... ....
LAYS CORNERSTONE' AT MADONNA MANOR: Civic leaders met Bishop Connolly as he arrived in No. Attleboro to lay the cornerstone of the fifth Catholic Horne for the Aged in the Diocese. Left to right: Leo Deblois of Sacred Heart Parish, chairman of the selectmen; Bishop Con Ilolly; G. P. Glaiel .of St. Mary's Parish, selectman; Mayor of AttIe ~ro Cyril Brennan. In the center photo, Bishop Connolly completing the
A" A...Aor .., ......, ........ "It "I lor. PAUlo
Fall River Mass., Thursday, March 11, 1965
Yol. 9, No. 10 ©
1965 'l'he Anchor
PRICE 1lh: $4.00 per Year
Sees Need to Alter Church Laws Now Regulating Nuns ST. LOUIS (NC)-The director of a training center b nuns called for an end to Church laws and regulations that treat Sisters as something less than adults. "For too many years, Sisters were taken for granted and ignored, er patronized and pam pered," said Sister John Marie Riley, superior of St. Joseph's Juniorate of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Caronde let and professor of theology at I'ontbonne College. If nuns were to "unite to de mand their rights of Holy Mother Church," Sister John Marie told the St. Louis Serra Club, "I think our first request ~ould be that we be treated as adults." She sharply criticized a provi lion of canon law forbidding :.omen Religious to go out alone. U Any prudent woman, what ~er her state in life, will know that there are places and times :When it is improper or unadvis able or socially unacceptable for her to go unaccompanied," she 88id. "Could not we Sisters be trusted to make similar pruden tial judgments?" Sister John Marie, holder of a Turn to Page FouI1e~ I
ceremony. Right photo: F. L. Collins of the general contracting firm that did the work at the former Hixon Hotel now Madonna Manor~ Gerald E. Riley, president of the Manufacturers Trust, No. Attleboro; Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine, Diocesan Director of the Catholic Cha~ ities Appeal; No. Attleboro's Chief of Police Stanley Lykus. The Home 18 expected to open late this year.
Vocation Masses Are Scheduled March 22-24
Vatican Radio Reviews
'Reform Reasons, Hopes
Pontifical Low Masses for . Vocations will be celebrated Monday, l\farch 22nd, at 10 o'clock, at Notre Dame
VATICAN CITY-In a commentary on the liturgical changes that went into effect on Sunday, March 7, Vatican Radio looked both into the past and into the future in its examination of the reasons for and the hopes contained in liturgical renewal. Wheth schools and in public offices, er the reforms are too soon pious pictures honored every for the present to solve. How home. Religion was a part of for thepresent to solve. How every human activity; the citi
Church, Fall River; at 10 Tues day morning, March 23rd, at Bishop Stang High School, No. Dartmouth, and at St. Anthony's Church, New Bedford; at 10 Wednesday morning, Mar c h 24th, at St. Mary's Church, Taunton and at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro. The annual novena for voca tions starts on Friday, March 19 and extends through Sunday, March 28. Priests of the Fall River area Turn to Page Twenty
Dispensations The Most Reverend Bishop has granted a dispensation from the law of fast to all In the Diocese of Fall River for Wednesday, March 1'7, St. Pat rick's Day. The Ordinary has also dispensed from the laws of fast and abstinence for Friday, March 19, the Feast' of St. Joseph.
ever, why is it that in the past such reforms were not thought necessary~ Why is it that the attempts at renewal are thought not only possible but even nec essary? Before the Industrial Revolu tion there was a nearly unani mous sharing of the Faith in all those countries that remained faithful to Rome. Men followed similar rites in similar churches -even if they did not fully understand the meaning of the rites. Yet there was a general idea of what was going on. This. was especially true because of . the religious sense that pervaded all at that time. Everyone spoke of God, of Christ and of the Church. Statues bordered all the roads, crucifixes were displayed in the
West Harwich Parishio,ner Describes Her Work
.As Papal Volunteer in Latin America
Miss Jeanne C. Olsen, Papal Volunteer to Latin America, whose home parish
is Holy Trinity, West Har
wich, has reported in "Newslet
ter Number One" to her family
and friends on her adventures
and activities in Bogota, Colom
bia, where she is teaching "34
lively boys" in second grade at
Colegio San Carlos, a Benedic
tine school. "All the students are boys from upper middle class homes," she explains. "We are teaching them good Christian principles now because 20 years from now they will be the ones to govern Colombia. "The temperament of the child here is different from that back:
borne. These children have very little discipline in the home.
but are eager to learn. They are dynamic in personality and fun to teach. They keep us on our toes trying to find new ways .each day to challenge ,their thinking." Before Miss Olsen began work in Bogota, she spent several weeks in Cartago, 150 miles dis tant, where she aided a PAVLA group from the Diocese of Man chester, N. H. "This is real mission country," she wrote. "I made home visits with the nurses, cooked for the volunteers and sewed baby layettes for the poor. Some babies in Cartago have such poor parents that when they are born they are wrapped in old clothes or newspapers. Turn to Page TwentY.
zen saw religion no matter where he looked. The priest was involved in all the events of Turn to Page Six
Bishop Forms CCD Council ':Vhe Most Reverend Bishop has authorized formation of a Teaching Sisters and Brothers Committee to work! in conjunction with the Confra ternity of Christian Doctrine on. a Diocesan leveL The new committee, directed by Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Dioc esan CCD head, has for chair man Sister Dolores, O.L.V.M. of Holy Trinity parish, West Har wich. Vice-chairman is Brother Thomas Mulryan, C.S.C., of Coyle High School, Taunton. Sister Marie Therese, M.S.B.T• . of St. Patrick's Cenacle, Ware ham, is committee coordinator and Mother Mary Fidelis, R.J.M. of Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River, is secretary-treasurer. The teachers' committee will function as a liaison group to co ordinate and correlate all CCD activities involving teaching Brothers and Sisters. Aims in clude issuance of a CCD school year calendar, indicating report card dates; the setting up of CCD institutes; and the organ ization of teaching aids for those participating in the CCD pro gram. Every community of teaching Sisters in the Diocese is repre sented on the committee, noted Mother Mary Fidelis. Next meeting is set for Wednesday, April 28 at Bishop Stang High School, l'Iorth Dartmouth.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1965
Says Farm Labor System Based On Poverty
Asserts Laymen Must Solve Today's School Problems WESTFIELD (NC)-Lay peo learned then what it was that pIe must solve problems of the Church was fighting for," Catholic education says Father he said, "the right of parents to Robert F. Drinan, S.J., dean of educate their children in the the Boston College law school. school of their choice without He said the unprecendented penalty." growth in Catholic schools has The three main arguments for Dot been "so much the mandate aid to non-public schools are of the hierarchy as the will of these, he said: "First, that the the parents." parents have the prime right to The next 10 years will be cru educate. Second, that the First eial," the Jesuit lawyer told hil Amendment guarantees of free New Jersey Forum audience, dom of religion includes the adding: unless public aid il . right to a religiously-oriented forthcoming, "there would be education without financial pen little chance of expanding the alty. Third, ~hat wr. are not ask schools to meet the large in ing for aid for the teaching of crease of students that is com religion but for the public ser ing." vice our schools supply by teach However, he added, "It is not ing of secular subjects. fitting that the hierarchy or priests like myself should be the spokesmen for what is essential ly the right of the parents-to have some control over the con tents and curriculum of the VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Ichool to which they choose to Paul VI has assured parents of rend their children." retarded children that his He recalled that the first prayers are with them in their Catholic bids for state aid were secret sacrifice. made several decades ago, "but "Suffering is the heritage of they were turned back and re the strong," the Pope said to JUlted in the passage of laws in members of the Italian national many states forbidding one cent association for families of re of tax money to be spent toward tarded children. . religious education." "It is a clear sign, so to speak, Only since 1961, Father Dri of the mysterious heavenly will nan declared, has the Catholic which wants us to be saved by case for assistance been clearly means of the Cross. You have stated. "Catholics themselves been regarded as worthy of this Cross, and the Lord has given to carry it. St. Vincent Alumni you strength Development Alumni and friends of St. Vin "He has also prepared for you cent's Home, Fall River, will the sweetest joys in the progres hold a chicken pie supper, com sive development of the intel bined with a baked goods and lectual and physical energies of parcel post sale at 6 Saturday your children, also with the night, April 3, at the home. Mr. help of the excellent person. Eddy Kaufman, chairman, an who take care of them. nounces that tickets are avail "Continue in your secret sac able from committee members rifice. The prayer of the Pope or at St. Vincent's. will always sustain you," he laid. The Pope then spoke to the M,.~C! nrdo ehildren who accompanied their FRIDAY-Ember Friday in Lent. parents .to the audience. He II Class. Violet. Mass Proper; urged them to obey their pl:!rents No Gloria or Creed; 2nd ColI. and teachers always, not just St. Gregory I, Pope, Confessor now and then, "like the sun on and Doctor of the Church; these March days, which some Preface of Lent. times is there and sometimes 11 SATURDAY - Ember Saturday not." He told the children also of in Lent. II Class. Violet. Mass his constant prayers for them. Proper; No Gloria of Creed; Preface of Lent. SUNDAY-II Sunday of Lent. I Jewish Author Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No MONTREAL (NC)-The book Gloria, Creed; Preface of Lent. is called "In the Steps of Pope MONDAY-Monday of II Week Paul" and will be· published of Lent. iII Class. Violet. Mass here in March by Palm Publish Proper; No Gloria or Creed; ers. It has an. introduction by Coadjutor Archbishop Philip F. Preface of Lent. rtJESDAY-Tuesday of II Week Pocock of Toronto. The author of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass of the book is Rabbi Reuben Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Slonim of Toronto. Preface of Lent. .WEDNESDAY - Wednesday of Announces Retreats II Week of Lent. III Class. Vi olet. Mass Proper; No Gloria Rev. Giles Genest, M.S. direc or Creed; 2nd ColI. St. Patrick, tor· of La Salette retreat house, Bishop and Confessor; Preface Attleboro, announces .a retreat of Lent. for engaged couples the week l'HURSDAY - Thursday of n end of March 19 and one for Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. -single women, ages 18 to 25, the Mass Proper; No Gloria or weekend of April 23. Reserva Creed; 2nd ColI. St. Cyril of tions may be made with Father Jerusalem, Bishop, Confessor Genest. and Doctor of the Church; Preface of Lent.
FLINT (NC)-A nation" Catholic social action leadel' charged here that the U.s. farm labor system is "based
Pontiff Prays
For Reta rded
Mar. 14-St. Mary, Taunton. . St. Francis X a vie r , Acushnet. st. James, Taunton.
second Class
Postage Paid It Fall IIMr Ma... Published every TIIunl!ay It 410 Hlahllncl Avenu~J Fill River Mass. by till catllollc " ' " or tile Diocese of Fall RI".r. IUblcrl,tI. "... Ilf Nit. ,..tpaN .....
.., mr.
MAR. 12
Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, 1961, Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River.
.Funeral Home Inc.
IRELAND'S PATRON: Pilgrims have already started their visitations to this statue of St. Patrick located at Saul, County Down, where the Saint is believed to have died around the year 461 after spreading the Faith in the Island of Saints and Scholars. NC Photo.
Oppose Bus Bill Iowa Protestant Leaders See Violation
Of Separation Principle
DES MOINES (NC) - Two proposed state laws, bus trans portation for parochial school pupils and legalized gambling, are causing some Protestant church leaders to organize oppo sition. The Iowa House has passed a . bill to legalize bingo. Another to permit legal pari-mutuel horse race betting is pen.ding. A House subcommittee is re ported ready to recommend pas sage of a bill to allow use of tax funds to provide school bus transportation for parochial school students on the same basil as that given public school pupils. One prominent Protestant leader, Methodist Bishop James Thomas, feels that a campaign to oppose the passage of the pro posals might be starting too late. DRY CLEANNG
Active in trying to rally Prot estant opposition 11 the Iowa Council of Churches, represent ing 13 denominations with nearly 700,000 members. In its monthly pUblication, the Councilor, the council told its local church members to call on their legislators to oppose both the bus and gambling legislation. In an article entitled, "School Bu::.es," it said: "The Council Assembly urges churches and citizens to oppose this subversion of the American principle of separation of church and state. Urge your legislators to vote down this (bus transoor tation) bill."
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON Licensed Funeral Director Registere'" Embalmer
on poverty and destitution botli: at home and abroad." Msgr. George G. Higgins, dl rector of the Social Action De parment of the National CathoU. Welfare Conference and Anchor columnist, called for government action to improve farm labor conditions, inclUding extensioa of minimum wage and other benefits to farm workers and ..: end to child labor in agriculture. ·Msgr. Higgins warned, how ever, that Congress could legis late from now until doomsday and accomplish very little unlen it sticks by" its repeal of Publie Law 78, under which MexiCBJl workers called braceros have · been brought into the countJ7. for farm work. Work for Low Wages The monsignor in an adult ed ucation lecture sponsored by the Flint board of education said poverty in this country an4 others has created a pool of' tin.. derprivileged far m workel'll willing to do farm work for low wages and under poor con~ lions. He said American farm work ers, particularly migrant work ers, are "among the least privi leged of any trtajor occupational group in the nation." Many liw in "abject poverty," he stated. . Calling for government actioa · to eliminate the cause of the farm labor problem-"low wage. and underemployment due to ·labor surpluses in some of oUl' rural areas" - Msgr. Higgina charged that "up to the present time our lawmakers have com promised on the issue of fana labor."
550 Loeust Street
Fall River, Mass.
OS 2-2391
Bose E. SUllIvaD
3effre3' E. Sullivan
Marcel Roy - G. lorraIne Roy Roger laFrance
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. 995-5166 New Bedford
OS 2-3381 Wilfred C. James E. Driscoll Sullivan, Jr.
34-44 Cohannet Street Taunton VA 2-6161
Buy the best • Buy Gulf Hill Milk. Guaranteed locally fresh
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Spacious Parking Area
WY 2-2957.
, a.m. to 10 p.m.
South Dartmouth, Man.
U9 Aile" St.
New Bedford
Serving Room Hours
Dial WY 1-5691
'Thurs., March 11, '965
Problem in Kansas
Back Once Again
LOS ANGELES (NC)-Federal aid to education should be decided on its merits and not on the issue of separation of church and state, Oalifornia's superintendent of public instruction said here. Max Rafferty, speaking (Feb. 28) to the Catholic Press Co un eil of Southern CalifornIa, ism." "For this reason," he contin said he did not like the idea "I support Catholic educa of federal aid to any schools, ued, tion, though I am not a Catholic, public or private. "But if aid is going to be given, let it be given to the children, just as it was given to pupils under the GI Bill of Rights." Older In his address, Raffert'y said, "private and parochial schools are a lot older on this continent than public schools. They are earrying an absolutely vital lIhare of the educational load. "If federal funds are to be spent to relieve educational pressure, the relief should be extended to all educational agencies." Public and private education," he emphasized, "are two sides of the same coin. Each stimu lates the other and always has. They do not pose a threat to each other." Rafferty said there were some persons opposed to the concept ef private schools "and it is my duty to tell you this." "For years," he added, "they have tried to get me to invoke a little statue that would enable the state to meddle in the cur-: riculum of private schools. "Private schools should stay out of state control, especially out of mine," he said. "Statism," he said, "hates .the parochial school because it teaches a belief in God and be eause in any struggle the paro ehial school can always be eounted on to be against stat-
Declares Protestants Fear Papacy Idea . WINOOSKI PARK (NC)-A leading Protestant ecumenist be ltev~s the concept of the papacy is a major Catholic contribution to .the ecumenical movement. "All Protestant groups are be eoming more orderly now, and an orderly church has to have a helid, a line of responsibility," said the Rev. Douglas Horton, de;ln emeritus of the Harvard divinity school, here in Vermont. "The Pope has been a fright ening word to most Protetants, who misunderstand it. I don't think they would fe~r the idea of a primacy, as long as every part of the church didn't have to be identical. The Eastern eatholic rites indicate they don't laave to be identical," Dr. Horton aid.
British Bishops Ask
More Mass English
LONDON (NC)-The Bishops of England and Wales are seek ing permission to use more Eng Ush in the Mass. They said they hope to intro duce the extended vernacular tttis coming Holy Week. For this purpose temporary translations have been sent to the Vatican for approval pending a definitive English version of the missal, on which a translating committee is now working in cooperation with Catholics of other English-speak ing countries, including Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.
Father-Son Breakfast The Fathers' Club of Coyle High School, Taunton, will hold its third annual father-son Com munion breakfast following 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, April 4 at St. 'Mary's Church, ,Taunton. Breakfast will be , llerved in the Coyle cafeteria.
California School Official Supports U.S. Aid for All
LEAWOOD (NC) -A parish Sunday school of religion, set up in this rapidly growing Kansas com m u nit y to accommodate .children for whom there was no room in the regular weekday parochial school, may soon face the same problem that was the reason for its establishment. Enrollment in the Cure of Ars parish grade school is now at a capacity 575. Enrollment in the parish Sunday school of religion is 675.
and I will, when necessary, fight to protect its right to coexist with the vast public school sys tem."
Dialogue Plans In Preparation LOS ANGELES (NC) The National Lutheran Oouncil has given an official stamp to scheduled ecumeni cal talks between representative Lutheran and Catholic clergy men in Baltimore this March 16. The 3S-member council voted unanimously in favor of a five point resolution "to sponsor the ological conversations" with rep resentatives of the U. S. Catholic Bishops' Committee for Ecumen ical Affairs. The NLC, whose main constit uent bodies are the American Lutheran Church, with 2,468;401 members, and the Lutheran Church in America, with 3;227, 157 members,' also voted to ask the 2.6-million member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, to take part in the discussions. Preparation The meeting is to be a prepar atory one to draft agenda for a projected theological colloquy and select the time, place and participants for the discussions. For this initial meeting, four Lutheran and four Catholic clergymen have been named to meet at the Baltimore chancery as guests of Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of, Baltimore, head of the bishops' ecumenical commis sion. The Lutheran delegates named are the Rev. George F. Harkins of' New York, newly elected president of the National Luther an Council; Dr. Empie; and two theologicans who have served as observer delegates of the Luth eran World Federation at the Second Vatican Council, Dr. George Lindbeck of the Yale University Divinity School, and Dr. Warren Quanbeck of Luther Theological Seminary in St. Paul. The Catholic participants named are Msgr. Baum; Msgr. Joseph W. Baker of St. Louis; Father George Tavard, A.A;, of Pittsburgh - all official experts of the Vatican Council--:': and Father Walter J. Burghardt,S.J., professor of theology at Wood stock (Md.) College.
BLACK LIKE ME: John H. Griffin, author of best selling account of his travels in the South as a Negro, dis cusses book with Mt. St. Mary students, teacher before talk to standing room only audience at Fall ~iver academy. From left, Mr. Griffin, Elaine Chaves, Betty Ann Picard, Sister ,Mary Benita, R.S.M.
Frightening Teachings
m. _.
i., :~,f;:·.
I ~ I
'i~_,t.~ ,~
IBeadtJaarters Declares, I' ror Low-Cost
Sioux City Bishop Joseph Mueller Self-Appointed Experts .Create :Confusion" ,
SIOUX CITY (NC) - Bishop Joseph M. Mueller of Sioux City has protested teachings on theo logical and moral matters of self appointed experts who, he said, have created "a general state of confusion" in the minds of many' Catholics. ' Bishop Mueller said in a Len ten pastoral letter that "the pub- ' lishers, clerical, and lay, who spread these pernicious theories and opinions, and in doing so pri-de themselves as being cham pions of the freedom of the press, are totally blind to their greater obligation not to scan dalize God's children." _ Spelling out the teachings to which he objected, the Iowa Bishop referred to "the many things that are being said and written about man's personality development, the understanding of his psycholqgical proces.ses, about sexual behavior in and out of marriage, the emphasis upon community and the de-emphasis
of individual responsibility, the minimizing of sin, the stressing of God's mercy to the point of rej(;lcting His justice and the' existence of hell." These things, he said, "are more than disturbing; they are frightening! How many souls have suffered ·major spiritual damage, formed an erroneous conscience and left the' path of virtue beca\.Jse of such opinions, ' no one kn~ws." ,
II· .
~ .r,or Any t,y ~,>i:.· Good Personal "
I· ®
I Need! ~~
w ~ ~
SPring 5-0700
IPA~::::~$:~7' 'I~ I
I ~,
I ~· famous for
Servites Changing Seminary System CHICAGO (NC) - The two provinces of the 300-member Servite Fathers in the United States are making sweeping changes in their seminary ed ucational systems. The provinces will establish a combined novitiate, amalga mate two existing minor sem ~naries, locate their college stu dents on the campus of St. Louis University beginning next Sep tember and will take steps to establish theological training for their seminarians on the campus of a major American university. The new novitiate will be lo cated at Our Lady of Riverside Priory, Riverside, Calif. Minor seminarians will attend the Ser vite Seminary at Hillside, Ill. A minor seminary in the western part of the nation is also plan ned.
,., Other amounts with low Itudget
i· ~~o'~~Er~i: I
once included-no a"tra costl
"Greater Fall River's Helpful
*I ;
'am", '_".0
r~............... itizens_uw :to"':::d e SO. MAtH ST.
THE A"'CHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1965
Ideas and Suggestions for Family _Lenten Meals EMBER SATURDAY, MARCH 13 Fast and Partial Abstinenee
Breakfast: Mandarin oranges, chmamon beverage.
1 ;, t
Fried Smelts
Lunch: Omelet with cheese sauce, asparagus, beverage, tapioca pudding. »inner: Packaged pea soup, spare ribs with barbecue sauce, salad, cabbage, whole kernel corn, coffee torte"'. Coffee torte For the cake: 2 eggs 1 cup sugar % teaspoon salt cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon vanilla
For the glaze and filling: cup sugar lf4 cup double strength coffee 1 tablespoon rum 1 pint heavy cream Grease bottoms of three eight inch layer cake pans. Sprinkle with flour and shake off excess. Set oven at 350 degrees. Beat eggs with beater until light and lemo~-colored. Add sugar and vanilla, beating until sugar loses granular ap pearance. Heat milk and butter just to boiling, pour over egg mixture. Beat about a minute more. Sift flour together with baking powder. Add to egg mixture and beat two minutes more. Divide batter equally among pans. Bake for 25 minutes or until done. The cakes should be about 8 half inch high. Cool and slice horizontally with a long knife, making six layers. While cakes are cooling prepare syrup by boiling sugar and coffee slowly for 10 minutes. Add flavoring. Whip cream until stiff. Spread syrup on cut side of each layer but top one. Spread whipped cream between layers of cake and top with whipped cream and syrup. Chill three to four hours.
Cinnamon Twist 4 cups flour 1 lb margarine 2 egg yolks
* pint sour cream 1* cups sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
* cup finely chopped nuts
Cut margarine into flour until grains are fine (like pie dough). Add egg yolks and sour cream to flour mixture, tossing with fork until all particles are moist and dough can be formed into a ball. Divide dough into six or seven balls. Roll each ball into flat circle about an eighth of an inch thick. In the meantime mix sugar, cinnamon and chopped nuts. Sprinkle rolled dough with this mixture. Cut each dough circle into eight pie shaped wedges. Roll up from widest edge. 'Place on foil-lined sheet, seam down, and bake in 350 degree oven 25 to 30 minut~s. Mrs. Peter Chaves
St. Louis Parish, FaD Riv_
2 lbs. smelts salt pepper flour 1 egg 1 cup bread crumbs or corn meal
Wash clean smelts quickly in salted water. Roll in flour seasoned with salt and' pepper. Beat the egg lightly with two tablespoons of water. Dip the flavored fish in the egg and roll in fine crumbs or corn meal. Fry in hot fat until golden brown, about four minutes. Drain and serve with tart:>.r sauce. TUESDAY, ~IARCH 16 Fast Breakfast: Juice, hot cereal, beverage. Lunch: Popovers", jelly, blue cheese, bever age, pear halves. Dinner: Beef stew with onions, carrot and potatoes, hot rolls and butter, beverage, ice cream spectacular'~. Popovers 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 450 degrees and place greased muffin tin in the oven to heat. Beat eggs and add milk. Sift the flour and salt together and add ,to liquid a little at a time while beating with an electric beater. Beat one minute after mixing. Pour into hot muffin tins, the mixture should sizzle when it hits the hot tin. Fill each muffin tin about three quarters full. Bake 20 minutes at 450 degrees, then lower heat to 350 degrees and bake 20 minutes longer. Do not open oven while baking. Serve immediately. Ice Cream Spectacular cups chopped walnuts 1 egg white % teaspoon salt % cup sugar 1 pint coffe ice cream 1 pint vanilla ice cream chocolate or butterscotch sauce
Butter nine inch pie plate. Beat egg white with salt until frothy. Gradually add sugar, beat ing well after each addition until peaRs form. Fold in chopped walnuts. Turn into pie plate. Spread evenly with spoon over bottom and sides. Prick bottom and sides with fork. Bake in 400 de gree oven 10 to 12 minutes. Cool shell and chill. Spoon coffee ice cream into chilled shell and "top evenly with vanilla ice cream. Freeze in freezer until ready to serve. Serve topped with warmed butterscotch or choc olate sauce. WEDNESDAY, MARCH
Fast Dispensed
BROTHER Ir~RMAN DEMONSTRATES: PreparatiOll of Lenten meals is big business at Holy Cross Fathers Sem inary, North Easton. Brother Herman E. Zaccal"{llli, C.S.C., director of Food Service Center for Catholic Institutions, tests new convenience foods as Brother Lewis Morrow. C.S.C., seminary dietitian, Jooks on.
Calculated Risk Bishop Lambert Hoch of Sioux Falls Sees 'Hazard' in Quest for Christian Unity SIOUX FALLS (NC) -Joint worship by Catholics and other Christians is "not a matter of personal whim or individual choice," says Bishop Lambert A. Hoch of Sioux Falls. Bishop Hoch noted that par ticipation in common worship, under terms of the Vatican Council's decree on ecumenism, is to be decided by the local Bishop "unless otherwise pro vided for by the Bishops' confer ence • • • or by the Holy See." At the same time, he added, Catholics must be prepared Ul accept a degree of "calculated
risk" in the quest for Christill1l unity. Citing the danger of "indiffer entism, the heresy that alleges all religions to be equally good and that it matters little what you believe or to which church you belong," he said: "If ecumenism be a hazard, the Church is committed to face it. We believe it to be a mighty step forward toward the goal that all may 'be one."
Enjoy Dining
Breakfast: .Juice, Poached' egg on toast, bev erage.
Luneh: Fruit cup, Tuna pizza burgers·, bev erage, gelatin dessert.
Dinner: Celery and olives, baked ham slice, baked sweet potatoes, peas, rolls and butter, tap ioca pudding.
Tuna Pizza Burgers
Always Free Parking
Breakfast: Juice, french toast, maple syrup, beverage. Lunch: Macaroni and cheese·, frozen broccoli, beverage fruit. Dinner: Cup of onion soup, fried smelts·, mus tard and onion egg'", french fried potatoes, green peas, rolls and beverage, chocolate cake. Baked Macaroni and Cheese 2 cups grated cheddar cheese (lJ2 lb.) cup dry bread crumbs 2 cups (80z. pkg.) macaroni (2 cups thin white sauce)
Cook macaroni as package directs and while macaroni is cooking prepare white sauce. Cool sauce slightly. Stir grated cheese all at one time into slightly cooled white sauce. Blend sallce with the cooked and drained macaroni and turn into two quart greased casserole, Sprinkle with buttered crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Mustard and Onion Egg 2 hard cooked eggs 2 tablespoons mustard 1 small onion chopped Slice hard cooked eggs into thin slices. Chill. Mix mustard and chopped inion. Top each round of egg with a dab of mustard and onion and serve on lettuce.
¥.i cup mayonnaise
*¥4 teaspoon teaspoon salt oregano ¥4 teaspoon basil 1 tablespoon minced onion lh cup diced celery 2 cans tuna in vegetable oil 6 slices toast or English muffin halve~
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce Grated Parmesan cheese Blend together mayonnaise, salt, oregano, basil and onion. Toss with celery and tuna. Pile tuna mixture on toast slices. Spoon tomato sauce on top. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Pla"ce under broiler. Heat until heated through and browned. Makes six servings. (Recipe from Brother Herman E. Zaccarelli, C.s.C. Stonehill College) FRIDAY, MARCR 19 Fast aDd Ab5fulence Dispensed
'New Bedford Hotel
WYman 9-6984
WH ITE'S Family Restaurant Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport Where The
Entire Family
Can Dine
OS 5-7185
THE ANCHORThurs., March 11, 1965
Image' of Latin Lands Studied at Conference
From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. Archbishop Miranda of Mexico City, with Archbishop Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil, and Bishop Larrain of Talca, Chile, constituted the first trio who as president and first and second vice-presidents of CELAM (the Latin American Bishops' Confer a little boy, my father and ence) headed the continental mother made themselves little direction of Latin America's with me and played. with me episcopacy, now totaling like little boys and I was happy. !lOme 540 bishops. Archbishop Miranda recalled some recent history: "Let us look at the new image. Years ago His Holi ness Pope Pius XII, deeply con cerned about the Church through out the world, examined the Latin American eountries. In 1955, he in vited all our bishops to gather in Rio de Ja neiro on the occasion of the International Eucharistic Con gress. "He sent us a magnificent ap ostolic letter in which he gave us his thoughts regarding Latin. America. He didn't partake of any pessimism about the future of Latin America. "All those who were privi leged to be present (and this in eluded the same three of us here today-Archbishop Helder Ca mara, Bishop Larrain and I) recognized that memorable re union of two weeks ago as the mQst significant gathering in the whole history of Latin America. Out of it came the con tinental Episcopal Conference of Latin America whiCh Pius XII instituted at our request. It was the very first permanent re lional conference of bishops in Gte history of the Church. Historic First "We three bishops with you today were also present at an other historic first: the meeting in Washington in 1959 of bishops from Latin America, Canada and the United States, to which Pope ,John XXIII sent Archbishop Samore as his representative. Out of Pope John's great interest eame the efforts of our brothers in the United States, Canada, Spain, Germany, France, Ire land, England, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Austria. This is the real image, the fusion of zeal and love revealed through this prac tical working together for the future of the Church in Latin
This picture is being perfected
by your meeting here. Looking to the future, through the sec ond and third and each of your succeeding conferences, may you secure an even better picture of Latin America." Cardinal Silva of Santiago made this point: "I will tell you a true story. Years ago an 18-year-old boy was sent to me because he could not get along with his parents. I asked him what he' thought was wrong. 'Padre, when I was
Pope Appoints New Vatican Officials VATICAN CITY (NC) -The day after he named two secreta ries of curial congregations to be cardinals, Pope Paul ap pointed their successors. He also created two new posts In one of the congregations. To replace Cardinal-designate eesare Zerba, Msgr.Giacomo Violardo was made secretary of the Congregation of Sacramental Discipline. In place of Cardinal designate Enrico Dante, Father Ferdinand Antonelli, O.F M., be eame secretary of the Congrega tion of Rites. ,
But now I am grown up and my parents have remained little; they still want to play with me as if I were a little boy.' "In Latin America many par ents and priests, and sometimes your priests and your laymen when they come to work in Latin America, act with our laity as if they judged them still to be little boys. We shall build the Church in Latin America best if we treat our people like full-grown men and call upon them to carry burdens that grown-up men are proud to bear." Protestant Observers Six Protestant observers were invited to the Catholic Inter American Cooperation Program conference, and their reaction to the frank discussions was evi dently one of admiring satisfac tion. Doctor Roswell Barnes, rep resenting the World Council of Churches, described his reaction: "It wasn't long before I found myself in a kind of identifica tion with what was going on here. I think this was first of all because of the real, genuine comradeship of the inter-per sonal relations, but even more because of what you were dis cussing and the way you were discussing it. I found that you were discussing the problems with which I am dealing in a different context and with a different group, most of them analagous to problems on our agendas. "The absence of spiritual complacency, or spiritual pride, has been a discipline to me ...... • I'm reminded of what I've made almost a password around our offices recently: the statement of the Ecumenical Patriarch, when he met with the Pope in the Holy Land recently, that our only problems are theological. We still have theological prob lems and they are important, but to deal with them in the context of what is happening in the new day presents us with quite a new situation. .
Declares Central Concern Is Peace ST. PAUL (NC)-The central concern of the "Catholic radical" in the 1960s is peace, a member of the Catholic Worker move ment has told College of St. Thomas students here in Minne sota. Thomas Cornell, former man agirlg editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper in New York, said the Catholic Worker move ment has espoused pacifism since World War II. Cornell noted pacifism is based on the conviction that no one is justified in killing the innocent-and that nuclear war would inevitably result in the deaths of innocent persons. He advocated unilateral ,disarma ment, including the abandon ment of "deterrent weapons." "Deterrents are built upon the premise that we are willing, if provoked, to do an evil thing," he said. "Unilateral disarma ment means that we recognize the immorality of waiting for someone else to stop doing an evil thing before we will stop doing it."
Cardinal Urges Active Role For Lavmen ST. LOUIS (NC)-Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St. Louis gave a three-part prescrip tion-maturity, responsibil ity and involvement-for lay men who want to play an ex panded role in the contemporary Church. Cardinal Ritter said greater maturity and acceptance of re sponsibility could lead to the dropping of legalistic Church sanctions like those against eat ing meat on Friday or missing Mass on Sunday. Too many Christians, clergy as well as laity, have shirked responsibility in the past, he de clared. Failure "'Laws about eating meat on POPE GREETS 'AMERICAN CARDINAL: Leading a Friday and compulsory attend delegation of 350 Americans who accompanied him to Rome ance at Mass-these are things less mature people," he said. for his elevation to the cardinalate, Cardinal Shehan of for "Do you think that God is Baltimore and his pilgrims heard the Pontiff say he pleased because someone goes to hoped that the Catholics of Baltimore and all the Catholics Mass only so he won't commit a of America will continue to maintain strong and firm faith mortal sin? That motive would be very, very far from our re that they received from their forefathers. NC Photo. sponsibility to Christ." Cardinal Ritter chided Catho lics for failing to become invol ved in key issues like racial jus tice. "Other people, often not even VATICAN CITY (NC) - For cree provides that both the dean Christians, are speaking out the the second time within a week, and the sub-dean will be elected sound priniciples of Christ more Pope Paul VI has issued' a decree by the l>ther bishops who hold faithfully than we are," he said. changing the structure of the title to suburbicarian Sees ''They are looked upon as fanat College of Cardinals. "and by them alone." The names ics-yet they are doing a very The latest document estab will then be submitted to the Christian thing, things that we lishes a law by which the dean Pope who alone can approve the should be doing if we see Christ and sub-dean must be elected election. in our fellow men." rather than succeed to the post The previous decree made More and more, the cardinal by seniority. Eastern-rite patriarchs Cardinal told his audience of laymen, Narrows Choice Bishops within the Sacred Col "the Church wants to bring you Altering the norms of Canon lege. However, the present docu into fuller participation. You 237 of the Code of Canon Law, ment excludes them from being, are a part of Christ's teaching the decree provides that the chosen or from taking part in audience. Don't think for a mit dean and sub-dean must be the elections. ment that the Holy Spirit won't elected by and from among ~ub call you. When the post of dean or sub urbicarian Sees. These are dio dean becomes vacant, the decree "You have an obligation to ceses neighboring Rome which specifies that the senior Cardinal come to me and say 'Your Emi "have always been conjoined in Bishop will preside at the nence, I think for the good of a special way with the city of election of a dean and the dean the Church this should be done." Rome, our episcopal See and at that of a sub-dean. with it, in some way, have be Duties Stand come a unit."
The decree further underlines The Bishops of these dioceses
always become cardinal bishops the fact that because of the new in the structure of the College structure, the sub-dean will be "solely a substitute for the dean, of Cardinals. There are seven not his successor" (unless, of such dioceses but only six sub course, he is elected as such). urbicarian Bishops since the cardinal dean always holds title The dues of the two offices re to the Diocese of Ostia besides main unchanged, the decree states. his own. In addition to the present dean, Eugene Cardinal Tisser ant, the suburbicarian Bishops are Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, A m let 0 Cardinal Cicognani, Benedetto Car din a 1 Masella, Com~any
Giuseppe Cardinal Feretto and Clemente Cardinal Micara. 'By Them Alone' TAUNTON, MASS. By previous law, the senior
Cardinal Bishop by virtue of his THE BANK ON
tenure in the college became
dean, and the next in line be TAUNTON GREEN
came sub-dean. The present de-
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Pope Paul's New Decree Requires Election of Dean of Cardinals
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thul'$. Mar. 11, 1965
The Great Equalizer Many there are who decry the size of the Federal government and the extent of its vast power that can and does reach' into just about every area' in the life of the nation. But those who equate size with danger should ask themselves what other power in the nation exists that eould bring about the wave of public-school desegregation that has begun to move across the South. Not even the 'power of the various religious groups has been able to effect this-a s'ad statement but a true one. Desegregation in Southern school systems is directly attributable to what one Southern educator called "that great equalizer-the Yankee dollar." , The Federal government has used is vast power and immense monetary grants to force the issue. Federal ed ucation grants are given only when there is satisfactory assurance that segregation is being abolished. Lack of this assurance means that the grant simply will not be ap proved-and this can affect such things as teachers' sal aries, chlssroom construction, vocational training, special eourses for the handicapped. And the Federal government is not being put off by the subterfuge of the admission of a few Negro students or any vague plan, and is even looking with a questioning eye on grade-a-year desegregation plans.. It would have been a wondrous and marvelous boast if-a few decades from now-men of religion could point to desegregation as the work of spiritual forces. But the fact of the matter is that the death knell of moral and p0 litical and social and educational cancer of segregation is being signalled by the dollar sign. Spiritual forces are at work, the consciences of men are being touched, the strug gle is clearly delineated as a moral one, but the only ef fective immediate weapon that is accomplishing the goal is money. One would wish tAat a more lofty instrument were winning the battle. But one is grateful that money is being used in such a noble cause. And thank God that the Federal government is ready thus to use it.
Ellenli. a time
Prayer and Penance
It should be' both,
Not Just One or The Other
Assistant Director
Latin A!,"erican Bureau. NCWC
MOVIES WITH A MISSI01f Fifty thousand people ill Santo Domingo went to the movies last week. In f.act, they went every nite for
fifteen nights. Since there' a~ not enough theaters to hold th. many people Bishop's Lenten Pastoral the movies were shown outdoors. Since most of these p e 0 pie don't have cars or car far e the movies we re So it is 'today. Practicing shown in each Continued from Page One Catholics, who are they? They neighbor-' public and family life. Thus hood. Si n ce are those who attend Sunday society and liturgy influenced Mass, do their Easter duty, even' most of these and completed each other. p e 0 pie don't Everyone knew that Baptism receive Penance and the Eu have any budgets which allow charist frequently. They are the' freed the infant of original evil for entertainment the mov.ies - even if this was thought of ones who drink deep of the sacraments to really influence were free. Since most of these more as some kind of beginner's people have large families the bad-luck. Everyone knew that the world about them. movies were family type enter Clouds Break the Mass was the Mystery of tainment. Our Lord Jesus Christ - even Yet the situation cannot be These movies were the second though the relationship between, whitewashed. Today, the pic section of the Family Rosary the mysteries and human life ture is not only grey. The com Crusade. They portray clearly were not realized. EverYQne mentator acknowledged the fol and dramatically the life of knew that Marriage definitely lowing: "In the Catholic Church Christ as outlined in the fifteen united two people in the Name today, there probably does not, mysteries of the Rosary. The of God-even though it was ig exist one large city - by large people forgot their poverty as nored that it followed the pat we mean one with over 100,000 they watched the palaces and ~rn of Christ and His Church. inhabitants-not one large city splendor of ancient Rome pic where more than 30, per cent of tured on the screen. They forgot Alarming Voices This "general knowledge" plus the baptized regularly attend their misery as they viewed the a unanimous practice of the Sunday Mass. That means that sufferings of Christ. A week-end conference of nearly 800 fQrmer Peace liturgy created a great reassur 70 per cent of the inhabitants The films were shown in oj>ea Corps workers in Washington heard one of the volunteel's ance among the clergy and the do not take seriously the fields with modem equipment a young man who returned last Fall after s~nding two responsible laymen. True, now Church's corresponding com brought into the couritry by In many of the. Father Peyton's Crusade team. years with the Peace Corps in South America--'-say that and then there arose a voice that mandment." world's countries and cities, the would bring attention to the Fat her Peyton's seminary "jf the Peace Corps taught me anything it is that the lack of personal faith even in pesrcentage of the faithful is years were extended because of individual can do a lot more for society than he ever be those who most assiduously fol even at a low 15 per cenro time lost due to serious sicknesa. Now if the small number of When finally reaching ordina lowed religious practices. Often lieved was possible." Such a statement, coming almost as a surprise or a the voices created alarm. Then ,the faithful were pefectly en-, tion Father Peyton sought te lightened and solid Christians. dedicate his life to Mary ill revelation, points up that fact that most persons still are pastors would redouble their ef But even that is not so. There forts and their zeal by multiply for his recovered unaware of their influence in the world and tend to un ing parish missions, for instance. are many who know the dogmas thanksgiving health. While preaching a mis derestimate their own importance. of the Church, who read fre Yet no one seems to have en sion in Ontario, Canada, he was Parents cannot believe that their every word and visioned a change of liturgical quently the Scriptures, who be invited to present some broad action is creating an atmosphere in the home that is patterns. Why? Well, wh~ther long to one or another group of casts over a local radio station. Catholic Action, who have the His magnetism made the broad shaping their lives and the characters of their children in men understood or not, the rites Sacraments affect the world casts so successful that he moved were well attended were they a thousand subtle ways for good or bad. They do not not? Nearly all the baptized about them. onto the Columbia Broadcasting seem to understand that the process of child-rearing begins were there and thanks to a con But there is also that large System for national cov~rage ita even before the baby is born and consists not in formal tributing social atmosphere, they number whose attendance at the United States. ized instructions to the child but in everything that they understood something of what church services is purely a Since 1948, he has conducted matter of family routine or so hundreds of these Crusades say or do, tit what they themselves are. This is what the was going on. cial custom. During the services, Threatening Clouds throughout the world, aided by child sees and is the trellis on which he grows and shapes The unanimity of belief and they are bored. Happy to have Hollywood and European stars. his life. practice melts a little in the done "their duty" they quickly These films that he uses in Latin Individuals in business do not understand that the 19th and 20th centuries. National disappear among the "world" America were made in Spain'by influence of, the person can go far beyond expectations. and social patterns changed. permitting their faith to in no Spanish-speaking actors; they are not just translated American The only ones who have grasped this principle seem to Slowly the rupture came about way affect their "public" lives. Present Needs for two reasons: a) now only a films. They convey the drama, be the public relations men with their striving to iT)flu Man had to be integrated into the tragedy, the glorY of the life was practicing religion; ence the prestige individuals whom others look to. These minority b) the once contributing society the Christian community. He of Christ without sentimentalism promoters are ever alert to the single voice raised in either was now secularized. had to transform his existence. or preachiness. Due to their im approval or protest. They know the value of the individual This demanded a sanctification pact two million people gathered Not all was lost, however. In because it is their livelihood and their ladder to success. traditionally Catholic countries, of the liturgical signs, an insist in San Paulo, a million and a ence on common participation, half in' Rio, and millions· ia Lent might be a good time for individuals to estimate the inhabitants remained faith ful to the baptism of infants, of order. Chile, to say the Rosary with their influence a little more realistically and strive by the first Communion, a religious a utilization On, there was resistence. this Father Peyton at the Rally positive Christianity of their lives to make an impact on wedding and a church burial. Those resisted who oppose any -the highlight of the Rosary their own surroundings. Men are impressed by what a Faith in God is more or less change no matter of what kind; Crusade. clear. Religious practice is now those resisted who were afraid person does; they are changed by what a per&on is. The Crusade team reaches the motivated more by social custom that others would understand people through radio and tele rather than a Christian commit too clearly the message of vision broadcasts, newspaper ar , Jesus and might acceed to His ticles, Sunday sermons, school ment. Social institutions also ceased demands for a transformation; contests, a dio'cesan census; 'the those resisted who were too ma to relect the faith of the individ Crusade reaches non-Catholic ual (or possibly reflected the terialistic and would not melt sections of the community; aD their own personal prayer into Jack of faith). The taste for re are mobilized to show their pro ligion was lost in the societies, that of the community. But are fession of faith in family prayer~ the cultural and commercial or not these reasons more for re Each parish appoints two mea OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ganizations, leisure, the press, form than for resistence? who are trained by the team to Slowly then, the climb toward influence their neighborhood OIl Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River radio and television and even a universal transformation has the need of prayer. In Latill the school. '" 10 Highland Avenue been begun. All men together America, where there has been a Some Relief Fall River, Mass. 675-7151 All was not completely black. have begun to discover just weakening of family life, the PUBLISHER There were some practicing what their common problems Crusade has special significance. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., are; all together have begun to After hearing the message of Catholics but now they found GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Father Peyton the people can themselves in the minority and realize that they share the very It. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll only agree with his motto: the the practice of their religion was same worries. The problem was known be- family that prays together stays MANAGING EDITOR »erpetually exposed to countless 'together. dangeTS. Turn to Pale Seven Hugh J. Golden
Individu(ll -and Society
Liturgy Renewal Reasons and Hopes
World Congress Of Catholic Press On May 18··
. NEW YORK (NC)~atholie press figures from around the world will gather here for five days starting Tuesday, May 18 lor the seventh World Congress of the Catholic Press, the first held outside of Europe. . President Johnson has been Invited to address the congress' civic banquet, according to a program' made available by 1IP0nsors. .. Several Church officials, in cluding Francis Cardinal Spell man of New York, leading Cath olic newsmen and persons promi nent in the civil rights move ment and the secular press will appear at the congress. . Sponsors are the International Uhion of the Catholic Press, which has its secretariat in Paris, and the Catholic Press Association' of the United States and Canada which has blended its annual convention into the world congress. Raimondo Manzini, _editor of NUNS AT SKI SCHOOL: These four gaily-elad nuns in Austria are attending a 14 L'Osservatore Romano, the Vati day ski school under instructor at right. Think they'll pass their exams. NC Photo. can City daily newspaper, and president of the international union, will open the convention. Oiher Meeiings The journalists will. meet on the theme: ''Truth in the Pursuit of Liberty." Cardinal Spellman is sched He proposed that the hus MILWAUKEE (NC) -Attor ties and this provision should be uled to greet delegates at the neys should treat divorce actions written into court decisions; b.and's income be attached after civic banquet, Thursday, May 20. like 'bankruptcy cases in order to ,/ They have a right to emotional a divorce so that the wife will Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of protect the rights of children, stability * * * and there should get a regular allotment and that Baltimore, Episcopal Chairman Father Robert F. Drinan, 8.J., be insistence on proper visita he be forced to have an insur of the Press Department of the . dean of Boston (Mass.) College tion rights. . ance policy to continue financial National Catholic Welfare Con Law School, has told a sectional ''This is an enormous problem provisions in the event of dis ference, is scheduled to preside meeting on family law at·· the and we are in the eye of the ability or death. at an awards luncheon at Which annual midwinter conference of storm," the Boston Jesuit dean· Father Drinan suggested that Eric Sevareid, CBS News, will the State Bar of Wisconsin. declared. "Too many lawers take In every broken family there .peak. . The Jesuit lawyer said a the position that they represent Three other meetings will be broken marriage should be the wife or husband and there;' should be a receivership, like in a bankruptcy matter, that can held in conjunction with. the treated like a bankruptcy be fore can't serve as an arbitrator. be followed through a year or ·congress. They are: the third cause the children should have more after the divorce. EducaUon Assurance Catholic fund raising conference, top priority in the distribution "Now every fOl,lrth child unde.r May 16 to 18; the convention of of assets. There should be no the Catholic Broadcasters Asso. action on the assets until the 15 does not live with the orig ciation, May 16 to 18; and a pub ehlidren have been provided for inal parents and many of them end up in juvenile delinquency lic relations seminar sponsored first. . by the Bureau of Information of ''The real fallacy," explained courts. They can confide in no the National Catholic Welfare Father Drinan, "is that the hus one * * * they're even hostile to Conference, May 17 and 18. band in a bankrupt marriage can society. "We should take a long hard walk away into a new marriage without any responsibility to his look at this. If we don't then who will do it? Children of creditors." divorce have a greater incidence Continued from Page Six He told his audience of law of divorce in their own mar fore the Council. Attempts were yers and judges that it is impor riages than those not affected made to do something about it. tant that children should be rep by divorce. Permissiveness at However the Co u nc i I was resented by counsel because: this time in divorce doesn't stop, These "half-orph~s" have a needed. It was necessary so that the unanimous council of the right to economic security * * * it goes into another generation." Church might appear publicly; better ways of guaranteeing nor mal support should be initiated; 80 that a united effort might be Children have an inherent organized. MR. FORMULA 7 right to educational opportuni True SacrUice
Should Treat Divorce Like' Bancruptcy BC Law School Dea n Advises Lawyers
THE ANCHOR Thurs., March 11, 1965
Illicit Welfare Recipi'ent Charge Seen as Myth CLEVELAND (NC)-The
"myth" that welfare recipi ents are "lazy, immoral and unworthy" was challenged by the secretary of the National C:Onference of Catholic Chari ties. Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher of Washington, D.C., said the nation's 30 million welfare re cipients are "among that seg ment of our population which is ill-housed and inadequately ed ucated-the very old and the very young, the sick and the dis abled, emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded, the depen dent, the deserted-our brother citizens who by _ standards of fair play never had a .chance to get in the game." .
Msgr. Gallagher, speaking at anuual Health and Welfare In stitution here noted that 40 per cent of the recipients of some forms of relief came from fami lies exactly like the ones the,. have created. '. "What does the future hold for our brothet.-citizens in thUI handicapped position if we main tain a status quo?" he asked. Declaring that 'the nation to day has the resources to provide "8 full life" for all citizens, the monsignor cautioned against "looking for a scapegoat on which to expend hostility, some one to discriminate against, on the pretense of self-preserva tion." "We must give and share mON ,enerousl,. with all," he stated.
Liturgy Renewal
In his Angelus address of last Sunday, Pope Paul 'pointed out that the Church had just of fered a great sacrifice by putting Into effect the many varieties of the "new liturgy"• ''The Church," the Pontiff explained, "has made a sacrifice of its lan guage-Latin--a sacred, serious, beautiful and expressive lan guage. It sacrificed centuries-old traditions and the uniiy of language for a greater aspira tion of universality. This was done so that the people may join better in prayer and, instead of being passive spectators they might become participants and doers of the sacred rite." Too late? Definitely not. Too _ 800n? How can Ii convinced and dedicated Christian, one who realizes the predicament of the world, the threats to religion and that which Christ and His Church have to offer, even sus pect this!
Superiors to Meet WASHINGTON (NC) - The .t:onference of Major Superiors of Men's Religious Institutes will hold its eighth annual four day meeting at St. Norbert Ab bey in De Pere, Wis.. 5tartin.I Wednesday, June 30.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-ThUN. Mar. 11,1'965
Taunton' DI Pion
Two Suppers
Moving Time Is All the Time
As Goods Go to Attic, Cellar
Cardinal Gibbons Circle. Taunton Daughters of Isabella, win hold a pot luck supper at 6:30 Monday night, March 15 at home of Mrs. Eleanor Nunes, ) l Fremont Street. Members aftd friends are invited. The circle will be hostess .. the Catholic Guild for the Blind at 6:30 Wednesday night, Mardi 1'7 at CYO Hall A traditional Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage will be served and Irish songs will be played, following which Rev. James Lyons win speak. In charge of arrange ments for the meeting are MM. Christine La 'Pointe and Mal. Kathrya. Maloof.
By Mary Tinley Daly There's a saying around our house, "We wouldn't dare move," and around the houses of our married children, "Dad and Mom just couldn't move-look at the attic!" True-when it comes to moving out of our house. But intramural moving? It's <wne daily, and that's no pun. have to keep 'em.With seeming logic, and to Take the garage, for in conceal the fact that space is at stance, or that little build a premium just now in the attic,
ing back of our house we mis takenly dub the agarage, though it hasn't had a ear in it since the y started making all weather finishes for automobiles. When, in a spo radic fit of space fever, we seek storage for the Summer furniture be longing on the porch, the garage is the perfect place. But during the Summer months, the Winter quarters of that porch furniture look so tempting-perfect stor age fof a table we picked up at auction and had every intention of refinishing someday, the high chair that an overly ambitious grandchild shook to pieces, the extra crib we could set up for an invasion··· Then, when Hallowe'en rolls "round and it's time to store the porch furniture-well, into the basement go the table, the high chair and sundries which seem to pile up year by year. 'Domino' Theory Like a chain reaction, or like the ."domino" theory so preva lent in today's conversation, thil means we have to make more room in the basement by trans porting some of its parapherna lia up to the attic: that extra bookcase full of volumes, the stacks of back magazines with "an article I might want to re fer to someday," the picture frames that don't fit anything right now but are sure to be missed the minute we dispose of them, the trunk Uncle Jim had in World War I-oh,' ;)IOU know! So, on the march once again, .there's only one place for them to go, of course-into the some what crowded attic. Plenty of room up there. It's just a matter of making the piles vertical in stead of horizontal. The boob that Pat and Johnny, Eileen, Markie, Mary - yes, and the Head of the House and I-had bt. college' (of course we like to keep them) can fit into the bookcase traveled from the garage via the basement. Now. that's good planning. With a sense of smug, if false, I8tisfaction, we note that there is actually room in the basement by this transfer-room for the cartons and cartons that Markie and Brad's wedding presents came in, cartons to be used to pack the presents for their move to the new home. "But do we have to keep aU the cartons?" Markie ask•• Some of them are mighty big and bulky and they'd probably be better off in the attic-if we
we explain that it's only sensi ble to put them in the basement. "They come in the front door, you open them in the living room, see? There's only one flight of stairs from that point to the basement. Why, in heav en's name, drag them two flights to the attic? We win. Putting little cartons into medium sized cartons, then into big ones, they are dragged into the kitchen, thence down the basement stairs, lined up on the basement floor, quite like the storeroom in a supermarket. That settles the problem. Now we can straighten,up the down stairs and the upstairs and take up the storage business at a future time.
But Walt··· Future wasn't very much _ 1be future··· You know what the weather it! this time of year, and you. know basements don't always stay dry? Yep, that'. It. Up to the attie they march, or are marched, by the Daly Transfer and Storage Company.
STAR PITCHER WEDS: Susumu Sato, star pitcher of the Tokyo Swallows of Japan's Central League, was
recently. roamed in his bride's parish at Muroran, where Father Donald Walsh, a Maryknoll priest from New York, .officiated at the ceremony. The wedding was given wide coverage by J'apanese TV, press and radio. NC Photo.
Need Training Program
Study Director Urges More Education
For Catholic Schools Lay Teachers
Allows Construction Of Catholic School HACKENSACK (NC)--8upe rior Judge C. Conrad Schneider has upheld the right of the New ark archdiocese to build a high school for boys on a 20-acre site in an expensive residential section of Hohokus,( N. J. Judge Schneider held that a zoning ordinance adopted by the borough after the archdiocese announced plans for a school enrolling '1,500 was "unreason able and arbitrary" in barring public and nonpublic schools from the area. He said it is apparent from other court decisions t hat "schools are placed in a very special category and universally permitted despite effect on sur ro'unding property." He also called it "diffficult to believe" that construction df a high school on the site would cause "any appreciable property deprecia tion."
Indiana Legislators Approve Bus BiH INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - The Indiana House passed ?9 to 'I and sent to the Senate a bill au thorizing public school districts to carry private school pupils. OIl tax-paid school buses. The measure, which the Sen-. ate defeated in similar form earlier in this session of the Legislature, zipped through the House without much debate 01' opposition.
Prevost Mothers The Mothers'.'Guild of Prevost High School, Fall River, will hold its monthly meeting at 7:45 Thursday night, March 18 in the school cafeteria. Final arrange ments for a family Communion supper will be made. A cake sale, first activity of the newly organized guild, has been termed a success by its chair man, Mn. Henr¥ B~mowi.
Catholic Corteges Ask Scholarship Grants
Joseph A. Charpentier
Reg. Pharm.
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-There Is a lack of "in-service" pro grams to enable lay teachers in
Catholic schools to increase their education and professional sta .tus, an educational researcher said here. Utilization of lay teachers in the Catholic school system has increased, but their status has not kept pace, said Reginald 'A. Neuwien, director of a nation wide study of Cathollc education in progress .at Notre Dame uni versity. Speaking at the annual teach ers' institute of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Neuwien noted that there are both pre-service and in-service programs for Re ligious which enables them to pursue further study, but none for lay teachers. He said that as recently as 16 years ago, the lay teacher WlUl looked upon as a temporary sub stitute :for an unavailable Reli gious. , It is clear, he added, that the status of the lay teacher has im proved, "but it has not reached equality with the Religious."
. More Than Half HARTFORD (NC) - M 0 r. than 60% of babies born to Con necticut residents in 1964 were baptized in the Catholic Church.
, co. ( ) Heating Oils ( " and Burners ~ ~ 365
WYman 2-5534
Neuwien, who said hiB eom ments are based on the study being made on Catholic elemen tary and secondary education in this country, issued statistics to show the increase in proportion of lay teachers to religious teachers. "In the period 1950 to 1962, the lay faculty in the elementary schools increased almost 800 per cent while the Religious faculty increased by 26 per cent," he said. "By numerical weight alone, the lay teacher at all levels must be given very care luI consideration." . He said reports show that for the 1962-63 school year there was one lay teacher to every 2.24 Religious teachers on the ele mentary level nationwide, antl' one to every 2.62 on the secon-· dary level.
ANNAPOLIS (NC) - F j .",. Catholic colleges have asked the finance committee of the Mary land State Senate to make thei7 students eligible for state schol. arship grants. An attorney representing n.. College of Notre Dame, Loyo. College, Mount St. Agnes Col lege, Mount St. Mary's College and St. Joseph's College said the grants would be constitutional' if made to students individually rather than to institutions. UD der the existing program, Senate scholarship grants are made di rectly to colleges for specitie students. Attorney E. Clinton :Bam berger said that by extendin, the scholarship program, the legislature would broaden "free dom of ehoice" for the studenta.
Fund-Raisers St. Catherine's Fund-Raisiftit Committee of Dominican Acad emy, Fall River, will hold • clover whist Saturday nigb\ March l3.
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South Dartmouth, Hyannis
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679-6712, 675·7806 -7807
THE ANCHORThurs., March 11, 1965
Begon'ias OHer Exotic Splashes Df ·Color in Shady Spots
Nuns Back School Aid Measure
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick For the gardener who loves color, shade always pre .nts a problem. Most flowering plants need at least six hours of sun a day to produce anything like a profusion of bloom. However, there are a few plants which do well in partial shade and which may enjoys working with dough. be used very effectively to A1J far back as 1225 English brighten an otherwise drab bakers worked overtime during part of the garden. Lent and especially on Good AS far as I am concerned, the best of these is the begonia. ~ith an early start begonias .-n be expected to bloom from late June to frost in a wide nnge of colors. They have an _otic appearance which almost Rems out of keeping in our aorthern gardens, but for this oyery reason are extremely effecave. I have found that similar eolors grouped together, (reds, pinks and orchids) are more colorful than mixtures and much ..ore charming to the eye. Buy begonias as soon as they IIPpear in garden centers and nurseries, some time in March. Plant the bulbs immediately in pots to be kept indoors. Begomas are not hardy so they can DOt be planted outside until the danger of frost is past. I start IIline in the cellar where the temperature is on the cool side and there ia light, only about _0 hours a day. Plant tuben • small pots, one to a pot or _0 to a large pot. I use a potting mixture of one part peat moss and one part garden soil which has been thor~ghly soaked. The bulbs may be planted just below the. surlace of the potting mixture and left undisturbed. From then 1IDtil mid-May when I plant them in my garden, I leave them alone except for an occa810nal watering when they are dry. With these waterings I add ~me liquid fertilizer, although this should not be overdone. It iI important to begin bulbs early or the blooming season ,n,ll be cut down considerably. If you wait to plant the bulbs directly into the garden, the plants will not bloom until August, which may mean only • month of bloom if we h8ve lID early frost.
Begonias are rather tender, they must be staked, I bend wire coat hangers in U shapes like a wicket and tie the stems to the wire for support. Begoniaa !lequire water and liquid fertiltzer if they are to bloom at their best, so I usually water them two or three times a week. occamonally spraying the leaves. Some time before the first frost in the Fall, I uproot them, and allow them to dry in the sun with their foliage still ·intact. After a few days, when the follege has withered, it can be reiIloved and the bulbs stored just .. one stores any tender bulb lor the Winter. In the Kitchen Rot cross bunsl Hot cross buns! One a PeDDJ', two a pellJl7 Rot cross- bunsl • )"Ou have no daughten, "'ve them to your sons. This earq English rhyme conlures up a viaion of a little fat hker man dressed in white with • tall hat OIl his head and a lteaming ~ of buns strapped ~und hia neck. rm afraid thia lolly figure would look quite -.at of place In our streamlined world of today, but his wares Me still sold in bakeshops dur klg the Lenten season and also baked in many Catholic homes .ere the woman of the manor 110
lenten Lecture Pall River Catholic Nurses' Guild members will hear a Len ten lecture by Rev. Robert L. Stanton, moderator, at 7:45 Wednesday night, March 24 In lit. Anne'. Hospital, J'aIl IUveE.
CONVENT (NC)-The 75,000 families whose children attend schools staffed by the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth in New Jersey have been asked to sup port the portion of President Johnson's education program which involves school libraries. A letter to superiors of the Sisters' 107 convents says that the aid provided in the bill can help meet the standards of the American Library Association. The standards shortly will be come mandatory for all New Jersey schools. The superiors haVe been asked to request parents to send letters to their congressmen. The legislation provides $100 million in ,aid to public and private, non-profit school libraries.
Friday to provide the faithful with their holy buns, marked with a cross. In the early days of Christianity Pope Gregory de creed that ~)Dly bread, salt, and vegetables be eaten on this day of Christs's passion and death. In today's celebration 6f Good Friday as a family affair, the main meal could be climaxed with a hot cross bun to remind us of this early custom and also of the sign of salvation. How ever, these plump little buns full of raisins or currants and topped with a glaze and confectioners Meditation Observance sugar cross can be enjoyed at In Capitol Building any time. WASIDNGTON (NC) A Hot Cross Buns three-hour prayer and medita 1f4. teaspoon salt tion observance for congressmen 3 cups flour NEW BEDFORD COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Alumni and their staffs was held in a J,2 yeastcake or packaged yeast and alumnae of St. Anthony High School, New Bedford, room in the U. S. Capitol build ing on the World Day of Prayer. 1 tablespoon luke wann ~ter conducted their annual corporate Communion Dayan Sun No organized worship was (105 to 115 degrees) the day. Officers and guest speaker reviewing history of conducted during the period of 1 cup lukewarm milk school are, left to right: Dr. Albert G. Hamel, guest speaker; meditation, which lasted from 11 a Tablespoons butter Mrs. Robert LeBlanc, vice-president; and Robert W. Le A.M. to 2 P.M. However, the 1f.a cup sugar chaplains of the House and Sen 1 egg Blanc; president, standing. ate spoke briefly. Theme of the 1f.a cup currants or raislD8 observance was "What Doth the pinch, of ground cloves Lord Require of Thee?" 1f.a teaspoon' cinnamon 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel The meditation period was 1 egg, beaten sponsored by the United Church 1) Sift the salt with the flour. Women of the Capitol area. Catholic Economist Urges Wealthy Nations 2) Dissolve the 1f.a yeast cake Chairman of planning for the in the lukewarm water. Put Assist Needy People observance was Mrs. George R. about 1f.a teaspoon of sugar and Davis, wife ()f the pastor of WASHINGTON (NC) Bar filets engaged in by man,. gro~ a dash of salt in the dissolving Washington's National Cit,. yeast to help it grow. Add the bara Ward said here there should and nations. Christian church,' which Presi Serious Problem lukewarm milk to the yeast and be a "Christian lobby" to see to· dent Johnson freQuently attends. . it that at least one per cent of water. Some nations, she said, have a wealthy nation's gross national • standard of living that is 2,000 3) Mix the dry and liquid in per cent higher than othen.
gredients well. Your hands are product goes in aid to poor na "The problem must be taken
the best mixing implements tions. Miss Ward (Lady Jackson), seriously," she said.
here. Let rise in a warm place British Catholic economist, au
for two hours. She said there is no "real com mitment" today on aiding poor Mix butter and sugar until thor and editor of The Econo light and creamy. A pastry mist, London, spoke at Trinity nations, but help should be ex College, a liberal arts institution tended through a sense of jus ,blender is good for this. Add for women operated by the Sis tice, charity and moral obliga egg and mix well. ters of Notre Dame de Namur. tion. 5) Knead this butter, sugar, Miss Ward saw a dangerous egg mixture into the batter. Holding that as old empires instability in today's world and Again use your hands for this, give way to moves for indepen flouring them frequently, as the laid it to three major challenges: dence, a vacuum is created into dough is quite sticky at this the "extreme imbalance in which outside powers seek to wealth" between nations, the move, Miss Ward suggested point. post-colonial shattering of em 6) Add currants, spices, and greater use of a United Nations lemon peel. Turn dough onto a pires and the ideological con "police force" to keep foreign floured board or counter and nations out of smaller countries. . .. A Franciscan Sister! knead well until all stickiness Women's Council Plans disappears. GIVING YOURSElF to I life com 7) Put dough in a greased pletelv dedicated ·0 the salvation of Regional Institutes souls . through prayer, work. sac bowl, and let it rise until double WASHINGTON (NC) - The rifice and joy .•. by using your tal in bulk, about 2 hours. National Council of Catholic ents as a Nurse, Laboratory and X·R~ 8) Punch down and make into Women will sponsor seven re Technician. Secretary, Accountant, DI
a long roll. Cut off pieces of gional "Institutes for Leaders'"
etitian, Seamstress, Cook. as well as dough and shape them into between April and September. COMPANY in other hospital departments and In round little buns. Place on but a new extension of our work In Cate The three-day course of studies tered baking sheet and let rise .chetlcal and Social Service Fields. for women leaders of Catholic Complete line again, about half an hour. organizations will be centered
9) Brush tops with beaten .There Is No Greater Charity!
Building Materials this year on the liturgy, ecumen
egg. Cut a cross on top of each ism and the war on poverty.
(If JlIU are over 16. wrIt. to Sister MeIJ bun. Sites and dates, are: Athens, Clarice, O.S.F. Box 111. Catholic Slste,..' 8 SPRING ST., 'AIRHAVEN 10) Bake in preheated 375· Ga., April 6-8; New Rochelle, Colle,., WlSlIllIgton. D. C. 20017 for fw· oven' between 30 and 35 minutes. N. Y., April 21 to 23; Excelsior ,tiler dete/Is on till. happy life.) WYman 3·2611 11) When cool make crosses Mo., June 1-3; Pitts
oa top with glaze mixture, J Springs, burgh. June 8-10; Houston. Tex.,
tablespoons hot water to 1 cup Aug. 17-19; Spokane, Wash..
sifted confectioners sugar. Aug. 32-25; and Pacific Grove,
Calif.. Aug. 3O-Sept. 1.
Asks 'Lobby' to Aid Poor
What About You1·
Set Second HeariJ"9 On Fair Bus Bill ST. PAUL (NC)-The Minne sota Senate education committee has scheduled a second hearing on a "fair school bus" bill after hearing two hours of debate at a first session. The proposal would require that public school districts which provide school bus transporta tion must extend this service to include children attending paro chial and other private, non profU achoola.
.-l-"--...- - - -...---~
WY 2-6216
The Renownecl PQss;on;sf
Father Andrew Ansbro of Jamaica, N.Y.
BattelY Street, Newport, R.L
Career Girls (aged 18-25 years) March 12, 13, 14 Career Girls (aged 18-25 years) April 2, 3, 4 Vocation Retreat March 19, 20, 21 Professional and Business Women April 23, 24, 25
Apply: Retreat Mistress, 21 Battery St.,
Asserts Cultural Gains Eliminate Reta rdation
Thurs., March 11, 1965
Education Head Backs Johnson School Bill
NEW ORLEANS (NC) The reason for two-thirds of the men t a I retardation among youngsters can be
WASHINGTON (NC) Education Commission er Francis Keppel has de fended President Johnson's
eliminated through "a general raising" of the cultural level, ac cording to Msgr. Elmer H. Behr mann, associate secretary of spe cial education for the National Catholic Educational Associa tion. He said research strongly incll cates that the cause of two out of three cases of retardation in thill country is social and cultural deprivation. These are the non-organic cases of retardation, not trace able to pre-natal or birth de fects, said the St. Louis prelate. ''These are the boys and girls who because of some cultural, social or emotional deprivation function like retarded children in terms of their achievement," said Msgr. Behrmann, who was a member of the special commit tee assembled in October 1961 by President Kennedy to study mental retardation. Wipe Out Slums They are victims, Msgr. Behr mann noted, of poor housing, undernourishment and weak education. The three per cent of the United States population af flicted with retardation com pares to only one per cent ill Denmark and Sweden, he said. "Why the difference?" '"The answer is they have elim inated the sources of cultural and social deprivation," he said. "They just don't have slums.
There are' no really deprived
areas." College Free
He added that these eountriel
also have a "high rate of em 'p10yment." They prGvide thor- . 'ough pre-natal medical care and the educational level is high. "All go to high school and c_ . go to college free," he said. Msgr. Behrmann said an esti mated 250,000 Catholic ehildrea' in this country are retarded. Only 6,900 are enrolled in Cath olic special 'facilities, he said, adding that this is "a very em barrassing three per ,cent." .• He stated, however, that Cath olic facilities are spreading rap . Idly. While only one diocese
was involved in special educa
tion work in 1950, today theM
are GO.
aid-to-education bill as it con cerns separation of church and state in an animated exchange with a major Jewish organization spokesman. , The Federal Education head was sharply criticized for sup porting the administration meas ure at a meeting of members of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, a federation of 660 reform congregations. Get Facts Straight The attack came from Marvin BraiterIr\an of Baltimore, chair man of the church-state subcom mittee of the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism. Braiterman, who had secured advance press copies of Keppel's speech, delivered a sharp, six minute attack on the bill and the HOLY FATHER GIVES CONVERTS HIS NAME: Pope Paul baptized, confirmed and administration. Keppel later told reporters he gave first Holy Communion to 12 Congolese converts-in a single ceremony-at a Mass he was not angered by the attack, celebrated in the Roman basilica of St. Paul's Outside the Walls. The Pontiff gave all con but the former dean of the school verts his own name-Paul to six men, and Paule, a French form used by French-speaking of education at Harvard Univer Congolese, to ~ix women. NC Photo. sity said grimly to Braiterman: "I am forced to say to you, sir, something I have never had to Bay to faculty members with whom I disagreed: Would you go back and look at the facts INTROIT Ps. 24, 6, 3, et 22 TRACT Ps. 105, 14 again?" Presidential Position Give thanks to the lord, for he is good, for Remember that your compassion, 0 lord, Keppel flatly denied that the Johnson proposal violated proper and your kindness are from of old; let not our his kindness endures forever. V Who can tell church-state relations. Approved the mighty deeds of the lord, or proclaim all by Justice Department lawyers enemi~s exult over Os; deliver us, 0 God of Israel, in its original form, he, said, his praises? V Happy are they who observe whCft, from all our tribulations. Ps. ibid., 1-2. To you Congress has "reviewed and re is right, who do always what is just VRemember fined it" and "the bill currently I lift ~ my soul, 0 lord; in you, 0 my God, I being considered provides added trust; iet me not be put to shame. V Remember us, 0 lord, as you favor your people; visit us assurance that the will of sepa with your saving help. that ',your compassion, 0 lord, and -your kind ration will not be undermined." No one in the country, Keppel' ness are from of old; let- not our enemies exult said animatedly, 'is "more pro OfFERTORY Ps. 118,47 et 48 foundly concerned than the over us; deliver us,' 0 God of Israel, from all President in maintaining the ,our tribulations. Glory be to the Father~ , I will delight in your commands, which 8eparation' of Church and State." Keppel stressed. the bill is de I love exceedingly; and I lift up my hands to ligned to aid poverty-stricken GRADUAL: Ps. 24, 17·18 your commands, which I love. children' whether they are in public or private schools. Relieve the troubles of' my heart and bring Enrichment Centers COMMUNION Ps. 5, 24 me out of my distress,' 0 lord.' V Put an end This did not pacify Braiter man who said: Attend to my sighing; heed my cart for help, "it is not enough for Dr. Kep to my affliction and my' suffering; and take away all my sins. pel'to assure us either of his con my king and my, God! To you I pray, 0 lord. cern or the President's concern with the traditional separation of church and state. Concern cannot change the fact that there are alarming provisions in this legislation which' do in fact ALBANY (NC) -A spokes assembly, and the direct grant transgress the Constitution and' man for Citizens for Educational proposal pending in the assem may cause serious injury to pub Freedom called here for' passage bly. lic education." by the state legislature of a "fair Reimburse Cost The Johnson bill, pending ia textbook bill" and a bill to give Under the textbook blll, local the House Rules Committee, pro 'direct aid grants for nonpublic school districts would be reim vides Federal aid for public school p:UPils. bursed by the state for 90 per school districts enrolling pov cent of the cost of the textbooks Paul W. Brayer of Rochester, erty-stricken children. Needy which would be selected from a president of the New York State pupils in private schools would be included through shared-time Federation of Citizens for Edu- recoinmended list published an programs under public school o cational Freedom, told a state nually by the state Commissioner legislative bUdget hearing that of Education. control. Under the bill for direct aid "such aid is legally justified and public-school-approved text grants, local school districts books would be lent all school morally required." "It is a matter of civil right would give direct financial aid children under the bill. In addi to the parents or guardians of tion, special cultural enrichment for every New York child to re children in non-profit schools. ceive help for his education in centers would be established to offer programs to both public the school of his parents' choice The state would reimburse the districts for cost of the grants. wit h 0 u t economic penalty," and private school pupi.ls. Brayer told the hearing. He strongly supported both the textbook bill, which is pend ELECTRICAL ing in both the state senate and Contradors ST. CLOUD (NC) - Bishop • HEARING AIDS. ZENITH. ACOUSTICON • UH~ Peter Bartholome of St. Cloud America's Economy King has appointed Gerhardt Track, • COSMETIG • IIOLOGlClU • V"AMIIIS chairman of the newly formed diocesan liturgical music com For the Best Deal Come To mission. ' Track, director of the men's IRENE R. SHEA., PROP.
chorus at St.' John's University, INC. Prompt, FI'H Delirery Ie fAll RIVER, SOMERSET. T1YERTOI , VICINITY
Collegeville, is one of two lay 768 BROADWAY 944 County St. men on the commission, which RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. 138 2()l ROCK ST. , (CORNER OF :PlNE'•ST.) , FALL RIVII
also includes three priests and New Bedford CHARLES J. DUMAIS. Pres. two nuns.
Sunday's Prope'r of Mass for Laity
New York Textbook Aid Bill
Receives Strong Approva I
Layman Is St. Cloud Music Board Head
B.-oadway Rambler
'f!alf 675~7829
Jesuit Criticizes
'PH! ANCHOR Thurs., March 11, 1965
Continuing War In Vietnam
Cardinal Repeats Pope's Request On Bi rth Control
NEW YORK (NC) - A Catholic priest told a group protesting U.S. policy in Vietnam that neither the United States nor any other na tion can hope to gain from the continued fighting in that coun try. Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J., a member of the editorial staff of Jesuit Missions Magazine,' .peaking at a rally at Commu nity, (Protestant) Church said to wage war in modern times, as war is being waged in Viet nam, is forbidden, for "in such war ,man stands outside the blessing of God. He stands, in fact, under his curse." The Jesuit writer, a sponsor of the Catholic Peace Fellow ship and a member of the execu tive committee of the Interna tional Fellowship of Reconcili ation, declared that Americans "share in the guilt of a nation which is waging modern war and which is preparing for total war. To men of conscience, such works cry out to heaven for re dress. They also sow into man'. future a poison which the un born will be condemned to breathe - hatreds, divisions, world poverty, hopelessness. In , such an atmosphere the world comes ever closer to the actu-' alityof hell. ' Path of Peace "The war offers no future for the people of that country, no future for the Chinese, no future for Russians or Americans. For violence begets violence, torture begets frenzy, conscience and principle are submerged in the horrors of the moment. "The making of peace," Father', Berrigan said, "implies the will to return to our world of love; to stand firm in public, to confront the powers and the principalitieS, to assert in time of war that DO ' government which makes war can govern well; that we our selves will not submit before a governing hand that would thrust weapons into our hands and command, us away from the paths ·of peace."
Grant Aids Center For, Unemployed' CLEVELAND (NC)-The Cleveland diocese has been as sured of a federal grant for its project PEACE (Program for Educational and Cultural Excel lence) to aid the chronically un employed. The assurance came from U. S. Rep. Charles A. Vanik of Ohio, who said a tentative allotment of $300,000 has been allocated for administration and training at the PEACE project's skill eenter-a program which will take a family centered approach to the problem of training the unemployed. Believed to be the first pro gram of its kind in the U. S., the PEACE project is not part of the federal anti-poverty program.
LONDON (NC) - At a press conference here, John Cardinal Heenan of West minster repeated what he
Pope, Paul Reads His Prayer for Vocations
had said at London airport on his return from Rome-that Pope Paul had requested an end for the moment to public dis cussion of birth control. He pointed out, however, that this had reference to official participation by bishops· and others in ecclesiastical authority. "I take the request to mean that those in authority should refrain from public declaration and that public discussion of an official kind should be withheld," he added. Experts He noted that the request dated back to the third session of the Vatican Council when Pope Paul set up a commission of experts to restudy the Church's approach to the birth control question. As to when any statement might be expected from the commission of experts, Cardinal Heenan said: "I do not know when the commission will re port." Asked about two English priests recently taken to task by their superiors for speaking out on the subject of birth control, the cardinal said that it was not liis concern as both were out side his diocese. The cardinal thought that in dividual Catholics would exer cise individual freedom to dis cuss the subject, but as for the clergy, as the request was made by the Pope, it was a matter of ' discipline.
"0 JesutJ~ Divine Shepherd of souls, ,. Your call, many young men may pro.. , who caUed the Apostles to become fis~ long here Your mission, edify You," German Catholics er8 of men,' now cal!- the ardent and Mystical Body, the Church, and be MUENSTER (NC)-The peo 'gener01¥J hearts of our youth to make come 'the Balt of the earth and the" ple of Biskra, Algeria, one of the them Your followers and ministers. .light of the world'. Extend, 0. Lord, communities hit hardest by that country's bitter struggle' with Let ,them Bha,re Your thirst for that Your loving caU to many pure and France for independence, will universal redemption for which YQU generous-hearted young women, that receive medicine and clothes German Catholics as a re 't;laily renew Your Sacrifice upon the they mq.1I grow in their desire, for from' sult of a relief collection in the ,Muenster diocese. altar. 0 Lord Jesus, 'always living to evangelical, perfection and may ded make interces8Wn for us', extend our icate themse,lves ro the service of. the horiz0ft8 to the entire world, where Church and their rieighbors who 80 NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMAll ,80 many brethren make 'silent sup desperate l1l need lUCk assistance and plication for the light 'of truth and charity. the _~rmth of love, 80 thata'Mwering Amen." PRINTERS
,Talks Begin Soon
Expect Representatives of Vatican and World Council of Churches to Confer
MILWAUKEE (NC) - The chairman of the World Council of Churches' central comnuttee believes the talks between coun cil officials and Vatican spokes men on unified practical action will begin in four or five weeks. Rev. Franklin Clark Fry of New Rochelle, N. Y., president of the Lutheran Church in America, said the areas of pos sible cooperation to be consid ered included philanthropy; BAY SAINT LOUIS (NC) of theological The number of U. S. Catholic identification negro priests is expected to pass issues involved in the church unity movement; questions that 150 this year, according to Di vine Word Mitsionaries here in ,cause tensions, such as mixed marriage, religious freedom and Mississippi. As of June, 1964, there were 146 Negro priests counted by the annual survey of the Divine ,WASHINTON (NC) The Word Messenger. Early returns on this year's survey, indicate Federal Housing and Home Fil} about 13 more will be ordained anee Agency will lend $1.5 mil lion to the College of Mount in 1965, bringing the total to 159. The southern province of the Saint Vince¢, New York. City, Divine Word Fathers will ordain to finance construction of a four four Negro priests, living it a story residence ball, for ao7 total Gf 60. women atudentl.
Number of Negro Priests Increases
Student, Residence
•............... • • :' J B : • •
Main OHice and Plant
95 Bridge St., lowen, Mast
Tel. 458-6333
• • •
• • •
proselytism; and Christian mis : So. Dartmouth : sions. and Hyannis : Dr. Fry said the working , : group will include six Catholics and 'eight council representa • So. Dartmouth WY 7.9384. tives The meeting site has not • Hyannq 2921 • been disclosed. The sessions will • be concerned with "exploration of methods and procedures r••••••••••••••••, rather than substantive ques-, tions," Dr. Fry reported.
River, New' Bedford
Cape Cod Area ' Agell'
TRANSIT CO. INC. Notion_ide M _
WYm!"'- 3·0904
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1965
Critique of Friendly but Real'istic
Juvenile Delinquency in Mission Lands
God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. We know of juvenile delinquency in American cities, in Europe and in Russia. But do we ever think of juvenile delinquency in the Missions? Actually in one place in the Congo, it was 88 ser ious as anywhere else in the world. A group called "LeI bills" consisted of 80 per cent of the youth in one area. They had their own slang, their own songs and dances and special names for their districts. Some of the members called themselves "Kennedy," "Old Ross," "Khrushchev;" Uley ran wild-robbing, maraud1ng, killing.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy D. W. Brogan is a Cambridge historian who has always taken a close interest in the United States. He has been writing about us and our country for several decades. He is a friendly critic, admiring much that is ,American, never mean or choleric in our re He is very anxious to have . gard, but not apologizing,
abandon what he either, for being firm and Americans views as extremely dangerous frank in stating opinions illusions. One is that of omnipo
Which do not flatter us. What tence. ever he publishes concerning He is grateful for American things American power and its constructive use. Is well worth But it does not justify "the illu reading. It will sion that any situation which be literate, in distresses or endangers the formed and ur United States can only exist be bane, often cause some Americans have witty, and di been fools or knaves." We as rectly to the sume that we are so powerful point. No ex that everything must go as we ception is his wish in every quarter of the 1 ate s t book, globe, and that if it fails to do American As so, the only explanation is that pects (Harper someone has betrayed us. and Row. $4). An example which he cites ia This is a collection of essays produced during the last 16 that of what has happened in China. Americans take an over years. • As with every gathering of simplified view of this, he main tains. They suppose that we eccas:onal pieces, there is inev itable repetition. But it is at a might have arranged everything Illinimum here, for Mr. Brogan there to our convenience and ad has a capaciou.o;; and original vantage unless traitors in own ranks had thwarted us. mind. But do we realize, asks Mr. He tells us, "My main business, In, a more than academic sense, Brogan, that we are dealing .has been, for most of my adult here with the oldest civilization life, studying the American now in existence, one with a tre people, their Institutions and mendously complicated as well achievements, and explaining as extended history? And that it affects a fifth of the whole hu and expounding those achieve ments and institutions to an man race? Present developments e£ten skeptical and sometimes there have deep and tangled hostile audience in Britain and_ roots. III other parts of Europe." Moreover, the Chinese Revolu tion, which has gone through Changes' in U. S. several phases is actually older He first visited the country in than the Russian Revolution. It 1925, and in one of his essays he lists changes in the United States may prove to be more important lince that time. One is that, 40 than the Russion Revolution. It years ago, the military were few. has already proved to be beyond and virtually invisible in the control of Russia. Why, then, land. Now, however, the sight of should we believe that we could the uniform is a common, indeed have controlled it? This is cer daily, experience This signalizes tainly worth thinking about. The Catholic Politician • far-reaching change. Another is in the attitude One of the present essays is toward politics. In 1925 "the pro entitled "The Catholic Politi fessionals looked after poliltics," cian." It was written only three whereas in the present era "poli years ago,· but it seems to me to tics as a career attracts lots of be already outdated. There has young mep and women, and a been a great change. This is ac sense of the importance of poli counted for, in part, by the ic:al matters--and of government Presidency of J obo F. Kennedy - is as marked as its absence and, in part, by the growth of the ecumenical spirit inaugu was in 1925." Mr. Brogan also observes an rated by Pope John XXIII and the Second Vatican Council. increase in the number of ad Almost everything that Mr. herents of religion, or at least believers. But he wonders about. Brogan says is incontestable, but a surprisingly large amount of this phenomenon. What under lies it? What does it mean? it is of more historical than He thinks that it has been present meaning. brougilt about by doubt :t:ather A case in point is that of fed than by faith. The doubt is of eral aid to education. Mr. Bro prosperity and progress, of ma gan sees nothing but bitter bat terial security, and it has been tle over the place of parochial fostered by the wars and horrors schools in any such program. I of our time and the haunting do not mean to suggest that fears as to the future in all there will not be contention., atomic age. Religion, then, has and perhaps long drawn out been resorted to not on its own . contention. merits but as a refuge, or so he But it is being remarked right feels. now that the hearings on the Dangerous Dlusion program proposed by President Yet he has to admit that Billy . Johnson began in an atmosphere Graham is giving those who quite different from that ob flock to him something far more taining on any previous sug aabsta:1tial than Billy Sunday gested legislation of the sort. gave to his hearers in the twen Other essays in the book are ties, and that the interest in the on the Presidency ("the Presi writings of a Trappist monk, dent of the United States is a Thomas Merton, is indicative of monarch"), the Civil War (its true spiritual hunger and recep "issue was fortunate in the tivity. sense that it was the least un And he concludes that America fortunate issue that was possi has, in fact, matured quite re . ble"), Theodore Roosevelt, Hen markably, that it is today "a ry Adams, the memoirs of Presi m0 re interesting, civilized, dent Eisenhower; Uncle Tom's promising society than it was in Cabin, the American Personal that year [of his first visit], and ity. Their range is wide, and the pursuit of happiness is still their insight of rare caliber. less (If a waste of effort than in And they are never stodgy or any other country known to me." sententioua
FINAL VOWS: Mother Mary Paula, the former An nette Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, Jr., St. Joseph's parish, At tleboro, has taken final vows as a Religious of Jesus and Mary at ceremonies in Our Lady of Peace Retreat House New York City. She is a graduate of St. Joseph's par ochial school and St. Clare's Academy, Woonsocket.
Guatemalans Silent On Priest Ouster GUATEMALA CITY (NC) The ouster of a Spanish priest 1rom this Central American re public has touched off a series of repercussions leading to a special investigation by the Na tional Constituent Assembly here. The ouster of Father Luis Gur riaran was related to his pio neering work in the cooperative movement among the impover ished Indian population in the province of El Quinche and to person,al differences he had with the province governor, Col. Ru ben Gonzalez Rivera. Neither government officials nor Church authorities will shed much light on the reasons for the priest's expulsion. Govern ment officials refer all questions to Bishop Angelico Melotto Maz zardo of Solola in whose diocese Father Gurriaran was working. The Bishop says only that the priest has been transferred by his religious superiors and as signed to new talks in Venezuela.
Announces Womens Job Corps Center . WASHINGTON (NC) - The Office of Economic Opportunity has announced its first three Job Corps centers for young women, again dramatizing the use of both public and private agencies in the antipoverty campaign. Candidates for the centers wm be recruited and screened by a corporation formed by members of leading women's ol'ganim tions. including the National Council of Catholic Women. The centers will be run by a public school board in St. Petent burg, Fla.; by a nationalsororit7, Alpha Kappa Alpha, in Cleve land; and by a Young Women'. Christian Association (YWCA) in Los Angeles. The cost of the centers for the nex* 24 montbl is $8.5 million.
Backs Labor Union MADRID (NC)-Bishop An tonio Anoveros Ataun of Cadiz has issued a strong statement backing Catholic-supported labor organizations in Spain and h. chided Falangist unions for thek undemocratic structure&..
One of our missionaries became friendb with their pooup. Be encouraged them to improve Ole condition of 70Ulll' people III Ole neighborhood. The idea caught on and their first (not wholly commend able) act was to beat up the boys who followed and molested girls. Soon though they had progressed far enongh to open a restanrant where they cooked and served 200 meals a da7. They then staffed a shoe repair shop and began training "Les bills" and others in these trades. A bakery, carpentry shop and sehool of masonry followed and "Les bills" built a study hall for the children of the neighborhood. Finally, they launched a newspaper called UThe Spirit of Youth." The character of their organization ehanged so completely that they were soon request in&' retreats, recollections, eonferences and Masses, and had com pletely rejected V&ndaUsm. Our delinquent you~ in America become delinquent because they have no missions, no purpose in life. Pour steam into a boiler and give it no work and it will blow up. Youth is "blowing up" for the same reason. Our correspondence with teenagers revew the)' are good and normal when they have a goal in life.
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It's Conege Scholarship Time
THE ANCHORThurs., March 11, 1965
For Hardworking Students At Diocesan High Schools It's college scholarship time for lucky (and hard working) seniors at Diocesan high schools. At Bishop Stang in North Dartmouth, Frances Przybyla, The Anchor's school reporter, has received a $2,000 award from Emanuel in Boston. She is following prepare for their an a scientific course at Stang students nual Glee Club Spring Concert, and intends to major in to be held at 8 Sunday night, math at college. At Sacred March 28 at Keith Junior High Hearts Academy in Fan River Paula Powers, honor society president, and also Anchor re porter, has been awarded a $4,400 scholarship to Seton Hill College, while Ellen Demetrius, orchestra president, received a $2,000 grant from Stonehill In North Easton. Susan' Reid, Sev enteeners president at the Fall River school, holds a $2,500 grant from Stonehill and a $1,000 award from the U. of Mass. Many acceptances have also been recorded, with Donald Me lanson and Raymond Bedard of Prevost High in Fall River head ing towards the Northeast Ip.sti tute of Industrial Technology and Richard Goddu, also a Pre vostite, expecting to attend the University of Arizona. William Synnott, basketban captain and student council pres ident at Holy Family in New Bedford, has been accepted at Providence College; and at Do minican Academy in Fall River those precious yes-letters are being clutched by Catherine Watkinson, University of South ern Florida; Patricia Diamante, St. Joseph's College; and Lucille Boilard, Annhust and Emman
ueL Science, Maftt Science fairs and various exams are much in the news, with nearly every school having had, having, or going to have one or the other. Prevost's fair closed yesterday and winners will enter their projects in the regional science exhibit, upcom ing later in the Spring. Holy Family and Dominican Acad emy have also held their fairs and Lucille Boilard notes some interesting titles of DA exhibits. They include "Beat, Heart, Beat," entered by Louise Lanne ville; "Caffeine vs. Sleep," the entry of Janice Costa and "Anes thetics vs. Marine Life," the ex hibit of Suzanne Ratte. Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro and Mt. St. Mary's in Fall River have also concluded their fairs. Exams currently being agon ized over include the National High School Mathematics Exam, on the schedules at Mt. St. Mary, Bishop Feehan, and St. An thony's. The annual exam of the United Nations Association of the United States was another tough one, taking three hours and including questions on the history, theory and practice of the UN. "No one complained the exam was too easy," was one student's comment. Also making the rounds are National Merit exams, college boards, Auxilium Latinum quizzes and National Educational Development tests. At Peter Francisco Day cere monies this Saturday in Peabody, winners of an essay contest sponsored by the Portuguese American Civic League ~ill be announced and among those eagerly awaiting results are sen iors at St. Anthony High. Roll-A-Scholar Students from Prevost, D0 minican Academy, Jesus-Mary, and Mt. St. Mary will participate in a "Roll-A-Scholar to College" event from 6:30 to 10 tonight at Lincoln Park Roller Rink. The program is sponsored by the youth branch of Fall River Citi zens' Scholarship Foundation. Youth branch president is Paul Nowak, Prevost senior, who's in charge of tonight's event. At Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairhaven music is in the air _
School, New' Bedford. General chairman for the pro gram is Mrs. Joseph Cataldo Jr. of the academy alumnae associa tion. She notes that Joseph Di Domenico will conduct and guest soloists will include Ronald Remy, tenor, and Miss Rita Souza, soprano. Debaters at Prevost High "compiled a fine 4-2 record at the Catholic Memorial Debate Tournament," says reporter Nor mand Dube. The teams of Char land and Lizotte, Stazzone and Dugal each won two, lost one, he further notes. "Prevost's fine moment came after learning of our affirmative's defeat of a highly regarded Narry League opponent--8t. Anthony's." Senoritas at Fall River's SHA presented their annual Spanish play and entertainment in honor of Pan-American Day. Members of all Spanish classes partici pated and pan-American feeling extended down to the Holy Union kindergarten, which holds sessions in the high school build ing. The tots offered a Spanish dance. Lending an international' touch to the program were French class students, who mod eled hand-made hats they were wearing in honor of Mardi Gras. Prizes were given to the most . original, the funniest and the prettiest creations. St. Anthony seniors, I8Y1l Pauline LaFrance, "breathed a sigh of relief as they handed in the last book reports they ever will-in high school." The re ports, last of 10 required yearly from each student, were due early this month, and were gladly surrendered. / Promote Enthronement Knights and Handmaids of the Sacred Heart at Bishop Stang High have for their March proj ect the encouragement of home enthronements of the Sacred Heart. A play, depicting the en thronement ceremony, was pre sented to students and they were urged to promote this project to parents, neighbors and friends. The annual father-daughter dance at Mt. St. Mary's was held in two sections: one night for seniors and freshmen, -the next for sophs and juniors. The theme for the dance was "Mardi Gras" and a king and princess were crowned each night. The annual student retreat k under way at Bishop Feehan High, conducted this year by Rev. Edward Mitchell of Holy Name parish, Fall River. Un derclassmen are attending the school exercises, while seniors are at La Salette retreat house making a closed retreat. 'At Bishop Stang, junior and senior boys, members Oil. the sodality, will make a retreat the weekend of March 19 at Stone hill College. Other boys sodal ists will make a retreat the same weekend at Gonzaga Retreat House in Gloucester. Miss Nancy Walsh, Dominican Academy physical education teacher, will accompany stu dents to Portsmouth High School Saturday, March 20, where they'll attend a basket ball playday. In intramural basketball at DA, Arline Belanger's Afghan Hounds have defeated Trudy Rousseau's Pekingese and Jay Baraby's Dachshunds. Sports are becoming more im portant at Prevost, too, as Spring
LENTEN YOUTH FORUM: Rev. Robert H. Buchan, S.J. initiates forum series at Franklin Street CYO Hall, Fall River. From left, F'ather Buchan; Christine Demers, Immaculate Conception parish, Fall River; Mike Rutkowski, St. Thomas More, Somerset. beckons. Five basketball teams have been formed from fresh men alone and also under way are volleyball and softball pro grams. In the first invitational Prevost bowling tournllment, winners were Paul Lizotte, Rob ert Froment and Paul Bernier. Fathers Form Club Fathers of students at SHA Fall River have caught up with mothers, who have for decades been organized in the Sucordium Club. This week the dads formed their own group,' which will doubtless be beard from early and often. Students at St. Anthony's viewed a movie on Communist tactics and heard a lecture by Rene Fontaine on the same sub ject. The students, members of the government class, are now examining Communism as part of their course. At Bishop Feehan a Golf Club is in process of formation. It will represent the school in the Bristol Scholastic League's west ern division, which already in cludes Coyle High of Taunton. There'll be six regular players and four alternates on the Fee han team. A sparkling new trophy case can be seen in the halls of Pre vost these days. "The glory glass" was constructed by Brother Nor mand of the Prevost staff, who has also painted the principal's office. Also a vacation project at Prevost was the near completioh of the school. yearbook, with the staff directed by Brother Robert. St. Anthony High has received 14 American flags from the American Legion. They were given' in commemoration of stu dents' choices of the 14 greatest presidents. Now the school is all ready to be a massed colors sec tion all by itself in any parade. Prevostites have been wel eoming Brother Patrick, a for mer teacher and principal, on an inspection visit to the Fall River school. Brother bas been pro vincial of the American province of the Brothers of Christian In struction for the past seven years and is now' first assistant to the community's superior gen eral. 'Blaek Like Me~ Mt. St. Mary students are still discussing the stirring lecture given last Friday night by John Howard Griffin to a capacity crowd of 700, many of whom stood throughout his two-hour talk. "The first thing we must realize," he said, "is that no one can escape the problem of rac ism which faces this land. It affects all Negroes and whites as well The.- viewpoint of the
Negro in. no way coincides with the view of the whites." The 44 year old author de cided to study the problem more deeply. He had his skin dark ened by a doctor and lived as a Negro, thus obtaining the infor mation on which his best-sell ing book, "Black Like Me," is based. He came to realize how white people think about Negroes. They picture the entire race as a stereotype of simple childlike people. He also pointed out that it is not only simple white peo ple who are prejudiced but also the highly educated, who have a blind spot about Negroes. . When he became a Negro, :Mr. Griffin did nothing more than color his skin and shave his hair. He did not change his voice, clothing, or credentials. JU!lt the fact that his skin was colored kept him out of restau rants, churches, hotels, and pub lic rest rooms. On some occasions he applied for jobs by telephone and was asked to come in for interviews,
but when it was seen he was colored, he was told the job had been filled or that they could not use him any more. This proved to him that no matter what their educational back ground, Negroes are judged bJ' the color of their skin. During his first day as. a Negro, Mr. Griffin discovered he was not an individual but a mass, just another person to be detested by whites. Mr. Griffin also described what Negl'oes call "the System." According to this, Negroes said they were citizens, and should defend their country and pay taxes BUT they should. not vote, be educated, employed, have equality of protection under law. They should not have access to concerts, theaters, public libra ries and other facilities granted . to white people. Pro-Human The solution to this problem, Mr. Griffin said, is that "we must give up the idea of being pro-North or pro-South and be come pro-human." Brother John Neidl, C.S.c., band director at Coyle, has an nounced a band concert to be held on Sunday, March 21, at Coyle. The presentation will be entitled "The Sound of Jazz", and will cover the history and development of Jazz from the "Blues" of Dixieland through to Symphonic Jazz. The band will also present 81l assembly -program at Bishop Cassidy High School; and OIl Sunday, March 28, membel'll . from the Jazz Ensemble will be at Sacred Hearts Academy ill Fall River for a concert. Francis Dubreuil of Westport, . Stang junior, has been named zone four winner of an Amer ican Legion oratorical contest held in Fall. River. Previously Francis was second place winner in the Bristol County contest.. He will now represent his area in state finals. Also competing was Mal'7 Beth O'Connor of Somerset, a sophomore at SHA Fall River, who had been named Bristol County winner. Seniors Bob Dewey and Scott Santos have been chosen as co captains for the Spring Track Team at Coyle.
Annual Consecration Ceremony SUNDAY, MARCH 14 St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River 2:30 P.M.
His Excellency Bishop Connolly will preside
All active and auxiliary members are to attend
Public Invited
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Mar. 11, '965
Prelate Explains· Catholic Position
Romantic Daydreaming Oft Proves to be Nightmare
BOSTON (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing has stated that he does not oppose re peal of Massachusetts anti
By John J. Kane. Ph. D. "I am a housewife, married 11 years with three child. reno As a teenager I had many boyfriends. When I met my husband I thought he' would be my love for life. Then we had to get married. But now I am always getting crushes on other men. One learn that this is utterly im time it was the breadman, possible. . another time a neighbor. Romantic love has its place in These men never know it, life. But eventually it should and I never do anything immor al, just romantic dreaming. But if I really loved my husband, I doubt I would be this way." It's rather dif ficult, Julie, to be clear on just what you are saying in your letter. It seems to me that you engage in romantic day dreaming about other men. You do this quite often shifting from one to an other. Now you are suffering a sesnse of guilt, fearing it is an ltidication that you no longer o love your husband. In my opinion the seriousness of this depends on just how far this romantic daydreaming goes. Some women become downright silly about this sort of thing. There have been a number. of what used to be called matinee idols ranging from Francis X. Bushman, Rudolph Valentino, later Rudy Vallee down to the px:esent crop of movie stars. Modem Idols But the field has been usurped today by the rock and roll sing.;. ers, the most notable being the Beatles. Some, doubtless unkind persons, maintain they have more hair than talent. (Letters will flood me for that state ment.) But I honestly can't tell. I never heard them. It isn't becausE; I never tried to listen to them, somewhat in voluntarily, I admit. But with three teenage daughters and a normal curiosity, I did look at them on television. There was 80 much female screaming that I heard neither their music or voices. Of co.urse, men are not im mune to attractions of female stars. They are, however, more restrained. It is also true that the great talent of some of these ladies is more anatomical than
art. A great deal of this is rather foolish but probably not really harmful. I am not including some of the pinups which deco rate many of the barracks dur ing the war and later. Sometimes these are practically pornographic. _ To find a member of the op posite sex who is attractive, charming or handsome is scarce ly immoral. On the contrary, it is perfectly natural. But I fear your problem extends beyond this. First of all, you seem to have some kind of psychological need always to have this romantie feeling toward another man. The heart of the question is: why? One statem~nt in your letter seems to provide a elue. You thought, when you met your husband, he would be your love for your lifetime. But then you got married. Some Media Misleading An unfortunate aspect of American society is that mar riage is actually overidealized by the romantic. Notions of mar riage are gathered from short stories, novels, motion pictures and other media most of which depict it as a never ending, glorious, rom ant i c paradise. Every married couple comes to
grow into a deep, spiritual and temporal type of love. Life sim ply cannot be> one long thrill. With true love comes under standing and this helps husband and wife to withstand the inev itable disillusions that must come to all. In the flush of romantic love,. each partner views the other as perfect, entirely above the more mundane aspects of human ex istence. But in the intimacy of marriage husband and wife prove to be not perfect but per fectly human.' Each has his or her imperfections mutual ad
justment must be made for them. Love and Sacrifice In the nuptial Mass the cou ple is reminded that marriage involves sacrifice but that true love will make this possible. Perhaps no couple really appre ciates the w.isdom of this state ment until months after mar riage. As we grow older and face up to the inevitable of life, we tend to· eschew the silly romantic no tions for more intelligent ones. This, you seem not quite able to do yet. One reason you apparently n eve r suffer disillusionment about your crushes is that you never come to know them very well. The breadman's wife might have a few comments about him that would startle you. Distant pastures always look gree~er, an old cliche, lSut rather appropriate in this case. It is also a bit dangerous. So far your romantic daydreaming has not gone beyond this but you are tempting fate if you continue to indulge in it deeply. The imagination is both a wonderful and a perilous quality of hu mans. It can make us creative, interesting, inventive. But it can also lead us into sin. Beware of Disaster Even though you have never let these men know of your feelings toward them, suppose some day, one suspects them. Or suppose in your unrestrained daydreaming you become im pulsive. Perhaps a serious quar rel with your husband, or per haps an irritating frustration. Then you may try to make your daydreams a reality with what can not be less than disastrous consequences. Since you are given to this kind of romantic daydream and· since you apparently have such a lively imagination, why not use your husband as the target of your dreams? It may be dif ficult because you are so close to him. You know his faults and shortcomings. But with your imagination, I suspect· that an you need is a little more effort. I hope I will not offend you, by saying that this sort of thing is rather immature for a person of your age. One understands silly crushes of young school girls for boys. But you are well beyond this or at least ought to be.
.Flood -Aid Gift SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken of San Francisco sent $5,000 to . Bishop Robert J. Dwyer of'Reno to aid the Nevada diocese where floods damaged a number of church properties in December.
VISITOR: Rev. Aniceto Fernandez, O.P. Master Gen eral of the Dominican Fath ers will soon visit the U.S. as part of his visitation of institutions of the worldwide Dominican Order. NC Photo.
Laws on' Nuns Continued from Page One doctor of philosophy degree, also called for a new look at nuns' confessions. She charged that "in the use of the Sacrament of Penance, Sisters ... 0\< * have even less freedom than children." Specifically she protest,ed a re quirl;lment of canon law that Religious go to confession at least once a week. "Any layman," she com mented, "has the privilege of going to confession when -he needs absolution or when he feels that the reception of the sacrament will be spiritually beneficial. But the Religious woman, who is expected' to achieve--and usually does have -a spiritual maturity not de manded of the lay person in the world, must make her way to the confessional on a specified day. "She must go at a stated hour because her confessor knows that there are so many Sisters in the house and he will wait until he has lifted his hand in absolution that many times. "I do not. know any Sisters who would not appreciate know ing that a confessor will be available for her spiritual growth on such a day during such a period of time, should she wish to take advantage of his pres ence. Bu~ to be obliged to con fess at 4 o'clock on Wednesdays is a very easy way to produce the routine confessions that priests often deplore." Sister John Marie said one reason for the "over-protective" attitude of Church laws toward nuns is that they have been writ ten by men rather than women. "Something should be done to give women Religious a more flexible framework of Church law in which they can draw up
their constitutions and form their customs," she declared, adding this. "could be best achieved" by naming women, both Religious and lay, to the commission in charge of revising canon law and by appointing some Sisters to the Sacred Con gregation of Religious. She described changes in nUlllf habits as a needed but somewhat superficial reform. "Sisters are in favor--or op posed-to the adoption' of con temporary dress in somewhat equal proportions," she said, "but generally for reasons far different from those advocated by 'letters to the editOll"" con tributors. Very few ,Sisters ob ject to the simplification of their present dress." .
Bible Symposium CmCAGO (NC)-Internation ally known scholars will take part in a Bible symposium here June 11 and 12.
birth control law - but does oppose pending legislation for that purpose. The cardinal said the pending repeal bill "does not contain proper safeguards and this could result in great harm and mis chief to the public, especially to the young." He called instead for estab lishment of a special citizens'. study commission "representing a broad community consensus" to make recommendations for a repeal amendment that would satisfy "the conscientious opin ions of the whole community." Faithful to Convictions While there is "no change, present or contemplated," in tra";
ditional Catholic opposition tilt artificial birth control, he stated that does not mean that· Cath olics favor the present state law banning distribution of birth control information and devices. "Catholics do not need the support of clvillaw to be faithful to their own religious convic tions and they do not seek to impose by law their moral views on other members of society." he said. Discussing the relationship be tween law and morality, Cardi nal Cushing said ''there should be a reasonable correspondence between the moral standards generally recognized by the con science of the community and the legal standards concerning public morality," "Otherwise," he warned, "laws will be unenforceable and ineffective."
You meet her in Kadu-thu-ruthy, a "backwaters" settlement in south India •.. "Yes, I like school very much." she says. ''When I grow up I want to be like the Sisters in my school." ••• You meet then the Sisters of Sl. Joseph. "Bright ;roungsters like LeeJa are India's hope." the Sister Superior re marks. "Christ loves' them de spite their ragged clothes. We love TN Hoi, P.,bff, MilJUnr A;I Chem .. too." • • • The Sisters live lor Ih. Orimlt4 Ch.m6 in a" rented hovel made of mud with cocoanut-leaf roof. ThC7 have DO electricity. 110 lIeWRg'e disposal,. DO safe drinking water. Small wonder 110 maw young Sisters III India will die this year of tubereulosls and diphtherl~! • • • "In order to stay ID Kadu-thu-ruthy permanently, we most have a permanent eonvent," yOU hear the Superior NY. "I hope we are not foreed to leave. U we leave. what will become 01 Leela-and the hundreds Uke her not yet bornT" ••• A one-story, stone eonvent, with tile roof, will east· only $3.800 to construct. Name it for your favorite saint, in memory of )'0111' loved ooes, It you bnlld It all by yonrself. $450 will bnild one bedroom (for two Sisters). $1,2'75 wUl buUd and equip the convent chapeL Please do as much as yon can. Whatever your Lenten sacrifice for the poor this ~eek-$IOO, $'75, $50, $25, $10. $5, $2-belp these holy Sisters stay In Kadu-thn-ruthy!
AS A LIFETIME GIFT TO YOUR FAMILY (or a loved one), enroll them in perpetual membership in this Association. We'll send an attractive certificate. suitable for framing. of course. Your perpetual membership offering...{$IOO for a family, $20 for an Individual) will buy rice, wheat, blank· ets. for the needy overseas. GIVE SOMETmNG TO 't'HE POOR "NO STRINGS ATTACHED."
.ASTER IS APRIL 18. RAVE yon S~ on BAlSTER GIFT CARDST-They combine your Easter greetings with a gift to the missions in the name of the person you designate. select a gift (from the list below), send DB the person's name and address with yonr donation-and we do all the rest. We'll llend that person an attractive gift card, in time for Easter.
- fll[plalning what yon have done. Here are some gifts to select from: Ma!l8 Kit ($100), Altar ($'75), Monstrance UI40). Chalice ($40). Tabemacle ($25), Sanctuary Lamp ($15), Sanctuary Bell (S5). blanket for an orphan ($2). Dear Monsignor Ryan: l:Iaclosecl please fiIld .••••. fcJr .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ifamle ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Street: ••••••••••••• :-l:;.~• • • • • • ::w-.......-:-. ~ ••••.•'-•••••••••••••••••• '.' . State
Zip Code
ltl'l2ear5stOlissioos&l he"
.... on
Y• .,.. "art catIoa. to:
330 M. . . . Aft. at 421Mt St.
New V'" N. Y•. 100.17
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1965
l-ne Parish Parade
A parish mission is in prog-' ress,' conduCted by Dominican Fathers of the New York City mission band. Women's mission will close this week. Next week's services will be for men and' bigh school boys. A children's mission is being held at 4 each· afternoon this week and will close Saturday.
The Woman's Guild will con duct a bus trip to Washington on the weekend of April 30. On May 15, the Guild will hold a Day of Recollection at the Carmelite Monastery in Ham ilton. The bus will leave· at 8' o'clock Saturday morning from the parish parking lot. ST. JEAN. BAPTISTE,
Len ten sermons will be preached each Wednesday night during the hoiy season by Rev.. Gerard Boisvert. Services will begin at 7. Father Boisvert is a curate at St. Anthony's parish, 'New Bedford. ST. MARY,
Mrs. Cornelius Lyons will be chairman for a Parish Guild meeting at 8 Tuesday night, March 16 in the school. The Christian Family Movement will present a program. Apostles of Good Will have requested a Mass at 7:30 Satur day morning, March 20 for the intention of Christian Unity. Catholics and those of other faiths are invited to attend.
VISITATION GUILD, NORTH EASTHAM Members will hold a work meeting from 10 to 2 Tuesday, March HI at the home of Mrs., Peg LaJoie, Schoolhouse Road" Eastham.. A St. Patrick's Social is set for Wednesday, March 17, with Mrs. John Conpors as chairman and hostess' for the event at her. home, Camp Ground Road, North Eastham. A special St. Patrick's prize will be awarded. A planning meeting for a Spring buffet is scheduled for Monday, March 22, also at the home of Mrs. Connors. The buffet, with Mrs. Connors in charge of arrangements, will be held from 6 to 8 Saturday night, March 27 at Visitation Hall, Massasoit Road, North Eastham. Monthly guild Com munion wilt take place at 9:30 Mass Sunday morning, March 28 and a regular guild meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ev elyn Babbitt; Eastham Monday, March 29. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH The Women's Guild announces its annual Summer bazaar for 10 to 6 Wednesday, July 14' on the church grounds, Station Avenue, South Yarmouth. The arrangements committee is meeting from 10 to 12 every Thursday morning in the church basement and welcomes any parishioner wishing to aid in making bazaar items. Informa tion may be obtained from Mrs. Bernard Mulcahy or Mrs. Fred erick Collins.
ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER Tickets for a corned beef sup per to be sponsored Wednesday, ST. FRANCIS XAVIER,
March 17 by the Men's Club are HYANNIS
available at the rectory or. from . executive board members. The guest speaker at the reg The Women's Guild will serve ular monthly meeting of the a potluck supper at 6:30 tonight Guild, March 18, will be Harold in the school hall. A meeting Aldrich who will speak on the will follow, highlighted by an borne beautiful. auction for which members are All members are urged to at requested to bring wrapPed do tend the Day of Recollection nations. scheduled for Saturday after noon at Holy Trinity Church, ST. STANISLAUS, West Harwich. FALL RIVER· The Women's Guild will spon The CYO will sponsor a sor a. style show Saturday, fashion show at 7:30 Wednesday March 20 at Hyannis junior high night, March 17 at White's res school. Tickets are available taurant. In charge are Miss Joan from Mrs. Albert Bourgeois. A Wojcik and Miss Mary Lou guild Communion breakfast is Kocon. Proceeds will benefit the scheduled for Sunday, March 28, parish fund. at the Captain's Table. SACRED HEART, Plans are in the making for NORTH ATTLEBORO establishment of a CCD unit in The Holy Name Society will the parish. participate in an all-night vigil ST. JOHN,
Holy Thursday, April 15. ATTLEBORO
Men and women of the parish will attend a retreat in French The Women's Guild will spon beginning Sunday, ·March 28 sor a Spring Fashion Show on and in English beginning Sun Sunday evening, March 21, at day, April 4. An English retreat 8 o'clock in the school hall on . for teen-agers will begin Sun Hodges Street, Attleboro. day, April 11. Holy Name Society will in OUIt LADY OF MT. CARMEL, duct new members Friday, April, NEW BEDFORD 2, Friday, April 9 and Wednes The Woman's Club will spon day, April 14. sor a social evening, open to guests, Wednesday, March 17. ST. MARY, FAiRHAVEN In charge of social activities for The Association of the Sacred April is Mrs. Mary Araujo and Heart will sponsor a whist party for June Mrs. Mary Cabr.al. for the benefit of the building' SACRED HEARTS, fund on Saturday evening, March NORTH FAIRHAVEN 20, at 7:30 in the Oxford school auditorium. Ladies of Ste. Anne will meet Many beautiful prizes win be at 9:15 Sunday morning, March offered and refreshments will 14 in the school yard to attend be served. the 10 o'clock television Mass in Tickets will be 75c and may New Bedford over Channel Six. be obtained at the door or from Members are requested to wear any member of the association their medals and to receive Holy or by calling Mrs. katherine Communion. Refreshments will Hart, 994-7717. follow at Jean Louis restaurant on Union Street, New Bedford. HOLY ROSARY, The Confraternity of Christian FALL RIVER Doctrine discussion club will Holy Rosary Guild will spon meet at 7:30 Sunday night at the sor a public penny sale Wednes home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel day, March 1'7. Tickets may be Costa. Discussion topic will be had from Mrs. AU3ust Petrucci. 1"arents. Children and Citizens." president.
Postal Counsel Feels Magazines. Meet Court Obscenity Ruling WASHINGTON (NC) - The chief counsel of the Post Office Department told a Senate Judi ciary subcommittee that several so-called "men's" magazines are not legally obscene. The opinion has been ex pressed by Louis J. Doyle after several magazines were sub mitted by subcommittee' counsel Bernard Fensterwald Jr. Surveillance Study Doyle stressed "what I might consider obscene might not be what would be considered ob scene by the' courts." He said that in dealing with the obscen ity question the Post Office goes by the U. S. Supreme Court's
Aim to Halt Growing Obscenity Traffic DOCTOR: Sister M. Math ias Zimmerman, M.D. of the staff of the Medical Mission Sisters' Holy F'amily Hos pital in New Delhi, India, has been named a diplomate of the American Board of Sur gery. A native Ohioan, Sis ter Mathias received her M. . D. from Georgetown Univer sity and did her four-year surgical residency at St. Louis City Hospital. NC Photo. .
Gets School Post TUCSON (NC)-Paul Guitteau is the first layman to serve as associate superintendent of the Tucson diocesan school system here in Arizona.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Cath olic, J,ewish and Protestant lead ers have been invited to a na tional "Conference to Combat Obscenity" here March 22 and 23 under the auspices of the Churchmen's Commission for Decent Publications. Speakers will include Charles H. Keating Jr., Cincinnati at torney and founder of Citizens for Decent Literature; Father Morton Hill, S.J., of Operation Yorkville, New York City inter faith anti-obscenity organization and Dr. Caradine Hooten of the Churchmen's Commission., Founded in 1957, the Church~ men's Commission includes rep resentatives of some 30 Protes tant denominations. Legislative chairman is O.K. Armstrong, former congressman and Bap tist minister and a leader in setting up the coming confer ence.
1957 Roth test-whether' the dominant theme of the material, taken as a whole in light of con temporary community standards, appeals to prurient interests of the average person. Irving Fishman, official of the Bureau of Customs whoap peared with Doyle before the subcommittee, said he agreed with the Post Office counsel, adding Customs "could do little" t::> keep such magazines out of the country if they were pub lished overseas. The subcommittee hearings are mainly concerned with pos sible invasions of privacy by)he Post Office through such dev.ices as peep holes to 9bserve postal employes and the use of' so called mail covers--surveillance procedures placed on mail sent or received by persons believed to be involved in a crime. . Behind Iron Curtain Another concern is the admin· istration of a 1961 law under which the Post Office impounds mail sent from communist countries unless the adriressee asks lor its delivery. Up to now the Post Office hal retained cards filled out by in dividuals who request d~livery of such mail. But starting March 15, Doyle told the subcc·mmit tee, the department will follow a policy of destroying the cards.
Methods Study ST. MARY-OF-THE-WOODS (NC)-Mother Mary Loyola, su perior of a 22-member FormosaJi community of Chinese nuns ia here in Indiana studying tech niques of American convent,'ad ministration. . .
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For detail.<; about Cunard sailings, see your travel agent or Cunard Line, McGraw-BiU Building, 607 Boy(ston Street, Boston, MtMs. (Tel: 266-2000) ,
Thurs., March 11, 1965
Stresses Civil Action Is Path In Unity Move PITTSBURGH (NC) - It is in the area of common civic action that Christian denominations have the best ehance of progressing toward. reunion says Robert McAfee Brown of Stanford University. An observer at the second ses sion of Vatican Council II and one of the nation's better known Protestant theologians, the Pres byterian scholar told an ecu menical symposium at Duquesne University here that the race issue is an area "in which we are not doctrinally separated, on which we are unequivocally one." Brown said thE. progress of ecumenism has involved five steps: hating, ignoring, talking about, praying for and praying With. Decline Invites A principal fac~or leading to the present atmosphere of good will, he said, was formation of the World Council of Churches in Edinburg, Scotland, in 1910. He asserted th~ Council is not • "super Church," but a "vehicle 8f approach between the Ortho dox and the many Protestant denominations." He noted at that time there were more than 250 Protestant sects with virtually no dialogue among them. The world council also made it possible for exchanges between the Vatican and Protestants, he said. "In 1948 and again in 195-l when the world council met, the Holy See was asked to send ob servers. In each instance the in vitation was turned down," be said. "For the meeting in 1961, Pope .John XXIII accepted the invita tion. Five priests were present. Since that time no such large gathering of Protestants has been held without priest-observers present. Now this Februal'y at Geneva no less a personage than Cardinal Augustin Bea, head of the Vatican Secretariat for Christian Unity, attended a meeting of the WCC at its Gen eva headquarters," he added. Pope John, he said, '~aptured the imagination and affection of Protestants.· His spontaneous concern for all appealed to them. Although he did not initiate ecu menical concern, he did release it. He indicated that what just a few persons wert doing in isola tion had to be done publicly and on a broad scale." ('ommon Dialogue "The very fact that a cound! was called gave some indication that reform is necessary before ecumenism can make substantia! positive strides. For this reason I consider the Pope's plea for aggiornamento one of the most important events of the past four centuries, "The council has pulled the rug out from under the bad stereotypes which the Catholic Church had had for 400 yea-rs. With the formation of Cardinal Bea's permanent secretariat un der the Holy Father the Catholic voices speaking from the Vatican on the subject of unity were no longer individual voices, but had official sanction," he said. "\Vc can't be discouraged," he stated, "at our many differences. Just being together to find out these· differences helps us to discuss them." Of the decree on religious lib erty pending before Vatican Council II he said: "It would be an ecumenical tragedy if it were not passed. While there are cer tain other documents that in the long run have greater imfjQr tance, there is none more urgent at the moment than this one."
Belgian Center Prepares Catechists for World BRUSSELS (NC)-Transmit ting the "good news" of God's Word with urgency-and success -of the early Apostles has al ways been a central concern of the Church. For an age of Christian re newal, however, the content and techniques of religious education have been the subjects of search ing study and of more skilled specialization. One of the principal spiritual powerhouses of this catechetical renewal in the Church is the Lumen Vitae (Light of Life) in stitute here, which attracts a top level group of 120 students each year from all over the world. The students who come each day to hear the French lectures (w i t h simultaneous English translation) of • theologically
star-studded faculty of 60, are chosen from an even larger num ber of appiicants on the basis of their future promise or wide spread influence in the catechet ical apostolate. Three Programs The student body of 60 priests, 40 Sisters and 20 lay men and women is divided into a three track program - an advanced course for those holding gradu ate degrees in theology; a gen eral course; and a pioneering community development pro gram for training in the social action apostolate. For the advanced and general course students, the program en tails specialized lectures on the message of God (what is taught); the nature of man in himself and in society (to whom God's mes-
sage is taught); and the trans mission of God's message (how it is taught). Strong emphasis is given to Scriptural studies, to religious psychology and sociology and to special practical courses in spir itual direction, pastoral consul tation, the apostolate of charity,
and even to such small-but im portant-features as the forma tion of Mass lectors and com mentators. The director of the institute and the editor of the influential catechetieal review L u men Vitae-is a small, wiry Jesuit, Georges Delcuve, He regularly interviews each student and per sonally gives periodic lectures to integrate the work of the faculty. One of Father Delcuve's chief assistants, Miss M. de Cleene, di-
rects the program of the commu nity development section. After several months of study in Brus sels in courses designed to inte grate the students' religious and secular formation, the group win travel to the University of Man chester, England, for specialized study in community develop ment. Then, for six weeks, the
members of the group will work:
on community development
projec~ in Ghana under the di rection of its government. A month of further study and re flection in Brussels will bring the crowded year of the newly formed "Christian specialists" to a close. The heart of the eight-year old institute, however, remains in its program of catecheticall'e newal.
Week-End Values!
Cut from Small, lean Porkers
LB BONE -IN - Choice, Heavy Western Steer Beef
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NEW ENGLAND'S LARGEST RETAILER OF FINE FOODS! Same Low Self-Service Prices in All Store, In This Vicinity - ewe Reserve the Right 10 Limit QUlIntlII'"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1965
IIToda, " You Shall Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts!'
's. 94, V. 8
Monday - March 22 - 10:00 - Notre Dame Church, Fall River Tuesday -March 23 - 10:00 -St. Anthony Church, New Bedford Tuesday - March 23 - 10:00 - Stang High School, No. Dartmouth Wednesday-March. 24-10:00-St. Mary's Church, Taunton Wednesday -.,,; March 24 - 10:00 - Feehan High School, Attleboro
Novena March 19-28 Two Vocational films -liThe Salt路 of the Earth" and ''To the showing in schools and
Altar of God" - are available for
be obtained by contacting Rt. Rev. John J. Hayes, Diocesan Director of
Vocations, Holy Name Rectory, New Bedford.
This Message is Sponsored By The Following Individuals and Business Concerns in Greater Fall River: Building Materials, Inc. Duro Finishing Corp. The Exterminator Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co. Globe Manufacturing Co.
Kormon Water Co. R~ A. McWhirr Company MacKenzie & Vlinslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co., Inc.
Plymouth Printing Co., Inc. Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, Afl-CIO
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1965
Self.Pity Prevents Youth From Reaching Maturity
By Rev. Joseph T. McGloin, S. J .
. Not too long ago, I stood before a group of teen-agers
whIle we discussed "maturity." In general the kids dis
cuss a subject like this with remarkable i~telligence and
truth, but sometimes they can't see beyond their own wish
ful thinking to objective
ture out of this state without reality. At the time, one such effort. Kids who are immature
teenager insisted that, con enough to be going steady will
trary to what I had given not grow out of the situation
as an opinion, just about all high school teen-agers are mature enough to mal'ry, and this de
spite the over whelming per
centage of utter
marriage fail
llres among those who actu ~lly do make
t 1': e attempt. Now once a teen - ager is eonvinced that
he is mature be
yond his years,
there isn't any effective argu ment against him. About all you can do is tell him to wait a few years and then eome up and take a lOok at a similar crowd from your own yantage point. You see kids who are mature it- many ways, yes, just as ma ture as their years and experi ence have allowed. You see others-the vast majority-who are mature in some minor ways, but almost completely immature in others. And the overwhelm ing fact you would like to show them as vividly as possible is the vast, essential difference in • person, any person, at 17, say, and that same person at 23. Youth Marriages Undoubtedly, this is one of the great reasons so many young marriages break up or simply end up in misery-that the kids, who chose each other as mar riage partners in the first place for superficial qualities such as looks or charjll of one sort or other, are shocked and disap pointed when these superficial eharacteristics disappear .even in yery early adulthood. They are jolted, for instance, when the sympathy they had found in each other turns to sympathy seeking instead. Maturity is a funny thing, and it takes a lifetime to acquire it -in fact, some people never do make it. But it is also funny in its degrees-in the fact that the maturity required for marriage, say, simply will not be rushed. A girl may mature more quickly physically today-and she does ~than ever before, A boy may "mature" socially much more suddenly than in· previous gen erations. But the emotional and intellectual and simple common sense of real adulthood takes time as an e sse n t i a 1 ele ment - no matter what other eontributingele~'ents (such as early responsibilities) may be present. Just because a teen ager is able to do many of the things a man or a woman can do (like driving a car, for instance) 'does not necessarily mean that he or she is mature. Emotional Maturity There are, moreover, some facets of emotional maturity that, age or no age, we never do acquire unless we get next to ourselves and see that we acquire them. Sexual and phys ical maturity come naturall¥ and automatically with no effort on our parts. We hav€. to work for intellectual and emotional ma turity, however. The adult, for instance, who still has a "horrible temper" is not going to just grow out of it. The habitual dru.nk will 110t ma-
automatically, but must strive
for the maturity and will power
to help themselves. The brag
gart will never be anything but a loudmouthed kid unless he
wises up and stops making an infantile nuisance of himself. Self-pity But of all the manifestations of emotional immaturity, per
haps the one w1).ich dies last most slowly and most painfully; is the crippling human defect of self-pity. We tend to love our
selves selfishly as long as life goes on-unless, again, we catch
on and try to do something about the silly situation. In a child, of course, we ex pect some self-pity, because we've helped, more often than not, to put it there. The kiddie who falls but doesn't really hurt himself usually doesn't scream nearly as loud when he has no audience either in sight or with in sound. And the adult self pitier doesn't do his griping without an audience either-al though he does prepare himself for it remotely within the nar row confines of his own little mind and heart. The self-pitier is selfish. The home revolves, not around his family, but around h·imself. He doesn't much care what they get or what they endure, just so long as he get;; more and en dures less. Of course, no matter how much he gets, and no mat ter how little he endures, he will always see himself as much more picked on than are the others. 'Misunderstood' This character is "misunder stood" by just about everybody - by his parents, his teachers, his coaches, everybody. He's the perpetual poor loser - who blames the umpire for the bad call, the team-mate for his miss ing a Pl;lss, his teachers for his lack of learning, his parents for his silly seeking of affection in all the wrong ways and wrong places. He is never wrong-the rest of his world is wrong. He never makes ~ mistake-it is o~ly that others drive him into seeming missteps. And on the "positive" side, no' one else has ever ·ac complished anything worthwhile - unless, of course, with his help. Nobody ever suffers as much as the self-pitier. I once visited 'i little old guy in a hospital who had just had an ·operation which had taken away his power of speech for keeps. Yet he was cheerful and conformed to God's Will, tough at it was. A few doors 'down, I encountered an other patient, who had lost the tiniest part of his little finger in a machine. You would think the world had ended, as not just
he, but what must have b~n all of his relatives from miles around, wailed and wailed at this loss. The nice part of a hospital is that all you have to do is toddle next door to forget your own self-pity.
Favor Increase MONTREAL (NC)-A rise in the legal marriage age in Quebec province from 12 years for girls and 14 for boys has been recommended by the Catholic Welfare Bureau.
•• Checle 'he Trim ••• : Checle 'he Quality • Checle 'h. Prlc.
• Buy Righ' • • • Buy : Super-Righ"
Bible Scholar At No. Easton The second talk of the Annual Adult Lenten Forum conducted by the Immaculate Conception Church, North Easton, will take place next Sunday evening in the Hall at 7:30 When Rev. Thomas Aquinas Collins, O.P., professor at Providence College and noted Scripture scholar speaks on "The life of Christ, a fulfillment of the Old Testa ment." Father Collins studied Scrip ture at the famed Ecole Biblique in Jersualem and holds' a degree in Sacred Scripture from the' Vatican. He completed his doc toral studies in Theology at the University of Ottawa. He is a Past President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and is presently a member of its Board of Trustees. He is a fre quent contributor to scriptural journals. \ Father Collins at present is Director of the Providence Col lege Summer School of Sacred Theology for Religious Sisters, and is professor of Sacred Scrip ture and Sacred Theology at the College.
Two Parishes Join In Anti-Bias Fight COLUMBUS (NC)-Members of the two Catholic parishes here in Indiana are cooperating in a program sponsored by the May or's Commission on Human Re lations to fight housing discrim ination. All city churches have been. asked to distribute 3x5-inch "conscience cards" to their mem bers for signature. Service clubs and other organizations will also be asked to join the ·project. Father Patrick Gleason, pas tor of St. Columba's Catholic church and chairman of the Mayor's Commission, said the cards give every person the op portunity "to make a personal decision" about housing discrim ination.
New Newman Center For Texas Longhorns AUSTIN (NC) The nine bishops of Texas plus state and university officials will take part next Monday in the dedi cation of the new Catholic Stu dEmt Center to serve the 2,600 Catholics among the University of Texas' 22,000 students. Staffed by two Paulist priests, the center is a structure of pink granite contrasted with black Minnesota granite. It contains a library, classrooms, seminar room, auditorium, recreation area, chapel, offices and facili~ ~ social activities.
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Track and Field Luminaries Await Spring Competition
,at.. ........... _
By Fred Bartek The intense fervor of area sports enthusiasts would hardly indicate that the basketball season is in its waning days. The unusual interest has been occasioned by the fact that Joe Mullaney's Providence College Friars are headed for the Eastern NCAA re captured the fancy of high school gionals at Maryland Univer boys. Also track is unique in sity's field house tomorrow comparison to other sports be night. And, both Durfee cause it places much more em High of Fall River and Oliver Ames of North Easton are still in the thick of State champion ship playoffs at Boston Garden. All - America Jim Walker will l e a d the Providenceteam against the St. Joseph College Hawks of Phil adelphia in to morrow night's contest at Col lege Park, Maryland, a suburb contiguous with the nation'. capital. Durfee will take on Archbish op Williams High of Braintree tomorrow night in the semi finals of Class A in the State scholastic tourney. Coach 'Skip py' Karam's Hilltoppers were magnificent in upsetting the highly-touted Nor t h Quincy High combine in the quarter finals. Oliver Ames, as expected win' compete in the Class C state finals against Westwood. The North Easton· court combine edged Dartmouth, 67-63, in the semi-finals. While eyes are turned for one last glance at their favorite hardwood combines, there are, quietly preparing in the back ground, those who will be in the sports spotlight during the' Spring months. High school ath letes may participate in a variet) of sports during this Spring, ranging from baseball to tennia to track to golf. Several Sprlq Sports Spring' sports in high school differ from Fall and Winter sports in that they are participa tion rather than SPeCtator sports for the most part. Football has a large following. Not all grid enthusiasts can be players. Bas ketball, generally, has a large following. Everyone does not have the talent to put the ball in the hoop. Spectators are not present in large numbers at the Spring scholastic engagements. One reason is that there are more sports of varied interests in which boys can participate. Professional baseball players have already begun Spring training, but they have nothing on some high school baseball players. Many coaches have started their pitchers and catch ers practicing in their now un occupied gyms. Officially, base ball preparation in high school may begin March 1, but some mentors prefer to wait a few additional weeks until the weather is a little more favor able. To avoid arm problems most coaches don't allow their pitchers to throw outside of the gym until April. Olympics Arouse Interest March 15 is the day that the Principal's Association sets for the start of the track season. Track and field is a sport that many people don't seem to know too much about. As a conse quence it attracts little interest. Yet, among high school athletes track 1a becoming more and more popular. Perhaps this is due to the faet that more emphasis' and more eoverale is being given to the O~ia 8I1d, . . . H8Ult, . .
phasis on the individual rather than the team. True, a team spirit must exist
in track as in the other sports,
but, in track it is the individual
athlete that must excel. In track,
it is one contestant against all
the others. The trackster must
develop an acute sense of per
sonal pride for it is only he that
can improve himself and drive
himself onward.
Battle lor Honors Since track and field are up coming scholastic sports, and since relatively little is said about them in comparison to other sports, we might explain the outline of area high school programs. As in the other sports, there are two leagues, the Bristol County and the Narry circuits. Each member of the league com petes against the other members in dual meets but actually the championship is not decided on a won-loss basis of dual meets. The title is decided by an all league meet in which all teams compete in all events on the same day, usually the end of May. The B.C.L. championship meet is a nine-event affair including the 100, 220 and 440 yard dashes, half-mile and mile runs and the half-mile relay. College ScholarshiPlf There are also three field events, namely, high jump, broad jump and shot put. The Narry League meet bas 14 events. It has competition in the pole vault, javelin and discus throws, .110 yard hurdles and two milenm in' addition to the . nine BCL events. A boy may participate in three events, two field and one track or vice versa. This·rule holds unless a boy participates in a distance event (anything over a quarter mile) and then he may only take part in one track and one field event. We hear and read of outstand ing high school football and bas ketball players winning scholar ships to colleges but we do not hear much concerning track scholarships. But the truth is that many colleges offer scholar ships for track as they do for football or basketball. Patenaude and Meehan This area has produced many· athletes of exceptionable ability that havegohe' on to compete in college, and, in some cases, to participate in the pro ranks. Paul Patnaude of Fairhaven' and Bill Meehan of Oliver Ames in North Easton are area prod ucts who have established them selves not only top track ath letes in the State but in the East. They have competed in national amateur meets against the best in the country. Both Patnaude and Meehan . are distance runners. Pablaude seems to prefer the two-mile run while Meehan likes he half-mile. Because of their success in recent national meets, both are being mentioned as possible Olympic candidates. Charaeter Builder We are glad to see track gain ing interest, not because it take. anything away from other sports but because more boys may par ticipate and derive the benefit. that now from good, clean com petitive athletics.
CHARACTERISTIC IMAGE OF BISHOP'S CHARITY: Blessed John Neumann, one .time Bishop of Philadelphia, is portrayed distributing candy to children in a recently erected statuary group at the Blessed John Neumann Shrine in Philadelphia. The Sacred Congregation of Rites has issued permission extending the privilege of all U.S. churchet and chapels to celebrate a triduum or novena in his honor for another year until O~t. 13, 1965. NC Photo.
Pope Paul Visits Roman Parishes
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope . Paul VI is helping to introduce the Italiar. language Mass by visiting various working class parishes of Rome on the Sun days of Lent. At each of the churches the Pope will celebrate a dialogue Mass with use of Italian at an altar facing the people. The choIrs will sing in Italian the .8Il:tiphonal portions of the Mass. Pamphlets of the Mass in Italian will be distributed so that the congregation can follow. At each Mass the Pope 18
scheduled to deliver a sermon and assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. On Easter Sunday Pope Paul will celebrate an 8:30 A.M. Mass at the Church of St. Francis in the Roman suburb of Villagio to note the parish's tenth anni versary. Later he will celebrate another Mass at St. Peter's and then impart the "Urbi et Orbi" -to the city and the world blessing from St. Peter's balcony.
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Jeanne Olsen Writes on PAVLA
Thurs., March 11, 1965
Continued from Page One "The families live tn very crowded houses with sometimes whole families of five and six living in one room along with all the precious animals. I en joyed my working vacation in Cartago and I will be spending most of my vacations there help ing out." Miss Olsen 'described. parish' life in Cartago as very active. "Weddings and funerals are in stant in the parish. Father may . have a knock on his door at 7 in the morning or 4 in the after noon with a couple ready to be married or a family carrying a body and wanting a funeral Mass. The Padres keep busy!" The PAVLA volunteer lives on the grounds of Colegio San Carlos, sharing a nine-room, two-story house with three other single girls teaching in the school. "We each have our own rooms which we decorated to suit our personalities, mine being in a red, white and blue paisley
Vocation Masses
Continued from Page One and the Sophomore, Junior and Senior students of Monsignor Prevost, Dominican Academy, Jesus-Mary Academy, Sacred Hearts Academy and Mt. St. Mary Academy will participate in the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit in Notre Dame Church. The preacher will be the Rev. Edmund Delaney, assistant at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River. Priests of the New Bedford area and the entire student bodies of St. Anthony High School, Holy Family High School of New Bedford and Sacred Hearts Academy of Fair haven will. take part. The preacher will be the Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, Assistant Superin tendent of Schools and assistant at Sacred Heart. Tl'lunton. The students of Bishop Stang High School shall participate in the Votive Mass offered at their high school with the Rev. Fran eis Mahoney, assistant at St. Margaret's, B u z z a r d s Bay preaching. The entire student bodies of Monsignor James Coyle High School and Bishop Cassidy High School will join the priests of the Taunton area for the Votive Mass at St. Mary's, Taunton. The Rev. Albert J. Shovelton, assist ant at St. James, New Bedford, will deliver the sermon. , The Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit will be offered for the entire student body of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, on Wednesday moriling at their own school with the Rev. John Smith, assistant at st. Patrick's .)Vareham, as the preacher. Bishop Connolly has requested aU priests and laity to join in prayer that Christ's call to youth to be co-workers with Him in the extension of His kingdom be answered. The Rt. ~Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes, Diocesan Director of Vo eations, urges all the seventh and eighth grades in parish schools, to use the Vocation Manual Aid Unit "Vocations in your Classroom" each school day of the novena. Public High School Confrater llity Classes should receive spe eial instructions on the meaning, the signs of a vocation and the aeeds of the Church. A film "The Salt of the Earth," a half-hour vocational film on the training and the ......ork of the diocesan priest and also the film ''To the Altar of God" taken at St. Mary's Sem inary, Baltimore. which runs for ZO minutes, may be obtained from Monsignor Hayes.
Rural. Life Director Hails Poverty War URBANA (NC)-The present 11. S. campaign against poverty "is more than an ordinary war It is a crusade," according to Msgr. Edward W. O'Rourke, exe eutive director, National Catholic Rural Life Conference. Speaking at the University of Dlinois he saId poverty is "in excusable" and '~urts our con science." "It is an undertaking in which we are engaged for moral rea IOns. We are determined to re duce drastically poverty in our midst because the inspired writ ers of both Old and New Testa ments declare that this is the will of God," the NCRLC official de dared.
College Program LOUISVILLE (NC) - Bellar
mine College here in Kentucky
has been admitted to participa
tion in the Federal work-study
program to provide jobs for
students from low-income fam
print. The windows in all the buildings have small arch shaped panes. Very interestin, to look at but ugh to clean!" Ending her letter, Miss Olsen wrote, "I love it here and I thank God every day for having the opportunity to live, teach and work here in South Amer ica. Please remember all the missionaries way down south iJa your prayers."
Canadian Culture Award for Stern WINDSOR (NC) - German born psychiatrist and author Dr. Karl Stern has been named 26th recipient of the annual Christian Culture Award Medal to be pre sented by Assumption Univer sity here in Canada on April 11. Stern, who has been in Canada for 26 years, is psychiatrist-in .chief of St. Mary's hospital, Mon treal and chairman of the De partment of Psychiatry at the University of Ottawa.
ALL HAIL TO ST. PATRICK: Members of the cast of St. Patrick's parish, Fall River, prepare Patron's play for production this weekend. Rev. James Dalzell checks script with Leo Charrette, ticket chairman, right.
Pope Returns Lepanto Battle Flag To Turkish Leaders ANKARA (NC)-A battle flag seized from a Turkish ship by Christian forces during the naval battle of Lepanto, Oct. 7, 1571, has been turned over to the Turkish government by Pope Paul VI as a gesture of good will. The flag which for centuries hung in the basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome was presented to Turkish Foreign Minister Hasan Esad Isik by Archbishop Francesco Lardone, Apostolic Internuncio to Turkey. With the flag went an apos tolic brief signed by Pope Paul in which he explained his ges ture as an effort to "transform an ancient war trophy into an instrument of harmony and peace." The Pope recalled the modern friendly relations between Tur key and the Church and attrib uted the good measure of change to efforts of his predecessor Pope John XXIII who had been Apostolic Delegate to that coun try before becoming Pope.
Confirms Prisoners TERRE HAUTE (NC)-Arch bishop Paul C. Schulte of Indian apolis administered Confirma tion to 11 inmates, including three recent converts in the U. S. Penitentiary chapel here in Indiana.
Commenting on the gesture L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican City daily, said: "To restore a trophy taken in battle does not dim the' glory and the signifi cance of an ancient victory and certainly does not deny the gen erosity of those who four cen turies ago gave their lives under the shadow of the great stand ard on' which the figure of Christ on the Cross dominated. "It only means a sincere. de sire for peace, faith in good will and the· hope that contact found ed on this basis in mutual and loyal respect may enliven in everyone the awareness of su preme values."
Send Canadian Jesuit To Accident Scenes MONTREAL (NC) - Father Ar,thur Gareau, S.J., drives a radio-equipped aut 0 mob i 1. which is beamed sWatght for traUicaccidents. He has been assigned the coar by Police Director Adrian Robert at the request of Paul Emile , Cardinal Leger of MontreaL Father Gareau is a chaplain at Montreal General Hospital. '11le radio hook-up with police broad casts enables him to speed eon IIOlation to traffic aecident victims.
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