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t eanc 0 FALL RIVER, MASS., THURSDAY, MARCH 13; 1980

VOL. 24, NO. 11

20c, $6 Per Year



.A great day for the Irish At St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, they observed their patronaL feast a little early, with groundbreaking ceremonies for their new parish center, which by next St. Patrick's day should be in fine shape for a mighty celebration. Parishioners have waited a long time for such a facility, since 1883, to be exact. :Although many activities have taken place in the nearby St. John Fish~r house, it has never· been adequate for large functions, noted Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, pastor. He said the existing St. Patrick's church building antedates the ·Fall River diocese, being constructed originally as a mission church of the Providence diocese, served from Warren, R.I. Now the simple colonial structure, probably built in the late

1870s, will be expanded to include a harmoniously designed parish center. The center, stressed Msgr. Stanton, will be on the same level as the church, making it possible for handicapped persons, especially those in wheelchairs, to navigate easily from one building to the other. He also noted that the 1,500-family parish currently has some 800 children in its religious education program. They are instructed by 98 teachers, many holding classes in their own homes. Now the teachers will have the option of moving classes to the new center, which by means of acoustical folding partitions will provide the capability for four different floor plans, one of them an arrangement of six rooms, each accommodating 20 persons. Turn to Page Six


• Inner city parents Papal envoy In Colombia • • value schools worsens as crISIS WASHINGTON (NC)-Parents from minority groups are making great sacrifices to enable their children to attend nonpublic inner city schools, according to a study of personnel associated with such schools. The study was made by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. The findings will be presented at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) convention April 7-10 in New Orleans. "A major finding of our study is the documentation it provides to show the enormous sacrifices being made by the poor inner city black, Puerto Rican and

Mexican-American families to provide their children with a chance at a decent future by paying the necessary tuition for attendance at non-governmental schools," Jesuit Father Virgil Blum said. Father Blum is president of .the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, headquartered in Milwaukee. For example, he said of the study, nearly half of those who responded to the survey have an annual income of less than $10,000, yet nearly one-third of these minority families have both parents holding full-time jobs. Turn to Page Six

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has said that the situation in Bogota, Colombia, is causing him "much pain." The pope also announced that he had sent Archbishop Pio Laghi, apostolic nuncio to Argentina, to be the Vatican's "special envoy in Bogota at this very serious moment." The pope commented on the hostage crisis at the end of his weekly general audience. It was his first public reaction to the seizure Feb. 27 of the embassy of the Dominican Republic in the Colombian capital. "As I energetically deplore what is happening, my anguish-

ed thoughts go to all thos'e who, in whatever way and for whatever reason, are suffering at this very painful time," he said. Pope John Paul said Archbishop Angelo Acerbi, papal nuncio to Colombia and one of the hostages, "has. a special place in my prayers." The archbishop was chosen by guerrillas as a gobetween for receiving messages and supplies during the embassy's occupation. He expressed "the wish and the hope that it may soon be possible to have a solution that will restore serenity and c;omfort."

"In the meanwhile I pray that the Lord, who has men's hearts in his hands and can inspire them with right thoughts and good resolutions, will guide the efforts that are being made to solve the present case, and also the efforts being made to build a society sustained not by violence but justice, fraternity and peace," the pope added. His statement drew attention to the explosive social conditions in Colombia whi~h form the backdrop of the embassY seizure by guerillas. For 17 of the past 20 years a state of sei~e has been in effect in the South American country.


THE ANCH~R-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II called for more priestly vocations and defended church discipline on the priesthood in 'a Sunday Angelus talk. "We, cannot, then, nurture hidden suspicions or doubts about the essence of the ministerial priestho~d, about the justness of' the age-old practice of our church, which joins the priesthood to the availability to serve Christ and the church 'with undivided heart:" said the pontiff.




ROME (NC) - Cardinal Franz Konig of Vienna, Austria, has received an invitation to visit 'China and is expected to make the trip this month, according to reports in several Italian newspapers, including Avvenire, the national Catholic newspaper. Cardinal Konig is president of the Vatican Secretariat for Non-Believers.

LONDON (NC) - The 1980 winner of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion is Ralph Wend,ell Burhoe, a Unitarian Universalist theologian specializing in the relationship between religion and science. The prize is worth about $180,000.

EVERYBODY'S IRISH on St. Patrick's day. Bishop John J. Scanlon of Honolulu and Bishop Michael Pak Jeong-il of Cheju, Korea prove it as they compare their Celtic episcopal crosses. (NC Photo)

DUNDALK, Ireland (NC) - Irish church leaders have expressed confidence that an ecumenical conference held in Dundalk will give new impetus to interchurch relations in Ireland. Subject to agreement of participating churches, conference participants 'proposed that more Catholic~Protestant committees be established to study religious and social issues.

ROME (NC) - The number of Moslems in Italy now surpasses the number of Jews and Protestants combined, a leader of the Italian Moslem community said. He estimated that there are about 150,000 Moslems in Italy.

LONDON (NC) - Bishop-designate Agnellus Andrew will be ordained as titular bishop of Numana at West/llinister Cathedral, Eng~and's leading Catholic church, March 26. The Franciscan priest, vice president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications, heads UNDA, the -international Catholic association for radio and television. . . . . VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul n, suffering what the Vatican called a mild case of the flu, is recovering more slowly than doctors had originally expected. The 59-year-old pontiff met privately with Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere March 10, but was forced to bow out of celebrating a public memorial Mass the same day for Cardinal Jean Villot, papal secretary of state who died a year ago.

BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN discusses Catholic Charities Appeal with Fat~er John F. Andrews, appeal director for the Cape and Islands area of the diocese. The annual campaign will begin April 21.

NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. William J. McCormack, 56, a vice chancellor of the New York Archdiocese, has been named the national director of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He succeeds Archbishop Edward T. O'Meara of ,Indianapolis, who was appointed to that See last November and installed in January.

MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (NC) - The unique role the Catholic Church played in the revolution and reconstruction of Nicaragua is the focus of a 28-minute color documentary film produced by Maryknoll, the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Association of Broadcasters, which has been considering for three years dropping its ban on the commercial advertising of contraceptives, has decided to fund two studies related to the issue.

ROME (NC) - Citing a "humanitarian duty - - above and beyond politics," Edouard Saouma, director general Qf the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, has called fora $262 million food-aid program to Kampuchea (Cambodia).





UNITED FARM, WORKERS President Cesar Chavez prays during a Mass at Farm Workers' convention in San Juan, Texas. The labor leader was in Somerset recently for a banquet honoring Cardinal Humberto Medeiros.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Bishop Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, has urged the House of Representatives to approve increased funding for the federal food stamp program. In a letter to all members of the House, iBishop Kelly said food stamps "express this society's willingness to care for its least fortunate members, to affirm their human dignity." MIAMI (NC) - Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders have appealed to President Carter to grant political asylum to south Florida's almost 10,000 Haitilln refugees. Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy of Miami, who has repeatedly urged asylum for the refugees and last January sent President ICarter a letter drawing his llttention to the situation, also added his support. .

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

HUMBERTO CARDINAL MEDEIROS Pre,ident ex· officio St. Timothy'. Rectory 850 Nichol. Street, Ncfrwood, M.... 02082 -

TeU89- 4789

Prison Ministry Progr~m of the Archdiocese of Boston "For 1 was ... in prison, and you visited me. Mt. 25: 35-36 II

Guil~ FATHER ROBERT S. KASZYNKSI gives Eucharist to Miss Eugenia Faryniarz at Mass celebrated at Highland Heights, Fall River. (Torchia Photo)

Icon honored at highrise An icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa expected to travel from home to home in St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River, for the next five years, was welcomed this month at Highland Heights, the city's unique highrise facility for the handicapped. The icon was enshrined for a week at the apartment of Eugenia Faryniarz, who arranged daily services in its honor, including recitation of the rosary in Polish, French and Portuguese, a prayer and hymn service directed by Father Antoni Bury, S.Chr. and a Mass celebrated by Father Robert S. Kaszynski. Miss Faryniarz noted that "the oldest altar boy," 87-year-old John Wnenta, served the Mass and that altar appointments included an antique crucifix and

DCCW Parley in Taunton The Fall River <Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual convention on Saturday, April 26 at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton. Reflecting the designation by the U.S. bishops of 1980 as the Year of the Family, the convention theme will be "We Are Family." Hosted by the Taunton District Council of Catholic Women, the gathering will have Miss Adrienne Lemieux, diocesan presi. dent, as honorary chairman and Mrs. William Grover as general chairman. Other chairmen are Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, registration; Mrs. Harold Rogers, coffee hour; Mrs. Richard Paulson, luncheon; Mrs. Anthony Margarido, hospitality. Mrs. Aristides Andrade, decorations; Mrs. Gilbert Noonan, parliamentarian; Miss Claire O'Toole, secretary; Miss Dorothy Curry, treasurer; Mrs. James Williams, publicity.

an heirloom Madeira lace altar cloth. Mrs. Gloria Franco of the Highland Heights staff sang the Ave Maria for the service and Miss Faryniarz read "The Beatitudes of the Friends of the Cerebral Palsied."

of Our Lady of Ransom.

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We ask you to join in the sacrifice of J,esus and Mary this Lent by heiping us to bring His redemption into our prisons. Name' street

Acies The annual Legion of Mery Acies rededication ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in St. Mary's Cathedral. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will preside and the service will include the rosary, Eucharistic devotions and Benediction. Rev. Richard McNally, 5S.CC. will be homilist. All are welcome to attend. It is not necessary to be a Legionary.


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THE ANCHOll (USPS·54S-II20) Second Class Postale Paid It fill River, Mass. Published every Thursday It 410 Hllhland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fill River. Subscription price by mall, postplld $6.00 per year. Postmasters send Iddrell ;hanles to The Anchor, P.O. BOI 7, Fill River, MA 02722


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

the living word

the mo.orin~ Tears Amid the Smiles . This weekend people from a rainbow of ethnic origins will gather to celebrate what some might entitle the tribal rites of the Celtic-Druid observance of St. Patrick's Day. In this country celebration of this patronal feast becomes for all practical purposes a multi-national opportunity for a party. It seems that in many ways it is an occasion to anticipate the springtime greening of the land. Truly, reflections and comments on the unique observance of St. Patrick's Day in this country are much more American than Irish. As is bften the case with immigrants, the homeland, once departed, is viewed with both cra~s nostalgia and inordinate sentiment. The Irish certainly reflect this attitude towards the land of their birth. Chesterton's reflections on his neighbors to the West mirrored this concept when he said "for all their wars are merry, and all their songs are sad." This highly romantic view kept alive by Irish-Americans is indeed far removed from the reality of Irish history. This is especially true today. It is well that at this time of year peoples of all nations and origins once more view the terrible beauty of a divided Ireland, a land torn apart and bleeding. At this season the green shamrock usually overshadows the bloodsoaked orange-red of Northern Ireland. But singing songs and having a grand party on St. Patrick's Day really do not help to fOCllS on the sufferings and miseries of our Northern Ireland brothers and sisters in the faith who are the pawns of political power. Wrapping the green flag around me, as the song has it, in reality refers to the shrouds of the thousands who have died in this ancient struggle that few in this country seemingly care to view in the clear light of historical truth. What indeed compounds the tragedy of the situation is the unfortunate intervention that the American government has decided to make in the current difficulties in Ulster. Without pretext or apology to any citizen, the present administration has, on its own, authorized funds, American tax dollars, for arms purchases for the Orange-controlled private police force. While detaining and jailing "those who oppose English intervention in Ireland, the Northern Ireland government supports British troops who continue to arrest Irishmen and hold them in concentration camps without due process of even English law. This fact was once more-brought to public attention this past week by the Cardinal Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop O'Fiaich. As he did in 1978, this churchman journeyed to the Irish Auschwitz, the concentration camp of Long Kesh, to seek release of prisoners. The' American government, by its direct aid to the paramilitary forces controlled by the Orange Lodges and to the thousands of British troops stationed in the north of Ireland, has ~ade missions like that of the archbishop and the entire task of achieving peace improbable of accomplishment. Many other questions arise that Washington should be made to answer. If we can support and aid England in her attempts to find a solution to the thorny question of Rhodesia, why can't we urge Her Majesty's government to make some settlement in Ireland before more .die in war or concentration camps? Has this nation become such a partner in the internal affairs of Northern Ireland that it is impossible for it to act justly and honestly to help find a l,!sting solution to the Irish dilemma? These are reflections that come to mind as we once more celebrate the day of the Gael. All Americans who believe that this nation should be a true flame of liberty to the captive peoples of the world should not only be aware of the insidious politics of Washington in Northern Ireland but should also demand an accounting of such intrusions from qur political leaders. Yes, there will be many Irish eyes smiling this St. Patrick's Day. There will also be some filled with tears, flowing not from sentimentality but from pain, the pain of American duplicity.

'The sparrow hath found herself a house.' Ps. 83:4

The challenging路 church By Tracy Early NEW YORK (NC)-Church efforts to challenge corporation policies through stockholder resolutions are expanding in number and scope, according to a compilation by Ursuline Sister Valerie Heinonen, research manager for the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. Sister Heinonen's report shows that church groups are filing more than 100 resolutions against some 80 corporations in 1980, compared with 80 resolutions filed with some 60 com路 panies by the same time in 1979. Sister Heinonen said in an interview that the issue of occupational safety and health was a major new emphasis this year. Though some resolutions have been filed on energy issues in the past, this year has brought a renewed and intensifed effort regarding nuclear energy. !\. third new emphasis, she

added, is a challenge to infant formula companies on domestic marketing, going beyond previ-

ous challenges to marketing practices in the Third World. Many other resolutions challenge corporate policy on issues that have been the subject of stockholder battles in past years. These include equal employment opportunities, South African investments, bank practices such as redlining, agri-business practices, and others. . A few additional resolutions may yet be filed with corporations holding their annual meetings later in the year, rather than in the more common spring season. And some of those filed may never reach a vote af the stockholders' meeting. "Some of the proposals are currently being negotiated with the companies and may be amended or withdrawn," said ICCR Director Timothy Smith in an introduction to the annual survey. "Others may be excluded from company proxy statements by the securities and exchange commission." The ICCR, which provides


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weElkly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fa'lI River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Oani~1 A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.O. EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,

. ~


leary Press-路Fall River

staff support for most of the church activities in this field, is an affiliate of the National Council of Churches and was launched under Protestant sponsorship. But Smith, a Protestant layman, said in an interview that Catholic participation was growing. More than 175 Catholic religious orders, dioceses and other bodies are now members of the ICCR, an increase of about 25 in the past year. Among the new members, Smith said, are the Maryknollers and the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. And he said the recently elected chairman of the ICCR board was Richard Ullrich, a Catholic layman who serves as corporate responsibility coordinator for the New York Province of Marianists. He succeeded Charity Sister Regina Murphy, who was the first Catholic to hold the post. Resolutions filed this year on occupational safety include two against American Cyanamid, charging that its workers are subject to potential genetic or reproductive damage from chemicals, and that women are' consequently excluded from some jobs in some departments. Resolution sponsors (with number of shares owned) include: Adrian Dominican Sisters (9,700); Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (6,000); Marianists, N.Y. (500); Sisters of St. Joseph, Cleveland (100); and Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1,000).

i ;

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

A picture of God Talleyrand once told a friend, "If you wish to be agreeable in society, you must consent to be taught many things which you already know." I thought' of him recently when I heard of the negative reaction of parents to their children's teacher's religion assignment. It seems she asked the children to draw a picture of God. Easily done. She gathered a plethora of grandfatherly pictures with beards, interchangeable with their pictures of Jesus or Moses. Her real genius showed, though, when she assigned the children's parents to draw God (not Jesus) as part of their homework. TIiere followed a storm of parent panic. Some parents drew stick figures, others clouds or hands. One drew words coming from the sun. Many failed to turn in their homework. But one parent blew Talleyrand's observation by writing, "I knew what God looked like when I was little but I don't know now. Hope you will share with us how other parents perceived him." It was a fine assignment because 1) it focused adults to reflect on their image of Godwhich is often undeveloped, a left over childhood image, and

2). it engendered within the family a discussion of what God is like. Each of us needs a personal God, one that speaks to us and our needs, hopes and fears. We can't just borrow someone else's God, although there are people who insist their image of God is the only authentic one. (Indian theologian-writer Vine Deloria spoke cryptically of this when he said the usual white man's attitude toward Indian worship of God is, "You worship your way and I'll worship His way....) Some people have a God who is fatherly, indulgent, protective, and alwa,ys forgiving. Some have one who is a bookeeper, keeping records of each of our good and evil acts. Some have one who is a judge, austere, distant, and just. There are thousands of other images of God, all of them developed by individuals building a personal relationship with God. Tevye, the delightful father in Fiddler on the Roof, had a unique relationship with God, who was his friend and boss. My God tends to be a convenant God. We have agreements between us, much too elaborate and personal to go into here. But, as meaningful as my God is to me, I can't expect the other members of my family to relate

Who's listening? The crisis in Catholic sexual ethics is not limited to the United States. The re~ jection by most Catholics of the church's sexual teachings is better known here because intensive research on Catholic attitudes has been done. However, research in Great Britain has produced almost exactly the same findings as in America. University of Surrey scholars report that only 13 percent of English Catholics accept the church's teachings on birth control, 65 percent believe in divorce and less than half think that premarital sex is always wrong. Unpublished research from Canada and Ireland has parallel findings. It seems reasonable, then,' to assume that all around the North Atlantic world, among devout Catholics, there are disagreements. They are not saying that they will commit sins despite what the church teaches. They are saying, rather, that what the church says is sinful is not sinful. Right-wing Catholics (obviously a tiny minority) .may insist that you are not a Catholic if you don't keep all the rules. The majority disagrees. The majority may well be morally wrong, but - they don't think they are.' And herein lies the Catholic crisis: a crisis not of authority but of the credibility of church leadership. Church leadership can repeat itself indefinitely and no one will listen. Sexual ethics is no longer a

major discriminator between those who go to church and those who do not. Both the practicing and the non-practicing, for example, have the same attitudes toward divorce and birth control. The quality of preaching, the pastoral sympathy of priests and the involvement of priests in work with young people are now far more impor-

(necroloQY) March 28 Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, 1960, Pastor, St. James, Taunton Rev. Bernard A. Lavoie, 1972, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River March 29 Rt. Rev. Edward J. Moriarty, 1951, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River Rev. James H. Carr, S.T.L., \.923, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River March 30 Rev. Aime Barre, 1963, On Sick Leave, Fall River March 3i Rt. Rev. George C. Maxwell, 1953, Pastor, SS. Peter & PaUl, Fall River April 1 Rev. George A. Lewin, 1958, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville Rev. Edwin J. Loew, 1974, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods HoleApril 2 Rev. Adolph Banach, O.F.M., Conv. 1961, Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford Rev. Donald Belanger, 1976, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro


to a covenant God. Each has to develop his or her own relationship with God and we as parents have to encourage this if our children are to be free of our image in life. Some families try to develop a family God to whose corporate image each member must conform. It won't work. Some children will never relate to a stern judging God. Others need one. During this week, take a family Lenten session to ,"draw" God. Ask members to describe their God, offer a sample coriversation each might have with God, and draw a sketch of God with them alone. Talk about the differences in imagery. It isn't a silly exercise but one that is basic to developing a sense of family spirituality in that it permits each member to find a personal God shared by the family. And it starts them on the journey toward developing and refining their own image and relationship with God which will mature along with them and permeate their lives.


tant reasons for practicing or non-practicing one's religion. Despite all the publicity it receives, the sexual issue is dead for much of the laity. It is not my intention to say either that the laity is right or that the church ought to face the reality of the situation and ask whether it has listened closely enough to what the married laity is saying. This is the "Year of the Family" and the International Synod of Bishops will be meeting in Rome next autumn on the subject. Many Catholic organizations are having meetings this year on the family. Yet there is no evidence that anyone is yet interested in listening to what the laity says about sex, either through consultation with married people who are something else besides "house" laity who will repeat the approved party line. Neither the Office of the Synod nor such American organizations as the National Catholic Educational Association and the National Federation of Priests' Councils shows any interest at all in authentic listening to the laity. They ought not be surprised if the laity doesn't listen to them.

Poignant Olympic



moments The two most poignant moments in the recent XIII Olympic Winter Games at Lake Placid, at least in my own strictly televised view, had nothing to do with the Ninning or losing of any given ~vent in the sports competition. Each instance had primarily to 10 with human beings, and so ~his is proper matter for our -:onsideration long after the Games are finished and the record books filed away. \

One of these moments was .>hared by the millions who witnessed it and caught its all but unutterable poignancy from the television broadcast. Next day, I heard as much about it by word of mouth, in fact, as ever I saw in the press concerning ~his momentary redemption of the human spirit. I mean the moment, of course, when U.S. goaltender Jim Craig of North 2aston, Mass. - a town, I'll have you know, just down the pike from mine-looked searchingly i~to the stands immediately after the Gold Medal victory of the American hockey team over the Soviet skaters and on his lips formed the beseeching inquiry, "Where's my father?" Whenever Jim Craig removes that goalie's mask from his face, he always looks like a lumberjack who had just come down the tote road from a logging camp in the long Aroostook winter. It is not the kind of rugged face you'd expect to express any concern for the whereabouts of one's father. Not pops, mind you, or even old dad, but father. "Where's my father?" If I may intrude to say so, we Irish sons are considered undemonstrative and all but inarticulate in our relationships with our fathers. It 'is an essential and abiding respect, however, that others mistake for some kind of subdued hostility within us. Irish sons would not say in public, as good old Southern boys do, "Where's my daddy?" but always, "Where's my father?" The fact that goalie Jim Craig was looking for his father at all, I think, is what most affected a nation in which love and respect for the family are said to be at point disaster. I guess I don't want to make any more of it than that, for it was a truly beautiful moment. The moments of such bonding between father and son - and between men and other men, more<;>ver, as in moments of incredible victory over great odds - are sacred spaces which even other loved one and certainly the world at large -fannot enter. At such a time, it is to Jim Craig's both enduring and endearing credit that he could ask, almost for-

lornly and in the midst of triumph, "Where's my father?" The pther most poignant moment at the Winter Games had to do with Beth Heiden, the fabulous Eric's 20-year-old sister and an outstanding speed skater on her own. It is my guess that most viewers missed this particular moment, for it was not only sad but as brief as the last flicker of a snowflake melting in its descent over the Olympic flame. Beth Heiden did not do well in the Winter Games, not as well as expected, certainly, and she has only a Bronze Medal to show for her effort - and one feels she doesn't want to show even that very often. Beth Heiden was interviewed by ABC-TV as the Winter Games were ending or had in fact ended. She. is young, of course, in the first third or quarter of her life, and she bears that affliction of so many college girls - the nervous giggle. It does not, as they say, enhance her public image. Still, she had something to say to ABC - and said it. She accounted her comparative failure in speed skating this Olympic year to media pressure and especially, as she said to the press. "I wasn't skating for myself anymore," she added, "I was skating for the press." "To hell with you guys," Beth Heiden said. The television camera stayed. on her, and she looked so much like a little downcast girl that one could sense the embarrassment of the interviewer and everyone else within sight and sound of the suddenly lost child from Wisconsin and kid sister of the greatest speed skater in the world. It was one of the saddest moments ever recorded in spo~ts television, and I'm not sure whether anyone else saw it as I did. There's an old saying in sports - and I remember one of my high school coaches saying to me and, incidentally, to my disadvantage -.:... that a good big man will always beat a good small man. I don't doubt that had Beth Heiden been in a better frame of mind and spirit, she would have given us a couple of Silver Medal performances. But the gold would have still gone, it seems likely, to the good bigger women who actually won those medals. One can't say for sure whether Beth would have performed all that much better, however, if the press and television had been more sensitive . to her situation, but 1- think she would have accepted her fate with a little less bitterness and that lost girl sadness on the verge of tears.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

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AT GROUNDBREAKlNG: From left, William F. Moran, parish building committee chairman; Msgr. Robert L. Stanton, pastor; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Robert E. Parent of F. L. Collins and Sons, contractors; Owen Hackett, architect, all le1?-ding a hand at groundbreaking ceremonies for the new ~t. Patrick's parish center, Somerset. (Torchia Phot~)



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Bishops e,ndor,se boycott ATLANTA (NC)-Six:Catholic pelled to endorse the consumer bishops in Georgia, North and .' ,boycott" and that they· do so South Carolina and Virginia "with the hope that their action have endorsed the union-organ- will serve to promote the workized boycott of J. P. Stevens ers' right to bargain collectively." products. Eight days before the bishops The endorsement followed two earlier statements by the same announced their endorsement of bishops expressing concerh over the boycott, J. ,Po Stevens, the labor-management relations in second largest textile manufacthe textile mills of their area and turer in the United States, rean offer by the bishops to assist ported higher quarterly earnings in resolving differences between despite the boycott at its annual the company and the Amalga- meeting. At the meeting,. in Greenville, mated Clothing and Textile S.C., church groups, for the Workers Union. The bishops' statement said third consecutive year, placed that at this time .they felt "com- before stockholders a resolution to establish a review committee to advise on managementemployee relations. Management opposes estalllishment of the Continued from page "one committee, which would be -As a hall, the center will ac- charged with developing and imcommodate 350 persons in air plementing a clear statement on conditioned comfort while meet- company conformity with the ing present energy codes and National Labor Relations Act standards. Windows will have In- and National Labor Relations sulating glass and lighting will Board (NLRB) rulings. The NL be fluorescent where possible. RB has repeatedly cited the comThe wood framed structure pany for labor law violations. will have aluminum siding For nearly two decades, the matching that of the church and Amalgamated Clothing and Texthe roof will be asphalt shingled. tile Workers Union has tried to The entire building, comprising organize many of Stevens' 82 tire 3,600 squure foot multi-pur- plants, but has been successful pose hall, office, kitchen, stor- in only three elections, while age and lavatory areas, will losing many more. measure .7,500 square feet. At the annual meeting, the It is hoped it will be ready for J. P. Stevens chairman, Whitney use next fall. Then parishioners Stevens, said the company will can start warming up for next continue its -fight against the year's wearing of the green. union. "We in the management of the cQmpany do not believe that a union has anything constructive to offer the company Sister ,Luisa C. Silva, 76, of or its employees," he said. In their statement, the Caththe Franciscan Missionaries of Mary died last week at Holy olic ,bishops said "the anti"union Family Convent, North Provi- activities" of the company "perdence. suade us that the company has Born in Portugal, she entered chosen to prevent the formation the Franciscan community in of employee organizations that 1929. She served at convents in can lead to collective bargainFall River and New Bedford be- ing." The bishops said their support fore being assigned to Hong Kong in 1947, where she served of the boycott would continue until "the company can demonfor 29 years, returning to North strate that it has eliminated the Providence in 1976.

. Great day

Sister Luisa

mood of fear and retaliation from its plants, bargains in good faith in contract negotiations and responds to the rights of workers to organize."

Inner city •

Continued from page one "Despite such limited resources a top priority is quality education, which for many of the parents means private education because they feel that inner city public schools have abandoned them and the hopes they have for their children." Father Timothy K. O'Brien, director of the study and director of the Catholic League, said, "For many inner city parents these schools are seen as the only alternative to public education. "The schools are tremendously handicapped financially - 90 per cent of them are churchrelated schools and their financial future is uncertain. The 335 teachers surveyed, despite being poorly compensated financially, and required to work with limited resources, remain in these schools because they love the atmosphere of close teacherstudent-parent contact, the religious environment and they have a strong desire to serve the poor." Father O'Brien will speak at the NCER convention on "The Experience of Principals and Teachers in Black and Hispanic Inner City, Church-Related Schools." Father Blum's topic will be, "Reasons Why Minority Families Choose Inner City, ChurchRelated Schools." A third speaker on the program, Victor Solomon, teacher in the Bilingual Public School, New York, and consultant to toe Congress of Racial Equality and the Catholic League, will speak on "Black, Puerto Rican and Mexican-American Church-Related Schools: Implications for Minority Families."

~ 1 ·1.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

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BISHOP CRONIN with students from Stonehill College, North Easton, and Wheaton College, Norton, named as special ministers of Holy Communion for their academic communities at rites in the Stonehill chapel. At bishop's left, Rev. Thomas M. Feeley, Wheaton campus minister; right, Rev. Richard Mazziotta, Stonehill minister. (Bauman Photo)

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Health worl{.ers' £etreat-

Fifty-six doctors, nurses, medical technicians and other health care professionals participated last week in the first overnight retreat in the Fall River diocese especially planned for their needs. Held last week at La Salette Center for Christian Living in Attleboro, the program, sponsored by the Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care of the Sick, was conducted by chaplains from St. Anne and CharIton Memorial hospitals, Fall River; Morton Hospital. and Marian Manor, Taunton; St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford; Sturdy

Memorial Hospital, Attleboro; and Cape Cod Hospital, Hyannis. The retreat theme, Partnership in Health Care--God and You, was developed through conferences, prayer services, periods of meditation and celebration of the Eucharist.

Among benefits of the program, said participants, was their realization that they were not alone in their religious beliefs. Many said the retreat experience offered them support in "bringing these beliefs to the healing profession." Chaplains who directed the re-

treat said they experienced the joy of seeing the members of their hospital communities grow in the Christian life;. and also developed their own sense of community as pastoral ministers to the sick.

Father Edmund J. Fitzgerald, Pastoral Care of the Sick director, said the response of medical personnel to the retreat opportunity was "overwhelming." He noted that not everyone wishing to make the retreat could be accommodated and indicated that future programs would be scheduled.

CRS appeal this Diocesan Catholics will be asked to contribute to the Catholic Relief Services Annual Laetare Sunday Appeal this weekend. "Since 1943, we have supported Catholic Relief Services through this appeal," said Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. "Our contributions are used as seed money for CRS activities in 85 countries around the world," he explained. "CRS can multiply each dollar contributed to the appeal 35 times to provide goods and services valued last year at $291 million." CRS, the official overseas aid

and developm~nt agency of American Catholics, was organized during World War II as a compassionate response to the victims of war in Europe. Over the years, its focus has changed from strict relief to a combination of relief and development work. Although best known for its prompt, effective disaster response, the major work of CRS is geared toward improved nutrition and advanced agricultural methods. "We can be proud of Catholic Relief Services' great track record," said Bishop Cronin.

"Through them, we in this diocese have. responded to victims of famine in Cambodia, hurricanes in the Caribbean, civil strife in Nicaragua 'and political upheaval throughout Southeast Asia. Additionally," he said, "ongoing programs on five continents brought hope for the future to millions of needy people. "I urge your generous response to this weekend's appeal. In helping CRS help the needy, we are performing corporal works of mercy and heeding Pope John Paul II's admonition to share our generous blessings with the poor of the world."

Confusing world of CIA

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Central Intelligence Agency has at times authorized - but has not used - reporters, missionaries and professors as spies in the past few years, a top CIA official told the Senate Intelligence Committee. Frank C. Carlucci, the agency's deputy director, made .the remarks in an attempt to clarify earlier remarks by the CIA's director, Adm. Stansfield Turner, that the CIA has "on rare occasions" made exceptions to the agency's own rules prohibiting the use of such groups for intelligence gathering. The prohibitions were drawn

up several years ago as the resuIt of protests over past CIA involvement with such groups. Carlucci explained that while Turner had authorized waivers of CIA prohibitions against the use of the groups, the waivers never actually were used.

Turner's and Carlucci's statements came as Congress was considering a new charter for U.S. intelligence activities. The charter would prohibit CIA agents from pos~ng as members of the three groups except in a national emergency. Turner's earlier statements had brought a request from the

head of the oversight subcommittee of the House Select Intelligence Committee, Rep. Les Aspin ·(D-Wis.), that the CIA supply a list of the exceptions referred to by Turner. Turner and Carlucci said they oppose a blanket prohibition and favor latitude for the agency so restrictions can be waived in exceptional cases.

Missionary and journalistic organizations, on the other hand, want an outright ban so their members can work in foreign countries without fear of bei.ng accused of spying for the U.S. government.








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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980






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Eire policy

Ireland is control of what would otherwise be an in~ependent economy, Father Wilson said.

is scored

"These people, my neighbors, need money," the grey-haired priest said. "But once they say they need it, immediately British propaganda - which is accepted by A'mericans - says: Ah, but these people are going to use the money to buy guns. The British army is buying guns, not us. We are starved for capital," he said. At the start of 1980, the un-

BELFAST, Northern Ireland (NC) - A priest long active in helping lower class Catholics in Belfast criticized the United States, saying it is helping British repression in Northern Ireland. "It is an utterly shameful thing that the United States government should condone and help the British government in the brutal and vicious oppression of our people," said Father Desmond Wilson. Father Wilson spoke after announcing establishment of the West Belfast Development Trust, designed to raise capital to encourage local initiative in industrial and social expansion projects in economically hardpressed West Belfast, a Catholic section of the city. "The United States government, by consciously contributing to the myth that the British army is a neutral force, has made the task of real peace keeping here quite difficult, if not impossible," the priest said. Americans as individuals and through societies have helped the Irish people, he said, "but the American government - never." In the past, the United States bought the friendship of the Irish people "very cheaply," Father Wilson said. But he warned" that the Carter administration's continued insistence on regarding Northern Ireland as an internal problem of Great Britain could damage the friendship. "There are no words of mine as an Irish person and as a Catholic priest: that would be strong enough to condemn what the British government has done and is doing to our people," Father Wilson said. British control of Northern

employment rate in Northern Ireland was estimated at 11.5 percent. By the end of the year, it has been forecast, that figure could jump as high as 17 percent. In predominantly Catholic West Belfast, the unemployment rate is already about 20 percent, Father Wilson said, and in some sectors is 40 percent. ",People talk about the enormous amount of money the British government injects into the province," the 56-year-old priest said. "The fact is that the British government is subsidizing its own industries in Northern Ireland." He added: "Anything necessary for the military can be had. Anything necessary for development cannot be had at all."

Prelates visit IJollg }(esh

BAREFOOT PILGRIM climbs Croagh Patrick. It is believed that in the year 443 81. Patrick spent part of Lent in prayer and penance atop the 2510 foot mountain in southern Ireland.

BELFAST, Northern Ireland (NC) - Cardinal Tomas O'Fiaich of Armagh, Northern Ireland, and Bishop Edward Daly of Derry, Northern Ireland, spent 10 and a half hours on March 3 visiting the Maze Prison at Long Kesh which houses prisoners convicted of terrorist offenses. "They visited with as many prisoners as possible from the dioceses of Armagh and Derry," said a statement issued by the Catholic Information Office after the visit. "Either together or" individually they spoke with and prayed with prisoners in all, the H Blocks, including prisoners who are on protest and those who are not," said the statement. Some of the prisQners in the H Blocks have been protesting the denial of politi~al prisoner status by refusing to wear prison garb or do prison work. Most of Turn to Page Nine

Continued from Page Eight them are in favor of an end to British rule in Northern Ireland and most are Catholic. British and Northern Irish authorities say the prisoners in Long Kesh are comm"on criminals and are not entitled to any special status. Cardinal O'Fiaich and Bishop Daly also met prisoners in the other compounds, including a number of Loyalist prisoners, those who support British rule in Northern Ireland. The cardinal and the bishop recently visited Armagh Women's Prison, where a protest similar to the -one in Long Kesh's H Blocks is graduaIly building up. The statement issued after the visit to Long Kesh said Cardinal O'Fiaich and Bishop Daly believed that "no effort should be spared in ,attempting to avert the development of a"second H Block situation, with all the tragedy and anxiety which this entails for prisoners, prison staff and the families of both." To determine whether "there is any useful role which the bishops can play at this stage in seeking a resolution of the H Block impasse," the statement said, they asked to meet with Humphrey Atkins, the British secretary of state for Northern Ireland. 'In July 1978, after visiting Long Kesh, Cardinal (then Archbishop) O"Fiaich publicly decried "inhuman conditions" in the H Blocks. "One would hardly alIowan animal to remain in such conditions, let alone a human being," he said. The closest thing he had seen to conditions in Long Kesh, the cardinal then said, "was the spectacle of hundreds of homeless people living in sewer-pipes in the slums of Calcutta. The stench and filth in some of the

It is part of a treasure trove ceIls, with the remains of rotten food and human excreta scat- of gold, silver and bronze relitered around the waIls, was al- gious articles, including several most unbearble. In two of communion vessels, found by them, I was unable to speak for chance near the site of an early Christian monastery. The locafear of vomiting." The ceIls of the protesting pris- tion has not been disclosed for oners were without beds, chairs fear of unauthorized treasure or tables, the cardinal said. The seekers. prisoners slept on mattresses on The discovery was described the floor. They were naked exas "the find of the century" by cept for a towel or blanket. They Brendan O'Riordan, director of had no books, newspapers or the National Museum of Ireland, reading material except the .who will be aided by experts Bible. They had no pens or writ- from the British Museum in asing material, no TV or radio, no sessing the value of the artifacts. hobbies or handicrafts, no exercise or recreation. The Ardagh Chalice, which The cardinal said then that al- was part of an exhibition of lowing prisoners to remain in early Irish art that toured the such conditions for a long time United States in 1978 and 1979, "is surely a grave injustice and dates from the early eighth cencannot be justified in any cir- tury. It is made of silver, bronze and gold with added glass and cumstances." rock crystals. It is part of the The HBlock protest began in September 1976, and some pris- coIlection of the National Museum of Ireland. oners have spent more than two years in' protest, "on the blanket," as they describe it. British officials blame the prisoners for depriving themselves of better conditions available in the prison. The H Block prisoners support the right to political prisoner status by saying they were all tried by special, no-jury courts where anonymous testimony was permitted. Such courts do not conform to standard British legal procedures for dealing with common crimes.

Irish filld is historic

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980






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How can you help today~ St. Patricks?

A chalice similar to the famed 8th-century Ardagh Chalice found a century ago in County Limerick, Ireland, has been unearthed near the River Shannon in County Tipperary, Ireland.






> Vl -0





Uke the Apostle of the Irish, today's missionaries -laymen and women, priests, Brothers and Sisters - bring the light of faith to people who have never heard of Christ. He~e, like St. Patrick, lay catechists in Ghana are explaining the Cross to a chief and his elders.

How can YOU help missionaries spread the Good News ofthe Gospel? By sending a Lenten sacrifice to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. It has been supporting missionaries around the world for 158 years.

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CLOVER ,CLUB MEMBERS held their annual communiop breakfast and gave a concert at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. From left, Kenneth E. Leger; Thomas J. Murphy, president; Dennis C. Hurley; Father Barry W. Wall, Sacred Heart pastor. St. Patrick, at the rear, is an ex officio member. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)


THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH MOlt Rev. Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 FIfth Avenue New York, New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor John J. Oliveira

Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980




COUNCil. MfMlfl"

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Help! For almost four years we have tried in this column to answer questions about the many aspects of family life. Now we need to ask perhaps the most basic question of all: What is a family? What makes a family? We want your opinion. The "experts" have fallen flat. The upcoming White House· Conference on the Family may never materialize because no one can agree on the definition of a family. Apparently family is so desirable everyone wants to. call his or her own particular living arrangement a "family." Maybe that is all right, or maybe the term "family" should be reserved for a specific kind of living arrangement. The U.S. Census Bureau makes a distinction between households and families. They report that there were 76 million households in the United States in 1978 and 57 million families. Its definition of family: two or more persons, related by blood, adoption or marriage, living under one roof. Some single adults living alone feel they have the right to be called family. The Pittsburgh Pirates won the 1979 World Series with the rallying cry, "We are family." Like many others, our local basketball team has taken up the same chant, emphasizing its comradeship and teamwork. Can an unmarried couple living together be considered a family? Suppose two unrelated adults choose to live together to share eating lmd heating, roof and television. Are they a family? In what sense might a group of seminarians working their



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a family?

way through theology studies together be called a family? Is a community of nuns a family? I question whether a couple without children should be called a family. Why not just call them a couple, an accurate description? Perhaps we should reserve the name "family" for larger groups that involve children or more than one generation. The traditional family usually involved both collaterals and generations. This is, it involved at least two generation levels (grandparent, parent, child, grandchild) and at least one collaterial (uncle, aunt,· cousin, nephew, niece). This was the extended family, joined by ties of blood. Today's nuclear family essentially consists of father, mother and child, with no collaterals and a strong tendency to make the child optional. Some (the Kennys included) have argued that the nuclear family needs to expand to survive, to reach out to foster children and adults, to forge ties of friendship and common goals with others, either on a daily living basis or on a sometime schedule. They feel the nuclear family is too small to be "family."

What about the father who complained to me, "We aren't a faDlily. I work. My wife works. My son plays sports and is gone all the time. My daughter spends most of her day in school and with the babysitter. We rarely eat together. While there may be four of us, in no way are we a family." Is he right? Is "family" a way of life or a style, or is it better defined by the number or relationship of its members? The optimistic side of this dilemma is that the concept of family remains so desirable that everyone wants to claim to be one. Witness the popularity of such family television shows as "Eight Is Enough" and "The Waltons." Is this nostalgia or is there a force and joy in these families that we still wish to emulate today? The negative side of the dilemma is that if every social group is family, we will probably get nowhere. Terms like "supporting the family" or "strengthening family life" will be meaningless because we won't know what we are talking about. Readers, we welcome your opinion. Send your definition of family to The Kennys, The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River 02722.

Fasting during Lent (Continued from last week)

The second point he makes is The 1966 instruction, "Paeni- also based upon experience, but temini, made fasting a voluntary the experience of being filled. practice once again, and under- We all have the experience of lined the Christian's responsibil- certain times in our lives when ity to do penance-by fasting, by we simply don't eat. Perhaps prayer, by works of charity-in . someone in our family has died, the form which best suited the and we lose all desire for food. individual and would be most Perhaps we have fallen in love helpful. hTe result ·seems to be a and everything else is a waste decline in the practice of fasti'ng, of time. Perhaps we are so enbut a renewed appreciation of its grossed in a hobby that we lose potential for spiritual growth all track of time and don't even based on the best that our tradi- think about eating. Perhaps we are under so much pressure to tion has to offer. accomplish a particular task that we drive ourselves until it is finAn appreciation An interesting and valuable ished-and neither hunger nor appreciation of the practice of . tiredness make themselves felt fasting has been expressed by until the moment of emptiness, Pierre-Francois de Bethune in i.e. until the moment of complet"Jeune et Lucidite," Commu- ing the task and thus no longer nautes et liturgies (1979, no. I), being filled with it. pp. 35-41, from which the following is a selected adaptation. Two of the points he makes are about fasting as an ascetical exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to be more in touch with God, and to do so more realistically, i.e., with a truer awareness of the real relationship between God and man. The first point he makes is based on the experience of emptiness that one feels when one fasts. There is a feeling of elemental anxiety and elemental· lack. This lack and anxiety are simply a part of the emptiness of humanity per se. Humanity is oriented to life with God, and in Augustine's phrase, our hearts are restless until they rest in God. From this point of view, then, fasting could be used to stimulate a deeper-than-physical hunger in the person, a hunger for the living God.

Fasting in this sense is being so filled with God that nothing else counts and would only distract. Fasting in this sense is not an act of sorrow, but leads to joy. Fasting in this sense is not a penance nor an end in itself, but a submission to God, a waiting for God, a seeking of his presence, a readiness for his revelation - a revelation of the deepest love that we can ever know. Reprinted by permission from "Newsletter," Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, Jan. 1980, Vol. XVI•.

Standpoint "It is important that people

know what you stand for; it is equally important that they know what you won't stand for." -Don Ohlson

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980


uestion corner By Father John


Q. Why does the church use holy water and what are the ef· fects of its use for those of us who believe it combats evil? I enclose a pamphlet which says _that the "devil hates holy water" and that we can sprinkle holy water for a blessing to our loved ones who live far away from us. What do you think of these beliefs? (fil.) A. The pamphlet from which you quote contains some very questionable comments about the use of holy water, making it sound almost, like a spiritual rabbit's foot. In all uses of sacramentals, including holy water, we must keep straight exactly what a sacramental is in the church's tradition. A blessed medal, picture - or holy water - is simply a material item over which the church has prayed, asking God to accept the prayers of -the church for those who reverently use it. In a sacramental such as holy water, therefore, the devotion, faith and charity of the person using it are augmented and supported by the prayers of the church. There is no magic power in the water itself. Surely the proper use of holy water can be of great spiritual benefit. It can be a striking reminder of our baptism and of the commitment to Jesus Christ which he made in receiving that sacrament. It can symbolize and strengthen our faith in the forgiving love of God and therefore assist us in a spirit of conversion that brings with it the forgiveness of our sins. Again, all this can be strengthened and enriched immeasurably by the blessing of the church, which carries with it the assurance of the prayers of all our fellow Catholics and Christians. Properly used with these intentions, there is nothing superstitious about holy water or any other sacramental. Unfortunately, over-zealous devotees of certain sacramentals come close to stepping over the line. Q. A non-Catholic friend is attending a series of talks on the Bible. She reports that in this class, and from a Catholic acquaintance, she is told that the Blessed Virgin Mary bore other children after Jesus. I went to a Catholic schooi and never heard of this. Can you explain whether this is true? (Mass.) A. Bible students, including most Protestant scholars, agree that neither the New Testament nor other early Christian writings offer any substantial evidence that Mary had other children besides Jesus. It is impossible to deal with all the arguments to the contrary, but none, when examined carefully, support the claim that Jesus had brothers and sisters., The extreme care that the writers of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke take to insist that the conception of Jesus was ac-

complished by a special intervention of God certainly indicates a Gospel bias in favor of the virginity of Mary. Perhaps the text most commonly brought forth to claim that Mary had other children is Matthew 12,47, which speaks of some of the disciples as "brothers" of Jesus. This apparent problem dissolves when one realizes that the Jews of Jesus' time had one word that covered all kinds of kinships, from brother or sister to aistant cousins. When this particular Aramaic word ("aha") is used to designate the relationship of some individuals to Jesus, it requires quite a stretch of meaning to conclude that they are his brothers and sisters in our sense of those words. Because the perpetual virginity of Mary was commonly taught by the great teachers in the church from the very earliest decades after Christ, the church has long held that Mary was a virgin also after the birth of Christ and therefore bore no other children. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen cIa The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.



THIS LITTLE GIRL in Southeast Asia is blind because she did not receive enough Vitamin A as an infant and ,toddler. Some 100,000 children in her part of the world will lose their sight this year for lack of two cents' worth of vitamin capsules. Among agencies working to alleviate such conditions is the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, now conducting its annual Lenten appeal for the mission.

One-stop shopping By Marilyn Roderick There is a new type of shopping afloat, born of the need of the busy woman for one-stop shopping. Some of the large New York department stores have already opened one-stop shopping areas devoted to the career woman who hates to waste her free time shopping or the woman who enjoys dressing but doesn't want to spend weeks shopping for each season's wardrobe. While I love shopping, I find my time so scarce that I would welcome a store where I could find everything that I wanted in the way of apparel under one roof. Gone are the days when ladies leisurely strolled down Main Street and window shopped their afternoons away. Today the busy American working woman finds that between job and family there is little time for necessary shopping, never mind a luxurious stroll. The new fashion stops specialize mostly in classic suits and lovely separates. These outfits have become the uniform of busy career girls and working wives who wants to look neat and efficient without giving up their femininity. There is much to be said for one-stop shopping, beyond the saving of frayed nerves. Accessories are planned to compliment the type of clothing featured and there' is no long search for tqe right bag or shoes. Also, this type of shopping cuts do~n on impulse buying and the extravagance that most of us can no

longer afford. There are, of course, still those people who regard shopping as entertainment and pride them~elves on their ability to locate bargains. If this your thing and you have the time, I think it's marvelous and will also help stretch your clothing dollars. However, I do find it encouraging that retailers are realizing that time suddenly has become more precious, shopping is something we do when we have to and we would like ,nothing more than a one-stop shop with our type of clothing and accessories.

Right there "Wherein I find you, there will I judge you." Justin Martyr

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

The prodigal's family By Father John J. Castelot

Jesus is the father who runs to meet his errant son. It seems safe to infer that this was a good family, with an upright, devoted father. In spite of this, one son went wrong, ended up in the gutter. Black, or at least spotted sheep are almost as common as the good families from which they come, for children are subject to powerful evil influences outside the family circle.

The title conventionally attached to the story of the Prodigal's Son is somewhat misleading, since it focuses attention on just one of the actors in~ the drama. The son is important, certainly, but even more important is the prodigal father, who spends his mercy lavishly on the humbled boy. The story reveals not just God's mercy, but his eager mercy. When the father saw the boy approaching "he ran but to meet him, threw his arms around his neck and kissed him" (Luke 15,20). Then, apparently paying no attention to the son's By James A. Kenny confession of unworthiness, he orders his servants to prepare ,Bill is 16 and the oldest of a royal homecoming party. four. His parents have a stable The third family member is 路marriage. Bill was introduced to important to the story, too, and marijuana at 14. Now he gets to its overall message. That is "high" almost every day. the elder son, who comes in ''I'm frightened," Bill's mother from ~ork and asks the reason said to her neighbor. "Where for the revelry. His understand- have we failed? able reaction is fury. The bum "I don't know what to do." of a brother takes off with his Bill's mom began to cry. "He's share of the Estate, leaves him getting worse. Two weeks ago with a double workload, and the school called to say they goes carousing and whoring all suspect he smokes pot on the over town. And now they're way to school and gets there throwing a party for him? Let 'high.' He smarts off to his dad him go back to feeding the pigs; and me and acts like he knows he'll be in good company. it all. Other times he's quiet. If the picture of the father He's pulling away from us. tells us a good deal about God, "Then last night Bill's dad the portrayal of the sons tells found some cigarette papers and us perhaps more than we want pipes and a sandwich bag of to know about ourselves. Most what I think was pot in his people can identify in varying room. He smashed it up and condegrees with the son who accepts fronted Bill. Bill yelled back and the father's gifts and pr<>ceeds ran out of the house. He didn't to abuse them. come home until just before But one does not notice the breakfast. He grabbed his books same readiness to identify with in silence and went off to the unforgiving elder brother. school," Mother sobbed. "I feel This reflects a failure to recog- so helpless.". nize a very common and dangerBill's mother does need help. ous tendency in people to "play She has already taken the most God" - according to their image common first step, talking to of God. her friend and neighbor. Our That image is of an infinitely friends are our biggest resource. self-righteous, unyielding, pun- The support they can give us is ishing God, a sort of eternal Lord ' even more important than any advice they may generate. High Executioner. Bill's friends are important And when this caricature of too. Sometimes, rather than tryGod is a bit slow to judge and condemn, they feel constrained ing to fight the peer group, it may be wise to get to know them to take over for him. better. Invite them over. Listen The expression "to play God" to them. Learn about pot. Why? is quite accurate: This type of When ? How? Don't admonish person casts God in a role of them and they may tell you. I his own devising, writes a scen- have never met a group of young ario of his inventive imagining, people who did not possess many and proceeds to play a part ut- redeeming qualities, virtues like terly divorced from reality. loyalty, generosity and cleverThe reality is the God reveal- ness. Perhaps Bill can learn to meet ed to us by Jesus in his own person and life and in his in- some other young people. The sistent teaching. The God of best way is through activities

One can only hope the family influence will outweigh the other. When it doesn't, there is often bitter recrimination: "How could you do this to us? The boyar girl can't answer that. And it does little good to ask it. What can do good is to go on loving, hoping, helping in every way possible, waiting at the crossroads for the prodigal's return; waiting with arms ready to embrace, lips ready to kiss.

How others call help

WHAT DO YOU DO when a bottle goes to school along with the books? (NC Photo)

Where did we go wrong? By Steve Landregan "How could this have happened? Where did we go wrong?" Paula and Eddie ask the question as they wait comprehensively and disbelievingly outside the intensive care unit where there 15-year-old daughter is being treated for an accidental overdose. John and Martha ask it as they search for the reason their 14-year-old son ran away from home. Louise asks it while trying to understand how her ~college freshman daughter could have flunked out of the university because drinking was more important than studying. "Where did we go wrong?" Parents of teen-agers and young adults ask the question so often today that it has almost become a cliche. Many things can trigger the agonized cry. Drugs. i\ pregnancy out of wedlock. Alcoholism. A child whose total lifestyle is a rebellion against the values parents have struggled to teach. Few families are spared some brush '. ith youthful rebellion or l'ejectio . It is never easy. It is always traumatic. It is often tragic. How do you handle such situations? When parenting really becomes ~:ifficult . . . how should we respond as Christian parents? There is no one answer. There is no right answer. There are 50 me answers. As a parent who has survived five teenagers, I

have had some practical firsthand experience in dealing with difficulties. As a\ deacon who ministers to others, I have shared the suffering of parents and children in the maze of hurt and embarrassment that can surround such incidents. The first thing is to avoid overreacting. Dramatic condemnations, hysterics, handwringing and blind accusations of self and others accomplish nothing and leave bitter memories. Try to look beyond your personal hurt and understand how your child is feeling. By reacting with "how could you do this to us?" we are likely to open new wounds in our child instead of healing the existing ones. Self-centeredness never healed a hurt. Don't take on a load of personal guilt. Parents need to realize that outside pressures are great enough today to counteract the strongest family influence. Self-pity is a convenient way of hiding from reality by doing nothing. Parents are not God. But they can and should imitate him in one important way. They can love unconditionally, without demanding or expecting anything in return. They can hope and they can forgive. A loving response to a difficult situation will do more to heal, to reconcile and to change attitudes than all the tantrums and recriminations in the world. When parenting gets difficult ... let no one in the family ever feel alienated or unloved.

like sports and crafts and travel, whatever interests him. The peer group is critical in determining teen behavior. What about relatives? When things get tough in a family, look for some time out. Is there a grandparent, a cousin, an aunt and uncle with whom Bill can stay for a short time? This can break the vicious circle of family anger; it can also open up new vistas for Bill. A relative who has successfully conquered a drug or alcohol problem would be ideal. Is there a teacher or counselor Turn to Page Thirteen

On Drugs' By Jerry Bartram The accusation, "You're ruining my life," coming from her son, John, shocked Margie. After her husband's death, life had been quiet for the family. There were just the three of them, mother, son and daughter. Then suddenly John changed. He became sloppy and indifferent. At first Margie thought he was just going through a phase, "Then one day, his eyes appeared glazed, It was then that I knew there had to be a real problem. So I confronted him. He admitted he was on drugs. It was a nightmare," Margie says. "Finally I pulled myself together. I told him he had to see a doctor. I remained in the waiting room as John insisted on seeeing the doctor alone. On the way home, he informed me that he had watched many movies and knew everything that was dangerous. 'You have to let me live my own life, Mom, I know what I'm doing.' Turn to Page Thirteen

know your faIth

A Verdade E A Vida ' Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego


Crista Permanente

A nivel das institui~6es, na-Igreja (como na sociedade) houve uma epoca que poderiamos chamar estatica: caracterizou-se pelo seu fixismo doutrinal e moral mesmo em pormenores de tipo acidental ou circunstancial; por urn triunfalismo perante 0 mundo, uma exalta~ao propria, umas formas teatrais (liturgia, cortejos papais, cerimonial dos bispos), e· por urn paternalismo acentuado: os homens da Igreja actuavam em face do mundo ou dos outros homens com urn sentido proteccionista, como quem concede direitos aos outros. A Igreja dava.a impressao duma familia que vivia, mas num museu, para nao se deteriorar. Em poucos anos, 0 mundo mudou radicalmente. Estas mudan~as, aliadas celebra~ao do Concilio, sacudiram a Igreja do seu imobilismo. A luta de gera~oes fez-se mais dramatica; por toda a parte surgem tens6es nas mentalidades. Acusava-se a Igreja de chegar sempre atrasada. Agora, ela propria se impes a renova~ao e 0 compromisso perante o mundo: menos legalismo (burocracia) e mais espirito; menos importancia ao economico e mais a missao; menos praticismo (e liturgismo) e mais compromisso temporal; menos anatemas e mais compreensao menos ritmo estatico e mais di...... . nam.LCO; nao urna IgreJa perfel.ta, maS sim uma que se vai fazendo cada dia. . ~ ni~el pessoal: A perfei~ao do crl.stao nao se afere por urna serie de praticas exteriores (perfei~ao do Antigo Testamento, anatematizada por Cristol, influenciadas muitas vezes por condicionalismos sociais (os costumes, a opiniao dos outros) ou pseudo-religiosos (formalismo, magia) ,mas pelo encontro pessoal e interior de cada urn com 0 Deus pessoal, revelado em Cristo. Muitos cristaos vivem urnas estruturas influenciadas pelo cristianismo, mas, no seu interior, ainda sao 'pagaos, nao estao convertidos. Deus revelou-Se aos homens, mas continua a repetir os antigos prodigios. Co~e~ou e esta agora em pleno desenvolvimento a historia do compromisso de' Deus com os homens. Todos os antigos acontecimentos salvificos sao para nos "figuras" daquilo que anteriormente continua a aperfei~oar-se no Reino de Deus neste mundo. o proprio Cristo foi acusado de inconformista (subleva 0 povo, anda com os pecadores, faz-Se Deus). Ele e o verdadeiro exemplo desta renova~ao. N'Ele, 0 homem e totalmente penetrado pela divindade na Sua Ressurrei~ao, passando a ser, a partir de ai, totalmente "Filho de Deus". Com a Sua Morte Ressurrei~ao, destruiu 0 pecado, abriu nos urn outro caminho de esperan~a, tornou-no~ "filhos de Deus" e deu-nos o mandamento do amor como lei da vida. Todas estas realidades renovam urn mundo dominado pelo odio e pelo pecado. A renova~ao continua em cada cristao.




Continued from page twelve "John grew worse. His only explanation continued to be, 'I really like the stuff.' "My whole life seemed such a failure that I wished it would end. Just as my thoughts were the darkest, I suddenly thought of Jesus, his suffering on the cross - his physical pain· and mental anguish. I realized he understood my pain and how much I love my son: I would concentrate on my love for my boy and leave the rest to God. "I had to let go and love John' as he was. Even though my pain was almost overwhelming, at the same time a certain peace enveloped me as I told God, 'He is yours.' "Shortly after that, I heard about a family retreat. One evening I suggested to the children that we go. John was obviously not enthusiastic but agreed. The trip was terrible (it was a twoday drive). John blasted the radio at top volume. Laura got car sick. We were a sad bunch when we arrived. "The next morning, a friend called and told me that someone had broken into our home and robbed us. I jumped to the conclusion that is must have been one of John's friends. He was terribly hurt at my suggestion. We considered going home immediately. Then I remembered my promise to leave things in God's hands. So we stayed.


HIE At~CHORThurs., March 13, 1980

On drugs "That evening, I saw John walking alone towards the woods. I caught up to him and asked him. what he was thinking. 'I'm thinking about revenge,' he said and kept walking. "I watched for him to return. A few hours later, I saw him walk slowly with an uncertain air into the chapel. We talked together little during the rest of the retreat. But shortly before we were ready to leave, he told me the aloneness had helped him put things into perspective. I

"'Do you remember when I went into the woods and told you I was concentrating on revenge? Well, it didn't quite work out that way. I could have used some stuff but I didn't have any. I wound up thinking about myself. And it wasn't pleasant. I broke down and asked God to help me. I asked him for a sign. When I came back and walked into the chapel, I saw the words love your enemies, on a banner: It hit me. I knew I needed to love. But I don't even love myself. I can't begin to think about loving someone who has hurt me. Do you think I can make it, Mom?'" "I held him for a long time. I don't remember what we said. Time has passed since then. Our battle wasn't easy or short, but we fought it together and we won."


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How others can help


Continued from Page Twelve at the school who might take. Bill under his or her wing? Bill needs a firm approach. Ideal would be a school person who met Bill each morning and checked for signs of pot use. If Bill were "clean," they would have a friendly chat. If not, Bill would have to take all his lessons in a special room that day.

lar attention and support for Bill. Some communities have a good mental health center with a wise addictions counselor. Often these people have been through an addiction problem themselves and can talk straight to teens.

Parishes can help by continuing to welcome Bill into their activities. He does not need to be criticized and excluded. Strict How about informal proba-· tion? Many probation offices firmness is necessary, but that have a program for teens who will need to come primarily from have not yet been formally parents, school and perhaps the charged for any offense. Since probation office. The parish the use of pot is at least a mis- must give Bill a smile and a pat demeanor, the probation officer en the back for all that is good might offer Bill some rules in- and hopeful about him. stead of filing charges. The rules Mother's neighbor is the first usually include the forbidding of step in her attempt to mobilize pot, forbidding certain friend- her informal resources. Families ships, and an evening curfew. are not alone. There is a lot of The probation office acts to sup- love and support and control port the family. available to Bill's parents in the Some communities have an ac- community. Sociologists call it tive "big brother" program. An an informal network. Christ callolder male might provide regu- ed it his mystical body. I call it good sense.



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THE ANCHORThurs., March 13, 1980

Integrity him, and that if he flunked out place in recent competition. Basketball team's win over Old ship and relationships. Yelling for again, that it would all be over.. By Charlie Martin something doesn't mean you get He must learn that there's no Colony in quarter finals. Joe Quinn, hockey coach, and ' it, but at least you have it off free lunch and that you must Wait for Me assistant coach Larry Correia abide by your agreements." your chest. for their dedication and untiring Then there are the women who For example: Mr. X, attorney Midnight hour almost over for baseball pitcher (and it could said they were "dying to have effort. Time is running out for the magic pair Jay Maddock, freshman Father be for football or basketball, children" and, having had them, I know you gave the best that you have superstar, Lightning Pete, has left them. One mother's excuse: basketball coach, for his fine But one more chance couldn't be all that hard to bear. announced that his client will "I needed children only at a work with the team and travelWait for me please . not report to spring training un- special period in my life. Now ing from Fall River. Wait for me Mothers' Club for their presless his contract is renegotiated. that period is ended." All right, I guess that's more than I should ask When asked: "Don't you feel entation of Night of the Arts and Signed as a free agent, LightWait for me please ning's contract was reported to more of a responsibility to your Pat Mansfield and her dancing Wait for me be the most lucrative in the his- children because they are stilI students, Mrs. Matesanz and her Although I know the light is fading fast. so young?" she replied, "Oh, art students and drama students tory of baseball. You could go either way However, since that time, the they're not that young. They can Sue Booth, Julie Boynton, Donna Is it easier to stay management has signed two more take ,care of themselves. They Hoye, Marybeth Mazzoleni, ColI wonder what you'll do when your cha,nce rolls around leen O'Gara, Sue Vickery, Marfree agents to even more lucra- always have." But you gotta know how much I want to keep you garet Wilson, Barbara LeClerc, One could go on and on, shaktive contracts. So what happens? When I'm away I'm afraid it will all f,all down. Lightning, who had signed his ing one's head as newspapers Nora P~ke, Cheryl Roza and Gary Love is what it does and ours is doing nothing contract in good faith, had given are read and clippings pored Wallace. But all the time we spent his word, shaken hands with the over, but the results are the It must be good for something people upstairs, is now showing same. Integrity has taken an Please forgive all the disturbance I'm creating signs of deep, ,deep dissatisfac- awful licking. Few weeks go by But you gotta lot to learn if you think that Senior Lisa Ferreira has retion with his $3 million con- that I don't get the stock answer I'm not waiting for you. ceived a $50 savings bond and tract and has decided not to to my questions about it: "Aw, Written by: Daryl Hall, sung by Daryl Hall and John Oates, c'mori. Be realistic. They all do a plaque as winner of a conplay rather than honor it. test for the most outstanding it. " Lightning, getting no tears worker in a New Bedford sum- Š by Hot-Cha Music Co. and Six Continents Music Publishing, Inc. What has bothered me of late from the unemployment line, mer CETA program. All Rights Reserved. says, "I feel management is tak- have been the many federal paNamed from over 1000 proing me for granted. To make a tronage projects that have found gram participants, she was ciTHIS SONG'S THEME of waiting is a well-known experience mere $3 million when other their way into key states at this ted for her work with the New for us. We wait for birth and at the end of our physical time players are making more tells time. That is something, in my Bedford Health Department. "As we wait to discover new life- in death. We wait to find th~ me that management doesn't opinion, that makes fools of the a clerk," offieials said, "she "right person" to fall in love and begin ,a different style 'of living. American people, and is downvalue my contribution. functioned on a level with the "Wait for Me" speaks of -the type of waiting that is often By this time, the nation is all right dishonest and immoral. It's adult staff." They explained found in relationships. A relationship blends two individualities bribery: I'll give you this if you choked up about how badly poor that the' award went to the proincluding the differences of the two people. ' Lightning is being treated, whilst vote for me. The presidential gram enrollee "who typifies Waiting often brings a certain space in a relationship. For housewives snip coupons out of campaign thus far makes me those attitudes and work habits one seeking greater closeness, this space hurts. Yet it can become newspapers and look for bar- ashamed. encouraged in the program's ob- a "space of love," allowing the other time for growth. Such space gains at the supermarkets. jectives." can be an investment in future closeness, for it demonstrates that Lisa plans to enter the field of our love is focused on the other's needs. Another example: Ungrateful banking after graduation. Child, age 22, is suing his father The .person in.,.the song reflects on the past spent together for $25,000 in order to return to The faculty at Coyle-Cassidy Also at the New Bedford and realizes that It must be good for something." Indeed all college. Child was dropped from_have begun a year of prepara- school, the science department time spent with another is important, for this time builds a- s'ense the state university for academ- tions for reaccreditation, sched- has held its annual fair. The top 11 students will compete in a of history to the relationship. Not every relationship will last ic deficiency at the end of his uled for 1981. Students, parents freshman year. He was permitted and members of the Taunton regional fair to be held at the forever, but each one can bring meaning into our lives. Each of us faces a lifetime of different types of waiting. We to return on trial but dropped community will also be invloved end of this month at Durfee may be lonely through these times, but we are not alone. Jesus again for the same reason. in the preparations for the High School, Fall River. A proTwo years later Child wants thoroughgoing examination of ject on computers took first place knows our hurts and invites us to share our waiting with him. to retur~ to school once more all school activities. for Gordon Goes, Michelle St. Such unity brings strength a.nd hope no matter how long we wait. but is unable to do so for finanThe student council has under- . Gelais was second with a study cial reasons, thus his litigation. taken to raise $500 for Opera- of color and Kevin Stone was Child's father, vice-president of tion Rice Bowl during Lent, with third with his experiments with a flourishing business, com- proceeds earmarked for Cambo- carbon dioxide. ments: "My son and I agreed, dian children. Tomorrow and Saturday aft~r he flunked out the first The current edition of C-C's nights at 7:30 the HF Drama By Edward Parr community as a reminder of time, and was readmitted, that weekly "update" tips its hat to: Club will present "Curious their baptismal commitment. Lent is a community affair at I would pay for one more semesBasketball team~New England Myths and Fantastical Tales" in Oth~r Lenten services have inthe school auditorium. The pub- Bishop Stang High School, North ter. I told him that if he did Catholic Champions. cluded student witness talks, Dartmouth, where students and Cheerleaders who took. first lic is invited. well I would continue to support faculty are marking the Lenten scripture readings, film, song season with a series of services and prayer as a means of focuswhich will culminate in a con- ing on a variety of themes. temporary Holy Week reflection In addition to the weekly seron the Way of the Cross. vices, each religion class will be "Lent is a journey we are in- given a contemporary catechesis vited to take," school chaplain on the sacrament of reconciliaRev. john Perry told the 800 tion and offered the opportunity members of the Stang commuto receive the sacrament at comnity at the first Lenten service. munal penance services. He explained that while the call is individual, we travel together George Bush and Sen. Edward as a community of faith, a faith Kennedy were the winners in a symbolized by the Cross, of mock primary election sponChrist and the Good News of sored by Stang students. With 89 salvation. percent of eligible students votThe service closed with dis- ing, Bush received 230 of 579 tribution of a crucifix and Bible votes and Sen. Kennedy garnerto' homeroom representatives as ed U,8. President Carter received reminders of the sustenance and 70. Other results included Readestiny of Christian pilgrims. gan, 61; Anderson, 3; Brown, 20; The school's Eucharistic minis- Baker, 5; .connally, 4. Two dieters "anointed" each other and hards cast write-in votes, for forthe other members of the Stang mer President Nixon. LENTEN SERVICE AT BISHOP STANG

Holy Family


Bishop Stang


By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Feehan Cheerleading Titlist 'Bishop Feehan High School's cheerleaders won first place in the 17th annual CYO Diocesan Cheerleadirig Competition held at the Kennedy CYO Center, New Bedford. Holy Family High School of New Bedford finished second and Bishop Connolly High School of Fall River third in the senior division, in which five squads competed. St. Francis Xavier of Acushnet was the winner in the junior division. St. Anthony of New Bedford was second, St. Joseph of New Bedford third' in this division, which was entered by 13 squads from grades six through eight. The top two teams in each division qualified for the New England Cheerleading Competition to be held April 13 at Rhode Island Junior College in Warwick, R.I. James P. Gibney was chairman of last Sunday's competition. Attleboro defeated New Bedford, 83-60, Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, Sunday night in the championship final of the CYO Diocesan round-robbin basketball tournament last weekend. In the consolation final Fall River topped Taunton, 9674. In the first set of games in Bishop Feehan High School last Thursday night, Attleboro thumped Fall River, 92-59, and New Bedford edged Taunton, 7977. The action moved to Kennedy Center Friday night when New Bedford defeated Fall River,

74-68, and Taunton triumphed over Attleboro, 77-74. Saturday night, in Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, Attleboro upended New Bedford, 64-43, and Fall River defeated Taunton, 7873. Attleboro and New Bedford with identical 2-1 records advanced to the championship final, in which Joe Cataldo scored 21 points for the tourney champions. Tim Gallant led the Fall River attack with 25 points. A Sunday full of CYO activities came to a close with the second set of games in the bestof-three semi-finals in the Bristol County Catholic Hockey League in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. Taunton swept its series with Rochester with a 5-4 victory and advanced to the final but will have to wait another week before the other finalist is determined as Somerset-Freetown upset New Bedford, 5-3, to knot that series 1-1. The deciding game between Somerset-Freetown and New Bedford is scheduled for 9. p.m. Sunday in the Driscoll Rink. Somerset-Freetown led, 3-0, going into the last period but New Bedford scored three goals in a two-minute span to tie the score at 3-3. However, SomersetFreetown gained the decision on goals by Jim McDermott at 12:4Q and Bob Berube at 14:10 of the last period. Taunton rode to victory on Jerry Fletcher's goal at 13:10 of the last stanza.

Father Donovan Game Upcoming The roster of the Bristol County CYO Hockey League all-stars who will participate in the annual Father Donovan Scholarship Fund game in the Driscoll Rink next Thursday evening - March 20 - is: Ray Correia, James Carey, BiU Taylor, Paul Carey, Glenn Souza, John Rodrigues, Kevin Snyder, Mario Mello and Mike Freeman of 'Fall River South; Jay Manning of Fall River North; Mike Weber and Ken :Aguiar of New Bedford; Mike Hogan and Jerry Fletcher of Taunton; Mike Krawetz and Dave Kosboski of Somerset-Freetown; Tim Begley and Barry Goulet of Rochester. The CVO stellars will oppose an all-star team of high school seniors and will be seeking their third straight victory. The seniors won the first four games. Next Thursday night's game is scheduled' for 7 o'clock. Donald Souza and Joe Bullock will' coach the CYO team. A special committee will host the traditional post-game banquet. >1<'



Presid~nt Henry Botelho of the Southeastern Massachusetts

Baseball Umpires' Association has announced that the association's first meeting of the year will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Somerset Lodge in Somerset. I ; Interpreter Lefty Duval will review the rules and explain the changes in the 1980 rules. Commissioner Ray. Billington' invites anyone interested in umpiring at the high school level to attend -association classes in preparation for a written qualifying examination. Other meetings this month will be held on the 19th and the 25th. 'For further. information contact George Aguiar, 11 Elm Street, Swansea, or any association member.

Education post WASHINGTON ~NC) Father Thomas G. Gallagher, a former superintendent of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y., and a Catholic school representative, has been named secretary of ~duca­ tion for the U.S. Catholic Conference.

tv, movie· news winning documentaries for the past 13 years. This time his camera focuses on a NATO military training exercise in "Ma· noeuvre," airing Thursday, March 20, at ·11 p.rn. on PBS. The film follows a U.S. infantry tank company as it is flown from its American base to West Germany, deployed in the field as part of a joint NATO force and, after repulsing an enemy .attack, goes on the offensive. While the film may not increase the viewer's sense of security in our military readiness, New Films neither does it lead to a blind "The Black Marble" (Aveo acceptance of increased military Embassy) is the story by police- spending on more and better man-turned-author Joseph Wam- weapons. Instead, it raises quesbaugh of the romance of a Los tions about leadership and tacAngeles policeman and. police- . tical theory in fashioning an woman. army of the future and not of Det;~Sgt. A. M. Valnikov (Robthe past. ert Foxworth) is a melancholy Parents are advised that the Russian, fond of music, over- new army has made no advancefond of vodka and of a highly ment in its vocabulary and that nervous temperament. some of the language will blister Sgt. Natalie Zimmerman is a tender ears. steady soul assigned despite her Former football. tackle Alex protests to work with Valnikov Karras stars in the story of a in the hope she can calm him Greek-American and a black kid down. They get to know each from the ghetto in "Jimmy B. other well through working on and Andre," Wednesday, March the case of a stolen show dog 19, at 9·11 p.m. on CBS. and eventually Valnikov conJimmy Butsicaris runs a popufides the reason for his near- lar .bar in Detroit, where he has breakdown. all the right connections, rangAlthough slowpaced and not ing from politicians to the undervery well plotted, this excellently world. He befriends a spunky acted film has a seriousness, a 10-year-old black lad, puts him feel. for decency. an~ a vali,d on salary shining shoes in the motI~n rare~y found m today s bar after school, and gets his offe~mgs. VlO1enc~ and the sug- ~friends at city hall to intervene ~estlOn of premarital sex make when he learns that the kid is It adult fare. PG, A 3 b e i n g exploited by his hooked"Foxes" (United Artists): A on-drugs mother. d~pressing tale of four teen-a~e Wednesday, March 19, 8.11 girls lef~ prett~ much to their p.m. (PBS) "Richard II." The own deVices amid the urban and first in a four-part cycle of m~ral ~qualor. of Los Angel~s. Shakespeare's history plays is F?lrly mte~estmg Jit the begm- the repeat from last season of nmg, the fIlm v:ers out of con- the BBC production with Derek trol about a third of the way Jacobi in the title role through. Despite fairly good . acting, its characters remain unrealized and the viewer cannot care very much about what happens to ·them. Though the picture is not sensational, its rough J. TESER, Prop. language and grim depiction of RESIDENTIAL youthful and adult decadence INDUSTRIAL make it mature fare. R, A3 COMMERCIAL "Little Darlings" (paramount): 253 Cedar St., New Bedford This nasty little movie, which 993·3222 wastes the talents of Kristy McNichol and Tatum O'Neal, deals with a group of girls at summer camp and their bets on the loss of virginity. Besides disCornwell Memorial tasteful visuals and offensive Chapel language, the film, despite moralistic hedging, condones immorDignified Funeral Service ality. R, C WAREHAM "Saturn 3" (Associated Film Distributors): A rampaging ro295·1810 bot who takes orders from a psychotic scientist (Harry Keitel) wreaks havoc on a space station aboard which Kirk Douglas and Farrah Fawcett had been HALLETT living in idyllic tranquility. A mediocre science-fiction film Funeral Home Inc. further marred by excessive vio283 Station Avenue lence and nudity. R, B South Yarmouth, Mass. On TV Frederick Wiseman has been Tel. 398-2285 chronicling significant aspects of American life through award-

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL






THE ANCHORThurs., March 13, 1980


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ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD A Day of Devotion is planned for Sunday, March 23, beginning at 1 p.m. and concluding with an evening dinner. Young Couples' Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the church hall.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 13, 1980

Iteering p.intl PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be included. as well as fuJI dates of all ectlvlties. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of tundra ising activities such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth proJects and similar nonprofit activities. fundralslng projects may be advertised at our rellular rates obtainable from Tha Anchor business office. telephone 675·7151.

ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER Bible study classes are held at 3 p.m. each Wednesday in the school and the Stations of the Cross are recited at 3 p.m. each Friday in the Lady Chapel. A youth fellowship is held at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday in the school. UPPER CAPE, CCD BOARD The board will sponsor a day of recollection from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15 at St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth. Sister Eleanor Calouri:> will discuss Death and Resurrection.' SACRED HEART, NEW BEDFORD The parish choir is seeking new members. Rehearsals are· held at 7 p.m. each Monday and the choir is heard at 10 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Further information is available by calling 993-3391. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER All parish men are invited to receive corporate communion at 8:15 a.m.. Mass Sunday and to attend a following Men's club br,:akfast meeting. A concelebrated Mass and anointing of the sick ceremony will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday. The infirm and aged are' invited to participate and the public is welcome. Women's arts and craft classes meet at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday and are open to all women. BLESSED SACRAMENT, ADORERS, F~VEN Adorers will hold their monthly holy hour at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Refreshments will follow in the church hall. The public is invited. The group sponsors daily adoration at the church from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Further information is available from Susan Fitzgerald, 993-6610. DOMINICAN TERTIARIES, FALL RIVER Tertiaries of the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home will hold a day of recollection from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22. The office of readings will take place at 10 a.m. and Mass with Vespers wil Ibe celebrated at 3:30 p.m. There will be no meeting tomorrow. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER ,First place winners in the school science fair are Rodney Mauricio, ~ighth grade; Dean Medeiros, seventh grade; Denise Tremblay, sixth grade.

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Confirmation candidates will present letters to Msgr. Patrick J. O'Neill at 11 a.m. Mass Sunday requesting reception of the sacrament, to .be administered April 14. A meeting of the social concerns committee will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday. A special meeting for all altar boys is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the church.

LEGION OF MARY, FALL RIVER DIOCESE The annual Acies ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday in St. Mary's Cathedral. Active and auxiliary members, spiritual directors and the public are invited to attend this rite of reconsecration to -Legion ideals. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH A St. !Patrick's day Mass will be followed by coffee and Irish soda bread in the church hall. The time of the Mass may be obtained from the rectory. The Women's Guild will have its annual covered dish supper at 6 p.m. Monday in the church hall. Guests are welcome.

DOMINICAN LAITY, FALL RIVER Members will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday for Mass in the priests' chapel at St. Anne's rectory, Fall River. A meeting will follow the Mass.

HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICH A retreat for confirmation candidates will be held March 21 and 22. Prayer meetings are held at 8 p.m. each Tuesday in the church hall. All are welcome.

ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN The Liturgy and Worship Commission will sponsor a Day of Devotion and Peace for all adults this Sunday, following the format of last year's successful diocesan Day of Devotion. The program will include talks, discussions, entertainment and Mass and will end with a family meal. .

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ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RVER Charismatic leaders of the diocese will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday in t-he school hall. The 'Priests' Council will meet at the church tomorrow for a . day of Lenten prayer.

CONFLUENCE, TV CHANNEL SIX Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services, is heard at 8 a.m. each Sunday on an ecumenical program, "Confluel)ce." With representatives of the Jewish and Protestant traditions, he has discussed such topics as family, faith, the Lenten season and black history. This Sunday's topic will be the relationship between religion and politics.

ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Vincentians will meet following 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday.



LA SALETIE SHRINE, ATILEBORO Stations of the Cross including acting, narrations, music and special lighting will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 16 and 23 in the shrine ·People's Chapel.

DIOCESAN SERVICE COMMITIEE CHARISMATIC RENEWAL Charismatic renewal leaders will meet at St. Stanislaus school hall at 1 a.m. Saturday. Sister Carolita, RSM will give a teaching on leadership in prayer groups.

Relationship "If God is thy father, man is they brother." - Lamartine


ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD A holy hour at 8 tonight will be offered for the intentions of those making a Cursillo this -weekend at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro.

GIRL SCOUTS, FALL RIVER Girl Scouts marked Scout Sunday with communion breakfast at Immaculate Conception Church, Fall River, participated in by troops from the host parish and Notre Dame, St. Elizabeth and St. Mark's churches.

ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The parish council will meet at 7:30 tonight in the rectory. Women of the parish are invited to attend a Lenten retreat on Saturday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, sponsored by the Ladies of the Association of the Sacred Hearts. A bus will leave the church parking lot at 11 a.m. Reservations may be made at 992-5237.


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