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Sees Future of All Schools Closely Linked

WASHINGTON (NC) Catholic education's future is inextricably linked to ~,what is happening today

throughout American education, particularly in the troubled public school system. That's the evaluation of Msgr. James Donohue, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference ElemEntary and Secondary Division. Noting that public schools are beset by several crises-including a loss of community <;onfidence, lack of finances and "at !f°ast a mini-revolt by parents who are wondering whether this is all they can expect"-:"the Catholic educator believes the problems will cause dissatisfied parents to demand a positive altt:rnative to public education. "In the next decade more and more parents will demand a greater freedom of choice in ed· ucation, and when they do,. other options are going to open up," the prelate asserted. Those options, he predicted, will take the form 'of viable ncn-public schools operated by private and religio.us institutions, with parents receiving some pub·

Pope, Bishop Facing Busy


lie assistance - perhaps through tuition vouchers-to enroll their chHdren. Msgr. Donohue noted that Catholic schools, which account for 83 per cent .of the total number of students enrolled in non-public schools, are in a unique position to present 'that alternative. But instead of merely compt-ting with the public schools, he feels Catholic schools should strive to become educational pacesetters, experimenting with innovative methods aimed at promoting the individual development of each pupil. "I hope the Catholic schools of the future will throw out the rule book and have the couragE- to experiment," said Msgr. Donohue, a former school superintendent of the Baltimore archdiocese. . Catholic schools, he' said, have failed to use their freedom to


ANCHOR Price 10c

$4.00 per year

Vol. 14, No. 12, March 19,1970

In view of the recent public meeting held by- the Fall River School Committee, the Board of Educaion of the

ferent functions in churches around Rome. In the Fall River Diocese, Bishop James L. Connolly will also undertake a grueling schedule of pastoral activity characteristic of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday the Pope will bless the palms and celebrate Mass in St. Peter's at 10 A.M., a function open to the public. At noon the same day he will give his customary blessing from his window overlooking the square. On Holy Thursday, Pope Paul will journey ·across town to the major basilica of St. John Lateran, where he will say the Solemn Mass at 5 P.M.· and participate in the traditional "mandatum," the washing of feet, following the example of Christ washing the feet of the Apostles. Another of Rome's major basHcas,. St. Mary Major,' will be the scene of the Papal ceremony at 5 P.M. of Good Friday. The

Diocese of Fall River would like to issue a statement which it hopes will clarify some of the issues: The Shared Resources Plan compiled by us as members of the Board of Education and presE"nted to the Fall River School Committee by Reverend- Patrick J. O'Neill, Superintendent of Schools, includes the following: 1. We are requesting that the School Committee approve of an experiment of the plan in one school in Fall River for one year. 2. No child enrolled in the public school system of Fall River is involved in this plan. 3. The plan was prepared to assist the 'School Committee in arranging for continuity in the education of children who must bfl absorbed into the public school system as parochial schools in the city continue to close. 4. The plan will ease the tax burden that must be assumed by the taxpayers of Fall River as more children enter the public school system.

5. The plan would still retain the services of the religious t{oachers within the city and al-


Council Requests Pope h)' Review Cases of Disciplin·ed - Priests SAN DIEGO (NC) ' - The Nat ion a I Federation of Priests' Councils concluded its annual meeting here by electing new officers and setting a deadline for an answer on its request that Pope Paul VI review the case of 19 disciplined Washington priests. Father Frank Bonnike, pastor of St. Mary's Church in D~ Kalb, Ill., was chosen president of the federation. He is past president of the Rockford diocesan priests' senate. In their final plt:nary session, the delegates set April 20 as the deadline for a response to their

tional picture in the United States. "If the private schools can develop modern methods and new concepts, and become leaders in education, this should make the public schools examine their own house and, in turn, reorganize their system," he observed. "This certainly would help American education to become more healthy." Msgr. Donohue said public schools are currently facing an erosion of confidence over the quality of education offered their students. He noted that some of the nation's educational and political leaders including' former Health, Education and Welfare Secretary John Gardner and President Nixon - are posing hard questions about the effectiveness of public schools. Nixon, he said, asked in his recent message on education: "Do we

Board Clarifies Issues On Shared Resources

VATKCAN CITY (NC) The Holy Father will have a busy schedule during Holy Week as he attends 10 dif-

Turn to Page Twenty

break the bonds of conformity and contribute to the real learning process. If the schools don't exercise this role in the future, he warned, "then I think they're dead." The Catholic' educator does not think the emergence of a nonpublic school system will signal the demise of public schools, however. He believes it will instead revitalize the whole edo'ca-

plea that the Vatican review the case of the Washington priests disciplined by Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle in 1968 for disagreeing with the Pope's birth control encyclical. The federation's proposal calling for judicial review 'was delivered to the Vatican Secretariat of State on Feb. 23. The federation's 'House of Delegates declared that if they receive no response, they will call an emergency meeting to plan their next step. The chairman of the committee which proposed the resolu- tion, Father Harry Arbanas of' Turn to Page Eighteen


Color Change The l{ltest liturgical directives, effective Sunday, March 22, have changed the colors' of vestments that were traditional for Palm Sunday (now called Passion Sunday) and Good Friday. General Instruction, Chapter VI, no 308b states that "red is used on Passion Sun.. day (Palm Sunday) and Good Friday * ,) ~,,,

low parents a freedom of choice in educating their children. It has been noteo that mlmy of the fears that people have of the. Shared Resources Plan are ba~ed on a lack of knowledge of non-public education. As the Diocesan Boatd of Education we invite the public to visit our schools, talk with our teachers and parents and become familiar with the parochial system. As we face equally the issues and challenges that confront us, the Diocesan Board of Education asks consideration of the following: I. That this proposal is not r~..king anything new of the School Committee of Fall River; such plans are already working in various states in America. 2. That the Federal Government programs in our own city are an example of a cooperative system. 3. That the many strengths in each system can be welded together to make for better quality in education. 4. That the weaknesses in each svstem can diminish as a closer \vorking relationship is fostered. 5. That the children in the city C'f Fall River are being educated i!I the best American tradition.

really know how children learn?" Most of the complaints, the priest added, are coming from the community at large. "The concept that there is something sacrosanct about the public school system is not true anymore," he remarked. He cited discontent among middle class and suburban parents who claim their children aren't receiving the kind of education they expect from public schools, and from minority groups in the city who charge the system doesn't relate to their special needs. "Dissatisfied parents feel the public schools are developing attitudes toward life that don't correspond with the attitudes that the parents would like their children to have," Msgr. Donohue said. . He noted parents are blaming the public schools for a permissive philosophy among youth plus a rise in teenage drug abuse. As a result, he said, the American public is begim;ing to ask if a monopolistic school system is good for the nation. Turn to Page Six

Seven Take Priesthood Steps The Most Reverend Bishop will ordain four seminarians to the Sub-Cliaconate in a private ceremony in the Bishop's Chapel of the Cathedral on Wednesday evening, March 25.

To be ordained are Messrs. Edward J. Byington of 38 Linden St., Fall River; Raymond P. Monty of 170 Elm St., New Bedford; Marc H. Bergeron of 80 Willis St., New Bedford; and Robert C. Donovan of 217 Walnut St., Brookline, Mass. On the next day, also at the Cathedral during the Memorial of the Lord's Supper, on Holy Thursday evening at 7:30, the Most Reverend Bishop will ordain the new Sub-deacons to thE" Diaconate. . For this ceremony this will be joined by Rev. Mr. William T. Babbitt of Taunton; Rev. Mr. Richard W. Beaulieu of Acushnet and Rev. Mr. Michael G. Methot of Fall River. They were earlier ordained Sub·deacons at the Theological College in Washington, D.C. The seven new clerics will later be ordained to the Priesthood for service in the Fall River Diocese.

Says People of God Need !Priests 'Not Involved in Secular Interests' VATICAN CITY (NC) - The people of God need priests who are "not involved in profane subjects and secular interests," Pope Paul told crowds in St. Peter's Square. Speaking from his window overlooking the square, the Pope told his listeners: "We would like you to pray now for priests, for their sanctity, for their loyalty, for their exclusive and total devotion to your service." The Pope also told the crowds: "The people of God need their priests to be shepherds and teachers, servants and. living saints, ,vho are all in and of Christ, not outside the ranks of

the people or of their needs and sufferings, but also not involved in profane subjects and secular interests." . Later the same day, the Pope went to a parish church on the outskirts of Rome to take part in his usual stational church observances . during Lent and to celeb'rate Mass for t.he workingclass residents of the area. In his sermon during the Mass, the Pope told the thousands gathered on the parish soccer fieid that he had been reflecting on the pieces of lunar rock that had recently been shown him by U. S. Ambassador t.o Italy GraTurn to Page Twenty


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-T!lurs. Mar. 19; 1970

Private Schoo,l Fjnanein,g By 'Norway Government . OSLO (NC)-The Norwegian government will no\y provide 70 per cent to 100 per cent of the operating costs of private schools, including Catholic institutions. There, are five Catholic schools in the country vyith a total of 538 students. All the private

schools that qualify for support under the new law have a total of 5,600' students. Schools for the handicapped will receive the 'greatest amount of financial assistance. Private sch'ools with counterparts in the public school system - such as high schools, elementary schools, vocational schools, agricultural schools - will receive 70% to 75% of operating costs. To Qualify To qualify for support, a school must either operate on an experimental basis, be based on a religious or ethical philosophy' or fill an educational need not covered by the public schools. The' Labor party opposed the bill. Its chairman, Trygve Bratteli, said he feared that supporting private schools will contribute to the disintegration of the public school system in Norway. A Catholic member of parliament, Lars Roar Langslet, claimed that the Labor party holds that "private schools have aright to survive, theoretically; however, practically, they are expected to die.'" Langslet added: "Private schools have their plaoe in the

RC?ch'ester Pap~r Changes "Fqr.mat ROCHESTER (NC) The Courier-Journal, newspaper of Rochester diocese, will change its format from the present standard size to tabloid, effective with the April 8 edition. The paper will also move up its delivery date from Friday to Wednesday. The changes are planned in conjunction with a drive for increased circulation, spearheaded by Bishop Joseph L. Hogan. A circulation increase of about 10 per cent is anticipated by July 1 of this year as a result of the changes and emphasis by Bishop Hogan on the value of the paper to all in the diocese. . In a letter to all priests in the diocese, the bishop expressed his desire for lOOper cent circulation for the Courier-Journal by July I, 1971. Present circulation is about 60,000. , The bishop, in his letter to priests and later in. a series of, meetings throughout the diocese to which all priests were invited, referred to the tabloid format as providing a "more popular teaching tooL" He also stressed that, the Courier "will restructure its material to communicate 'more effectively with every person in, the ,diocese." .

'Day of Prayer Mar. 22-St. Joseph, Dighton.


Apr. 5-St. ,Peter, Dighton. Madonna Manor, North Attleboro. St. Matthew, Fall River. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published every, Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid ....GO per year.


future school system. Not as an alternative system, not as a natural expression for pluralism." Private schools, he said, offer "an education of a kind that is not offered in the state schools." . Amount Olaf Kortner, a Liberal member of parliament, predicted that total financial support to the private schools will amount to about $4.2 million annually. Minister of Education . Kjell Bondevik pointed out that the cost to the government would be substantially greater if students in private schools were to attend public schools. The national government's school budget is $224 million. The school expenditures of local governments is $280 million.

British Prelates Exchange Pulpits

Protestant Denominations. Envision 25·Million Member Church 5J

ST. LOIUS (NC)-Representa- Ecumenical and Interreligious tives of nine major Protestant Affairs, National Conference of denominations began study here Catholic Bishops -:- were also on a plan that, if adopted, would present. On the eve of the opening, the result in a 25 million-member "Church of Christ Uniting" by Rev. Dr. W. A. Benfield of . , Charleston, W. Va., said that any 1980. One of the first proposals of- plan of union would, and probCered to delegates at the ninth ably should, pose difficultie~ for annual Consultation on Church each of the denominations inUnion was that the first bishop volved. "In my OpInIOn, the plan of the Church of Christ Uniting would not be worth a dime unIi ,wol,lid be a black .man. " Prof. John H., Satterwhite of less it did cause problems for all the African Methodist Episcopal the churches," said the Southern Zion Church in Washington, Presbyterian, who "is chairman D. C., said at a pl.'ess panel that of the 18-member plan of union . such a proposal 'was "essential committee. "Our concern has not been to now, given the present situation effect a simple merger of the' in the world. ,BROTHER 'VANASSE "Given new structures and churches but to erect a new new situations in the future, this church which is truly catholic. might not be so urgent as it is truly evangelical, and truly reat this moment," he said. "As of formed." Dr. Benfield said that, regardnow, we believe it to be so." Respo~sib.le Another early qusetion was less of what was decided during Brother Henry Vanasse, F.I.C., which EngMsh translation of the the week, the resulting plan has been elected Assistant- Bible would be preferred for use would probably be revised over General of the Brothers of Chris- by the united church body. No the next two or three years as tian Instruction at their general answer was worked out by the each denomination studies and evaluates the plan. chapter held in Europe. He will end of the first day. 'Church Is One' Denominations represented at be in charge of the English That immediate future,. he speaking communities of the the week-long meeting were the order in the United States, En- Episcopal Church, United Meth- said, "will be' the most creative gland, Uganda and the Seychelles odist, United Church of Christ, and effective period in the hisUnited Presbyterian Church in tory of the American Protestant Islands. Brother Henry, a native of Fall the U. S. A., Presbyterian Church Church." In his address opening the River, is the son of the late Mr. . in the U. S. (Southern), Christian and Mrs. Louis Vanasse. He at- Church (Disciples of Christ), plenary session of the meeting, tended Notre Dame Elementary Christian Methodist Episcopal, United Methodist Bish9P James School and Msgr. Prevost High African Episcopal and AME Zion. K. Mathews of Boston reviewed for the delegates the motives of Sees Difficulties School and in 1930 entered the Each sent 10 delegates and 10 their undertaking. Brothers of Christian Instruction. The work of the consultation, The new appointee has taught . alternates to the meeting. About observers from other said its chairman for the past in Montreal and the Maine cities 100 of Biddeford and Sanford. He has churches and agencies-includ- two years, is not "an' enterprise ing two from the Committee on of ecclesiastical engineering nor . also held administrative posts in ecumenical joinery. All along, we the Juniorate, Postulate, and have uderstood ourselves· to be 'Scholasticate in Alfred, Me and . Necrology· under obedience to the Lord of Canton,' Ohio. He has also served ; ', . . - , ;,'1; ' as ,s'uperior' of th~ Pittsburgh, . theChtirch:" . :.; ., MARCH 27 .Said tHe-prelate: N. Y. cor.lmunity. Rey. James W .. Conlin,. 1918, '''We have"not been' prompted . In 1964 Brother Vanasse was , Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset. by our fears ,0:> 0:> ., nor by the fact named provincial of the AmeriRt. ,Rev. Antonio 'P. Vieira, that the human mind resists concan province, which, also in- 1964, Pastor, Our Lady of Mt. tradiction and seeks the most c1udes'the missions of Tanzania, Carmel, New Bedford. unifying principles possible; nor' and has filled that position until by the wisdom of the markethis election as AssistantMARCH 28 General. Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, 1960, place that looks for greater economy and efficiency; nor even by The first American-born Pastor, St. James, Taunton. our exasperjltion over a divided brother to be elected Assistant'MARCH 29 _ Lord's Table. Rather, we are General of the order, he holds , Rt. Rev. Edward J. Moriarty, urged on by the fact that theoa bachelor's degree in Arts and Education and a master's degree 1951, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall logically the church is one. Our River. concern is not to build a superin Theology. Rev. James H. Carr, S.T.L., church but to be the church more . 1923, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall faithfully," River. ' M,«llSS Ordo

Fa,U Riverite Gets Role

NOTTINGHAM (NC)-Catholic Bishop Edward Ellis of Nottingham will preach in the Anglican minster (church) in Southwell on Palm Sunday in an exchange of pulpits with Anglican Bishop Gordon Savage of So~thwell. , Under the arrangement, ,Bishop Savage preached in the Nottingham Catholic diocesan cathedral of St. .Barpabas '; here 'Sunday. Bishop Savage's diocese embraces the county called Nottinghamshire. In announcing that Bishop Ellis would preach in Southwell, Bishop Savage said that "on behalf of the diocese, of SO,uthwell, I assure the bishop of Nottingham that he will be surrounded by our prayers, love and respect as he speaks to us in God's name on Palm Sunday." , Bishop Savage's visit to St. Barnabas' cathedral was one of his last major public appearances. He is resigning after Easter at the age of 54 because, of ill health. FRI DAY-:-Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent. For years Bishop Savage has been concerned with church unity. In 1969, he joined 25 SATURDAY - Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Violet. Catholic bishops' at the silver, (St. Benedict, Patriarch of jubilee ,observance of Bishop Monks, may be cOlnmemoEllis' consecration. rated).


Nun Heads DiocesanBoard of Education SINSINAWA (NC) - Dominican Sister Mary Nona McGreal is believed to be the first woman to head a diocesan board of education in the United States. She was appointed by Bishop Cletus F. O'Donnell of Madison tO'head the newly-formed diocesan board. Sister Mary Nona was given the title of director of educational development in the Wisconsin diocese.

King Fihn' Tribute Cinema One Theatre, Fall ,River, will be the Fall River-New Bedford site of a unique nationwide theatre-party to be held Tuesday night, March 24 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Proceeds from. the showing of a film biography of the slain civil rights leader will benefit civil rights and non-violent organizations.

SUNDAY - Palm Sunday: The Passion of Our Lord., Red. Mass Proper; No Glory; Read j ing. of the Passion; Creed, Preface of the Pa's$ion. MONDAY -':"Monday Week. Viole~.



TUESDAY - Tuesday of Holy Week. Violet. Reading of the Passion. WEDNESDAY - Wednesday of Holy Week. Violet. Reading of the Passion. THURSDAY - Holy Thursday. White. Easter Triduum Begins with the Mass Of the Lord's Supper. Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Preface of, the Holy Eucharist.

,MARCH 30'. , ,Rev. Aime Barre; 1963,. On Sick Leave, Fall River..


MARCH 31 Rt. Rev. George G. Maxwell, 1953, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Fa!! River.

Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679·6072

APRIL 1 Rev. George A. Lewin, 1958, Pastor; St. Mar~, Hebronville.

MICHAEL J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

. APRIL 2 Rev. Adolph Banach; O.F.M. Conv., 1961, Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford.


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Tells Observers British Holy Un.ion Principal Notes Thriving Report on Youth Condition of English Catholic Schools Activism Abroad

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 19, 1970

WASHINGTON (NC) The United States is paying increasing' attention to the activities of young people

ROME (Nq Impatience among Christians of all denominations with ecclesiastical structures was cited by a specialist in ecumenism here as a rapidly developing thrust toward church unity. Canon John Finlow, for the past five years director of the Anglican Center in Rome, said ecumenism seems to be developing along two lines, one on the hierarchical, or structural level, and the other on the popular level where there is unrest among the Christian people themselves. Canon Finloy is leaving the center to work in the U.S. He called the tensions between the structural and popular areas within Christianity a powerful force in the current drive toward unity, He cited unity "schemes" or mergers of churches now under way in various manners and degrees within Christendom.

around the world. Its diplomatic missions abroad have been instructed to make youth activism in its respective countries a regular part of its political reports to the State Department here. Ambassadors have been told that "the phenomenon of politicalIy aware youth should be routinely built in as a part of your mission's normal political reporting." , To underscQre the importance being placed upon this information, the department has told ambassadors that while they may have to reduce the volume of communications with Washington, because of cutbacks in personnel, "the 'phenomenon of, politicalIy aware youth" must not be neglected. Early Warning System U. S. observers will report not only on the influence, actual and potential, which young people have on changes that are occurring or may occur, but also on the impa~t that "rapid, unprecedented and recurring changes" are having on youth. The State Department wants to know about the role of youth, not so much in crisis situations, but "as harbingers or fndicotors of shifting norms, values, and attitudes in the larger. socities." They can be "a distant early warning system" of modifications in societies, it is maintained-anI;! such "modifications" will have an importance 'not pnly in the individual.countries but in international' politics .as welI. Basic Force The fulI significance of this policy might not be' readily apparent, but it should be recalIed that in the United States, wherethe young people have always been regarded as the nation's most precious resource, it is only relatively recently that their enormous potential for changing things has been properly appreciated. Now, on the international scene, the United States plans to keep iqformed pn ·how young people are thinking and acting in various countries, just as it has .always been informed about the "more traditional political, economic and social forces." Youth activism, in the U. S. and in foreign countries, is a basic force to be reckoned with today in the formulation of foreign policy.

Diocese Establishes Conciliation Panel SAGINAW (NC)-A panel of conciliation has been establishE'd by the Saginaw diocese in connection with the recent introduction of du~ process procedure in Michigan's five Catholic Sees. \ Leonard LeFevre, a Saginaw lawyer, has been named clerk in charge of complaints for the local diocesan panel. LeFevre will receive complaints concerning disputes here and refer them to the five-membe!" conciliation panel elected by the Saginaw priest and sister senates. If the panel fails to settle the Cllse, the complainant may appeal to Michigan's Catholic Board of Arbitration which includes. representativesfrom each of the five dioceses.

By Doroth y Eastman

A twice transplanted Irish rose is blo'oming.in the Holy Union Convent in Taunton. Dublin-born Sister Ann HiCkey is living in the United States this year to study for an advanced degree in education and counseling. The silver haired. Sister Ann has been a principal i'n a Holy Union high school fOf girls in Charleton Park, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England for there is no tight control of the the' past ·21 years, When she curriculum of the schools. was offered a year's sabbatiJudges by Products cal to study guidance coun"The government judges our

Asserts Impatience FoO'ce foll' Unity

eling Sister said "j knew immedschools by the end products," iately I was asked that it 'was said Sister. one thing I'd love to do." Not only are the British not Last year she attended Keele obsessed with the concept of 'the University 'in Statffordshire, separation of church and state, England. This year she is taking since the Church of England is five courses in guidance and ,the ,official state religion, but counseling, both at Boston Col. since 1944, instruction in relilege and Boston University. gion has been compulsory in all "The American experience is British schools. terrific," Sister feels. "There is In that same year the Church just nothing available in England of England opted out of the parto this extent in the field of ochial school business.. human relations," Religion is taught in British Adolescent, psychology and State schools for two periods a group dynamics ,are her two week, usualIy by a teacher who main fields of interest, and she ; . may be teaching an academic looks forward to counseling teenReligion and travel seem to be subject the remainder of the agers upon her return to Ena common denominator in the time. gland. An approval syllabus is period- Hickey family. Sister Ann has a Sister recently completed a ically drawn up to be used as sister who is Sister, Provincial five day workshop, a human dea guide in the teaching of re- of tine Irish B. V.M,'s in India. velopment seminar at Stonehill Sister Ann last saw her two ligion. ColIege and a weekend lab in All the denominations have a years ago when she returned to group dynamics at Osgood HiII,hand in drawing up the syllabus, the "old sod" for the General SISTER ANN HICKEY Andover. and since so many viewpoints Chapter of her order. "I definitely believe in the T in full. The Sisters are paid the are involved, it represents what Sister Ann will have an opgroup experience," she said, re- same salaries as lay people. Sister Ann calIs "the lowest com- portunity to view a little of the States this Summer when she ferring to the intense form of mon denominatOl'," The government pays the exgroup dynamics that has become Catechists who are trained, in will go to the University of so popular in the United States. penses of maintaining the the Roman Cathol\c trao"tion Minnesota for the Summer ses"In England, unfortunately, schools, buys equipment, bQoks, often go into the state school to sion. In the Fall it wjll be back this type of experience is only stationery and: other materials. teach the Catholic children for No tuition is charged in these those two periods a week. to England after a visit in Dubavailable to people with professional training in psychology arid Catholic schools. Parents may request that their lin with her father and brother psychiatry. My experiences in AlI so called "voluntary aid- children receive no religious in- and sister, then "back to work" this country have 'been invalu- ed schools" come under the jur- struction in the state schools and -very much enriched by' her able," she said. ,. isdiction of the' Department of this' wish is respected, Sister American experiencel, she assures us. Education and Science, though said. ' lPeer Groups Valuable , : "I would hope v~ry, rri~ch that whatever I do when I return to England would involve group counseling," Sister said. "Often in peer groups people are able to help each other to have the incentive and the confidence to go into one to one Sixteen pages, clearly written and counseling. A lot of peopie colorfully illustrated, tell why you would feel safer with a small should make your will and how to go group Of people of their own age and interests than they would about it. Charts on page 3 show what ill a counseling session where your heirs can lose if you die without they would be alone with the a will. Page 5 discusses why you need counselor." "In a group you develop a lawyer's help in drawing up your trust," she feels. will. Page 6 goes into detail about After graduating from the Nahow to start and what to include. No tional University of Ireland iri father, young or old, should neglect Dublin where she majored in chemistry and math; she stayed his will. Maryknoll's booklet will conon at the University as a reo' vince you! search chemist. "I had never even heard of the Holy Union Order then," Sister said with a twinkle in her sparkling blue eyes. She went to England a few years later to work as a research chemist with the Imperial Chemical Industry, the largest such company in the British Isles. Mail the coupon In England she became' acquainted ~jth the Holy Union for your copy todq,y! community and eventually e/ltered the order. -----~--~-------------A year after her solemn proMaryknoll Fathers fession she was appointed prin50 Dunster Road cipal of the Charlton Park school, one of the 40 schools Chestnut ~ill, Mass. 02167 run by the Holy Union Order in England, and she has been there Dear Father: for the past 21 years. Please send me your.booKlet on making a Catholic schools.in England are will. I understand the~e is no obligation. flourishing in the greatest of health, according tQ Sister. She NAlVlE_ _--.-,-_ added that "in America your Catholic schools seem to be ADDRESS _ priced out," American parents of children CITY ;.,. _ in parochial schools will be en"ious to hear that the British STATE, ~ZIPCODE, __ government pays 80 per cent of the cost of school buildings, and teachers' salaries are paid

Every father-even the youngest-$hould read Maryknoll's free booklet on wills!



THE ANCHOR-O.iocese ofFall River-Thurs. Mar. 19, 1970

Questions Weekly's Claim To· Episcopal Approval By Msgr. George G. Higgins Director, Division of Urban Life, U;S.C.C.

Last December, during the course of the B~~hops-Edi­ tors Symposium at Bergamo Center, Dayton, Ohio,' Arch- . bishop Philip Hannan, ordinary of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and episcopal chairman of .the usec Department



. . ,

delivered a paper entitled ab.le of believing. almost any"Wh t B' h that even appears to run a IS OpS Th'I nk, 0 f t h' e· . t.hmg ill their favor. ' . Catholic Press." The comBe that as it may, I was per-

plete text of the, Archbishop's 'sona~ly relieved to discover, on report-which makes for very ~eadmg the, Bergam~ proceedinteresting readmgs, that when the bishops were \rIg, but, as the asked to list the national CathArchbishop told olic weekly papers "with which the Bergamo delthey were generally satisfied or egates, ' doesn't dissatisfied," only 35 indicated pretend to be Ii that they' were generally satisscientific sociolofled with Twin CirCle. gical surv~Y-i<; Qualify Vote " There is nothing personal ? 0 w avall~ble I~ the mlmeoabout this remark. It simply reWASHINGTON (NC)-A parwaphed proceedf(ects my own firm conviction ticularly embarrassing phase of mgs of the Berthat Twin Circle is not repre- this city's crime problem was gamo conference sentative of the majority point brought back to public attention (Resource Papers of view in the American hier- by an action of the Senate. a~d Consens.us Paper of. the archy on a number of importWith only one dissenting vote, Blshop~ - Editors ~y",lposlum, ant issues. notably, for 'example, the Senate passed a bill to exCathohc Press ASSOCiatIOn, 432 the California farm dispute pand the White House police Park Avenue South, New York, which is currently being studied force from 250 to 850' members by a special committee of bish- and give it the job of guarding $5). . I gather from readm/? the. re- ops in the name and on behalf port t~at ~he two questIOnnaires of the National Conference of foreign embassies in Washington. Every administration;~nd the on which It was ha~ed were seryt c..~tholic Bishops. of. citizens preponderance l1,ot. to all of the bishops of the I would also like to think that UIlJ~ed . Stat~s, but on~y to the even the 35 bishops who voted throughout the .country, would ordmar.les-I.e., those .m charge for Twin Circle didn't mean to like to see Washington a model of a dIOcese or archdIOcese. signify by their favorable vote city admired round the world. . Mo~eover, of the tota.1 number that they are completely satis- Yet the personnel of 117 diplo01 b~shop~ who· received the fied with it. More specifically; matic missions accredited to this questlOnnalrse, only 84 respond- for example, I hope that they capital not only read and hear ed. TJ.1at represent~ less ~han will look for an early opportu- about the rising crime rate here, and throughout the country, but o~e-thlrd of the e?~lre ~merlcan nity, to qualify their. favorable hler.archy. In additIOn It must vote by letting the editor' of a number, of them have. experiagam . be carefully noted that Twin Circle know I'h one way enced its ill effects first hand. The bil,l just' acted. on by' the Arc?blshOp Hannan's ~urv~~ ~as or a!10th~r, that' ~hey obje~i, to npt m.eant to b~ a, sCientific so- the anti-Semitic overtones of on'e Senate was~ proposed' last:Year clologlcal samphng. of his recent editorials and to after persons attached to emthe almost equally anti-Semitic Gets 35 Votes This being the cas~; I think ton~ of some of .the statements it's rather unfortunate that some which appeared m 'a half-page 35, I hasten to add) and has of the news summaries of the advertisement prominently dis- worked with them very closely archbishop's report have un- played in a. ~ubsequent issue of in a' sincere effort to promote wittingly created the impression the paper. Catholic-Jewish understanding in this country along the lines adtha~ Twin Circl.e is the favorite Slight Representation . .. . . natIOnal Cathohc weekly of the vocated in the Vatican Council's "majority" of the American bish- . The editorial m questIOn reads document on this subjeGt. m part as follows:' "No one has ops He told me that he' and his That .may be so, of course, ~ver had the e!10rm?u.s po~er ~o ' associates 'in the' Jewish 'comfor all I know-but there is ab- mfluence pubhc opmlOn m thiS munity 'were very much consolutely nothing in the Bergamo . c?l,Intry tha~ T':' .networks have. cerned about the editorial and I record to .prove it. In joint of Smce they enJoy such power the Minnesota speech and that fact-if we are going to argue through a total governme~t mo- they regard both of them as befrom that record-Twin Circle nop.oly guaranteed by hcenses ing definitely anti-Semhic in received only 35 votes, which which. ~rotect them from all tone. ' is less than a majority of the competitIOn, surely the boards of . Shades of Nazi Germany 84 bishops who replied to Arch- CBS,. NBC, and ABC should ,be bishop Hannan's questionnaires req.ulred to have broa~ represen~ I completely agree with him. and considerably less than one- tatlOn across the natIOn. . That is to say, I share his opinsixth of all the bishops' in the "Instead, what do we find?· ion that "without ,once using the United States. Are Catholics represented on the word Jew," the editor of Twin I might add that the.35 favor- boards by' more than one per Circle "has not.- too - subtly able votes received by Twin Cir- cent? Are Protestants represent- dredged up the hoary charge of cle look even less impressive ed by more than two per cent? Jewish domination of the netwhen one stops to recall that it Protestants and Catholics, who ;s reportedly sent free of charge compris.e over 95 per cent of our vvorks that has been the stockto all of the bishops in the populat!on are represented only in-trade of GeraldL.K. Smith United States, whereas most of very shghtly on the boards of (and other anti-Semitic propaits weekly competitors-unless the big TV networks. Yet surely gandists) for decades. ApparentI have been badly misinformed the major faiths 'should be sub- ly he (the editor) views the al-reach only' those bishops who . stantially represented. How else leged imbalance in news reportchoose to subscribe to them. . can we preserve those Christian ing on the. networks as resulting from Jewish ownership." Shades Favorite of 'Majority' values on. which the United of Nazi Germany! , States' was founded, and witho'ut The advertisement referred to Whatever of that, the fact which our n'ation cannot long above is a half-page blurb for· that t~e editors of Twin Circle survive?" , a book by Nathaniel 'Weyl 'encClIltinue to crow about Archtitled "The Jew in American bishop Hannan's meager and adAllti-Semit.ic. . mittedly very unscientific find- . The .editor of Twin·.Circle had Politics." I am not suggesting ings and that, - on the basis of previously made substantially the ~ that Mr. Weyl is anti-Semitic. On those findings, they have been . same point in a speech in Min- the contrary, I assume that he able to convince themselves that nesota reported in the Nov. 8 himself is probably Jewish. Twin Circle is in fact the favor- issue of the St: Paul Pioneer But that 90,esn't mitigate the fact that some portions of the adite national Catholic weekly of Press. the "majority" of the American I wasn't aware of either his vertisement of his book in the hishops is rather sad, in my editorial or the Minnesota speech .weekly are calculated to 'fan opinion. • until they were called to my at- the fires of anti-Semitism by creIf they really think that 35 tention by a prominent Jewish ating the impression that Jews vetes out of a total of more than leader who, is on the best of have been consistently soft on \.~65 represents a majority, I terms with many of the Ameri- Communion, etc. Again, shades must assume that they are cap- can bishops (many 'more than of Nazi Germany!

Increases White House Police Force

Senate Vot'es Protection for ,F'oreign Embassies bassies 'and chanceries here were victims in a series of crime incidents. Nixon administration aides told Ii Congressional hearing that the proposed large force· is needed for the protection of, foreign embassies. At present the metro. politan police ,force' has this responsibility, but it already has' its hands full with the city's ordinary protection, the Administration said. Protective Force The bill calls for the White House police force to be renamed the Executive Protection Service, with the additional 600 members to be recruited from' the city police and the U. S. Park Police, and through a nallollwide re,cruiting program. It would COSt an estifJlated $10 million the first .ye~r.· . . ,... \ , Sen. Stephen. M. Young (0.-' Ohio), Who 'cast he lone vote against the bill, introduced an amendment prohibiting the Executive Protection Service from recruiting more than 30 members of the metropolitan police force a year. Otherwise, he said, the new fc;>rce would "further' aggravate" the crime problem here by "en-

ticing away city policemen,'~ The salary scale would be the same for both forces. District of, Columbia officials and top offiCers in the city police force have withhheid' comment on the proposed. force. Assuming the neW-force will be basically a protective for'ce, the metropolitan 'police will still have the delicate problem of dealing with persons with diplomatic immunity in traffic and parkiDg cases and the like.


Stress Impovt@rri'~@ Of Commu~o«:@fr~@1i'il

SAN DIEGO (NC) - Three chief speakers at the third an" nual National Federation of P~i~~ts' ~ou.n~il~ m~eting. ,h.ere stressed need·Aoi' establishment of real communication between bishops and priests if' the present tensions within the Church are ever to be alleviated. Bishop Alexander Carter of SauIte St. Marie, Ont., former president of the Canadian Catholic Conference, the keynote speaker, declared "my own conviction is that the real priority should· be given personal communication," . Father Joseph' Fichter, Har,Blanshard Opposes.' vard University sociologist, said "the' most important answer to S~hClol 'Aid Bill the current problems that comes ORLANDO (NC)-Paul Blan- out of our research surveys censhard, long an opponent of pub- ters around the concept of comlie tax aid to nonpublic schools, munication, collegiality and coreturned to his old form here at responsibility." a meeting of the American <::ivil Father Patrick O'Malley, of Liberties Union. Chicago, retiring federation pres, A leader of Protestants and ident, said his group had been Other Americans United for Sep- in the. forefront of "opening up aration of Church and State, communications between every Blanshard voiced, strong opposi- segment of the Church, and outtion to a measure pending in the side the Church, as well.. We Florida. legislature which would ~ust study the art of communi, provide such assistance'to finan- . cation, use what the sciences cially hard-pressed Cat hoi i c teach us, be the sounding board schools, of those voices which cannot be Featured on a panel . discu~­ heard." sion, Blanshard declared that the proposed tegislation is a "clear" Help Thy Brother violation of the Florida constitution which bans aid, direct or inTo live is not to live for one's direct, to any sectarian institu- self; let us help one another. tion. -Menander

···"Save Witll Safety'" at



1']5 WI~UAM ST.


THE ANCHOR-DcocesG "f Fall River-Thurs.



I .



~9, 1910


'· .








BUSY CARMELmES: Carmelettes at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, are busy volunteers. Left, girls are briefed by Sister Emmanuel. From left, Mary Ellen Carroll, Doreen Gavigan, Susan Perkins, Carol Rego, Patricia Riley, Dawn Puckett, Kathy Power. Center, June Morri~ and Sheila McGowan work in dining room. Guests are Mrs. Octavia Thibault, rear, of St. Mathieu's parish, Fall River, and

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GriUin, front, St. Lawrence's, New Bedford. Griffins are soon to celebrate golden wedding anniversary. Right, Susan Hunt brings Miss Clementine Thiba",It, St. Jean Baptists, Fall River, into her room as Nancy Lowney puts finishing touche.,; to bed.

Best Gift of Fall River, Fairhaven Carmelettes Support Draft Counsel Service Is Their Sparkling Young Selves BALTIMORE (NC) - Jesuits By Patricia McGowan They make beds, carry trays, run errands-but their real gift is their sparkling young selves. They're the Carmelettes of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall Rnver, and Our Lady's Haven; Fairhaven, girls from age,' 11 up who aid the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm in their work among t he elderly. Dressed in sunshiny yellow pinafores, the girls can be found anywhere in the homes after ganization, electing officers and the-job training," she chuckled. holding monthly meetings., A Most girls give about 15 school hours and on week- Carmelette serves a prooation- hours a month to Carmelette ends. Saturdays and Sun- ary period of 100 hours, during work, which in addition to rou-

Scores Deportation GWELO (NC)-Bishop Aloysius Haene of Gwelo has deplored the deportation of Swiss-born Father Michael Traber, managing editor of the Rhodesian Catholic newspaper Moto and an NC News Service correspondent. "It is a sad reflection on this country and its future that Christian prophets have no longer a place in it," the bishop said.

day in Winter they can volunteer from 10 to 5, until 6 in the summer, "when they don't have to go home in the dark," explains cheerful Sister Elizabeth Joseph, who has been moderator for the Fall River Carmelettes for 10 years. She is less cheerful, however, when she says that the number of volunteers has dwindled re-cently. "We used to have 20 to 30 girls," she notes, "but transportation has always been a problem with us, since we're outside the downtown area, and, now that the nearer hospitals have started youth programs, we've lost some of our helpers." Some Enter Community Carmelettes, however, gain many benefits from their work, she pointed out. The aged ','love having them around. They enjoy their youth and enthusiasm." But in addition to the good feel· ing that comes - from knowing you're wanted, many girls have found their vocations throiJgh their experience as Carmelettes. "Some have entered our community, and many others have decided to become nurses after working with Ol,lr infirm guests." Girls at the Memorial Home are assigned to various sections, rotating every three months or so. In this way they meet many patients and learn a variety of tasks. "Not only do they learn practical things like caring for wheelchairs and making beds, but they absorb kindness, compassion and understanding of old people," stressed Sister Joseph. The girls have their own or-

from various East Coast areas voted here to support "adequate draft counseling services" in Jesuit schools nnd to seek legal recognition of the right to object in cO,nscience to particular wars. These were among recommendations reflecting deep concern - about American domestic and foreign policies in Vietnam, though without specific reference to that conflict. The voUng took place at the close of an unprecedented threeday conference on war and peace at ,nearby Woodstock College. More than leO educators, administrators and theologians of the Jesuits' Maryland and New York provinces attended, and about 80 voted. The area represented extends"from New York state to North Carolina. Sponsors of the meeting claimed never before had such a large and influential body of _Jseuits taken formal action to bring into question the military policies of this country. They added they Imew of no comparable action on such a scale by another Catholic religious community.

which she decides if she likes tine chores sometimes includes the volunteer work and the Sis- such fun activities as putting ters assess her responsibility on shows for patients and acand sincerity. At the end of companying them on outings. this time she receives her CarBut maybe the girls' work is melette pin in a chapel cere· best summed up in a preface to mony. the Carmelette Training Man· Girls have the opportunity, to ual: meet Carmelettes from homes "What is a Carmelette? Someoperated by the Sisters in other one who is young, someone who Dioceses at a yearly day of rec· is generous, someone who is ollection at the Carmelite moth- charitable, someone who is miserhouse, Germantown, N.Y. chievous, someone who fs patient, someone who is fair, May Lead to Job someone who is thoughtful, "Usually about 200.girls are who makes you 'really care, there from all our houses," someone who is gentle, someone said Sister Elizabeth Joseph. who is kind, someone who is fun "We take our girls by bus and to be with, this someoille is hard they have a pajama party here to find." at the home the night before Hard to find gals, Sister Eliz· . leaving." She indicat~d that not Worst Parts much sleeping is done; but that abeth Joseph is waiting fer you! Call her at 672-3881 in Fall RivIt is the ignorant and childish the Carmelettes have a memor· ' able time at the annual event. er--or call Our Lady's Haven part of mankind that is the fighting part. -Emerson Girls may remain Carmelettes in Fairhaven at 992-2822. through high school, said the moderator, but many become paid part-time aides at the Memorial Home when they're 16. "They've ce~tainly had on-

Seminarians Favor Optional Celibacy DETROIT (NC)-A letter signed by 94 of the 109 students at St. John's Provincial Seminary to John Cardinal Dearden of Detroit expressed opposition to the Church law of mandatory celibacy for priests. There was no indication in the letter that any of the seminarians would refuse ordination because of the law.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 19, 1970'

Saint of Unity

China '8 Role The State Department has announced that it will grant ,permission for Americans to travel to China "for any legi~ 'timate purpose." There are no indications that China will welcome those who are interested in going there..

Churchmen Voice Hope 'for Future Of C~ristianity NEW YORK (Nq-eardinali..eo Joseph-Buenens of Malines-Brussels and Archbishop Michael Ramsey of

Canterbury declared here they are hopeful of Christianity's future, clespite a period of some· times painful change. The Belgian cardinal and the An apparently new policy toward China began last Anglican primate expressed this optimism in lectures they deliv· year when trade restrictions were -eased. At the beginning ered at Riverside Church. of this year Chinese and American talks were resumed in The clergymen, 'both 65 and Warsaw after a break of two years.. both theological scholars, came to New York to participate in a It is hoped that more frequent contact between Chinese three-day closed seminar at Trin'and Americans will lead' to a better understanding of each ity Institute on "The Future of on the part of both. the Church." Approximately 80 Episcopal bishops, comprising This new policy is a risk, of course. It may be rebuffed more than half of that church's by the Chinese. It may open China only to those already hierarchy in the U. S., attended the conference. cOlwinced that America has nothing to offer China and While here, Cardinal Suenens that China and its brand of communism are the wave of E!JlATRON and Archbishop Ramsey were the future. feted' by a Catholic and a ProtesOfF THE tant seminary in Morningside But the fact remains that China is there and will not ~; i\ U~'Ve-RSAL Heights. , ~;\"\\, ,!! eHURCH go away and will undoubtedly play an increasingly larger r '.\~\\\\\\IIf't==l":'l:==~===~-=-=--==-='.J They were awarded honorary role in the world picture ,in the years that lie ahead, ~~:~::($~:m.:::.:it~Ht}rm~j~~~@jf~~.mr:§t1k~::'~ittWf..tt:1@*~~~$i@@i$~t~~(~~.m;&.'tf~~Jr~~.t~€mj:t];§f;~:lifi$t~it~i~:~~~~l._ doctorates of humane letters by Woodstock College, 'a Jesuit sem· And it could be that more American contact· with 'inary now in the 'process of China can influence that future role. But America must moving to New York, in a quiet' show China its best - in ideals and ideas and. virtues. ' lounge at the Interchurch Center, should institute _activities .i~ . b~­ headqliarters 'of" the National Continued from Page One Ten to 20 years ago, the pr,iest half of all men, especially the Council of Churches. Woodstock noted, .when the public sch.ool n~edy. It. means the Church ,must has offices located at the center. system was at its 'height, it use its resources to help the Four hours later, with tele-' would have been difficult to ad- most pressing problems of socivision lights blazing at them in ' ' .. Recent 'bombings around the country, and explosions vance that proposition; But to- ety." the ornately carved gothic pulpit For the Catholic schools of to· that have taken several lives-these have brought dismay day the system is "no' longer having its way.. Look at' the morrow, he said candidly "It's of Riverside Church, the churchinto the hearts of civilized people. school bond issue which failed a ,whole new. ball game. We're men addressed more than 800 in Youngstown, Ohio, bringing no longer in the business to pro- persons invited by the Union Theological Seminary. They press home the point-and in the aftermath .of about the tempor!iry closing of duce high school vocations· or to the report of .the presidential Committee on Violence-that 'public s'chools there·... ' chauvinistically look . at','the in. .'.., '•Already. . . ,Done' " .. ,. ' ,. . there, are those ·in ·the country quite prepar~d to destrpy .,' Msgr. DO~!l9~ue tr~~e~ ma,~y stitution." ' " "The"tWo archb'ishOPs o~tlined by violence some-perhaps all-aspects o(American"'life of the public school sYl?tems' I But the USee- official.'is opti- ;the'essence oftheir'Trinity Insti. 'mistic',abeutthe futlire of Cath, k A' ", '" . i probl,e.~s, to t/t,eir failur~ to :ad· as we': nuw It . :.•.. tute talks to" a hushe(\"coilgrega. olic education. ," , just to' the .Iearning needs ,Of Hon which broke into 'applause In the days' ahead, the priest when Cardinal Suenens recalled 'Violence breec;ls violence an~ feeds upon it. students. said, Catholic educators will a remark made by the late Pope Convenience,ot" Administrators Actions of the far left bring about actions from the He quoted educator Paul have to reapportion their re- John XXIII to a Methodist bishsources to' cover more than far right. Goodman, who claims too many schools. Nevertheless, he added, op asking him when their churches would be visibly united. . public school academic cun:icula will still' be a vital place The Pontiff, he said, stressed that Violence, too, brings' on reactions, so that there are are organized rigidly around the ."there fol' the Church to give witness people who are ready to give up some of their civil rights convenience of administrators to the value of quality education between himself and the Method· to insure a greater measure of order in their country. rather than around the students' on 'the elementary, secondary, ist, "it is already done.;' learning. potential. Such criti· collegiate and university levels.". Turning to Archbishop Ram· . Those who, cry for violence sometimes invoke the cism, he said, is more" the norm sey; who was seated in the chan· Although he acknowledged the American Revolution as a defense of their present acts. than the exception. . Ca tholic school system also faces cel, Cardinal Suenens smiled and . 'Msgr. Donohue cautioned, pressing 'problems' concerning said, "and between you and me, The Revolution, however, came as the resu It 0 f debate and h9wever, that Catholic educators finances and the loss of teaching it is already done." discussion and a consen~us in the Colonies. Then, too, there should guard against white par· ,nuns," Msgr. Donohue prediCted: Cardinal Suenens also warned was no other way, no peaceful 'alternative, whe~eby the ents' abusing their freedom of "We are going to end up with the congregation· against the " ty 0 f peop . Ie could chang~ thelr . ,con d't' choice by transferring to (:ath- _an educational system to which .dangers of "stressing the past maJon I Ion. olic schools to. avoid, integrated our commitment will be strong- too much" and of "presentism,er." . . There has been no agreement by a majority favoring public schools. taking too seriously the philoso· .Even if, Catholic schools re- phy of today" in church life. the use of violence to destroy American f,orms. There are, "Speaking for our schools, I .think we should lean over backpublic assistance, he anticiHe said it is necessary to realternatives - political ones - to violence, -:if a' majority wards to not let the schools be ,ceive pates the system's total enroll- gard the church in a broad perwishes to change some aspect of the American political used as escape hatches/, he said. ment will drop from 6 to 4 mil- spective. The church should be system. . , "But I think there are enough lion students in the' next few true to its historical past, the parents, especially those who years. He said such aid, how- prelate commented, and yet give But savage brutal naked violence is not an aJternative. live in,the ghetto and those who ever, would help educators coor- to that past "a future in the are college' educated, who are dinate. existing activities. present." concerned about a good educa· Totn} ~evelopment tion, and who wOiJld welcome private schools, which, give them Msgr. Donohue' said Catholic ulum, relating it directly to the an alternative to what is now educators should re-think the learning potentials of the stuavailable to 'them," he said. academic approach, which de- dents. Due / to high school acLooking toward the future, mands that students be constant- creditation and college entrance Msgr. Donohue envisions a new ly tested and taught .to be com- requirements, educators have philosophy of community in· ,petitive. That method, he said, been fearful of departing from 'volvement based on the teach- inhibits the learning process be- these inflexible standards, he . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE. DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ings of the Second VatiCan cause it make the pupil master said. The process Council, developing for Catholic has tended to only that material which is for· Published weekly by The Catholic Press of ihe Diocese of Fall River sclJQols.. " , mally presented to him in ·the fr:ustrate the child's search for 410 Highland Aven~e. knowledge, he said, because it . He cited the Council's 1965 classroom. Fall River, Mass. 02722 :'675-7151 He said Catholic educators has created a vicious circle in "Constitution the Church in .the Modern World," which states should instead concentrate on which the only way the youngPUBLISHER in part "* * * the, Church is will- developing the student's total ster can be admitted into college is to pass an arbitrarily imposed ing to assist and promote all human' personality. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. "In every child," he added, list of high school courses. ' these institutions to the extent Catholic schools, he mainGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER that such a service depends on "there 'is a spark of rebellion. her and is associated with her We must kindle that spark and tained, should break away from Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sha'lIoo, M;A. . Rev. John P.. Driscoll let him breathe freely. After all, that' conformity and "concenmission." all education is basically self- trate on providing quality educa: MANAGiNG EDITOR· Face lPressing Problems , education." , tion-and quality education for Hugh !; Golden, J.D. Said Msgr. Donohue: The priest declared changes today's children doesn't mean ~Leary Press-fall Ri~er "This means the Church must also be made in the curric- business as usual."

But the theory behind the new gesture is that the United States cannot simply ignore the one-quarter of the world's population living in China.



Future L'inkage

of" S:chools

More Violence





Seminary Professor Cites 'Crisis in the Pulp~f' CHICAGO (NC)-There is "a crisis in the pupilt" which revolves mostly around the content and quality of preaching. That's the view of Father William F. Jabusch, professor of homiletics at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary ill nearby Mundelin. "Lay people today are more critical of what Mass.' When 1 ask why, they 'The sermon did something they hear in church, and, say, fe( me.' priests are becoming increas"feople will often judge, ingly frustrated in trying to communicate their message," the seminary professor asserted. "For the first time, people are now starting to shop around for preachers in Catholic churches. They are calling rectories on Sundays specifically to find out who will or will not say a particular Moss," said Father Jabusch. "If the priest doesn't appeal to the person, as a speaker, or if most of the priests at a church don't appeal, lay Catholics will avoid either certain Masses or go to an entirely different parish to hear Mass. And it all seems to rest on the quality of the priest as a preacher.:' Father Jabusch is attempting to do something about what he thinks is the poor state of preaching in the church today. He has helped plan a clergy study week at the seminary, aimed at improving the "contemporary ministry" through study and application of effective mass communications techniques. Tolerance Lessening "People today seem not so much concerned with whether a priest is a great confessor or a Areat theologian," said Father Jabusch, "but with his preaching ability. What really hits them in the pit of their stomachs is to experience a bad liturgy on Sunday with abysmal preaching." ."It's 0flly, in the church system," Father Jabusch said, "that a man can be considered a professional communicator and homb 'out each Sunday-:-and still keep his job. He can give a continuously bad public presentation llnd yet there he is, Sunday after Sunday. And it's only the people who attend church who still stand for this, but even their tolerance is lessening." . Father Jabusch believes poor quality preaching may be one rehlted reason why younger people "turn off" to the Mass and the liturgy. "I've heard some young people say, 'This was a good

whether young or old, the entire liturgy of. the day by the quality of preaching or the priest's ability in reading aloud "the Canon 01 the Mass," he said. :,' The clergy study week on. communications will offer priests and seminarians an opportunity t.., hear prominent lecturers in th(' communicat.ions field, but al&o to develop their own preaching skills in work sessions. Father Jabusch believes priests are becoming increasingly concCl'ned about t~eir roles, as· communicators, especially as preachers. He 'P9inted out that laymen an, better educated today, are constantly exposed to professional communicators on radio and TV,' and, consequently, expect more from t.heir clergymen in their verbal communications. Unfa.r Comparisons And it can be tough on a priest, said Father Jabusch, because he can clearly see if he isn't coming through to his congregation just by noticing people "who are bored, frustrated and fiageting." " Priests are not always at fault, hcwever, if their congregation is unreceptive, Father Jabusch commented. "Quite often people simpI} don't like what they hear being said, especially if the subject is race relations, peace, antiSemitism or the Spanish-speaking." In this regard, Father. Jabusch feels a priest much preach the Gospel message as he sees it, "and that isn't an easy message if a priest is doing what he believes he must do. In some cases, pI iests are like prophets - and the history of prophets has not always been good; many had their heads cut off for what they said." Then, too, he observed, priests sometimes are unfairly compared with radio and TV professionals. Preaching Specialists Father Jabusch believes that many of today's preaching problems stem from what he believes is a history of inattention in scmPriest Candidate 'inaries to suffident preacher training. For School Board Preaching, he stressed, "has BROOKLYN (NC)-Father Michael C. French says that run- not usually been a happy' experining for public office has opened ence for most priests. In fact, He' his eyes to narrow and 'bigoted many try to avoid it." thinking by some Catholic lay- pointed out that in years past it was not unusual for a church to men. occasionally . dispense with the The 31-year-old priest, associ- Sunday sermon.. . ate pastor of ,St. Anselm's church "Priests have never pictured here, is one of 39 candidates themselves as preachers," Father running for nine posts ,on his Jabusch noted. He cited as 'an local district school board under example the frequent occasions recent legislation to decentralize when specialists .from religious New York City schools. orders were brought in for parFather French's chief endorse- ish religious events requiring ments have come from non- good preaching ability. Catholic and professional com-, Father Jabusch' is' also con· munity groups. His main foes cerned about seminaries that he are leaders of eight Home and says still appear to put little School Associations who' are stress on training to become backing a slate o~ six Catholic good preachers. candidates. They have rejected The clergy study week on him, he maintains, because he is ccmmunications was sponsored a priest and they do not think by the Center for Pastoral Mina priest should run. istry. Fath..er Jabusch hopes it Father French made it clear imbued (in priests) an enthusihis criticism was limited to lay- asm for their prp.aching responsimen in the Catholic parent bilities. groups. He said his fellow priests "We hope," he added, "it "with very few exceptions, have s('rved as a shot· of adrenalin in been wonderful and encouraged the priests' creative abilities so me, even though they may be they will go back to their parin a terrible bind. I have received ishes and communicate the Gosno objection from Bishop (Fran- ptl message to their people in a cis J.) Mugavero or the diocese." much more .effective way."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese cf Fal! River-Thurs. Mar. 19, 1970


Crusading Editor of Four Weekli,es Fights ,iFor Justice in Mississippi LEXINGTON (NC)-They have names like Hazel Brannon Smith and Robert J. (Ronny) Caire that you read a second time. They are part of that wonderful breed of people - weekly newspaper editors - who are · willing to fight and suffer and stay for justice in the Mississip·pi they love despite its Gothic politics and because of its future promise. In an age of electronic journalism, high newspaper costs ~nd slick P.R. operations, are they. a vanishing breed? This is the kind of thing that bothers the visiting Northern newspaper . reporter, traveling from little town to little town, · little places with names made big by appalling civil rights incidents that make you shudderMeridian, Philadelphia, Greenwood. Or the tragedies of Hurricane Camille - Pass Christian, Long Beach, Biloxi. Mississippi is a· lovely, otherworld ish land which has produced giants such as William · Faulkner and Hodding' Carter. But the small town editor is still very much a part of iife in this state. . Pulitzer Winner . Iri Lexington, segregationists have been trying to drive out of business Mrs. Hazel Brannon Smith, editor of The Lexington Advertiser and three other weeklies. She has survived a court case, White Citizens' Council pressures, a boycott and the competition of a rival newspaper begun by people who wanted a sheet 'that would "think the way we do." On May 4, 1964 "Hazel," as she is known in Holmes County -which is 73 per cent blackbrought honor 'to Mississippi.. She was awarded a Pulitzer· prize for her editorial writing against crime and corruption and

Christian Brothers Plan Staff Cut$ NEWARK (NC)-The Christian Brothers will affect a 50 per cent teaching staff cut at seven high schools in ,the New York-New Jersey area. Brother John Martin F.S.C., provincial, said the main reason for the withdrawal of the Brothers was because requested salary increases were refused. He said that up to now 'income from private schools staffed by the Brothers covered the major part of' costs for educating brothers-in-training, graduate studies for others and caring for retired Brothers. He said income from the private schools can no longer meet these costs because of the smaller number of Brothers at private schools and inflation. Brother Martin also cited problems caused by fewer vocations and the decision of a number of brothers to engage in special apostolates.

favored Violence BUENOS AIRES (NC)-A militant leader of Christian leftists here who advocated social change through violence was killed in an automobile accident. Juan Garcia Elorrio gained pub,lic attention in 1967 during a Labor Day Mass at the cathedral here when he occupied the pulpit and read a proclamation calling . for armed revolution to bring justice to workers.


./ I

HAZEL SMITH resisting White Citizens' Council pressure over the years. Mrs. Smith is plumpish, talkative and at her best when elaborating. on the role of a free press today. In a recent interview at her home high on a wooded hill outside Lexington, she conceded that even those who write and read smear sheets against her "give me the credit of having the courage of my convictions." From the Bottom "The small town press can't set the Pentagon straight, maybe.

Oppose Decrease In Salary Grants SALISBURY (NC)-Rhodesia's Catholic bishops have joined with leaders of 20 church denominations here to appeal the government's proposed five per cent cut in salary grants to, teachers at African prill)ary schools. The salary cut threatens more than 500,000 students in 2,871 primary schools. Linked. to a government proposal to take over schools that cannot pay a full wage to teachers, the cut in salary grants is feared by many to be the first step in a government move to control all education here. According to the government proposal, schools In which teachers' salaries cannot be paid in full will be ineligible for any government money. The government plan does provide a way out of the financial bind, but religious leaders find it unacceptable. The government's solution: any organization that cantiot come up with the mon,ey to make up the five per cent salary cut can' relinquish control of the schools to local parents' committees.

But it can keep itself informed with the right kind of research and taking a stand for integrity," she said firmly. "The American people can't demand integrity in government unless they're going to have it in their own lives, and their own business. If it isn't there, then the whole thing is rotten and the whole thing gets corrupted. Corruption doesn't drift down from the White House. It starts from the bottom and goes up." . Mrs. Smith, whose husband is former executive director of Mississippi Action for Progress, writes hell" editorials and column "Through Hazel Eyes" on a variety of topics in addition to owning and editing The Advertiser and The Durant News in Holmes County, The Banner County Outlook, Flora, Miss., and The Northside Reporter in .Jackson, Miss. They have a combined circulation of 18,000 readers. Her targets have included Gov. John Bell Williams on school desegregation and a warning to President Nixon against, having a "do nothing" administration.

Settle New York Cemetery Strike NEW YORK (NC) - A twomonth strike by New York grave diggers ended -when they reached an agreement with the city:s 44 nonsectarian, Catholic and Jewish cemetery managements. The gravediggers went to work immediately burying more than 15,000 'bodies for which burial was delayed during the strike. The diggers will receive a $13a-week increase retroactive to Jan. 1 and an additional $10.50 pe,r week in July. They had asked for a $64-a-week raise over a two-year period. They will get $149.50 per week when the second increase takes place.

Seminltlllrians Join

AntiwGII' Fast WASHINGTON (NC)-One of a hundred seminarians joining the Lenten-Passover fast protesting the Vietnam War depicted what they are doing as "crawling out of their holes" and becoming involved in social issues. Saying seminarians need to be dedicated to current issues, Steve Marini of Harvard Divinity School said their past performance "has been disgraceful at best and un-Christian at· its worst. 'Not in talk, but in action." . Marini said he hoped all that was changing, and he thought participation in the fast was an indication of a changing attitude.

WH ITE'S Family


Rt. 6 at '1I'he Nal!'D'aws in North W<astpor~ Where The Entire.. Family Can Dine Economically


Criticize, Ruling On Abortion Law

THE ANCHOR":Oiocese of Fall R·iver-Thurs. Mar. 19, 1970

Fashion's' Vocabulary Must Inclu.de Wig.. Words Today' By Marilyn Rodenck "

The sixties and seventies could well go down in history as the time when the most important word in anyone's vocabulary was "hair" (and I don't mean the musi.cal). Even my four year old son is getting into the act. Today Joe took him to a are constantly bebarber who specializes' in haircoverings ing improved. Helene' Curtis has haircuts to suit the individ- come out with the latest. Called ual and he came' back talk-. Allegra, this is a new stretch.

MILWAUKEE (NC)-Catholic officials and organizations have criticized the decision of a threejudge Federal Court panel that part of Wisconsin's 51-year-old abortion law is unconstitutional. The ruling will be appealed. The ruling would allow doctors to perform abortions before the fetus has quickened (moved), which usually occurs in the third or fourth month of pregnancy. Archbishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee said the' decision "is c1ea,rly against a generally ac!<riowledged principle that a fetus has a right to life." He said it was ironic that a fetus has proven legal rights, yet can be deprived of life. Wisconsin Citizens Concerned for the Unborn, an interdenominational group supported by the Catholic Physicians Guild, called the decision "deplorable" and "a disaster" from a medical standpoint. District Attorney E. Michael McCann said both the American' Medical Association and the Milwaukee Cou'1ty Medical Association are opposed to "abortions on c;lemand."

wig that has an extension at the base of' the neck to prevent riding up (this is, one of the most annoyinL proble~s one encounters with the stretchies). To say that the wig business is booming would be a slight un'60th "BIRlI'HDAY OF CAMP FIR~ GIRLS: Kathy lake, Paula derstatement. The other evening I went with my mother to an Machado, Anne Donnelly and Diane Rapoza participate in area wig salon and sat for more the candle extinguishing during the interfaith worship service than an hour while woman after conducted at the Union Methodist Church, Fall River as the woman bOlJght wig after wig,. group opened the week of it's 60th anniversary. almost as fast as one would buy a lipstick. It does appear that many women will be the owners of not just one wig but of a who,le Modern Dress .Is Role of· Nuns' Community wardrobe of them. Some of the waiting women mentioned that··' Tells Catholics W~tch Founded 180 Years Ago they had two. or three more at home, however none was that, . ,NEW 'YORK (NC)' - Mother The Daughters of the Heart of Unity Developments enthusiastic about the. ones she Honora O'Reilly has been elected Mary was founded ,in France in ST. LOUIS (NC)-Catholics of already owned but' seemed to provincial of the Daughters of in 1790 and has 5,000 members the United States should be keep hoping that the new one the Heart of .Mary, with hea<;l- in various parts of the world. "carefully watchful" at the rewould do the trick. " . The community was founded in sponse which Protes'tants give to quarters here. ' My concluding' thought: 'along this country in IB51. the Consultation on Church From the top of her silvery with midi, another, set of fashion . The community:has establish- Union's recently approved plan coiffure to' the tips of' her mod words for the 1970's will be wigs shoes, Mother Honora O'Reilly ments in the New York,' Boston, of union, according to a Cathand hairpieces of all types. never would be recognized as a Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, olic ecumenical expert. St. Louis, St. Paul-Minneapolis' nun. _Father John -F~ Hotchkin, \I,~~ Members of her community and Washington archdioceses, sociate director of the National are no Marys-corne-lately to the and the Buffalo, Lincoln, Neb., Conference of Catholic Bishops' . current scene. The rule of their Ogdensburg, N. Y., Rapid City, office of Ecumenical and InterS.D., Springfield, Mass., Trenton religious Affairs, told -NC News PANAMA CITY (NC) - The -IBO-year-old community calls for , an(\ W,lmington dio~eses. that' Catholics 'should wat'ch "to them to dress in the styles of the director of a popular radio sta:' see if there. is' a: movement 'o'f I' .' times without uniformity. tion, who frequently criticiz~d the spirit to accept the plan. If They work in 20 archdioceses Volunteer to Serve this country's military governit is received and developed and ment has gone to EI Salvador and dioceses in this country and that would be evidence applied, after the government asked him Canada. They are dedicated to Mother's Sentence that the Holy Spirit is using the to leave Panama because of his a deep spiritual life in the world, MILWAUKEE (NC}-"A new- plan for some intention." aJm to penetrate society through born child needs to ,be with its "subversive activities.'" Father Hotchkin, who spent Father Luis Medrano, S.J., works in catechetical centers, mother," is the, belief of more the week at the consultation born in SpaiJ) but now a Pana- retreat houses, schools, mission than 60 women, members of sessions as an official Catholic manian citizen, was arrested by and individual apostolate. Friends of Welfare Rights organ- observer, said he was impressed plainclothes policemen and held Mother Honora, a native of ization. They have volunteered with tlie placidity of the en· incommunicado in Modelo prison Brooklyn, is a graduate of Ford- each to spend one or two days tire' discussion. for several houts. He left for El ham University, earned her mas- in jail in place of a woman, unSalvador two days later. The ter's degree at Iona College, New der prison sentence, when she Eclipses Intellect priest was director of Radio, Rochelle, N. Y. She recently has is released from St. Joseph HosRudeness -is better than any Hogar. been counselor for' the family pital where she gave birth to argument; it totally eclipses inThough Father Medrano's de- consultation service in the New her fourth child. -Schopenhauer tellect. parture was not publicly an- York archdiocese. She succeeds The woman is Mrs. Mary nounced, about 100 persons Mother Helen, A. Schell, 'who Mills, imprisoned for 90 days ,._~~:.~~:._.:,~: :_~~:·.r >"6 . .: , ":, gathered at the airport to see served as provincial for 12 years. on the charge of breaking a dehim off. However, they were not ...,,\The .ANCHOR' partment store window during a .~:~~~: ' .~ -;:t - ." '. - - ': allowed to speak to him nor get recent welfare mothers demon- ;~. TYPE' ,SET •' near him. Holy ,Father Commen,ds stration. Archbishop Marcos McGrath, The Friends of Welfare moth,..~.PRINT~D BY O~FSEt·\. 'f P anama C'lty, W h0' Christian Renunciation C, S.C., 0, .. ers. women not on welfare themtalked to the ,Jesuit bef.pre he VATICAN CITY (NC)...:...chris- . selves' but joined in supportive • MAILED' ,": left the country, said he fears tian renunciation of wordly plea- action to restore welfare funds that the priest's departure "may sures "is not.a arbitrary, burden- cut last year by the state legis- BY THE ~" be interpreted as the disappear- some and obsolete Q' '" Q disci- lature" held a press conference to' ance of freedom of expression in pline," Pope Paul told a general announce their willingness, to Panama." .. .' , audience in St. Peter's basilica. take .Mrs. Mills' place in jail Father Medrano's daily radio . FALL R.IVE'R'· The cross, the Pope said is the after she is released from the comments have often been criti~ ; ,,'ical of the soCial and' economic . symbol. for the Christian. He hospital. policies of the inilitary junta.' cOplpared the vigilance of the Commission Opposes The priest has claimed that Christian to the ;preparations 'of '''anyone who ,distinguishes him~ the soldier and the athlete as· NEW ! ~, Carswell· Nomination sel! .' in "defending t~e rights of each prepares for competition. ' ST: LOUIS: (NC) - The St. . 7~% Term Deposit,Certificates-$IOO,OOO or more The practice of m'aklng littl.e Louis archdiocesanComnii~sion the 'workers, 'peasan~s and the., 6% Term Deposit Certificat~s - Two years in' general 'is called a com-,.:. satrific'es and generous acts in . poor on Human Rights, in letters to munist. We priests have often' childhood, the Pope said. can de-: 5%% Term Deposit Certifi,cates- One year President Richard Nixon and velop "through many ages and 5~% ~90-Day Notice' . . Missouri Senators Stuart Sym- had this experience." .., in many different ways" to proington and Thomas'·, Eagleton, 5 ~ % Systematic Savings tect the Christian from' "foolish asked that Judge' Harol4 Cars-~top at Fatima 5%% -Regular Savings weU be rejected as a member FATIMA (NC) - Thirty, Mos- and harmful desires." 5% ' - Daily Interest lems froni Portuguese Guinea in of the U.S. Supreme Court. Sacrifice, the Pope concluded, Appointment of Judge Cars- West Africa, 'returning home can help our earthly existence Ii< Dividends payable quarterly well to the high court ."would from a pilgrimage "to Mecca. become "an oblation, living, the, holy and pleasing to God." be another blow to the. hope of - made a. special stop at R~V!ER our minority citizens tha~. we shrine here. Because of the cirBANK BY' MAIIL can achieve j\l~tice for all in cumstance' that the. daughter of. Up to the Lord our society," Father Timothy D. ' Mohammed was named Fatin:'!l. .we pay.he postage ' Find out where'you c,an render Barry, associate executive secre- ,'there has been II1ore. than, ca~1,l­ South Yarmouth Yarmouth Shopping Plaza lXIyannis tary of the Human Rights Com- al attention given to the shrine· a service, 'and then render it. The Dcannis Port Osterville missi()n, wrote. . . ' throughout the:· Moslem world.. rest is up to the Lord. -Kres~e'

ing about his new "hairdo." Madame Pompidou brought .her hairdresser to America with her and it looks as if hairdress, ers and barbers may replace Cadillacs and diamonds as' a sign of prestige. My hairdresser, Mr. Fred, just returned from the hair show in New York that showed the way. the coiffures will blow this spring and summer. His observation was that the Gibson Girl look is definitely in, also the very soft short h~irdos with shaggy backs, This small-headed look is also coming to the fore because of the downward trend of the hemlines. Therefore, look for a return to the sculptured shaped head for day and the 'romantic la belle look for evening. Even Brushing Kenneth (you remember him from the boys of Jackie 0) feels that the big news for 1970 will bf: scalp treatments to put your hair in tip-top condition after all thE years of teasing. I for one would love to see this because most women, myself included, h2.ve 'hair that has bec,ome coarse ar,d lifeless because Of coloring and the long years of teasing. Why, even brushing is coming back! Wigs, of course; are becoming a fashion accessory must-a prediction that I printEld in this column about four years ago. At that tiine, while interviewing the owner of one of the beauty schools in this area, she mentioned that in time women would have as many hair-pieces as lipsticks. I was a bit sceptical but I did print it and the prediction has come true. Still the most beautiful are the human-hair (European hair, that is) wigs, especially those in the $~OO bracket that are hand-made with abundant locks.. While I can't imagine myself ever being in a position to afford one of these, it would be my choice if that ship ever did come in. Big Sellers Synthetic wigs' are the big sellers for two reasons: low price and everi lo""er upkeep. While still not perfection, these

Wuthout Uniformity

Prie/st Is Charged With ,Subversion






THE ANCHOR'Thurs.• Mar. 19, 1970

First Green Bud of Season Spells Spring to M,arilyn

Lauds Message

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

On Education

As April approaches the weather is still rather nippy and the prospect of getting out into~he garden is not too inviting. But there are worthwhile jobs that can be accomplished now. One of the most 'rewarding is the task of fertilizing while the ground is still frozen. The last of the hardy mums. We're entertaining a few lawn, the perennial garden friends this weekend and I plan and the rock garden should be fertilized now so that as tne ground thaws and the Spring rains arrive. what ever nutrients WI.; can make available for new growth will be present when that new growth begins. Lawns are best fertilized with n prepared lawn fertilizer mixture and a pre-set spreader. This can be done any time after this article appears! If a fertilizer can be used which incorporates a weed killer, so much the better. As far as the perennial gar('en and the rock garden are concerned, this is the perfect time to get them (ertilized. If the garden contains a mulch, this should be lifted, the fertilizer spread, and the mulch replaced. It is too early to remove ;; mulch completely. It is absolutely necessary, however, that the correct amount of fertilizer be used so as not to destroy any plants which may be fertilizer tender. The beauty of fertiliZing now is that the groun'd will incorporate the fertilizer naturally as it thaws, thus ensuring the gardenC'I' that his trouble will be worth w,hile. This is also a good time to put dc.;wn the specialty fertilizers such as azalea and rhododendron mixtures. These should' be carefully measured' and made available to the plant~ just as they al e preparing for their maximum growth, In the Kitchen The sun was streaming through the dining room window and its warmth felt marvelous after the chill Winter. Spreading its golden glow through the kitchen was a large vase of forsy· thia that I had brought indoors - and forced into bloom; and just for a few minutes it was possible to imagine that it: was already Spring. When we're experiencing autumn I'm positive that it's my favorite season but 'by the time March rolls around and we're all winter-weary I know spring is. Mud bathes our yard. and it's more than discouraging to look out at the ruins of the once lovely rose garden. What weren't dug UI: to make room for the addition were trampled under the feet of the eX<;flvation team or the masons but hope prevails and our thoughts turn toward the new garden we're planning. Herb Garden " I would like a small herb garden just outside the sliding glass door so that my supply of fresh herbs will be near the kitchen. Already we've ordered some plants to set out at the first ground thaw. Garlic, marjoram and dill were on the list, and one I've never tried before. sweet smelling lavender that I'll tuck in the linen drawers. If I could have all my way, one section of the garden wo.uld be set aside for cutting flowers, for I like nothing better than bringing outdoors in; however, since Joe is the one in the family with a green thumb such decisions rest in his hands. Right now I'm longing for daf· fodils because once they arrive I know that the house will never be without flowers again until the first real freeze kills the

to drop by our florist and pick up a few cut flowers' to brighten the house but I'm always much happier when I can stroll through our yard and my father-in-Iaw's and pick my own arrangements -then I can even have flowers in the bathrooms. Different things herald the coming of spring to different people. To some it's that first robin, to others the removing of heavy clothing or the first ball game of the season; but to me i'.'s that first green bud that forces its way through the thawing earth. These coconut cookie bars are delicious enough to serve as candy. The recipe is 'from the kitchen or Mrs. William O'Neil Sr. of St. ~ouis parish in Fall River. Coconut Cookie Bars

I stick butter or margarine, melted I Y2 cups graham cracker crumbs I cup chopped nuts I If.! cups flaked coconut I can condensed milk I cup semi-sweet _ chocolate bits . I) In the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch baking pan pou'r the melted shortening. Sprinkle the crumbs evenly' over the melted, shortening and then the chopped nuts carefully over the crumbs. 2) Distribute the chocolate pieces over the nuts and then the flaked coconut evenly over all. Pour in the c,ondensed' milk. 3) Bake in a 350 oven for 25 minutes or until lightly browned 01: top. 4) ,Allow to cool 15 minutes before cutting. 5) Cut into finger length bars. 0

Samoa ,Mission 'Gets Development Grant APIA (NC) - A bishop's mission 'development plan here in Western' Samoa will, get help from the '''Project Compassion" fund of Australian Catholic Re-, lief, using a $33,820 grant to turn 1,000 acres o\l'ned by the mission into crop lind grazing land. The plan has been worked out by Bishop Pio Taofinu'u, the only local-born Catholic bishop in the Pacific Islands. In 1968, he launched a Catholic Mission 'banana project· and so far 30 acres have been planted. Bishop Taofinu'u now plans to embrace a much wider field of production on an area about four to five miles inland from the coast behind Apia,' the Samoan c~pitai. 'Poo~



CHICAGO (NC)':-Father William F. Jabusch, who is attempting to do something about what he thinks is the poor state' of preaching in the Church today, said "for the first· time, people ar~ now starting to shop around fe,r preachers in Catholic churches. They are calling rectories on Sundays, specifically to find out who will or will not say a particular Mass.

BIRD LOVER: Like her patron, St. Francis of Assisi, Sister Mary Paschal, 87, the oldest member of the Franciscan community at Wheaton, III., is a bird lover. Her friend, Mickev the Parakeet, is making up to !:leI' after returning from' a 24-hour absence, to Sister's satisfaction. NC Photo.


'Lawyer' 5 Law' 'Marriage Di~solution' Replaces Divorce In Iowa DES MOINES (NC) They don't call it divorce in Iowa any more. From now on, by an act of the state legilature, it's "dissolution of marriage." The new "no fault" law, passed by lopsided majorities in both the Senate and the House, scrapped the five grounds for divorce-adultery, desertion, felony conviction, alcoh0lism and cruel or inhumane treatment. The new dissolution of marriage law' provides the dissolution can b~ granted when there is "a breakdown of the marriage relationship to the extent that tne legitimate objects of matrimony have been destroyed and no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved." The legislation failed" to ,include a recommendation by religious leaders and social organizations for a family court sysfem throughout the state-a special justice in each judicial dis; trict to deal exclusively with domestic relations, problems, staffed by judges with expertise for handling such matters.

Priest Introduces Girl in Front Pew CASALE MONFERRATO (NC) -Father Pio, 9ttengo, parish priest in the village of Santo Stefano 'di MQnte,nagno, announced at two Sunday Masses that he planned to marry but hoped to stay in the priesthood. "The girl you see in the front pew ic; my fia'ncee," the 39-yearold priest told his congregation. "She is named Clara Panizzolo. She is of age and lives in Turin." The next day Bishop Giuseppe Angrisani of Casale Monferrato 'replaced Father Ottengo with 'an, other priest from a neighboring village.

The law does empower district court judges to establish a domestic relations division. The new law also provides that a mandatory attempt at reconciliation of the parties, specifying the final dissolution cannot be ordered by a court for at .least 90 days. The new law also provides either party cannot remarry without court consent for one year. Opponents of the new law characterized it as a "lawyer's law" which would increase divorces, as well as lawyers' fees. Proponents called it a progressive step. , Father Thomas Rhomberg, director of the, Dubuque archdiocese's Cath,olic Charities, speculated that the courts can make the new law work better than the old procedure, "especially if they will be careful to enforce the conciliation provisions." He said, re,moval by the new law of the old adversary system in the old procedure is a step forward. He also expressed disappointment that the family court provision was eliminated from the legislation. '

WASHINGTON (NC) - The United States Catholic Conference's policy making group on educational matters has applaud'ed President Nixon's message to' Congress favoring reform of the country's educational system. The statement by the conference group said it will put its Department of Education's full resources at the disposal of the President's 'c'ommission on school finance. The conference committee noted the country's Catholic schools face critical financial' problems, but added "we are determined to do all in our power to strengthen them." It added the President's message supports this determination. The 19-member committee on education is the governing body of the conference Department of Education and is responsible for recommending policy on education matters to the administrative board and the U. S. Catholic bishops. Auxiliary Bishop William E. McManus of Chicago is chairman of the committee which includes Father Michael P. Walsh S.J., Fordham University presi: dent; Philip H. Des Marais, former U. S. Department of Health. Education and Welfare official, now with Fordham's office of research services, and Dr. John Meng, president, Marymount College, New Rochelle, N. Y. Nixon also established by executive order a presidential commission on school finance to study the fiscal problems of public and nonpublic schools.

Says Events Today Confirm Prophecy LUANDA (NC) - The apparitions at Fatima foretold the current crisis of authority in the Church, Archbishop Manuel Nunes Gabriel of Luanda declared at a Lenten conference here in Angola. Referring to the 1917 appari· tions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three young children at Fatima, Portugal, the prelate noted that "the children said they had a pre-vision of the Holy Father praying and weeping. Certain happenings in our days seem to bear out these words of the Fatima seers."

Casey-Sexton, . • • Cleansers •••








Suggest~ Agreemeilii'


THE: ANCHOR'Thurs., Mar. 19, 1970

Unity Wnth AngUcans

C@tholic: Schoc~os ~Icck


Make Demands PHILADELPHIA (NC) Black students, pressing for changes in the Philadelphia archdiocesan school systems, have presented a list of demands to Msgr. Edward T. Hughes, superintendent of schools. The demands are linked to black students protesting, the expulsion of a fellow student from Roman Catholic High School here. ' Willis Durham, 18, who was expelled for disciplinary reasons, charges he was expelled because he had attempted to organize Negro students at the school. The expulsion triggered a protest march by black students who also held a series of meetings at which they drew up their demands. They include: 'That ,black history courses "preferably taught by black teachers') be 'established; ,That black history be permitted as an elective major course of study in all archdiocesan l)igh schools; That black students be allowed to form Black Student Unions on school premises; ,That school codes be altered so that black students may wear Afro-American garb; , 'Our Catholic Family' That students be given holidays honoring Dr. Martin' Lutl1er King Jr. and Malcolm X; That school hours be shortened in order to allow disadvan: taged students more time to' earn money at part-time jobs. Msgr. ,Hughes said he would respond to the requests, with his .. answer being delivered to black student leaders and high school principals. This procedure is followed because the students, and representatives of the National Association for Advancement of Colored People who are backing them, have been adamant that the controversy stay out of the press and be resolved "in our Catholic family. . Durham was expelled after ,two previous suspensions for dis. ciplinary reasons. Both times, his parents had discussed the action with Roman Catholic High officials, and he had been reinstated. School authorities told newsmen that Durham was dismissed after "a breach of discipline which involved physical harm to another student." The paper said Durham claimed he accidentally struck another student while "dancing'; during lunch period. Father Charles V. Cullen rec-' tor at Roman Catholic, flatly denJed the student's claim that he was expelled for organizing black students. .

Choose New Coach From Rival College PHILADELPHIA (NC) - For generations one of the most bitter college basketball rivalries anywhere has been the annual St. Joseph-La Salle games. So La Salle tapp~d }laul West-, head, 31, who has been freshman .coach at St. Joseph's, and signed ,him to a four-year contract as head coach. Westhead , succeeds Tom Gola, who quit at the end of the season to devote full time to his city controller duties. i' Westhead played at St. Jo, seph's, c0!lched high school basketball and was an assistant coach at the University of Dayton before returning to his alma mater.


LONDON (NC)-A Cath- ' olic bishop has suggested that in a united CatholicAnglican Church under the

primacy of the. pope, the pope would become patriarch of the Western, or Latin, rite and the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury patriarch of the English rite. The suggestion was made by Auxiliary ,Bishop Christopher Butler, 0.S.8., of Westminster in an article in the Tablet, a Catholic weekly review here. Bishop Butler was a partid-, pant in the first meeting of the Joint Anglican-Catholic Permament Theol.ogical Commission, which met in January at Windsor. In his article, Bishop Butler cited the Second Vatican Council's Decree on, Ecumenism, stressing its recognition of the Anglican communion as a special case among the separated Western churches. Corporate Reunion "It would be outrageous to suggest that the Catholic Church PREDICT UNION: Anglican Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, left, and leo Cardinal in taking part in this commission Sue.nens of Belgium joined here at a press conference in predicting an eventual union of the Roman does not mean serious business_ Catholic Church with worldwide Anglicanism in terms of their common Christian essence. NC Photo. and specifically ecumenical business," Bishop Butler said. "It must have in view, if with God's grace it Can be achieved, a corporate reunion between the , Anglican communion and the Catholic Church." ' But the bishop asked: "When NEW YORK (NC)-Leo Cardi- frequently initiated ,Catholic- conscious" way, though they we 'speak of' 'full organic union between our two communions' . nal Suenens of Malines-Brussels Anglcan encounters, termed the may not be in negotiations. do we really mean no more than Joint efforts in service to com- that when it comes to the crucial' joined Anglican Archbishop Mi- seminar "just one incident'" chael Ramsey of Canterbury here along a path opened up from munities on issues such as race, point all Anglicans are to bein predicting an eventual union 1921 to 1926. poverty and pollution "with come Catholics in such a sense of the Roman Catholic Church It was then that the late Lord which as Christians we are be- that nothing' of ,whp.t they forwith worldwide. Angl.i,canis,m, in , Halifax ,and Desire Cardinal coming more and more conmerly were remains as more than terms of their common Christian Mercier, then. the ,Belgian pri- cerned," a memory and' a collection of mate, initiated the Malines con- ' "I do not think that the cardi- henceforth embarrassing habits?" essence. The two churchmen. were here versations between Catholic and nal or, I are speaking exclusively If Catholics are faithful to the as the main speakers at a land- Anglican leaders. At present, a about the' Anglican Communion council's meaning of ecumenism, mark three-day' cJosed seminar joint Anglican-Catholic interna- or the Roman Catholic Church," he said, they should expect at 'Trinity Episcopal Institute' to tional commission has been ex-' he said, "but about the entire' "some sort of coexistence in full discuss "the Future of the Chds- ploring reunion and has reported Christian community, so sadly ecclesial communion with one divided but with whose unity another of the Catholic Western tian Church," attended by more progress. than 80 Episcopal bishops from we are so concerned." 'Sadly Divided' (Latin) rite as it exists today in throughout the U. S. , this country under our present The cardinal and he agreed, Among the events scheduled Archbishop Ramsey said, on the' Catholic hierarchy and English during their week-long stay were Malines concurrence by both rite with its own bishops, liturgy the conferring of an honorary sides to be "united but not ab- NamesPolicy-Making and thelogolical tradition. doctorate in human letters on sorbed." Ecumenism generally, "Both rites would acknowledge Archbishop Ramsey by Wood- he said, .has developed along, Educati'on Board the primacy of the successor of MADISON (NC)-Bishop Clestock College, Jesuit seminary; a these lines: tus F. O'Donnell has appointed St. Peter but each, presumably, reception and prayers with the The "necessary negotiations" a 13-member education board would have its own patriarch or Anglican, primate by Terence the equivalent. The bishop of Cardinal Cooke, archbishop of among churches about such mat路 empowered to formulate policy Rome would be the patriarch of !ers a~ i,ntercommunion and unfor elementary and high schools New York, at St. Patrick's Ca- Ion., ' in the Madison diocese here in the traditional Western rite and thedral, and a public lecture by the archbishop of Canterbury the . The possibility of different Wisconsin. Dr. Ramsey at the interdenomichurches worshipping 'together He aslo named Dominican Sis- patriarch of the English rite, un' national ~i~erside Church. less indeed that rite took a leaf At a JOint press conference, in a "remarkable" and "unself- ter M. Nona McGreal, former out of the book of recent develpresident of Edgewood College _~ardinal. S~enens. noted that or the Sacred Heart here, as dio- opments among ourselves and something IS moving and mov- Ask Increased ,Aid cesan director of educational de- preferred a conference of bishops ing v~ry fa~t" in Anglicanvelopment to carry out board di- under an elected president to a CatholIc relatIOns. The prelate For Brazil Indians patriarch in the ancient sense," rectives. " sai? h~ was "con!,ident the Holy is composed of nine The board SAO PAllLO (NC)-The BraSPlTlt IS at work. Two Kinds "But we have to be both pa- zilian Indian Foundation in laymen and women, recommendCalamities are of two kinds: tient and impatient ':' '" '" Unity charge of federal reservations ed by parish' councils, and four does not mean uniformity,", he and aid to aboriginal tribes, has priests nominated by a priests misfortune to ourselves and good fortune to others. -Bierce said. "There is a unity of es- asked Catholic and Protestant senate committee. sence in Christianity, but a plu- missionaries to look after the rality of ways of thinking of 'Indians' "physical survival as well as spiritual salvation," spirituality. " The appeal was made during Archbishop Ramsey, 65, a tillI and mas~ive man who has a meeting here between foundation officials and heads of mis'sionary outposts throughout the Amazon territory, where most- of Salary Rose ROIUITIE 6-between Fall River Clnd New Bedford JOLIET (NC),-Salary increases the tribes live. Tribal membernext September for teachers in ship totals some 120,000 Indians. One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities ,Church-sponsored groups al-' the Joliet diocesan schQol system here in Illinois have been ap- ready have some extensive eduproved by the diocesan school cational and health programs for Now Available for board. ,The starting salary will the area's aborigines. Catholic, be raised from $6,000 to $6,600 missionaries at Caiua, a reservaBANQUETS, FASHION SHOWS, ETC. a year, while teachers with. mas- tion center in Mato Grosso, run ters degrees will start at $7,260, a .90-bed hospital for tubercuthe board announced. Salaries' losis and other' patients. The fOR' DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 for nuns and brothers were fixed foundation has opened another 20-bed hospital at a nearby post. at $~,500.

Discuss Future of Christian Church

Cardina~, 路Anglican Pll'elate M'eet 01~ Seminar


British Warned Of Euthanasia Death Centers

THE ANCHORThurs., Mo-, 19, 1'970


Asserfrs Y«ndh F'avor V~o~ence

LONDON (NC) - Britain may have to establish "municipal death centers" if a movement to legalize euthanasia or "mercy killing" is successful, a professor of midwifery told the newly formed Human Rights Society. The society was created to fight efforts to, introduce a euthanasia bill in Parliament. Prof. Ian Donald of Glasgow University said that, since abortion was legalized in Britain two years ago, authorities are already finding it difficult to obtain enough doctors to act as "execu• tioners on ·the National Health Service, so it has been suggested that government abortion centers be set up to fill the gap." "If a euthanasia bill is passed by Parliament the authorities would find it even more difficult tn get collaborators, and they coold find it necessary to set up municipal death centers," warned Donald. increasingly Concerned Such centers, he said, would presumably be staffed by trained persons who would not be doctors. Member of Parliament Edward Taylor told the meeting that / MP's of all parties are becoming REVIVING CATECHUMENATE: Introducing the Christian life to prospective new members of increasingly concerned over at- the Church reaches its climax at the Easter Vigil service,w hen catechumens are baptized in the tempts by a small minority to midst of the Christian community. Here Auxiliary Bishop Walter J, Schoenherr of Detroit baptizes promote legislation "designed to in Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. NC Photo . undermine respect for human life." Referring specifically to "talk , of a euthanasia bill," he said:: "Surely this is the point at which all men and women of good-will must say 'no further' and must work together before The catechumenate has been it is too late." DETROIT (NC) - The strict inner-city, is to interest individbut community-oriented: prepara- . uals in effectively meeting Cath- practiced in the cathedral parish _' .Li~ts Dlilngers . In an address tape-recorded in tion of adult baptism which blos- olics before they are baptized, for the past three years, Sister Elizabeth said, pointing out that his absence because of illness, somed in the third century but Sister Elizabeth explained, Malcolmn Muggeridge, prominent wilted during the Middle Ages is The catechumen, she said, no other inner-city as well as subBritish journalist, listed the dan- being revived in Detroit's inner- longer "comes, into a cold build- , urban parishes are adopting the gers inherent in legalized eutha- city. ing, but rather, he knows some- program, The cathedral catechumenate nasia. These dangers, he said Known as the catechumenate, one who can pass on to him the develop from a possibly sincere the practice centered around an externals of the faith, who can has been able to chalk up sucbasis of "compassion" to a nazi- ideal of having the faithful pray answer questions and be avail- cess~s in addition to bringing prospective converts close to the like situation in which "useless" and fast with those wishing to able." lives could be terminated. be baptized into the Church. Sponsor and catechumen shar- Christian community. Muggeridge said that the huThe catechumenate lasted ing things in common is a priNot only has it increased the mane advocates of mercy killing, about three years and was in- mary goal of the program, the number Of converts, Sister Elizincluding "a number of perfectly tended as a test of the candi- nun said. abeth said, but it also has respectable clergymen," would dates' moral improvement. They "helped bridge the racial gap. It More Converts indignantly deny any connection were guided through this process gives the opportunity for a Speaking enthusiastically about between their proposals and Nazi by Christian witnesses, who later closer relationship between the the modern' catechumenate, Sis- races." practices. ' , became known as godparents, ' ter Elizabeth emphasized. the re"I have as yet to find a cause, The system proved to be alfrom Black Magic to 'Lady Chat- most impossible to operate when sult of "the whole parish comterley's Lover,' which cannot mass conversions took place fol- munity participating, It gives the Mauritius, Holy See rustle up a dog collar or two lowing the early persecution of congregation the opportunity to Establish'Relcitions among its luminaries as and the Christians. It disappeared see a sponsor in action and helps interest others to be sponsors,'" VATICAN CITY (NC) - The when required," he said. completely after the sixth cenHoly See and the Republic of The program also provides an "Never, never, they arc insist- tury. opportunity to continue the Mauritius have established diploent, would they countenance the Some efforts have heen made Christian education of both matic relations. putting down of anyone unless to revive the catechumenate in catechumens and sponsors, she Mauritius, an island in the the individual concerned wished modern times, but never on as . added. Indian Ocean, is a former British it and had expressed such a large a scale as the original cuscrown colony. wish." tom. Pope Paul named Archbishop He recalled that there were One of the successful reviv'al Seek Preservation Michele Cecchini the first prosimilar protestations in the case attempts is occurring here under nuncio to Mauritius. He is also of the Abortion Act, adding that the guiding hand of Sister Eliz- Of Colonial Art pronuncio to the Malagasy Rewliatever m~y be said or whatBOGOTA . (NC) - The Latin abeth Harris of the Sisters, public. ever assurances may be given, American Bishops' Council is Home Visitors of Mary. Leckranz Teelock, also the "the same sort of thing will hapasking national organizations to Mauritius commissioner to BritPrimary Goal pen, we may he sure, in the case help preserve valuable colonial ain, was named ambassador to "This is a program which can art. of (·uthanasia." the Holy See. . effectively renew the spiritual The council's liturgical depart-' life of the parish," Sister Eliz-, Grant Convicted abeth told NC News. "It gets ment offers technical guidance to people to delve into the biblical all bishops both for the preserPr~est's Request roots of our faith, and, if done vation of the art and for the ZAMORA (NC) - Father Ma- correctly, can help build the search for new artistic forms. riano Garno, a Madrid priest Christian community." A campaign for the preservaserving three years in prison for Objective of the program at tion of colonial art was started an allegedly subversive sermon Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in 1968 during the International preached in 1969, has been trans- parish, which is located in the Eucharistic Congress in Bogota ferred to the clerical wing of the by the Conference on Sacred 'provincial jail here at his own Colonial Art. The conference was Often Far Apart request. sponsored by the International The first day of spring is ()m~ Institute of Iberian Colonial Art, Earlier, Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo Gonzalez of Madrid had thing and the first spring· day headquartered at the College of The Falmouth National Bank intervened to have the priest is another. The difference be- Santa Fe in New Mexico. ArchFALMOUTH. MASS. serve his sentence at El Paular tween them is sometimes as bishop James P. Davis of Santa By the Village Green Since 1821 monastery 25' miles from Madrid. great as a month. -Van Dyke. Fe is a member Qf the board.

Detroit Sister Revives Catechumenate Sa-ys prog ra m Renews Parish Spiritual Life

RIVER FOREST (NC)-Latin American youth is r('bellious anel is turning toward violence, Luis Adolfo Siles, former president of Bolivia, saiel nn a I('cture at Rosary College her€' in Illinois. The young believe they hay!' three choices-emigration, resignation or rebellion, Adolfo said. "They believe th€'y are in a state of stagnation, and those who choose to rebC'1 want to build a community from which no one wou'leI be excluded," he said. "They want to mobilize for a great goal, and they think the only way to achieve it is by violence," Adolfo explained. "They believe we will never achieve the goal through democracy. through the compromise efforts of the several parties, or by parliamentary means. "They think violence is going to find us the legends and the heroes, that the struggle will unite the national ('fforts, and that is why they think about violence."

Xaverian Priest Named Bishop WAYNE (NC)-Msgr. Angelo Frosi, S.X., has been appointed a bishop by Pope Paul VI to serve as prelate of the Abaete do Tocantins prelacy in the Amazon region of Brazil, where he has been serving as administrator. The bishop-designate from 1963 to 1968 was first superior of the Xaverian Missionary in the U. S. Father Robert S. Maloney, S.X., present U. S. superior with headquarters here in New Jersey, said Bishop-designate Frosi will be consecrated May I in the cathedral at Abaete, A native of Baffano Cremonefe, Itaiy, the bishop-designate came to the U. S. in 1947 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1948. He is the founder and was first editor of Xaverian Missions magazine.

Cause and Effect Knowledge and human power are synonymous, since the ignorance of the cause frustrates the effect. -Bacon



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Progressio Fund Gets Bank Loan

THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall Rive~- Thurs. Mar. 19, 1970

Is ,It Inevitable that Rich Get Richer, .Poor Poorer? By Barbara Ward, When the so-called Tax Reform Bilf was first discussed last year, many corpmentators warned the country of. the possible effect of its proposals for very large reductIons in taxes. The Bill is now passed and the effects have been documented for us in the ReC schools. How can such a disproport of the President's oun- portion come about? ' , cil of Economic Advisers. The answer lies in,large meli- , This Report, for the first sure in some other' fjgllres giv~n time looks forward over the likely state of the ecpnomy until the middle of the Seventies.,.. By 1975, so the projection goes," America's gross national product (the sum of goods and services available) will have risen from $932' billions (the 1969 figure) to $1,220 billions. This in· " crease means that etween now and, 1975, the growth of wealth, over and above the present level' of GNP, will put about $800 , d billions more in goods an services at the disposal of the Amer~ I' can people. Allowing, for the 'rise in population, one can say that there will be over half as f ' I much again, per head 0 popu ation, in 1975 a~ in 1970. Won't" Be That Way , One's first reaction, particularly as a 'Christi,an citizen, is no doubt to say:' now we can really get on with the undone jobs in our community. Now we can really rebuild the ghettoes, see that no one is hungry, that education is upgraded,', that we can swim in 'our' rivers and breathe our air. With half as much again as we have now, there is elbow room both for maintaining our own standard of living and for doing something about the underdeveloped world as we)1. There migh~ even be a modest one per cent of GNP to , spare for the poor in other lands. 'But this is not ,at all how things are to work out. The cumulative effect of the tax reliefs will have reduced annual federal revenue by about $12 billion by 1975. Of this, it will. be re. called, nearly $4 billions goes in relief to people with incomes above $15,000 a year. The Pres,ident's own estimate of the money available for fresh public programs by mid-decade is about $20 billions. But ·if a new, round of ABM's, MIRV's-or any other still nameless ,exercise in "over-' kill"-has gone 'into operation, say, by next year, it could well be that the $20 billion will be quickly swallowed up. 'Indeed, the Council of Economic Advisers expect no "surplus" of any ' kind until 1973. So we are left with the curious question. Some $800 billions are to be added to America's resources., But the amount available for' new social programs, is estimated to be only one-fortieth of the extra"wealth-one-fortieth for cities and homes and conservation and food stamps and new



Layman Moves Up '

ST. LOUIS (NC) - Robert A. Clavenna, a veteran' staff memo ber of the St. Louis Review, has , been moved up from managing editor to assistant editor of the archdiocesan newspaper. The 43-year-old is the first layman to hold the title of assistant editor of the weekly. The position had been ~eld previously by priests.,

in the Report. In the Sixties, during the longest' boom 'in' American history, personal, consumption grew' by two and one-half NAMED: Msgr. William W. per cent a year.' . '" We have only to·look around Baum has been named by Pope us-to the automobiles, the super Paul VI to be Bishop of Springmarkets, the 'city office~ (built field-Cape' Girardeau, Mo. He with tax advantages) the subur- has been chancellor of the Dio- . ban homes (with federal help for cese of Kansas City-St. Joseph the mortgages)-;to see what 'a and chairman of its ecumenitidal wave, of consumption has been unleashed. An,d we have cal commission. NC Photo. only to look at the trash and the junk and the polluted air and' water to look at the dark side of the consumer's gain. Still Hungry DETROIT(NC) - Housewives, Yet this inundation is nothing' students, doctors, religious leadto what is coming next. The ers, others milled about CityPresident's. Economic-' Advfsers sug'gest that, 'the rate of growth County Building corridors" wearing buttons, carrying placards on consumer spending will in· crease in the Seventies to three which proclaimed "Abortion is a' woman's right"-"No repeal, no and one-half per cent a year. ' Of the $800 extra billions avail- liberation." Into that 'scene came John able by 1975, not less than $600 Cardinal Dearden of Detroit and billions will be spent on personal procl~imed the doctrine, "Regoods.' The second house,the third ,spect for human life ,is a funda-' car will become' ev~r 'more prev- tal truth imbedded in the Ameralent. The 12-lane highways will ican tradition." The cardinal testified at the cover the land. Boston will 'meet New York and Washington to fi~al public hearing of a state form the new megalopolis, Bos- Senate subcommittee against a' wash. But ,the poor will still be measure which would amend hungry. The ghettoes, will not Michigan's abortion laws. In his "respect for life" testihave been rebuilt. And if you fall into the Hudson River, you will rriony, Cardinal Dearden stressed: "It recognizes the special still not drown but dissolve. Is this a set of priorities, of touch of God that marks the benational goals, of "civilized" ginning of 'human life. "It is this intervention of the standards that the citizen should accept? Above all, can a Chris- Lord of life at the very source tian citizen accept a pattern of of life that communicates and national expenditure so skewed confers upon all men the responaway from the real and agoniz- sibilty of reverencing and safeing needs of poor groups guarding human life as some· p whether in America or in other thing sacred.", Abortion ,"deprives defenseless' lands? Can he or she swallow ·the ar- life of the protection it has 'a gument that America faces, a right to expect from society and choice betweeri helping the poor that society has a responsibility 'either at home or abroad-but t.o assure it." not both? Is money destined for Real Poiitt Missed the poor the only source when "Thos~, who respect the sathe President's own advisers credness and dignity of human have forecast that $600 billions life are many. They come from -one hundred' times the income many quarters. They are not limof all India and all Latin Ameri. , ited to one church or even to re,ca-will be available for extra ligious believers.' "? " consumer 'demand? "Attack on the sanctity of .huIf such disproportion does n~t man life is never a personal or trouble us;' then, like the brot~. private matter. It affects the right ers of Dives, we shall not listen of life of every man." even if Orie were'to return from 'Wayne . County Prosecutor the dead.·' .' I William L. Cahalan stressed the same points. He admitted that the subject of abortion "becomes Support Investigatio,n , an emotional issue and the real point is missed." He stressed Of Torture Charges that the unborn child' is a sepSAO PAULO (NC) :-'Despite arate person with rights. denials by the govern~ent th!lt. , Cahalan,' challenged 'Senate its agents are torturing' politica:l members:' "You must make abprisoners, the Brazilian Bishops' solutely certain that you :do not Conference has decided to sup- enact legislation permitting deport an investigation of the tor- struction of a life of 'a, fellow ture charges. , .huma'n b~ing." The decision was made' after ' Dr. John M. Malone, ,.obstetrithe conference's permanent com- ciljn-:-gynecologist, testified: "To mittee heard a report ',from the' ' pass induced abortion off as a bishops' Justice and 'Peace Com- totally' iimocuous procedure is mission on its investigation of just not fadng facts. Cyclamates the alleged tortures.' 'were banned with considerable The bishops' decision, came, less ,evidence." while a comprehensive fist is tie'ing circulated that includes , Will to Work names of, political prisoners, in~ cluding clergymen, and instance~ Work usually follows will. 'of tortures. ' , .' -Pasteur

Cites Respect For "Life Policy

VATICAN CITY (NC) -:- The tute for Agricu!tural'Reform. Inter - American Development The Populorum Progressio Bank has made a loan of $1 Fund, named after Pope Paul's million to the Populorum Pro- encyclical which hailed developgressio Fund established last year ment as "the new name for by Pope Paul to aid underdevel- peace," was established with a oped countries. similar million-doll~r. donation on The loan was announced by March 26, 1969, the first ann ithe Vatican in connection with ,versary of the encyclical. Administration of the money an audience which the Pope had with Felipe, Herrera, 'president of has been entrusted to the interthe bank. The loan has been American bank and the income granted for a 50-year period from it, as well as from any without interest. other donations, will be utilized The money is specifically des- for the benefit of any developing tined to assist 700 families in country that is a member' of the Colombia to acquire approxi- bank~ Other institutions and donmately 40,000 acres Qf farmland ors who accept the agreements in the Cauca district of that reached between the bank and country. The land has been made the Holy See may make their available by the Colombian Insti- , ,9wn contributions' to this fund.






.... when you become a member of the Cath· olic Near East Wel~are Association. AN First, your membership offering helps Pope INVITATION Paul himself in one of his most ambitious and TO HELP heartfelt works: The relief of hunger, disease, POPE PAUL ignorance and poverty among tragic populaWHILE tion grpups in the Near East. HELPING YOURSELF He looks to this Association - through your membership and gifts--;to bring a long missing dignity to these helpless people ... to nurse them, feed, clothe, and shelter them ... to give them hope .. : to bring them the sacraments. ' Your ,enrollment in the Association does this. And it also brings you a share in the blessings of the Masses of grateful priests engaged in this work. (We will be pleased to send you a list of privileges granted to members by the Holy Father.) This is our one appeal of the year to enroll in this Association, either individually or as a fl\mily, and to enroll your friends. Please send us your name and, the names of others you wish to enroll. We will send you, with our deep appreciation, a membership certificate you will be proud to have. The membership offering for one year is only . $2 per person, $10 for a family. The offering for perpetual membership is $25 per person, $100 for a family. You may enroll your deceased as well, of course ($25). \

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar, 19,1970

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SEWING CLASSES AT NEW BEDFORD VOKIE: Production of habit changes is in process in c1as'ses at the New Bedford Vocational School. Sr. Eva Forgues,

Reporter Asks Op'en Meetings

SCQ, follows her pattern, Sr. Denisa, SCQ, joins sectors together at the sewing machine. Sr. Core, SCQ, fits collar to her altered habit.

Three New Bedf()rd JYuns D~~onstrate ,Practice' of 'Do-lt.. yourself'

Pontiff Sees Hope

In Youth's Idealism

vATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul told 300 Italian youths ST. LOUIS (NC)-The religion that their collection of funds for writers {)f the nation's general By Ellen Andrew an African hospital offers "optipress have called upon the U. S. and hope for the future." Catholic bishops to open to reThree nuns at the Sacred Heart Church complex in New Bedford have a unique mism He was speakilng to members porters the business sessions at way of putting into practice the "do-it-yourself" theory. They attend night school sewof the "Youth for the Third their semiannual meetings. ing classes at New Bedford Vocational High, out of necsessity, you might say. Sister World Movement" of Bologna Religion Newswriters Associawho were iJ:! Rome for an audio tion voted unanimously at its an- Denisa, S.C.Q., and Sister Cora, S.c.Q., of Sacred Heart Home attend ,the classes with ence. The young people had colnual meeting here to ask' the Sister Eva Forgues, C.S.C., a part of her school life she lected funds to provide equipbishops to "open all plenary bus- of nearby Sacred Heart school," Sister Eva exclaimed. Sister Denisaand Sister Cora takes Summer courses in the ment for a maternity ward in a iness sessions to accredited reso because School. They do are members of the' Sisters of subject at Cardinal Stritch Col- hospital in Afanyia, Togoland. porters" wlien the National Con"When the young know how ference of Catholic Bishops with the changes ,in attire Charity, Quebec. Both in fact, lege in Milwaukee, Wis. to give themselves for their are natives of the Canadian com"I enjoy, school worlt so of the various orders in religious meets in April in San Francisco, much," she says with a smile. "I brothers, as you are doing, then life, it didn't take long 'to realize munity. as well as at future meetings. memo Sister Eva Forgues is a find it so rewarding. I don't it is a sign that. despite so many it could be an expensive propo, The membership of about 100 ber of the Sisters of the Holy think there is anything more shadows " " '-, good will preincludes fulltime religion writers sition to keep up with the "new Cross whose mother house is satisfying than seeing a child, vails," the Holy Father said. on the reporting staff of daily styles." He charged the youths to stay in the Montreal suburb of St. who couldn't read well, progress to "So, we decided to write newspapers, wire services, and to Christ and to "widen close Lawrence. She was, born and to the point he or she can. national weeklies and news mag- officials of Vocational High to the network of relations with brought up in New Bedford's "It's a challenge. 1 find chilsee if they would take us into any azines. Some 25 members atyoung people of your age so tended the 1970 meeting in St. of their night school classes," North End, attended St. Anthony dren so fascinating while work- ,that the number may increase of ing with them." Sister Denisa related. "There Grammar and High Schools and Louis. . Sister Eva became interested in those who know how to give life was no problem at all as they' today vi!!its her mother, Mrs. The association also voted to accepted us with' open arms." Clarinda Forgues of 1305 Acush- Voke because she "wanted to its true value," change its name from Religious "This idea of pockets and but- 'net Avenue, whenever she can. improve my sewing. 1 consider it Newswriters to Religion News- ,ton holes was something new to Small Things Sacred Heart Home, school, the a hobby; I find it very relaxing. writers and announced the win- us," Sister Eva Forgues re- rectory, house with parish and "This year 1 made a suit. Next Politeness has been well deners of its annual awards. Hiley marked. "It was felt that if we cemetery offices and the conyent year I hope to make a coat." fined as benevolence in small Ward, religion editor of the De- knew a little more about sewing, are on a block surrounded by Sister Eva, like Sister Denisa, things. -Macaulay troit Free Press, was elected especially in the tailoring line, Summer, Austin, Cottage and speaks highly of Vocational High president for the coming year. " and what it has to offer the we would be able to do much of Robeson Streets. Sister Denisa is a nurse in community. "It's such a fine our own work. And it would be charge of the men's section at school," she related. "I think more practical, too. "Our new garmen~s, like hab- the home. Sister Cora also is a Mrs. Aurora Rodrigues, our Brazilians Protest its, would be as expensive to buy nurse and in charge of the teacher, is an excellent instructor. She is an accomplished on the outside as any other women's section. Pastors' Transfer seamstress and is so kind and clothes, even more so, you might Their duties, therefore, preRECIFE (NC) - A routine say. ' vent thern from furthering their patient. transfer of parish pastors here "Mind you, I'm no seamstress. "So, if we could do the job, sewing endeavors at Voke. CITIES SERVICE has become a national issue be- or jobs ourselves, 'we'd be that DISTRIBUTORS "We'd like to, but we just can't I'm a teacher first and some tween supporters and foes of much better off." day I may even go into clinician do it," says Sister Denisa. Archbishop Helder Camara of Gasoline "It's been a wonderful experiShe still, meanwhile, talks lov- work in reading. But 1 have enOlinda and Recife, a champion ence," Sister Denisa remarked. joyed my sewing classes at Voke ingly of her l1ative Quebec and Fuel and Range of Latin America social reform. "We've learned a lot in the looks forward, with anticipation, for many reasons.. An airplane hired by militant school year's time we've been to returning there this Summer "I've often thought some Catholic rightists dropped thou- there. The teachers have been on vacation. schools are too college oriented. sands of leaflets over fashionable wonderful and so have those in "It's not like' it used to be, There's so much emphasis on 011L BURNERS Boa Viagem beach, protesting the classes with us. though," she shook her head college. Yet, some boys and girls the removal of Father Edvaldo For Prompt Delivery "In fact, the others have, been "I mean there are a lot simply aren't ready for it and Bezerra 'and the arrival of his just, wonderful to us. They've sadly. & Day & Night Service of communists there as well as never will be; they just don't replacement, a social-minded known, of' course, that we were people with the long hair and the have it. priest, Father Osvaldo Machado. nuns from the beginning. And funny clothes. "That's why I'd· like to see G. E. BOULIER BURNE~ UJNITS The leaflets warned Recife they accepted us as they would _ "I guess we'll get used to it in those who lean towards a trade residents against "the anarchist- any new students. time and some good will come of go to such a fine school as Voca· Rura! Bott~edl Gas ~~Il'vice marxist beachhead of the so"They really made us feel at it. But 1 don't know what will tional and learn from the expert 61 COHANNEl' 5'iJ' called New Church" and ap- home." become of this day and age, 1 instructors there. They could get pealed to the Brazilian armed "Actually, ,the three of us just don't know." their academic training, too, and TAUNTON forces "to help our crusade didn't start out together; we Sister Eva Forgues, is the 8th come out a better-prepared indiAttleboro - No. Attleboro which intends above all to stop went into it in our own separate grade teacher at Sacred Heart vidual than if they had tried to Taunton the invasion by pink and red ways, but soon became close School; she' specializes in read- struggle through a college for banners of our sacred churches." friends as a result of our night ing. In fact, reading is so much which they were not fitted."


H. RILEY & SON, Inc.



Denies Canoni%otion Effort Harms U.nity

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs: Mar. 19,1970 . " .





Benefi.ts ~nd S~pport Of Smut .Industry Inquiry. WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Morton A Hill, S.J., a dissenting member of the I8-man Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, is convinced that the hearings he is conducting reinforce his stand that the commission members have already drawn their conclusions and beer,t support, indicating that sonie financial help has come predicts :'they will come out without" solicitation. He' also with a statute for minors." pointed to the ecumenical nature However, Father Hill maintains of this support, referring to Prottestimony in his hearing:; indi- estants in Indianapolis, Morrpons cates "this is not the answer but in Salt Lake City and the "large rather creates the problem," Catholic and Jewish population"; , He also foresees that the com- of Chicago." mission will recommend a licenHe noted "we are getting.. tresing statute to label movies and mendous support for Senate' bill mail which, in his opinion, "will. 1077 because it estal?lishes a heighten the problem." ,dp.finition of obscenity as that Chairman of the commission is which the local community 'conWilliam Lockhart dean of the siders obscene; it supports states~ University of 'M'innesota Law rights, which is the foundation of School, 'Minneapolis, who has our ~overn.ment and it tak~s the firmly denied that the commis-. profIt motIve out of. the m!iusBRIEF: This youngster of , sion has reached any conclusions. try." The bill, introduc~d by the He said it will not do so "until late Senator Everett DIrksen of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, mends a Illinois! is still being considered shoe during.!l lull in work' Em a all the evidence i1> in." . Regarding Father Hill's asser- by the Senate Juuiciary Commit: wharf.. ·Haitian .boys have a very brief childhood because of tions, Lockhart had "no com- tee. Burden of Proof ment." He pointed to an interim the need of all family members report in July 1969 which outsubsist. NC He explained that under the to work in order lines the directions in which that pending legislation. a distributor Photo. . body is working. This report would have to deal with law suits does not make any conclusions; in every state where his material ;he noted. , is .sold. . "He makes conclusions; I Father Hill is convinced "that don't," Lockhart emphasized. "I the whole .smut industry is. a have very' carefUlly tried to avoid clear and present danger to the' PARIS (NC)-rhe Christian is· making conclusions myself until American people." Another conneither a rightist nor a leftist, all the evidence is in." . viction resulting from evidence Father Hill said he will con- gathered at his hearings is "that and "neither tradition nor protinue with his own hearings be- the burden, of proof should be gress is' an' idol for him," says Cardinal Jean' Danielou, the cause the commission has not shifted to the smut industry. ", held any. , At preserit, he explained, the French theologian. The' Gospel community and its citizen are re- and the Church "are the ultimate Complete Breakdown Lockhart said the commission quired to prove that certain ma- reference" for the Christian, he has not ruled out the possibility terial is obscene. But Father Hill stressed. "That is why the Christian of hearings and emphasized: "We believes the' sm!-,~ promoters expect to have our report in on should be forced. to assume' the escapes .the 'prisons of right· and burden of proof that such mate- left in which people would like time." to shut him up," he said", Father Hill also discussed the. rial'is not obscene. The Cardinal also urged the il'creasing problem of- obscenity Listen to Community and pornography, as linked with Another enlightening factor Church's "silent" members to a' declining interest in religion. coming from the hearings, he speak out against "little pressure "This (smut) is one of the thrusts neted, is the ,discovery' of diffi- groups" that are challenging funof militant atheism which is culties in enforcem~' nt of the damental doctrines of the faith. called secularism," he. opined. . He noted that men in the forelaws. "The social va ue test 'has "Smut isn't the only matter," stopped eriforcemen and crip- front of social action, as well as hI" continued. Included in the pled the. law," he stressed. those of traditional tendencies, smut problem are drugs and perFather Hill's inte?tion is to have denounced "abusurd cateversion, as well as a "breakdown "transmit the results pf the hear- gC?l"izations" that claim "one of authority and spiritIJal values ings to the CommissIon, a!1d to' should be for priestly celibacy' -the whole image of-man is that the President and the Congress." and the primacy. of the Pope beof 'Ii beast." He is pessimistic about the com- cause one is' rightist, and for The Jesuit commission mem- mission's reception of his find- married priests and episcopal ber defined "soft-core pornog- ings, indicating {they will be filed collegiality because one is leftraphy" as some sensational in the form of a minority ·report. ist." women's magazines and song But, he added, "they will be "When will we get away from lyrics heard on the radio, which forced to listen to t.lle commuthese absurd confusions?" the he said depict the image of man nity" . Cardinal asked. as a rebel. . But if. things are going to . be Obscenity Definition Se<e Po~~ible ~esult classified according to the cri"Pllt the two together," he obteria of left and right, and tradiserved and "the image is com~· O'f C«»mpetitioll1l tional and progressive, he said, pletely opposite of the biblical "it is the progressives who image of man, which is one of SAN 'FRANCISCO (NC) - In- should be for papal infallibility destiny and meaning." creased competition between' im- because it is the expression of Father Hill said the "universal poverished Mexican-Americans the progress .of dogllla, and the r(:action" to lfis hearings has and Negroes can ,push these traditionalists who should be for groups into .cooperation or open the new Ordo of the Mass,'for it conflict;:according to a study by is a return to a more ancient Prel~iJ'® Addresses .three authorities on' Mexican- tradition." ' "God is neither of the right American affairs. ' Fedell'@tionrMeeting The three, Ernesto Galarza, nor the left," the Cardinal en¥' SAN DIEGO (NC) - The Na- Herman ,Gallegos of, San Fran- phasized. tional Federation of Priests Julian' Samora, . have The Church's spiritual and cisco and . Councils invited an archbishop renewal, Cardinal to address their convention here served _. as . consultants t() gov- doctrinal and agreed to send' 'observers ernment and private institutions ;Danielou says, .must be organized to the hierarchy's April meeting. and are active. in Mexican-Amer- .around Pope paul and. the Bish. . ican community orga.nizati<;1I1s. ·ops. In a display of openness, the Galarza is an educator, Gallegos Sidetracking this renewal "for 250-member House of 'Delegates is an official of. the Southwest ,the benefit Of a particular moveasked Archbishop Thomas R. Council of La Raza Unida arid ,ment of the right or left is to McDonough of Louisville, an of- . Samora is a~ociologist who falsify its meaning and to comficial observer representing the teaches at Notre pame Univer-, promise its effectiveness," the U. S. bishops, to address the sity. ., . Cardinal added.. gathering. They'declared that if Mexican" Archbishop McDonough re- Americans and Negroes are .Our Misfortunes sponded by urging "that priests, pitted against each other, each bishops, Religious and laity close ;. will. be aroused' by selfMost of our' misfortunes are ranks. Appealing for more dia- preserv~tion; but "if they are' more supportable than the comlogue, the prelate stressed: moved by cooperation, they may ments of our friends'upon them. "Unit~ is the key word." yet make coinino~. cause." ...:...£01 ton

GLASGOW (NC) - Scotland's possible canonization .of the Christian unity. movement will Forty Martyrs, men and women not be harmed by efforts to can- who were executed in the relionize Jesuit martyr Blessed John gious persecutions of the 16th Ogilvie, according to a promoter and 17th centuries. Some observof Blessed Johri's cause~ .. ers feared canonization would Instead, Father James Quinn, harm the Christian unity moveS.J., dechl.red: "We are seeking ment. only to honor Blessed John's fidelity to his faith; we have no Musie COliivention wish to attack those who in CAMBRIDGE (NC) - "Explorfact condemned him. Blessed John died for a princi- ing the Musical Dimensions of ple which we· share with our the New Order of the Mass" has Presbyterian friends, and indeed . been set as the theme of the all Christians: the spiritual free. third national biennial conven· dom of the Ch4rc!l, independent tion of the Church Music Association of America, scheduled at of the state." . Recently there has been con- St. Paul Church and Choir troversy in England over the Sch~ol here March 30 to April 2.


"The Nomad Bishop"

Criticizes Little .Presure (;roups'

"I just pack. up my tent and' move with tribe!" And with that single statement, a recent visitor to our National. Office summed up his work among five tribes in northern. Africa. "I am in charge of this diocese in which the people -are nomads. Their only source of income is in raising cattle, goats,and sheep. ~ut because of the arid land and ·HtJge desert areas•. the people must be constantly on· the move, searching for new grazing .lands. I have a small tent which I carry with me. When my people move,' I move!" ' . When this diocese was founded, in 1964, there was 110t a single Ioeal'Christian. Today, thanks to ttle efforts of 69 missionaries and several catechists'. brought ·in· from other' areas; the Christian population totals 1660. "Actually," the Bishop said, "there are twelve mission stations spaced throughout the 40,000 square mile diocese. These are 'home base' for the missionaries. From these stations the missionaries go out to' work among the tribes, traveling with them, if necessary. " "Our greatest problem," the Bishop continued, "Is lack of water. The people are' entirely dependent on the hInd to feed their herds, yet in some places only 8 inches of rain fall annually." "Our main goal right no~ is to build wells to insure a permanent water supply. Eventually, too, this would help to stabilize the. community-giving it a central point from which to localize their activities." What are these people like? ''They're wonderful!" the Bishop replied. Friendly, intelligent, and most responsive to religion. IF'or the most part they are animists, and some even worship the devil-a practice which gr'ew up from their fear of evil spirits. . Yet they are· eager to hear our "Good News" about Jesus, and we have high hopes for a solid' Christian community to develop here." . When asked about income for' his diocese, the Bishop reo sponded that funds from The Society for the Propagation of the Faith was his sole source of steady income. But even this pays for only one third of the expenses for his missionary persC?nnel. "We need funds,". the Bishop pleaded, "for our wells, funds for our schools, fun4s for medical supplies. We have come to beg fol' our poor nomads!" '. This Bishop's story could be multiplied 823 times over, for that is how many mission dioceses ,the Society supports. Will you help us help them? Send your check today, please! P~"~"'~"."u,""",.,""""'_u_"_,~_""'~ .






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SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of 'lrhe Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fif~h Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director.· The Rt Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main. Street Fall River; Massachusetts 02720






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Laity .Committee To Help Solve School Crisis NEW YORK (NC -Terrence Cardinal Cooke has recruited a 35-member committee to help solve a financial crisis facing 325 schools in the New York archdiocesan school system. Principal aim of the committee will be to raise funds from corporations, foundations and individuals to continue the educational program, particularly in schools in ghetto areas. Known as the Cardinal's Committe on Education, the group is similar in scope to a Cardinal's Committee for the Laity formed by the late Patrick, Cardinal Hayes in the I920s to help fund welfare and health programs for the poor. Cardinal Cooke acted at a time when New York ·State lawmakers are trying to resolve a program of state aid to nonpublic schools. Gov. Nelson' Rockefelled has said he favors assistance to private education. The state Board of Regents favors repeal of the Blaine Amendment in the' state constitution, which bans direct or, indirect aid to non public schools. For weeks legislators in Albany have been trying to agree on Ii plan for state aid to non public schools. Focus on Education Cardinal Cooke said the committee also would counsel him. on the most efficient ways to support the archdiocese's elementary and high school system and would serve as a communications channel between the cardinal and the community. Martin F. Shea, vice-president of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., lind Thomas A. Coleman, partner in the Adler Coleman' 'arid Co. brokerage firm, were named cochairmen of the committee. T. Vincent Learson, IBM president, is chairman of the executive committee. Other members are industrial, professional and business men. "In the I970s," said Cardinal Cooke, "the major crisis in the Church in this archdiocese will focus on education. The survival of the school system, the development of religious education programs for all Catholics, and the Church's role in adult education are p.roblems which we must carefully study."

Agency Asks Study Of Private Schools


TRENTON (NC)-A ·federally financed research agency here urged a comprehensive study of private and parochial schools' needs. The recommendation was in a report on the Catholic educational system in this state compiled by the New Jersey Urban Schools Development Council. One of the functions of the council is to compile and distribute information on urban education problems. Its report. spotlighted Catholic school education trends which are likely to affect the public school system and discussed the pros and cons of aiding parochial schools. It suggested a study look into the status of non public education in New Jersey; current Catholic attitudes toward parochial schools; possible effects of state assjstance to private school systems; consequences to the state school system if present trends in private education continue, and factors which have led private schools to seek public assistance.

Retiring School Music Director Stays Active as Dartmouth Parish Organist By Ellen Andrew

To paraphrase. a familiar saying, "Old musicians never die; they just fade away." Edmund H. DesRosiers of North Dartmouth might be retiring in June as director of music in the Middle and Senior High Schools of Dartmouth. But that doesn't mean he will be out of touch with music, not by a long shot. "For an individual in retirement I plan to be quite active in music," Mr. D., as he affectionately is known, said. "Music has been too much a part 01' me over the years to let it pass me by now. ''I'll keep my hand in it all right, but not as much as in the past." Mr. DesRosiers presently is director of the Student Nurses Glee Club at St. LU,ke's Hospital and Tabor Academy Glee Club in Marion. He plays the organ; temporarily, for the 5 P.M. Mass at St. Julie's Parish Saturday in the Dartmouth High auditorium. "It's the least 1 can do to help out Ff:ther Hogan (the Rev. John F. Hogan, pastor) for the time being," he says. The Dartmouth music director is a graduate of Assumption. College in Worc:cster. He continued his musical studies at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, majoring in piano and organ under the wellknown Charles Dennee and Homer Humphrey, harmony and theory with Warren Storey Smith and conducting and music education under Francis Findlay. Prominent in Greater New Bedford music affairs, Mr. D. is well remembered for 'his choral "nd musical direction in The Standard-Times Charities musicals. He has been' organist and choir director ·of . Sacred. Heart Church and Holy Naine~ Church and director of choral music at Sacred Hearts Academy from 1948 to 1958. DesRosiers al~o was featured organist in the Olympic Theater of New Bedford and played Publit:. theaters throughout New England. . He is a past president of the Greater New Bedford concert series. One of the highlights of hiS career was a wealth of experience acquired as association conductor of the North Shore Theater in Beverly. . DesRosiers developed the musilo program in the Dartmouth schools to a position of prominence in Southeastern Massachusetts. He enjoys his directorship of vocal and instrumental music, but finds instrumental mush:.: more chalIenging. The pride he has taken in the orchestra and marching .band at Dartmouth High is indicated

Request Permission For Missionaries LAGOS (NC) - The Nigerian Bishops' Conference has asked the government to allow nonNigerian missionaries to continue to work in Nigeria. These missionaries "do great spiritual and social good," the bishops said in a letter to Nigerian head of state, Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon. "Our people want them," the bishops said. "We want them. We need them." Gowon had earlier sent a letter to the bishops telling· them that they must condemn priests in Europe and America engaging in "anti-Nigeria acts." He said the priests are collecting funds for the reconstruction of Biafra, the former Eastern Region whose secession in 1967 led to a civil war that ended in January of this year.


THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 19, 1970


Argentine Bishop Helps Strikers EL CONCHON (NC)-Strikers at a hydroelectric plant here cheered and hugged Bishop Jaime de Navares of Neuquen when he delivered a truckload of food from donors in the diocese. The donations were the first results of the bishop's television appeal on behalf of the strikers, whose reserves had been exhausted. The strike has the support of priests. The strike started when three workers' delegates to a bargaining group were replaced by Gov. Rodolfo Rosauer of Neuquen province, with three pro-government delegates. Rosauer finally resigned over the issue and Felipe Sapag, who is pro-labor, replaced him. Sapag, a Peronista, is the first follower of exiled President Juan Peron, to occupy a key post in the administration of President Juan Carlos Ongania. When Ongania's regime took over in 1966 it pledged to undertake a "social revolution," but its economic policies have come in for much criticism and workers have claimed that they have been harmed the most. Bishop de Navares said in his TV appeal that he is aware that some of his friends "are not sure whether or not they should help the striking workers." "My answer," he said, "is in the Gospel of Jesus: the Good Samaritan helped a man of a rival nation, yet he did not stop to ask what this man's ideas were. The Good Samaritan just helped him as if he were his brother."

That is incentive enough for i,,· the- high.regard with· whieh they arc held in area music cir- Mr. and Mrs. D. to visit them Urges VO~Mntary in Italy this Summer. cles. Transfew o~ Land "I feel a sense of satisfaction One of the highlights of a halfKOTTAYAM (NC)-An intertime musical program at a Dart- _and accomplishment in my remouth High football game is the tirement," DesRosiers says. "I religious committee has been band's performance. Year after think it is a time to do some formed here in India under Cathyear it ranks as "the best" 'well-deserved relaxing and en- olic auspices to campaign for gage in some constructive lei- . voluntary transfer of excess among area schools. lands to landless tenants. Many students under DesRo- sure. "These 12 short years in the siers' guidance have gone on to The Hindu-Christian commitDartmouth schoo! system have tee.. with Archbishop Benedict musical careers. Mr. D. has served on a visit- been truly fruitful and reward- Mar Gregorios of Trivandrum as chairman, was set up at the end ing committee that evaluated the il'g." Richard L. Fiander, Dartmouth of a two-day conference urging music program at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School for superintendent of. schools, says landowners to surrender their the New Englanet Association of Mr. D. will be "a tough act to surplus lands without delay and in a spirit of love. Colleges and Secondary Schools. follow. "As far as this town is conHe also attendeet Summer sesDelegates to the meeting, si(lIls in marching band tech- cerned I anticipate an expres- headed by Archbishop Gregorios, niques at the Universities of sion of true affection for this welcomed a land reform enactman. We will have a diHicult ment of the Kerala state governMaryland and Vermont. No wonder his band's foot- .iob filling his shoes and only ment as a piece of legislation ball game efforts are so well- hope we dill find a person half that gives just relief to thouas good as he." received! sands of landless. Mr. and Mrs. DesRosiers, who Ethereal Mildness live at 32 'Truman Avenue in Come, gentle Spring! ethereal North Dartmouth, have a son, . -Thomson Ronald, who recently returned Mildness! come from. duty in Viet-Nam. He was a recipient of an Army commendation medal for exceptional AnLEBORO'S heroism. Leading Garden Centor A daughter, Janice Irene, is married to Master Sgt. Roland J. Kearly, currently stationed in Italy. They have two grandsons, South Main & Wall Sts. born in Italy Oct. 25, 1969




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'THE ANCHOR-Diocese ot Fall River-Thurs. M r. 19, 1970


ConnoUy Give~ Big oost T@ G®fr..Colf@i..to",l@ndon ~'und At Mfro Sto M@iry Academy Here's a happy postscript to the story a out Carol, Vasconcellos and her carrots that The Ancho carried' a I couple of weeks ago. If you remember, Carol, 'junior at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, was chosen to represent the U.S. at an interna' I, ' tionaI get-together, of sci- 'Wow" this is turnin~ out ~retty ence students'in London. ~eavy, to !h~ occa$lOnal Well, . " ' It's ok, but '" ... *' to t~e last AND 'Only thmg between her and least, 'Hey, 'let's see 'if we can it was the matter of $1000 expense money needed. Well, Mount's student council has contributed $150 to the Get-Carolto-London fund, other donations have amounted to about $5~ and last week a letter from BIshop Connolly arrived at the academy. ,Enclosed was a check for $250 and a note of personal congratulations to Carol. With such a boost, her friends are sure she'll be in London com~ July. .' At New Redford s Holy Famliy ,High the yearbook has gone off to the printer and is expected back in finished form by late May. Its proud parents are Meg ,Griffin, editor; Martha .McQuilIan and Paul Chevalier, coed~tors; and Gary, Rego, art edItor. Hawaii Calls It'll be Hawaii this Summer for Sister Ann Mildred of Fall River's Dominican Academy, and as the March winds blow, she's no doubt wishing she' was already there. ' She's. been awarded a partial scholarship to the University of Hawaii's Summer Institute on Asian Studies. The program will include lectures, workshops and films on Asian music, dance and the arts, as well as field trips to points of Asian interest. Sister Ann Mildred is chairman of the social studies department, at DA.· Recollection Day

get away with sneaking away.' "However after Mass in the GothiC 'architecturall paradise of' a chapel, everyone was saying how decent it had turned out so far. Mas'~ was said Iin the, new liturgy by Father Oliveira, starting off with a recording of "The Boy Nobody Cared For", by Sharon Lynne Motta! a '69 graduate of Dominican Academy; and following through With "Everybody Is a Star" by ~Iy and the, Family Stone. I ' "Then the somewhat fantastic students broke for h.lnch' and between bites gave opinions on what was making this day so great, and among th~ ideas were the songs played during Mass, Father Oliveira, the ~ay nobody knew what was going to come up next, and also knowing we were getting, out of tlasses. "A discussion and recollection period came next. Topics' included 'The Reality of Death' and 'Part of the Yuk Is You.' Then our next thing was 'a ,new and different way of finding out each other's opinions of the ,day. Everyone got a pie<}C" of ,paper on which<;to write her verdict, theJ:l we made a pa~,er airplane with it and flew it i~to the ,center of the gym. I guess you can tell we did the obv~ous, raft in and grabbed a plane' apd thus, learned our neighbol-'S opinion. 'This was when the Sisters de'dd . It0 be SPOI'1 . CI e we were gomg ed if we got any mo~e of a good thing and dismissed us an entire 15 minutes early." I ' , Ten Mounties wbrked'" with Father Oliveira in planning the day. There'll be ano~her before the end of the school year.

.Matter of life I

New Jersey Bishops Oppose Easing State's Abortion Law TRENTON (NC)-New Jersey's bishOps have announced that they oppose a recommendation to ease the state's abortion law. The recommendation was made by a five-man majority of' the nine-member State Study Commission on Abortion set up by the state legislature in 1968. Four members dissented and filed three minority reports. New Jersey law, unchanged

sored by Prevost seniors this Saturday night at 8 at Bishop Connolly High'School, Fall River. Herewith a special report Tickets are available from from Chris McGowan of Mt. St. Georg~ Shaker, 2-9773. Mary Academy on a day of recStang High ' ollection held last week for Peter Breton has been accepted underclassmen. Three such days at West Point and Robert Bishop scattered through the school has been notified of his acceptyear are replacing the traditional llOce at the Air Force Academy. in-school retreat for students, 'Anti-Pollution Campaign The Gateway Players, the No. and are under direction of Rev. ' A report on II rbn b three Dartmouth High Dramatic Club John Oliveira, Mount chaplain: students in a P~~b~~s Amer- will present "Philadelphia, Here "Here I am, Chris McGowan, ican Democracy, claSs at Holy I Come" on Saturday and Sunto tell' you all about MOl,lnt's. Family High has led to organiza- day nights; March 21 and 22 at day of recollect,ion., We started tion of a 'school-wid~ anti-poilu- 8:30 in the school auditorium. ' with a prayer led by Father ,Oli- tion campaign. Jane IKennedy is Sister Ann Marie, SND, club veira, then everyone settled heading a public relations com- ,moderator has announced that down, polished her wire-rimmed mittee responsible fer drawing tickets will be available at the shades and started to enjoy a support "from students ,and, door. • movie titled The Eye of the through them from ptrents.' " , ' It was a day for the fourth Beholder. , Inter-communicati0r is ,the estate at Mt. St. Mary Academy "This was an in-depth look at chore of Mary Ann Marshall who Monday as Herman Mello, news a man who had a different type heads a committee forking' on editor of the Fall River Herald of personality to everyone who exchanging' letters with anti- News and Herald News and Anmet and spoke to him for a short pollution groups in other area chor photographer Jack, Smith, time. What it brought out was schools and colleges: '" spoke to an all-school assembly that l!'s a human fault to make JoAnn Weldon hea s the pub- on their respective spec.ialties. snap judgments, but everyone Iicity committee, ,Which will Coming as a surprise' to Mr. Melsprinkle posters irt strategic 10 was announcement at the asshould try hard to c0t:rect it. "After the film we split into' school and store locations. Coor- sembly that his daughter Kerry discussion groups to rap about " dinator-for the projedt is faclllty will be editor in chief of the what we got out' of it. Some member Charles Bak~r.' '. school, paper, Mercilin, for the opinions: freshmen Karen Re'go ' And' more' HF acceptances;, To '70-'71 school year. Mr. Smith is and' Denise Matthews noted that "SMU, will go CaroE Jeglinskj. a Mount father too, his daughter 'people often criticize in others ,Jack' Larkin, ,pat'l.0riaand Patricia, now at Bridgewater what they themselves are'; while Martha McQuillan'. ',' State College, having been stusophomore Gail Albernaz al' dent council president 'for the lowed that although she thought , Guidance Counr~lor: , '67-'68 school year. , it was OK, she really, preferred ,DA 'girls. are congratulating " Sacred Hearts Academy's La Salette Shrine. Junior Ann Sister Doris Kelly, on Icompleting Spanish Honor Society will hold Marie LeTendre, secretary for ~ork at Boston College 'for a chapel induction ceremonies at her group, reflected its opinion Certificate of Advanted Educa- 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, March when she said 'A majority' tional Specialization I in Coun- 31, followed by a reception in thought that most older 'people selor Education. She is guidance the school cafeteria. Parents, are inclined to make snap judg- counselor at ,DA. .,1 : faculty and all Spanish students ments, while it was divided as to '- ,And b,,!-sketball PlaYjrS at Holy are invited. whether or not this generation Family, Were honored last week Senoritas to be inducted are did.' at a banquet at which special Janice Mendes, Rosemary Frank, "After the discussion came a guests were coaches, lathletic di- Ann Babiarz, Rosemary Ferreira, break and I picked up a few un-· rectors and HF prinGipal Sister Pamela Silva, Marion Charette, censored opinions ranging from M. Charles Francis. I ' Kathy Murray, Jane' Powers, a pretty generally, expressed A whist party will be spon- Joanne Dunn and Linda Baldaia. 1


. .i

'ART IENRICHMEN1l': Sister Grace, R.J.M., instructs art enrichment group of juniors and seniors at Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River. '

ST. LOUIS (NC) - By' unanimous vote, the 90 delegates to the week-long Consultation on Church Union here' approved a plan which could result in the eventual formation of a single 25-million-member Church of Christ Uniting. Approval of the plan of union does not assure the merger of the nine participating Protestant denominations. Each delegation must take the plan to his own church for two years of study. The plan with any recommenda~ tions for change must be returned to the Consultation by Janul!ry 1972 for further refinement. ' As approved, the 145-page plan of union calls for a series of districts each comprising a number of local parishes which are strongly oriented to Christian social action. Participating in the ninth' annual COCU meeting here were the Episcopal Church, United Methodist, United Church of Christ, United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. (Southern), Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Christian Methodist Episcopal, African Episcopal' and African Methodist Episcopal Zion. The delegates agreed that the proposed church should be headed by a bishop,' but. a preliminary proposal that the first bishop be black was voted down after some protests came from some Negro participants.

for 150 years, prohibits abortion without lawful justification but does not define that term. The courts have ruled that it means that abortion may not be per- Move to' Reconc.ole formed unless the life of the mother is in danger. ' C ' L d The majority report recomountry s eo ers mended that abortion be legalMASERU (NC) - The bishops ized in cases of pregnancy of Lesotho have called on politcaused .by rape or incest. Other. ical leaders here to reconcile the reasons"incfuded' protection '-confliCts that led tor suspension of the mother's, physical and of this South African nation'~ mental health. ' constitution in January. The bishops called on their felThe bishops' message quoted low citizens and' all men of good passages from Scripture dealing will to "reject that most destruc- with reconciliation and forgivetive recourse, the kiiling of inno- ness - and pleaded: "May in all cent human life in the womb." your villages, dear beloved Ba"We are willing and anxious sotho (the Lesotho people), this to cooperate on positive pro- spirit of sincere and genuine grams'to help 'erase the demand reconciliation prevail." for abortion. There is great need It, was signed ~y Archbishop for thorough educations of all Alfonso Morapell, O.M.I., of our citizens to assist them in Maseru and BIshop Joseph Des marriage, family life and respon- Rosier~, O.M.l. of q~cha's Ne~. sible sexual behavior.' ArchbIshop Morapeh IS apostolic "We urge, also, cooperative administ~ator of the third dioefforts in such problems as racial cese, Lenbe. discrimination, economic hardWills & Wishes ship, birth defects, treatment arid Great souls' have wills; feeble education of the handicapped, and increased mental health and one have only wishes. , counseling facilities,", the bishops said. The statement was signed by Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark; Bishops George H. Guilfoyle of Cam'den, Michael J. Aluminum or Steel ' Dudick of the Byzantine rite dio944 County St-:eet cese of Passaic, Lawrence B.' NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Casey of Paterson and George 992-6618 W. Ahr of Trenton. "This controversay is, ragirig not only in New Jersey but throughout the' country. In re~ cent months, the pressure has shifted from limited changes in the law to a determined drive for abortion on demand," the bishoops said. Emphasizing that "it is the very matter of 'life which is at stake," the bishops said medical science has shown that life exists at the moment of conception. O~L·COMPANY They noted that the unborn child's rights' have been recognized by the law. "Once we sanction, for the sake of expedience, the taking of an, innocent human life at its beginnings, how can we logically South • Sea $treets protect human life at any other point, once that life becomes a Hyannis Tel. 49·81 burden?" they asked..




fHE ANCHOR-Thurs., Mar. 19, 1970

Former Viet Cong Captive Says Destruction Goal of Activists ST. LOUIS (NC)-Fear of increasing state control over human life and anger at violenceprone political reformers, both racial and governmental, emerged as the two dominant themes of speakers at the weekend conference of the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation lind Twin Circle newspaper. The conference, which attracted some 400 persons, was a joint undertaking by Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, an anticommunist organization headquartered here, and Twin CirCle, a national Cahtolic weekly newspaper. Dale Francis, one-time Methodist minister who is publisher of Twin Circle, warned in the conference's opening address that there is "a conspiracy against human life" in the U. S. which he said could ultimately lead to governmental determination of' who shall live. Convenient Banner Another speaker, Maj. James N. Rowe, a captive of the Viet' Cong for five years until his escape Dec. 31, 1968, said many activists for peace in this country are mainly interested in destroying our goverinment. "The inciters of riots a'nd disorder at home don't want peace," he said. "The war just gives them a convenient banner to wave." George S. Schuyler, black author and newspaperman, told the gathering that U. S. Negroes "have no desire to destroy capitalism; they only. wish to enjoy more of it. Most American Negroes," he said, "don't want black power-they want an even break." Rowe told the audience that

his imprisonment showed him there are three "faiths" necessary for survival-faith in God, . "because there. is no other place" to which to turn; faith in our country and government, "that it will stand the test of erosion from within and attack from without;" and faith in other American POWs, who were "the only friends one had." Lauds Nixon Policy In separate interviews with newsmen, Maj. Rowe denounced the peace' activists. "It's the guys up there (in Vietnam) getting shot at who really want pea~e­ las~ing peace, which can be assured only by securing Vietnam' against .a communist takeover » Don't think for a minute that the peace disturbances here would stop if the war ended." Rowe conceded that Ii military victory in South· Vietnam was no longer the objective of the government. He said President Nixon's Vietnamization policy-:. coupled with elimination of enemy sanctuaries in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand-offered the' best alternative to expanded American involvement in Southeast Asia. Schuyler described the Black Panther party as a "nihilistic organization." He said a "paramilitary organization of this sort is a danger to society regardless of color. They would not be tolerated i:1 any non-white country of which I know. "America has been getting softer and needs to get tougher with these subversives of high and low estate who patently. wish us ill and are prepared to go further than mere. wishing," Schuyler said.

NEW YORK (NC)-Tentative conta'cts between twq long-time ccclesiastical antagonists, the Pentecostals and· the Catholic Church, give promise of producing "one of the most exciting dialogues between Christians," a World Council of Churches official declared. . Education Gnp The Rev. Dr. Walter J. Hollenweger, evangelism secretary for the council's Division of World Mission and Evangelism and' one of thc leading authQrities on the Pentecostal mov'ement, said that some of the most significant contacts between Pentecostals and Catholics have taken place in Latin America, where two branches of Christendom have long viewed each other with deepest suspicion. According to Dr. Hollenweger, that suspicion is beginning to

Six Churches Jo.in In Parish Council DUNEDIN (NC) - An interfaith parish council, unique in New Zealand, has been set up by six churches ina suburban area here. Membership includes every church represented in the NorthEast. Valley district: Anglican, Catholic, Baptist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian and Salvation Army. The council grew out of a Good Samaritan service; a joint committee of the churches has been operating for two years. Founders of the council say its work has rcvealed wide scopc for the pooling of resources and joint tackling of such community cfforts as youth activities, social problems, welfare work and Biblical studies.

Sugg'ests Priests Do Other WO'rk



0) 0)

Minist·er Sees.. Exci.ting Dialogue Between Co,tholics, Pentecostals


INDORE (NC)-A bishop in a predominantly Hindu area has recommended that. priests be trained, for 'professional nonpriestly work as a means of curbing "frustration and idleness." In a note circulated' among Indian bishops, Dutch-born Bishop Francis Simons, S.V.D., claimed that the area is unfavorable for missionary work because the people in northern India still havc a strong attachment to Hinduism. The bishop suggested combining preparatory studies for the priesthood with a thorough professional training. In a recent Sunday address, Pope Paul said that the people of God need' priests who are "not involved in profane subjects and secular interests." After urging Catholics to pray for the loyalty of priests, the Pope said: "The people of God need their priests to be shepherds and teachers, servants and living saints, who are all in and of Christ, not outside the ranks of the people or of their needs and suffer.ings, but also not involved in profane subjects and sccular interests."


CLERGYMEN SPEAK TO NURSIMG STUDENTS: Panelists discuss death with' nursing students at Bristol County Community College. Rev. G. Kenneth Steigler, Fairhaven; Rev. Harold Wilson, Fall River; Rev. Peter J. Mullen, Mansfield; Rabbi Baruch Korff, Taunton.

Clerg~ Deat~

of Three Faiths Discus$ with· Bee Student$

Thrce area clergymen participated in a panel discussion at Bristol Community College, Fall River, on "Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Patients." The· program was sponsored by the nursing dcpartment for nursing students and those in dental hygiene and allied programs. Participants were Rcv" Peter

Scores Australian Anglicans' Apathy

ADELAIDE (NC) - Apathy among Australia's Anglicans be washed away by ecumenical killed that denomination's nacontacts that lead to increasing tional weekly and threatens to cooperation on many levels. finish off the' various diocesan Late last year Dr. Hollenweger' pL:blications, Anglican Bishop conducted a pilot project in Mex- Thomas T. Reed of Adelaide has ico that had as its objectives warned here. both the stimulation of ecumenBishop Reed said the national ical understanding and Bible weekly, The Anglican, had been study. In the pilot seminar, some the only means of intercommuni70 persons were involved. "That cation for the Anglican Church was too many, but it was, a very in Australia. He said it had been good experience anyway. We well printed, excellently edited, had nuns, priests, Pentecostals- olltspoken and staunchly indeeven Jehovah's Witnesses." pendent of parties within the Pentecostal pastors in Latin church. America rarely have seminary or "The majority of Anglicans in even university education. But Australia..are 'content to be ignorthjs education gap between them ant of the life and work of their and other seminar participants church," the prelate declared. presented few problems, Dr. Hoi- "It is extremely dif7icult to bring lenweger said. them information free,.. gratis, and for nothing, and almost iinCites Brazil possible, it would appear, to "If you ask' an intcllectual make more than a very small question, the Pentecostal will be number pay to reccive news at a loss to answer. But if you from at home and abroad about ask an experiential question, the the mission 'of the church. IgPentecostal will be able to deal norance reigns in the majority with it very well," Dr. Hollen- of Anglican minds, and the vast weger explained, adding that majority are quite content for "the Jesuits found it very easy this state of affairs to continue." to dialogue with the Pentecostals. Double Share "They talked about all the relevant theological questionsWhat is 'strength without a about Mary, the Pope, the Bible, double of wisdom? share poor people in Mexico and what Strength's not made to rule, but is the church's role in. helping to subserve, where wisdom them." . -Milton' bears commarid. Dr. Hollenweger said the coun~ cil plans to sponsor similar seminars "in all the main towns in Latin America.". He said Pentecostal-Catholic ONE STOP relations in Latin America were SHOPPING CENTER most advanced in Mexico, Chile and Brazil. "They arc most dy• Television • Grocery namic in Brazil," he said, citing • Appliances • Fruniture particularly the encouragement 104 Allen St., New Bedford given such contacts by Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda 997-9354 and Recife. .


J. Mullen of St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield; Rev. G. Kenneth Steigler of Centre Methodist Church, Theologian A$~@Hl'G'$ Fairhaven; and Rabbi Baruch Korff from Con/:?regation Agu- ChlUrc:h hll DOlng@fi' deth Achim, Taunton. Moderator SAN ANTONIO (NC) - TIl(> was Rev. Harold Wilson, Catholic Cr.tholic Church in the United campus ministcr for students at States may "go out of business," B.C.C. and Southeastern Massa- a Jesuit theologian warned, unchusetts Univcrsity and adviscr lE:sS it becomes more involved to the Newman Associations of in crucial social issues. both schools. Citing what he termed the deThree Faiths cline of the Church's influence The participants discussed how in America, Father John McKennurses can be, supportive of pa- Zie, S:J., of Notre Dame Univertients and families facing major _ sity, declared the Church can crises of sickness and death, how revcrse this trend by "telling nurses can identify the spiritual the people what they don't want needs of patients, the effect of to hear instead of what they culture on spiritual needs, and want to hear." spiritual aspects of death and dying. Each panelist presented Politeness Producers hl~ views and questions followed. Politeness is the result of good Prof. Dolores Vaz of the nursing faculty, who organized the sense and good nature. program, noted that the discus-Goldsmith sion was particularly valuable because students heard varying points of view from representatives of three faiths, Father Mullen, ordained in 1963 in Rome, served at Sacred Over 35 Years Heart parish in Fall River from 1964 to 1969. During that period of Satisfied' Service h. served part-time as chaplain Reg. Master Plumber 7023 at Union Hospital.. He is now enJOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. rolled in the master's program in 806 NO. MAIN STREET pastoral counseling at Boston Fall River 675-7497 State College, .

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River- Thur.s;}A~r·.19i.1,970 I

The Parish Parade


Jones Tells Story of Irish Volunteers in Union A~my I

Publicity chairmen of parish, organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River



, By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy When the Civil, Wa.r began, i~ 1861, fort~ per c.ent of all' the foreign-born m the Umted State~ ~ere Ins~. Some of these were in the South, but the maJonry were m the North. Traditionally they were Democrats. It was therefore a matter of concern to '. . . . I' , ' . the federal authorities how TeleVISIOn. ca~ne~ graphIc . . h programs whIch dlsclpsed abuses the Insh would react to t e and crimes of the previous 20 war. It was anticjpated that years.. The~e was, ~sl the aut.hor

they would favor the Southern ,puts it, an InformatIon e~plostOn, cause. But, in the main, they did which astonished ~I he whole, not. Great num~ 'country. bers of the Irish The mela~~holy fate of the volunt~ered for. attempt at' socialis.m Iwith a. huthe Umon Army, man face is SUCCInctly recIted, and the story ~f with an occasional hew bit of som~ of them. IS fact (e.g., Dubcek's !being held' told In The IrIsh prisoner without food, for 48 Brigade by Paul hours a dunge6n). When Jon e s (Luce.· "Journalist M" wrotJ this book, $6.95). The core he was sure that n6t all that of the Irish Brihad been accomplish~d coul4 be gade was· the reversed. I 69th New York regiment. This Angell, Pearl gets the most of Mr. Jones's l tt fon Winston Grahamls Angell, a ;~el 69th fought at Bull Run Pearl and ~ittle God ~Doubled.ay, in July 1861, and thereafter were 501 Frankhn Ave., G~rden CIty, in the thick of heavy engage- N:Y, 11531. $6.95) ~a~ had ~OI~e ments in Virginia, Maryland, and hlghly.fa:-r0rable revlers. It IS. h~­ Pennsylvania. Again and again crate; It IS unha~kneYfd; but It IS they won commendations for ~o l?ng draw~ out t~a~ .s?me of their bravery and gallantry. Its Inhere.nt ImprobablhtI~s, beThey took fierce losses, and come glarIng. I repeatedly their ranks had to. be The Angell of the title is a replenished with fresh recruIts. fat, complacent London lawyer, Ultimately they were absor~ed 46 or 47, Ii. stingy blh sybaritic into the Irish Brigade, along WIth bachelor. On air airplhne trip he contingents from other states'meet~, Pearl Fr.iedel'119? an, attractIve shop gIrl. To. hIS aston. al P r h ProfesslOn 0 IS ishment, he finds that he is ir-

OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD . St. Martin de Porres Guild will sponsor fish and chips dinner from 4 to 7 on Friday night, March 20 in the church hall. Mrs. Joseph Gomes, chairman and Mrs. Samuel Barboza, cochairman have announced that proceeds will go for the benefit of the church.


PROVONCIAIL: Mother Honora O'Reilly has been named U.· S. Provincial of the Daughters of the Heart of Mary, l80-yearold Religiov:; congregation serving in more than 20 dioce~es ,of the U.S. and Canada. NC Photo.


Mr. Jones gives a well articulated 'account of this extraordinary and all too little known band of heroes. We see them not only under fire but also at their ease (their St. Patrik's Day celebrations during campaigns were elaborate and ingeniouS) and at their prayers. But they and their achieve. ments are not presented in isolation. Rather, the author sets out a brief and lucid history of the Civil War and of political and social developments in the country, as background to his principal matter. His writing is direct, without ornament, but with professional polish. Czechoslovakia 1968 We are not told the name of the author of A Year Is Eight Months: Czechoslovakia' 1968 (Doubleday, 501 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N. Y. 11531. $5.95). But Tad Szulc, of The New York Times,' who contributes an introduction, says that he knows "Journalist M" and can vouch for him. Czechoslovakia, long after Stalin's death, was the most Stalinist of the satellites: Under the tight control. of men utterly subservient to the Soviets, it sank into economic doldrums and, suffered police rule. But then, in the late 1960's, certain stirrings were felt. The' intellectuals grew restive, the students revolted, and three streams of grievance conve~ged to create opposition: economic - stagnation, nationalist feelings and the suppression of rights. In late 1967, the Kremlin's man, Novotny, was suddenly an d surprisingly unseated.



Melancholy Fate' In . January, 1968, Aleximdero Dubcek was elected First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. In a few weeks, censorship ended, and a free press bloomed.




Continued from Page One . Great Falls, Mont., said there would be "drastic action taken" if a positive answer is not forthcoming from the Vatican. The 250-man House· of Dele: gates also urged the Natiopal Conference of Catholic Bishops to support their petitions for a judicial review, preferably in the United States. The April 20" deadline for response is the opening of the U. S. bishops meeting in San Francisco. The federation has been. working with concerned canon lawyers on this issue for ' more than a year.

resistibly drawn to het. He seeks her out, takes her oUt, marries Pope's Poslt!on her. . I ' In a separate. action, the House Shortly befQre bei~g courted of Delegates' criticized the U. S. by Angell, Pearl has had an ambiguous experience With Little bishops for their recent support of the position of Pope Paul on God, which is' the nipkname of celibacy, saying the bishops had Godfrey Brown, a handsome, ar- failed to mention that. their pubrogant featherweight boxer. lic statement on the· matter in . . They had met at a dance,' he November 1969 cited the serioushad pursued her; and, sure of: his ness of the problem of the need irresistible charm, had attempted for open discussion of celibacy in I to force himself upon her. Fasci- . the U. S. , Pope Paul has declared that na'ted but frightened, Pearl fled, then avoided him, then accepted celibacy "cannot be abandoned ' Angell's proposal. . or subjected to argument." The delegates also' resolved Is she now safe? Is anyone ever safe? The entanglement of that the executives of the federathese lives provides the sub- , tion initiatE) immediate and pracstance of the book. tical dialogue with bishops who show an openness to discuss the matter. The feder~tion is cooperating '1 with the bishops conference in a . total study of celibacy in the . ~ I BAY CITY (NC)-R~mplestilt- , U.. S. The delegates resCinded a skin may be a scorned villain in vote they had taken the night a children's storybook, but lie's before on an experimental miniswelcomedaimually a~ St. Stan- try. The proposal supported the islaus Parish in thisl Michigan priests who are developing alternatives to the conventional mincommunity. istry because they are needed at ,For the past few years, some- this time in the Church. one with an unusual although In another resolution, the fednot objectional _ sense of humor has bee.n .slipping a Ithousa~d­ eration offered to cooperate with dollar bIll' In an Overseas Rehef the bishops and other interested envelope on Laetare SJnday, and organizations in develop!ng a signing it simply "Rumplestilt- plan whereby all church members would be involved in the skin."· I: process of selecting bishops. And this year, according to Msgr, Kenneth J. Povi~h, pastor, he has done it again. Going Reformed Churches through the collection, ~he pastor discovered a crisp $1,000 bill' in Denounce Apartheid an envelope advertisekI on the LUNTERN (NC)-South AfriI ca's apartheid policy of strict raoutside .to'Icontain one" cent. I cial segregation was condemned Msgr. Povish still professes be- by the synod of the Dutch Rewilderment at the ann'ual'wind- formed Churches here in The fall, and claims he has ;'0 hint as Netherlands in a resolution adto the donor's identit~. , dressed to their counterpart in "We sure have a lot of 'skis' that country. in this predominantly R10liSh parThe synod warned the Dutch ish," . he mused, "but we don't Reformed Church in South Afrihave any. 'Rumples:iand cer- ca that racism is opposed to the tainly no 'Rumplestiltskins.' " message of the Bible.


'Rumplestiltskin' Does It Al'JIoin



SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS Mrs. James S. Rego, Jr., presi-' dent will head a committee of members of the parish, guild in conducting a penny sale for the benefit of the church today at 8 in the parish hall. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will serve a lobster supper and hold a penny sale Sunday night, April 19 in the church hall. Sale chairman is Mrs. Mary M. Medeiros, aided by Mrs. Lorraine Lima, while Mrs. Mary Cabeceiras .will handle supper arrangements. New council officers were installed Sunday in ceremonies held at the Coachmen restaurant, Tiverton. HOLY NAME, FALL RiVER A contemporary demonstration of guides to meditation through the senses will be presented fro~ 2 to '4 this afternoon in the school hall, as part of the Project Leisure program. Directing the presentation will be Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald and Sister Evelyn. :: The parish council will meet at 7:30 tonight, also in the school. A rummage sale will be sponsored by the' Women's Guild, from 6 to 8 tomorrow night at the school. Rummage may be left at the school at any time before the sale. A Girl Scout· cake sale will take place from 8:30 to 12:30 Sunday .morning at the school'. A pancake breakfast will also be served. Proceeds will benefit a fund for a troop trip to New York. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVlER The Holy Week schedule is given in full in the parish bulletin. It is noted that there will be no 4 o'clock Mass Holy Saturday afternoon. Easter vigil services will begin at 6 o'clock, with Mass, fulfilling the Sunday obligation, to begin at 7. ST. lOUIS, FALL RIVER , The Home-School Association will sponsor a, wig fashion show at White's restaurant at '7:30 Wednesday . night, April 15. Models will be members and friends of the association. Tickets are available from Mrs. Pat Correiro, 3-2074; Mrs. Dot Mendes, 3-9449; and Mrs. Barbara Moniz, 3-6824.

OUR LADY OF MOUNT . CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The PTA plans a family games party to be held Saturday, April 4. Members may do~ate gifts or canned goods by contacting Mrs. Marianna Raposo. A Mass for deceased members of the PTA will be celebrated at 8:15 Sunday morning, May 3. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Costa have been 'named in charge of refreshments for the meeting scheduled Sunday, April 12. Theprog"ram will feature a movie, "The Invisible Child," dealing with causes, treat1Tlent and prevention of juvenile delinque,ncy.


ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET A committee headed by Edward Tavares and Eugene Rauner announces that a Spring so~ cial will be held from 8 to midnight Sunday, April 19 at Roseland Ballroom, Taunton. A smorgasboard will be served at 8, with dancing to follow. Tickets are available at the rectory or through committee members. MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The committee meeting for the reception to Sister Margaret Walsh, SSD, will be held Friday night. . Sister Margaret is completing 25 years of service in Mt. Carmel School and the parish reception in her honor will be held on Sunday evening, May 31, following the 5 o'clock Mass. Alumni arid alumnae are asked to contact the convent for information regarding invitations.

Re«::ommell'id Simpler Annulment Process CANBERRA (NC)-Simplification of procepures in marriage annulment cases has been recommended by the Canon Law Society of Australia, which has asked the Australian bishops to petition the Holy See for immediate changes. .The 50 canon lawyers meeting here at their fourth annual convention commented that the present procedure for judging petitions for annulment requires three judges and an ·appeal by a defender of the marriage bond. The delegates considered both of these provisions often impractical or at least unnecessary. At present, canon law presumes that a marriage is valid until proven null. This means the defender of the bond is accorded a clear advantage in the present procedure of Church courtS. In this connection, the society called for an equalization of rights and advantages to both the defender of the bond and the petitioner's advocate.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 19. 1970


,, ' I ...... :..~ .........•••.•............••.•.•.....• J


Mike Dusoe of fall River


to Varsity in Mid-Season

Coach Pacheo Sees Soph as Coming Luminary


Concoct ~Rube' Goldberg' Dia~ond Drill Schemes


Baseball has Ken Harrelson, hockey has Derek Sanderson and Southeastern Massachusetts University has

Mike Dusoe. • Athletically speaking, all three are different. While Harrelson and Sanderson live the of professional athletes, Dusoe' divides his time between the college campus and the streets of Fall River. Away from the athletic fields and arenas however, the trio share a common goal. Each is with methods of combating the they can instruct them in the a candidate for "Thread King" clements and preparing for Open· intricate phases of the game. of the year honors. ing day in spite of the fact that They work on the double play, While Harrelson and Sanderthey cannot use the playing field. ' pivot used by both shortstop and son are dazzling their respective Most area gymnasiums look second basemen, rundowns, de· worlds with wild hairdos and like mini training camps. Pitch- fensing against the bunt, back- mod attire, Dusoe is "knockers and catchers are working out ing up bases and any other as- ing them dead" at SMU. His long in the gym while infielders and pect of the game that might wavey hair, brightly colored outfielders are getting in shape bring ab()ut a defeat. sweaters and seemingly' limitless running wind sprints in school With the season's opener only stock of bell-bottom trousers corridors. three weeks away, coaches cer- has become a favorite topic on One coach has the parallel tainly have their work cut out the North Dartmouth campus. bars set up at the far end of the for them. But, they always seem But like the two professionals, gym floor equipped with targets to have their ~harges ready, and, Dusoe also has a flair for aththat he has devised by tying this Spring will be no different. letics Mike is a basketball playshoelaces together to give his In Somerset, Coach Jim Sulli- er, and through hard work and pitchers a stJ:ike zone to fire van expects 57 candidates for determination, haf!. developed toward. The pitchers are throw- his Blue Raider squad. With six into an outstanding one for ing from makeshift mounds. starters returning from last Coach John Pacheco's Corsairs. When the batterymen finish year's championship club, the Only a sophomore, the Fall "\ working out, they are sent off Blue and White definitely will be River native opened the season ) to do their running. Infielders, the team to beat for the Narra- with the jayvee team. His fine along with outfielders, return to gansett League championship. jumping ability and all around hustle quickly est'ablished him as a crowd pleaser. ,. Some,rset Duo Follow in Fathers' Shoes .In the young Corsairs first 13 games, Dusoe converted 80 of When asked to speculate about patrolling the outfield' for Boston MIKE DU50E 184 field goals for a 43.3 shootthe coming season, one Narry College. ing percentage and added 70 Shortly after graduation from mentor, who wishes.to, remain "We expect to improve our college, the two adversaries free throws. from the charity 6-20 record next season," says and Mary Beth attend Durfee anonymous, said: High in Fall River. Nancy and strips for a season total of 230 "Every team in the league has joined forces at Somerset High. the SMU mentor, "And Mike Paul attend Holy Name Grammar points and a 17.6 per game one or two outstanding players Jack Kineavy, the B.C.· protege is one of tl'je boys who will School. Three-year-old Sharbut Somerset is in a class by taught Latin and coached the average. He also ranked as the spearhead the drive." lene, is the youngest member of itself. I hope we can give Som- varsity baseball team, and the team's leading rebounder 'with the family. 93. Dusoe is the son of Harold erset a run for its money, but, P.C. product worked as his asEventually the 6·1 forward J. Dusoe, 463 Cypress Street, The Dusoes are communiI think it will be a race for sec- sistant coach. ond." When Kineavy, one of the was promoted to the varsity and, and Joan Coogan and is the cants of Holy Name parish. Mike is a 1968 graduate of Coach Sullivan, who has nine outstanding college football offi· as he had with the Jaycess, was oldest of seven children. Sister, pitchers throwing inside, hopes cials from this area, left Somer- quick to make a name for him- Joanne is a student at Bristol Bishop Stang High School where self. In eight varsity contests, Community College while Diane he played two years of varsity to come up with a formidable set after a successful tenure as basketball. mound corps. The only returning baseball coach to assume admin- Dusoe ripped the nets for 57 He is an English major- (main'hurler ,is senior Gary Veloza, istrative duties in a Rhode Island points (7.1 ppg) and was responsible 'for 24 rebounds. tains a 2.6 average) and would who is joined by fiv.e juniors and high school, Jim Sullivan was SMU was in the grips of an like to go into graduate work three sophomores. All under- appointed head baseball coach. upon his graduation in 1973. classmen pitched for Coach Bob And, like his predecessor contin- extended losing streak, but Mike was doing his utmost to proA real good take-in for AttleSouza's undefeated junior varsity ued to direct Somerset to the In' addition' to basketball, Mike boro area basketball fans is enjoys baseball, swimming and, last Spring. forefront of Narry Leauge base- vide a healing remedy. . "His hustle gave the entire scheduled at 6:30 tomorrow , " The Raiders have All-league ball. team a lift," recalls Pacheco. night at the Bishop Feehan High of course, mod clothes! selections, catcher Tom McDerIf the sons continue to emumottand second baseman Gerry late their fathers, as they have So much so, that the Corsairs School gymnasium, Attleboro, Remy, ready for another banner to, date, it's no wonder Somerset closed the season with three vic- when the Feehan Faculty opyear. Bill Wrobleski, Brian Sulli- is considered the class of the tories in their final four out- poses Feehan Seniors. ings. Dusoe averaged eight This main attraction wiU fol-' van and Steve Kineavy, starting Narry loop. See Us First points over the streak. low ,a contest between the Attleoutfielders .last season are all However, the Blue. Raiders boro area Junior All Stars and among this year's tryouts. The have additional returning talent See Us Last trio may well comprise the best in third baseman Ed Ward ,and proven performers to the finals the Feehan Freshman club. outfield in the area. first baseman Rich Wolstencroft. of the Tech tournament. He is \ Ed Joyce of North Attleboro, a Two of the three come from Dennis Jew, who was used as a confronted with as difficult a former star at· ~t. Raphael's But See Us baseball families familiar to area utility infielder and outfielder task this baseball season. Case Academy in Pawtucket will disports followers. It was not too last season, is a strong candidate has a host of newcomers on the' rect the All Stars. His assistant many years ago that a young for a, starting job this year. varsity unit. will be AI Wilson Jr., a former man named Sullivan was estabWestport, last season's Narry , Dighton-Rehoboth will have to ' U. S. Army footbal1 and basketlishing quite a reputation for him- runner-up, hard hit by gradua- get strong pitching from Buzz ball coach, who currently is the self as an outstanding catcher tion, will probably have a diffi- Perrin, Paul Lagasse and Bruce ROTC instructor at Providence at Providence College., And, at cult time duplicating that fine Malaguti if it is to challenge for College. the title. ' the same time, a Kineavy was campaign. Kathy Lear will lead the Holy Family High of New Bedcheerleaders who are students ford and Diman Vocational of Narry Leaguers Focus Pennant Sights' Fall River will use mostly under- at St. John' parish school. Bishop Connolly High of Fall erans from both clubs into' a classmen this season. Both will suffer through the pains of a River has to be considered a smooth working unit. serious threat to Somerset beSeekonk, which has improved building year. Old Rochester of Mattapoisett cause of the merger of Msgr. steadily over the past few sea7001 Kings Hwy. SHEET METAL Prevost and Connolly. The Fall sons, is respected by everyone in will field a young team that has J. TESER. Prop. River diocesans who came t!'te circuit. Coach George Bow- the potential of shocking a few through with a creditable show- ers always has a well drilled out- opponents. Although the BullRESIDENTIAL NEW BEDFOR.D ing in the hoop campaign, will fit that can hold its own against dogs do not have many returnees, INDUSTRIAL undoubtedly do as well in base- all-comers. league followers expect Coach COMMERCIAL ball. This past basketball season Don Norman's club to be much Open Evenings 253 Cedar St., New l8!edford Coach Doug Baxendale's major Coach Bob Gordon at Case High improved, and, a darkhorse in 993·3222 problem will be to mold the vet- in Swansea took a team of un- the title race.

These are times that try' men's souls.:-especiallybase-, ball coaches. Until such time as OldMan Winter determines he's ready, to leave the New England area, local diamond mentors will have to be content to condition their teams inside waiting for the opportunity to go "on the the "field." Infield practice is the order of business. field." But, these ingenious next While coaches cannot put their men continue to come up charges through fielding drills


Attractive Card At Feehan High


Norris H. Tripp







I ~

r, ~





Thurs., Mar. 19, 1970

Busy Schedule's . Continued from Page One Solemn Liturgy will be' con, ducted at the Coliseum in downtown Rome. The following day, Holy Saturday, the Holy Father will preside at the Solemn Mass in St.' Peter's at 6 P.M. On Easter Sunday morning, the Holy Father will offer Mass in one of the parish churches of Rome and return for an open-"air Mass in St. Peter's Square, weather permitting. This is a traditional' aspect of the Easter celebration in which the altar is placed on the steps of the basilica and ,the Mass is broadcast to the ~housands of pilgrims in the square over the loudspeaking system which is permanently in place. . At noon, the Pontiff will again give his blessing 'from his window to the crowds below. -The regular general audience in St. Peter's will be held at 11 A.M. on March 25.. ' . On Palm Sunday Bishop Con. nolly will, preside at the 11 o'clock solemn blessing and distribution of- palms, procession and Mass at the Cathedral. Wednesday of Holy Week, the Most Reverend Bishop will ordain four clerics to the Subdiaconate in a private ceremony in the Bishop's Chapel of the Cattiedral. On Holy Thursday morning, surrounded by' many of the priests of the Diocese, the Bishop will concelebrate the Mass of the Chrism at lOin the Cathedral. There, he will prepare and consecrate the Holy Oils that will be used by all the priests of the Diocese' in administering the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick until the next Holy Week. On Thursday evening at 7:30 he will return to the Cathedral for the Memorial of the Lord's Supper. Besides the traditional Washing of the Feet ceremony in that Mass, he will also ordain seven young men' as Deacons. Good Friday, the Most Rever'end Bishop will· preside at and celebrate the Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord again at the Cathedral at o'clock. ---. On Easter Sunday, Bishop Connolly will celebrate a Solemn Pontifical Mass at 11 o'clock in the Cathedral and deliver his traditional Easter Message.


~(g'~cdJ QJJ [[.[)alJi)~@~w®cdJ Continued from Page- One ham A. Martin. The Pope said the moon roc;k "raised many questions" within him. Among them, he said, was the question: Is the rock "a sign that the same physical laws on earth are found throughout the universe? Is there a design? Is there thought. a personality that dominates the universe?" During the Mass, the Pope was not only offered the usual bread and wine, but also a large bouquet of flowers and a live lamb, which he held up to show tile crowds.. The Pope also distributed Communion to many persons including some sick persons. Before returning to the Vatican in the late afternobn, he stopped to visit an army barracks nearby and also a hospital.

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