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VOL. 38, NO. II


Friday, March 18, 1994



At a March 8 press conference. in New York announcing the award, Novak said that he will donate $250,000 to fund scholarships to Stonehill. Reacting to the announcement, Father Bllrtley MacPhaidin, CSC, Stonehill president, said of Novak, "Simply put, he is one of America's finest contemporary thinkers. Furthermore, throughout his illustrious and prolific career, he has never forgotten his alma mater. On behalf of the entire college

CNS/Ttmpltlon Prize pIIolo

$11 Per Year

alumnus·winner of $1 million Templeton Prize

Michael Novak, a summa cum laude graduate of Stonehill Col'lege, North Easton, and a religious philosopher whose writings have influenced political and social movements throughout the world, is the 1994 winner of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Reli~ gion, valued at about $1 million.


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

and public policy at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, said he is following up his work of the 1970s and 1980s on the relation of religion and economics with a concentration on the moral foundations of a free society. He said establishing the welfare state and hiring people according to category had introduced much corruption into society. The war on poverty helped the elderly but was "exceedingly harmful to the young," he said. While emphasizing "our great responsibility to all the poor on earth," he said the answer does not come from those who only say, "The poor, the poor," but from those who have worked out ways "to help the poor not to be poor." Novak, who studied for the priesthood at Stonehill but withdrew shortly before he was to be

community, I extend our congratulations and thanks to him.',' Novak established the NovakSakmar Endowment in Slovak Studies at Stonehill, both in recognition of his family's Slovak roots and for the support and promotion of Slovak history and culture. The college is also the repository of his papers, including manuscripts, correspondence, books and articles. The collection is deemed central to a full understanding of American Catholicism in the second half of the 20th century. The Templeton Prize will be presented to Novak by Britain's Prince Philip in a private ceremony at Buckingham Palace May 4. A public ceremony will follow on May 5 at Westminster Abbey. In accepting the award, Novak, 60, who holds a chair in religion

ordained, was among prominent champions of new currents of thought in the 1960s who subsequently altered course to lead the neoconservative movement. He went from active involvement in George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign to support of Ronald Reagan in 1980 and acceptance of appointments in the Reagan administration. When the U.S. Catholic bishops undertook to write their economics pastoral, Novak was vice chairman of a lay committee headed by businessman William Simon that held its own hearings and issued an alternative lay letter, "Toward the Future: Catholic Social Thought and the U.S. Economy." Novak also wrote an alternative to the bishops' 1983 pastoral letter on war and peace that was published Turn to Page II

~l(J~Urlban n.lIl~d

')3~: ~~airm.a.:n :' fM"m~4 Appeal Jr,hn:tyr,han, .a member of


Gh~lst ·~b;~Killli~ pansh, Mashlll=e, ~n<\

a r~tirediejecutive of the John

Ha~co~1~~~!lal Life Insurance Co;, wi!l~e jl9;P4 chairman of tite .

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f.le~.It~Wib!ethe 53rd Appeal and the; sec:o~(~ l,fQr Bishop Sean P.

O'*aU~~l OF~ Cap. The chairma~'sl\~~iirlt~entwas announced by J\pp;e~J dJocesan director Rev.

Da~iel bi{ :F~eitas.

Urbflin!is a native

of St. Agnes

parlsh,"~rtihgton. He graduated ~ro\TI MJdf<jHq High School .in

Jim Judkis photo

"COVER GIRL" Sisters Anna Bilodeau, 80, (rear) and Madeleine Boulay, 93.

Fall River natives represent retired religious nationwide By Teri Smith The following article is reprinted by permission from the Catholic Observer, newspaper of the diocese of Springfield. Where is it wr.itten that if a woman wants to he a "cover girl" she has to spend days on end front of the camera, being madeup, sending out portfolios and moving to the big city to sell herself, or sell an illusion. For Sisters of St. Joseph Anna Bilodeau, 80, and Madeleine Bou-


lay, 93, "success" in the cover girl industry has literally come to them, because of their natural' beauty inside and out - a beauty that makes them the perfect representatives for retired religious nationwide. The two Sisters of St. Joseph, both Fall River natives, reside in retirement at Mont Marie in Holyoke. Three years ago when they lived in Fall River, Sister Mary Frances Turn to Page II

1940 al1d.'frdrn. Bentley College in I 94t3. 101'973 he completed an A.n1eric:ilrl Studies for' Executives pr~raltl~t Williams C.ollege. ' :ije ~a~' been an offIcer of the Qr~enwo;pd Home Owners Assn., and w~S!its vice pre~ident fr?rn RETURNING TO ROME following last August's World 1990 to Irn. At Chnst the Kmg Youth Day celebration in Denver, Ambassador Raymond L. parish, h$ isachoir member and Flynn and Pope John Paul II discuss the papal meeting with ¢a~tor, }aqristan, senior altar President Bill Clinton during that event. server, leqtor, Eucharistic minister nnel a vol~lIlteer at bingo and in the parish of(ice. Prior Mo moving to Mashpee, vrban w~sactlve at St. Raphael's parlsh,We:st N1edford as a parish counciloli, firiaJ!l~e ~ommittee m:m~ Flynn was to be featured speaker WASH INGTON (CNS) - U.S. bel'. al\d, 'I,ll relIgIOUS educatIon Ambassador to the Vatican Ray- at a March II museum fund-raiser teather; ! He is ,!nlll!rr:led (0 the form~r mond L. Flynn cancelled an ap- to honor Irish-American diploShirley!il :~t(lIi:van. The c4uplea~ . pea ranee at a reception for The mats. He and museum officials Catholic Museum of America in said they learned of State Departthe l ro~ five chil~r.c New York after the State Depart- ment disapproval March 10. ,a~;;, ,'ld~hildre~l A State Department official said ment disapproved his participation that Flynn, like any other official, in the event. FlFTY·THREE YEARS OF SERVICE Ina March II letter to Christine must get departmental clearance ,19<'2 ~ 1994 Cox, executive director of The for his activities when traveling DIlOCESE OF FALL RIVER Catholic Museum of America, outside his assigned country. The P G Flynn called the State Department State Department checks to see if 1 I E' action "confusing as well as dis- such activities are "compatible with If D his official position as ambassador appointing." E G E "I have strongly objected to the to the Vatican." The official said Flynn was travdecision," he' said in the letter, made available to Catholic News eling back to the United States for GOO CALLS U$ TO SACRIFICE AND GENEROSITY Service in Washington and Rome. Turn to Page II

Flynn museum appearance nixed by State Department


Pope establishe~l Maronite eparcby in Los ·Angeles

The Anchor Friday; March 18, 1994

I DELUXE TOURS Rev. J. Joseph Kierce Author and"Producer of The New England Passion Play


CHARISMATIC GATHERING: Bishop O'Malley was celebrant of the_closing Mass for a March 6 Assembly of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at Bishop Connolly High .S~hool, Fall River. Portuguese-speaking prayer groups from t.his and neighbo~ingdioceses partlclpa~ed in the day-long event, _sponsored by the,Espirito Santo Church, Fall River, prayer group, which is celebrating its.fifteenth anniversary. (Hickey photos)

Abortion still

WASHINGTON (CNS) - As' ·the Clinton health care reform plan moved into a ne~ phase in Congress, Catholic and pro-life leaders continued to press for changes in its abortion coverage and other areas. "We've settled 1,000 arguments and we've got 15 or 20 to go," said Rep. Jim McDermott, D-W~sh., of the work of the House Ways and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Health. TOUR 1 In mid-March the panel was ATLANTIC CANADA 1994 - Scenic'Maine& ' centering its attention on a writtenNew Brunswick, charming Prince Edward from-scratch proposal of the subIsland, picturesque Nova Scotia and Cape committee chairman, Rep. Pete Breton, Cabot Trail, Peggy's Cove & Halifax, Stark, D-Calif., which kept some Bay of FU~dy! elements of the Clinton plan but rejected others; including the regional alliances framework. JUNE 28 - JULY 5 Rep. Ben Cardin, D-Md., an(from/to BOSTON) other subcom'mittee member, calle'd the Stark plan "less bureaucratic, less federal, more private, TOUR 2 more building on the current sysENGLAND, HOLLAND, GERMANY, SWITZER· tem, less disruptive to 'the emLAND, LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA, ITALY, MONACO, FRANCE - Visil London, Amsterployer-employee relationship" than dam, Utrecht, Cologne, Rhine Cr.uise,to·Hei· the Clinton proposal. , delberg, ~ucerne, Innsbruck, Venice, Rome, Patricia King, U.S. Catholic Florence, Pisa, Monte Carlo, Nice, Avignon, Conference adviser on health conLyon, Paris! cernS,. said the conference likes some aspects of Stark's proposal, especiaHy its benefits for lowJULY income workers and for children, (from/to Boston or N.Y.) but questions whether the idea of including the poor in Medicare is workable. ~ TOUR 3 But abortion remained a more SCOTLAND, IRELAND, ENGLAND, WALES & important concern for lobbyists NORTHERN IRELAND - Visit Glasgow, Dum· representing Catholic and pro-life barton, Loch Lomond &Loch Ness, SI. Andrew, Edinburgh, Gretna Green, Lake District, Chesgroups as the Clinton bill and a ler, Llangollen, Dublin, Glendalough, Kildare, half dozen alternative plans began Limerick, Killarney, Tralee, Ennis, Cliffs of the "markup" phase in Congress. Moher, Galway, Knock, Donegal, the aweNone of the plans currently under inspiring Giant's Causeway & scenic wonders consideration excludes coverage .. of No. IreJand! of abortion from its comprehenS sive benefits package. In a letter to his fellow bishops AUGUST 14 - 28 March 4, Baltimore Archbishop (from Boston or N.Y.) William H. Keeler, president of . Most meals - Early Oeposit Bookings: just $25 per person the National Conference ofCatholie. Bishops and the USCC, urged SPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW! letters to members of Congress REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE asking them to include universal Saint Kevin Rectory coverage and exclude abortion in 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, MA 02125 any health care reform plan evenTelephone: (617) 436-2771 tually approved. OR Joining in the letter were Los Richard Durgin, ' Angeles Cardinal Roger M. MaThomas Cook Travel hony, chairman of the Committee Mail Stop 1565,100 Cambridge Park Dr., for Pro-Life Activities, and BaltiCambridge, MA 02140 more Auxiliary Bishop John H. (617) 354-8900 Ricard, chairman of the Domestic Toll Free: (800) 234-9959 Policy Committee.



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plan concern

bishops' pro-life secretariat urged Congress not to accept the argument that abortion coverage belongs in the national health care plan just because many private insurers cover it. "Such inclusion as a basic benefit would force all Americans to subsidize abortion - a policy to which the vast majority of Americans is opposed," said Gail Quinn, director of the secretariat. .FATHER GERMAIN KopThe Alan Guttmacher Inslitute, aczynski, OFM Conv., direc- , a research firm associated with tor of education at the P~pe Planned Parenthood, presented a John XXIII Medical-Moral study at a March 9 congressional Research and Education Cen- hearing saying private coverage of abortion sets a precedent that ter, Braintree, will speak on should be followed in the national Issues of Genetic Engineering health care plan. at a Diocesan Council of "But the institute turns right Catholic Nurses seminar 9:30 around and urges Congress to rea.m. to 3 p.m. April 9, St. verse the 'status quo' regarding John the Baptist church hall, these companies' lack of coverage for contraception, declaring that . Westport. 'our emerging national health care The program will examine reform plan must not model itself genetic engineering particu- on current capricious patterns of larly in relation to life and coverage,''' Ms. Quinn said. The hearing at which the Guttdeath issues and reproductive macher data was released led to a technologies and will offer controversy over which groups ethical guidelines for addresswere allowed to testify and permiting such issues., ted to leave materials onthe media Question 'and answer se~­ table tor reporters. ' sions and lunch will be inStaff members of the Senate cluded. CEUs will be awarded. Committee on Labor and Human Registration is required by Resources' Subcommittee on AgApril4. For information con- ing, chaired by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., had turned down tact Alice Leblanc, 64 Waldo several requests from the National St., New Bedford 02745. Right to Life Committee to testify on the hearing's topic, which was women's health. After subcommittee staff informed the pro-life group that "neither NRLC nor any other 'advocacy' group would be allowed to testify," the pro-life organization protested the scheduled testimony of the Guttmacher Institute, which it called "a leading abortion advocacy gro·up." "We believe that this direct contact will take our campaign another step toward health care reform that provides universal coverage for all and protects life from conception to natural death and preserves our ability to provide health· care that reflects our values," it said. Meanwhile, an official of the

1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July'4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $1-l.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

WASHINGTON(CNS)- Pope John Paul has established a di:leese, known as an eparchy for Maroniterite Catholics in the western United States, and appointed a bishop to head it. Auxiliary Bishop John G. Chedid, 69, of the Brooklyn, N. Y., - based Maronite Eparchy of St. Maron, was appointed first bishop of the new Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles, a& it has been formally named. Until the new eparchy was established, the Brooklyn Maronite eparchy was responsible for the spiritual care of the estimatl~d 54,000 Maronite Catholics in the Unit.ed States. Bishop Chedid told The Tidings, Los Angeles' archdiocesan newspaper, that there are at le2.st 25,000 Maronite Catholics in the western United ·States. ·"In California, many 'of our people are new to this area, having corne from the war in Lebanon." The St.' Maron eparchy will retain under its jurisdiction the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey', New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolir..a, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. The new eparchy's jurisdiction will cover the 'remaining 33 states. There are two Maronite p:lrishes within the territorial botlndaries of the Fall River diocese: Our Lady of Purgatory in N,ew Bedford, where Rev. Charbel T. Semaan is pastor and Jean Matltar is subdeacon; and St. Anthony of the Desert in Fall River, whl~re Msgr. Norman J. Ferris is pastor 'an4 Dr. Andre P. Nasser and Donald Massoud are perman~mt deacons. Maronite Catholics form the largest Christian group in Lebanon and are found in many other parts of the world. Historically, the Maronite rite is linked to the Antiochene Church" one of the most ancient in Christendom. Bishop Chedid was born ~uly 4, 1923, in Eddid in northern Lebanon, and was ordained to the priesthood in Rome in 1951. He came to Los Angeles in 1956 and has lived there ever since. He was named auxiliary bishop in 1981. "The Holy Father has deemed that this is best for our church a::td our people," Bishop Chedid sa:.d. "I applaud the decision of the Holy See."

eNS/Zierten photo



ttBELIEVE" directed by Dee Powell AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Car"er West Harwich Fall River Plymouth . Fairhaven Norton North Falmouth

BISHOP SEAN O'Malley, left, and Father Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan director of the ,Catholie Charities Appeal, hold the 1994 Appeal poster, shortly to appear on diocesan buildings and churches. (Gaudette photo)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

March March March March March March March

18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27,

8:00 8:00 4:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 4:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Our Lady of Lourdes Church Holy Trinity Church Holy Cross Church St. Mary's Church St. Mary's Church Trinitarian Congregational St. Elizabeth Seton Church

Admission is free! A free-will offering will be taken to benefit the chorus's Scholarship FurW.

Vermont printers win their point ST. ALBANS, Vt. (CNS) - A Vermont judge has dismissed a religious freedom case that brought national attention to a small Vermont printing company. In a class-action lawsuit against the Catholic owners of a printing press in St. Albans, Linda Paquette claimed that her religious freedom was violated because the printers refused to produce materials for Vermont Catholics for a Free Choice. Mrs. Paquette said that when she went to the press in 1990 for membership cards for her group, Malcolm Baker and his wife. Susan, owners and operators of the print shop, refused to print the cards based on their own strong pro-life beliefs. Vermont Catholics for a Free Choice supports abortion rights and is not sanctioned by the Catholic diocese of Burlington. Tqm McCormack, attorney for the Bakers. argued lhal they were

not discriminating against Ms. Paquette personally, but on the basis of the message she was promoting. The case had received national support from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. In her decision to diSmiss it, Franklin County Superior Court Judge Linda Levitt wrote that "it cannot be said as a matter of law that the state of Vermont's interest in eliminating discrimination overrides a person's rights to free speech and free exercisl: of religion." The ruling overturned a decision in favor of Ms. Paquette by the Vermont Human Rights Commission. Ms: Paquette, who said her beliefs favoring abortion rights were part of her "religious creed," had asked the court to force Regal Art Press to do the jOQ or require them to pay路damages for their refusal. The job. if done by Regal Art. would have cost about $38.

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John C. LIN"DO & SON CENTENARIAN CELEBRATES: Maria Medeiros, who turned 100 on Monday, was honored at the noon Mass last Sunday at Our Lady of the Angels parish, Fall River. With her are pastor Father John Gomes (back row center) and her children: daughters (from left) Mary Sylvester, Cecilia M. Coroa and Pauline Fernandez and sons (from left) Manuel, Joseph, John, Alfred, Antone and Lionel Medeiros. (Studio D photo)

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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri .. Mar. Ig. 1994

the living word

the moorins..-,


New Vision for Tomorrow Few Americans realize that one of the biggest events that will affect this nation in the next 20 years has little to do with the economy, ~ealth care or education. The real challenge has to do with our growing population. Social scientists predict that within the next generation our population will exceed 300 million. This mea~s that i~ t~e next few years nearly 50 million' more people wIll be wlthm our borders, noronly because OUt: birthrate is rising but because of increased immig'ration. Planned Parenthood and opposition to immigration notwithstanding, we are set for a cultural and economic explosion. Admittedly, the nation's birthrate seems at the moment to be leveling off, but all indications are that this situation will not continue. Statistics show a dramatic rise in births among teens, older women and the unmarried. Also to be conside'red is the. baby boom of the 80s. Those born then will constitute a major, factor in' the population explosion. As for immigration, it seems that few realize the demands that will be placed upon the nation by the expected significant increase 'of Asian and Hispanic immigrants. Indeed, the west coasts of both, the United States and Canada are 'bracing for the inundation of emigrants from Hong Kong expected to occur in 1997 when China takes over the Crown Colony. Hispanic-Americans wil1 be the majority population in California and New Mexico. Minorities are even now a significant part of the student body in most American urban schools. The so-called Sunbelt will be the fastest growing are~ in the·nation. The implications of all this are endless. For example, right, now in, this country Asian-Americans lead in educational achievements and in' mastering the skills that will be in demand during the next decades. Hispanics will have a stronger voice in government as their numbers and their voting power increase. Congress will have a . new face and legislation will reflect the change. , In the area of education,Jiberal arts schools will very likely be o~ershadowed by technical schools, teaching the skills that will be needed for even entry-level jobs in our technological society: Those young people who do not realize this will be tomorrow's unemployed. .' As life expectancy edges up, senior citizens will continue to be a vital factor in American life. Retirees will be younger and healthier. All these changes will pose some tremendous problems. As 'urban areas enlarge and populations increase, our current difficulties will also be exacerbated. Crime, drug abuse, teen pregnancies, AIDS and poverty will continue to plague the ·nation. People will desperately need ideals and motivation to direct the energy that has been a hallmark of American life. In all of this, the Church must be a dramatic force. In-house squabbles and problems must not be allowed to 'lessen ~he effectiveness of h~r influence on the socia] order. In days to come, peopl~ will seek fundamental guidelines and principles, a reality often overlooked in our projections and programs. As so often in the past, the Church will have -the difficult role of living the truths of Christianity in the marketplace: This is not a time for, ivory tower speculation. The days ahead will need sensitivity to social and moral concerns .. We are' not' faCing easy times but we have on our side the energy and power that our faith can instill in each of us. The Editor







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''-~oseph. lV,aS 8:


just man." Ma,tt. 1:19

Joseph: model of a maD of faith

vATICAN CITY (CNS) - He was the strong, silent' type. Men today can learn much from the example of St. Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth who became the husband of Mary and guardian of Jesus, said participants in a recent . international symposium. "St. Joseph really teaches us men that our value is not in how much money we earn, how much prestige we have or in machismo," said Father Larry Toschi, California provincial superior for' the Oblates of St. Joseph. Father Toschi was one of 80 scholars and students of St. Joseph from 17 countries who spent a week in Rome discussing the saint whose biblical mentions come only in the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke. , While the symposium .focused on scholarship and 19-century devotion to the saint,in interviews participants spoke about St. Joseph as a model for to.day's Christians. The Gospel shows St. Joseph' "to be ajust man, called with Mary to undertake a difficult faith pilgrimage" in a situation not easy to, understand and lacking any point of security except his faith in God, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Pope John Paul II said in a'mesPublished weekly by The 'Catholic Press of the,Diocese of·Fall River, sage to participants. "St. Joseph appears to us as a 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 model of a man of faith, a man of Fall River, MA 02720' Fall River, MA 02722-0007 work and as a husband and father,'" Telephone 508-675-7151 the papal message said. FAX (508) 675-7048 Greeting symposium participants Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above at a general audience, the pope said that St. Joseph "remained faithful to the special vocation GENERAL MANAGER EDITOR entrusted to him as guardian of the Rosemary Dussault Rev, John F, Moore ~. Leary Press-Fall River' beginnings of redemption, even in the midst ofthe obscurity of events,



becoming along with Marya sublime model of faith for believers." Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican secretary of state and the pope's envoy to the meeting, called the saint "a model of life, hard work, silence and generous obe-' dience to the will of God." But'most people in the church have ignored St: Joseph as a model for living the Christian life - and they'ignore most of the other saints as well, said Father Mario Carrera, a member of the Servants of Charity. . "One must seek inspiration from this great saint who had a special relationship with Jesus the Redeemer," Father Carrera said. "'n a society in which too many lack the experience of a,father, th~ faith of St. Joseph cap,be a model of paternity lived with intensity and passion," he said. And in societies marked by confusion and even conflict about th'e roles of men and women, the priest said, "it seems to me St. Joseph is a model of wholeness in which Joseph plays a complementary tole to that of the Madonna." "It's ~ot a question ofstaking a claim, but of knowing how to live one's own mission looking toward a unique objective which is Jesus Christ, the redeemer of humanity," he said. Although devotion to St. Joseph developed late in the church's history, Father Toschi said, until the time of the Second Vatican Council Catholics saw him not just as someone to pray to for help, but as someone to imitate. . "People think that with Vatican II devotion to saints became anti-

quated," he said. But what the council tried to do was to hdp Catholics see their devotion to the saints as part of a spiritual life concentrated on following Jesu.,. "Knowing St. Joseph is esse:nti~1 to knowing Jesus; he's part of the mystery of Christ," Father Toschi said. The "hiddenness" and "ordinariness" of Joseph the carpentier, working in Nazareth and raising his son, can help. people appreciate how their seemingly normal lives are part of God's plan. "Sanctity involved doing the ordinary every day, trusting and cooperating in God's providencl:," the priest said. "That is the source of peace in life." _ Father Toschi said it appears that one of the reasons for the Bible's silence about St. Jose':>h once Jesus' has grown is' that "'he has to fade· from the scene for Jesus to start hi~ public minist ry and his references to his father in heaven.;', ' , Nevertheless, it is recorded that people kept asking about Jesus, "Isn't he the carpenter's son?" What little documentation exists of Joseph's life arid actions ~from his acceptance of a pregnant Mary to leading his new family into Egypt to escape Herod, then his fading from the scene - shows him to be "a self-possessed man, but one who relies on God," Father Toschi said. . "He leads the Holy Family with great respect. He knows Christ 'is greater than he is. He knows Mary is greater. Yet he is the head ofthe family, exercising his role with humility."

NFP classes to be held at St. Anne's Hospital

God's new deal: . Jesus Jeremiah 31:31-34 Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:2-33 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt hit upon a winning phrase in the '30s when he promised to bring about a New Deal. Because everyone suffers froql past mistakes, the dream of being able to start again from scratch is one of the deepest longings of the human heart. . Jeremiah also knew this. Looking around Jerusalem in the 6th century B.C., he realized that much of what was passing as religion was nothing but human failings. Through the centuries, the religious leaders had first elevated, then solidified their faults into rituals and doctrines. The prophet struggled long and hard to stem this heretical tidf:. But after years of encouraging his people to give up "the nonsense" and return to Yahweh, he finally reached the point where he started to believe that not even the Lord could turn such a mess into something worthwhile. Reform was no longer possible. Jeremiah's only hope was that the old way of doing things would be completely destroyed in the Babylonian Exile and a new way would emerge. It is against this background that today's first reading appears. Many of us are already familiar with the words: "The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers .. .l will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people." The Chosen People would eventually have an opportunity for which all of us long: they could start over again. To guarantee 110 false teachers. in the future, the Jews would learn from "within," not from "with-' out." "No longer will they have need to teach their friends and kinsmen how to know the Lord. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the Lord ..." Twenty-five centuries later, we're still discovering the implications of this "new covenant." Day by day we uncover more of the law

Daily Readings March 21: Dn 13:1-9,1517,19-30,33-62 or 13:41-62; Ps 23:1-6; In 8:1-11 March 22: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3,16-21; In 8:21-30 March 23: Dn 3:14-20,9192,95; Dn 3:52-56; In 8:31-42 March 24: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9; In 8:51-59 March 25: Is 7:10-14; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 March 26: E2 37:21-28; Jer 31:10-13; In 11:45-57 March 27: Mk 11-1-10 or In 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9,17-20,23-24; Phil 2:6'-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39 \


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri .. Mar. 18. 1994



By FATHER ROGER KARBAN which the Lord has written on our hearts; day by day learn how God is part of our most ordinary experiences. But just how far can we carry this belief? Are there some areas of our "within" in which the Lord is not present? Jesus' first followers amazed lots of people with their habit of pushing this insight beyond acceptable limits. They sensed the Lord's presence in places and situations in which most people thought God could never be involved - even in suffering and death. Of course, this belief evolved out of their experience of following someone who suffered and died, yet came back to life. As the author of Hebrews expressed it, "Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when perfected, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him." John's account is even more memorable. "Unless the grain of whe~t falls to the earth and dies," Jesus proclaim'!;, "it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, while the person who hates his life in this world preserves it to life eternal." By following Jesus' lead and giving ourselves over to "the within," we discover all sorts of new things about this new covenant. Continuing to amaze those who work only from "without," we find meaning in the most difficult parts of life. Reflecting on illness and pain, Christian psychologist Thomas Moore has recently written, "In a very real sense, we do not cure diseases, they cure us, by restoring our religious participation in life." One of the most fascinating insights we disciples of Jesus have received is that each time we, like him, give ourselves over to the pain and de~th of life, we can start over again with a new life. We reach this new life by courageously going deeper and deeper into ourself, dying to our old self as we take each step. God continually grants us a new deal, but only if we're willing to use the deck that's already in our hands.

Dress code KHARTOUM, Sedan(CNS)Sudan has decreed that female students must cover all parts of their body except for the face and hands in line with the Islamic dress code. The Muslim-dominated government also ordered that female and male students be taught separately from their sixth year in elementary school. An elite Catholic girls' school in Khartoum closed for a week last August when itbalked at a government order requiring its 800 teenage students to wear Islamic dress instead of their customary uniform. In a compromise. Muslim girls now wear Islamic dress and non-M uslims wear longer skirts but not a veil.

Marking the start of the third annual national Natural Family Planning Week on Sunday, local NFP instructors are offering two new series of classes at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. They will begin respectively from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. April 5 and 2:30 to 5 p.m. April 10. Each series will consist offour classes over a period of four months. Instructors will be Nestor and Sharon Levesque and Rita Quinn. They, together with Mansfield area instructors Jon and Maureen Howey, have taught the symptothermal 'NFP method for over seven years. They describe NFP as a medically safe, highly effective and low-cost method of family planning that is totally in accordance with Catholic teaching. "A woman's body provides certain physical signs to indicate her fertile and infertile times," explained Mrs. Levesque. "The most used signs," she said "are a normal discharge of cervical mucus and changes in a woman's

temperature on awaking in the morning. We explain these signs and others in teaching the symptothermal method." The Levesques note that NFP differs from the rhythm method of family planning, which was developed in 1930 and was unreliable for women with irregular menstrual cycles. They say that the NFP method assumes that every woman is irregular at least some of the time. N FP is safe and healthy because it uses no artificial birth control drugs or devices. Although it can be reversed immediately when a couple wishes to achieve pregnancy, it is highly effective in use. Numerous studies, including one conducted by the U.S. government, indicate it to be 99 percent effective for avoiding pregnancy. a result equal to that of birth control pills and superior to all barrier methods. Sympto-thermallocal instructors are certified by the international Couple to Couple League, based in Cincinnati. The league is a nonprofit interfaith organization dedicated to natural family planning education. A typical class has a

majority of Catholic members, but increasing numbers of non-Catholics have been attending in recent years. The league attributes this to disenchantment with the "pill" and! or increased concern about the current state of sexual morality in Western cultures. Couple-to-Couple emphasizes that N FP can be practiced throughout a woman's fertile years without danger to health and that many couples have found it enriching to their marriages. Further information on NFP and forthcoming classes is available from the Levesques at 6743156, from Mrs. Quinn at 6761440 and from the Howeys at 339-4730.

Joint Weddings VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II will preside over a joint June wedding for a group of couples as part of his celebration of the International Year of the Family. The June 12 Mass and marriage celebration will be held in St. Peter's Basilica. It was not indicated how many couples would participate in the ceremony.

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., ., .. Warning for -the' future: Don't tread on my genes '.


The Anchor Friday, Mar. IX,,1994


The genetic revolution is fast approaching. Scientists report how gene technology is promising marvels to come - allegedly for the improvement of human beings - as researchers learn more about genes and ON A. These are the components of chromosomes responsible for every-iota of our physical makeup, from skin tone to eye color.

By FATHER JOHN J. DIETZEN 'Q. Some months ago someone asked ifit was acceptable to attend a frien!l's non-'Catholic Christian church. You went into the Catholic Church's beliefs about the Eucharist, which most .Catholics already know. The questio~, probably inspired in part by the series of "Joshua" books, meant: After fulfilling my Sunday Mass obligation, m~)\ I attend my friend's Protes~arlt church? . , 'It.. We know we cannot participate in the Eucharist, ifthey have it that day. We would go to learn, not By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK How much does a school contribute to a person's formation? If a school system recruits the best teachers and is fully updated, will it 'produce better students?' Will this make inner-city schools more effective in combating gang vio-. Ience or drug use? Gerald W. Bracey, a research psychologist, would say that although the school can make a difference, it is usually very little.' . Let's look at his reasons. He starts by asking why Asian children excel as they do in AmeriBy Dr. JAMES&

KENNY Dear Dr. Kenny: My sister is married to an alcoholic who is verbally - and possibly physically - abusive to her and 'her four children. She cannot understand that her children are being affeCted by all the p~oblems.


... \'



This genetic re~earch has given God's will. But if with this new us "social ana legal dilemmas," technology we restore a person to says Dr. Michael Hayden of the health, are we not fulfilling God's medical genetics department at the mandate to heal? Hayden said that researchers University of British Columbia in Canada. That's mainly because are only a step away from being . "there are still no guidelines on able to pinpoint which gene is at' fault in a disease. He said that by how to proceed: he says. Hayden recently led a workshop the year 2000, one's ON A sequence in Jerusalem on genetic engineer- will be able to be "read just like a ing. Participants included clergy text." That means genetic research and lay people from 97 countries. is on the cutting edge in terms of The conference was called specifi- being able to identify early the cally for religious leaders to con- , problem gene that will cause a disfront the problems of an increas- ease in a person's future. This advance raises a spectrum ingly secular world. Rabbi David Feldman called of problems, such as the possibilfor a "theological framework" for ity of error, misdiagnosis and the genetic engineering. He asked intrusion upon individual autonwhether genetic engineering con- omy. In other words, would our stitutes a kind of interference with genetic map be our own private

business; or would it be available to whoever wants to see it? "We need, to guard against the geneticizing of our society," cautions Hayden; We need to ensure that our ability to identify genes "does not alter our concept of privacy." He warned that it would be a horror if our right to work, to be educated or'insured rested upon someone's interpretation of our genetic map. His greatest caution, however, concerned the alteration of gene lines. "All of us in 'this room have six or seven genes your society may think are not good:' said Hayden, emphasizing that once a' society shifts toward altering the gene pool, "we're on the slippery' slope of eugenics."


This situation is best summed up by ~a verse I 'once read: "Who will live, and who will die, and who will choose the reasons why?" The religious leaders from Africa, North and South America, EUfCIpe and Asia left the workshop pondering the professor's stated goalto use genetic technology to sup-' port nature and restore health, not alter nature. But many told me what mai,nly impressed them was the ethical dilemma ,the professor had railled. Charged with a' mandate to discern societal threats to ethics and morality, the question is not on the level of "Can weT' but rather, "Should weT' No one called ',his ¡,kind of discernment a clear or easy task.

Worship with non-Catholic Christians is encouraged turn. Any problems with that cur- may include not ,only those interfaith gatherings and prayer which rently? (Illinois) A. I believe the previous writer are common today, but the Sunasked primarily about the Eucha- day worship of in~ividualdenomirist, but your specific question nations. In liturgical non~sacramental about worship together is shared celebrations of other, churches, by many others. Official Catholic policies' con- "Catholics are encouraged to take cerning ecumenically shared wor- part in the psalms, responses, ship are found primarily in the , hymns and common actions of 1993 Directory for the Applica- the church. in which they are tion of Principles and Norms on guests." Catholics may even read a Ecumenism, prepared and pub- Scripture passage or preach, if ,Iished by the Vatican Secretariat invited by the host ministers (No. ' for Promoting Christian Unity. 118). Reception ofthe Eucharist is, as References below are to this docuyou infer, another mattere'ntirely. ment. First, our church today clearly As Catholics, we believe that the and strongly encourages every pos- Eucharist is a sign of the unity in sible sharing in spiritual activities faith, worship and community life and resources, particularly among of .our ,church or of any other Christians, when that sharing san Christian congregation. " .. For this reason among others, occur in a,manner appropriate to the differences which still separate Catholics should not receive communion at liturgies of other us (No. 102). This principle is rooted in our churches where they are guests common baptism.. Such sharing (No. 130).

We need to keep in mind a few 'at the discretion 'of the bishop of additional considerations. These the diocese (Canon 844.4). regulations apply differently to Finillly, sharing worship in other Eastern-rite churches which are churches, even if approved by, not in communion with the bishop Catholic guidelines, must alw,ays of Rome than to other non-Roman respect the rules and faith of [he Catholic churches. other congregation. ' At least according to the rules of Occasionally this becomes more our Latin rite, permission for inter- than a matter of simple courtc:sy. communion with these churches is The beliefs of some Protestant much wider. denominations have implications I said above that the Eucharist is for shared worship which may a sign of unity. It is also, however, preclude a form of participa-. something more for all the bap- tion which we would readily aptized, "a spiritual food which en- prove. \ ables them to overcome sin, to live . We need to be sensitive to their the very life of Christ, to be incor- beliefs and feelings, as we ask them porated more profoundly In him to respect ours. and' share more intensely in the A free brochure answering queswhole economy of the mystery of tions Catholics ask about Ma,ry, Christ" (No. 129). the mother of Jesus, is available by Thus it is possible, under certain sending a stamped self-addres:ied conditions which I have explained . envelope to Father John Dietzen, previously in this column, for ndn-, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main Catholic Christians to receive com- St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Qillesmunion in our church. These per- tions for this column should be missions are generally given only sent to the same address.

Does educational success' depend on culture? can schools. If the school system works for one particular culture, but not for others, is it really the system that is responsible? Bracey notes, for example, that even in crowded, underfunded, understaffed inner-city schools, Asian students do well. Why? "Not genes:' says Bracey, "but attitude: culture.?' Bracey recalls spending a typical evenirig in a Vietnamese boat family's household. After dinner the family sat around the table'and studied. Although the parents could not speak English well, the older children stepped in and helped the younger ones. , "Culture - the importance a family place~ on learning, the academic demands it makes on its children and children's sense of

their future:' notes a columnist who revieWed Bracey's findings, "may in fact be the critical difference between good schools and bad." He may be right. I celebrate Mass at a Korean parish. Whenever I ask the teenagers what their goals are, they list lofty, professions such as wanting to be a scientist, doctor, diplomat or professional musician. Seldom do they list a non-professional occupation. These aspirations are derived fro'm their culture. ' The elders' of the parish take religious education very seriously. Everyone is expected to be at class, and elders can be seen everywhere, actively managing the education. I am especially inspired by the teenagers who work with the younger children.



At the children's Mass, a teenage musician sets the tone for the children by asking them to adopt a prayerful disposition - to stop talking, close their eyes, think about God and recite a number of prayers. Teenagers teach the young children to be readers at Mass, sit with, them during the t\1ass, help them fol.Iow their missals and discipline them when needed: At the teenage Mass, it is my custom to give the history behind the Scripture reading. Some of the teenagers take notes. This same zest for learning and family spirit can also be found in our neighborhood stores, which quickly are becoming Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean. When you enter the dry cleaners, the daughter is at the'cash register, the father


is supervising the employees and the mother is sewing. The family will work 10 or more hours a'day, driven by a desin: to ea'rn money to educate their children - children who someday, they hope, will end up as supervisors. Today the Catholic school :;ystern is undergoing renewal. It is searching for a new identity and ways to maintain the reputation it has enjoyed. It is noteworthy for its successes with minority group students. And it will continue to do 'w.ell if it capitalizes on documents by the bishops pointing out how other cultures enrich us. One source of enrichment is the edu:cational ethic that emphasizes family effort first if a school's efforts are to succeed.

spouses of alcoholics

Her husband will not allow her alcohol per day, drinking to start to go to AI-Anon because he insists the day and blackouts. The easiest he is not an alcoholic. How can I way to tell if one is physically help my sister?) - Rhode Island addicted is if one experiences How do you know if someone is . -withdrawal symptoms when 'one an alcoholic? ' stops for a few days: Alcoholism is not that difficult The second type of alcoholism is to identify. There are two basic 'called "alcohol abuse" and means types, and both are considered simply that alcohol is causing alcoholism. serious problems in one's life. These The first is called "alcohol de- include health, marital, legal and pendence" and involves a physical financial problems. What causes a addiction to alcohol. Common symp- problem is a problem, and' the toms include regularly drinking problem is alcohol. more than four or five ounces of Let's assume that your brother-

in-law meets one of the above definitions. What does your sister do? She must accept that she has a problem, and her problem is being married to an abusive alcoholic. ,~he, is ¡not likely to be able to talk him into getting help or to get his permission to (lttend AI-Anon. ' AI-Anon is a marvelous selfhelp support group for spouses of alcoholics. Howev.er, since alcohol isa disease of denial, most spouses are quite opposed to having their partner attend.

How can you help? Listen to your sister. Encourage her to move beyond the complaining stage and take action. Be supportive. Perhaps you could' attend the AIAnon meeting with her. Your sister must do what she can db. Attending AI-Anon is a very reasonable action. . Reader questions on family living or child care to be answerelJ in print are invited, by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison St. Suite 4; Rc:nsselaer, Ind. 47978.

Priests, penitents should respect confessional seal says pope

A nother pen pal Dear Editor: . Thank you for the wonderful

Salve Regina names president

Kind words



ing his only intention was to shOW the power of God's saving mer:cy. When a priest treats the confessional seal with "lightness and carelessness/~ the pope said, it gives rise to scandal and discourages people from participating in the sacrament. The pope also criticized people who discuss their confessions with others, especially when they refer in the mass media to what a priest told them in the confessional. He said there is an "implicit

VATICAN CITY (CNS) Priests should protect the absolute secrecy of the confessional as a . matter of church law and respect . The story and pictures portrayed for the sacrament. Pope John Paul So completely the process of our II said. daily operation. I also rec(fived a Although penitents are under letter after it appeared in the no 1egal obligation to remain silent Anchor addressed to the Wee about their confession. justice and Deliver Staff. The lady congratua "sense of nobility" should prelated the students and shared her vent them from revealing to others dad~s experience as a letter carrier what the priest told them, the pope in 1912andhowshewasoneofthe original female clerks in 1926. . said. Corbett photo . The pope recently met with It's a great letter and another priests who hear confessions in the wonderful opportunify to gain SISTER THERESE ANTONE basilicas of Rome and with priests another school pen pal, thanks to you. and seminarians attending a course offered hy the Apostolic PeniKathleen A. Burt new . tentiary. -Principal The Vatican office, headed by 55. Peter and Paul School Sister Therese Antone. RSM, U.S. Cardinal William W. Bawn, Fall River Ed. D .• executive vice president for deal!; with matters of conscience. corporate affain and advancement involving the sacraments and proat Salve Regina University, New- cedural issues concerning the sacport, RI, bas been named sixth raments and indulgences. Dear 'Editor: president of the University. effec"Once it was feared that the sacJust a shprt note to say hello tive July L She will succeed Sister rament of reconciliation was being and 19 say that your hard work is Lucille McKillop, RSM, who an- forgotten," the pope said. But appreciated by· all. Keep up the nounced her retirement in January today there is no lack of people g.ood work! after 21 years as president. Adalino.Cabral Sister Antone, a former princi- seeking the sacrament, and a growing number of priests see it as. .~ ~1klston Pal of Bishop Feehan High School, a central part of their ministry. he Attleboro, began her career at said. Salve Regina in 1976 as a mathe"There has been a rebirth of the matics instructor. sacrament, especially among tb. f She was later named director of young., as noticed at the World development, then vice president Youth Days, especially in Denver," March 19 1905, Rev. John·r McQuaide, for institutional advancement. She the pope said. . expanded'fundrai'sing. community The confessional seal must, ~ 1 Assis~~. St. Mary, Taunton relations and alumni and parent protected not Qnly for "theologiMareh 10 activities and helped' develop a cal,juridicaland psychological rea1951, Ilev\-Ji~ A. Mrozinski, long-range .campus. plan. She CQ- sons," he said, but also because 4': f Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford ordinated renovation 'of historic "the loving respect owed to itsMarcbZZ property into university housing character as an intimate relation19411;;1i.",v; ,)o~"~h.A. .Martins, a'nd construction of a new student ship between the faithful and God." Assistant, St. John the Baptist. residence. ' 4 ;.. Christ entrusted his church wilh 1 New Bedford . She also led a fundraising pre:. the ministry of forgiving sins and Mareh 15' gram which realized $10 million established the "absolute -incom1991: Rev. Johit'i. Brennan, and -seCiUr.ed .tax.....exempt ·bond municability of the contents of issues totalling over $3-5 million. SS.CC. confession in regard to any other She was named to ner' current person, any earthly authority and position in 1992 to oversee finan- in any situation," he said. cial and business matters at the The pope said the seriousness university. She ,is a professor of management and mathematics and with which the church c.ontinue&has taught in master's and doc- to treat the confessional seal is seen in the fact that. although the toral programs. During a recent sabbatical leave. new Eastern- and Latin-rite codes she was a visiting scholar at the of canon law softened the penalty 'To St. Joseph MIT Sloan School of Manage- for many offenses, breaking the Joseph, patron saint· of ment Program for Senior Execu- confessional seal can stiLi result in workers, tives and studied at Harvard Uni- automatic excommunication. "The priest who receives a sac~ Blending·skiU with charity versity and Weston School of Theology the forces behind trends ramental confession is forbidden, Silent carpenter, ",e praise in society and the world economy. without exception, from revealing you! In addition to her service at the the identity of the penitent and his Joining work with honesty, university, Sister Antone has sins," he said. You taught Christ with joy But not mentioning the person's served on numerous boards and to /oJJor, name and the specific sin commitcommittees. among them the Board Sharing this nObility, of Governors of the MIT Society ted is not enough, the pope said. The priest must avoid showing of Senior Executives, the AmeriJoseph, close to Christ and can Association of University any knowledge of the facts or cirMary, Administrators. the Development cumstances under which the sin Lived with them inpoverty, C9mmittee of the Mercy World was committed. must not refer to Shared with them their Center in Dublin. Ir'eland. and the them to any third party and must Board of Directors of the Ameri- act as if a penitent's sins are unhome ani/labor, can Automobile Association of known to him if he m~ets him or Worke'd with noble dignity. South Central New England. She her outside the confessional. he May we seek God's ",ill as was chairman of the Board of said. you did, . The pope deplored situations directors of McAuley Institute, Leader of His family! which assists in establishing affor- where, although "not going to the dable housing. and chairman of extremes" in which automatic Joseph, workmen's inspirathe Mercy Higher Education Col- excommunication is incurred, tion, some priests have referred to what loquium, from which she received Man offaith and sluuing, they heard in confession. a leadership ~ward. Make us holiest, hUmble, Pope John Paul"s remarks were A Cumberland, RI, native, she was principal at Feehan. where she an apparent reference to a widely faithful, publicized case of an anti-Mafia previously taught mathematics and Strong ",ith Christ's true German, from 1969 to 1973. She priest in Italy who told his congreliberty, . gation that a young Mafia member holds a bachelor's degree from Make our labor and our Salve Regina, a master's in had confessed to· participating in mathematics from Villanova Uni- the murder ofltaly'sleading Mafia leisure versity. arid a doctor of education prosecutor. Fruitful to eternity. The priest later apologized, sayfrom Harvard University. coverage of Our Postal System. [Anchor, March 4, 1994.]


THE ANCHOR -- Diocese of Fall River -

Fri .. Mar. 18, 1994


agreement.,,' that just as' the penitent's words wil1 remain secret, so will the priest's. Because the priest is bound by secrecy, he has no means of d~­ fending or explaining himself If what the penitent says creates controversy, the pope said.

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Office for Youth Ministry Services • Position Available • Coordinator of Youth Services 'The OIIIre tor Youth Ministry 8ervIces 01 the Diocese.ol Fall· Rillei' Is currently accepting appI~atS for the new posIIion of Coordinator 01 Youth Servioes beginning ....Iy 1, 1994. ThIs peroSQn will be responsible lor the development and implementatiOn 01 adult youth ministers' trail1lng anct enr1chment on the iIklcesaii level. HeIshe will also serve asaresourre person lor parish based total youth ministry. edit ~ quarterly youth ministry newsletter and coordinate youth ministry networIdr1Q:. Applicants must possess a college degree (master's preferred) in youth ministry, religious education or arelated field. HeJshe must have strong skills in catechesls, cOmmunicaton and adull education. Understanding of and experience in total youth minislJy is Ii must! . Please send resumes to: OflIre for Youth Ministry Services, Attn: Fr. David cosia . Post OflIre Box 1167, Fall River, MA 02722 By Friday, April 22, 1994


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.. Mar. 18. 1994

Foundation offers free health insurance for needy children Free health care for needy children is available from the Massachusetts Caring for Children Foundation. The nonprofit organization was established to raise funds to -support the Caring Program for Children. In its first year of operation, the foundation provided free health care to I:000 children in the state. For every $300 raised. one .child receives health care for a full ye1lr. Donors m&y request their funds be targeted to help children from a specific city or town. As' the lead sponsor for the -Massachusetts Caring for Children Foundation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts has under_written all administrative and operating costs.

Children enrolled in the program receive yearly checkups, doctor's office vi~its, routine tests and immunizations, prescription drugs, emergency ac;cident and medical care up to $1,000 per year, and minor outpatient surgery for hernias and ear tubes.

To qualify, a child must be between ages six and 18, unmarried, a funtime student, living in Massachusetts (citizenship not required), from a family that does not exceed specified income levels, and not covered under a public or private health insurance plan. For more information on the program. call the foundation at (617) 956-3902.

Sleep positioning affects crj.b deaths WASHINGTON, D.C. - Crib death decreases dramatically in countries where parents follow recommendations that infants sleep on their side or back. So suggestsa -new study from the Netherlan.~s published in the latest iss~ of Archives of Disease in Childhood. The investigation showed a drop in the number of crib deaths from J.04 deaths per one thousand in 1986 to 0.44 deaths per one thousand in 1992 in the Netherlands. The decrease is thought to be due to a decline in the practice of pJacing infants in the prone position (lying on their stomachs) dropping from 60% in 1986 to only 10% in 1992. Dutch health authorities began educating parents in 19.86 to avoid the prone sleeping position for their baby. Why sleep position

ing makes such a difference is unknown. Death in infants'associated with respiratory illnesses also decreased. Although no one knows why crib death occurs. it js JOore lik,.e1y with prematurity, maternal smoking and drug use, respiratory illnesses, and overheating. Australia and Britain followed the Dutch lead in 1991 in conducting national campaigns to decrease the number of infants sleeping on their stomachs. For the Last year most pediatricians and family practice doctors in the U'nited States also have been recommending that parents keep their infants on their sides or back.

National Institute for Healthcare Research report

Parents' divorce still painful for adults By Mitch Finley Millions of adult Americans more than a few Catholics among them - remember their parents' divorce.. 1n the fall of 1961, the year I began my sophomore year in high school. my parents separated and later divorced. I believe I speak for my peers when I say that those of us who at some point in our childhood or adolescence witnessed the end of our· parents' marriage still carry the scars from that painful experience. Research' data reported widely by the secular press in recent years indicates that the effects of divorce on children last into adulthood. To this day I feel sad when I recall my parents' divorce. My feelings about my father, especially, are ambivalent because he is the one who .... reft us..... He tooi. ofr.-ah3 the life my younger sister and I knew from then on with our mother included many unhappy times. The effects of divorces that happened even 30 years ago still show up in extended families that are out of kilter and will be for at least a couple of generations.

The children of my peers and I So what are we to do, we adult have multiple sets of grandparvictims of our parents' divorce? ents, some of whom they are not Self-pity will get us nowhere. related to ·by blood. Weddings and I?wellingon the past, wishing things holidays like Thanksgiving and had been different won't help either. Christmas often become high-stress We adults whose parents divorcevents marked by the presence of ed need to accept, I believe. that stepfathers and stepmothers and we need healing. no matter how their respective children and -step- long ago our parents split. We can siblings from former marri3'ges. bring our hurt to God in prayer, An 8-year-old girl asked in and we can talk about our feelings response to an adulfs attempt to with a friend or counselor. sort out all the various relationI n some cases we need to grieve. ships-for her, 6'T~is isn't the way We can face our feelings about our it's supposed to be. is it?~ parents~ di va reel those feelings we No, Virginia, ifs'itot. still'carry after all these years, and My purpose, by the way. is not we can ask the risen Christ in to make divorced people feel guilty. prayer to redeem even this pain Who can undo what has been that we still carry secretly in our done? God knows divorces are heart after aU these years. complicated affairs. no two alike. There is one other thing we can On the contrary. my purpose is . do~" we adults whose parents dito highlight the need for healing vorced. The statistics are not in 1lfft6ftl! a_wlwse-parents-<!iour favor, but statisfiCSl'>e hanged! vOTced years ago. I believe we We can make every effort to see often overlook that need, and we that the trend stops here. with us. whose parents divorced sometimes We can see to it that our own pretend the hurt is no longer there. mi:lrriage~ remain healthy. and Weare adults; but when it comes sound so that our own children to the topic of our parents' divorce, will never know the pain we knew deep inside we still hurt like the - still know - because our parkids we were when it happened. ents-divorced.

Helping an aging parent eat .t:ight By Monica and Bill Dodds There are ~ lot of reasons why helping an aging parent develop and maintain a healthy. well-balanced diet can be a challenge. As a body ages. the digestive system can become prone to problems. Dental difficulties can make chewing painful. Some medications suppress a person's appetite or promote weight gain. Depression can bring a change in appetite. The older person simply may not care about food. If there is memory loss. he or she may forget to eat. " Finances can be tight. Some older people. after paying for rent and utilities. have little left over for food. It can be hard to eat alone. to cook for cme person. It's so much easier to skip a meal or nibble on less nutritious food when no one dse is there. And then. too. we each-develop our eating habits over a lifetime. While we may know about the four basic food groups or the food guide pyramid. knowing and following are two separate things. Changing lifelong habits is difficult. There are things the adult child c:::an do to encourage an aging par-


ent to eat right. This doesn't mean for poor eating habits. It is possibeing pushy or disrespectful. It ble to take too many vitamins. doesn't mean ignoring a parent's A:nd they are expensive. wishes. In fact, the more mom or Keep in mind that some older dad is involved in the process. the people find it easier on their sysmore-likely it is to succeed. tems to eat several smaller meals A first step can. be talking to • during the day than three regularyour parent~s doctor and asking size ones. foJ.: ~h"e. h.e1p of· a nutritionist, Make food preparation as easy someone, who will be able to tell as possible-for a parent. Small poryou what yoor parent specifically tions can be frozen and then taken needs. out and heated in the .microwave. SQmetim~ this will include havMake sure the food looks appealing your parent keep a daily jour- ing. ;nal of exactly what he or she eats. Check out Jocat community (The resuJtsrcan be surprising for resources to see, what kind of meal your parent but then we would delivery program is available. probably all be surprised if we Re~ember no one likes to eat kept track of what we r<tally ate the same food day after day. each day.) COUFage a variety within the bounEncourage mom or dad to foldaries of the prescribed diet, and low the recommended diet. (for be sure to include the items the example. one that is low-salt,lowparent prefers. sugar or low-fat; one high in fiber; When gr<lcery shopping foraging one with a n emphasis on calcium.) parents. iCs easy to fall into the When the family gets together. be trap of buying only ice cream or sure that foods on the diet are cookies or some other single food included in the menu. because "that's all they wapt'" or Also check with the doctor to "that's all they eat:' . . find out if any of your parent's medications would react negatively Like all of us. they would prefer to particular foods. to live on a single. fa\'"orite treat: Be careful with vitamin pills. like all of us. thev need a balance They aren't a catchall to make up of nutritious food~ for good health.


Subspecies of the following of faithful

MODEL KIDS: Beth Ann Fournier and Chelsea and Kendra DeMoura (from left) model spring fashions at the . Coyle-Cassidy High' School Mother's Club Fashion Show Sunday at the Holiday Inn-Taunton. Students, faculty members and parents also participated.

By Dan Morris If we can have a "covey" of quail, a "pride" of lions. a "troop" of monkeys and a "gaggle" of geese. why can't we have special group terms for"other populations?' The "Grammar Gram" at the University of California, Berkeley, recently asked that question, having its own answer in the wings. The newsletter quickly offered potential group designations for campus use, among them: a "sta,ck" of librarians. a "slouch'" of students, a "dinette" of department chairs, a "protuberance'" of professors. Our priest cousin. Kevin, loves this stuff. f:le quickly had us sitting around Sunday dinner developing ideas for the church:, a "benevolence" of bishops. a "swoosh'~ of sisters, a "tenure" of theologians. a "scream" of choir directors. Or how about a "lottery" of

fund raisers. a "groan" of CeD teachers. or a "visitation" of vicar generals? It was a tie between "caldron" and "collage" (yes, "collage") of cardinals. the same between "promotion" and "panic" of pastors. Used in a sentence: The panic of pastors applied for an audience before the caldron of cardinals. More? An "apparition" of archbishops. a "cunning" of canon lawyers, a "giggle" of altar servers. A "beneficence" of brothers. a "preach" of permanent deacons, a "ponderous" of parish councils. A "costello" of abbots. an "inspiration" of missionaries, a "challenge" of youth ministers? A "swat" of flagellants. a "dance" of liturgists. a "consternation" of catechumens?



dicey. though.

when Father Kevin popped out "glacier of parishioners'" "As in a huge conglomeration of frozen drips'!" asked his cousin, my wife. "Or a slow moving, cold m'ass?" probed another participant. Father Kevin laughed. "Whoa. you 'crush' of cousins. Why not think of a powerful force of great beauty'r" "Nice recovery,-youquick.-think_ ing member of the 'pandering' of politicians." replied spouse. "I was about to suggest a 'par' of priests and a 'humdrum' of homilrsts. Or maybe a 'bogey' of clerics and a 'snide' of priest-cousins. But I won't:'

Bad Company "It is better to be alone t.ban to be in bad company."-George Washington

Cover girls


Continued from Page One Honnen, president of the congregation, told them a photographer was tra veling to all the convents in the area to take pictures of what they do. "He came into our room and we were working together. He took pictures of all we did," Sister Bilodeau recalled. "When he was done he was by the picture window and said, 'I want her and her.' He snapped it so fast. We didn't know the picture was taken." She laughs. "I was just teasing her like 1 always do. That'll teach me not to fool CHANTS TOP CHARTS: Benedictine Father Miguel around anymore!" Vivanco is surrounded by reporters in the cloister of the Santo A few months ago, the sisters Domirigo de Silos monastery in Spain after centuries-old received the surprise of their lives. Gregorian chants recorded by the monks at the abbey reached They found out that their photothe top of both the pop and classical charts. The recordings, graph was chosen from more than 100 national entries to be the "cover which have sold 300,000 copies in Spain since November, will girls" for 1993's Retirement Fund soon be released in the United States. (eNS/ Reuters photo) for Religious, a 10-year campaign aimed at aiding religious congre- Sister Boulay remembers. Mass at 7:30. Then I say my praygations in the care of their retired ers. I pray for my benefactors." Sister Bilodc:au and a twin members. Without her benefactors, Sister brother were born in Fall River The poster reads, in English and Nov. 1,1913. They have eight sisBoulay realizes that the little things Spanish versions, "You Always ters. She attended St. Roch's parshe enjoys in life today might not Wanted to Say Thanks. Here's ochial school and entered the conbe possible. how. They taught you. Prayed for vent in 193 I. She was a cook at St. "Without the Retirement Fund you. Comforted and cared for you. Jean Baptiste, St. Mathieu's and and private donations, we probaEven in their later years, they con- Blessed Sacrament parishes, then bly would not have been able to do tinue to guide and inspire you. But worked with the sick for 23 years. the Health Care Center here over," with limited retirement savings, Sister of St. Joseph Ann Lynch In 1974 the Sisters ofSt. Joseph Catholic sisters, brothers and order of Fall River merged with the told The Catholic Observer, newspriests are facing the future with Springfield congregation because paper of the Springfield' diocese. meager resources. Please take this they had fewer than 100 members. "It's possible we would have had opportunity to thank them for to use nursing homes." This meant giving up their identheir lifetime of dedication and tity as an international congregaThe median age o(religious men devotion. Give generously to the tion and becoming a diocesan comand women is now 65, and there Retirement Fund for Religious col- munity. Of all St. Joseph communare more religious over 80 than lection in your parish." under 50. According to Sister of ities in the country. the Fall River The sisters' picture has been fea- sisters chose to merge with-those in St. Joseph of Medaille Janet Rostured in numerous Catholic news- the Springfield diocese due to a ener, executive director of the papers across the country, as well similar charism and their low-meLeadership Conference of Women as other national publications. dian age. Religious, "there is still much to Newsweek devoted a full page to do." Speaking in French and Engthe photograph in its Nov. f9 "Increased longevity, increased lish, Sister Boulay said, "I think issue. The sisters also appeared in that we are lucky that all the Fall cost of care for elderly members, 30-second nationally-run commer- River sisters have been taken care and limited reserves are facts of cials in December. life," she told the U.S. bishops at of. This is now our home. It was a The two sisters, who have known sacrifice to leave Fall River. their annual meeting this fall. each other for 30 years, blush at Nearly $125 million was collected We worked hard to build that the prospect of now being "fa- convent." in the first five years of the cammous," but they know it is for a paign. 749 religious orders have Today Sister Bilodeau helps out good cause. received grants, and 70 have reat Mont Marie, accompanying re"j did think the picture was tired sisters to the doctor and ceived supplemental grants to take pretty," said Sister Boulay. "It doing miscellaneous chores. But care of emergency needs. says that all people need affection, The 1992 appeal brought in $24.6 most of her spare time is spent to be taken care oC" million; figures are not yet in for laughing with and loving Sister , Looking at the poster, Sister of Boulay. ' the December 1993 campaign. SI. Joseph Judith O'Connell, 'Tm in my chair, so she pushes Donations to the Retirement Springfield diocesan vicar for reli- me 'into the dining room and the Fund for Jleligious may be made gious women, said, "When you see chapel." said Sister Boulay. "Every at any time to P.O. Box 73140, their faces, you can see their inti- morning she comes to dress me for Baltimore, MD 21273. mate relationship with God," For Sisters Bilodeau and Boulay, the picture sums up the friendship and fulfillment they have experienced in their religious lives. New York Cardinal_pohn J.] Continued from Page One For the public, it is a shining O'Connor?" a March 17 White House function example of service, faith, and love. Flynn was widely rumored to be and had indicated an interest in The daughter of French-Cana- visiting several other cities, all of announcing his candidacy for governor of Massachusetts during this dian immmigrants, Sister Boulay which were being reviewed. trip. Earlier in March, he asked was born in Fall River May 3, "There was no blanket turn- the Massachusetts attorney general 1900, the sixth of nine children. A parishioner at St. Mathieu's down," the offi~ial said. "It's just a to look into the alleged embezzlenormal, routine procedure" that ment of more than $200,000 in Church, she attended parochial schools and in 1926 entered the any government official must go campaign donations, a financial setback he said would not "make a Sisters of St. Joseph at the Fall through. potential campaign any easier. River provincial house. The official said the event might In his letter to Ms. Cox, Flynn With a degree in education from not have been approved "as a matsaid that some newspaper reports the former Sacred Hearts College, ter of timing" if Flynn's schedule said the cancellation was because Sister Boulay taught in Franco- was not submitted far enough in he might run for governor. American schools in the diocese advance for review. "I had previously notified the for 37 years, serving at Blessed In a letter to Warren Nixon, Sacrament, SI. Roch, St. Mathieu executive director of European Af- [State] Department, however, that I am not currently a candidate for and SI. Jean Baptiste, Fall River, fairs for the State Department, political office in Massachusetts, and St. Michael's, Swansea. Ms. Cox said that in discussions nor would I make any announceIn 1965 she began taking care of about the cancellation, Nixon ment regarding such candidacy her fellow sick and elderly sisters "mentioned something about 'powhile on this trip to the United at the former Foyer St. Therese litical moti,ves.''' States," he wrote. Infirmary, a job she said she and He said the museum event was "What does sharing his expeSister Bilodeau loved. similar to other events that had "When I was superior there, and riences with Pope John Paul II been approved without issue in the I needed someone, I'd call her. have to do with politics?" they asked. "How do we explain this to past. We'd both take care of the sick,"

Dioccsc of Fall Rivcr

Fri .. Mar. IlL 1994


Templeton Prize to Novak Continued from Page One by a national Catholic lay group. The Templeton prize was established in 1972 by mutual fund manager John Marks Templeton, a native of Tennessee who now lives in the-Bahamas. He keeps it at a monetary level above the Nobel Prizes to indicate his belief that progress in religion is more important than in the areas honored by other prizes. This year, it is 650,000 British pounds, or approximately $1 million. Previous Templeton winners include Mother Teresa, the Rev. Billy Graham and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Last year's winner was Charles Colson, who established Prison Fellowship, the world's largest prison ministry. Novak said he would keep some of the money for family use. He said the Stonehill scholarships would honor the memory of his parents and his brother, Holy Cross Father Richard Novak, who worked in what is now Bangladesh until he was killed during a HinduMuslim riot in 1964. He said money will also go toward establishing a fellowship for younger scholars at the American Enterprise Institute and to help the journal Crisis, which he founded and continues to serve as editor and publisher. Matching gran'ts for the projects will be sought, he said. Born Sept. 9, 1933, to Slovak parents in Johnston, Pa., Novak was the oldest of five children. He and his wife, Karen Ruth Laub, a professional artist, have three children.

In addition to his Stonehill degree, he earned degrees from Gregorian University in Rome; and Harvard University. He has also received many honorary doctorates. One of his early interests as an author and speaker was in the importance of retaining the ties of ethnic Americans to their cultural backgrounds. He was president of the Slavic National Council and founding president of the SiavicAmerican National Association. Novak was named in 1985 to President Reagan's Task Force on Project Economic Justice. He also served under Reagan as U.S. delegate to the U.N. Human Rights Commission in the early 19ROs and as a member of the UNESCO monitoring panel in 19114. The author of dozens of books that have been translated into most major foreign languages, Novak wrote a syndicated column for Catholic News Service in 1975-76.








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he moment is now! These are the words ?f Archbishop Rrok Mirdita of Durres-Tirana, Albania. After a generation of atheist domination... of "Good Friday," the Church in Albania in now beginning to experience the Resurrection... Easter! But so much needs to be done for people who have grown up without the Church, without even a knowledge ofJesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross. Help is needed to educate Albania's seminarians, to rebuild churches, to provide for Sisters who will teach the young about Jesus. "You look into the faces of these people, faces of poverty but faces of hope, of eagerness to know Jesus, to find strength in Him," Archbishop Mirdita says. During Lent, we are called to unite ourselves more closely with Christ through sacrifice. Your Lenten sacrifice through the Propagation of the Faith would be a blessing for the Church's work - in Albania, war-tom Liberia, earthquake-ravaged India. Your prayers and sacrifice are needed - and the moment is now!

Flynn appearance nixed


Reverend Monsignor John .1. Oliveira, V.E. 410 Highland Avenue, • Post Office Box 2577, • Fall River, MA 02722 "Attention: Cotumn." No. 101 ANCH. 3/18/94

Enclosed is my Lenten sacrifice for the Missions: '





$40...$lfor each day of Lent 0 $25 0 $10 0 $ (other)


Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City State Zip _ ~

Please remember The Society for the Propagation of the Faith .J when writing or changing your Will. "


US'CC scores U~S. attitude toward's Haiti's probl,ems

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri .. Mar. 18. 1994

New study finds younger priests more conse.rvative

The Catholic Legal Immigration WASHINGTON (CNS) - The director of the U.S. bishops' refu- Network, a subsidiary of the USCC, gee programs joined aid providers has filed asylum claims for more tional understandings of priestCHICAGO, (CNS) - A new and several members of Congress than 2,200 Haitians who were prehood, church structure and authnational study of priests has found screened at Guantanamo, but more . in criticizing U.S. policy toward evidence of a trend toward conser- ority, while middle-aged priests Haiti and calling fo'r a new com- than 7,000 people have been unable held more traditional views !lnd vative church views among the mitment to restoring ousted presi- to apply because they lack legal oldest priests were the most tranation's youngest priests. dent Father Jean-Bertrand Aris- representation, Father Ryscavage "In 1993 the youngest priests ditional. said. . tide to office. . Now the youngest priests are He suggested granting the Guanwere conservative on several eccleCurrent policies mean the Unimuch closer to the oldest priests siological issues, more so than in ted States fails to protect refugees tanamo 'Haitians a special parole 1970 or 1985," said the study, con- on those issues, and priests in the fleeing some of the most serious entrance status similar to that middle age levels are least tradi'ducted by three Catholic Univerhuman rights violations in the authorized in 1980 to handle simsity of America social researchers tional in their views. ultaneous influxes of Cubans and world, said Jesuit Father Richard In 1970 nearly half of the for the National 'Federation of Ryscavage. executive director of Haitians. He urged Congres,s to youngest priests supported the idea Priests' Councils. the U.S. Catholic Conference Mig- grant Te'mporary Protec:ted Status The researchers reported that of parishes selecting their own pasration and Refugee Services in to other Haitians curre:ltly in the the vast majority of priests ques- tor from among ordained priests. United States without legal permisrecent testimony before the Subtioned in 1993 - as in previous Now only about one-tenth of the committe for Western Hemisphere sion. The priest noted that the U.S. surveys - were happy with their youQgest priests supports that idea Affairs of the Senate Foreign Reand approval is strongest among bishops have taken no position on life and ministry. lations Committee. In general, they said, priests priests aged 46-55. . More than two years after Father the trade embargo, but he pointed Support for optional celibacy reported "few problems that are Aristide was forced from office out that the effects of such actions greatly troublesome to their life or among diocesan priests has and his homeland, U.S.-led efforts should be proportional to the good dropped' among the youngest ministry. The two problems felt including a, trade-embargo and they accomplish. Currently in Haiti, priests from about 85 percent in most intensely are the way authornegotiations with Haiti's military the poor seem to be suffering much CNS/Random Hous. photo 1970 to about 45percent in 1993. ity is exercised in the church (27 more than are the embargo's main rulers have failed to either return a SISTER PREJEAN Well over half the priests in the percent) and the unrealistic dedemocratic government or stop targets he said. next three age groups back optional mands and expectations of lay "The poorest country in the violence by the military., people (18 percent)." (The numb~rs celibacy. Only among priests under "With one hand tne administra- Western Hemisphere is rapidly refer to the percentages of priests 35 and over 65 is support for. becoming the poorest country in tion shakes its fist at Haiti, while surveyed who identified a particu- optional celibacy a minority view. world," he added. with the other hand it pushes peoIn 1970 nearly 80 percent of the lar issue as "a great problem.") Representatives of CARE and ple back fo face abuse," Father WAS H INGTON (CNS),Next in frequency among issues youngest group backed the idea of Oxfam America, which, along with Ryscavage said. Standing outside a Washington respondents ~onsidered seriqus inviting resigned priests back to Of particular concern, he said, is Catholic Relief Services and other hotel waiting for her driver, Sister the U.S. policy of interdicting f1ee-' agencies have continued providing problems for priests were over- active ministry, even if they were married. Now fewer than 40 perHelen Prejean jokes that being on work (15 percent), loneliness (1,5 ing Haitians at sea and turning food and medical supplie!: during a book tour reminds her of the percent), celibacy (14 percent) and cent of the youngest back that the embargo, said it is failing them back before they reach U.S. because too much gets thr()ugh to being expected to represent church stance, while about 60 percent of journeys of St. Paul. territorial waters and the chance She means that on tour she's teachings a priest personally has middle-aged priests support it. to remain in t'he country while asy- the wrong people and urged that it In 1970 fewer than 20 percent of difficulty with (14 percent). never really sure where she'lI be be strengthened as long a!i provilum claims are pending. Only I percent cited too little the youngest priests'described the next, at the mercy of an "if it's Also at the hearing, committee sions are made for increased humanFriday, this must be Washington" work, difficulty of working with "spiritual security that results from itarian aid to get through. chairman Sen. Christopher J. women or difficulty in shilr:ing responding to the divine call" as schedule 'where escorts provided Dodd, D-Conn:. and three memauthority as a great problem. Only something "of great importance" by Random House shepherd her bers of Congress.speaking as wit"1'" allow(~d to them. Now 45 percent of the 4 percent cited a lack of challenge, from one interview to another, . . . nesses said current U..S. policies lack of opportunity for per~Silal youngest priests said it was of promoting "Dead Man Walking," are accomplishing little toward refulr"illment, conflict wi~h 'pa'r- great importance. her book about counseling death establishing democracy in Haiti ishioners or difficulty in working row inmates, which earned her the and are hurting the poor much CAPE TOWN, South Africa with women religious. . ' , 1994 Isaac Hecker Awar9 for social more than the military rulers. (CNS) - A protninent South AfThe NFPC sponsored the 1993 justice from Boston's Paulist CenSen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, said rican priest, once general secretary survey primarily as a self-study to ter. Named for Isaac' Hecker, the United States was allowing of the Southern African Catholic analyze how it might more effecfounder of the Paulist Fathers, its itself to be faced down by"a ragtag Bishops' Conference, has been VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope' previous'recipients have included tively serve priests' councils. Many collection of no more than 100 permitted to be a candidate f.or the of its questions focu,sed on priests' John Paul II has the year 2.000 Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez. ,drug peddlers and murderers." new South African parliament. views of their own priests' council much on h'is mind. He has ,con'The analogy to St. Paul is Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., Bishop Mogale Paut' Nkhu'mishe and the N FPC, but it also repeated voked a meeting of the world's 141 appropriate for Sister Prejean. representing the Congressional of Witback, South Africa, said some questions asked in previous cardinals to discuss church prepaLike Paul, she had a coriversion Black Caucus, reiterated criticism that Father Smangaliso Mkhatstudies in order to uncover trends ration for and celebration of the experience. leading the upper- that the U niteC! States has been shwa may serve in the new govand contribute to general research beginning of the third millennium. middle-class daughter of a Baton hesitant to take decisive action in ernment for up to five years. The into the lives, attitudes and conThe meeting will be held at the Rouge, La., attorney from the Haiti because its inhabitants are priest has been nominated as a cerns of,U,S. priests. . Vatican May 9-10. Vatican simple life, she expected as a teacher poor blacks. He said ClintOn is candidate by the African National More than 1,700 questionnaires spok..esman Joaquin Navarro- Valls in a girls' school to community getting bad advice, particularly in Congress. were sent out, reaching every eighth said. activism in a bleak New Orleans pushing Father Aristide to agree The bishop explained that FaJher The importance Pope John Paul priest in 44 dioceses and 44 male project. to concessions for his return while Mkhatshwa felt the struggle against religious orders or provinces. The places on marking the 2.000th, From there she began writing to demanding little from the coup apartheid was not over and saw his return rate was 69.5 percent. anniversary of Jesus' birth can be Elmo Patrick Sonni'er on death government. nomination as an opportunity to Among notable overall trends. seen in almost every speech he rOw. She became his spiritual Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II, Dcontinue working for a democratic the researchers found four signifi- makes and in his repeated calls for adviser, helping him prepare for Mass .• said the United States South Africa. The candidate has cant differences between priests of renewed evangelization efforts in his impending execution and ulti- should be prepared to ,back up its been jailed, tortured and had his 1993 and those of 1970: preparation for its celebration. mately watching him die in the rhetoric with a military response house bombed for his work to The May meeting will be the electric chair. Along the way. she , - "Priests in 1993 feel more to restore democracy in Haiti. Curabolish South Africa's system of akin to professionals such as doc- fifth such assembly called by the has taken on the criminal justice rent administration proposals that racial segregation. tors. lawyers and educators than pope to discuss Vatican adminis- system, Louisiana prison adminiswould allow most of the military' they did in 1970." Those who felt tration or matters of interestto the trators, now retired New Orleans leaders to remain in place when they had professional levels of universal church. Archbishop Philip M. Hannan and Father Aristide returns are a recipe The earlier assemblies were: knowledge and skill rose from 76 • supporters of capital punishment. for disaster. he added. to 87 percent. _ In 1979 to discuss the strucAlso like the New Testament But Walter Slocombe, deputy -"Priests in 1993 reported more ture of the Ro'man Curia. the scribe, Sister Prejean's travels undersecretary of defense for polpersonal satisfaction from "admin- church and culture. and the finan- around the country are about icy, said the administration has no istering the sacraments and presid- ces of the Holy See. desire or current plans to use milspreading the Gospel, in this case, ing over the liturgy.... rising fr.om itary force in Haiti. ' - I n 1982 to discuss reorgani- the gospel of opposition to capital 80 to 92 percent. punishment, from the perspective Lawrence Pezzullo, special U.S. , _ "Priests in 1993 reported less zation' of the Curia and Vatican of. someone who has' watched the adviser on Haiti and former head personal satisfaction from "living ,finances, with special attention to of Catholic Relief Services, said the common life with likeminded the Vatican bank's relationship to executions of three men she cared for. the administnltion is unwilling to priests'" - down from 48 to 37 the failed Banco Ambrosiano. apply further sanctions unless percent. - In 1985 to discuss curial Father Aristide offers more "polit- Where only 7 percent of the reform. ical movement." 1970 priests were greatly troubled - In '1991 to discuss defense of Whiie such negotiations are onby "unrealistic demands and expec- human life and problems associated going, Father Rysc'avage urged tations of lay people;" by 1993 the ,with new religious sects. A papal the administration to clear up the figure had risen to 18 percent. 'encyclicalon human life issues pending asylum cases of Haitians In 1970 the youngest priests 'which cardinals at the meeting who were admitted at Guantanamo were quite consistently the least asked the pope to write. is expected eNS pholco Bay, Cuba, in 1991 but have not likelr to adhere to more tradi- to be released this year. yet had their cases processed. FATHER MKHATSHWA

Hecker A ward -to Sister Prejean

Priest to seek office ~

Third millennium on 'pope's mind

The Anchor Friday, March 18, 1994

With this issue, the Anchor' begins an occasional column reporting deaths, changes and appointments among members of the hierarchy, especially in the United States. THE POPE has named Baltimore Archbishop William H. Keeler, head of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. Catholic Conference, and Memphis, Tenn., Bishop J. Terry Steib as members of the Synod of Bishops 'on Africa, to meet April 10 to May 8 at the Vatican.



FOLLOWING a five-day hospital stay, retired St. Louis Archbishop JQhn L. May has entered Mary, Queen and Mother Center, a ·Catholic nursing home in Shrewsbury, Mo., for care following surgery for brain cancer and ensuing blood clots and infections. He has been succeeded in the St. Louis archdiocese by Archbishop Justin Rigali, who has been one of the four top American officials at the Vatican.

••••• CARDINAL Joseph Cordeiro, archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan, for 36 years and a leading voice on

international church issues died Feb. II at age 76.

••••• ARCHBISHOP Thomas J. Murphy of Seattle has initiated a $670,000 "Replanting Lives" program of small loans and emergency assistance to 10 Washington state timber communities hard hit by federal policies r.estricting logging.

••••• THE POPE has appointed Bishop Harry J. Flynn of Lafayette, La., coadjutor archbishop with right of succession to St. PaulMinneapolis Archbishop John R. Roach. The pope also appointed Washington auxiliary Bishop William J. Curlin Bishop of Charlotte, NC.

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THE POPE has named Msgr. Charles J. McDonnell, vicar general and moderator of the curia in the Newark archdiocese, as auxiliary ~ishop of Newark.

Full relations for Vatican, South Africa VATICAN CITY (eNS) - The Vatican is establishing full diplomatic relations with South Africa. saying the move is aimed at encouraging the passage from apartheid to democracy. The exchange of ambassadors will also benefit the minority Catholic Church. and its future evangelization efforts in the country. the Vatican said. The early March announcement opened a new chapter after decades of tense relations between the Vatican and South Africa, until recently ruled by its white minority. South Africa's establishment of a multiracial Transitional Executive Council and approval of a new constitution confirm "the definitive end of the apartheid system," Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valis said. The country is scheduled to hold its first free elections in April. The move to full diplomatic relations appeared to bolster hopes that Pope John Paul II will soon visit South Africa. The pope accepted an invitation to visit it during a meeting last December with President Frederik W. de Klerk but no date was sel. The Vatican's upgrading. of

diplomatic ties was also intended to show appreciation to those who negotiated a peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa. said Navarro-Valls. He said the country's reforms owe much to the commitment of many Catholics and non-Catholics, who often paid for their efforts with' humiliation and suffering. The country's bishops in particular took steps to help build a truly just society and put an end to violence and intolerance, he added. Navarro-Valls said the Vatican wants to encourage South Africans, especially its Catholics, to promote policies that ensure the good of tht: country. About 3 million of South Africa's 36 million population are Catholic. The Vatican has maintained an apostolic delegation to South Africa since 1922. The current apostolic delegate, who is technically considered a nondiplomatic representative, is V.S.-born Archbishop Ambrose De Paoli. South Africa has no representative to the Vatican. With full diplomatic ties, the Vatican will name an apostolic nuncio. and South Africa will appoint an ambassador.

Conference topic is Portuguese health Improving acct:ss to health care, particularly substance abuse services, for membt:rs of the Portuguese community is the topic of a conference to be held 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 25 at the Holiday Inn in Taunton. "Prevent.ion and Treatment in the PortugueseSpeaking Communities: U nderstanding the Population Before Treatment" will be sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, Southeastern Massachusetts Portuguese Providers and AdCare Educational Institute, Inc. The conference will explore ways to increase the level of comfort with health care interactions and willingness to accept treatment among members ofthe Portuguese

community and· will aid health care providers in better understanding values, beliefs and behavior in' the Portuguese community, which includes persons from continental Portugal, the Azores, Madeira, Brazil arid Cape Verde. The registration· deadline ·is today. For information contact Jean Silver, AdCare Educational Institute, 752-7313, TTY 754-0039.

A God Who Loves "Dying for us did not satisfy you. You had to give us this sacrament as a companion, as food. as a pledge of hea ven. You had to become a tiny baby, a poor laborer. a beaten criminal. even a morsel of bread. Only a God who loves us deeply could conceive such ideas!" - -Sl. Alphonsus I.iguori


Vatican politics to. be boolc topic WASHINGTON (CNS) - Jesuit Father Thomas J. Reese, senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, has been awarded a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. During the 1994-1995 academic year the priest will write a book on .•... ~ ...._ ....._ :ca the organization a.nd politics of the Vatican. He is currently in ~--- .... Rome gathering data for the book. "Little is known about the operations of this important institution and how it impacts on the life of the church and the world." he said. \. "The purpose of this study is to -:'II~-""-- bring the tools of political science ~. and organizational theory to a study of the papacy in its operaF ATHER GREG LEACH visits Ruth Bethards and baby tions today." Father Reese was among 30 felJ ordyn, whom he helped bring into the world. (eNS / Widman lows chosen from 819 applicants. photo) said Charles Blitzer, Wilson center director. The center. created by Congress in 1968, seeks to commemorate both the scholarly depth and the public concerns of President Woodrow Wilson.

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EMT priest aids ambulance crew to deliver baby

OSCEOLA, Iowl.l (CNS) Father Greg Leacli. pastor of St. Bernard parish in Osceola and a trained firefighter and emergency medical technician, was checking out at a local convenience store when the call came over his radio. "I was just getting my change from the cashier," Father Leach recalled. "and I couldn't quite understand all the details, but I knew there was a mom and a baby involved." Sixteen'minutes after the call, Father Leach helped ~elcome Jordyn Danielle 5 pounds, 2 ounces. into the world. She was born on the living room floor of the home of her parents, Ruth and Kevin Bethards of Osceola. The couple also has a 3-year-old, 'Brittany. Mrs. Bethards started having contractions the day before the Jan. 30 delivery and had gone to Mercy Hospital Medical Center in Des Moines.. where she was scheduled to deliver her baby. "They told me my contractions were too far apart, and that I should go home," she told The Catholic Mirror, newspaper of the Des Moines diocese. "I was supposed to come back when the contractions were five minutes apart, but they went from 40 minutes to 12 minutes to two minutes. There was no going anywhere then." Father Leach and members of Clarke County Hospital ambulance crew arrived at the Bethards home at about the same time: "When we first got there. we weren't absolutely certain that a home delivery would be necessary," he said. "But before long, it became pretty obvious." Along with Father Leach and another emergency technician, three ambulance crew members helped bl~ing Jordyn safely into the world, with everyone working together to find the right equipment in the ambulance's obstetrical kit and to keep Mrs. Bethards comfor- . table. "I must have been doing something worthwhile," said the priest, "because nobody sent me to boil water." Gathered around the mother and baby after the delivery, the makeshift birthing team felt a tremendous sense of happiness and relief when Jordyn began to cry.

"It took 15 seconds or so, which seemed like half an hour, for her to start breathing and making noise," Father Leach said. "You don't have any sense of time when you're waiting for something like that."

"Double pitfall"

VATICANCITY(CNS)- Ina speech defending religious freedom, a Vatican official said modern states ~nust avoid a "double pitfall" of imposing a state religion or branding religious communities For Father Leach, a firefighter harmful to the nation. Despite since 1984 and emergency medical human rights pledges, the internatechnician since 1986, it was the tional record on protecting relifirst time he had been involved in a gious liberty is still spotty, Archbibirth. shop Paul Tabet told a V. N. H u"A lot of times with the ambu- ' mar/Rights Commission in Geneva. lance, you go out on a call and it Respecting religious liberty means doesn't end so well," he said, "so favoring full participation of beit's great that this one turned out lievers in society, the archbishop so nicely." said.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River~Fri., Mar. 18,1994




By Charlie Martin


I. What do'llike to do when I'm' By Linda L. Rome alone? , Parents, teachers and even 2. What do I do or have.l done friends bombard teens with advice to help them figure out the answer that gave me 'a, sense of inner, to the unspoken question: "What satisfaction?' .3. What路 do I like to do with are you going to,do with the r~st of other people? your life?", 4 What subjects 'or areas of Implied is that there.is one best answer that you can choose, a one- , study come eas\ly to me? 5. What do I want to learn more ti me, solve-t he-pro blem-forever answer that, once chosen, sets the' about simply be'cause'l'm interested?, ' course of your life in motion. , Look back to your interests as'a It is all very daunting. When confronted with this child. Sometimes those, interests question, my son usually rolls his reflect'what our God-given talents , eyes and mumbles something unin- and abilities are - before we telligible, all the while looking as if learned about prestige, money and he wished I would disappear for- power as ways of deciding what's important in the world. ever. Do you like to collect rocks, or I had similar probJems with my parents as I struggled with this spend time outdoors photograph-' question, so I can't say that I ing flowers, or growing vegetablame him, but it makes it more bles? Do'you like baking or talking, difficult to share what I've learned with elderly neighbors? The simplethings tllat make us happy are' along the way. My 66-year-old father recently. often the key to .what we should be confided that as a young man he doing every day, Sometimes what our parents thought that by the time you got to be older, say in your, 50s or 60s: ' want for us may not be a good what to do with yourlife would,be 'match to. our interests and ,abilities. This can cause a lot of confumuch clearer. ' :'Take it from me," he says now. sion and anxiety, Since parents usually have their "It's not." I find this news refrcS'hing, distressing and, encouraging, children's best interests at heart, , ,try to' listen' to why they' want all at the same time. It is refreshing because it's nice something different from what you to know your parents don't know want. Some parents worry', for, all the answers; it is distressing example, that you,are passing up a" because apparently there's no ready- chance that will not come again" made answer on what to do with and that later on you will regret our lives except the hard work the choices you are makingno~< _ answer of continually reinventing Be generous to each other;, remem- , ourselves; and it is encouraging ber, we're all in this together: Finally, look to the opportunibecause we're all trying to figure out this wonderful mystery the ties around you. Don't be afraid to try something new. You'll learn , best we can. Here are my words of wisdom, from everything you do, not just for what they're worth: De~ide from the things you think you'll learn from. what you want to do, then do it! A career is something you only How do you know what you', want to do?, Ask yourself a few have iriretrospect, but your life is what you live every day. questions: '

St. l\:1ary's S'chool Students at Sf. Mary's School, New Bedford, will present programs.March21 and 22 for"Musi(; in Our Schools" Month. Nursery, kindergarten and grade 2 students will perform "Nursery Rhymes in Song" at I p.m, Monday, and ~hird-graderswill present "Cinderella" I p.m, Tuesday. Both programs are directed by music teacher Denise Gannon. Seventh-grader David Stevens will represent St. Mar~s in the New Bedford Standard Times Spelling Bee for the second year in a row. Earlier this year he was the school's.representative in the National Geographic Geography Bee, as well. Science Fair winners were recognized at a recent open house. They are eighth-graders Matthew Stankiewicz, "Can Leeches Be Used in the Medical Field?"; Tracie Vieira, "Are Brand Name Products for You?~; Anne Co~nolly, "Effects

When it's love you give 111 be a man of good faith When it's love you live 111 make a stand Thatl won't break 111 be the rock ' You can lean 'on Be there. when you're oid To,have and to hold When there's love inside I s~ear 111 always be strong And there's a reason why 111 prove to you , That we belong , 111 bethe one That protects you From .the wind and the rain' From the hurt and the pain Let's make it all for one And all for love Let the one you hold Be, the one you want The oile that you need Because when it's alUor one It's one for all When there is someone That you know Then just let your feelings show Make it all for one And all for love When it's love you make 111 be the fire in your night Then it's love you take I will defend, I will fight, 111 be there when .you need me When honor's at stake This vow I will take Don't lay our,love tQ rest Because we,.can stand up to the test We. got everything and more More than we, had ever planned, More than rivers Running through the land We got 'it all . Written by Bryan Adams/Robert John "Mutt" Lange/Michael Kamen. Sung by Bryal"! Adams/Rod Stewart/Sting (c) 1993 bY,A&M Records Inc. PUT TOGETHER three. of rock's biggest stars and what do you have? Well; a hit Jor sure, but also a built-in advertisement for any fi'lm related to the song! And thisis exactly what"AlI for Love" offers. Off the soundtrack of "The Three M usket-

eers," the cassi~gle is rapidly rising on the charts. The combination of Sting, Rod Stewart and Bryan Adams would likely make any release 'into it charttopper. Drawing its message from the movie; the song describes the bond of commitment be-

tween friends. In the song's words, "When honor's at stake, this vow I will take." "Let's make it all for one, and all for love." Perhaps such a chivalrous idea seems out of plat:e in a world afflicted by a lack of respect for human dignil:y. "All for one and all for lov(:'~ may have made sense in the era of the musketeers. Yet, express it today and others might think that you've lost touch with reality! Well, maybe not. The vision of working for the common good is at the heart of being Christian. As today's followers of Jesus, we can adhere to such an ideal no matter how foolish it might appear. , How might a teenager f\spire to this ideal? Obviously, there are many ways to work f(ir the good of others. ' Consider the area where: you live. Does it have a shelter for homeless people? If so, how ,about asking a club at scho.:>1 or your parish's youth group to get involved with this im,portant service. Contact the organization sponsoring the shelter, and inq uir:e how a group of teenscc,uld volunteer time and assistance. Your actions would proclaim belief in 路the honor of every huma'n person. Next, consider reaching out to our larger world. How about working to get your high school to adopt a school in Sarajevo, Beirut or some other place where violence erodes human honor and dignity? The goal would be to get to know these' teens as peopi.e. What kind of music do thl:y like? What hopes to they hold? How could your high scho.)1 help to support these hope:;? Try working with an international aid agency like Catholic Relief Services or the Red Cros:;. The underlying issue is whether today's teens, or oihers, want to' work to make th,: . vision of Jesus thrive 'in ou.r world. Are there people who place human ti'onor and dignity above society's obsession with materialism and self-gain? Ultimately, this question has to be answered personally. To answer affirmatively takes courage. It takes belief. It takes commitment..1t takes "all for one and all for love." Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

of Music on Plants"; Brian Costa, "Rain Forest"; Jamie Eubanks, "ESP"; and Jill Goudreau, '''Bioluminescence." Also, seventh-graders Jonathan Darling, "Water Pollution"; Christopher Roy, "Hurricanes"; Erin 'Hegarty, "Learning Disabilities"; David Stevens, "Heart Attacks"; Peter Bonneau, "Big Cats"; Paul Sanguinetti, "The Sun." As part of their studY,of Ancient Egypt, grade 6 visited the M.useum of Fine Arts in Boston to view the Egyptian Room and parti!=ipate'in the "Cuneiform to Computers" program. The students concluded that the art museum was much more interesting than they had expected. c

Doesn't Die "Love does not die easily. It is a living thing. It thrives'in the faceaf life's hazards save one-neglect."-James D.Bryden '

AMONG' SCIENCE FAIR winners at St. Mary's School, New,Bedford, are, from left, Anne Connolly,TraCie Vieira, Matt'hewStankiew"icz', Jonathan Darling, Christopher Roy and Erin Hegarty., - , "

THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River路

in our schools

Fri .. Mar. 18. 1994


A million uprooted in Sudan ilian targets in the south, including ROME (CNS) - The latest government offensive in Sudilll 10 key locations for humanitarian assistance, said the report. The has already displaced more than I million civilians inside the coun- . government offensive, which began try. and thousands more are takafter the collapse of the latest ing refuge in neighboring counround of peace talks, has forced 13 tries, reports Comboni Missionary relief organizations to evacuate headquarters in Rome. The governtheir teams from the areas offighting, it said. ment has repeatedly bombed civ"Ncll' England '",,</'lIa/ll; wllh a European Flair'

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COYLE-CASSIDY ba'sketball champs Emily Porell (left) and Taryn Carbone; regional History Day award winners Cara Giovanoni and Christopher Wenson.

Coyle-Cassidy High School Two Coyle and Cassidy students featured greetings in many differhave advanced to the State His- ent languages representing the many different heritages of Coyle tory Day final competition based and Cassidy: Spanish, French, on their performances in the recent Latin, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, regional history fair at Bridgewater State College. Overall, nine stu- Japanese, Manderin Chinese, Lebdents from the Taunton school anese, Nigerian, Korean and Greek. received excellent or better dis. No sooner did the gym floor tinctions awarded for their procool down from the excitement of jects. a 4-on-4 floor hockey tourney than Advancing to state competition it heated up again for the ninth are sophomore Chris Wenson of annual 2-on-2 basketball tournaBridgewater, who t:arned a sument. More than 75 students playperior-first place ribbon for his ed in the three-day affair, competpaper, "Altering the Land: Pathing for trophies donated by the way to Disaster-The Johnstown Coyle and Cassidy Athletic AsFlood," and freshman Cara Giosociation. vanoni of East Taunton, who For the freshman and sophoearned a superior second place. more girls, Emily PoreH of Bridgeaward for her individual media water and Taryn Carbone of Midproject, "The Influence of Chrisdleboro captured the championtianity on Medieval Mapmaking." ship title. For the junior and senior The 12th annual Massachusetts girls, Laurie Poyant and Jamie History Day will be held April9 at Leonard of Taunton emerged Belmont High School. victorious. Other winners from Coyle and Eric Ferris of Taunton and Steve Cassidy were Matthew Kravitz and Rivers of Berkley took home the Nathan Nowotny, both of Midfreshman and sophomore boys' dleboro (excellent distinction); division title, while Jack Brown, Vanessa DeMarco of Berkley (suRob Kinney and James Braga, all perior-third place); James Boyle of Middleboro, combined for the of Taunton (superior); Joanna junior and senior boys.championGately of Middleboro (superior); ship. The tournament raised $240 for Melissa Lothrup of Lakeville (suthe Coyle and Cassidy Food Panperior); Jaclyn Souza of Taunton (superior); and Scott Nogueira of try. This amount, combined with the $1 00 realiz~d from the floor Brockton (superior). hockey tourney, totals nearly $350 More than 2000 middle school for the school's monthly efforts to and high school students entered help Taunton's needy. papers, projects, performances, and media presentations related to Junior Peter Fletcher of the theme, "Geography in HisBridgewaH:r is co-author of an tory." article published in Cranberries, Coyle and Cassidy students the national cranberry magazine. spent Foreign Language Week, Following the advice of his March 7-11, celebrating the world's father, a soil scientist, Fletcher diversity with a wide variety of contacted the Cranberry Research activities. Center for information for a science Projects illustr'ating Spanish, project. . Portuguese, Latin, and French culWith the help of Dr. Carolyn tures were on display in the gymDeMoranville of the research cennasium. Some of the students com- ter and Dr. Joan Davenport of posed original songs in their target . Ocean Spray, Fletcher studied the language, did weather forecasts on leaching characteristics of fertilizvideo, and recreated artwork. ers through different soil types Also, the National Examinations used in cranberry bogs during the in French, Latin, and Spanish were winter of 1992-93. He was able to administered. use the facilities at the center to The morning announcements perform his analysis.

The project finished first in the 1993 regional science fair and second statewide, and Fletcher's scientist colleagues co-authored the article on his findings.

Bishop Feehan Four students from Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, received honors in the Boston Globe Scholastic Art competition. Junior Kevin Roach won a Silver Key Award for printmaking. Honorable mentions went to freshman Chad Charges for a painting entitled "Jenn," junior Sean Riley for the painting "Feelings of Spirituality," and senior Russ Babbitt for the drawing "Shadow of the Crucifix." An awards ceremony was held Feb. 13 at the State Transportation Building in Boston. Latin students, led by teacher Diane Crane, recently visited the classical collections at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Students viewed the Etruscan, Greek and Roman galleries, including multiple sculptures of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, vases and Roman weaponry. They also viewed artifacts from Pompeii and sarcophagi. .

TCMS The student group Peer Helpers, which helps fellow students learn better study habits, is presenting the drug prevention show "Kids on the Block" this month to students at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Mary's Schools in Taunton as well as at TCMS. Puppets used in the program come from a drug prevention grant given Taunton schools, coordinated by Deb Brown of the Taunton High School Access Center. A seventh grade retreat was held March 17 with guest speaker Carole Galante-Diaz, who spoke about h(:r missionary work in EI Salvador. She was joined by students from Coyle-Cassidy High School who have participated in mission work.



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ST. STANISLAUS, FR Lenten penitential service 7 p.m. March 23 with guest preacher Fathe.r Charles Jodoin and 10 priests available for confessions.

SEPARATED/DIVORCED . CATHOLICS, CAPE Support group meeting 7 p.m. March 20, St. Pius X parish center, S. Yarmouth, with guest speaker Elaine Piepgrass: Newcomers welcomed 6:30 p.m. Information: 3629873.


STONEHILL COLLEGE, N.EASTON ' Irish studies program will present "Contemporary Irish Poetry: Three Voices" 4 p.m. March 28, Donahue Hall dining room. Irish poet Paula Meehan, author of Return and No Blame. Real/ing the Sky and The Man 'Who Was Marked by Winter. will read from her work. Free, open to the public and accessible to persons with disabilities. Information: 230-1135.

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STATIONS OF. THE CROSS Fri., Mar. 18 - 7:15 PM - Theater HEALING SERVICE Sunday, Mar. 20 - 2:00PM Bro. Armand"Binette

BIBLE STUDY , Wed., Mar. 23 - 10:00 PM Rev. Joseph Ross - Cafeteria

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ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT Day of Prayer March 20 with Exposition of Holy Eucharist following II a.m. Mass, adoration until evening prayer at 4:30 p.m. followed by family supper in church hall;. those interested in assisting may call :rectory office, 758-37.19. Lenten retreat with Father Larry Morrison, SS.Cc., 7 p.m. daily March 21-23. Sacrament of reconciliation with visiting priests available at Wednesday evening service. ST. PATRICK, FR Vincentians will sponsor and Sgt. Earl Wright will present.a video on child safety entitled "Crimes 0'£ Opportunity" 7 p.m. March 21, school hall. GIRL SCOUTS, CAPE-ISLANDS Catholic Comm'ittee on Girl Scouting for Cape and Islands will hold a celebration 3 p.m. Sunday, . St. Pius X parish center, S. Yarmouth. To attend call Judy Cash, 775-4553. LaSALETTE CENTER, ATTLEBORO Gloria ~ane Legere and Barbara M. Johnson of Inner Healing Arts, Worcester, will present "Passport to Self-Esteem April 8-10. Topics will include personal courage, overcoming guilt, confidence, and strengc thening self-im.age. . " Ms. Legere is the founder/ director of Inner Healing Arts. She has worked in the field of chemical dependence and codependel"\CY since 1976 and is also trained as a clinical pastoral c.ounselor and hospital.' chaplain. Ms. Johnson has been" working in the chemical dependency/ codependency field for I0 years. She previously ·directed a female recovery halfway house and currently. is a guidance counselor in the Framingham School System as well as an associate of Inner Healing Arts. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO Rev. Joseph Gosselin, MS, will lead stations of the cross, themed "Journey of Decision," 7: 15 tonight, Shrine Theater. Brother Armand Binette, MS, will lead healing service 2 p.m. Sunday. Participants will have the opportunity to be anointed and prayed over individually. Sister Philomena Agudo, FMM, a pastoral psychologist, will conduct workshop "Love: The Divine Energy That H(,:als" 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 26, Shrine Theater. Preregistration requ~sted; information: 222-5410. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON St. Joseph's Day Mass 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. Calix group for persons recovering from addictions meets 6:30 p.m. Sunday, parish center. Penance service 7 p.m. March 22; Father Raul Lagoa will be present to hear confessions in Portuguese. DCCN,NB New Bedford Chapter of Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses will hold a seminar on "Current Treatment for Eye Diseases" 9 a.m. to I p.m. tomorrow at Sacred Heart Home, NB. George Picard, BA, MBA, M PS,· will address the title topic; Mary Reilly, CRNA, will speak on anesthesia and Donna Courtemanche, RN, on nursing care of the eye surgery patient. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN Office of Youth Ministry YES. retreat March 18-20. St. Anthony's, East Falmouth, confirmation retreat March 19.

SAINTS AND SINGERS CHORUS' Easter musical "Believe" will be performed 8 p.m. tomorrow at Holy Trinity Church, W. Harwich; 4 p.m. Sunday, Holy Cross Church, FR; and 8 p.m. March 25, St. Mary's' Church, Fairhaven. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB,NB Executive Board meeting 7 p.m. March 23, St. Lawrence rectory. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Youth will present stations of the cross followed by meager meal of soup and sandwich 5 p. m. March 27.

K.orc. Falmouth Council813 Knights of . Columbus communion breakfast March 27, council hall, following 9 a.m. Mass at St. Anthony's Church, E. Falmouth. O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Seder meal 5:30 p.m. March 27, parish center; reservations required by March 21. Information: rectory, 385-3252 or JoAnn Bennett, 896-5659 SACRED HEART, FR Parish mission 7 p.m. daily March 21 through 24 with Father Richard A. Bucci, pastor of SS. Peter and Paul.parish, W. Warwick, RI.

. Bishop Connolly The Cougar sports program continues to flex its muscles as winter sports teams turned in more great seasons at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. The Connolly ice hockey pro, gram has developed into the finest in the area with a state championship last seas·o·n, their third East. ern Athletic conference champio.nship in a row, and their. fifth city championship in as many years. The Connollyski race team made s.chool history this season, taking the Central Massachusetts Ski League championship for the first time ever. Adding to the first place team finish was the number-one league ranking of Chris Jusse.aume for the boys and the number-two league ranking of Liz Sylvia for the girls. Both finished higher in the overall rankings than any skiier in Connolly history. The boys' varsity basketball team finished second in the EAC on their way to. qualifying for the state tournament; where they defeated Southeastern 61-57 to move on to the semifinals. Bishop Connolly will host eight students from Mars Hill College, North Carolina, in a one week immersion project March 21-25. The center for community service at Mars Hill encourages and facilitates opportunities f<;lr service for a!\ its students. Bon.ner Scholarship students are expected to serve 150 hours tutoring and mentoring each semester. They also perform 240 hours of service during the summer. The participating students have a wide variety of educational and service experiences to share with Connolly students and faculty. The project is coo.rdinated by George Angelo, science department chairperson, a·nd Ann Blumenthal, guidance director. . Angelo has also announced expanded offerings in sciences beginning in the autumn of 1994. Oceanography, environmental biology II and zoology will be added to Connolly's science core, which in-



cludes biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy a~d physiology, botany, .environlTIentalbiology.and health. Honors courses are honors chemistry and advanced physics. Advanced. Placement biology and chemistry are also offered. "By expanding the science curriculum we are making the. best use of what is available to us," said Angelo, "We certainly have the resources! We ha ve a very talented staff, fantastic facilities, and a campus that is an enviwnmental dream. We literally have an outdoor laboratory: we can study the habitats we have inour own backyard. The addition of these' courses brings us right in step with many of the vital scientific areas of study today. They augment the a'lready strong science curriculum we have here and will bring us into·the 21 st century."

Self-image. is.key DA YToN, Ohio (CNS) - If there are too few successful African-American males, Father George H. Clements sayi;, it is because their parents and peers did not give them a strong S'ense of self-w~rth as they were gl:owing up. "N 0 black child should be told anything other than the fal;t that he is the most precious object on the face of this earth," Father Clements said at an AfricanAmerican Male Conference at the University of Dayton.



The one-hundredth day ofsc:hool was observed at St. Anthony's, New Bedford, with special math projects for kindergarteners and first-graders. Each child brought in 100 of some small item, and the students played counting games, discovered how far 100 steps would take' them, and tried their best to be silent for 100 seconds. The week also included a 'tOlleyball match between the faculty and eighth-graders.

Lutherans welcomed VATICAN CITY (CNS)- Pope John Paul II, welcoming U.S. Lutherans to the Vatican. said he hoped divine guidance can help the churches reach full commun·ion. "I pray that Lutherans and . Catholics will be ever more attentive to the guidance of the Holy, Spirit, so that (emaining obstacles to our full and visible communion in the apostolic faith and sacra~ mental life may ..he overcome." he .'. told pilgrims of the Evangelical Lutheran Chur<;h in America_:

]{INDERGARTENERS and their fellow students at St. ,School; New Bedford, form a'cheering section for te~chers Marylou Marks and Susan Pratt during a faculty vs. eig~th ~~a,~e volleyball game. Antho.ny·~s

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