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Affects All City Parish Schools

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, March 11, 1971 $4.00 per year' 10 © 1971 The Anchor Vol •' 15,No . PRICE 10e

.Team Work Marks School Survival The plan for the survival of Catholic education in New Bedford has one very important point going for it, team work. Many battles and big games have been won with this "one for all and all for one" attitude. And that's what parish representatives of 11 Catholic schools in New Bedford are doing with their "Planning Commission for Catholic Schools in New Bedford,"

Like other communities in the nation, and yes, in the Diocese of Fall River, Catholic schools are in the midst of a financial crisis and fighting for survival. Fall River and Taunton plans to consolidate schools have run into opposition from· individual parishes that wish to keep "their school." The New Bedford meeting, to study the situation in that comTurn to Page Nineteen

Parents of Deaf Children Plan Sp·e~ia\1 Classes and Ser'vices

Diocesan Board Sets· Up Taunton Middle School The Diocesan Board of Educa- (Grades 6, 7 and 8) and send out as soon as. a principal is aption has voted to establish a their students to the new central . pointed and a parents' Advisory middle school in Taunton. A middle school. Parishes would Board formed. However, listed complete reorganization of the continue to operate their 'own' below ,are some answers to the Catholic elementary schools in school for grades 1 to 5, but the most 'n\lmerous questions we possibility of some bf these have received: Taunton will result. Tuition-tuition will be $100 Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Super- schools merging at a later date per student. Your parish will intendent of Schools, proposed was left open. . the plan to a group of priests, There are about 750 students contribute an additional $125 teachers and parishioners rep- currently enrolled in the seven per student. to meet the total opresenting each of the seven ele- parish schools who would be in erating cost. Since the school mentary schools in Taunton. grades six through eight next will depend completely on tuition After various parish meetings year. The new middle school will and parish subsidy, each student will be expected to pay full and a hearing given to the par- accommodate 525 students. ish that dissented the Board Father O'Neill .met with the tuition. voted to establish the middle principals of the seven Taunton Books - the only other cost school. The present Monsignor elementary schools and discussed beyond incidentals will be a Coyle High School building will registration and admission poli- book rental fee which will be become available in September cies. Registration forms are to determined later but which will when Coyle High School merges be filed by March 12 at each be kept to a minimum. with Bishop Cassidy High School.' elementary schpol. In a letter Uniforms - the principal and In the new plan all seven sent to parents on Friday, Father Advisory Board will determine Catholic elementary schools will O'Neill announced "Many details a dress code, but no new unidiscontinue their upper grades of the new school will be worked forms will be required. Transportation - the current Taunton policy of providing free transportation for those who live a mile from the school will apply. Lunch Program - the building has a fine cafeteria, and the facVATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Spirit "has granted to us, in ulty and parents' Advisory Board Paul sent the head of the Greek these past few years, the re- will be consulted as to the best Orthodox Church a letter ex- covery of a lively awareness of arrangement for the lunch propressing longing for the day this fact," which has led both gram. Curriculum-the basic subjects when "we will be able to com- sides taking steps toward unity. mune together from the same He added that "at the same now taught in our schools will chalice of the Lord." time, . the Spirit places ip our be continued, but more specialIn the letter, Pope Paul wrote hearts the firm will to do every- ized teaching and better groupthat "an almost total communion thing possible to speed up the Ing by ability is made possible already existed between our greatly desired day when, at the by the better facilities and larger church and the venerable Or- end of a concelebration, we will numbers. Some additional elective courses will also be anthodox churches-though not yet be able to commune together' nounced later. perfect - as the result of our from the same chalice of the Activities-the larger facilities common participation in the Lord." and enrollment will allow promystery of Christ and His In closing, Pope Paul urged: viding special extra-curricular Church.'.' "Let not the situations inherited activities in athletics, music, art, . Turn to Page Two . He also noted that the Holy drama, journalism, etc.

Pope Paul Asks Orthodox For Intercommunion

Parents of deaf children are ning meeting in preparation for invited to join the newly formed March 16 will be held this afterSoutheastern Massachusetts unit noon at the Carroll School Anof the Massachusetts Parents' nex. Miss Marianne McKeon; Association for the Deaf and state supervisor of education Hard of Hearing. An organiza- for the deaf, will address the tional meeting will be held at association organizers on facil7:30 Tuesday night, March, 16 ities now available and in the at the Watson School, 935 East- planning stages for children with hearing handicaps. ern Ave., Fall River. "We are eager to have all Turn to Page Nineteen parents of deaf children, whether ,.----. I" j , ~ ! they are enrolled in day or resii L ( dential schools, or even if they are too young,for school, at this meeting," said Mrs. Robert Kitchen, among the unit's organi _ izers, and a member of Holy Name parish, Fall River. All Sisters of the Fall River She said that many parents Diocese are invited to attend a are unaware of services availtwo-day Scriptural Institute to able to deaf children and that it be held Saturday and Sunday, will be a major objective of the March 27 and 28, at the Kenassociation to publicize them nedy Youth Center, New Bedford, under sponsorship of the to the parents and the general public. Franciscan Sisters of St. Mary's From Attleboro Home, also New Bedford. Two classes for deaf children "Prayer and Now" will be the from ages 3 to 12 are currently theme of the institute, to be in session at the Carroll School led by Sister Margaret O'ConAnnex in Fall River, with pupils nor, B.V.M. of Dubuque, Ia. "Sis- in attendance from as far away ters of the diocese will listen, as Attleboro, New Bedford and dialogue and pray together in a scriptural 'atmosphere," say orTaunton. ganizers. "Relating today's reli"The state provides drivers gious challenge with its biband pays all transportation lical basis, Sister Margaret will costs," emphasized Mrs. Kitchen, speak of resistance toward conreiterating that many parents version, need of strengthened . don't know their children are faith, and St. Paul's emphasis on eligible for these special facililiving in Christ." ties. Pre-Registration "We know of about 50 chilPre-registration for the instidren who should be in these tute may be sent to Sister Marie classes and aren't," she said. Dennis at St. Mary's Home, 593 "There must be many more in Kempton Street, New Bedford, Southeastern Massachusetts that telephone 617-992-7345. The prowe don't know about." gram will open at 1:30 Saturday Concerned parents or other afternoon and the two half-day relatives or friends may contact INSTRUCTION OF DEAF STUDENTS: Rev. Earl N. Matte uses visual aids, expres- sessions will be climaxed at 5 her at 29 Damon Street in Fall sive sign language and patience to teach deaf students in CCD classes at the Michigan Sunday afternoon with celebraRiver, telephone 674-0230. tion of the Eucharist. Meanwhile, she noted, a plan- School for the Deaf. NC Photo. )

Franciscans Plan Scruptural Days F'or Sisters


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Oppose' Propos'ed ,Po'stal Rate Hike

l'HE ANCHOR-Dioc,ese of Fall River-:- Thur~: Mar. 11 ~ 1 ~'71




Pos1tage Increase· H:o.lmful

" WASHINGTON (NC) .:..... :rhe Catholic Press Association has notified the Postal Rate CommiSSIon here of its displeasure over proposed hikes in. postage rates.

To Catholic Pr~ss-C~sts :

. WASHINGTON (NC) - Proposed increase's. in current U.S. postage rates. w~I1 mean high 7r costs for the nation's Cathohc r-ress., James W. Hargrov.e, assistant ,postmaster ,general, 'announced the U. S. Postal Service's rate rcc()mmendati,ons at a news conference. If the recommendations, are approved by' the Postal Rate Commission;' second class non, profit mailers-the category uncler which, diocesan newspapers fall"""":'will experience sJbstantial postage. increases. . All. dlOc:~san. ~aper~. Will ,hav~ to pay an a~,dltlOnal per piece charge. rangmg from one to 1.5 cen t s a copy. E tl . h th d '. xa,c ~ ow. e propose '. rates would affect th,ose , papersf . . IS 'governed by a number 0 , . bl l'k' . I . varia es ,I e clrcu aUon area , . f .. ' Th and amount 9 adverWimg.: e exact rate would alsq depend on whether mailers have previously paid postage at a pound, piece ,or copy, rate: Rates. for a diocesan paper circulat.ed in an area not exceeding 150 miles, for instance, 'would ri!ie" from 2.1, cents per pound to 5 cents per pound for the non-advertising portjon of the paper. If 20 per cent of the paper is advertising, postage for that· por, tion would rise from 4 cents per pound to 7.8 cents per pound. Combining the two proportionately-and adding the new "per piece" charge-would give the total postage cost. Hargrove noted that rates for nonprofit mailers would be phased over' a 10-y~ar, period and would never exceed costs of handling the mail. An ~annual Congressional ~pproprilltion of $150 million will keep the post.

age rate at· that level, he said: '''T~ese new r~tes-if they are' put. into' eff~~t-ril~ add. a v~ry senous additional fmanclal burden' to the .alreab y hard-pressed religious nonproht pi.lblisher~," said Catholic P¥ss Association director James ,Doyle. 'I "We believe, I h6wever, , that our' member publishers will !be ready t? accept I their share :.of • the obVIOusly-needed postage lllcreases to' pay IMr postal ihlprovements .and ~ecessary wage increases," Doyl~ said. i The CPA president noted rates for nonprofit puBlications wo~ld ,still be' lower thr n regular rate publications under ~he, proposlal. "For t'00 Iong, Id'locesan news. .' papers have been underpncmg their circulation~ rates" coln; men t e d R'h IC ar'd ]\I[, . G 1I1"Id erson, J d' t f N'N S ; r., Irec or 0 ews ervlce h "R " hi t" i ere. alsmg t ese ra es mig h t' b ' I ff h " e one way to p. set. t e p~opo~ed' postal' ~atel mcr~ases, ! .A . doll~r mcrfase m a s~bsCriptIOn IS O~l~ tv:o .cents a ~eek. Even Wlt~. thiS mc~ea~e, dlOce~an news~aplel's a,re still ~re most mexpenslve way to provlpe religious, information . and educ~tioi1 ~o a massi~1 e Catholic alu-

Several other. religious ~ail­ user organizations joined' the CPA in filing a, formal petition and request for 'a hearing with the rate commission. Associated Church Pr~ss. the Protestant Church Owned Publishers Association, the Evangel- , ical Press Association an'd the National Catholic Development Conference were the other groups filing the petition. , "We are opposed particularly to the proposed per-piece sui'charge. in the second-class nonprofit section of- the proposed rate schedule," the petition said. Included in that postage class are diocesan newspapers, which would have to pay a new "per piece" surcharge ranging from one to 1:5 cents a copy und~r the proposed rate increases: . The petition, ·signed by James Doyle, CPA executive director, said instituting the surcharge would force many religious pub· lishers to cease publication.


,MECCA FOR IRISH AS FEAST NEARS: Blarney Castle, one of the most famous Irish landmarks situated in the ,green lush countryside of Eire, will be kissed many times this coming week with the hope that the tradition dlen~e" Guilderson said, the ~roposed will be realized and thus impart the gift of eloquence. The changes in first clkss, and airmail stone ,is located in, the parapet on the left-hand side of postage "could m~an an increa~e the castle. NC Photo.


of ~p to $50,00~ to NC Ne~s Service and would have to' be I passed oil to it~ sUbscriber~." First-class rates, virould rise from 6 to 8 cents and 4irmail from, ~O',Bearing$ .'He,lps For",er Priests, Nuns" to ,11 cents unde~ t\1eplan:' ,~ . "For the past six months, NC Ministers Get Reestablished !'!'ews has, been n~gotiating with .~ 'a nat}onal wire s~rvice in anticliNEW YORK (NC)-:-The ex- cal Seminary, Bearings works pation of the postage increase'," odus of priests, nuns and min- with approximately 100 persons he said. I : isters across the U.S. has caused a month. Most are men and women who "The CPA-NC l,iaison commit- a new kind of counseling and are in the transitional, stage' tee has appro.ved the idea of personnel agency to' spring into trans~itting the I news servite being. This has happened with between the priestly ministry • h' for d~ocesan papel'S via a closed- quiet .help from individual Cath- or religious life and the ranks H e I pS IP arlS loners circuit teletype 'system' whidh olic bishops, Protestant agencies of the laity. To Attend Mass would guarantee hext-daYdeli~- and interested churchmen. Not, all make the crossing. PEN BROOK (NC)-"You don't cry." The largest of the, agencies,. 'Sometimes, by pointing out· the care if people get to church" was Before' any final commitment Bearings for Re-Establishment, . options, by assisting a troubled the sort of despairing remark . is made, 'howeve~, all' NC sub· ,with 11 'branches in .'the United clergyman with, say, a problem which prompted a new transpor- scribers Will be surveyed, he" States, Canad,!" and Australia, is \'lith his job or his superior, tation ~ervice for parishioners at said. ,I nearly five years old. At its Bearings gives back to the minSt. ,M.argar,et Mary Church here Guildersori said total postage most fully staffed' center, ' situ- istry or convent a more effective , 'in Pennsylvania. ' costs after the prop.osed increa~e ate? i,nthe Ne~ York Theologi- person. A' few clients have returned to religious life through Chu,:ch pastor, Father Matthew "would more than equal the cost the simple expedient of medical Casey, has started a bus pickup of speedier wire service tran'$aic: recommended service fol' persons who have mittaI." I .' . by . Bearings. Continued from Page One 'notified him that they want to Rates thi~d-Tlass nonprofit 'As recently as 10 years ago. go to church, but for some rea- bulk ma,JI-the category used by from the past and the 'barriers H special kind -of hell seemed, son do not have a way to get many charitable Iand religioos then raised between 'us be an ob- to await the "ex-priest,'~ as he there. organizations to solicit funds J... stacle delaying this last step \vaslabelled, \vho departed from Old folks, widows, those living would also incrdse under the toward fuIl communion.' Are we the altar. ~requently confused, not disciples, of the" One who 'friendless and scorned byCath· in apartment', buildings' .away rate proposal: " I . . ' I from comrnercial bus 'lin'es and 'B'ut Francis X. Dc)yle, Jr.,. d- continus.ouly makes .all 'things olics as a '''dropout'' or "traitor," ',' those' who, cannot affol'd taxis ecutive director of the Nation~1 . new?", he often found it difficult or . or are 'leery of Sunday morning 'Catholic' Developtn~nt Confe~­ impossible' to find or maintain traffic are expected to be' am:mg ence, said the propdsed increasb a job with suspicious employers' "Necrol~gy those to benefit most' from the "would not be difficult to' aband' hostile former, friends. I ' , I MARCH 12 , HOUSIng, and "money, were maservice. sorb over a 10-year period" for Rev. Aurelien L. Moreau, 1961, jor, problems. """""""""""""'"'''''''''''''';'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'"'''''' most NCDC memb~rs, Prot. No. M.97 Doyle said the 1{130 religious Pastor, :St: Mathieu,' Fall River. Changes" in' Catholic institu~ Heath VS, Bigelow and charita,ble 0" rg'anization,s i,liI Ex Capito: ligamen MARCH 16 "tions and attitudes resulting EDICTAL CITATION '. NCDC had 'been '~~sychologically Rev. FranCis J. M~loney, S.T.L., 'from Vatican' Council II found Insofar as the whereabouts of David B. prepa'red" for "the 'pir'o'po'sed half,'Curtis, party in the case of Heath vs. Bigelow, Proto(:ol Number M·97, are un· 'a-cent per piece Increase sinc~ 1957, Pastor, St. Mary, No. At- larger numbers of the clergy known, We citl! ,the said David, B. Curtis I leaving' priestly ranks to seek to appear before the said .. Tribunal of, the the' Nixon· admirt,istration 'had tleboro. Diocese of Fall River on March'12. 1971, rt II" ' differing forms of religious ex10:00 A:M., at 344 Highland Avenue. Fall first suggested tHat figl!re ,las~ MARCH 19 pressions. Laicization procedures Riyer, Massachusetts, to give testimony to Spring., ".1 ' " 'I Rev. john J. McQuaide, 1905, establish. • were speeded. ' Hargrove" note,'d' t hat the P,9st -' Assistant, St; Mary, Taunton: Whether the marriage in Question be null? ' Pastors 'and others having knowledge of t l "Any activity like this is al Rate Commission might make "lll"'I't"",r""",rllllfI1I11t",,,t""""""I"1"""'11111111"""111""""""'1"111111111'''"11 the whereabout!, of the said David B. Cur· . , . tis are advised to notify him in regard t o , ' • 'I f .. 1 . bound, sociologically, to be rethis Edictal Citation,. ' ' ItS own sug~estlOnls or postag~ THE ANCHOR garded as a threat to an institu-' ~Wi~TaITs MUNROE, increases.. If the5~ sug~estion$ Second Class PostaRe Paid at' Fall River. Published every Thursday at 410 tion,'.' Mrs.' Patricia Allen Roy, 'Given at the Silat of this Tribunal, are not made by May, he said l, Mass., Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 Fall River,' Massachusetts. on' this. ' I ' , national director of Bearings, by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall ' 11 tem~orary rate scale wiII go the 5th day of March, 1971. River. SubscriDtion price by ma'ii, postpaid ROLAND BOUSI1UET' into' effect. , I I $4.00 told NC News in an interview. per year. .

100 a



Pope to Orthodox






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Appoints Pri'ests To Special Works Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River has named Rev. Robert F. Kirby, assistant, at Holy Family Parish, East Taun'ton 'as Moderator of the Catnolic Nurses Guild of the Taunton Area and Rev.' Armando Annunziato, pastor. of St. Francis of Assisi p'arish,. New Bedford to as'sist in the work of Pre-Cana Conferences in the Ne,w Bedford Area.

Benedictine Oblates Oblates of St. Benedict, will hold a day of recollection 'Sunday, March 21 at Portsmouth Abbey, ~. I. The program will begin at 9 with Mass, followed by breakfast, and will include t\yo 'conferences and a 1 o'clock dinner. Blessing and departure will be at 3:15. Relatives and friends of Oblates are ·invited. Reservations may' be made with the abbey or with Miss. Marguerite Bonner,. telephone 675-7805. '

·, " Itt


Reli'g' ious" Teachers, in the service'. of the Church Write: Brother Guv, C.F.X. ,704 Brush Hill'Road Milton, Massachusetts, 02186

§ ,


,BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R, Marcel Roy - Go Lorrrsine Roy Roger LaFrance

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995-5166

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-lhurs. Mar. 11, 1971

Hospital's Financial Pinch Key to Favoring Abo'rtion The abortion issue is being talked about throughout the country, but unlike the weather, people are doing something about it. In Maryland, a state legislator has questioned the "credibility" of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore because it supported a bill to loosen up abortion procedures. Delegate John J. Gallagher (D-Baltimore City) called a. current move to liberalize the state's 1968 abortion law "a political and commer~ial issue" intended to provide "financial survival for Johns, Hopkins. and other similar institlitions." The delegate charged the hospital with neglecting m,edical research and care 'of the sick while making itself "a clearing house for social reform." .He said this has caused "a waste of excellent facilities, superior personnel, and time. Soon abortion will become a medical school specialty like obstetrics or geriatrics." Gallagher urged Gov. Marvin Mandel to determine what percentage of government funds is used by the hospital in "social reform programs" instead of operation and research. If findings "should indicate need' for cutbacks, "Gallagher said, "it seems logical that social reform rather than medical research or care of the sick would be the place to start." Maryland's proposed bill, now under debate, would make abortions performed before the 20th week of pregnancy a matter to be decided by the physician and the woman. Abortions could be performed after the 20th week if "deemed necessary in the judgment of the treating physician." Opponents have attempted to delay a decisive vote on the bill by offering amendments day after day. Nearby in the nation's capital, Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle said the latest attempts to ease laws on abortion in the District of Columbia and Maryland are "both morally and legally wrong." Catholic parishes in the archdiocese will observe Right-toLife Sunday in various ways, but the cardinal has asked' priests to read aloud his pastoral letter on the right to life of every individual. Cardinal O'Boyle planned to give the homily at the II :30 Mass that morning at St. Matthew's Cathedral.

Suggests Welfare Diets During Lent OMAHA (NC) - Archbishop Daniel E. Sheehan of Omaha has urged Catholics in his archdio~cese to live on welfare diets during Lent so "they will see its religious meaning." "I think that we could avail ourselves of this Lenten opportunity to make some sacrifices and also acquire a better understanding of the needs of the poor, especially those living on the welfare level," Archbishop Sheehan said in a pastoral. He suggested Catholics go on welfare diets for one day a week or for an entire week, and that the money saved "could then go to the poor in some fashion."

Meanwhile, on capitol hill, Rep. John G. Schmitz (R-Calif.) introduced legislation to limit abortions in American military hospitals. His bill would require such hospitals to abide by the laws of the states in which they are located. According to a July 1970 ruling, abortions can be performed in military hosiptals "without regard to local state laws." Twenty Iowa legislators, recently instrumental ,in defeating a liberalized abortion bill in their state's general assembly, have called upon the bishops of Iowa to transform local Right to Life groups into "Right to Live'" groups. .They said the time had come to turn ~o, Io.wa's duty "to protect those citizens already living without dignity, that have not been given their rights to a full and equal life in this society. "We refer specifically to the old-age assistance recipients, the, handicapped, the blacks, the. Mexican Americans American Indians, the famili~s on Abc (aid to dependent children) and those people living in the some 30 per cent of sub-standard housing in this state," the legis~ lators told the bishops. They asked the prelates to support legislation to assist such grou\?s. A pastoral letter 路from Des Moines Bishop Maurice J. Digman, which preceded distribution of the - . legislators' request, E;choed the spirit of their concern. ' "When we speak of life," the bishop wrote, "remember that it embraces the whole of life, ineluding war, poverty, race, the aged, etc., from the womb to the grave. Our interest in legislative matters must not be limited to abortion. We must address ourselves to all indignities of life, including war, poverty, race, the aged, etc. We must rise up in the defense of life everywhere." As a group, the state's four bishops and two auxiliary bishops last September issued a statement expressing similar . concern. The Colorado chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW) put its support behind a permissive abortion bill proposed for that state. It would allow an abortion up to 20 weeks of pregnancy on the decision of the doctor and the woman, who would not have to be a Colorado resident. In Missouri, the executive director of the state's Catholic conference has called upon Church and conference officials to indicate "strong but tactful to abortion-onopposition" demand legislation to be considered by a House committee. In Philadelphia two physicians were given the right to intervene on behalf of conceived but unborn children in a case challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania abortion laws before Pennsylvania's eastern district federal court. John A. Papola, attorney for physicians George A. Porreca and Basil J. Gilleto, obstetriciangynecologists, said the basic conflict in the case seemed to be over the right of the expectant mother to privacy and control of her body, versus the right of the unborn to life.


Doctors Attest路路 Arguments For Abortion Misleading MAYWOOD (NC) Many 2ll>,OOO' members have submitclaims by abortion proponents ted_resignations since the group's are misleading, exaggerated and abortion policy was established unprovable. declared three phy- last June' and reiterated in sicians-from Chicago, St. Louis November. Dr. Eugene F. Diamond, proand New York-attending a re.. cent day-long abortion workshop fessor of pediatrics at Loyola here in Illinois. University's Stritch School of Dr. Robert R. Onorato, a New Medicine, in Chieago, attacked York City obstetrician-gynecoi. the pro-abortion argument that ogist, told an overflow crowd at abortions prevent the birth of Loyolil University Medical Cen- unwanted children. The confusion involved, he' tel' that hundreds of babies have died since abortion was legalized said, results from "failure to in his state. distinguish between the unMr. Robert H. Rioux As a refutation to the idea that wanted child and the' unwanted aborted babies are not actually pregnancy." human beings, the doctor said He said that in 15 years as a that many of those aborted physician he has "rarely encounwould have lived if given medical tered a mother who asked to be aid. " r i d of her child once she had 9n March 19, Robert Henry "The truth is," he told about taken it home from the nursery." Rioux, ,son of Mrs. Lydia F. 600 persons, "that the live biiths Diamond, father of 13 children Rioux of 161 Haffards St.,. Fall number in the' hundreds.'" But . d ' clt.e a survey of women refused' River and a member of the Imthey are not recorded, he ex- abortion under the Swedish sysmaculate Conception Parish, will plained, '''because a birth and tern. At least 75 per cent of them, make his first profession as death certificate would have to he said; went Qn to have their a Crosier brother at the Novitibe made out. This might prove babies and were happy with ate of the Crosier Fathers, Imembarrassing." them. maculate Conception Monastery, Onorato said in most cases In discussing arguments about Hastings, Neb., In the ceremony aborted babies are too small to abortion to prevent handicapped Brother Robert will profess his live "even if heroic efforts were children, Diamond said there was vows to live with the community used, so they are just left alone no evidence to show' that an infor a period of three years, to until they die." fant born with congenital handthe Very Reverend Richard T. Nurses in New York, he added, icaps would rather not be born John, O.S.C., the Provincial of have reported to the Right to since it cann'ot be consulted and the American Crosiers. Life Committee that "one doctor is not represented when an Before joining the Crosier choked the baby to death; an- abortion decision is made. Community, Brother Robert servother baby was dropped in a Two attorneys for the Illinois ed with the United States Air bucket of water; a wet towel Right-to-Life Committee, which Force from 1956 to 1969 and . studied at the U.S. Armed was placed over another living sponsored the abortion workForces Institute. Brother Robert baby; one nurse picked up a shop, traced the history of the has been taking care of the mon- livirig baby, 'ran to the nursery abortion law and its' present ahd placed' it in an incubator, astery grounds. and assisting in (and) a baby' that was born alive status. Both mail'\tajned that legalized abortion "does not the maintenance department. The Order of the Holy Cross, was kept alive and is now up for lower the illegal abortion rate." adoption." (Crosier Fathers, and Brothers) Onorato had special praise for had its beginning in Belgium in the "admirable" attitude of Plans to Widen 1210 and numbers its members today in the United States, Bel- nurses involved "through aU this Team Ministry gium, Holland, Germany, Brazil, mess." Most of them, he said, reCHICAGO (NC) - Cardinal Africa and Irian Barat, Indonesia gardless of religious beliefS, John Cody of Chicago promised "flatly refuse to have anything (New Guinea). an estimated 200 priests gatherto do with abortions. "They have trained to do all ed in the auditorium of Holy in their power to aid the sick . Name Cathedral here that he plans. to widen the archdioceses's and dying, and to deliberately team ministry program as soon destroy a helpless living human as possible. is morally and physically repulFrom six to eight new books Cardinal Cody and his auxilsive," he said. a week are being added to the He concluded by recommend- . iary bishops met with the priests library of St. Michael's paroing that a concentrated effort be to discuss the assets and liabilchial school, Fall River, as the made under one plan and not ities of team ministry. After result of an imaginative memoseveral. Part of his idea was that presentation of position papers rial plan presented to parishionsmall groups of people should exploring both sides of the proers a year ago. organize and keep continual gram, the cardinal praised the efMembers of St. Michael's are forts of all the priests present pressure on state legislators. asked to memorialize loved ones _ to find new ways to serve their Dr. Denis Cavanaugh, director by means of presenting a book people. to the library. Special book- of obstetrics at St. Louis City "We can appreciate the probplates indicate the donor and Hospital, said that often pro- lems faced by the personnel abortionists use questionable the name of the person he or board in determining guidelines she wishes to honor. Such con- statistics to advance their arguand procedures for team minment. tributions are also listed weekly istry, in determining norms for Cavanaugh, also professor and in the parish bulletin. evaluation, in determining neceschairman (>f the department of Some parishioners, noted origsary training procedures," he inators of the plan, also donate gynecology and obstetrics at- St. said. Louis University School of Medbooks in thanksgiving for favors "But the need for collegiality received and some have made icine, argued that .the number of is evident. And exploration as , presentations in honor of gradu- illegal abortions -reported as having taken place "is being wildly to how to make collegiality a . ating classes. exaggerted." He said the situa- practical reality in the Church Temple Beth-EI tion is magnified in an effort today is a necessity." Credit for the idea, say parish to convince "honest, basically school committee members, goes to the library of Temple Beth-EI, Christian Americans to accede to Fall River. "They gave us a lot 'social abortion.' " To emphasize his anti-abort.ion of help when we started our Roofing Contractor stand, Cavanaugh recently relibrar.y," said a worker. STEEPLE JACK WORK The St. Michael's library, a signed as a member of the . showpiece and the pride of the American Medical Association. A Specialty parish, is the result of several He did so, he said, because of 488 Cumberland Street an AMA decision to support years of effort on the part of North Attleboro, Mass. priests and people. Its full time abortion for non-medical reasons. 1-695-0322 An AMA spokesman told NC librarian is Sister Joseph DoNews between 50 and 75 of the lores, S.U.S.C. .##~-~~:~~~~~~:#*'####~

To Profess Vows As Brother


Add New Books At St. Michael's










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, I

Court Upholds Nun's Conviction


THE ANCHOR,-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs'-Mar. ,11,19 7'1




laure's AutobioSlra~hY· Reveals .Extraordinarjy Lif~

One should be well rested before begiryning to re~d Action Priest by Joseph M. Lauro and Arthur' Orrm~nt (Morrow, 105 Madison Ave., New York, N'Y'f0016. $8.95), because i~ li~e~ .up to'its tiUe.Father Lauro, h?se aut~~,iography.lt IS, IS a ~an of" ,'.' :' extraordinary energy' and, somethmg mucl) ~ra.ndcr than! ,It 'd' h ' h b t ' k' had ever been. In tlmc he blp!t zeaI, an e, as e,eQ's rea - , a rectory, I, ' ' ': ' ingly on the 'go almost since '.. ' !' learning how to \,Valk. " ' , ' Now about, 60 years' old, ',he was born in Chicago of immigrant Croatian parents. His fam. ily was devoted to the .Church and generous in its' service., But there was a ~alling-out' between Mr, Lauro 'and his parish priest . Hfm:;;j:j:jBj:mmj:j::·mjfjWnWa


Latm Amencr Volunte:er. There 'was f.~rther bUlldl?g:another church InI another. place, , . . I a hosp~tal, a sc~ool,. a" convlfnt for ,clOIstered Carmelites. In lall these enterprisesl he was fU,nd raiser, planner, IsuperintcI1dept, and often workman. . I ' But quite as inhpressive as' J:1is Bishop~Designate''Harrison list of buildings for which re 'was responsible is the series ,of i incidents which illustrate ~is Pau~ sYl11pathy with people, his solicitude for the podr and the sidk, .. and his ingenuit~ in getting the Lord's work done. 1 WASHINGTON (NC) - Popc In 1963 he wa's off for Latin Paul VI 'has named Msgr. Frank I ' J . Harrison, a 58-year-old pastor . America. He had liVOlunteered ~or a five-year stint with Cardinal in upstate New York" to be auxCushing's SOciet~ of St. Jambs. iliar'y bishop to Bishop David F. After orientation and .languageCunningham of Syracuse. . P iIto A Syr~cus~ native, Msg'r. 'Harstu d y m eru, Ie h was sent. Ecuador. . ,I rison attended parochial schools , there an~ studied for 'two years Loved ~eOPle ,I ' at Notre'Dame University before The p1overty, the deSOlatidn, entering St. Bernard's 'Seminary the lack pf edudtional facilitibs -in Rochester. He was ordained all appalled him.1 He undert06k in June 1937 by the la"te Cardian incredible range and variety nal Edward J. Mooney while the of work., There wa's, priesth, latter was bishop of Rochester ministI:Y, of cou~se,(?ometimJs, before going to Detroit and geteight Masses in ~ single' day, .in ting the ted hilt.·· ' places miles and rhiles from eath During ',his 34:', ye~i-sas a other). There wa~ also bUiidin'g:' priest, Msgi-: Ha'rhs06 served 'as church, rectory, tOriverit, many an assistant pastor in' Utica and I ' cpapels, a dispensa.ry, schools, Binghamton and 16 years at the an orphanage.. I:" , ! Syracuse cathedral and was a His love of the people for' parish pasto,r ,in Syracuse' (St. ",:hom he .Iabo'red liS appare~t1.n Andrew's) and Binghamton (St. hIS affectIOnate a¢count of their .. Patrick's). He was :also. ad~ocpersonalities 'and!'their' way~, esan curial 'advocate, or lawyer,' even at their most bizarre. Th~v an~i'a pro-synodal examine'r 'and' bewailed his de~arture at t~~ , judge. He -was made. Vicar for 'end of his five Years. But ~e, ,Religious in'1963. ' bounced .back to l~h:iTi, if o~ly " The' new bishop-designate's, tem~oranly, and "1lth an aBusl9n " .widowed mother lives in Jamesto hIS ret~rn as t~e book closes, ville, N.Y.. .What came next,? Action; we , His papal appointment was',an-. may be sure. ,. . j nounced. here by Archbishop . The 'strength ?~ thIS book IS Luigi' Raimondi, apostolic dele. m Father Lauro si;unusual re¢gate in the United States. ord, replete as it is with drama. . The writing is'med!iocre, the ton!e """""""""""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,:.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. occasionaBy too s~ntimental. But an extraordinaryl life comes, other, until 'he was' at· the 'pinthrough despite such drawback~. nacle.




~T. RE".



in Chicago, and this was to have a long-lasting effect on' Joseph Lauro's life. Young ;Lauro wanted to be a priest, but the miffed, pastor would not write'a letter of recommendation. =I-his meant that again and again, when Ll:luro applied to a seminary or began courses in a seminary, he was riot allowed to continue. He appealed to every Church authority he could, .short of those in Rome, 'but always the response was' that, without the pastor's, recolT)mendation nothi.ng could be done. When World War II broke out, he joined the' Royal, Canadian Air Force, went through Tegorous training, qualified as .a. pilot, and was posted i~ England, where he was assigned' ,to ·many extremely risky bombing raids,over Germany. . Later he was shifted to North ,Africa, and when the United States' got' 1nto the war, he' flew for- his own country. At one point, he menti6ns,thatthe number of- his missions was 80: Action Priest 'With the end, of the- war, his way . to t.he priesthood was cleared of the p'reviously insuperable obstacle. He completed his seminary work and was ordained a priest in 1949. One might imagine that, after t.he vivid account of his wartime exploits and adventures, the rest of his story would be quite tame. But He is, remember, an action priest.


He belonged to the Diocese of Little Roek, Arkansas, and the first place given into his care had' a Catholic population of 30 and a church in an advanced state of delapidation. A hopeless and , lonely prospect, it would seem. But Father Lauro is, manifestly, cheerful, gregarious, resourceful. He had some money of his own, from his military service and from ordination gifts 'and he did not hesitate to app·ea\. to his friends in Chicago. He not only renovated the church, but transformed' it into


Names New'Auxiliary ,




PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The of immunity from prosecution. U. S. Court of Appeals here has Two days later she was re; unhelda contempt conviction . leased without bail p~ndi.ng an against. Sister Jogues Egan, who appeal on grounds that the imrefused to testify before a federal munity grant is inadequate progrand jury investigating an tection against self-incrimination, alleged conspiracy to kidnap She also claimed that she was presidential aide Henry Kissinger illegaBy 'caBed as a witness beand blow up federal heating syscause she was subpoenaed pn tems in Washington, the basis of illegal wire taps. Sister Jogues, 52, was given . Two other' persons, one a 30 days in which to appeal the decision to the U. S. Supreme priest, have also refused to testify in Harrisburg. Federal proseCourt. If she loses that appeal she will face up to, 18 months in cutors said they' will make no decision on whether: to press for prison. The nUJ:l, named by the grand contempt citations against the jury as a '~co-conspirator" in the two - Jesuit FaJher WiIli'am Michelman and Mrs. ,Patricia conspiracy. case, was jailed Jan. 27 in, Harrisburg, Pa. after she Chanel-until a final. decision is refused to testify despite a grant . I:eached' on Sister Jogu~s' appeal.





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Another current autobiogd,He js,' therefore, weB equipped phy is My Life ahd. The Time~ . to teB us of the objectives, the by Turner Catledgf (Harper an~. methoqs, the successes, and the' Row, 49 East 33 St., New York, failures Q major newspaper, N. Y. 10016, $10).1 Mr.Catle~g~ . and, the ,pain and pleasure inwas for many ye~rs managmg', volved in producing it. Under editor, then executive editor, of his ,guidiuice, ,we see the inner The New York Times, bearing 'workings of The Times, and the much of the resdohsibility for experience is fascinating. shaping a newspader which ha~ . Being a top man at The Times' been caBed by solme' the most brings access to to' the inner influential in the ~orld. ,circles of the powerful of the He had the oppo~tunity to see world. Thus, in 1944, a whole close up the great then who hav~ year before Franklin Roosevelt's the nation's destiny in theit death, Catledge had a private hands, and he was Aot impressed! session in the President's office He had a liking f6r the rogue~ and was shocked by FDR"s apamong them, but hone for th~ pea rance, recurring vacant stare, self-important and self-deludedi lapses into silence. On the lightIn this section of the book the er side, there was a dinner at thumbnail sketchesl and the ani Cliveden, where Catledge noticed ecdotes are revealing. , 1 that Lady Astor chewed gum beAfter a brief,spkce with the tween courses. . nascent Chicago Sup in the early] As a per!ional history and 1940's Catledge returned to The as an authoritative look behind Times, and there ~e rose from l the scenes at The. Times, this is one irriporta.nt poJition to' an~i a constantly interesting book.


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THE ANCHOR-DiQcese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1971 .






~ 9



-f.,;;;: -> ,,(-"'-'

DO-IT-OURSELVES PARISH: St. Joseph's, Fairhaven, is a "do-itourselves" parish and members prove it by renovating church basement. Left, Rev. John Brennan, SS.CC., pastor, advises Robert Larkin;· center,

Arrest Brothers, Nuns in CoUege War Protest HONOLULU (NC)..,- Eighteen anti-war activists, including. three Brothers, two nuns, and a Vietnam veteran absent without leave, were evict~d by. police from the campus of the ,Chaminade College here and charged with trespassing. Police were called in after protesters defied orders from Chaminade's president, Brother Robert C. McGuire, and the Marianist superior, Brother Vincent Steele, to halt a sit-in in the college chapel.


"Their actions are illegal and they are abusing the name of the college," Brother McGu'ire said. The demonstrators identified themselves with the five-monthold Catholic Action Group, an anti-war organization with no official links with the Church. Among those arrested were Marianist Brothers Dennis Schmitz, 22, Thomas Jalbert, 22, and Robert G. Turner, 20; and Maryknoll Sisters Cordelia Ryan, 25, and Rose Marie Brennan, 23. All are students except Sister Cordelia, who teaches at Maryknoll Elementary School here. The AWOL soldier is Army Spec. 3. Gerard Le Page of New Haven, Conn., who refused to return to duty in Vietnam after a leave here in November, with two months' service remaining. LePage remained underground for 42 days, then surfaced in the company of members of the Catholic Action Group to speak against the war at a midnight Mass sponsored by the University of Hawaii Newman Club. He was picked up outside the church by military police and later reduced a grade in rank at a summary court martial. In early February, LePage disappeared again. Officials said he was last seen leaving the base in the company of' four nuns.

.Walter Silvia wields saw; right, Eugene Ruell uses one. Workers are putting in about two and a half hours nightly on project and expect to finish in ·about two weeks.

No Generation Gap ·in Fairhaven Parish As Men, Youths Renovate Basement BY ELLEN ANDREW

other from working together on this project.': The right combination of cirThe men are Jean Bourbeau, cumstances is producing muchneeded renovations to the' base- Charlie Laviolette, Everett Barment of St. Joseph Church ~t row, Phil Harding, Roland BlouSpring and Adam Streets in in, Joseph Borges, Walter Silvia, Edmund Marien, Frank Motta, Fairhaven. Lionel Delude, 'Maurice' Burke, So effective is the operation James Lanaga'n Sr., Matt O'Malunder Rev. John Brennan, SS.CC., ley, Roger Picard and Roger pastor, that it is expected to' be Caron. completed "in about two weeks." The youngsters are Robert It is being done on a "do-it" Larkin, Paul Gagnon, O'Brien yourself" basis by men and boys· Rose, George Blanchard, David from the parish; they work ~oy and David Masten. nights for about 2J;2 hours, then, 'Clerk of Works' in the words of Father Brennan, "knock off around nine for cofFather Brennan is "clerk of fee, donuts, and chit-chat about the works" and the. job couldn't the job." have a' more qualified individThe basement plays a vital role ual.' He was a plumber and suin St. Joseph's everyday life; it perintendent of c'onstruction in is used for all sorts of functions New York City before entering for the young and old of the the priesthood, so he knows what parish. In fact, it almost seems he's talking about. In fact, the as if it is in const,!nt use, as it St. Joseph pastor has previously is big and roomy, and the parish feels itself fortunate to have New York Abortion such facilities. Renovations include a· new hanging ceiling, paneled walls and extensive repairs to the kitchen. The men and boys do the work with the parish supplying the materials. "You hear of a generation gap," Father Brennan remarked, "but we have none on this job. The men and boys get along wonderfully well, and have a newfound respect for one an-

Vocation Packet WASHINGTON (NC) - A national Catholic youth office has prepared a packet of suggestions for observing the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday, May 2. Aimed especially at young people. the National Catholic Youth Organization federation packet include:; a suggested homily, visual arts Doster, prop,ram plan and prayers for the faithful at Mass.

Figures Releas~d

NEW YORK (NC)-About 69,000 abortions were performed in

New York city during the first six months of the liberalized state abortion laws, health officials .report. The number' of live births during that period was 77,OOo-about normal. "What the figures indicate is that we have succeeded in sharply reducing the number of illegal' abortions," said Gordon Chase, head ofthe health Seryices Administration. He said at a news conference that about half of the total of abortions performed were on women from outside the state. The total of 69,00 abi?rtions is a rough estimate, Chase added, because it doesn't include abortions performed ,in doctors' offices before the law was amended Oct. 19 to require that the operation be restricted to hospitals or approved clinics.

put his building knowledge to work while serving on Cape Cod and at St. Joseph, and the results have been beneficial to all concerned. "We've made such good progress," he says, "but I'm not really surprised. The response was so good when we asked for volunteers at Mass one Sunday a few weeks ago. "It was the same spirit of cooperation and response that marked our extensive renovations to the church itself over the last two years. The men of the parish didn't do that job; it was done by contractors. "But the people of the parish responded magnificently on the financial end for stained glass windows, new lighting, a beautiful new organ, other needed fixtures, and a general sprucing up of the whole. church. We now have an edifice of which we can be proud." The result is striking, in fact, especially to one who has not seen St. Joseph Church for a good number of years. Father Brennan obviously is the moving force behind these church and basement renovations. They h'ave made St. Joseph a church the community in general and its .parishioners in particular can be justifiably proud ' of.

Denver Register Wins Press Awards DENVER (NC) - The Denver Register, archdiocesan weekly, took second place in both editorial and advertising excellence in a statewide competition among weekly newspapers. The contest was sponsored by the Colorado Press Association. The editorial award is the highest The Register has won in the state competition, and it was the first time the paper placed in the advertising division.

Represents N.E~ At Nuns' Pa rley Sister Barabara Mary Scully, S.U.S.C. of the faculty of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, New England regional chairman of the National Sisters' ,Vocation Conference, was among delegates to the second national meeting of the organization, held las~ month in Chicago. The three-day conference focused on current research in the field of promoting vocations. Among highlights was presentation of results of' a survey of n'ew programs for young women entering religious life, with emphasis on short term commitments to communities as affiliate or auxiliary members.Also examined was t,he role of mass media in building public relations. Bridge Builder Climaxing the conference, said Sister Barbara Mary, was an address on prayer by Brother David Rast, O.S.B., co-founder of a Center for Spiritual Studies estaplished in 1968 by Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Christians. The center, she said, is considered a "bridge builder linking East and West in spirituality meeting the challenge of our time."

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THE ANCHOR-Dioce~~ of Fall River,-lhirs, Mar. 11,:1971

Diocesan Anniversary



'. Just si~t.y-seven years ago tomo~Towl--Oll Marc~ 12, 1904--Pope St. Pius X created t.he DIOcese of Fall River. While concentration should be on the present, and the thrust of effort toward the future, there 15 still much to be gained from an occasional glance at th~ past. I This does not' mean a living in the.!past nor yet a .. longing for the. days of old. But it does mean that the :,past can be looked at for info'rmation and ins~iration anq encouragement.. ,'I, i And looking at the history of the Dioc~se of Fall l}ivcr is a matter not of assessing growth or adrnihistrative dyvcIopment but of considering spiritual serVice.\ \ The Diocese exists to serve-to bring people closer Lo God and closer together in community so that the cordoral and spiritual works of mercy might be beder exercise~ by its members, one toward another, and tO~1ard all pe,ople I in the area. Making, people aware that Christ still lives and wbrks in our midst is the vocation of every Catholic, of every parish, and of the Diocese. Effor~s of the \past shoul<;l be a spur to the present and future.' ,. I,

!each~ng Nuns


Holy· N·a~e. Men Mark One Year As National Unit

Tlx Killer 'Sport' I



: .. ;.

,-'. .

The National Association. of the Holy Name Society celebrated its first birthday on February I, 1971. While only a yearling, the National Association is ·a new organization of a venerable Confraternity fo~nded in 1274 by John of-Vercelli, ,Master General of the Dominican Order of Preachers. A constitution was adopted and national officers. were elected at the Constitutional Convention held in Now Orleans, La. Standing committees were established by Louis C. Fink, first president, and chairmen were appointed by him.

,Thirty-two Archdiocesan and Diocesan Unions are already numbered among the affiliates., Fifteen more will probably come in this year.


The chairman of the committee on education of: the United' States C'atholic Conference has caIl~d on teaching nuns to 'restudy their position, commentinglthaf they kay

:~~n~~y"~~:~~~~~n~.~,he schools at a time WIhen the ch~rch

Bishop William E. McManus, Auxiliary Bishop of q:hicago, pointed out that while now there is a super-abundance .of qualified lay teachers to teach in Catholic !schooIS, stipwithout offense to the devoted laity-"religious, no matter how few in number, still bring a unique, bl~ssed and it-replaceable charisma to any:Catholic schoof fottunate enol\Igh

th € moonlnr:. '-f

The Executive Committee met May 17, 1970 in New York City; reviewed progress made during the first quarter and launched a census of 'membership in the United States. The National Catholic Almanac indicates there are over five million members of the Confraternity. No doubt there are !]1illions more because enrollment is for life. The new census is intended to enumerate active members. , A Speakers' Bureau has been established by Angelo R.' Ciccolelia, 2033 West 5th Street, Brooklyn, N,Y, 11223, bureau chairman C:ll1d treasurer of the National AssoCiation. Members who wish to serve on' tti~ l3ur~au , may apply" to Mr,' cltcorella.

to have t~em·"'·l;.:\ " He hopes that .teaching Sisters will re~li:z;ethat tq.~ir. .' _ , ' , . ~ ".' role of bearing witness to Christ can have an immense impact on' the Iive.s O.,f, children w,hom they a~e with sev, ~ra, I Rev. Jotln F: MOQre, B.A., M.f':, M.Ec;I. hours a day for five days a week for fQrtYlv.:eeks a year. " .:;)' ... ,'.: ,-.,.i} ",' ;~ 55. ~eter '~, PC1 ui ,. Fall, Ri~el; " . Teac,hing' .in. stho'o.I is' not on,,:Iy·..· an,' ·o,ppor,~t\ifiit,· ,;'-,to ope,''n!lflp"'~' " .,.' "-. :.: "," t' National Meetti'ng minds but to live with and before children the message' of " '.' ":!-:lS' r~ Mr. Fink has called a meetChrist that is. proc~aimE;q in' words. Coming from' a ped,on:' . :·~to~ the rock musical Hair to the da. i1y predictions of ing of the National Executive totally ~nd completely dedicated to Christ anti His message Sidne'y 'Om.a.r, thirty miliion Am.ericans live in the very Committee at the Holiday Inn, give~ an example that cannot easily be duplibted. \, 'dim twilight of the Zodiac. Like: the. Chaldeans of old, the 4483 Lindell Boulevard, St. Survival' .., " ... ..'. '. I, signs of the stars i's the fastest 'growing religion in .m?de,rn · Louis, Mo. 63108-May' 14 and 15, i 971. Officers and standing ~ , America. Astrology wi~h, all ' A very touching appeal ad uses the message-Survival its fables and fantaSies; .its signs of the Zodiac have a seem- cominittee chairmen will present Means ~;acrifice.·· ' . ' . " , I ", , i myths and mysteries .has inglygreater appefl l t~. p1any their report of progress in the The 'ad' indicates that some must sacrifice so that othEtrs . than the. sign of the Cross?, No first. year. Walter Mueth,' outcan survive. 1 captured the mind, the spir- certain answers can be devel- going president of the St. Louis

I .ogy .;




it and in' many cases even the oped in 'SUCh a' brief articl.e as Archdiocesan Union will· handle so UI of modern man as no other ' . this but a couple of theoretical ~rral)gements. Mr. Mueth has self can survive. I religious. phenomenon. of the .ide'as might help us to appreci- · agreed to serve as vice-president This is especially so in the realm of the soul. Christ ,present. decade. Talismans, amu- ate the modern man's desperate of Region IV suq:eeding Law_said, "Unless YOli do penance you will all likJwise perish." lets and charms are w'orn .and search for supernatural- guidance. rence Miller of Beaumont, Texas. In Lents of other years the Church helped her children '.displayed with. fascination' and First and foremost, there is Plans for a National Convention , I admiration, Millions of dollars the alrilOst complete failure'. of scheduied for September 24-26, do .penance by specif.ying exactly what 'was, _t,o be'don,e. are spent each year 10 . persona I established churches to compre- 1971 at the Conr.ad Hilton Hotel l Now she hopes that there will be maturity enough for pep- horoscopes; the daily paper is hend the real spiri'tual longing in Chicago, will be made at this pie to select and do penance without the ~eed of legal searched for Zodiac guidance that' exists in man. In many at- J?1eeting. pressures. . and ·personal direction. Within tempts to renew and reVive their It would not be at all out of place for each Catholic the magnetism. of fortune or spirit, some churchmen have · If' w hat penance ' h as ta k en pace I "h'IS I'f' chance it is estimated that there throw'n out the baby 'with the that, for many, this search ends "to as k h Imse 111' 1 e S,O are four thousand practicing bath water, to borrow a well in drugs. It is likewise unfortufar during this Lent. If he is aware that there' has been . I ogers in t h e U' I astro mte d States known phrase. To eradicate su- nate that thili search for millions some effort along these lines, then this is. aJI to.. the goo>!.u . a Ione w h 0 h ave . 10 a'very rea I perstitious practi"ces and to up- is finding its fulfillment in the But if a day of Lent is very little different from a da'y sense· become the spiritual lead- date religion for modern society, signs of the Zodiac. before Lent and if neither day had an element- of sacrificle . ers of a large ,percentage of the many have fallen into the As .Catholics, we should be in it, then he has cause to worry about spiritual survival. country's. population. Sincere spiritual snare of pragmatism realistic and realize' the - basic I"" I endeavors in parapsychology and and utilitarianism. ,As a result, supernatural yearnings that are · . H IS own. . h ave 'mystery and supernatural, essenex t ra sensory perceptIOn in man. We must once more unbeen overshadowed by, the pop- tial elements of all, religious ex- derstand that the element of . . . . . . . . . . i . u l a r d e m a n d f o r n u m e r O l ogy 'perience,havebeen purged and mystery is essential to religion. 'I • witchcraft, reincarnation and the are considered to be elements To reduce all religious life to a \ black arts. . from a dark age. Many church social agency for good works is !, The question to raise now is- .men, instead of encouraging the contrary to the very nature of .-/ ; why has Astrology suddenly de- supernatural, have reduced reli- man and his personal search for OFFI'cIJU NEWSPA'PER;-bFTHE DIOCESE OF FklL RIVER 'I veloped as a competitive .quasi- gion to a rather imperfect natu- the supernatural. It would be . • . ' . I" I religious force? Why do' 'the r a l i s m , ' . well for the people of God, as Published we~klyby -TheCath'olic Pr~ss of the Diocese of Fall·Rive.r they search for greater meaning . Be .Basic ~ Renew All Things in Christ· .'and relevance .in contemporary . '" ...,~ .... ,', '. ,::; "'4"i~ :~'ighl?ndAvenue, . . 'i Along with this iittitude,' the to suppress all thought .concern- society to recall, and renew the Fall River"Mas·s.,02722" 6"75:7151" I ,., -~ PUBLISHER:' .'. "j-' : ~.! . total, philosophy Of imiterialism ing the. meaning 'of lif~,material­ 'Church's fundamental spiritual th'at has permeated all levels and ism' with all its hopelesslV;sS aJ)d ,mission to ren'ew all things' in· ". ·Most .R~v~ .!;>aniel' A. Cronin, D.O.• S.T.D." ,..: institutions' of 'our society has despair, is, a failure. The. search Christ. In' this supernatural, un.. ·GEN~R~L.'.MA:NAGER . " -ASST. 'GENER~L- MANAGE~ left the' bulk of" modern man for life and its total meanin'g is der~aking there is little room, for . spiritually diy and' brittle.' How- ever more real in this preseflt ·Horoscopes, Zo.diacs.and pers~nal Rev. M,.~g,·~"_,>ba,'?iel:r.~halloo, ~'~'. ' -'Rev: Jo~n~.: priscol,', .,:~l.e_~rY!i~~~:::;.f.£ •.~lver = = ; "':.' I ' ;; ever despite the 'many attempts generation. It is unfortunate fo"recasts. ,

It is also true that, one must sacrifice so that • he him• I





\ @ dJ. fhe' ANCHOR' J.. 'l.,

,I ,.".'





.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1971

Economy of World 'N,eeds True Justice and Peace





The second "Decade of Development" which will take our planetary society through the '70s starts, in some ways, with better chances of success than were present in 1960. The remarkable document recently presented to U Thant by Cardinal Maurice Rayon behalf of the Papal Commis- Justice and greater participation. is the obvious lesson of sion for Justice and Peace- the"This 19th ceneury:' Even with the a document which should be vast bounties of new continents

available to every parish-underlines the fact that we now know a good deal more about the development process than we did during the '60s, and our better chances lie, in part, in this increase in knowledge and expertise. .




Moreover, for Christians, some aspects of this new knowledge are a tremendous vindication of the traditional wisdom not only of Christians but of all the great world religions - the wisdom which sees human progress in terms not simply of material wellbeing but of social and spirtual development. As the Justice and Peace Commission's document points out, one of the chief lessons of development in the '60s is that "economic growth is 'II not enough." . True, there has to be a genuine expansion of physical resources. For the family without t' light, house, school or enough to eat, there is not much point in repeating: "Man liveth not by bread alone." In fact, it is an insult to their misery, especially when intoned by the comfortably supported leaders and experts of the rich, developed world. Mammon Is Inadequate Yet, in a real sense, theinadequacy of simply pursuing and saving "Mammon"-the biblical symbol of concentrated and obsessive wealth - is one of the great lessons of the '60s. The assumption then was that if nations and. classes pursue economic advantage as their prime and sometimes sale objective, there will be enough wealth "trickling down" to take care of the nations and peoples at the bottom ,of the world's or the nation's pyramid of wealth. This belief has now given way to a more Just and rational assessment of our developmental situation. In the words of the document: "The reason is quite simply, as Pope Paul 'underlines in his Encyclical Popu!orum Progressio, that the unfettered working of the market, operating between partners of grossly unequal strength, does not secure any thing like a proper distribution of the fruits of economic development. In the. modern economy, with its premium on skill, drive, capacity and investment, it is the intelligent, the tough, the energetic and the already rich that tend to take all the gains, unless strong political and social policies accompany modernization in order to secu.~T: g~e~}~r

to develop and a whole planet to colonize, the industrialized nations were racked with crises of social discontent and class war until they introduced the tax systems, the land reforms, the welfare policies and the extension of the vote needed to liberate the mass of people from total dependence upon the dominant classes, to give them a sense of participation in society and a share in the wealth they worked every day to produce. "Even today, whenever undue reliance on the beneficent workings of an uncorrected market economy persists in developed societies and, as a .result, social action is delayed, the weak, the poor, the unskilled, the ethnic minorities tend to fall behind and to re-Iive the squalid miseries of nineteenth century slums and sweatshops. Underlying Facts "These are the facts which underlie the international community's growing disenchantment with purely economic development.. At the local level it can be seen ever more cl~arl; that societies in which little '01' no political and social action ameliorates the lot of the mass of the people and iiberates them sufficiently to take a full part in their own development, no amount of economic growth will lead to satisfactory moderniza-

ticn. "On the contrary, it will tend to . pile up the riches and consumption of the few and leave a growing mass of "marginal' men" at the base of society for whom even the most elementary of human needs and decenciesjob, home, school, diet, healthwill be almost .completely lacking." And, says the document, the same split between rich and poor is becoming ever wider at the planetary level where all the positions of wealth and power are occupied by the already industrialized Powers. But if Christians are vindicated in their belief that worshipping "the idols of the market" is' u'nlikely to' produce a just society or the good life, what conclusions do they themselves draw from this realization? 'Is not much of our reaction to poverty in our oWll society and in the world a simple acceptance of the worship, of the economy and an unexamined assumption that somehow, so long as things are working out all right for us, they will work out all right for the rest?· But this is precisely what we now, know· to be untrue. The world economy's unfettered working is actually increasing the misery of· the ~·marginal. men." Do we then carry QUI' new knowledge a' step further and begin the social~ politicaland moral - process of better sharing the world's wealth by specific policies of world ,taxa.. t ••ti«;m and weI(are? Jl


PRESIDENT'S DINNER: At annual president's dinner of Bristol County Holy Cross Club, held at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, are, from left, Jack Tierney, club president; William R. Balderson Jr., secretary; Rev. John E. Brooks, S.J., Holy Cross president and djnner speaker; Thomas F. Monaghan III, dinner chairman; Patrick L. McCarthy, alumni relations director for the college. Father Brooks discussed "prophetic, function" of Rev. Daniel Berrigan, S.J., and present financial problems of Holy Cross College in course of his address.

Confident Laity 'Will Support Church Bishop S'ees Willingness, Dedication If accurately and honestly informed. of a parish's' financial needs, the laity will show a "willingness and dedication" to support their Church, according to a bishop close to Church fund-raising activities. "Many lay people-who never saw the full picture - for the first time are becoming more aware of the parish and diocesan financial situation," said Bishop . John L. May of Mobile, Ala., in a telephone interview with NC News. , "As a result, they are mobilizing to do something about it," added. the prelate, a former president of the Catholic Church Extension Society and now episcopal moderator of the National Catholic Development Conference, whose special interest is fund-raising. He is also chai~­ man of the United States Catho~ lic Conference's episcopal committee on communications. Bishop May said the laity's obligation to support the Church. is just as important tod\lY 'a's' it was in the past. " . Church support is particularly significant today, he said, because some lay men and women have become discouraged about the work of the financially pressed Church in the postVatican II era, He said they have seen, Catholic. schools and institutions close, and have developed a general· impression that the Church "is in ,a period <;>( retreat." "As the people become increasingly discQur'!ged; they begin to cut" 'down on tl)e extent of l ',. ."" .• '_


..... '•..•.

their cooperation because they netted more than $8.4 !TIillian in feel it is hopeless," the bishop its first collection last Nov. 22observed. "This pessimistic atti- as a successful effort aimed at tude can be very harmful to the educating Catholics on their obligation to assist the poor parish." through self-help projects. Use of Media "Before the drive, there was a He said, however, that he bewidespread disillusionment that lieves the people would react accordingly if they knew the par- it was just anothf}f 'approach ish's real needs. But he added doomed to failure," said the that the responsibility for pro- bishop, citing the public backmoting such support should be lash tow~rd anti-poverty on welshared by the bishops, pastors fare programs, as well as the taxpayers' revolt. and laity. "It seemed that the people Bishop May also said that the local Church should make better were tired of self-help funding." "And yet, when the real puruse of the communications media, including the diocesan pose of the campaign was told, newspaper, to make the laity the laity responded favorably." aware of the Church's needs. Citing the growth of parish councils, Bishop May noted that such councils that have formed finance committees, with busiINSURANCE AGENCY, INC. nessmen as members, have accu96 WILLIAM STREET rately told the parishioners NEW BEDFORD, MASS. "what is going on in the parishes." 998-5153 997-9167 -. . "The same is true of parish PERSONAL SERVICE school boards," he continued. "Many people who related only tuition expenses to the cost of Catholic education are now becoming aware of the schools' tctal needs," Successful Effort The same practice can be followed on a diocesan level, he added,. pointing out that when a , diocese issues financial reports on its major institutions, the laity can see the diocese's ongoing commitments. Bishop. May singled out the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development - which


famous for ,QUALITY and SERVICE I



THE ANCHOR-:-:-Diocese"of Fall. River-Thu~s,_Mar. 11, 1;971 t _



Pope Poul :Louqs


Vatic-an Radio

'Brook,line S:tylistls 'Siste-t', , " ; ,I Of .iNot,e,d P'o,at' John..~i'ar~i , , "1 like elegance in fashion," declared Ella: Ciardi,. ~ell­ known Massachusetts 'designer. She was int~rviewed while: 'visit'ing MfS. Irma Letendre ,of St. Anne's p~rish, Fall Riv. ' cr. Mrs. Letendre is an instructor'in poise ahd etiquettd at " Vernpn CourtJunior'College'; " . ·'I":~ in' Newport, R.I. and' Miss One .~o~n .t~at ;wIIl be ,~eaf' d tured In the fashIOn show, at · d: h I ' C lar I, er ongtlme nen , . Vernon Carl ~ilI bea conJertwill s~a.ge a fa~hion ~how of ible style g~are1 to 'the dern~nds

'. ',1' '

her~ orI~Inal deSigns at the college on May 30th. "My shop in Brookline caters to women who want eustom .design work for a special occasion, such as ~wedding, graduation, or very Im.portant pa~ty.:.I .also handle a Ime of baSIC (leslgns,

VATICAN' CITY (NC)-Vulican Radio is "the broadcaster of the voice of the Cilurch," Pope Paul VI told 250 of the station's, 'oJficials, editors,: writers, commentators and, technicians in an" audience marking its 40th anniversary. • . ' " l~hG,stati~m is operated ,by. the, Jesuits and has studios inside ,Vutican City, in' Rome 'and, a powerful transmitter sta tion '25 miies outside the city. In talking of the development of Vatican Radio, Pope Paul paid' special tribute to a number of generous gifts, made by Catholics including three transmitters donated by Americans. . Pope Paul singled out in particular 'the Dutch Catholics who gave Pope Pius XII a transmitter during the 1950 Holy Year, German' Catholics who gave Pope John XXIII a transmitter in 1961, a similar gift by the Catholics of Australia and New Zealand 'in 1962, and three transmitters given in 1966 to Pope Paul by the late Carqinal Francis 'Spellman, the Knights of Columbus and by American Catholic donors. The Pope told his' audience that their work "is an offering . of truth and of charity' to all' your listeners. It is the voice of ,consolation for so many,suffering persons and for so' many faithful who are materially separated from normal contacts with the Church community." He continued: "It is a message to the faraway churches, to our missions and to the ecumenical relationships to which its -tlfought is always addressed ... It: is a voice' of happiness and ~hope which spreads, itself throughout the world."

of our busy social lives. . I It is a solidly beaded nlini- , dress with long bell sleeves" j ex- 'I. plained Miss ciardi in de~crib­ STYLE SIiOW: Reviewing post~r for "A Camelot of ing her unusual creation. Over the midi goes all~ng skirt With Fashions',' to be held March 25th at LaSalette, Attleboro, a wide band of ~he beading. I . Mass., are seated, left to right, Mrs. Raymond Richards, Many of Miss Ciardi's other Pawtucket; Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S., music director of lltlfMimim\Mfmr~mt}fti wedding ctesign~ are created: for LaSalette Shrine; and Mrs. RaYrnond Hayes, Seekonk. a dual life. With!jUst the remdval Standing, left to right, are Miss Sue Botelho, Pawtucket; of the train they can go out: on the party circui't, as' lovely for- Mrs.' Donald Hussey, Somerset; and Mrs. Jeannette PatenBy aude, Fall River. Mrs. Hayes is chairwoman for the event, mal evening go~ns., I "I want girls to look like girls whi~h will benefit remodelling of LaSalette's, chapel. MARII.YN and women to Idok like women," laughed Miss Ci~rdi, "and while RODEIUCK I think pant-outfits have a pl1ace in our busy life I frown on t~em Charities Leader Urges Catholic Interest for more formaL occasions." I BWiiM,W!iuw:,:rtIiKItt Many of her Idesigns for this In Anti-Hunger Program in a lower price range, to which coming season will be for hostwe add our own speciai touch," esss skirts, a !Jsl)ion .she·'fihds 'WASHINGTON ,(NC)-Catho- particularly migrant workers, explained this talented designer. a great deal mote ;feminine tfl'an' lics have been urged to take an Indians, blacks, and MexicanWeddings are Miss' Ciardi's pants. " : I' , . ." I active interest in 'their commu- Americans, are lacking adequate' specialty and she feels they nities', anti-hunger programs "to diets. I make a"wonderful design backMore Becoming' make sure that' the program is Need Is Great drop bE!cause' of the' pageantry "My goal in IdeSigning is! to , suc~essfuliy bringing food to all of the day. Brides, bl'idesmaidll, glamorize women and flatter the people who need it.", "Sadly," Msgr. Corcoran said, and the mother of the bride are them a,nd. th~t's lone reason ~:m "these conditions prevail in Msgr. Lawrence J. 'Corcoran, spite of stepped-up food stamp the stars that day and this so much 10 favor of, the midi. I woman feels that the whole af- . think it's a much! more:b'ecomlng secretary of the National Co.nfer- 'commodity distribution and fair should be carried off with: length for the' mature wOIrtan ence 'of Catholic ChaI:ities" said school lunch programs ,and desone motif in ord,er to get a total than, the mini 'ever was.: blot "there are areas of intense hun- pite vastly increased funding," feeling. pants and minis are all right on ger in the U.S.A. and'· there are, (Federal food 'stamp allocations "If the florist will go along the very young but only, on no areas in' the country free in 1971 ar.e 19 times what they from some hunger." with us 'I'll even design the wed- ,them." were in 1967.) , ding flowers," she added. ' One of the outstanding custom Msgr. Corcoran issued a state"The need is so great," he designers in thisl area, Miss ~i- , ment after a' meeting with the said, "that allocated amounts' Happy Affair ardi is' from a creative family. NCCC commission on aging. At are still just a drop in the bucket Ccitholic Conference One reason that, Ella Ciardi's Her brother, Johh Ciardi, is Jne the meeting he reported on an of need, and the problem is all-consl;lming. 'interest has been of the outstantling Ameridan earlier meeting here of theCiti- compounded by public apathy Schedules Institute wedding designing is because poets of the tw~ntieth century. WASHINGTON (NC) The zens' Board of Inquiry into Hun- and callous administration, at she feels that weddings are such This cOlumnistl intends to try ger and Malnutrition, a broadly both state and local levels, tant- United States Catholic Conferhappy affairs. ' and view Miss Ciardi's fashion based private group of ,repre- amount to harrassment of the ence communications depart' I "Would' you, believe it!" she show at Vernon IICourt ment will sponsor its first Reand t~en sentatives of religious, charit- poor." exclaimed, "Out of the over one pass on more interesting infergional Multi-Media Communicaable, educational and poverty , thousand girls' I have dressed for mation about, h~r exciting (IeNoting that the problem of tions 'Institute April 12-16 in , organizations. weddings, there have been only hunger is basiCally a problem of Yonkers, N.Y. signs. I i Msgr. Corcoran, one of the poverty, Msgr. Corcoran called 10 divorces' that I .know of." The regional institute represents original members of the' Citi- upon Congress to enact a family When asked to what she atzens' Board, said testimony of assistance plan which provides a the latest effort of t~e communitributed this high rate of success Hong Kong fhrislianj dozens of Witnesses from 12' reform of welfare systems and cations department to set up a in a world that is producing one Unite on Cornmittee I widely scattered states indicated includes financial grants to those nationwide network of trained divorce for every four marriages, HONG KONG (NC)-A Cathothat the elderly continue to be living in poverty. "We need a multi-media' commuriications speshe answers that' a girl who lic-Protestant cbmmittee Has an especially deprived group. welfare, system which responds cialists. cares enough to arrange a beauChurch communications pertiful wedding and make that day been set up here Ito make Chris- "They are too often found suf~ to the needs of the poor," he sonnel from 19 states, the' Disaware of the need ~or tians more fering from hunger and malnu- said. . a very special day will take the trict of Columbia and the Virecumenical cooperation in develtrition," he' said. same 'interest into every other The NCCC, a center of infor- gin Islands will attend the inopment projects. I ' I aspect of her married life. He added that it is also eviThe organizer of the commit- dent that both adults and chil- mation and guidance for charit- stitute, to be held in the New able agencies,. is the nation's York archdiocesan Communicatee, which includes ,three PrJtI Notre Dame Redoubles, estants and" fout Catholics, :is dren i,n other speci~lized groups, largest non-governmental social tions Center at St. Joseph~s welfart) organization. Seminary in Yonkers. Efforts for 'Indians Miss Ko Siu Wah, the first vJoman chairman of ~the Hong Kohg Dutch "Bishops, Score . NOTRE DAME (NC)-Notre Christian Council, 'an organiia, Dame University has redoubled ' I Abortion on Demand its efforts' to aid the American tion of 22 Protestant denominaIndian-"the I'ow~man on th'e na- " tions. ' 'I ,; AMSTERDAM (NC) - Abortion on demand was condemned "I H K " 'd M" n' ong orW, sal Ii'S tion's education totem pole-:-ac6% -Term Deposit Certificates, two-three years Ko, "one of our first tasks will by the Dutch bishops in a pascording to school president. b e to rna k e Ch nstlans I• • I toral letter: Terminating a pregun d er5% %-Term Deposit Certificates, one yecir Father Theodore M. Hesburgh. stand-become a-ivare' of-whkt nancy, they 'said, can never be 5Y2%-90-Day Notice Holy Cross Father Hesburgh, church participation with' corn- considered a moral right. ' 51;4 %-Regular 'Savings also chairman of the U. S. Civil mercial or econbinic' devedobNot, even valid reasons for *Daily interest on all savings plan's Rights Commission, made' the ment is. Most of' them think the usi!lg responsible birth, control reference' to the educational church has nothih'g to do with can justify abortion, the bishops Dividends payable' monthly. ' I " "I said. plight of the" American Indian at it.' a national conference on his "We must reach them in the Where there is an un~esired campus iast year', :" visl'ble church,, lin thO'el'r ow'n d , every posI ,pregnancy, t h ey 'sal . Since then, faculty and stu- 'congregations. Bu~, it is also ~i- ~ sible assistance mOst be given ' "d' t h at "more tal to help people accept that to the, pregnant' woman in need. CAPE COD'S LARGEST •. ,A'SSETS OVER $120 MILLION d en t save h reporte than three and a half' tons of there: is a need fbI" us 'to wotk' The 'woman, they. added, n-iust ,307 Main Stre'et, Sou,th Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 books hav.e been' collected ·for withp~ople of different, denom'i-' ,be helped to accept the 'pr~gnanshipment to the newly-founded : nations,~'onfessi6ns,"br peop'le ", cyand tO,create the best possi-' Yarmo~th Shopping ,P;aza ' Hyan~is Rosebud .(Ij'idia·n), Reservation 'of 'other faiths,: in the 'wide ar~a' ble conditions in life for both' Dennis Port Ost~rville

Condition Prevails





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T:he Whole World Is Irish On St. Patrick's Day




Some years ago, my husband worked as a newspaperman. He overheard another reporter tak· ing down information over the phone~ the winners of a science contest. "The kid's name is Robert What? Spell it! Are you sure? S·C·HcL.J.C·H·T·I·G? You've got to be kidding. I can't even say it. It's what? Schlichtig? I still don't believe it. Would you check it out, and I'll call you back. There has to be a mistake!" My husband interrupted him. "Don't bother checking it. It's right. He's my wife's nephew"~ " Irish for the Day. My only link with the "Old Sod" comes from my husband's sid'e of the family. His grand· father came over from Ireland in the 1880's, and I feel, on that basis, I'm entitled to being Irish -at least for St. Patrick's Day. And from that one link, I claim rights to the Irish Blessings, for many of them are beautiful-and so appropriate for life in our home. Always Work May there nlways be' work for your hands to do. With eight kids, there is al· ways work to do. Some of it, I could do without. But, most of it, I hope continues forever. For a woman's hands can give love, comfort, gliidance and courage-' beautiful woman's work, which is never done.

mine, but always' coins. The kids need them for milk money. May the sun always shine on your windowpane: ,. When there's love in a home, the sun always shines ... even on the gloomiest days. And I delight in it shining on my win· dowpanes, especially right after I've cleaned them. When they are full of sticky fingerprints, it should shine on the other side' ' of the house. May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. 'The rainbows of the heart are always there. But, how 'few real rainbows we ever see. One' year, for~' my father's birthday. we were having a pig family dinner. My mother's bed· ridden sister could~'t come. As I was serving plates, one of the children took dinner to his great aunt. On his trip home, he noticed the most beautiful rain· bow-so unusually vivid, he men· tioned it when he came' back in the house. Dinner was left to get cold on the plates while the whole fam· i1y, including a baby in my arms, trooped outside and stood in the rain to admire the rainbow. '

J 1, 1971


Cathol ics Form

Poiitioal Party

I come from 99.44% pure German stock. There were the Schunnemans and the Reiserts, the Knoches and the Richters. A few Franchmen ,but not an frishmall in the lot. My maiden name was Koelbel and my Dad used to insist on the correct pronunciation, "Kell-bel." He told May your purse always hold people to think of "Hells a toin or two. . Not too many, dollar bills in Bells" when trying to pronounce it. On the strength of that, for a short time, I had the nickname of "Kelly." But it didn't stick.


,IS COMMENDED: Officers of St. Francis Xavier Women's Guild, Hyannis, congratulate Miss Patricia Ray-· mond, West Harwich, a past winner of the guild's annual $500 scholarship award. From left, Mrs. Austin Bell, guild trea~urer; Mrs. Paul Dumont, president; Miss Raymond; Mrs: Gerald Witty, secretary. Applications are now available for the 1971 grant, for which seniors at Barnstable and Dennis-Yarmouth High Schools are eligible. An auction soon to' be sponsored by the guild will benefit the scholarship fund. Mrs. John Lycett of Hyannis, chairman announces that donations of household items or boating equipment for the 'auctionare requested.

Hats Representative Combines Newspaper Career With Politics

AMSTERDAM (NC)-A small traditionalist Catholic political party, the New Roman Party, has been formed in the Nether· lands and is seeking to take part in the national parliamentary elections on April.28. The party, led by Mrs. Tiny Cuypers Boumans, 62, of Heer· len, has as its slogan "Clarity for those Roman Catholics who want to remain loyal to Rome." In an advertisement in the Dutch national 'Catholic daily, De Tijd, the party said its principles are based on the Ten Commandments and the doctrine of the Rort:\an Catholic Church as presented by the Vatican. . 'The party said it will study the elaims 'that the Blessed Virgin appeared in Amsterdam. The alleged apparition lias not been approved by Bishop Theodore Zwartkruis of Haarlem, whose diocese includes Amsterdam. The party said it will fight any ridiculing by the mass media of God, the saints and sacred things. It said it will also fight sexual excesses and drug abuse.

Says Unions Prevent Minority Employment NEW BRUNSWICK (NC)-Assistant Secretary of Labor Arthur A. Fletcher charged here that organized labor is one of the chief blockades preventing min· ority groups from attaining economic gains. Speaking at a dinner meeting' of the trustees board and ad· visory council of Project Equality of New Jersey,. F~etcher said labor was a chief supporter of the early civil rights movement, but has shown animosity toward enfcircement of employment legislation which would let minor'lty groups catch up with whites in employment. . .

INDIANAPOLIS (NC) - Jeff lipan to fulfill his commitment Hays thinks life begins at 40. in the House, he has taken a In 1970, when he tumed 4'0, complete leave' of absence from he , helped, launch a Catholic editorial duties as managing ednewspaper, became the father of itor at The Message. There are his first son:'-after three daugh· indications; he said, that the No Words ters-and. was elected to Indi-, asse'mbly" wiil . adjqurn in midMay the hand of a friend al-' ana's House of Representatives. April. In the meantime, his newsNow attending the state's 96th paper job and family wait for ways be near you. How deep the thrill when, General Assembly here, Hays his return. without invitation, your husband took time out from congress to' Hays said he probably would or child slips his hand into yours. tell NC News how he combines never have gone into govern· Some years ago I made a an active newspapering career ment service had he known The Message would be started. But, memorable trip to the doctor. with politics and family. His solution involves more when the time ~ame to make his When I· came home, my hus· band was in the yard with the than just changing hats. It political bid he was still working for The Criterion which pubchildren. He was anxious to means juggling them. As managing editor of The lished an Evansville edition. Warn Government know how I was, and I told him bluntly. The doctor wanted me Message, the Evansville diocese's "This is of course, a part· SANTO DOMINGO (NC) to take tests for' a possible can· first locally originated news- time position," he explained of Bishops of the Dominican Repaper, he faced a, conflict when the state legislator's brief politi- public told President Joaquin cer. My husband took my hand, and we just walked through the it came time to campaign as a cal duties. But, he said, he felt . Balaguer that they will remove yard. No words. Nothing could Democrat for one of Vander· it was necessary to become a nursing nuns from 15 hospitals burgh County's four at-large congressman because he believes if the government does not end be said. representative seats. Some weeks later, the tests "the real place to be effective birth control programs in those While campaigning, Hays was in social change ,is in govern- institutions. There are nearly proved negative. I've forgotten the anxiety. But. I stUI' remem- writing a newspaper column in ment." G67,000 Dominican women be· ber the warmth, strength, an~ which he said he had "to avoid tween the ages of 15 and 50. anything specifically political or comfort of his hand. Ninety-two per cent are Cath· that referred in any 'way to the Issue Joint Statement olic. May God fill your heart with fact I was running for office." gladness to cheer you. On Mixed Marriage He said he delved into basic Cardinal Celebrates God's ability in creating the issues Christian voters should MUNICH (NC)-A joint CathMass in Prison human heart defies explanation. support, but added that he tried olic - Protestant statement on NEW YORK (NC) - Cardinal He has made a container, a little not to use his position to politi· mixed marriages issued here CALL Terence Cooke of New York told muscle the size of a fist. By cal. profit. Hays, however, ad- 'calls o'n c1e~gymen to contact 100 prisoners in the Manhattan human standards, any measur· mitted that the exposure with couples contemplating mixed House of Detention for Men that able container holds a fixed the weekly column ~'was a def· marriage and to, offer counseling services . before and after the "we are all.sinners-we must be volume. But the,.heart's capacity inite help getting elected." 724 WASHINGTON STREET is limitless. "Fhe human heart' wedding. concerned for each other." Part-.time Position $10. ATTLEBORO, MASS. Tel. 761-6655 The statement was signed by The prelate's visit to what are can hold so much of the divine . I;Ie led the Democratic ticket' 380 FOURTH STREET Cardinal Julius Doepfner, presicommonly called "The Tombs" .'.. and the m'ore it holds: the with more than 33,000 votes. i Fa:! River 673-9942 was highlighted by a Mass'1Yhich more it has room for. Now that he has been callecj dent of the German Bishops' Conference, and Lutheran Bishop he concelebrated with Father So for' this St. Patrick's Day, ~~####.######~#####~ Herman Dietzfelbinger, chairman Lawrence Gibney, Catholic chap· as one Irishman to~ another, may .. Acq'uires Collection I wish you one' of the finest' of the Protestant church council lain at The Tombs. . At the Mass several priests blessings: WASHINGTON (NC)-A com· in West Germany. The Protes.. and seminarians played' guitars May the road rise to meet you. , plete collection .of' materials' tan't . council is predominantly and led the congregation in May the wind be always .at your . 'dealing .with former U.S. Sen: Lutheran. back: . ~ , Eugene J. McCarthy's 1968 bid It was stressed in the state··, hymns. At its conclusion the, cardinal greeted each man per· May the sun shine warm upon .. for' the presiden~y has been' ac-·. ment that an effort' should be sonally. ' , your face; " , ; quired by Georgetown Univer- made to avert suspicion th~t one 273 CENTRAL AVE. "I told them, I would pray The rainfall soft. upon your, . sity here. The' materials, yalued party is seeking to cOflvert the field. . ,at $400.000, include national and other or that mixed-marriage for them, and a number of them 992-6216 state files, oral history tapes couples' be given the impress.ion And, until we .meet again; said they, would pray for me," Cardinal Cooke said at an im· May God hold 'you .in~he palm and transcripts, a'nd files' of that "a partner has been abanNEW BEDFORD ma'nuscripts and tap~d materi,!ls doned by his church ~nd silently , of His hane\. promptu news conference as he relating directly to McCarthy. ' released to the other church." Amen. was leaving:3lle Tombs.' ....,#'##########,#########,.r-,...,.... ...




, ~o

Figh~ Controls

THE ANCHOR-'Thurs., Mar. 11, 1971

On Immigration

Missionary Get$ Education Post

LONDON (NC).....,.British Catholics are organizing a eampaign to protest legislation that is expected to increase' controls on immigration. . Leaks on the proposed legis· lation and speculation in the press indicate that it will, in practice, greatly restrict Irish and' colored immigration. (The term colored in Britain is applied not only to blacks but to many other non-whites, including Asians,) , The Catholic Institute for International Relations is already organizing', through its race relations committee, a widespread protest campaign against what it considers fundamentally unChri'stian provisions in the bill. According to commentators here, the institute's campaign is expected to receive the full backing of the EngliSh and Welsh bishops through their special race relations advisory committee. The committee plans to call an emergency meeting when the legislation is published and to issue a policy statement jointly with the institute. According to reports, the legislation will check, at least to some extent, the flow of Irish citizens to Britain. They now enter unhindered and there is a large Catholic population perma'nently settled in Britain.

TECHNY (NC) "'- A Divine Word priest, beginning his 16th year as, a New Guinea missionary, will now direct his order's edu<;:ationill ,efforts in the We-, wak diocese there. '\ F'ather Edward Bauer,' 43, said his new job is located in northeastern New Guinea. The Wewak diocese covers an area 150 miles long by 180 miles wide. "Thev call' me the Catholic , Education, Secretary," Father Bauer said, "which means that now instead of, having to worry about one school and nine teachers as I'did in my former parish on Kairiru Island, I have 44 primary, schools; two high schools, ':one rnirior.seminary, one teachers' college, and a staff of about '300 teachers to'lose sleep over." The priest said his duties tak'e him to the most remote and forlorn stations in the diocese. "I have seen some marvelous yet sad sights," he said, ..."schools that have no.... desks and the children sit on the bare floor; schools with' no blackboards; some schools do not even, have books." In spite of all these handicaps, Father Bauer said, "the mission teach,e~s,keep 6;' with their work and are doing a good job. My concern' is to find the means to help tnern to improve their teaching conditions." The priest hopes to establish a Wewak School·. Fund for that purpqse where' schools'self-help efforts wili be funded on a dol,Iar-for-doilar basis. :

Student Periodical To' Halt Publication

Topi"c Outline To ,Aid Bishops WASHINGTON (NC) - A list , of topics and, recommended readings will assist U. S. bishops ,in upcoming grassroots' discus,.sions on problems in ,the modern priesthood. Bishop Joseph L. BernardiJ:l, , general secretary of the National Conference of ,Catholic Bishops, ,said he sent 'the list ,and an accompa~ying letter to the nation's ,bishops at the request of Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, NCCB p'resident. Bishops, priests, Religious and laity in liach of the NCCB's 11 geographical regions will discuss the priesthood during the next six weeks to .provide grassroots opinions on the subject f-or the U. S. bishops' meeting in April. The modern priesthood is also one of the main agenda items planned for the Synod of Bish· ops to be held at the Vatican in September. "Admittedly, it will be difficult; if not impossible, for all of the points contained in the outline to be studied in depth at the '(regional) meetings them· selves,~' Bishop Bernardin said in his letter., "Hopefully, however, the outline will serve to orient properly those persons responsible for' prep.aring the presentations and leading the discussions." Topcs :in the outline include relations between priests and bishops, the role of celibacy and poverty in the priesthood; the nature and effect of the priesthood's sacramental grace and the responsibilities of priestly service.

" i"



." .


RepQrts 09 Campaign, ~or Human Development

Chic:a~o . L~ads In Campaign Collection .



HU~~II1De~eloprr-'ent .~u.nd 'T:ops

WASHINGTON' (NC) -:- dth-. 'because Jive ,dioceses had not . oUcs in the Chicago, Cincinhati reported' at the '~ime ,the latest and Boston, archdioceses led Ithe' .figure' was. compiled. . nation!s dioCesds.in ,the record " .' OthEi' archdioc'eses and dio1970 Campaign Ifor Human ine. ceses which ranked high on the veloprnent collection which contributors' list .included: ra~sed more th~n $8.4 mil!ion!3r.Ooklyn, $300,000; Los Anto attack root causes of poverty. geles, $273,000; New York, $269,Chicago' Cathblics headed lithe 000; Hartford, $248,309.43; Delist, contributing $500,000,' ac- troit, $247,818.67; Milwaukee, cording, to statistics relea:sed $222,594.38; St. Louis, $206,here by officia:ls of the UJ.S. 375.41. bishops' anti-porerty campal1gn. Ranking second was the Gin- Weddings, Divorces cinnati archdiocbse which gkve $387,212,84, arid the Boston Linked to Economy COLUMBUS (NC) - Marital archdiocese wJs third Jith statistics in Ohio appear direct$361,657.17, 1 ; The amount" ~aised in collec- ly 'linked with the state's prevailing economic climate: as untions held last Nov. 22, nbw I employment rises marriage' and stands at $8,428,847.92 - the largest total ev~r obtained irl a divorce rates drop; as unemploys!ngle national atholic codeI c- ment falls, marriages and divorce rates climb. tlOn. No ,one seems to have a reaCampaign officials expect the , final"total to exdeed $8.5 million son for the p'attern of statistics on tile .here in the Ohio Department of Health.' It 'is widely 'Social *isaster·1 known, however, that it takes a AT~ANTIC 'qrrY (NC) I~ . high degree of solvency both to . Termmg ·tax ala to parochIal enter marriage and leave it. schools unconstitutional, p60r Using unemployment figures economics and 'lpotentially dis- as an indicator of general ecoastrous socially,'I' Dr. Kenn~th nomic strength, the department , I H. Hansen, Washington State shows that in 1961 unemploy· . I e d uca)t'IOn pro f essor, ment" stood at 7.4 per 'cent of U TIIverslty urged the Amearibm Associati'on the state's available work 'force. of School Admini1strators to c6n- Marriages that year dropped 'to tinue its opposition to the pto. - 66,076 from the record high 68,076. Divorces also declined. grnm. I I



CHICAGO (NC)-Today magazine, a '2~-year-old Catholic student pe~iociical; ~ill stop publishing after its June, 197"1, 'Issue,' according to a spokesman; for ciaretian Publication's here. 'The magazine, subsidized throughouCits rJsto.ry, was taken,over in 1964 by the Claretian Fathers,' Two years ago,' its subsidy was increased to make publication of a higher qu~lity, periodi~al possible. ' Continuing closing of Catholic high schools-Today~s ,major sales outlet-coupled with ris~ ing publication costs., lO;ade the' . decision to cease printi,ng inev· itabie. Claretian Publications will continue to publish Today paperbacks, sold through church magazine r'acks and by mail.'

$8.4 Mllion Other dioceses which gave than $100,000 to the, drive were: I~ore

, Rockville Centre, N.Y., $193,755,44; PhiladeJphia, $ i63,529.43; Washington, D,C., $159,967.19; Cleveland, $135,950.67; Trenton, N. J., $134,274.09; Rochester, N.Y., $129,837.33; Joliet, Ill., $122,250; Baltimore, $108,673.55; Buffalo, N.Y., $107,812; St. PaulMinneapolis, $107,125,80; Syracuse, N.Y., $101,177.42. According to campaign ground rules, 15 per cent of the funds collected in each diocese go to the national level, while 25 per cent remains at the diocesan level for local anti-poverty projects,


Named Manager WASHINGTON (NC) - Pedro ' Pelegrin, assistant director of the Cuban' Refugee -p,rogram of the United States' Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugee Services, has been appointed a 'task force manager on manpower to the President's Cabinet' Committee on Opportunity for the Spanish Speaking.



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Just because a bank offers you a Savings Ac(ount doesn't mean it .can offer you a checking account






Catholic Schools ChaUePJ1ge labor Relations Board PHILADELPHIA (NC) ~ Elemenary schools in the Philadelphia archdiocese have challenged the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board. In challenging the board, attorneys for the parish schools questioned the recently enacted Pennsylvania Public Employes Relations Act, which outlines such jur.isdiction, on grounds that its lay teachers are not pub- , lic employe'S within the meaning of tile act. The challenge, which came at 11 hearing before the board, was the result of a petition filed with the board by the Association' of Catholic Teachers, Local 1776, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. The petition asked the board to accept jurisdiction and order an election in parish schools to determine the official bargaining agent for the lay teachers. Question Authority Parish and school representatives emphasized that the challenge was not directed against union representation, but was an· objection to the authority of the state to order an election in parish schools. They said the authority which the act would confer on the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board would seriously interfere with ecclesiastical functions and, matters of religious practice, as well as with the managerial responsibilities of the archdiocese over such schools to the detriment of its standards of educa" 'tion. '.

OpposeMaryland Abortion Bill BALTIMORE ,<NC) - Catholic bishops, in opposing an abortion bill now before the 'Maryland state legislature, pledged, their support to' programs which help women "find acceptable 'solutions to their problems without resorting to the destruction of human life." At the same time, Father Neil J . O'Donnell, C.P:, archdiocesan coordinator of health affairs, called for "intelligence and charity" in dealing with the abortion issue-'in a letter advising priests on the formation of Right to Life Committees. Statistics compiled by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene show that 5,530 abortions were performed in 27 Maryland Hospitals in fiscal 1970, an increase of 159 per cent over the previous fiscal year. Danger to mental health was the grounds for 96 per cent of the abortions. House Bill 100 would lift most of the restrictions on abortion while not going as far as the bill passed by the General Assembly last year. Gov. Marvin Mandel vetoed last year's bill : leaving Maryland with a statute passed in 1968. In their statement, Cardinal Lawrence Shehan of Baltimore, Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle of Washington, D. C., and Bishop Thomas J. Mardaga of Wilmington, Del., said that the "abortion issue concerns basic human rights which transcend religious differences. " ,!'.I



THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 1 T, 1971


Set Adadt Series At Sacred Heart


PLAN ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM: Sr..Della Ann Chartrand, OLVM; Sr. Alice O'Brien, OLVM; Rev, Ronald A Tosti, Diocesan Director of CCD; Sr. Martha Wordeman, OLVM; Rev. Robert Carter, assistant at Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River.

Trouble for Nonprofit Institutions First Stages of Adversity Now in Evidence NEW YORK (NC)-America's private nonprofit institutions are in the first stages of sickness and heading for deep trouble, declared Alan Pifer... presi(lent.of Carnegie' c6;porition.Such institutions; including Catholic schools, hospitals and other agencies, tend to diagnose the cause of their troubles as essentially financial. But Pifer, in his .1970 'annual report, cited a deeper source of woe: the basic attitudes and beliefs of Ameri'can people. "The issue," he explained "is whether the majority of our citizens still see special merit in the retention, of" a combin'ed public-private system, 'or con.;' whether substantial versely, numbers would now, for varying reasons, be quite content to see private institutions handed over to public control." And yet" Pifer said, "the American people and most of their political leaders seem either unaware of the situation or unconcerned." Pifer said that "a substantial

new effort will be required to safeguard" the future of private tax-exempt organizations in this country. Among them are an estimated 1,450 colleges, and uni-, versities, '4,600 s e co n dar y schools, 3,650 voluntary hospitals, 6,0'00 museums, 1,100 sym-

Msgr. Gallagher ,To, Offer' Mass

.Rey. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, P.A., retiring pastor of St. James Church, New Bedford and retiring chaplain of the Ancient 'Order of Hibernians, and the Ladies Auxiliaries of New Bedford will offer a Mass of Thanksgiving at 9;45, Sunday morning in St. James Church, New Bedford. ' This' Mass of Thanksgiving will coincide with the ~nnual St. Patrick's Day Mass of the Hibernians.. All members and friends are invited to attend this Mass as Monsignor Gallagher retires as the organizations' chaplain. Co-chairmen for' the day are Michael C. Quinn, president or Schedule Canadian Bristol County Hibernians and Workshop-Dia logue Mrs. John H. Ryan, president of OTTAWA (NC) - Canadian the Ladies Auxiliaries. and representative bishops Church women will participate Elementary School in a "workshop-dialogue" during the bishops' April general assem· Application Days All the Catholic elementary bly. Archbishop Joseph - Aurele schools in the Diocese of Fall Plourde of Ottawa, president of River will receive applications the Canadian Catholic Confer- for new students and transfer ence, told newsmen the discus- students on Sunday, March 14. ,sion is being held in response to Parents wishing to enroll a child requests from various women's or obtain information should go groups. It will help the bishops to the school of their choice on formulate a Church position on that day between 9 A.M. and 3 the recent' report of the Royal P.M. For a child entering school for Commission on the Status of the first time parents should Women, he said. The women themselves will bring a birth or baptismal cerpropose topics, reading lists and, tificate. For transfer students other details before the general parents should bring a copy of the child's last report card. assembly convenes.

phony orchestras, 5,500 libraries and 29,000 welfare agencies supported by, United Funds. Weighirg the future of these institutions; Pifer maintained that' any real solution to their plight must begin with a clear appreciation by the nation's top political leaders Qf what the presence and vitality of private institutions mean to the nation. These leaders, he said,' musteducate the public and' convert it to a sense, of ~ctive copce,rn" over the future of America's traditional system of shared public, and private effort and responsibility.

A four-session adult enrichment program titled "Focus on Hope" will begin at,7:30 Sunday night, March 14, in Sacred Heart " School cafeteria, Linden Street, Fall River. Rev. Ronald A. Tosti, Diocesan ceo Director, will be Sunday night's speaker. His Topic will be change in the Church. At the same time and place Monday evening the Sister consultants of the diocesan CCD office will conduct a session implementing learning techniques discussed by Father Tosti the previous evening. Participating in the program will be Sister Martha Wordeman, Sister Alice O'Brien and Sister Della Ann Chartrand. Father Carter Rev. Robert J. Carter, curate at Sacred Heart, will discuss the Christian, meaning of birth and death at a session slated for Wednesday night, March 24. The speaker will explore the meaning and development of the new baptismal and funeral rites. Sunday night, March 28, Father Carter will conclude the series with <l discussion of "Confes:.ion-Does It Have Vaque Today?" The public is invited to at· tend all sessions. There will be no admission charge.

Ro:c~efeller Favors More Nonpublic Aid ALBANY (NC)~overnor Nelson Rockefeller said at a news confetencehere that he "very definitely" favored increased state aid for non public schools. The governor's remarks came two days after meeting privately with Bishop Francis J. Mugavero of Brooklyn, and' five New, York diocesan school superintendents. ' State legislators had also reportedly ,been deluged with mail from constituents favoring nonpublic aid when the governor was publicly critical of a prO" .posed state aid bill.

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"HE ANCHO,R~~iocese of Fall River-Th~r~.,Mar. 1-1,


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~fEcu ..... enis.....


Urge·s·ThC)':!ghtft.1 CC)ns/derCltibn of Viewpoint " New:iweek's perc.ep~iv,e' ble ,Jewish spo!tlsme~are ~rYfng coming a potential threat to the '.cover story (March:' 1), on 't~ tell, us, fr~~ their p.o\nt I of 'pluralist character of American, ';Th A . ' J'" _' View, ,.conc~rnmg the state Iof society and to world community. , ~ men~~. n . e,~'V sum.. , Christian-Jewish Irelations in this "Christian ecumenism in ecrrpanzes the .fmdmgs of' two country.: ~ ' ! tain of its' present institutional


opinion polls of Jewish attitudes ' More ,specifically, I think i~ is arra~gements threatens to un,on, "Pride and Prejudice" and highly importantl that careful jat- dermine 'the three major faiths' "U. S. Support for Israel." The tention' be 'paid, to a recent formula 'of American society, first of these two polls reveals artjcie by . Rab~i Marc Tan~n~ with the possibility of reducing ,that 61 per cent of American baum of the American Jewish Judaism arid the Jewish commuJ,ew.s think that in the past few Coinm'ittee entitlbd "Is Christian 'nity to second-class states-:-the years, Jews i~ th~' U.nited ,State!; 'Ecuineriisrr{ ~' jrhreat to the characteristic status of ,Jews have felt an, mcreasmg sense of, Jews?" (This article was written throughout much of their history for and distribu~ed',by the New in the Christian West. ,. York Times ~yhdicate. Cop!ies,' "Christian ecumenism in some ,I I can be secured by. writing to the of its theologieal thin k ing holds, By American Jewish Committee, the seeds of sprouting again 165 E. 65th St., NYC 10022), 'I through the Marcionite heresy, MSGR. Rabbi Tanenb~um .. Director of which,' i~ the' second, century Interreligious Affairs for AJC, urged Christians to break away GEort(~E G. has probably'd6ne as much :as from theit Old Testament n'lOorany single member of his o~n ings. MaI:cionism became" the HIGGINS faith to promotb 'the cause lof 'source of much anti-Jewish Christian-Jewish Lnderstanding. I thinking and behavior." might add that, t.he, basis lof . Social Action Field , ,personal experience over a long ,pride as a, group'. Despite this' period of. years, I he also knoW I s As a rank amateur in the field' growing sense of pride, however, of ecumenism, I am riot qualified about the strengths arid 106 YEARS OLD: Sister Marie Poole, a.p., administni34 per' cent think that anti- more weaknesses of· <!:atholic effotts to, comment,' even in passing, on Semitism in -the Uniteo States in this area than [all but a hartd- the theological implications of tor of St. Theresa, home for the aged, reads birthday greethas, increased during that same ful of our own Catholic exper'ts.' Rabbi Tanenbaum's three major ings from President Richard M. Nixon to Mrs. Elizabeth period of time. ,, , In other, words! his credentia,' ls concerns about the way in which Brooks who observed her 106th birthday·at the home, Feb, I have no way of knowing Christian' ecu'menlsm 'is developa friendly artd constructi\re 16. The oldest of some 120 residents of St. Theresa's, Mrs. whether or not the fears of this as critic of certain a~pects of C'hrls- ing in this, count~y. , ' Brooks· says she has enjoyed good health throughout· her very sizable percentage of the tian ecumenism in this country }. do feel qualified, however, Jewish population' in the United are in perfect order' arid, for' ttlat to express an opinion with re- long life. NC Photo. .. States are 'exaggerated, but, I ' gard to one of the pril)cipal exwhatev:er of that, "there is no , reason, as s~gge~sted above, ~e amples, he has ci,ted by way of . illustrating his over-all' position question about the fact that , deserves a thoughtful hearing. .' there is still' a lot of suhtle-and,.' , • Expresses Anxieties Being a man of ISliperior intelli- on this matter., ' t· sometimes not so subtle - anti- gence and rare se~sitivity, RatJbi ,He cites the fact that, in, too Semitism in this' country.. Tanenbaum readily, concedes many cas'es, both in this country' CHICAGO' (NC)-Msgr,. ,George '. Msgr. Higgins' and' University This means, to' put it very I ' ' a n d at the . .international ,level" G. Hggins, head.',of the ,ur~,an .of Chicago:' 'econoinist "j\1'iitorl· "J.) it would be 'I'a"inoni.llnental· " ", bluntly, that a lot' of U. S. Chris- that presumption on the part of JeWs Christian ecumeniCal efforts in life divis'ion' of the U. S. Catholic' .Friedman received honorary"doc~ .,: tians, including a' fair-share of to tell, Christian~ how to r~n the field of social action' tend to C;;onference's social development tor of law degrees at' thc',con- ' Roman Catholics, are still in: I' I exclude the Jewish community. department, urged Loyola Uni- vocation. Dr. G. Perry Smith, ex- ,.1" their internal affairs~no less I a dulging in an ugly form Of preju- display of 'chutzpah' -thanwe~e He objects to this yery strongly versity graduates to prove that ecutive secretary of the Ameridice which can in no way be recI -and so do I.' ' I life is worth living despite that can Association for Higher EduChristians to' se'ek 'to impose onciled with the faith which ' I I In other words, I fully agree times are changing with a ven'-, cation; received 'an honorary docthey, espolJse a'nd, indeed, runs their ioeasas t~ h?w the Je'f- with Tanenbaum that inter:faith torate of humane letters. geance, completely counter to that faith. ish community' shlould organir: e programs in the field of sodal Speaking here to 950 mid-year " I ' This is a sad commentary on itself. Nevertheless Tanenboum feels actio!) should always, include and ,that he i$ entitledL-and so he is. rept:esentatives of the Jewish graduates of the Jesuit school, Schools Increase the state of Christa in belief . Christian practice in a <;,ountry, in my opinion-t6 raise certain faith on an equal footing with the ,'monsignor, a priest of the Baltimore Deficit in which one out of elv'ery 30 questions and to bxpress <:erta',in their Catholic' and ,Protestant Chicago archdiocese, pointed out that today,'s ~ollege students BALTIMORE (NC)-Financing citizens is a Jew. counterparts: anxieties about the, drift, pf have been affected by this Catholic educatio,n is the greatI , Spotty Response Christian ecumenism in the Work Constrtictively change more than any other gen- est barrier to a balanced budget, , . . ~ United States. Hie states' these As' Tanenbaum' points out, eration of Americans. It need hardly be said that the said a priest explaining the Bal" Christian community as a ,whole anxieties, in s'umbary form, lis there is, no reason lin the world . "I am not convinced ... that timore archdiocese's 'financial' . I ' why Catholics anq Protestants the majority of the over-30, gen- deficit of $1,253,000. has a serious obligation, to try foliows: "Some forms of1 Christian ecu- who decide to <:10 their "Christo correct this tragic situation eration is all that hopelessly The priest, Msgr. Joseph M. • . · g signs are ,sh owm 0,fbi~"', t,ian, thing" jointly or, ecumeni- committed to the past, with all by every means at its disposal. memsm Nelligan, chairman of, the a~ch· cally in areas of common social of its tragic mistakes,. or that In the case of the Catholic diocesan finance committee, said community, a number of con· Ch I ' concern cannot work construc- the majority of the younger the deficit is an improvement by V letnam I Clp GinS \ tively with Jewish leaders on a structive programs are now generation is so completely dis- $428,000 over the previous fiscal under ,way, but, if the truth must , Have New Problems ,peer-to-peer basis. illusioned with history ,as to yeaI', when the deficit was be told, we have hardly. begun NEW YORK (Nb:-u.s. trod p As a matter of fact, I happe,n have written it all off as a bad $1,681,000. to scratch the surface in our be- reductions, in ~ietnain ha~e' to feel so strongly about thiS joke," Msgr. Higg!ns said. The situation is even ~orse , lated ;effort to come to grips caused chflplains ·'Ito.~evive t~e' , !'ll.atter that. I, h.a. v~ long .I'in~e While citing the need for hope, than it seems, he said, because , with a ,problem which has been old saying that, there are no ,made up my mmd, that I Will with us for centuries, has very atheists in foxholes but to 106k ','never, under, any circumstances, he said that "love is by far the circumstances make it necessary deep cultural roots, and is much for morat' problefus, when 't~e~nt~t in~o an inte~-faith social greatest need of all in our own to dig into reserves, :'which are . more serious, I suspect, than fighting stops. ...! actlO,n program which. does not generation as it always' has so vital to the financial stability most of us like to admit. A d' t' D 'W'II' j prOVide for equal JeWish repre- , been and always' will be until of the archdiocese and its credit I lam ;' '~;entatio'n. . , . ccor mg . 0 the end of time." rating.',' The very fact that our reReiSS, executive. sEfcretary of t~e, . It. goes. without, saying ""that sponse' to Vatican II's DeclaraLutheran CounCil the U.S.A.,s,' ' . t' 'c a th 0·1'IC- Pt· . h · . . f . In I '1' 1 Jom ro es t'an t -'JeWls tion on Catholic-Jewish Rela- d IVlSlOn 0 service to. ml ItaIiy. ", ' t 'IOnm " t'h e area " . 0'f' SOCIa . I . coopera :I tions has been so spotty!and, on personnel, the nOjathelst-m-foJf-' 'action will not of, itself. 'bring' [41 the whole" so inadequate may . d syndrome b y c'h ap Iams ,"has, I ." . ' '"I'":been t hrecog. ,,. millemum. ... , ' Never.thehelp to explain why so many holes mze smce' e' be- about, '.,"the. ,' " f 'I't "h' ' .I less It Will be a great step for~ American 'Jews, despite tile prog'. II ,w ard- ,and ,wh 0',k nows, 'I' tmig ' ht, , . , • ress the 'Jewish· commullity has gmnmg 0 ml I al)(l· ' . Istory. . Several new problems, 'ho",:," even help to resolve or ,at least ' . ' . . ' , ," • made both in terms of economic ROUTE 6:-between Fall River andN!'l~ B~dford • and' professional" s'ucee'ss~arid in ever, of "frighte~ing potential-' 'to clarify ,some of,' the ',deeper. • terms of, ,social and,' polit'ical ac- ity" 'have made !thesituatioh: 'theological, issues J;aised' by Rab-, One of Southern N~,vif Englan'd's Finest Facilities. ceptance,' are' still_ haunted by particularly acute invietn.am~h~ bi Tanenba'umi'nhisyery ~imeiy told Lutheran repIiesentatlve,s <\t ,,,article." , . ' , • the feai-" of 'anti-Seinit!srn: ' ·the eouf\cil's fifth annual m.e~F, lam (jelighted tha,t he wrote for i' Friendly Critic " • ·1 '. -., • ipg h~re.', ' ." . .the article, and i ~~ain :express_ ,. ' • In the ,light of all ,t~is, ~e " Those t>roble~s't' he said; i~- ,the hope, that .Christian .ec':lmen-, • BANQ:U ET'S,fAS'H ION SHOWS,E, ~ Christians in' 'general' , and' 'we :clude' ".raCial tensiop "that sopi~~ 'ists .and Christian social..action- , ' • I"" Catholics ,in particular would be times' break into,We'o'pen,du~:,ists will'give,it th~ thoughtful ... FOR,DETAILS CALL MANA,,G"ER-63,6-2744',or 999-6984 ~, well advised t~), start:- listening ing off-duty hours'i" and "the'r~:, :and sympathetic attention it ~ t:more ,carefully to, what responsi-' ,ported, increasing 'use of drugs.!' deserves. ~U-JrOf.JI1I,"~8'"OO:llEIII.~'.lrnl.mrnrnrn[j[IllI _'_I]Io[,(]'-lrnrnrn[),OO .']0 .JIlIl]lfu~"



.Msgr. 'Hi'ggins Says Love Greatest Need of Pres'ent, Generation














Now Available


. Asks Churchmen To Join Crusade For POW's



('ubs Complete. Parvuli Dei Program. of Church Visits

WASHINGTON (NC) - InterBY ELLEN ANDREW national Lutheran leader the It's been said you're nobody Rev. Dr. J.A.O. Preus issued. an appeal here for other churchmen till somebody loves you, and around the world to join him in the next thing you know you're a crusade to Hanoi to intercede a den mother. Mrs. Norman Boulay of 165 on behalf of American prisoners Sycamore Street, New 'Bedford, of war. does her den mother thing with Dr. Preus, who heads the Cub Pack 5 of Sacred Heart parthree-million-member Lutheran ish in the Whaling City. Not only Church - Missouri Synod, an- that, but she goes apove and nounced that the crusade is part beyond the call of duty with a of a five-point program he de- unique program that leads to the signed to procure humane treat- coveted Parvuli Dei emblem, ment of U. S. prisoners held by awarded for religious achieveNorth Vietnam, the Viet Cong, ment. and the Pathet Lao. The 12-week course of reMembers of the crusade, Dr. quirements is unique because Preus said at a press 'conference, she takes her boys to 12 differ. would ask the president of North ent churches for Sunday Mass, Vietnam. and other communist followed by an hour's study leaders "to allow them to inspect period and breakfast supplied by the POW (prisoner-of-war) camps Mrs. Boulay and her, Cubmaster in order to give an unbiased ac- husband. count to the AmeriCan people "It isn't required, of course," and the people of the world of Mrs. Boulay says, "but I thought the conditions that exist in these it would give the boys a broader camps." view of the steps leading up to Day of Prayer the Parvuli Dei, and add a variTo accomplish other points on ety to the program that would stimulate their interest. his program, Dr. Preuss is: Declaring a Day of Prayer for "It did just that and certainly American POWs and MIAs proved more meaningful. Some (missing-in-action) for Sunday, of the Cubs never had been to March 14, in the 6,000 congrega- other churches. They were putting their religion into practice tions under his presid.ency. Directing a program of educa- and were 'seeing how others tion and prayer in all congrega- practice theirs. tions on behalf of the POWs "In this respe<:t I'm thinking of the Maronite rite we attended and MIAs for one year. Inviting heads of all major at Our Lady of Purgatory Christian denominations to un- 'Church and the baptism ceredertake similar programs in their mony, with the mothers present, congregations ~nd urging; reli- at Mass in St., Joseph parish. gious radio and television pro- both in New Bedford. Soineof grams to include special prayers the boys never had seen a baptism." for POWs and MIAs. Lads in Blue A Cub Scout promises "to rlo Program's Success my best, to do my duty to God and country, to be square .. ," Keeps School Open ST. PAUL (NC)-Benilde High These young lads in blue uniSchool with its more than 800 forms often can be seen doing students is still in business at their duty and helping others in the same old stand in the St. their community. . An important part of a CathLouis Park section. olic Cub Scout's life is his abilA year ago it wa!l announced ity to achieve and obtain the the school conducted by· the Christian Brothers would have highest award possible for scoutto clOse because of financial ing, the Parvuli Dei emblem, pressures. A school development given by the Church in recogniprogram, involving parents of of advancement in religious stud~nts, alumni, friends and the husiness community, was begun Oppose Foreign Aid to keep the school going. Cuts by Austral.oa A goal of $250,000 was fixed. CANBERRA (NC) - Despite a l.atest statistics compiled by the School backers disclosed $275,- strong appeal by church leaders 000 in contributions and pledges that Australia not trim its curover a three-year period has been rent level of foreign aid spending, the government is including realized. such cuts in an overall budgetAI Reger, the school board chairman, commented the suc- tightening program designed to cessful supporting soliciting "is fight inflation. The appeal had been made by in reality a beginning." the copresidents of Action for World Development, a .ioint projShriver Honored ect of the Catholic Church and Australian Council of FRAMINGHAM (NC)-Sargent the Shriver, first Peace Corps direc- Churches. Catholic Coadjutor tor and former U. S. Ambassador Archbishop James W. Gleeson of to France received the Grand Adelaide and Anglican Bishop i Knight of Charity award at the David Garnsey of Gippsland, the sixth Knights of Charity Gala copresidents, had declared: "Though we are aware that here. Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston made the aspects of the Australian econopresentation. The award by the my are a matter of concern to Xaverian Fathers Missionary So- the government, and to all Ausciety honors a person who has tralians, we do not believe that contributed significantly to the cutbacks in government prowell-being of humanity: The grams. to help -the underpriviKnights of Charity was organ- leged, whether in Australia or ized to aid third world Mission- overseas, should be contem, ary efforts. plated. ..J

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THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., Mar. 11, 1971


Plan to Continue Major.Seminary


{t \:f,f,14 ~


BOYNTQN (NC)-Archbishop Coleman F.' Carroll of Miami said here <j n~w era, of major seminary training .of men for th.c priesthood will be launched next September by the' bishops . of Florida. The announcement came in the wake of a decision by the Vincentian Fathers to withdraw next June from staffing the present major Seminary of St. Vincent de Paul here. The Seminary currently has 71 students-39' from the Miami archdiocese; 14 from St. Augustine; 10 from Orlando; 5 from St. Petersburg; one from Charleston, S.C., and 2 from Arecibo, P.R., dioceses. Fa(her Thomas F. Hoar,' semi-

, '~.,N,~,~f,~,':' .' ~:~~e;:'ct~~s:~~~ t~;o~~:~~nt:e~ semi~


PARVULI DEI: Among Parvuli Dei award winners of Cub Pack 5, New Bedford, are from left, James L'ltalien and Thomas Rainville, going over program with Mrs. Norman Boulay, den mother. 'knowledge and spiritual formation. Its purpose is to help the boy become more aware of God's presence in his daily life. The program calls for a 12week course of daily prayer, and study of parish history 'and the life of Christ among other, requirements. Mrs. Boulay's schedule for her 10 Sacred Heart Cubs called for attendance at Sunday Mass at St. Mary's parish, New Bedford,

folk Mass; St. Joseph, Fairhaven, folk Mass; St. Francis of Assisi New Bedforcl; St. Mary's Cathe-' dral Fall River; St. Theresa Church New Bedford Saturday night Mass; Our Lady of Assumption New Bedford; St. Joseph New Bedford; St. Julie's, North Dartmouth (at this Mass, the 10 boys formed the offertory procession); Our Lady of Purgatory; Holy Name parish New Bedford, and finally their own Sacred Heart parish.

Elect Delegates For Rome Synod

Missed Trips "The boys showed much enthusiasm," Mrs. Boulay continued. "In fact, when the program was over they were disappointed; they missed going around to the different churches. In fact, Norman and I are lost on Sundays now. We miss our boys!" The Boulays have four sons of their own-Mark, 12y:!; David, By:!; Paul, 4y:!, and Dennis, 2. "But we'll pick up the program again in the Fall, of course. In fact, we may even have two groups going at the same time, the response has been so great. "I enjoy it 80 much. You get a good feeling of having accomplished something :Worthwhile that is rewarding." The Parvuli Dei emblem is to Cub Scouts what the Ad Altare Dei medal is to the Boy Scouts and the Marian Award to Girl Scouts.

OTTAWA (NC) - Canada's Catholic bishops have elected four delegates to' represent the Church in Canada at the world Synod of Bishops which will convene in Rome on Sept. 30. The delegates are Cardinal George B. Flahiff of Winnipeg, Man.; Archbishop Joseph-Aurele Plourde of Ottawa, president of the Canadian Catholic Conference; Archbishop Paul Gregoire of Montreal, Que., and Bishop Alexander Carter of Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont., former CCC president. The CCC said that in conformity with synod regulations the names of the delegates were submitted to Pope Paul VI and were ratified. The bishops elected as substitute delegates are Archbishop Philip F. Pocock of Toronto and Bishop Henri Legare of Labrador-. . Schefferville. Cardinal Maurice Roy of Quebec, as president of the Council of the Laity and of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace, and Ukrainian-rite Archbishop Maxim Hermaniuk of Winnipeg are ex-officio members of the synod. The synod will discuss principally the problems of the priesthood and of world justice and peace.

Respect for Life OTTAWA (NC) - The executive committee of the Canadian Catholic Conference, organization of the nation's Catholic bishops, has set April 25 for a countrywide observance of Respect For Life Day to climax a campaign launched in December which emphasizes the right to life and opposes abortions, so-called mercy killings, geno'cide and other life-taking methods.

cided to withdraw from the nary here "due to serious limitation of seminary personnel." Archbishop Carroll underscored that Florida's rapid develop'ment and continuous growing population "make it necessary that a vibrant training program for future priests" continue in the state. . "The l'l:Jajor seminary in the archdiocese of Miami is the only location where the training of priests is conducted between Key West. and Baltimore on t.i:te- east coast of the United States," the archbishop said. , "It will continue, despite the regretful decision the Vincentian Fathers were forced to take because of their lack of manpower to staff the seminary," he added.

Backs Referendum On Divorce Law VATICAN CITY (NC) - For the first time since divorce came to Italy last December, the Vatican has given indirect public support to the idea of an antidivorce referendum. A front-page editorial in L'Osservatore Romano said that a national referendum "is rigorously constitutional and corresponds to the will of those who wrote the constitution in 1946-47 to give Italy an extra guarantee of liberty, a classic institution of direct democracy, 'a final recourse of appeal." The editorial, believed to have been approved by the Papal State Secretariat before publication, meant at the very least that the Vatican was not cautioning Italian Catholics against a referendum for fear of stirring up ancient quarrels.

Honor Family VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican post office will release on March 26 a series of five stamps honoring the family. All five stamps will be reproductions of paintings. Four will feature a madonna with child and the fifth will depict the Holy Family.


FAIRHAVEN LUMBER CO. Complete Line Building Materials

118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN , 993-2611 ,




i I THE ANCHOR-Diocese of. Fall River-Trvrs.Mar. 1 1971




'~om/s C@II~pse I~~@ B~d

'Nc)thinsj like CamilUeos


By Joseph and Marilyn JRod~rick We have i'.emarke'din the past about the abseJce of children playing in the parks and on ~he streets~ i This situati,on has changed quite .rapidly wit~ the advept of the amazing interest. in hockey in the' area. Quite frankly, I was disappointed to think , ' . -\ .: that !loys espedaUy' were be- I t.ucked mysleIf into my ped of coming so .sedentary that no, pam. But yop. know ~hat they h i al a ti ities seemed to say about tho~e best laldp~an~p ys c c v. . Joe forgot t9 take Jasoll with

~ appeal to .them. Now hockey IS h' d f' Id b dl 1m, an my ~veyear. 0 : un e . ' , ", '. here and my fears ~re allayed. . . ' T'h k'd' . 'th th' of stubbornness was In nO I mood , .' ", " ell' tI A t ,.e . I s amaze me. WI 't .d o et t'Ire d 0I'd· .M ommy res. l.nventIve\less, creativi y an F'· t h b' I ht M' h II d "h' h ' Irs e roug IC ae an 'I't . . b I I Y to mimic ,: ell' eroes a K. th (h' b i b dd' ~. t .. .' . . a y IS osom u leSl In 0 style. ,ObVIOusly the weather In, t t It >d t··· i h' .' th~, ,region limits skating time; see me s r~ ~I t. ou m 8; on, so 'th' zontal .. posItion for a' i change. e k'd I s h ave a d' ap t ed th e Th' ,I, , f" h It I' .. 'd ·d' t ell' VISit wasn t too bad, but game, or asp a , ,awns an P' . , ' '1. i MEE1rING OF MINDS: Bishop John L. May' of Mobile meets with a group of laymen fie'lds., . The rules have been when theY' rftIred upstaIrs to ' chapged, 'the speed:' of thegainewatchTVt~e:stops ble'r out to discuss diocesan problems. NC Photo. 'is altered: but. the quality has and bedla!TI, ~t::lgn~d (per~aps. I changed very little. There is' far ~ould ha~e ~Te!1' better of~ d~lvless'physica(c()lltact:,b~tagreat ~ngt~e kids fround and'l,ettmg deal of 'running" whooping and oe liV.e thro[UJ~~' a.n afternoon the inevitable, arguing, all very of Jason and .fnen~s.), I , -healthy in young boys. ., Pan, on Fire !. , ,Now It's Hockey , Finally' I ~ut m~ tiredj foot WASHINGTCM (NC)-Experts, decreased by 2,5 ,million, and the cities studied increased from 4.2 When we were kids we built down, sent ~he fnends .home, continue to delve into 1970 Cen-' number of blacks there increased in 1960 to 4.5 in 1970. The in· basketball hoops out of anything and then spen~ the next 15 m,in- sus, figures, bringing up much , by 3.4 - million, The 67 cities crease in the number of Negroes that was not tied down. Now utes listening to ,my son w~iling, information about varied aspects studied embrace about half the living in Wash'ington',s suburbs we see Clever and' well-con- "Now I've. g,dt no one ,to:, play of American life. U, S, population in their metro· is said to represent one of' the structed hockey goals being con- a game WltlL!, How, about:. y?U, In recent days the following politan areas. country's largest movements of structed by the mote ambitious Mommy, you re Just sittmg , was reported: In the same decade, the black Negroes to the suburbs, of the younger set and all sorts there." I !. A study. of 67 cities, all of population of Washington rose Increasing Integration of practical adaptation by tHose' After what seemed like :years those in the' United States with sharply, from 54 to 71 per cent. In, suburbs bordering Detroit, not so fortunate as to have wood .the rest of theI brood, headed by populations of more than 500" The total population of the city, , Baltimore, Houston, Dallas, At.. . i and netting on J:1anQ. father, returnefl home and I tot- 000 each, shows that in the dec- proper dropped from ,763,956 to lanta, Kansas' City, New Orleans Everv neighborhood now has tered back to' the . bedroom, . ade between the ,last two cen- 756,510 in the same time, The and Tampa·St., Petersburg, Fla., its hociaiy set~up and as" was the '-Finally peace ~n~, quiet. I' suses there was a decrease in city's black population rose from the proportion of Negro resicase with basketball ,15 years Unfortunately" the "1aster the number of whites living in 411,737iD' 1960 to 537,7'1~~ last dents declined, a U. S. Census ago, come rain or shine, there bed.room, ip ,o~r hou~~ iS',or the central cities, wpile therE~ was a year, ,', .'!3u~~aL!, analysis of the, '1960 and are any number of childrendy- mam floor ~lnd, It s I Ju~t a larger increase o( blacks living i 970 Census figures' discloses. Suburban Population ing to get their licks in on a '''dropped pan~i away from the there, ' The analysis also' shows that good game. kitchen. 1 tried burying my thead Between 19~0 and 1970, the In four cities':"- Washington, in the same decade the Negro 1 . was watching some teen. in ,the co,":ers ~o, f1row.il . 9U~ ,the' number of whit~s in' inner cities, Atlanta, Newark,and Gary, Ind. populations increased by 579,000 agel's playing ~he other day and nOise o,f dl?ne~ prepa~a~lOns but -the blacks outnumbered the inside New York City. 290,000 was quite amused to see the mother s J~n~le traml~g i had in Chicago, 125,000 i:n Philadelwhites in 1970: sticks go up after a goal in ob- made;oy ~ars so ke:n t~at 1 , move from heat and set aside to phia, 177,000 in Detroit and The number of black residents 126,000 in, Washington, vious mimicry of, the profes-' couldn t . help w~ndermg I"'hat cool. ' . in the Capital's Maryland" and sionals. Of course,' goal-scoring eac~ nOls~ m~ant; and, hen ,The Census Bureau studies 2) 'Cream butter, then gr~dual­ is done at ,a much higher rate Melissa y:lIed I J?ad;, watch I ~ut, Iy add remaining sugar and Virginia suburbs· almost dou- cover a 10-year period of time, · than in .the pros and. defense is ~ t~C!t pan ,IS on fire, my njrves cream until 'light l and fluffy. Add bled in the 1960s, increasing- and seem to indicate relat'ively from 83,946 to 166,417. Hownegligible, but the game moves did a double t~ke" I . little desegregation of American vanilla and eggs: one at a time · quickly and 1 am sure a great However, after dmner ! was beating thoroughly after each ever, there were indications that suburbs. But other and private many mothers are having second served and the usual argu\llent addition. Add chocolate mixture most of the blacks were moving studies reported at nearly the into areas where other, blacks thoughts over ripped trousers,' about who's gping to c1e~1? up and blend Weil.' same time give the impression : ' already lived, in effect creating was settled, Joe sent the chIldren scuffed toes and worn heels that a good deal of whatever 3) Sift together the flour, bak- new pockets of segregation. MI ft I .' h ' upstairs and qJiet did returtt. integration there was, was and salt. ing soda . e 0 en ,comp am t at our A qUie ' t th a.J was on1 . t The black percentage of sub~ Y In er. young people get too much and t d b I'd b :1 I 4) Fold in sifted dry ingredi· urban population around the 67 achieved in the last several years, and that there is "in'. . have too little to do to keep· I'duP. e YhmtYh' USI y WIhond" ents alternately with the milk h 'b '" ermg weer everyone a creasing integration in some ·t" em usy. ThiS kmd of mterest cl ean bl ouses • I'an'd leot ar d sl f or beginning and ending with the suburbs." These' reports give Studenll's Operate flour mixture. IS contagIOUs and we. as adults t omorrow, ' h t'h '. J' ,I' k weer ason s s ac s much credit for desegregation 5) Pour in~o two 9" layer , Dayton Drug Center s h ould have the' foresight to. take' h a d b · pressel I j an d'f' 't l d'd een I I, I to the U. S. Civil Rights Act of pans lined on the bottom with a d vantage of. It and provide . as ram, . weer h th· t'h k lh ,ey new were DAYTON (NC) - A Drug In· 1968. many locatIOns as possible th' b t l ' : waxed paper. Bake in a 350· 'Id I ' elr! 00 s were. h oven 30 t,035 minutes. Cool in formation Center, suggested by cI11 ren can p ay Without A· I C 'II I d , were re you sure ami e starte int rf ' pans 5 minutes, then turn out on a student, is now operated on a II , e. erence. .., ou t thOIS way.? ' _24-hour-basis by students on the cake racks', to cool thoroughly. Like Camille, I have taken to ' I th """t h ' , n e n.1 C en I ' , 6) Spread frosting between University of Dayton main camd Af tel', escaplllg the betmy be. , tel' part of our miserable Winter My, family loves choGolate layers. on and on top and sides pus. Mike D'Arcy, student governwith' nothing more than a few cake any way at all ~ut this lone cif cake. sniffles (of course _ my family ~ust be extra I, sP:clal bec~use 7) Pour Chocolate Shadow ment president, suggested' the more than made up for me by It,really made} hit. .I b~er top, alloWing some to run center to assist individuals least likely to seek help from profesdown sides of cake. having eyerything and anything), Chocolate ~had~w Cake I sional sources. The campus alButtercream Frosting I have finally succumbed. 1 feel 4 squares unsw'eetened choco· ready has a health center and % cup softened butter just miserable, my throat is late ' psychological services available. 2 egg yolks scratchy, my head is twirling 1 y:! cups sugar I teaspoon vanilla The center will provide moral and 1 look very much like that Y:! 'cup butter, softened o00ooo0000ooo000000‫סס‬oo 2 1;.jcups confestioners' sugar. support and 'companionship for 1 teaspoon vanilla extract man in the TV cold commercial ,I) Beat together the butter, 'students on a "bad trip," refer with the understanding spouse. 3 eggs egg yolks and vanilla: Gradually drug users to competent authorWell, .seeing that: 1 too have 2 cups sifted cake flour add the, confectioners' suga't, ities, maintain information files 'an understanding mate, he volI teaspoon baking soda beating 4nti! smooth. on the .physical and legal, conseY:! teaspoon sa:1t unteered to do all the after· quencesof drug use, and arschool chauffering chores that' % cup milk I Choc6late~Shadow ra,nge analysis of contaminated 1 had planned for today (this inButtercream ~rosting ~ Yz cup se~i~weet' chocolate drl,lgs. c1uded taking Melissa to the Chocolate Shadow I . pieces' in " , I. dentist and depositing and un· 1) Melt the IChocolat.e in I lh , 4 Tablespoons, warm water. Marianist Father Raymond A. depositing Meryl at her sewing cup hot water in, .top part i cif I) Melt' the chocolate bits in Roesch, university president, said 365 NORTH' FRONT STREET lesson.) double boiler over' hot water and the 'top ,of doltble' ,boiler over the center "is evidence of the NEW .BEDFORD ' Truly I was relieved. I told my cook,' stirring Lnti! thicker/ed. hot water. Blend: in., the warm recogni~ion of a problem and a ,992-5534 - ." 'principal that 1 would stay out Add Y:! cup sugat im'd cook, stir. - wa,ter ,to' 'make mix,turEi 'thin sincere effort ... to address it in / of school a couple of days' and' ring 2 to 3 miJutes more. Re- enough to pour. ar~alistic. ~n~U)ra_ct~~al ..way",' ~~

Throw 'New Light on" P'opulatioh


Experts Study 197'0 C'ensus Information-











9)e 93'lO.)~ jilL


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Heating Oils and Burners



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.·Mar. '1, 1971

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations areas~ed to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, fall River 02722.


SACRED HIEART, NORTH ATILEBORO St. Anne's Sodality will hold its annual installation banquet at Rome restaurant Friday night, March 19, with Mrs. Raymond Collard in charge of arrange· ments. Plans for the evening include disclosure of "Secret Sis· ters." A rummage sale is planned from 10 to 2 Saturday, March 27 in the church hall. A spring frolic whist is scheduled for Wednesday, April 14, also in the hall. ProceeUs from both events will benefit the parochial school.

, ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The Ladies Association of the Sacred Hearts will sponsor a day of recollection Sunday afternoon, March 14, from noon to 5. The program will begin with Mass and discussions will be led by Rev. Ronald Tosti, Diocesan CCD Director. A luncheon will be served.


ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD A ham and bean supper will be served from 5 to 8 Saturday night, March 13 in the school hall. A cake sale will be sponsored in conjunction with the supper by parish Scout units. HOLY NAME, NEW BlEDfORD The Women's Guild announces a style show to be held at 8 Wednesday night, March 24 at Kennedy Center. Door prizes and a special prize will be awarded. Featured will be children's, juniors', misses' and young men's clothes. Among models will be Mrs. Patrick Desmond, formerly Miss New Bedford. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Henry Collard and Mrs. Richard Curry, aided by a large committee. Commentator will be Mrs. Carrie' Anselmo. ~ OUR LADY OF MY. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD A program on drug abuse will be presented by Antone B. Santos, registered pharmacist, at a meeting of Mt. Carmel PTA to be held at 7:30 Sunday night, March 14 in the school basement. Mrs. Lea Vieira and Mrs. Irene Almeida will be in charge of a social hour.


Mass to Honor Sto Patrick Mass from an altar placed on t!1l' back of a truck near the area known as Speakers' Corner, a few yards from the site of Ty· burn gallows where many martyrs died during the Protestant Reformation here. The Mass will climax the large traditional St. Patrick's Day parade through this city's central area by thousands of London Irish,

LONDON (NC) - A conce1ebrated open-air Mass honoring St. Patrick will be held in Hyde Park here Sunday. Hyde Park, London's widely known forum for speakers of all 'sorts of views, is royal territory, but permission was given for 20 Irish priests to concelebrate the Mass there. The priests will celebrate the

NAMED: Sister Marie Lenahan, assistant president of the Mercy Catholic Medical Center, Darby, Pa., has been named assistant to the director of the Department of Health Affairs, U. S. C. c., Washington. NC Photo.

Helps Parishes Raise Funds

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER 'CHICAGO (NC) - Small parThe Women's Guild and Men's ishes must pay their debts, but Club will hold a joint Commu- OUR LADY OF ANGELS, cannot always afford to hire nion breakfast at 9 Sunday FALL RIVER professional fund-raisers. So morning, March 21, at the parish Easter holy water bottles will Cardinal John Cody of Chicago ~ center. Miss Genevieve Pachurek and Joseph Gromada are co- be available on Holy Saturday set up an office of development with two full-time fund-raisers chairmen and Nell Gromada is in and Easter Sunday. Parishioners will meet at 7 to provide free consultation for charge of tickets. A plastics demonstration will Sunday night, March 28 to begin hard-pressed .parishes. . Financial difficulty can devel,bp featured at the, next· Woin- plans for the Espirito Santo en's Guild meeting, Thursday Feast, celebrated in June. Those op on the parish.level when new. night, April 1. Mrs. Joseph with Domingas are asked to 'be programs are initiated, con.present at all meetings, as also struction costs must be paid off, Whipp will be hostess. are representatives of each paror the cost' of labor, material A day trip to New York City ish organization. . and education goes up in' existis planned for Saturday, May I, ing programs. with Nell Gromada and Mrs. ST. MARGARET, PaulKleage in charge of reserva- BUZZARDS BAY The fund drives are initiated tions. The regular May guild St. Margaret-Mary Guild of ,by the parish. They take approxmeeting will feature a potluck Buzzards .Bay and Onset will imately six weeks. 'Every parishsupper, under direction of Mrs. sponsor a public whist party at 2 . ioner is provided with' the finanWalter Bronhard and Mrs. Dan- on Thursday an~rnoon, March cial facts, and lay wqrker teams iel Sullivan. 18 in the CCD Center on South are recruited in the parish to be Parishioners will mark the Blvd., Onset. Proceeds will as- sent on house-to-house visits. midpoint of Lent with a public sist the guild in their many Otherwise, no twO drives are potluck supper, to be served works of charity. alike, according to Dan Chorney, from 5 to 8 Sunday evening, A catered Communion Supper office of development director. March 14, in the school hall. will be served at 6 on Saturday He ,and his assistant Thomas Tickets will be available at the evening, March 13 in St. Mar- Hanrahan,' have been unable to door and organizers announce garet's Parish Center, Buzzards develop a "package. approach" that food donations may be left Bay. Reservations are necessary that could be used by. every parat the hall at any time on Satur- and may be made by contacting ish. Chorney said: "We come day or Sunday. Mrs. D. Lakin, guild president. face-to-face with a different sitAn additional Mass is on the uation in every appeal. The only ST. MARK, Saturday night vigil schedule. common denominator is finanATTLEBORO FALLS Mass is now celebrated at 5:15 cial need." Couples married 10 years or and 7:15. So. many parishes have applied les~ and wishing to. join the HOLY TRINITY, Young Married Couples' Club for their. services that Chorney WEST 'HARWICH are urged to call Don or Laura and Hanrahan said they must operate on a first come, first· The· Holy Name Society will Ouellette at 222-8262. served basis. They avoid using a sponsor a St. Patrick's Day Party Couples married more than 10 from 8 to midnight on Saturday years are asked to call James or negative approach of, panic or night, March 13 in the Youth Priscilla Brennan at 699-7893 in threats, but "advise a positive and Social Center, Upper County order that a nucleus for this approach which highlights service, needs and solutions to Rd., Dennisport. group might be formed. problems," Chorney said. The program will consist of ST. KILIAN, . . entertainment by the Irish Step .'''''',mm''''"''rtlltll''''l''''I1II'"''''''''"'"... 'ml'hlo",,,,,,,,,,,""III1l1tUt"""""""tll NEW BEDFORD Dancers, music for dancing and Mary Caron, chairman, has ST. JOSEPH, a "Sing-a-Iong" by the Mel Von announced that the Women's ATTLEBORO Trio and the serving of buffet. Guild will conduct a cake sale Any boy in the parish, age .8Tickets may be obtained by before and after the 'Masses on 11, wishing to be a cub scout is contacting Chet Powers at 432Saturday evening and Sunday asked to register at the next 3042 or any member of the Holy morning, March 13 and 14 in the Cub Pack meeting on Tuesday Name Society. lower church. Donations of foods night, March 16. . may be left in the lower church ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, A special "Vocatio~ Encounany time after 2 o'clock Satur- ter" is being prepared by the CENTRAL VILLAGE 'parish's school' of religion for A public whist party will be day afternoon: Yvonne Blais ,will' serve as Sunday, March 21 and is open to held at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, March 13 in the church co-chairman and will be assisted 'all area youths in the' sixth grade or higher. by members of the guild. hall.


Celebrating ·Lent How beautifully the liturgy expresses our participation' in Mass as a "celebration!" But how does celebration apply to the forty days of penance and sacrifice we cailLent? The word. celeb~ation ~alls to mind many famili~r examples:


blrth~ay~, anmversarIes, holidays, and parties for every imaginable

occasIOn. Whatever we are commemorating, to "celebrate" means to enact. a "ritual" be it as elaborate as a. formal ceremony or as uncomplicated as company for an informal dinner: F~I1owing. a ritual simply means giving special significance to ordl~ary thmgs-communicating with symbols. Imagine a Christ~as wlthou! <,.arols, gifts, and trees; or a Thanksgiving without a dmner; patrIotIC holidays without a parade; a birthday party without a cake and candles; or a New Year's Eve without a toast!

The liturgy celebrates our life in Christ by commemorating those special events in His life which 'He continues in us today as God's. people. The Mass is a family celebration. We celebrate lit~rgica~ly through .ritual and symbols drawn from ordinary things: we greet each other; we sing and pray together; and we come together at the Lord's talOle to partake of the same Eucharistic Bread. Every Mass celebrates the totality of Christ's redeeming presence acting in us; the liturgical seasons merely allow us to concentrate on one or moce aspects of this mystery reflected in the w.hole cyclle of life.' ". \ During Lent, then, in liturgy and life we reflect on Christ present and acting in cur lives particularly in our human weaknesses; our need to change or make· amends; to transcend by the power of His love whatever cross we suffer. The liturgy of Holy Week reminds us that, if we profess Jesus as Lord, we must go up to Jerusalem to be crucified; Maundy Thursday reminds us that we must be servants to one another, and, that our brotherhood is sealed in His Body and Blood; and we are reminded that love means dying to self to rise againalive with eternal life. The liturgy teaches us to recognize God in our life: in each other, in goodness, beauty, and truth, but. it also teaches us to recognize Him in the suffering-poor, in the sinner, the diseased, and the ignorant. The liturgy gives us the strength it takes to be a Christian and bids us to go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Missionaries are Christ's servants today. They need their fellow Christians to help them carry the many burdens of the mission poor. Please celebrate Lent in the spirit of the liturgy by loving the missions even more. May your sacrifice for them be more meaningful because when you turned to help your brother you saw that he was Christ. Send your special sacrifice today!


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SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. PBease cut out this column and send your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T.~ O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New. York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your 10cal:Diocesan Director. The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusett.s 02720

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,; i 971

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Genesis and Su+iva11 "God said, "let w; make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and' let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of the heaven, the cattie, all the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth:" God created man in the image of himself, i~ the image of God he created hIm, male and female he created them. . .. But. of the fruit tree in the middle of the garden God said, 'You must



all. hlstones and to evolvcm meaning as history evblves. Genesis is al'faysspeaki~g to today. The. Old Testament: is a living docum~nt which i~ not outdated by historic evolution. In our gen~ration, the lksson of Genesis b~gins 'to maturd. Our· problem todaY!is that of sur~ival: . Adam and Eve in the story: were not concernel with theological arguments. Th'ey were cast out! This is the real message oJ Genesis. It applies I today more; than ever before. God was notl kidding when' he! ,"created m~. n in the image- of himself ..." is', a very real game we humans By are playing. I ' BURTON L. Good Green £arth in Danger Suddenly, we have be'come BENSON aw'are of thel word "ecoI6gy:' We could call it Eden,: that state of beingj ,~here life exists in harmony. ¥an, by his lexisnot eat it, nor touch it, under. tence and, knowledge, has depain of death' ... The woman stroyed that ~armony. The big, saw that the tree was good to wide world is Ibeginning tq tire resources cat and pleasing to the eye, and' _ of giving .us unlimited I ". that .it was desirable for the and refusing toI accept our unre-, I . ! knowledge that it could give. So stricted garbage. I ' she took some of its' fruit and We could quote hundre<lsof ate it. She gave some also' ,to statistics that I ~would illu~tratc her' husband who was with her, graphically, that the good green and he ate it. She gave some also earth is in dariger. You've Iread both of them were opened and them all manyl times. The ~esuit they realized that they were prophet Chardin. tells us ithat, naked." (Genesis). _ . geologically, ~e are coming to of the. Pliocene Iage. The story of Genesis is' in', the .end ' , I I geniously designed to apply to Turn to Page Seventeen



, I,

Ir-:=A=,-',=C=ha=n=,:g=e=O=1=n=,=F~art Most of us in this modern world don't have enou'gh time to stop and ask where we have been, how We' are doing, and wh~t direc"tion we should take in 'the future .. 'Life i~ terribly busy. Crisis follows crisis. We retire at night with unfinished business on our minds' and rise in 'the morning to tackle another list of tasks.


Lent should help us cope with this situation.:. A few days ago the Lord in effect said, "I, also, was a busy man with much to do al)d little time in which to accomplish it. But I stepped aside for forty days, atl.l nothing, prayed, and at the end was hungry. It's your turn. Instead of this preoccupation with life on the outside, think a bit about what goes on within you: Ease li'p a bit on the here and now, ponder for awhile the hereafter. Pray. Practice a little self-denial. Change . your attitude. Start over." The revised Roman Calendar says these things, but 'in dry,

I !


abstract terms: "The season of Lent is a ·prepa'ra.tion for the celebration of E~ster. The liturgy prepares catechumens for :cele' bration of the paschal mystery by the several 'stages of qhristian initiation: it also prepares the faithful, who recall their baptism and dd penance in preparation for Eadter." (Article' 27). eaptism and I penance; a iconversion of one's heart and a reI " newal of baptismal vows-these are twin notlOJ;s which i per~ meate the Lerlten .liturgy. IGiv. . J mg up an m-uetween snack or a cigarette, o~ a drink, m~kes sense only if it Ileads to p, ch'anging of 'the inner self.,' I POSitive! Attitude ! ' The Church therefore strongly recommends fre~quent, even daily, participation atl' weekday Mdsses during this season. In an. uncomplicated wh that practice achieves many goals: it forces us to s'tep aside; It demands some self-sacrifice; it pushes u~ to pray; it fills :Qur' minds fith the Church's Lenten and Easter .messages; it s6ftens, stirs, and strengthens th~ heart; it Isets the stage for dersonal living of the Holy Week liturgy.' : We will use Ithis year in: the United. States a new rite for these sacred days. The changes in it are relativ~ly few and quite minor, improve'ments suggested as a result of lextensive pJrish Turn to Page, Seventeen, 1


Ecology' and Eden


However, man's freedom is not unlimited and his dominion is not without' restrictions. In a, sense, he is king of the earth, but paradoxically is a - servant king. He is born free, but grows maturely free only through service and realizes his reign through respect. His freedom, like God's, is a freedom to love. His mastery over the world is a stewardship, 'respectful of His Creator, respectful of his broth· ers, respectful of the world of things. He is his brother's keeper and the earth's caretaker. This respectful stewardship is suggested iil the prohibition against eating the fruit of the tree of life. Man is not given th~ garden of Eden as if it were a blank check. His creativity is subject to God's commands as they are gradually discerned, more clearly. His creativity, shares in the .creative act of God when like God, his creativity is marked by compassion and respect. Nature For Good of Many The concrete expressions' of this respectful, compassionate creativity will depend on man's gro'wing grasp of the laws of nature and his ability to channelnature's resources fol' th~ MAN SHARES IN GOD'S CREATIVE ART: Americans ,good of 'man. The greater hi's are becoming increasinglY'aware of the'dangers ofpollution scientific knowledge and techand the ravaging of natural resources. nological skill the greater his re l , . sponsibility. His concrete responfulfills the divine command to ~ibilities and challenges are con" "Dapdy," asks a, young girl on a recent radio spot, "why can subdue the earth. But the eco- ditioned to a large extent bY. . men go all the way to the logical crisis' of our day sug- circumstances.. moon, but 'our lake is dead?" gests a caution against an overly For example, fifty. years ~go Although the voice is young, naive conclusion. The Council the internal combustIOn engme the question is not naive. Last does not imply that making big- apparently posed no· ethical' July LOOK magazine, popular- gel' and better machines is it- problems of pollution., Today in ,ized some frightening data cull- self carrying out the divine plan crowded urban areas It has bemapped out in' Eden. Nor does come a threat to hea.lth. ,.Man ed ~rom recent' research: :'Am~r­ the Genesis account mean that is no longer free to bUild bIgger icans . pour two million gallons , combustion engint;ls for !!lore of .sewage intQ the, nations' and more automobiles, even if waterways every second. Lake . he has the technology to do so. Erie is dead, the Hudson and His freedom is to be directed by Potomac are dying. And it will By respect a~d compassion t~ distake ten' billion ,dollars to recover solutions to efficient trans: store Lak~ Michigan." FR. CARL J. portation without polluting the We, Americans' are'increasingatmosphere. PFEIFER, S.J. ly aw~re of the ,dangers' of polTechnology then, is a marvellution and the ravaging of naturous development of man's po·.al reso!Jrces. We breathe poltential for living Qut God's deluted air, remain indoors during man is given unrestrained mas- sign for the creation of a more. "smog alerts", use low-lead gastery over the world which he is humane world. It is not to be oline, hesitate to eat tuna, percommanded to subdue. 'Science . condemned by Christians, but haps 'drink' bottled spring water. encourage,d and entered into. is not a sacred cow. .Ecology has become a household There is the added incentive to-,.' word, and ecologists warn us Re-read Genesis ' day that the very problems cre· that unless' serious step.s are, Reflection on the first two ated by technology can only be taken soon," we will be submitchapters of Genesis indicates solved by scientific' research and ting to world suicide by polluthat man is indeed given domin- technological development. The tion. ion over the earth a'nd all that real challenge is to discover how The little girl's question is a lives on it. In fact, this domin- to direct these efforts' along thoughtful one. How can it be ion is a reflection of the total creative lines that respect the ·that the most creative technol- dominion of God over all ,that limited natural resources of the ogical achievements co-exist exists. Made in the image of earth and show compassion for with the destructive effects of God, man shares His domin- all men. For man's mastery of advanced technology? If maion over the rest of created the world can only be achieved chines can enslave and even de- things. Therefore, like God, he through, respect and <;ompassion. stroy man, what stance is man is free. He is not to be enslaved' Discussion Questions: to take toward scientific, techhy anything on earth because 1. What obligations does man nological creativity in an indus- all else was made by God for. trialized cultun;? • man. Through his creative work have to preserve the world that was created by God? Vatican II affirms that man's man is to gradually build a betwork, simplified through sci- ter world for human habitation, 2. How can' the advances ence and magnified by machines, discovering and learning to con- made possible, by technology be participates in the creative ac· trol' the mysterious forces of. used for the greater honor and tivity of God the Creator, and nature. glory of God?




Genesis qnd Survival Continued from Page Sixteen That means that we arc really just graduating from the caveman period. It all adds up to the fact that all of a sudden the evolutional future of the earth is in our laps. And, we don't have unlimited time to make up our minds as to what to do about it. Three Choices We have about three choices to make. First, we can retire to our "Faith in Providence" and hope that God will' straighten things out. This choice essentially puts the burden on natural evolution which will result in the simple statistical survival of the fittest: Mankind might 'come out pretty badly in that contest. Secondly, we can live by the hope that things are not really as bad as the statisticians would have us believe and that natural evolution of life and man's ingenuity will put things back in order. Thirdly, we can assert ourselves as "masters of the fish of

Thurs., Mar. 11, 1971

the sea, the birds of the heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth." We can truly accept our role as God's partners! To do the latter involves a fantastic responsibility of godliness. We must accept a far greater responsibility than was offered to our forefathers. That responsibility has become a per. sonal one, politically, religiously, and socially; We cannot, in any total sense, rely upon social institutions to guide us. We must make up our own minds. As such, we are, "the image 'of God." That means that in a sense we are alone with" a responsibility that is very lonely. As in Genesis, each man and each woman is alone in his and her responsibility to evolution. Each is individually responsible to God. Each has mastery of the world as' a heritage. Each has had his "eyes opened anci realized that they are naked." With that knowledge has grown a more mature responsibility ,with each passing year of human history. We are about to Continued from Page Sixteen be cast out of Eden, just as experience with the texts intro- Adam was. And we are doing it duced in 1955. to ourselves, just as Adam did. On Palm or Passion Sunday Discussion Questions (the two have been combined), 1. In what ways, is man made we celebrate Jesus' victorious entrance into Jerusalem and be- in the image of God? gin to recall the bitter sufferings 2. Do Christians have any of Christ. Red vestments symbol- special responsibility in the face ize both mysteries-a king of today's ecological crisis? marching in triumph and a martyr shedding his blood. Symbolism of Palm Sunday Music likewise can capture a mood which shifts from joyful greeting of the long-awaited AMBOY (NC)-;-Calling for' a king to sorrowful consideration revolt of serious college students of the suffering servant. "To against a 'minority of academic Jesus Christ our Sovereign disrupters, an IIIinc;>is state offiKing," for example, expresses cial told a Knights of Columbus the former, "0 Sacred Head meeting here that Americans Surrounded," the latter. "can ,take hope from the fact Holding palms in our hands that most of our young people for the procession is roughly. are squares in the noblest sense parallel to waving flags, and .of the word." throwing confetti at a parade in "Many of our young' people honor of astronauts who have Work daily' at unglamorous, and walked on the moon. We con· thankless tasks," said Michael J. gratulate, praise, even thank the Howlett, state Auditor of Public travelers to 'outer space. We do Accounts. He cited their work the same, and more for Christ, in inner-city schools and hospipledging loyal obedience to the tals and' their service in the Messiah symbolized by a celearmed forces. brant as we walk with or watch "The average young American him enter the church and sancis not a narcotics addict, doesn't· tuary before Mass begins. Fame fades fast and loyalty go overboard sexually and is not often is short-lived. The citizens in rebellion against traditional of Jerusalem shouted "Hosanna" American values," Howlett' told on Sunday and a few days later a local K. of C. Council at a cried out "Crucify him, crucify church hall here. The state official said that him." Palm Sunday's liturgy' only a small percentage of the dramatizes this fickleness. When parts of the Passion nation's seven million college are divided so an entire con- students are radicals. He, said gregation can take the crowd's they should be treated as adults, responses, parishioners will then and punished when found guilty also be saying, "Hosanna'" in of breaking the law. one breath and "Crucify him, . crucify him" in the other. That Dedicate Tourist action becomes a strong remindInformation Office er of how fickle the people in Judea were and we sometimes v ATICAN CITY (NC) - A are. Vatican information office has been established for pilgrims and Discussion Questions I. Why do people seem to tourists to help them get a have' little time to think to- greater spiritual and cultural day? Do we really have less understanding of St. Peter's time, or do we just take less Basilica and the Vatican museums. time? The office, near the basilica, 2. In What ways can Lenten penance be seen as a way of was dedicated at a ceremony taking time for the ~mportant conducted by Cardinal Sergio actions and values we often Guerri, pro-president of the Ponneglect? Where docs the Holy tifical Commission for Vatican City. Week liturgy fit - in?

Plan Governmefit' Aid Workshop


Change of Heart,

Praises Average American Youth


NORTHIERN IRELAND: Violence such ,as this will not give way to peace in the opinion of some observers, until the border dividing'Ireland is either recognized or removed. Here some Irish women restrain others in a disturbance that followed the accidental killing of a five-year-old girl by a British army car. NC Photo. j

AcceptanclS Off' Renewal of Border Northern ~ relandl Key to Peace BELFAST (NC) - If peace is is to come to this' riot-torn land, the border that divides Ireland must be accepted or removed. Put more plainly: How marty Irishmen accept the fact that the northern (' Six Counties' are a suffragan nation depending on London and how many feel those Six Counties should be , handed over for incorporation by the Dublin gove'rnment. As in many alternatives, the choice is not easY,but may very well be hastened by theon-andoff eruptions of' killings, bombings and British army intervention of the· past tw.o years. Just a yea'r'ago the border was hardly mentioned. Then, ,everyone was talking of discrimina-', tion in jobs and housing against the Catholic minority. London

Cha~ges ,Teachers

Lack Understanding DAYTON (NC)-Unless teachers take 'an understanding of all' races and economic groups into the classrooms, the future of society is bleak, according to Mrs. Barbara Lett Simmons. Mrs. Simmons, on the staff of the Technical Institute in Washington, D.C. and a national consultant on developing human relations programs in schools, was a keynote speaker at the fifth Black America workshop at Bergamo Center here. At the recent three-day workshop, Mrs. Simmons told an audience composed mainly. of teachers that educators have not sufficiently grasped the significance of their potential for contributing to the nation's well being. The school is the most, important Americ'an institution" for the transmission of the nation's ideology," ' she declared, "and. therefore it must bear a major part of the responsibility for bringing equity into society."

has done much to give Catholics a fair hearing by firing ~ntire town councils and appointing a proportionate number of Catholics to these governing bodies. Stormont, Northern Ireland's parliament, was passed over by London in making this unilateral decision. The result over the past year has been that housing is vastly improved in' many como, munities. Catholic unemployment is still high, but impartial efforts in hiring are known and respected.. Then why the violence? Partly, it is the old hatred, a religious mistrust between Catholic and Protestant. But largely it is the resurgence in the past year of the outlawed Irish Republican Army (IRA) and its' announced inten~ion to remove the border. There is no doubt that the IRA will prosper with continued violence. Residents of Catholic areas found out that the discreet us'e of one or two automatic weapons discouraged Protestant snipers in the days when the police offered little help to Catholics. Indeed, they found they could do their own policing and prosecution of criminals without calling on the hated Royal Ulster Constabulary. Judicious use of tar and feathers deters many a would-be petty criminal. The RUC today is proportionately Catholic, but that is not important. The blue uniform is still hated by most Catholics. For decades it was a predominately Protestant corps, bolstered by Protestant volunteers, similar to a national guard. Catholics complained that they often received no protection from the police, that the RUC or their volnteers stood by while Catholics were mistreated. For the past two years, the RUC has mainly kept clear of any .violence or ProtestantCatholic confrontation.

WASHINGTON (NC) , A workshop to tell school adminh;trators about currcT\t and potential government aid programs benefiting non public schools is planned for June 10 to 18 at Catholic University of Amcric(l here. • The U.S. Catholic Conference elementary and secondary education division will sponsor the, week-long workshop, in coopcration with Catholic University'S sch60i Of education. Fr~rk J: Monahan, the USCC division's assistant director for governmental programs, is workshop. director. Workshop participants may cam two graduate credits in education from Catholic University. , Dr. Edward R. O'Alessio, former director for governmental programs and now head of the usce division, started the government workshop three years ago. General purpose of this year's workshop, Monahan said, "is to acquaint ,the non public school administrator with the full spectrum of programs providing governmental aid to non public education. " Monahan notcd the workshop would also aim at updating the experienced' administrator's Imowleclgt; on the subject, in light of recent and pending legislation on Capitol Hill. Subjects to be discussed include regulations for future participation in aid programs, current court cases on public assistance to non public education, school lunch programs, and the relationship between goals and priorities in non public education and gov~rnmentally assisted programs. U.S. Office of Education and state and loeal educational agency program personnel, non public school officials and USCC staff members will be lecturers and faculty at the 1971 workshop.


Ponder Changes DUBLIN (NC)-Prime Minister John M. Lynch said the governmentof the Republic of Ireland is considering changes in the national constitution that would affect the special position of the Catholic Church in the country. The changes are designed to make the reunification of Ireland more acceptable to Protestants in Northern Ireland, a province of Great Britain.



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. If tbere IS" anyone still worrymg aqout the st<;tte oJ . .' America~ Catho.lici~.m" a subject. to whicp the?, cou'd devote, their attentIOn m the next several months IS th~ ~ynod of. bishops coming-up in ·Rome in the FJll:Foolishly and ., I 'naively, many American , priests are permitting them- Holy SpIrIt IbvIOusly, too~ over , " ,', '," and worked ohanges that nobody , _'sely~s to haye, great ..e:c pec - could possib~y. have .expected, ", tatl~ns about what wIll, hap- But' the' Holyl Spirit had al major


p~n at that synod, Those expec'.' 'tation:3 will. be dashed an~ the , moralll of 'm~I\Y of these. pnests, : 'al,ready Jaw; will' sink even , 'lower,.






One of the reasons for the expectations is - the 'elaborate · process of consultation. curr,ently going on between priests and bishops throughout ·the United States. about the synod. The consultation is of course a'n excellent idea, but iCs a risky one. Fpr the process of ,consultation is bound to raise expectations, and unless there is some reasonable prospect of the expectations being somewhat satisfied, consultation can make a bad situation even worse. - One need only talk to priests to know that there . ,are two issues on their minds: the participation of priests in selection of ' t·'IS h ops, an d ce I'b ·t h elr lacy.. I n , j' II th bl"t . th e spite O' a e pu leI y over latter, despite persistently misinformed emphasis by organized priest groups on the latter, by far the more serious probll~rif is the former. No matter what: 'you read in the letter column of the National . ts Ca th.0 I"R Ie epor t er mos t - pnes do not want to marry, 'but most priests po object, and strongly, to the way their leadership is chosen. This objection has nothing to clo ,with the quality of the man; it is based, rather, on an increasing insistence on ,the prin· ciple that" as one priest put it · to me, .'''Even if we make a mistake in choosing a 'bishop, at · least it's our 'mistake,~not someone ' elsl'.'S....


Ass:ist From Pope John


assist froin Pope John. THe only· way structu+r, change, is i going to take place in the Roman Catholic ChJrch in its present· organizationa'l' format is lif the Pope. takes·thk leadership ih such change; othd1wise, it is jJst not going to occClr" I .I This may seem an unduly pessimistic position, but I ain' un'aware of anyl contrary cvi!dence, We will not have major reform of .ecclesiastital institutio~s un'til the Pope la Pope Icletermines that such reform is imper.. WISE AND CAREFUL USE was urged upon the drivers. of 257'snowmobiles from ative, . -.1 I . throughO,i.lt Minnesota arid from places in Wisconsin and North Dako~a, who gath~red I do .not hC/-ppen to be ?ne of those who believes that massive : with their machines at St. Rose of Lima Church, Freeport, ,Minn., for a blessing by Msgr.. resignations. ft-om the priesthood, Vincent Yzermqns, the pastor. Msg~. Yzermans' prayer included a petition that the snowor drying uJ of vocatio~~, or 'mobiles might be "a means of usefulness and recreation" foraH, and he reminded even apostas~ or schisrrl will have the slightest infiuente on the drivers· to use the. machines wisely an d carefully at all times, that they may bring, the situation,] It is obvio'us at enjoyment rather than tragedy. NC' Photo. this' . point that ecclesi~stical leadership' is bot afraid to Itouch a' torch- to a tinderbox...:...,itness . the Rotterdarh appointment:. , . _ " It therefore Iseeins to mej!to be a mistake to put hope into insti' tutional rpforln' but during the . ., " " :, and >AUSTIN (NC)I - ~eturnil1g to Pope Paul VI when he warned suspicIOn an d polemicism last d.ecade Caltholics have!1 been Texas for the first , time, ',. , h since his Catholics that "our dialogue antagonIsm, It as taug h t us to 'h" , obsessed withl fiddling with the installlltion as, ar:chbishop, of must not weaken our attachment believe In. t e Sincerity 0 f one ecclesl'astl'cal str·ucture, Howlever, Boston last Fall, Archbishop ·to our fai!h,' . Gu'r priiicij:llesariother's 'motives and' to'. trust ,. ,careful readl'ngl of the New!1 T Humberto es' . h ' d" S." Medeiros, praised which regulate and govern the one anot er s wor s, t ament oug h t Ito h ave perspa de d the work of the Texas Confer- profession of the Christian faith Common Involvement' '.J them that the success of the enceof Churches. ' But ' he made . it both in theory and in practice," .kingdom which Jesus procl~imed Citing ecumenical work that I In addr"ssl'ng the s'econd andoes not depelild on human I insti" unmistakably dear that Catholic ~ remains to be done, he singled I doctrine' would, not be watered nual assenlbly o'f the ecumenl'cal tutions or human organization, I 'I down in the name of ecumenism. body of which he was a found- out theological researeh, cooperh The most we can expect 'of inS' I' t d' I ative programs based' on funda. stitutional strJctures is that they Ingmg ou, la ogue as t e ing father, Archbishop Medeiros, mental, moral and ethical _priri, facilitate our Jroclamation 6f the very core of ecumenical engage- said: "I know you and I love you ciples for tfIe achievement of I ment, 'the Boston prelate quoted and I know that you want me kingdom; and the least we are freedom, justice and economic . probably going to get is a!n in- """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".. ".. ",,,, ~~Sh~ep ;~~tsp~a:~~s aa g:~~~::~ development. stitution whic~ does not ndtably impede' the proclamation J- and the reproclamation of. the Good bishop," Then he added:· "I speak He described the single most I to you from that Catholic posi- important ecumenical task of this least is what we have1 had News of the' 'kl'ngdom .' to settle for d~ring most of the Easy to Proclaim hon which I hold with all- my the 1970s as "our common involvement in the struggle against history of ChrlIStian·ity . \. One often suspects that our heart:." . the insidious, invasive and defixation on structural reform Rocky Road structive forces that would secReformulation of Values and our ignoring .the implicaThe archbishop then 'quoted ularize or desacralize anything Mind you, ~ am not S1 Ying tions o.f the message provides a that we can do without ah or, marvelous pretext for not faCing Augustin Cardinal Bea, the late and everything, even our faith." ganization; I ~m simply s~ying the awesome challenge that the president of the Vatican's SecreReminding his audience that that the organi'zation is made up joy and hope of the message tariat for Promoting Christian Christians mtist seek' unity be" of h' uman beings,. I ! would bring to' our live's,' \ Far Un'it,Yi who stated that essential and human cause it is Christ's will, Archorganizations ~re never pettect, better to, agitate for the change unity already exists in the Cath- bishop Medeiros said: "It is God olic Church and that further . I I of structure than to make the rarely very effective, and usuI .. Ieap 0 f . comml't ment to unity would be brought about by who will answer the prayer of ally very imperfect and incom- deCISlve the free acceptance of union with His Divine Son for. unity. The petent. I which Jesus challenges us, Church is the work of God, God But the point is that no one the Catholic Church' by members founded it. God imprinted upon The Church is an organization unhappily separated frqm the made up of hLman beings I and can prevent us from making such it the mark of unity. The tears is subject to th'e same incompe- a leap of -commitment; no one the -Apostolic See," in the garment of the. ChurcHCalling the Texas Conference which have destroyed unity arc tence and imp~rfection thatl dis- can interfere with our proclaimturb other hUrlJan organizations ing the Good News. We can 'be of Churches a "brave and new man made. The ultimate resto-a fact that i~ so obvious \that prevented from participating, in attempt to advancee the cause ration of unity is in the hands of . the selection of our bishops, we ot' true ecumenism," Archbishop the Father, through Christ, in the \, it hardly need be asserted. . I can be prevented from changing Medeiros recalled that the road Holy Spirit." Nor am I contending that we the canonical regulation of the of ecumenism is a rocky roa'd, should, not be, conce~ned about life' of the clergy, but the nice But, the archbishop continued, ecclesiastical 'reform, for the thing about the Good News that ELECTRICAL more effective the 'Church, the Jesus brought is that it is very in underscoring the fact that the Contractors road of ecumenism is a rocky better able it is to play the role easy ·to .proclaim-if we want to road, I have no desire to overof the light on the ,mountain top. believe in it, look the beneficial results that It does seem to me that at this But the real \li ght is not Iperfection of the ecclesiastical or- point in. the history of the. have already acquired from the ~~ . ganization by the quality of lives Church after the Vatican Council ecumenical enterprise. 1




W arn',. A.ga inst · W · D' - Doctr. - ·'I ne ateri'ngown s

Archbishop Me desros Gives, Views on Ecumenlsm .




No' one in his right mind can possibly expect either of these changes to come out of the synod. The recent appointment in Rotterdam and the· exhortation of the Pope to the bishops of the 'world make it fairly clear; I think, how Rome stands on both - issues. It is very unlikely that a majority of the synod would. be willing to fight with the Pope ·on celibacy, and even more unlikely that·· they would vote to dismantle the method of episco· pal selection by which they themselves were selected' and led by Christiahs: It does sleem which gives them considerable to me that in o~r obsession ~ith -power ill the choice of their col· . institutional re~oi'm of the !Iast "leagues. .-' ' : .decade' we ha~e' neglected Ithe '_ One can, 'of course, point out far more impor,tant task of the the "miracle" of ,the'first session restatement or ~he-_ message, .the tho ,~~ th~:YiIV~qn;S9~9~.:r.bf:,~Jhe 1




,"o,mu"tion of


that all of us, priests and laity, organized and ,unorganized, should devote a lot more attention' to .preaching' the kingdom an<;l a lot less t6, agitating for structural reforin:s whiCh don't gho" of.

VO'U"lnd ..", I


"This assembly," he observed, "is a splendid evidence of this fact. It has produced an atmosphere of genuine friendliness and human' understanding and. mutual respect, It has done much toward 'the elimination of


944 County St. New Bedford



THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 11, 1971



Norton High Coach

Connolly Frosh Over 500 Mark

I ~



_. _.. ---... ----.. ~~~I Pre-Season Selections Same As Spring Program Commences High school athletes throughout the Commonwealth will answer the "tryout" call this week as Spring sports' practice officially commences. Pitchers and catchers will work out inside until the weather breaks and then w.ill move outside where they will be joined by the remain- High of Fall River, New Bedford possibly Bishop Stang High ing baseball candidates. and of Dartmouth will finish in the Trackmen, for the most part, top division of the Bristol Coun-

will be engaged in weight training programs and'long distance running until the practice areas dry out. Aspiring young golfers and tennis players will concentrate on getting their legs in shape for the next week or so unti.\ they receive the go ahead sign from Mother Nature, While it is foolhardy to predict the final outcome of schoolboy contests; it' is relatively safe and easy to name the preseason favorites in .league races throughout the diocese, One can surmise that Durfee

ty Baseball League. One of the three will probably win the championship outright. Somerset, an annual baseball power, will again be the favorite in the Narragansett loop. And, in' the Capeway Conference' Lawren'ce High of Falmouth and Barnstable are likely choices to finish onetwo in the final standings. The same schools will undoubtedly dominate the Conference track campaign. Somerset should also finish atop of the Narry track standings. Attleboro and New Bedford will probably contest for the BCL track title.

Student-Athletes Needs Must Be Met Because golf and tennis have tion f~r years to come. Yet: not not been considered major many seem willing to take the sports until recently and, have initiative necessary, t6 bring received little publicity it is about a change. more difficult to. predict the Change for the sake of change outcome in those sports. But, is not advisable. But, change it is safe to assume that New that will benefit a, majority is Bedford, Durfee and Attleboro certainly worth pursuing. will be strong in both sports. A proposal to merge the While winning is not the defined objective of a high school Bristol, Narry and Capeway athletic department, it is the de- leagues into a single conference sired result in any sporting con- where teams of comparable caliber can compete against each test. 'other is presently being exIdeally, each team engaged in competition should have a 50-50 plored by many area school offichance of winning. This situa- cials. tion does not exist in three of Knowing that present league the leagues operating within the structures do not meet the needs confines of diocesan territorial of the student-athletes and that limits. The aforementioned imbalance does exist; it is hard schools have dominated and are to conceive that this proposal expected to continue domina- will probably fali by the wayside.

Action Must Be Taken Now for Future But reportedly, at ttie last or- , Traditional rivalries, geographganization meeting ~here was ex- ical loCation and type of school pressed dissatisfaction with the ! are other facors being considdoing away of existing leagues. ered when aligning schools. It is Ironically, those that voiced the the hope of those men involved most opposition were the schools to' bring about a situation that that have been doing well. Per- will be beneficial to the boys haps winning is more impor- participating in, interscholastic tant to them than competing , athletics. against schools that might ~halEach and every school in the lenge their supremacy, ' area is welcome to attend the Considering that area schools meetings and the individual prefdid not do well in the Tech , erence of each' is a factor for tournament, a major ¡reason consideration: But, if this new for the disappointing showing, league is to become a reality according to those closest to the some concessions will have to scene, was' the lack of strong be made. competition throughout the regular season. It is surprising that • In professional sports when some of the same people balk expansion took place certain at an opportunity to ,strengthen problems arose. But, if provisions are made for those happenings, competition. The general proposal of the progress is realized very rapidly. Now is the time to do somenewly formed group is to form a conference whereby schools thing about the unfavorable. situ,of like size and with compar: ation that does exist, so that in able athletic teams can com- four or five years the problems will finally be resolved. pete against each other.


\ SURPRISE MARRIAGE: Making his marriage to the former Margaret Sinclair official, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau signs the church register in the presence, of F~ther John Swinkels, who performed the surprise marriage ceremony, 'March 4. His bride is the 22-year-old daughter of James Sinclair, a' prominent businessman, former minister of fisheries, and a longtime leader in the liberal P~rty Trudeau now heads. NC Photo.

N'ew 'Bedford Pa rishes Continued from Page One munity "as a whole," was called by Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, diocesan superintendent of schools, and was attended by him and Sister Mary Urban, assistant superintendent of schools. The session was held at St. Mary's SchoQl on Illinois Street (site of the next meeting March 25) -and was attended by the parish priest or school director, the school principal and a member of the Board of Education from the following parishes: St. Anne, St., James, Mt. Carmel, St. Lawrence, Sacred Heart, Holy Name, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, St. M;:lry, St. Theresa, and St. , John. ' So, instead of acting individually, these parishes with schools (elementary, for now), have banded together in a common cause: -The survivai of Catholic education in New Bedford. "We firmly believe in the principles we're working for; it's the kind of education we want for our children," said Ronald A. L'Italien, a spokesman for the group. Rev. James Morse, newly. appointed assistant pastor, at Holy Name Church, heads the commission. Gil Costa is vicechairman. The commission will thoroughly research, analyze and digest all phases of the Catholic education system, and formulate a master plan to preserve and augment the system. Drawing upon the resources of private studies, the Harris Report, the NECEC Study etc. the information will be carefuly collated to form a' part of the commission's report. . Task forces will visit existing faciliHes and review the general financial status of each school. The pastors, school principals and laymen present formed four ,committees that will determine long-range plans of the religious teachers and the effects on staffing of New Be~ford schools. The timetable calls for the implementation of a plan by the


September 1972 academic session, with prior review of data of June of this year, and presen,tation of a final plan by December of 1971. The Research Committee, Rev. Raymond Robillard, chairman, of Sacred Heart, will review and analyze existing information on the schools. The Personnel Committee, chaired by Michael Crowley of St. James, is to study the availability of religious and lay teachers, and other matters that might affect the staffing of the schools. The Facilities and Finance Committee, under Joseph Marshall of Holy Name, will studv the ,strengths and weaknesses ~f existing facilities, and the financial status of each school. The Public Relations Committee, under Mr. L'Italien of Sacred Hearts, will keep the various constituencies of the Catholic schools and the general' public informed on the progress of the study and report to the commission on public reaction to its efforts. The Planning Commission for Catholic Schools in New Bedford has a long row to hoe. But there is a new hope that is refreshing; everyone is pulling together.

Middle School Continued from Page One Acceptance--many parents are concerned as to whether there will be room for their child in 'the new school. We anticipate from previous experience that not all present students will apply. If there should be more appliGants than space available, each of the present seven schools' will be allotted an equal number of places and will be able to make recommendations for students with special problems. After this -names will be drawn at random so that all, applicants will have an equal chance. All students in the seven schOOlS will be accepted before any student not in one of the schools.

The Connolly Freshman Basketball team, coached by Wayne Ramey in his first year, finished the season with a 9-7 won-lost record.. "The boys worked hard all year, mimy times having to come from Qehind as much as 20 points to win .." The spirit of the Freshmen is something to look forward to. They never give up. . The boys won' their season's finale at Coyle 66-63 which is the classic example of the determination the boys possess. "When you are down by 20 points then come back to win time and time again that is something to he pr;oud of." At one point during the season, the Cougars won five straight including wins over Case and Coyle. Then the flu hit the boys and, the youngsters playing two games without the services of Jack Greenlees, leading rebounder; Bob Toole, double digits each game; and Kevin Monahan, superb ball handling, dropped two. Ramey feels "if the team was fortunate to be at full strength all season our record could have been much better." Connolly ~an look forward to a bright basketball future as the Freshmen continue to develop and hang on to their spirit and determination. Ramey is proud of his first team and looks to the future for the boys who will someday become members of the Varsity. The members of the freshman team included: Jeff Sousa, Kevin Monahan, Bob Toole, Jack Greenlees, Ron Gagnon, Hugh Reilly, Ken Perreira, Pat Sullivan, Mark Levassear, Ray Berube" Joe Viana, Kevin Machado, James L'J-Ieureux, Steve Oliveira, George Nientimp, John McCarthy, and Chad LeSage.


Features Heliport KALAMAZOO (NC)-A threestory, $7.65 million wing to Borgess Hospital. operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth, Mich., has been dedicated here.
















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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaILRiver~Thurs..Mar. .



r 1; 1971 .




~I .







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