VOL. 29, NO. 12
fALL RIVER, MASS., FRIDAY i MARet:' 22, 1985
$8 Per Year
Bishops wage
anti-MX war
WASHINGTON (NC) - Des pite Senate approval on March 19 of construction of 21 more MX missiles, the U.S. Catholic bishops will continue their cam paign against -the long-range, nUcleaNll'lllcd weapons. Last Sunday, in a triple attack on the Reagan-backed MX sys tem, Bishop James W. Malone, president of the U.S. Catholic Conference, asked all members of Congress to vote against it. Simultaneously, IChicago Car dinal Joseph L. Bernardin and New York Archbishop John J. O'Connor called for "nay" votes on the MX. Over the past two years the USCC has raised sharp questions. about the MX, :but the new ac tions marked the first time that the bishops' national organiza tion came out in direct, complete opposition to any further fund ing of the multi-billion-dollar system. "The USCC's opposition," Bishop Malone wrote,. "is based on two cOMiderations: the po
tentially destabilizing impact of this weapons system on the nu clear arms race ·and its cost, viewed in light of pressing hu man needs here and elsewhere in the world." Bishop Malone said the funds that would go to the MX should be used instead for food, shelter and health care at home and to meet the "still more desperate" needs of those suffering starva tion and "grinding poverty" abroad. Bishop Malone reminded mem bers of Congress that concerns about the MX were raised in the U.S. bishops' 1983 pastoral letter on war and peace and again last June in joint congres sional testimony on defense is sues by Archbishop O'Connor and Cardinal Bernardin, speJ\king for the USCC. "Our concerns about the MX have intensified since the pas toral letter was written," Bishop Malone wrote. Citing the joint congressional testimony of last Turn to Page Seven
In Iran-Iraq war
Negotiated peace
urged by pope
By Agostino Bono VATICAN CITY ~NC) - Pope John Paul II has asked for a negotiated solution to the Iran Iraq war and has criticized both sides for attacking civHian centers. He also asked for an end to the "internal divisions and dis cords" in Lebanon which have caused civili'an casualties. The papal appeal came at a time when the Arab League has been trying to muster interna tional support for its effort to get both countries to negotiate peace, putting an end to the fourJand-a-half-year-old war. A key issue in the fighting be tween the neighboring countries is rival territorial claims in the Shatt a! Arab waterway, Iraq's only outlet to the Persian Gulf. A 1975 agreement between the two countries established their
. 'border at midstream. Iraq wants a revision granting it sover eignty over the entire waterway. The population in both coun tries is predominantly ShHte Mos lem, but the nations are split by traditional rivalries between Iraq's Arab culture and Iran's Persian culture. The pope spoke at'a time when militia of the Lebanese Forces, a Christian-led political coalition, were fighting Lebanese troops to show opposition to what organ ization leaders say is the pro Syrian policy of Lebanese Presi dent Amin Gemayel. Syrian troops occupy portions of northern and eastern leban on. The papal speech also came during the Israeli troop with drawal from soU'thern Lebanon which has sparked fighting be tween Israeli soldiers and armed Lebanese groups.
NC Photo
YOUNG CATHOUCS are marrying later, having fewer children.
Catholics IDurrying later
NOTR£ DAME, Ind. (NC) - Catholics form "a dispro portionate number of the young singles in America," says a new report by the Notre Dame Study of Catholic Par ish Life. In a reversal of traditional images, young adult Cath olics are now marrying later and having fewer children than their Protestant counter parts, the report added. The report, issued in Feb ruary, was the second in a bimonthly series aimed at giv ing 'an in-depth picture of Catholic parish Ufe. "While 41 percent of Pro testants under aEe 30 have not yet married, 57 percent of
Catholics under age 30 have not yet married," it said. Among all Catholic adults, it said, legally single persons are "somewhere between 31 percent and 44 percent, de pending on whether divorced persons have remarried." The report called effective ministry for singles one of '!the most crucial problems American parishes face in the 1980s." Looking at patterns of fam ily size, it said that if. His panics are excluded, the rest of Catholics who have ever married 'average 2.44 child .ren, compared with 2.40 children 'for the average Pro
testant who has ever mar ried. Within thosc general num bers there are cycles, how ever. The report sa'id that Catholics who are now in .their 70s or 80s had more children than their Protestant counterparts, while "Protes tants in their 60s had some what more children than Catholics." Among people now in their 50s or 40s, Catholics "had considerably larger families than Protestants," the study said, but among people now in their 20s and 30s, Catholics have fE!wer children than Pro testants. Turn to Page Six
THE March 22, 1985 . ANCHOR-Diocese of' Fall River-Fri., " . . ~-
Hundreds pac;:k church
Bishop presides at Mass for Taunton brothers Taunton's St. Mary~s Church, brothers, described by the Taun with a capacity of 1,200 persons, ton Daily Gazette. as "stellar was filled to overflowing, with athletes and unquestionably two additional mourners standing of the most popular figures ever outside the building, for last to attend the school," Coyle Saturday's Mass of Christian Cassidy students attended a Burial' for brothers M. Michael prayer meeting in the school and John Butler, outstanding gymnasium last Thursday morn athletes at Coyle and Cassidy ing. , High School; also in Taunton. Thereafter classes were re Michael, 18, and John, 17 were cessed for the day. Funeral home kilied March 13 in 'an automobile calling times last Friday had to be extended for several hours to accident on Route 128 in Brain tree. With James Mello, 17, the ,accommodate .the' hundreds of mourners. driver, and Scott Morin, 17, an other passenger, the brothers "In the Olympics," said Father were returning from a schoolboy Medeiros in his homily at the championship basketball game at tburial Mass, "the sprint has just U-Mass Boston. 'as much meaning, purpose and Mello and Morin, also Coyle beauty as the marathon. and Cassidy student athletes, "Michael and John's lives were were slightly injured in the acci a sprint, but, as in the Olympics, dent, which occcurred when a they had a meaning, purpose and vehicle cut sharply in front of beauty. They left their friends their car on the high-speed lane examples of how to Hve. They of Route 128. Swerving to avoid loved God and were not afraid a collision, Mello's car hit the to show it. If you can learn their median strip, lost control and faith -and practice it, then their flipped over several ,tim~s. lives had purpose." At the Mass an honor guard Bishop Daniel A. Cronin pre sided at the Mass, for which the of' students carried carnations in principal celebrant was Rev. the Coyle and Cassidy colors of MSGR. ANTHONY M. GOMES and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin unveil the familiar red, Arnold R. Medeiros,a friend of blue and gold. Music was by the white and blue Catholic Charities Appeal poster, soon to appear at churches throughout the Butler family, members of school's folk group.
The brothers were born in
Our Lady of Lourdes parish, the diocese. This year it features the sloga n "It is easier. to give than to need." Taunton, where he is associate Hawaii, the sons of Joan (Silva)
pastor. Many other priests of ;Butler of Taunton and Marion
the diocese were concelebrants. Butler of Honolulu. Their mother
The Mass was moved from Our' teaches at Taunton Catholic Mid
Lady of Lourdes to St: Mary's to dle School where Father Med.
A. Cronin will be the Daniel 5, when noon to 3 p.m. May Priest directors in the five eiros is chaplain.
deaneries of the Fall River dio volunteers will contact homes in main speaker' at the traditional accommodate the large congrega tion. Interment was in St. Joseph
cese have begun preparations for the 114 parishes of the diocese. OCA kickoff meeting, to be held Stunned by loss of the Cemetery, Taunton. at 8 p.m. April 17 at Bishop Con the' 44th 'annual Catholic Chari It will conclude May 15. nolly High School, Fall River. ties Appeal. Appeal proceeds fundaposto Mechanics of .the campaign Iates serving health needs, the The diocesan director also were discussed by Msgr. An elderly, youth, ,pastoral and so noted that in 1984 -the CCA total thony M. Gomes, :its diocesan cial services, child care, educa was $1,549,527.10. He expressed director, at a recent meeting of tion and enrichment programs hope that increased needs in the clergy. He said that its for religious personnel, said 1985 would engender increased Special Gifts phase will run Msgr. Gomes. enthusiasm, support and gener Sister Carol -Reg'an,' SUSC, "Vision Setter" and keynote from April 22 .to May 4 and that He announced that· , Bishop osity on the part of contributors. provincial superior for the Reli speaker will be Maine native the parish phase will begin from gious of the Holy Union of the Dolly Pomerleau, a cofounder o Sacred Hearts, and Sister Joanne -and staff member of the Quixote Bonville, OP, director of ongoing Center,· Washington, DC. Reflec formation for the Dominican tion sessions following her ad Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, . dress will consider among other in the Military Vicariate' since quarters for visiting chaplains, 'have been named contact per WASHINGTON (NC) - Arch subjects the role of women with he said. bishop Joseph T. Ryan, 71, has 1975. .,sons for New England Journey regard to violence, peacemaking, In an interview with The Den been named by Pope JobI1 Paul At the time of Archbishop IV. aging and intimacy. II to head the U.S. Military Vicar O'Connor's appointment, the ver Catholic Register last Octo Journey is, primarily a gather The day will close with 'liturgy ber, Archbishop Ryan noted th,at iate, the diocese-like struotJ,lre Vatican announced that the the Military Vicariate serves not ing 9f Catholic 'laywomen and and a banquet.
that oversees the U.S. Catholic Military Vicariate would be get Further information is avail chaplain corps around the world. ting its own successor 'to Car cnly personnel '8nd families in the sisters from the New Engl:and
states who have met biennially able from Sister Regan, 678·3616, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines dinal Cooke. Since 1919 the U.S. Among vicariate chaplain dele since 1979 to discuss their parti or Sister Bonville, 996-1305. and Coast Guard, but also pa gates, each ,responsible for an military vicar luld been the arch cipation in church ministry.
171 Veterans Adminis tients in bishop of New York. -area of the United States or a tration hospitals and civilians Women of other faiths and men .
._part of the world where U.S. When the vicariate itself, was employed by the U.S. govern are also welcome at the daylong
service personnel are stationed, formally created illS a separate session, to !be held this year on ment who work overseas. The 33rd Acies ceremony of is Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who entity in 1957, the Vatican de June 1 at Bowdoin College, "Even the Iranian hostages Brunswick, Maine. Over 1,000 the diocesan Legion of Mary serves the New England states. cree establishing it said tl:tat the were part ot' our responsibility. persons have participated in pre will take place at 2 p.m. March Archbishop Ryan will take head of the vicariate would be It's a tremendous challenge," vious programs. 24 at St. Mary's Cathedral. Bish possession of the vicariate March 'the archbishop of New York. But op Daniel A. Cronin wm preside, U.S. church, officials consulted said Archbishop Ryan. 25 ceremonies in New York. 1985 cochairpersons are Sis The Archbishop said that mili Msgr. Luiz G. Mendonca, vicar after Cardinal Cooke's, death On April 30, a public instaUa-. tary, service brings many young· ter Marguerite 'Stapleton, a pas general, will be homilist and mu said each of the two offices has tion ceremony is scheduled at toral -team member at St. Phil p~ople back to ,the church. Ac sic will be by Glenn Giuttari, Illnd should be a full-time job the NationaI Shrine of the Im , cording to statistics, the vicariate ip's parish, Auburn, Maine; and cathedral director of music and separated. maculate Conception in Wash has more conversions than any. Jacquie Coleman of Augusta, Joanne Mercier, cantor. ington, where the vicariate is to Maine, a mother of seven and Msgr. James Markham, a vicar-' other diocese in the nation. All members of the diocese are relocate. iate vice chancellor, said ,March "When young people first active churchwoman., invited to attend. Archbishop Ryan succeeds the 18 that two unused buildings' at enter the service they·are fear The theme for the day, derived
late Cardinal Terence J. Cooke, The Catholic University of Am ful, lonely and a little lost and from the Gospel story of the
who held the position while he erica in Washington had been the first person they reach out to .woman at the well, is "Women The Source of Beauty
was head of the New York Arch purchased for the MHitary Vi i!) the lbase chaplain - and the , of God, we are called. 'Women of "The beauty of the blessed diocese from 1968 until his cariate. They wiH house central church. It's -a 'coming home' for the church, we are empowered. in heaven will come from the death in 1983. Archbishop Ryan offices, a residence for vicanate , many of them," the archbishop Women of the world, we are fact that they are the body of has been coadjutor -archbishop priests and. bishops and guest said. sent." Christ." - Thomas Merton
CCA preparations begin
New England Journey IV contact person~ named
Heads Military Vicariate
Acies ceremony
Five· to celebrate 25 Five diocesan priests will ob-. serve their silver jubilees of- 'or dination Tuesday, April 2. They were ordained on that date in 1960 by Bishop JameS L. Con nol1y in St. Mary's Cathedral. They are Fathers .Kenneth J. Delano, Manuel P. Ferreira, Roger D. LeDuc, Francis L. Ma honey and Lucio B. Philli'pino. Father Delano .Father Delano, son '/?f Kenneth E. ·and the 1ate Isabel1e (Tatro) Delano, was born April 12, 1934, in Taunt.on. He graduated from Msgr. Coyle High School in that city and prepared for the ,priest hood at Our Lady of Providence Seminary, Warwick, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. Since ordination' he has served as associate pastor at St. Pat rick's parish, Fall River, St. Patrick's, Wareham, St. Mary's, New Bedford, and St. Joseph's, Fal1 River. He was assigned to his present associate pastorate at Immaculate Conception, Fall River, Allg. 11, 1982. He has' com!>ined hjs priest hood with a' distinguished career as an amateur astronomer, specializing in study of the moon and also ,traveling to several countries to view total solar eclipses. . He is the author of "Many Worlds, One God," a 1977 book dealing with scientific evidence for existence of intel1igent life on other worlds. . Father Ferreira F,ather Ferreira is a native of Provincetown, the son of Gene vieve (Santos) Ferreira and the late John Ferreira. 'Born Jan uary 24, 1930, he attendedgra~ mar and high school :in Province town and following service in the Navy prepared for the priest hood at St. Mary's College, St. Mary, Ky., 'and St. Mary's Sem inary, Baltimore. Father Ferreira was an asso ciate pastor at St. Elizabeth's parish, Fal1 River,' and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. John the Baptist, New Bedford, before be ing named St. John. the Baptist administrator in 1969 and pastor in 1971. In 1979 he was named to his present po,sition as pastor at Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. On the diocesan level, he was a notary for the marriage tri bunal and has since 1968 been a tribunal ~dvocate. He was a member of the former diocesan' board of education. Father Ferreira's parishioners and friends will join him at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, June 2, for a Mass
Following the 4 p.m. Chrism Mass Tuesday, April 2, a. photo grapher wlll be at St. Mary's school haU to take head and shoulder pictures of all clergy for the purpose of updating Anchor files. The procedure will take only a mlntlte or two and we wlll be very grateful for your co operation in this matter.
of thanksgiving, followed bya banquet 'at White's restaurant.
for the diocesan tribunal, as a Mahoney. He, attended Holy spedal gifts and area director Family grammar and high school for the Catholic Charities Appeal, and Providence College before Father LeDuc and as moderator or spiritual di studying for the priesthood at Father LeDuc, the son of, rector for New B~ford Scout St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.. . Lionel 08. and the 1ate Jeanne B. ing activities, New Bedford Dis- . Fol1owing ordination, he was (Charest) LeDuc, was born ·Oct. trictCouncH of 'Catholic Women, associate pastor a't St. Margaret's I, 1935, in New Bedford. After and l'Union de St. Jean Baptiste. parish, Buzzards Bay, ,and ·Im studies at St. Joseph School, Sacred Heart parish council is . maculate Conception, Fall River. New Bedford, and College de sponsoring a reception in the' In 1978 he was named to his l'A'ssomption, Assomption, Que church hal1 for Father LeDuc on present position as pastor at St. . bec,. he completed his prepara . Mary's pa'rish, Seekonk. tion for ,the priesthood a't .St. Sunday, March 31, following a Father Mahoney has at various noon Mass of thanksgiving. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. times been chaplain' for the Friends, former parishioners and He served as associate pastor members of St. Joseph's, New Massachusetts MarHime Acad-' emy and its Newman Club, and at Sacred Heart Church, North 'Bedford, . are invited to partici for Cape area Boy Scouts. He Attleboro, from 1960 to 1969, pate.. was codirector of the Fall River then was at St. Joseph's New Father Mahoney IQrea CYO while stationed at Im-. Bedford, for 10 years, .also as associate. In 1979 he returned Father Mahoney was born maculate Conception parish and 'as pastor to Sacred Heart, where April 28, 1935, in New Bedford, in the 1970s served on the dioce san personnel board and as dioce he now serves. . the son of Lucy (Leonard) Ma He has served as an .advocate .honey and the late Francis C. san coordinator for the Cam-
paigrl for Human Development and the annual Overseas Appeal of the American b.ishops. He holds· a master's degree in edu cation from Bl'idgewater State College. Friends and parishioners will honor the jubilarian at a 2 p.m. Mass of thanksgiving Sunday, March 31, fol1owed by a recep tion. Turn to p21ge thirteen
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themoorin~ Oh, No, Not Mainstream! I
What is happening to the church we love? It's-becoming, of
all things, "mainstream." What a horrible' finding!
Yes, a recent study by the National Opinion Research Cen
ter reported the American Catholic Church to be in the main
stream of American life. We have become just another main
stream church, faced with the same struggles for people's
minds and hearts as our Protestant brethren. '
How have we arrived at such a state? Where did that good
old immigrant church disappear? Is there anything one can do
to throw off the mainstream mentality?
Is anything more boring, apathetic and inert than being
mainstream? Mainstream is nothing. It's not hot or cold, it's
just a big blah. When one thinks mainstream, all that comes to
mind is dullness, dimness, dryness. A,mainstream church.is,
alas, usually commonplace, uninteresting, unimaginative. If
that be the case, then the Catholic Church is indeed in trouble.
, The authors ofthe NORC study have plenty offacts at hand.
They state there is a minimum of difference between Catholics
and Protestants in such areas as cQurchgoing patterns, rates of
separation and divorce, mixed marriages and birthrates.
They also note the dramatic influence ofthe Second Vatican
Council with its special emphases on the role of the laity and on
liturgical reform. Attention is paid too to the overall social
revolution that has e'ngulfed America. '
And not to be overlooked are the educationcil and economic
gains that have been made by Catholics. As a result of them,
Catholics have fled in droves to the suburbs. The highly cohe
sive city parish once so typical is fast becoming a thing of the
past. Asa result, Catholics have lost community and instead
are seeking privacy behind their new hedges. Left behind in the
NC/ UPI Photo move ,to the new social world of the suburbs are many of the unifying traditions and customs of the immigrant chu~ch. 'Our days upon earth are as a shadow.' 2 Par. 29:15 The imposed order that was such a hallmark oftheso-called
immigrant era is fast giving way to pluralism of thought aQd
,action. There are choices among prayer exper'iences, liturgical
celebrations differ from place to place and people shop around
for a church that meets their needs.
The variables are many and are increasing. What was once
considered strict and enforceable law is now simply ignored.
By Michael Gallagher
There are, however, many areas of American church life that Though it's hard to be certain a Cambodian against the background USCCFllm Reviewer still reflect the immigrant influence. But there is also, a change about the details of particular deci of the Khmer Rouge campaign of' 'NEW YORK (NC)~Much con in this pattern. The church in the United States is thus 'far the fusion exists over discrepancies be sions, I'm inclined to think the indus genocide, got its R because of strong product of European immigration; but outside of a fewexcep tween ratings given movies by the try gave it the more stringent PG-13 language and graphic violence. tions, including our own diocese, Catholic immigration to this U.S'. Catholic Conference and the instead of a PG not because of the, Why then did the USCC classify it fornication, but because of two or country today is from Central and South America and Asia. Motion Picture Association of Amer A-II? three instances in which a naughty These ethnic groups and cultures have yet to have a notable ica.. word was used', What I would like to make clear is Two reasons: "The Killing Fields" effect on the total church. Now their impact is localiz,ed but that MPAA ratings relate only indi Language weighs heavily with the is a superb movie and its Violence, there is no doubt that their influence will be felt in future days rectly to moral considerations. movie industry. The average Ameri though strong is not exploitive. as they, become"Americanized. ,,can parents may wear blinder~, but
Therefore, you should not auto Yet if to be Americanized is to'become mainstream, then the matically equate an R-rated movie their ears are keen enough. Obscene
In fact, what viewers St£, aside language and, to a lesser extent, pro impact of that process on the future life of the church in this with a movie that's morally offen fane from two or three instances of peo language are frowned upon. sive. Nor should you presume that a ple being shot to death;are the terri coun~ry may well be tragic. On the other hand, a movie like PG-rated movie offers less cause for ble results of violence. We see what. The famous warning to the church of Laodicea could well be worry than an R-rated movie. "Lost in America" gets an R classifi war does, not just to men - as in the cation. There is no sex in it, no DIld addressed to the church of mainstream America: "I know thy Why? Because the industry rates average sanitized, glamorized war works that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert films according' to its estimate of ity, no fornication, no adultery and movie - but to women and child only one brief act of violence. But cold or hot. But because thou ,art lukewarm and neither cold what the, average American' parent because the hero, an executive sud ren, including infants. will or will not accept and I do hope ' nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth." concerned Catholic parents are more denly denied the promotion he des The violence here is quite different In our striving to be truly American, in our attempts to be sensitive than that. perately wants, tells off his boss in from the exploitative violence, some graphically obscene terms - a times even played for laughs, in socially acceptable, in our desire to be liked by everyone, are' Let me give some examples. sequence that is humorously in ','The Flamingo J(id" was rated movies like "Tuff Turf," "Body , we not losing the sp'ark of faith that makes us a people set ten_d~d -:-_it receives an R. PG~13, but was classified 0 mor Double" or "Into the Night." In apart? 'ally offensive "7 by the USCC, a these films - all rated R by the The USCC, judging it would be a ' Be~ng a Catholic should indeed make a difference. discrepancy that is illuminating. ... t
I ;~
Those movie ratings
The clean-cut young hero of "The --------_-~-------------.;...-~IFlamingo Kid"is sleeping with a col lege woman throughout the sU,mmer that is the film's time frame. But this is conveyed subtly to the audience with no great show of skin, for the focus of the movie is on the decision . our hero' is to make between the OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF 'FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rivel honest values of his father and those ,410 Highland Avenue ' of a crooked auto dealer. Fall, River Mass. 02722 675~7151 ,The very casualness with 'which PUBLISHER i the movie presents the likable young Most Rr.v. Daniel A, Cronin, D.O., SJ,D. I hero's fornication ~akes its message . FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR all the more insidious. It comes EDITOR R' M J h J' R across loud and clear: illicit sex is no Rev. John F. Moore' ev. sgr. 0 n . egan big deal, kids, nor does sex have any~ Leary Press-Fall River thi.ilg to do with values.
rare teen-ager who had not heard movie industry and 0 by the USCC these words before and judging - violence is person-\o-person'vio further that the hero's behavior was lence, excitingly presented. As a consequence, it is the sort of thing in no way presented as model con duct, decided that an A-II - adults that might be imitated by impres and adolescents - was the proper sionable young viewers. call to make. What one sees in "The' Killing Let's consider another R-rated Fields" is the largely impersonalized movie classified A-II by the USCC: violence of modern war and modern "The Killing Fields," wl!ich has got ideology. ten all sorts of Academy Award nominations, a Christopher Award ' Yes, "The Killing Fields" might and was at the top of my Best 10 list shock some teenagers, but shocking for 1984. is not the same as scandalizing. On the contrary, it could well have a it seems clear that thiS marveious picture, that tells the story of the salutary effect. friendship between an American and
Faithfulness - one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit - is a word we don't use much any more. It has an old-fashioned
trarily. When we have children, we 'commit ourselves to their welfare, but when they get in the way of our welfare, we find ourselves angry and frustrated.
ring to it. In scripture, people were Many of us know spouses who are called to be faithful to God and to each other. When we read about committed to one another until faithfulness, we think, "Of course, adversity strikes and then that com I'm faithful..1 go to church and I take mitment breaks down. "I didn't sign care of my family." And that's often up for this. I have a life of my own to live," said ll, woman who left her that. But faithfulness means more than husband when she learned he had a loyalty to a belief or a people. It debilitating disease. means full of faith, out of which we "My first commitment is to my live our daily lives. What we believe work," says a husband who refuses forms the basis of our behavior. to grant his family anything other If we say we believe in justice and than leftover time. Such a family equality but support injustice, we feels less worthy because they know are not being faithful. If we say we they aren't as important to him as his believe in caring for the less fortu career. He is faithful to his work, nate but do not share our largesse, maybe, but not to them. we are not being faithful. If we say Faithfulness and commitment we believe in loyalty to the family but behave in a way that is injurious, grow out of love, patience and generosity. When we truly care about we are not being faithful. The word we more commonly use something or someone, we commit for faithful today is commitment. ourselves to them, even when it And that's a much harder action to curbs our freedom. Most of us are embrace. We find ourselves saying, committed to a family and to some "Yes, it's important, but I don't want individual sphere like work, school, . or home. Keeping it in balance takes to commit myself. "We say of others, constant attention. "He is committed to peace and jus tice," implying we aren't. Paradoxi Families might test their commit cally, we admire people of commit ment level by answering these questions. ment while avoiding it ourselves. When we marry, we commit our I. Which c'omes first for me, work, selves to that which is good for our school or family? beloved. But sometimes we act con 2. When there's a family need, do I
Filling needs
I wonder how many people get back afterward was positive. The deeply involved in parish life group was happy to meet a need and because a priest asks for their at the same time to share in such an help - painting the parish hall, event. cookil1'g for the poor or repairing the Since then, Msgr. Murphy does plumbing? I not hesitate to ask single adults for Recently I was speaking with Msgr. help. Recently, he invited single John Murphy, former director of adults to make gallons of homemade the National Shrine of the Immacu soup for the street people who reside late Conception, and present pastor in a warehouse in his parish. of St. Joseph's Parish in Washing Here too there was an urgent need ton, D.C. The parish has many sin and single persons responded to it. gle adults. The result once again was a deep We had been discussing research sense of satisfaction in helping others. that shows Mass attendance is down When I told a prominent researcher. among American Catholics. One about these results the response was: opinion holds that among single "What else would you expect? Sin adults who do not attend Mass, gles, like all of us, need to be needed. there is often a feeling that parish life It is the best thing for our mental and is directed more toward the nuclear physical health. Also, coming to family than toward them. gether meets the additional need for "If there is one thing that attracts outside stimulation." singles," Msgr. Murphy told me, "it The researcher continued: "Even is good homilies which reveal a deep single parents with children need understanding of the Scriptures and healthy outside stimulation, such as spirituality and apply to everyday that Msgr. Murphy offers, to be able life." to carryon their lives sanely." Interestingly, his view on that is Has Msgr. Murphy put his finger upheld by the results of a recent poll. on what it takes to involve single It showed that a majority of those adults in a parish? "What is needed," who were surveyed said they hun he said, "is a person who can spot an gered to learn more about the roots immediate need in the parish; a per of their faith. son not afraid to ask others for help; And Msgr. Murphy pointed to one who sees that getting singles to another factor for single adults: He help others fulfills their personal recalled th~ occasion in 1979 when ne~d to serve, and who believes that Pope John Paul II visited the National involvement in simple church-related task leads to involvement of a higher Shrine of the Immaculate Concep tion. Events surrounding that day level in the church itself." taught Msgr. Murphy to reach out Recently, bishops and church to single people. planning officials were polled to see He was having difficulty obtain . if they saw a need for a ,master's ing ushers and thought to himself: degree program in pastoral planning "Why not ask one of my>young adult aimed at helping diocesan planners friends to round up a group of his become more professional. friends?" Bishop wrote, "the programs and He did so and overnight the emer professionals are needed, but what gency was resolved. And the feed we need most are doers."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Flnll River-Fri., Mar. -22; 1985
see it as my responsibilty or do I leave it to someone else? 3. When I sign up for an activity, do I commit myself to it or quit when it gets tough or boring? 4. How would I grade myself on faithfulness to family chores? 5. If I were asked to list the five most important things in my life, what would they be? 6. Which member of our family is most committed to family pea~e and harmony? 7. If I were to commit myself to improve one area of our family life this Lent, what would it be? These are tough questions for a family to ponder together. All signif icant studies the past 10 years show that the number one goal in our lives is a satisfying family life. Yet, we rarely examine how com mitted we are to acheiving it. When a family is really faithful to this goal, daily life becomes richer and more enjoyable. Isn't it worth a half hour this Lent to look at our level of commitment to one another and God?
I wondered what he meant by doers. I believe the above definition of a person most likely to succeed in attracting single adults to a parish is what he was getti,ng at.
[necrolo9Y) March 27 Rev. James W. Conlin, Pastor, 1918, St. Patrick, Somerset Rt. Rev. Antonio P. Vieira, Pastor, 1964,n.L. Mt. Carmel, New Bedford March 28 Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, Pastor, 1960, St. James, Taunton Rev. Bernard A .. Lavoie, 1972, Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River Rev. Dieudonne Masse, O.F.M., 1983 Retired, Montreal, Canada March 29 Rt. Rev. Edward J. Moriarty, Pastor, 1951, St. Patrick, Fall River Rev. James H. Carr, S.T.L., Assis tant, 1923, St. Patrick, Fall River
THE ANCHOR (USPS,545·Q20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Pub lished weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
, Easter
duty' query Q. I recall reading in your column about a change in the Easter duty for Catholics but cannot remember what the change was and how it affects us this y,ear. Is there still an "Easter duty" or is it just up to us? (Pennsylvania) . A. Since the beginning of Lent I have received a number of inquiries similar to yours. Apparently many Catholics are confused about the same thing. One law of our church still is that Catholics should receive the Holy Eucharist some time during the Easter season (Canon 920). Accord ing to our present liturgical cal endar, that season extends from the beginning of Lent to Pentecost (not, as formerly, Trinity Sunaay). Obviously almost everyone who is a practicing Catholic receives Holy Communion much more frequently than that. The regulation recalls days some centuries ago when recep tion of the Holy Eucharist fell off so seriously that the church felt it had to make a regulation requiring Communion least once a year. , Happily that has changed. Contrary to what many Catholics say they were taught, there is not requirement to receive the sacra ment of penance as part of the Easter duty, except in case of serious sin when confession of co'urse would be necessary for Holy Communion (Canon 989). That confusion is compounded by the fact that those who learned the "six precepts of the church" in the past will remember that one of these precepts was "to confess at least once a year." Even then, however, this obligation held only when there was a serious sin to confess.
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acknowledgement of our constant need for God's mercy and healing of our sinfulness. Q. A good Catholic friend of mine was divorced not long ago. She now plans to marry flOother man who, I am sure, is also Catholic. I am also sure there was 1!I0 marriage case or annulment that would make this marriage a goocll one in the eyes of the church. . Is It proper for me to be a. the wedding or take part in it? I don't want to do anything wrong, or that would be hurtful to anyone. (lIIinois) A. Decisions such as this are always difficult. Several obligations are involved, all of which one would want to honor, but which might be in conflict with each other. It seems to me there are three con cerns which you must weigh, I. You want to preserve and express your personal love for your friend and assure her that whatever she does she remains your friend. , '2. You must keep your own integ rity and not be forced to pretend you believe or accept something which you in conscience cannot. 3.You want to avoid any scandal by which you weaken the convic tions we have as Catholics and Christians about marriage, either in your friend or ill people who other wise might' be affected by your actions. In such dilemmas there are no absollite black and white, right and wrong answers. We can only prayer fully and thoughtfully balance all these cuncerns and then come to a decision which we believe honors them all as best as possible. I believe you must acknowledge that participation in the ceremony as bridemaid or maid of honor presents a larger problem that simple attend If you need a reminder, refer to the old Baltimore Catechism which ance. Acceptance, approval and religious belief in what is happening was for decades before Vatican II the most authoritative expression of is more difficult to dissociate from beliefs and practices of American that kind of participation. Q. What is the church's stand on Catholics. In the chapter on penance was the question, "What is meant by cremation? My elderly aunt is con the commandment to confess our' sidering being crlamated, but is con cerned about the church's rules and sins at least once a year?" teaching. (Nebraska) The answer: "By the command A. Unless it is desired for reasons ment'to confess our sins at least once that would imply contempt for our a year is meant that we are strictly faith, cremation is entirely accepta obliged to make a good confession ble according to the teaching of the within the year, if we have a mortal Catholic Church. Our ritual which sin to confess." governs ceremonies for Christian Thus, in the past as well as today, burial explicitly provides for the if we are going to stick by the "rule," possibility of cremation, either before even annual confession is required or after Mass would be offered for only when there is a mortal sin. the deceased person. The body may be present at the Quite obviously, however, this funeral liturgy and cremated after does not reflect a wholesome spirit ward or a memorial Mass may be ually, and is not at all what the offered any time after cremation. church recommends. The sacrament As I have insisted several times in of penance has larger and deeper this column, one's family should, I purposes than simply to make onself believe, always be consulted in such worthy of Holy Communion. It is a a decision. The ceremonies for sacrament in its own right, which Christian burial are at least as much places one in a unique relationship for the living as for the dead, and the with God as the forgiving Lord, and ritual of actual burial can be impor with his continually creative love tant to a family, particularly if there which strengthens us to live good are children who are learning how to Christ-centered lives. accept and deal with the death of a Thus, while it is not part of our lov.ed one. Easter "duty," Lent is clearly one of Questions for tthis column should the appropriate times of the year for be sent to Father Dietzen, Holy every Catholic to receive this sacra Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., ment humbly and wish a sincere Bloomington, III. 61701.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fail River.,-Fri., March 22, 1985
the mail packet 'Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves t~e ,right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address and telephone number for th~ purpose of', verification If deemed
, ne cessa ry.
Appeal a hoax' Dear Editor: . Much to my.ch~grln, I 'learned from the Post Card Club of Rhode Island that I also fell for what' they refer to as the "Big· gest Post Card Hoax" of all time, the appeal Ito send a card .' to'· a "dying" child in Scotland (Anchor, March 1). The origin of this hoax has lbeen traced back toa citizen's' band radio appeal in Scotland made first in 1982. The little one I referred to as a participant in the swimming event Of last year's Olympics is Sally. A. .Bourne. She lives in Scotland and a' mutual friend , who brought Sally to my atten tion last year, told me of the "Little 'Buddy" .Post Card Ap peal. Unfortunately, I thought the term, "Little Buddy," was a pseudonym to protect Sally's privacy. Once again, I apologize for my error. The only saving grace about this whole fiasco' is that. it proves' how many good people stUI have a deep, compassionate love for suffering children. God · reads the hearts of man and ~e will bless their thoughtfulness. My sincere apology' to all, those I unwittingly involved, yet my sincere thanks to those who really cared. Rev. James F. Buckley Buzzards Bay . P.S. "To, err is· human, to for give is divine.",
pant in today's so-called civil ized society. .Are these producers counting on our complacency? Are ,we go ing to let. this happen? Or will we take Father Moor~'s advice and not fear" to be loud 'and clear on media immorality? Thank you, Father Moore, for your efforts to' wake us up to the reality of the ever-increasing danger facing' this generation! God and Our Lady bless you! Alice Beaulieu ' New Bedford
Dear Editor: The definition of apathy: lack of feeling, want of passion or emotion, indifference. Apathy is t~e single greatest concern of the Christian community. H has only been in the recent past that Christians have retreated into piety, rather than practicing the stewardship of responsible in volvement in the p'olitical system. BACKED BY his fellow inventors, third grader Jeremy Roussel displays hiS con We Christians wrote the Con tribution to the Trash Fair recently ~eld at St. George School, Westport. '(Rosa Photo) stitution. We established schools, universities, and hospitals. Our society's spiritual roots are deep ly planted in the 1egacy of our forefathers who established this "one nation under God." With .just one exception, the signers of the Constitution were Chris~ As they developed, projects application of basic science prin-· Have you ever wondered. what ·tians. to do with your trash? Third followed step-bY-!lt~p procedures ,ciph:is. graders at St. George's School, designed to ·teach their young, Vitality, life, and involvement End . results included .such inventors responsibility and the Westport, and Mrs. Susan Du in all areas of life are the true art of meeting. deadlines. Also creations as Robot of Tomor puis, may have a unique solu teachings of Christ. We must tion' for you. ' involved in the undertaking, said row, Cow Juice Dispenser for apply these truths to our gov the Year 2000, Marble Sorter, . In January the children started Mrs'. Dupuis, were encourage ernment. We can and must in saving household discards with ment of creativity, the skill of A-tomic 'Worker and ·Mr. T-Rash, fluence the making of the laws the goal of inventing oa useful or writing paragraphs. (as proce we live or die by. Those amongst Everyone's project was on dis interesting item suitaJble for use , dures were explained) and the play at a gala Trash Fair held 'us reluctant to get involved poli in "the world of tomorrow." tically need to realize that if the earlier this month. Enthusiastic' moral people shirk their respon viewers included parents, friends, sibility, then the outcome will peighbors· and members of the be precisely what we now have. pa'rish school board. Dear Editor: We must demand to know Media.. Immorality (Anchor, And who knows - come the March 1) -.magnificent editorial. from all elected officials and year. 2000, some' of the· St. Continued from page one marriages. It said that only candidates where they stand on It is' a call to action. Solution: George creations may be in com- . · every priest shouting from his moral and pro-family issues. We . "Thus, hidden behind the 14 percent of 'Catholics over near parity in family size is a age 50 have a !Protestant mon household use.' Remember, altar and a boycott of advertised must actively select, elect and 20-year' cycle where Cath- spouse, but "as one moves support men of high moral char you first heard about them here. products. Again my congratula olics and Protestants' alter- downward to couples now in tions and tharlks. You are a acter for public office. The spirit nate in having larger fami- 'their 40s, 30s or 20s, the pres voice in the wilderness. I have of a nation is really the spirit lies," the report commented. ' ence of a Protestant spouse sent your editorial to Morality of the individuals making the Despite the tradition'al im- rises to 16 percent, 21 per in Media, for which I was once laws of that nation. Pray for age of the suburbs as WASP cent alld ,28 percent respec active participation of all Chris a speaker. VATICAN CITY ~C) - The ·(white Anglo-Saxon Protes- tively." tians in the responsibility of self Bernard McCabe Vatican newspaper'VOsservatore tant), Catholics are now more The Il'eport .also drew ex-: government. , S. Yarmouth Romano· has. repeated a 1983 suburbanized than Prote!ltants, tensivelyon·a 'series of his Joseph M. Goyette statement from the church's doc the report said. torical studies of parish· life in' Christian Citizens trinal congregation . that. said Among Catholics, it said, different parts of the United Coalition Masonry.' and Christianity .are Dear Edtor: 29 percent !ive in cities of States, commissioned by the . New Bedford I'·applaud. the editorial Media • incompatible.' .A congregation 50,000 or more and. another 29 Notre Dame study project, to. ,Qfficial, 'Father Thomas'H~rron, 1mmorality. God bless Father percent live in subunbs of analyze current directions in said the 'article was a Vatican Moore. those cities, while 42 percent Catholic parishes across the Anne Williams "policy position'" that had "quasi live in smaller cities, towns or country., E. Sandwich official" status. The article was VATICAN CITY (NC) - Cath rural areas. Among' ProtestLay involvement in parish 'a response. to questions. raised olic lay people should be more ants, only 20 percent live in '. leadership is one of the most at the time of the 1983 state . politically and culturally involved the suburbs, it said. notable areas of change since ment, which' emphasized ,th~ ·Dear Editor: and should not be groomed as The report drew its analy- the Second Yatican Council, church's prohibition against Your editorial on Media Im "mini-priests" for church work, sis from a scientific sampling the study said. Catholics becoming Masons and . morality was very much needed. said Bishop Paul Cordes, vice of nearly' 4,400 Americans Other major trends it noted sa·id that Catholics who are It is extremely difficult to se
president of the Vatican Council over three years, 1982-84, in included increasing liturgical Masons are in ;'serious sin." In lect a program nowadays' with for the laity. The 1986 synod of plur~lism the General Social Survey and devotional 1983 a U.S. bishops' spokesman out some objectionable matter. bishops win focus on a more conducted by the University within parishes, declines in said that the document meant . Even prime time shows for fam
"open and wide vision of the of C~icago's National Opinion parochial schools, declines in , that' a local bishop could, not ily viewing slip in a program mission of the ,laity" so that it Rese~rch Center. vocations to priesthood and 'decide on his own the presence .which is totaHyagainst moral can 'help the church become a Another notable change in religious life, and an increas or absence of anti..catholicism in ity. Can people call themselves "corrective and catalytic force" . Catholic' life that the repOrt ing focus on adult religious. a particular Masonic group,· but good Catholics and permit this in society, Bishop Cordes said in cited was a rise in interfaith education. would have to take the question garbage to enter their homes? It .' an interview in L'Osservatore to Rome. is no wonder that evil is so ram· Romano, the Vatican newspaper.
S,t. George School students
turn trash .into treasure
Media .Immorality
Catholics marrying later'
Policy restated
Not mini-priests
~. t
r ,
• r.
I .. '
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 22, 1985
Northern Ireland solution is Christianity
Gaudette Photo
FRANK GALLIGAN chats with Dorilda Champagne.
Donegal singer charms
nursing home residents
Fall River's St. Patrick's Day was enhanced by the presence of Donegal balladeer Frank Gal ligan, who brightened the feast for residents of the Fall River Nursing Home with a selection from his vast repertoire of orig inal and traditional songs of the Emerald Isle. Among those he charmed was Dorilda Champagne of Notre
Dame parish, Fall River, who
will be 100 on April 21.
"You don't want to bother
with an old lady like me," she
told Galligan. "Sure, age is only a rumor," he retorted. Galligan, 30, the eldest of II children, says he comes naturally by his musical ability. "My mother's the best singer in the house -and my father has been writing bal1ads for years," he said. His eight sisters, als.o singers, have formed the Galli gan Sisters group, he said. "There are always at least four or five of them available for programs," he said, adding that they have won many contests. Galligan and his mother s!ng unaccompanied in traditional Gaelic style but the sisters use guitar and piano in their presen~ tations. All are self-taught " musicians. Beginning his career in parish choirs -and school shows, Galli gan, also a poet, now presents programs combining songs with poems. "That way, we please every one," he said. "People who want singing don't mind a little poetry' thrown in and the same for those who iike the poetry ...... they'll put up with a song or two." In Letterkenny, County Done gal, Galligan combines his poetry and music with the prosaic pro fession of an insurance broker. He also presents salesmanship workshops for fellow insurance salespersons.
"But we don't p'ressure," he said earnestly. "We try to show the advantages of protecting yourself." . He will be in the United States until April 10 and is making a few post-St. ·Patrick's Day ap pearances in the New England area. Then it's home to wife Sheila and sons Ruaidhri, 7, and Kelan, 3.-
Anti-MX .war Continued from Page One
year, he noted that the USCC representatives then said they would have to "recommend against" any nuclear system that was expensive and was of du bious strategic value. At that time Cardinal Bernar din and Archbishop O'Connor in dicated that there was a growing weight of evidence putting the value of the MX in doubt, but they did not take the step' of making that judgment explicitly: In his Jetter, Bishop Malone took that step. "We believe the MX should be classified as 'a system of dubious value,'" he
wrote. '
Cardinal Bernardin, who car
ried the committee that wrote
the 1983 war and peace pastoral,
declared in his public statement that Bishop Malone's letter "ex
presses my vie~s on the vote
facing the U.S. Congress."
He reiterated his view that
"the poor of our nation have suf
fered out of all due proportion
in the budget cuts of the 1980s." he urged that the funds slated for the MX should be used for the poor at home and "the hun gry of the world." Archbishop O'Connor, who as former chief of Navy chaplains holds the rank of admiral, sa'id that he is committed to a sound national defense, but "I must question in conscience expendi tures for any weapons system judged by responsible authorities
. to risk serious destabilization,
Only Thing Greater particularly whil~ simj,lltaneously
"Nothing is greater than the diverting from urgent human
needs the monies that could do
mind of man except God," so much to alleviate such needs,"
Sth Augustine
ALBANY, N.Y. (NC) - The problem in northern Ireland is that Christianity has not been taken seriously enough by either Catholics or Protestants, said an Irish Protestant who wants one to-one reconciliation guided by belief in Jesus Christ. In an interview with The Evan gelist, newspaper of the Albany Diocese, Gary Crothers, 31, said that an Albany-based group, Christian lreland Ministries, is sponsoring his new Northern Ire land News Serv-ice to "communi cate the good news coming from Ireland." The good news, he said, is that although deep-rooted division and hatred have split Northern, Ireland's Catholics and Protes tants for centuries, real unity is possible.
tions the Protestant majority, most of whom came from Scot land over 300 years ago and the Catholic minority have been seg regated from each other. Political solutions do not see"m workable, according to Crothers. Keeping the status quo of Brit ish rule in Northern Ireland ali enates Catholics, but if the Brit ish pulled out the Protestant majority would feel betrayed, he explained. "I believe the real Irish unity that's going to work is the unity of the people.· This :is where I believe that Jesus has the an swer, if people take the com mands of Jesus seriously," he said.
"This is radical for Ireland. This has never happened before," Crothers said. He told of a Protestant woman whose daughter was paralyzed by an IRA shooting, apparently in retribution for -the killing of a Catholic woman by a Protes tant group. The Protestant mother is now ·travelingaround Northern Ire land, talking about reconcilia tion, he said. Her story moved one former IRA gunman, not in volved in that shooting, to apolo gize. Now he is a friend of the woman's family, Crothers said. Those who want violence to continue, according to Crothers, have found "it quite difficult· to Northern Ireland suffers from argue with someone who has had "religious hypocrisy,"allowing her da-ughter shot -at. It shows Catholics and Protestants to at the good Lord can do the -impos sible. It's not just religious plati "People looking at Ireland see tend church regularly while ex it as a failure of Christianity," pressing hatred and bitterness tudes. If people like this can to gether, Jesus truly has something Crothers said. However, while toward each other, he said. to offer," . sectarian difference does present The Northern Ireland News 8. dividing line, he said the real Service will report on signs of problem is that Christianity _has -reconcHiation in the strife-torn The Test not been taken seriously enough nation, including joint prayer "You can tell where thoughts by either side. meetings of former Irish Repub· come from by the effect they have on you." - Thomas Mer The problems are ,based on Iican Army and Protestant para ton ethnic differences. For genera- military group members.
Movie messag~s' for Earthlings
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 22, 1985
Iteering pOintl
Bereaved parents self-help group: meeting 7:30 p.m. March 25, St. Louis de France Hall, Swansea. Dr.
Joseph Ryan, psychologist, and his wife Natalie will speak on the effect
ofgrief on families, dr~wing on. t~eir
own experience of losmg two chIld ren. All welcome. Information: Geor gette Lecomte, 676-8458.
Weekend for couples wishing "to make a good marriage better," April 19 to 21; Worldwide Marriage Encounter convention, June 28 to 30 in New Jersey. Information on both events: Doric and Judi Scarpelli, 878-3106 ' ST. STANISLAUS, FR . Parishioners have organized a "weightathon" for Father Robert S.
Kaszyns~i, pastor, pledging any amount wished for each pound he loses by May 26. Proceeds benefit the parish festival fund. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Parish ministers will attend an appreciation dinner March 31, fol lowing a 5 p.m. meeting and prayer service. CATHEDRAL, FR First penance: II a.m. March 23 ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET . Mass for handicapped and sick: 2 p.m. March 24. For transportation or information, call rectory.
Life in Spirit seminar: begins 7
p.m. April 12. Information: Mary .Viveiros, 674-7146. SACRED HEART, .N.ATTLEBORO Mass of reconciliation: 7 p.m. March 27, launching a special penance schedule in preparation for Easter. Parish Seder Supper demonstra tion: following 7 p.m. Mass April 3. Mass schedule change: Tuesday Mass from now on will be at 9 a.m. only.' , There' will be no Masses Easter week, April 8 to 12, while the pastor is on vacation. LaSALETTESHRINE,
ATTLEBORO Film showing, "Greatest Story Ever Told," 8:30 p.m. March 30 in shrine cafeteria, sponsored by Shrine Youth Group. Lenten Recollection: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 30, People's Chapel,led by Father Donald Paradis, MS, and Father Andre Patenaude, MS. Information: 222-5410 D ofl, ATTLEBORO
Alcazaba Circle, Daughters of Isabella: roll call supper, meeting, 6 p.m. April 18, K of C Hall, Hodges ~t.
ST. RITA, MARION Canned goods may be brought to weekend Masses this week and next for distribution to area needy. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET' Sedar Meal: 5:30 p.m. Holy Thursday. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE Penance service: 7:30 p.m. March 26, Queen of All Saints Chapel. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Confirmation candidates and parents will participate in a Seder supper, followed by Mass from 6 to 9 p.m. March 24. , ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Holy hour: 7 p.m. March 24.
By Antoinette Bosco As a "Star Trek" devotee, when a movie comes along that's connected with outer space, I generally get in SACRED HEARTS,
line. That's why 1saw "Close Encoun FAIRHAVEN
ters of the Third Kind," "E.T.," Holy Hour: 7 p.m. March 26.
"200 I" and "Starman." Remarkably, all have a theme in ST. ANTHONY, common. You could call it promot MATTAPOISETT ing the message that there's a heaven Prayer and recollection evening: 7 of sorts out there. These movies sug to 8 p.m. March 27. Topic: ,"Jesus, . the feast which is Eucharist, the gest that benevolent presences sur Bread which is life which we share in round us and thilt we have much to communion." learn from them. This is. a remarkable difference
from the science fiction movies of ORLEANS the 1950s and 1960s. In those years, Construction on six CCD rooms other-worldly creatures were gener in the new church basement will GIL DUARTE as Christ ally portrayed as evil monsters' out begin soon with a target date of and Maria Cordeiro as Mary to enslave or destroy us. The theme September completion. " practice for a Passion Play to was hostility and conflict. Hollywood The former convent and school rooms have been sold and will be be presented by Chi Rho Youth in those years appeared to suffer moved from church property. Still Club members at Santo Chris massive xenophobia, "fear of the for sale are.the former church and stra nger." . to .Church, Fall River, at 8 thrift shop and a half acre of land. Now things have really changed. p.m. tomorrow in English and "Starman," the latest film I saw, HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON presents a familiar character. His Parishioners are reminded that at 3 p.m. Sunday in Por donations of clothing, food items tuguese. personality is similar to that of the and stationery for African missions
Proceeds will benefit Hai~ hero of E.T. Like him, he is an alien may be brought to the church any
tian missions that serve peo from another place, far superior to weekend. humans in knowledge and power. ple "right on our doorstep And he uses his powers to aid mor ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET and as needy as those in Ethi tals, not hurt them. Plans are underway for installa opia," points out Rev. Ray The plots' also have a common tion of a carillon system. ~oly hour: 7 p.m. March 24; mond Cambra, Santo Christo thread. The benevolent aliens find themselves in an insensitive place, teachings on Lamentations on the' associate pastor. : Earth. They are not destroyed by us, Passion and the Eucharist. however; they manage to get back to ST. ANTHONY, FIR .Jheir planets in spite of us. CHARISMATIC MUSIC Filmstrip on penance: 7:30 p.m. WORKSHOP March 28; penance service 7 p.m. The carismatic renewal regional April 3. coordinating committee for the HOLY NAME, FR Attleboro/ Taunton area will spon By Hilda Young Youth group retreat renewal sor music workshop for all music Aunt Martha doesn't mean to, but night: 7 to 9 p.m. March 24, Holy and worship'leaders in prayer groups from 9 a.m~ to 5 p.m. April .she upsets the balance ofapathy that Name School; Youth Retreat II makes our home work. May 3 to 5, St. Dominic Youth ~en 27 at St. Stanislaus parish center, Fall River. Instruction will be pro ter, Peacedale, R.1. Information: Let me explain. She hardly had vided by members of lhe..People of youth group members. her coat off last week before she God's Love Community in said, "Howcan you stand that noise?" SACRED HEART, FR Providence. Parish council meeting: 7 p.m. "What?" I said loudly. Registrations by March 27'may be March 25 1 rectory. sent to Pauline L'Heureux, 51 She smiled. "That incredible vol Woodward Ave., Seekonk 02771. ume of two radios going at once on WIDOWED SUPPORT,
Further information is available different stations." ATTLEBORO
from her at 336-6349. Until she pointed it out I hadn't Presentation of slides of Jerusa noticed it at all. When she did, how lem: 7:30 p.m. April 12, St. Theresa ST. ANNE, FR parish center, 'South Attleboro.
ever, it started to melt my earwax. March 3 I: no healing service fol . "Turn down those radios and close lowing 3 p.m. St. Anne novena. ESPIRITO SANTO, FR
your doors," I yelled down the hall. Sixth graders will profess their HOLY REDEEMER, "That's unique," Aunt Martha said, faith and renew their baptismal CHATHAM 'lifting her eyebrows toward the fluor promises at 10 a.m. Mass March 24.
Easter musicale, "Hosanna," by, escent poster of a motorcycle-riding Lenten program in English: 7 p.m.
rock star on the back of the front Saints and Singers Chorus: 4 p.m. March 24, old school.
door that says, "Purple Rain makes March 24. All welcom~. ST. MARY, SEEKONK ugly mud." . First communion: I I a.m. Mass HOLY NAMlE, NB I couldn't remember how long it March 23; altar boys' meeting I p.m. . Choir and parishioners will offer had been there. So I blu.ffed. "Marie,"
March 23.
tableaux and songs on the Passion I .yelled down the hall again, "I and Resurrection at 7 p.m. March 24 O.L. ASSUMPTION,
thought I told you to get that.poster in the church. All welcome. OSTERVILLE
off the door." "You hadn't said anything lately Lenten musical program ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, presented by parish choir: 4 p.m. POCASSET· so I thought it was OK," the reply March 3 I at church. All welcome. floated back. ' Parish council elections this week "When did the kids start talking end.. SMU NEWMAN ASSN. back to you like that?" Aunt Martha Seder Supper: 7 p.m. March 31. Lectures: April 8, "Easter Rites" Information: 563-5536. asked. "They've always been so by A.J. John; April 22, "TBA" by
polite." Father Richard Gendreau, both in ST; JOSEPH,. FAIRHAVEN "Watch your tone of voice," I "From This Day Forward" cou Board of Governors' Room noon to
snapped at Marie when she rounded I p.m. Information: ext. 8317 or pleS'program 12:30p.m March 24, school gym. , ' the corner, heading for the front 8872.
"Evenings for Parents" workshop: door. four Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m., Marie looked at me and frowned. CATHEDRAL MUSIC, FR Beginning April 24, presented by Johnny opened the door and almost Lenten organ recital: following Sister Muriel Ann, SS.CC. Informa walked into her. "Watch where you're 12:05 p.m. Mass March 26, Henri tion: Sister Muriel Ann, 996-1983. going, Snickers breath," she barked CCD teachers' class: 7:40 p.m. St. Louis 'of Precious Blood parish, at him. . March 27,' rectory, "Theology of Woonsocket. "Johnny, have you been eating Church/ Ministry. TAlJNTON DCCW .~ ~~;:iej~st before dinner?" I inter Open meeting 2 p.m. March 24, St. Anthony School hall, Taunton: "N 0000," he said, giving his sister' Father Edward Murphy of Coven , GOD'S ANCHOR HOLDS a dirty look. "Happy Go Lucky here ant House will discuss ways of com just said that to see if she could get bating pornography, • • . • • • • • . • • • . . . • • . • . • •• me in 'trouble."
In at least one movie, "200 I," the superior intelligence from outer space performs a miracle that saves us from nuclear destruction; before leavi~g Earth, he gives us this second chance. It is a redemption and rebirth theine. "Starman" is certainly portrayed as a god-figure, even able to bring the dead back to life. In a touching scene, he releases a deer from death and frees it from the ropes tying it to a hunter's car.
The film has another religious theme: the father giving the world a .son. The woman who has accom panied Starman during his time on earth becomes pregnant; the baby wi,!1 know who his father is, promises Starman. . While these new versions of alien life are a lot better than the old approach, I can't say I'm completely comfortable with them. They rather blatantly plagiarize the greatest story ever told with their Christ-figures, persecution on Earth of one we do not understand, the home somewhere in the heavens and a message to the world about how to live and trust in a,higher power. On the other-hand, maybe some:' thing noble slips through, enough to make a viewer want to inquire into where the original message came from. Who knows, maybe these films could spark a search fodruth on the' part of many viewers. .
The balance of apathy
. d> . • • • O.
••••• ;
••• ;
By the time Aunt Martha left for home I had Marie dusting the wall boards, JohnlJY washing the dog, Joey practicing the trumpet in the garage and I had a splitting headache. I collapsed in a chair. 'I haven't had a headache like this for eons," I said. "Not since Aunt Martha was here last," said Marie. She had a point. Apathy and tol erance have their proper place. "Put the Purple Rain poster back up," I told her.
Sister Bento The Mass of Christian Burial was offered yesterday at Our Lady of Fatima High School chapel, Warren, R.I, for Sister Virginia Bento, SSD, 74, who died March 18. In· 55 years of religious life as a
Sister of St. Dorothy, she had served
in schools and houses of her com
munity in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. From 1940 to 1954 she was com munity coordinator and principal at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, New Bedford, and from 1961 to 1970 was provincial coordinator and treasurer at Villa Fatima, Taunton, the United States provincial house of the Dorotheans. Most recently she was again provincial coordinator, stationed at Our Lady of Fatima High School. She is survived by three sisters, Jovina Phillips of Seekonk and Mary , Sousa of Warren and Isabel Kelley of Riverside, both in Rhode Island; and by a brother, Manuel E. Bento of Bristol, R.I. Interment was in St. Mary's Cemetery, Bristol.
.,. been taken .with its details. Cos THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 22, 1985 tumes. household implements and sculpture were copied meti culously from museum pieces by artisans duplicilting original tech niques. Reproductions of first century buildings ,in Jerusalem and Rome were built on a ninth century Ribat. or fortress. in Monastir, Tunisia. The Roman Forum alone took nine months to com plete. Seldom has a biblical film taken such care to authenticate customs and costumes. buildings and artifacts r - literally, the re creation of first century culture and society. as weIl as its events. The plot of "A.D." has to do with three fictional couples: a Jewish Zealot married to the daughter of a Roman senator, the Zealot's sister _who marries a Roman officer, and an older Jewish couple living in Rome who become Christians. Too often these characters be come transparent devices to hold together an episodic narrative as "CHARLIE 's RELlGIO~ INOIFFERENCE HAS it skips from one historical event E3L.095OAEI7 INTO AN ALL·ENCOMPA75ING and place to another. from Rome APATHY" to Palestine and points between. The script. coauthored .by producer Vincenzo LabeIla and novelist Anthony Burgess. suc ceeds best with the biblical ma terial rather than with the ex cesses of the im'perial' house hold. It was a brutalizing age. but director Stuart Cooper manages to dist.ance the viewer from the Durfee sex and violence that are part of National AttIEborodici this record. Among the many stars in the cast. some have only brief Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. cameo roles and others are mis cast. but most turn in at least serviceahle performances. Most successful are Colleen Dew hurst's principled noblewoman Antonia. the late James Mason's indecisive Tiberius, and Richard Kiley's shadowy Claudius. The' miniseries' great strength' NOW Checking !is its faithful rendering of the from Citizens-Union. apostolic age. It is best in its re-creation of the Jewish con text within which the early church grew and from which it spread to the non-Jewish world. It affords a sympathetic view of Judaism and the Christian re -lationship to it. The rabbi Gama 'liel (John Houseman, in yet an other of his professorial per formances) is an unheeded voice pleading for tolerance. Paul (Philip Sayer) presents a X·RAY aUALlTY PIPE FABRICATION
more complex role - changing from the fanatic Saul, merciless SPRIN~LERS • PROCESS PIPING
persecutor of Christians, to the PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. HEATING
converted 'Paul. apostle of the gentiles. Sayer does well in 32 MiD Street (Route 79) bringing off this transformation. Assonet. MA 02702 As far as church history is, 614-2221 concerned, this ,production is on 'target. sincere and more often dramaticaUy convincing than piously sentimental or phony. Labella, whose previous effort ,in this genre was the.fine "Jesus • ~ ~ Closed Mondays of Nazareth," will get higher .... '. LUNCIII - Tuesday thru Friday ,marks from those interested in 12:00 • 2:30 religious history than from THE DINNER - Tuesday thru Saturday viewers mainly concerned about . 5:00·9:00 P.M. entertainment. b SUNDAY -12 Noon· 7:00 P.M. "A.D." offers Christian viewers EARLY BIRDS - 5-6 Daily some rewarding hours, making Sunday All Day eppropriate television fare for Rte. 28, -East Falmouth - A L S0 family discussions during Holy Hosts - Paul & Ellen Goulet Catering to Weddings Week. Religious educators might and Banquets also find it worthwhile to talk Tel. 548-4266 .' about with their classes. '1~3aeT~'$~aaaa~~aaa~22a£ a
'~'? .:1 •
piping sYstems inco
BEN VEREEN, playing an Ethiopian official, is bap tized into the new Christian faith in "A.D." (top picture); below, Jesus and Mary meet after the' Resurrection.
'A.D.' Holy Week viewing NEW YORK (NC) The growth of the carly church and the decline of the Roman Em pireare contrasted in ..A.D.... a 12-hour miniseries airing on five consecutive nights starting Palm Sunday. March 31, 8-11 p.m. EST on NBC. This epic dramatization, cover ing the years 30-69, focuses on the birth of the church from the Resurrection to the martyrdoms of Peter and Paul. It would. be hard to over-state the size and scope of "A.D.•" and not for its 12·hour length
alone. Several years in the plan ning and writing, nearly 'a year of filming in Tunisia on mass ive sets of Herod's temple. the ·Roman Forum, and other first century : buildings built by a small army of architects and builders. a cast and crew of some 700. and 4000 speciaIly-designed costumes, "A.D." is one of ,the most ambitious cinematic pro jects ever under,taken. Although the film covers m )re than 30 years of the turbulent first century 'and stretches across ,the Roman Empire, care has
, .
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-' '". P-
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'-Fri., Mar. 22, 1985
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Whipping children
509 Kempton St., New, Bedford - 993-0492 (PARAMOUNT PHARMACY)
Member F.D.I.C.
By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: My next-door neighbor whips her 3-year-old with a belt when he misbehaves, as often as twice a week. We can hear leather, hitting the child and hear his screams. • am so upset.• cannot stand to hear a child beaten. Although. have an otherwise good relationship with my neighbor, we have never talked about this. What can. do? - New York Punitive physical punishment is a poor way to discipline. If the whip p'ing is severe enough to leave marks that are visible hours later, this may constitute child abuse. Child abuse is very much in the public consciousness today. While parents must have the right and • responsibility to raise and discipline their, children in their own way, nevertheless, our society is expressing a long overdue concern when some parents abuse this right. You are correct in being concerned, and I think you should take some action. Talk the situation over with your husband. He may have some thoughts about how to approach your neigh bor. If your husband brushes you off with the sometime popular view that it's none of your business, that people
shouldn't meddle in one another's affairs, remind him that a child in need is everyone's business. Persons who stand by while serious harm is done to another,are almost as guilty as those doing the harm. If, on the other hand, your husband can show you that you are being overly concerned, that you are exag gerating the harm being done to the child, consider his opinion. The line between hard spanking and child abuse can be a thin one. Not every spanking constitutes child abuse. Then talk to your neighbor. Speak of your feelings and concern. Try not to judge or admonish or criticize her. Tell her it hurts you when a small child is so severely punished . Be und,erstanding. Share with her how angry you have become at times with your children. Offer to help her find other ways to relieve her stress and escalating tension. Perhaps she needs a time-out. You can offer some baby-sitting while she recovers her senses. Per haps she needs'someone to talk to. Be there with a cup of coffee to listen, She may need to learn more about parenting and discipline. Our book,
"Whole-Life Parenting" (Continuum, 1982) has many many suggestions on ways to be effective in disciplin ing 3-year-olds without causing phys ical harm. Frankly, violence is the last resort of the incompetent. There are many better ways to obtain obe· dience. Many states require that you report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the welfare department for investigation. If your attempted intervention fails and the child con tinues to be whipped, with cuts and bruises that can be noted 12 to 24 ,hours later, then you may need to report your neighbor. Such reporting is not like report ing a crime. You are simply calling' this situation to the attention of trained persons so the parents can be helped and the child protected. I am normally very reluctant to let the state intervene in the family. But when life and limb are threatened and your personal efforts cannot effect a change, such intervention may be necessary. Good luck!
Final Word "The final word is not that we have sinned but that we have been forgiven." - Daniel Berrigan, ~J
T,he difficulty of making a home By Msgr. G~orge G. Higgins "We live in a time when'it is harder for a free man to make a home than it was for a medieval ascetic to do without one." . When G.K. Chesterton penned this d'isc~rning observation on' the manners and morals of his times, he wasn't thinking specifically of the, housing shortage: Pr~sumably he had in mind the widespread break down in family morality worrying pastors, social workers, psychiatrists ana others in a position to observe its unhappy consequences. Chesterton was also thinking of those special obstacles to Christian family living which, if not directly caused by the Industrial Revolution, have been occasioned in part by the changeover from the simplicity of rural living to the complexity of modern urbanism. He was suggesting - and clerics ought humbly to take his words to heart - .that the present-day mar ried couple is called upon to practice a degree of personal heroism seldom asked of a 12th - or 13th-century, monk. . The medieval ascetic had at least one advantage: He lived in an envir onment and atomsphere, that sup ported the practice of the monastic virtues to which he had voluntarily dedicated his' life. Today's married couple, however, finds itself in an , environment and atomsphere which is often unfriendly, if not antagonis tic, to the standards of Christian wedlock and militates against the practice of its noble virtues. Chesterton was thinking about the difficulty of making a "home" and not specifically of finding a "house." And yet his words are even more tragically true today because it is so much more difficult for thou sands of people to find even a place in which to make a Christian home. The ,government's responsibility to help provide ade'quate housing or housing subsidies for those, particu larly the very poor, who cannot find it on the open market is not a liberal vs. conservative issue: This was
recognized some 40 years ago by the late Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio, a true-blue conservative if there ever was one, who strongly supported some measure of public housing, Taft held that the government has not only the right but the duty ·to promote sound family life to the extent of its legitimate power. How? Among other ways, by encouraging private enterprise, through reasona ble ,incentives, to provide decent housing for our citizens and, if necessary, by actually subsidizing the building of dwellings for. those whom private enterprise is either unable or unwilling to provide accommodations. Taft teamed up with a Northern liberal and a Southern conservative to co-sponsor the Taft-Ellender Wagner housing bill. The bill was
almost defeated by CritICS who charged it was "socialistic" because, among other provisions, it auth orized the continuation of low-cost public housing for low-income families. Those who really believe the family is the basic unit of society have no right to smile indulgently at the antics of vested interests who make it even "harder for a free man to find a home," We owe it to the, family to be "socialists," if that means siding with Pius XI who, in an encyclical on Christian marriage, said legislators "in making the laws and in disposing of public funds must do their utmost to relieve the needs of the poor, con sidering such a task as one of the most important of their administra tive duties.
Social Justice Day at Coyle · Cassidy Father 'Ned Murphy, one of the directors of Covenant House in New 'York City, will be the keynote speaker and headline.a list of distin guished guests at a 'Social Justice/Human Awareness Day to be held at Coyle 7 Cassidy High School, Taunton, Monday, March 25. Classes will be rescheduled for the day to allow the Coyle - Cassidy community to hear Father Murphy's address and to attend 22 different presentations from various fields that will be offered in two one-hour sessions. Activities will conclude with an early afternoon liturgy. As March 25th, the Feast of the A.nnunciation, is the feast day of the Sisters of the Holy Union members who serve as faculty and staff at Coyle -'Cassidy' will renew their. vows during the liturgy. "The day i~ taking on a beautiful form," said Anthony Nunes, 'a cochairman. "This will no doubt serve as an excellent opportunity to heighten awareness and increase sensitivity toward our often neglected and misunderstood broth ers and sisters." In addition to Father Murphy's ' address and follow-up session, pres entations will be given by represen tatives from l:Iospice, on care of the terminally ill; the Paul A. Dever School, on care of the handicapped; Pine Street Inn, on care ofthe home less in Boston; POl' Cristo, on medi cal care to Latin America; and the' Qepartment of Social Services on child and sexual abuse. Tal~s will also be given on the church in Tanzania; ministry to refugees in the diocese of Provi dence; the Bishops' pastorals on peace and the economy; Beginning Experience, which helps young' adults cope with death and divorce; and prison and hospital ministry. In addition, presentations will be offered by the Samaritans on teen age suicide; Birthright on problem pregnancy; Oxfam America on hunger; the Sisters of the Holy Union on their apostolic service in the Church; Maryknoll on the role' of lay missioners; and the Coyle Cassidy community service program on its volunteer work in the Taunton area. "We hope to challenge all partici-
Duarte to be N.D. speaker NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) Jose Napoleon Duarte, p~esident of EL Salvador, is scheduled to speak at graduation ceremonies May 10 ill his alma mater, the University of Notre Dame. Duarte became president of EI Salvador after a runoff election last May. He had previously ruled EI Salvador as appointed president of a military junta which took power after a 1979 coup. Duarte, a 1948 graduate of Notre Dame, is the first alumnus to become a head of state. He holds a degree in civil engineering from the university.
ment at Albertus Magnus Col lege, New Haven, Conn.
pants to a greater awarehessand a more compassionate response on behalf of the .'least of our brothers and sisters," said Michael Cote, also an event cochairman.' "Our theme for the day is taken from Matthew's Gospel: .... as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me." The social awareness day will also commemorate the fifth anniversary of the'death of Archbishop Oscar Romero, assassinated while fighting for the rights of the poor and oppressed'in EI Salvador.
GUIDO CALABRESI, Ster ling Professorcof Law at Yale University and dean of the Ya'le Law School, is the recip~ ,,' Dire~tory lists' ient of the Laetare 'Medal, awar,ded annually since 1883 ways to minister . to an American Catholic by Notre Dame University. . WASHINGTON (NC) - Inter. .In :announclng the aWard, national Liaison, th~ U.S. Catholic Father Theodore M. Hes coordinating center for lay volunburgh; CSC, Notre Dame pres tee I' ministries, 'has published the ident, said: "We honor in 1985-86 edition of "The Response," a directory oflay mission opportuniGuido .Calabresi a Catholic ties in the United States a'nd intellectual whose learning hl;lS overseas. . tangibly influenced both the' The 128-page booklet contains,C philosophy and the applica information on more than 115 mistion of the law of the land." sion agencies in the International Calabresi 52 is a native of Li~i~Oi1 coali~io.n and data on non- Milan Ital ~ In'1939 his fam afflhatedmlsslon and volunteer' '. yd h U 't d programs. I lY emigrate to. t e m e The directory is available at cam- St~t~s, w.her~ .hls father,' a pus ministry, diocesan mission and cardIOlogist, Jomed the Yale vocations offices, or for $5 by mail Medical School faculty and from International Liaison his mother, holder ofa docto headquarters, 1234 Mass. Ave., rate in philosophy" chaired N,W., Washington, D.C. 20005. . the Italian language depart-
Calabresi, a Yale graduate and Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, was the toprank ing student in the ,Yale Law School class of ,1958. After serving a clerkship with Su preme Court Justice Hugo Black;, he returned to the law school as a faculty member. An authority on ~orts, he has been 'influential in, estab lishment of no-fault accident insurance I"olicy' in many states. Among former Laetare Me , dal recipients have been Clare , Boothe Luce, President-John F .. Kennedy, Dorothy Day and Helen Hayes.
Actor aids MIVA
THE ANCHORFriday, Mar. 22,1985
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WASHINGTON -ActorPauINew man has donated $18,000 to MIVA' 'America, a Washington-based, non'-,. Direction of
profit group that provides vehicles lRev. J. Josaph Kierce
for American missionaries in devel Author' and Producer of
'oping countries. His gift will help The New England Passion Play
purchase ;i hydraulic lift truck for ''THE CHRISTUS" Consolata Father John DeMarchi in Ethiopia and a land cruiser for Franciscan FAther Christopher Dunn in Peru, said MIV A, an acronyn for Missionary Vehicle ~ssociation. The' donation came from profit's of New man's Own, a food company which makes popcorn, salad dressing and spaghetti and donates all profits to charity. ,. MIV A said, Newman made the donation at the· urging of race car driver Mario Andretti, an MIVA board member. TOUR 1 EASTER VACATION WEEK IN THE HOLY LAND! Plus either EGYPT or ROME Option!
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THE ANCHOR-D~oceseof. Fan. River-Fri.,
22, 1985
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incorporation an easy, predictable procedure. If the criteria of the sta tute were met, corporate existence
was' guaranteed; the discretionary abuses resulting from self-dealings. element was eliminated. The shareholders are the corpora The corporate structure is attrac tion owners and the directors are tive because within it businesses can aC,countable to them. Shareholders aggregate capital for expansion, limit elect directors and deal with other liability and reduce duplicatiol) of important corporate matters. They tasks with centralized management may hold meetings to adopt, amend and distribution. or' repeal bylaws and also have a limited managerial role in the corpor Although a corporation is a separ ation. ate legal entity, it needs someone to Usually each share is entitled to control its purpose and direction. one vote. Voting rights are tradi This is the job of its board of direc tionally demonstrated at shareholder tors. Unless other.wise provided by sta , meetings; many statutes now permit tute, the directors of a corporation, shareholders to consent to certain, proposals without a formal meeting. manage its property and affairs. They Shareholders may rem~ve direc are in control of the property of oth tors without cause only if they reserve ers and thus have a fiduciary duty, meaning that they must exercise, that powe'r ,when the directors are their best judgment when dealing elected, but they always have the power to remove directors for cause. with corporate issues. Directors usually execute policy through cor Shareholders may occasionally act poration officers..' as a substitute corporate organ if, ,A director must abide by corpora for instance, the board of directors is tion bylaws. Neglect of this duty not capable"of efficient action if the results in liability. Many state sta shareholders wish to exercise their tutes also impose liability on direc management dut,ies to the fullest. tors in cases of improper dividends, A board of directors manages a improper loans, misuse of funds, corporation by appointing and con failure to comply with requirements trolling its officers, which are the , of consideration of shares and other
president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary. The president pre sides at board of directors and share holder meetings. The vice-president acts in place of the president in case of his or her absence, resignation, disability or death. The treasurer receives and keeps the corporate funds as authorized. The secretary must attend meetings and keep min utes of those meetings as well as cer tify corporate records, give notices and attest the corporate seal. State and federal statutes make corporate officers liable for corporate taxes and crimes under certain circumstances. Sometimes, for instance, an officer might make a contract with another party without having authority to bind the corporation for the obliga tion involved. In some cases, courts have held such an officer personally liable for breach of the contract. Acorporation could not function without directors, officers and share holders. Each has a specific role to play. All share the same goal: to make the corporation successful and profitable. The Murphys practice law in Braintree.
Role of,conscience widely misundersio9d,
BETHESDA, Md. (NC) - Des pite all the religion-and-politics de bates in last year's election cam paigns, the issues, are still badly understood and need to be clarified, says Russell Shaw, secretary of pub lie affairs for the U.S. bishops. Shaw spoke on "Conscience and the Catholic Public Official" as part of a lecture series at St. Jane de Chantal Parish in Bethesda. He suggested that the issues are still clouded because many Ameri cans are confused about the mean ing of conscience, the difference bet ween public and private morality, and the real meaning of separation of church and state. . All those issues came into play in the debates over religion, politics and Catholic politicians which were triggered last year by the abortion policy position of Democratic vice- . presidential candidate Geraldine Fer raro. Ms. Ferraro stated that as a Catholic she personally opposed abortion, but she considered that view a matter of her religious belief which, as a public official, she could not impose on others.. Shaw declined to attribute var ious positions he discussed to indi vidual political figures, saying he wished to raise questions about the positions and issues themselves, not to label particular politicians. While its role in personal and pol itical morality is a central issue, Shaw said that many people misun derstand conscience, thinking of it as Freudian guilt feelings or as a voice of social mores one can choose whether or not to obe~. In contrast, he described con science as "our last, best practical judgment that here and now some 'proposed course of action-is or isn't morally right. " If one dciesnot also ask whether such a judgment is "really right" in an objective sense, "following con ,science tends to become an exercise , in mere arbitrariness," Shaw added. Everyone, including a Catholic politician, has an obligation to try to
form his conscience correctly "so that our moral judgments will not only be 'conscientious' or 'sincere' but true," he said. Some sharp divisions being made between public and private morality amount to Machiavellian arguments that "reasons of state" put govern.' ments above the moral law, Shaw said. "I hardly need say that this point of view is not compatible with the Catholic view.... Individuals may not lie, cheat, exploit. or.. kill· the inno~ cent. Neither may governments," he said. He said that "separation of church and state" is "another red herring" in the relig~on and politics debate. "I am a believer in separation of church and state, but I don't sub scribe to the abuse of this principle
as a rhetorical club to belabor reli gious persons and groups whenever they express views with which some editorial writer or pundit disagrees," he said, "The First Amendment is not meant to silence the religious voice or exclude it from 'the public policy debate." , Freedom to engage in the public debate is "one of the most important aspects" of the religious freedom ensured by the First Amendment, he said. On another aspect of the religion and politics debate, Shaw said he "may not like" it if a Catholic politi cian says that he disagrees with church moral teaching on a particu lar issue, "but at least I know wnere he stands. If there is going to be any debate, it will be'd,ebate on the basic moral question at stake,"
When a politician says, however, that he agrees with the church on a particular moral issue but would not. translate that belief into law or pub lic policy, "a 'fair amount of sorting out may have to take place before one can judge that this position is either reasonable or unreasonable," Shaw said. On the abortion question he sug gested that the "I personally agree with the, church but... " position is intrinsically inconsistent. "When a public official says he agrees with the church on abortion, he is saying that he accepts the view that abortion is a ,matter of public, not merely private, morality," Shaw commented.
Made for Heroism "Youth is not made for pleasure but for heroism." -Paul Claudel
He'll boycott graduation
By NC News'Service Bishop James C. Timlin of Scran "If the university or I attempted to Rodino's appearance, howe~er, was cancelled after the congressman avoid every action which might con ton, Pa., says he will not attend Uni ceivably give the appearance (to versity of Scranton commencement was hospitalized with chest pains. exercises May26 because he objects Joe Roche, national president of so~e) of suppor-ting a cause we do to the abortion views of House . the Ancient Order of Hiberians in not support, we would be reduced to Sp.eaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill America, was named to speak at the an isolating negativism which has no Jrl, D-Mass, who is slated to receive St. Patrick's Day dinner instead. place in university life and should an honorary degree from the Jesuit Bishop Timlin was reinvited and also be avoided in other human run university. accepted, Father Vanloon said. situations." Bishop Timlin and Father Panuska Bishop Timlin said it is Scranton Bishop Timlin stated that "it is the policy for the bishop to avoid any policy that the bishop of Scranton issued ajoint statement saying there appearance, of lending support to will not lend his presence to any was "no personal or institutional pro-abortion public figures. occasion which might in any way animosity" but that the bishop and He invoked the same policy in seem to support a pUblic figure whose the university have different inter early March when he was invited to views are pro-abortion, pro-choice pretations of what could be seen as a St. Patrick's Day dinner of the or in any way ambiguous on this lending support to pro-abortion Friendly Sons of St. Patrick at which most crucial issue." views. Last September Bishop Timlin Rep. Peter W. Rodino Jr., D-NJ, a father Vanloon said the policy 'criticized Democratic vice presiden Catholic like O'Neill, was scheduled goes back to Bishop J. Carroll tial candidate Geraldine Ferraro, to be the main speaker. Father Neil J. Vanloon, Bishop McCormick, bishop ofScranton from campaigning at the time in Scran Timlin's secretary, said the bishop 1966 to 1982. ton, for what he called a "secular decided not to 'attend because "he Jesuit Father J.A. Panuska, Uni humanist" defense of abortion. He checked (Rodino's) record and for versity of Scranton president,issued later said he was not criticizing her the last two or three years he has not a statement disagreeing with Bishop personally, simply her stand on abor been pro-life." Timlin's decision. tion.
pastoral TV series
NEW YORK (NC) The Catholic Telecommunications Network of America has begun distributJion of "Search for Jus tice," a five-part television series examining the U.S. bishops' draft pastoral letter on the American economy. The series is scheduled for dis tribution through May by CTNA affiMates to ~ocal broadcasters cable channels, parishes and schools. It also wiH be available from Paulist Press beginning June 1. The series is part of an effort to engage lay and derical Cath olic leaders in discussion of the moral, social and political 4ssues underlying the pastorat Topics treated include the church and th~ economy; the economy and human work; pov erty in the midst of plenty; the global impact of the U.S. econ· omy; and economic planning. Viewer and leader guides for the series are available from Paulist Press.
Jubilees Continued from Page Three Father Philliploo Father PhilHpino, a native of Taunton, was born June 6, 1930. He is the son of Josephine (De Sarro) Philippino and the late Louis V. Phillipino. After primary and secondary studies at Cohannet grammar school and Taunton High School, he graduated from Providence College with a major in biology. Following Army service and work as a research technician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, he prepared for the priesthood at the Theological College of Catholic University in Washington, D.C. . After 11 years 'as associate pastor at Holy lName parish, New Bedford, during which time he was also an instructor' in re ligion at Holy Family High School, in 1971 Father Phillipino came to Immaculate Conception parish, Fall River. In addiltion to serving there as associate pas tor, he was associate director of Diocesan Health Facilities. He ~s ill defender of the bond for the diocesan marriage trio bunal and in the 1970s was as· sistant to the secretary of the Diocesan Office for Administra· tion and Finance. In 1977 Fa,ther Phillipino was named administrator of St. Ber nard's parish, Assonet, serving there until 1978 when he was appointed to his present post as pastor of Immaculate Conception Church, !North Easton. He will celebrate his jubilee with a 5 p.m. Mass of thanks giving on Sunday, April 14, fol lowed by a reception in Immacu late Conception hall.
A Blessing "When the heavenly city comes to mind, you are under a bless ing and the glory of God will carry you away." - Plutonius
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ARCHBISHOP SHEEN during one of his weekly tele . \ casts in the 1950s. (NC Photo)'
Archbishop' Sheen's angel revealed at last SARASOTA, Fla. (NC) Archbishop Fulton Sheen may have been the star, but without a set, props and an invisible "angel," his television show, "Life Is Worth Living," wouldn't have been the same. The set duplicated the then auxiliary bishops' office at the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in New York City, from the books on the bookshelf to the statue of his desk - and men like Milton Halpert now of Sarasota, made it possible. Arch bishop Sheen 'at the time was the society's national director. Halpert was property master for the half-hour weekly show, which was broadcast in the 1950s and was so popular it topped "The Milton Berle Show" in the ratings. He 'also was the invisible "angel" responsible for erasing the blackboard on which Arch bishop Sheen highlighted key points of his humorous, inspira tional talks. He remembers the archbishop as "a great performer, a hand some man with bright blue eyes that looked right at you." The 'Show began in 1951, wh-!n Archbishop Sheen was auxiliary bishop of New York, In 1966 he was named bishop of Rochester, and in 1969 'was given the per sona~ title of archbishop. He died in 1979. "He was made for the cam era," Halpert recalled in an in terview. "If he hadn't Ibeen a priest, he'd have been an 'actor." Ha].pert also took care of re placing the wh~te Madonna statue that sat on the arch· bishop's studio desk. After each broadcast, Archbishop Sheen would mingle with the studio audience and dramatically give someone the figurine. "I had a whole box of those statues," la,ughed Halpert. The prop man had a long career in New York 'theater. Over the years he built sets for Milton Berle, was property man ager for the' Lunt-Fontaine Theater on 42nd Street and tech nical director at Lincoln Center.
He also worked at the /New York City Opera 'and Radio City Mu sic Hall. The lights and glitter of Broadway have been a lifelong passion. "I miss it terribly," he said. But since he and his wife moved to Sarasota in 1979, Hal pert has kept his hand in theater. He collects and operates puppets, llrom a Mickey Mouse hand puppet to elaborate Punch and Judy marionettes. He writes for a puppeteeer magazine and cor responds with enthusiasts across the country. Halpert discovered what be came another of his passions, origami, while on the set of "The King and I." He took up the ancient Oriental art of paper folding to occupy 30 child actors backstage. Now he constantly carries paper with him, and leaves nap kins and dollar bills folded into peacocks, elephants 'and frogs on restaurant tables. Halpert also contributes his talents to chari ties! teaching people the craft and folding paper into donors' initial,s as a sign of gratitude. To remain close to the theater life he loves, Halpert occasion 'ally works asa light man at Sarasota's Van Wezel Hall "just for ,the feel and smell of tM theater," he sa,id. "I love every bit of it."
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THE: ANCHOR....,Oiocese oHall River-Fri., March 2~, 19~5 ,- ,
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our schoo:ls
as ,"Where the Rose is Sown" demonstrates. .' . The song's obvious theme is the cost of war, partic\1larly ·its· in Class A in a recent New Eng cost t08 ,young person's mind; ,land Majore·tte. Association con T.he singer nopes, to survive the The Connolly, hockey t~ test, while the junior varsity con .ordeal, but. he wonders if he will made it to the'· state tourney tingent took third place in Class 'recover .from the .damage to his · semifinals· and received sPecial B. They're directed by Mrs. inner self: Brenda Loiselle.' commendation from. Massachu ... ... ... ... setts .Interscholastic Ath!letic· "If I die in adombai zone . Not surprisingly, Shamrock ,box me up and ship' me home; if Association director Richard By . Charlie ,Martin Week was celebrated March 11 I die and still come home, lay, Ne8t who stop~ principal to 15, with events including a me where the rose is sown." . C. O'Brie~ 81, .FatherJJames WHERE THE ROSE IS .SOWN . faculty-stud~nt reCeption .and a .after a game to say "I just w~nt Young people often feel power . We're at war .. gala irish dance. ' less about war. Governments de-· to tell you that your team and ... ... .... ... AHI-the papers say your students and fans are .a cide if and when to enter an arm Feehan played host to all dio We will.win ed conflict against another· na · great credit to your school." I read today cesan high scl)ool faculty at a III ... ... III tion. Yet young people are the . We are strong professional day ~ast Friday. Spirit Week closes' today at .' Teachers 'hearda presentation by . ones who are drafted and sent It wasn't us or part' the Fall River high school. Dres.s to ,fight, who sacrifice .all We are .right Rev. James A.' O'Donahue on of their lives. . up day, oddly enough, managed "The ChaUenge of Teaching who started this. Leave your work . A war today' could destroy to coincide with Bishop Cronin's Morality Today" and attended , I just left· school Earth. War doesn'.t .fit 'into God's annual pastoral visit .to the workshops on a variety of topics. Leave' your home hopes for our ;Jives or the future ·campus.. III ... ... - ... of our world. . .1 am nO fool -The Connolly Alcohol Aware Take up arms How can we combat the feel ness Team, nine stUdents dedi It left me strong . ing of powerlessness? The first Sister Mary Catherine Burns, cated to alerting their fellows' to Sound alarms , ' step' ,is to realize how interrela · the hazards Involved in drinking; SUSC, C-C math and computer The sehool bell rings. ted ,all people. are. has presented four mini-programs science 'department 'head, has Sons of men who stand like gods When people work, together, thus far this year at Connolly, announced that students at the We give life to feed the. cause . they cail influence world events. plus two presentations for Fall Taunton seliool have attained And run to ground! .our heaven foe , Wh'at destroys our potential to River area tvOs" and. one ,at their highest team score, ever Our name wl11' never die affect the Vlorld is the decision Tiverton Middle School. Planned ~oit . the National High School ThIs tinie wiil be forever. to live "my own life." Such de to climax the program Is. a full Math Exam. J:oin ,up here cisions come out in statements day program for Connolly on Individual high scorers were· I wa~ goodbye like "I'll just live' my own life Janna Murphy, first; Steve Rawl May 9,. ending with a night' ses We.need you and let others worry about .world ings, second; and Doug Bunn, sion for parents and friends. My breastS sigh problems." third. The highest scoring Jumor Have rio fear was Donald Cleary and the high I must.try Young people have tremendous est scoring sophomore was Mark God will be gifts: drive, enthusiams and .Varsity majorettes at the Attle Bettencourt. The national exam With braver men: vision for a better world. These boro high school took first place' is administered yearly at CoCo Take the' vow can be focused on effective ways ,to promote 'chang'es in the world. I know it's right Praise the flag i '. encourage youth group~' to . The good fight talk about .how· they might con We're at war nect uP. with others who are By Cecliia Belanger· while I defer, thou waitest for I'm on my way ,actively working to change the , Jesus was the expression of me. We will win . world. Such groups can ·for· in When I am down, thou raisest God's love for humanity. He Why do I pray? stance call their diocesan youth me up; fallen, thou restorest me; showed us' that the Father did I wait bere in this hole ministry or ,social justice office not upbraid. a penitent prodigal thou givest to' me aslcing;. thou Playing poker with my soul to invite a speaker to come and, .before receiving hiin. He said, art fQund of me seeking; thou I hold the rifle close to me outline what can .be dorie. "Come" and you were made wel~ openest to me knocking." It lights the way to keep me free. Heaven and ea~th shaU· pass come and safe in his arms. The song speaks sarcastically If I die In a combat zone ,If you were wounded, he. heal away but never the words or about how "God will be with Box me up and ship me home U you were lost, he found love' of the Saviour.. The ed. the braver men." i doubt if God . If Idle andl still come home you. He caUed you his sheep, his words of Jesus never grow old. picks sides in that way but we lay me where the rose Is sown. child, 'and brought you to the' They are fitted to ,the times in can be sure he is on the side of Recorded by Big Country, written.by Stuart Adamson, ,(c) 1984 heavenly fold. which he lived, ,in which we Hve, peacemakers. by 10 Music Ltd., Published in the U.S.A. and Canada . St. Anselm's prayer is moving: and. in which future generations Your .comments are always by Virgfin Music Inc. and NyMph Music Inc. . "I have sinned, and thou hast will live. They 'are equally appli welcome. Address Charlie Mar suffered it; I have offended and cable to all lands in all ages. His THE SCOlTISH band Big recognition in America. Their tin, ,1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., words are .oJ'ight from heaven, yet thou endurest me. If Ire Country is just beginning to gain songs often address social issues, Evansville, Inti. 47714~ ~ent, thou sparest; df I return, . adapted to the morning or the thou receivest me; yes, moreover, evening of the world.
Bishop Conn~lly
Bishop Feehan'
Jesus' shows ,God's love
mind? Q. Why Is premarital sex con demned? Our sex drive begins at age 10, and that, yes, is too young for sex. But seven or eight years later, I don't believe it Is. So why Is It' condemned? Did GOd make us to want sex and then say It is wrong? (Louisi": aDa)
A. From time to time, the word. "chocoiatc'''appears in this col .umn. I suspect this is asubcons cious expression of my immense
regulate our desires, whether for chocolate; beer or sexual .~nter· course. By God does. not ask us to refrain from sexual intercourse outside .marriage just, to make things TOM difficult 'for us. Rather,. he. is concerned for our happiness. LENNON I think premarital sex turns God's wonderful -gift into some thing trivial. And Jf. sexual' inter is triV'ial before 'marriage, course . . craving :for chocolate ~n any it may.remain trivial after mar . form. riage. 'If I thought the way this Controlling our sexual desires week's questioner thinks, I would while we are single requires self say that God gave me this desire discipline. This is excellent prep for chocolate, and therefore I aration for the strong self-discip can indulge myself 18 hours a line required for married life. dayi( I so choose.. Consider too that we are most But my physical and perhaps human when we master our de my psychological health would . sires and impulses. This type of suffer. . : self-discipline leads, us to the At the risk' of deep unhappi happiness and satisfaction we ' ness, even tragedy, we have to seek in our lives.
FATHER JOHN FITZGERALD, U,S. Naval Academy' deputy chaplain, seems to be requesti~g support at the high est level for Navy's perpetual rivalry with Army.
... THe ANCHOR -
~,March 22,
tv, movie news
By Bill Morrissette
Mansfield Gains eya Hockey Final Mansfield, runnerup in the in the second canto before New regular season, nipped New Bed Bedford narrowed the gap to 2.1 ford, 4-3, in the Driscoll Rink, on Ken Gouveia's goal late in FaU River, last Sunday night ,to . the second period. Goals by Jan McMullin' and complete a sweep of that semi final in the post·season playoffs Steve Sharpe early in the third of the Bristol County CYO period boosted Mansfield's lead Hockey League. Mansfield had to 4-1. New Bedford rebounded won the opener of the series, with goals by Dean Snell and 7-1, and will meet Fall River Dennis Sylvia but could not close South or Fall River North in the the gap. best-of-three final scheduled to Scott Durocher scored for FaIl River North 1:35 into "the game start March 31. Regular-season champion Fall with Fall River South but the River South, reverting to form, Southies opened a 3-1 lead on defeated Fall River' North, 5-2, goals by Bryan Pal'umbo, Steve to deadlock that semi-final at . Couturier and Bernie O'Reilly be one victory each. The North fore the first period ended. skaters upset the Southies, 6-1, The regul,ar-season champions in that series opener. They meet stretched the lead to 5-1 on again at 9 p.m. Sunday. second-period goals by Paul Hogan. 'and O'Reilly. The only In last Sunday's game Mans goal in the third period was by field got goals from Mike Cas sidy in the first period and early North's Kevin Robinson.
As Peter Bogdanovich - di rected films tend to do, the story plods along and we aren't sure how Rocky turns out to be a well-adjusted individual, despite his deformity and' his family circle which includes, a drug . addicted mother and a motor cycle gang. In spite of her drug problem, Cher is' excellent as his tough but loyal, caring mother. Sam Elliot ·as a macho biker does little but provide background. As a blind girl in love with Rocky, Laura Dern never makes' her handicap very convincing.
under, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50-plus. Registrations,at $5, wiH be accepted until 15 minutes before each race. The course for men is 25:25 held by Chris Harrison of the Greater Boston Tr.ack Club. Deb· ra Harwood of the Colonial Road Runners holds the women's record, 29:53. The event is an official REEBOK Racing Club Road Race.
Because of its relatively be nign view of the .lifestyle of a motorcycle gang which 'involves drug abuse and se~ual promis cuity, this film is rated Al4, PG-13. . "Missing in Action 2: The Be· ginning" (Cannon) is the violent sequel to a violent action hit, again starring blank-faced Chuck Norris, this time a prisoner of war in Vietnam. A run-of-the mill war movie, it is rated 0, R.
biocesan Hoop Playoffs Sunday Playoffs for the CYO basket· ball championship of the Fall River Diocese open March 24 in the Kennedy CYO Youth Center, New Bedford, with action in all three divisions.
to the best-of-three finals against their FaIl River" counterparts. The opening games will be play ed in Cya aaU, Fall River, on March 31. Preps will meet at 1:30 p.m., Juniors at 2:30 and Taunton and New Bedford Seniors at 3:30. In the second games in the champions will meet 'according to the following schedule: Preps finals on April 2 the Fall River at 1:30 p.m., Juniors at 2:30 and ites will be away inaH divisions Seniors at 3:30. The best-of-three at sites to be determined. Third semi-finals will continue next games, if needed, will be sched· Tuesday in the Catholic Middle' uled, for April 3, also at sites to School, Taunton, with the Prep be determined. The playoffs in the girls divis game at 6:30 p.m., Juniors at 7:30 and Seniors alt 8:30. Third ion, involving teams from New games, if needed, will be played Bedford and Fall River,' will be on Thursday, March 28, at sites held during the week of March to be determined. 31 with the teams determining The winners will then advance the sites of the games.
Junior goalie Jeff Majewski, senior forwards Bob Carroll and junior defenseman Mike Theri ault and Todd Jakusik of Bishop Connolly High School were named to the New Bedford Stan dard-Times all-star hockey team. Others on the stellar combine are sophomore goalie Dustin Cormier, New Bedford High; de- • fensemen: senior John Tierney,' New Bedford High, juniors Mike Gill, Fairhaven, 'and Bill Peter son, Dartmouth. Also forwards
senior John Sullivan, Dartmouth; juniors Peter nias and Eric La· bonte, Fairhaven, junior Scott Mello, Somerset. North Attleboro H,igh School, with a 6.750 average, ds· the leader in the winter standings for the Hockomock League all sports trophy. Foxboro, 6.227, is next followed by Oliver Ames 5.636, Canton 5.625,. Stoughton 5.183, 'Franklin 5.445, Sharon 5.091, King Philip 5.455, Mans field 3.200.
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·I3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive. New Films Rocky Dennis (Eric Stoltz), the hero of "Mask" (Universal), is a horribly misshapen boy who suffers from 'a genetic defect. This film chronicles the last two of his 16 years of life.
Lamb Scholarship Race Sunday
All-Star Teams
Leading Garden Center
~~ports watch
The James H. Lamb Memorial Scholarship Road Race is sched uled for 11 ·a.m. March 24. The five-mile ·run will start from Coyle-Cassidy High School, Adams and Hamilton Streets, Toaunton. The event will be pre ceded by a fun run at 10 a.m. The race, which is for the benefit of the James H. Lamb Athletic Scholarship Fund, fea tures the following divisions for male and female runners: 14 and
"Night Patrol" (New World) is the latest vulgar, sexually ex ploitative clone of "Police Acad emy." 0, R
Films on 1V . Monday, March 25, 8-10:30 "Every p.m. EST (NBC) Which Way But Loose" (1979) - CHnt Eastwood is a footloose trucker and lbarroom birawler
who falls in love with a fickle country·western singer (Sandra Locke). A slipshod movie featur ing unremitting violence and a low moral tone. 0, PG Sunday, March 31, 8-10:30 p.IIL EST (ABC) - "yOU! Only Live Twice" (1967) - Sean Con nery in his fifth appearance as J ames Bond goes through :the motions of tracking down some mission space capsules and fin ally besting his arch foe Blo feld (Donald Pleasance). The 007 formula of personal sex' and violence has worn itself thin with the result that this is just another mediocre spy thriller. A3, R
1V Programs Monday-Friday, April 1-5, 7-9 a.m. EST (NBC) "Today." The NBC News morning show will broadcast live from Rome during Holy Week, with Bryant Gumbel and Jane Pauley anchoring pro grams based in Vatican City, and Willard Scott providing weather forecasts from various scenic locations. Monday, April 1,8-9 p.m. EST (PBS) . "Ancient lives." Daily life in ancient Egypt is chronic led in this four~part series ex ploring~ 3,OOO-year-old artifacts and records. discovered in a vil lage whose craftsmen built the Royal Tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Wednesday, ;April 3, 8-9 p.IIL EST (PBS) "Discover: The World of Science." Among stories cov-' ered by host Peter Graves are a recent FAA attempt to improve safety features of passenger air liners, sleep deprivation, laser eye surgery, computer X-rays and an improbable perpetual motion machine. Friday, April 5, 9-10 p.m. EST (PBS) "Requiem." Broadway composer Andrew Lloyd Webber of ''Cats,'' "Evita" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" fame wrote this requiem Mass featuring Placido Domingo, the Westminster Chil dren's Choir, :the St. Thomas Church Choir and the St. Luke Chamber Orchestra under direc tion of Loren Maazel dn a pro· gram from 'St. Thomas Church ' in New York City.
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'Church '85' teleconferences topic
NEW YORK (NC) - The Na tional Pastoral Life Center has announced a six-part, nationwide teleconference series beginning IVIarch 28. It will address pastoral questions confronting the church. The series, called "Church '85," will be telecast live over the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America. The pas toral life center also will trans mit im unscrambled signal that can !be received by any satellite receiver in any diocese. Church ministry to the family will be the focus of the first teleconference, scheduled for 3 4:30 p.m. March 28. Guests will include Father Thomas Lynch. U.S. Catholic Conference repre sentative for family Hfe, and
Father Steven Preister, executive director for family studies at Catholic University of America. Other topics in the series will include the Rite of Christian Ini tiation for Adults and the parish, April 25; the U.S. bishops' draft pastoral letter on the U.S. econ omy, May 23; and education, the elderly and lay ministry in the fall. In addition to presentations by speakers, the teleconferences will include telephoned questions from audiences in diocesan cen ters around the country. Further information on the project is available from Ann Delaney, teleconference producer, (212) 431-7825.
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u.s. 'helps
internationalize Vatican scene
VATlCAN CITY (NC) - Since the ending of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, the top 1evel of the Roman Curia has changed from a predominantly Italian , preserve to an internationalized body in which Americans are well represented. .Also fairly numerous are A'm erican bishops who count among their backgound experiences ser vice in Rome. Among them are , Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who was from 1961 to 1968 an at· tache to the Vatican City secre tariat of State. Today a,lmost all the Curia top posts, including the papacy, are held by non-Italians. Twenty years ago only two 'of · the 12 congregations which then · made up the Curia. were headed by non-Italians. Today, of 10 congregations, non~ltalians head eight. . One congregation, Catholic education is headed by U.S. Car dinal WHliam Wakefield Baum, archbishop of Washington., Americans also head two other important Vatican offices. Arch 'bishop John Foley of the Phila· delphia archdiocese is president of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications. Arch· bishop Paul I\~arcinkus of the Chicago archdiocese is president of the Vatican bank and gover·
cial, who asked not to be identi fied. "An awful lot of the mistakes have come from non-I~aliaus who have not learned the Curia ropes and style," the officia,l, himself a non-Italian, said. Archbishop Marcinkus denied Archbishop Marcinkus, who that a job ,in the Curili is an came to the Vatican in 1952 to
stepping-stone to
join the staff of the secretariat automatic of state, noted the increase in higher clerical office. He said
Americans since Vatican II. He that a priest, serving the Vatican said. he backs the changes in the does not necessarily go home a bishop. But he said that can
Curia, but would prefer a differ happen, noting that among his
ent term than internationaliza earlier coworkers were Msgr.
tion. "The Holy See .is not a group James Malone, . now bishop of of nations," he said. "It ,is one Youngstown, Ohio, and' presi family with different cultures dent of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops; Msgr. Pius and nationalities." Benincasa, now auxiliary bishop He said that working in the of Buffalo, N.Y., and Msgr. Dan Vatican provides a chance to iel" Cronin, now bishop of Fall see the church in a more univer· River. sal .light, but added that Amer,i The archbishop noted that Vati can priests are not lining ,up for can salaries are not attractive, the opportunity. but at 'least are countered by "A lot have come over here low expenses, especially if because their bishops have asked priests live at Villa Stritch, the ' them to," he said. And "some home for' U.S. 'priests at the 'bishops have been reluctant to Vatican, where room and board, release men for this work because he said, "is a token." of the shortage of priests,'" he In general a U.S. diocesan added. priest at the Vatican grosses As a sort of compromise, many about $150 weekly, including American priests s~rve for shQrt pension, health insurance and the terms. 'But this is not necessarily $6 a week awarded to non-Ita.! a good idea, said a Vatican offi· ians for an occasional trip home.
nor of Vatican City. . The number of non-Italians has increased in the Curia rank and-file as well, including a few dozen Americans, but Italians are still the majority, at that level.
.FROM LEFT, Robert Fontaine, Brother Moran, Father O'Brien.
New assistant principal Robert T. Fontaine, teacher of business subjects a't Bishop Con· nolly High School, Fall River, since 1979, will become the school's assistant principal on July I, it was announced today. Brother James J. Moran: S.J., who has held the post for the last five years, will move' to a post in the executive vice·princi pal's office of Boston College High School, Dorchester. Fontaine, 31, is a 1975 grad'u· ate of Roger WilHams College; holding a degree in 'accounting. He was in banking before join ing the Connolly faculty. In his new position he will be
responsible for school order and security, for transportation ar· rangements and for in-school and intra-school liaisons. He will be the first lay member of the Con· nolly administration, joining Father James ,C. O'Brien, SJ, principal, and Father Donald MacMillan, SJ, and Brother Roger Millette, FIC, associate principals. Married to the former Linda Anderson,Fontaine lives in Middletown, RI. The couple has one' son and expects another child in June. The new assi~tant prindpal is active in the Knights of Columbus and enjoys tennis.
Father Bruce Ritter
A Hurting, Crucified Street Kid The human race has always .Iiked parties more than penance. I mean, everybody likes a Mardi Gras. Nobody likes Lent very m.uch. Lent is harder-to under.stand and even ,:?
harder to live with. When I was a kid, Lent meant giving up something: can dy, movies, our dessert. Or, on a more positive side, Lent 'meant doing something extra: like helping your Mother do 'the dishes without complaining, ortaking out the gar bage... Adults' had harder things to do: like losing weight or giving up smoking... or drinking... (When I was 10, I was always disappointed that I didn't drink or smoke because I didn't have anything important to give up).
"To a street kid like Randy, Lentdidn't make any sense at all." For akid, Lent was like getting ready for Christmas-- be , ing good so you wouldn't get any coal in your stocking, or so that God wouldn't get mad at you. For adults it was Ii ke .another chance to make your New Year's resolutions all over again -- only this time, because you were.doing it for God, your chances of keeping them were better. To a street kid like Randy, Lent didn't make any sense at all. "You want me to give up something, Bruce?" He said that incredulously, almost with a sense of shock and out ·rage. "I have a lot of getting to do, I ain't never had anything yet." ' , .' Good Friday was even less comprehensible. "If he died 'for us -- as you say -- that was long ago arid I don't believe it. He never did anything like that for me. Nobody did. ·Nobody does anything just to be good. You guys don't. You're getti ng somethi ng out of it. It makes you feel good Father Bruce Ritter. OFM Con v., is the founder and President of Covenant House. which operates crisis centers for homeless and runaway boys and girls all over the country.
to hefp me. That's your thing, man. Don't lay your trip on me. You need me, man! I don't need you." The boy was 16. A street kid. Not all our kids have suffered that much, have such an active disbelief burned into them. Most are c'apable -- and cautiously anxious -- to believe in good people making , good things happento them. ,A girl said to me once: "Why do you riJn this place? You must be very rich?" I said. No. I was always broke and we did it because of God and we cared about her and would probably love her if she stayed around, A'boy, a street kid, a hustler. said to me: "Bruce, give me $10,000, You must be a millionaire to run this place." I just laughed and said I didn't have any money and he asked me where I got it and I said I asked people for it. . He laughed and said unbelievingly: "What do you say?" I said, well if you had money and I asked you for some of it to help a bunch of really good kids who had no place to stay, wouldn't you give it? And he said "Yes." and started to cry, I think because it had been a long time since someone had called him good. Our kids are beautiful. Most wouldn't like to hear me call them that. They would snort unbelievingly and say we were crazy or weird, and why did we think'that. And that it just wasn't true, because that would mean that we loved th~m and there is no way they can believe that. No way! Those of us, who are believers, for"whom our act of faith has conjoined our time and history with the Lord's, the world is a different place of love and grace. The logic and meaning imposed on our life by the death of Jesus are in escapable: He died for all of us because he loved us. not because we were worthy of it or deserved it.
", .. we can never find the answer to why we do what we do anywhere else." Ever since Good Friday, the only allowable reason for us to do good to anyone -- the only reason that makes any sense -- is because we love them. Not because they are g~od., N9t because they deserve it. But because they need
it. Because they will never learn that they are beautiful un less we love thimi.. Because Randy"still only 16, hurting and crucified, can never believe Jesus loves him unless we do. . Maybe Lent is hard to live with because it goes so far beyond giving up cake and candy and cigarettes and los ing weight... Even beyond the extra prayers and meditations.. , Maybe we find Lent so hard because we know, in our heart of hearts, that we can never find the answer to why we do what we do anywhere else. . A hurting, crucified street kid, and that hurting crucified man on the cross ask the same question •• just their language,is different.. Do you love'me? We have to say yes to both io say yes to either. Pray for us. We pray for you all the time.
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