t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO. 11
20c, $6 Per Year
Mixed emotions
OlD Hatch measure
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Senate Judiciary Committee's ap proval of the Hatch amendment on abortion March 10 was praised by some pro-life groups as a milestone in the campaign to pro tect unborn human life. But pro-life groups which op pose the amendment said the 10·7 committee vote showed that the Hatch measure does not have the votes needed to pass the Senate. Among those voting against the amendment was Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.). Groups favoring the right to abortion, meanwhile, decried the committee vote as another right wing attempt to curtail civil lib erties. The Hatch amendment, intro duced last September by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), would re move the right to abortion from the Constitution and would ai l~w Congress and the states to
pass new abortion restrictions. It has split the pro-life move
ment, with some groups regard ing the proposal as a compro mise of pro-life principles. The National Conference Of Catholic Bishops called the com mittee's decision to send the amendment to the floor of the Senate for debate "an auspicious event for the cause of the un born." "This marks the first time a constitutional amendment to pro tect unborn' human life has reached this stage in the con gressional process,'" said Father Daniel F. Hoye, NCCB general secretary. "Eespecially encourag ing for its future prospects is the bipartisan support it now en joys." The U.S. bishops last Novem ber broke precedent and endorsed the Hatch amendment. Previous· Tum to Page Nine
Shroud of Turin bac}i.dated
DURHAM, N.C. (NC) - A Byzantine icon and coin may be the missing historical link that date the Shroud of Turin to the sixth century, according to Dr. Alan D. Whanger, professor of psychiatry at Duke University. Whanger used polarized light and other photographic techni ques to establish his thesis that the icon and coin were copied from the facial imprint on the shroud several centuries before it turned up in France in the 14th century. Whanger, a sindonologist, (shroud buff) and an amateur photographer, discovered in working with slides of th~ shroud, an icon, a coin and an early mosaic depicting Christ that a marked similarity of fea tures could be found. Whanger's photographs es· tablished over 60 points congru ence between the shroud and a gold coin issued about 692-695 during the first reign of Justinian the Second. An icon of Christ in St. Catherine's Monastery on Mt. Sinai, painted about 590, has more than 45 points of congru ity, including the center of the eyes, the nostrils, a mark on the forehead, and the tip of the beard. The /ihroud, believed by many to be qte burial cloth of Christ, depicts a crucified, bearded man. "I b~lieve these findings ap proach fhe reliability that finger prints do for identification," said wtaanger.
Before the sixth century Whanger pointed out, Christ was depicted with 'the character istics of Greek or Roman gods, and sometimes as boyish and cleanshaven. A drastic change occurred after about 540, as graphically portrayed on the icon an~ the coins. Christ was then shown as a man with long hair, bear~, oval shaped face, pro nounced nose, and deep-set, penetrating eyes. From the photographic evi dence he has, Whanger is con vinced the skilled craftsmen who created the coin and the artist who painted the icon were work ing directly from the shroud. Whanger said "The coin and the icon have astonishing exactness to the facial configurations of the shroud." Whanger demonstrated the similarities through a system of double superimposed projection images. When a viewer peers through a polarized filter, one image fades to the next as tqe filter is rotated. The shroud's history is docu mented only from about 1357, when it came into the possession of a Frenchman,' Geoffrey de, Charney. A descendant gave it to the duke of Savoy, who en shrined it his new capital in Turin, in 1578. Whanger believes his findings can now place the shroud in· the city of Edessa, now in Turkey, in 525, when the city was rebuilt after a flood.
~ I
X OUT SMOKING say identical twins Richard and Robert Tetreault.
Smoking's not smart
Smoking's not smart, agree identical twins Richard and Robert Tetreault of Holy Fam ily High School, New Bedford. The honor students, to gether with several other Holy Family volunteers, recently got facts and figures to bols ter that contention from the American Lung Association. The organization had set up a under tentative "program which the teens would have visited elementary class rooms to warn young pupils
against taking that first puff. Society, combining school. For a variety of reasons, . "work with parttime evening the program didn't fly, but and weekend jobs. Come September, Richard the twins remain anti·smok ing. plans attendance at Kent "I've always talked against State University and Robert, while hoping for MIT, has it," said Richard. other acceptances already in The 18-year-old seniors, hand. members of St. Francis Xavier All this has been accom parish, Acushnet, are near the plished minus the delights of top of their 56-member class. filtered, low·tar, lung-blacken They are active in sports and ing, expensive nicotine. the, glee and drama clubs at Holy Family. Both are memo Somewhere here there lurks a message. bers of the National Honor
American couple are Curia members
ST. LOUIS (NC) - Brad and the Church's central administra
Janet Rigdon are the only Ameri can couple, and one of only two " The Rigdons had attended a
couples in the world, who are World Consultation for the Laity
members of a major Vatican "in Rome in 1975, and had been active in the Marriage Encounter agency. movement for 'about 10 years at For three years the St. Louis the time they were selected. couple have attended meetings in "We really are listened to," Rome as members of the Pontifi said Mrs. Rigdon. "We've had the cal Council for the laity and the opportunity to meet cardinals Committee for the Family, which and bishops that we would never last year was upgraded to the havl;l had before, and we really Pontifical Council for the Fam have experienced that these peo ily. ple care." Rigdon said the two Vatican The Rigdons and a Colombian couple are the only husband-wife agencies, both formed after the members of the Roman Curia, Second Vatican Council, "are a
tremendous vote of confidence of the church at all levels in the basic goodness of the experience of marriage and family life and a real desire to incorporate that experience." At the last annual meeting of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Pope John Paul II told the council that work, culture and the family all'e the three priori ties of his pontificllte because "those are the things "that involve people's lives," Rigdon said. He said one of the main topics of the meeting was the pope's recent encyclical, "On Human Turn to Page Eleven
, - ..c•.• :
. St. Joseph '8 Puzzle Go to Joseph; 'tis saidAnd these· churches lay claim
Do you kn~w where they are? Can you tell which each is? I
To his special protection, Since each bears his name.
Bonne chance a vous tous On this Ii!tle quiz! .
':. .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 19, 1982
CRS appeal this weekend Catholics of the Fall River di ocese will be invited to share their blessings with the poor overseas by contributing to the American Bishops' Annual Over seas Appeal this weekend. "This appeal, being held in local parishes; is the major fund raising effort of Catholic Relief Services and is vital if CRS is to continue its work on behalf of the world's poor." said CRS Ex ecutive Director Bishop Edwin B. Broderick. . Catholic Relief Services found ed in1943, to aid victims of World War II, has grown to be the largest voluntary agency of its kind with over 1,000 people in more than 70 countries imple menting relief and development
programs geared toward improv ing the lives of the disadvan taged. "Funds from the appeal have also kept CRS ready to respond in emergency situations." said Msgr. John Jr. Oliveira, diocesan coordinator for the campaign. "CRS has supplied El Salvador war victims with food, medical supplies and cllothing and has also provided medical supplies, food and temporary shelters to Thai and Somalian refugees." Appeal funds also support the Office o~ Migration and Refugee Services, the Holy Father's Charities and the National Cath olic Apostleship of the Sea Con ference.
For Afghanistan k,'
11, ~ y'jJ/~
BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN and Father Richard L. Chretien, New Bedford area director of the Catholic Charities Appeal, discuss forthcoming 41st annual campaign.
Priests prepare for CCA campaign The priest-directors of the five areac; of the diocese have begun preparations for the 41st annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Mech anics and procedures were dis cussed by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director, at a recent meeting with the direc
They are: New Bedford, Rev. Richard .L. Chretien; Cape Cod and the Islands, Rev. John F. Andrews; Attleboro, Rev. Bento R'. Fraga, assisted by Rev. Roger L. Gagne;. Taunton, Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton. The Spllcial Gift phase begins Monday, April 19 and will end Saturday May 1. The house-to house parish phase starts Sun day, May 2, and will end May 12. The Appeal funds many apos tolates, including health care, care for the elderly, youth acti vities, pastoral activities, social' services, child care, education and development of religious personnel. . Msgr. Gomes announced that the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin,
bishop of the diocese of Fall River, will be the main speaker at the appeal kick-off meeting, at 8 p.m. April 14, at Bishop Connolly High School Fall River. Over 900 members of the clergy,
religious and laity are expected "A' lot of people are dep~nding to attend. on you to give to fulfiiI their The 1981 Appeal topped, for real needs. Someone in need the sixth time, the one million needs you and this year many dollar mark. It is hoped that this year's Appeal will surpass the more are in need than ever be 1981 total, which was $1,277.630. fore," declared Msgr. Gomes.
Sr. Mechtilde Funeral· services were held Monday at St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven, for Sister Mechtilde, SS:CC., 87, who died last Thurs day. A native of Germany, the for mer Maria Meessen came to the United States in 1925. She taught for many years at Sacred Hearts School, Sacred Hearts Academy and St. Joseph's School, all in Fairhaven, where she lived until. moving to her community's re tirement home in Fall River two years ago. She is survived by two sisters and a brother in Germany. _lIIIlnaI_nnnllnmmnnl.._
......nmttmnnntttmnlttmm......""'. . .
THE ANCHOR (USPS·545.Q20). Second Class
Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· ue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of tho Olocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722. '
Diocese of
OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT Rev. Paul E. Canuel from service outside the diocese to Assi!jtant pro tern, St. Stephen's Parish, Attleboro. Effective immediately.
WASHINGTON (NC) - U.S. bishops are being urged to in clude prayers for the people of Afghanistan in liturgies this weekend. In a memorandum to the bish ops, Father Daniel F. Hoye, gen eral .secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said that President Reagan has designated March 21 as Afghanis tan Day. "Among issues raised in the (presidential) proclamation are the concern for religious liberty of the Afghans and the plight of
the substantial number of refu gees from the country," Father Hoye said. Current liturgical practices provide for prayers addressing current events and for petition ing "for the church, for civil au thorities, for those oppressed by various needs, for all people and for the salvation of the world."
Up lFront at Last Some people refuse to come to the front of the church un less escorted by pallbearers.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
the liVing word
March 19, 1982
A Renewed ProteStant Force In some areas, Catholics \lave been so caught up in Nhat might be termed Vatican II fallout that they have tended to forget that our Protestant neighbors are also involved in dynamic change. A more than significant development in Protestantism was called to the attention of American readers last Sunday by The New Y.ork Times,. in which a froIit page article, noted the rising number of evangelicals in Protestant circles. In discussing evangelical Protestants, one must first realize that they stand between liberals and fundamental ists. For example, evangelicals stress belief in the Second Coming of the Lord, the Virgin Birth, physical resurrection and the salvific acts of Christ's passion and death. Protestant liberals, who have so 'dominated New Eng- . land thought, tend' to pick and choose in areas of belief. . Evangelicals differ from fundamentalists in that they . are less absolute in their theology. Membersof this growing and powerful force in United States Protestantism tend to think that liberals have gone too far down the road of skepticism while fundamentalists have entered the tunnel of a closed mind. . , Among signs of evangelical emergence is the' r~cent decision of the Harvard Divinity School, a font of Protestant liberal thought, to establish a chair in evangelical·studies. The popularity of evangelical thought on college campuses has also made its mark on noted Protestant seminaries such as the Union Theological and those at Yale and Princeton universities. " , What all this means is that a via media, a middle way' is rapidly developing in Protestant circles. The moderate voice is being taken quite seriously. Of course, one reason for this new awareness is the fact that evangelicals have moved into areas that had ,~.er~t~f.or,~"b,E}e.n.,slQ.iIlii)at~4,. J>y~b.e ~~ff;y .,f.al~~~: of...eretest- :: ~~!lt~5.Dk.rEyapge.Hcals;have"had:t\> .leam. the..bard"way,.that ~ religion cannot exist in a vacuum, but must always be in: motion, always proclaiming its me ssage. The Protestant renewal coincides with trends evolving in Catholic circles. Moderates in general are now venturing into areas of American life that often have been devoid of, religious influence. Believing that man is made in God's image and that he has worth, moderates are not afraid of scholarly insights, often shunned by fundamentalists. More and more, in fact, fundamentalism is being seen' as a closed shop. On the other hand, during the past decade liberalism has led many Christians away from a personal experience of the Lord to a substitute world of social action. The growing concerns of Catholics in connection with both trends are shared by many Protestants. , ,What is ~e~ded is the, develop'ment of avenues whereby 'Protestant.. an4 ,Catholic, moderates can dialogue in truth. Such: .di.aloguing should not' be a mere marching and chowder society affair, but should be responsive to common goals. ,Theological differences should be acknowledged, discussed and understood, thereby eliminating the suspicion ' ,and fear so often lurking in ecumenical circles. Objectives in the social order are not the prerogative of any single denomination. Disarmament, ecology, abor tion and human' rights are but a few areas in: which Protestant and Catholic moderates can, work together in the spirit of mutual' respect as religion begins to play a more important and substantial role in American life.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.
EDITOR :tev. JQhn F. Moore,
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev, Msgr. John J. Regan . . , . I,eary Press-Fall River
'I was in prisol\ and you came to me.' Matt. 25:36
Crime and. punishment
Kevin J. Harrington
The Roman Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts have made a firm stand against the reinstitu tion of capital punishment in our Commonwealth. The bishops neither ignored the complexities of the issues involved nor did they avoid the controversy that was sure to follow. Perhaps the most critical sen tence of their whole statement was: "The Gospel proclaims that no human life is without worth or beyond the possibility of con version"~
Some' \capital offenders have committed such 'heinous offenses that society' cries out for reo venge. Families of innocent vic· tims also often seek vengeance. They cry out: "Why do people worry more about the murderers in death row than about the vic tims who are ~lready dead?" It is often hard to believe that the worst criminal is· capable of re habilitation. Society rest.ores· order by re storing trust among its' mem bers. In the United States, 77 per cent of reported crimes are never solved. The latest FBI fig. ures report 20,678 homicides for 1979. . Capital punishment is most· likely .to be imposed upon those who cannot afford adequate)egal defense. It is therefore not sur" prising that the majority of those in pr~son and on death row are poor, young and non-white. Mur- . derers, however, probably con sider capital punishment a re mote possibility. Most do not in. tend to be caught and if found guilty probably do not expect to
be among the' few executed. For,deterrence to be effective,' it must be SWift, sure and im partial. Society has yet to achieve these: noble goals, but it is beginning to see the criminal offender as a part of its own dis order. 'Certainly, any fruitful ap proach to crime must entail a closer look at its caus~s and con· ditions. . The criminal cannot become the scapegoat for society's ills. We must face ,up to our criminal element and dare to see that it mirrors our owh disorder. Like it or not, the criminal is the product of society and still a ' member' of it. :
New York State, for example, over a- 10 'year period; 'only 7.2 percent of paroled convicted murderers were found guilty of further crimes as compared to 20.3 percent of parolees guilty of other types of crime. Until Society assumes some re sponsibility for the criminals in its midst a purely vindictive . form of punishment will prevail. The greatest service society can do itself is to promote healing of both the victims of crime, the guilty and the innocent. Capital punishment puts no limits upon our ability to for give arnCto heal.
No progress will be made if we treat the criminal as history has treated th~ leper or the men tally ill. Isolating him or her from society does not eliminate crime. Society is str~~gtherie4 when her. sicK members are reo stored, not when they are exe cuted or cut off from her.
Acies Sunday
The bishops emphasized a cy cle of violence that needs to be broken. The drama of Calvary shows us three possible negative effects of capital punishment. The execution of Jesus shows us the possibility' of execution by mistake. That of -Dismas, the Good Thief, shows the possibility . of execution of a reformable criminal. That of the unrepentant criminal shows that punishment . does not necessarily help the offender acknowledge his guilt. Is the capital offender reform able? Statistics seem to bear out that recidivism among murderers is ~ third less than among parol· ees guilty of lesser .crimes. In,
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will preside and Father Horace Tra vassos will·be'homilist 'at the an'· nual'LegiQn of Mary Acies, to be held at 2 p.m. 'Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral. The Marian reconsecration ceremony is open to active and auxi~iary Legionaries, their rela tives ~d friends. It will be the 30th such observance in the Fall River diocese.
Mllrch 20 Rev. Francis A. Mrozinski, 1951, Pastor, St. Hedwig, New Bedford March 2~ Rev. Joseph A. Martins, 1940, Assistant, St. John Baptist, New Bedford
The trying teens
"There's nothing wrong easy time to live through. At the same time, parents are with a teenager that trying often undergoing relational to reason with won't aggra stresses themselves. Men and wo vate," wrote someone who men between 35 and 45 - the
obviously had lived with teens. Indeed, sometimes this seems too true to be funny. However, teens say the same thing about parents. How can they be so unfeeling, so ignorant, and so forgetful of their own adolescence? Adolescence, the fourth stage in family life, can be a trying time for lldolescents, parents and younger siblings alike. Natural feelings of emergence on the part of young adults conflict with au thoritarian patterns comfortably established in the family. "Be cause I said so," becomes unac ceptable to a formerly compliant and happy youngster now given to moods and objections. Music gets louder, pouts longer and families tenser at this time, as relationships begin to change from carefree childhood to auto nomy. The adolescent has a clock in side that tells him it's time to start becoming his own person rather than an offshoot of his parents. He starts disagreeing on politics, clothing and church. He meets adults with other ideas and values and realizes he must eventually choose for himself. He often feels guilty for betray ing his parents by wanting to be different from them. It isn't an <
age when most adolescence oc curs in the home ....... are at that midlife point when they're won dering if this is all life has to offer. Their youthful dreams of suc cess and happiness bump into reality and they realize that they will never be president of the company or live happily ever after. Indeed, family therapists are beginning to indicate that much adolescent conflict stems from the unhappiness parents have in their own lives. When the emerging young adult flexes freedom muscles, parents often feel envious. They would like to be young now with the options their offspring is anticipating, options denied them in their own youth. Whether with one or two par ents, the family with emerging and established adolescents can use Lent to surface feelings on autonomy, behavior and faith. I suggest taking an evening to really listen to one another and to answer these questions: When things aren't going so well be tween us as Sl couple do we tend to land on our teens, making them a convenient scapegoat for our disappointments and angers? Or do we as adolescents take advantage of tensions be
Gambler's . plighf
Some people are com pulsive gamblers. Their need to gamble is insatiable. In fact, they think they can't live without it. Compulsive gamblers use what ever funds they can get their hands on to gamble any way they can. Gambling outlets are expand ing today. More states indirectly encourage gambling through lot teries, bingo games, offtrack bet ting imd legalized casinos. Prob ably the number of states with legalized gambling will continue to grow. , Often states are motivated to consider legal gambling because of the 181ge sums it can raise. Profits and balance sheets take precedence over the human prob lems gambling can cause. Compulsive gambling causes pain and anguish in many fami lies as members use any funds coming into their possession to pursue games of chance. Many routinely spend most of their paychecks on gambling, despite the resulting hardships. Some experts estimate that up to 50 percent of white-collar crime in the United States is tied to gambling. According to the director of the Greater Bridge port Community Mental Health Center for instance, there may be as many as 300,000 compul sive gamblers in Connecticut alone. In 1971, C~nriecticut legalized
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Fri., March 19, 1982
tween .our parents to take their attention off us and our behavior? Do we have a right to disagree with one another on God, belief and' Mass? Do we have a right to expect others to be part of our family faith life, .even an aged 16-year-old? Or an adolescent 45-year-old? Finally, parents need to 'ex press their feelings and hopes about religion in an honest non emotional way with their young sters. When adolescents question the' value of Mass, parents can say, "When I was young I did{l't much feel the need for a close relationship with God either. I\s I got older, I realized his impor tance in my life and I don't want to deny you God now because you might need him later on." The honesty' of this approach appeals to adolescents, who once saw no need for dentists or multi plication tables, either. Often when teens hear their parents' deep feelings about the value of faith in their own lives, they real ize how valid they are - not just another bit of mea{lingless parental blather.
dog-track racing and a lottery. ANTOINEnE Since then, statistics indicate that the number of compulsive gamblers in the state has shot up BOSCO tremendously. Alarmed by the increase, Con necticut recently took steps to combat the problem. Governor are the National Council on Com William O'Neill signed into law a pulsive Gambling, 99 Park Ave., pilot program aimed at counsel New York, N.Y. 10016; and ing chronic gamblers through the Gamblers Anonymous, national Bridgeport center. An interest headquarters, P.O. Box 17173, ing feature of the legislation: the Los Angeles, Calif. 90017•• program will be funded from gambling revenues. As a realist, I know gambling won't go away. Instead, the num EDICTAL CITATION
ber of people caught on its DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL
treadmill probably will increase, FAU RIYER, MASSACHUSmS
given,' that it is available in so Since the actual place of residence of many different forms. Nonethe BEVERLY JEAN DESROCHES is unknown. less, I think there are steps in We cite BEVERLY JEAN DESROCHES to dividuals and communities can appear personally before the Tribunal of take to counteract the damage the Diocese of Fall River on March' 22, 1982, at 10:30 a.m., at 344 Highland wreaked by it. Avenue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to 1. ,Be aware of the scope of give testimony to establish: the problem. Learn all you can Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the MACIVOR - DES about the harm gambling can ROCHES case? cause individuals and families. Ordinaries of the place, or other pas 2. Work to see that help is tors having the knowledge of the resi made available to compulsive dence of the above person, Beverly gambl~rs.
Many ~ommunities have branches of Gamblers Anony mous, an organization about 30 years old, operating a self-help program along the lines of Alco holics Anonymous. In Fall River. a chapter meets at 8 p.m. eacll 'fuesday at 5t. Joseph's ScR1oo~, on North Mail\! Street.
Other sources of iruiformation
Desroches, must see to it that she is' properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Henry T. Munroe Officialis Given at the Tribunal, Fal River, Massachusetts, on this, the 11th day of March, 1982
ill .......................
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for aliens? Few would call the con t r 0 v e r s y a specifically "Catholic'.' issue. Yet the Su preme Court has set the stage for an important ruling eagerly awaited by a group made up pri marily of Catholics: whether the children of illegal aliens have the right to a free public educa tion. At issue is a 1975 Texas law which requires local public school districts to deny admittance to such alien children unless they pay tuition for their education. At first glance many might say the Texas restriction is a ration al requirement, given the recent influx of aliens and the tightness of school district budgets. But opponents of the law along with the three lower fed eral courts that already have ruled the law unconstitutional have their own arguments: - That all persons within the United States, not just its legal residents, are protected by the due process and equal protection clauses of the Constitution; - That states must show a "compelling" reason for taking away any, rights, 'including the right of, all' children - not just some - to public education; - That illegal aliens do, in fact, financia,lly support public schools through income taxe~ withheld from their wages as well as property taxes on the residences which they rent or purchase; - That children should not be punished for the illegal ac tions of their parents, and - That denying the children an education will create a new subclass in /\merica since most of them probably will remain in the United States anyway. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case Dec. 1, the final stage before a ruling, prob ably next spring or summer, that should settle the issue. In its written briefs filed at the court Texas argues that il legal aliens are not covered by the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment because the clauSe 'applies only to persons "within its (the state's) jurisdic tion." Since the aliens entered the state illegally, Texas main tains, they do not qualify as per sons "within its jurisdiction." Texas also says the federal government is at the root of the problem because of its inability or unwilllingness to stem the flow of aliens from Mexico. And, it says, giving the child-· ren of such aliens a free public school education is like reward ing them for an illegal action. But the lower federal courts in their earlier decisions have rejected those views, saying Texas has yet to prove that its decision to cut off free education
to illegal sliens was reasonable and constitutional. One judge asked rhetorically whether, without equal protec tion for megai aliens, states could establish different sen tencing maximums for convicts depending on whether they were citizens or illegal aliens. Of course the question of the rights of aliens has a history which far predates the Texas controversy. The Supreme Court has ruled several times that il legal aliens have the right to due process, as, for example, when they are on trial or subjected to a deportation proceeding. But the cou~ also has upheld the denial to illegal aliens of federal benefits such as Medi caid and Medicare, food stamps and welfare. The case &lso raises foreign policy issues, according to the Justice Department. In its brief the Justice Depart ment noted that foreign govern. ments expect their ciizens, while in the United States, to be pro tected by the U.S. Constitution. A ruling against the illegal aliens .niight'bave an 'adverse effect on such. interests~ . the- depa-rtment indicated. But the Justice Department also' disappointed opponents of the law when, after the Reagan administration took office, it decided not to take a position on the case's constitutional is sues. The Justice Department under the Carter Administration, on the other hand, actively fought the Texas law in court. In addition to the fact that many of the children involved, having come from Mexico, are Catholic, the case also has a "CathoUc angl~" because of the efforts of some Catholic schools in Texas to provide educations for those denied an educatibn under the Texas law. r The case also has gained extra ordinary intell'est at the Supreme Court itself. where oral argu ments went a half-hour over the usual time limit and where all nine justices reportedly partici. pated in tlhe public give-and·take . on the issues.
holy day?
THE ANCHOR...:. ' . Friday, March 19, 1982
rap 'in vitro'
BOSTON (NC) - Medical and
pro-life spokesmen have opposed
a bill to allow in vitro fertiliza
tion (outside the womb) programs
in Massachusetts.
A bill pending before the
Massachusetts l~gislature would,
overturn an eight-year-old ban
on in vitro research in the state.
At least two hospitals have ai
'ready indicated they wotlld par
ticipate in such 'research if the
ban is lifted.
In in vitro fertilization an egg
or eggs are removed from the
mother and fertilized with the
father's sperin through a labora
tory process. Resulting embryos
,are implanted in the mother's
womb for normal fetal develop
'ment and birth. The method has
been used in the United States,
Britain, and Australia to produce
children - often referred to as
"test tube babies" - for couples
. who would otherwise be unable to have any because of infertility problems. Massachusetts' current ban on
in vitro work has been used as,
a model in other states and in vitro opponents urged the Massa. chusetts' legislature's Joint Com mittee on Health Care to let the current law stand. , "The legislators of the Com-. monwealth of Massachusetts have shown great wisdom and - 'foresight in having created a model statute for the nation for the protection of ·society's most innocent' and helpless' members," said Charles Dean of the Virginia Society for Human Life. Dean,' president of the Virginia 'Soci ety's Tidewater Chapter, was one of leaders of the fight against the Norfoik in vitro clinic. Dr. Joseph R. Stanton of Tufts Medical School, Boston, a fellow of the American College of 'Physicians, noted that while the American College of Obstet ricians and Gynecologists had hailed the birth of, America's first in vitro baby last December, it had technical and ethical is sues of invitro fertilization re main unresolved. Gerald D'A'volio, executive di rector of the Massachusetts Cath olic Conference, said, his office is preparing a' statement on in vitro fertilization, with emphasis on the. legal, ethical and moral implications of the procedure.
CHICAGO .(NC) - The Cath olic Physicians' Guild of Chicago has petitioned Pope John Paul II to declare the feast of the Annun ciation, March 25, nine months before Christmas, a holy day of obligation in order to reaffirm that human life begins at con ception. Declaring the Annunciation a holy day would also reaffirm that human life "is immeasurably dignified in .its earliest begin~ nings by Christ, who at his first coming chose to join the fullness of his divinity not to either an adult or newly born humanity but to humanity at the instant 'of conception," the guild's mess age to the pope said.
"YOU ARE THE UGHT Of THE WORLD" was the theme for a Lenten 'day of re collection for CCD pupils at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. Mrs. Debbie Wilbur; right, admires a "loving cross" made by the children. Vertical pictures de~icted G?d's love !or them, while horizontal pictures, added later, showed ways of sharmg ~od s love With others.
Peter's barque seen as flagship
(Over 50,000 Sq. Feet)
FERRY ST., FALL RIVER Appliances by: RCA
Before Catholic Christians can hope to resist the' powerful in roads and propaganda of the abortion industry," Ratner said, "they must reaffirm in their own hearts their belief in the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception. We can think of . few better ways to do this than to celebrate' the conception of Christ, Annunciation day, March 25, with the increased fervor that the new post-Vatican II lit urgy for that day calls for,"
The' incident increased fears LONDON (NC) - Anglican the significance of ARCIC's view that anti-Ca'tholic protesters may Archbishop Robert Runcie of that the one church is a com try to disnip~ the pope's visit Canterbury called the' concept of . munion of local churches. ,"Instead of the single barque to Liverpool, which has a large diverse local churches a key to Christian reunion March 11. . of Peter sailing the ocean of Irish community, including many history, were now given the Protestants from Northern Ire • In a lecture on Anglican-Cath olic relations in Croydon, south picture of a whole flotilla of land. of London, the Anglican primate vessels. Admittedly the flagship The next day organizers of the suggested tJ:1at the barque of flies the papal arms, but we must ,papal trip said his visit to Liver Peter should be viewed not .as not underestimate the real pool would go ahead as planned a single ship making a mono ,change proposed," the archbishop despite the threat of demonstra lithic church, but.as.the flagship said. tors to disrupt, it. In the Liverpool incident, Arch of a fleet, in which each local Liverpool's two leading church church is a boat and together bishop Runcie was 30 seconds with the flagship they make up into an address in,a church when . men, ,Anglic~n Bishop David about 150 Protestants, some Sheppard and Catholic Ar~h the universal church. carrying placards, booed, jeered bishop Derek Worloc!t, issued a Some $1.2 million in energy 'Earlier in the day Archbishop and hissed. His pleas for silence joint statement deploring the conservation grants is available Runcie was forced to abandon were met with cries of "traitor" heckling of Archbishop Runcie to Massachusetts public and non a church .service in Liverpool, and "Judas." and saying that such incidents profit schools, hospitals, local England, by Jeering Protestants co~ld only "sltrengthen commit The crowd then sang anti government buildings and public who were angered by plans to Catholic songs and left the arch ment to the cause of Christian care institutions for a wide range have 'Pope John Paul II preach in bishop with his head bowed. He unity." of energy-saving ·measures. the city's Anglican cathedral dur left the church after a brief ing his visit to England in May. prayer at the altar.' The money is available under About 150 demonstrators shout a new funding cycle provided Archbishop Runcie, who was ed the archbishop down, accus by the federal Department of En also jostled by a crowd outside ing him of being a traitor to Pro ergy. Up to now, about $11 mil the church; later said:"1t has testantism by' agreeing to the naturally been .an upsetting re lion has been awarded to hun papal visit. COVINGTON,' Ky. (NC) dreds of schools and hospitals in turn to .my home city. I'll do my Mother Teresa's missionaries of the state. Each energy conserva In the lecture in Croydon the, best to forgive them. I was de archbishop spoke on the Final feated in my attempt to speak, Charity will open a mission this tion grant has had a "payback" summer in Eastern Kentucky to . (the time it takes to pay for the Report of the Anglican-Roman but some of the greatest Chris Catholic International Com tian victories have been won out work among the Appalachian grant is energy savings) of an poor, Bishop William Hughes of average of two years or less.. mission (ARCIq: He emphasied of defeat." Covington announced. He said Grants have been used for vari at least four nuns will make up ous conservation measures, in the mission. , I cluding insulation, storm win ,Sister M. Priscilla Lewis, Am dows, new heating systems and erican superior of the Mission computerized control systems. aries of Charity, recently visited the diocese to find a mission site. The deadline for applications is May 14,.1982. City and town The tour group, which in officials can call 72=7-1990 for cluded Bishop Hughes, made NATIONALLY ADVERTISED many sidetrips: into hollows and more information and building • FINE FURNITURE. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES onto paved roads so that Sister offiCials should work through • CARPETING Installed by-Experienced Mechanics Lewis could see the lifestyle of their municipalities. Opcn Daily and Monday, Tuesday . the area. , Thursday & Friday Evcnings The Missionaries of Charity.be Promise of. Resurrection gan its ministry in the United DIAL Christ's resurrectiqn is prom States with the opening of two NOS FALAMOS PORT~GUES ise of our own. It fr~es us from New York centers in 1971. the fear of death. For us, death Bedding by: Centers in ,Detroit and' St. Furniture by: no longer will hav~ the final, ECLlPS~ Louis were opened in 1979, in NICHOLS & STONE BROYHILL Miami in 1980 and Newark, N.J., word." - The bishops of France, BURLINGTON HOUSE TEMPLE·STUART DOWNS CARPETS and Washington, 'D.C., in 1981. "Great Is the Mystery of Faith" I
Mother Teresa in Appalachia
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"The present widespread faH ure to acknowledge the reality and dignity of newly conceived human life affects Catholics as well as non-Catholics in a dele terious fashion, damaging the family in this country and else where," said Dr. Herbert Ratner, president of the guild.
Energy ,grants available
'Seven -Last o .The 'Fall River diocesan choir and orchestra have announced two English-language perform ances of "The Seven Last Words ,of Christ" by Theodore Dubois. It will be presented at 8 p.m. Friday, March 26, at Barrington Presbyterian Church, Barrington; and at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 28, at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. Glenn Giuttari, director of the choir and orchestra and Cathe dral music director, said The Seven Last Words was written in 1867 when, Dubois, head of the
THE ANCHOR Friday, March 19, 1'982
Paris Conservatory, was direct ing music for the church of Sainte-Clotilde, also in Paris. The composition, in great fa vor during the first half of this century, is now enjoying new popularity. "It combines. accessi ble and beautiful melodies and aggressive and energetic chorus to portray the drama," said Giut tari. Soloists for the diocesan per formances will be Joanne Grota, soprano; Edward Doucette, tenor; Rev; James O'Brien, baritone.
Belvedere Apollo highlights exhibit VATICAN CITY (NC) - A 2,300-year-old bronze statue is once again standing on its own two feet, thanks to the restora tion work of Vatican artisans. The Apollo of Belvedere, a fourth-century B.C. Roman copy of a Greek work, is the center of a new Vatican exhibition -of 20 sculptures, paintings, vases and other objects restored by employ ees of the Vatican Museums' laboratory over the past 30 years. - 'Before the restoration the sta tue had been supported, by an iron bar along its back. Vatican
the moll pocket letter. Ire welcomed, but B~ould be' no lIIore tIlln 200 word.. The editor resolVOB tile right to condonse or edit, If doomed necesllry. All lollors must bo signed Ind Include I home or buslnon. addr....
the President to ignore our call for an end to the nuclear arms race. Each letter is important! , Most kids think th~y, can . ~o nothing about nuclj;lat '.war. Ea<:h letter ·to President Reagan call ing for nuclear disarmament can help make a difference. Write your letter now (please include your age and address) and send it to this address: Chil dren's Campaign for Nuclear Dis armament, Box 550 - RD No. I, Plainfield, Vermont '05667. Max, age 17 Hannah, age 15 Susie, age 15 Maria, age 14 ~essa; age 12
Dear Editor: We are children who fear' for the future of our world. The United States and the Soviet Union are building more 'and more human-killing weapons, and every day the threat of nuclear war becomes greater. Our lead ers are making decisions that af fect us as children more than Dear Editor: anyone else. I would like to express my The Childreri's Campaign for wholehearted appreciation for Nuclear Disarmament is collect the heartwarming and excellent ing more letters to send to Presi coverage which you have pro dent Reagan from children and vided for the .Notre Dame de teenagers all over the country Lourdes restoration effort. who oppose the nuclear arms Given our difficult task of ob race. On October 17, 1981 we taining contributions in excess took to Washington, D.C.• 2832 of $1,000,000 required to refur letters that we had received. bish this magnificent and his Beginning at 8 a.m.,we read the toric monument to God and man, letters aloud in front of the White an informed and sensitive public House. Throughout the day at is imperative. least one person was reading, Let us all continue our over sometimes as many as seven. At . whelming cooperation and main 6 p.m. all thirty children present tain our present momentum. at the reading paraded to the Robert W. Fiola White House mailroom and de Public Relations Chairman livered the letters there. Notre Dame Since October 17, 1981 we con Restoration Committee tinue to receive letters to Presi dent Reagan by the hundreds. Are We There? Next Slimmer we plan to take "Maybe in our own family we these letters to Washington, D.C., and hav~ another reading in front have somebody who is feeling of t1W White House. Send us lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? your letter before June 1. If we have thousands more Are we there to receive them?" letters, 'it will be difficult for - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Notre Dame
workers inserted an iron struc ture inside the sculpture to al low it to stand without support and to be viewed freely from all sides. The Apollo, obtained in 1503 by ~ope Julius II, was the first sculpture to become part of the now-vast Vatican collection. The exhibition also features Etruscan bronzes and terra cot tas, Greek vases, medieval and modern paintings and sculptures, a collection of ancient liturgical
vestments and a series of fresco sections.
Is yourapostolate to the sick, dying, and bereaved?
Case House olffera a
worllcshop on "Death and Bereavement"
March 29, 1982 7 - 10 P.M. SuggesteCI donation $5.
Sister Margaret shares a special kind of joy-the joy of Christ's love, Her presence in this tiny village in Indonesia brightens each day in the lives of the people there. Christ's love for each one is reflected in her. Missionaries everywhere are dedicated to sharing Christ's message ofjoy and hope. You can help sustain all this good being done for the poorest of our brothers and sisters around the world. \
Please pray and sacrifice for the Missions.
Zip _'_ _
Plesse ask Ihe missionaries 10 remember Ihe following s~clal Inlenllons at
YES, I want to share my blessings with the poorest of children, Homilies, refugees 'and all who need the healing love of Christ. 0$1,5.00 0 $1,000 0 $500 0 $250 0 $100 0 $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 $5 _ o I will send a monthly donation when possible.
o Other $ Name
City Mass:
I Send your gift to: THE SOCIETY FOR
ANCH. 3/19/,82
THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Rev. Msgr, William J, McCormack National Director
G.P.C. Box 1950 New York, New York 10016 .
The Rev. Monsignor John J. Olil'eira Diocesan Director
368 North Main Street Fall River. Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR':"'Oiocese of Fall River-Fri., March 19, 1982
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to Christ
By Fr. Pierre E. Lachance, O.lP. Jesus began his public ministry by declaring: "I must announce the good news of the reign of God, because that is why I was sent." (Luke 4:43) And the heart of the good news is man's salva· tion.· Jesus founded his church to continue this· work of evan.' gelization: "Go, make disciples of all nations ... and know that I. am with you always." (Matth. 28:19·20)
This means that the whole church is missionary. Priests, reo Iigious, lay people, all share in the missionary purpose of the church, each in his own, way, be· cause all are the church. , Lay people do not generally realize the importance of their role in the church's work of evangelization. To all his listen ers Jesus said one' day, "You are the light of the world." (Matth. 5:14) If anyone fails to do his part, many will ·not be saved. We, together, are responsible for the conversion of the world! Did it ever occur to you that the front·line missionaries of the of this country that have lost ' members in the last 15 years are in the early church, and for church. A third way to evangelize is those where eva·ngelism is not nearly 300 years, it. was largely . lay people who spread the good . by witnessing to Christ. It's the a key part of the thrust of the news and made converts to easiest and most powerful way. . church." And just a few weeks ago, a Jesus? This should be no sur· Jesus invites .all of us to do this: prise. if we realize how few the "You shall receive power," he Pentecostal minister in Provi· Holy ,•.. :Spirit d.ence said "Any church that r ••• apostles ·and -other or.dained min· said, "when the comes upon you and you shall catches on to the idea of win· , ·'isters 'were: - .•... '.. . Even Paul, the greatest miss· be my witnesses . . . to the end ning souls is a successful of the world." (Ads 1:8) . church." ·ionary ever, was just one man.. What do we mean by witness-. Let's·wake up! Jesus counts on He could not be everywhere, nor could he stay very long in any ing. to Christ? A witness is one you and me. who testifies to what he knows one place. What did he do? He made a firsthand, not just by hearsay. few converts, instructed them, The apostles had seen and heard Inspired· them with a great love Jesus and had lived with him for of Jesus, organized a small com· three years: They saw him dying on the cross; :then risen. And munity, and moved on, they couldn't help proclaiming WASHINGTON (NC) - Father He kept in touch through cor· with enthusiasrrt: He is risen. He Ronald C. Anderson, 40, execu· respondence and through travel tive director of 'the secretariats is the Messiah! ' ing fellow Christians. And the . What about us? If we know of the U.S. bishops' Committees number of converts increased Jesus only from the gospels, or on Priestly Formation and on .steadily, thanks to the lay- memo from hearing about, him, this is Vocations, has been named assis· bers of the local community who, . not firsthand knowledge. WE~ can tant general secretary of the Na· person to person, shared the joy teach what we have learned; tional Conference of Catholic of the good news they had found. we cannot witness. Bishops (NCCB) and the U.S. We have evidence of this in However, we can come to Catholic Conference (USCC). the Acts of the Apostles. After know Jesus in. a very personal The appointment was an· Stephen was stoned to death, a way as our Savior, a friend; he nounced by Father Daniel F. violent persecution arose in can touch our hearts and trans Hoye, NCCB·USCC general secre. . Jerusalem, and all but the apos· form our lives in a real way. tary. He said Father Anderson ties fled. We can also see others whose would concehtrate on planning "Those who had been disgersed . lives have changed drastically budgetary and administrative . . . went as far as Phoenicia, and are now filled with such joy matters pertaining to the two Cyprus and Antioch, making the that they want to tell everybody organizations, while continuing message (of the gospel) known about what Jesus has done for his duties with the Priestly For . . . The' hand of the Lord was them. mation and Vocations secreta· with them and a great number of Such people often call them· riats. them believed and were converted selves "born-again Christinns." . Before joining the NCCBcstaff to the Lord." -(Acts 1l~19·21) You can see the change Jesus in 1980, Father Anderson an Aus. How wonderfully God blesses our has wrought in theqt. That's first· tin, Texas, native, was cochan humble efforts to share our faith! hand knowledge of Jesus that cellor of the Diocese of Browns· There are many'ways to bring can be shared. A good testimony ville, Texas, and held a ·number by one who has experienced of other assignments there. people to Christ. First, good ex ample, .as we live and radiate Jesus and has been deeply trans·
Remaining in his post as our faith. Second, teaching· and formed by him has more power NCCB·USCC associate general preaching. Priests do both. Reli· to convert people than any ser· secretary is Msgr. Thomas J. gion teachers also communicate mono
Leonard. The conferences' second the good news. ·Parents, more in . Evangelization is not only the associate general secretary posi formally, are perhaps the most essential missioJ:\ of the church; tion, held by Father Hoye until influential religious educators as it is the touchstone of its vital. his /appointment as &eneral sec they bring their little ones to ity. Among conclusions of a retary last month, i~ currently know and love God long before 1981 poll on religion in America vacant, but is expected to be fill· they go to church. They are truly was this: "The mainline churches ed shortly. •
. ' .
Father Anderson
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Joining the church 'like coming home' By BiD Dodds BOTHEI:L, Wash. (NC) Joining the Roman Catholic Church cost them some friends and confused their families, but for Dan and Cherry O'Neill it was "like coming home." O'Neill, 33, was raised in the Baptist Church. His wife, Cherry, 27, the eldest child of entertainer Pat Boone and sister of Debby Boone, is part of a family known internationally for its firm Pro testant beliefs. The O'Neills took instructions at St. Brendan Parish, Bothell. Last Easter Sunday the Catholic Church formally recognized their baptisms, they received the Eu charist and were confirmed. Although raised in a family which placed great importance
on praying together and read
ing the Bible, "I began to have
some sobering thoughts," O'Neill said. "How did I know the Bap tist faith was the faith the apos tles had? In college I began to question. There was a period of darkness for five years. It was a crisis of spiritual identity.
study and, to prepare his friends and family. He had already discussed his feelings with his future' wife, who shared them. They married and "embarked on a process," ,he said. Although not pleased with their daughter and son-in-law's decision, the Boones continue to believe in the young couple, Mrs. O'Neill said. "They don't under stand and they don't agree, but they're very supportive of us, ,; she said. '''We've lost some friends but we try to keep channels open." O'Neill said. "We've be.en moving in this direction for years," his wife added. "It feels like coming home. I see the Protestant church as a good and benevolent step-
mother who pointed my way to my real mother, who pointed my way home," she said. The couple said they want to give their infant daughter, Brit tany, who was baptized at St. Brendan's last November, the best of both disciplines: a per sonal relationship with Jesus, an emotional experience the 0' Neill's feel, Catholics often miss; and the traditions and roots both found lacking in Protestan tism. Discovering Roman Catholic ism has been like learning music theory after playing by ear, Mrs. O'Neill said. "I had a lot of truth available on an experimental arid emotional level and it's like all of a sudden being given the rea son why everything works, the way it does.';
Mixed emotions
introduced by Sen. Jesse Helms Continued from Page One ly the bishops had declined to (R-N.C.) which, while not a con endorse specific' amendment stitutional amendment, would define life as beginning at con· wordings. ception. Also viewing the vote as his Sen. Joseph R. Biden (D-Del.), toric was the president of the "In the summer of 1971 I be was one of only two committee National Right to Life Com gan to seek God where he could Demo~rats to vote for the amend mittee, Dr. John C. Willke. be found." said O'Neill. He join- , ment. But John P. Mackey, special ed a mission program and work In a lengthy speech lamenting counsel for the Ad Hoc Com ed in Africa, Europe and Israel. that his views on abortion would mittee in Defense of Life, one of He met Catholics in Jerusa several groups opposed to the satisfy neither hard core pro ,nor anti-abortion positions, he lem and discussed with them the Hatch measure, said the com differences between Protestan mittee vote only proved that the said despite his misgivings about the wording of the amendment it tism and Catholicism. He also amendment is "doomed to fail was important that the proposal learned of the complementary ure." go to the Senate floor. roles played by oral and written Pro-life supporters of Hatch , traditions. While the discoveries have . argued, that, since" ',the , : He also commented' that as a " were exciting, the going was dif amendment merely returns the Catholic he believed abortion was ficult for one whose background issue to Congress and the states, wrong, but said that since peo was "politely anti-Catholic." Hatch's measure could gain the ple of many religions have dis support of "moderates" who agreed on the moral questions "By the end of 1974 I con cluded that the journey I was on might be opposed to a broader surrounding the issue he was hesitant to impose his views on was going to lead me to Rome," abortion ban. Opponents prefer legislation others. he said. But he needed time to
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa!! River-Fri., March 19, 1982
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• '",,", 'Interracial marrIages By Dr. James and Mary Kenny
they must face from their own relatives, friends and neighbors. Their difficulties may be less than you anticipate. Race rela tions ar~' improving in many areas of our culture. ,I Your parents refuse even to consider, the question. You are trying t9 cope with it. Your daughter sees no problems. That suggests 'a bit of change in gen~ erations. :Many people today will probably Iextend warnl.friendship ,to the young couple.
If she decides to marry the young man, you must decide whether or not you support her decision. Perhaps you cannot support her. If so, admit to yourself and her that the hatred in your self, in your family and in our society is so great that you can not cope with it at this time.
Dear Mary: Our youngest daughter is going to college and living at home. She has always been a joy to us. She is seeing a vellY nice 19 year-old boy and wants to get married. The problem is the boy is black. She- refuses to see any of the If you do want to support her, 'problems they will have. She in plan some tangible ways to dem sists they are not doing anything onstrate your support. Start wrong and that we are all wrong. small. You aod your' husband I have talked to our parish might invite your daughter and priest anclI she has also. He Apparently you pity the chil her friend out to dinner. couldn't help much. dren they might have. As par Next you might invite his fam My parents and my husband's ents of three biracial children, are so upset it's scary. They we can assure you their ily over for a visit. Perhaps then won't' even look at a picture of strengths and weaknesses, their you can better put yourself in the young man. They are good . joys and sorrows, 'their needs the place of his parents. for nurture and guidance are just Christian people and are not big They want a good life for their oted or prejuCuced against about the same as those of other son every bit as much as you. children. They do not need pity. want one for your daughter. Im blac~s, but DOlIle of us believes in interracial marriage. agine how it would grieve them You are concerned about peo If there is a wedding, my rela ple's stares. That concern d~s , to have him marry into a family tives win not come. . appears rapidly. When we first . where all he can expect is ha What am I to do? I love our adopted' a biracial child, I too ,tred! daughter but I am ashamed of thought the whole world was Even these small steps will what she is doing. Besides, we staring at us. Now the thought probably rock your family. There feel it will not last because of never 'occurs to me. We are not is no way, around this problem. the hardships they will have to as conspicuous or as interesting You must take a stand if you face. plan to support your daughter. as I imagined. Search the scriptures for Our hearts break when people Whether or not your daughter stop and stare at them and make marries the young man is her Christ's position. Continue to uncomplimentary remarks: Her decision, . not yours. ~ou can pray,' not that this problem will whole life will be this way if counsel but you cannot decide go away, but that you will face they marry. And what about for her. Pressure will only make it with courage and love. their children? - Pelll15Ylvania Reader questions on family her decision, more difficult. Both' you and your daughter Whatever' her decision, you living and child care to be an are right. She is right that they need to acknowledge t~ yourself swered in print are invited. Ad are doing nothing wrong. You and to her that prejudice - plain dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. are right that their union will be racial hatred - is the cause of Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. ot the prejudice the problem. .,;' difficult because· ',. .-..~~ ,. ' _. ", ,: ......:479?8~ __ _ _ __ . . ;:.~'::
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Prayer~·study. stressed in formation "t
Speaking recently to Italian sem inary administrators, Pope John Paul II strongly backed contin u!ng theological and philosophi cal education for priests. The pope said seminaries should create in their students "the awareness that whatever they learn in the seminary does not exhaust their obligation for. study but ought instead to stimu late in them the desire for con tinual renewa!." The pontiff said that the sem inary program should form in students a habit of prayer and discipline of life, as well' as pro vide a thorough' intellectual for mation. . The pope highlighted the im. - portance of spiritual training and said that students should be as sisted toward a "personal experi ence of the Lord." For this rea son, he said, spiritual direction should not "be reduced to.simple listening, to an exchange of ideas or opinioJ:ls, nor should it be· confused, with group dialogue, nor conceived of as a personal dialogue, even if' spontaneous, which'is born in the intimacy of friendship. "Spiritual directon ought to be a matter of a lively and deep faith, lived under the responsibil ity of a priest who is' well pre pared and appointed especially for that task by the bishop," he added.
Spiritual direction should be offered, the pontiff said, "with particular attention to the situa tion of the }'oung person, to the
physical ,and sociological reac tions of young people and to the cultural change of the society of our day." Regarding self-discipline the pope said that "domination over oneself~' and the "subordination of spontaneity to obligation" are necessary for "harmonious de velopment of the personality" and "the demands of life within a community." The pope praised the "grow ing importance attributed to study in the preparation of fu ture priests" and called apply ing what is learned, "along with piety, the great daily obi~g~tion .of the 'seminarian, his profession al work." . . ,He - said that a seminarian's education should include "the kriowledge 'of movements of phi lo~ophicaI. thought and of litera ture and the reading of the events of.history and of the cul tural and social formation of peoples." The pope expressed pleasure with current seminary education ,. and said that from reports he had received he believed that today's seminarians "appreciate the essential values of faith and of prayer." "They show'themselves more eager for truth," he said, and they demonstrate a desire for "choices that are challenging and tota!."
Directorv is revised
JHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.. March 19. 1982
A revised Diocesan directory has been, issued, updating the directory of Nov. 26, 1981, dis tributed as an Anchor insert. The revised edition, on more durable paper than the original, is available at The Anchor office at a cost of $3 per copy. The corrections it reflects fol low, for the convenience of those wishing to amend the Nov. 26 edition. Associate Pastors To St. Francis Xavier, Acush net, add Rev. Albert R. Rowley, SS.CC.; St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay, Rev. John W. Green, SJ; Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven, Rev. Boniface Jones, SS·.CC; St. Mary, Fairhaven, Rev. Thomas Gran-' nell, SS.CC. (deleting Rev. Fran cis Gillespie, SS.CC); Holy Cross, Fall River, Rev. Joachim Dem beck, OFM Conv. (deleting Rev. Xavier Nawrocki, OFM Conv.).
rick, Rev. John Kuczynski, CM. St. Jacques, Taunton, Rev. William F. O'Neill; St. Mary, Taunton, Rev. Michael R. Nagle; St. George, Westport, Rev. Al bert J. Ryan (temporary adminis trator); Holy Trinity, West Har wich, delete Rev. Edward Cal lens, SS.CC.
All the World Needs a Creed . ..
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P astors Immaculate Conception, Fall River, Rev. Terence F. Keenan; .Corpus Christi, Sandwich, Rev. James F. Kenney; Holy Cross, South Easton, Rev. Robert E. McDonnell, CSC.
Other Changes Espirito Santo; Fall River, change address to 311 Alden Street; St. Mathieu, Fall River, change address to 189 Welling ton Street; St. Boniface,' New Bedford, change rectory address to 17 Adams St., Fairhaven, tel. 993-9216; Sacred Heart, Oak Sacred Heart, Fall River, Rev.. Bluffs, add P.O. Box 1565 to ad Steven R. Furtado (chaplain); dress. To Shrines, Retreat Centers St. Anne, Fall River, Rev. Justin J. Quinn; St. Patrick, Fall River, listings, add Diocesan Family Rev. Horace J. Travassos; St. Life Center, 500 Slocum Rd., Francis Xavier, Hyannis, Rev. North Dartmouth 02747, Tel. Thoplas C. Lopes (chaplain); 999·6420. To Camps, Commun ity Centers listings add Rev. O.L. of Mt. Carmel, New Bed ford, Rev. Antonio P. Pinto, CM. Bruce M. Neylon as Fall River St, James, New Bedford, Rev. regional CYO director. Delete from alphabetical listing Peter M. Donohue, CSC; St. John the Baptist, New Bedford, of priests Fathers A. Castelo Branco, Edward Callens, sS.ce, Rev. Edward 'E. Correia; St. Law William F. Morris, John Murphy, rence, New Bedford, Rev. Ber nard Vanasse; Holy Cross, South CSC, Xavier Nawrocki, OFM Easton, Rev. John B. Larrere, Conv., James T. Preskenis, CSC. Where needed, amend ad CSC; St. Pius X, South Yar dresses as indicated above. mouth, Rev. Timothy J. Gold
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ORLANDO D. SOUZA. St. Mary's parish, Mans-' field, is diocesan .lay chair man for the 1982 Catholic Charities .Appeal. He will head a corps of 19,500 par ish volunteers plus a large number of Special Gifts solicitors seeking assistance for a wide range of human service agencies. The ap peal, in its 41st year, seeks to top last year's record-set ting total of $1,277,630.
Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's. Religious Shop or Gift Store.
If Lent so far has not been meaningful, if you haven't done enol,lgh, you still have time to make it worthwhile. How can you best !<eep Lent? The answer is we must make sacrifices on our own. In easing the Lenten regulations of fast and abstinence, the Holy Father recommended in· stead that we deny ourselves voluntarily and share our abundance with the poor and suffer· ing. More than 10 million people still suffer from leprosy. Here's what your Lenten gift for them will do: '
Curia members
really very necessary for the rest Continued from page one of this to work," commented Work." He said the council urg ed expansion of the pope's ideas Rigdon. The lay person is "an active on getting out of the classic description of labor vs. capital, agent of ·the church, not an object of technology vs. labor, because 'of the church's ministry. We are he seems to be clearly saying not the reasons the church ex ists. We are the church that ex that is the wrong question." ists for the world," he said. That subject is "critical, es pecially in Catholicity," he con tinued. "We came out of the church of the poor for so long NEW YORK (NC) - Michael that we still tend to think of ourselves as the church of thE!' F. Hurley, 43, former executive worker, as opposed to the chqrch director of the Rockville Centre of the employer or those who Diocese's Television Center has are investing in things rather been appointed programming di· than actually making things. He rector for the Catholic TelecQm clearly does not see us that way munications Network of Am so we have to maybe upgrade erica. The New York-based CTNA will link U.S. Catholic our practice. Shortly after they returned dioceses and offer programming from Rome the Rlgdons were off through a satellite TV system. to Washington for a meeting of Hurley is responsible for CTNA TV programming and for de the National Marriage and Fam veloping other services, such as Ily Life Commission, a group or data transmission. ganized by the U.S. bishops to help coordinate. the work of na Night Prayer tional Catholic professional and "0 Lord Jesus Christ, our volunteer organizations which serve family life in various ways. Watchman ando Keeper, take us to thy care; grant that, our The Rlgdons, who have been bodies sleeping, our minds may married 21 years and have four watch in thee, and be made children, recently returned to merry by some sight of that Missouri after five years in celestial . and heavenly life, California. wherein thou art the King and They are not yet Involved in Prince, together with the Father local church activities but hope and the Holy Spirit, where they to be soon. angels and holy souls be most Not being actively Involved at happy citizens. 0 purify our the loctll level is "a little frus souls, keep clean our bodies, trating" because national and that in both we may please thee, Vatican assignments are "more sleeping and waking, for ever. remote," said Mrs. Rigdon. Amen." from "Christian "Dir~ct action. outlets are Prayers." 1566
CTNA director
$5,Ooo-Builds a pre·fab clinic in a far.flung village.
jt~::~, r ..' ,
been named director of dee. velopment and public rela tions at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. He previously held similar positions with the Arthritis Foundation and the American Heart Assn. He is a graduate of Suffolk University.
o o o o o
Bad for business WASHINGTON .(NC) - Big business may turn against apar-' theid because it results in a shortage of trained workers, said Archbishop Denis E. Hurley of Durban, South Africa, during a visit to Washington. Under apartheid - South Af rica's system of strict separation of whites from blacks and other non-whites - blacks get less education, Archbishop Hurley said. Only a certain number of . blacks are allowed into urban areas where they can work in industrial jobs, he explained. As South Africa changes from a rural to an industrialized country, "the practice is grow ing in industry to accept blacks" . in higher level jobs and "industry is becoming an opponent to apar theid because it can't get trained personnel," he added.
o $3,OOO-train ten native Sisters in nursing. o $1,500-provide an operating table.
o $575-buy a whirlpool bath. o $200-purchase a microscope.
o $100-give the clinic a sterilizer. o $95 - provide a wheelchair o $40-buy 1,000 vitamin tablets. o $30-give a hospital bed. o $15-give him (or her) a hand·walker. o $10-give the clinic a blood·pressure set. o $9 - buy Dapsone tablets for 9 victims
a year. $8.oo-buy 12 thermometers.
$5.00-100 vitamin tablets. $3.oo-a pair of gauze scissors. $2.25- a 1 lb. jar, Sulfadizine ointment. $1.75-100 gauze pads (3"x3").
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The world is a wedding
Friday, March 19, 1982
By Dolores Lecltey
King Jesus] By Father' John J. Castelot
John the Baptizer announced that someone more powerful than he was to come. And Mark's Gospel does not leave the reader waiting to find out who' that someone will be. Mark says immediately: "Dur ing that time, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was' baptized by John in the Jordan." John was preaching "a bap tism of repentance which leads to the forgiveness of sins." Why then is Jesus joining the crowds flocking to John? To do penance? A later generation of Christ ians found this .embarrassing. For instance, the evangelist Mat thew had John protest at seeing , Jesus coming to him for baptism. But a main point of Mark's theology is precisely that Jesus achieved victory through humilia tion, by identifying himself with weak, sinful humanity. Mark makes the point by stating with out qualification that Jesus was baptized in the Jordan by John. But when he balances this em phasis on the abasement of Jes sus by making a dramatic pro fession of faith in Jesus as the Son of God. In a highly sym . bolic scene in which a' voice speaks and a dove comes down through the clouds, Mark de scribes what, for him, was a personal experience of. Jesus. Actually, this scene is design :eei 'to':t~ll' in unmistakable' tems jii'siivllo Jestis ~is;' MarI{' acliieves this not just by the description itself, but by' a .clever use of allusions to the Old Testament which suggest even more than the story itself. Tum to Page Thirteen
For children II
By JanaanMantemad1
., ,
The house was packed with people; Elam,almost crushed against a sidewall, found it hard to breathe. . . Elam didn't: know just why, but he was sure. he was a very sinful man. He was happy so .many people were between him and Jesus in the 'crowded room. He wanted to hear Jesus, but he was afraid to let JesUs see him. AIl of a sudden .there was a '.loud nOise,. on the. roof of the ·house. Someone \vas taking off the roof tiles and tossing them across the roof. Everyone 19C)ked up. Four men became visible,' carrying a heavy sle'eping mat and some ropes. Slowly they let. the mat down. A paralyzed man lay on it. People pressed back to make a little room for the man. The men on' the roof lowered his stretcher right'in front of Jesus. Elam strained to see and hear. He could just. glimpse J~sus' face. "How kind he looks," Elam thought. "My son," Elam heard Jesus say to the man on the stretcher, "your sins are forgiven." Elam Tum to Page Thirteen
A' reSp()nSe to the times :~>.~~~~,.~:';c~::~e::~~ist~~O~e;:~~h :~: ~~~~
In the year 1203, ransomed by . his wealthy' father, a cloth mer- chant, Francis Bernadone return- ed to Assisi after spending a year in Perugia's dungeons as a prisoner of war. A few years later, Francis' father hauled him before the bish- op of Assisi, irate because the boy had sold some of his father's cloth to raise money to repair a church. In a famous scene immortal- ized by the painter Gioto, Francis dramatically threw his clothes, saying, ·"Until now I' was known as the son of Pietro BernadoDEi; now I will. simply say,.' "Our
Anglic~ Father A. M. Allchin has lived a rather solitary life in the shadow of England's Canter bury Catherdral. For a long time he has pondered how it is that the human and divine are bonded together in this world - how they are wedded. . Recently he pUblished a book of his thoghts' titled, "The World Is a Wedding." Is it still possible _. in this world with its great difficulties ..;... to sp~ak of. a wedding of heaven and earth? If yO\~ look for the sacred in thi~ world, will you discover it? Looking to history, it is easy to think that in other times and places God's presence was easier to find. To a degree this is true but it's also a somewhat roman tic view of the past. Earlier periods were not with out destructive forces. Nations went to war. as a matter of course. Slavery was' accepted. Automatic' monarchs could in flict reigns of terror on whole populations., The world was not clothed in innocence. On the other hand, people lived near mystery and seemed instinctively to tum to ward God and the saints as signs of the sacredness of space and time. I In this .age of machines and technology, people tend to be separated from nature. The occa sions when one feels confident that the human and divine are . wedded iit this world may be more difficult :to" come by than once was: the case. Difficult ...:.... but not impossible. Our times have their own gifts. I look at the world "so loved by God" and see many signs of divine. presence..
away all his material possessions. On addition, he preached to everyone he met and prayed away the night, His infectious gaiety and deep love for animals, his willingness to live poorly' for the love of God,' his charm as a person and his passionate love for others, all have endeared. Francis to Christians and' non-Christians alike. 8>'; David Gibson Who can resist a person who advised his brothers never to cut What hOpes and fears do Am down living trees when looking' ericans share? According to a for firewood . . . who insisted recent survey conducted by Psy that the friary's vegetable garden chology Today magazine; Am should always be bordered in ericans, speaking of their per-. beautiful flowers to remind us of sonal lives, fear more than any Father ... ' ;; . What events and forces in Ital- the beauty of God? thirig else that their standard of ian society changed the wealthy living will be lowered. Seco~d, son of a' merchant into the poor Yet the very attractiveness of they fear i ill health for them man' of Assisi and the: saint Francis' personality can be mis selves. In third place is the fear 'whose .SOOth birthday. we cele- leading. Some people romanti 'of war. brate this year? cize him into a. medieval Dr. Dolittle talking to the animals or It follows, as the magaZine re We do know precisely ~hat see him as a kind of charming ported, -that in terms of their triggered his conversion, but personal iives, Americans' hope . some ot its elements include his hippie living close to. nature. most for 'a higher standard of Tum to page thirteen solitude as a prisoner, followed his for c9ncern by alepers year and of illneSl'; for his desire soli tude; above all, .by' his h'earing the Gospel's words in a new way. ,Every conversion is a move ment ,to something and' away from something. 13th ce~tury Italy was marked by incredible violence and widespread corrup tion. The wealthy lifestyle 'of people like Francis' father con-. trasted sharply with the miser able lot of the poor. For Francis, co'nversion meant rejection 'of the worship of wealth and th,e vio It:nce of his society. Once converted, Francis lived
simply, close to nature. He
First, in medicine, there is enormous progres.s in healing. Victims of cardiovascular disease are given new rivers of life in bypass surgery. Forty percent of cancer victims claim complete cure. Was not healing one sign of Jesus' mission? . Second, I see God's Holy Spirit present in various liberation movements. The civil rights movement is an example. An other is the appeal for just deal ings between rich nations and poor nations. Didn't Jesus say that he came to set at liberty the oppressed? A third sign is the search for the unity of Christians and for a new era in relations between Christians and Jews. . . But there is' also darkness. Hunger still stalks the world. The planet's southern half faces star vation while the northern part wastes resources. Greed. violence, terrorism and war are not hard to find. The question is, what happens if one develops a disturbing sense of the world's darkness? What if one is engulfed by fear or anger because of what is happening? Does one grow numb, paraly zed by a sense that one can do nothing? - How can I, one Christian person, respond to the sin that keeps half the world near star vation? ' - How can I protect the world from the forces of vio lence? When I think about this Ire c~fI the 'law" of . physics which says that everything is connect ed and I recall my belief that I can set positive forces in motion. Finally I recall that Jesus, who Tum to Page Thirteen
We and society living. In terms of the nation, however, Americans most fear war, while they hope most strongly for economic stability. Americans are polled on poli tical candidates, personal life styles, national issues, television programs, reading preferences, family size, and many other mat ters.. . .' There is a sort of passion in society to discover how we are .thuiki~g and what 'We. want. What makes Americans happy? What ,makes them sad? This ',is an interesting exercise Turri to Pllge thirteen
__- - . : . . . - - . . . ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
know ~ourfQ't·h
We and society
Continued from page twelve because we are part of society. And the way society develops profoundly influences the ways our personal lives are structured. Society is somewhat' like a mirror. If we look into its habits, we find out something about our own. Thus, since society is much different now. than 50 years ago, our personal lives are different too. - We are television watchers, for example, Americans spend hours each day watching tele vision. This means that the way people spend their leisure time has changed. Perhaps it also means people have more leisure time. - We travel further distances in less time. This means we have begun to think of our world as smaller than it used to be. It means we are more mobile, be cause of their jobs, many adults live far from their parents. - Computers and other forms of technology, even robots, are part of more and more jobs. A stm-growlng number of society's people work with information in one way or another. - Because of ease of mobil ity, the higher divorce rate and other factors the neighborhood is not the dependable source of stability it once was. ..:. Smaller family size, chang ing uses of leisure time, neighbor hood Instability, the divorce rate,
For children Continued from page twelve felt a sUdden'surge of peace and hope. "Jesus knew that milO was a sinner. Yet he forgave him. I wonder what Jesus would think of me?" he wondered. Near the front of the room, there was some commotion. A group of learned men were grumbling. "Why does this man talk In that way?" they were complaining. "He commits blas phemyl Who can forgive sins except God alone?" Jesus knew what they were upset about. "Why do you har bor these thoughts?" Jesus asked the agitated men. "Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven: or to say 'Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk again?" Next Jesus tQld the men he wanted them to know the Son of Man had the right to forgive sins. Looking' at the paralyzed man, Jesus said: "I command you: Stand upl Pick up your mat and go home." What happened next Elam would never forget. The para lyzed man quickly got to his feet. He seemed unsure of himself for just a moment. Then he stooped down, rolled up his mat and walked out of the house. Every one was amazed. Soon the whole house was praising God. "We have never seen anything like this'" they kept saying. Aftrewards Elam walked slow ly hom~, thinking of what he had seen. What struck him' most was Jesus' qtercy. "I must go to Jesus:' Elam told himself. "He will surely be just as forgiving to me."
pressures of the consumer men tality, and other factors mean, that there is no relatively fixed definition of the word "family" that children in society at large wiII grow up with. The very structures of our lives are ch~nged. We travel further, have different jobs, watch television, etc. Our con cerns are also changed. We are concerned that children gain some sound idea of what a fam ily is, what worthwhile work is, of how to form personal values. Probably most people want a fuller understanding of who they are. The Christian journey of be lief Is a journey toward a fuller awareness of what we want and what the meaning of this life can be. If the society around us func tions somewhat like a mirror, however, the image we see of ourselves in It Is incomplete. We are what we are because society Is what it is. But there is more to each of us than meets the eye. If the full story of who we are is t!) be told, that "some thing more" needs to be ac counted for. Who are we? What do oyr lives mean?
Acrose I.
9. ll.
16. 18. 19. 21. 2). 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. )0.
)1. )2.
Response Continued from Page Twelve But the key to understanding Francis can be found in his utter seriousness. Once converted, he followed Christ as closely and liteI;.al~y, a:;,J)~. cpuld....;"'" ~ .1~; Francis reveled in the beauty of the world because he had a strong sense of creation as a gift from God. Everything spoke to him of the goodness of God and was a hymn of praise to the Creator. Francis' capacity for gratitude was closely linked to his love for poverty. For Francis, the true poverty was to be found in the cross. Poverty to him meant liv ing totally under God's provi dence in imitation of Christ who gave himself up even "to the death on a !;ross." Like every great saint, then, Francis forces people to aSk how far they are willing to go in re sponding to the terrifying de mands of Christ.
Open lines needed WASHINGTON (NC) - The applications of modern science and technology are not always beneficial or morally neutral, said two professors at the Cath olic University of America, call ing for "open lines of communi cation" between the religious and scientific communities. James G. Brennan, professor of physics, and Roland M. Mardone, pro fessor of biology, made their recommendations in reports sub mitted for consideration by the National Conference of Cl\th olic Bishops. Brennan added that the need for moral evaluation of new scientific developments calls for more science education in Catholic schools and an alliance between science and religion.
34. )6. )7. )9.
44. 46. 47. 49. 51. ,2. ,).
>S. 51.
The eelected (Hatthsw 24.)1) Petition. (Acto 10.4) Pr1lt.... (Hark ).),) Froe (Titus 2.14) Indopendent, .elt .urtichnt Without d.lq PretormoJ'S (J..... 1.22) Toppod (Psalm. 8.»
Evils or allmente
Slqvard K.... ' .oa (Exodo. 10.19) Ohl Ohl (Griot)(rllllllb.ro 24.2) Procipitation (Acto 14.17) Thr•• Prooiou. or unu.ual (Danisl 2.ll) A nail or bolt (Judge. 16.14) Incroas. (Rov.lationo 22.18) Impuloi... solt Cit7 noar Bethel (J.. hua 7.2) Kins nt Ell1Pt (2 Killllll 17.4) About throB pin~. (2 Killll. 6.2» The tir.t - . (2 T1Iootl17 2.1) I18ad gear (Doni.l ).2) A murd.ror (John 18.40) Edward or Edwin Crippl.d (Hattlunr 18.8) Son nt Bola (I Chroniol•• 7.7) An aot (Aoto 4.9) Cauea (Ravelationo 8.1) F.ther nt Allar1ab (2 Chronicle. ·1,.1) Bind (I _ I 6.7) 8th .on nt Jacob lOen.o1. )0.1) Not, nor (Hattlunr ·10.9) B"" (P.alms 9,.6)
..... "
ll. Cold rogiono 12. Take _ r (I Timotl17 2,12) 14. H_ (!lattlunr 8.20) IS. Son nt EUoenai (I Chronicl•• ).24) 11. Descended trom 18. lot I.r••Uto .tation (Exodu. 1,,2) 20. Cit7 in Edam (I Chroniolo. I.SO) 22. Helped (Judg•• 9.24) To b. lIllld. ne.h 29. \larp rarn )). Oet (H.br.... ll.)>) , )" R...kieh's llloth.r (2 Kins. 18.2) )8. Pitch
. '40. 41. 42. 45. 48. 50. ,1. ,4. 56.
Riv.r (Spanish) Sorpont (Provorbs 2).)2) Prophet (2 Chronicl•• 16.lO) All"" (John ll.44) Edward or Edwin Hunt (Kotthov 7.7) Son ot Z.rnbbab.l (I Chronicl•• ).20) FllIIl1nino pronoun (\lark 16.10) On, upon (Hatthov 27.4)
I. Old••t .on nt Judah (Oenoeis )8.) 2. The tat nt a hug . ). Organ nt ...ins (HeVl>14tiono 1.7) 4. A Tre. (NUIlIber. 19.6) ,.
6. Nood7 (2 Corinthians 8.9)
7. Alga. 8. Lad1ea' garmente lO. Tile intalloct (RlXllSDS 1.28)
I{ing Jesus.
to me, "You are my son, this day Continued from. page twelve The reference to Jesus' seeing I have begotten you.' " the sky rent in two brings to This psalm was recited at the mind the moving prayer of Isiah installation of the king. Its use in the Old Testament: "Oh, that means Jesus is declared the king, you would rend the heavens and the Son of God in a unique sense. come down." The words suggest also the This prayer was a plea that God would enter once more in words of God to .his servant, t!) the hilitory of his people to "Here is my servant whom I save them from the forces of uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom evil. Subtly but clearly, there fore, Mark is saying that .the I have put my Spirit" - words prayer has now been answered. from Isaiah. God has entered human his The Son will accomplish his tory definitively in the person of mission by following the path of Jesus, upon whom he sends his the suffering servant, the Son Spirit. Jesus is given power to of Man who "has, -come not to do battle with evil and to con be served but to serve - to quer it. give his life in ransom" Mark Why the Spirit is said to des 10:45). cend on him like a dove no one IEmpowered by the Spirit, then, really knows. The symbolism Jesus will be driven to confront here is hard to track down. In the gospel story, the voice . evil in its conventional habitat, is heard only by Jesus, whose the desert. The conflict with the identity remains hidden from his personification of evil, Satan, contemporaries. However, Mark will continue throughout his life, wants it to be heard by his with the issue decided only on Calvary.' readers. Thus, in the desert, Mark Here too, Mark has drawn on dramatizes in advance an essen Old Testament passages, especi ally~salm 2, a favorite with .tial feature in the portrait we early Christians: "The Lord said will draw of Jesus.
Friday, March 19, 1982
Continued from page twelve healed, reconciled and liberated, did somthing else: He asked us to change ourselves. That's when I sense that, con fronted by violence, I should look for the violence in me. Wit nessing greed or terrorism, I ought to ask: Have I ever acted as though my own needs were the world's most important needs? I think attention to my own greed or violence is among ttie ways for me to have some effect on the sin of the world - be cause we are all connected in the world of the helie and now. When one asks, "What in me blocks grace?" it is a way of re storing hope in the world - of seeing that the divine is meant to be wedded to the human. Through us, God can make his presence felt in this world where selfishness, sin and grace mingle. The transfiguration of the world is underway. In fact, the wedding of the hu man and divine is something like what happens when two people marry. They bring to their un ion strengths and weaknesses, narrowness and generosity. But out of that improbable mixture, new life can be born. The transformation of the part ners gradually happens.
Foolish Thought ".Lord, often have I thought .w:~th .,my'~etf• .I :wilJ~il\, 'J;l}lt,J~is one ;sin. more, and .then I.will re pent of it, and of all the rest of my sins together. So foolish was I and ignorant. As if I should be more able to pay my debts when lowe more; or as if I should say, I will wound my friend once again, and then I will lov .ingly shake hands with him; but what if my friend will not shake hands with me?" - Thomas Fuller
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-=Fri., March 19,'1982
A-l Appr~ved for Childwen and Adults, Chariots of Fire (Rec.) Fish Hawk Fox alld Hound (Rec.) The Great Muppet Caper
Heartbeeps The looney Bugs Bunny Movie
Jes'us Night Crossing ' Victory (Ree.l
A-2 Approved for ,Adults ~rtld Adcl~sc6rds Absence of Malice Amy . The Boat is Full (Rec.) Bustin' loose ,The Devil and Max Devlin The Earthling Evil under the Sun Hardly Working
Heartland (Rec.l ,Improper Channels Kagemusha (Rec.) Missing (Rec.l Oblomov Only When I laugh Popeye Private Eyes
' Stevie (Rec.) , Taps Tess (Rec.l Three Brothers Ticket to Heaven Windwalker Zorro, the Gay Blade,
OCUI ~~ ~ on youth
Illy Cecilia Belangel!'
The shadow of the cross. was never far from Jesus. The con flict of ideas that. surrounded him foretold betrayal and judg A-3 Approved for Adults Only ment. Our Savior lived constant On Golden Pond American Pop The Four Seasons ly in peril of his life. Even Alligator ' On the Right Track The French lieutenant's though he began to avoid his Arthur . Woman ' Ordinary People enemies by retiring to northern Outland Atlantic City Galaxina Paternity Galilee that he might be free to Back Roads Gallipoli Pennies from Heaven Beyollll the, Reef Going Ape instruct his disciples and fullfil Prince of the City (Rec.l Blues Brothers The Haunting of Julia his mission, he still did no~ flinch I'm Dancing as Fast The Pursuit of D. B. Cooper The Border from the crucifixion that awaited Raggedy Man Brubaker as I Can Raging Bull Cafe Express The Incredible Shrinking him. Woman Raiders of the lost Ark Cannonball Run ,In his mind the Christian tries Reds (Rec.! Carbon Copy Inside Moves tofollow his Savior's footsteps Resurrection It's My Turn Cattle Annie & little . at this time. We see Jesus at The Jazz Singer Rollover Britches Kill & Kill Again Sea Wolves Caveman Bethany being anointed as for Secondhand Hearts King of the Mountain Charlie Chan & Curse buriaL She who had sat at Jesus' Seems like Old Times of Dragon Queen The Last Metro feet to learn of him, and who .Sharkey's Machine lion of the Desert Chu Chu & the Philly Shoot the Moon . had fallen at his feet in her hour The Legend of the Flash . lone Ranger -Southern Comfort Clash of the TItans of. grief, now poured upon his A Stranger Is Watching looker Continental Divide feet that ointment about whic~ Man of Iron Superman II Cutter and Bone so many words have been writ Modern' Problems They All Laughed Das Boot ten. Modern Romance Thief Death Hunt Time Bandits The Dogs of War Mommie Dearest We look back 2,000 years froD:! Tribute Dragonslayer Nighthawks the twentieth century and see Under the Rainbow The Elephant Man Ni~ht lights Went Out the rising of the. paschal moon Wolfen Escape from New York In Georgia Venom Eyewitness Nine to Five and the fires being kindled upon The Woman Next Door First Monday in October One from the Heart the Mount of Olives. For a thou Four '.Friends sand years the smoke of the pas r, • chal sacrifice had ascended from A-4 Separate Classificati~n the sacred city. Josephus reports (A Separate ClassifIcation Is gIven to.·certaIn:Jilms which while not that ;:bundreds of thousands of morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation asa pro paschal .lambs were sacrificed. tection against wrong interpretations and .false conclusions.) , We· ·see tents, booths and Fort Apache, the Bronx Pixote , . True Confessions
brightly garbed people. The air La Cage aux Folies II Ragtime Whose life Is It Anyway?
is filled with. the songs of Zion: "Let Zion rejoice; let the daugh Morally Offensive ters of Israel be glad." All Night long The Fan . Polyester
All the Marbles The Final Conflict The Postman Always
The city boasted that no, one Altered States For Your Eyes Only Rings Twice '
failed of finding hearty hospital An American Werewolf Friday the 13th Part II Private Benjamin
ity there. And so the disciples in london Funhouse Private Lessons
Any Which Way You Cali Ghost Story Quest' for Fire
found an upper room where they Blowout Halloween II Rich 'and Famous
might eat their bitter herbs and Buddy, Buddy The Hand Scanners
unleavened bread. Butterfly Happy Birthday to Me ,The Seduction Caligula ,Heavy Metal S.O.B.
At the same time they were . A Change of Seasons He Knows You're Alone So Fine
co~tending who should be great~
Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams' Cheaper To Keep Her Circle of Deceit.. . City of Women .. Death Valley Death' Wish II Endless love Excalibur The Eye of the Needle
.'High Risk, . Honky,Tonk Freeway The Howling Knightriders love and Money . Making Love •. Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I . Neighbors Personal Best
Squeeze Play
. Stir Crazy Strange Behavior Stripes Tarzan, the Ape Man ' .. Tattoo ' Tragedy of a Ridilulous " Man Vice' Squad
est in the kingdom of the Mess iah - a kingdom they believed near at hand. But it was in the upper room' that they saw another kind of .kingdom. Jesus gave them a les- . son in hurrlIlity by washing their feet" even the feet of Judas. It 'was when Jesus foresaw the despair of"Judas that he quoted from - the' 'bObkof Enoch, then much read, declaring that it would have been better for Judas had he.never been born. There is: pathos in the report of John, tl1!lt when Judas had re ceived the dipped bread from his Master, he "went immediately out - and, It was night." It was indeed night, a chill falling upon all the world, a night that has been called dreadful and dark, yet most' holy, hopeful and bright. Jesus' farewell address has been 'kept in affectionate remem brance through the ages, being the dying words, as It were, of that Friend who is closer than a brother or sister: A:nd at this supreme moment Jesus imparted to his disciples, as he imparts to us today, his own' joy and deep peace. Then' hewenf forth to agonize alone, in Gethsemane. But in his heart he knew'he was not alone. How often have: we had' that same feeling of being alone, yet not alone.
Pride the Destroyer "Other sins find their vent in the accorriplishment of evil deeds, whereas pride lies in wait for good dee'ds to destroy them." - St. Augu'stine:
Bishop Connolly Taking advantage of. the in ternational network of Jesuit schools and colleges, Bishop Con nolly High School, Fall River, which is staffed by Jesuits and Brothers of Christian Instruction, has initiated a student exchange program. Directed by Re~. Richard D. Bertrand, S.J.,· chairmim of for eign languages, the program will send students to France and Spain for a period of three months. Kevin Boulay and Robert Peterman will study at the Ecole' St. Louis Gonzague in Paris, and will live with French families. Denise Valiquette, "Katie 0'· Neil, and Jane McNally will at tend Le Caousou, a lay-run Jes uit school in Toulouse, France.' Charles Jones will attend a Jesuit language school and col lege in Valladolid, Spain, living with a Spanish family. The program is open to juniors or seniors in third year language classes. Its objective is to make young people more aware of the world and improve their lang uage skills and knowledge of other cultures. As the Connolly students pre pare to leave for Europe in the next two weeks" their foreign counterparts have already begun arriving in Fall River. Amaury d'Anselme and Xavier Cbampenois of Ecole St. Louis Gonzague have begun classes at Connolly and are living with the Boulay and Peterman families. Students from Toulouse and Valladolid will spend the summer in Fall River, arriving as the Connolly students return.
(Rec.) ~ter a title indicates that the ntm Is recommended by the U.s. Catholic Conference reviewer for the category ()f viewers under whIch it. is listed. These listings are presented monthly; please clip and save for reference. Further information on recent films is avall . fK:Om.The Anchor office, 675-7151.
Family.planning method A positive response to' the problem of teenage pregnimcies. is offered by WOOMB (World' Organization Ovulation Method - Billings, USA). Mercedes Wilson, WOOMB executive director, declares that: "while pro-contraceptive pro-' grams have advocated abortio'ii" sterilizations and the use' of po-· tentially harmful contraceptives,' the 'Billings natural family planning mllthod completely eliminates use' of artificial devices.'~ . " No other method of natural' fami~y planning bas been as ex-
tensively verified on a world wide basis, she said. "With this knowledge' presented in' a .posi tive framework· of self-accep tance, we believe that unmarrie~ young people will' postpone sexual activity' and married couples will discover the dignity of both man and woman." The method -is taught in the Fall' River diocese through the· Family Life Center under direc tion of Sister Lucille Levasseur, SMSM.. She' may ,be reached at 500 Slocum Rd., N. Dartmouth,' tel. 999-6420.
STUDENTS AT Coyle. and Cassidy High School, Taunton, run' through ~'final re hearsal for "Kiss Me, Kate," to be presented at 8 p.m. Saturday and. Sunday at the school, under direCtion of Mrs. Joanna Alden. From left, Ted 'Figlock, John Rogers, Rob ert Perry, Renee Rodrigue, Walter Precol;lrt. '
By Bill Morrissette
ports watch St. Anthony, St. Anne Cheerleading Winners St. Anthony of New Bedford was the grammar school winner and St. Anne of Fall River top ped the senior CYO high school division in the 23rd CYO cheer leading competition held last Sunday in Kennedy Center, New Bedford. St. Francis Xavier of Acushnet was the runnerup and St. Joseph of Fairhaven third in the gram mar school division. Others in order of finish were St. Mary and Holy Name of New Bedford,
St. Julie of Dartmouth, Our Lady of Assumption of New Bedford, Austin Middle School of Free town, Portsmouth (Rhode Island) Middle School and SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River. Bishop Feehan High of Attle boro took second _place in the senior Cya high school division followed by Bristol-Plymouth Re gional High School of Taunton and Holy Family High of New Bedford.
New Bedford, South Lead In Playoffs· •
New Bedford and Fall River South posted victories last Sun day night in the opening games of the best of three semi-final playoffs of the Bristol County CYO Hockey League but both had to stage late-game rallies to come out the winners. New Bed ford defeated Marion, 5-3, and Fall River South upended See konk, 7-5. Kevin Wagner scored for New Bedford early in the game but goals by Kevin Clark and Jay Hiller gave Marion a 2-1 edge after one period. Marion widen ed its lead in the secane! ca'nto on Chris McDougall's goal but New Bedford went ahead, 4-3, on goals by Peter Larrivee, Dennis Sylvia and Ted Boehner in the first three minutes of the last period. Larrivee scored again
with only six seconds remaining in the game. Trailing, 5-4, at 7:55 of the last period Fall River South gain ed the victory on goals by Lester Wilkinson, Dave Nobrega and Glenn Souza in the remaining minutes of the contest. In the initial period Kevin Tay lor and Dave Sullivan scored for South, Damien Spellman for See konk took a 3-2 lead on goals by Mike Blanchard and James Fish early in the second canto but South regained the lead, 4-3, on goals by Barry Goulet and Rick Coleman late in that period. In the seesaw battle Seekonk once again took the lead on goals by Carl Crane and Jim Duncan before South's three-goal game winning blitz. The semis con tinue Sunday night in the Dris coll Rink.
tv, movie news
NOT IE Please check dates anclI times of television .programs with local listings, which may differ from the New York net work schedules supplied to The Anchor. . Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-appnwed for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
New Films "rm Dancing as Fast as I Can!' (Paramount): This film version of television producer Barbara Gor
don's struggle to overcome ad. diction to tranquilizers is a dis appointment despite good act ing by Jill Clayburgh as Miss Gordon. Not much light is cast on what's troubling Barbara. There are hints, 'but the domin ant question is to pop or not to pop without much effort· to let us know why Barbara is driven to pills. The result is unnerving melodrama rather than anything deeper. Mature fare, with vio lence and threatened violence and some rough language. A3, R
TV Programs "Ireland: A Television History" is a 13-part series of one-hour programs that will begin airing Thursday, April I, on some 60 public television stations. In tracing the development of the Irish nation the series en compasses 8,000 years from the arrival of the first Gaels down to the present troubles" in North ern Ireland. It centers on the island's SOO years under British rule. The intent is to show the historical causes of Ulter's con tinuing agony. Although not being broadcast by PBS as part of its national schedule, local 'PBS stations can acquire the series through the Interregional Program Service (IPS). A series on Ireland pro
duced by the BBC, an official
agency of the British govern
ment, has got to raise some questions. Lest there be any misunder
standing, it should be emphasized that the series was produced by BBC-TV in association with Radio Telefis Eirann (RTE), the Irish Republic's broadcasting agency.. RTE's greatest contri bution to the project was its en tire. archive of film footage uni quely documenting this history, some of it never before seen by the public.
Religious Broadcasting Sunday, Mar. 21, WLNE, Chan mel 6_ 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele "Circle of Deceit" (United vision Mass, celebrated by Rev. George Bellenoit, whose homily Artists Classics): 'fhis lugubri topic will be "Light." ous German film follows a Ger man journalist through the hor "Confluence," 8 a.m. each rors of strife-torn Beirut, Leb Sunday, repeated at 6 a.m. anon. The overwhelming Beirut each Tuesday on Channel 6, is background is the only reason to III panel program moderated by see thfs film. Just don't expect Truman Taylor and having as Spartanette All-State . clear thinking or real drama. Be permanent participants Father Usa Beaulieu and Liz Makin of fights out of the Fall River CYO, cause of an extremely explicit Peter N. Graziano, diocesan dI bedroom scene it is rated a. rector of social services; Rev. Dr. Bishop Stang High School have was impressive in his TKO vic Paul Gillespie of the Rhode Is been named to the New Bedford tory over Yugoslavian Karl Du "Evil Under the Sun" (Univer Standard-Times girls all-star choemvic last Saturday. The ref sal): Hecule Poirot (Peter Usti land State Council of Churches; eree stopped the fight at 1:22 of nov) is on hand for the usual and Rabbi Baruch Korff.
winter track team. () Miss Beaulieu was named for the second round in a bout na "The Glory of God," with
genteel Agatha Christie murder, the shotput with a toss of 36 tionally televised Sunday and this time on an Adriatic island. Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m.
feet, seven inches. She holds the viewed in this area over Chan An amusing adaptation from the . each Sunday on Channel 25.
nel 5. Gauvin was a member of book and a talented cast record in the New Bedford Voke Monday, March 22, 7:30 p.m.
Tech invitational. the United States team opposing Maggie Smith and James Mason "American ~tholic" with Father
Miss Makin got recognition a Yugoslavian team. It was the are especially good - make this John Powell, WPRI, Channel 12.
for her performances in the 600 seventh victory in international a moderately entertaining piece.
Sunday, March 21, (ABC) yard run in which she posted a competition for the IS-year-old The dialogue contains a few "Directions" - A report on the Gauvin who fights at 119 pounds. naughty double entendres. A2, future of the women's movement time of 1:33. She is the South eastern Massachusetts Confer He will next compete in the Am PG with Muriel Fox as guest. ence central division meet cham erican Boxing Federation A~U Sunday, March 21, (CBS) "Foil' Films on TV pion. Regional trials in Hartford on Correspondent Monday, March 22, 9p.rn. Our Times" March 25 and 26. David Gauvin, the Bishop Con what Douglas Edwards examines Eltlferno" (1974) (NBC) "Towering nolly High School senior who - A 35-story office-residential churches are doing to reach out to unch~rched Americans. tower goes up in smoke, trap Sunday, March 28, (ABC) pinghudreds of Hollywood ex tras and a score of past and pres "Directions" - An examination Harold Solomon, Tim Gullikson ent stars in a disaster movie of the recent meeting of Jesuits UNITED NATIONS (NC) and Pam Casale. Others include weak in a 'plot and character Sixty-seven American sports fig with Pope John Paul II in Rome. ures have been censured by a competitors in such sports as ization, but stunningly realistic Sunday, March 2S, (CBS) "For angling, body building, boxing, in its special effects of death Our Times" - Teen-age alco United Nations agency for parti golf, gymnastics, rugby, swim cipating in sports events or ex holics and a new· approach to and destruction. A3 ming and wrestling. hibitions in South Africa. therapy at the Maxwell Institute Friday, March 26, 9 p.rn. (NBC) in Bronxville, N.Y. Their names were put on a . The authors of the register Anthony
"Register of S'ports Contacts said that it will be kept up to "Magic" (1978) On Radio with South Africa" released by date and published from time to Hopkins and Ann Margret star
Charismatic programs are the Center Against Apartheid, a time. Names of persons who in this dull and brutal melo heard from Monday through Fri drama about an unbalanced ven division of the U.N. Department undertake not to engage in fur of Political and Security Council ther sports contacts· with South triloquist who tends to get into day on station WICE, 1290 A.M. Father John Randall is heard arguments with his dummy. Vio Affairs. Africa will be deleted from fu The most prominent American ture lists, the announcement lence, a bedroom sequence, and from 7 to S a.m. and 7 to S p.m. a sympathetic -attitude towards and Father Real Bourque is heard sports figures on the list include said. from S:45 to 9 a.m. tennis players Vitas Gerulaitis, adultery. 0, R
THE ANCHOR Friday, March 19, 1982
Sunday, MarcJll 21, (NBC) "Guideline" - Ruth Maxwell of the Maxwell Institute in Bronx ville, N.Y., talks about getting the alcoholic into therapy. Sunday, March 28, (NBC3 "Guideline" Father Fenton interviews Sister Florence Mal lon about her ministry as a pas toral counselor.
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"A Time to Reflect" is the theme of a Lenten series of lec turesbeing presented at 8 p.m. Monday, March 22 and 29 'at the campus chapel by Father Joseph McGlone, MS. Monday's topic will be "Self-Acceptance and Sexual Feelings" and that for March 29 will be "Self-Hatred and Self-Compassion." A parents' weekend to be held April 2 through 4 will have a carnival motif. .
Children's Choir rehearsals for Easter and first communion Masses are held from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. each Thursday in the parish ha'l.. . Father Richard Sullivan, CSC, will conduct a Lenten discussion of St. Paul at 8 p.m. Monday in the hall. A day of fast and meditation will be conducted Wednesday, March 31, with an hour of medi tation to follow 7 p.m. Mass. T.he parish outreach program is seekin~ drivers to form a transportation pool enabling all parishioners to attend church activities. Programs for parents will take place at 8 p.m. tonight and Fri day, March 26, in the hall. All welcome.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 19, 1982
Confirmation candidates and sponsors from the parishes of St. Mary, St. Joseph; St. Paul and Immaculate Conception 'in Taun ton and St. Joseph in North Dighton will meet at St. Mary's on Wednesday night fora con firmation ceremony rehearsal. The sacrament will be adminis tered Wednesday, March' 31, 'at ·St. Mary's.
ara asked to submit news Items for' this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as fUll dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meet/nilS youth proiects and similar nonprofit activitIes. Fundrafsing pro· Jects may be advertised as our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.
A Lenten mission will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday through Fri day of next week. Father Ger ald Dorgan, professor of homi letics at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, and Boston archdioce san liaison for the charismatic renewal, will speak. His topics will be "God's Love," "Salvation in Jesus," "Conversion" and "New Life." Mass will be offer ed each evening and prayer groups, refreshments and an in formal social hour will follow each service. All welcome.
Confirmation candidates from St: Lawrence parish, New Bed
ford will hold a retreat day from 1 to 8 p.m: Sunday.. A CARE program for St. Mary's, New Bedford, is sched uled from 3:30 to 10' p.m. Mon day; and New England Directors of Religious Education will meet Wednesday. The Women's League. of St. Francis of Assisi Church; New Bedford, will 'hold a dinner and evening of reflection from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday.
CYO members will hold a bus trip to Boston on Saturday. A penance service for second graders will take place at 1 p.m. Sunday in the shrine.
A Marriage Encounter infor mation night will be held at 8 p.m. ~unday in the school base ment. Refreshments. All, wel come.
SS. PETER & PAUL, FR First pena'nee for 59 second
graders will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday. A social hour will fol low' in Father Coady Center. Also on Sunday, confirmation candidates will present letters requesting the sacrament at 11 a.m. Mass. The ceremony will take place Wednesday, March 31. The Retirees' Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the cen ter.
Cub Scouts Matthew Ellis, John Furtado and Ross Scrocca have earned the Parvuli Dei re ligious award. The Human Development and Congregational Life commissions will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the rectory. The parish will staff a soup kitchen at Trinity Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Friday of each month. Volunteers are needed and.may call 992-7371. Invalid needs, such as walkers and canes, are available on loan at the rectory. Anyone wishing to loan or give a wheelchair for use may contact the rectory.
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The women's sewing group is in need of white cloth for mak ing dressings for the Rose Haw thorne 'Lathrop Home. Donations . may be left at the parochial school. CHAllUSMA'1l'ICS, FR Fall River area prayer groups will hold a· joint meeting at St. Anne's Shrine at 7:30 p.m. Wed nesday. All welcome.
An afternoon of devotion and meditation will be held from 1 to 6 Palm Sunday, April 4. Talks, discussion periods, music and entertainment are planned and the program will conclude with the opportunity to receive the sacrament of penance and the celebration of Mass. Reser vations may be made at the rectory.
Confirmation candidates will make a retreat from 3 to 10 p.m. today at the. Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth. A followup sess ion will be held at 10 a.m. to morrow at the rectory. Boys wishing to be altar boys are asked to contact Father Barry Wall, pastor.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - Dur ing the 1981 International Year of the Disabled Person, St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Grot toes were made more accessible to persons in wheelchairs. The changes were made at the request of Pope John Paul II, who hoped to set an example for other churches. Several low-angle ramps were installed at one basilica ·entrance and at an entrance to the grot toes where several popes are buried. Within the grottoes, entrance ways, were widened to allow wheelchair access.
The .Couples' Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the par ish center. I
A Mass honoring the Solemn ity of the Feast of. 8t. Joseph will ,be offered at 7 tonight, fol lowed by a dinner in the parish ·hall for men and boys with Judge Thomas Quinn as sp~aker. Cub Pack 12 will hold a Pine wood Derby in the parish ·hall at noon Saturday.
The Greater Fall River Chap ter will meet at 7:30 p.m. Mon day at 8t. Lo.uis d.e France youth center on Buffington St., Swansea."Wh~n a Child Dies," a film dealing with the difficul ties of bereaved parents, will be ST. STANISLAUS, FR shown. Czestochowa' Confraternity A regional conference of the members will meet for spiritual Compassionate Friends organ direction at either 8:30 a.m. or 7 ization will take place Saturday, p.m. Mass next Wednesday. May 15, at Worcester Polytech The 13 Tuesdays honoring St. nic Institute. of Padua are now in The local chapter will issue a Anthony progress, with prayers said at neWsletter, beginning th'is each Mass until the month, with· -Mrs. Elizabeth • saint's Tuesday feastday in June. Smith as editor. Further infor A penance service will be held mation on all activities: 676 in Polish at 1 p.m. Saturday, 8458. March 27, apd in English at 3:30 DIABETES ASSN., FR p.m. Sunday, March 28. Diabetes education will be provided for elderly citizens of ST. MA·RY, NB Cursillistas are asked to con Fall River, Somerset, Swansea tact Bob and Helen Comeau, and Westport.at housing projects telephone 995-2044. The Co and senior drop-in centers for a 10-week period concluding May meaus are preparing a list of such p·arishioners. 21. Further information: 672 5671. . Parish Scouts are collecting cancelled stamps for mission K OF C, FR aries. Contributions may be left Ted Darcy will speak on the in the boxes at the church en evils of pornography at a social trance. Also needed are uniforms meeting set for 8 p.m. Monday for Girl and Boy Scouts, Cubs at Knights of Columbus Home, and Brownies. They may be left Columbus Drive. at the school. Diocesan Knights of Columbus will attend' a Mass marking the . ST. DONnNIC, SWANSEA organization's 100th birthday at Stations of the cross and Bene 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 27, at diction are held at 7 p.m. each St. Mary's Cathedral. Bishop Friday of Lent. Daniel A. Cronin will be the A family Mass with the theme celebrant and will meet with baptism will be planned by Knights and their families in St. of teachers and fifth grade CCD Mary's school hall following the students for 10 a.m. Sunday, Mass. March 28.
In the Diocese of Fall River
Camp Fire youth units of the diocese are observing .~he or ganization's 72nd birthday with a breakfast to follow 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday' at Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport. Fur ther information 'on this and other birthday activities: 674 2157.
Vatican impro.ve·s wheelchair access
I ,
This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns
: :
A Mass and anointing cere mony for the sick and/or elder ly will be ~held at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 28. Preregistration is re quested and transportation will be available. Information: Ann Carreiro, 295-5521; Betty Aver ill, 295-6437. A Lenten Marriage Forum at 7:30 Sunday night will have as its topic "Intimacy: The Cement of a Marriage" and wIll be pre sented by Kevin McNulty and Patricia MacLeod. All welcome.
Our Lady Queen of Angels Fraternity will meet at 10 a.m. Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel for formation and business sessions, followed by Mass. All welcome.
The Youth Ministry will meet at 7 p.m. ,Sunday for Mass and a meeting and social ;hour.
T.he Council of Catholic Wo 'men will meet at '1:30 p.m. Mon day, March, 29, in the church basement. Mrs. Rachel Medeiros of the Lifeline program at 81. Anne's Hospital will discuss dr:ug abuse.