VOL. 47, NO.1O • Friday, March 14,2003
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Carmelite sisters leave CMH after 63 dedicated years ~.
Declining number of the religious sisters cater to the decision.
FALL RIVER - When Administrator Sister Mary Robert Romano and her three companions of the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm leave the Catholic Memorial Home here tomorrow, an indelible and rich heritage of compassionate and quality care will rem~in.
"The Carmelites arrived in 1939 after Bishop James E. Cassidy invited our superior general and foundress, Sister Angeline Teresa McCrory, to come into the diocese and build a home for the aged," said Sister Romano, who has been the superior of the contingent of sisters as well as the administrator at the home since January 2002. Over the years hundreds of the nuns, many professionally trained as nurses and dietitians, served and mini'stered at the home. In recent years the Carmelite congregation in
America has taken a hard look at trying to maintain services at 25 health care institutions even as vocations have dwindled. "Our superior general, Mother Mary Suzanne with her council made a difficult decision to withdraw from this diocese, the principal reason being few sisters because of a decline in vocations,"Sister Romano explained. During the past half century as many as 18 sisters at anyone time were assigned to and lived in the home. When Sister Romano arrived two years ago there were . only five sisters in residence. \'We have to downsize.because we can't possibly staff the 25 homes - 15 of them operated by the Carmelite sisters - with just four or five sisters at each. And it is very difficult to live the community life we should with so few," she said. "Eventually we will withdraw from other dioceses where we were situated for Thrn to page 13 - Sisters
NEW DIRECTIONS - Four Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm stand in the chapel at The Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River where they will end their congregations' dedicated physical and spiritual care to residents tomorrow after 63 years. From left, Sister Margaret Jackson, Hospital Administrator and Superior Sister Mary Robert Romano, Sister Agnes Brennan and Sister Mary Bielecki. (Anchor photo)
MSGR. GEORGE W. Coleman shares a moment with the Elect and candidates following the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion ceremonies at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Close to 100 people representing more than 50 parishes participated in the ancient rite. (Anchor/Gordon photo)
Catechumens, caildidates, journey to Church at Cathedral 'ceremonies By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
"God will protect you and be looking for all my life," declared FALL RIVER - More than Thibeau. "It's everything to me." present to you through your 40 catechumens from all walks of Msgr. George W. Coleman was whole life," declared Msgr. life and age groups inscribed their presider and homilist. Many di- Coleman. "I assure you of our name in the Book of the Elect and ocesan priests and deacons at- loving support and offer my 54 candidates answered the Call tended. Msgr. Coleman' extended warmest congratulations." Father Henry J. Dahl, director to Continuing Conversion at cer- his welcome to those desiring to emonies Sunday at St. Mary's be fully initiated into the Catho- of office of the Rite of Christian Cathedral as friends and families lic Church and asked that Jesus Initiation of Adults, was very pleased at the number of looked on. people participating in this For catechumens the day year's ceremony and said it was a special one as they "God will protect you and be is "very moving to watch move closer to ·initiation present to you through your whole people sign the Book of the into the Church during Holy Week through the sac- life," declared Msgr. Coleman. "I as- Elect and see the diversity raments of baptism, confir- sure you of our loving support and of people who are coming mation and the Eucharist. offer my warmest congratulations.." to the faith." To see that "tremendous Candidates, who have already been baptized, will - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - . response to God's call is renewing of our own faith and receive confirmation and Christ guide all in the journey to- reflects the inner life of the the Eucharist. Church inspired by the Holy Jeffrey Osswald of St. wards the Easter sacraments. "You have been chosen by Spirit," Father Dahl added. Patrick's Church, Wareham, exThe presentation of the catpressed joy following the ancient God," Msgr. Coleman told attendrite stating that he's "excited" ees. "Jesus said you did not choose echumens found each standing about the opportunity to be in full me. I chose you, and we must re- with their godparents and answercommunion with the Church. He spond to His call." Msgr. Coleman ing the call. They expressed their and his newborn child will be bap- advised that seeking full com- response to Christ's call by signmunion with the Church is a seri- ing the Book of Elect after their tized on Easter Sunday. For Darlene Thibeau of St. ous decision and the journey of sponsors declared that they were Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis, turning towards Christ involves ready to do so and faithfully lisbecoming the Elect brought tears much "commitment and sacri- tened to God's word. Thrn to page five - Journey of joy. "This is what I've been fice."
theancho"\) PET imaging arrives at Saint Anne's Hospital -Diabetes lecture slated for March 19
Friday, March 14,2003
Notes From·the Hill
FALL RIVER - Position emission tomography (PET), one of heath care's most sophisticated diagnostic tools, has arrived at Saint Anne's Hospital, the first facility in the area to have one. PET services will be available each Monday and Wednesday through Caritas PET Imaging. Harvey Stone, a certified nuclear medicine technologist, is the direc-
Your" speaker series sponsored by FIRSTFED Center for Breast Care at Saint Anne's Hospital on March This brief synopsis of political 19 from 6-7 p.m. in the center. goings on in Boston and WashingSpeaker Kathleen Benevides, ton is provided by the MassachuRN, is a certified diabetes educasetts Catholic Conference (MCC), tor with the Caritas Diabetes Centhe public policy voii:e ofthe Cathoter at the hospital. The focus of her lic Church in this state and govpresentation will be risk factors for erned by the bishops in each ofthe women relating to diabetes, impact dioceses in the Commonwealth. of diabetes on women's health U.S. House votes to ban . to'l·. pre-diabetes, and ways to preven~ cloning of humans PET imaging differs from other or delay the onset of this progresOn February 27, the U.S. non-invasive diagnostic technol- sive disease. . House of Representatives voted to ogy such as X-ray, CT, or MRI, in The program is open to the pubban all cloning of humans by an that it can assess or detect changes lic and is free of charge, but due to overwhelming margin that inin metabolic activity, anat9my, arid limited seating, registration is recluded only one favorable vote quested. To register, or obtain disease process. from Massachusetts, Rep. Steven 'The value of PET is that we more information, call 508-235Lynch (D-9th). The nine other can detect some diseases even be- 5353. congressmen voted against the Saint Anne's receives fore patients have symptoms and ban. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-3rd) before they become evident in $775,000 in federal funding and Rep. Mike Capuano (D-8th) other routine imaging procedures," Saint Anne's Hospital has respoke·during the debate in favor said' Dr. Robert Courey, chief of ceived $775,000 in federal approof permitting scientists to use and Diagnostic Imaging Services at priations to make improvements to destroy cloned embryos for reSaint Anne's. "PET imaging can its Emergency Room. search purposes, perhaps no suralso judge how far a disease has The monies will be used to make prise given the importanc~ of progressed much more accurately improvements in the patient care Worcester and Cambridge as clonthan with other diagnostic imag- areas, with emphasis on patient priing research centers. Rep. vacy, and space for patients, famiing techniques. McGovern claimed that "this deSaint Anne's President Michael lies, 'and medical personnel. bate is about improving and savSaint Anne's Emergency Room Metzler noted that the local availing millions of lives in the counability of PET imaging is an im- volume has increased more than try" but failed to mention the unportant benefit to Greater Fall 18 percent in three years, with acceptable cost: the loss ofc.ountRiver patients who will no longer more than 36,000 visits in 2002. have to travel out of the area for The hospital serves the area's larg- less embryonic lives deemed expend able because they are cloned this technology. est population of children, with 'Just For You' series nearly one-third of all ER visits by "It's All About Control: Diabe- children. Daily Readings For information on these and tes Prevention and Risk Factor On 9:4bMar 17 Management for Women" will be other topics, visit the Website at 10; Ps 79:8www.saintanneshospital.org. the topic of the.monthly "Just For 9,11,13; Lk 6:36-38 PRACTICE THE DEVOTION OF THE FIRST SATURDAYS, Mar'18 IS'1 :10,16-20; AS REQUESTED BY OUR LADY OF FATIMA Ps 50:8-9,16bc17,21,23; Mt On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia 23:1-12 (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my 28m 7:4-5a,12Mar 19 name that / promise to ass~st at the hour ofdeath with the graces 14a,16; Ps 89:2necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who 011 the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 5,27,29; Rom . /. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the 4:13,16-18,22; . Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for /5 minutes while Mt 1:16,18meditating 011 the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of 21 ,24a or Lk making reparation to me." 2:41-51a In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be Jer 17:5-10; Ps Mar 20 preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses 1:1-4,6; Lk cpmmitted against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." 16:19-31 Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the Gn 37:3-4,12Mar 21 first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at 13a,17b-28a; either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday. Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21 :33-43,4546 Mi 7:14-15,18Mar 22 20; Ps 103:14,9-12; Lk 15:13,11-32 )T Mar 23 Ex 20:1-17 or' 20:1-3,7-8,12FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES 17; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; 465 COlllHY SUTer, New Bedford In 2:13-25
and because scientists want to experiment on their cells. Rep. Capuano professed opposition to cloning for purposes of implantation but failed to respond to the testimony of the U.S. Department of Justice on the impossibility of enforcing a partial ban. The bill, H. 534, now goes to the U.S. Senate where its chances of success are uncertain.
regard to his or her condition or personal and reasonable wishes in that matter, is no true act of love, and therefore offends the moral order" (Humanae Vitae, no. 13). Likewise, as the Catholic Catechism recognizes when discussing offenses against the 6th commandment, rape "is the forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of another person" and "an intrinsiEmergency Contraception cally evil act" (no. 2356). By imThe Boston Globe reported re- plication, sexual assault cannot be · cently on a bill filed in the Massa- considered ordered to the unitive chusetts legislature that would add and procreative functions: Thus, according to the U.S. to the state "patients rights act" a new mandate requiring sexually .Catholic Bishops in their Ethical assaulted women to receive infor- and' Religious Directives for mation about and access to "em'er- Catholic Health Care Services, a gency contraception." The Febru- woman "who has been raped ary 28 article by Liz Kowalczyk, should be ~ble to defend herself headlined "Wider Use Promoted against a potential conception for 'Morning After' Pill," raises a . from the sexual assault" (Directive topic about which some Catholics 36). She is not obliged when raped, might be confused. ' . as would be the case in consenSenate bill 546 (the House has sual relations, to accommodate the not assigned a bill number yet) is . natural potential for conception. entitled "An Act to Provide Timely The forced introduction of sperm Access to Emergency Gontracep- is an act of aggression she may tion." It would require all medical resist even through means that prefacilities "to promptly offer emer- vent the creation of new life. That gency contraception at the facility explains why Catholic hospitals to each female rape victim of may distribute contraceptives in childbearing age, and to initiate some rape cases, particularly emergency contraception upon her within 24 hours after the assault. request." For reasons described However, if it is determined that below, the Massachusetts Catho- a particular rape treatment would lic Conference opposes the bill as "have as [its] purpose or direct ef' fect the removal, destruction, or currently drafted.' The Globe article reported, ac- interference with the implantation" curately, that Catholic hospitals of an embryo (Directive 36), a provide contraceptives to some but Catholic facility cannot offer it. A not all rape victims. After the ar- human life conceived by rape is ticle was published, a few upset not an.act of aggression but a new readers called the Massachusetts person innocent of any wrongdoCatholic Conference and other ing. Some contracep.tives may act · Church agencies. Some were con- as abOltifacients by preventing imcerned that l;:ontraceptives were plantation. Forcing Catholic hosbeing distributed by Catholic in- pitals to offer contraceptives in stitutions. Other callers were an- rape cases when an early abortion gry that contraceptives were not may result conflicts with the religious and ethical duty to do no .given to all rape victims. The Catholic Church affirms harm. That explains why Cathothat "marriage and married love lic hospitals cannot offer or disare by their character ordained to tribute contraceptives in every .the procreation and the bringing up rape case and why S. 546 is ob.. of children" (Humanae Vitae, no. jectionable.. A committee hearing date has 9). However, "to force the use of · maITiage on one's partner without yet to be scheduled for the bill.
In Your Prayers
Dc) ~ j\C;lIY'- Hl\'Tl-li\'\\/ j\ 992-5486 Honoring all Eliths, and n';uionalities
March 18 .. 1989, Rev. Robert b. Forand, c.P., West Hartford, Conn. March 19 . . 1905, Rev. John J: McQuaide, Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton
\\·illi.l1ll:s. H;ahaw,l)', II'. - l{lHh IW,lrd) I-Lith,III',ly WilliJIll .. LIT" H;ah.lw,l)' - .hllle' E. Barll>ll
Please pray for the follqwing priests during the coming we'ek
Larr\' Sylvia .\(;lIl;J~:il1~
. . . . . . . .... - ..... - .
THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S-D20) Periodical .. Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Chrisunas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Di6ceseofFall River. Subscription price by mail, Postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Aochor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.
March 20 1951, Rev. Francis A. Mrozinski, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford March 22 1940, Rev. Joseph A Martins, Assistant, St. John the Baptist, New Bedford
Friday, March 14, 2003
Holy Cross Family' Ministries head to lead Taunton mission TAUNTON - The Catholic parishes of the Taunton Deanery, which includes Taunton, East Taunton, Dighton, Easton, North Dighton; and Raynham, wilI join together for a Lenten Mission from March 16 through 19. It wilI take place each of the four nights at Sl. Anthony's Church, 126 School Street, Taunton, beginning at 7 p.m. The mission, entitled "A Deanery Mission: Living the Mysteries of the Rosary," wilI be lead by Holy Cross Father John Phalen, president of Holy Cross Family Ministries in North Easton. Among Father Phalen's responsibilities is to serve in a similar role as did the famous Rosary Priest, the late Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton, whose cause for canonization as a saint is now being studied. Father Phalen has given missions in many places and is noted for making the rosary a "living prayer" for alI who use it. He has served as president of Holy Cross Family Ministries since 1996. Holy Cross Family Ministries is sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross, and is comprised of Family Rosary, Family Theater Productions, Family Rosary Inter-
national, and the Father Peyton Family Institute. Father Phalen wilI focus on the four sets of mysteries of the rosary, including the newly given Mysteries of Light, taking one set
those who pray the rosary, discover ideals to guide them in joyful, sorrowful, and enlightened moments of their lives and to come to realize how faith in the Resurrection and glorification can transform our view of life and the secular values of contemporary society. At the end of the mission, it is hoped that the spiritual lives of those who participate wilI have been enriched. "People will find themselves more likely to pray the rosary in a manner which alIows them to see the spiritual dimension of everyday events," said Father Jay T. Maddock, pastor of Holy Family Parish, East Taunton. "Throughout the mission, the value of family prayer and unity is reinforced." The sacrament of reconciliaHOLY CROSS FATHER tion will be available in a particuJOHN PHALEN lar way on the Tuesday session of the mission in the midst of reof mysteries each night. Father Phalen emphasizes the flecting on the Sorrowful Mysterfact that each mystery of the ro- ies of the rosary. .The Catholic parishes of the sary gives one who prays it an intimate look into the hearts and Taunton Deanery invite everyone minds of Jesus and Mary at the to use this opportunity as a means most significant moments of their of renewing and reinvigorating lives. By examining their lives, their faith during this Lenten seathose attending the mission and son.
Anchor editor Jolivet's story appears in K of C's Columbia ~
Korean War chaplain eyed by Knights of Columbus as possible candidate for canonization
FALL RIVER - When the inspiring story of Father Emil J. "Kapaun, a Korean War chaplain whose holiness, courage and selflessness are just becoming more welI-known, came to the attention of David B. Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, he couldn't let it go. Jolivet's subsequent interviews of those who knew Father Kapaun first appeared in The Anchor a few months ago. Since then the story of the prisoner-of-war priest and his extraordinary works of mercy and compassion to his comrades has spread. . Because the priest's story is known by many in the Knights of Columbus (tive councils have been named in his honor), Jolivet was commissioned by the Knights to tell Father Kapaun's story and it appears in the March issue of the Knights of Columbus' magazine Columbia. Father Kapaun, ordained a priest for the Diocese of Wichita, Kan., in 1940, entered the Army Chaplain Corps in 1944 and in 1950 was sent to Korea with the 4th Battalion, 8lh Regiment of the 1'1 Cavalry Division. Retired U.S. Army Colonel
Filmore A. McAbee of Cummaquid, who was captured along with Father Kapaun, related for Jolivet the dedication of the priest, whose manner of death demonstrated his selfless ministry. After six months of caring for his fellow prisoners' spiritual and physical needs, including risking his life in forays into his captors food bins, Father Kapaun died of a combination of starvation and pneumonia on May 23, 1951. He was 35 years old. "The food he had taken from the enemy had not gone into his own stomach but into the common pot for his felIow soldiers," Jolivet wrote. William McCain, another former POW captured with Father Kapaun, said the priest was one of the few who displayed leadership and discipline that were essential for the survival of many others. Auxiliary Bishop Francis X. Roque of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and a member of Father Nicholas J. Habets Council 4632, Knights of Columbus in Virginia Beach, Va., told Jolivet that while no official sainthood investigation is open for Father Kapaun, "there are many who feel there could be someday." Also interested in Father Kapaun's cause is Msgr. Patrick J. Molloy, a former seminary classmate of Father Kapaun. Fa-
ther MolIoy and Bishop Roque have shared information and collect stories from men imprisoned with the chaplain. In his home diocese of Wichita, the growing interest in their native priest son has included a musiCal and a life-sized statue at the church where Father Kapaun as baptized. The remarkable life and virtues of Father Kapaun are featured on religious Websites, including www.Kapaun.org, and he is the subject of at least two books. Currently, AI Makkay of Hyannis, owner of several radio stations, is helping to prepare an audio-video history of Father Kapaun. The Columbia article can be viewed online at www.kofc.org/ columbia/columbiamain.cfm.
Serra Club welcomes guest speakers ATTLEBORO The Attleboro District Serra Club held its monthly meeting recently at Folan's Restaurant in North Attleboro. It featured guest speakers Father Robert PowelI of St. Mary's Parish, Seekonk and Neil Loew, guidance director at Bishop Feehan High School. FolIowing a discussion of Roe v. Wade by club president Kevin Poirier, the chairman for the evening, RobertAraujo, introduced the speakers. Father Powell spoke about his upbringing in the New Bedford area and his ordination to the priesthood as well as his extensive travels through Europe. Loew is in his 36lh year at Bishop Feehan and talked about the quality of education that students re-
ceive there. He also explained that the shamrock insignia stands for sanctity, scholarship and sportsmanship. The Serra Cl"ub is' made up of Catholic laymen whose object is to promote vocations to the priesthood, deaconate and religious life. For more information write Serra Club, P.O. Box 1015, NOith Attleboro, MA 02761.
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Sister Grati'ana comforts a dying man in her native Zambia. She • prays with him. Just l't seeing her is a fir reminder to him of the presence and the love of Jesus. Sisters throughout the Missions help. the poor, the sick, the lonely, the suffering come to know and live in the fact that God, in Christ, has saved us and is with us, day by day.
. This Lent, would you be one ofthose loving missionaries who share in the Cross ofour missionfami/y. helping them come to know the hope that comes on(vfrom the Lord Himself? Please PRA Yfor our brothers and sisters in the Missions and the missionaries who serve among them. Please OFFER A GIFT, through the PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH. in support ofthe day-by-day work ofbrin.ging the love ofChrist to the poor.
-----------------~ The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH . .. a POlltifical Missioll Society Reverend Monsignor John J. Ollvelm, V.E. 106 Illinois Street New Bedrord, MA 02745 Attention: Column ANCH.03/14103
0$100 0 $50 Name ' Address City ___
0$40 ... $1 for each day of Lent 0$25 0 $10 0 Other $ - - -
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/"I'I/lI'"iI'er II,,, Society for tire Propagation of ti,e Faitlr 11'111'11 iI'l'ili,,:-: 01' c1WlIgillg YOllr Will
the i11Oorin~
Friday, March 14, 2003
the living word
Save Massachusetts Maritime路 Gov. Mitt Romney in his confused attempt. to balance the budget has for some strange reason targeted the state's higher educational system, especially Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He proposes to privatize this outstanding college over a four-year period. If this is accomplished, he will, in fact, close Massachusetts Maritime. This process is wrong. It lacks logic and reason. For more than 110 years this school has excelled in its formation of cadets who are trained primarily for maritime service. Over the space of years the Academy has expanded its educational goals and objectives. Today, it offers expertise in the field of marine safety and environmental protection, marine biology, oil spill management, and international maritime business management. Graduates of the Academy have a 100 percent success rate in job placement. Its accomplishments are many, even though they have been quietly ignored. Instead of trying to close the Academy, the governor should look at other models. For example, New York Maritime College is part of the university system, as well as its California counterpart. Texas Maritime Academy also is included in the university system, not excluded. One would think that in a reorganization program for state colleges and universities, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, along with Massachusetts College ofArts, would not be 路targeted for extinction, but for enhancement in the system. There can be Iittle doubt that our higher education facilities need some new serious and positive approaches to renewal. Like everything else in the Commonwealth, they have for long been a political catchall. The governor knows this. However, his so-called reform seems to have fallen into the same mud hole. One cannot CHILDREN ARE OFFERED THREE MEALS A DAY AT Yo TAMBIEN, A HOME FOR STREET CHILhelp but think that he would love to remove University of MassaDREN IN THE BUSY SAN CARLOS NEIGHBORHOOD OF SANTO DOMINGO IN THE DOMINICAN chusetts President William Bulger from the realm of political interference. It would be wonderful to find out who conjure'd up his REpUBLIC. HUNDREDS OF YOUTHS HAVE PASS!3D THROUGH THE HOUSE SINCE THE ARCHDIOeducational proposal. Where is the governor's team coming from CESE OPENED IT 10 YEARS AGO. (CNS PHOTO FROM THE TIDINGS) , - and where have they been? Is there a hidden educational agenda? These are some of the issues whicll should surface iftrue reform is "AND IF YOU GIVE YOURSELF TO THE HUNGRY AND SATISFY THE DESIRE OF THE the governor's real goal. The singling out of Mass Maritime is also an issue in itself. In AFFLICTED, THEN YOUR LIGHT WILL RISE IN DARKNESS AND YOUR GLOOM WILL. the fragile time in which we live, our special maritime services are BECOME LIKE MIDDAY" (ISAIAH 58:10). needed more than ever. Massive container cargo ships and oil tankers are ever at the peril of the sea and the terrorists of today. The environmental issue of the sea and its pollution are of prime con: cern, not merely for the future, but for the present. The list of currei'll needs in the area of maritime demands is endless. We need specialized schools to teach and train men and women who will be proficient in the ongoing expansion of maritime exigencies. Encouragement should be given to support the Academy in its ongoing development of needed maritime specializations. It's a wor1d~ ,By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK into action, which is one reason volunteers. Upon reading this, a class institution which has reflected the Commonwealth's continCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE they will readily volunteer. Boy Scout leader asked his ued support of maritime education. To be sure, we all should supMy guess is that young Today's young people can be Scouts to undertake the project. port furthering the development ofthe state's higher education fapeople are more creative than Within days, a beautifully a gold mine. What makes me cilities, but this affirmation should never become an instrument of think this is a wonderful success constructed ramp was in place. young people generations political maneuvering in an attempt to balance the budget. before them. I base this on the I wonder when I hear stories story I heard while attending a Massachusetts Maritime Academy has been a jewel in the crown meeting at the Louisville speed with which they obtain like this how many more of our state's colleges C;lnd universities. To eradicate such an insti- Institute in Louisville, Ky. information and also on the new success stories of teens volunmethodologies that 'have tution merely, on questionable fiscal issues is irresponsible and teering their services could be A minister in our discussion enhanced their ability to learn. told. shortsighted. One would hope the governor and his team would group told us about teen-agers They are living in an imaginaSeveral years ago a Universeriously and honestly reconsider their actions' concerning this in his congregation who were tive age when they see the of Notre Dame study on the sity given the project of fixing old particular issue. ' unimaginable actl1fllly happenparish found that people want to computers. They took them The Executive Editor ing. This itself encourages them volunteer and will volunteer if apart and then reconfigured to become more imaginative only they are asked. To the them in order to be able to talk and creative themselves. to each other. astonishment of some, young If people are going to use people fall into this category of But the project didn't end their creativity, they need a wanting to volunteer. here. The teens then took the creative outlet. The students It is true that today's young computers to a home for the who set up a computer program elderly and taught them how to . people are busier than ever. found that outlet with the Among other things, school use them. In addition to this, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER elderly. When you give young, requirements and sports prothey studied what the elderly Published weekly by the Catholic Pr~ss of the Diocese of Fall River creative people a creative outlet most sought on the Internet, and grams consume a good part of ., P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue and direct their talents toward a then the teens designed a system their time. Fall River,.MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 humane project, they inevitably Yet, young people are at a that made this access easier. Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 will volunteer their services. stage in life when they see life As I listened to this story, it E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org . .I wonder how many parishes as it is and want to make it triggered other success stories I Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address are sitting on an untapped gold better. And too, they haven't had heard regarding young mine of young people who been discouraged by all of life's people's goodness. EXECUTIVE EDITOR would volunteer their talents if disappointments. When teens to build a A parish wanted Rev. Msgr. ~ohn F. Moore only they were asked and given are asked, as those computer ramp for people with physical EDITOR NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER a creative outlet for doing whizzes were asked to help the disabilities but was short on David B. Jolivet James N. Dunbar Barbara M. Reis something humane. elderly, their idealism is called funds. In its bulletin it asked for
Capitalizing on the idealism and creativity of youU,
the anchofCS)
Friday. March 14, 2003
Mad Marchne.ss
It was T.S. Eliot who once said "April is the cruelest month," and before that Geoffrey Chaucer lamented the fourth month at the beginning of his Canterbury Tale.5. While April may indeed be the cruclest of the 12, it's March that's the weirdest month. Aside from not knowing whether it's a winter month or a spring month, March is saturated with quirky sports oddities that none of its II siblings can match. First and foremost is March Madness - the time of year when ESPN covers men and women's college basketball 24 hours a day, seven days a week, rivaling only the Country Music Channel and the Food Network for total dedication (obsession) to subject matter. Only March Madness can bring to the forefront, for at least two 20-minute halves, such obscure centers of higher learning as Stony Brook
University (N.Y.), David Lipscomb University (Tenn.), Elon University (N.C.), and Gardner Webb University (N.C.) And only because of
My View
From the Stands
By Dave Jolivet
March Madness arc schools such as Valparaiso U. (Ind.), Creighton U. (Neb.), Gonzaga U. (Wash.), and McNeese State U. (La.) now household words in sportsdom. March Madness is such an explosion of jump shots, slam dunks, three-pointers, and personal fouls, so that when a champion is finally crowned, sports fans are left with a feeling similar to that after having watched the grand finale of a fireworks display, still staring at the smoky sky saying 'wow' over and over again.
March is also the time of year when teams in the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League actually start playing like they mean it. This is the time of year that will make or break playoff chances. (Are you listening Boston Bruins?) Both leagues have been playing since last October, but only now do we sense the urgency of winning and the devastation of losing. Can you imagine how great a product each would truly be if that urgency lasted all season instead of just the final third? Or better yet, can you imagine i I' you or I had that attitude about our jobs or school? Then there's baseball in March. The only time of year when there can be nine players in the field, one on each of the bases, and one in the batters' box, and all 13 arc wearing the same color jersey. It's like watching a Battle Royal wrestling match at the old Boston Garden - you can't tell who's who, but it's
the Holy Spirit and have a place at Christ's eucharistic table. Join with us this Lent in a spirit of re- . pentance. Hear the Lord's call to conversion and be faithful to your baptismal covenant." Barbara Knight of Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich, went though the RCIA program three years ago and said the ceremony brought her "a lot of happy memories." Her hope was that all those participating "open themselves up to the wonderful opportunity to serve Christ and the Church." Refreshments at the Cathedral school followed and Msgr.
Cole~an, Father
Dahl and 'Lisa Gulino, director of adult education, greeted participants. Gulino was all smiles as she talked about the ceremonies and said "this rite is a beautiful tribute to the power of God's call. It's a wonderful celebration of the journey of faith." Father Richard D. Wilson served as master of ceremonies and Deacon Maurice Ouellett.e assisted. Music was provided by the St. Jacques Parish choir under the direction of Frank Wilhelm and accompanied by Cathedral organist Madeline Grace.
Letters to the Editor Editor: I couldn't help but notice the dichotomy of opinions between the executive editor's editorial and the editor's own column in the February 7 issue of The Anchor. The view that is evident in the former's statements, such as "propaganda of the power," "econom-' ics of a war machine," "selfishness of oil barons and the desire to complete the efforts of Desert Storm" arc scripted from the liberal Democrat playbook. Statements by the Vatican regarding war were quoted. Would that the executive editor protest as strongly against those in our government service (many Catholic, many Democrats) who support abortion, partial-birth abortion, and therapeutic stem-cell research (all condemned by the Vatican). The si-
still fun to watch. And, if it weren't bad enough that you can't tell one team from another, when you do pick out your squad, you can't recognize the face or the name. Baseball in March is rife with players whose names are as recognizable as Stony Brook, David Lipscomb, Elon and Gardner Webb Universities. But of all the peculiarities that go along with March baseball, my favorite is listening to the players and announcers "complain" about the extensive travel to play exhibition games. These are grown men riding all around sunny and warm Florida and Arizona playing a game while we here in New England watch them from our living rooms, not far from mountains of plowed snow in our driveways and streets. Soon it will be April, "the cruelest month." For most of us that will mean watching the mercury rise and fall with no rhyme or reason, trudging through heavy, wet snow from surprise storms and fighting
Ience about these politicians is deafening! President George W. Bush has spoken loudly against these evils. Where does the executive editor stand? In contrast, the editor sees our preside.nt " ... as a genuine Christian, husband, father, friend and American" who, " ... is agonizing over sending fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters to battle." Instead of chastising this "war monger" would not it be better to pray with and for this fellow Christian for guidance from our God? Maybe we can help him avoid war.
Doris Toohill Orleans Editor: Amen. I say to you. And again!
Amen, regarding your column and that tragic night-club fire at The Station (March 7 Anchor). It could have been any of us. Live life as it was us. Death is like a thief in the night! We know that. Think of Jesus on the cross and he'll give us all the necessary graces. We are told in the Good News to "be ready, we know not 'when we will have to make an account for our life." I pray God has mercy on those precious souls that now have to give an account. It could have been any of us! Our lives are still a gift. Don't take the risk of "looking in from the outside for all eternity." Let us all beg God for the graces necessary to turn from our sins. God have mercy on all of us.
Joseph P. Hubert Fall River
wilh umbrellas al lhe mercy of cold rains and chilly winds. But it will be worse for those in sportsdom. College hoopsters will actually have 10 go to class and study for the rest of the semester, some pro hoopsters will find their last-minute efforts didn't get them into the playoffs, and some hockey pros will have to wait until next March to play like they mean it. It's the boys of summer who will find April cruelest of all. It's when they come north to "Play Ball," as the mercury ebbs and flows, cold rains fall and chilly winds blow. And they thought Florida was bad? Dave Jolivet, ediJor of The Anchor, is a former sports ediJor/writer, alld regularly gives olle fail's perspective Oil the ullique world ofsports. Commellts are welcome at davejolivet@allcllOrllews.org.
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Following the Rite of Election, Msgr. Coleman asked those answering the Call to Continued Conversion to stand. Candidates rose with their sponsors who were asked by Msgr. Coleman if those answering the call have come to a deeper appreciation for their baptism. After several declarations sponsors were told to continue to support the candidates with their guidance and concern and lead them to the joys of the Easter mysteries. Msgr. Coleman addressed the candidates stating "My dear sons and daughters, the Church recognizes your desire to be scaled with
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,the a~
Friday, March 14,2003
Let's not harden 路our hearts
FALL RIVER - Dominican Father PietTe Lachance invites you to join him for the Novena to Saint AI1ne evet)' Tuesday from 2-2:30 p,m, at the Shline, 8 J 8 Middle-Street. It wi II include hymns, prayer, a spiritual talk, veneration of the relic and the oppOItunity for reconciliation. FALL RIVER - The Fall River Diocesan Choir will rehearse for Holy Week's Chrism Mass on March 15 at 7 p,m. in the Bishop's Chapel at St. Mary's Cathedral. Singers in all voice pal1S are needed. For more information call Madeleine Grace at 508-678-1054. F.<\LL RIVER - The Chaplet ()f Divine Mercy is recited at 3 p.m. every Wednesday at Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Strect. The sacrament of reconciliation is available aftclwards. For morc infOImation call 508-679-6732. . . FREETOWN - Mothcr of thc SOlTowful Hcart Rosal)' Craflers are actively making and sending handmade cord r:osal'ies路 to Missions throughout the world and are available for demonstrations. Individuals or groups interested in leaming how to make rosaries should call CaI'ol Spoor at 508-644-2645. MASHPEE - A series of four Natural Family Planning Classes will be taught by the Couple to Couple League beginning April 26 at I p.m. at Chtist the King Palish. For more information call Celina Della-MOIte at 508-833-9535. MASHPEE - The Third OrderofCmmelites will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in St. Jude's Chapel at Chlist the King Church 1'01' prayer, roSal)' and study. For more information call Dottie Cawley at 50.8-4772798. MISCELLANEOUS - The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women's annual retreat will be held Aplil 4-6 at the ,Dominican Sisters of the Presentation facilities, 3012 Elm Street, Dighton. Father Michael Racine will be spiritual director. For more information call Claudette Almstrong at 508-672-1658. MISCELLANEOUS - The next Reu'ouvaille weekend will be held April 4-6 and offers couples a chance to heal and renew troubled maniages. Rediscover yourself and your spouse and a loving relationship in maniage. For more information call 1-800-470-2230 or the Diocesan Oflice of Family Ministry at 508-999-6420. MISCELLANEOUS - Do you have a possible calling to the priesthood? Come join other college-age men for a weekend at the Mount Saint MaI)"s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md .. March 20-23. It
will be and opportunity to see life in the seminary, speak with men who are discerning God's call and spend time in prayer. For more information contact F:1ther Kevin Cook at 508-993-4704. MISCELLANEOUS - The Guaimaca Honduras Mission sponsored by the Diocese of Fall River, is seeking donations ofportable sewing machines in good working condition to teach native women how to sew clothes for their families. For pickups call Lou Emond at 508-7615432. Baby and young children's clothes are also needed. NEW BEDFORD - The Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth Circle No. 71, will hold its regular monthly meeting Mm'Ch 19 at 7 p.m. at the Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Center. , NEW BEDFORD - St. Joseph-Sl. Therese pmish invites all to add their, recited rosaries to its RoSal)' Drive for Peace. For more infonnation call Alice Beaulieu at 508995-2354. NEW BEDFORD - The New Bedford Chapter of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will hold its annual St. Pau;ck's Day celebration Saturday beginning with a 9 a.m. Mass at St. Julie Billiart Church. A complimentary continental breakfast will follow in the church hall.
the Old Testament, "Do not It was all in a F~bmary day. harden your hearts." First I got a letter from a man in a On that same Febmary da,y, I New York state maximum security read an investigative journalism prison. A good Catholic, a father who is now a young grandfather at report about the appalling health age 48 and an exemplary inmate risks faced by inmates in New for the past 20 years, Charlie wrote to tell me he had suffered a heart attack. It took the better pmt of an hour before he received treatment, even though immediate response is cmcial when the heaJt By Antoinette Bosco fails. Chm'lie's brother had died of a heart attack just before Chtistmas, and I lem11ed that this illness has plagued his family. Chm'lie had York state prisons. The report said been given a medication I1vc years the average age of death in their 71 ago that was路never subsequently state prisons in 1999 was 46.5, compared with all New Yorkers, evaluated by the plison doctors. who lived an average of 77 years. He has been taking the same dosage all these years! Granted, many prisoners come into prison with poor health due to I heard this the day I had retumed from giving a talk on the drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition and death penalty and the nation's ,neglected medical care. But plison industl)' at a university. I knowing Chm'lie's case, I also was appalled at a response given knew this expianation would not to me by a woman privately after apply to most, especially to those who have been in prison a long the lecture. She said she didn't time. Many of their health give a hoot about ptisoners. They problems are age-related. all deserved to be put away and Again that day I read that forgotten. Attomey General John Ashcroft It is a reaction [ have heard often, and I feel distressed that we, had given orders to prosecutors in New York and Connecticut to as a nation, have become so change lesser sentences recomhardhemted. I seem to remember mended in a dozen dmg crime Jesus saying "I was in prison and cases and, instead, seek the death you visited me," a vel)' serious follow-up to a command of God in penalty. "Mr. Ashcroft's decisions
The Bottom Line
appear to be driven by a desire to see the death penalty used more," said the New York TImes. What a hardhearted order from a man who claims to be "Pro-Life!" Another TImf1s story that day told of the "scathing personal attacks" being directed at the former governor of Illinois, George Ryan, because he commuted the sentences of the 171 prisoners on the state's death row to life without parole before he lell office. He even has received some hate mail by people threatening to "get" him. Knowing that many people on death row - 101 to date - have been fqund innocent, thanks mainly to DNA testing, he felt this was the light thing to do until the terribly "broken" system gets I1xed. Ryan asked, if an innocent person were executed, how would you live with yourself? It gave me some solace when Ryan said that a group of Catholic priests had wriuen to him "thanking me for my courageous stand." I believe that as Catholics we must never judge other human beings to be "human gal'bage," terminology I have so often heard. It is not heaJ1S that have been hurt that make that judgment, only hearts that have been hardened.
V-chip versus V-grip
sets, however. When members of the Roadkill Center research indicates the VWhat about the other 40 Chip is about as effective and Theological Roundtable recently NORTH DARTMOUTH-A were asked to define "V-Chip," the practical as making aluminum-foil families? Only two even knew Diocesan Divorced-Separated Sup- answers were interesting. They beanies with plastic straw antennas about V-Chips, and those two did port Group will meet March 31 from included: for your little ones that transmit not use it. Nothing was reported 7-9 p.m. at the Family Life Center, on how ticked they might have their thoughts to you. I. A new golf swing invented 500 Slocum Road. It will include a by Tiger Woods. been when they found out that 110 It's not like the Annenberg presentation entitled "De-stress for other families received brand new folks did not try. For starters, they 2. A snack food made from Stress," by Dr. Mark McGowan. For yams instead of potatoes - baked gave new televisions to 110 of the televisions. more information call the Office' of into ~he shape of a "V." We at RTR decided the feds 150 households to take' part in the Family Ministry at 508-999-6420. should consider backing 3. The crack made in r------------r--.::~--h off the V-Chip in favor of one's windshield by NORTH FALMOUTH - A 'gravel flying off the tires a "V-Glip" program. In Cancer Support Group will meet of a semitruck and trailer this effort, parents fOlm March 19 af 7 p,m. at St. Elizabeth rig as long as a football wOJr their I1ngers in the shape Seton Church. For more information field flying past you on ~e ofa "V" (think Richard call 508-563-7770. 1 Nixon), place the "V" the in,terstate and driven over their children's noses by someone named "Big By Dan Morris SOMERSET - Everyone is Dawg." and march the youngsters invited to a Holy Hour for Vocaout of the room and away 4. The fifth in a line of tions March 20 at 7:30 p.m. at men named "Chip." from the television. The St. Thomas More Church, 386 "V-Glip" is then used to punch the study. However, they did not tell Needless to say, none of our Luther Avenue. The evening in- local RTR mcmbers had taken part the families why. That was pmt of "power" off'. cludes pniyer and song before in the recent study to find out how On old televisions, the V-Grip the study technique, it seems. "We the Blessed Sacrament. Refresh- effective the "V-Chip" is in could be modified to twist a knob m'e giving you a brand new ments will follow. to tum off the television. helping pm'tnts keep children from television, and we are going to Finally, V-Glip is held over study you, but we are not going to being exposed to less than WESTPORT - The Diocesan desirable things on television. one's head at arm's length in the tell you why. Hah, hah, hah." Council of Catholic Nurses is spon- (Refer to the Ten Commandments, . traditional victory signal (think For all the families knew, they soring an educational seminar for the "Catechism of the Catholic Winston Churchill). v.;ere being tested for brain Catholic health workers on Marcli Church," your mother, Leviticus One thing did make us at RTR damage or eye disease caused by 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 18, Romans 13:9 and tons of other new televisions - or dramatic feel less ignorant. For dataWhite's ofWestport. FatherTadeusz places in the Bible.) gathel;ng kicks, one of the changes in lifestyle from overdosPacholczyk will be the main speaker. Annenberg people also paid visits ing on "reality programming." Yes, yes, yes, now you Ginny Teed, liaison to hospitals in remember. The V-Chip is the to seven television sales outlcts. Of the 110 families with the Southeastern Massachusetts for the - mandated-by-Iaw screening new machines, 77 never once used None - zero, zip, nada - of the Organ Donation Team, will also "device" required for televisions stores' sales reps or their managthe V-Chip. Only nine had the Vspeak. Registration is requested by coming on the market as of the ers even knew what a V-Chip Chip in use at the end of the March 22. For information call Betty year 2000. was, much less how to make it yearlong study. Apparently none at 508-678-2373. of the families offered to retum the work. Annenberg Public Policy
The offbeat Id of Unc Dan,
the anchob
Friday, March 14, 2003
The origin of votive candles tombs, probably expressing some Q. When and where did the sort of continued existence for the custom of lighting personal deceased. candles in church originate? Light, especially a living flame, What is the religious signifisignified life, hope, joy, divinity, cance? Some churches have courage - in other words, nearly them available; some, like my own, do not. is there an official Church position about this? (Louisiana) . A. It will help first to discuss briefly why candles are used at all in By Father Christian worship and John J. Dietzen prayer. It's in this context that we can see the role votive lights have in everything human beings consider Christian devotion. For the most part, Christian use good and beautiful. Some of this may be sensed of candles was derived from the from the fact that the Lucernarium, Romans, who used them on a the ceremonial candle early variety of civic and religious Christians lit for Vespers (named occasions, and from Jewish after the evening star Vesper), worship in which lamps often developed into our paschal candle. played an important role. These lights were burned for The practice is, however, part funeral ceremonies, before the of a much larger human tradition. The natural symbolism of light has tombs of deceased Christians and before images of martyrs and other been recognized by nearly every saints. religion in human history. Ages They symbolized then what ago, pagan peoples lit lamps over
Questions and Answers
they still do for us: light (Christ), life, hope, resurrection and faith. . Another ancient and nearly universal pre-Christian religious practice was the giving of votive offerings, from the Latin word "votum" (promise or desire). Sculptured legs or hands, or sometimes animals, were placed in pagan Greek or Roman temples expressing thanks or petition for cures of diseases or deformities, much as crutches are left today in Lourdes and other Catholic shrines of healing. The Old Testament, particularly the psalms, refers to offerings made in the temple, either to ask a favor of God or to respond to a promise made if a favor was granted. In Psalm 56, for example, the writer prays, "I am bound, 0 God, by vows to you, your thank offerings I will fulfill. With the background of this tradition, and since they symbolize Christian sentiments about light, candles also came to be used as
In the Carmel of Cologne and asked to speak to the superior. Edith Stein; St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, coSister Ancilla of the Maternity of Mary came to patroness of Europe and martyr of Auschwitz, was meet me in one of small parlors outside the cloister. one of the most remarkable women of the modem She couldn't have been more gracious, but when it Church. Bom into a devout Jewish family, she lost became clear that the name "Weigel:' didn't necessarher faith in God as a teen-ager and sought the truth in ily indicate fluent German, she sent fOf Sister Verena academic life. At a time when women weren't of the Body of Christ, whose excellent English made supposed to do'philosophy, she became one of conversation much easier. We talked of.many things,' Germany's most brilliant young thinkers, working but chiefly of Edith Stein. under the guidance of Edmund Husserl (whose Only one of the Cologne Carmelites, now 92, philosophical method - "phenomenology" knew Sister Teresa Benedicta personally, but her would playa crucial role in the thought of Pope John presence was almost palpable in t~e house (which Paul II). holds her archives), as it Staying one night is in many parts of with Lutheran friends, Catholic Cologne. Eqith Stein borrowed a Everyone spoke, as if it . copy of the autob.iograwere the most normal phy of St. Teresa of thing imaginable, of the Avila from their libniry drama of Edith Stein's - and literally couldn't last moments in Coput it down. As night logne: on Dec. 30, 1938, gave way to day, she Sister Teresa Benedicta By George Weigel finished the book, said spent the night in solitary to herself, 'This is the vigil before the convent's truth," and il)1mediately statue of Our Lady of set out to become a Peace, reputed to be wonder-working, before setting Catholic. Her mother was heartbroken. But Frau Stein out on what would become her personal Way of the would later say, of Edith's sitting beside her in the' Cross. synagogue and reciting the psalms in Latin, "I have After about 40 minutes, the superior, Sister never seen anyone pray the way Edith prayed," After Ancilla, excused herself and said she'd be right back. several years as an active laywoman, rising intellecVerena and I kept talking, and when Sister Sister tual, -and pioneer feminist, Edith Stein entered the Ancilla returned, she had a surprise that left me Carmel of Cologne where she devoted herself to speechless. contemplative prayer and philosophical work. In a book ab:lut the saint's life in.the Carmel of After the Nazi Krista/lnacht, it was thought safer Cologne, Sister Ancilla ~howed me the photo of Edith to move Sister Teresa Benedicta to a Carmel in Stein in a wedding dress on the day of her "encloHolland; it was from that convent that she made the sure:" the day of her solemn vows. Sister Ancilla then final Hip to Auschwitz, when the Nazis rounded up turned the pages to show me the white chasuble that Jewish Catholics in retaliation for the Dutch bishops' the pope had worn when beatifying Edith Stein in public protest against Nazi anti-Semitism. As far as we know, Edith Stein died on Aug. 9, 1942; August 9 Cologne in 1987 - it had been made from the material in the wedding dress. But some material had is her feast day in Europe (and should. be in the been left over and cut into small pieces for preservaUnited States, too). tion in reliquaries. It was one Of these reliquaries that Having long been fascinated by this brilliant, courageous, and warmly human mystic and scholar,I" Sister Ancilla entrusted to me; I keep it now in my wanted to visit the Carmel of Cologne when I went to study, beside the portrait of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross that has watched over my work for years. that city last October for the launch of the German In the Carmel of Cologne, the "communion of edition of my biography of the pope, Wimess to is a living reality. saints" Hope. A friend had prepared the way with a phone George Weigel is a seniorfellow ofthe Ethics call, so after attending the evening Mass at the and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Carmelites' church, I presented myself at the convent
The Catholic Difference
votive offerings. In offering the living fire of the candle, Christian faithful express their prayers of thanks, petition or praise to God. While lighting votive candles is a well-established and authentic Catholic form of prayer, their presence or use is not obligatory for individual persons or churches. Q. What is the Church's rule or direction about a parent staging a non-Catholic wedding (no priest present) for their daughter? I know the couple have been talking with a priest. (Ohio) A. If the engaged man and woman are having sessions with a priest, it sounds likely that they have obtained a dispensation from their bishop for maniage without a priest or other Catholic officiating minister. If this is true, th~ maniage is as
valid and lawful in the Catholic Church as it would be if they were manied before a priest. There is no obstacle to her parents' preparing for the wedding any way they wish. If no dispensation was given and the couple will be married "out of the Church," other factors will need to be prayerfully considered by her parents to determine whether or how they might appropriately involve themselves in the wedding. I've dealt with these considerations more at length in past columns.
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Fall River diocese marks its centennial .The following are the next in a series ofbjstorlcal sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese ofFall River, iounded in 1904: The series will run in chronological . order from oldest to'newestparish, according to diocesan archives, concluding in March, 2004, the centennial anniversary ofthe diocese.
Immaculate Conception Parish, North Easton NORTH EAstON ---:- In .1832 Catholic faith and celebrate Mass tor of St. Mary's Parish in Taunton, celebrated the fIrst Mass Father Peter Connelly, a mission- in private homes. ary from New Bedford, came to . According to re,?ords, Father ' at this mission station in 1840. Under the direction of Father Easton. to give instructions in the William Wiley, a convert and pas-
Thomas Fitzsimmons, .a chapel was built and dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. The prominent Ames Family of Easton donated the land on Pond Street for this fIrst parish edifIce. As the parish continued to expand, it was necessary to build a larger church pn Main Street in 1865. . In January 1871, this Easton congregation offIcially became the parish ,of the Immaculate' Conception with Father Francis Quinn as founding pastor and fIrst resident priest. To celebrate its new status, Father Quinn had the church remodeled and decorated. By this time the Diocese of Providence, R.I., had been established and this parish became part of it. Once again the eommunity outgrew the church and on April 19, 1904, an<;>ther church was dedicated. In 1935'the Holy Cross Fathers purchased land in North Easton, later to include a seminary and in 1948, Holy Cross College. Over the years the Holy Cross Fathers worked closely with Immaculate
Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - The year 1872 will long be recalled as remarkable in the annals of the City of Fall River as a time of rapid growth. Fifteen new corporations were formed, 11 mills erected, land values doubled and' tripled and the city began referring to its sectors as Flint Village, Border City and the Globe. It was also significant in Church history because it marked the beginning of the Providence diocese, which then comprised Fall River and surroundi ng .areas. One of Providence Bishop Thomas F."Hendrickson's fIrst enactments was to divide Fall River's ~ mother parish St. Mary's - and form the new Sacred Heart Parish. On Jan. 1, 1873, Father Francis A. , Quinn became its fIrst pastor. A site was purchased on路 Linden Street and construction of a church got underway. .In the meanwhile, Masses were celebrated in the Grand Army Hall on . Second Street. The corner stone was laid on Aug. 31, 1873, and on Oct. 8, 1883, the . church was dedicated, with Father Mathias McCabe as pastor. In 1886, Father McCabe was granted permission to bring the Sisters of the Holy Union to this country and the sisters, housed in the new St. Helena's Convent, began instructing the children at Sacred Heart Parish in 1886.
What's remarkable is that in its 125history, six priests who have served the parish as assistants have returned to become pastors. In later years those have included Msgr. J. Joseph Sullivan, Msgr. Felix Childs, Msgr. Lester L. Hull, and Father John R. FoIster. A school was built in 1887; its St. John Chapel dedicated in June of 1912; the church itself refurbished in 1913; a 'new parish hall constructed in 1986. When the parish celebrated its 125th anniversary in 1997, native son Joseph .p. Delaney, bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, was the principal celebrant of the Mass. Concelebrants included more than a dozen priests who were brought up in Sacred Heart Parish. The current pastor is Father Raymond Cambra, and Father Craig A. Pregana is in residence. Sister Eugenia Ready, SUSC, is the pastoral assistant. Maureen Costa is the religious education coordinator; Kevin McRoy is.director of music; Colleen McRoy is the parish nurse coordinator; and Barbara Hickey is p~ish secretary. The rectory is at 160 Seabury Street, Fall River, MA 02720-4929. It can be reached ,by telephone at 508-673-0852; by FAX at 508-678-0873; by E-Mail at Sacred_Heart_Church@msn.com. The parish Website is www.sacred-heartparish.org. y~ar
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Conception Parish, assisting at Masses, making sick calls, teaching religion and making the facilities of the college available to the community. No history of his parish would , be complete without a note on the cemetery began in 1857 when iand was purchased on Canton Street. It has expanded and is still in use with descendants of the founding families catering to its care and upkeep. The current pastor is Father Thomas C. Lopes, and Paul Fournier is the deacon. The director of religious education is Kathleen Hohl. The parish is located at 193 Main Street, North Easton 02356. It can be reached by calling 508238-3232; by FAX at 508-2387849; and by E-Mail: imcc@attbi.com. In the history of the Catholic' Church in the southeastern Massachusetts region that in 1904 would become the Fall River diocese, Immaculate Conception Parish in North Easton was the last parish founded while the area was under the Diocese of Boston.
Friday, March 14, 2003
Pope's antiwar stance brings avalanche of E-mail support By JOHN THAVIS CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
THE VATICAN will soon issue this special set of 25 stamps to mark the 25th anniversary the election of Pope John Paul II. The set features a stamp illustrating each year of his pontificate with' a photo. The 1981 stamp shows the assassination attempt made against him that year. He was elected pope Oct. 16, 1978. (eNS photo from Vatican)
Vatican celebrates pope's anniversary with stamp set By JOHN NORTON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - The Vatican plans to celebrate the quarter-century anniversary of Pope John Paul II's election with a 25-stamp set that includes one image commemorating the 1981 assassination attempt against him. The stamps, bearing a photographic image from every year of his papacy, will be released March 20, and each has a face value of .41 euros - about 44 cents - the Vatican's stamp and coin office said. The stamp dedicated to 1981 reproduces the famous blackand-white photograph of the pope crumpling into the arms of aides in his popemobile after being shot by a Turkish gunman in St. Peter's Square. The other 24 stamps are color images and include the pope's unprecedented visit to Rome's synagogue and his meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Cuban President Fidel Castro. The Vatican stamp and coin office said the set was intended as a tribute to the "constant and tenacious" activity of the pontiff. His activity "has been primarily spiritual, but became history through the political, social and h'uman effectiveness of this pope who is so firmly resolved to live his earthly experience among the people and with the people, seeking to understand their problems and trying to solve them," it said. The Vatican said it was print-
ing 250,000 sheets of the spe- prayer service for peace in the ..: cial stamps, which were also Balkans. - His first Mass in the newly being co-issued by Poland. For the anniversary, the Vatican of- restored Sistine Chapelin 1994. - His 1995 speech to the fice also will issue 200,000 silver stamps bearing the pope's United Nations in New York. - His 1996 speech at the Berimage and a face value of 2.58 euros (US$2.79), as well as lin Wall. - His 1997 visit to Sarajevo, 20,000 commemorative enveBosnia-Herzegovina. lopes. - His 1998 visit to Cuba. The images selected for each - The 1999 opening of the year are: - Pope John Paul's first ap- jubilee year. - The vigil during World pearance to the public after his Youth Day 2000 in Rome. Oct. 16, 1978, election. - The 2001 closing of the - His 1979 visit to then-comholy door at St. Peter's Basilica. munist Poland. - His 2002 visit to Italy's Par- His 1980 visit to France. - The 1981 assassination at- liament. The stamps may be pre-ortempt. ......:... His 1982 visit to the Marian dered from Ufficio Filatelico e Nuntismatico,GovelDatorat~ shrine at Fatima, Portugal. - The 1983 opening of a holy 00120 Vatican City, Europe. Information on ordering the year. - His 1984 visit to the Italian stamps is available by faxing the office at: 011-3906-6988president's residence. - The first World Youth Day 3799. !r-' -=-=, i, . in 1985. - His 1986 visit to Rome's synagogue. ! " . , ._ - The 1987 opening of a I 1i 'I ").".,.' Marian year. - His 1988 address to Euro- II pean institutions in Strasbourg, "'. France. !i - Gorbachev's 1989 visit to Ii the Vatican. - The pope's 1990 embrace ii of a leprosy patient in GuineaBissau. - The 1991 special assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops. - The 1992 publication of the "C;atechism of the Catholic Church." . _ - The 1993 Assisi, Italy, _ L ___._----_. _
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II's frequent appeals against a war in Iraq have made him a lightning rod for peace sentiment worldwide - and he has the E-mails to prove it. Hundreds of E-mailed messages were arriving daily at the Vatican in early March, offering support for the pope's antiwar statements and encouragement for further peace moves, Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said. Navarro-Valls lifted a stack of 1,500 E-mails that arrived in a 36-hour period March 1-3. "They are from Christians and Muslims, Americans and Europeans. Many of them believe the pope is the single world leader who can prevent a war," the papal spokesman said. One writer who called himself a political conservative cited estimated casualties of
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half a million Iraqis in case of war and said he hoped the world would listen to the pontiff's warnings against the use of armed force. Another asked the pope to act as a human shield against U.S. attack in Iraq. Some quoted the Bible in support of the pontiff. "You're the only one who can end this madness," wrote one U.S. correspondent. Not a single E-mail in the weekend stack was critical of the pope's recent pronouncements, Navarro-Valls said. What made the cyber-correspondence even more amazing was that the pope does not have an E-mail address. So where are the people sending their electronic messages? To the only E-mail link on the Vatican's www.vatican.va site: the page where journalists can request accreditation at the Vatican press office.
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Friday, March 14, 2003
Actor likes playing a priest on 'Hack' By MARK PATIlSON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WASHINGTON - Catholic actor George Dzundza plays a ptiest on the CBS drama "Hack." And. while not the central character in the selies. he's grown to like the job and the character, Father Tom "Glizz" Gl-lelak. "You wear a collar, that doesn't make you a saint. As a human, there are frailties that all of us are working on," said Dzundza in a telephone interview from Philadelphia, where "Hack" is filmed. "Redemption is a main theme throughout this selies," he said, "and it's the goal we're uying to put together for the Amelican people." "Hack," which airs 9-10 p.m. Eastem time on Flidays, stars David Morse as Mike Olshansky, a 'taxi dliver - hence the title - who had been a cop until he was kicked off the police force for taking money from a clime scene. He finds he's still able to help people as a cabbie, and often enlists his fOlmer pattner, Mat'cellus Washington (Andre Braugher) - who was just as guilty in the money scandal but was never implicated by Olshansky. Dzundza's Fat~er Grizz is Olshansky's contidant: a blue-coIlaI' palish pliest with a taste for liquor and the occasional wager. Despite his own character's impetfections. Dzundza says he hasn't had to do something that would go against' his own sense of Father Glizz's dignity. Differences have come up with the California-written sclipts, he said, but "I try to go directly' to the top" - executive producer Bob Singer - with any concerns, Dzundza said. "Understanding that my Position is as a servant, I am there to serve the show," he added, noting it is a responsibility he accepts to stay true to the character. As a result, "I haven't had a situation where I've said, 'I can't do this;'" he said. Dzundza said he. hasn't received much unsolicited advice from pliests about Father Glizz. To the contraty,
"I solicit advice all the time. If there's something I don't know about, I have no problem going to someone who does," the actor said. Because each episode is filmed in its entirety in Philadelphia, Dzundza had to find his own apartment. And, having found the apartment, he then set about finding a palish. He goes to St. Bligid in the East Falls section of Philadelphia. "I just love that church. I'm so grateful that it's there. The homilies and the services have been just the best," Dzundza said. "I just feel blessed that I'm able to participate." "It's a vibrant community. George certainly enhances it," Father John Kelly, St. Bligid pastor, told Catholic News Service. "I think it's terIific that a person in his position would think of integrating hi~ faith like that. That doesn't happen enough." Father Kelly noted that Dzundza is the most recent celebrity parishioner. Past high-profile parishioners included Princess Grace, the Oscar. winning actress once known as Grace Kelly; her father, Jack, an ,Olympic 'gold-medal rower; and her brother, John, also an Olympic gold medal-winning rower and Philadelphiacity councilman. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, when he was Philadelphia's mayor, also lived in the palish. Filming for so long and so far away from his Los Angeles-area home is less difficult now that his youngest child is 12 years old. Dzundza and his wife have two col. lege-age children as well. Prior to "Hack," Dzundza's last regular TV role was as Christina Applegate's father on the NBC sitcom "Jesse." When the series' focus shifted from Jesse and her multigenerational family to a romance with the Chilean neighbor next door, "it upset the applecart," he said. "Looking at a family, even in all of its dysfunctional aspects, can be fun. But if it's just boyfriend-girlfriend, you're only going to repeat 'Friends.' And we came on right after 'Friends,''' Dzundza said.
STEVE MARTIN, Queen Latifah and Eugene Levy star in a scene from the comedy film "Bringing Down the House." (CNS photo from Buena Vista Pictures)
New comedy doesn't quite 'bring down the house' By GERRI PARE CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
NEW YORK - A stodgy attomey finds himself inadvertently involved with a wild woman who proceeds to take charge of his life in "Bringing Down the House" (Touchstone). Steve Martin plays estranged husband Peter Sanderson, whose wife, Kate (Jean Smart), tires of his workaholic ways and leaves with precocious l5-yearold Sarah (Kimberly 1. Brown) and younger Georgey (Angus T. Jones). In an online chat room Peter meets fellow attomey Charlene (Queen Latifah) and invites her over for dinner. To his total horror, she's not the blonde lawyer in the forefront of the photo Charlene E-mailed, but the big black woman being arrested in the background. Now she wants Peter to get her exonerated - and there's no getting rid of her. As Charlene camps out at his house, she makes it her business to coach Peter on how to win his wife and kids back. Peter, meanwhile, is preoccupied tIying to get haughty billionaire Mrs. Amess (Joan Plowright) to tum her estate planning overto his company's law firm. He tries to keep the snobbish English dowager and the jive-talking, street-smartex-con apart, but when that fails he pretends Charlene is his children's nanny. And his wife starts wondering if Charlene's actually his girlfriend when she sees them getting jiggy at a nightclub. Before things get straightened out, Charlene is furiously pretending to be a maid while Peter, surrounded by tIigger-happy tough guys, is trying to pass for cool homeboy.
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tCallJ)~Ullle~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting ofthe U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. CATHOLIC ACTOR George Dzundza stars as Father Tom' "Agent Cody Banks" (MGM) Juvenile comedy in which a "Grizz" Grzelak opposite David Morse in the CBS drama se15-year-old CIA recruit (Frankie ries "Hack." (CNS photo from CBS)
Director Adam Shankman milks the exaggerated racial stereotypes for laughs and occasionally gets guffaws from Martin and Latifah's physical comedy talents. But sometimes an unpleasantly mean-spirited tone sneaks in, as in an extended catfight.scene between Charlene and Peter's nasty sister-in-law (Missi Pyle). It's supposed to be funny but it looks,fairly brutal and is . so unnecessarily drawn out it becomes off-putting. But more often, Charlene is seen as a sassy, bighearted dispenser of knowledge to dull, methodical Peter. "Be a beast!" she urges him on how to keep a wife interested - questionable advice indeed, but used to some comic effect in a movie with no shortage of ra~y references. Martin and Latifah do make a good contrast and Plowright is appropriately starchy - although"again, the script seems to be settling for cheap laughs by presenting her character's smoking ajoint as an amusing development. Betty White has an embarrassing, stereotypical geezer role as Peter's blissfully racist neighbor. Other roles, portrayed by Steve Hams, Eugene Levy and Michael Rosenbaum, make little impression one way or the other. While passable in its comic moments, it doesn't really bring down the house. Due to some comically int~nded violence, sexual situations and' crass references, brief recreational drug , use and an instance of profanity, the USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III adults. The' Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Sensitive but wrongheaded Muniz) teams with an older sexpot agent (Angie Harmon) to drama explores the characters (infoil a plot that would allow a cluding Dermot Mulroney, megalomaniac (Ian McShane) to Patricia Clarkson and Mary Kay control the world using micro- Place) in four neighboring housescopic robots. Director Harald holds who struggle to resolve difZwart attempts to fashion a teen- ferent age-re,lated problems. age James Bond franchise around Writer-director Rose Troche crethe appealing Muniz but all the ates several realistic, three-dimengadgets, chases and stunts don't sional characters but the choice amount to much when the adult 路taken by the mother (Glenn characters are lame and situations CI,ose) of a comatose son makes unconvincing. Frequent stylized a serious crime appear justifiable. violence, mild sexual innuendo Positive depiction of euthanasia, and some rude humor. The sexual situations with fleeting USCCB Office for Film & Broad- nudity, momentary violence and sporadic rough language. The casting classification is A-II adults and adolescents. The Mo- USCCB Office for Film & Broadtion Picture Association of casting classification is 0 - morAmerica rating is PG ~ parental ally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America ratguidance suggested. "The Safety of Objects" (lFC) ing is R - restricted.
Friday, March 14, 2003
Quilt collection shares secrets of Underground Railroad By KATHRYNNE SKONICKI CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
sentations. She also has writtcn a book, "Lizzie's Story: A Slave PLAINFIELD, Ill. - When Family's Journey to Freedom." Clarice Boswell inherited dozens Shortly aftcr inheritinn0 the . . of family quilts nearly 20 years lallllly quilts, Boswell started ago, she knew they were mueh presenting them and discussin,r more than patchwork designs. their history in public. e For years her paternal grandCathleen Schultz, assistant mother had told her how the quilts history professor at the Universent secret messages to slaves sity of St. Francis in Joliet, said who were on the path to, freedom. she had not heard about quills The escaping slaves could see the having hidden messa(!es before, quilts as they hung out on laun- but she said many oflhe secrets dry lines, without raising suspi- of the Underground Railroad recion from slave owners. main hidden today hecause few For example, the nying geese records were kept. Documenting quilt simply appeared to be knowledge about the system scraps of material lined in a per- would have put people's Jives ill fect "V" sh路ape. In reality, the danger at the ti me. quilt was a mcssage to the fugiShe said historians today rely tive slaves: on what ha~ been passed . N~NCY ~L1TTSCHAU holds her son Dan.iel ~s Father Donald J. Meehling presides dur- The gee se IrT--"""'!'I.""'-;;;;;::::-;:;-;Y down to the ~ng his ba~tlsm at Seven Ho~y Founde~s Pa~lsh In Affton, Mo. The infant is the 63rd person were flying back north next generaIn the family to wear the heirloom christening gown. At the service from left were godand the walion by older mother Mary Genevieve Blittschau, godfathers Joseph and Rob H'artmann ~nd D~niel's fami Iy memterways had father, Edward Blittschau. (CNS photo by Mark Kemp, St. Louis Review) thawed after ber~, such as Boswell'\ a cold winter, grandmother. meaning the Schult/. Underground noted that this Railroad that lack of inforfollowed the mation is not I:ivers and unique to the lakes north 路'M~....i. Underground was now By JEAN M. SCHILDZ joining the Church and the faming in at No. 61 in the wearing of Railroad. open. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE the garment; their mother, Nancy, ily." ' "AfricanThere was Father Mechling agreed, callST. LOUIS - Barely five No. 34; grandmother, Jane American also the weeks old, Daniel Edward (Strake) Hartmann, No. eight; and ing the gown a physical reminder history has in flower garBlittschau already has made his great-grandmother, Pauline (De- of the continuity and importance a lot of ways den quilt that of family and the support that ters) Strake, No. four. mark in the world. been lost. It's delivered a It was Strake's parents, Ber- family provides in our Christian The tiny infant recently,betrue for any different came the 63rd person to wear his nard and Marie Deters of Carlyle, upbringing. society that is message. It "The white garment," he said, family's treasured heirloom, a 111., who began the christening not well-edu"is an outward sign of the inward appeared to gown tradition. Marie's mother christening gown made 90 years be a wonderCLARICE BOSWELL of cated or opmade the gown for her daughter's life of grace with which we're ago. ful collage of Plainfield, III., displays family quilts pressed beendowed at baptism. And it is a Daniel, who dozed snuggled in firstborn, Leona, Strake's eldest cause they multicolored the crook of his mother's arm, sibling. Strake took her turn wear- reminder that 62 other people also flowers; in that may have helped fugitive didn't have share that, and we are the inlooked angelic in the long, slaves find their way to freedom. time to sit heritors, the recipients of the reality, it was Boswell's grandmother said the around and snow-white dress, detailed signal that a sacrifice and the love and in delicate eyelet handwork bed coverings were hung on out- write their The tiny infant recently became the example of those who there was a lit for a high altar cloth. door lines to reveal secret mes- 111 e m 0 irs, refuge for Sewn in 1913 by the 63rd person to wear his family's come before us." sages - sometimes by design or she told the slaves behind As an earlier link in that Daniel's great-great-great- treasured heirloom, a christening the flower by shape - to escaping slaves. Catholic Exfami,Iy chain, Jane grandmother, Mary Von gown made 90 years ago. garden. (CNS photo by Kathrynne plorer. Hartmann, Strake's eldest Bokel of Breese, 111., the The "railSkonicki, Catholic Exploret) Boswell, a child, said seeing her grandmember of cotton garment includes a road" set up become a part of the child yoke and puff sleeves, scalGrace United Methodist Church by abolitionloped edging and two petticoats, ing the garment as the fourth in a family tradition meant a lot to her. ists took slaves through streams, in Joliet, said she now recognizes "It just brings back memories one a winter flannel to provide line of seven. bayous and forests to get them what a struggle it was for previNow 83, Strake has become because my grandmother, you away from bondage in the South ous family generations to gather extra warmth. Both are trimmed the faithful custodian of the pre- can still see her dressing all the to freedom in the North. "Sta- together for Sunday prayer serin handmade lace. cious keepsake. She and her hus- kids in it ... and because all my tions" along the route included vices. It wasn't until years after The contented child, son of band, Herb, are members of Sl. kids were baptized in it," said houses where slaves were taken her family was free from slavery Edward and Nancy B1ittschau, is Hartmann, the mother of four a greatnephew of the late Bishop Monica Parish in Creve Coeur. in until they could leave for the that they were able to allend the In part because of her honored and a parishioner of St. Marga- next stop on the railroad. Joseph A. McNicholas of SpringAfrican Methodist Episcopal field, III. The prelate formerly role in the keeping of the,chris- ret Mary Alacoque in Oakville. In an interview with "the church in Leesburg, Ky. An appreciation for God's served in Sl. Louis as an auxil- tening gown, Strake often hears "It kind of ties everything to- Catholic Explorer, newspaper of about impending births in the gether." gifts also has motivated Boswell iary bishop. the Joliet diocese, Boswell said The garment, said Daniel's Daniel was baptized February family long before most others are she heard these stories about the to pledge funds from the sale her mother, Nancy, provides "a sense 23 at his parents' parish, Seven in the know. railroad over the course of two book to a different charitable "I lind out when the baby's on of family and tradition that we're decades while her grandmother cause every year, she said. For Holy Founders in Affton. Celebrating the sacrament was Fa- the way quicker than anybody," passing on - our heritage, our lived with the Boswell family in 2003, she designated a Joliet medical clinic as the recipient of ther Donald J. Mechling, paro- the great-grandmother chuckled. faith." Though those who began Nicholasville, Ky. chial vicar of Sl. Aloysius Her kin want to make sure that the tradition are no longer here, And now, 64-year-old a portion of her profits. She said, Church in Springfield. The when the time comes the beauti- "the gown carries on our faith and Boswell, who lives in Plainfield she would eventually like to espriest, a family friend who knew ful raiment will be available for sense of family," she said. and worked for 30 years as an tablish a scholarship fund for AfAdded her husband, '~It gives Bishop McNicholas well, had their children to don. administrator for Joliet Town- rican-American students. The act of wearing the same our sons an opportunity to look ship High School, keeps the famShe also is working on her secmarried the Blittschaus and bapchristening gown helps tie both . back, and they'll have this to re- ily stories alive by telling them ond book, "The Secret sol' tized their first son. Among those at Daniel's bap- family and faith together, Strake member the rest of their lives and to her children and grandchildren Pearlie." about a slave on the same tism were his two-year-old said. When a child is brought to see the history of the family they and giving local historical pre- plantation as the Boswell family. brother. Benjamin J()s~ph. com- church to be baptized, "it's like wcre a part of,"
Christening gown used by 63 people ties faInily, f'aith together
the ancho~
Friday, March 14, 2003
Papal envoy meets Bush, reiterates Vatican opposition to Iraqi war WASHINGTON (CNS)-A papal envoy met with Presidcnt Bush and reiterated the Vatican's opposition to a U.S.led invasion 01' Iraq, saying a war without U.N. approval would be "immoral, illegal, unjust." Italian Cardinal Pio Laghi, who delivered a personalmessage from Pope John PaullI to Bush during the meeting at the White House, said the Vatican believes that "peaceful avenues" sti II exist to end the Iraqi crisis. "I am going away with hope despite the situation," he said. Addressing joumalists at the National Press Club after the mceting, Cardinal Laghi said he could not discuss details, but he paraphrased the end 01' the pope's leller to Bush: "I assure you. Mr. President, that I am praying for you and America, and I ask the Lord to inspire you to search for the way 01' a stable peace. the noblest of human endeavors." Also taking p~1l1 in the White House meeting were National Seclllity Adviser Condoleezza Rice and Jim Nicholson, U.S. ambassador 10 the Vatican, the eardinal said. . Cardinal Laghi, a fonner Vatican ambassador to the United Statcs and a friend of Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush, said the atmosphere of the 40-minute meeting
At the earlier press conference; the cardinal said he told Bush, "Today, on Ash Wednesday, Catholics around the world are following the pope's request to pray and fast for peace. ''The Holy Father himself continues to pray and hope that all leaders who face difficult decisions will be inspired in their search for peaee," the cardinal told reporters. Cardinal Laghi said a decision on the use of military force "can only be taken within the framework of the United Nations." He said that before declaring war the international community must take into account "the grave consequences" of
"I listened and I ·spoke. and I listened and I spoke," the cardinal said. "He was listening to me, and of course, he was communicating to me. We were very frank and clear in explaining," he added. But at a later press conFerence following a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shline of the 'Immaculate Conception, the cardinal said he "didn't know ifhis message was received with the same intention that it was given." . "It is no maller if they didn't listen to us," the cardinal said. "We will continue as a Church." Cardinal Laghi said that he insisted on discussing the Is.raeli-Palestinian conflicl with Bush; he said the solution to Middle East tension rests with solving the conflict in the Holy Land. The cardinal said he told Bush, "We have to solve that problem sooner rather than later." The cardinal also said he objected to the statements that· war would advance the cause of peace and freedom in Iraq. "Look what happened in Afghanistan," he said. "It is not clear what happened. Peace and freedom hasn't happened there." He also said the Vatican was gravely concerned about the elrecl a war would have on Christian-Muslim relations. "We are tlying to build blidges betweeT) Christianity and Islam, and we don't want to destroy those bridges," he· said.
ITALIAN CARDINAL Pio Laghi meets with Presi.dent George W. Bush in the Oval Office at the White House last week. (CNS photo fr~m Reuters) armed conflict, including the suffering of the Iraqi people and tro9ps on both sides, increased instabili~y in the Middle East and a n~w gulf between Islam and Christianity. . The cardinal said Iraq must fulfill. its international obligations to disarm and to respect human rights, but the Vatican maintains that the United Nations can still force Iraq to com~ ply with U.N. resolutlons without a declaration of war by the United States. Speaking about Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, the cardinal told reporters, "If he intends to disarm, certainly at this stage he goes too slowly. He has been promising for 12 years, but now where do we go?" The Vatican maintains that there is no moral justification for a war against Iraq. The pope and Vatican officials argue that a war on Iraq would be disproportionate to the threat,
potentially catastrophic in its effects on civilians and counterproductive to the global fight againstterrolism. However, the Bush administration says it has a legal and moral obligation to prevent Saddam from using wcapons 01' mass destruction or selling weapons to terrorists For use against the United States. . At the press conference, onejournalist asked Cardinal Laghi what would happen iF Bush did not listen to the pope's instructions and the United States went to war with Iraq. ''The Holy Father doesn't give instructions; it is the Gospel that gives instructions to us, and the Gospel is about peace. It is up to the United States government to consider the consequences," he said. Cardinal Laghi said he was unable to speak to reporters at the White House because "they told us not to do it." Regulars in the press room said it was unprecedented that someone who met with the president and requested to go to the media stakeout area would not be allowed to do so. One longtime White House correspondent said, "It was an insult." Cardinal Laghi later said he was not given a reason as to why he could not meet with repOfters. White House staff told him only that a press conFerence at the White House would not be allowed, he said. After the meeting, Nicholson. declined to give White House reporters details, but responded to a question about relations between the United States arid the Vatican. ''The relationship is very strong because we have such a foundation 01' common values ... 01' the Freedom and dignity of men," he said. At a briefing the previous day, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Saddam's failure to fully comply with U.N. resolutions on disarmament provides the United States with the legal and moral justification for declaring war. ''The president thinks the most immoral act of all would be if Saddam Hussein were to somehow transfer his weapons to terrorists who could use them' against u-s," tie said. 'lit. "So the president does view the use 01' Force as a maller of legality, as ~ matter of morality and as a matter 01' protecting the American people," Fleischer said. In recent weeks, the pope.and Vatican officials have met with world leaders, explaining Vatican opposition to an Iraqi war and urging world leaders to do all they can to ensure a peaceful conclusion to the crisis. Among those who met with the pope at the Vatican were British Prime MinisterTony Blair, Bush's biggest ally, and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. In mid-February, Pope John Paul sent Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, a retired French prelate, to Iraq to deliver a personal message to Saddam.
Bishops' National Advisory. Council adds 20·new members for 2003
Group includes 63' lay and religious men and women
FRANCISCAN FRIAR of the Renewal Father Benedict Groeschel an author and spiritual director for the Archdiocese of New York, recently told a Massachusetts audience that Church renewal can be achieved with prayer. (CNS photo by Chris Sheridan)
WASHINGTON (CNS) Twenty new members have been added to the National Advisory Council of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The c'ouncil, which has 63 lay and religious members, both men and women, reviews documentation and offers recommendations to the conference on matters of the Church in the United States. Auxiliary Bishop Gordon D. Bennett of Baltimore joined the council from the membership of the conference's Administrative Committee for a three-year term. Of the conference's 14 regions, four had elections in 2002,' adding lay representa,tives to the council for fouryear terms. Region Five elected Anh Quang Cao of New Orleans and
Sandra Henry of Lexington, cil committee to provide an ocKy. Region Nine sent David cupational, regional and ethnic Mueckl of SI. Louis and balance. Candidates are proBeatrice Swoopes of Lenexa, posed by the bishops of the 195 Kan., to the council. Eric dioceses in the United States. Seven at-large members Schiedermayer pI' Missoula, Mont., and Lita McBride of Se- were added. They are: Daniel attle were elected in region 12, Otero, Cincinnati; Tara Carr, and 'Antonio Lujan of Las San Francisco; Jesus Espinoza, Cruces, N.M., and Brenda Portland, Ore.; Thomas Moran of Hobbs, N.M., in re- Gerrets, Madison, Miss.; Deacon Guillermo Gomez, Hollis, gion 13. . • Four-year terms also went to N.Y.; Angeline Kinnaman, four diocesan priest represen- . Rawlins, Wyo.; and Javier. tatives: Father William Ham- 'Munoz, Newark, N.J. The council also has new ofmer, Louisville, Ky.;' Father Stephen Knox, DeKalb, III.; ficers for 2003. Brian Corbin, Father WiIliam Sheridan, Youngstown, Ohio, is chairman Montclair, N.J.; and Msgr. Ri- and Adriana Vlasic, BloomField chard Sniezyk, Springfield, Hills, Mich., is chairwomanelect. Juan Escobar, Pottstown, Mass. At-large members, repre- Pa., is secretary, while Santiago senting all categories of mem- Fernandez, Waterford, Mich., bership, are selected by a coun- will handle internal affairs ..
Friday, March 14, 2003
. BETHL~HEM RESIDENT Jihad Bandak stands in front of concrete barriers Israel plans to Install .~round nearby Rachel's Tomb at the entrance to Bethlehem. The wall would put about two-thirds of the road that leads from Jerusalem directly under 1sraeli control and leave about 60 Christian families isolated from the rest of Bethlehem. (CNS photo by Debbie Hill)
Planned wall around Rachel's TOInb Inay divide fantilles, residents say By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE BETHLEHEM, West Bank For now, it takes Amjad Awwad one minute to cross the street from his home to the minimarket where he works. But if Israeli plans to construct a wall around nearby Rachel's Tomb materialize, it could take the 37-year-old an hourto get to work. In such a case he would be forced to go to his store via the Israeli checkpoint a few yards away at the other end of the street. "We will be living in a prison," said Awwad, a Greek Orthodox. . Awwad's longtime customers, the Bandak family, also live across the street from the store and often run out for last-minute purchases. "Now I will need a special permit to go through the checkpoint so I can go to the minimarket across the street," said Jihad Bandak, 26, a Catholic. He said the proposed wall will separate family and friends. "This street is the entrance to Bethlehem. It is the life of Bethlehem; now they want to close it," Bandak told Catholic News Service. The Israeli military informed area residents by letter recently of plans to construct a 26- to 33-foot high concrete wall, Bandak路said. The wall will put about twothirds of the CUITent entrance road to Bethlehem directly under Israeli control while allowing the Palestinians to use only about one-third of the road. Latin Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem and the Custodian of the Holy Land, Franciscan Father Giovanni Batlistelli, released an urgent appeal to the international Christian community to speak out against the construction or the wall. "Because or this Israeli decision, 60 Christian families ncar
Rachel's Tomb at the entrance of Bethlehem are being encircled, isolated and deprived of all services and (will) have only.a small entry through an eight-meter high wall that will isolate the city of Bethlehem from Jerusalem and the other territories," they said. They called their appeal an "SOS cry" and said "the inhabitants of aethlehem and particularly the Christians, seeing themselves closed in, threatened by serious hardship to the point where some of them may feel constrained to leave the country, appeal to you." Jews revere Rachel's Tomb as the burial site of one of the four Jewish matriarchs - Rachel, the wife of Jacob. Jewish pilgrims come daily to pray at the site especially barren women - in special bulletproof buses. The tomb is located several hundred yards from the entrance of Bethlehem. The Israeli military maintain a presence around the tomb, which was the site of fierce fighting during the early stage~ of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising. Although no Israeli pilgrim has ever been attacked at the site, the military says the wall is necessary for security reasons. The Bethlehem municipality has hired a lawyer and appealed the decision. The Israel~ Supreme Court has given the military 21 days to present its case as to why the wall is necessary. "The construction of this wall will virtually transform the Rachel's Tomb area into a ghetto路 requiling permission for more than 500 residents to enter or leave their own houses and lands while no visitors are allowed in, violating the simple human rights and in contradiction with the Oslo Accord ... which clearly states 'the free movement of Palestinians on the main road will continue,'" said
Bethlehem Mayor Hanna Nasser. "This will strangle the economy of Bethlehem and cut interconnection between our town and the rest of the Palestinian cities," he said in a statement. The wall would be in addition to the larger wall Israel plans to build along its border with the Palestinian territories to prevent terrorist infiltration. From Bandak's roof, one can see clearly how this small section of land where some 60 families lives will be squeezed between these two walls, making them almost an island. "We will need special perm.its to go into Bethlehem, and we won't be able to go to Jerusalem or Amman," said Elizabeth Awwad, 40, Amjad's sister. The once-bustling neighborhood has been greatly reduced since the beginning of the intifada. The few shop owners in the neighborhood said customers avoid their stores out of fear of harassment by Israeli soldiers because of the store's proximity to Rachel's Tomb. In early March, a soldier standing guard at the tomb stopped a Palestinian woman wearing a headdress and a young boy who were walking near the tomb. The soldier kicked at a gift-wrapped package the boy was holding in a plastic bag and demanded in Hebrew to know what it was. The soldier eventually let them pass. "This is the area where in Christmas and other holidays all the patriarchs come from into Bethlehem," said Bandak. "Now it will be closed to them. The whole Status Quo will go from the area." The Status Quo is a longstanding agreement that regulates jurisdiction of and access to key Christian sites in the Holy Land for Catholic, Olthodox and other Christian communities.
ContinuedJrom page olle
nearly 50 years, which will be a in the Queens, Sister Romano very difficult task too. The plan entered the religious life aner is to assign us to those homes high school on Aug. 14, 1951. we own and operate, so that our She did her postulancy at the religious communities will be congregation's House of F0 1'1 11 alarger." tion in St. Patrick's Home in The Even with the realized wis- Bronx. dom of that decision, taking her She made her fi rst profcssion sisters and leaving the home of vows on April 30. 1953 and where there has been much in- her fi nals vows on Dec. 9, 1957. terplay between the 300 resiLeaving her administrator's dents and the nuns will not be post at the Catholic Mcmorial Home won't be the end of Siseasy, Sister Romano said. "I think the greatest loss to ter Roman's religious career. "None of us are retiring, bcthe people inside and outside this facility is there is no longer lieve me. I will be going to the going to be the visibility of the motherhouse in Germantown. N.Y., and doing various projects, Carmelite Sisters," she added. "We lived on the third floor including archive work and catof the home and we were avail- egorizing our library there," she able 24 hours a day, seven days said. An organist, she will be also a week. While the religious taking over the Liturgy Commithabit we wear doesn't make us, tee for the congregation. but rather who we really are inHer colleagues at the Cathoside, nonetheless, to the older lic Memorial Home are assigned generation of people we care to other places. for, the habit does mean someSister Margaret Jackson will thing. We were a very visible go to Marian Manor in South Boston, near her home; () Sisgroup." She noted that this was her ter Agnes Brennan will go to St. Patrick's first assignment Manor in working with Portuguese, "I think the greatest loss Framingham; Sister people, "a won- to the people inside and and Mary Bielecki derful experioutside this facility is there will be workence for me. is no longer going to be the ing in pastoral When' I heard them sing be- visibility of the Carmelite care in Florida. fi fth A tween the de- Sisters," she added. Carmelite, cades of the roSister Joseph sary, tears came to my eyes. It brought back Anne Shea, who had been at the memories of my childhood and home for 23 years until recently going with my grandmother to transferred, is currently a resia little basement apartment in dent in the congregation's nursNew York City' where the ing home in Framingham. Agreeing that "she has paid pecple would recite the rosary and sing. The Portuguese people her' dues," Sister Romano are a very prayerful nationality, smiled, laughed and commented that "after 52 years of various and close-knit." Sister Romano eagerly ministry and service - and as praised the home's staff of some we are growing older - there 400 fulltime and parttime comes a time to let go." With 26 sisters in residence people. "Nothing is too much for them. They treat everyone as at the motherhouse, the superior their own. They go far beyond general and her council, "I look forward to a nice community the call of duty." The motto of the Catholic there and it will be time to enMemorial Home is "Love made joy more of the spiritual life and visible." And Sister Romano community life I had when I was commented: "I can tell you that younger." One factor that makes leavit is truly lived here." In rect;nt weeks there was a ing a less difficult is that Sister Mass of Thanksgiving for the Romano thinks highly of her Carmelite Sisters, "a wonderful successor, Thomas F. Healey. and moving occasion for all of He has been employed by the us, residents, ~taff, families and Diocesan Health Facilities for volunteer," Sister Romano re- more than 14 years as administrator at Marian Manor in ported. "There was a procession in Taunton. He was the first lay which the first thing brought up administrator at that dioccsanwas red rose, a great symbol of owncd and operated facility the Carmelite Sisters and also our when he was hired in 1988. "I have known Tom Healey great love for St. Therese of Lisieux," she reported. "The sec- for three years and I think he is ond gift was a colorful candle very capable and will do a wonmade by department heads show- derfuljob here," Sister Romano ing the ethnic divei'sification of asserted. "He is a very Christian,' members of our various depart- Catholic layman and has a trements. Then came a basket of mendolls respect for religious; gifts they would later give us. has ~! fine scnse of humor and is Lastly there came a plaque cit- well respected. He will be the ing the Carmelite Sisters as the first lay administrator here. I wish him the best and know he Employee of the Year." A native New Yorker raised will do a good job."
114 the ~ Be fearless in proclaiming Christ, cardinal tells catechists Friday, March 14, 2003
MIAMI - Modem Christians are engaged in "a battle for the soul of the modern world," Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos told an intercontinental gathering of catcchetical leaders in Miami. To win, they must use every method at their disposal, from the Internet to television, said the cardinal, a Colombian native who is prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Clergy. But they must never resort to diluting the Chlistian message in order to make it palatable, and.they must always keep Christ at the center, he said. "It is quite easy to seek a respectable accommodation with the world," Cardinal Castrillon told more than 100 bishops, catechists and religious education directors from nearly every nation in the Americas who gathered recently in Miami. But "good intentions alone can take us far atield and lead us to every sort of error:' thc cardinal said. The role of catechists in the "new evangelization" proposed by Pope John Paul II is to fearlessly confront the modern culture SIJ that the Gospel might once again transform society from within. Cardinal Castrillon made a one-day, round trip between Rome and Miami to spend a few hours with conference participants. "1 had to come," the cardinal said, "because I consider this congress extremely im'portant. What happens here, in large
part, will determine the future of the Church." The gathering, on "The New Evangelization and Catechesis: America Speaks of Its Experience," marked the first time that representatives of the Canadian, Latin American and U.S. bishops' conferences came .together to compare notes on their
catechetical and evangelization experience~:'
Their goal was to come up with new for preaching and teaching the 90spel in response to the call for a "new evangelization" issued by Pope John Paul II after the 1997 Synod for America. In his talk, Cardinal Castrillon urged catstrategi~s
. SEMINARIAN CARLOS Taja and Notre Dame Sister Doris Turek stand near a banner, showing North and South America with a cross and likeness of Our Lady of Guadalupe, at a continental congress on catechesis in Miami recently. The first-of-its-kind meeting drew 100 Catholic educators and evangelists from the United States, Canada and Latin America. (CNS photo by Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Florida Catholic)
echists to target their evangelization and,educational efforts at the "new man" of the modem world, someone profoundly aware of his personal freedom, certain of his own intelligence, who demands answers to his questions yet finds comfort in "natural religiosity" and (In "elemental philosophy of life." This "new pagan," the cardinal said, is not to be found i'1 remote jungles where America's early missionaries trod. Today's missionaries must have the courage to approach him in the "concrete jungles" of modem cities, amid the intellectual elites who exalt §cience and technology and vigorously oppose the Gospel message, he said. Cardinal Castrillon suggested that catechists preach the Gospel with the convincing simplicity of the early Christians, a primitive Church which, by word and deed, ultimately overcame both the intellectual objections of the Greeks and the paganism of Rome. , Catechists, he said, must be rooted in Christ and bound to the magisterium of the Church. "They must communicate Christ through what' they teach and what they do." Christianity, after all, is not just a cultural tradition, not merely a coherent doc'trine or philosophy of life, but "a vital and personal encounter with Christ," he said. The role of catechists, therefore, is to "open the door of faith so that Christ the redeemer can enter people's lives," Cardinal Castrillon said.
North Carolinap)lrish remembers faith, spirit of Jesica Santillal) By
intimate. "It's not just 'God,'" . said Sister Betty. "It's a way of saying 'God is very precious, God is near.''' Soon after'those words, Jesica closed her eyes. They never opened again. Newsmedia across the world have chronicled each moment of Jesica's story, capturing all the miraculous ups and devastating downs that preceded the final, tragic ending. But Jesica's faith
of the Rosary Parish gave them the funds to restore the electricLOUISBURG, N.C. - Each ity. The oldest daughter, .who Tuesday afternoon the phone in changed her name, "Yesica," to Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Betty Bullen's office would ring. the more Anglo-sounding "Jesica," needed a heart and lung A cheerful voice would ask, "Are transplant to save her lif€!. One of we having class? What time are her high school teachers took the you coming to pick me up?" story to the Louisburg newspaper, Jesica Santillan rarely missed and from that moment the comfaith formation classes or Mass at munity and the parish adopted the Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in SO.-pound child as its own. Louisburg. Although she was ofThe following years ten too weak to attend were a roller coaster of hope school, the 17-year-old dismay. First the famdoggedly embraced her She played the role of Our Lady and ily was told the transplant faith, sometimes walking to Mass on Sunday afternoons of Guadalupe three years straight for was financially impossible; hand-in-hand WIth younger the parish's feast day celebration, then when funds were and during the summer when the raised and suitable organs siblings and cousins. She played the role of youth ministry banded together to found, doctors told the famOur Lady of Guadalupe paint and renovate the 1DD-year-old ily ~hat the organs had dete-, riorated before they could three years straight for the house where they hold Mass, Jesica be used. parish's feast day celebraBut' two months after tion, and during the summer Joined them, paint roller in hand. Jesica's 17th birthday, the when the youth ministry surgery went as planned and handed together fo paint and renovate the 100-year-old is what remains in the small she received a new heart and house where they hold Mass. Louisburg community where she lungs. The family was jubilant. But the organs were the wrong Jcsicajoined them, paint roller in spent the last three years of her blood type, a potentially fatal mislife. hand, "She is a story in herself, ot' a take. As Jesica neared death, her That same faith was present in her last words 10 days heforc her young woman who lived with family gathered in prayer, camped death. She died February 22 aftci' dying," said Sister Betty. "I think out in the waiting room for days two failed heart-and-Iung trans- that because of her inness and on end. Back home in Mexico, plants at Duke University Hospi- having to live with the thought of aunts and cousins kept vigils undying, God really gave her an der statues of Our Lady of tal in Durham. Guadalupe. Magdalena promised "Diosito." remembered Sister extra dose of faith." Melicio Huerta and Magdalena God she would take her daughter Betty, pastoral· administrator and Jcsica's friend, at Jesica's ecu- Santillan lived with their three on a pilgrimage to the Mexican' mcnical memorial service. children in a windowless, leaky shrines if she recovered. God was with them, the famtrailer. They were broke, having 'That's what she said." In Spanish, adding "ito" or paid a "coyote" $5,000 to trans- -ily thought. The second transplant and the "ira" to a phrase renders it more port them from Mexico. Our Lady CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
news that Jesica's new heart was beating on it)' own brought group p,rayers of jubilation. But 24 hours later, a CT scan showed irreversible brain damage. Jesica was dead. "In Jesica, we witnessed a young woman living her days weaving together her love of life and her love of God," said Sister Betty at the ecumenical service that drew more than 300 people to the Louisburg College theater
shortly after a pri.vate funeral. "She teaches us that loving God and loving life are really the same thing. "My faith, my hope, my prayer for Jesica and for us," she said, "is that as she walks in love with her Diosito. they wiII speak of us, of our love for her; that we will be healed of our sadness and rise to experience her joy in Christ Jesus our Savior, our Diosito."
MELICIO HUERTA comforts his wife, Magdalena Santillan, as she kneels at the casket of their daughter, Jesica Santillan, at Louisburg College in Louisburg, N.C. Jesica, 17, died after a second transplant surgery at Duke University Medical Center failed to correct the problem of mismatched blood that occurred during her first transplant at the center. The ,Mexican family attended Our. Lady of the Rosary parish in Louisburg. (CNS photo from Reuters)
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Stang junior attends conference in D.C. NORTH DARTMOUTH Bishop Stang High School junior John McCaffrey recently returned from a trip to Washington, D.C. where he attended the National Young Leaders Conference. This unique leadership program is for high school students who have demonstrated leadership potential and scholastic merit. McCaffrey, the son of John and Kathleen McCaffrey of Middletown, R.I., was among some 400 national scholars from around the country who attended the conference in our nation's capitol. The six-day gathering was themed "The Leaders of Tomorrow Meeting the Leaders of Today" and allowed McCaffrey to interact with key elected officials, political appointees and newsmakers from the three branches of government, the media and the international community. . Highlights included welcom-
ing remarks from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and a panel discussion with prominent journalists at the National Press Club. McCaffrey also met with senators and a represen'tative to discuss important issues facing our nation.
TEEN TOURNAM ENT contestant Joel Knight made it to the February quarterfinal match on the popular game show "Jeopardy!" Knight is a freshman at Catholic Central High School in Detroit. (eNS photo by Audrey Sommers, Michigan Catholic)
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Allover the· neighborhood, people mourn death of 'Mister Rogers' WASHINGTON (CNS) - Fans ofchildren's tele- Rogers recalled the impact the Benedictine commuvision mourned the death of the Rev. Fred Rogers, the nity had on his childhood and said proudly, "My Presbyterian minister who became a fixture on PBS' grandfather's friend was an archabbot. My father's schedule with his "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" friend was an archabbot, and now, my vel)' best friend is an archabbot." series. "None of us will know all of the children 'whom "It's asad day for people who care about chiIdren's television," said Patti Miller, director of the children Douglas has helped for a lifetime," Rev. Rogers added. "I know he has delighted in that. He delights in and media program for the public policy advothe presence of children just like Jesus·did." cacy group Children Now. "He was such a beaRev. Rogers also had a close personal con for the role that TV can play in inspiring and professional association with another young viewers." Catholic: Johimy Costa, the pianist-comMiller added, "He made kids poser whose playing could be heard on feel cared for on his program." episodes of "Mister Rogers' NeighborRev. Rogers died Feb. 27 of hood" into the mid-1990s. The two stafted complications from stomach canworking together in 1965. cer. He was 74. In a 1995 interview, Rev. Rogers "Mister Rogers' Neighborcalled Costa "a great musical hood;' in its 38 years of makblessing for the very young, ing new shows, won an armthe very mature and evel)'ful of awards and prizes for one in between." both the series and its creAlso in 1995, "Mister ator. Among them was a Rogers' Neighborhood" special Christopher Award won an award from Cathoin 200 I the first lics in Media Associates. children's show after more The organization called than a half-century of Rev. Rogers "television's awards to earn such high father figure, gifted educapraise from The tor and all children's faithChristophel's, who acclaimed its ability "to build THE REV. FRED (Mr.) Rogers, with King ful friend," lauding "his outstanding program for three self-esteem by gently en- Friday. (CNS photo from Reuters) decades of providing chilcouraging children to explore the world around them, master developmental dren with one-to-one human affirmation of their selfworth and a place where they feel accepted, safe, and tasks, and cope with new life experiences." When he received an award from the Annenberg understood." "He was the one adult whom kids could count on Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania in 1998, Rev. Rogers said, in part: "No matter what to be there for them," said Vicky Rideout, a vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation who specialour job ... all ofus have a sense of what is eternal." At the 1991 installation ofBenedictine Father Dou- izes in the impact of enteltainment media on health. glas R. Nowicki as the new archabbot of a Benedictine "Thanks to TV, he'll be around for quite some time." Emory H. Woodward IV, an assistant professor of monastery in Latrobe, Pa., Rev.. Rogers was one of nearly 1,000 guests. Father Nowicki had served as . communications at Villanova University in Philadelpsychological consultant for "Mister Rogers' Neigh- phia, in arguing for adQitional funding sources for more borhood" for a dozen years, and he and Rev. Rogers quality children's television, said "there need to be more Fred Rogerses in the world today, who care about became close fIiends. Speaking at a dinner following the installation, Rev. kids' educational needs."
When 'the pope speaks about war By AMY WELBORN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE For a country all the way on the uther side of the globe, Iraq sure spends a lot of time in your living room these days doesn't it? Tel~vision, newspapers and magazines,. and conversations around the dining-room table are all full of news and speculation about war with Iraq. Should you care? Of course you should, and you probably do. But what should you think? President Bush and his administration say that if Saddam Hussein doesn't live up to the bargain to disarm agreed upon years ago. it's time to take action. That's why all those troops are over in Kuwait. They're putting pressure on Saddam, letting him know that this is serious.
. To the president and his supporters, this is an appropriate, moral use of force. Saddam is a brutal dictator whose people suffer a great deal. The Bush adminiStration says that if Hussein can 'be brought down, the people of .Iraq will enjoy freedom forthe first time in a long time. And on the other side: the pope. , Pope John Paul II and highranking Vatican officials have voiced opposition to Waf' again and again. The pope has said that terrorism is unjust and that nations 'have the right to defend themselves agafnst terrorism. He has said that all people in the world deserve to live under freedom. But he says this must be accomplished without war. . When making your mind up about this war, it's important to remember that the Church's judg-
ment on a matter such as this is what we call a "prudential judgment" - a decision on how a general moral pdnciple should be applied in a particular situation.
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Coming of Age
We have to look at these statements in a careful, balanced way. We have to understand that they're not "infallible" - they're not statements about faith that are protected from error by the Holy Spirit. These statements about war are about a political situation. On the other hand, because the
pope is who he is, we should take There are thousands of Christians· them very seriously. In fact, the in Iraq, and you can bet that the whole world - Catholic or not- pope has heard the facts about their takes them seriously. That's why suffering. No, he simply is asking world U.S. and British government representatives have met with the leaders to work harder to think of pope in recent weeks trying to con- an altcmative to war because war vince him that a war against Iraq can sound neat and tidy in advance' is moral. His opinion matters. That and on paper, but once it stmts, tershould give you something to rible, unintended consequences can tum what waS going to be a quick think about. Why does it matter? It matters action into a tenible conflagration. You might consider that this is because the pope represents not only Christ, he represents what I something that Pope John Paul II knows something about. He lived like to call the "long view" 2,000 years of wisdom and expe- in Poland during the horrors of . rience of the oldest-continuing in- World War II, and he lived to see . stitution in the world, fin institu- another oppressive empire, the. ,tion that has seen empires come . Soviet Union, crumble and go, and has seen millions of crumble, he probably would remind us, without a war. people die in wa~s. It's h~ppened once in the past When the pope speaks against war in this case, he is not being two decades, the pope is saying. anti-American or pro-Saddam. Could it possibly happen again?
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.Friday, March 14,2003
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Stang Inusicians ~ttend district festival !,
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HOLY FAMILY-HOLY NAME School, New Bedford, students celebrate with a Mardi Gras parade, decorations, and prayer service lead by Sister Muriel Lebeau. Revelry turned to silence at the conclusion, when each class "buried their alleluias" for the season of Lent.
NORTH DARTMOUTH County Choral Festival at Freshman Allison Cammarata Fairhaven High School. They of Bishop Stang High School are: sophomores Katie Eager, represented her school at the dailghter of Charles and Sandra Massachusetts Southeast.Jun- Eager of Barnstable; Brian ior District Music Festival this Quintin, son of Raymond and year and was chosen to sing . Karen Quintin of Dartmouth; alto in the honors' chorus. Ashley Racine, daughter of RiThe annual event is open to chard Racine and Michelle Tapadvanced music students in per-Racine of Fairhaven; and grades seven-nine by audition Katherine Donovan, daughter only and the festival includes of John and Anne Donovan of an honors' band and orchestra. North Falmouth. Cammarata is the daughter of The annual festival attracts .James and Cynthia Cammarata singers from 10 area high of Marion. schools for two days of intenCammarata and four other sive rehearsals with a profesStang students recently partici- sional conductor culminating pated in the invitational. Tri- in a concert.
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STUDENTS FROM St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, place their Lenten promises on a cross during a recent service. Parent Paul Charpentier made the cross.
THE HOLY Trinity "~aints" girls basketbi:lIl te~m' from Holy Tril1ity School, West Harwich, take a time-out with their coach, Walter Domain, for a group photo, Front row, from left Jessica Menard,Marisa Egan, Ashley Gaughran (kneeling), Amy Menard (kneeling), Amanda Griffin. Back row: Meagan Jencius, Emily Domain, Coach Domain, Sarah Romano, Julia Stratton and Catherine Manning. . ') . -\
FATIMA PIMENTEL, a teacher's aide at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, helps students Sydney Morin, Svetlana Pimentel, Justin Silveira and Tyler Camboia playa bus game that was part of a recent Puzzle and Game Day.