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t eanc 0 VOL. 24, NO. 12


20c, $6 Per Year

Priest fear,s Mideast h路eroin will trigger U.S. epidemic WASHINGTON I~NC) A agencies that the proposed cut- ment and enforcement." He said there are moves New York priest who heads a backs will result in the loss of drug rehabilitation program has 11,000 treatment opportunities around the country to persuade warned that an influx of heroin nationally over the next two state legislatures and municipal from the Middle East may cause years. Because the Carter ad- councils to pass resolutions conan epidemic of drug addiction in ministration's plan also calls for demning the' cuts by the federal the United States dwarfing pre- the diversion of funds from the government and demanding imtreatment of drug abuse to pre- mediate redress. A nationwide vious drug plagues. The priest, Msgr. William B. vention and intervention pro- appeal to religious leaders to ask O'Brien, president of New York's grams, the predicted .loss to their congregations to "flood Daytop Village rehabilitation treatment programs is between Congress and the White House路 program, said the federal Drug $12 million and $19 million. with letters demanding action" Enforcement Administration re"Mr. Carter is pretending that would be made, he said. ports that Western Europe "is the problem isn't there when, "In 1970," Msgr. O'Brien overflowing with Middle East in fact, it's growing uncontrol- said, "700 people in New York heroin" and larger amounts of lably," Msgr. -O'Brien said. City alone died from heroin the drug will reach the United "Adoption of the administra- overdoses. How many thouStates this year. tion's proposed cuts would leave sands must die now before it is "This influx of high quality treatment facilities sadly un- !recognized that this growing Middle Eastern heroin has the equipped to deal with the in- epidemic, spawned by the Midpotential to cause an epidemic creased numbers of addicts dle East drug trade, is as much of drug addiction 2,000 times seeking help. In an effort to of a threat to America as ate greater than that which this avoid such a tragedy, TCA is de- dependence on Middle East oil country experienced in the late manding an increase in the fed- and Soviet Middle East expan'60s and early '70s," Msgr. 0' eral funds available for treat- sion?" Brien said. "Even Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti has said . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - we may not be able to stem a considerable portion of the tide." Msgr. O'Brien spoke at a press conference after an emergency meeting of the Therapeutic ComOpening of the second phase in tailoring the April program to munities of America (rCA), a of a youth ministry program be- specific area needs. national coalition of 112 drug- gun last fall in the diocese has It will include sessions on free, addict treatment and re- been announced by Father Marteenagers as today's young habilitation organizations. He is cel H. Bouchard. "what works and church and on the coalition's chairman. Father Bouchard, assistant di- what doesn't in ministry with Msgr. O'Brien cited a recent confidential Department of Jus- ocesan director of religious edu- and for youth." There will be tice report entitled "Operation cation, said Alive in Youth time for small group discussions, Cerberus," which said the drug Ministry: Accepting the ChalTurn to Page Six epidemic of the late 1960s and lenge to Minister will begin its second phase on Saturday, April early 1970s, resulting in the ad- 12 at an all-day session to be . . _ diction of 700,000 young people, at St. Margaret's Education held was caused by Turkey's average opium yield of 80 metric tons Center, Buzzards Bay. annually. Leading a program that will "Since the Justice Department open at 10 a.m. and continue unestimates that annual produc- til 5 p.m. will be Dr. and Mrs. As part of its expansion plan, tion in Iran, Afghanistan and William Coleman of ~ystic, Pakistan averages 1,500 metric Conn., authors of "Daybreak" Catholic Social Services is haptons annually, it is conceivable and "Mine Is the Morning," re- py to announce establishment that 'we may soon experience ligious education series for jun- of an office for the Attleboro the addiction of millions of ior and senior high school youth. Deanery. The Reverend Maurice young Americans," Msgr. 0' The Colemans have published T. Lebel, S.J. has been appointBrien said. "Although it is dif- many books, articles and film- ed area director and the regionficult, even for us, to believe strips in the field of religious al office is located at 32-34 that this is possible, we must education, as well as a premar- Sanford Street in Attleboro. The understand that massive num- riage program, "Only Love Can telephone number is 226-4780. bers of addicts will soon be on Make It Easy." It was in December, with the the streets of every town and They are active in youth min- encouragement and support of city in America." istry in the diocese of Bridge- Bishop Cronin, that Catholic Because of this, the priest port, Conn., contributors to "To- Social Services announced its said, the TCA deplored forth- day's Parish" magaZine and fre- expansion plan. At that time, coming substantial cuts in fed- quent. participants in work- area directors were appointed eral fUllds for drug treatment shops and congresses on religious for the Cape Cod, New Bedford programs throughout the coun- education. They addressed di- and Fall River regions. This try. ocesan coordinators at a meeting new thrust is geared to place Msgr. O'Brien referred to a last November and have used diocesan social service programs National Institute on Drug Abuse suggestions from the diocesan more visibly and efficiently at letter notifying all state drug Youth Ministry Advisory Group Turn to Page Eleven

y ~uth series second phase to study today's teens

FATHER RICHARD McNALLY, SS.CC. delivers homily at 28th annual Acies ceremony of the Legion of Mary at St. Mary's Cathedral.

New office in Attleboro


BISHOP CRONIN and Msgr. William D. Thomson, at his left, join 70 candidates for exemplification of the Fourth Degree in the Knights of Columbus outside St. _Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar: 20, 1980








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in 1925. St. Paul's also assumed the chaplaincy of Taunton State Hospital, an arrangement that continued for nearly 30 years, until taken over by St. Jacques parish. .By 1920 St. ,Paul's had grown to the extent that an assistant was needed and that arrangement has continued to the present through 14 associate pastors. Father Cain was followed by Father Francis Maloney, who served from 1.930 to 1939 and then by Father Thomas Taylor, who also. served for nine years. The next to serve St. Paul's was Father Raymond B. Bourgoin, who had been principal at the former Coyle High School and continued as its director in his new post. In a pastorate of two years, he carried out the first major renovation of the church, including repainting the exterior, . installing new lighting and flooring and putting in a parking lot. His active career was cut short in 1950 by a fatal heart attack, and the next priest to serve St. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Paul's was Father John Casey, who continued the work of renovating the church and also established the Women's Guild and began the new traditional annual penny sale. St. Paul's parish, Taunton, from heart surgery, will not be Father Casey's. successor was will mark its 75th birthday' this present at the long-planned Sunday. A jubilee Mass of event. He will be represented by Father John J. Griffin, who em'thanksgiving at 4 p.m. will have Father Edward J. Byington, as- phasized the work of religious Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as prin- sociate pastor. Also in attenance education as well as still furcipal concelebrant and a banquet will be Taunton area clergy and . ther beautifying the church and will follow at the Venus de Milo many priests who formerly organizing a pra~sidium of the Legion of Mary. Like Father restaurant. served St. Paul's. Bourgoin, Father Griffin suffered Clouding the festivities will A very special participant in a fatal heart attack and was sucbe the fact that Father Cornelius the day will be parishioner ceeded in 1964 by Msgr. Joseph J. O'Neill, pastor, recuperating Thomas McMann, now in his C. Canty, a retired Navy chap90s, who served the parish's first lain, who undertook the major Mass on Christmas Day, 1904 project of enlarging the church and will be in Sunday's offerto double its original length. tory procession. By Christmas of 1965 the work Others with a major share in had been accomplished, with a the festivities are Charles Crow- remarkable job done of keeping Diredion of ley, who worked on a parish familiar furnishings and matchRev. J. Joseph Kierce history issued in connection ing the new to them as closely Author and Producer of The New England Passion Play with the jubilee and Richard as possible. Dooley, chairman of St. Paul's In 1978, Msgr. Canty retired "THE CHRISTUS" year of celebration, which be- for the second time. from an gan last July and will conclude active career and was succeeded July 28 of this year. by the present pastor, Father In 1904, St. Paul's was the O'Neill, who had 'been Msgr. second parish created by Bishop Canty's assistant from 1965 to William Stang in the new diocese 1971. of Fall River. Father Martin J. Fox was named as first pastor, an Irishman who spoke French TOUR 2 .....;. CHANGED TO: ltBERAMMER· fluently and was thus well qualiNOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) GAU, RHINE CRUISE, MONTE CARLO, fied to lead a parish composed VATICAN, ENGLAND, FRANCE, SWITZER- mainly of immigrants from Ire- House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) LAND, LIECHTENSTEIN, AUSTRIA, ITALY, land and Canada. Until the pres- O'Neill Jr. (D-Mass.) has been BELGIUM, HOLLAND, GERMANY! ent church was erected, he of- named the 1980 recipient of the GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR fered Mass in a small chapel in ,University of Notre Dame's LaeFOR ONLY tare Medal. Norton and in a Taunton hall. "Speaker O'Neill is a man The stained glass windows in whose personal integrity and the church, notes the parish hisJULY 5 to JULY 26 practical wisdom have won the tory, are of interest to this day. PASSION PLAY OPTION affection of his constituents and (scheduled flight from/to Boston or N.Y.! All donated by French parishcolleagues," said Father TheoTOUR 3 OBERAMMERGAU, ITALY, ioners were on the left side and AUSTRIA, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE, ENG· all given by the Irish and other dore Hesburgh. Notre Dame LAND, GERMANY, BELGIUM AND LUXEM- church members were on the president. BOURG! O'Neill is the first to be awardright. Seating followed the same Grand European Tour. pattern and for 50 years the ed the medal while an active FOR ONLY Sunday Gospel was read in both member of Congress. He will receive it at Notre Dame comEnglish and French. Father Fox served the growing mencement exercises May 18. AUG. 9 to AUG. 24 parish until his death at age 44 PASSION PLAY OPTION. (scheduled flight from/to Boston or N.Y.! in 1917. He was followed by Father Anthony Paulhus, who lAir fares subject to change) THE ANCHOR SPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW served briefly, and then by (USPS-545-D20) REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE Father George Cain, who served Second Class Postage Pai~ at Fall River, St. Kevin Rectory. Dorchester, Ma. 02125 from 1917 to 1930. Mass. Published every Th~rsday at 410 Telephone (6171 436-2771 During his term, he undertook Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 DR by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fill GEORGE OSBORN-UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CD. construction of the present St. River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid 44 Brattle St., Cambridge, Ma 02138 Mary's Church in Norton which $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ~hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fell Telephone (6171 864·7800 became a parish in its own right River, MA 02722 ~~.

Juhilee Sunday


Laetare Medal




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

Giuttari at NAPM parley Glen Giuttari, director of music at downtown Fall River's St. Mary ot the Assumption Cathedral, will draw on his experience with an urban congregation in addressing a regional convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians to be held April 23 through 25 in Providence. The convention program at the Marriott Inn will include Giuttari's presentation, "The InnerCity Challenge." He will discuss "how to make an urban parish music program work and how to use existing resources to effect change." Providence is one of 12 centers chosen for 1980 NAPM regional meetings, said officials. Previous national conventions were so heavily attended that it was felt smaller meetings would, be more beneficial to participants. . Some 800 New England pastoral musicians, including nearly 100 from the Fall River diocese, are expected in Providence, said Father William G. Campbell, diocesan music consultant. In Providence, 20 workshops will be on the convention program, according to Father Ronald E. Brassard, chairman. He is director of the Office for Worship and Liturgy of the Providence diocese. He listed as a convention highlight the musical premiere of a jazz Mass composed by Dave Brubeck. The composition will be heard Thursday night, April 24 at SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Providence, with Brubeck at the piano and C. Alexander Peloquin as conductor. Keynote convention speakers will indude Father Michael Henchal of the Portland, Maine diocesan liturgical commission; Father Nathan Mitchell of St. Meinrad Abbey; members of the St. Louis Jesuits; and Father John Melloh of the Notre Dame Center for 'Pastoral Liturgy. A one-day study program for priests will be part of the convention, offering the opportunity to examine the relationship between the clergy and music and demonstrating methods of leading congregations in prayer and song.

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GORDON GOES, 17, with the homemade computer that earned him first prize at Holy Family High School science fair in New Bedford. (Rosa Photo)



Pastor. 51. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay, and 51. Mary Parish. Onset

Prayer law struck down BOSTON (NC)- Massachusetts' new school prayer law, in effect for little more than a month, has been ruled unconsti· tutional by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The law went into effect Feb. 5 and required public school teachers to ask each morning if any student would like to volunteer to lead the class in prayer. U a student volunteered, the law also permitted students who did not want to participate to leave the room and stand in the hallway while the prayer was taking place. The court said the law, as it was carried out in the schools, was a violation of separation of church and state.

"The program . . . was religious in character, for prayer is an invocation of the deity," the court said. The court said it fO!Jnd in the law "a religious program which was sponsored and put into effect by state and local officials under the aegis of state statute, was conducted from day to day by teachers employed as public employees in public schools, and was carried out on public prop· erty during school time and as part of the school exercise."

Basic values supported !Positive pro-life sentiment and support of basic family values· emerged from the regional hearing on families held last Sunday in Brockton in preparation of the forthcoming White House Conference on Families.

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Father Ronald A. Tosti, director of the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry, who headed a delegation from the FaIl River diocese, said its members partici. . . pated in panels on various asA. choral slght-readmg .~Ith. peets of family life and voted for solOIsts and orchestra o! "The representatives Who will carry Seve~ Las.t Words of Chnst by area concerns to a major meetD~bOls Will be held at 8 p.m. ing in Baltimore. 'Frlday, March 28 at St. Mary's Cathedral, FaIl River. 'Father Tosti also noted that Glenn Giuttari, cathedral mu- Diocesan Council of Catholic sic director, who will direct the Women members from all areas reading, announced that a pre- of the diocese were present as paratory rehearsal will be held observers and that their support at 8 p.m. Sunday in St. Mary's was appreciated by the deleSchool choir room. Scores will gates. be provided. The diocesan delegates were The Dpbois work was written Mrs. Mary Fuller, Father Charles in 1867 and first performed in Soto, OFM, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Paris, at a time when St. Mary's Koss., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Racine, Cathedral, where it will be heard, Mrs. William Burns and Mr. and was a new building. Mrs. Edward Tyrrell.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980


the living word

"Thou Art Peter" Unbelievable as it might seem to the vast majority of .American Catholics, some of our brethren really have it in for Pope John Paul. The verbose and vocal minority just do not like the Holy Father, regardless of their rather opaque and transparent affectations to the contrary. This .should not come as any real surprise. The Holy Father hit such people to the quick with his firm and positive teachings on such controversial subjects as abortion, trial marriage, married priests, women priests and that blanket of permissiveness always referred to as '''free choice." One wonders how their idea of the pope fits into their brand of church. In their own muddled manner, it would seem that their chief problem with the Holy Father is merely that of obedience. To be a member of the in group in this matter is to question the very reality, of papacy. In short, what these people would have the world believe is that a simple matter of obedience does in fact concern itself with basic belief. If one would dare to admit the heart of the matter, the entire question that now has surfaced in the American church is not so much a matter of disenchantment or even disagreement but rather one of disbelief and dissent. It would be well if this clamorous minority realized that the Catholic Church is a Universal Papal Petrine Church. It is not a nationalistic, patriarchal institution dependent on a primate of a certain national background. Neither is the church founded by Christ an episcopal. institution led by bishops, each operating in a religious world of his own. Nor is it a congregational church, with the community the sole judge of faith and morals. It is about time for these people and all Catholics to reaffirm the basic belief that the pope and the bishops in union with him, with all that that implies, are the ultimate custodians of the deposit of faith and that they are the catalyst binding the faithful together in the church. Thus the papacy is not just one more factor in world opinion; the pope is not just a traveling ambassador of good will. But the current dissenters from the teaching church, like so many in the past history of God's people, would have us all go along with the church so long as it does not contradict our own beUefs. Such selective credibility would be the standard of judgment for matters of faith. Encouraging disbelief, undermining the papacy and exploiting the media, they would reserve to themselves the prerogative that they refuse to the Holy Father. Elite, snobbiSh and condescending, these people, for all practical purposes, are attempting to form a counterchurch ~ithin the present framework of the American church: In this they differ little from their heretical predecessors: Arianists, agnostics, Donatists and Waldensians. Ultlmately, they would abolish the hierarchical structure of the church, returning, they say, to a purer Christianity, of their own making, of course. Considering the situation, it can be seen that all attempts to separate the pope and his personality from his obligations and sacred duty must be resisted to the utmost. American Catholics who hold to the faith of their fathers and who see in our present Holy Father the true successor of Peter, should firmly reject this mentality and the egotistical motivation that inspires such skepticism and unbelief.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151PUBLISHER EDITOR Rev. Jo~n F. Moore

Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . Leary Press-路Fall River

'I will behold thy heavens, the works of thy fingers: the moon and the stars which thou hast founded.' PS, 8:4

Peace, justice inseparable By Father K.evin Harrington The most common petition in our prayers is for peace. This is all the more imperative with the presence of nuclear weapons in the arsenals of so many countries. However, peace must be more than prayed for. As St. Thomas More was fond of saying: "The things that I pray for, good Lord, give me the grace to labor for."

In the United States, where spiritual values are often taken for granted, there is a danger that our sole concern will be with material values. When man is reduced to this level, he can think only in terms of competing against another for material resources and he is particularly vunerable to war.

The strength of our commitment to peace must be measured not only by the strength of The best way to labor for our weapons but by the strength peace is to eradicate the injus-路 of our resolve to labor for justices that are the root of the tice. Domestic and foreign policy discontent leading to war. Pope should reflect the efforts to put John Paul II addressed this prob- our ideals into practice. Woodlem at the United Nations when row Wilson said over sixty he said: "Man lives at the same years ago: ''The reason America time both in the world of ma- was set up was that she might terial v~lues and in that of spirit- be different from all nations of ual values . . . any threat to the world in this: that the human rights, whether in the strong could not prevent the field of material realities or in weak from entering the race. that of spiritual realities,' is "America stands for opporequally dangerous for peace tunity. America stands for a free since in every instance it confield and no favor. America cerns man in his entirety." stands for a government responThe pope's experience in com- sive to the interests of all. And munist Poland provides him until America recovers those with a unique perspective on ideals in practice, she will not . foreign affairs. He is well aware have the right to hold her head of the damaging effects of com- high again amidst the nations munism on the spiritual values as she used to hold it." Our nation's recent outrage of man. It is unfortunate that those who have not experienced over the Soviet invasion of Afthese effects often take for ghanistan was long overdue. Where was our outrage when granted their freedoms.

the Soviet Union trampled the rights of its own citizens and of countries of less strategic importance? We cannot make the mistake of underestimating the danger of communism. Alexander Solzhenitsyn warned the United States with these words: "Communism is unregenerate; it will always present a mortal- danger to mankind. It is like an infection in the world's organism: it may lie dormant, but it will inevitably attack with a crippling disease. There is no help to be found in the illusion that certain countries possess an immunity to communism: any country that is free today can be reduced to prostration and complete submission." We cannot achieve a lasting peace by delegating ~our labor for peace to the politicians. There is a danger that our efforts will stop at merely maintaining harmony at home through relative prosperity and diplomacy abroad to prevent open conflict. But to survive, America must be different from other nations. History provides us with a constant reminder of what will happen to our nation if we do not strive for that difference. Let us hope that our life of ease will not lessen our resolve to' labvr for justice and to assure a lasting peace.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

Witne,ss families When I go into a parish to consult on family spirituality, I ask, "Who are your mustard seed families? Which ones can pray together?" And everyone fusion and jocularity, they found names the same families. Their chairs, ordered, and checked lights aren't hidden under a each other's orders carefully to bushel or patio. They're willing be sure they had their own. Then to talk about their faith openly, a remarkable thing happened. they are unashamed, and they Without any sign from their include everyone who's there in parents, they became silent, their prayers. If they have a bowed their heads, and shared fault, it's that they presume a quiet and reverent prayer. other families are like themWith the "Amen," the family selves. ' returned to its former noise Most families have a long way level. to go before they reach that But their 30-second pause for stage. The key 'is becoming natGod seemed to affect every table ural and comfortable enough in the place. People witnessed with God that it doesn't have a family's faith - a faith that to become a planned occasion. went out to eat with the family, It's when the family spontanan unembarrassed faith, and obviously a meaningful one, even eously turns from talking about the beauty of a surrounding or to the six-year-old who was as the marvel of a construction to intent and prayerful as his partalking of God. It's when two ents. children talk about Jesus unselfSome families preserve the faith. Other spread it. It's really consiously. It's when' children "catch" as simple as that. A truly alive family spirituality can't be hid- their parents in prayer. It's when den because it goes beyond it- Dad does something generous self to others. It gives others a for another and doesn't say model and witness to follow. It anything but everyone notes it. gives them encouragement, to It's when a teen leaves a note, try themselves. In spite of the "Everyone pray hard for me seeming disinterest in non-pray- third hour because I have a ing families, there's often a deep' terrible test." It's when Mom hidden wish that they, too, goes out of her way to be sure could share a spiritual dimen- everyone in the neighborhood or pew is included in whatever sion, if only they knew how.

We were finishing our coffee in the interstate restaurant when a noisy family of six entered. With much con-

Ecumenical asset Recently I saw John R. Power's play, "Patent Leather Shoes," based on his novel about 1950s Catholicism. In one scene, second graders are doing the annual May crowning. They sing the traditional hymn, "Bring Flowers of the Rarest." At the chorus, the whole audience joined in "0 Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May." Some Jewish people sitting near me were humming (ethnic group loyalty in favor of a Jewish mother?). On the way out, I cornered the gifted young playwright. "Do they do it every night, John?" "Since the first night," he replied. "If they ever stop doing it, we'll be worried." The experience was one more confirmation of something I've suspected for a long time: Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the greatest assets of Catholic Christianity . Henry Adams was right when he said that, as the most important symbol in 1500 years of Christianity, Mary held together Western culture. The New York Times has repeatedly described Pope John Paul II as a "conservative" because of his devotion to Mary. Yet a recent study of 2,500 young Catholics indicates that the Mary image is more powerful to them than the God image or the Jesus image. Nor is Mary irrelevant, as some Catholic elitists have thought. A strong Mary image correlates with sexual fulfill路

ment in marriage, a commitment to social concern and racial justices and, for men, support for the ordination of women. There is no evidence that it correlates with sexual narrowness or repression. In fact, our research shows that the Mary image emphasizes for young Catholics the fact that God loves us with the tenderness of a mother. It encodes a pleasant experience of mother love in childhood and links it with a pleasant experience of a loving spouse in adult life. This connection, mind you, is sociological fact, not doctrinal belief. Mary represents the womanliness of God. For Catholics only, you say? It would seem not. There were several hundred non-Catholics in our sample - Protestants, Jews, and others married to Catholic spouses. While. 65 percent of' the Catholics had high scores on our "!Madonna" scale, so too did 40 percent of our non-Catholic spouses - more than half of the Baptists and Methodists, and 37 percent of those who had no religion at all. So those who jettisoned Mary for ecumenical purposes were mistaken. She is an asset to ecumenism. She is, after all, the only one left in the market place who can play the role of a mother goddess - a revelation of the ultimate maternal love. All the other competitors Venus, Nut and Astarte - have long since gone. I cannot escape the melancholy conclusion, however, that as in so manv other matters,



is going on. A sense of witness is difficult to describe to a family that is always looking inwardly on itself. Such a family is part of what has come to be called the "me generation." How can we get ahead? What can we buy next? How can we make use of others?" In such a family, it's discouraging to discuss family spirituality because it usually eIl\llnates from a selfish base, Le. we pray so we can get more for ourselves. Wit~essing to others goes hand in halo with developing a sense of' family bonding through God and Christian works. The family that is having considerable difficulty praying together might check .its concern for others. It may know all its prayers and put them in the right order but it's forgotten thE1 wise meaning behind St. Exupecy's words: "Love does not consist in gazing at each otlier, but in looking outward together in the same direction."



Catholic leaders and thinkers are too dumb to know what a resource they have in the image of a Jewish mother whom humans have honored for more than 1500 years.

(necroloQY) April 6 Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale, 1977" Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham April 7 Rev. James A. Dury, 1976, Chaplain at Madonna Manor, No. Attleboro April 9 ,Rev. Cor~elius McSweeney, 1919, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, :Fall River April 10 Rev. John P. Doy'le, 1944, Pastor, St. William, Fall River

NO'TICE The diocesan Television Mass is now broadcast from 10:30 to 11 a.m. each Sunday on Channel Six.

Smoke vs. fire George Bush has reason to be miffed. He has gone literally by the book - The Jimmy Carter Do-It-Yourself 'Presidential Kit - and is forced to watch the flowering of John Anderson. Anderson, with his silky-white hair, his Howdy-Doody jawline and his blazing common sense, goes to Bush's alma mater, Yale, and students hang from the rafters and scream their readiness to sign up as foot soldiers in his growing army. Anderson has glowing articles written about him by IvY League professors, gets checks from Republican bank presidents and Democrats who don't want either Carter or Kennedy. Hollywood moguls take out full-page newspaper ads that heral him as the savior of the country. Anderson reminds him, Bush said patronizingly on the Bill Moyers Show, of George McGovern. How he wishes it were so. Anderson has no right, in the Bush view, to be hailed for his near-misses in New England his loss to Reagan by an eyelash in Vermont, to Bush by a whisker in Massachusetts. Anderson, for heaven's sake, is asking for a 56-'cent gasoline tax. The Illinois congressman obviously has not studied the Carter manual. He seems to have frittered his time away reading such irrelevant authors as De路 Tocqueville, Emerson and Edmund Burke, from whom he fre路 quently quotes without reference to notes. Anderson has insisted on defining himself by his ideas. To Bush, who says experience, at least his, is everything, it is a faintly subversive notion. Anderson's proclivity for luring votes from independents and Democrats, Bush speaks of as .if it were a social error. He knows good, solid Republicans prefer an old-school-tie, old-hand type like himself as an' alternative to Ronald Reagan. For Bush, the whole affair has taken on the aspects of a consumer fraud. No one told him that one campaign is never exactly like another and that while Carter got away without discussing any issues in the primaries, the 1980 voters unaccountably are interested in them. In 1976, Carter made his character the issue and told the folks that he loved them. Bush, a more buttoned-up personality, only says he loves the country and believes its problems can be solved. He disdains specifics. He virtuously refuses to discuss the hostages situation. As an old spook (he was once CIA director), he refused to depose with-



out having seen the cables. Anderson, on the other hand, says forthrightly we should not have let the shah in and should invite President Bani-Sadr of Iran into the country for a little talk. "George is a lot of s~oke," said one Republican. "John is all fire." The Carter people, naturally flattered by Bush's slavish imi-' tation of their strategy, say there is one important difference. "We made our mistakes much later," laughed a White House man. Carter was fairly well on his way in April four years ago when he made his "ethnic purity" gaffe. He took it back promptly. He didn't step into anything again until September, when his "lust in my heart" interview with Robert Scheer in Playboy magazine threw the cards up in the air again. Bush gave his interview to Scheer, now of the Los 'Angeles Times, way ahead of -schedule. It broke in January and raised the hackles of Massachusetts liberals, who did not take kindly to his observations about the winnability of nuclear war or his testiness about Watergate. Republicans, naturally, do not take kindly to the notion of having outsiders dictate their nominee. The Anderson phenomenon somewhere can tum into a fight between the party and the public. They do not agree with Anderson's fervent endorsement of the "romance and power of ideas." Ideology is more their cup of tea. Illinois will provide the next test of whether the elephant can be stampeded into choosing someone who would attract Democratic riders. As for Bush, he is left with a melancholy conclusion that 1980 is not going by the book. To be sure, it says something different almost every Tuesday night, but the consistent turnouts say voters are looking for something. They are willing to listen to someone who has something to say, even when it's something they don't particularly want to hear. From all he has read about Carter, from all the jobs he loves to reel off, Bush learned the important thing in a campaign is not to offend anyone. The trick is not to say anything except that the speaker is a good man. How was he to know this is not the year for the covert campaign? How was he to know this was to be the year of the authentic? The voters seem to be saying that you can be as conservative as Reagan or as liberal as Anderson, but you've got to- be the real thing.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980


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ACTOR DAVID NIVEN shakes hands .with Pope John Paul II as author William F. Buckley Jr. looks on at a Vatican audience (NC Photo)

Family, school are parfners Father George W. Coleman heads diocesan educators who will attend the annual National Catholic Educational Association


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convention to be held April 7 through 10 in New Orleans. ''Catholic Educators: Partners with the Family" is the theme of the meeting and Father John F. Meyers, NCEA presi<;lent, said that as a result of that partnership both teachers and parents "have a better chance of success" in helping the child grow in faith.. "Catholic education is probably still the best buy in the world," the NCEA president said, but he noted that "it takes financial sacrifice on the part of many parents who want to send their children to Catholic schools." Father Meyers said the NCEA convention will recognize "the claim in justice parents have for government aid to help them exercise their freedom of choice in education so that they may select a school which cherishes and tries to inculcate the values that parents hold dear." Those values can help not only transmit culture, but transform it, he said. "Catholic education should

Youth series Continued from page one questions and comments. The day will conclude with Mass. The' program follows last fall's phase, which comprised three two and a half hour sessions in each of the five years of the diocese, during which participants discussed the art, attitudes and task of youth ministry. Both adults and teenagers will be welcome on April 12 and need not have participated in the fall sessions. Registration forms are available at the Catholic Education Center, 423 Highland Ave., Fall River 02720.

Time Gift "You give but a little when you give your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." - Kahlil Gibran

enable students not just to adapt to an unjust society but to be able to critique it in light of Gospel values and change it for the better," Father Meyers continued. Father Meyers said Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali, Rhodesia, will address the NCEA convention on "Catholic Education Doing the Work of Social Justice." The prelate is an Irish missionary who was expelled from Rhodesia in 1977 after strongly criticizing the racially discr-iminatory policies of the government of that time. Other speakers will include Sister Mary Daniel Turner, superior general of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Naumur and former executive director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious; Auxiliary Bishop Robert F. Morneau of Green Bay, Wis.; Father Vincent Dwyer of the Center for Human Development, University of Notre Dame, and Father Thomas G. Gallagher, U.S. Catholic Conference secretary of education. Madeline C. Hunter, principal of University Elementary School, University of California in Los Angeles, will highlight the elementary program with her presentation, "Doing Our Part -in the Child-Parent-Teacher Partnership." The par~nt-school relationship will also be the focus of a presentation by Dorothy Rich, president of the Home and School Institute, and James Van Dien, director of the master of arts in teaching program, both at Trinity College, Washington. The practical application of the teacher-parent partnership will be .discussed by Sara and Dick Reichert, educators in the Green Bay Diocese. The National Forum of Catholic parent organizations (NFCPO) will be part of the convention, with its executive director, Elinor Ford, speaking on "Making Parent Partnership Come Alive."

THE ANCHOR-Dioces-e of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980


the moil packet Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 fJords. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Guitars, burlap Dear Editor: I doubt very much if anything I have read has ever produced such an uneasy feeling as the article concerning guitars and burlap.... All four of my children have participated in this ....burlap and guitar" phase and have grown to a degree that would never have been possible in my early years. My oldest started singing with a folk group when she was 10 and so impressed many people with her enthusiasm for "praising God" that 10 years later many middle-aged, traditional Catholics still talk about how she touched them. My second daughter has played flute in a folk group for five years because the leader sensed her shyness and encouraged her. This middle-aged professional musician has forsaken professional arrangements to give his time and talent to our church for the love of our God. · . . As for burlap, would you suggest that youngsters work on expensive silk and satin? Have you forgotten how much Jesus loved children and their efforts? · . . I am thankful that there is a place for burlap and guitars, which are probably much closer to the beginnings of the church as Jesus founded it than the socalled traditional church of the 9th through 20th centuries. · .. We have the same liturgy, it is only our music and externals that are different. ... I love my God and I know he loves me and I proclaim it loud and clear in Latin, with choirs, with magnificent organs, but also simply, with guitars and burlap! Nancy Ginalski St. Patrick's Church Somerset

And as for clutter, the sanctuaries of many older churches in this' lirea can surely hold their own against any of those modem ones you must be describing. I agree that liturgy is sacred. I do not agree that the sacred must be sought nor expressed in the same way by everyone. I always thought the essence of the Mass is that ordinary food can contain the very presence of God. I thought that the meaning of the Incarnation is that the Holy is among us in everyday reali.ties. not waiting at some "summit toward which activity of the Church must move." I even thought God rather surprised people when he showed up as he did, in "burlap" and not in satin, in flesh and not in splendid visions of the sacred. After all, the heart of the Mass is what God has done for us, not what we imagine we are doing for God. If that is the case, I believe all liturgy done with sincerity, respect and fraternal charity, is good liturgy. Anne-Marie Boucher New Bedford

Not a sideshow Dear Editor: I would like the opportunity to express my agreement with the editorial in the March 6 Anchor. I too think the sanctuary should not be as a "sideshow in a circus!" Keep up the good work, Father Moore. Alice Beaulieu New Bedford






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MARGARET MEALEY, retired executive director of the National Council of Catholic Women, has been named president of Catholic Golden Age, an organization devoted to the spiritual and economic well-being of Catholics aged 50 and over. be encouraged to make the responses and altar boys should be required to do so. "Images are immensely important for the life of the church - for its preaching, its liturgy and its general esprit de corps." - Avery Dulles Neal Spillane Orleans

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Good liturgy

Dear Editor: If I may, I would like to respond to your thought-filled editorial (3/6/80) with some observations. "Restoration of the liturgy" seems to me very challenging. Members of the church hunger for good liturgy. Avery Dulles S.J. says: "SoDear Editor: ciety that depends on loyalty With regard to your article, and commitment of its members "Restoration of the Liturgy" requires symbolism to hold it (The Mooring, 6 March): of all together." the "modem" liturgies I have I believe the liturgy is exattended, I can remember only cellent just as it is. However, it one or two I could label circus- should be offered impressively. like. The Mass is a celebration in At any rate, a carnival atmos- two parts. First the Liturgy of phere at Mass is not a modem the Word. The Word of God is invention. The costuming of powerful and awesome! The Barnum & Bailey pales before celebrant should stress this. . .. It seems to me that priests several of the magnificent goldbrocaded vestments I recall lay- should give homilies at every ing out for priests over 10 -years Mass. One can then sense the ago. continuity of the daily readings I feel that guitars, monoton- , and the flow of the liturgical ous as they may become, are seasons.... more appropriate to liturgy than The second part is the Liturgy some of the gloriously operatic, of the Eucharlst. While the gift~ superbly difficult pieces I have are being brought forth, the al~ recently been assured are good tar boys could be lighting the liturgical music (and which per- candles on the Table of the Lord. haps six gifted members of my Everyone should participate at parish are capable of doing Mass the old way: "Sit, stand well.) and stare." Young people should

Our President, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, visited the American hostages in Teheran last Christmas - and it did not cost you one penny. But because Pax Christi cares about you and your family, we are interested in many things concerning peace. . SOME PROBLEMS ARE: The increased use of your tax dollars for weapons of destruction. The continuing growth of the arms race condemned by Pope John Paul II. The possibility of military conscription of your sons and daughters against the advice of the bishops of the United States. The constant threat of nuclear destruction feared by Pope Paul VI.

God in burlap

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THE ANCHOR-Dioces·e of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

• The promIse of redemption. By Rabbi Norbert Weinberg Adas Israel Synagogue, Fall River

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This week, The Anchor begins a series of articles on Passover and' the Seder supper by Rabbi Norbert Weinberg of the Adas Israel Synagogue in Fall River. This well-known Orthodox Rabbi has graciously penned these reflections at our request. We feel that during this season of Lent, if Catholics are to have more than a mere token knowledge of their beliefs, they. must try to view the events of the season in the light of their historical heritage. This editor is most grateful to Rabbi Weinberg for the time, effort and education that he is sharing with the diocesan Catholic Community in order that its members may realize their biblical heritage. This is donl~ in light of the insistent urging of the Fathers of Vatican II as evidenced in the document concerning nonChristian religions. It is well that Catholics realize that this document contains a wealth of material emphasizing the relationship that should exist between members of the Jewish and Catholic communities. Too often the latter has failed not only to appreciate but even to realize the importa~e of the fundamental understanding that should exist between the two religions. Indeed, it is difficult to see how any Catholic can truly appreciate the solemn events of this holy season without an understanding of his or her Jewish heritage. But because in the past many have (ailed to comprehend this aspect of our religious history, shortsighted and biased mentalities have developed. It is well then for Catholics to heed the words of the council proclaiming that "the church of Christ acknowledges that in God's plan of salvation the beginnings of the faith and election are to be found in the patriarchs, Moses and the prophets. The chuJ'ch cannot forget that she received the revelation of the Old Testament by way of thaCpeople with whom God in his inexpressible mercy established the ancient covenant. Since Christians and Jews have such a common spiritual heritage, this Sacred Council wishes to encourage nnd further mutual understanding and appreciation. This can be obtained especially by way of biblical and theological inquiry and through friendly discussions. . It is in this spirit, that of the teaching church, that this informative series is offered to the people of this diocese, not only to fulfill the mandate of our church but to foster mutual understanding with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Far more than just a festival, Passover rep"esents a turning point in history and theology of the Jewish people. The Children of Israel came to Egypt as a small tribe of 70

souls. Joseph had been sold as a slave into that country where he achieved eminence and fame. When his father, Jacob, received the news that his beloved son had not, after all, been killed by a wild beast but was alive, he determined to leave the Promised Land of Canaan and migrate to Egypt. There the beautiful re-

RABBI WEINBERG union took place between Jacob and Joseph and the family was again reunited in love. After that generation died, a "new Pharoah arose who did not know Joseph" (Exodus 1,8). It was at this point in Jewish history that the first tragic persecution against this small minority took place. Joseph had done much for Egypt during the famine and his family lived in Goshen as respected and productive citizens. Yet, as happened so many times in subsequent history, Pharoah and the Egyptians turned upon the Jews and enslaved them. They stole their wealth and belongings and forced them into brutal and relentless slave labor. Even more horrible was the fact that Pharoah decreed that all Jewish male children were to be drowned in the Nile River at birth. Some say he did this out of a superstitious belief that a male Hebrew child was to topple his crown (which, in fact, happened). Others see it as an Egyptian attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish religion and people. . The birth of Moses at this crucial time was a great act of faith by his parents, Amram and Jocheved. What couples would want to risk having children if the baby happened to be a boy? It would have meant his immediate death. Yet this couple of the Tribe of Levi must have remembered the ancient oath of God to Abraham: "And He said unto Abram: 'Know surely that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them;·and they shall afflict them four hundred years; and als.o that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance." (Genesis XV, 13-14).

Moses' parents must also have been aware of the fact that God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to make their descendants as the "stars of heaven that cannot be numbered" and that the Land of Israel should be their eternal homeland. And so Moses was born, miraculously saved from Pharoah, and made an Egyptian prince. After fleeing because he had slain an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating a slave, Moses came to the great moment in his life when he was faced with the Burning Bush. He realized that the fire represented the persecution of Egypt, the bush was a· symbol of his people. It also dawned upon him that the reason why the flames did not consume the bush was because the "voice of God was in its midst." Man cannot destroy what God chooses to preserve. From that moment on, the Torah teaches us how God intervened both in history and natural processes to bring about the release and redemption of the people He had chosen to bring His teachings to mankind. Pharoah followed the pattern of all cruel dictators and despots. His heart became harder and hardeI:. Without pity for his hapless slaves, he resented the interference of Moses and ever increased the burdens and hardships of the Jewish servants. Despite plague after plague, his hatred of God and man kept him in a state of blind stubborness. He would rather s.ee the doom of his country than permit the slaves a safe exit. It was only when the last and most terrible of the Ten Plagues struck that Pharoah realized that the total destruction of Egypt was at hand if he did not relent. In every Egyptian home, be it man or cattle, the first born died during that night of destiny. At the same time, God commanded Moses to have the Jewish people sacrifice a lamb, later known as the Paschal Lamb (Pesach). A touch of its blood was to be placed on the doorposts. This, in itself, demanded great courage since the lamb was the god of Egypt. Such a flagrant show of the contempt which the slaves had for the god of Egypt and what he stood for was a great act of faith. It was during that Night of Redemption that the slaves ate the sacrifice. The Torah describes it in the following words: "And they shall eat the meat during the night, not boiled in water, but roasted by fire, together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs." (Exodus XII, 8).

As dawn broke upon the beleaguered country of Egypt, 600,000 men walked by their former masters together with their ,women and children. From the depraved depths· of many years of cruel slavery, they set. forth into the uncertain, rocky and hot terrain of the Sinai wilderness. So swift was their ultimate Turn to Page Nine

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980






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LUTHERAN-CATHOLIC DIALOGUE COMMITTEE members, from left, Rev. Theodore Fortier, co-chairman, Assumption College; Msgr. Edward G. Murray, Cambridge;. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; President Eugene A. Brodeen; Rev. Horace J. Travassos; Rev. Karl P. Donfried, co-chairman, Amherst. (Torchia Photo)

Lutheran-Catholic dialogue Bishop Daniel A. Cronin recently hosted members of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Diaiogue Committee of New England at a dinner-meeting at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. Present in addition to Bishop Cronin, were President Eugene A. Brodeen, head of the New England Synod of the Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran and Roman Catholic clergy from throughout New England. The gathering was one of a series to be held in the dioceses

of New England during 1980. At the meetings Dialogue Committee members will discuss with the Catholic bishop of each diocese, and a Lutheran president methods of fostering grassroots ecumenism between Lutherans and Catholics. The year 1980 has special significance in that it marks the 45th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession, a statement made by Lutherans at the time of the reformatiqn in an 'attempt to preserve church unity.

Father Horaace Travossos, chairman of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission and Catholic area coordinator for the Lutheran-Catholic observance, coordinated the Fall River meeting. The Rev. Darrell Ashcraft, pastor of the Church of the Way, Taunton, is Lutheran area coordinator. The Dialogue Committee was formed two years ago with the encouragement of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, archbishop of Boston.




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did so many Pharoahs appear and reappear in ,history? What was the need for so many Inquistions, pogroms and Holocausts? How long will darkness reign before the advent of Eternal Light? And then, as the story of the cruel slavery dwindles and recedes, it is replaced by hymns of thanksgiving and joy. An ancient oath by God to Abraham is remembered: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee and he that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. '(Genesis XII, 2-3) So hope and 'faith are strengthened. As Joseph did in Egypt, the Jewish people have tried hard to bring blessings and progress to the world. Yet they have been the victims of much hatred and fratricide. But the Jew realizes, with a wistful smile upon his face, that the Great Passover lies ahead. Sitting at the Seder table, his love for his family and people reaches out to every one of God's children. There is much that must yet be understood, but this he knows he will yet be the ultimate instrument of God's love and peace upon all mankind.





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• of redemption The prOmISe a People which shall be a "light unto the nations." Theologically, Passover is considered relevant and sacred to Judaism on three levels: I. THE PASSOVER OF EGYPT - This is the historical festival which only occurred once. It is the evolving chain of events which we symbolize in many ways. As mentioned at the outset II. PASSOVER OF THE of this article, the Jewish AGES - The annual seven-day people began as a tribe. Judaism festival (eight days in countries looks upon Egypt as the great outside .Israel), during which the "womb" in which - for many original Passover is relived years - the members of the through the Seder (to be disJewish Tribe suffered greatly in cussed in a subsequent article), their metamorphosis from tribal prayer, song, joy and dedicastatus to that of the "Nation of tion. God." III. THE PASSOVER OF THE It is, of course, a great mys- FUTURE - This is a very mystery why a human embryo must tical, but deeply adhered to conlanguish in darkness for nine cept. The redemption of the Hemonths prior to birth, why a brew slaves many centuries ago plant must be under the ground was crucial not only for the for a specified time, why dark- . Jewish people, but the entire ness must precede the dawn. world. It showed God's concern But the Jewish slaves of Egypt for human processes and His as well as their descendants had direct intervention if and when the faith to realize that it was the need arises. part of God's design and that But there is a redemption the agony was required for the which is yet to come. When peoplehood which followed. the Jewish families sit around Passover, therefore, represents their Seder, surrounded by the the annual anniversary of those love and warmth of each other, first glorious moments in spring- they still cannot help but wontime when the bedraggled slaves der why the many cruel dictalooked ~o heaven in the realiza- tors who have blackened the tion that God had singled them pages of history have primarily out in Jiis love and protection directed their hatred and venom of those who suffered to make against the Jewish people. Why



..,.~J Continued from Page Eight release that mothers could not even make provisions for their children. All they managed to bring out was dough which did not have the opportunity to rise. When they placed these layers of dough upon the hot rocks in the desert, they baked into the unleavened bread which is today's symbolic "matzah."



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

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When your child loses By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Every competitor - and every parent of a competitor - dreams of a moment of glory: the comefrom-behind finish as the underdog beats the favored runper; the brilliant piano solo which wins first-pla<:e honors. But in any given competition, most of the participants will be losers. One individual or one team wins. All the rest lose. Children may not need help in handling victory. Parents are important in teaching children how to lose. When a competitor loses to a better performer in a good contest, he or she at least may have the satisfaction of a good try. More disappointing is the frustration that results when fate dashes long-cherished hopes: the swimmer who has been practicing all through high school deveJops an ear infection just befote the biggest meet of his senior year; the voice student gets a throat infection on the eve of a major competition. Such reversals are bitter blows. Life seems unfair. At these moments children need their parents. In helping a child cope with disappointment, it is easier to give advice about what parents should not do.

Do not deny the disappointment with remarks such as, "It's all right," or, "It wasn't important anyway," or, "Don't feel bad." The parents wish to spare the child disappointment. Denying the failure, however, is a lie. The event was important. The defeat is not all right. Parents cannot control that part of the child's world. Do not criticize the opposition. "Their team practices three times a day. No wonder they won." That school recruits athletes. They don't even live within the school district." Avoid sour grapes. Do not teach· your child that he or she is so superior and perfect that any loss must be due to the dishonesty of the opposition. Do not make excuses. "You would have won easily if you weren't just coming off a bout with the flu." "The referees were terrible." Such remarks imply that losing is so unthinkable, it must be justified in some .way. What can parents do? First, be sympathetic and supportive. Does your daughter feel so bad that she cries over the loss of a race? There is no shame in tears. You don't know what to say? Then don't say anything. Hug her. ' Second, let the child express

frustration and grief. Sometimes the youngster is a poor sport. He blames the referees or makes other excuses for himself. At this time it is best to ignore the ,negative remarks. Good sportsmanship can be learned, but the moment of defeat is no time for a lecture or a formal lesson. Talking about the poor sportsmanship only draws attention to it. Third, compliment signs of good losing. Say something like, "I was proud of the way you played after missing that free throw." It is one thing to make an error. It is another to bounce right back. "I noticed you con-' gratulated the winner. That's class." . Fourth, once a child has expr~ssed disappointment, applaud all positive attitudes and new goals: Son: "We'll get 'em next year." Dad: "You bet you will." Winning is glorious. Losing can be bitter. But losing is also an opportunity to learn to cope with life. Children who learn to take a defeat with grace are growing toward maturity. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River,· Mass. 02722.

How to prune your roses By Joseph Roderick In their. eagerness to get started in the garden in the Spring, many gardeners get out their pruning shears and begin lopping away anything in sight. Just a few words about pruning roses may lead to better blooms and more vigorous plants for those who grow these lovely flowers. To begin with, roses should not be pruned until buds begin to appear on the canes. These are little red outgrowths which appear as small swellings in the cane. Before any work is done on Prunipg canes with buds present, all' dead material should be completely removed from the plant. These dead canes should be cut as far back as possible, to the grafting joint if possible. Next, any crossing canes should be removed.· These ate canes that are growing toward the center of the plant or which cross another cane. The object is to get the bush growing outward rather than inward. Any inward growing canes will eventually cut sunlight and air movement out of the center of the bush . thereby promQting fungus growth such as blackspot. Once dead and crossing canes have been removed, serious pruning can begin.. Its purpose is to : allow the bush to grow in the best possible form, which is urnshaped. One should be able to stand directly above the plant and see the root stalk at the bottom with canes reac.hing out from the center of the periphery of the plant. To achieve this urnlook, pruning should be done so that new growth will tend to-

wards the outside of the bush. This is accomplished by pruning a quarter inch or so above an outward facing bund. The red buds which push through .the cane are terminal buds, once the cane above them is cut and they will develop into branches which will bear leaves and eventually flower buds. If the buds are chosen so that they point away from the center of the plant they will grow outward to form a lovely bush, leading better air circulation in

its center and fewer diseases. One should also try as much as possible to cut the canes at approximately the same height even though this may mean cutting out what seems like healthy stock. The purpose of pruning is not just the removal of unproductive canes, but also the shaping of the plant. It is also a good idea to spray the cut ends of the. canes with tar or some such preparation to prevent borers from entering.



BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN and Father Ronald A. Tosti discuss the 39th annual Catholic Charities Appeal, for which Father Tosti is New Bedford area director.. Appeal proceeds fund programs for the elderly, youth, families and the education· and development of religious personnel, among many other projects.

uestioncorner By Father John Dietzen Q. I realize we have Scripture and tradition as a basis for our beliefs. But when someone not of our faith asks for proof of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Bible, what should be our answer? (Texas) A. There is no proof in the

ordinary sense of the word of the Immaculate Conception in the Bible. But this is not strange; every Christian believes quite a number of things which, even if he does not realize it, cannot be proven from the Bible. There are some texts from. Scripture, however, that may strongly suggest or imply a belief by the earliest Christians in the Immaculate Conception of Mary - that is, that she was sinless, by the saving grace of God, from the time of her conception in the womb of her mother. Certain passages in the first part of St. Luke's Gospel concerning her and her relation to Jesus clearly indicate aconviction of the first Christians that she was an exceptionally holy person who shared in a particularly intimate and total way in the victory of our Lord over sin, perhaps even to being totally free from any stain of moral imperfection or offense. But these texts are not what one could call proofs. The more detailed theological implications of Mary's holiness and of her sharing in the work of Jesus as Savior (such as the Immaculate Conception), while hinted at in Scripture, were only gradually clarified and under. stood by the Church through the centuries. Q. What could you tell me about the religion known as the Worldwide Church of God headed by Herbert W. Annstrong? What view does the Catholic Church take toward it? Is it true they claim there is DO immortal soul or heaven and that their beliefs are backed by the Bible? (Calif)

A regional program for the treament of child abuse that has drawn national attention to St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, will be discussed on Monday by James F. Lyons, the hospital's executive director. fie will be among speakers at the annual meeting of the New England Conference of the Catholic Health Association, to be held at the Sheraton-Boston 'Hotel.

Bible has all the information man really needs if one knows how to look for it. One issue of "The Plain Truth," for example, said .that an analysis of the economic causes of today's world crisis is in the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelations. Liladers of the Worldwide Church certainly believe in life after death and in the reward of those who follow God's law. Since 1979 the Worldwide - The theological implications of Church has been involved in a "in vitro" fertilization will be exlegal battle with the state of plored by Rev. Albert MoraczewCalifornia as a result of allega- ski, OP of the Pope John XXIII tions of 'misconduct by its Medical-Moral Research Education ,Center in St. Louis. leaders. The Catholic Church has never made any comment about the group. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fail River, Mass. 02722.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

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Mary Conroy, RoN of St. Margaret's Hospital, Boston, will explain a Natural Family Planning teaching network developed by the institution. The meeting is expected to draw some 200 health professionals representing over 50 New England facilities.



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Continued from page one the service of parishes and local communities. The Attleboro office currently has a staff of three workers and provides unmarried parents services, adoptions, foster care for newborns, marriage, family and individual counseling; refugee resettlement; and information! referral. According to available resources and local needs, expansion of these programs and initiation of new ones is expected. Each' area of Catholic Social Services will develop individually as needs are brought to the attention of the Church on both the deanery and the diocesan levels. The work of the Agency is supported through the annual Catholic Charities Appeal. Catholic Social Services is under the overall diocesan direction of Reverend Peter N. GraZiano, STL, MA, MSW.


HOME LEARNING FU:N Parents and Grandparents can now help their 'family learn the basic Christian Doctrine FACTS by enjoying the proven successful CD games used in our diocese since 1976-. Your child will find the parish program easier and more interesting, learning '(he Doctrine FACTS at home beforehand. Parish coordinators and teachers alike agree that elementary grade children learn their Doctrine FACTS quickly, playing these games. And children are game-wise. They're naturally eager to "win by learning," and then ttl challenge their friends. In particular, these educational games are beneficial to those children, who for some reason, must be absent from religion class. They can now review at home while recuperating.

A. The Worldwide Church of God is not, properly speaking, a distinct (or particularly strange) religion. It is a rather typical fundamentalist Protestant group and has much in Common with other such churches. It holds to a literal, exclusive reliance on the words of the Bible as the readily available source of ready-made answers to all the world's problems.

- AND ALSO - On car trips, each pack of cards can provide review question-and-answer fun ... so that time away from the parish program is no t a total loss to your child's progress. Children can use highway time for fun learning among themselves.

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The Worldwide Church has become unusually famous through its excellently produced magazines, mainly "The Plain Truth," and its radio programs heard on hundreds of stations in several countries. Their literature tends more now thl\n formerly to acknowledge that there are scientific and other fields whose answers have little connection with what the Bible says, though basically, they seem to believe that the

Child abuse Lyons' topic.

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THE ANCHOR-Dioces'e of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

II For children By Janaan Manternach

PERFECT: There's one perfect baby and every mother has him or her, whether by adoption or biology. (NC Photo)


When you start thinking a})out .adoption By Mary Kenny

As a four-time adoptive mother, I would describe adoption as 路an adventure. Adoption changes your life and leads you down mysterious and previously unimaginable paths. For me, our adoptive children provide one of the richest sources for meditation on the wonder and goodness of God. As with most such children, ours were not conceived and路 born under ideal circumstances. Yet I look at our beautiful Matthew and Annie - with - the - wide - smile and think, "Out of pain and evil have come these beautiful human beings. What greater symbols of


hope! What greater testimony that we live in a world full of wonder and mystery!" Rarely does a couple contemplating adoption hold a positive view. In an infertile marriage, one or both partners may have deep feelings that something is wrong with them. Adoption seems like a second-rate way to become parents. Our culture often endorses these negative attitudes. "Do you have children of your own?" someone asks, implying that adoptive children are some sort of boarders. In contrast to these negative attitudes, couples who have had

~ prayer answered By Marianne Strawn



The case worker leaned over the crib to pick up the baby who was to be their adopted daughter. For Kathleen and John Brinkmiller, it was the longest moment of their lives. "It couldn't have been more than a few seconds," Katheleen recalls, "But it seemed like an eternity." "First we were on a pre-waiting list. Then it took us 22 and a half months to get to the top of the waiting list. Ten months later, tne case worker called t() begin tlJ,e home study," Kathleen explained. , As surely as a baby grows in

the body of its natural mother, it grows in the hearts and minds of parents who wait to bring an adopted child into their llome. Gretchen and Richard Eick had to wait only nine months for their infant daughter. "We felt God's presence through being an expanded family." Gretchen smiled. Even as a girl, she had dreamed of being the mother of a large family, some of the children adopted. She and her husband agree9 that adoption had been a positive experience even though requiring much patience and anxiety. Turn to Page Thirteen

a happy adoption experience view adoption positively. Adoption is not second"rate, but a positive alternative to biological parenthood. The adoptive mother never experiences the eXcitement of carrying a child within her. Yet her experience can never be enjoyed by the biological mother.

No adoptive parents ever forget the moment they first meet their child. It is a monumental experience, as profound as hearing your newborn's first cry. It is not a better nor a second-rate experience. It is a different kind of joy. Parents who choose a hard-toTurn to Page' Thirteen

He was a beautiful baby, but his parents "{ould not let anyone see him. They were afraid the Pharoah's sold~ers would kill him. They were Hebrew slaves. They worked in the brick factories in Egypt. The Pharoah, Egypt's cruel ruler, had just made a law that all Hebrew boy babies were to be thrown into the river and drowned. For three months the Hebrew mother and father were able to hide their baby boy. But it becaine more and more difficult as he grew. Finally they decided on a way to try to save the baby's life. The mother took a strong covered basket. She smeared it with pitch to make it waterproof. She gently placed' her small son in the basket, closed the cover and carried it to 'the river bank. The baby's older sister, Miriam, went along. At the' river the mother carefully placed the waterproofed basket in the water near the river bank, then returned home. Miriam hid a short distance away to see what would happen to her baby brother. She didn't have to wait~ long. She saw the daughter of the Pharoah coming down 路:to the river to bathe. She noticed the basket among the reeds and had one of her maids bring it to her. She lifted up the cover. To her amazement she saw the baby, who began to cry. "It's one of the Hebrews' children," she said to her maids. She felt sorry for the beautiful baby and wanted to care for him. Meanwhile Miriam had joined the maids of the princess. She ran with them to see what was in the basket. She saw how much Pharoah's daughter liked the baby and she made a bold suggestion. Turn to Page Thirteen

.God's adopted, children By Father J'ohn J. Castelot Our relationship t6 God is so profound, so many-sided that the Scriptures use' all sorts of images in an effort to express it. We are pictured as God's creatures, his sheep, his subjects, his people, his bride, his children. It is difficult to think of a more intimate bond than that

between parents and children, and it was precisely this relationship that Jesus revealed when he -encouraged us to call God our Father and spoke of the Father's love for us. He was referring to something much more meaningful than wlJ.at is usually understood by the well-worn phrase: "the fatherhoqd of God and the

brotherhood of man." He personally was conscious of enjoying a unique relationship with God, and this is reflected in the term which he used in praying to him. He addressed the Father as "Abba," an Aramaic word to which our word "father" does not do full justice. It is a form Turn to Page Thirteen

know your faith


A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

A Igreja Sem Fronteiras Internas As divisoes e diferenxas, as distin9oes, as discrimina90es e preferencias sao uma tendencia irresistivel do espirito humano. Embrenabdo se na considera9ao e vivencia da realidade concreta, 0 homem perde a no~ 9ao da unidade substancial que 0 abrange e possibilita como ser no mundo, irmanando-o com a totalidade dos seres existentes. Gera-se, dai, uma situa9ao paradoxal onde se anseia, vagamente, a unidade e igualdade entre todos, mas, concreta e conscientemente, vao-se cavando mais as diYisoes e diferen9as. ~ uma facto. Os homens e 0 mundo de hoje ressentem-se agudamente dessa situa9ao paradoxa I e procuram a uniao. A nossa civiliza9ao privilegiada anulou as distancias, 0 espa9~, 0 tempo, aproximando os homens atraves., de rapid~issimas comunica9oes sociais e de locom09ao. A nivel politico e economico, os povos come9am a ver que nao -se bastam a si mesmos e que, num futuro proximo, so subsistirao, se a unidade entre eles se concretizar eficazmente. A juventude internacional sente, como nunca, a necessidade da uniao para fazer surgir urn mundo diferente deste que a nao satisfaz. As correntes turisticas e migratorias poem em contacto homens das mais diveisas mentalidades e culturas. Os movimentos anti-racistas e anti-discriminatorios multiplicam-se e batem-se pela prom09ao das classes sociais mais desprotegidas, pela emancipa9ao da mulher, pela igualdade de direitos entre todos os seres humanos, etc ... Todavia, apesar de estarmos assis tindo ao ruir de tantas fronteiras, politicas, economicas, sociais, culturais e humanas, nao se vislumbra, no mundo, 0 alvorecer duma autentica fraternidade e uniao entre os homens. ~ que todas essas fronteiras estao enraizadas na consciencia e no cora9ao de cada ser humano. A. de SaintExupery contanum dos seus livros, que durante a guerra civil espanhola, estando em Barcelona como jqrnalista, procurou descobrir por onde passava a fronteira que dividia os espanhois entre si. A conclusao a que chegou foi que essa fronteira era invisivel e passava unicamente pelo cora9ao de cada espanhol. . ' A Igreja, povo de Deus no mundo ressente-se tambem de todas estas aspira90es e situa90es dos homens de hoje. Como realidade historica em continua marcha para um maior fidelidade e transparencia a presen9a viva e a palavra de Cristo, nao pode alhear-se e fechar-se aos apelos da evolu9ao historica, como tambemnao pode subtrair-se inteiramente as limita90es da historia humana. . Criada para ser fermento vivo da fraternidade e unidade entre os homens tern visto surgir, ao longo da sua historia e na sua vida pratica, distin90es e divisoes. A Igreja, como aC9ao de Deus na historia, apresenta-se-nos, a~~im, ambigua, paradoxal e incompreen' s l.vel.

Thinlci.ng about adoption marvelous direction our lives Continued from page twelve place child for social, physical have taken! Adoption is a living or intellectual reasons view their symbol of the wonderful and choice positively. A genetic m~sterious ways of the Lord." counselor might picture them as people so desperate for a child that they will accept anything. Continued from page twelve This is not so. which grammarians call a cariHow can you decide whether tative, a term of endearment, to adopt and how can you develop positive feelings toward more like our words "papa" or adoption? Get to know families "daddy." He felt that close to with children, especially fami- God, and wanted to draw his lies with adoptive children. Ex- followers into that same relapose yourself to real children, tionship. When Jesus, by his resurrecnot just the image of sleepy curlyheads. Babysit for friends. tion, became "a life-giving spirit" Assist with teaching or youth (Cor. 15,45), he sent his own programs to get to know older Spirit upon his followers and children. Most adoption agencies made them uniquely one with hold group meetings periodically him. So really one with him are for prospective adoptive parents. we that we are privileged to adA positive alternative to bio- dress God just as familiarly and logical parenthood, an adven- lovingly .and confidently as he ture, adoption is also a surren- did: "Abba!" It is remarkable der to God's plan, allowing him that the early church, even after to lead us along new, unknown it had become predominantly paths. :1 watch two of our adop- Greek-speaking, still retained the ted children sleeping arm-in-arm Aramaic "Abba," and was not beside each other in the same satisfied with a pale equivalent bed, and I reflect, "There are no like "Father." That's how special blood ties between them or be- " it was. It is interesting, too, that Paul tween either of them and me. invokes the image of adoption Without adoption, none of us to describe the process and conwould ever have crossed paths in our lives. Yet here we all are, trasts it with "slavery." In the truly united, intimate as only culture of the day a slave was family can be intimate. What a very much a part of the household, but not one of the family. Natural children were, of course, but so, too, were adopted children, who enjoyed the same , Continued from Page Twelve rights and privileges and could As she shopped for baby really mean it when they said clothes, Gretchen recalled "a "papa" or "mama." Paul tells us feeling of sadness that I didn't that this is our situation also, carry the baby in my body. But with respect to God. We are all the waiting experience was a his adopted children and brothers and sisters of Christ. good one." If the status of adopted childAdrianne 'Lee had given birth to a daughter but lost her. She ren was considered a fitting exsuspected she might have pression of our relationship to trouble getting pregnant again, God, the status in human affairs so she began thinking of adop- must certainly be a worthy one. It is a viable and very beautiful tion. She called each of the 20 alternative open to couples who, agencies listed in the Chicago have no children of their own phone book. When they were and yearn to share more fully finally accepted, "I prayed that in their Father's creative love. God's will would be done in the adoption." Kathleen Brinkmiller had spent Continued from page twelve a short -time in a convent with the Sisters of Divine 'Providence. "Would you like me to get "The trust I learned there help- one of the Hebrew women to ed me a great deal during our nurse the baby for you?" she long wait." asked Pharoah's daughter. 'But, during the interviews "Yes," she answered with a with the adoption agency, Kath- smile," "that is a good idea. leen recalls being very tense. Please find me one of the He,"I prayed I would say the 'right' brew women." So Miriam ran thing. I was so afraid we back home and told her mother wouldn't get a child." what had happened. They ran It was October when the back to the river. couple learned that they would The princess handed the baby get a baby. "From then on, our to the Hebrew woman (not guesswhole world relaxed." ing that she was the baby's real "I was convinced our baby .mother). "Take the child home wouldn't come until after Christ- with you. Nurse him for me and mas," she said. take good care of him. I will But at 5:20 one evening, the repay you," she said. agency called and 'told them So the mother took her baby they could pick up their four- home. Her husband could hardly month-old girl the next morning. believe his eyes. Their plan had The dark-haired _baby is worked better than they could named Ooina, meaning gift of have imagined. Their baby boy heaven. would surely not be killed now For each of these families, because the Pharoah's own adoption was a prayer answered. daughter wanted him. A's they waited for the children Moses grew up in the palace who would complete and enrich of the Pharoah and became an their lives, they walked with important person in Egypt. But God, discovering new depths he never forgot his real. mother and dimensions in spirituality. nor the Hebrew slaves.



For children

HIE AtKHORThurs., March 20, 1980



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ceived copies of a report to be presented next week to members of an accreditation team from the New England Assn. of Schools arid Colleges. The team will evaluate the school for renewed accreditation.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

=:;foCUI A-l Approved' for Children and Adults All Thi~gs Bright and Beautiful The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again Arabian Adventure Battlestar Galactics' The Black Stallion Bugs Bunny Road Runner

Danny The Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family The Glacier Fox In Search of the Historic Jesus Jesus Mountain Family. Robinson

The Muppet Movie My Brilliant Career North Avenue Irregulars Star Trek The Motion Picture Unidentified Flying Oddball

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents The American Game Avalanche Express Beyond the Poseidon Adventure The Black Hole Breaking Away Buck Rogers The Champ The China Syndrome C.H.O.M.P.S.

Coal Miner's Daughter The Europeans The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh A Force of One Hero at Large Just You and Me, Kid The In·Laws A Little Romance

Midnight Madness The Prisoner of Zenda Scavenger Hunt Sunburn Superman Take Down Tree of Wooden Clogs Uncle Joe Shannon The Wiz

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha Alien The Amityville Horror Angi Vera Being There Boardwalk The Black Marble Brass Target Butch and Sundance: The Early Days California Suite' Chapter Two City on Fire Crimebusters Cuba Dreamer The Electric Horseman Escape from Alcatraz Escape to Athena Fast Break Fast Charlie Fatso Fedora The Fifth Musketeer The Fog Foolin' Around Force 10 from Navarone Foxes

The Frisco Kid' On the Yard The Godsend Patrick Going in Style A Perfect Couple Good Guys Wear Black Picnic at Hanging Rock The Great Hoax The Promise The Great Train Robbery Prophecy Harper Valley PTA Real Life Head over Heels Remember My Name Hot Stuff Rich Kids The Human Factor Rocky II The Kids Are Alright Roller Boogie The Last Wave The Runner Stumbles The Late Great Planet Earth Running Lost and Found The Seduction of Joe Tynan The Main Event Sextette A Man, A Woman and Simon a Bank Skatetown, U,S.A. Meatballs Something Short Meteor of Paradise Moonraker Starting Over More American Graffiti Time After Time Murder by Decree The Villain Newsfront Voices Nightwing Walk Proud Norma Rae Wanda Nevada Nosferatu, the Vampire When A Stranger Calls Old Boyfriends Yanks OIivers Story Wise Blood

B - Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americathon French Postcards An Almost Perfect Affair Goldengirl And Justice for All Guyana: Cult of Avalanche the Damned Baltimore Bullet Halloween The Bell Jar Hanover Street Circle of Iron Hurricane The Class of Miss Ice Castles MacMichael Invasion of the The Concorde Body Snatchers Airport '79 The Jerk Death Ship . Just Tell Me What The Deer llunter You Want Dracula The Last Married Couple Every Which Way But Loose .jn America Final Chapter· Walking Tall Legacy Firepower Love at First Bite

The Magician of Lublin Max Havelaar Natural Enemies Nest of Vipers 1941 Night of the Juggler Players Quintet Saint Jack Saturn 3 Soldier of Orange Sunnyside 10 Tracks The Wanderers Windows

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as, a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Apocalypse Now Hair Kramer vs. Kramer

Manhattan The Onion Field

Promises in the Dark The Rose

C - Condemned All That Jazz American Gigolo Bloodline The Brood Cruising Dawn of the Dead A Different Story Down and Dirty

Hardcore Phantasm In Praise of Older Women Secrets Life of Brian The Silent Partner Little Darlings The Stud Luna. The Warriors Moment by Moment When You Camin' Night Games Back Red Ryder? The Passage Winter Kills

(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference. Further information about recent films is available from The Anchor office, telephone 675-7151.)

on youth

By Cecilia Beianger My mail troubles me. I fall asleep thinking of ways to answer the questions. 'But who really has the answers? We are in an election year and confusion is at its height. "How long will error reign?" people ask. "How long will pride corrode?" One man boasted. to me he' was a "hard liner" and proud of it! It was the hard line that armed dictators around the world, and who were their victims? Doesn't this bother people? Those voices and cries that no . one hears? Are we, as a nation, going to continue to be the victims of our own leaders, leaders who' are even now shopping around for more dictators to' arm1 Is this the road to peace, to love of neighbor, to. human • rights? Life gives back what we pour into it. "The measure you give will be the measure you get." That's hard to accept when a nation feels it has been Lady Beautiful to the world. Another writes: "The only thing the other side understands is force." Then do we have to act as if the only thing WE understand is force? If that is true, then God help us all! The world is not unfriendly. The leaders make it so. When people know we love them, it's harder for them to hate us. It is not love that arms nations, that precipitates one crisis after another. It is deceit, untruths, and the wrong people in the wrong jobs. "Russians don't know the meaning of love," said another. .-There was no point in reciting to this hard-liner the words of Andrei Sakhal'Ov's compatriot, Alexander Pushkin, words he penned about himself: And long will I be lovingly remembered Because my poems kindled kindness, Because amid the cruelties of my century I called for freedom And sought compassion for the fallen victims. This world is full of silent witnesses to love. Perhaps this is the time for them to be silent no longer. Perhaps it is time for witnesses from all the churches . and all the faiths around the world ~o come together and be heard. Our stumbling block seems to be the inabilit.y of people to communicate love. Our emissaries run all over the w.orld. Are they the right people to communicate love? Or are they cocky, arrogant, boastful and threatening? ,Poor choices and bad politics are devastating us. Yet because and in spite of the corruption, injustice, ineptitude, cover-ups and you name it swirling around our heads, I believe there is an indestructible goodness at the heart of things. Ours is always a statement of hope. Ours always a search for

the "city with foundations." There is a divine restlessness that makes us impatient with things as they are and eager for that which they might become.

Bishop Feehan Student body members at the Attleboro school recently saw a performance of "The Miracle Worker" by William Gibson, presented by dramatic monologist Mary Louise Hickey. Faculty members have re-

In spring sports" Thomas Glynn is in charge of boys' track, David Curtis will direct girls' track and Sister Patricia Rahaim will be girls' softball assistant coach. Some 250' students are trying out for team slots.

At the heart "Ministries to single people, whether they be married, divorced or widowed, or to the aged, must not be seen as extras, but rather must be identified at the heart of the mission of the local church." - Father James Young •

'One of the finest' .

By Larry Lotz

At New Bedford's Holy Family High School, athletic director Tom Krugar calls Gary Cathcart one of the finest players he has ever coached. Having been named to three different allscholastic teams in three different sports (soccer, basketball, and baseball) his junior year and one (soccer) thus far this season (basketball has yet to be chosen), the Blue Wave senior has the credentials to back up his AD's claims. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cathcart and a member of St. Joseph's parish, Fairhaven, Gary is an all-around athlete excelling in both sports and academics. A member of his school's National Honor Society, he also participates in student government, the Glee Club and Spanish Club. But it is on the playing fields that Cathcart has made a name, both for himself and for Holy Family High. Having never played soccer, he came out for the team his junior year and captured the starting goalie position. He capped the season by being named to the New Bedford Standard Times All-Schola.lltic soccer team. For the past two seasons he has been the

leading scorer on the school's basketball team; as a junior with a 15.3 average and as a senior with a 15 point average. Over the last three years every game won by the Blue Wave baseball team has been a personal victory for Cathcart. He has been on the mound for each occasion. Considered one of the best pitchers in the New Bedford area, Gary has made coaches' and newspaper allscholastic baseball teams since his sophomore year. He will again return to the mound when the season starts in a couple of weeks. There are two other Cathcarts at Holy Family. His brother Mark, a freshman, played right wing on the soccer team last fall and was a member of the Blue Wave jayvee basketball team this past winter. Mark seems likely to follow in his brother's footsteps. Janine Cathcart, a sophomore, was the head of the school's jayvee cheerleaders. Gary has not yet decided where he will go to college, !>ut has 'applied to the University of New Hampshire, the University 'of Massachusetts and Brandeis. Western Georgia College is another possibility.


By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Father Donovan Fund Game Tonight The Father. Donovan CYO Scholarship Fund all-star hockey game is scheduled for tonight in the Driscoll Rink on Elsbree Street in Fal' River. It will pit senior high school players against a team from the Bristol County Catholic Hockey League, a CYO organization. CYO players were listed last week. The senior players are John. Hart, Dave Sullivan, Dave McDonald, Bill Sullivan, Bruce Garcia, Paul Rasieleski, Bob Costa and John Albin of Fall River; Tom Richardson, Mike Cintolo, Wayne Ferreira and Rod Stafford of Somerset; Jack Arruda and Greg Tougas of Dartmouth; Mario Pasqua and Dave Mullen of Warren; Glenn Pontes of New Bedford; and Chris Stanick of Portsmouth. Anthony Abraham, the only chairman the all-star game com-

mittee has known since its inception in 1960, reports that in that time the scholarship fund has helped eight seniors with $28,000 in scholarship aid and that a new $4,000 scholarship will be made available in June. John Kineavy, principal at Dartmouth High School, is again chairman of the awards committee. Joseph Prenda, director of Driscoll Rink and hockey coach at Southeastern Mass University, will share the duties of master of ceremonies with Bob Richards, Durfee High hockey coach. Bill Kwascinski will be the official scorer, and Jim McCarthy, dean of area hockey referees, will be in charge of game officials. ·Plaqu.es will be presented to the players selected as the number one, two and three stars on each squad.

Some All Star Selections Could there be another Craig on the 1984 United States Olympic ice hockey team? The possibility exists! Senior Center Dan Craig of Oliver Ames High School has been named to the 1980 All-Hockomock Ice Hockey team. The center on Oliver Ames first line, Dan, 5'8" and 155 Ibs. scored 18 goals and was credited with 28 assists in 16 games for Hockomock champion Oliver Ames. He is said to be a fine passer with an accurate and quick shot. He will be attending Boston University . . . and . . . yes . . . he is a younger brother of Jim Craig who gained fame as goalie for the United States Olympic champion team. The family belongs to Immaculate Conception parish in North Easton... Others on that AlI-Hockomock team are junior goalie Scott Gordon, junior right wing John McEvoy, senior right defense Dave Poitras, and junior ,left defense Tad DeCouto, all of Oliver Ames; senior right wing Mike Travers, senior defense Mark Winters, junior center Stephan Rooney, all of Canton; senior goalie Scott 'LaRosa, senior right wing Tom McCarron, senior center Donald Walker, junior defense Jerry Langevin, all of Franklin; senior defense Brian Hamlin, senior forward Rob Edwards, both of King Philip. Jeanne Saulnier of Bishop Stang High School has been named to the New Bedford Standard-Times girls ali-scholastic track team, for the 50-yard dash. Undefeated in that event, she was the top point getter for the Spartanettes with 78 points. Her best time as league champion wlJs 6.2 seconds. Stang's Cathy Curry received honorable mention in the 50-yard dash.

Although the makeup of the Southeastern Mass. Conference Division One Girls' Basketball all-star team has not yet been officially announced, it is learned that another Spartanette, Denise Higgins, has been named to that stellar combine. Others on the conference team are Gwen Smith, Dawn Gomes and Donna Fields of New Bedford HIgh;, Rita Roach, Ada Silvia and Terri Crete of Wareham; Lisa Shea and Penny Adams of Dennis-Yarmouth; and Cindy Baker of :Falmouth. '\ Rounding out the StandardTimes track team are Cindy Roberge, Dartmouth 50-yard dash; Michelle St. Pierre, New Bedford, 300-yard dash; Stephanie Roussas, New Bedford, 600-yard dash; Michelle Tisdelle, New Bedford Yoke-Tech, I,OOO-yard run; Theresa Duhamel, VokeTech, mile; Carol Ann Days, Yoke-Tech, two mile; Joan Smith, New Bedford, high jump; and Darlene Berg, Dartmouth, shot put. New Bedford and Taunton will meet at. nine o'clock Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink in the opener of the best-of-three final in the Bristol County Catholic Hockey League playoff. New Bedford gained the final with a 6-3 victory over SomersetFreetown last Sunday night in the deciding game of their semifinal. Taunton had previously swept its semi with Rochester.

Strong food "I am the food of strong mE'n. Grow apace and thou shalt feed on Me; nor shalt thou convert Me like common food into thy substance, but thou shalt be changed into Me." - St. Augustine

tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate . both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing: PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for. children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which,however, require some analysis and explanation): C--condemned.

New Films "A Force of One" (Ameri· can Cinema) - A run-of-themill melodrama starring karate champ Chuck Norris, this has to do with breaking up a narcotics ring. Justice triumphs by means of the martial arts, with the violence skillfully choreographed and not excessive. PC,

day, March 24, 9 p.m. (ABC) "Dr" Zhivago" (1966) - Boris Pasternak's novel has been turned into a romantic epic of the Russian Revolution and its effect upon the individual. Julie Christie, Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness, Rita Tushingham and a number of other fine stars struggle to live in difficult cir· cumstances. A2 . Friday, March 28, 9 p.m. (ABC) "The Pink Panther Strikes Again" (1976) - Peter Sellers is as funny as ever as Inspector Clouseau in this latest of the Pink Panther series to appear on television. The plot has him foiling the machinations of his former superior, who has got control of a doomsday machine. But the sexual elements in the humor are more prominent than need be. PG, A3

On Television

Lenten television programming will include "The Day Christ Died," 8 to 11 p.m. Wednesday, March 26 (CBS). It was previewed by Eugene Fisher, director of the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relayons. Noting the difficulties faced by filmmakers in synthesizing the biblical and historical evidence concerning Jesus' last days, he said he felt "The Day Christ Died" handles them well. He said the depiction of Pilate as a cruel tyrant squares better with historical accounts than does the traditional characterization of the Roman deputy as a weak victim of circumstance. He added that he hopes the film, which shows that the Jewish people as a whole were not responsible for Christ's death, will contribute to breaking down anti-Semitism. To be shown for the third year is NBC's "Jesus of Naza· reth," which will begin Sunday, March SQ. "The Mystery of Elehe," 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 23, PBS is a documentary recording the performance of a medieval mystery play about Mary's Assumption performed annually in the Spanish village of Elche since at least the year 1420.The program also examines the play's legend and history and views modernday Elche. Films on TV Sunday, March 23, and Mon·

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"The Godsend" (Cannon) - A foundling with a nasty disposition knocks off, one by one, the natural children of her foster parents, who seem inordinately slow to get the drift. This tepid thriller has little to recommend it. Its foreboding atmosphere and a rather graphic birth scene make it mature fare. R, A3 "Midnight Madness" (Buena Vista) - Rival teams of college students compete in a middleof-the-night treasure hunt in this attempt at zany comedy. Laughs are few and the going gets tiresome. Some mild sexual innuendoes rule out younger children. PG, A2

THE ANCHORThurs., March 20, 1980

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THANKSGIVING Novena To St. Jude o Holy

St. Jude, Apostle, and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles near kinsman of Jesus Christ faithfui intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known, and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and G1orias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pray for us all who invoke your aid, Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. I have had my request granted. Publication promised. A reader. (Advt.) N.B.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 20, 1980

Iteering p.intl"' PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of ell ,ctivitles. Please send news of future rather than past events."' Note: We do not carry news of fundralsing activities such IS bingos, whlsts; dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro~rams, club meetings, youth projects nd simIlar nonprofit a-ctlvlties. Fundralsing projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.

OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD Lenten services are held at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday. The speaker for March 26 will be Rev. Richard McNally, SS.ce. Confirmation candidates will attend a penance service ·at 7 p.m. tomorrow. First communion will be received at 9:15 a.m. Mass Sunday.

OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE An information night open to ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, all will be held at 7:30 tonight FALL RIVER Medical professionals are infor separated and divorced Cath. vited to a lecture at 8:30 a.m. olics and those interested in the problems facing such persons. Wednesday, April 2 by Ronald Rev. Dennis Burns, JCD, presi- Lee Nichols, M.D. of Tulane dent of the Canon Law Society University School of Medicine in of America and Officialis of the New Orleans, a nationally recog. Boston Archdiocesan Marriage nized expert in infection control. Tribunal, will speak on marri- His topic will be "Sepsis in the age, discussing annulment Surgical Patient." norms, the 1977 lifting of the ST. JOSEPH, penalty of excommunication in NEW BEDFORD certain cases and various misFifth and sixth grade students conceptions concerning divorce. will hold a science fair in the A question period will follow. church hall from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, March 20. All parishSACRED HEART. ioners are invited. First place NORTH ATILEBORO A parish family night is plan- students for a fair recently held ned for Saturday, April 19, with by seventh and eighth graders Donald and Pauline Kirby as are Kenneth Frade and Christohost couple. The program will pher Souza for seventh grade include skits, refreshments and and Anmimarie Poyant and Midancing. Parishioners are asked chelle Robert for eighth grade. The Wednesday, March· to bring pictures and other 26 liturgy will be a Mass of memorabilia to be part of a by a teaching. healing, follo:wed montage depicting the 75 years Both Masses will be preceded by of Sacred Heart's history. recitation of the rosary. . A.reception honoring the Holy An hour of prayer for world Union Sisters of the parish will peace and for the diocese will be be held from 1 to 5 Sunday, held from 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 13, under sponsorship of March 27. St. Anne's Women's Club. A parish prayer line has been Lenten banners adorning the established. Those with needs sanctuary were made and pre- may call 999-6378 and prayer sented to the parish by Nancy will be offered daily for them. Charpentier. The Legion of Mary willsponOUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Children of Mary will receive corporate communion this Sunday. First communion will be received this year at 9 a.m. Mass Saturday, June 7. BLESSED SACRAMENT ADORERS, FAIRHAVEN The Blessed 'Sacrament will be exposed from after 6:30 p.m. Mass until midnight on Holy Thursday, April 3, at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven, with Benediction taking place at 11 :45 p.m.,

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Nominations to the parish board of education will be accepted by Mrs. Jacqueline Brodeur, secretary, through Monday, April 7. To aid the Youth Commission in planning a youth ministry program for grades 7 through 12, parishioners are asked to cooperate in completing a questionnaire available at the church doors. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER Parishioners wishing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation at a special ceremony for' adults in St. Mary's Cathedral are asked to attend a meeting in the church, Saturday at 11 a.m. or call the rectory for alternate arrangements. Dr. Philip T. Silvia Jr., professor of hist01y at Bridgewater State College, will" speak to the Women's Club at an open meeti!1g at 8 p.m. Monday, April 7. Margaret O'Neil is taking res. ervations for a trip to the Poconos, June 28, ~~9 and 30.

SACRED HEAUT, FALL RIVER A program beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday, Marl,h 22 will focus . on the Lenten works of prayer, charity and fasting. A film on the work of Mother Teresa will be followed by 4 p.m. Mass and a Poor Man's Supper in the school cafeteria. Parents of confirmation candidates will meet at 7 p.m. Monday in the school cafeteria. An evening of recollection for all involved in p.arish ministries will take plac!,! at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the parish center. A parish penance service is scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, March 31.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Confirmation will be administered at 7 p.m. Monday. In preparation for Holy Week, an afternoon of family sharing and activities will .be held beginning at 2:30 p.m. Palm Sunday, March 30, in the school. It will conclude at 5 p.m. with a spaghetti supper. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The devotion of the 13 Tuesdays honoring St. Anthony of Padua began Tuesday and will continue until June, with services at 8:15 a.m. in Polish and 6:50 p.m. in English each Tuesday. Chanting of the Old PolishSlavonic Meditation on the Passion (Gorzkie Zale) takes place at 4 p.m. each Sunday and 8 a.m. each Thursday during Lent. iRegistration for the new confirmation class being formed will take place for 7th and 8th graders following 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday.


Tauntonian is principal Brother Harold Hathaway, CSC has been named the fourth principal of Holy Cross High School, Waterbury, the largest Catholic high school in Connecticut. Born in Taunton, Brother Harold is the son of Madeline and the late Harold Hathaway. He is a 1962 graduate of the former Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton and of St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas. He holds a master of arts degree in liberal studies from Wesleyan University and a master of science in administration from the University of Notre Dame. " A member of the Holy Cross High School faculty since 1969, he was director of students from 1974 to 1976 and since 1976 religious superior of his community. He holds a research fellowship at Yale Uriiversity in the field of administration and spirituality.

679-5262 LEARY PRESS


.fSnbu iJ111amicli DlIomm's

sor a holy hour at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow." The public is welcome..


ST. THERESA, SOUTH ATILEBORQ Parishioner!; are following a "Lenten Journey" theme, with special homilies and a different family offering prayer and an' appropriate symbol at 11 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Also on the Lenten program are Monday services preceding 7:30 p.m. Mass, an adult education course offered by Father Richard Roy at 8 p.m. each Tuesday and 8 p.m. prayer meetings sponsored by the Lord Jesus Prayer Community each Friday.

ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Youth Fellowship Group CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, wiU meet at 7:30 p.m. March 27. NEW BEDFORD Father Andre Patenaude, M.S. The Way of the Cross will be will sing at a dinner concert to held at 3 p.m..tomorrow in the Lady Chapel. Confessions wiU . be held at White's restaurant, "be heard immediately following North Westport, Wednesday evening, March 26, under sponthe service. sorship of the club. The Fall River native has just released CATHEDRAL MUSIC, his sixth album. Titled "Breath FALL RIVER A "Dwbois...sing" of "The Seven of God," it presents "music of a Last WQrds of Christ" will be healing God" and reflects the held at ~ p.m. Friday, March 28 healing ministry established by in the ~athedral, preceded this Father ·Patenaude at La Salette Sunday ~y a rehearsal at 8 p.m. Shrine, Enfield, N.H., of which in the c~oir room of St. Mary's he has been director for the past year. School.

ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET There will be a Penance Service for fourth grade CCD pupils at 12:45 p.m. Saturday. "The Exodus, A Way of Prayer and Growth," a series conducted by Rev. Stephen B. Salvador will hold its second class at 7 p.m. tomorrow. The third class will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 26. A family communion breakfast sponsored by the Women's Guild and the Holy Name Society will follow 8:30 a.m. Mass Sunday.

• • • • • • • • • • •


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