VOL. 47, NO. 11
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
• Friday, March 21, 2003
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Vatican warns those who give up on peace
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VATICAN CITY - As U.S. President George W. Bush abandoned international diplomacy and set a countdown for war on Iraq, the Vatican warned that whoever .gives up on peaceful solutions would have to answer for the decision to God and history. The Vatican statement March 18 came a day after Bush gave Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his sons a 48-hour ultimatum to leave Iraq to avoid military conflict. "Whoever decides that all the peaceful means made available under international law are exhausted assumes a grave responsibility before God, his conscience and history," said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls. The one-sentence statement did not mention Bush or any other internationalleaders by name. For months, the Vatican has spoken out against a possible war, calling on all sides to pursue diplomacy
Connolly nowjoins the three other Catholic schools in the Fall River diocese with its new football program
cheerleaders, band and parent support groups all benefit. I'm very proud of what's going on at our school and the students are excited about it,'·' he added. So excited that during a recent orientation, 24 freshman students signed up for football. By MIKE GORDON When McNamee took over as school prinANCHOR STAFF cipal one of the things he wanted to do was FALL RIVER - Football will be coming implement a football program. When he e!'-to Bishop Connolly High School this fall thanks . pressed that to James Karam, chainnan of the to a generous donation of $150,000 from the Founders' Committee he heard the words "I'm Founders' Circle, a group of 10 investors who going to help you." Now, $150,000 later,·the school is building will each give $15,000 to the school over the a weight room, buying football equipment, next three years. planning to renovate its soccer Principal James McNamee spoke during a field and thinking about hiring March 11 press cona head coach and coaching ference and exstaff for the team. Funds for pressed his thanks to the team will eventually be the "wonderful built into the school's members of the budget like its other. Founders' Circle in sports teams. believing and supThe news of porting us in our new football being inadventure." troduced into the He said that the school was good introduction of a news for chaplain football program Father Roger J. at Connolly is / Landry who said the first step to/ he had fond ward reaching memories of their goal of beplaying in high coming the preschool. mier Catholic high ''This will help school in southeastdevelop the charern Massachusetts. acter of our stuThe team will field a dents. Sports, freshman and junior competition and varsity squad this fall comradery all help with a varsity team tardevelop virtues that geted for 2005. are crucial in life," "By introducing said Landry. "Courfootball to our proage, teamwork and gram, we will be perseverance are all able to help both important to our lives our sports program and spirituality," he and our fine arts added.. programs and ofOne student who fer a well-rounded has already benexperience to our efited, is freshman students," said Austiri Moniz who McNamee. greeted press con"Our mission is ference attendees the education and dressed as enrichment of stu"Freddie Coudents through a BISHOP CONNOLLY High School Principal gar," the school's multi-faceted proJames McNamee poses with the school's new foot- mascot. Moniz gram based on Christian ideals. ball mascot, "Freddie Cougar," at a press' confer• Not only the play- ence announcing the addition of football to 111m to page 16 -Football I ers on the field, but Connolly athletics. (Anchon'Gordon photo)
to avoid a fresh conflict. In one of his most impassioned public pleas, Pope John Paul II said March 16 that war would have ''tremendous consequences" for Iraqi civilians and for the equilibrium of the entire Middle East and could foment new forms of extremism. He called on Saddam to cooperate urgently and fully with the international community "to eliminate any motive for armed intervention," and asked member nations of the U.N. Security Council to respecttheirown U.N. charter, which allows the use of force only as a last resort, when all peaceful means have been exhausted. "I say to all: There is still time to negotiate. There is still room for peace. It is never too late to understand each other and to continue to work things out," the pope said. Bush, issuing his ultimatum during a television address from the 111m to page 11 - War
SOME OF the individuals who recently attended a Small Faith Community Leaders'workshop at Immaculate ConceptionParish, North Easton.
Season II of RENEW is in full swing
• I
NORTH EASTON - With the Third Sunday of Lent approaching, area Catholics have nearly reached the midpoint of the season, as has Season II of the diocesan RENEW program. Nearly half of the parishes in the Diocese of Fall River are participating in the RENEW program, not only to strengthen their Lenten resolve, but also to prepare for the centennial" celebration of the diocese in 2004, ac-
cording to Father Thomas C. Lopes, diocesan director of the program. "Conversion is the theme of this second season, and repentance is the call," said Father Lopes. "Our readings this weekend invite us to 'choose new life.' Conversion and transformation always begin with the choice for new life. We need to turn away from our 'old way of life.''' 111m to page 13 - RENEW
Friday, March~21; 2003
Legion of Mary Acies ceremony slated for March 30 at Cathedral FALL RIVER - Members of the eight praesidia or councils of the Legion of Mary of the Fall River diocese will rededicate themselves to their apostolate at the 51 st annual Acies' Ceremony to be held March 30 at 2:30 p.m., in St. Mary's Cathedral. Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the diocese, will preside. Fathel: Barry W. Wall, diocesan director of the Legion of Mary. will be the homilist. The consecratioh ceremony, at which active members recommitthemselves to bringing souls to Jesus through Mary, will also include recitation of the rosary and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All active and auxiliary members of the Legion of Mary, their family, friends and
Bishop Hart of Norwich retires; Bishop Cote to succeed him By
eral parish posts, then-Father WASHINGTON Pope Cote also served on the diocthe public are invited to attend. John Paul II accepted the res- esan marriage court in Portland Refreshments will be served ignation of Bishop Daniel A. in the 1980s and was a secrein the Cathedral school hall fol- Hart of Norwich, Conn., and tary at the apostolic nunciature has appointed Auxiliary Bishop in Washington for severai years lowing the ceremonies. Michael R. Cote of Portland, in the early 1990s. It was announced that Father Terence F. Keenan, pastor of Maine, as his successor. Bishop Hart, who turned 75 St. Mary's Parish, South last August, had headed the Dartmouth, and spiritual director of the praesidium there, has Norwich diocese ~ince 1995. been named the new spiritual For nearly 20 years before that, director 0 I' the New Bed ford he was an auxiliary bishop in Curia of the Legion. That curia the Boston Archdiocese. His resignation and the apis under the guidance of the pointment of Bishop Cote, 53, senatus in Boston. Currently Fall River has its were announced in Washington Archbishop Gabriel Our Lady of Good Counsel by Praesidium at St. Joseph's Par- Montalvo, apostolic nuncio to ish. In Fairhaven there are three' the United States. Bishop Cote, born in units, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Praesidium at St. Mary's, Sanford, Maine, went to high and Our Lady of Peace school in Canada for three Praesidium and Our Lady years at Bathurst College in Queen of Angels Praesidium at Bathurst, New Brunswick. He pursued his college and semiSt. Joseph's. nary studies at Our Lady of Turn to page J3 - Legion Lourdes Seminary in Cassadaga, N.Y.; Assumption College in Worcester, Mass.; St. Mary's Seminary and College in Baltimore; and North American College in Rome. BISHOP MICHAEL R. COTE He was ordained a priest of Light of the World - New Life." the Diocese of Portland in Presenters at the event will be Maine on June 29, 1975, at St. Named pastor of 'Sacred Father David Pignato, a parochial Peter's Basilica in Rome by Heart Parish in Auburn, Maine, vicar at St. Julie Billiart Parish, Pope Paul VI and later earned in '1994, he was named an auxNorth Dartmouth, and Jean Revi I. a licentiate in canon law from iliary bishop of Portland a year The registration deadline for The Catholic U ni versi ty of later. the retreat is March 25. America in Washington. , On a national level, Bishop All are welcome to attend. For Iil addition to holding sev- Cote has been a member of the further information, call the 01'. U.S. bishops' Committee on tice of RCIA at 508-678-2828. and CommitDaily Readings . Communications tee on Canonical Affairs. He
Office of RCIA to host Lenten retreat EAST FREETOWN - The diocesan Office of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is sponsoring a Lenten retreat day for the Elect, candidates, sponsors, and RCIA team members at Cathedral Camp on March 29. The theme of the retreat which runs from 9:30 a.!TI. to 3 p.m. is "Seeking Christ: Living Water-
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2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Pss 42:23;43:3-4; Lk 4:24-30 Is 7:10-14; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Dt 4:1 ;5-9; Ps 147:12-13,1516,19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95: 1-2,6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Has 14:2-10; Ps 81 :6c11b,14,17; Mk 12:28b-34 Has 6:1-6; Ps 51 :3-4,18-21 b; Lk 18:9-14 2 Chr 36:14- . 16,19-23; Ps 137:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; In 3:1421
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THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Chrisonas at 887 HighlaOO Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Suo>cription priCe by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA CJ1722.
continues to serve on the Committee on the Laity's Subcommittee on Youth and the communications committee's Subcommittee for Liaison with Catholic News Service. Bishop Hart, born in Lawrence, Mass., attended Boston' College and St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., before his Feb. 2, 1953, ordination as a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston. He holds 'degrees in theology, business administration and education. After serving in various parish and administrative posts in the archdiocese, he was named an auxiliary bishop of Boston on Aug. 30, 1976, and ordained to the episcopacy on October 18 of that year. Appoi,nted bishop. of' Norwich on Sept. 12, 1995, he was installed in the diocese on Nov. I, 1995, by Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin of Hartford, Conn., a seminary classmate. "With Bishop Hart, what you see is what you get," Archbishop Cronin said at the time. "He has a deep and abiding respect for every human being, and has proven himself' to be particularly solicitous of priests and'religious women and men. He recognizes, respects and encourages the role of the laity of the Church." The Diocese of NorwiCh, which marks its 50th anniversary this year, has a Catholic population of about 225,000 in a total population of approximately 633,000.
I nYour Prayers Please pray for,the following priests during the coming week March 25 1991, Rev. John J. Brennan, SS.Cc.
March 27 1918, Rev. James W. Conlin, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset 1964, Rt. Rev. Antonio P. Vieira, Pastor, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford
March 28 1960, Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, Pastor, St. Jacques, Taunton 1972, Rev. Bernard A, Lavoie, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River 1983, Rev. Dieudonne Masse~ OFM, Retired, Montreal, Canada . , 1985, Rev. Howard A. Waldron, Pastor Emeritus, St. Thomas More, Somerset
March 29 1923, Rev. James H. Carr,S.T.L., Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River 1951, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Moriarty, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River .
March 30 1963, Rev. Aime Barre, On Sick Leave, Fall River 1985, Rev. Benoit R. Galland, Retired, United States Navy 2002, Rev. Lucio B. Phillipin'o, Retired PastQr, Immaculate Concertion, North Easton; Rev. lames F. Kelley
Friday, March 21, 2003
Cardinal Bevilacqua said the new measure "responds to this question of constitutionality." First, the bi II narrowly defines partial-birth abortion and addresses issues raised by the Supreme Court about protecting women's health, he said. The bill also "presents Congress' findings, based on years of testimony, that partial-birth abortion is not necessary to preserve women's health, and in fact may pose serious health risks," the cardinal added. Opponents of the legislation argued that the p.articular type of abortion it addresses is sometimes medically necessary, especially when birth defects or other complications are discovered late in a pregnancy and other abortion
Senate passes bill banning partial-birth abortion By
methods are less likely to succeed. On the Senate floor, Santorum said partial-birth abortions are "never medically necessary," are "not taught in any medical school in this country" and are "not recommended." In describing the procedure, he said it is being used after the 20th week of pregnancy, and during it the fetus is partially delivered, then a pair of scissors is "thrust into the base of the sku II and ... the cranial contents removed."
quickly, and she described the without amendments to weaken WASHINGTON - Catholic Senate vote as "the beginning it. In a letter to senators, he officials praised the U.S. Sen- of the end for this cruel and asked them to support the meaate for its 64-33 vote to pass the dangerous procedure." Carl Anderson, supreme sure over a substitute proposal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban. "This historic vote sets the knight of the Knights of Co- that was expected to be introduced. ban on track to be the first Similar bills have been federal law limiting aborapproved by Congress tion" since the 1973 SuPresident Bush called the twice before but were vepreme Court decision Roe Senate's action "an important step toed by President Clinton. v. Wade legalized aborbuilding a culture of life in A version passed by the to tion, said Cathy Cleaver, director of planning and America"and said he looked forward House last year was never UKRAINIAN information for the U.S. . to the House passing legislation and scheduled for considerEASTER bishops' Secretariat for working with the Senate to resolve ation in the Senate, which EGGS was then controlled by Pro-Life Activities. any differences "so that I can sign Democrats. Beautifully OccnralL'd Finished PyS:lIIky , The bill, introduced by • Supplies to make your own PysankyMore than half the Sen. Rick Santorum, R- legislation banning partial-birth OUR LADY'S Kits. Stands, and Electric Styluses. states have enacted laws Pa., passed March 13 af- abortion into law." • Pysanky Puzzles and Napkins RELIGIOUS STORE banning the procedure, ter three days of intense • Butler Lamb Mold Mon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 PM and polls "consistently debate. It prohibits doc• Easter Cards in many languages • Learn a Language Tapes tors from commilling an "overt lumbus, likewise said he show" that a majority of AmeriWrite or Call - !--or our new GIFTS act" designed to ki II a partially "looked forward to passage of cans oppose it, the cardinal' SPRING CATALOG delivered fetus and includes an similar legislation in the wrote in his letter. But·in 2000 HANUSEY MUSIC AND GIFfS CARDS the Supreme Court struck down exemption in cases where the House." 244 WEST GIRARD AVE. BOOKS PHILADELPHIA. PA 19123 "We still have a long way to Nebraska's partial-birth aborprocedure is necessary to save Phone 215-627-3093 go taward building what John tion ban, raising questions. the Ii fe of the moth·er. FAX 215-627-0785 508-673-4262 Opponents of the legislation, Paul II has called the culture of about the constitutionality of www.hanuseys.com including Sen. Barbara Boxer, life," Anderson said, but he other state prohibitions, the carOrders shipped promptly 936 So. Main St., Fall River D-Calif., called the bill's lan- added that "banning partial- dinal noted. guage unconstitutional. Boxer birth abortion is a good and described it as "an attempt to necessary first step." Barbara Garavalia, president outlaw all abortions, to take away the rights of women to of the National Council of choose - not only to chip away Catholic Women, similarly at that right, but to take it away, urged Congress to "move and, by the way, criminalize quickly toward sending this bill to the president's desk so that abortions." In a statement released after the histo·ry of partial-birth the vote, President Bush called abortion in America will be Feitelberg Insurance has been navigating the insurance the Senate's action "an impor- short-lived, a reflection of the tant step to building a culture. strong and widespread opposimarketplace since 1916. Let us put your business insurance of life in America" and said he tion by.America to this inhulooked forward to the House mane procedure." program on the right course. Cardinal Anthony 1. passing legislation and working with the Senate to resolve any Bevilacqua of Philadelphia, differences "so that I can sign chairman of the U.S. bishops' legislation banning partial-birth Committee on Pro-Life Activities, earlier had urged the ·Senabortion into law." Cleaver said she expected ate to approve the Partial Birth the House to pass the ban Abortion Ban Act of 2003
"We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.~
Saint Anne's Hospital offers fitness program FALL RIVER - As part of its comprehensive approach to treatEDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS Since the actual piaco of residence of PEDRO MIGUEL COSTA is unknown. We cite PEDRO MIGUel COSTA to ap· pear personally before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on Tuesday, April 8, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. at 887 Highland Av· enue, Fall River, Massachusetts, to give tes· timony to establish: Whether the nullity of the marriage exists in the Bernardo-Costa case? Ordinaries of the place or other pastors having the knowledge of the residence of the above person, Pedro Miguel Costa,lJ1ust see to it that he is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. (Rev.) Paul F. Robinson, O. Carm., J.C.D. Judicial Vicar Given at the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts on this the 14th day of March, 2003.
ing cancer, the Hudner Oncology center at Saint Anne's Hospital will launch its to-week spring "Get Fit, Live Fit," series for women experiencing cancer on March 24. The total fitness and health education program will be taught be American Council on Exercise-certified fitness instructor Karyl Benoit. The program, which includes physical activity and relaxation meets Mondays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 9:3010:30 a.m. All sessions will be held in Room 134 at Clemence Hall.
Participants may 'have had any cancer diagnosis, need not be patients at the hospital and may join at any time. To register for this free tlrogram call 508-674-5600 ext. 2515.
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Friday, March 21, 2003
the living word
Health care concerns Aside from the horrors of our current international situation, one of the fundamental issues that confronts this county evolves around health care. Does the national government really believe this is of prime concern? Why is the health care problem such a negative topic in a nation that proffers belief in the care and concern for all its citizens? Why does our government refuse to promote a national health care policy? . These are but a few questions that face us today. All professional predictions forecast that health care problems are going to get worse before they get better. What this means is that there are many holes in : the proverbial safety net. Look at the fact that our national population is aging. This group wants the very best in health care; however they are having a very difficult time in achieving their goal. The current. national re<;ession has drastically reduced their retirement income. At the same time, their prescription and medication costs have soared. New drugs are becoming outrageous in cost. Medical technology is totally financially invasive. Those who have serious medical prob~ lems and truly need special advanced medical care and treatment are . doomed to a state of financial chaos. For all on fixed pensions and medical compensation, the prognosis is very bleak. In the light of these realities, let us honestly admit that the growing numbers of uninsured are <;limbing at an unimaginable rate. This ~s aggravated by the fact that more and more states are trying to curb Medicaid expenses. Blend this with the fact that rising insurance premiums are forcing employers to reduce medical benefits. This in tum . will shift the burden of medical insurance to employees. With the increase in medical insurance payments, many of these people will indeed forego needed coverage. The result is more uninsured. Mix this dilemma with the fact that more and more medical professionals are being forced out of business because of unrestrained insurance premiums and malpractice costs. Doctors themselves are beginning to seek early retirement because they simply are unable to safe~ guard their professional ethics due to unmitigated litigation setbacks. The reality of the expansion of medical development is hampered by the excessive legal intrusions. Too many people simply forget that medicine is an art, not a science. Everybody wantS rules and regulations. Few will support these wonderful doctors who are trying to reach out to achieve new medical interveIltions, especially when they might have an unknown response. With such knowledge in hand and when things go wrong, then it's malpractice, and the lawyers become doctors. It's funny in a world of very human uncertainties when everyone wants to play God, and if they cannot reach that goal, the answer is to sue. In all of this confusion, people hope that the government will come up with a medical solution for all its citizens. The ideal is of course for a national medical policy and insurance that will benefit all the people of the land. Well, it has not happened, and it will not, because in Congress politics overrides people's needs. In t~eory, Republicans and Democrats are far apart on basic health matters because of party preferences. This is so regrettable when you think of the pressing medical needs of real people. The only way politicians will face the truth of the matter at hand will be when voters really put them to task in an el~c颅 tion year. As citizens, each of us needs to participate in the debate over how our nation can best provide a health care system that will indeed benefit the common good, care for the poor and uninsured, and protect the quality of medical services. We are at a critical crossroads. If the system collapses, all will be affected. We should not let that happe(l.
The Executive Editor
Published ",:,eekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River .. 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 . Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX 508-675-7048 E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org Send address changes to P.O. Box, call or use E-mail address EXECUTIVE EDITOR . Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
T路he Church and health care: Aiding the uninsured By
As one who doesn't think about insurance much, I never realized that 41 million Americans are uninsured; 18,000 die each year because of no insurance; medical debt is a leading cause of bankruptcy; and that uninsured women with breast cancer are twice as likely to die from the disease as are insured women. During a week devoted to . uninsured Americans, Union Station in Washington, D.C., portrayed the hard stories behind these statistics. One story tells of Sheila. Wessenberg who suffers from breast cancer and hasn't had chemotherapy or follow-up exams in seven months because she has no insurance and no money to pay for health care. She and her husband, Bob, have been uninsured since he lost his job. Sheila had even taken to panhandling to help the family. survive. . Reading this story, my thoughts went back to a childhood classmate whose parents had no insurance. As young as he wa~, he looked much older because of neglected teeth. He
also came close to becoming hospital is nearby, .hey also invite its administrators. Most one of those persons who. die hospitals are very willing to because of no insurance. help a parish project like this My thoughts and heart also went out to the many' migrants because it diminishes their who are uninsured. They are the emergency room expenses. A .free parish clinic helps to treat poorest of the poor. Not all the stories told in the symptoms early on, which if not treated often send people to the Union Station exhibit were heartbreakers. There was the emergency room. story of the Open Door Health Most parishes with clinics Center, a free clinic that has were also blessed with talented registered 1,600 patients in just people who studied other two years and sees 40 to 50 clinics to learn from them how patients per day. The clinic best to create and maintain accomplishes this on just one. $300,000 a year and $800,000 An equally im l Atant in-kind assistance from a private ingredient in their success was faith. When I listened to their hospital. Most of its work is made possible through the . stories I heard people who truly believed that "when you do this tireless efforts of volunteers for the least of these, you do it who solicit donations and medication. for me." It was this faith, most of all, that enabled them to In a seminar I attended last 'climb mountains and to sucyear, I was surprised to learn that the Catholic Church has a ceed. number of clinics similar to the I believe the Church is Open Door Health Center. The blessed with many more parishes reason for my surprise is that 'that are capable of creating free this is an enormous undertaking. . clinics for the uninsured. To start one, all they need to do is ask: How do these parishes accomplish this? Why not? Armed with the spirit underlying that question, talent First, they gather parishioand resources will be found, and ners in the medical field and explore with them the possibilthe poorest of the poor will be served. ity of creating a clinic. If a
Friday, March 21, 2003
A second chance I don't know how thi ngs got to this point. As we go to press today, it's less than 24 hours since President George W. Bush announced to the world that the time for diplomacy is over. No one knows what the future holds. Perhaps by the time this Anchor arrives on your doorstep, bombs will be falling on Iraq. Perhaps there have already been terrorist counter-attacks in this country. I don't know who's right or wrong. I don't know what God thinks about all this. Surely God wants peace. All decent human beings want peace. Unfortunately there are
those now, as there always has been, who do not want peace. There are those who care for nothing but personal
'My View
From the Stands By Dave Jolivet , gain at any cost. What do we do when men, women and children die of starvation each day, while others live in palaces? What do we do for. children that can perish from a case of diarrhea? What do we do when
black or white, Christian, Muslim or Jew. We didn't do enough to avoid a war, now we must work even harder to end one. And while we're at it, let's pray and fast for our brothers and sisters in the military who are laying their lives on the line for we Americans again. Scores of soldiers from across this diocese need our help and support. The only reason we can disagree with our government, protest wars and practice whatever religion we choose is because of blood spilled by similar men and women through the years. Let's pray for the Iraqi people who know nothing but suffering - and now that suffering has intensified. Let's pray that someday they have a fraction of the comforts we take for granted each day. Prayers must be lifted for the Middle East - a region that has known little peace since biblical times. Let's pray for a .change of heart in
communities are murdered, tortured and raped because of their ethnicity? What do we do when regimes create weapons so inhumane they can wipe out thousands at a time? What do we do when there's no talki ng to the perpetrators? The only peaceful thing we can do IS pray. But now we are at war. We did not do our job well enough. So now what? Now we have a wake-up call to drop to our knees and plead more fervently to our heavenly Father to end this calamity. Now it doesn't matter if we're Democrat or Republican,
Fast and absti ne.nce Q. Could you define the present Lenten regulations for fast and abstinence? We have observed them unchanged for several years. But now there seems to be confusion again. Catholic friends tell us that in their church they fast only until noon. Which is right? (Pennsylvania)
from meat, for people between 14 and 65. Interestingly, in most Eastern churches the Great Lent begins two days earlier, on Ash
A free brochure describing basic Catholic prayers, .. beliefs and moral ,; is available precepts P!" ',.J by sending a stamped, self-addre~sed enveBy Father lope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, John J. Dietzen Peoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the Monday instead of Ash Wednesday, and ends on the same address, or E-mail: Friday before Palm Sunday. The iidietzen@aol,com.
Questions and Answers
A. The rules for fast and abstinence in the Latin Church are the same as they have been for many years. In most places in the United States, perhaps in all dioceses now, Catholics over 14 years of age are obliged to abstain from meat and soup and gravy made from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent. On two days, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, those over 18 and under 59 should fast. This means taking only one full meal and only liquids like milk and fruit juices between meals. The size of the full meal and the two lesser meals depends on the individual's physical needs. One is excused from the whole obligation if his or her health or work would be seriously affected by abstaining or fasting. While fast and abstinence remain a powerful and obligatory Christian spiritual discipline, the Church's Lenten emphasis today is on prayer, participation in the liturgy, good works and voll/ntary self-denial much more than formerly. From your question, I'm certain your friends are members of one of the many Eastern Rite Catholic parishes in your area. Traditionally, Lenten observances in these churches are as your friends told you. No food or drink (except water and medicine) may be taken on fast days from midnight to noon, for everyone between 18 and 65 years of age. Abstinence means no meat, or soup 0'1' broths made
was present throughout the marriage that caused it to be annulled years afterward does not affect the legitimacy of their children.
~.~.'~ ~~1f
Your donations are used for our ministries and the care of our retired Sisters.
Q. Recently a man was ordained to the priesthood in my parish. He was married twice and had several children. His first wife died; the second marriage ended in divorce. The second marriage was annulled before he entered the priesthood. Since an annulment, as I and my friends understand it, means there was never a true marriage, does that make his children illegitimate? (Nebraska) A. If a man and woman were free from any impediment at the time of their marriage (if, for example, neither of them were validly married to someone else), Church and civil law consider children born during their marriage as legitimate, even if that marriage is annulled sometime later. . Such union,S are called putative marriages. This means that everyone, including probably the couple themselves, thought it was a marriage and there was no public reason to think otherwise. The fact that some condition
Comments are welcome at da~路e;olivet@anchorllews.org.
Sisters ofSaint Josepfi of'Boston
pre-Easter season is called the Great Lent because three other Lents have been observed in the Eastern Churches: the Lent of the Holy Apostles in June, Mary's Lent in August and the Lent before Christmas in November and December.
those who perpetuate evil in this world. While we may think they'll never change, with God all things are possible. Regardless of what one thinks about our president, he is doing what he thinks is right. Regardless what one thinks of America, we're- still a nation that defends and protects the needy and helpless. We're a nation whose inhabitants are truly free. We're a nation that keeps in checks and balances much of the evil in this world. We're at war, and now is not the time to point fingers. It's a" time to support our country, our soldiers, and our government. But more importantly, it's a time to pick up the ball we dropped before this whole thing started. It's time for all of us to pray and sacrifice for the good of all mankind. We blew it the first time, now we have a second chance - because only God knows what the future holds.
Please send your donations to: The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston Office of Development 637 Cambridge Street Brighton MA 02135,2801
29, 2003
9:30 AM
02720 508-674-4218
Friday, March 21, 2003
Making Lent work illnesses 'and the devastation of In each of these books, Ever since I was just a young . AIDS to extreme poverty and Kirvan seeks out ~'good comgirl I have had a practice of discrimination - all trying to trying to find what I WQuld call pany," noted spiritual writers sustain their lives. "with almost "the perfect book" to read during and 'saints, from Simone Weil, nothing to nourish them." They Father Henri Nouwen and C.S. Lent. In my younger days, that may have some "leftover fast was easier because I was still too' Lewis to St. Francis of Assisi, food" from childhood Publicity Chairmen are the Wamsutta Club. For more in- ignorant and too unreligious exposure, but scathed by life to have asked to submit news items for formation call 508-995-9319. "people are starving to any real clues to what this column to The Anchor., death" for God, he says NEW BEDFORD - Volun- Lent really meant. I P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. convincingly. . Name of city or town should teers are needed for. the ponovan could settle for "feelBeing here, almost be included, as well as full House, a transitional home for good". religious books. like a long Lent, "is life It was only after life dates of all activities. 'DEAD- women and children. Share you'r in the desert, and you L[N~ [SO NOON ON FR[time, knowledge and skills. crucified me with By Antoinette Bosco just have to admit Training and ongoing support searing pain that I DAYS. you're hungry," says Events published must be will be provided. For more infor- understood Lent, the Kirvan, who lets of interest and opep to our mation call Debra Kenney of dark, dry time where we Simpne Weil elaborate: general readership. We do not Catholic Social Services at 508- are always in danger of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and being immobilized, stunted in "The danger is not that the soul carry notices of fund-raisi~gJ 999-5893. Dorothy Day. He takes their should doubt whether there is our journey, haunted by an allactivities, which may be adwisdom, added to his own, and any bread [God], but that, by a NEW BEDFORD':" A Mass too-elusive God. Lent for me vertised at our regular rates, gives us hope-filled "meditalie, it should persuade itself that obtainable from our business and dinner for young adults aged became yearning for an essentions meant for praying," as he it is not hungry." 19-39 will be held March 25 at tial lifeline - called hope. oftice at 508-675-7151. Now every Lent I search for a puts it. Perhaps unknowingly, this 6: 15 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount I could feel that this author ATTLEBQRO ~ A healing Carmel Church, 230 Bonney book that will give me spiritual author has defined Lent as I service in Portuguese will be held Street. For more information call food, nOUlishing my hope that . has an overwhelming empathy have learned it to be from my for fellow humans, mirroring Sunday at 2 p.m. at the La Salette Father Kevin Cook at 508.:993- I'll keep moving forward on my life experiences: "What counts what he believes originates in ever-challenging spiritual Shrine, 947 Park Street. A heal- 4704. is our willingness to go on God. As he put it, "Our tru'e ing service in English will be held journey. And this year I lucked walking when our souls ache March 30 at 2 p.m. Each will inhope is in God's perfect vision and the vision th,at once fired NEW BEDFORD - Holy out. I found not one book, bl.!t a clude the celebration of the Eu- Family-Holy Name School will t1ilogy, three books by author of who we are and his faultless our dreams is dim and hidden charist and music. For more in- hold its annual Penny Sale April John Kirvan: "Raw Faith," memory for the kind of creafrom us behind the walls of 12 at the Holy Name'Center, 121 "Silent Hope" and "God Hunformation call 508-222-5410. tures he made, walkjng monuweariness." Mount Pleasant Street, at 4 p.m. ger" (Sorin Books). From my ments to imperfection." That's But he moves beyond Lent, EAST FREETOWN - A For more information call 508- life experiences, I cOl.!ld relate to us! God looks on us with assuring us that "spirituality is Young Adult Lenten Retreat Day 993-3547. what he wrote: "Our spiritual unconditional love. No wonder about achieving a profound selfwill be held April 5 from II a.m. we should live with hope! journey will not be a return to esteem, that is, coming to see to 4 p.m. at Cathedral Camp. It NEW BEDFORD - Devo- Eden; but a passage into mysI called Kirvan to ask about ourselves as' God sees us, the will include Mass, inspiring talks, tion to Our Lady of Perpetual tery. Everywhere, in everything, his motivation in writing this object of infinite love, unremitChristian music, prayer, reflec- Help is celebrated every Tuesday in everyone, there is only God's trilogy, and I heard what I "ting solicitude, the bearers of tion, and food. For more informa- and devotion to Divine Mercy ev- silent, mysterious presence. The expected. For a generation, he - God's greatest dreams for tion call 508-675-3847. ery Thursday following the noon journey that begins ir hunger, has met people hurting for humanity." And that, I maintain, Mas's at Our Lady of Perpetual that is sustained by raw faith, is reasons that range from emois our post-Lent legacy, given to FALL R[VER - The "Se- Help Church. For more informa- lived out in hope." tional trauma, debilitating us by Jesus on his Great Sunday. niors in Motion" program helps tion call 508-992-9378. seniors and handicapped individuals obtain mobility equipORLEANS - A Separatedment incliJding motorized and Divorced Catholics Support manual wheelchairs and is usu- Group will meet Sunday at 7 OK, the Oscar season There. That takes care of the have variously quoted actor. ally available at no cost. For more p.m. in the parish 'center of Si. question of the day: If the sex appeal thing. Danny.Glover, director Martin information call 1-800-594-1225. Joan of Arc; Church. The topic average teen were given the Why is it that we tend to be . Scorsese, singer Joan Baez, is "Growth, Not Perfection." choice of listening to a talk on attracted to celebrities, throwing singer Bonnie Raitt, novelist FALL R[VER - The Youth For more information call Fa- sex and marriage, would he or common sense to the wind? Are Alice Walker, M*A*S*H*Apostles Institute will present its ther Richard M. Roy at 508- she prefer to attend one given we attracted to their transcenmade-him-famous Mike Farrell, Spring Youth Ministry Seminar 255-0170. by Nancy McJesuit (not her real dent popular appeal? just-call-me-Shaft Samuel L. "Leading Youth to Christ name), who holds a Jackson and I-own-anThrough Mary: Ideas for ImpleSEEKONK - A Young doctorate in moral路 . _-----------f----::;:::;~-..,."IOscar Kim Basinger. menting the Year of the Rosary," Adult Prayer Group meets theology, or by Bnld Did I forge~ to April I at the former St. William's monthly at Our Lady of Mount Pitt? . mention Archie rectory, 42 Chicago Street, led by Carmel Church, 984 Taunton You have probably Bunker's son-in-law, Fathers Kevin Cook and Ramon Avenue. They will begin April wondered the same Rob Reiner? We are Domfngue~. It will begin with II from 7-8:30 p.m. in the par- thing. listening a person Mass at 7:30 p.m. For more in- ish center followed by a visit to OK, if word got known as "Meathead" formation call 508-672-2755. a local restaurant for food and around that Dr. By Dan Morris for advice on the Middle conversation. For more informa- McJesuit bore a draEast? FALL R[VER - Catholic tion call Bud Miller at 508-675- matic resemblance to On the other hand, Social Services will hold an in- 3847. Christina Aguilera, there might Part of the reason this comes maybe the Catholic community formation session Sunday from be more of a contest, at least up for me is that a couple of should re-evaluate its I:30-3:30 p.m. at its office at 1600 SEEKONK - The women's from the young men's side. days ago we were treated to spokespeople for issues such as Bay Street for all persons inter- guild of Our Lady of Mount Please explain star power to major news outlet reporting on hunger, euthanasia, abortion, ested in adopting a domestic new- Carmel Church is sponsoring a me. it baffles me. If I were not Iraq that used as its sources marriage-and-family, vocations. born or international adoption. Women's Day of Prayer with the as susceptible to it as any other actors Martin Sheen and George Let's see, Mel Gibson played a For more information call 508- Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal person, I don't think it would Clooney. cleric in "Signs," right? 674-4681. Refreshments will be April 5 in the parish center, 1040 bother me so much. I am not sure if either Yes, I know it is not fair to served. Taunton Avenue. For more inforOf course, in the case of Pitt Clooney's ability to sink the disparage sincere celebrities' mation call Linda Nason at 508- and Aguilera there is the Andrea Gale in "Perfect Storm" points of view simply because NEW BEDFORD - The 336-6579. addition of sex appeal. So or his singing and dancing in "0 . they are cashing in on their New Bedford Women's Club will maybe a more fair question is: If Brother, Where Art Thou?" fame and somehow convincing be recognized at a noon Mass WEST HARWICH - The the average adult Catholic were qualifies him as a credible us that celebrity status makes March 30 at St. Lawrence Church Celebrate Life 'Committee of going to attend a presentation source on the Middle East. At what they say more informed. in celebration of its 85 th anniver- Holy TrinityParish will hold its on respect-life issues, would he least Sheen plays the president Oops. Did I do it again? Just sary. A luncheon in the audito- monthly Holy Hour Sunday at or she honestly rather attend one in "The West Wing." call me "meathead." rium of Holy Family-Holy Name' I :30 p.m. at the church. All wel- offered by Msgr. Clancy It does not end there. In their Comments are welcome. ESchool will follow. The group come to come and pray 'for the Phootnotz (not his real name) or recent coverage of the potential mail Uncle Dan at will also meet April 9 at 7 p.m. at end of abortion. by Danny DeVito? war in Iraq, PBS, CNN and AP cnsuncleOl @yahoo.com.
The Bottom Line
Celebrity spokespersons
The offbeat world of Uncle Dan
Friday, March 21, 2003
'The presence of God among them' A meditation for Lent The cry is familiar to us all. And yet it is still a shock to the heart as we hear it each Holy Week - the cry of Christ on the Cross, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" But haven't we sometimes felt abandoned ourselves? As we cope with the serious illness of a precious child or parent? As we are told, late in our working career, that our job has been terminated? In the gray loneliness that follows the death of a beloved wife, husband or parent? When hope seems to have disappeared? In the midst of our darkness, we remember that God did not abandon his beloved Son, but raised him from death to glory. And God does not abandon us. We can remember this because we are men and women of faith. But millions upon millions in today's world cannot be comforted by the truth of God's eternal love because they don't know it. In anguish an~ distress, they must surely face despair.
The heart of the Church's is an eager messenger of the work, 20 centuries in and out, Gospel. His parish has 15 "small is to help all people of the world Christian communities." In East to hear and cherish and live in Africa and elsewhere, such the fact that God, in Christ, has small communities of Catholic, saved us and is with us day by people are a means to encounday. ter Christ and to encounter him Children and adults who have in each other. Father Machagija lived long years without know- says that one year he managed ing this flourish in the knowl- to get 70 Bibles, a tremendous edge that God loves them and is help for the members of the with them. small Christian communities. In South Africa, local sisters. They can now hold the Word of bring this Gospel truth to life . God in their hands as well as in among children, teaching them their hearts and souls as they about Jesus and our faith. They discuss the depths of God's love bring smiles and the love of the for them. . Lord to little ones in an orphan"Our main concern in our age. Out in a rural area, they run pastoral undertakings is to serve a clinic, offering the healing both spiritually and materially," love of Jesus to the poor, pray- Father Machagija says. He adds ing with them, perhaps holding that the assistance that comes the hand of a grandfather, through the Propagation of the mother or child who is ill. Sis- Faith "is helping us a great deal ter Alphonsa wrote to the Propa- to fulfill this task." gation of the Faith saying that In Africa and Asia, in the Pathe people see the sisters "as . cific Islands and remote areas of God's presence among them." Latin America, our sisters and In Tanzania, East Africa, 10- brothers - most of them descal Father Fileinoni Machagija perately poor, many of them suffering - come to experience God's love and presence
through mission sisters and priests, brothers and lay catechists. But not through them alone! The missionary work of the Church relies on the "prayer and sacrifice" of everyone who has been blessed with the giftof faith - on us. In faith, we see Christ suffering today in the wars and wounds, in the poverty, in the seeming-abandonment of people all over the world. Can our Lenten prayer be that his life-giving love may be known by the poorest and neediest of our mission family? As we offer prayer and our special Lenten gifts through the Propagation of the Faith, we are in ef-
Eastern Television
fect telling our brothers and sisters in the Missions: "God will never abandon you." God himself wants everyone to know his love for us.
To assist the Missions through the Propagation ofthe Faith, contact Msgr. John ). Oliveira, 106 Illinois Street, New Bedford 02745. Tel. 508995-6168.
LEMIEUX HEATING, INC. Sales and Service for Domestic and Industrial Oil Burners
Eucharistic Holy Hour and devotions to Our Lady of LaSalette and Divine Mercy are held every Wednesday evening at '1: I 5 p.m.
1196 BEDFORD ST. FALL RIVER 508-673-9721
in the Shrine Church at LaSaiette Shrine 941 Park St.• Attleboro
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Fall River's Largest Display of TVs
Do you ever wonder how to encourage kids to pray the Rosary? Do you want ideas for iniplementing this "Year of the Rosary" in your parish? ... then come to our
. e.
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FOR: Youth Ministers, Volunteers, Parents, Priests, Teachers, etc . WHEN: 'fuesday, April 1, 2003 7:30 p.m. Mass 8:00 p~m. Seminar
PRIMOSI MUJEMULA is a 35-year-old Tanzanian man dying of the AIDS virus. But he will not die alone. Local doctors and nurses - and religious Sisters - will be there to meet his physical and spiritual needs to the very end. Through the loving service, and the very presence of 'the sisters, he has experienced the compassion and love of Jesus, so he can be at peace as he makes his final journey home.
PRESENTERS: Father Kevin Cook, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (New Bedford) Father Ramon Dominguez, Administrator, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (New Bedford) WHERE: Youth Apostles' Residence, 42 Chicago St., Fall River (The former St. William's rectory, next to Maplewood Park) Info: please call Youth Apostles 508-672-2755
Fall River diocese marks its centennial The foHowing are the next in a series of historical sketches of the parishes comprising the Diocese of Fall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological order from oldest t~ newest parish, accordiIW to diocesan archives, concludingin March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese.
St.' Joseph'.s Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - In April of 1873, Providence Bishop Thomas E Hendricken sent Father WIlliam H. Bric ofSlatersVille, R.I., to found and be the first pastor of a new parish set apart from St Mary's Cathedral, to meet the needs of the growing number of Catholics in the Bowenville area of the city. Father Bric took up residence in Leland House, located on North Main Street at a pointjust north of the aurent President Avenue. There, on Low Sunday, April 20, 1873, he celebrated the first Mass for his flock. Following four years of worship in a temporary church set up on Vestal Street, Father Bric purchased land at the comer of North Main and . Weetamoestreets, and inApril 1880, ground for a new church was broken. Architect Patrick C. Keely of Brooklyn, KY., was hired to work out the designs. On August 7, 1880, just eight days before the come~ stone was to be laid, Father Bric, ailing with heart problems, died. His body was subsequently interred in the basement of the new edifice. FatherAndrew 1. Brady ofSandwich became the second pastor and carried on the work. But on Ash
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1885, he died, also the Bristol County Baseball and his funeral Mass marked the first . League. He was also in charge of religious service in the new St. St. Patrick's, St. John's and St. Joseph's Church. He too was laid to Mary's cemeteries, where, during the summer vacations, many college rest in the church basement. Bishop Hendricken dedicated the students were involved in the landchurch on Memorial Day, May 30, scaping and groundwqrk. Father 1885. ' McCarrick died on Dec. 12, 1996. Subsequently the Carroll Annex The church, with magnificent' stained glass windows, is brick with was named the Father Paul F. stone trimming, with a capacity of . McCarrick School. . more than 1,000. Substantial and extensive restoUnder the pastorate of Father ration of the church facility includBernard Boylan a new rectory was ing its stained glass windows, as well built, the debt paid off and parish as the rectory, was begun after Fa-' societies and organizations estab- . ther John Perry took over adminislished. In September 1907, a parish trative duties ofthe parish in Novemschool was opened and for more ber 1966. Father Perry, installed as the than 63 years it was staffed by the eighth pastor of St. Joseph's on Sisters o{Mercy. Oosed in 1973, the Public School March 9, 1997, is the current pastor. System rented the building, now Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the Fall River diocese, is . called the Carroll School Annex. In 1925, Father Edward Carr be- in residence. Eileen Grant is the parcame pastor and after a year he was ish secretary, Maurtien Lizak is cosucceeded by Father Joseph P. otdinator ofreligious education, and Lyons, who was pastor for 34 years. Mercy Sister Elaine Heffernan asMsgr. George E. Sullivan was the sists in instruction. The rectory is located at 1335 sixth pastor. He was succeed by the well-known Father Paul F. North Main Street, Fall River, MA McCarrick. During his administra- 02720. It can be reached by teletion he was responsible for the Fa- phone at 508-673-1123, and by ther Don~)Van Scholarship Fund, FAX at 508-673-7230. .
" j
Good Shepherd Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - When St. But Father Kelly did not live to Patrick's Parish was established in see his church completed, dying 1873, separating it from St. Mary's at age 45 in January of 1885 Cathedral Parish because of the The parish has had a glowing population explosion in the city's history. Under the pastorate of South End or Globe SeCtion, it Father Thomas Grace, the second pastor, two Sisters of Mercy arbecame the city's fifth parish. ' At the time, Fall River was still rived in 1885 to teach Sunday part of the Providence diocese. As School. Many more were to fola matter of fact, part of Fall River low. In September 1886, the paro- the area south of Columbia chial school opened with 250 stuStreet and stretching along South dents. In March 1904, the Diocese Main Street to the Tiverton town of Fall River was established. line - was still part of Rhode IsNew buildings, renovations and refurbishing, including stairlifts to land. '. Without a church structure, the , make the complex handicapped . , first pastor, Father John Kelly, cel- accessible, are all part of the Par- , ebrated Mass in a building known ish history as it becam~ a central as the "broom factory" located on house of worship in the South End. South Main Street near what was On Sept. 23,1923, St. Patrick's then South Park, now known as Church was consecrated. Kennedy Park. Even as this story is published, Land for the current church was new construction that links the purchased from the Slade Mill house of worship with the.rectory Company for $2,000 and famed - and includes the first toilets to , architect Patrick C. Keely was accommodate churchgoers - is hired to design a Gothic church, reported completed. . slightly larger that St. Mary's CaMore than 61 priests have thedral. served at St. Patrick's two of which On April 9, 1878, a large force became bishops, Bishop James E. of laborers began digging the Cassidy (a parish native), and foundation for the church at' the Bishop James J. Gerrard. comer of Slade and South Mlifn Twenty-six parish sons became priests. There have been more than streets. 'When Bishop Thomas F. 106 Sisters of Mercy and many ,Hendricken of Providence laid the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine cornerstone in September 1881, of Sienna and Dominican Sisters more than 5,000 people attended. of St. RQse of Lima who served I
the parish. Approximately II men and women from the parish have also entered religious life. Those serving as pastors at St. Patrick's included: Father Kelly, Father Thomas P. Grace, Father Michl!-el 1. Cooke, Msgr. Edward Moriarty, Father Edmund 1. Ward, Msgr. John E. Boyd, Father James Kenney, Msgr. George W. Coleman, Father William Norton, Father Richard W. Beaulieu; Father William Campbell and Father John Andrews. Administrators were Father 'John J. Delaney and Father James Fitzpatrick. Because of changing demographics and for a better utilization of priests, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., merged Blessed Sacrament Parish, Our Lady of Angels Parish, and St. Patrick's into Good Shepherd Parish in 2002. The current, and 14th pastor, is Father Freddie Babiczuk. The permanent deacon is John F. Branco. Marion Carrier is the coordinator of religious education; Deborah Jezak is the Youth Minister; and M'ichelle Hood is'parish secretary. The rectory of Good Shepherd Parish is located at 1598 South Main St., Fall River, MA 047244596. It may be reached by telephone at 508-678-7412; and by FAX at 508-673-1280.
Friday, March 21, 2003
Vatican official says Catholics sI:tould pray, fast to avert Iraqi war
u.s. AIR FORCE crewman Josh Beasley hugs his wife and daughter as he prepares to leave Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas recently. (eNS photo from Reuters)
Soldiers, families, chaplains .preparing for deployment By T. JENSEN LACEY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - In the military town of Clarksville, business is booming - at least, temporarily - as soldiers stationed at Fort Campbell prepare to deploy. Boxes of nonperishable foods, personal-care items and other traveling accouterments have been flying off the shelves as soldiers pack to leave for the Middle East. On February 6, all 20,000 soldiers of the lOt st Airborne Division received orders to prepare for deployment. The total area population is just about 100,000. . The staff and parishioners ofImmaculate Conception Church in Clarksville are trying to address the spiritual impact ofdeployment. Onethird of the parish's 2,500 families are in the military. "We have made pulpit announcements and put an article in our bulletin requesting volunteers for support groups to help with financial advice, or other support such as helping with a Mother's Day Out program and anything else our soldiers' families might need," said Father Eric Fowlkes, pastor ofImmaculate Conception. Helping troops prepare spiritually for the possible war on Iraq was on the mind of Father Eric Albertson, a priest of the Diocese of Arlington, Va., who is serving as an Army chaplain in the Midwest and has the rank of major. 'This is the time when the training for war ends, and the reality of war begins," he said ''To be successful on the battlefield, soldiers know they must train. As they train their body and mind, they must also train their souL" Father Albertson explained that, justas soldiers say "'there are no atheists in foxholes,' so commanders recognize that spiritually fit soldiers are better fighters, and can bring a spirit of determination to the mission that
is courageous and heroic." Father Albertson is currently a student at the Command and General Staff College at. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. His next assignment will be with the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. He said it is typical for chaplains to advise a unit's commander on the spiritual readiness of the troops. "Soldiers will have questions about their faith they may not have addressed earlier," he told the Arlington Catholic Herald, the diocesan newspaper. Because the chaplain trains with the soldiers and wears their uniform, .the troops approach him with "the familiarity of a brother, while looking to him as a shepherd and spiritual guide," he explained. ''The chaplain is the gentle and constant reminder that religion is important, even amid the sometimes wild life of a soldier." Back in Tennessee, the staff at Immaculate Conception Church said it would take time before the community felt the full impact of having so many of the town's residents gone. Amy Gallows is one Catholic who works with the support net" works for soldiers' spouses. "I know the steps military wives walk," she said. Her husband, Richard Nichols, died in the Gander, Newfoundland, military plane crash in December 1985, when he was with the 502nd Battalion. That crash killed 285 soldiers from Fort Campbell and eight crew members. During the 1991 Gulf War, Gallows ran almost 40 support groups for women both on and off base. 'These wives were very young, maybe 17 and t 8 years old:~ she said, "and knew nothing about military life." Things as simple as showing them around the commissary were important for those women, she said. Father Paul Madej, the post's
Catholic chaplain and a captain, said he has been extremely busy preparing soldiers and their families for imminent deployment. He noted he had talked to 14 couples in a 10-day period about getting married. In addition a number of soldiers who would have joined the Church at the Easter Vigil were confirmed and baptized on a Sunday in February. And he has begun training soldiers as eucharistic ministers for combat areas. 'The battlefield can be huge, and with so few priests - we will have three priests and out of roughly 20,000 soldiers 27 percent are Catholic - we need trained eucharistic ministers," he said. 'There will be sacrifice on the soldiers' side, sacrifice on the families' side, and there is no way to compare them, they are very different," Father Madej said "I want (you all) to say, from the time you get on the plane to deploy, to the time .you get on the plane to redeploy, you did everything the best you could. "And know that if you're a soldier you will be different when you get back," the priest said. ''That is 100 percentprobability, that you will be changed"
ROME (CNS) - At a Mass attended by the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, a top Church official said Catholics should be praying and fasting to avert war regardless of the political issues surrounding the Iraqi crisis. U.S. Archbishop John P. Foley, head of the Vatican's social communications council, said the world badly needs a "just peace" that achieves Iraqi disarmament while safeguarding the Middle East's innocent and defenseless people, as well as U.S. soldiers' lives. "Praying and fasting are our only hope for peace," he said at a Lenten Mass for Englishspeakers at Rome's Basilica of St. Mary Major. U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Jim Nicholson, a Catholic, attended the Mass.' "My statement is in no way political," Archbishop Foley said. "I am certainly not attempting to canonize (Iraqi President) Saddam Hussein or to point an accusing finger at the leadership of the United States or of Great Britain. "I am only saying that a just peace, involving also the effective disarmament of Iraq, is badly needed, not only for the poor, the innocent and the defenseless in
A CAMOUFLAGED Bible sits on adlairduring a recent meeting in a makeshift chapel at Camp Virginia, a U.S. base of operations in the desert outside Kuwait. While prepatedness for war is in the hands of military officials, chaplains help soldiers and their families with spiritual readiness. (CNS photo from Reuters)
the Middle East. but also for the members ofour own armed forces and indeed for our own populations who risk being victimized again by horrible terrorism," he said. He noted the Old Testament account of God sparing Nineveh after the city's inhabitants prayed and fasted for 40 days and said, "Perhaps after our own faithful recitation of the rosary every day for peace and after our own 40 days of Lenten prayer and sacrifice, the world might be spared another war." Archbishop Foley also asked Catholics to dedicate their Lenten prayers and sacrifices to healing in the Church in the wake of the clerical sex abuse scandal. "I hope we are in no way the evil generation to which Jesus referred, but we have experienced the works of evil and the work of the evil one in the Church," he said. '10 this season, we are asked to make reparation not only for our own sins but for the sins of those who have done so much harm to individuals, to the reputations of all who minister in God's name and to the sacred name of God's Church itself," Archbishop Foley said.
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Friday, March 21, 2003
IC~' ~'I()v.e ICaIV~Ulllle~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. ''The Hunted" (Paramount) Brutal drama in which a retired teacher of warfare (Tommy Lee Jones) must prevent his former student (Benicio Del Toro), a top Special Forces assassin gone mad, from killing innocent people. Director William Friedkin deftly builds white-knuckle tension in this straightforward tale while coaxing a fine performance out of Jones, but the film's excessive carnage and viciousness cannot be justified. Much savage violence and sporadic rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is 0 - morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. "Spider" (Sony Pictures Classics). Bleak psychological drama about a mentally ill man (Ralph Fiennes) living in a decrepit Lon-
don halfway house who struggles to discover the dreadful truth about the death of his mother (Miranda Richardson) as his frail mental state declines. Director David Cronenberg spins together muddled childhood memories in a disturbed adult mind in this stark film with a chilling ending, but the deliberate, .grinding pace grows wearisome. A few sexual situations, brief violence, fleeting nudity and a few instances of rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III -adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. ''Willard'' (New Line Cinema) Grisly horror-comedy about a misfit (Crispin Glover), oppressed' by a harridan mother and overbearing boss, who befriends an evergrowing army of rats in his basement. Glen Morgan's remake of the 1971 B-movie camps it up with over-the-top performances from Glover and his oppressors; the resuit, though decidedly not for all tastes, effectively works on the audiences' nerves where so many horror films deliver only grossouts. Some grisly violence and menace, a depiction of a character viewing online pornography, an alIusion to autoeroticism, occasional profanity and an instance of rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-IV - adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
eNS video reviews NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are video capsule reviews from the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Theatrical movies on video have an Office for Film & Broadcasting classification and Motion Picture Association of America rating. "Metropolis" (1926) Silent classic of a future society ruled by an aristocracy living in luxury a~ove ground while the workers suffer miserably underground, comforted only by the religious faith pf a young woman (Brigine Helm) in whose likeness a sinister scientist (Rudolf KleinRogge) fashions a robot inciting the workers to rebel but all ends in reconciliation. Directed by Fritz Lang, the story's melodramatic turns and woolly finale may be dated but not its vivid pictorial sense, grandly expressionistic decor and theme of social justice. Bleak picture of exploited workers, stylized violence and some sexual路 innuendo. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-II adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. (Kino) "Road to Perdition" (2002) Gripping drama set in Depression-~ra Chicago in which a hit man (Tom Hanks) working for the leader of the Irish mob (Paul
Newman) embarks on a journey to protect his l2-year-old son and avenge the death of the rest of his family. Examining complicated father-son relationships, director Sam Mendes' evocative moral tale presents a calculated visual tapestry of intrigue and multilayered characters which smoothly weaves in themes of betrayal, redemption, filial love and fa'!1ily responsibility. Some brutal scenes of violence with sporadic rough language and profanity. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R restricted. (DreamWorks) "Tuck Everlasting" (2002) Charming fantasy about a young girl (Alexis Blede\) whose first love (Jonathan Jackson) and his welcoming family offer her a chance to remain forever young with them. Directpr Jay Russell crafts an uplifting tale, based on Natalie Babbitt's novel, with enough twists, turns ana excitement to keep young and older audiences in suspense. Some violence, mild sexual innuendo, and a fantasy interpretation of immortality. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification isAII - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested. (Disney)
Will 'Chicago' be a big wind blowing on Oscar night? NEW YORK (CNS) - As the Academy Awards draw near, momentum seems to be building for a potential Oscar sweep by the glossy musical "Chicago." Here's how the nominations are looking, with guesses for the ultimate winners in the leading categories. - The first Academy Award announced on live TV is usually for Best Supportirig Actress. Queen Latifah is pure sass as the crafty prison matron in "Chicago," but doesn't have quite enough screen time to make a dominant impression. Meryl Streep's zoned-out journalist in ''Adaptation" is highly wat~hable, but her two previous wins and 10 other nominations may seem like reward enough to some voters. Julianne Moore gives a superb performance as a depressed 1950's housewife in 'The Hours" but her nomination as Best Actress in "Far From Heaven" may split her votes, possibly leaving her empty-handed in both categories. Kathy Bates is hilarious (and, briefly, shockingly nude) as an overripe flower child looking to pounce on wary Jack Nicholson in "About Schmidt" and she just may collect her second Oscar for the role. But Catherine Zeta-Jones is electrifying in "Chicago," singing, dancing and acting up a storm as a wily murderess still hooked on fame. Her heretofore unknown talents as a hoofer and thrush could clinch a win - if Queen Latifah:s performance in the same film doesn't split the votes. - There are no obvious frontrunners in the Best Supporting Actor category. The sentimental favorite would be Paul Newman as the conflicted Irish mob boss, but despite a flawless performance there seems to be little momentum for last summer's "Road to Perdition" - and voters' memories are notoriously short. Christopher Walken as impostor Leonardo Di Caprio's dad in "Catch Me If You Can" deftly conveys a range of emotions but his rivals made more vivid impressions in their roles. Ed Harris as the embittered poet dying ofAIDS in 'The Hours" is blistering, and with three prior nominations, he seems due for a win. But John C. Reill)'s cuckolded husband in "Chicago" is more of a revelation, especially with his unexpectedly poignant rendition of "Mr. Cellophane," which may stick in the minds of voters. Still, first-time Oscar nominee Chris Cooper, whose out-there portrayal of a greasy, dentally challenged orchid aficionado in ''Adaptation'' won numerous critics' awards, seems best positioned to cop the little gold guy. - For Best Actress, two of the five seem to be white-hol. Not in that category is Diane Lane, whose cheating wife in last spring's "Unfaithful" was deserving of a nomination, but she is clearly the dark . horse. Salma Hayek, nominated in the title role of"Frida," is impassioned as the vibrant Mexican artist, but the three other nominees seem to be stealing her路thunder. This should be Julianne Moore's year and she has countless critics' awards already, but her double nomination - rather than underlining her exceptional talent - is sure to cost her, as the voters are likely to choose her in just one performance. Brilliant as the traumatized housewife in "Far From Heaven," she will be hardpressed not to be the victim of a split vote. As the buzz about "Chicago" intensifies, so do Renee Zellweger's chances as sweet-faced, hardhearted Roxie Hart. Yet she's likely to end up as an . also-ran, given the momentum Nicole Kidman has seemed to achieve with her soul-baring portrayal of the suicidal Virginia Woolf in ''The Hours:" Showing her range singing and dancing in "Moulin Rouge," which gamered her a Best Actress nomination two years ago, Kidman has also been promoting ''The Hours" on the talk-show circuit and coming off as a serious actress whose grace and charm can't hurt her when it comes to the voters, who just a few years ago
thought of her only as Tom Cruise's wife. - In the BestActor race, first-time nominee Adrien Brody has many fervent supporters for his demanding role as a Jew hiding in Warsaw during the Holocaust in "The Pianist," but he's up against major stars, all of whom have won previous Academy Awards. Nicolas Cage skillfully handles his dual role as identical路 but temperamentally opposite twin brothers in "Adaptation," but the goofy direction the film's last half-hour takes may tum off many voters. Giving a 'poignant and nuanced performance, his best in years, is Michael Caine a cynical British journalist in "The Quiet American," but sometimes understated gets overlooked. Possibly besting all the others is Jack Nicholson in the title role of "About Schmidt," where路he plays a newly widowed retiree facing life's many disappointments. His slyly comic performance is superb and deserves to win, but Academy voters are notorious for favoring showy roles. And none is more largerthan-life than Daniel Day-Lewis in the violent "Gangs of New York," a portrayal that has won almost universal acclaim and is likely to\bring him his second Oscar. - An especially tough call is for Best Director. Only Pedro Almodovar seems unlikely to grab the gold for his Spanish-language ''Talk to Her," since no one has ever won in this category for a foreign-language film. Many were moved .by Roman Polanski's direction of 'The Pianist" but some may still'be influenced by his rape conviction and fugitive status since 1978. Momentum is building for Martin Scorsese, who has been nominated but never won as either writer or director. Many think his time has come with the massive brawler, "Gangs of New York." It's difficult to fault the assured direction by Stephen Daldry and the excellent leading portrayals he got from his three stars in ''The Hours," a film jumping between entirely. different eras and characters. DaldlY skillfully accomplished this and may beat out veteran Scorsese come Oscar night. Yet it is a newcomer to the Oscar scene and film directing, Rob Marshall, who with his wildly popular "Chicago" may well overcome his new-kid-on-theblock status to win as the Best Director. - Ultimately, what's most likely to be named Best Picture? The sole sure bet is that "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" won't be scaling the heights to grab the brass ring. It's much more likely that its Best Picture Oscar will come next year in recognition of the entire spectacular trilogy after the final installment is released. In fact, although 'The Two Towers" was nominated for Best Picture, its director, Peter Jackson, wasn't. Although Holocaust-themed films such as "A Beautiful Life" and "Schindler's List" have won before, 'The Pianist" was not as emotionally involving, which is likely to hurt its chances. Academy voters seldom give the top prize to extremely violent fare, and if ever there was an ultraviolent movie it's "Gangs of New York." Providing the strongest competition is' "The 'Hours," with its splendid blend of acting and direction, but its depressing tale of suicidal, mentally and physically ill characters may prove too grim to win the most votes. More in keeping with Hollywood's love of feelgood razzle-dazzle is "Chicago," which so many people enjoyed. It seems to have gained the muscle to be the first musical to win Best Picture since "Oliver!" in 1968. Then again, this scorebook may have more losers than winners, as there are always a few real surprises on Oscar night. To catch the strained smiles of the losers and the quips host Steve Martin will make about the winners, the fun starts at 8 p.m. on ABC Sunday. With all those endless acceptance speeches, however, don't expect the show to end before Monday!
Friday, March 21, 2003
DEACON MICHAEL Foster carries the Gospel book during an annual Chrism Mass at Holy Angels Cathedral in Gary, Ind. The number of permanent deacons worldwide has grown steadily since the Second Vatican Council. They number 13,764 in the United States. (CNS file photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic)
Deacons ser·ve Church in Dlany ways, says USCCB official By WILLY THORN
Congregation for Clergy; Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; and Archbishop Giuseppe Pittau, secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Deacon Ditewig said other members of the Curia also will be at the meeting. Although the Eastern Catho-' lic churches kept the permanent
Bishop Robert C. Morlino of CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Helena, Mont., chairman of the WASHINGTON - Deacons bishops' Committee on the minister to Catholics by preachDiaconate, in a statement. ing the Word, administering sacHowever, the bishop added, raments, visiting the sick and the increasing number of deameeting other needs, but they are cons "challenges us to provide ... also asked to "go beyond the surthe best and most comprehensive face" to help solve problems formation possible to meet the people face, such as hunger and challenges of the Church in the injustice, said the head of the modern world." U.S. bishops' Secretariat for the Deacon Ditewig also noted Diaconate. that deacons' ministry is Deacon William based on serving the Ditewig, who has headed Church and the commuthe secretariat since last "With deacons," he said in an in- nity. September, said he hopes "We do that in three an upcoming international terview, "it's not what they do, but ways: ministry of the Word, meeting he plans to attend who they are. Priests are more than ministry of the sacrament in Rome will draw global just their function. Deacons (too) are and ministry of charity," he attention to the role of deaconfigured to Christ sacramentally, said. cons and their service to "Deacons serve at the so they can act in the person of direction Of the bishop. the Church. They come from the "With deacons," he said Christ, the 'servant." in an interview, "it's not patristic tradition of what they do, but who they Church; the deacon was to are. Priests are more than just diaconate, for hundreds of years be the eyes and ears and heart their function. Deacons (too) are the Latin Church used the and soul of the bishop," he configured to Christ sacramen- diaconate only as a transitional added. . tally, so they can act in the per- stage to the priesthood. The Sec"About 95 percent are married son of Christ, the servant." ond Vatican Council called for men," noted Deacon Ditewig, Deacon Ditewig, a member of the return of a permanent himself a married father of four. the governing board of the Inter- diaconate in the Latin Church, A retired Navy officer, he was national Diaconate Center in and Pope Paul VI restored it in director of pastoral services for Rottenburg, Germany, is sched- 1967. the Diocese of Belleville, 111., beuled to attend a meeting in Rome According to statistics com- fore being appointed to head the with Vatican officials this week- piled by the center and released USCCB secretariat. end. The agenda includes dis- by the U.S. Conference of "Deacons are also heavily encussing formation for deacons, Catholic Bishops in February, gaged in public life. Most hold. global promotion of the the number of permanent dea- regular jobs as well; there are diaconate and finalizing formal cons is growing steadily world- deacon farmers, doctors, lawyers recognition of the center. and teachers," he added. wide. The Church's corporal works Deacon Ditewig is the As of 2002, there were about American representative on the 28,000 deacons, with 13,764 of of mercy - feeding the hungry, center's board. He said he and them in the United States. From giving drink to the thirsty, clothother board members and the 1998 to 200 I, their number in- ing the naked, visiting the imprisoned, sheltering the homeless, center's executive director, Dea- creased by 17 percent. con Klaus Jergen-Kaus, will "The growth of the diaconate caring for the sick and burying meet with Cardinal Dario around the world is a source of the dead - are the deacons' doCastrillon Hoyos, prefect of the great encouragement," said main, he said.
Continued from page one
White House, said war would be an act of self-defense against a country that had ties to telTOIists and was still trying to amass, hide and develop biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. "Instead of dlifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety," he said. Bush said the members of the U.N. SecUlity Council who have voiced opposition to military action - most notably, France, Russia and China - were aware of the threat posed by Iraq's weapons but did not share U.S. resolve to enforce Iraq's international disarmament commitments. "The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to its responsibilities," he said. "So we will lise to ours." . Bush warned Iraq's military not to use chemical or biological weapons or destroy the country's oil fields. He told Iraqi civilians, "The day of your liberation is near." Shortly after Bush's address, the U.S. government raised the national telTolism alert to "high lisk" - the second-highest level - in antici pation of a potential backlash from fhe threatened U.S. military action. The pope had sent a personal envoy to Bush earlier in March to urge that the Iraqi clisis be solved peacefully through the United Nations. After returning to Rome and bliefing the pope March IS, the envoy, retired Italian Cardinal Pio Laghi, cliticized what he called a rush to war in Iraq and said it was an illusion to think democracy can
be imposed through military force. "Democratization through war is a utopia. It is well-known that growth in democracy takes a long time," he said in an interview published the next day by the Italian newspaper Carriere della Sera. Cardinal Laghi, a former ambassador to the United States, said there was a selious lisk that a U.S.-led war with a few Western allies would be seen by many Muslims as a "Chlistian" war against Islam. Hatred and terrorism can be expected to increase as a result, he said. He said a key part of the Vatican's concern was maintaining the authority of the United Nations. This authority has been endangered by "those who demanded too much too soon" on a complicated question like disarmament in Iraq. At the same time. the cardinal said, other members of the U.N. SecUlity Council may have involuntmily weakened the pressure on Iraq to disarm by publicly opposing the United States. Cardinal Laghi said he told Bush that the pope would no doubt keep up his strong anti-war statements if the United States attacks Iraq. ~.
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Friday, March 21, 2003
Vatican official inaugurates convent in Cuba; Castro. attends ceremony By JOHN
VATIcAN CITY - A top Vatican official traveled .to Havana to inaugurate a new Brigittine convent requested by President Fidel Castro following POI)e John Paul II's 1998 visit to the communist nation. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, blessed the convent recently at a ceremony attended by Castro. However, Cuba's bishops later said they were excluded from the ceremony, The Associated Press reported. "The Catholic Church in Cuba had no participating role in these events, neither in the planning nor in the 'coordination," said a statement released by the bishops' conference. "Neither· Cardinal Jaime Ortega (AI amino of Havana) nor any Cuban bishop was present, nor was an ecclesiastical leader designated to officially represent the Archdiocese of Havana or the Cuban church," the statement said. In a telegram sent in the pope's name for the event, Pope John Paul said he hoped the new community would persevere through difficulties to "carry forward their spiritual, human and social work on the island" and "contribute to the promotion of authentic Christian and human values that guide all to the 'construction of a m.ore just and fraternal society." The head of the new community, Mother Tekla Famiglietti, told Vatican Radio that Castro wrote to the pope in 2000 aSking specifically for Brigittine Sisters, an order dedicated to working for Christian unity. She said Castro
wrote that he "wanted to put into practice the Holy Father's words that Cuba must open to the world . and the world to Cuba." Castro gave the Brigittines a Havana building that previously served as a convent. The initial community is made up of eight nuns from Mexico, India and Poland, Mother Tekla said, but the buiiding can accommodate as ·many as 24. During the inauguration cerIRAQI CHILDREN stand in a trench outside their home in Baghdad recently as some emony, Cardinal Sepe said the convent's opening "signifies residents were making preparations to protect themselves against a possible attack. (CNS planting anoth~r seed of the Gos- photo from Reuters) . pel in the fertile Cuban earth, placing another stone in thecoristruction of Christ's temple that is the church, and recognizing the self-denial and faithful work that many men and women religious· have performed in Cuba in difficult times." JAFFA, Israel (CNS)-One morning in early March Georgina Karkar,' 28, a Catholic whose uncle lives Absent from Vatican Radio's the handful ofChristian families that live along the beach· next door to Kara, said she, too; opposed the war, but coverage was any mention of re- . near the city of Jaffa awakened to find a battery ofPa- . was glad the Israeli government and the Americans were cent tensions between Castro and triot missiles lined up near their homes. taking precautions. . local Church leaders. Badia Tannous, 31, a Catholic who lives with her· She said the threat -of war adds tension to people's The convent's inauguration husband and two children in a three-apartment build- already tense lives. came less than two weeks after ing overlooking the beach, said her oldest child was "Just having to put on a gas mask is scary," she said. Cardinal Ortega issued a pastoral .scared. . Israelis have been instructed to slowly begin preparing letter asking for more freedom for "I told her they were put there to protect us," Tannous a sealed room in case of a chemical attack by Iraq, and the Church and criticizing the so- . said. "She asked what do they need to protect us from, Israeli citizens have been issued gas masks. ciety that has resulted from and I explained if Iraq shoots missiles at us, this will Karkar's uncle, Salim Barsha, 52, recalled that durCastro's 44-year term as presi-. protect us. She hears the news and hears about such ing the 1991 Gulf War the whole house shook with the dent. things outside, so she knows more or less what is hap- nearby explosions. People were very afraid, he said. "The time has come to pass pening, but is scared." "But God protects all people," he said. from a state of justice, demandMeanwhile, down the road, restaurant manager Isaac Jaffa, a mixed Arab-Jewish city, is along the coast of ing sacrifices and a settling of central Israel, next to Tel Aviv, the target of Iraqi Scud Itzik,.38, a Greek Orthodox, waits for the lunch crowd accounts, to a state of mercy, will- missiles during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. . that never arrives. All the talk of war has frightened the ing first of all to extend a comIn the event of a Scud attack, the Patriot missiles can clientele, he said, and for over a month people have . passionate hand father than exer- I;>e launched to intercept them. stopped eating out. The Patriot missiles stationed near cising controls and penalizing inTannous said she is trying to remain optimistic and the restaurant do not help, he said. fractions," the cardinal wrote. A lot of people come to look at the Patriots, but then believes that in the end there will be no war. But if there He asked the government to is, she said, she feels the Patriot missiles will protect her they go home, he said. grant the Ch.urch greater religious family and neighbors. "Of course it is frightening," he said. "After all the. freedom, including open access to At least, she added, the rubbish along the beach was talk, it really looks like the war is on its way." the mass media and the opportu- cleaned for the Patriots and the army encampment placed nity to create its own schoo~ sys- next to them. tem. "During the last war it was scary. I was engaged at
CUBAN PRESIDENT Fidel Castro greets Mother Tekla Famigliette during the inaugu'ration of a new Brigittine convent in Havana. The community will start with ei~ht nuns from Mexico, India and Poland. They came at the request of Castro following the 1998 visit by Pope John Paull! to Cuba, (CNS photo from Reuters)
Israeli Christians say Blissiles .on beach Blake theBl' feel safe
the time and was still living at my parents' house, so every time a Scud fell I would call my fiance to make sure he had his gas mask on," said Tannous. "I guess this time I will be doing the opposite, calling my parents." . Though most people echoed her sentiments about the Patriots making them feel safe, some complained about the noise at night coming from the generators .needed for the missiles and the lights shining into their bedrooms from the spotlights set up next to the Patriots. "I think this whole war is unnecessary," said Gabriel Kara, 42; a Catholic, as he installed new windows on his house. "I am notafraid because I think the chance of an attack on Israel is minimal. And if there is an attack, these Patriots make me feel more secure. My kids are more afraid of a Palestinian terrorist attack than of (Iraqi President) Saddam Hussein." Kara criticized U.S. President George Bush, whom he said should give the U.N. inspectors more time to do their work. "Now he wants to have.a war even if the U.N. vetoes it," Kara said. "Think of all the poor people he could help with the money he is investing in moving all those troops to the area." "I fear only God," added neighbor Victor Sabbah, 46, a Catholic. "But the only thing Bush is doing with this war is increasing the hatred among peoples, not between countries but among the people themselves. It is a kind of hatred which can't be erased overnight ~d will continue for generations."
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BADIA TANNpUS stands on the balcony of her Jaffa, Isra~l, home overlooking the beach where defensive U.S. Patriot missiles are stationed. (CNS photo by Debbie Hill)
the ancIiof(S)
Friday, March 21, 2003
Confessional seal under attack in' several states WASHINGlDN (CNS) - The clergy sex abuse crisis in the U.S. Catholic Church has sparked a variety of state legislative initiatives to strengthen child abuse laws, including efforts in five states to force a priest to violate the seal of confession if he teams about abuse ofachild dUling a sacran-tental confession. Legislatures in Maryland and Kentucky have rebuffed'those attempts, but early this month new bills were introduced in Nevada and Rorida. A New Hampshire bill inu'oduced in January was due to be reported out of committee later this month.' ''This is of great concern to us," D, Michael McCaITon, the Rorida Catholic Conferel1ce's executive director, said of bill HI321, filed in the Rorida House. "As it's written now, it will eliminate the clergy confidentiality privilege and thereby directly impact the seal of confession in the sacrament of reconciliation," he told Catholic News Service. Church law says if a priest directly violates the seal ofconfession - revealing something said in confession in a way that the penitent is or can be identified - he is automatically excommunicated. Even an indirect violation when there is simply a risk that something revealed about a confession could lead another person to recognizc the identity of the penitcnt and his sin - is a Church crime to bc punished by penalties com-
mensurate with the seriousness of the 'violation. In Maryland, Cardinals William F. Keeler ofBaltimore and Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington whose archdiocese includes five Maryland counties - promised to go to jail rather than obey a law requiring them to break the seal of the sacrament. They spoke out in late February after bills were introduced that would require a priest to report infonnation ofchild sex abuse learned in confession unless the penitent in question was the perpetrator. Church law allows no such distinctions, saying simply that the pricst is "absolutely forbidden" to betray any penitent. In the uproar that followed public opposition by the two cardinals, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee rejected the Senate bill unanimously February 28. An identical bill in the House of Delegates was withdrawn. The proposed Maryland bills also would have conflicted with another Church law requiring secrecy on the part of an interpreter or.any other third party who hears someone confessing sins sacramentally. The bills would make any third party a mandated reporter if part of the confession involved infonnation about child abuse. Two different bills were introduced in January in the Kentucky. Legislature. In the Senate, SB51 sought an exception to the clergy-
person seeking spiritual counsel and porters of child abuse and allow the advice." attomey-elient privilege as the only According to the National Clear- exception to mandatory reporting reinghouse on Child Abuse and Ne- quirements. The Texas child abuse glect InfOlmation, the laws of North reporting law pennits no exceptions Carolina, Rhode Island and West , for confidential or privileged comVirginia as well as New Hampshire munication, not even that of an atinclude clergy among mandated re- torney with his client.
penitent privilege in the case ofchild sexual abuse "when the penitent is another member of the clergy." In Continued from iwge aile the House, HB58 would retain the general clergy privilege ofconfidenFather Lopes and Lisa M. Parish in New Bedford: tiality except for "any communicaTo RENEW tion relating to the neglect or abuse Gulino, diocesan director of Adult Our parish mission at hand. Education and Evangelization, of a minor child." we nine took a stand , The Kentucky Catholic Confer- recently prepared the Small Faith to renew our Christian souls. ence opposed both measures. In tes- Sharing Groups for Season II. timony before the Senate Judiciary "We have seen many new persons On Thursday evenings we came Committee, the conference's execu- added to the parish teams as this and shared beliefs with no shame tive director, Vincent E. Senior, process continues," added Father so we might renew our called the proposals an assault on the Lopes. "Growth and conversion Christian souls. FirstAmendment's protection of the require the support of those We 've gained strength in our around us. These facilitators enfree exercise of religion. knowing that spiritual faith is New Hampshire already includes , able this to happen in their weekly ever-growing priests and ministers as mandatory .sessions of faith sharing. Our hats we renew our Christian souls. when reporters of child abuse and says at- are off to these generous persons." Gulino is receiving many positorney-client privilege is the only· Althoughfor now our exception to reporting requirements. tive comments from throughout joumey's ending. But a new bill in the state's House the diocese from those involved we praise God for his special of Representatives, HB541, would in the faith-sharing program. blending which brought us to The following is a RENEWamend state law on witness privirenew our Christian souls lege in court to say the privilege inspired poem sent to Gulino, For information about the given to confidential communica- authored by Deborah A. Brennan tion with a minister of religion act- of East Freetown, who partici- RENEW program, call 508ing in a professional capacity as con- pates in RENEW at St. Mary's 678-2828. fessor or spiritual advisor "shall not apply to the disclosure of infonnation relative to suspected or conContinued from page two finned child abuse." The bill introduced in the Rorida Members of the Legion of In New Bedford there is a PorHouse of Representatives, Hl321, tuguese group, Our Lady of Mary perform many ministries would add clergy and ministers of Fatima Praesidium at Our Lady according to needs of their parreligion to the list of mandated re- of Mount Carmel Church, as well ishes. Among those are teaching porters ofchild abuse, abandonment as the Seat of Wisdom religious education classes and and neglect. For such cases it would Praesidium at S1. Joseph-S1. visiting nursing homes where explicitly abrog~te any right of privi- Therese Church. members lead recitation of the leged communications "between A Spanish Praesidium, Our rosary. any member of the clergy ... and a Lady Mother of God, is located Anyone interested in establishing a Legion of Mary in their at St. Joseph's in Attleboro. The newest unit is Our Lady parish is asked to contact Father of Mercy Praesidium at S1. Wall at 508-672-7232 or Father Keenan at 508·992·7163. Mary's in South Dartmouth.
AN UNIDENTIFIED soldier genuflects in front of a crucifix during Mass recently at a U.S. Army camp stationed outside. Kuwait City in Kuwait. As war threatened, soldiers attended religious ser/vices in makeshift chapels and military tents, while Pope John Paul II sent an urgen~ appeal to the Unite.d Nations and Iraq, seeking to avoid a conflict that could have "tremen90US consequences." (CNS photo from Reuters)
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that / promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation of their souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: I. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Retite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me compuny for /5 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me."
In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the ",!orning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Friday, March 21, 2003
Junior High Youth Convention is Sunday o
FALL RIVER - The Junior High School Youth Conventionr:sponsored by the Office of Youth-Ministry and themed "Lord of the Kings," will be held Sunday from 12:30 to 7 p.m. at Bishop Connolly High School. The event is open to all middle school-aged student~. ' It will feature Christian music, pizza, prayer, skits, music videos, several guest speakers,
THE STUDENT Council of Holy Trinity School, West Harwich, takes a break from a meeting to pose for a group shot. Seated from left: advisor Linda Mattson, Catherine Manning and advisor Michelle Turner. Standing from ~eft: Francis Pagliaro; Justin Griffin; Vice President Kerry Burns; President James Fleming; Secretary Ashely Gaughran; Cashel O'Sullivan ' and Carlos Fonts.'
and a 6 p.m. Mass celebrated by Father Hernando Herrera, exeootive director of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office. Guest speakers include Dave Dumaine and his wife Terrie, Sister Margaret Michael and Ray Vaillencourt. For information about the Junior High School Youth Convention, cont~ct the diocesan Office ofYouth Ministry at 508675,-3847.
SIXTH-GRADERS from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford work on a social studies project where they learned about bartering. Clockwise from left are: Megahn Frias, Chantalle Chaves, Jessic,~ Luiz, Brittney Ferreira and Victoria Pinheiro.
.. '.-.
BRIAN CARDONA of St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, shares a smile with Bernice Diaz following the Rite of Election March 9. Cardona said of soon becoming a Catholic "It's been seven months of hard路 work, but it's been good work. I'm excited about today." .
Coyle students excel in history competition
BISHOP FEEHAN High School, Attleboro, freshman Kate Broderick look's on as a judge asks a question about her science fair project entitled "What Color Insulates Best?" She was among 175 freshman and sophomores who participated in this year's event. Broderick took first place in her grade and Jonathan Tirrell placed first among 10th-graders. ,
TAUNTON ~ Nine stu- .Stephanie Chmura, Jillian dents from Coyle and Cassidy Wiegel, Caitlin St. John, High School recently partici- Emily Burdick and Erin pated in the 2003 National Cassella. History Day District CompeRyan Tuck placed first" in tition at Bridgewater State the Senior Individual ExhibCollege. its Category with his presenThe social studies students tation "Th'e Wall of Shame." presented exhibits with the Tuck will now move on to the theme "Rights and Responsi- Massachusetts State Compebilities in History." Certifi- tition to be held April 5 at cates of achievement were Brockton High School. given to the following stuDavid Casavant, Jason dents: Alex Polanik, Laura Kenney and Cheryle Paulo Carpenter, Katreena Hashem, were supervising teachers.
Friday, March 21, 2003
- - - ;s
TAUNTON CATHOLIC Middle School students Edward Vasconcellos, Kevin McCarthy, Sonny Patel and Robert Bourne help Pamela Potenza carry donations for the Guaimacan Mission.
TCMS sends aid to Guaimaca, Hon~uras TAUNTON - As part of their Potenza. One bag has their belongEpiphany celebration, this year, stu- ings and the other has needed supdents at Taunton Catholic Middle plies that are carried to the villagers. School listened to a presentation by Some things can be shipped but, it Pam Potenza, a missionary to is very expensive and very slow and Guaimaca, Honduras. Potenza much of it doesn't get where it's showed slides from Guaimaca, going. She invited TCMS to sponsor a taken on a recent trip she made to collection day for the missions and the mission. Over the last two years, mis- promised to arrange for the items to sionaries from the Fall River dio- be carried there this month. Items cese have traveled to Honduras, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, regularly, to assist Father Paul soap, insect repellent, children's Canuel, Father JosefBlyskosz and baseball caps or sun hats, children's Sister Maria Ceballos minister to chewable. multi-vitamins, light the spiritual and physical needs of weightjackets, rain gear for children, two parishes, St. Rose of Lima in baby fonnula, used sunglasses and Guaimaca and St. Francis ofAssisi used shoes and sneakers were in Orica. The missionaries travel brought in to school by students and to many small villages, hours away teachers. "When Mrs. Potenza came in she by truck, over washed-out mountain roads, to serve their brothers could hardly believe her eyes. There were enough boxes and bags to fill and sisters in Christ. Students learnf:d that each time .her car twice," said Gail Chalifoux, she and the other missionaries go, development director, "It was a genthey callY two bags; "That's all they erous and heartfelt outpouring ofour will allow on the planes," said school community."
Run, running all the time Running to the future With you right by my side Me, I'm the one you chose Out of all the people You wanted me the most And I'm so sorry that I've fallen Help me up. Let's keep on running Don't let me fall out of love Running, running as fast as we can Do you think we'll make it? Do you think we'll make it? We're running. Keep holding my hand So we don't get separated Be, be the one I need Be the one I trust most Don't stop inspiring me Sometimes it's hard to keep on running We work so much to keep it going Don't make me want to give up Running, running as fast as we can I really hope we make it Do you think we'll make it? We're running, keep holding my hand So we don't get separated. Repeat last verse. The future. Sung by No Doubt Copyright (c) 2001 by Interscope Records No Doubt is getting a lot of attention. The group recently released a limited edition of their 200 I disc "Rock Steady." This enhanced CD offers listeners audio tracks previously unreleased in the United States on the original version. Further, if you're into football, you probably noticed who was featured at this year's Super Bowl: Sting,
Shania Twain and, yes, NoDoubt! Off "Rock Steady" and getting airplay is their cUIl'ent single "Running."The song presents a person's reflections on a romance. She realizes, "Me, I'm the one you chose. Out of all the people, you wanted me the most." Yet she feels insecure about their future. She feels that they are "running, running as fast as we can," tlying to keep the relationship going. She wonders:
to miss God's greatest gift to each of us: today! Here lIre some suggestions for slowing down your life: I. Remember to breathe! Sounds crazy, you might think. We all hreathe automatically, right'! Well, yes, but what I am encouraging is this: Pause in your daily I1Ish, and consciously be aware of your breathing. Research shows that bccoming inwardly quiet for as little as five minutes a day and just observing your breath leads to a
vur Rock ~~;.persenseofpeaceandwell-be~
"Do you think we'll make it? We're running. Keep holding my hand so we don't get separated Responding to a relationship's demands is only one way that people can get the feeling that they're running. In fact, sometimes most of life feels like a big race! For example, consider the secondsemester lives of today's high school seniors. They need to run around tending to the details of events like prom and graduation, plus be attentive to the many demands of getting into college or some other program of career preparation. All of this is in addition to homework and perhaps a job. When we feel pressure to keep up with a long to-do list, it's easy
2. At least once a day sit down and talk with someone you love. This might be a parent or grandparent, a sibling or a fliend. Following this suggestion will bring assurance that you are maintaining your perspective about what really counts in life. 3. Sometime during the day . pause for a: few moments of gratitude. Even when life feels really hectic, many blessings are still yours. Tell God how grateful you are for the good in your life. 4. Remind yourselfofthe importance of trust. Sure, do what you can of what needs to be accomplished, but remember that your whole life does not depend on whatever you are "running" toward. Trust that God will help you create a future that offers many opportunities to bling out more of the best that he has placed within you. . Psalm 118 reminds us, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad." Yes, even when you' are feeling pressured to run, slow down enough to recognize what a true blessing today is. Your comments are always welcome. Please write to me at: chmartin@swindiana.net or at 7125W 2008, Rockport, IN 47635.
The outsiders in tr-e teen years By EFFIE CALDAROLA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Years ago, my mother told me, "You can tell when a boy becomes a man: he begins to walk around mud puddles instead of through them." She probably said this right after my son Mike burst through the front door, covered with dirt and resembling in no way the clean kid we'd sent out to play an hour earlier. Mike was, and still is, "all boy." In the fall, Mike believed colorful leaves were raked into piles mainly for the benefit of his running leap. The bountiful snow of an Anchorage, Alaska, winter existed for Mike to build tunnels and forts in our front yard. And spring's heavy snow melt, which we call "break-up" in Alaska, filled our streets to give Mike's
mud boots purpose. In a way, ll)om's axiom makes me jealous of kids. After all, jumping into those mud puddles would still be fun occasionally if we grown-ups didn't realize how ex. pensive our shoes would be to replace or how tough it is to launder those mud-stains out pI' our slacks. Going through the mud puddles, instead of around them, sounds liberating sometimes. The things of childhood don't always speak of freedom, however. I 'can think of one childish, or adolescent, behavior, that doesn't really liberate anyone. Kids are notorio'us for belonging to cliques, or special groups, and finding their identity in those groups to such an extent that sometimes they snub others who . don't quite "fit in." Everybody wants to belong,
. and it's fun to know you have a special set of friends that recog. nize you as one of theirs. Bilt the flip side of that fun is that some kids feel totally left out.
Coming of flge My daughter's friend told me that every night when her little brother came home from junior . ~igh school, he would cry. The social stress of not belonging was . overwhelming him. St. Francis df Assisi is one of the Church's great saints. During the Middle Ages, when leprosy
was still a common and much feared disease, Francis modeled himself after1esus Christ, and put himself to the test. Despite his terror of the illness, he embraced a leper. For Francis, it was a moment of liberation that brought him closer to the Lord. Few of us will ever be called to literally embrace a leper. But we are called to be friendly to the people we encounter each day, even people who seem to be outsiders or different from the kids we admire. Perhaps you are ·aware of someone in one of your classes who seems lonely or isolated. A warm smile could make the difference in that person's day. Choosing him for a class group or saying a friendly hello in the hallway might prevent him from
b~ing the boy who goes home in sorrow each night. You may know a girl others ridicule behind her back. Let your friends know you really don't think that's funny or appropriate or kind. . I'm not saying we adults have all learned to embrace the leper. But as I've gotten older, I have learned that my identity doesn't depend on being seen exclusively with the "right" people. At a palty I can approach someone who seems isolated or different without feat'ing that my friends will . judge me by how she looks. And if they do? I re~lIy don't care, because I'm comfortable enough with who I am to take that risk. Being able to say that is just as liberating as walking through the best of mud puddles.
Friday, March 21, 2003
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The'story of the Apostles: Tholllas BY JOHN HEIRO The next Apostle on our "Journey of the Twelve" is Thomas. From here through the. rest of the series we are confronted by the Apostles least mentioned in the lJible. My wife; who proofs these 'articles, after reading that statement said, "What about Mark and Luke and Paul? There is a lot about them in the Bible." Well, very politely, I reminded her, and perhaps we all need the reinforcement at this point, that those great men, 'along with Timothy, Bamabus and others, were not members of the original twelve. As I said, 'little is known about this disciple from the biblical record, but thanks to the writings ofStJohn in the fourth Gospel we can surmise a great deal about the personality of this follower of Christ. He is listed in the Synoptic lists (Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lk 6 and Acts 1:13). But in John's account he plays a significant role. "Thomas, who is called Didyrnus (literally 'the twin') said' to his fellow disciples: 'Let us also go, that we may die with him"'(Jn
It was Thomas at the Last Supper who asked the Lord, " ...we know not where you are going, how can we know the way?" (In 14:5). This personality trait is also evidenced by his incredulity when the other disciples announced Christ's resurrection: "Except that I see in his hands the nail prints, and put , my finger into the place ofthe nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe" (In 20:25). And eight days later after finany making his announcement of faith, he drew the rebuke of Jesus: "Because you have seen me, Thomas, you have believed; ble,ssed are they who have not seen and have believed" (In 20:29). A considerable extra-biblical apocryphal library of writings helps us to understand and appreciate this good and dedicated nian. The principal document is the "Acta Th01D11C' and has been preserved for us with some variations in Greek and in Syriac. Some ofthe accounts are extravagant. It states that at the division of missionary assignments to the Apostles. India fell to Thomas. Thomas, following' his hesitant nature, declined to go. Jesus then appeared to Abban, an envoy of Gundafor (an Indian
king), and sold Thomas to him as a slave and carpenter. (I wamed you about some ofthis.)Abban and Thomas sailed away to India. Thomas undertook the job of building a palace, but mis-spent the.construction monies on ministry to the poor. Thomas was imprisoned and then miraculously escaped. The king was converted and Thomas went on his way preaching and ministering. Upon coming to the city of King Misdai, and' converting the king's wife and son, Thomas was arrested, led to a hill and speared to death by . the king's soldiers. This we do know as reliable tradition: Thomas was born in Galilee and became a disciple, although we don't exactly know when and where. He was with Jesus at the raising of Lazarus from the dead, and is best known for his doubts about the Lord as mentioned in John's Gospel. This gave ~se to the well-known expression, "doubting Thomas." But when Jesus appeared to him, he proclaimed, ''My Lord and my God,'? thus becoming the first to explicitly acknowledge the divinity of Christ. Thomas later preached in Parthian, and giving credence to a tradition that he traveled as far as' India, he was martyred and buried at Mylapore near Madras. In 1972 Pope Paul VI declared him the Apostle of India. The skepticism of Thomas resides in us all. May God grant that also in us resides the faith and determination that the Faith, once accepted, will became a matter of life and destiny. Happy Digging!
MEMBERS OF the Founders' Circle are recognized during a press conference at Bishop Connolly High $chool, Fall River, announcing a $150,000 donation towards a new football program to kick off this fall.
Continued from page one
won the right to wear the cougar costume ear- . Connolly embroidered hat. lier this school year, but said he is "looking The team will play in the Eastern Athletic forward to playing football next year." He's Conference against teams like Attleboro High , hoping to earn a spot as a safety or corner back. School and fellow Catholic school Bishop . The Founders'. Circle will be remembered Feehan, the current EAC champion. It will be with a plaque and monument at the top of the a tough endeavor for a school with a current hill near the field. Members are: The Alumni enrollment of just over 400, but teams have alAssociation, Margaret and Alan Biszko, AIda ready offered assistance and equipment to the and Emanuel Chaves and Maria Chaves, Citi- Cougars. zen-Union Savings Bank, Fall River Five Cents "Will we struggle at the beginning? Yes, as Savings Bank, Dale and Ronald Ferris, First all new endeavors do," said McNamee. But he Federal Savings Bank, Janice and James quoted Vince Lombardi who said "It's not Karam, Master Chef George and Anna whether you get knocked down, it is whether Karousos and Family, and The Lafrance Fam- you get up that counts." ily. "It's going to be fabulous," said DevelopEach was' recognized, during the press con- ment Director Christopher Myron with a smile. ference and presented a plaque and Bishop "We're on the threshold of a new adventure:"
Ask Or. Dig
I am fascinated by the ac,counts ofSodom and Gomorrah. Have tJtese sites been located?
-AlbertT. Dear Albert, That subject would require several articles. It is widely debated among scholars, but mainstream thinking today is that the cities were located in an area just south of the Dead Sea, in the Gulf. We will have a series of articles on these important biblical cities. , Dr. John HeircUs1iBible his-
torian and archaeologist. He is a writer and lecturer biblical" ,backgr6imdsandthedeye/opment'
BISHOP CONNOLLY students show their enthusiasm for their school's new football progr~m which will field a freshman and junior varsity team later this year. (An-
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