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The ANCHOR, An Anchor 01 fhe Soul, Sure and



Fall River, Mass., 'Thursday, March 21, 1974 Vol. 18, No. 12 漏 1974 The Anchor $5.o&R~~rEy~~

Asks Lenten Sacrifice To Assist Needy The annual collection for the American Catholic Overseas Aid Fund will be taken up next weekend in all churches of the Diocese of ,Fall River. In a letter from Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, read this last weekend, faithful of the Diocese were asked to fulfill the words of the Sunday Lenten Preface of the Mass by being "... more fervent in prayer, more generous in works' of charity ..." Thus, their sacrifices in the spirit of Lent will aid this essential fund which finances the overseas disaster aid and develop路 ment programs of Catholic Relief Services, supports the Migration

and Refugees Services of the United States Catholic Conference, and underwrites grants to the Holy Father's charities, and the Catholic Apostolate of the Sea. In his letter, the Bishop writzs: Dearly beloved in Christ, The Preface recited at Mass on the Sundays of the Lenten Season, serving as the introduction to the solemn Eucharistic goal of our for,ty-day season of Prayer itself, reminds us of the preparation for Easter: that we may be ..... more fervent in prayer, more generous in works Turn to Page Four


PRESIDING: Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, presided over the inauguration of the Official Parish Pilgrimages to the Cathedral in celebration of the Holy Year. The Bishop was assisted by Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, Central Village, and Very Rev. John J. Regan, rector of St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral.


Pilgrimage Initiate's Parish Involvement Over 800 members of Greater Fall River parishes gathered at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, on Sunday, to open the diocesan phase of the celebration of the Holy Year. Each area of the Diocese, in the f.irst phase, will journey to the Fall River Cathedral in a spiritual journey to symbolize the unity of the Diocese. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River, welcomed the Fall Riverites and presided at the special Holy Year service designed by the Diocesan Divine Worship Commission. Noting the differing backgrounds of the participants, ,Rev. Peter N. Graziano, assistant pastor at St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset, and President of the Priests' Senate, emphasized the intended show of unity necessary in the DiocesaQ Family. Tribute to the pastors-Pope Paul VI and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin-also brought parishioners together in prayer, the priest explained.

Pope Calls Modern Man Prodigal VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mod- audience hall. The Pope usually em man, like the prodigal son of exchanges a few words with the Gospel, can find happiness each such guest at tohe general by seeing the sadness within audiences. Although he skipped that part himself and returning to his father, God, Pope Paul told a of, his customary routine, the general audience March 13. It Pope returned immediately to was the Pope's first public audi- greet the bishops who were in ence since being confined to bed . attendance and then delivered a with the flu the previous week. speech to the Vatican Committee The 76-year-old Pontiff ap- on the Family. In his address during the genpeared to be his normal and active self, speaking forcefully eral audience the Pope said that while delivering his address when man 'looks within' himself and rediscOvers his moral conand making occasional asides, The only concession to his re- science, whereby he judges the cent illness was the cancellation morality of his actions, he is on of his personal greeting special the way toward God. Referring to the parable of the guests in the front row of the

prodigal son ,in the Gospel, the Pope recalled that after ,squandering his inheritance the unhappy son "looked within himself" and saw that his happiness depended upon a return to his father. That parable, the Pope continued, "is dramatic and stupendous. This act of personal solidarity and courageous reflection lies at the root of recovering a genuine and reinvigorated life for man," Moral conscience, the Pope said, finds itself "on a field of battle" in modern discussion, but "will emerge victorious because it speaks the truth for us."

But it was especially to live out the theme of the Holy Year -Reconciliation-that all, came to the "Heart of the Diocese" to express themselves in prayer and resolve.

Touching on the sanctity, brotherhood and involvement of Christians, Father Graziano painted a panoramic picture of eager Christian activity in realTum to Page Two

Mrs. Nelson Chairlady Of Attleboro Appeal Mrs. Robert W. Nelson, 37 Prospect St., Attleboro, a member of the Holy Ghost parish and resident of Attleboro for twentysix years, will serve as the 1974 lay chairlady for the Attleboro area in this year's Catholic Charities Appeal. The appointment was announced today by Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal. The Attleboro area includes, Attleboro, North Attleboro, ' Mansfield, Norton and Seekonk. Mrs. Nelson will assist Rev. Bento R. Fraga of Holy Ghost parish, ' Attleboro, who is the Attleboro area director of the Appeal and Mrs. Gilbert J. Noonan, diocesan lay chairlady of this year's Appeal. The supervision of the two phases of the Appeal-the special gift and parish-will be conducted by Father Fraga and Mrs. Nelson in collaboration with Msgr. Gomes and Mrs. Noonan.

Mrs. Nelson, a native of Emporla, Kansas, was educated in the schools of Emporia, Kansas State Teachers College and the University of Maine at Orono. She has taught in Kansas schools and was head teacher at the Little Folks School in Attleboro. She was a member of the United States Navy as 'a Wave. She is now probation officer for the Fourth Dilstrict Court of Attleboro. She is a member of many organizations and community Turn to Page Two

HOLY YEAR Taunton-Attleboro Pilgrimage

St. Mary's Cathedral Sunday, March 24 3 P.M. MRS. ROBERT W. NELSON



ANCHOR-Dioce~e of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

French 'Students Offered Prizes

Greater C:oncern for Justice, Peace Sec~n in U.S. Church WASHINGTON (NC) - "Con- tioned against taking it for 'cern for world peace and for the granted that the social acti~n just -institutions that must under- orientation of the Church WIll lie it are now entering the main continue. , current of the Church's apostolSpeaking of the ecumenical asate," said Msgr. Joseph Gremi!- pect of work for social justice, lion, who resigned in January Msgr. Gremillion referred to as secretary of the Pontifical Mother Teresa, foun~ress of the Commission for Justice and Missionaries of Charity. "The Peac;. message comes from her," he Msgr. Gremillion, who has re- said, "that people want Jesus. turned to the United States after who loves man, especially in the serving in the Vatican post since weak and the oppressed. Unless 1967, gave his views on changes the community brings Jesus, lovin the United States in an inter- ing and serving the poor, onr view here. apostolate is fruitless." As signs of grea ter concern in the U. S. Catholic Church for world peace and justice, Msgr. .,.;~ .M'@{f$1 <?remillion indicated the estab""" Parishioners of St. Patrick Parish, Fall hshment 'of the Deppartment of Social Development and World . - HARTFORD (NC) - Declaring River, celebrated their namesake's feast on Sunday by tenPeace at the U. S. Catholic Con- that the five Catholic hospitals dering a testimonial to their former pastor, Rev. Msgr. John in Connecticut "do not and will E. Boyd, now pastor of St. Patrick Parish, Wareham. Left ference here. He also noted "a remarkable not" perform abortions, the exinterest in this field among Reli- ecutive director of the Connec- to right: Mrs. Walter J. Burns, Chairlady for the eve~t; gious communities of men and ticut Catholic Conference said Msgr. Boyd; Mrs. William T. Do~nelly, Decorati.ng Co~mlt­ women, shown not only by indi- that any 'attempt to compel them tee, Rev. James F. Kenney, pastor of St. Patnck Parish. vi duals but by the formation of to do sof'will be met with the justice and peace offices within full force of law." 'provinces." He also referred to William J. Wholean was reactthe "engagement of bishops to a ing to State Senator George Continued from Page One parishes of Gr,eater Taunton and degree altogether absent f9rmer- Gunther's "'statementthat "all iZing the papal hopes for the Greater Attleboro areas will Iy" and cited:' hospitals including those run by Holy Year. gather at the Cathedral for a -The protest last month by religious orders, .are subject to Illustrated with the heroic sac- similar pilgrimage. the Administrative Board of the liability for not performing an rifices of St. Patrick - it was The Scriptures will be proU.S. Catholic Conference .(USCC) abortion.'" March 17 - and St. Thomas claimed by Mrs. Charles Landry Wholean said Gunther and More-an involved layman against . violations of human and the homily will be delivered others "would be making a very Father Graziano pointed out by Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu, rights in Brazil and Chile. Deeper Spirituality serious mistake if they were to various means of Christian wit- assistant pastor of St. James While Msgr. Gremillion said misinterpret the law or under- ness open to all Christia,\s of Parish, Taunton. - , he was not a "cockeyed opti- estimate our resolve in this crit- . today. mist," he said, "I see now offices ical -issue." Opening the ceremonies with and apostolates on the causes of The Connecticut Public Health prayer was Very Rev. Luiz G. Reaffirm Support the blacks and Chicanos. Twen- Council had ruled that abortions Mendonca, pastor of Our Lady Of Farm Boycott ty-five years ago, there was are to be performed in all Con- of Mt. Carmel Parish, New Bed. NORTH PLAINFIELD (NC)Father John LaFarge (the Jesuit necticut hospitals, regardless of ford, who is chairman of the The New Jersey Council of Major leader in interracial work» and individual hospital policy. Diocesan Central Commission .Superiors of Women Religious But Dr. Fred Hyde, executive for the Holy Year. one or two religious orders, a reaffirmed its support of the few lay people, clergy and bish- director of the Connecticut HosSister Barbara McCarthy, O.P., United Form Workers of Amerops ... L see evidence that this is pital Association, said private of the Diocesan Education Ce_nentering the mainstream of these hospitals cannot be forced, co- ter in Fall River, read the Scrip- ica boycott and called upon th~ institutions of the Church, in- erced or regulated into perform- tures for' the special service pat- state's women Religious to refuse to pur·chase iceberg lettuce cluding religious orders. Perhaps ing abortions any more than they terned on a 'Bible Vigil. from California, grapes and Gallo we can be criticized for not going can be forced to perform any The General Intercess'ions and wine and to boycott stores which far enough, fast enough, but it other procedure. the Rite of Reconciliation were is striking to one returning to "They retain all the prerog- led by Rev. Barry W. Wall, as- sell these items. A resolution passed by the the United States." atives of being private institu- sistanat pastor at St. Mary's council said that' the farm workMsgr. Gremillion said there is tions and they retain the right to Cathedral. ers are "in a non-violent struggle a need for a deeper theological refuse abortions," Hyde, said. Religio,us music for the celfoundation and a deeper spirituWholean· cited a court of ap- ebration was provided by the for the establishment of their ality for those involved in the, peals decision in Green Bay" participants themselves and by basic rights as workers and the social aspostolate in, order to Wis., the Health Programs Ex- the Cathedral Choir led by Rev. right to determine their own poavoid superficiality and he cai.!- ten Act of 1973 and other deci- William J. Campbell and David litical, economic and social .future." tern Act of 1973 and other deci- Carrier. Past actions of the growers, circuit court of appeals levels, 'On Sunday next, March 24, the the resolution added, show that Necrolo!JY which have upheld the right of they are resisting procedures to private hospitals to set their own MAR. 29 have secret ballot elections and Rt. Rev. Edward J. Moriarty, policy in spite of federal funding. Cardinal Condemns collective bargaining with the 1951; Pastor, St.. Patrick, Fall Terrorism, Violence UFWA. River. Bulletins Published BUENOS AIRES (NC)-CardiIn addition to the boycotts, the Rev. James H. Carr, S.T.L., nal Antonio Caggiano of Buenos Year resolution calls on the women For Holy 1923, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Aires - strongly criticized the Religious of New Jersey "to inRiver. first four volumes of the English wave of violence and terrorism vestigate avenues where they MAR. 30 version of the "Bulletins of the that has swept this nation. He can help in the total educational Rev. Aime Barre, 1963, On Holy Year" have been published said in a sermon that "we have process of their people with resick leave, Fall River. by the Vatican's Central Com~ reached a point in which anguish gard to the farm workers' strugMAR. 31 has become oppressive and de- gle," asks that "all our institumittee for the Holy Year: -Rt. Rev. George C. Maxwell, moralizing." tions take part in the boycott," The volumes, in paperback 1953, Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul, Violence and terrorism "con- and calls on the women Reliform vary' in length from 165 to Fall River. ' 90 pages and contain papal and tinue to grow and to deteriorate gious to endorse and promote APR. 1 episcopal documents on the 1975 public peace everywhere" he the establishment on an annual Rev. George A. Lewin, 1958, Holy Year, studies, and sugges- added. ' Farm Worker Week. , . Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville. tions and reports from local "There are those who believe APR. 2 churches around the world on that everything can be solved Rev. Adolph Banach, O.F.M. observation of the Holy Year. through violence and resort to Conv., 1961, Pastor, Our Lady The series is. expected to reach it even in the distribution of Inc. of Perpetual Help, New Bedford.' at least 10 volumes, with parallel food and clothing to the pqor," editions appearing in French, the cardinal said. He called on all Funeral Service German,. Italian, Spanish and Christians to oppose terrorist THE ANCHOR Edward F. Carney Portuguese. groups and urged them to follow Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. 549 County Street Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 The English-language edition is democratic means in achieving, Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02722 New ~edford 999·6222 edited by Oblate Father Edward greater justice and in solving by the Catholic Press of the Dillcese of Fall River. SUbscription price by mail, postpai~ Serving the area since 1921 Carolan. political problems. $4.00 per year.

F·Ig ht Coerc1,on '. On Ho'spita Is


Parishes Begin Pilgrimages

Michael CO' Austin

Students of French parentage, either father, mother or both parent~; are invited to participate in the annual French contest sponsored by the Federation Feminine Franco-Americaine of the area, to be held at 2 P.M. Saturday, April 6 in the school haH of St. Joseph Church, Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford, Contest entry forms have been forwarded to school principals and French teachers or further information is available through Mrs. Abel Plaud, federation scholarship chairman. She notes that contestants will be asked to speak in French on an assigned and prepared subject, then to answer severa'! questions extemporaneously. Contest divisions will include eighth grade, high school and college, with a cash prize of $50 for eighth grade and $100 each for the other divisions. Winners will be eligible to enter finals Saturday, April 20 at Assumption College, Worcester. Additional cash prizes will be awarded at that time and a separate contest will be open to high school seniors planning to major in French for scholarships of up to $1000 offered by the Quebec government, Assumption College and St. Francis College,


con't~ued from Page One projects ._~d committees. She is the wife of Robert W. Nelson, a di:visional technical director of Laminated and Coated Products Division of the St. Regis Paper Company. They are the parents of four children.' Mrs. Nelson's activities include the vice-presidency of Taunton Cooperative Bank, president of the Attleboro ScholarshipFoundation, trustee of Southeastern Massachusetts University Foundation and 'director and past president of the Attleboro United Fund.

White Sisters Plan Community Study F·ormation of young religious and deepening of the community prayer life were among top'ics discussed at the spring meeting of the provincial consultative committee of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, heid at Putnam, Conn. The community, also known as the White Sisters, carries out a home nursing apostolate in Fall River. The Superior General of the order and her four councillors, presently visiting American convents" were present at the meeting; at which Sister Anita Dion was elected as chairman and Sister LucHle Bessette was named secretary of the committee. Participants at the meeting also launched a study of commitments and goals of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit to determine if they meet the present needs of the Church and the community.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21,1974

PARTICIPANTS: Official parish pilgrimages to the Bedford, and Chairman of the Diocesan Central Committee Cathedral were inaugurated on Sunday with a special Holy for the Holy Year, who read the Introductory Prayer; center: Year Service at S1.. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River. All Sister Barbara McCarthy, O.P. of the Diocesan Education parishes of Greater Fall River sent representatives for the Center in Fall River who served as Scripture Lector; right: historic event. Participants included: left: Very Rev. Luiz Rev. Peter N. Graziano, assistant pastor of St. Thomas G. Mendonca, V.G., pastor of Mt. Carmel Parish, New . More Parish, Somerset, who delivered the inaugural homily.

Euro'ean Hq1J~av leadership 01

Warns Against Abuses in Human Experiments WASHINGTON (NC) -A -panel of four doctors and a Catholic theologian warned here that medical researchers must scrupulously guard against unethical experimentation on humans, especially on children who cannot give, informed consent. In a Georgetown University symposium on human experimentation, the panel said that legally and ethically little justi-

fication can be offered for experimenting on children not in need of treatment-after parental consent is obtained. The panel said that only in cases where permission is given to allow treatment which will directly benefit a sick child can parents presume that they are acting as the child would if he could give informed consent. Jesuit Father Richard A. Mc-

NCEA President Forced to Retire Because of Injuries from Fall WASHINGTON (NC) - The board of directors of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) has approved a recommendation that Norbertine ,Father C. Albert Koob discontinue his work as NCEA president because of injuries received in a fall Oct. 28, 1972.

Cormick of the Kennedy Institute for 'Study of Human Reproduction and Bioethics said that an adult is free to participate in 'experimentation resulting in no benefit to himself because such an act could become a sign of Christian concern for the hllm:m community's welfare. But to presume that an adult could make a highly subjective decision like that on behalf of a child is unwarranted in most cases, Father McCormick said.

Hyacinth Circle 71, New Bedford Daughters of Isabella, will attend Mass and corporate Communion at 9 A.M. Sunday, March 31 at Holy Name Church, New Bedford. Breakfast will follow at Thad's Steak House. Guest speaker will be Msgr. Anthony Gomes, 'pastor of Our Lady of Angels Church, Fall ~iver. Msgr. Gomes is well known in this area having been a curate at St. John the Baptist Church. Over the years he has been greatly involved in serving community and Diocesan organizations of the Fall River Diocese. Members may bring guests, 'and reservations should be made with Alice Miller, regent.



LAWTON Director, Holy Cross Fathers' Retreat House

Group Communion For Isabellas

One possible exception would be in cases where a great good Msgr. James Habiger, superin- coul9 be procured at practically tendent of schools of the Winona, , no cost in terms of risk or pain, Minn., diocese and chairman of Father McCormick added. an ad hoc committee on NCEA In discussing experimentation functions and structure, told the board that the record of Father 'on adults, Dr. Francis C. Cadigan, Koob's achievements as president Jr., direc'tor of medical research "makes it doubly difficult for me for the U. S. Army Research and as chairman . . . to recommend Development Command, cauthat because of the injuries he tioned against factors which suffered in his accident ... and consequent impairment 'of his general health, Father Koob not Education Grants be re-elected president of NCEA Twelve $500 educational grants when his limited term of office are available to members of the expires June 30, 1974." Catholic Association, of ForestThe committee made its recommendation "solely because of ers, it is announced by the orSHEET METAL : the injuries Father Koob sus- ganization's scholarship commit- : _ J. TESER, Prop. _ tained," Msgr. Habiger said. tee. Applications are availa,ble : NCEA staff consultants for the from High Secretary-Treasurer : RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL : committee include Father C. M. Edwin J. Turner, 347 Common- : : COMMERCIAL: Friedman, Father Alfred McBride wealth Ave., Boston, 02115. They _253 Cedar St., New Bedford and Sister Sarah Fasenmyer. must be returned by Monday, 993-3222 Father ,Kood, then beginning April 15. ~~~------------------_. his second five-year term as associate secretary of the NCEA secondary school department, beGONZAGA, JESUIT RETREAT HOUSE came acting head of the NCEA in September, 1966, after the EASTERN POINT, GLOUCESTER, MASS. death of Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt. Father Koob was TWO RETREATS FOR PRIESTS elected to. succeed Msgr. Hochwalt in February, 1967. April 22 to April 26 ••' April 29 to May 3 A native of Philadelphia, Father Koob served for 19 years in the archdiocesan secondary school system there and was prior of St. Norbert Priory from 1954 to 1961.

Father Thomas

could cloud informed consent. Researchers, he said, must avoid technical language understood by only a few experts in his own "supersubspecialty" when explaining a project to potential 'participan ts.





Conducted by Rev. John J. Begley, S.J. and Staff For information and reservations contact: Retreat Director, Eastern Point Retreat House Gloucester, Mass. 01930 Telephone 283-0013


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THE ANCI-'OR-Diocese of Fall River~Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

Not lust llnother Collection \ It is to be hoped that the faithful of the Diocese will not

look upon this coming weekend's Catholic Relief Services collection as "just another collection." The Bishop has pointed out that it can be a fulfillment of one of the majn thrusts.of Lent-generosity in works of charity. it supports a work of international character and sc'ope. Proceeds from the Catholic Relief Services are aimed at the human development concept, with every program trying to improve the lot of men and women and boys and girls, giving them the awareness that they are the children of God and are valued by their brothers and sisters here in the United States. The help given in 1973 as a result of the ef.forts of Catholic Relief Services touched the lives of 20 million hungry and homeless and desperate needy persons in 75 nations and was valued at more than one hundred and thirty-eight million dollars. This was due to the fact that every dollar given to CRS multiplied. many'times in the amount of help it was able to purchase for those in need. . Every five hours last year a shipment left an American port with supplies to alleviate the need of suffering people the world over. This is what Catholic Relief Services means....,....a personto-person assistance of those in need by those who have, a practical working out of the injunction of Christ that what is done for the least of His brothers in need is done for Him, a call to those who have to take from what they have so that those who have not may have a little more, a bare minimum to insure the dignity that is rightfully theirs as children of God. No, the Catholic Relief Services collection coming up this weekend is not just another collection. It is a Lenten call to sacrifice, a call to make an impact on an international scale in the name of the ch~rity of Christ.


The'Diocesan Holy Year that is now going on in preparation for the Church's Holy Year that is to come strives for the very same ends-renewal and reconciliation. Renewal is meant in the very basic sense of recreation of the individual in the likeness of Christ. Our Blessed Lord came that He VATICAN CITY (NC) - The might make all things new-touch all men with the DivineVatican has issued a new inmake it possible for all men to call God their "Father" andto struction on "papal secrecy," the be. acknowledged by the Father as His son~ and daughters equivalent of "top secret" classiupon whom His favor rests. . fication for documents and other , It is a work of God. But it requires that man cooperate matters dealing with important Church affairs. with God, open himself with his faults and shortcomings to The instruction was presented . . the healing and creative power of God.' at a press conference March 14 Man begins this when he says "yes" to those stirrings by Federico Alessandrini, head within himself to reach out and unite with God. These are of the Vatican Press Office. He sa-id the new instruction- "annuls beginnings which God initiates but which man must be nothing of serious importance" aware of, must respond to. Man's first response must be that that had existed in earlier simof prayer, the opening of his life to the Divine energy can- ilar instructions, but showed "more concern with setting forth stantly beating in upon him, . the reasons or principles and the Prayer is a life that God begins but to' which man must personal motivation for the obsay "yes." It is 路a life capable of growth, hom the educative serving of papal secrecy. . process of vocal prayer in which man brings the great Alessandrini said the new inthemes or-the Church into his own consciousness, to the struction sets forth "some of the meditative thinking on the things of God'in such a way that theological,. moral and social these touch and transform and move the will to the desire for reasoning that justifies the observarice .of secrecy" in general greater service of God. and "papal secrecy" in particular. And as man knows and serves God more, the process Papal or pontifical, secrecy is of renewal and reconciliation is worked out---with God, first a term that is now used 'juridand above all, and surely with his fellow man. It is this that ically in 路the Church in' place of the older term "the secret of the makes a year "holy.. "


New Instruction Issued On Papal Secrecy Matters

Holy Office." The older term was

Missioners Rights RIO DE JANEIRO (NC)-The Church here may soon be allowed to send missionaries without government permission to the Indians who inhabit Brazil's OFFICIAL NEWSPA.PER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER largely unexplored interior. Fa-路 Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel - ther Jose Vicente Cesar, pres. . 410 Highland Avenue ident of the Church's in<;ligenous Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 Missions COUncil (CMI) reported PUB~ISHER that government sources have Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, 0.0 .. 5.1.0. assured him that a Qill recognizGENERAL MANAGER ASST. .GENERAL MANAGER ing the rights. of missiqnaries to work among the Indians will be Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sholloo, M.A. Qe'l. John P. Driscoll ~ leary Press-Fall Rlve~ sent to Congress soon. . .


L'enten Sacrifice Continued 'from Page One

of charity, more eager in celebrating the mysteries by which we are reborn,". so that we may attain' the "fulness of grace that belongs to the sons of God." Generosity iOn works of charity, then, is specifically cited as a means to use in seeking the desired goal, a means especially suited to the Lenten spirit. There are a number of occasions each year when the generous response of our Catholic faithful is solicited for the support of our Church's mission and apostolate. Some are national in scope, like ,the recent Home Mission Collection or the Campaign for Human Development which is conducted in the' fall. Some are local, such as the Catholic Charities Appeal or the collection for our Ecclesiastical Student Fund. Next- Sunday, . however, at the mid-point of the Lenten Season, we have the Catholic Overseas Aid Appeal, which helps to support the American Catholic Relief Services. This is a work of charity of truly international character in ev.ery part of the world: to the refugees in Cambodia, to those suffering from drought in Africa, to the s~arving in India, to the embattled people of Vietnam. There is not a plac.e in the world where the Catholic Relief Services do not go. Because American Catholics responded with such generosity to this appeal last year, five and one-half million dollars were dispensed in relieving suffering and misery in every corner of the world during 1973. However, as you know, the need is' still overwhelming. There are millions of people who are sick, hungry and in need. Each one of ithem is standing in the place of Our Divine Savior; as you do unto them, so you do unto Christ. abolished when the Holy Office Please contribute generously was reorganized by Pope Paul VI next weekend to this special and renamed the Doctrinal Con- Lenten appeal. gregation. Devotedly yours in Christ, Grave Obligation In both cases, what is meant Daniel A. Cronin, is the highest and most binding Bishop of FaIr River form of secrecy that can be placed on Catholics in dealing with Ohurch affairs. "In the past, 'Electronic Diocese' violation of the Holy Office oath, or seal of secrecy, was con- Improves Programs sidered a serjous sin that could NEW .YORK (NC)-They call only be lifted by a limited num- it an "electronic diocese." Its ber of confessors or Church area, however, is regional and' officials designated by the Pope. crosses state lines. It reaches to While papal secrecy is no longer the fringes of six dioceses in "reserved" to special confessors metropolitan New York-as far, but can be "absolved by any in fact, as Manhattan-based local confessor." TV stations can be seen and He said the term "pontifical heard. secrecy" is derived from the fact The "electronic diocese" has that .it covers material or cases come into existence with the age connected with the activities of of television. And what have the Pope or of the Vatican of- Catholic television chairmen from fices that act 路in the Pope's name. six dioceses here done about it? Alessandrini, summing up the They have pooled their resources, reasoning behind the need for formed a committee called the classification such as "pontifical Tri-State Catholic Committee for secrecy," said that "the common Radio and TV (TRISCORT), and good requires sometimes that today are 'offering a better prodcertain facts may be kept secret uct to local television stations or may be made known at times than if each diocese set out to or in manners that are estab- do its own thing. lished not by individuals arbitrarFather James B. Lloyd, 52, a ily .but' by legitimately consti- Paulist priest who is chairman tuted authority. of the radio-TV section in the "To observe these limitations communications office of the and thereby preserve' secrecy archdiocese of New York, serves within the required limits, it is a as executive secretary of the duty to accept it not only be- . committee. Its members are. . cause of fear of eventual sanc- priests and laymen from the tions, but rather because of a neighboring archdiocese of Newneed and an imperative require- ark N. J., and the dioceses of ment of the common good of the Brooklyn, Rockville Centre, N. Y. Church, as well as of dignity and Paterson, N. J., Bridgeport, personal honor." Conn.

Four'th Sunday of

Holy Year



See First Phase Of Catchetical Di rectory End ing . WASHINGTON (NC)--"I just dread the end of this month," said Msgr. Wilfrid Paradis with a chuckle. ' The soft-spoken New Hampshire priest, project director for the U. S. bishops' National Catechetical Directory (NCD), was referring to the anticipated influx of thousands -perhaps tens of thousands-of letters around March 31, the deadline for the first national consultation phase of the directory. In an interview with NC News here, Msgr. Paradis said he is hoping to kick off the second of three consultations next fall and winter with a printing and distribution of 100,000 copies of the directory's first draft in English, and another 21,000 copies in Spanish. Thes whole project, which will last through 1975 and perhaps into 1976, has been undertaken by the U. S. bishops at the request of the Vatican that nat.ional bishops' conferences develop catechetical directoriesguides for religious educationadapted to the particular needs of their own society and culture. General Outline For the first grassroots consultation the NCD committee. composed of bishops, priests, Religious and lay people, 'sent out 16,000 copies of background materials and a general outline for the proposed directory. These were also reproduced locally in many dioceses, in parishes or in the local diocesan newspapers, so that Msgr. Paradis estimates that the total reproduction of the first materials reached over 100,000. In addition, since last August, Msgr. Paradis an~1 his associate director, Sister Mariella Frye, have made more than 50 stops around the country, from Boston to Dallas, from Orlando, Fla., to Santa Cruz, Calif., attending meetings of religious educators, priests and nuns, interviewing bishops and religious education officials, and being interviewed for newspapers and television to publicize the directory work.

Day of Prayer For Vocatic)ns


ST. CLOUD (NC) - A statewide day of prayer for vocations will highlight observance of Vocation Month in the six dioceses of Minnesota. The observance, planned for Sunday, Feb. 24, includes a special liturgy, prepared and circulated by the state's vocation directors, and a prayer for vocations which will be distribute~1 at all Masses. Vocation Month observances have also included media promotion of vocation themes and coordination of vocation programs with religious education classes in individual parishes. In a letter to priests of the St. Cloud diocese, vocation director Father John Miller pointed out that vocations are a result of both prayer and activity. He encouraged priests to make "a special effort to involve your whole parish in praying to the Lord and showing some concrete signs of your concern."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21,1974

Pope Urges New Scale of Values VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI, inaugurating a series of Lenten telecasts in Canada on the consumer society, called for a restructuring of society's scale of values. He recalled Christ's words: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all the rest will be given you besides." The Pope's introductory talk in French was telecast Sunday, March 10, from Montreal and eight other centers in Canada. The Lenten talks, sponsored by the bishops of Canada, are called Operation Chantier (Operation

Workshops) and revolve around the ques~ion "How can the faith be lived in the consumer society?" Pope Paul commented: "You will easily understand that a notion of civilization founded on the triumph of economic life can be neither the only notion nor the predominant one, precisely because it conceals an unbearable lack of路 necessary and higher goods under the dazzling surface of abundance and' of well-being. "Let's always recall the words of Jesus Christ in this regard: 'Man does not live by bread alone.' "




MARKED BY LEPROSY: Father Germain La Fontaine of the White Fathers' Missionary Society talks about his experiences with leprosy, which has marked his face and .. crippled his fingers. NC. Photo.

Pain of Leprosy Missionary Priest From Canada Again Able to Offer Mass WASHINGTON (NC)-It's lil~e villages in my mission in northan eternal toothache over the east Zambia." arms and' legs." Father LaFontaine said that That's how Father Germain when he returned to Zambia in La Fontaine describes the pain of I 960 after a visit to' Canada, his leprosy. He had the worst form fingers and legs became swollen of it (lepromatous) for seven .and he noticed red spots on his years, and he first contracted the body. "I went to a doctor at the disease in 1960 but did not know end of that year," the missionary said. "He gave me some corhe had it until 1966. A native of Sherbrooke, Can- tisone, which reduced the swellada, Father La Fontaine stopped ing in my joints. Someone else off here at the community house told me I was allergic to nylon. of the White Fathers' Missionary So I went back to my bush misSociety. He was on his way home sion-and never wore nylon from the leprosarium in Carville, again." He said he received his greatLa., operated by the U. S. Public Health Service. He had been hos- est sense of achievement at Carpitalized in Carville since June, ville from which he was discharged the past February, when 1969. Father La Fontaine has two he was able to offer Mass alone dark spots on his face from the after not being able to do so for disease. These will disappear and 18 months. "I feel strong now," Father La may reappear. He has feeling in Fontaine staid. "My superior in only five of his fingers; the joints in the other fingers are fused. He Sherbrook says he has enough can use these fingers but cannot for me to do for at least three feel any pain even if a burning years, and I'm happy to be able cigarette is held against them. to go back to work." There is a certain serenity about a man who has suffered and surBishops Want End vived. Father La Fontaine has it. The Missionary of Africa was To Racial Strife LOURENCO MARQUES (NC)ordained in 1944, received his doctorate in canon law from the After 10 years of guerrilla warCatholic University of America fare in Mozambique its Catholic here in 1947 and taught at the bishops have called for a peace White Fathers' seminary in East- that "puts aside all racial disview, Canada, until 1951. From crimination, hate and vengeance." The bishops, in a pastoral letthen until 1966 he served in the bush mis:sions of the Chipata dio- ter relating路 to the 1975 Holy cese in the African country of Year said that the war between black African guerrillas and Zambia. He said he faced the usual Portuguese troops has caused conditions the bush mission- thousands of casualties "and has ary of that era experienced. "No meant the spending of sums e!ectricity, no running water, and which could have been better during the six-month rainy sea- employed in other sectors." Mozambikue-like' Angola and son I averaged 900 miles on my bicycle in getting to some 200 Guinea-is Portuguese territory.




If Lent so far has not be~n meaningful, if you haven't done enough, you still have time to make it worthwhile. How can you best keep Lent? The answer is we must make sacrifices on our own. In easing the Lenten regulations of fast and abstinence, the Holy Father rec6m. mended instead that we deny ourselves volun. tarily and share our abundance with the poor and suffering. More than 10 million people still suffer from leprosy. Here's what your Lenten gift for Lepers will do:

D $5,000-Builds a pre-fab clinic in a far路flung village.

D $3,OOO-train ten native Sisters in nursing. D $I,500-provide an operating table. D $575-buya whirlpool bath.

D $200-purchase a microscope. D $100-give the clinic a steiilizer.

D $95-provide a leper with a wheelchair. D $40-buy 1,000 vitamin tablets. D $30-give a leper a hospital bed. D $15-give him (or her) a hand路walker. D $10-give the clinic a biood-pressure set. D $8.50-buy 10,000 Dapsone tablets. D $8.00-buy 12 thermometers.


$5.00-100 vitamin tablets.

D $3.00-a pair of gauze scissors. D $2.25-CJ 1 lb. jar, Sulfadizine ointment.

D $1.75-100 gauze pads (3" x 3").

D $l.OO-!l10nthly membership in our dollar-amonth lThMIEN LEPER CLUB.

i----------------Dear Monsignor Nolan: Please return coupon with your offering



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

Could Be It Was .Easi,er Observing Lent Ol,d Way

St. Joseph,' Attleboro, Offers Parishioners ,Full Spiritual Schedule This Lent By PAT McGOWAN

St. Joseph's parish in Attle· A young priest in our parish preaches terrific homilies. 'boro is one of the most active He spoke last Sunday about Lenten obligations, and his talk in the diocese and it's reinforcprompted thoughts for days' afterwards. He reviewed the ing its reputation this Lent. At current regulations regarding fast and abstinence, then the beginning of the season parishioners received a booklet commented that some people sharp answer, the hurting reply containing suggestions for fam· complain that Lent was bet- ... we m'ight start being identi' ily activities, explanations of ter the 'old way" when you fied as Catholics again, not be- Lenten symbols and a calendar really knew you were mak- cause we' are in line at a fish of spiritual events scheduled to

ing sacrifices to keep the fast. counter, but because of our im· Many' people feel to:lay's Lent is . itation of Christ. relaxed too easy .. , watered If every Catholic fasted from down . pride disguised as righteousness, anger disguised as authority, and hatred disguised as defense of the Faith, maybe we would emerge from Lent as recognizable Christians. Was It Easier? Is it possible that the rigid fast appeals to us because it was easier? CARSON We knew whether or not we were keeping it.' It didn't curb' our pride as charity does. And we could feel so noble He stressed that we now have knowing how we were religious· the obligation to practice some deliberate, positive charity each ly keeping the fast ... and passday ... and for many this may ing judgment on others who we be more difficult than the fast· knew were not. Since we're well into Lent, ing. maybe it's a good time to reflect He followed thao. comment with an example. Suppose a man on how we're doing. Possibly has had a bitter 'argument with we can pull in a few notches on 'his wife, and they haven't the belt around our pride. , Maybe, if we're honest with spoken to each other for days ... ourselves, the girth of our· pride 'or weeks ... He could perform a deliberate act of charity by is bigger than before. If that making Ithe first move, going to belt is pinching, .it's not too late to start. her and saying, "I'm sorry." And 'if you fail, you think you It wouldn't be easy ... and he can't do it ... don't give up, TRY might prefer Lent the "old way" when he could have just fasted, AGAIN! for it would be easier to deny his Treatment of Political appetite than his pride. Christ's Attitude Prisoners Criticized But then, the young priest PARIS (Nt) - The French went on with his example. Sup- bishops' Justice and Peace Compose the wife had been at· fault: mission has said that the PortuShouldn't she, the one who guese government's treatment of started the argument :in the first 29 political prisoners arrested in place, make the first move to December and January are "atpatch it up. The man could feel tacks on the rights of man." it ,is her responsibility to say, The criticism was made in a "I was wrong." ' statement issued by the comOur young priest asked l,Is to mission, headed by Archbishop' compare that attitude with Jacques Menager of Rheims, to Christ's regarding who and call attention to trials that are how we should 'forgive.' soon to begin. in Lisbon. He went on to point out that The 29 are accused by the Porthe husband could have so per- tuguese police of bel'onging to a fected his art of feuding that he revolutionary group, the League feels most -righteous about it. ,He of Union and Revolutionary Acis teaching his wife il lesson. He tion (LUAR), and of planning at· is improving her! By witholding tacks on government offices. his love, he is giving her an ex- The police said they seized quail· cellent opportunity to correct tities of arms and explosives her faults. from the group. The priest made a comparison An informational note attached to how Christ acted. tb the Justice and Peace ComHe recommended that while mission's statement pointed out we were asked to give· up very that only a few of those ar·, little food, we should try giving rested are accused of possessing up our feuds, our pettiness, our "material of sabotage." In. the rjghteousne~s about others' erhomes of others, extensive rors. searches. found. only books, ad· . After listening to that homily dress lIsts, vanous documents h' . I · I had some thoughts of my own. an d mlmeograp mg matena . If every Catholic scrupulously abstained ... from the unkind Birthright Opens' word, the biting remark, the Birthright of Greater Fall River has Ibe~un a telepho'ne coun· SHA Parent~) seling service for pregnant girls Members of the Parents Asso- and women, available from 7 to ciation of Sacred Hearts Acade- 9 p.m.¥ondays, Wednesday and my, Fall River are sponsoring a Fridays ~at telephone 675·1561. candy sale, now in progress, as The organization offers women a fundraising project for the free emergency services, includschool. Also planned is a penny ing counseling, medical, legal and sale, to be held Saturday, April social welfare assistance. All calls are confidential. 27 at the school.

takE; pIace in the church or Attleboro area. "We hope," wrote the priests of the parish, Rev. Roger P. Poirier, pastor, and Rev. Normand J. Boulet, assistant, "that it will be beneficial to your spiritual growth and that of your family." The booklet begins' with a clear explanation of the customs of fast and abstinence, noting that ,,'these ancient practices are helpful to restoring a sense of the presence of God and can serve as a reminder that conversion of heart must be manifest in our words ilnd actions. While we are not bound to fast and abo ' stinence under pain of sin, they are indeed serious responsibilities." Ashes, Barren Twigs On Ash Wednesday, St. Jo· seph's parishioners saw barren twigs and branches .in vases around their altar. They represented the dormancy of winter and also the Lenten opportunity to grow spiritually and reach. out to others. Last Sunday one ,of, the vases still held leafless twigs, while the other, pointing up the Gospel parable of the barren fig tree, held budding branches. And on . the fifth Sunday of Lent, March 31, both vases will hold the buds, symbolizing the day's theme of new life in Jesus. ' Finally, ,on Palm Sunday, the vases wil( hold the traditional palm branches. And for St. Joseph.'s parishioners the Lenten ashes were more than symbolic this year.' They: were told that "ashes denote a person is willing to do some kind of penance in order to advance in charity." Therefore, those old enough to understand what was being asked of them were requested not to accept .the ashes' unless they were "resolved to do penance." Suggested actions were listed 011 slips of paper in two boxes at the altar. One box contained "social penances" such as visiting the sick, telephoning an invalid or doing errands without expecting recompense. The other box, of "spiritual penances," included such actions as reading the Bible, saying the rosary, attending weekday Masses and making the Way of the Cross. Sense of Incompl~teness P ' h'lOners are fur't' her as ke d ans t b' . f th T.{ I W· k 0 rmg copies 0 . e rOY ee and Easter Week missalette to shut·ins in order that they might participate in the spirit of the season. And they are reminded that the closing song will be omitted at Palm Sunday Masses "in order to leave everyone with a sense of incompleteness." Foods such as meat, bread, and eggs will be blessed on Holy Saturday, announced the booklet, in order to underline parishioners' gratitude to God for these items essential to physical life.

ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, ATTLEBORO At the Easter vigil, gratitude will' also be expressed for light, as thos~ in attendance bring from home the blessed candles they received in February in order to kindle them at the new fire of Paschal time. . On Easter Sunday the participation of parishioners in the liturgy will include in the entrance process at Mass three women 'bearing freshly cut flowers. They wm represent, the women who came to the empty tomb ·to seek Christ. Throughout Lent, in addition to services at St. Joseph's, parishioners have been encouraged to attend ecumenical programs held in other area. churches, while events at St. Joseph's have been highlighted by a parish retreat, ending tomorrow. At 3:15 Monday 'through Thursday after·

·Catholic' Population WASHINGTON (NC)-A colorcoded map Showing the Cath-: olic percentage of the U. S. population 'by countries is now available from the Publications Office of the U. S. Catholic Con· ference and the Glenmary Research Center. The 30·by-42-inch map was drawn from the 1970 census and 1971 Church figures. Also included is a ranking of the 50 states and the District of, Columbia according to the Catholic percentage of their total population.

noons of next week a special Way of the Cross service will be .held for children, to whioh all other parishioners are a'lso invited. Seder Service Concluding the booklet is a page suggesting prayers and ceremonies appropriate for a Lenten family meal, modeled on the Passover Seder supper of the Jews. The themes of readings chosen for the meal are that Christians are "covenant people" and should share a "covenant love." , Easter Sunday, April 14, will be marked for parishioners with participation in a community sunrise service at 6 A.M., ·folfollowed by the Masses of Easter. Further symbolizing the resurrection will be baptismal services scheduled for 1 o'clock Easter Sunday afternoon. ELECTRICAL Contradors

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!HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

'Great Gatsby' to Influence Clot-hies, Interior Decor

Meets Crisis Family Will Survive If It Fulfills Destiny God Gave It

"Marilyn, your uncle's picture is in Time magazine," exclaimed Joe, excitedly, and thus we had our first brush with "The Great Gatsby," the picture expected to influence all aspects of fashion this year. My handsome uncle had been accepted as an extra in the movie this past summer celled waves into the heads of when it was being filmed in the 1974 flappers. Someone once said if you nearby Newport. Tall and graying just right, he was told, for the part of one of the Jazz Age participants, he spent a couple of tiring but interesting, eve111m

:llIIlllmlllllll 1111 III


wait long enough eve'rything will come back into fashion and certainly this wHI be brought back to us even more when we see the era of the twenties recreated both on the screen and in real life. Pocket Flasks?


"Ii' I

nings filming the party scene for the movie based on F. Scott Fitzgera'ld's famous novel. Gatsby Look While it certainly will be more fun viewing the movie now that I have a personal interest in it, everyone within the confines of the United States will be aware that 1974 is the year of Gatsby (even if their relatives are not in it). Not since "Gone With the Wind" has a picture gotten a bigger build-up or influenced more things. Fashion designers are jumping on the bandwagon and by the end of this month stores will be stocking the Gatsby Look. From the tops of their cloche hats, trimmed with a single cabbage rose, to the tips of their satin T straps, girls will strive to look like Daisy. Already the shorter, softer hair-do is coming into vogue and the "one step ahead" appliance makers are selling an item that looks, very much like the old-fashioned curling iron to set those mar-

Bus Aid for Nonpublic School Pupils Favored JEFFERSON CITY (NC) - A bill which would give free bus transportation to nonpublic school students has been reported out of the Missouri Senate Education Committee. In the past the committee has been termed a "graveyard" for bills proposing any form of aid to non-public schools. The bill is the first such measure to come out of the committee since the 1954 Missouri Supreme Court decision which blocked state aid for busing. Louis DeFeo, general counsel for the Misouri Catholic Conference, said that the conference ,is opti-. mistic that the bill will pass the House and be signed by Gov. Christopher Bond if it can survive the upcoming test' in the Senate. "There is a variety of things that make the bill attractive," DeFeo said. "It increases the safety factor for children ge~ting to scho'ol and we have the energy factor going for us - it saves gasoline to have children going to school in a bus rather than having their parents drive them individually."

Now that men are part of the fashion world they too will feel the impact of Gatsby as they arc urged to buy "ice cream white" suits with matching vests, Vneck red and blue bordered white tennis sweaters and matching white flannel slacks. Who knows, by next fall our male population may even be wearing raccoon coats complete with pocket flasks. .

SCHOLARSHIP: New Bedford's Holy Family High School senior Thomas J. Hathaway has received'a 4 year full-tuition scholarship from Stonehill College. Hathaway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Photographed in soft pale Joseph W. Hathaway of 89 tones, with a great deal of emEllen St., New Bedford, is phasis on white, the film may . also recipient ofa Letter of even have an impact on the colors we wear and use to dec- Commendation from the Naorate our houses. Look for hazy tional Merit Foundation.

shades of apricot, pale blue, oyster white and the like in dresses and shawls, and also look for lots of marabou feathers.


The intellect has been given us as the appointed and natural The twenties is an era that path on which to make our ap. has brought inspiration to the proach to God. people who create our clothing, -Wyndham Lewis and environment, and this year this nostalgic time will have the Great Gatsby added to it for further incentive.

Announce G'rants Of $40,000 MEMPHIS (NC)-The national board of the Catholic Daughters of America (CDA) at a meeting here awarded about $40,000 in grants to programs fn this country and abroad. The largest grant of $17,000 was made for campus ministry work and is being sent I~O Father Laurence Murphy, director of the division of higher education of the U. S. Catholic Conference. The 14-member board also sent a $10,000 contribution to the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of. Peoples to be used where needed most in the Church's missionary work, especially in the field, of health. The CDA board also appropriated $10,000 to build a clinic and social center for mothers and children in conjunction with Catholic Relief Services, U. S. Catholic overseas aid agency, in the Amazon region of Brazil. The board meeting also included a visit to St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., which was given a $2,500 CDA grant for biochemical research. CDA board members also endOrsed a drug education bill, sponsored by Sen. Jacob Javits (R-N. Y.), which would award about $90 million ,~o drug education programs over several years. The Javits bill is pending in committee.


VATICAN CITY (NC)-The The committee on the family, family will survive only if it ful路 the paper said, "will hear a refills the destiny God gaye it, the port on the on-going inquiry of president of the Vatican's Com- sex education being _conducted mittee for the Family said March by certain departments." 9, the day the committee began The account in L'Osservatore its annual plenary session here. Romano did not expound further Canadian Bishop Edouard on the subject and did not idenGagnon, president of the corn- tify who is conducting the mittee, which Pope Paul VI inquiry. founded in 1973, said in an inter路 The Vatican newspaper identiview over Vatican Radio: fied t.he following as "problem "The family will survive only areas" to be discussed: marriage on the condition that it knows preparation, birth control, aborand follows incessantly the ends tion and the World Population .for which God constituted it." Year. The bishop added that the committee on the family hopes "to find the means of applying Papell Gift Aids Flood the principles of faith and the Victims in Australia IUJllinous teaching of the Church BRISBANE (NC) - Pope Paul on life and love to the new sitVI sent a donation of $5,000 for uations in which the family finds vic~ims of floods in the states itself today." 'of Queensland and New South As a result of the time, the Wales. bishop said, the family is upset, In addition to the papal gift, so much so that the family asks if it "can overcome all its crises, Australian Catholic Relief (ACR) if it has a reason for existence, has decided to send a second if it is worth the trouble to con- $10,000 when it first received tinue to promote fidelity, the news of the flood disaster. A further $3,000 contribution sense of obligation and the gift to the flood appeal has been colof giving of self." The Vatican daily newspaper, lected through the St. Vincent de Paul Society conferences, and L~Osservatore Romano, surprisingly announced March 7 the s-ecial appeals have been held agenda in advance of the com- in many parishes. mittee's meeting, March 9-13. A total of $50,000 has been Usually the agenda of upcoming sent to the flood appeal from offimeetings in the Vatican is kept cial Catholic sources throughout confidential until after the ses- Australia, including the Pope's sions. contribution.


The Department of Public Utilities ~as clirected the Fall ~'iver Gas

Company to notify its customers that all decorative ,outdoor CJas -'lights should be' shut off to conserve f.uel durinCJ the enerCJV crisis. So, unless your gas light is needed ,for you'r safety or protecti~n, please. abide by the directive .issued by the' Massachusetts' Department of Public Utilit~es.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974



BISHOP GERRARD WINNERS: Cheerleaders at Bishop Gerrard High Elaine Guimond, Celeste Morin, Donna Machado, Suzanne Gagnon; middle, School, Fall River, made a clean sweep of first place awards in the high . Elaine Ryan, CO-Captains Carol Nagle and Louise Blais, Susan McCarthy; school division of the diocesan CYO cheering contest at Kennedy Center, front, Susan Dussault, Darlene Johnson, Donna Borges, Denise Lapointe. New Bedford. They will now compete'in New England cheerleading finals. Junior varsity members, in right picture, are, in same order, Karen Raposa, . together with squads from Bishop' Feehan High, Attleboro, and CYO ~anet Witkowski, Captain Debra Belanger, Debra Giza, Susan Paul, Nancy division winners from Our Lady of Angels' and St. Anne's parishes in Fall Michel, Doreen Forczyk, Kim Mercier, Susan Motta, Michelle Levesque. River. Gerrard varsity squad members, left, are, from back, left to right,

Face.s Short~age Of Pri·ests LAGOS (NC) - The Nigerian Bishops' Conference has appealed to the government to allow entry permits to foreign priests because a shortage of clergy in ,Nigeria has reached "alarming proportions." The plea was issued by the hishops at the end of their assembly in Ibadan an::! was in reply to a newspaper' editorial that criticized what it called the slow pace of repladng foreign missionaries with Nigerian priests. The bishops noted in their statement that they are not aware of any official policy by the Nigerian government that would prevent entry of missionaries, but added that for the past three years no priest seeking entry into Nigeria to assume pastoral, or religious duties has been granted an entry permit. After the 1967-'70 Nigerian Civil war-in which the country's former Eastern region tried unsuccessfully to secede as the new nation of -Biafra.-some government officials charged that some foreign missionaries had supported the breakaway region. The missionaries, however, claimed that they had been giving only humanitarian aid to the Biafrans. The' bishops emphasized that it has always been Church policy to recruit as many Nigerian young men for the priesthood as possible.

New Editor VANCOUVER (NC) - Gerald Bartram has been :1amed editor of the British Columbia Catholic, official paper of the Vancouver archdiocese, to replace Father David Monroe. Bartram, a native of the province of Ontario, recently returned from England, where he was studying for a doctorate in English literature.

Africanization of Church MANZINI (NC)-Msgr. Mandlaenkosi Zwane, vicar general of' the Manzini diocese, said that the policy-making level of the Catholic Church in southern Africa isn't white, considering that 80 per cent of its Catholics are black. The vicar -general, however, said he does not believe in the necessity for an immediate reversal of the situation. He described himself as a "militant revolutionist," meaning that, although he believes' the situation must change radically,

Writes to Pope From Prison KINSHASHA (NC) - Imprisoned Archbishop Raymond-Marie Tchidimbo of Conakry, Guinea, was able"--to write a letter to Pope Paul VI on the ,occasion of the New Year, it was le~rned here recently. It was also learned that on Christmas day three priests from Cameroun were allowed to go to Conakry to celebrate midnight Mass in the cathedral, and that four Guinean priests celebrateo Christmas Masses in rural vil- . lages. Archbishop Tchidimbo was imprisoned early in 1971 in the midst of pol tical trials in Guin'ea that condemned 92 pers6ns to death and 72 others to life imprisonment. Archbishop Tchidimbo was given a life sentence at hard labor on charges of conspiring -with Portuguese colonialists to overthrow the government of President Sekou Toure. Pope Paul denounced the trials as a "passionate outburst of savage and blind revenge and a collective explosion of hatreq and cruelty."

this should be done by evolution and not by revolution. ' Msgr. Zwane said that a factor -in maintaining the white domination is the reluctance of blacks to join the priesthood. This has resulted, he said, in their scanty representation in important policy-making' bodies, such as the Priests' Council. And in turn, he said, that' has meant that the chances are much less that a black priest will be made a bishop. Msgr. Zwane's view on "militant evolution" is not shared by members of the St. Peter's Old -Boys Association (SPOBA) who believe in an immediate change of the Church's predominantly -white structure in southern Africa. SPOBA members are black alumni of South Africa's St.

Nuns Group Asks Woman Diac:onate SAN ANTONIO (NC) - The diaconate for women and even-' tual ordination of women priests were among the recommendations made here by Sisters Uniting, a council of representatives of national organizations of American nuns. Rights for women was one of the topics under consideration during the three-day winter meeting of the council at the Mexican American Cultural Center here (Jan. 18-20). The Sisters 'also discussed the. needs of Spanish-speaking peoples in the American Church and society. As a result of. the meeting Sisters Uniting drafted recommendations to be sent to Archbishop Enrico Bartoletti, president of the Pontifical Commission on Women in Church and Society. These included: representation of women in all decision making bodies in the Church.

Peter's seminary at Hammanskrall in the Pretoria archdiocese. . Friction was evident in February at the annual South Africa Priests' Council meeting at which the SPOBA threatened to break away and form its own black council. The break was averted when the Priests' Council allowed SPOBA to f{)l'm a .consultative body.

Prelate Honored NBW YORK (NC) - Msgr. James F. Rigney, rector of St. ~atrick's Cathedral here, was one of three non-Episcopal clergy named .honorary canons of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine. As head of the Ecumenical Commission of the archdiocese of New York, Msgr. Rigney has been instrumental in the increasing collaboration of the Episcopal diocese and the Catholic .archdiocese in local projects.

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Social Just~ce Stress Helps 1973 Appeal WASHINGTON (NC) - The Division for Latin America of the U.S. Catholic Conference collected a record amount in 1973, despite warnings that its emphasis on social justice would be disastrous for its fund-raising appeal. Rather than hamper fund raising the new emphasis is the reason that the collection has topped $1.5 million in the last two years, according to Father Frederick McGuire, DLA director. Last year the fund-ra.ising appeal collected $1,558,371, Father McGuire said in a report to the U.S. bishops. He noted that the amount of the colle<:tion has increased steadily in the last few years. although the division hBts moved away from the traditional approach to missionary appeals and into strong emphasis on issues such as human rights, social justice, and Christian liberation. The DLA's 1972 collection campaign touched off a controversy when it featured a shocking photo of the swollen, bloodstreaked face of a dead Brazilian priest, with the headline over the pi<:ture: "This priest was murdered, martyred for liberation." 1974 Hopes The 1972 collection' brought in $I,508,161-almost a six per cent increase' over the 1971 total of $1,427,049. ·In 1973 the collection total increased another $50,000, as the BLA continued to stress the Church's role in justice and liberation, and Father McGuire said he has high hopes for the 1974 campaign, although the totals for that collection, taken up in late January, are not in yet. "We were told this kind of fundraising would bankrupt us:' he said. "But it showed that Catholics in this country. are willing to deal with issues." In 1973 the brochure mailed to pastors for the annual campaign included statements by Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit and Auxiliary Bishop Juan AI'zube of Los Angeles urging liberation from oppression as a fully Christian and Catholic concern.

Study Prejudice Among Irish nUBLIN (NC) - A Ford Foundation grant of about $4,600 has been awarded to a Jesuit Father Michael MacGreil for his research on the nature of prejudice and intolerance among Irish Catholics and Protestants. Altogether the study will cost nearly $30,000, and is supported by the Catholic Communications Institute of Ireland. 'Father MacGreil holds degrees in sociology arid anthropology. His study of the attitude of Catholic and ·Protestant adults in Ire· land is expe<:ted to be completed by the end of 1975. He is expected to interview 3,000 persons in an effort to discover possible sources of prejudice. Father MacGreil said he hopes his findings will contribute to a better understanding between different groups in the country. He said he has found already that the vast majority of people want greater harmony and friendship in I~eland.

Unique Character of Catllolic Colleges May Aid in Their Survival In the current struggle for survival among private institutions of higher education, Cath- . olic colleges and universities may have an edge in the competition if they realize their unique moral character, according to Rev. Ernest J. Bartell, Stonehill College president. Writing in the current issue of the 'National Catholic Education Association Newsletter, Father Bartell stated that private educational institutions of all types will only overcome the ominous difficulties of the declining numbers of college-bound students and the stiffening competition from the public sector, if they "differentiate their specific educational service from the offerings of both public and other private institutions." "In prinCiple, Catholic colleges and universIties ought to have a special advantage in this competition:' stated Father Bartell, who has served as director of economic analysis on non~ub­ lic education for the President's Commission on School Finance. "At a time when the need ,for moral vision is increasingly being acknowledged in a secular world' and demanded by students on secular campuses, the climate ough~t to be right: for renewal and reform of Catholic liberal tradition in higher education." Many Roadblocks While there is a heightened awareness of the need for a Catholic education, the current educational climate has thrown moral and physical roadblocks in the way of distinguishing the character of a Catholic institution, noted the 41-year-old president. Among the obstacles is the pressure associated with federal


aid that prods a Catholic institution to downplay Us religious character. The authority on nonpublic school financing dismissed as a public relations device an attempt to shore up a Catholic image by establishing religious affiliation as a standard for faculty hiring and promotions. He asserted that the pre'sence of large numbers of Catholic faculty is a "poor index of ins.titutional Catholicity." The following are some general observations by Father Bartell on the crisis in private education: -The expansion of low-priced public higher education is the greatest single deterrent to growth in private higher education. -"Even in those eastern

Catholic Chaplain, at Canadian College Adopts Five 'Children MONTREAL (NC)-"Five children are enough," says Father Andre Legault. "I've told my friends I'm now on the pill---for headaches, that is." The priest, Catholic chaplain at College Militaire Royal at nearby St. Jean , has adopted five Haitian youths. When he adopted a 13-year,0Id Haitian boy in 1969 many people raised a quizzical eye. But last year, when he had four additional Haitian <!hildren under his care, his friends inquired: "What's he going to do with all of them?" The 31-year-old Mentreal-born priest-the first Catholic priest in Canada to adopt children legally-said he intends to raife . them to eventually become Christian leaders in their na.tive poverty-stricken Haiti. First to be adopted in 1969 was Denis, who is now 18 and wants to become an officer in ' Canada's Armed Forces and later director of protective services in his homeland. The following year, Father Legault adopted Denis' seven-yearold brother, Hughes, who wants to stuay for the pr:esth00d and retuTll to Haiti. Because of the age gr.p between the two brothers, Gabriel, no relation to the othe:: boys, was adopted in 1971. Gabriel

wants to study medicine and become a physician to compete against witch-doctors back home. Things progressed well and the boys appeared happy in their n~wly adopted home. Only one thing was missing-the kindness and sympathy of a female in the household. From Broken Homes This called for a meeting and the boys agreed that "Papa Andre" should adopt Yolene, 1·1, ii sister of Denis and Hughes. This little girl who is an excellent cook, wants to become a nurse. One little girl alone in a hous:lhold of four males hardly seemed fair and Margareth, 12, Yolene's sister, joined Father ~egault's unusual family last year. She wants to be a nun. Father Legault, who holds the rank of captain, has converted his bachelor apartment next to the Catholic chapel at the military college into a compact fam· ily home. The girls occupy his old bedroom, the boys sleep in the sacristy and Father Legault sleeps in his office. The young priest, who is experiencing all the worries of a family man, first met the children, all from broken homes, when he spent a year in Haiti to set up an educational radio station and look after an orphanage.

states like Massachusetts and New York traditionally noted for their extensive collections of private colleges and universities, the public sector in higher education dur'ing the past decade has grown rapidly and with little reference to the private resources already committed to the same endeavors." Greatest Hope -Smaller' institutions offering a relatively specialized education that is not easily duplicated in larger more politically vulnerable publ'ic institutions have the greatest position for the future. Father Bartell, who prior to being named Stonehill president in 1971 served as director of the Center for Study of Man in Contemporary Society at the University of Notre Dame, has done extensive research into the economics of America's education system. Among his published works, are "Economic Problems of Nonpublic Schools", "Costs and Benefits of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools", and "Public Funding of Parochial Schools: Pros and Cons."

Birthrate Falls To Lowest Level LONDON (NC) Britain's birth-rate has fallen to the lowest level on record, according to the latest statistics issued officially by the Registrar General. , The size of the average family has fallen- to 2.05 children, which is well below what many say is needed for long-term population replacement and even lower than the depression period of the 1930s. Births in England and Wales over the past two years fell by 15 per cent. There were 109,000 fewer babies born last year than in 1971. And with fewer girls being born for the first time' the future generation will have an additional problem. All this will not surprise those who have seen all the signs of a crisis far removed from any "population explosion" in this country, said the Universe, a Catholic weekly. But, the Universe said, it is hardly likely to influence "the mindless family planners who seem to be rushing into a brick wall of their, own making."

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 21, 1974


Christian Art Museum Planned NEW YOR'K (NC)-Planrt'or a museum of Christian art named for a Franciscan artist and architect were announced here by the Society for the Renewal of Christian Art. Maurice Lavanoux, president of the society, said loan of $100,000 has been secured to purchase property on Madison Avenue, in the heart of the art gallery area of Manhattan for the museum. It will be called the Brother Cajetan, O.F.M., Museum or Christian Art, in memory of a German-born Franciscan New York architect 'who designed many churches, convents, retreat houses and se,minaries before his death in 1969. The museum will exhibit contemporary Christian art and arrange loan exhibitions for interested dioceses throughout the United States. It will also include an art library listing important religious works and artists throughout the country. The announcement by the society, which includes both Catholic and Protestant leaders and noted religious art experts among its trustees and officers, set no opening date for the museum.


Pope Praises Work Of Bible Scholars VATICAN CITY (NC) - Scripture scholars can advance the missionary and e<:umenical desires of the Church by their work, Pope Paul VI told the Pontifical Biblical Commission March 14. They Can also, he said, give the moral theologian an insight into man's nature and weakness. "Without a clear biblical foundation, moral theology risks drying itself up in philosophical theorizing and becoming a stranger to man in his tangible, historic reality as a creature of God, wounded by sin but saved in Christ, who bestowed on him His spirit of love and liberty," the Pope said. "The Bible scholar is called to render a similar service to the <;!cumenical and missionary task of the Church."

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Thurs., Mal'. 21, 1974

New York -rimes Lauds Renewal Of Papacy


The Parish :Parade

Archbishop Martin O'Connor Marks 50th Anniversar,'of Priesthood

VATICAN CITY (NC) -, An American bishop from Scranton, Pa., who has left his inar~ on NEW YORK (NC) - The New - Rome and'the Vatican's relat,ions York Times had 'high praise for with the world's communications the national dialogue between media celebrated his 50th year Lutheran and Catholic theologias a priest March 15 in the quiet ans in this country and for the of his apartment across the street renewal of the papacy that from the Vatican. ' helped _make their latest agreeArchbishop Martin J: O'Conment possible. nor has probably held more; im-, ;In a March 6 editorial com- portant administrative posts in mtmting on the theologiaqs' Rome and at the Vatican than agreement that a renewed papa- any other single American. He cy need not be a barrier to rec- can look back over a career: and onciliation between Catholics and vocation that called on him in Lutherans, _the Times said the Rome to serve both the Ch'!lrch good will and patient hard work in the United States and three of the theologians "may serve successive Popes. The now, reas a model for the secular human tired archbishop personifies a society, which after several thou- long enduring link betweeni the sand years of civilization is still United States and the Universal groping for a genuine human Church. community." Always a' dignified man, the At the same time the Times 73-year-old archbishop smiled "s, praised the reform of the papacy he spoke of the toll that I the siIlce the Second Vatican Council years have taken-to say nothing and expressed the hope that a of the pains of old age--and ,said continued renewal might help re- wryly: "You 'know, there are solve the ecumenical barrier of three ages of man: boyhood, papal infallibility. manhood, and 'my, aren't ,you. "A monar'chial autocracy, no looking fine.' " matter how benevolent, would be Editor of Weekly a high barrier to .reconciliation Father Martin O'Connor came between Rome and other Chris- to Rome first as a theology stutian churches," the Times said, dent from Scranton in 1925,and left four years later with degrees For All Chw~ches in theology and canon law. ' "The papacy has already Returning to Scranton,! he shown an impressive capacity for served in _various, diocesan" asself-renewal and self-reform; it signments, including a four-year' is a quite different institution stint as editor of the Scranton than the one against which Mar- diocesan weekly, the Catholic tin Luther revolted 400 years ago Light. Then, in 1943, he .was 01' even the one over which Pius named auxiliary bishop of ScranIX presided a century ago, The ton, where he remained ~ntil latest Catholic:Lutheran state- 1946, when he was choseq by ment of consensus on the papa- the American bishops to reopen cy's role shows that measurable the Pontifical North American progress is being made tow~rd College in post-war Rome. that day when the unity of ChrisThe 11th rector of the college' tendom is restored and the Pope since it was founded in 1859, the presides ,over an, enlarged com- then Bishop O'Connor found his munity of 'sister churches.''' college a shambles. The old premThe Lutheran and Catholic te- ises had been abandoned ,at the ologians said, in a common state- outbreak of World War II in ment released Mar'ch 4 after 1940 and subsequently had been three years of dialogue, that a occupied ,by scores of war refu- " renewed papacy could serve a gees. It took two years to clean "unifying and ordering ministry" up the 'buildings on Via Uniilita for all Christian churches. They (Humility Street) so that it eQuId have just begun to tackle the welcome its first class of postmuch more difficult issue of war seminarians in the fall of papal inJallibility, which was de- 1949. fined as 'a Catholie dogma in But even before the old prem1870. ises were reconditioned,. Bishop O'Connor had begun a new' and ambitious project. On Oct.: 18, Start New Tf~rm 1948, he broke ground on: the Ja'niculum Hill overlooking I the In' High Spirits ST. LOUIS (NC) - Over 380 Vatican for a new and much students of Concordia Seminary's larger college to house the 'U.S. seminarians. "school in exile" signed up for Pope Pius XII personally deditheir spring quarter here, bolcated the new building in Octo. stered by messages of support bel' 1953. ,! from theological schools around Active Role the country. The building stands today as Among the support statements, a tribute to the driving efforts - for the Lutheran students was of the' young bishop during! the one from faculty members of the critical labor shortages of postschool of theology of Notre war Rome. A little known ,fact Dame, Ind. is that to raise the money needed By'contrast, the "regular" Con- for restoring the old college-cordia Seminary enrolled only which became the residence of 80 students. graduate student priests - ' and In January the vast majority, construction of the new college, of the faculty and students at Bishop O'Connor was constantly Concordia, the Lutheran Church- on the go. As he told one visitor: Missouri 'Synod's principal sem- "I had to live out of suitdises inary, went on strike after Con- in trains and on ships and I aircordia's px:esident, Dr.' John planes for the first five years of T,ietjen, was suspended by the my rectorship." synod's controlling conservative But the result was that, the faction in a dispute over the in- entire program was compl;eted at a cost of $4.5 million with no terpretation of Scripture.

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS . The regular meeting of the Parish Guild will take place this evening at 7 with a Mass at the . Church, 'followed at 8 with a demonstration in the Parish Center of meat cutting. Refreshments will be served. The Guild is again offering two $500 scholarship grants to qualified seniors of Barnstable High School and Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School. Students who must be members of the Parish, must-be accepted at accredited two or four-year colleges. Further information may be obtained at guidance offices or from Mrs. Paul Dumont, scholarship chairman. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a public lecture on the late Padre Pio, Capuchin stigmatic, at 8 P.M. on Monday, March 25, at Jesus-Marie Auditorium. Speaker will be Albert De P,ippo of Providence who knew Padre Pio personally. Mrs. Albert . Petit is chairman.

ARCHBISHOP MARTIN O'CONNOR debt. Even as all this was going out to be another career in itself on, Bishop O'Connor was called , and the beginning of what has on to take an- active role in the become the Pontifical CommisVatican. An assistant of Pope sion for Social Communications, R,ius XII, Msgr. Giovanni Bat- dealing with movies, radio, teletista Montini-today Pope Paul vision and the press. It was a VI-asked him to form a com- career that was to last until his mission for religious and educa- retirement from the commission tional films in 1948. That turned in 1971.

Progress Towards Church Unity Cited- by j~rchbishop Baum CHARLESTON (NC) - The this country as "an important past year has been one of signifi- event in the history of the ecucant progress in the ecumenical menical movement." movement - locally, nationally and internationally--according to , There are ,two especially sigArchbishop William W. Baum, nificant dimensions to that rechairman of the U.S. Bishops' port, he said: an enriched vision Committee for Ecumenical and of unity "beyond that expressed in earlier key agreements on the Interreligious Affairs (BCE'IA).. doctrine of the Eucharist and the There is a great hope for the nature of the ordained ministry," future of ecumenism but a strong and "evidence of a deep change need to tackle specific .issues of attitude, one could say change such' as episcopal minis.try, of heart, in this doc\lment." church. authority and .moral . "There is no longer indifferproblems, the archbishop said. ence or hesitation but a sense of He was summarizing the prese~t status and future possibilities great mutual responsibility' 'on of ecumenism during a Catholic the part of the Lutherans and denominational meeting 'the first Catholics to work for the renewday of a three-day National al of the papacy in i~s service to Workshop for Christian Unity the unity of the whole Church," the archbishop said. here March 10-12. The annual national workshop, On the local level, he said, "one which began under Catholic aus- 'of the ,most promising developpices 10 years ago and was ments in the ecumenical movejoined 'by Protestant sponsors ment in the United States is the seven years ago, drew 400 partic- growing 'covenant relationships' ipants from over a dozen faiths that are developing in various this year. It was the first meeting sectors of the nation." held in the South and the first jointly hosted by Catholics and Protestants-the two Episcopal dioceses of South Carolina joined the Catholic diocese of CharlesAluminum or Steel ton in hosting the, group. 944 County Street Archbishop Baurn cited the NEW BEDFORD, MASS: Anglican-Roman ,catholic International Commission's agreement on ministry as one of the most significant international ecumenical events in the past year. He praised the recent statement on papal primacy by the Lutheran-Catholic consultation in 1=.~~~~,,=,!:~:!!:=O,=!:=,,=,!:~:!!:=O~





HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM The Guild will hold an Evening of Recollection on Tuesday, March 26, at 8 P.M. Rev. Thomas Grannell, SS.CC., will conduct . the program' of spiritual reinforcement speaking on "The Catholic Woman: Model of the Church and Model for the Church." Guild members and all women parishioners are inv,ited to participate' in the program, which will be held in the Catechetical Center on Highland Ave'nue, adjacent to the C~urch. For additional information, call Mrs. Andrew Mikita, president, at 945-0613.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

Asserts Pastor's Report Slanted Against Union.


Father Richard Humphrys, pastor of Our Lady of Soledad Church in Coachella, Cal., recently issued a personal report on the farm labor problem in the particular valley in which his parish is located. Copies can be obtained by writing directly to Father Humphrys, 52-525 Oasis afraid Mr. Fitzsimmons will be disappointed by. our findings. Palm, Coachella, Cal. 92236. We found that some workers Father Humphrys' report is favor the Teamsters over the

based on his own investigation of the three-way conflict (betweeen the United Farm Workers on the one hand and the Team-


sters and the majority of the California growers on the other) which led to a major strike in the Coachella Valley last spring and will probably lead to another strike as soon as the crop comes in again this year. • I found the report heavily slanted against the UFW and in favor of the Teamsters. In other words, though Father Humphrys says that "to come out in favor of either union is a tremendous mistake" and insists that "we should be fair to both unions," he ends up-perhaps unwittingly -disregarding his own advice in this regarp. I might add that my somewhat negative reaction to his report is shared by a number of other Protestant and Catholic clergymen who heard Father Humphrys summarize his findings in person when he was kind enough to receive us at his rectory in Coachella several weeks ago. This group of clergymen from Canada, with whom I was traveling as a consultant, spent a week in California making their own investigation of the farm labor problem and, more specifically, of the dispute between the UFW and the Teamsters. The president of the Teamsters, Frank Fitzsimmons, who was in California just before we arrived, alluded to our trip in the course of a wide-ranging interview on the farm labor problem with Dick Lyneis, the highly respected labor reporter for the Riverside (Cal.) Press Enterprise. Workers' Attitude Fitzsimmons told Mr. Lyneis during an interview that: he felt it quite proper 'for clergymen to make a study. One group tried to do exactly that, but I am

Group Aids Drought Victims in Afric:a MONTREAL (NC)-The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) has allocated $205,000 for emergency relief and medium and long term development to the drought-stricken Sahelian. region of Africa. That bring the total CCODP relief funds in the water-starved countries of Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta and Ethiapia to $400,000.

UFW and vice versa. While it was our impression that tpe majority of field workers are loyal to UFW, only a free secretballot election would give an answer. The sooner this is done, the better. On the matter of the personal attitude of the rank-and-file towards Chavez, Mr. Fitzsimmons .is mistaken. He told Mr. Lyneis that the Teamsters will never negotiate with Chavez because he "is not a trade unionist." He went on to say, "I wouldn't even let him be a janitor in a trade union office." He added, "Chavez is leading a cause, .not a trade union, and his cause has nothing to do with the welfare of the MexicanAmerican worker. His cause, his teachings, and his ideals have all been taken from Saul Alinsky and his brand of Marxism." Fitzsimmons doesn't have to agree with Chavez but to say he is not a legitimate trade union'ist and to insult him by saying he would not even let him be a janitor in a trade union office is a contemptible and calculated insult .to the man and his entire UFW membership. He should strike these statements from the record and apologize to Chavez and the UFW. . Friend of Alinsky's Smearing Chavez and the late Saul Alinsky as Marx·ist revolutionaries is inexcusable.' I was a personal friend of Alinsky's for 20 years or more, and while I didn't always agree with him, I certainly know he was no more Marxist than Fitzsimmons and neither' is Chavez. Fitzsimmons apparently does not know that AJ.insky had nothing to do with the organization of the UFW. To the contrary, he ttied to dissuade Chavez from organizing field workers into a union. Chavez broke with Alinsky over this issue, and proceeded to organize the first v,iable union of field workers in American agricultural history. That union is now fighting for its very existence, not only against recalcitrant growers but, sad to say, against another union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. If Father Humphrys, in his report, means we should let the workers decide which union representation they want, I agreeand so does Cesar Chavez. But if he means, in the name of impartiality, we should silently watch the biggest U. S. union clobber the youngest and smallest one with misleading, malicious propganda, I couldn't disagree more. Mr. Fitzsimmons told Dick Lyneis: "Let the clergy worry about the Ten Commandments and we'll take care of the labor unions." That's what Chavez is afraid of, and frankly, so am I. ( © 1974 NC News Service)

AUSTRALIA'S SINGING NUN: Sister Janet Mead, whose Our Father record lias become a hit in the United States, talks with some of her students at St. Aloysius College in Adelaide, South Australia. Sister Janet, 36, says she is unconcerned about the success of her record, but is impressed with the number of young people who have come to a youth Mass in St. Francis Xavier Cathedral adjacent to the college. NC Photo.

Pastors, Homeowners Protest Fuel Prices CHICAGO (NC)-"The Blackstone Rangers have never closed down our school or even threatened to do s'o, but the oil gang has threatened to dose us down," proclaimed the pastor of a suburban Chicago parish. During a meeting. of Clergy and' Householders Opposed to Petroleum Profiteering (OHOPP) here, Father James Mollohan noted that high fuel prices were more of a threat to his par·ish than the notorious street gang. More than 800 people attended a meeting of CHOPP to discuss a proposal calling for a roll back in fuel prices. It was the first meeting' of CHOPP open to the public. Sixteen congressmen and senators were invited to the meeting to discuss the high cost of fuel,

but none showed up. Father Mollohan said he "can't understand why 16 men in Congress don't have time for such a tame group as a bunch of middle-aged pastors and homeowners."

away. at. all of the rotten corporate and government structures whO are responsible."

Sister Joanne Grib, principal of Lourdes High School, claimed the school's oil bills have tripled. "The oil companies are taking my money to build a bigger and better Ringling Brothers Circus," she said in a reference to the recent announcement that Gulf Oil was investing in the circus.


"We need another circus," she added, "like we need World War Referring to the country as "a nation adrift" in a leadership "vacuum," Father Janiak declared that the oil companies have moved into the White House "without benefit of election." Accompanied by cheers, Father Janiak said that CHOPP would organize a "massive army of people to pressure the powers that be to bring us to victory." After reading some statistics, on the price hikes, he added, "We've had our bellies full of it, and we refuse to take it any longer."

Charges Gouging Father Anthony JanIak, temporary chairman of CHOPP, charged that the people of the U. S. are "victims of exploitation, unmercifully gouged by oil companies,'! who seek bigger profits. CHOPP, he stated, will "chop








THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RJver:"'-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974,

The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organlzatiolls ire asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 1, Fall River 02122. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates 01 all activities. Please send news of luture rather than past events..

Histo'ric:al Novel Portrays Life of Queen Isabella One of the great women in the. history of the Western world is Isabella I,. Queen of Castile from 1474 to 1504, and wife of Ferdinand II, King of Aragon. She has never had the recognition she deserves, probably because history as taught in our schools has al-\ did extraordinary things ways slighted Spain and the forThey Spain. It h.ad been occupied Spaniards. An opportunity to for 'centuries by the Moors, and make h~r acquaintance easily the reconquest had been slow is provided by Norah Loft's historical novel Crown of Aloes (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $6.95), which

and costly. The Moors were stilI firmly established in the South, at Granada. Ferdinand and Isabella, in a campaign lasting 10 years, ousted them. They had ,then to carry out the difficult task of pacifying the country which was in chaotic By condition as a result of the long occupation. Thus, they had to RT. REV. set up a uniform coinage. They MSGR. had to see to an improvement in the administration of just1ice. JOHN S. And so on. KENNEDY Joins the Troops In all this, Isabella played an active role. She girded on armor lIWt!WilllIW!%'*'-wmm and joined the troops in the war is a fictionalized version of Isa- against the Moors. She traveled bella's life. Miss Lofts does no about hearing the legal claims of violence to fact, but she does her subjects. A queen in her own embellish it with conversation right, she did not transfer her and thought processes of which, obligations to Ferdinand, btit fulof course, there is no record. filled them herself. This is only one of many hisMistakes were made during torkal novels from Miss Lofts' her reign. One was the unleashpen and ·it comes up to the exact- ing of the Inquisition upon Spain. ing standard which she has long' This she resisted, foreseeing that observed. Her work is based on there would be excesses in the careful research. There is no ar- name of the true faith. She was bitrarv invention and no roman- persuaded, aga'inst her better ticlzi~g. The writing is literate judgment, that her duty to the and often sparkling. And one Church required her assent to feels that one has been helped the introduction of the Inquisito understand better whatever tion. jjistorical character Mi?s Lofts is She also doubted the rightness porLraying. In her hands, they and the wisdom of expelling the are believably human. . Orthodox Jews from the realm. Unusual Form Again, she allowed herself to be The form of the present novel overborne in this. It remains as a is somewhat unusual. It begins blot on her name, but Miss· Lofts with Isabella on her deathbed in indieates the misgiving with 1504. Indeed, she has been pro· which the queen regarded this nounced dead by those standing measure.. If there is one thing about her about. But although her vital signs have ceased, she is stilI lin- which everyone knows, it is her gering, and as she does so, her. patronage of Christopher Colummind goes back over her life. Her bus, which enabled him to make review of ,it is given in a first his voyage of discovery in 1492 and others thereafter. This, inevperson narrative. When Isabella was born in itably, figures in Miss Lofts' 1451, her twice-married father story, but is is not overplayed.Of Isabella's children, :some was king of Castile. He died when she was three years old. died young, others were of conand was succeeded by Isabella's . sequence in history. The best half brother, Henry. Isabella, her known is Katharine of Aragon, mother, and her younger brother the first wife Qf Henry VIII, who, Alfonso were banished from the in the course of. divorcing her, began the breaking away of the court. When she was 11 she and Al- English Church from Rome. Anfonso were brought back to court, other daughter Juana (deservedprobably so that a closer watch ly known as "the mad") was the could be kept on them. Henry mother of Emperor Charl~s V,' had no children; his queen !lad a principal figure in the historic borne a daughter, Joanna, but it doings of the sixteenth century. was strongly suspected that 'this The author manages to take child was not the king's. Since' us back into a century now rethere was a cloud on Joanna's mote, ·into surroundings and cusright to succeed Henry, Alfonso toms strange to us, into the lives and Isabella could be regarded of people with an outl.ook in as legitimate heirs to the throne, many ways different' from ours. She helps us to comprehend hence a d~nger. .them and to sympathize with 'Catholic Kings' In fact, an attempt was made them. She rekindles the drama: in to procla'im Alfonso king, but-he the careers of men and women died in his teens. Isabella still in known to us as hardly more than· he: teens, was married to Fer- stiff figures in old pictures. .Short Stories dinand, heir to the throne of Aragon. Upon Henry's death in 1474, Louis Auchincloss' new book Isabella becl'!me queen of Castile. The Partners (Houghton Mifflin, With Ferdinand she shared the 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. 02107. distinctive title of "the Catholic $6.95) is styled "a novel," but is Kings." in fact a set of closely related

WIN S SCHOLARSHIP: Donna Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan, Tiverton, R.I., a senior at .Bishop Gerrard "High School, Fall River, is the winner of a $1,200 full tuition scholarship to Kinyon-Camp.bell Business School, New Bedford. She will major in junior accounting.

ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A mission, in progress all this week, will conclude tomorrow at 7 P.M. with Mass and an instruction. Following tonight's mission service a rehearsal for a forthcoming parish variety show will be -held in the school building. Cub Scouts of the parish are selling candy following all Masses this weekend. Proceeds will defray the cost of pack activities. A CCD teachers' meeting will be held at St. John's School at 6:30 P.M. Sunday, Maroh ·24. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The Women's Club will hold a public whist party at 8 P.M. Monday, March 25 in the school basement, 240 Dover St.. Mrs. Edward D. Tyrrell and Mrs. Edward F. Kelly are chairmen.

ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD Tomorrow's speaker in a Lenten series sponsored at 7:30 each Friday night by the parish will be Rev. Richard Beaulieu, chaplain of Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton. His topic will be "What Is Happening to Our Young People?" It will be delivered as a homily at Mass celebrated in the church and will be followed by a question period and social hour in the parish school. ... ST. HEDWIG, NEW BEDFORD To help foster the Lenten spirit of personal conversion and spiritual renewal, parish members of the Franciscan Tertiaries will sponsor an afternoon of recollection open to all from 2:30 to 5:30 P.M. Sunday, March 24, in the parish complex on Division Street. Father Nicholas, O.F.M. Conv. will speak on "The Coming Holy Year: Renewal and Reconciliation." ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD A family Mass will be .celebrated at 5 P.M. Sunday, March 24 with the theme of "Reconcilil;ltion." Various symbols expressing the theme will be used in the course of the liturgy and slides will be shown during the post-Communion meditation period. Coffee and other refreshmentswill be served in the school hall following the Mass. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER "Project Leisure" members will meet 'from 2 to 4 Thursday afternoon, March 28 in' the school hall. John McAvoy will speak and a coffee hour will follow his address. Teenagers are invited to attend' a drop-in center f,rom 7:30 to 9 P.M. each Monday in the hall. A rummage sale and flea market are slated for 10' A.M. to 6 P.M. this Saturday in the hall. Donations may be left at the hall this week. Parish Girl Scouts will hold a party from 6:45 to 9 P.M. Saturday, March 23 at the Boys' Club. A two-week parish renewal program conducted by the Montfort Fathers will begin Monday and continue through Friday, April 5. A Mass with homily will be celebrated at 11:50 A.M., 5:15 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. each day, and confessions will be heard at each of these times.

OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, NANTUCKET MADRID (NC) -- Church-state The Women's Guild will spontension in Spain, caused by Bil- sor a ham and bean supper from bao's Bishop Antonio Anoveros' 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. Saturday, support of greater Basque auton- March 23 in the church hall. omy appeared to be easing in the- Tickets ar.e available from guild wake of a statment by the per- members' or may be reserved by manent commission of the Span· calling 228-1792 or 228·2201. The ish Bishops' Conference. The public is invited. statement supported Bishop Ana- NOTRE DAME, veros' right to speak out on FALL RIVER matters of justice but added his Continuing observance of the cr.iticism had not been intended parish's centennial year, a pentQ harm national unity. The gov- ance service was held last night ernment unofficially termed the in the upper churCh, with the commission's statement con- opportunity afforded to First ciliatory. Communicants and to adults to approach the sacrament" of penance. A homily on the theme of short stories about members of communal repentance for sin a Wall Street law firm. was preached by Rev. John R. The firm represents, in more Foister, former Notre Dame ways than one, the "old New curate, now assigned to St. Louis York" of which Mr. Auchincloss Church, Fall River. Many area has written in a number of pre- priests were available for indivious books. This' "old New vidual confessions and imparting York" was aristocratic and mon- of absolution, and general peneyed long before the Astors, the itential prayers were recited by Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers. all. An adult examination of con-But it is not above resort to . tricks and doges to escape taxa- science was based on the Beatition, for instance, and .jt is not so tudes, while that for children high-minded that it refuses to built on the thought that Christ take advantage of injustice just is the light of. the world and because it may not be illegal. It wrongdoing acts to impede that wants its lawyers to get it the light. Symbolizing the power of full benefit of every possible repentance to strengthen Christ's light, the children lit candles loophole and technicality. following the service. The conBasis for Stories gregation also joined -in folk BEFORE YOU The firm has several depart- hymns. BUY -TRY ments, each headed by a special- HOLY FAMILY, ist. One man is expert in tax law, TAUNTON A Spring dance wiil be sponanother in contracts, another in divorce aoNons and settlements, sored tomorrow night at Roseanother in estate work, another land Ballroom by the Holy Name in real estate, another in litigat- Society, with music by Bebe's OLDSMOBILE ing. And examples of each sort Musical Tops. A few tickets are 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven of work with its peculiar prob- still available. lems and its opportunities for OUR LADY OF VICTORY, fast footwork, provide the basis CENTERVILLE for the several stories. A covered dish supper followed This book is not Mr. Auchin- by a showing of Irish slides , closs at his best. It has a slack, marked the March meeting of scrappy character. A few of the Our Lady of Victory Guild. An pieces have pith, tension, and explanation of "Operation Idenpoint. But they are offset by tification" was given by Officer others which strike one as con- Donald Roycroft of the Barntrived, sluggish, and, in sum, stable Pqlice Department. insignificant. There is some at/'>. benefit auction is planned tempted spicing by means of ir- for Saturday, May 25 in the ~elevant de'bours through the church hall, with the Association The Falmouth Natioll1al Bank ~ALMOUTH_ MASS sex lives of some of the lawyers for the Retarded in charge of Bv +hp. \lillue Cree" Since 1821 and clients. arrangements.

Tension Easing



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21,1974


KNOW YOUR FAITH Political Life of the Christian Series



Good and Bad Celebrations

Father Nicholas Weber is a 34year-old, bearded, balding Jesuit who travels around the country with his own Royal Lichenstein Circus. He performs as a clown, walks on tight rope dressed like a gorilla and in doing such things blends his two great loves: the circus and religion,




But Weber can also speak eloquently about the role of a celebrant in the liturgy. His lengthy, animated remarks on that subject to 350 participants at the national convention of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions in Oklahoma City brought a standing ovation from this highly critic~l audience. It was the finest lecture I have heard in a decade. The Jesuit ma'intains that the priest leader of worship determines more than any other human factor how effective or 'ineffective, how good or bad a liturgical celebration will be. The celebrant, for better or for worse, sets a tone, creates the climate and establishes a spirit that carries throughout the entire service. Now that the revised order of WORK OF ART: These are the remains of a Roman aqueduct which carried water from Mass has been in use for sevthe north to Caesarea. Recent excavations ha ve uncovered a stone bearing the inscription er,al years and most priests have of Pontius Pilate, the only archeological evidence of his procuratorship. NC Photo. heard about the new presidential style needed, it might be helpOne of the most important . A great city in the Hellenistic. B.C., and it was at Caesarea ful to draw up something of a events in the early Church was style was built by Herod with three years later that Vespasian check list. Celebrants through this might the baptism of Cornelius the many public buildings including was proclaimed emperor. The town's continued impor- evaluate their own performances; Centurian by Peter (Acts 10:44- an amphitheater enclosing an 48). Often referred to as the area larger than' the Colosseum tance to the early Church is parishioners may wish to match Pentecost of the Gentiles, the of Rome. It took 12 years to evidenced by the fact that Ori- what follows with the sights and event's significance lies in the build the city. When it was com- gen, one of the greatest of the sounds they experience each fact that it settled by divine in- pleted it was named in honor of early theologians, taught at Sunday. * Is there a dignified procestervention the question of Augustus Caesar who had given Caesarea and was ordained there. sion down the main aisle from whether or not uncircumcised the original city to Herod. About Influence D~c1ines 10 years before the Christian era Gentiles could be baptized. In 195 A.D" St. Iraneaus pre- the back or a quick, short enit became the administrative sided at a council held in the trance from a sacristy behind headquarters for the Roman city that determined that Easter the altar? * Does the priest make a full, procurators and administrative must be held on a Sunday. The officers in Palestine. historian, Eusebius, was Arch- careful' sign of the cross or a By P~ilip he Deacon evangelized bishop of Caesarea from about truncated, sloppy version of that the city when he preached along 314 to 318. The city's influence sacred gesture? STEVE the Plain of Sharon (Acts 8:40). declined in 451 when the CounAltar Book Philip apparently remained in cil of Chalcedon raised Jerusalem * Are hands extended, voice LANDREGAN the city because Paul visited his . to the dignity of a Patriarchate. warm and eyes all embracing house there on his last journey The Christian community in Cae- when the priest give's the initial to Jerusalem (Acts 21:8). sarea finally disappeared when greeting or are the hands joined, ~,~[I!m!! the Moslems captured the town face downcast, and words mumJewish Revolt Cornelius, we are told in Acts, Paul was no stranger to Caesa- in 640. bled? belonged to a regiment sta- rea since he passed thrbugh the During the Crusader period, tioned at Caesarea, a Roman port at least twice (Acts 9:30, the city was retaken in 1104, fell city in Palestine that was des- 18:22) and was sent there to pro- again to.Saladin in U8?, was reConsiderable other archeologtined to play a continuing role tect him from an assassination taken again in 1191 by the Cru- ical work has partially restored in the history of the Church. plot (Acts 23:23ff). He remained saders and finally fell to the a Roman theatre and hippoOriginally the site on the Lev- two years as a prisoner under Moslems in 1291, when it was drome, ruins of the Crusaders' cathedral and other antiquities. antine coast between Joppa and the procurators Felix and Festus. totally destroyed. Recent archaeological excavaWhen the city was captured Mount Carmel had been known Here it was that he defended as Stratonos Pyrogs or Straton's himself before the High Priest tions have uncovered a stone by the Crusaders in 1104, an Tower, probably founded by Ananias (Acts 24:lff) and before with the carved name of Pontius ancient bowl, believed at the Statron, King of Sidon. In 25, Herod Agrippa (Acts 26:lff). Pilate. It is the only archeolog- time to be the Holy Grail was B.C., Herod the Great trans- After his appeal to the emperor, ical evidence of his procurator- discovered by Genoese soldiers. formed the tiny city into a sea- Paul sailed for Rome from ship. Portions of the Roman Known as the Sacra Catino, the aqueduct still remain ,and some relic is kept in the treasury of port by the erection of seawalls Caesarea. The town saw the first inci- of the Crusader fortifications the Cathedral of San Lorenzo 200 feet wide in 20 fathoms of in Genoa. dents of the Jewish revolt in 66 have been uncovered. water.

* Does the priest use a substantial, dignified altar book for the Mass prayers or does he carry around and read from a small, hand booklet or missalette? * Is it always the same greeting, invitation to reflect upon our sins 'and pentential riie or are they varied, even oreative? * How long does he celebrant pause for the congregation to think of its sins-a few, perfunctory seconds or a sufficiently long period? * What about the silent pause after "Let us pray." Too brief for intense, quiet personal prayer or just about right? * Do lectors and gospel reader wait until the congregation has settled into position before starting the proclamation of God's word? * Is there a pause for reflection after the readings and the homily? * Does the celebrant sit down and wa'it for the collection to be taken or move on with the preparation of gifts at the altar while the basket is passed? Mass Announcements


Are there carefully prepared introductions to the scriptural passages and pertinent comments before the preface? Turn to Page Fourteen

Plan More Hearin'gs On Amendment WASHINGTON (NC) - More hearings on proposed anti-abortion amendments to the Constitution have been tentatively set for April 11 by the Senate subcommittee on constitutional amendments. On that date the subcommittee plans to hear from medical experts, although the list of witnesses has not yet been drawn up, according to a· subcommittee staffer. Testim'ony is expected at future hearings from a wide range of groups, induding rightto-life and women's groups as well as the legal profession.

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Decline in .Birth Rate Continues

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974

Says Bureaucrats Ignore

WASHINGTON (NC) - The nation's birth rate continued its downward spiral in 1973 and shows no signs of reversing itself. The National Center for Health Statistics, a branch of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, released figures here showing that both the birth / rate and the more precise fertility rate are at their lowest points since the government began keeping demographs figures.

Education Research Data I'm afraid that I will never get over being surprised at the pettiness of ecclesiastical bureaucrats. Each time I think 'I've got them figured out, they pull something new that cpnvinces me I have overestimated their intelligence and vision. My colleague, make'.major decisions on Professor Willia.m McCrea- cians the basis of data that are not so dy, has recently finished an good). But until they are willing ingenious and pioneering ,to pay for it, they will have to study of the basic beliefs (ultimate values) of Americans. He was resourceful enough to put a question into our survey. instru-

be content with' data that researchers squeeze out of projects designed for other purposes. To criticize the best data available • because they are not ready to pay for any better is singularly graceless. -But then no one ever accused Catholic education administrators of being graceful. By I have always had a hard time f.iguring out why Catholic edREV. ucators' dislike me so much. I . ANDREW M. am virtua:Ily the only CathoHc liberal intellectual (heaven for-' GREELEY give me for admitting that I am both!) who has defended Catholic education during the past decade arid a hali. The Education ment about attendance at paroof Catholic Americans was surechial schools. In working on our ly favorable to the Cathplic report (The Ultimate Values of schools. The secular press pubAmericans) we discovered some. lishes my articles in support of rather striking evidence of the Catholic education. effectiveness of Catholic schools Most recently the New York in developing a "hopeful" world Times carr-ied a long pro-Catholic view. Feeling' that this sort of school article, which Catholic material might be of some use educators completely ignored. to CathoHc educa.tors, McCready (Save far one manic letter from and I released ,the findings in a a Catholic school administrator brief, journalistic article. I foolwho wasn't smart enough to ishly thought that the Catholic grasp that the article was' the educational establishment would most sympathetic thing on be delighted. Catholic schools ever to appear Findings Are Tlmtative in the pages of the Times.) So BLENDS HIS TWO GREAT LOVES: Father Nicholas Instead, Catholic educators fell when they are not being nasty, Webe~ walks a tightrope during a. performance with the all over one - another trying to Catholic educators simply preRoyal I;.ichtenstein Circus. The circus priest is also a liturgy be nasty. C. Albert Koob com- tend that I am not aro'und. specialist, an eloquent speaker on the role of the celebrant. that the study "didn't mented Sees Envy tell us anything we didn't know NC Photo. This didn't bother me very before." (Lucky Father Koob, he much, but it did puzzle me. A gets research findings without bishop (who I think is still a having to pay for them or doing friend) once sent a secret letter a'ly research.) Dr. Edward D'to his' colleagues in the ~ier­ Continued from Page Thirteen and is listening? Or does he hasAlessio of ,the NCEA issued an archy denouncing me as an, en* How many announcements ten on, oblivious of the fact peoeleven-paragraph statement in emy .of Catholic schools. When and where do they occur in the ple miss part of his words and which eight of the paragraphs ,the presidential commission was Mass? Before the homily (bad); sense he is in a hurry to get were -an attack on us. Father hearing testimony on Catholic too many (worse)? _ throug,h? Michael O'Neil called our findschools I was not asked to tes* Does the celebrant make a * Same acclamation ("Christ ings "mildly interesting" but tify, and when the commission sign of the cross before and after has died") week after week after "not important" and gave us a wanted research proposals the homily (contrary to rubrical week? pr-im little. lecture on survey NORC was not consulteq (so directions), thus interrupting the * Sign of peace? methodology. . what if we did the only compre- liturgy's flow and implying the Now I don't think that either Body of Christ hensive study of the effects of. sermon is extraneous to the Professor McCready or I have Catholic schools?). A commission Mass? * Communion hosts taken from much to learn from -Father in my own diocese met for more * Would you judge the homily the tabernacle or, better and O'Neil about how to co research. than a year and seemed unaware excellent, good, fair, poor? Ob- urged in Vatican documents, There is no such thing as perfect of my existence, much less of viously prepared or ev'idently consecrated at that Mass? methodology. You can find faults my extensive blbHography, of not? * Does the priest distribute in all research exerdses if you of publications on the subject: It * Is there a hesitation on the the Eucharist with care, inviting try hard enough. A competent .was once suggested that I vol- celebrant's part after the' Holy, communicant with his deliberate researcher reports his findings unteer for the school board' in Holy, Holy Lord befoi:e proclaim- "Body of Christ" to make an act and notes the weakness and limmy diocese (they were having a ing the' eucharistic prayer - a of faith by the "Amen?" Or does itations of his data base and hard time getting volunteers). I sensitive halt until the congre- he race through this important method. McCready and I were' got in the mail a form letter tell- gation has knelt, become quiet ceremony, jamming hosts into very clear in our article that our ing me that my experience and people's mouths before they findings were at best tentative background didn't qualify me for can whisper a response, much as and ought to be confirmed by membership. sor McCready. He is a pleasant, an individual deals cards from a more intensive and extensive gifted young man who hasn't poker deck? Like I say, I am not esp~ciapy research. miffed. I don't lack for things to done anwthing to anyone; but Our data may not be nearly do or projects to pursue. But I he is already tarred by his asso* Is there a thanksgiving after as good as we would like, bu.t it couldn't understand the reason. ciation with me. But I take con- Communion? A pause with the is the best there is. We had, inciThis last go-around, however, solation in the thought that if he celebrant clearly in prayerful redentally, more Catholic respon- makes things quite clear. Cath- continues to do research on flection or glancing at his watch, dents than a typical Gallup olic educa,tion administrators Catholic subjects he will shortly anxious to finish the service? sample and more than twice as don't like me because I am not make' as many enemies among . * May Almighty God bless many as there are blaek respon- a member of their club. I don't .the bureaucrats as I have; and "us" or (proper) "you?" dents in the surveys that rou- knuckle under to their party line. he will make them on his own. * Does the pri~st proceed to tinely repor,t attitudes and be- I don't play their game. What . For he has the one thing that the back, greet the worshiphavior of black Amerkans. was wrong with the' McCready- the third-rate, incompetent, me-. ers and, continue . the loving, Favors Catholic S(:hool~ community spirit Greeley article was that the diocre bureaucra.ts ;Nho dom- faith-f,i\led Policy-makers doubtless would findings were ours, not theirs. inate Catholic education most deepened at Mass or swiftly slip away to an unapproachable hid-' want better data before making I think the name for that is envy. ab~or. Talent. ing place near the sanctuary? I feel sort of sorry for Profes© 1974, Inter/Syndicate decisions (although mG~ny politi-

Good· (Ind Bad Celebrations'


Last year, the fertility ratethe number of births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44--dropped to an all time low of 69.3. That compared with 86.5 in 1969. Prior to the 1970s, the all time low occurred during the depression year of 1936, when the fertility rate was 75.8. The all-time high occurred in the post-war baby boom year of 1957 when the rate was 122.9. Experts had expected an upturn in the fertility rate and have been surprised that their predictions have not materialized. "It's a continuation of what we've been seeing, but it's still a surprise to everyone who studies this phenomenon," said Charles Westhof, professor of demographic studies at Princeton University and former director of the U.S. Commission on Population. With the children born during the post-war baby boom, he noted, many demographers had expected at least an increase in the total number of births, if not a rise in the birth rate during the '70s. "What you're getting now," he said, "is an absolute decline in the number of babies being born, not just reduction in the rate."



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 21, 1974


Repression Draws Fire From Bishops WASHINGTON (NC)-The repression of human rights in Latin America is drawing ~ increasing fire from Catholic Church officials in the United States, Chile and Brazil. Leaders of the U. S. hierarchy which usually maintains a diplo-

Baseball Commences April 9 In S.E. lVIass.. Conference

matic silence on foreign affairs, has formally protested Chile's and Brazil's violations' of human rights. And leaders of the Chilean Church may soon speak out as their Brazilian counterparts have done, according to Father Frederick McGuire, director of the Division for Latin

for a hot lunch, a warm bed, a friend •.. he is an abandoned child who sleeps on the sidewalk: begs for food: and is bloated from malnutrition.

All three divisional races should be close as conference officia'ls have carefully aligned the schools according to their . relative strengths. The area's strongest baseball schools will be battling for the Division I title. All members of the division have demonstrated by past perfor· mance that they can field units that can challenge the best in the Commonwealth. The group in· cludes such baseball powers as Durfee High of Fall River, New Bedford, Barnstable and Somerset.

He is learning to hate poverty and people. He is one of thousands to whom missionaries bring health, a home, and companionshipbut even more, missionaries bring to the human spirit an experience of love-the love of God.

Tight Pennant Race Shapes Up in Division I All have turned out outstanding teams and individuals. The most recent local product to make a name for himself being, of course, Mark Bomback, a Dur· f~e graduate fighting for a job with the Boston Red Sox. It was only three years ago that Mark was hurling Durfee to a State championship. Hopefully he'll be pitching in Fenway Park this Summer. Durfee, partly due to its reputation, wiII be the team to beat in Division I. The Hilltoppers are always a title contender. This season should be no different. But, Division I does have good balance. There are, at least, four teams, in addition to Durfee, that could win the pennant. New Bedford and Somerset are recognized as two of the best baseball schools in the area. Bishop Stang of Dartmouth and Barnstable always field strong clubs. Taunton, Dennis·Yarmouth and Falmouth

round out the Division. All are capable of competing within the bracket. On paper the Division II race appears to be another close affair. There is no club within the bracket that has not enjoyed success on the diamond. All are about equal in size and competi· tiveness. The division includes 'Fair· haven, Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro, Msgr. Coyle·Bishop Cassidy High' of Taunton, See· konk, Dighton-Rehoboth,' Case High of Swansea, Dartmouth and Bishop Connolly High of Fall River. . Dartmouth has already won two Conference championships this scholastic year and could add another this Spring. DightonRehoboth possesses an outstanding pitching corps and may sur· prise many experts. Case wiII be tough. Seekonk wiII be in the thick of the race.

Will you sacrifice . "the price of a new shirt" for them?


Conference Experiencing Growing Pains As the saying goes, pitching is 90 per cent of the game. Nothing

could be more true lNhen evaluating high school baseball teams. Whichever team has the strong· est pitching staff will win. If there is any significant difference between the schools playing in Division II and those in Division III, it is that, generally speaking, II schools have more depth on the mound. While each Division III has one or possibly two good throwers, none can boast of consistenly producing a deep mound corp. Those schools who wiII be fightIng for Division III honors include: Bourne, Old Rochester of Mattapoisett, New Bedford Vocational, Diman Regional of Fall River, St. Anthony's High of New Bedford, Wareham, Holy' Family High from New Bedford, Norton and Westport. As the Southeastern Mass. Conference approaches the end of its second year of existence

it is being closely evaluated by its members. The new circuit was formed to bring about more equitable playing conditions through divisional competition and constant realignment. In the· ory both ideas were sound. The league has brought about more competitive situations. But there are some members who f,eel the realignments are hurting more than helping. When a team does well, they contend, it is penalized for its accomplishments by being placed in a higher division for the next year. In the process established rivalries are broken. The league members overcame adversity in forming the conference. Now it is time to resolve some of the growing pains. Re· alignment is a problem. It must be dealt with seriously to strengthen and preserve the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference.

America (DLA) of the U. S. Cath· olic Conference (USeC). Father McGuire predicted the stronger protests by Chilean bishops, especially Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago, president of the Chilean bishops' conference, during an interview here with NC News.


Twenty-five teams will begin the chase for three league pennants on April 9 when the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Baseball season opens. As in all other sports sponsored by the multi-team circuit, competition will be held on a divisional basis. Eight schools will be repre- replacements for last year's grad· uates, get the throwing arms into sented in both Division I and shape while avoiding injury and II; nine will contest for the let nature take its course. Division III crown. With opening day only' a few weeks away the diamond mentors are concentrating ()n eonditioning with a discerning eye on the pitchers. While a few clubs have been able to get outside for some work, most have been confined to the gymnasium. But, this year is no different from any other. New England Spring and area coaches know they must be prepared to take to field on opening day in spite of insufficient praC7 tice time. The key now is to find suitable



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