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dJ The. ANCHOR Vol. 20, No. II-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., March II, 1976

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Thousands Pray




One Prays





Pages 8-9

J .

.----In This I s s u e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : . Lenten Program

. Sisters Named


Taunton Woman

~oyie-Cassidy Sets

Second Week

Eucharistic Ministers


In National Post

For Freshmen

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 7

Page 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1976







Asks Moratorium

~ational Sterilization Ban Upheld WASHINGTON-The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a challenge to a lower court ruling permitting a church-related hospital to refuse to perform sterilization on the basis of religious belief. The court's action, involving a challenge to policies at St. Vincent's Hospital, Billings, Montana, was called "a major victory for Catholic hospitals" by Eugene Schulte, director of legal services for the Catholic Hospital Assn.

New Suuerintendent BOSTON-Cardinal Medeiros has appointed Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan, presently Associate Director of Education and Associate Superintendent for Secondary Schools, as Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools, effective July 1. His responsibilities will include heading a new eight member Education Development Team for archdiocesan schools.

ATLANTA-The governing board of the National Gouncil of Churches has called for a moratorium on commercial development of plutonium as a nuclear fuel in the United States. The board questioned present safeguards in processing the radioactive element and called for further study of dangers involved.

Philadelphia this August. Naming of the Cardinal, formerly Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia, does not necessarily mean that the Pope himself will not attend the Congress. No announcement on this has been made as yet.

World After 14 Centuries

Bishop Suffers Heart Attack SPRINGFIELD-Bishop Christopher J. Weldon, 70, suffered a heart attack at his home last week and is expected to remain in Mercy Hospital, Springfield, for about two weeks. Spokesmen said his vital signs were stable and his condition comfortable.

Names Legate WASHINGTON-Pope Paul has named Cardinal James Knox, Prefect of the Vatiean Congregation for Sacraments and Divine 'Worship, as his Legate to the Eucharistic Congress in

VATICAN CITY-Vatican Radio has reported that, after 14 centuries, Irish mISSIonaries have returned to Iceland, where there are about 1000 Catholics out of a population of 213,000. Six Sisters of Mercy have established a mission near the capital of Reykjavik, where they will work in hospitals and clinics.

Choice of Schools MADRID-The Spanish Bishops' Conference has pledged to back parents' rights to choose their children's schools and has also endorsed broader state support of education, enabling more poor children to attend classes.

. Oppose Capital Punishment OTTAWA-Canada's bishops have come out against capital punishment, basing their action on respect for life, and- have asked the government to reform the country's penal and judi路 cial systems.

'Word of Hope' .


VATICAN CITY-The preacher who gives the world a "word of hope and encouragement" is bound to be listened to today, Benedictine Abbot Basil Hume, newly appointed Archbishop of Westminster, told listeners to Vatican radio.. "Today the Gospel is being rediscovered as good news," he said. "Once this begins to spread, it will then permeate political and social life."

Necrology MAR. 19

Rev. John J. McQuaide, 1905, Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton. MAR. 20 Rev. Francis A. Mrozinski, 1951, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford MAR. 22

Rev. Joseph A. Martins, 1940, Assistant, St. John Baptist, New Bedford

District 4 DCCW District Four of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) will hold an open meeting at 7 tonight in St. Mary's hall, Pratt Street, Mansfield. Entertainment will follow a business session.

Programs for the Second Week of Lent SATURDAY AND SUNDAY March 13 and 14 Notre Dame, Fall River: Saturday, Mass of Exposition, 8 a.m. Private adoration of Blessed Sacrament exposed until 4 p.m. Mass. Sunday, Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after noon Mass.' Private adoration until 4 p.m., when a holy hour is scheduled, ending with Benediction and Reposition of Blessed Sacrament. St. Mary, North Attleboro: 9 a.m. Saturday, penance celebration for first communicants, parents and friends, followed at 10 a.m.. by children's procession and Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, continuing until after 7

p.m. Mass. During the day individual parishioners and delegations representing parish societies, parochial school students and CCD classes will be scheduled for periods of adoration. Sunday, Exposition after 11:30 a.m. Mass, again with individuals and scheduled groups, including Feehan High School students. At 5 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Daniel F. Hoye for the intentions of th.~ parish confirmation class, which will attend and participate in Ii following procession and Reposition ceremony. Our Lady of Victory, Centerville: Exposition will take place following the 9 a.m. Mass Saturday until 4:30 p:m. On Sunday

it will follow the noon Mass until 7 p.m. at which time a holy hour will conclude the weekend observance. Families are asked to sign up for adoration during the designated periods. St. Joseph, New Bedford: See advertisement, page 3. St. Jacques, Taunton: Mass at 7 p.m. Saturday will be followed by a holy hour and Exposition until 9 p.m. On Sunday, Exposition will follow 11 a.m. Mass until 4 p.m. at which time there will be Vespers and Benediction.

in all locations

Friday, March 12: St. Anthony of Padua parish hall, Nye Street, New Bedford. Monday, March 15: St. Louis de France Convent, 66 Buffington St., Swansea. Tuesday, March 16: St. Patrick parish center, East Main St., Falmouth; Holy Name School, Pearce Street, Fall River; St. John Baptist parish hall, Wing Street, New Bedford; St. Mark's parish hall, Stanley Street, Attleboro Falls. Wednesday, March 17: CoyleLenten Program Cassidy Library, Adams and "What's Happening Hamilton Streets, Taunton; St. to Confession" William's Center, Stafford Road, To be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Fall River.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

Church Pro-Life Concern Not Only for Abortion may be that at times we have not spoken out as forcefully on other ),ife-related issues as we should have. I categorically deny, however, that the Church has failed, as a matter of policy or as the result of a lack of concern, to address itself to a broad. spectrum of life-related issues," said Archbishop Joseph L. Bern路 ardin of Cincinnati, NCCB presi.. dent. He added, however, that "Hfe before and after birth, from the moment of conception until death is like a seamless gannent . . . If we become insensitive to the beginning of life and con-路 done abortion of it we become careless about the end of life and justify euthanasia, we have no reason to believe that there will be much respect for life in between." Preaching at a Mass in St. Peter in Chains Cathedral here on the -anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision overturning most state restrictions on abortions, Archhishop Bernardin defended both the motivation of anti-ahortion advocates and the Church's teaching that life be<;!ins at the moment of conception. "Those who oppo'Se abortion and who believe that unborn human life ought to be protected by law are often criticized for trying to impose their beliefs on others, for being insensitive to the rights or the feelings of the person who has an unwanted or problem pregnancy," the archbishop said. Turn to Page Thirteen

CINCINNATI (NC) The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) has "categorically denied" that the Church's pro-life concern hinges on the "single issue" of abortion. . "It may be that some路 people are too single-issue oriented: it

Bishop Returns From Rome Trip

GIFTS FROM POPE: Bishop Cronin accepts gifts from Pope Paul VI on occasion of Fall River Ordinary's recent visit to Rome in connection with affairs at North American College, whose Episcopal Committee he heads.

Commissions Eight Sisters Extraordinary Ministers In the first such ceremony in the Fall River diocese, eight Sisters of St. Dominic have been commissioned as extraordinary ministers路 of the Eucharist. The rite came last Saturday during a Mass in the chapel of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as principal celebrant.

The Sisters, from the pastoral care department of St. Anne's, Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, and Marian Manor, Taunton, will aid chaplains in distributing the Eucharist to the sick and aged. In his homily, Bishop Cronin pointed out that commissioning of persons other than priests to


Is Privileged to Be Host to Our Lord for the Entire City and Invites All Members of the .- New Bedford Community To Join in Observance of A EUCHARISTIC WEEKEND FRIDAY, MARCH 12: MASS: 7 P.M. HOLY HOUR: 7:30 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 13: MASSES: 7 AM., 10:30 AM., 4:30 P.M., 7 P.M. Exposition and Adoration: 11 AM. to 4 P.M. SUNDAY, MARCH 14: MASSES: 7 AM., 9 AM., 11 AM., 7 P.M. Exposition and Adoration: NOON to 7 P.M.

distribute the Eucharist represents a return to an ancient Christian tradition. At present, he noted, men in several parishes of the diocese aid in distribution of communion at crowded Masses; however, he continued, in the early days of the Church it was also common for extraordinary ministers to bring the Sacrament to those unable to attend Mass. To Homes The Bishop said he has asked the Priests' Senate of the diocese to study the feasibility of such a practice in parishes here. Turn to Page Ten

Empty StomachsFull Rice Bowls Locally and nationally, demands threaten to outstrip supply of the 6Y2 million small cardboard "rice bowls" prepared by Cathoilc Relief Services for distribution to Catholic famillies throughout the U. S. participating in the special Lenten program to help feed the world's hungry. Rev. John J. Oliveira, diocesan coordinator for Rice Bowl, said the Fall River Chancery Office has "just about enough" bowls to supply area needs. He said there were many requests for extra bowls during the first week of Lent. The priest also noted that Rice Bowl has become a frequent conversation topic in the diocese, with people exchanging comments and suggestions on how Tum to Page Nine THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Piver. Subscription price by mall, postpaid '5.00 per Yllr.

Bishop Cronin has returned from Rome, where he held what he described as "very fruitful" meetings with Msgr. Harold P. .Darcy, rector of the North American College. The Fall River Ordinary is chairman of the Episcopal Committee for the North American College of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The committee is charged with over-all supervision of the institution, which enrolls seminarians from many U; S. dioceses including at this time three from Fall River.

Dioc'esan Choir To Meet Sunday The Diocesan Choir, directed by Rev. William Campbell, will hold its bi-monthly rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, March 14 at Highland Heights Apartments, Stanley and Robeson Streets, Fall River. The rehearsal will be open, allowing apartment residents to witness practice techniques of a large chorus. Turn to Page Nine


Sf. mary's Cathedral presents For Lent and in Preparation for The 41 st International Eucharistic Congress



SECOND WEEKEND OF RENEWAL March 13 and 14 Saturday, March 13 MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 12:05, 4:00, AND 5:30 P.M. EXPOSITON OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT: 8:30 A.M. TO 3:45 P.M.

Sunday, March 14 MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M.

Special Services: PENANCE SERVICE: SATURDAY 3:00 P.M. ROSARY AND BENEDICTION: SATURDAY 3:30 P.M. HOLY HOUR: SUNDAY AT 4:30 P.M. (Includes Mass at 5:00 P.M.)

t All are invited and urged to make this Lenten Weekend of Renewal


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

Prayer The place of prayer is essential to Christian service. The establishment of houses of prayer for priests, religious and the laity all emphasizes the only real strength behind all type of services and devoted endeavors - the Lord. Fraternal conversation with Him and through Him to the Father is ~hat prayer is. "Many people who think they are being progressive and adult in thought and behavior have turned themselves off from prayer," Pope Paul regretted during a recent audience. "Prayer is not useless," the Holy Father went on, "it is not superstition or childishness of spirit. It stands at the summit of reason, at the heights of psychology, -and at the apex of morality and hope. One of the basic requirements of philosophy and true wisdom is an effort to dialogue with God ... He who finds God also finds himself." Christian service and devotion is our participation in the work of Christ. It is not simply our human effort expended. And unless we are intimately bound in mind and effort 'with the Lord, the results will be mediocre. _The Psalmist tells us ... "without the Lord-nothing."

The Sisters A great army of flowers-row upon row of orderly lines-is how the Pope described the Religious of the world as he expressed his prayer for an increase in vocations recently. _"We don't have the numbers we once had," the Pontiff commented. "We have the quality, yes, and perhaps this has even increased." The needs that these devoted women highlight in the Church are most important. The varied apostolates seek out and give voice to the so many who experience all kinds of needs. Recently, the Sisters of Mercy celebrated their 175th Anniversary of labor in the Fall River-Providence area. Gratefully, 'we congratulate al'ld hail them. Countless students have learned the Faith from them in Fall River, New Bedford, Attleboro, No. Attleboro and Taunton. Their willing service has attended the high school youths ,of our diocese and given new hope to our special children at the Nazareth Halls. This issue highlights the houses of prayer that must bring life-blood to the Sisters. It is from intimate union with the Lord, as to their Spouse, that they undertake all kinds of services, always to give a social dimension to Him Who is their Love, their Consolation, their Strength. The selection of Sisters as Eucharistic Ministers only recognizes that they already do bring Him to the sick, the lonely and the abandoned. What they do so heroically in service they will now make physically present to crown and make even mote real the Lord they seek and serve. Maybe we have taken the Sisters too much for granted. Maybe we have multiplied tasks and burdens for them without enough thought for their own real needs. Too often they were thought responsible for the religion of their charges while that same religion was not lived realistically enough in the home. May this new attention to the Sisters among us make us more grateful and have us join in the Pope's prayer that "many young women of the new generation will choose the religious life of dedication."


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.O. ACTING EDITOR Rev. John R. Foister, S.T.l.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~leary

Press---Fall River



Jake and Anita celebrate 50 years of marriage ... They cut a wedding cake together ... just as they did half a century ago. A ritual is the same ... The cake is similar ... but they have taken their toll ... They are no longer the two young dreamers ... who cut the cake together 路 .. on their wedding day. In spite of age ... or rather because of it ... there is something even more beautiful ... about golden jubilarians than about attractive young brides and So much joy and sorrow ... success and grooms failure . . . pleasure and pain . . . ~re etched in their faces. A golden anniversary celebrates the fulfillment 路 . . of what bride and groom romantically promised 路 .. It celebrates a bond of love ... that has weathered the "better or worse" ... the "richer or poorer" ... for 600 weeks ... 18,250 days ... 50 years ... The "I do" 路 .. has become, 'I have" and, "I still do!" Few images in life reveal more movingly ... the richness of human love . . . than that of two people whose love has endured and deepened through five decades . . . Few experiences suggest more convincingly the presence. in human love ... of a greater Love a Love marked by unshakable fidelity ... as well as by tenderness and affection.

Sist,er Miriam Administrator Sister Mirjam Sharpe, RSM has been elected administrator of the 'Providence province of the Sisters of Mercy, which includes the Fall River diocese. The daughter of Mrs. Howard F. Sharpe and the late Howard Sharpe' of Edgewood, R.I., she has been in province administration for the past _three years. Previous to her present assignment she was a Formation Director for Sisters preparing for vows in the Mercy Order. Serving with her as provincial counselors will be Sister Patricia Farley, presently a religious education coordinator in St. Catherine's parish, Appanoag, R. I., Sister Arlene Violet, assistant to Attorney General Michaelson, responsible for consumer affairs in Rhode Island, Sister Madonna Crawford, Vicar for Religious in the Diocese of Providence and Sister Bernadette Casey, Director of Novices for the Sisters of Mercy in the Province of Providence.





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make a difference in this election. It is most unfortunate that many people who support the right to life platform of Ellen McCormack for some reason feel they are wasting a vote when they mark their ballot in her favor. For example, it is estimated that only seven percent of the Catholic population of this Commonwealth voted for the right to life candidate in the past primary. This indeed indicates how apathetic and indifferent a voting bloc can be when put on the spot. It is quite sad to see so many people caught up in the "bread and butter" issues of politics failing so miserably in recognizing fundamental issues that affect the very right to fife itself. No Meaning




St. William's ChurCh

One Delegate', One Hope The pouting politicians are puffing, the infallible news media are surly and the ordinary citizen is indifferent when it comes to the national candidacy of Ellen McCormack on the Democratic ticket. This housewife from New York is not just another politician mouthing platitudes from right to life in this national campaign. never-never land.' She is a To be sure Ellen McCormack candidate who believes in the right to life and is trying to make this issue a determining factor in this year's national election. This past week she picked up her first delegate to the national Democratic convention as a result of the Massachusetts primary election. . For many, this might seem ridiculous. Yet there is a true and real value in her witness to the

will not be nominated by the national Democratic convention as its presidential standard bearer. However, if she receives sufficient support, Ellen McGormack 'will have a certain amount of necessary power to influence the all-important platform committee of the Democratic party. For those who are opposed to abortion on demand as a national policy, she is the only hope that can and does

If one denies life, bread and butter issues have no meaning. Many voters seemingly have been caught up in issues such as busing, jobs and inflation without realizing that -these are secondary when it comes to the current policy of abortion in his country. It is therefore important that we begin to see the value of Ellen McCormack's campaign in this national election. It is not just a Catholic issue, it is an issue for all men and women who believe in the right to life. If Mrs. McCormack receives sufficient support as she deserves, she can have a great influence not only on the convention floor but in the "smoke-filled rooms" where the professional will be determining the future of the Democratic party. She certainly could be a candidate with a swing vote in close convention balloting but more important she could make the official nominee of the Democratic party face the harsh reality of the abortion issue as it affects the very life of this naUoI!. Ellen McCormack offers an alternative to all other candidates. She is not afraid to state her views on the abortion issue. She is for life.

Birch Tree Lent Symbol At New Bedford Parish

TO GROW AND CHANGE: This Lent is a time to grow and change at Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, where those are themes of "God, Bible and You" program which began Ash Wednesday. Adjusting signs on symbolic birch tree are, from left, Sister Marianna Sylvester, religious education and liturgical coordinator, and Mrs. Benvinda Rosa, member of parish liturgical committee.

This Lent will be a time of growth and change for members of Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, and their spiritual growth will be mirrored by a beautiful birch tree in their sanctuary. Expected to bud by Easter, the tree will not only symbolize the Resurrection but it will be reminiscent of the trees of Eden and the Cross, and will be used throughout Lent as part of a program, "God, the Bible and You." The theme for the first week of Lent, said Sister Marianna Sylvester, religious education and liturgical coordinator for the parish was, Creation specifically God's most precious creation, the person. Carrying it out, silhouettes of a man and women were at the church entrance as parishioners arrived for Ash Wednesday services. Each was asked to place his or her fingerprint on one of the silhouettes, as being a distinctively individual mark and the silhouettes were then hung on the tree. Other appropriate symbols wiU be added as Lent progresses, said Sister Marianna. During the Bible series guest speakers will present for consideration the growth and change that took place in the lives of such Scripture figures as Jonah, Joseph and his brothers, Ruth, Lazarus and Peter. Heard yes~ terday was Rev. Richard McNally, 5S.CC. and other speakers will be Rev. Joseph Keely, OFM, Rev. Raymond Hirt, OFM, Rev. Frank Gillespie, SS.CC. and Rev. Joseph Maguire.

would not be backward about asking what might be construed as a "dumb" question.

Disputes Fr. Greeley Dear Editor: In his Feb. 19 column entitled "Jews, Poles Can't Credit How Good they Are," the Rev. Andrew Greeley' goes out of his way to misrepresent a letter I wrote to him. The "findings" of Andrew Greeley's National Opinion Research Center have portrayed the Polish Americans to be among the most anti-Semitic, racist and prone to alcohol of all Catholic groups in America, many of these conclusions based on interviews with only twenty-four respondents. So seriously were the financial sources of his support put in jeopardy, that Andrew Greeley came up with a new set of statistics, these showing that; .."The proportion of young Poles and Italians attending college at the present time has crossed the slope of college attendance for white Americans." . . . Further, he states that ... "In term of educational mobility ... , the Italians, Poles and Irish Catholics lead the pack." The impression he creates is that aside· from corporate executive suites and the ivy league colleges, Poles have made it. As President of The Kosciuszko Foundation, an organization which has spent some five million dollars in helping Polish American youths through college, I work with human beings,

to·· the

I drew this to Greeley's attention and asked him to supply me with the information on the method by which his statistics were compiled. In my letter, I threatened that if he would not supply the information, I would commission an independent study of my own. It is a sad reflection on Father Greeley that one has to threaten him to secure a reply to correspondence. But then, like God, Andrew Greeley doesn't answer letters. I questioned the basis on which his statistics were compiled. He interprets this as my "arguing that Poles are dumber than we think they are." I can understand his outrage when I questioned his findings. His vindictiveness is well known. But does this justify his concluding statement: "Why does Mr. Kusielewicz of the Kosciuszkp Foundation (15 East 65th St.,

Wants Question Box Dear Editor: May I suggest· a column for The Anchor which might be of interest to your readers, namely a "Question and Answer" column. If you do establish such a column, I suggest that the name of the questioner be kept anonymous, so that a sincere person

In a story about Latin American students at Holy Family High School, New Bedford, in The Anchor for Feb. 12, the students were reported as coming to the United States under auspices of the American Field Service. Their sponsoring organization is actually the International Fellowship Service.

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New York, N. Y. 10021) want to perpetuate the stereotype of the dumb Polack now that it is proven false? Perhaps some Polish Americans will want to ask him," If this is how Father Greeley interprets my letter to him, 1 can fully understand how he can believe that Polish Americans have made it in education. What is surprising is that time and again in his research, he is able to reach so small a number of Polish Americans. They form perhaps as much as 20 per cent of the Catholic Church in the United States. Why is it that they form only three per cent of those interviewed by Greeley's group? If his organization knows so little about Polish Americans as to be able to reach them, how can he possibly interpret them? Cordially yours, Eugene Kusielewicz President, Kosciuszko Foundation New York, N. Y.


~:;;-== ~~-~-_.:--- -::::_~~_-:~~-


not with statistics and mathematical manipulations. I have visited 100 of our major colleges and universities, and on the basis of meetings with students, professors and administrators, have found nothing to support Greeley's conclusions. I have been teaching the last 20 years in one of our largest Catholic Universities and I have found nothing here that would bear out Greeley's conclusions. Further, at meetings with some 20 Polish American university professors during the last convention of the American Historical Association, none could agree with his conclusions.

·(Ed. note: How about it read· ers? Let us know if you would like such a column.)

Right now, I have a question myself: When I was younger I had given to me a beautiful prayer, all of which I cannot remember. Maybe a reader knows it and would send in a copy. It starts: "I will go out from my Mass in the name of the Father who created me, in the name of the Son who lived and died for me, in the name of the Spirit who lives within me." Clement J. Dowling Fall River


. [I Letters


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

You are needed. -. . to act as a Mom or Dad to an orphan in the Holy Land, Ethiopia, or India. The cost is very little. The satisfaction is great. More than half of the 1,800,000 refugees in the Holy Land are boys and girls. A great many are orphans. Some barely exist by begging for milk, food, clothing. Others are in the Holy Father's care - supported by the generous friends of Near East Missions.... You can 'adopt' one of these children and guarantee him (or her) three meals a day, a warm bed, love and companionship and preparation to earn his own living. An orphan's support costs only $14 a month .. '. $168 a year. Send us the first month's support and we will send your 'adopted' child's photo. You can write to him or ·her. The Sister who cares for your child will write to you, if the child cannot write yet. A close bond of love Will develop. Please send the coupon with your offering today.

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It's never too late to remember children in your will. The Holy Father knows where children are the neediest. Simply tell your lawyer our legal title: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION. Ci)




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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WElFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

Spring Fashi,o,ns Shopper

Mu'st Plan, Pla:n, Plain! The crocuses are just giving us the first faint hope of spring and the stores are beginning to come alive with colorful clothes just tempting you to buy. At this time of year it is easy to succumb. Our winter clothes are beginning to look slightly shabby and feel just a little bit too heavy. When low most of us long leisurely to shop and plan our wardwe try on a spring outfit days robe. When sticking to the basuddenly everything looks sics also try to stick to one color,

brighter-but beware, don't fall into the trap of impulse buying! PLAN! When you do view the new



clothes you'll realize why I urge you to think before buying-the prices are just unbelievable Therefore don't bring money with you unless you know exactly what you have that's wearable from last year, and what you want to buy to supplement it. Dressing in pieces is still the bit, so think along these lines and if you do want to make a major investment it could be a good basic suit in a color you won't tire of. Avoid the gimmicky, the faddish, or a silhouette that may quickly go out of style. Instead, stick to basics. We in the seventies lead a fast-paced life that does not al-

'Rice Bowl'


WedneSday, March 17 Egg Salad and Toast Rice Pudding Wednesday, March 24 Tuna Fish Salad Chocolate Pudding Wednesday, March 31 Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce Gelatin Dessert Wednesday, April 7 Creamed Peas on Toast Rice Pudding Wednesday, April 14 Tomato Soup Two Cracker:1

light beige, navy, light grey, off white, camel. Such an emphasis gives your wardrobe unexpected mileage, style and economy. This year I'm on a beige kick and it truly saves time because I immediately know whether a skirt, blouse or sweater will fit into my plan and I don't have to spend hours looking through racks at garments I can't use. Individualize Accessories Emphasis on basics in style and color doesn't mean you can't use a great deal of creativity and individuality in your accessories. Here is where your own personality can take over and it's not in competition with flashy colors, patterns, or material. As an explanation, if you buy a good pair of slacks and a matching classical sweater (maybe even cashmere) in a favorite neutral, consider buying a skirt and shirt in the same neutral and you'll have four interchangable pieces that move together with ease. Make a New Year's resolution in March not to step into a store until you know the look you want for this spring, what you already have in your closet, and what you feel you absolutely need. Down with that impulse buying-back to the basics-you can't afford to do otherwise in this spring of '76. Just remember, the patriots of old would be proud of your conservative way (money-wise) in this Bicentennial year! .

:.: : : *

This week's Rice Bowl menu calls for egg salad, but although we are saving on food money, this doesn't mean that ou,main dish can't be zippy and tasty. Old-time Egg Salad 6 hard cooked eggs, chopped 14 cup chopped green pepper % cup minced onions % cup chopped ripe olives 1f.l cup mayonnaise or other salad dressing 1) Combine the first four ingredients. Blend mayonnaise. with 1 teaspoon salt and a dash of pepper; add; toss lightly; chill; makes 6 servings. Use on a nest of lettuce. For the more adventurous eater: Sardine Egg Salad 5 hard-cooked eggs 1 can (3% oz.) sardines % cup chopped celery % cup chopped green pepper 1'2 cup mayonnaise 1'2 teaspoon salt lemon wedges 1) Drain sardines, remove tails and cut into pieces. 2) Dice the eggs and add to the sardines, add the celery and green pepper, toss lightly. 3) Blend the mayonnaise and saIt and toss with the egg mixture, Chill until served. Serve on lettuce with lemon wedges.

A CHILD'S HAND: Before barmer symbolic of the work of Nazareth Hall School for Execptional Children in Fall River, Sister Maureen Hanley, RSM receives check from Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus in memory of the late Bishop Jeeremiah F. Minihan, former state chaplain for the Knigh ts. From left, with Sister Maureen, District Deputy Charles J. Cullen, representing the 22 Councils of the Fall River diocese; Former District Deputy Edward C~bral, State Charity Trustee for the Fall River diocese; Former District Deputy and Former Charity Chairman John T. Trainor.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

Sh'e Looks T·hrough ·Tears At G,odof True L.ove

The Parish Parade Publicity chllrmen of Darlsh orlanlzatlonl Ire Isked to lubmit newl Items for this colun,n to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fill River. 02722. Hlme of city or town should be I,.cluded IS well IS full dltes of III Ictlvltles. P{elSe lend newl of future rather thin PISt events.

I just received a letter from a friend telling me her sister was killed in a head-on car accident. I am in tears. It isn't the ugly details of the accident that have moved me so. It is my friend's thoughts about it. Here is some of what she wrote to me. "I working all things togethdo praise the Lord that He God's er for good. had gone before us, and preIn her letter there is no trace pared us for this. I cannot of anger ... no feeling that this understand how people face such tragedy without Him. "Though it seemed like the biggest mistake ever from the


human standpoint, I knew with a sure knowledge that God had not made a mistake, that it was not an 'accident,' because I knew my sister was always in the hand of God. There had to be a further purpose. "Because of this sure knowledge, I was able, in my numbness and exhaustion, to thank Him, which I did over and over. This was the only prayer I could pray: 'Thank you, God, for whatever You're doing, because I know it's something great.' Then, because my ache was so deep, I asked Him if He cou,ld show me a little bit of His purpose."

* * ..

That's FAITH! That's a love of God, so intense I have difficulty understanding it. If her sister had miraculously escaped injury ... cause to thank God. Had her sister made the trip safely, surely we could see something worth thanking God for. But to have her sister dead ... and to still be able to thank God takes enormous belief in

Stang Boosters The Bishop Stang Boosters' Club will sponsor a St. Patrick's Day dance from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, March 13 at the Bishop Stang High School auditorium, Slocum Road, North Dartmouth. The public is invited and music will be by the ~l Rainone band. Tickets may be reserved with John Maguire, telephone 995-6913, or Dan Fortier, 995-3920.

is God's vengeance . . . God's punishment for the evils of man· kind. So she is not accepting this asa whim of a tyrant that must be tolerated ... a good God who is personally caring for everyone in an things. She does not regard it as a necessary hurt ... as a surgeon having to cut to remove the cancer; the pain sometimes necessary for a physical therapist to inflict on an atrophied limb for it to grow strong again. For there was no evil there in the first place. It's simply part of the fabric of life. Some threads may be dull, ugly, unsightly when viewed alone . . . pulled singly from their place. But when woven into a tapestry, in their prop.er order, they provide the shadows that give meaning and depth to the design. Why is it so difficult for us to love God that way? Selfish Love Perhaps in our human weakness we want a life that's all joy. If we had our choice, we'd have Him weave our lives entirely out of glowing, rosy-pink threads. And when the tapestry was done ... and it amounted to nothing, because there was nothing on it, because it was simply a fiat one-colored piece of fabric with no pattern, no design, no meaning ... we'd turn around and blame God for being a poor weaver! We love God in a selfish way ... in terms of how He fulfiUs our desires. Yet we know that in the most loving relationships, no happiness is found when the only goal is self-satisfaction. True joy comes from pleasing the beloved. We know we are pleased when someone trusts us completely. Is God different? Is He not pleased by my friend's absolute confidence in Him? And then does not her faith grow from having pleased her Beloved? Lent seems a most appropriate time to work on this ... to build our trust in God ... to love Him, not with the selfish desires of an infatuation ... but with the permanent, unrestrained commitment of true love.


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Camp Fire Mass In observance of the 66th anniversary of the Camp Fire Girls, area members will participate in the WTEV Channel Six television Mass at 8:45 a.m. this Sunday.



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Mass for Deceased A Mass for deceased members of New Bedford Catholic Woman's Club will be offered at St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford at 7:30 tonight. Members and friends are invited to attend. A regular club meeting will fol· low at 8:30 p.m. at the Warn· sutta Club.

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HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Altar boys will meet at 3 p.m. today in the church. Clothing, shoes, sports equipm,ent and white elephant items are needed for a rummage sale to be sponsored Saturday, March 27 by the Women's Guild. Further information is available from Mrs. James Charette, telephone 678-4637.

ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT "Fashions with a Flair," a style show of clothing made and modeled by parishioners and their friends will be held in the school hall on Route 177 at 7:30 p.m., Friday, March 26. A luncheon will be served and door prizes will be awarded. Entertainment will feature Miss Lynne "D," a magician, and proceeds will benefit the parish school. Tickets are availble from Mrs. Jeanne Forest, telephone. 636-4817, Mrs. Anne Barlow, 678-5815 or any Women's Guild member. Bingo is played every Wednesday night at the hall, with early bird games at 7 o'clock and regular play beginning at 7:30. Refreshments are available. The Couples Club 'will sponsor a Bicentennial dance in the school hall on Route 177 from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, -March 20. The public is invited and music will be by the Cabaret Sounds. Colonial costumes may be worn. Tickets are obtainable fl"om Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vergeau, chair couple, or from Mrs. Virginia Brochu, co-chairperson. Refreshments win be available.

ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORD Beano will be played beginning at 7:30 tonight. The Junior Drop~In Center Mrs. R!ichard Paulson of Immaculate Conception parish. will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. Taunton, has been named new tomorrow night. Knights of the Altar officers director of the Boston Province of the National Council of Cath- will attend 9:15 a.m. Mass Satolic Women (NCCW). She suc- urday and afterwards hold a ceeds Mrs. Michael J. McMahon luncheon meeting. The full memo of St. Mary's Cathedral parish, bership will meet from 7:15 to 'Fall River. who is national chair- 8:45 p.m. Sunday, March 14 in man of the NCCW organization the school, with two deacons as speakers and altar boys from St. Service Commission. Mrs. Paulson was nominated Ann's parish, Raynham, as for her national position by Bis- guests. hop Cronin and the appointment ST. MARGARET, was .ratified at an eXeQutive BUZZARDS BAY board meeting of the Diocesan Parishioners of St. Margaret's ST. DOMINIC, Council of Catholic Women. In and St. Mary's Churches have SWANSEA her new capacity, she will rep- donated two tons of olothing A homemakers' demonstration resent the diocesan and arch- and medication for shipment to will highlight the Women's Guild diocesan councils of Maine. New earthquake victims in Guate- meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Ham~shire, Vermont and MasMonday, March 15. mala. sachusetts at NCCW executive board meetings. The next such meetin~ comes ,in Washin~ton in June and will be atte'lded bv both Mrs. Paulson and Mrs. Mc37 PARK STREET - FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS Mahon. Past President IS THE ONLY PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS The new director is immedi· IN THE CITY. WE STRESS A CHRISTIAN ATMOSPHERE ENate pac:;t president of tl,e DiocLIVENED WITH FAITH. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING OPPOR· esan Council of Catholic WomTUNITIES: en and is a mem'ber of the Diocesan Bicentennial Commis'iion. • small classes (K through 8) She will serve in her national • different educational techniques office for a two-year term.

~aunton Woman





No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes near you! . *NORTON, West Main St., *NO. EASTON, Main St., *EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., *NEW BED· FORD, Jet. Routes 140 & 18, *A'ITLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., *SOMERSET, Route 6, *RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAlRHAVEN, Route 6, *BRIDGEWATER, Route 18, *MANSFIELD, Route 140, *FALLRIVER, South· way Plaza, R. I. Ave., *FALL RIVER, Griffin St., *SEEKONK, 17 Central Ave., *Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., *NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St, *NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., *FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., *SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., *NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd, *SOMERSET, Route 138.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11,1976

Holy Union Sister Experiencing Year At St. MalY's House of Prayer "What am I doing that's so terribly holy before God? I'm not doing any thing wrong, I'm not teaching badly, but can I face him in eternity with nothing more than that?" The answers to such searching questions have led Sister Ruth Kindelan, S.U.S.C., a veteran Holy Union Sister, to a sabbatical year of prayer. She is spending it at St. Mary's House of Prayer, Corning, N.Y., one ocese to prepare for her return of many such houses across his community as its director. The house program is by no to the Taunton Catholic Middle the nation. means confined to its full time School as a music teacher. She The House of Prayer residents. Retreats, days of re- previously taught at Holy Union

movement, she said, is over a decade old and unique because, as an explanatory leaflet puts it, "it is American-founded, based and flourishing and has brought Europeans and others here to find out about this new prayer life exeperience ... a turnabout from the usual." Houses of Prayer offer active religious, men and women, the opportunity for contemplative living and concentration on an intense prayer life for short or路 long periods of time. Each has its own character, elements of prayer life drawn from eastern religions, or on charismatic experience. Daily Schedule At St. Mary's House, she said, the day begins at 5:30 a.m., when its seven members rise for an hour of "centering," during which they sit in a yoga position and endeavor to prepare themselves spiritually for the day to come. Following a quick breakfast, "morning praise" and study continue until 10 a.m., when Rev. Francis Marino, director of St. Mary's gives a Scriptural conference. After lunch, members conduct a liturgical discussion until 3:30 p.m. when Mass is celebrated. Following dinner and a period of recreation, a theme for the following day's liturgy is selected and discussed and a penitential service closes the day. How are the houses operated? Sister Ruth said many religious communities, aware of the need of their members for a deepened prayer life, have sponsored houses and released personnel to form core groups to start them. St. Mary's House is, for example, a project of the Sisters of Mercy and Father Marino, a Marist, has been assigned by

Pope Is Making Lenten Retreat VATICAN CITY (NC)-.Pope Paul VI will give no. private or public audiences this week as he takes part in retreat-like Lenten exercises at the Vatican. The annual exercises will be given by Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Cracow. The cardinal, a noted theologian, played a major. role in the 1974 World Synod of Bishops on evangelization, keynoting and synthesizing discussion on the theological as.pects of evangelization.

Cornwell Memoria' Chape'

newal and prayer instructions are available to anyone who wish to take advantage of them. Lay people as well as priests and sisters may stay at the house for long or, short periods. The outside world also enters by means of the telephone. Sister Ruth said calls requesting prayers for special intentions are continually being received. Occasionally, too, the house has guests whose need is for more L1an prayer: such have included an unwed mother, a homeless alcoholic and several "people with nowhere else to turn." Towards Liturgy Each House of Prayer emphasizes a particular area of spirituality, said Sister Ruth, and St. Mary's thrust is towards the liturgy. "We are a center for the integration of the total person in all his relationships," said the Holy Union Sister. "We give particular consideration to Christ as the center of our spiritual life with a Iiturgical orientation in which we follow Our Lady as our model, honoring her under the title of Our Lady of the Liturgical Life." The house seeks to harmonize eastern and western spiritualities, which is why certain yoga practices are used. Also important, said Sister Ruth, is practice of the "Jesus Prayer," a traditional eastern means of integrating "body and soul in the spirit of Christ." In all its activities, St. Mary's like the other houses of prayer in the nation, keeps in mind its main purpose, as described by the late Thomas Merton at a meeting of movement pioneers. The house of prayer, said the Trappist, is not new, but a "form n1eeded at this point of the historical development of religious life. After all, why did any of us become religious? What do we want first and foremost if not prayer?" Sister Ruth will be at St. N.:ary's House through July, when she will return to the di-

schools in New York, at the former Sacred Hearts Elementary School in Fall River, and at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton.

S'et 13 Tuesdays At St. Louis The Franciscan Friars of St. Louis parish, Fall River, will conduct the "Thirteen Tuesdays" of St. Anthony, beginning March 16 following nnon and 5:30 p.m. Masses and consisting of novena prayers, a sermon and blessing with a relic of the saint. The devotion derives its name and number from association with Tuesday, June 13, 1231, the date when St. Anthony died in Padua, Italy at the age of 36. The day is remembered because traditon affirms that many mir~ acles were worked at the saint's tomb and since that time Tuesday has been observed by many Catholics as St. Anthony's day. The saint was born in Lisbon in 1195 and after 10 years in the Augustinian Order transferred to the Franciscans. in 1220. He spent 11 years as a friar in prayer, study, teaching and preaching. Chosen by St. Francis to teach theology to new members of the Order, later devoted much of his time to preaching, and contemporary sources speak flowingly of his "fine bearing, pleasant features and learned speech." His sermons did much to offset the vices of his time and earned him approval of church and civil authorities and ordinary people alike. Thirteen years after St. Anthony'S death his tomb was opened and historians relate that his tongue, symbol of his eloquence, was found incorrupt. He was canonized by Pope Gregory IX less than a year after his death, the second Franciscan to be canonized, and in 1946 was declared a Doctor of the Universal Church by Pope Pius XII. .

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Silence, Contemplative Prayer Mark Eight-Day Retreats for Bishops SPOKANE, WASH. (NC)-Eight-day annual retreats, with silence and hours of contemplative prayer, once standard among religious orders, have been adopted by the bishops of Region XII of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops of the Northwest. Ten bishops, eight of them from Region XII, and 13 major superiors of religious orders, includ~ ing 12 Sisters and one priest, . "Life becomes more peaceful," lectures, no conferences, no 'ferrecently completed their second annual eight-day retreat said Bishop Sylvester Treinen of vorinos,' just a period of time Boise, Idaho. "Somehow the during which you pray from start at Spokane's Immaculate problems don't seem to loom to finish," he said. Heart Retreat House. In addition, bishops meet every other month for a "day of reo flection," Ingredients of the eight-day retreat are silence, scripturebased contemplative prayer, personal direction and some shared prayer, said Jesuit Father Armand Nigro, associate professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University here. Father Nigro headed the team of seven Sisters and priests who acted as spiritual directors during the most recent retreat. Four Hours Daily Those making the retreat, Father Nigro said, typically spent "four full hours each day in contemplative prayer," The daily schedule included about 45 minutes before lunch in shared prayer with other participants, a community Mass, brief meetings with personal directors and a half-hour group meeting in the evening. Those making the retreat determine the "order of prayer" for themselves, Father Nigro said, and may go to bed and rise when they wish. Silence was the norm at all times, even at meals, he said. "Yet a very close community of faith is formed in silence," he added. The Region XII bishops inaugurated their program of spiritual development and, renewal in June, 1973, with a 3D-day retreat and held their first eightday retreat in January, 1975, when they invited major superiors of men's and women's religious orders to attend. During interviews after the retreat, several of the bishops commented on the strong ties the Northwest bishops have developed with one another as a result of the program. They also stressed the personal growth that has resulted from the time spent in Scripture-based contemplative prayer.

as big anymore. It makes the work of. a bishop easier," That thought was echoed by several bishops, including Bishop Francis T. Hurley of Juneau, Alaska, who said there is always "a temptation not to come because of valid demands, but there is no question that it is definitely worth the time," Lauding the "from the heart," rather than "cerebral," approach of the retreats, Bishop Thomas J. Connolly of Baker, Ore., who planned the 1973 retreat with Father Nigro and Bishop Topel of Spokane, said the experience has helped him "to approach all things more prayerfully." The notion of contemplative prayer "scares the average person," he said, "but it is not all that mystical," By reading Scrip路 ture in a prayerful way "you allow yourself to enter into the fundamental questions God presents us," he said. Not So Important Archbishop Cornelius M. Power of Portland, Ore., also stressed the uniqueness of the retreat's concentration on con路 templative prayer. "There are no

Ric'e Bowl Continued from Page Three individual families are responding to the project. One woman, he noted, felt her children were too young to forego a main meal once a week, as Rice Bowl guidelines suggest. Instead, the youngsters are eschewing snacks and money thus saved is being put into the family's bowl. In another family, a picture of a gaunt infant pinned to the kitchen bulletin board is a graphiC reminder of the purpose of the Lenten sacrifice. . One thing is sure, said a national organizer of the Rice Bowl project: "We are not seeing the bowls remain on the radiators in the back of the ch:.lrch, as unfortunately many of our annual appeal collection .envelopes do,"



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Commenting on the difficulty of setting aside time for the retreat, Archbishop Power said: "We're not all that important! There are mechanics for carrying on established policies and routines."

Prayer Sustains Stricken Bishop CLIFTON (NC)-Bishop Lawrence B. Casey of Paterson said publicly for the first time that he had undergone cancer surgery and has received a "second . chance" because of the prayers of his people. The 70-year-old bishop delivered a dramatically personal "message of hope" at a meeting of the American Cancer Society Passaic County unit. . He revealed that he underwent a colostomy during surgery last fall to remove a malignant tumor from the upper intestines and added that he has been back on a full-time work schedule since the first of the year and that chances against a recur路 rence of cancer were estimated at 90 percent. "I have a second chance," he said. "I believe that the prayers of my people, young and old, had much to do with the out路 come," Bishop Casey said: "Looking back, I didn't get excited or overly anxious about the operation. I trusted the Lord and put myself completely in His hands. Whatever He wanted was all right with me. You wonder how people withou.t religious faith react when they are confronted with a major crisis. Their outlook must be dismal and despairing. They are unaware of any higher power to sustain them,"

Diocesan Choir Continued from Page Three Now in preparation for diocesan ordinations and a bicentennial celebration planned for Monday, May 31 at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, members are reheasing works by Peloquin, Wilhousky, de la Lande, Williams' and Franck. Any member of the diocese interested in joining the choir may contact Father Campbell at Holy Name Rectory, Fall River, telephone 679-6732. A coffee hour will follow Sunday's rehearsal.

Fatal Error "The idolatrous worship of organized human power is the fatal error which is common to all the varieties of our postwar paganism. The error is so profound that the triumph of this paganism could spell nothing but disaster for mankind." -A. J. Toynbee

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976


·, 0

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976



Sisters Are Extraordinary Ministers Continued from Page Three This would enable the homebound to receive the Eucharist more frequently than at present, he noted. Citing the increased awareness of the Eucharist as food for spiritual hunger that has foIlowed Vatican II and the emphasis on the Sacrament accompanying

preparations for the Eucharistic Congress, the Bishop said, "This is only the beginning. There wiII be more and more need for extraordinary ministers as time goes on." He commented that a Sister of Charity of Quebec at Mt. St. Joseph School, FaIl River, is already functioning as an extra-

The Parish Parade ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of Ste. Anne wiII hold an open meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 17 in the church - haIl on Buffington Street. Entertainment will have a St. Patrick's Day theme, including vocal selections by "CoIleens Three" and various surprise novelties offered by sodality members. A St. Patrick's centerpiece for the hostess table will be contributed by Judith Kusinitz, sodality president. Program cochairmen are Anita Boulanger and Muriel Patenaude. ST. MARY'S, FAIRHAVEN -Parishioners will present their 15th annual variety show, this year entitled' "Gentlemen, Be Seated," at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 3 and Sunday, April 4 at Hastings Junior High School auditorium. Produced and directed by Malcolm E. Tripp, the show will have a cast of 130. Tickets may be reserved with Tripp, telephone 994-7320 or Mrs. Ludger Dlugosinski, 994-0595 and may also be obtained at the rectory. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The Guild of the Visitation will hold a St. Patrick's Irish Night from 7 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, March 13 in the parish haIl on .Bridge Road. A buffet night. Tickets may be reserved supper will precede dancing to the music of the Billy Reese orchestra, which will feature Irish tunes. Reservations may be made with Rose Frechette, telephone 255-4995 or Mary Mountain, 255-4373.

ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The parIsh council wm spon· sor a Bicentennial dance in the parish hili I in North Fairhaven from 8 p.m. to midnight, Saturday, March 20. Music will be by the Quintet Renaissance and a breakfast will be served at midnight. Tickets may he resetrved by calling Edward O'Gara, general chadrman, or Mrs. Joseph Cataldo Jr., ticket chairman. OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, NEW BEDFORD An "Evening of Lebanese Tradition" will be held Saturday, April 3 at Kennedy Youth Center, 377 County St. Beginning at 6 p.m. with a traditional Maronite Mass, it wiU continue with entertainment and refreshments. Music will be by Fowzi Assef and the Phoenicians. Cochairmen Michael Thomas and Matthew Thomas announce that tickets are available at the rectory and proceeds will benefit the parish.

ordinary minister. Sister Henriette Bisson has been assisting in distribution of the Eucharist to children at the large boarding school since January. She, however, had previously been commissioned in the Boston Archdiocese. InstaIled last Saturday were Sister Mary Thomas More and Sister Margarita Maria of'Madonna Manor; Sister Marie Therese and Sister Tulia of Marian Manor; and Sister Rita Marie, Sister Marie William, Sister Theresa and Sister Marie Claire of St. Anne's Hospital. Concelebrating Mass with Bishop Cronin were Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, director of the pastoral care department of the hospital; Rev. Raymond Drouin, O.P., also of the department; and Rev. Bruce M. Neylon. Rev. John J. Oliveira was master of ceremonies.

Charity First "That person cannot be a martyr who has not held fast the charity of brotherhood." -St. Cyprian


CPA Officers Back Decision ROCKVI·LLE CENTER (NC) The officers of the Catholic Press Association have re-affirme1 the statement on editorpublisher relations which was issued Feb. 20 by the association's board of directors. The text of the announcement sa:d: "That statement dealt in a general manner with several recent conflicts involving bishoppu!)lishers and editors. '''The board agreed unanimously that no judgemental statement involving any of the disputes could reasonably be made without (a) a soecific reouest for such action by one of th~ aggrieved parties and (b) more information than that which was available. "A fuIl. honest and im1)artial examination is required before any fair judgment can he made involving individual conduct in cases such as these. Such a course is demanded bv the general ethics of journalism arid thE! guidelines of due process for which so many of us have campaigned. -


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"Any member of the association can bring this matter to the floor of a genera! meeting should he or she desire, for the consideration of the full assembly. As in the past the officers and 'board recognize that the ultimate authority of the association rests .in the members themselves." The statement was made in response to attacks by Msgr. Salvatore J. Adamo of the Cath·olic ~tar Herald of Camden, Owen Murphy, Jr. of the Catholic Free Press of Worcester and Rev. Barry Connerton of the Providence Visitor who held that the CPA board should have expressed a judgement in the "Fall River case." James A. Dovle. CPA executive director, told NC News that there were serious questions .whether a convention' would be a proper or practical forum for handling such a dispute and whether the association "is in Iproper fact a judic'ial 'body" with authority to adjudicate such a dispute.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

Optimism Of Henry Ford Unshared in Appalachia


Objects to Suggestion Church Buy Left Ideas

Henry Ford II, chairman of the board, Ford Motor Co., recently published a significant essay on the theme of America's bicentennial. It differed markedly from the kind of rah-rah statement that too many not all) top-flight business executives are wont to make when asked to talk mining communities throughout the United States. At the presabout the so-called Amer- ent time, because coal is in great ican way of life. Aside from demand, the miners in Appalabrief reference to the "rising burden of government costs" and the so-called taxpayers' revolt which hear so much

chia are economically better off than they were a couple of years ago. On the other hand, as Thomas E. Gish, the outspoken editor of a. small-town newsANNIVERSARY: Msgr. paper published in an isolated John J. Regan and Michael section of Appalachia, recently pointed out in an Op-Ed piece McMahon plan observance By in the New York Times: "The of 75th anniversary of dedicentral Appalachian area ... is cation of 51. Mary's CatheMSGR. one of the leading poverty cendral, Fall River. ters in the entire country. InGEORGE G. comes average less than half the HIGGINS national average. The education system is the worst in the nation ... If there is any place in the about these days, it was free of United States that is a total the usual ideological cant about mess, it is the Appalachian coal Dennis Polselli, son of Mr. and the virtues of unrestricted free fields." Mrs. Amato Polselli, Sacred I dare say that the average enterprise and the alleged threat Heart parish, Fall River, has been of creeping socialism. While big-city American knows less named vice-president of the stuabout Appalachia. and about its Ford waved the flag a bit and dent government at Stonehill talked about the need for na- histpry than he knows about College, Easton. A graduate of tional unity, he did so more Timbuktu. In Gish's words, it is Perkins School for the Blind, realistically and with a greater truly "a closed society." And Watertown, Polselli is also a degree of sophistication than we yet it is a distinctive culture of member of the Student Affairs have come to expect from people its own which deserves our at- Committee and of the staff of of his stature in the business tention and respect, especially .the college radio station. community. All things consid- on the occasion of our bicentenered, I thought he turned in a niaL Benedictine Oblates creditable perfonnance. Coal Mine Ballads Benedictine Oblates will hold I strongly suspect, however, One way of tuning in to the a day of recollection at Portsthat many Americans no not history and folkways of Appalashare his amiable optimism chia and other mining communi- mouth Abbey, Portsmouth, R. I. about the future of our American ties is to listen to their ballads this Sunday. The p;ogram will society. While admitting that we and songs, many of which have include 9 a.m. Mass, breakfast, are faced with many serious to do with the plight of the conferences at 11 :30 a.m. and problems, he appeals to the miners and their families. Six- 2:30 p.m. and a 1 p.m. dinner. American people to shake off teen such songs, sung by Joseph Reservations may be. made at their "numbness" and to "enter Glazer of Washington, D. C., the abbey or with Mrs. Frank again into national and commu- the nation's outstanding labor Moriarty, telephone 672·1439. nity affairs - not in the terms troubadour, are now available of confrontation, but in the spir- on a long-playing record entitled it of compromise, goodwill, op- "Down in a Coal Mine." For fur- BLESSED SACRAMENT, timism and even enthusiasm ther infonnation, address: Col- FALL RIVER that in'the past has pennitted lector Records, Suite 201, 8322 The Men's Club will sponsor a this nation to accomplish .so Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md., St. Patrick's supper and dance at much for itself and for the 20950. 7:15 p.m. Saturday, March 20 in 'World." As one who has read scores the parish hall. The menu will That appeal will undoubtedly of books about American labor feature chicken and music will strike a responsive chord among history, I would say that, while be by the Johnny Sowa orchesthose who have "made it" under the printed word is important tra. the American system. I doubt for anyone who wants to underA Crazy Hat party is pllmned that it will do so, however, stand the culture of Appalachia, for Saturday, April 3, withprizes among those who feel trapped the ballads and songs of the re- awarded for the most novel hats. by the system and, worse than gions are, in many ways, even A chicken pie supper will be that, feel that there is little or more important. They tell us served and music wm be providnothing they can do about it. more about the feelings and ed hy the Casino Royales orchesfrustrations, the dreams and as- tra. Little Confidence The bishops of the United pirations of the people who live Slated for Saturday, April 10 States, speaking through the Ad- in the hollows of that area than is a smorgasbord supper and ministrative Board of the U. S. even the most gifted writer can dance, with proceeds going to Catholic Conference, referred to put into words. For this reason, the parish aid fund. Dancing will the latter group in their recent· I am pleased to recommend be to the music of the Charlie statement, "Political Responsi- Glazer's records highly. and Company orchestra, fonnerAll this is said not to refute ly the Jardinieres.. bility: Reflections on an EoJection Year." They pointed out that Henry Ford's refreshinghly optiMen's Club president Eddy "many persons caught in the mistic outlook on the future of Brault is chairman for the three web of poverty and injustice our society, but simply to put it events and tickets "are available have little confidence in the re- in proper focus. from any member. sponsiveness of our :political inOUR LADY OF LOURlDES, stitutions." The discouragement TAUNTON and feeling of powerlessness, The annual parish ham and OUR LADY'S they said, is not limited to the bean will take place from RELIGIOUS STORE 5:30 tosupper poor who. feel it most intensely, 7 p.m. Saturday, March 936 South Main St. but affects many other social 20 at the schoO'I hall on First groups as well. Street. All beans are homebaked Fall River by parishioners and the meal One such group that we who (Corner Osborn St.) will be served family style. reside in the big cities seldom COMPLETE LINE OF Tickets with a special rate for ever hear about are the coal FIRST COMMUNION GIFTS children, may be reserved at the miners and their families who And Religious Articles rectory, telephone 822·0357, or live out their blighted lives in Tel. 673-4262 by telephoning 823-1439. Appalachia and other isolated


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Parish Parade

A recent article in "The Critic" by John Deedy gives some hint of how badly off intellectually the American Catholic Church is. In an "Elegy for the Catholic Left," Deedy laments the passing of the Catholic left, which never existed outside a few magazines and newspapers and a Fair enough, but one wants to know at once what is "imaginacouple of headline-grabbing tive and venturesome." clergy, and then urges what Mr. Deedy promptly tells us: is in effect the adoption of the left-wing strategy as a precondition for a Catholic revival in America.

By REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY The Catholic left, having failed completely to influence the Catholic masses or the rest of the country, is now going to be given one more chance to save us from our sins. Old leftists never die; they just come back with the same old cant. "The Critic" continues to be the most lively Catholic publication in America but the Deedy article was not one of its more brilliant offerings. In his "Elegy for the Catholic Left" Deedy calls on the Church to take a left-wing course to recapture "relevance" (he admits unease with the word).· We should first of all abandon most of what we are doing-and concede that the state can do petter the services we have been perfonning. It's strange to hear a "Commonweal" editor taking the same stand as Cardinal Cody, but for some funny reason, a lot of black-by no means all Catholic-think the Church does a hell of a lot better jog educating children than does the state. But still we should "reappraise" all that we are now doing and "launch out on imaginative and adventuresome new courses."

nuclear dlsannament, Third World, energy, ecology, environment, hunger, conscientious objection, universal amnesty ... New and adventuresome? Me Too? Most of us would think that Mr. Deedy's course sounds quite indistinguishable from the liberal left agenda which one can pick up from any national journal without having to listen to it in the Church. Or one could find the same agenda from liberal Protestants or the freaks of the World Council of Churches. Is the only "imaginative and venturesom" course left for the Churcr to become a pale reflec· tion, a "me too" echo of secular liberalism? And does Mr. Deedy really think that people have left the Church or have diminished their church attendance because of the Third World or energy? Would he like to give an estimate of our losses because of silence on the Third World and the gains we would make if we tried to beat our Protestant brothers in self-abasement before the moral excellence of the petty little anti-Semitic tyrants of the Third World? The main-lone Protestant de· nominations have been on the Third World kick for years (including financial support for the World Council's funding of revolutions) and has anyone noticed a massive return to religious practice by their members? On the contrary, the response to strident oversimplification of complex economic, social and cultural issues has been. a sharp decline in membership and contribution for the most liberal Protestant churches.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH IIWhere Does Scripture Belong Todav?1 Looking back from the perspective of nearly 2,000 years, it isn't easy for us to picture the early Christian community in which the Gospels took shape. It is worth the effort, though, for those early Christians have much to teach Christians today.


No doubt some were educated, influential people. But most weren't. For the most part the Christians of the first century were not members of the establishment, religious or otherwise. Their allegiance to Christianity -a new, strange and often bitterly resented religion-by itself help cast them in the role of outsiders. That is in considerable con-





trast with the status of most 20th-century American Catholics. There are exceptions, but Catholics in contemporary America tend to be middle class, comfortable, and somewhat conformist. Many of those who aren't aspire to be. This has its pluses-but also its minuses. For much of their history American Catholics have been preoccupied with the problem of "fitting in" and winning acceptance from other Americans. Now some think we may have succeeded entirely too well. The price of acceptance may have been some diminishing of our self-identity as Catholics and an excessive readiness to adopt other people's values and beliefs. The early Christian community suffered from backsliding and apathy, too. But the overall picture is one of intense commitment. As far as social status was concerned, it wasn't easy either to become or remain a Christian. Why did they? The apswer is, in a sense, the Turn to Page Thirteen


How many are they? What do they think? There should be books about black Catholics. What difference has becoming Catholics meant to blacks? Do differences show up Turn to Page Fifteen

There are many things we don't know about Catholics in America. You would think that the college bookstores would be teeming with books about us. They're not. Catholics are, after all, a quarter of the population. We pay, one imagines, a quarter of the taxes. Why don't the state universities concentrate more energies on studying the Has anyone knocked at your Catholic people in America? Severel reasons suggest they door in recent months armed should. For one thing, there are with an array of religious literso many of us. Second, our so- ature and quite insistent that cial location is so critical-we - you listen to their lengthy nonare most numerous precisely in stop monologue? the ,largest states and the largest cities. Our people are, next to the Jews, the most progressive -and thus the most decisive, electorally-in the nation. By Exactly how many Catholics are there? Not only "practicing" Catholics, or those "officially" FR. JOSEPH M. counted. But those who spring CHAMPLIN from Catholic cultures? For whaJ is significant about people is not only their present pracOr have some of your Catholic tices, but their inner tendencies friends mentioned they had just and leanings. Being Jewish or been baptized in the Spirit and Protestant has a great impact suggested that you, too, might on one's perception and inner join the unique group of those music. So also with being Cath- so favored? olic. Do you now and then run into I would like to know the proportion of Eastern European persons who claim they are Catholics in Iowa, for example. "saved" or ask if you have been All over that state, and many saved by the Lord and are going others, there seem to be hun- to heaven? What was your reaction? An dreds of Slavic communities. Dvorak wrote "The New World initial polite acceptance, then a Symphony" on one such town. growing impatience and resentOne hardly ever hears about ment with the visiting missionthese people, or sees their names ary? A painful sense of 'being in the media or in high position cut off from your formerly close -even in the Catholic press. friends now so caught up witb


Formation of the Gospel Tradition

By REV. JOHN J. CA8TELOT, 8.S. If: you open any edition of the New Testament you find the Gospels printed first. And they do come first, but in the order of dignity rather than of time. As a matter of fact, many of the Epistles were written before the first of our canonical Gospels, that of Mark, makes its appearance. This is a very important point to remember for a true appreciation of the Gospels. Far from being primitive, naive little "lives of Christ"-which they were never intended to be-they are in fact works of deep theological import. They were given their present form after decades during which the apostolic Church meditated upon, penetrated deeper and deeper, applied more and more widely, and especially, lived the Christian message. That is why, in some ways, it is better to study the Epistles first. They give us a picture of how the Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, grew in its understanding and expression of the mystery of Christ. What a tremendous difference there is, for example, between the early Pauline writings, like Thessalonians, and later ones, like Colossians and Ephesians. Over the intervening years heand his discipiles after him-developed an increasingly keener, more profound insight into the mysteries of the faith: the Person and work of Christ, his Mys-

Modern St. Paul Writes to Flock II this baptism in the Spirit? An Awkward inability to say "Yes, I am saved" and "Yes, I am going to heaven"? . These three experiences are not uncommon for today's Roman Catholic and the reactions described, quite typical. In a way they represent a few of the problems and "errors," if we want to call them that, connected with the contemporary pentecostal, evangelistic, charismatic movements which have grown rapidly within Christian churches over the last decade. Father Richard Chachere of Lafayette, La. understands well both the marvelously good dimensions of these movements and their dangerous thrusts or tendencies. Ordained 10 years ago, he has spent the second half of that decade as Diocesan Director of Charismatic Renewal in his diocese, one of the few full-time priests for such a post in the Unit~d States: A man who himself is a person of prayer, devotion to Sacred Scripture and openness to the Holy Spirit, he watches over some 35 prayer groups (each Turn to Page Thirteen .

"THE DISCIPLES were in possession of the bare facts of Jesus' life." Matthew writing his Gospel is depicted in this 17th century Armenian print. tical Body, the Church, the nature and workings of grace and the sacraments. Or, to t~~e an example from the Gospels themselves, compare at random a chapter or two of Mark with a chapter or two of John. Almost three decades separate these tw.o Gospels, and the Holy Spirit was not idle in the interim. In other words, the Gospels had an oral and written prehistory. Many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events which have been fulfilled in our midst ..." (Lk 1:1). Before the Resurrection and the descent of th,e Holy Spirit, the disciples were in possession of the bare facts of Jesus' life; afterwards th1ey were supernaturally enlightened to understand the meaning of those facts. Their mission was precisely to teach, to interpret that meaning for all men. This they did in different ways. Their

proclamation of the Christevent to unbelievers was rudimentary, covering just the essentials, designed to lead them to belief in Him. The instruction they gave to those who entered the Church was fuller, deeper. Accounts Varied Over the years this teaching Turn to Page.Thirteen

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Formation of the Gospel Tradition Continued from Page Twelve began to assume more or less fixed forms in the different communities in which it was given. and as circumstances permitted or required, there were put into writing little collections of instructions: descriptions of Jesus' activities, int~rpretations of his parables, and the like. Of course, these accounts, these interpretations varied from community to community. For the Christian message was a living, vital, relevant message, and it had to be applied to all sorts of varying circumstances by those in authority. Christ's official teachers would stress this aspect of His . activity for this community, another aspect for another; this interpretation of His words for this church, another interpretation for another church. As a result of aU this preaching and teaching and writing, the evangelists had a great deal of material, oral and written, upon which to draw when they set about writing the Gospels. An

Church Pro-Life Continued from Page Three "Often that criticism stems from a failure to understand the real is<;ue that is involved," he said. "Because of that misunderstanding they look upon abortion as an option which should riot be denied to those who seek it. Basic Human Right "The fact is, however, that abortion is the termination of the life of an unborn child. Our tradition teaches us that from the moment of conce...tion. we are dealing with a human being, one who has rights and is in special need of protection hecause as an unborn infant he is completely defenseless and dependent on others." Archbishop Bernardin went on some sectarian teaching which is peculiar to our faith." but stems from "our appreciation of God's gift of life which transcends sectarian beliefs." "Our opposition to abortion is a question of basic human right, the right to live." he stated. The archibishop noted that "so basic is this right, that it takes precedence over other rights such as privacy. "Moreover, it is a right which must be protected by civil law. To say that the protection of unborn human life should be left entirely to the conscience of the individual is like saying that there should be no laws nrohibiting one person from destroy. ing another person. "That is why we 'are seeking an amendment to our constitution," Archbishop Bernardin said, "Because of the court's 1973 decision, this is the only way any level of government can pass laws to protect the unborn."

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immense amount of very valuable work has been done on the Gospels in recent years, work which has contributed immeasurably to our understanding of just how the Gospels came to be, what their authors had in mind, and what we can-and cannotexpect to find in reading them. In the following articles we shall try topresent as clearly as possible the results of the research of centuries. But I beg you to be patient. It is impossible to say everything" in a short space. If something is said which surprises or puzzles you, wait just a bit. The study of the Gospels is a delicate one; one must read carefully and, most important of all, avoid jumping to oonclusions which may be unwarranted. Here is how the bishops of the world at the Second Vatican Council summed all of this up in the "Constitution on Divine Revelation" (par. 19): Holy Mother Church has finnly and with absolute constancy . held, and continues to hold, that the four Gospels just named, whose historical character the Church unhesitatingly asserts, faithfully hand on what Jesus Christ, while living among men, really did and taught for their eternal salvation until the day He was taken up into heaven •.• Indeed, after the ascension of the Lord the apostI!!s handed on to their hearers what He had said and done. This they did with that clearer understanding which they enjoyed after they had been instructed by the events of Christ's risen life and taught by the light of the Spirit of truth ..• but always in such fashion that they told us the honest' truth about Jesus. Read this paragraph very carefully, especially the sentence beginning, "This they did with that clearer understanding ..." For they were not interested in writing a so-called "life of Christ," Anyone who had observed Him could have done that. Only one with post-resurrection faith could have written a Gospel, could have told us the "honest" truth about Jesus-not just the historical truth, but the honest .truth. For Jesus was not just an historical figure; he was unique, the Word made flesh, about whom only people enlightened by faith co,uld have given us the honest truth, the full truth. This makes the Gospels unique in human literature, the fact that their subject was unique: there has been only one God-man in human history. They contain some very solid historical material, but they transcend history, as he did. They are transhistorical, metahistoricaI. In conclusion, I should like to suggest this definition of a Gospel: an inspired interpretation of the historical Christ-event in the light of post-resurrection and post-Pentecost faith.


Thurs. March 11, '976


"RECONCILIATION NEEDS to begin where we find God has placed us - which is His grace in the Catholic Church." A man deep in prayer is among those attending a gathering of a charismatic community.

Modern St. Paul Writes To Flock Continued from Page Twelve with 75-100 members) in parishes of that Louisiana diocese. Last fall, his experiences led him to write an extensive letter to these units with very' specific guidelines designed to insure their healthy growth and development. In tone and content, the message resembles St. Paul's epistles .to the early Christian communities. It began: "Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus: "May God our Father give you grace and peace. "At this time of longing for the Spirit, of deep intercession for the Church, I felt prompted to share with you a vision of the Spirit's work amongst God's people in our diocese; the input of many, especially our priests; and some directions as well as cautions for the future. As Bishop Frey's appointed shepherd, I strongly feel the time is ripe for this," Father Chachere was direct, frank and proceeded swiftly to some of the questionable approaches we cited at the beginning of· this column: . "I think we need to recognize humbly that reconciliation needs to begin where we find God has placed us-which is His grace in the Catholic church. Many of us

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came into the renewal because we felt our faith needed it, because quite honestly, we felt our parish or our Church was dead. "Accordingly, there has crept into our ways of thinking and speaking--often unconsciouslyattitudes of judgment, of negativism, of elitism, of separatism. What is worse, some have felt there are two classes of Catholics, 'those in the Spirit' (which equals the renewal) and those who do not possess the Spirit! "Equally as bad but mpre subtle are those who speak and act as if they belonged to a specital class of Spirit-filled believers. "And a more delicate problem, granted the need for reconciliation and unity among all Christians, are those Catholics who have felt more at home amongst Pentecostals than Catholics," The young director of Charismatic renewal then offered many practical suggestions to counteract these unhealthly tendencies. We will examine a few of them next week.'

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Continued from Page Twelve same as the answer to the question of how the Gospels came to be. The commitment of the early Christians was rooted in fervent response to a person, Jesus Christ, and to His message. The Gospels reflect their concern to grasp the meaning of life and message of Jesus and hand it on to others. If contemporary Catholics shared that ,fervent attitude, evangelization-the proclaiming of the good news announced by Jesus-would not be discussed today as a "problem" for the Church. The growth of Christianity in its early years was miraculous in a way, but it was a human miracle--one resulting from generous, unreserved human response to God's grace. The same grace is offered to American Catholics today; if anything is lacking, it is re. sponse. Reflection on the context in which the Gospels came to bethe early Christian community pondering the me and teaching of Jesus Christ - also tells us . something important' about how to approach the Gospels. Basically, they are faith·expressions of and for a community of believers, and are best treated that way. Of course, it is desirable and necessary that individuals read, reflect on and pray over the Gospels. Indeed, even today it is a matter of regret and embarrassment that there have been times in history when' the Church not only did not encourage individual reading of Scripture but actively discouraged it. But at its best, the traditional Catholic approach to the Gospels-essentially a communitarian approach which emphasizes reading and praying Scripture within a community of faithcomes closer to the spirit of the early Christian community. The Gospels, after all, are not private messages from God to individual Christians. Rather, the entire Bible, including the Gospels, is the book of the community of faith itself. The community - the Church - existed before the Gospels did. And the Gospels are, essentially, God's revelation to that community, expressed and interpreted within it. The Bible is an essential source of our belief but not the only one. As Vatican Council II put it, "sacred tradition, sacred Scripture, and tpe teaching authority of the Church ... are so Hnked and joined together that one cannot stand without the others." So it is healthy and encouraging that the renewed liturgy places fresh emphasis on shared worship which included prayerful proclamation of the Word of God and homilies rooted in Scripture. Such developments help place Scripture in general and the Gospels in particular exactly where they belong: in the con· text of a believing, praying community of faith. That is where the Gospel tradition was formed 20 centuries ago, and it is where the Gospels speak most powerfuHy to us today.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976

__your basic youth page fo_cus on youth

Freshmen-to-Be • • • Eag'er for Fall

BY CECILIA BELANGER Is there anything wrong with not wishing to get involved in everything that comes along? I'm not a mixer. I'm at my best working alone or with people I'm sure of. Yet someone is always after me to get into things. I think I can do as much good alone. What do you think? J.L.B. A. I understand what you're saying. Be firm when people hassle you and continue to do good in your own way. When people' do the best they can, what more does anyone want? You can do good deeds anywhere. If you're waiting for a bus, walking a'1ong the street, leaving a department store, serve the person in need before you. For he or she is no less than the microcosm, the image of God. Q. I like to do things for people, but I don't like them to find out about it. I'm embarrassed by praise. It seems to mar,the good I try to do. Some say I'm carrying "humility" to the point of fanaticism, but that's the way I am. Is there anything wrong in trying to be quiet 'about who one does for other? N.Mc. A. No! It reminds me of a great Jewish story, told me by a young rabbi. It's the tale of two brothers of ancient Israel who had wheat farms on opposite sides of a small mountain. One year each brother thought, "My brother's crop doesn't look so good this year. I think in the Q.

dead of night I'll load a cart with my wheat, take it over the hill and put it in his granary. He'll never notice if I do it bit by bit." So the quiet good deeds began and continued until one night the brothers met at the top of the mountain, each heading towards the other's farm. They looked at each other, realized what had been happening and embraced. And it was there at the top of that mountain that God saw fit to build the holy temple. I doubt if there was embarrassment there at being discovered-just deep love and understanding. Q. I've always loved the picture of Jesus knocking at the door. How can you tell when He's knocking at your door? Do you get an innner excitement? Just what is it; what does it mean? I don't know too much about the Bible. L.D.G. A. First of all, think about doors. Reflect on the role they play in your life: insuring your privacy, separating you from the outside world. Consider how they let you out and enable others to come in. (A movie camera trained on your door for one month, day and night, would give a pretty good indication of who you are!) Now, imagine yourself without a door. Could you be fully human? Aren't prisoners dehumanized when they're put beTurn to Page Fifteen



By The Dameans

Dreams ..

Dreams... Dreams

I've just closed my eyes again, climbed aboard the dream-weaver train Trying to take away my worri~<; of today and leave tomorrow behind , Dreamweaver, I believe you can pet me through the night. Gary Wright The dreams I've seen lately keep on turning out and burning out and turning out the same. The Eagles Once we were stnding still in time chasing the fantaties that filled our minds. Now looking back at all we planned We let so many dreams just slip through our hands. Diana Ross When the morning comes and I lie and watch you slee'Jing, and you smile when you dream about the night like it's a secret you've been keeping. Helen Reddy


Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true. Aerosmith A glance at a recent survey of top 40 hits reveals no less than 10 per cent of the songs deal with dreams and dreaming. Dreams are a natural, yet mysterious p'art of our lives. We have good dreams and nightmares, daydreams and fantasies, impossible dreams and dreams that come true, dreams

By Karen Deep School Correspondent As September enrollment for Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton increases, the excitement of oncoming freshmen rises. Speaking to Mr. Michael DonIy, vice-principal, I learned that about 145 eighth graders took the Coyle-Cassidy entrance examination and about 120 are expected to actually enroll. Many attended an orientation program held last month which included an explanation of courses and extracurricular programs. Many prospective students have older brothers, sisters or friends already at Coyle-Cassidy. I spoke to Kelly Smith, an eighth grader at Norton Elementary School and she told me she had a choice between CoyleCassidy or Norton High and that she picked our school because of the friendly atmosphere she experienced while visiting classes with a friend, Lisa Kelly, also from Norton and a member of this year's freshman class. Kelly admitted she had a few worries about adjusting to a high school schedule but she thought that after a few weeks her difficulties would be gone. She is looking forward to joining Lisa in the school folk group and some other friends on the gymnastics team and also has hopes of making the girls' basketball team. .


READY FOR THEM: Michael Donly, vice-principal at Coyle-Cassidy High School, prepares for incoming freshman class at Taunton school.

Teens Discuss Families, Relationship With God From NC stories Polls conducted among Tennessee Catholic teens indicate they favor family planning and artificial contraception and consider Scripture unimportant in their lives. Of 401 students responding to a poll by Common, Sense, the Memphis diocesan newspaper, just over 90 per cent of the boys and just under 90 per cent of th'e girls said yes to the question, "Do you believe in family planning?" The poll itself did not define what was meant by "family planning," but several of the

Music we remember and dreams which elude us ,as soon as we awaken. We aren't responsible for what we dream, and dreams shouldn't bother us no matter how weird or upsetting. It's only when we dream the same things again and again that we should seek someone to help us find out what they are telling us. Daydreams can he fun. They can help pass the time while waiting for a friend or help us ease through a boring class. In my daydreaming I can be anybody and do anything I want, but while daydreaming certainly distracts us from reality for a while, it cannot become the main activity of our lives. To escape a painful situation by dreaming may be healthful and necessary at times, but we must realize that we cannot live hy avoiding the future, by letting life slip by. Otherwise, we are not really dreamers but escape artists. Dreams can point us to the future as when children dream they will be firemen (oops - fire persons), doctors and nurses. Dreams can keep a person with vision going when times are rough and the goals seem so far away. There is a difference, too, between dreams and wishes. The dreamer know,> his goal as a real possibil,ity and lives his life in pursuit of his dream.' Thus, Dr. Martin Luther King could say "I have a dream," even though he never saw the fulfiUment of that dream. The wisher, on the other hand, idles his time away thinking of things he cannot or does not wish to work for. He wishes for quick wealth or power, no more pain in life, or that he would he eight feet tall to play pro basketball. The Christian is never one who has' to dream alone. He knows that no matter what he has to suffer, his nightmares will never be final. He will find happiness without end with those who have lived to pass on the dream of Jesus. That's a promise.

students said they did not have the Church-approved rhythm or ovulation methods in mind when they answered the question. Several men and women who work with teenagers said they were almost certain family plans would generally center on contraceptive devices and not rhythm or abstinence. "I am sure most of that 90 per cent plan to use contraceptives," said a volunteer worker who teaches the ovulation method of birth control. "I find that to the young people today," said a priest, "artificial contraception is no longer a question in their minds. They have made it a matter of their own conscience and they give it no thought beyond that." Following publication of the poll's results, Common Sense editor Robert Holton said that what surprised him was a lack of Catholic reaction to the news. "Apparently everybody is saying, 'So what?'" said Holton. Want Closeness In the Nashville diocese 77 per cent of Catholic youth surveyed - in a poll conducted by Sister Maria Edwards, diocesan coordinator of secondary religious education, said Scripture does not play an important part in their lives. However, 92 per cent said they would like to experience a closer relationship with God, and 86 per cent said they would like to learn to speak more intelligently about their faith.

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Boston English High Rewrites Schoolboy Tournament Script The most coveted prize in Massachusetts Schoolboy basketball is the Division I State Championship. According to the 1976 script that award was to go to Durfee High of Fall River winner of the South sectional title or Don Bosco High victor in the North permanent basis and that once playoffs, instead that honor you've won it no one can take it will go to Boston English away. High. English had lost four English won the championship

games prior to the tournament and was considered, at best, a darkhorse to win the South sectional crown. Most prognostications indicated that the winner of the Durfee-Catholic Memorial matchup would go on to win the title. But, someone neglected to notify Coach Ed Burley of English. Consequently, English defeated Durfee in the finals 61-58 and earned the right to meet Don Bosco. Perhaps, Coach Burley is of the misconception that the Division I title is awarded on a

in 1974 and then repeated last year. Now it has its sights set on an unbelievable third consecutive crown. If English can duplicate its performance against Durfee when it meets Bosco, that goal could become a reality. In the Durfee contest English trailed 32-25 at half time and by six with approximately four minutes to be played. A nine point unanswered spree later in the period turned the tide and brought about the English triumph.

Tourney Loss Shadows Successful Season The English victory was no fluke. The highly talented Bostonians fought gallantly coming from behind to overtake the' Hilltoppers. Durfee never quit and can be justifiably proud of its tourney performances. Likewise Oliver Ames High of Easton, toppled in its bid for the Division II crown, earned the praise and respect of tourney followers. Dorchester crushed the Tigers 92-67 to foil the Hockomock League champions tourney hopes. The commendable records of both schools should not be forgotten because of the single loss. Neither reached the pinnacle of schoolboy basketball but both can reflect with satisfaction on a super season. Fot: Durfee the year brought a second straight Southeastern Massachusetts Division I championship. The Tom Karam-

coached Hilltoppers were' unbeaten in loop play and lost only twice all season. Both losses came in tournament competition. The first at the hands of East Providence in the Newport Holiday Festival Tournament and the second to English. The Black and Red strung together a 19 game winning streak during the 22-2 campaign. On an individual basis for Coach Karam, the season fell just short of being perfect. Another league title, fifteenth appearance in the state tourney in 16 years and 22 victories to add to his coaching career 278. Coach Karam's record at 'Durfee now stands at 300 wins and only 71 losses. For those interested in statistics that means that Karam coached Durfee teams win better than eight of every ten games played.

Catholic Central Loop Rules Division III In Easton there is disappointment over the team's loss to Dorchester. The state crown would have provided a fitting climax to a perfect season. Hockomock League Champions, undefeated season, state title holders - everything rolled into one season. Such was not to be. But, a 21-1 season is nothing to be ashamed of. While there are no area teams still involved in the tournament . basketball enthusiasts are promised an outstanding day of entertainment when the finals are staged Saturday. The site for the final round has yet to be announced. Developments in Division III of the tourney have some coaches mumbling about revi-

sion of guidelines for placement of individual schools into brackets. At present enrollment is the key factor, but some mentors believe league affiliation should also be considered. The reason for the discussion is that the Catholic Central League completely dominated Division III. Cathedral High of Boston won the South sectional by d~feating Cardinal Spellman of Brockton. Spellman finished fourth in regular season play behind loop champion Cathedral. In the North sectional finals Matignon, rUlmer-up in the circuit, lost to Don Savio who finished third in league play. The contention is that these schools should be in Division II.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 11, 1976


Continued from Page Twelve statistically between Catholic and Protestant blacks? How are young Italian-Americans and Slavic-Americans doing in getting into college? Are they adequately represented in law schools and medical schools? Recently a newspaper in Pittsburgh suggested that 95 per cent of the Slovaks there were not going to college. Is that figure correct? If so, what reasons explain it? Catholics like to think they have done very well in American society. How well? There is not a single Catholic, it seems, in President Ford's cabinet. Is such oversight typical of the most important institutionsthe banks, the corporations, the universities, the television networks, etc.? On television, Catholic spokesmen, clerical or lay, frequently seem to take a beating on abortion, parochial school aid, etc. Why? A thorough study of the strengths, weaknesses and relative economic and political position of Catholics is long overdue. Why not dedicate the years from 1976-1989, in honor of the bicentennial to demanding a massive, systematic study of everything significant about the Catholic people in America? Such a study would be both a help and gift to the nation as a whole. Ignorance leads to damage. Intelligence might lead to greater justice.

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN Funeral Bome 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON

·BAY STATE TOURNAMENT: In first round of Bay State Tournament Coyle-Cassidy Warriors of Taunton win handily over Eagles of St. Anthony, New Bedford, by a score of 66-52. Top, Warrior Duke Ducharme scores an easy bucket; bottom, a piece of down-court action.

focu,s on youth •••

Registered ~mbal~er Licensed Funeral Director

Continued from Page Fourteen

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There will be times when you feel that knocking on your door is an interruption, but don't treat it as such. That presence standing there may seem profoundly disruptive, but do at least listen to him or her. Maybe God is near in the person of

the disrupter! Maybe Jesus is knocking. For those who open their door, Hterally and figuratively, and by God's grace synchronize their lives with His calendar and em· brace His values, that knocking can be experienced as peace. I know there are times when you yourself will knock at 'someone's door and might be turned away because that person is "too busy," but you must depend on God and not always on those who say they witness for Him. God bless you and remember, this door is open for you any time.


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