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of fall river VOL. 23, NO. 12

Dignity of 'Redeemed Man Major Encyclical Theme By Jerfy Filteau


She Opened the Door When Bishop Daniel A Cronin visited North Attleboro's Madonna Manor recently, Miss Julia Riley, 98, was the unanimous choice to make him a presentation in behalf of the residence facility's guests. "She's our sunshine," said Sister Thomas More, O.P., ad, ministrator. "She's so interested in other people, always out to help, to visit the sick. She is just selfless and beautiful." Irish-born Miss Riley, a retired teacher and a member of St. Mary's parish, North Attleboro, has been at the Manor since 1976. She's a tireless volunteer chauffeur of the wheelchairs of fellow residents and is always ready for a good

game of cards. And almost路 daily she pens a bit of verse that reflects her cheery philosophy of life. "From a Schoolteacher" is one of her most recent: I didn't have wealth But I did have health. I didn't have beauty of form or face But I learned to smile, ' however hard the race. I didn't have marriage or children dear But I did have friends, my heart to cheer. As for children - a thousand or more To learn how to work and think, I opened the door.

Jubilee ,Pilgrimage Plans Progress, Says路 Fr. Tosti "All is in readiness for a Jubilee Trip to Italy on June 10, 1979," stated Rev. Ronald fl.. Tosti, coordinator of Jubilee Year activities, at a recent press conference. "Reservations are corning in at an ever-increasing pace and it is expected that all 150 spaces will be filled before long." Father Tosti noted that Bishop Cronin will join the diocesan pilgrims during the Rome portion of their trip and will lead all participants at an audience with the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Also ~lanned is a special Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the altar of Pope Pius X, who found-

ed the Diocese of Fall River, 75 years ago this month. As a grand finale to the journey, a. reception and banquet will be held in Rome on the last evening of the two-week Jubilee trip. Father Tosti said that airport transportation will be arranged from various areas of the diocese depending on the numbers of people going from each area. The"\rip cost includes all transportation and lodging at deluxe accommodations. Asked about pilgrimage highlights, Father Tosti noted that certainly Rome would be the chief attraction but that he felt Tum to Page Seven

VATICAN CITY (NC) - A "Christian anthropology" might be the best way to summarize the first encycli~al of Pope John Paul II. The title - "Redemptor Hominis" ("Redeemer Df Man") suggests the two points of reference around which the encyclical is built: Christ, the Redeemer, and man, the redeemed. The central theme of the 24,000word document is the supreme dignity of man proclaimed by the church through its message of the redemption. ' It is the first papal encyclical, at least in modern times, to h'ave the Christian doctrine of man as its main theme. It touches on world social issues such as the arms race, the rich-poor gap, human rights violations, consumerism, materialism, environmental pollution, technology and international relat,ions, but it is not a social encyclical. At the heart it is a general statement of Christian philosophy, putting into focus the church's teachings about man, about his religious striving, about the church's mission in the light of the Gospel message concerning man, and what all this' tells each individual concernim~ his duties and vocation as a Christian.

Bishops Oppose 'Living Will' BOSTON (NC) - The Catholic bishops of Massachusetts have criticized proposed "living will" legislation as unnecessary and a "quick fix" that would cause more prOblems than it would solve. The church supports the right of a patient to retuse extraordinary means of treatment, but believes the issue is too complicated to be handled in legislation, Auxiliary, Bishop Timothy Harrington of Worcester, episcopal moderator of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference, said in a statement to the state legislature's Joint Committee on the Judiciary. The 'proposed law would allow a person to draw up a written statement instructing his physician to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining equipment in the event of a terminal illness.

The encyclical is .also, and perhaps above all, the stagesetter for Pope John Paul's pontificate. It opens with a kind of "state of the church" message, noting that the era of Christian.ty "is already very close to the year 2000." After a short introduction ct global view of the meaning of the incarnation and redemption In human history the pope discusses the beginning of his. own pontificate and develop-

ments in the church during the papacy of Paul VI. He explicitly links his own first encyclical to the first encyclical written by Pope Paul VI, "Ecclesiam Suam," in which Pope Paul outlined what he saw as the state of the church at that time, and some of the main needs the church was then facing. Using the same method, Pope John Paul lists the numerous Turn to Page Seven

Sister Mary Noel To Head Mercy Sisters Community By Pat McGowan A six-foot Sister who admits that her nose is in the air, "but it grows up there," has been chosen by the 600 members of her community as their provincial superior. Sister Mary Noel Blute, 56, a Fall River native and for a total of 10 years a faculty member at Bishop Feehan High School, At-, tleboro, will serve the Sisters of Mercy for the next three years as administrator of the Province of Providence, taking office in June. She will be responsible for works of the community in Rhode Island and. southeastern Massachusetts. Born in Fall River, where she was baptized in St. Mary's Cathedral parish and afterwards

lived in St. Patrick's parish, Sister Mary Noel entered the Merc:;y community in 1941. She has taught at Rhode Island ele路 mentary schools and at Salve Regina College, Newport, as well as at Feehan, where she teaches Latin, heads the English department, and is director of publicity and curriculum committee chairman. She holds. degrees from Salve Regina and the University of Notre Dame and has also studied at -Emmanuel College, Boston; Catholic University; the University of Illinois; and Rhode Island College. In a wide-ranging interview she discussed her hopes for her community, her thoughts on re-


Turn to Page Fifteen




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall



Mar. 22, 1979

ill People. Places·Events-NC News Briefs ID In Vitro Process Scored

Dollars 'from China

WASHINGTON Bishop thomas Kelly, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bisl1ops, has urged the federal government not to fund research on or therapeutic application of in vitro fertilization, the process of fertilizing an egg outside the womb. Bishop Kelly made :his recommendation in a letter to Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano.

WASHINGTON - Catholic missionary groups are among· American .church organizations which will receive millions of dollars from the Republic of China in a settlement of claims made after the communist government took over 30 years ago. In February, China agreed to pay $80.5 million over five years to American businesses, churches, non-profit institutions and individuals against' claims of some $197 million, or about 41 cents on the dollar.

Refugee Cei'ling Raised WASHINGTON Catholic leaders have responded enthusiastically to a Carter administration proposal to overhaul U.S. refugee law. The proposal would raise the ceiling on refugees admitted into the United States under normal circumstances from 17,400 to 50,000. The U.S. Catholic Conference, which has resettled about half of the Indochinese refugees to come to the United States since 1975, hailed the proposal as' "a momentous step forward."

MRS. MARY ANN HEINZ, Peoria, Ill., mother of 17 children, is natural family planning coordinator for her diocese.

MARY TINLEY DALY, Washington, D.C., whose family column was carried by The Anchor for many years, has died of cancer at age 75.

Ir~sh Mistreated


- An English attorney who has defended accused Irish terrorists in his homeland said that the British government continues to mistreat even kill - Irish prisoners systematically, despite pledges made two years ago that it would end abuses. Alastair Logan of Surrey, a Protestant, said that Irish suspects have been convicted of terrorist activities despite airtight alibis, and that prisoners and their families have been subjected to degradation and harassment.

of Perpetual AdoraUon, is the youngeft member of her community and beijeved the first sister in Wisconsin to be admitted to medical school.

Not an Act LOS ANGELES - Catholics in the entertainment field should play "with magnificance" • their real life roles in the drama of Calvary and have an impact on their industry, Auxiliary Bishop John Ward of Los Angeles said. The bishop spoke to 1,000 people in the film, TV, radio and recording industries at their 29th annual Mass and breakfast.

IRS Sued

Pr·ofessionals Wanted CHICAGO - It is time to get the media professional involved in Catholic communications efforts. That message, along with a call 'for a "national vision" in those efforts and emphasis on the importance of reaching the many diverse groups within the. church, was the recurrent theme voiced during two days of hearings held in Chicago by the Communication Committee of the U.S. Catholic Conference.

Encyclical's Importance

,DALLAS - To support abortion is "elitism, not true feminism," said a Lutheran pro-life leader, M&. Jean Garton, in an interview with The Texas Catholic, newspaper of the Dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth. "A true feminist principle is the belief in the right of self-de-' termination for every human being." said Mrs. Garton, who is co-founder and president of Lutherans for Life.

WASHINGTON - . The major significance of Pope John Paul II's first encyclical is in its clarification of the direction the pope hopes the church will take in years to come, said Bishop Thomas C. Kelly. "We need to know where he's coming from, how h~'s got his act together," said Bishop Kelly, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic ·Bishops - U.S. Catholic Conference.

Don't Repeal Sanctions


Strike' Deplored

WASHINGTON - A federal judge is currently considering motions mad~ by the 'government in a lawsuit charging the Internal Revenue Service with discriminating against a Catholic because of his belief that abortion and homosexuality are morally wrong. The employe, Paul B. Waring, a tax law specialist with the IRS Exempt Organizations Technical Branch, filed suit charging that because of his religious beliiefs, he was passed over for promotion.

"We need to know what he's thinking about and how he's going to reflect out to us."

La Crosse, Wis., a Franciscan Sister


EVANSVILLE, Ind. - An ecumenical group of Evansville clergymen called on the Defense Department to abandon what it called a shift in U.S. policy toward acceptance of a "first strike" nuclear strategy. The Defense Department has denied such a shift has occurred. Maryknoll Father Thomas Peyton, director of the National Federation of Priests' Councils' Office of Justice and Peace, said the group's statement was part of a larger effort to educate the public about the existence and danger of the new strategy.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Catholic Conference, charging that majority rule exists in Rhodesia only in "a cosmetic sense," has urged Congress to reject efforts to end U.S. economic sanctions against the southern Mrican country. Father J. Bryan Hehir, USCC associate secretary for international justice and peace, said repeal of the sanctions would be "unwise and destructive of the role of the United States not only in southern Africa but throughout the continent."


FATHER EDWARD M. O'FLAHERTY, S.J., 44, has been named regional of the New England Jesuits, to succeed Father Richard T. Cleary, S.J. The Boston native is presently rector of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Calif. He will receive Ii doctorate in anthropology in May.


Protest in India BOMBAY, India - Indian Christi.ans are taking to the streets to protest an anti-conversion bill before Parliment which Christians say would discriminate against minority religions. In a recent demonstration more than 4,000 people marched in Calcutta ,carrying postels and banners criticizing the bill.' Posters said: "We Christians demand our fundamental rights. We fight for brothers and sisters who suffer for their faith."

Mexican Quake \MEXICO CITY MeX'ico's recent severe earthquake and its aftershocks heavily damaged 80 percent of the buildings 'of the Jesuit-run Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, but no injuries were reported.

SISTER MARY MARTHA NIEMANN, who became a nun at age 57 after being widowed and laupching her six children in life, has c~lebra­ ted her 90th birthday, with all her children present at her party.'

THE ANCHORThurs., March 22, 1979

CRS Collection This Weekend The once-a-year, natiomll appeal to the Catholics of the U.S. to help Catholic Relief Services touch a hungry world will be held in all diocesan parishes this weekend. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in announcing this year's appeal, said "Catholic Relief Services is the unique means offered to Catholics. in America to do something for the less fortunate people overseas." He pointed out that "through _ Catholic Relief Services, Catholics can fulfill their duty and obligation in both charity and justice toward millions abroad who lived in humiliating poverty or desperate need." Catholic Relief Services reo ceives its basic support from the Annual CRS Appeal. As the official overseas relief and development agency of American Catholics, CRS is the practical extension and concrete expression of American Catholic concern for all fellow human beings. Last year, Catholic Relief Services pyramided the $8.3 million contributed to the Appeal into a $275 million package of goods and services for more than 18 million people in 86 countries. With "need, not creed" as its guideline, CRS, through the generous support of the U.S. Catholic cpmmunity, was active in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

New Principal At Connolly Bishop Daniel A. Cronin announced today that Rev. Frederick J. O'Brien, S.J. will become principal of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, at the end of the present academic year. Bishop Cronin made the appointment jointly with Rev. Richard T. Cleary, S.J., Jesuit Provincial of New England. Father O~Brien will succeed Rev. James C. O'Brien, S.J., acting principal since January, 1978, who expects to return to a teaching post at Connolly. Father Frederick O'Brien is presently assistant headmaster of Fordham iPreparatory School, New York. A native of Boston, he entered the Society of Jesus in 1949, following graduation from Boston College High School. He was ordained in 1962 and pronounced final vows as a Jesuit in 1965. He holds degrees from Boston College, Woodstock College, the Catholic University of America, an the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy at Pullach, Germany and has also done graduate studies at Brown University. 'Prior to his New York assignment he was for nine years an assistant professor at Fairfield University in Connecticut. At Connolly, Father O'Brien will head a growing, fully-accredited bOYS' four-year high school which opened in 1966 and this year will graduate its 1000th alumnus. This year, the school achieved various distinctions, notably the great success of its basketball team, the several championships of its mathematics team, and the placing of a senior as Fall River's only National Merit Scholarship finalist.

AMONG PRIESTS involved in Fall River urban ministry group are, from left, Father Raymond Cambra, Father Normand Grenier, Father Bruce Neylon, Father Joseph Costa, Father Edward Correia. (Torchia Photo)

Priests Join

Last fall Father Edward Correia of St. Anthony of .padua Church, Fall River, asked Father Raymond Cambra of Immaculate Conception, also Fall River; if the two of them could work out a cooperative arrangement for visiting nursing home patients. Other areas priests became involved. "and everything came from that," said Father Bruce Neylon of Holy Name parish. "Everything" is an informal approach to Fall River urban ministry which has seen seven young priests seeldng ways of BROTHER MARCEL improving their services to parCRETE, FIC, has been named ishioners. In addition to Father Correia, provincial superior of the Father Cambra and Father NeyAmerican district of the lon, those in the group are Brothers of Christian In- Father Joseph Costa, Our Lady struction. He will assume the of Health; Father Normand Grenier, Notre Dame; Father Edmond post in June. As superior, Brother Mar- Rego, Espirito Santo; and cel will be responsible for Father Stephen Fernandes, SS. Peter and Paul. houses in Ohio, Maine, IlliTheir most ambitious project nois, Alaska and New York, will take place the week of as well as in Massachusetts, April 1 through 5, when five of

where community members are on the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. He will also direct missions in Tanzania and Kenya. The new provincial is presently principal of Mt. Assumption High School, Plattsburgh, N.Y.


Father Freitas Named Advisor Father Daniel L. Freitas, spiritual advisor for the Central Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the Fall River diocese, has been named regional spiritual advisor for the organization. Father Freitas, pastor of St. John of God parish, Somerset, and a native of Terceira, Azores, is a friend of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, also an Azorean native and national episcopal advisor to the Vincentians. Father Freitas was ordained in 1949 and before his appointment to St. John of God in 1974 was associate pastor in Fall River and New Bedford parishes and administrator of St. Elizabeth's parish,Fall River.


Interparish Projects

them will offer a series of talks on the sacraments entitled "The Seeds of Life." Each priest will speak in his own and each of the other's parishes on his assigned topic and discussions will follow. To be heard in Holy Name, Our Lady of Health, St. Anthony of Padua, Immaculate Conception and Notre Dame parishes, the talks will be _ given by Fathers Neylon, Correia, Grenier, Costa and Cambra, at 7:30 each night in each church. Penance services will be held in each church following the series, with Fathers Fernandes and Rego assisting at these times. Future plans of the priests' group include study of action to be taken with regard to abortion clinics and participation in neighborhood "fair share" or-

ganizations. Other concerns include needs of the urban elderly and encouragement of lay leadership in parish activities. Last weekend Father Costa and Father Cambra directed a youth retreat that included youngsters from five of the seven parishes involved in the group; and members will assist Father Cambra in a CCD program for exceptional children ages 12 to 14 being held in Immaculate Conception parish but open to such children in other parishes. Meanwhile, a CCD training program is under way at St. Anthony of Padua, also open to any interested persons in the area. "Our idea is to coordinate rather than to do individual things," said Father Neylon. "We support each other."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979

the living word


Are We Hopeless?

In a recent story the Boston Phoenix gave great play to the efforts of members of the pro-life movement to remove the embarrassment of Congressman Robert Drinan from Congress. A most interesting paragraph directly referred .to a certain congressional district in which the majority of voters are at leas~ nominal members of the Catholic Church of this diocese. The authors stated, "According to sources within the Bay State anti-abortion movement, no one in the delegation comes close to Drinan in exciting negative emotions. Gerry Studds is considered hopeless but is not targeted because he is thought to be unbeatable even with redrawn 12th District lines." Nothing could be more correct than' the Phoenix statement on Congres'sman Drinan. That a Catholic priest should be "pro-choice" champion in Congress from political motives rather than from moral conviction reflects an ambivalent attitude which certainly should encourage pro-lifers to make him their number one target in Massachusetts. However, comments made concerning the 12th District representative, Gerry Studds, cannot go unnoticed. After last year's elections no one should discount the pro-life vote. As evidence of its growing strength, one must realize that pro-lifers defeated at least eight to 10 House members. Since the election, pro-life organizations have grown in strength and influence. More and more, their adherents are cutting across social, religious and economic ties. Despite seeming differences in procedural matters, pro-lifers are fundamentally one. Now, given this basis of facts which all agree are real and not imagined, why should Mr. Studds be seen as unbeatable? It is true that this might seem to be the case from a purely political viewpoint. Mr. Studds has projected himself as the savior ofJ:he New Bedford and Cape Cod fishing fleets. He has learned Portuguese, a distinct advantage for any candidate in southeastern Massachusetts. Certainly his iInage with area millworkers as a concerned liberal is another political plus. This picture of a Democrat who is all things to all men in an area that needs everything would lead one to the conclusion that Mr. Studds will forever be the congressional representative from the 12th District. However, he is very vulnerable when one considers that he represents an area of our diocese in which the vast majority of voters are Catholics. . Why then, one might ask, is he still in office? The answer is quite simple. The pro-life movement in this aren has not zeroed in on Mr. Studds nor, at the present time, does it seem to have the muscle to do so. Our Catholic population suffers from a drastic case of political apathy and dullness. The secular press is a more than vocal champion of the Congressman. People love the illusion of prosperity. Nevertheless, we feel that Mr. Studds should know that his abortion position will be a vital political, social and moral issue in the 1980 campaign. Each and every person, not just Catholics, who views life as a gift of God must stand up in the marketplace and be counted. If and when this occurs, no one will write off the congressional pro-life situation in our area as "hopeless" and our Congressman as unbeatable.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-71 Sl • PUBLISHERMost Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.rD.

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~Ileary Press-Fall River


'Cast me not off in the time of old age: when my strength shall fail, do not thou forsake me.' Ps. 70:9

Without Service, No Happiness EVANSVILLE, Ind. (NC) 'This I do know. Unless you block out a p'lrtion of Y<Y..lr lives in service to others, you will not be happy." Holy Cross Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, gave those words of challenge during his address for the 125th Founders Day convocation for the University of Evansville, a denominational university of the United Methodist Church. Father Hesburgh, speaking on "The Challenge of Service," offered a four-fold formula: competence, compassion, commitment and consecration. The 'Notre Dame. president said that "piety is not a substitute for competence and intelligence. What the world doesn't need more of is a group of happy amateurs running around." In expanding on the quality of compassion, Father Hesburgh enumerated the desperate needs of so many millions of the Third and Fourth Worlds which he termed "economic basket cases." It is in such countries where a billion people are hungry all the time. He also pointed out that some 480 million are estimated to be malnourished and 8 million are illiterate. "The monstrosity of the degradation of the human spirit can be seen in so many

places - Calcutta, Bombay and so many more," he noted. "To turn this problem around by the year 2,000, it would take about $30 billion a year. That's twice the amount of our foreign aid. But worldwide $400 billion is budgeted on defense. "It is not enough to feel for such misery, we must do something," he continued. "The 'Me generation' won't do," said Father Hesburgh. He paraphrased Dante, pointing out that the coldest spot in hell is the place for those who remain uncommitted in the time of great moral crisis.

He called on examples of men like Dr. Albert Schweitzer and Dr. Thomas Dooley as multi-talented professional people who felt compelled to give their lives in service to others. Father Hesburgh pointed out that there is a national movement to encourage young men and women to give at least a year's service to the nation in some way or another. The fourth quality of an educational institution founded by strong minded and religious people ought to be consecration. "Here we mean that all the other qualities take on a new and transcendent meaning. Actions are lifted up and placed on a higher level." Father Hesburgh illustrated

this' quality through the story of a young pre-med student spending some time in Latin America. Seeing a young girl, cold and shivering in a thin dress, with little prospect for decent meals, the young man questioned God's love for his people. 'Father Hesburgh said the student realized finally that the only way God's love would be felt and known by one like the little girl is if he did it himself. The young American re-Iearned ·the meaning of "What you did to the least of my brethren, you did to me."


March 30 Rev. Aime Barre, 1963, On sick leave, Fall River March 31 Rt. Rev. George C. Maxwell, 1953, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River Rev. Pastor, Rev. Pastor,

April 1 George A. Lewin, 1958, St. Mary, Hebronville Edwin J. Loew, 1974, St. Joseph, Woods Hole

April 2 Rev. Adolph Banach, O.F.M., Conv., 1961, Pastor, O.L.O. Perpetual Help, New Bedford Rev. Donald Belanger, 1976, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro


THE ANCHOR,....Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979

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HOLYOKE, Mass. (NC) - In order to influence vocations, the modern church must view itself in a current world, the president of the National Catholic Vocations Council told 130 New England bishops, priests, Religious and laymen meeting recently in Holyoke. They included 12 delegates from the Fall River diocese, led by Bishop Daniel A. C~onin. "People are more and more interdependent, and so we can't rely only on parents or only on priests to influence young people in that choice of lifestyle," said MaristFather Quentin Hakenewerth, NCVe president. The priest was one of four principal speakers addressing the problem of lagging vocations

Father Lussier Father Ernest -Lussier of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, a distinguished biblical scholar and a native of Fall River, died earlier this month in New York, where funeral services and interment took place. The son of the late Ovila and Victoria Lussier, he attended Notre Dame School, Fall River, and entered religious life in 1923. He was ordained in Rome in 1938. Father Lussier spent most of his priestly career as a seminary professor of biblical literature, language and' archeology. He held a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Biblical Commission in Rome and studied at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. A member of many scholarly societies, he was associate editor of Emmanuel magazine, author of several spiritual books and a frequent contributor to scholarly journals. He is survived by four brothers, Brother Raymond Lussier of the Blesslld Sacrament community, Louis and Gerard Lussier of Fall River, Normand Lussier of Tiverton, and two sisters, Mrs. Oscar Phenix, Fall River, f\nd Mrs. Cyril Lat\.!lippe, Tiverton.

in the' Catholic Church at the seventh annual meeting of the New England Catholic Convocation. Sister Deanna Marie Carr, director of the National Sisters Vocations Conference, discussed the statements of the Second Vatican Council and their impact on vocations. "The church is very explicit

Call to Action Workshop Set WASHINGTON (NC)-A threeday meeting on implementation of the U.S. bishops' Call to Action program drew more than 150 persons working in social development, education and communications for Catholic dioceses in the United States including Father Peter Graziano, diocesan director of social services. Called "Doing Justice: A USCC skills workshop on the Call to Action 'Plan," the meeting was staffed by the U.S. Catholic Conference departments of education, communication, and international justice and peace. Archbishop Roach urged widespread participation in the workshop program. "In a time when it is becoming somewhat unfashionable in the country to concern oneself about social justice, it is important for the church leadership to say unequivocally that we do not agree," he said.' "Our work for justice is going to remain vigorous."

Alta r Dedication To Be Saturday The chapel altar of the Discalced Carmelite nuns of Sol£-Mar Road, South Dartmouth, will be dedicated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at 10 a.m. Saturday in the context of a Mass. The community invites diocesan residents to attend the ceremony.

Christian Spirit "The spirit of every Christian must be a spirit of sacrifice." - P. A. Sheehan

THE ANCHOR (USPS·S45-D20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722

Youth Leaders Meet Diocesan leaders of Boy and Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls recently held a weekend meeting at Case House, Swansea, to study techniques of Christian leadership. Program director was Raymond McConnell, diocesan chairman of the Catholic Committee on Scouting. Father Martin Buote, Catholic Scouting program director, was chaplain.


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Bishop D'Arcy, a faculty member at St. John's S~minary, Brighton, also said seminary officials and vocations directors "have to know when to say no" to a prospective priest or Religious. "We cannot take everyone and then tell them later they are not qualified," he said. Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States, said the vocations crisis is not caused by a lack of generosity but by "a lack of guidance, lack of real knowledge. Most people don't know who to go to or where to go."

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about what it expects from bishops, priests, Religious and laity," said the Chicago nun. "We must understand the need to actively share in increasing vocations, not just talk about it." Auxiliary Bishop John M. D'Arcy of Boston told the bishops and delegates that the church must develop a strong "chain" of relationships supporting the vocations . process, with the family as its key element.



MEMBERS OF the Fall River delegation at the New England Convocation held this month in Holyoke.

Vocations Are Convocation Topic


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979

Self-Hatred Is The Natural Result of Oppression By REV. ANDREW M. GREELEY

I think I finally understand the reason for the self-hatred in American Catholicism. Second-class citizens always absorb the attitudes that firstclass citizens have toward them, particularly those second-class citizens who for one reason or another get lead roles in the society. Jewish trusties in the concentration camps imitated and often exceeded the Gestapo in hatred of Jews. The minstrelshow end man is gone; the



I heard a "do something for Lent" lecture by a priest. He suggested that members of a family tell each other what to do for Lent. That has some merits. We all know each other's faults. He did, however, offer an excellent explanation of his theory. A family should be a place where we help each other to grow in love. While each of

Mau Mau "bad black" persists. Professor Richard Stivers, in his brilliant book about Irish American drinking, "Hair of the 'Dog," suggests that Irish Americans drink even more than old-country Irish in th,eir response to the nativist sterotype about heavy-drinking Irishmen. American Irish. novelists, with rare exceptions, repeat the stereotypes of Irish· American life partly because it is the price of admission to the intelli-~ gentsia, partly because they have absorbed the hatred of the Irish that is part of the host culture.

I am convinced that the reason the great Irish revolutionary leaders killed one another with such bitter violence in the early 1920s after the English army withdrew is that the Free State government was determined to refute the English assumption that it was not capable of responsible government.

Writers like 'Garry Wills and Wilfrid Sheed are acceptable interpreters of American Catholic life for the intellectual elite be-

The self-hatred of the Irish intelligentsia is much more obvious (to' the Yank, if not to them) than is the self-hatred of the American Irish. After a certain point, self-ridicule and selfcriticism cease to be funny and

turn obsessive. In Ireland there has been recently a not particularly edifying controversy between a bishop, Jeremiah Newman of Limerick, and a former cabinet minister, the legendary Conor Cruse O'Brien, about the role of the church in a democratic society. The cabinet officer of course argued that the church was reactionary, antidemocratic influence. The bishop cited the distinguished Irish American scholar, Emmet Larkin, as saying that if it were not for the church, Ireland would not be a pluralistic democratic nation. One angry Irish scholar observed to me, "We know that Emmet's wrong but we'll only be able to prove it when we do as much research as he's dOQe, and we'll never do that."

us is somewhat aware of our own shortcomings, often we are not conscious of other faults we have which are particularly irritating to another member of the family. If this theory were followed, then each member would be making a deliberate effort to improve in a specific area that would be deeply pleasing to another member of the family. He clarified a bit further. He was not recommending that a wife suggest her husband get lost for forty days,. nor that a sister suggest her brother try a second floor window. The priest who gave the lecture works in a marriage tribunal. I wondered if he was try-

ing to drum up more business for the courts. Maybe there is an exceptional family where this would work, but I'd bet that in 500 families out of 1000 it would result in "the great silence." In the other 500 families there would be teenage girls and 40 days of tears. Unless you are a professional diplomat, the difference between "suggesting" and "nagging" is a very fine line. The quickest way to encourage a fault is to nag. You can more often build improvement by praising' another virtue and forgetting about the fault. I'd rather see a family ignore each other's faults, and find something to compliment every day. .

But, let's consider the original proposal each member suggesting another's fault. How would it' go in a "typical" family? Papa gets home from work irritated and exhausted. He bas several drinks before dinner and wishes the noisy kids would get lost so he can read the paper in peace. Mama finds the pressure of the kids' scrapping leaves her screaming at them constantly. To calm her nerves she goes through two. packs of cigarettes . a day. Big sister is either on the phone, drying her hair, or arguing with little brother who constantly makes faces at her because then he can't get yelled at because "he didn't say any-

thing." Papa asks Mama to quit smoking. Mama tells Papa to quit drinking. Brother wants sister off the phone. Sister asks brother to become civilized. And everyone wants Sister to confine her shampoos to one a day. The whole family would be candidates for the marriage tribunal long before Easter. When I told my husband about the lecturer's suggestion, he said, "It would work if you changed ·it bit. Everyone should find a fault in someone else in the family . . . then correct that same fault in himself without saying anything about it to anybody!"

cause they tell the elite what it wants to hear about Catholicism.. How did this come to be? Part was caused by Catholic prejudice which the Irish immi-' grants encountered when they arrived, but much of it is re. lated to the status ot' the Catholic population in the country of origin. A thousand years of an army of occupation on your soil - as was the case in Ireland - is enough to give any people an inferiority complex.

Self-hatred, then, can be the explicit self-hatred of the intelligentsia or the suppressed' self-hatred of the belligerent ethnic Catholic. It is the continuation of oppression long after the occupying power has left. What the English did in Ireland and what the Russians, the Prussians and the Austrians did in Poland is alive and well and living in midtown Manhattan.


Race Relations Conventional Wisdom Is Questioned By JIM CASTELLI

"Contrary to .much supposed prevailing wisdom, white attitudes toward blacks and toward real progress for blacks in this country are not more hardened than ever before," pollster Louis Harris said in an overview of a major study of American atti-


Today is a bit reminiscent of the late twenties and early thirties, when escapism was the byword because reality was too difficult to face. With

tudes toward minorities sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Polls are not infallible, but this one raises questions about the conventional wisdom held in many areas of intergroup relations: It also reveals a perception gap between the views of the general public and both leaders and minority groups. The poll said whites favor affirmative action programs, giving minorities· and women extra help· to make up for past discrimination, as long as "rigid quotas" are not used. The NCCJ poll also found

some startling attitudes about school busing to achieve racial integration. While it found that whites oppose school busing for racial purposes by 85 to nine percent and blacks oppose it by 43 to 42 percent, it produced results which led Harris to conclude that "the almost automatic claim that 'busing is a disaster' simply does not hold." . The poll said 63 percent of the blacks and 56 percent of the whites whose children are bused describe their experiences as "very satisfactory." But while findings such as these indicate that some general

presumptions are not supported by the facts, others show that white Americans are simply not aware of the discrimination facing minorities in society. Whites consistently believe that blacks are better off, and better treated, than blacks themselves believe or than facts warrant. At the same time, the poll found whites virtually ignorant of discrimination against Hispanics. It also found a plurality of non-Hispanics believe one negative sterotype about Hispanics - that they "are highly , emotional and are apt to fly off

the handle." In general, however, non-Hispanics have a good impression of Hispanics. The problem, Harris said, is that 62 percent of non-Hispanics have no real contact with Hispanics and little understanding of the problems they face. The poIi also found most Americans do not understand the nature of religious discrimination against Catholics and Jews in America. But, Harris said, discrimination against Catholics is far less than discrimination against blacks, Hispanics or Jews.

the oil crisis, the price of gasoline and the unbelievable cost of groceries, the comparison becomes more real and even the long lines at the movies echo the movie craze of the thirties.

Young people enjoy pretending and New Wave dressing is just that. Colors are mostly red, black and white and styles are heavily influenced by the slinky clothes of the forties.

most outrageous fantasy has a way of refining itself and being found on the back of the most conservative!

A whole new way of dressing seems to have come out of this search for a way to forget reality. It's called New Wave and it has grown out of New Wave music, in its turn a more refined development of the latc unlamented punk rock.

Pants are skin tight, with black leather' topping the list of favorites. With this slender pant-look very high sandals or short boots, also on spiked heels; and either silk shirts or bulky sweater tops are worn. Males are even more ·decora-

tive, with vinyl ties worn over tee shirts, ruffled shirts worn with designer jeans and an abundance of jewelry. All this is done with tongue in cheek and checkbook in hand because any type of special look requires money. To the historian this type of escapist dressing will probably be meaningful, but for the moment it's just have fun with clothes time. Watch the trend closely, however, for even the

Correction In the Broccoli Casserole recipe given in the March 1 column, there should be 2 eggs and r cup of mayonnaise. I regret any inconvenience caused by the incorrect amounts given.

THE ANCHORThurs., March 22, 1979

Letters to the Editor


Pontiff Pro is'es Cardinal Villot

Letters are welcomed, but should be no ,"ore than 200 words, The editor reserves me right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

Rose Hawthorne Home Dear Editor: In late 1978 Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-ROss published her most recent book, "To Live Until We Say Good-Bye." It is a pictorial essay, illustrated by Mal Warshaw. It is a fine piece and I would commend it to all for FRANK Di CRISTOFORQ gives Nazareth Hall youngsters swimming instructions at , reading. My purpose in writing is to the Boys' Club poolj Fall River. Also assisting in the program are the upper grade students bring to the attention of your from Holy Name School, Fall River. Other outreach activities of the students for the Year readers Dr. Ross' glowing words of the Child include Kids for Kids program in which they work one-on-one with younger of praise for the Hawthorne Dominican Sisters, their insti- Holy Name pupils and a Rockathon project with nursing home resi,dents. ('I:orchia Photo) tutions and ministry. Much of Part II, "Alternatives to Hospittal Care," is a description of the ministry and institutions of The encyclical also criticizes cience and challenges officially Continued from Page One these wonderfuly devoted sis- controversies and divisions that the gap between rich and poor, atheistic political systems. ters. "Certainly the curtailment of Pope Paul faced and concludes profits at the expense of human Dr. Ross, herself an interna- that the church is in a better values, and a consumer-oriented the religious freedom of individtionally recognized expert on situation now than it was when society. uals and communities is not the care of terminally ill per- Pope Paul took the helm. It declares that the phenom- only a painful experience but it sons, has nothing but strong Among developments since enon of luxury alongside pov- 'is above all an attack on man's words of praise. "Dying . . . " 'Vatican II he specifically praises erty is so widespread "that it very dignity," says the pope she states, "can be a time of the progress in collegiality brings into question the finan- from communist-governed Pogrowth, creativity and peace as shared responsibility and decis- cial, monetary, production and land. it is at St. Rose's Homes across ion-making - and in relations commercial mechanisms that, In the encyclical's final chapthe country." "Anyone ... will with other Christian churches resting on various political pres- ter, "The Church's Mission and see," she writes, '~the pride, and with other religions. sures, support the world econ- Man's Destiny," Pope John Paul dignity and peace in (patients') omy." summarizes the meaning of the Chapter two, "The Mystery of faces and will know that there is the Redemption," and chapter The encyclical asks "resolute redemption for mankind and a place like this in this country three, "Redeemed Man and His commitment by individuals and turns to the question- of what that is worth our support and Situation in the Modern World," peoples that are free and linked this says about the church' itprayers." are the heart of the pope's mes- in solidarity" to end the "moral self. Dr. Ross reports also of her sage. disorder" in the distribution of , In this context he notes that "most impressive visit" to the the world's goods. It particular- "theology has always had and In chapter two he declares Rase Hawthorne Lathrop Home that redemption by Jesus Christ ly condemns "gignntic invest- continues to have great imporin Fall River. She tells of an is a central fact about man.' ments for armaments" at the tance for the church" and calls unexpected, late evening and "Only in the mystery of the expense (>f "investments for on theologians to serve the very cordial visit. church's teaching office in union Incarnate Word does the mys- food at the service of life." She describes the peace and . tery of man take on light . . . The pontiff takes particular with the bishops and pope. joy of the patients as well as the Human nature, by the very fact note of the rights of religious He also cites the roles of paswarm atmosphere of the build- that it was assumed, not ab- freedom and freedom of cons- tors and of men and women ing. She marvels that, in current- sorbed, in him (Christ), has Religious, lay catechists and day expensive health care areas, been raised in us also to a digparents in transmitting the patients are welcomed and cared nity beyond compare," the enchurch's teachings. ContinueCI from Page One for at the Rose Hawthorne cyclical says. He declares that the Eucharthat all would enjoy Venice and Home for no fee. Chapter three discusses the Florence. ist is "the center and summit of I have known the work of the situation of man in the mod"Most trips offer only a the whole sacramental life, Hawthorne Dominicans for 20 ern world. glimpse of these magnificent through which each Christian years. For three years I collabThe pope says the church has cities," he said, but we felt very receives the saving power of the orated with them somewhat at the Rose Hawthorne Home in a single purpose: "that each strongly that this was an ex- redemption." Concerning penance, the enFall River and at Rosary Hill in person may be able to find cellent opportunitly to give more Christ." time to our travellers. We will cyclical praises recent developHawthorne, New York. For all Because of "man's surpass- have Masses both at St. Mark's ments in the chur~h which highthis time I have felt, with Dr. ing dignity;" he says, "the in Venice and at the Duomo in light "the community aspect of Ross, that their ministry was church cannot remain insensible Florence and we will have penance." But here, too, the too little known. I am delighted that finally the to whatever serves man's true plenty of time to explore. the pope warns against reducing the news is published in such a welfare, anymore 'than she can many fascinating aspects of sacrament to a celebration of prominent place and by such a . remain indifferent to what both these Renaissance centers." community. He emphasizes that Arrangements for the Jubilee conversion is "a particularl)' threatens it." distinguished author. A basic question the pope pilgrimage can be made through profound inward act" of the inRev Kevin F. Tripp raises is the relation of tech- Father Tosti at 247 North dividual before God. New Bedford nology to human values. Citing Street in New 'Bedford, or -Discussing the church as "the modern fear and alienation, through any travel agency in people of God," the encyclical threats to the environment from the diocese of Fall River. emphasizes that being part of Dear 'Editor: technological expansion and the church "is not just a speciToday it was outrageous on man's growing capacity for milific "social membership" but is Radio Station WBSM down- tary destruction, he declares rather a matter of "vocation." grading Catholic religion with that techn010gical. advances It stresses that each Christheir outrageous lies. When will "demand a proportional developtian has a particular vocation, you have people listen and cor- ment of morals and ethics." a particular commitment to conrect their Hes on talk shows? IDiscussing the biblical theme struct the whole body of Christ.• C. Silveira of man's "kingshfp" as being re,Among specific vocations, the / South Dartmouth sponsible dominion over the encyclical emphasizes the lifeworld, the encyclical comments long commitment involved in Cheap Bargain that this consists "in the priormarriage, the priesthood and consecrated religious life. "When we try to reach real ity of ethics over technology, in The .encyclical closes with' a happiness on cheap terms, what the primacy of persons over plea for prayer and a prayer to we get is bound to be cheap." things, and in the superiority of spirit over matter." Mary. - David Roberts

Dignity of Redeemed Man




VATICAN CITY (NC) - The measure of the life of Cardinal Jean Villot, papal secretary of state, is in the service he gave to Jesus Christ, said Pope John Paul II at the funeral Mass for the cardinal in' St. Peter's Basilica. Cardinal Villot di~ earlier this month at the age of 73. He was the first person in history to serve as secretary of state under three popes and as carnerlengo, or chamberlain, he presided over the day-to-day operations of the church during the two interim periods between papal reigns last year. He presided also over the two conclaves..

Stonehill Rate Rise Tuition at Stonehill College, North Easton, will rise $290 for the coming year. Room and board fees will rise $165, making the total cost to resident students before fees $5,270. A study of 13 area colleges conducted by the Stonehill campus newspaper indicates, according to editors, that the college charges the third lowest tuition and the fourth lowest room and board fees.

COUGHLIN Funeral Home Inc. 308 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. John J. Coughlin Michael




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THE'ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979




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CHAPTER 18, VERSE 3 is this tot's favorite quotation from St. Matthew. She's a participant in Sacred Heart parish's Lenten study group. (Gilbert Photo)

ILenten Is Come with Love to Town "Lenten is come with love to town," sang the medieval ~t. In his time, Lenten meant sprl.nr.:;, but for Christians Lent came to mean the penitential season preceding' Easter - and for many the word was surrounded with negative associations: give up this, don't do that, no, no, no. One might say that since Vatican II the older meaning of Lent has come to the fore. The season is seen as a true springtime, a time of new beginnings, of love revived. ......Responding to that spirit, many parishes of the diocese are offering imaginative and deeply spiritual observances to their members., Truly)n these parishes Lenten 'is come with love to town. In Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, Sister Peggy Fromm, SUSC, religious education coordinator, has put together a Lenten program with something for everyone in the parish, starting with an enormous "Easter basket" (a decorated playpen) in the sanctuary.


Into the basket parishioners Thursday morning discussion place a symbolic Easter egg (a group led by Sister Peggy for balloon) at weekend Masses dur- - parishioners interested in groiJp ing Lent. Each balloon indicates reflection and sharing on the the family involved has com- gospel. pleted a project-of-the-week. .Used as a text is "Good News They consist of giving up TV from Matthew" by Brother for one night and doing some- Joseph Moore, CSC, Sister thing as a family; saying grace Peggy's predecessor as Sacred daily; having a Rice Bowl sup- Heart coordinator, whom she asper; praying together as a fam; sisted in preparing a teacher's i1y; visiting a lonely or sick per- guide for the book. son; attending a daily Mass or "Good News" is a series of a Lenten service as a family. At down-to-earth reflections and last report, the goal of a full study questions on the Gospel, 'basket by Easter was comfort- 'succe~sfuI in drawing a wide ably in sight. variety of responses from the Sacred Heart group members, who ..agreed that the sharing and companionship of the morning meetings filled a need.

Also on the Sacred Heart Lenten' agenda was a speaking series, which 'will conclude at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday with "Hope for the Flowers in the Year of the Child," a discussion' of Parent Effectiveness Training and the relationship of faith to parent hood by Sister Ann Marie Philips, SUSC.

A program to be held Wednesday, April 4 at Sacred Heart will be for all Taunton high school students said Sister Peggy. It will be sponsored by the religious education coordinators of the area parishes. Titled "Kiss Me," it's billed as a "fun Christian experience that will

A Lenten program which shOws strong signs of continuing long after Easter is a'






t MSGR. MAURICE SOUZA, pastor Of S 1. Anthony parish, East Falmouth, looks a little apprehensive as Judy and Ann Roderick show him an open-mouthed whale, Jonah and a ship, puppets used in a parish Lenten program. (Poisson Photo)


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979

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SISTER MARIANNA SYLVEStER prepares Lenten banner for use at Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford. (Rosa Photo) -~""'''''''''''''

include fast-moving games and exercises, food, music..... and friends." At Sacred Heart the rich Lenten program grows from an allyear parish agenda planned by Sister Peggy: with the aid of Mrs. Jean Gallagher, COD secretary, and the untiring support of -Father Walter Sullivan, Sacred ,Heart's pastor. "I can't say enough about his cooperation," said Sister Peggy. "He's wonderful."

St. Stanislaus Meanwhile at St. Stanislaus parish, Fall River, a Lenten stewardship of restraint, treasure, time and mind was suggested. , - Restraint: fast in the, old way - only one major meal a ,day, no snacking; abstain from meat one or two days in addition to Friday; observe a saIdess Lent; a sugarless Lent; a smokeless Lent; do without a little sleep, use the time to read or pray; do without anger, impatience or whatver fault most hinders you; limit or eliminate alcoholic beverages; limit personal and family TV watching; participate in Operation Rice Bowl. Treasure: see that money saved through fasting or abstaining actually goes to the needy; have a Lenten coin box for spare change; share earth's resources 'by making effort!; to recycle glass, cans, paper; save energy by walking or cycling where possible; use spring cleaning to give clothing or furniture to the needy; write to officials to thank, suggest, correct; remember the elderly, the forgotten, the hospitalized; adopt a family in a mission country. - Time: attend daily Mass, special spiritual programs; make the Way of the Cross; encourage family morning prayer; meditate for 10 minutes or more daily (find a quiet spot at home or go for a walk); begin family evening prayer at or after supper; assist children to become aware of opportunities for ministry. - Mind: join a Bible study group; read 'a book on theology

or attend a speaking seri~; interest children in l1ves of the saints and discuss religion with them; read SCripture; read the "Know Your Faith" series in The Anchor. '

St. Patrick' At St.. Patrick's parish in Wareham "!Project Marigold" began early this month "to teach the importance of daily prayer, scripture reading, sacrifice' and good works in' preparing for the joy of Easter," In the Gospel of John, parishioners were told, Jesus says, "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies it produces much fruit." "Each of us is like a seed," said Rev. James F. Lyons, pastor, and Rev. William W. Norton, associate, as they conducted a "seed ceremony" at the beginning of Lent. "Lent is the season when we allow ourselves to turn away from worldly pleasures and fall into the ground to plant seeds in our spiritual lives of prayer, sacrifice, Biblt! reading and good works. If we are careful to nurture the seeds we

plant to our lives we will be prepared for the joy of Easter. Jesus always used this simplest, most natural way to teach; so this Lent we would like to experience these truths in a very down to earth way. We have prepared a pot of dirt with marigold seeds for every family in the parish. We ask that you use the plant as a centerpiece for your family meal, perhaps placing it next to your rice bowl container, and read the Scripture quote each week (these will appear in the weekly bulletin) If "you need a Bible, there are New Testaments available at the doors of the church. "We hope the plant will serve as a visible sign of what is happening in our own spiritual growth as we reach out to the Lord'. Care for your seeds daily, provide them with light and water.' Care for yourselves daily, expose yourself to the light of Christ in prayer, wash yourself in His Word. Plant seeds in your spiritual life and Gocj will give the increase. "As a parish we are praying for a beautiful harvest . . . and on April 29 we will celebrate Marigold Sunday, when we ask that you bring the plants back to church to be transplanted around the grounds to be a visible sign of God's action in us - providing beauty for all." A blessing of the seeds closed the ceremony: "May the Lord bless the sprouting seeds, ,strengthen them and let them grow to full maturity for the good of body and soul. And may God bless you and cause you to blossom in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Speaking Course


A five-week non-credit course on· Effective Speaking will be offered by John J. Martin at Stonehill College, North Easton, beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, March 26. Further information is available from the conferences and institutes division of the college. .






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979


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Pope Speaks to Religious Women Speaking recently to a gathering of religious women, Pope John 'Paul II told them that theirs is a vocation which deserves the highest praise from the PQpe and the church. He encouraged them not to grow faint in the path they had chosen, declaring: "It is true that in most nuns there prevails a worthy spirit of' fidelity to their own commitment and that certain aspects of great vitality in religious life may be perceived, together with a return to a more evangelical vision, an increasing solidarity among religious institutions and more profound joy and optimism. "But there are also examples of confusion about the essence of consecrated life and its own charism. Sometimes prayer is . left a~ide and substituted by action; vows are interpreted according to a secularizing mentality that dims the religious motivations· of the chosen state; community life is abandoned .with a certain ease; sociopolitical stands are adopted as the real goal, even. with clearly defined ideological radicalizations. "And when at times the certainties of faith become darkened, reasons are found to look for new horizons and experiences, perhaps on the pretext of being closer to man, even very concrete groups chosen on criteria that are not always evangelical. "Dear nuns: Never forget that to keep a clear concept of your consecrated life you will need a more profound vision of faith, one that is fed and supported by prayer (Perfectae Caritatis, .6). This will make you overcome every uncertainty about your own identity, which will keep you faithful to that vertical dimension that is essential

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fed and supported by prayer.'

in order to identify yourselves with Christ and be authentic witnesses of the kingdom of God for the men of the world today. "Only through this solicitude for the interests of Christ will you be able to give the charism of prophecy its adequate dimension of witnessing the Lord. Avoid options on behalf of the poor and needy which do' not arise from the criteria of the Gospel but are inspired by sociopolitical motivations which, as I said recently to the general superiors in Rome, in the long run will be proved inopportune

and counterproductive." Concluding, the pope said: "You have chosen as a way of life the following of certain values that are not merely human, although these have to be considered in their true measure. You have chosen to serve others for the love of God. Never forget that human beings are not trained in the mere earthly dimension. You, as professionals of the faith and experts in the sublime knowledge of Christ (d. Phil. 3:18), open them to the calling and dimension of eternity, in which you yourselves must live."

The ,Lost Art of Storytelling


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storyteller. Stories can simply , recall facts. A parent and child Storytelling may be a lost art. can take· turns filling each other It began to atrophy with the inin on the events of the day. vention of printing and the inPerhaps they shared some excreasing availability of books. citement that they can recount Its death blow came with the together. They have shared a invas~on of the home by telepersonal, real, true story. vision. Stories also start with facts Once upon a time storytelling and move to fantasy. One such was a main entertainment, even technique has become a favorfor adults. Through stories we ite in our family. passed on instructions, oral traA .family of monkeys lives in ditions and information. We provided fun and fantasy for one a tree house in an African jugle. Every day, daddy or mom- . another. Today parents, like evryone my monkey writes me their else, have an inferiority complex family' adventures, using charabout making up and· telling coal on a banana skin. The letstories. Dad may watch tele- ter is delivered airmail to our vision with the kids. Mom may post office by a giant condor. By a strange coincidence, the· read them someone else's story with her own animation. But monkeys, whose last name is Wump, have the same first make up a story? Never. ,Bedtime is a transition be- names as our children. Thus . tween the action and production there are Annie Wump, Bob of the day and the meditation Wump, Matthew Wump et al. and dreams of the night. It is a The Wump family has one addinatural time for sharing and in- tional child that the Kennys timacy. It is a God-given mo- don't have. His name is Mugment for a parent to give some~ wump, and he is always getting thing of himself to his children his brothers and sisters into in the shape of a homemade trouble. Mugwump gets Joe Wump to story. Ev.ery parent is a potential crawl into the boa constrictor's By Dr. James and Mary Kennr

t .. ~ . . . . . . . . . . • .. • .. ·.t~ •

hole. He tells Kit Wump to throw coconuts at the elephants. He suggests that Mike Wump sneak out of the tree house. There is a jungle full of possible adventures. Tracy 'Wump discovers a lost city. Tom Wump tries a ride on the, back of a crocodile. Pete Wump is captured by the witch doctor. All of the Wumps meet Space Gump in his flying saucer. When I feel less creative, I simply go over the events of the day with one minor change. The events happened to one of the Wumps instead of to my child. Imagine that! It was Matt Wump's birthday today. John Paul Wump skinned his knee. What a coincidence! Even when the stories are merely monkified copies of their day, our children love them. "Tell us a Wumper, daddy." Never have I had a better audience. Storytellers of America, wake up! You have nothing to lose but your reticence. R~der questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys; c/o The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. FaIl

River, Mass. 02722.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979







Question (orner •





By Father John Dietzen

Q. Who is the Catholic queen that the "Bloody Mary" is supposed to be named after? At least this was what I was told a few nights ago by some drinking buddies. A. You're thinking of Queen Mary of England, who ruled from 1553 to 1558. Twenty years before she took the throne, her father, King Henry VIII, formally rejected the Catholic faith and took most of the country with him. When she became queen, Mary tried to reverse the process and as part of her severe program several hundred "heretics" were burned at the stake, most of them peasants. Burning heretics was a popular idea in those days, with both Catholic and Protestant governments. History has often referred to this queen as "Bloody Mary," even though her primary mistake in the eyes of most of her countrymen was simply that she burned the wrong people. The name was given to the' modern drink, of course, because of its color and because of the fact that too much tomato juice can cloud one's mind.

«1. My g<HIdaiaghter \\ranis to go to a public high school. Her parents think this would be perfectly fine but I am 1,000 percent against it. As a godparent, how much responsibility do I have? May I overrule the parents? Our future personal relationship is at stake. A. ·First, you are to be com-

mended for your concern about your godchild. Often the sponsor at baptism considers it a mere form'ality and soon forgets about it or considers the respon-' sibility 'fulfilled if the godchild is remembered on Christmas and birthdays. The church prescribes that baptismal sponsors assist in the preparation for Baptism and help the newly baptized person persevere in his life as a Christian. When the baptized individual is a child, the sponsor is "added spiritually to the immediate family of the one to be baptized and . . . as occasion offers he will be ready to help the parents bring up their child to profess the faith and to· show this by living it." "Introduction to the Rite of Baptism). This fairly clearly sets the extent and the limits of the sponsors' responsibilities. The parents remain responsible for their children's upbringing and a godparent has no right to "overrule" them if he could. Even with the person for whom he is sponsor, the godparent's authority will depend primarily on the respect and honor he has gained from his godchild by his continued thoughtful interest, his example and his prayers. The sponsors' obligations are







always, therefore, serious, but. they differ considerably in the way they are exercised than the obligations, for example, of parents. Your own respect for your godchild and her family, the ease with which she is able to confide and trust in you, your sincere and persevering interest in her welfare, your example of a good Christian life, and your prayers - all these are your contributions to her in this decision which she and her parents will have to make. .Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen, c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Holocaust Art At Stonehill A collection of Holocaust art, "The Living Witness: Art in the Concentration Camp," will be exhibited at th~ Human Resources Center of Stonehill College, North Easton, from Monday, March 26 through Good Friday, !April 13. The collection, consisting of 65 paintings depicting camp conditions, the artists' former lives and symbols of "the good life," conies to Stonehillfrom' the Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia, where it was shown at an international conference on the Holocaust. The public is invited to visit the free exhibit from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. daily. . On display at Stonehill's Cushing-Martin Library are oil paintings by Kay Brown. College art students will display their work during May.


2·WAY RADIO FATHER ERNEST E. BLAIS, pastor of Sacred Heart Church and director of Sacred Hearts Cemeteries, New Bedford, has been named,to the parish cemetery committee of the National Catholic Cemetery Conference, affiliated with the U.S. Catholic Conference. His one-year appointment is effective this month.


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Church Image Shines TORONTO -(NC) - Conversions to Catholicism in 1979 may be on the rise if the experience of the Catholic Information Center of Toronto is any indication. The main reason seems to be all the news surrounding recent papal events such as the deaths and elections of two popes and the trip to Latin America by Pope John Paul II, according to Father Thomas Dove, director of the center. The news drew "tremendous" public attention to Catholisism, he added. The iPaulist priest said the last burst of interest in religion occurred in the mid-1960s after Vatican Council II.

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LOCKPORT, Ill. (NC) Father Norman Petz was 41 pounds lighter and St. John Vianney Parish, Lockport, was $4,500 richer at the conclusion of the priest's recent "Reduce-aTOUR 1 - EASTER HOLIDAYS IN THa Thon." HOLY LAND, EGYPT AND JORDAN! It was part of an effort to fatten the parish's building fund while slimming the pastor's ample frame. APRIL 16 to APRIL 24 Father Petz went from 285 Includes all meals, sightseeing, service I to 244 pounds during two six- . chargzs and taxes. week fund-raising fasts and conTOUR 2 - Have you ever been to ' YUGOSLAVIA, THE VATICAN, ITALY, tributed $200 to the pot for the SWITZERLAND, MilNOCO, AUSTRIA, two pounds he gained during the FRANCE, GERMANY, HOLLAND, ENGLAND? two weeks in between. Parishioners pledged from 25 cents to $1 for each pound shed, bringJUNE 30 to JULY 22 ing a total of about $4,300. The pounds came off despite TOUR 3 - Have you ever been to IRELAND, WALES, SCOTLAND and ENGLAND?· a warning contained in a fortune cookie Father Petz ate at a Chinese restaurant the day before his diet began. AUG. 11 to AUG. 26 "You will never have less REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE, St. Kevin Rectory Dorchester, Ma. 02125 than you have today," the Tel: 16171 436·2771 cookie's message said. "I trust OR the fortune cookie was referGEORGE OSBORN...NIVERSITY TRAVEL CO. ring to my money, not my 44 Brattle St., Cambridge, Ma 02138 Telephone 16171 864-7800 weight," said Father Pctz.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979



St. Francis Xavier: Romantic Adventurer By Father Augustine P. Hennessy When Francis Xavier· was a student at the University of Paris in 1526, he was definitely not yet a saint. St. Ignatius, that great holder of men, referred to Francis as "the lumpiest clay he had ever molded." Francis was a typical Basque nobleman, hot-tempered, overbearing and autocratic, with a fiery yearning for revenge. When he became one of the finest athletes at the university, he was vain about his success. His roommate, !Peter Favre, reports that Francis and he studied with worldly advancement as their goal. "We hampered ourselves gravelY,"Peter writes, "by refusing to admit that the cross of Christ had any claim to a place in our studies." Then, happily for both of them, they fell under the spell of .Ignatius, the little Spaniard with the bright laughing eyes, who taught them that the way to happiness is a road of selfdenial. The drive and dynamic which made Francis Xavier a spiritual master were completely Ignatian. Francis was lured to heroism by the promise of romance and adventure. The tools of his trade were simple: a crucifix, a breviary, a catechism and a book of wondrous tales about the saints. With the obedience of a campaigner, Francis listened to Ignatius's last words to him, "Go, and set the whole. world on fire." Romance and adventure are inseparable from the Ignatian ideal which enflamed Francis Xavier. Father and son were both in love with a cosmic Dulcinea whom they called Mother Church and they were willing to die for her. In a couple of much-quoted paragraphs, the Protestant historian, Thomas Macaulay,t writes of Ignatius, "In his early. life, he had been the very prototype of the hero of Cervantes. His existence had been one gorgeous daydream of princesses rescued and infidels subdued. He had chosen a Dulcinea . . . and he flattered himself with the hope of laying at her feet the keys of Moorish castles and the jewelled turbans of Asiatic kings." Only- a man like Ignatius could, on one day's notice, send a man like Xavier on a trip around the coast of Africa which required a full year and 29 days of stormy seafaring before his missionary son could even reach the field of his labors. But ~avier was as romantic an adventurer as Ignatius. He learned how to teach his prospective converts crystal-clear

doctrine in their own language and, on Jan. 14, 1544, was able to tell . Ignatius, "Out here, people flock into the church in such numbers that my arms are often almost paralyzed with baptizing and my voice gives out completely through repeating endlessly in their tongue the Creed, the commandments, the prayers, and a sermon on heaven and hell." Francis, the adventurer, knew he was fighting against the , prince of darkness. In disgust for worldly prestige, he wrote to his society at Rome; "How I should like to go through the universities of -Europe shouting like a madman about the souls that are being lost . . . If only they would leave their miserable ambitions and say, 'Lord, here am I. Send me wherever Thou wilt . . . even to India!"

But he could also be as tender as a young bride forced into loneliness. He sometimes signed his letters, "the least and loneliest of all your brothers." He wore a copy of his Jesuit vows in a leather pouch around his neck. He was so conscious of his unbreakable fellowship with his beloved Jesuit brothers that he cut out the signatures from their letters, pasted them on a piece of cardboard, carried it over his heart, and, in moments of seeming abandonment, would simply gaze upon them lovingly and know in his inmost being that he could never be a stranded and forgotten man. As a romantic, Francis was a lover; as a believer, he was the intrepid beloved of God who conquered large segments of the world, yet remained homesick for heaven.

The Ten Lepers By Father John J. Castelot

the priests" ,~Luke 17,14). They didn't argue or insist on some sig~ of healing power, but turned with unquestioning trust and went on their way. His answer meant just one thing to them. A person cured of 'leprosy' had· to get a clean bill of health from the temple clergy to legitimate his re-entry into society, and that was where Jesus had directed them· to go. It could mean only one thing: they would be healed. And "on their way there they were cured." The cure, however, is not the real point of the story for Luke. For it continues with one of the group returning to fall at Jesus' feet and thank him. Only at the,end does Luke add, dramatically and pointedly; "This man was a Samaritan" (Luke 17,16). This did not go unTurn to Page Thirteen

Once again Luke's special interests led him to recount an incident without parallel in the other Gospels. He was particularly attracted to Jesus' concern for people held in low esteem by contemporary Jewish society. High on that list were the Samaritans, and among the traditions which came down to him, he found a story in which a Samaritan won Jesus' favor and corhmendation. This story tells of Jesus' meeting with 10 lepers, (Luke 17,11-19). A pathetic little band including both Jews and a Samaritan. Even in perfect health a Samaritan was a "leper,"· as far as Jews were concerned. ,But misery is a great social leveler, and people who customarily wouldn't dream of being seen together are often drawn close by a common disaster. The hiblical term 'leprosy' covered a wide variety of skin ailments, anyone of which was loathsome enough to cut the By Janaan Mantemach victim off from all normal human contact. Apparently these Once upon a time Jesus was 10 wretches had drifted together walking from the hill country and formed their own little of Galilee to the great city of "leper colony." The Jewish 'If erusalem. He was close to the members were so desperate that border of Samaria, the land of they welcomed the company the Samaritans, whom Jesus' even of a Samaritan. They were people, the Jews, despised. lonely, helpless, hopeless huAs Jesus approached a village, man beings living within tan10 lepers met" him, men with talizing sight· of a village but terrible skin diseases. People· of forbidden to enter it. Then one day they spotted the time believed that leprosy Jesus approaching the village was contagious. They would not and their hopes rose. They let lepers come into a town or shouted at him, begging him to village. These suffering people were take pity on them. How they must have thrilled at the possi- forced to live by themselves. bility of being accepted back The Jewish law forbade them to come close to anyone who was into the human race! Jesus' response was simple and not a leper. direct: "Go show yourselves to Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children

How Can I Learn to Love? By Sister Louise Hageman I stand and watch the jet liner soar into the skies. I want to scream, "No, wait, don't go!" I will not see her for at least two years or maybe never. My friend is leaving for missionary work in Africa. The pain caused by her leaving is acute because we share deeply. With her I am free to be myself, my hurt, depressed, angry, happy, helpless, or quiet self. I know that I love and am loved. I used to feel guilty when I didn't feel loving. Now, I realize that I confused loving with feelings of love. Not allowing myself to admit and deal with my negative feelings of dislike, I didn't really know much love either. Love, however, is what God is all about and unless we learn to love, we are as good as dead. How do we learn to love? Love has much to do with the acceptance of ourselves and of others. To deny feelings of hatred or sadness is also to deaden joy and love, since all emotions are related. Hence and important step in learning to love is learning to be honest with ourselves, with what we really experience in a given relationship. We must be honest about our possessive, jealous, manipulative or erotic· behavior. This search may be facilitated by talking with a trusted spiritpal director or spending quiet moments in reflection. Here we can question why we turn others off or why no one responds to

us. It may be always trying to get rather than give. Or we are insincere, disloyal or unable to receive. To discover these or similar painful truths, we need solitude. In fact, we seldom experience communion because we do not know how to be alone. The right kind of aloneness moves us to dwell with the word, reflecting deeply ·upon it. In prayer, we realize that God speaks to us as to no one else and we treasure and reverence our unique selves. This respectful love overflows. Others are reverenced because we appreciate their unique identity and are no longer threatened by them. Jesus' ways become our own. Love means believing in our own and the other's goodness so much that we can break out of our prisons and reveal our sinful yet redeemed selves. Love also means that when those to whom we have grown close are called from our immediate surroundings, we gently open our arms and with thankful, tIiough sometimes shattered, hearts free the other to walk away. At such times, we may be tempted not to want to love again. Yet, it is important to focus on what is present, the many blessings of the now rather than on who or what is absent, on that which our desires tell us we must have. When separated from another in whatever way, even by death, we can be grateful for Turn to Page Thirteen

11--""-', .-


Letter from Delegate



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Dear Bishop Cronin:

\ ~





THE ANCHORThurs., March 22, 1979


I am most pleased to inform you that the Holy Father extends to you, the priests and religious and all of the faithful of the 'Fall River Diocese his Apostolic Blessing and warmest greetings on the occasion of the principal liturgical celebration commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Diocese, Sunday, March 11, 1979.

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The Holy Father has noted with satisfaction the remarkable history of the Diocese which was established by Pope St. Pius X. Under the capable leadership of you and your predecessors the Catholic community has experienced a noteworthy development in achieving its present maturity. This maturity is especially evident in the number of religious vocations which have been nurtured as well as the generous fulfillment of the Diocesan responsibility to foreign missions and to the needs of poor people everywhere.


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The Holy Father congratulates particularly the priests and religious, women and men, who have given so much over the past three quarters of a century' and whose spirit sustains the heart of this Diocese. In this era when strong emphasis is justifiably directed to the dignity of the human person, they are encouraged to give witness to man's greatest dignity - his spiritual nature - by a simple and austere life style. In this manner, they render strong testimony of an unwavering commitment to the values of the Kingdom of God. Pope John Paul extends heartfelt felicitations to the laity of this community who have come 'from so many diverse national backgrounds bringing their rich cultural heritages into one Church. Their sacrifice, love and loyalty have been the strength of the Fall River Diocese. The Holy Father' prays for them as they face the tasks made explicit in Vatican II. "In the body of Christ constituted in 'plurality of ministries but unity of mission' (Apostolicam Actuositatem, n. 2, cf; Lumen Gentium n. 10; n. 32), laity as Christian faithful 'are by baptism made one body with Christ and are established among the People of God. They are in their own way made sharers in the priestly, prophetic and Kingly functions of Christ.' They are called to exercise their apostolate, in particular ' in each and in all of the secular•professions and occupations' which they carry out, and 'in the ordinary circumstances of family and social life.' Lumen Gentium n. 31) in order to 'penetrate and perfect the temporal sphere with the Spirit of the Gospel.' (Apostolicam Actuositatem, n. 5)." (Address of Pope john Paul II to r~presentatives of Catholic organizations of Mexico, January 29, 1979). In thanking God for all the rich gifts which the Diocese of Fall River has experienced over these many years, the Holy Father commends all to the kindly protection of Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother as well. "Indeed she is 'clearly the mother of the members of Christ ... since she cooperated out of love so that there might be born in the Church the faithful who are members of Christ the Head.' Therefore, she is also hailed . . . as the Church's model and excellent example in faith and charity." (Lumen Gentium, n. 53.) With cordial regards and with every best wish on this important occasion, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ,


\I"" ~ ......., Apostolic Delegate

New Encyclical Was in Polish VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope John Paul II personally wrote his first encyclical in Polish last November, said Father Romeo Panciroli, director of the Vatican Press Office.

to a greater degree than has been normal for papal encyclicals, said Jesuit Father Roberto Tucci, director general of Vatican Radio, who spoke at the press conference.

The remaining months before publication were devoted to perfecting it, translating it and sending it to the bishops of the world, added Father Panciroli at a press conference March 15 presenting the encyclical, "Redemptor Hominis," for publication. TQe title means "Redeemer of Man,." Pope John Paul participated in the writing of the encyclical

Normally popes employ a variety of theologians to draft an encyclical. Pope John Paul's encyclical is believed to be the first encyclical immediately available in Polish. It is also immediately available in Latin (the official text), French, English, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

Director-Norman A. Hallett

YOUNGSTERS AT St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, hit the books. The home is one of the agencies funded in part by the. annual Catholic Charities Appeal.

F'or Children Continued from Page Twelve The men who met Jesus had apparently banded together. Nine were Jews. One was a Samaritan. Their pain and loneliness were so great that the nine Jewish lepers had allowed the Samaritan leper to join them. They cl\me toward Jesus but stayed a safe distance away from him. They hoped he would help them from a distance. , "Jesus," they shouted," have \ pity on us!" Jesus was touched by their pleas. We could see how their disease was crippling them, He knew, too, that as long as they had leprosy they could never lead normal lives. He called back to them. "Go and show yourselves to the priest." That seemed a strange thing to say, but the lepers immediately understood~ According to Jewish law only a priest could rule on whether a person was cured of leprosy. The men's hearts thrilled. Jesus was send. ing them to the priest! This meant they would be cured! Quickly they went in search of the priest. On the way they were cured. How' good it must have been to feel well again. How wonderful it would be to hold and hug their families! How great to 'visit their friends, to pray again in the synagogue. Their joy was so great that they quickly forgot Jesus who had cured them. They must have rushed home to their families and friends. There was no time to thank Jesus for nine of the 10. But the Samaritan ran back to find him. As he ran, he shouted praises to God. When he came to Jesus, he fell down before him, thanked him and continued to praise God. Jesus looked at the man and at the crowd that had gathered. "Were not all 10 cured?" he asked. "Was there no one to return and give thanks to God except this foreigner?" Everyone was silent. They got Jesus' message. This man whom they looked down on, this Samaritan, was the only one to thank God for his cure. The

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others, who had been so careful to observe the Jewish laws, seemed to have had no time for something even more basic. Jesus then said to the Samaritan, "Stand up. You may go home now to your family and friends. Your faith has been your salvation." The man smiled at Jesus, and walked away, still praising God for being so good to him.

Love Continued from Page Twelve what has been, while living the pain of what is. Our friendship is a gift and for this mutuality we can be thankful. We can rejoice in the times we enjoyed ice cream together, relaxed in the warmth of autumn bonfires, contemplated the stars and silently touched and knew the oneness of our persons. Such memories remind us that we will always be a part of each other. Genuine love is given unconditionally, with no strings attached. Jesus gave vyhen it seemed senseless and so must we, becaue only then do we actualize love's deepest meaning.

Ten Lepers Continued from Page Twelve noticed by Jesus, who took the occasion to ask, again pointedly: "Were not all 10 made whole? Where are the other nine? Was there no one to return and give thanks to God except this foreigner?" He must have been at least a bit hurt, but even more dismayed at the fact that so-called religious legalism had assumed such proportions as to blot out even such a basic relationship to God as that of simple gratitude. One can imagine his final words to the "foreigner" being uttered with warmth, but also with a wistful sigh of sadness: "Stand up and go on your way; your faith has been your salvation" (Luke 17,19).



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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979



A-l Approveg for Children and Adults The Cat from Outer Space The Further Adventures Children of Theatre Street of the Wilderness Family .Candleshoe The Glacier Fox Dersu Uzala Hot Lead and Cold Feet The Magic of Lassie

North Avenue Irregulars Return from Witch Mountain Sasquatch The Sea Gypsies

A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents The Bad News Bears Go To Japan Capricorn One The Chess Players The China Syndrome Crossed Swords Gray Lady Down A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich .

Heaven Can Wait International Velvet Kingdom of the Spiders The Lincoln Conspiracy Lord of the Rings Matilda Message from Space The Mouse and His Child Movie, Movie

Operation Thunderbolt Slow Dancing in the Big City Superman The Swarm Take Down Uncle Joe Shannon Warlords of Atlantis The Wiz

A-3 Approved for Adults Only Agatha All The President's Men American Hot Wax The Amsterdam Kill Another Man, Another Chance The Big Fix The Battle of Chile Beyond and Back Bobby Deerfield Born Again The Boys from Brazil B~ass Target The Brink's Job The Buddy Holly Story Burnt Offerings By the Blood of Others California Suite Caravans Casey's Shadow The Cheap Detective Checkered Flag or Crash Coma Comes A Horseman Coup de Grace Days of Heaven Death On The Nile A Dream of Passion The Driver The Duellists Fast Break

F.I.SJ. Opening Night FM The Other Side of the Force 10 from Navarone Mountain, Part II Foul Play Our Winning Season Goin' South The Outfit Go Tell The Spartans Paradise Alley Gray Eagle Picnic at Hanging Rock The Great Train Robbery The Promise Harper Valley PTA Real Life House Calls Revenge of the If Ever I See You Again Pink Panther I Wanna Hold Your Hand Rocky Jaws II Renaldo Clara Jennifer Roseland LaGrande Bourgeoise Sgt. Pepper's Lonely The Last Waltz Hearts Club Band The Last Wave Seven·Per·Cent Solution The Late Great Planet Earth The Shootist Let's Talk About Men Shout At The Devil Lifeguard Somebody Ki lied A Little Night Music Her Husband Logan's Run Starship Invasions Madame Rosa Stroszek The Medusa Touch Telefon Murder by Decree Thank God It's Friday Norma Rae Watership Down The Norseman Voices Obsession Who Is Killing the Great Olivers Story Chefs of Europe? The One and Only Who'll Stop The Rain On the Yard

B - Objectionable in Part for Everyone Almost Summer Girlfriends Avalanche Grease The Best Way Halloween The Big Sleep Hooper Big Wednesday Ice Castles Bloodbrothers Invasion of the The Boys in Company C Body Snatchers Circle of Iron It Lives Again The Class of Miss King of the Gypsies MacMichael Max Havelaar Coming Home Mado Convoy The Manitou Corvette Summer Marathon Man Damien·Omen II Magic The Deer Hunfer Network Every Which Way But LooseA Night Full of Rain final Chapter· Walking Tall Nunzio

Once in Paris Quintet Ruby Same Time, Next Year Scalpel The Silver Bears Skateboard Stingray Straight Time Suspiria Think Dirty Tracks Two Minute Warning A Wedding The Wild Geese Voyage to Grand Tartarie Youngblood

A-4 Separate Classification (A Separate Classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) Go Tell The Spartans Interiors

High Anxiety The Last Tycoon Saturday Night Fever

The Serpent's Egg Summer Paradise

C - Condemned Blue Collar Blue Country The Choirboys Chosen A Different Story Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands The End Eyes of Laura Fingers The First Time

The Fury The Gauntlet The Greek Tycoon Hardcore The Hills Have Eyes In Praise of Older Women In the Realm of the Senses Kentucky Fried Movie Mars Midnight Express Moment by Moment

BISHOP CRONIN greets students at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River, after celebrating Mass for them. (Torchia Photo)

• •••

focus on youth • • •

By Cecilia Belanger

Once again a letter has caused me to reflect on all the things that have been happening of late. Letters, calls, conversations, all focusing on one thing, that is truth that matters, that triumphs, towards which we must bend our efforts and energy. The truth is not aspirin, it isn't a lubricant. The truth is religion in Christ, it is to have faith in an ultimate power. , With truth there are no deals, no swindling one's way out of a fix. There is no plea-bargaining or covering up. Truth is courage. It's not unusual for the bearer of truth to be crucified. And . can't cop out and say "Look, God, you pulled the Bethlehemtrick on me, and now Calvary and the Cross, but this isn't what I ordered. In my book, this trip isn't necessary."


when you follow Christ you have to follow him all the way. No excuses, no shortcuts, no easy path. Say what you have to say and accept the consequences, knowing in your heart you could no longer remain quiet. The doing of the Sermon on the Mount is the great end of our religion. And I'm not talking merely about food and clothing and shelter.. There are people who have all these and still have need. And they don't need insults or ridicule. If one wishes to shut the gates of heaven to himself, this is the way to do it! Religion on Campus

National Lampoon's Animal House Pretty Baby Rabbit Test Satan's Brew Secrets Up in Smoke The Warriors When You Comin' Back Red Ryder? Women in Cellblock 7

(This listing will be presented once a month. Please clip and save for reference. Further information about recent films is available from The Anchor office, telephone 675-7151.)

Many Catholic students have told me that since coming to college they have felt their views have broadened, that they could never again see their faith as something narrow and enclosed in one parish. Mass on campus had flexibility, they felt. They could share the great and wonderful feelings of their hearts. They felt for the first time that they were truly knit into One body, and were of one heart and one

soul. Gone were the feelings of being alone, of shutting one's self up wioth one's hurts and injustices. They were talking about them and they were being understood.

Middle School

elusion are musical ability, academic achievement, community service, extracurricular participation and potential for the future. The girls' cheerleading took third place honors field of 21 schools at a held at David Prouty School.

squad in a meet High

The Taunton Catholic Middle School recently held its annual Science Fair, with over 100 students participating. Exhibits ' were in the field of aeronautics, Food and culture were offered anatomy, biology, biochemistry, by the foreign language departbotany, chemistry, geology, phyment of Holy Family High sics, physiology, meteorology School, New Bedford at its anand zoology. The fair was dinual international festival. On rected by Sister Mary Beth Baquic~e Lorraine, the menu were ker, Mr. Dan Thompson, Mr. Michael Tabak and Mr. Joseph French meat pie, Spanish codWalent, all science teachers at fish, chicken with rice, tacos, 'Caesar salad and French pasTCMS. tries. Exhibits featured projects Twelve students who placed in the areas of government, hisfirst in the senior section of the tory and fine arts representative fair will participate in the of various countries. Massachusetts Region III SciThe National Honor Society ence Fair at Durfee High School will sponsor a dance on Saturin Fall River, March 31 thru day, while athletes are preparApril 31 thru 2. ing for the spring baseball and They are Nristen Cardoza, tennis seasons. Mary Figlock, Donna Hoye, Neal Keohane, Robert Newman, Karen Nunes, Francis O'Neill, Sohel Rahman, Toni Jane Silveira, By Denise Gauvin Lyn Tabak, Michael Wilson and Lenten activities at Bishop William Zollo Gerrard High School, Fall River, inelude designation of a theme and symbol for each week, such Induction ceremonies for as Christ's temptations, symseven juniors and 41 sopho- bolized by a cross, and t!1e mores were recently held by the Transfiguration, symbolized by National Honor Society, with salt. Short worship services are Sister Mary' Faith, principal, held before and after school presenting pins and addressing twice weekly and a hunger meal students, parents and friends. is' served every Wednesday. Mass is offered every Friday: The Feehan math team placed second in the last meet of the The drama club recently atseason for their division and tended a performance of Awake students achieved a first place and Sing at the Trinity Square tie overall. High scorer for Fee- Repertory Theatre in Providence. han for the last meet was Mi- Members will have a children's chael Cronin. The team will drama workshop and will precompete in play-offs Tuesday, sent Alice in Wonderland, both April 10. in May. Ski c1ubbers spent a few days Lee Ann McKenna, Jack Battersby, Peter Blais and Margaret at Pat's Peak in New HampHealy will be included in the shire. new edition of "Who's Who in Seniors will compete in a Music," which lists the coun- scholarship history test spontry's outstanding high school sored by the Massachusetts music student. Criteria for in- AFL-CIO.

Holy Family

Bishop Gerrard

Bishop Feehan


· \ I







Father Donovan Scholarship Game Tonight The Father Donovan CYO Scholarship all-star hockey game is scheduled for seven tonight iri the Driscoll Rink on Elsbree Street in Fall River. An all-star team of players from the Bristol County Catholic Hockey League will face an all-star team of senior high school players. The roster of the Bristol County League all-stars, under the dire~tion of Don Souza and Joe Bullock, coaches of the Fall River South team, includes Bob Leite, Mario Mello, Len Cabeceiras, Ray Correira, Glenn Souza, Carl Dias and Jim Carey of the league champion Southies. Also on the stellar aggregation are Bob Hughes, Dave KoboskiMike Hogan and Bob Berube of Somerset-Freetown; Steve White, ,Bill Correira and Scott Webb of Taunton; Jay Manning, Tom Kitchen and Brian Leary of Fall River North; and Chuck Ripley of Rochester. John Carey, CYO hockey director and jayvee coach at Durfee High, will be at the helm of the Seniors, whose roster lists Stephen McNaughton, Bruce Elias, Brian Cabral, Jim Carey, Jim Palumbo, Paul Carey, Brian Prenda, John Viveiros, John

Rodriques, Bill Raymond, Steve Richards and Ben Holdsworth, all of Fall iRiver; Mike Medeiros, Rick Stafford, Brian Paskowski and Mike Krawetz of Somerset; Steve Burke, Tom Rossi and Ken Aguiar of Dartmouth; Ernie Michaud and Mark Correira of New Bedford. Plaques will go to the top three players on each team. Jack Kineavy principal at Dartmouth High School, is chairman of the awards committee. Joseph Prenda, Driscoll Rink director, and Bob Richards, Durfee coach, will be masters of ceremonies. Don Costa, former Bishop Feehan coach, will pe scorer and Jim McCarthy will be in charge of game officials. A receptionfor all the players and officials will foltow the game. Anthony Abraham .is again event chairman, a position he has filled since inception of the. game in 1960 for the benefit of the CYO Scholarship Fund. Originally an all-star basketball game, the vent was changed to hockey six years ago. In 20 years the fund has given ar~a seniors $28,000 in scholarship aid. A new $4,000 scholarship will be made available next January:

St. Francis, Fatima, Feehcin Cheerleading Winners Winning squads in the 20th annual CYO cheerleading competition held at the Kennedy Center, New Bedford, were St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet, in the Prep Division; Our Lady of FatiJ11a, New Bedford, in the Junior and CYO division and Bishop Feehan High, Attleboro, in the High School division. In the 'Prep division competition S1. Anthony, New Bedford, was second followed by S1. Mary, New Bedford, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River, St. Joseph, New Bedford, Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford, St.

George, Westport, Notre Dame, Fall River, Norton Middle School, St. Joseph, Fairhaven, Somerset Middle School, Holy Family, Taunton and St. Joseph Attleboro. In Junior and CYO competition, Feehan was second and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk, third in the Junior and CYO group. Greater New Bedford Voke-Tech was runnerup to Feehan in the High School division, followed by Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard Highs, Fall River, Bishop Stang High, North Dartmouth and Cape Cod Tech.

PREP DMSION winners in the 20th annual eyO cheerleading competition were these joyous misses from St. Francis Xavier School. Acushnet. (Rosa Photo)

Sister Mc;lry Noel Continued from Page One ligious life in general and her observations on youth. "I get very involved in what I do," she said, "and I am still totally involved in my work here at Feehan. But I have been meeting with the provincial councilors planning for the transition of leadership in June." Asked about directions the Sisters of Mercy might take in months to come, the new provincial said, "I do feel that we have' been struggling through the post-Vatican II years on our leadership levels to bring ourselves into the full spirit of renewal and I do anticipate that this will continue, deepening our spiritual basis and strengthening our apostolic mission. "My main focus," she contnued, "might be to bring to the individual sisters in the commuhity a sense of achievement. An individual apostolate might seem to be behind the scenes but each person is doing good work for God and his people," Sister Mary Noel said that "some people feel this is the age of the laity and that religious life is on the wane. But I don't agree. I think both laity and religious have a place in the church. "Religious, because they are freed by their vowed life, can dedicate themselves completely to apostolic works, whereas laypersons are limited by other obligations." Turning to the Mercy apostolate, Sister Mary ,Noel pointed out that "our order was formed for the poor, uneducated and sick. Therefore our field of service is broad and can take in many types of ministry." But she cautioned that "dogooders are not what's wanted. Sisters must be trained for the positions they accept, just as they are for teaching." Such positions need not be church-sponsored, she said, noting for instance, that a social work program might be state or federally funded, although administered by religious. The provincial said she would not oppose a sister who wished to run for political office. "I teach my students not to look dQwn on political life," she said. "I think a sister in a public office could bring to it a sense of morality and justice." Looking back on her 35 years as a professed religious, Sister Mary Noel admitted that today's sister does not have yesterday's structur~d. existence. She said that the three aspects of religious life - community, apostolicity and spirituality must be interwoven in daily' living and that 'thei( balancing presents a constant challenge. "In the old days this balancing was done for us, but today we must do it for ourselves." Although she herself prefers living in a large community and thinks it a great privilege to be in a house with a chapel, Sister Mary Noel feels that small apartment living, an option chosen by many sisters, is an extremely viable alternative. "I have visited many such

apartments and have found a vibrant spirituality. After all, Christ told us that he would be where two or three are' gathered together, didn't he? I really feel bad when I hear people condemning nuns living in apartments." Describing herself as a middle-of-the-roader, Sister Mary Noel said her Irish background "made it difficult for her to discuss her own religious experiences. "We were deeply religious in our family, but we didn't t!!lk about our personal feelings!" Accordingly, when she made a Cursillo recently, she felt it was a big step forward for her, and she found she gained a great deal from the experience. Sister Mary Noel also said she was "happy with the charismatic movement," although not a charismatic Christian herself. She feels the movement has built-in safeguards against becoming a splinter group and says she has seen its very positive effects an many Sisters of Mercy. Based on her experience with Feehan students, Sister Mary Noel is optimistic about today's youth. "They are open and honest and seem to have steadiness of purpose. And they are being taught to deal with freedom." She said about 15 Feehanites have entered religious life in the school's 18 years. As to the Sisters of Mercy, she said, "We're getting two or three vocations a year, abo,ut like most communities." She thinks that vocations will . increase, "because I feel that ,the religious of the renewed church are becoming more able to put their life across to youth. , We must stress service and 8implicity of life, as Mother Teresa does. She is what she claims to be, and this is what young people are seeking." Discussing her own election, Sister Mary Noel said she told her fellow religious, before they voted her into office, "I can make mistakes - but I can admit them." Governing a community of women ranging in age from 23 to 93 and following a variety 'of lifestyles, she said it will be her constant effort to remember and to remind others that "we're all walking in the same direction, although our .paths may be a little different. We must respect each other's choices." "It's a big job," she conclud-. ed, "but I feel I have the support and prayers of my community and of many outside it as well. And it's been marvelous for my own spiritual life. I've never prayed so hard!" Sister Mary Noel, whose , brother Dr. James Blute, was a Fall River physician for many years and now practices at Lakeville Hospital, is a third generation member of her family to be a Sister of Mercy. A great-aunt was in the community and her aunt, Sister Vincent Ferrer, 80, is still active in the Feehan business office. Also a relative was the late Dr. John C. Corrigan, for whom Fall River's Corrigan Mental Health Center is named.

THE ANCHORThurs., March 22, 1979


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 22, 1979

• steering points




Birthright of Fall River, a non-sectarian, confidential emergency pregnancy service offering alternatives to abortion, will celebrate its ·fifth anniversary Thursday, March 29 with an open house from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at its office at 243 Forest Street, the former St. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing.

The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the church hall, with Mrs. Paul Lecoue as chairman. A slide presentation will follow a business session and members are asked 'to bring offerings for the Rose Hawthorne .Lathrop Home.

A family penance service will be held at 6 p.m. this Sunday, which is also the closing date to register for participation in the Sunday, April 1 Day of Devotion, to begin at 1 p.m.


PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town shoulll be Included as well as fUll dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro,rams, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates obtainable from The Anchor business Office, telephone 675·7151.


The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima will meet at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 8 in Our Lady of Lourdes· Chapel. New members are welcome. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Nominations to the parish board of education will be accepted by Sister Julie, religious education ,.coordinator, through Monday, April 9. Elections will be held the weekend of April 21. Brownies will meet at 2:30 this afternoon and the Fellowship group at 7:30 p.m. tonight. The diocesan Day of Devotion will take place Sunday, April 8 in the parish. LA SALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO

Father Giles Genest, MS, shrine superior, will preach a Lenten mission at 7:30 p.m. Mass Monday through Wednes.day, drawing on his experiences during a just-completed pilgrimage to the Holy Land. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER FAIL RIVER DIOCESE



An Anniversary, Weekend open to couples who have made a Mariage Encounter will be held the weekend of April· 20 at . Howard Johnson's motel, Newton. Information is available from Paul and Ann Gagnon, 16 Church St., Malden 02148. A Community Night, also for those who have made a Marriage Encounter, will follow 7:30 p.m. Mass Saturday, April 7 at St. Anthony of Padua Church, New 'Bedford. Forthcoming Encounter weekends are scheduled for April 6, 20 and 27, May II, June 29, July 13 and 27, Aug. 10 and Sept. 7. Interested couples may contact Steve and Sheila Silvia in Fall River, telephone 678. 0937, or Ed and Jan Mathews, 42 Henry St., Brockton· 02402, telephone 584-1996. ST. RITA, MARION


A scripture series on the Gospel of Mark is being offered on Tuesdays of Lent; and penance services for youth are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday afternoons. A parish retreat will be held from Monday through Friday of net week under direction of Father Dennis M. McNelis, esc of North Dartmouth.


A Mass and healing service with ,the theme of "Ask and You Shall Receive" will be held at the shrine at 2 p.m. Sunday. Father Richard Lavoie; director of shrine healing ministries, will . lead the service and preach.

A planning meeting for the June Espirito Santo feast, will he held at 7 p.m. Monday, April 23 in the parish hall. The parish day of devotion will take place in the church from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 1. A buffet will follow in the hall. Children of Mary will meet following 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. -


Parents whose children will be baptized during the Easter season will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the Kolbe Room of the rectory. A leadership meeting will be held in the school hall at 4 p.m. Palm Sunda1, April 8.


. Music for Sunday's liturgy will include '~Praise the Lord Always" by Purcell and the Kyrie and Agnus Dei from "Missa Octavi Toni," Lenten devotions include stations of the cross at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 30, followed by confessions. A second evening of penance will be offered Friday, April 6.


An exhibit of paintings by "Domingue" will be on view at the Wolf Art Gallery of Bishop Connolly High School from 11 a.m. through 4 p.m. and weekdays and from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday through Monday, March 26. ST. MARY, SEEKONK

Habysitters will be available during the parish :Day of Devotion, to be held from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday, April 1. Babysitters are also on duty during 10 a.m. Mass each Sunday. SISTERS' RECOLLECTION DAY, OUR LADY'S CHAPEL, NEW BEDFORD

The sixth in a series of days of reCOllection for sisters of the diocese will be held at 2 p.m. . Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant St.,. under direction of Father Luke O'Connell, OFM. SSe PETER AND PAUL, FALL I\lVER

The social concerns committee will provide rides to church for anyone needing transportation. Arrangements. may be made at the rectory. Sister Elaine Heffernan, a native of the parish and now CCD coordinator in Attleboro, will speak at the Women's Club communiop breakfast, Sunday, April 1 in Father Coady Center, following the 9:30 Mass. Men of the parish, headed by Robert Latinville, will prepare the breakfast. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER

The parish Day of Devotion will be held' from 1 to 8 p.m. Sunday, April 1. Registration forms are available at the rear of the church. A meeting for anyone interested in helping to prepare for the day will follow 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow. Volunteers' are needed for a Holy Week choir and may contact Father Barry Wall. The Women's Guild is accepting applications for the Rose E. Sullivan Scholarship, open to seniors whose mothers are active guild members. Forms are available in all area high schools.


TODAY Since its founding 67 year ago, Girl Scouting has encouraged women to become active, involved, vital citizens of the community. Through a variety of pro- ,jects' and services, Girl Scouts develop respect for others and an awareness of themselves as individuals with unique capabilities. Girl Scouts have h~lped our community in hundreds of ways. Without them, our lives would be a little less rich. This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River BUILDING MATERIALS, .INC. DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO.



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