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VOL. 35, NO. 12


Friday, March 22, 1991


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


$11 Per Year


Holy Thursday letter to world's priests

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"We simply need to love our priesthood" VATICAN CITY (CNS) Confusion about the meaning of the priesthood is lessening as more people experience the need for priests in their communities, Pope John Paul II said. "Lay people are seeing the indispensable need for priests as a condition for their own authentic Christian life and their own apostolate," the pope said in a letter to priests worldwide for Holy Thursday, 1991. Pope John Paul said, "We simply need to love our priesthood, to give ourselves completely to it, so that the truth about the ministerial priesthood may thus become attract.ive to others." It was the 11th time that Pope John Paul had written to priests for Holy Thursday - the commemoration day ofthe Last Supper and in many dioceses a day when priests renew their priestly promises. The pope said that the world Synod of Bishops on priestly for. mation last October brought "a new maturity in the way of looking at priestly service in the church." "This maturity finds expression. in a more profound interpretation of the very essence of the sacramental priesthood, and thus also of the personal life of each and every priest, that is to say, of each priest's participation in the saving mystery of Christ," he said. The pope opened his letter with


alinefromlsaiah-"TheSpiritof the Lord is upon me" - which Jesus quoted when speaking at the synagogue in Nazareth. . "I n their immed iate setting these words point to the prophetic mission of the Lord as the one who proclaims the Gospel. But we can also apply them to the manifold grace which he communicates to us," the pope told his fellow priests. Archbishop Laghi said the pope chose the quote "to underline that it is not by an election of the community, but by the imposition of hands by the bishop that a man 'is constituted for the good of men in things regarding God. '" The pope said that following the Second Vatican Council an awareness of priestly identity "has in some quarters become less sure" because of a misreading of council documents. The pope did not explain how the teachings were misinterpreted, but said that "a significant transformation" has begun to reverse the trend. The "need for priests - in some ways a growing phenomenon should help to overcome the crisis of priestly identity," he said. "The experience of recent decades shows ever more clearly how much the priest is needed both in the church and in the world, not in some 'laicized' form, but in the form which is drawn from the Turn to Page II


A PALESTINIAN woman appears to ignore Israeli border police frisking a Palestinian man. (CNS/ UPI-Reuters photo)

Life tragic under Israeli curfew By John Thavis BElT SAHOUR, Israeli-occupied West Bank (CNS) -In a hill town south of Jerusalem, Mary N. watched the soldiers' jeeps pass on the road that runs by her house, and listened to her children grow restive in the kitchen. "For the last few months, all I've seen is violence, which I hate," she said. "The curfew is on and the children are fed up in here. They can't concentrate. They say they don't want to live anymore. It hurts to hear these expressions."

AT THE ANNU AL Diocesan Council of Catholic Women retreat, held this year at the Family Life Center, North'Dartmouth, and themed "The Women around Jesus," from left, DCCW Church Communities chairman Alice Loew; president Madeline Wojcik; retreat master Father Mark R. Hession; recording secretary and retreat cochairman Theresa Lewis; retreat chairman Mary Galvin. They 'are looking at a retreat memento, a depiction of the women around Jesus at his crucifixion. (Lavoie photo)

For the Palestinian mother of three teen-agers, March 12 was just another day in the 24th year of Israeli military occupation. For Israel, it was the second day of U.S. Secretary of State James Baker's post-Gulf war peace-building tour. A few miles down the road, in fact, Mrs. Baker was paying a visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. "It's my hometown, five minutes away, and I'm not allowed to go there," said Mrs. N, who did not want her last name used. Like most Palestinians, her movement in the occupied territories is severely restricted. "I don't have much hope for a solution. The Americans and the Israelis don't want one," she said somberly. "They are not going to give up an inch of land." She sat on a couch in her wellkept house, beneath a picture of Mary and Jesus. Like most residents of Beit Sahour, her family is Christian. Their living room win<low looks down on Shepherds' Field, where tradition says the angel appeared to shepherds the night Jesus was born. Since the beginning of the Gulf war, Beit Sahour has lived under a blanket curfew that only recently has been lifted sporadically during the day. The curfew is like a prison, her children say. No going out to play, no school, no shopping, no socializing. Outside, soldiers patrol constantly for curfew violators. In February, when daily life appeared grimmest, things got worse. A cousin, I4-year-old Salam Mutzlah, who lived nearby, was shot dead by a Jewish settler. On this particular afternoon, three weeks after the killing, the Mutzlah home was full of women in black who had come to pray as

part of a traditional40-day mourning period. Salam's mother stood in her kitchen, holding two-year-old Amira, who was sucking a lollipop and saying something in Arabic. "Amira says she wants to visit heaven - just her alone - and see her brother," Mrs. Mutzlah said. There is a hole in the doublepaned kitchen window made by a bullet from a high-velocity assault rifle of the type issued by the military to many Israeli settlers. Salam's mother said she was cooking supper when there was a sudden crash behind her. She turned around and saw her only son lying dead on the floor, shot in the head, still clutching a TV remote-control. The family tried vainly to find medical help, she said, but the curfew was in force. "He is a martyr," the family says of Salam. They recalled how he loved sports and teased his mother. His fate has left a mark on his cousins. Mary N. said her own 14year-old son Yousef was once caught in front of his house and beaten by soldiers for breaking the curfew. Yousef said he dresses in green to blend into the Shepherds' Fields, where he secretly meets his friends. His sister, 16-year-old Samira, resents missing teen-age fun. "I've done nothing. I've just stayed at home," she said. Mrs. N. worries about education. She said that when schools were closed at the beginning of the uprising, she helped organize a home school in her basement for 89 children, but authorities closed it down. Every facet ofdaily life is colored by the occupation. Mail is routinely opened by auTum to Page II


Diocese of Fall River -

'F~'th~r 'S'-aaif'

Fri., Mar. 22, 1991

dies at 81


lhe Palm Sunday Iiturgy,to·tJe:~:::;!·J'~t¢d'at 4p.m> Saturday, Mardi 23, will be offere4 stReverend· Daniel A. Cronin. Concelebrants will 'ev.' Horace J; ·Travassos and Rev. Michael K.M,.~.hu~; liturgiCaL' deacon', Rev. Mr. Gregory Mathias;~e~qori,chaplains,' Permanent Deacons Joseph P. Staril~y(and'Leo W. Racine. ' , ", .,.):::?:. , ~:./

At the Chrism Mass at 4p;m. Tij:~§~~y,March26, Bishop Cronin will be celebrant witll:~!'g~~slu~ clergy a~ concelebrants; liturgical deacon, Rev,·~r;·tvtathias; dea~c con chaplains,Permanent DeaconsP '. .. 'i,: Macedo .and> ;James Marzelli. '. " . .:.,:'.;i;::····

i'. ."..Fathers J oltnM. Sullivanal1(1'E' ·!;~ebear~rsof the Oil ofC;hrism; ....a,J

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Bishop Cronin will celebr~t~<t: ry:'f~u;;day:r; liturgy at 'p.m. March 28, with Fat ..... sl'ravassos and, .McManus as concelebrants; liturgical deacon, Rev. Mr: . Mathias; deacon Chaplains, Permanerif"Oeacons John deA. Moniz and Robert G.L. Normandin; On Good Friday, March 29, the Celebration of the Lord's Passion will be held at 3 p.m. Bishop Cronin will preside and Father Travassos will be celebrant. Rev. Mr. Mathias and Permanent Deacon Thomas Bailey will be liturgical deacons. Deacon chaplains will be Permanent Deacons Richard M. Dresser and Frank W. Mis. The Easter Vigil will be ce.lebrated at 'p.m. Saturday, March 30.-l~ishop Cronin will be principal celebrant, with Fathers Travassos and McMan'usascoric~lebrants; R,ev. Mr. Mathias a~. liturgical cleacom~ndI?ermanent peacons Manuel H. Camara and Lawr~(St. Ong~. asde..coq chaplains. '.,. ." .,'

Easter Mass will be telecast a~li:'[i>h':\\rLN'~~':,;


:'t~h~nnef6;on Easter SU~day,Mlucb,. :.f.,'Is~opCronirt

Will be principal celebrant withFath~r~,;~~avassosand';' ,'ltichard G. Andrade ascoi1celebr..nts;:~~X/¥r.Mathias ;..s liturgical deacon; and Permanen~'!;)re~~~?ns James' i,.~ar?:elli and Robert W. Pelland as'<i~~~~ cn~plaiJ)s. .••. lX~sgr. John J. Oliveira will be 'Mast~r:'" j!e~oniesfOr! •;;.!H.9Iy Week liturgies" as~ined by Rey.,. • <tAndradel' c ; "<b· ,"',




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BISHOP DANIEL A. Cronin and Taunton area Catholic Charities Appeal heads·Rev. William L. Boffa (left) of S1. Joseph's parish, Taunton, area assistant director, and Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton, pastor of S1. Ann's Church, Raynham, area director. (Hickey photo)

Sister works for hostage's release WASHINGTON (CNS) Peggy Say, sister of hostage Terry Anderson, who on March 16 marked the sixth anniversary of his cap-' tivity in Lebanon, said that his release would signal an improvement in relations between the United States and the Arab world. "It's always been my prayer that the release of the hostages would effect some kind of reconciliation between the U.S. and the Arab nations," Mrs. Say, a Catholic, said in a telephone interview with Catholic News Service. "That way, the past six years would have some meaning." Anderson is one of six Americans held in Lebanon. Four Britons - including Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite - two Germans and an Italian are also believed held by pro-Iranian Muslim extremists in Lebanon. The hostages have been moved from Beirut, where they were kidnapped, to new hideouts in the BekaaValley of Lebanon, according to security sourc~s in Lebanon. Conditions for release of Anderson, who was the chief Middle East correspondent for Associated Press at the time of his capture March 16, 1985, are the best they' have been in Anderson's six years in captivity, Mrs. Say said, noting' that the demand by Anderson's captors t,hat 17 political prisoners be releasedfrom a Kuwaitijail has been met, albeit in a roundabout way. After Iraqjnvaded Kuwait Aug. 2, the political prisoners were freed by their jailers. "Some stayed home to fight· in Kuwait" against the Iraqis. "I never had any animosity toward the Arab people at all," Mrs. Say said. "It was a few people, not a nation, that committed, this."

Likewise, Anderson's captors '''did not -take my brother because they hate Americans," she said. "They hate what our policy.has been doing in the Middle East." Mrs. Say said that in the wake of the Iran-contra arms-forhostages scandal, the U.S . government turned a deaf ear to her - she called it her lowest point in her six-year quest to free Anderson. But, she said, diplomats from Arab nations continued to listen to her concerns. She said her faith has "been absolutely invaluable for my family and for me. There is some kind of design here. These things happened for a reason." Mrs: Say, who is virtually in daily contact with the State Department from her home in Kentucky, said the burden of being in the forefront to press for her brother's release has been "ex.tremely difficult and extremely hard ,on my husband and my family. 'But I have had a moral charge to do this. "What would my alternative be to witness this kind of thing and not do anything about it ... as Terry's sister, as a Christian, as an American? This is a moral obligation." .

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MANILA, Philippines (CNS) - The diocese of Kidapawan, Philippines, and an Irish 'Columban priest who has worked the last 25 years in the Philippines were among recipients of the Aurura Aragon Quezon Peace Award given by Concerned Women of the Philippines. Father Niall O'Brien was honored for peace advocacy and conflict resolution, particularly through books and a magazine which he edits.

For quincentennial WASHINGTON(CNS)-"Heritage and Hope: Evangelization in America," a U.S. bishops~ pastoral letter on the 1991 observance of the 500th anniversary of Christianity in the Americas has been published by the U.S. Catholic Conference's Office of Publishing and Promotion Services. Also available is a handbook to assist parish and diocesan leaders and educators commemorate the anniversary.

"People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun... they wonder whether they are catching cold.'~ - John Jay Chapman



Peace work lauded

The Worry Habit

It's 'What Life On Cape Cod Is All About" ... :-J~w Eniliand

Bishop Francis M. Zayek of the diocese of St. Maron presided, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was present and Father Michael G. Thomas was principal celebrant of the Divine Liturgy of Christian Burial at Our Lady of Purgatory Maronite Church, New Bedford, for the parish's pastor emeritus, Rev. George I. Saad. Father Saad, 81, died March 12. He was first administrator and then pastor of Our Lady of Purgatory from 1954 until he retired in 1986. In retirement, he worked with Msgr. Norman Ferris, pastor ofSt. Anthony of the Desert Maronite Church, Fall River, on translations of lives of St. Sharbel Makhlouf, Blessed Rebecca (Rafka) Er-Ryiess and Father Nenatallah Kassab Hardini: Born in Bkeseen, Lebanon, Father Saad was the son of the late Ibrahim and Martha A. (Afif)Saad. He studied for the priesthood in Lebanon and Rome, earning a doctorate in philosophy and a licentiate in sacred theology. He was ordained in 1933 in Rome and for 20 years served in Lebanon, first as secretary to the Maronite archbishop of Sidon, then as a theology professor for seminarians and a chaplain and teacher at the College de la Sagesse, Beirut. He came to the United States in 1953, serving in Connecticut before being assigned to New Bedford. Father Saad is survived by a sister, Sister Germaine Saad, in Lebanon, by a niece in Argentina and by cousins in Assonet, Westport and Fall River and i~ Brecksville, Ohio.

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111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-o20). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. '02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RiverrSubscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.

The Anchor Friday, March 22, 1991


O'Brien is survived by her sons, Dr. James A. O'Brien of Lincoln, RI,and Timothy P. O'Brien of Jloston; two brothers, William P. Ready of Fall River and Daniel F. Ready of Somerset; two other sisters, Regina O'Brien' of Erie, Pa., and Elizabeth Wilson of Fall River; . seven grandchildren; and nieces and nephews.



GERTRUDE O'BRIEN in two of her many roles: at left as a dedicated member of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women planning a 1989 prayer service with (center and right) Madeline Wojcik and Claire McMahon; at right, as longtime presentee committee chairman for the annual Bishop's Charity Ball, checking last-minute details with a young woman and her escort. (Lavoie and Hickey photos)

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A valiant woman is laid to rest

By Pat McGowan

"No one could really believe "Many are the women of proven that Gert had died," said Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, with whom she worth, but you, Mom, have excelled had worked in the chancery office them all." since 1974. Principal celebrant and Those words of Gertrude O'homilist at the cathedral Mass, the Brien's daughter, Atty. Kathleen M. Murphy, spoken at the end of bishop pointed out that Mrs. O'Brien's wake began on the feast her mother's Mass of Christian of St. Patrick and that her Mass Burial'Tuesday at St. Mary's was offered on the feast of St. Cathedral,Fall River, drew tears Joseph, patron of a happy death. from the eyes of many in the With her great devotion to both packed house .of worship. saints, he said, "It seems that provThey also drew silent assent. idence took her at this time." The reading at the Mass, from the Mrs. O'Brien was "a woman of Old Testament Book of Proverbs, the Second Vatican Council," began with the familiar words declared the bishop, quoting from "Who shall find a valiant woman? Vatican II documents on the role Her value is far beyond pearls," of the laity and the church in the and continued with a description modern world. The documents call of the many attributes of such a for Christian commitment in the woman, including the words quoted worlds of civic, political, social by Atty. Murphy. The reading could have been and family life, he said "and that written for Mrs. O'Brien. Like the commitment came to life in Gert." original valiant woman, she had , "She was a friend and cou'nselor of bishops," he continued, noting many roles and excelled in all, that Boston Cardinal Bernard Law working as a secretary at the called upon hearing of Mrs. chancery office of the Fall River O'Brien's death, "to console me as diocese until the week of her death well as Gert's family. March 15 from a heart attack. "She could gently approve or A native of Fall River, she was disapprove of things," he conthe daughter of the late Eugene and Margaret Ready and the wife tinued. "Just by the way she said of former Massachusetts State 'Oh, Father: a priest knew how Representative James A. O'Brien. she felt about a proposal. "When did she fail with cards, She was active on every level of the national, diocesan and district telephone calls, or visits to comCouncils of Catholic Women, fort the bereaved and disconsoserving on the board of directors late? She made the hea'ling love of of the National Associates of the Jesus operative in the lives of the National Council of Catholic people she touched. "We will miss her," concluded Women and as president at one the bishop, his voice breaking, time or another of the diocesan ang district councils and of her "but she has fulfilled her purpose on earth. And so, Gert, the time parish colincil at St. Mary's has come to say goodbye.'" Cathedral, where sht: was also a lector and special minister of the Reflecting Mrs. O'Brien'sjoy in Eucharist. her Irish ancestry, the processional" hymn for her funeral Mass was· In other diocesan. undertakings, she was for decades chairman of . "T"e Breastplate of St. Patrick," presentees at the annual Bishop's among other hymns was "An Irish Blessing" and the recessional' was Charity Ball, was 1988 chairperson of the Catholic Charities "A Little Bit of Heaven." Green carnations and mums predomin- . Appeal and was a volunteer for St. Vincent's Home and Bishop Con~ ated at her wake and the Irish flag' flew under ~Qe~Stars and Stripes at .. nolly High Scllool,. both in Fall St. Patrick's cemetery as she was River, and Coyle and Cassidy High laid to rest. School, Taunton. Over 50 priests concelebrated She served on the diocesan pastoral council and ecumenical com- the cathedral Mass with Bishop Cronin and delegations in the pews mission and for many years worked with her husband on the pre-Cana included representatives of organCommittee of the former Family izations with which she had been Life Bureau. She also held mem- active and of all diocesan offices.. Many students from' Coyle and bership in the Friends ofSt. Anne's Hospital, the Corky' Row Club Cassidy High School, Taunton, Auxiliary, and the Fall River where Mrs. O'Brien's sister, Sister Eugenia Margaret Ready, SUSC, Emblem Club, and was a past president. of the Sacred Hearts is a faculty member, were also present. Academy Alumnae Association and Fall River Catholic Woman's In 1968, Mrs. O'Brien's daughClub. ter Kathleen, then 13 and a sev-

enth grader at the former St. Mary's In addition to her husband, Cathedral school, entered a Mother daughter and Sister Ready, Mrs. of the Year contest sponsored by Catholic Miss magazine. Her awardwinning description of her mother follows: I'd like to have my mom win because my mother is an outstand"1IOfI1IA_ ing example of every Christian "fMfl" virtue. '01 "oltfn 14 Hou' S""ICY My mother never thinks of herChorl., V.lolo. P,., self. After attending daily Mass and getting us (my two brothers and me) off to school, she takes care of my sick grandmother who lives in the next house. She cooks the meals for her and my bachelor uncle. Come nighttime, my mother is there again (after having prepared two suppers) putting my OffU U OAll GlCM AVI.. fall IMI grandmother to bed. In between times, my mom is active in almost every organization in town. For 12 years she and "This is where God wants me. " my father have been on the preCana panel in the diocese of Fall River. At these meetings they discuss the joys and problems of married life and encourage those who are about to enter the unknown Mary world of the sacrament of matrimony. Age: 32 j Nati\'e of: Warner Robbins, GA My mother was president of the Graduate: Wesleyan College, Diocesan Council of Catholic WoMacon, Georgia. Majored in men for two'years; and s'erved as History. secretary of the Bishop Stang Day Vocation: Service to God. Nursery Corporation and Board Wort: Nursing incurable. cancer patients. . of Directors. She is busy in the i Avocation: Researching history Mothers' Club of our school, and of the congregation. is presently the vice-president of the Coyle (my brother's high ! I I , school) Mothers' ClUb. ...... She is active in the Catholic Woman's Club in the city, and for "Iliad never thought aboutlJeing a nun until one day. while I was at colfour years has been chairman of lege ... and here I am. And I know I am where I belong." the Family and Parent <Education Committee in the diocese. She has ·.:.i'···· also found time to serve on the March of Dimes and other comDOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE mittees which are not associated A religious community -of C~tholic women with sC:ven' modern nursing with the church. facilities in six states. Our one ap.ostolate is to nurse incurable cancer patients. This work is a practical fulfillment of our 'faith. . During the hectic- days preceding' Christmas 'my mother spent The .most important talent, highly prized by us, is the talent for sl)aring . of yourself - your compassion; your cheerfulness, your faith - with those several afternoons making wreaths whohave been made-so vulnerable and dependent by this dread disease. to decorate ourchurch. New Year's Not'all of our sisters are nurses, but as part of our apostolate, all directly'., Day also found her in church prehelp irithe care of the patients. ; ~ . . / ." . . "" : paring the altar for Fo'rty Hours' I f you think you have a religious vocation and would like·to know more Devotion. I about our work and community life, why not plan to visit with us. We Realizing her worth, [then)' Bishwould be happy to share. with you a day frol)1.our,!ives, . '. ..; . \. ',. op Connolly of the fall River Diocese chose my mother to serve on his' Advisory Board in 1966. :'Please send me more' information about your Write: This was followed by apother anCo.ngregation. ,. A'N'3/22/9t Sister Marie EdWard , nouncement early this year - the ! . . nOMINICAN SISTERS .. bestowal of the Marian Medal (a 0" HAWTHORNE Name 1 new award for the laity'in the dioRosary Hill Home cese) on her and my father at a 600 Lin.da Avenue Hawthorne, New York 10532 Address 1 ceremony in St. Mary'scathedral. Can I say more? Nothing ... or call: (914) 769-4794 except that I have the most SELFCity Slate Zip _ LESS and the BEST mother in the WHOLE WORLD!

CIiA~lIE·S OIL CO••INC. eoutlu.




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Diocese of Fall River -

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Fri., Mar. 22, 1991

the moorins.-., Working for Good Liturgy Holy Week provides a wonderful opportunity to look at our parishes objectively. A parish can be measured by the care expressed in its celebration of the mysteries of faith. For too long many Catholics have had a tunnel vision approach to parish and liturgy. Indeed, some churchgoers measure pastoral effectiveness by the clock. The shorter the Mass and the quicker the sermon, the better the shepherding see'ms to be their attitude. Many pastors seem to be ofthe same mind. Get them in, get them out, get it over is apparently their prime liturgical rule. Then they wonder why people are not going to church. But especially when it comes to Holy Week, the convenience 'store approach is nothing more than a stifling of the Spirit, unworthy of the name of liturgy. The opposite trend goes from the quickie to the ridiculous. One thinks of the parish where personal interpretation and witnessing are the h~lImarks of liturgical expression, where in the rush to be relevant the norms of church and common sense are thrown out the window. In such cases, liturgy again gives way to expediency but this time for the sake of self-expression. So often those walking down this aisle see themselves as holier than the church and as knowing much more than those who draw lIP boring guidelines. The result is a carnival celebration such as a clown liturgy or a mime Mass. Some even espouse yoga liturgies in the search for mystical fulfillment. This is deplorable at any time, but especially during the holiest week of the year, when the wonderful liturgies of the season should be given the opportunity to influence the lives of all in the church family. No one who conducts the services of Holy Week should feel it is a burden in terms of time or involvement. Pastors are not pastors if they refuse to celebrate the week in the fashion envisioned by the church. They must remember that they are acting in the name of the church, not on their own, and that it is through the liturgy that the work of redemption is accomplishec:l. . Holy Week is the time of times to bring the very best. in liturgy to parish communities. It is a time when many disenfranchised and disappointed Catholics give the church another chance;'in fact, more come for Easter than for Christmas, with the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults bringing many to full membership and others meeting the Lord in baptism at the Easter vigil. It is a great time to put our best foot forward, but of course it involves planning and meeting with parish liturgy committees. Good liturgy doesn't just happen. One must work and plan for its success; and when doing this pastors fulfil one of the chief duti~s of a faithful steward of the mysteries of God.

Gertrude K. O'Brien Our diocese lost a good friend in the passing of Gert O'Brien. Although firmly rooted in her beloved Fall River, she had an insight and kindness that went far beyond local boundaries. Her willing spirit was matched with an energy that accomplished great tasks for the diocesan church; but it was her sense of humor that really made things work for her many causes and interests. Others may take her pl~ce in those areas, but there was only one Gert O'Brien and she will indeed be missed. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Fall River, MA 02720 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.o., STD. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ...~ Leary Press-Fall R,ver


"Who shall find a valiant woman? Her value is far beyond pearls." Prov.31:10

Where torture, heroism coexist WASHINGTON(CNS)- Latin America, all too frequently rocked by violent a<:ts of oppressive military dictatorships and antigovernment rebel movements, is also a region that has witnessed uncommon acts of quiet heroism and courage. Latin America is the "home of modern-day human rights efforts," contends Thomas Quigley, U.S. bishops' policy adviser on Latin American affairs. In case after case, the Catholic Church - which continues to be a dominant social force in the region' - has been at the forefront of such efforts. At great risk in the midst of systematic campaigns of terror in Brazil, Chile and Paraguay in the 1960s and 1970s, for example, church workers documented and spoke out against torture, disappearances and murders, noted Quigley in a recent interview. Even today, such heroism continues. -In EI Salvador, Tutela Legal, the human rights office of the archdiocese of San Salvador, run by laywoman Maria Julia Hernandez, documents and decries atrocities committed by the nation's military as well as by the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, a Salvadoran rebel organization. - In Guatemala, a fledgling human rights project under the auspices of Archbishop Prospero Penados del Barrio, publishes monthly news reports denouncing human rights abuses. A recent issue detailed the Dec. 2 massacre of 13 townspeople in Santiago Atitlan by members of the Guatemalan military. - In Chile, the world-famous

Vicariate of Solidarity, run by the archdiocese of Santiago, has closed' down its journal "Solidaridad" since the ending of the 17-year military regime headed by Gen. Augusto Pinochet, but continues to demand that atrocities committed under Pinochet be investigated and that the names of persons who committed them be made public. - In Peru, several regional church-run human rights offices, modeled on the Chilean vicariate document abuses committed by Sendero Luminoso, the violent Peruvian Maoist rebel group, and by the Peruvian military forces. A high point of the church's involvement in Latin American human rights efforts came in 1973 in Brazil when the Brazilian bishops issued a strong attack on human rights .violations in that country in response to a continuous string' of arrests, disappearances and torture. Within the next year strong statements tumbled out of dioceses throughout Brazil. More recently, Brazilian Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns of Sao Paulo made human rights his~ory and shook his nation when excerpts of government records including 2,700 pages of testimony that documented 284 types of torture and named 444 individual torturers were published in a book titled "Brasil Nunca Mais" in 1986. The records were secretly photocopied in a complex clandestine operation under the direct sponsorship of the cardinal. The project began in 1979 and ended in July 1985, the year Brazil's military regime was replaced by a civilian government. Quigley calls the archdiocese of San Salvador's Tutela Legal the~most

trustworthy source of human rights data" in EI Salvador. The impact of the agency is illustrated by the opposition it has generated. Both the Salvadoran military and its financial backer, the U.S. government, have been publicly critical of Tutela Legal. The well-known human rights organization Americas Watch uses Tutela Legal's data, Quigley said, and as a result its findings "get into congressional offices" as well as~ into the U.S. press. Why does Latin America seem condemned to endure ongoing human rights abuse? In an interview in the Winter 1991 issue of New Perspectives Quarterly, published by the Los Angeles-based Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Chilean author Isabel Allende described the region as "the product of conq uest and colonization, authoritarian European monarchies and indigenous theocracies." The combination, she said, produced a "certain mentality, culture and way of thinking politically that is very'authoritarian, hierarchical and based on 'caudillos' or chieftains. "During the independence wars, when our patriots tried to form what are now the republics they attempted to imitate the republics of Europe by imitating their constitutions and laws," she said. "Unfortunately, when the time came to apply these constitutions to a people who had no democratic tradition whatsoever, the efforts failed." But Ms. Allende said she is optimistic. "It may have taken us 500 years but we now have democracies all over the continent, They are fragile and conditional, but they are democracies all the same."

On kids who are teased

Dear Mary: I'm concerned about my 7-year-old nephew. He is shy and hides from people. He is big for his age and overweight, so he gets teased by children. I am concerned about the harm done to his self-esteem because of the rejection he gets from schoolmates. Do you have any suggestion? - Hawaii Clearly some children are more popular than others. And children can be very unkind to each other. How can adults help such a child? I consulted an authority on behavior of kids toward other kids - my own son. My expert said nothing about focusing on the shyness and obesity, preferring to concentrate on your nephew's strengths. Here are his ideas: "You can't be lazy." Like older people, kids respect those persons who can do things. You say your nephew is quite bright, reads well and is good with numbers. Family and friends can encourage him to pursue areas where he shows ability. Perhaps he can begin to work with computers. Perhaps he can use his number skills. Some children like to keep sports records and become very knowledgeable. Reading ability can lead your nephew into practically any field. You might introduce him to such interesting subjects as history., the culture of different peoples or anthropology. As my son commented, "People will be shocked (in a good sense) by what he can do." . Help him develop,interests and skills rather than working on selfimage and self-esteem in themselves. I have always taken a dim view of "self-esteem" advice that focuses on repeating "I'm special," "I am somebody" and similar approaches. Help your nephew to develop his capabilities, and he will develop self-respect and self-esteem in his own view of himself and from the way others view him.

nephew is capable and intelligent and from your letter it is obvious that he is loved. He may have a problem. but basically he is a lucky child.

Tongans don't want token citizens

By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY "Don't tattle to teachers. It makes it worse," says my expert. However kind and understanding adults might be, schoolchildren retain an "us against them" mentality. Children stick together. and in their view, adults also stick together. 'The child who tattles breaks this structure by crossing over to adults. If your nephew shows signs of tattling to adults, ignore it. Without even mentioning his tattling, ask him, "What do you think you can do about this problem?" or similar words that encourage him to solve his own problem. "The teacher can help if she is very understanding." No adult, including the teacher, can make a class accept a child. Lecturing the class wou.ld only antagonize the other children and probably make the situation worse. The teacher can ignore any tattlingjust as parents and friends do while taking an interest in whatever special talents or interests your nephew pursues. In short, without turning him into a teacher's pet, the teacher can communicate to your nephew and the other children that he is an OK, interesting person. Such modeling is a powerful influence on the class. "It gets better," is my son's final reassuring comment. By high school, he says, students are most concerned about what kind of a person you are, how you think and feel, what your interests and dreams are. As an intelligent and capable person, your nephew stands to rate highly in all these important areas. Very few child ren are highly popular with everyone. Your

NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga (CNS) - Tongans recently took to the streets to protest the tiny South Pacific kingdom's decision to grant citizenship to more than 400 foreigners. including former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos. About 2,000 people, led by Bishop Patelesio Punuo-Ki-Hihifo Finau and opposition parliamentarians, marched through the capital, Nuku'alofa, in what residents called the biggest protest in memory. Since' 1984, the island nation ruled by King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV has been selling passports for upwards of $10,000. Purchasers are mostly from southeast Asia, and include the widow of former Philippines dictator Ferdinand


Diocese of Fall River -

Marcos, who was overthrown in 1986. . Parliament declared the passport sales illegal in 1988. Last February the government announced the king had agreed to a legal amendment allowing 426 passport holders, including Mrs. Marcos, to become Tongan citizens. Tongan passports have been purch'ased by many Chinese hop-


Fri., Mar. 22, 1991

ing to emigrate from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. But the passports do not automatically allow holders to live in Tonga and are not recognized by many foreign governments. Tonga's 13,000 Catholics comprise about 13.2 percent of the nation's 98,000 people. About 47 percent of Tongans are members of the Free Wesleyan Church.







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Alongslel. those who share their vision •••

Saint Ignatius Loyola was born in 1491 and founded the Jesuits in 1540. All over the world; , therefore, 1990-1991 is being observed as an Ignatian Anniversaries Year. The fifth in a


series on what Ignatius' followers

Saint Anne Parish and Shrine Cor. Middle & South Main Sts. Fall River, Massachusetts

PALM SUNDAY • Anticipated Masses on Saturday at 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. • Sunday Masses at 8:00, 10:00 a.m., /2 noon and 6:30 p.m. (/0 a.m. will be a special children's Mass with a procession)

Jesuit Provincial Office P.O. Box 799 Back Bay Annex Boston, MA 02117

HOLY THURSDAY • Confessionsfrom / / a.m. to /2 noon and /:00 to 4:00 p.m. • Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:00 p.m. • Adoration at the Repository until midnight

GOOD FRIDAY • Confessionsfrom / / a.m. to /2 noon, and /:00 to 3:00 p.m. • Liturgy of the Lord's Passion and Death at 3:00 p.m. • 10/th annual paraJiturgical and dramatic Way of the Cross and procession at 7:00 p.m.

HOLY SATURDAY • Confessions in theshrinefrom / / a.m. to /2 noon and / to 4 p.m. • Easter Vigil and First Mass of the Resurrection at 7:00 p.m.

EASTER SERVICES EASTER SUNDAY • Masses at 8:00, /0:00 a.m." 12 noon and 6:30 p.m.


High School and Middle School Education The Solemn Vows of fonned Jesuits include a promise 'of special concern for the education, ofthe very young I It is likely that down the years, worldwide, more Jesuits have given their lives ' to teaching schoolchildren than to any other work of the Society. Lcirge numbers ofNew England , Jesuits do so today, alongside their colleagues, religious and lay, women and men. New England Jesuits are working in education at Bishop Connolly High School (Fall River, MA), Boston College High School, Campion College (Jamaica), Fairfield College Preparatory School (Fairfield,Cn, NativitySchool (Boston), and SaintGeorge's College (Jamaica).Individual Jesuits also work at Cathedral High School (Boston), Loyola Academy (Chicago), Monroe High School (Fairbanks, Alaska), and Phillips Academy (Andover). , Above, Fr. Paul Sullivan, S.J., and Mr. George Angelo, who both teach biology at BishopConnollyHigh School, talk with two students.


The Anchor

The Good Friday Reproaches: from Christ. to us'

Friday, Mar. 22, 1991



Q. In some Lenten prayers, I have seen referenc'es to the Reproaches of Good Friday. I tried unsuccessfully to find out what they are and get a copy. Can you help? (Texas) A. The Reproaches are part of the Good Friday liturgy and may be sung during the veneration of the cross.

They are addressed by Christ to his people, proclaiming his love and generosity and our lack of response to that love. The refrain for many of them is the Trisagion, an ancient Greek prayer, , "Holy God, Holy Strong One, Holy Immor~al One, have mers;y on us!" The,: Latin title for the Reproaches is "I mproperia." You may find them under that title in some books. Any edition of the current Sacramentary (missal) has them in English. If you do not find them in your area, ask your pastor to.loan you a parish copy and copy them for your personal use. The Reproaches can be a most fruitful source of reflection and prayer during Holy Week.

Q. When a casket is brought when it would be folded and presinto church for a funeral Mass, it is ented to the family. covered with a white shroud. There is ~o provision, however, In the case of veterans, the in our Catholic rituals for replacAmerican flag is removed and the ing the white pall with the flag durwhite shroud is placed over the ing the liturgy in church. casket. When the pall is used (it is !VIany veterans and veterans' ,optional in the funeral liturgy) organizations wish the flag to along with the sprinkling of water, remain on the casket during the it is a symbo'l of the water and funeral Mass. white cloth used at baptism. It Where should veterans' posts go expresses the baptismal faith of to have this exception made offi- · the Christian who is being buried cial so deceased veterans will have and the faith of those present at the American flag covering their the liturgy. caskets at all times during the funAs a Christian, the individual eral process? (Pennsylvania) who has died owed many loyalA. The American (or other ties: to God; to spouse, children, national) flag may be placed over and others who depended upon the casket untifthe body enters the him or her for love and care; to church, and at the time of burial, work and profession; and to the

country's ideas of justice and freedom, It is indeed a virtuous act to ser:ve one's nation with a good conscience in whatever capacity, including militarily. We express gratitude for that patriotism by appropriate honors at the time of burial, but it would be inappropriate to single out that one aspect of Christian generosity as the primary focus of the funeral Mass.. In designing the funeral liturgy, the church attempts to honor and remind us of all the ways we must respond to our Lord's command "to love God and neighbor. Questions for this column should be sent to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 6170,1.

Another side.of suffering: hearts no longer hollow Underneath' the annoyance was a different worry. Her children had been ill the week before, one with flu and one with mononucleosis, and a cold house was not the place for either of them.



."I've had enough," she complained. "Why can't' things be easier?" A woman I work with was very upset one day. ·She and her family had awakened to a cold house, no heat and no hot water.

I will never know why. What I do know is that in real life unpleasant things happen to us no matter how much we try to prevent them and protect ourselves.

To make matters worse, the phone line.to her oil company was out of order so she was not even able' to put in a distress call for a. repair visit.

'A few months ago, when my daughter Margee's two children were in an automobile accident --..: and, thank God, came through the . trauma and are on the way to heal-

ing - she asked, "Why do we have nature that wants the self and the ego never· to be put out. to suffer so much?" But the self and the ego have to All I know is thatuncomfortabe jolted or we never coine fully ble, annoying, miserable, traumatic alive. That's the hard truth and the and tragic things happen.They are mystery. built into human existence. I remember reading a book by I remember about six years ago Msgr. Ronald Knox titled "A interviewing Tom J ones, the lyriRetreat for Lay People" in which cist for the songs in the great musihe talked about these inconven- 'cal"The Fantastiks."1 had always iences and troubles. "Why do they been fascinated by the wisdom in his prizewinning' song, "Try to occur?" he asked, and answered with another question, "Well, why. Remember," especially the line that says, "Without a hurt, the heart is shouldn't they happen?" · hollow." He had learned that truth In other words, why do we expect life to come with some kind of from his own pain, he said, but guarantee that every day will go added that this truth made life worthwhile. smoothly? We seem to be locked in Withoui the dark side we would a mode of "great expectations," which stems from our human never be able to appreciate the

light; he said, paraphrasing what saints have preached through the ages. So the mystery remains that through sorrow we can understand joy; through failure we learn to recognize success. SomI~how, built into this mystery of life's duality is a blueprint for growth that has the po.tential for .shaping us into the people God wants us to be. It's not a blueprint for sissies. 1 remember a priest once quipping, ':There's nothing wrong with pain except that it hurts." 1 neyedound a way to contradict ~h'ai: .But 1 have learned from e'4?erien'ce that, as Tom Jones said, tIle 'ones who come through the hurts 'have something great in retu'rn - their hearts are no longer hollow.

Habitat for Humanity builds homes a'nd bot~' she and her husband had for almost 15 years, they were never able to save for a down payment. DOLORES Each earned little more than minimum wage and they had four CURRAN children plus an elderly relative to support. "·We've paid, so much rent,' it makes me sick to think about it," she said, "Twice we've had landlords sell the house out "'Inever thought we could own a from under us." She paused and home,""the woman said, as she added, "You just feel differproudly. showed, us. through her ent knowing you're in your own simple but new home. "It'~a dr,eam home ... more important, somecome true. God made it happen.' how," And these people, of course." The Aplericandream of owning She gestured at the crowd at a a home is dying for many couples Habitat for Humanity dedication who don't qualify for a mortgage and picnic. 1 discovered that while because their,salaries are too low. By


So they pay more for reqt. than they would in mortgage p'aYlJ1ents.. They get discouraged because they see no -way out. Habitat for Humanity, a coalition of churches, government, industry, labor, and private individuals, offers a way out. Habitat is" an international, ecumenicil1, self-help housing organization which uses contributions and volunteer efforts to enable very low-income families to build/renovate and finance their own housing;'· . .• Habitat homes are sold with no' profit and no interest. Mortgage payments are recyled continuously to finance ongoing construction, Typical Habitat homeown,ers are


Each future homeowner must ·good, stable people who can't ll}ake enough money to obtain adeq'uate ,agree to put in 500 hours of housing. "sweat equity," Foreclosures are A spokeswoman said, "We are rare because families care deeply about homes that they have helped able to build and sell homes bebuild. cause many people volunteer their The feature I like most is the time, donate materials or give voll,mteer labor from churches, money on.. a regular basis.. Currently Habitat can build or reno- . families', and. individuals wJto donate their "sweat" to make homes vate a single family home in the happen for others. 1 talked to one Rocky ~ountain region for apfamily with a child sorting nails proximately $25,000. while the parents put up ~allboard. "Skilled craftspersons help us "It's good for our family," the dad on one home a year, and unskilled persons join volunteer work teams. 's;lid, "Sure beats walking the mall." Churches, .youth groups and inThose with management skills codividuals interested in'Habitat can ordinate volunteer labor, solicit write Habitat for Humanity, Habdonated materials and money, and itat and Church Streets, Amerinegotiate for land, water and sewer cus; GA 31709-3498. taps."

Passion .narratives focus on Jesus' psychological suffering By Father Roger Karban Sunday's readings: Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 Our liturgical readings need restructuring. More time should be devoted to the four Passion/ Resurrection narratives. No one homily can do justice to the Scriptures' most important verses. . Rudolph Bultmann once said, "Gospels are nQthing but Passion/ Resurrection Narratives with one or two dozen introductory chapters!" " Each passage contains deep theology. Jesus' first followers spent· at least two generations reflecting on the meaning of his dying and rising before the 'evangelists put them into gospel form, We only reflect on them one weekend a year! Yet Jesus would be the first to

encourage us to "work with what you've got. We cannot wait until things change before we study today's readings. 1 encourage you to read Mark 14 and 15 before the Sunday Eucharist and carefully reflect on the verses. While the priest or deacon proclaims the chapters Qur,ing the liturgy, put down your missalette and listen to those words again. . Obviously the sacred author is describing Jesus' suffering and death. But notice what kind of suffering he emphasizes. He says almost' nothing about the Lord's physical suffering. The first mention of bodily pain does not come until the narrative is nearly half over, when he describes Jesus' treatment by' Pilate's soldiers in the praetorium. Certainly Jesus suffered physi-

cally. But the anguish Mark chooses to point up is Jesus' psychological pain, the kind of pain which the Lord's followers experience every day. Think again about the disciples' criticism ofthe woman who anoints the Lord at Bethany, his. betraYll.l by one of his closest friends, Peter's Last Supper boast that he . will never desert him, Jesus' agonizing over God's will in the garden, all his followers running away at his arrest, the lies told about him during his trial, Peter denying he even knows him, the crowd choosing to release a murderer in his place, onlookers taunting him during his crucifixion and the painful experience of looking up as he dies and seeing no one except a few women disciples watching at a distance, The misunderstandings, be-

trayals, lies and desertions are all painful experiences with which we can identify. But they are even more painful when they happen because we are sincerely trying to follow Jesus. The temptation to back off is always present. We would have a lot less psychological pain if we were less faithful in imitating the Lord's lifestyle.

selves for others so that we might share in the Lord's exaltation. If we continue to think that Passion narratives were written to help us feel sorry for Jesus, either we have not read them carefully enough or we have not reflected deeply enough on what happens when we imitate Jesus.

Mark gives his Passion narrative this unique form to encourage us not to give up our faith even 'though it causes much pain.

.Envoy to Bulgaria

Paul warns his community in Philipi to go beyond the anguish and reach forthe prize, Like Mark, he is much more concerned that we have the faith of Jesus than faith in Jesus. "Your attitude," he writes, "must be Christ's." We must constantly empty and humble our-

VATlCAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John ·Paul II named a Vatican expert on Eastern-rite churches, Msgr. Mario Rizzi, as the first diplomatic representative to Bulgaria since 1950. Bulgaria is the fourth former Soviet bloc nation to exchange ambassadors with the Vatican since the collapse of commun'ist regimes in Eastern Europe. /

's~ying it all

For Father's Da~

Dear Editor: Have you ever thought of giving God a gift oil Father's Day? He is the father of aU humankind. He deserves our tribute on Father's Day. As a matter of fact, he even asks for it, "Ifl am a father, where is the honour due to me?" (MaJ.I:6) I invite you to participate in my 9th "Father's Day Gift for God." All you have to do is say two "Our Fathers" a day from now until June 16, just to express love for God. Please send your name and address and the date you begin the prayers to: Father's Day Gift for God Lucille A. Zimnotch .. 60 I ancaster-Rd.Apt-;-32- Wethersfield, Ct. 06109

About the Holy Land Dear Editor: Christianity has always been a religion of history in which God has revealed himself in particular events at particular places. For the last 2000. years Christianity has maintained a continuous presence in the Holy Land in the form of both Ii Cbristian community and shrines in Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and other places. . ,


Dear Editor: After reading your editorial "Liberty for All" (Anchor, March I), I just had to congratulate you on saying it all. You pulled out all the stops, from the lifestyle of the emir of Kuwait to the Americans who have neither homes nor hope. " In my opinion, it was the best editorial or commentary in all the rhetoric I've read since last August. I am sending a copy to President Bush and hopefully someone will let him read it. Regina N. Seymour Harwich

However; we often neglect the importance ofthe Holy Land as a symbol that embodies the presence of God. As a professional archaeologist, I see people visit archaeological and historical sites. It appears th~t there is a desire to link themselves to something larger than themselves that is suggestive of a latent religious impulse, In a world increasingly dominated by secular interpretations of life, we must relearn the spirituality of pilgrimage and sacred places. You can participate in this revi.val in a number of ways. First, please give generously to the Good Friday Holy Land collection which supports the shrines of the Holy Land and ·the native Christian population of the area. Second, n-find--mrt mOle aboutthearea-oy- . subscribing to the Francisan magazine, The Holy Land. 1400 Quincy St. NE, Washington, DC 200 I7 and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association publication, Catholic Near East. 101 I First Avenue, New York, NY 10022. O'Connell ....010 Finally and perhaps most importantly, plan to make Ii personal SISTER MARY Catherine pilgrimage to the places where Burns, SUSC, a Coyle-Cas.sidy God revealed himself and also visit High School math and science the Christian communities of the Holy Land who have maintained teacher, was honored yesterthe faith in direct continuity with day at a College Board conthe early Church. ference in Westford as an Advanced Placement Recognition Jack D. Elliott Jr. West Point, MS Award winner.



MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1991

5:30 P.M.


Diocese of Fall Rivero- Fri., Mar. 22, 1991

Many of heradvanced placement calculus and physics students at the Taunton high school have received college credit in those subjects. She is one of nine AP instructors in New England selected for the honor among nearly 180 nominees. "Sister's selection is a testimony to the quality of her teaching," said Fred J. Wetzel, director of academic support services for the College Board. Sister Burns, who has been associated with the former Bishop Cassidy High School and Coyle-Cassidy High

School for 26 years, has been head of the Coyle-Cassidy mathematics department and coordinator of the school's concentrated studies program for accelerated students. This year she is in charge of Coyle-Cassidy's self-evaluation for its 10-year accreditation project.

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BREAD & SOUP SUPPER FOR HAITI (Sponsored by Senior & Junior Youth Groups)



9:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M.

MASS WAY OFTHE CROSS (Presented by Senior & Junior Youth Groups)


7:00 P.M.



7:00 P.M.


FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1991

4:00 - 5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.



SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1991

2:00 - 4:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.


EASTER SUNDAY MASSES 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. '11:00 A.M.

St. John Neumann Church 157 Middleboro Road

East Freetown, Mass.

for Medit.re

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7:00 P.M.




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10 THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-'----Fri., Mar. 22,J991 ,



The Easter Triduum



Don't bother looking for "triduum" in your dictionary unless it's about a foot thick. The word refers to three days of prayer and preparation for a major church feast. In this season, ifs the Resurrection, the most glorious feast in the church year. Parish practices during the triduum, which starts Holy Thursday, the vigil of Good Friday, and ends on Easter, have been changing so often that parishioners often don't know what's expected of them. Good Friday and Holy Saturday seem to have become major shopping days, with more people in specialty shops and department -StOJ'eStbancllurch One I! S .bishop called Good Friday shopping a "grave scandal." "Good Friday afternoon is one of the heaviest shopping days, according to ... retail merchants," said Bishop James Griffin of Columbus, 0 H. "Can we Christians not cease buying and selling for three hours as a sign to the world ofan event that changed the course of history?" Lacking the common link ofthe Mass, Good Friday liturgies now vary widely. reflecting many rich traditions. Practices range from concerts like the "Seven Last Words," the "Three H o~rs Agony" of song and meditation" and a variely of stations of the cross. This flexibility has made Good


Friday an opportunity for ecumenical experimentation. Many Minnesota churches now share the "Seven Last Words" in churches of different faiths. The hymns area marvelous mix. "The Old Rugged Cross" vies with "Were _You There?" "Amazing Grace" and "Behold the Wood of the Cross." Priests and ministers exchange pulpits to share the loss t hat occurred at Calvary almost 2,000 years ago. The old-style stations of the cross, which packed churches decades ago, draws few worshipers today. It has been replaced by many new forms of the stations b ut th ese a Iso f al'l t 0 a tt rac t worshipers , n Some do attract TV coverage, . II y wh en th" t h ough ,espeCla e stations" are munitions plants or · I. poverty scenes. T helT goa IS propaganda. not devotion,\ and their narrow focus has given them a short life. . . d f I marched m another km 0 stations several years ago. The service was in front of a major abortion mill run by Plan.ned Parenthood in St. Paul, Minn. About 30 of us"members of maRy faiths, circled the sidewalk in the afternoon sunshine singing, praying and meditating on the 14 stations. Cars cruised by, some drivers honking'support, a few jeering and gesturing. We carried the pro-life signs


Like Rose, we all want to believe our homes are safe and secure. For too many elders, however, unsafe conditions lead to falls and other'· preventable injuries. Falls and Fires Falls are the ICading cause of injury in the home foe people 65 and over. Up to one third of all elders living in their own homes fatl each year. Factors that increase risk offalling include physical changes which accompany aging, such as sight and hearing difficulties. slower reaction times, and muscle weakness; or diseases such as Alzheimer's or osteoporosis, which affect mainly older people. Alcohol use and medication side effects can increase chances of falling for persons of all ages. Elders who have fallen, especially if they were injured, may develop fear of further falls and avoid activities like walking and housecleaning. Such lack of exercise can make them weaker, leading to more falls. Some of the same problems which contribute to falls can lead to accidental setting of fires, the other leading cause of injury in the home. Fire hazards include smoking, faulty electrical equipment and careless cooking. Here is a checklist of home hazards: Scatter rugs and runners. If they are necessary, are they taped down and slip resistant?

Carpets. Are they in good condition with no worn or frayed areas? Light switches. Are they within immediate reach as you enter each room? . Walking space in rooms. Are room well lighted with paths free from clutter and furniture? Electrical extension cords. Are they in good condition, or do some need replacement? Are -they removed from walkways and from underneath rugs? Should you shift plugs because outlets or extension cords are overloaded? Smoke detectors. Do you have them on each floor? Do you test them monthly? Do you replace batteries each year? Stairways. Are they well lighted and clutter free? Are there sturdy,



Sister is "grandmother" to neglected kids

stating "Abortion Kills," "I Was a CHICAGO (CNS) - To Sister or drug syndromes, after they leave Fetus Once," "Adoption _ Not Frances Brenner, 60, supervisor at here?" she asked. a center that cares for children "This causes me to shed a lot of Abortion" and other slogans. I . d who are neglected or born with tears sometimes, because these kids took a turn carrymg a woo en cross with the help of others. addictions, the philosophy of deal- are unwanted by others for the . d ' ing with children is quite simple. most part," she continued. "In the Shoppers scurne pastb eanng bags and boxes, eyes averted. Unr"I love spoiling kids and I don't short time, of just days, that these f orme d guar d i d at t h e believe for a minute thilt you can kids are here I begin to bond with s ounge entrance of the human slaughterreally love a child too much," said them ... and then they are gone. So house, smoking and playing a porthe home supervisor for the Colum- I've learned to just concentrate on table radio loudly. Passersby joined bus-Maryville Medical and Child the kids while they are staying up, marched, sang, then left, havReception Center in Chicago. here:' ing made their statement. "After being called 'sister' for 40 She said that the children who Wh en HIS d . t years, I' feel more like a 'grandarrive at the center have been 0 y atur ay arnves a h " dd d S' B . . . mot er now, a e Ister rennla~t,"!'e beheve the ResurrectIOn IS er, a member- of the School Sisters removed from their own homes - wtthiD--OUf-grasp...Ihese.40.da¥s- --r-S1--Fl--~n______---when investigators have suspected t will end in the glorious Easter vigil 0 Th. rantCIS. f b 2 500 abuse or neglect. Many are born . . a out with addictions to drugs and many - not at noon as they dId m our b edcen er d careslor td Ill' , . childhood long ago. a .use an neg ec e mOls have the HIV virus that can lead to .' . . chtldren annually. The kItchens oft~ose Chnstlans "Most of our youngsters come AIDS, she said. who fasted, abst~med and ga.ve from parents with AIDS or with ."The pain for me is that these alms to the I?oor WIll have a speCIal drug addictions, main~y heroin kids will have no person to really glow. In Pohsh homes, food baskets d . " 'th 'd Sh . f ' an cocame, e nun sal. e love them. The unfortunate part of are readIed or the pastor s blessh b t th t . 1987 the system is that these kids will ing. Ukrainians put the final fas eefnf.a. I e fcen ertshmceIll' . ' face a future of being merely e mOlS " a ter 0 ICla s rom touches on theIr multlcolore(i eggs. D t t fCh'ld dF shuffled from one foster-home to I ren an am- another," she said. We help the Easter bunny hide . epar ~en 0 straw baskets with jelly beans, t1y Ser~lces asked that Columbus In Illinois, foster homes are cerchocolate chicks and pastel-hued MaryvIlle .take over mana~eme~t t f th E t of the malO emergency chIldren s tified for three-month periods only, e aser center in metropolitan Chicago. eSggs 0 t prepare , or she said. . un d ay reasure h un. t . ' .. So, Sister Brenner has a dream And as the Easter triduum leads She saId that the county faclhty - a home for AIDS chiidren to the day of glory, we ask our~ad been under ~iticis~ for h~~sselves: Have we merited the Remg up to 60 chIldren 1ft a faclhty where all 'will live together as a surrection? I pray the answer is a built for only 25 and for not ade- family witbsurrogate parents and a sense of~ontiiiuity. ' quately supervising t~e children. resounding !'yes." The Columbus-Maryville center is a 100-bed structure with floors housing boys' and girls' quarters, a cafeteria. offices, a nursery, and a easy to grip handrails on either medical and dental clinic. It also offers recreational, therapeutic and Catholic Memorial Home, Fan side from top to bottom? educational services, Sister Brenner River, has added intravenous therThrow rugs. Are they removed said. apy to the health care services from stairways and landings? available to residents. It is expected The center includes the "Brenner Floors. Rugs with deep pile or home" for toddlers - an area dec- that the service will avoid some busy floor patterns make it diffiorated with signs bearing such hospitalizations, facility officials cult to see where you are going. messages as "Welcome to Pee Wee said. Tubs and showers. Are wellNursing, director Theresa NienParadise," and "Welcome to secured grip bars and non-skid timp, RN, said that hospitalizaScooterland." mats in place? "One of my most painful con- tion was formerly needed in many If you smoke, do you: cerns is what kind of home these cases ofdehydration and infection. -use deep, wide ashtrays with The new capability also permits children will have after their short • grooves so that cigarettes don't fall stay here," she said. The shelter is Catholic Memorial Home to accept out? or readmit hospital patients re-always check ashtrays before used as only a temporary haven quiring intravenous therapy. for the children, who are subseleaving the house or going to bed? The facility received state perquently placed in foster homes by Good Safety Habits the state. "Will someone really be mission to offer the service after Personal safety habits are also able to love and care for these nursing staff members were trained important in preventing injury. children, who have the AIDS virus in using intravenous equipment. - Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes with good traction. -Rise from a sitting or lying position slowly to avoid dizziness. -Carry only small loads. Make extra trips if necessary. -Wear a seatbelt every time you are in a car. - Reduce the impact of a fall by letting your muscles go limp and rolling as you fall. - Wear only short or close fitting sleeves when cooking. Booklets on "The Do-able Renewable Home," about adapting homes for special physical needs, and "In Good Health with Energy," about making your home energy efficient, are available from the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), Park Square Building, 31 St. James Ave., Boston 02116. From Elder Health Alert. ajoint publication of the Division of Elder(y Health Promotion of the '.II, Massachusetts Department of SISTER FRANCES Brenner cuddles one of her infant Public Health and the Massachuat the Columbus-Maryville Medical and Child Recepcharges setts Health and Long Term Care tion Center in Chicago. (CNS photo) Action Team of AARP.

Home safety: preventi~g falls, fires Rose, at 89, loved her home and the fact that she was able to live independently. One day, however, she suffered a fall while tidying her living room. She was hospitalized for s~ver'al weeks with a fractured hip, and when she returned home needed help with cleaning and shopping. Determined to prevent another injury, shedid a safety check of her home and was surprised at the hazards she found.

. 3( " the anchOI\Y


.Memoriaillome offers IV.tberapy

r. ':







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River":"-Fri., Mar. 22, 1991


Continued from Page One nuncio to the V nited States, said deacons in the world, but some Gospel and from the rich tradition Cardinal John J. O'Connor of 9,500 of them are in the Vnited of the church." New York has offered to help, and States. The pope said the synod also several other V.S. dioceses could In 1957 Pope Pius XII estabbe tapped. pointed out the unequal distribulished a volunteer program among • tion of priests in the world. "There He said among V.S. dioceses diocesan clergy with the aim of are places with one priest for sevwith good seminaries and ordina- helping dioceses that had too few eral hundred Catholics, and others tion rates, Arlington, Va., and priests. The program continues where there is one priest for 10,000 Scranton and Allentown, Pa., were with 2,500 priests from North Catholics or even more." some that came to mind. American Europe working in Latin The 'Second Vatican Council The most dramatic shortage of America, the archbishop said. taught that priests are prepared priests is in Latin America, where But the program needs to conmore than 88 percent of the popu- centrate on "the areas of greatest for "the most universal and allembracing mission of salvation," lation professes Catholicism, the need" and should have more the pope said. archbishop said. Almost 43 per- priests, as well as some changes in He asked priests and dioceses to cent of the world's Catholics live training and support, the working think and pray about those words, there, ministered to by only 13 group said. and be as generous as possible in percent of the world's priests. Archbishop Laghi mentioned. helping dioceses with severe shorThe Catholics of Europe and tages of priests. North America constitute less than specific concerns about the isolaArchbishop Pio Laghi, head of 39 percent of the world's Catholic tion of priests sent alone to a forthe Vatican· Congregation for popullition, but are served by more eign country. The new proposal Catholic Education, later outlined than 73' percent of the world's calls for "teams of priests" from the same country or diocese worka pilot program ,being considered priests, he said.. by the Vatican which would faciliThe unequal distribution of ing together wi~h greater support tate the sending of priests from priests was repeatedly mentioned from their home dioceses. As for long-term prospects for well-staffed dioceses to those in during the October world Synod native vocations, parish life and need. of Bishops on priestly formation, seminary programs must be The pope told priests that "the he added, saying that two days strengthened and vocations promore overwhelmed we feel by our after the synod ended, the pope motion programs must be put in mission, the more open we must be appointed several Vatican offiCials WARM WELCOME: Friends and family of more than place, the report said. to the action of the Holy Spirit." to form a working group to address 100 members of the i 60th Air. Refueling Group offered a The report also suggested giving "The. liturgy of Holy Thursday the distribution problem. variety of personalized welcomes when the soldiers returned specific responsibility for certain is a special moment during the The group's,preliminary report year in which we -can' and must called for "emergency inter- ,regions or programs, such as this month to Columbus, Ohio, from duty in Operation Desert seminaries, to religious orders. renew and rekindle in ourselves ventions" with better staffed dioStorm. (CNS photo) . the sacramental grace of the ceses sending'priests to those more Archbishop Laghi said that par, in need. priesthood." ticipants in these efforts would be It also called for measures to "priests ofthe new evangelization" Priest-Sharing Program address the shortage "at th~ root" which Pope John Paul has called Discussing the Vatican pilot Continued from Page One ing more stomach wounds. Now program and calling, the unequal with better vocations programs, for to mark the anniversary of 500 thorities, she said, pulling torn the soldiers sometimes aim for distribution of priesis a "pastoral improved seminaries and the de- years of Christianity in the Amerenvelopes from her purse. heads, he said. .·injustice:" Archbishop Laghi said velopment of the permanent diac- icas. House searches are common, Mary N. said the Gulf war tighta plan is developing in which dio- onate and lay ministries., _ she said, and men. are frequently ened .the Israeli mi'litary's grip on ceses in the V nited States. and The.vatican will be a facilitator Independence humiliated in front oftheirfamilies. their community and even with the elsewhere could' )k as.ked. share and a. "catalyst" for diocesan war over, many restrictions remain. "It is easy in the world'to live clergy with understaffed regions. exchanges and·for;.<:hanges at the after the world's opinion; it is easy Het husband, a doctor in a local "I donot'defend the occu~ation \' - :phe; aT~hbish'op said . .the;plan' h>l,:aIJevel, ~rchbishop.Laghi said. in solitude to live after our own. . hospital, said he has treated many of Kuwait [by the Iraqis]," she would include "emergency" priest '.' .... The wo.rkl~~ group su~gested a But the great person is one who in of the uprising~s victims - mostly said, "but we wonder why the Uni-:sharing as.well as systematic efforts '. pIlot project ID t~e 22 dIOceses of the midst of th'e crowd keeps 'with . young boys shot by soldiers during , ted States vetoes V.N. resolutions to recruit priests in areas where northeaste-rn Bra~11 to tes~ the new perfect sweetness the independence sione-throwing defOonstrations. when it ,comes to the Palestinian there is a'shortage: proposals. There IS one pnest there of solitude." 'Ralph Waldo . He said that at first the soldiers ,issue;," shesai~. "~an anyone The archbishop. former pro- for .every 18,000 people,. whereas Emerson " aimed for legs, then ht< began treat~. 'answer ine why?" . . . : !n the V nited States the ratio is one priest for about), 100, the archbi," , shop said. The neediest diocese in the region is diocese of llheus where there is Mar. 25: Is 42:1-7; 'Ps 27:1· , one, priest for every 44, 140 Cathol3,13~14;Jh 12:1·11 ;' ics, he said. In the pilot project region,there Mar; 26: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1,are 37 permanent deacons., 30 of 6,15,'17;:Jn 13:21·33,36-38 whom work in the archdiocese of Mar. 27: Is 50:4·9; Ps 69:8- Sao Salvador da Bahia. Archbishop Laghi said priest10,21-22,31;33-34; Mt 26:14.' short dioceses. in ,other? regions 25 have not made serious efforts to Holy Thursday: Is :61:1·3, train. permanent deacons: There 6,8·9; Ps 89:21·22,25,27; Rv are more than 15,000 permanent

Israeli curfew



'. _I

1:5·8; Lk 4:16-21 Holy Thursday Evening: Ex 12:1·8,11-14; Ps 116:12·13, 15·18; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; In Mar. 27 13:1·15 1918, Rev. James W. Conlin, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset Good Friday: Is 52: 13-53:12; 1964, Rt. Rev. Antonio P. Vieira, Ps 31:2,6,12·13,15·17,25; Heb Pastor, O.L. Mt. Carmel, New 4:14·16:5:7·9; In 18:1·19:42 Bedford Easter Vigil: (1) Gn 1:1-2:2, Mar. 28 1960, Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, Ps 104:1-2,5·6,10,12·14,24,35; Pastor, St. James, Taunton (2) Gn 22:1-18; Ps 16:5,8·11; 1972, Rev. Bernard A. Lavoie, (3) Ex 14:15-15:1; Ex 15:1· Catholic Memorial Home, Fall 6,17-18; (4) Is 54:5·14;Ps River 30:2,4·6,11-13; (5) Is55:1·11, 1983, Rev. Dieudonne Masse, Is 12:2·6;(6) Bar 3:9-15,32-. OFM, Retired, Montreal, Canada 1985, Rev. Howard A. Waldron, 4:4; Ps 19:8·11; (7) Ez 36:16· Pastor Emeritus, S1. Thomas More, 28; Pss 42:3,5; 43:3-4; (8) Somerset Rom 6:3-11; Ps 118:1·2,16Mar. 29 17,22-23; (9) Mk 16:1·8 1923, Rev. James H. ,Carr, S.T.L., Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall Easter Sunday: Acts 10:34, River ' 37-43; Ps 118:1-2,16-17,221951, Rt. Rev. Msgr. EdwardJ. 23; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20: 1-9 . 'Moriarty, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River

CotneCWorship ~he 'cord VOLUMES 1 Be 2,








The Anchor Friday, March 22, 1991

Theologian suggests fewer church teaching documents-

F~ther Haring

in hot water VATICAN CITY (CNS) 'L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, reprinted a criticism of German moral theologian Redemptorist Father Bernard Haring by U.S. theologian William E.• May following an "authoritative request" from an unnamed Vatican official. The newspaper acknowledged the "authoritative request" in its introduction to an Italian translation of "The Evolving Thought of Bernard Haring, CSSR," by May, a Catholic University of America theology professor. May, in a telephone interview with Catholic News Service, said he did not know who at the Vatican made the request, but that Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan, the U.S. papal pronuncio, had asked him whether it was "permissible" for L'Osservatore Romano to reprint the article. Vatican officials frequently suggest articles for publication in L'Osservatore Romano, and all articles on matters of theology and morality are approved by the Vatican Secretariat of State prior to publication. May's article first appeared in the December 1990 issue of the VATICAN CITY (CNS) -'Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Italy's religious heritage is enshNewsletter, a 14-year-old, 3,000- rined more in its artistic mastercirculation quarterly publication pieces than in the hearts and minds based at St. John's University, of its people, Pope John Paul 11 Jamaica, N.Y. told bishops from the Florence Father Haring, a German moral region, cradle of the Renaissance. theologian,who wa~ an adviser at The pope called the bishops the Second Vatican Council, has "pastors of the church of the illusoften received notice for making trations past" and complaine-d of proposals Vatican officials said sharp declines in religious practiwould be at odds with church ces and values. teaching. "M odern saints are needed to In a 1984 talk in Wisconsin, Father Haring said he favored ordi- oversee the new evangelization to prolong in your land the marvenation of women. In 1989, he lous flowering of persons that prourged in an Italian newspaper vidence forged in masterpieces of interview that Pope John Paul II supernatural beauty," the pope said reopen the birth control debate. March II to bishops for Italy's Last year, Father Haring told an Italian magazine that the pope, central Tuscany region. Florence is the main city in Tusshould allow Catholics to use artificial contraception if they cannot cany. The bishops were at the Vatin conscience accept church birth ican for their "ad limina" visits, required every five years to report control teaching. on the status of their dioceses. He wrote that among "the most harmful aspects of his work" were The 15th-16th century RenaisFather Haring's views that: sance started in Florence and was - Jesus' teaching on the indis- a golden age of art, literature and solubility of marriage is a "goal- learning that marked the transicommand" and not "a truth" as tion from the medieval to the the church und'erstands it. , modern world. :- Eastern Orthodox principles be adopted that allow a divorced person to remarry when, after a period of pastoral counseling, the VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope 'person decides "it would be better John Paul II told Christian busifor him, his children, and others to ness leaders to spurn harmful but ¡remarry.... highly profitable enterprises, such L'Osservatore Romano has crit- as supplying arms and peddling isized Father Haring's views in the illegal drugs, and to help build just past. One month after the priest societies. asked the pope to reopen the birth "To preserve morality in eco" control debate, the paper attacked nomic activity, you have need of theologians who publicely challenge lucid thinking and the courageous the church's artificial contracep- will to remain faithful to the clear tion ban and in July 1976, attacked demands of the word of God and his statement in Italy's largest the teachings of the church," Pope magazine, that couples in special. John Paul said earlier this month circumstances could use contacep- to the International Christian tives "in good conscience and with- Union of Busines~ Leaders. out fault." "I am thinking of everything ~-----against human life and nature, The Other Heroes from degrading the environment "Too much has been said of the to developing murderous weapons heroes of history - the strong or marketing equally murderous men, the troublesome men; too lit- drugs," he added. tle of the amiable, the kindly, the The primary aim of Christian tolerant." - Stephen Leacock businessmen is "the bulding of a

Faith's in art, not in hearts, says pope The major artists and sculptors of the era studied and worked in Florence, filling churches and palaces with paintings and statues of Mary, biblical scenes, Christ and the saints. "Everywhere Tuscany is known as the center of a humanism which visibly carries the imprint of Christian faith," he said. . The pope praised the "perennial values of the spirit incarnated in literature and in the arts." "Your works of art constitute a formidable instrument of religious instruction," he said. This should stimulate a moral renewal based on the Christian values "which intimately penetrate the cultural and social fabric of the people consigned to your pastoral care," he said. Currently in Tuscany, Mass attendance is at its lowest level, civil marraige is increasing, "secularism and consumerism have cut deeply into your culture," and religious indifference has grown into "practical atheism," he said. The pope also complained of a rise in Satanic cults and "the practice of esoteric rites."

Avoid evil enterprises, warns pope just society" and a "truly equitable society," he said. "You must find the point of convergence of a series of natural, technical, civil and, finally, moral and Gospel laws," he said. Strive "to develop the best relations among all the personnel of your company, with the users of your products or services, with the different social sectors and with authorities responsible for the common good," he said. -

STEUBENVILLE,Ohio(CNS) - Jesuit Father Avery Dulles has suggested that the church's magisterium, or teaching authority, may be strained by the sheer number of teaching statements coming out of Rome and bishops' conferences. "The whole church, including the theologian community, depends on the hierarchical magisterium to preserve and defend" the faith, the theologian said. But at the same time church officials should "avoid any abuse of authority," he said in a speech last month at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. ' Father Dulles devoted most of his talk, titled "The Magisterium, Theology and Dissent," to discussing the interdependence of theology and the magisterium, the different levels of authority of church teachings, the responsibility of theologians toward church teaching authority and the limits on theological dissent in that context. He described last year's Vatican instruction on the role oftheologians as generally covering those issues well. In speaking about theologians' responsibilities and dissent, he noted that church authority has a right, and at times a responsibility, to impose certain kinds of controls "to assure the faithful transmission of its official teaching." But at the same time, he said, "there is a need for further clarification of the measures that can help to avoid any abuse of authority on the part of the ecclesiastical magisterium." He offered "five ground rules" for the future to help avoid repetition of past "sufferings unjustly inflicted on creative theologians who have eventually been vindicated": - "The magisterium can avoid issuing too many statements, especially statements that appear to carry with them an obligation to assent." - "The hierarchical teachers can use their influence to protect legitimate freedom and to moderate charges and countercharges among theologians of different

schools. Authority can be used permissively as well as restrictively." - The magisterium should be on guard against efforts of any given school or party to gain official endorsement for its own theological positions. Before issuing binding statements of doctrine, the pope and bishop would do well to consult widely with theologians of different schools." - "The hierarchy, before it speaks, should anticipate objections and seek to obviate them. This goal can more easily by achieved if preliminary drafts are published and subjected to open criticism." - "Those who speak on behalf of the universal church must be sensitive to the variety of situations and cultures in different parts of the world" because different cultural contexts can mean different interpretations of what is said. Commenting on the number of authoritative church statements, Father Dulles said, "U ntil the 20th century, ecumencial councils and dogmatic decrees were rare. Popes issued relatively few doctrinal decisions, and then only at the end of a long process of theological discussion. "But with the recent multiplication of encyclicals, conciliar documents, decisions of Roman congregations and pastorals coming from bishops," he said, "Catholics can easily feel overwhelmed by the multitude of views they are expected to profess, even on issues where Scripture and apostolic tradition appear to be silent. "Wherever diversity seems to be tolerable," he added, "theologians should be given freedom to use their own good judgement." He cited the example of the renowned 19th-century British theologian, Cardinal John Henry Newman, and of Pope John XXllI - both of whom, he said, "were fond of the ancient dictum, 'In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas.... The Latin saying calls for "unity in essentials, freedom in doubtful matters, charity in everything."

Pope gives $50,000 for Sudan relief VA11CAN CITY(CNS)- Pope John Paul 11 has donated $50,000 for church-sponsored relief efforts in Sudan, the Vatican announced. Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, pres-ident of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," left for Sudan last week with the donation. He will also help coordinate international Catholic aid programs, said the Vatican. A seven-year civil war has been raging in Sudan pitting rebels in the mainly black Christian and animist south against the largely Muslim, Arab population of the north which controls the government. Added to this has been spreading famine caused by prolonged drought. In Febru~ry, Catholic Relief Services, overseas aid agency of the U.S. bishops, said between 8 million and II million people in Sudan are at risk of starvation in 1991 unless there is massive international aid. Aid agencies have charged that the Sudanese government is ignoring the pending disaster, which is said to be more threatening in the government~controlledareas than

the zone controlled by the rebel Sudanese People's Liberation Movement. CRS is among aid organizations working under United Nations auspices to aid the needy on both sides of the battle line. In rebel-held southern Sudan, the diocese of Torit has played a major role in distributing emergency food aid and in pressing efforts to build up agricultural production. Slightly more than 7 percent of Sudan's 24 million population is Catholic. Added to the needs of its own people, Sudan has also experienced pressure from Ethiopian refugees fleeing a similar set of circumstances in their neighboring country. Sudan's commissioner for refugees said, however, that the number of refugees has decreased in recent days. The commissioner, retired army Brig. Gen. Abdel-Rahman Sir alKhatim, attributed the decrease to improved food aid distribution in the regions of Ethiopia from which most refugees come.







Study finds Catholic students don't know church teachings on war and peace





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 22, 1991



WASHINGTON (CNS) - A Christi VSA, a Catholic peace recent report on a survey of organization. Catholic high schools by the BosSix of the responding schools ton-based Center on Conscience . had Junior ROTC programs. and War says that the church's "fundamental teachings related to war and peace" are not "widely known or recognized." The report does not place the blame solely on high school teachers, noting that many are "deeply troubled and frustrated by the obstacles they encounter" in trying to teach about war and peace. It cites an "almost universal assumption" among students that "in time of war the citizen must be prepared to render unquestioning obedience to the nation's political and military leaders." Such a belief is reinforced by the community at large, parents, and parish and diocesan leaders, it says, adding that opposition from parents and the community is likely to influence "justifiably anxious administrators" and affect school G'ORDON ZAHN policy. A goal of the survey, the report "Taunts of 'make my day' cousays, was to determine how well. pled with actual military adventures high schools have responded to in Grenada, Panama, Central the 1983 appeal by the V.S. bishops America and the Persian Gulf help in their pastoral letter on war and convince young people"~hatresortpeace that "all the models of ing to violence is the "socially Catholic education creatively rise approved and expected method of to the challenge of peace." conflict resolution," the report says. The survey found that: Written by Michael W. Hovey - 68 percent of respondents and Gordon C. Zahn of the Center said war and peace issues were on Conscience and War, the report "absolutely essential"; 10 percent is based on 96 responses to a quesconsidered them "useful, but not tionaire sent to religious studies of high priority"; and 6 percent directors of 267 Catholic high said they were "probably too . schools in 188 V.S. dioceses. advanced for high school students." The center is an affiliate of Pax

New Bedfordite aids Third World tots Mrs. Theresa Tousignant of St. Joseph parish, New Beford, is the "spiritual parent" of three needy youngsters, two in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, and one in Bangladesh. S he learned of them through the Foster Parents Mission Club organized by priests of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions to aid destitute children in Third World nations. A club member for over 27 years, M rs. Tousignant's youngest and most recent "spiritual child" is Bambina Po Me, 4, who is cared for by sisters at St. Gerosa's Convent in Loikaw, Myanmar. Shortly after Bambina's birth, her mother, insane as' a result of malarial fevers, was about to stab the baby. She was rescued by her father who, in desperation, begged the sisters to take her in. With the help of Mrs. Tousignant the little girl is now fed, clothed and has the hope of a good education.. Foster Parents donate $10 a month towards their child's care,

plus a $5 yearly membership fee, coming to a daily cost of less than .35. Mrs. Tousignant, who has four children and four grandchildren of her own, can write to her foster children, although as a bare-bones operation with no social workers or interpreters, the Mission Club cannot promise return correspondence. However, the youngsters do appreciate mail, which is translated for them if at all possible; and they are told there is someone far away who cares about them. They repay their foster parents by remembering them in their daily prayers. Presently, about 5,000 youngsters. are aided by the club. Hundreds of other needy children from Myanmar, Brazil, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and West Africa remain on waiting lists. Complete information about the program will be furnished on request to the Foster Parents Mission Club, 35750 Moravian Dr., Fraser, Mich. 48026.




• • • •

• • • •


P.O. BOX 276 FALL RIVER MA 02724


FALL RIVER 675·7801

- 92 percent said they encouraged class discussions of conscientious objection and nonviolent alternatives to war.


- 27 percent said the amount of classroom attention devoted to formation of conscience on war and military service was "probably not adequate" but all that the students would accept.

NOW.Checking from Citizens-Union.

- Asked to rank six influencing factors on formation of a young person's conscience on war-related issues, the family was ranked first; then peer group and TV and entertainment; high school religious instructors; community values; and last the local parish. - Sixteen percent said their students were not instructed on the church's just war teaching, including conditions that must be met for a war to be just as stated in the V.S. bishops' 1983 pastoral letter.


The report quotes one respondent who wrote on the survey response form that teachers "are working with youth already convinced of their duty to kill all enemies of our flag and country ... it's a tough crowd to play to."


7:30 P.M.

Good News Theater

The reports says there is a feeling among teachers that "it is safe to teach the immorality of drug abuse and teen-age sexual promiscuity" but could be "da'1$erous" to teach about the "immorality of civilian bombings or quote a pope's reaction to the V.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


2:00 P.M.

People's Chapel


The report's authors say that the V .S. bishops should protect vulnerable teachers and anxious administrators from critics who object to discussion of issues of war and peace at the high schoolleveI.

Wednesday, Mar. 27 -

7:30 P.M.

HOLY THURSDAY, MAR. 28 - 6:30 P.M.




10 A.M. - 8 P.M.

$25 Donation

Pre-Registration thru Mar. 24

Mon. . Sat. 10:00 . 5:30 P.M.



CARDS BOOKS 673-4262 936 So. Main St.,


Donation: $20.00

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Fall River

THE 1991 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains complete diocesan information and a telephone directory of priests, directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious education coordinators and permanent deacons. Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside th~ diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of ordination and a table of movable feasts through the year 2002. It may be ordered by telephone at 675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy).

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 22, 1991 '0",

By Charlie Martin


By Tom Lennon used to predict the course of world "Dad. do you think the end of events. Never. The Bible is about our salvation and about God's the world is coming soon?" love for us and our love for him "N o. What makes you ask?" "Jerry. He told me the 'preacher and our neighbor. No human being knows when at his church said that what is happening in the Middle East is the end of the world is coming. Jesus himself said he did not know. the start of the end of the world." Furthermore. there is nothing in My neighbor told me about this conversation he had with his son. the Bible to contradict the idea He was not sure what to tell his that perhaps the world will go on son. other than that his gut instinct for tens of thousands of years was that the world was going on more. Indeed, if I were forced at gunfor a while yet. I told my neighbor' I've been' point to wager $10.000 on when hearing quite a few people. some the world will end. I would bet that of them teenagers. talk about the it will go on for many. many cen. approaching end of the· world: turies yet. They ate usually fundamentalist Why? I think God still has much, Christians. and they think you can much work for us Christians to do. use the Bible to predict the future In the long years ahead. all of us course of world events. must work hard' to bring God's Just last wee.k a young preacher word and his love to all naiions,'to at my health club invited me to' all peoples: come to his church that evening to We have to strive to bring about see a movie titled "The Coming' a world of justice and~ peace. a Third World' War," That war. of world free of poverty. oppression course, would. be followed' by the and hatred. end of the world. I 'told him that We also have much work·todo I'd rather see a movie about build- within our·selves. We have towork ing a world of justice and peace. to eliminate sin totally from our But what did I tell my neighbor? personalities and bring about-the Is the end of the· world coming reign of Christ in our hearts. That's soon? a way of saying we have to become It's possible. Nobody knows the' saints. future. But the early ChI:istians Jesus said he has come to cast thought the second coming' of fire upon the earth. Christians Christ would take place in their believe he was speaking in a poetic lifetime- and it didn't. Almost manner of the fire of his love. . 2.000 years have gone by and he If I had ,to bet on the future. I still hasn't come. The early Chris- would bet that tens of thousands tians were dead wrong. of years from now the fire of Today some Christians think Christ's love will· fill the earth, events in the. Middle East are' the which will be peopled with countprelude to the battle of Armaged- less saints. don mentioned iri the Book of Then our beautiful planet will Revelation. 16: 16. This wiII signal be ready for Christ's coming. the great day of God, the second But for now it would be far betcoming. . ter if Christians would forget about But ifthere is one thingCatholic the world's end and concentrate biblical expert,s are'agreed on, it is on building a world of justice, this: the Bible should never be ,peace and love. .



UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON students Amy Novy of Columbus, Ohio, and Gina Rossi of Middletown, Ohio, participate i~ a pne-night sle~pout in the university plaza-as part of the4niversity's.ann·ual Week in Solidarity with the Homeless. (CNS photo) . .

Every night I say a prayer in the hopes there's a heaven But every day I'm more confused as the saints turn into sinners All the heroes and legends that I knew as a child Have fallen to idols of clay And I feel this empty place inside So I'm afraid I've lost my faith Show me the way Show me the way Take me to the river tonight and wash my illusions away Please show me the way As I slowly drift to sleep For a moment dreams are sacred Close my eyes and know there's peace In a world so filled with hatred But I wake up each morning and turn on the news And find that we have so far to go And I keep on hoping for a sign So I wait, I just do....'t know Show me the way Show me the way Give me the strength and the courage to believe 111 get there someday And please show me the way Written by Dennis De Young. Sung by Styx (c) 1990 'by A&M Records, Inc. SOMETIMES A' SONG comes along that. makes me think about a specific time in, the year. As we enter into Holy Week. Styx's new hit "Show Me the Way" strikes me as a prayerto guide our way through these special days. The person in the. song feels "this empty place inside." He is

afraid that'''l've lost my faith." He can only look forward to sleep when he closes his eyes and know there's peace. Yet, he . wakes up each morning. and turns on the news. rediscovering "a world so filled with hatred." He keeps "on hoping for a sign." and asks God. "Please show me the way." .

.', .Most of us can identify with this person's sense of disillusionment. We are aware of the pain. 'suffering and escalation of violence within our human famiiy. Like theindividual in the song. sometimes we feel that we can only wait and pray. Holy Week reminds us that God understands the suffering. even the despair. that at times we feeI.The stories of this week tell of the inner struggle Jesus faced. Jesus was not just faking it as he encountered the imminent loss of his life. In·deed. he prayed for courage and direction on the night before his crucifixion. If we were to paraphrase the Go'spel account, we might easily hear Jesus cry out to his Father, "Show me'·the way," Holy Week teaches that we can choo'se to act e~en 'th6ugh we remain unsure of'the worth of our actions, For exa":lJlle·. we might re'ach outto a parent or friend. knowingthat hurts exist between both of us, yet trusting that a gesture of caring will begin healing the shared pain. Or VIe might continue donating to an organization working to alleviate world hUQger. even though we wonder how our few dollars will make.any differ~nce: All of us e.nter this Holy Week in prayer. Like Jesus. we can place ourselves before the Fa~her and ask him to "wash our illusions away." SpiriqJally cleansed. we can find the way to transform our world. even a little. with lov~. Your comments are always' welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport~Ind. 47635. '

A kids' car wash how-to By Hilda Young H ow to wash the car if you are 8 and need some spending money: Say, "Mom. how about if I wash the car and then you can give me some money for the video arcade?" If you receive the go-ahead, fill a large Tupperware bowl with warm water and dishwashing soap. Use about half of each. Grab the nearest dishtowel. Head for the car. Use the dishtowel to sort of mop up the sudsy water you spl.ushsplosh on the carpet and walls on the way to the driveway. Spend loads of time.on t~e ca.r. as much as the better part of 10 or I ~ minutes. Present your bill to," Mom: "Do'ne, Mom. Pay up," If. she says; "Well, the grill' looks nice, but \Y,hat about the rest o(the car?" explain that you ran ou't "ejf wash water. , . How to wash the car· if You are 12 and need some spending money: Say, ....Mom. how about if I wash, th~.car and you. come acr.oss with some mall moolah?" As~'umingyo.u !ire given tile green light. snag the nearest dish towel am~ head for. the driveway. Turn the garden hose.on full blast. Blast the entire car. . ' Now shut t.he ·windo~s. Spray the dog. Spray the cat. ::;pray at your buddy who's. sitting on, the curb saying. "Hurry up, dude." Spray into the mailbox· to see jf it is watertight. Make a mental note that. a) it is not. b) you should take the mail out first before trying this experiment again. .' Request payment: "Mom. done. Moolah. por favor."

If she protests. "The car looks a lot wetter, but not a lot cleaner," sigh a deep sigh and give the grill a quick once-over with the dish towel. How to wash the car if you are 15 and one-half and about to begin drivers' education class: Say, "Mom. looks like the car needs a wash. How about if I pull it out of the garage and wash it for you?" If she assents by slowly handing you the keys. with her eyes ·narrowed. dash for the garage before she offers to IlWve the car herself. Spend 1501' 20.minutesadjusting the'seat, the mirror, the seatbelt. Turn on the radio. Turn it on loud. Hold the steering.wheel with both hands and breathe deeply. Know life is good.

Start tite car. Turn off the car. Get out. Open the garage door. Back the car out to the end of the driveway. Stop. Pull it forward so the hose can reach. Put it in park. Decide it's best to point the car into the street. Back into the street and then into the driveway. Wash the back half. Now start up the car and turn it around agairi so you can wash th!= front half. Decide it would be best to back the car into the garage. Back out, pull forward, back in.' . ., Reluctantly, turn it off. Close the garage door. Seek restitution. Say, "Do you think I should wax it now?"" , Your comments are welcomed by Hilda'Young, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash, 98223.

Vide,()§-' Mvvies

Recent box 'office hits 1. , The Silence of the' Lambs,

Recenttop ......

A.IV (A) , ' , I 2. The Doors, 0 (A) 3.' Sleeping with the Enemy, .

Aatliners, 0 '(R) ; 2. AIr America, A·III (R) 1.

3. DaIkman, 0 (1;1) 4. Ole Hard 2; 0 (R) 5. Days of Thunder, , ~-III (P.<;-.13) , , 6. Death WarTarit,'O(R)

7.' NavY 588ts, A~III(R)

. ' ...

8.. The Twa Jakes, A-III (R) 9. PrOble!T1 Ctlild, A-II (PG). 1Q: Quick Chang~, A-III (R)

Ust autesy ot Variety

,·A·III (A)' , , KIng Aalplt, A·II (PG) , : Home Alone, A~II,(PG) ,6. , Danc;es With Wolves, : 'A-III (PG-13), 7. ShipwreCked, A·I (PG) .8.' ,LA. StOry, A"III'(PG:;13) 9. Scenes trom a Mall, A-III (A) 10.' He SaId; She SaId; " .! .';" A~III (PG-13), 4. 5.

l.Jst ClUtesy 01 Viflilly

, <l:l1991 CNS G'apI1cs



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in our schools ~


Coyle-Cassidy Three students from CoyleCassidy High School, Taunton, were top winners in the regional competition of a national history contest. Themed "Rights in History," the regional round was held March 2 at Bridgewater College. Anne and Katie Giovanoni, , daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giovanoni of East Taunton, won first pla~e in the group media cate, gory for their project on the rights of combatants. Margaret Barton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barton of Middleboro, placed fir~t in the individual project category for a paper on the right to live in a clean environment.' , , The winning projects now advance to state competition. Other Coyle-Cassidy winners were Jeffrey Tenney, who took second place for a paper on workers' rights, and Ben Mackiewicz, who placed third for a project on the Salem witch trials. Supervising teachers were David Cassavant, Hollene Mansfield, William Tranter, Howard Waldron, and Brian Dickinson, an executive board member of South Shore Council of Social Studies, which sponsors the event. Dickinson was also a judge for junior high' projects.

.' . . .

Seniors Cathal O'Brien and Paul Gomes and juniors Julie Poyant, Kristen Greene and Neil Morrison are enrolled in a Harvard University Extension School physics course, "Wayes, Particles and the ' Structure of Matter." . This is the seventh spring that the Cambridge extension school has opened a science course to area high school students. Through a bequest from the Lowell Institute, the students receive full tui' tion scholarships. The course continues through May 16..

• • '. *

Jeffrey' Tenney, son ofMr. and Mrs. John Tenney of Taunton, has' the distinction of being the, first high, schooL student in the' world to be accepted,as a member of the International Society of Chrono~iology. " .. Chronobiology is, the,stJ,ldy of biorhythms and biological clocks in living beings. Tenney recently won the school science fair with a project on. ,circadian rhythm,S in: drosophila and kalanchoes.

, .•• .',*

Students o,apd, parents packed the Coyle-Cassidy gynin~siuin on. March 9 for the first annual National Honor Society J;~.leni Show, ;which benefited the society's scholarship fund. Entries rangedJrom rock bands to rap to classical dance numbers. Also of note were a piano video and a video tribute to 'soldiers who served in Opera'tion Desert Storm.

• • • •

Junior Laura Watson was among 1,000 participants in the recent 1991 world indoor rowing machine championships at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. She placed second in the 2,500meter junior women's coinpetition with a time of9:50.4, sevenseconds behind the winner. Coyle-Cassidy was well-repre-

,, planning to participate should respond by April 5.

• • • • Senior Ryan Doyle and junior

Greg Czarkowski participated in the March 13 southeast region delegate workshop for Massachusetts Student Government bay. They were welcomed by State Senator Erving Wall of Taunton, given a tour of the State House, and attended hearings on health care bills. In mock proceedings on Student Government Day. April 6, they will be members of the state House of Representatives.

* • * •

DANIEL HAYDEN, left, and Jason Santos of St. Jean Baptiste School, Fall River, were honorable mention winners in the recent Region III Science Fair at Bristol Community College. sented on Eastern Athletic ConVocal/ dance department stuference's winter all-star teams. Four dents Rachel Pad 011, Kerri Simomembers of the Warrior hockey neau, Raymond Martel;Kate Barry team, all seniors, were nominated and Patricia McLaughlin were to the all-conference team: Robert accepted into the 1991 Southeast MacDonald and Garett Tardiff District Choral Festival. Freshman for offense; Sean Gaffney for deElizabeth Hartmann was accepted fense; and Shawn Grenier for goal- into the Junior Southeast District tending. ' Choral Festival. ' Senior Christina Pinto and junInstrumental department stuior Tara Emond represented the , dents Vanessa Cesarz (flute), Erinn Lady Warriors on the girls' basHoagg (viola) and Jennifer Wilson ketball conference team, and senior (viola) were accepted to the SouMike Simpson earned all-confer~ theast District Music Festival and ence honors for boys' basketball.' received all-state recommendation. Department head Joseph Taylor is forming a string ensemble for students in grades 7 through 12 who play the violin, viola, cello The foreign language department and bass. It will debut at Fine Arts at Bishop Feehan High School, Night. Attleboro, recently sponsored a * * * * French Honor Society performance On Sunday Bishop Feehan hostof Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood). Mrs. Lind" ed it New England majorette comAusiello adapted the play from the' petition for local elementary, junior high and high school girls. 17th century fairy tale. Previously the Feehan varsity' The National Spanish Exam wa's majorette squad placed second and offered March I~ and a schoolwid'e translation contest with prizes was third in two recent competitions. The junior varsity squad, wh'ich held the week of March 1.1. Students are also par-ticipating inCludeS students from St. John in a poster;contest promoting study Evan'getist SchooJ, Attlebo'ro,' of foreign languages aS'a means of placed six and fourth in recent competitions, while ari dementary achieving global harmony. An after-school reception ceIe- squad of students from St. John's braling ethnic'_diversity was held,_ and St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, ' yesterday, offe'ring French, Span- North Attleboro, placed fifth in its ish and' Italian dishes prepared by , last two, contests. students. Also, 'students, are' researching the influence of ~oreign lariguages Four students from Bishop and cultur'es on the English lan-, Connolly High School, Fall River, . guage and American cuiiure. Each received honors' in the 1991' Bosclass will vie.w "T.he World Wel- , ton Globe AII-Scolastic Art Awards' comes," a video on career opporcompetition. Senior Eril: Hatfield' tunities for those (luent in a second . of Newport received two blue riblanguage. . bons and a judges' distinction , A multilinguaf-Mass is planned award. Seniors Brigitte Rubano of for Monday. " ., , ' .. Somerset and Jamie Borges of Berkley both received judges' disThe art departm~nt is spo,nsortinctions, and junior Jason Quaring an Art Honor Society contest termouse of Newport received two ,for junior high school students. 70 gold ribbons. area junior high's principals have Hatfield's blue ribbon works will been invited to -participate and be entered in the National Schowinning entries will be displayed lastic AI:t Awards Competition in at a Fine Arts Night May 3. New York this spring. Feehan students Lisa Rowe, A Connolly Art Show will be ,Ronald Diggett and Tracey Buss held May 5 through 8. Students at have been nominated to Art All- parochial and public middle schools State, and the art department has have been invited to submit works added Art V to its curriculum for to be exhibited in a Young Artists next year. division of the show. Schools

Bishop' Feehan

llishop CO'nnolly"

. . ..


More than 40 donors participated in the, March 18 National Honor Society blood drive, exceeding the goal set by society members. The girls' soccer team will participate in a cleanup effort at Fall River's Bicentennial Park tomorrow. The freshman and sophomore classes will sponsor a dance this evening. Winter season athletes will be honored at a potluck supper and awards ceremony March 27. Practice has begun for spring sports.

Taunton Catholic Middle School

.~ .'. : . \,The Anchor Friday, March 22, 1991





Catelli, Nathan Nowotpy, Aaron Simrnons. Grade 8: Chris Cunningham, Tony Tuffile, Elder Escobar, Matt ,Thielker. For girls: grades 5 and 6: Christine Pacheco, Renee Jacques, Talia Bourque. Grade 7: Nancy Cardoza, Lori Shanko, Kerri Robbins, Julie Hunt, Kelly Wilbur. Grade 8: Carrie Richards, Danielle Rusconi, Nikki Bourque, Alyssa Burgess.

Connolly Langguth Scholars named 12 diocesan applicants to the class of 1995 'at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, were honored as Langguth Scholars at a March 12 awards ceremony and reception. The award, established this year by Connolly principal Rev. John P. Murray, SJ, recognizes incoming freshman for academic achievement in grade school and scores in the 90th percentile o'n the ..Connolly entrance examination. It is n~med for Rev. Laurence C. Langguth, SJ, who supervised construction of the Coqnolly building and taught mathematics and sciences at the school from 1~68 to '. ~ 1987. River: Rebecca Hancock, Paulina:

Taunton Catholic Middle School recently held its annual science fair. Student participants were selected by science teachers Roberta Pacheco," Melanie Poisson, Patri- ::~' Schneller, Rhonda MacLeod and cia Rego, Megan Silvia and Ben- -, Andrew MacLeod. Judging was " done by area teachers, business J'amin Waddicor. Westport: Craig Leonardo, J odie ~~ persons and religious. Pietruska, Jennifer Rezendes, Winners, listed in order of first Bryan Stubbert, to third place, were, for grade 5: Also, Matt Machado, Somerset; Jodi Harrington, "Swedish Ivy;" and Sarah Raedel, Wareham. Jason Tallafuss, "Erosion;" Joseph Brabants, "Land Hermit Crabs.", Honorable mention: Renee Jacques, Lucas Rosen. Third graders at Notre Dame Grade 6: Lori Shanko, "Fric-. tion;" Angela Gauthier, "Global School, Fall River, celebrated St. Warming;" Carll' Giovanoni, "Pol- Patrick's Day with a Green Potluck lution and Seasonal Changes in Lunch. Third grade parents served Plants." Honorable mention: students, teachers and staff and Alyssa Bator, Timothy Zuba. the students wore shamrock hats ,Grade 7: Christina Danforth, they decorated themselves in addi"Water Pollution;" Laura Pugatch, tion to green attire. The students "Beach Erosion;" Kelly Wilbur, also created "Leprechaun Traps" "Worms Ate My Garbage." Honor- for the, occasion. able mention: Lori Ferreira, MatThird grade teacher Claire Allard thew Kravitz. got the idea for the Green Potluck Grade 8: Laurel Goj, "Rust and fromthe class's Writing Pal~:.third PreventatiYe~;",JoseEnriqu~s, ".The graders 'at Rancho School in Liv-, ' Greenhouse Effect;" John Halpin, er'more, Calif. "Food Preferences,in Turtles.", For th~past five years, Ms. Honor-able mention: Ke'Vin MarAllard has had her class corresp~)Jld with' ~heir Calif?~nia 'councondes, Kate Tenney. _.:" Principal.'s, A w~rd: 'Geoffrey terp'~r.ts, ,StUdents. ~nte mO'!thl.y. , d' e '7' "t, ,to_ their ,and duph~ ' ""I: a n d :'H erml" ' pals . " - send .them , - ' ... , P au I, , gra . ' . ' ,cat~ o.f ..cl~s_~room .. cra(ts;_; ,Many Crabs." .' :' . ' ., .' . , Diabetes Association of Fat!" ,~tudeQt~;.~av_:, contln!lect·.-t,? '.corRiver savings bond a~a~d: "Kate,', resp.o~9,by;~lette( ~r :ph'one:a_fter '11' . DO' - leavlJlg grade 3. , -' T enney, gra d e 8, "T , ype !a- , T.h W' .', . P I '(1 - ',' '. betes." . : .,' . . .:. ,e. ntlng. a S:,I ea was 1Jl~ All seventh and eighth grade . trod\.!ced by a<:~lIdren.s newsp.aper, , , , '. '," Weekly Reader which matches students who pla<:ed winners In the, '. ' . ' " -" .. . ' '.,. ' '; t d'" 'th' , classes from ,dlfferen,t· , sc h00 I sCience ,all' compe e 'In e ' -'., Th,'- N ,', .pafts . ' .of .- "the 'd' F' . t 0 I country, e otre Dame . III S clence . R eglOn all' a t Bns R 'h'" '.' - ' ,an d d Community College. There, Kate ancdlo .c~assfeSlhave~or~~sh~on. e, ~· es , Matt Kra - regal' ess.o ass slzes"t ,IS.. year ' , c. " T enney, J ose E nnqu 't' d 'L' P gatch placed each Notre Dame third VI z an aura u . , , grader. has " , the Cahfor~, · t Lon. F errel'1'a and Kelly WI'I - 'two . pen " .pals because ' fIrs' , . Ch" ma class IS ,much larger. " , bur placed second, and nstlna M I\ll d . " d h R ' h" Danforth placed third. Kevin s. ar vlslte t e a~c. 0 Marcondes earned honorable men- School last year and made a Video' of the class to show her Notre ' t IOn. Dam t d t '. e s u en s: ' . All TCMS winners were honored Jerem~CornYeau, grade 7,.and ' at a March 14 maroon and gold spirit day at the school, receiving Janet DlOn, grade 8, received ribbons and prizes. seco.nd place ~wards a.t the recent • • * * RegIOn III SCience Fall'. Winners in a schoolwide basInner Space ketball free throw contest were, "Do not seek God in outer space for boys: grades 5 and 6: Steven Sousa, Ryan Nunes, Chris Carr - your heart is the only place in which you meet him face to face."· and Jonathan DeAguiar. Grade 7: Joseph Fellone, Brian - Angelius Silesius

Notre Dame School



CATHEDRAL CAMP, WIDOWED SUPPORT, E. FREETOWN· CAPE COD Office of Youth Ministry YES Monthly meeting 2 to 4 p.m. Sunretreat today through Sunday. Office day, Christ the King parish library, of Youth Ministry training program Mashpee. Topic: "The Family." 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. Information: 428-7078, evenings. SACRED HEART, SS. PETE.R AND PAUL, FR N.ATTLEBORO Students will compete with school Palm Sunday solemn entrance and faculty in "Jeopardy" 7 p.m. March 26. blessing of palms 4 p.m. tomorrow; ST. PATRICK, FR CATHOLIC WOMAN'S blessing of palms and procession ST. STANISLAUS, FR Mass of the Lord's Supper with CLUB, FR 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Holy Thursday Palm Sunday procession beginwashing of the feet ceremony, 7 p.m. Mass, Good Friday Passion, Easter Mass for deceased members 8:30 ning with blessing of palms 10: 15 Vigil all at 7 p.m. Adoration after a.m. Sunday; schoolchildren will March 28, upper church; followed a.m. April 21, Holy Rosary Church, by adoration of Blessed Sacrament FR, followed by communion breakHoly Thursday Mass until midnight. gather in the school at 10 a.m. until II p.m. Good Friday celebra- fast. Speaker will be Dorothy J. Penance 3 to 3:45 p.m. tomorrow; 3 CATHEDRAL, FR tion of Passion 3 p.m.; way of the Levesque. April 15 is deadline for to 4 p.m. Holy Saturday. North Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will celecross 7 p.m. Beginning with 4:30 reservation with Celia Corcoran or Attleboro Knights of Columbus corbrate 4 p.m. Mass tomorrow, prep.m. vigil Mass tomorrow, weekend Lorena Pacheco. Transportation porate communion 8:30 a.m. Mass ceded by blessing of palm branches \ Sunday. Youth group sponsored liturgies will be held in upper church. may be arranged and elevator servand procession. Cathedral choir will Easter egg hunt after 10:30 a.m. Evening prayer led by Father Richard ice is available at church. sing. Other weekend Masses will be Beaulieu followed by confessions 7 Mass Sunday. held as usual. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Mothers' Group will meet with 'ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FR ST. ANTHONY of the Applications are being accepted NOTRE DAME de LOURDES, FR Sister Beth Mahoney 9:30 a.m. toSweet bread will be blessed at 7 . morrow, rectory, to complete ar- from persons interested in an oncol- DESERT, FR All night exposition of Blessed p.m. Mass Thursday. ogy clinic companionship program rangements for March 30 Easter egg Sacrament 8 p.m. Thursday to 8 to aid cancer patients. Oncology hunt. staff will provide training, supervi- a.m. Friday, St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 North Eastern Ave. No exposition 234 Second Street . ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, sion and support for volunteers. • • Fall River, MA 02721 SWANSEA Information: Sister Cecilia Down- during April. Youth group will sponsor brunch Web Offset HOLY NAME, FR ing, St. Anne's Hospital, 674-574 I. 8 a.m. to noon Sunday. Holy Thurs• • Newspapers Holy Name School grade 3 will day Mass of the Lord's Supper 7 O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Printing &Mailing begin participation in a handicap Grade 7 will sponsor paper bag p.m; adoration follows until II p.m. . • (508)679-5262 . and disability awareness program • Good Friday stations of cross 3 supper following 6 p.m. Mass Mon- on Thursday. School faculty will . p.m.; Passion 7 p.m. Confessions 3 day. attend NCEA convention April I to t04 p.m. Holy Thursday; 2 to 3 p.m. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB 3. and after celebration of Passion until Ladies' League monthly meeting 8:30 p.m. Good Friday; 3 to 4 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, church hall. A ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET First Class Second Class St. Patrick's Fellowship meeting 7 Holy Saturday. seder meal conducted by Mr. and First Class Presort Carrier Route Coding to 9 p.m. Sunday, parish center. All Mrs. Arnold E. Gellman will follow. ST. JOSEPH, NB welcome.. Third Class Bulk Rate Zip Code Sorting Prayer meeting 7 p.m. March 27. MASS IN PORTUGUESE, Third Class Non Profit List Maintenance CATHOLIC WOMAN'S HYANNIS ST. MARY, NB Mass in Portuguese for Brazilian . CLUB,NB ALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS Executive board meeting 7:30 p.m. Prayer for' women on retreat 8 community of Cape Cod will be March 27, St. Lawrence rectory, 110 Cheshire labeling on Kirk·Rudy 4·up a.m. to 3 p.m. tomorrow, memorial celebrated by Father Jose Sousa at chapel; recitation of rosary and Bible labeler. And Pressure Sensitive Labeling 6:30 p.m. Sunday, St. Francis Xav- Summer St., NB. readings every hour. Penance serier Church, Hyannis. Confessions in SEPARATED/DIVORCED Inserting, collating, folding, vice 7 p.m. Monday. Reconciliation CATHOLICS Portuguese 6 p.m. metering, sealing, sorting, addressing, meal 6 p.m. Wednesday. CelebraFR area Mass 7 p.m. March 27, sacking, completing USPS forms, ST. THERESA,S. ATTLEBORO tion of Lord's supper 7 p.m. ThursO.L. Grace Church, Westport, foldirect delivery to Post Office Blessing of palms and procession day followed by adoration until lowed by potluck supper in parish ... Printing . .. We Do it All! beginning in church hall II a.m. center. midnight. Good Friday Passion 3 Sunday. Pack 24 monthly meeting I p.m.; youth group leads stations of Call for Details (508) 679-5262 ST. ANNE, FR p.m. Sunday, church basement.. cross 7 p.m. Special Palm Sunday liturgy 10 a.m. Sunday. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Penance service 7 p.m. Monday; several priests will be available for individual confessions. Confessions at parish center and St. Theresa Chapel 10 to I I a.m. March 30. Youth group "meager meal" 5 to 7 tonight, parish center; all invited. Lectors' Passion reading rehearsal 7:30 tonight, center. Catholic Daughters of America meeting 9 a.m. Monday, parish center; Delia O'Riordan will. present a talk and video on Medjugorje. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT 5th grade bread project 10 a.m. to I p.m. tomorrow, church hall. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, . POCASSET Saints and Singers Easter Cantata, "Now I See You," 3 p.m. Sunday, church. Palm Sunday: March 23-24 Holy Thursday:' March 28 ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN . Youth group living stations of The Solemn Blessing of Palms will take place 7:00 P.M. Concelebration of the Lord's Supper. cross 7 p.m. Sunday. at the 4:00 P.M. Vigil Mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ECUMENICAL SERVICES, will follow until midnight. Palms will be distributed at all the weekend Masses. ATTLEBORO Noontime services sponsored by Christian Unity Task .Force-AttleGood Friday: March 29 Monday: March 25 boro Area Council of Churches, will 3:00 P.M. The Liturgical'celebration 7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M. Mass be held March 25 through 29 at of the Passion and Death of the Lord. Evangelical Covenant Church, 841 . 7:15 P.M. Parish Penance Service N. Main St. (Rt. 152), Attleboro. It will include the distribution of Lunch will follow and will be sponHoly Communion and Veneration of the Cross. Tuesday and Wednesday: sored on March 26 by St. Mary's . parish, N. Attleboro. March 26, 27 7:00 P.M. Stafions of the Cross. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Masses will be offered at 7:00 AM. and 12:10 P.M. This is a day of Abstinence and Fast Solemn blessing and procession of palms 4 p.m. Saturday. Lenten triduum with Rev. Leonard P. Hindsley, OP, of Providence College with Mass, sermon and opportunity for confession 7 p.m. Monday 12 NOON Traditional Blessing Of Easter Food through Wednesday. Holy Thurs3:00 to 4:30 P.M. Confessions. day: noon Mass, confessions 5:45 to 6:45 p.m., 7 p.m. Mass followed 7:00 P.M. Solemn Easter Vigil; Blessing of the New Fire, Paschal Candle, Renewal of Baptismal Promises. adoration until 10 p.m. Good FriPlease note: This Vigil is the most important Uturgical Service of the year. It is the only Mass offered on this day. day: stations of cross followed by confessions, noon and 3 p.m.; "His Last Days" r-ecording r ·p.m.; "The Holy Shroud" filmstrip 2 p.m.; Mass will be offered at 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM. liturgy 7 p.m. Confessions 3 to 5 p~m. Holy Saturday.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 22,1991

Iteering pOintl


Holy Week Schedule

Holy Saturday: March 30

Easter Sunday: March 31

ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Persons wishing to pray for confirmation candidates may draw name cards from bulletin board near main door of church. 8th grade Mass 10 a.m. Sunday. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO "Remember Me," a dramatic presentation told in the person of a servant preparing the upper room for the Last Supper, will be performed by Margaret Anderson 2 p.m. Sunday, People's Chapel. Sacrament of reconciliation available I to 5 p.m. Sunday; I to 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. No confessions Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday. Communal celebration of reconciliation 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, People's Chapel. Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper 6:30 p.m. Holy Thursday. Way of the Cross 3 p.m. and celebration of Lord's Passion 6:30 p.m. Good Friday. Easter Vigil 8 p.m. March 30. Information: 222-5410 weekdays. BREAD OF LIFE PRAYER COMMUNITY, FR . Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting and Mass 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Blessed Sacrament Church, 2492 S. Main St. Inclement weather cancellations announced on local radio between 5 and 6 p.m. Fridays. LaSALETTE CENTER, ATTLEBORO "Wisdom in Your Heart," six-day silent guided retreat for laypersons, religious and priests, April 13 to 19. Rev. Paul Rainville, MS, Mrs. Kathryn Wrobel and Sister Patricia Cocozza, SND, will direct the program, which will include daily Eucharist, conferences and opportunity for quiet prayer. Six-day silent directed retreat, open to laypersons, religious and priests, April 13 to 19; includes time for personal reflection and daily, opportunity to meet with retreat directors Rev. Gilles Genest, MS, and Sister Cocozza. Information: 222-8530. ST. MARY, NORTON Blessing of palms and procession 4 p.m. tomorrow. Grade 6 CCD will visit a synagogue on Tuesday. SACRED HEART, FR Women's Guild potluck supper and meeting 6:30 p.m. April 2, parish hall; chairpersons are Claire Cantin and Amelia Soares. President Phyllis Peck will conduct a business meeting at which a report of nominating committee, headed by Meg Murphy, will be given. "Living Pictures," a history of the guild from 1948 to present, was presented at March meeting by historian Fern White. Portraying events were Claire Cantin, Rita Caouette, Margaret O'Hearn, Peg O'Shaughnessey, Rosann Patota, Stella Pavao, Louise Poole and Rita Roberts. Mary Lou Harnett provided piano music. LIFE CHAIN, SWANSEA Participants will display signs reading "Abortion kills children" in a Life Chain on Rt. 6 in Swansea tomorrow. Registration will begin at I p.m. in the parking lot of St. Dominic's Church on Rt. 6, a short distance west of Swansea'Mall. Information: Armand Courchaine, 676-0213. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Youth group movie/ pizza party 5 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, parish hall. All night adoration 8 p.m. Holy Thursday to 9 a.m. Good Friday. Sign-up book in parish office.

Missal revision WASHINGTON (CNS) - The International Commission on English in th,e Liturgy has sent bishops' conferences a second progress report on a 12-year project to revise and refine the English version of the Roman Missal. The report gives examples of successive English-language revisions of the various Mass prayers in the missal, .plus examples of original prayers in English which are not part of it.

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