
Page 1






Pope Paul, Elevates

1,1 to Monsignori

Most Reverend Bishop Announces

New Diocesan Domestic Prelates

His Holiness Pope Paul VI has elevated 11 diocesan pastors to the rank of monsig­ nori, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, announced today. The honored priests, who will be domestic prelates with the title Right Reverend, serve in practically all sections of the diocese. MSGR. A. M. GOMES

The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday, March 12, 1964 Vol. 8, No.. 11 © MSGR. 1. 1. BAYES

1964 The Anchor

PRICE lOe $4.00 pe, Year

They are: Rt. Rev. Felix S. Childs, Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer, St. Michael's Church, Ocean Grove, Swansea. Rt. Rev. William H. Dolan, Holy Family Church, East Taun­ ton. . ' Rt. Rev. Augusto L. Furtado, St. John of God Church, Somer-. set. . Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. Rt. Rev. 'Anthony M. Gomes, Our Lady of the Angels Churoh, Fall River. Rt. Rev. John Hayes, HolT Name Church, New Bedford. Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Pannoni, Holy Rosary Church, Fall River. Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, S~ Louis Church, Fall River. Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Tansey. St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, St. John's Church, Attleboro. Turn to Page Six




Subscription Total' Continues to Climb Eight more parishes today joined the quota-class in subscriptions to The Anchor, establishing an all-time record high circulation for this diocesan newspaper as it con­ tinues the final phase of its circulation drive inquest of complete family coverage in every parish in the diocese. Attainment of quota subscriptions no longer is the goal in the individual parishes. Sev­ drive. We look for more parishes St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet. eral parishes, in various sec­ to join the complete-family-cov. St. Joseph, New Bedford. tions of this diocese, are al­ erage bracket before the current St. Mary, Fairhaven. ready in the family coverage subscription campaign comes to St. Patrick, Falmouth.

bracket. A number are close. A a conclu'sion. St. Pius X, South Yarmouth. Parishes which joined the few more subscriptions and they St. Roch, Fall River. quota-class today are: will be in this blue-ribbon di­ Mount Carmel, New Bedford. St. Theresa, South Attleboro. vision. Complete returns have not been made as yet by many pastors. But, one thing is cer­ tain. The Anchor will have its greatest circulation in- its eight­ The ballroom of the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Boston year history during the coming seems a far cry from the primitive jungle town of Riberalta, year. We have exceeded every Bolivia, but Friday night, April 3 they'll come very close previous mark. A substantial number of par­ to each other. That's the date of the annual Spring Charity Ishes have yet to make final re­ Ball of St. Luke's Physicians' F. Higgins, Sr: of 967 Robeson turns for the 1964 lIubscription campaign. Unofficially, we have Guild of Boston and this Street, and the late Attorney been told that several have their year's proeeeds are going to Thomas F. Higgins. Her broth,er, sights set on complete fam~ly Sister M a u r e e n Thomas, Dr. Thomas F. Higgins, is' a prominent Fall River physician. eoverage. "If other parishes Can M.D. of Maryknoll. Sister Mau­ Sister Maureen Thomas' will do it, so can we," was the coin­ reen Thomas is the former Anne ment of one pastor who ill com­ Marie Higgins of Fall River. She come from Riberalta for the oc­ pleting hi. parish aubscri,ption i&·the daughter of Mrs. 'l'homaa Turn to Page Five

Honor Fall River Nun


Dispensation The Most Reverend BishOil baa granted a dispensation "'om the law of fast to all in tile Diocese of Fall River for 'l'uesday. March 1'7, • n. 'I'hursday, the Feast ot at. .Joseph, March 19.


Vocations Novena The annual novena for vo­ cations in the Fall River Dio­ cese starts tomorrow, Frida". March 13, and continue. through Saturday, March 2L The prayer, published on P~e 18, will be recited in all churches. and schools durJDc the DOVena period.


Legion of Decency

THE ANCHOR-Dioce!le of Foil River-Thurs. Mor. 12, 1964-

Former Jewish Brigade Offic'er Says 'Deputy' Unjust to Pope VATICAN CITY (NC) - A of study had "afforded me a former Jewish Brigade officer series of small demonstrations who had immediate knowledge which contradict Hochhuth's at Pope Pius XU's interven­ 'basic concept." tions in behalf of the Jews dur­ Lapide's long letter-more of ing World War n has character_ which L'Osservatore said it ized "The Deputy," the contra­ would publish later ---: included versisl play by GermanJ"s quotations from a letter sent to Rolf Hochhuth, as "very unjust Pope Pius on behalf of 3,200 10 the late Pope Pius XII." Jews at a concentration camp at _ Pinchas E. Lapide, officer of Feram~nti-Tarsia, near Cosenza the Jewish Brigade with the in southern Italy. The letter, Anied armies that invaded Italy, dated Oct. 29, 1944, said in part: and now a resident of Jerusa­ "Your Holiness, the victorious lem, wrote a letter to L'Osser­ Allied troops having broken our vatore Romano, the Vatican chains and liberated us from City daily, in defense of Pi'l1S prison and from dangers, may XlI. we interned Jews of Ferramonti The newspaper published e:ii:­ be permitted to express our eerpts from the Lapide letter In thanks, very deeply and devout­ an article by its editor, Rai­ ly felt, for the consolation and mondo Manzini. ' help which Your Holiness with The Manzini article in the paternal concern and infinite main consisted of quotations from goodness deigned to give us in other publications concerning the years of interment and of the drama which presents Pope suffering * * * Pius as sharing in the guilt fOlr "When in 1942 we were the nazi murders of the Jews threatened with deportation to because he did not publicly COll_ Poland Your Holiness spread demn them. your paternal protecting hand L'OSSERVATORE also cited a over us, halting the deportation letter from the man who served of Jews interned in Italy, and as deputy chief of U. S. counsel saved us from what was almost for prosecution of major nazi certain death." war criinina1s in Nuremberg in 1946-49. Robert M. W. Kemp­ ner of Lansdowne, Pa., had writ.. A Pre-Cana Conference for, ten to the monthly, Herder CorrespondenCe, stating that engaged couples will be held at . Pope Pius did in fact malte 7 Sunday night, March 15 at numerous efforts to intervene jin Sacred Heart School, Fall River. Berlin on behalf of many Jews~" Interested couples may obtain registra,tion blanks at their rec_ These efforts were "flatly rle­ tories. ]ected" by the nazis, said Keml;»­ nero The international lawyer notE!d Mass also that despite Pius XII's ef­ FRIDAY-Friday of IV Week of forts, 3,000 Catholic priests were Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass put to death by the nazis in Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Germany, Austria, Poland, Preface of Lent. France and elsewhere. SATURDAY-Saturday of IV He said that "every propa­ Week of Lent. (Sitientes) III gandistic move of the Catholic Class. Violet, Mass Proper; No Church against the reich gO'ir­ Gloria or Creed; Preface of ernment of Hitler • • * would Lent. have hastened the execution .:>f SUNDAY-I Sunday of Passion­ still more Jews and priests." tide. I Class. Violet. Mass The Lapide letter from Jem­ Proper; No Gloria; Creed; salem stated that several years Preface of the Holy Cross. MONDAY - Monday of Passion Week. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross. ~ Bishop Cassidy Gener,al TUESDAY-Tuesday of Passion Assembly, F 0 u r t h . DegrE!e Week. III Class. Violet. Mass Knights of Columbus, served lUI Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Honor Guard for the Bishop Second Collect St. Patrick, Stang Council Knuights of Co­ Bishop and Confessor; Preface lumbus at their Communion of the Holy Crqss. Breakfast and Mass at St. Ther4~­ WEDNESDAY --' Wednesday of .sa Church Sunday. Passion Week. III Class. Vio­ Fourth Degree members wbo let. Mass Proper; No Gloria or served as Honor Guards were Creed; Second Collect St. the following: John Zaretto, Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, Faithful Captain; Richard Pwr­ Confessor and Doctor of the sons, Past Faithful Navigator; Church; Preface of the Holy Sir Knights Honor Vaillancourt, Cross. Philias S. Brisson, Joseph THURSDAY':'-St. Joseph, Spouse Jacintho, Phil Methe, Jean Jr.. of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parent, Rudolph Prefontain and and Patron of the Universal Joseph R. Witkos•. Church. I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect Thursday of Passion Week; Cre~; Preface of St. Joseph.



4th Degree Knightsl Form Honor Guard



Mar.l5-St. Mary, Taunton. _ St. F ran cis Xavier, Acushnet. Our Lady of _Perpetual. Help, New Bedford. Mar.22-St. Joseph, Nortb. Dighton. Espirito Santo, F a ll~ River. Mar.29--5t. Boniface, New' Bedford. St. Peter, Dighton. Apr. &-Our Lady of the 1m•. maculate Conception" !'all River. st. James, Taunton 111£ .RCIlOI Steanll Class PostaaJ Palel at Fall RIv~.J.t Mass. PubllshJIt 8"1'}- 1'llursd8}' at IIJ,Q HighlanO AQnU8 Fa" Rive, Mass. bYlJIe

tathollc PfiSS oJ tile Diocese Q# Fall R1veJ. Subscriptl. IN'Ice 1Ir 1II1t. IICIItpallf ...' yea••

' '.011

ORTINS -Photo Supply .245 MAIN STREET

VISITS FALL RIVER: Mother General of the Religious of Jesus-Mary makes stop at Fall River convent of the community on official visitation tour. From left, Mother General Maria del Rosario, Assistant Mother General Marie Fidelia.

Recognize Influence of Mothers In Fostering Religious Vocations SLINGERLANDS (NC)-The influence of mothers in fostering religious vocations is given spe­ cial recognition here in New York by the Mill Hill Fathers. The English missionary com­ munity sponsors an Association of Mothers of Priests and a shrine to Our Lady of Vocations in recognition of the role of a mother of 13 in founding their society. She was Eliza Vaughan, a con.. vert and wife of Col. John Fran· cis Vaughan, head of a staunch English Catholic family. Mrs. Vaughan spent an hour a day in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, praying that her children would devote them­ selves to God's service. Six of her sons became priests and four of the daughters nuns. Three of the boys became bish­ ops and one of these, Herbert, who rose to be Cardinal-Arch­ bishop of Westminster, estab-

Necrology ,

MAR. 16

Rev. Francis J. Maloney, S.T.L., 1957, Pastor, st. Mary, No. Attleboro. MAR. 19

Rev. John j. McQuaide, 1905, Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton.




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Rev. Jean Ri~fret, pilgrimage director at Cap de la Madeleine, national Marian Shrine in Can­ ada, will show color motion pic­ tures and speak on shrine activ­ ities at 7:30 tomorrow night at Knights of Columbus Hall, Taunton. The appearance will be Father Rinfret's only stop in the Fall River Diocese. He is currently on tour throughout the United States. A coffee hour following his lecture will give members of the audience the opportunity of meeting him.


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Between Apr:iI 5 and





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December 11, 1964



llshed the Mill Hill Fathers in 1866. The soCiety now has more than 1,000 priests, 200 Brothers and 400 Sisters working on five continents.

The following films are to be added to the lists in their re­ spective classifications: Unobjectionable for General Patronage--Law of the Lawless. Unobjectionable f or Adults l,UId Adolescents-Ensign Pulver, Shock Treatment; Stagecoach .. Thunder Rock. Unobjectionable for Adult&­ To Bed or Not to Bed. Morally Objectionable In Part tor AI~Looking for Love. (Ob­ jection: The treabnent of thJa film, which has been made es­ pecially for young people, eJl­ ploits suggestiveness in costum­ ing and dialogue). Cendemned--The Silence. (0b­ jection: The themi! of this film. as formulated by its director, • God's Silence - the negatiYe print. Being the last of a, tri­ logy and interpreted against this over-all context, the film pre­ sents the nightmare of a world left to itself in whicll the hu­ man spirit must suffocate if it cannot find or refuses. to accept a meaning to life which tran­ scends matter and the flesh. Although the serious intent of Bergman may be beyond doubt, nevertheless, serious questioM are to be raised concerning the treabnent of his theme. His selection of images • sometimes vulgar, insulting to a mature audience, and danger­ ously close to pornography. In spite of the author's good intentions, therefore, he baa seriOUsly violated artistic taste and sensitivity and leaves tbe film's presentation open to -sen­ sational exploitation by the irre­ sponsible.)




Serve Christ in YOUTH Serve Christ in the SICK Serve Christ in the AGING Become a

Franciscan Si$ter 'of St. Joseph Write to:: Reverend Mother General Immaculate Conception Convent 5286 South Park Ave., Hamburg, N.Y.

Recent Developments Show Crisis

Faces Catholics' on School Issue

Fall River Student In Liturgy Day

Debate on the future look of U.S. parochial schools has picked up steam in the wake Df two new developments. One is the announcement of the Cincinnati archdiocese that its parish elementary schools will open without first grades next September. The second is the publication of a book by Mary Perkins Ryan questioning the present value of Catholic schools and colleges. . Msg~. Fredertck G. Hochwalt, Council," carries a forew~rd by Both the s e developments . executive secretary of the Na- Most Rev. Ernest J. Prtmeau, take place agamst the back- tional Catholic Educational As- Bishop of Manchester who says ground of a massive crisis sociation, argues that the prob- the book asks "some' very per­ facing Catholic education. This year Catholic elementary and secondary schools are estimated to be enrolling about 5,565,000 pupils. Yet nearly 60 per cent of aU Catholic. school-age children attend pU?I~c schools. The numb~r of reh~Ious teachers has declIned whIle the number of lay teachers has soared. Grade-D~opping

In 1959, ArchbIsh~p Lawrence J .. Shehan o~ Baltimore, then BIShop of BrIdgeport, proposed that grade dropping may be a partial solution to the problem. Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati has just announced that all first grades in his 19county archdiocese would be drGpped this Fall with the 10,000 children seeking first-grade admission turned over to public schools. Cincinnati is the first U.S. diocese to take this step although grade-dropping has ?ee~ .widely discussed and some 1OdIvIdual. sc~oo~s have experimen ted WIth It 10 recent years. Above Averali'e A.rchbishop Alter pointed out that his archdiocese has en­ rolled 75 per cent of the Catholic school population in its parochial school system, whereas the aver­ age enrollment in the dioceses of the country is 50 per cent. One of the protests from par­ ents and educators on grade­ dropping is based on the fear that children will continue in the public schools after be­ ginning in them. But a survey of the experiences of the five parish elementary schools in the Chicago archdiocese which have dropped grades concludes that children do make the switch to parochial schools and that priests and people do work well and hard together to solve a serious mutual problem. To some educators, such as Auxiliary Bishop Clarence E. Elwell, Cleveland d i 0 c e san school superintendent, grade_ dropping spells disaster. He feels it is better to give a core of Catholics a full education than to give all Catholics a partial one in parochial schools.

Attleboro Lecture On Sex Guidance Parents of the Attleboro area regardless of religious affilia~ tion, are invited to attend a guidance program on sex edu­ cation in the home, to be pre­ sent~d at 8 Sunday night, March 15 10 St. Mary's school hall North Attleboro. ' Rev. Edmund Bourke, profes­

sor of moral theology at La Sa­

lette Seminary, Attleboro, and

Dr. Joseph Kerrins, gynecologist

and obstetrician, also of Attle­

boro, will present a motion pic­

ture and lecture. A question

period will follow

The program wiil be sponsored

by the Christian Family Move-

ment of St. Mary's parish. z

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy - G. lorraine Roy

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lems Catholic schools face today are no greater relatively than those faced when the system was started. He has said, "Looking back into history from our pres~nt poignant mome?t of deciSlOn, we may be dIscomforted by the fact that when ~e had less money, fe",:e; CatholIcs and when great sacrtfIces were called for, we seemed .to be doing be,;ter than we are dOl.ng at present. Abohs~ment.

A new factor 1Otroduced 1Oto the present discussion on education ,is the publication of a 175-page book by Mary Perkins Ryan, prominent in the U.S. liturgical movement and Catho­ lie women's groups, who pro­ poses that Catholic schools and colleges might be abolished to the benefit of the Church with a new and intensive spiritual formation launched in home and church. . The book, "Are Parochial Schools the Answer? Catholic Education in the Light of the

tinent questions * * * certainly she has opened a window - and perhaps a door - on this crucial subject by her frank and intelli­ gent discussion. Mrs. Ryan, who poses her major points in question form, argues that the spirit of renewal within the Church, especially as it affects catechetical instruc­ tion, requires that spiritual formation be based chiefly on the liturgy and extended vigorously to all Catholics in a variety of new programs. Guilty


THE ANCHORThurs., March 12, 1964


Prelate To Speak At Grace Church In New Bedford

The Fifth Annual Liturgical Workshop, to be held at Stone. hill College Sunday, April 19, takes on added significance in view of the stress on 'liturgy during Vatican Council II. The workshop, for priests, re­ ligious, teachers, parents, stu­ dents and music directors, will again be directed by Rev. Wll­ iam F. Hogan, C.S.C., director of the theology department of Stonehill College. He has an· nounced that the program will commence with a talk by Rev. John Miller, C.S.C., S.T.D., Lit­ urgy Editor of The New Catholic Encyclopedia, and author of Fundamentals of the Liturgy. Following, there will be' five discussion programs on current practical phases of the liturgy, including sessions by Rev. Fran­ cis Devine, S.J., of the Theology Department of Boston College; Rev. Richard Butler, Foxboro, Vice-President of the New En­ gland Committee of National Liturgical Conference; Mother N. Swift, RCE, of Jeanne d'Arc Academy; Mrs. Elizabeth Sulli­ van of Fall River, mother and student at Stonehill; and Mr. George Pelletier, Stonehill flOl­ lege, discussing and featuring Gelineau Psalms. There is no fee for the Work­ shop. Anyone interested in the liturgical movement may attend.

Catholic schools prevent at­ taining this goal, she maintains, because they enroll only a por­ tion of students who are Catho­ lics, tie up vast resources that could otherwise be used to reach The Holy Father's week­ more persons imd are guilty of a "siege mentality" in teaching end appeal for an opening the Faith. withln the Church toward Mrs. Ryan, the mother of five . our Protestant brethren will boys and author of eight books take a visible form in an address ·Turn to Page Seventeen to be delivered by His Eminence Richard Cardinal Cushing at Grace Episcopal Church, New Bedford, this coming Sunday. . His EmInence comes at the in­ vitation of the Rev. Phillip Douglas, Rector, who has invited Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro will be host all the Protestant clergy through to the Spring meeting of the New England' unit of the the Inter-Church Council arid Hyannis National Catholic Educational Association Saturday, March the Catholic clergy by personal letter. The meeting will be held 21. Very Rev. Raymond J. Swords, S.J., president of Holy in the Grace Episcopal Church 335 Winter St. SP 5·0079 Cross College, will speak on Turn to Page Nineteen th h . School, Westwood. e c angmg pattern of the A 'demonstrationof the audio­ four year college at a general lingual approach to Latin by morning session. Paul van K. Rev. Wayne Benton, Sacred Thomson, Ph.D., Providence Col- Heart Academy, Worcester and lege, will address delegates on a group of his students. the Catholic student on the "Report to Social Science Catholic college campus. Teachers" by Rev. Paul McHugh, Luncheon speaker will be Rev. Department of Education, Man­ Patrick J . O'NeI'11, a F 11 R'Iver chester, "T h'N.H. D t P .. D i 0 c e san Superintendent of eac mg a a rocessmg In Schools Secondary Schools" by Leo . Robert, Cathedral High School, Afternoon sessions will in- Springfield. If you are self-employed, a new tax law now clude "The Teaching of Religion: Bishop Feehan students will A Layman's Approach," by Al- be ushers and guides for the 'will allow you to put aside as much as 10 per fred Wheeler, Xaverian High meeting.

Bishop Feehan High To Host Catholic Ed·ucators'. Group

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 1'2, 1964

MenlJs, Recipes for Sixth Week of Lent THURSDAY, MARCH 19 8re'Akfast: Banana on cereal, pimcakes. Lunch: Cheese Cube Omelet,* toast, half ~apefruit.

Dinner: Roast leg of lamb, oven browned potatoes, asparagus, creamed carr:ots, baked custard. Cheese Cube Omelet lh pound cheese, diced 1h c. cooked diced celery 1 T. minced pimento 1 c. hot White Sauce 1 Puffy or French omele~ Make the Puffy or French omelet according to any basic recipe. Just Before serving combine cheese, celery, pimento, and sauce. Pour over omelet and serve while hot. Serves approx. 6. FRIDAY, MARCH 20 FAST Breakfast: Rainbow salad (mixed citrus fruit sections), poached egg on toast. Lunch: Tomato stuffed with egg salad, crackers, Toffee Elars. * Dinner: Fried scallops, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, turnip, Dutch Apple Cake.* Toffee Bars 1 c. peanut butter 1h e. butter 1 c. firmly packed brown 9Ugar 1 egg 1 t. vanilla 2 e.sifted flour % t. salt 1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate pieces, melted Cl'@am together 1h cup of peanut butter and the butter. Add sugar gradually and cream to­ gether until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Mix in flour sifted together with salt. Spread dough on ungreased cooky sheet about 14 x 17 inches. Bake in slow oven (325 F.) for 20 to 25 minutes. Blend remaining 1h cup of peanut butter with the melted chocolate pieces and spread mixture on cooky surface. Cut into diamond while still warm. Garnish. each diamond with whole or chopped peanuts,. if desired. Makes about 4 dozen Toffee bars. Dutch Apple Cake 21h c. flour 3 t. baking powder 1h t. salt % c. sugar 4 T. butter 1 egg 1 c. milk (approx.) 2 c. sliced apples Ih t. cinnamon Heat oven to 375 F. Sift together flour, baking 'Powder, salt, and 3 T. sugar. Cut in butter. Beat egg and add enough milk to make Ilf4 c. liquid. Stir into first mixture. Turn batter into shallow, buttered baking pan. Place apples in pattern into dough. Sprinkle with einnamon and remaining sugar over top. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with a lemon sauce if desired. SATURDAY, MARCH l~l Fast Breakfast: prune juice, scrambled eggs, sweet butter roll. Lunch: Creamed tuna on toast, canned peaches. Dinner: Liver a la Bougeoise,* baked pota­ toes, whole kernel corn, lettuce and tomato salad, tapioca pudding. Liver A La Bourgeois4' 1 carrot, shredded 1 onion, minced 1 turnip, diced 1 bay leaf 2 T. fat 1 T. flour 2lh pounds liver 2 cups water or stock salt and pepper Brown carrots, onion, turnip, and bay leaf In fat. Add flour and blend, then add liver and water. Season and simmer for 1% to I1h hours. Will serve 6 to 8.

The KEYSTONE Office Equipment Salesroom

MONDAY, MARCH 23 . Fast Breakfast: Tomato juice, fried egg, buttered toast. Lunch: CraJJmeat salad .sandwich, carrot and celery sticks, brownie. Dinner: Beef Pot Roast cooked with potatoes, carrots, and onions, Apricot Rice Mold.* Apricot Rice Mold 1 No. 2% can apricot halves 1% t. unflavored gelatin 2 cups cold cooked rice Salt - a few grains Ih cup heavy cream, whipped Drain apricots and place a half in each custard cup. Press remaining halves through a sieve. Soften gelatin in 2 T. apricot juice and dissolve over hot water. Combine dissolved gelatin, pureed apricots, rice and salt and mix well. Fold in whipped cream and pour into custard cups. Chill. When firm unmold and garnish with whipped cream if desired. Serves 6. TUESDAY, MARCH 24 Fast Breakfast: Half grapefruit, hot cereal, hot cross buns. Lunch: Cream of asparagus soup, cottage cheese salad, peanut butter cookies. Dinner: Barbecued Ham steaks, buttered parsley potatoes, sweet-sour beets,* green peas, gingerbread with apple sauce. Sweet-Sour Beets 1 (1 lb.) can beets 1 T. butter 1 T. cornstarch 1h t. salt 1 T. vinegar 2 T. orange marmalade Drain beets, reserving liqui<l. Melt butter in saucepan. Blend in cornstarch and salt. Add 1h e. beet juice. Cook until thickened, stirring con­ stantly. Add vinegar and orange marmalade. Heat until ble'nded. Add drained beets and simmer gently 10 minutes. Serves 4. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Fast Breakfast: Orange juice, poached egg on toast. Lunch: Egg croquettes,* sliced tomatoes, Jello. Dinner: Two-tone meat loaf,* mashed potatoes, green beans, squash, Glorified banana pudding. Egg Oroquettes 1 can cream of muchroom soup 8 hard-cooked eggs, sieved or chopped very fine 1f4 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 T. minced parsley 2 T. minced OlUon 1h t. salt Pepper - dash 2 T. shortening 1h c. milk Mix % cup soup with eggs, bread crumbs, parsley, onion, and seasonings; form into six croquettes. (If mixture is difficult to handle, chill before shaping.) Roll in additional bread crumbs. Fry crQquettes slowly in shortening until browned. Meanwhile, combine remaining soup

with milk. Heat. Serve as sauce over croquettes.


Part I

1 pound ground veal lf4 pound ground fresh pork fat 3 crackers, crushed 1 T. milk 2 t. lemon juice 1 t. salt Pepper - dash 1 T. minced onion Part n 1 pound ground fresh pork 1h pound ground smoked ham 2 eggs 1h c. bread crumbs 1h cup condensed tomato soup Pepper - dash Combine ingredients of Part I .and pack into greased loaf pan. Combine ingredients of Part n and pack firmly on top of first mixture. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) for about 2 hours. Serves 8 to 10.




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BOOK WORK TOO: Study of theory is important for cooks. Learning what's behind good nutrition are, from left, Mary Melchiorri, Ann Trembly, Margaret Cuilla, stu­ dents in Bishop Feehan High School's home economics department.

Catholic, Protestant Seminarians Attend Interfaith Conference WASHINGTON (NC) - An Episcopal clergyman told a group of Catholic and Protestant seminarians here that their Churches should not pursue in­ dependent roads to Christian unity lest they create two ecu­ menical movements. Rev. William Norg.ren, direc­ tor of Faith and Order Studies for the National Council of Churches, speaking at a confer­ ence at St. Paul's College, the Paulist Major Seminary, said he is not suggesting that Catho­ lics and Protestants adopt the same positions on doctrine. "What is suggested," he said, "is that they come to a common mind as to the basis and means of carrying out ecumenism. Dia­ logue is impossible when dia. loguers' attitudes are pugnacious and abrasive. Even men with in­ formed opinions must be willing to have their opinions change.

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We must all listen with interest and the expectation of insight." About 150 Catholic seminari­ ans and Brothers, as well as Protestant students from four nearby seminaries, attended the conference. It was the first such interfaith conference of its kind in Washington. Father lrenee Beaubien, S.J., director of the Montreal Ecu­ menical Commission, stressed the need for ecumenical discus­ sion on all levels. "Ecumenism exists not just on the level of the theologian," he said. "There must be the education of as people--to break down preju­ dice, to make them aware of the division, and to be ashamed of it.

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For information or' reservations:

Write to The Reverend Raymond. Pelletier, M.S. La Salette Shrine

.. Attleboro, Mass. Call: Attleboro, Mass. 222·5410 (Area Code 6In Ask for Father Pelletier

Volunteers Still Latin Amer~ca's Great Need·

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Mar. 12, 1964

WASIDNGTON (NC) La tin America's greatest single need is for more "able Christian leaders" from the

Bishop Connolly will preside at the capping ceremony f-or stu_ dent nurses at St. Anne's Hospi­ tal, Fall River, Thursday night, March 19, at 7:30 in the Hospital Chapel. Thirty-two members of the 37th freshman class will take their first important s t e p towards a nursing career. Bishop Connolly will bless the caps and celebrate Benedic­ tion of the Blessed Sacrament. The following girls from Fall River will be capped: Mary C. Alix, Barbara A. Barboza, Rita Chouinard, D ian e D'Amour, Patricia Faria. Also, Kathleen Ledo, Annette Levasseur, Charlotte Pelland, Jeanne St. Amand, Madeline Souza. From New Bedford, the fol­ lowing will receive their caps:

United States to help speed the Church's tremendous effort to create a better life for the poor and underprivileged there. Father John J. Considine, M.M., director of the Latin America Bureau, National Cath­ olic Welfare Conference, ex­ pressed this view in a talk at a conference at Dunbarton Col­ lege on "The Christian Challenge in Latin America." Father Considine cited the Papal Volunteers for Latin America program and asked delegates and guests attending the conference to enlist others in "this tremendous apostolate to help the Church help millions of persons in various Latin American areas." Achievements "The call," he said, "is for qualified volunteers from vari­ ous specialialized Catholic or­ ganizations of men and women disposed to' duplicate in Latin America some of the optimum achievements they have accom­ plished for the Church in the United States." Qualified lay persons are needed, he declared, as classroom teachers, educational counselors, press, radio, movie and tele­ vision technicians, English lan­ guage teachers, charities organi­

zers, doctors, nurses and social workers, and in economic and technical assistance projects, both urban and rural. U.S. Catholics, Father Consi­ dine said, are faced with this question: "Can we of the United States, inspired by the appeal of our popes and the agonies of , a sister Church below the Rio Grande, bring ourselves to sacri­ fice our great needs for the greater needs of millions in Latin America?"

Interfaith Retreat Held for Students DUBUQUE (NC) - Ap inter­ faith'retreat attracted 22 Catho­ lic and Methodist students from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to Our Lady of New Melleray monastery here in Iowa. The retreat was conducted by Father Shane Regan, O.C.S.O., of the monastery and Dr. Robert M. Healy, a profe~sor at the Uni­ versity of Dubuque Tlieological Seminary, a Presbyterian insti­ tution. Both Catholic and Protestant concepts and .traditions of the spiritual retreat were used, in­ cluding worship, silent medita­ tion and discussion.


'BANKING SERVICE for Bristol County


PLAN CHARITY BALL: Making preparations for annual Spring Charity Ball of St. Luke's Physicians' Guild of Boston are, from left, Dr. Raymond Dionne, Fall River Catholic Physicians' Guild vice-president; Mrs. Thomas Higgins, mother of Sister Maureen Thomas, M.D., Mary­ knoll nun who will receive proceeds of ball to aid her mission work; Dr. Francis J. D'Errico, Fall River Guild president; Dr. William Kennedy, St. Luke's Guild president.

Physicians Honor Fall River Nun Continued from Page One casion and will be presented with a check to aid her work by Cardinal Cushing in the course of the evening's program. The Cardinal has graciously dispensed those attending the Ball and precetting dinner from the usual Friday abstinence. Priests' Quarter Entertainment will include the famous Priests' Quartet of Bos­ ton, of which one member is the Cardinal himself. The group specializes in parodies of popu­ lar songs. Arrangements for the Ball are under the direction of Dr. Wil­ liam Eagan of the Boston Guild. Chairman of the Fall River area are Dr. Francis J. D'Errico and 'Dr:. Raymond A ..Dionne, presi­ dent and vice-president respec­ .tively of the Fall River Catho­ lic Physicians' Guild. Reserva­ tions should be made by Sun­ day, March. 15. Sister Maureen Thomas Sister Maureen Thomas was a laboratory technician at Union Hospital in Fall River before entering Maryknoll in 1949. She g r a d u ate from Georgetown University School of Medicine and interned and served a resi­ sidency in surgery at St. Eliza­ beth's Hospital, Boston. She went to Riberalta in 1960 and is the only American doctor at Maryknoll Hospital there, the only medical facility in the town of 10,000. "-I could probably say, with­ out too much exaggeration, that 9,500 of the 10,000 are patients," writes Sister. "The vast majority of people do not own a change of clothing.

The climate is tropical. There is no sanitation; no electricity. The houses consist of one room adobe brick or mud huts. Five to 10 persons sleep in this one room. The common diseases are amoebic dysentery, tuberculosis and anemia." God's Show "As you can imagine, it doesn1 take long down here to realize who is running the show. I re­ member an old' movie: 'God Is My Co-Pilot.' There is tangible evidence of it here every day. Please pray _ that these people will become closer to Christ be­ cause of me. It .is so easy to be­ come tired and impatient at times." The Boston ball will do much to help the people of Riberalta come closer to Christ, for pro­ ceeds will help construct a sorely-needed addition to Mary­ knoll Hospital, will give tangible proof to the pOOr of the Bolivian jungle that their North American brothers in Christ care what' happens to them.

TAKE TIME OUT For Personal Inventory ana Renewal

Make A Week-End " Retreat at the Holy Cross Fatherf Retreat House Rte. 13.8, No. Easton, Ma~ Men - Women - Coupl~ Tel. 238-6863 Write: Fr. Kelly, esc, Dir.

Sislers of NOTRE DAME de Namur Staff Bishop Stang High School

North Dartmouth

EDUCATORS: Elementary, Secondary, College

FOUNDATIONS: Italy, England, Scottand, Belgium, France and the United States HOUSES

OF FORMATION: Massachusetts, Maryland, Ohio, California


For information, write to


Member of Fecleral DepeMI

Jeffrey's Neck. Road, Ipswicll, Massachusetts


Lorraine Belanger, GaU Cha... bonneau, Jocelyn Demers, Pa­ tricia Gleason, Jeannette Leger., and Constance Loranger. Patricia A. Oister, Sandra Patnaude, and Marie Perry are from Fairhaven. Two residents of Tiverton, Catherine Bounakes and Mary Ann La tella, are among the group of 32 to be capped. Donna Murphy and Barbara Westgate are residents of TallA­ ton. Doris Hebert, No. Westport; Madelein James,' Mattapoisett; Vivian Kelly, Pawtucket; Bar­ bara McManus, Swansea; Patri­ cia Maucione, Westport. Eileen M. Metayer, Little Compton; Jeanne Peterson, Mai­ den; Lorraine Thibault, Clare­ mont, N. H.; Frances ZemtJo. Somerset.•

INDIA: REUNION II MALABAR I ~ NADUVIL is a villa&"e in Malabar in southern India. Recen~ , new mission parish was begun there to serve the needs of J2 families, some 150 persons. TheJ' had formerly been members of the laeobite Church w h i c h from tile sixteenth centul'J' has been sepU'o ated from Rome •. " These new par­ ishioners built a makeshift ohapel of bamboo and bamboo leaves to ea­ able their priest to celebrate Holy Mass. This was the best their POl'­ erty eould afford. The chapel Isn't of much nse when the Monsoo_ Hoi, PtllhM'I!tfissiDII AiJ blow. Nevertheless, their pastor has gone ahead, holding services. aclmin· lor Ih. 0";"'" Ch.,.,/) Istering the sacraments, hold~ catechism classes for the children. His Bishop has asked us to

help him. A modest yet solid chapel to withstand the rough

winds from the Indian Ocean will cost $3000 .•• Maybe some­

one would like to make a MEMORIAL CHAPEL there-a mb­

ute to some loved one ••• Your donation- of $1 or $5 or $10 can soon make this a realib'. India is rich in vocations. Here Is an opportunity to strengthen the Church there and make more real the spirit of union so sought bJ' Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Council. '





A. checker expert explained it to us. A person like himself defeats an amateur player because the latter only SE:es a few moves ahead. The expert, studying the whole board, sees as many as 40 moves ahead. He sets up traps for his amateur 0p­ ponent which soon bring trouble to him . . . Borrowing the image, we try to show the whole mission board. We tell many little bits of infonnation about the widespread field of 18 coun­ tries in the NE'ar arid Middle East where our work is done. For instance, the problem of vocations. f. You can educate a poor seminarian like JEAN KARCH, for $2 a week for six years-$600 in all. Then another priest is ready to devote a lifetime to the missions. What a joy to know that and to realize it is partly be- .. cause of you! Z. Similarly you can train a Sister-to-be like SR MARY LEONSY, for $3 a week for two years. You can pay in installments. She will always be your missionary do­ ing good. FOR THOSE who send a FOOD PACKAGE ICost: $10> to a PALESTINE REFUGEE FAMILY, we'll send an Olive Seed Rosary. made and blessed in the Holy Land. In these cold Winter dayS, a mother will be able to help feed her family for a month. A thoughtful EASTER GIFT, A MASS-or any other gift-in another's name, we'll send a lovely EASTER GIFT CARD men­ tioning your thoughtfulness.



Sounds like a TV sc~pt. We've been watching a neighborhood Lenten drama with absorbi~ interest. A you~ teen-age ladJ' is depOsiting her allowanee in her mission gift box at home but is often torn bJ' her doll's need for clotbes. Of eourse the box suffers at times • • • Still we think it's wonderfful she is re­ membering the missions. You can help too by joining one of our DOLLAR-A-MONTH clubs. They aid LEPERS, ORPHANS, HLP TO EDUCATE SEMlNARI'ANS AND SISTERS. Thei alae help build MISSION SCHOOLS and CHAPELS and FUR· NISH them. The SCHOOLS and CHAPELS range in cost from $%600 to $6000. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR PRIESTS WITH YOUR MA~ STIPENDS, OFTEN THEIR DAILY SUPPORT. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Enclosed please find






Ordinary to Cap 32 Nurses At St. Anne's on March 19

MISSIONARIES: Japan, Africa, South America

Bristol County

Trust Company



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4tO ...,........ Ave. at 46tIa St.

New York 17;". Y.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 12, 196.4

It Was with the affecti0l1ate words, "Fall River is my first born," that Pope St. Pius X greeted Bishop William Stang as the first Bishop of this newly-created Diocese made his official visit to the saintly pontiff. Today marks the sixtieth anniversary of the establish­ ment of this Diocese. A diocese.is many things. It is a geographical area, a, legal entity. It is a collection of parishes, a conglamoration o~ churches and schools and hospitals, of homes for the aged and the young and thEl exceptional. It is the many facilities and agencies and services that fulfill the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in a modern world. But it is far more than any and all of these. A diocese is a family, the family of God, making its way through and with and in Christ to the Father. Each person in the diocese is, as St. Peter writes, a_ living stone which God wills to build into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood. In the family of the diocese are many persons. There is the Bishop whom Christ has called to be His servant and the servant of the flock entrusted "to his care. As out­ lined in the Book of Ezechiel, his service is as a shepherd to feed' the sheep in most fruitful pastures, to seek out that which was lost and driven away, to bind up that which was broken, to strengthen that which was weak, to preserve that which was fat and strong. In the family of the diocese are the priests, hands of. the Bishop, fellow-servants with and under him in the work of building up the family of God. The sisteJ,'s, brothers, men and women of the diocese - all are fellow members with the Bishop and priests of what St. Peter calls, "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased .people." . And all have the work, as the first· Pope continues in his writing, to "proclaim the perfections of Him who has ealled you out of the darkness into· His marvelous light. You who in times past were not' a people, but are now the people of God." The family that is the Dioc~se of Fall River looks back in gratitude for God's guidance over the past sixty years and forward to being more fully "a temple holy in: the Lord ... a dwelling place foi God in the Spirit."



In a call delivered Sunday .oil the occasion of the fourth centenary of the end of the Council of Trent, Pope Paul remarked that the Catholic desire for a' dialogue with Protestants is more ;alive than ever, "imploring, patient, prayerful." '. In pointing out that Trent, called to meet the crisis of the Reformation, failed to heal the breach, the Pope said that Catholics "should not reproachfully recall pa~t errors but search for virtue, not wait for what has not happened in four centuries but go out in a brotherly way and seek unity." . These words of Pope Paul have been received 'as a sign that the Church's efforts to promote the unity of all Christendom are directed not only at the Orthpdox, with whom there is so very much in common, but with Prot­ estants as well. Here there is not so much in common­ but more than had been supposed up to just a few years ago. In this regard, Catholics might do well to recall the advice of· the late American. theologian and ecumenist, Jesuit Father Gustave Weigel. He urged Catholics to be fearless of the word "compromise" in trying to reach an understanding with non~Catholics. Explaining that Cath­ olics must stand firmly and unswervingly on matters of doctrine, Father Weigel nevertheless urged them not to be afraid to look for things on which Catholics and Protes­ tants agree. As he put it, whel~e it is a matter of man-to-man things, there is an area of compromise; where it is a matter of God-to-man, compromise is out and no Catholic is free to bargain nor - once he explains his position - is ex­ pected to bargain.

~~h'" . . ""NCHOR

~.l' . e··l-1l· . . . ...


Continued from Page One

The Family Birthday

Compromise - A

. JOOS Guardial




P~lished weekly by The Cath~iic P.~es~ the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highlcmd Avenue

I Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151


Most Rev. James L. Conn'olly, D.O., PhD.

GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. MANAGING EplTOR - . -, Hugh' 'J. Golde... .

Monsignor Childs Monsignor Childs, son of W~ ton L. Childs and the late Emma J. (McKenna) Childs, was bora in Centerville on Oct. 23, 189L He attended St. Anselm's Col­ lege, Manchester, and studied philosophy and theology at St. Mary's Seminary, Balti­ more, and at the Missioa House in Washington, and was ordained on May 18, 1918, in St. Mary's Cathedral by the late Most Rev. Daniel F. Feehan, second bishop of the Diocese. After serving as assistant at St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; Sacred Heart, Taunton and Sacred Heart, Fall River, he was named pastor of St. Peter'. . pighton, on Nov. 3, 1934. After four years he was appointed pas_ tor of St. Patrick's, Somerset, where he remained three years. In 1941 Monsignor Childs be­ 'came pastor at St. Louis, FaD 'Rfver and was transferred to Im­ maculate Conception, Fall River, on Feb. 14, "1956. Following the death of Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. Joseph . Sullivan, Bishop Connolly ap­ pointed the' new prelate pastor of Sacred Heart, Fall River 011 June 28, 1960. Monsignor Childs, chaplain of Fall River Council 86, Knights of Columbus, was appointed to the Matrimonial Tribunal of the By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University Diocese in 1941 and has served that board as Defender of ' - - - - - I on the Bond, as PromQter of .Justice TOnAY-Thursday, F 0 u r t h power * * * and cooperate in His and now. acts as a Pro-Synodal Week in Lent. Even more basic saving work. We see our priest­ Judge. He is also chaplain of than sight is life itself. Eliseus,' hood particuiarly in our wor­ the Daughters. of Isabella. the prophet of God, breathed the ship, where His sacrifice is our Monsignor Cournoyer breath of life into the dead boy. sacramental offering to the Monsignor Cournoyer is. the Father. But it extends beyond son of late· Paul and Marie The Christ of God, in His In­ * * * to the whole of the race and Louise Cournoyer. Born Sept. carnation, takes to Himself the body of the human race, "mouth all created things. We are the 3, 1894 in Webster, he attended to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to priests of creation, to christian­ Assumption College, Worcester; hands," (First Reading), an~ ize, to spiritualize everything. .- St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore breathes into us all the breath MONDAY IN PASSION and completed his studies for of His divine life, raising us WEEK. How can our priesthood the priesthood at Sulpician from the death. of sili and hope­ be real and effective unless we Seminary, Washington. lessness (Gospel). Ordained by Bishop FeehaB share ·the· passion, the suffering. TOMORROW-Friday, Fourth of the Lord? The corporate pen_ . in the Cathedral. on May. 25,_ ance and self-denial ot Lent is 1922, he was assigned as assistant Week hi Lent: Lent as.a re-liv­ such a shaJ;i~g-'-an entering intO at Our Lady of Lourdes, Well­ ing of our baptismal experience the full meaning of the disorder . fleet, In-September 1922, he wa. of passage from death to life is which sin has introduced' ipto named assistant at Notre Dame, again the message of today's Fall River. He served as assistant the very heart of creation. . Mass. The widow's son in the In penance and self-denial we at Sacred Heart, North Attle­ First Reading .and Lazarus in experience t~e restless seeking boro, from 1923 until Oct. 1, 1925 the Gospel are simply figures which lesser satisfactions can when he returned to Notre of us all. Sin and ignorance and obscure but never hide. And we Dame. He was administrator of disbelief are all allied with the parish from.Feb. 4, 1939 until death. To become disciples of approach the mastery so nec­ essary for priestly mediation. . his appointment as pastor of St. Jesus is to ally ourselves with Michael, Ocean Grove, on AprJl Life against death. T U E S DAY IN PASSION 23, 1945. Monsignor nolan SATURDAY-Fourth Week in WEEK. Jesus' trust in His Father is no surprise, but Dan­ Monsignor Dolan' is the SOil Lent. "Theirs is a merciful shep_ iel's utter con#dence in the of the late Martin and the late herd, that will lead them to welling fountains and given midst of bizarre circumstances Honora (Campion) Dolan and (First Reading) is a shocker. brother of Rt. Rev. Msgr. ,James them drink" (First Reading). Trust is an essential quality of Dolan, pastor of St. Mary's, As we prepare for Easter bap­ mediation and of priesthood. Taunton. Born Jan. 2, 1882 ill tisms and the renewal of our The Offertory Hymn today' Taunton he studied at St. baptismal pro:nises, today's En­ has the same theme of trust as Laurent College and St. Mary" trance and Communion Hymns the Entrance Hymn: "Lord, to Seminary, Baltimore. He was OJ'­ praise Christ's action in .this know you is' to trust you; for dalned May 26, 1921 by Bishop sacrament.' . ­ never have you forsaken your Feehan in St. Mary's Cathedral. ."He will possess the light suppliants." And Jesus' calm After assignments as assistant _which is life," Jesus says of the control (Gospel) is in .sharp at Sacred Heart, Oak BluffS; baptized in the Gospel. It is the contrast to the lack of faith of Sacred Heart, Holy Name and St. , power of these life-giving "his brethren." Patrick's Fall River, Monsignor waters which Lent exists to re­ Dolan was appointed administra­ WEDNESDAY IN PASSION vive, to make effective, to re­ WEEK. The' accent today is tor of St.· Peter's, Digliton OIl 'move anything-that hinders. again on the divinity of Christ. Dec. 8, 1940. He was named pas­ tor of St. Joseph's, Nortll FIR S T SUNDAY OF THE His unique work of priestly me­ PASSION. The reform of Cath­ diation can be understood only Dighton; . rn' 195i and became pastor of Holy Family, East olic public worship, in which the in terms of the Gospel declara­ Church is presently engaged, tions: "My 'Father and I are Taunton on Oct. 29, 1954. The new d'omestic prelate was should make us all more con­ one;" "* * * the Father is in me guest of honor at a testimonial scious of our ·character as a and I in him." in Taunton on' Jan. 8, 1962, priestly people. Weare made This is the Faith that sees the marking his 80th birthday and active ministers, priests, medi­ redemptive character of the ators of mankind's salvation events we shall soon celebrate. 40 years in the priesthood. Monsignor Furtado through the seal of our baptism­ And the First Reading teaches -Monsignor Furtado, son of the confirmation. of the 'law of life, to Which con­ late Antonio S. and Maria E. This is no challenge to the verts will submit in their bap­ Leal Furtado, was born May 5, unique priesthood of Jesus tism. 1892 at Castillo Branco, Faya~ Christ, but rather its fullness. Azores. Following studies at the Jesus is the priest. If this were Seminary of Angra, he was or­ Baptist Missioners not clear in today's First Read­ ing, it is evident in the Gospel's WASHINGTON (NC)-Seven dained June 7, 1917 by Most affrmation of His divinity. missionaries of the Southern Rev. Manuel Damasceno da There is one prest, one media­ Baptist Convention are students Costa in the Cathedral of Angra. He served on the seminal'7 tor, because there is only one at Georgetown University's in­

God-man. stitute of languages and linguis.. faculty for three years and came But' He became like us that . tics, taking a course to give .to the - Fall River Diocese in '!Ie might be like Him. H,e cam.e .the~ aurasp of colloquial Ara­ September 1921. He served :1# TuriJ.··~:Pale 'Twelve '. . that we mi~ht have life *. * and biC.



C'fhnouCJh the Wedt With the Chunch


~ol1'le,work, FiJ",s, Examinations Among T~pics Being Discussed

At Diocesan High Schools Students throughout the Diocese are busy with many activities at this time of year. College bound juniors from aU the high schools will be taking the National Merit Scho­ larship examination Saturday, March 14. The girls at Sacred Hearts Academy in civil rights. Both talks were Fall River say they have followed by discussion periods. barely recovered from the Teachers' Club CEEB Scholastic Aptitude . From Feehan we note that Test which was given last Satur­ a Future Teachers' Club meeting day. Also from SHA comes the was held. A specially planned announcement that a new system program, opened by President of staggered homework has been Dianne Tarally, consisted of instituted. The girls like the talks .on colleges in Maine, Mas­ system, since it prohibits home­ sachusetts and Rhode Island work in particular subjects on which offer teacher training. eartain nights. It gives time to Speakers were Paula Sharon, work on long range projects is Sheila Brennan and Karen Pres­ the comment made most often. ton. Questionnaires concerning ­ Science classes at Holy Family teaching as a profession were High in New Bedford are busy filled out by members of the watching movies these days. club. However, they do pertain to the Poster Contest subject of science. Today the stu­ From Mount St. Mary's Aca­ dents viewed "Thread of Life," demy comes the report that Sis­ LEADERS ARE READERS: New library facUities at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fan the story of genetics, and on ter Mary Benita, R.S.M. year­ Monday, March 16 they will see _ book moderator, has made two River, attract school leaders, including, from left, Mary Beth Furze, school paper editor; MMusic in Motion," a study of appointments to next year's Margaret Donnelly, sodality prefect; Connie O'Brien, service aide president; Kathleen how scientists analyze sound. staff. Sharyn. Poirier will be This column regrets having business editor of the 1965 Rapoml (at dictionary), captain of school; Susan Johnson, yearbook editor; Marybeth Donovan, Seventeeners president. enrolled our Holy Family re­ Mercycrest and Nancy C. .Jack­ porter, Beatrice Abraham, at son will be assistant business Immaculate College. Kathy Is ric Bartek. For both boys and Stonehill College. We're sure editor. squad leader for the St. Agnes girls, a Feehan Bowling League Stonehill would be glad to have Also at the Mount a vocations has been formed. The first prac­ her, but she is reveiving a full poster contest is in .full swing, team. Meanwhile, from the Mount tic lesson for the bowling en­ tuition scholarship, not from since March is vocation month. Stonehill, as stated, but from All students are eligible, and the comes the announcement that thusiasts was held yesterday at the North Bowl. Salve Regina College in New­ theme is vocations to the Florence Lemaire, a senior, has Members of the girls' basket-· been awarded a $500 scholarship port. t6 married, single or religious to Rivier College in Nashua, ball team held a special meeting state. Vocation Day this week to plan a Spring and N.H. Florence has been a high­ NEW BEDFORD

Dramatic Club On Wednesday,' March 18 Seniors at Stang High are est honor student for four years Summer program of action. The Mount St. Mary's Academy in girls have decided to have a making plans for upcoming and is vice-president of the stu­ Fall River will sponsor a voca­ INDUSTRIAL OILS

meeting every week in order to events such as the senior prom dent council. tion day. The program will in­ perfect their knowledge of the and class night. They are also elude a panel discussion with Sacred Hearts Academy in \iEATING OILS

hard at work making plans for Fairhaven reports that Susan rules of the game and to learn postulants and novices partici­ some of the new plays. pating. The girls will attend the memory book. Santos has been accepted at St. TIMKEN

Meanwhile most of Stang's Anne's School of Nursing and Mass and afterward will have La\in students are also hard Interviews with the panelists. Mary Elizabeth LaRoche has re­ OIL BURNERS

at work conjugating verbs and ceived word that she has been New Automobile 'Students at Sacred Hearts polishing up their Latin gener­ accepted at Salve Regina Col­ & Service

Academy in Fairhaven are busy ally in preparation for the up­ lege. Helen Aubertine Brough

coming Auxilium Latinum exa-. ~llecting trading stamps.- Their SHA is still rejoicing over the Brian J. Aubertine

aim is to collect enough to buy mination to be administered 501 COUNTY STREET

triumph of Helen LeCompte, a William H. Aubertine

the Sisters a· new automobile. Wednesday, March 18. junior at the Academy. Helene And the Stang Dramatic Club NEW BEDFORD

The Sacred Hearts Alumnae A5­ Spacious Parking Area 8Ociation is sponsoring the drive. has been preparing for one of is a ·member of the Fall River the area's first passion plays. Ski Club and as a member com­ WY 2-2957 WY 3-1751

Band Concert peted and won a girls' slalom 129 Allen St New Bedford Yesterday Bishop Stang High Entitled "Maria," it will be pre­ race. 1ft North Dartmouth played host sented to -the students on Thurs­ And at Feehan the Spring to the neighboring Dartmouth day, March 19. It will Dot be sports program for the boys has High School band. This was the open to the public. And on Sunday, March 15 started. The varsity baseball second annual exchange concert between the two schools. The junior and senior girls from Holy team, under the direction of Family High will attend a Holy Mr. Harold Hanewich, has be­ entire student body looks for­ gun Spring training on the ward to them. Bishop Stang will Hour at Mount St. Rita's con­ school grounds. Mr. Joseph vent, the Sisters of Mercy Novi­ return the visit by giving a per­ Hughes will coach the freshman :Iormance for Dartmouth High tiate. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ATTLEBORO

team, members of Greater At­ Many Scholarships students on Thursday, March 19. tleboro Lea g u e. Lallt year Scholarships and acceptances At the regular student council 4% on all Savings Accounts

meeting today, the Stang Band at various colleges are very Feehan's freshmen copped the presented their concert to the ·much in the news at many of league title. This year the fresh­ our Diacesan High schools. From men are out to repeat the per­ .tudent body. SHA in Fall River we learn that formance. Next week, the. track 1% Extra on Systematic Bonus Savings

lFK Anthology Kathleen Seguin, a senior, has team will begin its practice un­ Three seniors from Saint An­ thony's High in New Bedford been awarded a scholarship to der the guidance· of Mr. Fredehave had poems accepted for the JFK Anthology of High School Poetry. ON CAPE COD , . The Prevost High science fair I{FI~~E Is being held today at Jesus-Mary FALL RIVER Academy. It began yesterday at 3:30 and will continue all day THE STORY OF A YOUNG AM ERICAN AND today. This fair is held prior to the annual Fall River regional lUS RiSE TO PRiNCE OF THE CHURCH. ~ience fair which will be held Dext month. All schools in the area are expected to participate. Latin Exam On Wednesday, March 18 stu­ AMPLE PARKING dents at Holy Family High who have taken four years of Latin will participate in the annual Association for the Promotion of the Study of. Latin Examina­ tion. Civil Rights The current topics of conver­ sation and discussion at Sacred Hearts Academy are Vatican IT AND and Civil Rights. The discu5­ sions stem from talks given them by Msgr. Humberto Medeiros and Rev. Edmund T. Delaney. e. GENeRAL TIRES. e DELCO BATTERIES Msgr. Medeiros, former. SHA e PERFECT' CIRCLE RINGS

chaplain ,talked to ine girls about the work of the Council and 3 Shows Daily-l :00, 4:00, 8:00 FAll RIVER - . ~EW 'lEDfoRD - HYANNIS':" NEWPORT

Father Delane7 8pOke about




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First Federal SavinJrs



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12,1964 . a Old 'Pifcher Shows Youngste~s THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. :" ' . . . .

Woman Physician

Recerves .Medal ARLINGTON (NC)-Dr.

How to Aim at Target By Mary Tinley Daly It was one of those late Winter, heavy snowstorms with an accumulation of four inches by morning, large sticky flakes still descendiing. Traffic tied up in a hopeless snarl, word issued from radio that schools would be closed for the day. Such glad tidings i want to see you guys had always been met with do"No, it." whoops of joy at our house One by one, they tried and and immediate preparation failed. No one could hit the tree.

to take to the slopes. This had undoubtedly been the reaction in other house­ holds today for the kids were out in full force. After a neces­ Sary trip to the grocery store, I was plough­ ing through the drifts, trying to follow in the widely spaced footsteps of an elderly gentle­ men on his way home fl'C~m Mass. Coat collar turned UP. hands in pockets, head' bent against the wind, the elderly . gentleman did '. not notice a bunch of boys waiting for hIm at the top of the hill, waiting with snowballs. "Oh, don't, boys!" 'I called. But against a wind like that, aJrld a gang like that, the warning was useless. A barrage of snow­ balls flew through the air only one grazing the man's overcoated shoulder. The old timer stood ere,ct, faced the wouldbe tormentCl.rs and laughed. "Not a ballplayer among you," he called, as his outstretchled arm swept the gang. "All six of you aiming at a target as big as me, and no'body made a hit? You ought to be ashamed of your. selves." The leader spoke up defen­ sively: "We're all ball playelrs, everyone of us." "But mighty poor throwers," their six-foot target answert:d. "What position do you play?" "And you, boy, what do y~)U play?" he asked another. "Second base." "First base." After getting all the answelrs, the old-timer said, "Heaven help your team. Not a pitcher here. Had there been, he would have hit me. I know, because I was a pitcher." , "You were?" came the admir. ing chorus, almost in unison. "Yep. Come over here and I'll ~. show you how to throw."

Here's How The old pitcher stoopE:d, 'scooped up two handsful of snow, packed it into a sound . sphere , shaping and pressing it with gloved fingers and palms into the size of a baseball. He stood"before them as if he were , in the pitcheris'box at'a baseball , park took careful, aim at a t:ree : across the street, wmmd up,:let , go and hit-smackin the midcl:le . '. of the tree trunk.' , . '. '''Thatrs the .way to :do it," ltle flicked the snow from :his hands. l "Do it again," one of the bo,. ~said.'·






Read Street-Fall River

6-8 P.M.


Holy Name Women's Guihl

"Know why you miss?" the, old'man asked them. . "No, sir," the leader said politely. "Why?" "You don't look where you're aiming, you're just haphazard." "What do you mean, not look where we aim?" "You've got to keep your eyes on the tree. That's the first rule, simple as that." Each boy tried again. After a few more misses, each hit the tree. "O.K.," the old man said. "Now you're getting somewhere. From now on when you snow_ ball a man, imagine he's stand­ ing at the plate, aim somewhere between his shoulders and his knees-so you won't knock his hat off-and keep your eyes on him." ''Thank you, sir," the leader said. "But I don't think we'll be snowballing people." As the elderly pitcher resUmed his walk with me still following in the trail he was breaking, the boys were joined by another bunch, everybody aiming at the tree across the street. "You're doing it all wrong," we heard one of the newly­ instructed yell. "You gotta keep your eye on the tree!" This incident came to mind as we read of the President's recent appontment of Stan Musial, former St. Louis Cardinal base­ .ball star, to head the Nation's Physical Fitness Program. "Stan The Man" who pledges himself to "put all my efforts be. hind the job" and the elderly former pitcher have much in eommon.

RARE HONOR FOR NUN: Sister M. Austin Jung, right, of the Medical Mission Sisters, receives congTJltula­ tions on receiving news of successfully completing surgical board examinations qualifying her as a diplomate of the American Board of Surgery. NO Photo.

Attains Unusual Honor Medical Mission Sister Austin Qualifies As Board of Surgery Diplomate PHILADELPHIA ( N C) ­ Sister M. Austin Jung of the Medical Mission Sisters here successfully completed surgical examinations qualifying her liS a diplomate of the American Board of Surgery - a distinc­ tion attained by few nUns. A medical degree plus five years of internship-residency is required for the board exami­ nations in general surgery. Sister M. Austin attended Cin­ cinnati and Florida universities before joining the Medical Mis­ sion Sisters. She made her medi­ cal studies at Woman's Medical College here, interned at Phila;' delphia General Hospital for a year and did a four-year sur­ gical residency at Misericordia Hospital here.

What About You?

Annual Meeting


• •. A Franciscan Sister!


GIVING YOURSELF to a life com­ pletelv dedicated to the salvation of souls' .. through prayer, work. sac­ rifice and joy ... by using your tal­ ents as a Nurse, laboratory and X-Ray Technician, Secretary, Accountant, DI­ etitian, Seamstress, Cook, as well as in other hospital departments and in a new extension' of our work in Cate­ chetical and Social service FIelds.

Telephone LoweR

458-6333 and 457-7500 Auxiliary Plants BOSTON OCEANPORT, N. J. PAWTUCKET,'R. L





THOMAS F. MONAGHAN JR. l-reasurer·

Complete Line

Building Material.




OSborne 5-7856






SHA Alumnae Alumnae of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will vote on a slate of new officers at a meeting at 7:45 Wednesday night, March 18 at the Prospect. Street auditorium of the acad­ emy. Following the meeting, a physical fitness demonstratioD will be given by alumnae who have completed a 10 week course. In charge of the program are Mrs. Mary Gagnon and Mrs. Mary Sullivan.

WYman 3-2611

Annual convention of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Cath­ olic Women will be held Satur­ day, May 9 at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton.

Main Office and Plant LOWELL, MASS.·

SiSter M. Austin left here a week ago for Karachi, West Pakintan, where she joined the staff of the Medical Mission Sill!; ters' Holy Family 200-bed gen­ eral hospital. The American Province of Medical Mission Sisters, with headquarters here, includes 35 physicians, $erving in hospitals in Ghana, Uganda, East and West Pakistan, India and Viet­ nam.


garet M. Glendy, a Catholic phy­ sician from Roanoke, Va., haS received Marymount College of Virginia's 1964 Christian Excel­ lence Medal. Dr~ Glendy, wife Of Roanoke cardiologist Dr. R. Earle Glendy., anci mother of three children, III the fourth person to be honored with the ,award. In conferring the aware! Mother M. Majella Berg; presi­ dent of the two-year school ffW women, said: "The medal hi awarded to one who symbolizes principles' of Christian excel­ lence to an extraordinary degree. In view of her fearless zeal for souls, her personal integrity and dedication to duty as a home­ maker, a mother, and a profes­ sional woman,' we believe that Dr. Glendy p.rovides . inspira­ tion and example worthy of iJni,. tation."

the life of a DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL. love God more, and give to souls knowledge and love of God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the Press, Radio, Motion Pictures and TV, to bring His Word to souls everywhere. Zealous young girls 14-23 years interested in this unique Apostolate may write to: REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOR





There Is No- Greater Charity' (Write-giving your Ige-to VocatlOll Director, 7117-3oth Street, Rock laland. Illlnoli. f«further details 01 tills IlaPPY life.)

CARMELITE SISTERS for the aged and infir....

Let YOUR Hands

be the Hands of Christ

In caring for His Aged and Infirm

for information write to: VOCATION DIRECTOR ST. TERESA'S MOTHI:RHOUSE Avila on the Hudson Germantown, . New York or visit Catholic Memorial Home, 2446 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass.


.to the' Apostolate of leaching througheut the world For Purther Info.matfon Address




"Extend' 'Food:"ror I

Peace Program

. W:A S II N G TON (N'C) . program, spokesmen for volun­ ~pokesmen for mlU17 o~ the tary agencies .said it has paid - ec)tintry's \roluntarr.over:seN ~- dividends to the U. S. in ~e aef 'agencies have caned 'on ,form of good will and to reclp. eongress to extend, update and ient countries in the form of eJ[pand the U. S. Food for Peace improved nutrition and com­ PrograD,1~' munity development. First enacted in 1954, the cur­ Two 8ectiOll . ~n~ Food for' Peace legislation But they also urged changes expires Dee. 31. In 10 years the i til ......... in order-in the program has sent more than $20 n e pro~~~ Car billi worth of surplus agricul­ words of Msgr. John F. ¥c ­ on thy, assistant executive director lural products overseas and of Catholic Relief Servicelr-Na. aided millions of needy persons tonal Catholic Welfare Confer­ Cbroughout the world. enee-''to realize the objectives In testimony before a House of the investment in human be­ egricultur~subcommi~teeweigh­ ings" which lies at the Jreart of 'Ing extension and revision of the Food for Peace. . The Food for Peace legisla. ,Stations Memorializ~, tion, Public Law 480, has two major sections. Under Title I, Victims of Nazis.

u. S. surplus farm products are exchanged for foreign~ curren­ , ,ALTOETTING (Ne) .....; Out­ cies. Under Title II, U.S. surplus door, lifesize Stations of the is donated to foreign countries. Cross are being erected this. year 'The law directs the President, tnthis German Marian pilgrim­ in administering Title II, to age center in memory of seven "make use of the facilities of local citizens who were executed wluntary relief agencies to the by the nazis shortly before the lMTival of U. S. troops in 1945. . extent practicable." One of the victims being comSchool Lunch Pro&Tams Illemorated js Msgr. Adalbert Catholic Relief Services, the Vogl, then administrator of the country's i a r g est voluntary' pilgrims' chapel here. overseas relief agency, has since The figures for the Way of the 1954 distributed 10.3 billion &oss being made by Munich pounds of U. S. surplus food IC\ilptor Rudo GoescheL . ' abroad under the program. ' Last year CRS-NCWC aided mOre than 7.5 million children NCCW Director Speaker in foreign countries in school lUnch programs and 17 million At Commencement persons through family-feeding SPOKANE (NC) - Margaret distributions of U. S. surplus. Mealey of Washington, D. C., ex­ Currently the agency distributes ecutive director of the National ,about 1.5 billion pounds of Council of Catholic Women, will American surplus commodities be the speaker at the May 23 overseas each year. eommencement exercises of Fort Presenting these figures to the Wright College, conducted by House subcommittee, Msgr. Mc. the Sisters of the Hol7 Names Carthy said that through its par_ here in Washington. ticipation in Food tor Peace, Miss Mealey is an alumna Qf . Catholic Relief Services "not the College of Holy Names,. Oak. only carries aut its 'religious re­ land, Calif., also conducted bt' ,IpOpSibility, but'" also ilervea the sisterhood. our country."



Cothol'ic ' Art NEW YORK (NC)-eatholle

art in the United States is "pale and saccharine," according to Sister Marie de Montfort, art instructor at Marymount eol.­

BISHOP'S NIGHT: Fall River Catholic Woman.'s Club welcomes Bishop Connolly to annual Bishop's Night. From left, Rev. John E. Boyd, moderator; Mrs. Thomas F. Burke, vice-president; the Bishop; MrS. Anthony J. Geary, presi­ dent.

Seek Safe foundation For Rhythm Method EVANSTON (NC) -

After a

year's work a four-man reJ!!arch team at St. Francis Hospitarhere still is seeking that "sufficiently secure foundation" for the rhy­ thm method of limiting births. Edward Bermes, Jr.. only non-M.D. on the team, serving as group $POkesman, said:. ''No re~ble method of predicting the time of ovulation exists to­ da7." He added quickly that the four "have no answers Yet" and that any system of dating ovula­ tion which they might devise "may not ever become practi­ cal." Bermes, director of bioche­ mistry at the hospital, is w9rking on the projec.J,. with Drs. Bart Heffernan, internal medicine specialist; John Isaacs, direct1)r of obstetrics, and Gleb Nedzel, director of pathology, of the hos­ pital staff. .

lege, Tarrytown, N. Y. :Sister de Montfort directed the National Christmas Art Compe­ tition of the Catholic Fine Arts Society. She announced that the three first-place winners are Tomie de Paola of ~ew York City, Nancy Gorman, a junior at Marymount, 'and Patricia Lull. 'han, a student at Mundelein Col­ lege, Chicago. Sister De Montfort saId the

competition was held ''to stimu..

late bold and original work and

diSpel the attitude that art deal.

ing with religious themes had

to. be pale, effeminate and .en­


Serve It •

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during Lent .


, t

it's good!





• You'D find that heat fa quiet. (No moving parts In the heat­ ing cycle, which meaD81ees maintAnauce, toO~)'Gas heat'is clean -nothing burns dean8r than a gas &me. Gas heat is deperulahle, piped right into your home, alWayI there when you Deed it. Gas heat iI conomic:aI-provt&. ~" eomfort at low. COIL No WODder mont thaD a out of 10 .... Jaoaa.


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Fall River


155 'North Main 51.

relephone OSborne 5-7811






1lfE ANCHOR­ Thurs., March 12, 1964

Relief Agenc'ies, Urge, Cong1"~ss",,:.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 12, 1964

Your CRS C:ontri bution Multiplies Nlany Times NEW YORK (NC) - Did you ever wonder where your contribution goes after you put it into last Sunday's col­ lection basket for Catholic Relief Services? It goes to your pastor, as you know; and then to the chancery office, and finally to the CRS bank ac·· eount. But what happen8 then? One point to stress i8 that you give much morEl than you even remotely realize. Your $5 bill or check in thE!. basket last Sunday is multiplied! more than 30 times under thE!

expert,. careful handlin.gof CRS .

'officials, with very Impor~nt help from the UnitedStat~11

Government. How. does thll;

happen? ',; Distribution 'Catholic Relief Services_N~·· tional Catholic Welfare Cpn·' :terence has authorization, ,anpl . in fact is invited by .the l!'f;" government, to distribu~e U.S.. surplus food and other prod~ctll in the name of the American, people. The food is given to, thE! Jleedy people; the U.S. govern-· ment pays ocean freight to, II. port in the designated country.. Then it is up to CRS-NCWC tel, get the food to the areas WherE! it is needed most.' . CRS tries to get the recipient government to pay the inland. freight costs - but it has· paid. these itself, when the', govern_, ment was unable to do so. At the' area where the food is needed" CRS arranges for its distribution through local charitable organi_ . :zations - and, it is emphasizeq, 'without regard to race, creed or ,eolor. CRS officials point ou,t. 'that one of their largest relief programs is in Morocco. Morocco ,is probably 3 per cent Christian _ and a'lesser percentage Cath­ Cllie. Other Agencies In this connection eRS works with other agencies and helps many kinds of non-Catholic in­ stitutions. In many countries CRS is the only agency dis­ tributing U.S. surplus food. Tltere are '130 Americans on the CRS staff overseas. They work with social workers and Catholic charitable organizations in the various countries so that CRS administrative expenses are only 2 per cent, which they consider "almost fantastic." They attain this very low percentage by working through local or­ ganizations wherever possible ­ and where there are none, such as in underdeveloped areas, en­ couraging their formation.

Catholic Stud~nts Adopt Rights Pledge LANSING (NC)-Students at Gabriels High School here in Michigan have adopted a civil rights pledge. The four-point affirmation states: : That as leaders of tomorrow' we must act upon the problems of today; that our nation will never be able to lead the world into' a peacefiIl, democratic so­ ciety until each man in actuality has his God-given rights; that certain people in this state are being deprived of these rights;: that we can no longer ignore this problem of racial discrimi­ nation because of the moral flaw which is allowed to exist in our society and the immediate danger with which we are faced.'"


IOUTE 6, HUnLESON' AYE. : Near Fairhaven Drive·ln : Italian Dinners Our Specialty : Serviee On Patte

Removes Steady

Dating Problem .JERSEY CITY (NC) - If a success is any· criterion, then a' priest here has learned how to stop steady dating' by high s~hQolers.~He simply out. lawed it. Father James A. Carey, St. Michael's pastor, reported there are no "steady daters" among the 600 students at the parish operated high school. He said: "The law is there and they un. derstand it." ,. Father Carey gained national attention a year ago when he in­ stituted the ban. Six students were, expelled when they re,­ fused to abide by the edict. Parents Thankful More tha,n 3,000 letters poUred into Father CareY during the fir st· months. He detailed: "Ninety-eight per cent of them were in favor, with just a- few crank ones from teen-agers."'· , He said he had received no complaints fr~m parents, most of whom "are most thankful" for the new policy. He noted that a poll of parents by a na­ tional magazine had revealed that 96, per cent of them were opposeiito steady dating. y~ar's

SAN ANTONIO (NC) '..,... Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio has assailed Catholic critics "who would place social doctrine outside the scope of the Church!" He spoke at the 16th annual convention of the San Antonio Archdiocesan Council of Cath~ lie Men here. "Some think social doctrine is outside the scope of the Church," the Arc h b ish 0 p declared. "Nothing can be further from the truth." POPE AND ATTLEBORO DOMINICAN: Pope Paul VI Noting "the social teachings and Father Thomas H. McBrien, O.P., of New York, Na­ ,of the Church are nothing new,· tional Moderator of the St. Thomas, Aquinas ,Foundation of the Archbishop said that "76 years to the day before Pope' the Dominican li'athers of the United States and a native of . ,John issued Mater et Magistra, Attleboro are pictured discussing plans for accelerating the : Pope Leo XIII spearheaded the completion and publication of the Leonine Edition - a, drive for a just wage." critical edition of all the works of St. Thomas Aquinas.,Ne Disgrace to Church . "Christian social doctrine IB Photo. an integral part of Christian life," he continued. "Those persecuting colored folks in Lou­ isiana are not really Christians." The parish will present its any member of the cast or ."Some Catholics have been a 54th Variety Show at 2 and 8 committee, or following Masses pisgrace to .the Church in race on Sunday. ' Sunda1 ~fternoon and evening, r~lations," he charged. Mardi 15 in South Attleboro The cast will be guests of Rev. , , Archbishop Lucey also chided Junior High School, Brown Cornelius J. Keliher, pastor, at­ tl).e state Legislature for inac. Avenue, South Attleboro. a luncheon' served in the parish tion on social matters. But he A free bus will leave Locust hall between performances by . added: '''We put that terrible Street, Attleboro at 1:30 to bring members of the Wom~n's Guild. Legislature in Austin." patrons 'to the afternoon per­ formance and return, following the show. The bus will be routed STORE: HOURS by South' Main Street, Central Ave~ue to Benefit, turning right Monday. Tuesday 9 'A.M..• 5:30 P.M.' at Broadway and travelling . north on Route One to Brown Street. . " , Wednesday" Thursci~y,'Friday, Saturday 'A chorus of over 75 voices will 8:30 A.M... 6:30 P.M. participate and ma~y performers will be Presented who have ap':' peared on TV talent shows. Spe­ cialties will include tap and bal': let dllnces, as well as instrumen':' U~ION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN ­ tal and vocal acts. Tickets may be obtained from

Sh Seekonk Pa'rish ,s 54t h V· arletyow'


Sea Foods



Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary 'and of Perpetual Adoration of the' Most I!lessed Sacrament of the Altar

AMeRICAN PROVINCE Priests Brothers Perpetual Adorers Perpetual, Adorers Foreign Missionaries Foreign Missionaries Teachers Cooks - Carpenters Parish Priests.. Builders· Gardners Preachers. - Missions, Printers Retreats, Enthronements Clerical Assistants Chaplains Diocesan Schools Bishop Arnat High, LaPuente, Calif. Pomona Catholic Boys' High, Calif. Japan,ese Mission Sta'tions in: Ibaraki Prefecture Yamagata Prefecture As a member of this Congregation you will wa Ik in the footsteps of the modern day opostles­ FATHER DAMIEN, ss. cc., of Molokai, and FATHER MATEO, ss. cc., founder of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Crusade.


Thus the American CRS staff

members supervise much of the

work, and insure proper distri­

bution .o~ . ~oo~s. One of their

responslblh.hes IS to see that sur­

plus food IS not sold and does

not get onto the black market.

Soei'al Doctrine Within Scope Of Church'



Provincial Houses of Study Queen of Peace Mission Seminary, Jaffrey Center, New' Hampshire Sacred Hearts Novitiate, Wareham, Mass.

Father Domien Seminary, Winona, Minn. Sacred Hearts Seminary, Washington, D.C.

Write to: Diredor of Vocations, 1 Matn Street, Fairhaven, Mass.

THE ANCHORThurs., March 12, 1964

Council Group Prepares

Bolder Ecumenism Draft


11 .

Charges Laymen Hamper Church's Justice Efforts

VATICAN CITY (NC) -Council Fathers and experts of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, closeted in a retreat house south of Rome for two weeks, have re~ written the Vatican Council's proposed schema on ecu­ MINNEAPOLIS (NC) menism, including its state' The white layman is ham­ ments on religious liberty during the council. Others were pering the res p 0 n s e of and Jewish-Christian rela- made in writing. Cardinal Bea presided at the churches to the American tions. The new draft, re- meeting (Feb. 24-March 7) at Negro's demand for racial jus­ shaped along lines that emerged the retreat house in Ariccia, on tice the Minnesota Conference during debates at the council's L'ake 'Albano. For discussion on Religion and Race was told second session last Fall, will be purposes, participants broke up here. sent to bishops throughout the into smaller groups of about a ,Speaking before some 1,000 world. It is expected that it will dozen bishops and' "periti" ­ registered delegates-two-thirds be considered and voted on experts: Results of such smaller of them lay people - Mathew during this Fall's third council meetings were then brought be­ Ahmann, executive director of ,session. fore a general' meeting of all the National Catholic Confet_ All five chapters of the schema participants. ' ence for Interracial Justice, Chi_ 'were rewritten, including 'the ' Father Stransky said that "be­ cago, decried "the toleration of final two on religious liberty and cause we were shut up together racism within our religious the Jews which were not put in a retreat house, getting to communities." forward for full debate last' Fall. kilOW one another informally at , Despite steps by some' nation'al Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., table and recreation, we were church. bodies, "there are stiU president of the Vatican unity able 'to do in two weeks what few signs of voluntary efforts seeretariat, at that time' urged 'would have taken a month under by that portion of the religious the council Fathers to send in " other conditions!' written comments on these two Periti of the unity secretariat; VOCATION MONTH:: Lay' Brothers serve their population of our cIties which are white to secure extensive de. "­ chapters. Both were rewritten along with sonie periti of the . religious communities in many capacities, often in the back­ segregation or meet the legiti. in light of these 'comments. council's Theological Commis-, ground but of immense ,help, to the busy missionary priest. mate grievances of the Neg~. There were about 300 type- sion for Eastern Churches, pre­ • ' written pages of comment on pared for this t'wo-week meeting , Here at a mission post overseas, 'a U.S" priest and a U:S'. community." the chapter on religious liberty at a three-week meeting of their Brother discuss the need and· distribution of medicines, Make or Break alone, it was reported. ,own beforehand. ' made possible through Catholic ,Relief Services - :National , Though the clergy ,~have not Father Thomas F. Strimsky, ' From Feb. 3 to 24 theY were Catholic Welfare Conference. NC Photo~ exhausted their, teaching and in­ C.S.P., an American priest on '''~lmost cloistered," as one of stitutional opportunities" fo r the staff of the unity secretariat,' them said, in a c'onvent in Rome: racal justice, he said, "by and described the 'rewritten schema They read through more than 500 large in many :communities; it ia ,as "bolder" than the original 'conciliar interventions totaling the layman who is behind and 'NOTRE DAME (NC) Poet ,C.S.C., Notre Dame president, 'version. But he emphasized that more than 2,000 type-written the response of the all recommendations were made pages, and made indexes of the Phyllis McGinley has been' announced Miss McGinley's se- , hamperng iristitution...' , 'with care and thought. general remarks and specific named to receive the 1964 lection. He called her "the most Laetare Medal of the University highly respected contemporary "In the light of the council' recommendations of all inter­ Of Notre Dame. , '\y~1ter of light verse." :Fa th e l' s' interventions," theventions. ··Miss McGinley, winner of the ,American Paulist said, "we ''Coupled with her remarkably Pulitzer P,rize for poetry in 1961, creative' career," he said, "She, 'realized' we had somewhat un­ Clergymen Agree is, the 82nd recipient of the as Mrs. Charles Hayden; lives derestimated the growth of the Laetare ~edal; conferred on an an exemplary life as a wife and ecumenical movement in the On United Action '. : C£DRCE M. MOHTl£ outstanding, American Catholic Church between the, time the .... Master Plumber 29JO of tw~ daughters;

WURTSMITH AIR FORCE :laymaI). and announced annually mother .

council was announced and the BASE (NC) - Fifty· Protestant Over 35 : ears tinie this sohema came to the ,and Catholic clergymen laid th~ ,o~ Laetare Sunday, the fourth' ,"Phyllis McGinley is a woman ,of, Satisfied', Service

whose genius has ennobled ,the Sunday of' Lent. floor of the council. groundwork here for interfaith arts, illustrated the ideals of the 806 NO.,-MAIN STREET

"OUI' work in tl1e past two cooperation Exemplary Life , in northesatern Cpurch, and enriched the heri­ Fall River OS 5·7497

weeks has been to strengthen Michigan. FatheI' Theodore M. 'Hesburgh, tage of humanity." our schema in accordance with As a result of day-long delib­ the wishes of the majority of ,the interventions, spoken and, erations in a first-of-its-kind' Christian Interfaith C 1 erg y written," he said. ' participants agreed Conference, Father Stranswy said com­ ments of non-Catholic observers to the setting up of area inter­ ' : at the council, were taken into faith clergy associations. Among suggestions for action account in rewriting the schema. :Some of these were made orally put forward in small-group dis­ at weekly meetings of the ob-' cussions were: Joint action in servers and the secretariat , voicing objection to certain as­ pects of drive-in theaters; Work together on sports programs; First Lady Thanks Arrange for young people's groups to visit other churches ,Chorale For Singing and ask questions on them; and , FREDERICKSBURG (NC)-' -Inter-Faith seminars on such Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson has subjects as mixed-faith mar­ written a letter to the Mary riage. Chorale of St. Mary's High School, praising itsperforman~e A ;=AMILY TREAT

during the visit of German need ,younS Americans with a spirit of sacrifice and the Chancellor LUdwig Erhard to BAR-B-Q CHICKENS

President Johnson's ranch here will to dedicate themselves to the salvation of, the "most in Texas. Mrs. Johnson also sent an en­ larged color photograph of the abandoned souls!'~ FARMS 'group.

Phyllis McGinley Laetare Medalist

Montie Plumbing &: Heating Co., ,Inc.




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Heating Oi'ls and Burners 365 NORTH FRONT STREET

you go

The Redemptorists work in the U.S.A.-in the West Indies - in Brazil- in Paraguay. If you are anxious to know more about the Redemptorists - write to or visitREV. MICHAEL L. DILLON-Vocation Director-REV. TERRENCE M. MURPHY, C.SS.R.

FOOD' SHOPPING New mathemallcal devIce Invented by molher of 6 leIs you dial llIe best'food buys In seconds. Easyl Foolproofl 110 arllhmellc needed. Pocket dial compares dlfferenlly sIzed and priced Items, differ­ ent brands. Don't be fooled by "specials." Bargain, Hunter tells the ,true price, pays for Itself llIe first week. S1 Jipd. MONEY BACK GUARANTEED•





The Redemptorist Fathers 5 East 74th Street New York 21, New York

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, Dept. C ' 801 386, Lewlstol, I. Y.




Fall River -Thurs. Mar. 12, 1964

Cross on

"~':Holy Father ..Ele'vates 11" Pastors Continued from Page Six . After serving as assistant at assistant at St. Michael, Fall Sacred Heart, Taunton, Corpus River, until April, 1928, when he Christi, Sandwich, and St. Wil­ established St. John of God liam's,: Fall River, he was ap­ Parish' Somerset, which he still , pointed pastor of St. Francis of serves: Monsignor Furtado is a Assisi, New Bedford, on June Pro-Synodal Judge of the Matri­ 6, 1929. He has served as pastor monial Court of the Diocese. of Holy Rosary since Sept. 30, Monsignor Gendreau 1948. MOnsignor Shalloo Son of Marguerte (Cote) Gen­ Monsignor Shalloo was born in dreau, and the late NapoleOn A. Gendreau, Monsignor Gendreau Fall River on Nov. ~, 1911, son born in Fall River on Jan. of Katherine J. (Mara) Shalloo 9, 1911. He studied at Montreal and the late Daniel F. Shalloo. He was graduated from Durfee College and, completed his edu­ cation for the priesthood at St. High School and from Boston College with an A.B. degree in Mary's Seminary. He was.or­ dained by the late Most Rev. 1932. He studied at St. Mary's James E. Cassidy, on June 15, Seminary and at the Sulpician 1935, in St. Mary's Cathedral_ , ' ' Seminary and Catholic Univer­ He , tau g h t as a, Sulpician sity in Washington. ' The new domestic prelate re­ Father in Baltimore, Seattle, and ceived his M.A. degree in edu­ Plymouth, Mich. untii ,1954, .elC­ eept for ~he period June, 1943 cation from C.U. in 1937 and was FORUM: Rev. W. Seavey through April, 1946, when he ordained by Bishop Cassidy on Joyce, S.J. dean of the Col­ May 22 the same year. He served ' ierved as an army chaplain in lege of Busines.s Administra­ as assistant at Immaculate Con­ the European Theatre o,f Opera­ ception, Fall River, until May tion at Boston College, will tions. 4, 1942 and as assistant at St. speak at the Lenten Forum ,'Msgr. Gendreau was named as­ "listant at St. Mary's Cathedral Joseph's, Fall River, until named for Adults night at 7 :30 un­ administrator of St. Louis in on June 15, 1954 and administra­ der the sponsorship of the tor of St. Peter's, Dighton April, 1961. ·Monsignor Shalloo was in_ CCD in the Immaculate Con­ In 1958. He was appointed pastor structor of religion and ethics at ception parish auditorium, ef Blessed Sacrament on Feb. the College of the Sacred Hearts, North Easton. 11, 1961. He serves as secretary of the formerly the Sacred Hearts Bo3rd of 'Examiners of the School of Education, in Fall Clergy, Episcopal Representativ~ River from 1937 until 1961. He for Religious, and as a Judge of has served as chapl~in of the Fall River Serra ClUb since its ibe Matrimonial Tribuoal. DAYTON (NC)-Rene Lau. formation in 1952, chaplain of 'Mons!gnOT Gomes the "theologian of the Fall River, Physicians Guild rentin, Monsignor Gomes, son of An­ and is Promotor Justitiae in the Lourdes," was presented with tonio J. and Maria N. (Baptista) Matrimonial Tribunal. the 1963 Marian Award of the ' Gomes was born Dec. 16, 1914 in During the recent fund raising University of Dayton at the an­ 'rauntdn. He attended schools in campaign for the new Catholic nual honors convocation for out­ his native city in p~eparation Memorial High School for Boys standing graduate stUdents. for coilege studies at Notre Dame in Fall River Monsignor Shalloo The silver and ebony plaque University. After completing the served as moderator. was presented by Father James philosophy course at St. Ber­ In 1957 when Bishop Connolly M. Darby, S.M., superior of the mard's Seminary, Rochester, he expressed his i n ten t ion of Cincirtnati province of the Soci­ studied theology for one year founding a, Diocesan weekly ety of Mary (Marianists). The at the Seminary of Angra in the newspaper he chose Monsignor University of Angers, France, A'r : and completed his stu­ Shalloo to draw up plans for the theology professor was honored dies at St. Bernard's. paper and to launch the projec:t. for his writings on the Marian Ordained on June 4, 1942 by He was named general manager shrine at Lourdes. Bishop Cassidy in St. Mary's of The Anchor, a post which he In citing the French priest, Cathedral, he was assigned as continues to fill. ' Father Raymond A. Roesch, uni­ curate at St. John the Baptist, Monsignor Tansey versity president, said: "In all New Bedford, where he served , Monsignor Tansey, son of the his work on Mary, what is of for 11 vears. He was aSsigned as late James F. ,nd Margaret A. particUlar interest to us in assistant at Santo Christo, Fall (Ormsby) Tansey, was born Oct., America is the attention he gives River, on June 18, 1953, and 12, 1906 in Fall River. He was to the resurgent spirit of Cath­ was named administrator of Our attended from St. Charles Col­ olic thought in our times and Lady of Angels in June 1961. lege and completed his studies the role he assigns to Mary in Monsignor Gomes has been for the priesthood at St. Ber­ this renascence-a role which is active in the Diocesan Family nard's Seminary. in close harmony with the doc­ Life Bureau, Pre-Cana and Cana Ordained June 10, 1933 l,>y trine of Father (William Joseph) Conferences and Youth Forums. Bishop Cassidy, 'he served as Chaminade, that great 19th He served as an assistant curate at st. Joseph's, Woods century apostle of Mary" (Mar­ moderator in the recent fund Hole; St. Peter's, Provincetown; ianists founder). raising campaign for the pro­ St. Paul's, Taunton; Holy Name, posed Catholic Memorial High Fall River; St. Mary'S, Taunton; for Boys in Fall River. St. John's Attleboro; St. Joseph's, Monsignor Hayes North Dighton; Sacred Heart, Monsignor Hayes, Diocesan Oak Bluffs, and St. James, New FALL RIVER Director of Vocations and a Bedford. He was a Navy chap­ lain from 1944 to 1946 and was member of the Board of Exa­ ...,miners of the clergy, was born assigned as assistant at the in New Bedford, Oct. 24, 1906, Cathedral in 1950. He was named the son of the late John J. and rector in 1956. Margaret A. (Mahoney) Hayes. Monsignor Tansey is Diocesan He is a graduate of Holy Family Social Action Director and has High School and Holy Cross been Dean of the Fall River Deanery since May 12, 1961. College. . Monsignor- Walsh After theological studies at St. Monsignor Walsh was born Bernard's Seminary, he wall or­ dained on May 30, 1931 by Bish­ 'Jan. 25, 1900, the son of the late Gp Cassidy. His longest curacy 'James W. and Catherine A. (Mc­ was 17' years at SS. Peter and 'Donald) Walsh. He was gradu­ Paul, Fall River. He also served' ated from - Hory Cross College .. assistant at Corpus Christi, and was ordained by Bishop Sandwich; ,St. Patrick's Ware­ Feehan on May 26, 192'1 fol­ rICkets Now On Sale bam, and St. Jam.es, N~w Bed­ lowing theological studies at St. Bernard's Seminary.' , ,ford.' , . . .'. .' .Buy and Avoid , Monsignor Walsh served 'as Monsignor Hayes was named Disappointment

administrator of St. M;ary's, '!Jew 'curate at St. Mary's,' New Bed­ Bedford on N,ov~ 14, 1952 and ford; Immaculate Conception Dial FR 7.9357

pastor of Holy Name on April and St. Mary's, Taunton, and .. 1960. HOly Name, Fall River. He was Monsignor Pannolli appointed pastor of St. Domi­ Monsignor Pannoni, son of the nic's, Swansea on Oct. 9, 1951 . late Louis and Beatrice (Zar­ 'and'served in, that capacity at 11nga) Pannoni, was born Feb. St. Joseph's, North Dighton, and FoR' YOUNG WOMEN

4, 1901 in Fall River. He was St. Louis Fall River, prior to graduated from St. Charles Col­ his appointment as pastor of St. 196 Whipple St., River

lege, ,Catonsville, Md. and com" John the Evangelist on April 5, Conducted by Franciscan

pleted' his studies for the priest­ 1961. Missionaries of Mary

hood at Propaganda University, The new prelate also serves as ROOMS - MEALS

Rome. He was ordained on Sept. Diocesan Director of the Council OVERNIGHT HOSPITALm

19, 1925 by Bishon Feehan in' of Catholic Women and Dean of. Inquire OS 3.21192

St. Mary's Cathedral. ' the Attleboro area.


Lourdes Theologian Gets Marian Award






By Most Rev. FultonJ. Sheen, D.D. I, have a globe in my office. It is large, but not so b.g that I cannot put my arms around :it, as' if to embrace every' immortal soul in the world. For that is what one must do to be cathollc­ or t~ b~ missionary, for they are identical. There can be two falSe views of the globe. One Is to

his finger on a dot in the' &,Iobe and says: ' "ThIs is mine. What is beyond Dan and Bersabee does not concern me." The second view is to llee the globe in the Devil's hand, to view the earth as his possession. This is the way Satan presented the kingdoms of the earth to Our Lord on the Mount of 'Temptation: "All these are mine." These are. the most frightening WOTds in Sacred Scripture. But there was a condition under which Our Lord could have had the globe: "Fall down and adore me." The Devll was sayin&' to oUr Lord: ''You want 'to pnt a Cross on top of that world! You do' not want the earth as it is: you want to. ehange It. But there Is an easier' way to the earth. Leave men as ~ they are, in their eptlsms, with their pleaSures and their dollarS. Do not darken the Clobe .UIa the 8badow of the Cross." '




Satan failed to 'win Christ, but he still hopes to win Chris­ tians. All he has to do is keep the Cross off the globe. "0 yes," says Satan, "put it on a building here or there, on a cathedral costing seven million dollars, on a dormitory costing three million dollars or on a luxurious rectory or convent. That cross is not the one on which Christ died! It is only a plaster cross - no one can be nailed on it." The Devil does not care if we put Cl"98SeS on our buildings or on the walls, of our homes in the Uni~ States, so long as we keep the Cross off the world, away from the Missions in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Latin America - everywhere! It is that shiny globe in Satan's hand which should spur 118 'to cut dO'Wll on enriching our home, our parish, our business, our diocese, our corporation, our Society, our land without sharin&' something with the pOOr in the world - through the Holy Father. You who are rich! Give not to those who are already rlchi give 'to thepOOl'! You who are pOOl"! You are already one with poverty all over the world. Yon have more than enough! Leave an olive on the tree, a sheaf in the .field, a cluster on the vine for the globe! For the Missions! FOT Christ! EaeJi time we make a sacrifice for the Holy Father's Society, for the Propagation of the Faith we PDt a Cross on the clobe! This Is the way we save 0111' .aJs.

GOD LOVE YOU to E.M. for one penny "'This is all I can send, It is my good lUck penny and I hate to part with it, but perhaps it will 'bring luck to others. * * * to "Michigan ,for $5 "In thanksgiving to God for my Catholic Faith, good health and favors received." * * * to W.J.S. for $50.27 "After reading your column, I was prompted to give up smoking for the Missions. '~ 'represents the amoilnt that I would have spent for tobacco durIng the past five months. In thanksgiving for the strength to stop, I gladly offer ~his so that someone else may be strengthened, with the Life of Christ." Send us your old gold and jewelry - the valuables you no longer use but which are too good to throwaway. We will resell the earrings, gold eyeglass frames, flatware" etc., and use the money to rellev.e the suffering in mission lands. Our address: The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New ,York, New York 10001. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice ,to It and mall It to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York J.. N. Y., or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE. 368 North Main Street. Fall River. Mass.


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Catholics Answer Unity Challenge With Hope CHICAGO (NC) - Hope, not despair, is the Christian response to the challenges of the modern world, in­

Fall River Area Youth Groups Participate'"

In Girl Scout Sunday Holy Hour

This is Girl Scout Week and hundreds of 'Fall River area Brownies and green-uni­ formed Scouts, joined by Bluebirds and Camp fire Girls, marked its beginning at a Scout Sunday Holy Hour at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River. "Much is expected of Scouts, Bluebirds, Brownies and Campfire Girls," Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey of St. Jean Baptiste Church told the youngsters. "Much also is expected of the baptized. They must radiate Christ and show people what

cluding the quest for religious unity, Albert Cardinal Meyer of Chicago has reminded Cath­ olics. Car din a I Meyer warned it is to be another Christ." against a "quiet despair" on the "Today the heart of Jesus is prospects for Christian unity. happy to see so many young "Masking itself under the people belonging to arganiza­ guise of simple resignation, this tions that want to make them despair led men for many gener­ good leaders," noted Rev. Arthur ations to accept without protest T. DeMello of Our Lady of the harsh divisions within Chris­ Health Church, who also ad­ tanity," he said. dressed holy hour participants. "Only a handful of conversions Scouts and Campfire Girls re­ shattered the complacent pessi­ peated their creed and prayer mism of divided Christianity as and Benediction was celebrated the status quo. Even today, by Rev. John F. Andrews, chap­ amidst the dynamic growth of lain of the Fall River Marian the ecumenical movement, voices Committee, group sponsoring are raised which poison the ef. the observance. forts of those actively involved This year's theme for Girl in the work of reunion," he de­ Scout Week is "A Promise in clared. Action," said organization lead­ Cardinal Meyer said "apostles ers, noting that the Scout Prom­ of despair" raise doubts about ise includes a pledge to help the prospects of unity based on other people at all· times. The the supposed inability of non­ Campfire law also stresses Catholics to accept Catholic doc_ service and area units of both organizations have participated trines, on "historical and nation­ alistic rivalries," on the alleged in several unusual projects of reluctance of Catholcs to make this nature. Brownie Troop 1046, for in­ reforms necessary for reunion. Some, he said, even voice a stance, led by Mrs. Annand Cousineau and assistant Mrs. "larger despair" a'bout the rel­ Donald Ralph, has a continuing evance of Christianity in a "post­ project of sending dolls and Christian" era. He said their at­ titude is summed up in the stuffed animals to the Alaska Jesuit missions. Last shipment question: "Can it be·· * that included over 60 items and the Christianity no longer has a message relevant to modern leaders say it marked the first man?" time a Brownie troop had taken on such a project. Cardinal Meyer insisted, how­ The Sisters at the Mission of ever, that there are many rea­ Our Lady' of the Snow, Nulato, sons for hope in the modern Alaska, who receiceived the world, particularly in the area Brownie shipment wrote to of religious unity. He cited the "rapid growth of thank the girls and the lettA:r is a troop treasure. Sister Ann the ecumenical spirit' among Rose wrote, "1 wish to congrat­ Protestants and the Orthodox" ulate those little girls who made and said: "Those who have made the the stuffed animals. Those who donated their dolls and dressed first overtures to these separated them, we also offer our sincere churches are impressed by the evident work of the Holy Spirit thank you." Meanwhile, Campfire Girls of 'among them. There is hardly a church in which there cannot be To-Wan-Ka group of Saered Heart parish, led by Mrs. John found men who have studied the Reed, are busy collecting mate­ problem of Christian unity in rial for a _mission in Peru. depth and whose attitude of per­ sonal faith in Christ and love of They're working through Cardi­ nal Cushing's Society of St. Christians is remarkable." Among Catholics, he said, the James aud are stuffing stocking dolls and preparing religious ecumenical council is "a witness that Catholics wish to be more truly Catholic, and that bishop, priest, Brother, nun and layman alike are experiencing the Inc. spirit of renewaL"



SCOUT HOLY HOUR: Among hundreds attending Girl Scout Sunday Holy Hour at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River, are Campfire Girl Susan Troya, Sacred Heart parish; Bluebird Joanne Robinson, St. Mary's Cathedral; Brownie Dale Leary, St. Joseph's; Girl Scout Jeannine Dore, St. Jean, Baptiste. articles for shipment to Latin America. Blue birds of the same parish, members of the Chickadee unit, are making Lenten sacrifices in order to send a contribution


the Kennedy Memorial Library. Brownies of St. Joseph's par~ ish have made favors for hospi­ talized children and patients at the Rose Hawthorne Home.


Thurs., March 12, ,1964


Expresses Thanks For U.S. Aid MANILA (NC) - The Philip­ pine Bishops have thanked the American people for their as­ sistance to the Philippines through Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Welfare Conference and other relief agencies.. AO letter of thanks in the name of the Philippine Hierarchy was sent by Arch!lishop Julio Rosales of Cebu, president of the bish­ ops' organization, to Lee San­ born, director of the CRS-NCWC Mission in the Philippines. The letter said the aid of the American people has been of "immense benefit" to "our school children, the unemployed, the underemployed and the victims of disasters." The total assistance program of the U. S. voluntary agencies"" in the Philippines for the fiscal year 1964 amounts to 87,036,000 pounds of surplus commodities.

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The Men's Club WIn sponsor a corned beef and cabbage sup­ per from 5:30 to 7 St. Patrick's night in the school hall. Attend­ ance is limited to 250. Entertain­ ment will follow the meal. Brownies, Scouts and CYO members will receive corporate Communion at 8:15 Mass Sun­ day morning, March 15. The Women's Guild will serve a pot-luck supper at 6:30 tonight in the school hall: Members may contribute a dish or a dollar. A demonstration of cake decorating will follow the supper.


The PTA rummage sales are

., to 9 tomorrow night and from

Upcoming events for the Wom­

en's Guild include a cake sale

Sunday, March 22, a potluck

supper and rummage sale in April, a mystery ride in May, and a whist in .June. Next regular meeting, Tuesday night, April 7, will be preceded at 7 by an ex­ ecutive board meeting.



Wednesday, April 8 is an­ nounced as the date for a fashion show by the Women's Guild. A calendar party will highlight a meeting Monday, May 4, at which a slate of new officers will be presented. Also planned for April ill a rommage sale and a Communion breakfast will, be held Sunday, May 10. OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE

Annual Green Tea of the Women's Guild is set from 3 to 5 Tuesday, March 17 in the church hall. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Margaret Kelly and Miss .Josephine Hartnett: VISITATION GUILD, EASTHAM

The guild will hold a social tonight at the home of Mrs. John F. Connors, Camp Ground Road, North Eastham. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD

The Rosary Society will re­ eeive corporate Communion at 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, March 15. A eard party is planned for April. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies League will hold

its third annual Spring dance Saturday, April 4 at Allend.ale Country Club. ST. FRANCIS XAVmR,


The Women's Guild' plan:!"a fashion show TueSday, March 17 at Barnstable Hi g h Sch!)ol. Women's and Dien's fashions will be shown and hair st3rles will also be featured. ST. ELIZABETH.


Troop Mothers Auxiliary of Boy Scout Troop 25 will JP,on­ sor a fish supper from 6:30 to 8 Friday night, March 2O.:tdrs. Agnes Rodrigues b chairman. The troop will sponsor a chcar. tel' and parent. night next month.




10 to 4 Saturday in the parish hall. Donations may be left. at the hall tonight. Next regular meeting is set for TuestJ:ay, April 7 at the hall. Also planned for April is a penny sale for first communicants scheduled for May. A guildola is announced for Wednesday, April 15 with Mrs. Paul Batchelder as ticket chair­ . man. ST. PATRICK,.



A special St. Patrick's Whist Party will be held M<mday E~ve­ ning, March 16, at 8 in the church hall under the sponsor­ ship of the Women's Club. Mrs. Joseph Camacho is chairlady and Mrs. Manuel. Moniz is co­ chairlady. The public is invited. Bluebirds and Campfire Girls of the parish will present a St. Patrick's Day show at 8 Sunday night, March 15 in the parish hall. Lorraine La Rocque will be . ~est pianist.


TO BE DOCTOR: Frances Moson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moson, 126 16th Street, Fall River, has

been accepted by New York

Medical College. She will graduate from Stonehill Col­ SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO lege cum laude in June and The CYO announces ticket will be the first woman from sales progressing satisfactorily the college to enter medical

for an evening of entertainment

to be presented Saturd:ur night, school. She graduated from April 4. A rehearsal of skits is Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall planned for Saturday, March 14 River.

in the paris~ hall. A Spring dance, "Reine du

Printemps," will be sponsored

by the unit Saturday night, April 18. "Sunday-formal" dress will be required. A king and queen will be chosen to reign

over the event and a "Queen Eliza,beth" cake will be. awarded

as a door prize. Chairmen are Louise Choiniere and Phillip Mayer. ' . Holy Name Society of the parish is conducting a member­ ship- drive, to terminate Sunday, March 22. Also in progress is a parish retreat, conducted in French and English. 'OUR LADY OF ANGELS FALL RIVER Members of the Liberal Club

will receive Holy Communion in a body at the 8 o'c1oc:k Mass on Sunday. ST. STANI~LAUS, FALL RIVER

Louis Chaves, chairman, has announced that the third annual parish scallop dinner will be served Saturday evening, March 21, from 6-7. More than. 300 men of the parish will participate in the Nocturnal Adoration Vigil Ho~y, Thursday night. This is the 12th consecutive y!!al" of this parti­ cular spiritual activity by the men of the pari9h. MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD

AnnuaLMass and Communion Supper is slated for 7 tonight b7 the Women's Guild. The ·Taun. tones will entertain following the meal. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT

The Women's Guild and Holy Name Society will cospoIlJor a variety show at 8 Saturday night, March 14 in the school hall. .Proceeds will benefit the CYO and co-chairmen are Mrs. Ralph Souza and Mrs. Napoleon Bussiere. The Holy Name Society will sponsor a turkey pie supper from 6 to 7:30 Saturday night,

March 21, also in the hall.



The Ladies Guild announces a

whist party in April with Mrs. June Flores in charge. Mrs. Lor­ raine Roderiques is chairman for

a May whist and Mrs. Hilda Pacheco. for one in June..

Planned for Sunday, March 22 is a trip to New Hamps~re and a tour of a local bakery will take place Monday, April f;.

June events will include a potluck supper and a Commun­ ion supper in addition to the Whist. .

.The So~ial Group pmns a Spring rummage sale Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21 and 22. In charge is Mrs. Doris Duquette.

Members of the Mt. Carmel PTA and their families will as­ aemble in the Church basement at IS o'dock Sunday morning and proceed in • body to the upper church in order to receive Holy Communion in a body as part of a spiritual bouquet to be present to Monsignor Vieira on his 98th birthday, March 18. FollowingMas~ malasadasand coffee or milk will be served in the school basement.



A spaghetti supper will be served from 6 to 7:30 Saturday night, April 11 at the church hall. A penny sale will follow. MFs. Mary.Fo~test heads a com. mittee of parishioners planning the occasion.

Members of the Women's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph LelJlanc,

Guild will go to the Capuchin Couples Glub program directors,

Friary, Milton, far a day of announce a dance, "April Show­

recollection. ers Frolic," to be held Saturday

Departure will take'" place '" night,April 4 in' Polish-'Ameri- '. '

from the Church parking lot at can Hall, with Gilly Ferro'. or8:30 Saturday mornin&. chestra playing


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PTA and Alumni will see a·

liquid embroidery demonstra~ FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces tion at their meeting Wednes­ day, April 8. Seventh grade a rummage sale from 6 to 8 to­ morrow night in the school hall. mothers will be hostesses. In charge is Mrs. James Dias.




The Council of Catholic Women will hold the third in a series of Lenten whists at 8 Saturda7 night, March 14 in Notre Dame school hall. Tickets are available from Mrs. Alfred Bouchard, chairman for the evening, and will also. be on sale at the door. ST. THERESA,


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mE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 12, 1964



~T 4&T ~T ~T ~T d!IhT d!IhT dIIhT dIIhT dIIhT dIIhT d!IhT dIIhT d!IhTd!IhT d!IhT d!IhT dllhT dllhTdll:hT d!IhT dllhT dIihT d!IhT dIIhT dIIhT dIIhT ~T ~T dIIhT dIIhT dIIhT dIIhT dllhT dIIhT dlthT dlthT dIIhT dlthT.


"Toda, If You Shall Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts." '\so 94, v. a



Monday - March 16 - 10:00 - Notre Dame Church, Fall River Tuesday - March 17 -10:00 - St. Lawrence's Church, New Bedford Tuesday - March 17 - 10:00 - Stang High School, No. Dartmouth Wednesday - March 18 -10:00 - St. Mary's Church, Taunton Thursday - March 19 - 10:00 - Feehan High School, Attleboro

Novena March 13-21 Two Vocational films - ''The Salt· of the Earth" and "fo the Ahar of

be· o.btained by contacting Rt. Vocations, Holy Name Rectory,' New Bedford. showing


schools and


God" - are


Rev. John J. Hayes, Diocesan Director of

This Message is Sponsored By The Following Individuals und Business Concerns in Greater Fall River: Building Materials, Inc. Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co.

The Exterminator Co. Fall River Electric Light Co. Fall River Trust Co• .Globe Manufacturing Co.


Kormon Water Co. R. A. McWhirr Company MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Mooney & Co. Inc. Newport Finishing Co.

Plymouth Printing Co., Inc. Sherry Corp.

Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc•. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO


Says Self-IOiscipline First Requisite t=or Saving Soul By Jos1eph T. McGloin, S.J. My friend Ernie iii a brave enough man but he's also DO fool. And so it was that when a masked bandit came into his restaurant and held a gun to him Ernie handed over the money with no argument. He did notice, how­ ever, that the bandit was one of his cousins a char­ pline.either at school or at home. ' . It wIll be hard sometimes to acter wh 0 already had a long look at a teacher and say list of petty convictions. In "These are the words of wis_ fact, Ernie reasoned after his visitor had gone, another con­ viction mig h t not mean t~o much to thIS guy. So he col­ lecte~ a few re~atives a. n d

dom," or to regard your parents as completely fair and prudent in a given case. , But, while you may find it impossible to praise their wis­ dom or prudence or fairness it will never be impossible to obey. God never told you ,all the or­ frlend~, walt~d ders given would be perfectly ~r hIS cousm prudent or fair, or even com­ l~ the dark of pletely rational. his porch, and S . taught him a elfIsh, Self-Centered lesson, one of But there's a discipline even the foremost les­ more fundamental than that im­ sons of econom­ posed on you by others-the ini­ ics: Don't steal from yow~ rela­ tial discipline you have to im­ tives. ~ose on yourself if you're go­ "Bring that money into the mg to resemble any sort of hu­ restaurant by 10 o'clock tomor­ man ~eing. row morning," Ernie told his The strong human personality cousin, "and lay it on the coun­ is one who is able to disciplne ter. Then you apologize. You himself or herself without hav­ hear?" ing to be forced into it aU the He heard all right. And he did time. Otherwise you end up with as he was told. Nor did he ever all the strength of character of again bother Ernie at least. an unconscious cat. Misuse of DemocracT Without self-discipline you ,Now maybe this particular ~aven't even the first re~uisite form of discipline isn't, always for savin/; your soul, much less the best one, but some form of the stuff you need for starting discipline is necessary in any on the road to perfection. Even effective society. Given i:luthor­ God's grace needs an operative ity, there must be discipline to human will to work with. The back it up.. spineless wonder mutters a Sometimes, unfortunately, we memorized prayer in time of Americans go so hogwild in our temptation and figures God will misuse of a word, "democracy," take care of it from there on. that we tend to deny authority But he's too wishy-washy to co­ and the need for discipline, operate with God's grace. ma~ing "d~mocra~ies" oll insti­ The character with no self­ tutions ~hlCh can t poss:bly be discipline is selfish and self­ democratic.

centered. To put it mildly he y.re:re clear enough on the just doesn't have the courage to prmClple that no man has a. be anything but selfish to go "right" unjustly. to inju.re an­ out of his way, say, t~ be a other. But sometimes we forget genuine friend to someone else that there can't be any "right" or to seek his date's enjoyment to inflict moral injury either. rather than his own. There can be no voting on the . . "right" to sell clearly porno­ SubmIt to AuthOrity

graphic stuff for instance. You need self-discipline for

'Subj~ct to Them' sUb~itting to rightful authority,

N" and It is only the undisciplined

or IS the.famIlY a democracy. who proudly (and stupidly) re­ ~nd so, whIle s~me non-essen­ gard themselves as "rebels" tlals c?n be deCIded by family when they are really only char- . vote, I~ ~ould be a c(~mpl~te acterless spoiled unthinking contradiction to vote, for lll­ infants' , stance, on whether or not Junior .' , should be aUowed to date too You need self-discipline to co­ early or too much. operate with God's grace or Parents are in a place of au­ ~;:;erto say a simple sincere thority in the family, put there '. . . by God and in place of God. The undlsclplmed character They weren't voted in and can't can't study. He can't get into be voted out. ' very good physic"al shape. All he There must have been a' hun­ ca? do well is lie around and dred times when Christ could grIpe. have told Joseph "Dad that Oh yes, one other thing he isn't the best way to m'ake a ca? .do well-he can loudly bench * * * Try it this way" But crItiCIze the truly disciplined' as He didn't. "He was sUbj~ct to "conformists, sheep, squares, them." What a marvelous thing fools," ~nd so on. All of which that Christ,can obey two people accusatIOns do apply somewhere, He creates and you teen~ some­ but not to tJ:.10s.e ~ith the cour­ times have trouble obeying peo_ age of self-dlsclplme. pIe who had a lot to do with c~eating you! Means to Heaven. If you think long enough and hard enough, you'll come - up with the rather startlihg idea that you teens are your parents' means to heaven and that they • are your means. Naturally, you can e:ICpect their orders to be somewhat God-like-fair and consistent, for instance. But since they're also human, you have to expect a few human drawbacks too. It is certainly possible and even probable that there, will be times when it's really tough for WYman 9-6984 700 to obe7 or submit 1:0 cliac~-


Conduct Survey Of 'Unchurched' MODESTO (NC) - A group from Protestant, Catholic and Jewish congregations in this area of California have com­ pleted a week's telephone sur­ vey of the religious affiliations of some 33,000 persons and fam­ ilies. Principal aim of the Greater . _


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to be kept confidential and available only to representative. of religious organizations. Rev. Weston said it was stressed at an.. committee meet­ ings that any person contacted during the survey who "showed any connection with, or even a preference for, a particular church, will not be contacted afterwards by representatives of any other churchf' He added that survey has "greatly en­ hanced the ecumenical spirit" ot. the Modesto area:




M?desto Area Religious Survey. saId Rev. Donald G. Weston "is to discover the unchurched with a view to interesting them in religion." The Protestant min_ ister is the survey's publicity and finance chairman. . . Each participating congrega­ tion was asked to have five per eent of its members volunteer for the work. Each congregation was assigned a certain section of the phone book. The inter­ viewers filled out short ques­ tionnaires. The information is

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School Crisis Continued from Page Tbl'ee related to spiritual formation, Js national chairman of the Spiritual Development Commit­ tee of the N atlonal Council of Catholic Women. She also is a member of the board of directors of the National Liturgical Con­ ference in which she has been active since 1940. Mrs. Ryan lives in Manchester, where her husband, John Julian Ryan, is professor of English at St. Anselm's College and him­ self the author of several books, including "The Idea of a Catho­ lie College." Not Convinced In the book published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Mrs. Ryan writes that even if the de­ fects she sees in Catholic schools could be remedied, she is not convinced that attendance at a Catholic school would be the best way of preparing a young person for Catholic living in today's world. . A Catholie school student, she charges, lives in a shelter that fails to accustom him to "the massive impact of the pre­ vailingly secular atmosphere in which he will ordinarily be re­ quired to live his adult life." "He is not prepared to stand up against the cold wind of in­ difference; he is more likely to be reacting against what seems like the over-religiousness of the Catholic school," she writes. . Mrs. Ryan writes that vast re­ sources would be available to the Church to pursue the "Chris­ tian formation" of more Catho­ lies if Catholic shools were gradually abolished. Family Life These resources, she says, could be used primarily to show parents what the task of reli­ gious formation entails and help them work out its practical ap­ plication in family life. Other uses that she envisions include expansion of Newman Club work, strengthening of the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine, counseling programs, spe­ cial projects for school drop-outs and more Catholics on the facul­ ties of public schools and non­ Catholic colleges and univer­ sities. Criticism In Washington, D.C., the book drew criticism from a Catholic educator the day after its pub­ lication. Msgr. O'Neil C. D'Amour called it "an incredibly naive book, a foolish book." He is as­ sociate secretary of the Depart­ ment of School Superintendents of the National Catholic Educa­ tional Association, the organi­ zation of Catholic school teach­ ers and administrators. "Mrs. Ryan reveals a complete lack of understanding of educa­ tion generally, American society and Catholic educatiOli. She shows no understanding of the philosophy of Catholic educa­ tion," he said.. Msgr. D'Amour said he denied Mrs. Ryan's premise that Chris­ tian formation is presented to students in Catholic schools in a defensive, "seige mentality" fashion that conflicts with the' spirit of renewal in the Church.

ANCHOR17 Foods, Customs of Many Nations Form Topic THE Thurs., March 12, 1964 Impact of Clergy Of Unusual District Council Meeting

The only thing wrong with the feastday program presented by Fall River Distrl"t of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women was that it was held during Lent. Such lus­ cious displays of holiday foods - to look at, not to taste! As if to make up for this refined torture, however, recipe leaflets.. were distributed, so hungry council members could tryout the goodies in their own kitchens. The pro­ grams, held in Holy Name School Hall, Fall River, illus­ trated the theme that Christian homes should be miniature church~s.

Lebanese, French, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Irish, Korean, Philippine and Colombian feast­ day customs were discussed and illustrated and Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., Diocesan chairman of the Family and Parent Edu­ cation CommIttee of the DCCW, concluded the program with an explanation and display of sac­ ramentals used in the home. Guests of honor included Mrs. Aristedes A. Andrade, Diocesan Council president; Mrs. Adrien Piette, national chairman of the family and parent education committee; and Mrs. John J. Mullaney, past Diocesan presi­ dent. . Feast of Children Mrs. Albert Faris, president of the Blessed Mother Guild of St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River, explained the Leb­ anese feast of Saninah-feast of the children. "The welcoming of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem means as much to the MaronItes as Christmas does to those of the Latin Rite," she commented. On Palm Sunday, Maronite children join in procession, right down to infants, who are borne in the arms of their godparents. They wear their newest clothes, as Latin Rite Christians do for Easter. Beloved to the French is New Year's Day, said Mrs. Omer J. Mar,tineau, president of St. Jean Baptiste Council of Cotholic Women, who was assisted by Mrs. Oscar Phenix. The celebration may include an open house, with special foods featured, such as tour­ tieres, a meat pie; greton, a meat spread;· and croquongoles, a type of crueller. "In some fam­ ilies an old custom was for the children to ask for the father's blessing, and this was a mark of respect and love," she noted. Portuguese traditions in the observance of the Feast of the Holy Spirit were explained by Mrs. William Tavares, president of S1. Michael's parish Council of Catholic Women. She said that in ancient times St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal, and other Portuguese nobles would celebrate Pentecost by in. vitin~ the poor to their castles and placing their own coronets on the heads of the poorest. This custom developed into the sol­ emn enthronement of the crown and banner of the Holy Ghost in various homes of the parish . for six weeks before Pentecost. Finally a crowning ceremony is held in the church and in some places the poor are fed in con­ nection with this. "The significance of these cel­ ebrations is deeply religious and beautful," said the commentator. "By crowning the poorest man she could find, the Queen showed Name Honor Student her belief in the great dignity of any man, but especially of the At Stonehill College Christian, who according to St. Peter, belongs to a royal nation Miss Margaret Griffin, Somer­ set, received a speech arts award and priesthood." Italian Feasts at an honors convocation at Stonehill College. Miss Rose M. Furgiuele, ·his­ New members of Delta Epsi­ torian of Holy Rosary Women's lon Sigma, Catholic honor soci­ Guild prepared an explanation ety, from this Diocese named at of Italian customs, commenting the convocation were Anne that in Italy celel>ration' of the Mailloux and Frances Moson, feast of one's patron saint far Fall River; Albert W. Niemi, outranks one's birthday in im­ Mansfield; Ronald H. Nolin, New portance. Each town in Italy has Bedford, seniors; and Elizabeth its own sai!).t, she said, instead T. Sullivan, Fall River, junior. of ·there being a national patron,

In Rights Fight Decisive Factor MINNEAPOLIS (NC) ­ Religious leaders entered the struggle for civil rights in the United States "just in time," the keynote speaker told ­ Minnesota's first interfaith Con­ ference on Religion and Race. Leonard Carter, Kansas City, Mo., regional secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP) told some ·850 delegates that re- . ligious pressure for a strong civil rights bill is offsetting, at least in part, "the so-called back­ lash of white resentment against Negro demands for equality." 'Just in Time' Bishop Francis J. Schenk of Duluth, Minn., and Auxiliary Bishop Leonard P. Cowley of St. Paul, Minn., attended the two­ day program. Also present were Episcopal Bishop Hamilton H. Kellogg of Minnesota and his Suffragan Bishop Phillip F. Mc­ Nairy, and Bishop T. Otto Nall, who represented the Minnesota area of the Methodist Church. "Some say that the action of religious leaders (in the civil rights issue) came too late. I say it came just in time," Carter said.


. . . . . .Udl"":i"'·S"-c.:.CC

DCCW OF FALL RIVER AND NATIONAL CUSTOMS: Participating in the Food and Custom workshop conducted by Fall River Council of Catholic Women were, left to right: Mrs. Dorothea Tavares, St. Michael Parish; Mrs. Orner Martineau, St. Jean the Baptist Parish; Mrs. Albert Faris, St. Anthony of the Desert Parish; and Mrs. Joseph Reilly, St. Joseph's Parish. and each town celebrates its own Reilly of St. Joseph's parish, special day. • there is great devotion to St. Brigid, to Our Lady of Knock Christmas Eve dinner is a spe­ cial event. It is"a strictly fast .and to the practice of climbing dinner with fish dishes,. salads. Croagh Patrick, the island's and a huge spaghetti platter "holy mountain," on the last made with anchovies and toasted Saturday in July. Mrs. Reilly contributed a bread crumbs. Cheeses, nuts and fruits make the meal complete. mouth-watering "triffle" to the display of feastday foods. "Italians throughout the coun­ Customs in Korea, the Philip­ try are always ready to sponsor pines and Colombia were ex­ and enjoy a festa!" concluded plained by Mrs. Patrick J. Hur­ Miss Furgiuele. ley of St. Mary's Cathedral Miss Stephanie Gula and Mrs. Guild. She noted that Korea is Raymond Canuel presented a not a Catholic country, but that discussion of Polish feasts, in the Philippines, strongly str.essing that Easter is one of the Catholic, Christmas is the great biggest days on the calendar for feastday of the year. In both Poles. the Phlippines and Colombia a "Special foods are ordered and novena of Mas s e s precedes Christmas, but in the latter prepared at least three days be­ fore Easter and dozens of fresh country more emphasis is given eggs are cooked and colored Easter. "But the most exciting mo­ with Easter wishes written on them. Butter is carved into the ment is when the priest intones shape of a lamb, with a shredded the Gloria and every bell, butter topping and colored every siren, every horn in. candy is used for the mouth and church and faotory sounds at eyes, with a white banner and once to remind everybody of the ross on a stick tucked at the side most transcendent event in the history of mankind." of the lamb." The place of sacramentals in In former days the parish Catholic life was emphasized priest or seminarian helpers by Mrs. O'Brien, who commented would visit each home on Holy on customs such as the Advent Saturday to bless food prepared wreath, the Christmas crib and for Easter, but nowadays food the family rosary, in addition . is brought to the church for this to such aids to devotion as holy rite. water, special.blessings and r~ Irish Customs ligious articles. Table items have a special sig­ She noted that in the Fan nificance, noted the commenta· River Diocese each baby bap­ tors. Toothpicks represent the tized receives a Holy Family nails of the cross; sausage sym­ medal with the compliments of bolizes the 'vhip; hand-cut hard the Bishop. boiled eggs represent the tomb She closed the program by breaking open; the butter lamb noting that all customs discussed stands for the Old Testament; "have roots in the home. It is horseradish recalls the vinegar up to each one of us to cultivate given Christ. these roots and truly make our In Ireland, said Mrs. Joseph home a church in miniature."



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THE ANCHOR-Dioce!;e of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 12, 1964

18 ---,---

Solons Make New Efforts to Get A'ction on Pray(erAmendment WASHINGTON (NC) - New maneuvers have been made in the House of Representatives on behalf of a proposed constitu­ tional amendment to permit prayer and Bible reading in pub­ lic schools. The developments included these: The House Republican policy eommittee called for immedi:ate action on the prayer amendmlmt by the House Judiciary Commit­ tee which has jurisdiction over some 170 proposals of this na­ ture. , Rep. Michael A. Feighan of o h i 0 introduced a pra:,er amendment resolution and said he would be willing to chair hearings on the proposal. Feig­ ban is second-ranking Demo­ cratic member of the Judiciary Committee, behind Rep. Eman. uel Celler of New York. Rep. Frank J. Becker of New York, a leading prayer amend­ ment advocate, told the House he has heard "rumors" that the

Prayer for Vocations Novena - March 13-21 "

Judiciary Committee is planning hearings. 'Only Route'

o Dear Jesus - Son of the Eternal Father and Mary Immaculate - grant to our boys and girls - the generosity of heart to follow Thy call - and courage to overcome all obstacles to their vocation.

But Becker, who is also spon­ sor of a discharge petition to take the prayer amendment out of committee and bring it to the House floor, warned that the discharge petition is "the only route" by which the amendment can be passed by this Congress. Becker said that customary committee proceedings - at this point would be too time con­ suming and the discharge peti­ tion is the only instrument to win passage of the measure be­ fore the 88th Congress quits for good later this year. He urged congressmen to sign the petition, which currently has 145 of the required 218 signa­ tures. The proposed prayer and Bible reading amendment is designed to reverse recent rulings of the U. S. Supreme Court against these practices in public schools.

Give'to parents - the faith, love and spirit of sacrifice-that will inspire them to offer their children for Thy service;­ cause them. to rejoice exceedingly,­ whenever one of their children is called to the Religious Life. let Thy example:- and that of Thy Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph - en­ courage both children and parents-and may Thy grace sustain and guide them.

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"I know that you will want to provide superb lllustrations to go along with this article and all of us here will look forward to its publication as a special kind of memorial to the President.'!

DAYTON (NC)-The first large scale attempt in this area to determine "contem­ .porary com m u nit y stan­ dards" of decency for magazines available on newsstands is being staged. Dayton Mayor Frank R. Som­ ers has proclaimed this week as "public opinion week." A citi. zens' committee long interested in supporting legal action against those who disseminate obscene literature is distributing 700,000 questionnaires inviting citizens of Dayton and Montgomery County to evaluate newsstand offerings. Supermarkets and drug stores' have agreed to give copies of the" questionnaire to customers. Each of two large supermarket chains requested 100,000 copies of the questionnaire. In his proclamation, Mayor Somers said "it is in the best in­ terest of the city of Dayton to investigate the problem of ob­ scene literature." . " "Under the law of the State of Ohio and in compliance with the decisions of the (U. S.) Supreme Court concerning obscenity, it is necessary to" apply contemporary community standards to the al­ leged obscene material," he said. "The citizens of the community . should be afforded an opp6r,tu­ nityto voice their opinions on the subject of obscene literature and thereby furnish a pattern of contemporary community stand­ ards." Lack of Agreement Leading spokesman for the citizens' group, an interfaith in­ formal organization, is Mrs. John P. Hart of Precious Blood parish here, who stressed that legal action against filth often bogs down because of .lack of an agreement on the definition of obscehity in relation to specific printed material. The questionnaire asks citi­ zens to check in an appropriate space if the level of magazines and related reading material is (a) "compatible with your per­ sonal moral standards?" or (b) "offensive to your personal moral standards?" Another section asks that spe­ cific magazines available in the area that are deemed offensive be named. Comments are en­ couraged. Each person complet­ ing a questionnaire is asked to sign it and to indicate whether he is a minor or an adult.

Asks TV Personnel

To Serve Mankind"

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI in a special audience for radio and' television employes urged them to be "always in the noble and conscious service of modern man." The Pope granted the audi­ ence to technicians and other personnel of the Italian state radio and television system (RAI) who traveled to the· Holy Land to cover his Epiphany pilgrimage. He told them that he wanted to receive them together here to stress the fact that the pil­ grimage "may have been a font of spiritual emotion for you too, for your souls and for those of your family and for the col. leagues who certainly followed you with keen attention and some noble envy."

Plan Seminary


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Two \laYs before his untimely death, President John F. Kennedy completed work on a manu­ script which was prepared especially for COUNTRY BEAUTIFUL Magazine. A week later, Stewart L. Udan, Secretary of the Interior, forwarded the manuscript to COUNTRY BEAUTIFUL with this note:

Public to" Decide City's Standards Of Decency



OOUNTRY BEAUTIFUL Magazine, a natMnial magazine, is published by the Country Beautiful Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and preserving the beauty and greatness that is America.

PATERSON (NC) -A minor seminary planned for the Pat­ erson Diocese will open in Sep­ tember, 1965. Bishop James Navagh said it will be the first of six projects planned as the result of a $6·million fund drive now in progress.

THE ANCHORThurs., March 12, 1964

Bombay Plans Welcome for 50,000 Eucharistic Congress Visitors BOMBAY (NC)-This teemities by floating sea-hotels for ing city 01 more than seven milthe guests. lion person~most of them HinCommunications problems are du~is putUng on its best face already being solved. Daily tape to welcome about 50,000 foreign recordings of the sessions will. visitors expected to attend the be flown out to Vatican Radio 38th International Eucharistic for rebroadcast. Father Angellus Congress in November. . Andrew, O.F.M., assistant direcFinding enough places to sleep tor of religious broadcasting for may be a problem, but everyone the British Broadcasting Cor­ involved is looking forward to poration will be here during the the event with enthusiasm. congress. Television and radio Valerian Cardinal Gracias, will be beamed out of India via Archbishop of Bombay, has j';1st New Delhi, since facilities in returned from New Delhi wlth Bom-bay are insuHicient. the "warmest assurances" from . the Indian government that it One of. the two men appointed will help with the massive plans by Cardl?al Gracia~ to act as now underway. The Cardinal liaiso~ wlt~ the varlOUS oHicial said he was "satisfied and more agencles lS Father Herman than satisfied" with his talks D'Souza, formerly with the of­ there fice of the director of the Na­ ''F~r the first time in its his­ tional Society of the Propagation tory the International Eucharis­ of the Fait~ in ~e United States. tic Congress is being undertaken Father D Souza will handle by the choice of the Pope in a much of the press relations. country like India where Chris­ The last International Eucha­ tians constitute only a small ristic Congress was in Munich, minority," he said. Germany, in 1960. It has been rumored that Pope Paul may visit India during the congress, Nov. 28 through Dec. 6. In the meantime, Church and Continued From Page Three government oHicials are devot­ ing themselves chiefly to the at five o'clock Sunday afternoon. housing problem. Not only have The laity of the catholic and all the fancy hotels been booked Protestant churches in the area in advance by the visitors, but are also invited to attend. The Boston Archbishop sets schools, convents. rectories and other public and private accom_ as his only goal in these talks: "to spread the Gospel of love modations are filled up. and good will to all." Non-ell-tholles Aid Many non-Catholics have vol­ His Eminence has attempted to unteered to share their homes translate into action both the and apartments. The government abounding fraternal charity of is considering use of port facilPope John XXIII and the re­ freshing breath af the Second John Glenn Receives Vatican Council. The topic of Christian Unity is vital to the Notre- Dame Award Church and to all Christendom as can be seen in the ecumeni_ NOTRE DAME (NC)"":'Astro­ naut John H. Glenn, Jr., said cal activity of the Church and Council in recent years. here "the benefits and advan­ The series of talks to non­ tages which will eventually ac­ crue from the space age" defy Catholic ecumenical gatherings has attracted much attention. imagination. "The work in space today is However, instead of the specta­ only basic preparations for to­ cular the thing intended is a morrow's explorations," said meeting of hearts and mutual Glenn, who has resigned as a understanding. The Archbishop Marine lieutenant colonel to has stressed on the Church's ecumenical thoughts and designs seek a career in politics. The first American to orbit and an expose 01 Church life, the globe was presented with organization and doctrine­ the 11th annual Patriotism often on points that are diffi­ Award of the University of Notre culty understood by those on the outside. Dame's senior class during tra­ ditional exercises commemo­ In a similar endeavor, Bishop rating George Washington,'s Floyd Begin of Oakland, Califor­ birthday. The presentation was nia, adressed an ecumenical made by Bruce Tuthill, New gathering of Protestant ministers London, Conn., senior class in the First United Presbyterian president. Church there. "Too much em­ phasis has been placed on 'true faith' and not enough on 'good faith'," he ·stated. "Our chance as Christians for evangelizing the world will de­ pend upon our unity. When a confused and divided Christian church confronts the world, it develops a lot of confusion and division."

O'Malley Stirs Crowd's Roar

Grace Ch urc h

FUTURE OLYMPIC CHAMP: Dianne Letzig, blonde, blue-eyed, seven-year-old student of the second grade at Holy Souls School, Little Rock, Ark., has the makings of a future Olympic swimming. champion. She is Arkansas state indoor and outdoor champion in her age group (eight and under) and is the proud possessor of 30.medals. NC Photo.



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FRANKFURT (NC) - A third 2.5 to 4 million people there. of Poland's priests were mur­ . Most of the victims were Jews, dered by nazis between 1939 and but there was also a large num­ ber cif Poles.. 1941, according to testimony given at a war crimes trial here. Broszat said that the killing Prof. Martin Broszat of the and imprisonment ()f priests was Munich Institute of Modern part of a nazi policy to enslave History, a specialist in nazi race or exterminate the Polish peo­ policy, said that another third ple. He said the nazis began to of the Polish clergy was jailed murder Polish leaders, includ­ ing priests, as soon as they oc­ and the rest were driven under­ cupied that nation in 1939. ground. Broszat testified at the trial Only a "very few" Polish af '21 former guards at the nazi priests survived until the war concentration camp of Auschwitz ended in 1945 and ''there were who are charged with taking practically . no active Polish part in the slaughter of from' church groups remaining in Poland" by that time, Broszat declared. Of the hundreds of Blesses Center thousands of Poles sent to Au­ CALGARY (NC)-The New­ schwitz, he said, only 15,000 sur­ man Center near the University vived. of Albertus campus here was blessed by Auxiliat'y Bishop Joseph L. Wilhelm of Calgary. Father John Bastigal, chaplain af the center, said he hoped one day the center would result in a Catholic college on the campus.

Lenten Retreats

640 Pleasant Street

LOS ANGELES (NC) - By now Walter F. O'Malley, bOB. of the Los Angeles baseball DOdgers, is accustomed to the roar of the crowd, whether froJa delight or derision. But he was flabbergasted by an uproar he recently sparked in Honolulu. An oH-the-cuff re­ mark he made resulted in a five­ minute ovation for the man who touched oH perhaps baseball'. greatest verbal storm when he moved "Dem Bums" out of Eb­ bets Field, Brooklyn at the close .of the 1957 season to this city. O'Malley was a chief speaker at the Honolulu convention of . the National Association of Counties, composed of some 1,800 county administrators, di­ rectors and other officials. A. priest opened the session with a prayer and O'Malley, the next speaker, spoke up: "It's wonderful for Mrs. CY­ Malley and me to see that U. S. county government offiCials sUI open their meetings with a prayer. And isn't it ironic that we don't do it in our America public schools today?" The Dodgers boss said it Wall five minutes before the applause died down suHiciently for h.iJIl to go into his speech.

Witness at Trial.. Says' Nazis Slew One-Third of Poland's Pri·ests

LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine here has scheduled 103 one-day retreats this Lent for students of 134 public high schools.

A CRUSADER: William F. Tripp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Tripp of 11 Johnson Street, Taunton, has been awarded a four-year football scholarship at Holy Cross College. A member of St. Mary's parish, Tripp ex­ celled as a student as wen as an athlete at Taunt.Clll High.


OF . . ClOSS


• 20

THE ANCHOR­ .Thurs., March 12, 1964

Upholds Lower Court's· Ruling On Integration WASHINGTON (NC) The U.S. Supreme Court·has let stand a lower court's ruling tha,t two privatehos­

Fall River Native Serves with Husband In u.s. In.formation Agency in I(orea

Intensify Drive Against Religion

BERLIN (NC)-The Commu­ nist party has adopted detailed plans to ·speed up its newly in­ tensified· campaign against reli­ gion in the Soviet Union. .

Arriving in Seoul, Korea this Saturday for a new positi.on with the United States Information Agency will be Mr. and Mrs. James' E. Boyle. Mrs. Boyle, .the former Kath­ leen Harrington, is a native of Sacred Heart parish in Fall',River and 'a graduate of its The plaris were announced in parochial school. She taught at the Letourneau School in Fall River before ·serving with . the party's, M 0 s cow daily, the Armed Forces school ' - ". ', .', ' , Pravda; which iii'ged, the wide­ service in Germariy, where ' scale antireligious drive to off­ she met Mr. Boyle.· They set what party leaders fear is an increase· in religious· belief were married in Korea in

pitals whieh accepted Federal eOJ;lstruction funds under the 1960. Hill-Burton Act must desegre­ They made headquarters in gate their facilities. Fall River for a home leave The high court refused with­ which included visits to relatives eut comment to review a ded­ on various parts of the east sion of the U. S. Court of Ap­ coast. peals for the 4th Circuit orderbg Mr. 'Boyle, a veteran of nearly the Moses Cone Memorial Hospi­ 11 years service with the tal and the Wesley Long Com­ U.S.I.A., said his most recent munity Hospital, both of Greens_ assignment was in Pusan, Korea, boro, N. C., to open their doors to where he directed an office of Negro doctors and patients on the agency. Duties included lec­ an equal basis with whites. turing, maintenance of a library The Court of Appeals ruling and the provision of audiovisual held unconstitutional a "sepa­ aids to Koreans anxious to learn rete but equal" section of the more about the United States. Hill-Burton Act. The 1946 Hill­ In Seoul, he will be in charge Burton program has been used of radio and book translating to build more than 2,000 hospi­ activities. Books, published in tals aQd other medical facilities Korean with U. S. aid, will in­ in the South. Many either e'x­ clude textbooks, works in the elude Negro doctors and patierits field of social science and some er segregate them. fiction. The two Greensboro hospitals Keeps Busy contended that the appeals court Mrs. Boyle, a reddish-blonde . ruling set a precedent for gov­ with blue eyes, is kept busy as MR. and MRS. JAMES E. BOYLE, ernment interference in the af­ an unofficial aide, explained Mr. fairs of any private institution Boyle. She· has taught English or individual accepting public have entered into the life at the U.S.I.A. library and is for a two year term. They find funds. The Supreme Court did also active in many projects aid­ around them, with Mrs. Boyle the land and its people friendly not comment on this or any ing missionaries in Korea. to the United States, and they teaching English to Sisters at a other argument which they ad­ local Carmelite convent and aCt.. He noted that Maryknoll Sis­ ing as godmother for a Chinese vanced. Puerto Ricans Fete ters in the country were among family at the request of a mis­ Substantial Aid . the first civilians authorized to sionary. Archbishop Davis The hospitals said in their ap­ return to Korea after the inva­ SAN JUAN (NC)-Archbishop Ileal that from 1954 through li}61 sion in the 1950's. With the aid She was also English teacher James P. Davis officiated at the at a Franciscan Missionaries of they received "substantial" Hill_ of the U. S. Army, which 'has a program of building material cornerstone laying for a $400,000 Burton aid. Mary Convent in Seoul and Mr. The Long Hospital up to now assistance, the Maryknollers last modern circular chapel at Porta Boyle mentioned that some Sis­ year erected the Armed Forces CoeIi cemetery in Bayamon as has denied admission to all Ne­ ters stationed there had also Memorial Hospital, largest of itS one of his last acts in this island gro patients and does not grant served in Fall River. before taking over as ArchbishOp kind in the area. staff privileges to Negro doctors of Santa Fe, N. M. and dentists. The Cone Hospital There are some '500,000 Catha­ The Archbishop served for has not admitted Negro patie,nts lics in Korea, said Mr. Boyle. A ·'on the same terms an,d condi­ sign of progress came in 1962 20 years as head of the San Juan' archdiocese here before he was tions" as whites and, at the ti.me when eight Dioceses and three the complaint in this case was Archdioceses were. established transferred in January to the New Mexico archdiocese. filed, did not admit Negro doc­ in the country, in place of for­ Prelates, priests, Religious and tors and dentists to staff privi­ mer missionary divisions. leges. The Boyles are returning to laity paid tribute to the Arch­ In February, 1962, a group of the Land of .the Morning Calm ," bishop at a number of cere­ monies before he left here ac­ Negro doctors, dentists and pa­ companied by Auxiliary Bishop tients challenged their segrega­ Juan de .Dios Lopez of San Juan. Says Young Adults

tion policies.


Rt. Hev.

J. R. Mutchmor, moderator of _

the United Church of Canada, is being urged by the local presby­ tery of his church to visit Pope Paul VI. . The Kent Presbytery ~ommit­ tee, according to Rev. C. R. Plas­ kett, chairman, suggested Rt. Rev. Mutchmor arrange for a visit to the Pope before or dur­ ing the third session of the Sec­ ond Vatican Council, scheduled to covene in September. "The purpose of the, proposed visit to Pope Paul VI would be to demonstrate an expression of good will within the scene of the Canadian church. "Also the visit is to giVE! as­ surance of the prayers of the United Church for the guidance of God in the proceedings o:f the Vatican council," Rev. Mr. Plas­ kett said.

Lauds Luke HClI't WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. Thomas B. Curtis of Missouri, in a statement in the Congressional Record, praised the'late Luke E. Hart, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, for "his dedication to the promotion of the common good." Curtis placed in the Record an editorial pay­ ing tribute to Hart published in the St. Lous Globe-Democr,O't.

NEW ORLEANS (NC) -An Air Force chaplain ,said here that "the most neglected age group in the Church" are young single persons between high school graduation age up to the mid-20's. Father Robert Goedert, O.P., observed: "I've had fellows 26 and 27 teIl me I was the first priest they had talked to since they left the eighth grade." He said the best way to combat the neglect was through parish young adult social clubs.


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party' members.

"Any religion, any belief in the supernatural, in good or evil forces, in a God Creator is a distorted antiscientific view of nature and society, a repla~e­ ment of scientific knowledge by fantastic legends * * * Any reli­ gion transforms a human being into a slave of gods invented by himself." Indoctrinate'Youths ,Meanwhile, the newspaper Soviet Lithuania· urged the U.S.S.R.'s atheists to "go on the offensive" against religion. It said the prime target of the of­ fensive in the Lithuanian S.S.R. is the Catholic Church, to which most of the people belong. But it also called for attacks on the Orthodox and Jewish religions. The new plans announced by Pravda were revealed following a meeting of the Communist party's ideological Commission, headed by Leonid Ilyichev. They call for stepped-up efforts to indoctrinate youth and party members and stronger attempts to persuade believers to abandon their faiths.

The Falmouth NOtional Banlc

'Most Neglec'ted'

Urge Moderator To Visit Pope

even among Pravda said:

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