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VOL. 30, NO. 11
Employment goals are studied
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$8 Per Year
WASHINGTON (NC) _ As the national unemployment level took its highest monthly leap in nearly six years, the U.S. bishops' goal of a full employment policy gained new attention. At a recent Washington symposium Sister Nancy Sylvester, an Immaculate Heart of Mary nun, reminded economists and labor experts of the bishops' view that justice demands jobs for those .who seek them. Sister Sylvester, national coor. dinator of Network, a social jus- . tice lobby founded by nuns, quoted the bishops' draft pastoral' on the economy at a meeting spon- , sored by the National Committee for Full Employment. In it, the
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omy" and that current unemployment levels are "morally unaccept-I able." IJ President Reagan has often @ claimed that the United States is 11 enjoying economic recovery, but! . National Urban League President' John Jacob, who joined Sister Sylvester in addressing the Washington meeting, noted that "7 per-' cent unemployment used to be considered a recession - not a recovery." Jacob, whose remarks sounded much like the bishops', defined full· employment as "a decent job at a decent wage for all Americans' who want to work." The bishops stated that "the most urgent priority for domestic economic policy is the creation of. new jobs with adequate pay and decent working conditions. Specifically, in the second draft ofthe pastoral, they recommended "that the fiscal and monetary poliof the nation be coordinated cies . Insuchawaythatfullemployment is the number one goal." According to the bishops, full emp Ioyment d oes not mean no unemp Ioymen t a t a II b ut d oes' mean bl that a lot of people now JO ess would have work. As they explained, "we believe 1 that 6 percent to 7 percent unemployment is neither inevitable nor morally acceptable. While a zero unemployment rate is clearly imposTurn to Page Seven I,
~_ ~ ~ Al~b~ · b ortlon att Ie esc'a Iates· '
. By NC News Service Signers of the new ad declared their "solidarity with all Catholics Controversy over Catholic teachh . h f ing and abortion reached a new w oSke,~lg t to . ree speech is under pitch in early March. attac and objected to "reprisals" Dissenters on abortion sought by church authorities against signto shift the question from abortion ers of the first ad. On March 7, in response to itself to authority and free speech in the church, with more than 900 questions about the legitimacy of Catholics taking out a full-page ad Catholic dissent on abortion, Bishto that effect in The New York op James Malone of Youngstown, Times 'March 2. Ohio, President of the National _ Several leading bishops blunt- . Council of -Catholic Bishops, deIy reJecte . d t hat approac h' .. ciared "there is no room for dis, InSIstIng ' . , sent" on the central issue, the t hat t here can be no I egltlmate dlssent from church teaching on the church's moral teaching on the objective moral evil of abortion. question, _ An abortion rights rally in The bishop called abortion a the nation's capital drew an esti- "complex issue" that has legal and mated 85,000 demonstrators, with pastoral dimensions as well. "There Catholic feminist leaders promi- is room for diversity of views on nently featured in the day's events. these other aspects of the abortion The Times ad was a "Declara- question, although even here not ' 0 f S 0 I'd" tlOn I anty" with 97 Cathol- all opinions are valid and acceptaics who had signed a 1984 ad ble," he said. As an example, he asserting that there was more than cit~d as unacceptable the position , Chi' "" at!J IC pOSItIOn one "I' egltlmate ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ortlOn.· ' on t he mora I'Ity 0 fd'Irect a b The new ad declared that Catho- , I10& ' "act Wit 'h'In t h' . h ts an d elr ng
responsibilities as Catholics and citizens" ifin good conscience they "take positions on the <iifficult questions of legal abortion and other controversial issues that differ
Irish features pages 12, 13
urge referendum In connection with a Constitutional Convention held Wednesday at Boston Statehouse, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin joined Cardinal Bernard Law and the other bishops of Massachuse.tts in requesting support for a movement to modify a so-called "anti-aid amendment" to the state Constitution. As it stands, Article 46, Section 2 of the Constitution prohibits any form of state aid to private schools, separating church and state more strictly than the U.S. Constitution. The bishops seek to have its wording modified to .permit the state legislature at least to consider and debate forms of possible aid to private education.
PI~~ ~Or:~i:;n~u~ ~e~::t~~~ ~~
the November ballot, asking voters to signify whether or not they would approve such a modification. Like the other bishops of Masthat "abortion falls outside of law sachusetts, Bishop Cronin wrote and public policy." < to diocesan priests asking them to • Cardinal Bernard F. Law of. urge parishioners to contact state Boston also spoke out against the representatives and senators prior ad during a pastoral visit to Fall to Wed nesday's convention, River March 2 and in a March 7 explaining 'the importance of a column in his archdiocesan newsreferendum. paper, The Pilot. At press time, convention results America and Commonweal, two had not been announced. of the leading U.S, Catholic opinion journals, also joined in the Stand Explained fray. Both attacked the new ad for In .material supplementing creatl'ng "confusl'on" about I'ssues B'IS h op C romn . ,seer I tt an d a Iso too I'mportant for that treatment. . t s, Fa th er R'IC hard W . sen t t 0 pnes "What is at stake here has virtuBeaulieu, diocesan director of ally nothing to do with a right to education, said that the Massafree speech in the First Amend- chusetts Constitution "will not ment sense," Commonweal said. even allow a minimum cooperaAmong signers of the second ad, tion in the area of education, several played a leading role in the cooperation which is allowed by abortion rights rally in Washingfederal guidelines." ton March 9. In states such as .New York, "The Catholl'c Church has made P ' an dOh'10, he sal'd ,at ennsyI vama ,abortion its No. I issue," said least the loan of textbooks is Frances Kissling, executive direcpermitted. ~ tor of Catholics for a Free Chol'ce, "The proposed change would' a signer and coordinator of both not give any money or aid to priNew York Times ads, in an inter- vate schools," continued the direcview befo,re the rally. tor, but "simply modifies the lanTwo Sisters of Notre Dame de guage oft"e 'anti-aid amendment' Namur, Sisters Barbara Ferraro in the Constitution to allow the and Patricia Hussey, spoke at the legislature to consider and debate rally, Both signed both ads in The forms of possible aid. Any such TImes, an d b0 th f ace a th rea t 0 f 1\ a IocatlOn I ' wou Id be. open for pu bTurn to Page Two I Turn to Page Six
a ~ ~ .fl -Pat:rick-Cariieyto-head-1986."Chariiie~.··Ai)peaj. c~ Bishop Daniel A. Cronin today announced appointment of Patrick Carney to head the 1986 Catholic Charities Appeal of the Fall River diocese. A New Bedford native, Carney is now a member of St. Mary's parish, South Dartmouth. He ., attended Holy Family grammar
school, New Bedford, and'Bishop with real estate holdings in New Stang High School, North Dart-- England and nationwide. mouth and hold a bachelor's In his parish, he is Appeal degree in political science from , chairman, a lector and a religious Boston College. education teacher. He is a director Carney is president and founder of the Carney Hospital Foundaof Claremont Financial Services, tion, a member of the Boston ColInc., a real estate development lege Real Estate Professional Commanagement and investment firm mittee, a former trustee of South-
eastern Massachusetts University and a member of the New Bedford Chamber of Commerce and various realtors' associations and historic preservation committees. In 1980, the 1986 CCA chairman received the Young Alumni Achievement Award of Boston College and in 1984 the Outstand-
ing Entrepreneur Award of Southeastern Massachusetts University. He is listed in Outstanding Young Men in America and in Who's Who in America. Carney is married to the former Lillian Brennan, a Fall River native who attended Bishop CasTurn to Page Two
Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Mar. '14, 1986
Abortion battle Continued from Page One dismissal from their order for their role in the first. Controversy over the Catholic Church's abortion stand arose again on another front March 7. In New York, lawyers for the NCCB and the U.S. Catholic Conference told a federal judge that the NCCB-USCC would accept a contempt-of-court citation if necessary to force a ruling of unconstitutionality on a five-year-old lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by Abortion Rights Mobilization. In a letter to the U.S. bishops, Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, general secretary, said the NCCB and the USCC would not comply with subpoenas for records of its prolife activities, finances and related material sought in a lawsuit by Abortion Rights Mobilization. ARM contends that the bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities urges political actions that violate the church's tax-exempt status. The group sued the Internal Revenue Service in 1980 to have
the tax exemption removed, saying the church's illegal political activity on abortion put other taxexempt groups favoring abortion rights at a disadvantage.
, Photos by Joseph Motta.
Msgr. Hoye wrote that upon the advice of NCCB attorneys and with the approval of the bishops' executive committee the court will be informed "that USCC-NCCB cannot comply with the subpoenas at this time."
,What does Lent mean to 'you?
"The only means to obtain appellate review of the district court's jurisdiction ruling and avoid the potential First Amendment problems is to refuse to comply with the subpoenas, be adjudged in contempt, and appeal the contempt citation," Msgr. Hoye told the bishops.
ANSWERS Residents of Fall River's Catholic Memorial Home
He said "the subpoenas raise the prospect ofthe court's and AR M's involvement in the internal affairs ofthe church, and consequ'ently, a potential infringement of USCCNCCB rights under the religion clauses of the First Amendment."
ALICE LY.NCH, retired secretary: "A time of preparation for the events of Holy Week and Easter. It's also a time for review.",
Patric){ Carney Continued from Page One o
sidy High School in Taunton and , graduated in 1969 from the Col-
lege of New Rochelle with adegree in'sociology. She is a director of New Bedford Child and Family Services and, like her husband, is active in the religious education program of St. Mary's parish. The couple has five children: Patrick, 12, Kathleen, 10, Colleen, 8, Michael, 7, and Edward, 3. The diocesan CCA began iii 1942 and this year's campaign marks its 45th year of service to Southeastern Massachusetts. Its traditional kickoff meeting will' be held 8 p.m. April 16 at Bishop Connolly High 'School.
Bachrach photo
MARIE SMITH, retired salesperson: "Lent, to me, hasn't changed since I was in my teens. I do a lot of extra praying during Lent and make more visits to the chapel."
It will be followed by the Special Gifts phase of the campaign from April 21 to May 3 and by an intensive three-hour house-to-house visitation from noon to 3 p.m. May 4. The 1986 Appeal will close its books May 23.
WILLIAM MORRISSETTE, retired clerical worker: "It presents an extra opportunity to make penance and get closer to God. When Lent is over and you get to Easter, it is a reminder that by His resurrection Jesus finalized the reason for which He became man and died." I Bill contributes the Sportswatch column to the Anchor. He is pictured with his wife of 59 years, Alberta, who resides with him at the nursing center.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, ,JR. . 432 J EFFfRSON STREET Fall River 675.7496
TOM SHEA, retired foreman: "It means catching up with what you missed before. It's a good feeling. You appreciate your religion."
, ELIZABETH MELVIN, retired homemaker: "Lent means everything to me. Everything. I say five or six rosaries a day."
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WILFRED PARE, retired weaver: "It means a lot. We make penance as we all need to." Mr. Pare notes that his son, Father Jean-Dominique Pare, OP, serves at St. Anne's parish, Fall River. J
We're Better . Durfee
Together Falmouth -rTI
MemMrs Federal Deposit Ins~rance Corporation.
- We Are Pleased to Anno.unce 7""
AT A MASS OF THANKSGIVING at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, commemorating the centennial ofthe arrival of Holy Union Sisters in the ~nited St\ltes, Sisters Peggy Fromm; Mary Elizabeth Murphy, provincial superior Ca~ol Regan and Evelyn Rogers study the Mass program. A recommitmentservi.ce for the slst~rs was part of the liturgy and the gifts included symbols of the Holy UOlon commuOlty. Further centennial celebrations will take place in August. (Rosa photo)
Former donors now need CHD aid WASRINGTON (NC) - Peo"The sad fact," the report stated,. ple who once contributed to the "is th'arthe 'new poor' are in comCampaign for Human Develop- petition with other poor families ment, the U.S. bishops' anti- for the limited CHD funds." poverty program, now seek help The report sought input from from it. the U.S. bishops in addressing The situation pits these "new CRD's concerns. poor," such as laid-off skilled CRD, as "the largest funder of workers and farmers, against the its kind in the United States," protraditional poor initially regarded vides grants to low-income groups as CHD's beneficiaries, a CRD to assist them in changing condireport said. tions affecting their lives. Moneys The report, released earlier in . raised in a national annual CRD March, is the first stage of a review collection in U.S. parishes are of CHD's activities since it was shared by local and national founded by the U.S. hierarchy in projects. 1970 to combat domestic poverty. According to James Jennings, a CHD spokesman, the crisis in agriculture and in the "Rust Belt" industrial sector of the Northeast and Midwest has taken its toll on workers and farmers formerly By NC News Service among CRD donors during the Lesotho's Catholic bishops have annual national collection.. . urged their people to "forgive and Now farmers and skilled work- forget" and work for peace in the ers are coming hat in hand to wake of the country's recent milCRD themselves. itary coup. When CRD was launched in Lesotho, a mountain kingdom, 1970, the report said, it appeared is surrounded by South Africa, the U.S. economy was in a period which had accused Lesotho of of growth and expansion. But harboring members of the out~ since then the country has under- lawed Afri'can National Congress, gone recessions, a major agricul- the major black African oppositural crisis, and a shift from indus- tion to the white minority trial jobs to service employment, government. After South Africa the report noted. had slowed the flow of goods going into Lesotho for several weeks, a military council ousted Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan and returned executive power to VATICAN CITY (NC) - JerKing Moshoeshoe. usalem should be a "living sym-. Nearly 15 percent ofthe nation's bol" of peace among Christians, 1.4 million people are Catholic. Jews and Moslems, Pope John Paul II \ recently told Christian, Jewish and Moslem participants . in a one-day Rome seminar on Relax! seeking reconciliation ltmong the "A relaxed attitude lengthens . religions through their belief in the man's life; jealousy rots it away." . same·God. - Provo 14:30
Lesotho bishops urge peace
Living symbol.
Between 1983-85, the report said, CHD made'28 grants, worth . about $1 million, to organized groups of formerly employed workers, and 29 grants, totaling more than $1 million, to family farm groups.
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71Ie One Immortal Story Unforgettably Retold/
Diocese of Fall River- Fri.., .Mar:. 14, 1986
the living word
A Shameful State
At Anchor deadline, the outcome of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention's deliberations concerning the pressing issue of state aid for children attending private schools was as yet unknown. But regardless of the outcome, the shame is that our elected , officials continue to discuss this subject. Despite the continued protestations of the Boston Globe, which encourages continued discussion and intimidation by the media in so many matters of Catholic concern, this question should not even come up. It is outrageous that our so-called Commonwealth of Freedom could be so blatantly antagonistic to the near 140,000 children educated in this state under Catholic auspices, to say nothing of the many hundreds in other private schools. First and foremost, those who claim to uphold right and freedom should hide their faces in embarrassment. The constitutional change sought seeks merely to modify an extremely strict interpretation of law, one far beyond that found in the federal Constitution. Federal monies support the educational pursuits of those who take advantage of veterans' benefits due them under various laws; but in Massachusetts a child whose parents choose to exercise their constitutional right to send him or her to a Catholic or other private school is penalized by a narrow approach to law. States such as New 路York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, on the other hand, explicitly respect parental choice by aiding private school students. The proposed change in our state Constitution does not directly support private and parochial schools. It aids mothers and fathers' who believe in their constitutional right of choice and who should not be penalized by legalities. Any state legislator who continues to support the exaggerated "anti-aid amendment" to the Massachusetts Constitution is in direct opposition to federal practice as well as to every voter whose child atten'ds a private or ~~rochial school. . However, blind loyalty to political party also causes many Catholics in this state to fail to push their legitimate interests. Currently, as tuition rates are being set for the 1986-87 school year, it is obvious that major increases will be unavoidable in our Catholic schools. Outcries greet any increase but it is interesting to note that the very people who wail loudest about parochial school tuition hikes do little to lift the burden from their own backs. If parents would organize on behalf of fair treatment of our schools, their indignation would be more justified. But so many would rather remain passive, despite being treated as 'second-class citizens. This past week the Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts requested that Catholics shake off passivity and stand up for their rights. Our own Bishop Cronin called consideration of state aid for children an urgent matter and requested the clergy of the diocese to assume. a leadership role in the name of . justice. Collectively they sought to assure that the democratic process would not be violated by past prejudices and persistent presumptions. It is indeed time for the clergy to take the lead in seeking to remove the remaining anti-Catholic barriers in this state. Yet they can do little without the support of their parishioners. There are close to J million Catholics in Massachusetts. , They have remained the passive pawns of a minority whose historic attitude to the Catholic Church has been less than kind, never mind ecumenical. The church in this state must begin to act. We must end our shame. The Editor
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rnv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . leary Prefis-:'Fall River
'The ~ord glorified him in the sight of kings and gave him a crown of glory.' Ecclus. 45:3
Renewal leader visits 'U.8. WASHINGTON (NC) - The founder of CommunioQ and Liberation, and Italian Catholic renewal movement with a record of social activism, is visiting North America where the movement is new, but has the support of a major U.S. church figure. The founder, Msgr. Luigi Giussani, said that "to belong to the movement there is no need for anything other than to personalIy commit oneself to Christ." Communion and Liberation, which keeps no membership records, is estimated to have 100,000 folIowers in Italy. According to Msgr. Giussani, it has been praised by Pope John Paul II as "the best synthetic formula of Vatican II that he knows." Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has cited the group as a sign of hope in the post-Vatican II church. Last August, Cardinal John O'Connor of New York told a路 Communion and Liberation meeting in Rimini, Italy, that he had invited the organization to come . to New York. . Msgr. Giussani told National Catholic News Service that not only has a group' been formed in New York, but that Cardinal O'Connor has assigned two people to go to Italy to study the movement more closely. Msgr. Giussani outlined the theology of his movement and what he said it offers the church in a March 4 talk at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington. Begun as a student movement, Communion and Liberation is represented in 24 countries and in universities路 and high schools throughout Italy. In the United States, where there are路 estimated to be a few hundred members, movement communities
exist in Washington, New York place in which an individual's and Boston. beliefs can best influence ordinary . Msgr. Giussani said that 30 years life. But he added that this does of experience with young people not mean that most movement have convinced him of the need to members share living quarters or return to the basics of Christianity. otherwise imitate religious life. He strongly criticizes "secularThe movement's basic structure ized Christianity's" attempt to "wa- is a weekly meeting calIed the ter down everything in order to School of Community, where speak to eveeryone. " . people share readings about their "You dQn't get drunk if you faith and reflect upon its impact keep watering down the wine," on their liyes. Msgr. Giussani said. The meetings often lead to other He said that a community is the efforts, including charitable works. A recent example of this, said Msgr. Giussani, was the creation of an organization to help Italian unemployed find jobs. The spirit of activism has led to NEWYORK(NC)-NewYork controversy. Communion and LibCardinal John J. O'Connor has eration played an important role calIed on President Reagan to make in campaigns against the legalizaa statement of "moral support"for tion of divorce and abortion, and h~s attempted to revitalize Catholic Lebanon. The cardinal, who is also presi- unions, cooperatives and student dent of the Catholic Near East organizations. It also has become involved in Welfare Association, said he feared . Lebanon would "disappear" if the politics through an offshoot known United States did not declare its as Movimento Popolare (Popular Movement), headed by Sen. Robersupport. to Formigoni, an Italina parliaAsked if he thought the Reagan ment member. Movimento Popoadministration had been "weak" lare has been credited wth helping regarding Lebanon, Cardinal elect 1,000 candidates to civil adminO'Connor said the administration istration posts and is allied with had been "put into an enormously the Christian Democrats, Italy's difficult position" when members dominant political party. of a U.S. Marine contingent were But Msgr. Giussani said Comkilled there in 1983. He said this munion and Liberation "is not a had made any further military political force." action by Reagan "unlikely." He also said he doesn't "want a The cardinal's remarks folIowed personal prelature"for Communon an address he delivered to a con- and Liberation. A personal prelaference on "Just and Unjust Wars" ture means that an organization is at Pace University in New York. guided by a prelate appointed by In the address, Cardinal O'Con- the pope, rather than by local . nor said that on Lebanon and bishops. other world tension spots AmeriA renewal movement like CL, cans show a "strange sense of he said, "must enter the structures aloofness about it .alI, or so it of the church in an ordinary, simseems to me." ple way."
Lebanon support asked from Reagan
Work in the home . Gather the family, light a ~andle, say a prayer and let's talk about work at home and away from home. It can cause great stress if people are unhappy with work situation and division. When I began tabulating my stress research, married men and women diverged dramatically on this issue of work. The second highest of the top ten stresses on the women's list, lack of shared responsibility in the home, didn't appear at all on the men's list. Nor did unhappiness with the work situation, high on the men's list, appear on the married women's. Both appeared on the single mother's list, clearly showing her dual role, a source of high tension in the single-parent family. Much of the stress over shared responsibility in the home stems from the high percentage of working mothers who feel the injustice of being expected to do all or most ofthe household chores while working the same number of hours outside the home as their spouse. Statistics show that in the dual paycheck family, the father does II % of household chores, the children 4% and the mother 85%. "It just isn't fair,"said one moth. er. "I work as hard at my job as my husband does at his and as the children do at school, but I'm expected to do all the cooking,
training centers dpt the United States. Lay ministry is not new. But what is new is the fact that more people are systematically preparing for it with the thought of making it a career. In the next 10 years much can happen in this ministry. The possibilities for it are great. . For example, a recent study of the U.S. parish conducted at the University of Notre Dame reported . that not only would parishioners like their churches to offer more effective services when marriages are in trouble, but they would like to get better help on sor:ne of the things that make marriages go on the rocks, alcoholism and substance abuse, economic problems, etc. Perhaps we will see lay ministry providing these additional services. But it seems worth recalling.that in the 1960s seminaries were filled with candidates for the priesthood. Fifteen years later we saw those same seminaries half filled. Will this same phenomenon hit lay ministry? Not all parishes joined in .the renewal called for by the Second Vatican Council. How many parishes in the next 10 years will embrace the lay movement? How many will resist it? I believe that if the architects of the lay ministry movement provide the right training - the right fundamental courses - the lay movement will be here to stay. I believe one fundamental course on lay ministry should deal with the very nature of work itself. For
How we
cleaning, shopping... everything. I DOLORES bring money into the family but nobody else wants to help with what they call my work at home." ·ClJRRAN Men complain that nobody appreciates their working in jobs they don't like. One of the saddest comments was from a father of four. "I feel like a wallet to my family. Nobody ever says thanks for the rent or groceries." Too typical, I'm afraid. How do families deal well with a poor work situation? They show empathy and appreciation. They make life at home pleasant forthe worker. "I can put up with eight hours of unpleasant work because . I look forward to a pleasant life at home," these workers say. Most of all, these families don't tell workers they're tired of hearing them complain. They let them vent and they show empathy which, by its very nature, shows appreciation. Families who handle shared responsibility well have lowered housekeeping standards and share chores more equitably. They all clean house and take care of the lawn and cars. And they do it.without having to be asked. This Lent le't's look at our own family's ability to share responsibility by asking and responding to these questions: i. Who in the family is dissatisfied with chore allocation? Why?
Work and ministry With~ut a do~bt, t'he Single largest movement in the church today is lay ministry. More than 165 major lay ministry
'THE ANCHOR - Dioces,e of Fall River - Fri., Mar. 14, 19865
the lay minister will need a vision of work that is different from that generally found in the marketplace. In the business· world, success usually means moving up the corporate ladder. Competitiveness often turns friendliness into a manipulative tool used to achieve a goal. In a large corporation, it becomes difficult for an individual to see work asa contribution to the whole. The church sees work in a much different light. According to its vision, work gives people a chance to utilize and develop their gifts. Work enables people to overcome inborn egocentricity by joining with others in a common task. The church also believes that work is best when it contributes to the common good and results in service needed by all of us for a decent existence. Real success is not judged by an increase in profits or even by achieving' a goal; rather by how well God's people are served and by the effort put into that service. In a pastoral letter on ministry for the aJ:chdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin emphasized that all ministry must be based on solid principles en altruism and grounded in theology. These principles are emphasized to avoid tunnel vision and personal crusades in mibistry which have a way of recoiling and destroying its effectiveness. THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass.. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid 58.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
honor Mary
2. How can we come up with a more just division of chores? Can we take turns getting dinner, for. example? Or keeping the grass cut? 3. What areas of family chores cause the most tension? Picking up around the ho~se? Doing laundry? Dishes? Cleaning? Taking care of pets? 4. How do we grade ourselves on showing appreciation to one another for services performed and. income earned? 5. Is only one person responsible for our spiritual life together? Who? H ow can we each take more personal responsibility for: keeping God alive and well in our family? This ends our Lenten series on family stress. If it has been helpful, can we make a commitment to carrying out some of our pledges year-round? God means us to live together pleasurably. Let's not forget that. We are our best gifts to each other. For that, let's thank God today and every day.
If the possibilities for lay ministry are to materialize, every new lay minister must be schooled in the metaphysics of work. It could be that this is what is needed to provide lay ministry with a: unique identity anchoring it solidly in the work of the church.
(necrology] March 16 Rev. Francis J. Maloney, S. T. L., Pastor, 1957, St. Mary, North Attleboro I March 19 Rev: John J. McQuaide, Assistant, 1905, St. Mary, Taunton . Ma.rch 20 . Rev. Francis A. Mrozinski, Pastor, 1951, St. Hedwig, New Bedford
Romania rapped WASHINTON (NC) - Human rights activists, testifying at a recent Senate hearing, urged the Reagan administration to deny "most favored nation"trading status to Romania. The human rights organization Helsinki Watch and numerous senators and congressmen alleged that Romanian human rights violations rank with' the worst in Eastern Europe.
ill .
Q. I belong to an interdenominational prayer group. I'm amazed tion, to say that the entire comat the misconceptions Protestants munity gathered around the altar still have about Catholics, espe- in faith is celebrating that faith by cially about our veneration of the hearing God's Word and by offersaints. ing the Eucharist. It would be easy to explain usuT,his reality is made clear countally, but then there are articles less times in the liturgy, especially such as th'e one that came out in a . in the eucharistic prayers. The first. Catholic paper recently about Our eucharistic prayer (the so-called Lady of Fatima that confuse CathoRoman Canon, which was the lics as well. The article said that only one used for some centuries during one of the apparitions to before Vatican II), for example, the children, Mary asked for adomakes abundantly clear that while ration of herself. the priest is doing the speaking, he Any Christian knows that the is acting and speaking for all. only being we should adore is "All of us gathered here before God. What is the Catholic docyou ... offer you this sacrifice of trine on this? praise," it says. A. You are right, of course. "Father, accept this offering from Whoever wrote or translated the your whole family,:' it repeats later. article you saw (which I'd appreAnd, "We, your people and your ciate receiving,. by the way) was ministers ... offer to you, God of guilty of some sloppy use of words. glory and majesty, this holy and Christian theology has a specific perfect sacrifice." Latin word ("Iatria") to designate Second, therefore, the priest is the kind of honor or worship due appropriately and accurately desto God alone.' Another word cribed as the presider at the cele("d ulia") designates the honor given bration, the one who, as the dicto the saints. There are degrees of honor depending on the dignity of tionary says, occupies the place of leader and directs the proceedings. a particular saint. . As the greatest of the saints, The General Instruction of the Mary receives the highest honor in Roman Missal makes clear that the church, apart from Jesus himthis is precisely what the priesrwas self, and the Father and the Holy ordained to do. "Within the comSpirit. But the church never forgets munity of the faithful a presbyter that she is only human, and that as also possesses the power of orders she said in the Magnificat, (Luke to offer sacrifice in the person of 1,47), God is her Savior just as Christ. He presides over the assemmuch as he is ours. bly and leads its prayer, proclaims Unfortunately, our English lan- the message of salvation, leads the guage doesn't have words with people in offering sacrifice through such clearcut theological meanings. Christ in the Spirit to the Father, Dictionaries give some definitions gives them the bread of eternal life of worship and adoratio.n which and shares it with them. might apply to saints, or even special people on this earth, as well as ..At the Eucharist, he should serve to God. God and the.people with dignity and humility. By his actions and Generally, however, we try to reserve these words to God, and by his proclamations of the word use others like 'honor, veneration he should impress upon the people the living presence of Christ" (No. or devotion when referring to the saints. 60). Not all writers, even Catholic In the liturgy and theology of writers, always carefully respect th'echurch, the sacrament of orders this distinction. When they happen gives the priest a leading and indisnot to do so, we should recognize pensable role in the celebration of it as a slip of the pen, or maybe the Eucharist. In , fulfilling that overenthusiasm, not an attempt to role, however, he' is not doing introduce a new doctrine about. something-for the communi'ty, as the mother of God. . the word celebrimt:might seem to .. " " . Q. Recently, prior to the begin- .' indi~ate. ning of Mass, I've been hear:ingan He is doing somethirig with that announcement which conveys that community, of which, before he is Father Doe is the "presidei' for the a priest, he is also a member Mass," rather than the customary through baptism. "celebrant." In the lexicon of the church, are Thus, while there is nothing these two phrases synonymous,.or wrong with the word celebrant as is the sacramental priesthood being long as it is properly understood, confused wi~h the priesthood of designating him as the presiding the people? (Illinois) priest describes much more accuA. I'm surprised that you are rately and fully his true role in the only now hearing this terminoleucharistic liturgy.. ogy. It has been common for some A free brochure "Infant Bapyears. tism, Catholic Practice Today," is The designation of the priest as available by sending a stamped, presider or presiding priest is used self-addressed envelope to Father for at least two good reasons, Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 which tie closely together. First, N. Main St., Bloomington, III. the priest is not the only celebrant 61701. Questions for this column ofthe Eucharist. It is quite proper, should be sent to Father Dietzen and in fact necessary if we are to at the same address. remain faithful to Christian tradi\"
Diocese of Fall River - Fri.; Mar. 14, 1986
Going to the dentist .. By Hilda Young
"Is this a quiz, a surveyor your kids' homework?" she asked. "Seriously," I said, "are you ever scared about going to the' dentist?" "Actually, I'm pretty good about the whole thing until they start up that drill. I've been known to beg them to postpone my appointment." I call1,d our priest. "Father O'Neill," I said, "is it a sin to tell the truth about being afraid of . , . going to the dentist?" . Send 'comments to Hilda Young, Box 19219, Oakland, Calif. 94619.
I recently wrote about my fear of going to the dentist. From the notes and letters I've received from dental assistants and dentists themselves, it seems I hit a nerve. They implied I had set dentistry back 30 years and was 'spreading hysteria. "People like you perpetuate a myth," wrote one dentist. "This is the era of painless dentistry. But, in your case, I might make an exception. " Is it only I who breaks out in a rash when I get a call from the dentist's office for my regular visit? I called my friend Suzanne. "How do you feel about going to the dentist?" I asked. "Hilda, oh, it's you. At first I Continued from Page One thought you were the dental recep- Iic debate and discussion. This tionist telling me I'd missed an would open the door for discusappointment." sions which cannot not take place. "Does it make you nervous to "The proposed amendment,." he added, "would also bring the Con-' go to the dentist?" I asked again. "Only about one in four times," stitution of the Commonwealth of she said. Massachusetts in line with the fed"That's interesting." eral Constitution and allow a "Well," she said, "three out of greate~ possibility f?r just~ce in four times I'm taking one of the - .educatlon for all chIldren 10 the kids. " state. " "Then it does nerve you up a Wise Words little, too?" I sO!Jght. "Some people like to make cut"I'll give y~u a hint, "she said. "I begin speaking in three-word sent- ting remarks, but the words of the ences. The nurses call me 'Old . wise soothe and "heaL" - Provo 12: 18 White Knuckles... ' " "I get the point," I said. "Thanks." I called Betty. ~'Betty, how do GOO'S ANCHOR HOlDS you feel about the era of painless dentistry?"
ELIZABETH LaRONDE, 96, of Jamaica Plain, a longtime member of the Catholic Association of Foresters, receives an insurance check from Catherine P. Harrington of Fall River, High Chief Ranger or" the fraternal insurance society.
Choices, challenges 'parley topic
"We need to keep going back to That is how one of the more Theologian Monika Hellwig what is good in our Catholic tradi- . than 2500 participants summed up noted that theology should emerge tion as we struggle to keep going the 14th annual East Coast Con- from experience, particularly from forward." ference of Religious Education, the experience of suffering and held last month in Washington, should open the Church to the DC. mystery of God drawing it into the Those in attendance from the future. Fall River diocese included Ms. Catechists Carl Pfeifer and Jl1nMarie Mann, religious education aan Manternach explored today's coordinator at Holy Trinity par- religious education needs. Expeish, West Harwich; Mrs. Elizabeth . rience and research call for a clearer McCullough, Our Lady of the articulation of Catholic beliefs, Cape, Brewster; and Sister Peggy prayers and practices in religious Fromm, SUSC, Sacred Heart, education, they said; but without Taunton. . loss of the creative, catechetical Also present was Sister Theresa approaches developed over the past Bisson, OP, in residence at Domin- half century. ican Academy Convent, Fall River, Particularly important, they said and serving at St. Brendan's parish are attention to religious imaginaRiverside, RI. tion, to commitment to Christ, to Ours is a life filled with the joy of giving, touched by At the two and a half day meetrelating contemporary life with the sadness of loss, and complete in God's unfailing love. ing, U.S. theologians, biblicalscho- Catholic tradition, and to the buildlars, canon lawyers and religious ing of small faith communities of education specialists gave presen- Catholics who care for one another tations based on the conference and for social justice. . . theme, Choices and Challenges for Other speakers discussed ima Faithful Church. provement ofthe overall quality of Looking back to the Second religious education, the importance Give New Meaning and Purpose to Your Life. Vatican Council Father Richard of multicultural catechesis and the Express your love of God by nursing HIS cancer-afflicted poor. McBrien opened the conference needs of mentally retarded childby tracing five major council themes ren and adults. Through these suffering souls, He will return your love many in the light of today's challenges times over. from inside and outside the Church.
The Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Servants of Relief for Incurable' Cancer
Our one apostolate is to nurse and care for people of all races, creeds and colors who are terminally-ill with cancer. We provide this care for free in homes located in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota and Ohio.' As more women join our congregation, we plan to open new homes in other states. Catholic women from all walks of life and backgrounds are invited to visit one of our nursing homes to see the work we do and the strength and beauty of our religious' life.
He described the Church as a "reality imbued with the hidden presence of God" and said it teaches by the way 'it acts: Concern for social justice, for example, can be credible only if the Church itself exemplifies justice. Among challenges to the Church, Father McBrien singled out fundamentalism 'as perhaps the most threatening.
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Looking back to the biblical bases of the Church, Father John Heagle and Sister Fran Ferder cited the role of women as a primary challenge; while canon lawyer James Provost looked at Church decision-making, finding reasons for both optimism and pessimism in the enactment of ideals of shared responsibility.
. Synod council meeting iIi Rome VATICAN (NC) - The general secretariat ofthe Synod of Bishops is meeting in Rome to follow up recommendations made by the 1985 extraordinary synod. The IS-member secretariat council, which includes Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, will probably discuss the synod's suggestion of a universal Catholic catechism, said Msgr. Edmond Farhat, synod undersecretary. A study of the status and teaching authority of bishops' conferences is also likely to be on the agenda, he said, as will plans forthe 1987 synod on the laity.
Unemployment· Continu·ed from Page One sible in an economy where people are constantly entering the job market and others are changing jobs, appropriate policies,nd concerted private and public action can improve the situation considerably. given the will to do so." Solving unemployment cannot be left to the market alone. they added. "The government must act...by coordinating general economic policies. by job-creation programs, and by other appropriate policy measures." Why is work so important? . Because it is "a defense against poverty and contribution to the common good," said Sister Sylvester. And the bishops wrote: "Work is not only for oneself. It is for one's family, for the nation; and indeed for the benefit of the entire human family."
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<D I
PART 0.... THE GROUP of Spanish Apostolate directors: Father Paul E. -. Canuel second from left. kneeling.
United States. In any event, the tropical sun was a pleasant winter gift for fouf bishops and 30 priests, religious and lay leaders from 28 northeastern dioceses. The group. led by Auxiliary Bishop Alvaro Canada del Rio of Washington, D.C., also included New York Auxiliary Bishop Francisco Garmendia, Brooklyn Auxiliary Bishop Rene Valero and Bishop Sean O'Malley of the Virgin Islands. The diocese of Fall River was represented by Father Paul E. Canuel, pastor of St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro, and director ofthe Spanish Apostolate of Greater Attleboro. The directors participated in a century-old traditional Epiphany Mass, were received by Luis Cardinal Aponte Martinez and met with the bishops ofall five dioceses of Puerto Rico. The purpose of the st",dy week, said Father Octavio Cisneros, president of the northeast directors, was "to improve our knowledge of the current situation in Puerto Rico and to understand betler how we can serve lhe Puerto Rican residents who are in such great numbers in our northeastern dioceses. " Father Cisneros added "We met with the bishops, with members of pastoral teams in various places, with leaders in social services and with political leaders. The meetings with the government officials were arranged with the goal of understanding betler the ideologies of the Puerto Rican people on tlleislandwhichaffeet, tosome degree, the pastoral life of the Church in the United States." The group was received by the mayor of San Juan, Balthasar eorrada del Rio, leader of the Partido
Nuevo Progresista (PNP) which advocates statehood for Puerto Rico; Senator Ru ben Berrios, lead. erofthe Partido Indepentista Puertorriqueno (PIP) advocatin8 national independence; and the Gover_ ·nor of Puerto Rico, Rafael Hernandez Colon. leader of the Partido Popular Democratico (PPD) who favors the current commonwealth status. Father Canuel was impressed by the close links the Puerto Rico bishops seemed to have with the diocese of Fall River. In the Diocese of Ponce the Bishop, who remarkably resembles the late Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, even the slight tilt of his head, spoke of his Fall River friend, the late Msgr. John Hackett. In the Diocese of Mayaguez. Bishop U1ises Aurelio Casiano Var_ gas inquired about his fellow studenl ofcanon law. Thomas Harrington. And as the Cardinal Archbishop of San Juan welcomed each person to his residence, he was quick to inquire, "And how is my good friend, Daniel Cronin?" The group also heard talks from pastoral theologians and sociologists and in working sessions discussed ways to support refu8ees andimmigrnnts tothe United States, the pastoral letter of the American Bishops on the economy and imple. mentation of resolutions of the third national "Encuentro," held last August in Washington. D.C. The diocesan directors will next meet in late May in Boston.
Member F.D.I.C.
Catholic Tours and Pilgrimages for 1986
Spanish Apostolate heads meet in Puerto Rico Winter can be hard on anyone with Latin blood in his or her veins. Maybe this hali something to do with the choice of Puerto Rico as the site for the 1986 annual meeting of directors of Spanish ApOSlolate in the Northeastern
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Indian deacon dies MANDERSON, S.D. (NC) Steven Red Elk, the first Native American ordained a permanent deacon in the United States, has died at age 68. Red Elk, who died Feb. 21, was ordained in 1975. A World War II veteran. he worked for the Burlington Northern Railroad, then as a custodian by the Bureau of Indian Afrairs at Pine Ridge Indian Reservalion.
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New classrooms for religious instruction in the basement of St. Joan of Arc Church blessed by Bishop Cronin March 4, 1986.
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Dedicated August 12, 1984 by Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S. T.D., Bishop of Fall River Rev. John F.Andrews Rev. Albert McMahon, a.F.M.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.• Mar. 14, 1986
Living out convictions By Dr. James and Miry Kenny
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Dear Mary: My oldest son, 26. plans to be married in a non· Catholic church. His fiucee lit II Seventh-day Adventist and doesn't wani to be married in his church. Ifmy son hadn't been a practicing Catholic I wouldn't feel so distressed, but be has been going to church even dter getting his own apartment. He has even been teachina: a relilious education course. or course it's impossible for me to be objective. I am a convert and love the Catholic Church dearly. I guess I assumed in error tbat my children would keep the faith. To make the situation more difOcuh, my son informed me he intends to conUnue as a -Calholil: and bis fianl:ee will 10 10 her chunh. They plan on beinl married in a nondenominational church in June. The I:bildren are to be raised "Christian" - no specific rellcion. My busband, a born Catholic, is very disappointed, but is taklnE II a lot bet1er Ibn I am. My other "four sons. II to 15, don't undersland why I am 10 disllppolnled. One son told me, in a respectful manner. that I am very old-fashioned and so is the Catholic Churcb. - Florida. Thank you for your very personal and honest letter. At fint glance, your situation seems to
naive to you. What they seem to be jJJ\l~lrate th",t your son's ,generation rejects the values dear to you saying is, "We are trying to love and your husband. On closer read· the Lord, lovl' each other and raise ing, however, another explanation our children as followers of Jesus. emerges, namely that your son At this point this is the bdt soluactually shares your values and is tion we can offer." applying them as best he can in the You have every right to be diApresent situation. appointed. You see tbe church a, First, he values his religion and ,the pearl of great price, the treatakes it seriously. If he viewed sure you have found. Continue to church as meaningless ritual, he treasure your faith and practice it could happily agree to any mar· joyfully. . riage ceremony. Clearly he does not feei'such indifference. At the same time, recognize the Your son demonstrates another dilemma your son and his fiancee value he probably learned while face. Recognize that tbis dilemma growing up in a loving and caring arises lit least in part because you family. He has talked to and lis- raised a sori who clires about bis tened to his fiancee. He ill serious religion, listens to and respects about his religion but so is she. other people, lives up to his con- . That is why they have a problem. victions bui refuses to impose his And neither wishes to solve the convictions on others. problem by imposing his or her Look for the good and positive will on the partner. You describe your husband's ways this young couple bandies position. Your younger son has problems. Support the decisions told you bis. Clearly you are a per- they make, even when they differ son who listens to others. Your from your wishes. And welcome son has learned this beautiful trait, the new member of your family. After all. after five sons. you are probably from you. now going to have a da'-shter! Your son and his partner are Re.der questions on family livtrying to live out their religious convictions without making reli- inl and ehild e.re to be answered gion a divisive force in their lives. In print .re invited. Address the Their decision to' raise children Kenoys. Box 871. St. Josepb's "Christian" may seem vague and Coli ere. ReftSSC!l.er, Ind. 4797••.
A baby in the Bosco house By Antoinette Boseo For the first time in nearly 15 years there's a baby in my house, and' I'm enjoying"every minute of it. After six children of my own, I still find the presence of a newborn nothing less than amazing. Three weeks ago, my daughter, Margaret, gave birth to an 8-pound, 7-ounce boy. She and her husband had been living and working in Tahiti for several years and decided to come back \0 the United States to have the baby, spending a few months with me. A~ a grandmother. 1 can exper~ ience the pleasures of motherhood again each day through my daughter's eyes. Every evening 1 look forward to the preciou~ hours I can spend cuddling the new baby. My house is overflowing with joy. We all take turns holding the baby and spend hours watching him. My daughter can't contain her love for her firstborn child and my son-in-law beams with fatherly pride. The baby has become the focal point for the entire family as my sons come home to enjoy being uncles and my other daughter, Mary, can hardly tear herselfaway. "'sn't it amazing?" Margaret says to them, "He's ours!" The ba by is perfect in the truest sense of the word, which comes, my daughter tells me, from the Latin "thoroughly made" or "compleled... The cycle of pregnancy and birth literally brings life from conception to perfection. As we gaze on that perfection we can witness the miracle of life with fresh eyes. There is probably no experience on earth that brings us as close to God as an infant does. The infant doesn't have to do anything for us or prove himself; he brings joy just because he exists. My grandson, with his purity and innocence, seems a direCllink to the Creator.
My daughter's delivery was unusually difficult. There were serious complications. While the birth was natural and without medication, Margaret had to be rushed to emergency surgery afterward. I had prayed that her experience of childbirth would be easier. My daughter had prepared herseifwell with books, classes and exercises. She never dreamed that pain could reach such intensity. Watching my daughter's difficult passage into motherhood has brought a new bond between us. She has entered into a whole new kind of-vulnerability reserved espe~
BENEDICTINE Father Matthew K. Leavy, 35, has been elected fourth abbot of St. Anselm Abbey, Manchester, NH. He succeeds Bishop-elect Joseph J. Gerry, recently named auxiliary bishop for the Manchester diocese. A native of Bronx, NY, Abbot Leavy has taught psychology at SI. Anselm College, also in Manchester, since 1981. As abbot, he will also be college chancellor.
cially for mothers, and is now fully aware of the pain ofchildbirth. the inexpre~sible unconditional love for her child and the fear that he could be hurt and the terror that she could lose him. Margaret didn't have to explain to me what she meant when she looked up from her hospital bed, weak and hurting, yet so happy with her healthy baby, and whispered, "Mom, I have a totally new understanding of your life. The birth of a baby seems to epitomize what life is about: that it always will be a mixture of pain and joy. but the joy makes it all worthwhile.
eMMB aids sick NEW YORK (NC) - In 1985, the Catholic Medical Mission Board shipped medicine to the poor worth more than $13.5 million wholesale, said Jesuit Father Joseph J. Waiter. CMMB direc· tor, in a year-end report. $5 million in medicine went to Africancountriesand $2.6 million to Central American nations. Additionally. CMMB helped meet emergency needs caused by the earthquake in Mexico, starvation in Ethiopia and the volcanic disaster in Colombia, according to Father Walter. The board also placed 39 medical volunteers in eight countries, including doctors, dentists and nurses who receive only food and lodging for the services. Since its founding in 1928, CMMB has shipped morethan 49 million pounds of medicines at no charge to developing countries. About 75 percent of the medicines are purchased.
the mail packet Know-Nothing Amendment Dear Editor: When the legislature sits next in Constitutional Convention, the question of the 1855 Anti-Aid or Know-Nothing Amendment, (Chapter 46, p. 2 of the Massachusetts State Constitution) is bound to MSGR.. MEYERS arise, as . it has for years. . The Catholic League, Amenca s leading Catholic civil rights organization, would like to inform you as to why this law is perceived as demeaning and insulting by the American Catholic. community, WASHINGTON (NC) - After and why it is an affront to all years of struggle, Catholic educa- Americans who believe in freedom tors deserve to look back and celebrate the achievements of their of thought and freedom from discrimination. ministry, said Msgr. John F. MeyThis law,was passed solely as an ers, retiring president of the Nationanti-Catholic, anti-immigrant meaal Catholic Educational Associasure, at a time when the "Knowtion. Nothing" or Native American Party His remarks elaborated on the controlled the Massachusetts Legistheme of this year's NCEA conlature. It remains on the books in vention: "Mission and Ministries part because, while racism and - A Celebration." The 83rd annual anti-Semitism have been forced gathering will take place March underground by the revulsion of 31-April 3 in Anaheim, Calif. . much of society, hatred against Msgr. Meyers, who retires in Catholicism remains active. June as head ofthe 15,000-member It also remains because of the organization, joined NCEA in'1968, oppostion of associations of p~b became acting president in 1972 lic school employees who perceive and president in1974. the existence of parochial schools By the time he joined NCEA, as a threat to be eliminated, espeCatholic schools were experienc- cially considering the greater sucing sharp enrollment drops, due in cess of parochial schools in edupart to t~e declining birth rate. cating inner.:.cityand' poor children. Catholics were also moving to the It has led them repeatedly to suburbs, leaving behind inner-city misrepresent the issue, calling parochial schools. repeal ofthe Know-Nothing AmendA parallel decline in the number ment a bill to aid private schools of religious-order teachers in- and a breach of the separation of creased financial problems as church and state. schools had to pay higher salaries Today, the Massachusetts Conto lay teachers. stitution goes far beyond the U.S. During these "trying times," Constitution in penalizing the child Msgr. Meyers said, many people who opts for a Catholic education; predicted Catholic schools would he is barred from social and educanot survive. tional services commonplacethroughThe convergence of all these problems, along with the Second out the U.S., such as textbook Vatican Council, forced the church loans. In this area the spirit of the Massachusetts Constitution and to ·reexamine the core issue of the U.S. Constitution with its Bill what makes Catholic schools Catho- . of Rights are totally at variance. lic. . Robert P. Largess . Started as a defense to protect Massachusetts Chapter President children from "evil" public schools, Catholic League for Religious Catholic schools were forced "out and Civil Rights of that siege mentality" into a
NCEA president assesses schools
more positive view of themselves as part of the Christian community of faith, said Msgr. Meyers. "One thing we learned is that the· Catholic school is ... A place where moral values are. integral to the environment,:' he said. The changes' also led to the recognition that Catholic education means more than provision of Catholic schools and that, in fact, it was impossible to provide parochial education for every Catholic child. Because educators addressed their problems, Catholic schools today are "riding a wave" of favorable reviews, Msgr. Meyers noted. Recent studies, he said, show that Catholic school students, especially poor inner-city students, do better 'than public school students. Today, morale is good because Ca'tholic educators "recognize they're doing worthwhile ministry and that they are being successful, they are having an impact," he said.
FOI "OMfT 14 Hou' s_~
place the issue of abortion funding before the voters. Incredibly, they claim that an overwhelming majority of Massachusetts taxpayers support tax funding of abortion.
Cho"~' V~lola. ,~~ •.
I ask concientious objectors to abortion funding to write state senators and represelJtatives, asking them to vote in favor of placing a question on abortion funding on the November ballot.
It's time we had our say. The courts have forced taxpayers to pay for up to 8000 abortions a year at a cost of 1.4 million dollars annually. This court-mandated use of tax dollars was never approved by the legislature or voters. Please write today. 8000 lives a year will depend on your efforts.
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...................... ,
"1 didn't pick Korea specifically. 1 was interested in. working overseas and with the Church. 1 think what 1 wanted was some way to make a .. commitment. When 1 came to. St. Vin,~ent's 1 just fell in love with the children. 1 let them know they're wanted! .. " -DebraBartelli Debra Bartelli, a lay missionary, chose t.o give thre1 ye~rs of her life. serving at St. Vincent's Home for Amencan Korean chIldren w?<.> are not accepted in Korean society. Through your prayers and sa.cn.hces ~or the Propagation of the Faith you share in the work of lay missiOnanes like Debra Bartelli.
Letters asked Dear Editor, I wish to thank all who signed petitions urgi~g the Massachusetts legislature to place the abortion funding issue on the November, 1986 referendum ballot. On January 22, Marianne Rea-Luthin, vice-president of Massachusetts Citizens For Life, presented' to the state legislature over 100,000 signatures of voters opposed to abortion funding. And thank you to those who volunteered hundreds of hours to collect signatures. I am especially grateful to ministers, priests, parish pro-life coordinators, and organizations such as the Christian Action Council and Knights of Columbus for their commitment and cooperation. The battle hasjust begun. Abortion funding advocates are urging state legislators to reject efforts to
C_l MlNEI"
Support Your Catholic Missionaries
. . . . -,
The Propagation of the Faith
1 1
I I 1 L
YESI I want to support the work of our Catholic Missionaries. Enclo~d
1 1
Reverend Monsignor John J, Oliveira 368 North Main Street Fall River. Massachusetts 02720
0 $100
0 $50
0 $25
Special gifts are needed tool
0 $10
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0 $1000
0 Other $ _ _
0 $500
0 $250
O. When possible I will make a monthly giftl . ANCH. 3/14/86 Name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - Address-s _ City
is my gift of:
Please ask missionaries to remember my intentions at Mass:
I I 1
I I I'
, 12
House committee approves Northern Ireland aid
Friday, Mar. 14, 1986
MacBride rules adoption urged NEW YORK (NC) - Seven religious communities and New york City will introduce stockholder initiatives to require five U.S. corporations opj:rating in Northern Ireland to adopt the MacBride fair,employment principles. City Comptroller Harrison Goldin said the initiatives will be introduced at stockholders' meetings in April and May. ULSL firms involved are Ford, General Motors, American Brands, Fruehauf and TR W. In addition, the New York City Employees Retirement System has filed the' proposal'with VF Companyand Hughes Tool Co. Religious communities' joining in the action are the New England Province of Jesuits, Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, N. Y., Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, N.J., Sister of Charity of New Jersey, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, the Sisters of Charity of New York and the Franciscan Friars. Last spring, the city Employees Retirement System and the Teachers' Retirement System, directed Goldin to study employment p~ac tices of U.S.-owned corporations operating in Northern Ireland and urge adoption of the MacBride principles. The principles, named for Nobel laureate Sean MacBride, call for affirmative action on behalf of underrepresented groups in the work force, security for- minori~y employees ancJ public advertisement of job openings. They also seek fair layoff, recall and termination policies. ' Goldin said an investigation by his staff documented "lamentable, long-term patterns of institutional discriminati,on against Catholics'" by some firms. Catholic unemployment rates in Northern Ireland last year were at 38 to 40 percerit for men and at 18 to 19 percent for women. Figures for Protestants were 19 to 20 percent fQr men and II to I) percent for women.
STAFFO,N FLORIST and GREENHOUSES 187 ALDEN ROAD . FAIRHAVEN, MA 02719 Tel. 993-8062 - 997-2666 Easter Flowers Available, Special Prices ,To All, Churche,s CALL BETWEEN 8 A.M. & 6 P.M. ,MON - SAT.
Religious Gifts & Books for every occasion . .. Baptisms '. . . FirstCommunions Birthdays Confirmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations OPEN DAILY 10:00 AM. to 7:30 P.M.
La Salette Shrine Park Street - Route 118 ' Attleboro, Massachusetts
THE ANNUAL Hibernian heist in pr-ogress. (NC photo)
St. Pat's Day brings 'statue-tory' crime CINCINNATI (NC) - There's a story attached to the statue that leads the St. Patric~'s Day parade through downtown Cincinnati each year. , Most of the year it makes its home at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church in Cincinnati, but come mid-February and the approach of March 17, its whereabouts can be hard to ascertain. ' As the tale'goes, several hundred members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the organizers of the St. Patrick's parade, steal the statue. The Hibernian heistis pulled off in broad daylight after the IrishAmericans knock on the door of Holy Cross-Immaculata with their shillelag'hs. Once the figure is obtained, it's toted through the streets with bagpipes blaring. This yeanhe Hibernians perpetrated what might be called their statue-tory crime on Feb. 16. Last year Passionist Father Simon Herbers, pastor of Holy Cross-Immaculata, experienced the legendary heist for the first time. "They put him (St. Patrick) in a pickup truck and headed down the street," he recalled. "A .little over half the crowd peeled off to the tavern as they turned the corner." In the past, St. Pairick was hidden until parade time, but this year, as for several past, he was returned to his marble'pede'stal to wait until his float is ready for him on parade day, March 16 this year. The group abandoned hiding him becaus~ of fears for his safety after he ended up one year in a neighborhood bar on his way back to church. The origin of the local tradition stirs as much debate as the background of St. Patarick -himseif, , who was reportedly kidnapped' from Scotland to Ireland.
According to the version of Irishmen Mike Cr()wley and, Todd Dunn, the ritual of borrowing the statue began about 16 years ago. Until then the statue belonged to Holy Cross, one of two neighborhood parishes. While Holy Cross was a parish of Irish immigrant families, the other parish, Immaculata, served mostly German descendants. But in 1970 Holy Cross Church was closed and merged with Immaculata two blocks away. "Some of the ladies at Holy Cross said they wanted that statue moved over to Immaculata," said Crowley. He and his cronies toyed with the idea of making the move something of an occasion, complete with Hibernian bagpipers, but the scheme was quashed by a resolute nun. Then one night shortlY,after St. Patrick's,day, Crowley and Dunn were "getting their noses wet" in a cafe between the two churches. They and a few other friends decided to move the 500-pound statue that night from Holy Cross to Im~ maculata. Word of the heist spread through ' newspapers and Irish storytelling. The Ancient Order of Hibernians heard of it and the idea of holding their own parade and kidnapping . was born. ,'" Some Hibernians dispute Crowley and Dunn's story, but do ,attest that one year when the Hibernians went to st'eal the statue, someone had beaten them to it, placing a 4-inch replica in place of the 6-foot original. ' Crowley and Dunn know where the miniature came from. It sat atop the televisiol) set in their' favorite bar whenever Notre Dame games were telecast.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The nearly two decades of 'troubles' in House Foreign Affairs Committee Northern Ireland to build a bridge , approved a $250 million aid pro- , of hope and reconciliation in North. , gram March 6 to be dispersed over ern Ireland." a five-year period for economic O'Neill's'view was echoed by revitalization in Northern Ireland. Rep. Thomas S. Foley, D-Wash., The measure.is meant as a sign the House majority whip. of U.S. support for the AngloBut Rep. Mario Biaggi, D-N.Y., Irish accord reached last November. chairman of the Ad Hoc CongresThe committee bill places a mimsional Committee for Irish Affairs, ber of conditions on the aid which argues that linkage between the were sought by Irish-American assistance and the MacBride Pringroups and some members of Conciples should be "the centerpiece gress. of our aid package." Although the bill contains no He said ,such linkage is supspecific reference to the MacBride ported by the AFL-CIO, the AnPrinciples, a set of guidelines ad- cient Order of Hibernians, the dressing aspects ofjob discriminaIrish American Unity Conference tion in Northern Ireland, it states and the Irish National Caucus. that U.S. funds must be disbursed The "mere providing of economic in a non-discriminatory fashion. aid to Northern Ireland, without The bill also states that the pressome specific conditions and assuident must make every effort to rances relative to its use and beneensure intergovernmental council ficiaries - could be a mistake and, which will administer the funds. indeed, be irresponsible," Biaggi The Foreign Affairs subcommit- said. tee on Europe and the Middle East The Irish National Caucus urged held hearings March 5 to discuss in testimony to the subcommittee the Reagan administration-backed that aid be tied to the MacBride proposal to provide aid to NorthPrinciples (see story below) and ern Ireland and Irela'nd to help that it "not be used by the British carry out the terms of the Anglo- government for military or securIrish accord. • ity purposes or for the gathering of That agreement, while recognizintelligence. " ing British sovereignty over NorthBiaggi also questioned the memern Ireland, for the first time gives bership of the intergovernmental the largely Catholic Republic of council which will administer aid Ireland the right to "put forward money, saying the British governviews and proposals" regarding ment would control the council. the administration of the mostly Biaggi, Foley and O'Neill are Protestant Northern Ireland. Catholics. Rozanne L. Ridgway, assistant The accord also established an international fund for economic secretary of state for European revitalization in Northern Ireland. and Canadian affairs, said in Iter The fund, would be administered, te"stimony, however, that the counby an intergovernmental council cil would be made up of three , and would accept contributions members nominated by the British government and three members from other nations. Appearing before the subcommit- nominated by the Republic ofIretee, House Speaker Thomas P. land. The State Department official O'Neill, D-Mass., whose grandfather was born in Belfast, endorsed said the Anglo-Irish accord "is economic assistance to Ireland and truly a credit to the courage and Northern Ireland but warned determination of both governments against making the aid conditional. to overcome heavy and negative Congress should not make aid legacies of history in that region." "contingent on a long list of politiShe noted that the administracal conditions," O'Neill said. "We tion and congressional leaders had need to express our unqualified "indicated their consensus for the support for the accord, not our idea of providing tangible U.S. doubts about it." assistance" to help improve the He said the Anglo-Irish accord "social and economic conditions "provides the best chance in the which have fed the violence."
'X St pifimlC •
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.
Tel. 398-2285
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THE ANCHORFriday, Mar. 14,1986
A St. Patrick's Day snatc·h The following note from Father Richard W. Beaulieu, diocesan director of education, arrived just in time for .St. Patrick's Day. Editor "Grace Taylor, who is my secretary here in the education office, will be completing 35 years of service to the office on March 19th. God willing, she'll be around for many more years.
Back to future, Irish style DUBLIN, IRELAND (NC) Bishop Dermot O'Sullivan of Kerry has endorsed a proposal by an anonymous Irish monk to revive an ancient monastery on Skellig Michael, a tiny, sea-battered island eight miles off Ireland's southwest coast. The monk made the proposal to archeolo!list Paddy O'Leary, caretaker on the island for part of the year. The plan has gone before the Irish government and the island's owner, the Commissioners of Lights, which services Irish lighthouses, including one on Skellig Michael. In his proposal, the monk suggested asking monks "to take ~ver the buildings there and live the monastic life in the footsteps of the old Irish monks." "It would not be as severe as the old monk's life, but it would follow in the great tradition. Thus the buildings and the place would be cared for and the automatic lighthouse could get on with its work," he said. The island is the largest of three known as the Skellig Rocks, situated off County Kerry. The monk's plan was endorsed by Bishop O'Sullivan and by Church of Island Archbishop J. W. Armstrong of Armagh, Northern Ireland. Government officials see the idea as a way to keep the ancient monastic buildings maintained after Skellig Michael's lighthouse keepers depart when the light goes automatic in March 1987. The keepers now. live on the island and ar"e unofficial caretakers of the monastic ruins. The Skellig Michael ruins are considered the best-preserved structures of their type in western Europe. The buildings are perched on a rocky ledge 550 feet above sea level. They consist of six cells, an. oratory with an altar. and a ruined church. A series of stone stairways over 1,000 years old give access to an enclosure. One stairway has more than 600 steps. The monastery was raided by Vikings at least four times in the 9th century. During one of these attacks, according to the Annals of Ulster, the abbot was kidnapped and left to die of starvation. SkeIIig Michael, named after the Archangel Michael; patron saint of high places, is 714 feet above sea level at its peak.
"She has some interesting and amusing anecdotes which could be of general interest.
"For example, she tells how she was hired' for the job in the first place. Father Gorman was the superintendent of schools at the time and he worked alone. Discovering he couldn't handle all the secretarial work, he sought permission to hire Grace from Bishop Cassidy. "The Bishop chose to do the hiring himself and walked into Cherry & Webb, where the 18-year-old Grace had just begun working as a clerk and informed her and the management (on St. Patrick's Day, 195 I) that Grace was now working for the I?iocese of Fall River Education Office, effective March 19.
936 So. Main St., Fall River C H R 1ST 0 P'H E R
11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Ibru Saturday
Tel. 673-4262 New Car? New Boat? Personal Loan? Try us for prompt, pleasant service!
"Naturally she did what the Bishop said and Cherry & Webb lost a great clerk and secretary. "She has outlasted Father Gorman, Msgr. O'Neill, Father Coleman and will likely outlast me!"
Now 11 convenient offices including Seekonk & Taunton.
Gaeltacht district gets first church By NC News Service
St. Patrick's Shrine
Tel. 674-4881
March 17is special day in Missouri town
An Iiish-speaking district created by the government of Irelll;nd 50 ST. PATRICK, Mo. (NC) years ago recently opened its first An Irish priest has left his stamp church. A community fundraising effort on a small Missouri town with a made the new Rath Cairn Church shamrock seaI commemoratinglreland's patron saint - and the town's possible. . The community, also called namesake. Father Francis O'Duignan, who Rath Cairn, was created a halfcentury ago by the Irish Land arrived in ·St. Patrick in 1935, had Commission as a Gaeltacht dis- dreams of building a shrine, not trict, one in which the Irish form of only to honor the saint but also to the ancient Gaelic language would make the town of St. Patrick betbe .spoken. The government ter known. brought a group of poor families The small farming community from Irish-speaking areas of Con- couldn't pay for a shrine itself, so nemara in western Ireland to settle the priest began a fund-raising the spot. effort, sending letters all over the Rath Cairn is in northeastern world, each envelope bearing a Ireland's County Meath, a more shamrock. The greening of the envelopes fertile territory than Connemara. blossomed into a major project It has 2,500 residents. . The church, which seats 250, is when parishioner and postmaster near the Hill of Ward where, John Kirchner and Father O'Duig-' according to legend, St. Patrick nan designed a commemorative stopped during a journey through seal, know as a cachet, with a the area. Stones from the ruin of a shamrock and a slogan, reflecting Norman church built on the spot their belief in the uniqueness. of in 1285 have been placed at each their town. It said, "St. Patrick, Mo. - the Only One in the World," side of the new altar. The new church contains a cross . never mind that the I985 Official said to be about 300 years old and Catholic Directory lists two other thought to be a copy of the even St. Patricks in the United States older Cross of Cong, a gold cross -one in Kansas and one in Ohio. All mail passing through St. found buried in an ancient monasPatrick on St. Patrick's Day in tery and now a national treasure. 1936 was stamped with the green Before the Rath Cairn Church was built, Masses were celebrated cach~t, along with the post office in the local community center. cancellation bearing the town Last year, the pastor, Father name. The first year, 500 pieces of Joseph Kelly, launched the cam- mail were stamped. paign which thus far has raised The volume of mail grew and about $150,000 of the $200,000 many of those sending envelopes cost of the church. The building began in May 1985, and was completed in January.
Irish concert CI~sing the annual Lenten con-
cert series following noon Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, will be a St. Patrick's day program of Irish music featuring Ruth Saltzman on the harp and Donna Keiken on the flute. All welcome.
102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset,-Mass.
to be stamped and cancelled included donations for the shrine, which Father O'Duignan was able to dedicate on March 17, 1957. The envelope stamping is stilI done by volunteers from the parish. To markthe 50th anniversary of the shamrock ca'chet, this year's envelope carries a likeness of now Msgr. O'Duignan, 79, who is retired and lives in San Diego. Kirchner died in' 1945 at the age of 80. His son, Nick, assistant postmaster at the time the stamp originated, who had a hand in its design, still lives in St. Patrick. At one time between 50,000 and 60,000 envelopes were processed a year by the parish but in recent years the annual number has been just over 7,000. The shrine no longer depends on donations from the stamp although they stilI come in. Not only the envelopes' will be wearing the green on March 17. The town's annual celebration includes a dinner dance and a Mass at the Shrine of St. Patrick.
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14 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,Mar. 14, 1986 'r-----~----------------.
==fOCU/a .
on youth·
Mercy Sisters hold meeting' ... .
Sisters of Mercy from Connecticut, Maine, New 'Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massacpusetts,' including the vast majority of sisters teacJ.1ing at elementary schools in the Fall River diocese, attended a M,ercy Elementary Education Netwo~k Conference ,last Satur. day'at St. Mary's Academy-Bayview, Riverside, RI. ' '"
CHRISTINE MELLO, a kindergarten teacher at Espifito Santo School, FallRivei;lead~ her cla,ssin a song. (Motta pltoto)' , , "
,Relating to Mary By Cecilia Belanger A woman who is a great devotee of Mary, our spiritual mother, told Die that during these 'Lenten days, she has met with friends to 'talk about how'Mary must have felt during the time 'of her son's ministry. ' The relationship between Jesus and his mother remains mysterious, involving bothjoy and pain. Mary, like many other mothers, often found herson hard to'understand, one of the reasons today's women feel close to her. I recalJ a young woman,expecting her first child, saying "I'feel so close to Our Blessed Mother at this time," She told me that her dearest friends lived at a distance, so whenever she needed to talk to someone who understood her she had tojourney, Mary can become an understanding figure for many women who
What's on your mind?
seek community with someone, since, sadly, that sense is not always found where one lives or with, one's own family. Mary herself found such understanding in Elizabeth. And when· the cousins met it was a very special occasion; in their world, travel was limited. • Elizabeth would carry someone who prophesied, whose message was harsh and disturbing. He would leave the nest for'wilderness and isolation, and eventually would be killed. Mary would carry the gentle saviour. He would be found stronger than any who carrie before him and he too would be put to death. We can relate to Mary's pain, joy, desolation, laughter and tears. We are fortunate that we can call her our spiritual mother and claim her son as our brother and Lord.
, , Sister LO\H"des Sheehan, RSM, addressed the nearly 100 participants on the topic "Mercy Educa{ion: What Difference?" Her'focus was on the role of.the teacher in 'the 'Catholic school, and what makes a Catholic school effective. Sister Sheehan 'fo\.1nde<J the Catholic Administrative Leadership Program and is project director for Shepherding the Sheperds and executive director of the National Association of Boards of Education for the National Catholic Education Association. Partit'ipants ,chose ~ftom eight
Warning "He that loveth gold shall not be justified and he that followeth after corruption shall be filled with it." - Ecclus. 31:5
workshop sessions: Art as Therapy, offered by Sister Maria Martineau; The Spirituality of the Tea-' chef: Calied to Fashion a People, Sister Elizabeth Ann Doyle, Shar-' ing the Reins, Sister Cliristina Martin; Reconciliati~n, Father J~seph Paquette. " Ring Around the Rosey: The Round' Dance-Teacher as' Communicator, Sister Marianne Pos~; tiglione; All Roads Leati to Learning, Sister Daniel Malloy; A Peaceable Classroom-A Peaceable
Q. My best friend likes a boy your own words) something like who doesn't care about anything ~he following: except his own pleasure at her "Linda, does it ever seem to you expense. He really treats her terri- that Bill is causing you to be too bIy, and she always ends up crying ,unhappy too often? I like you a lot, because of being hurt. I hate to see and I've been worrying about you " her like that, but.! don't want to lately." tell her for fear that she'd hate me. Be prepared to give some examI'm the only one whose opinion pIes of What you worry about. reailY matters to 'her,-so' it would Gjve'themin anori-a'rgulilentative sink in, but I don't want to hurt her way. Speak softly and try to keep or the friendship. (Oklahoma) the emotional temperature cool. " .A."Althoti~h !J1ere, is', n~~rlY.:, , ....~st~ad ~f f~.lli.>wiI)g With some-', . always risk}nvolved in intervening , ~hl~g like" I t.hmk you~hould stop" in' such a situation, you may ~e" seemg Bill ng,~t away ~nd date able to help your friend without someoI)e. els:, ,try ~nothe~ aphurting her. proach like: MI~ht It be ~Ise to Wh h'" .. '. stay awayfrom B111 for a whde and ~n t etlme IS nght for.a condate Jerry some? You told me once fidentlalchat, could you bnng up. ,he's interested in you" the sUbje~t·of her b?yfriend i!1 a '~etter stay away 'fromdirect way th~t IS not abraSive and wlth- criticism of Bill. Th'at's a touchy out tr ymg t 0 force your opm10ns ." subject. You can focus however on her? ' , I . d " . on how unhappy your friend has been in specific situations with nstea of startmg an ar.gument, y~u ~ould,a~k some questlO,ns a~d Bili. Let her figure out that it's Bill , raise some Issues: Try saymg (10 who causes her unhappiness.
. SAN DIEGO (NC) - U.. S. Education Department officials will investigate complaints by Catholic educators that parochial schoolchildren in San Diego are not receiving their fair share of remedial aid. ,
, 'Fa~~er, Dennis' R. CI~rk, San Diego diocesan su'perintendent of schools, filed a formal complaint with the San Diego Unified School District over the way the ~istrict provide,s remedial education services for 'students, in Catholic schools. ' And Joseph McElligott, director of special progr.ams for the Galifornia Catholic Conference, wrote ina letter to the U.S. Education 'Department, that many California parochial sch'onl students were receiving either no Chapter I servic~s or in~quitable services.
,World, Ms. Gene Thompson and School ~oards, Sister S~eehan.
Chapter I is the section of the 198 I Ed ucliti6n Consolidation and Ilnprovement Act which provides remedial assistance to poor children. Both public and private school students may be eligible for ChapTimothy Morrah of Attleboro, ter I aid but the U.S. Supreme a junior at that city's Bishop Fee- Court ruled last July that public han High School, ,was' recently school teachers may not provide named winner of the annual remedial instruction in private Bausch & Lomb Science A~ard,' schools, given to the third~year student ranking highest in science. Active Winning and Losing in sports and a member of the "It is possible to give away and National and Spanish honor societies, M:c>rrah is eligible for a become richer! It is also possible four-year Bausch & Lomb science to hold on too tightly and lose everything." - Provo 11:24 scholarship.
Bishop Feehan
emotions is likely to confuse anyone. Individuals experiencing these feelings become uncertain , about what they really want. They wonder why they feel like they 'do. Sometimes a person also may face guilt and question whether the fault for the breakup lies with them. .By Charlie Martin
I Miss You By
Remedial aid program rapped
Thought I heard your voice yesterday Then I turned around to say That I love you, then I realized It was just my mind Playing tricks on me It seems kind of dark lately at night And I try to sleep with the lights on Everytime the phone rings I pray to G'od it's you , I just can't believe that we're through I miss you' ' There's no other way to say it • can't deny it I miss you , It's so easy to see I miss you Is it done and over this 'time? Will we never change our minds?" I 1 ., But all the love, all the feelings, that we u~ed to share I refuse. to believe that you dQn't care, . , I get to gather my s,enses together . \ I've been through worse kinds of weather . ' If it's over now, it;s gone ' ' . ' , I can't believe it's gone, _ I got to carryon . ,Recorded by Klymaxx, Written by, L. MaIsby, (c) 1985 by Constellation Records. KIym!,xx is an all-female band ings. She wants to deny that the from Los Angeles. Their current rela,tionship is really over and she rele~se, "I Miss You," is their waits for her past love to call her. At the same time, she knows that first Top Ten hit. The song describes that diffi- "I've been through worse kinds cult time of trying to get over a of weather" and that "I got to past romance. The person in the carryon." . song experiences a variety offeelSuch a, r!lnge and intensity of "
Getting through such a difficult time requires patience. One wants to put the confusing emotions in the past, but needs time to heal the hurt. To expect to be feeling fine quickly is unrealistic. Like facing other types ofloss, we need time to work through sadness, anger and emptiness. While such patience can be difficult to find, we need to be gentle with ourseives in accepting whatever feelings come. ' At the same time, itis important to reach out for support. We need not carry the burden of such feelings alone. Talk with'someone you trust. Knowing that this person cares ~bout you and how you f~el can give you the freedom to, fac,e ~Qur ma'ny feelings: , We ,cann'ot fix each others' hUftS; 'but we can support each other as',we find the healing needed toq.ove 'oil with our lives. This' process o'f leaving the Pilstand building a better future takes time. "I Miss You" is very realistic.in expressing the difficulty of living through such a painful time. By accepting painftil and confusing feelings and by reaching out to otbers who care, a new and better future eventually 'will be found. Your comments are welc,ome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 477J4.
THE ANCHORFriday, Mar. 14, 1986
By Bill Morrisse"e
ponswQtch Gieslman to speak Scott Gieslman of Boston College's football team will speak at tonight's second Annual St. John of God Church Family Sports
Night at 7 0 'clock at Independence Harbor, A~sonet.. Sports films Will be shown and prizes will be awarded. Proceeds will be used for scholarships.
• The girls of St. William's parish, Fall River, nipped the St. George, Westport team 27-26 to win the Class A Girls' Fall River Are~
CYO Basketball Championship. In the consolation game, Notre Dame topped Holy Name 29-21.
eta- hockey The best-of-three semifinals in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League continue at 9 p.m. Sunday with Fall River South meeting
Somerset and New Bedford taking on Mansfield, at the Driscoll Rink, Fall River.
• • • Gary Rockliffe of Somerset High School is the winner of the 14th Annual Vince Lombardi Block of Granite Award. Sponsored by the Greater Fall River Chapter of the Amerjcan Cancer Society, the honor goes to the player selected as the best down lineman of the season. Rockliffe captained Somerset to the Southeastern Massachusetts
Conference Western Division Championship. Other n'ominees were David Greenhalgh, Bishop Stang; Douglas Ducharme, Coyle-Cassidy; William Dunham, Apponequet; Jeff Furtado, Case; Wayne Bilodeau, Digh'ton-Rehoboth; Russell Curran, Durfee; Jason O'Hara, Seekonk and Donald Lebreux, Tiverton.
• • • Bishop Connolly High School's Mike Theriault named to the New Bedford Standard Times All-Star Hockey Team and Cougarette' Melissa Sweeney to the Fall'River
Herald News All-Star Girls' Basketball Tea'm. Connolly hoopsters earning honora ble !Tlention from the Herald News were Rosie Arruda, Maggie Morais and Gina Ritano.
• • • Apologies to the Prep All-Star CYa. Basketball Team for inadverently omitting the All-tourney Team, make up of MVP Frapk
Martins and Jim McDonald of Fall River, Jim Olney and Kevin Swist of Taunton and Carlos Soares of New Bedford.
Nun nominated BISHOP FEEHAN High School senior Albert Walfor Academy Oscar green of Mansfield is a National Merit Scholarship DETROIT (NC) - When the stars Program finalist. Finalists come out March 24 and descend represent fewer than one half upon the Dorothy Chandler Pavilof one percent of American ion in Los Angeles, a Mercy sister plans to be there - elbow-tohigh school seniors, accord- elbow with Meryl Streep and Jack ing to Sister Mary Faith Nicholson and James Garner - to Harding, RSM, Feehan 'prin- hear those immortal words, "The envelope, please." cipal. "Will I be there? You bet your boots," said Mercy Sister Carol Rittner, 42, referring to the Academy Oscar in the documentarysh'ort subjects category for coproducing "The Courage to Care," a 28-minute film focusing on "righteous Gentiles" who helped save Jews during the Holocaust. The other coproducer is Sondra Myers of Scranton, Pa. , "As a film maker, it's wonderful to get the nomination because it's important that this film's story be told - of how a few people helped the Jews' during World War II," said Sister Rittner, who joined the' staff ofthe U. S. Holocaust Memorial Council in Washington in Februar~ after wotkin!! in aclmini~tr,, tive posts in Detroit's' Mercy College since the early 1970s. The idea for the documentary came' from a 1984 international conference in Washingto'n proposed and coor,dinated by Sister Rittner.
tv, mOVIe news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Fi~m. Office ratings, which do not alw~ys COinCide. General ratings: G-sultable for gen· eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13· PG-parental guidance suggested; R":-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local listings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Angry Harvest" (European Classics) - A devout and hU!11ble farmer' abuses his sudden power and wealth as well as the trust and love a Jewish refugee places in him. Set in a World War II Polish village, this film portrays. a ma.n whose loneliness undermines hiS strong moral fiber,' resulting in betrayal and death. The moral perspective overrides brief scenes of partial nudity and simulated sex. A4. "Room With a View"(Cinecom) - A radiant romance in Edwardian England involves a love trian- , gle resolved when the petulant heroine, (Helena Bonham-Carter) chooses the good commoner over the wealthy fop. An adaptaton of the E. M. Forster story of manners and self-determination. A scene of male nudity is a comment on postVictorian prudishness. A3. "Smooth Talk"(Spectrafilm)Written and directed by women, this is a fable of a teen-age girl (Laura Oem) placed in a dangerous situation when a soft-spoken stranger (Treat Williams) becomes her first lover. Because the film suggests that this is an accept~b~e introduction to womanhood, It IS rated 0, PG 13. '''Crossroads''(Columbia) - This teen romance is the story of an aspiring adolescent music student who frees an old blues musician from a nursing home and helps him win back his soul from the devil. This musical allegory about determination and growing up is weakened by harsh language and casual adolescent sex. Fine blues by Ry Cooder. A3, R. "Brazil" (Universal) - The Monty Python comedy troupe in a piayful, expressive fantasy of a madcap totalitarian ,England where nothing' works and where the hero vainly struggles to, replace conformity'~nd complacency with romantic love. A3, R. "Sleeping Beauty;' (Buena Vista) - First released in i959, this clas-' sic story of love conquering evil was the late Walt Disney:s last achievement in storytelling and full character animation. AI, G. "101 Dalmatians"(Buena Vista) - Featuring villainess Cruella D~ ville, whose attempts to kidnap JO I Dallnation puppies are foiled by two lovable children, this film retains its charm and vitality. A I,
Novel approach
BOGOTA, Colombia' (NC) -:An undeterininednumber of rebels from Colombia's M-19 group Films on TV hijacked three buses March 5 in an Saturday, March 15,9-11:32 p.m. effort to get an audience with the EST (CBS) - "Any Which Way pope during his July i-7 visit. A You Can" (1980) - In this sequel spokesman for the Colombian to "Every Which Way But Loose," bishops said the heavy sc~e~uleset Clint Eastwood recreates the role . up for Pope John Paul II's visit of Philo ,Beddoe, auto repairman would make such a meeting and free-lance streetfighter, who i11lpossible. The guerrillas order~d first time out was jilted by a skit- bus drivers to drive to llCathohc tish prostitute (Sondra Locke). This seminary 25 miles north of Bogota, time she and Eastwood get back where they handed over a statetogether and the plot centers about ment seeking the meeting and a brutal brawl on which much promising not to disrupt the papal money is wagered; The movie is a visit. The rebeis released the buses, paean to machismo and its vio- carrying 84 factory workers, after lence is permeated with sieazy im- about three hours, without morality. 0, R. violence. Saturday, March 22,9-11 p.m. EST (CBS) - "Private Benjamin" (1980) - Goldie Hawn stars in this comedy about an inept Army recruit who become self-sufficient. 5 CENTER STREET Some good laughs from old milWAREHAM, MASS. itary jokes, with Eileen Brennan DIGNIFIED FUNERAl SERVICE especially funny. Sexual morality DIRECTORS is ridiculed in a number of scenes GEORGE E. CORNWEll EYEREn Eo UHlMAN and nudity and rough language figured in the theatrical release. 0, 295·1810
Cornwell Memorial Chapel, Inc.
Monday, March 17, 9-11 p.m. EST (NBC) ~ "First Blood"(1982) - Sylvester Stall.oneis John Rambo, a disillusioned Vietnam veteran who reacts to police brutality ina small northwestern town by waging a one-man war against the 10caJ police force and the National Guard. Violence and rough language. A3, R. Religious Television Sunday, March 16 (CBS) "For Our Times" - Causes of random violence in the United States are investigated. Religious Radio Sunday, March 16 (NBC) "Guideline" - Cliff C. Jones discusses his new book, "Winning Through Integrity."
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16 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 14, 1986
ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA St. Anne's Sodality meeting 7:30 p.m. March 19, parish hall. Father Joseph M. Costa, director of St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, will . speak. ST. JAMES, NB Easter food drive for the needy: sponsored at all Masses路 March 22 and 23 by p~ri~h Vincentians.
ST.ANNE,FR Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after II :30 Mass this morning, concludes with holy hour from 2 to 3 p.m. School science fair 7 to 8:30 tonight, auditorium. Family portraits, sponsored by Home and School Association, will be taken from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow, school auditorium. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Station of the Cross follow 9 a.m. Mass Wednesdays. Sacrament of reconciliation 3 to 3:45 p.m. Saturdays. ST. JULIE, N: DARTMOUTH Prayer meetings 7:30 p.m. Mondays, church hall. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN In return for the promise of pray.ers for candidates for first communion and confirmation, parishioners will receive a picture and general information on "their" child. Information: Father James R. Nickel, SS.CC., 992-7000. Father Steven R.-Furtado, parochial vicar at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford, will
ECHO, CAPE COD Last Boys' Echo weekend of season April 4 to 6, Briarwood Conference Center, Monument Beach. WIDOWED SUPPORT, TAUNTON A new support group (or wido~ed. persons will meet at 7:45 p.m. Monday, and the third Monday of every month. Immaculate Conception parish hall, Bay Street, Taunton. All widowed welcome. Information: rectory, 824-8794. WIDOWED SUPPORT, . ATTLEBORO Attleboro Area Widowed Support Group retreat today through Sunday, Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth. O.L. CHAPEL, NB Secular Franciscans chapter meeting March 16: formation 9 a.m.; Mass 10 a.m. All welcome. Cenacles of Zion prayer meeting March 19: rosary 7 p.m.; healing Mass 7:30p.m. SACRED HEART, FR The Clover Club Choir will sing before and during the 4 p.m. Mass tomorrow. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Couples Club members will attend 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. Cub Scout Pack meeting 5:30 p.m. Sunday, church hall. Volunteers are needed to help clean the church at 9 a.m. March 22. Feast of St. Joseph: 9 a.m. Mass March 19, school. All welcome. Parishioners interested in traveling by chartered bus to an April 12 Legion of Mary service at Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston, may contact Kay Hart, 994-7717. Parishioners interested i'n joining the SI. Vincent de Paul Society may contact Father Columban Crotty, SS.Ce., pastor 994-9714. Family Enrichment Night 7:30 p.m. March 23, rectory. "Family," a video by Father John Powell, will be featured. Information: John and Sue Negri,996-2759.
CURSILLO . Evening of Reconciliation 7: 15 p.m. March 19, St. John.the Evangelist Church, Pocasset. Cursillistas and friends invited. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO "Why Do We Pray?," a Lenten meditation in song and prayer, 2 p.m. Sunday, People's Chapel. Father Andre A. Patenaude, MS, shrine director, will lead the service. Sister Lucille Gavin, OP, and the LaSalette Shrine Chorale, directed by John Travers, will be featured. All welcome. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Youth Choir rehearses 4 o'clock today, church. Children grades 3 to 6 welcome. Information: Ada Simpson, 746-5440. IRISH CHILDREN, CAPE The Cape Cod Irish Children's Program needs host families to welcome Belfast youngsters into their homes from June 30 to August II. Information: Andrew Carmichael, 4770066. CATHEDRAL, FR Vespers 7:30 tonight, Lady Chapel. LEGION OF MARY Acies 2 p.m. Sunday, St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. Rosary and Benediction. All welcome. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, parish center. A leadership program will be offered by the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. DCCW The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a trip to the State House in Boston April 8. Information: legislative chairman Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., 675-1311 during business hours. Reservations deadline: March 21. ST. MARY, NB A discussion group led by Sister Rita Pelletier, SSJ, meets 10 a.m. Tuesdays, religious education center.
Friendly Sons ofSt. Patrick traditional memorial Mass 9 a.m. March . 15, with bagpipers and a harpist. Mass and prayer group 7:30 p.m. Mondays, church. All welcome. Parish council quarterly meeting 7:30 p.m. March 18, rectory. Parish school committee meeting 7:30 p.m. March 19, religious education center. St. Mary's School ~th Grade Service . Club is videotaping younger children to provide parents with a record. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Parish council meeting 7:30 p.m. March 18. Concert of sacred music for Holy Week 7:30 p.m. March 23. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Lenten Rosary: 8:30 a.m. Mondays through Saturdays, led by Women's Guild members. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNl'ON Aerobics Class 7 p.m. Tuesdays, parish center. The Rosary Sodality requests old rosaries and religious articles to be repaired and sent to missions. Droga Krzyzowa books and English Stations of the Cross are also needed. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Prayer group meets 7:30 p.m. Mondays, church hall.. Alcoholics Anonymous meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays, church hall. Senior Ci'tlzens day, sponsored by parish Confirmation II students, 2 to 4 p.m. Sundays, religious education center. Entertainment. All seniors welcome. Night of reconCIliation and 'healing March 23. Confessions will be heard by Father Richard Delisle, MS. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FR Following a business meeting at 7:30 p.m. March 18 the Women's Guild will show films of parish events dating back more than 40 years as part of its observance of the 75th anniversary of St. Anthony's. All welcome.
BISHOP CONNOllY HIGH SCHOOL AUCTION '86 Oriental Celebration Friday, April 11, 1986 White's on the Watuppa,
New Grand Salon SILENT AUCTION - 5:30 P.M. - Dinner -7:30 P.M. ORAL AUCTION AND RAFFLE - 9 P.M. DINNER TICKETS - $80.00 per couple - $400.00 (table 10) PREVIEW NIGHT - Thursday, April 10, 1986 GIFTS FOR AUCTION ACCEPTED - Souvenir booklet for cash donations THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN VALUE OF GIFTS FOR AUCTION . BENEFACTORS - SPONSORS - FRIENDS REQUESTED FOR SOUVENIR BOOKLET Orienlal Gele6ralion