A" AtIOAor.,
Announces Details
Of New Church A 100-foot cross topped tower will dominate Bett'fonf Street, Fall River, and mark the site of the new St. Anthon.. , of Padua Church that will serve the religious and social needs of the Portuguese speaking Oatholics of that part 01 Fall River, 'l'he new 600 seat quartz aggregate surface on aD church will face Bedford other walls. Street and be flanked bv The Baptistry is set apart from Sixteenth arid Seventeenth the body of the chUl'ch in a six Streets. sided glazed area supported by Replacing the 53 - year - old concrete frames and connected to the church nar·thex by a ~tructure, the' new building will combine poured concrete with glazed passage. Stained glass bush-hammered texture on the walls will linc the baptistry and battered-buttress walls and pre passage. cast wall panels of concrete with Turn to Page Six
• 11. .
'aU River, Mass., Thursday, Mar. 23, 1967 Yol. 11, No. 12
1967 The Anchor
$4.00 pot foor PRICE IOc
cr"' ..... ~.
Congregation Clarifies. Fast-Abstinence Law
Impatience Questioned
VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Congregation of the Coun has ruled that a pel'son would sin gravely, in,regard to f)be prescriptions on fast and abstinence, only if he failed to ~sel've a significant part of the 'new rulings as a whole. In an official explanation of his decree the Pope directed . that flbe decision, the Osservatore abstinence was to be observed on R,.omano said: . "A .pel'son all Fridays-unless: it was de would sin gravely against the cided, as in the U. S., by the lb.... of penitence who, for a hierarchy of a region to drop I!l()table number of penitential Friday abstinence-and that fast tiays (quantative negligence) or and abstinence be retained for <!Kl some of the days especially Ash Wednesday and' Good Fri <iedicaled by the Church to peni- day. .. The Pope had laid special em tJence, such as Lent (qualitative lJIegligence) neglects to do pen- phasis on the Friday abstinence ance j, one of the forms pre- of Lent. He had also given na': scdbed by the Church," tional bishops' conferences the The papal document refelTed authority to change the times of ~ is that of Pope Paul, Poeni- these observances or to replace oomini, dated Feb. 17, 1966. Ian Turn to Page Six
BELFAST (NC) - Those who want to leave the church because they are impatient over the slowness of in stitutional 'changes "should ask themselves what kind of alle giance they really have toward the Church, and what is the quality of their faith," Bishop William Philbin told the annual meeting of the Diocesan Truth Society. The bishop attributed "light readed . thinkinif' to contempo rary writers who seem to suggest that, at' the "time of the Second Vatican Council, the Holy Spirit began again to w.ork in the Turn to Page Six
VO,ticon Answers Bishops On Liturgy Requests WASHINGTON (NC)-The ©oncilium, the Vatican's JilIostconciliar. liturgical com mission, answered the re~ (Qluests asked of it last November by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Most of the requests were -ap Iltll'Oved by the Vatican Commis o!on. The request to experiment with the Ordinary of the Mass, Decently revised by the Concil B1lllIn, was postponed for the Iltlresf!nt. The request for use of 3be vernacular in the Canon of the Mass was not treated. The new liturgical changes, ])4'rmitted in the United States lI.!l'C the followine:
Supplementary optional read ings for weekday Masses; Approval of five Bible trans lations for these readings for weekday use only; Recitation of the "silent parts" of the C&f\on of the Mass aloud. or the chanting of these texts, following the pattern already ap proved for concelebrated Masses; Use of prose translations of the five "sequences" from "Hymns of the Roman liturgy" by J. Connelly, as alternatives to the metrical translations already ap proved; The sequence "Dies Irae" is left to the choice of the celebrant illl Masses where it must now be included;
The Nicene Creed may be re cited without chant in Masses which are otherwise considered to be sung Masses. The AposHes' Creed may be submitted for the Nicene Creed in Masses with a congregation of deaf persons (because of the dif ficulty of "reciting" the longer creed in the sign language.L Weekday Readings Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta, chairman of the Bishops' Committee on the Lit urgy, emphasized that the most important of the decisions ap proved and announced thus far is the weekday lectionary. It is intended to provide variety in Turn to Page Six
Catholic "Schools
Active Partner's
WASHINGTON (NC)-America's Catholic schools con-. sider themselves in the "total American education effort," and they would like to be "not only receiving partners" but contributing partners as well." That statement sum marized part of the testi mony.presented by four men Education Commissioner Harold! prominent in Catholic edu Howe II for "fair handling of cation before the Education problems involving non-publie school participation." and Labor' Committee of the He noted, however, that "there House of Representatives. The testimony was' read' by ~re still some problem areas Msgr. Ja,mes C. Donohue, direc where pal·ticipation is less tham tor of the Education Department realistic and a few places where of the U. S. Catholic COJlference. it is all but non-existent." "There is a large, trained, able He was joined by Msgr. William E. McManus, superintendent of and" willing body of educators the Chicago archdiocese's school which has not been tapped . . • system; John Cicco, deputy su more than 177,000 private ele perintendent of the Pittsburgh mentary and secondary schoo1l diocesan schools; and William R. teachers who could be available Consedine, director of the to staff ESEA programs. "Private schools," he said, "cam U.S.C.C. Legal Department. Turn to Page Six The House committee, chaired by Rep. Carl D. Perkins of Ken tucky, is midway th,rough hear ings on the 1967 ameJidments to the Elementary and Secondary Act - the major legislation The Eucharistic Fast for through which most federal aid the reception of Holy Com to education is channeled. munion is abstinence from Msgr. Donohue, generally sup solid foods and liquids, ex ported the two-year-old legisla cept water, for one hour tion. He testified that under before the time one re ESEA more than 1.2 million pri ceives Holy Communion. vate school pupils have been This fast pertains to any aided; 85% of the children in and all Masses - whether non-public schools have received morning or evening Mass on loan library books, textbooks, or the Easter Vigil Mass. an<l. audio-visual materials and At the Easter Vigil. almost 40,000 private school those persons who receive teachers have participated in Holy Communion during in-service training programs. the midnight Mass may He also praised what he called again receive Holy Com "a high degree of consultation munion at a later Easter and cooperation between public morning Mass. and private school education" in The drinking of water in implementing the federal pro gram. " no way breaks the Eucha ristio Fast. " Msgr. DonohYe praised U. S.'
" I
Faithful' 'Sugg'est Sermon Topics
Thurs., March 23" 1967
Blaney StonehiU Basketba mI Coach Stonehill College has an 'i)ounced that George Blaney, former professional basketball . player with the. New York Knickerbockers and the Phila delphia 76'ers, has been ap pointed athletic director 'and basketball coach. ~ '61 graduate. of Holy Cross, he replaces Fran O'Brien as basketball coach and Rev. Paul Duff, C;S.C. as athletic director. After attending' St. Peter's Prep, Jersey City where he was an All-State selection, Blaney later co-captained the Crusaders to a 21-5 record and the New' England championship, losing to Providence in the semi-finals of the N.I.T. Since leaving the Knicks at the end of the '62 season Blaney has been playing professionally in the Eastern League. At the end of last season the Phildal phia 76'ers brought him up for the play-offs against the Boston Celtics. In addition Blaney has been in the jnsurance booiness. and in ]964 was appointed head coach of the new Hudson Catholic High School in Jersey City where he resides with his wife and three children.
BUDAPEST (NC) - CathollaB in several Hungarian parish. can now tell the clergy wbatJ they would like to bear discusseai in Sunday sermons. Suggestion boxes for serm~ topics have been placed near &ill! church entrances.
The sermon topirs most oft_ suggested have been: the natu~ of the Church, the ne:w litur~ eremation, Church efforts til> combat atheism, family planni~ and· birth control and Churcbr> state relations.
CHURCH FUNDS,- TRUSlrS /PENSIONS· ORGANIZAliONS CORPORATE-PERSONAl SAVINGS As of January 1st EASTER l\fOTIF:The Church sums up her Easter joy in one word, Alleluia! Over
and over we ,sing this holy word, answering th€ Churcl:l'~l invitation to praise the Lord.
This is exactly what ·'Hallelu" means in He brew - to pI·aise, sing and shout with' joy. NC PHOTO. . . . . ,"
Urges R~si~tance to Cho:nges in .Law',: 'Abortion Is Murder/ Cardin(l~ 'Cu$hing
Mass Ovdo, FRIDAY-Good Friday. 1 CJa!lS. Black and Violet. Mass Proper; .Solemn Liturgical Services: Lesson and Passion; Solemn Petitions and Pra~'ers; Adora tion of the Cr?ss; C·ommuni6n. SATURDAY-Holy Saturday. 1 Class. Violet and White. The Blessing of the New Fire and Paschal Candle, L:;;sons, Lit-' any with Blessing of the Font and Renewal of t"he Baptismai Prom;ses. Mass of the Vigil of Easter: Glory; no Creed; Preface,' Communic~ntes and' Hanc igitur of Easter.
BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car dinal Cushing of Boston bas asked "religious leaders of what ever . persuasion to speak out clearly and emphatically" against proposals being. made throughout the United States to liberalize state abortion laws. ThecaI:dinal't-l call came' in a tront-page statement published in a recent issue of The Pilot, Boston arehdiocesannewspaper. ·'1 have viewed with ,.ever increasing alarm. the effor·ts cur . rently being made in: various parts of the country, either. to . repeal or to render ineffective by crippling amendments the laws condemning the crime of abortion," said the cardinal. . "Abortilm~the deliberate pTO
SUNDAY-·Easter Sunday, The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Solemnity of SOlemnities. I Class.'. White.' Mass Proper; Glory; Seqil.ence;· Creed; Preface,. 'Communi N~'crology eantes .and 'Kanc igitur' .of .. ' MAR.31 :'.
Easter (also each day duriiJg Rt. Rev. GeorgeC~ Maxwell,
the Octave). .f953, Pastor, 5S.· Peter and' Paul, Fall River. .MONDAY-Easter Monday.' I APR: 1'Class. :White. Mass Proper; Rev. George A. ~in, 1958, Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref Pastor, sf. Mary, Hebronville.
ace, etc, of Easter~ . APR. 2'":.
curing. of the miscarriage of AI woman - is murder. A human life comes from God Himsell:
and is inviolable. This has been recognized in' every code of morality worthy of the name and in the civil laws of every civil ized organized society. ' "The principle of the inviola bility of human life which is at stake admits· of no compromise.'
Those who would de&iroy or; weaken the laws 'of our several states condemning abortion are flying in the face of God's law and those moral standards which from time immemorial' have been recognized byihe con Science of the community. "This is true regardless of the language in which the propdn-
'll'UESDAY-Easter Tuesday. I Class. WIl1te.· Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref ace, etc. of Easter. 'WEDNESDAY-Easter W-ednes.,. day. I Class. White. Mass Proper; G lor y; Sequence; Creed; Preface, etc. of Easter. THURSDAY-Easter Thursday. I Class. White. Mass Proper; Glory; Sequence; Creed; Pref ace, etc. of Easter.
Mar. 26-5t. Joseph, Nor t h Dighton. Espirito San to, Fall River. Apri: . 2-5t. Peter, Dighton. Madonna Manor, N.() r t h Attleboro ._ St. Matthew, Fall. River. April 4-Sacred HeaJ·ts Con vent, Fall River. Convent of the Sacred , Hearts, Fairhaven. Mt. St.· Mary Convent, Fall River.
Rev. Adolph Banach, O.F.M.
Conv., 1961, .PastOr, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford.
Funeral Home
571 Second Street 'Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAELJ.McMAHON licensed Funeral Direetor . .RegisteredEmbalmer
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THE ANCHOR second Class Postage Paid, at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue,· Fall River, Mass., 02722 by the CalholicPress Of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpakl $4.00 pel _ _
Funeral Donie 550 1A)cost Street Fall River, Mass.
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"It cannot· be emphasized too strongly that the issue which is involved here is not a matter of mere public judgment. It goes far deeper than that, involving as it does, the Commandment of God, ThOll Shalt Not Kilt
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Community Honors Red Kennedy For Kindrn~ss Among Citizens ST. AUGUSTINE (NC)~They fP'U him "Red" and, invariably, ~e wears a green tie. He's ·num!@ered among the best beloved oi St. Augustine'::; citizenry. But it's not so much the nick~e, nor the green tie, but his !?ersistent geniality which has O1leared Charles Joseph (Red) ~ennedy to this oldest of U. S. aUies . 'For going on 40 years, "Red" Kennedy has been a regular vis£lor at Flagler Hospital. With the ~pprobation of the hospital admlllinistration, he calls on patients ..-just to cheer some up, to run (ili"rands for others. Ove~, t~e ¥ears he's edged into the mdlsDensable class. As a recompense for his years charity, and for the third GIlraight year, by official act of (Ii
Chee!l'~eQ~®U'~ Set
FoIT' NE u@OJlI'ney The fourth annual Fall River Cheerleading :Diocesan C Y 0 'l'ournament, held at Bishop Fee han High School, Attleboro, saw stiff competition in all three di visions. When the judges deci alons were tallied, several tie scores developed, resulting in the awarding of separate tro phies in two divisions. The championship in the ele mentary school division went to St. John's of Attleboro and St. Mary's of Norton in a split deci sion. Sacred Heart of Fall River took second place honors; and St. Joseph's of Attleboro finished third. In the parish CYO division, top honors went to St. John of God of Somerset. A split decision de veloped in the second place berth, and trophies were award ed to both St. Mathieu's of Fall River and St. Michael's of Swan sea. Third place honors went to Immaculate Conception of North Easton. DA First The high school division saw Dominican Academy of Fall River capture first place; while Bishop Stang of Dartmouth and Bishop Feehan of Attleboro fin ished second and third. Each team was given four m.inutes to perform on the oourt, while a team of eight :judges scored on enunciation, originality, coordination and ap pearance. The top three winners in the parish CYO and high school di Yisions will represent the Dio cese of Fall River at the New England CYO Competition, in Manchester, N. H., Sunday, April 00.
From Taunton Rev. R. Donald Kiernan, pas tor of St. Anthony's Church, 'At J:anta, Ga., and the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Frank Kiernan of ~t. Mary's parish, Taunton, has been named vice-president of fme Priests' Senate in the Atlan ta Archdiocese. He was ordained for the southern Archdiocese to 1949 and is a member of its
Board of Consultors and the
Metropolitan Atlanta S c h 001 Board. He is also a consulting editor of the Georgia Bulletin, ArchiUocesan newspaper.
Guild Food Sale The Ladies Guild of St. John mte Baptist Parish, Central Vil lage, will conduct a food and cake sale on EasterSundaymorn mg after all the Masses in the parish hall. Mrs. John Costa will serve as ehairman.
the mayor and city council of the Florida city, Charles Joseph "Red" Kennedy was named honorary mayor of St. Augustine for the 24 hours of St. Patrick's Day, March 17. ' The for~al resolution .of the city council started out wIth the formal: "whereas, the Honorable Charles Joseph Kennedy, popu lady known throughout our community as 'Red,' has endeared himself to our citizens be cause of his happy and friendly attitude and the extreme kind ness exhibited by him in his day to-day activities among our citizens." 'Smaln Reward' " " ~ter .th~ whereases, the res olution In Its "now, therefore, be lit resolved" conclusions pro vided: "That as a token of our sincere affection for and out of respect
to Mr. Kennedy, we do again
hereby designate the Honorable Charles Joseph 'Redl' Kennedy as honorary mayor of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, for the . term of 24 hours on March 17th, tl.} day more prominently known as St. Patrick's Day." Mayor John D. Bailey signed the resolution, calling it a small reward for "Red" Kennedy's "extreme kindness." Kennedy got the nickname, naturally, when his now white hair .was sunset red. The green tie is a personal trademark. Those he visits at the hospitals remember him long and well.
Hyannis Meeting Unity Gesture
. 1hul'5., March 23, 1967
Jesuits to Ghr·e SerwD~~ tr@ [p@~({ PORTLAND (NC)-The Jes<l uits' Oregon province will estab lish its own program of service to the poor this Summer, follow ing the restriction by the Vati can's Corigregation of the Reli gious from participating in a VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) program. Earlier this year the Society of Jesus in 'the United States had agreed to allow 50 seminarians and priests to volunteer for 10 weeks of Summer service in VISTA. Most of the volunteers were to come fmm the Oregon province and work in Appala chia, Harlem, Chicago's South Side and with migrant agricul tural workers in the Northwest. Father John J. Kelley, S.J., provincial of the Oregon prov ince, said that since the Congre gation of the Religious had de cided Religious Were not to par ticipate in Peace Corps or VISTA programs, "We have decided now to have our own VISTA program and set it up ourselves."
FIRST BLESSING: Rev. Paul L. Charbonneau, who was ordained Saturday by Bishop Conolly, gives his first bless ing to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Charbonneau of East Freetown, following the ceremony that took place in St. Anthony Church, New Bedford.
Priests Get Raise CalJ'dinal Shehan Announces New Wage Schedule for Clergy in Baltimore Archdiocese
BALTIMORE (NC) - Law Cardinal Shehan also said that The Ladies Philoptochas So r oJ Senate has recommended re ciety of the Greek Orthodox rence Cardinal Shehan today an Church, Hyannis, were special nounced a new salary schedule tirement benefits of $5,000 a year guests of the Wowen's Guild of of $225 a month for pastors and to be provid2d by the archdiocse. $175 for assistants. The schedule The Cardinal has allocated $500, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hy 000 from the purse given to him annis, at their re~ent meeting. is effective immediately·. The previous schedule was when he became a cardinal to Mrs. Nicholas Constas of Den-· nis, president of visiting group, $150 for pastors and $100 for begin a reti.rment fund. It is assistants. expected that this fund will be beaded a large delegation. The figures were recommended . enlarged in the future by gifts Rev. Spyros Mourikis address by the Baltimore archdiocesan ' and parish c.ontributions now ed the combined groups and ex Senate. A recommended auto slated for health insurance. pressed hoge for more interfaith mobile allowance of $50 a month communication and unity. for priests who use cars in the An appeal was made by Mrs. performance of their duties will Leo Gregoire, guild president, be effective at once. for volunteers fo1' a special pro The Cardinal said the proposed ject known as "patterning ex salary schedule calls for all of ercises". These exercises must ferings other than Mass stipends start at once for a small boy in to be paid into the parish treas So. Yarmouth in order that some uries. day in the .future he will be able to walk. Volunteers are asked to call CHICAGO (NC)-Bishop Ber Mrs. Dean Halunen at 394-5774 nard J. Flanagan of Worcester as soon as possible: assumed the office of national chaplain of the Catholic Daugh ters of America at a meeting· of the CDA's national directorate here. Two Appo~ntments
"We will have the same meth od of volunteering; we will work in depressed areas of Seattle, Portland, the Indian missions in Alaska," he said. ';I'he reason for restricting Re ligious from the VISTA program. it was reported, was that the life of a VISTA volunteer is not compatible with the religious discipline and exercises' required of priests and seminarians.
LEMIEUX PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. .... . c~ Oil Burners
Sales ana Service tor Jomestic and Industrial
CDA Chaplain
CoUege Announces
WORCESTER. (NC)-Two ad ministrative appointments have be 1n announced at Holy Cross College by Very Rev. Raymond J. Swords, S.J., college president. James R. Halpin of Worcester, has been named director of ad
missions a.ld Rev. Ambrose J.
Mahoney, S.J., assistant dean.
Both appointments become ef
fective July 1.
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The Victory of Christ over death fans the flames of eternal hope and salvation, and instills a joyful assurance in the heart of every· man. May our hearts and hopes rise again with the Risen Christ.
Be Is Rise..
• Be Is Not Here
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Mar. 23, 1967
BO~ii'OBi :C 1kJ@~ Gtm arm SAIGON (NC) - Father (Lt. Col.) J. Joseph Murphy of Boston has received the Legion of Mel'it award for "exceptionally meritorious con duct" as staff chaplain of the 1st Logistical Command in Vietnam. The 1st Logistical Command is -~ the U. S. Army unit responsible for supplying all the needs, from ammunition to zippers, 0:" U. S. and allied Free World troops in three of Vietnam's four army corps areas.
U[1\] The command began with 35 He--also "assiduously monimen in 1965, had 27,000 by mid- tared the requirements, procure 1966 and more than 53,000 when ment and' issue of chaplains' sup·· Father Murphy's year of ·duty plies ... for all Army chaplains
ended early in 1967. in Vietnam."
He "diligently effected the' As staH chapDain "he was spir
staff planning,. coordination and . itual and temporal advisor to the
supervision" for area religious commanding general (Maj. Gen.
coverage, according to the cita- Charles W. Euler of Altoona, tion accompanying the awa.rd. Pa.) on matters pertaining to "He successfully accomplished religion, morale and morals. His this prodigious task in an excepaaVice was alwa·ys of the highest tional manner· . . . tJ:avelingex- caliber and his judgment was ex
tensively, often into hostile tensively depended on," the cit!l-
are~," the cit~tion declared. tion said.
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Proposes Status Re-evaluation For Nurses MILWAUKEE (NC) - Be fore hospital :administrators attempt to solve their many problems, they must r~val
ANCHOR5 Masculine Element in Adoption Proced~ures TtiE Thyn., March 23, 1967 Brother Herman Developing into Successful Vocation Eac..'I:l year he finds homes for "45 to 55 infants," most cnf them chilcil-Ten of young, unwed moth ers. In the process, John M. Cle ments comes face to face both with searing hearibrea:'and un restrained joy. Mr. Clements, 30, is head so cial w<lrker at the Catholic Wel fare BUTeau in New Bedford. One of his primary functions there is adoptions. Who are the mothers - the unwecl young women in their teens Qr slightly older - whc give,up their babies to unknown couples? "They are not bad girls," Mr. Clements emphasizes. "They are not necessarily from what people today call 'deprived families.' "They could be anybody's daughter. A victim of the mores of the times, the steady dating, the too available auto, the em phasis on sex that is beamed at them from televisions and movies and books." Young people today, he says, have problems to fal~e that an older generation did not have. "Their' parents are 'not there' when they are needed'- or they are over-indulgent. There is the father who lets a teenage girl use the car too often or stay out too late 'because the other kids
'Date the professional status nnd duties of their 'nurses, Arch Ihishop Willliam E. Cousins of l)1ilwaukee said here. The Archbishop told delegates . lJIt a Wisconsin Conference of Catholic Hospitals here that hos ll)ital people are suffering admin Uitrative pains because "it hasn't \l)een decided what the nurse is nnd what is expected of her." Caste System Archbishop Cousins said in dealing with the status of a llmrse, the first task is to deter mine precisely what is meant by \!he term. "To find out, the nurse should \l)e asked what she thinks she is and how she can raise the stand ards of the hospital. "We have reached that stage when the nursing profession has become the victim almost of a easte system," the Archbishop explain~d. The nurse "has worked hard to get a degree and needs to be compensated for it," he asserted. "But," the Archbishop pointed eut, "we also have the non degreed nurse who is not quite accepted in this same company. do,' "There is I the mother who Ii the day going to come when we think of nursing in tenus of pushes her daughter into early • strictly professional degree dating, who can't wait to get her into a formal gown, who wants occupation?" her to be 'popular' because that HOSIJitai and Patient is a, success symbol for parents:" "Where there is a caste system Yeung people, Mr. Clements 4evelaping," the Archbishop says, "are only human. If yeu eautiened, "we must make sure push a boy and girl together lit doeSfl't develop at the morning, noon and night, yeu <ai the lwspital or patient." have to expect something to Archbishop Cousins also noted happen. They aren't super that nuns in hospitals must de- ' buman. You ean't expect them W'elop better contact with pa to be." tients; unionization does DOt Then the girl is "i£J. trouble.· If.use nursing standards; nursing She is 17, 18, 19. "Or she is in yocatiens call for persons dedi her early 2Os, away from borne cated to service and teamwork lor the first time." is necessary to improve patient She walks into the Catholic aeeds. Welfare office - ~'here stacks of maternity clothes in boxes vie for space with Dr. Spoc~ books for-adoptive parents. "She is a child with an adult problem." Mr. Clements says. "She CHICAGO (NC) - Pledges father of three tries to seem more mature than toward Project Renewal, n de she is. but 'she cries like a baby velopment program 'for renewal and expansion of the educational there," Jack Clements - a graduate of and parish systems of the arch diocese of Chicago, have passed Holy Family High and St. Mary's t2ile $1 million mark, Archbishop' College, Baltimore - is working on his master's in social work. lohn P. Cody has announced. Success Developing The pledges are the result of When he began his "adoption" 5Olicitation of a limited number work. there were ~)ople, he ad of families' over the last two weeks. The archbishop said: "We' mits. "who thought I might have problems, that young women nre off to an ezrcelent start." might have trouble talking to The minimum goal of the a man:' drive is $40 million. The money He now, after 6 years, finds \WiU be used for a long range the contrary to be true. ~Some development plan to provide for times I think they find it easier pnrish and educational needs for to talk to a man," he says. the next 10 years. ''Th~y're used to priests and doc The estimated cost of the tors, you know," .hole program is $250 mUlion, At best, though, it isa time of most of which will be supplied heartbreak for the girl ,and for by tbe total resources of the beT parents. IM"chdiocese, fie parents, Jack Clements says, "are distraught. They have mixed emotions. They're ashamed, they feel betrayed, they feel guilty. Westmoreland "An experience like this will NEW YORK (NC)-Gen. Wil make or break ,3 family. Some Bam C. Westmoreland, com times, iu a, family that hasn't manding general of U. S. forces been close, this draws them to in Vietnam, will receive the gether - the child gets an idea, USO annual award at the 01' s&metimes for the first time, how canization's national eouncil much her parents really love meeting. her," Members of the USO natlonal Society today "is a lot less vin auncil will meet in Chicago, c:!Iictive" than it once was, Mr. March 00-31, to consider ways Clements says, "hut people still tmd means of furthering the or can be cruel. They forget it rI~mization's world-wide program could happen in their own fam &It behalf of the welfare and ilies." At Catholic Welfare, the young morale of the 3,500,000 men llnd -woman is given the help she so -omen in the Armed Farces.
Pledges Pass
Million Mark
USC Annual Award 'For
Heads Seminar
The Food Research Center for Catholic Institutions, located at Stonehill College, No. Easton, will sponsor a special seminar May 25 at the 1967 National Res taurant Convention in Chicago. Under direction of Brother Herman E. ZacC3relli, C.S.C., head of the Cntholic center in North Easton, the seminar will emphasize the huge Catholic in stitutional market in this coun try, estimated a~ $£.7 billion per year for food, food service equipment and related items. Brothel' Zaccarelli founded the center in 1958 at Stonehill Col lege here. It has trained more than 4,000 persons engaged! in food service, management and related fields, in Catholic hos pitals, colleges, seminaries and other institutions.
~ 0.>
_ .- All
WYman 3.6592
desperately needs. There are clmferences with her and her ,parents. Provisions are made for her care during pregnancy and through delivery. A boarding home is found, if that is what she and her family want, to get her out of her home town during the long months she has to wait. Then she nor mally is sent to St. Margaret's ' Home in Dorchester for the last "three months to four weeks." Fairness in Procedure During her waiting period. so cial workers talk to the young woman. They give her informa tion on both sides of the question she' must face, whether to keep her child or relinquish it for adoption. Her decision, however; "must be her own," LVIr. Clements em phasizes. "By law, she alone can decide. The father has no rights. "Whatever her decision, she can not make it official until after the child's birth. She may not sign papers giving up the child until then," Meanwhile, as the unwed mother-to-be is given the help she needs, Mr. Clements has selected a couple he feels would be the right parents for the baby if the mother places it for adop tion. "About 50 per cent of the babies we placed last year went to couples within the first month after 'birth," he says. "Selecting "parents" is a diffi cult job in itself. Catholic Wel fare considers age - "We say 40ish, but it's not .a hard and fast rule"-financial status, although "We don't put a, price tag, on a. baby. We don't think a couple would try to adopt a child if they couldn't support it," Backl:'rounds Matched They try to match "as closely as possible" backgrounds, gen eral physical characteristics and .3 variety of other things. However, the rule book can be tossed out on occasion. Biggest factor is the "adoptability" of couples is whether they really want a child, because, "this is 'a human soul we're dealing with," The baby, if placed for adop tion by the mother, is examined by a doctor. The new parents to- be are notified they are about to have a child. The heartbrealc of the unwed mother may never be eased. However, if she could see the joy of her baby's new parents,
Mr. Clements says, "it might
The baby and parents meet for the first time at St. Mary's Home. "The man paces the floor, he 'has the same reaction as· an ex pectant f~ther in a hospital wait iAg roGm," Mr. Clements says. Tohei:r baby is placed in the new- mother's arms. She .and her husband walk down the steps to their car and he :helps her get settle«i. "They came to the home a couple. They leave a family." The adoption is not final for & year, but for the majority of adoptive parents, their new lives dawned the day a child was laid in their a.rms.
"I arose,
and alii still with, you"
"The Prince of life reigns immortal . . . Have ·mercy. victor King, ever reignin~ ... This is the day The lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it."
Joyous Greeti'l9s
itizens ~~~:
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar; 23, 1967
eontinu~d from Page One offer valuable additional servku to the community. I think thljJ has been proved by our involve=. ment in Head Start. Countles:J non-public agencies have re sponded with eagerness ~ imagination. ''The same potential is avafll:" able for broadened educatioml: programs. . . We would like t1:i be not only receiving partnero but contributing partners &J well." buring questioning by com,.,. mittee members, Msgr. McManuq added his comments to Msgn. Donohue's closing statement. "Catholic schools," he said!.. when asked if they 'were like1¥.! to go out of business as soma critics thave suggested, "have ncXJ only a religious compulsion ~ 'operate, but a civic compulsioo as well." , "If I called the Chicago publk school sUPerintendent tomorrow: and told him that only our first grades were closing, he would have to find a place for 27,000 children," Msgr. McManus aSc> serted. "That's compulsion."
The Easter Vigil centers the attention of the faithful upon the great fact of their Baptism. The blessing of the baptismal water, the solemn manner of renewing the bap tismal promises, the 'association of Baptism with Easter -all these bring a new appreciation of Baptism to the minds of those who would learn from the Liturgy. The Church in her Easter Vigil teaches'that an aware ness of one's own Baptism can change an entire)ife. The Church teaches' that in Baptism we share in the death of Christ. "Do you not know that all we who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized, into his death? For we were buried with Him by means of Baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ has arisen from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in the newness of life. For if we have been united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall be so in the likeliess of His resurrection also." , This sharing in the death of Christ so that we might share in His Resurrection is not a fact that happened once at our own Baptism and then is no more. The death and resurrection effected by onr Baptism are meant to guide and control and change our lives as long as we live. The effects 'Of Baptism must be constantly recalled and renewed if we are to be true Christions-dead to ourselves and living in Christ. The Easter Vigil spells this out to us in the Lessons. On Holy Saturday evening we heard that the life of a IL. I . a new creat'lon, a new b'rth · d person 18 bap t Ize I ,a f res h Continued from Page One beginning. It is a creation that must be continually re Continued from Page One ition) , Knox, and the JerUS-e!IJIl newed. selections from the Bible read B i b l e . " , The new church will set CIIi a terraced and generally level ' '1 tell u that th's new l'f 's a fr dom fro at Mass. and to promote the "The liturgical changes an The VIgl S S I IeI ee m ' paved platform with steps from the bonds of sin. That t:equires, a continual dying to faults preaching of brief homilies at' nounced at this time-or pro- the various street levels to a Weekday Masses. posed by the bishops last No and failings and sins. vember-do not effect the books common terrace. Planters wm The Vigil tells us, that the life of one who has ,been, ''The weekday readings mayor booklets for congregational be provided at the street line , ' edges of the terraces and open.. b e introduced . .united to Christ in Baptism is a life of growth.' It is a' "h 10 each diocese,' use," Archbishop Hallinan con 'hb' h I ' d ... 'I d d ings will be provided in the te»o • e arcwith IS the op pastoral exp ame, m cue. g rafting of the soul onto Christ, the True Vine. There accord judge ~ race paving for trees and variOUII must be cooperation with the grace of God, cleansing from 'ment of 'the individual bishop. Effective Dates plantings. Several benches will any obstacles to growth, pruning away of spiritual'thorns., "The bishops' committee began AIl the concessions are eftee- 'also be placed on the terrace. The life of one united to Christ in Baptism' is a life . to distribute booklets containing tive immediately, with the ex Large stained glass windows that demands faithfulness to God. By Baptism God makes the list of readings through dioc- ,~eption of the supplementary are planned for the nave and 1 H b esan liturgical commissions, on 'Yeekday' readings, which. are transcept end walls and lancet a covenant wit~ t~e sou -: e ecomesa Father ~nd Fri~nd' March 20, so that the program prepared to begin on the Mon stained glass windows will slall and Helper. HIS Image IS upon the soul. Chnst claIms / may begin whenever approved day after Low Sunday, April 3. the side walls of nave and traDoo the soul not only by the title of Creator but by the· title by the 'local bishop on April 3. Only the latter, the use of the scept. of Saviour and Redeemer. Christ is faithful to His pledge Over 35,000 copies of the book- new weekday readings, requires A spacious sanctuary, co~ to lead the soul, now living a resurrected life, to heaven. let have been ordered. the permission of the individual pletely ,carpeted, will provieJe ,diocesan bishop. for the new liturgical arrange There must be faithfulness to God and to this new. life, . '~No new liturgical book or Since this concession is giVeD metlts. A skylight with tapered this new beginning. There must be a constant reneWal' lectionary will be needed," the . on an experimental basis, sides will spill natural light 0lIi of Baptism-a continual recalling of the vocation of Bap prelate pointed out, "the reader, ports are to be sent to the bish the altars. At the rear of tile tism-an unceasing realization of what manner of mel) we at. Mass will simply mark the ops' committee which will then 'sanctuary, a curved wall wi1ti are, we who have died to ourselves and live 'now restir~ text in one of the approved ':report to'the Holy See concem stone mosaic-textured surface II , '" versions of the Bible beforehand, . ing the results of the experiment planned. ' rected life with and in Christ.' , when he is preparing the'read- in the United States. A large sacristy will be pro There is an axiom that says ~x Orandi,Lex Credenti~ ,ing." ' , ," vided behind the sanctuary wi" The Law of Prayer is the Law of 'Faith. Prayer is faith Approved Versions ,lavatory, boys' vestry and wOJ'ir in action. If we would. see our beliefs we have only, to sacristy. An the aisles aDd , erossings will also be 'carpeted. "For, ~se in these weekday' ' turn to the prayers of the, Church. . " 'readings only, five tr:anslau(;;ns Contil;1ued from, Page, One', ' ,In the basement, a social haD .,' So in this Easter Vigil we find the Church's ,teaching 'of the Bible have been ap- 'them with,other forms of ~ seating 400 and a stage will, 141 on the Resurrection of Christi and on our sharinlHrith1at proved.~' The liturgy chai~a;n: anc,e. " ' ,gether, with ,a ,kitchen, clOak Resurrection ,by the fact of our Baptism. :BaptisJi,i' is 'the ,~numerat~d .them: "C::0nfrate~In the U. S.,.the National Con- room, chair storage, also provide Sacrament that erases time and space. and' unites us to' the, Ity ~f Chrlst~an.i>oc~rnl,:!,'~OlJ~~ 'ference of Catholic Bishops miti- for four instructional spaces. ' . d Re t· f th' L d B t~'· . . , " Rheims-Challoner, Rev I sed 'gated the general rules by,~ , ' Rev:'Laureanrio C. 'dos 'ReJB, d ymg .an . . sur.rec Ion 0 e· Qr .' ,ap IS~, gl.v~ us,: a .. Standard Version (Catholic: 00- minating the traditional law of 'pastor, announced that groune.' ,new hfe m ChrIst. These are present' realItIes, tImeless" ' ,", , abstinence as ,binding under pabi breaking 'ceremonies are bei... faets. ' These ,'are the 'truths behind the cold :reCOrd iii' a'. . " , ". ~f sin as, the sole means of 00';' planne~ for late this Summer. ' Bapt~sm reg'ister. These are the spiritual foundations for ' Minister Suggests jerving Friday." ' ' . our lIves. ' ' ", C E h· - '' But they urged that the prae ' The Easter Vigil ~ontains Go~'s plan for: His ,pe,op1e; ommon UC Grist, tice of abs~inence be ~o~tinued , . , CAMDEN (NC) Churches ~y free chOice and speCified that 'Contl'nue'd from Page One It gives us a new awareness of our spiritual nature. It mu t' h· . kl . t ---: d" ,' 'Friday should continue to be' . .. I f B t· ' th t be a contmuous .." s pus qUlC y owar a com'd d ". ' . Church after a lapse of several gIves mon' Eucharist since "the Lord's' con~1 er~ as a, speCIal day, of pemte t al b th h ,centuries. The "vague" expre& · us a renew~ 0 our ap Ism a must t h mg if weare to continue to ,have faithfulness and enthu Supper is not supposed to prove ' .' ,n I , 0" servan~e. ,rou6 sion "the spirit of the council," ia . d " C th 'I' " I" C th I' . . ' . d t' d b t t out the year slasm an vIgor m .a 0 IC IVmg. ' a 0 lClsm 1S not' any oc nne or ogma u 0 re- " .' the guideline these writers s~ merely a set of'rules to, follow or beliefs to accept. It is a m~mber Christ an~; the fellow- . Freedom of Consci~nce gest, he said. sharing in the life of Chnst. ship of the people. They specified, however, that He asserted that the mosfl Dr. Stanley I. Stuber, execu fast and abstinence both bind fundamental ml'stake derl i.... Our B ap' t·lsm rna k es th a t POSSI'bl e. tive director of Association Press on Ash Wednesday and on Good, the new Writing is itsun y - disregard,
B-Isnopsltur'91ica 11.I Proposals
'New Church
Published weekly by The Catholic Press o{the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 'PUBLISHER ' Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. , , GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER ftt. Rev.• Daniel F. Shalloo,M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
and a Baptist minister who was an observer at, Vatican Council II, said that at the moment, "we need the fellowship,and the pres ence of Christ more than we
need the theological basl's" for a
common Eucharist. He sal'd many
Protestant churches "have
enough ,of a theological founda tion in New Testament to do it now." He predicted that for the rest, a theological understanding would follow the actual practice.
New AdmonistrOll'or PORTLAND (NC)-Coadjutor Bishop Peter L. Gerety of Port land has been appointed by Pope Paul VI as apostolic administra tor of the Maine diocese~
Friday and expressed· confidence in any but the most superficial that' "no Catholic Christian will way, of the Scriptures. lightly hold himself excused" f 'd Conformity with the "bluea rom Frl ay abstinence during . " f th :"ent. prmt 0 e Scriptures, not con I n th e b"Ishops' press panel formity with current trends of commen t ary on this, it was said opinion, he said, is the standarc1l th,a t th ere IS . no obligation to seek by which each propos~d innova a dispensation from obedience to tion in the Church should bel the Church law but that the studied. hierarchy "recognizes freedom of By this standard of the Scrip.. conscience for the faithful to tures, he said, much of whali 'excuse' themselves, not, how- passes today for progressiw ,ever, 'lightly.''' thinking is unacceptable. The Vatican directive stated: The bishop also criticized "He sins gravely against, the those contemporary writers whQ :taw who omits without an excus- cla~m that "philanthropic acti. :ing ca'13e either a quantitatively ties" come before personal devo l)r qualitatively notable part of ' 'tions and that concern for savinc l;he prescribed penitential ob- one's soul had been overempbaoo llervance taken as a whole." sized.
THE ANCHORThurs., March 23, 1967
Prelate Starts
ST. PAUL (NC) - The Bible is measured more by what a reader gets from it, than as a spectacle of epic
Education Drive
heroes, big ideas and gigantic € h emes, a professor of theology and Semitic languages said here. Speaking at the College of St. Thomas, Father Roland E. Mur phy, O. Carm., of the Catholic University of America, Washing ton, D. C., said that biblical spir ituality is contained on the read er's response and application of word of God more than in Scripture's stories themselves.' Experimenting with his audi ence, Father Murphy shouted, "Jonah," and got the immediate ar;lswer, "whale." He said ,that 'this is a typical response, but one which misses the point of the Book of Jonah completely. ,',' He called the book a "satire about a bigoted prophet," and said that he probably would d,is agree with those who believed that Jonah actually lived. He said, however, that one has a right to hold this view, and ti!-at the question of private interpre tation is' not the issue. ' If the reader is only interested iii" the "fact" of Jonah, Father , Murphy said,' he has missed. t~e
lLOS ANGELES (NC)-James Francis Cardinal McIntyre has started a $5 million Youth Edu ~ation Fund Drive to expand high school facilities, reduce op erating and building deficits. "Over and above our own school problem" we are con cerned for the welfare of our inner city parishes," the cardinal told pastors. "To a growing de gree they must, become the re sponsibility in brotherly charity of the whole archdiocese." The last such campaign, con ducted in 1963, resulted in $15 million in high school construc tion, with seven new schools and additions to 15 others. The current campaign will meet some of the $6 million in construction . subsequent to the last drive and help defray last year's $1.6 million operating deficit.
Reader Response Key to Bible
CORN FOR D][NNER: Corn's a popular menu item on both sid~s of the border, Siste'r Claire Marie discovers as she investigates backpack'ofvillag,e.woman in Guanay, Bolivia. Fall River Sister is school principal and catechist in, Bolivian ~ission, has been there since last February.
:~tr;~ ~~n:;o:~y~~o~~::':: :..$ister Clai~e Matw Finds
goodness and mercy of God. ;" ' ,,:, .' Father Murphy, who was. a
"~;~: ~~~::~:;rs~~o~~l~as~~:~~~
M- -
Adventure" ,Aplenty' G B' Z- uanay,,: () f,VUl
S" 'f,n Sister Claire Marie of the' 1VIissi~nary Sisters of the ImMaculate' Conception, daugh- . , ter of Mrs. Josephine Just, Notre Dame parish, Fall River, is an enthusiastic booster of of revelation-Scritpure and tl"ll her ho.m.e Diocese, and she ~an~ges t~ fi~d fellow members of it ev~n i~ the far reaches dition." He said that the two co of Bohvla. She reports on her dISCOVerIes In, a letter to The Anchor: It IS a small world, here, and that, "one reads the • d dR' tl· book' , ' , In ee.. ecen y lll1 a .. , ][- I"ng J"ust before reachl'ng La Paz the truck stop at 5 p.m. In Boli word in the light of tradition. ..,, 'store In La Paz, Bohvla, airport, the highest in the world. 'vian time this could mean earlier met a priest who !knows Fr. ][ shall' never forget our last or it could mean later, so we left James E. Murphy (the first trip by plane. It was probably Gaanay e~r1Y. By the way, th~re "',,,
said the ecumenical council cHd. DOt settle "the question, of whether there arE: two sources
Donates Fogarty Papers to PC
'priest from the Fall River Di- f?rtunate t~at the road c~nstrucocese to, serve in Latin America bon termmated and It was 'a member of the Society of ope~ed w public use. We were , " ~~OVIDENCE (NC) ~ ,'q1e ,5t, ,'fames). I discovered from all ~et.~o go, some 12 passengers ,p';I,lbllc papers, of the late Rep.. ,our' conversation he is ,in ,all,. bu~ the plane would not l d ,I :Boli.~ia but a good distance from" I'ltart, );0, ~ithout further ado, > Jo~n E, .!i'ogartyof R?ode ,Is a!1 were Provldl:mce ql- i"'.ro;, mi~siQn of 'Guanay (also ,~~~ co.""pi~ot. got out, rounded up , l;ege ,?y ,1U!! Wife, ,'.. spelled Huanay).' It's too bad "so~e, ,mell, h':ipped up on the . . ':I'he papers alfld related ll1ateS· t M Th ( f H I wing' wound some rope around ',rials sp'an' the 26-year per~od NIS er a~rheenF 1l0R~as )0. 0 Yt the ~ropeller and signaled the t ';..I', t d' th 'u''' S a m e pans, a lver IS no , I. .l!'ogar y, serve ,me., ' .. J.. i;n Bolivia at present because one ment'O ,puB.' The ,?,o~or st~rt:d. ,'iiouse ~f RepresentatIves III f S·1Ste h' , gOO d Here we were slttmg inSide ,"Washington, dealing particuliltly fo •. o,udr. 't h ,rs w 0 tIS ~ 't 'watching:aii this goirig on. This 'with his longtime work" and clen 0 ers came 0 VISI re ".'" "1" " • t I' .' ..,." ; ' . , "1 ·4.'ently.·As, I said, "It's' a small IS th,e,,we were to rave on. 1;,~~lsla~I~~ III the p~b~lc ~e~lth woll"ld." ,:~~~ .~1;1~e procedure for the s~c.,,'m~,me.d~c~lrese~r~h fl.elds.:, ,; ,d) "" ,: '. "o,n~, rno~o,r: anq. off w~. went. , T.~e,Jeglslatox: died In W,~h- Iii.' <." One. Eye t,",! I,.eisurely Trip ! ing to l1 on Jan. 10, a few hours .. We .are somet~me~ ~erred, to , ,Now 'that thE! road is open the . .,bef«;>re the 90th, .Congress~n-as"t~e~u~nay Slst~rs. When one ,planes s,topped coming because vened. . .. ~~ o~r, Sisters, ,went ,to .stqdy traveling and transporting cargo Father William, Paul ~aas, ,~Pllml?~. in Cochabamba other is much cheaper by road. Now it f).P., Providence College presi- Sister studen~ wpuld come ,to costs less than $3 to travel to La dent said: "The college is most look at.her If she were the Paz' This is how it goes Start grat~ful for these materials ,·.~~ian'ilY ~ister. After' a while it ing .out from Guanay y~u. w~lk which form a living record of ,~!1'f.Il~don her. that they, th,ou~ht an hour and a half to ~et to the ttie public life and work of John ,;m~,ha~ ,only one eye~ ,' .. 'trtick stop. If you do it this way, I" Fogarty. ,The collection offers " Many thanks, to the people .of "yougo'dc;iwn to the,river and get "unparalleled opportunities 'f!or '"FAil River for the Christmas ' a' ~anoe to cross you. That costs scholars studying the develop 'salute which arrived by regis "four cents." '"ment of major health programs tered mail and on time. I know You 'walk a hal! hour and III the United States." it represents many sacrifices and cr6s~ another river by canoe. , ", ' ,thoughts of us' who are So far You walk another half hour and . away. ' crosS another river by foot 'Past~r, Criticizes
. Father,Murphy has most likely "bridge~', You walk another half 'told you about the area he is in, hour and you reach the truck JaH Facilities
so I'll tell you about a typical stop. There is no definite depar ELIZABETH CITY (NC)-The trip to the big city. It used to be ture time. . When there are pastor of St. Catherine's parish until recently that the only way enough passengers and/or cargo m this North Carolina commu to get to La Paz from here was the 'truck leaves. Standard nity has protested the continued by plane. Not a shuttle flight as equipment in addition to luggage use of a 78-year-old jail here, you know it, but something quite is a lunch and a book. called the worst facility in the different. A mining company , You can start out from Guanay state," by a state jail official. uSed to have a two engine army by canoe. If you do it this way Father James P. Robinson, plane come in weekly to trans you can reach the truck stop in S.E.E., told county officials that port cargo. Most of the time the a half hour. Or the canoe might "'<even though you are going to . only space available was on develop motor trouble and you bave to arrest and jail people, bucket seats which did not al might have to drift down the you can't treat them like aiu ways have safety belts. All sorts river. mals." of cargo occupied the center. Recently I made such a trip, In response to a suggestion by It took 35 minutes to reach La sometimes drifting headlong, tan official that the jail was a ,PaZ 'and cost about '$8. The sight sometimes sideways, but we deterrent to crime, the Edmund was beautiful ranging from for 'made it safely after an hour. ite priest said: "Guilty or not ested mountains to snow-capped I,sound like St. Paul describing guilty, this Jail iii; not fit , . • ranges. You started the trip his'missionary journeys! We had ~ . 'iWeltering and ended up shiver bee!A told a truck would leave
is no set t~me for canoes leavmg
Guanay either. They go down
riv:~r when. th~r~ i~ cargo or
passenger~. T~~s ml?ht be .at
6:30 a.m.' or In a little whIle 'which'might turn out to be 9 a.m.. 5~ YOIL see :why'!. said above that a lunch and a book are handy . extras. Patience forestalls frus tration: ' ," " ' , , 'A' , 3'." , '. ' " ·,.t 11: 0 ',~.m. we arnved at 'Caranilvi,;where we spent the night with the Charity Sisters,of t S . 'N' A '. Co;nyen ,t~tI~n, e~}ersey. , , Si~er. h,ad ,be~n waltm~ for us because t~~ ~a~ly mi~on broad .'cast (had 'hohfied'them that we welJ~ scliedule~ to leave at 5 p.m. '. Thelr,convent,ls a stop-off place' ,.hl our ~rayel~ to ~nd from La PilE , and they are ~lways ready to 'accommodate us;, At 6:30 a.m. we were up and ready to catch the, one and only bus to La Paz. ,The,bus goes;to La, Paz. one day ',and re~urns t).1e next. During the ,6~ hour ride w:eCIimb fr~m 1500 "feet to 12,000' feet arid we pass treacheroUs' placel; that are as .rouch as 2000 ·feet sheer drops. Sinc;e thi! tpe, country we live ' in and the mode of travelling we must live by we do not stop to worry about what might hap pen to us on the w~y. We do try to be as careful as IS reaso?able, When we reach the outskuts 01 La Paz we gradu~IlY d~scen.d 10~O ~eet to the Clt~ which IS bUilt In what looks hk~ a mon strous bowl. L!1 Paz 1~ a cold place because of the alht~de a~though w?en the sun shmes It can be .qUIte w~rm. From m~ny pl~ces ~n the city' the beauh<ful Ilhmam can be seen, eternally snow-capped. One Big lFamily In La Paz we are welcome at the convent of our choice. All tile Sisters treat one another like one big family. We usually stay at the Sisters of Loretto because they are close to the Franciscan Turn to Page Eight
1001 'Kings Hwy. NEW BEDFORD Open ,Evenings
May' we, be reborn
of the light and the glory and the spirit triunlphal1t over darkness and the grave. Peaee and Joy
Old Red Bank /Fall River Savings Bank IFAIl.l IIUVEIL
Bolivia Missi~n
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....::Thurs. Mar; 23, 1967
Traditional Easter Customs Originated in Ancient Rites By Mary Tinley Daly "This is the day which the Lord hath made," announces the Gradual for the E'aster Mass, "Let us be glad and re joice therein." This "feast of feasts," as St. Leo calls .it, oldest feast of the Christian Church, is celebrated wIth lights ~nd flowers in church stretched to its utmost, is sunny and the constant repetiti!>n in a pale yellow cloth with an of the word "alleluia," He- "egg 'tree" as traditional center brew cry of joy meaning . piece. This comes from an an "praise the Lord." Throughout the ages and' throughout the world, this Springtime feast of renewed life has been a natural wit h man. The very name, Easter in English and the German Ostern, are from a comm 0 nor i gin (Eostur, Eastur, 0 s tar a) meaning "season of the rising sun," since the sun rises in the East or Ost. , Many of the customs we follow today stem 'from ancient rites and have been adapted to Christianity since the, time of Christ's resurrection. New ClothGlS For instance, at your house as 'at ou:'~, a_nd as it has been throughout the world, Easter Da~' usually brings a gathering of family and a big meal-dinner or a long brunch. , The children love their, own miniature parade in new duds. This new clothes bit comes down from the time when early Christians wore their white garments of new linen symbolizing new life in the Lord. From this came the belief that Ulluck would follow if one could afford new clotl:ting and refused to wear it. Hence the Irish saying, "For Christmas, food and drink; for Easter, new clothes." O.K. and for the merchants prosperity, but for'the children delight in the top.:to-toe outfits of saucy 'hats to shiny shoes: Easter Egg Hunt
cient belief that the touching of budding branches would bring health and fertility. Chi Rho' We bring in branches of flow ering bushes, force them into bloom and tie on them colored eggshells much like baubles on a Christmas tree. The nicking and blowing of enough eggs for an abundant display would be a literally breathtaking experience so we just blow and color a few extras each year, adding to the supply kept from former years. On these eggshells we deco rate with a colored, felt-tipped pen or a small paint brush. Some' have crosses, on others we place ANNUAL ACrES: Two, members of the Legion of the significant Chi Rho, first two Mary rededicate 'themselvell to their apostolate as they letters in the Greek name for place their hands on the Legion's standard during cere Christ (XP): ' monies' held in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. These two letters are most often written or imposed upon the other to make the, Christo gram, or symbol for Christ. The larger P is made first, with the X superimposed on the long line ' of the P. Recipe tor Kulich As for menu, get everything possible done ahead of time so l! your husband is complain ,and even American &!bc1dng 'you can enjoy the feast too. ing about your Easter buying, designers are showing at least Easiest, we've found, is a first just tell him that you're follow one shade in each line with course of fruit compote-orange, ing an old, Christian custom. a pink tone to it. grapefruit, pineapple and straw Ice Cream Colors During medieval times the berries. Color, is everywhere this, sea Christians had a superstition This is followed by ham that bad luck son, but nowhere is it more ex (baked beforehand), sausage would come to citing than in the stocking ,tig~ts patties broiled, spiced apples, those who had that come in such delectable biscuits" fluffy scrambled eggs, the money to I shad~s as pistachio, strawberry, coffee and milk. orange sherbet, lime green and purchase new Appropriate "dessert" is Ku dozens of other mouthwatering garments ' but lich or Russian Easter Bread, refused to buy shades that sound more like an baked the day before and iced them, therefore ice cream menu than a list of with a simple confestioners a lack of new stocking tones. These tights are sugar icing and sprinkled with clothes in your made like leotards and do ,seem multi-color decorettes., , to be the answer to what to do family's Easter One c. warm, water (105-115 with legs with skirts on the rise. First, the Easter egg hunt, F); 2 pkg. active dry yeast; % c. 'wardrobe , in The very dressy occasion is not t' h 0 s e ancient , with a starting handicap so the sugar; 1 t. salt; % c.margarine; neglected by the stylist and all days either re smaller ones can finish some where near their older and nim-, 3 '€~-'~S; 5 or 6 c. sifted flour; %' c. flected on the head of the house's the country's gold won't be at bIer brothers and sisters in fill- sccciless raisins; 14 c. each finely ability to provide or invited bad Fort Knox, a great deal will be ing' those gay baskets.' chopped candied orange peel and luck to be visited upon them. on the stocking counters woven citron; % c. chopped blanched This line of thinking may not . into 'sheer hose. If you don't The brightly colored eggs, sup- almonds; 1 t. grated lemon rind. posedly laid and hidden by the convince your husband that he want to shine at night, you can legendary, "Easter Bimny" (no Happy Easter! should go along with a Spring go lacy; whatever the mood they religious symbolism, but a sym-Sprinkle yeast over warm splurge, but it may soften him have a stocking for it this season. While all the exciting and in bol of fertility), are as varied as water in large bowl, stir to dis a bit when the bills come in, the imagination and time of the solve. Add sugar, salt, mar especially if he's Irish and a teresting, stocking designs may :force you overboard on your dyer will allow. garine, eggs and 2% c. of the believer in the wee folk. hosiery budget, you can still con Then brunch. The table, flour; beat with wooden spoon A gal who is keeping a wary until smooth. 'Stir in fruits, nuts eye on her, budget, yet 'wants a vince yourself that you're thrifty because these textured and heav and lemon peel. Gradually add bit of sparkle in the Easter Pa Bestow Papal' Blessing r~maining flour until dough rade, could put what money she ily decorated stockings seem to have a much longer life than , leaves sides of bowl. can afford on her underpinnings, On Jewish Merchant Turn out onto lightly floured for this is the year of the leg. their plain ordinary nylon COllS HAVERHILL (NC) "7"" A papal; board, cover with bowl and let The rising hemline has brought ins. blessing was bestowed upon a rest 5, min.utes., Knead, :until the focus on, stockings and even Jew in the presence of a number smooth, about,;: minutes. Place caused designers to include Sisters of Mercy Go of religiou.s and civic leaders in , it:, lightly. greased bo""l, turn to stocking designs in their collec Temple Emmanuel-El here. 'bring up greased s~de (to 'k,~ep tion. Paris has turned legs pink On Road With Musical Mariuel 'M. Epstein, longtime from' dr,ying out), cov,er ;with BAVENPORT (NC) - Some worker in campaigns of charity . towel and let rise in, warm place 175 nuns got a taste of "show among different faiths, was hon 'free from drafts until doubie in Jewish Leader lauds biz's" hit-the-road life - staging ored.' The blessing was bestowed buik, 1,% to 2 hours. ' , their successful musical in the by Father John Casaldi, director Masonic Auditorium here, on St. Punch down dough;, turn onto Catholic, EncyclC?pedia, WASHINGTON (NC)-A Jew Patrick's Day. , of the Don Orione Home for the lightly floured pastry '-clo~h (or Aged and Father Gino J. Mar The' show by the Sisters of dish,towel). Divide into three ish leader lauded the sound He chesani, director of the novitiate portions' arid shape each into a braic topics in the New .catho~ic ''-Mercy' of the Chicago province of the Sons of Divine Providence, smooth ball. Encyclopedia. proved a hiiduring' a week's run for Epstein's work in helping the Speaking here at a' dinner there, so the show "Run For Press each portion into greased novitiate since it was founded , 1 lb. coffee can (or approximate marking publication of the' 15 ward, Singing," benefitting the several years ago. sized can). Cover with towel volume edition, Rabbi, Marc community's building fun d s , "I feel very proud," Epstein and let rise in ""arm place (85F), Tanenbaum, who ,heads the in played a one-night stand here. commented, "especially because free from drafts, until double in terfaith division of the American The production was designed I hear the blessing is reserved bulk, 50 to, 60 minutes. Jewish Council, recommended to illustrate how current events for Christians. I don't know why Preheat oven to 375 degrees. the Catholic work for use in "have significance for the Chris they selected me." Jewish seminaries. tian." Members of the cast wear Bake bread 30-35 minutes or un "Just say I helped out a bit," , til nicely browned. Place on wire "It is so solid that it actually nuns' garb and make use of com said the Jewish merchant, wllen rack to cool for- 5 minutes. Re constitutes a miniature Jewish mentary, instrumental music, in terpretive dancing and choral asked to tell why he did so much move from cans, finish cooling encyclopedia," Rabbi Tanen baum said. ' il,umbers, in the productionto help the Catholic novitiate. and frost.
Continued from Page Seven Fathers Central House where _ hurry to pick up our mail ancil order our groceries. We do noii come to the big city often, ~ when we do we have a long list of shopping. We do most of oUll' shopping in La Paz because m~ things are available but mai~ because although things are eXoa pensive they are cheaper than Ul our small towns. Many thingm we just do without. ' ,We try to get in on some cu~ tural things also, such as a gro~1l discussion, liturgical tapes, ca~e chetics, et cetera. We tease ono another about putting on our city manners. For instance, our standard footwear is tennill shoes. But when we go to the big city we wear shoes. Being acclimated to the he~ ,I nearly froze on the high Alti plano, 13000 feet altitude wheliil I spent a week' as guest at a Rural Community Development Course. So very many people live in such primitive conditions beyond your wildest imaginings. In the past, development projects were imposed on the people and have proven failures. People simply do not have lasting inter est in something they do not feel! they need or in which they 00 not have a free way. The new approach in community develop ment is indirect, providing them with an opportunity to expreSB their felt needs and to use their talents, initiative, and resourctlfl to solve thei!; problems. This ap: proach,has proven so'successf~ that older 'members involved in any of the various phases of the program must take a refresher course to acquaint them w~ti:l present possibilities.
Spring Beg~n~, When' , Boys' C@[ffi8@
Thurs., March 23, 1967
if@ DO,@if S®~~OITU~ S@e\d~
Parents to Keep ~d~oor Open
)By J~ :Jll!'lall WiI:Jlll"nUyITil JRo~<ardelk
NEWBURYPORT (NC)-Paro ents of children attending Im~ maculate Conception elementa11P school here have agr~ed to fur nish sufficient funds to pay a lay teacher's salary in order to keeE,) classes in session. The possibility of closing the parish school was disclosed at a meeting for parishioners, when it was explained that the trallsfelI' of a teaching nun next 'fall woullli drastically curtail the teachin(; staff. To l1eplace the n-un, a lay teacher would have to be hired., and the expense would be too great for the parish. Father Thomas P. Lane, pasto!', was informed by parents that they are welling to pay the extro costs by raising the tuition ' of children now attending the school. There axe currently three lay teachers on the faculty of the school, which has been staffed by the Sisters of Charity ofi Nazareth for 85 years. They now teach 326 pupils.
For some people Spring begins when they sight the first iobin and for others it begins with the dazzling display of forsythia, but for me it begins when I open my door 00 find a terrified, barely audible little boy standing on my doorstep fuolding a box of seeds foil' light sprinkling with a diluted ew.le. This is the sign to put liquid fertilizer to help the ~way the paint brushes and young plants on their way. the unfinished Winter proj Growth From Seed-
for another year. Out coma:;
tl!2 old suede jacket that Marilyn threatens to, bum each ye~r; tine
trtained khakis and the sneakers- Md' another. growing seaSO'1l begins. Well, my little boy showed up &is week and I now own two ~ckages of zinnias, one of asters, one marigold and a package of fulttuce seeds. Nothing very ex citing, but a sure start on a new ~son. My little helper, Melissa, was eager to get started, so we o~w have the seeds in flats un ~r the fluorescent lights in the <!:ellar. For those of you who are Illew to seed growing, we outline @Ie following method with which we have had unfailing success. Immerse in Water We fill flats or plant pots willi cme part sand, one part peat moSD ahd one part garden soil whieilh 7<le mix thoroughly and soak for twa or thee days by placing them UI 'a flat pan of water. The'water ooaks up through the pots ·lind. flats until they are thoroughly saturated. . "',At this point we dust the flats willi a pinch of fungicide. to pre- vent against damping off and. then sow the seed as per the directions on the package. - From this point on there is ~ry little to, do except keep ~ .oil moist enough to' prevent the seeds, from drying. We have fuun4 that the original· soaking is usually sufficient to keep the flCeds moist,' but occasionally i;t may be necessary to immerse the lIats and pOts in water for short periods of time. Liquid FertiJb:eII' , One way to help seeds germi IIt9te is to have a source of heat ander the flats. For this we use . • heating cable, or for seeds in
the cold fMlJlle we use a natural
lJOuree of heat, decomposing
One important step wbieh is Gften overlooked by people WM fail with seeds is that after ~ Iwve germinated and have made 8OI1le growth, they should be Chinned out to provide ample room for root growth. After the seedings have beel!l thinned they sbould be given a
Sex Education Mentol
Health Barometer
SAN ANTONIO (NC)-A psy dtiatrist serving with the Air I'ol"ce told a group of parents kere that sex education "is a sort \If barometer of mental health." Lt, Col. Terence McGuire. "'ief of the psychiatric branch ." the aerospace medical school .. Brooks Air Force Base here, .utioned tile pareDts~ "Sexual malfunctions are usually symp t!oms of other deeper and m911'e . .bUe disturbances. Our other problems find sexual ex pres !lions." , lDr. McGuire emphasized that children imitate their parents. Be said the children's attitud~ tl)ware" everything and everyone /lie results cf'home atmosphere.
This whole procedure may se-em complicated on paper, but if it 'Were followed step by step it would be quite simple. The most important thing to be con-o sidered is that there is a great deal of joy to be had from grl>w ing plants from seed. I have heard that Ernest Hemingway once said that there were two things which were a constant source of wonderment to him and one of these was the fact that daffodils appeared every Spring. For me there is as much wonderment in the an-. nual growth and death of a flowering plant from a minute seed. . Pineapple Cream Torte 1 pkg. 'yellow cal(e mix -1 pt. heavy cream, whipped ·1 #2 can crushed pineapple (well drained) i small can sliced pineapple 1,4 cup chopped nuts Red maraschino cherries : 1) Prepare the cake mix ac ~ording to the package directions ~~d bake in two 8", round layer c'3ke pans. 2) When cool, carefully split both layers so that you end up with four layers. 3 Set aside abOtlt 1 cup of the whipped cream that has beeri flavored with 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla. 4) Add the drained crushed pineapple to the remainder of the cream and blend well. S) Spread this pifteapple' whipped cream between the lay
ers. 6) Top the torte with the plain cream and garnish with chopped nuts and slices of pineapple and ~herries.
College to Continue Experlmento~ Sclhool WEBSTER GROVES (NC) Webster Cl>llege bas reyersed ita decision to close its experimental grade school, College School; as the result of a demand by par ents and St. Louis area edu cators. Jacqueline Grennan, college president, said in :II letter to 1 Qrents whose children attend the school that it will remain in operation "as long as it con. tinues to make distinctive contri butions to the educational com munity· and is in keeping with the direction of future adminis trations and faculty of Webster College." College School was started in 1963 as an educational laboratory for 'experimentation in curricu lum development and teacher training. It has some 150 pupils: in grades one through seven, with about 20 to 24 children in each class.
Example of Prtests, Sisters Greatest , Influence on Vocations HUNTINGTON (NC) - The tireatest influence on vacations, according to 2l recent survey of 2,000 priests and 5,000 Sisters, is the example of priests and Sis ters themselves. The survey, published in Our Sunday Visitor, shows that 55 per cent of Catholic nuns in th,e U. S, admit this to be their great est influence in the ehoice of a religious career. Over 44 per cent of the priests indicated they chose the priesthood for' the same reason. The results of the national survey also show that family opposition remains a strong de terrent to religious life. About 20 per cent of the replies stated that the greatest obstacle parental oppositron. The Fischer pon also deter mined that pl7iests and Sisters 'consider their greatest challenge to be- the relevance of religion in today's world. Arso high on the list of challenges is obedience to the Church as it is currently organized. One out oi six con sider this to be their career chal lenge. One out of evel?Y 25 priests ia the U. S. was polled. The sam pling &f n·uns covered one out of
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Survey Results
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TaKE-HOME GIFTS: Little· girls in an inner-city par "ish school in St. Louis covered pop bottles with bits of brightly-colored paper and when Miss Sue Stone provided roses donated by a friendly florist, they had the joy of giving something they had made themselves. NC Photo.
In':'ite Catholics KERRVILLE (NC)-A delega eion of Catholics has been invited to the annual retreat of Kerrville area Methodists June 9' to H at Mount Wesley, Methodist retreat ~ here in Texas.
KiH Resolution TRENTON (NC)-New JerS2~ Gov. Richard J. Hughes and leg islati \Ie leaderS have killed G resolution to establish a commiS sion to stud:y the state's 118 year~old abortio:n law.
true British, flavor in Sunbeam
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{tbe tenderest, tastiest everU
Plan to rPlIovnde
Thurs., March 23, 1967' THE ANCHOR
Alb@~o$~l}(e'$ ~og~~
NEW BRUNSWICK (NC) - Plans are being formu lated to care for the spiritual, needs of; some 4,000 Boy
Of Pctll'OI11CJJge FREIBURG (NC) - The right of ecclesiastical patrons to nominate priestH to vacant church posts has been abol
Scouts and their leaders who are expected to attend the XII World Jamboree for Scouts at Farr<lgut State Park, Idaho, Aug. 1 to 9. ished in the Freiburg arch The National Catholic Com diocese. mittee on Scouting headquarters . The new regulation is based here in New Jersey. said Arch on the Second Vatican Council's bishop Robert J. Dwyer of Port lDecrees on the Bishop's Pastorai land will be the principal cel <Office in the Church and on the ebrant of a concelebrated Low ;Ministry an'd Life of Priests. Mass on Sunday, Aug. 6, a reli Formerly, any" priest who gious highlight of the jamboree. wanted a vacant ,parish. had to Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of seek the patronage of: the noble New Orleans will preach. families of Hohenzolkrn-Sigma Fathers Urban H. Schmidt of ringen or Fuerstenberg, Moscow, Idaho, and Thomas J. Patronage' was the sum' of Watel'man of Kansas City, Mo., privileges and obligations be have been named by Bishop Syl longing to. the founders of a vester W,' Treinen of Boise. benefice and to their successors. Id<lho, to serve as co-chaplains general at· the jamboree, Ten Historical. kights I . MEDAL OF MERIT: The Jewish War Veterans bestowed their Medal of Merit on other American priests will serve A benefice consists of a sacred Francis Cardinal Spellman ata dinner in Miami Beach, Fla., .where the shakes as chaplains. office and the right ,?f. the holder hands with some of the J.W.V. national lea ders. From left': Irving -Cooperman; Florida Expect 14,000 of that office to' an annual rev': ~nue fJ;om .the .~n.d.<?'wm.ent con Commmlder; the Ca:dinal; Dapiel Heller, ·past. National Commander; a~d, Malcolm A .. . The committee 'said Bishop .mected with 'it, l'pe offfce of pas Treinen reported some 25 to 3til Tarlov, present NatIOnal Commander.. NC Photo . tor is 'an example of\-a :benefice. U. S. arcpbishops and bishops Ttie'~ pastor ~n,l~t·."Pl'Ovide for 'wiH visit the jamboree. It alse the :Spid~uaLh~e<!s"pfthe people was reported that· priests from in~ hiS parish;:' he .also has the China,. India and Mexico will be. 'right t<>,'lihi·:~·~ia-rY due' ,t(l the celebrants ~f Masses. ~fficeholder. - ". _ . . It is eXJlected that s.ome 14;001 N~,gative The term "benefice:' originally scouts from 100' countries wi)Jl i . feferred?~0,!;I7,par~icularkind o! . .' DAYTON· (Nc-)_A,·psycholo-. "for assistance; he said.' ]>eriod when he wishes to ·dis;'· . attend, .i }Brid holdi~g~ It was applied to . gist cautioned that parerit~ 'un'Discussing . 'infiuences du}ing. cover' who he is and to search'· l'I':i'C~l!rch9fflGeili:,wh~;.~I]~(,>w,jttin·gly:ma:y'irnplai1t"iii":theirinfancy, Father· .Hagmaier said· 'for ~eassurances oil his own. " ..- .. ' o' •..• ', ",-.. eighth century, such offlcc.s came children lifetime negative atti- "a baby is a bundle of !feelings." . "He is quite able to understand VI~tnam asua ty to be treated as property to be tudes' toward God and religion. For thefirst six or' seven years" the process of Ilirth at,the'.ilge of CORPUS CHRIS'l'I (NC) leased.. ·A-:chtirch and its end~wFatller George G.Hagmaier, of life a child lives almost totally., Jour," Father Hagl1)aier said. As Most Rev. Thomas J. Drury, 'Or ~ents . were l~ased. to a prIest C.S,P.,· recimHy named fulltime on the 'level'of the primary feelthe child becomes older his trust dinary of this Texas Diocese, was m retu.rt~ for hIS ?erformance of chaplain for Catholic students at ings of affection and aggression, in his parenti; may be shaken notified that his nephew, Bren ~he sPlr.ltual duties. . ' HarvardUniversiti and, Rad,.. he said.· . when he realizes "for the first dan Keane of Chicago, a member ?r~!1tlllg. land for a ch~r,ch, cliffe College, in a lecture' here', Honest Answer time in his life he has been lied of the Marine Corps, w~s killed bmldlllg a church, or provldlllg, said one's attitude' toward God A baby senses that he belongs, to" if he has not been given. an in' action in. Vietnam. Besides the for maintenance of a church and begins to 'form ea~ly 'in childis secure, and is' loved, Father honest .answer to the questlOn bishop, he is survived by hilll i~s clergy gave a pel'son the h o o d . - ' . · . Hagmaier continued. As he of. where he came from, the parents, a brother and two sis ~Jghts of patronage. A child quickly evaluates' grows into early childhood he. pnest added. ters who reside in Chicago. Rights Inherited "fatherhood" . from his· early enters a period of "control," durThese rights could be inher- family expel'iepces,' and the con-' ing which he judges himself in §===='lIIl1l11l1ll11l1l1l1l1l11ll1111I11IIIIU III1111I1111I1111I1111111111I111111I11I1111I11I1111I1111111111I1111I11I11 1II111111111111111111111~====, lted, exchanged purcllased, - cept of God 'from such :words as terms of the evaluations others and the patron, often a :noble- "Our Father".' and "heavenly place on his 'pel'fonnance. '. man, could dispose of the church Father;" the'Pauiist, pr.iest said. He be'gins to' s~e himself as. ~==' ~==_' 1. office as he did any other. prop- -. If the image of.jj;iternitY· in others, See him, Father Hagmaier ertY.. The patron had the duty, .the family is sonleth'ing "very said, and this places an awesome" .. ,however, ,'of maint<lin)ng or re-: . l' em: 0 t'e'; passive,' uninvolved, responsibility on pareilts who ~.. ~. pa1:ng'the C~lLlI'ch o~ c1iap'el. . ;:. pllEl'i~hing, ·stern- an-~ rejecting," must build :the child's selof= tone' tllne, the' pne~t m it may. be .very diffiCult for one. esteem. Then the' child: enters a ~ ~. ~harge of the spiri.tual ministry ','\0 believe "witq .t;he coi'e of ~_ ~_. of the office was appointed. and :per~9.n<llity t':tat tne. heavenly. . dismissed by the patron ..' ~at~J:;Father. is loving, tr,usting, fOl:giv..,. Cites. Saving' Power .~=_ '. ~=_. the patron's rights were restrif:t~d' ing, :llnderstandi.ilg· apd 'compas:':: .. • . , to that of presentation, by w,hich sionate.'" . Of.. Race Dnversity . ~ . ~' the patron COltld suggest a can-·, .' . " . EDMONTON (NC)-Race di=_ :;c
didate for the post but the' bishop " . . ' .'Bundle of Fe~.).ings' versity "may save us as human
of the d'ioccse actually confer·red· Negative ·images ,of .the past beings,'" Paul~Emile Cardinal ,§ '~.
the office <1nd had' the right' to .. al'e difficult to ab~ndon, he con- Leger o~ Montreal admonished !§ §
reject unsuitable nominees. tinued. Those who learn to see here in Alberta. ~§ th J P . f t
'Stress~s Ea'rly Edu cation of . Children J~ttitudeSi. ·Warns Against
C' ., I'
~:~~~. ~~~ '~:l~ ,t ~:/~~~~lt:~~I~ ~~~i:'tti:~~~,~l~~~~~~~:;:i:~ ~~t:;~~,i:~~ a:£~~~~~~:~~.~i.:~~
pass sen ence. - 'Parents. -who' routinely warn. Foundation Honors their children' that, "God. sees you and He -will,punish' you" vis'· I··S 1'1 C ~r d Ina pe man ualize God'as.a kind of'''divi~e ST. LOUIS (NC)--Francis Car-' baby":sifter," Father. Hagmaier dinal Spellman of New York resaid., . .' c~ived the 1967 Cardiilal MindsThe Church, 'which' once with.. zenty Freedom Award. of the out aid attempted to help trouCardinal Mindszenty Foundation bled persons by advising them at "for his courageous call for vicinterviews in the rectory, now is tory in Vietnam." looking to behavioral sciences ..Thf award was prcsented to
sity respects "the distinct and iheplaceable values which each has to contribute." He counseled that a nation which fails to satisfy different races cannot function. He added: 'fWe have not reached that state in Canada, but it .is up to us to help create' a climate of opinion that will make it impossible for it ever to happen."
Cardinal Spellman and two others :,====_.111I111111I11I11I11 11I1 11I111I III III II 11I1111I I11I11III II 1111I1111I11111111111 IIl1illl IIi111111 I11111111I1111I11I11111I11I11I1111I11I1II1111==== __ '''!: at tho:: foundation's fifth all'nual
leadership conference her e .
SERV~(E, \ Other recipients were Father Cletus Healy, S.J., publisher of .-.., a periodical on communism INC. called 'T'he Truth, and Mrs, Wil liam Spivy, a volunteer staff m 'mber of the foundation. DU'ring the three-day confer. . . ence, Dr. 'Clal'ence Manion, for": mer dC'ln of thc Notr'c Dame Law Schobl, . called for a. "clean~ing . - . . ' . .. . . exarnination. of conscience" for' A.mericanhigher educatil)n, and .
..I· ...'
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From the Officers and Personnel of
SOUTH BANK-Cove St. at Ro~n~y French Boulevard ii WEST:BANK-Kempton Street at Mill Strep.t .§ LUND'S CORNER BANK-Acushnet Ave.. "'ear Lund's 'Corner DARTMOUTH BANK-Dartmouth Street- near Rockdale Ave. E' NORT~ BANK..:.'AcushneiAve." af·.¢o~fi;' Ave. .. . 1=
~-:' = ,~E.NTElf~~NO<-'-Purcha5e 'an~, ~illi~m5ts.~,
. . leged .s,m~~~tuarics·' used .b~ com-. ~ ." " '.:. '.. '. . , . .. ' . . ~'. ~. ...•:DRIVE-IN SERVICE.. ·AT .·ALL BANKS. '. __ . inunists in' North Vietn'lln ,'and' ·§363"·SEC!"~N'9nSl'~-"~'FAlLRIVE"Ri;;MASS~"'E"§' , , , .- -". . ". :..,';" .. - '. - ' . --,S ' ~;::,.~.:~:~ ..!!i'~ ,;k,',os:· ::'j;: ":. ," " .., ":,, i·i~,: •.•• : ~":' ;":f":' :·····'~IIIIIIn'"'IIHlli"HMIII"'illl"I/f""'tIlIHIIltltt"'lIIi'"wlllil:ljijjjIIllI\lIlIllHIII"""U11111"""'"IIIItIIII,"IH"'~'n~lIIttIltllllIIllIHt"""IIItIII""'HII1I1I1I"""""'l/Imhmlt!!jMittMiil"Mn"UH"lHlllllllilllllilllH"IUlllllllIIIE' """'~'."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 23, 1967 ---- - - - - - - - - - -. --- - ----
Renewal Comes Easy IT © AA©)u\~nDte R~te
~!j'·e$EdentAppoenfl'$ Pre~ate if@ ~OM!7U:i1J
WASHINGTON (NC) -Archbishop John P. Cody of Chicago was appointed by President Johnson as a member of the new 20-member independent National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity. The council will review the operation of all programs under the existing Economic Opportu-
SAN ANTONIO (NC)-While the Church in the West is stru/{g'ling' with renewal problems, the spiritual head of Mal'onite-rite Catholics in this country observed, Maronites "do not need so many liturgical changes - concelebration and the Mass in the vernac ular have existed for us a dialogue Mass from centuries ago." long time." BiHhop Francis There is an effort underway to Zayek, head of the year-old translate more of the Arabic U S. Maronite - rite exarchate parts of the Mass into English, which has 150,000 members in the bishop said. He emphasized, this country, said the Maronite however, that Maronites want to rite is at once contemporal'y and - keep the parts that are ill Ara . traditional. maic • "because it is the language St. Anthony of the Desert Par- • of Our Lord." Bishop Zayek said ish in Fall River and Our Dady' Mass has been offered facing the of Purgatory Parish in New Bedpeople in Maronite churches in ford m"e Maronite Parishes.' the Middle East for years. There are 57 Maronite chul"ches - Innovations an'd "experiments" in the United States with 53 ." with' modern folk music were re priests sdlttered in 22 of the 50 _jected by the bishop as "against states. all OUI·. traditions." He said there Apostolic Times nevel' would be teenagers with "We were never' separated guitars playing modern music from the Holy Father," the bishin Maronite churches at Masses. up said, stressing that the MarHe said the Mai"onite liturgical . onite rite dates back to apostolic music comes· from Antioch~the times. Other Eastern rites of the seat of the Maronite patl·iarchs. '. Church' at times were in schism, "There are many beautiful '.' but the Maronite rite always·has folk melodies which contdbute " . been in commllnion with :Rome;' to the music," he saiq, but the .• the bishop: said during..a .'visit vi est's traditional Gregorian here. chant has never been used in the' '" , . DiSCUSsing specifics of' dinewal East. I. ,'in .Eastern 11tes litiJrgy'; "Bi's'hop ZOlyek SOlid a number of 'rites' are Marqu~tte' "going to old traditions of the earl'y Church," .but the Mar'onite rite has mainhlined a number of ' primitive Pl';lctices,' inclttdiilg: lay' . MILWAUKEE (NC)'-Greater
cllntors and catechists~ .. . voice in university 'affairs was
sought by some 200 Marquette Dialogue University faculty members in three proposals adopted hel'e re
"Our people," Bishop Zayek cently.
observed, "have been singing and answering responses for a The first asks for reorganiza
long time. 'We have had the tion of the committee on faculty,
a 'policy recommending body
which also has an ilPpeals func
tion. The second proposal is an in
LOUISVILLE (NC)-The Most Rev. Thomas J. McDonough will crease in the academic senate,
be installed as a'rchbishop of the major,legishltive body of the
Louisville in" the Cathedral of. the' university' in academic affairs.
The thitd proposal is a gradual
Assumption here Tuesday, .May 2, by Archbishop Egidlo Vag:.. broadening of the powers of the academic senate to include all
nozzi, Ap'ostolic Delegate in the matters of. policy, 'not only the
United States. Al'chbishop Pau,l academic. This would invlove
J. Hallinan of Atla'1tll, Ga" will questions of salaries and budgets.
preach. .
.Faculty Asks Greater Voice
nity Act and make recommcnda tions concerning improvement oR programs, duplication of efforts and coordination of programs. The new council was estab lished by the 1966 amendmenw to the EO Act. Morris I. Leib mOln, member of the Michaen Reese Hospital board of trustees. Chicago, is the chairman.
Check These Banking Services
DIRECTOR: Rev. William G. Campbell, Mus.B., assist ant at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, has been named director of the Priests' Choir by Bishop Connolly. Appoint ment effective March 22, 1967.
Ser.. .a ns
BELLEVILLE (NC) - Bishop Albert R. ZUl"OWeste of Belleville has appointed four Serra Club officials' to the newly formed ·lay· board of St. Henry Seminary ~er~ in Illinois. Serra Interna tional is an organization dedi cated to assisting young men. in
terested in vocations to the
pl·iesthood. . .
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ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 23,1967 .1
[?®@~@ ~@[[~~[flfl)@[fi) U @[}1)@@[}1)}fQtk@. ~~tp)®[fO®[}1)~® By Rt. Rev. Msg~ John S. Kenllledy Two strange countries 'can be visited by way of the two books up for consideration this week. Tanganyika is the scene of Leonard Levitt's An' African Season, (Simon and Schuster. $4.95; 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10020), a Peace Corpsman's inable minutes of yesterday's account of a year as a teach meeting. er in 'a native schooL Back Catches Pulsebeat ~r. Levitt's great reward was stage as a major Shakespear
giving his pupils (and some of ean production is being pre pared, is the scene of Willitirh his native colleagues) a little· grounding in essentials of which' Redfield's Let they had no notion. The response ter's from an to that, and the progress made, Actor (Viking convinced him that ·there was Press. $5.75; 625 marvelous potential which had Madison been hardly tapped. Ave., New York The white people he encoun N. Y. 10022), a tered saw no such potential. partici Both the British, who were, one pant's account by one, leaving the area, and the 0f the rehear whites he later met in Rhodesia sals and first and South Africa, regarded the performances of native .as essentially inferior, the Gielgud PRODUCT OF FALMOUTH: The round s tone five feet in diameter that protects the lazy, ,incapable of learning, re Burton Hamlet flame of the new permanent grave site of President John F. Kennedy in the Arlington quiring for his· own good in 1964. Mr. Levitt was 22 when, National Cemetery is from Falmouth on Cape Cod. NC Photo. in 1963, he was graduated from stern command and an occasional l;tiding. And these people felt Dartmouth. He went straight into the there must be something both . , \. . . Peace Corps and, with another radically wrong and very offen rorpsman, was' assigned to sive 'about" a white person doing emy. What is it ma'de of? It's NEW YORK (NC)-In typical as~assinations of Presidents Lin Ndumulu 'School, located' 500 v.:hat Mr. Levitt was doing. just a garden variety of human fashion, Father Robert I. Gannon, coIn, <:iarfield and McKinley. The author has succeeded in S.J., president emeritus of Ford milcs from the Tanganyikan cap· Group lIate . pasSion slobbered over by a thick ital, Dar es Salaam. He ,and the· getting the feel of Africa, or at' bam University, laid 'em in the layer of ignorance. We always' . "Au in all we have been two other American, .here l<nown' least a portion of East Africa aisles with his hum'or, then sat b!1~;y little groups, linked togeth~: tend to be dOWn on anything we mer.ely as Mike" were the only and some other regions, and he 'em bolt upright with a· warning ern ot only by antiquity but by are: not up on," he continued. . white men on the'faculty, indeed' has.the power of communicating against the. nation's top enemy 'iniquity," he quipped. ' ,Father Gannon said Pop'e John ,the only white men who had, it to the re~der. Marked, by a _"group hate." . ' "was really talking your lan (!;alling for ~ time "to think big, an i n i l11U m of theorizing or ever treated the' Africans of the He got a standing ovation after thoughts," Fat her Gannon, guage when he summoned the preachment, this book catches area as fellow human bein·gs. Second Vatican Coun~il." He re be addressed· two meefings of siressed: "In our breathless ef the pulsebeat and climate of Want to LearD called the Pope's exact words""": some 5,000 Masons from various fOr1.~ 'to straighten out the world African life.. "To make it clear that each and and, be its moral as well asfi Mr. Levitt was plunged into an parts of New Yorl> state. Somethinc l>lfferent every person is our brother and rial1lcial leaders, we find our altogether alien world, and his' The first Ca~holic priest to Mr. Redfield is treating some remarkable gifts as a writer apeak at the annual Masonic selyes paralyzed at home by friend." He said "it is from charity ~f this kind that abiding have enabled him to bring home thing altogether different, but state convention quipped: "I group hate. unity will come eventually." "'rhis is America's worst en much of its quality to the reader. doing it with equany admIrable wish that good Pope John could The total effect of wha~ be, has competence. Books by actors are lee me now-a poor, defenseless generally sad affairs, skimpy and to tell is hardly hopeful. ~.IKUIIUItIIlIfIIIJllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI,nmllUtl1ll"IIIIUllIllllllllJlllmnllllttltllltnlll1IRtUIlIIIIIUIIHlIIIlItl\tl! Jesuit taking his life in his. hands One gets the impression that superficial, but his is a splendid before thousands of Free and Africa is almost immeaslllrably exception. He has a reputation Aecepted Masons. He would have remote from the contemporary as a skillful actor, and tathat loved it. This is the way he world, without the means of even can now be added one as an wanted things to happen." approaching, much less entering, adroit writer. Father Gannon said when He was engaged for the minor ft on anything like equal terms. Pope John called the Second role of Guildenstern when Sir His description of the school is John Gielgud was preparing to Vatican Council, be did not ex-, both moving and amusing.Every pect Masons to join the Knights. direct Richard Burton in Ham thing about it was pathetically 01. Columbus. let. Rehearsals were to' be held inadequate, most of all the fac "But I saw in the paper the in Toronto, rather than New ulty and the 360 students. The ,i" "'" ........ IT'umphan"y ,Ing gl.d "dlng.otber day that you have been York, and during them Mr. Red faculty, natives with a measure playing around together," he field wrote a series of letters to May it be aU that hecW them (I renewal of faith, in the of education, were only a few steps ahead of those they were a friend, which, reworked, now said. "Let me warn you to be on RisenCh,ist your guard. You may wake up make up most of this book~ supposedly teaching. And the stu , some morning and find that yOu The book is rich' with details dents were without the general have not only joined the Knights knowledge into which schooling about the shaping of apart and· of a production. The various ol Columbus, but the Jesuits." is fitted and on which it is built. stages, from the first reading by He said that through the years The boys were bright and the company assembled for the tbe Jesuits and the Masons have eager, ,willing to work, studying first 'time, through the rehear been blamed for many things § •.eVlDENCE, IL l GAspee 1-4247 § hard, but lacking in fundamen sals, the first public perform the Franco-Prussialll War tals. For example,·.they· did not ~t11I11HUIlIllUllUtIlfUlllUI~IIIH111tl1IU111IUIIUI!IHIIlIHIIIlIIIIII~ . ance, the second out-oi-town I'rance's noted Dreyfus case, t~ know how to tell time. engagement, and finally· the Ne.w For ages and ages, no one in York opening night, are por ~eir society had had any need trayed as only a participant to tell time. The sun and the could do it. In this case, the par seasons had ·sufficed. But sud ticipant is highly intelligent and denly, at school, they were faced shrewdly critical, as well as ar with problems which we r e ticulate and witty.· meaningless, and therefore insol Contrasting Views uble, unless one could read the Sir John and Mr. Burton .are clock. strongly contrasting types, witll Limited ExPerieuee ,strongly eontrasting views of Mr. Levitt speaks of showing Hamlet. Curiously, Sir John waa the boys a picture of two sailors 90 permissive a director as al standing on the bridge of a ship 'most to· abdicate authority over in the New York harbor. It was the production. The actors were totally incomprehensible to the .l!lrgely left to their own devices. youngsters. They did not want a domineer Salt water, ship, skyline, sai,l ing director, but what they had ors-they had no leaSt notion/of Was one who left them rudder any of these. And so with almost leS6. Somehow the production went everything else outside their limited local experience, which on, to be savaged by the Toronto was simple, almost primitive, rev~ewers, to be treated a bit better in BOston, and to score. a dully repetitious. On the other hand. masters financial success anyhow in New would call off class at will and York. But more than the brief drift away to a nearby hamlet to history of one undertaking is get drunk. Or classes were SUlS contained in this book. It is. rich pended for a daily staff meeting, in information and insights as to at which the first order of busi the art of 'the actor and his lot ill OW' Ume. . lJleSS was the reading of iutertll
Father Gannon Addresses Masons at Convention
0:' "'.1.
HoIsum Bread is that good!
Lent's Meaning Deepens for JMA, Prevost Students As They Present Passion Play As Felt by Youf1'h
THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., March 23, 1967
The meaning of Lent was deepened this year for mu dents of Prevost High and Jesus-Mary Academy, both Fall River by production of an original Passion Play. Titled "T'he 'Christus," it was presented last night in Jesus-Mary auditorium by C h r i s t ian Youth Movement members Rocha of Sacred Hearts Acad of the two' schools, and emy, Fall River; and Pauline Dumas, school' president at spanned the time between Jesus-Mary.
ROCHESTER (NC) - Suffra gan Bishop Paul MO,ore Jr., d! the Episcopal diocese of Wash ington, D. C., will be among speakers at the Pastoral Work shop. '67, to be held here from June Hi to 22. The theme of the workshop, which is under the patronage of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of Rochester, is "The Church After the Council."
the Last Supper and the Cruci fixion. The play's purpose, said its student directors, was "to pre sent the Passion as seen and felt by youth." Costumes were tradi tional and dialogue was taken from the gospels. All work on the projects was by the students. Also presented was an adapta tion of the Tolstoi story "Where Love Is, God Is." Top mathematicians at Domin ican Academy have emerged as Joyce Macek, Denise Janson and Denise Turcotte. Top of the top, Joyce, will receive an award at the Fall River academy's class day exercises. In the recent regional math meet, Coyle High of Taunton came in first, with Bishop Stang of North Dartmouth placing sec ond and DA and Feehan tying for third position. Also at Feehan, juniors and seniors are anticipating an alum 1i dance, to be held from 8 to 11 jaturday night, April 1 at the Attleboro school. Present· upper classmen and alumni will attend the alumni-sponsored affair. Dances are big news every where, it seems, proving that Spring is really on the way de spite Winter's parting gifts of snow and ice in abundance. Diane Ratte heads the planning committee for DA's senior prom, slated for Friday, June 9; nearer at hand is a Prevost dance planned for Friday, March 31 at St. Anne's auditorium. At Mt. St. Mary's, Fall River, the magic date for the junior prom is Friday, May 26, and themes will be picked from such contenders as Showboat,. Some where My Love, Pink Panther, Lollipops and Roses and The Endless Summer. At this Wintry moment, who could resist. the lure of the last-named? Government Day Armand Gadbois, president of St. Anthony High School Debat ing Society, will represent the New Bedford school at student government day in Boston Fri day, April 7. He'll take the part of a district representative at the annual event, participated in by students from all Diocesan and public high schools in the Commonwealth. At a long-awaited quiz con test between Prevost and Jesus Mary students, Prevost emerged the winner. Participants in cluded, for Prevost, Paul and Normand Martel, Edmond Trem blay, and Wilfred 'Michaud; for Jesus-Mary, Diane Dugal, Char lotte Dube, Yvonne Berger and Collette Richards. And Dominican students began their volleyball season with a game at Somerset. Heading the DA squad is Elaine Fisette. Looking towards next year are Feehan girls, who have named Margie Masse and Kathy Lange as co-captains of the upcoming basketball team. Mt. St. Mary volleyball co-captains are Jo Ann Chrupcala and Donna Ferreira. Scholarship Winners Cheers for Mary Lennon of Mt. St. Mary and Edmond Trem bla'y of Prevost. Mary has won a one-year secretarial scholarship to the Katharine Gibbs School of Pro'vidence, including a full tuition grant of $1350 and a cash award of $200. Her alternates for the award are Bernadette
As for Edmond, he's been named recipient of a $1600 scholarship and $800 government grant from Boston College. The St. Anthony High student council organized a chess club, with hugely successful results. The problem now? Where to find boards and chessmen for all the aspiring players. At SHA Fall River the. Narry Debate League recently held its third round with SHA's affirma tive team defeating Coyle but losing to their. sister school, Bishop Cassidy. SHA's negative team defeated Middletown but lost -to Holy Family. And 1-1 records were made by both af firmative and negative debaters from Prevost, where the team is . now preparing for the Stonehill College Tournament slated for this Saturday. Unwecll Mothers Problems of the unwed mother were discussed by Sister Beatrice of St. Margaret's Hospital, Dor chester, with seniors at Bishop Cassidy High in '.Daunton. "Through her talk," not e Anchor reporters Cheryl McCaf frey and Barbara O'Brien, "the girls were brought to understan.d the emotiomil torment gone through by one in this position and also that understanding and acceptance brings these mothers to a deeper perception of self worth, life and God." Also on the recent Cassidy agenda was a potluck supper sponsored by stu dent council members for their parents. Entertainment included skits on school life. Prevost has been playing host to Brother Patrick. Menard, F.I.C., former principal, who is now assistant general to the community's superior. On visita tion from the communl'ty's head quarters on the Channel Island of Jersey, he met with students and Brothers, recalling his many assignments at the Prevost gram mar and high schools. Ten Mt. St. Mary alumnae now novices in the Sisters of Mercy visited their' alma mater on Vocation Day, with their agen da including classroom visits, at tendance at Mass and an enter tainment program. Also at the .Mount, members of the school paper staff are rejoicing in a "first" rating awarded at the ann u a I Columbia Scholastic Press Association convention. A similar rating went to. the "Feehan Flash." To Attend M~etings Convention attendance is up coming for many Diocesan edu cators. The Diocese will" be well represented at next week's NCEA meeting in Atlantic City and also attracting many will be the National Catholic Music Education convention to be held the following week in New York City. At Dominican Academy mem bers 0': Le Cercle Francais are. readying a skit to present for members of the Cercle Litteraire which meets at the school. Ac tresses are Bernadette Rodrigues, Eileen Gauthier, and Janine Parent. Harriet Kelly will be the announcer. Also at "DA, Latin Week is being obser~ed by· Latin classes with discussion' of Roman 'cus toms. And the fateful Ides. of March were marked by a cere monial reenacting of the burial of Caesar, made as authentic as serious research allowed.
Episcopalian Bishop ~orkshop Speaker
CHRISTiAN YOUTH MOVEMENT: Christian Youth Movement officers at Prevost High School, Fall River, are, seated, Paul Carrier, president; standing,' from left, Wilfrid Michaud, vice-president; Edmond Tremblay, secretary treasurer. The group is co-sponsored by Jesus-Mary Acad emy, last night presented a ~ho~ly student-organized Pas sion Play at the academy audItorIUm. Elections have been in the news .at Prevost, with Gilbert L'italien to be next year's Maple Leaf editor, with Roland Lam balot and Paul Martel as assist ants' and Robert Lambalot be coming president of the student council upon resignation of the former president. Gilbert L'Ital-' ;ien was named vice-president and will also represent the council at the state convention to be held in May. At a regional student council on'/ention set for mid-April at Nauset, Feehan's delegates will be Richard McAdams, Raymond O'Brien, Peter Phipps, Brian Nerney and Elyse Parmentier. College Acceptances 'At Mt. St. Mary's: Carol Bed narz, scholarships and govern ment grants from BU and BC; Donna' Hinchcliffe and Sandra Thiboutot, scholarships to Union Hospital School of Nursing. At· Cassidy: Kathleen Adams, accepted by St. Joseph's, North Winden, Me.; Margaret Cullen, Joyce DeMello, Janet DeMello, Mary Keating, Joyce Mansfield, Westfield; Barbara Quill, URI; Donna Perry, Janet DeMello, Stonehill; Mary Keating, Fram ingham; Linda Figueiredo, Lem uel Shattuck Hospital; Margaret Cullen, Joyce Mansfield, Fitch burg; Joyce DeMello, Rosemary McKenna, Bridgewater; Rose mary McKenna also at Salem; Anne Silva, Carol Pacheco, SMT!. At Jesus-Mary: Suzanne De mers, Suzanne Lagarde, SMTI; Susan Monast, Truesdale Hospi tal Schoo.I of Nursing. Expo '67 Some 80 Prevost students will visit· Expo '67 in May under 'di .rection of Brother Ovid, and also. at Prevost. the French Club
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is planning a Grand French Night Saturday, April 8. Club President is Wilfrid Michaud. And at Jesus-Mary the ac cent's on Spring as glee club members prepare for a Spring concert to be presented Wed nesday, May 10 and Sunday, May 14. With theme "Say It With Music," the program will feature selections from Camelot, Mary Poppins and The Music Man. Holy Family The Monsignor McKeon De bate Society now stands 12 wins
and no losses in the Narry League following four more su~cessful contests. M i c h a e] Kramer and Karl Fryzel repre sented the society at Notre Dame High, Fitchburg. Timothy Place, who. received a letter of commendation for his outstanding score in the National Mer i t Scholarship Qualifying Test, has been offered a $1600 scholarship to Boston College and a $140u award from Holy Cross. The Simon Bolivar National Honor Society held its first in duction ceremony and the fol lowing officers were installed: Jacqueline Robillard, president, and Janice Morency, secretary. Sister Mary Bernardine, R.S.M.. is the organization's moderator.
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:TH,E ANCHOR-Diocese bfFall Rh'er-Thurs. Mar. 23, 1-967
Refusal to Sign Open lettterr on Vietnam' By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Director, Socia! Action Dept., NCWC)
Readers of the Catholic Press will be aware of the
fact that the bishops of the United States h~ve been se
.verely· criticized by Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, professor o-f
religion at Stanford, University, by John Leo of the Com
:IDonweal, 'and by other Pro- number of changes in the text. testant and Catholic writers At this stage of the game, how-
'for failing to appear at the ever, that's neither here nor
IUmobiIization for peace" held there.
In Washington last month under Reader's Impression
~e . sponsorship of Clergy and "I might add, that, in my judg Laymen' Conment; the use of an individual
eerned Abo u t signer's institutional association
Vietnam. They 'for identification purposes only:'
will a 1sob e ... !s rather unrealistic. . "The average newspaper read aware of' the :tact that Bishop .' ;el'i quite understandably, doesn!t
m~ke th~s distinction, and not
James P. S h a n - m e r e l y because it is usually car-
Don, Auxiliary ried in small print away down
m the archdioat the bottom of the page.
eese of St. Paul"When the average reader sees
IvJ.inneapolis, has John Smith identified in an
taken issue with open letter as the president or
MeSsrs. Brown secretary of X-organization, he
and Leo. I have almost inevitably' aSSUmes that
D~ desire to get involved hl'this Mr. Smith. is speaking for that
rourteous but rather pointed organization.
controversy-and this is not ";""Iricidentally, this will help to · merely because- of the fact that . explain why so mimy bishops, ., the principals are aU very' .good ,for example, are reluctant to;, > friends of m i n e . s i · g n open letters. .They don't .! .. On the other hand, I would "want to give the impression that'
like to say that I wholeheartedly they are acting in their official
·.agree with BishopShanon's basic :capacity and are trying to com ;'pE/lnt, namely, that no one has . mit' other people to their'pointof t .the right ito decide how his view on· matters which. allow fellow-Christians should express 'for 'legitimate differences of
their moral concern about .the' opinion;'
war in Vietnam. "The same is true oj many .
.. Call It Idiosyncrasy other people-Catholics, Protes-
I had occasion to make this tans, and Jews-who· may hap
point recently in reply to a PE!n to have less important insti
ll,etter I received asking me. to tt,;tional or organizational titles.
sign - an "Open Letter on Viet- This I know from experience.
mam" which will be pubiished . ·Less ·Pressure, More Freedom
lIater this month in a number of "In closing, may I respectfully
Catholic periodicals. My reply, express the earnest .hope· that
in the form ot a, personal note the unwillingness of some of us
;,. to the secretary of the committee to sign your open letter will not '" ) which drafted the Open Lette.r, be interpreted as' a 'dereliction .',. .reads in part as follows: '.'·of'dutY on our part, or more spe "During my 20-odd years at ieifically, as prima facie:evidence ;the U-. S·!' Gatholic Conference,:l :.that we- are· not 'in sympathy I:: have been asked to sign a min- ~with' 'Pope Paul's ': 'numerous 'r,l:i ·imum of .200 open. letters On al- statements on the . crisis' in most as many subjects. "Vietnam. :", ,.,.: "Of this number, I have signed, ,·;""This type of criticiSm;·· how 'at the most, half-a-dozen, not ever well-intentioned, 'can easilY:',',",'; ' : ' .' necessarily,. because I disagreed':degenerate into a etude form of :'.<' with the substance of the othe'r iblackmail; . .. . 194 letters,'. but simply becaug¢, .' ""Be··that:as it may, I honestly .,,:: ),J :by temperament, I just don 1t think we could do with :3 little ,,'.. ''like ··being .'asked to sign" pubHc 'less" pressure' and a little' more statements:·of this kind. when!'I m-eed'oin in this 'matter of·wit- '" I
haven't be~n :consulted in ad- 'nessirtgto our respective·points·
vance aQout. their. content arid ':of' view on controversial issues•.
phraseology. ,~I' also' think we' could do with '."".'
, '''Call it an idiosyncrasy on my ;&:: little more respect for' the
part-but that just happens to be opinions orthose who 'may· hGrt
the wa:' I feel about the matter. . estly: disagree with us on ·such
'11his will explain why I have re- issues. i,
llt.ctantlydecided not .to sign "In saying this, I am notsyg- . :'
Tour own Open Letter on Viet- gesting'that your own open let. ~" .; lIlam; . tel' Is lacking in respec~ foll' "
Prefers Own Words··"··..·· . other people's opinons. I am of ;,' ."N E'~dless to add, I share 'your' . the opinion, however, that many'·, ..
concern about Vietnam, but'· i:' oPen letterS leave much to be
would prefer to express my con;.-· .' desired in this regard."
ePrn in my own name and in my - .
owit words. This doesn't mean
that I am opposed to collective Cardinal Cushing
statements or manifestos· as ·a
matter .of principle. It simply Names Consultant BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car
mear.s that, if I am going to sign such documents, I would like to dInal Cushing has named James
O. Dunn, a certified public ac
have something to say, in ad countant and professor' of ac
vance, about their wording. "Incidentally, if I had. been' counting in the Boston College
consulted in advance about the school of business administra-'
tion, as financial and business
wording of your own Open Let consultant to the Boston archdio
ter, I would have suggested a cese.
A magna cum laude graduate .
RephBce.Ulnln@1l'll of the Boston College' school of
MARLBORO (NC) 'I' h e 'business administration, Dunn
earned his master's degree at the
Prince Georges County Minis krial -]nion "ere in Maryland Harvard graduate school of bus
has dissolved itself in order to iness 'administration. He is the '
form a new organization that author of a book and numerous
will include Catholic and Jewish, articles on accounting and busi- .
as. well as Protestant, cl~rgymea. .ness matteI'S.
IloW ·to lDake .old.laslhli.oned mayonnaise ~itl,out even trying' Of course, yOll can make 01d~f,ashionedmayonnalse
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mJxlng real ()ld-f~lshioJjedl m~yo;malse. It pleases us to' have 1'0\1 enjoy the tastiest 'mayonnaise we know how to whIp up. .After an, In a htlndred '~nd' one Important ways. at Firat
NatIonal ••
You come· first
In your'
me ANCHOR-Diocese of FaD Inver-Thurs. Mar. 23,1967 --
SERVICEMEN AID VIETNAMESE ORPHANS: Major Hershel C. Gordon, center, receives a check from Master Sgt. Samuel L. Frybarger of Falmouth, second left, in the p~esence of Master Sgt. James J. Forman of
Archdioces'e Has Over $36 Million Capital Debt ST. LOUIS (NC)-The St. Louis archdiocese has an out standing capital debt of more than $36 million, the first
Otis Air Force Base, left, and two unidentified servicemen on right. Sister Benedict of the Can Tho orphanage receives packages from two servicemen for her care of the orphans.
Servicem,en in Vietnam, Wives at Home Help War Orphans to Su,:vive A Vietnamese orphanage, adopted by a U. S. Squadron, is able to feed and clothe ~er 125 babies through the helping hand extended by the families and friends of the servicemen at home. Southeastern Massachusetts is said to have responded most massively to the plea. The credit for getting the project rolling here goes to the determination of two Cape Cod housewives. In October, Te resa Frybarger of Falmouth with collections in Buzzards four a week when the men first heard of Sister Benedikt's work heard from her husband, a Bay." throug:l their chaplain. master sergeant with the She recalled how "around Now the Sister writes a new
financial report made public by the archdiocesan treasurer's of fice revealed here. The report was promised in February when Joseph Cardinal 619th Tactical Control, about the Ritter told an Expansion Fund r-light of the children - new meeting that a complete financial born to age 3 - collected and statement of the archdiocese's cared for by only two French "revolving fund" would be is Catholic nuns. sued. He predicted that the peo- ' Ever since she and her friend, pIe of the archdiocese would Gloria Carlson Swanson of Buz zards Bay, have spared neither find it "startling." The report does not include time nor effort to alleviate the operating expenses such as costs situation of the war orphans. In no time they passed the for archdiocesan functions at the chancery or archdiocesan of!fice word to religious and civic or ganizations and began their own building. : task of collecting and shipping For High Schools . Of the outstanding capital debt the donations offered. Great Cooperation of $36,499,193, a total of;$10,618, 964 goes toward pay'ment of While their children are at . high schools. The figure repre school they set off in their cars sents the remainder of!$15 mil to pick up the food and light lion in loans which w~re taken weather clothing. On certain, out for archdiocesan h i g h 'days during the week they get. schools. , I together in the Catholic Church . at Otis Air Force Base to pack The archdiocese owes $24,780, 229 to parishes and orga,'nizations the five':'pound parcels'that are shipped directly to the 619th which lent mOney to the: archdiO cese. Parishes deposit' in' the Squadron. Postage is taken care fund when they .have' surpius , of throu~h the Cl)l,\plain's Fund money or when they plan future at the Bllse. "The, reason 'Project Helping building. , The capital debt f;gure also Hand' has been so successful is Includes $1,100,000, the balance that' people of many faiths co:' of a $1.5 million loan made for operate," believes Mrs. Swanson, purchase of Hotel Alverne which , a pert, warm hearterl brunette. was purchased and remodeled in In her home overlooking Butter , 1956, ~nd is now operated by the miik Bay, she told about the or-' Franciscan Missionaries of Mary phanage and means of getting as a retirement home for elderly help to ·it.', "Father John Carroll at ~t. persons. The archdiocese is the guarantor of the mortgage loan. Margaret's Church in Buzzards The parishes and organizations Bay alerted' all his catechism' which have borrowed from the classes to the needs; more funds archdiocese owe a total of came from the St. Vincent de $23,615,712, the report shows. Paul Society; the Bourne School The organizations which borrow system pitched in; St. Mary's in or deposit funds include offices Onset; St. Patrick's in Ware and apostolates connected and ham; the Episcopal' Church hi Buzzards Bay, the Methodist concerned with the archdiocese. The financial report, released Church in Onset; others in Wareham and Falmouth came to in preparation for the 1967 Car dinal Ritter Golden Jubilee our aid." , Spontaneous Assistance Drive for Expansion, "is an at tempt to make the needs and op The most wonderful thing erations of the archdiocese more about it is how many spontane understandable'to the people," ously offered assistance without Msgr. Rowland E. Gannon, arch even being asked directly, she remarked gratefully. diocesan treasurer said. Sin c e the expansion fund "Women from other areas of drives began in 1950, a total of Cape Cod have called me and $23,143,770 has been contributed, are taking charge in their com according to figures from the munities. Mrs. Stuart Myers for 1;reasurer's office. Hyannis, Mrs. George Walsh for The 'full financial statement Osterville, Mrs. John Newton was published as an advertise and E. B. Overlock for Gray ment in the St. Louis Review, Gables. Sam Habbib is helping
Christmas time we were able to send over $1,000 to the war or phans of Can Tho."
More recently Hairy Chestley, president of the Wareham Kiwanis Club, has taken Project Helping Hand under the wing of that organization. Conunander
"I am not much of an organ izer myself-rather a do-it-your self worker" she avowed, still a little incredulous at how much she and Teresa are able to &C 'complish for the babies in their 'own quiet fashion. Completely at ease in a small group of friends Mrs. Swanson admits she is quite nervous about addressing large gatherings, but has been ahle to conquer her fears all for the good of the cause. The reward has well out weighed the pains. , In four short months Project Helping Hand was able to "give nev confidence to the chiidren for a better chance in life" .in the words of Major Hershel C. Gordon, U.S.A.F., Squadron Conunander, as he thanked the families of the men "for taking so active a part in bringing peace, social and economic sta bility t, the Republic of South Vietnam."
wing has been built, sufficient for this year; there is also enough clothing, but food-pow dered milk, dried cereals, soap, baby oil and powders, diapers wr- always be needed. An appeal has come from a New Bedford nurse, Ariadne Papazian, stationed in Ben Hoa .at the 93rd Evancuation Hospi tal, for another orphanage in her vicinity. Need Is Great "There is great need for food and clothing. The weather is hot 80 the children need just enough to cover their bodies with," she writes. Mrs. Swanson discussed the plea with Father George R. Con nelly, chaplain at Otis Air Force , Base, and was told the babies in this other area of South Vietnam cQul!i. be helped by the sain~ project. ... The telephones continue to' buZZ day and night at the Swan son and, Frybarger homes lmd the women are only too happy to expand their efforts further to provide the essentials of life for the' childr~n of 'Vietnam.
. Card anal CU~rtGng Asks $50BMnP:~eo'n BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car dinal Cushing of Boston has an nounced a $50-million fund raising effort for' an archdiocesan development program. The program, to be known as JUbilee: Tribute and Challenge, has been launched for the "sup port and expansion of existing programs and institutions and the construction of additional essential facilities." Cardjnal Cushing said it is the first appeal for funds, on a per sonal basis, in his 22 years as archbishop or Bostc,)D. He also said he would retire from his post on his 75th birth day on Aug. 24, 1970,
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Cardinal' Bea Praises Progress
.Of Catholic-Jewish Relations
n'HEANCiOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 23,1967
Catholic Effort Organizes Northeast Brazil Workers
VATICAN CITY (NC)-The head of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity has praised the efforts in many countries to carry out the ecu menical council's Declaration on the Relations betwen Catholics and Non-Christian Religions.
From "Social Revolution in ·the New Latin America"
Edited by John J. Considine, M.M.
In northeast Brazil we are assisting a whole program of rural labor development with four technicians that we already have on the scene: a trade unionist, a cooperative expert, an agricultural economist and an agricultural en gineer in Recife. The rural Father Garcia of the Central labor movement of the American University followed Northeast, organized origin Bishop Prata. "I see that CLASC ally by the circulos operarios, isn't here," he said. "This is a represents a' tremendous effort on the part of the Catholic Church to get into the field of campesino de velopment. They've com pletely stolen the t hunde r from . Francisco .Juliao, the Com munist League's cam pes i nist. This . Catholic effort has over 200,000 organ ized workers in their ranks, and our people are wor1~ing hand in hand day by day wi.tb Father Melo and Father Crespo in an effort to establish campesino service centers wherein we teaCH . marketing methods, fertilization, irrigation, and the technical ~now-hl)w of 20th century farm ing because land r-efo.rm is not efll)ugh. This and manY,many &ther efforts are being carried 00 in tite field of social development by the American Institute f<H' Jrree Labor Development, and recently we've established a Community Services Department ljO that we can care for the human element so that wedou't just go down and build a lot l)f buildings and a lot of il'lstitutiGfls which frankly had .as their ulti mate end the material progress of lleople. But where we can we help them maintain those institutions and resist exploitation from either foreign exploitation l)r do mestic exploitation and huild real democracy at the grass roots. This, in the brief time allotted to me, is the record l)f the Amer i.can labor movement to date in l.atin America. Jose Marti We consider Jose Marti of Cuba f<o be one of the great po litical philosophers of Latin America. He had some advice that many of us leaders of the American Institute for Free l.abor Development take to heart and try to practice in Latin America. He was the Abraham Lincoln of Latin America. He could coin a phrase. At one time 'he said as he observed the world, "EI nnundo se divide en don ramas: los. que aman y fundan, los que .odian y destruyen."-"The wocld divides itself into two branches: those who love and build, those who hate lIIld destroy." , We like to think we'are lov,.. 'ing and we like to think we are lMiilding. CODeerning CLASC At the CICOP conference in Chicago, as soon as Mr. Doherty eom~leted this presentation of the work of ORIT in. Latin America, Bishop Prata of' La PJZ, Bolivia, asked for the, floor. "I appreciated verY much the wonderful explanation Mr. Doherty gave," he said, "but please forgive me if 1 voice a little criticism. We are here to d.iscuss the topic 'Christians and the Workers' Movement' an~ w-e had the idea that we would hear from the d.ifferent movementS. I would appreciate a word af explanatio.m."
Christian movement and' appar ently hasn't been invited. Why is it that qLASC and ORIT, both of which are labor movements, do LEAVES POST: Father not mingle in Latin America? Where CLASC and ORIT work' John F. Cronin, S.S., widely in Latin America I have seen . known author and lecturer that CLASC criticizes ORIT very on economic and political af strongly. I would like to know fairs, is leaving the post he why." has held since 1946 as assist The CICOP program commit tee tried hard to have a presen' ant director of the Social tation of CLASC at the confer Action department, U. S. ence but did not succeed. To Catholic Conference. NC many men of experience, the Photo bitter controversy between the two movements threatens to play' into the hands of the lef.tists. Origins of CLASC In 1954 Christian 'Democratic elements established a labor con federation for the purpose of co- . INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Indi ordinating Christian trade union .ana Gov. Roger Branigin has activity throughout Latin. Amer vetoed a controversial 'bili to ica. permit abortions in cases of rape This organization, the Confed or ineest. eration l)f Latin American Cbris-· The bill, passed only last week Uan Trade Unionists (CLj\SC), by the state Senate, was a re early became the rl;!gional affili stricted version oia House ate of the International Confea passed bill, which would have eration of Christian Trade Union added the additional grounds. ~ ists which claims membership of mental and physical .healto:md some millions, two-thirds af the probable birth of a defective whom are in Europe. child. Its world .headquarters are in Present Indiana law permits Brussels, Belgium. Christian abortion only to save a woman's trade unionists of Europe have life. shown great sympathy for CLASC. Branigin, a Baptist; said 'De "For most of the opponents, had "ljstened to the many .prctC CLASC is an insignificant group, tical medical and social goals not worth while talking about," which are' thought. to be accam states N. Leynse on the ORIT- plished 'by .this act. But," 1le CLASC controversy in the Eng added, "I cannot in good <:00. lish-Ianguage edition .of Labor science approve it." . (Issue Number 2, 1965), the Both were strongly opposed by house organ of the International the state's Catholic bishops. In II Federation of Christian Trade statement issued shortly after Unions. the House measure was intro Representative !Expelled duced, the bishops called the "Yet, these last two years more bill a "betrayal" of the inviola bility Gf human life. paper and ink have been used up in writing on CLASC than about any other organization." It is the contention of the In ternational Federation of Chris tian Trade Unions that forces from the. United States sought to block the entry of the IFCTU into Latin America. The first representative 'of that organiza tion to carry on in Latin America was expelled as a communist agent and U. S. influence was 365 NORTH FRONT SJREET blamed. NEW BEDFORD "Let we were not destroyed," observes Leynse, "we have 992-5534 grown up to be a movement that embodies the hope in a better future in .all the countries (){ Latin America." FiDaDdn~ CLASC NO JOB BIG European sources have of late NQNE-roo SMAll supplied considerable' funds for the development of CLASC. "The largest part of this money," explains Leynse, "and the whole budget of aid to or PRINTERS
ganizatil)ns comes from the Main' OHice and PllInt
Solidarity Fund of the IFCTU, while a great part of the.action 95 Bridge Sf., towen, Mass.
in the field of education is co Tel. 458-6333
financed by the German (Chris tian) Foundatil)n 'Int.ernational Auxiliary~antl Solidarity.' BOSTON "But one should not think that only Christian-social activities CAMDEN. N.J. are financed by German funds. OCEANPORlI', N.J. Social-democratic services also, MIAMI and in Latin America the groups linked with ORIT, the Inter PAWTUCKEV, IU. american Regional Trade Union, PHILADELPt1lilA receive German support:'
The l)ccasion of the statement was a visit to Rome by a dele gation of the American Jewish Committee. Headed by Robert . T. Cutler of Philadelphia and Simon Lazarus Jr l)f Cincin nati, the delegation has already visited Israel and Greece. Mter its Rome visit it continued tis tour, stopping at .Madrid. Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., joint discussions between Christians and Jews on contem porary social issues, as well as in areas of religious understanding. u~ged
Governolr Vetoes Abortion Bilt
Heating Oils
and BIll4l"ners
Among issues that could be dis cussed were those of state aiel to education and textbook support, he said. Strides in Understanding The cardinal noted that there have been many strides in mu tual understanding, citing' a re cent sl-mposium on .Judaism and Christianity at st. Joseph's Col lege in Philadelphia. However, he noted this discussion is just a beginning and said much pa tience, wisdom and determina tion will be required by all. "We cannot undo in a few years misunderstanding and pre judices among fellow Christian religions going back five and nine centuries," he said. "So what shall we say of our. mis understandi~gs with the Jews going back so many centuries more?"
n. In gfVo :ing. ¥oui!re happiest woon you give yourseJfto ttte-peop/e who need you most. ••• A mother, for instance,hums with :happiness when she. bat1les and dresses her baby. A good muse al· ways tJas' time for a smile. Good fathers whJstI. at their <wort. • • • The .best sort of giving in volves. more tnan wri.t~ Chectts-:Stil1, '1uJw bet ter .canyou .help the .cfllfdren now who need you oversea:slBoys and !glrJs who aB btIn1t ;Iepers,. deaf-mutes, orph81'ls-y()urmoRBY.~ targe:and .sman, feed tttem. ~ 1tuml. CllF.e:tbem,,give them a chance tn fife•••• 'Want 'When :are you happiest? Happiness
to be ~ier thi5- Eastefl Give.sometlBppiness to'B'cl}T1Ci. You'Ub9hapw. tool
In Erumathala, south IndIa,.a you~ IAdlan girl '·JSIn 'Wming to be 11 Sister of the Destitute wHl ·A . Jearn, .amongother things, how to 'cere for
SISTER . orphans. Her training costs $300 atl toilS ($1-2:050 a month, $150.009 year), a 'small m ,wstmentfor a Sisterls lifetime of service. LIke to be her sponsor? Her name Is 'Sister Terna, and sJ:ie will write to you.
... ••
Flve·year-old Teresa MariaseM, an orphan In _, lndis,needs everything Ilttle ·glrl. need. $10 will pay her expenses month·by. month, we'll send you her photo.
BrIghten the heart of'a blind boy In the Gaza
Is 'Strip (where.Samson lived). $3 gives·h1m ShOSB, CLOTHING $5 ~es, $Ulunch for a yearl . ~
HAPPINESS Wharethere Ila none In .southlndJa. ~ou can 'IS ·bulld a six·room permanent ,s:chool -for on1J
A ,$3.,2OD. 'Archbls~ ·Mar Gregor1os ,wtn 'se1eDt SCHOOLth8 V111age,supervise construction and write to "thank JOII. TI1e clllJdren wlllpnty'for you, and
you. mv ,neJll8.ttre"sc1:11x>1 ·fol'.yourfavorite saint, In your loved onBB' memOf)lJ
MonslInDl'~ ~Pj;fAllffJiD$~-----ruRr..--=~~~==~~
Pfe:...1IMI.. '=~=~=-=~== rektmcoUj)OA
w1tbyour offerlns
tHI GAT-HaLla N... IA... MlILPA• • A••• eIATIati
fRANCIS CARDINAL SPElLMAN, PRs1dent . . MSGR. JOHN G.NOLAN, NaUonal SecretaI)' Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoo. 330 Madison Avenue·New Yort, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 112/yukon ~-5840
Methodists Hear
i j
CINCINNATI (NC)-Ecu menism should go beyond di alogue and cooperation be tween Christian churehes to
Boston Senate
World Dialogue
BOSTON (NC)-The archdi ocesan priests' senate here has received 0 committee recom mendation that representation on the senate be extended to the 1,075 religious communities' priests serving in the Boston archdiocese. The recently formed s~mate has been limited to 00 priests elected by and from the 1,429 secular priests in the arch
Fr. Baum Urge
include "dialogue with the world," Father Gregory Baum, .O.S.A.. told Methodist leaders here. Father Baum, who is associ ated with the Center of Ecumen ical Studies at St. Michael's Col lege, Toronto, Ont., was the key note speaker at the opening of . the Methodist Church's two-day conference on· "Educating for Ecumenism." Some 360 delegates attended. "It is through dialogue with the world," he declared, "that the Church is often redeemed from her preoccupations with in significant details and purely in stitutional questions." lllo:illem \Vorllll Problems Charging that "when Chris tians are among themselves, they may be tempted to deal eJl: clusively with problems of the past," Father Baum said: "It is here that the involvement of the churches in the larger issues of the human community acts as a factor of redemption. The prob lems of the modern world force the churches to face the present." He suggested that "many young people" believe the tradi tiona1 approach to "purely theo logical and institutional issues" in the dialogue between Chris tian churches "does not lead them to share in the larger issues of the human community." "I believe that our young peo ple in all the churches, especially at universities and colleges, be gin .to be impatient with the churches (I (I (I when they are mainly concerned with churchly questions," he said. ' Father Baum expressed the opinion that "Roman Catholic interest in ecumenism is intense in many parts of the world." He noted that "in the United States and Canada wide sections of the Christian population have been gripped by the new spirit." "In the Roman Catholic Church," he said, "we Ifind on every level the willingness for ecumenical cooperation and fel ~owship-on the level of theology and research, on the local level, on the episcopal level. The ecu menical movement has been so successful that it has changed a whole aspect of our national life." Again warning against exclu sive attention to "ecclesiastical problems," Father Baum said he considered it "of greatest impor tance for the future of the ecu menical movement that the ehurches involved in dialogue and cooperation show an ever growing concern for pFoblems that are problems for other peo ple too." -Ecumenism does not create D Christian club where men turn their backs on the world," he said. "Ecumenism brings Chris tians together as brothers so that, as a family, they can enter into oolidarity with the human com munity, bear the burden with others, and become more deeply united by serving others in the Dame of Christ."
Tburs., Mar.. . " 23, 1967
A,k@[Jtf@ffi C{
of C
fU!r~O~CL ff~@ter~am
On' ~®@
NEW HAVEN (NC) The Knight Watch Commit tee of the AJrkansas Knights of ColumbUlis has prepare(]l for nationwide distribution three I5-minute ta~ Fecordings deal ing with cUITent communist ac tivities in the U. S. A fourtPll tape is now in production. The committee established! three years ago by the Arkansas K. of C. to edlucafte Americans eonceming sub,,'eFsion being car Fied on by communists. The pro gram is endorced .and supported! by )l'lishop Albert L. Fletcher ot! Little Rock, Ad.. . The three tapes in circulatioi!1 €lea! with "Cybernetic Warfare the Brainwashing of the Amer ican People," "Recruiting Tech niques of Communism in the U. S.,". and "Communist Disci pline." The fourth tape, which will be ill ustrated wi t'1 projection slides, will deal with "Communist Riot Tactics," and sl:ould be ready for drculation this spring. The Knight Watch program has een adopted by the K. of C. Supreme Council here, and is being circulated around the wOF]clI.
SCHOLARSHIPS AT CATHOLiC HJlGH IN WATTS: Industrialist Henry Salvatori, second from left, has given 100 scholarships for boys at Verbum Dei high school in Watts area of Los Angeles. He is shown with Msgr. Donald Montrose, archdiocesan school super intendent; former Dodger pitcher Don Newcombe and Fr. Joseph Francis. S.V.D., Ver bum·Dei principal. Newcombe, Verbum Dei booster. interested Salvatori in providing the .scholarships. NC Photo.
Reg. Master Plumber 2930 GEORGE M. MONTlE Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fan River 675·7497
Parishes 'Big Business' Layman
PJd@~t~® [0~GJnw~~~g &: He~rrr;L® cc:~o, Inc.".
Cites Success 1111 Umproving Operation
BLAINE (NC)-The only lay parisb. business manager in the Minnenpolls-St. Paul archdiocese has predicted there will be more lay parish administrators in the future, and has pointed to sev eral improvements in parish operations accomplished during bis nine-month stay. Timothy Fahey became busi ness manager of St. Timothy's here last year. Since his term began, he has instituted an ac counting system, established a CCfltral purchasing and control syster which requires competi
tive bidding, reviewed invest
ments of parish funds, given the parish a proposed budget and run a general fund drive. He is leaving the parish to take part in a business venture in Seattle, Wash:' The 35-year-old manager is a member of the National Associa tion of Church Business Admin istrators, a group which is com posed of the lay administrators of many Protestant churches.
Fahey predicted that lay man agers of Catholic parishes will be 'common in the future, and noted a fellowship . offered by the NACBA for a two-year course in church administration. Fahey pointed out that par ishes are often among the larg est business operations in 2n area. "Ie said that public school districts and municipalities are often the only organizations whose busines_ operations ex ceed those of parishes.
Don't Neglect Slipping
May the Bright Promise of Hope
in the redemption of
Dl!I flhIse teeth drop. ali];) or wobblc wh<m you talk, eat, la~h or aneeze"t B0n't be annoyed and embarrllSSed
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Message of that first EASTER
fill your hearts with Great Joy
;s the wish of
and Loan Associofiol1J AITUE~ORO
~1 IP'@I?~~ ~frll'~~fr
N~YH B)~[J>f©~ti))
~1i8l [LIj IT'31Til ~frli"~~fr
,,_ANCHOR-:Diocese of Pal ,River-Thurs. Mar. 23, 1967
ROJLY F AMILY CHAMPS IN SCHOOL: Autographing the basket ball used in winning the final in the Tech tourney, Boston, are Steve 'Doherty, Steve Lawless and Bob Pariseau. The 1967 Catholic Tournament
',Backs Ca~ifcrnia
Housing laws
Trophy is admired by Dave Chevalier and Billy Walsh. Dennis Kennedy _discusses the .final score of 57 to 48 over Oliver Ames High School, No. -E'aston, with Holy Family HighSchool principal, Sr. Charles Francis, R;S.M.
Holy Family' Higllt School's Garden Viciories Perpetuate "Happy Family High" Tradition
Chinese Find Bible Difficult to Read
HONG KONG (NC) - Five Protestant ministers complained at a panel discussion 'here that By Andrew Joseph Hong Kong Chinese are too busy read the Bible or .too afraid to The Diocese of Fall River cim justifiably be proud of the latest basketball accom to own one. plishment of New Bedford's Holy Family High, the winning of the Class C Tech Tourna "Hong Kong people are in' such ment championship in Boston Garden. Coach Jack Nobrega's.unbeaten team, in establish a rush to close the door to every ing itself as one of the state's finest combines, brings much favorable comment' and thing not within the immediate scope of living," said the Rev. C. attention on a school that sistant Coach John Brennan. Mary Anastasia RS.M., Sister· Westergren, "that they have be has always been in the fore Mary Emeline RS.M., Sister come victfms of the 'tyranny of Holy Family's 25-0 record front of hoop play in its going into the State Tourney Mary Jane RS.M., Sister Mary urgency' and feel Bible reading Charlene RS.M" Silster Mary can be put aside, that you can do was put together by many things, class over the years. The 57-48 title conquest of principally desire and team Evangela RS.M" Sister Mary without it." Maris Stella RS.M" Sister Mary "Many people, particularly Oliver Ames of North Easton . play. No better example of this Dianne RS.M., and Sister' Mary non-Christians, are afraid to will long be remembered by read the Bible," declared Rev. those close to the Holy Family never-say-die spirit that has Bernardine R.S,M.. scene and area !followers of brought Holy Family High to A combination that is second James Eu, "bet:ause they know the heights of hoop greatness is to none is the happy family at that in (Communist) China,y.ou schoolboy basketball. tion. can be put into prison for own the manner in which the boys ·Holy Family High. It was accomplished' by a The amendment - wid ely ing one." . known as Proposition 14 on the supreme team effort and superb won the Tech. coaching. They reacted magnificently to ballot-was approved by the It was a continuance of Holy the loss, on five fouls, of Law voters in 1964. But the state Su ONSlAGE - IN PERSON· Family High's winning habit less, the team's big man, in the , . preme C01.lrt rejected the amend APRIL 6 8:00 P.M.· ment in 1966. That action is now ieading to championships in the , third period and carried on', to . FALL RIVER win. . under appeall with the U. S. Narry League and the New En gland Catholic Class B Tourna ,The team is well-coached' by Supreme Court, ' ment. . Nobrega, one of the area's most Said Lynch after his meeting Holy Family now enters the respected mentors. with Reagan: "The ruling of our eight-school State Tournament I CHANTEUR$ DIE PARIS . The guidance arid support state Supreme Court is the law Saturday, meeting Chicopee, the offered by the Sisters of Mercy 'of California. As lawyer for the Western Massachusetts standard state, it is my duty to defend the bearer, in the quarter-finals at at. Holy Family High have played no small part in the court ruling." Then he filed his 6:30 P.M. in the Garden. team's success. brief, asking the court to uphold The combine of Captain Den Sister Mary Charles Francis, the California decision. nis Kennedy, Steve Lawless, ,R.S.M., the school's principal, and The move was hailed by John Steve Doherty, Billy Walsh, Bob } r faculty have been with the DeLury, executive secretary of' Pariseau and Dave Chevalier Nobrega forces all the way, in the archdiocesan Commission on can be counted on to give a cluding the games in the Garden. Social Justice. typically-spirited Holy Family This "bench strength" includes performance. J Sister Mary Daniel RS.M., Sis There have been others on ter Mary Kateri RS.M., Sister 89-Y el!'.!1 a'~O M "iJ~XOJS
the team who have helped make the Nobrega forces, the !t@ <6~(!)$~
N<aJme fli'teso«:IJ~ll'llll' reserves who, day after day, AUSTIN (NC)-A drive for scrimmage the starters to get DENVER (NC)-Sister Patri funds ·failed so 89-year-old. St. Edward's High School conducted them ready for the next test. cia Jean Manion, 42, has been by Holy Cross Brothers here will They inclUde Joe Muraco, John named president of nearby Lo re"tto Heights College 'to succeed Gushue, Paul Couture, Ed Car close on May 26. ballo, Ken Kramer, and Ron Sister Eileen Maris Heckman, Brother Peter Marano, C.S.C., Lyonnaise, and, of course, 48-, 62, who will retire Aug. 15., said the ,campaign for funds to continue the school fell far short of the $25,000 goal. He said OUf Austin Catholics indicated they would not support building a new school away from the pres ent campus.' . The school was founded in· Gulf Hill Man is
1878 with an enrollment of three farm boys as students. Present Always at enrollment is 300 students in FOR HOME DELIVERY ""CALL 998-5691 . in French and English grades 7 through 12. Brother ... Peter said the 14 Holy Cross ,TICKIETS: $4.50, $3.50, $2.40 - Phone 671-9357 Brothers at the school will be reassigned next school term. The Sponsored by St. Jean ' Baptiste Parish faculty also has nine lay teach so. DARTMOUTH, MASS. Special Attention to School Groups
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)--;-The head of the San Francisco arch , diocesan social justice commis sion has supported a brief filed, by the state attorney general asking the U. S. Supreme Court to rule in favor of California's fair housing laws. Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch filed the brief with the Supreme Court in spite of a 'clallh with Gov. Ronald Reagan. Before he was elected governor in 1966, Reagan was a leader of a con servative drive to have the fair housing laws repealed-and fur ther law outlawed - by an amendment to the state constitu
"You Can Whip Cream, but You Can't Beat Our Milk !" You,
Route Your Service!
A Festival of· Musical Merriment
Jim Kalperis'Falmouth High Trackmen Eye Cape Crown
. THE ANCHOR-Diocese
Wetterland Foresees Success
Norton High Coach
Track superiority and Lawrence High of Falmouth
sive record. However, the circuit promises to spotlight many performers who will be attempting to better existing records. Coach Jim Kalperis' trackmen have ron off with
the Class C in
door state cham pionshlp,South eastern n[assa chusetts Winter T rae k League an d a third
place finish in
the Boston Ath letic Association games. Kalperis, who expects competition from Dennis-Yar mouth, Dartmouth and Fair haven, thinks the league will be a little weaker than the Win ter Association due to the ab sence of Msgr. Coyle High of Taunton which will be partici pating in the Bristol County League and New Bedford High in the Greater Boston circuit. Coyle and New Bedford were the second and third place fin . isbers in the Association 'meet. Chance lor Many The conference teams will compete in the 15 major track events, in contrast to the larger Bristol County League whicb conducts only nine contests. The nine running events are the 100 and 220 yard dashes, the 440 and
880 yard runs, the mile and two
mile, also the high and low hur dles. The six field events include the high jump, broad jump, pole
vault, discus, javelin, and shot
put. The ru'e which restricts the
number of events in which a
squad may participate has little or no effect upon the depth
aplenty Falmouth club. In many
instances, the rule restricting participation by one player in a limited number of events forces <!l coach to juggle his lineup in order to eke out the greatest
number of potential points.
But, all in all, the rule does
achieve its purpose in that it
gives more boys an opportunity to participate, and, it permits the astute coach to place his best athletes in certain events so as
to amass a greater number of
team points. Dodge and Porter In other words, a coach can avoid pitting his ace sprinter against the area's best by putting him in another event in which the team's top sprinter will not have to compete against the area's finest. By so doing, the points are spread more evenly in the team scoring with result ant closer matches. Fairhaven and Dartmouth ap pear as the only threats to Fal
mouth. But, Fairhaven will find the going a bit tougher this sea son than it has in the past when it competed in the Bristol Coun ty loop which held contests in nine events. The Blue Devils this Spring will have to produce competitors in 15 events, not an easy task for Coach Mike Dodge. Fairhaven perennially has a strong runnning combine. It has Dot been as strong in the field events. Dartmouth, on the other hand, annually shows up well in dis tance events but seems to drop off, strength-wise, in the shorter runs. Coach Al Porter, one of the best hiBh school track men-
n problem this year in develop ing a club which will be 2S strong in the field events as it 1s In the running' matches. Talented Performers Just as in the case of Fair baven, Porter seems to find new talent in the Spring that fills the voids in his squad. Neither Dodge nor Porter are making any grandiose predictions about the up-coming season but past performances ought to be enough to put the competition on its guard. . A spotlight view of the league highlights individuals from al most every team, all potential record book performers. State ehampion~Pete'Bringhamof Fal mouth and Manny Pina of Old Rochester are the best of the 120 yard high hurdles, While Jack Carreiro stands alone in the 180 yard low hurdles. Kalperis claims his two hurdlers will be "tough to beat" in the league and also in the State meet in June. Wareham's Earl Mattois looms as the one to beat in the 100 and 220 but he can expect stiff com petition from Todd Walker of Dennis-Yarmouth and "Dingo" Pina of Old Rochester. BAA 300 champ Greg Anderson, also of the Clippers, is undoubtedly tops in the 220. Capable Di,stant Runners In the middle distance races, close contests are expected when Don Bumpus and Geoff Cahoon of Falmouth meet Carl Ventura of Dartmouth and Wareham's Reynolds Perry. The league also boasts five mllers capable of going the route in less than 4:50' and three two milers who can cover· the dis tance in close to. 10:00. The milers are Ed Rossi (Dart.), Tom Turkington and Alson' "Salty" Handy (Fal.), Mike Bear (D-Y), and Evert ;Karman . ·(Ware.). Freshman . M' ark Bringham, brother' of Clipper hurdler Pete, who won the Winter league's two mile, is expected to continue his dominance over 'league oppo nents. However both Jim King (Dart.) and Jim Peters, a Fal mouth teammate, could upset the 14 year old youngster on a given day. The league roster of field event specialists is headed by another State champion from Falmouth, Don' McLean who won the Class D pole vaulting title last season. Falmouth has been moved up to Class C in the state and McLean aspires to an nex the medal in that division before the season is completed. Ed Banks of Dennis-Yarmouth provides the only serious threat to McLean in the course of the regular season. Robinson Javelin Ace Carl Gonsalves (Fal.) and
Rich Harrison (Ware.) appear to have an edge on the circuit's high jumpers while the broad jump is up for grabs among the individual teams' premier sprin ters and hurdlers. In the weight department Dartmouth is a slight team' favorite. Most outstanding dis cus, shot put and javelin men in the league last year have' graduated leaving the coaches with the task of rebuilding this phase of their program. One noteworthy exception is John. Robinson of Dennis-Yarmouth who is one of the best javelin throwers in the state.
Season Satisfactory to SMTI. Coach
nre synonymous this year as the Clippers stand "head and shoulders" above everyone else in the Capeway Conference. The apparent over-all strength of Falmouth indicates that it will add the conference tors in the Commonwealth, has el'Own to its already impres
of Fa II 'River-Thurs. Mar. 23,1967
Strong Freshmen Insure Future BY JOE MIRANDA
When coach Phil Wetterland of the Southeastern Massachu setts Technological Institute took over basketball this year, his main objective was to build a formative hoop team. SMTI enjoyed a most success ful campaign, finishing with a 12-13 record in a year designated to finding new talent and pro ducing a good representative for the future. Wetterland, who coached Durfee College .and was an as s:stant at SMTI in the 1965-66 season, played the entire cam-, paign with underclasmen form ing the nucleus of his club. Made Good Progress In a building season, the measure of success 4s determined by the amount of progress and knowledge the newcomers have achieved. Wetterland and SMTI are well pleased with this sea son's club. The Corsairs were made up of four seniors, one junior, two sophomores and five freshmen. In many games SMTI started with three freshmen, a sopho more and senior. Although we are very satisfied at the way our club played, Wet terland said, the record does not indicate their efforts, During the season, injuries to key personnel were very costly. SMTI, which played all its home games at SMTI gym in New Bedford, opened a tough schedule Dec. 1 at Western New England College and closed at New York Tech in Long Island, March 4, improved with each outing. Co-captains Ken Leonard of New Bedford and Herb Mosko witz of Fall River and senior teammates John Donnelly of Fall River and Mike Manchester of Tiverton played a prominent role, helping the newcomers break into the college ranks this season. Players Returning Wetterland feels that the con fidence his underclassmen gained this year will be invaluable next season when the Corsairs em bark upon a similar schedule with the same personnel. Junior Gerry Almeida of Tiverton at six-feet will be the lone senior returning when Wet terland calls for tryouts in November. Dave Sypko, outstanding cen ter. with Somerset High in the Narry League, is 6-2 and Paul Fernandes, a 5-10 guard who played with New Bedford High in the Greater Boston League, are sophomores. Most gratifying to all con nected with SMTI basketball is the progress of·this year's fresh man players Richie Jalbert, Ger ry Moxley, Joe Skypeck, Larry O'Brien and Bill Hurlbut. Freshmen Rundown Jalbert, a sharp shooting guard who received the Small School's outstanding player trophy from
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tremendous, the coach said. At the beginning of the caJlll~ paign, we turned the ball over a great number of times on violations, Wetterland noted adding that in one contest :ll~ the season's start, SMTI had 2!l turnovers. Of SMTI's 13 defeats, two were by two points and five others by less than seven points. This alone is an indicatioll thai! the Corsairs of Dartmouth wi]ll have to be reckoned with iJ.l 1967-68. SMTI showed championship form in stages during the sea son, once topping a strong Hus son combine and in the 31lnuall Holiday tournament, the COI'sail'S finished second. • Wetterland, a sound ·juc!ge oll basketball talent who posseses understanding in c6rrecti ng his newcomers' mistakes, noted thail his club was not consistent dur ing the campaign, but said that . this was a normal characteristic , with a young team. r SMTI has gained the basis of :l good basketball team and at the same time made a respectable showing during 1966-67. Be cause of this, coach Phil Wett~i' land and his SMTI hoopstern had a most successful year.
the South~astern Massachusetts refereeing organization in 1966 when a s~nioi at Holy Family, caged 30 p'oints against a good Bryant College team this season, his best effort of the campaign. '~lIIl1l11ll11l11l1l11l11ll11l1l11l11l11l1l11l11l1ll1l1ll11l1lm~ Moxley, a 6-1 guard from East· ~ DRY CLEANING ~ Bridgewater, improved tI'emen
~ and §
dously and big things are ex FUR STORAGE §
pected from the all-around ~ backcourt ace, while Skypeck,
who played CYO ball in New Bedford, did a tremendous job
off the' boards, using his 6-2
frame to the fullest extent. O'Brien, a six-foot yearling ~ 34-44 Cohannet Street § 822-6161 § from Braintree, and Hurlbut, a § Taunton ~1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)11(jj 6-1 forward from Tewksbul'y, also saw,' plenty of varsity ,ser vice throughout the season. St. FranCis Turnovers Costly
Residence The SMTI coach said" 'that
FOR YOUNG WOMEN Fernandes, a coming sophomore" may have broken into the start 196 Whipple St., Fall River ing lineup except for a foot in Condudecll by Franciscan' jury which hampered the fot'mer Missionaries of Mary . Crims'ori guard. ~OOM~ MEALS Our defense and free throw OV:,!NIGHT HO~"'-l\lITY shooting' can improve, but the Inquire 673-7890 strides we took in eliminating floor mistakes, this season were.
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Plan for Clergy In ,Cleveland'
lPermBt El!chan9~ Of Jurisdictiollil' for' Priests MANCHESTER (NC) ~ Priests of the Diocese of' Manchester have received permission ,to offer, Mass, 1I)reach and hear confessions in. bol'dering dioceses, Bishop Ernest' .1. Primeau of Manchester has lIIlnounced. Bishop Primeau stated: "It gives me great satisfaction ~ announce that our diocese h'as, oome to an agreement fOl' an ex dtange of jurisdiction with the archdiocese of Boston and the 4iioceses, of Worcester, Spl'i,ng~ 1iield, Portland and! Burlington. "Negotiations are presently ~nderway for a similar exchange with the archdiocese of Sher bl"Ooke, Canada, the only. other • ecclesiastical jurisdiction touch fmg on our own." Request Faculties Terms of the agreement allow priests who are in good standing iin their own diocese to ha ire same authorization to say Mass, pl'each and hear confessioils in the other diocese, provided they lIollow the -regulations of the pal' _ ticular territory. , The exchange of jurisdiction is 'believed to be one of the first, arrangements of this kind in the United 'States. The diocese of Manchster initiated the exchange' because of the frequency of r.e quests for .faculties hel'e, by', 1I)riests of neighboring Sees. '
Jewish Leaders
Hail Guidelines NEVI YORK (NC)-Two Jew fish leaders, Rabbi Marc lH. Tan nenbaum, director of intelTeli gious affairs, American Jewish Committee, and Dore Sch31'y of B'nai B'rith, lauded the guide Uines for Catholic-Jewish rela-' (Jions prepared by the U. S, Bish Gps'subcommission for Catholic Jewish affairs. Rabbi Tannenbaum said the guidelines "are "both a symbol of the significant 'growth in J'ewish-' Catholic understanding and ,a major contribution to stl'ength 011ing friendship and coopera tio'n." ' The guidelines, approved by &tie 16-member subcommission ~nd distributed to all Catholic ", bishops' in the United states, warn against proselytizing and recommend changes in textbooks i~ use in Catholic schools.' They also urge that relations be ad ~\, vanced on all levels, clerical and llay, academic and popular, reli gious and social: Rabbi Tannenbaum, who has played a prominent role in bet tering relations' from the Jewish side, said the guidelines "dl:mon strate an ,unparalleled sensiti vity to Jewish feelings and traditions ,in a way that would have been simply unthinkable a decade ago. Schary, national' chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, said it was the first time "a document promulgated by an official Catholic Church body, spelled out in such detail the issues in Catholic-Jewi~h re lations."
CLEVELAND (NC)-The 39-member priests; senate of the . Cleveland Diocese hall pr~posed ~ retirement plan , 'that' will provide pensi<!ns rang ing from $350 a ~onth,f9r priesta' ~ " Iiving in a parish rectory" or in stitution'to $550 a month if the, 'live els~",here. The plan has been submltted to Bishop Clarence d. Issenmanlll 'of' Cleveland for approval. If approved, the plan will go intO effect Jan, 1, 1968, but any priest who retires before then may re ceive aU the benefits immedi ately. The proposal calls for optional retirement at· age 65; advisory retirement at 70 and mandatory retirement at 72: There are some 600 diocesan priests serving in the Cleveland Diocese; approxi mately another,300 belong to re' ligious orders.. The retirement fund, the pro posal recommended, would be administered by a board selected OPENING CEREl\WNY OF HOLY WEEK: Bishop Connolly,assisted by Rev. Patrick: by the priests' senate. ' J. O'Neill and Rev. Lucien M~ldo,re, blesses palms' at St. Mar/3 Oathedi'al, Fall River, as The proposal also :recom the most solemn week of the liturgical ~(ear opens. . I mended that each parish in the , i:liocese be assessed $1,000 a year for each priest serving in it to pro~ide funds for the pension program, The proposal urged that the that anything goes "as 'long as ATLANTA (NC) - The "In hope that, the new instruction cost of living be considered in struction on Music in the Lit-' they liked it.'.' "will serve to bring G?~'~ people.. the pension plan and that the The archbishop also hailed the together, ,by Jts fleXIbIlity and' plan be ,reviewed annually by :ll," recently issued' by the Holy Se'e's Congregation on instruction for refusing to divide variety, new insights and ancient 'standing committee of the priests' instruments into traditions." Rites, is an up-to-date dealing absolutely . ' l:lenate. ' with the kinds of modern music' "sacl'ed" and "secular." and instruments being heard , "Don't throwaway your gui today, according to Archbishop tars, boys-the strings may rise Paul' J. Hallinan, chai'rman of , again," he said, explaining that RESIDENTIAL the U. S. Bishops' Committee on now the test of sacred music SCHOOLS. CHURCHES the 'Liturgy. would seem to be in the theme, The instruction, the Atlanta the intention and the qualifica INDUSTRIAL • BUNKER archbishop said, "verified, by the tions of the players, name of Pope Paul himself, the Archbishop Hallinan also D ADSON 'Oil BURNERS mind of the Council Fathers in pointed out that'the illstruction the chapter on sacred music in made it quite clear that the con ,Complete Heating Installations ,the liturgical constitution." ,gregation is to participate in the 24 Hour Oil Burner Service singing of the liturgy. ' It dismissed, he continued, the This should not take away, he contentions both of those who: held that good, church music ex said, from the pla'ce of the choir isted only in the past, and could but the choir should supplement; only be initiated and of those not overwhelm the peoples' , voices. who did not know what contem New Bedford Tel: 996-8271 6:40 Pleasant Street Archbishop Hallinan expressed porary music is and concluded
~'l.', Am,
11le Resurrection"
il ~o"ous, Happy
M~$iS~S Ol1il !Hl\QlmeS WILMINGTON (NC)-Bishop' Michael W. Hyle has restored permission for Masses in the homes of Catholics in the Wil mington diocese. The permission was suspended in mid-January. In a letter to priests restoring the permission, the bishop em phasized that all instructions and regulations for Masses in homes 'which were' issued last October .must be observed carefully.' •