The ANCHOR An Anchor of the S&Ul. Sure (tnd Firm-ST. PAUL
Bullock to.· Direct
Charities Appeal
James E. Bullock of the Holy,Name Parish, Fan River, win be the Lay Chairman of the 1958 Catholic Charities Appeal. His appointment was announced tod~y by Bishop Connolly. Mr. Bullock will assist Bishop Connolly in directing the Special Gifts and Parish phases of the AppeaL As one of the Fall River Area's most respected busi ness ·men and' best known citizens, Mr. Bullock's back
ground suits him especially well for the charitable work he is -undertaking. He is the Presi PRICE lOc. dent of the Fall River Electric S~ond Clu. Mall PrlylJell'ea $4.00 per y~ru Light Company. DOring World Aathoriled at Fall River. Maaa.· War II, he served as the coor dinator on the Airborne Radar. Project for 'the Radiation Labor atory of M. I. T. His activities embrace community, parochial and diocesah projects. . Active Serran Mr. Bullock is PresIdent of the . NOTRE DAME '(NC)-Frank M. Folsom, a top Radio C!:orporation of America executive and a militant Catholic' Greater Fall River Development This' group has leyman, has been named diamond jubilee recipient of the Corporation. been instruinental iri many prac University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal. tical efforts to revitalize the Father Theodore M. Hes- being named a Knight of Malta, economy of the Fall River Area bUrgh C.S.C. Notre Dame the oldest order of laymen and by inducing new industry to lo . " prelates of the Church, and be.,. cate in this Area and locating preSIdent, announced the ing appointed a papal chamber- more desirable sites for existing Belection of the 63-year-old lain, an honor given laymen industries which wish to expand. industrialist as recipient of the .
He is a Director of the Fall River MVard given annually for distin
Electric Light Company, Mon llUished accomplishment for
taup Electric Company, a Trustee Church or country.
of Bradford Durfee College of Presentation of the honor to Technology and of the Fall River Mr. Folsom, to take place at an Savings Bank, a' membet and anannounced date, will complete former Chairman .of the Fall the 75th year of the medal's River Industrial Commission, a presentation. . Director of the Rotary Club of From 1883 to now, 59 men and Fall River and Director of the Je women have received the United -Fund of Greater Fall award. It is named for Laetare River. Sunday, the fourth Sunday of The 1958 Appeal leader is an Lent, an occasion of joy in the active member of the Holy Name liturgy of the Church. Parish School Building Fund Mr. Folsom is executive com Committee, is Past: President of mittee chairman and former the Serra Club of Fall River and president of RCA. He has been is a member of the Holy Name associated with the corporation Parish Conference of the St. since 1944 and became the fourth Vincent de Paul Society. president of the giant communi The Bullock family comprises _tions firm in 1949. Mr. Bullock; his' wife, Mrs. Well known as a Catholit: lay Laura A. Dupont Bullock; man, he is serving as permanent James E., Jr.; and two daughters, representative of the State of FRANK M. FOLSOM Laura M. and, Martha. James Vatican City to the new Inter Jr. is a Senior in the Depart Dational Atomic Energy Agency. and priests who are made hon ment ·of Electrical Engineering orarymembers of the Pope's of Papal Chamberlain , at Brown University. Laura is Be has been honored many ficial s~aff. a Freshman, at the University of times by the Church and her in He is also a Knight of the. U. 8. Massachusetts .and Martha at .itutions. His honors include Turn to Page Eighteen tends 'B.' M. ,C. Durfee, High where she is a Sophomore. Mrs. Bullock formerly taught school in Sheldon, Vt. and Chelsea, Vt. She is a member of. the Holy. Name Womens Guild: . Mr. Bullock issued the follow-. VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Holy See has declared today: that while coeducational secondary schools are not approved iogIt statement is 'with' deep' sense of hu in principle, there are cases when is no alternative to mility . that I accept the invita having both boys 'and girls attend the saJ:lle Catholic high Turn to Page Seventeen
Three More Gain Quota For Anchor
Fall River, Mass. Thursday, March 20, 1958
Vol. 2, No..12
Three more parishes haw .either attained C)I' surpassed their quotas ill. the second annual subscription cam
Laetare Medal Is Awarded To Prominent Ind~strialist
Holy .See Urges Separate Schools For Sexes on Secondary Level·.
eehool. .~' The Holy See's stand was outlined in its official publi cation, Acta ''Apostolicae. Sedis, in an instruction drawn lIP by the Sacred Congregation crt the Affairs of Religious. The instruction which out lines regulations wherever Catholic coeducational second ary schools are deemed neces sary, said the whole topic was given considerable study by the Church. It said the Congregation of Religious consulted on the Ilubject with five of the other 11 eongregations which handle the business of the Church. Follow ing these consultations, it said, the whole matter was submitted to His Holiness Pope Pius XII, and the Pontiff ordered publi .tion of the instruction. Basis for Test '!"he instruction listed five principles which it said form the basis on which one can judge eoeducation honestly from both Ute theoretical and practical points of view: Jt) Coeducation should gen ll'ally not be approved. 3-) Although coeducation pre -.mts certain advantages,' never theless because of the possible DllOI'.al dangers it can engender,. 'l'arn to Page Twent,.
Expects Catholic' To Serv~ Soon As President CLEVELA~D (NC) - A Unitarian minister declared that "a Catholic might make a . better President of the United States than some of the recent office holders." But the Rev. Irving R. Mur ray of Pittsburgh told the Unitar ian Society that a Catholic aspir ant for the presidency should be "unequivocally and irrevocally" committed to the "full implica tions of the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution," which provides that Congress shall make a law respecting an estab lishment of religion. . Papal Leadership The Pittsburgh. minister said that "the Catholic influence on a President" would be "all to the good" in racial integration, intel ligent farm policies,. economic justice and international peace. He claimed that "no recent president has consistently and Turn to' Page Sixteen
Radio' Vatican· Notes Steppe'd-Up . . Anti...Church··Campaign: in Italy VA1'ICAN CITY (NC)-Radio Vatican has commented that Italian communists and fellow trav elers have steppec up their antiChurch campaign using any excuse to attack the .nation's Catholicity. The Radio Vatican news com menta tors singled out the wide-
Sons of Ita Iy Sponsor Play At Mansfield \
IRISH VISITOR RECEIVES ROSARY: Rt. Rev. Hum berto S. Medeiros, Chancellor of the. Diocese, presents rosary beads to Mrs. James Carroll,'as her husband, the Lord Mayor of Dublin looks on. Monsignor Medei~os made the presentation in behalf of Bishop Connolly to thli! distinguish ed Irish visitors ~m th~occasion 9f their visit ito Fall River last Sunday.
paign for The Anchor. This brings to eight the num ber of parishes to report they have reached the quota set for them by the Circulation Depart 'ment of this diocesan newspaper. Most subscriptions to The Anchor expire early next month, Readers, who purchased sub scriptions when this paper began publication April 11, 1957, must renew their subscriptions now. if they want to continue to re ceive the' paper each week through, the mail. The example.ofJhe first eight parishes to report complete re
turns establishes a goal for every
pastor in the diocese. We sin
cerely hope that all will follow
the lead of those parishes where
. a determined and successful ef
fort is being made, not only to
see that a quota is met, but, also
to see that a Catholic newspaper
is in every diocesan Catholie
home each week. Rev. James E. O'Reilly, pastor, reported today that Our Lady of· Mount Carmel parish in Seekonk has exceeded its quota. Rt. Rev., Msgr. J. Joseph Sul livan, pastor at the Sacred Heari; parish in Fall River, and Rev. Alexis C. Wygers, S8. CC., ad ministrator at St. Francis Xavier in Acushnet, have notified 1U that their parishes again have reached their quotas. All pastors are reminded to make complete returns before the end of the month so that there will· be no interruption in the receipt of papers by parish ioners who have purchasecl subscriptions.
A sacred play on the Passion and Death of Christ will be pre sented at the new High School auditorium, Mansfield, on Wed nesday, March 26, at 8 in the evening. Co-sponsors of the play will be the Women's and Men's Lodges of the Order, Sons of Italy. It will be presented by Nino Di Salle, radio announcer of WPAW, Pawtucket, and will be narrated by Rocco De Russo . and his company of New Yor,k. The play will be given in Ital:' ian but before each of the twelve scenes a narration will be given in Englisl).. . Those in charge of ticket sales in the Mansfield area are Mrs. . Olivia Carbonetti, president of the Women's Lodge, and At torney Louis Baldini, president of the Men's Lodge.
spread publicity and distortioa of facts in leftist newspapers reporting the trial of Bishop Pietro Fio~del1i of Prato and the legal actions taken against French writer Roger Peyrefitte who is charged with slandering the Pope in a recent article pub lisped in ijle communist-oriented newspaper, Paese Sera. . The Vatican commentator said the communist press and their Turn to Page Sixteen
Visitors Conduct West ,Harwich Parish Survey Sixty Home Visitors of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, will· conduct a Parish Survey from Ma~ch 16 to March 25. The Home Visitors are mem bers of' the Confraternity of
I Christian Doctrine and will take
'the survey under the guidance
'of their pastor, Rev. Finbarr
McAloon,' SS.CC., and the Ex
ecutive BoarQ of the CCD. The Home Visitors will work in teams on this census, and will canvass from door to door every town and rural, district in the parish. Ib this way they will secure an accurate list of all parishioners. Each canvasser bears a letter of authorization from the pastor.
Renew Your Subscriptio'n to The Anchor 'Now L.
': ';'Segregati'6'n~:s~:" Soul Disease
-TH~ ANCH'OR rl1urs:,March 20",1958 . I
Ethiopian R'ite' ,~ishop. Retires
Mass"Ordo FRIDAY - St. Benedict, Abbot. Greater Double. \;Vhite. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect Friday of Fourth Week. in Lent; Third Collect for P,eace; Prefact of Lent. SATURDAY--5t. Isidore, Farm er and Confessor. Greater Double.' White. Mass as in ,the Appendix, of the M~ssal under date of May 15, Gloria; Sec-' ond Collect Saturday of Fourth , Week in Lent; Third Collect of ',Peace; no Creed; Preface of Lent. SUNDAY - Passion Sunday. Double of I Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glori~; Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross. MONDAY - St; Gabriel, Arch angel. Greater Double. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second ColleCt Monday in PasSion . Week; Third 'Collect 'for Peace; no Creed; Preface of the Holy Cro!!s. TUESDAY-Annunciation' of the Blessed Virgin Mary.. Double' of I Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second ~Collect Tues day in Passion Week; Creed; Preface of Blessed Vi,rgin. ' WEDNESDAY ~ Wednesday . in Passion Week Simple. Vio let. Mass Proper; No' Gloria ,or Creed; Second Collect ,for 'Peace; Preface of. the Holy Cross." '" . 'l'HURSDAY-St. John' Damas ,'eene, Confessor' and 'Doctor of the Cliurch. Double.' White. 'Mass Proper';' Gloria; Second Collect 'Thursday" in'Passion '. Week; Third Collect', ,for
, Peace;' Creed; Preface Of the
,'Holy Cross. " '
NEW YORK - A Caiholic newspaper:, editor.,- has scored racial discrimination as a "dis , ease of the'sou1?' and an "afflic ,tion of"the humim heart." . " " Msgr. Francis J. Lally, editor "of, the,Pilot, Boston archdioce~an paper,' spoke at the sixth annu ,al :Observance of interracial S~? day on the Bronx campus ':of Fordham University. The prelate; who is alsO chap-' lain and founder of Boston's Ca~holic' Interracial' ,Council, warned that in the "reconcilia tion of the races our anxiety is not over the wicked who are full of hatred; our anxiety is over 'the 'good' who are not good ,eriough." '''From the enemies, of the REV. RICHARD A. FLECK, O.P. , .Students to Attend ,Church," he continued, "God ' p r o t e c t s , us' by raising up saints Day of Recollection'and statesmen who do ,His Will. Rev. 'Richard A. Fleck, O.P., From her friends there seems to professor of politics and theology be for 'the 'Church no such de at Providence ,College will liverance." 'preacn at the annual Day of Msgr. Lally did not limit his Recollection next Sunday in St. remark's to segregation in the Vincent's Home for the Catholic South, '''where' at least 'the ex Students Council of Fall River. cuse of a long-standing system Sponsored exclusively for high gives histori'c' reason for present school juniors and seniors of unrea~(mableness," but' added: Fall River, the program ~ill, Northern Persecution open with the Holy Sacrifice of "The petty persecutions of the the Mass at 9 o'clock, followed North are obnoxious and irritat , by a series of,conferences and a ing and thoroughly inexcusable. round', tab~e d~scu!!s~(m., Ben~ Catholics; to, be sure,have ,atec 'diction of the Blessed Sacrament ,oid' of leadership which is full ",t 3,30, J!,.M., will,lerotinate,:the .of inspiration,but we should,be program., " ~'" ' onlydecelvlng'''ourselves' if ',we pretended that' our people 'are .. " Fa,ther, Fleck,a nativ,e of Pa\\) ling,:" N. Y., 'is, a, graduate of even 'now i.manimouslypersuad Providence College, class,'of '50, ed on 'this point." , ' " " ,and received his B.S,T.. in, 1954 'Takirig,issue withpers6ns who at the Dominican House oO;tud maintain that the pulpit 'should ies;Washington, D. C. ~n 1!~5~:he be used only for expressing "the was ordained in, Wasti~ngton" pious;" Msgr. Lally said' persons D., <;:. and received,.'a, S.T:L, that holding this vie'w see the pulpit d S S same year. - ; ' , 'and 'the"serrrion joininj(to " ef;i eo cro 5' ,Tickets may be p1?tained from a'''kirid of '. spiritual balm by ,Will Be Shown the officers and members~f.~he which we bring comfort to our council. present woes and accept them BRUSSELS (NC)-The Israeli S d" with some assurance that things ~vernment w'ill display one of, licor lum . em ers. e~ are bound to ·be, better' in the the Dead Sea scrolls at itspavi To Elect Officers days ahead. lion at the Brussels International The" Sucordium Club of the "To think of Christ in terms Exposition of 1958, it has been Sacred Heart .Academy, Fall ot' what we may call the merely nported here. '11 h Id' , 1 b' is to turn the vigor and the The scroll to be exhibited at, River WI 0 ItS annua USI strength of the Gospel into a g 15 e M ti t 7 t , the pavilion is a commen.tary on ness mee n a : ,n x on . ht m '. the C on,ven· t ha 11 a t most deceptive d,ilution," he Said.. the Old Testament Book of Ha:" d ay mg bacuc. At present, the scroll is which time officers for the year at the 'Hebrew University in 1958-1959 will 'be eiected:" 'J'erusale'm' 'and I'ts' exhibition' at Plans for'a dessert bridge ~ the 'Brussels exposition 'will 'be held Apr'il' 1'0 wili 'be" dis' ~ mark the first 'time"that' one of cussed. 'President Mrs;'J'ohh: F. the scrolls has been allowed- out Coyle .. urges ·a large attendance "VATICAN CITY (NC)- IUs Holiness Pope Pius XII, urged of Israel. 'at this open meeting. a group . of ac·~orsand.d~rti;ctors i Another item' of' interest :Nurses'. Guild 'Plans 'here to practice' 'their 'art that 'llCheduled f!>r ~isplay ,it 'the is .. " ,. " . it ,"will forever remain worthy ,raeli paviliol)' is the mos~ii~ ·floor COl)c~rt, 'of an ancient synllgogue, recent • The Diocesan Nurses', Marian of the noble ends-it has in mind." The Holy Father was speaking '}y discovered. at Niriin; near Concert in honor of OU,r Lady of !~aza" J ,,' " Lourdes' will be conducted at ,to members of ".the Comedie' , , ' .7:30 Thursday night, April 17, in ,Francais~, famed ',Fre'nch reper ;"tory ,theater group, ,who are in Legion of Decency' ,Cohannet School auditorium, 'Rome to present' a series' of The following films are to be Taunton, with Miss Dorothy Mc 'French Classical plays:'" . added to the lists in their respec Manus of Attleboro as chairman. Praising its members as "heirs , , " ' -Miss McManus' will be as tive classifications: of a tradition several centuries . sisted by Miss Rita Regan, presi " Unobjectionable for Gel)eral dent of the' Attleboro Guild; old," the Pope said the Coinedie. Patronage-Ambush at Cimar Miss Anna Donovan, president Francaise"has given new life to ron Pass, St. Louis Blues, Time of the Diocesan Council;' Miss "the art of the classical theater," Speaking in French, the Pon Lock. Margaret Boisclair of Attleboro; tiff said that the modern' thea Unobjectionabie for, Adults Mrs. ,David Patnaude; president and Adolescents '-'- Awakening" ,. of the, :Taunton Guild; Miss ter, like the classic theater of 'Last Bridge, The Line Up, Saddle .Ruth Fielding of Taunton; Miss 'old, "is universal, ready to burst 'the Wind. Kathleen Downey of' New Bed~ forth 'everywhere to remind all Unobjectionable for Adults--' ford. ,:. , . of ,that truth which they believe they can ignore." High Cost of Loving, Marjorie Also Mrs. Oscar Dube, presi -The Holy Father concluded: Morningstar, Strange Case of dent of the Fall River Council; "We like to think that your' .Dr. Manning.. Mrs: 'Harry', Scott .and Mrs.
art, which you have cultivated Ol;>jectionable ,in Part for All George E. Sullivan Jr., both Of with such pain, will forever re .;.-Teenage Wolf Pack. Fall River; Mrs. Margaret Mc main worthy of the noble ends Avoy of Attleboro, Mrs. Mary
McCabe of Taunton and Mrs. it has in mind. In arresting for Fz:aQces Millet of New Bedford. a short time the busy ,and hur 'ried course of men's lives today, FORTY HOURS
,you are helping them t9 find again that point they DEVOTION
may permanently anchor them March 23-0ur Lady of Per,..
selves to, their destiny and find petual Help, New
once more the God whom they Bedfard.' '
never cease. to call on in the St. joseph; North Dight-:
depths of their hearts, but whom on.
they very often do not know." March 3(}-St. Boniface, New' _n_nlllllilll~_n_D_._lI_q_·._ Bedford. St. Peter, South Dight-, on. ' April 6-5t.· Francis Xavi~. , Acushnet. St. .fames, Taunton;' .' ' '"For' Your ~rotection ",April 13-St. Paul, Taunton ,Buv From St. John the Baptist, Fall' .' River PERFECTION"
D '
Pope ,Praises ' French.. Group, .':
,132 Rockdale Ave. . ,N~w Bedtord
THE ANCHOR ' . Fall, Rive~.' Mass.. Published ~er'1 :Thuraday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall -River. Mass.• ~ the Catholic Press oj the IDi~ese of Foil River Subseri1'ltioD price _t,pai4 ...00 pe, ;pel".
"" ....u.
P R I-E S T SATURDAY: Rev. Mr. Edward J. Sharpe will be ordained for the Dio This took place ,after 1~e cese in St. Mary'sCathedral, Ethiopians repudiated the mO,no Saturday, at 9,o'clock. Rev. physite hert:sy, into which the Mr. Sharpe is the son of Mr. great majority of the members and Mrs. Richard F.Sharpe of the Coptic Rite had fallen. The monophysite heresy hold's of 45 Chestnut :st., Need 'that" Christ had oniy a divine ./ ' ham. 'nature and not a human oit~:"
, The relationship between the
Ethiopian arid Coptic Rites goe.
back to St. Athanasius who, a.
Patriarch of Alexandria, conse
crated the first bishop of Ethio
SAIDA, Lebanon (NC):"":' A pia in the fourth ,century.
colorful ceremony of the Maron Reconciled in 1626 iteRite acco~~anied theins~f ',,' When the 'churches atJ\]ex:' ,refu'~ed'. to accept'. the .,-. ( latjon ofBi~ho~, ,A~toi~~ 'K~: ,ahdria . " reiche as Bishop of 'Sidon· of the crees Of the council of Cnalc~p~ ,in ~51, condemning monophysi 'Maroriites. " \'" tism's denial of, Christ's 'human .'The ceremonies we'r~ held" in nature, the Ethiopian chilrchell . th~Cathedral of St. Elias in ibis 'concurred and' also 'fell ,inf.o city, known in aiici~I)t tiine~;as , heresy. " ' " .. Sidon. ' Bishop , Joseph Khoury, '" Portuguese Jesuit Father. patriarchal vicar' of' Ar;ti~h :of were'sent to Ethiopia in the'17th the Maronftes, presided: He pre century and, 'for a time 'their resented His Beatitude Arch mission was successful. Two siJ~' bishop Paul .Pierre _ Meo'Uchi, e'essive emperors' 'became Cath Patriarch' 'of Antioch of the olics and Father Alfons Men«tez, S:J., was named patriarch" Of Maroni~es. " The government of Lebanon the country. In 1626 the Ethiopian Church was represented by many high ranking officials, among whom formally reconciled itself with the See of Peter. ,was the Minister of Informa tion, Farid ,Cozma. Bishop Koreiche was born in 1907 in Ain Ebel in the south of' Lebanon. He was ordainecJ to the prlesth'ood 'in 1930 and con AND SALES' C9., INC. secrated bishop in 1950, b~Qm . '47-51 North Second St: " ~ng, apostolic adl1linistrat~r of Saida in the' declining y,ears, of . New &dford, M~ss.",.': ,the iate Bishop Augstin, Bous WY·6~8578 ,,': tanywho died in 19'57. On De "EvERYTHING' ELECTRICAL-' ;~ember 10, 1957, Bishop'Kho • .... I ' ?, " . - -; "., 'reiche was, named' tO,Succeed BIshop Boustany. " ' . . . ,.The Maronite Diocese ,of Saida ',has',,60,478 Catholics' ;out of "a "total,. population, of.. 313;906, "of ,wh9m two~thirds ,are, Moslems. "The' city, is also, the· see of ':a M~lchi!e Byzantine Rite diocese, whose Ordinary is Bishop Basil Khoury. , There are about five and one half' -million .Maronites in the world, with the greatestconcen tration of them in Lebanon and the, Near 'Eastern' countries. There are two Maronite churches in the Fall River Diocese-St. ,Anthony of the Desert' in Fall River" 'and Our. Lagy of Purga ! tory in New Bedford.
Maronite ,Bishop Installed in S,idon
Electric Service
.iAV.E MONEl 01:
8e<ond-eJass mail privilegetl authori.ed
, 'VA.TICAN CITY .(NC) ~ 'Hb Holiness Pope Pius .XU .hasile cepted !pe resignation,' of, Bisll~ Ghebre Jesus Jacob as Apostolic Exarch for Catholics of the Ethi opia~ Rite, in 'Asmara, Eritrea, in northeast ;Africa. ' Bishop Jacob, who retireci, for ... ~e,asons, of health, has, !>ee'1,:,ap 'po'inted ordaining' bishop'" in Rome for'the Ethiopian Rite and a consultor ,to the Sacred Congregation forthie' Oriental <::hurch.· Ethiopian Catholics are' mem.:. bers of a modified branch of the Coptic Rite, which is centered in Egypt. It was not until 1626 that the Ethiopian Rite was es tablished as an autonomous rite of the Church by Pope Urban XIII. . ' ,
'HllV~ you ever wondcl'ed
Do ') have a vocation!' ••. CJan I be' • p,lestf . , . Would I be a good p,lestf It you have, you will Ond
great help In a brief booklel writ· len especially for young men, like yourself. Caclng a decision that can change your entlrt life. This booklet tells about the Holy Cross Fathers who serve Christ' "across the world" as parish priests. Cor elgn missioners, priest-teachers. and home missIoners. Its plain, direct language will help you take the best road to serving Christ. Simply on out and mall the coil, pon below. The seconds It takel , may change your Ute.
Holy Cross Fathers North Easton, Mass. ,Please lend me tree IIlCormaUon about the Holy Cross Fathers.
Name _"__..~.."
lor ,uic/( delivery of '
• ,\'.
;- , -"
Age.~ ...:... lSI
Registration for Even'ing Classes At Stonehill College Monday Stonehill College Institute of Adult Education will open its Spring semester evening ses lions next Monday night, it was announced today by Rev. James J. Sheehan, C.S.C., president. Registration' will be held he-· tween 7 and 9 P. M., with classes to begin the same night. The Spring session will con tinue through May 26. Courses offered from 7:45 to 1:35 P. M. include: Religion, eight .lectures planned in honor of the centenary of the appari tion of the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes, given by Rev. Francis E. Grogan, C.S.C., Stonehill Col lege registrar. Current events, presented by C. James Cleary and Morton Temsky, will consist of an analy sis and discussion of important national and international prob lems. Speech, conduct of meetings, conversation and public sp.eak ing, taught by Herbert A. Wess ling, is designed to develop public speaking ability. Students
Home Must Give Future Leaders
may participate in discussion groups. A course on Federal Taxes will be given from 7:45 to 9:35 by Henry M. Cruickshank as a handy reference and refresher course in the basic principles of federal income tax laws. Dis cussions and problems will con cern tax terms, rates, returns,' deductions and' miscellaneous tax matters. .' Foreign Relations Courses from 8:45 to 9:35 in-· elude American Democracy, a description of certain features and problems of American Gov ernment. Foreign relations will be stressed, given by James J. Burns. • R. Brassil Fitzgerald will teach a course in English, em phasizing correct usage and vo cabulary, an invaluable' ~id for improvement of expression in correspondence, speaking, and in the enjoyment of reading. The Rev. E. Peter Royal, C,S'.C., will give a course' in Philosophy - Cosmology, dis cussing certain notions needed to understand the universe in which we live. Among these notions will be those of "local motion," "element," ('universe." This will be followed by certain clarifications concerning the constituent parts of the universe and the laws of the universe. , A course on Law 'for Laymen will be given by HerbertA. . Wessling. The course is designed for men and women who desire an accurate knowledge of their rights and liabilities in business, 'family affairs, accident cases, wills, property inher1tance, and real estate. '
WASHINGTON - If there is a lack of Catholic leadership· in many spheres of life, it may well be the fault of the Catholic home, a former university' pres ident declared here. . Speaking at a father-daugh~er Communion breakfast at Trini ty College here, Holy CroSs Father John Cavanaugh, former president of the University of Notre Dame, cited the import ance of developing cultural in terest in the home. "We will not go astray." he ltated, "if our Catholic young O~ly
boy.s and girls are better dis CHICAG,O (NC)-Eighty per ciplined to resist the encroach cent of the men admitted to the ment of the radio and television Illinois State Pennitentiary who 'and moving pictures." claim to be Catholic have never "It is possible," he continued, "that in a more wholesome home attended a parochial school. environment, boys and girls may Ninety-eight per cent of the· develop respect for scholarship, convicts who describe them that. they may early in their selves as Catholics have never lives form habits of reading and attended high school, or were of serious study; that they may .educated . in non-Catholic insti- ' tutions. , become interested in some branch of science or in one of the These facts were revealed :by fine arts. There are in this and ,Warden Joseph E. Ragen of the in other countries modest homes State Penitentiary, iri an address . in . which these cultural inter to'the Little Flower Council,'a,n ests are being developed." organization of laymen which . "Out of such homes," ~ Father helps boys who wish to become ' Cavanaugh concluded, "we can 'Carmelite priests. reasonably expect the kind of , Warden Ragen also stated that young men and women who may less than five per cent' of the convicts who' claim Cath'oli~iSm one day become leaders; who as ·their religion had made their' as teachers, as writers, as church, business or political leaders Easte~ duty or attended church ma'y have something to do in ,the two years prior to their conviction. about lighting the fire of schol arship in others." Warden Ragen added ,that most convicts come from homes in' which the father has failed to, enforce proper discipline. BRIDGEPORT (NC) - Ten books "to make the grinding and unrelenting work of religious cooks a little easier" are being issued here by Holy Cross Broth At OUR LADY OF • er Herman Zaccarelli. THE ASSUMPTION Brother Herman manages the cafeteria of the Notre Dame of CHURCH Bridgeport High School. Last SO. Sixth and Cherry Sts. year his first volume of the New Bedford
series came off the presses. It Daily Evening Mass
is entitled "Menu Planning for (Except Sunday)
Religious Communities- Soups, Sauces and Salads." 5:15 P.M. Without the benefit of any Daily Stations of the Cross sales gimmicks, the first print 12: 10 ing was almost sold out. When Confessions before all Masses
the Holy Cross Congregation released a newsstory about Fathers of the Sacred Hearts
Brother Herman's project, the young food expert received re quests for the book from hun.. dreds of U. S. religious foundations. A 26-year-old native of New Castle, Pa., Brother Herman worked in a hotel before joining BOYS WANTED for' the the Holy Cross Congregation in Priesthood and Brotherhood. 1949. He says his cookbook pro lock of funds NO impedi ject aims at providing more· ment. nutritious and tasty meals for thousands of men and women Write to: in religiolls life. P. O. Box 5742
"A healthy constitution is essential to these men and wo Baltimore 8, Md.
men," he said. "
Convicts Catholics
In Nq,me
Thurs.• March20.1958
Tri"-itarian Fathers
Cana Conference Is' Scheduled At Prevost
ATTEND IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY: Shown at the Legion of Mary's fifth Acies at Notre Dame Church, Fall River, 'last Sunday are, left to right,' James Lenaghan', Clothede Nason, Joseph Reill~ Rev, Edward A. Oliveira and Arthur Macedo.
Father Hogan, Father McCarthy ~inal YOlilth Foru,l11 Speakers Final conferences in the Len ten ~Youth ForuJ11,' on Marriage will be held, Sl\nday night· at 7:30. ' Rev. ,John F. Hogan, Catholic Welfare Director, iil New Bed ford, will speak at the Kennedy ~oinmunity Center iJ:l that city on "The Girl! Guy of My Dreams." The me'eting will be presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris. I Mr. Morris is chairitlan of· the Spiritual Com mittee of the Center., Last'Sunday ni.'ght Dr. Arth~~j F. Buckley, a prominent Ne~( Bedford physician, spoke to a, group of 850 young adults, 16 years of age and over, on "In Sickness and iii' Health." Dr. Buckley spoke; on' ,spiritual, mental and physical health, and of problems to be considered in approaching maJ:;riage.
topic "What To Look For in a Mate.", , The 'Family Life Bureau of the Diocese is cooperating with the Catholic Youth Organization , in presenting this Lenten Forum forYoilng Adults. Father McCarthy will explain the virtues, background, atti tudes. and interests to look lor in choosing a spouse, ' Last Sunday in Fall River, Rev. Anthony M. Gomes of Santo Christo Church, spoke on "What Is This Thing Called Love." Father Gomes spoke to a group of almost 500 young adults on the Christian concept of love, its difference from in fatuation, male.: and female psy chology, and the purposes of courtship and dating. Buffet These final sessions in the Youth Forum will conclude with a buffet lunch for all those at Fall River tending. Certificates of attend 'At the Catholic Community ance will be awarded to those Center in Fall R;iver, Rev. Ray .who were present at the talks. mond W. McCarthy of Sacred Heart Church,. Fall River, dio ,cesan· director of the Family Life Bureau, will spe;lk on the
The third conference in a ser ies of Calia Conferences will be held at Prevost High School for the Alumni on Wednesday, March 26, at 7:30 p.m. These conferences are being sponsored by the s,chool's alumni under the directIon of the Family Life Bureau of the Fall River dio cese, The conference will deal with the parent-young adult re lationshi~, treating the authori ty of parents, the maturity of the -adolescent and the special needs of the young adults in re lationship with themseives, ""ith parents and with society in gen eral. Rev. John P. Driscoll of 5S: Peter and Paul Church, Fall River, will conduct the con ference.
Historian To Lecture At Stonehill College Dr. Ann&belle Melville, noted historian' and author, will lec ture on "Bishop Cheverus 'and Early Catholicism in New Eng land" at Stonehill ·College to morrow. The lecture, which ~ill commemorate the Sesquicenten nial celebration of the founding of the Boston diocese, is spon sored by Stonehill's Saxon Honor Society. Dr. M~lville, head of the de partment of social studies· at Bridgewater State Teachers Col lege, was awarded an honorary degree by Stonehill College ,in 1956. She received her doctorate in histo~y at Catholic Univer sity where she studied under: the direction, of Msgr. John Tracy Ellis. She has taught at St. . Josep\)'s College, Emmitsburg, Maryland, and is the author of ~'Elizabeih Bayley Seton," a biography of the foundress of the Daughters ,of Charity, and of "John Carroll of Baltimore." The latter work won for Dr. Melville the annual award of the Americah 'Catholic Historical Society tor the outstanding work in Church History for the year. She is currently writing a biog raphy o~ Bishop Cheverus, the . Bishop Of Boston, which will be published next fall. - ..
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Balancing the Books
Two New Books Excellent
'Biographies of St. Dominic
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy I have not the temerity to call it an instance of cause and effect.' But these are the facts: (a) some time back I .complained, in this column of the hick ,of a really good pop ular biography of St. Dominic; and (b) there are n~w at band two books which meet for the historic inte~lectual work . the specifications. They are which would be done by Sl the attractively written St. Albert the Great, and especially, Dominic: Pilgrim 91f Light Sl Thomas Aquinas, both Oomin by Gerard K. Brady (Kennedy. icans: $3.95) and' St. Dominic, with Mr. Brady performs the'diffi photographs. by Leonard von cult task of giving the saint ,his Matt and text by Father Marie- proper setting and keepin'g him Humbert Vicilirt, O.P. (Regnemy. in focus against the tumultuous $7). The second is the latest in. developments during his' life the s e r i e s of ' time. The background is essen GOOD GOVERNMENT PROGRAM:' Among the most forceful speakers at Good splendid, v 0 I tial, is clearly depicted, but is Government Day, St. Mary's High School, Taunton, were, .left to right, Mary O'Dea, urnes' prepared never allowed to swarm over St. by the JY' - rvelDominic. And. the saint, though, Coreena Vargas, Patricia Goggin and. Claire Ducharme. ously skillful agleam ~ith divine light, never -Photo by Calver Mr. von Matt ceases to bea human being, with the assistunderstandable, and loveable.· ance of various Cardinal Lercaro of, Bologna A Great Pope ,in the very forefront of our writers. contributes a timely preface. WASHINGTON (NC) - Ambas St. Dominic epoch." sador~, ministers and other rep Noting that Pope Pius XII has eannot be unIn the von Matt-Vicaire book resentatives of more than 50 The Apostolic Delegate, speak derstood apart there is a felicitous combination countries attended a Solemn been hailed widely as a 'pro, ing to guests at' a reception and found scholar, a succesSful from his times. of brilliant photography and Pontifical Mass in the National. luncheon after the Mass,. recalled 'teacher, a brilliant diplomat, an (He was born simple, flowing, lucid prose: Shrine ·of the Immaculate Con that, in the long line of 262 amazing linguist, an able admin around 1170 Mr. von Matt catches in his ception marking· the 19th· anni popes who' have occupied the istrator and an untiring pastor that is the date Brady gives, lens the very essence of what versary of the coronation of His Chair of Peter, 'only 12 surpass of souls, ArcHbishop Boland said whereas Father Vicaire wavers' ever he turns it on: the ~Spanish Holiness Pope' Pius XII. Pope Pius XII in length of yean the present Pontiff's reign would between 1171 and 1173). countryside, the fabulous land of in the pontificate. . It was the largest outpouring have been noteworthy had he He was Spa'l.ish, more parLanguedoc, the places in Rome of diplomats to honor the POP(l. excelled in anyone of the' ·'.During this, period o-f e)[tra ticularly a native of Old, connected with. St. ,Dominic, the in the long years that the anni capac~ties.' ,"That he has, been ordinary human' 'vicissitudes, Castile, and reflects the spirit paintings and sculptu'res' of the ver:sary has been commelPorated acclainiedin so many depart difficult and long conflicts' ,and which prompted and sustained sain~, etc. We move through,the in this .city. . . ments," he added, "has' already radical changes in. the world, the long, inching; arduous recon- scenel! of· Sl Dominic's ,life and made him :a, great: pope· in a spiritual values were often ne.,. ¥embers of the Supreme, ·Fed.., quest of Spanish from the Moors. . appreciate it the better for faglected and even forgotten/' the er-al and .District courts, .senators long line of :.distinguished pon,., Albigensian Heresy . mili~rity with its variou~ loc~les. and representatives, high offici tiffs and places his pontificate Delegate said. "Pius XII stood .To understand his work, it. is Father Vicaire, author of huge als of the national, and local ,fiT;rn and alert, -calm and un necessary to grasp, first, the con-. scholarly' studies of the saint, ,'governments, and· persons prom SW,erving in the defense of the , dition of the Church in Euro~' knows, how to cull· the· key de!. inent in religious ana civic life 1. CJl.ristian heritage oi truth, .re at that period. There was contails'and put them together iil an of the Capital also· attended, • ligion, culture, family.' . siderable corruption and' idle unpretentious but incisive' 'nar': . His Excellency, Archbishop NEW' YORK (NC)-Catholics Human Dignity complacency, drastic reform' was rative. " , . : were urged here to take an in';' Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, terest in the unity efforts among "Individuals 'and'peopleS more requi'red,. and perhaps the g.teat":' . The Word Explained "~ '. < Apostolic Delegate to the United Protestant groups arid pray it and more turned ,toward·· him; est need of all, was for sound, States, was celebrant of the regular preaching by informed' . The best of reading. is that 'of Mass. Archbishop Thomas A; gains so much mom'entum its they desired to see arid to hear and zealous pri~sts who were free the· Holy Scriptures.-But to the Boland of Newark preached the members will come into the him; throngs of people from o{the me!1 tality and impedimenordinary person the iext pre Church. eyery part of the' world have sermon. ta of worldliness. . 'sents occasional difficulties. been privileged to have an audi This was the statement of Rightly to appreciate it and to Father John B. Sheerfn, C:S.P., encewith him almost every It is necessary, too, to know . get to its heart; the u·se of an , day. Why? Pius XII has al something qf the Albigensian expert commentary is required. editor of the monthly magazine, ways spoken of. wisdom and heresy, that pestiferous comp)ex Catholic Woi-Id, and a weekly I truth-the eternal wisdom, the of' errors which won .adherents Among commentaries on the PARIS (NC)-A special post co umnist distributed to many p~rennial truth. He knows wen all over southern France. Gospels which are popular in age stamp, first issued in 1954, Catholic newspapers by the style none can' equal the Verbum will be reissued this year by the N.C.W.C. Feature Service. how to speak to the' humble and ~n brief, .it. held that everySalutis series published in "poor, to' scientists' and . leaders; Frellch postal service honoring Father Sheeriii. said that the he :speaks to all. ' ~mg matenal, the human body, . French over 30 years ago. It has the 100th year of the Lourdes unity movement among Protes mcl~ded, was. created by. ~e been revised from time to time shrine. ants should be encouraged, and "While he ,speaks ofte'n, and deVil, t~at Chnst was not dlvme in the' interv~l. An' English Several members of the he said that he believes "the on a, var~ety of sllbjects (last or the Redeemer, that the, translation b F th Jh J French parliament had proposed Holy Spirit is working underyear he' made over 100 addres Church is wholly false, ,that stIiHee·nan S J y. a er. 0 In ted' 'd . th t df ' .., IS now comp e neath this movement." ses), one is hi~ aim, single' ill that a special stamp honoring CI e IS e mos s.acre. or~ of witp the appearance of volume his purpose-and this gives unity the Lourdes centenary be issued. death, that marnage }l; smful two of The Word Salvation One sign of. the unity efforts to his pronouncelPents. His one Their proposals were relayed to and a pregnant woman IS posses(Br e' $14) .' among non-Catholics, he said aim' is to remind all of their Socialist Postal Minister Eugene sed. by Satan, and that',a .profli- -. .u~. , . . ,
is, the World Council of Churcliduties" alld to protect and gate· life is~nti?'ely wiped out by ThIS huge b~ok of almost. al Th.omas, who is an avowed anti es, an associ'a tion of "more· than strengthen human ,digni ty, which submission to certain .formula !housand pages IS from the ong- . clerical and insists on a strict 150 Protestant, Anglican and Or'iStbe, dignity of the image. of just before death. mal by three, French· Jesuits: avoidance of anything ·thatmight ., G.od-of II!an!", " ' Father Albert Valensin, Father seem· governm·ent app'robatioh of thodox bodies. It was to preac~ the Gospel to Joseph Huby, and Father Alfred reli_gious affairii.. .
the neglected faithful, Dura'nd . It·IS concerne d WI'th th e ' " and to In compromise, Mr. Thomas
b attle the c:orroslve Alblgenslan Gospels of St'L k d St J h ' agreed to reissue the 1954
heresy, that Dominic was raised . u e an . 0 n. stamps, depi~ting the - two
up by God. Practical Method Lourdes basilicas.
He lived·but 50 years. Of noble As was said in the introducIn anticipation of a strain .on
Spanish, stock, he early elected, tion to the commentary on Sl available postal facilities .with
to prepare for the priesthood. He Matthew's Gospel, "text and the influx of pilgrims during this
was ordained in 1196, and, was commentary intertwine in the jubilee year, one of the' most
associated -'with' the cathedral same weave." A short passage of chapter "at Osma, ieading a kind the Gospel is given and imme-' modern and best equipped post
offices in France has· just been
of monastic life. diately expounded. This method MEIIN!'JII~ A trip to Denmark showed has obvious advantages.. For one, opened at Lourdes.
At All Guimond Farms Cash '-:, C-arry Outlets Enlarged and improved mail
bim the parlous state of religion thing, it eliminates the awkward facilities in~lude a number of
_ i n much of Europe. He became use of two.,books, text and com and from your. Guimond Farms Driver-Salesman automatic. mailing machines, ...
particularly concerned about mentary, permits the reader. to stamp 'distributing machines and
conditions in southern France pass easily from 'the inspired electrical sorting. equipment.
and in 1206 began trying to con~ words to their explication, and Postal authorities expect to
vert,the heretics ther~. requires the commentator to stay handle more than 3,000,000 let
,He perceived the' need of a within reasonable limIts. ters arl~about 20,000,000 pOst
new order of friars preachers, The prime excellence of the cards. tris year.
and organized one, with papal work lies in its add~ess to the Regular Creamed 'rhe telep'hone· office has also
approbation in 1217. By then unsCholarly 'reader. The writers enlarged its facilities. it is now
only lour more years remained are notable scholars; they com Chive 'FI~vored to him, but in that very short mand a formidable armory of equip-ped to handle at least 5000
local calls' and more th~n 3'000
Olive Pimento space the' new order: spr;~ad out special knowledge. But they long distance calls' each day.
in Spain, France, and Italy, and bear Squarely in mind the neces FiftY-six ·special telephone -cir
made beginnings in, England, sity of being 'direct and, uncom Try Them All .... cuits have been installed lor
Germany, Hungary, Scandanaplex in, what they say. The re j9urnalists. .
via, Poland, and Greece. sult is an explanation which Deliciously Different I St. Uominic had much in comreally ,explains in re~dily com mon with St: FranCis of Assisi prehensible terms. (about 1180 to 1226). Bo'th Nor'is this ri-Ie;ely a didactit founded orders of mendicant undertaking. The savor of the friars. Both sought reform by Gospels is in· the commentary return, to the pristine spirit of too.~ Their unique spirit is not the Gospel. It is a common error dissipated in, word-chopping. t~ regard St. Francis as gay, St.' Their beauty and force are sub::' D9minic' as grim. The joy of the ser,ved ·ar.d highIfghted by what I;ord was. in, a.tld shone 'from, is said of. them. ' bpth, but both practised the This is an.expensiveboOk, but severest penances. one for lifetime use, a boOk OS 8-5286 From the start, St. Dominic, which if once sampled is cer unlike St. Francis, 'encouraged tain to be read and're-read '944. County St.
A QUALITY MILK and ,P~IR'y ,PRODUCTS l~,arning !n his fol}owers. He sent' :' dipped irito .daily,habituaU; tn.em to' the '.principal universidrawn ,up6n' for its .lifeLgi'ving New. ',' I Fall River,'·Mass. ties.,·Thus..,he: p~epared, hi5Order., quality. >;, ,. ",. '.' ',:, y.-; ',. " ' j :" ~,~ .. ,,;;;:•. ......_ _...._ .....;..................._ ....-1
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France to Reissue 1954 Lou.rdes Stamp
Nun-Biochemist Chosen Recipient Of Dutton Leprosy Award NEW BRUNSWICK (NC) Sister Hilary Rose, of the Daugh ters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, has been chosen the reci pient of the 1958 Damien Dutton Award it was announced here. . Sister Hilary is a biochemist at the United States Leprosa 'rium, Carville, La., and has, lerved ·there since 1922. She is now in charge of the clinical laboratory. She holds a bache lor of science degree from Louis Iana State University. The selection was made at a .meeting of the board of gover nors of the Damien Dutton So ciety at its headquarters here. The society, under Catholic aus pices, provides research, relief and recreation for Hansen's di lease patients throughout the world, regardless of race, color 01' c~eed. Funds are distributed through the national office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, of which Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York is national director. Contributing Editor Sister Hilary is a member of
the International Leprosy Asso ciation and a contributing editor to the International Journal of Leprosy. She has studied the biochemical problems of Han sen's disease and has been recog nized throughout the world for her scientific findings. Sister Hilary also excels in clinical photography and won the silver medal for photographs e~hibited during the 1947 meet ing of the American Medical Association at Atlantic City, N. J., in a' competition involving more than 1,200 photographs. She is the author' or co-author of more than 35 articles pub lished in scientific journals on the clinical aspects of Hansen's disease. The award will be presented to Sister Hilary at a luncheon April 26 in the Roger Smith Hotel here. . Sister Hilary, who attended the 1948 world congress on leprosy in Cuba and the 1953 congress in Madrid, will be a delegate to the 1958 meeting in November at New Delhi, India.
Rules Girl May Stay in Convent Despite Parental Objections HILLSBORO (NC) - Circuit 3udge G len Hieber ruled here .... t Alice .Miller, 19, may re .ain a postulant at the Beaver ton, Ore., convent of the Sisters fill St. Mary of Oregon, despite the objections of her non-Cath eUc parents. 3udge Hieber held that the Portland girl entered the con '~nt freely, and is free to leave at any time. Ivan R. Miller, the girl's father, bad brought a writ of habeas corpus action against the Sisters f • St. Mary and Mother Colette, the Mother Superior of the community. He charged that Alice had entered the convent because of undue influence and coercion, and was being restrained from leaving. Mrs. Miller reportedly supports her husband's position. But Judge Hieber ruled that there was no evidence of undue influence, coercion of restraint. In his nine-page decision the Circuit Judge said the girl, a convert, joined the Catholic Church as a result of her own desire arid the teaching she had received. Alice and her sister Lois, also a convert, were edu .ted in Catholic schools. Emancipated o 3udge Hieber found Alice to be a 'stable, intelligent, mature" ,.irl. He ruled she had been emancipated from parental con trol when her father gave her a ehoice between staying home or .iving up her Catholic _faith. As a general rule, the judge Aid, the law gives parents cus tody of a child until the age of 11, ' "The law, however, provides exceptions to the rule." the opin ion added, "one of which is emancipation from legal custody under certain conditions and clrcumsta nces. Emancipation leaves the child, so far as the parent is concern~d, free to act on its own responsibility . . • .. though it had attained ma jority." Judge Hieber explained that Ilenerally the parent has the
right to control the religion of the child. Dictates of ConseienGe '''But this court knows no law under' the circumstances of this case, and the inconsistency prac ticed by these parents, which permits parents to require a child growing into mature years to give up its Faith as a pre requisite to remaining in the household, and as a result caus ing the child to leave and forage tOr itself," he stated. "The court has concluded that plaintiff's acts and conduct, as disclosed by the evidence in issuing repeated ultimatums to his daughter to renounce her Faith and leave home, or state ments of the like import, were tantamount to forcing her to go, elsewhere to live." Because Alice Miller acted on such ultim'atums, she is eman cipated from parental control, the judge held, adding: "It necessarily follows that Alice Miller may pursue her c:ourse in life consonant with her own conscience and dictates."
C'osiers to Serve Dutch New Guinea FORT WAYNE (NC) - The American Crosier Fathers have accepted their first foreign mis sion .in the jungle country of Dutch new Guinea - 1m. area that has become famous for its Stone Age culture and for a structure of society based on head-hunting. Father Benno Mischke, Amer ican Crosier Provincial, has re turned from an inspection trip of the new mission field. He said that although some tribes practice cannabalism, a. white man is never molested unless he is "grossly unreasonable" with the natives.
Thurs.;March 20, 1958
Cardinal Stritch
Lea~es April 15
SEEKONK GROUP ACTIVE:' Participants in the Communion breakfast program at St. Mary's Church in Seekonk were, left to right, John P. Cronin who delivered the principal address; Mrs. Robert Otterson, President, Catholic Women's Club; Mrs. Ralph Patunoff, President of District 4, National Council, Catholic Women's Clubs; and Miss Rita Regan. President, Catholic Nurses Guild.
Separation Defeats Protestant Purpose WASHINGTON (NC) - A Protestant educator charged here that over-emphasis on separation of Church and state "tends to defeat the deeper interests of Protestants in combatting the secularization 'of American cul ture." Dr. E: Clinton Gardner,. pro fessor of ethics at Emory Uni versity, Atlanta, Ga., also told a conference 'of the Methodist Board of Temperance that "the founding fathers did not seek to separate the Church, from religion. "Indeed," he said', "they be lieved that the vitality of our democratic go;vernment and the welfare of the, country depended to a large 'extent upon the strength and support which were made available through religi ous faith." Dr. Gardner point.ed out that "a great. deal of our discussion of the issue of church and state, is focused on the threat which Protestants see in Roman Cath olicism." "When attention is centered exclusively on the separation of church and state," he said, "the impression 'is often left that the predominant relation of the church and religion to the",~tate and the political life is one of separation; and in the long run this negative, approach tends to defeat the deeper int~rests of Protestants in combatting the secularization of American CUl ture and in achieving justice at home and peace abroad."
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CHICAGO (NC)-His Emin ence Skmuel Cardinal Stritch said here that he will leave Chicag~ on April 15 for Rome to take 'up his new post as Pro prefect of the Sacred Congrega tion for the Propagation of the Faith. The Archbishop of Chicago ,the first U. S. born prelate to be named to the Roman Curia, said he expects to arrive in Naples on April 25, from where he will go to Rome by automo bile. Cardinal Stritch said at a press eonference that any provisions in regard to the Chicago arch diocese are up to His Holiness Pope Pius XII. He said that "in the Church there are decisions which only the. Holy Father can make," and added "I would be indeed rash and imprudent if I were to hazard a guess' on such decissions. We must leave them Ul the Holy Father."
Nuns Give Protestant: Southland View of Catholic Church in Action I
CHARLOTTE (NC)-8he was to'feed or care for the children a stranger, and they 'took her while 'the mother was in the in. They needed help. And she hospital. The family was too provided it. poor ili get help. Then the Little Sistenf of the Assumption took They are a needy North Caro lina family. She is Sister John .over. , There were no questions by Michael of the Little Sisters of the Assumption. And, briefly, the Sisters about race or reU~ this is a story of how Protestant gion. The only impor,ant ques ' Dixieland is getting another Uon--need--was answered. view of the Catholic Church in :Sisten Takes Over action. Sister John Michael went to The Little Sisters of the As the hdme, took over the mother'. sumption established their first duties. She got there early convent in the Southland about enough in the morning to help a month ago. It was b.1essed and get three children off to school. de:dicated by Bishop Vincent S. .Then she cared for the two Waters of Raleigh, who had in younger children at home, made vited the nuns to work in -this beds, ,cleaned the house, pre pared: the meals. And she left dioceSe. Already the five Sisters, under only Iwhen the older children Mother M. Christine and guided were home and after supper wu by Msgr. Michael J. Begley, over. ' Springfield, Mass., native and ThE!n Sister Mary Albina, a director of the North' Carolina regist~red nurse, took on for a Catholic ·Bureau of Chariites, few ~ays the additional nursing are caring for the poor who are duties of caring for the still ill mothh'Oand the new baby. ill and need help. When, finally, established wel . The Sisters were hardly un packed in their convent when fare $ocieties were able to com they received the first call for plete i the paper work necessary help. to providing financial help and There was a family. The when mother was well enough father suddenly had walked out. to resume her household chores, There were five children. The the Sisters said a goodby-and mother was soon to go to the God-J>less-you-and returned to hospital for the birth of a sixth the :convent to await another to let help, There was no one call ~or help.
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'Paulist Centenary,
- .,
This fs the year of the Paulist Fathers cente~ary~ One hundred years ago, Father Isaac Thomas H~cker founded the Missi0.rary Society of St. Paul the Apostle as a distinctive American congregation. -' The Paulists have become experts in the work of mak ing converts and in the apostolate to students at non Catholic colleges. Their magazines-The Cathoiic World, and -Information-are excellent publications. From the -very beginning _the Paulists have striven fo make Catholicism at home in America. -They know that -the old myth still lingers on in the minds of many non Catholics that, somehow, the Catholic Church is' an alien organization. This piece of fiction was fed by the fact that many of the immigrants coming to this country during the last century were proud possessors of the -Catholi~ Faith. And so the Paulists -were founded in Ameri~a as an American 'congregation with a program of Catholic action that was modern and characteristically American. The whole truth of Jesus Christ would be insisted upon and taught. Loyalty to the Holy See and to the cathQlicity of the Church could not be _discard~d or compromised. But there would be a presentation of the Catholic Faith with an understanding of American psychology. There would be the insistence that there is no conflict between being a Catholic and being an American. The Faith would be pre sented as indeed it is-independent of any national ties or foreign political allegiances. The very catholicity of the Church-reaching out to aU men of ,all classes of every race and national background--'guarantees that it does have a place in America. This is the approach of the Paulists. Their kindness in dealing with non-Catholics-avoid Hollywood in Focus ing the bit~F--p'6femic that all too often wins the argument and loses the person-"-has won them respect and souls. Their positive ,presentation of ,the Faith makes)t easier' l for prejudices to be overcome that the grace of God may find better cooperation. Their approach as Americans By William H. Mooring makes their message looked on, with less suspicion. And "The Nun's Story" has moved from the Belgian Congo. thus they use their Americanism to help the cause of Christ and to help write a glorious page of American action After five weeks of tough filming director Fred Zinnemann, with his cast, Audrey Hepburn, Peter Finch, Dame Edith into the book of Catholicism. j Evans, Dame Peggy Ashcroft and a full working crew have gone to Rome where other ' , the more difficult situations. sequences, were to, begin Director Zinnemann is con The First Sunday in Passion. Time tells us that the shooting. After, that th~, vinced that cautious writing and holiest season of the year is at hand, the season, according whole Warner unit will go direction, plus an expert and to the Breviary~ so' holy "that all other seasons Qf the year to Brussels, B~lgiuin, where highly sensitive cast, will make final scenes will be made.
of "The Nun's Story" a memo prepare us for keeping this one <!uly and 'worthily. These When' War rable film in which the works of present days call for special fidelity seeing that they ,bring ners decided to
mercy performed by the sister 11SS0 near to the sublime mystery of the divine mercy, ti 1 m Kathryn
hood generally, overshadow the the blessed Passion of Jesus Christ." Hulme's contro spiritual misfortunes -of Sister Luke, who perhaps should ,never Passiontide marks the third stage of the p~eparation versial novel
, abo u t Sister have become a 'nun in.,the first' for Easter. Pre-L,ent was, an, introduction, and these -four L u k e , who
l ' pace. All Shook Up weeks of Lent' have been a time of conversion and spiritual w h i 1 e taking I
Throwing out an appeal by 23 'renewal. Now. the Church relives the Passion' ,and 'Death her vows whis-'
so-called "black-listed" movie and Resurrection of her Spouse, Christ. pered to God:
actors, writers and directors who The theme of Christ's Passion, accorded great p:r-omi," HI cannot promise You till death were suing the movie industry nence 'd,uring the past weeks, now predominates. The •.. but 1 shar try;" there was no and members of a Congressional lack oi advance criticism. . -Naturally this was based on' Committee for $50,000,000 dam responsories of th.e ~ass . undersc~re this ~y g~ving the the United States Suprenie 8en~iments of Chr~st I~ HIS ,suffermg rather than, of the the book., I have not yet read' ages, Court has left the cinematic hard penItent congregatIon. the screenplay by Robert Ander core of' communism "all shook The, Church focuses our attention on/Christ, and re 'sOn, but I am told on' good au: ,up." , minds HS that the ,L,enten, preoccupation with self is not thority that' the 'film will be very , The friends of Moscow "in different. '. " , , ~?r t~e sake of self, cannot- end there; it iS,rather, a using 'Sister Luke 'failed as' a nurt, ' :view ,of the present political cli mate" anticipated a favorable' of prayer and penance and almsgiving to recreate oneself,' after rebelling against peniten rulillg. Only Justice William O. under the inspiration of God's grace and through the tialpractices Which; whether or Douglas dissented froni the Su Eucharist especially, iIi the image of Christ. The purpose not typical of any phase ,of con preme Court ruling, tha~ a lower of Lent is, in the words of. St. Paul's letter-to the ,people vent,life, could well invite ridi ,California court decision "rests' of Ephesus, to "attain to the unity of the faith and the cule or' contempt among the on adequate state ground." • uninformed; even perhaps some , This 'means the, movie studios deep knowledge of the, Son' of God, to perfect manhood, revulsion on the part of young , were in the right legally, when women contemplating the reli to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ." they decided, as a regular prac It is at that Christ in His suffering and death and gious life: ' tice, no longer to employ people who, by refusing to say whether Legion Head Director rising that the Chureh now 'directs our gaze in a more I now learn that Warners have they are, or have been, mem pointed way. It is with divine wisdom that the 'Church kno~s we can gain more from iooking at Him than from "leaned backwards" to avoid this bers, of the Communist Party, effect. to Theseveral looking at ourselves. God w, i,lls that we be conforme'd'to the shown final, experienced script was may have'so shaken public con fidence as to make themselves a image of His Son. The very veilIng of the crucifix at 'this priests in this country. All are' bad box-office risk. The basic complaint of these time compels us to think on thafSon, to look not with un said tq have approved the people is that because they exer':' seeing eyes at the figure of wood or stone, but with the changes, My good friend Father Leo cised a constitutional 'right to f I t th . eyes 0 our sousa e vIrtues and holiness of'ChristLunders, b.p., of Brus~els, sec plead the Fifth Amendment, which must be' reproduced within ourselv'es. Only then are retary-general of the Center of they were thrown out of work. we living a resurrected life which is, after all, the true: Catholic Action in the Cinema This is' only partly true. It was life of the Christian. ,', -, ' ( a n d in effect the head of the what,this plea might be designed And that is the'aim of Lent as it is of every day of Belgian Legion of Decency) is to conceal that Hollywood had our lives-to live the life or Christ, the resurrected life' of acting as technical director. He to act upon. Ch . ' watches every scene; gives his Some Still Working rlst. Raoul Plus, the French Jesuit, put it well 'when opinion on every change, -Father "Black':listed" or not, some of he said: "The whole purpose of Christianity is to be Christ." Lunders was with the company these people have been working in the Congo and is now working in films. Screen writers Michael on the sets'in Rome. Wilson and Paul Jarrico (alJlOllg • I understand' that without the 23) joined in the production radically transforming the char of "Salt of the Earth," an anti 'acter of Sister Luke, played by American, pro-comm unjst' prop Audrey Hepburn" the disciplin aganda film financed by a com ary severity expressed in the munist-dominated trade -union. original is so shared between Last year Wilson 'sued Allied Mother 'Mathilde (Dame Peggy Artists, for $250,000 alleging he OFFICIAi. NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE, OF FAll RIVER Ashcroft) and Mother Emman had been denied screen credit' as Published Weeklyby'the Catholic Press ot the Diocese ot Fall River 'uel '(Dame Edith -Evans) as 'to 'writer of "Friendly Persuasion." ,shade off some of the 'harsher several,others' on the "black Jist" \' , ' ' -41,0 Highland Aven'ue " ' '. effects, of Miss Hulme's noveL, have been :working in', movie. F~II River, Mass. OSborne 5-715.1 This unfortunately reads as if under fictitious names. , " ,PUBLISHER - , it were biographical, ,although, Actors cannot as easily dis Most, ~ev. James~. _Co~noliy" D.O., Ph.D. '" the authoress' has never offered guise'themselves but even-Some GENERAL MANAGER' ASST. GENERAL MANAGER' , it as stich. -of these hilve appeared on TV Re~. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A., ' Rev. John,P. DrIScoll The charaete; of Dr." JIortu and the'stage. Some early mem " MANAGING EDITOR nati, as played by :peter Finch, berS-of the qriginal commie, reD - Attorney Hugh J. GOlpe~ also'- is expected to ease some,of in Hollywood - Edward Dmy
Storyl Final ,Scrip,t Meets' Priests Approval
-THE ANCHOR Thurs.,March 20;,1958'
Weekly Calendar
Of Feast Days,
TODAY-St. Archippus, Con
fessor. He lived in the first cen
tury and tradition, based on the
words of St. Paul, lists him as
the first Bishop of Colossae. si.
Paul referred to him as "my
fellow soldier" and mentioned
him in his epistle to the Colos
sians, (Chap. IV, Verse,I7).
TOMORROW:"- St. Benedict,
Abbot. He was born· of noble
parents in Norcia, central Italy,
and as- a boy, was sent to Rome to
attend public schools. Shocked
by the licentiousness of the stu
dents, he fled to the mountains
of Subiaco, where he subse:
quently established 12 monas
teries for the many disciples
who came to him. In 529 he left
Subiaco and founded the great
Abbey at Monte Cassion. He is
known as the Patriarch of west
ern monks. He died in' 543 be
fore the altar immediately after
he had received Holy Commun
SATURDAY-St. Isidore the
Farmer, Confessor. He was born
in, Madrid of poor parents and
spent all his life working in the
fields. He was the husband of
St. Mary de la Cabeza. It was
said of him: "In life his hand
was _ever on the, plough; his
heart ever blessed with the'
thought of God." He died in 1170
and was canonized by Pope
Gregory XV. In 1947 a decree of
.the, Sacred Congregation of Rites
proclaimed him the patron of
farmers in the United States. He
also is venerated as the patron of
his native Madrid.
SUNDAY - First Sunday of
the Passion. Generally this date
is the feast of SS. Victorian,
Frumentius and Companions,
Martyrs. 'St. Victorian was pro
consul in Africa. St. Frumentius
and their companions were
wealthy merchants. They went
to their death in 484 at Adru':'
mentum by order of King Hun
neric for refusing to subscribe to
the Arian heresy.
MONDAy--2St. Gabriel, Arch
angel. ' He is one of the three
Archangels-Michael and Raph
ael are the others-in whose
honor the Church has set apart
feast days. St. Gabriel an
nounced to the' Blessed Virgin
that she was to be the Mother
of God. He also' was sent to St.
Zachary to' herald the birth Of
St.John the Baptist.
:' TuESDAY"':':Feast of the An nunciafion, which commemorates the tidings brought by St. Gab"*' riel the Archangel to the Blessed Virgin, concerning the Incarna tion of the Son of God. • :'"WEDNESDAY - St.' Castulus, , Martyr: He was a palace officer ' under Emperor Diocletian; About 288, he was discovered sheltering fellow Christians, was 'tortured an.d was buried alive. tryk, EiiaKazan, Robert Rossen and Richard' Collins to name only a few-having admitted the facts, have since enjoyed greater , opportunities than ever to make fame and fortune in Hollywood, while several "co-operative wit nesses" who admitted C,P. mem bership and "identified'; other. before the Un-American Activ , ities Committe, have remained ,unerpployed. The so-called
"black-list" has worked both
Song of Bernadette Many readers have suggested
a revival of the film, "The Song
of 'Bernadette" during the cen
timnial. 20th Century-Fox ien.
me that any theater manager
wishing to book the fiim may do
so. It is available.
'Some enterprising local thea
ters' already have booked it, al
though the major chains are
doubtful whether the centennial
is of sufficient, ~ general publie
interest to warrant a blanket re
releaSe. If you want the film, ask
your, local theater owners, te
book it. Do so through Catb
,olic organizations wherever p0s
sible and back the request with
f!olid promise of communtty sup-
JlQrt '
Do not seek it for your pari_
halL You cannot get it.
;mE ~~CHP~-
. ,', Thurs.,March20, 1958
Asserts Negroes A.reReceptive . To Catholicism
Former Pitcher Builds Churches' In, Tanganyika 'SHINYANGA, East Africa.....l' Ole "Fireball" is going after' a d'ifferent kind ot mound 'here~' ttia't of the jnfamous white ant.! A:1'I<1 . he's still getting the' saine' respect 'as he got from· sluggers. twenty years ago. ,; In the thirties, George' "Fire- . baW'. Carlonas of Scranton, Pa., was .the strikeout king of the, Eastern League. Then came the. war and U1ree years of serviCe during which time an arm injury forced him to drop out of the. baseball picture. Later he was. discovered at Maryknoll, as. Brother Leonard, M.M. Today, ·"Fireball" is on the march again spreading terror in enemy camps. But this time he's not on the mound facing slug gers, or fighting the battles of the Pacific: he is fighting the white ants of Tanganyika. Brother Leonard is now in Africa devoting his time, talents and energy to building missions, chapels, and churches. Right now he is constructing the new mission of Christ the King at Malili, south of the famed Serengcti Plains, and at the same time he is putting up the beautiful new church of Our Lady of Good Help at Nassa, overlooking Lake Victoria. And at both places the white ants are about ready to admit they've met a formidable opponent. The white ants here have a reputation as the quickest and mQst thorough devastators in Africa. Put up a chapel or school with wooden beams and thatch roof and the ants will come along and make a meal of it; leveling the building in minutes. . That's why Brother Leonard is building his missions and sChools with solld cement block, concrete floors, and with metal doors and window frames. The ole "Fireball" is on the warpath again and the white ants, quick to recognize a "pro" when they see ,one, are l'(Ioving back into the bush league.
, ..
PASSION PLAY AT FALMOUTH: The Catholic Theatre Guild of New Bedford is presenting ":(lilate and the Cross," a passion play, at Lawrence High'School, Falmouth, on .Sunday. The play is being presente9 under the auspices of the St. Patrick's Guild of Falmout4.· . .. i·
Rome Gives . Governing .PrinC:~ples On ·. Use .of. TV by·Religio~s·
NEW ORLEANS (NC) VATICAN CITY (NC) -,-.The lowed in contemplative com Solemn Requiem Mass for Do Sacred' Congregation of. the Af- munities whether for men;Or minican Father Albert· Louis fairs <If Reiigious has informed women. The radio can only be Hfnnebusch, 46, spiritual direc religious' superiors of its attitude tolerated· so that the Religious tor of the Union of Holy Name toward· the' use of radio.and tele- . may hear the p'ope and receive Societies in the, New Orleans vision in communities under his blessing or !lome exceptional archdiocese, was offered in St. their care. religious ceremony. Anthony of Padua church here, The congregation's letter read 2. No personal radio or tele'where he was assistant pastor. in part: vision sets are ever to be allowed Three of his brothers who are Taking into consideration the in non-contemplative communi Dominican. priests were officers good and' the' evil, the use and ties. The sets which are used in of the Mass. He is survived also the dangers engendered by tele- common must be in a common by three sisters who are Domin visio~, this sacred congregation room and their use must be con ican nuns. does not consider an indiscrimtrolled by the' superior or by Stricken with a heart attack inate ban of television riecessary someone acting for him. BEIRUT (NC)-The Beirut while driving his automobiie, regarding all religious institutes, 3. Superiors must forbid the Faculty: of Law, a port of tl1e Father Hennebusch died the fol just as it does"not approve un- reception of prograins which, Jesuit-/?perated University of St. lowing day in a local hospital. limited or absolute admission or because of their moral or Joseph here, has been granted His priest-brothers who offici . official'recognition by presiden tolerance of it. worldly nature,. are not comated at the Mass are Dominican tial decree. The first instance could re- patible with religious life. suIt ·,in certain religious instiThe letter further noted with 'Fathers William, of Washington; - - - I tutes, engaged in social and the exception of news 'bulletins Paul of St. Mary's Dominican College here, and John F., of religious 'activities, becoming too or of broadcasts of an instruc estranged from social life in the. tive or religious nature, all other Providence. His sisters who are world, . whereas the second features must, or at least can, be nuns are, :Sisters Regina Ann,
would undoubtedly lead tl1e Re- considered unacceptable for the . Leocadia and' Mary 'Paul all. of ligious back' into tbat. world reasons stipulated above and. the St. Mary of tl1e Springs Do which he has forsaken and he must theref.ore, be forbidden if. minican· mother house in Colum bus, .. Ohio. His father John F. wouldgradu!llly absorb a· suggeste~ exclusively for the Anthracite & Bituminous Hennebusqh of Pittsburgh, two worldly !!pii:it incompatible witl1 purpose of entertainment. other brothers and another sis that of a Religious. In. conclusion the letter stipu The letter contains tl1e follow- lated that in the case of certain ter also surVive. I ' ing principles which superiors Religic)Us . there' can ,be reason
Automatic Coal Stoken
are ·in ·conscience bound to re- able ·excep.tions 'to these prin
. Bag Coal - Wood
spect and have respected: ciples !f, in the opinion of the
1. No television must be alsuperiorS, the: exceptions are
. .: jllstlfied.for reasons of the apos
Wi.,s Recognition
Are Ath·e,i$ts~.ln, ,F.9xholes 'And' Franciscan' Broth'er Was One' ~., .'
• /"'"
' .•. ' ' , .'
_ , .. :.
SAN ,JUAN,BAUTISTA .(NC) tration, ,He ,beca1pe chief ,of.1be, -.Franciscan·J3rother Giles Col-. agencyil\ Ar.izona office,·. estab-~ li!1s commented: "Don't tell me. lished ~7btanahes and d,fsposec(: there are no atheists in the fox_.'· of';$135 ,m illic:m wOrlh,'of Vl!aJ;'·. hol~ during wartime. With nazi surplus materials. In 1948, he, SS-shens breaking all around me w~t into the produce broker:' dur.i~g World War iI, i didn"t: age Ibu~i,ness in Charleston, ,S.,.C. 9~~icve ,iq God." . , .'. ,f'I.n.J9~9, I was succes~.fulput., J.f,e .was T,heodore Eugene, Colunhappy," Brotl)er Giles related.:
liris, an. alumnus of ~an. Jose "I,began gqing to Mass.frequ~r.t~,. State College, when he 'went to' ly and praying. for light. I began MElx'ico in 1939 to take a com- reacl\ng .everything I coulcf get' merCial job. A Mexican friend . my hands on about the Catholic with whom he was vacationing Faith.'" . . induced him to visit the Shrine , Conversion of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the Brother Giles related he took outskirts of Mexico City. instruction for six weeks at the "I entered the shrine just to Blessed 'Sacrament Rectory and be agreeable, "the Brother reon' Passion .Sunday, 1951, was cl!lled "Felt self-conscious dobaptized.'
ing it, too. We happened to be Soon afterward he came back'
the only visitors at the moment, to California .and visited his oth.erwise I'd never have knelt mother, sister and half-sister, down, But I looked at her image who' are' non-Catholics. above the altar-the one she im- . . iTharilisgiving at' Shrine pr;inted in beautiful .colors on . "I "h~d an idea God wanted the. inside of the cloak of Juan . me. I to' '.do , something else. Just' Diego, the Indian to whom she what; i 'dian't know,'" Brothet ~ppe~red in 1531, ~nd I found Giles cohtinued. "But' in my' ~~~plf praying to her for help.
Why, I don't know. Once I gOl heart I 'had been convinced 'that
outside, I was an unbeliever. .' t owed' 'my. conversion to 'Our Lady of Guadalupe, so I 'finally ,' Atheist in .War decided to go back to her shrine
Brother Giles at· that time in Mexic.o and thank her. I could wanted to· be a writer. He had have driven there, but'I decided some success turning out stories to go' on ·foot." for· the "pulp" magazines and Brother 'Giles said he started sold about 50 of them, mostly o'ut on 'July 31, 1955; hitch-hiked; westerns. Still an unbeliever, he got a few rides and traveled on a eJlli~ted in the Army in 1941 and few 'busSes when his feet became saw p.lenty of combat in Europe. sOie, 'but Iidid plenty of v,;alkiilg:" .'~Once, very tired, 1 feU asleep He' r~ached 'the shrine ~arly ·.in .~ a~ orchard, althougb the nazi~ October.' He .said that' at' :·the ~~~ only half a mile away, sh'ri~e tie just"thanked our Lady Brpthe,r Giles .l!3id,."I wo~~ .uP oIligaiiiand ·a·gain."He didn't ask ",ith ~6-shells.brea.king all a.,. for .anythirg, he' said; bUt ''had r.~lUn,d ; me anq kicking, up ~rt. coID'ple'te 'faith' she -Would'know Instinctively, r: suppose, I started wha'f'was'be:St for 'ine imd wouid' pr~fing. But suddenly I stopped; direct my life.'" realizing I didn't believe in God; Brother Giles has' 'the. tQjlt for me there was no one to Franciscans 'for two years and pray to." . , will be professed next year. :And . Th~ war was over in 1945, be it all 'began ilvhen an unbeliever retill:,'ned to the States and went ~ntered . the Mexican·' shrine' . in with the War Asset£ Ad.w..i.iLi.8- 1lWL; , I
Brothe..s Officiate At Priest's Requiem
NEW YORK (NC)-"Colored people in the United States ex hibit an admirable receptiveness to Catholicism," 'asserted Father Joaqhim i Bakey, O,F.M., of $t. Francis of Assisi Monastery, New' Yor;Ic . ,'. AddreSsing the weekly forum of.the Catholic Interracial Coun c,il . here! on ~ISegr~gation, Sin and. A Negro Saint," Father Joachim tbased' his statement on his 'exPEViences among Negroes both in the South and the North. PoiI,lting out that one of every 35 Negroes in the United States is Catholic, Father Joachim noted that th;ere are 350,000 un churcheQ, Negroes in New York City alone. He urged a program of prayer and good example among all the a neccessary adjunct to the w9rk of priests and trained lay apostles laboring among Negroes; "Racial discrimination and hatred is a sinful sundering of the Mystical Body of Christ," he said. "Christ lived and taught and di~d for the unity of the human race. Race hate and in justice violate Our Lord's basic Commandment of love of neigh bor, which He gave to us not as an ideal but as the way of life for all men."
tOlate, , '..
,<.'.. }.:
.. '
.. ,
", .t,Pving Se'rvice' LONDON (NC)--'-The aspect of·, Lowdes. whiqh; pilgrims ·find most.· striking, ! is .: the "Christian', kindliness andj'loving service of i. mall to~ bis'; afflicted. brethren;". w.I'9te -Archbishop William.Godfrey of WestU1inster in his Len-. ten ,.pastoral. , 1 j
DA·DSON 'OI"L 'BUR~ERS Special Arrangements For
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i" -.
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In time for the great
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i Y 00 will enjo7 'JO
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ship. -which will)eave
!\4INIMUM ONE WAY RATES TOURIST CLASS ., ,": • " .. ' . .. ".. ",,'Dormitories ·}$225.. 00· ' , ! :.", ." .$f~teroom·s ; ~·, ..::;:.255.00 • FIRST. CLASS 355.00
i,Ju~e2'1. 1958. Arrival'
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I .' , . '. Jub' 3, 1958.
At Our House ,.~ '.
" .,
, ' , ... :~. ,'I
Food' Adeq'~ate', to" Mpiht~i~'
Str~ngtb Criterion for Lent,
By Mary Tinley Daly
Just as Perry's show goes, "We get letters"~perhaps
Dot "lots and lots of letters"-butwe do get some.
The correspondents are usually women who, like our
selves, are keeping house, caring for their f~milies, and
who have problems and sit- . swers helped us and hope' they
uations .similar to those at will help our correspondents:
our house. Priest Answers .
During Lent, particularly Mrs. A.K.: The rille is that a
this Lent, there have been ques- meal is a "unit". If a group
; tions about fasting, some ques- agrees to, ,for instance, "Eat the ¥ tions ·that we main dish at our' house and go have wondered right on to yours for dessert," about also. that's a unit meal, even in two We a 1 way s 'places. But .for several hours to COMMUNION BREAK'FAST OF NORTH EASTON WOMEN'S GUILD: 1yIiss Mar find it interestintervene and then an. out-of- taret Brophy, scribe; Mrs. Warren. Hopgood, vice-presdi~nt; Rev. John A. Rossley, assist-. ing. to ' l e a r ' n t h i s - w o r l d dessert:"'-'thati. ,nOt a ant pafitor; Mrs. Francis A. Sweet, president, and Rev. Ri~hard ,H. S~ll~va~, C.S.C., speaker. 'what our felunit. '. '.",... . , lOw hoinemak- ' . Mrs. E.R.: Your 1<1n, 81! a stu -THE ANCHOR . ..& are think,de!)t, is eligii>le for dispensation ' .Thurs.,March 20,1958' tog and since from' ,the 'strict· fast; but he, . . the r e' i I no _,should request it himself 'from "C .. tho I ic ' . hi~ 'confessor: Or the president GATES. MILLS (NC) Jf and vitalize the intellect.' We HeorT~/k' II om e,m akers' 'of theschooHiari'obtaiJi the. dis:" some folks. don't change' therr, are--a lazy people' and we; just Union" wit h _pensation for all the . 'students, . reading habits-"you read with don't, exert oursel\res," locals ad infini~ Once . the dispenSiliion is ob"; , , More . than 130 attended the tum, perhaps this column 'can tained, he need' nOh-and sh~iJld Falmouth Circle No. 321, Daugh your mind, not with' your nose" , Souls of Youth -America and, its allies stand 8bop-talk a bit. not -'-'enduteu~due pangs of ters of Isabella meeting Wednes-' ''PIe publisher took his topic to lose "The Battle of Minds", Tne Lenten fast sounds easy hunger during such a strenuoul day night in the new KnightS from a statement made more versatile Frank J. 'Sheed' de as read' from the pulpit on the study-work r·egime. ., of Columbus building on Brick clared,here. than 50 years ago by the late Sunday before' Ash Wednesday' Miss T.F.V.: Food is intended Kiln Road. George Bernard Shaw. He The Catholic publisher who and printed in our diocesan to nourish bones, teeth, flesh- Guests attending included the has quite a few books to his quoted Shaw with, saying that papers. In, essence, it is simple, even nails. Go ahead and drink Rev. Joseph L. Powers of St. "the battle of the minds of the particularly, with the new rules:. your gelatin, but make it a part, Joseph Church, Taunton; Rev. own credit, held an audience future will be fought for the spellbound for nearly an hour at One full meal, two meatl 7ss of your main meal. Vita.mins I!re William' O'Reilly of St. Patrick conquest of the souls of youth." lIIJlall meals which, combined, ~o n.ot food and may be tak~n at Church, Falmouth; and members GilmoUl:e Academy, con<;lucted Observations m~de by Mr. by the Holy Cross Brothers here not equa.! one full meal, and no any time. " of St. Patrick's Guild, St, Jo Sheed were: nibbling. So much for the technicalities~ seph's Guild, and St. Anthony's in Ohio. Poetry is the highest :Corm of , However, there are the inevit~ As Father S. put it: ,"We eat to· 'Woman's Club. Guest speaker of Reds Winning speech and writing. It's. far able "buts"~reflected in the let- nourish our bodies. That is nec the evening. was Father Powers, 'His topic was "The Battle of superior to the best of prose ter•. Each writer says, ,in vary- essary and good. During Lent, whose topic was the Confratern- Minds," which he said' at pres ing ways, "This seems too silly we accept sacrifice of the pleas tty of Christian Doctrine. :, ent is being won by the "other because the poet can put more ~ consult a priest about, but I ure of taste so that plain, nour Following his .talk he liho~ed side, ,meaning the communists beauty into a few lines than the just wonder - Perhaps you ishing food in adequate amounts eolored slides, of different parts and those who do not believe in prose writer can in several pages. know?". to keep up· strength should be of the Mass ritual, including the God." ,; ,Men today do not think with . We didn't know, for what' we the criterion. Any excess in Passion Week and Easter cere- . "A ,lot of people are thought .on't know about, carion law quantity or 'quality .·against mony. . ' to be intellectual," he said, ."be- their intellect, but with their would fill, indeed does fill all the sp~rit ..of Lent. . " Daughters of .Isabella Glee ,'cause' it . is ,said of them that emotions. . Twentieth century the books there are on canon, - . "If . Lent is for oUr :.spirttiJal · Club,under the direction of Mrs. ,.they.:always have their,nose in man claims he is devihilized and .' law; ,, . good' and as' ~ prepara'tion _ Edward L. Studley ·entertained,. book. Well, you just don't basically unhappy.. He is bOred La~ of CharitT . Easter-why.-cheat?" ,. · with some, of .their original ar-read ,8 book with you.r .nose. You with his own company, can't . rangements,. " ,m~st ,.\lse your· intellect Jo get . tolerate himself, alone,. sO ))e Only. ~ne letter could we. anC" . .S· .. "_-, .' the most out of a book. .And seeks ~ut someone else to bore. . .er' without ecclesiastical c~nonte$~' The real purpose. of reading .. nowadays there is lesS readirig . .ultation-iind' the ; writer of it . ,being done than since the inven~ .is to know.·God and to, kno)lV . answered herSelf"in the second 'The Catholic 'Women's Club'Of 'CO'IrS~ tion of .printing. . truth. ~ut this ~tomicage ,w NOTRE DAME (NC)-Busi poStscript: .' : ...:. Attleboro, :whose membetship i8 . "What is needed today if 'The not conducive to an intellectual , iless administration courses spe "My 'mother-in-Iaw who lives drawn' 'from 'five parishes,' S.t. . 'Battle of Minds' is to be won/' maturity. People ar'e too busy' with Us believes ihatshe can' , cifically d~signed for Religious have her cronies in for an eve,. John the Evangelist, Holy' Ghost, will . be offered. at Notre ,he, continued, "is the' kind of going places to take time out to . reading which will muscularize read and think. aing of bridge and serve aimost St. St~phen's,' St. Mary"s imd St, Dame Uf\iversity's summer ses-' Theresa"s, 'is sponsoring an essay a dinner at 11 o'clock at nigh~. contest iii April for all Catholic mon from June .20 to August 5.
Prof; JamesW. Ciilliton, dean
Should we say anything to her students between 12 and 16 years about this?" of the university's college of "P.S. Mother Brown makes of age. The topic is "Why There , commerce; said priests, brothers Che best pizza in' the world and Should Be Catholic Reading in and Sisters engaged in high when we smell it upstairs we .ihe limit.Home," with • 300-word . school and college teaching or
can 'hardly sleep. hospital management may find
"P.P.S. Mother Brown is 62 The writer of the winning es the program "especially attract say will receive a $25 Savings "ears of age and her 'girl friends'. Bond. ' ive" because of the emphasis are contemporaries, so I know ' .placed upon ,the knowledge and they don't; have to fast. Just The· Catholic' Women's Club: skills needei 'i such work. ll had to write this to keep. me also offers.a $100 scholarship to'
. . from blowing my top. I feel bet- .- some worthy, student wishing to; .
ter now.'~ attend any Catholic high. school OX
We wonder if Mother Brown or Catholic college. 'Mrs: Mary Ricker is asSisted on' Home m,ode ftalizes that' the 'law of charity the Educational' cominittee'by , CANDIES,
has age limit and it might be Miss' Kathryn Stokes,,' Mrs.
kinder to serve ~mething less Y~or;iie'Hainel~ and' Ml's.·Mar- . . . CHOCOLATES
ai:omatic:thanpizZa?,aret··Otb~rilon.! ",,'" '." ,., 150'Va~ieties , Bow A,boat Vi*&~iDS. ' ' . ' . -. ~:, , ' ! , ' ' , " . . ; ROUTf;, ~ N~~r, ,'_'I'f••. • ,'. " ~ttetlr-om Mrs~ A,K.: .. uI'i>e-, '. ·'Col.lndrM~ts fairhaven Auto Theatr.' . .," ~ng to a dessert ,bridge ,club." .The'NationaICouncil..ofCath-. . FAIRHAVE""~\MASS. " We play ~ncea.week and~UJ:irig olic 'Womell~i>lstrict' ,,~;;=;:===:;:~=::~::~ . . . SERVICE' FOR EVERY NEED' Lent we ,believe' that 'if we don't· South :Attl~bOro- held .its di"strict r . . .' , 'eat dessert' for' dinner we ought· meeti~g :Mo~day' 'night :' iii . St. ' .. '. 'Dellei.ou''so '. • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • REGULAR'CHECKING ACCOUNTS to be all~~ed:to h~v~ 'refres~':' ,Theresa's parish hali.· ' '.. "T'reat,' JIlents'· ,""":' :a,really out..O!,.thiS';'· ','.""; , '" '~"'. ;:.:," i.. ':' ,,'.' ";
' . 'SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS • BUSINESS LOANS' , , . world' dessert. .:...:.. and coffee. -v.
.',' • PERSONAL LOANS ' What's wrong -with that? ws • ..~~e 'rga~lze
• ~UTOMaBILE LOANS dessert, isn't in" ." CARAtA~ , '(N,C )"<' Labor' • APPLIANCE LOANS Mrs. E.R.: "Theysay we can' leaders iii 'Veneztielahave as'
• HOME REPAIR LOANS have anything liquid. My.son is theirfir~t'objective' to;;convince .
. • COMPLETE TRUST DEPARTMENT SERVICES a junior in college and past 2i : 'workers Of the' need 'to ·unionize,
• SAFE DE",OSIT BO':(ES ;years'of age. He is' working his now that unionism's ~ight-year
. way through school, stays up late period of forced inactivity dur
to study and . 'nearly dies' of ing the regime of ex-President.
DRIVE-IN WINDOW SERVICE hunger without his egg sand- Marcos Perez Jimenez has'
wich and glass of ·milk. Could· ended. Servillg The C011l11l1lllity Sillce 1825 he have an egg beaten up with milk? It's liqUid." Miss T.F.V.: "For threE: months rve been drinking gelatin to make my fingernails grow. This sounds silly, ,Mrs. Daly, but I'd· '.. LAUN'D~Y like to keep it up for my nails ej break so easily. Must I give' up 591 SUM~ER ,S5 NORTH MAIN ST. this high-protein during Lent? Look for this sign for modern bank,ing servic~ ":N~w Bedford ,WY ~ 1346 Also, how about vitamins?" , Frankly, these letters left us 'All Bundles Insured While puzzled. So, bundling them up~'· Ask For Them Today Oar Posse~ioD., .... we consulted a priest. His an-
; Isohella$ By Father Powers
By AttlebOro, .Club·
.~ ~·~~Z~
~ays Americ:a,'an~ Allies Losing
Battle of
Mind~. to.
: Notre .Dameto·Offer ·
for. Religious
STOf!t.. and bank the convenient way right in one lobby , f}t'The, Fall River National Bank,
Doroth.y C.
, ·,A
d \0 . to
XTational* ~. BAN K. , '
:Made ,Rite Chips
Your Pa,rish· G,-ild ·ShQ"lcJ Help YQur Pasto.r 'Secu're, S..bscriptions· :',
., Todays Fashions
THE ANCHORThurs.,M.arch 20,1958
Tinted Nylon Hosiery Now Moves into Fashion, Fore
roller, or a turban as splendid as a New Yorker's dream of Heaven!. Eye Appealln&' ' Setting a new fashion pace are "'Stroller ~uHs" • . . suiti,ng ip spired by' if 'Patis ' boulevard!' Their new jackets are just .lightly shor;tE?r" \h~n long, the skfrts are slender wands! The look betokens" a' stimulating: Spring chic ~ . that is particularly' flatterin'g . arid eye-.appealing" Their fabrics run the fashion-, gamut . . . from, tweedy-look • i1ks to light-weight wool tweeds' to ,butter-soft, flannels to' crisp gabardines. You'll choose yours in a tweedy mlture of jwit about any color of the rainbow . . or In a solid color from a Spring garden of colors and shadings. (Prices, by the way, are abso lutely thrifty!) Skirts Are UP Naturally I'm not suggesting that lots of money doesn't make' a pleasant shopping companion! What I do say, have been saying tor years, is: a woman can look beautifully, suitably dressed for practically anything per annum! It's the woman (or girl) who does who's a "fashion success!" This Spring, she will choose lIOtne fonn of chemiserie in suit,
(consequently!) good taste! She will invoke the flattery of color . , perhaps the most bravura color she's ever worn .. for bal ance and becomingness .. and at least, two. strands of chemise beads, thirty in'ches or so long! Right now is the ideal time to select her ,Spring wardrob~ . " while collections are their fresh est and best! A 'new Spring fashion touch .• a bit of gold at your toes! That's "Mademoiselle's" striking , new way of pointing yoU', and fashion i'n tbe right direction! ,Arrow narrow "stilleto" pumps on high, high heels ,in' soft, supple black, navy blue or, benedictine calf leather are your fashion ticket! Sweeping Country The fabric story is an ever changing, ever-fascinating "re view of the' times!" Many pe,ople won't admit it" but time and tastes 'change! Today, only very elderly grandmothers and mu seum curators appreciate or even remember the fascinating old fabric designs! . Not too long ago "Old Fashioned" fabric de- • signs became "Provincial!" Many of these wonderful old-fashioned fabric designs have:been -"dusted off", '.,. re-scaled . . ,have been added to new, beautifully wash';' able, .always bright colors and set on screen-printed poplin and' polished cotton! These "Pro vincial" design fabrics are charming, ~ye-appealing, newly wonderful. You'll admire them, extravagantly in ready-made frocks, suits, separates and' dress/coat ensembles, from now on; just abottt "ad infinitum!" Fashion flash fr~m California . , "Muu-Muu" the loose-lined long dress ',' is sweeping the C<>untry. It had its 'inception iri The South 'Sea Islands. It's j'tisi about the latest thing for home lounging, house-Cleaning, for coffee-drinking .. for TV watch ing, for whenever you want comfort plus "miles of style!" The Muu-Muu Dress slips over your head in a wink .. has big patch pockets and adjustable' pouf sleeves. A leading favorite is made of white drip-dry sail cloth with red/gold/black/lime or turquoise/green/royal blue/ mint dots.
FUNERAL HOME Ply~outh Av~, , 'Fall River ,. ," ,. .... OS"3~2212 .", '.
Schoql Wor.1e
Goon GOVERNMENT nAy: Fifghlights' in 'the 'life of President Theodore 'Roosevelt, were' portrayed in a play at the Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, as part' of Good Government Day.· Participants included, left to right, Patricia A. Golden; Sheila Cronan, Gale Martin 'and Mary Elizabeth Trainor. " .-
Author Jim Bishop Says Mother Deserves 'Credit Given to Him SAN FRANCISCO (NCh-Jim Bishop can bat out a daily col umn in 30 minutes, or spend a year in research to describe one day in the life of Christ. . Currently he's making an ex tended pitch for the San Fran: cisco Giants. And you can bet a broken bat' ~at somebody, who couldn't have cared less a week ago.' will ; I>e oU,t there roOtin' for the ,team because "Jim Bishop said they're worth a look."" "" 'Onl,. 01l~ Rule' That's Mr. Bishop, columnist for the Hearst newspapers, on the first sports :assign.inent of his career. The little' Jersey Irishman has been responsible for some of the-best news copy ever piIlled out of a typewriter, plus seven best-s~ller books.' "if anybody c(eserves credit, it's my mother," he said. "She was. a to~gh on~ ",ith us kids. M~~e us polish 1 the furnitwoe every Saturday tpQrningbefore she'd let us out. And if she found one spot missed, we, did the whole job over again. . "'Always do ,your best the, first time,'" she'd say. "Whether writing a column or a' book, that's one. rule I've followed." Mr. Bishop's dad,a Jersey, City policeman, had a word of advice too; th~t, ,Tim keeps-in' mind when u ' -t a story: "There's a)wC\. '"".n
D. ,D. Sullt, ~_. & SonS, ~irect~~• .
L~';ust .- s'tL F~1t ..River OS 2-3381 ~
I • 1.·~
. Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E, SUll~van
Funeral Home 571 Second St. Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072
·OpenFri. Until 9 - FREE ,PARKING in o~r Spaces on Troy St.
choose his wardrobe
Irs Our
,25't~ B'IRTHDAY . 'I.';"",
.But You Get The Gifts';
Michael C. Austin
OS 2·2391
Fear and Trembling Back in news harness since '55, Mr. Bishop brought a "name" with him when he re turned. It was built during 15 years as an author and free Vice Mayor of Rome lancer for magazines, the last two spent as New York execu-, ROME (NC) -Paolo Dalla tive, editor for ,the Catholic Torre, 48-year-old son of Count Digest. Giuseppe: Dalla .Torre, editor of Only one, of ,these books did the Vatican City daily, L'Osser Mr. Bishop, a confident writer, vatore 'Romano,' ,has been ap admit. he ,approached with "fear pointed Vice Mayor of, Rome. and trembling." He is father of 'six, children•. ,,"I really doubted that I was qualified to' write about the life salem an'd retraced the Way· of of Christ. And I would never the CrosS. An old French priest have tackled the job if it hadn't there, perhaps the finest living been for two persons: My dad, scholar on the subject, checked him out "on the events leading who reminded me 'there's al ways an, angle,' and Father to Calva l-y, as Jim pieced them Ralph Gorman, C.P., editor of together. Now printed in seven langu Sign magazine. "Father Gorman convinced me ages, the latest being Japanese, it should be done, steered me the book worried Mr. Bishop thtough the necessary r~sel!rch; about its possibly '~too Catholic" and doitblecheck'ed all my ~opy. appeal. ,"I felt complimented," lowe' an awful lot to his help," 'he said,,' "when the publisher told me the Catholic edition has he said. For exact data, and personal accounted for only 11 per cent "feel," Mr. Bishop went to Jeru- of the sales."
550 Locust SL Fall River. Mass.
LOUISVILLE (NC) - Male freshmen watched television an average of 25.75 hours a week, and female f.eshmen watched it an avetage of 15.75 hours a week, ac¢ording to a survey made at, four ,Catholic high schools hE1re. The sur;vey was conducted by The R~cotd, weekly newspaper of the Louisville archdiocese. Interviewed were students of two boys'· schools and two girls' . schools. 'The prjneipal of one of the boys' schools felt the survey warranted the following conclu sions: The"lower the intelligence rating,the, higher th~ pum~er of viewing' J'lOurs p~rweek;, st~':, dents with the highest IWmoer of v~ewing hours, regardless of intelligen¢e rating, also have the lowest av~rage marks. ' , The principal said he was dis turbed a1i)(:>Ut, parents' lack. of , supervision. "They're handing us a responsibility-the school was not ihtended to take, and ilJ not equipped to take," he stated. The acbninistrator of one of the girls' ~chools, where the tele vision v~ewing average ~as lowest, said she did not thmk television! interfered with studT habits. "The classwork is being done and: as a whole we have a good freshman class," she stated.
Funeral Home
TV Affects
'By Ellen Kelley Invoke the beauty, the practicality Sacony's ArneI and Nylon jersey dress-a lovely, easy-care shirt-dress that won't wrinkle, washes like lingerie without shrinking or losing its shape, dries smooth and ready to put on iIi jig time. Yes indeed, Sacony coat ~r frock, or-in all three! takes you out of "the iron Her skirts will go up a bit, not age" .. because this wonder too far, I hasten to add .. if she fabric requires no ironing! would dress with modesty, and Incidentally, you'll find this charming dress in a Spring rain bow of color .. it's one of the handsomest travel fashions going, with easy fullness re leased from an elasticized waist • . is particularly flattering in "Blaze White!" Have .you seen the exquisite new batiste gowns and pajamas? They are, actually, made' of Ii " 10ft blend of dacronicofton/ nylon . . they wash and, dry quickly, ,require no ironing •. and are as crisp as the first Sp~ing bree~e! B'oth gowns and, pajamas are ,delicately accen~ed with color, frothed with ribbonS and lace. WondroW! Results Fashion-tinted nylon stockings are very much to the fashion fore •. are very flattering, and are nothing short of-exquisite! My favorites are designed by "Roman f'ltripe" . . . and are available in all the colors of the spectrum! This Spring, tinted nylons will match or contrast with your costumes. Yesterday I attended the Spring Fashion Show-Luncheon at The Shera ton-Biltmore, in Providence. In eluded in the presentation was a Soft pink dress, topped by a matching-tone Breton hat' and. matching-color nylon stockings. The effect was breath-takingly, lovely!, ,Why not investigate the. fashion possibilities of,this won derful new tinted hosiery-you and your friends will be dazzled by the wondrous results! Lots to Offer New directions '.. high, wide and handsome-are the hats for
'58! It's pra~ti~ally sinful to' go
bare-headec;l in a year when hats
, have so much to offer! Inciden tally, 'there's: nothing" vague or
shrinking violet about tlfe DElW Spring hats . . . because hats make the costume look this Springtime of 1958! They're high, wide and handsome, I re peat! 'With the fascinating new chemiserie, with your frock simplified to a slendor shift,'new attention focuses on your hat, face, legs and shoes .. the beau tiful beginnings and ends of the fashion picture that is - you! You will, for instance" wear a . cloche that's deep and high as a beehive . . a Breton as big liS a .ambrero, a 'pert, brow-baring
$500·00 in GIFT
549 C0l!NTY ST.
j •• ~
, ,
I " Costs
nothing extra
.nd Surrounding COlllmunltles
A Campaign for The Anc"or Is ,An Ideal Woman's Guild: Project,:·Assu~~s;.~Art'~,san$'"~, Of:lnterest 'in'Small' C:r~fts"": , ,jATICAN' CITY (NC) .:- The'
Catholic Psychiatri.$.ts, Discuss 'Miracle$and Place,of Spiritual out that,there, ~ave also b~en 'Author'·to.Speak': WASHINGTON (NC) ~ A iog for a sign and too readily introduced new demands and "healthy skepticism" with regard \ accept the extraordinary as ,_ At Mansfield new marketS which seem to in to alleged miraculous events "is direct maI\ifestation of the -THE ANCHOR ' Thurs.;March 20,,195~
ill (, independent craftsmanship an<l:ti-ades because they tend ~ sure the stability of small shops. very desirable," a psychiatrist' Dr. David Goldstein of Boston, pre~~rve the proper relationship , H e declared that ,during the declared here at the ninth an author of 10 books of 'a' religious betWeen the worker's private second half of this century the 'and patriotic nature,whose' , nual'meetiilg of the Guild of ancf his professional life, and be- Church has centered her atten 'weekly column has appeared in Catholic Psychiatrists. ea1./:se they involve the direct tion on big industry mainly be 'ri~. John R.C~vanaugh of the Boston Pilot during the past expression of personal skill and cause that is where the greater 12 years, Will address the , Washington told the guild meet 'artistry; His Holiness Pope Pius social' problems lay" but he Knights of Columbus, Mansfield ing at the Catholic Unive;sity of Xli said here. 'added, "There still 'existed un- Council No. 420 at their semi-, America, that "all alleged mirac Addressing 1,800 delegates to derstanding and a good and ulous events should have a' thor the Italian National Artisans" natural agreement-just as in a ough scientific investigation." Congress, the Pope urged the family-between the'Church and He spoke on "The Danger of eraftsmen to, help' restore a, the world of the craftsman.'~ Credulousness." , . Christian influence to workshops The Pope gave two, reasons . Dr: Cavanaugh m~de a dls-, by placing a crucifix on the wall, why "the Church is now giving tI~ct~on be~~een. mlr~~les a?d and beginning each day with a particular attention to crafts ~.~Ith cures. A mIracle, h.e saId, prayer. He also asked workers manship and why she wishes to IS ~n event or effect In the in small, shops to gunrd against, see its condition ma1ntained and physlc~l world beyond ~r out of abuses' of speech, especially for perfected." the ord.mary course of,thmgs, de 1M protection of young workers. , Spiritual Crysis viati;IJg fr?m laws of nature,.or ; " New Markets 'It does' so first orall,,'he said, . i transcendmgour. knowle~g't ,of ~n1,1merating ,cer,tain'~ha'l1ges, ,%ecaul>e of ,a regrettabl~ spiri-,
the~e ·law~. A faIth cure, 15. ~ne 1hat have taken place in It~ly's 'tual crisis :which shows hi ',the '
Wh~ch r~sults by, sug.gestIon, ~onomie life' since World War "e'\rer'iilcreasing riit'~tweenthe"
whIch arIses ~rom a. b{lhef a~d ~, and which h~ve, ,led some, professional and' persona1' life
co~plete ~()nfldence m ~ certam People to pr~dict the end ofar-, of ,the =individual; In niany eir
agenCY or; ,person to ~ffec~ a Usans', shops, the, Pope' pointed, cles, one's profession is consi,.
cl,lre., A fa~th, cure 40es, not ?e dered as SQmething alien· to the pend O? d~~ect superna~ural In ,person who :is not vitally inter';' DR. DAVID, GO'LDSTEIN Falmouth, K. of C.' tervention., "'.;. _ ested :iIi' it' Work 'is done be.;., 'annual Commu~ion breakfast to He stated that In thIS era es Plans B.aUApril 12 cause one must' make a Jiving, be h.Edd next Sunday at the Rose pecially Catholics should be on Falmouth Council 813 Knights but not because any pleasure or, Garden in Mansfield. guard' against alleged' miracles of Columbus will hold an Easter ' attraction is found in it." 'Dr. GoldsteIn is' widely known becaiJse "many people 'are lqok He, explained that, the princi- as a "convert from Marx to Ball Saturday, April 12, at the council hall on Brick Kiln Road. 'pal reason for' this attitude, is Christ". Formerly active in 'Heroic Priest Dean 'General chairmen 'are Manuel that, "the specific operation Socialist circles, he was the first which a worker performs is often Socialist candidate for Mayor of Of French Assembly - S. White and Leonard B. Zer husen,' Committeemen are: ',8S only,: a ,smallpartof,the: ,whole :B6ston before his conversion 'to P.(\RIS, (N¢)-F~t~ef Felix product, ',which he often' d~s Catholicism. follows: K:ir, 82, has become" dean, or '!He'bec'ame the'pioneer "cath "Pub~icity ''''''; 'Bento Correia, not see, is not responsible,for; oldest ~ember, of the French chairman, Raymond J. Griffin; and often does not even know olii: lay apostle to the man' in National Assembly here follow L ' ' ' ' ' :.. 'i'",''' • the street" during, the year 1917, .ing the death (Feb. 12) of French Leonard ,E. Martin; John Po about."< ,But the position oflthe crafts- wh.en he inaugurated lay Catb' poyle; . Ellsworth F. NightEm Communist party' leader Mar gale." ' 'man is: different, he pointed out; oile' outdoor speaking on Boston c~l Cachin, the 'fo,rnier dean. " " : ,.. Jot) W~11 Done :', Common, in association 'with the , "Orchestra-Robert Betts, Jo Father Kir, mayor of Dijon, seph'P. Grace,' Jr.> Edward 'Stud "Under' normal' Circumstiulces, late Mrs: Martha'Moore Avery, helped organize that, city's re ley,' William 'B. Armstrong. . ihe Pope "e:Xplairied;, the,ictafts.;., co-author of his first three books; sistance movement during, the "Tickets-Lawrence Peters, Ed man 'is properly skilled to work "He represented the. Knights Nazi ,occupatillJ1, of Fr-ancein inorid' P.Dolim; Edwin Medeiros, oh:'~nd'corrlpletethe wliolfproll:'; of 'Columbus on, the speaking World War II. He soon became lttissell Robbins" Edward.. Mello; tict. He . knows' it 'throughout _ platlorm in defense of God and kn'own as a most influential re,· 'Charles Corey, Joseph L. Corey. , and takesapridefitl pleasure' iii Country throughout the United sistance in Franc~ and dS a job well done.' " States and Canada against the . such wasleader Jr., Anthony Cardoza, Paul Rod marked for death by erick, Richard Carey. Family Aspect Socialist assault, years Qefore -a, group collaborating with the the world heard of Lenin, Trot, Refreshments - Manuel S. The 'other reason why' the sky, Stalin and, their totalit~i Gestapo. 'White,' Edward Hazelton, Wil Church wishes to have-crafts.. anism that has afflicted civiliza liam Deponte, Frank Lima, An manship retain its personal . . thony Souza, George Dutra, characteristics, the Pontiff, said, tion Joseph Hin,' Alfred Soares, An is that "sl;1e considers it advis.., thony F. Souza, Manuel Lopes, able that small and, medium S'unday TV !\nthony Lima. " , WASHINGTON (NC) -;- "A sized 'establishments 'should pre ,, Hall -.:.. Leonard B. Zerhusen, serve a' family aspect,'; and, for' , Picture of Love" WIll be present- ' 1t0bert 'A. ,Fr~nkli~" Mamlel this reasori, 'the 'head' of the firm ed by the National, Council of Mello, Kenneth J. Turcott,' .10- shoulO. Work: alon'gsl<le 'his '~th Catholic Men on ltsLookUp and , kph B. Chiodo, Gerard R. "Tase- ' ployes to guide .andencotirage ' 'Live television program' 'on ~no" 'Morg~n,,:, Cbilds, .Robert and 'teach'them;', '. ".;"';' , i . , , ' Ma'rch ,23 at 10:30 a.m., E.S.T.· Costa, Willia~ SOuza, Edgar L.:, ,"Rool11sAvailable ~~~uier.,:,. _ ; : :'::Kn~ght~ Plci~ Fourth. ',:r.OURDES (NC)~ There.. aI;e lCo'n,~i(fer"Action,. ,: Degree Assembly . .still plenty of hotel rooms, avail- .
,For Papal
Approximately,,45,;~n~ghtsof ab,le here, dU~ing. this, jUbi1..e e Cohimbus'. representing, ,area y,ear, even durmg the peak pIl , ROME (NC) '7""A parliamen- eouncilsin Dartmouth:'W~stpor~ ,grimagemonths of July and jtary ',committee of the Italilin New B~dford and Fairhaven . ~ugust, it was announced. , jChamber of Deputies is consid- Mattapoisett met rece~tly at St. :ering action against a cO-!TIrimnistJoseph's Parish hall, Fairhaven, ': !deputy for permitting bis news-" to discuss plans to form"a new jpaper to publish a cartoon in-' 4th Degree assembly to be known suiting His Holiness Pope Pius as Bishop Cassidy Assembly. XII. ' Worthy master Judge Thomas The committee is studying the Spring of Dorchester outlined
JENNEY GASOLINE : case of Deputy Luigi Longo who necessary steps to be followed
,is a member of the Chamber of 'in forming the assembly. ~With
75 min. Cdr ,Wash. l Deputies-the lower house of Judge Spring were Past District '
383 ROCKDALE AVE. / Parliament, and who is editor Deputy and present secretary to
of the weekly review, Vie, the Master, Michael Ring; Past
NEW BEDFORD Nuove. " . . " District' Deputy Frank Gildea The committee IS meetmg. to ) and present District Deputy Dis
determine if Mr. Longo's par- trict Deputy William D. Way
" liamentary immunity:' would ex- land.
,emj>t prosecution under terms District Deputy Frank Fraher
; ' of Italian law which forbid in- of W~reham opened th,e general
MAKES YOUR suIting the person of the Pontiff. meeting 'at which Grand Knight
Edward GaIligan of St. Isidoce
CAR RUN BETTER Pope Asks Help for Council was named temporary
At New Car Dealen chairman. "
Southern Italy The exemplification of the 4th and Service Stations VAT~CAN CITY (N«)- His degree is' to be held at Boston, Everywhere Holiness Pope Pius XII has called June 15. . for public and private invest Candidates are' to meet at an ment of capital in building and, open meeting next Thursday at industry to help relieve the eco St. Theresa's ,Parish 'hall, 2693 nomic troubles of southern Italy. , Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. Speaking to more than 30,000 Neapolitan industrial workers in St. Peter's Basilica, the Pontiff TRAVELE~'S declared that Naples' dual prob len'_ of housing and unemploy Service' Station ment' are a part of a' larger ' AMOCO GAS problem facing southern Italy.
Tune-ups and Brak~ Work , While' the north enjoys rela
'807 AS'lley Blvd., cor. Tarkiln tiveprosperity and is heavily Hill Rd., New Bedford industrial; the south still 'suffers 'g.i1bert J. Costa, Prop. ' from. the effects of the war and has little industry and much WY'6':9276.' Insu~t
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themselve~ to oth~rs," declar~d
Dr. G. WIlse Robmson.. Jr., dl· rector. of the Neur.ologlcal Hos· pital m Kansas CIty. "Or they must come through by their own intellect to the realization that their actions are sinful and that continuation of, these activities is jeopardizing the salvation eli: their immortal souls." Speaking at a seminar OIl "Mental Health and 'Sanctity, Dr.' Robert Odenwald of Wash ingtori, said: '''If sanctity is be coming rare today and' if voca- tions are fading, then we should perhaps look in the child guid ance institutions, also Catholic institutions, :wliich forgot the im:. portanee of awakening the spiP itual iii education, psycholog and related groups." ~Some guidance clinics, and school counseling organizations,' he stated, "have brought mater~ ialistic psychoanalysis to mental hygiene, without emphasis on the pertinence, of religion." " Among 10 essentials necessary for mental health; he listed keep. ing close to God as the most iJn,. _portant, ,"There can be, no com plete happiness if God is left. out of your life," he concluded,
More Power!' More' Perfonnancel
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pernatural." Alcoholism In a guild seminar entitled "Alcoholism in Pastoral Prac· tice," a psychiatrist from Kansu City, Mo., 'said that most, area holics "who. q,uit must h~,ve som~ fo~:n of spmtu?l help. . They must gIve somethmg of
' , \' New Bedford, MaSs.
_ _.;,..;.;...,;,
Spring Socials In View
The Parish Parade' •
' .. ,
' .
' .
The Women's Guiid 'ob-" Installation of a new organ for served' its third annual Cor:' the church, donated by the Women's Guild, will take place porate Communion day Sunday this week, it was announced by at the' 8 o'cl()ck Mass ,cel~brated President Mrs, Gerard' Jodoin .by' Rev. John A. Rossley. Mrs. during the monthly business Patrick Readdy was organist and Mrs. John Kent, soloist,' session. The Guild also voted to Following the Mass, breakfast have the kitchen linoleum re was enjoyed' jn a South Easton placed. dining room. Other activities scheduled in Foilowing the 'breakfast Mrs. clude a testimonial, dinner in honor of the Past President at 7 Francis Sweet, president, wel o'clock, Tuesday night, April 15, comed the gathering and intro duced Father Rossley, assistant in Hyannis Inn and a Post Len pastor, who in turn introduced ten whist party sponsored by the Guild, the Holy Name Society' the Very Rev. Richard P. Sulli WEST HARWICH PARISH SURVEY: CCD of Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, and the Catholic Youth Society van, C.S.C.,, who gave an interesting talk on "Love of· complete last minute preparations for the Parish Surv~y, March. 16 ~? Ma;rch 25. Shown at 8 o'clock, Monday night, Neighbor.'? ' , April 14, in the. parish hall. with Sister Mary Regina, O.L.V.M., moderator, are, In clockWIse dIrectIon, Mrs. Ralp~ 'Head tab~e guests .included' Long, Harwichport, ~hairnian of. Home Visito~s.; Miss ~arie S~one,D~nni~port, teacher; Rev. ChristopherL, Broderick, pastor, guest speaker at the Father Rossley, Father Sullivan, Edward Quinn, Denmsport, helper ; Joseph GalIzIo, Denmsport~ helper, ~ISS Betty Hal meetingi' gave an enlightening Mrs.' ' Francis' 'Sweet, president; britter, Denni~port,helper; and Mif:J8 :r.iarion Halbritter,' Denm~port,. preSIdent. discourse on the salient features Mrs. Warren'" Hopgood, vice of 'the history of the Ca~olic p'residept; Mrs:, Ir~ne Fitzgib'-' ~ttE ANCHOR-:bons, " 'secretary';', Mrs: -Ralph: Church.. " T,hurs;,March 20,1958 Dahlborg, "finanCial secretary; S'f., JQSEPH;S" MiSs "'Margaret' Brophy, .scribe;, FA...... RIVER Mrs. Arthur Heath, past presi , WAS'HINGTON - There has signifi'cant designs, bui was un-. Living pictures of the Stations dent. beel} 'raging he~e a controversy able to work out the technical
of the Cross were portrayed by Elec~ion over a proposal to change the det...ils involved in making these members of the Tri R Club of outward apP'eari\nce of the U. S. designs practical.
KHARTOUM (NC)-Two Su the parish at ,the meeting of the , Capitol bUildin~. The principal Hoban, we are told, poured oil danese Catholic priests have Women's Guild last Thursday planned alterat~on would move on troubled waters; brought con been eiected to represent con night in the parish hall. WASHINGTON (NC)-A new stituenCies in the southera The cast, comprised: ,Jes\1s, college ,will be created at this forward 40 feet the central east tending architects together, or province of Equatoria in inde David Gray; Blessed Virgin, year's National Catholic ,Ed~ca f!l,cade, the portion between the harmonized their views; sup pendent Sudan's first general Frances Gardella; Pilate, Dennis tional Ass6ciation converition, sQutp and north wings of the plied' the engineering and tech , nical know-how where it was electioI). , Sullivan; Servant of Pilate, John butdie'institution witl cease'to building. ' ::rh~ ,sometimes heated de~ate needed. ,", 'Father Saturnino Lohureh and Maher; Simon 'of Cyre~e, Rob exist 'as soon as it makes up'its had reached a high point on sf. . Paolin6 Dogale each ran with ert Partington;' Veronica, Carol admission 'policies.' , " Patrick"s Day ,this year. Thi~ Thornton's ASSOCIate ecclesiastical permission, whieb Shea' Roman Soldier, Robert . During its brief history,' liow~ served to recall that a Catholic ,-One histo;ian tells us that was gi~en only after repeated DUrf~e; Mary Magdalene, Kath ever, fictitious' "si. Raymond's demanc;ls from residents of the leen Maher; St. John, James College" will provide panel of son of Ireland, played a promi~ Hoban became "a friend as well ~ent, and peaceful, role ~,a as an associate" of Dr. William priests' native districts, both Wilcox Jr. high :school and college educa 'Women of Jerusalem, Martha tors with' a focal point for' their somewhat simil,ar controversy a Tho~nton, who designed the Christian and non-Christian. century and a half ago. ,legislative halls of the Capitol.. The' constituencies in whieb Powell, Geraldine Shea, Mary debat~ on qualifications prospec :tIe was James Hoban, an Dr: Thornton and his work are the priests were elected are sit Alice Barreiro, Joanne Oldrid tive students' need for' college archite~t trained in Dublin. and mentioned frequently in the uated 'in the districts where and joan Flynn. entrance: ' , Paris, who came here in 179.2 present-day controversy. The they were born, although both Tormentors of Jesus, Gerald The panel will act as an ad,;, and remained in the service, of same' historian went so far as to priests are assigned to parishea Keough, Charles Wills and missions committee to -'..:St. Ray the federal government until say' that "all that is of perma outsi,de of these districts. Charles Fallows. mond's" during a 'joint meeting his death 40 Years later. nent beauty in the early city is
Costumes, Mrs. John Gray; of the NCEA College and uni-" The White House was condue to Thornton and Hoban and Carroll of Carrollton, signer of Production staff, Cyril Marcille versity department, and the structed according to Hoban's to the men like Latrobe whom the Declaration of Independence. and John Gray, and stage man secondary school department., design, after hli! won a competi- 'they selected as assistants," Daniel Carroll was also one of ager, James F. Wilcox Sr. Registrars and real-life admis tion held for the production of The site which the U. S. the three commissioners charged The play was written and nar sions officers will represent the a. plan. _He is not g~nerallY C~pitol occupies was part of the with Surveying and laying out rated by Mrs. James Wilcox. college and university depart lIsted as. one of th~ archItects of land, owned by Daniel Carroll of the' City ,of Washington. , Rev. William Shovelton ment. the CapItol, b~t ':lIstory .reve~ls and was practically a gift from
opened and closed the' meeUng It is hoped discussion on the that he was assocIated WIth VJr- him to the nation. Daniel Car
w~th prayer. fictitious .. college's, requiremen,ts ,tually all of the Captiol .arch~- rQll was a brother of Archbishop
will provide a forum for educa,;, ~,~~ts ~ engaged on,the ~roJect ~ John Carroll of Baltimore, ~ t
ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, ' tors from 'both college: and· high p.~s t~me ~nd ~hat~ he rend,~red foundl'lr of Georgetown. Univer-~"
FALL RIVER ,: $chool'levels ,to, :Work over some verY valui\ble ~rvlce. sUy, and a' cousin of Charles I";"".-..J1_,_~~~1llIoI1IIfI Mrs. Thomas Tache, president problem II caused, by the differ7 Oil on Troubled Waters of the Women's Guild, was re ence'behveen 'whathfgh schools elected at a meeting held in the teach and what colleges require. Even' in those early days, pro
church hall. Other officers are posals by architects did 'Dot
Site of the 55th annual con Mrs. Alfred J. Blais, vice-presi always 'meet 'with public arid
dent; reelect~d as 'secretary, Mrs. vention of' the association of 'official ~pproval. In addition,
Maintenance Supplies Catholic teachers' andadminis Ellery' Chace;· treasurer, ,Mrs. architects con,cerned' with the SWEEPERS ..:. SOAPS trators will be Philadelphia's George Casavan~; reelected as 'Capitol project did not alWays
DISINFECTANTS chaplain, ,Mrs. Emile Pelletier; Convention Hall, and, the dates agree, and sometimes openly
are April 8 to 11. reelected as historian, Mrs. Er
disagreed, among themselves. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS nest Mercier, and publicity,
In at least one case, historical
Mrs. Mathieu Labecki. " accounts say, ~n architect work
Mrs. Labecki, who was chosen YOUNGSTOWN (NC) A ing on the Capitol could produce 1886 PURCHASE ST. as chairman of the next meeting $2,400,00 Youngstown diocesan slated for Monday, April 14, building campaign was launched NEW BEDFORD which will be followed by a in spectacular fashion as acrowd WY 3-3786 'whist party, announces her as of 10,000 watched a helicopter You've forgotten the sisting committee: Mrs. Roland place the cross atop the bell bread and that hungry Lafleur, Mrs. Laurent Sevigny tower of the new St. Columba • huSband of yours is due and Mrs. Archie Toupin. Cathedral. WATCH OUR Mrs. Remi Rinfret was chair in a matter of moments! TIME and
man of the meeting, at which But you WILL have time two new members were wel TEMPERATURE
• L1NGUICA to dash ~ your Stop comed. SIGN
& 'Shop! Th.ere is never .' CHOURICO just one check-out booth ST. KILIAN'S TOOTELL ITS FOR YOUR • MORCELAS NEW BEDFORD to service our customers. At Grocers ~ Super Markets CONVENIENCE, Monum~nt foJ' we plan our schedule Activities planned for the so ,that more booths are 'AL' ALBANESE, Prop. THE
Spring season by the Women's op~rating during husy Designing & Manufacturing
Guild include: A whist party at FI RST NATIONAL LISBON SAUSAGE CO. hours to let you speed 196 ROBESON ST.. NEW BEDFORD
7:45, Monday night; April 21 t,hrough with that vital 433 So. Second St. Just above Shawmut Ave.
BANk in the school hall; Ii rummage WY 3-7645 loaf of bread clutched sale from 10 A.M. t04 P.M., Attleboro-South Attleboro WY 8-5142, OS 3-4074 under your arm. It's an Saturday, May 3 in the school hall, ' other of Stop & Shop's ~
Committee in charge of the thoughtful c u s tom e r " rummage sale comprises: Mrs. courte,sies . , . and an Lawrence L. Albanese, Miss other reasoll goo" cooks Louise Finnell, Mrs. Harrison h~ve good words for Francis, Mrs. Sydney' Garth, : INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC .: St~fl & Shop. JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY Mrs. Orval Langelier, Mrs. Gil owner/mgr.
bert R. Medeiros, Mrs. Alphonse 142 Campbell St.
E. Spirlet, Mrs. Grace Salt and Mrs. Alfred Veer. New Bedford. Mass:
President Mrs. Maurice J. WY~an 9-6792 Couture announces that inform ation for donations and collec HEADQUARTERS FOR tion of articles for the sale may COLONIAL AND : 31'2 Hillmpn St. WY 7-9162 New' Bedford : be made by <jonta?ting any mem 'TRADITIONAL' FURNITURE' ber of the cbmmlttee. i •••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.
Controversy Over Capital, Recalls Catholic's Role as Peac;:emaker
Sudanese Priests'
College Opens', Only 'ro Close
Helicopter Helps'
Furniture Store
.:.......•........................... .
.' : :
: ':
Drop Your °Anchor .En,,~lope in i Collection Basket at Mass Sunday
The Family Clinic
States Position of C'hurch
-On Over.P~pulation Issue
-THE ANCHOR. Thurs.,March 20, 1958
Invitation to Calvary
.' God LoveYO'U
New Bedford Sister
To Take Final Vows
, By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology St. Louis University ,
Lately, I've been receiving considerable literature Mi'the problem of over-population. The last pi~e to ar rive at the office speaks of the "population bombshell" and carries frightening quotations 'from' a long list of important people. It Says the, Further she teaches th'at mar Church's' stand, is the big. riage partners may' choose to obstacle to reasonable ac refrain from marital relations tion, citing one Protestant. ~ither absolutely or peri?dic~lly
Mother",Elizabeth G. Hoye of , the Society of the Sacred Heart has sailed for Europe on th~ Italian Liner Augustus to spend six months. in Rome, where she will make her final yows. Mother Hoye, daughter of Mrs. Frederic J. Hoye arid. the late Dr, Hoye of 209 County Street,
By Most Rev. Ftilt.on J. Sheen, D.O. WANTED:
DOCTORS, NURSES, CAR PENTERS, TEACHERS, ELEC TRICIANS, ARCHITECTS, SCI ENTIFIC F ARMERS, ~RICK-. LAYERS AND ANYONE .WITH TECHNICAL SKILL. WHERE: In . Mission lands, such as Lord brought Peter into the Africa, Asia, Oceania and other Garden of Gethsemane, before underprivileged areaS of the He brought him to the <;:ross in ~ome. earth. SOCIAL BENEFITS: PURPOSE: None. You will be with people ,.To offer yourself to the Bishop of one of these areas for two who are in grave need, as Our .years to practice yout skill. for Lord had nowhere to lay His the benefit of the poor of the head; there will·be loneliness as there was in the Garden when world. ' Our Lord said:· "I am ready to SALAR~: . . ' , . . , .. ,' die with sorrow." There will. be None-oI;ll:r. room ap~ boa,r4. no. salary, no· p~nsions, no,. social QUALIFICATIONS:, ..".""" security, no, overtime, but there! Skill in any profession' ..or, will ,be '.the 'surpassing, joy . of, trade combined with an ardent reproducing the sufferings. of desire to,spend self and_be' spent. ,Christ in .your lives which ,will. fo~ the"sake of -the GospeL lead 'to glorious union with Him. WHO NEED· NO":' APPLY: . . , in .heaven, Women who would like to go' The Missions are no adven-: to the Missions because' they, ture, except in faif:h. They are canno't find husbands at. home, not for second raters; the poor and men' who think that the of the world must have the rich Missions are adventurous. . est in talent and grace. Those who cannot make a suc This is no invitation to see the cess of life in prosperous .Amer world, but an invitation to relive ica ,and therefore think they Christ on His Cross. A3 St. Paul might just as w'ell give' second . told the <;;'alatians, so each re hand talents to God. cruit must say: "With Christ' I . ... hang upon th ta Cross, and yet, WHO WILL PAY EXPEJliSES I am alive; or rather, not I; it ,TO THE MISSION LANDS is Christ Who lives in me." AND BACK? You will. The best way to HOW SOON? prepare.for your life of sac~.ifice ItmaY,take at the most a year. is to do a little begging, that you to investigate your worthiness ~aY' lear!) to trust i,n God ancl: and :t6 establish coritactwiththe His goodness. Furthermore your, Bishop with whom' y'ou wiIl ~crifice: f()f.Christ 'musfnot' work. Yout' two years in the begin' when you arriveeomfort;., Missions will be the most joyfUl' ab'ly in MisSion lands.. I.t ~gins, in vour life for: Our' Lord says' w:!~h one kind, ,of.,sac,ri.tice, in that He will give a pea~ that preparation' for another. Our the world cannot understand. .
theologian as saying Roman m o~der to control famI1ysI~e, Catholics had better rev.ise their, provided they both agreetq thiS, views.' Are we ' they are "capable, and they' have ignoring the sufficient reason, ' problem? What Finall!, .the popes have co.n: is' the Catholic stantlY,lnslsted. on a better diS.,. position? tribution of wealth.. ,arid the ne~d 'No Ed 'the for advanced nations. to assist C'h iJ"r h' isn't tho~;;,inriE(~d.. .;.' .. Ignoririg t h . e E d ; ' y'ou well know' thaf it' is problem: . Pius not !~~,function of.the Ch~rc~ to xii has dealt a<lvanc~ .ll;ny detailed plans, for .fih it time dealing' with overpopu.latiori. arid 'ag kin iI:! Catholic'; teaching defines. the' Ul'e 'Ia's t, 20 moral dimenSions or framework; years, i know' of:the problem, and it .is up' to.. ' the lite~ature popul;ation experts ·and otheJ; 70U mention. scientists to work out· solutions 'Unfortunately, the "important on the basis of these terms. c people" frequently cited have, The Church does not ignore little training in population the problem, but she insists it problems. They are frightened cannot be solved by methods MOTHER E.LIZABETH G.. HOYE by the expansion of Communism which destroy human dignity New Bedford, ~ntered the' Soci among the economically under and frustrate man's purpose in ety in 1950, She has been as developed countries and see one life. signed to convents in Albany, easy metho~. of raising ,the The Church has always io N. Y.; Greenwich, Conn. arid
8tandard of livmg: cut the birth, sisted on control but control of Grosse Pointe; Mich.
rate. Some of the current "scare" the sexual dri';e not control , She is a graduate of Wheaton
literature goes further, s~atin,g (destruction) of 'it;s reproduc College; Norton, Mass. and re
the world, and even America, ,IS, tive i c·onsequences. She teaches ceived her Master of Arts Degree'
rap~dly running out. of resources.. th'at population problems can'be' in 1953 at Manhattanville Col
What do the tramed popula-. solved if men use science for lege; At· the time of her entrance"
&ton expert~ tell us? First, t~ei production rather than' destruc~ into 'the' Society, Mother Hoye·
lAo, not speak of the populatIon tion.'··· " ., . problem, ,but of. problems." ' r b e . . .' . . " . ; was 'employed as a chemist .. br
situation and' its solution differ.. ..~,:,It.th1s~mpbes the v~rY,~lf-. the Monsantb Chemical Company
tro'. n:t,coun t ry' , to,count r.y '.." " ' control which. most modern pr~, at"=its Ever~tt plant. ' :';. ',"', gramS openly reject.. In this . not ,defl~e. ", "'t',lon,',.,,' thoe "grea t ,n I" d': ..Second, , ' , 'they do '. ' ... ',' .. ,connec Ian. I'd' . k e d "I't'" .fh~se. .". problems as . , Simple ratiOS, " ea er, . G' an dh"I remar between people and resources. . .reserve ' d .f or ' our'genera I ' " t'" " , ... . was Ion Of Owmg, to modern advances, our. to glorify' vice by caliirig' it 'CINCINNATI (NC) .:- Cath~ resources may be regarded as 'rhi" ,t, ... practically unlimited. The cruJ!: VI e. , .. lic" highe'r ,education is '''not 'as blackas"it has been painted," .f the problem is shortage of a' Catholic college president '~e capital, organization, and "know· " bow'" to exploit them in many 'Jesuit Father. PaUl L. O'Con..; cioU'ntries. ' Sister, M. Beatrice of Milan, nor, head "of Xavier University, . Third, although adequate, usable, and .reliable statistics are the former Miss Claire L. Robert, warned the K. of C. Luncheon' sadly . lacking for many'" major daughter of Mrs. Alcide F. Viens' \Clu~ here' against letting' the
regions,.it,seems clear that world' of· 8 Welcome Street.. New Bed"'''' faults, of Catholic colleges ob : . I
population is expanding rapidly: ford, was investea with th~ habit' scure their virtues. of .the Holy Cross order' at·' a These .vi~tues, he said, are:
at present. Thisgrowth is closely 1. Catholic' institutions of related to recent advances in' ceremony at St. Augustine Church, Manchester, N, H. I higher .. learning have insisted, bealth care and its greater avail LOURDES (NC)-The under-, feet of air must, be c;irculated She was graduated last June upon tIl'e. s'upremacy, of t~eology' ability. ' ground St. Pius ~ basilica, through the building ,per hour in from S1. Anthony's High School
and its hand'maiden, philosophy, . Fourth, they insist we cannot' as 'the integrating factors o{ their which' His Eminence Angelo order to .provide sufficient ven yet predici future growth treJlds. Cardinal Roncalli, Patriarch of tilation. , educational, system. ' They reject the simple projec-: Venice and Papal Legate to'the One of the mo~t amazing fc;ats 2. They have constantly in lion of presept trends into the. culcated .'morality in public a'nd Lourdes Centenary celeb~ation, of engineering in ,the construc-, future, as is commonly done in will dedicate' on March 25, is the tion of the building is probably private life: pOpular literature to create a: , 3. "They have resisted'the' in-' largest. church in' the world, next, the support of the , va\llt.SoIT1~ frightening picture. We have ·not. to St. Peter's in Rome. idea of the problem involved roads of state dominationm discovered' any universally ap-, It is 600 feet long and 240 feet may be gained when one real education. plicable "laws" of popula~ion wide at its largest point. It can izes that .the vault is made of an '4.. They" have insisted upon growth, hold 20,000 persons. Abo'lt arched concrete sl~b. weighing the importance of the individual: .Fifth, ,they emphasize the '. 5. They have supported pri.,. 2648 700 cubic 'feet of earth had more than 15,000 tons.. It is sup present lack of adequate data and ~ ~ moved 'in order to provide ported on 58 concrete an.d .steel vate enterprise, and yet' have theory. As pop~Iation expert, sp.ace for the building under- . ~ams each of which rest~ on a taught the sodal obligations Philip Hauser, of the University groun:d. Almost 5,000,000 eubie base covering 95 feet. , that each man must assilme. of Chicago, told the World Popu Father O'Connor 'ventured I8tion Conference held in Rome several predic'tions concerning, iti, 195~, "We, areparticula.rly Ute colleges of,. the' future.: '. ill-equipped to .provide policy" ":, Estimating' that Catholic col";" ,:E, m~kers and administrators, with lege enrollmimts1'would'-increase; a!t, adequate; factual basl$',··'for ",. ",.". i'.~ .. ' . . . .r:'~"l' 1"-:,.-:,1. by at least 50, per. cent in the; '." .: , .ocial engineering purposes." II : • n~xt 20 year~, he said most of .the: " . . . ',:'> )y~.lg:Ifdtthis', !s~:tl~e: y.~y~;:~i{) new colleges: would be .estab':': trl\ined:experts·; vi~W7.t~e ,sit.t!a<,- '. Iished in urban- areas and Would, ' .. ··.1 I . tion:~r.poPulationpro.blEt~s· iate :. be ·co-educational. ,. ser.i'ous'in many.·,regions,' pro:.;,< , "The day of the strictly resi':'
BANQUEtS, ' • WEDDINGS • PARTIES posed solutions, in.ust t>e tenta deniial college located in a pic
tive' . and'· varied, though most -turesque rural area is just abou,t ' . COMMUNION BREAKFAsTS imply some reduction in present over," he said. "Educational growth trends. I can't discuss . funds are needed for more vital these' solutions here, but I, did services to our. students than. SISTER .!W. BEATRICE , 1343 PLEASANT ST.~ fAll RiVER want'you to get the facts straight. providing room and board." and entered. the postulate of the What is the Church's position? He" also predicted: "In the OSborne 3-7780 l"i,t:st, to correct a common mis ,Sisters of the Holy Cross and next,20 years the college pro Seven Dolors last AugUst in understanding, the Catholic fessor will come into his own. ideal does not emphasiie mere Manchester. His salary will be such as befits Atteiiding the ceremonies be numbers or family size. Children his education and his responsi are one of the great blessings of sides her'mother were her sister, bility. And consequently, his Sister M, Capiille of Charity, profession will be looked upon marriage, but their ideal num " ber is relative to the capacities . alsQ a, Holy Cross nun aJ}d her with the same reverence with, gra.ndmot!ler, Mrs. which today's youth look ftpon of the individual couple 'who paternal KING 'Extra 19E!. must procreate and rear 'them Mary L, Robert of· Fall ,River. our statesmen and our business SIZE to maturity. ' ' together with 'otlier relatives and executives.'" \ King, .~ize , ~o~d,'the Church, is deeply friends. LOBSTERS LOBSTERS concerned about the methods' L' U M F' . used to limit population size. y NEW YORK (NC)~Adiscu,-, ·Ib Ib ~ She condemns abortion as rour.:. WASH"rNGToN (NC) - The ilion of the position occupied by . '. der, the lise of any of the varied, .. story of the Passion and Resur':' Oriental Rite Catholics in ,the
forms of contraceptives (birih rection of' Christ 'will be pre., American,way of life openM the cOntroll as sinful, and ttireetsented 'on the "Lamp Unto My 20th annual Confe'rence on East:" IYI .;) sterilization as a form of. unlaw.., Feet'" tele~iSion program on . ernRite~·andLiturgiesof Ford.." UNION WHARF 'F~IR"'AVEN, ,MASS. lui mutilation.. l~'# :.:..;".:, . ,M!u-ch 2~ at.~O ' ..,:.4" ... , b~~\:~~j~.e:.s~~~".~!i~~ ",~""" ... ii... .. .. .~ '~' .;._ - • . ~ •• ~:~ _ ';~":." '. • _: r.......a.m., .. ... E.S.Ti. ";-,._ ......_,..
Jesuit ...Cites 'Virtues 'Catholic Colleges'
Sister M. Beatrice
Ir,vested with Habit
Opens 'at 'L()urdes on Tuesday
W" 'H"I':T',
";···'s"'n·l·it·~,,''~",' .
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Oriental, Rites
£"'acLEANI.S·· ·-i.kE-A FOODS.'
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THE ANCHOR Thurs.,March 20,1958
Good Goyernment Day Observed
Spotlighting Our Schools ST. MARY'S 10GB, TAUNTON All the yearbook copy bas been sent and t~e deadlines met. The Corona will be published in May. I Collections are being made each day for the benefit of the Bishop's Relief 'Fund. The drive has been inten'sified by the si multaneous collections being made in the diocesan parishes. The Good Government Day Assembly was held OIl last Thursday in the auditorium. The student body favored the pass age of an act authorizing school districts to establish' and main tain local courses of instruction on junior college level, an act relative to compulsory automo bile insurance rates throughout the commonwealth, an act pro Yiding that the Department ol Education establish a program , to encourage participation in the engineering and sCien~es field, and providing scholarships therefor, and an act providing a penalty for failure to vote at state elections. It opposed the passage of an act abolishing capital punish ment in some cases, and an act to require biennial tests for license to operate a motor ve-, hide and to increase the age therefor to eighteen. The Sodality's apostolic work for the week was the distribu tion of the Lenten Psalm, sug gested by St. John's Abbey. Sandra Lavoi distributed these to all the students. Each week the Sodality is em phasizing a Lenten practice in the home. Thus far, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving by the family have been 'stressed.
Gene Callaghan, Mary Agnes Caron, Margaret Duggan, Mary' Louise Andrews, Elaine Daniels, Helene Frechette, Sandra Man deville, Kathleen Perry and Elaine Thomas. . Academy students broadcast a St. Patrick's Day program Sunday afternoon over WNBH. The producers were Elaine Dan iels and Sandra Mandeville. Mary Joan Fernandes was the announcer. A quartet composed of Lucille . Gautreau, Priscilla Gautreau, Muriel Montplaisir and Elaine Daniels'sang a selection of Irish 'songs. Barbara Baker recited a , humorous poem entitled "Father' Molloy;" Rosemary Horrock, gave a summary'of the oist. Patrick. Elaine Daniels clmtrib uted a 11010, "A Little Bit· ol Heaven.", ' Also participating ~ Mu, riel Monteiro, Joan'ne McKenzie, Janet Sorelle, Margarida-' Car reiro, Nancy Fauteux .and Nancy Lezon. ,..
Escapee Funds Aid 'Refugees
SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER The Debrabant Debators cap tured a double victory over Holy Family of New Bedford when both varsity and junior varsity debates took place. Nancy LaFleur and Mary Lou Simcoe represented the negative for 'the varsity and Louise Banks and Carolyn McNally for the junior varsity. Helen Gannon, Fall. River area's only Merit Finalist, rep resented S.H.A. at Good Govern ment Day at the Boston' State House. Miss Gan'non was chosen by the senior class to act as a member of the 'Houseof Repre lentatives. . , . ,"Love in Action;" 'a three-act play, will be gIven by the heshman ciass on Friday, March 28, to culminate Vocation activities. ,Colleen Price, carries the lead with' Elizabeth, Wills a~d' Mari-.
SCIENCE AWARDS: Rt.Rev. Msgr. Albert Berube, pastor of St, Anthony's, Parish, New Bedford, presents awards' to prize-winning students of St. Anthony's High School Science Fair, held for the first time March 13 and 14. Receiving awards from Monsignor 'Berube are, left to right, George Charh~s, ,3rd prize winner, Gerard Mar eotte,lst prize winner, and Roland Doucet,' 2nd prize win Der. bers were the Teddy Bear, with Helene Deslauriers playing the role of the Teddy Bear, and a Teddy Bear pance by Louis Souza. "Campaigning with Roosevelt" was introduced by Campaign Manager Catlierine Costa, and a poem, "Theodore Roosevelt," by Margret Powers. The progratn closed with a 'touching and' inspiring panto mime portraying the death of
Theodore Roosevelt, followed by "~ed, White and Blue" by the ,members of ,the senior 'Glee Club. .
JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, ST. MARY'S .CATHEDRAL FALL RIVER ' FALL RIVERl . g M h the h res arc sop omo Durm . Grammar' sehool officers for are carrying out a biology class' , , the current year' who were reactivity. The activity, moder'cenUy elected are: President, ated by Mother M. Mary Media trix, science teacher; includes a ' . ette Desmarais· . sl,lpplying the Ur:nberto Latessa; vice-president, comedy. ,The freshman musie Judith Cusick; treasurer, David fine collection of 29 zoology class is preparIng appropriate' Benevides; secretary, Catherine plates bound in book form. So Springer ,and; class announcer, far Annette Cousineau, Pauline music for this, assemhly. Michael Goul~t. Roy, Lyse Toupin, Pauline ,Beauseniors presented a Good Gov lieu and Colette Posey have ernment 'Program last Thursday been selected as top winners for in' the school 'auditorium. In Fordha'm Ahead the best copies on display. En- keeping with the centennial of NEW YORK (NC) - Jesuit tries were judged on :the basis of the birth of Th~odore Roosevelt, accuracy, originality, quality ,the theme chosen for assembly Father Dani¢l Linehan, first and neatness. was "Theodore Roosevelt and man to conduct seismic sound ings at the South Pole, has been Junior Claire Del~sle partici- Responsible Citizenship." pated in the essay contest conThe program opened with the awarded the' Insignis Medal of ducted by the National Press "Star" Spangled Banner" and the Fordham University. Association of New York. The flag salute. This was followed Girl 'Organist essay "How The Catholic Press by a pantomime and a series of Helps Me In My Studies" has for scenes depicting the energetic . KEOKU,CK;. (NC)-8t Peter's its purpose to publicize in the life of Theodore Roosevelt and parish here boasts -of a girl or community the many benefits of- his accomplishments for his' ganist who is only 11 years old. fered by the Catholic press. Be- country. sides the cash prizes of $200, $100 The part of· Theodore Roose and $50, there will be certificates velt was played, by Sheila Cro tor the schools whose students nan, who was also the author of - OFFSET
are in second and third place. an original· poem- dedicated to The cheerleaders with Claud- him. Agn«;!s' Crombie delighted LITHOGRAPHY
ette Caron as head 'cheerleader the assembly .with, her rousical represented JMA in St. Patrick's rendition of "This Is' My Coun,. .. COLOR Day Parade on Sunday, March try." Some of ~e: $Pecial"iiUrn P~,INTING 16. '. 'J,-
, Members,of the American his tqry class f;>articipated. in two panel discussionsrecentry. Mem bers of the first panel chose to discuss the careerS· of :four 'out standing Americans: Benjamin Franklin, Daniel Webster, Luther Burbank, and Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. Marcella Flemming, Jeanne Goulet, Joan Martel and Catherine Norrjs comprised the panel. Margaret Duggan was moderator. The second panel discussed the topic "Juvenile Delin quency." Jean Parent, Janet Pauline, Louise Poirier, Patricia Rebello and Alice E. Wojcicki served on the panel. Lucille Pothier was moderator. Mem bers of the class questioned both panels. Members of the Latil\ IV class completed their independent re search on different aspects of Roman life and presented their reports to the class. Some of the phases of Roman life discussed were education, theaters and plays, books and libraries, houses, slaves, marriages, chil dren, food, and funeral customs. ThoR who pve reporUi were
Must Emphasize Lay Apostolate
.Fbthers,' "
Third O.rd~rR~g~i~r;~f , St. 'Fra'neis ",
Offer to Y o~n~ Jv.ien and' Boys special' opportunities 'to study for the Priesthood. 'Lack of funds no' qbstilcle. For further 'information. write to '
P 0, BO~ 289
WY 3·5762
136 Cornell St.
New Bedford
Flanagan'Enterprises' "
194 Austin Street BEDFORD, MASS. , Tel. WY 2-7182 ., . WY 3-8622 ,
, .
'Tke Only Catholie College in the Diocese f?f Fall River
Reynolds-DeWalt Union Printers ~5
145 Washington Street, Pairhaven '
tlaxing Between Classes
! Rentals Available
Tents - Booths Rides Merchandise
James f. OINei"
GENEYA (NC) - With finan cial aid from the United States Escapee' Program, Catholic Re lief Ser,vices-National Catholic, Welfare, Conference has been' able to, assist about 83,488 es,capees from Red-dominated 'countries sin'ce the creation of USEP itt 1952. This fact was contained in a letter o~ congratulation sent to Richard R. 'Brown, Overseas Directot of USEP, by James J. Norris, .European director of CRS-NCWC. Since' the creation ~f USEP six years ago, Mr. Norris wrote, the Congress of the United States 'has been appropriating money for the escapee program. These funds have been judici ously administered, he added, in providing the kind of relief most necessary to' refugees from com- ' munism and in helping non governmental 'agencfes ,arrange overseas 'resettlement of the refugees.
Outllning the grants which
CRS-NCWC has received from USEP I since 1952, Mr. Norris said that CRS-NCWC's various' .field offices had:
-Helped to resettle 25,461
escapees who had fled from com
munism; -Helped to integrate int6 host countries 632 escapees who had previously fIe d communist- ' dominated countries; ,-Provided care and. mainte nance to 57,395 escapees who had' recently fie d Red-dominated countliies.
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)- In Germany, as in America, the Church faces problems which call for emphasis on the la'y apostolate. Visiting San Francisco as part of a tour of the United States, Father Paul Adenauer, son of West Germany's Chancellor Konrad ABenauer, summed up Fast Day
his comparison of the Church's FREIBURG, Germany (NC)-' situation in his own country and The German branch of Pall in the U. S. this way: Christi, international Catholie' 1) In Germany, ·the Church peace 'organization, has appealed must- meet the challenge of' a to all German Catholics to dedi;. I)ew phase of the industrial age; , cate • fast day' to the hungry and the key to this problem is people of the world.
the German Catholic layman,
who will show the Getman 'worker'-:"long estranged from I LET US - PLAN the Church and continually 'wooed by the communists--' how it is to live as a Christian.
2) In America, the vital
strength of the Church is the
hope of the Christian world, GREAT MONEY RAISER which looks to the Catholic as a good member of his nation's WE HAVE social and public life, to strength en democracy by recalling its I ethical basis.
the 'Fran'cisc'cin:'
: ,Just oH Route 6
• ••••••••••••••••••i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
0'- Butldmg
Fund StcmekiU College
PHONE CEdar 8-2221
.:. -~.:.. .> :~......
Indust,rial Relations' Field
Lacks Catholic' Scholars
- . , '
\ .
, "
~eorge HiggiN; Director NCWC Social Action DepL
' By Msgr.
; "
During the past two o~ three years, as the readeris well aware, there has been a great deal of discussion, not only in 'cloistered academic circles but also in the prints, as to whether or not we American Catholics are pulling our weight in the field of scholarship Catholic scholars and a dispro and higher learning. ?ortionate degr~e of Catholic 'Th ere are th ose among us mfluence. The field of industrial rela who regret and others who tions is .not the most important
'14'::';h~rs~~:~h~~~f9~:~:'~~'·':P&ulIsts ~"G:i~~'~Piilpit"Dicll'og~es Fall River Student
Wins NOMA Award
Miss Jean 'Ng, a senior at. the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, , Fall River, has been awarded 'a Spelling Proficiency Certifi-
apparently resent this continuing field of, scholarship at the pres discussion. Indeed there are ent time, but surely it is one of some who seem tremendous concern to the . to regard it al Church and one in which Cath most as an act olies, of all people, and Catholic of treason to institutions of higher learning '. the Catholic ought to be preeminent. I take cause. it there is no need to argue this T h e·r e are point with anyone who is even rna'ny others, 'superficially acquainted, with however - in the social encyclicals ,of recent eluding' t his· popes. writer - who think that this discussion has MISS JEAN NG served a very useful purpose cate by, the local chapter of and that those who initially pro CINCINNATI (NG) ' - A na NOMA-National Office Man yoked it are deserving of our tionally renowned school super agement" Association. gratitude and commendation. intendent called here: for "more Jean ·receh'ed a perfect score In the later connection, I am study and less social life" 'in on three consecutive spelling thinking specifically of me.n high schools. tests based on the most difficult like Monsignor Jo4n Tracy ElllS In . addition" Msgr. Carl J. business vocabulal'y.· As a win of the Catholic University. of. _ Ryan said, admission to colleges ner, she is entitled to participate America and Father. Gustav should be "by examination only," in a special discussion at a ban~ Weigel, S,J., of WoodstockCo~ instead of on the basis of high . quet to be held' next Wednes lege, both of whom are a Credlt school credits. . day at Stevenson's. to the American Catholic com , 'The Cincinnati archdiocesan Jean is the daughter of Mr. munity. . school head, who is. ~lso presi and Mrs. Frank Yan Ng, of 357 Usef~l as this continuing dis : dent of the National Catholic South Main Street, Fall River, eussion has been, however, it Educational' Association's.. de, Mass. could . c onceivably get out ~f • partment of sc~ool s~IM;rmteIJ hand as times goes on and .de ,.den~, ~~de hlS statements m : generate into a sterile 'and dis- • an· mtervlew. " .; ' . : 'H:' D edifying family squabble. This ~s "H~. ~xpressed the .bo~ ,~~~., Dot likely -to happen, tho,ugh,.if :.the cllffiate of pl;lbhc oplmo~ . PAXTON (NC) French ali parties concerned ·s~r~pl;l- . wOllld';,~hange scholar and author Dr. Regine lously'stick to the facts. 'Where .~f?uld ~emand better ed,~catlOn Pernoud will receive the honor the"':facts are not, available, it ,at the hIg~ school level. ary degree of doctor of humane behooves us to ferret tIiem out. .Tlme of Study . letters from Anna Maria College . .' , ." . What IS needed today, he sald, . here' on Feb.' 23. It will be the Meanwhile. there 15. at least.. is the ·"realization that high first public conferring of ari one 'field· ,of.. sc~olarshlP. - the school is basically a time of ·.honorary degree by, the college. field of in?ustn~l relatlons re study and not merely' of social She is chief archivist of the search - m WhICh we already 'life." He said social pressure Museum' of French History, a have enoug~facts ~o warrant has become so great 'in a number section' of the French National the rather dlSCO~ragmg conclu,. of high'· schools throughout the" Archiv'es.. She has been lectur- . nation that many students have ' ing at Anna Maria and Assump • ion that,Cathohcs are not ade quately represented. T~at's to .take :jobs to earn sp.ending . tion Colleges since last fall. Dr. putting it as mildly as possIble.. money. '. ~ Pernoud has published nine his Evidence in Boo~"
; & fo~ "examination only" en torical books. The'latest is "The "''',,;. ::. . ",. 1
trance Into college, Msgr. Ryan Retrial of Joan 'of Arc."', ' .rlJ;~ eyid~nce f?r thls··conc u~ said that under the presE;nt sys 1110n,,:1S aVaIlable m a new bo? tem based on high school cre "entit1~d, "A Decade of Industna~. liits, "it is possible to get into Relatlons .Research, 1~46-1956. ,college with good grades in May you walk An Appraisal of the LIterature mediocre courses," worthjly' of in the Field" (Harpe~and BFoth~ . ."Entrance examinations," he God 'and , " ers, New York). The:'fitst' in:,;a::':!t'd~'iared, c'wb{jid make li1lot"of',"plelise Him;" series of two volumes sp.ons<;,red ,high school boys and girls with .~ ,;: I . ',"'i;:Col. ;.1:1.0 by the Industrial RelatiOlJ,s Re,,,;,;"}'taleni feally work:" ::A:tlthesame, search Association, this ex- time the' examinations~'would' tremely useful. surv~y,F9vel;"~~~llt"i';Il:~P." out" of ,colleges ,a~:,lot :·of. _.i ':",:' '/' major works pubhshed durmg people who simply cannot do ' the past decade in six different college work," . areas of research in the broad and constantly expanding field of industrial relations. WASHINGTON (NC)' A Of the thr'ee or four hundred.. _Llberian;believ~d to be the fiI:st.' books, monographs, and' schol student from his country to.pur arly articles which are listed sue 'his theological studies in therein and briefly' appraised by the D. S., has arrived at Queen a panel of experts, only a tiny ,of, Apostles ,Seminary' here. , handful were written by ',Cath-, 'He is 'E'rritrianuel Wolor Topor 915" Acushnet Ave. olic scholars or under the aus of Grand Cess, Liberia, who will pices of Catholic institutions ,of , ,reside"' at the "seminary, which ,At Yield· Square higher learning. is maintained by the Society New Bedford Even allowing for a reason of African Missions. able percentage of oversights or Mr.' Topor -is scheduled' to New Bedford's Leading
omissions on the part of the ex take courses at the' nearby perts who drew up this' com Cath(llic University of America, posite list, we are still faced in addition to his regular theo with the inescapable cOl1clusion logical studies. . that Catholic scholars and Cath olic institutions of higher learn ing, far from being adequate.1y represented, are .hardly even' in the running in the field of in dustrial relations research. , PLUMBING & HEATING
"irs a whale en a drink'" Of Tremendous Concern 266 NORTH FRONT ST.
This is a sample statement of 17 DEtlCI,QU5 F~VORS NEW 'BEDFORD
/ fact. It's rather embarrassing, WYm~n 2-5400
BEST SINCE 1853 to be sure, and froin many points of view, somewhat alarming. Electric Drain & Sewer
WE DELIVER Nevertheless, there is no point Service
in ignoring it or trying to'· CALL'." plain it away ','or: ration:liize, ,it WY·9-6264 ,out of existence. ' and' 9~6265 .The only sensible 'thing to do Is to try to make up for lost time UPHOL~TERI as- rapidly as possi\f.e. In other ALL WORK words, there is Do room for com placency about our demonstra CUSTOM MADE bly inadequate representation in DAY ~ WY 2-2891 45 SCHOOL ST. a very important field of learn NIGHT - WY 4-681Z At So. FirstSt. 'ing in which, .if anytliing, we 426 Believille Avenue might have expected to find a NEW .BEJ;>FQ~D , :. '",,t. {lite."', B~4~Qrd ,,"", disproportionate .• number 'of
Asks Less.' Social 'Life in School
At St. Lawrence Church
St. Lawrence Church, New Catholic Information Center in Bedford, announces ·the opening Boston, the Rev. James E. Dixon, C.S.P., and the Rev. ,Richard D. ., ofa series of ,'!pulpit dialogues" . beginning oil. Sunday evening Payne, C.S.P.; will conduct the March: 23. An invitation is discussio.~s, qne, wil~ advance the current objections and po.pu exte'nded to all, regardless of lar difficulties while the other denomination, who are inter will defend the Catholic teach ested in religious truth. ing on the subject treated. A The pulpit dialogue presenta tion affords a new approach to - lively and instructive develop the religious question.: Two of ment is assured. The subjects the Paulist Fathers from the covered will be the basic teach ings of the Catholic Church, especially in their relation to present day. affairs. The instru'ctio'ns will take Rev. Owen McGrath, S.S.C., place each evening from. Sunday rector of St. Columban Seminary, to' Friday indusive at 7:30·P. M. An invitation to attend is Milton, will be guest speaker extended to' all. Catholics are at the Communion breakfast of '·Thomas McDonough Council 330, urged to attend for their own , KnightS' of..Columbus of North enlightenment and' to invite , Attleboro,' to be held Palm their non-Catholic friends and -Sunday, Match 30, at the Rome 'relatives to accompany them to , Restaurant ·following. the 7 these interesting instructions. o'clock Mass in St. Mary's . Church. DistrictiJeputy John Tucker - ASUNCION,' Paraguay (NC) , will be guest of the council. -Police broke up a public dem James P. McNamara, Catholic onstration here during -which a Activities chairm'an, announces priest was expressing criticism that members are to assemble in of military leaders of Paraguay K of C hall be! ')re Mass and for an extravagant and luxuri march in a body t.o the church. ous way of life.
St. ColumbanPriest To Address. Kn'ights'
Paraguay Incident
"WE CAN PAY $5000
Author to Receive' onorary egree
Liberian Student
Plumbing - Heating
Hiram Wheaton
and Sons, Inc.
"I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU FED ME •••" How often hjlve you
beard these words? They are often quoted because they are a perfee&
'l1ummary of our relationship with Christ. We =:-.....~-.--,
are one with Him ..• and when we help each
other we are in fact helping Him! He calis to you IS~,
today In hunger and poverty from the refugee. ~'<;;~rrJ:}
campS of the Near East. Will you heed His cry ~
and send Him food? Your sacrifice of $10 will ' send a food p'ackage ~ feed an entire family,
'or a week. / Your sacrifices of Lent can,
the strength of life to an unfortunate family.
DO IT NOW! Father King will send you in gratitude an olive seed l'OSaIT, blessed in the Holy Land. ...... . ,. .. ' .. "" " '
·~:tup OF COLD WATER ..." the Lord tells us will bring Ita reward if It Is given In::.Jlis name. T"e sm~nest tl.ti~g: wc:-do, for; Him ,,,. ,~;, shall be rewarded-what do you think will be the reward of those, who' .bJing' a ,priest to the altar or a nun to the poor-and this In the name of the Lord? You can h~ve a nun or a priest In iour family If you· adopt boy or a' girl now who wishes to follow Christ In this special vo cation.-T]lOmas and George are anxious to be gin their seminary training in India, BUT, each must walt until a benefactor supplies $600 for the six year course. In' addition to priests the missions have an ever
Increasing need for Sisters to. teach, care for, the sick, for the poor
.: •. Sislers Jeanne and Celine wish to devote "
themselves to Christ In the poor of Lebanon,
BUT,' again each must be patient until a bene
factor Is willing to give $300 for the two year
novitiate training. Will you give a p,r:iest or a
nUD to the Church In the name of Christ? You
may pay the money in any series of install
ments convenient to you while your "adopted '"
child" Is preparing to serve Christ in the poor.
,'irith • Joved one ••. .: special friend .. If you wish to make a sac .'
rifice for the soul of a dear you may send your Lenten sacrifice money to reed the hungry ($10 for a food package), OR. you may buy a CommunloB Day outfit for 8 child ($10), OR purchase, an article for a missionary chapel. Our beautiful GIFT CARD wiD tell your' relative or friend of the sacrifice you have . made for the good of their ,souls "nd the welfare .of the missions. We will send a GIFT CARD anywhere In your name and' enclose PRESSED FLaWERS of ·the HOLY have been ILAND;whlch .... . blessed on the Holy Sepulcher. .
Mlgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y Send all communication. tOi
_.4~~ ~ex.i!'~_t~'!,.~v~;,;~~ 46~I!,~t~· New ~o~ 17, N. Y. ,
Another 80y- MISSING!
This Time'y Message's Sponsored By' The Fol lowing
Individuals and Busi ness Concerns Located in ,Greater Fall River
AI Mac's Diner (Justly Famous)
Ann Dale Products, Inc.
Bove Chevrolet
Brady Electric Supply Co.
Cascade Drug Co.
Colonial Wholesale \
Beverage Corp. Connors Travel Bureau Leo J. F. Donovan, C.P.A. Duro Finishing Corp. Enterprise Brewing Co.
The Exterminator Co. (Leo LaCroix)
Fall River Buick Co. Globe Manufaduring Co. Kaplan Furniture Co•. Kormon Water Co.
~.. 'in
,TWELVE year old Johnny should
this picture beca'use he! always
.attended Sunday' Moss with ,hi~fami iy. insteod, he is in a hospital bed •• '. h~s youthful body wracked with pain caused by on automobile :accident .
that 'could have been avoided~ .
MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc.
Mason Furniture Showrooms
CHILDREN are naturally coreless a nd carefree. They ride their bikes and
Meyer and Regan,
Have your brakes checked' regularly! Be sure your car is mechanic:ally safe!
dart across streets totally oblivious of the dangers that surround them. Be on the alert when driving through congested neighborhoods.
Mooney and Co., Inc. Newport Finishing Corp. Nira Warehouse Mart Sherry Corporation Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
.Drive Slowly ••• Carefully
For' The Child You Maim
May Be Your· Very Own
Sage a~d Sand'
I 16
Bishop of Reno
are such that it is futile to specu late on the' desirability of giving the .American Church a longer opportunity to mature and per fect her own interpretation of the Catholic spirit. It looks very. much as if from now on she is to be plunged into the very heart of things. Humility strongest Virtue This lends a certain wistful nesS to the anxieties, of those who are concerned about Cath-' olic America's' cultural drag. Prepared or not, her rol.e is indi cated and s,he cannot delay iA playing her part. But this very ,necessity may well prove to be 'the challenge which will bring forth· the response. What might- have emerged as the result of a long period of incubation may spring forth in .quick acceptance of .the gage thrown down. In the pa" tern of history it happens only rarely that the ideal situation fa realized; often enough the grea" est accomplishments are forced upon us by sh'eeT inevitability.. It ,is precisely .t this point that the htimility of Americaa Catholicism may ;prove to be her most' powerlul virtue, more powerful than ani degree of in~ tellectual acumen or 8Cholastie.' excellence. It is some 80rt of • guarantee, at le~st,. that Amer . ican Catholic leadership 'i1Vill not
willingly lend itself to an abor •tive "Americanization" of the
Church. We are 'content witb
the Church as qod has fashioned
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Philosophy Meeting
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Continued from' P~e One " · conscientiously enforced the law of the land prohibiting discrim ination' in employment on ac count of'ra'ce, creed or color by those employers holding Federal contracts." The best studies in rural 110 ciology· "done anywhere in con temporary America have undertaken in recent years un 'der Catholic auspices," the Rev. Mr. Murray said. The effortS of HiS Holiness Pope Pius XII in the postwar' years "to encourage disarmament have C stirred the, admiration and gratitude of all ",en of good will, regardless of religious affiliation," he declared. Holy See ·Wisdom "The Vatican has wisdom to offer the White House in this period of cold war, threatening to become hot and suicidal," the minister stated. "This wisdom ill hard to come by at a time when any discussion of disarmament is 'all too often regarded as' a species of disloyalty.". The Unitarian minister said that the colonists ..first came to America to' escape a situation "'Yhere, one church or, apo.ther" and by no means always' the Roman Catholic Church, enjoyed the' favor of the law and. patron age of public authority." He' added that "their sons would be disloyal to the. American ideal". if they permitted "a jot or a title of the law of separatIon of church and state 10 be changed." Catholics first enunciated that idea in the c'olony of Mary~and, the Rev. Mr.' Murray declared~ , , He added: "Protestants moving up from Virginia, indeed, sub':' , verted the Maryland law in 1702. But the honor 'of peing the first Americans to insist on the separation of church, and state is only thereby enhanced, and that honor belongs to the Roman Catholics of Maryland. In asking any Catholic candi
date for the presidency to "make
known in detail and unequiv' · ocally in terms admitting of no
later· retreat" his ·stand 'OIl the
· First Amendment, ''we are"uk
.iaC ,.... ClMadidate.. q .to .dina
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Page Eighteen
Anti-Ch"rch .
Hector J.. DeBlois . Funeral Homer
Lutherans Victors
In Debate Tourney
WASHINGTON (NC) - The. 32nd annual meeting of the NOTRE DAME (NC)-Augu~ American Catholic PhilQ.sophical tana College of Rock Island, Ill., Association will be held in Detroit on April 8 and 9, it·,was a. Luthera':l institution, won the Sixth annual Notre Dame Uni announced' here· by Msgr. verity national invitational de Charles A. Bart, UlIO<:iation lIeO bate tournament here. ' retary. . Marquette University of Mil the teachings of the fathers of waukee, Wis., placed second and Bradley University of Peor~ the first great Catholic colony ~'. Ill., .was third in the compe In this land," the Rev. Mr. Mur tition, 10 which 30 colleges and ray said. * . universities, participated. Au . "If he is able to reassure . . gustana College was the 1957, this point, ,he has as much national collegiate debate cham right as arty other man to knock: pion. at the White House door," the Un!tarian minister continued. HMore accurately, for 'he has the R.• A~ WILCOX CO.
right to knock in any case, he FURNITURE
OFFICE has the right to expect us to at lD Stoek for I .... ediate Delive." tend his campaign with open minde~ ,.interest and with no • DESKS • CHAIRS sligh,test sl,lspicion Of bigotry. It · . FILING CABINETS woiJld ·be· strange, indeed, if • FIRE FILES • SAFES 34,-500,000 Catholics were to go .FOLDING TABLES forever unrepresented in the list . AND CHAIRS of presidents. May they soon be included, and that by a man of l,Incompromising devotion to the . 22 BEDFORD ST. total separation of church and state.'" . FALL RIVER 5-7838
107 CHURCH STREET NORTH ATTLEBORO MYrtle 9-8512 • • • • • • • • • • • g' . . . .
OS 5-7497
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Sdward J. McGinn, Mgr.
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Do You Work in a Fadory, Garage, Machine Shop or Gasoline Station?
Over 35 Years
of Satisfied Service
Attention Mechanics!
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Continued from Pa/re One synlpathizers are ,fanning what soever claims there are. Reacting to the' leftists anti religious campaign, the central council' of the Catholic Action Graduates sent a mesage of devo tion to His Holiness Pope Pius XII. The Pope, through a letter written on his behalf by Msgr. Angelo Dell'Acqua, Vat i can Substitute Secretary of State, thanked the group for its senti':' ment. Respect 'Truth .' The note said the campaign went beyond ordinary politics and was aimed at confusing the conscience of Christians. It called on the press to respect and report truth. Radio Vatican reported that furth~r evidence of the violence of the communists' anti-religious campaign is to be found in their comments on .various Catholic activities in non-political areas. The leftist press has attacked • ceremony at Reggio Emilia commemorating Italian priests who died in the war as "provoc ative" and has called the tradi tional march of Ca'tholic univer sit,. students from Bolsena to Orvieto in April an Hantilay manifestation." Another Catholic activity' under communist attack is a meeting of the youth section of Italian Catholic Action which fa to be beld March 19. Pre-Eleetlon Plan Non-communist newspapers in Rome see the ·anti-Church cam paign as part of the left's pre election strategy of trying to re gain some of the membership lost " to the party when the Soviet troops marched into Hungary in 1956 to put down the uprising. The Italian elections are ljched uled 30metime between now and June when the members of the Chamber of Deputies, the Italian equivalent"of the House of Rep resentatives, auiomatically go out of office. So far President Giovanni Gronchi has set no specific date.
. ACB088 I 8«leD& ,'HII H48 4 BEl'UTATIOllf 411 " ._ • MeI& .. A ...-..e
~~hurs.,March 20, 1958
By Henry l\iichael ,S
. Catholic America (or at least that portio!). of it which is given to self-analysis) has recently indulged .in 'somewhat of an orgy of agonized r~apIiraisal.The results are heavily weighted with discouragement. We are lacking, it seems, association between the Holy m. 'intellectual and -moral See and the Church in the leadership. We have failed United States. The necessities of the tiines to produce a culture which
. --.
Saints; In Crosswords "'-
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D.
Is anything more than a pallid reflection of what has been i:l<me better elsewhere. We are con tent to teach on the grade-school level while the universities are bardly eyen aware of the exist ence of Catholicism as a living force. Now examination of con lIeience is an. essential of spir itual progress. That the Church In America should be acutely aware of her own shortcomings is the best possible augury for their eventual correction. There Is far greater danger in an atti lode 'of smug self-satisfaction titan there is in the exaggera - ,lion of fault. ' The saint who denounces him .elf as a reprobate gives im-' measurably greatel~ joy to the angels than the sinner who re counts his benefactions to 30 eiety. All the same, the angels probably know how to discount "e familiar rhetoric of sanctity. ftey are 'content that the saint lIIaGuld be humble. Tempest in Teapot The Catholic Church in Amer Iea,however manifold her faults,· ba. retained a characteristic 1IKmility. It does not occur to her that she should set a pattern fDr the Church Universal. Even today, in the era of American hegemony in the West, the Church in these United States is far from aspiring to a .eo-ordinate 'spiritual leadership which would be a modern reflec lion of' the Gallicanism of the Age of Louis XIV. For Gallic anism, as it simmers down in history, was far less of a dog matic heresy than a, by-product of French pride. . Father Thomas 'r. McAvoy, esc, of·Notre Dame, has written the defi'nitive study 'of 'the "Americanism" which was (at least implicitly) condemned by' Leo XIII in his Testem Benevo lentiae, back in the early '96s. Though he calls his study The 'Great Crisis in American CaUwl k-ism, Father· McAvoypioves 'ather conclusively that it was 'DO real crisis at all, and that the tempest raged almost exclusively .In- the teapot of a. few foreign malcontents. The Church in America WBII' btissfully unaware of her . "Americanism," as a theory of the priority of the "active" over t~ "passive" virtues, and found it difficult to believe that ,what the Pontiff was writing about had any reference to the reali ties of her situation. Church Is Emerging Yet it is inevitable that the American Church should be stib·-. jected to the close and critical scrutiny of the Church Univer sal. What until recently might have passed for a private or even a peculiar interest on the part of an Italian or a Spanish Catholic bas become a major absorption Gf great numbers of those who are concerned with· the develop ment and welfare of the Church IR the uncertainties of the fu ture. . That a body of such size, va rJety, wealth, and accomplish 'ment should fail to pull its full weight in the determination of ;those practical policies· which are inextricably boUnd up with the mission of the Church is in conceivable.. Somewhat lagging behind ·the . American nation, the Ca tholic' Church in America 18 emerging on the international lIeene. The appointment of His Emi ttence, Samuel Cardinal Stritch, to a position of major responsi bility ,in the Roman Curia is plainly indicative of 'this emer gence. It is not only recognition 0( • great churc1Unan's personal qualifications, but of the need· , k • ao.. ;wl' .~a :iIl&imMe
Sf. Francis 'Of Assisl
'LittleCause for Concern About Church in' America .
We pick up and deliver, clean and repair overalls. Aiso, we have a comp1ett!. line of Coveralls, Pants and Shirts for sale. We reclaim and wash any oily, dirty or greasy rags. , Why Buy When W. Supply
I~ ......... AYe.. New lie. . .
...... '1n '-MIt _
St. Patrick Honored
Appeal Head /
Hospitals, Orphanages, Homes for the Aged and the Chronical ly Ill-When you realize that misfortune and disease recognize no age groups and have no regard
for the difference in race, color
or creed-When you are cogniz
ant, as I am, of the solicitude,
the care and devotion given the aged, the orphaned, the 'chron ically ill and those- afflicted with incurable cancer, I repeat that it is with a deep sense of humility that I accept the chairmanship
Continued from Page One tion so graciously offered by His ·Excellency, Bishop Connolly, to be lay chairman of the 1958 tion of the Most Blessed Sacra Catholic Charities Appeal. ment in the convent chapel with Surely no one will argue the Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, direct-' need for this outstanding chari or of the academy sodality, of table organization. ficiating. Before Benediction, When you consider the mil Father McCarrick gave an.inspir lions of dollars expended by the ing talk on the significance of Diocese of Fall River for the con the f,east day. In honor of St. struction and maintenance of Patrick, the students enjoyed a holiday at the close of' these ceremonies. Miss Jane Russell, athletic coach at the Academy, attended the WRA (Women's Recreation' Association) Convention held at Westfield State Teachers College last week. Each State Teachers College elects and sends two delegates, and Miss Russell was chosen by the officials at Bridge water State Teachers College to represent that institution. After the opening keynote address, the delegates broke up into study groups and discussed the various problems outstanding in their associations. The scheduled pe riods of recreation gave the dele gates the opportunity to bring back new types of recreation to their respective colleges and to their classes. ·The sessions closed on last Saturday, after a business meeting and ·summary. . ST. ANTHONY'S HIGH, NEW BEDFORD The High School Science Fair, held 'last Wednesday and Thurs day in the school auditorium, was .acclaimed by all who at tended. The' fair consisted of 47 projects constructed. by seniors, juniors"and sophomores of the schOOl, all members of the An tonian Science Club.'. The proj ects were done entirely by the, . students who devoted .many hours .of their free time to. the completion of the. exhibits. Judges for the fair were Rev. Clarence d'Entrernont;curate at St. Anthony Parish aod former teacher of physics; Brother Al bertus Smith, C.S,C., professor of physics at Coyle High School; George J. Thomas, professor of physics at the New Bedford In stitute of Technology. The judges carefully screened all entries to determine exactly which would be deserving of prizes. Gerard Marcotte, whose proj ect was entitled "Geometric Art," is a sophomore.? This proj ect, Ii. series of geometric con~ structions based 'on mathemati cal prinCiples and representing many beautiful and original de ;ig'ns, was chosen as first-prize winner.
Spotlighting Our Schools HOLY FAMILY HIGH, NEW BEDFORD Members of the Sacred Heart Academy Debating Club, Fall River, were the winners in both Senior and Junior Varsity Divi sions in last Thursday's debate held at the Kennedy Memorial Youth Center. Mary Jane Walker and Justin Kelleher,. both jun iors represented the senior group; ,Juanita Fernandes and Elizabeth Quinn, both freshmen, made their initial appearance as debaters. Last Friday was Student Gov ernment Day in Massachusetts. The youth of the State, selected from the various high· schools throughout the area, occupied the historic edifice and filled the various offices from that of Gov ernor down to that of minor of ficials. For the' first time the entire day's proceedings were' given to the State at large via TV. The members of the senior class viewed the activities and witnessed the participation of a c:lassmate, Ronald Pacheco, in the duties of a Representative. MOUNT ST, MARY'S ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Sister Mary Clara, R.S.M., was the wardrobe mistress for the beautiful Academy float which won first prize in the colorful St. Patrick's Day. Parade ,la,st Sunday. Mary Markland 'and Ann Mis, crea'tors of the MO\ln~ St. Mary Academy replica, were assisted by Frances Mis. Ann Carr designed and lettered the artistic printing which set' the theme of the float. Joyce Rowell assisted Ann Carr. Art work on the float was supervised and ar ranged by Sister Mary Juliahna, R.S.M., assisted by members, of the academy faculty. Assistants who made the affair such a success included: Jacqueline Por ta, Barbara Port.... , Marilyn Redmond, Barbara Plummer, Frances Mis, Charlotte Nowak, Elizabeth Pereira, Rosalie Stowick, Suzzanne Boardman. The theme of the float was: "From Ireland to Americl,\", portraying Mother Mary Cather ine McAuley, R.S.M., (Eleanor Black) foundress. of the Sisters of Mercy; surrounded by Irish children: Patricia Antaya, Mar garet Leahey, Kathleen Moore, Valerie Polka . . . with St. Pat rick (Barbara Plummer) dis pelling the snakes from Ireland, and giving his blessing to the people, holding' crosier and shamrock . . . In the cemer of the float were the Sister of Mercy Nurse por trayed by Agnes Doyle, and a student nurse (Marion Garant of Mt. St. Mary Academy). Further on were the Sister of Mercy teacher (Patricia Kearns) and two Academy students in acad emy attire (Frances Mis and Suzanne Boardman). On the top of a grassy J'i,ound was the au thentic .red and white replica of Mount St. Mary Academy. Decorations on the floaf in cluded: flower arbor and garden enclosqre for' Mother McAuley and the Irish children; Irish and American fiags; embahkment of varegated flowers made and ar ranged by the students of the Academy All the participants· were students of the Academy. The Academy orchestra en tertained at the testimonial re ception held for the Lord Mayor of Dublin ··lastSaturday, .t the Hotel Mellen. The 45-piece or chestra rendered Irish airs' under the direction of Arthur Paquette, B. Mus. Sister M. Ver ona, R.S.M., A.M., is moderator and a director of. the academy orchestra. • Sister Mary Olga, RS.M., M.S., superior at Mt. St. Mary Con vent and head of the science department at the Academy, has been invited to be a judge at the Rhode Island Science Fair to be held in Brown University , during the. week of March 3~. Members of the girls' Athletic Association will attend a ban quet today at Stevenson's. The banquet is held f1nnually at the close of ,the Narragansett League season. Last Monday, Feast of St. Pat- . rick, iltudents ati.ended Be.nedic- .
Special. Broadcast .
For Holy Wee,k . .
of an organ~zation whose only reason for existence is the wel f.are of manl~ind. . I beseech every.earner, every business establishment and every industrial p'ant to join with us in this annujil crusade of mercy. I urge everyone to help main tain more than 25 Institutions and Agenci¢s supported by the Catholic Chllrities Appeal.
The Largest A&' In New Engl~n:d I
Bib Aprons ~ 9Be
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Coltage Cheese CHl~C:U~~ 29c Potalo Salad lB29c · .. at the exotic plant and dept. 79c Flowering Mums Fresh Cui Daffodils lB
." I:POT !
· .. at the, specialty food d~p,f.
German snLE Gherkins C..c:ktaiISausage
KEATING'S Emily C. Perry 562 'County Stre'et
Opposi'te S~.·Lawrenee'Cbure" . .Ne~ Be.dford. M~ss'-'
Thurs.,March 20,1958
HOLLYWOOD (NC)~A spec; ial broadcast in observance of Holy Week will be presented on Marian Theater on March 30. Screen star Dan O'Herlihy' will be featured in a reading froin Sacred Scripture on the PasSion and Death of Christ. The progr~m will be heard over the' Mutual Network at 10 p.m., E.S.T., and 7 p.m., P.S.T, Marian Theater is produced by Father Patrick Pey'toil, C.S.C., founder of the Family Rosary Crusade.
. ',' . t
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tt,' rnnzr. fllllilliilli
!! llB ·5. JAR
HE: EAT£. WE£.l.. lODAY.
re2HA~ 11-lIe It; HI~
l.Af:T MeN.. ,EH
WHE:(G 771£ ~ECX: HOlO fiEF{
FATHE;e.. A4 CH4Pl.AIN TIM ,WAl7"~ INg'DE THGPA~~A6EWAY, M41LEE VEN1UR£{1 FO~71I A~ ONe OF ,HE" GtI{l.80yg .....
CDprr;~~ 1918, .ric jon .soodateJ. .
Sheed Blames' Decline of Latin 'On 'That Old Windbag 'Cicero~ DAYTON (NC)-When pep':' every generatio~ from, the saint',s pery Frank Sheed, founder of o'w'n ·to the present-a range,C of 1,500 years-has' regarded;,the Ibe Sheed and Ward publishing house and noted ledurer;speaks, , book"as "precisely apt.'~ , "It' is an. essentially, modem '8Offieone is certain to get' his book," the publisher' observed. eomeuppance. This time it was lIlOdern . prose' writers, . Renais-, "One can read it without ever ance Latin ."purists," and "that being reminded that 'it ,was not . written in his own generation." old windbag Cicero." , Mr: Sheed spoke to a capaci Best Seller
'It' audience here at the opening
Even today, Mr, Sheed pOinted Critics' Forum lecture series. He out, the Confessions continue to r.eviewe'd, in typical Sheed fash out-sell "all the books- in . the ~, his own translation of, St. . lower half of the best-seller lists Augustine's' ,Confessions 'which, month 'after'month. \ ~ intimated, 'he translated be The Confessions· teach the cause 'he had al~ays wanted. to double lesson of the primacy of lead the Confessions but the spiritual and the sacredness .eouldn't, wade through the ,of the body, Mr, Sheed said. . "sticky,' archaic English of the , Unlike modern bedroom-type existing translations." ~nfessions, Mr, Sheed said, the . Commenting on the decline saint's work shows the "com-, of Latin study in modern edu plete horror of illicit sex." Mod ration, Mr. Sheed said: "Every-: ern, shallow writing, he said, im one who has ever written 'good plies a certain virilitY and mast prose in English has had a rigid ery in "tottering, from ,one wo-' training in Latin. In ,both Eng 'man to another," but ',the Con.. land and'the United States good fessions show the debilitating prose writers simply do not ex effeet . of being unabie to say ist today for the simple 'reason no to ,the passions. ,lbat they' do not know Latin," . The "horror" of illicit sex, he V.alue of Latin d,eclared, is ,that it, 'invariably, "degrades the greater, elements ' He attributed' the value of in man." "
:Latin to, two things: first, ttte . "in,credible economy" one' can
'achieve in exploring the mean ing content of Latin words; and, aecond.; the fact that Latin is so, ALBANY (NC) ~ The Com different from English. For , latter reason, he said, "the writer , munications Arts· Guild, an or ganization' of' Albany Catholic is forced to think' through what he is about to say; he can't just , laymen and, women engaged in the press,' radio, television imd plunge right in and· say it:" , advertising fields, has urged tJa· ',Modern prose writers, Mr. observation ..of a '''Decalogue Sheed said; plunge right in and Education Week.i',· , say what is on their minds be Richard M. quilderson Jr.,' fore they are certain even that they have anything 'on their president 'of th~ group arid 'advertising . manager 'of the minds. " , diocesan , Mr. 'Sheed eschewed repeat- , Evangelist, \ Albany ing current;, cliches. He did no't . weekly, suggested that: such a project should include a special' blame the decline of Latin study program on the Ten Command on technology; the Russians, pro gr,essive ed'ucation, or any 'of the ments, sponsored by ·church and current scapegoats. He' blamed civic organizations, and other the decline on co'ncentration on events to call attention to the Decalogue. ' .\ classical Latin during the Re Mr. Guilderson declared that naissance.' This 'concentration he there is a "great lack of knowl blamed, in turn, on "that old windbag Cicero." And he bllilt edge of the Commandments a convincing case for both name ,among young people today." Legislation is now being con ealling and guilt placing. sidered by the New York State Cicero Artificial Legislature which would, pro Uhtil the Renaissance, he vide for posting of the Ten Com pointed out, every educated man mandments in public schools. spoke and wrote Latin, which Opponents of the legislation was still a vital, living language have claimed that it violates among the educated. But when cqnstitutional provisions regard the artifis:ial prose of Cicero be- ' ing separation of church and cam.e·the model of what Latin state. . : . should be, "they ruined it for every body and Latin fell into', a de,cline.''' ' . T\1is would not have happened, GUARANTEED. ,. Mr. 'S~eed said, if the Renais sance", people had "read, the meaty, al~ays - contemP9rary SERVICE .; .. , ~ Latin of Augustine instead of Member R. T. T. G, the pompous platitudes of Cicero." • JAMES E. NORTON The extraordinary' power of 46 Middle Road' ,St. Augustine's Confessions, Mr. Acushn'et WY '5-7548 ;~eed said, lies in tile fact that
Decalogue Week
Urged in Albany,
Folspm Wins Laetare Medal
Thurs.,March 20,1958
. Cros~ Word Soluti~ , ,
'Attleboro Serra'ns Honor ,Msgr. Shay Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J: Shay, pastor of St. John's Church, At tleboro was the' guest of honor and princ'ipal speaker of the bi monthly meeting of the Attle . boro District Serra Club held last Thursday. night at Brook Manor, No: Attleboro. ,Msgr. Shay, one of six ai~es an priests recently elevated by Pope Pius XII to domestic pre-'. late with. tJ:te title of Right Rev, Monsignor,' was' presented with' a .Scroll naming him the first, honorary member of the Serra' Club. President Robert V.Mc Gowan, made the presE;ntation. . Msgr. Shay, who was ,intro:" duced. by First Vice-president Eugene Farrell,. paid a glowing 'tribute in the course of his· re marks to all 'nuns 'for their outstanding contributiap to the Catholic, church and Catholic education.· Rev. James F. McCarthy, as sistant pastor of St. John's church and chaplain of the Serra . Club, spoke ~)fi' the preparation' and participation of the laity in ,the religious exercises' of ~oly Weekl
W.H.RILEY .& SON, Inc.
Continued from Page One Jordan on August 5, 1917. He has three daughters. . Eastern Lieutenancy of the Father Hesburgh's announce Equestrian ·,Order of the Holy !:iepulchre, im otder stein~ing ment said that Mr. Folsom "has long been recognized as one' of from one founded in 1099 as a guard: of hon~r around the Sepo:' ' the great leaders of American business and industry." ulchre' of 'Christ. . Mr. 'Folsom is a member of ' , "Among the first industrialists the executive committee of the to enter government service dur ing World War II, he now serves National Catholic Community Service, a member agency of the the Church and humanity in helping to advance the world Uni~ed Services Organization wide peacetime' use of a'tomic (USO)', ~ndthe board of ,gov ernors of the' Catholic Church energy;" Father Hesburgh said Extension SoCiety of the United , in reference to his duties at the States, which aids, mission' areas Atomic Energy Agency. Historian John Gilmany Shea in th~s co~ntry in building chap was the first Laetare Medalist els, and churchtlfl. . ,A. member of Notre Dame's and Clare Boothe Luce, former advisory council for science and U. S. Ambassador to Italy, re ceived the award last year. engineering, Mr. Folsom was a Other recipients have included warded ,an hon()rary doctorate ()f. laws by the University in Alfred E. ,~mith, 1928 presiden tial candidate; Gen.' Alfred M,. 19l;)6. , He also holds honqrary de Gruenther, presid,ent of the grees from Fordham University American Red Cross; Irene and Manhattan College,. both in Dunn, actress and member U. S. New ,York Ci,ty; the University delegation to the United Nations; of San Francisco anc;l St. 'Joseph's author Agnes Repplier; former College, Philadelphia, Atomic E;nergy' CCJmll\issioner Thomas E. Murray, and George Holds Civic Honors M. ,Meany, president of the His numerous civic honors in AFL-CIO. clude' tile 'Medal of Merit 'pre sented to him by' President
Harry S. Truman for outstimding
'wartime service. The Navy has
conferred lipon him its highest
civiliim honor, 'the Distinguished . CiviliariService Award, rec ognition ,of, his· services as speCial assistant to the' Under'
secretary of Navy, ~942 to 1945.
NEW BEDFORD . Born in Sprag~e, Washington,
he was married to the late Glad-
,,~oUC f"4 17 .
-\' , .
~~ C'pAPERS. <t-V>
.,Sales & Service
Fuel and Range
For prompt delivery
'& Day & Night Service
Rural Bottled Gas
Attleboro - No. Attleboro
THE ANCHOR"':' ", , ,; Thurs.,March 20, 1958.·,
Fall River Team Opposes, Taunton CYO Cha'mpions . JJy Jack Kineavy
Somerset High -School Coaeb
For Diocesan', ,Hoop Pldyoffs The following' is a 'thumbnail sI<etch of the player8 participating in the :oiocesan, Basketba)l Championship: St. Joseph's T a u n t o n ' .~ery quiCk in the bucket. Rob-
St, JQseph is probably the tall est team ever to represent 'faun;,," ton in the CYO playoffs. Each of the first five measures six fee. t or, better;. High scorer for St. Joseph is Jack Carvalho, a senior at Coyle High. Jack plays forward along with Denny Phil lipe, who is the high scorer on the Coyle Fresrunan squad. These boys break fast and set the pace hard fought intra-city series ent of the McCarthy· Trophy, for the squad. At center is Dick with a come-from-befiind 73-72 emblamitic, of Tech's best. How Avila, the most consistent player victory over St, ever, post tournament comments on the team. Diek scores his Louis Thursday infer that the selectors missed points mainly on tap-ins as he night to annex the boaf Jerry Nason, Globe goes high up on the board. He its first CYO sports editor, thinks so. He's a is also the best defensive player title, and win Gomes man. -a 'Bill Russell type'-who the rig h,t to In the New England schoolboy block:; the shots of many players represent Fall basketball tournament which driving through for lay-ups. River in tile gets underway 'today and con Ron Doucette, co-captain of sectional play eludes Saturday are two out last year's Taunton High squad, offs. At one standing Catholic teams, St. brings the ball up the floor along point in the John's of Worcester and Bishop with Harold Morris. These boys t hi r d period Bradley of Manchester, N. H. also get their share of points. St. St. John's (20-3). has drawn Christos were Joseph has the best sixth man 15 points down 'and apparently mighty Somerville (22-2) in the out of it. opening round, while Bradiey PASSION - TIDE: The in the 'league in the person of Denny McGrath. p~nny is not The complexion of the game (24-2) goes against Westerly, purple-draped crucifix at St. as tall as his teammates but he changed radically, however, with R. I. (22-3). Michael's Church, Ocean is a sparkplug. Jackie Phillipe, Christos applying the pressure. The only undefeated team in. brother of Denny, is another Despite the loss of ace Tom Ar competition is Wilber Cross, Grove, reminds the faithful boy who would start on just' ruda with almost four minutes Connecticut' champion, which 'of the solemn period which about any other team in the on the clock and down 67-62, boasts a 24-0 ·record. The win will begin Sunday. league. Other players on the St. the Division A champions, 'led ningest entry, Rutland, vt·,, has Joseph roster incllide Bob Chase, by tile Avilla brothers, TonY and an impresSive"25-1 slate.' Some Missionary Prelat,e,
Dick Faulkner, Ron Ra,posa, ;p'h~l Ronnie, battled their way' back thing's going to ~give, 'and early, N~w Book Authpr , Car.valho, Tom Cunniff, ~Ho] into contention to win on' Len since' these 'two firi'e te'ams are Nicolay's foul shot. , quarterfinal foes. ", ,I," "MA~YKNOLL (NC')-:A'~~k Eddy and Mark, Benton. , " ' "The team, is :coac~ed ,by "41 F~rreira High Sc~~er With,the New 'England's out written, by a ,Y. S. missionary ,Bessette and Jack I\~arns, ,who of the way this week, . only the Jerry Ferreira, St, Loujs' tal Eastern' States € a thollc. Tourney ~ishop whi1~ ~~der:holis~;,a~rest pl,aYE;d his baskE1t~aU, at C~y,~e ented pivotman, took individual remains 'on tile scholastic 'calen;. , in ',communist Shanghai' has' been High about, 10 years ,ligo.. ", " 1C0ring honors with, ~3 pOints, dar., Once again "this compeU published here. '.', , Our Lady of The AssullnptioD' (losely followed by Santo Chris tion, which, will be staged ,in , ,r", New Bedford· ,,', E~tiUed "Blu~p:ri~tPf:~,Mfs ios' Tommy' Arruda' who tossed Newport, has a New, York-New sionary 'vacation,'" aM'published Coach Peter Britto, Jr" played in 22. Tom m'ade his ,~ast ap Jersey tinge. More ,about tIlat by" Maryknoll PUblicatio~ii"'as C.Y.O. Basketball since he . w as pearance with the team Tuesday next week, however. one ,C)f 'their "World' Hor'lzhn 13. Participated in tW(l cham night in Taunton. He was sched ~e.p~rts", the i!JOOk, ,j~ the: :\york pionship games ,in ,the' junior uled to leave yesterday for San 'Max on Skates ford, Fla. where he will go into Most area schools are now of BIShop James E: Walsh, M.M" league and played one year' with Superior General of Maryknoll Spring training with St. Cloud, busily engaged preparing for the the Diocesan Champions. Minnesota, of the CIQss C North impending track, and baseball from 1936 to 1946. A veteran of Franklin Pina, 17. Two years some 30 years' service in China, ern League. 'seasons. Several took advaniage C.Y.O. league--undecided about St. Cloud is affiliated with the of the mellow 'March weather the Bishop is' a virtual prisoner next year. A good board mari, of the Reds in that country., He variety of shots with either hand. San Francisco Giants with whom last week to get in a few ses Arruda signed' last summer sions outside. Even the hardiest is permitted to live in tJ,is resi Reliable at the foul line. dence in, Shanhai, but is not shortly after battery mate Russ' are now back in the gym, how Frank Diniz, 18. Three years Gibson inked a Red Sox con- ever, where about the only thing allowed to leave the city. experience in C.Y,O. Outstand Bishop Walsh wrote the book iog playmaker, tract. The two boys were instru- to be accomplished is getting has all types of during his detention', and man:" mental in leading Coach Luke the boys thinking about.' the shots, good drive and very con ag~d 'to get the maquscript out Urban's Durfee nine to the State game. ' consistent foul shooter. 'Daniel title iast'Spring. Hockey irF-the area 'is" also of China ,to ;Hong Kong, fr~J:Il Oliveira, 17. Two years in 'C, Y.O. where it was brought to this competition, undecided ( a'bout Arruda's leaving is' bound to dying slowly with,thE!'last round ' ': affect Christos" ,hoop fortu'nes of games at Iceland in Seekonk c~untl-y: next year. Fine board man and 'I, materially.> Tom was the 'team's scheduled for Monday., One of steady at jump shot. John 'Sil leading scorer and "playmaker the most enthusiasticpartici veira, 17. Track: star at ',New and his loss will be keenly felt. pants' in, these weekly titles is '!Bedford High'School:' Outstand ,'B R~frige;cition': This is his big opportunity,. Max SUI-kont, 'former' Brav~s' ing· defense man and - possesses however, and we join with his pitcher,' now in' the Giariis ~ALES .....: 'SERVICE' terrific drive; Fine playmaker. legion of friends and well.:.organizati6n: 'Max is due 'to r~ Da"id Duarte, 17. ROTC",Major Commercial, DomestiC wishers' in extending our' per port, at PhOenix," Ariz,ona anY,:" at New Bedford High. Has an Air Conditionin{{ " lonal regards for a.long and suc time now, but rriea'nwllile he's excellent one hand, shot and, is , ' cessful career in pro ball. enjoying himself and keeping wy 85558,' ' , . in' snape· on 'the blades. ". ' Protest: Upheld' ': ' ': Representing 'Tau'hton" in' "A. V.'M~GUIRE& SON: The determination 0 f a CYO Junior' League will' once 100 ""eld St. . N. -Bedford Greater New Bedford CYO again be St. Mary's of 'Taunton. champion which will meet the Joe Megan always ,comes up winner of the St. Joseph's- with a good club and this year Santo Christo series is at this is no exception. Assisting Joe writing undetermined. Our Lady in the Junior League is Al Gib of Assumption's 52-44 victory bons, a Junior at Coyle, Star over, Holy Name last Thursday of the squad is Richie Brezinski, in the deciding game of the three while the top rebounder is game series was set aside by a Harold Cleary. 'Paul Fitzgerald, .. board of arbitration Saturday Pete Hickey and Ron Doucette night. round out -the first five: The board upheld a' prQtest Mission Aid lodged by Coach Pat Conlan of Holy Name and the game was SPRINGFIELD, Mo~ (NC) Women's Apparel scheduled to be replayed Tues-, The Diocese of Springfield-Cape day night at the Joseph P. Ken Girardeau, which has fewer 262 Unio~ St. New Bedford nedy, Jr. Youth Community Catholics per square mile than Center. Assigned to work the many parts of Asia, donated game were two leading South $51,000 for the missions during eastern Mass, officials, John last year, it was reported by Langlois and Lefty Duval. Bishop Charles H. "Helmsing. Everybody's choice for AlI Bristol County first team honors _ are the Gomes brothers Martin and White1s Farm ,Dairy and Paul; John Pacheco, New Bedford; Marshall Reilly, Attle "SPECtAL MILK boro, and Barry Behn, Fair From Our Own haven. The first four boys would John B. also be hands-down choices on . Tested Herd" an All-Catholic quintet, with a Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 fifth berth going possibly to Somerset's Mike Salmon. Mike • Special Milk was named to Tech's Class C • Homogenized Vito D Milk All-Star team. a~d Sons, Inc. • Buttermilk ' Gomes Overlooked OSTERVILLE • Tropicana Orange Juice Paul Gomes didn't, stand a, • Coffee and· Chee. Milk GArden 8-6509 ghost of a chance of repeating • Eggs - Butter, as Tech's Most Valuable Player ,
'19 ' Announ'ce Parish Team Rosters,
Sports Chatter .
The big 'news 'of the week on the basketball front was' the opening of theCYO ,Diocesan semi-finals which pit Santo Christo of Fall River against St. Josephs'of ,Taunton in the best of a three-game series. The first game, was played in: Taunton on Tues when Vocational bowed out in day; the scene,shifts to CYO the quarterfinal round. Dawse Hammilt of Belmont's Class B Hall, Fall River, tonight. Santo Christo climaxed a champions was named '58 recipi
ert ~an10s, 16.' Verll8tile; in -all "departm~nts of the game~shoot er, .. defe~sive ace, and excellent at the free throw line~ 'Robert Pina, ~6. Has developed his jump shot in his years iniC.Y.O. 'competition. Joseph ~ozario, 16. His ~econd year in the league has se$ tremendous develop ment, in his pla'ymaking and defensi~e work. , ','San~ Christo, FaliRiver 'Coach James Mendonca played many years with the C.Y.O. be fore assisting in coaching. His first year as head coach has produced a team well instructed in fundamentals and unit play. Much credit due to his tutoring. Tony Avilla, captain; playmaker, great sbt shot from twenty-five feet, oJt; always in double fig ,ures in: scoring. Retires this year after ~ine years in the league. TOf!l Afr~da, former Durfee High ace; best Jump shot and rebound er: in I the league and ,team'. leadin~ scorer. Ronnie ~villa, Tony's' brother: Excellent going away bhot, outstanding on de fense and most dangerous man in tight scoring and crucial games. Five years in C.Y,O. Richie Estrella: specializing in rebouJding and the jump shot fro~ 'the corner. Played <the final games with a broken nose. ,~nni~ Nicolay: rugged defense ~an; ,scores when' it hurts ,you 'most, Sank the winning foul shot ,in th~ final 'playoff game.> Tony Ferna~des: versatile, reseJlve; pl;lYS I any position well'and score4 nine points in overcoming fiftee~ points defieit in final ,game.: John Raposa: student at ,De 4 sall e; Newport. Saw,llm H,ed l/ervice this .year as new eomelj but has developed ,a fine shot from the outside and,. expe9ted to be regular next year. Other members of the sqnad are Fran ,Andrade. Robert Ferreira, Fran~is Santos, Richie Pachece and Bob Carvalho. -t
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The Anchor Offers Catholic Instruction As Well As Catholic News
20 , Thurs.,March THE ANCHOR 20,:1958
.Robert·' Kennedy,
Named' Lantern
Award Winner
Protestants Ask rougher Laws On Obscenity WASHINGTON (NC)-An or ftanization, of Protestant minis ters and laymen has urged par ents to protest to Co!!gress if their children receive advertising' tor obscene material through the . mails. · The Churchmen's Commission ,tor Decent Publications declared that this "would· show the mem bers of Congress the need for stricter laws and better law enforcement." A bill introduced by. Rep. Emanuel Celler of new York is now before Congress which would permit persons who send obscene material through the mails, to be prosecuted, in the· place wher' it is ·received. At present they can be prosecuted only where it is placed in the mail. \ · .Most obscene material is said t8 be mailed from Los 'Angell~s and New York. It has, been, pointed out ·thatpornography· dealers are seldom convicted in those two' cities. · The' Commission for Decent Publications charged that 50,000 direct mail circulars advertising ebscene material are mailed an nually., The Post Office Depart ment has revealed that many of these are sent to children l!nd ,teen-agel's. The commisSion Said it is sup . porting legislation :for tighter ~Btrictions on mail distribution ." pornography. It' told parents 'that the most effeetfve protest would be "a direct ·appeal 'to your ;;e~ator or Congressman." Postal officials have also made Chis point. •,
Church Supports Maferial' Gains WALBERBERG (NC)-"The Church is still vitally concerned 'about raising living standards, and welcome all material pro gress which genu,inely betters 'the lot of mankind," a Domini eim priest, declared here. Speaking at the annual meet Ing of German Dominicans held at the Albertus Magnus Acad emy here, Father Eberhard Wel tv, economist and theologian of the Academy, denied the charge that the Church, is opposed to material progress. "What 'the Church 'truly and .tghtfully· opposes/'the prillst explained, "is'the idea that ma terial pro~ress should be the pri, mary and virtually the 'only eoncern of mankind." This over emphasis on material concerns .eads to gross distortions in pub lic and private life, he said. Ecohomy is then measured by false standards and constant ma terial expansion becomes tlie economic goal of the body pol itic, he said. The proper measure of a na tion's economy should not be in terms of constant material ex pansion, he ,said, but rather i , terms of seeing to it that the maximum number of its citizens receive a' decent minimum living wage.
BOSTON (NC)'-:"The second, annual Lantern Award has been voted to Robert F. Kennedy, counsel of the. Senate Select Committee in the labor and management field, it has been' announced by the Massachu-. setts Council, Knights of Colum bus, award donor. The presentation will be made by Archbishop Richard J. Cush ing of Boston' at the K. of C.'s annual Patriot's Day Dinner, April 19 in the Hotel Sheraton Plaza, Boston. The dinner, held each year on the date 'of Paul Revere;s ,famous ride in eastern Massachusetts, is one of the an nual highlights of the state's K. ,of C. activity. The Lantern Award, a metal plaque i~ the shape of the fam ous lantern associated with Revere's ride, is given annually as a tribute to outstanding patri otism. The first Lantern Award was given last year to J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation..
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS: The Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, is being directed this year,.by, left to right, Gene Callaghan, secretary-treasurer; Catherine Nor.. ris, president; and An~e Fitzgerald, vice president.
Russian' 'Poiso'n' High Schools Continued from Page One ·Threat to Asia particul~rly 'duri'ng puberty, NEW YORK (NC) - , The United States must Satisfy'. the intellectual hunger of Asia' or that" 'continent will fall under the hammer of Soviet commu riism, an expert on Far Eastern affairs warned here. Dr. Paul K. T. Sih, director of the Institute of Far; Eastern Studies at Seton Hall University, South Orange, N. J., told some 150 delegates at an institute here on. the "Hungers of Mankind" that this country must offer Asia a program of Christian human ism to offset the intellectually "deadly pOlson" extended 'by Soviet Russia. ' To make U. S. help to Asian peoples more effective, he sug gested the following: -' 1) The promotion ,of this country's Christian cause through the various' existing agencies of the U.N" and particularly through t!NESCO., ' 2) Support of the missionary cause in the' broader' sense. Dr.' Sih 'said a great number of lay' missionary' assistants are needed in this work, because the "mul titude' of Asian peoples is' so great that the priests cannot do all that needs to be done." , 3) More attention should 'be given to training Asian leaders "in all phases of native public . life. ' "To' satisfy the intellectual hunger of Asia, a great number of Asian Catholic intellectuals are, needed," Dr. Sih !ltated. 4) - More interest on the part of Catholic educational institutions in Asian scholars, and an inten,.. sitied parti<:ipation in student and teacher exchange programs.
Mission Aid DETROIT (NC)-A record to tal of $1,227,767.50 was contrib uted by the faithful of the Detroit archdiocese to the Church's worldwide missions. -
Last Seminar Slated By Diocesan Council Last Seminar in a series of four, on the methods of teach ing religion by the laity, spon sored by New Bedford District of the Fall River Diocesan Coun cil of Catholic Women and directed by Rev. Albert J. Shovelton and Rev. James A. Clark, will be held next Monday
~alt P.M. ~n
it should 'not be approved. ' ' 3) Divini illius Magistri, the 1929 'encyclical 'of Pope Pius XII on the Christian education of youth, which describes coeduca 'tion' as "fallaCious and harmful to Christian institutions," must be borne in mind. ' c , . 4) It cannot be denied, how ever, ,that in certain cases co education ~annot be avoided. In such instances it is to be con sidered a lesser evil. 5) In certain countries where youths . attend public' schools, their Faith' runs a serious risk. Catliolics cannot always build two separate schools for boys and girls in the 'same locality, however, and sometimes it is difficult to build even one. "Therefore in practice," says the instruction; "youths are com pelled: ,a) to attena public schools where they are educated togeth er without any thought for the religious aspect 'of the question, ill1d where' , their Faith and morals are' ,greatly endangered; , b) To attend mixed Catholic schools where there is no peril to their faith and where the' greater part 'of the moral dang ers can' be avoided by, taking 'certain precautions." The instruction' then says that '.'if mixed Catholic schools. . .' are administered with certain precautions, even coeducation according 'to the norm of the encyclical 'Divini illius Magistri' can be tolerated." The instruction then treats of the regulations ,which must be borne in mind and respected wherever coeducational high schools are necessary.
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'''~;~-R~~~"75"~N;'II:' Gilbert C. Oli.veira INSU'RANCE This conclu5ting seminar \Villi be on the suject of 'Grace'and ONE STO.P i APPRAISER
St. James Church
will be directed by Father Clark. Miss Patricia Makin will dem onstrate with her high school class from St. Lawrence Parish. Members of the Society of the ChildreQ of Mary of si. An thony' parish will be 'registrars.
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3 Good Reasons Slash:. Endang'ers '
'for saving Mission Schools :'
at'The LEOPOLDVILLE (NC)-Cath' olics fear that' a further cut iR' Old Red Bank ,government subsidies to mission,
schools in the Congo and Ruan c;ia-Urundi may mean that sOIl).e . schools wiJl be forced to close. ' The new' subsidy slash, an-', nounced in an unexpticted gov"; ernment circular to mission su periors, is retroactive to the be ginning of the current 1957-58 school year. Since school ad ministrators have already ad justed their budgets on the basis of the standard annual subsidy, they point out that many schools may have 'serious difficulty' in completing the school year. In 1956 an agreement 'was signed by representatives of the Belgian Liberal-Socialist coali tion government, the Church's mission schools and Protestant .mission schools. According to the agreement, 45 per cent of the general budget for educa,. tion in the, Congo and Ruanda Urundi was assigned to state ,schools 45 per cent to . Catholic mission schools and 10 per cent" to Protestant mission schools. ' authorities have Ch ur ch pointed out that' though the sub sidy to Catholic mission schools seeins la1-ge 'it must be kept in mind' that there' are, 900,000 pu pils in' Catholic mission schools as contrasted 'with 60,000 iil state . operated schools., , With the 'cut in 'the aid, Cath olics in the missions and in Bel
gium are concerned about, the future of the schools. '
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