their schedule of activities in to the Cathedral of St. Mary of Church; Fall River, where hot has served since Aug. 1, 1953. March. the Assumption, Fall River,: as In making this announcement, Father Campbell assistant. Father Powers' stated: Father Campbell was bOM Father Regan "Since the' Confraternity of Jan. '18, 1931 in Vineyard. Father Regan was' born June Chdstian Doctrine is· the only Haven, the son of Manuel and. 16, 1927 in Taunton, the 'son Gabriella Moniz Campbell parish orgalllzati~n devoted ex­ clusively to the promotion of ,of the late" Raymond J. Regan Tum to Page Two and 'the late Gertrude <;>'Neil Turn to Page Twelve ltegan. ' ; Jubilee Mass The n.ewly named assistan~ Pre-Cana the Falmouth parish is a gradu­ The third Pontifical Jubi!eI ate of Coyle High School, Taun­ Pre-Cana Conferences for en­ Mass commemorating the clos­ gaged couples of the Fall River ton, attended St. Charles Col­ ing of Vatican Council II win Diocese will be held at 7 Sunday lege, Catonsville, and studied be offered on Sunday after­ night, March 20 for the Fall philosophy and theology at St. noon in St. John's Church, Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Attleboro. Rev. Donald J. Bow. River, New Bedford and Attle­ boro areas and at 8 Sunday Father Regan was ordained on en, assistant at S t. M a l' y , s Church, Norton, will be the night, March 27, for the Taunton May 22, 1953 in St. Mary's Ca­ area in their respective dtiCil. thedral, Fall River. by Bishop preacher.

Bishop Announces Changes Affecting Two Curates


Report Decfine ~n Devotions To Mary

THE ANf:HOP-Diocese of Fall River·-Thurs., Mar. 10, 1966



Diocese of Fall River'

MILWAUKEE (NC) Changes in the Church brought about by the Van. can council have led to a


decline in Marian devotions, the president of the Mariological Society of America said here. Father William G. Most, pro­ ASSIGNMENTS fessor of Latin at Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, ,tJ8id devotions Rev. John J. Regan, assistant at Sacred Heart Church. and novenas to the Blessed Fall River, to St. Patrick Church, Falmouth. as assistant. Mother were in the rise under Pius xn and during the Marie Rev. William G. Campbell, B. Mus.. assistant at St. year of 1954. Patrick,Falmouth, to the Cathedral of St. Mary of the "What brought about the de­ · cline," he explained. "was the, Assumption, Fall River, as assistant. · 1IJ)heaval occasioned by tbe FATHEIt CAMPBELL FATHER REGAN People 'were forecastina Mective ~te Frida:v, March l8. llEl8. what manges would take' 'plaee and this provided a field da,' for an the bugs to propagate Continued from Page One Cathedral. their stuff." he said. : Following philosophical and He attended the New England Father Most addressed the Conservatory of Music, Boston, theological studies at St. John's Milwaukee Serra Club. He later for four years and received the Seminary, :Brighton, Fat her spoke to students at Dominicaa . Bishop of Fall Rive1r degree of B.Mus. in 1953.. Campbell was ordained on Feb. College , Racine, and to the D0­ From Sept. 1953 to Sept., 1956, . :'t, 1963 in St. Mary's Cathedral, minican Sisters of Racine. at which time he entered St. Fall River, by Bishop Connolly. He said at least two instancetl Philip Neri School for Delayed Prior· to his Falmouth assign­ are reported in which a priest. Vocations, the new Cathedral ment, Father Campbell served in the pulpit, held up a rosAry ~~ass curate ser'-ed as organj~t and for a brief period 'in St. Mary's · ,and tore it apart before the eyea choir director at the Fall River Church, Taunton. of parishioners. He said in some places statues of Mary have been removed INTROIT: My eyes are ever. toward the' Lord, for he from churches on the gr~unds that the council said: "Th~ au­ will free my feet from the snare. Look toward me, and thentic cult of the saints cOl~ists have pity on me, for I am alone and afflicted. To you I MOIl'il;9'~~G Prroed ~J~akes At~e~sm Field Study. not so much i~ multiplying ex­ lift up my soul, 0 Lord. In you, Omy God, I trust; let me ternal acts bu~ rather iri. the 'As Much for Our Benefit as for Theirs 8 . greater not be put to shame. Glory be to the Father. . . . My eyes intensity of our active are ever toward the Lord, for he will "free my feet from WINNIPEG (NC)-A Russian­ for ordination and incardination love • • .." Father Most believes evening the snare. Look toward me, and have pity on me, for I am speaking Winnipeg priest, who in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg. Mass and the new liturgy are the fell in love with Moscow last alone and afflicted. For Our Benefit main reasons for the devotional Fall is now studying Chinese Last Fall he was invited to decline. GRADDAL: Rise, 0 Lord, let no man prevail; let the "at an intense pace" in antici­ Material Prosperity nations be judged iJl.--your presence. Beca!1se' my enemies pation of a Summer visit to attend the Vatican council ses­ sion as a peritus, and before it "Novenas were popular be­ China. . are turned back, overthrown and destroyed before you. he paid a 'long-awaited Calling the "phenomenon of began visit to Moscow "as a simple cause there was participation," the priest said. "Now that the TRACT: To you I lift up my eyes, who are enthroned mOdern atheism" his keenest interest, Father Arthur Gibson tourist." Father Gibson says he Mass situation has changed it in heaven. Beh(')ld, as the eyes of servants are on the' has was gratified by the kindness leaves novenas a bit out." told local Knights of Co­ hands of 'her mistress, so are ollr eyes on the Lord our God, , ' lumbus "1 want to talk through and affability with which the Citing material prosperity at! till he have pity on us. Have pity on us, 0 Lord, have pity to these atbeists and back from Russian people greeted him on this occasion and noted that another reason for the decline. them to you." The only way a on us. "their misconceptions about life he said Marian devotions, eu~ real dialogue can be established, devotions and nocturnal OFFERTORY: The precepts of the Lord are right, he said, is if each side is con­ here were at least as' great as charistic adoration are "going doWn to­ any we may entertain .about rejoicing the heart, and his ordinances are sweeter than vinced the other is composed life there." The Russians seemed gether." syrup or honey from' the comb; therefore your servant is of human beings. especialiy interested in life in.,. Father Most' said that .along Sense of Mission .careful of th~m. with this "severe depression" Father Gibson recalled that Canada and America and especi­ ally attached to' the memory of there also are attempts to ~:brm. COMMUNION: The sparrow finds a home, and the he had "become fascinated" with Pope John. clown the doctrinal side." .. the Russians he had met as a swallow a ~nest il1l whiclt she puts her young; your altars, British official in. Germany, after . The priest stressed to· the HI have read the actual decre~:) Lord or" hosts, my. king an4 my God! Happy they who" World II. They were suspicious Knights the absolute necessity of the council and compared­ them with previous theological dwell in your -house! continually they praise you. of him and afraid to speak for continuing' this "dialogue frankly, but the future priest with the modem atheist," as' teachings," he explained. "Claima much for' our own benefit as for· . that all theolQgy must be i'e­ detected a certain "sense of mis­ Please OijJJ and Bring to Church an Sun~ay sion" and an enthusiasm for his. That's Why Father Gibson' writtem are fraud." is adding Chinese to the six.

their socialist experiment." Father Gibson says he thought: other modern languages be

Necrology speaks.

Mass Orelo "If they are thus without God, OIROURKE

MARCH 19 what would they be with FRIDAY-Friday of n Week of Bev. John J. McQuaide, lllO5., Funeral Home

Christ?" Ch~oel Award Lent. TIr Class. Violet. Mass Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton. He later had an opportunity 571 Second Street WASHINGTON (NC) - The

Proper; No Glory or Creed; MARCH ZOO to study at ·the Russicum Semi­ Chapel of Our M.other of SOl':"

Preface of Lent. Rev. Francis' A, Mrozinski, Fa" River, Mass. , nary in Rome, before returning . rows in the National Shrine of 1951, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New the Immaculate Conception here . OS 9-6072 SATURDAY - Saturday of n :Bedford. has been selected for the Henry' - MICHAEL J. McMAHON Week of Lent. Violet. Mass . Benedictine Oblates MARCH 2% Proper; No Glory or Creed; Oblates of St. Benedict will Hering Memorial Award of the­ Rev. Joseph A. Martins, 1940, licensed Funeral Director 2nd Prayer St. Gregory I, hold a day of recollection on· American Sculpture, Society, . . Assistant, St. John Baptist, New Re..,j~t,..~ Embalmer Msgr. Thomas J. Grady, director Pope, Confessor and Doctor Sunday, March 20.at Portsmouth Bedford. of the shrine has announced. . of the Churchi Preface of Priory, Rhode Isiand, beginning Lent. at 9 with a conventual Mass, SUNDAY-,-UI Sunday of Lent. I followed by breakfast and a con­ Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No ference at 11 o'clock. Dinner Glory; Creed; Preface of Lent. will be served at 1:15 and after-­ FU~'F~Al HOME ~UNERAL HOME. INC.' noon conferences will be given 469 LOCUST STREET' MONDAY-Monday of m' Week at 2:15 and 3:15. The day will It. Marcer Roy - G. lorraIne RlI'J

Roger laFrance

of Lent. In Class. Violet. Mass close with Benediction. Oblates FAll RIVER, Mass. Mar. 13--St. Mary, Taunton. Proper; . No Glory or Creed; may bring guests and for further FUNEreAL DIRECTORS

St. Francis X a vie r , OS 2-3381 Preface of Lent. information should contact Mrs. '5 Irvington Ct.

Acushnet. Frank S. Moriarty, OS 2-1439, Wilfred C. James Eo TUli:SDAY .- Tuesday of m . st. James, Tuunton. 995-5166

Fall River. Driscoll Sullivan. Jr. Week of Lent. in Class. Class New Bedford

Mar. 2Q-St. JOJ-eph, Nor t b Violet. Ma!;s Proper; No Glory Dighton. or Creed; Preface of Lent. Espirito . San to. Fall River. WEDNESDAY - Wednesday of AURI=~TINE 427 Second St. Cor. Morgan III Week. of Lent. ill Class. Mar. 27-0ur Lady of Perpet­ Ed. McGinn, Prop. Violet. Mass Proper; No GlorT Funeral Home ual Help, New Bedford. Or Creed; Preface oX Lent. Helen Aubertine Brough

St. Pew, Dighton. OUVETTI 556 Locust 81" ­



Proper .of the . For the Third Sunday







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Funeral Home Inc.


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llver. SUbSl:rllltia IU-








THURSDAY - Thursday of ·m Week of Lent. m Class. Violet. . Mass Proper; No Glory or Creed; 2nd Prayer St; Patrick, Bishop and Ccmfessol'i ~ace 10(


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Rose B. SuJlIvaD

Eo SalImI!


Announce Three CeD Events The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine will hold a general meeting at 3 Sunday afternoon, March 13 at St. Francis Xavier parish hall, Hyannis. Also an­ nounced by the CCD is an ad­ dress by Msgr. Humberto S. Medeiros, S.T.D., Diocesan Chan­ cellor. at 7:30 Wednesday night. March 16 at Bishop Feehan High School. Attleboro. Msgr. Medeiros will discuss "Renewal in the CCD through Vatican II." A question period will follow his talk and refresh­ ments will be served. A vocation and mission exhib­ fit, "Christian Panorama." at which the CCD will be repre­ se~ted, will be held Friday through Sun day. Mar c h 25 through 27 at Cassidy High School, Taunton. Diocesan CCD Boat'd members will staff the Confraternity booth and it is hoped that all parish workers and students will attend.

N(\. Attleboro



A Youth Forum. "Youth Wit­ nesses Christ", wlll be conducted at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, for the teenagers of the area of the Northern Dean- . ery. Father Roger LeDuc, assist­ ant at Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro, director of the area's Catholic Young Adults, has an­ nounced that the first two talks will be given by Very Rev. john Grant ,assistant editor of the Boston Pilot, at 8 Sunday night, March 13, and by Clement Fenton of Framingham, long as­ sociat'ed with the AA, on Sun­ day night, March 20. Speakers for the last two sessions will be announced next week.

St. Louis Uniyp.~sity Receives $750,000 ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Dan­ forth Foundation has granted $750,000 to St. Louis University to be used primarily for strengthening teacher';' training programs, it has been announced by Father PauI C. Reinert, 5.J., 1IIliversity president. The grant, one of the largest ever made by the St. Louis-based foundation, will be all 0 ca ted over a three-year period by the university for expansion of pro­ grams in academic departments that most directly affect teacher training, he said. He noted that the grant rep­ resented a total investment in . the university's teacher-training program of $:",000,000, because it will apply toward the $15,000,­ 000 that the university must mise fro m non-governmental sources by Aug. 31, 1968, to re­ eeive a $5,000,000 challenge grant from the Ford Fou'ndation.

Overwhelming Odds Face Maryknollers Latest mission figures from the Maryknoll Fathers suggest they are working with some overwhelming odds:" The Maryknollers, some 1000 strong in overseas work, serve 11 fold of nearly 14 mlllion persons in Latin America, Asia and Af­ rica-about one priest to every 14,000 persons. ThE: total Catholic population of the areas in which the Amer­ ican missioners serve is nearly 2.5 million persons. Thus, even if the missioners were to devote all their time just to the faithful, fue odds still would be stagger­ ~ng-about one priest for every !liOO Catholics. rr" the United States there ill ene priest for every 700 Cath­


Jubilee .Speaker Asks Catholics See Christ When They Behold Mystery of The Church At the second Pontifical Mass in observance. of the Jubilee oommemor~i;ting the completion of the Second Vatican Ecumenieal Council celebrated by Most Rev. J'ames J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, in St. Mar y , s Church, Taunton, Father Joseph P. Delaney, assistant at Sac·red Heart Church that city, the preacher, developed the Council Decree on the Constitution of the Church and the age of re­ newal. When the bishops came to discuss the role the Church would have in the com­ ing ages ,one question demanded an answer. The Fathers of the Council asked: What is the Church?" Who are we who be­ long to the Church, who bear the name Christilm?". . "Faced with the urgent ques­ tion: "What is the Church?", the Fathers of the Council, under' the guidance of the Holy Spirit, prepared the dogmatic Constitu­ tion on the Church, the most precious fruit of the Council. co ¢ '" Peering beyond the extern­ al forms, we are given to see the Church as it really, is, the bride of Christ, his own Body of which we are the members. The key to the whole program of renewal which the Council pre­ sents to us lies here. When we come to understand the divine reality of the Church, then we will be led to conform ourselves to the promise which Christ holds out to us". Special Race "To understand fully the mys­ tery of the Church and our election as God's people", Fath-' er Delaney continued," we must go back to the Old ~restament. God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their descendants would becoine a special race, a nation protected by his partic­ ular love." "Assembled at the foot of Mount Sinai, they received God's Law.. God spoke to them thr.ough Moses: 'If you hearken to my voke and keep my covenant, you shall be my special posses­ sion, dearer to me than all other peoples, though all the eat:th is mine. You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy na­ tion." (Ex. 19) The Sacred Heart assistant continued, ''They who before were nothing but a mass of dif­ ferent clans and tribes became at that moment a new nation, a holy people, the people of God.. "'his was God's Church in its beginnings assembled at Sinai, wandering in the desert, settling in Canaan, watching and waiting for God's final salvation". New Covenant "At the Last Supper, the night before he died, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, the new Lawgiver, sat at table with his friends. When the supper had ended he took the cup of wine and gave it to them saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." ''The next day on Mount Cal­ vary that'new covenant was rat­ ified in the shedding of his blood on the Cross. A new law was gi ven, a new testament, a new compact between God and man was sealed not with the blood of goats or of ~eifers, as St. Paul reminds us, but with the precious blood of the Son of God With this new covenant ther~ was born out of the pierced side of Christ, a new nation, a new people, the people of God of the New Law-the Church of Christ". Mystical BodY "In God's plan no man is saved by himself. It is through membership in his Church that ~e are joined to Christ and brought by him into the family of the Father * Q * Saint Paul calls it the Mystical Body. This new Body of Christ is the Church. He is its head." '. ''This is the great mystery of the Church: that you and! anti

THE ANCHOR-' Thurs., March 10, 1966


Discuss State, Church Issues

WASHINGTON (NC) -Some 100 diocesan attorneys from many parts of the nation met here for talks on church-state issues and pending litigation. The conference was the sec­ ond national meeting of diocesan attorneys sponsored by the Legal Department of the Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence. Talks centered on recent legal developments in the area of Church-State relations. The at­ . torneys also exchanged infor­ mation on litigation in this f~eld in several parts .of .the country, including Maryland and Mich­ igan. During the meeting a constitu­ tional law specialist told the. at­ torneys that the U. S. Supreme Court still has not dealt directly with the issue of federal aid to education programs that include stu den t s in church-related schools. . However, said Father Charles M. Whelan, S.J., Fordham Uni­ versity law professor, acceptance is growing in legal circles for the position in this issue argued in a study issued in 1961 by the NCWC Legal Department. The study holds that the fed­ eral government, as part of a comprehensive program to pro­ mote educational excellence, can provide secular educational ben­ efits to students in private non­ profit schools.

., "Men cast their shadows just before the sun sets.'

TAUNTON JUBILEE MASS: Rt. Rev. James Dolan, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Taunton, setting for Mass commemorating the closing of Vatican Council II; Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, celebrant; Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, Sacred Heart assistant, Taunton, preach­ er. all other members who make up phasized, "It is not for anything Christ's Body are the extensions you or I have done that we have in time of him: we are Christ in . been given the parcel of inesti­ the world now: he lives in us, mable price - our faith. It is he acts in us, he loves through because God has chosen us and us. Men come to know Christ has conferred this gift on us. when the Church - that is when Our actions and our words to­ wards others must be worthy of we - show Christ to them". him. Indeed, it is his own love . ce•••• When we see the Church perhaps we see an organization, that we must ever show toward an association made up of men all men who are sincerely seek­ and women. In reality we are ing the truth." beholding Christ". '·'Perhaps it is these things but it is so very much more: The Church is the people whose head is Christ, whose life is the spirit of God dwelling in their souls, whose boast is their adoption as COMPANY children of the Father and brothers of Christ." Renewal Complete Line

Continuing, Father Delaney, Building Materials

developed the theme of the work of renewing the Church is in 8 5PRI.NG ST., FAIRHAVEN

reality the making of the out­ ward appearance of the Church WYman 3-2611

conform ever more perfectly to the image of the perfect Christ, who lives within. Thus, the very first fruit of the Council was by design the ON CAPE COD Constitution of the Liturgy. "In all the Council's delibera­ tions," Father' Delaney stated, "this intent WilS foremost: to re­ BUILDING MATERIALS new the Church in such a way that the divine reality of the SPring 5-0700. people of God would become manifest to every Christian and to the whole world Q * '" It is the responsibility of each member to make real the effects of Christ's AMPLE PARKING redemption in our own ·world". Concluding, the preacher em­











~ Ge)l®~~~ rF@rrrroB~V

"':"cese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 10, 1966

ITD~·~-,T@®dl}~ @!ru ~@@@1

Se~otti1TI~rn1~'Y(}}trc!jJ~ Wtf®~~$

By Joseph T. McGloin, S. J. IAlst week we published here the fir8t in a group of mysterious letters which had been' coughed up, strangely unhanned, from an incinerator. We still are not certain of the origin of the letters, nor of their amazing inde­ IItruetibility. Today we pub­

ways, and bl.'agging about their lish a second letter from the dates and conquests at this groUJ>. Perhaps someone will early stage, even though they SOOD be able to come up with seldom know yet /what they clue as to their origin.

are talking about. In a year or two, when it is De~r Klinker,

Although you were originally too late, they will understand assigned to work with teen-agers too -well. But in 'these days of \ I'd like to call

adolescence and pre-adolescence GERTRUDE J. STE. MARIE they are already involved in your attention

to another group,

adult situations which they do and to the pos­

not try to understand at all, much less find themselves able sible good you

can do w!th

to cope with. Begins Innocently them. I don't

Miss Gertrude J. Ste. Marie, know why I

This all begins very innocent­ always have to

ly, of course, with something daughter of Mrs. Leon Ste. Marie, 1289 South Main Street, call your atten­

"cute'" like l\ kindergarten grad­ tion to some­

uation complete with caps and Fall River, has been selected as thing w hie b

gowns, dipl.Jmas, .and a prom. a Woodrow Wilson Fellow for seems perfedly

The cute kindergarten prom the year 1966-67, it was an­ obvious, but that.

eventuall:' grows into the little-' nounced today by Sister Mary is neither here nor there. (And league prom (also very cute), Emily, R.S.M., president of Salve I might add that it's lucky not and fifth to eighth grade Regina College, where Miss Ste. to be here. ..Ha-ha-I mllst have "steadies" (also very cute). Marie is a senior. ,my little .witticism now and She is one of 1,408 new po­ Soon the pre-teen graduates then.). ·to a steady diet of parties and tential teachers for the nation's As I say, Klinker, there is this dances (whkh are just a little colleges and universities selected' whole group which is mOll! vUl­ less cute), dud soon enough not '. by the Woodrow Wilson Nation­ nerable just now. I'm referring, al Fellowship Foundation from even the kid's permissive par­ of course, to the pre-teen. 380 different collegiate institu­ ents are goin~ to think he's v€ r y tions in the United States and Dangerous Situation cute. You know, Klinkel', the vast Canada. If you will only look around, joke is that th· parents instinc­ Miss Ste. Marie is a major in you will find that many of these tively kno~' tlla~ all this is dyna­ Biology, the field' in which she pre-teens are in a situation so mite, this robbing a child of his will do graduate work in prep­ dangerous-and therefore so ad­ or her childhood. But mother aration for college teaching. Fel­ vantageous k us-that only a lows under this program get one slight nudge will be needed to will stii! push her· girl or boy into early dating and dances academic year of graduate edu­ get them gomg in the right di­ because, harmful or not to the cation (with tuition and fees rection. Give them a few years, child, it isn't as bad as having paid by the Foundation) and a in fact, and we won't even have mother's ego punctured by the living stipend of $2,000. to nudge, because so many of "popularity" of that little girl The winners this year are se­ them give the almost certain lected .from over 11,000 students promise of becoming pretty next-door. And the really hilar­ ious thin.:; is that such "popu­ nominated by college professors crummy teen-agt;. and adult ex­ amples. The beauty of the thing larity" so easily turns into across the country. is that they don't even realize tragedy. t.he situation, and. for the most I've said that this situation is part, it isn't even their fault. not entirely the kids' fault, Now there'~. no use even con­ Klinker, and it isn't. They're sidering the many pr.~-teens .supposed to bp kids, directed and ­ ATLANTA (NC) -Mass will who give every promise of be­ helped by ~arents and teachers. eoming great teens and even And instead they are "permit-' be offered daily at 12:30 P.M. during Lent in a popular shop­ greater adults, because we can't ted." . rather than directed or, ping center in this Georgia city. do much wit~ them. No, the only much less, ever "ordered." The project, known as "Mass ones we're interested in are There isn't a single student of those who are ,already so social questi.ons of any worth '. on the Mall," will be carried warped that they give reason­ whatsoever who will not tell out alternately on the weekdays by Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan able promise of soon becoming them that thf troubles of these of Atlanta and Father Noel Bur­ total wrecks. pre-teens are generally due to tenshaw. Basically, our' big advantage permissive or pushy parents. here is that so many pre-teens And yet, luckily for us, in the Carrying aMass kit, packing are trying to act like adults. In and .unpacking altar supplies, face of "social prestige," these the process. of course, they forebodings of real tragedy are will be nothing new to Arch­ easily become hopelessly con­ overlooked. bishop Hallinan, who served as fused and bogged down in prob­ an Army chaplain 'from 1943 to The fact is that the vast ma­ lems which not even many jority of forced marriages do 1945, or Father Burtenshaw, adults, with ;)11 their "maturity," come from '=larly dating, and that who formerly served in the could hope to handle success­ there are an enormous number Georgia missions. The Mass will fully. of unwed mothers around the be offered daily in the audito­ Like Older Sisters ripe old age o~ 15. The final nail rium of the Lenox Square shop­ I personally am delighted 'to in this ,coffin is that there were ping center. all "good girls." A lovely piece see FttIe girls already grotesque of wood is gcod,too, but it takes with makeup and with all the Food Dnll'll""'.:~n a real 14-k'1rat fool to think it "props neecleCl to attract a BOMBAY (NC)-The crew of . 'man.' " Going with this, they get " will stay that way if you stick a Dutch ship donated about 3,000' so completely absorbed in boys­ it in a fire. that this is all they talk about. I despise people like Dale tins of milk to a Catholic home They chase the boys shame­ Francis, himsel~ a father, who here in India for destitute chil­ lessly (very often with mother's comes out so bluntly with things dren About 700 members of the crew of 8.S. Rotterdam con­ . approval, since she believes in like thfs: tributed from their salary. The her daughter's popularity at any "It is 0I11y ar. aggressive few cost), call them on the phone, who manage to impose the early donation was- sent to 8t. Cath­ flirt with tht·rr" and otherwise social life on childreiJ.It is time erine's Home here. act like their older sisters in the for the non-aggressive majority "B" movies. to stand up anCl resist these de­ caution .you to be on the alert I am overjoyed to read, in the stroyers of childhood. press down there of the "love af­ "So I'm willing. to take on for further lJossibilities. Be es­ pecially wary, of course, of the fairs" of an eighth grade girl re­ those who think it is cute for printed from her diary, and I little kids to dress up and act . courageous parent who won't go along with "the crowd" any am even happier to note her like grownups because I'm con­ mother's helplessness and her vinced I not only have right but more than he' or she will. allow the children t< go along with father's indifference in the face the majority of parents on my "the crowd" when "the crowd" f)f this literall~' horrible situa­ side." tion. Men like thi~ Francis burn me, is going the wrong way. ' It's not bun here these days, I am happy to see a new-found Klinker. (Excuse me.) Klinker, about the same tem­ But to cover the entire sub­ 'ego in these kids, which has the perature as Texas. boys traveling in packs, making ject· of the pre-teen is impos­ , . Arch themselves obnoxious in various sible, Klinker. I'll :just have to

Mass at Sho'Oping

Center in Lent

TRENTON (NC) - Trenton's anti-poverty agency has rejected a proposal to seek $60,000 in fed­ eral funds for a farrwy planning pro g l' a m following vigorous Catholic objections. The board of trustees of United Progress, Inc., sought the position of the Trenton Catholic diocese and was told the diocese opposed the proposal 'by the local Planned Parenthood Asso­ . ciation. The board voted 6 to 4 to re­ ject the plan that birth control information be brought to Tren­ ton's low-income families with the aid of tax funds. The Trenton diocese sent a communication to the board from Msgr. Theodore A. Opden­ aker, executive director of the Catholic Welfare Bureau. He said the family plannning pro­ posal was an invasion of privacy

and lacked legal authorization. "We firmly believe," the trust­ 'ees were told, "t~at the govern­ ment has no legal right to SPOJ!lc> SOl' birth control programs, di­ rectly or indirectly, through tbe granting of federal funds to ,private agencies. There is DC legal authority for the expendi­ ture of government anti-pove~ funds for birth control pro­ grams."

Charities Record CHICAG9 (NC) - Catholk 'Charities of the Chicago arch.,. diocese spent a record $14,010,758 through 107 agencies to serve 585,468 men, women and chil­ dren in 1965. The annual report said it was the largest budget in the organization's 48-year his­ tory.




H~ve you ever wished' your family had a nun! :



Now you can have a 'nun of your own~-and· share forever W1 all the good she does•••• Who is she? A healthy wholesome, penniless girl in her teens or early twenties, she dreams, . of the day she can bring God's love to lepers, orphans, the aging...•. Help her become a Sister? To pay all her expenses this year and next she needs only $12.50 a month ($150 a year, $300 altogether). She'll write you.·to express her thanks, and she'll pray foryou at daily Mass. In just two years you'll have I 'Sister of your own'..•. We'll send, you bet' name on receipt of your first Lenten gift. (AR gifts are tax-deductible, of course.) IV. Ionl . as she lives yo~'11 know you are helping. the pitiable peoflle she cares for.... Please writII us today so she ean begin h"!r training. S~ prays SOitleOne will help..

.. ••


h1 south India-afone, 473 Sisters-to-be need

sponsors. $1,500 wiH train five of them•.•••

Show this cohJmn toa friend. We'" send biN

(or Mr) full information•.




Babies are meant tEl be cuddled in somefme" arms. In Poovaran;. south India; howeveJi Sister Augustine has no place for babies no· body wants. . . . Only $4,800 will build and equip the small orphanage she needs fOr 25 babies. Name it for your favorite saint (in lasting memory of your loved ones) If you build it all by yourself. Send Sister at least-a. much as you eaA ($100, $75, $50,. $25, $10,


$5, $2).


PRIESTLY Trained by readers of this column, 81 new BLESSINGS' priests will be ordained in India this week. Pray for them. They will pray for you.


For only $10,000 you can build a complete 'parish plant' (church, school, rectory and convent) in south India.... In memoryl i---~-------------

Dear \1onslgnor


Please return coupon with your offering









_ ...._









MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN. National Secreta')' Write: CATHOtlC 'NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephane: 212/VU~on6'5840

Fr. Lov~nbury Buried T~day Most Rev. James L. Connolly, BIshop of the Diocese of Fall River, thIs morning celebrated a Solemn Pontifical Mass of Re­ quIem in St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, for the repose of the soul of the late Rev. Joseph D. Lovenbury a native of the Fall River Parish and former chap­ nain in the U. S. Army chaplain eorps. Father Lovenbury was bom ~arch 7, 1922, in Fall River, the -oon of Mrs. Iv.:ary Phillips Lo­ venbury and the late Arthur Lovenbury. He was educated at St. Patrick's School, Coyle High 5 c h 0 01, Taunton, Providence College, and St. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto,' Canada. The late Army chaplain was oll'dained in the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Burling­ ton, by the late Most Rev. Mat­ thew F. Brady, He served as an assistant in the Burlington Dio­ eese until his entrance into the Army Chaplain Corps. Follow­ ling servic p to the men of the armed services, he has served as a chaplain in Army Veteran Hospitals. Father Lovenbury died sud­ denly Tuesday mom}ng. In ad­ dition to his mother, he is sur­ vilved by two brothers, Ray­ mond of So. Carolina, and Ar­ thurof Fall River, and two sis­ ters, Winifred of Toronto, Can­ ada; -and Mrs. Theresa Wilkie of Fall River. Assisting Bishop Connolly at the Requiem Mass were:.Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine and Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, assist:.. ant deacons; Rev. Joseph L. Powers, deacon of the Mass, an.d Rev. William E. Farland, sub­ deacon. ' Also assisting were Rev. Ed­

ward C. Duffy and Rev. Francis

A; -Coady, acolytes; Rev. Daniel

lLs.- Freitas, thurifer; Rev. Jo­

ooph M. Ferreira, book-bearer.

~'Rev. 'Ralph D. Tetrault, can­ <lIle;'bearer; Rev. Thomas' C. Lopes, gremiale bearer; Rev. Peter F. Mdlen, mitre-bearer. Masters of ceremonies were Itt.' Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev. James P. Dalzell. The eulogist was Rev. John lEo Boyd. . The office of the dead was chanted on Wednesday after­ noon with Most Rev. James J. Gerrard presiding and chanting the third lesson. The other les­ sons were chanted by Rev. Wil­ liam J. Shovelton and Father Boyd. Most Rev. Robert F. Joyce, lO.D., Bishop of the Diocese of­ Burlington, also -attended the Mass.

Grat®{fMQ t~ Pope



Thurs .. March 1O. 1966

Ctftl ~'M\'l.rl! ~ ~ ~


r~ ~M·1t ~

W@~k~!i'~ ~~nte ~ ~~~~

A ~~lfi«:a

OTTAWA (NC) ---: There aJ:e currently 1,777 Canad­ ,ian Catholics serving the Church in Latin America,

LEPER PRIEST: Two photographs of Father Damien de Veuster, SS. CC., whose cause for canonization is being forwarded, show him in 1873 at age 33 and in 1889, three months before his death from leprosy at age 49. A film on Father Damien's life will be featured at Christian Panorama the weekend of March 25 at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton.

'Two St. Patricks,' Says Professor Cites Fifth Cer8tury Annals as Evidence DETROIT (NC) - A Detroit Patrick would have needed 125 man says you can take the tales years. told about St. Patrick and cut "We have documents of an­ them in half. other Patrick far too early for And to make it more humil­ the St. Patrick we now cele­ iating, his name is Mahoney and brate," Mahoney said. He be­ his family comes from Counties lieves the first Patrick was a Cork and Kerry. lie is a leading man named Palladius, known in Ireland by his second name scholar on Celtic lore. "There were two Patricks," Uatrlcious, or Patrick. insists Dr. John Mahoney, a 'Big Legend' University of -Detroit professor. Chronicles of the period show "The first probably did part of that in 431 Palladius was sent by the work we credit to St. Pat­ Pope Celestine to fight heresy in rick." Ireland. Irish annals note the This theory was first pre­ arrival of a Patrick in Ireland in sented in academic circles 432. "This was Palladius," Ma~ around 1941 by a scholar appro- . honey believes. While there is priately named T. F. O'Rahilly, no precise birth date for St. a member of the Dublin Institute Patrick, there are two reported for Advanced Studies, Mahoney dates of his death, 461 and 493.. said. The traditional view is that Supporters of the two st. Palladius failed and was follow­ Patricks thesis have as evidence ed immediately by St. Patrick, annals and chronicles from the Mahoney said. "This view holds fifth century. "St. Patrick would that St. Patrick' died in 461 and have needed a-life span of 125 the other date is in error." years to accomplish what the­ ,The 36-year-old' professor be­ records indicate." Mahoney said. lieves Palladius is the one who He cites as evidence the bap­ tism of St. Germanus, an early epic hero, by a man named Pat­ rick. To have baptized st. Ger­ manus, and participated in other events attributed to him, St.

died in 461, and his work was taken up by St. Patrick, who died in 493. By combining the lives and accomplishments of the two men, Mahoney said, history has c:oeated a "big legend." "You must take the documents against the legend," said Mahoney.

representing ar: increase of 229 during the past 14 months, ac­ cording to the Canadian Catholic Office for Latin America. The Church in Canada under­ took a special cooperation proj­ ect with the Latin American Church in 1960. A marked in­ crease in .the number of Cana­ dian - sponsored foundations dates from then. Seven new Canadian projects were undertaken in 1960, 19 in 1961, 33 in 1962, 15 in 1963, 28 in 1964 and \!4 last year. At ~the end of 1961 there were 1,157 Canadian priests, Sisters and other Church volunteers in Latin American countries. This total was raised by 153 during 1962, 132 in J 963, 106 in 1964 and 229 in 1965 to reach the new high of 1,777 persons. These include six Canadian bishops, two prelates nullius in charge of dioceses, 474 priest members of Religious orders, 118 diocesan priests, 36 priests at­ tending Latin American colleges and universities, 227 religious Brothers, 735 nuns, 68 members of secular institutes and 111 lay volunteers. These Canadians are working in 31 different areas of South and Central America and the Caribbean Islands, including 356 in Haiti, 330 in Peru, 289;n Brazil, 178 in Chile, 115 in Hon­ duras, 109 in Bolivia and 89 ill the Dominican Republic.

Look for little me ... FREE.



VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pres­ Hdent SarvepaUi Radhakrishnan of IndIa has told Pope Paul the Indian people are "deeply touched" by the help he has marshaled in the struggle against famIne ·In India. The Indian leader sent the Pope a cablegram stating: "Your Holiness' tender solici­ tude for the people who have been affectert by the conditions of scarcity prevailing in many -parts of our country has deeply touched us all. On their behalf and on behalf of the people of IndIa as a whole and on my own, II wish to convey to your Holi­ DeSS our gratitude for your per­ oonal generosity and for lending the weight of your immense in­ ifluence in an appeal to nations ~ the world to help India. The Vatican City daily, L'Os­ lrervatore Rom&no, meanwhile revealed that the Pope's drive for funds for India had reached the equivalent of more tll.lm $I




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I'm a clever little bitty loaf of Hol'sum bread, all dressed up in a perky little plastic bag. I'm waiting for you at your favorite grooer's. right now.


THE A NeHOR-Diocese of F... II

Di,,<>~_ Thurs ..

Mm. , O. '966

,Aggiorriamento Pains

Stil.l a Forte

c C D'

It is almost taken for granted that the way for lag­ ging book sales to be b~efed up is to get the book in question "banned in' Boston." Similarly, the idea is' held that a "Condemned'" rating by the old Legion of Decency

-now functioning under the new name of National Cath­

(News of parish Confraternity of' olic Office for Motion Pictures-is a good way to insure

Christian Doctrine activities is wel­ increased attendance at· the film so labelled. comed for this column, as are sugges­ The facts do not support this theory, however. tion of subjects for future columns. Correspondence may be addressed to The film industry is still quite sensitive to criticism Edward P. McDonagh, 5 Hunting Street, of films, and examples are at hand where consultations

North Attleboro. Mass, 02760J between film executives and the Catholic Office have

By Edward lI'. McDonagh

been seriously entered into with a view to making ad­

justments in a film to change its Crating-Condemned

HlEJLPERS ,-to B-Morally objectionable in part fol' 'all. To illustrate the essentiaU Under ordinary conditions, domestic films can count jobs that can' be done by on playing seven to nine thousand large commercial Helpers in the Parish CCD theaters in the country. When a· picture receives a C unit, I have taken one theo­ rating or is severely criticised by a review group such retical six-y~ar old and followed as the National Catholic Office for Motiim Pictures the him through his first year of bookings are cut almost in half and the picture plays CCD training, In the first year, more often than not in the small, secondary theaters of the helper unit would come iill contact with this child on manY the nation. occasions: All this is by way of praise for the many individuals Parent-educator records, kept in the country who insist that public entertainment ob­ by helpers, would indicate that serve the standard:; of good taste and morality that mem­ the child is due for enrollment in the CCD grade school. A let­ bers of a society set up. The facts indictate that if movie ter, typed, duplicated, addressed makers set out to flaunt or to attack such standards, and mailed to the child's parents then movie-goers have the right-and, in large measure, by helpers, would anounce class exercise it'--of rejecting what is offered them and making schedules and registration pro­ 'such fare financially unprofitable. People's standards of ~~~o~ngl S~cresCC@[Mpaign cedures. At class registration, helpers morality are higher than at times they are given credit would fill out the permanent ~ [jI), A~©[[frQ~n for having. The movie industry testifies to this. record card containing essential So the force of the National Office for Motion Pic­ ST. LOUIS (NC)-The current campaign for legalized information on our student. -At tures must not be underemphasized or downgraded. And abortion is "international, national and local in its scope" the same time arrangemerlts the role of individual Catholics as members of this group, and is "complex and organized." This is the view of Msgr. could be made for helpers to willing and ready to support its judgements of, praise . Paul V. Harrington, vice officialis of the metropolitan transport the child to and from class, Once the semester has be­ and criticism, is still an important one. ' tribunal of the Boston arch­ meeting of the American Med­ gun, our helpers will provide a It would never do for people to' think otherwise. diocese and medico-moral ical Asociation, at which an ef­ variety of services that affect consultant to the National fort was ma:te tC' have the AMA the student. lln~~r.u6ifeAtlJ»,~;f;m They will prepare graphics for endorse a proposal for relaxing Federation of Catholic' Phy­ use by the teacher in class. They abortion laws The suggestion Frightened articles from Russia and the calm as­ sicians' Guilds. often take attendance and act was deferred. Writing in thetI,.inacre Quar­ sessment of experts on religion op.tside that country in­ as classroom assistants, thereby He says it if' "disturbing'" * Q relieving the teacher of adminis­ dicate that the Soviet communist party is in the process terly, journal of the federation, Msgr. Harrington says the drive that a medical society would trative duties. They will mark of reappraising its campaign against religion in general for legalized aboi·tion "has access even propose for serious discus­ and the Russian Orthodox Church in particular. The much to all forms ~f publicity and ex­ 'siori that murder be legalized tests and make out report cards on students. The helpers, are through laws allowing abortion." used to hear the individual vaunted communist boast that many believers are 'le~l.V­ posure -,intp.rnational and na­ tional conferences, nationwide . He declares that a doctor who prayers of ;tudents and to per­ ing the church and religion is just not squaring up with the reality. The communist claim that the bulk of be­ television programs, extensive performs a'n abortion or a direct . form coaching. In this way, help­ newspaper coverage, regular ar- sterilization is "a disgrace to his ers regularly 'expose themselves lievers are among the, older age groups looks weak in the , ticles in the popular magazines." profession and his oath" and to'the classroom situation where face of the fact that at least thirty per' cent of believers says: Distoritions , they gain confidence and tech­ in Russia are under the age of forty. "It has the involvement of "Medicine and physicians nique. Many of our best teachers In spite of the many' restrictions on religion, in the professional societies, 'govern­ should be imbued with a deep began their CCD apostolate, as face of the 'stepped-up campaign against religion initiated ment sponsored conferences and understanding of the sanctity of helpers where they learned, by agency officials; it carefully life; an appreciation of the origin doing. under Khrushchev and continued since, there is ample omits from conside'ration and Back in the office, our l1elpers ' life, consideration for the sole evidence that the Orthodox Church ,within Russia is like proper exposure the, position of of and complete dominion of God are preparing a report for the

an iceberg and exists in large proportion underground. the Catholic Church; it openly over life; the right of the indi­ Fisher Unit of the Parish CCD.

The government is now forced to take into account the' uses, in its propaganda, untruths, virdual to be born and his right It will tell the Fishers that our

fact that religion, as the official newspaper of the Young half-truths, and distortions," he to continuance of life, and a ded­ , student was present (or absent)

and that follow up is, or is not, ication, by research and prac­ Communists expressed it, "is not an idle fiction. Religion charges. Msgr. Harrington's artiCle is tice, to the prolongation of life." necessary. Ot.hers are preparing is a historical phenomenon that has existed for thousands the second on the abortion cam­ materials for the bulletin boards of years, up to and including the present." paign which he has published in which they maintain in the New attacks on religion warn that the closing of the Linacre Quarterly. The first Hindu leader Lauds school. The parish CCD bulletiJi is prepared, and distributed by parishes is not making a the is t s of believers but is appeared last year. Catholic Sister the Helpers. In the new article he notes strengthening the attraction of religion for the people CALCUTTA (NC)-The Hindu Let's skip a little ahead and that pressure for legalized abor­ and embittering their hearts against the government. chief minister in West Bengal say that our student is ready tion was endorsed by some par­ for graduation. The helpers or­ Russian intelleetuals, already causing the govern­ ticipants in such recent meetings has praised the work of a Cath­ olic nun who has spent her life ganize the oroceedings and pre­ ment trouble in the fields of art and literature, have as the world population confer­ helping th.e poor of this country. pare the certificate which will turned 'their attention to religious philosophy and the held under United Nations aus­ P. C. Sen, the Hindu leader, be presented to our student. pices 'in Beigrade, Yugoslavia, works of Jean-Paul Sartre, the late Jesuit priest-scien­ 'last September, and the White spoke at a rally to raise funds They may even prepare' and tist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and their own Russian House Confet'ence on Health in for leprosy patients cared for by serve the refreshments. that would be had at suchan event. Mother Teresa and the Mission­ religious philosopher Nikolai, Berdyaev have captured November. From the recitation of tasks He also e:ites the November aries of Charity' that she their respect. founded. Describing the Yugo­ outlined above, you can see that All in all, the position of atheism in Russia is not syavian-born nun as an "institu­ the CCD helpers have to be a So secure as reportH once had it. Proh~dnnt .Council tion in herself," Sen urged versatile bunch capable of haB­


[?@vor' of

Urges lenten Fast ST. LOUIS (NC)-At a time when fast and abstinence for Catholics has been eased, the general board of the National Council of Churches meeting here called on Protestants to OCCICIAI. Jt.eewsPADER OF THIE DIOCESE OIF FAll RIVr=~ observe ,a program· of Lenten fast and abstinence similar to ,Published weel(l,y by, The Catholic Press ('If ·1,<;l,DiocElse of Fall River the one observed for centuries 4'0 Hio"'ond Avenue by' Catholics. Fall River, Mass. 02722 675·j'151 The action' was taken in re­ sponse to a recent appeal by PUBL.l5' '-"1 the .World Council of Churches, Most Re,,: Jam~<; L. Connolly. 0.0.,0 1'0:, which pointed out that through . !3F' -'~,~' '·,·"'Ar.'':R ASST. GE "II: D A , U"''''.H~·ER J -fasting, 'abstinence, self-denial Rt. Rev. OanjelF. Sholloo, M.A. : "":'" John P.D~isco" and sacrifices assistance could MANAGING EDITOR be given to alleviate famine : .... conditions in India'. ,. Hugh J. Golden'

@rheANCHOR ,




people of all faiths to support 'dling almost any job. What's the fund· drive. more, there an: so many jobs Members of the Religious that there ,are never enough community are distributing helpers around to do all of them. small flags to donors. Miss Pad-' That's why your parish' needfl maja Maidu, governor' of West you .now in the CCD Helpers. Bengal, was given the first flag You'll be welcomed with open in CalCutta;' 'Two nuns gave' a arms. Leonor Luiz, Diocesan Chair­ similar flag to Prime Minister man of Helpers for' the past .Indira Gandhi in NeW-Delhi. three, years, puts it ..this 'way:

"If you have any talent or skill,

Ht)~il);' Diplom'qt the CCD Helpers Unit in· your

'BRONX (NC) ~The Nigerian' parish can, use you. If you don't tl:l~nk yqu have any use£ul skiD, Ambassador, to the United Na­ tions, Chief 'S: O. Adebo, was , we'11sho'w you that., yo~ do." awarde!l' 'ari. honorary doctorate' Leonor' is a guidance, counselor , of laws bY. Fordham University at a juniqr higl:.. school. in New here~ by Father ,Leo McLaughlin; , Bedforil. !,;he's heen, I:ioing CCD Turn ,to Page Seven S.J., universi$y president.



Thurs., March 10, 1966 ST. MARGARET, BUZZAJtDS BAY

SS. Margaret-Mary G u i r d projects if1!:lude making afghans for St. Patrick's Cenac1e, Ware­ ham, and layettes to be distrib­ uted by the Catholic Welfare Bureau in Fall River. A monthly project is exchange of Cilthl,)lic ma~azines among members. A public whist is announced for 8 Saturday night, March 26 in the kindergarten hall of the parish. In charge of the altar this month are Miss Faith Finnerty and Mrs. Raymond Smith. Forthcoming events include an executive board meeting at 8 Wednesday night, March 30, at the home of Mrs. Rose Brady; a reg u 1 a r meeting Wednesday, April 13, featuring a games party; and a rummage sale in May. The annual penny sale will take place Thursday, July 7.


The Ladies' Guild will meet at 8 tonight in the parish hall. Members are requested to bring old sheets and other linens for use in making surgical dressings. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER

The Women's Guild will spon­ ,sor a meat pie supper from 5 to 7:30 Saturday night, March 12 in the school hall. In charge of arrangements are Mrs. William King and Mrs. Richard Wordell.



The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7:30 Monday night, lVIarch 14 in the church basl'l­ ment. The program will feature a hobby and novelty night, fol­ lowed by a social hour. All women of the parish are invited. Mrs. Remi Rinfret, chairman, will be aided by Mrs. Alfred Berube, co-chairman.

f(J)'rRe@ C~otm@ T{i) ~o@l ~®~~® HONOLULU (NC)-"The peace of the world is better served by admitting Red China" to the United Na­

S'll'. MA\lRlY, NO. A\'l1"lI'ILlEISOlRO

tions, Dr. Ralph Bunche has de­ clared. Bunche, UN Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, told students at St. Louis High School here: "There is a growing recogni­ tion that the UN cannot be fully effective unless all people are represented.

St. Mary Parish Guild will hold regular meeting March 15 at 8:00 P.M. at the sl:hool hall. Guest speaker will be Dr. Carl J. De Prizioof Mansfield. Dr.

De Prizio will show slide!? of a

trip to the Holy Land. Mrs. Jo­

seph Fontneau is chairman.

lHlOLlY GIIIIOS'll', &'ll''ll'ILlEISOlRO

"The peace of the world is better served by admitting Red China even though we intensely dislike their form of govern­ ment," he added. "They have the'ability to ex­ plode nuclear devices and it is better to have them in the UN and disarmed than out as mav­ eriks. This is the thinking that is causing a gradual change in the UN on the seating of Red China," he said.

The regular monthJly meeting of the Women's Guild scheduled for 8 on Friday night, March 11, in the church hall will feature a showing of cosmetics and skin care. Refreshments will be served following the meeting.

Faculfl'y to Study P,on~sed Chanqe I

WASHINGTON (NC) - The AT SPECIAL SHOWING OF "THE REDEEMER: Rt. Catholic University of America's Rev. Henri A. Hamel, pastor of St. Jean Baptiste Church; academic senate has reversed a previous decision and agreed to Sgt. Raymond McGuire of the Mass. State Police; Norman Zalkind, president of Strand Theater Corp.; and Bishop refer to a faculty committee the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, question of the transfer of the Connolly, Ordinary of the Diocese. NEW BEDFORD The senU-annual banquet of department of religious educa­ tion from the graduate school of the Couples' Club is set for Sun­ day evening, March 20 at the arts and sciences to the school of sacred theology. Rendezvous restaurant, follow­ The original senate action in

ing attendance by members at 5· o'clock Mass. Chairmen are Mr. January unanimously approving Sustains Chief Executive in Facing Burdens the transfer was opposed by the

and Mrs. Mitchel: Jansinski. Of World's Gre~test Political Office school of theology, which ob­

ST. MATHIEU, jected to the method of merger.

WASHINGTON (NC)-Presl­ The President quoted a leiter FALL RIVER The faculty of the graduate dent Johnson says he is sustain­ from the mother of 'a service­ Missions in English and 'man killed in Vietnam, She French will be held in the parish school of arts and sciences then ed by prayers in facing the bur­ the weeks of March 20 through voted to ask that the senate re­ dens of his office-his own and 'said, "We ask God to bless you view its approval of the transfer. those of his fellow Americans. 'and your family and to guide 25 and March 27 through April Bishop William J. McDonald,

Speaking at the Presidential you in all the terrible decisions 1. A meeting of the Women's university rect9r and senate Prayer Breakfast sponsored by you are called upon to make." Guild is scheduled for 8:15 Mon­ day night, March 28. Also presiding officer, said the inves­ International Christian Leader­ "In those words from that dear tigating faculty comnUttee will ship, Mr. Johnson said: ' planned by the guild are a Com­ little mother are to be found be appointed by the .deans of the

"These are Lmes when I recall the greatness of this nation and munion breakfast and a May­ SChools involved.

, the wisdom o~ that great leader, also the strength of its Presi­ basket whist, both for May, , "This university is, of co~rse, Abraham Lincoln,when he said, 'dent," Mr. Johnson told his au­ SS. PETER AND PAUL, '! have been driven to my knees dience of leaders from govern­ 'fortunate that when such ques­ FALL 'RIVER when driven by the wisdom that ment,business and labor. tions-arise; we have a long es­ The Cub Scout Commit~ is t&blishoo' body; the academic I had nowhere else to go.' Before he spoke evangelist sponsoring an Easter' Millinery senate,' in which a democratic Gold star Mother Billy Graham tolcll the President and Handbag Showing and Sale solution can he sought by dis­ "But in these ,troubled times I that "in' these hours of decision in the Church Hall tomorrow cussion and voto of senators rep­ am sustained by much more that you have to make, you have from 1 to 10 P.M. Free refresh­ resenting the entire faculty," the than just my own prayers. I our prayers, our love and sup­ ments will be served at the bishop said. am sustained by the prayers of port." Showing and Sale which is open hundreds of other Americans to the public. who daily take the time to look up from their own problems to ST. MARY, try to help' me and encourage NORTON . Continued Jirom Page Six me in mine." The Catholic Wom'lln's Club Is work at Our Lady of Mt. Car­ sponsoring a St. Patrick's whist mel Parish for over three years Roes to India party at 8 Thursday night, as a teacher and helper chair- , March 17 in the parish center. man. NEW YORK (NC) - Some Mrs. Michael Murphy is chair­ The Mount Carmel program 1,620,000 pO:.lnds of rice are ,be­ man. has been very successful and in~ 'shipped tc India by Catholic ·Mrs. Charles Wickland is in lLeonor is willing and able to Relief Services-National Cath­ "charge of arrangements for the help your parish in the same olic Welfare Conference. elub's annual corporate Com­ way. If you've got a Helper munion at 5 o'clock Mass Sun­ problem, let Leonor know either day' evening, March 27. Mass at the Diocesan CCD Office, 70 Frand!j· will be followed by supper, also Holcott Drive, Attleboro or ReS8d~n{Ce at the center. Rev. James F. through this column at the ad­ FOR YOUNG WOMEN Kelly, St. M!lry's parish, Mans­ dress listed in the heading. field, will speak. 196 'Vhipple St., Fall Rivev One other job the helpers Conducted by Franciscan have. They pray & lot. OUR LADY OF ANGELS,

Power of Prayer


Old Nome BALTIMORE (NC)-The Bal­ timore archdiocesan newspaper has ended an experimental change of name to the Baltimore Catholic Review begun several months ago and will revert to the previous title, the Catholic Review.

'Newly-installed Holy Name 'Society officers are Romeo Par­ ent, president; Joseph Valiquette and Bernard Comeau, vice-pres­ idents; Gerard Berger and .Ron­ aId Roy, secretaries; and Raoul Goye,tte" treasurer.



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Holy Rosary Sodality mem­ • bets 'will sponsor a whist party I1t 8 Saturday night, March 19 in the 'church hall. Mrs. Gloria . Benevides is chairman.

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Housing ~ow

Discipline' I"nvolves Rewards As Well as Punishments

• TRENTON' (NC)-The New Jersey Assembly has adopted Q fair housing law affecting almost all rentals and sales. The meas­ ure. goes to the Senate where the outlook is said to be bright. The legislation is an amend­ ment to a 1945 anti-discrmina­ tion law. It was approved 48 to 1, with 11 abstentions. Sup­ porters included' spokesmen for major religiouf' bodies. The 1945 law banned discrim­ ination in housing in principle, but was fillet: with loopholes. Exempted from the amendmen~ passed by the Assembly are single flats in a two-family, owner-occupied dwelling or single rooms in an owner­ occupied, one-family dwelling. The bill provides a maximum of a $500 fine or a year in jail for violations. It also empowers the state attorney general to bring' a complaint if a 45-day cooling off period fails to re­ solve a dispute over .alleged dis­ crimination. In the meantime, an "anti-hattl bill" was introduced in the As­ sembly to punish with ~ines anlll P.risonsentences groups 91' indi­ viduals found guilty of defam­ ing racial, religious or ethnic groups...

lBy Mary Tinley Daly

Discipline in the home, that widely discussed topic of today, is of perennial interest and has beE!n ever since the time of our first parents, Adam and Eve. So believes Mrs. Patricia Schiller, clinical psychologist,. president of the Middle Atlantic Division of the American Associ·ation of 1,500 boys approximately 10 Marriage Counsellors, and years of age. The study showed that far greater success was herself mother of two chil­ achieved by consistent, firm dis""

oren. With no striving to "keep cipline combined with praise and up with the Joneses," the first reward than by the use of harsh A dam family punishment. had . its prob­ At your house and at ours, lems, neverthe- . over the years, i n for m a I "studies" pr"bably bear this out. less. The eldest achieved per­ _~IHow nice your room looks petual, if unen­ today. everything tidied up!" viable, distiIlc­ will achieve if not a tomorrow­ tion by becom­ and-tomorrow,·and-tomorrow re­ jng the world's sult; at least a tomorrow and 1. irs t juvenile day-after-tomorrow effect. delinquent, "do­ Standards by Example ing in" his Another point made by psy­ brother AD e 1. chologist Schiller was twofold: From the First Family of Par~ the indirect effect of discipline zdise Valley to the billions of: applied" to one member of a families living today, discipline. family upon other family·mem­ le'ading eveniually to self-disCi:". bel's,' .and implied setting of VOCATION ~A Y PANELISTS: Leading the discussion. pline, .signot real maturity, is' standards whereby a child ab­ on Vocations to be ·conductedat St~ Anne's Hospital, Fall of prime importance. .... , ' sorbs by observation thevalu";:' River, on Sunday afternoon for all high school .seniors It can and 'should, accordmg,·; judgments of his parents. . interested' in . serving God as hospital-sister are; left to ·this ~uthority, build up com'"'" An example of the latter, she ' . . petences in· areas .includingdudg.... · . j)ointe<:l:: out' is .a father.' who .00 right: Sr. MJ~hael Joseph, Sr. Rit~ Marie. and Sr. Mary., ·Iowa ·franciscan· Sister ment, health, creativity•.enmathy:. cherish!,!s and proudlywear.s ·his· Thomae More. . . ' imd inteJligence, .' '.-." , Phi Beta Kappa 'k;ey, who more... Gairi~ Educa'ti'on' . Post Mrs..Schiller, lik~. other con~ over. k~el;>s' his intellect\.lai cu.ri~_. . . WASHINGTON '(NC) ',,:,- The . llCientiol.ls· paren~; feels: t~at, osity· keen;' his.. l!>,ve . of le~rriing .. National Catholic Educational . . discipline .should .begin· at a y~ry • alive:'Parents who e n j o y r e a d . - · . Association has appointed. Sister · ..ea"ly age, making.!l c~~ld aw:a re ing, iearning ~ndA~scl.lssip.g witll . ". .. .. .' ,.. . .. .of· .acceptance,.:. "feeling ...goo.d . their children interesting. t.opies . Youn·g·· Sc°len:tists .Stress, Greates.t Contrib.ution' Mary. '~lsa . Hitt:p.er,. FraiJ.cisc~n . t . '" . . ' from Iowa',. as' assistant 'as~6ciate ,·about. .himself" . witfn nei her, don't have to slave-drive· t h e i r ' .. .' . . . .. ." ,. ' . . . ..... . . h'1m...rom· f ' . Yourigjjeo.ple' 'eri~les'sly .. . ... ,.. '" ..·.To· ·Il: Abundan.t,· ,'So·u··.·pp·ly· ie.cretary· . 'of' its,elementary' · an'dOI·.ng.· ·.Popu·la··toIon'" ··s ·"savinf(. to ."get II;; x p I . . , .overprotection, , '" . school 'department: .. _.' .. . . '. respopsihilities, nor a harsh. re­ . ~t·you:rboo~s.":: ." :'. .', '" . ., ,'. .. ., . • . ., '. iti'ictive super,-ci'it~ca1 attitude~ .' '. Chil.~ren 'grurilblearid, eo~~ .WAS:fUNGTON '(NG) -:-. Stu,-" th.e. 25th Science Ta~el).t ~llr.ch, .". Sister j~l~a, .v.:h~ ~ii. j,ol~ . . :., 'l\I1iatniselplhie Means plain, of cOllrse;·abol.lt"dum)) GEmt finalistS. in 'th.e Westing-w~,re .chosen f.t:om. amQng mo.re· NCEA 'I)~xt ··S e pte m be' r, h~~ Citing 'a' survey' of what·. "dis­ . s'ttiff"btIt' they' 'sense::thilt Dad .house .. ScienCe, .Talent Search' ~han. 2p,OOQ.. st~d~nts,'eOJllpeJ~ng,. taught ~~dd;,rected. elementary ,. ~l>llne" 'means at'vadous' ages, and Moril'had at' time to lay,have singled.' 0t1~ r~pid, JlOPU-' ~om. al,l . 5(1 ~atel!.' ~ey . ~~r!:! .schOoI!! it:!: ~Qrtland .. Ore.\.~d. in.. . , tt.w~ssaid 'that" puni,shment is .. sinliiar '~roiindwQrk' pf i:!le~eii- 18tion growth. as the greatest. giyen. exp~nse-paid .trilHl,het:e .. Waterl99; ..O sman ~nd' .;Bancroft, 'the 'prenominaI1t factor noted to . ·tals....o.:a:rtij·'Phi. Beta 'Kappa: k~ys - 8Cientific' problem facing man ~ eompete ,for ,'~950 in s<:ho-, ~.ll.in .Iqwl;l: 'She taught 10 y.earf/ " a' kiildergartener,··it' meal)t' a· must be'earned; no+borigbt. . today and agree~t'·that science larships and a~ardfl. '., ". at the ,f9rmer .laboratory., sChool •. Firmnes~ ·s·nt'·· cortsis'tency '1Ii' .lean make its biggest. contribu­ . ,~f the Sisters 'of St;· F·rancis in ..: "Si>a·itkfng· 'when he pusi\ed hili " little' Sister 'nround; to a'highdisciplin:e"1Verfl~ressedb y Mrs" tionbyd!lveloping,:w,:,ys,Of sup.. Summer'" Schedule Du9cuque,.Jowa. : ;.' . . ..... Beh90~ 'stude;nt.·:·· depl'ivalof. t~~ "'sellill~r;':~'\li:~ornbi~edwit~ plying enough .food . for the ,~ She is :the"' dli'iJght~r ~of . Mri ear "whei1:'1 stayed out'too.lBte·; ,.: derstanding and.tolerance.·''Trial· ·world.· ·.A b~ocliur~' desC~ibing 'Su~- '.imd· Mrs,· W.B:mttner: of· Port­ ; - : to a collegestudent;c'UJ;tailm~nt . and ,error ·are·, implicit. in the The 40 young people eitecl'·. mer classes at SalveRe~na Col- '.' lend; Ore; of 'allowanPoe for ,overspending; learnin·g~process,'''.·she.said,"lilnd BUch possible solutioDfl for ~i..;,' lege, Newport, 'is ·now available.'

theprevioas. month; errors areta 'be ',expected~lse entitlc 'exploration as'improved Classes will begin Monday; June

Ecisier Low . Seldom, Mrs. Schiller' com- .. 'why 'have 'eraserS: 011.' . methods of production for exist- . 27, eontinuirig. through 'FIjday,

mented, is the use of· prais,es. and· pe'ncils?'~:" '. '. ing food sources, . use of food· Aug. 5 and will. include .lan­ . NEWARK (NC) "'- The 'Wew rewarrl~regarded as a part, of. Honest. dlfferencell of opinions,. sources,' such as sea plant .life, guage; hi~tory; religion, science; ;Jersey branch of the Amel'ican . discipline, yet these two positive . even among adUlts, are to be ex- • and the' development o! synthe- education and pbilosphy offer­ Medical Women's Association approaches in the parent-child pect~d and n straightforWard ad':' tie foods. ings on the undergraduate level . adopted a resolution' here asking relationship h a v e inestimable m' .... '..m· of "1 was wrong" can dG d ' k h i n l ' The 40 finalists,. 11 "':rls 'and an SIX wor sops, ma y In-. the state to liberalize its laws value. a lot .to give a child perspective. 15' tended for teachers. . against abortiono . ~h » ~s; national winners • "We've all heard • e eom­ Discipline, t hat dictionary­ plaint, quite just to our way of defined. "state of order main­ thinking, "You hardly eve~ no­ tained by training and eontrol,· !Lourdes Pilgrimage tice when I do things right, it's is ,a m~ny-far.,eted thing. ·w-heft WAYNE {NC)-:-About $3,500 only when I mess 'em up, and applied.to a home .situation but' has been raised by. members. «Ii then you jump me!". '. one well ,worth. the effort. . Immaculate Heart of Mary par­ Backing up the efficacy of the ish here in New Jersey to send praise-and-reward aspect of dis­ three children afflicted with' eipline, Mrs, Schiller. cited Il View Traffic SafetY eerebral palsy ~. the :Marian seven-year study sponsored. by As Moral Question Shrine at .Lourdes, France, in the the National Institutes of Health, BRUSSELS (NC)-The btsh-. Spring. Mr.md Mrs. and carried out by the Univer­ Ilitr of California 'at Davis,'. OIl : ops of Belgiuni bave eondemiled Bolland . wHll mceompany their what they .~al1ed.Widespread tr;' tbreeehAldren en ~. pil'rimege:.. ~J)ons*~il.ity;'am~1)g aUU!llloblle .. ~, .s.ugge$ts Fight' . ',driv,e;Tl!l;' ~ ,*liey .. 18~!~...ti'aHi!!' .'. , 0 T' I 'd· safety, .. basieaPlr •• QUestiOll' el " - ~ ~'~."" n . ~O",)IC~ , .Isef.:1ses;:,. . ~oJ,1ili~7. :~~·c..~e*el<oppieRt. ii.. ''''~W :Y()R~ (NC)-Ja.ep:',Jo~', .,~~~~~,<:,a,~l., .wged: .dri~· '. .'1.: _:..:\~ . .:Z..··Fog~:.Qf,'Rh~4e~lan~~·, ..~_ ~ ;tb~r,; ~~e!!~:.f' .. , bere .. tJ'I~.~.s.e1f~fl!C~.' lIlnd,,~~., ~~ ''''.'!'he' ',bishOpS, Who ~" '. ". :;eeJ.:R:~(»r:;:e~C;~(Y.I'\,!u~1!.,~U~~ ~.., .r' joir,tpajrtol';ll l~r' Oft, the......... ' · '.gUire' Ui~·.U, s.. to 'l!lU~c;ll1, 8;maJOI", ' j€ e t;"'sa!d . that , 'URticle'· .' "uilW •


Food. .1 s. .An.swe'r.

file .





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"~ogarty .Clted .~gurell:~bQW1,~~ .ers;,atd,tG ,~yvictim.s- ef,trame that~ 10 . milliOn...peop'e.. ,~~~:.. ~cideJ)~;~ P~8ieal'~''''. Ar~~ lepi'o,sy,~ million·' are . ~ '.agilityo,-, ,::: ' . . <> .'

· . " ..bUnd .or.. ,going}blindllrom.tra, . ; ehoma, ..and 140· million,. bave. . malaria'.,' . . ' ,:' ,. "The . majority Of hUman be--'. :tngsare . suffering;' righCnow, from a' Ilerious' infectioua "OIl'. parasitic disease th~t pre'fentIJ them from leading a· i1ull life, III he said in a talk at the dedica~ tion of the new Tropical' Disease Research Center at St. Clare" HosPital here.

' . ' ,,,:


,',~.';' .. 'i •. ,


-·fan·.RiverNJr~;·.' ~aii . *~~; ~h~li~'·.,N~,


membeftl willll' IliltteOO • . Lenten: Con1<erence 'WedneaC:le,v' llligbt, M:arcl1 23 hs ~. ~pe1 G!t St. ~'8 llOapItal, ~an, .Rev. lioben Sta,lltoD wm·~ and the guikll'e ~. ~ will follow, \llYlcller, dllai~ "g :BiItIlL ,..... ....lIII..

liA_ ,


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It's, Time 'to','Think of-Roses,

CelebrateM'arch Feastdays


Colf.ege Aopoints Judge Mulloney

'By 'Joseph and Marilyn Roderick Although it may seem impossible, 'we are only a week or so away from the time we may plant roses here in Massachusetts. Already potted roses (those that come in containers to which you add water) are on the market and it won't be long before com pan i e s specializing those of Irish descent celebrate with parades. parties, corn beef in roses by -mail will send and cabbage dinners, green them out for Spring planting beer, green clothing, shamrocks, (I usually get mine about the firm of April.) , There are so many lists of good roses available that I will not attempt tc: list any here, al­ though if you are interested in obtaining such a list you may write to the American Rose Society, 4048 Roselea Place, ColumblliJ 14, Ohio and they will send you n free list of rated roses which you may find useful in buying. I should likf' to comment on prices of roses. Yearly it aggra­ vates me to see people buying 99 cent packages of roses, think­ ing that they are 'spending their money' in a worthwhile' way. ThiS is afoollsh waste. We have always bought gOod healthy roses and have 'never lost' a sin... ' gle one. Up until last Summ.er we had never spent less than $1.75 for, a rose nor more than,




, , ,,' But last SQmII)er :1!'e dee ided , to experiment. My father bought fOur rose bargainS' at 89 'eertUl each: Of 'the four,'one' was"dead' on' arrival. two "were 'quiCk to' joIn their departed friend, and' one ended up producing two blooms for the Summer. This was the famous Peace rose. A ' little reckoning shows that 'the Peace rose really cost 89 cents' times four or $3.56. Actually we " cou1d have bought two 'healthy­ Peace roses for the' price we' ended up paying for a very, poor, weak plant 'which win 'be' luckY' if it' sm'vives 'the Winterl" The real bargaln'is' to be hllli' in "'the' good 'plant' 'which, 'hoi healthy' 'OD' arrival' and, ,'Which.: produces a volume of, bloom;,,, How much pleasure does two donars afford today? It strikes me as an' enigma" that ' with money relatively"plentiful., peo­ ple should make so much Gut of, a ,plant which will produce:, for, many years to come while they , will spend far more for a mctvie and baby sitter. " At any rate, when it comes to plants there is no denying the «tId cliche that you get what you pay for, so don't try to get bar­ gains on roses or any other plant unless you at"P willing to gamble your money away. In the Kitehen Bleak February was bright­ ened by only one highlight, St. Valentine's .day, but March is resplendent with two outstl.\nd­ ing feast days, St. Patrick's Day and two days l!1ter,on the 19th, St. Joseph's Day. Usually during the Lenten season these' two, days were respites !rom the Itrlct fast, Put this with . the new rules of faSt and ob­ Stinence. they will have to be observed for themselves raftier than for the: change ,from famme to feast. Certaiply for any of the arell'

$ibernl1ms, St. Patrick's' nay

needs very ,little explanation. St. l'atrick is 'the patron saint ot: Ireland and, it seems, 'of anY,one of Irish extraction' even, though they have nev.er trod, OIl" the emerald sod. ,. ; Starting as a day of fasting and prayer in early times; it became as the centuries passed a day honoring the political ideals of the Irish people, and' such leaders of tlie Irisb Rebe1­ 100 as Parnell. At the present it .. not onJ,y Ii religious feast da,. but <- great national holiday for the Irish people. In this countl7



Thurs., March 10, 1966

Philip Hemingway, Chairman of the Board of Advisers of Stonehill College, has named the Honorable Beatric H. Mul­ laney of Fall River to be chair­ man of the nominating commit­ tee, succeeding the late Charles J. Lewin of New Bedford in this oosition. tall tales and more green beer. Mr. Hemingway announced Overshadowed by this colorful that Myer N. Sobiloff, also of day is the traditional feast of Fall River, will continue aD St. Joseph that is celebrated chairman of the Stonehill Col­ with great 9')mp and reverence leger Citizens Seminar Commit­ in Italy but is quite overlooked tee. in America. St. Joseph is the Serving with Judge Mullaney patron saint of families and in on the nominating committee of these trying times families cer­ the board are Richard J. Potvin tainly could use a little assist­ of Brockton and George Garrity, ance from Jesus' foster father. attorney, of Abington. The role In Sicily a great buffet dinner of the Nominating Committee is Is enjoyed b) those honoring to identify and select leaders in WONDERS OF BOOKS: Springtime is reading time Mary~s husband and it is at this various fields in local communi­ time that the rich of the Italian proclaims the poster back of Mother Cyril, as she talks ties who are interested in pro­ cities and towns share their good with pup.ils at the award-winning library of Holy Famliy moting higher education and fortune with the poor and crip­ from among whom the Board of pled. We in our family always parish, Portland, Ore., where the Sisters of the Holy Child Advisers will select persons to introduce their students to the wonders of books. NC Photo. take note of this day too be­ be extended invitations by the cause it Is ~e birthday of • President of Stonehill College lovely young friend of ours, for Board membership. Sheila Josephine McGowan. ' Other committees now, active .' . . . In Italy, 'St. JOseph's 'Day on the Board include the Plan­ woUld not, be' e6m'plete without ning Committee. headed b7 . Forty ,Communities~ooperote To Explain st. Jcisepli's, .Sfinge, 'a, 'large . ~.: . '. , Joseph E. Fernandes of Norton: round cream puff filled with a Finance Committee, headed b,. Convent life to High Sc:hoolers sweet cheese and topped with John Drummey of Milton; and ~ candied cherries and orange peel. NEWARK (NC)-Forty com­ with, 'high school juniors and Development ,Committee, chair­ The following cream puff reci~ munities of nuns have formed seniors on "TbeChristian Wom- , manned by Robert McGowan of" is not from the Italians, but OBe the Siste~s' 'VOCation Council of an,u a 8pea~ers' bureau of Sis­ North Attleboro. I have enjoyed many times as the Newark archdiocese to ex­ ters who will talk to parents as- ' prepared by my, sister.,in-law, plain to girls what' SisteJ'l! are. sociations, ane a campaign fctr ,St. Patrick Assembly Mrs. Robert Zimmerman, for­ The first phase of the council's prayers for vocations. merly of St. Anthony of Padua program, j1ist starting, is to send Junior Foresters of FaIl· The chief objectivl~ of the V'()­ Parish, Fall River, and now of teams of five Sisters into each River's Our Lady of Fatima cation council is not specificall7 Glencoe, nlinois. ' Court will present their19th an­ girls' high school in the archdi()­ an increase of religious voca­ . Cream 'PUffs ' nual St. Patrick's program at 8 ease. There they conduct short tions, but rather promoting un­ -1 stick 'Of butter', B~ pound) , general assemblies and visit each ' derstanding .of the Sister's life Tuesday night, March 15 in the classroom, answering questionS .and personality. Sister Elizabeth ' Catholic Community Center. In­ cut into 8Jl1all pieces " volved with the production are, about convent life. By March,18, Jose, 'vocations director of the ' 1 cup water ' Mrs. Frederick, Lindquist, Mrs. eight, such teanu; will have vis­ Sisters of Charity' of St. Eliza­ 1 cup flour ited 40 'high schools., \\ eggs beth, the council's executive John G. Mattey and Miss Cath­ Corni.ng projects iiiclude' open , chairman, says: "One' of' oUr erine P. Harrington. Forty chil~ .. pinch of salt howes in' all' convents, dialog~s' most urgent problems now is' dren ~ll perform,. % teallPoons sugar ' % teaspOon Vanilla that people are asking more and ' more, .'Who are you people with 1) Put the' small' pieceS Of the ,long veils and funny dresses? butter 1n the cup ',of: water in 'll" K,,; of C" Oppose Block, What is this convent life and 2-quart saueepaa' and: bring 'to' M'agaz,i~es ' why does it exist?' a ,rolling boll'.: Just Across The MONTPELIER (NC) - T h -e, 'Coggeshall St. Bridge 2)' When the butter is melted ' "The 'council," she said, "win Knights of, ,Columbus of.. ,Ver-, , Fairhaven, Mass. remove froni' heat' anell add the' help us bettet face this problem.' mont have joined the Vermont, YOU' might almost say our pro­ CUJiof flour all at once. ' ,. ;" Citizens for ,Decent Literature Finest V~riety of 3) With a large spoop mix the· in urging the legislature, to ap-, gram isailQe4 'at the girl who won't be a nuh, because it is SEAFOOD flOur arid water quickiy together' prove an amendment to the until it resembles ma~hed pota:-, state's obscenitY "law 'outlawing, she who will nf'ver have the op-' Served Anywhere - Also toes, then retu.m' the pan to the the practice ot' blOCK selling of portumty to !mow what a nUD mAKS-CHOPS-CH1CKEN lB." stove. Over moderate heat beat magazines to news dealers. and mix the dough vigorously Charles W. Jasman of Mont-. for a minutP. O:r two or until it becomes smooth, ,a,nd moves pelier, who said he represented 5,000 K. of C. members in Ver­ with the spoon. Remove from heat. mont, told the House Judiciary 4) Before the dough begins to Committee: "We're crying for a cool make a depression in it with law whereby we can get a con­ the back of the spoon and drop viction." one egg into it and beat vigor­ Ralph Guyette of RUtland. It ously until a solid mass is fonned member of the Vermont Citizens and then make, another inden­ for Decent Literature, said "this tation before' c;lropping in the law 'will 'prevent 'a' dealer from second egg:,' ~ntillue ,this pro­ insisting that Vermont stores PH ANNUM' cedure until' all.four eggs ~e'all· magazines in o-rder to beaten ,in and tine, dOUgh ',is get tbf'! ones they .want." 'PAID' PAID-UP smooth ~1'}d shinY.', ' . 5) B~iit' the saU,'sti,iar and " SHARE 'CERTIFICATES vanilla into '~h.. ' dough. Post~lent Dance , 'DepOsits Welcomed "In ,Multiples of , 6) Grease a cookie sheet 'With f The Woinen's Club of st. Isi­ a light film, drop ihe:doogh: dore Council, Knights of Colum­ $200.00 up' to $30,OOO-on Single and Joint Accounts by teaspoonS one' and '8 half ~us; will, sponsor 'a post-Lenten Up to $60.000-foi' Corporations ­ inches apart. ' " ,. ' dance at 8'Saturday night, ~:pri1

',DIVIDENDS pAID 4" TIMES A YEAR , ''1) Let the uncooked .puffs 2$ at Stevenson's restaurant, ' stand at room, temperature: fOr: North Partmouth, A preparatory February, 'May,' August and No~~mber , hali, an houl;';: '..' zn.eeUqg"wl.ll bt.beld at· 8 Tues­ All Deposits !nsured, in Fun ' 9) Bake In' a 450· :oven . fQr Ii day night, March 15. nUitutes then tum 'hea~ down' ~ ,425?, for 10 ,to 'is miilUtes or until , p'uffs areg9J,cien b~own. 9) Turn oft oven when puffs are done and pierce the sides of INSURANCE AGIENCY, ,INC. each with' the point of a sharp . . . .' . .: knife. Return them to the oven 96 WIUIAM STREET

for 5 minutes to dry out the NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

insides. " " ' . , 10) These may be filled with wY '8-5153' 'WV 7-9167 the swaet cheese" as in Italy or Main Office: .. Winthrop· Street, Taunton

served with whipped cream till.. PERSONAL S,ERVICE

Branch Office: 1400' Fall River Ave., Seekonk and a chocolnte nauce. '

Form' Vocatio.n Council . "



Selling, of .

















THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., March 10, 1966


Onens Doors

Sister'Hortense Involved- in Educati~~~l'First~ ·Ass·e'rts Mistrust CausesFailure'~ .Wilj~ Teach "at Bridgewater·.State' College .Iii, ':Coop.eration" 'This month, for 'probably the first time in New Engl~nd, a CathOlic high' school

piTTSBURGH '(NC) 1 ~

LAXTON (NC) - Dominican teacher arid it state college professor will .exchange classrooms. The teacher, one of the Bishop 'John J. Wright of Father' Arnold Plurrim~r, a sCi:­ tmce teacher at·, Blackfriars 'most outstanding in the .Diocese, is Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C.,· head of ~he English, Pittsburgh believes deep­ '>chool' in Laxton, England, has , department. at Bishop ·Cassidy High School, Taunton; The professor,' also from Taunton, seated mistrust is at. the' II hobby that opens many doors is Associate Professor· Vir­ ' heart of many failures in coop­ . for him. He picks locks. ,ginia Joki of·the State Col­ . sistant Professor Shirley Ko- er~ti?n between groups' in the . Interested ir. locks since he , .', lack's class viewed the lectUl:es relIgiOUS and secular worlds. was 10 years old, Father' Plum­ · ~~ge.· at ,.B:r1 d.g .e w ate r. and panel discussions. Addressing representatives of mer said he is still attracted "by BrIdgewater. wIll help fur­ "Participating on the panel the major faiths at an institute the sheer esthetic pl~asure of ther the ecumenical spirit this with Mrs. Joki were the Assist­ on "The Person and the Common ."ercoming a piece, of compli­ month," notes Campus Com­ .>\>'1t Superintendent of Schools Good" at Mount Mercy College eated machinery." He is in fre­ · ment, the college l1Eiwspaper, in hI Cambridge, the principal of here, the Pennsylvania prelate quent demand by townspeople reporting the unusual exchange. Springfield High School, ~nd' said: , iilnd has lectured to.a meeting of Sister 'Hortense will explain the Senior Editor of McGraw"It is not that we do not ac­ magicians in London. techniques of" team t~ac,?ing to Hill Publishing Co., Dr. Richard knowledge the moral impera­ "Advanced lock_picking re­ Professor JOkl s class In Teach­ Smith. The new Civil Rights tives which should make us co­ ,uires intelligence, concentration irig English in the' Secondary Bill provided the money for this operative it'is simply that deep and' great patience -- qualities Sc~ool" on Tuesday,. Ma~ch ~5; series of programs. down we'so often plain distrust whIle Professor Jok1e WIll .d1S­ one another." that are rare among petty crim­ "This year, as she did last . . inals," he said. "The real work cuss the works of two Amencan year, Associate Professor Joki is The best solution IS p~rson-tois done sitting in an armchair, poets, Edward Arlington Robin­ participating in a program sug­ per~on contact, the Plttsbul'gh thinking. The actual picking of a son, and E. E. Cummings, with gested by the Massachusetts Ordmary declared. very complicated lock could Cassidy students Tuesday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 29. State Commission for the Aca­ "It is the way most likely to take two days." Interchange Urged demically Talented teaching, establish an atmosphere of mu­ Father Plummer said his rec­ "This interehange between Creative Writing to academi­ tual respect based on the knowl­ (lrd for picking a Yale lock is 30 cally talented students iIi: Taun­ edge which can serve as motiva­ seconds. For people who want college and secondary S"J1001s is ton." tion to live and thus can proquce to guard their homes he has urged by the National Council of S'ister Hortense a climate of lively confidence three words of advicI:: "Use a Teachers of English," writes Miss Patricia Kelley, junior at and mutual trust." bolt." Bridgewater and news editor for Sister Hortense was principal Bishop Wright blame(l the Campus Comment. of Sacred Hearts Acade'my, Fall "phenomenon" of distrust on a Pre~ate Dissca.oSlses

It is explained that contact SISTER MARY HORTi:NSE River, before her transfer to growing lack of self-confidence wit h 'college-Ievel teaching Bishop Cassidy. For eight years within persons and groups, rath­ Jewish Statement

give high school students a no­ coanut Grove Holocaust," Red­ prior to that time she headed er than on inherited histories. CHARLESTON (NC)-Bishop tion of y.ohat to expect when book; "The Sacco-Venzetii Case. the Sacred Hearts English de­ "This in turn comes from a Ernest L. Unterkoefler of they begin their campus careers. A Series of six Articles," Cleve­ partment. Other teaching assign­ crisis in self-identity," he said. Charleston has told a Jewish On' the other hand, a teacher on 'land Plain Dealer; "The Key to ments have been at St. Mary's "Many of us no longer know eongregation here that Catholics the high school level can give Karamu House: A Study of the School, Taunton; Sacred Heart who we are or what we are. ·'welcome any occasion to put future teachers a "firing-line re­ Negro in the Creative Arts," School, Lawrence; and Sacred Some of our religious and cul­ the Vatican council's document port" on secondary school tech­ Extension Magazine. Hearts Elementary School and tural groups appear to be suf­ on non-Christian religions into · ing. techniques. "At the request of Dr. Thomas the College of the Sacred Hearts, fering from a collective amnesia' practice." Miss Kelly reports that Sister Curtain, Deputy Commissioner both ,.in Fall River. they have forgotten their pur~ The bishop, a member of the Hortense "wils a member of the of Education for the Common­ poses, their origins their per­ U. S. bishops' commission on first institute for English teach~ wealth of Massachusetts, Mrs. Brown Universit.. sonalities. ' ecumenism, spoke to tbe broth­ e;s sponsore~ by the Commis- Joki participated in a panel "The crisis of Western man is erhood of Beth' Elohim Temple. Slon on EnglIsh of the College which was part of a television To' Hear Theologian '" h' h h . i He professed the sinceri ty of the Eiltrance Board. She obtained course on race relations. The a .crlslS 111 w 1C. e IS . nsec~re . eouncil Fathers in' drawing up her bachelor's degree from the st;i'ies was filmed on 'Channel PROVIDENCE (NC)-A .1ead­ :'Ith regard .to hiS own Identity, 'the decree, while' at the same Catholic Univer:,ity of America Twa and shown in 10 state col­ ing theologian, Father Bernard 19 own entity, his own worth. time, he frankly admi tted the in Washington, ·D.C., and a Mas­ leges,' Northeastern University,' Haering, C.SS.R., will speak at enormity of the task ahElad in its tel' of Arts in Teaching at Bos­ Boston University, Boston Col­ a Brown University conference implementation. ton College. She has done grad-' lege, and Emmanuel College. At· Tuesday; March 15 on "Respon­ The South Carolinan. ,cited uate work ' at Syracuse Urn·ver· BrIdgewater, first, semes t er,' A S-' sible Parenthood". and "Con­ science and Fre~dom." , enormity of the task ahead in its sity, Harvard University; and. emphasis in Catholic education Oxford University in England In addition to his formaT talks. ,to give a more positive Image of_ where she did special work on Famity Movement on these topics, the GermanRe­ Jews and the Jewis~ religion to the metaphysical. poets; As'sl.sts' PAVLA demptorist Will discuss his views 1he young. Many' Articles with a panel of three theolo-" WYman "Mrs: Joki, a Radcliffe grad­ CHICAGO (NC) --'- The 'na­ gians-a 'Protestant, a Jew and. uate with a Master of Arts at,the' ' tional office of the Christian' another Catholic. 3·6592 Gives Kiss of Peace University, of Wisconsin, has Family Movement has taken' They are Dr. R. Paul Ramsey, CHARLES F. V~RGAS taught at Quincy and, Taunton' steps to cooperate actively in Paine p'rofessor of religion at To Syrian Leader

H'igh Schools, and is a member the current recruitment program Prince~on 'University, Rabbi Eu­ 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car­ of St.Paui's parish in Taunton. of the Papal' Volunteers' for, geneB. Borowitzof the New dinal Cushing gave the tradi­ She has published numerous ar.,. Latin America.. York School of Hebrew Union NEW BEDFORD, MASS. tional "kiss of peace," a symbol. ticles among which are a unit According to Father Raymond - College, and Father John' C. e1 Christian unity, to Metro­ on the negro in the Journal of A. Kevane, national director of Ford, S.J., of Catholic University politan Antony Bashir on the Education, Boston University; PAVLA, promotion and recruit­ of America. " day the head of the Syrian An­ "Death' Went Dancing: The Co- ment materi8.l is now being sent tiochian Orthodox Church of from CFM's Chicago headquar­ North America died at New Eng­ ters ,to couples heading the Pope' Honors Italian, land Baptist Hospital here. movement in 145 dioceses. Metropolitan Bashir requested Mi~ration Leader 'In addition to spreading the his aides to ask Cardinal Cushing word about PAVLA among its NEW YORK (N'C):_: Father to his bedside. presiding couple~ throughout the The Cardinal, who visited the. Caesar Donanzan, P.S.S.C., a nation, CFM helps the Papal, MONTH~ Orthodox leader privately for a leader,in the Italian migration to Vohinteers program. in other·· the U. S. field, has been honored short time in the hospital's in­ ways, adds Father Kevane. "In tensive care uilit, said he asked by, Pope Paul VI with the Pro some dioceses, parish CFM·, "this good soul to pray for Ecclesia et Pontifice medal "in groups are sponsoring individual unity," and kissed him on the recognition of his yea,rs of ser­ PRINTED AND MAILED vice to'the Church and the papa.,. Papal Volunteers," he said. forehead. \ cy." The Cardinal lauded Metro­ Write or Phone 672-1322 The Italian-born priest, 46, is politan Bashir "as a great man provincial of the Society of St. • 0 <10 one with whom I always 234 Second Street - Fall River felt great esteem and love .;. * . . Charles for the northeast U. S. and Canada, lie was ordained ti> :We have always been good ONE STOP

the priesthood in 1943 and came friends." SHOPPING CENTER

to the U. S. in 1946. The decoration was .presented • Television • Furniture Britain Says Ind·jia's to Father Donanzan by _Bishop • ApD'iances • Grocery Edward E.' Swanstrom, execu­ Answer More Food

104 Allen St., New Bedford tive director of Catholic Relief DUBUQUE (NC) - A British Services - National Catholic INC. WYman 7-9354 . economist believes that aid to. Welfare Conference, overseas indian agriculture is a better relief agency of U.S. Catholics. solution to India's food. shortage ~an populatlOL control. Open Tn All Colin Clark, director I)f the International StP.tistical Institute LOS ANGELES (NC) - To at Oxford University, feelJ: U. S. implement the decrees of Vat:­ and European assistance to In­ ican Council II, tl1E~ Los Angeles dian farmers,' particularly by chancery office has asked all IOUTE 6, I:fUTTLESON AVE.

supplying large quantities of pastors to arrange a series on Near Fairhaven Drive·ln

ehemical fertilizer, would be religious subjects during Lent; Italian Dinners OUIl' Specialty

"one of the most remunerative open to both Catholics and non­ . ServieeOu Patio investments -0' the world as well Catholics without· casto! obli- , RIVER,' MASS.

as the most humanitarian." gation.



















Project Equality Staff Expands .CHICAGO (NC) ,~,Th~ Nlh­ .tional Catholic Conference for Inte,J:racial Justice· has an­ nounced expansion of its staff to service' the rapidly growing "Project Equality" equal em­ ployment opportunity program. Curtis Heaston of Chicago has Joined the national interracial agency as associate director of the department of employment services and assistant national program director of the project. Conference executive director Mathew Ahmann said the' ap­ pointment was required by the growing number of requests for the ·"Project Equality" program loy Catholic, Protestant, Ortho­ dox and Jewish jurisdictions in all parts of the United States. "Project Equality" is a program using the economic resources of religious institutions to fight discrimination in employment practices. Heaston left a position as as­ sistant attorney general for Illi­ nois to join the NCCIJ. Heaston is a graduate of Chicago's Loy­ ola University school of business and received his law degree from the Loyola law school.

CFM,.Leg·ion 01 Mary, Sacred' Hearts ..Or d·er:. Among Ex"!tibitors ,·at Christian Panorama Plans are all hut complete for the Christian Panorama Vocation and Mission Exhibit to be held the weekend of March 25 at Bishop Cassidy High School; Taunton. Thirty-five religious communities and lay organizations will be represented at the exhibit, including from the Fall River, Diocese the Dioc.esan Clergy, the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine, the Serra Club, the Christian Family Movement, PAVLA, the Legion of Mary, and the SoCiety of St. Vin-·

cent de Paul. In addition, the majority of the religious communities active in the Diocese will have booths, as well as a number of mission­ ary orders. Typical of lay and religious groups in the giant project are the Christian Family Movement and the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts. Christian Families In February, 1943 seven young men sat after hours in a Chicago office. Of diverse backgrounds and experience, they had one common insight: they knew that they must find ways to love the world better, ways to help bring the world-persons, things, insti';' tutions-to Christ. In this meeting the seed of the Christian Family Movement was planted. From it have sprung Shrene to Exhibit the hundreds of thousands of ac­ tions, big and small, that have Re~ti~ioLils ~1iJI~ners' made CFM a unique develop­ WASHINGTON (NC)-A two­ ment of the Catholic Church. month exhibit of religious ban­ CFM is an apostolic movement ners from the Vatican Pavilion of, by and for married couples of the New York World's Fair and their families. CFM helps will open tomorrow at the Na­ members to be seven-day-a­ tional Shrine of the Immaculate week Christians. CFM creates a Conception. community spirit among like­ The banners were executed minded families. CFM helps by Norman Laliberte, an expo­ parents to improve their own nent of modern religious art. family life. CFM gives couples a They portray events in the lives chance to grow together. CFM of Christ and the saints and helps each person to know that highlights of the Church year. he is' needed, and ,useful. CFM offers laymen and priests a pro- ' ductive way of coming to know, respect, and work together. Some 100,000 couples are in­ Continued from Page One volved . in CFM and related' groups in many sections of the and a special Preface for the world. The number of couples feast of the Dedication of a becoming interested in this Church. movement in the Diocese of The decree of the Sacred Con­ Fall River is incrl~asing and as gregation of Rites, extending the .. a result many. things are being use of these Prefaces, stated that promoted which wm show forth the reason for this extension the real spil'it of Christian was "the greater emphasis on' living. ," . the Preface as a prayer of· Improves F2mily Life praise, 'blessing and thanksgiv­ Because of CFM family -life is ing at the beginning of the .eu-" improved since the movement charlstic pray.er or Canon of' the offers couples a way to show Mas.s." love not only for, their families­ With more active particpation but for all families. Parish life on the part of the people and ;Ii takes on a more personal mean­ keener interest in the liturgical ing since it is ·a major force in year, feasts, and the proper at­ shaping men and. women who titude of the people in regard realize their role in God's plan. to these, it was thought of ut­ There are 125 couples partici­ most importance that that pray­ pating in the CFM program in . er which solemnly mentions the 13 parishes' in the' Diocese of reasons for the particular feast Fall River. These groups are be clearly proclaimed in the united for' greater action in language of the people. what is termed the Federation. "New Missal'''' Rev. Edmo'nd L. Dickinson is Federation Chaplain and Mr. and American printers and dis­ tributors are now hastily at Mrs. William Crowley, Seekonk, Federation President Couple. work making available a "Sacra­ "You are not wanted here!" mentary" which will contain the Where were these words English translations for the spoken? It was in 1873 on Molo­ above prayers and prefaces. kai in the Sandwich Islands, the The new "missal" is designed primarilly for the celebrant of former name for the Hawaiian Islands. the Mass. It contains the prayers Who was the priest? Who Ine recites or sings and gives were these people? both the Latin and English The priest was the 33-year-old translations. Father Damien of the Fathers of It is not a popular missal, the Sacred Hearts. He had been te., one designed primarily for ordained only nine years previ­ the use of the people. It eon­ ously. The people were the un­ tains those prayers which the fortunate ones who were dealt priest recites or chants for them a heavy blow with leprosy. while they listen and spiritually Some may ask what induced unite themselves to his announe­ this priest to seal himself off ed petitions. from the rest of the world and tend the flock at that leper col­ Besides these prayers, the new ony? 'There was II tremendous missal also contains a new "Or­ cllinary" which is drawn up 1ft amount of the love of God and accorance with all the latest the Blessed Mother in the heart changes and directives and ira of Father Damnen. He wanted nccordance with the restored to let this love flow out from ws own beart into 1~ lives ~ tm~ rite of ConcelebraUon.

liturgy Changes

VOCATIONS EXHIBIT: Among the numerous priests assisting in readying the Christian Vocation Panorama scheduled for Cassidy High, Taunton, March 25-27, are, seated, left to right: Rev. Arl)lando A. Annunziato, No. Attleboro; Rev. James F. McCarthy, Attleboro. Standing: Rev. James F. Kelley, area CCD director, Mansfield; Rev. John J. Steakem, No. Easton. afflicted people who would soon meet their judgment. He wanted to make sure that when they met their death that they would be in the hands of God, not Satan. , But why should you only read about this Hero of Molokai? Why not view the 30-minute, Damien film which will be shown at the Christian Pano­ rama exhibit. . Also on view will be a self­ explanatory 30-minute color film, entitled ''The Enthrone­ ment of the Sacred Heart in the

What About YOU?

Home." This work was begun by Father Matteo, SS.CC., a member of the same community as Father Damien, the leper priest. The Fathers, Brothers­ and Sisters of the Sacred Hearts, who have their provincial house at One Main Street, Fairhaven, invite you and your friends to visit our booth and view these films. We will be looking for you.




Commercial • Industrial


Painting and Decorating

Fall River

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74 Williamson Street

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., March 10, 1966


ECu~'.:ll",=C'm Topic

For Educators ' ~""1",,1 M~~":lI1g WASHINGTON (NCi ­ The National Catholk I'jdu­ cational Association'~ 63rd annual convention h April will feature a general st:9<lion on Catholic education's rote in fos­

tering ecumenism.

Fat her Colman ". Barr)', O.S.B.; chairman of the nati,Qnal Committee on EcuT .Ienism and Catholic Educatiot', will sI1eak at the NCEA's s!Econd general session on Tuesday, April 12, the second day of the conven­ tion schedulecl, Lor Chicago A,prH 11 to 14. Father Barry's remarks, the NCEA saidl here, will be fol­ lowed by additional comments from three members of the com­ mittee, Mrs. Eugene J. McCar­ thy of Bethesda, Md., wife of the­ U. S. Senator; Sister Mary Ida Gannon, president of Chicago's Mundelein College, and Philip Scharper, editor of Sheed and Ward publishers, New York. The committee which Father Barry heads has held a series 011 meetings to explore how the en­ 'tire Catholic educational effort, from parochial schools to Con­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine, can reflect a1d promote ecumen­ ism. The NCEA also said here that'; John Cogley, senior religion writer for the New York Times, will speak at the convention's . closing general session.

Interracial Council

Endorses Board

NEW YORK (NC) - The Catholic Interracial Council 011 New York has endorsed a pro­ posal for a civilian review board to examine charges of miscon­ duct by city police. The Interracial Review, 'pub­ lication of the council, said z properly constituted board could "assure a degree of justice and 'impartiality to all; civilian a!l well as police."



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Philade'~phia He're I Come Admiroh~" 'Written Play I"


God Love You


By Mosft Rev. ,Fulton J. Sheen.' D.D. I wonder if we are not getting away from the Cross. Is Pen­ ance becoming unpopular? Our Lord made it the subject of His first sermon and of His last sermon to the world. St. Peter chose it as the theme of his fidt Pentecostal sermon and St. Paul called himself "crucified." Indeed, some ancient rules of fasting and. abstinence are not suited for the whole world, such as India where one Catholic told a bishop that he ate a rat on Friday~ his 'first meat in six months. But is there not danger that the body "penance" may be thrown out with the water of "agglorna­ mento"? When we do away, with fasting, we ask our people, "Though fasting is no longer a law, we want you to impose on yourself and practice self-denial." Is not the purpose of the law. to assure' a minimum of fasting among us poor mortals whose shoulders are better fitted for minks and wool than yokes 'and crosses? How many priests would read' the 'Breviary every day if it were not a law .and how many would do the ,equivalent of prayer and meditation as a substitute if left to their own. choice? Those who love Christ need no law, but how many of us can truly say with Peter: "Lord! Thou knowest that I' love Thee."!

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy . "No travels to bizarre places this year?" 'The question referred to articles in previous years about the hinter­ lands of, for' exampl(~, Brazil or Morocco. The questiQner was obviously unawaJ'e that I had, only a few days before, visited Boston. While there, I read two newspaper pieces If none of this seems partic­ ularly novel, the reason is not which quoted two authorities that Mr. Friel is echoing other as saying, respectively: (1) plays, but thai he is drawing

that Boston is now 'in its golden from life. innumerable people age.•. a more splendid cultur~l have been in the same situation center than it in 'every age back through his­ was a hundred tory; it is a common if not uni­ years ago. anc. versal, experience. , (2).that Boc;ton The strength of a play lies not is n.o longer the in the absolute originality of its Athens of Amer­ subject matter (a flat impossi­ Some justify tbe decline of penance ica. I 'm in no bility) 'but In.the measure of In­ FIR..'1T: Brother Anthony on the grounds that our life Is too hard position to de-" sight and freshness which the -penitential in our daily round of cide w hie h is author brings tc it, the inventive Ipsaro, S.M.,- has been ap­ pointed Baltimore Archdio­ duties, our commercial rush here and right, but I do skill with which he sets it out. there, our daily struggle to make ends c e san Superintendent 0 f 'know that this Spiced Wi1:h Wit. meet. Yet, how, until a few centuries These gifts Mr. Friel has, in Schools, believed to be the Athens, wllether ago, was It any less penitential to travel waxing or wan­ plenty. His play is admirably first, Brother 1;0 head a di­ by donkey, to live In heat withoat air. in~" does a. mis-. .' . written, but not self-consciously conditioning, to' survive cold without· erable job of. cleamng Its streets lite,rary. The dialogue is vibrant 'OCesan school system.' NC steam heat. dleall oil lamPs, Instead in the Winter. ... .'. and unhackneyed; spiced with Photo. toachlng Ii. switch and to IN!. a mother I had to skittElr over a grellt wit, . shot through with poetic whO is tailor, midwife; nurse and teac'h­ deal' of ice, leap 'over a great touches, but' with none: of the'" M' e,r, ~ well" all hoqaew:1te! " de~l "ofimow, and' .slosh th~oUgh.:, 'r It c tor i cal extravagance of . •. 'great deal' of dirty water to O'Casey. Continued from Page One, ',So~~. ,iais ,ofs,elf~discip1,ine need' modernization more than" get ,to the decrepit' .thea~lres In' . Most impressive of allJs the" ligt i t ct" it "f n ' which two interesting new plays. adrtlitness with ~hicb M:r. Fri'el''' re ous ~ ;ru Ion· . 0 OWl: abrogation.' Only lovers sacrlfi~, and bow many so 10've 1jbe 'Cru-'; were having" tryout perfortn;;.· uses Ii device that Might easilY' ' _that an exhibit such as Christla~'. cifl~"? Why, n,ot ~e ,it ..~po!l ourselves' to 'sUbstitute'a new law' ances before venturiilg into New have paralyzed the play. TWo" Panorama .muS' 'become ,~art 0 instead ,of .. ju~t saying. "Oh!, We do "not' have to fast anymote~·' York." : -' " ',' ", actOrs play Garetli. (j'Doniiell~ our·educ~tIonaLpro~ram. WIly, 'n9t, t~ke.'tlie amount that:, yoU' sav'e'dbyfaSting and' oblige' ""'''t' . "1"y . .0·"· .'., .;:'­ The, dIocesan.. has . yo,urselfto give .it to' the. poor,...,..to feed the poor! This is important;" b 'ne 'play "wa's" Philad.elp"hill, . sf mlU.aneo ne represen~"l '__1__ .:1 . h . 'didirector t ~..:.. d us Here I ConiebyBrian Frle~; a,n, the' public Self, the other the ~ eae . area rec or..... e-:-. ~"n~t '~ve tQ t~e 'rieh,' Whetbe.r they be' persons or iristitutioM; Irish' writer who bas given lis' private self.. 'Wh~n' the public.''' Vl.Se a .. pian ~llerebY the Ccp do not give to anyone. who will invest your alms in stocks 01" some Of )he most delightfull and self is' speaking, th4~ pri'vate -self groU?S in thelT section make it real estate~ Give. it to the .poor bishops, priests, brothers,sisteri' exquisitely, ' fashio~ed. s h 0 r t tells Us what he loeally means.' offiCially part .of the pro~r~. and ,the' faithful in missi~n lands. This was, the mind of. the . , .' . .' "More and. more emphasIS IS Cl1J.11"~h In. the beginning: fastilig was not just to impoverish the' stories of recent years.,Th~,f!ther. The private self chides. ndicules I d f" . Id t;ip This was James Goldman's The Lion tries to spur or restrain' the pUb-' ~ ace. .ndow. °tn 'ble dr.. s. th body but to. enrich t~ poor by our savings. We have enough' -In''Winter, which attracted me lic self: .' , 18. alme a. roa emng. e divol\ccs ,alreacty, l~t us not, add the' Great Diverce of tearing' because it' deals with that' pe~The effect is often hilarious, 'as" child's knowle?ge of persons and Christ 'from the Cross and throwing the Cross away, for until' ennialiy iJiterestingpersanage" when, dur.hig 'the familyreeita-' places of speCIaI i?terest. Let 1JS the end of time we must be followers of, Christ' and Christ Cry';' Henry 11, King of En~land in the. tioti of the rosary the' priwite" t~~ make this dIsplay .a ."field cifled. Let me hear' from you during .Lent. GodLove Youl twelfth century, self gives voice'to' the dtStrac:" triP': ~or our J.D~ny students. in .OUght to,be Hit, . tions running through Gareth's" Chns.ban ,po#nne classes b\lt , GOD- LOVE YOU to the fiolends ;uu),customers.of the. Jolm lIQw .. Philaqelphia, .. lier~ ..1. .. mind. But the private self does" csp,eclallY, #or.,~h.os~en~olled,Qn .. Come .will fare ,in Ne~ YOlr~,. I, mo,re than get iiulghs(solne qf" the. Jullior ",!Ilgh, .apd Hig"., Sheffield' Flower CompaDy' who collected $563 for tile Dol'; ,." Father's"PoOrof tbe worlel dUrin: 1965 • ,•• to SoM.B. for $1Il :. cannot'say. It deservescto .. be ·a, tlHdnost'inoving moments iIi the Sc~o~l.levels:.. . " ';'.' hit. J3,ut t~~gagged.,.1,lp, gilJ1.mi~kY.. plaY come frori;i his .speaking th't ~pm~uaI o,;Plr,ec.tors w~o ~Ill,. IOj, declil~a' at 'the last inlitute . to play. in. the :office pool, teUiDg, " comedY, or. thoe blac,k. comeCiY,,is ,. unspealtable or at least the' uri­ act as coordmat9I'lr: of .~e..C~p,. myself if 1 won 'I' wOuld send'it to y.on. 1 /ruess the Missioll$i • ,r. . ' ' ., effort ~or the vocation and mis­ need' money' pretty baelly because bereft Is.",. '•. ·to W.T. & K.B. r Whll.tBroadw;ay goes ,f9 , and spo!te,~;,.

si61'i" exhi1:>it' are: .': .. ,' ". for$6.1'Jeollected t~m their' nintb grade clall8 ha' nickels, dlma Mr... Friel's· play is neithe'r ot,·' Brilli~ntA~t~r

Attleboro'A,i'ea -.:. James aiDa" PeDDles. . . . , , ". ..... ' . : ., :., . th9~e. It is a, genuine comedy,., Two . extraord~nary., . y 0 un g Kelley;' ' : ' . . . , .. ,.. , . '. recognizably hux:n an in its eVery" Irish.actors ~rform these selves.

Cape Cod,md. Islarid~Rev:" yOU ever ,asked you~elf this question: "Why should t aspec~ and lin~, immensely fun- : DOz:tlU, Donm;Uy.is hardly' short " Philip Davignon." . " " give my hard-earned money to those in mission lands?" Find' ny' withou~ domg the least,viQ'" of brilliant ill the admittedly Fall River :...- Rev.' RiCliard' out why in' the 'wordS of the "missionaries living' and working On' lepce; to lif~ or ;character, a~d fat part of the private self. Pa~.,. Demers. . . . ., the ~cene whe) Write' of their 'experiences in WORLDMISSION;, touchingm. Its authentiC trick Bedford, in. the less showy, ' New Bedford-aev. 'JohD Fol..; : This quarterly. magaZine, edited by the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, poignancy, whl,ch is neither sen,. . but scarcely less demanding role.. ster. can be sent to you for only $5.00 a year. Write to WORLDMISSION, timental nor bitter~ of .the public self, is very good· Taunton-Rev. Thomas Neilan. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001. It is, of course, laid in Ireland,· indeed. In addition to the Area Spir­ In the tiny town. of Ballybeg. Other Irish actors demonstrate itual Directors, the diocesan Ex­ Cut out this column, pia yoUr sacrifice to It anel maO U And it focuses principally on rare mastery ir. smaller parts. ecutive Board will take an active young Garett. O'Donnell, who, The cast has been rounded out part in the promotion of this to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Soeiety ~ .Jhe, morrow, is to fly to with some American performers exhibit. Members of the Board for the Propagation of the Faltb, 366 IFifth Avenue, New York, America, live with his Aunt who, although passable simply include the following: N. Y. 10001 or to your diocesan director. IU. Rev. Magr. Raymond ~izzy in Philadelphia, and work do not have the accent, speech President, Edward Angelo, ' T. Considine, 368 ~ortll Main Street, Fall River, Massachusetts. m a hotel. rhythms, and acquaintance with New B~dford; 'vice, President, .. Gareth's mc-ther has been long Irish, ways to match, the. ricb' Edward McDonagh, North At­ dead. His father runs a COWltry perfectIon of the veterans of the' Ueboro;, Recording ,Secretary, store and is a county councillor. Abbey' or other Irish acting Claire Morissette, Swan)3ea;.Cor­ This slow, sile~t man, who had compariieS. .. .-, responding. S~retary, Mrs. Lu.,.. been much older than his wife, Anyone with an Irish back­ cUle .Felix" Attleboro; Treasurer, never has. anything to say to his gro.und will esp.eel.a.lly e.iiJroy·'thls Mrs.. M.ary, NeYl'lle, T aun t 011•. f h e talki 'On. M 0 51 o,t . ng around play. I doubt 'however that its ....: tJ1e house is done .by .014Madg~, excellence'wItl: be lost, oft·the the housekeeper., . ;.',: non-Irish.,·"" :'. Blood To' "~:.; . . Vi~tWar -.... . . Universal Experienee How win it fare on :Broadway? ,DARLINGTON (NC) ~ Stu­ Life in Ballybeg is dull, There Is there a place there for some- . derits at'lmmaculate Conception' ., 65a.,,'Washinqto·n·;, Street, Fairhaven

are "the boys," with whom thing -as ent!'ancingly human, as; . se!¢n!ll-y ,here. hi.. New,' )ef1JeY • Gl\reth has played football nnd commonplace or. the surface, but,: donate<i bl!Xid lor u. s. anp~', -'WYman 4-5058

done some mi1~ skylarking. And surgtclJlly probiIlg in its explo-') fo~.s.. in.Yietnaip. w~en, ~ .Red., there is Kate Doogan, who had ration of 'the heart, unspec-( Cross bloodmobile visited the .••••••••i •• i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• promised to'marrY Gareth, only ~actl1ar but marvelously reward,;,: seDuna'ry. " ~," ," to have her wishes overroled by lng, as this? J just dOIl't know. ' . • her father (Il senator, no less) Goldman Play 'j and mother. Kate is. now Mrs; .• In' The Lior in.' Winter, Mr~1 regal element in this monarch, King, '1nd no longer in Gareth's Goldman" a young American: or the genius which put together orbit. Gareth's routine, like that writer, is telling of Henry II at' s~methiIl~' ofa~,:eriilll,l1e,. ,.. of !the" town itself, nevel',·varies. the age of5(}.·.\1lt;ith·the murder of i , The':;plliy is more deb~te than"· from day to day. . ' . St. Thomas -of Canterbury far! drama;iand the iJltrtcactes ofre~ Hence he is pleased by 1:he . behind, hi~, his rule in Englan<J,: latiomihips arepas~' understand';'­ prospect of leaving. But; with and throughout much of France: lng by6'ne 'noffamilfar with:This .. ....,. "" ...... I.,'..... . , "" .. departure at. hand, he has second well establishedi' and the,cprob­ remote period of English.history. thoughts. He recalls incidents lem of the succession to the' As he_admits, ,Mr. Gold.plan has .. '. from the past, in which he made' throne tormenting him. taken liberties with fact (for ex­ ~istakes. Hit puts forth a final, The roughness, the swagger, ' ample, where ,Eleano,,"'s religious desperat.e effort to bridge the and the bruta:. streak in Henry ~ews are concerned), but he has ehasm between himself and Ills are caught ·b)/ Mr. Preston,' but· by no me'ans falsified ~haracter., UNION WHARF, 'FAIRHAVEN the actor dOeiJnot slllggest the il:.Uler. or major events.

'I nteres. ' .".'. .









.24';;Hour Wrecker Service






Lobster .Boats Clre

, ~o~i;'g;,j~~ri~gi~g., ~. t:ARGE; ~.' LIVE :;~ ~. ~..

"Maclean's; Sea Foo'ds


'~:' ,:~ew, 'An~DiOceson,Bcindj:Or,ch6sfra,

Thurll.; March 10, 1966

Chorus to Make First Appearance At Feehan High Concert May 29 . ~~angele8s

in a




Set Classroom Limit at 40

world. That's the traditional

Do~I~Ica~ Ac~demy umform. Girls at the Fall River school, partICIpatmg In a. 8tud~nt council sponsored poll, voted

DETROIT (NC) - ClassrooM size for all elementary schools in the Detroit archdiocese· will be limited to a maximum of 4e pupils in September. In addition, all schools with eight or more classrooms must have a fulltime principal whlll has no assigned teaching respon­ sibilities. In a directive to all pastors Archbishop John F. Dearde~ spelled out policies which must be followed "in the interest of improving the quality of our education." "Obviously pupils now en­ rolled are not to be dismissed,'" the archbishop's letter stated. "However, should vacancies oc­ cur due to transfer, these placeD are not to be filled if the class­ room load is 40 or more."

three to one to retam theIr navy bllle jumpers white blouses and varicolored class ribbons. ' Th' . th f debate team won two and lost IS III e ace of plaids, four at tj'le recent Stonehill Colchecks and all manner of lege tournament. blazers all over the Diocese. Sodality Projl!cts

Good for them, say we. New sodality projects getting Maybe it won't boast 76 trom- under way at Sacred Hearts Fall bones, but the newly forming River include a sodality bowling All-Diocesan Ban d, Orchestra team and. a newspaper. Prefect and Chorus is opening a new is Mary Ann Demetrius. era in Inter-school cooperation Names of varsity .volleyball ir. the Diocese. The estab- team members have been an­ lishment of a girls' chorus, nounced at Mt St. Mary. Sen­ male chorus, mixed chorus, or- Iors. are Betty Misek, Marilyn chestra and band was announced StroJny, Lynne Chrupcala Mon­ this month by the Diocesan ica Polak, Linda Waite' Anne High School Music Committee. Sullivan, Peggy Galfo;d and Purpose of the unit, say or- Julie Urban.•Juniors are Joanne ganizers, ul s to provide n, Chrupcala and Carol Morton' broader performing experience and sophomore~ are Jean Mehl~

~an is possible in an individual mann and Barbara. Ganczarski.

school. This can be accomplished At Bishop Cassidy teenage

by providing more thorough in- journalists are preparing for instate science fair and the other~, strumentation in band and 01'ceremonies Sun day winners will exhibit at the re- " chestra than can be found in any mght, March 20 into the national gional fair in Fall River, with one scl;lool; also by offering the journalism soCiety, Quill and , CLASS PRE.SJDENTS: Class presidents at Jesus-Mary' the chance of going from there opportunity 01 participation in Scroll.' tTo : •become members: Ac to. state compet;tion. Ninth grade . .' P ' a d emy,. F a 11 R Iver, are, seated from left, Paulette CastonII mixed ch<?rus, again impossible awprlD s ~d~tor Barbara Mello WInner at SHA was Glenda Me­ ,. lit many of the Diocesan schools." and yearbook, editors Angela guay, .semor; Charlotte Dube, junior jPauline Dugal, ilenior j deiros, "Mirror Images." , .T~e new group wiil present a' King and Kathleen Medeiros stall(~mg, Pau~ette Berube, freshmanj Christine Picard and Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kerrins,of . joint concert' Bishop Feehsfl Also being inducted win be nin~. ZenaIda IturvIde, sophomores. Attleboro, sppke to SHA Fall " l!igh In,.f\.ttIebOl;O ~l,lnday;, May, paper and 'yearbook staff memRiver parents, last week, and will mus.icians are now', ibetrs and eight, junior probation- UMass; Ri c h a r'd' And I' e w s H' h S h i ' address a Cassidy parents' , beVlg selec.ted ~nci. ~ractiee at', s s. ,', " , . Bridgewater. Ig c 00, ,Brookline. His ence' Tuesday, Marcl1 15, Dr. individual '.lcho«;lls has begun. .' Awar~s o~. the .Hcreative wr.itcoach is Sister Francis Veronica Kerrins, an obstetrician and his' J:oint practices will.be schedulell mg key . wIll. be made. to DebStang High Of North Dart-·· of the Stang faculty. wife responsibilities' 01 nearer the concert d a t e . ' ,9;ra~' ~acL~,al) and, Betsy Mc- mouth 'comes up with awards for More Homemakers of Tomor- ' parents in sex education. Coordinators for the various Carty and 1\farie .Malone will Joan 'Zieliilskl and' Janice Mc- row have been' named. Jesus-: Diane Dzidusko and Kathleen groups are: Girls' Chorus Sister receive anhonor.certlficate for' Kay. Joan, student council sec- Mary's gal is Janet Roy and Cas-' O'Connell are representing SHA Stephen 'Hellm, Bi~~op Cassidy; ca'rtoot,ting.. . ' , ". " . retary, bas been granted nearly sidy's ,is Barbara Batchelder. Fall River at a journalism 'con­ 'rllun,ton; M;al~. ~h9rus,', Sister PatrIck. CaJ,'lley~ S~ng' High $10,000 in' scholarships to date And, yearbooks are safely at ference, being held thro~gh .M~ry., Pascl!line, . Bishop Fee-' School studen~ counllil'pre~idimt, .arid pla,ns flo' attend EmmanUel, t~e ,printer!?, ,including DA's Saturday at Columbia Univer­ '. han;. Mix;ed Chor.us, Sister' Ger~ has been na:p1ed, by the Massa- which awarded ber' a $4800 Dominilog and' :the ' Prevost 'sity. Science, fair at Bishop Cas­ trude".BiShop, North 1?art- . .Elks:Asso,ciption as state . scholarship. n i c, e . McKay, Memory Book. 'In connection sidy opens today, and at , ~Quth; ,Orcbestra Sister Marie wmner lD. the boys'division of Stangscript co-editor, has also' with Prevost's bOok, 'the school Cassidy, debaters wili .travel on , LOJ,"~ain.•e;Mt. S;t. M~r.'y Aca~~my, " the ~lks ,. ~at~onal . Leadership rec'eivedan Emmanuel seholar- paper, Maple Leaf, wt-Irns that' Saturday. March 19' to De 1.2 "a~l\ RIver; .and, .:a,and, "J;Jrother ; Co~test., He~lll receIve II $200 ship, 'hers for $2400. . "'some energetic young people . Salle at St. Catherine's iii. New­ J.Ol)~l, Neidl, ,M~gr. Coyle. Hilih" s~vll1gs 'bon~ ··iit., recognition &f DO~i~i~.l;ln· Acad~my reports. have been soliciting ads for the' POrt for novie£' and junior varTaunton. ' '. hls,leadersh1P . qualities, which a~ceP.tances for Suzamie ,Vallee Memory 1I0ok. The unfortunate sity tournaments. . ',' Bro~her... Johri,' ]Dusic commit-, w~re shown, say~ reported Wil-' ~WI; Ma~~leine Souza; Merri~ . fact about the whole 'matter ill' At Bishop Stang, harriers are ~. and' concert' chairman ie- liam Sullivan" "in 8. 'brochure'of mack; Elizabeth Ann Ouellette" that there are no ads in the' preparing for the trackseasonj quest's"~chools wishing to ~arti~ news' clippings submitted to the. ~t, St.. Vincent and LadycliH; Memory Book thiR year." and at Prevost sodalists joined in ~f)~~e in the pro'gram to contact, E~ks i~ comp~tition with other Beverly neMoura and Louise Also at Prevost; glee club of- Saturday evening services. at hint ". " . .' hlghschool.~tudents;" . .," Eaton, RIC;Claudetie Clouthir,' fieers ,..are George CamPeau,· Fall ~iver's Temple Beth-EI ; .ScholarshipS Johnson' and Wales.' " president; Den n i s Tetreault, finding themselves quite at . . Junio. Prom At' Bishop F'eehgn, eo-'chair.; . More and m0l'e bappyfaeee "And ~inajlY: at C,oyle: James vice-president;. Richard Silva,' ~ith re(litation of psalms.· men Jerry and ,Marie are see!). in school haUll l.amb, State of Utah; secretary; Walter Mulyk, Coyle are preparing .fOO' .. Frat l1 are deep in plans for,the as word of college ,'acceptancei'J .rames ,.Andrews, :Northeastern; urer. ' their, ~rlDual Father-Son Com-, o i ·l'rom,. to be presented and. schola~Sl)~PfJ ,oontinuetl to, ]lobert Arguinand Russell BradJunior 8elenee Fair munion breakfast, to take place .. in the school cafeteria Tuesday, reach students: ' shaw, Wentworth;' Richard' BarScience fair winners at SHA Sunday, March· 27 with Atty. April .19. Th~ir coIDml.ttees inAt. Mt..St: Mary: Susan .len- li'ington and Micbael Bernacchio Fall River are Deborah Powers' Gen. Edward Brooke as speaker. elude decorations, refreshments, kinson, full ,tuition scholarship, Johnson and Wales; Alan with math project, And tonight at Coyle boys wiil band, tickets, and clean-up. renewable yearly, to Regis mann, Stonehill. ment In Notation"; Ellen Kro- hear a talk by Major R. Candin WI'nners i- esssay t lege and one to Sal R gi ger, "Histological Stal'nl"ng m' of the Boston Selective ServI'ce •. , poe r yas,well ' ve scbol~ e nlll, Kennedy Lectlllre poster and author identification as a partial tuition Mice"; Pat McGuigan, "Proper- B oard. His topic: the student hill contests held at Jesus-Mary Qrship, also to EmDiocesan highs were repre- ties of the Moebius Strip"; Linda aud his milltary Academy, Fall River, in connec- manuel. Sonia Uchmann, trustee sented at a lecture in BQston's Pomfret, "Life on Venus"; and mltment.

tion with Catholic Book Week scholarship to Northeastern UnA- Jraneuil Hall by Sen. Edward M. Sharon Haggerty, "Comparison

we r e Michele Boule, essay; versity. ' Kennedy, chairman of the Sen- of Animal and Human Blood."

ELECTRICAL Ch .st. 'P' d D At at subcommittee on refugees and Deborab will continue to the Contractors ~ rl me Icar, poem; iane Jesus-Mary: JQnet Roy escapees. He asked the high Dugal, poster; and Suzanne Bryant; Rita Laflamme ClIlrdinai Lagarde, author identification. Cushing, Salve Re.ol'na n = .. school and college pres­ 6' co . . 1\& ent to collect itemsstudents lor educatioft U Mass; Pauline Dugal SMTX L ast year Intramural basketball teams at Dominican Acad~ l'/lDd UMass; Constance' Gagne =p~~alth kits these needy PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. emy went to the dogs; this year SMTI; Sandra Blanchette Gil. for Ilomestie they're on the college level, wi.tll Lorraine T a I bot" Campbell'. At SRA Fall River volleyball and Industrial team l1ames honoring Yale, ,Business School. tv'youts have been held, with. 12 . . . . . . Sales and Service RIC"BU." Pri~ceton, PC..St. JoAt Holy Family: .Donna PI-, out of 80 aspirants being se­ 011 Burne~ se h BC H d F th. .. ....'" lected. fOr the vanity team. p. s',. an.d. .arvar . 'or, e, .,4800 scholarship from Regis and. Meanwhile at Dominican Acad­ , WY 5-1631 re~~r~~. Princeton beat Be in tM . the Mother Mary Matthew Doyle ~Y, junion . He planning a

.2283 ACUSHNET A ·9.... Coun!y St. ,~r,les. o~ener. ' ~cholai'shil! ,jb'om" Salve Regina. m,~er-daughtell'.b a II k e t b -.11

NEW BIEDFORD ' New Bedford :..... . Attent,lon, seniors in FaU ·River " HI' Iltuden~'~,aeoopted .. SMTI' .

higb schools: Fall Catholie 'Paul . Eileil Tuesday; ,M .. WOl'nan~s Club ,:ls . o~ring twe']few by ,EUulktil' u " '. r.r~Clis W... B,u))~, ~. a ~., . ~50 SCholarships ~ .gl.rlB w~~.' Elizabeth.. CaUahnn ; J'.~1l eemo~~d Bnll~~~ COullty !ha,JnP. . . mlStbers:aFe organi~~on'.lIlem~ ~()it,"AnthoJqr'.,.•" .... " ~ ~ ,C?l'8torie~ -;ontest C!I' the bers..i.,AppUcatioft .l>l~nkll ; He, PeterAiar. ' ' ,;: ' . ' e~t1JtiOft sPonSored bt'the aval1l\bl~ :eaci}. 8e;hoOJ. ' ',' ., " .' ,liieh,ei ~ ,. ' . . '. ~ .. ' ~~I:l~~ .~~oD,ball .,o:ne. 'At J;l0ly,Family, N~w Bedford, ,. ~e;' KB.tbleen ~~ii~S:t· . w~ ill acme eompet1t1on and will '. Rick .Jalbert .hliB been named ' .~hh ;.'M8l'1f\I'd "lIcl--:'~" eompete 011 tbe·1Jtate level··Sun­ playeJ; .of the week. bY ,the stim~ . "; , : . - - - ' . - - March 1S .. AsilUmptiOB



~, ~tude~t





Aeceptan~eJl, ~iocesan















i&7 .



dard-Times; He also :won 8 tre:.:. phy atl most' valuab~ mass B player in the CathoUe TuUm....

, nament. The' school Itself. won • • trophy as it!! basketball team . won first place m Class 'B' m the Il8me tournament. At Prevost the basketban R8IOn ended with the Maple LeafB PG!Iting a 1-11 record m Narry League competition; and aJso at tIMl Fail JUver bop' JIllb90ll . .

tIle~. of


~ Of ••

"'~".,,;:-' ,~,~~1'

\',," '": j : "




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Brother Baltimore Schools Head

HiE ANCHOR~pioceseof Fall 'River-Th'Llr:s., Mar. 10, 1966

Se~s Mi~imMm

Wage law

As M(DU'\(@[f @~ C@Q1)~(£g~~C@ By Msgr. 'George G. JBliggilIls·

(Director. Social Actioll1l Dept., N.,C.W.C.)

, Poverty is often thought of as being synonomous with

dnemployment.We tend to think that people are poor be­

cause, for one re8,son or another, they are nOt gainfully

employed. The record wiII show, however, that unemploy­

ment is not the only cause motion picture theaters, of poverty. In 19613, of the dries, and the loggir.g industry. approximately 7 .~l million OPPOS4l Cutbacks American families living in The AFL-CIO and the execu­

poverty, some two mUlion were headed by a iulltime year-round wag e earner. A n additional 500,000 p 0 0 r families, had a breadwlll­ ner who worked more than three-fourt.hs of the year at a full - time job The s e people are known as the "workinf; poor." They are poor because their full time jobs, do not llrovide them with suffi- ' cient income. Needless to say, a dispropor­ tionately nigh percentage of them are Negroes. . Figh\ 0111 Agafin The sad plight of the so-called "working poor" highlights the crucial importance of the cur­ rent debate ;n the Congress over proposed amendmentil to the Fair Labor Standards Act-the so-.called minimum wage law. The present law provides' for a minimum wage of $1.25 --per hour. At the conclusion of the first session of the 89th Congress, the House Education nnd Labor Committee hait approved a bill (H.R. 10518) that would have raised the minimum, ll>y' stages, to $1.75 by 1968 for workers al­ ready covered, and w()uld have extended coverage to 7.9 million additional workers. The present legislative situa­ tion is in flux. There are pres­ sures, for a SIn&Uer increase in the minimum wage and exten­ sive cutbacks in coverage. New Bill The bill that reaches the floor Is expected to set a minimum wage of $1.40~ effective Sept. 1, 1966, .and $1.60, effective Sept. 1, 1968. It has also been reported in the press that members of the Labor Subcommittee and of the parent Education and Labor Committee have agreed infor-, mally to eliminate some two million workers from the ex­ tended coverage. The earlier bill would have provided minimum wage cover­ age for approximately 1.3 mil­ lion farm workers. The new bill would also scale down extension of minimum wage coverage in other cate­ gories, including retail trade, restaurants, hospitals, laun­

tive committee of the Citizens' Crusade Agamst Poverty-a na­ tional body made up of a large number of labor, business, reli­ gious, and social welfare organ­ izations-are strongly opposed to these cutbacks in the earlier bill reported out last year ,by the Labor Subcommittee. Even without any cutpacks, this bill, in their opinion" would be inadequate. They favor a $2 minimum wage with the broad­ est possible coverage, including agricultural workers, 50 per cent of whom nOw are earning less than $1 an hour, 41 percent less than $.75, and 23 per cent less than $.50. Politics being what it is; tlie AFL-CIO and the Citizens' Cru­ sade will probably have to' set­ 'tle, in the end, for a compromise.

This is unfortunate, in my opin­

ion, for what they are asking

for is little t'nough. in all con­


Nationall Moralitr . The word "conscience" is used here advisedly, for this is basically a moral issue. As Leon Keyserling,a former member of the President'" Council of Eco­ nomic Advisers, remarks in a new study, I~he Role of Wages 'in a Great Society," "even while doing what we must on the in­ ternational front, we have abun- ' dant economic capabilities to ac­ celerate the war against poverty very greatly without delay; the only question 'is~hether we have the national , morality, or sense of justiCfl to give higher, priority to .this war than to some far less important ,things that compete for economic resources." To say that millions of pov­ erty-stricken workers cannot be ' helped because their employers are "too poor" to pay them more, Mr. Keyserling adds, impatiently' and with restrained indignation, "is to, argue, tha~: the war against. poverty, carinot move any faster. than: the 'poor! can afford to' fi.. imceit. Cheers for Mr. Keyserling. His impatience and his sense of moral indignaticln do him great, credit.

Apll'll'oves CITBft'8dsinI\l

Of CtOlll'!m@1ic


(NC)-The di­ rector of the Newman apostolate in the Dallas-Fort Worth diocese. L@l~,8oard fro GMidl@ credited outspoken critics of the' Catholic school system for many AbPoley"s E~iP>(!:Illl1sl;oan of its recent improvements. ST. BENEDICT (NC)-A 14­ Father John ':F. Meyers .told' man lay advisory board has been 200 delegates to the 34th annual formed to guide the planned ex­ Southeastern Province Newman pansion of Mount Angel Bene­ Convention at tb.e University of dictine Abbey here in Oregon. Florida. "It was a mistake to Board members include both hide weaknesses in the, Catholic Catholics and Protestants. school .. sy:stern from th~ crytics. The $7.1 million program will In the past two years the' system double the size of the abbey and has been fair game for the ,crit­ seminary within 10 years. A ics, and many good effects have' , new library, classroom building resulted from their studies." and gymnasium will be built, Not only is Catholic education while the monastery and sem­ improving, Father Meyers added, inary facilities will be enlarged. but it is being led to adopt new There are currently, 280 fltudet;lts organizatfonal .. and administra­ in the seminary tive procedures. He said: "Our: "Our needs' have long' since - schools will need to be reap": expanded beyond our IDriginal praised' regularly. That means a structures," Abbot Damian Jent­ continuing need :fol' good criti­ ges,O.S.B.;.sald. cism." GAINESVILLI~

BALTIMORE (NC) -The ap­ pointment of Brother Anthony Ipsaro S.M., as superintendent of schools for' the archdiocese, of Baltimore has been announced by Lawrence Cardinal Shehan. it is believed to be the first time a Religious Brother has been named head of a U. S. dioc­ esan school system. Brother Anthony, a member of the Marianist Community, succeeds Msgr. James C. Dono­ hue, who in January was named director of th€ Education De­ partment of the National ,Cath­ olic Welfare Conference in Washington. Brother Anthony had been named associate superintendent of schools in Baltimore since last May. The archdiocesan system includes 75,552 children and 1,521 teachers in 151 schools. Fqcus Brother Anthony said his ap­ pointment "helps to put the role GIFT TO POPE: Pope Paul holds balloon he was given of the brotherhood in sharper by children during his visit· on the first Sunday of Lent, focus." to their parish church, the basilica of San Pane. lio, in He sees his task as superin­ tendent as broadening "the scope Rome. NC Photo. of Catholic education in light of the recommendations of Vati­ can II." There is a growing awareness, he said, that the idea of "every Clergy of Three FaJths Join to Symbolize Catholic child in a ....Catholic school" is unrealistic and im­ Protest of Vietnam 'Military Solution'

possible to achieve. The CCD, Newman Clubs and adult educa­ NEW YORK (NC) - Three' They were asked to repeat the clergymen tolled the bell of' procedure at 3 P.M. every Fri- . tion programs will have to be given a greater role to play in St. Mark's - in - the - Bouwerie' day of Lent and daily during this area in the future, he said. Episcopal church on Ash Wed­ Holy Week.

Bell Tolling

nesday 'to protest the war in' Vietnam. It was the first time the bell had rung since the death of President Kennedy. A Catholic, JewiSh and Prot-' estant' clergyman-all members ~ of the Clergy Con~.erned About Vietnam-joined' in pulling-the· bell rope. Urge Repetition Rev. Richard' J. Neuhaus, Protestant co-chairman' of the clergy group, said the act Vl(as, meant to "symbolize our grief, for the, dead on both sides' in Vietnam,pray for peace and honor the concept that ,there is, not a military solution to all' human problems." Joining in the tolling were Rabbi Lloyd Tennenbaum of the Huntington Long Island Jewish Center' and Father.. Herbert Rogers, S.J., of Fordham U~­ versity. A ,210-word proclamation sent by the group to 145 associated organizations throughout the ' country urged Protestants and' Catholics to perform identical' ceremonies in their churches.

Drop of Wine were asked to spill a, drop of wine from the, kiddush cup in their synagogues and, homes through the first sabbath' of Passover to Symbolize the shedding of blood in Vietnam. Kiddush is a ceremony that pro­ claims the holiness of a sabbath or festival. It consists of a bless- ' iug before the evening meal., Formed here last Fall, Clergy' ,Concerned About Vietnam fa-' vora immediate .negotiations on Vietnam and the gradual with- : d,rawalof United States forces;, A. parallel ',national group was,' 'created 'early this year. J~ws


CleYe~(OJtnd Au'!iHttlr}f




,CLEVELANI;> (NC) - AuxilIary Bishop John F. Whealort of: Cleveland participated wit h' Protestant and JewiSh religious leaders hi a discussion at Western Reserve University of "Religipn - .Ecumenism in :Action." . " o the r panelists included Dr: Bernard Martin, associate professor 'of. Jewish studies: at,' Western Reserve; the Rev. B. ,Bruce Whittemore, executive di­ ,rector of the Cleveland Area Church Federation; and pr. Rol-­ land Emerson Wolfe, Western Reserve· professor of biblical ' literature.

O,RTINSIi, .. ,i'!

MIAMI SHORES (NC)-Anna E. King, former dean and pro­ fessor emeritus at Fordham University School of Social Work, bas joined the ~aculty of' the Barry College school of so-· cial work which will open here in September. She will serve as adjunct pro­ fessor of social welfare, in the· school of social work which will be the first in the southeast un­ der Catholic auspices.

R~Hm~ Esta{{'~ Re~(e Povant .HYiUlnni$ 279 Barnstable Road SP 5-0079

we- will announce­ here a dramatic, amazingly simple new program to bring community particlpatiol in music and prayers to every mass. Music in which ••• for the first time in centuries ..• every parishioner will want to take part. Watch for it.


Brothers, I~C.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Mar. 10, 1966


"Follow The Call of Christ" Today If' You Shall Hear His Voice" I-Iarden Not Your Hearts P§e 94, V. 8 r>

.14 ,; <J









Thirty-five Booths

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SobUoff Brothers'

Sterlinq Beverages, I.nc~

textil~ W()rkers Union of

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10, 1966

i-he PaJfd§h Parade


SACRED IlIEAlRTS, NORTH FA[RHAVEN Registration for kindergarten and grade one win be held from 2:30 to 3:30 every school day afternoon this month. Parents should bring \)-.!"thJ or baptismal eertificates. For information on registratioT. in grades' two - through eigh' for children not currently attending _the paro­ chial school"Sister Marie Henri­ ette, principal 01' the rectory may be contacted. The- annual Spiring chicken dinner to benefit the school im­ provement fund will be held Sunday. March 27. Tickets are now available. A rummage sale is in process of organization. Donations of toys, clothes. dishes, furniture, and such items are requested. Donors may contact Mrs. Ed­ ward Martin. 14 Springhill Street. Daily Masses during Lent are at 7:50 in the mo.rning and 5:40 in the afternoon.

Turks Forbid Greek Primate' to .Offer Mass NEW YORK (NC)-Thl;. ac­ tion by Turkish police in pre­ venting the celebration of Mass in Istanbul by the Greek Ortho­ dox Primate of North and South America was labeled here as siIilply another example of "in­ fringement of the religious lib­ erty of the ecumenicai patriarch­ ate."

The incident happened just as Archbishop Iakovos" was about to begin the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the patriarch­ ate's Church of St. George at the beginning of February. Turkish police in a statement 'in Istanbul said however that it was "of his own free will" that Archbishop Iakovos did not offer the Mass.

The police said that no pres­ sure was exerted. Rather, they claimed, the archbishop was simply obeying a law which bars the celebration of Mass in ch'lrches in Turkey by bishops wh61 are not Turkish nationals. But a spokesman at the arch­ bishop's -headquarters her e called. the action a matter of



harassment. He said the Turk­ ish law bars non-Turks from taking up a religious office in Turkey and does not apply to the conduct of worship by visitors. Archbishop Iakovos himself has celebrated the Liturgy at St. George's church in Istanbul in recent years without interfer­ ence, he said.



Third annual Men's Guest Night of the Women's Guild will take place Wednesday, March 30. A potluck supper will be served and Rev: Edward Mitcheil of . Holy Name Church, Fall River, will .speak. . .' The guild and the Holy Name Society will cooperate in a penny sale.to be held Wedlnesday, April !O in the parish hall.



10 to 14 1& Average

NORTH WESTPORT A public whist is planned for



Oven Ready, Plump, Meaty, Broad-Breasted

• Wednesday night, April 20 by the Council Catholic Women, with Mrs. John Barzboza and Mrs. Gideon Banville in charge ~ arrangements.



ST. FRANCIS KAWIER, .IIYANNllS A St. Patrick's.Day buffet and dance will be held from 8 to lZ Thursday night, March 17 in Elks Fraterna~ Center" Barn­ stable Road. It is co':sponsored by the Women's Guild and Cou­ ples' Club' ,of the parish, and deadline for ticket purchase is Monday, March 14.

SMOKED 6 to 7 Ib Average Lean, Meaty, . Mildly Smoked


The Women's Gulild will spon­ sor' a public whist Tuesday, March 15 in the Plllrish all-pur­ pose room. Mrs. Dlmald Hinch­ eliff and Mrs. Josep~h Burns will be co-chairmen.


Coel, Fillets Seafood Favorlto




The Polish National Home will be the Sl'ene at 7:30 Satur­ , day night, March 19 of a public penny sale sponsored by the Women's.Guild Also planned by the guild are a meeting for Wed­ nesday, April 3, a buffet dance in May; and a Communion breakfast in June. SACRED IlIEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO

Holy Name Society membe1'll will receive corporate Commun­ ion at 7 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 13. Servers , from the society will be Nor­ mand L'Homme and Gerard Deschenes. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISlr, NEW BlEDFORD Women's Lea g u e members will be hostesses for a in~eting of New Bedford district of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Tuesaay. March 22. The next league meeting, to be held Thursday. Mal et 24, will ieature a products demonstration. A telephone et'~,uette film .will be shown attbe April meetinc.

Four Delicious Varieties


Rollerl's Cookies J~~ 29 Iletchup FINAS' 3 ~~~Z 7ge


Expertly Seasoned




Yellow EYGl

·llakeei Beans




Three Delicious Varieties

Welch's Canelies 3 :i8s'l

: ::: -----------------------------Fine, Medium, .Wide

~ .ir.::5~~:::: ~:

Prices . eff~ctive in Fall River and SomeO'Sd!

(We reserve -the rlght tc limit qucmtltlas.) Prlcllfl .Hectl'lll III aD Sapormarkllte II!I tills vlclnhv.

Pontific~~ Commo~~i@rru Z)@if~ Gu~d®~;~e$ fer PAV[L~

. -r.... _-;.,...._ .... _.

THE. ANCHOR­ Thurs., March 10, 1966


From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. Proof of the close cooperation desired between Latin American Church authorities and PAVLA is the provision in the statement of establishment for national centers of coordination. The Church in Chile has already set up such a national center. For in­ surance of close cooperation, who are teachers in public public schools so that, within the the PAVLA National Secre­ limitations of the law, they can tariat in Chicago has named present Christian life and doc­

three regional field assistants. trine to their students; One in Lima. Peru, will serve i) Teams for English language the non-Carib­ teaching, which are highly de­ b e a n Spanish sired in many countries of Latin

language coun­


tries of Sou t h

Papal Support

America, one il1

The areas of activity of

Natal will serve

PAVLA candidates are given

Brazil, while a

extensive treatment in the doc­

third 'vill serve

ument, which concludes as fol- . the Caribbean lows:

area. The Pon­

The Pontifical Commission,

tifical Commis­

which has cal'efully studied this s ion proposes project, has approved it unani­ the following mously, aW3re that the organi­ on this subject: zation of the Papal Volunteers In each country of Latin can prove a powerful instrument America, in ::lCcordance with the of apostolate in Latin America. development of the Papal Vol­ His Holiness Pope John. XXIII unteers, a national center, de­ has deigned t( grant His blessing

pending on tile ecclesiastical au­ to the undertaking.

thority, .will be established,

Recently Cardinal ;Meyer of whose competency is: . Chicago made the comment, "In a) to take care of the enroll­ looking over Pope John's ency­ ment of the local teams; clical Princtlps Pastorum once b) to negotiate the admittance again the 'Jther day, I was into the country of the foreign startled by the fact that such a teams, to secure residence, substantial part of it is devoted board, operational and travel to emphasiz'.ng the necessity of expenses, and to make their as­ enlisting the cooperation of the signment; laymen." c) to inform the Pontifical This is a characteristic ex­ Commission of the .activities of perience of both the great and all groups. . the lowly in Christendom, the Although thE' precise pUl'pose sense of surprise th~t .the Papacy of the organization is to train has in such categoric fashion Latin Americar. Christian lead­ called for a new laity. What ers, the Pa9al Volunteers may John proclaimed, Paul has re­ dedicate themselves tt' various peated. "We are responsible for works, according to their quali­ our times," our reigning Pontiff fication and capability, as for declared only recently, "for .the instance: life of our bt·others. We are re­ a) Technical teams for cate:' sponsible for our Christian con­ chetical activities, for the train­ science <) <) 'I' Now is the hour of ing of speciab.sts in the teaching the laity. It is the hour of souls, of catechism and the instruction the hour of those who have un­ of catechists; derstood that to be a Christian b) Teams of married couples, involves a commitment, since who will dedicate themselves to they can take part directly. in spreading the principles of this ministry of salvation." Christian family life, the neces­

sary basis for priestly vocations,

and to trainir1g leaders in this Holy See Accepts


UN I.n.vitation e) Technical teams for Cath­ olic Charities activities. Lay ex­ UNITED NATIONS (NC) ­ perts will train both volunteers The Holy See has accepted a and paid staH workers in con­ United Nations invitation to ducting SOCir.l centers, house-to­ participate in a seminar on local house visitations, etc., on. the na­ administration and the promo­ tional, diocesan and parochial tion of human rights to be held levels; in Budapest in communist-ruled d) Technical teams for urban Hungry from June 14 to 27. and industrial problems, to be Thaddee Szmitkowski will trained and assigned to .heavily represent the Holy See and Miss Communist :1reas; Odile Roullet will serve as his e) Technical teams for rural alternate, Msgr. Alberto Giovan­ community betterment, to raise netti, the Holy See's permanent the economic level in backward UN observer, announced. areas, organIze cooperatives and The seminar is one of a regu­ small industries, etc; lar series organized under the f) Teams fOI leadership among UN program of advisory ser­ university ~tlldents; vices in human rights. The agen­ g) Technical teams for mass da includes such items as poli­ communicatiom activities, such tical structures affecting citizen as press, cinema. radio, televi­ participation in local administra­ sion, in order to tl'ain _techni­ tion, the role of voluntary agen": cians and lop-al leaders in these cies in. local administration, fields; means of ensuring citizen palti-' h) Teams for guiding Catholic cipation through direct demo­ teachers in p'Jblic schools. They cratic methods, equal rights to are needed to train Catholics benefits from public services, citizen participation in working. out local and national develop­ Tuit:on 8n.crease . ment plans and in administra­ EMMITSBURG (NC)-Mount tion of local economic, social St. Mary's College here in and cultural programs. Maryland has announced a $100 per year tuition increase for the Honor Student academic year 1966-67, bringing the cost to $450 per semester. Brother Harold Hathaway, The total cost for a fulltime res­ C.S.C., a graduate of Coyle High ident student will be $925 per School, Taunton, is among 55 8eDlester in September, accol'd­ students cited for superior first ing to Father Philip A. Barn~tt. semester) work at St. Edward's _asurer. University, Austin, Tex.



For Sh@I?{[(~~gj(e ~

SAN JUAN (NC) - Sam Juan's Arc h b ish 0 p Luis Aponte declared here the family is the chief obstacle

"". ..



.. 1"'1

~1.', ~" ~ .: ~.'iff\< ~ ~




"', \" 'A:'P: .,\,'4'"~ I



.. ...... BROTHER OF ClHRIST STARVES: Child victim of the cruel famine in India, near starvation, receives medical attention at a Bombay hospital sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, overseas aid agency of American Catholics. NC Photo. :


Vietnam Conflict Nation"" Inter-Religious Peace Con.ference

Pln,nning Three-Day Washington Session NEW YORK (NC) - Leaders of the forthcoming National Inter-Religious Conference on Peace have agreed that the Viet­ nam conflict must enter into the discussions at the three-day con­ vocation in Washington, March 15 to 17. But the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish co-chairmen have stressed that they do not want the meeting to be confined to a single peace issue. The prime goal is th ~ determination of a religious consensus on complex international peace issues, the

'Retarded,' Child,ren Are Only 'Depri"ved' WASHINGTON (NC) - An authority on work with the han­

dicapped said here as many as 50,000 children classed as "re­

tarded" today are in fact simply "culturally deprived." Dr. Marvin A. Wirtz, director of educational programs for the handicapped, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in a talkgto Catholic University of America students, called for expanded research to provide more knowledge of "perceptual difficulties" of children, to help end "dumping of children on the retarded heap." He said there must be better communication between the va­ rious disciplines serving the handicapped, retarded, and cul­ turally deprived.



Bishop Cassidy Council, Som­ erset-Swansea Knights of Co­ lumbus, will hold its annual Irish Night Saturday, March 12 at the council home in Swansea. A corned beef and cabbage din­ ner will be served, with dancing to follow. A television set will be awarded.





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laying of a foundation for inter­ religious cooperation on peace and the coordination of the work of the churches and synagogues in the elusive search for peace. Some 500 persons are expected to attend by invitation only.


Native Bishop Lauds India's Democracy NEW ORLEANS (NC)-A na­ ti\te Indian bishop said here that despite all its misfortunes India still remains the best example in Asia of the worth of a demo­ cratic system. Bishop Lawrence T. Picachy, S.J., of Jamshedpur, in northern India, cited thE: nation's consti­ tution, whicb has no religious prejudice and manages to give representation to 480 million people who speak 14 major lan­ guages. And not only is the new Prime Minister, Indira Ghandi, well accepted - but there are 59 women in India's parliament, he said during a visit here.

in the path of vocations to tbe priesthood and religious life ill Puerto Rico. The prelate, first native .. achieve the rank of archbishop, in an address before Serra Club members preparing for a reli­ gious vocations campaign m March, said: "The family is the principal cause of thi9 dilemmm. They generally believe it is an honor for their children to be n doctor or a lawyer but th'ere in no room for a priest." -In the San Juan archdiocese, there are 150 priests, but only 1'1 native Puerto Ricans, the arch­ bishop said. The 150 serve ap­ proximately one million Catho-­ lics, he said. e'There should be at least one priest for each 5,000 souls," he said. "But there are only 56CD priests in the whole island Oof Puerto Rico and only 60 of them are native Puerto Ricans." He said at the island's two seminaries, there are only 'Jfd students at Aibonito and ow)' 70 at Ponce studying for the priesthood.

Honors Assembly

Stonehil1 College will hold itIJ annual honors assembly today" with Dr. Jerrold R. Zacharias, pro~:lssor of physics at M~ speaking on "Increasing the Re­ sponsibility of the Students.'" Awards for scholarship will be made and new members of Delta Epsilon Sigma, national hono!' society, will be announced. Jb. Zacharias, in the course of 11 distinguished career, directetll work of engineers responsible for the development of the atom.­ ic bomb and was also instrumen­ tal in perfecting atomic clocks•.

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THE AN-':hu .. -:'-·(;'cese of Fall River-Thllrs;, Mar. 10,1966

Five Schools


Represented 'on

Wealth 'of T op·Fligh1~ T (J]~ent

Makes Ch@ucesHard Picking

T·he Anchor [?~~ks Sthoolboy (a·est· By Fred Bartek

The Anchor toda)' presents tWo all-star. schoolboy bas­ ketball teams, One comprised of the Qhtstandi~g.'players on clubs w/lich competed ill the top ranking' Class' A circuits and theotJ1er composed of the' , .. stalwarts of the Class C loop 0. clubs. Five dif­ ferent schools are represented on the Class A first team while fotir institutions have represen­ tatives of the Class B aggre­ gation: Hoi y . Family High of New Bedford, the area's only undefeated team during the regular season has. two on the Clas, B first club. Durfee Center Ernie Fleming of the cham­ pionship Durfee combine o~ Fall

DO!l'm;tory loon



WASHINGTON (NC) - The Community Facilities Adminis­ tration of the U. S. Dzpartment of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment has announced loans total­ ing nearly $8 million for dormi­ tory construction projects on five Catholic campuseB. , Loans have been reserved for Stonehill College, Nort.h Easton, $1,320,000; Loyola' Universit~ of Chicago, $3,750,000; Lewis Col­ lege, Lockport, Ill., $6110,000; St. Joseph's ColI e g e, Rensselaer, Ind., $800,000 and Good Coun­ sel College in White .Plains, $1,180,000. All college housing loans are made' pending final review. and approval by the administration. They are made as pa rt of the federal College Housing Loan Program which has lent millions to public and private institutions of higher education.

Education Cenfrer At Notre Dame NOTRE DAME (NC)-Dedi­ «:ation ceremonies for the Uni­ versity of Notre Dame's new Center for Continuing Education will be held Sunday, March 20 in, . conjunction with formal opening of an international con­ ference on theological issues of Vatican Council II. Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, e.s.c.; Notre Dame president, wiU deliver. the dedicatory ad­ dress and officiate at the bless­ !~g of the continuing c:ducation facility which is the gift of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Bat­ tle Creek, Mich.

Hew Camden Priest Former Counse~or , CAMDEN (NC) - A former public school guidance counselor, who for the past two years has been studying at the famed Beda College 'for delayed vocations 'in Rome, will be ordained March 26 in Rome to serve in the Cam­ . den diocese. He is Rev. Mr. Carl A. Camp()J1(>Vo, 34, a Philadel­ phia native.



A All-Star




Ri vel' in the Bristol County League has been chosen for the center position on the Class A All-Star first team. The six-foot­ four pivotman played a key role in the successful 17-3 season. racked up by Coach Tom Karam's Hilltoppers. Fleming's height plus hb agility proved' BARDA'" . MATHESON too much for most Durfee op­ HAR01l' ponents. The only junior class member on The Anchor's fii'st; ., ., team roster is one reason why: the perenniC'A1 Boston Garde!i·.: ',. . competitors 'are now back com':' .... peting for the top honors in the Tech tournament in the Com­ monwealth's capital city. Fleming's ability to snare re­ bounds made it possible· for him to maintain a double-figure scoring averag·. and this made ­ him .an invaluable member of the first place BeL quintet. LEISEY FLEMING Hardt and Matheson The Anchor has chosen Dave Hardt of Coach Jim' Cassidy's Attleboro High team and Paul Matheson of Co a c h John O'Brien's Bishop Stang High club as the first team forwards on the Class A outfit Hardt, unquestionably, the best "boardman" in the county loop, is the mair reason why the Jewelers scoreG seven victories in their last eight games of the .regular season to qualify for a Tech tourney berth. Hardt, ex­ DEMPSEY MURPHY MEOAS LOIJERIDGE plosive when he was anywhere near the foul line, was equally. Leisey was outstanding on the as competent on defense. Game Taunton's Herringtown High High and Fairhaven managed Fairhaven quintet. Dempsey was after game, night after night, he hardwood squad will miss John . one place each. probably the finest field general controlled the ball, almost as if Medas just as much as Voca": Barely Shaded in the county, and, equally good he had a magnet to attract the tional will miss Loveridge. A The Anchor has picked Kevin coveted sphere. deadly shot from any spot.· Creeden of Coyle' and Tom Baroa play-maker. Thf consistent Mur­ Playing his fourth year as a Medas was exceptionally fast in of New Bedford for the two for­ . phy proved a tower of strength in Coyle's backcourt from the getting off hir field goals. It· ward spots on ~/1e second-team starter, Paul Matheson of Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth was this quickness that permit:.. with Randy Leisey of Fairhaven start to' the conclusion of the season. is one of the principal reasons ted him to accomplish high at center. Bob Dempsey of Dur­ for the Spai·tans' participation double-figure scoring efforts, fee and Jim Murphy of Coyle' Turn to Page Nineteen avoiding blocked shots that are the back court defensive this year in both the New En­ other accurate 2eyed players. ex­ glana Catholic and Tech tour­ pair. . perienced.. naments. Creeden has bee'n for Lanagan Enjoy Dining'. Medas averaged more than 20 what Matheson has been for Two R.epeaters. IN THE Matheson' IS equally at home points a game for the last two . O'Brien. Matheson played as ef­ in either the front or the back. seasons, a most 'commendable fectively inside as outside. So court. The six··foot-three sharp record for an unselfish player .did Creeden. Baroa, an excellent JOLLY .WHALER more interested in team success playmaker, was most adept with shooter demonstrated an out'­ -AND-his moves under the boards as . standing ability under the than personal glory. Coach Jim Lanagan's Coyle he lifted ·the Whaling City Crim­ boards. In' addition he was a' SPOUTER INN most capable ball handl~r and. High team captured two of the 'son to a number of victories RESTAURANTS during the 'regular season. five places on the Class A sec­ , playmaker on the outside. The quick and sure-handed . The Anchor has two repeaters ond club. Durfee, New Bedford . Always Free Parking . 0 in the back court posts. They are Dave Loveridge of New Bedford Vocational and John Medas of Taunton High. Pair Jl'rom Coyle TEAM Loveridge proved himself the best scoFer in Voke hoop com­ Position 'School Name petition since the days of the Where A' IIIAVE HARDT _._._.__ Forward ; : ~ _ : Attleboro well-known Gomes brothers. A fine outside shooter, Dave also PAUL MATHESON Forward..: Bishop Stang showed the opposition .he could ERNIE FLEMING ._ Center. _ Durfee () 'thread the needle' on a drive Means A just as easily. His approaching DAVE LOVERIDGE _ :~ Guard _ N. B. Vocational graduation will leave a big hole BOHN MEDAS __..:_ _ Guard : :.Taunton in the Whaling City Trade school ranks.



C).ass A All-Stars

New Bedford Hotel





CardinaWto Bless' University Centell' BURLINGTON (NC) - Rich­ ard Cardinal Cushing of Boston will dedicate the new $300,000 Catholic Center at the Univer­ sity of Vermont here May The new chapel will be known as St. Augustine chapei. The re­ mainder of the center will be known as Joyce House in honor of Bishop RobE:rt F. Joyce of Burlington. , . When Bishop .Joyce was a stU­ dent the University of Vel'.. mont, h~ served as president of flhe Newman Apostolate he~



. K~VI8 CREEDEff _ :.Forward TOM BAROA _ .Forward RANDY LEISE'f _.__._ _ Center ~_ BOB OEMPSEY _ _ .._ Guard __._.._ BlM MURPHY ; _.__..__ Guard ~._ "

Coyle New Bedford :. fairhaven _ Durfee _ Coyle


B@~@~&m~E . ..



lC~arlie llndrade, 1I'auntouu; Row. Borges, lalmton; Leo Charron;

.Attlebor@; ilIarold Cromwell, ICoyle; Paul Gillis, Bishop Stang; Tom ~omez, ~ew Bedford' VQcaiional; Tom Johnson, Fairhaven; Fred Martin, Coyle; Pete Phipps, ~ishop Feehan; Ron IRovzar, Attleboro; lEari Seligm~n, Durfee; Karl VandenBergh, Bishop Feehan; Bill Wheeler, . Io~ ~ttle~or@ ~nd ~reg W~Ii~ms, B~s~op ~tang.





Open Evenings

Holy Family High Has Two On Class B Hoop Combine Court· Selections From 19 Schools Continued from Page Eighteen The Anchor, acknowledging the difficulty in several In­ stances in picking one boy over another, has given honorable mention to 14 players for their fine work throughout the Winter Beason. lIoly Family Duo Coach Jackie Nobrega's all­ winning Holy Family High of New Bedford I" the only team. which has managed to place two players on the first dub In the

smaller school bracket. The other three first-team p1aeeB 110 ~ Oliver Ames of

Handicapped Sue For School Aid DETROIT (NC) - Thirty handicapped children of various religious faiths and their parents filed motions in Federal Court here to force the Detroit Board of Education to comply with Michigan's Auxiliary Services Act. The law, passed last year, ia Intended to guarantee to chil­ dren enrolled in private and pa­ rochial schools such services as remedial reading, speech defect correction, diagnosis and coun­ seling of mentally handicapped and health 'lnd nursing services. A month ago, the American Civll Libertie~ Union filed a BUit asking an injunction against the application of the law on the grounds that it violates consti­ tutional guarantees of separation of Church and State. Representing the 30 children and their parents are John A. Feikens, a Detroit attorney and co-chairman of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, and Stuart D. Hubbell, prosecuting attorney of Grand Traverse County. ,--In bis motion, Feikens con­

tends that it is a denial of reli­ gious liberty to keep services from handicapped children be­ . cause of their parents' beliefs.

Teenagers at Mass For Vietnam Peace BROOKLYN

(NC) -Nearly

2,000 young people attended a

North Easton. Norton High and

Old Rochester regional of Mat­

tapoisett. Dennis Kennedy played a monumental role in Holy

Family's unbeaten season. He

stepped into the shoes of the in-

. eligible Steve Lawless' during the first scholastic marking pe­ riod to prove a most pleasant suprise for Nobrega. Swishing the twines for double figures in most contests, Kennedy proved

his prowess under the steel

flanges. He tossed in a total of

242 points in the 16 Narry

league encounters to finish with

a 15 point average per game.

Crafty Cacer

Probably the easiest selectioa of all on the second team was

that of Manny Britto of Old

Rochester who carried away the

top scoring h~oro in bis team's

11-5 over-all league season.

Amassing a total of 360 points,

he caged an. average of 22.5

points per game during the 16­

game campaign. He was among the leading individual scorers during the previous court sea­ son. Britto was able to run up his point scoring total because of his excellence in the rebound­ ing department. Steve 'Prosky of Norton High, on the northern peJiphery of the diocese, is .::hosen to pair with Kennedy in the front court with Britto as the center. Tossing in as many as .42 points in one game this season, Prosky consistently netted be:­ tween 20 and 30 tallies in each encounter. Steve especially likes to shoot from the outside, a feat he demonstrated excellently as his opponents will attest. But, tb n Norton High stalwart also showed he could 'go underneath' when the situation demanded. Prosky, like Matheson of Stang netted more than 1,000 points during his varsity career. . Tom Clay of Oliver Ames High in North Easton and Richie Jalbert of Holy Family are the back court selections on the small-school first aggregation. inspiring ]'Iayers Clay is credited with provid­ ing the leadership that propelled the North Easton baske.teers to· the Hockomock l:'eague cham-·, pionship and the Tech tourney competition. A junior, he aver.aged more thap. 20 points per game and dropped in as many as 30 points several times during the season. Jalbert, the other back-court man, possessed the four neces-








MIKE TRAVIS.., __._.__ Forward FRANK SILYIA _.._ , Center BOB DOUGLAS Guard JOHN MONlTEIRO _ _ Guard _ M

YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - Two laymen and two nuns have beeD. added to the Youngstown dioc­ esan board of education, which formerly consisted only of priests. Bishop James W. Malone, Ap­ estolie Administrator, appointed 8ft attorney and a sales repre­ aentative, IllS well .. an Ursuline Sister anlt a Sister fill, &be IIo.J,

BumilIQ> of 1iIaI7.






__ __



John Monteiro of Dartmautb· High to form the back court de­ fensive unit. Both Douglas and Montelre were exceptionally strong undell' the boards. The former more than made up for his lack of height with his formidable ago gressive play while Monteiro was recognized for his all­ around skill for Dartmouth wbich played an independent schedule. Choices Difficult Admittedly. it was difficult to make some Class B hairliJie se­ lections as it was in Class A. We acknowledge the play of 14 others by awarding them Cla~ B honorable mention.

famous for



Residentiar·- Commercial



laity and Sisters On School Board


on the Westport club that lost a close opening round tilt ip the Tech Class C play. Silvia's scor­ ing ability was the major reason, too, why the Central Village hoopsters compiled a successful 11-5 season's record in the Narry loop. Steady Performances Buckland, who managed 215 points in 16 games for a better than 13-point average, was the stand-out member of the region­ al outfit wbich finished with a 9-7 league record. Garnering 186 points in the Swansea team's 16 Narry league contests, Travis also proved bimself an important cog in Case's strong passing game. Dropping a total of 264 points through the hoop in 16 encoun­ ters for an average of 16.5 points a game. Bob Douglas of Somer­ set has been chosen along with

Class BAIl-Stars





teenagers' Mass for peace ia

Vietnam and contributed spir- '

itual bouquets to be sent to U. S.

servicemen in that country.

During the Mass the teenagers

sang folk melodies with lyrics

TEAM rewritten to suit the liturgy.

They were accompanied by a

Name Position SchoDI high school student playing' the DENNIS kENNEDY Forward ,.Holy Family guitar. The Votive Mass for Peace­ . STEVE PROSKY. __.._ .Forward.: _ Norton the same as was offered by Pope MIKE BRITTO Center....__._ __ OId Rochester Paul VI last Oct. 4 in Yankee Guard ~ Holy Family Stadium-was celebrated in the RICHIE JAlBERT. gymnasium of Nazareth High TOM CLAy __ Guard _ Oliver Ames School by Father Alfred Var­ dale, school chaplain. The ob­ servance was sponsored by the 'SE£OND TEAM Tablet, Brooklyn diocesan new&­ paper. .. DON BACKLUND _M_ _ Forward .._ Dighton·Rehoboth MM



sary talents for a stand-out de­ fensive player. He is a ball-hawk on defense, a good ball handler, clever playmaker and a consist­ ently good shooter; The second leading individual scorer on bis team he manifested all four at­ tributes repetitiously through­ out the entire season to rank among the better area players. Jalbert averaged 12 points per game. Five schools are represented on The Anchor second team in the Class B group. They are: Dig h t, 0 n-Rehoboth, Westport, Somerset, Case of Swansea and Dartmouth.

Leading scorer Don Backlund of Dighton-Rehoboth and Swan­ sea's Mike Travis of Case High make up the front line of the Class B second club selections along with pivotman Frank Sil­ via of Coach Charley Menard's Westport High quintet. Silvia, who corralled a total of 337 points to finish second to Britto with a 360-total, was probably the outstanding player


ANCHOR-Diocese ot fan River-Thurs., Mar. 10. 1966


Cape Cod's ILARGEST Banle

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Case Westport 8 ••••••••••••••• ~ ,..Somerset Dartmouth

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• So. Dartmouth •: :

Larry. AbbrulZi, Case; AI Baker, Apponequet; Pete Bogle, Somer­ and Hyannis : set; Wally Davis, Dighton·Rehoboth; Don Dorr, Old Rochester; Paul : Doucette, Prevost; Kevin Fallon, Mansfield; Brian Guimond, Prevost; : Sa. Dartmouth WY 7.9384. Glen Harris, Holy Family; Gerry Kay, Case; Walt Korzeniowski, Diman lHyannls 2921 • Vocational; Bob Pierce, Westport; BiD Spark, Old Rochester and • .leU SwiDdeUs. Digbtoa·Rebobotb.

W •••••••••••••••• ,

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TIckets on Sale in New Bedford Merri Card Shop, 834 Purchase Street



Holy Cross CCD, Instructor Advocate3


Thurs., March 10, 1966

Convert Requests Jewish Rite In Church

Aflaption of L~ssons 'to Daily Life

Drop Relig8on, Race COMtnlCOI



,By, Richard :D. Bannister, C.S.C.

ST. LO',JlS (NC)-The three convert from Judaism who Mil'. Bannister, a native of Bridl:"eport, is a seminarian of'the Holy Cross Fathers now is an Oblate of Mary religious groups that founded the St. Louis Council on Religion studying philosophy at Stonehill C~Jlege. He has been teaching catechetics in Immaculate priest here in­ and Race here two years ago parish(~s for the past two years. Alberta Province, Canada, has have decided to withdl'aw their '. I . advocated a Jewish rite within financial' support and close the If a major complaint about semiilai'Y t~ainii1g of the past is true, nflmely that it. the Catholic Church to give full council'~ office. was out of touch with reality, the same thing could be saidJandcan still besaidin large. recognition and expression to "Financial difficulties have al­ ways plagued the cOllncil," a measure, I am afraid) about the reIigio\w training ~iven, ?ur- C~l~istian you~h~. T~is, the contributions of Jewish con­ former chairman of the board of trai~ing has often failed to take ~ccouIjlt of two major pomts: fIrst, the ChrIstIan hfe '. ve~t~. the l' Vincent Goldstein,

directors commented.

is precisely that, a way of i O.M.I., now preaching retreats Hanlon said there is a possi­ life which must be a part of fact that so many students were at Star of the North Retreat bility the office and staff will willing to' sacrifice (and it was House here, cautioned agams . t all the occupations of our r~main in operation under an­ a sacrifice since the film was' h f~' . . daily lives, not J'usta half- ope or maSSIVe converSIOns other name and with support accidentally scheduled for the among Jewish people as a result fl'om different sources. But he hour "obligation" which keeps week of final exams in the high of the closer Jewish-Catholic said it was too early to announce us from sleeping all Sunday schools) three hours of their relations. any details. morning; seccndly, CCD instrucevening to coml to a CCD meetA Jew who would like to The three groups supplying tion has failed to realize that toing. This alone, even without come into the Catholic Church the council's $24,000 budget were day's teenagers are equipped such things as getting students 'with all its traditions also would the Archdiocese of st. Louis, the with reason.,- they can and do . who never 3aie. anything before not like betraying his past by Metropolitan Church Federation, think (or if they don't they to opel~ up and. dis~uss, or c1os-' adopting the modes of Catholics and the St. Louis Rabbinical should be made to do so.) ing the gap' of student-teacher in his area he said. Association. They want to see why this 'relationship which is' far too "I don't want to become an wide in religious instruction, sh ou Id b e d one an d th a t should Irish Catholic," said Father not. They want to discuss prob. this alone would have made the Goldstein.

lems, courses of action, etc., and . film worthwhile.

see the reason behind. them The second film, "Cat on a Hot .

Continued from Page One Tin Roof", will be p:r;eviewed Delbarton Students'

ling will include a multi··purpose where possibie. A mere thunderand discussed by teachers and al'ea convertible· into three ous "Thou shalt not'" * *" from a parents 'on Sunday, March 13 in Aid Viet Families lClassrooms, toilets, a faculty 'teacher is poor psychology for the school hall. in Stoughtop. MORRISTOWN (NC) - Stu­ room boiler and storage space, instilling something as positive as daily Christian living. Any interested CCD teachers or dents at Delbarton School here said the architects. . CCD training, if it is to be . I executive board members in ~he in New Jersey are doing their The building is expected to area are invited to attend this bit to' help the United States'

oost a maximum of ~ quarter worthwhile, must be practical," MR. BANNISTER, c.S.C.previewing and discussion in the "win over" the people of- South

million dollars, noted Fatner down-to-earth, and readily, aphopes that .other groups will be Vietnam.

Duart. Lower level construction plicable to daily life. Few if any, will be of concrete and the up-/ ·would deny that theology is a members, nU,ns, priests, parents, led to a more fruitful CCD pro- . They are' conducting a fund

gram 'through the use of all drive to provide clothing and an 'per floor will be steel frame body of knowledge which isnec- and students,~ . I with concrete decks. Upper essary tQ. provl'de the foundation The film brc.ught severa1 com- available means of communica- . education for Vietnamese chil­

walls will be of cedar :;hingled for .this daily Christian living, plex problen\.s down to a level tions. , dren. Earlier, they sent funds to

on the exterior and wood pan­ but if CCD instruction remains where the Students could see, Our responsibility as teachers . help educate the four children eled on the interior. only a body of knowledge, if it. evaluate, and discuss their daily in this apostolate is great. St. of a Vietnamese widow. The The 1'00:£ will be constructed is never made applicable to daily relev·ance.ItI provided teachers James ·warns us, "Remember monthly cost of school in Viet­ of exposed wood decking on life, in short; if our Christian with concret~ points of reference that we who are teachers will be nam is 500 piasters, less than $5. laminated wood bents; and win­ youths are never moved to' put in future' clasr discussions of judged by a much higher stand­ That information was given dows will be siiding tYl\le with it into practice dIue to its com- love, social !problems and the ard" (James 3, 1). We have an to the students by Father alminum frames and solar gray 'pletely theoretical nature, of Word of Godin daily living. immense task to perform. We Thomas Confroy, O.S.B., former insulating glass. what use is it? This is one major ,The succesS which Immaculate must make Christ live for our Delbarton teacher who is now The school, on Holway Avenue complaint which many CCD Conception CCD enjoy.ed can be students and we must make our chaplain with the First Infantry and Prince Street, will be at­ teachers have to text' books measured to ~omeextent by the students live for Christ daily. Division at Bien Hoa, Vietnam. which they are often compelled I tached to and used' in conjunc­ tion with the existing parish. to use in class. These books are I

eenter, where nearly 100 pre­ so theoretical and. take so much

primary and first grade pupils for granted, that they fail to

are attending classes conducted arouse interest since the student

by the Love of God Sist~~rs. . cannot find the doctrines (which, ..

Classes will continue in the 'again I emphasize, are neces­

center until the school in ready sary) brought down to a readily

: . . for occupancy, said Father Duart, livable plan of action..... with grades to be added yearly. Having encountered this lack The Love of God Sisters will of 'interest, what can we do _ eontinue to staff the school. about it? In one of their earliest

and least k;nown decrees, the

Fathers of Vatican II stated that

Ranges Appea~ all communication media could

Continued from Page One and should be used to spread the

good news of Christ.

"Charity is our great opportu­ I . lIl.ity," he said in urging the dio­ " I~ It was with this: in mind th'at ceesan leaders to "encourage all the teachers and executive board ,people to continue to. be Good of the Immaculate Conception' ,1f.;amaritans with America which CCD in Stoughton approved the is the Good Samaritan of na­ rental of at least two 'films- .' tions." "Lost Weekend". a,nd "Cat on· a The cardinal said a check of Hot Tin Roof"-to be used to the list of 80 countries helped supplement th > normal class­ . by CRS-N:CWC disclosed to him room work of· the, Senior High Clothes Dryers' that his travels have taken him School program. to all of them "except the Sey­ "Lost Weekend", a film on al­ chelles Islands." He called it I coholism starring Ray Milland,.. I . "one of the most consoling ex­ was shown in place of the Jan. Water' Heaters periences of my life to see the good that my fellow American 25 class. The film was followed by light refreshments (provided Catholics have done." "There may sometim()s by by CCD helpers) and a discus­ sion period of about an hour in . cynicism and misunderstanding IEmgth. During the discussion about American aid," he observ­ small'gI:oupS of about five to ~O· You'll find our Main office.all ed, "but the people themselves students and a teac:her as a dis­ upset but you'll also discover our who benefit are grateful" and cussion moderator (moderator . prices on merchandise upset too. see America's name "embla­ not lecturer) dissected ~he film zoned as the symbol of charity." Dryers, ranges; water heaters' along many Hnes.

p. Town School




Churchman ofY'ea.. . WASHINGTON (NC) -F~all­ _Cardinal Spellman of New York will be .honored as "Churchman of the Year" here clune 23 for his ecumenical lead­ ership by' Religious HeritQge of America, Inc., an intel'faith, nonprofit organization. Dr. Nor­ man Vincent Peale, president of the Protestant Council of the City of New York, will plresent tb.e award.


. Each moderator was ·furnished. with a discussion outline plan' ' .. drawnupa~~r a teacher· pr~. viewing of the film. ~ach, how­ ever, was free _to follow.·; any. procedure he wanted. ·Before ·the

end of the evening, a student

for each group summarized for

the benefit of the other groups

what his group had talked about.

The result? An unparalleled

amount of interest and enthusi-

asm which impressed all present

-teachers, executive boa r d

.' Co~sole'


and room heaters have been 'marked way down. Come in and take advantage of oui-being up­ set by "e"ing .us ~et up ci modern Gas appliance in your .home. . . . ' .' . .


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