Campaign Con,ti'nues ~ntil All Meet Pa'rish Quotas Three more parishes-St.' Jean the Baptist
parish quota sales of annual home-delivered subscriptions. St. Michael in Ocean Grove-this week joined The third parish to join the 100 per cent the" ever-growing' list of diocesan parishes to group this week, St. Michael's' at Ocean .Grove, I'e8eh their quotasoI' weekly home-delivered under the leadership of Rev. Joseph A. Cour8Ub8criptions .to Th~ An¢hor. ' ,noyer, repeated the aehievement of last year despite the division last May which 'affected the : Two of the parishes are, newcomers to the parish boundaries. ' 100% quota sales brac~et.,Rev. LeoJ. Duarte, , The add~tion of St. Jean the Baptist, St. pastor at the Provincetown- parish, has been Peter's and St. Michael's bring to 20 the numclOse to his parish quota the last two years ber of 'parishes that have attained their quotas. bUt this year he has established the' best sales Fifteen parishes scattered throughout the diopercentage of any parish in 'the entire ~iocese. cese have yet to report their subscription totals. - Rev. M. P. Leonidas Lariviere, pastor at the , One thing is certain. The Anchor this year Maplewood church in Fall River, reported ~ will reach a new high in weekly home deliveries. substantial sales increase to ,climb into the 100% ' T~is record is the result of the substantial in-
In. Fall River, St. Peter's in Provincetown and
crease in parishes meeting their quotas. The 100% parish quota sales bracket is now twice as large as it has been in any previous year. Then, too, s~nie of the parish returns are incomplete, with pastors assuring the Circulation Department o( The AncHor that their final ,returns will boost their standing into much higher percentage brackets than they are now in. 'The Anchor again today publishes on page five of this issue the percentage of home-delivered subscription sales in the parishes of the Diocese. The quota established for each parish represents only a portion of the families in each parish. The Anchor will continue its drive for subscriptions until every parish meets its quota.
Hierarchy· of New England To Attend ,Con·secration At Cathedral Thursday
St. Mary"'s Cathedral of the Assumption, Fall River, will be a brilliant setting next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock as the Most Reverend James L.' Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River" consecrates as Titular Bishop of Forma and Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River the Most Rev. James J.Gerrard, D;D., V.G., rector of St. Lawrence Church, New , Bedford. An Anch,()r of the Soul. Sure and fi'irm....,...ST. PA tiL ,The Consecration will take P·lace in the presence of 'y:' " .J Richard Cardinal Cushi'Iig, Thursday, March 12, 1959 c O. ' ,Archbishop of Boston, who will PRICE 10. ~i'ld c'••';' :M.i1 ·Pri..i1e .. preach., Co-C.onsecrators will be -Upwar.ds of 350,000 specVol. 3, ~o. 11 Authorized $4.00 per "ear .IF.n M . , the Most Rev. Russell J. MeVintators are expected to vie.w ney, Do.D.,' Bishop of Providence, . the,. second 'annual ,parade and the Most Rev. Jeremiah't. Minihan, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop , spons'ored by· the' Fall Riv~r of Boston. Present also will be Clover Club, Frienilly Sons' of many Bishops and prelates all St. Patrick. through the city's well as most of the priests of the main street ~unday afternoon Diocese and representatives of to honor Ireiand's Patron Saint. , , all the various congregatioris of Special guest a,t the head of men and women religious in the 'Very Rev. Thomas Joseph Moriarty, Fall River native the line 'of march will be Right Diocese. who 'has been pastor of St. Patrick's. Church in Council Honorable James Gannon, ~ord M 0 n s i g nor Achille Lupi, Bluffs, Iowa, since September 1953 has been, elevate~' to Mayor of Sligo, and his wife; Charge d'Affaires at the Apos~e dignity of Papal Chamberlain. Msgr. Moriarty was , also, the' Lord Mayor: of Dublin, tolic Delegation in Washington, Mrs. ,Catherine Byrne, with ordained to the priesthood will represent the Apostolic Irish consulate members of the Delegate who is on official ecby His Excellency, the Most State Department. Government clesiastical visitations in the Reverend Daniel F. Feehan, officials, will in~lude federal, Far East and thus will be unable second Bishop of Fall River, State and local J:epresentatives. to attend. , in St: Mary's Cathedral, +V!ay 26,' Members of the hierarchy Music: will be supplied by 75 > li927. 'bands, drum, fife and,bugle corps MSGR.ACHILLE LUPI Turn to Page Eighteen Son of the late John T. and and drill teams from various lohanna Moriarty, the newly-, sections of New England. Legion elevated monsignor attended and other veterans organizations Sacred Heart elementary school, as well as nationality, labor, civic Fall River, and Holy Family and fraternal groups 'will be High School, New Bedford. He if)., the line of march. Elaborate studied for the priesthood at St. wi'll compete for more than floats Bonaventure's University and ROME (NC)-Red Chinese authorities are forcing 300 50 trophies to be offered in comSeminary. native Cathoiic nuns to work in steel mills in Shanghai. petition. Following ordination, Msgr. Fides, international news agency of the Sacred CongreMoriarty served in administraLast year's parade, one of the tive positions at Dowling Colmost .spectacular in the city's gation for the Propagation of the Faith, has revealed that history, was viewed by thous- Chinese nuns representing Zi-Ka-Wei suburban district of lege, Des Moines, as business ands of residents of the Dio- several religious congrega- Shanghai. manager and secretary, then was cese, and the turnout Sunday is tions are grouped at a fornamed pastor of Christ the rhe nuns are led every mornKing; parish, also Des Moines. expected to equal" if not exm"er convent situated in the in~ to the nearby small ste~l VERY REV. T. J. MORIARTY ce.ed, the 1958 tribute. Monsignor Moriarty is a memmills located at the former reSiber of the Diocesan Clergy Redence of the Jesuit Fathers. lief Society which is headed by They are forced to work at furMost Rev. Edward C. Dilly, O.P. naces along with a number of Bishop of Des Moines. ,\ priests. , The prelate has II brother and , Reports also indicated that the A much-tJ;~veled', photograph' pf Fa11 River's first (bishop, Most ~evered Willi~m nuns aister in Fall River, Sister M;iry are often submitted to Camilla,. KS.M., .assigned i9 Mt. Stang, holds a place of honor in 'the home of Francis l\:lacDonald, 1350 North Main Street, communist fn d oc t r ina t ion St. Mary's Convent Fall River FalL River. '" ;" , , '. courses in the' chapel of the forand Frank S: Moriarty; ,member. He found· it in 1946 ina carpenter's shop whil~ stat~one4 jn Mannheim, Germany as mer major. seminary of Zi-Kaof St. Mary's Cathedral parish. Wei. Over 800 boys and girls . ,rial, the photograph caught are reported living at the semHe is a nephew of Rt.Rev. Msgr. a military' p<:llic.ema.~ ,. wi~h MacDonald's eye because the in- inary where' they are beine Edward Moriarty, late pastor of the army,. of occupatIon., In St. Patrick's Church, Fall River. a heap of di,scarded ',mateTurn to Page Fifteen Turn to Page EleveD
,Irish, Parade, '\ n. SUe n''do'
Native 'of' Fall River-·
New "Monsignor
Red. Ch'inese Compel Nuns To Work in Steel Mi.lls ,
Prizes Photo of Bislwp Stang
Door-to-Door Canvass Helps Swell Provincetown Mission A 100 per cent increase in 'mission attendance at St. Peter the Apostle, Church, Provincetown, can 'be credited 110 the efforts of parishioners who made door to door calls throughout the' city inviting householders to, attend and distributing pamphlets. ' 'week's missioner,' Rev. Nelson Response has been won- Ribeiro. derful, said Rev. Leo 'J. Father Ribeiro"who conducted Duart, pastor. He mentioned services in Portuguese is being particularly non-Catholic re- followed this week a'nd next eeption of the mission invitation, by Franciscan Fathers, who are which he termed more than holding English services for wocordial. Many of those called on men this week and for men expressed interest in attending starting Sunday. the mission and appreciation of Thirty parishioners particibeing asked. pated in the door to door canvass, Another factor in increasing putting, tnoo literal action the attendance was • pierside visit scriptlire quotation, "Beh!Jld, 1 • f.ishermen made b)' the fizat itand at the d.oocand knock."
Diocese Rich in Traditions Of Ireland's Patron Saint
As the 8hamrock-sprinkled day of St. Patrick arrives once more, Irishmen of the Diocese, real and wishful, can reflect with pride on the large part played by the Saint . iIi: early days of the Church in this area. : . Sure, 'tis real galaxy of Bedford. Later Father Patrick Patricks that dots the first' Byrne became pastor of New pages of our Diocesan his- Bedford. tory. Wouldn't the very first Devotion to the saint of the family to settle in Fall River Emerald Isle is reflected in four be that of Patrick Kennedy, him, churches named for him in the his wife ahd his four children. Diocese. The first church for A stout soul, he several times the entire south end of Fall walked to Boston to make his River was St.' Patrick's. In aft Easter duty. area now inhabited by 55,000 A skip and a 'hop later, and souls and served by eight 'twas Father Patrick Canavan, churches, it stood alone. God bless him, that was pastor In Somerset, too, the pi()n~ of Sandwich, Wareham and New Turn to Pace Ten
Archbi~hrip';'~p'Boyle"Celeb',afe~':" :.,' .1 Requiem for Mother General \~: .
.2 :.' ,. .~ .THE: ANCHOR . .:rhurs., Mar. 12, 1959
Urge Law to Halt
Mother Mary Maurice Tobin,' of Mercy of the Union ,engas-,,~ R.S.M., Mother General of the' in schools, hospitals, child-c,aring Sisters of Mercy of the Union,·~ homes and other institutions in,· died on March 4 at Mercy Hos;.·' the United States, the' West pital, Baltimore: after an illne~ . Indies, and in Centrai· and' of several- months. South America. Her residence A. native of Grand Rapid!!, was in the General.Motherhouse Michigan, Mother ente.r:ed the at 'Bethesda, Maryland. , . Novitiate there and studied at For the first tim'e in t~e hisSt'-Francis College, Albuquerque, tory of the Annuario Poritificio, , "the Official Directory of the Holy See, a woman's name was listed 'this year~that of Mother Mary Maurice in her capacity as president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Women's ,'Institutes in the United States. A Solemn' Pontifical Mass' was offered for Mother's soul Satur,day in St. Matthew s Cathedral, Washington. Her remains were taken to Grand Rapids for 'another requiem Mass and interment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery there.. '
Sunday Sa les In Maryland ANNAPOLIS· (NC)--.:Passage of legislation to shut down unnecessary' SQnday business has been recom-
mended to the Maryland' Gen. erlil Assembly.· The proposal has been made by a special commission appointed' in January by the General Assembly to study the problem of Sunday business. .The commission has emphasized that it was not acting OIl religious grounds, but purely out of consideration of "pu.blic policy and economics." The proposed legislation would, permit TAUNTON COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Officers of establishments necessary to pub'. " . lie welfare or legitimate .recrea'St. Joseph's Holy' Name Society', Ta.unton, discuss 'speaking tiOI?- to remain open ori·Sunday. , ".ft. 'l:",-:"p program. From' left to right,Rol~nd pucharrne,' pr~'Sident; Ohe Day for God ' Rev. Thomas R. Peterson, Q.P., main speaker;, ':Mic;hael J. AmOlig these were listed' drug ..' .' Welch, first vice president, and Rev. Joseph L. Powers, stores, food stores employing no COLLEGEViLLE (NC) - The more than three' persons, resHamm Foundation ·of St.· Paul, spiritual director. . .~ taurants', newsstailds, gas' staMinn.,' has awarded the I n s t i t u t e ' tl'n ns nur e . 'd' d'·fa'Y.rm'prOduScerlsetSa·n·'daSn. roa 81... ,MOTH~R M. MAURIC~, Jt.S.M. for Mental Health of St. Jo~n's and at Notre Dame University. University here. its' sixth grant Specifically banned' for SundllJ' '. She taught in elementary' and to finance a series of pastoral' bwUoSuinldessbeunw~orlesathlee .alengdiSlraettaiOUD secondary schools in Michigan psychology ,workshops: .. . . ' and New Mexico. . The funds, which have belm . merchandising establi~hments, In 1949' Mother was elected awarded each year since 1954, NEW, YORK (NC)-':'TWelve authors were named yes- 'automobile agenCies, used car Secretary Genera: of the Order' .'willsuPP9~tthe:iI'!stitute!s,i.959,terday as winners of Christopher Literary 'Awards- fori. lots, marketSandfarmets" marl.. and in 1952!lhe lJeclUTle ,ii"coun-. . educational program". inchlding :the : most representative Catholi.c. ·booke .publIshed ':dti.ring- .kets, and laundries, laundromats cillor General. The ,General· ,summer wQrkshops. for clergy- ., 1958. According to Father JainesK~ller . fo.unde~.'anddlrec~" and. cleanihg~ establishments.' 'in 1953:el~eted,her'Mother"Gen.. men.·.. of , all. faiths.' The·· three to'r' "o"f th'e . . ...... .' " , C' In a 'pastoral letter read last L. :'gover~ the '6,800 Sisters . ~ee~-long, se~sil?.Qs;-·held Ch~lst<?pl,ters, ~"Witness of "the 'Light"~ Jpu~ "·month in 1 'aUo 'chlirches' :of the ',' .. " . ." on the St. John's campus .in. July each. author was honored lished by Longrpan~Green; • Baltimore archdiocese, ArchbishMass Ordo and August. . ' . because he : . Alden Hatch" and· Seamus "o~ Francis P. Ke'ough "otBalti. , . . For the second year' the final . . l' .' Walshe for their "Crown of more opposed unnecessary' SUBFRIDAY-Fricj.ay of 'the IV, week has bee'n s'et''-as'l'd'e:for a l.--'--<leat with, anlimport. . '. L t S' I V· 1 t ' . ' G o r y " , ' pubiished by H~wthorri', day business. ' W eek 10, en. Imp e. 10 e. special workshop which,·wi.l! .t>eant subject ·touching the public Mass Prop'er' No Glorl'a' Pref 2 t d' h' ··d .. ,Thomas Merton'" f'or h'l"S' ~ .H.e calle.d,. f.or 'a .retu. , rn.' .to. ... ... . . " " , , . -,' devoted to a studyof the mental,. good; .-presen e IS 1 eas . " ace of Lent . 'th l't . 'ft' h' d · .,uT.houghts, l'n, ,Solitude!',·'-'. tru.lY. ·r"el.l.glOU.,S obs. e.r,va,n~,e of . ' health problems' of ,religious ad- W:I 1 erary cra smans lp, an ' . S d d dd :, SATURDAY-Saturday of: the ministration:"This' sessiori" will. in a' manner stimulat~ng,'both lished, by F,arrar,Strauss' a n 4 .un ay ,a~ a. ed~' The~e ~re IV Week in Lent, Simple. Vio' ' thou'ght and 'action,' 3,---:"keyed ,Cudahy; .~lX days a we.ek toma~e a liviet. Mass Proper,' No Gloria',' be attended by clergymen re.. ' , l O g - o n e day IS not too much to refac'e of Le'nt. . sponsible for the supervision and his writing to a wid!l segment of Robert W. Gleeson, S.J., for return to almighty God" , P ., f . t .'. . d the American public his, "The World to Come", pub. t rammg UNDAY. ~' Passion Sund·ay. 0 prIes s, mmlsters an . . . S " W'mners we!-'e presen . t'ed WI'th lished by Sheed, and Ward. . ---Double of I Class. Violet. Mass ra bb IS. ' , , '. Proper; No Gloria; Creed; Among the" .religious super- a.bronze· medallion bearing on' Christopher Aim DONAT BOISV,ERT Preface of the HolyCross. visors participating -iri t~e first one side the image of St. ChriS-The aim of the Christopher INSURANCE AGENCY MONDAY~Monday of Passion such workshop last year were topher carying the Christ· Child movement is to encourage each Week.. Simple. 'Vi91et. Mass abbots, provincials,,' synod presi- and on the other the motto of the person 'to' apply the 'love· and . All Kinds Of InsuranCe Proper; No,'Gloria; Preface of dents, seminarY,rectors and other Christophers: "Better to light truth of Christ to every' phase of·' 96 WILLiAM STREET, the Holy Cross.•,. church executives.' .' " one candle than' to curse the public and private life, especialNEW REDFORD. MASS. TUESDAY-'--:St. Patrick,' Bishop More than 650 clergymen have 'darknes~." 1 . • ly to such great spheres of influand Cohfessor. Double. Wh·ite. attended the past' workshops AuthorS ence as government,"educilition, DIAL wY 8-5153 Mass Proper; Gloria; Second which .brought outsta~di~g' psy- "The following', authors: were labor relations, literature' and PerSona. :Service Collect Tuesday of Passio,n chologlSts and psychIatrIsts to- . . .' . 'd" t ,. entertainment.' . . 'th 't"h'th t d" t'h '. CIted and are llsted accor mg 0 of . the Holy g .. e bier WI f . em't 01 '11lSCUSS de the' publlcahon . . . ' .~ .". Week; Preface·. ., dates 'of -th'err Cross.' , '. pro ems 0 men a 1 ness an. b k" ",''5 S':'PE''C'IA'" L' ,"5C,. , WEqNESDAY _ St. Cy;ril of religion. ,About 100.non-Catholic 00 s: .'. , '., C 'Jeru's'alerri, ':ai'shop, Confessor clergymen have participated. . 'fhe late. - ~OnSlg~Or Ronald WALLET SIZE PICTURES and Doctor of ..,the Church.'" . '" .' Knox for hIS AutoblOgraphy of. ,Do~ble. 'White. 'Mass Proper; ~Offei' Requiem Mass ~t. Therese ~f Lisieux", pUb; " Laminated jSeal in Pla~tic) Gloria; Second Collect WedTV llshed ,by P, J. Kenedy and sons"15. ea. 2, for25c p',,.p. nesday of Passion Week; or erson~ tty .' The Most Rev. FultonJ. Sheen Creed; Preface of the Holy NEW YORK (NC)-A Requi- for his "Life Of Christ", pub24 HOUR SERVICE· , Cross, em'M!lSs was offered' here for lished by McGraw-Hill; , SEALAST B 574 THURSDAY St. Joseph, Mrs. Georgiana, P.' Carhart, 93, Lucile H~lsey for her ~'Saints' " . . . ' ,OX . Spouse of the, ~,lessed Virgin former concert and opera singer and Snapdragons", published by , NEW' BEDFORD, MASS. Mary and Patton of the Uni- 'who became a radio and tele- Sheed and Ward; ....- - -...--------~ versal C h u r c h, Confes~or. vi.sion, personality as an octo-. Vihcent F. Holden, C.S.P., for IRELAND. ENGLAND Double of I Cla~s. WhIte. genarIan. , c his "The Yankee Paul" pubMass Proper; 'GlorIa; · Second Mrs. Carhart won national rel' h 'd' b ' B ' ' FRANCE. GERMANY ·, . IS e y ruce, C o11ec t Th urs d ay 0 f .P aSSlOn' nown for her quick wit as II . '.. . M.M.,' for Week; Creed; Preface of St. regular panel member for nine '. JO~,n J. Cons~dme, . Taa NE,W ~ORK Joseph. years on the "Life 80" hIS .New Hor.lzons in Latin 'MAY16 , ' . ' AmerIca"· pubhshed by Dodd, show. A convert In the last years M d ' , oIULY 30 • AUG. 24 K of C'" GI'ft . of. her 'life, she freely handed ea ; SE.PT.1e. OCT.1S ALBANY (NCr ,- S tat e out samples. of her philosophical John H. McGoey, S.F.M., for Knights of Columbus have pre- .. humor. One 'sally that gained ~is ,"Nor Sc~ip, Nor ShO~s~', pubsented a $100. check to. the currency was her remark about hshed by LI,ttle,Brown, Evangelist, Albany d i o c e sliqu'or. a n ' "I don't have, to put Helen C. White for her "Bird newspaper, to provide' copies 'of spirits down," she said,' "to keep' of Fire", published by Macthe paper to hospital wards,' in- m; spirits up." millan; ., ,;>stitutions and libraries. Emmett Katherine Burton for 'her Burke, state deputy, said' the. f gift represented evidence of t h e ' . eglon oecency AZORES. PORTUGAL knights' regard for the influThe following films are to be' ence and importance of the. Cath- added to the lists in their respec-" ITALY. SICILY olic press. tive classifications: '. GREECE .• ISRAEL Unobjectionahlefor general , . patronage: Escort West, Juke TasOLYMPIA , Box Rhythm, The Shaggy Dog. FORTY HOURS newest. fastest from Bos~n Unobjectionable for adults and MAY 7 • oIULV 25 '50. Dartmouth DEVOTION adolescents: Devil Strikes at AUG. 28 • SEPT. 23 Night, Thunder in )he Sun. and Hyannis NEW BEDFORD Mar.15--0ur Lady of PerpetOCT. 20 • DEC.1a -;-". Unobjectionable. for adults: ual Help, New Bedford. Imitation of Life, Sound and the So. Dartmouth St. Joseph, North Dighton. Fury. ... . . INDUSTRIAL 'OIlS Mar. 22-Espirito. Santo, .Fall wY'~~9384 Objectionable in part for' all: River. :HE~TING Some u'ke it Hot. This film·,' .' Hyallnis2921 __D. . Our Lady of Lourdes, though purporting to be a com,:, . Taunton. . ".1",' . . J: . . " ··TIMKEN edy, contains elements. judged, Mar. 29-'-St. Boniface, New ,Sal/l1l61 /rom ,New York day ~ to be' seriously offensive to ChisBertford. Oil BURNERS, . .. tian and' traditional standardli St. Peter,South Dighton. of, morality; and decency; FurApr:5~t: . FriinciS''''Xavier, . ,,' SH Y"'/Triw,' 4'fR~;" o~ ':$ery';te ther, its treatinent'· dwells al,. '. .-'" - . '. ~. Acuslmet. ' - most erltirely"otl 'gr~SUgges:' ",' St.: J al)ies, Taunton. Joseph A. Charpentier . tiveness in ,consum:ing, .dialogue Reg. ~harm. . sOl' COUNTY,st•. . THE ANCHOR and situations.--. BOrn, Reckless' 1902 ACUSHNET A VB. Second-<:Jass inail privi)~ autbori2led ,. and Night Qt. the 'Quarter 'Moon. . NEW BEDFORD at Fall River, Mass: ; Published. eYer7 Objection to~ b9th 'pictUres is :TEI,...·WV ;6-0772 rhursday'at 410 HjgbJand ·AvenU<>. Fall . " ' '-.' WY':3~175l ::' River. Mass•• 07 the Catholic Press 'of the suggestiv~ cos~ing:.:and sit.,PRESCRIPTIONS , Oiocese of Fall' RiVer, Subscription price ';:;>.'-'.~''-'.':..:.';,', :).: ...... ;,. . uations. ' ,.,' '
Fu.nd. En "'urag'es Psychology Work
Twe' Ive Autho"rs Rece,.·ve, 'Ch'r·.·stopher A,"wG, rd's
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OIL: .(0.,' INC. OU:'S
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Constitution No Barrier To Catholic Politician
Thurs.• Mar. 12, 1959
Maryknoll Elects Newport Priest Vica r General
NEW ORLEANS (NC)-"There is no conflict between being a Catholic and meeting your constitutional obligations an officeholder." The statement has been attributed to U. S. Sen. John F. Kennedy of MassachuRichard Cardinal Cushing setts by Philip H. Des Mar- branded as "certainly ridicuais, executive vice president lous" any suggestion that would and associate professor of indicate thClt Senator· John F.
MARYKNOLL (NC) Father John F. Donovan, M.M., 52~ of Newport, R.I., has been elected Vicar Gen-
pontical ,s,cience of St. Mary's Kennedy might be unable to eral of the Catholic Foreign MisDominican College for women 'fulfil his oath of office because sion Society of America, popuhe is a' Ca tholic. here. larly known as Maryknoll. In the Catholic Action of the The Cardinal staled that, unin- ~ A veteral of the China misSouth edition of Our Sunday tentiona1 . confusion has been sions, Father Dsmovan will fill Visitor, New Orleans, archdioproduced by a recent magazine a post left vacant by the concese newspaper, Mr. Des Marais article giving Kennedy's views ' secration last September of Bishsaid that the Senator made the on certain propositions having. op James V. Pardy, M.M., as statement in Washington in "the religious implications. Vicar Apostolic of Cheong-ju, course of a discussion with t,his "The patriotic qualities of the' Korea. writer about the Senator's recent senator", the prelate continued" controversial statements on were written in dramatic and Father Donovan will be seeChurch-State relations." dangerous actions during tne ond-in-cC' 'c! to LIe t-up .1',or war. They 'were challenged by General.. Bishop-designate John Campaign Issue W. Comber, in the direction of "Mr. Kennedy maintained that enemy conflict, tested, measured the worldwide activities of the it is necessary for Catholics to and finally honored by citation. "WHAT IS SERRA": -Explanation was given by Elmer Maryknoll Fathers. discuss these matters f~om time They have been tested in peace and the record lies open before Philbin,'District Governor of the Boston Province, main to time," Mr. Des Marais wrote. Father Donovan attended Holy speaker at Serra Club of Greater New Bedford, the' third Cross College before, entering "Although the Constitution ob- the nation." His Eminence concluded with in the Diocese. Daniel F. Dwyer, First Vice President, left, ,Maryknoll to study for the viously forbids, a religious test for public office, many Potest- a personal touch. He said, "I can and Dr. William S. Downey, Jr., President; chat with Mr. priestood in 1928. Ordained in ants want to know exactly what say without' hesitation that Sen- Philbin prior to th,e start of the meeting. 1934 he taught for four years Catholic politicians think, about ator Kennedy will always 'per': in Marykl1~ll institutes before aome issues that bother Protest- form his public duties in obedihis assignment· to the missions ence to the highest standards on 'Don~t Say~ ants. of Kaying, South China. conscience and his oath of of"It is politically unrealistic to Returning to the U. S. in 1948, ,', ignore that attitude, the Massa- fice." Father Donovan served eight The Cardinal's talk, was given chusetts legis~ator'added. "Many BRISTOL (NC)-TheBishop . people of his, diOces'e that such years as director of Maryknoll Protestants also want to see what. before the Lantern Club, an as:" of Clifton,jnEngland has asked participation; though ' it is to be . activities' in Detroit and New Catholic candidates ,actually be- !!ociation (,If New England adhis people not to be shy about . hoped' for, "is not, indeed, esvertising representatives of na-' . joining vocally in the prayers sential for us in order to share in York areas. ,He was elected to lieve about tpe possibili,ty o,f a the Society.Council at the fourth the: offering' of the Holy 'SacriVatican ambassador and use' of tional magazine!!. . of the Mass. general chapter held in August, fi£..e~ , Federal funds ,for , parochial Bishop Joseph Rudderham in1"':1; ~hool," Mr. Des Marais' articlea past(jral letter referred to' the The partoral was one of three continued. Holy See's decree urging greater' issued by English bishops in re"'This is a good time to bring congregational participation in cent weeks in regard to the H,oly out these rnoatters, because we are, the Mass. ' When it's time See's instruc'tions on ac'tive parCOVINGTON (NC)-"Retread not in a campaign,' Sen.. Kennedy "When we join in' this supreme ticipation of the laity in singin[ . sugge'sted," the Des Marais ar- parents" were, among the types act of homage to God," he said, to ..etire • • • Buy or' reciting the Mass prayers. listed by a guidance expert ticle continued. "There is the "it can' scarcely be doubted that Archbishop John King of Portsas being responsible for thwartpossibilty of several Catholic our participation will be greater mouth and Bishop Cyril Cowcandidates on the national tick- ing a"child's normal growth and and' the benefit we .derive perderoyof Southwark both devotchoice of vocation. ets of both major political parties sonally also greater, the closer . In an address to the annual our active par.ticipation in the ed their Lenten pastorals to exin 1960, he observed. 'It is better planations of the instructions is- \ to discuss these issues now in- Parents Institute on Vocations, Mass becomes." - , sued by the Sacred Congregation Dr. James J. Cribbin, head of' stead of next year when it would "I therefore urge 'upon. you. of Rites. New York University's guidance be simply self-serving for' a all' to give your full coopenition ,candidate, to bring up the matter department, delineated factors ,to your priests in this matter,"'. in order to advance his own in the home that detract from a he continued. "Do not be held child's normal development" cand'idacy.' ' , back by any feeling of diffiAmong the types of parents dence: You will very soon find , hinder a child's progress, that to shane in the prayers of Children Show Result who he listed the following: the Mass is no morl; difficult -"Retread parent: one who than to share in, for example, Of American Charity PRINTING and MADRID (NC) - Over two tries to live his life over again the saying of the R,osary or the O'NEIL FISK TIRE million school children in Spain through his child by forcing. him singing of the Benediction MAILING ' sit 'down to a full meal each day into an occupation of the parent's hymns." 276 Centra' St.• faH Ri~ own choice:' as a result of the charity of Bishop ,Rudderham told' the -"Hitler parent: a domestic OSborne tHl279 Americans channeled through Catholic Relief Services - Na- dictator who crushes out of his tional C<ith"'olic Welfare Confer- childs every semblance of initiativeand makes him a 'fearful ence. This marvel of charity is re- nonenity. -"Smothering parent: an peated every school day seven OIL COMPANY female who months of the year. Some meas- oversolicitous strangles the cpild in her apron ure of its effects and importance' was revealed recently in a na- strings and so robs him of his God-given right to grow in intionwide stud~- which showed that, in' the four years since the dependence." In explaining the functions childrens' diet has been supple-' which a home serves i~ the life mentect in 'this manner, there South Sea Sts. of a child, Dr. Cribbin said that has been a marked increase in their growth and general good "the family serves as a laborHyannis Tel. HY 81 atory of human relations in health. There ha.. been an in- which the child learns or fails . .J crease in school attendance, to le~rn those skil!s and attitudes which is attributed in part to the fact that children too poor to which are so necessary for a hapbring lunches, who might other- py life in the community." wise have remained at home, are now attending school. This is a ~mall part of the tre, Helen AUbertineBraugh mendous work being done in Owner and Director Spain through CRS - NCWC Spacious Parking .Area whose mission was established JOSEPH M. f. DONAGHY here in January, 1955, under the WY 2-2957 owner/mgr. direction of F. Robert Melina. 129 Allen St. New Bedford 142 Campbell St. After four years, its work is now touching the lives of roughNew Bedford, Mass. ly one-seventh of the total WYman 9-6792 NG JOB TOO BIG Spanish population of nearly 30 million. HEADQUARTERS fOR NONE TOO SMALL COLONIAL AND New Bedford Native • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • AUTOMOBILE LOANS TRADITIONAL fURNITURE
Be Bashful ' Prelate 'n Urging Active Role' at Mass
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Takes Final Vows Mother Marie St. Louis de France, R.J.M., the former Katherine J. Levesque of New Bedford, has taken her final, vows in the Order of the Religious of Jesus-Mary. " The ceremony took place during a Mass celebrated by Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Corbeil of the Precious Blood Parish, Woonsocket. The sermon was preached by the sister's brother, Rev. Louis H. Levesque, C.J.M, of Cardinat Dougherty High School, Buffalo, N.~
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.' '4 ": '. , '':' THE ANCHOI
Suggests Tale",ted Writer ". Needs Chan'ge, of ,.Theme '
Thurs.• Mar. ·12, 1959
'u. N. HeadSee$, f'
Potential Value Of Council
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jo~n' S. Kennedy , , In Tell Me Stranger (Houghton Mifflin. $S:50), .Charles Bracelen Flood gives us another ~ovel in :which a Catholic , young man goes through unhappy love aff~i~whic1t ends in parting. It is exceptionally well made fictIon, more
president 'of the United NaGeneral Asseinbly said compact and taut than Mr~ scores of. felicitous.' sometimes here the' nexteeumenical Flood's previo~s work. It is brilliant "touches. In short, this council could bl:) "greater.. thao entirely credible, it engages talented 'y~;lDg writer has deanything that has happened 80 and holds one's interest and veloped and polished his very far in this 20th century or inconsiderable skills, But he must is almost painfully moving. strike out into fresh territory. , deed in many a long century But it seems much too similar past." , 'to what the Law and Love, Dr. Charles Malik of Lebanon, author has done The popular success of H: F. a member of ·the Greek Orthobefore. Of Mr. M. Prescott's remarkable novel, dox Church, said the gathering Flood's artistry The Man on a Donkey, has of the world's Catholic bishops and the'maturpromptedpubli:;hers, to reissue and other' top Church officials, ing of his gifts earlier works of, hers which, had which His Holiness Pope John there can be no little circulation in this country. XXIII has said he will convene, question; but he The latest of the reissues is The could turn out to be "an historic does need a Lost Fight (Dodd, Mead. $3,95). , event of the greatest magnitude." . eh a ng e of Though well worth reading (any, The diploma,t addressed nearly theme. thing by this author would be), . 1,200 Catholic laymen from seven When we meet it is not prime Prescott. , Texas and Oklahoma dioceses Frank Lakeland It is laid early in the thirteenth meeting here iJ,nder the auspices in 1955, he is century, .and its principa,l scene of Bishop ThomaS K. Gorman of 25 prphaned and with only 'an is Lorraine, where young Adam Dallas-Fort Worth and the Diu~cle as immediate family, a Morteigne is a feudal lord. Adam ocesan Council of Catholic Men. graduate of Harvard, a, veteran " is 'lately married to Blancheflor. Dr. Malik a!!Serted that "the of Korea, and securiti~s .analyst The match was made with a view urge 'to ecumenicity is genuine in a Wall street office. He 'is fed 'to increase his landholdings. He and universal today." He 'cited , up with his job, quits, and looks has come to love this wife, but Protestant movements to unite around for something more ex- she is indifferent to ~im and in-' churches in associations and said citing. trigued/by a neighboring lord "the process of endless splinter- ' He finds that, and more. Anwho is infatuated ,with her, ' swering an ad, he is 'engaged . ; " ... ,ing' isbecomin,; intolerable, and , Adam is bimt on justice: just,.., many are even led to question as prop) mail and factotum t<t: ice 'f<>r himself, justice to otherll;:: " iq; necessity or validity, in the Sarah Bento'n, 31;" a celebrated 'His' Justice is that of the letter . ,past, ,even on Protestant, premmagazine photographer., She is of the'la\v;<, strictly inter~ ~bout to set out on a working , .1ses.. ' . preted. expedition through Europe and, Thus weand' see 'rfgorously him dealingapplied. sternly, ,Longing !or Fellowship , , Africa and hires Frank to lug " , v Referring to his own denomeqUl'pm'ent, see to transportatio,n with those.under him, and boldly , inatiori, he said: "The Orthodox . • run·enantls. ' demanding' his rights ,"of:; his, ' IRELAND'S 'PATRON Thousands .of pilgrims church, 11'vI'ng under suffocatin'g and reservations, ' . , .SAINT: .. . ; I She is beautiful, poised, and: equals lind super~ors. ,;', ' • ,from' all parts of Ireland WIll VISIt thIS monumenta ~tatue conditions in the east: is asking absorbed in her work; she ap:,', ,QuarrelWlth B1ShoP :':'of St. Patrick on his feast day, March 17. It ~as ,dedl(~at~. -how long must its isolation last. pears to be almost v.o:ithou: .,need· i :T~is ,involves ~iinin a quarre~'~'::ln 1938 at Saul, c:ounty Down, where he built his, first There is a profound longing in of any personal relations~lp.She , . WIth tl,te lo<;al blS~OP. Adam re- 'h h nd where he returned to die about 461. NC Photo. , the Orthodox fold for the restorconsiders herself a Christian, but fuses to yield,and is declared ex- ,C urc a , . , , .,' ation of tHe old bond of fellowsubscribes' to few Of .the basic communicated. Also,''it is decided ' ship." , Christian beliefs. She is amazed that his marriage is invalid. An Dr. Malik declared that in the at Frank's accepting 'the truth of appeal to Rome brings the lifting pre'SElnCe of the momentous event ' the Catholic Faith and his con- of the excommunication. But to ROME (NC) - The Catholic population of southern Asia, in- of the council, with' its "meas,, farmity to the laws of the CatJ:1secure a reversal of the findings p<>pulation of Afric~n territories cluding, Afghanistan, Bhutan, ureless possibilities," Christian; otic Church, some of which they as to his marriage, he must ap- under the jurisdiction of the Ceylon, the Maldives, India, Nehave a duty to pray, as never discuss on, occasion. pear in Rome' hin:lself. Faith registered' an 830 per cent pal and Pakistan,. registered an before "that those who have been . f rom 1920 1955 increase of 52 pe'r cent, rising Accepts Truth of Faith This he does. He is away from mcrease ' to. T baptiz~ in t h e name - 0 f th e She is friendly to him,,b.ut Morteigne for a long time, for, At, the same time the overall' from, 326 to 499 million. he Father, of the Sori and of' the ' Cb'st now and then rather brusquely upon failing in the marriage, population. of Africa gr'ewby' Cathoiic population of" Lati,'n Holy G host, and w h 0 iove rl reminds him of his status as e~-, 'case, he takes the crusader's. 58' Per, cent, rising from 140 to Rite iIl'these areas grew ~y 112 abOve every themg, 'eIse, 'shou ld ploye. This results in flare-ups. cross and goes to the. Holy Land. 223 million, the report said. J ' - per ,~nt, dsi'!g from 1,350,000 beco~e one body in accordanee Resenting her highhandedness During this interval be.'becomes During the same period the to 5,240,000. His will." her self-assurance, and her sin- fascinated by Douce, wife of an, ~;,. ~ ~ __ , ""''''''''''_ _ ; gle-mind'cdness in getting her old friend. And when this friend, ,.......... ' 4 ! own way, Frank still has to re- who must st<lY, in the Holy Land, : spect her professional compet- asks' Adam ·to return to Cyprus, : ence. wher,e war is, going on; and look _: , He finds, himself attra~ted. to after'" lits''''''' household, Adam'" , • her. But she iS,divorced, with agrees. ,~ : , her husband still living. And In Cyprus he learns that Douce, :.: :", P, she, although he is unaware of 'returns his love. Both resist the' it is drawn to him. temptation 00 Je false to t h e i r " .. 'Suddenly, when they. are under 'pledged word, and Douce, in an ' : fire -in Algeria, he. decides to act of'desperation, brings about: o~r give up his job. He. flies to Lis- her own death. , . bon and is waiting for a passage Adam considers' that he' has ' , on a pl~ne for the United 6:a:es, broken the trust placed in him.:, when Sarah unexpectedly Joms This he repents, but it is, hard ~im. She gives herself to hIm, for him, with his notion of jus: and for some weeks they are, tice to conceive that God can : together in a small ~Portuguese for~ive him. His' difficult learn_ seaside town. ing of the' meaning ,'of mercy : "Story, Moves Rapidly and pardon brings his story. to a ': /" Frank wrestle's with his con- close. : ' vietions and his·'cons.cie~ce. He Miss Prescott ~gain makes the , is committing sin, and knows medie'val world live for. us. Her : 'it. He decides to. proJ?ose. mar- descriptions are splendid; 31';: : riage to Sarah. HIS f31th. is ,u.n- though they tend to the piethor, shak~n, he realizes th,e p~,?altles jc: Her characters, however; are : , he wlll have to, pay J'or ~lS step, more types than persons, and al-', ': but he chooses to-take' it.. though .her theme is clear and , But Sarah, after agr~ell1g ~o admirableq it is not dramaticaHy : marriage; changes her mmd. She communicated. . , does this when she sees the , s a d - : ness which comes over' Frank at
African Catholics Showig
e n n y.
f' - / P e Ii n y.
You',' BEST , Food BUY
, •,, ,,, , ,• • ................!
the thought· of marta} sin a~d
being barred from the SacramentS. She' perceives th;lt this will always come between them. 'She quickly and finally 'leaves him. Th-ere are two sub-plots which provide counterpoint to the story of Frank and Sarah, of which we can say nothing here except ~that they involve well limned, people and'II:lakea necessary contribution to the whole. . Mr. Flood's chief characters are neither profound nor complicated.,. B,ut he' ·knows them thoroughly and iIllimines tpem expertly. He is masterly in the' evocation of feeling an~ in' the suggestion of atmosphere. His story moves rapidly, making, its point neatly, and rounding off smoothly. Along the way' are
p . U' S Eff,·O..ts . '. To· Solve Race Issue
CAPE TOWN,'(NC)-ASauth African prelate has praised,U. S. efforts to, solv:e racial problem while cri1jcizing the,~acial pOlicies of the South African Government. Archbishop Owen' McCann, of Cape .Town, returning home from an American visit" said 'the U. S. is trying to. solve' its race problem through unity, not separateness, while, South Africa is doin.g the opposite. ·· ..ThelJ. S. is by 'no'means' perfect,' he stated, "nor is' everything .there. right, .but it does show us certain lessons that we can welf learn. Its Constitution 'and the character of its, people generally seek justice and charity;"· . ' ,
..., ..... ~.
PARISHES·· ,MEETING, QUOTAS Blessed Sacrament, Fall :River . Corpus Christi, Sandwich Immaculate Conception, Fall River \ . Our Lady Q{ the Isle, Nantucket - Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk Sacred, Heart, Fall River " . St. AnthoI;.y, Mattapoisett 'St. Boniface, New Bedford St. George,' Westport' . St. Jean the Baptist, Fall River St. John the Baptist, Westport St. Joseph, New Bedford St. Joseph, Taunton St. Joseph, Woods Hole St. Mary, Seekonk St. Michael, Ocean Grove St. Patrick, Falmouth St. Peter, Provincetown St. Pius, South Yarmouth St. Roch, Fall River MORE THAN 70% OF QUOTA Holy Re,deemer, Chatbam MORE THAN 600;. OF QUOTA' Sacred Heart, No. Attleboro St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis " St. Joseph, Attleboro St. Paul, Tauntpn MORE TH~N 50%. OF QUOTA Our Lady of Grace, North Westpor~~ St. Francis Xavier,' Acushnet St. I.,.awrence, New Bedford SS.Peter. and Paul, Fall River MQRE THAN 40% 0.. QU<YI:A Holy Name, Fall River ' 'Immaculate'Conception, Taunton' Our Lady 'of Immaculate Concepti6o, New, BedfoN Our Lady of Loutdes, TauotGn St. Dominic,' Swansea ' , St. Joseph, Fall River. St. Mary 'C.athed~al, Fall River St. Mary, Mansfield ' MORE THAN. 30% OF QUOTA Holy Family, Taunton " Holy Name, New Bedford Holy Rosary, Taunton St. Anthony, New Bedford ' St. Bernard, Assonet St. Hyacinth, New Bedford St. James, New Bedford St. 'Jacques, Taunton St. Joseph, Fairh~ven St. Louis de France, Swansea' St. Louis, Fall River "' St. Mary, Norton St. Patrick, Fall River .' St. Patrick, Som~rset. st Patrick, Wareham St. Stephen, Att'ebo'ro St. Ther'esa, N~w Bedford MORE THAN 200;. OF QUOTA Holy Rosary, Fall River ,Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville ~ Our Lady of Health, Fall River Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Ne.... Bedford Our Lady of PurgatOtY,~ew Bedfo~d ' Notre Dame, Fall River ' Sacred Heart, New Bedford St~ 'Ai-me, Fall River ~t. Anne, New ~edfor,d St. Elizabeth, Fall River St. John'the Baptist, New -Bedford St. Joseph, North l;?ighton ",' ' ' St. Mary, South Dartmouth St. Mathieu, F'all· St.1'homas More, Somerset. St. William, Fall. River, ' M()R.~ 'l'HAN: 10% OF QUOTA Espirito ,Santo" Fall River ~ Holy Ghost, Attleooro Holy Rosary, New Bedford. Holy Trinity, West Harwich' Imm~culate Conception, North, Eastorl Sacred Heart, Fairhaven .Sacred Heart, Oak Blu:(.fs St. Anthony of ,Padua,' Fall River St. Anthony, Taunton St. Francis of ,As~isi" New Bedford St. J oaR of Are, Orleana,' St. John the Evangeli8~ Attleboro St. Kilian,' New Bedford . St. Margar~t'8, BU~Zarda BaJ' St. Mary, New Bedford ' St. Mary, North--.,Attleboro '8t: 1'heresa, AttlebOro LESS, THAN 10% OF - 'QUOTA Our Lady of Angels, Fall River ' Our Lady of Assumption, 'l{ew Bed(ord Our Lady ()f;Peri>etual Help', New' Bedfcml Santo' Christo, Fall River " St. Mary, Fairhaven' $t.. ·~.tanisl~us,F~R.iver,
Itrvmt;' ·MA...· - '
-lhurs., Mar. 12, 1959
Lente'n 'Service Unique in Rome ROME . (NC)-T~e personal participation of His Holiness Pope John XXIII in the Sunday observances of .Lenten stational churches in Rome has stimulated interest in the ancient custom.
Newspapers the world over have carried stories about the -- significance of the stational churches. The Pope could have found no more striking .way of calling attention of Catholics and CITIZENS OF 49th STATE: Alaska, recently proclaim- non-Catholics to the extra cereed the -49th state, has a total Qf 22,500 Catholics in the monies which make Lent ill Vicariate Apostolic of Alaska and the Diocese of Juneau: Rome unique. During Passion Week the stational observances move from one ancient Roman Church .. another, culminating in the triumph of PaJm Sunday
,Nuns 'areassisting the missionaries to teach the Eskimo and Indian children to become useful U; S. citizens. These happy &ildren of the Far North were photographed at Hooper Bay on the Bering Sea coast. NC Photo.
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for:Youre}f:' ,
He Suffered for All
Methodist Bishop John Wesley Lord has delivered a , stinging criticism of organized religions fof tolerating a \ state of moral decadence in this country. He has said:"As a church and as a people. we are eontent to conform to conventions that Qur society.dictates and we demand that the forces of religion consecrate our vices and hallow our corrupt affections." , It would have been interesting if the good Bishop had gone on to list the reasons for the moral, decadence' in this countJ.:y. the evils that "as a 'church and as a p~ople. we are content to conform' to ..." What would they be? Divorce. ~reakdown of respect for the Sacrament of marriage. lack of recognition of God's purpose for marriage. birth control, lack of moral principles ip education? The Catholic Church is on record as refusing toc'onform to these moral evils. Every Catholic priest has at one time or another condemned these vices publicly from pulpit. . ... , ,What has Bishop Lord said about these evils? And what positi9n does the Methodist Church take on them? It is not enough to make sweeping statements about moral evils. Theyroblem;to 'be met squ'arely', -means ,naming ~he evils in detail and' taking a, clear-cut stand against ~em. .
-THE ANCHOR Thurs:; Mar. 12, 1959
Of Feast Days TODAY - St. Gregory the Great, ;E'ope-Confessor-.DQCtor. He was born in Rome about 540. Hig mother was S1. Sylvia. Before he was 30 he became Mayor of Rome. He soon resigned his office, left the comforts of his home and became a Benedictine monk. He was sent to Constantinople as Papal. Nuncio ;lnd in 590 was elected Pope. The 14 years of his Pontificate made l'iim a commanding figure in world history. He sent St. A\).gustine to spread the Faith in England; promoted the'conversion of the Lombards in 'Italy. and the Goths in Spain; upheld the rjghts of Rome agains Constantinople, and. brought about a number of other achieve, ments;
Lay Professors
.Weekly Calendar
When men heard Qur Lord speak. som~ of them reacted His 'words with the expression. '~.This. is a hard saying." and walked no more' with Him. Christ·s Chu{ch has had a history of men saying that: same 'thing. The Catholic Church has never deviated from her defense of .thelaws of God. She has never submitted the teachings. entrusted to herby Christ to a popularity' poll. And so she has a right to take exception to the words that Bishop Lord has spoken-about the Church con-' forming to conventions. . Bishop -Lord":"-speak for yourself!'
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BY' REV. ~AMES A. McCARTHY Holy Name ChUrch-Fall' River
TOMORROW-SS. Ro(ierick and Salomon. Martyrs. Roderick was a priest l!t Cabra n~ar Cordova. He was exposed as a Christian by his brbther, who was' a Mohammedan, and imprisone.d at Cordova. In prison, he met Salomon, a layman, also jailed for his Faith. The two were martyred at Cordova inLeo, 857. .. SATURDAY,-St. Bi~hop~artyr. The .time of his'martyrdom is not known but the Roman Mortyrology recorgs that he was put to death for the faith in the Veranian'Field at Rome. . '
)n the course.. of a, p'anel discussion' during a t,wo-day A e~rtain person. ~eknow. which are detailed and numer. elaims he ~an eat meat on Fri-, ous, . it·has been decided that symposium on "Christian .Wisdom" held. at the University days because he comes from a whatever custom heretofore preSUNDAY-First Sunday of . of Notre' Dame. Professor Alvan' Ryan of the' English' foreign country which at one v~iled in- regard to this privi- the Passion (Passion Suriday). department made the suggestion that more power be put time was dispensed. He. also lege hal? no foundation in law; Generally this date' is the feast . th t b h' th t th 1 d' . l' f th of St. Longinus, Soldier.' Ae-' belIeves a ecause· eIS a e genera ISClP me 0 e. .into the hands, of· lay professors in Catholic colleges and 'over' 59 be can eat meat anyChurch in regard to' fast and cording. to tradition, he '1V~S the aniv.ersities. . ..,. ... '" time and does not have to fast abstinence from heshmeats be soldier who I1ierced the side of ,He also preqicted' that the day would corne when there or make any penance. Is be restored to all portions of the Christ while He was hanging on ld b C th I' II t ff d t' I b I f Igbt?·· Diocese of Pueblo, It is hereby so the Cross. After the Crucifixion. wou e a 0 IC co eges S a e. en Ire y, y ay pro essors. r. _.decreed." From this we conclude I't I'S' sa.l·d· he acknowledged '~Both of these statements have nothing revolutionary In general we might say-that that it existed as a custom con- Christ to be the Son of God and about them. Indeed. they indicate that at long hist the the man to whom you refer is trary to the law. he also is said to have beep marideas and state~ents of the recent Popes are beginning. to 'incorrect. If'he is. a .Spaniard A solution to the second, part tyred for the Faith at Caesara in . Cappadocia. . . , be accepted and voiced by Church members. there-is' some basis for. what of your question will be found, Recent, Popes have been: eloquent in their in~ist(mce" he says. TIle Crusade Bull we believe, in the course of the MONDAY-SS. Hilary, 1'atian · ' granted certain privileges to·'the answer to'the following inquiry. and companions, Martyrs. St. th a,t t.h e laIty take a, responsible pOBitio.n'in .' . . th.eapostolate fal'thfu'1 of the Spanish ·D.o·min.... ~ • HI'1ary was Bishop of Aquileia. of educati,on:and religion. Thework'of impartingwisdpm- ions as a reward for their'heroic I., St. Tatian was his deacon. The secylar and sacred--'at· a Catholic college, has never been part against the infidels. ,It 'was ' What Is the sense of an-. others', SS. Felix, Largus and viewed by the Church as the province of religious alone. 'extended, not·only to those who nouncing the Ember Days Denis were laymen: All weI:e The Church 'recognizes that the orteteaching must be ~took active part in the battle; but dUring Lerit? The fast and beheaded by order of N'umerla~ ' . ;to the ~hole nation. Among the" abstinence are exactly the. about ~84. '. h t e possessor of the right views on man and his relation- "privileges granted,. one was a same. It is just a matter of ship_·to· God·. The professor must'see human history and dispensation from the laws of form'! TUESDAY St. Patrick• Bishop-€onfessor, Apostle' of . sciEm<;.e in prope,r relation with the red,emptive pian of God:-fast, anc:l.· aJ:>st.inelJce thro.ughout . th t d . At ftrstilan~e this would Ireland It· is agreed generally cep t for m~n. 'But,'a lay ,professor' thus ,qualified, is ·surely cap.. . e year ex. . on ~er~m. ays. -em' to be a 'dup'll'catl'on, but, that he' was' of ,Romano.::Brl·ton· bl . d ' , ., , ' ".. ' .. . . ' ,., .However certam oblIgations also a e an d~s,ervmgof'~~J>Oslt1on of' 'mfluence~and power: . wer~'iInPosed; An·.alrrls offering' there is a:veryimpor~antdistinc..;· origin and when 16 ':\vas:taken at a Cathohccollege... " . ; " . .' . ,.. '.' '.' is made which' o'i'igirialiy' was tion between' the two. The fast . captive to Ireland. Six years 'T, he Bis,hop.s,(j! the Churchremai.ti; 9fcO,.~.rse.·.'theonJy·· used.ex~lusivel~!or.' a'nd partial, a1?s.tinence on the later he escaped and after 'his f• I d th t' t h f ' f th g t th I f d Is ·Lenten week'days come under ·studies and consecratiori~'about' . dl~a an ~u etn· I~ eac ers tOh :religion -In :their respective :nd . !ft::~~id~m;as :ppii;de t~ . the law of fast, whereas'the par- 432 as Bishop, he' returned to IOceses, smce h ey.. a . one e .successors the,Apostles .',,,, . '0 f'ch" urc , h es'" an <'d 0 'th'er tl'al a'bstinenc'e' on Ember Wed- Ireland as a missioner. He estab. are . . .of. . . • thO e repair: :. nesdays, 'and Saturdays, and the '.lished the Church on ,lasting B u t th ey h aVE) been urgmg. and .especially' ,m .recent years, pious works: th~t trained' and qualified laymen. assist· them in their Vigil of Pentecost are a part of foundations throughout the labors lor the spread of God's Kingdom' and in 'teaching .~ The, Portuguese,. I am told, en- the law of abstinence. Hence' in country, traveled extensively on the faithful. . . . -, joy a similar privilege. I know the first case only those between . missions 'of preaching,. teaching. of no·others. This privilege must the ages of 21 and 59 are bound, building c h u r c he s, opening cProfessorRyan. in his talk. went on to give the rea- be applied for by each individual while in the case of the Ember schools and making converts. He '. son that professors have .not had the position of eminence desiring it and granted to this Days, everyone over seven is established the primatial See at , that he would like to see. He stated that while Catholic specific individual (and to his , obliged to partial abstinence Armagh in 444. He died about dogm.a would not hamper the professor. I't '0'ften created ;family, if it is so stated). It must imposed just as ~trictly as they 461. ' , , be renewed animally. The Span- are to the complete abstinellce '\ "a' certain timidity on certain questions;" ish apply to the Archbishop of on Fridays, unless they are disWEDNESDAY - St. Cyril of .The fault for that. pf course. is with· the 'professor Toledo; the Portuguese, to the pens~d.Jerusalem, Bishop-Doctor. He d t th C th I' h . .. ~'Archbishop of Lisbon. But the was born about 315' near Jeru';' an no e a 0 IC ' aut orltIes. For" dogma does not In reference. to the question salem, became a priest in 345 ' t h ' d"d I h k " 'promulgation of this bull is re' above-even those not bound to and. was Patriarch of Jerusalem h amper. e m IVI ua w 0 well. IlL t.hings defined :stricted' to Portugu.ese subjects, 1 by the Church he has certainty . ·• . in matt.'ers not defl'ned .and presumably also to, Spanish the aws of fast are from 350 until his death about h' t d t' . earnestly.exhe h . f" t II' t d" . f' d'. .or e 0 practise acts 0 f seIf'- .387. He spent .17 years of his a~ scope ?r m e, Igen ~n .. In 0l\me. specula~ion; in subjects and inhabitants of the denial in keeping with their age patriarchate in exile. He' was all thmgs he lias the knowledge- th:;tt' G.Qd has given His ' Latin American countries. For- . and condition. Woe be to. the . ce.lebrated for his instr'uctl'on on . w h a t'"IS nee d'd Osalvation. '·' 'merly the Ch urc h t 0 gm'd e men m e for . \ Portuguese could pro- man who considers himself ex- Christian, doctn,'ne, an'd ad. ' . 'cure the privilege from the con" . As achieve a great.'er d.egree,' o.f. kn,owledge of suI's office. This is no longer the, empt . from dresses to catechumens· before . 'f' any Th acts of penance f If . dogma. then Catholic authorities be grateful for the case; he mostp.rocure this privi- or sacrl Ice. ese acts 0 se - Baptism. He was declared a d't' f ' h'l . . , abnegation help a/man discipline Doctor of the Church by Pope ·ad I IOn 0 ' new e pers in the' work of, thf!Ch~rch. < lege in his own country,but he himself· against falling into, sin' Leo XIII. . , can continue to use it even if he and also reduee the temporal ~omesto the.U. S. ,.until the, year punishment due to sin in Purga- - Urges Conciliation .expires. , tory. Those who have passed . . :.- Several southwestern dioceses through the door of death to the After Race -Fig'ht :·.eliminated .t his dispensation judgment seat· of God, we are NEW ORLEANS-Archbishop from the fast and' abstinence a sure would- inform us that the Joseph F. Rummel of NeW Or..few years ago~ W'hen these terri-' inconveniences of earthly sacri- 'leans has pleaded for' "condlia:;tories were under the. Spanish' fices are. slight indeed when 'tion" and "peaceful· co':'existOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE O'IOCESE OF, FALL RIVER ,flag, they had a right to avail compared to the pain brought on ence" between whites'and' Negroesfollowin"g an' interracial Publish.ed weekly by ~he Catholic Press of the Di~cese ~t Fall River .'themselves of the privilege. In obecause of .their qmission. :ithe words of the Bishop of . , ' f i g h t outside it Cithoiic' church. 4,10 Highland' A,ienue. -<Pueblo (Texas) in a decree of . 'Accepts New Job' " The Archbishop' Said .he was -Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Feb. 1, 1945, abrogating thisPITTSihJRGH (NC>-Jcilin G. "shocked and grieved" at news ,custom: "Many persons, ignorant of the figh't which occurred after .' . PUBLISHER'"' . .·of the cessation of the privilege Deedr, Jr., 35, former editor of Sunday Mass in nearby Marrero. Most. Rev: Jan:\es .. L,-C9,,;n~II~; P.O.,PhD:-,: . , . regarding the fast' and "'absti- the· c:atholic -Free' Press. Wor- -" Three Negro men were hosGENERAL MANAGER -. ASST: GENERAL MANAGER ~nence, continued to avail themcester,. (Mass.) diocese, has be~n pitalized 'after being mobbed Rex. Daniel .F: Sh<illoo;M,.A.:,,<.:.~: -:'Re~. ,iotin,;~;:hris~oU . ~~selves of it .•. Sihce 'llhe ;privi- " named editor of' the. Pittsburgh "and beaten by at'least' 10 white ' : ... ·MANAGING:,E[;rr6R··;.~ ',:' "-':~:~.~",~~,'::. , . -, ?}egewas used in total disregard Catholic. He w; 'l- assl,lme his new '. men 'as they left the' integrated Hugh J. Golden ',:oLthe, corresponding obligations, 'duties next·wee!\•.'. ' church. ' '. .,,' •
0 ..
sage and 'Sand
'. '.. ,
Taste of Nun's
Quiet Hu.mor for Critics '.;' 'By Most Rev. RObert J. Dwyer, D.p. Bishop of Reno
Sister Madeleva, pOet'arid educator,has just published her account of what she describes, gracefully mingling'candQn with-modesty as My First Seventy,Years,' Written with. her unfailing. dis.tinction of style and, reflecting on every page the uncanny percep-: The trouble with much of the' tiveness of .her mind, it is l:1'iticism' of American ,Catholic an .autobiography of unus~ culture is.. that it ,is pitiably unual .warmth and richness.: informed. 'Granted that· women' She has lived an intense life,· filled with impressive accomplishments both· Ii t:e r a r y and administra tive, b u f' she has lived it without strain, , essentially as· a reIi- . gious, of" the' Holy'.Cross, .' ';"P'o e 1:s and critics· m ig h t bewail the circumstances which forced her to 'sacrili~e to the exigencies of college admin"'" istration. those gifts which were meant for mankind:. There is no no'fe' of regret in her survey Of the years,Whate~er hardships or renunciations' were imposed' upon her by obedience for the welfare' of. her community and for the general cause of Catholic' higher .educat~on in the. United Stares, there is 'the feeling that. . she has always thrown herseUihto' h~r work bothgeneti>u~ly': and' j'dyously: '." ,.' "ThOse privileged fo share her friendship' Kriow -well 'hoW-mag':: nificent has been .her .dedication those ends ;"hich oveI;shadow am' . merelY"per~onal gratilicati9J),' the shaping of a p~em. " '. " , ."
Prelate Scores Rule
Of White ;Supren1acy.·
DURBAN (NC) - Tampering and custom of this country, with human rights 90 that they "human rfghts· in South Africa derive from a white skin." become "the prerogative of a . "If we commit ourselves Irwhite skin and not of the'human revocablyto that course, we person" 'is a "terribly dangerous can end 'only in' disaster," he thing," .Archbishop Denis E. said, "for that. contradicts the· Hurley, O.M.I., of Durban de- basic God-given, law of our hum;ln nature, and whoever clared here, The Archbishop called' it a 'contradicts this law is in the end devoured " by' his own aberra"frank' and brutal' truth" that according 'to South Africa law . tion:"
Come See.You'll Save at A&PI
like' Sister Madeleva' 'are not found. O~i the faculties of all of our. Catholic colleges;' or that work 'o{professional eJtcellence like hers i~ not the mos~ ~om~ mon thing·, it i,s nonetheless true that the intellectual reservoir of . Catholic:~m.'?i:~ca ,isa vast and", ,·RE·V JUST"N EELES 0 F M'; vit'aFpotentiil.:., . . ... " .:. : .... , >'"
out.4~gustmes qr: o~ir
Devotion .:to Start . :', _,:' .._ I:n New:Beciford ."
. Newmans/
(for . ~·.~e.·,k,~ciw:t?ey ,.may,b~ already'. flexmg theIr. wmgs for the 'flighfYft does· not follow The devotion of 'the -thirteen that,':V.hat 'weha.v~ Qro~ght forth Tue'sdays in: honor' of Sf.. Anis. alh>gether despicable.' • ,thony, the W6~der;'Worker; will It'we; recalr correctly-,' it took begin"' Mat-dt'I7, ~t· Our Lady's several centuries of scholasticism Chapel, New Bedford. T:his trato generate St. Thomas ·Aquina,s, ditional series of exercises is in and several more to result in preparation for the feast of St. the golden age of 17th century Anthony, June 13. France. ' Many favors have been ob(tainedthrough.' the intercession God's. Will Works Slowly of St. Anthony and this devotion . In the )N'ritings of many of the " seems to be ..a favorite' mean's recent of' c<;mtemporary French of seeking his. help, "., Gatholic apologists, one is fairly Devotions will' be helaeac~ overwhelmed by their sense :of Tuesday after the 10 and 12:10 urgeqcy, almost ,of. impetuosity. '. masses, again in the afternoon If the world is notset.rlght imat. 3; and in the evening at 5:10 mediately, at once,' without' a and 8. 'Included will be prayers single'moment's'delay; all is lost,· ' to St.· Anthony; a short ·sermon "Men,'like Leon Bloy· and on his life and virtues by Fathe.r Georges' 'Bernanos managed to Justin Eeles, O:F",M.,' and, b~ne convey their':feelingof "Time~s diction' followed by,· veneration winged chariot hurrying hea!"~ of a relic. . with':an' almOst physical inten:; For those who are confined to liity. We may sympathize with their homes by illness or "other , Rebuke to Critics this mood, :o~ even invest it with impediment, the devotion will be It was obviously not Sister a theoretical'approval, yet we broadcast· over stationWSAR, Madeleva's intention to publish cannot wholly share it. . Fall River, each Tuesday night ber ·book· as a contribution to the .' The more .balanced 'view is at 7:45. current debate on Catholic intel- that' G'od's will, if not set at a lectual life in America or to the snail's pace exactly; nevertheless even'more acrimonius discussion works" more slowly than our of the situation' of Catholic vaulting , ambition· would pre~~her education. . scribe'. . Nevertheless,as with. quiet 'Sister Madelev8 has been . at ~mmon, sense she has spoke~ the business .of improving our ~er. mi,rid, on 'many a subjeCt Catholic culture for the better ~,«;K>ted .in our .tjD;les, so·here,sl}e part of her,' 70 years. ,but she administers a severe rebuke· to indicates ,no:. discouragement !at thQse ,fa'ntasticeritics who ~re the':rate·:of ,its progress.-All in CHARLES F. VARGAS creating . a myth out·of ~ their God's good, time-:-so long as 'we .' 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE own poverty of knowledge and are doing 'our best 25 hours. out .IftW ~EDFO~ri .. MASS. ,imaginationJ ',' of the 24. :, The myth is .that' ;th~re iilhO genuine: Catholi ~. culture :iD :.••• " , I •. Tr,e~endous.;TljlIes '" ,AmeI'icll and; no V'aluetoour :···But·:perhaps' the' ,best'.·pre,educational practice. Her answer scription, for- these too-impas.. is the irrefutable fact of ner 'own :sioned" critics is a taste' of ·,the experience',' ,.,'... , ,,) ".' , 'Quiet; generolis' humor .which Sister MadeleV'a bas not' lived pervades Sister Madeleva's' book lna'n intellectuEilvacliilin: all as:it lends its gaiety to"her whole . these years: She 'has lived ina personality" .. Pessimism is' an . iTIfallible Catholic America which' has pro-vided a broad and' stimulating mark of immaturity. It· is· the milieu for her leadership. If she mature mind that can' afford to has given inspiration to many deal with the eternal veritIes as tho'usands of her contemporaries, though they were the tremenshe would be the first· to claim dous trifles 'of Chesterton's her indebtedI)ess to countless phrase. A ,nun laughing at' herself is fine' niinds as ciEidicated' to the the' best tonic for men who are cause as her own. She acknowledges gratefully temi;'>ted' to take' themselves the splendid tradition of h~r oWn much too seriously. community of the, Holy Cross, the community which shaped he.' and provided, the -opportunities . for the' fine flowering of her gifts. Her book' is l:l trib~te as we\! ·to the wider. community of American Catholics. with whom she has shared her ideals and , ambitio~s. : Antl~ony Enormous' Aeeomplishment , 'As' President of St. M~,ry's College, Notre Dame, Sister Begin$ March'17th Madel,ev;l has been a p.ion~!,!r in many phases' of ihe 'advancement education. Yet she 'has b'ullt on Devotions.every Tuesdciy at 10:00 A.M.,' 12:10· Noon" the foun'dations secur~ly ls,i4 'by those who went ,before her. . 3:00 ,P.M., 5:10,.and 8:00 P.M. 'It is not. as though she were I10me ~onely prophet on a mounSERMONS BY FR. JUSTIN EEL~S, O.F.M. tain peak apart; she hilS been a . p8rt of a vast forward movement of American Catholic' education . 'whi~h has acivanced with' giant strides. IJ . We may be conscious of incidentaI- weakneSses; of needs yet 572 PlEASANT-ST., NEW 'BEDFORD: - WYman 6-8274 unfulfilled, but our awareneSS of what remains to be done should by means blind us to WRITE FOR A NOVENA BOOKLET 'the enormous' accomplishment J aliead¥ marked.
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'--- "
At Our H6use '--
By Mary Tinley Daly
Just Old-FashionedJGrandma~ Is Title .Columnist .Wants
Thurs., Mar. 12, 1959
Sunday Meeting In Taunton
Taunton D"istrict of the DiO(;. esan Council of Catholic Women will sponsor an open meeting for women of the Greater Taunton area Sunday night at 7:30 in St. Joseph's Church. Beginning with benediction in the church, the group will adjourn to St: Joseph's school 'hall for a talk on the Mass by Rev. Charles H. Poirier, assistant at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. Rev. Joseph Powers, moderator for the Taunton District, will also participate in discussion. Those attending are asked to bring a daiiy or Sunday missal. Mrs. Joaquim 'Bernardino, ,Taunton District president, will preside at a short business meeting.
A rash of protest seems to be breaking out amongst women against being called "Grandma." M'arjorie Holmes in her 'column puts it this way: Can it vanity. Call it a f~olish refusal to surrender before the fact of age. But personally,
and a modicum of wisdom by this tfme, it's just too bad. We want' that title! we've been plain parents, long enough 'to makes it clear that being· a have earned a raise. grandmother is fine. It's only Just Old-Fashioned "Grandmas" the name that Now we~re' "Grandma" and 8he aisli~es.) "Grandpa" to five little people, Another writsome of whom can use only' the er, Marion K. baby version, "Gamma,' "GamStocker say s, pa". To them, 'these are our "I don't seem names-and always. will be.' For to fit any of the one thing, it means that they things-nice or won't 'have to unscramble us h from first-name friends" learn Idm-'-that t e ': eventually'. ,th,R.t': we ,are 'not word (grand, . ma) .calls to' "other'" parents.: Heaveii,forbid. Honor Fresno -R~ligious: mind. Neither i\yop~rent~ ~~~e~oligh fpr,w,Y. . As Outstandin'g' WOo maillAo two thirds child..·. . CYO' G'OL'F SCHOOL M' t H' . . d I ft . . oJ. the grand": : .. And ~e.'wanf tht prerogative. " :'.' : ar y Iggms, secon e , m- . FRESNO (NC),"::- Sister 'M. lDall I know;" that come withou,;plac~in their. stru·ctsMary. Dedi~do',pf St. :Patrick's Parish, Fall River, . Laurencita, administrator of St. '., " . ,lives-:-:;.the privi1~ge :of lQving - in the' ,art swinging while Sheila Higgins, second right, Agnes Hospital, has" been n~med OtherS'-Shall .we call.them " . "I--t . 'Ii' th"'" bo't ... - " " -the'''Ou'tstandl'ng' Wo'ma'nof the' motherswliose'childrenare par-· ~em.a,.()_,spOi ~g e!p,a. l.imakessurethatJaneL~ndry,·Holy Name Parish; sees how . · e'nt's'l.---:f'l·n·d 'th"'e' t'e'rm'':e'qualiy '- thorough'fy'enjoyirig ·thefu~an'd . 't', d····' Th" .' ,,', :t' f'F.· II R" Cy"O' ' . Year" by the Fresno~Qu(j~ Club. . ',Iettil'iii: their d)ar:ents : crintinue- s, on,e.: .. IS IS,I>ar o. ;a. Iver ..: program. . Sister Laur'Emcita cited for ,her ecii (lIJs. . .., . ' numerous professional ·,and,·· Civic ,,"'Our' children call me Kitty," ,,:~~ite J"t:aI ,rear~ng .. they activities, is president .of' the . 'ene contemporary boasts.' "They _ Today's .. "Kitty's"; 'fBaoos",' ,Northern Californiaimd,Nevada look on me. as. ano'therparen1.!" etc. (we dare' not' risk 'calling' 'conference of the Catholic Hos"rm 'Babe' 'to ,Sonny's \ittle ,them grandmothers) resentth:eNEW YORK (NC)~The Cath- theater and motion picture pro- ' pital Associationof the U. S: .and folks," another says gleefl!lIy. term as· an aspersion on t~eir olic 'Institute of the Press has ducers and exhibitors." . Canada~ , "They've never heard that word. chic,·their flair; their stjUyouth- . urged 'Catholics, throughout the The statement continued: "We' , 'b' . / 'Grandma','and I hope they nev- luI boun·ce. ,Pass New 0 scenity : ·II." . '. country to begin a Ietter:"writingcancominend the good wtien we er wI . ", "No 'g·ran.dma' business for. campaign on behalf of good en- encounter it in the field of comLOW . '.In M'aryan I d . 'Still another, so help me; re,.· me!" 'says another writer. "rmtertaininerit in the commuhica- munications.,We can also comANNAPOLIS (NC) _ The joices 'in the title o,f "Angel"- not going into the ~~lass of gray' .·tions media. . mend the good attempt which Maryland Legislature ,passed ;. even glories in it! grannies, sitti!1g by"thefire,'" ,The 'CIP 'issued a' statement failed to reach its goal. With that measure tightening state ODThere are, of course, "Nanas" ,Face the Facts· here suggesting that individuals commendation should go the sug- scenity laws and sent it to Gov. world without end-ea'sy for the OK " Millard F. Tawes of Maryland , ., ga ls"I te ' s, f ace' it. 'W e write letters 'of praise for good gestion for improvement. · kids to say, a prop for those who take vitamins to keep up'pep"we ·.'movies broadcasts, "or .. books "All of 'us"have a challenging . 'for his signature: . '" . otherwise might be called by the' use' .glamour rnake,, they h~ve come across: .. . OPIlOrtunity' in our everyday life Under the bill, it is presumed term of opprobrium - ancl a fa~e, ..~e're., even ~n ,the' alert "People. have .a wonderful re- to effect improvementS. As mem- an employer is aware of the lucky handle for in-iawsto use 'against tired' blood. Blit, are we .action to nice letters," the 'stilte- bers of the lay apostolate we 'can ". actions of an employee .who Instead of the' staid '~Mrs." or :kiddiqg anybo~y,~ufourselves'r ,inent ',sa:id. "Amimg_. the .people take advantage of that oppor- allow s children to browse · the 'awkward, '''~other :S11)itl~." ,.' WHiltPJIzzleS me' it· tli~ithe , • you can influ.ence by such letters turiity-take positive advantage through qbscene lit~rature. :i'~e oici-FashioneCl' term "Grandm~'~'"bOuld necess":, ' are TV: and 'radiost~t~on direct- by writing a letter." bill also specifically makes' it , . . ... ariiyco~hote;'great.age::Per'ii:ap(.ors,8Ppnsors, book publjshers', The Catholic Institute of the illegal to display obscene' m~te-' Is,our' house 'the only back<.,tti'e d'i~senters werelaie~iri-iife . magaiine and newspaper editors, 'Puess is ,an organization of Cath:- ,rial where 'it 'can be seen from woods cabin in" the suave' 90- ,chiJdren 'who 'remeiiibergrand~ 'Pre-C,a''n"a CO' nf"e"r'enc'e' , olics working' in thecommuni-the street by. children. " , 'phistication of split-levels? parents on',th~ vergf,l of senility? cations. field in the New York - Frankly - and hOnestly,.1 like I fondly r.emember,Grandma 'F"or Two"Cities ' a r e a . The statement pre':' Guild Plans · 10 be 'called "Gr3:n,dma." .Ana . .' ". .,. .. . . . . ... . .' .". p. . Gild . .,M.ahei-. as,': a'perkylittle '-person, . CoupI'e's .preparing' for JP.arpared by James M. 'Connolly, . The Infant of rague . .U. , the 'Head 'of the Ho,u,se' e'qually' . '. '., f' . M', H ' . " .. h,ousekeeper par .excellence, with rl'age'" m' . tne'.. near fU,iure. are president of the CIP, and Allen auxiliary 0 St. ary s ' orne, treasures "Grandp'a;" 'Nearly six .' , . .- , , , . . NBedf' d . '11 h ld .' d n·uffy.'whjteha,ir 'ab.out the m,ade :'urged .to· attend pre;'.Cana Con- C. BradleY,a staff, member of ew or , WI . 0 a .car . 7ears' ago. when our first grand-" Tve seen' 'em"'C:o rriy'contempor': . ,ferences scheduled.' t,O be .held th e Ad voca t e, wee kI y newspaper .... rt W· .d' d 'M pa y e nes ay, ay 27 . N e¥"t child Lu Anne was born, 'we felt . "aries " . k arc h'" ' mee't·' in. the . beaut7. shop when at'7 Sunday'New 0 f th e N ewar diocese an d ',regular mg WI'11 be ~t • it an honor to be initiated into -at' a ,price-:-they do a "peai'! Bedford and Fall River. Paterson diocese. Monday evening, April 6.' the senior citizenry. ' job." AndGra~ma Tinley with The New' Bedford meeting ~~~""~~""_~~""~~~~~~""~~'"_ ..~~""~~.., This is fulfilment of the pray- 'waist-Iength brown hair and the ..'wiiI be at the Kennedy Memoerful wish voiced during the patience of a saipt. . .rial Center, and the Fall River Nuptial Mass: "Mai you live to" To each' her own in -the sphere .gathering is scheduled for Sac~e your children's children." of grandmotherly remembrances ~ red Heart School auditorium. Etymologically, the prefix and notions. "grand" ,means. "having higher Maybe others could get an 'St. Patrick's Successor rank, more dignity than other equal thrill from the appellations persons bearirig the same gen- "Kitty",. "Babe"', "Angel" or 'Subject of Radio Play St. Malachy is the topic of a eral designation." whatever. For my money, there's Goodness knows, we're not nothing quite like having a todd~ radio play to be broadcast by "grander" than anybody-but ler rush at you, grab you around the Catholic Theatre Guild of New Bedford at 7 Sunday night. at least . we're older.' If we the krie~s, tilt his face. upward Written by Manuel Almada, haven't attained a certain dignity and say, "I love you, Grandma!" the play deals with the life arid
I hate it. I don't want' to be Grandma---ever! I want to be me. An individual." (She
'Press .lnsfitUte l.:J rges.N ice Letter' 'G 'Ca-m,pai g n .for .ood Enterta inment
Are We
work of the successor to St. Patrick. Christopher A. Best will direct,. with Florence. Mello at 'the. organ.
Profession, Inv~stiture ". At "'ilia Fatima ,C'on'vimt , . .J...'
'profession 'ceremony 'arid 'recepti6'ri" of; the religioushabii' ma"rked :,i:J!-etare(SUndaYOD:' ~iva~ces lilt v'i'lhi;,Fatim~;'Taun;. ton,Novhi~te;'of':the . Sisters' of
.:St:--pbrbthY::,~{~'" i " ' . ' "
Ut.,ey'$ Full" Qairy . ,.".' , Cr.eain Milk iChoC;61~te Bcir$
",>:.Sis,te(;VirgHl1~'.:Valerio, '~~iit
~,Pr6Vi~erice, .' made, ,tem,poriIry· ' prqfessIOJi,iri the'.cqmnlUrii.tY and .0
-two''''postiila~tS;',G~therin.eRe~ ~.',.
oello' and Evelyi;r:?dedeiros; both' aiso of East PrO'videnc~,received:' the religious' habit.' " '. . Rev. Manuet':negQ;:,pastorof . St. Francis Xavier 'Church;. East Providence,:"celebrated Mass.; Preacher was Rev;"Peter M. Teli. : ··e·se,:.S.j~, New, York: " ': . Amortg guests were Rev., John' O:Corinor;,S.J:,',re'ctor ,oi'Weston· CoIll~'ge; Rev: VlncentMcHenry, ENTERS NOv.iTIATE':', ,o'P"., Pro~ide~ce.'C~llege; -'~nd:" , ... '" Rev..,. :MelchIOr" O.F,M., Rosalma Magano,of' ,Our ': Cap:, .Providence. ;.', . ... .' .. Lady of Angels' Parish; Fall . - ' , ' '. '.' .' Itiver,is the.daughterof Mr:' H' Studies Cancer aiuiei :i\1:agano< ofl':'NEW'ORLEANS'(NC)~~Hster ' , ·and·, M. . M<lry'LUke Dawes, 'chemistry" . 63lEast Mairi St: A-gradu-' . in~trii~tor.··at 'St. Maly'sDomirl'; / at~AfMt. St. Mary's Acad~' . ican . college;'" has received. ~: emy"she is entering the $1,500.grant'fromthe American'
Fraricis.can· MiSSIonaries of· Ca~c'er -So~ietY'i(.·LOilisi~ria .
-DISTRmUTOR' Broadway' Fall River ., OS '4-684'7 - -
NEW .'
Mary Sunda,y. 'sister' is VIsion: to study ways of diagnQS': .. . ing· ~arly .stages of tumor:gro~tl~; a Carrnelitei~ '"Si.$t~r· M~rY, and detecting 'possibl~"eanC:er-,' .. Ellen Bernadette,b.:CatIn';:·: ': syiripWfuS, :"":"'" ,'-.:<=. ,.,:. "'. \:, ' . .-'_., .
'.,.. '
OSborne 5-7856 ' ... '.'"_,;..:
'C~mpa;iSOn5cijoe con~incing!' in and get the - figures.. . '. . C:om'e ,.
,: ..... ~ . ,FALl.RIVER." .
OR ..
Whether.. it's a NEW or. USED CAR you can,
T;homas ·F. Monaghan Jr.
' , .
MAIN 'OFFICE-Union and' ,Pleasa~t. Streef~ NORTH' ENO:':':1200 . Acushnet:' Avenue '
DecoraflOn '.' '
Plan Now ·to Make Your Porch Informal Outdoor Living Room
College toOpen Residence Ho II
By Alice Bough Cahill When that beautiful blanket of snow you viewed on arising in the morning is covered with the day's accumulat' f t d th flo f I d ht IOn 0 SOO, an e ors, ee . raug y, and you push liP the thermostat every hour, perhaps you can get away hom the hazards of Winter Bamboo is Light by planning for next Sum-' Maybe you settled for bamboo mer. furniture rather than wroughtNow's the time when iron. Comfortable bamboo porch talks huddle over seed catalogs and dream of crocus and daffodil, wlip and forthia. The s e
THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 12, 1959
Sister Mary Hilda, R.S,M, president of Salve Regina College, announced today that the Most Reverend Bishop has made the former Carmelite Monastery on Narragansett Avenue (Newport) available for use as a temporary residence for the next academic year. Rising enrollments at the college have necessitated the ex-
chairs, usually light-weight, are . easy to move around, ideal when you need extra seating for Winter TV programs. If you slip-
pansion of residence facilities. At present the five resident buildings are filled to capacity. The enrollment for t~ September
eome and' go in cover the cushions with mateearly S p r i n g rial to match your drapes, or leaving us with other colors in your room, you'll Freshman class will greatly exceed the number of Seniors who the fee lin g, feel they always' belonged there "God's in His and never had to lead a dual will be graduated in June. This beaven, a 11 ' s existence. MISSION . CRUSADE PRESS AWARDS: Catholic temporary building it is hoped, Rghtwlth'the When you have a screened-in Students' Mission Crusade has announced the first winners will absorb the overflow. world.'" porch,You can use accessories of a new citation, the "Student Press Paladin Award". The College begin immediately to will transform the But you want . just as., you do in your indoor Servjng as the board of judges are, left to right: Helen former austere monastery for JI'OUr living room.' You might flank D t I f .L>~s to outdoor extend the wallll.W:ith'cascades of potted e ze, orrrier schooI-page editor of the Cincinnati "Times- contemplative nuns into modern . ....., .. s.t. a . . r" " Charles R. Koch, managing edI'tor' of' "T'he Farm' comfortable living quarters for· beyond the first plan~: or vines. . blush of Spring, so whv not plan " A ,low: planter on the floor Quarterly"; Msgr. E<;lw,ard J: Graham, editor of:·"The Cath,,- . college lltudents. '. ~. " . h .' " .' l' T 1 h'R·· t ' ' ' f C' , . . . , . ' '. The new ,college dormitory OIl making your porch ap. out~ mig t start a ·climbmg vine to OIC e egrap - egIS er 0 mcmnatI and J. Paul Spaeth, '. 'will open in September 1959 and!'" doo:r: living room. Here ypu :can cover an ugly' wall space,' with executive' editor of "The Shield",' OffiCial CSl'4C magazine. will be. known as Carmel Hall. .elax in comfort. When Summer .. a contrasting large brass plaque' NC Photo. . comes, what. fun it will high above the growing. vine. " Hyannis Isabellas Plan ".. have a leisurely, meal in. the ,Ceramic tiles, depicting the seaI eoolnessof,yourporch.Planyour ;son~, or those decor,ated w~th 0 0 To Join Area Activities porch so ·it, will take· care .. of··-,· JrUlts or vegetables, make I1lce Members of Father McSwiney ;y-our.Suinmer entertainingf~om " ~all decorations too, as does S. 'Circle. 518, Hyannis Daughters' • b.~f£et' supper:-tQ·,;kJrlendly:. our collection 'of iron rivets VATICAN CITY.(NC)-Pope printed in Our heart, and to the of Isabella, will attend' a corpor-'" game of bridge. Relaxed inform- Be sure to have, an ample. supply: John' has hailed women as the 1 atmosphere of kindness, simpli:' . ate communion and· breakfast 'to' lid Summer living is pa~t of th~' . of ash trays around and, in'lieu "watchful custodians, of the fam- city' and' honesty which We'· be sponsored' by Hyacinth Circle American scene and during the . 'Of ,Ughter.s;" a box of kitchen' ily,": and· underscored the part:, breathedfroni early childhood." . ,71 of New Bedford 'Sunday, filn-seorching Summer, months, matches. 'Don't.forget a 'sizable his: own family. played in his The Holy Father warned of 'March "15. They will participate of us head for uie breeze- decorated' 'waste basket and a vocation to the priesthood. dangers 'now besetting the 'fam"- in the district day of recollec~ _tchingest spot we can find:' silent help with your Speaking to an audience from ily:"This sanetuarY-.We say it . ;tion at St. Francis Xavier If' your hous ". ' t b 'It outdoor 'housekeeping. '. the Italian Women's Center, the . with sorrow in Our heart---'is Church, HyanniJl on Saturday. . e was no UI Wh . The a 1 c u'o and with.this thought of.outdoor'liv-' ~n. you., va t:na d e thO~s porcoh Ponh'ff said: threatened by so' many snares,'" nnua omm m n . IIIg'in miJld you rna f . f' "'as mVltmg. as'we know ISPOSSI"You have often heard that The Pope' emphasized that breakfast for the Hyannis group,. , . y ace,a ew bl '11 . h · d'ff' It are scheduled for Sunday', May' minor archiiecturai. ,changes. If e,. you ave no . I ICU Y" the new Pope was the son of a propaganda at times unbridled )'QU, ,have more than one porch, .:t~;rin~~ th: clan t~t~ether for ,~odest.Ber~amo family. af-avails itself of· the powerful 3. it ,,:,ill be more convenient for t e· a~1 Yk' osa~~h ~soi easy flr,m thiS w~th great emotIOn and means of the press, of entertilin-, Penny Sale 7'Ou to that is close to the 0 pray 00 mg a e s rs. ~ltha feelmg of profound gratment and of the adjustments, to North Attleboro Daughters of kitchen fo-,: serving food. A small ,Fal'l R,,·ve·r Nursesi Gu",ld It~~e. spread, particularly among Isabella will hold their annual wind9w to the .kitchen 'can beWe owe a great part of Our youth the fatal seeds of cor- penny sale Tuesday, April '7. eome a ,hll11dy p~ss':'through for .Toflear"'Father Sullivan priestly and apo~tolic vocatIOn rupti~n.~' Mrs. Anna Mobriant' is in ' ' charge. ' easy Sum~er meals. If, space is Members ,of, the, Fall River to Our family-riot really so poor H added' at premIUm, a nan;ow shelf"'Guild. will athas. tohdescribe is that the famy w~llch fold~ up ,out. o~ the ,w~~, ,::tend a. Holy Hour. at. St. Al)ne's I ut;lC a °thV~ at tlhn eavenll . ily should defend itself, that wo,.nll be a Simple solutIOn to thIS Hospital Chapel~ at 8:Wednesday gl ., e owe IS 0, e examp e men should take their place in. JCoblem. evening, March 18. of Our good. par~nts, father ~nd this undertaking with courage mother, which IS always Im- and, 'th f 'b'l' "" ~conomy Hints ,.:;, Rev;. ;q~orge'~' Sulli'l1'an,.pas,. WI a sense 0 responSI I 1y Perhaps your'bank balance 'is' LJor, of\ S~,.~ Dominic's pari~hl. Stonehin '.st'~dentsPlan· . tt~' ,The " ',should be untiring in teeIlilg'a pinch: I f so, you'llwilIit, ,·,Sw8lJ,sea".;W111. s,?eak. and. Mrs. ' elf e f f orts to correct, to teach to l,ook carefully at' this' porch ' . :M~rgaret ~. SullIvan, presl?:ent, Play,. Brookly.n Debate . to discern between gQod and evil: arid let tM budget diCtate the' ,wl1~, ' pr~s~d.e at. the busmess F.,:u,tu r.e .'activities on the and to take advantage when ~ :furnishings, Perhaps you've' ad-' sesMsI.on. A L ' 'h d th: ·Stonehill' College calendar in-' necessary of the 'protection Of IE . d h ISS nne eWlS ea s e 1 . civil laws." JDlre ~ ese L~zy Susan, tables 'committee serving coffee. c ude, a presentation of "Our shown m tlJe stores at pncesfar Hearts Were Young and Gay," ContractOls beyond the budget. You can have' Newspap.,er NarnesNun a three-act comedy by the one very simply and inexpen- ' campus Speech-Arts Society. It 8i.velY, if you .Ire willing to put Outstanding' Wornem will be staged the first weekend ~ ELECTRICAL ' & • little. work into its making. PITTSBURGH (NC)-Mother in May. ' 464 Second St. 'Debaters \:..rill travel to BrookCONTRACTORS With any old, round dining Francis W,arde, one of the found- lyn March 19 for a tournament FALL RIVER 1IBbie (these are often found in ers of the Sisters of Mercy, has discussing the topic "Resolved: Residential - Commercial I"i'Industrial ICcond-hand stores for a mere been named one of the outstand- that ' the further aevelopment of OSborne 2-2143 song) and a removable Lazy Su- ing women in the 200-year his- nuclear weapons should be pro- ' 633 Broadway, Fall River san you have an interesting tory of Pittsburgh. The recog- hibited by international 'agreeOS 3-1691 piece. Or , long narrow table ninon was accorded by the Pitts- ment." Representing the, college placed against a wall will be burgh Post Gazette newspaper will be David, Connell and ~""'~""-"'J:J:""""JOo::l"'\'="--:l'C~I't:\:::l"""JOo::l""'JOo::l"""'JOo::l""""JOo::l....,J:Q wonderful for buffet meals and in conjunction with the city's Daniel Delaney. when not used for this purpose bicentennial celebration. ean hold lamps and ·magazines. Born in Irelan<i, she was the Decide whether you want to first to be invested in the habit & .etain the natural wood .finishes of 'the new congregation in 1831, ONE STOP . of the furniture; or 'Ii ,you prefer takin.~ the .name of. S.~sterM, SHOPPING. C:::NTER. • gayer, brighter porch ·,tr,eat,. '" F~~n~J~ Xavlet;, ~184:J,she and 'of . , m.ent with these old piec¢ll you SIX. other n.uns, ... IIl .,Ilnswer, to a e, Televi!!ion e Furni1;Qre . might introduce color accesilories "plea fro~ Bishop MIC?ael 0 Con• Appliances • Grocery and paint the furniture 'in ,your nOf,: op~ned . the fIrst. M~rcy iavorite colors. Keep to the' siuile' ,C~mvent In thiS country m PlttS104 Allen St.. New Bedford . " ',burgh. ,'... \ WYnian'J-9354 . Ho'/· It d ' h' . 'ht e-olor for all outdoor pieces so ',' .•:~O-o.-~_O_ID __ O.-..o-"'-'l.~ that if you move them from' a" ",'.' ~r. W()~ .' urmg er' ~lg h t t f 11 . th years' m Pittsburgh had natIonal' NEW BEDFORD, MASS. 115 WILLIAM ST. porc 0 a er~ace, 0 owmg e as well as local significance. sun, you won t. h'!ve a clash of 'From the motherhouse in Pittseolors. ,burgh,her,community spread ,High on the list of porch furthroughout the world; establish.iture is thp. wonderful line of ing 119 hospitals, 71'schools· of m~tal chairs and glass-topped nursing and '.manY schools arid, tables, de~eptively practical and orphanages. . versatile, too.' They are sturdy enough for porch or terrace, and '" for equally appropriate in your dining: room.' Spills are ,nothing to ,lass table tops. The light and '.' .: .', . airy styling of me~al furniture . ' ". 18 eool-looking.' third Order Regular',of: 'You can change the character • ,'" " :", 'St'• Franc,s at' wrought-iron furniture with dipcovers. For instan~;. maybe Offer to..youg men and boys I, .. " , ' , •... . ... '11 ... . ht I .d f th . special opportunities to study, " TAUNTON, MASS. .,', ,;:ki~~g~aiur:ftur:·'tOr' Ule Piie~thOOd. 'L8Ck"'of :,::-.' .:_':', indoors with the first 'frost; y~ ., funds no obstacle. For further THE BANK ON can make this same porch furni,.":ihfor.matiori, ,write·to 'TAUNTON GREEN me look more formal with chair 'Director of Vocations pads covered in wide.:wale cordFRANCISCAN . Member 'of' Federal 'Deposlt utoy or heavy textured cptton.· PREPARATORY SEMINARY BREAD Smartly-styled Summer furniISoX 289 lDsuJ;ance Corporalloa tore need not'b~i'limited'to' three Hollldays!Jor« Ii. Pa. ~tboI' "Be OIl ~!,~~p,o~~~. '-..-..,.""",,",."""',""•..,....,.""'..--..,._~,...,......,.~
H Iyot F heroi H Is W 'Omen s R Ie. . A Cd· f F ·1 usto Ions o . ami Y '.' .
~t ~.
p~ea~ed so~e.
"Save With Safety" :~
New' Bedford' & .Acushnet Co-operative Banks.
The franciscan Fathers
Bristol County
••• then ioin' the
.·Bristol .County
"'ru~t". ~~~pa"y.
Family Clinic. .
I .
, .•,
10"· . - TH~ ANCHOR
Thurs., 1959 Natu're of' Marriage' 'Origin' Of P a r e n t a l A u f h o r i t y , ,Asserts Berlin Mo~.l2,
By Father John L.. Thomas, S . J . . .MU$t
Be Free
'Assistant Professor ;)f Sociology, St. Louis University
. WASHINGTON (NC) - The . My neighbor has a teen 'age daughter who is f r i e n d l y . United' States and its-free worid . with a few girls known to be on the·· "fast". side. She allies "must keep West: Berlin free· in order to realize the even- ' doesn 't' want her daughter to associate with these girls .; tual' 'reunification ,of all' th.' but refuses to 'butt in." She admits our parents wate;hed .. German 'people in freedom an~ sts . preserve'. world p~ace:" .' .our· friendships yet i n s .yet i acquired the'· experience, _ . . Harry W. Flannery, presid~t YOU can't tell teen agers.. judgment, .. self -knowledge . an d of the Catholic Association for anything like that today. I self-contral that would enable International. Peace, has' alsO say' .it's still the parents' him: to make choices and decisstated "the Allies must remain responsibility.. . ionl/ wholly on his own. . . in' West Berlin and take· all You're so right, Louise, that I m This. aspect of parental re~easures necessary to maintain astonished that any mother in sponsibility. should be self-evifree access to the city" so as tQ her right senses dent to any normally intelligent assure the flow of supplies' for could disagree parent. But as you pointed out, . Allied troops and for the people with you. It's Louise, your: neighbor' insists of West Berlin. possible that that modern teen agers don't "If' attempts. to open Allied- ,. the attitude to-. recognize it. This raises the quesSoviet negotiations for German watd parental tiOli of authority. ' j; unity should fail;" Mr. Flannery responsibility Defines Parental Authority said, .,~'the United States should expressed by ask, for a special session of. the your neighbor For present.. purposes, parental .. < United. Nations. General Assemtelis us more authority may be defined as. an . bly" to . consider the problem; about 'the mod. actiye' power inh.erentin parents . . with aiJr, rail, highway and ern~' : so-caile'd ' 'and exerci~~d' t~rough .,a com-. ' .. , . OLDEST ACTIVE PRIEST: Rt. Rev. AntolHo"p.'~ waterconiIll.llnicatfons 'between b mand t~at IS to be taKen as, a ... " Id' W' d ". d' .... C' .,. '-' ". WestlBerlin and West Germany ;~~~t~an ~Zn; ' .. rule 'of conduct by their children. . VIeIra, 98!ears.o next.~. nes ay gIves om~m:ll()n to;.1J." being placed meanwhile und~ books written ·This active. power to command,' ,Boy. Scout on Laetare $unday as the ,troop of Mount Carmel,. UNsupervislon." . on 'this subject.:, If it is true, as stems from the·.~~r;.. n~ture ~f Parish, rec.eived the Holy Eucharist in a body~ it is so 'commonly asserted, that ..... ~aren.t~J ,responsl. I ~ y, or on y • .~. . " ·R•. A. 'WILCOX CO.
peo~le ~a;e
:a~:~~: ~~:~~a::l~f~~;;l~rt:-:~' Artist Rejects Offer of $250,000. For .Portralt .' · f H y. 'Fat. her '.' ".'.'
young little respect OFFICE FURNITURE for. authorIty, It s probably be., '. . . . . '~'I' 'iii Stoek for Immedioi. Oelivu7 they haven't experienced oblIgatIons.. ' . . .'. .. . . 0 0 . . Further, It IS substItutIonal In '. " '.. ' . ~: DESI(S.. ~ CHAIRS an~e~~:~: ~oem:~n throw some the:sen.iie. that j~ i~plies~·.~~lJ1e " .. ;MILWAUKEK(NC)~~port,,p1,tinter here has ~ee~;',;' ,.' FILING .CA~I~ETS light on this problem if we con- de~_ect.. In . th~ ~hJ1d.! .that ~t, .th~.. ,. offered. $250,O?O.. for a. pamtI?g h~. dl~ 39, years ago()f. p.~~~ , • :FIRE .FILES .. , . ' . SAF.ES sider\the nature of parental re~ chIld IS :not ~~t a, .' John; But; artIst KyrIlVassllev ha~.turneddown tl).e . offer .', 'FOLDING TABLES s o'nsibilty together. with "the' ; 8?leto .ruI~. I?ro-J . because it's not enough' by' comparison with some·of the .. AND CHAIRS p .' . ' t' . . f th '. VIde for .the observance of rIght , . '.. ..' . . mea'hmg andfunc IOns 0 elr .' . . . . . . .. , pric'es offered for pamtmgs "'h F'l)' '.' ""h'·"··,··· I.: . tn' 't p' tal responsibility . order m hIS actIOns, . . ' ../ . . . . ". ' . . ,Beac, ( a. grocer who· as an, RAW ILCO'X CO atu ~.onf y. art'hen,. er.y" nature of This substitutional aspect:o£.'· done m contemporary styles. ,; interest of $35,000 in the. portrait... .~ • . . .• s ems rom e v" . h'" . th' k . t' "'M 'I ' d th th be ':"22 BEDFORD ST. . ~ martiageand the family.' When ~arental aut dorflt~ lti~ . eThey .Ot·:.: r. ,;V asslev, a f ormer H 'des~Ml pre.e 0 er.Pte~sontsd'''' .... '. . mEii1 and women 'enter marriage; 'It,S natu~e,an lInC on., us. I,: '.; court painter in. Sofia,: Bul- . Sl e~ ~" eara are m eJ;es e In ' . FALL' RIVER5-78~8 the'y 'dedicate themselves to the.' . aJl~s' ~t._tn~. 'prop~rh,.gOOd.Of dth~: . . , garia: said 'lie did the portr;aitiri buymg It. service of new life. " .' .... ·.,Chll~,.andltl~ teac ~ng ~r.p:~= :1929 ~hen the' Pope .was· the? ._~_ _"";'~ ~_~~ ------~ The' marriage contract gIves .g~glc~l ~nd. ~?!,~qu~nt y . t:.. - : ArchbIshop . Angelo'Roncalh, them ti:le _ri~J:1t to'· performac- p,0r.a~)!::. smc' .It prep.ares~o~i:~· ·.Apostolic Visitatcir to. Bulgaria.. Fan1C~US . Readi'ng' ,C~ean Bu~nirig :COAL tions that are proper for the. owndlsappe~ra~ce. at rna u . . "The Archbishop posed' for' me SHELL "PREMIUM" HEATING· OILSgeneration of chil.dreh. If God .To try to ~amtamlt longer than .for six months,'" Mr. Vassilev blesses their union with a child, ne~essary I~ an ab",~e.. declared. "Today, no one could they 'automatically assum'e re. GIve In.. h _get the Pope to come for as many 'b'l't for bririging" that There are several reasons w y . ·tt·ngs·" sponsl I I Y . f' d ·t d'ff' It Sl I . • child up to full Christian matur- modem p~rent~, In. I ~h IC~t . A Chicago. art dealer; Ephriam" .ity. to· exer.clse proper au orl y M:' Peara, corifirmed he had of,. , Automatic Coal The. right to generate necess- ove~ theIr teen a~ers. , 'fered a'Iuarter ofa million dol- .. . Stokers, arily'involves full 'responsibility . ,FI~St, som~have .bee~ ~oo p:~- .. lars . fpr .the portrait. He~id, for the moral outcome of the mIssIve durIng· the child s ea y . however, that he was only actIng JuccC?s 50;-S to Bag :Woo.d, Co'al exercise of this right.. years...., ..... . as an agent for a client '~who has .and Charcoal. ., Child Needs Guidance Second, sOIJle.,fIJ'!dlt· eas~er~to .done a great deal for·the Cath.;.· Now parental'responsibility is. give in to the ,.child's demands 'olic·Church." He didnot'-"iiame ,'" , . not fulfilled.', mer~ly.· by giving; . than to enforce' thei.r own rules. "the dierit. . ' . . 640. Pleas~nt St., . New . Be'dford '," '. ',' .". lei. ~Wyr 6-8271 ',.'It- is':one ·.of the 'fine!'t pl'lint-~ the' child. food,.. shelter, an!!. . ,Thi.rd: 5OID;e .are quite. ~r( :. clothing, together with love and bltrary ~n theIr. use of a.uthorlty, ings to 'come into this country," . affection, The growing childci~man~hng.strIct .qb?dlence j~nc' . Mr: Peara said:.·~.Ar.tcritics who ·•••• :0."'.0ןס0O .'''''.0 U' ':.0000 00 .'•• O+UOO'O' ••••• H • t . . . . . must be. catefully·..·trained, inf?ccasioJ\.and..;the:neJi:F haye seen it'agree'wlth me. It ~"'. ~~. ~ <, : ...~.~ ~:. struCtea, andgulde~-:a,s·l(:[l~~~~~::t:'~~~N!~\.~oIl1.eli}~~::t9:.r~gar~:, i>etongs i,!1 (meof'j~e ~reat -.' . ...., ." ,,:; .." .... ': ..... ' _ from infancy through .·,puhertY;':'i~W~r:,t~r.n.,.~ge~s:~.~. adults,::~0~7 m~seums."··· . .' adolescence and..oil.<t() :ma't~r}ti~:"i~,~tr~fJ,~!:4~~r·yop~~" peoI?I~'iD1,ay. . Mr. Vassilevsaid 'the'. portrait . This,is a gradl1at~co!lH!:!,Y.9~S,::;:;:Pt;~~PP>,~ISlJ1glr·.rn~t"1re.m/ was smuggled out of 'conimurt~st developmentaJ' .·'Pt.9~e~SidlJr~rig·:·.j;3'S:$~~j'~rd,~~I!e.~n..~xP.ep.~nced::. BUlgaria by Michael Soldo, Palm .,. :.·1 .·.· ',' which the child lear.i'iS'·howtoal}~'ilrresIlonslb,l~m~t~~rs.·" , .. conduc~ ~ims~lj·.fi~~h(~jh~'r:a~.;.,~,:;,}'I~~~)~Ck~~~~ti~r:ce :'".:.' : Society' Protecto;r . row confmes'of the famIly c~rcle A d" "L '. : I th'k Giusepp.e:"Cardinal Pizzardo, and lated in the ever widening n..50: . OUlse, . 11) .•you. 'Secretary of the Sacre~ Congre- . circle of school friends, ass~ci- .. should pomt ou~ to_ youfnelgh- gation of the· Holy· Offic!,!,' has ates, 'ana sodet~.: " bor ~hat~he IS f t~e~tJrJt. er . been" named protector of ·St. ::t. Throughout thi:., process par- daug ter very un a~r y. . ness Joseph's ,Socie"tY· of ;'the .Sa~red· . ~ ental r~spon~ibility extends' into she. alreadr has' failed. utterly :Heart for the Colored missions, these.' ·areas; for the growing as a mother, she shoul? be able whose niotherhouse is' in 'Baltichild is' by _ definition still a. ~o.. he~p.her .daughter fllld other.· more.', .
.$'& COAL,&
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OIL CO. Inc",'
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. .. .. . .' a Q d : effort· reqqired. to;: instr~ct;:,: churth waS; :sL 'patrick7s,serV-g..uic:f.e, nd.· dire.c.l·th.em:" ing.· the:' ·secti':~·~.· ,iovingly :.kn6~n . . . ',: .: I
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'" . 'To"". Bec"- 0'.m·e··Bro·the"r Ire1 and. . . OSTERVILLE Both Wareham'and' Falmouth· . MOUNT .'KISCO' (NC)-A 52.GArden· 8-6509 chose. to honor St. Patrick in year-oid ex-mayor of .Mount· naming their churches; . Kisco here in' Ne~" York State' So it'~' great welcome jhe wilL become a Jesuit ,Brother. Diocese has given the' Saint. Bertrand Wray will .enter the; And its ilativesons seem to Jesuit Seminary; near 'P~~gh;" , carry' his blessings .wherever keepsie this month. Mr..Wtay, ai', they go. Only' ihis week now, widower,' is the father of 10 : .COMPLETE' '... W'urd 'wasreceived that Fa'ther children. .He, now serves. as . Thomas Moriarty of Council security chief· at a New York LAUNDRY: SERVICE Bluffs, Iowa, a native of Fall' hospital. ,. ' ,'. River, is to be. known as Right 64 HICKS' STREET . NEW BEDFO.RD. Reverend Monsignor. Where is. A.' D. McMULLEN he pastor? At St. Patrick's of· WYman. 3-4777 course. And where was his late Inc. uncle,Rt. Rev. Edward Moriarty., ·M 0 V E R S pastor? At St. Patrick's in fC!ll SERVING .. River, of course, F II R' N' . df d So when you see Fall River'b . a Iver, ew Be or PLUMBIN~ & HEATING, INC. grand St. Patrick's parade' on . Cape Cod ·.Area '. '.. .. for Domestic 'S'unday, with Father John' E. Agent·" ~;='" . . ·Y.F·.lOW"ER',' : '.= &.Industrial Boyd as. chaplain, you've a L _ •.• __ ...-::Sales." and AERO MA ~right to, throw out.your chest ·TRANSITCO.INC~,OilBurnears' Service·'
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of,'to.u~c:iy~~·:G·ree.;:Carl1otions i,,' .Y9ur..I~pel.!,~~. ~step' out. iri:.~tyie f.or· Sun~~yis gata Sf.. Patrick's Day Parade -and in addition take ad~~ntogeof our usual generous offer.~f,~
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Min~s%enty Symbol Of Red Hungary P~i'secution's
Notes' Cardinal
!hurs., Mar. 12,
NEW YORK (NC) - The 'fate of Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty is a "symbol" of the communist persecution of religion in. Hungary. '1 • .The "arrest, torture and suffering" of the Primate of !'!ungary a~e·. ~ymbolic of, charge's PUbliSh:d in Nepszabadthe suffermg people and· , sag,' the official ~rgan of. the the fate of a nation," Msgr.· Hungarian Communist party, Bela Varga has declared. that the election of Pope John
__ 1~.»)
Up~lolds Lor ~:a TV Licen~e WASHINGTON (~TC) The U. S. Suprr:c e Court has refused to review a lower court decision upholding
'Msgr: Varga m'ade this point in was engineered. by U. S, Seca statement issued to commem- retary of State John Foster ' f' Dulles. ora t e th e 10th anmversary 0 4) "C It' t I f Cardinal Mindszenty's trial at ' . .omp, e e' cO,n 1'0 0 ecthe right of Loyola University, h' h h t ed to }"fe cleslastIcal Instruction and eduw IC e was. sen enc I t· f g" t " The New Orleans, to. operate a teleimprisonment by the Reds. He ca Ion ~ youfol pries s. vision station. was released during the 1946 . commumst regime. has. redu~ed The high court re!--:ted the ' I t' b t h the number of semmarIes by 75 . . H ungarIan revo u IOn u w en · . t erven t'IOn crus h e d per cent and In the remamder has petition for review submitted R usslan In . . '. the uprising he sought refuge InstItute~ com~ulsory courses In by James A. Noe and Company, . th U S I t ' . B d t commumst philosophy, economunsuccessful applicant ·r .:' comIn . e . '. e~a I?n In u ap,es. ic theo~y and atheism, he said. mercial 'rv Channel 4 in New now hvmg In the legatIon. In addition, the Reds must give Orleans. Msgr. Varga is chairman of· their approval to candidates both Noe and Company argued the the Hungarian Committee, an" for admission to seminaries and Fed'eral Communications ComexHe political organization with . for ordination he stated. mission. was in error when it headquarters here.' He is a form-' 5) "Destrudtion .of Church .STONEHILL HONOR SOCIETY: Among 12 named to granted the' univers~ty a license. er speaker' of the' Hungarian' hierarchy and discipline.~''Priests the Saxon Society, college honor group, were Fall Rlverites . to brOlid~ast on the; disputed Parliament. ' are~" transferred imd' aIu30mied Daniel J.. Delaney, J. David Connell; and Ann V.Guilmette, cha'nllel because Loyola is cop, . five ~ain Ways witljout the consent of the bishducted by Jesuit ~athers, whose' as they received the congratulations of Rev. Richard H. Superior General is not a U. S: Pointing out' that. communist '. ops' concerned and communist.... ' . Sullivan,· C.S.C., president. ,citizen it is an "ali~n" ('orflorapersecution of the Church con- oriented' movements are encourtion urlcter' terms o{ the Federal tinues in Hungary, Msgr. Varga,' aged within the Church and even.· CommunicatioI:ls Act and hence listed five main ways in which among the priests, Msgr. Varga should be denied broadcast . the Red regime is carrying out charged: NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The world at'large of the stability its anti-religious campaign. . People United world's indiffer~nce toward the of contract," he stated. "Almost facilities. The Court. of Appeals rejected 1) Effective control of the Within the past year, he added, sanctity of marriage has been any conceivable excuse for dithis contention in a unanimous Hungarian bishops through im- "the persecution of the' Chun;h criticized by Archbishop Joseph vorce-such as 'incompatibility' ruling in favor of the school. prisonm'ent' and intimidation. The toojt.a new and more dangerous'- F. ,Rummel of New Orleans., -is' ,used. This is an indication Bishops of Hungary are "uli08r and misleading form," This is . The .~relate, .a~!lre~sitlg the ,~f :how the' world looks,.upon 'FQunding Jubilee the strictest.contro},· of the com- a i'long-rai-Ige'! policy aimed at ~Irst regIOnal f~mI1y hfe meet- . marriage., There is alway,S a way EMMITSBURG (NC) _ Mrs. munist regime's, I Office for, destroying .religion. in 'HUllgary mg of the ProvInce of N~w 01'-, out for people of any religion." b l'n""I'tr t' g th Chur h and leans, asserted that "outSide the, Beca'use young people learn Dwight D. Eisenhower will be Church AffaI'rs" .', . ' y: J.1 a In . e c '.. C th l' Ch h th . . . honored next Saturday at an acMsgr. Varga a'sserted civilian ,subverting it 'from within, he " p:rti~~~ar . urc '. t' er,e f IS no I too little of the importance of ademic, convocation commemo!administrators' from 'the Office· ' said: . . '.0" tit' a,?Pdrel~lfa ~~n 0 sanc-... , the ,marriage relationship, "the of t h Aff ' 11 y In marrIe I e. . . ating the 150th anniversary fo Churc airs actua y exer. There is no concept il\ the Church must d? w~at It .can to ,the founding of S.t. Joseph Colcise t~e f\lnctio~s 'of the bis~ops, ,. Li~t ,CI~si~g Sessions.. . ma~e, theobhgatIons of ap- •. lege, The President's wife will. issuing oided; and statements in . For Lent'en Serloe's', C.c:wtholic pop.u.a~ion .pr?C\chh:tg ~rjag~ appr~ciated," "be ,awarded an honorary doctor,. their name without their prior , b . T'h 'd the Archbishop said... ' . of Jaws degree. " : k~owledge or approval. ' Filiar Lenten' forum' confer-' 1m s 'In. al an !. Religious R~strictio~ls . ences for young people will be. R0l:'1.E (NC) - The Catholic· , .... 'held this'Sunday at the Catholic', population· of overwhelmingly 2) "Restriction of' religious Community Center, Franklin BUd9~ist Thailand has more' teaching." ~This restriction has Street FaJI River and Wednes- than doubled in less than 10 been tightened by the Reds s i n c e ' years . day, March 18, Our Lady of ", '. . . Real Estate'Loans tlie 1956 revolution, Msgr. Varga Grace Church hall North West-. Statistics IndICate the number Savings Bank Life Insurance said, on the ·"pretext" that stu- port ' of Catholics in Thailand, whose dents receiving religious train. . , . total population'slightly exceeds Christmas and Vacation Clubs ing have persecuted those Who The Fall ~Iver ,conf.e~ence WlJI 21 million, rose from 52,557 in Savings Accounts do 1I0t. . start at 7 and ':"111 feafure Re~.. 1949 to ',106,326 in 1958. The 3) Similar "restrictive meas- Paul F. McCarrick of St. lVIary s number of ·catechumens under 5 Convenient Locations ures" in regard to church atCathedral parish as modeIiator . instruction for admission in the tel1dance, marriage, baptism, . of a .pane~·,o~ laymen .which.:will . Church increased from, 737 to NEW BEDFORD bu'rial and other :.religious ac... ': treat ,the:famI1y;.coJt\p.?ny, ~hool, 1,014 ,last ,year., ti~ities. Coupled with this "IS 'an .<chu~<:h an~, automobile: as ..fac"'-.~"...-....._~ ~ -. intensive "ideological campaign"; .tors in the life of youth. against· the!;h,' Msgr. Varga """ ~~What" ·is" this thing.,.',ca.'11ed ~-.~...;...-~~-_...:.._-------------". :,,' saId. He offered as ,an e~ample Loye?~', will be. ·Re~. Anthony' . . ., ' , . , ,- : . , . . "Gomes' topic at·the North.West-· Home 'made' MarY1and'Co'mmi·ftee' '·portmeeting,' at'7:30','i\s< ',CA~DI~~, ~. • . . • sistant at Santo Christo Church,': CHOCOLATES R"Jects Censorship .F·all <RiVer, E:ather Gom.e,!? ,,w.ill, . ANNAPOLIf (NCL',"';:" The:'C'Cdlsc:..ti~$,~,l1etrue qualities of love , ,150 Varieties Ma:i-yland H9u~ Jiidiciary}::;q~- .:and,;'t~~: ,r'1. ~. "c.;-~s8fy.· virtues. ~nd mit~ee, bY,a .13-1.1. ,vote;' reJec,ted'. T~wp,t~·~,~.9~t~ed:for· happmess : a .bill which wout4" permg' .l,l1e.. '~l\ :o.~,'.li!e:.~ State, Boilr.a' 'Qf .M\>tiol1.,J?i.c,tqr¢s ~,::':~oth:J:,e'hten •.series have been Ce.nsors to' control". the snOWing " .U,l\q~r..t:the. $ponsorship of _the of movies to minors. ': >. " . Flunily, .Life Bureau of the DioHowever, the bill will come up ': 'ces~;- with priests 'engaged' in for a vote by the, entire 'House. 'Caria Conferenc'e· work speaking ;') The committee also'moved to' at each meeting. .. delay a vote on a rival 'measure . which would bypass the censor- ~--""------------I ship board and leave it up to"a local court to rule on' 'films' .. ',. . . deemed obscene fo~ youngsters. '. Amendments 'to the latter hill,' des'igned to make it ~ore palat-.~. abU! to opponents of censorship~~ will be drafted for later preseri-: '. tadon to the committee. ' .. Delegate Ridgely p) Melvin," SEE THESE ch~irman of the committee, sl)'id . he '. wiil move the censorship" bo~rd measure to the· £loo'r for WY 2-6216 a vote despite the unfav()rllble action: He said he will' do this after the committee. a<:ts on the > 'of frien· .wood second measure. .,
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Enslave Nuns Conti;\ued from Page. One: tra~ned to become political lea(leI's. ' , '.' The agency revealed there were 525 Chine'se' nuns in Shanghai before the communist seized control of the city. There wer'e also 202 foreign Sisters who have since all been expelled from China. Earlier reports have told ot for~'ed labor being imposed on priests and nuns throughout the Chinese mainl_t!, particularly in the Rorthern province of Sienhsien, where native Jn~ . Qed of the .clez-g and JreIiglolU . '. hl1-~ .~co'm~ed. ~~ ~~rk'. 1a~\9.t~r ~ ~~,;:~,.'.,-,;;,::::.
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Holy Father Loves the Missions'
Estab~ish'ing Social
Order Is Matter of' Conscience
.Thurs., Mar'. . . '12, 1959
God· Love Yo'u By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D•.
By Msgr. George G. Higgins
His Holiness, ~ope John xxm was once the. Director of The. Society for the Propagation of the Faith in Italy. Recently he invited all of the officials of the ·Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith to an intimate audience. Instead of giving them a formal address he said that he would speak about something that was very dear to his heart, namely, the Missions and the work of the Propagation of the Faith throughout the world. He pulled down from ·his library shelf the book he had written while Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith which contained many of the discourses he' delivered while serving the Missions.
Director NCWC Social Action Department
Two weeks ago in this column reference was made, for the second time within recent months, to the desirability of more frequent and more systematic cooperation between labor and management at the level of the national economy as' well as at the company problem of unemployment. In and the industry level. fact they' can, through their It was pointed out that,,in labour organizations' workout the absence of such cooper- positive suggestions and seek to
ation, there would seem to be have these suggestions adopted After a confidential review of· some matlittle hope of solving national by those who are responsible, ters relative to the Missions he remarked: economic probwith them, for' the organization "If it is sweet to die after having had a great !ems ~ unemof economic life." devotion to the Sacred Heart, it is likewise ployment, for b. Labor organizations should sweet to die after h~ving given one's self example, and make it their aim to create an to the Missions." His Holiness spoke of a visit i D f 1 at ion atmosphere of labor-managewith the !lite Cardinal Constantini who rewhich are of ' ment cooperation "withou.t which peated several times that the Church needed mutual concern there can be no true Solution" to a Pope' who would think especially about 110 labor and . :the problem of unemployment. the Missions. . nag e -' '. c. "In order that this cooperament· and for : tion be· possible, workers must. · The ;HolYJi"ather further remarked that the solution of; first be able to assume, through . the center of the Church is in Rome' not· which' they are labour organizations, their part for the purpose of. being a' conservator or' jointly'respon" 'of responsibility in the ·develop.,.:. ~ . ~useums, . but ·rather to be the ardent" sible. ,. 'ment of the national economy.". ·center for the radiation .of ,the doctrine 'and the of' Christ·to . It'· W 0 u I d . .. . (2) Erpployers must develop aU men.·Then toward. the conclUsion of Uae audience he stated that come as no surprise to the Writer . spirit of "frank and efficacious eveuday he BaYS the WORLDMISSION ROSARY 'which 'was deif he were told that' S4>me ~'cooperation" with laboUr. "'ATHER 'PEASE signed,by,the National Director,of the United States, offeriitg'eaCll • readers· of this column are' be-' . Mixed Commissions :. f" •• of the five· decades for the five continents of 'the worlel. .; . ginning to feel that he is attach~M' , ing too much importance to 'this (3) This spirit of solidarity be-· proposal. S u chit . complaint .' tween labor and mana6ement The first discourse that 'His HoliDess. gave after. his.' election " wOlild be readily understandable.' should be "translated into re- .\ U statCdthat the MiSsions constituted the prhicipi,e':task o(~he C~w-ch~ .'. Even at the risk of running , ality ~y. the creation of mixed, A ...·Departure Ceremony was : The Directors of The Societyfor·the'Prop.agatioo· <>phel'aith iri'the • good thing into ·the ground, I ~ .c.ommISSIOnS of leaders. from' iheld at Sacred 'H'earts 'Semirtary' : United'States are the agents of the Holy".F~ther. f9 r solici~ir):gabns' think it should be noted that the .. ' management' and labour for the in .. Wareham' today' for Father for' him. "The Propagation of the ·Faith·. differs: frqm eyery' ~ther particular proi)osal In question . purpose of common studyan<~ Simon :'Pe~se whowiil leave for ' Missionary Society' in" the: sense that it does' 'not colleCt for one far from being a purely personai "concerted action ... Only s~ch . Japan"onMarch 15th;' Thirty-/ 'society,'but .for all; not· for one area, but .lor all areas;' not for a' . . hobby" or orie of purely Americiul' , labor - management cooperat~on, two priests', were· present at the favoriteet:ommu!lity; but for all natio~ to wb6m'c;hrist sent lIis viDtage is a logical and univer- ..cooperation iB a spirit of co- Ceremony) which .was held fu . 'Apostles. . . .'J • sally:v~lid application ofCatho-' responsibility with "the State; the Semiilary Chapel. ' During lie sOcial principleS-:-One which' will be able to preserve our ecothe 'ceremony . Father Pease, Despite thlf love 'of the Holy 'Father for 'th~ IWlss!ons h'eis . ill curren tly. ·being . promoted no~icnfe from the. abu~e of ~,.;., renewed his vows and' the Very :unable'lo prove thefll11'bounty of his love by giving the MiSsionvigorously in a number of other contlColled economIc lIberalIsm <l'teverend William Condon, Pro- 'aries all the' aid that theyneed;']f all the ni~ney given by the oountties, notabl in Canada. .which,leads to anarchy, and from ...vincial,· blessed the missionary . 'Catholics of the United .States to the Hob Father were distributed Absolute· 'Must' oppressive ~tate .Socialisin." . "'crucifix'which' was ·then .predirectly to each M:iSsioill~rYfor himself 'and :ror 'ito oiher;~urpose, Indeed,' the recent Pastoral Returning to these three points sented·to the new missionary. eaeh would receive only 2Ze a daY. Perhaps' y~U who read th~ Letter of His Eminence Cardinal in a capsule;-like summary of. his. Father 'Pease will arrive in"" story of the Vicar of Christ will deepen yoUr love for 'him and Leger of Montreal entitled. Pasto.ral'Letter, Cardinal Leger .;rapan on March 24th where he his Pontifical Sociebfor the PrOpagation of the Faith and will '"Unemployment and Our Re~ ,recommends, in conclusi0J:l;' ~t ,will continue hi"! study of the send $22. instead' oiZ2e, just because 70uhave"read the eolumD . sponsibilities as Christians", not ; . e~er~ em~lorer, in' exa~ining' .. Japanese language b,efore. enter- . thi~ week::' '.' . only" endorses' national labor-' hIS ..consclence, .ask himself ing 'the active minjstry there. He. .. management coop'eration bu·t· . among ·.·wili .join twelve'other priestS ... . M.C.S.for . ,. .' $25. . '.' "I ..was,. '" willing to sell .. my / .. 'other questions: .,. GOD.LOVE YOU. to refers to it as an absolute "must." . . 'Am ~ siJfficiently COl:lvinced .·from the United States Province ...piano for .$35, and,happ~i. took the $60 offer'mllcie by the purchaser This remarkable Pastoral Let- that co-operation should exiSt ... ofth,e . Fathers.. of 'the' Sacred -the.'unexpected $25 beloDgli to' the'.... to Anon 'fgr $14~ !ler. has already been summarized Wh bet,,:een and I' labord leaders?' "" t0 C .P.M • f or $3 "WeII I't' spay d ay . t ff' me t h' to' .. - 'Heait~.':w~o .. . . .ar~labo'ririg: . . '. . .'in Ibar.,. , . . . , "My K orean W ar B onus.. ill many Catholic 'and ·secular.' , 'ta,.,e . or ave. tma Sacred . an d you . h ' · j e. pr,o-. , ...., .akl Prefecture. :.' The ' . ' , .. agaIn are. on. my payro11" . ... to M".M. '·z;lOr . $50' ·gl·ven... m· newspapers in the United States;' mo ~ ,~uc :en~oun e~s.. ,Hea~ts.rlit~~~s.a~J:iveq,the~e.te~.l thankS fora favOr:received: . .... . .. ,' , , ,. ." . but only very briefly of course. " SlffiIllirly HIS Emmlfnce 'sug~ . years ago an~since that time. "r " .. ' , ,. ".' . . . There has been insufficient em- .geststhatevery worker, ihex- "have '~stabiisl1edfiveniission. ': ., .1'" " , ' phasis.onCardinal Leger's .en-c' ·~mining·., his, conscience" .. a'sk: .centers.:'Th~ IbarakJ Prefecture: "·'TheHolyFather BaYs the WORLDMISSION' ROSARY every dorsement of labor-management ,~ims~lf:" "Do' I desire that' is about the size of' the state ot' '. day will you join him in prayer? Send us your $2.00 offering and cooperation at thp. level of' the . management and labor should Rhode Island with a population' . 70ur requeSt for the rosary and we will send one. Each time you national economy as an indispen- meet to study the ca~ses of unof two and quarter million ·finger the WORLDMISSION ROSARY finger your· pocKetbook sable means of solving the prob- employment?" . and less than one per cent Cath-. . too and put aside a daily sacrifice for the Missions that you and !em of unemployment. " Strict Obligation olic. ' . the Holy Father love so much. . , Pertinent Excerpts If and when" th~ day ever Fa~her Pease's home is in· Cut out this column, pin your 'sacrifice to it and 'mall it to the - For °the benefit of those who comes that the majority of 'em- BUrlmgton, Vermont. Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for do not have access to the com- ployers and workers' in the the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. plete text of this important doc- United States regularly include or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, ument-which runs to a total of questions such as these in their "368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. 25 closely printed pages I daily examination of conscience, should like to call attention to it may then be time to stop talkDAUGHTERS. OF ST. PAUL several pertinent excerpts on ing and writing about 'the neces.nvite YOUDg lIirls (14-231 to labor ill the matter under discussion.. sity of labor-management coopOil BURNERS Christ's vast vineyard as an Apostle of the -'1(1) a. Workers, Cardinal Leg-. eration at every level" of the Editions: Press, Radio, Movies and TeleAlso complete Boiler-'Burner er says, are powerless to solve' economy,-but· not until then: vision.. With these modem means, these or Furnace' Units. Efficient the problem of unemployment Meanwhile there is solid food Missionary Sisters bring Christ's Doctrine low cost beating. Bumer and unless they belong' .to a union. Q:.;for prayerful thought in Carfuel oil ~Ies and'service. to' all: rega rdlesi of race, color or ueed. Once they are~rga~zed, ."they,~\d~nal Leger's concluding appeal. Fat :iJiformatiooi' write to:' OifCo~~ Inc~ eaB: make theit; contribution to; ··,:for: immediate action to solve' . ,., ,,' REV: MOTHER· SUPERIO.R . the efficacious....soJution.; of ~e,.~....~\; problem of unemployment. ',.SO·ST. PAUVS AVE, !I0ST9~ 30, f!l\ASs. '180 Mt. Pleasant Sweet ",'~;.. .' .: .~.<~'. ,}.:.:;':"~~ . New Bedford. wrY 3-2661
C '. eremony ar.ks· M·· D t . 15sl0n '. y. ,. .".'
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COME,.IN ~ $E·E··,:.... and 'DRIVE,,: .' .,
·· · .0.T r,nltarlan.: .' "
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. Fathers ·BOYS~
.... :·TH E~159· ;'~ORDS
• • •
:.: _ i
"'The World'~ 'MoStBeautifully PropO':fioned Cars-' at
:WANTED . for
By BRIAN' CRON'lN~"" Priesthood and .Brothe·rhood. 1. For what intentions are 'the. prayers after M~ss' said?::--(a) The .' Lq~k. of'fur ds NO' ill'lpe.cii~ souls' in Purgatory? (b) ~¢',conversion of Russia? ';(c') Peace? m!'!nt. " ., '. (d) The Pope's intentions!:;.~t;i'·.' '. . ""'Wrlte'to:'"'' :.'.:Z. "And thy own so~l;a SWord s:h,al~ piet:~e" were words addressed' , " . ' . . .',,'.; to our Blessed Motliei:by:--"(at;~eangel Gabriel? (b) St. Eliii . ,',,: '..; P:O Box ;~742.,·.", abeth? (c) St. Anne? (d) suneorif.··~·".;>,;:,;. . ~ .~'" ". . ~al!jmore 8, .Md. . I. At what ceremony is the hY.:ffiD.;.~f.1.QatMater usually sung?:~::::" . .... . " (a) The Stations of the Cr~? '(b)' DedicatiOn of a Church? (cf ~ ..' '. :. Benediction?(d) Mass for' the. Dead?'·.· . .' ',,,,c' i ·....'·,,"': .. .,....:,.,.,.,.... ':;" ''''''''.'-:'''' 4. In ;tddition to Requiem Masses; ,'\vbeti'are black. vestments·'7< k ' .;, ··Eledricc:i'. " :ivorn?:-(a) Ash Wednesday?· (b) 'Holy Thursday? (c) Good . r~ ~iday? (d) Advent Sunday? . U~ Contradors I. -';Vhat did the Old"Testament B.ildad, Elihu,Eliphaz, '. . ,
. ',;
Pu~~hcise St.
riIJI... "..:.'
..::? ~~~h:;n~Y:f ~e:~::'~~~=:~~) ~nsC:~:~"'Of ~ Iil what year did the Holy See officially remove the U. S. from
';'. .. <
missionary status?:-(a) 1815? (b) 1492? (c)l865? (d) .1908? V'~ 'L Who is the patron saint of EmigrantS?:-(a) St. Patrick?"(b) st. ~~ ~ Frances Xavier Cabrini? (c) St. Christopher? (d)·St. Gabriel? .. The Church Suffering is rep~nted by ~~80wsin:-(alH~? ... ~44,C~unty St. ~ (b) Earth? .(c) ~urga:tory? ,(d) Limbo?, -. .' , .' ..~. .. . .. ", " . . . . . .:!, .: Give yourself 10 marks for 'eaclt cOrrect answer on plige 18.N~w~aedford:-':;. .' Rating: 8,..Excellentj 70-Very Good; 6O-GoOd; 50-Fair. ', ... "'" , , .
''': '::J'.;
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,'., '.:' .. WHOLESALE AUTOMOTI¥E,: ., .... '._ :.;.: and ".. ,.,:.; .. ··INDUSTRIAL 'SUPPLIES j
• .GENERAL 'TIRE5~"'" ' . DELCO BAnERIES' · . ' ..' "',",.":. "E~~CT' CIRClE.,tilOS·· .'. . ...AllRJVB .... NEW BEDFORD .... HYANNIS ....
,',:,:'''; \~ ~
,"j. •
Good Government Day
Texans to Mark St. Patrick's Day In 'Irish Capital'
Jeannine LeBlanc was crowned "Queen of the Business Wizards" in a typing contest sponsored by the commercial club. Runnersup included Barbara Johnson, Rachel Langevin, Elaine Mailloux, Priscilla GenaI'd, Laurette 'Benoit and PauI~ne Gagne.
On Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 2 o'clock, all prospective freshmen for this year's entrance class will report to the school for registration and a one hour examination. Each student must also bring his report card from the school he is now attending. Parents may inquire at the same time about regulations and courses at the school.
THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 12,1959
Spotlighting Our Schools MONSIGNOR COYLE, TAUNTON '"
SAN PATRICIO DE HIBERNIA (NC)-The 'Irish capital of Texas"· is what they call this sleepy town
in southern Texas-and with good reason. For 364 days a year San Patricio de Hibernia is just a quiet village dozing ~here the Nueces River meets the Gulf of Mexico. But 'every March 17 "San Pat," as the town is more familiarly known becomes the number one city of the Lone Star State. This year's will be the 129th
At the annual St. Patrick's Day eoncerts March 15 and 16 eigh- ty-seven members of the glee club and high school members The high school retreat will be conducted by Rev. John For- of St. Mary's orchestra will play est Faddish, O.F.M., of New prominent parts. Carole Berard, -York city, Wednesday through president of the glee club, will conduct selections including reFriday, March 18 to 20. BISHOP DENNING' BISHOP MULROONEY An entrance and scholarship ,ligious, secular, novelty, and Irish themes. Miss Berard will examination will be held for inAuxl·ll~arl·es SL Patrick's Day for San Pat. coming freshmen Saturday, also be featured 'in the orchesAs usual, Texans of Irish descent March 21. Registratio'ns should tral selections, Grieg concerto. M~Ente' from all over the state willgath;. be made by, Sunday, March 15. The program wilL also include er here for a celebration. Debaters won four out'of six' arrangements from "Show'Boat,; WASHINGTON (NC) ,-' Two diocesan priests have ,The town was founded around and Iri~h medleys. . ' , rounds in a tournament at Mt. been named, titular bishops and auxjIiaries to Bishop Bryan 1830 by. two com-!Uercial advenRita Hutchin, and' 'Jane St. 'Maryis, Fall River, 'sacre4 J. McEntegarl of Brooklyn.' They are: turers from Ireland, John, McO'Hearne, Bristol ComIty, repre'Heart Academy, Central Falls, Gloin and James McMtillEiri. They V ery Rev. Charles R.Mulrooney, rector of Cathedral had"contractedwlth' the Mexican anelta Salle and ElmhurSt sentatives on the Governor, Fur-' : ' ~ulo you~h commission, attended " College (Preparatory Sem'Af.:ademies,' ProvidencE!' , ' June 10/193p. He was appointed government;. which then .ruled ' • meeting at the"State Ho'use to inary), Brooklyn, n a me d to' Cathedral College faculty in the area, to sEit up an, Irish,col::. prepare for a Spring convention: HOLY FAMILY, Bishop of Valentin- -l9::1~ and,.became rect~r in 1952. ony here. ' ' St. Mary's was" also represented Titular NEW BEDFORD ian' BIshop-elect Denmng was Some say It was the Mexican's at a meeting the Catholic a. , . born in Flushing, Long Island, idea to make ~ belli.gerant. IriS,hRobert 4.. Lawler, son of May- , Business Education Association at Very Rev. Joseph P. Denning, Jan. 4, 1907: He attended Cathe- ,men a buffer. betw'een themselvel or and Mrs. Lawler of New Bed- Cardinal Cushing College. L?ng Isla?d City pastor, named dral' College, Immaculate Con- .and the equally belligerent Texford, is a semi-finalist in a high Tomorrow Susan Eagan will TItular. BISh?p of Mallus. ception Seminary, Hi.1llt'ington; ans who were then agitating for school oratorical contest spon-' take part in the legislative as" .The ~ppoIntments, made by L. I., and St. Mary's Seminary, independence. sored by the Massachusetts sembly at the Good Government Whatever the reasons,' San American Legion. He 'wlH com- Day exercises in Boston. Among ,HIS HolIness Pope John XXIII, 'Baltimore.' He was ,ordained have been announced by Msgr. May 21 1932. Pat's Irish colony remained pete in' state finals' at 2:30 Sun- the bills to, be debated are: ,Acj1ille Lupi, Charge d' Affaires '. day afternoon at M. E. Fitzger- Fining parents for their part in at thoe Apostolic Delegation. Communion Sunday neutral during the fight of Texans for independence. Unfortunald School, North Cambridge. juvenile delinquency, Adoption BIs~op-elect Mulrooney, was For Hyannis K of C ately, the Irishmen often found Lawler's topic is "The Consti- of the poll tax for women, Bien- born In Brooklyn, Jan. 13, 1906. ' ' tution, Worth Having, Worth nial driving test, and lengthen- .He attended Cathedral College The Father McSwiney Council themselves uncomfortably beDefending." He scored 446 points ing of the school year. in Brooklyn, St. Mary's Semin- No. 2525 Knights of' Columbus tween the hostile armies. ' out of 500 in the semi-final ary, 'Baltimore, and the Sulpic- 'of Hyannis, will hold, their In' later days, San Pat's Iri!\Jl contest. He was awarded several JESUS MARY ACADEMY, ian Seminary at the Catholic 35th Annual Corporate Com- connections have dwindled, prizes in token of his achieve- FALL RIVER University of America in Wash- munion at the 7:00 A.M. Mass though the town did give its ments thus far. Open house 'for)th grade stu- ,ington, D. C. He ,was ordainec;i '-at" St. Francis Xavier 'Church .name to Texas' San Patricio Hyannis, on' Passion Sunda;' C~~nt?" in which it is located:. Mary Jane Waiker, a Junior, dents is slated for Friday after-'with breakfas~ fo.Howing the Thl.S p~~ce used to c~awl, wI~b was elected Recording Secretary noon, March 20"irom r to 3. A Offer Requiem Mass' Mass at the HyannIS Inn. : the IrIsh, one long-time .reSIof the Region' "One Junior skit, Around the JMA World'in · _ Grand Knight John J. :Mc~ .~ent reminisce~. "N.ow, if you:n Achievement Conference at a Five Days, will ·highlight im-' For Lou Costello ' HOLLYWOOD (NC)~Requi- · Connell .of ,:Hyannis announced look on· the mall boxes, you WIn Ac,:p'ievers' 'he~d portant schQol'~\1bjectsand 01'.con.ference " ,em Mass was Offered in St. Fran- ._ that the 'chairman of' the affair . see ,a • majority of L!ltin an'd recently at Pocono Manor Inn, ganizations. Students are working on pro- ' Sales Church'here for Lou is Paul Keavy, Catholic, Activi- c:;er":lan names." 'Pocono, Penn. , ' Debators Kathleen Morrissey jects in connection with The Costello" 52,' rolypoly member · ties Leader pf the Council. . Elevate . Editor , The principal speaker at the and .Daniel Poulin; representing Anchor. Outstanding work will of the famed comedy' team' of 'DES ,MOINES (NC)-FatQeI' , breakfast will be Louis Cafaldo, the Affirmative, emerged victor- be rec'ognizedat a special as-' Abbott 'and Costello:' Mr.' Costello died in Docters 'County Identification officer, for Raym<md J. Conley,' edit9r of ious over George 'Simmons and sembly whehawards will be Hospital here from a heart at- , the Town 'of Barnstable. His top- the Messenger, Des Moines d~oc Daniel Thomas of Coyle High. presented. 'Twenty students are assisting tack complicated, by a blood ic will be entitled "Challerige esan weekly, has been named a The negative team represented by Elizabet" ~urphy and Susan with Confraternity of Christian cloL He is sur.vived by his wife, to the Moral Fiber of Today'• papal chamberlain with the title , of ver-y reverend monsignor. , Youth." Koch were defeated by Christo- • Doctrine classes preparing chil- Ann! and three daughters. pher Kinney and Louis Warren dren for Confirmation and First of Portsmouth Priory. The next Communion. contest will be with the DominiSACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, can Academy Club. Sister Mary Virginia has an- FALL RIVER Natalie Dos Reis, post-gradunounced that the following students are eligible for member- ate student from Portugal and ship in the National Honor So- senior Mary Juliette Silva were ciety: George J. Thomas, Ed- guests at a meeting of the Inword Kelly, Raymond Lagesse, ternational Federation of CathoMadeline Abraham, Mary Daw- lic Alumnae at SL Elizabeth's son, Jo-Ann Figueiredo, Dianne school of nursing. Mrs. Helen Judd, Susan Koch, Mary Cather- Foley Hargraves, Sister John ine Smith, and Mary' Jane Elizabeth and Sister Mary ~or ten'se represented the academy. Walker. 'Members of the Debating Club A, panel discussion conducted by and their coach, Attorney Maur- foreign students attending New ice Dowlley, attended a prelim::' England colleges highlighted the lnary Speech' Tournament neid meeting. Nancy LaFleur, school reprein' Kingston;Mass: 6n'Saturday, March 7. In the'Extemporaneous sentative at Good Government Speech, Division" Mary Jane Day, will introduce a bill conWalker, finished first, 'and .Mar- . cerning penalties for parents of 'tha Suliivan tied' for 'second juvenile delinquents in the House 'place. In the Discussion'. group of Representatives: Fast Gas. So quick on the reJoseph Duggan was the winner ~ , St. Agnes team won the annucovery that as you use watm, it's ,and Joseph Kelleher, came 'in al gym meet and is now ,in the . heating more. Efficient Gas. No lead for'the Silver Shield. fourth. In the ,Original Oratory Miss, Theresa ~itzpatrick, Fulgroup Robert Lawler rated secwait, no waste. Water's hot when ond place al)d Kathleen Morris.., bright scholarship commmittee you want it, hot as you like it'. sey third. Humorous Prose mem~er and on the board of Dependable Gas. Your hot water groups had two, winn'ers, when trustees for the Atlantic Monthsupply seems never-ending, ",ash M. Catherine Smith and Kather- ' ly, spoke to the student b"ody ine Kelleher tied for third place. on the importance of the individday, bath day, any day, all day! In Interpretative Reading Eliz- ual in God's scheme: Economicdl Gcis. Because it's Gas, abeth Quinn tied for third place. a smaller size water heatm keeps In a section limited to boy.s, Ed:", Ploce Large Statues pace with, greater. demands! Fast, ward Correia ,finished in fourth In Montreal Shrine place in Ext~mporaneousspeech. Elfi.cient, Dependable, Eronomical. MONTREAL CNC)-EighteenIn the Oratorical Prose division You just can't beat modem Gas! Elizab"eth'Murphy tied for fourth Joot statues ,ot the apostles ,are place, and Mary Jane Rimmer being 'placed on t,he four pi~lars won fifth place. In the Serious which support the great dome Prose Division Wanda Poczatek of St. ,Joseph's Oratory Basiiica finished four'th. In the Radio here in Canada. Broadcasting Division, T. James Three statues are being placed Lacey won fourth place.' In the on each pillar,.40 ,feet above the Debating Division Holy Family's mai!1 floor of, the basi~ica. DeDebaters 'with ,a total of 205 signed to fit into, the vastprb'points . gained in three rounds, port~ons 'of the world famous finished in the fifth position. shrine, the statues' have been The next tournament partici- hand-carved in oak by' :Henri pation will be at Clark Univers- ,Charlier, a French' master carIty, Worcester; Mass. Ver. DOMINICAN ACADEMY, FALL R~VER
Pope Joh, n Names ,Two To Brooklyn Bis,ho,p
This'is the tap
that never runs cold!
'he wnter it b,ings you Is heared by GAS!
Only Gas
IiFats" Water
3, Times Faster
.The" 'Parish .Pa~aat."~> NOTRE ~AME, FALL RIVER Th~ third in a series of teEmage:gatherings sponsored by the' Youth Committee of the Women's du.ild will .be held tomorrow.. night.. at 7:30. in the school hall.; A king arid queen will be ele.Cted. as th~ result of a popJ,llaritY'poll. Mrs. ,Wilfred Garand is in charge of, arJ'angements.. : , "Mrs :'Gerard Ducette heads a. committee arranging a chicken pie supper, Sunday, March .15 aL the· Sportsmen's Club. CO~SJ?on-. sored by the S1. Jeanne',dArc . and·. Lacordaire societies,,' the supper will be followed by .en,.,. tel'tainmen't. ,.
'14 . . ";"':THE ANCHOR
<.,'.. .:..... ~
. . ","
... , Thurs., Mar. 12, 1959
R~po·rt~:·.Mi's·sion Prelate o ' :Is ,.III
ST. LOUIS, FALLIuVER ':Aprl.l plans for the Women's Guild include a potluck sUpper at 6:30 Tuesday evening, April 7, an~ a'Whist Tuesday, April 14. 1I4iss' 'Margaret 'Conroy is· in charge of supper plans,. and M1:s., Thomas is whist .chair:" ma~·
In'Red" 'Chiria HONG KONG (NC) Bishop james E.' Walsh, M. M.~·last U. S. Catholic' nlis- , sionary in .Red 'China, has' been moved from a cornrnullist prison to a Shanghai hospital. According to a brief report from Shanghai, the Bishop is. not well. The repqrt did not dis- . close the nature or. seriousness of his' illness. .' The 'rel?ort ~as the "first news, received her~, tha~ BIShop Walsh had been moved to l{prlson 'after having been held tinder' "house detention" for' weeks following his-'arrest in O<;tbber,1958, by the Reds. In. Decer:nbeJ:. the commun'ists 'announcellt;'he' had been ar" rested. for .vio.lationsof unspeci-Jied:C~in:ese'laws.. · ,.' . -', The. ,U. S. State Department· "~IRS:r. 'COPTER VISITS VATICAN: Pope" John ·.1\as .been pressing the Chinese, XXIII blesses a U.S.-built .helicopter after it landed irithe . Red~ for 'information ~oncernir:ig . San .Damaso .courtyard of, the, Vatican. The demonstration· l:I~s whereabouts, but could learn. craft was piloted by William Booth of Montclair, N.J., 'and only: tha.t he was "!nvestiU. S: officials were told, William. Coffee of Cleveland, Tenn. It was the first such gation." moreover, that the investigation plane to land there: NC Photo. . . is "an internal Chinese matter and none 0:': ,th~.i,r business.';
IMMACULATE C01'lCEPTION, FALL" RIVER . The Women's Guild ~ill spon~::. sOl<~ rumi. ~~d:bean 'supper Satl. ' urday, March. 1~ and a r:oller::skating party Sunday'March 22. '",. .,... ST. AUGUSTiNE VINEYARD BA\.'EN· " ; ,, A food' scheduled for S.T.,ROCH S, Saturday,' March' 21 'by guild F~~~. RI\:ER .';,," members. They will seJ;ve.acom-' .:Arummagesal~ will be.hel.ll·. munion. breakfast·,, ·,membersfrom 10. to 4:30 T,hursday, .April;, of '.tp.~' HQly' :N'ame ~ocietY.'SuP.,,· 9"at ?08. East Main.Street,. under· day, 'April 12; . . . . . '. '. th~. ,sponsorship, ··of, the ,Council . Mrs. Francis Mitch'ell and Mrs. ' of Cati)olic Women. Mrs. Paul. Anna May Cecelio head the alGiroux and Mrs. Romeo Charest tar committee this month. are chairmen.' .' , S . , Evening Mass will. b~ :t:ele~ . TFRANC~S OF ASSISI, , NEW:,'BEDFORL' brated at 8 Friday, March 13- '. St. ·.Francis of Assisi guild following tp.e firial ser~on of the' plluis for April include a games family retre~t: being: conducted . , . party, and .work on articles for by Rev. GeJ;ard Boisvert, .a,~ssist- . .Rose Hawthorne Home. . ant at Notie··Dame:Church, Fall River. ' , : . '.." . ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, The CoundJ of Catholic·.W-o- _NEWBEDFORD " . men· will hold. a rummage "sale " Rev:, Jolt.n' 'Iiogan- wa~' moder'Y~l,I, a!Jpost built tlY c.llildrc.n is,~he par~h ~hool! o~ the MaroniLe T~ursday, April,-,~.,~~s.. Paul ator:, oc-a':)~ii¢t.iiiscussiori.~n ~90DSTQCK '(NC) ....::.. Some village of Douchour~el-Cboueir (district' of Mount Lebanon). The GIroux and Mrs. Rome,(r,Charest , ju~enil~ 'delinquency sponsored 2,:;iOO'peoplefrom five cofitinents · . ,~. " '. ~. people .of the p~rish succeeded in building a are .co':chairmen. Pla'riii.'ed:~for·bY'~h'~)CouplesClub with Mr. coiltributed more than 10 million. ::. churchwithout:'::outside" help!" Encouraged 'by May is a whist party. The next -and Mrs. Joseph Motta the chalr- cahcel~d.~t~mps lastyeaz: to.the· :,their, sUccess" they begari to.·w~rk. on a ·school-·, regularly sch~pule~ Q:}.~~tingl'~il1man;.couple .• ~,;"': Missl·on. Stamp Exchange -at th.e be Mond:ay, Ap~}r·6.>._.·· . Je~~its"i' Woodstoc~. Colle:ge" 'iii" -, ~~~~~~."for 'the' children-of' theparlsb; . ~t. ; .J,oseph .~ ~ (Feast Marcb 19tb) must be pleased w see the. , ':"!:':""ST>PATRICK'S~Y": '.oc,_,· Maryl3nd.· .:' \ . children working along witb their fathers with SAC'RED HEART, ':':~-:,. ;'",FALMOUTH,y . The' .'mollntili~ous ..· p{le'" of .hammer arid .saw•. BUT,-'their. efforts fall a bit N0R.~H A'rfLEBOR(, ': . . John ,B. Lineha~, pJ;"incip'l:ll of' stamps resuited in the most suc. shon of tbe goaL Tbe school is more than ball '. School ~.udt~1?-.,a~is!ed the': Barns_~bl~ .Junipr lIigh School, cessiul 'year th~ exchange has ; .. finished aDd, ~e sb~nag~of" ma.erials baa parish in r~ach,ing' its quota qf. 'was ft!~tuted;;sp~akeratthe an- ever had. More than $6,000 was, s.opped .he work! It Will take' $1,500 to comsubscriptions to' The Anchor, un- -nual banquet 'of the Holy Name . wa,~,realized for thesuport of plete .hejob.:Can· you belp' these people who der direction of,;the Holy. Union Society. -His topic was the parent- . themi~ions. . bave done' '80 ·muchb,. themSelves? Can you belp the children &0 Sisters staffing thi 'school. child relationship. During the past 30 years the &Dish theii'·· scbool? Mrs. Erne$t· 0iiellette~and Mrs. ST. PATRICK'S,'. exchange has been able to' send Melina Dion of La'dies of S1. ' more than $70,000 to Catholic YOUR GOOD DEEDS WILL LIVE'LONG' AFTER YOUR DEATH Anne SodalitY·.are in charge. of' WAREHAM missionaries in far-off lands'as IF Y~U REMEMBER THE NEAR ·EAST "MISsiONS IN' YOUR 8mingi llg for': ad~rers for Holy: 'The S<i:int P~t~ick~Circle.. as II result· of proceeds derived · WILL ... MAKE YOUR WILL GOD'S· WILL, .. MENTION THE Thursday and Good Friday. ~ of Its Spmtual Develop- from sale of the stamps. The HOLY' FATHER'S MISSION WORK FOR THE NEAR EAST ••• Cards will be distributed askirig, m~nUJogram, presented a dram- high total of last year was made DOlT AS PART OF YOUR LENTEN SACRIFICE. ,on .the Sacrament of. possible by the devoted work of P arishioners \':'('0' . .1rtdicate their - abzation E x treme U nc t'Ion a t th e M arch 40 . lay' men and women from SISTER' JOSEPHINE . and SISTER CHRISchoice of hours. ~ee~ng. The di~ector of' the : various parts; of' the U. S. who TINE Wish to ~ecome members of &be ;'Hob. ST. MARY'S' CATHEDRAli;-"j' .' s~~al programw'as~rs. .Joseph . helped sort. thestainps..' They" FaoiiQ" by "joiningthe Basilian. Sis&ers in FALL RIVER' . ' .. " , ' W. Moore: Includ~~~~·-!,n.'the c~t sorted more than a ·ton of stamps ·LeboOa. : They wish to deeuCateUieir Uv'e." • Breakfasi:at;th~'&iholii:-Com- were the: f?llpwIng:me~~s: in their spare time:' to . tliesertti~es of the, Hci~~",~iid . ~ ,ib~: ... muriity Center,"Franklin Mrs. PaulO Connell, Mrs.. TunThe 2,500 'stamp . will 'follow the,aniiual: corporate' o~y:.~a1l;~~~!!.:::J:Ia,rold Cleve- range from poor Sisters in the find a benefactor for eiebgiil 'who will be comD;lunion .:Of') the· Women's land, Mr~. John Bar.r~t.t and Mrs. Catholic schools of South Africa' 'willina" to pay $150 a year rot· eacb, iarin," Guild, ,scheatile<hlor 9 (o'clock .John Ma.12~.!:r..: '. ., ·.,i. . to bankers in ·the Far, East and tile two year Period of noVitiate' tr81nliiK.'-' Mas;, Sunday>' 'April. 19. Miss. Narrati?n -and i~t~rpretat!pn . school children 'in , the U; S...· 'Yoa mil)' pay U!e money in any mariner Con:"", , Anne C. Kien~e~':'probationof-:i·~r the rItes of tht; .~acrament Jesuits studying :theologY··aV·· .. Yenient while your'''adopted, daug-lIter- dra'ws clOser to tbe, Bo~ ficer.. :of the:'SupetlorGourt. will' - 'Yer:e , giv.e~L· b:~ the:_Rev.' ;John WoOdstock sort most of 'the , . iamilJ. -- -----..,.\. '.\: . be tp.e· breakfa~t,. speaker ~"J,' ." .' "iA:"·C.hippend~le, pastor of. Saint' stamps"during' -their' evening" MAsS 'OFFERINGS A:RE IMPORTANT FOR ·,YOUR. SPIRITUAL A ;pennY.-:saJe":wilr be held at,· PatrIck;'s. parIsh. ". ';.:,: . recreation. " . < ,.., "LIFE' . .~;, ~;-"'THEY' '·ARE: EQU ALL 1'" 'AS IMPO.BTANT·· FOR THE' .,8 Monday night, Apr!t.~i"illlsQ,!<,""" " ' . , ' ,.•' MATERIAL'NECESSITIESOF,YOBR MISSIONA·RIES .. ;. THINK" at the <;om~u~i!!. center:.; '"," , ",:"\,.';" 'OF THEM', DURING LENT! .",; . ">' '. ". ,COME. TO FALL' RIVER .·;,-NAJm, AND TQ61A ARE GOo)l BOYS.~. ibe.~~~igbbo..;)'U!ledaO SS. PETER AND p,AUL.·· SQ'. Almighty God mus. .bink well. of..•bem wo, because "ehaa 'FALL RIVER. RC A~I SEE 'ealled them ~. serve the Mysticai' Body iD Mrs. Rocco Po~igliorie"heads . . "" _' , ' 1"111 . , Mosul. In answer .0 this .call of: God .hese boys' the arrangements committee for . .' '-are inos. anxious ~ enter .be Cbaldeari Pattia communion breakfast Sunday, ~ ,archal 'seminary, but' before' they 'Cari we mus' April 12, to be spqnsored by ,the find a sponsor to pay $100 a year for the miniWomen's Club. In charge of'8 muPJ expenses of. each boy during. his', six ye~ rummage sale 'Thursday 'arid Friperiod of seminary ,training. Will yOU volunteer day, April- 23 and' 24, is Mrs. .$ . ' ' t o adopt one of'them-you maj 'pay tlle'moneJ Francis X. Rouleau . , in any manner convenient while your "adopted'
Ca,nce IdS . e tamps.··. Bring $6,000 CBILDRENBUILDING~,A:SCHOOLI.
c •• '
contributors'~~::i:~~O:~~~~~::-~:I~ '::h~D::
H 15 19'59'
The La,'gest. · · k" D-oy" P,0.'ra de'. St.. Patrlc
ST. PATRICK'S, .', FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a float in' the Fall' River S1. 'Patrick's Day' parade. April activities will-niclude a rummage sale Saturday; .;:prll 4; a variety show Monday, April 6; a telephone l,lridge· Wednesday, April 15. .
_ _ _ _aft
.... '.
lIimself'to 'serve ChrlS& as St.
WHAT YOU PLACE IN THE HANDS' OF THE HOLY FATHER YOU GIVE TO CHRIST . . ST'RINGLESS GIFTS ARE THE SINEWS OF THE ARMS OF THE HOLY FATHER AS HE REACHES OUT TO THE POOR OF THE NEAR EAST .•• SEND A'STRINGLEss GIFT TODAY AS PART OF YOUR LENTEN . : . SACIUFICE:.. I . , ., THE DAYS OF LENT ARE' FAST DRAWING TO A CLOSE and there is not'much'Umeleft it yoU wishrm to send our beautifnl GIFT CARD <Including presSed fiowers 'from tbe. Holy, Land) ·to friends and members · ,of ~our family. You may designa~ ~our oflerinlr for the work of your t:h()ice .but in case you are undecided :may we suggest .be BoUse of God ·....he object,of your· cenerosU~. . .. . ".ChaUee : ...... $40&lw. . ' . $1~ Mass boo,k ·$25 Candles '. •• • .• 20 &ltar stone10 Mass vestmena 51 . MIIlIlJ beD...... 5 Sanetuar;r lamp ~5 Crucifts 25
Plan ·Novitiate WATSONVlLLE(NC{- Sis- . tel'S of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus .and· Maryplari. to. qpen .a nOVItiate near, this, :Cali£ornia city. The community nuns 'came 'here ortlY·,a·few years ago from the' Essex; England, motherliouse.
/ '~ou Are Cordially Inyited to Attend"
ST. 'PAUL'S, TAUNTON The Women's Guild of SL Paul's Church, will: meettoday with· Rev.: Edward Oliveira of Our Lady of LoW-des. .Parish arid Dioc~san M<;J·dera.tor of the Legion of'Mary as guest' speaker. . . ' Mrs. Cathry-n ·Lamb and Mrs. Vera Reed 'are co-chairladiesfor the evening's
·~'l2ear&stOliS$ions~ - .
P.ter~. Tuohy,
Nat'l Secoy
Send all cOmmunications to:
. .CAPCOUC NEAR~T .WELFAREASSOClAnON ·.4f$O Le~ingt~n Ave•. at 46th' St.· New,.York.17, N.·Y. .,..,, .....
Cherishes Ra re Photo of" Bishop Stang bishop 'attended public, schools there and seminaries in B,elgium.
Continued from Page One IICription beneath it read Dr. William Stang, Bishop of Fall River." The carpenter gladly gave it to the young MP, who mailed it to his parents in 'Fall River. It became the center of much interest and led to research uncovering the reason why a Massachusetts bishop should be honored by German Catholics. Translated, German inscriptions above and beneath the picture read, in addition to the identification of Bishop Stang,. "Souvenir of the visit of His Excellency to !tan'genbrucken, his birthplace, on Augu$ 20, 1905." German Origin Born in Germany, ,the future
Somebody Steals Car As Priest Teaches On Evil of Theft j
MONROE, (NC):- Somebody who should have been listening wasn't. Father Mark Van Dort gave a sermon at Holy Rosary church in this. Missouri community on the Seventh Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Steal, and three times emphasized abuse of the law by citing the prevalence of car theft. Mrs. Paul Wlader left church' after the Mass and, sure enough, somebody had stolen her car; It was, found the next day about 18 miles away.
He was vice-rector of the American College in Louvain and chancellor of the Diocese of Providence before becoming Fall River's first Ordinary. He' made a trip to Rome in 1905 and apparently included his birthplace in his itinerary, thus giving rise to the souvenir portrait. Testimony of Fall River's fame at' that time is fotmd in the fact that he is identified only as Bis~op of Fall River, nQ addition of state or country being considered necessary. Today, years later, the wheel has come full circle and, the Bishop's picture has found a home in his own Diocese, directly across the street from one of the city's pioneer churches, St. Joseph's.
Lenten Menus P~pular.~through.out Diocese , This Week's Suggestions from Taunton
Comments from throughout, the Diocese have been reaching The Anchor about. the excellence of the Lenten menus and reCipes contributed by members of groups affiliated with the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Particularly appreciated have been the meatless lunch and main dish suggestions. Consensus is that new ideas have plt sparkle into Lenten meals from Attleboro to Provincetown" i ' ' This week's menus are contributed by the Ta'unton District of the DCCW. Mrs. Joaquim Bernardino is president. Recipes are given for starred items. Swiss Steak Friday, March 13 llh lb. round steak Fast and Abstinence lh C flour' lh t salt (Mrs. Mary Julio, , lh t pepper Doly Rosary Sodality, St. Anthony's, Taunton) 3 T fat Breakfast: Orange juice, ,scrambled egg, toast, ~ 2 onions, sliced, jam or marmalade, beverage. 2 or 3 carrots, slked Lunch: Tuna fish sandwich, tapioca pudding, Have steak cut llh" thick. Mix flour, salt and beverage. pepper; spread half mixture on board, place steak on board, sprinkle ,rest of mixture on steak Dinner: Broiled swordfish, baked potato, butand pound with wooden mallet or edge of plate tered onions, hot rolls, green beans, tossed' salad, until all flour is taken up by meat. Turn occapineapple'upside down cake with whipped cream" sionally to flour both sides evenly. Heat fat in beverage. frying pan.' Pan fry on both sides until brown, 'add' onions, carrots, cover all with water, and Saturday, March U 'simmer ,in tightly covered pall about 2 to 2lh Fast hours. 4 servIngs.' (Mrs. Mabel Trucchi, Shamrock Cookies Assumpta Guild, St. Joseph's, Taunton) Use' your favorite rolled cookie recipe, cut Breakfast: Hawaiian punch, cream of wheat, with shamrock cutter, sprinkle with green icing 1 slice toast, beverage. sugar. ' Lunch: Cracker barrel cheese, crackers, raiWednesday, March 18 sin bread, fruit, beverage. Fast (Mrs. Edward Patenaude, Dinner: Stew Italian style, * hard rolls or St. Anne's Sodality, St. Jacque's, ,Taunton) French bread, salad, plain cake, beverage. Breakfast: Apricot juice, 1 egg, 1 English Stew Italian StYle " muffin, beverage. llh ib~ stew meat (top of round' Luncl!-: Salmon pie,· green peas, cranberiy cut small) relish,· oatmeal cookies, beverage.. 2 medium onions cut fine, Dinner: Meat loaf,' pan-fried potatoes, cauli1 gar:Iic clove chopped, fine flower, tossed salad, cherry pie; beverage. 2 T parsley (fresh chopped or , , Salmon Pie flakes) 1/8 ~b. (lh stick) margarine 2 T olive olive or. cooking oil,' . 1 T shortening .. medium potatoes, diced 1 medium onion 1 can peas :or string' beans 1 large Can red salmon 3 T tomato paste '. llh C mashed potatoes 1 t rosemary leaves--1 t oregano' ' salt and pepper to taste Use about 4 qt. kettle. • pie crust Fry ·finely cut onion in margarine and shortsimmer' meat, onions, garlic, parsley, in oh with rosemary leaves, about 15 minutes; add to- ,ening until brown, add salmon, potatoes, salt and pepper, mixwell.Le~ simmer 5 minutes, then , mato paste, potatoes,!carrots with warm water to oover., Cook about ,2 hours. Add, peas or string ,cool. Roll pie crust and line 9'" pie, plate; fill with salmon mixture, fit top crust over mixture, beans and oregano 20 minutes before done. Do seal edge with fork. Bake at 425 degrees for 25 not cover. Stew will be thick and meat tender \ when done. Salt and pepper, to taste. 6 servings. ,,',to 35 minutes. 5 servings. , Cranberry Relish Monday, March 16 , Grind together 1 large apple, 1: unpeeled o orange, lh C fresh crap-berries. Fast (Mrs., Paul Michne:r. St. Paul's lYomen's GUild, St. Paul's, Taunton) Breakfast: Juice, soft boiled eggs, toast, beverage. Lunch: Corn chowder, crackers, fruit salad, beverage. Dinner: Ham Divan,· baked potatoes, buttered, carrots, salad, French bread, butter, apple pie, beverage. Ham Divan / 1 10 oz. pkg. frozen broccoli 4 slices boiled ,ham 1 C shredded poocess cheese 1 can cream of chicken soup 1/3 C milk Cook broccoli as directed on package, drain, wrap each ham slice around several broccoli spears; arrange in shallow baking dish, top with shredded cheese. Blend soup and milk; pour over all. Bake in hot oven, 425 degrees, about 10 minutes or until sauce is bubbling and ,surface brown. 4 servings. Tuesday, March 1'7 St. Patrick's Day Dispensation from Fast, (Mrs. Joseph O!Connell, St. Joseph's GuHd" St..J~sepJi's"North 'Dighton)" Breakfast: Orange and grapefruit sections oatmeal, 1 slice toast, beverage. ' Lunch: Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, apple sauce, beverage. Dinner: Swiss steak,. mashed potatoes, chopped spinach, tossed salad, lime jelloa 18 mod~ (use pistachio ice cream), ahamrock cookIes.· beverage.
.Thursday" March 19 Fast (Mrs. Walter Pelezarsk,i, Holy Rosary Sodality, Holy Rosary, Taunton) , 'Breakfast: Orange juice, pancakes with maple syrup, beverage. Lunch: Creole fish soup,· cottage cheese salad, lemon meringue pie, beverage. Dinner: Fresh fruit cup, ,roast leg of ,lamb,t~ garnished' with pear halves, mashed potatoes, peas, tossed green salad, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, beverage. Creole Fish Soup 'I small onion, sliced lh C sliced celery 1 t chili powder 1 ,T olive oil 2 8 oz., cans ,tomato juice 1 C water 1 t salt 1 t sugar lh t Worcestershire sauce 1 12 oz. pkg. fish fillets (cod, sole or haddock) 2 C hot cooked rice . 2 Tchopped parsley ... Saute onion, celery and chili powder lightly in oil in large saucepan 10 niinutes; stir in tomato sauce, wa,ter, salt, sugar and Worcestershire sallee; heat to boiling. Add .fish in one piece;' simmer, separating it with fork for 15 minutes .. or until 'it :'£lakes easily. Spoon into chowder bowls, top each with mound of rice mixed with parsley. 5 servings. Roast Lamb " . Rqast in slow oven, 300 degrees, allowing 3035 minutes per lb. If desired, baste with' sherry; , season with salt, pepper and herbs to taste. , Garnish 'with pear .~alves}illed ~ith cranberry' sauce.
15 I
Thurs., Mar. 12,~95~
University pf Dallas Has 450 Students DALLAS (NC) - ,Growth of the University of Dallas was cited by Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas-Fort Worth at a civic luncheon opening the insti- , tution's first operating funds campaign. "In the 30 months since it opened its doors, our diocesan university has made tremendous progress. Today there are nearly 450 young men and women receiving excellent scholastic and moral training on its campus" said 'the Bishop.' "Next fall, that number' will increase substantially. Two new residence halls are now under construction and will be ready by Sept. 1. There are now eight modern, air-conditioned buildings for student use and last year two new buildings, for the use of religious orders teaching at the university, were completed."
APPOINTED: Msgr. John F.,McCarthy of New York is the new assistant director of the Catholic Relief ServicesNCWC.
:..····tI···.·.···;.. ......... ..... ...... :.:•.•..•....••. :.~.:
·•••••. .'· .,. -----··::.; .--_.---' .'-.:.----.-. --..:'--.. ··..... ·.' .......--·.....:.-:-.-.....: •• ,
Here is an excellent med' buy for your week-end mealhom young, tender porkers - So sweet, rich, for your most enioy~ble eatmg.
Roast ..... Pork 7-Rib Cut .. -.. ·.... ...", ..... ·..-.'. Rib Half 39c ... :-:::. .-.. ...-'-. Chine Half A9c .... :~ . : CUTLETS .............- Pork ,... .....- COMBINATION - Rib End 6,9c .... ....... Chops ... ·...··_....- Pork 39c .", 'con' FINAST' 'S9c .::.: .. Ba ... ·-·-..'. CLOVERDALE, BACON SSe ,-:. ',.-... .·-.'.. ·.... ·........... ... ,'Grocery Special,S I.-. To Save' You ~oney' -:.~: ... COPLEY .-.:. "10~ off' ,6 ( I.-. o ee 79c '..---. ff ~Sal.' ..···.·...'.,5 CAN 49c ···_.··.......' Shrimp o· Chunk CLOVERDALE :.:. ·••• .... ••• '.... 2C~~5 49c :: .: Tuna. ..•••:. DOG FOOD CAT $1. 00" --·....-. CI C.ANS a 0 FOOD 8 '..... ·....,.-.-.--.,'..-.; 5'05 Pads37c ·-. :. :~ --"'
Young, Tender Por~
Up to
Sweet, Tencler, Boneless
, •• e
LB' "Mild, Sugar Cured " ,
"We I'" Right 10 Limit Quemil""
I •••
Fancy Medium Size
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:: :; .: ..
Oreo Creme SandWIch
... Cookies 2 ~~~~. 69(,
: :~. ': .~.
·... •.e. ::.:. .~.:
Candy Kisses
.... .t:
woHd·,Withi...::..:'···· "
", • • P
On.. . Monfe$sori'Discovery By Donald McDonald . Davenport Catholie
.. 'St~
Get_i_.':' ,...
r • _'."' - ... ~. ~
DIOCatr' 011' . "ALe ·RIVEW. ·MAsa.
Saints ~·in~' 'Cros·swor~s·.
Henry ~Iichael-'--~~-'...I
; Several readers have . written to me, commenting on the column that appeared here' several weeks ago, which, uttered some ~eve:r:e strictures on progressive educationand its effects in this country. · ~. ·Thel.etter~ did not ta~e and while I h'1ve' not -yet had Issue w,Ith 'Yhat I had saId, time to 'examine it· in detail I but rather with what I did have seen enough to convi~ce not say in the column. me" that' my own -library must
.·,~Thu~s:;:Mar. 12, 1959
,Prelate to Ask Court to .Order Bu.i'ldi"9· Permit \ : IN:PIANAPOLIS (NC)Archbishop Paul C. Schulte lridiimapolis will ask the State cou~ to direct the
issuance of a building perinit to . locate a parish "ch~.rch and school in an Indianapolis sub~b which has ~n refused by a Zoning Board. The Archbishop said legal action is "the only' thing left for us" seeking to reverse a decision of the Meridian Hills, Ind., board. . Meanwhile, the Rabbi of .Jewish congregation which success'fully waged a similar fight six years ago has offered encouragement to Catholics seeking to establish a parish in Meridian •• o f ,
All the correspondents seemed include a copy of it. to be agreed on the proposition I could not ,~ttempt at this that "progresstime to distill or digest all that lve "education" is meant by '\Montessori." .. it is com~ What Dr. Montessori discov~ monly underered in 1907 was, says Standing, stood in the "a genuil)e discovery as objectJohn Deweyive as America was toColumbus, C,O I u m b i a or the law of Gravitation to NewTeachers' ;01-' ton . . . Montessori discovered lege frome of a .world 'within the soul of the reference' is a child. It· is really this discovery compound of which has made her famous, not .orne few inher method. Her method is but sights and a the consequence of her dis-'· great deal of covery." HIlls. ' foolishness. Dr. Montessori's "discovery" Archbishop Schulte pointed ACROSS &6 Bea_b... 1M Opprel8o, 18 AUer All agreed that little lias· of·,this "world within" 'led her out that the lS'-acre site desig-' I DE IS PA&6 Ame,leaa . . DOWN 1I9 D..f"." been gained 'and, a great deal to further discoveries and teachTRON OF _ I.. ven~or 1 Sofs drla.. U Fubloa nat~d for the parish church and WORIlERS U Omen. • M.. tal IS Greek . . lost· by simply removing re-' :ing techniques whose results can .chool was purchased 11 years , Pow..rlul, 110 C.plta. . I Reellne U N.a... atraints in the classroom, by. only be described as spectac1;11ar. (aomb. f01'Dl1 51 Ze.S - , , , L.bon &6 L "r ago, and that its ultimate use 11 SI"..per 12 DE TOLD 01' I iliad of yoiea ., DI . Il"anting complete. freedom of While Montessori emphasis is on 17 iliad of bird TDEOOlllINO. 'Shelter"d· .Id" .. Ancl"nt cllllrial was clearly' indicated at that attiden'ts in choice of bot h student freedom and spontaneity, 18 Departare OF OtlR , HE TOJ.D I. III.H time. . polas IS Fall"n DANIEL 01' "011'8 aUbject . matter, and, the pace there' is none of the. anarchic 1. Com" 5' A 1o.le h... TDB 601'00' "overl.... . He continued: "In spite of the or ;tempo of learning,' a~d by'" nonsense of 'today's neo-Dew10 Small ' . ,58 A eollee"o. • LIv". 11 Balloter .1 Orala .r 51 Co.., • Lllard. 15 Oae who ........ fact '. that the' intention of the throwing out such uncomfortable' eyans. U ·8oell.· .. Aa."Dru 1. S_lIeal 5' .Catholic Church, waa known Vital Instinct , th~ngs as drill-work in the es~i:~i",.. :II Chemlaal ~I\~ ~(: r:rtIel" iii Wallll4l portio. • • • quite a few who eVident~y The child's "freedom of choice" ladia ...a. D:i:~l'TlIl'I 58 I'llh (pl.) I &entials' spelling, grammar, do not like to live ne'ar Catholic .. Man'. III Kldlaallaa ' THE'8t1B1EC'r I' must be "based on knowleilge" reading, arithmetic and the like.' . aleka._ .erb IS 01."...:~:il..a.... ·....·- It ~ ....o.. . churches and schools did 'elect .Nor did any disagree with one ana must be conditioned by the , II Seed .b..I.... 16 Cat d .... aD Satbfl... ' ., ·8.par . 16 I'. .tea..r eo 81... a.....I"d to build their homes in the neighschool's "previous preparation of 1 of.. my' basic points-that excel".8..par.", IIlII'0aai _ '1 N!lrbt befo.. lit .., borhoOd. M Ma,,'.· a._ ., HII: I .1 T/itl thlnlr :: Batenat. lence of learning must be both . (his) interest", and the freedom III ladl.a eol". CALLII:D THE M I'emale ' 11 Ilt, ef too&. "These today are frantically the objective of the school and of· the student never diminishes II 'More .Ur....... .. 0.. relall... 69 Ie a remonstrating againSt the b'uild11 HII: APTIIK LOKO' .. Ye"n f O ' " 1 . ~';\p_ ' the'standard by which the learn"; ··theauthority of the teacher. PEARED. AT, ,. tI. 8. 8~." ,1'1 Cit, I. AI••ria PEARBO TO ingof a parish plant. By some ,Where a' "progressive" would 'ing· of each student must be ................... ' (.bbr.) sa Sta. . " .8 Sana'",,' n B"r.alr aaal.· ,:tt Saora'.I·look _. inexplicable, means they have subol'dinate .wor.k to play, Mon- _ measured. ".0 Floral ...rea~. 14 Pb al SO Clo~blna . Tt Steal ' gained the earol the members 'I Antacoal." 15 Boof "f moa" 11 .8Ial< oae . . n P ..,I"cI 'I' might add, here" that whe!l tessori says "the child's aptitude :U HIS 18 18 lUnd of f,alt S% Sand b a N ' r S Cr"aS ... of the· zoning board' and prefor work represents a vital in-' I dissent from ~'life adjustment" THB DAY BE· 811 No' In a.. sa Commoa 111 Foadl.. . vailed upon them to refuse to FORE AN81B..movea S6 Slll'n of ~he 18 Man' and "preparation for life" and stinct, and it is by work. that the NUNCIATION ...Id..aa.. of ZOdl.... . . 11 A aumbe, Catholics: the permission they "'personality development"-i.e.. child organizes his person·ality." IS R ve ap' lIS PI.,fal ~alk ' II DramD~le 'Ill Cnml,ar.~I.e ME , (eoau.) ,II Ael perlormaa_ eadlalr "You must not imagine," said have granted Jews and Pro,the. slogans and mottoes of the' testants." progressivists in education-,tliat Dr. Montessori, "that liberty.ia Sol~tion on PaKe Eighteen . does not mean I am opposed to something without rule or iaw. I said some of the verifiable . students becoming adjusted to life, or preparing for life, or de- results of the Montessori-method 'FOR 'PLEASURE : ar~ spectacular.' Children, even veloping their responsibility. Saturday, March 21, at nine' awarded to the top Scorers in the EAT • What I am opposed to is the' (perhaps espeCially) in the prim- o'clock, 'is the date and the time exam. Application blanks may ary grades, have acquired fansubstitution of these goals for set for. the Entrance Examination. .be procured from the various the real and proper goal of the tastic motor facilities, have ac- at the Fall River Catholic High' elementary school pril)cipals; or .c h 0 0 I s which. is learning, quired, and polished, the habit School Academies for Girls. The at the respective Academies.'N~ ellow-Robust. enlargement of the mind, the of absorption and concentration, Principals at each of the four They should be filed, not bter FRESH CUT-UP POULTRY. development and refinement of have learned an.appreciation for Academies-Academy of the Sa- than March 15. all those faculties of the intel- and the technique of silence and cred Hearts, Dominican,. JesusIt is preferable for students to lect which are the mark of an have trained themselves,' and Mary, and Mount Saint Mary- apply for examination at the have been ,trained, in self-disci- ·announce that eighth grade girls educated man. FARMS : particular school of their choice. • p~ine beyond anything hitherto in the paroc:lial and public Since' all four schools are using o Other Influences 145 Washington St. Fairhaven. oDserved in the classroom: schools who wish to enter with the identical' examinat~on, how- : Just off Route 6 • And, frankly, what annoys me Montessori Achievement the freshman class, September . ever, by mutual agreement of the. t ~ · is the implicit"assump!ion of the None of this, of course,.should 1959, should report to ,the high Principals the re'sults may be progressives that the 'school ia be confused with the jolly the only, or even the dominant; "learnin·" idiocies of 'the school of ,their choice by 8:45 transferred' from one school' to another, should the, need arise. influence in the life of a child progressives. Some learning can '00 the specified date. This . examination serves a· 80 'far as "adjustment to . life" I be fun, but all learning must be threefold purpos~ntrance re';' I and "personality development" I CO. satisfying and it must be satis- quiremerit, placement data, and I I · is' concerned, as if the influence ' I I fying on all levels and in all scholarship. award. At each of I ' I of the family, the church, com- area's of personality growth'. This, I I Heat~"g' panions, entertainment media it would seem, constitutes. 'the the Academies full and partial I I e I I tuition scholarship~' will be and the many social and ecoI • achievement of Maria MoDPlumbing Heating I .nomic environmental factors tesspri. I I was at best only negligible. Over 35 Years Fight Delinquency At this point, I do not think : 365 NORTH. FRONT STREET: Well, then, what were my cor- Montessori "baptized" progressof Satisfied Service BANGKOK (NC) -'- Thailand respondents concerned' about! ive education, Rather- she fonne'd : NEW BEDFORD : 806 NO. ~AIN STR~ET . All of them were concerned with something neW'" a'nd, because it . public autht>rities are planning : WYman 2-5534' : II censorship of moYies,· TV and my failure to introduce into dis-· proceeded from a 'fundamentally Fall River OS 5'-7497 I ' I radio programs to' curb juven'ile """"""""""". • cussion the work of Maria MonChristian (I.e., realistic) con- delinquency throughout the natessori and the "Montessori ception of man, the differences ·'tion. Growing concern is, being method" of education which, one between Montessori and Dewey · Shown over increasing foreign 'writer said,' is ali .example of are immensely more significant and domestic films' that' stresa 'the. successful baptizing of prothan ,are super~icial simiiatities. &ex, violence' and crime. er.e,ssive education. .I am indebted to these readers k L T h -befause their. letters have e .ay eac ers New_ Bedford's ~4Delicious prompted me to act on a resoFor Mission,' Program / ; lution I.had made three or four Treat CH~VR.Oi.ET ye~~s ago to investigate the.Mon~ SOUTH BEND (NC)-A Vol- . tessori method. I had heard unteer Teacher Mission Service about it theri fr.oM Robert Ram- . has been organized here to sup545 MILL ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. bu'sch' of the Rambusch liturgical ,ply v~lunteer lay . teachers ' to , art studio in New York who' parochIal schools iri. mission WY 7.:.9486 'was' most' excited, aboutlt 'and' areas. The service. aets as a lia-. , wife was. preparing her ison between' women volunteers'· '. doctoral research on Montessori and pastors cooperating, in.,tlie·.. in Europe at the time. program. ...' , " Since then, I'have read several Under the volunteer teacher: /.articleson the subject in. Jubilee plan, a teacher' donates a" .Year. magazine and, indeed, the cur- of her time to a school where relit 'issue of Jubilee con'tairui an nUQs are. not available.. In re::. ar.ticle and photogritphs.· on a turn the ·parish .provides a resiMontessori school started by Mrs. _dence for the volunte'er snit' a .' R~mbusch -in, the Bridgeport dio:. I!lonthly stipend of$~ per tf!achcese. er, in addhion' to :roOm, board ~nd utilities. No further coinConvinced of Value .' mi~~ent btiyond a year is· re.. :9f my correspondents this quired. week has .sent along his- ~py Next september teachers from' .Made, of E.~. Standing's bOok "Maria the voluIiteer service 'will staff Montessori: Her Lite and'Work~ schools :in' thre~ 'Texa~, tow·OS:. ~I. For Them·.Taday. '; • (Hollis &. -Carter,-.London; ,1DS'i),· • KilleeJl,'· Irvin&. ',.
Schools Announce Entrance Exams
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t/ ,!/!l ctJI1Utf),/l(Jr CAPTO.R4 IN
"TH£YTOOK OtfR HNCON&I(Jt(g us, WATE~ AND cA£RIt:D ttg TO THe DEf:EteT':;' eDGE It'Ht:I?£ A BMAlL MONAg,AAY BTooD ~~ ~ ,
Nine Step$,'in 'Consecration Ceremonies of Auxiliary Bishop James J. G'errard .
Continued' from Page One,··· ,elude' priests, pre~ates, visiting. DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER. MASS. Sacred. Heart altar where the . Bishop Connolly is moved from who have ,already express'ed'Bishops and tl).eir chaplains and' _ THEANCHOI linen, bands 'are removed ,from the center' of: the altar to the , 'their intentions to be here 'are:' the more thim fifty officers who., his head and hands. and '. he Epistle. f(;-r the Communion and Richard ciardi~al, Cushing'· of will participate in-the ConsecraThurs.,. Mar. 12, 1959 washes his hands. . ' Post-Communion prayers, BishBoston, the preacher·,'Most'Rev.' ,tionceremonies and the·Mass. ~ '.:. ::d' goes .. t 0 the G' i~pose, Hands " . ",S ermon·· "'" op G errar ospel He'nry J.O'Brien, Archbishop of At the' en9. of the procession, , . F.ifth Step:\. The Mass contin- Jside to recite these. Hartford';,' Most Rev.. Russell 'J. will be the COr:Consecrators, .At the end of the -Litany·ues. Bishop Comlolly a~d Bish- , McVinney, first Co-Consecrator, Bishop-Elect Gerrard; Bishop BIshop Connolly. will stal)d at op Gerrard say the last verse of Conclusion 9f Providence; Most Rev. Connolly' and· his attendants the center of the altar with., the Tract and then the Gospel., Eighth"Step: Final rites. AftMatthew F. Brady of Manches-· and fimilly, Cardinal Cushing Bishop-Elect Gerrard kneeling Bishop Gerrard is at the Sacred er the Blessing, Bishop Connolly ter; Most Rev. Daniel J. Feeney preceded by the' Metropolitan before-him. The' Gospel Book . Heart Altar, 'All' then sit while ~its in the center of the altar. of Portland; Most Rev. Robert Cross.' The Cardinal will be will be placed on Bishop,Ger..' 'Cardinal Cushing delivers the He ;gives. Bishop Gerrard the F. Joyce of Burlington; Most greeted" at the door of' the rard's l).ead and shoulders so Sermon. The Creed and Offermitre, the gloves, and .places the Rev. "Bernard J. Flanagan 'of Cathedral. as' he enters in his that the printed page touches' tory prayer are then said. . ring on the gloved finger. BishNorwiCh, Conn.." 'dual role of Met"ropolitan of this the neck; Then Bishop Connolly,' - . Sixth Step: Offering of Gifts. op Gerrard is then enthroned Prese~t also'will be Most Rev. 'area and a Prince'of the Church.' places, both hands on Bishop Bishop Gerrard, accompanied by Bishop Connolly on the faldEric F. MacKenzie, Titular The officers' of the ceremonies Gerrard's head, saying, "Receive by' the Co-Consecrators and stool which he himself has used Bishop of Alba and Auxiliary will proc'eed 'to the .high altar, the Holy. Ghost," The CO-Con: bringing wifh him the Offertory throughout the ceremony. BishBishop of Boston; Most Rev. and Cardinal Cushing will secrators do the same one after Bearers,' comes before Bishop op Gerrard is given the .crosi~ oJeremiah ·F.. Minihan, second ascend the throne of 'the Epistle the other. Then Bishop Connolly Connolly, 'Kneeling, Bishop and, 'after ,the intonation of the Co-corisecrator, 'Titular B,ishop .or, left side of the sanctuary: ,sings the Consecration Preface. Gerrard presents the Offertory "We praise .Thee" 0 ,Lord," of Paphus· and '.Auxiliary Bish. Examination This imposition of.' hands and Gifts to Bishop' Connolly-two Bishop' Gerrard goes throughout 'op 'ofB<;Iston; Most Rev. John. Second, Step: . Exami~atibn. the Preface are the essential small barrels of wine' two the C;ath~dra(giving~is episco... 'H k' 't 1 'B' h . f acts,' by which tho Episcopal loaves, of brea'd,' two' large pal bless,ing. ,Bishop ,Connolly .,. ac ett, TI u ar IS op 0 Bishop Connolly,. sitti,ng at th,e " d A '1' B' h power is conferred.' candles.' then says,. the prayer and H e I enopo l IS an, UXI lary IS center of the altar, will receive 'tf d M t R Ph' 'I" ' T h e Con'secratl'on' Preface I'S Bishop Gerrard 'then goes to· Bishop Gerrard gives his solemn opof H aror; os ev" IIp ,the request,'o.f Bishop, McVinney . blessing. 'Bish.op Gerrard then ,J ., F ur1ong, T I't u 1ar B'ISh op· 0 'f that Bishop-Elect Gerrard, be 'interrupted fo'r t'he s'l'ngl'ng of .the Epistle corner of the high 'Araxa and Delegate of the ·Milconsecrated, The Apostolic Man.' the hymn '~Come Holy Ghost altar where, turned toward. sings three times the Acclamaitary Ordinariate of New York; date appoif]tlng him to be' a 'Creator," and the anointing of Bishop Connolly" he will con- 'tion-the wisri~ of "Many and Most Rev. Cuthbert' O'Gara, Bishop will be read by Rev. Bishop Gerrard's head with the celebrate~ Mass with him. 'years" for the Consecrator, C;P., Bishop of Yuanling Hunan John J. Murphy, the :Notary. Oil of Chrism, A linen band is Concelebration " ,Bishop Connolly. Cl).ina, ' Bishop Connolly' will then' placed around the h.ead to keep Seventh Step: Mass continues., Bishop Connolly then says the " g rItes a''nd prl'e t ' the oil from rurining down. Bishop Connolly and Bishop last Gospel and the Mass and L'ead m pea ss read the, Examination, charging will be present from the 'eastern Bishop-Elect Gerrard, to per- . , Bishop Connolly then finishes Gerrard 'recite together all the Consecration ceremonies come section of the country together form faithfully and well the the' Consecration Preface and parts of the Mass from the to a~ end,. '. with officials of the' Catholic mail y duties of a Bishop. Bishop thenan<;lints Bishop Gerrard's prayers of t~e offering of the ~mth Step: Rece~s~~nal. '!he Colleges and Religious' Orders.' Gerrilrd 'will, give his assent to' hands with Chrism: The hands bread an~ Wille onwards, At the' prIests, . prelates, vlsltmg. Blsht Within oMass perform the, duties of a Bishop are then placed in a linen band Commumon o~ the Mass, Bishop ops, offIcers ~f ~he Mass, BI~hops The Consecration of.a'Bish'op r -and to uphol9. the doctrjnes of. 'suspended from ,Bishop Ger.' Gerrard receIves a portion of Gerrard, MInIhan, McVmney rard's neck. . the Host and of the Precious and Connolly then leave in takes place within the Sacrifice, the Church,. He will conclude' BI C ' 1C h of the Mass. By it Bishop Gerthis Examination by 'kissing Bishop <;onnolly then hands ood.. ?rocession with ardma usrard will receive the fullness of Bishop Connolly's ring. over to Bishop' Gerrard the cro. When the MIssal used by mg at the end. the priesthood with theJ?ower ,T~ird ~tep: Beginning of the sier or pastoral staff, the ring, to ordain men to the priesthood Mass. .Blshop Connolly then ,and the Gospel Book. Bishop and to consecr'ate a 'priest ,proceeds with the Pontifical Connolly then washes his hands Bisl:Iop. Thus is continued 'the High Mass in the usual way un-' and goes to the throne w'hile - priesthood of Christ through the til the last-verse of the Tract. ,Bishop 'Cerrard retires to. the , 'INC. . : Bishops of the' Chu~ch. who Mea nwl;1 i,l,e, ,~ishop-Elect Geralone are the succe'ssors of the rard and his attendants go to the Apostles, pos~essing in them- Chapel of the Sacred Heart on Settle FOI'Less? selves and able to pass' .on to the EpisUe side of the apse. 'others the powers given by Bishop's Vestments :1· Christ to the Apostles to teach, There Bishop Gerrard puts to rule and to sanctify. on the pectoral cross and Mass, The Cl?nsecration ceremonies . vestments including the tunic fall into nine Qivisions. The and dalmatic proper to it Bishop' Anc~or is happy to present a when he 'pontificates,. Then he summary of these .ceremonies 'reads the prayers of the Mass e,er annum FRANCIS J. DEVINE AR,THUR 'J. DOUCET : for the convenien'ce of those until the last verse of the Tract An anticipated dividend of attending the Consecration or too. '' ' , 363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. ,3Y4 % will be paid by FIRST listening while Rev. John E, Fourth Step: Consecration., FEDERAL of FALL RIVER Boyd describes the scene 'by Bishop Cci"i-Inolly' at this point on all savings accounts for the radio; sits on the predilla in the cen"~ ~ ,~, 6-months. periOd ending First Step: Procession. There ter of the altar. Bishop-Elect June 30. 1959. ...... will be a long and impressive' Gerrard and the Co-ConsecraoU~door procession that in,,: tors come before him. Bishop' Th~s higher rate is due to our ~ C ' .' Connolly reads the Instruction record growth in 1958 ... and -ross Word Solution and the Invitation to prayer. to further encourage thrift. Then Bishop' Connolly, 'Bishop(Mac Gregor Brand) START an account with" us POSTAL MEGA NAPPER Elect G.errard and the Co-ConOL EXIT ARR v NOW • . . share in a higher PETITE SILO STO.~ secrators prostrate' themselves clividend next July! . T () A.-i oS J.i. r . . for the singing of the L{tany of . D~ SVI."~8 P I S PART WHERE you· save DOES make I It J. A N iN ;. S i' RlET TIE R the' Saints. A AR'TS/lIIHrL'ESS LE a difference. E: • H ; E S Wi ErA. S T. HE F T WINNING FAVOR~ WITH ITS FLAVOR
E F; R II!! ~~\h{..Tf S M,O,R S ,,: r, N S s..§lti':~rS v J. M ORD SIU.!A':1·~ BONESE
FU~ERAL HOME, INC. :R. MarceJ Roy - C. Lorraine ROJ Roger, .LaFr~nee
Facts of Faith' ANSWERS: 1 (b); 2 (d); 3 (a); , " (c);'5 (a};'6 (d); 7 (b); 8 (c) ..
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THE ANCHOR ~ '. (\
Catholic Colleg~e···Qui.,tets· Vie in N.I.T. Tourname'nt
Thurs., Mar. 12, 1... 59
Aim to Tae"l~lten Law GoY~;ning Red Activa~ies
By Jack Kineavy The 'clo~est thing to infinity in the sP9rting world is basketb~l1'~ tourney circuit. The schoolboys have concluded the New England Catholic, the Ea.stern Mass. and the Bay State tourneys. and are now enjoying a brief respite before the onset Of the Eastern States' Catholic Invl'tatl'onal Matignon High, the Cinderella .team in Tech; battled Evat Newport and the New erett right down to the wire England's at Boston Gar- before dropping a 64-60 decision.
WASHINGTON(NC) ,The U. S. House of RepresEmtatives has ul1auimous]y passed a bill designed to plug breaches in an::-communisl statutes allegedly ca.used by recent Supreme Court decisions. The measure would have the effect of rever~!ng the high court's interpretation of the Smith Act, which T"'akes it a crime to teach or advocate the • overthrow of the government by force or violence, or to organize a group for such a purpose. The bill also provides a new definition for the term, "organize" which would wipe out I Supreme Court L that the ,term could refer only to the actual organization of the Communist party and not to' a continuing process of organization The House. bill, spodsored b;y -Rep. Francis E. Walter of Pennsylvania, was backed 'by tbII American Bar As.:.;~.ation ane the Department of Justice.
den. The hiatus between Tech In Art Graham and John Daly, and the New England is designed the New England Catholic chamto avoid conpions showed the finest guard flic,t with the tandem in. the tourney. Graham College Board a rangy, well-built youngster examinations. was a .high> scoring end on the Meanwhile, Cambridge eleven last Fall. It is various college rumored that he's Holy Cross tourneys are bound. due to get unMatignon proved an unsurderway t his mountable obstacle in the paths week. The N.C. of two Bristol County entries. A.A. Small ColCoach Leary's talented squad lege corripetioutlasted a tiring Attleboro team tion, launched in the 'quarterfinals to win golast week at Evansville Ind., ing away, 70-59. The Jewelers found St. Michael's of Winoo- hung in there until late' in the ,ski, Vt. advancing to the' 'second half, largely due' to the TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT participants gaze quarterfinal round despite the fine efforts of center Lew Balser longingly at trophies to be presented to winners of the sub ·par physical condition of and forward Fran Driscoll;"':: " '.ace Jim Browne who has a bad The Parochials had a compara- Junior and Senior contestants at Kennedy Center, New back. The field originally num_tively easy time of it against Bedford, at conclusion of comPetition next week. Chairman bered 32 teams. Durfee in ~e semi-finals after Alfred J. Gomes 'presents a preview of the trophies to GePC in NIT getting out to an early 13-0 lead. r.u:-d ~orris, left, of St. Anthony Parish and John Andrade Serra Speaker '!lui two major college tourn-" The Hilltoppers narrowed the of Our Lady of Assumption Parish. " ~ev. AnthonyM. Gome~.,eur . e ys" the N" C .A .A ' d th N'I' T 'gap to 28...;18 when Richie Bonal" an e;,'" '" . • ' ' ' " ate at Santo Christo Church, .Fan - are both slated t<i start this week.. " ewicz aildGary Hathaway 'found River, will address memben of The'18tter, the National Irivita- the range but the incomparable ', ", . '1,1 . tion "Tournament, has a pro- Graham put the Matignon ofNEW HAVEN (NC)-Knights $822,637,136." During 1958, ,the the Setra Club at a dinner meeting scheduled, for 6 tonigbt. .t nounced Catholic irifluence'~ith 'fense -il'I. "gear once again and of Columbus merIibership today' society's assets increased $13,seven oHhe twelve participating that was 'the ball game.' ' totals 1,091,205 in 4,247 councils, 718, 909.64 to a total of $141,871- the Hotel Mellen', Fall Rh'er;' Ilia topic be "Family Life.", ". teams representing Catholic in. 'Bourne High; 'coached by Lou' making it' the largest fraternal '211.56. stitutions of, :higher, learning." Bachand, 'was the area's.' other benefit soCiety in the world,acProvidence College, 18-5 on the 'finalist., The Cape .Geld, 'cham- '" " ~rding' to _the 'annual r~port seasn, goes against M;mhattan, , pions stayed right with East" made public today by Supreme o . Saturday afternoon at Madison" Bridgewater '~o the ¢nd in 75-68 ," KnIght Luke E. Hart." , Square Garden in one of -the scori!1? tilt plaY,ed Fri~ay, a!ter->': ,The p~~ium in~oJIle for' the' first round games. r, n~on ,1l! the. Garden.. E.ast had a __ : year amounted, to $20,575,239.93 ,,' CYO Playoffs lihm one pmI'lt bulge 'at Jhe half" ,and the net investment.income· Highlighting the tourney scene 34-33, upped the margin to 49-46 amounted to $4,862,004,74, for a f'rom the locally are the CYO playoffs in the third quarter, and' then . total cash income of $25,437,-' being staged in Tauntpn,' Fall outscored the Capesters by 4 in 244,67. The net interest earnings River and New Bedford. St. ,the final period to annex ,the D - amounted to 3.72 per cent for the Joseph's and Santo Christos, de- title. , p a r e d with 3.57 per cent for the fending champions, 'met 'this Southeastern Mass. was in- "previous year, it was reportea. come • • week in a three game series to deed well represented on Tech's For the second year in 'sucdetermine, Fall River's repre--' and, D All-Star,. teams. Dan ,cession, it had a net gain of insentative in the Diocesan Tour- Br~dley and Charley.Campbell, surance in force in' excess of ney. The winner will engage ,the Ohver, A~es and WIlson Car-, 9O-million dollars and, as of Jan. Taun'ton champion f&r the r'ight' doza,' Wareham, w~re named to 1, ,the' total amounted to to. meet New Bedford in the title ,the C team. A triO' of Bourne ' round.', ,," ; 'players, Ed Savage, Phil Curry, Santo Christo continues to' set and Wayne Upton-were similar-, a blisteI:ing pace' in CYOcom- ly honored in D. petition.- The parish's' Janior team, second-half winners, was scheduled to go against, St. Ann's, first-round" titlists, . this another three game seri~ this Th~ Catholic Youth,od:lmizaweek. In the event that either ton of Fall River will' sponsor baud undtr tit. Iuplrvl.lo" of TIlt' or both series go the route, the an Easter 'basketball 0 tourney TRAPP'" MONK_ 01 lhl Abbe, fI third and deciding game will be beginning Ml!rch 30, 1959. Bids played tonight atCYO Hall, Fall will be available to all parishes tilt 8IftItII River. throughout'the diocese, with the Also engaged in tourmiment hope that the tourney will at-, play this week was the popular tract teams from C.Y.O. units in Fall River CYO Alumni League. several cities. Trophies wiU be Pairings in Friday's final game awarded to the first and second will have St. Mary's facing Pow- place squads. Don't' erful Notre Dame. These two The deadline for rosters will fives were also deadlocked in be March 25. They should' be league play. Many former high sent to Paul Borkman, 403 Anaschool and college stars grace the wan St., Fall, River, Mass. The Your Future • • rosters of the circuit's teams and only regulations are that the the calibre of ball is exception- playerll must belong to the ally good. Accolades to Russ same paris~ and be eighteen FOR· IT! Booth, founder and director of years of age or under,. as ' ,of the league. March 30. Players, who will be -'* To ~e s~re ,you, _have The second half champion., participating 'in the diocesan ship of the Greater New Bedford' C.Y.O. playoffs during that week more money ·in. your CYO league will be up for grabs are not eligible. future save regularly Saturday when Our Lady of Perevery payday., Your savpetual Help, National Division All-Priest Team ings will add up quicktitlist, meets Our Lady o'f AsWILMINGTON (NC) - The ly at THE OLD RED BANK sumption, American standard Holy Name Society of St. HedOur latest ·dividend is bearer, . at 'Kennedy Center. wig's parish here boasts a top at the r,ate of 31f4 % per OLOA, undefeated in eight g'ames , notch. basketball team. It will annun in second .round competition" be put to a test in a game for features the Gomes' combine, the' benefit of the parish imLou and Don. Felix Swintak and provement fund. The opposi Open Friday, evenings t't11 8' Fred Duguay spearhead the O.I.. tion will be an all-star teamI Save by mail at P.H. attack. ' all priests. Oliver Ames Repeats " . . The In the Class· C final for, the I---~'----":' third time in the past four years, Oliver Ames ,High of North Trappists have been, famous for-their home-made bread Easton finally latched onto the' brass ring by upsetting defendfor centuries •• ,~Mortks' Bread·bringsba~ 'I long lOst ing champion North Andover, "'Fo, You, Protection ~s8tisfactrori- the simple joy of eating substantial, hearty 51-46, Saturday night at' Boston Buv From bread. Rich ingredients, skillfu.1 kneadini and ,great car. Garden. The Muscato-coached ",: _. Quintet 'perennial ,Hockamock PERFECTION" 'In baking give this bread its rare. SU"rb flavor. Monks' , Fall River Savings Bank champions and ClaSs,'A Solith ,Bread, tall and slender, firm in tenure,brings an excitin, Shore'titlists, had a 63 game win '~132 Rockdale Ave: 14f NO,. MAIN,ST. streak snapped ,this year but the New Bee;ftord 1ft discove;y jn honest good ~tinl to yow famill table. FALL RIVER acQuisition of tm coveted' but" Tet. OS 5-7868' WY 5-7947 elu¢ve C crown proved more ft........;.._._..... than adequate compensation.
K of C Members' To'to' I 1 091 205
Trapplat Monk.
E,oc:ter' Tou.. ~ey For CYO Teams
Wo;ry About'
.1_1II_._... /
u er
in recitation of the rosary. At center Brother SalvatoI" Inzerma paints\. the furnace. In second', right photo Brother Martin Fernandez checks on the supper soup. At right Brother Bernard Araki, a Hawaiian novice, reports to Father Eug,ene ,for spiritual direction. '
SA(;RED HEARTS FATHERS LEARN SELF-RELIANCE: Novices at,the Fairhaven house of the Sacred Hearts Fathers learn many. skills .in preparation for missionary life. At'left Father Eugene'Robitaille; Master of Novices~ takes, food from the novitiate freezer. The boys do all their own cooking. In second h:ift photo Father Charles Kellagher leads priests
Roberrt Murphy Sacred Hearts. 'Fathers Operate Sisters of Holy Cross To,'Receive 1959' • • " Plans New Hospital . NOVitiate, 'Do"y, Parishes. ,.,' IHere' : ',th~eI;~~I~o~~~t:ac;g~~;lalho~ Laeta~e. Medal . . By Patricia McGowan pitaI to be built in this Washing-
. : Charity is' both practiced and preached at. the novitiate of the. Congregation of the'" ton, D, ~., ~ubu'rb will 'be' con'Sacred Hearts. of Jesus' and' Mary in Fairhaven. Its theory' is taught ,for a year arid ',ducted 'oy, ~IsteJ;'s of Ho~y Cross. . ~tate Robert D. Murphy ~iJI' .·a day to' the novices who :enter' its: d~or. Its coricl'e~e praCfice, ;is exeriH)l~fied~' 6y a: be~t: . no~~~ed~~~tth:~~;~~~t~illa~. leceive' the .University. of" old man who for years has been a dally guest at. the c?mmumty ~able. , '. . built and operated jointlY by NotreDame'sr:.a~tare'Medalfor "It'$'no·.trouble at·all·to th 'Fth 'S··, "'W 'b' ': .. ··t 'b' th .' d ' of . Holy Cross an,d the ...., : .... , ; ' ,,' . ....' , e' a ers . emlnary In . are- .. ers, prIes s, ro ers, an SIS" '.-Sisters ',' . . 1~59,It",:as announced here by have hlJ~,. exp1amedkll"dly,. hani, ~t1len go to the Congrega- . ters alike:'. "H6w sweet'it is to! ~Ilv~rSp~l?g H?sp~tal .Assocla,father Tneodore' !\'I.H~sburgh,<, Father '.. Eugene, '.Rob\taille, ' . tion's hou1'!e 'of theology in Jllf- . :. ;ii~ '8 'cl:\il~ 6£ the Sacred'H~arts,'" .' bon, ,a., CIVIC: ~!-,gam,za~lon. The ~.SCC., Notre Dame presI~ent SS;CC Master of. Novices. '.. frey, N, H, . '. '.' , " . ' . ' " assoCI?bO n WIll pro~Ide tlle 10.2-
Dep~ty Under Secrehiry of
The, veteI:~n career dIplomat, ,,_ .' , '. _ '.' . ." " . .' '. AspIrants for both the prlest- acre SIte, , III the 77th recipient of the award He.I~ves all alone and, comes. to ~ qu~ L~dY ~f'dt:edA~SimPctIon;.,hood a~d;brotherhodare~ccep't':' Tlie hospital, will have 150 " h' 'h h ' b . ted' . us tWICe a day fo~ m~als.",' ,paps .. ', ewe, or,; on y ape. ·ed.· They·.should· write· to Rev'" bed' 'd " t II .. !" IC as een presen an~. 'F t'h . E' . . " 'd h'l' Verdean parish in the United . , .... ; , '. ' " s an may even ua yaccom.• U . 1883 t t t d 1\ er ugene IS gUI e,. p I ~ '. ' . .' ., " Norman Goodwm . SS CC ,Vo:..· 'mod t ,3'00 b d It 'Il be th . ua y s~nce 0 an ou s an -. 0 'her nd 'fr' nd" to th . ' . States 'is in charge of the Sacred " '. ,'" ' ., " a e , e s. WI e kig 'Amel'ican Catholic layman, . . sop t lld' Ie ' t h eloun~ , HearU: Fathers as are sf Bon- Dlrect~r, Sacred Hearts 11th general hospital conducted f r "Robert Murphy's'diplomatic ,~en; u ~Inrh °d 'd' e. ,. acr~ 'iface Ne 'B~dford St An- NOV1bat~,. 17 Adams St; Fair- in this country by the Sisters of eareer spans 40 years of dis tin' ear prIes 00. urmg the ~ w " .,. . haven; Holy 'Cross 'h I " h'" ,year and a day of novitiate prethony's, MattapOIsett, and sever' , !..UIS: ('~ sel·drYwIce to I t lSI cotuntry , scribed by. canon ·Iaw for religal Cape Cod J>arishes,
.....o~ o:f'" t ~r LOb as sum'd- ious o~cier priests' '. But 'Fairhaven is' really the mers conHc In e anon an ' " , . 'F·th " . h .h t'" B l' ",' The year IS lIke a' long retreat . a ers own town. T ey staff t e curren CrISIS ·over er III ,.,... "'.,' II 't'· . li ' h 'I S d .. th H b g h ' d _ ' Only spIrItual subJects are stud-' .. a . I S parIS es, w. I e acre , ~'We.rth ebs 'lu : sal 'd' ied silence is maintained much .. Hearts. Sisters' operate. schools I rI l lance an courage ' .' ," . d 't' th' . . , " of. the tIme, and;.. In general; an .. a n~vI late ex:e , . ' iil peace and war, he hasartIc- th ght' . t rne d t th" The ,Monastery of the Sacred alated foreign' policy ou l a t~Ivearera tUh er.. th an 0 . thee ~on.door to the riovi.. t American f" . .,. t emp ac-., ,He,arts is next . ~ pos s· 0 Increasmg respon1'!lt· 'd f th .' tl l'f:" , '. .' nate and houses 16" priests who M' . h' bl' Ive Sl e 0, e prIes y Ie". '. " ' b.1'l't I y, oreover, E'Ig h t · enro II e d a t th e 'F'81r; . , "--maI.'ritain in · . tIS pu l'f IC flrecare " • a community' life I . ord an d h IS prlva e, Ie' re ect h . ,h' th'IS . r Ii" " addition' to carrying on parish Ute highest ideals of his Catholic aven I Ofuse . 'H yea;~, I~~du mg. work' A feature ~f the lifoe is fa'th' Th . U' 't f N t severa rom awall an one· '. . ,I, e mversl y 0 0 ~e .. ' . f J ' ' ' T ' h " " perpetual adoratio'n' of the Dame is proud ·to award' to Sec- young. man . rom apan., ey '. . '. " learn .about themselves' and . \ Blessed Sacrament NIght and , retary,Murphy the Laetare Med- 'Ch't" . .od' ·.F 'th E' " . day priests watch before the at , the h'crhe t h 'th"t rIS, sal ' a er ugene" ." ,. . ]'" s., onor WI III I S · .' , ,tabernacle, Wnen assigned to, power to.bestow," . Prach~al Arts '... ,.'." ..' f h' L In the course of the year too ,~doratIon they wear a red cape Th'e .recIplent 0 ,t e aetare . . " ' ,over the w1.ite habit Medal IS named on Laetare Sun- they, acqUIre many practIcal '. ' day, the fourth Sunday of Len t, ,. arts, since they. do . their own M~ny ProJects , but the actuai presentation takes cooking,-housewcirk and laundry. Outstandlllg. among proJects of place at a later date, Recenf "It's prett" hard'in the begin- the CongregatIOn are the work of Laetare Medalists have included ning of the year when the boys ~he En,thronement of the Sacre~ Gen, Alfre{: Gruenther, U. S, are new at everything," said ~eartm t?e Home an? th~ prac- ~ _ " Red Cross head; George Meany, Father, "but ,after a month or tIce ,of NIght. ~~oratIon m the president of the AFL-CIO; ac- so everyone. can cook . fairly Home both, mltIated by Rev. tress Irene Dunne' former Atom- well." He .showed us the .altar Mateo Crawley-Bovey, SS. C~" Ie Energy commi~sioner Thomas linens, ironed b~ the seminarians. ~ho also. found:d ,the Tar~Is 1C"Murray; Frank M, Folsom, in- 'We admitted that no convent ' I~ns, The ~atter IS an orgamzadustrialist, and Ambassador could have' p~oduced, a'· better tl(~n. of .·chIldren who cooperate Claire Booth , L u c e . j o b . sPlr~t';lally, through prayer and Secretary Murphy. who holds We' saw tlie boys preparing sacrIfIce, In- the work of .t.I~e rank of career'ambassador supper, too, an<: they seemed Enthron~ment. ,.. . .,'., in the Department of State was. quite .at home in the kitchen, T~e Sacred. Hearts, ~athers America's top negotiator 'i~ the' stirring a. big pot ~f. soup. "We . were f0lJ.n<ied. In ,France, In Wo~ . teb~non crisis, last summer. H~ alr'a~s st'a~t" with" :soup,JJ .·sai<l"l.. ~Y,._~~v.. ,Marl_~ .Jose~.~~ Cou~~ln, ',." . ~'ilferred 'with officials there as Father Eugerie. "I'm: a 'great lie:.. who'desll:ed to. make repa~~on.. , . well as heads of state in Jorda";', .' Hever in hearty. meals for young- for outrages ,and. bl~sPl>.emles.of ,;. Iraq' Israel .and . Egypt. His t e r s . " . . . . " .. ,the ,FrE;nch Revolut~on. . .;, . '.,. , " 'd'a t"IOns,.b ase d on the s e The Probably • .ecommen , pract'ical "purpose in the ". 'be fththe C most . famous. t·· .... , negotiations,. formed the basis domestic activity' is 'preparatio,n mem r ,0 . e ongreg~ Ion ~ ....r Ame" I' d ' . b of the seminarians for possible' Fr. Damlen, the leper prIest. HIS .... rIcan proposa s an SU , ' '. , 't d' . h' d ' 8equent United Nations action to mission assignments when, they SPI,rI, ~s expresse . lD.. ,IS . ymg 'g b t t b'l't ' th t will be alone and .forced to care words, IS shared by a ou s a I I Y In a . . . all., ItS ' . memb rln . area.for theIr own needs. • ' ...: . Outdoor activity claims· the no'vices' attention, too, Last'sum'- ' ; ~OllMI'LA mer they painted the exterior • UJ . of their large house and· they : Treatme~ts: have just finished a paint ." " .. , . the furnace room. But there'is . : Are . Ideal' For :Churches," time for recreatior, two hciurs ',Schools, Convents, Orphan~: . . , . , on weekdays and from three to' ,ages, 'and Rectories., : . four hours on Sundays and holi-. : .REDUCES Service Calls , days, The large grounds afford : Due To Dirty Strainers: plenty .. of room for games as,' well'asplenty of scope for lawn-': I mowers..... ' " : '" Following the year atFairhav, , en, novices spend two years at : STONE~
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