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VOL. 29, NO. 11
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I, ---
$8 Per Year
,Tauntonian to head 1985 Charities Appeal
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin to day announced appoi~tment of Emma R. Andrade to head the 1985 Catholic Chari'ties Appeal of the Fall River diocese. A native of Taunton, she is a lifelong member of St. Anthony's parish in that city. The widow of Atty. Aristides A. Andrade, she has one child, Atty. Peter R. Andrade. Before retiring .in 1981, she was employed for 44 years in Taunton Superior' Court, for 20 of those years as an Assist ant Clerk of Courts. Mrs. Andrade's church-related
activities have included serving as president of both the Diocesan Council" of Catholic Women and the Taunton district of the coun cil. She has also headed the Queen's Daughters and St. An thony's Women"s Guild and is presently a director of MarIan Manor home 'for the aged in Taunton. She has served the Taunton community as a director of the Greater Taunton United Way, the Old Colony Historical Society and the Mansfield Finance Com pany. She is also a corporator of
the Taunton Savings Bank, a At age 19, Mrs. Andrade was member of the Morton Hospital among founders and was first president of the Portuguese Corporation and Taunton coor American Civic Auxiliary of dinator for the tricentennial cele Taunton. Her present activities bration of Bristol County. The 1985 OCA chairperson has include presidency of the Taun received the Marian Medal for ton Quota Club and service as outstanding service to the church scholarship chairperson of the and was cited by the Portuguese Taunton Woman's Club. She is a volunteer for a men· American Foundation for service to the Portuguese-American com -tal health clinic thrift shop and munity. She was named 1984 for Women in Community Ser "ice,an organization aiding dis· Woman of the Year by the Taun ton Business and Professional advantaged young adults to ob· Women's Club, of which she is tain job training. She is also an active member of FriendS of the parlimentarian.
Taunton Library, the Old Colony Historical Society and the Am erican Cancer Crusade. Bishop 'Meets PrIests In other Appeal news, Bishop Cronin, meeting last week with priest directors of the campaign, expressed optimism that the 1985 drive would surpass last year's record·breaking total of $1,S49, 527. Since 1976, the first year the 44·year·old Appeal surpassed the million dollar mark, the Appeal Turn to Page Seven
Housing before guns, s~ys prelate
)lastoral discussed
WASHINGTON (NC) Arch· bishop John J. O'Connor ,last week told a congressional sub-' committee that spending federal funds on weapons while the poor lack housing is "wrong." The archbishop, chairman of the IU.S. Catholic Conference Committee on Social Develop ment and Worlq Peace, address· ing the House subcommittee on housing 'and urban development, said the government must re main committed to providing low-cost housing. Asked by subcommittee mem bers how the government could afford to do so at a time of high deficits, he answered that "it gets awfully difficult just from a commonsense viewpoint to see the enormous amounts of money going into weapons expenditures ... when there is this desperate need - and I'd have to say it's wrong." Archbishop O'Connor, who as a Navy chaplain reached the rank of rear admiral, acknow ledged the need for a strong na {ional defense. However, he said, the government must provide de fense "not only against foreign potential adversaries but defense against everything that makes people vulnerable in our own society." He praised the ingenuity of ilitary personnel and said they ould find a way to do more ith ,less money. President Reagan's proposed iscal 1986 budget reduces sub· idized housing assistance from n anticipated $25.3 billion in otal spending by the end of fis al 1985 to $12.3 billion for fiscal 986.
Turn to Page Six
WASHINGTON (NC) - Sex ism, patriarchy and women's or dination topped the many issues' of women in the Catholic Church that got ,new attention last week. A committee of U.S. bishops getting ready to write a pastoral letter on women held its first hearings, gathering in Washing· ton to listen to testimony from nine national Catholic women's organizations. The bishops' hearings also oc casioned an alternative hearing in Washington sponsored by the 'Committee of Concerned' Cath olics, a group angered at the Vatican because of its conflict with some U.S. women religious over abortion views. I Common to both hearings I were anger at the church's all : male power structures, calls for ~ eliminating sexism in both the : church and society and pleas for : ordination of women. The bishops also heard wom I en urging them to promote •stronger family life and tradition I al moral values, to give more at· I tention to pastoral care of women in all situations, to advance lay ministries of women, and to strengthen lay women's organ izations in the church. They also heard requests to link sexism with racism and to write a pastoral letter on men as well as on women. At the alternative hearing some speakers' also argued for
new attitudes in the church in
, areas such as abortion, steriliza
tion, artificial hirth control and
lesbianism. That hearing was held
at a Lutheran church after the
Turn to Page Eight I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.; March l5, 1,985
Theologian. justifies heart tr~nsplant WASHINGTON (NC) - When a doctor in Arizona put an un . authorized artificial heart into a dying man in an unsuccesful at tempt to save his life, he appar ently broke the ~aw but ,acted ethically, said a moral theology professor at The Catholic Univer sity of America. A surgical team headed by Dr. Cecil Vaughan at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Cen ter .in Tucson March 6 implanted an experimental heart in 33-year old Thomas Creighton of Tuc son, near death because his body had rejected a human·heart trans plant. Creighton subsequently died March 8 o( complications
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after he had received a second human heart to replace the arti ficial heart. The artificial heart had been used su~ssfully in animals but never before ,ina human being, and the U.S. Food and Drug Ad ministration. had reportedly warned the hospital beforehand against use of the unauthorized device. '
According to news reports, the doctors were in a position of last resort: Creighton's condition was deteriorating rapidly and his life could not be maintained much longer on a heart-lung machine. The so-called "Phoenix heart" the surgeons used had not been used oil humans before and was not ~uthorized by the FDA for such 'use, but its reported suc cess in animal experiments in- '. dicated that it "had some credi bility," Father Friday said.
"Sometimes the -law and ethics do not coincide," said Father Robert Friday, a moral theolo gian and associate dean of Cath-' olic University's School of ,Reli Creighton used the artificial gious Studies. The priest also heart only 11 hours before he teaches a course in Ibioethics in underwent surgery again to re the university's nursing school. ceive another human heart located in the meantime. His ini On one hand, he said, the phy sicians were faced with "the tial heart transplant took place value of a man's life," and on March 5. the other hand with "the value On NBC's "Today" show of maintaining the law." March 7 Vaughan defended his In light of the choices report decision, saying, "There's a edly available, they were ethi greater law than the FDA, and cally justified in breaking the that's an obligation of a doctor ,law for the sake of the higher to try to do anything he can to value, but they ,must also be pre save a life where he thinks that pared to face any penalties for ,there's a chance. This man had their actions which might be no chance of survival without imposed under the law, the theo this temporary support,' none logian said. whatsoever."
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It's because Sister Ana loves them that she takes .such good care of them even though sometimes it hurts. Sometimes love can hurt. It hurts a bit to make a sacrifice from your own home budget to help the Sisters of the Missions look , after the children. But the pain is part of the love, part of the gift, part of your heart. Please send your gift today to the Propagation of the Faith. And stretch your love around the world. Thank you!
AN ETHIOPIAN MOTHER finds food for her child at a Catholic Relief Services' feeding center. Ethiopia is one of 70 countries 'assisted by American Catholics through the annual CRS collection.
Bishops, Overseas Ap.peal collection this weel{erid The American bishops' annual Overseas Appeal collection w.ill be taken up this weekend in dio cesan parishes. The _collection supports efforts of Catholic Re lief Services, Migration and Re fugee Services, the. A'postleship of the Sea and the Holy Father's Chal'ities. Since 1943, Catholic Relief Services, the official overseas relief and development agency of the American Catholic Church, has aided ,the needy in 70 coun tries throughout the world with-
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Charged in fires
Nun under medical care
Fr. Jezierski marks jubilee
An emotionally-distraught ear firefighters. Firefighter Jeffrey melite nun from the South Dart Singleton, 29, after initial treat mouth MonaStery of Christ Cru ment at St. Luke's Hospital; New cified and, Mary Mediatrix has ' Bedford, was transferred 'to New been committed, to Taunton, England Medical Center in Bos State Hospital for' observation ' ton for treatment of burned .after having been charged fol hands. Firefighter Harold Farias, ,lowing the discovery on March 46, was listed in satisfactory 10 of several fires in the monas condition at. St. Luke's Hospital tery. with facial:and hand burns. All Sister Maria Gartner, OCD, 39,' other firefighters were treated was removed froin the fire scene and released. by police and fire officials and The remaining seven members following arraignment procedures of the, Carmelite community at the Dartmouth police station, were safely evacuated from the was ,tr:ansported to the Ta'unton monastery and are temporarily hospital. , , quartered with Sisters of the -11\ the course of firefighting Holy Cross at ,St. A'nthony's Con operations, natural gas vapors vent, New Bedford. It is antici apparently released in the mon "pated that' they will return to asterY by one of the fires ex .the monastery by' this weekend. ploded, injuring nine partmouth Turri to, Page Seven
Members of Holy Rosary par ish, Taunton, will 'celebrate the 40th anniversary of priestly or dination of their pastor, Father Bonaventure Jezierski, OFM Conv., at,a 4 p.m. Mass.Sunday, VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope vers saw little chang~ liJrely in' April 14. The liturgy will be fol john Paul II retired briefly to church-state relatfons.' lowed by a banquet in, the par pray March i 1 after being in Father Casimir Pugevicius, ex ish hall. A native of Shamokin, Pa., the formed of the death of Soviet ecutive director of Lithuanian jubilarian was ordained March IPresident Konstantin Chernenko , Catholic Religious Aid, based in and sent condolences in ,a, tele Brooklyn, N.V., said that "one' 17, 1945. He has served his com gram to ,the, Soviet Union's vice 'can only hope . . . that the new munity of Conventual Francis man would take a new look" at cans as director of student friars president. the imprisonment· of priests in "Upon learning of the death and has worked in high schools and parishes in Connecticut, New of the president of the Supreme the Soviet Union, but' he was "very pessimistic" that the situa Vork and Pennsylvania as well 'Soviet, Mr. Konstantin Cher tion would improve under Gor ,nenko, who exercised the high as in Massachusetts. He was al . so at one time stationed' at St. est office in the, Union of Soviet bachev., druring Oorbachev's He said Bonaventure University, St. Socialist Republics, I ask your excellency and your compatriots visit to Great Britain last Decem Bonaventure, N.V: In his, parish service he has to accept the elCpression of my ber, everyone was caUing hini frequently been ,involved in condolEmces. and I assure you "a pleasant chap ... until 'they building and renovation projects , of my particular thought to the brought up the question of reli gious freedom. Then he lost his and Holy Rosary has been no memory of the illustrious de cool." ceased," the telegram said. exception. Since assuming the According to a New York pastorate of ,the Taunton church Although the Vatican and So - Times report Dec. 19, Gorbachev in 1982 he has supervised con viet Union do not have diplo "showed his temper for the first struction of a parish center and matic relations, a Vatican dele time"after a conservative mem has directed interior and ex gation attended Chernenko's ber of Parliament questioned him terior renovations to the church March 13 funeral. . 'about religious freedom in the building. On March 11, the Communist Soviet Union. Central Committee elected Mik The Times said Gorbachev re hail Gorbachev as new party plied that Soviet citizens had to leader. obey the law. He reportedly told Sister E. Aurelia Marie Bou Following ,the election, a front the British Parliament not to be cer, RJM, who taught .in Fall page editorial in L'Osservatore misled by press ,campaigns River and Rhode Island during ,Romano, the Vatican newspaper, about persecution in the Soviet her religious life and spent the said that the .choice of Gorba Union, since the West reacted to first decade of her retirement at chev opens a "new era for the reports of a few .individuals as if her community's former retire Soviet Union," but U.S. obser the Soviet Union had no laws. ment home in Fall River, died March 9 in Providence at age 83. 'Born in St. Ferreol, Quebec, the daughter of the ~ate Louis and Esther (Racine) Boucher, Rosemary Dussault, Anchor tor of Most Precious Blood, and she entered the Relgious of Jesus business manager,' and John ,Bishop Robert Mulvee of Man and Mary in 1927. 'For much of Keams Jr.-; assistant director of chester, NH, bishop-designate of her religious life she was known communications, represented the Wilmington, Del. as Mother St. Nizier. Fall River diocese at the funeral Principal cIebrant of the Mass The Mass of Christian Burial IlaSt week of Ethen M. Froia, as~ was Father Conley, with many was offered for her March 12 at sistant director of communica other priests of the archdiocese Presentation Church, Marieville, tions for the Boston archdiocese. , as concelebrants. At the request RI. Interment was in Notre Mrs. Froia, 51, died March 2 of Archbishop Law, the Archdio Dame Cemetery. after suffering a heart attack. cesan Boys'Choir sang at the She was slated to become liturgy "as a tribute to Ethel Froia who served the archdio archdiocesan director of· com munications in the near, future" cese so well." said Rev. Peter V. Con1ey, public Mrs. Fraia, a Hyde Park native, JACKSONVILLE; Fla. '(NC- affairs director for the archdio~ had lived in Dedham the past 25 Julie Crum has been named edi praised her competence years. Before joining the arch tor of Community, 'a weekly cese. Catholic newspage published by ,and outstanding service, not only diocesan communications staff, to the media but to the general she had served 'in the Naval Re the St. Augustine diocese Sun serve, and had been employed in days, September through May, in public. Boston Archbishop Bernard 'F. the Dedham court system and at the Fl9rida Time-Union of J~ck sonvUle and the Gainesville Sun. Law presided at her Mass of the West Roxbury VA hospital. Christian Burial, offered March . Her survivors include her hus Mrs. Crum has wrJtten for Com: munity !!ince 1981 and previously 5 at Most Precious Blood Church, band, Joseph F., two daughters, Hyde Park. Also present were Lorraine and Maureen, and her was an ~ditorial staffer for Lad mother, Mary T. Costello. Bishop Lawrence J. Riley, pas ies' Home Journal.
Pope mourns Soviet 'leader
Sister Boucher
THE ANCAOR March 15, 1985
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Ethel Froia
Newspaper editor
I I I :
,PARISH MISSION March 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 7:30 P.M. each e'lJening SPEAKERS REV. RICHARD BEAULIEU - CHURCH
~ ~"
'" •
.! ...
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.; Mar. 15,-1985
the living w()E~
The Nerve of the Woman A sad memory this St. Patrick Day weekend is that of Margaret Thatcher lecturing the Congress ofthe United States on tragic Ireland. The nerve of the woman! With her usual tart tongue, she chided those who seek a free Ireland and condemned all who actively support attempts to bring peace to that festering land. Her effrontery, of course, lay in the fact that she was here to address the American people, not revile us. For one who . apparently wishes to be viewed as prim and proper, she manif i ests very bad manners, especially when it comes to the Irish. I It should be remembered that it was Margaret Thatcher who consigned to oblivion all hopes of lasting peace in Ir~land. Under her aegis, the painstaking efforts of the internationally supported New Ireland Forum were outspokenly and tact lessly dismissed by Britain. The prime minister has made it quite clear there will be no united Ireland and no confederation of Northern Ireland and the Republic and that any idea ofjoint .-> authority would not be approved. Totally negative in her attitude, she has failed to propose any initiative that might at least offer hope of solving the Irish problem. It beggars belief that she cannot bring herself to exert . her influence in'stopping the killings and violence that have: since 1969 led to the deaths of over 2,400 people in Ireland. Thatcher's stonewall mentality has created an atmosphere i that has accelerated the madness of her opposition. With the rejection of all New Ireland Forum proposals, the IRA and its misguided supporters have added reason to believe t~at the diplomatic path to peace and justice in Ireland is impassable. If anyone group gained by the Thatcher display of stiff upper lipped obduracy, it was unfortunately the IRA. It is ironic that the group she hates the most attained the most by her obstinate and inflexible rejection of all peace proposals. Recent IRA terrorist attacks are in truth the same brand of violence th'at Thatcher intends to continue in Ireland. While NC/lrish Tourisl Board Photo the IRA should be seen as the terrorist organization it is, so should the emissaries of Thatcher. It should be remembered INVALIDS AT THE SHRINE OF KNOCK IN IRELAND that the Ulster penal system, polic~ force, courts and British occupation army are extensions of the Thatcher government, ,the tools she has chosen to enforce the separation that exists in 'Heal me, 0 Lord, and I shall be healed.' Jfer. 17:14 Ireland. Every condemnation of the brutes of the IRA has equal application to a government ~hat exploits the continua tion of the terror it induced in the first place. It is well then as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day e~rnestly and' honestly to support the efforts towards peace of so many in Ireland. Stopping the violence and putting an end to invasion· are necessities that too few admit must be a two-way effort. By Father Kevin J. Harrington The latter consideration accounts However, the church must not The IRA must not'continue its bloodbath of retaliation; the Pope John Paul II's announcement for his strict refusal to allow priests conform to secular trends. Those en Thatcher occupation must not be allowed to continue its hard of an extraordinary synod of bishops or religious to hold political office. trenched in the 50s felt that things to be held in Rome next fall to eval line policies. ., Certainly we should look to the were all right with her and never In an address on this subject, Cardinal Tomas O'Fiaich, mite the effects of the Second Vati synod as a positive means of allow really saw the need for a council. can Council implies that 20 years Primate of All Ireland, said, "the IRA is a, symptom, not a after ing the leaders of national bishops' Those .carried away with the exhila its closing, the original hopes cause of the problem in Ireland. Others also are responsible for for the council have yet to be conference to share concerns precip ration of what they felt was their newfound freedom found Pope Paul itated by the rapid changes occur the violence." He explained that there will be no long-term achieved. VI's stand against contraception in ring in both the world and the church; Those who claim that the pope is solution to the Irish question until Britain withdraws its troops Humanae Vitae incongruous. They but it should not be looked at as a trying to roll back the calendar by from the country. achieving a conservative agenda 'have Vatican III. Rather, it should be erroneously assumed that since so It would be well for all those congressmen who cheered misinterpreted his motives. Last seen as a natural reaction to the need many non-essential rules were chang Thatcher to remember that she is as equally an instrument of month· Archbishop Jozef Tomko, ofadapting to changing times. Indeed, ing, the essential rules concerning violence in Ireland as is the IRA. Her rejection of all efforts secretary general of the bishops' with periodic synods, one could Qirth control, remarriage after divorce synod, released a 40-page document: conceive of a time when councils and obligatory confession of mortal even to begin peace initiatives should be sufficient evidence "Vocation and Mission of the Laity .. sin were equally flexible. would be almost superfluous. that she does not posess the quality of goodwill so indispensa in the Church and in the World 20 A quarter century after Pope John The fact that the changes put in ble for sincere and honest negotiations that would in time 'Years after the Second Vatican XXIII invoked the council few realize motion by Vatican II have yet to be Council." bring healing ~nd harmony to that hurting land.
Getting back on track
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151
Most Rnv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore
. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . . leary Pre5s-Fall River
The document stresses the need to completely achieved is not an indict why he did so. Its original hope was link one's true secular vocation with ment of the council. The church , to renew the original call of the the servicl? .of the. church and warns responded to change as does any church, to go out to all the earth and make Christ known and loved by against a'ccommodation of secular institution and, typical of institu philosophies to achieve goals based tions, changes were often misinter doing good and speaking truth. . on material rather than spiritual preted. Unfortunately, the rapidity The world is still in desperate need values. ' with which they were made in the of the service of neighbor that is An incessant theme-of Pope John postconciliar church gave certain integrally linked with Christlike Paul II is that of refusal to com reformers the impression that rules charity and of those unchanging promise with the spirit of secula truths -that have been entrusted to rism. This theme is the rationale actually essential had been outmoded the Church. ,and that the conciliar spirit of free behind the Pope's discomfort with dom and openness meant that we Since we have achieved only mod those who equate liberation theol ogy w)th the Marxist class struggle had entered the age of "anything est success in attaining the noble goes." Secular trends in the 60's and conciliar goals, Pope John Paul's or who equate creation of a new pol early 70s coincided with this new itical order with building the king effort to get us back on track is both dom of God. found spirit within the church. welcomed and laudable.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 15, 1985
Of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit, probably none are more welcome than kindness and gentleness. In a family where kindness abounds, life is pleasant. Members treat each other with respect and dignity which fosters an at mosphere of genuine caring. ~~en I was interviewing healthy families for my upcoming book on f~mily ~tress, I was struck by the little thmgs that show kindness in t~e family. Parents are more pa tient, less prone to resort to curt directives and quick retorts. Family members say please' and thank you more than in other families. They automatically move over and make room for others to sit. They ask permission to use others' possessions. They show concern when one member is feeling low. In short they're kind to one another. ' ~Il thes~ add up to creating a can~g .famlly m~od, which family specialists tell us IS the first sign of a h~althy family. Some families operate With a mood of optimism and'ease while others operate with a mood of negativism and disharmony.. I've found that many families unin tentionally fall into a habit of cynicism, unkindness and lack of gentleness. They don't mean to be unkind to one another but over time it becomes their style of interaction. Instead of saying, "Thanks for helping;' they say, "Well, you finally got around' to doing something around here." Instead of saying,
"Boy, do you look good," they say, "Look at him!"
Instead of saying, "That was a good dinner, Mom," they say, "It sure beats what we had last night." Over time their style becomes unkind and cynical; yet they may not want to be like that. To be kind, children have to be taught or socialized. Children who have never been socialized, those who are reared in non-human situa tions, resemble animals in their relationships. Part of a family's function is to socialize children but the most fundamental lesson comes ~rom children watching their parents mteract. If Mom and Dad treat each other wi!h respect, kindness, and dignity, children grow to believe this is the way to treat others. But we have to go beyond modelling and actually teach children how to be kind. We do thi.s ~y disallowing unkindness, by affirming generous gestures, and by insisting that everyone deserves respect.
Here are some questions for fami lies to reflect upon while examining their family mood and level of kindness. I. What example of kindness in our family do I remember most in the past year? 2. Who is the kindest person in our family? 3. When am I most tempted to be unkind? 4. What adults do I know who are
Dialogue's best "The radicals in the church are finally getting their comeup pance," gloated Fad Hasbeen as he entered my office. '
"You've got the picture," Fad thundered. "Fad, if ever the official church was portrayed as out to get people, "What gives you that idea, Fad?" I deserving of unquestioned obedi ence and especially as an institution inquired. "Don't you follow the news and where laws were enforced without read the signs of the times?" he discussion, we would really be in big snorted. "The pope is calling for a trouble!" . "How's that?" Fad asked. special synod, religious textbooks "Fad, this may sound simplistic, are be!ng scrutinized more carefully and bishops are screening speakers but the church is a community that depends primarily on grace for its who come into their dioceses." unity. Christ invites, never forces' "Fad, I think you are misinter blessed are those who' are invited preting the news. You make it sound as if there is a conspiracy by church and accept. Whenever the church has reverted to sheer force instead of officials. " "Perhaps not a conspiracy but dialogue and the force of the Gos definitely a concerted effort .. pels it has lost authority." snapped Fad. ' "All good and well," Fad coun "I admit, Fad, the daily news tered, "but in a family you need dis reports are confusing and disturb cipline. Christ obeyed not only his' ing. But what is more disturbing is heavenly Father but also his earthly your feeling the church is out to get mother and father. There are times people." when a child doesn't question but, "Oh, come on," snickered Fad, obeys." , "don't be so naive. You know there "To a point," I answered, "but are priests for, liberation theology religious and laity aren't children. and nuns who need to be disciplined. Christ obeyed out of love for the Some laity no longer respect priests Father and us, not for the sake of and feel they should be running the obedience in itself." church. And some radical writers "All your fine distinctions don't and lecturers do more damage than impress me," Fad fired back. "If it's good. The church is losing control." true some people are out of order ' "Fad, aren't you exaggerating? how do you change them"? ' It's too easy to single out one case Perhaps, Fad, the same way we and make it sound as if everyone is are trying to change each other doing it. This causes panic." now-through dialogue, in the sense "Perhaps the church hasn't pan that Pope Paul VI saw it as the key icked enough," Fad shot back. to renewal in,the church. By raising "And if you begin your era of dis questions with each other, consider cipline, Fad, what would follow?" "Those prone to get out of line ing the alternatives and, imagining what might result from a particular
would think twice," Fad jeered. "The old unquestioned obedience line of argumentation. But also by keeping our sense of and there·is-no-alternative humor. Without humor we can back philosophy?" I replied.
really kind? How do I feel about them? 5. List three familiar remarks in our family that I think are unkind. List three I think are kind. 6. Make a list offamily remarks or retorts that will be off-limits from now on. 7. What special gestures or be haviors lead to a peaceful mood around here? 8. Do we have a family scapegoat, one that we pick on more than others? If so, what can we do to change this unfairness? 9. How do we show kindness to our grandparents? 10. If I were to change one thing in our family to make it a pleasanter place to live, what would it be? We need to listen closely to our answers. Things we say and do out of habit may be perceived as unkind by others. Then it's just a simple matter of eliminating them from our daily life. \ And while we're at it, let's add a prayer to daily grace that we can become a family of kindness and gen!leness., If we care enough to pray for It, that s a good first step.
ourselves into a corner and be forced to fight our way out. Dialogue is another way to proceed."
{necrology] March 16 Rev. Francis J. Maloney, S.T.L., Pastor, 1957, St. Mary, North Attleboro March 19 Rev. John J. McQuaide, Assist ant, 1950, St. Mary, Taunton March 20 Rev. Francis A. Mrozinski, Pas tor, 1951, St. Hedwig, New Bedford March 22 Rev. Joseph A. Martins, Assist ant, 1940, St. John Baptist, New Bedford
THE ANCHOR (USPS·545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Pub· lished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year, Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722,
Must converts confess? Q. Is it necessary for a convert to the Catholic faith to receive the sacrament of penance when he joins the church? Some priests are not baptizing if the individuals were baptized in their old faith. They tell them that this,baptism is good and they should not go to confession to the priest. Is a confession service without private confession enough? (Minnesota) A. Some converts to the Catholic faith are certain they have 'never been baptized in any Christian com~unity. Such persons are always baptized when they are received into our faith. Others seriously doubt that they were ever baptized, or doubt the nature of the baptism - whether it ~as in fact a true Christian baptismal nte. S.uch converts normally receive wh~t IS called conditional baptism. T,hlS means .that, if they were pre VIOusly baptized the new baptism of course is ineffective; if they were not baptized before, they are now. In neither of the above cases would the convert be required to receive the sacrament of penance before receiv ing the Eucharist. Today, if the new convert has been properly baptized in any Christ ian community - with water and in the name of the Holy Trinity - the church's specific practice is not to rebaptize unless there are grave and positive reasons for doubting the previous baptism. In this third case the person converting to the Catholic faith should receive the sacrament of penance, submitting particularly any serious sin that may have been com mitted since that baptism to the forgiving love of Christ and his church in this sacrament. A simple, non-sacramental penance service, of course, would not suffice for this unless opportunity for receiv ing the sacrament of penance is provided. Q. A columnist in our local paper recently was asked by a woman if she would be excommunicated from the Catholic Church if she had al1l abortion. The answer was that if she confessed to a priest she would be forgiven and not excommunicated. Is that true? What is the church's position? (Pennsylvania) A. Procuring an actual, successful ab~rtion is one of the serious sins by which a person incurs automatic excommunication, according to our church law. (Canon Law No 1398) However, many circumstances such as the age ofthe individual, fear that might have been involved and so on affect whether or not the excom munication, in fact, was incurred. T~e lifting of any excommunica tion for this offense would betaken care of within the sacrament of penance. It 1s true, then, that if the woman goes to confession, she can assume the priest has done whatever is necessary and that, if there was in fa~t an excommunication, it no longer eXists. Q. Can the bishop or priest give , permission for a nuptial Mass at the marriage of a Catholic girl and Lutln eran boy? The girl wants a Mass very much and the boy agrees. Also, could the Lutheran boy
FATHER JOHN DIETZEN receive communion at this Mass? Who would give permission? (Oklahoma) A. It is possible for an interfaith marr.iage to take place during a ,nuptial Mass. Two basic conditions must be present. The non-Catholic partner must be a baptized Christian and both partners, not only the Catholic, must sincerely request it. The first requirement simply acknow ledges the fact that only Christians would normally have some awareness of the meaning of the celebration of the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper. The second recognizes that the entire ceremony during which the couple are united in marriage should be ~ne that as far as possible expresses theIr common understanding of their relationship to God and to the rest of the Christian community and thus helps them to greater spiritual unity in their married life. If the couple are considerate of each oth~r and of those attending the weddmg, other factors also will enter the picture. If most of the family and friends ofthe non-Catholic partner are active Christians the celebration of the Eucharist (particu larly with some appropriate explana tion by the priest) could be a beautiful experience for them. If they are not practicing Christians such a celebra . tion at best might be unitelligible. The American bishops, in their guidelines for such celebrations explicitly urge consideration of th; problem of communion sharing when deciding whether to have a mixed marriage at Mass or not. In cases of "urgent necessity," the diocesan bishop (and only the bishop) may permit communion by the non-Cath olic at a mixed marriage, but this is rarely done. Decisions on all these matters must be reached in consultation with the priest who will officiate at the marriage. Q. My husbl!lnd and I, both Catho lics who faithfully practice our faith are expectmg (l baby. We would like' two noo-Catholic friends to be spon sors. Is this possible? (Kentucky) A. According to regulations given in the Rite of Baptism, sponsors for a Catholic child must be practicing Catholics who have received the three sacraments of initiation baptism, confirmation and the Euch arist. However, only one Catholic sponsor of this kind is required. The church explicitly provides that a r.econd sponsor (technically called a. "Christian witness") may be a bap tized Protestant Christian who, of course, would accept the res ponsibility of guiding the newly bap tized child in leading a good Christian life in accord with his faith. The introduction to the Rite of BfLptism explains that the godparent is added spiritually to the immediate family of the one who is baptized, representing Mother Church. When one considers the responsibilities that flow from this relationship, includ ing being a model and guide (work ing of course with the parents) for a full Catholic life, it is obvious that at least one practicing Catholic spon ~or is required to fulfill that responsi bility.
' THE "ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 15, 1985
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, Among speakers was Sen. David Durenberger, R Minn., who told the direc tors that the recommenda tions put forth by the, bish , ops in the draft of the econ omic pastoral will not over come poverty. "They all cost too 'much and produce too little," he said. '
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Nonetheless, he' defended the bishops' initiative in ad dressing the. economy arid said conservative Catholics who lambaste it do not un derstand the pastoral is "a process . . . not a mani festo."
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"I don't, feel the bishops are dictating to me. I feel that they're forcing me to inform. myself" as both a Catholic and a' senator, he added." '
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Durenberger warned that' unless the federal defiCit is reduced significantly, ' art " ,other strong, recessipn is probable.
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FATHER PETER N. GRA ZIANO, executive. director of diocesan social services, was "among participants in the annual meeting of dio cesan social action directors 'held recently in ..Washing ton, DC. The meeting focused on domestic and interna,tional issues affecting, the econ omy, emphasizing discuss , ion of the forthcoming bish ops' pastoral on Catholic social teaching and the U.S. economy.
"If you think it's bad out there now in the soup kit chens . . . wait until a. year from now": if recession hits , again,. he ,said.' .
-Housing Continued from page one From the window of hisresi· dence behind St. Patrick's Ca thedraI in New York, he sees the homeless on Madison Avenue, next to a "soaring new'; hotel, the archbishop said. "I see ~n their frightened faces the -look of abandonment and despair." \
Charities Appeal h.ead
Continued from Page One total has risen yearly, the Ibishop noted. In reviewing the Appeal, the bishop stressed that funds de rived from it are allocated to the many diocesan apostolates and that most of their budgets are expected to rise due to infla tion and, to in<:reased numbers of persons callng upon their services, largely because of the state of the economy. , Area priest directors of the Appeal are Rev. Richard L. Chretien, New Bedford; Rev. John F. Andrews, Cape and Is lands; Rev. Bento R. Fraga and Rev. Roger L. Gagne, Attle boros; Very Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, Taunton; and Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Fall River. Msgr. Gomes is also diocesan Appeal director. The traditional Appeal kickoff meeting will be held at 8 p.m. April 17 at Bishop Connolly High School auditorium, Fall River. It will be followed by the special gifts phase of the cam·
paign from April 22 to May 4 and an intensive three-hour house-to-house visi,tation from noon to 3 p.m. May 5. The 1985 Appeal will close its books May
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 15, 1985
All are welcome and there will be no charge for the program, sponsored by Taunton District Council of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in support of a five-year program of' the National Council of Catholic Women urging enforcement of federal obscenity laws against pornography, an industry grossing
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Court, in listening to oral argu ments, took no action on the Scarsdale case, a challenge to the village government's denial of permission to creche support ers to use the park fon !their nativity scene. The high court is expected to rule on the case by mid-summer.
South Dartmouth fire
Continued from page three The building was thoroughly ventilated at the time of the ex plosion and sustained relatively minor damage. The Carmelite community has been at the South Dartmouth location, the former Sol-E-Mar Children's Hospital, since 1966. Following a strict rule formu lated by St. Teresa of Avila 4n Spain in the 16th century,,' the
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Uncertain nativity
WASHINGTON '(NC) - First Amendment rights do not guar antee the right !to 'Use a public park for a Chl'istmas nativity scene, a Scarsdale, N.Y., lawyer has told the Supreme Court. But an attorney for the creche back ers claimed the First Amendment forbids restriotions on the con tent of free speech. The Supreme
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sisters leave the monastery only in cases of emergency. Most of their time is devoted to contem plative prayer. They may not, Iby their rule, request anything from outsiders, but many diocesan groups regu larly donate food and other necessities. Some income is also realized from making ceramics, sewing vestments and hand lettering spiritual bouquet cards.
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FATHER EDWARD MUR· PHY, 5J, a counselor at Father Bruce Ritter's Co venant House in New York City and director of Part of the Solution, a boys' home in Bronx, NY, will speak on "Pornography and Street Youth" at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at St. Anthony's school hall on School Street, Taunton.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 15, 1985
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The One bmmrtal Story.Unforgettably Retold!
Slain· archbishop's spirit lives CIiNNOINNATI -(NC) - The spirit of Archbishop Oscar Ro mero of San Salvador lives in the hearts of Salvadorans five years after his assassination, Francis can Father Jack'Wintz writes in the March issue of St. Anthony Messenger. Father Wintz wrote aibout Archbishop Romer~'s death after visiting El Salvador and inter viewing people who had worked with the archbishop. The arch bishop, who spoke out repeated ly in defense 'of the poor, was murdered March 24, 1980 while celebrating Mass. Father Wintz, associate editor of, the . magazine, wrote that' Archbishop Romero "seems des tined to rise up not only in the Salvadoran people but also in people struggling for justice all around the world." "The archbishop is becoming . a model not simply for a new kind of bishop but for a new kind of church and a new kind of Christian as well - namely one who is, more and more, see ing the' wOl'ld from the perspec tive of the poor and in solid rity with them," Father Wintz said. He spoke to Jesuit Father James Brockman, a Amel'ican in El Salvador who has w.ritten about the archbishop. Father Brockman agreed thai Archbish op .Romero's martyrdom has borne 'fruit in S'lm Salvador aid around the world. "You can see that he lives in the hearts of many people. He has made a profound impression on this counry. A:nd since his death the influence has extend ed to. other countries," Father Brockman told Father Wintz. At first the archbishop's death was seen as a victory for those who had opposed him, Father Brockman said. "They had elim inated their enemy and the sheep were scattered for Ii time. "-But his death was also the turning point that made him known to he rest of the world. His death really shocked people around the' world ...,....and is now ~eading many to know more albout him," Father Brockman said.
Msgr. Riicardo Urioste, who had been Archbishop Romero's vicar general, told Father Win"tz the archbishop's spirit and search for peace lives on in cur ' rent peace efforts. He said he believes Arch bishop Arturo Rivera Damas of San Salvador, Archbishop Ro· mero's successor, has been in spired by the martyred arch . bishop. Msgr. Urioste said Archbishop Romero, if he were alive, would advise U.S. Catholics to "be in terested in knowing the reality of this country - that social injustice is the cause of ourprob lems. And don't supply arms to either side." "Tell people in the United States. not to be satisfied with their ihigh standard of living, but that they must see the bond they have with suffering humanity, , They 'belong to the same church that suffers here and should be deeply concerned about it," he said. . Sister Teresa de Jesus Alas, a member of the Carmelite Mis
ABP. ROMERO sionaries of St. Teresa who had been Archbisrop Romero's spec ial assistant, said rthe arc1}bish op "continues to live for us. The devotion ,of the people at his tomb is clearly a· sign of his enduring presence."
W omen~s pastoral Continued from page one Washington archdiocese order eda Catholic parish, to witli draw the offer of its facilities. During the bishops' committee hearings the Women's Ordina tion Conference announced to the press that 10 U.S. bishops were members, although it ~ould not release any names. The bishops' committee, head ed by Bishop Joseph Imesch of Joliet" Ill., was formed after the U.S. bishops voted in November 1983 to write a pastoral letter on women. in the church and society. It held last week's hear ings to ask representatives of major national organizations of lay women and nuns what topics they thought the pastoral 'letter should cover and what approach . es it should take. _ About half the 'women's groups testifying urged ,the bishops to write a pastoral on sexism or on patriarchalism rather than on women. With minor variations, all argued generally that it
would be presumptuous or fool ish for all-male bishops to write ·a pastoral letter on women. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious. representing the superiors of most women reo ligious in the United States, ar gued that the pastoral should be delayed until a theology of wo men is more advanced in the church. Dolores Leckey, director of the U.S. bishops' national secretari at for the laity, suggested that a pastoral letter on women would be incomplete without a com panion pastoral on men, while black and Hispanic women urged the bishops to tackle racism, sexism and other "isms" to gether, arguing that these are intertwined. Mary Ann Schwab, represent ing the National Council of Cath· olic Women, expressed hope that the pastoral would help enable Catholic 'women,to "fill the grow. ing ministries needed to reach the modern world."
40 years later
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Fri., March 15, 1985
Hero chaplain remembered
By Bernard F. Carolan The author, a member of St. Joan of Arc parish, Orleans, ~s a semi-retired teacher who grad _ uated from Boston College and did graduate work at George town University. During World War II March 19, 1945, 40 years ago next Tuesday, was a tragic "date. On that day ,three aircraft carriers operating in Japanese waters suf fered heavy damage and Joss of life. The Wasp was lost with 302 casualties and the Enterprise was seriously incapacitated; but it was ,the loss of the USS Frank 'lin that is remembered as one of the worst disasters in the his tory of the US Navy. Attacked 55-miles off Japan's coast, the 27,000 ton Franklin was reduced to a burning hulk and its casualty tis.t of nearly 1,500 dead or wounded was the highest recorded by the !Navy. On that tragic day there were many acts of heroism but no one was more gaHant than the Franklin's chaplain, 40-year-old Lt. Commander Joseph T. O'Cal- . lahan, SJ, of Holy Cross College, Worcester, who became the first chaplain of any faith in US his tory .to be awarded the Congress ional Medal of Honor, the na tion's highest award for valor. After the war Father O'CatIa han recorded his experiences in a book, "I Was Chaplain on the Franklin," which offers valu able eyewitness information on the events of March 19, 1945. At that time the Franklin was part of a huge fleet preparing to invade Ok!inawa on April 1. The carrier's planes were engaged in massive raids on Japanese air fields with the objective of de stroying as many enemy aircraft as possible, thus weakening Ja pan's defenses. The Japanese, meanwhHe, having been dislodged from is 'land aHer !island in the Pacific, had resorted to filling the air with "divine wind," the English translation of "Kamikaze," the famed Japanese suicide planes, piloted by young and inexperi enced airmen trained specifically as "human bombs" to fly oIbso lete planes loaded with explOS ives directly into American ships. Added ,to ,the kamikaze pilots were the conventional Japanese bombers. Such was the setting for the Franklin's ordeal, which began when she was hit by two bombs from a .plane that approached un detected at a !!peed of 300 miles per hour. The bombs ignlited huge fires that spread through out the ship, killing many. But this was only the beginning of the ca,tastrophe. An aircraft carrier is a f1oat 'ing arsenal with an enormous supply of bombs and rockets. At different times, these bombs ex ploded ibecause of the intense 'heat generated by the fires. Throughout the day, chadn re action explosions shook the ship and tore out huge hunks of steel. Sudden death struck everywhere. In a verY short time, explosions and fire accounted for over 1000 casualties. • ...
Father O'Callahan immediate ly responded by attending the wounded and dying, and pro viding comfort and encourage ment to men of all faiths. Many young men died in his arms. The wh,ite cross on his helmet was seen in all parts of a ship now beleaguered by death and suffering. As he described the flight deck, there were "flames as tall as towers and. smoke swelling to the clouds. Every where there were burned and mangled bodies, .the stench of burned flesh, and the groans of the wounded and the silence of death." A man of great faith, he knew that his strength was the power of the cross, and he felt that ,the cross on his helmet inspired men of all faiths to follow him ;in his efforts to save human life and Ithe ship itself. As the explosions continued, Father's leg was gashed, and he was constantly in danger of be ing hit with huge chunks of fly ing steel. Nevertheless, he con tinued his heroic efforts: organ izing groups to get blankets for the wounded, searching for vic tims, and dragging them out of the smoke and flames. In addi tion, he manned a hose ,to cool armed bombs rollng dangerously on the listing deck. And still the explosions continued; the suffo cating smoke grew thicker. Soon the Franklin lost all power and lay dead in the water, a crippled and burning hulk dritit ing toward Japan. At this pOIint the most tremendous blast occurred: "A five-inch ready ser vice magazine blew up. The ship felt like a rat being shaken by an angry cat. Whole aircraft en gines with 'propellers attached, debris of all description, includ ing 'Pieces of human bodies, hurtled into the air and then des cended like hail upon a roof." There seemed ,no end to the Frankin's agony. The forward gun turret, where hundreds of rounds of five-inch shells were stored, posed a horrible threat. If these shells exploded, the ship could be blown apart. Father 0' Callahan, in the midst of sear ing and suffoca-ting smoke~ or ganized and directed the jettison ing of this Jive ammunition. IJt was heroic conduct such as this that prompted the disting-' guished naval historian Samuel Eliot Morison to remark: "There would have been 300 more kJiIl ed but for the heroic work of Lt. Commander Joseph T. O'Cal lahan U.S.N.R., the ship's chap 'lain, who not only administered last rites, but organized' and di rected firefighting parties and led two sailors below to wet down a 5-inch magazine that threatened ,to explode." Fortunately for the Franklin, the U.S.S. Pittsburgh arrived during the afternoon and took her under tow. After the Frank lin's engineers restored power, she was able to proceed. slowly on her own. 'Next day, Father O'Callahan officiated at services consigning the bodies of the dead to the Pacific. t.. .., .. ,
.t • • ' , . . . . . . ~
•• "
EventuaHy the Franklin, by far the most heavily damaged carrier
. in the war, made its way back to
Brooklyn, N.Y. There was no
precedent in the annals of sea
warfare for a capital ship re
turning to port af,ter such severe
damage. Many of. the crew received decorations for valor but the highest award went to Father O'Callahan, conferred on him !by President Harry S Truman. The heroic chaplain had taught at Holy Cross College before the war and upon discharge he re ,turned there. In 1964 he died and is buried in the Jesuit ceme tery on campus. On the 40th anniversary of his heroic deeds it seems appropri ate to quote his own words: "Whatever I did was given me to do. It was done from Faith, which is a gift,"
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THE ANCHOR-Di~cese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 15, 1985
Grandpa 'd'rinks ~·lot
rather simply, without causing too many hurt feelings or a danger to Dear Dr. Kenny; My husband's them.' . father is an alcoholic. My husband I do not think you should stop and his mother say that his father bringing your children by to visit can stop any time; therefore, he's not their grandparents. Avoiding a visit an alcoholic. would probably anger your hus We have two small children, and I, band, hurt your mother-in-law and deprive your children. drop by now and then with them. He has been drunk, and has wanted to When you do visit your in-laws, hold our baby. 1 am so afraid he will however, stay with your children, want to take our 6-year-old driving especially if your father-in-law with him. Must 1 give him our appears to have had too much to darling sons? This bothers me drink. While your presence may not stop him from d~inking, you will be terribly. there to profect your children if the A. Your letter raises two issues; whether' your father-inclaw is an need shbuld arise. . If you are concerned, don't let him alcoholic and how you cat:! protect play with the children at that time. your children. ' Certainly you must refuse to let him Apparently you have already take your son for a ride. Say no. addressed ,the first matter. You have Gently but firmly, take your baby talked openly about your father-in away from him if granddad appears law's drinking, and your husband unable to hold him properly. and mother-in-law are not suppor Do not argue with him about his tive of confronting the drinking drinking at this time. It is futile to directly. I doubt that you can pursue attempt serious discussions of con this issue further at this time. frontations with someone who has The second' matter, however, is one been drinking. Simply, and in as nice over which you do have personal a way as possible, get occupied with control. You can protect your your children yourself. Find some children. And I think you can do so thing for your son to play with. Hold By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
and rock the baby. Sing a song to them. In short, do something your self with the children. If that does not solve the imme diate problem, then you must leave. Tell your husband how you feel beforehand. Then leave with as much grace as possible - with the spoken understanding that you will 'be back' soon, when things are better. This may be hard to do, but it is better than the worry you have now and better than separating yourself completely from your husband's parents. Taking the middle path and acting with prudence is often a most diffi cult choice. It may seem easier to go to the extreme, that is, stay away until and unless your' father-in-law stops drinking. However, in the interest of preserving and develop' ing family relationships as best you can, I suggest you travel the middle path. Readers' questions on family liv ing a'nd child care to be answered in print are invited. Address The Ken nys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
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By Msgr. George G. Higgins How does one awaken the con science of those Catholics "tone deaP' to Catholic social teaching? Paulist Father John Sheerin, a former colleague and well-known Catholic columnist, posed that"ques tion some 20 years ago. His answer: Active, intelligent and truly informed participation in the liturgy is the primary means of developing a social conscience and social consciousness among Catholics. Too many Catholics, Father Sheerin suggested, think of religion as worship of God that begins and ends in the privacy of the soul. While going to Mass regularly, they are content to leave their neighbor out in.the cold like the man in the Gospel left half dead on the road to Jericho and passe<l by without compunction by men who were thought to be and presumably considered them selves to be - holy men. Father Sheerin argued that the liturgical practice of too many Catholics is excessively individualis tic and, in this respect, falls short of the ideals set forth in Vatican Coim cil II's Constitution on the Liturgy. That document, he pointed out, requires that divine worship be primarily worship in which.the faith ful become aware not only of God's presence, but also of others and their needs.
social conscience of the faithful if. . , If, for example, the liturgy is properly explained with all its impli cations, social as well as strictly doc trinal. Without such an explanation a person can go to Mass and Com munion every day and yet fail to learn many of the lessons which theoretically can, and should, be learned from the liturgy. Other things being equal, a con gregation steeped in the church's liturgical life will be more socially conscious and better prepared to make sound moral judgments in economic and political life than one that is not. But the other things have to be equal. The liturgy is not a substitute for socioeconomic education or for the art of politics, which requires com mon sense, practical experience an~ a knowledge of socioeconomic prob lems, principles of sociology, eco nomics, politics and ethics. To expect the liturgy, even when lived most intensely, to make up for a lack
of any of these elements would be to expect the impossible. St. Augustine put it very well cen turies ago: "It is not only your tongue that praises God; the works of your hands must be in tune with your voice. After a time, your tongue becomes silent; sing by your life, and your praise will never cease . . . . When you play the kettledrum or the zither, your hands sing as well as your voice. When you sing'Alleluia,' you must also feed the hungry, clothe the naked and house the stranger. Then it is not your\ voice only that resounds; your hands keep time with it."
This, I think, was precisely Father Sheerin's hope: that Catholics will worship in such a way that the works of their hands - their works' of social justice and social charity 'Yill be in tune with the prayers and hymns and canticles they recite or chant around the altar of sacrifice.
'No major hurdles'
ROME (NC) - Vatican offi cials presented "no major hurd les" to the content of the U.S. bishop' proposed pastoral letter The council said liturgical services on the economy, said Archbishop Rembert G. Weakla~d of Mil are not private functions, but cele brations of the church, which is the' waukee, chairman of the com sacrament of unity. In one 'sense, mittee drafting the letter. The archbishop, jn Rome for Father Sheerin concluded, the Mass talks with officials of the Ponti gives peace of mind to the wor fical Commission for Justi~e and shiper, but "in a higher and holier Peace, said the Vatican is· eager sense, it rouses conscience and to hear the bishops' views. "I go makes it. mighty uncomfortable away quite pleased" from the aboUl" the troubles of God's talks', he said. children." , The archbishop came to Ita'ly Father Sheerin's point is well for .informal talks with Vatican taken, but' subject, I believe he commission officials and to get would agree, to cert.ain qualifica European opinion on the' first tions. draft of the pastoral, released Active, intelligent and informed Nov. II. Some European observers saw participation in the sacred liturgy social concepts in the draft simi should and will help to sensitize 'the
lar to those which led to the for mation of Christian Democratic parties in Europe after World War II, he said. However, one European criti cism in tha't the draft lacks a theoretical definition of capital ism, he added. "There is a more theoretical approach to things in Europe. We are more empirical," he said. The criticism is not going to change the approach of his com mittee, added 'the archbishop, be cause "there is no real single definition of capitalism. There are as many manifestations as people who ,use it." The draft pastoral letter has drawn criticism from U.S. gov ernment officials and conserva tive Catholics who say it is too critical of capitalism.
Prelates deny discord,
express mutual support
(NEW YORK) - Archbishop John J. O'Connor of New York and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chi cago complimented each other last week for their work on pro-life and war and peace issues and said they were "saddened"and "disappointed" by criticisms of the other. Appearing together on a neW tele vision program in New York, Con versations'with the Archbishop, and also in a subsequent press confer ence, Archbishop O'Connor and Car dinal Bernardin denied suggestions that they have been at odds on the U.S. bishops' war and peace pa~- , toral or on their approaches to the abortion issue. Archbishop O'Connor, who was a member ofihe committee chaired by Cardinal Bernardin which drafted the 1983 war and peace pastoral, said during the television program that, contrary to some rumors, he approved the final document. He also said he "never worked so' hard in my life" as on that committee. Cardinal Bernardin said it "sad dens me that some people reported the two were at odds on the pastoral and that Archbishop O'Connor, chief of Navy chaplains, tried to block it. "Nothing could be further from the truth," the cardinal said. It was the "intense" discussions within the committee that enabled the pastoral to draw a consensus of support from the whole body of bishops in the end, he said. Archbishop.o'Connor, observing that Cardinal Bernardin had invited. him to serve on the U.S. bishops" Committee for Pro-Life Activities, which Cardinal Bernardin now heads,
praised the cardinal as a pioneer in pro·life work. He said it' was "dissappointing" that some people felt Cardinal Ber nardin had "softened" his position on abortion by stressing a "seamless garment" of life-related i.ssues, such as war, abortion and capital punish ment. "I get very upset, when I get letters to that effect," Cardinal ~ernardin said. "I think I have strengthened our position." Archbishop O'Connor said it was "most unfortunate" that people bat tle each other in the church over such issues, and went on to note that a "big church" and "big world" had room enough for all people to work in their various ways to protect the innocent and the slJffering. "My conviction is that the most vulnerable is the unborn infant,' Archbishop O'Connor said. "I think I'll continue to ~isk being known as a one-issue person. " On the peace pastoral and the pas toral on the U.S" economy currently being developed by another commit~ tee of bishops, Archbishop O'Con nor and Cardinal Bernardin agreed that in debate over particular strate gies that are endorsed in each pas toral people have failed to give suffi cient attention to the basic principles enunciated in each pastoral's first section. "In Chicago, many people are not benefiting from our economy," Car dinal Bernardin said .•" I tell critics of the economics pastoral in its draft form, 'If you disagree with thepru dentialjudgments, tell me what you think should be done.' "
THE ANCHOR-I" ' Friday, Mar. 15, .1985
Visited Fall River
I always read letters to the edi tor. In the past couple of months, several letters in a diocesan paper distressed me. They were by peo ple who expressed concern be cause their experience of going to Mass was not one of community but alienation. In one leiter a woman wrote: "Have you ever felt the sting of rejection? I experienced it at Thanksgiving Mass ... and it's something I will never forget. As I turned around and extended my "hand to the young family man sit ting behind me during the kiss of peace, he withdrew his hand and told me that I had 'ruined the Mas{for,him. I was there with m'y daughter and her two little girls, ages 1 and 2, who had disturbed h1· m. " As the woman,left in hysterics with the two babies, he snarled at her, "Why bother to leave now, why don't you stay and ruin the rest of the Mass for meT' In another letter, a man expressed his severe loneliness and sense of alienation at Mass. His wife had died many months ago and he h'ad not yet com~ to terms with this. He called a hospice to
see if there was a bereavement 'counseling group he could join. Whoever answered said curtly he'd "never ,heard of such a group." The widower wondered why no one from the parish he belonged to for 33 years had even tried to visit him.. He was con . tacted, he adde<i, only to contrib ute to the bishops' fund and the parish didn't forget to send his env~lopes. The' man's bitterness :was evident. These letters express anguish the sense of defeat" one feels when promises are not kept. Christians are taught that the Mass is the gathering of all who belong to the body of Christ. At church we reaffirm our·connection as peqple of God. Indi,vidually we are each important.But together we become a sum far greater than its parts.~e become a church. ' The experience of going to Mass then should be one of renewal and joy. It should lead to a sense of being nourished and recharged with the life force of Christ. The letter writers I've cited express hurt because they aren't feeling the healing, energizing life they're supposed to feel from the community they belong to. And that's sad.
by the Catholic Worker movement in the inner city. ' ' In an interview with The Anchor' last September, on the occasion of visiting the Fall River diocese to present a CHD grant to the Bristol County Employment Organizing Project, Father Mottet described his ,1 life at St. Francis Catholic Worker 'oJ House in the nort.hwest section of Washington. He said the house can accommo date lip to eight street men and , women, who may stay for one night or many months. During thei,r stay, staff members attempt to rehabili tate them, but successes are few, he said. He has been St. Francis House's chief fundraiser and also, the only staff ·member with a salaried posi tion, from which he has contributed generously to running expenses. He celebrates MjlsS daily at the h,ouse and also works in its vegetable gar den. "Rich people go the the golf course; MOTTET I go to the garden," he commented. During his tenure at CH D, Father Mottet was sharply critical of fed eral budget cuts proposed by the Reagan adininistration, saying they were an example of a new "mean spiritedness" toward the poor in the United States. Father Mottet, a native of Ot nificent job in bringing the CH'D to tumwa, Iowa, holds a master's degree its most successful level in 'history," in social work from the University of said Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, general Iowa. Prior to becoming CH D exec secretary of the U.S. Catholic Confer utive director he directed the Social ence. Action Department of the Daven , Msgr. Hoye said Father Mottet's port diocese. personal life also "has given elo quent witness to the Christ-like love • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 which underlies the campaign and GOD'S ANtHbR HOLDS gives it reason for being." Since moving to Washington Father Mottet ? ? has lived in communities operated
Father Mottet, CHD head, returning to Iowa WASHINGTON (NC) - Father Marvin A. Mottet, executive direc tor of the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development, is leaving effective Aug. 15 to return to his home diocese of Davenport, Iowa. Father Mottet, 54, has/been exec utive director of the campaign, the U.S. bishops~ domestic anti-poverty program, s'ince 1978, the longest term ever for a director. "Father Mottet has done a mag-
He e1Ies Nit '
'Unloving parishes wound . hurting members By Antoinette Bosco
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THE A:NCHOR--=-Diocese of Fall River-'-Fri.~ Mar. 15, '1985
Legal principals and legal agents
, .
What have Doug Flutie, Mister Goodwrench and Senator Kennedy in common? Each is a legal prin cipal who employs legal agents. In fact, nearly everyone who has been involved in a business transac tion has been a legal principal who , employs a legal agent. When an appointed person - the agent acts on behalf of another - the principal - an agency relationship is created.
Doug Flutie, in addition to find ing space for his Heisman Trophy, also'needed to find 'an agent to nego tiate his player contract. Many other members of the busi ness community are legal agents. For example, if Mr. Goodwrench employs other mechanics at his ser vice station, they are his agents. He is responsible for their conduct dur ing the term of their employment at his station and would be liable for injury to a·customeror a customer's property caused by a wrongful act committed by the mechanic in the course of his employment. An injured customer can sue either the 'principal (Mr. Good wrench) or the agent (the mechanic). The injured party will almost always' sue the principal because the princi pal usually will be in a better finan~ cial position, thus able to afford a larger damages judgment. If the principal must pay for an injury, however, he or she is entitled to ' reimbursement from the agent. Senator Kennedy and anyone else who has employed a lawyer or a real estate broker has employed a lellal agent. Attorneys and brokers, like all agents, are employed to render a service for the benefit of the princi- . pal. Any relationship between a principal and his agent is a fiduciary one. This means. that the agent must act in good faith and must always be concerned with the principal's interest.
For example, an attorney has the authority to bind his client as long as he protects that client's substantive rights. Similarly, a real estate broker must account to his principal for any profits received while the agency relationship exists; so if you hire a real estate broker to collect rents on your property, he must account for every sum he collects frqrn your tenants. If you are selling your house, the real estate broker must tell you the actual price at which your house sold and account for that sum. An agent may receive compensa tion for his services, but compensa tion will depend upon the terms of his or her contract. Attorneys may charge an hourly rate, while brokers usually work on commission. How ever, in Massachusetts, a real estate broker is entitled to his commission only if: I) he produces a customer ready,' willing and able to buy the pPOperty upon the terms of the principal; 2) the customer enters into a binding cont"ract with the principal; and 3) the customer closes the title, thus c~mpleting the trans action. An agent possesses authority _to, bind his principal by a contract if this right is expressly conferred in the agency agreement or if it can be
reasonably implied from the circumstances. Courts distinguish between general agents and special agents. An insurance agent, for example, is a general agent. He has authority to do any act incidental to the selling of insurance, including the arranging of premium financing. A real estate broker, however, is ~ special agent. He possesses no power to bind his principal beyond the lim itations conferred by his agency contract. Courts do not require an agency relationship to be drafted in any par ticular form; it may be created by a written document, an oral agree-· ment or by the conduct of the par ties. In a few situations, the law will impose an agency relatipnship by necessity..
One aspect of agency law,which is helpful to buyers is the use of an undisclosed principal. This strategy frequently arises in the auction of real estate to be developed by the winning bidder. A "big name" player may not want to disclose interest in the parcel for sale; so that person or comp.any sends a "no name" agent to bid on its behalf. The big name fears that disclosure of interest will drive up the price of the parcel.
If you have ever hired the kid down the street to mow your lawn or shovel snow, you.have participated in another type of agency relation ship. You hav~ hired an independent contractor. An independent contractor is someone' who agrees to perform a service for the principal, but his physical conduct is not controlled by the principal. In this type of rela The rise of the modern corpora tion has stretched the doctrines of tionship, the employer is not liable agency law. It would be ridiculous to' to a third party for injuries caused by hold the president of General the independent contracto·r. Motors liable for every wrongful act An agency relationship may be committed by its thousands of terminated at any time by either employees. Instead, courts require party, provided that the termination the president of any large enterprise is in good faith. The death of either to establish adequate control mea party, or the insanity or bankruptcy sures so that all employees in the of the principal will also terminate firm will be properly supervised and the agency. accountable to various levels of The Murphys practice law in Braintree. management. f?
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Education for responsibility NCEA convention theme
By Stephenie Overman
the student ... the whole gamut. When you walk into the school you WASHINGTON (NC) - Educat feel it." ing Catholics to meet their responsi This Catholic school environment -bilities to the world around them is the theme of the 1985 National can encourage and strengthen the students but it should confront and Catholic Educational Association convention in St. Louis April 8 - II. challenge them as well, she said. Father Francis b. Kelley, execu Keynote speakers Robert Muller, tive director of the NCEA depart U. N. assistant secretary-gene.ral, ment of religious education, also and scientist Carl Sagan will address sees a need to challenge people' the convention's theme, "Gateway through all forms of Catholic educa- ' to Global Understa~ding." tion - Catholic schools, CCD pro ·Sister Judith Coreil, NCEA grams, adult education. assistant director for curriculum The theme of the convention ties development and a Sister of the in with Pope Paul II's call for a pre Marianites of the Holy -Cross, ferential option for the poor, Father believes Catholic education must Kelly believes, a theme that is diffi- ' expand the vision of students cult for many Americans to beyond the boundaries of neighbor understand. hood and nation. "We have to educate about the Christian obligation both to "Students have to leave us know ing about other cultures and adding respond to the symptoms/and work a Christian dimension" to that on the underlying problems" of proverty and injustice, he said. knowl~dge, Sister Coreil said in a "It's a challenge to education" pre-convention interview. because a preferential option for. the She wants Catholic education to poor means one t~ing to missionar make teachers and students look not only to the present world bilt 'also to' ies in Third Woild .countries "but what does it mean to us? In the Uni the future. ted States it's countercultural," "What -knowledge, skills, Father Kel.ly said in an interview. attitudes will our current students "Many of our own, people resent have to have in the year 2020?" she the allocation of resources to pro asked. "What will the church be like, what will the country be like? We grams for the disadvantaged need to look beyond ourselves, to oftentimes out of lack of awareness of the real situation," he said. "There study trends, to forecast, to give the is an attitude of'let them make it like world a nudge." we had to.'" Catholic education's unique iden Father Kelly suggested that class -tity puts it ina position "to create a room discussion of how to live Gos wholeness, a sense of integration in pel values might start with an analy people's lives," according to Sister sis of advertising because "many of Coreil, and what makes a Catholic the young people in our programs school environment unique "is the are multiplying their luxury posses sense of relationship, the quality· of sions (stereos, home computers, the relationship b,etween the teacher wardrobes) with Iitt!e awareness of and the student, the principal and , the degree to which cynical advertis
ing approaches create false needs and desires." One session at the NCEA conven tion will focus on the missions, Father Kelly said, "because we have lost the sense that we have a precious thing to share - faith." School Sister of Notre Dame Carleen Reck, director of the NCEA elementary education department, said her department will interweave four strands at the convention world, school, classroom and home.
"We need to deal with the many worlds of the child," she said in an interview before the convention. Sister Reck said elementary edu cation sessions at the NCEA con ven'tion will deal with a variety of topics, such as programs on cross cultural awareness and programs for gifted children, as well as with the report,s on excellence in education that have been publicized within the last year.
Church natu'ral mediator, he says has "natural pipelines of infor BRATTLEBORO, Vt. ~NC) The Catholic Church can be an _ mation" that can help it under stand a culture. effective mediator in conflict reSOlution, and should seek to "If you can resolve some of promote. peace without taking these cultural conflicts . . . it sides, a Jesuit expert in interna help!! toward resolution" of po tional mediation has suggested. litical conflicts, he said. -Father Richard Ryscavage, 38, "All life is political," Father a staff member of the 'Experi· Ryscavage added, "It's part of _' ment in International Living School in Brattleboro, says the being human. If you cut -off poli church is a "natural" for con tics, you cut off part of human' growth." flict resolution. ,It can effectively mediate be cause - without, governmen tal structures and mi'litary clout it is not seen as, a threat, he said in an interview with the Vermont Catholic Tribune, Bur lington diocesan newspaper.
As part of his job, Father Rys cavage (inds ,appropriate stu dents from developing nations to study at ·the school and locates scholarships for them. The jesuit, whose credentials include a master's degree ,in in ternational administration from the same school, said the church
Meditation, however, which [s "third - party intervention," avoids being Rolitical or taking sides, he said. "You have to lis ten to all sides even if you don't particularly agree with them per· sonally. "I think the church has a' great deal of influence in certain areas that it can use to reduce levels of violence in various parts of the world," he added. Vatican mediation in a dis putebetween Chile and Arger. tina has been credited with 'pre venting war between the' two nations.
,teering pOint,· CATHOLIC SCOUTING Annual Boy Scout retreat: May 3 to 5, St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. Retreat Master: Father ~ames Ferry, O.L. Mt. Carmel par Ish, New Bedford. Boys wishing to attend may call Father Stephen Sal vador, 673-2402. DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC NURSES "The Elderly ... and Loneliness," a program presented by Dr. James S. Peace, chairman of the national advisory committee on community services for the American Associa- . tion of Retired persons; host of "Senior Forum," a weekly television show; and past executive director of Cape-Islands Home Care, will be sponsored by the council March 23 at the Family Life Center, North Darmouth. Registration, 12:30 p.m. program I to 4 p.m., followed by Mass at 4:15 p.m. Topics to be covered: information on demo graphy of the aged as relevant to nurses; information on physical, mental social changes of age; role of self-help organizations; the distinc tion between lonefiness and being alone. CEUs have been applied for. Further information: Patricia Lackey RN, 252 Blackstone St., Fall River 0272 I. ST. PATRICK, FR Youth group day of recollection: I :30 to 6:30 p.m. March 24, rectory. Parish families are needed to sponsor Cambodian refugees fleeing persecution and possible d/lath in their ow~ country. Information at rectory. ST. JULIE, N.DARTMOUTH Two meetings at 7:30 p.m. March 19, Family Life Center: for those who are separated, divorced, remar ried, or would like to help someone who is: "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Catholic Church and Divorce and Remarriage" by Rev. Marc H. Bergeron; for those who are widowed or would like to help someone who is: "Building a Positive Self Image" by Imelda Vez ina, director of New Bedford Widowed Support Group. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN March 19 a special Mass at 9:30 a.m. will honor the parish patron, St. Joseph. All welcome. The parish school has room for pre-schooleI's and second graders. for tIle 1985-86 school year. Infor mation: 996-1983. Congratulations to parishioner Nancy Medeiros who won the state championship in the 50-yard dash at a recent meet. She's the first ever female Fairhaven state track champ. Evangelization talk lOa. m. March 20 by Father Ray Kemp of the Washington archdiocese. Informa tion on location of talk available at rectory. "From This Day Forward," pres entation on making a good marriage better: 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 24, school gym. CCD registrations for 1985-86: 9 to II a.m. March 23, school.
NOTICE' Weekly we receive several Steer Ing Points announcements too late. for publication. Considering the likelihood of delays In the mall, please try to send announcements to reach us by Monday for Friday pub lication. If you think they might not make the deadline, please telephone' us at 675·7048 Monday, Thursday and Friday; 679·3426 Tuesday and Wednesday (when we're at the printer). If you call on Wednesday, however, try to make it between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m., since that's deadline day. Arter'9 a.m., we guarantee 1II0thing!
O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Miracle Kitchen/ Shelter Inter faith Readings and Meditation: 7:30 p.m. March 18, O.L. Victory rectory chapel. All welcome. Meeting for boys and parents interested in organization of a parish Cub pack and Boy Scout troop: 7:30 p.m. March 20, parish center. CYO meeting: following high school CCD session 5 to 7 p.m. March 17. ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT Penance service: 7 p.m. March 26. . Gratitude goes to a former pari shioner who made a $1,000 donation to a new school boiler after attend ing and being deeply touched by a recent Memories Sunday in the parish. Women's Guild: Mass and dinner 5:30 p.m. March 25, Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth. CHRISTIAN CITIZEN COALITION A Christian Citizen Coalition concerned with restoration of tradi tional moral values in government, schools and the media is being organized in the New Bedford area. Information: Christian Citizen Coa lition, 912 Church St., New Bedf9rd, 02745. ST. ANTHONY, MA1'TAPOISETT Evening of prayer imd recollec tion: 7 t08 p.m. March 20. Topic: We are on the Way ofthe Cross with Jesus, the Lamb of God. This night's time of prayer and reflection is led by the Lord on his way to Calvary. It is presented through slides, recorded music and narration. Come 'along the way and hear Mary ask, "What have they done to my son?" Parishioners donated 17 boxes of clothing to the Texas'parish of Father Larry Morrison, former associate pastor. ST. JOHN EVANGElLIST, POCASSET Stations of the Cross and Bene diction: 7:30 p.m.> each Friday of ~nt. ' "Vincentians: meeting March 17 following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Women's Guild: meeting 7:30 p.m. 19. An Easter musicale, "Hosanna," including narration and contempor ary and traditional music, will be
presented by the Saints and Singers Chorus at 3 p.m. March 31. ,ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FR Adult education program: 7:30 p.m. March 28, filmstrip tracing development of the. sacrament of penance. Pe'nance service: 7 p.m. April 3. ST. STANISLAUS, FR A Lenten retreat was held in the school this week, concluding at 10:30 this morning with Mass. Confirmation candidates recollec tion night: 6 to 9 p.m. March 18. A pro-life film, "The Silent Scream," will be shown in the school at 7:45 p.m. March 20, following evening Mass. ST. JAMES, NB Confirmation candidates will bring letters of request to II a.m. Mass . March 17. SACRED HEART, N. ATTLEBOR'O With the forthcoming retirement of Miss Lilliane Labrie, organist for 32 years, a replacement is needed and those interested are asked to contract Rev. Roger D. LeDuc, pastor. Bible study series: in chapel fol lowing 7 p.m. Mass each Tuesday. Father Bernard Baris of LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, will alternate in celebration of weekend Masses. Lenten daily Masses: noon and 7 p.m.
D of I, NB Hyacinth Circle, Daughters of Isabella: meeting 7:30 p.m. March 19, K of C hall; baby shower for Birthright. BREAD OF LIFE, FR This prayer community, meeting at Blessed Sacrament Church, will sponsor "F,oundations: A Course in Basic Christian Maturity" beginning tonight following 7:30 prayer meet ing. Open to all who have completed the Life in the Spirit seminar. The community will sponsor a retreat June 28 to 30 at Corpus Christi retreat house, Newport. Open to all. Information: Fred Demetrius, 644 2375. CATHEDRAL MUSnC -Organ recital following 12:05 p.m. Mass March 19: Glenn Giuttari, cathe~ral director of music.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-':'Fri. MadS, 1985 Those wishing to participate may drop a note in the church suggestion box giving name, telephone number and talent. Nominations for parish council members at large may be dropped in the collection basket at Masses this weekend. A plan for proposed church reno vations has been formulated by the parish council and Father Louis Boivin, pastor, and may be seen by any parishioner on request. Monthly holy hour: 7 p.m. March 24.
SERRA CLUB, ATTLEBORO . The club will sponsor a spaghetti dinner for all Attleboro area altar boys at 7 p.m. March 24 at St. John's school hall, Attleboro; guest speaker TAUNTON DEANERY Mike Ruth. Father Kevin Harrington, Anchor First communion: 10:30 a.m. Mass columnist and associate pastor at St. March 17. Joseph's parish, Taunton, is present ing " The Seamless Garment," a MEMORIAL HOME, FR Lenten series on contemporary moral Residents attended a St. Patrick's ity, at 7 p.m. each Friday on Taun Day party last night with entertain ton cable channel 27. The program is ment by the Charlie Graham group. recorded live at Coyle-Cassidy High School each Tuesday of Lent, also at DOMINICAN LAITY, FR 7p.m.· . Meeting of O.L. of Rosary chap ter scheduled for March 12 has been VINCENTIANS, TAUNTON After hearing an explanation by rescheduled for March 19, begin the Rev. Thomas Crum, rector of St. ning with Mass at I :30 p.m. at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, of the Anne's rectory chapel. Members will workings of "Our Daily Bread," a meet their new director, Father soup kitchen recently opened in St. Martin Dionne, OP. Thomas' parish house, Vicentians pledged assistance in the form of K orc workers, food and money. Massachusetts State Council of "Our Daily Bread," at liS High the Knights of Columbus will hold Street, Taunton, is open from noon an educational pro-life congress to 1:30 p.m. each Monday, Wednes Saturday, March 16, at the Chris day and Friday; feeding about 25 tian Formation Center,' 475 River persons each day. Mr. Crum, stress Road, Andover. The program will ing that it fills a need for conpanion include speakers, film and slide ship as well as food, said that all are presentations and exhibits. It will welcome to the meals. conclude with a Mass concelebrated Donations may be brought to the by Bishop Lawrence J. Riley and parish house office from 9 a.m. to presentation of an award to Boston noon and I to 3:30 p.m. Monday Archbishop Bernard F. Law. Infor through Friday. . mation: 453-7446; 528-1962; 298 Vincentians from 15 area parishes 8778. heard Mr. Crum at their monthly council meeting. ST. THOMAS MORE,SOMERSET Parish mission March 18 through CURSILLO MOVEMENT ~ I, beginning with 9 a.m. Mass Cursillo Evening of Reconcilia daily. March 18: Lenten program tion: penance service 7: 15 p.m. March for CCD students: 2:45 to 3:45 p.m.; 21, St. Patrick's Church, Wareham. 7:30 p.m. presentation by Rev. ESPIRITO SANTO, FR Richard Beaulieu, "What It Means English Lenten program: 7 p.m. To Be Church in 1985"; March 19, March 17, parish hall. exposition of Blessed Sacrament all Parish Vincentians are willing to day following 9 a.m. Mass; CCD aid anyone in need of eyeglasses and Lenten program 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.; having difficulty obtaining them. 7:30 p.m. presentation on "Prayer in Information: one of the priests or Catholic Life" followed by evening Carlos Oliveira, Vincentian president. prayer and Benediction; March 20: PariSh mission: 7 p.m. March 18 penance service 7:30 p.m. with Father through 20, preached by Rev. Edward James Fitzpatrick celebrating Mass Correira, chaplain at St. Luke's and speaking on sin and forgiveness; Hospital, New Bedford. March 21: morning prayer following Lenten mission in Portuguese: 9 a.m. Mass; closing Mass 7:30 p.m., March 25 to 29, preached by Father with Father Stephen J. Avila as Leonel Oliveira da Cruz, C.SS.R. celebrant and homilist, speaking on the Eucharist. BL. SACRAMENT, FR Recollection day for confirmation candidates: 4 to 7 p.m. March 27, ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Parish women are invited to attend convent. a meeting of the Federation of Penance service for first commun ion candidates: 7 p.m. March 31, Women's Church Societies at 2 p.m. March 18 at the Unitarian Memorial small chapel. MASS. CITIZENS FOR LIFE, NB Church Parish House. A slide Lec An Alternatives to Abortion night ture on Austria will be presented by will be presented at 7 p.m. March 21 Louise Strougman. on the third floor of the downtown public library in New Bedford. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Donations of canned goods, drug Speakers will be Rev. Thomas L. Rita, Fall River diocesan director of store items and stationery supplies the Pro-Lofe Apostolate; Mrs. Claire for Franciscan missions in Ghana O'Toole of diocesan Catholic Social may be left at the rear of the church Services; an~ representatives of at weekend Masses. Choose .Life, Birthright and Rhode
Island Right to Life. All will present S1I'. JOHN BAPTlST,NB options rather than abortion open to "The Silent Scream," a pro-life women with unwanted pregnancies. film, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. March 23 to Holy ·Name Society ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, members. SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne: open meeting ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH 7:30 p.m. March 20, parish hall. A St. Patrick's Eve Mass with Natalie Rammel of the Mansfield Irish music at 7 p.m. March 16 will police department will present a film be followed by a Women's Guild and commentary on prevention of sponsored Irish singalong in the down rape and other crimes. The Ladies stairs church hall. Coffee and Irish plan a variety show for May and breads will be served. seek talented young parishioners.
ST. ANNE, FR Scout committee meeting: 6:25 p.m. March 31, school. K of C, MANSFU:LD George C. Shields Council will present a multimedia program on the Shroud of Turin at 6 p.m. March 23 at Mansfield Middle School. To be conducted by Clayton F. Bower Jr., who has given lectures on the shroud since 1975, the evening will include a slide-lecture, music, a dis play of art and a question period. Information: William J. Higgins Jr., .339-9670. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Women's Guild: meeting March 19. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The rosary is recited daily follow ing 8 a.m Mass at Orleans. Women's guild communion break fast: in parish hall following 10 a.m. Mass April 28. Sister Dymphna, RSM, of the pastoral care depart· ment of Cape Cod Hospital, Hyan nis, will speak. All parish women welcome. Volunteers needed for sanctuary and sacristy work at both St. Joan of Arc and Visitiation church. Gratitude is expressed to the fam ily of the late Robert M. Kelly for vestments given in his memory. SACR.ED HEART, FR Sacred concert, including Stations of the Cross: 2:30 p.m. March 24 in church, including readings and music directed by Denise Morency Gan non. All welcome. Seasonal music for the feast of St. Patrick by harpist Nancy Miles will be heard during and ].0 minutes before 4 p.m. Mass March 16; Clover Club members will sing at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday and will meet follow ing Mass for a communion break fast in the school cafeteria. The Women's Guild is offering the Rose E. Sullivan scholarship to the child of an active member. Informa tion and application blanks are avail able at area high schools. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Father Richard Delisle, MS, will direct a retreat the week of March 17. With the theme "Come back to me; be not afraid!" he will preach at all Masses this weekend at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. each weekday through Thursday. Opportunities for private
counseling will be available and a
reconciliation service will be held the
evening of March 20. IDEAl!" APOSTOlLATE Mass 2 p.m. March -31, Palm Sunday, St. Anne's Hospital chapel, Fall River. A social hour will follow. Penance service; 7 to 9 p.m. March 23, also at St. Anne's chapel. A sign language manual is avail able in Spanish and a Portuguese edition is in preparation.- Informa tion: 674-5741, ext. 413; TTY 679 8373. HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY Free legal counseling for area res idents 60 and older is available through Bristol County Home Care for the Elderly. Information: Jean nette Tidwell, 675-3700 or 1-800-462 4632. HOl.Y NAME, !FR First penance: 2 p.m.. March 30; first communion 9 a.m May II. NOTRE DAME, FR A gold chalice has been donated
to the parish by Roger Pichette in memory of his son Richard. Women's Guild: meeting and pas try demonstration by George Rat cliffe beginning 7: 15 p.m. March 25. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE High school parishioners and their. friends invited to a movie at 7 tonight in the CCD center. Snacks for shar ing are welcomed.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 15,,1985
,think about what we can,do. Hunger is a complex problem. War" problems with food distri buticm and transportation, and the ups and, downs of ·interna tional politics are among the fac tors that keep food from the hungry. ' , , Yet in spite of the, complexity of the problem, .there are many things that young people can do , By, Charlie Martin ' , to help. Often youth are ingen ious atfindirig ways to address DO, THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS, problems,' particularly when friends band together in youth It's Christmas~ and there'S,DO need t~be,afraid
groups, high school' religion At Christmastbne, we let in life and' banish hate '
classes or scouts. "In our,world of plenty we can spread a smlIe of joy
I encourage such groups to for ., Throw Your arms aroUnd the world at Christmastime
mulate a plllD of involvement _ ' But say a prayer, pray for the otlier ones
to make an ongoing- commitment At Christmastime it's1w'd '
for 1985. This could involve your But when you're having fun
group in educational opportuni There's a, world 'outside yoUi'wiildow And it's ~ world of ,tragic fear ties, discussions of ways to in fluence the political prOCess and Wher~ the ,only water floWing 'plans to raise money. .' Istbe bitter sting of tears .' , Certainly .the 'educational as Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you' ; pect is, important. Overcoming.' And there wco't be snow In Africa this Cbristmastiine hunger depellds· on' understand-, The greatest gift they'll get this year is 'life ing its causes and problems: Where nothinlg ever Pows . Most communities have a No rain or river flows
,Breai:l .for the World or other Do they know it's Cbrlstmastlme at all
hunger-awareness organization· ,Give to you - raise 'a, glass for" everyOne
and could send someone to talk Give to them - underneath that, burning SUD
,to your' group. 'Education leads Do they know it's Christmastlme at all' .
to understanding'and with, under Feed the world, '
standing comes knowledge of Feed the world
hoW to plllD and act more effec Feed the world
tively. Let them' knoW it's Christmastime
Young 'people also can influ Feed the world
ence the' political process. Find Let the.n knCIW it's Christmastime
out how your representatives ,in , Feed the world'
Congress have voted on !hunger Feed the world
related issues. Sponsor write-ins Written and sung by Band Aid; all proceeds will assist famine at your school .or 'parish so peo relief ,pIe can express their concern on . . in Ethiopia.. . . hunger. BAND AID was, a' one-time generates more funds to' aid the You may be: surprised at the gathel'ing of the best-known Brit victiins of hunger. . attention a stack, of letters will ,ish rock stars, during Christmas
While Band Aid's song centers get from your representatives. . 1984. They record~ this song , on Christmas, the pr~lem of Finally, pray, for those suffer to help victims of hunger dn hunger is an everyday reality for ing from hunger: Ask God to give 'AfJ'lica. us the wisdom to solve the probtoo many people.· . If Band Aid were a real group, ' The song's message'· is clear: lems connected with hunger. they would be a cinch ,to' sell oUt "Feed the world." We' are inAddress, letters' to Charlie every concert. As the' song con vited, to recogniie our common Martin, 1218 ,S. 'RotherwOOd tinues to rise, in the charts, it bond' with hungfy people and to Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714.
What's on your mind?
MICHAEL DONLY, principal of Coyle 'and Cassidy High School, Taunton, awards $500 scholarships to, the four 'Incoming freshmen who scored highest on the'school's placement exam. From left, ~~rek Eddy, Jonathan Funke, David Melailson,. Kristen McMorrow, Donly.
Bishop Connolly' ,,~~:~~ce
is, captain for. the
,' Fajl River, Lodge of Elks Teen~ * * * .* Tomorrow Feehan tathers'and gers of the ,Month for Connolly, daughters will meet at Deme ~re '~hristina L. Pellechio and trie's Red Snapper restaurant dn Jeffrey P. Ryan. . Foxboro for dinner and dancing, highlighted by crowning .of a king and queen of the evening.
Bishop Feehan
[)ire~ted by Mrs. 13renda Lois elle, , majorettes at the Attle 'boro school have brought home Congratu'lations to, cheer three trophies recently. In com leaders at St. Joseph's School, petition at Old 'Rochester High·. Fairhaven, who placed second School, the varsity team won at the annual St. George's Cheer first place' in Class A competi leading Tournament held recent . tion 'and the junior varisty ly .in Shrewsbury. Out of 11 placed third in Class B compe squads the Fairhaven contingent tition. placed second in C1heerleading At B'.M.C. Durfee High School, and porn-porn divisions and won Fall River, the varsity again ,the pep and personality trophy. took first in Class' A competi The 12-girl team is coached hy tion. Joyce Sylvia and will defend its The varsity is heade4 by Mary 1984 title on April 14 at a New beth lI4cSaHy, captain, and Mau ,England state championship ra Neely, cocaptain, while Lori tournament in Providence.
don~t want us to do certain things but they no donger say 'don't do that.' "She ~ent on to say people are afraid to sound 0ld7fashioned,' no "with .it" and so on. She wished parents and others in charge of youth would come right out with a good, hard sermon now and then. "They are so afraid of not being popular or someth.ing," she added. .
Yes, what's wrong with a gOOd, tough sermon now and then? If we don't teU youth when they are doing the wrong thing, how will they know? We shOuld remember the word of Paul, that we are children of God in the midst of a crook~d and perverse generation and that it is possible for us to shine as Ughts in the world, holding fast to the word of life.
Courage ·Needed A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage." - Cardinal Richaro Cushing II
tv, movie news
By Bill Morrissette '
Father Donovan Game Thursday Lambert of the Attleboro area. Tony Abraham, chairman of the event since ;its inception in 1960, will be assisted in direction of the seniors by high school coaches Jack Carey of Durfee, Greg Tougas of New Bedford High, and 'Frank Stranick of Bishop Connolly. Gus Venice of FaU River South, Nick DeMarco of Mansfield, Bill Cobb of Som erset and Paul Labonte of New Bedford· will coach the CYO League team. Jack Kineavy again chairs the awards committee, assisted by Dave Mazzerella, a former South eastern Massachusetts University captain, and John Viveiros, a Merrimack College forward. After the game plaques will go to the first, second and third stars on each team. Leonel Ventura, Driscoll Rink, director, 'and Bob Richards, for mer Durfee coach will share master of ceremonies duties while Bill Kwarcinzki will be :the official scorer. Jim McCarthy, dean of area hockey referees, will be in charge of game officals. A special committee wiJ.l host the traditi(;mal postgame ban quet. Since 1961 the CYO Scholar ship Fund has provided scholar ships in the amount of $38,400 to 10 area recipients who have attended Boston College as a stipulation for the grant. They are: 1961, Douglas Mello and Paul Raymond; 1966, Terry Hamilton; 1971, Gilbert Lemaire; 1972, Greg Machado and Thomas Walsh; 1975, John Lynch; 1977, BrIan Landry; 1980, Robert Levesque; 1983, WiIliam Gagli ardi. A new scholarship in the amount of $6,000 will be made available in June, 1986.
Diocesan Hoop Playoffs In five regular-season games Fall River North was the loser to regular-season champion Fall River South but in the opener of ·their best-of-three semifinal in the postseason playoffs of the Bristol County cya Hockey Leag'ue, the North skaters turned things around and upset the Southies, 6-1, scoring four goals in that one game, more than they had been able to in all regularseason games. Steve Sullivan scored two goals, Gary Parsons, Scott Durocher, Bob Carroll and Bob
Pendrake scored for Fall River North, Pat 'McDonald for Fall River South. . In ·the other Driscoll Rink semifinal Mansfield, which fin ished runnerup ,in the regular season, defeated third-place New Bedford, 7-1. Don Briggs netted three goals, Rich Webster two and Kevin Boden one for Mans field. Chris Labonte netted the New 'Bedford goal. , The semifinals continue Sunday, also in :the Driscoli Rink, at 9 p.m. Third games, if needed, will be held March 24.
North Upsets South Diocesan basketball playoffs begin Sunday, March 24, in the Kennedy Cya Center, New Bed ford. Tlj.unton Preps will meet New Bedford at 1:30 p.m., 'Juniors from both cites will meet at 2:30 and Seniors at 3:30. The best-of-three series will continue Tuesday, March 26, in the Catholic Middle School,
With 27,000 Subscribers
It Pays To Advertise
portsWQtch The 12th annual Father Dono van Scholarship All-Star hockey game will be held at 7 p.m. March 21 in the iDriscoll Rink, Fall River. Climax: and highlight of the hockey season in this area, the game benefits the Father Dono van CYO Scholarship Fund and pits Bristol County CYO Hockey League players against a stellar aggregation of high school seniors. Originally an all-star basket ball game, the event was changed to hockey II seasons ago. The CYO skaters hold a 6-5 edge in the series. CYO players come from all five league teams. They are 'Bill Camara, Kevin Porter, Rory Coo turier, Pat 'McDonald, Kevin Taylor, John Carroll, Paul He bert, Paul Hogan, Rick Coleman and Dave Nobrega of regular season champion Fall River South; George Pedro, Mike Hal loran, Mike Cassidy, Rich Web ster of regular-season runner up Mansfield; ShaWl) Tavares, Chrts Labonte, Dennis Sylvia, Bruce Barboza and Dave Gerwa towski of third-place New Bed ford; Marc Gallagher and Gary Parsons of Fall River North; and Chuck Borge of Somerset. The all-star high schoolers. Scott Durocher, Matt Lawrence, Todd Jakusik, Bob Carroll and . Bryan Palumbo of the Fall River area; Matt Tierney, John Sulli van and Todd Cusson of the New Bedford area; Eric Cambra, Eric Rasmusson, Bill Kewer, Tim Page and Steve Sullivan of the Taunton Area; John Lees, Chris Romans, Kevin Craig, Glenn Snell, Mike Boden and Kip Diggs of the Cape area; and Steve Sharpe, Don Briggs and Craig
THE ANCHOR friday, March 15, 1985
Taunton: with Preps at 6:30 p.m., Juniors at 7:30 and Seniors' at 8:30. Third games, if needed, will be played Thursday, March 28, at a site to be determined. The winners will meet their Fall River counterparts in the best-of-three finals on March 31 and April 2 with third games, if needed, on April 3.
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanationJ; O-mlirally offensive.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied to The Anchor.
New Films "Ghoulies" (Empire) A thor oughly inept ripoff of "Gremlins." Some brief partial nudity and some gore but not too much in the way of real violence. A3, PG-13 "Lust in the Dust" (New World) This attempt at a satiri cal Western is tasteless and un funny. Because much of its crude humor 'is directed at women, Cathol,ics, Jews and religion in general, it is rated O,R. ."Tile Purple Rose of Cairo" (Orion) Woody Allen's latest is about a Depression·era hou:se wife married to an insensitive brute, whose only solace is the movies. One day, a handome young man in a glossy movie steps through the screen and says he loves her. There are some good moments and some ,laughs, but the rather grim, real stic mood gives the' movie pre tensions to seriousness that it's incapable of supporti,ng. A2, PG "The Sure Thing" (Embassy) Two· college freshmen share a ride to California. He likes her, but she can't fit him into her schedule. He's going to Cali fornia because a friend offered to fix him up with a "sure thing;" she's going to join her . fiance. What results is mildly funny. The movie is about ro mance instead of sex, which dif ferentiates it from most teen age movies, but its depiction of promiscuity as' a way of life for most young people makes it ma ture fare. Because of that and one comically intended scene in volving sexual intercourse in the ,background, it is rated A3, PG·13.
classic short story, "The Other Wise Man." Scripted by Tom Fontana, an Emmy prizewinner for his work on "St. Elsewhere," it stars Mar tin Sheen as the fourth Wise Man, who attempts to travel to Bethlehem with the others but is continually sidetracked by calls on his skills as a doctor. A1so featuring Alan Arkin, Ralph Bellamy and Eileen Bren nan, this is a deeply religious story, highly appropriate for viewing on ,the eve of Palm Sun day. "The Velveteen Rabbit," PBS, March 23, 7:30-7:55 p.m. The bunny of the title of this child ren's classic is a child's Christ mas present which becomes his inseparable companion. While the boy recovers from scarlet fever, the by now shabby rabbit remains at his side. The germ-infested toy is ordered de stroyed but is suddenly trans formed linto a real rabbit because of the boy's Jove. The story, written by Margery Williams Bianco in 1922, is an enchanting fairy tale for child· ren but its allegory of the reo deeming power of ,love appeals equally to adults. rfhe story :is told through 'lovely pastel drawings by New England painter David Jorgen son. Reading ,it is actress Meryl Streep, whose voice catches its gentle innocence. Complementing the narration is a piano score by George Winston. Religious TV Sunday, March 17 (CBS) "For Our Times" - Examination of the religious community's efforts to handle substance abuse among members in Miami and Manhattan.
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FATHER STEPHEN B. SALVADOR, associate pas tor at St. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River, has been elected to a two-year term as chaplain for Boy Scout ing. His area comprises all New England Roman Rite dioceses, the Melkite-Greek Catholic Eparchy of Newton and the Ukrainian Catholic diocese of Stamford, Conn.
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Filln on TV Wednesday, March 20, 9-11 p.m. EST (CBS) ~ "Used Cars" (1980) - A loud and vulgar comedy about rival used car dealers. Rough language and nudity in the original. 0, R
TV Programs "The Fourth Wise Man," Sat. March 30, 8-9 p.m., ABC: Pro duced by Father EHwood Kieser, CSP, as a prime-time enterta~n ment special, this program is based on Henry Van Dyke's
In The Anchor
Saint Kevin Rectory
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