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Prelate.. Stresses Total Education Of Children

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26. 1970

New Mixed Marriage .Rules Study' Minister, Promises'

CINCINNATI (NC) - In the face of a j'faith crisis" arid radical changes in teaching methods, Archbishop

VATICAN CITY (NC)-The Church's' long awaited document revising regulations on mixed marriages is now being studied by the bishops, and it is "premature" to discuss the contents because not all the bishops have . expressed their views on it,

. according to Vatican offici.also At a high-level CatholicProtestant .meeting in Germ'any, Cardinal Lorenz Jaeger disclosed that the. new document s<\ys that under certain cOilditions the Catholic Church will recognize the validity of mixed marriages contracted before nonCatholic clergymen. He said that permission for a mixed marriage to be contracted before a non-Catholic clergymen must be given by the bishop 'of .the area. This permission, he explained, will be given whenever the Catholic partner promises, to the best of his abilities, to 'baptize and educate· any children in the Catholic faith. At present, marriages involving Catholics must norma Illy be witnessed by a Catholic priest. One Vatican official said the cardinal in discussing the proposed document was speaking in a private manner and not officially. As the matter now stands, the final document is still to be drawn up, he added. But another Vatican 'source said: "The cardinal is generally, well informed." Revision' of the norms' now surrounding a marriage between a Catholic and a' "ilOn-Catholic was requested bytlie Synod of Bishops in 1967. That synod recommended giv'ing local bishops power to dispense from the requirement that marriage be contracted in the presence of a priest with two witnesses. It also recommended not requiring the non-Catholic partner to make the traditional promises if there is a moral certainty that the Catholic partner will live up to his responsibilities' as a Catholic and the non-Catholic partner is aware of his partner's obligation in conscience and does not exclude, . the Catholic Baptism and education of any children. According to Vatican officials,

Favors Church Work For Ex-Pr:iests VIENNA (NC) - The Vienna archdiocesan priests' council has recommended that priests who have left the ministry should be allowed to do, pastoral work in certain circumstances. , The recommendation was made at a meeting of the archdiocesan priests' council, with Cardinal Fr,anziskus Koenig of. Vienna presiding. Th~ council urged that, guidelines be drawn up listing conditions under which priests who have left the ministry could resume pastoral work.

Day of-Prayer Apr, 5-St. Peter, Dighton. Madonna Manor, North Attleboro. St. Matthew, Fall River. Apr. lZ-0ur Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Fall River. St. Boniface, New Bedford. ....................... THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, Publishe~ every Thursday at 4tO Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid' $-UIO per year:

the. n~w document, drawn up in great part by the Doctrinal Congregation, no longer remains under that congregation's sole iurisdiction.Instead; it will most iikely be issued by the Pope him~ self and only, after consultation with bishops' conferences around the world, the officials said. ,A draft of the document, presur,nably the one discussed by Cardinal Jaeger, was .sent to the conferences after the Synod of Bishops in 1969. . , Competent authorities said the answers are not yet all returned and therefore it is "premature" to discuss the contents of the instruction as it may appear in its final form: 'Oddly enough, although the instruction will obviously touch on many areas of the' ecumenical relations between or among Christian Churches, it has not been part of the working agenda of 'the Vatican's Secretariat for PALM SUNfJA Y IN ROME: Pope,~aul distributes palms to Promoting Christian Unity. As the youths of Rome to commemorate Christ's triumphal march one 'secretariat member put it: into Jerusalem. NCPhoto. "Officially, I have never even seen it." Because the document is still in its final stages and because its beginnings and development are under the "seal of secrecy" SllrArclhbishop Says Working Together rounding the Doctrinal Congregation, it is difficult if no,~ ,imns Pastoral CC:U.iII'ilciI Goal possible to establish what the The matter. Qf a pastoral counmain lines. of the instruction DAYTON (NC)...,-"The goal of might be. ',' " a pastoral council is t~: enable cil's origin will deterJTlin~ it's VatiCan' 'officials' have.. indi- .people of a diocese to,'learn to success; the .form,it will tak~ a"d cated that 'llfter' estahllsh'i'ng '. a think and work together as the how it will operate,. the. archbiShop: said. . . doctrinal basis for Christiail'mar- people of God." riage, the new document wHI With these remarks, Archbish. Addressing himself to critics of probably follow the lines re- opPaul F. Leibold of Cincinnati pastoral councils, Archbishop quested by the Synod of Bishops keynoted the first National Con- Leibold emphasized the councils ference on Pastoral Councils at "are not ·Iay trusteeism, they are in 1967. not the laity taking over the The national bishops' confer~ Dayton's Bergamo Center. ' The archbishop told the 150 Church, they are not the, giving ence will draw up norms, however, for granting permission for participants in the conference, of power to a few demagogues, . . b d sponsored by the National Coun- and they are' not designed to mixed marriages to e contracte cil of Catholic Men, that pastoral harass religious and clerical adbefore a non-Catholic clergyman, councils are needed because no ministrators. " and local bishops would have to ac~ according to these norms. channel upward exists by which The concept for pastoral counbishops are ~ble to hear the. aucils came out of Vatican Council When the final document will thentic voice of the laity. be is~ued is pot known. The an'Channels downward by which II, the archbishop said, and "I swer.s of the bishops' conferences. ' the' people learn what their . believe they are the work of the are not yet all in, and once they bishop is' thinking, are equ'ally Holy Spirit." are received, they' 'must be difficult to find, the archbishop studied and any proposals they insisted. . Colorado Unit Plans make must be studied further. As a result the Church faCeS a Lastly, .the document must go to . the ,Pope ,for his final approval.,· communications problem which Law Chang'e P'rogram DENVER (NC)-An advisory Only, then will the document be is "both massive and acute," issued. Archbishop Leibold said. committee to study the issues of .Citing the basic mandate for population con'trol and abortion diocesan pastoral councils,' the is being organized by the ColoMass Ordo Constitution on the Church: rado Catholic Conference. FRIDAy-.:.aood Friday. Red. Arc~bish?p Leiboid· said an e~Conference vice president John Solemn Liturgical Services. fectlve dIOcesan pastoral cou~cll L. Faricy says the committee is SATURDAY-H 0 1y Saturday." must have as ItS base parish designed'to in'itiate effective acViolet and White. Blessing of: counci~s which aboun~. in . "the tion during the state's nexnegisNew Fire, ' ,Paschal Candle, enthUSIasm, understandmg, mter- ,Iative sess\on in 1971, noting Baptismal Water. Renewal of . est, trust and respect of pastor that Hawaii has adopted an un~ Baptismal Promises. Mass of and peoples." . limited abortion law and that to Easter Vigil. counter any similar attempts in Origin Important SUNDAY-Easter, The ResurrecColorado, an up-to-date committion of Our Lord. Solemnity. ,At the diocesan levCl, he said, tee is needed. White. Mass Proper; Glory; the bishop must first establish . Bishop Charles A. Buswell of Sequence; Creed; 'Preface of a council of priests ora priests' Easter, (Eastet Preface is used senate and work thr.ough them. Pueblo and other conference every day until the Ascension If the priests' senate doesn't board members pointed out that except on feasts with their own work, Archbishop Leibold ob- the committee should - include special Prefaces) served, the pastoral council lawyers, doctors, theologians, women, ecologists and representMONDAY - E a s t e r Monday.' won't work. atives from various scientific disWhite. Mass Proper; Glory; Seciplines to draw together inforquence; Creed. mation. TUESDAY-E as t e r Tuesday. White. 'Mass Proper; Glory; SeConference officials said the APRIIL 9 quence; Creed. ' committee will be charged with Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, gathering facts, recommending a WEDNESDAY-Easter Wednesday. White. Mass Proper; 1919, Pastor, ImmaCulate Con- position of public policy for the ception, FaIt River. Glory; Sequence; Creed. conference and perhaps at a later THURSDAY - Easter Thursday. Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, date devising strategy to be used White. Mass Proper; Glory; Pastor, Immaculate Conception, during the next legislative sesSequence; Creed. Fall River. sion.

Acute Problem

Paul F. Leibold of Cincinnati underscored "we are concerned above everything else about the teaching of religion in our schools." As keynoter at a conference on Catholic education at Mount St.. Joseph College here, 'the archbishop reaffirmed . "total commitment to the Catholic school as providing the best in total education to those in whom we 'are most interested - our children, the Church of tomorrow." Financial problems, decreases in enrollments in Catholic schools and other critical issues were discussed by other conference speakers, plus plans for restructuring the archdiocesan school system. Archbishop Leibold said he.expects a leveling off or decline in enrollments. He added "this will mean some closings of smaller schools-not by way of mere discontinuance, but by way of better use of facilities through consolidation." "The bulk of reduction in our enrollment," he suggested, 'TbeIiev~ reflects among other things a lessening of the faith value." He said to appreciate the advantages of the religious' dimension provided by a Catholic school it is necessary to possess the gift of faith. "As the faith commitment lessens, the concern and effort for Catholic schools diminishes," he said. .', Falth'Crisis'" ::, He noted soine other ·ca·uses:.l... "quality of edu2ation in .other areas besides religion" and "a reaction precisely against the religious course and spiritual atmosphere of the school." "Now admitting the fact of a faith crisis and the radical changes in both the method of teaching and the attitudes of the child formed by the new and powerful forces of the mores of our day-television, family customs, and so on - we are concerned above everything else about the teaching of religion in our schools," the archbishop declared. He emphasized this entails not only formal inStruction but also "t~e total faith impact of the schQol, the values proposed, the Christ image reflected by the teachers, ,the form of entertainmentand extra-curricular activities proposed,. and the religious exercise in which the students participate."

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Bishop Emphasizes Dire School System Straits thro;~: ~~~~otr:~n:~OI~~~e:O b~~~"p~~~:~

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at least, of our elementary schools will be closed by June 1971." "Mind you" the diocesan OrulOary em phasized, "fift~en of the 44 parochial par~

Pear Brothers in Christ: All of us are aware that ~ur parochial school system is in financial straits. Parishes can no longer support elementary

support the~ is another matter. As we find

the Easter Collection, we were able to dis-

H James L. 'Connolly told the Catholic laity year." i \ of the Fall River Diocese in his Sunday pas.: The Bishop'S evaluation of the diocesan IJ toral in which he gave notice "that a third,school crisis follows: Ii r~ ,1

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Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, will ordain two deacons of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts to the priesthood at S1. Mary's Church in North Fairhaven at 8 o'clock on Friday evening, April 3. One'of the deacons, Rev. Bro. James R. Nickel, SS.Cc., has been working at S1. Francis Xavier Church in Acushnet for the past few months. The other deacon, Rev. Bro. Stanley J. Kolosa, SS.CC., was stationed in the diocese of Rochester, New York, this past semester. . A third deacon, :Rev. Bro. Martin Lucia, who ,will be ordained the same day in'tlouston, Texas, has been working at Our Lady of Assumption Parish in New Bedford. Following the ordination ceremony there will be a reception in St. Mary's parish hall for the _new priests. Rev. ·Bro. Nickel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Nickel of Hazel Crest, (Chicago) Illinois. He entered the Congregation in 1961 at Father Damien Seminary in Winona, Minnesota. He also attended Sacred Hearts Novitiate, Wareham;. Queen of Peace REV. BRO. JAMES R. NICKEL Mission Seminary, JaffreyCenter, N. H., and Sacred Hearts inary. ,He has been' most active Seminary, Washington, D.C.. in pro~otil)g the Enthronement 'He served last summer as a of the Sacred Heart in the Home deacon in "'a mission. parish in during his free summers. .His Harlingen, Texas in the Diocese first Mass will be offered at of Brownsville 'under Most Rev. . Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral in Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros.. Houston on April 5. . The first Mass of the newly ordained priest will be concelebrated at St. Margaret of Scotland Church, Chicago, on Sunday, April 5. Rev. Bro. Stanley Kolosa, SS.CC. is the son of Mrs. Anna Kolosa of Lynbrook, N. Y. He entered the Congregation at VATICAN CITY (NC) Sacred Hearts Novitiate, WareThe Vatican has reinforced ham in 1963. He also attended priestly celibacy in a 10,000Queen of Pt:.~ce Seminary, Jaffrey Center, N. H. and Sacred word guideline on seminarHearts Seminary, Washington, ies, a document establishing D. C. priestly training norms that rank He is a candidate for a M.A. among the most important since degree in Philosophy at Catholic seminaries first be~an in 1556. University of America, Washington. He will offer his first con- . Its. 101 articles encourage celebrated Mass at St. Agnes more attention in seminaries on Cathedral, Rockville Center, teaching about sex, atheism, Christian unity and social justice. N. Y., on April 5. The guideline leaves a wide Rev. Bro. Martin Lucia, SS.CC. is the son of Mrs. Jean B. Lucia margin for national bishops conof Houston, Texas. He entered ferences to make decisions in spethe Congregation at Sacred cific cases, according to Cardinal Hearts Novitiate in 1965. He also Gabriele Garrone, leaving the attended Queen· of Peace Sem- document "flexible and open to Turn to Page Six inary and Sacred Hearts Sem-

Vatica n Issues N'ew' Doc..-merit On Seminaries


I :.



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the sum of $62,500. Mind you, fifteen of these schools have come into being since 1952. There was no trouble building them. But to support them is another matter. As we find ourselves now, thirty-three to fiftyfiv~ per cent of parish income is being eaten up in forty-four parishes this year.

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Turn to Page Four


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BishopConnolly Will Ordain Two Sacred Hearts Priests



Radio and TV to Help Charities Appeal

Special radio and TV programs will be conducted this year in support of the Catholic Charities Appeal,

Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director, annpunced today. Channel 6, WTEV which services the Providence and New Bedford areas will carry four Sunday programs, commencing April 12. Highlighting the 25th conse-

Series of Lectures At SMU Honors Bishop Con_nolly

cration anniversary of the Most River, diocesan appeal director. Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop May 3-Most Rev. James .T. of. Fall River, ·the programs will Gerrard, V.G., pastor of St. Lawacknowledge the numerous ad- rence's Church, New Bedford, vancements which have been who is the diocesan episcopal made under his leadership and chairman. guidance as Ordinary. All TV Sunday Masses are Msgr. Gomes announced the scheduled at 8:45. following TV Mass and appeal The community programs, schedule: which will be heard over radio April 12-Rev. Bento R. Fraga, station in Sout.heastern Massa· St. Joseph's .Church, Taunton, chusetts at 8:05 mornings, are Taunton area appeal di,rector. listed as follows: April I9-Rev. Edward C. DufApril 3-Fr. Fraga and Joseph fy, St. John the Baptist Church, C. Murray, lay chairman. Central Village in Westport, April 16-Rev" Edward A. Greater New Bedford appeal di- Rausch, St. John's Attleboro, rector. and Rev. Roger L. Gagne, St. April 26-Msgr. Gomes, Our . Theresa's, South Attleboro. May 4-Fr. Duffy. Lady of Angels Church, Fall

David Warren Crellin, Ed. D., assistant professor in the School. of Education -at Boston College, last night delivered the first of four lectures to be presented at SMU named the James Louis Connolly Lecture Series, in honor of the Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River. In the announcement made by Rev. Harold Wilson, assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, the other three lecturers" were also named. In addition to Dr. Crellin, the following participants will fill out the series: Peter Henry Beisheim, assistant professor of theology at Stonehill College, On April 22, Dr. Brian J. Cudahy, associate professor of philosophy at Boston College will deliver an address on the· "Philosophy of Hope." The concluding lecture will be given by Rev. Vincent Dwyer on May 6. Father Dwyer, a Trappist monk, is one of the nation's leading scholars in' the field of ascetical theology. The arrangements were made by Father Wilson and Professor Anthony John. .

From the darkness and despair of Calvary, hope and


al1ld promise sustained man

until the glorious resurrection of Christ. May that same spirit this Easter light the flame of ho!'e in all men and uplift their hearts in the search for peace and brotherhood.

~ itizens :1r1~~ DOWNTOWN IFAL.l. RIVER



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa"R~yer-;-Thur~. Mar. 26, 1970


Emphasizes S'chool Straits

Continued from Page'Three They rrovide inspiration and education in the four R's, read- guidance at a vital time. More ing, writing, arithmetic and Reli- than that, they involve little figion, Over' ninety years ago, nancial burden. American Bishops in plenary So the situation is not entirely Council voted to set up a school dark. All we need is a realistic By Msgr. George G. Higgins system, separated, but equal to determination to carryon, avoidtax-supported institutions. Our ing pit-falls and adjusting to the Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. teachers, mostly all members of f<lct that we cannot seek to do In November, 1968 the National Conference of Cathreligious communities, have everything in educating, but we shown competence and s,et a will surely hold fast to ti'adiolic Bishops issued a'n official statement on the California high example of sacrifice. This tions, even though we yield on fann labor dispute, which, while lamenting the sad pl.ight. has been a boon to towns and the matter' of teaching secular of the disadvantaged field workers and strongly defending cities in the Diocese, tax-wise, subjects. their right to organize and ' , ' Let us then do what we caneven though our action was dicII' I I several weeks. They know, in . tatcd by loyalty to religion and scientiously can to relieve the bargam co ectIve y, a so other words" that the bishops' conscience, 'present embarrassment, and went out of its way to ex- committee, while being, deeply Now we have come ,to the trust to the public, and public press . ~ympathetic aware- concerned about the' problems moment of .tr:uth. As Bishop of 'officials, to view our action symness of the problems faced by of the grqwers and is deterthe Dioeese I give notice that a 'pathetically, and provide well for the growers and, more specifi- mined, in the case of the grape third, at least, of our elementary an increase of students for pub~ cally; by family dispute, to· do whatever it can schools will be closed by June Iic schools. farmers. The to effect a reconciliation between NFPC: Rev. Frank Bon'nike, IH7I. Parishes with schools are Believe me, pastor of St: Mary's Church, losing many of their staff, and bishops' statethe two parties. meni took note In summary, I think the grow- DeKalb, III. has been elected costs are sky-rocketing. This Faithfully yours in Christ, of the fact that ers know that the bishops' corn-.' president of the National Fed- year we will make another effort ~ JAMES L. CONNOLLY, "'the small growmittee has no desire to take eration of Priests' Council su'c- in subsidizing, trusting that the Bishop of Fall River.' er is often the sides in t~e propaganda war t~at ceeding Rev. Patrick J. O'Mal- coming Easter Collection will help, even 'though it can never victim of cirthe. partIes havebe~n wagmg ley.of Chicago. NC Photo. agamst one another for almost, ' . cumstances becancel the need. All parishes of . five years. The, committee's offiyond his control this Diocese, even 'those that and that his sincial charge and its overriding Citi~~ A~d have had to suspend their cere willingness interest is to try to persuade the school operation, are urg~d to Bi~ger NGlfip~blic to pay higher parties to .::esume negotiations {I, • i.. • ~ rally once more to 'help save our wag e s meets and to settle their differences, in lh rl"h !@!lll tJJlU! schools. I must admit that things with obstacles which he cannot good faith, through the process Five cities in the Fall River are bad, They ,progress rapidly HARRISBURG (Nt) overcome without a realistic co- of collective bargaining. ' Diocese are among 35 Massachu- from bad to worse. As of now, ordination of all his strengths." setts communities selected to two or three parishes could use, Pennsylvania lawmakers, Two recent visits to the San Lack of Trust participate in a nutritional study by themselves, the total of last the way to tap have paved .Joaquim VaHey in central 'Cali· It is my impression that persponsored .by the state Depart- . year's' collection, and still be in ' a more lucrative source of fomia as a consultant to the haps the biggest single obstacle ment of Public Health. They are debt. We cannot be foolish to the hishops' ad hoc committee on to their achievin,g this objective, Fall River, New Bedford. Har~ point of throwing good money revenue for its trail-blazing aid farm labor have provided this the biggest single obstacle stand- wich, Falmouth' and Province- after bad. Whatever is given at to nonpublic education law. writer with additional first-hand ing in the way ,of a just and town. Eastertime will be discreetly Both the Senate and the House evidence that the bishops' sym- lasting settlement of the grape In Fall River Rev. Harold WiI- spent. by lopsided majority votes have 'pathetic concern for the prob- dispute, is a deep-seated lack of son, assistant at St. Patrick's Thanks to the promise of men agreed to a bigger and better aid lems faced by the small growers trust between the parties. • parish, is aiding in recruiting and women in Confraternity program. Only the formality of was fully warranted by the ecoFor their part, the growers families to participate in the pro- work, we have great facilities: ironing out qifferences in bills nomics of the grape industry. complain that the union and gram. Families will be inter- ten: centers on Cape Cod, five passed by each house remain, A combination of un predict- some of the union's 'outside sup- viewed in their homes .and will along the northern fringe of the and the measure will be sped to able weather hazards, exceeding- porters have been grossly unfair receive medical and dental Diocese, and in urban areas, four the desk of Gov. Raymond P. Iy high interest rates, low com- in the charges they have levelled checkups in neighborhood health or five each, not counting exist- Schafer. modity,prices, aQd the rising cost against the industry. I have ,no· clinics to be held between 'now, ing school buildings. So we have The new biil' designates the of machinery and other agricul- doubt that, in some cases, this is and April 23. Free transportation the facilities, and, we will not state .cigarette ta?C, revenue as ,the tural implements' has already a valid complaint, ,and I, can't to clinics will be, provided and cease providing solid instruction 'source for purchase' of educaforced a number of small say that I blame the growers there will be ilO charge for the in the Faith we believe' and the tional services' to aid nonpublic growers to the. waH and has left for being mad about it. ' checkups. ideals we uphold. No child will schools. It specifies that during By the sallle token, however, Massachusetts is one of 10 be neglected in essential matters. the first year 12 per cent of the a number of others teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. some of the growers have been states involved ina national This Easter collection will end revenue, estimated at $23 mil· Many ,of the growers with equally unfair in their criticism study aiming to identify nutri- the appeal for helping parish lion, and in the second year,' 24 whom- we were privileged to con- of., the 'union (the Unjted Farm , . ~ional problems in medical terms schools. We put great 'reliance ,percent, estimated at $46 milfer during our two. visits to the Workers, Organizing Committee) andJorm a basis for planning nu· on Confraternity men and wom· lion, shall be taken from the valley were 'perfectly willing to and its president, Cesar Chavez. tritional supplements and educa- en. Thank God, also, for our high cigarette tax for non public eduadmit that at, least part of their Perhaps. their· most serious "tional programs. . schools. 'They are readying cation aid. The $23 million would . youngsters 'for the demands of go for services purchase during problem- stems from the fact that mistake has 'been to create the Most."Appreciated future years in a chaotic world. the 1969-70 school year. they themselves are unorganized impression that the union is a Things hard to .come by are -or, as more than one of them communist-inspired organiz,ation Settled at State Level I'put it, that they are operating in intent upon destroying the indus- much esteemed. ~r,estly Vocations In marked contrast to the leg· a kind of economic 'jungle 'where try. I don't know how many of, """"""""",,,,,,,,,,;,,,,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, islation enacted two years ago, the only law is the survival of the individual growers have been the measure moved smoothly the fittest. propagating this line in their judgment and are hoping and- Decrease in Zambia LUSAKA (NC)-Vocations for through both houses. Two years In theory, then, they l,ended to own name, but it would, appear praying'that the Healys, Aliens, agree with the bishops that the that some of them have know- et al will cool it so that the t.he priesthood in this African ago when Pennsylvainia became "so called independence of the ingly encouraged a number of parties, at long last, can begin to, nation have shown a steady de- the first state in the country to small farmer is unreal and could outside commentators to under· think in terms of reconciliation cline in the past 20 years, ,al- enact an aid to non public educat.hough the Catholic population tion law, there were bitter conresult in his vanishing from the mine the reputation of Cesar and collective bargaining. troversies over' the Church-State . Pray for Success has almost tripled. Chavez' and his associates and, American' economy. In ,1949 the number of major issue, the constitutionality of the The bishops feel, and so' indi- more specifically, to create, the Let me repeat that this is the seminarians was 35, in 1965 it cated'in their 1968 Statement, impression that they are a gang overriding objective of the fell to 23 and in 1968 the total legislation and other problems. The first bill tapped the state that this would be tragic for our of dangerous, pro-communist bishops', committee, The commit- dropped to 17. revenue from horse racing at revolutionaries. country." It was for this reason tee isn't the least bit interested The Catholic population of the harness anp fIat racing courses that they strongly urged, the Writers Ham Cause in hearing the parties exchange country in 1949 was 263,702, in to finance the aid. sl1}all farmer "to unit.e with his The constitutional question I am referring, by way of ex~ horror stories about one another. 1963 it had risen to 534,059 'and fellow farmers and growers in Its only interest is to try to in 1968 it reached 647,640, about now has been settled at the state ample, to Father Cletus, Healy, associations proper to 'themS.J., author of "Battle for the persuade the parties 'to resunie 6 per cent of Zambia's total pop- level. A suit challenging the con, selves." stitutionality of the law was upVineyards"; Father Daniel Lyons, negotiat,ions as soon as possible ulation of over 4 million. Other figures indicate that the held in U. S. District Court in Settle Differences S.J. and Father William Lester, and to settle their differences at the ,coHective bargaining table ' average of seminarians per dio- Philadelphia 'last November. An - It remains to be seen whether S.J. of Twin Circle; Gary Allen, as labor and management have cese was four in 1943, two and a or not the small growers in Cali- who has written a booklet for long since learned to do, how- 'half in 1963 and less than two appeal from the ruling has been filed with the, U. S. Supreme the John Birch Society entitled fornia and other agricultural ever imperfectly, in every other in 1968. Court. states will move in this direction "The Grapes: Communist Wrath major industry in the United in time to prevent their disap· in Delano"; and Fr~nk Bergon States. pearance from the American and Murray Norris, coauthors of Shortly after this column apeconomy. .In any, ~vent, if they ".[)elano--Another Crisis for the pears in print, the bishops' com· do decide, however 'belatedly,' to Catholic Church."· mittee will be holding, another begin to coordinate all of their The anti-union and anti-Chavez meeting in the San Joaquin ValAPRIL 18-25 re'sources and to unite with their booklets' and editorials written ley with representatives of the feHow growers in associations by these six gentlemen,' and two parties in a final effort to FATHER CALLAN, O.P. proper to themselves, they can widely distributed throughout achieve this objective. count on the wholehearted sup- the United States, have, in this Also JULY 1-8, FR. RICHARD CLEARY, S.J. I would ask our readers, to port of the bishops' committee writer's judgment, done almost say a prayer for the success of ARRIVAL-For Su~~er 6 P.M. CLOSING-After Breakfast on farm labor. irreparable harm to the cause of this 'meeting. It would be hard sound labor-management relaFEES-$40 Incidentally, I think, they now to exaggerate its importance in know this to be the case after tions in the California vineyards. terms of the iopg-range interests Write to SR. DIRECTRESS having conferred with the comI might add that a number of not only of the two' parties them197 Pleasant Street, Marlboro, Mass. 01752 mittee in small groups, up and influential growers .in the San selves, but of the agricultural Tel. Area Code 617-485-0740 - down the vaHey, during the past Joaquin Valley agree with this lndustryas a whole.

Reconciliation Bishops' Goal In Farm Labor Disput~





lQ1wmo,kers Plqn

School Aid law


Oregon Senator Considers Tax Bill Change

1HE ANCHOR·Thu:s., Mar. 26, ] 970

Pope Def'ends Natural Law

WASHINGTON (NC) Senator Robert Packwood of amend his conOregon troversial· ~ax incentive plan

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI came out with a spirited defense of the l:hristian concept of the natural law during his general audience here. Talking to thousands in St. Peter's' Basilica, the Pope said "the imminent sense of conscience and even more the light of reason tells us that we arc subject to a law which is a right and, at the same time, a duty." Pope Paul noted that the concept of natural law is under fire today from many sides, even from some within the Church who do not accept it. He said his own experience in "this period of reform 'and opposition" indicates that the force of moral anxiety comes from the natural law. Natural law aiso expresses itself in civil law, the Pontiff continued. But he added that for the Christian, more is required. "We need the law of grace, which has an economy of its own, a kingdom of its own, and which is normally introduced to us by the Church." The Holy Father concluded that natural law and the law of grace given us by Christ "can and must be integrated in practice and in the growth of Christian virtues an order to give man his perfection."


so that only two children, instead of three, per family would be given tax exemptions, according to a reliable Capitol Hill source. The original proposal of the west coast Republican would provide that the first child in a family qualifies as a $1,000 personal tax exemption. A second child would qualify as a $750 exemption and the third child as a $500 exemption. There would be no exemption for any additional children. Catholic Opposition The expected amendm~nt would cut off exemptions after the second child. Packwood has come under heavy fire from Catholic quarters since introducing his tax incentive plan to encourage smaller families. Archbishop Robert J. Dwyer of Portland, writing in the Oregon Catholic Sentinel, archdiocesan weekly newspaper, said tJle recommendation is of "a highly tendentious nature." Packwood introduced his bill to help "ease the strain on an overtaxed environment." H,e cited over-population as one of the primary causes of the environmental crisis facing the world today.

OH(!ring You

Prelate's View Archbishop Dwyer countered: "The ecological salvation of the sphere is a matter, primarily, of. reversing the. trend toward careless waste, of stemming eCOriomic ·irresponSiQility. and" of educating humanity in the proper care of itself and of its physical surroundings. "As such it has very little to co with the population crisis, unless one is to subscribe to the ultimate counsel of despair, that man is himself the worst of pollutants, and ought therefore to be exterminated." The Delmarva Dialog, Wilmington, Del., diocesan news~ paper, said in an editorial that "perhaps the most disconcerting aspect of the Packwood plan is that it probably has an excellent chance of passage simply be. cause the 'family' is so vulnerable to legislative machinations in that it lacks a highly paid lobbyist to plead or grease its cause in the halls of Congress." Smaller Families An editorial in The Evangelist, Albany diocesan weekly likened Packwood's legislation to a "Utopia in Reverse," declaring that "such a coercive interference (in family life) is a heinous violation of parental' rights, a travesty on all that freedom holds dear." Packwood believes his bill "encourages families, but it encourages smaller families. And that is what this country needs and must have if we are going ,to regain our composure. With smaller families, we have a chance to save our environment. Without them, we are lost."

Blind to Meet Taunton Catholic Guild for the Blind will meet Tuesday, April 21 at Marian Manor. The March meeting was devoted to a study of the new Mass liturgy and to a musical program.


3 Savings Plans HOMe Financing . CHRIST iN· YHE BLESSED SACRAMENT: . Modern men of God are seeking anew for deep va.lues, in, the Mass, and they find the Holy Eucharist like' a star in the very cen~er. In this contemporary' paintin'g "byVirginia Broderick, the essential mystery is expressed by shafts of wheat and wafer they make, grapes and the cup, holding wine, and the human countenance of Christ as part of these, all blending up into today's city in the background. NC Photo.

Abortion Measure Most Sweeping NEW YORK (NC)-The New York State Senate has approved an abortion measure, described by opponents as the most sweeping of its kind in the country. The bill still must be passed by the Assembly and signed by Gov. Nelson Rockefeller before becoming law. There is no definite timetable for consideration of the bill by the Assembly. Gov. Rockefeller has stated he favors changing the state's abortion law. The New York senators acted at a time when hospitals throughout Hawaii were preparing guidelines for applying that state's amended abortion law. The New York senate measure is more flexible than Hawaii's law. The bill would enable a woman to obtain an abortion· after consultation with a physician. Opponents claim it permits abortion-on-demand, since no grounds for abortions are stipulated in the measure. It abolishes criminal penalties for abortions when an abortion is performed by a licensed physician. The senators approved the measure, despite opposition from the New York State Medical Society. The society's stand was read during the Senate debate. After the Senate action, Charles J. Tobin, secretary, New York State Catholic Committee, stated: "This bill attacks the child instead of the problem. The problem is not solved by the destruction of the child in the womb, but by a concerted· effort to help those women who need help in

ways consistent with the human individual's right to life. No Residence Required Under 9ur present' system the legislature is charged with working for the good of all people. Abortion works for the death of some people-the voiceless and defenseless. What needs attention, the Catholic Committee believes, are the problems which bring about the desires of some mothers to do away with their unborn children." The bill provides that if a pill is developed which could induce an abortion, its use would be legal if prescribed by a licensed physician. The bill placed no time limit on when an abortion may be performed; has no provision about where an abortion may be performed; has no residence requirement, which permits an expectant mother of any age to come to the state for an abortion. The bill would permit an expectant mother to abort a child without references to the wishes or desires of her husband, or the child's father. Criticizes Governor The Hawaii law, the most flexible now in effect, requires a 90-day residence status, an abortion in a hospital by a licensed physician. It permits such abortions through the 12th week of pregnancy, but specifies consultations with another physician is necessary for-abortions from the 13th to 20th week, and "high risk" abortions only with approval of a hospital's executive committee.

Four hospitals in Honolulu have indicated they will perform abortions on an out-patient basis, but one hospital has announced it will not permit abortion-St. Francis Hospital conducted by the Franciscan Sisters. Sister Maureen, the administrator, said: "No, not now, or ever. Amen,"· The Hawaii Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Honolulu diocese, in a front-page open letter, criticized Gov. John A. Burns for permitting the legislation to become law without his signature. The paper said the governor followed "expedience instead of principle" and that a large number of Hawaiians were "gravely sad and disappointed."

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The Prince of Life, whc died, reigns immortal I Alleluia I Christ triumphed over the grave by His Resurrection-so deCllth is not the end but the beginning of ~ife !

Peace alld Jog fJt Eastertfde


Funeral Home 123 Broadway



Old Red Bank Fall River Savings Bank FALL RIVER



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.


Our Faith

26, 1970

Christ Counts Much has been done since Vatican eotincil II. There has been a shaking out of customs> and techniques within the Church. There has been a fe-evaluation of emphases.. There has been a brushing away of irrelevant details and a been the n9t unexpected mistakes in experimentation, the sp'otlighting' on essentials. With this, of course, there have far-out programs that renewal so Often' brings in" its wake, the exaggerations. that man so easily falls into., But Catholics never lose sight, of t)Ie m~in goal fot which the Council was called,. the chief renewal'that every ,Council statement and document called for:""':an advance in holiness of Catholics. It is easy to maneuver altars and furniture and texts; it is not difficult to innovate and to imcourage new,tech-" niqlies. But the basic work of the Council and of' the Church is still to make men holy andc:to. make .thei~ holi-. ness evident to the world and relevant to every aspect of . human' life and endeavor. Holy Week reminds men that Christ either counts or He does not. Either He is truly "the way, and the truth and the life" or He' is not. And if He is accepted for what He Himself says He is, then men must cooperate with. God's grace to become better. .. And as new people, as resurrecte~ men and women, as bearers of Chri~t within themselves, then they are tru~y renewed people and able to bring to o.thers the view of God that men hunger for, the pres~nce of God that they seek perhaps unknowingly, the friendShip of God witholit,·, which man is alone and empty;. ' ,


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Inside' and Out >

New Document

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In'looking over Clothes styles for both men and women, one, cOIJlmentator has said that p~ople. d9-'fipt sQ mu~~" d~ess today' as . wear;costumes~And .people' who Rev. John F: Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. costumes are-,saying something about themselves and their . , 55. Peter" Paul, Fall River lives. ' .. ' . :" :';'" '. '.' .' ,;, .... ", . ":\ i. ,:: Th~y'.;.·a~¢ .e~~~ej ,cove.ring, up, w~at, they..Yiew,: t~~m­ 'c' selves ,~s beiJ:l8 in, t~e, hope of prese,1Jti~g, teo the world, a .: different·person, ·or else they 'are' acting out the "kind 'of person they. would like to be. . In any case, they are ch~nging the outer person while Cr~sis. in reality they' want to change the inner person. It is far easier, of course, to put something on than to People are really beginning to believe that the parochange something inside oneself. , . chial school system, is fighting for its very existence. It is far:- easier to play a part than to Qe the kind of Many, up' to' now, have felt that Catholics were merely self one' would like to be. ,. . . " ' , .' , , employing scare tactics, crying poor-mouth, in quest of Of course, styles in dress are also the bid 'of the public funds. W ~ are now manufacturers to keep the industry booming. And some facing the hour of truth has been placed in such a danstyles have a fun aspect to them. . position. 'and the trutl} begins to huit! gerow~ This will be a long up-hill batBut surface acting, a dressing-up role, is not a It is hurting the cities and tIe, as we know from the past. healthy one. It is trying to take tl).e easy way out. But it towns that now must adjust their There is realdoul;>t now that the only serves to confuse and to postpone the inevitable tax biIls to pay for the influx of parochial system can last until moment when there must he a facing of what one is and students from parochial schools help coines along. Yet', 'the fight that are being forced to. close must be made if we are to clear~ ,of what orie would like to be. their doors.' . up, once and for all. the age ,old People must .live'in reality. If they shrink from' doing It is hurting, too, the already question, of sepa,ration of church this then they find themselves trying to inhabft a fantasy ailing public school system that, and state. Most reasoning people grant world and thjs is,.a retreat into childhood, a flight from in many cases, is just, abqut able to keep its own head above the the wisdom of the' First Amend~ the' here and now; ,And it holds out little promise for the waters of financial responsibility. ment in our national life. The change that 'inwardly they want and outwardly they It is' also hurting the local tragedy is that it' has become, seem to be calling for by their dress. Catholic parish and its members over the years, a tool of the ignorant and a plaything of the Ii has been said that successful maturity is achieved _who must now abandon a sound bigot. educational indoctrinal program' when what one appears to be and what one wants ,to be that is the essence of .a paro- " There have been many' who and what one should be all coalesce. ., . chial school. have hidden behind the principle

wear .




• ~ •






Published y.'eeklyby The Catholic Press of. the·Diocese ,of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fali River,' Mass. 02722' '67S-i'l,51 '. PUBLISHER ',' , '

M~st Rev. ,Ja";es L. Con,nolly, 0.0., PhD; GENERAL "MANAGER : . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr: ,Oc,1O:jei',F. Shalloo, M.A: Rev; Jonn P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR " !. , .... ' "Hvgh J.'. Golden, ·Y.D. .:;" "


Presl'-rall 'River



The entire ·~ommunity. is suffering, and; will continue to do so until some financial grants are forthcoming, now that the parochial school system, representing the best in ~erican democracy,

of separation of church and state -in: ,In attempt to justify ,their own existence -- inflicting on American society, the most intolerant forms of government, especially on the local level.

Scholars, Buildings and Research Why do so many members, of the community dodge the basic issue and hide behind the cloak of separation of church arid state if the parochial school' issue is a true community issue?' , It seems we can have brother· hood and mutual conversation but,' please, do not 'ask for, open public sup'port of parochiCilI schools in any' form whatsoever. The continuous' invokin'g of the First Amendment is just

about too much to take in this day and age. It seems to be the only argument that is available for delaying tactics,. Opponents' .of, feder!ll aid can ,not, in the light of modern re'~earch data, ridicule parochial education as ret,arded. 1'hey can no 'longer question its forceful and positive role, in deyeloping the. sociological structure of ethnic .America. They .can no l!Jnger say the .Fcdcral. governmcnt

Continued from Page Threc . various choices .in its application." Stems from Council The 'French·born cardInal who heads the congregation presented the document here at a news ~onference. He said it was the result of col1aboration between his congregation and bishops conferences around the world. The document stems from thc' 1962-1965 Vatican Council ,and the 1967 synod of bishops in Rome, the cardinal said. It sees a continuing need for minor seminaries, which boys enter about the age of 14'. Car· dinal Garrone defended as well . major seminaries, which some critics have been saying are out, dated. "To clai~' to be educating priest~ in. 1970' by contradicting the formal demands of a council of '1963 'is surely, to disqualify . oneself from' the' start," he said. Affirm Celibacy "It is true that some have said, and. are saying. here and there, that the seminary is an institution which has had its day. I cannot see how one can make that statement, either in con'science, or lisa matter of prude'nce." Carqinal Reginald Pole, the last Catholic archbishop of Can· t~rbury' who opposed tIenry VIII on divorce, has been credited as the first "to use the word "seminary"-':'a seed·bed or nurturing place for training candidates to the priesthood. Among the principles affirmed in the 1970 document is the ideal of priestly cel~bacy. Th,e ;document urges that in the education of future priests, the' authorities and teachers give adequate and thorough prepartion including a

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doesn't give aid'to' private ~llnd par.ochial 'schools, .' :,,'" ' Ever since the ·days of the GI Bill. institutions - in the namc of the student - have been receiving federal monies. Direct grants are made to 'col: leges and universities .by the government for scholars,hips, building expansion and research. Many schools would be out of business today if it were not for federal financing. In all of this, very few cries of separation of church and state have been heard. Yet, just bring the matter of aid to the parochial high school or elementary school, and then see the fur fly. . Let's stop justifying hang-ups with cliches arid bromides! Let's begin to be honest 'and stop being, nice' to each other on some social issues and then knife each other on other community issues. This state and this country cannot afford the stupidity of the intolerant nor the hyprocrisy of the Pharisees. We must get together and face this community. issue on face value and not under the cloud of religious sepa· ratism and ideological commitment. Let sincerity and honesty be our objective guide as we seek legal recourse and legitimate government response to· a community need, the preservation of the duality for American education. To achieve the goal of federal or state aid for parochial schools and lose the confidence of the non-Catholic members of the community would be regrettable. However,to lose the parochial school system as a, national way of life because of biased attitudes and religious intolerance, would not only be un-American but a complete disaster for the entire social structure of community living.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26, 1970


. \'

HERE WE ARE: Students at Mount St. Mary Academy, Fall River, gather around altar to receive Eucharht at day of recollection conduct~d by' Rev. John

Oliveira, academy chaplain. Unusual program is described by Mount student in this' week's school column. "

Ca Iif See Head CCJrdin~1 Intervenes in Workers Dispute' Oppose Governol' On' School Aid Gives Directive Hosp,ital Employes Union Seeks Recognition ANNAPOLIS (NC)-Maryland On Communion Cardinal Shehan designated ment, the hospital said it sent a legislators have bucked against I3ALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence 0

LOS ANGELES (NC)-. Archbishop Timothy Manning has given his Los Angeles archdiocese a directive against Catholic intercommunion with Anglicans and Protestants. The Archbishop said he thought it necessary to "restate the mind of the Church concerning intercommunion, that is, the reception of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church by members of the Anglican and Protestant communities. "It is done so without prejudice to the admirable quests for unity in dialogue and prayer," he declared. "It is said in all charity Imt likewise in binding words." The Archbishop's directive to 'his 1.7 million Catholics noted that where "unity of sacramental faith is deficient, intercommunion in the. sacrament of the Eucharist is not allowed." Two Conditions "There arc extreme cases considered by the Church, such as danger of death, persecution, imprisonment, when such participation might be granted," the prelate said. "However, even in these instances two conditions must be verified: those receiving must hold the faith which the Catholic Church herself professes about the Eucharist, and be unable tQ approach a minister of their own confession." "It is not enough." wrote the archbishop, "that one of these Christians be spiritually well disposed and that he spontaneously requests Communion from a Catholic minister. This is an authentic exposition of the doctrine of the Church to which all those who wish to truly serve ecumen ism must submit themselves."

Cardinal Shehan has intervened in an attempt to settle a labormanagement dispute that disrupted St. Joseph Hospital, conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis in suburban Towson. The dispute erupted when Fred Punch, local labor union organizer, and a group of the hospital service workers marched to the hospital administrator's office with a demand that the local branch of the National Union of Hospital and Nursing Home employes be designated bargaining agent for the hospital service workers. The group was told to submit the demand in a letter which would be turned over to the hospital advisory board. The group returned to the kitchen area of the hospital and staged a sit-down in the corridors. Hospital offic'ials called police and 66 of the group were arrested on disorderly conduct charges. Volunteers Assist ,Punch and a group next picketed the building where Cardinal Shehan's offices are located.. The cardinal confronted the group, assured them the hospital was a self-governing institution. over which he had no authority and promised an inquiry into the situation. The hospital said the demonstrators included' employes of t1ui dietary department who are not employed by the hospital but by a food service c<:>ncession firm retained by the hospital. The hospital said at least 25 of its employes who work as nursing assistants were arrested in the demonstration. They were suspended without pay for a week as a result. Since the demonstration, the hospital' said, volunteers and a team of some 30 doctors have filled in at the service department.

Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Murphy to confer with the路 hospital officials regarding the situation. The cardinal issued a- statement in which he pointed out the hospital is an autonomous institu,tion owned and operated by the Sisters of St. Francis and neither "as Archbishop of Baltimore nor in any othe'r capacity do I control this or the other Catholic hospitals of Baltimore. Recognizes Rights The cardinal added: "As archbishop, however, it is my duty to state that Catholic soCial teaching recognizes the right of workers to organize and to form a union if they so desire. This. right, of course, belongs to the workers of St. Joseph Hospital." Cardinal Shehan also pointed out "civil law does not require the hospital to grant this "right; nevertheless the right and its corresponding obligation does continue to apply." He expressed hope for a prompt and just settlement of the dispute. Following the cardinal's state-

Reject Practice Of Mass Stipends PARIS (NC)-About 100 priests in eastern France have rejected the practice of accepting sti'pends for saying Mass. They are members of a national progressive priests' group called Echanges et Dialogue (Exchanges and Dialogue), which has called for optional celibacy. In a communique, they stated: "The priest must not be a person on relief living on charity from day to day. He has a right to a salary." The priests of the eastern region of Echanges et Dialogue said that they themselves do not want' to accept Mass stipdends any longer as far as possible and they ask Catholics not to give them any.

telegram to Punch stating that if it could be established that a majority of the hospital's service employes wishes the union to 'bargain for them, negotiations would be considered.

the wishes, of Gov. Marvin Mandel and fashioned legislation to give state aid to non public education. The governor has said he favors some form of non public school aid, but prefers to wait St. Augustine See until next year when a special commission will report on a Marks Centennial study of the entire field of priST. AUGUSTINE (NC)-Sev- vate school aid. eral priests and laity were singled The House of Delegates Ways out for honors here as the dio- _ and Means Committee by a vote cese of St. Augustine celebrated' of 17-14 approved a bill to proits centennial day in the cathe- vide nonpublic school aid by purdral. chasing services rendered in such Bishpp Paul Tanner presented schools by teachers of nonrelithe honors from Pope Paul VI gious subJects. which gave to five monsignors a higher rank of the same' title, raised four other priests to the same rank, and gave two more priests the initial title of monsign?r. Twenty-four laymen and women received the papal honor "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice," in recogni__ AiJ WYman tion of special service to their local church and, thereby, to the ~ ~ 3-6592 universal church and the Pope. Although the Catholic faith CHARLES F. VARGAS was permanently established in 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Florida more than 400 years ago, NEW BEDFORD, MASS. the Church remained on missionary status during its first three centuries here and it was not until 1870 that the diocese was formed.




992-6216 , NEW BEDFORD


. ,f llick




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar: 26, 1970'


Detroit to Close

16 Schools


What Well-Dr,essed .Easter People Will Wear

DETROIT (NC)-John Cardinal ,Dearden has disclosed a decision has been reached to close 16 elementary and high schools in the Detroit archdiocese at the end of this school term, but added 74 other schools have been given temporary leases on life. The decisions were' reached ,after an exhaustive, several months study by a.,special archdiocesan-wide Self Evaluation Study Committee, which weighed financial potential of parishes involved, possibility of state aid, budget realignments and other factors. The 16 schools scheduled for clOSing have enrollments of 1,777, high school.students and' 3,329 grade school pupils. It is expected' a majority of these students will enroll in public schools, but- some may be 'absorbed in other Catholic schools. The fate of 43 of the 74 schools with new lease on life still is in dOl~bt. Twenty-one of these schools are in the inner. ,city, ,others in the subl,lrbs. The cOlJ)!njttee reported a number are deeply. in debt and may be un~ able to survive on their own efforts even if state aid is made, available." .. , ,More than '10,00 students, are enrolled in these schools, ' '

By Marilyn Roderick Wi~h the Easter Bunny's visitation so close, the minds and thoughts of many females in the area are turning toward lighter and brighter clothes. Therefore it might' be fun to take a peek into the closets of a few of our fashion - conscious ladies Another member of this parish, (and even a couple of very Miss Elaie Durand, daughter of young gentlemen). Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durand, has Last Sunday I commen- also chosen blue, this time in a

tated a fashion show for the Dominican Academy Alumnae, ,an annual event on my calendar. The chiHiren of the members wear their own Spring and Summer clothes and they are all a delight to behold, Two particularly handsome young 'mel) were Robert and GiI,bert Bonoan aged 6'hand 5. Their very talented mother, Mrs. Robert Bon,oim of St., Theresa's parish in Tiverton,' R. I., had made their outfits, Gilbert wore blue bell bottom pants with a matching shOrt vest and a,: very dashing looking apach~ .tie. Robert's' bell" bottoms' were striped in shades of .beige and brown; his' vest .was a deeper brown, and, his turtle necked '. ,• shirt was/'bright 'red,

heavenly shade, for her Spring coat. Trimmed with hammered silver buttons, Elaine's. coat has a high belted waistline, and' is made of an exquisite woolen weave. A white sleeveless dress with a ruffle around the neckline and cascading down the front ,will complete her look, 'with a large light blue bow perched atop her lovely dark hair. Her sister, Jackie, a sophisticatedsophomore at Bishop Stang, ' will be wearing a grey' double' breasted wool' coat'trimmed with a half belt 'and silver buttons, over it 'red' challis "Juliet. dress. The dress has' a high gathered waistline' with elastic under the ' bodice and at the cuffs of- the long flowing sleeves. A very feminine outfit ,for, ~ ,.gracious , lady. ;.":.:" : .- ~" Establishes Commission : Not to, be outdone by the fe- .. On Population Growth males "will be five year 'old Rob-, " . :\,w~"_.,. _.... ",,,,,,,,~, WASHINGT9N (!'!q- Presi,ert Bogan, son of Mr",and M.n!.~".:. "GOLDILOC"S' M "b'" 'Id'~''''' 'h . ,,: ary Franees Cros y, ,~O.year-q " 09~~ . t~r dent Nixon has approved a bill Daniel, Bogan of St. Joseph's 'pat~ '.."" "'. Beige, I~portnnt ish Fall River. He'll chase that of, Bmg Crosby, upstages her mother and father" Y(ho also establishing a Commission on Also a striking asset to the Ea~ter ,bunny in a n~vy, blue appear in, a30-minute special, "Goldilocks", to be,seen 'on, NBC- Population Growth and" the American Future, which will isshow was Lauric", \ Barandas, double'breasted blazer and a tl,lr- TV Tuesday, March 31. NC Photo. sue a' report after two years of tie necked jersey.' His sister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjainvestigation. min Barandas of, St. George's Sharon (eight Years old) will be in pink.. . a vision ,'Father ,Jam~s T. McHugh. diparish, Westport. Lauric's outfit rector of ·the Family Life Diviwas a double breasted beige and Knitted ensembles are becom,siQ,ry" Urited Sta~esCatryolic·ConI t ,I white knit coat' worn with a ing a must in the wardrobes of . 'ft;!rerice, said in a statement the matching sleeveless dress. Com- well-dressed area women and Priest Establishes P~pal Secular Institute commission will have to focus pleting her smart-looking ensem- Mrs. Raymond Fissette of St. "questions of what kind of a soble was a: large tan hat' and William's parish in' Fall River For Women ciety we want, what we are able white knee high wet-look boots. told this columnist that she tries PITTSBURGH (NC)-The Fam- communities," Father Lovasik to do with our knowledge and Beige is an important color to find at least one smart looking technology and what we are this Spring and Mrs. Frank Dus- knit for each season. Her Spring 11y Service Corps, a papal secular explained. ' "The corps is not necessarily' ,willing to do to shape a future sault of St.· Louis parish in Fall choice is a light green' and white institute for women living in· River has chosen a beige coat ensemble consisting of a white community, has been esta"lished Catholic oriented but rather ded· that responds to the deepest asand dress ensemble for her' sleeveless dress topped with a here by . Father Lawrence G. icated to the service 'of all hu- pirations of man." man beings. Although members Easter parading. Mrs. Dussault light green double breasted, gold- Lovasik, S.V.D. The commission, Father Mcis an outstanding example of buttoned coat. Both coat and "For the Catholic woman who wear a specific modern garb for Hugh said, "can be expected to how an older woman can retain dress .• ' have belted, nipped-in does not wish to join a religious worship and some group activi- pr,ovide information, but in the her impeccable good taste and waistlines for, the softer, ,more ,order yet seeks a means of ded- ties, their' mode of dress is long run, we will be confronted fashion know-how. With her femin'ine look of the seventies.' icating herself to a religious-way adapted to their occupation," he with making the critical choice." smart looking Spring look Clare "of life, relevant to our times, continued. The White House said purpose Up-to-the-Minute will· wear a beige hat with' a an'd the, needs of people, the "We have social workers, med- of the commission will be to rolled brim trimmed with darker Family Service Corps may pro- ical technicians, nurses and study the various aspects of the ~eeping up with the younger . band and a tailored bow on the generation's yen for clothes is -vide the answer," said' Father tead:ers in the corps, all ,sup- projected growth of the popula, side, light bone shoes arid match- no easy, job but Mr., and Mrs. Lovasik, a Divine Word Mission- porting 'themselves with the tion of the United States being kid gloves. . ' Anthony Imbriglio of Immaculate ary and a native of Tarentum, funds received for their services. tween now and the year 2000. ' , This same color (beige appears Conception parish in Fall River Pa. "Since the basic purpose of to be .the neutral of Spring 1970) manage to keep their three loveChristian social work is to preThe 56-year-old priest has dedis the choice of Mrs. Nicholas ly gil'ls always up-tq-the-minute serve the family unit, corps Mitchell of Holy Name parish. in as far as fashion is concerned. icated more than 25 years of his members dedicate their services Fall River for one of her favor- Joanne, eighteen, will bewea~irig priestly life to the spiritual well to the sypiritual,' emotional and ite Spring dresses", only this a b.eige" and pink checked suit being of Sisters in religious physical w'ell being of the famExcavating dress is trimmed with the wet with a long-line jacket for Easter orders. He also' founded 'the reli- ily," Father Lovasik emphasized. look in' black. The d~sign of this Sunday. She has chosen a shock- gious 'order of Sisters of the, "There is no distinction made' Divine SpiI-if in 1955 in Erie, Pa. Contractors linen sheath 'is simple yet strik- ing pink scarf and' black patent as to rac~, na,tionality or creed; ing because of the black that leather accessories to complete "It was one of, the first group of members work wherever they to' 'adopt a ,modern 9 CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN runs from the jeweled neckline her'outfit.. Her' sister Pallia will 'Religious are needed, especially among the ' garb. to the hem and appears again in wear a turquoise double breasted 992-4862 sick, the poor and the underpriv· "Unlike a religjous or diocesan i1eged," he said. , a black bow at the neckline. Mrs. woolen coat with a' half-belt and ••• + + """"", Mitchell's husband is the mayor black accessories.' The youngest congregation, ,Family . Service of Fall River so this attractive member of the fl!milYr c::harming Corps members privately profess blonde woman is constantly on II-year-old Susan, will look quite obedience, poverty and chastity, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'the Ilookout, for fashion-finds 'grown-up' in a navy and white' binding ,them together as one because of the many functions coat and dress ensemble and a f.amily, Yet they live, in small, she has tq attend., .' large white bow? triml:1lEid' ,with . flexible modern-type religious yellow daisies on her pretty " ,. ,'NATIONAL BANK Choose Blue hair. , ' ' ,PLANT ,Progra~ . ~ of BRISTOL COUNTY Holy Name ~i11 be a fashionAll in all it looks' like a colorstudded parish this Easter if my ful, fashionable Easter foi' the PLANT, the Parents' League reports are true. One of Meryl's Fall Riv.er Diocese despite the Againt Narcotic Temptation, 90-DAY NOTICE best friends, Susan Nicoletti, early date. sponsored by Holy Name Church, TIME daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EdFall River, Bristol South Medical OPEN ward Nicoletti of that parish, Auxiliary, Union Methodist ACCOUNT , Run Contrary will be charming in baby blue. Church and Temple Beth-EI, will Interest Compounded Susan's new dress is a blue wafOur wills and fates do so con'- present a program on the prob· Quarterly fle pique accepted with square rary run, that our devices still lem of drug use by youth at 7:30 blue pearl buttons. With this she are overthrown; our thoughts are ,Tuesd~y night, April 7 at Bishop Offices in: will wear a blue' and white ours, their ends none of our owri. ~onnolly High School. The checked coat trimmed. in navy NORTH ATTLEBORO MANSFIELD ATTLEBORO FALLS schedule will include a film and ...... braid. ," ' pane}. discussion. ' (




"I; . ~ 2 J ' M~NUF~CTUIiERS



• • •


THE ANCHOR .. ' Thurs., Mar. 26, 1970

Sa'ys Army Sure to Make

Snafu Out of Mail System

.Nun3 to Propose Rolle In Service

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

The mail strike has everyone in a dither and business is concerned that a long strike may result in a business stoppage. Personally, I find a ray of hope in the whole thing. For the first time in years I am in the wonderful position of having a legitimate excuse for not paying feel part of Easter was mlssmg their own loaf of sweetmy bills. Add to that the without bread. It's really just a small fact that I will not be re- part of a very exciting day but

ceiving those little notices that start "If you have sent your current payment, please disregard ¢ ¢ ~'" and I think the whole issue has something to commend it.

I can't help thinking of the number of times I have depleted my checking account only to find that there were a stack of unpaid bills remaining. Now I have an excuse; pay nothing west of Providence and north of Boston.

it's just such small parts that: make up our most treasured memories. Lamb is another traditional Easter food, and here's a recipe for roast lamb that's a bit out of the ordinary. ' I just came across this recipe in a cookbook file that I haven't looked at in ages. I used it for Easter many years ago and it was a great success, so I think I'll give it an encore run this Easter.

Drastic Error

Cumberland Lanlb Roast

Of course, President Nixon called out the National Guard to deliver the mail to prevent my kind of devious thinking, but anyone who has ever been in the service knows that was a drastic error. By the time the Army is finishing writing SOP's and revamping the whole postal system. letters that were mailed to California will end up in China and those mailed from F=alifornia will end. up in' oil slicks off the Cali.fornia c,oast. Unfortunately the strike occurred one month too early. Imagine the chaos had it occurred on April' 15 when the tax returns were due. How would the government survive without those incoming checks?, Actually of course, it is n61' a laughing matter since so many .people are waiting for their social security checks, welfare checks, etc., but it has served as a respite from the mass of junk mail we receive daily. In the past few days we have received several letters, all of which were mailed locally and which had some significance. Worth the Time Any bread making takes a bit of time and this bread in particular requires a lot of time and a great deal of effort on the mixing end. The results however are well worth the time and effort especially if you make it a part of your Easter festivities-a part that the younger members of . the family will always remember. I'm sure my own children' and my sister-in~law's children would

Mother of Eight "Wife of Year'

leg of lamb weighing 6 to 7 po~nds

teaspoon salt ... teaspoon dry mustard Y2 teaspoon ground ginger 5 thin slices of lemon % cup currant jelly 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 1) Trim excess fat from lamb and rub well with mixture of salt, mustard and ginger. Place rounded side up, on a roasting pan. Do not cover pan. 2) Roast in slow oven (325°) 2 hours. Remove from oven. 3) Cut 4 of the lemon slices in half; arrange th.e 8 half slices petal fashion on the side of the roast, holding in place with dampened wooden picks; place the whole slice in· the center. 4) Break up jelly with a fork in a cup and stir in lemon juice; spread over lamb and return to oven. 5) Continue roasting Y2 to 1 hour or longer until a meat thermometer registers 170° for medium or 180" for well done.

List Programs At La Salett'e Among activities scheduled at La Salette Center of Christian Living, Attleboro, are a men's Cursillo from Thursday, April 9 through Sunday, April 12 and a women's Cursillo from Thursday, May 14 through Sunday, May 17. The annual fiesta for' Cursillistas will be held at 7:30 Sunday night, April 4 at St. Mary's Center, . Norton. . Family retreats are pllinned for the weekends of May 22 and May 29. Further information is available from Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lockwood Jr., 285 Oak Hill Avenue, Seekonk 02771. A retreat for engaged .couples is slated for Friday,. April 24 through. Sunday, April 26.

FAIRBORN (NC)-Mrs. Bonnie-Jane Luft, 99-pound housewife and mother of eight, has been selected as the U. S. Air Force "Wife of the Year." She Notre Dame Students will go to Washington, D.C., in May to be considered for "Mili- Elect Negro, Protestant SOUTH BEND (NC) - Notre tary Wife of the Year" with wives of men in other armed ser- Dame's "Fighting Irish"· went outside the family to vote in a vices branches. young Pittsburgh Negro as the Mrs. Luft is the wife of Maj. student body's first 'black presiNeale Luft, who is assigned' to dent. At the same time, ·voters nearby Wright-Plitterson Air elected a Protestant as student Force Base. Both are converts to government vice-president. the Catholic Church and are acDavid M. Krashna, a 21-yeartive in affairs of Mary Help of old junior, received more than Christian parish here in Ohio. 63 per cent of the votes cast for The dynamic Mrs. Luffs chil- student body president. His dren range from one to 13 years. classmate and running mate, She finds time, in addition to her Mark E. Winings of Elwood, house work and parish activi- Ind., was similarly swept into ties, to engaged in civil rights office. Notre Dame's 'student and community betterment work. . body is 96 per cent Catholic.


. UNVeilS PLAQUE: Bishop Connolly, in' the presence of Adrien Picard, parish trustee and Rev. Maurice H. Lamontagne, pastor, unveil3 the new plaque in Our Lady of Groce Church, Westport. honoring donors of' gifts to .the church.

Need Money'

DENVER (NC) - A questionnaire is being prepared to determine the individual work preference of more than 900 nuns in 30 communities assigned to the Denver archdiocese. The in'dividual survey being conducted by a committee of the Sisters' Council, was authorized at a council meeting in early March in St. Anthony's Hospital. Commenting on the project, Sister Patricia Barker of the Precious Blood congregation, council president, said: "I don't think anyone ever has asked the individual Sisters what they think and what they see as our role in service in this archdiocese, With so many Sisters we should have an effective voice." Sister' Patricia said as a result of the questionnaire "we hope to be able to make definite proposals to the archdiocese about our service here, and possibly make proposals to our own communities about our service here."

Nuns Freed in Exchange For Kidnaped. Diplomat

MEXICO CITY (NC)-A nun who was one of five political prisoners exchanged by Brazilian .Committee Reports Religious Communities authorities for a Japanese diploFace Bankruptcy, mat kidnaped by guerrillas said COLUMBUS (NC)-A number selves, but also the retired nuns. that police arrested her last year of religious communities will be Th£: amount sought is an addi- because they considered docuforced to make. bankruptcy re- tional $400 for each wage-earn- ments found in her orphanage to ports to local bishops if the com- ing nun hy the Fall of 19'Z2. The be subversive. Sister Maurina Bortes de Silmunities do not find a ready re- committee proposed that implesponse from the bishops .and the mentation begin in the Fall of veira, director of St. Ann's orlaity to alleviate the prohlem of Hl70 since the need is immedi- phanage in Ribeirao, Brazil, arrived here with the four other Sister retirements. A finance ate. prisoners flown to this country. committee of a meeti.ng of Ohio They were exchanged in a deal bishops and major superiors isReiterates Suggestion between the military regime of sued that warning here. Gen. Emilio Garrastazu Medici Delegates to the meeting said Of Arab Terrorism and urban guerrilla leaders to religious communities in Ohio SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Msgr.. gain the release of Nobuo Okuchi. arp. losing wage earners while .John M. Oesterreicher, director of consul general of Japan in Sao the number of elderly nuns con- the Seton Hall University Insti- Paulo. tinues to increase tute of Judaeo-Christian Studies The diplomat had been kidThe cost of providing for the here, has again asked Chistian naped near his home March 11. older 'Sisters and the non-earn- relief organizations to use their The kidnaping was accomplished info younger' ones Who are ill has influence to halt Arab terrorist by nine armed youths in an operIwen made 'very difficult due to activities. ation similar to the abduction' In a reply to Msgr. John G. six months ago of U. S, ambasthe heavy drop-out rate in the Nolan, who had criticized the in- sador C. Burke Elbrick Elbrick communities. stitute's original statement on was freed in exchange for 15 The . finance committee proposed that needed money must the question, Msgr. Oesterreicher political prisoners, most of them come from the laity, by adding said that he was distressed at students and members of terrora flat amount to the base wage the absence of any condemnation ist groups, who also were flown of each Sister in the active 'apos- of the terrorist activities in Msgr. to Mexico. Nolan's comment. . tolate. . He said that the institute's re- !l!.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ In effect, the working Sisters , quest that organizations support= mllst support not .only' them- ing Arab refugee camps with§ Building Contractor § draw their support unless firm guarantees are given that the . Diocese Increases camps will not be used for training in hatred and violence "did Teacher 'Salaries PITTSBURGH (NC) Lay not mean that we desire to see teachers in the Pitsburgh dio- the many poor inhabitants of the cese's Catholic' high schools have camp punished for the reign of been' awarded across-the-board terror spread by a few assassalary increases at all levels, to sins.". In a statement, released 7 JEANmE STREET ~ begin with the' opening of school in Rome, Msgr. Nolan said that ~ this request seemed to call for . next September. ~FAIRHA VEN 994-7321 ~ punishing the many because of The new salary scale was ac- the few. ;'11I11I11I1II111111111J1I1II1111111111111111111111111111111111f1ti¥. cepted by the diocesan school board and the Secondary Lay Teachers' Guild. Details of the wage schedule were worked out by a 10-member committee appointed by Pittsburgh's Bishop Vincent M. Leonard. Under terms of the new scale, the starting salary for lay teachers with a bachelor's degree will be $6,400. Master's degree holaContractors Since 1913 ers will start at $6,800, Those already teaching in the school 699 Be~lville Avenue system will be awarded raises based on the number of years New Bedford they have served and on their educational qualifications.







I 0 . THE

'Southern Jesuits Pro,pose', Changes


ANCHORThurs., Mar. 26, 1970

Pontiff Explains Council of Laity Role in Church

GRAND COTEAU (NC)-Recommendations for new directions and objectives by Jesuits of the New Orleans province have been drawn up at the provincial Congress here in Louisiana. The recommendations, 'which will be considered by the provin. cial and general superiors of the Society of Jesus, are grouped into three categories: new directions, general strengthening and expansion of past efforts and changes in the religious life style of the province. New directions include an openness to and an encourage.ment of educational efforts on non-Jesuit campuses· and direct social action ministries which exist outside of and independently of present Jesuit institutions.

VATICAN CITY (NC)The Council for the Laity, the highest group of laymen in the central offices of the Church, must pay attention to the Church's teaching authority and work with, its bishops "in terms of trust, service and communion." Pope Paul VI thus summed up his vision of the role of both the council, and the role of the lay apostolate at' an audience given to. the plenary session of the Council held in Rome. The Pope's insistence on the teaching authority of the Church and on the need for cooperation with the bishops reflected a growiflg concern in some parts of the hierarchy, including the Vatican itself, that some sectors of the lay apostolate movement are' growing apart from the "institutional Church." Later in his talk, Pope Paul stressed the need for the C'ouncil of the Laity to seek the best means for "uniting and harmonizing'its task with the task of the various offices, secretariats and commissions of the Roman Curia with respect for the competence of each.:', Noting that the Second Vatican Council has opened a: "vast field of action" for the Council of the Laity, the Pope said he feels that the council has a twofold role: one in relation to laymen and the other in relation to the bishops. Attitude of Listening In its relation to laymen, the Pontiff said, the council "must maintain an attitude of listening, of dialogue, being' careful to discern within the environment the needs and possibilities of salva· tion. "It will therefore try'to exercise, in liaison with the bishops of the various parts of the world, the forms of apostolate that respect the genius and character of each culture, but join together in the communion of the: Church through the clear affirmation of their C,atholic identity." , Zeal and devotion are not sufficient, he said. Reflection, medi· tation. constant· confrontation with the Gospel and the magisterium of the Church are also necessary." , The second responsibility of the .Council of the Laity is no less important, said the Pope. "It concerns the interrelation of the apostolate of the'laity with that of the hierarchy, two forces which the very constitution of the Church does not permit one' to imagine as diverging. In this too your testimony must be exemplary."

'Number @f German Semanarians DrolP~ BONN (NC)-The number of seminarians in both East and West Germany has declined sharply in the past seven years. Statistics for the 24 dioceses in both Germanies sh'ow that the number of seminarians dropped almost by half from 802 in 1962 to 461 in 1969, although there were 882 in 1966. Seminarian ranks dwindled to 602 the following year and continued decreasing to 593 in 1968 and the low of 461 last year. Only three of the dioceses showed increases in seminarias since 1966. In communist East' Germany the number of candi-' dates for the priesthood deciined from 43 in 1966 to 28 in 1969. '

lO-State' Area



BOyeOn DETERGENTS: Students at Northwestern University, Evanston, ilL, organized to help save the environment from deterioration, arespons'oring a nationwide shoppers' boycott against high-phosphate household detergents. .Three students here inform a shopper which detergents are least harmful to the environment. NC Photo.

H~gh.. Phospha~e Deterg4ents Stud~nts Plan Ngtionwade Project


EVANSTON_ (NC) - Student concern over the' deteriorating' environment picked up more momentum 'as Northwestern University students initiated a t>oy-. cott of detergents containing large amounts of ·phosphates. The students recently learned that about 75 per cent of the phosphates in U. S. rivers and lakes comes from detergents. ' They are telling housewives that phosphates from their detergents may be helping to ,"kill" large bodies of water such as Lake Erie everytime their washers flush the detergents down the drain. ',' The students are handing ,out literature to help housewives know which detergents are most harmful to the environment. Phosphates are chemical fer-'

Reporll' AmpleRo@m

In High' Schools

Strengthening and expansion of past efforts include greater concern for social action in province institutions and more earnest efforts to recognize and respect cultural differences in expanded dealings with blacks and Mexican-Americans. Recommended changes in religious life style includes re-establishment of personal government by superiors rather than merely administrative efficiency, an attempt to discern God's will in the consideration of the care of persons and the services which they render by a joint prayerful effort of the superior and of the individual member or community, and provision for the continuation of the province-wide 'consul· tation and discernment process through creation of a permanent congress. The New Orleans province covers a 10-state area from Flor·, idfl.toNew Mexico. ,

tilizers th,at make algae grow in - out of the water. Then the algae water. When the algae die, oxy- do not decompose, and the dead ,gen is needed from the water to algae keep on piling up and fill~. ,help tiny organisms, decompose ing various bodies of water. The students are informing Vermont Defeats ·them. If there are too inany algae, they take all of the oxygen area residents of a simple experiment to determine if their Abortion Change drinking water contains algae. MONTPELIER (NC)-The VerMass Media Put a handkerchief over the fau- mont State Senate defeated the cet and run water through it, the . proposed abortion refQrm bill by Stress Development the students explain. If 'there is a vote of 20 to 10. DRIEBERGEN (NC)-Informa- a green film on the handkerchief, The bill was undergoing its tion provided by the mass media there are algae in the water. third reading, the next to the last on developIng countries should Northwestern Students for a· step before becoming law, if it not be an accumulation, of mis- Better Environment plan to make had passed. The bill is dead for ery and injustices giving t/!e im- their boycott a nationwide proj- at least this session of the legispression that humanity is con- ect. A statemen from the group lature. fronted by hopeless, insoluble explained their boycott: The bill had been opposed by problems, Cardinal Bernard AP-"We intend to exert pressure Bishop Robert F. Joyce of Burfrink of Utrecht told a meeting 'on the detergen't manufacturers lington and prominent Catholic here in The Netherlands. on to adopt replacements for the laymen and clergy organized as "Churches, Communication and phosphate builders in their de- the Vermont Human Life AssoDevelopment:" tergents. We intend to inquire ciation Inc. The meeting, attended by over into the industry's research 50 specialists in ,mass media along this line. 'froll) about 20 countries explored "Financial pressure can be exthe use of mass media in pro- erted by alerting housewives to moting the collaboration between the phosphate issue and asking (0. rich and poor countries. It was them to buy low-phosphate de7 sponsored by the Committee on' tergents," the statement conOver 35 Years Society, Development and Peace, , tinues. of Satisfied Service an organization of ' the' World "We hope through letters to Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Council of Churches and the congressmen to establish con· JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Pontifical Commission for Justice gressional pressure for low-phOS806 NO. MAIN STREET and Peace. phate detergents and to obtain Fali ~iver 675-7497 Cardinal Alfrink said that in- stricter legislation," it adds. formation, provided by mass media should stimulate men to "collaborate in building a better world in which everyone can find a happy life." "In addition to the problems of Route 6--between Fall River and New Bedford peace and war, there is no issue that arouses so much interest and activity as development work," he told the meeting. "This is true of all levels of society. of 'all types and generations of people. The youth of today in particular are very interested in development. "


CLEVELAND . (NC) - A preenrollment survey' has disclosed there will be ample room in)he 34 Catholic high schools in the Cleveland diocese to accommo. date an expected total of 7,500 incoming freshmen. A spokesman for the diocesan school, board announced: "No one. who applies will be turned away." It wasn't too 'many years ago when the diocese was forced to turn away as many applicants as the freshmen classes could accommodate approximately 8,000. The pre-en.rollment survey dis~ closed thus far 7,317 applications have been received for 7,545. seats available in 31 of the schools. The not-yet-open Lake County Catholic High School which eventually will be able to Man's Sensitivity handle 1,200 students, already Man is much more' sensitive to has received 200 applications for its first freshman class, not ,the' contempt of others. than to counted in the survey figures. self-contempt: -r'{ie.tzsche

MOfitle Plumbing, & , Heating



















Sch.ool Aid Issue Now Formalizing In New Jersey

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 26, 1970



Smut E~plosion In Denmark

TRENTON (NC) - New Jersey's concern over additional state aid to non-public schools has yet to be formal-

LOS ANGELES (NC)-Reports in the American press have not accurately represented the effects of unrestrained pornography in Denmark" according to Raymond P. Gauer, national director of Cit.izens for Decent Literature. Gauer went to Denmark, Sweden and England to study the extent and effects of the pornography industry in Europe. He has summarized his findings: "The 31 per cent reported decrease in sex crimes since abolishment of Denmark's obscenity law is due to the fact that what was previously considered a sex crime .is no longer so considered." "For exampTIe," Gauer pointed iut, "the sale of pornography was considered a sex crime in the past." Other sex crimes, he said, have been relaxed, and he noted prostitution has become rampant in Copenhagen, the country's capi~al.

ized but already controversial skirmishes already are occurring. Gov. William T. Cahill has reiterated favoring more state aid for. parochial and private schools but he has yet to send to the legislature a special message spelling out his program. Broader Tax Base Several education bills already are pending in the legislature. Senate President Raymond H. Bateman of Somerset has declared first priority must be given to public schools, although he acknowledged no legislative leader is opposed to aiding parochial schools. A chief measure to give added help to nonpublic schools is one which has been introduced in the last several legislatures. Sponsored by Assemblmari Richard Vander Platt of Bergen CQunty, the measure would provide tui.tion grants variously estimated from $100 to $250 a year per EXPO '70: Conical roof distinguishes the Christian Pavilion at pupil for the parents of each stubackground is the massive steel Netherlands Pavilion. NC Photo. dent in non-public schools.· The estimated price tag of the measure is $90 million annually. Other bills, designed to aid both public and non-public. o schools, entail annual estimated 'Ey~s costs up to $300 million. It has been proposed that a state lotEntrance to the pavilion is OSAKA (NC) - The Christian tery law or new income tax measure be enacted to finance Pavilion at Japan's EXPO '70 ap- through a catacomb-like passage pears small compared to the leading to a circular, subterraschool aid legislation.. , massive and towering structures nean room in which are disnearby, but this 'humble' pres- played three Raphael tapestries 'Tremendous Impact' ence was intended by the group with biblical motifs and a modOptimistic observations are of Catholics and Protestants who ern bronze sculpture by Japanese that additional school aid, if it suggestQd Christian participatio'l artist Kyuichi Kosaka titled comes, will not arrive at· the in the world exposition here. "Christ Bearing a Broken earliest until the 1971-72 school The Vatican is an equal part- World." Large .photographs on term. ner in the pavilion, which was the walls of an anteroom. comGov. Cahill touched off the dedicated nine days prior to the ment on the conflicts encounskirmishes over school aid when official inauguration of EXPO '70. tered in today's world. a group of more than 200 CathAt the dedication ceremony, The. floor, walls and conical olic students, officials and par- the brief greeting of Archbishop ceiling of the pavilion's unclutents appeared at his office, Bruno Wuestenberg, apostolic tered upper level are of unwhere they deposited dozens of pro-nuncio· to Japan, hinted at painted wood. Through windows plastic bags stuffed with more both the obstacles met and the rising to the peak of the roof than 200,000 appeals for paro- importance of success in erecting can be seen the towering stairchial school aid. this sign of cooperative eff<>rt. case of upright logs at the neighThe del~gation represented 55 "For many months we have. boring British Columbia pavilion, Catholic schools. There are 635 suffered together, we have dia- a tall pagoda erected by a JapaCatholic elementary and high logued together, we have suc- nese business firm, and the soarschools with more than 300,000 ceeded together," he said. "I only ing white tower, topped ~y a red students in the state. fear that we .who are gathered hammer ·and sickle, of the Soviet "It must be obvious to the here today cannot fully appreci- pavilion. most casual observer that if non- ate the historical importance of public schools do not continue to this small pavilion." Christian Century educate this portion of our chil'Holy Emptiness' dren there will be a tremendous Announces Merger impact on the public schools," Developing the basic EXPO '70 CHICAGO (NC) ..:.-. Editors of Cahill told the delegation. theme, "Progress and Harmony the Christian Century, an ecuof Mankind," the Christian paCampaign Issue vilion theme is "Eyes and menical weekly published here, lie took his own staff hy sur- Hands," which the design and have announceg that the magaprise when he assured the dele- decor seek to illustrate: eyes dis- zine will merge with Britain's gation he will send a special covering man's dignity and des- New Christian on June 1. The new journal, which will message to the legislatllre on tiny; hands testifying to the non-public and public school aid. Christian mission of praying for continue to be known as the Christian Century, represents the Cahill, 57,. who served six and serving humanit.y. latest in a series of mergers. terms in the House of RepresentSeveral years ago the British atives in Washington, is New New Christian was formed from Jersey's first Republican gov- Pope Paul Appoints the merger of the Anglican jourernor in 16 years. A Catholic, Two New Bishops nal Prism with the Catholic he made aid to non-public WASHINGTON (NC) Pope journal Search. schools a chief issue in his camNew Christian editor Trevor paign against former Gov. Rob- Paul VI has named two new ert B. Meyner, his Democratic members of the U. S. hierarchy, Randall Beeson will become Euone in Texas and another in ropean editor of the combined opponent. Guam, it was announced here by publication. Alan Geyer, editor Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, ap- of Christian Century and presiostolic delegate in the U. S. dent of the Christian Century Midwest Meetang Father Patrick F. Flores of Foundation, will hold the same CHICAGO (NC) - Panels on neighborhood youth gangs, black Houston was appointed auxiliary post with the new journal. power in Catholic parishes, to Archbishop Francis J. Furey Founded in 1887, Christian police-community relations and of San Antonio and titular bish- Century has moved in the past the role of white clergymen in . op of Santiponce (ltalica). decade from what observers call Msgr. Felixberto Comacho "a hard line" on Catholicism to a black communities will highlight the annual meeting March 31- Flores, apostolic administrator of highly ecumenical outlook. The April 2 of the Catholic Clergy the Agana, Guam, diocese, has merger ·reflects the magazine's Conference on the Interracial been named titular bishop of efforts to widen coverage of all . religious activities. Apostolate. Stonj (Stagnum).



EXPO '70 in Osaka, Japan. In

Christian Pavilion Has Humble Presence and Hands


Theme of EXPO Structure The hall itself conveys what architect Akjra Inadomi terms "holy emptiness." Center of attraction is a large pipe organ, also unpainted, with 30 bamboo pipes prominently placed among more than 1,000 metal ones used in its construction. Formal recitals .are scheduled, but organists will be present most days, providing meditative music heard throughout the pavilion. Venture in Togetherness The hall also holds two simple symbols of the Word of God (Bible) and of the Table of the Lord (Eucharist). Anglican Bishop Hinsuke Yashiro of Kobe is chairman of Christian pavilion committee. Roman Catholic Archbishop Paul Taguchi of Osaka is commissioner general, representing the Vatican. A large staff of Japanese Protestants and Catholics have worked together many months to effect .this Christian presence at EXPO '70. Others will cooperate in its operation during the six months of the exposition. Despite the newness 'of interchurch efforts in Japan, despite violent objections from a few radical elements and despite unfortunate and seemingly unavoidable misunderstandings that occasionally occurred during pl,!nning and construction, the Christian pavilion at EXPO '70 already represents a successful venture in Christian togetherness in Asia.

Gauer who is also Los Angeles Holy Name Union president, said he went to Europe at the request of Charles Ke~ting, Jr., appointee of President Nixon to the federal commission studying obscenity problems in America. Gauer saic; he interviewed police official, government authorities and churchmen in Denmark. "The production and sale of hardcore por::lography in Denmark ·has mushroomed into a major industry since abolition of the obscenity law in 1969," Gauer said. "Competition in the field is very great and there is a tremendous' oversupply, not lack of demand as reported in the American press. This oversupply is . being legally exported by Denmark to other nations throughout the world and illegally im. ported by those nations. Gauer reported that Rev. P. Werner Hansen, auxililary Lutheran bishop of Copenhagen, told him that traditional JudaeoChristian morality plays little or no part in Danish life. The COL official noted Denmark is 98 per cent Lutheran but said church attendance there is at an all time low.

Exercises Option Spring is nature taking up its option on the world. -Cannon

famous for QUALITY and SERVICEi



1111 ~ TauntonMass. AMERICA;;


'OllJr Heating

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...' .






THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ oHall River-Thurs. Mar. 26~ 1970

Demand for Better TV "Children's Programs Is Produ~ing Results

Our Brotherhood in Christ Forms Unbreakable Bond

• WASHINGTON (NC)-Parents, shaking the apathy of their pregrateful in the. past for using decessors. television as an electronic baby· Parental pressures recently sitter, are now beginning to de- caused a Buffalo. TV station to mand . an improvement in the drop the popular afternoon proBy Barbara Ward quality of children's programs. gram "Dark Shadows," a serial And judging from 'the net- pe~etrate~ ,with occultism and . One of the difficulties faced by those who advocate . works' response, their cause is eerie musIc. a continuance or an increase in foreign aid is that the nlready producing results. An?ther parent group makmg Their involvement has, in et- hea?lmes 15 ~he~oston-b~~ed arguments for it really demand an attitude of mind so feet, received the blessings of Actaon for Children s TeleVISIOn different from our traditional reaction that it does amount Dean Burch, chairman' of the (ACT). to a revolution. In fact the Federal Communications Com· Reason~ for Optimism phrase "Copernican revolu- new Copernican .revolution? How mission. He favors a more active Several members of this group can we learn to see our planet role by the public, especially par- appeared before the Federal tion" is often used to' des- as we now see our nation-as ents of younger children, jn de· Communications Commission to cribe the change that· is the single, interdependent comtcrmining television· program- plead that each commercial teleneeded. After the astronomer munity within which we have to mingo . . vision station pl'Ovide not less Copernicus had confirmed' the make our earthly home? We It has been estimated, conser· than 14 hours each week of childiscoveries of have made' such shifts of vision vatively, that TV sets in Amer- . dren's shows as part of its public Galileo in' the " and ·Ioyalty in, the past. If we kan homes are turned on for an service requirement.)n addition, 16th century; . take the Stone Age tribesmen of average of five hours and 48 Action for Children Television is the educated" New Guinea as examples of our minutes daily. But children are demanding that the networks people of Euown past, there, until quite re· said to view television about 56 cease to use their children as rope began to cently, 7,000 yillage communjties hours each week. consumer targets. An end to look at their based upon close. kinship spoke commercials in children's shows world in. a com. 7,000 differe!1~ languages aryd The average American child is its ultimatum. begins to watch TV. 'at the age new pletely went hunting for heads in 6,999 of two. By the time he has grad. There are reas<;>ns for opti· ARCHBISHOP TAWIL way. The sun other villages. Absurd, we say. mism. With the ulited from high school, he will. . advent of.. Nil,, ceased to move " But was it· any. sillier than than' 11,000. ~.lOnal. Educatl~~al Televlslo~ s have spent less around the France' and .. Germany .fighting hours in' the classroom, but more" . Sesame Street, th~ commerc!al .earth. The earth. two great "civil wars" in Europe' than 20000 hours with ti.l:e- .... , ~etw~rks .have dlsplaye~ I~was seen" 'to between' 1914 and 1945 and invision. ' cJ'~ased concern fo~ q~ahty .m move around the sun.' Sunrise volving the whole of the rest of . children's programmmg. was really "earthdown." the planet? Inane Cem~dies NBC has developed seven origBOSTON (NC) - Syrian-born The' change deeply affected the inal, one-hour specials for chilArchbishop Joseph Tawil,' 56, No BindIng' Loyalties way people thought about them- . What has been their television was inaugurated here as spirit- diet? The TV-bred child has ab- dren called "The American Rainselves and their planet. They bebow" . series.' For the first time To the New Guinea villager, ual head of the 55,000 Melkite gan to see their lives from a difsorbed a large number of nonin its history, thc network has ferent perspective. Man. was· no France would seem inconceiv~ rite' Catholics in the' United creative .cartoons' on Saturday . preempted its Saturday morning ably large. But because France is. States. longer the center of everything morning-the kind with large Designated as apostolicexarch doses of violence; with multi-re- schedule to present the programs but part of a much greater, more a nation, its old, oncefeudaI. approximately once a month. mysterious whole which' far provinces. no longer fight each .for .Melkite rite· Catholics who peated sequences of absurdities; not make a com. htwe 26 parishes in 17 states in other. Can we 'Sesame Street' transcends the individual soul with gobs of inappropriate and parable shift of loyalty from this country, Archbishop Tawil intlne comedies. or society. ' .• Upgrading Saturday morning . Modem man has now had that France (or Britain or America) will maintain his headquarters at But a new breed hf parents is . programming is also an aim· of the Melkite chancery office in. CBS in its' production this sea· vision tremendously reinforced to the world?' This is not, of course, a total nearby West Newton. son of three original dramas for by the vision of the astronauts- shift. If we are fond' of our city children. And "Captain Kangathe picture "Earthrise" from or region, we are not, for that Archbishop Tawil was en- Conference Issues roo," one of the pioneering venthe moon as the planet swung reason, less fond of our families. throned by Archbishop Luigi tures, is still captivating the . into .view. It is indeed a very .If we love our nation, it does not Raimondi; Apostolic Delgeate in Dialogue Booklet small part of a vast system. But mean we cannot love the whole the United States, at colorful By- . NEW' YORK (NC) - The Na- yoiJng audience on CBS.' . , zantine rite. ceremonies and Di- tional Conference of Christians "Jacques Cousteau and his' fas-' . we have not yet undergone a of man. We' are per- v!ne Liturgy in the Melkite Ca. and Jews has issued the first. of cin'ating undersea episodes con· new ."Copernican revolution" community fectly accustomeq to multiple tinue to be seen on ABC. The sufficiently to see how small and loyalties, The trouble is that they thedral of Our Lady.of the An- a new series of booklets that ., will inaugurate a fresh drive by network has alsc appointed its vulnerable and valuable it really stop at the level of the nation. nunciation here. director of children's pro· is. On the contrary, we still feel Above that level- where,' inAmong the participants in thc the human-relations organization first graming (CBS and NBC already that we arc first and foremost creasingly, many of the greatest Divine Liturgy (Mass) was Met- to. improve interreligious underhave similar positions), and per· not men, members of a sin- influences, of trade, of security, . ropolitan Gregorie Haddad of standing. gle family, but tribesmen-Teu- of environment, are at work in Beirut and Gibail, Who accomTitled "The Meaning and Con- 'haps its program listing will soon reflect a concern for children. tons, Franks, Anglo-Saxons our lives-we have few, institu- panied Archbishop Tawil to the duct of Dialogue," tht:: 31-page Perhaps no series has been as locked in division,. competition tions and no binding loyalties. united States. manual sets forth the objectives heralded as NET's "Sesame and ~ggression. There is a great human voidCharacterzied as a "messenger and techniques of "dialogue"- Street," Designed especially for a long-standing conference tech'{Vhich could .also be the ,abyss' ,of peace,"Archbishop Tawil, who No Emotional Sense the pre-schooler between the Now in such'a world of divi- into which as a whole species we . formerly served in"his native nique.. ages of three and five; it teacheS fall to destruction. Damascus, Syria, as vicar for Dr. Sterling W. Brown, confer· sion and separation,' the idea of among other things, letters of Melkite Patriarch Maximos V ence .president, in announcing devoting one nation's resources the alphabet. new words, numSo the question of less aid. or of Antioch. is the first ap- the new publication noted that bers and counting and how to to building up the economic and more aid for world development Hakim pointee following settlement of solve simple problems. It tells social capacity of another makes is bound up with much deeper a controversy between the Mel- Christian-Jewish relations in the U. S: .have been placed uhder about city and rural life, and be· no emotional sense. The other isues-whether we are still at . kite Rite Synod and the Vatican strain since the six-day Arab- ini' a NET production, there arc country is, by definition, alien. heart tribesmen with no wider C:mgregation for. the Oriental no commercials. There are no obligations. There vision th~n' the villagers of New Church regarding appointments Israeli war of 1967, and its aftermath. is no solidarity. If mutual com- Guinea. 'But for a Christian, Of Melkite bishops. ' ' . "While the interreligious climerce can' be arranged to ~he there is 'only one answer. The . matc in our country improved advantage of both, so be it. If G9d who sends His rain to fail' . • I ' immeasurably after the Confermisunderstandings . an~ enmities :'on the just. and unjust" arid :- Vicars for Re-ligious cnce was established in' 1928, arise, they· can only be' ,settled calls all mankmd to brotherhood . F' ". . . ONE STOP orm Conference we find ourselves today in what by force '(since, by definition, in Christ is riot asking the skin SHOPPING CENTER there arc 'no community struc- color or the cultural background CHICAGO (NC) - Vicars for may well be a new era of crisis tures to mediate them). . of "the least of these little ones." Religious have formed a .national in this sensitive area," Dr.. • Television '. Grocery By this'logic, the nations, as They-and we-are all His. This organization and have selected Brown said. He said the booklet • Appliances • Fruriiture this column has repeatedly 'is the unl>reakablebond·of unity. Father Donald E. Heintschel of is a new step in' the conference's 104· Allen St., New Bedford pointed oilt, spend every year . '',0 Toledo, Ohio, as its first chair- effort to bridge with understanding the growing gapsbctwecn on armaments three times the 997-9354 man. entire nationalincomc of Africa, Bible .o Distribution.. Thc National Conference of groups. India and. Latin America com- Increased \in"·1969.:· Vicars for Religious, established bined. This is thc price tag wc NEW <YORK' ('NC). ~. Th e at an institute here, is ,the result havc' to fix. on a world which cannot see itself as a 'community American Bible Society here re': of. four meetings' of vi~ars. The 7't2% Term Deposit Certificates-$lOO,OOO or more and in which· nations continue ported Scripture distribution to- first was. held. in, May, 1967 in to find normal and rational the taled 76,216,553 copies in 1969, River Forest III.; and the other 6% Term Deposit Certificates·- Two years ability to destroy their neighbors. a year's ,jncrease. of 47.6 per cent.,. two were. held in Detroit. 5% % Term Deposi.t Certificates - One year The society said the' distribti-·· 'With the"formation' of the naand themselves literally 25 times tion' incluged 660;250 .complete, tiona 1 conference, four regional 5't2% 90-Day Notice over. How do. w~ .accol'l1»lish the Bibles; ':6;876';794 . New' Testa- . g'roups' were created with a 5't2% Systematic Savings ments; 8,063,216 portions (one or . ch~irman elected fQr each. They 514 % Regular Savings more books of the· Bible); are East, Msgr. Thomas J. Kelly, Due Process 60,240,150 selections less than a Brooklyn; Midwest, Father Eu5% - Daily Interest GREENSBORO (NC) - The book of :th.e Bible; 269,671 Talk- gen'e J. McClory, Chicago; South, ,~ Dividends payable quarterly North Carolina Priests' Associa- ,ing Bible records :and tapes for Msgr.. John E. Murphy. Little tiGn has endorsed· the ,action of persons with. impaired vision, Rock, Ark,; and West, Father the National Federation of Priests and 6,472 Braille volumcs. .James T. Hill, Oakland, Calif. BANK BY MAIL Councils' urging Pope Paul to , The 'statistics .'were made' Two Sisters are members of establish 'due process for a' fair. available .by the Rev: James Z. the vicars' conference. They are we pay the postage trial in the.case of 19 Washing- Nettinga, executive' secretary of Sisters Corinne Bart, R.S.M., of - South Yarmouth . Yarmouth Shopping Plaza Hyann.is ton priests who were disciplined the society.'s distribution depart- Detroit and, ~ister Linda Chavez, Dennis Port Osterville by Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle. . ment. ' S:~.; of Santa Fe. '

Enthrones Head Of Melkite Rite





THE ANCHOR':""Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26, 1970



SOMERSET PARISHIONERS SHARE SEDER SUPPER:' Parishioners of St. John of God, Somerset, enjoy the Seder celebration as a remembrance of Christ's Last Supper. Left to right: John Valerio, Manuel Michaels, Ray~ond La-

Catholic Leaders Laud President's School Aid Effort

Approve: Action on Welfare Reform Bill Prelate Sees Benefit to Millions of -Needy

WASHINGTON (NC)-Qfficials of two Catholic organizations who support, ,the family assistance program have noted that the House Ways. and ',M,eans Committee has reportelr ~ a 'bill Nixon in his efforts to seek ways calling for such aio' outlof. ,co'mof assisting non public schools. mittee. ' Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, "A major step 'towards 'welfare general secretary of the United rt'form has been taken," stated States Catholic Conference, and Msgr. Layvrence J, ,Corcoran. Father C. Albert Koob, president secretary of the National Conof the National Catholic Educa- ference of Catholic Charities. tional Association, pledged their Referring to House bill 16311, support in reply to letters NixMsgr. Corcoran said, "This is a 'on sent to them, The President noted he had significant piece of legislation "specifically directed that special which will revise the character attention be given to the grave and structure of the piJblic welp~oblems co.nfr?nted~~~at,~~y . fare system, to the', benefit of the nonpubhc schools mrhls millions' of needy persons." He country whi拢h carry the heavy said he was gratified at the acresponsibility of educating six tion of the Ways and Means Committee. million American children." Nixon announced in his recent He also indicated that education message that he was changes made by the ,committee establishing by executive order a "are positive additions to the Presidential Commission on bill." School Finance which would May Face Trouble have as a "particular assign. ment" examination of "the sp'eFather James T. McHugh, 'dicific problem of parochial rector of the Faqtily Life Divischools." sion, U. S. Catholic Conference, Partners in Enterprise "We at NCEA." Father Koob noted the bill "picked, up biwrote to Nixon, "are particular- partisan support in the House," ly grateful for your historic step and that there is also bi-partisan fcrward in identifying for Con- support in the Sena~e. gress the contribution made by However, he warned: "The bill non public schools to the wel- will hit some opposition' in the fare of the nation." Senate, and could face real Bishop Bernardin told the troubJe in the Senate Finance President: Committee." "We are especially encouraged Father McHugh continued: by your recognition of the non"Although most everyone agreed public schools as ,partners in the that our welfare system needs a American educational enterprise. radical overhaul, and that the W(' are anxious to have the op- Family Assistance Plan is a good portunity of collaborating fully approach, the expected enthusiwith efforts to improve American asm for this particular bill has education." , not been forthcoming. "Some feel that the basic income-$1600 for a family of four Billy Graham Kn,oc:ks -is too low, and that the work is too .inde(inite and Birth Control Efforts component open to fair administration at the LOS ANGELES (NC) - Evan- state level: Others are opposed gelist Dr. Billy Graham told a because it may cost' too much TV audience here that govern- in the long run," he explained. ment involvement in birth' conNeeds Improvement trol efforts had neglected "spiritual guidance" and urged that "The Chamber of Commerce the government stay out of birth has come out against the bill, control programs. The prominent Protestant and other conservative groups preacher added that the govern- can be expected to do likewise," ment had no place in the bed- he predicted. "The basic thrust of HR 16311 room, which he called the proper preserve of H man, his wife and is good, and if passed, would be God. Dr. Graham also said that Stay on Top birth control and sex education In your area of responsibility, programs supported by other governments had deprived man路 if you do nor control ,events, you woman relationships of their are at the mercy of events. -Svare h~man aspects.

WASHINGTON (NC),Leaders of, two 'national Catholic agencies pledged cooperation to President

pointe, Richard Maynard, AI Souza, Rev. Henry Arruda, assistant at St. John of God Parish; Louis Cordeiro, Joseph Oliveira, Joseph Rocha. Manuel Thomas, Michael de Silva, Joseph Viveiros ard Manuel Souza.

a landmark in ~ocial legislation in the United States. Not every part of the present bill is satisfactory, but it may' be improved

in the Senate,&r in next year's Congress," the Family Life director stated. "The important thing is to get

this legislation enacted as soon as possible, with the determination to improve it at every opportunity," he emphasized. "In the face of cOf'servative opposition and. the cautions of organized labor, the churches have the opportunity and responsibility to carry the case for enactment," .he asserted.

A. .Jo"ous, Happy Easter

Fan River

14 ..' THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26, ·1970

Redemptbll'ist . Contemplative Nun' Criticizes Canonical Enclosure




CHICAGO (NC) ~ Startling criticisms such as "lack of education is the greatest handicap" of contemplative nuns and that a cloister encourages "a ghetto mentality with all the ignorance, prejudice and pettiness that go with tfte ghetto menJ~lity" were heard at a meeting of nuns here. ,,' . , The criticisms were leveled by 'Sister Gertrude Wilkinson, aRedemptorist contemplative nun of Esopus, N.Y., at the fourth National Institute for Vicars of Religious here at the Cenacle Retreat Hou~e;.:: .Theme or: the three-day meet'in~ was ttie'~role of women Re.. ligious since the Second Vatican Council. . "The contemplative life has to , -yield. to the'· process of ' evolu· tion," 'Sister Gertrude said. "Renewal vi.i\l 'deepen, . not lessen, our 'commitment to a life of , prayer;" 'Lack of Education' Equation of the contemplative with enclosure of cloister has caused much confusion, she added. Many fear "eroding" of cloister walls could portend the. end of contemplative life,. although Vatican)I ruled .enclosure ior contemplatives should be "retained, but modified according to conditions of time and place." Sister Gertrude voiCed the need for normal human .relationship, 'diversity apd individuality among contemplative Sisters. She summarized a report on' contemplative nuns which Sister Agnes' Mary Burkard, a school Sister of Notre Dame, presented after giving institutes in psychology to hundreds of conternplatives across the country: "Lack of education is the grestest handicap of contemplathies,," most seriously in. the fields of theology. Scripture, and prayer. 'Ghetto Mentality' "Canonical enclosure has not been a help, but rather a hindrance to contemplation. It has 'encouraged a ghetto mentality,

life .



[j) raye (J'S





NEW YORK (NC)..:.......The time making of every level of the· of secret decisions 'imposed on Church around the world. We a,' silent. and passive' people is are all in this together," ,Although he agrees with· those over,'" visi~ing· Cardinal Leo, with all of the ignorance, preju-. Suenens of-MaJines-Brussels said who say there is a state of condice, and pettiness that go' with here in his final news conference flict, the Belgia'n primate said he the 'ghetto mentlllity.Ithas per- befQre leaving the United States. does not agree with those who mited abuses to flourish in many "The paternalistic style of blame it on the Second Vatican' monasteries' and . rendered the Church government is dead," he Council. He put the. blame innuns' helpiess to procure aid un- said. stead on "the excessively long der these abuses." Discussing progress in updat- perod' of immobilism that pre. The study attributed the high ing the Church, Cardinal Suenens ceded the Council,". rate of emotional disturbances :He explained that the 1918 and serious mental aberations declared: "We have to create new forms Code of Canon Law,'promulgated among cloistered nuns to continuous confinement, unallevi-' of co-responsibility at all levels. many years before, the Second ated by education 'and contact And that can be done only with Vatican Council, "did not reflect the understanding, the active the social imd cultural attitudes with other people. participation, iJ,nd· the involv~- of' the early 20th. century but of Evolving Role' . "The nature of' .the problems ment i,n the pr<?~ess :ofdecision- . a. distant past," ," . Cardinal Suenens' had- 'just reis such that the individual, sep-. MakeMen . turned to New York frorri a arated monastery can do' very little toward ~olving them. It It cannot be too"often repeated .. three-day visit in Detroit, where is necessary' for confemplatives that it is not helps, but obstacles, he was· the guest of Cardinal if they are to' survive, to work· . not facilties, but difficulties that John Dearden. together on the regional and na- make men. -Mathews Cardinal Suenens noted '-tnat tional levels."· , The movement of' contemplatives to' cooperate in problemsolving was traced by. Sister " Ruth Brennan of the Passionist . Sisters of Scranton, Pa: . "We're seeking one imothet to help our life, from those things' which impair our· freedom of' prayer," she .said.."Through .the 0 ' newly formed Association'. ",of' , . Contemplative Sisters:', '?Ie aiin , to reroot' our lives', in C!,\ristiar\,: . . . cultural and ~u~~n ,values.·..W~· .. have to be permlted to 'meet and dialogue together:." . . .. . There now are more, thim .} 00 of the 206 contemplative com-· munities in thl:! U.S. represented in the Association of Contemplative Sisters, she said. - The evolving role of active 'Religious was described by a Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Mich. It is difficult to trace boundaries bet ween .legitimate. changes in the Religious life and total secularization, Sister Margaret Brennan, 'superior' general, said. ..' "Religious today have to live in the midst of a totally secularized society," she said. "Our lives must say 'meaning' to the people, and' not simply 'fl!nc: tion.' .. o

the 1962-1965 Vaticah· Council brought pre-existing problems into the open. "We have to see the probiem clearly and in the context of thl) progress we are making," he said. "We have made substantial advance in our understanding of' the principle of co-responsibility. The Council formulated this principlt: ~t the level of the Pope and the Bishops (collegiality). "The first Synod of Bishops in 1967 made a' small start toward implementing it, and the second Synod last October moved a furtherstep ahead. We are progressing, but we still .have a distance to go." '

Adversity Sting The sharpest sting of adversity it borrows from our own impatience. -Horne


SMg~est$ [Proverbs


Sees Advance in Und erstariding Principle



Substitute Schools

BOSTON (NC)-The leader of old men is the' grey head. , the Boston Public School' ComWine is a mocker, strong drink mittee is 'a man who believes is raging: and whosoever .is ,de, in proverbs; moreover he wants ceived thereby i~ not wise. them recited in the classroom as As a dog returneth to his a substitute for prayers and vomit, so a fool 'returneth to his' Bible readings. . folly.. Chairman Joseph Lee proposed March for God at a committee meeting that 'selected proverbs be used in the Massachusetts -Commissioner puqlic, school classrooms as a of Education Neil V. Sullivan. · "daily primer for whole living," has appealed to the Suffolk SuHe said the plan would not perior Court here for a perma'"" violate the U. S. Supreme Court nent injunction against the', reci'ban on recitation of prayers or tation·.'of school. prayers in ·the Bible readings because the selec- Leyden, public schools. . -. tions would' be "non-theological," Meanwhile, Mrs. Rita Warren,He further stipulated. that the readings would be from mimeo- of Brockton, a crusader for pub- '., graphed sheets rather. than for- licschool prayefl}, announced' plans for a "p'eaceful Marth' for' mal copies of the Bible: . . He emphasized that the God" in Washington, D. C., on .. schools have a duty to instruct April 30. The 42-year-old mother said children "in thOse morals and principles which are so neces- she has contacted some 200 colleges and organizations in cities siuy in a well ordered society," The school official said some and towns' of 20 states seeking ·program is necessary to instill volunteers for the march; such values and "put an end She said the march was-in reto the decadence and. complete sponse to a suggestion from Rep. disillusionment that. we see in Emmanuel Celler of New York the streets today," who recommended that "people Lee cited some selections from and pressure" be brought to' the Book of Proverbs as suitable Washington 'in support of revifor classroom reading: sion of.; the prayer' ban. " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit [ .Consistent Pursuit 3-28-70 drieth the b o n e s . ' The glory, of young men is ·the . se~retof success IS the· .. . NAllIE their strength: and the beauty ',of• consistency to pursue. -Banks, . • '5-.. . -.' " . ',"

Not e'veryone knows that God loves man so much that He became a man': He suffered and died for us and. He rose again on E~ster! Not everyone knows that Christ gave His Church mission: to share,' and teach, and give this good news to others, \. and to be signs of His Resurrection toda.y by loving one another! Missioll1aries know.·.. YOU know .... - help others know too. Send your special gift for the mission today and have a Happy, Meaning(ul Easter!




The Right Rnerend Edward T ..O'Meara The Right Rel'trend RaYnJond T. Co,uidine : i National Director Diocesan Director 366 Fifth A"enlle . 368 North Main Street New York. New York.J0001Fa/l Ri,'I'r, Massachusells 02720


ADDRESS ---_.._--------------_...._._._--'----- ..---_.. _---



Asks Churchmen To Lead Fight Against Hunger

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar .26. 1970

Urges L,oya Ity To Priesthood

AMES (NC) - Iowa religious leaders were asked to serve as a catalyst in pulling together private and government agencies in an effort to feed hungry and malnourished people in the state. The suggestion was made at th ~ governor's Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health here by Msgr. Edward W. O'Rourke, executive director of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference. He also suggested, that confHence delegatee; get to know hungry persons personally becr,use "if we see hunger and malnutrition face to face, we shall be moved to provide adeqt:ate remedies." Speaking on "What We Can Do," Msgr. O'Rourke said the third and important round in the battle against hunger will begin when the delegates return to their homes. Concrete Action


SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY: To be initiated into Spanish Honor Society a't Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, are, front from left, Janice Mendes; Rosemary Frank, Ann Babiarz, Rosemary Ferreira; rear, Pamela Silva, Marion Charette, Kathy Murray, Jane Powers, Joanne Dunn. Not shown, linda Baldaia. '

The first two rounds were last December's White House Conf('rence on Food,' Nutrition and ' Health and the Iowa conference, he said. .' ! ' . "Hungry people, and their needs are to be found at the ~rassroots level," Msgr. 0'Rourke said. "AI! of the conferring, legislating and administratKANSAS CITY (NC}-A 15int of which \...路e have been member ,steering committee 'has, speaking are to be measured ul- been. set up here by the Advisory timately by what improvements Council of the U. S. Catholic occur in your communities." Conference to study.' the advisaIf significant improvements in , bility of creating a National Paspresent anti-hunger programs toral Council.' are- to be made, he said, "a ca,The advi,soJ;'y' council is' the talyst must become operative in first official Church body to con: each of tht'se communities to sider establishment of a National' ' pull together the various private Pastoral Council. Other, groups and governmental agencies, to -the National Federation' of assess the present situation, and Priests' Councils and the Nato resolve upon concrete action." tional Council of Catholic MenMsgr. O'Rourke, in suggesting have ~noffici~l1y 'discussed the that religious leaders act as such mlltter. " a catalyst, explained: The Advisory Council.' composed of Bishops. priests. Reli; Act Together gious and lay people ''from 10 "It has been said that bread regions of the United., States, f(Jr myself is a material thing; serves in a' consultativej;apacity that bread for my neighbor is to the USCC. a spiritual thing, According to The Advisory Council plans to the inspired writers of both the consult as many representative Old and New Testaments, feed- Catholic groups as possible during the hungry is ~ great work . ing its feasibility study. of love and mercy. Msgr. "J.~aul O'Connor of' "The needs of the hungry' Youngstown is chairman of the people of your community and IS-member steering committee the reforms in programs which which includes 10 laymen. ar(' intended to remedy hunger The committ'ee will maintain would be appropriate subject mlitter for the pulpits, of liaison with interested national churches and synagogues of our organizations, as well as, with a special committee of the NCCB state. "However," he pointed out;. made up of John Cardinal Dear"preachments alone will not suf- den of Detroit, president; John fice. It is imperative that the Cardinal ~rol of Philadelphia, le::ders of private and govern- vice president and Bishop Joseph mental agencies of your com- L. Bernardin of Washington, gen- ' munity meet together, possibly eral secretary. Cardinal Dearden, ,had sugunder the leadership of the 10cnl clergy, and act together. gested preliminary study might Such action must be ecumeni- cover four areas: The exercise of shared responcal." Msgr. O'Rourke said it is easy sibility in the Church. The nature of a National Pasto talk abol}t hunger but that the hungry do not want talk toral Council.' How membership in' such a Dnd promises. "They want action; , council would be determined. they want food." The relationship of a Na,tional Pastoral Council to' such other Love Generation bodies as the NCCB. the, USCC WASHNGTON (NC) - An el- arid its Advisory Council, the derly woman, sporting a peace National Councils of Catholic button, was disillusioned by the Men and Wo'men路 and other lay so-called Love Generation when grOlJps, the Conferences of Major she saw many youths trampling Superiors, of Men 'and Women on tulip beds beginnning to Religious, the National Assembly sprout in the park.' When ,she of Women Religious, and the ,Nagently reprimanded a youth for tional Federation of Priests' walking on the flowers, he Councils. Besides the chairman, steering scolded her, yelling: "Why? Are committee meml>ersare: Joseph they your flowers?"

:Co'n'sider, 'National Pastoral Council Catholic Conference Studies Proposal Maguire Jr. of' Worcester; Mau-

reen McNamar'a路. of Burlington; Msgr. Colin A. MacDonald of Manchester; William A. Toomey Jr. of Albany;M'rs. Odon Betanzos of New York; Mrs. Gerald LaPorta of Cherry Hill, N. J.; David J. Doherty of Detroit; Mrs. Jerome Bechtold of St. Cloud;

,For East'er

Mrs. Sabas B. Gonzales of Corpus Christi; F. Everett Cahill of San Francisco; Mrs. Allan Benjamin of Portland, Ore.; Brother William Quinn, F.S.C., of Washington; Bishop Charles H. Helmsing of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Sister Carol Frances Jegen of Chicago.



LOS ANGELES (NC) - Archbishop Timothy Manning appealed to Catholic laymen for help in restoring the sanctity surrounding the priesthood. Addressing the Southern California Chapter, Knights of Columbus, the Los Angeles archbishop urged the laity to counteract efforts of "those who do not like the Church of Christ" and constantly grab at "every bit of information about our weakness and humanity to make headlines saying that we are through." He called for respect, love and loyalty to th2 priesthood. He acknowledged the priesthood may have human faultS. but said it also has a sacramental transcendence and "that is why celibacy will never be abolished." Archbishop Manning said the prime need of the Church today is a more intelligent loyalty to the teaching authority of the Church, closely followed by the need of respect for the priest路 hood.

Students Ask Funds To Aid Appalachia WASHINGTON (NC) - "Help us get back to Appalachia" is the appeal being sounded by Catholic University of America students who need funds to continue their Summertime Project Appalachia in depressed areas. "Since our [project has no outside source of income, and especially since our number of volunteers has tripled since last Summer," explained Patricia Fogarty, project 'president,"we are in great need of financial assistance. ~'




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U.S. Seminaries !Follow Guidelines

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26, 1970

"NatHonal Honor S@csety PI@y important

P@If~ iB'll

At Diocesan H8grh




The Bishop Cassidy High School National Honor Society held its annual installation ceremony for the reception and recognition of the inductees, members, and probationers. Guest speaker for the induction at the Taunton School was Rev. Mr. the National Honor Society Roger E. Nelson, curate at, and held induction ceremonies for 24 St. Th 0 m a sE pis cop a I . seniors' and juniorS based on the Church. Senior members are theme "The Challenge of ,the Barbara Baran, treasurer, Mary Bolino, Anna Cardoza, Ellen Champagne, Maria Dejesus, Marie DeSouza, Karen Fraga, Patricia Hazel, Linda Jacques, Sharon Laine, secretary, Elizabeth Lawson, president, Diane Marques, Elizabeth McAloon, Elizabeth Michney, Ann Marie Murphy, Brenda Riva, Carol Viera, and Donna Wotherspoon. Newly inducted juniors include Beverly Baran, Paulette Beaudoin, vice-president, Ann-Marie Eastman, Ellen Finnegan, Anl)emarie Maguire, Margaret O'Connell, Virginia Strojny, and Carol Thomas. Junior probationers are Jeanne Lima, Pamela Sousa,. Josephine Thomas, and Barbara Wenczak. Sophomores on probation, are Judith Anger, Denise Babeu, Pauline Bilodeau, Joanne Cassula, Ellie Griffin, Karen Guglielmo, Sally Hoye, Rosemary Kelly, Shirley Mendes, and Brenda Rusconi. Tutoring Program , ' And at Holy Family High in' New Bedford the NHS is beginning a tutoring program, with members available on designated days to aid their classmates. Tutoring will, be given in algebra I and II, geometry, advanced math, ' biology,~ chemistry and physics. Plans call for expansion of the program to other subjects if initial efforts are suecessful. Freshmen thespians at JesusMary Academy, Fall River, presented a festival of one-act plays last Sunday. Offered were "Trouble with Mothers," "Babes Take Over" and "Consultation." Linda Paradise narrated and usherettes included Jean Lapointe, Denise Cote, Colleen Parent, Denise Laprise and Muriel Pelletier. ,In charge of tickets were Colleen Parent, and Margaret Branco. Two big events recently at Bishop Stang High in North Dartmouth: the basketball team was honored at a catered supper in the school cafeteria, at which coaches and teams received awards, jackets and trophies; ,

Scores Catholic Aid To Latin America


HAMBURG, (NC) _. German Catholic aid to Latin America was scored by a former priest who has also been a frequent critic of American Catholic aid to that area. In' an interview published by the G~rman news magazine Der Spiegel, Ivan IIIich, a former monsignor and a priest of the New York archdiocese who renounced his' priestly 'functions in 1969, charged that money sent by German Catholics to Latin Americans "helps them to endure ,their own wealth" and "tranquilizes them too much." IIIich, the controversial founder of the Intercultural Documentatipn ,Center at Cuernavaca, Mexico, said that Latin Amer-' jcans should return the funds given them by German' Catholics. The center itself has received aid from the German Catholic overseas aid agencies Misereor and Adveniat.


Per:ce Corps Program Halfway路 towards its goal is Feehan High School's Peace Corps School Partnership Program. Various fundra~ing events are aiding in raising the amount of $1200, which' will be used to erect a school in a country receiving Peace Corps assistance. Co-chairmen of the unusual project are Dennis' Gamache and Patricia Brouillette. College acceptances: the latest are from Holy Family and Jesus~ Mary. At HF: Christine "Guiaj, University of Miami; Paula Le Doux, Computer' Environment Institute; Audrey Nogueira" Bridgewater.' At Jesus-Mary: Denise Roussel, SMU; Louise McNerney, Art Institute of Boston; Annette La'pointe, Bristol Community and Johnson and Wales. Also, at JMA, eight seniors are, participating in Industrial Management Club student tours, which are giving them the opportunity to visit and study city industries. Thus far th.ey have visited an insuranc.e, company, a food manufacturer and a chemical plant. Speech. Festival



Seven Stang students will participate in finals of the Massachusetts Speech Festival at UMass in Amherst. They are Ann Marie Black and Bonnie Smith, group discussion; $uzanne. Catelli, .play, reading; Steven Lynch, extemporaneous; Janet Zajac, poetry reading; Mary Frances McCann, radio broadcasting; and Michelle Roy, play reading. Also at Stang, newly elected volleyball captains are Mimi Roy and Sharon Stone. 0

Hibernians Honor Newark PO"elate NEWARK (NC) -Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark has been, selected as the, recipient of the 1970 John F. Kennedy Memorial Medal, the high,拢'st award of the national board, Ancient Order of Hibernians in America. ' Announcement 'of the choice by v,ote of the natiomil 'board was made at St. Rose' of Lima Church here, following the' annual Mass in honor' of St. Patrick, sponsored by the' New Jersey state board. In making the seiection, the national board members noted that Archbishop Boland is serving his second two-year term as national chaplain of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and has personally assumed leadership in the Northern Ireland Relief Fund Drive being conducted throughout the country by the AOH. Though listed as' honorary chairman, the prelate has personally solicited among the hierarchy of the United States, realizing, thousands of dollars for the relief of suffering in riottorn Northern Ireland. I

FEEHAN YEARBOOK: Staff of yearbook at Feehan High School, 'Attleboro, are, from, left, standing, Richard Antone, Margaret Blvthe, Francine Ouimet, Fred Bolton; seated, Donna Rarus, Denh:e Te~sier, Chrh.tine Kane. '

House of Prayer Plan Seven-Week Program for Detroit Priests to 'Fathom New Depths' DETROIT (NC)-"To find new d;mensions in prayer-to fathom new depths of prayer" are the main reasons for the priests of the Detroit archdiocese establi!'hing three Houses of Prayer. Father Thomas Esper, chairman of the spirituality committee of the priests' senate, further explained the project. "The three Houses of Prayer we hope to establish will each have a seven-week program. For four days, Monday, Tuesday, "

Pr@'late $ Adyoce B

Aweri'$ ~frUf'~ke , BATON ROUGE (NC)-Bishop Robert E. Tracy of Baton Rouge has been credited with helping avert a possible strike by public school teachers here. Some teachers, angered over voter disapproval of a proposed tax levy which would have increased their salaries, had threatfined to boycott classes. But the strike strategy was dropped when the teachers voted by a 3 to 1 margin against s'uch action. ' Although he sympathized with their position, Bishop TracY' had earlier cautioned the teachers in a public statement to exercise patience. The bishop's message was significant, declared Brother, Felician F~)Urrier, diocesan superintendent of schools. He noted that it probably had a special impact on "quite a few" public school teachers, who he said -are Catholics. . ' In his statement, Bishop Tracy referred to the teachers as "underpaid" and said they "are truly caught in a pretty bad financial squeeze, more so than most other professional people." But warning that a strike "must never be a first but rather a very, very last reSort in any wage dispute," the prelate urged 'the protesting teachers to pursue .other alternatives. "There are possible new tax elections and other possible new developments, favorable to the teachers' cause," the bishop pointed out. "Patience is well advised at this juncture - for everyone's good."

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Vatican's new guidelines on semnaries are really an affirmation of what has been going on in the better seminaries, said Father T. William Coyle, C.SS.R., executive secretary of the U. S. bishops' committee on priestly formation. ' Father Coyle told NC News Service that most of what the ' Vatican's new document-Ratio Fundamentalis - recommended has already been implemented in U. S. seminaries. There was general agreement, he said, between the program approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops last November concerning seminaries and the Vatican document just issued. "It is unfortunate," Father Coyle said, "that the wire services emphasized out of context the sections on sex education, atheism and ecumenism. These were dealt with in two paragraphs of the IOI-paragraph document." Celibacy, Father Coyle said, is dealt with in the context of the spiritual life. The document, he explained, stresses the need to have a: healthy concept of the role of sex in human life and a healthy concept, of marriage. American minor seminaries (high-school-level seminaries), the priest said, "have never been run so that the seminarian did not know that there were girls." Vacations, living-at-home arrangements, and week ends at home, he added, provided opportunity for dating and going to dances.

Wednesday and Thursday, the priests will gather at each house. "Under, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit they will devote themselves to the practice and study of prayers, ','We are 'aware," he said, "that the old, formal prayers do not hold anything for people today. "We must not stop praying. but find new springboards of layman to. Direct prayer that will affect 路the lives A.~~i-BiD搂' ~~f:O;gram of all of, the priests of the arch~ CHICAGO (NC) ~ Christopher diocese. Hopefully we will share what we gain with 'all with T. Carley, former teacher and worker in inner city, human relawhom we come in contact." tion and ecumenical projects, has 'Different Attitude' ,been named,to direct a program Father Esper admitted that launched three years ago to those working on the Hou~e of eradicate prejudices and misunPrayer project realize "true derstandings in the Chicago growth in prayer comes slowly." archdiocese: That's why seven-week, fourAs director of the Chicago days-a-week concentration is archdiocesan Community Life planned for this Summer. Program, Carley will be responCorrtlng back to their parishes sible for administration of the each Friday, Saturday 'and Sun- anti-bias work among ethnic, reday will be helpful, he explained. ligiou~ and racial groups in 460 "It should give us an opportuparishes of the archdiocese. nity to, approach the, reg4lar , He holds a sociology .degree weekend work with a different attitude, ,and test the directions from Marquette University, a master's in business administrataken each week," he said. Priests who volunteer to at- tion from Loyola University here tend the House of Prayer ses- and is now working for his masssions, to be conducted" in va- ter's in urban studies at Marcated' convents or other likely quette. facilities, will share the liturgy and discussions, plus benefit from the direction of well chosen resource persons-with the concmtration, obviously, on prayer. Auxiliary Bishop Walter J. COMPANY, Schoenherr ,explained the value of the Houses of Prayers. Complete Line "As priests we should be men of prayer," he said. "We must Building Materials find out if we are. ~f not, how 8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN can we be more so, for our per993-2611 sonal benefit and for others?



GAR~GE ~4 ..Hour Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven



Says Education Of Laity Major Christian Need

THIE ANCHOR-Thurs., Mar. 26, 1970

Benedictine Nun On Action Staff



glican layman underscored the fledgling "laity education" area as a major need of the Christian church today. Mark Gibbs, director of the Audenshaw Foundation of Manchester, England, and a member of the New York-based Commission on Renewal, in an interview here said laity education goes far beyond Christian education or the study of Christian heritage. It concerns itself with formation of the laity for special tasks in the community to prepare for future impacts of Christianity on society, he said. He summed up his observations this way: "American churches have large numbers of professors of Christian history. They now need more professors of Christian future." Laity education, he said, can be part of the ecumenical movement. It can bridge such current weaknesses of the church as involvement in public affairs: leisure and entertainment, industry and business, he added. Gibbs was a featured speaker at a conference on "Emergence of Christian Renewal Center's" at Bergamo Center here. During the interview, he emphasized much of the work in laity formation can be done together by Christians of various denominations since they all face similar kinds of daily problems. "They are segregated only on Sundays," he observed. Laity education, as part of the ecumenical movement, Gibbs said. "is not only a sharing of cups of coffee, but above all else a sharing of ideas." Public· Affairs He 'said laity formation has been adequate in the areas of duties to the church; personal and family relationships, and neighborly charity in the community. But in the public affairs area, Gibbs said, Christians have been weak. They have not been involved sufficiently and should go beyond giving vocal .support to, tax proposals for programs attacking social ills, he said. Christian training for public life is not to be associated with a particular political party or movement, Gibbs said, but preparing Christians to accept political responsibility as one of the implications of their Christian commitment. Committed Christians often may find themselves holding opposite positions on a specific issue, he said.

Conference Seeks ~National Assembly i CLEVELAND (NC) Cleveland's Conference of Priests, representing 125 of the diocese's 900 Catholic priests, has announced support for a national American assembly of the Church and for efforts to, form a national coalition of Catholic priests. The group, which is independent of the Cleveland diocesan priests' senate, also passed a resolution urging Bishop Clarence G. Issenmann to give any priest, Religious or layman accused of an ecclesiastical offense time to prepare' a defense. ' At the same meeting, members of the group tabled a resolution to affiliate with the Greater Cleveland Council of Churches. Opponents of the resolution claimed that the interreligious council may be a dying institution due to diminished financial support.


IECUMIENiCAL ,MIEIET~NG: Dr. Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, recently joined Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York at St. Patrick's Cathedral in discussions and prayers for Christian unity and peace in the world. NC Photo.

Nolfton T een~ Most Enthusiastic Over 'The Dugout' at St. .Mary's Center New at St. Mary's parish center in Norton is a teenage center known as The Dugout. It's the project of Rev. Donald J. Bowen, curate at St. Mary's and it has fast become the favored spot for area teens to -congregate on ' the three nights a week it's open. Parerits are heartily in its favor too. One was so happy about it that she wrote to The Anchor: I should like to bring to your attention the opening of The Dugout ,at St. Mary's, Norton. It's a place where all Norton teenagers can go on specific nights to play pool, pingpong, ,or just sit and talk. My husband and I chaperoned on a 'Friday night and it was a thrill to see 50 to 60 high schoolers all' having such a gn~at time. As parents of five children, we feel The Dugout is a giant step in helping the youngsters in Norton. Father Bowen of St. Mary's parish worked hard and long to make his dream come true. Many people were involved in making it a ~uccess but the big man is Father Bowen. This man has much love and feeling for the youngsters and seems to bring out the best in them. For Two Years Father Bowen, who has been at St. Mary's four and a half years, say he's had The Dugout in mind the past two. It's a 60 by 25 foot area in the basement of the parish center, which he has paneled and fitted with a snack bar and the pool' and pingpong tables. Half the floor is carpeted, half tiled to allow for dancing, and decorations features mod posters. The room is open to all high schoolers in Norton, regardless of religion. "I've had a lot of pleased reactions from Protestant parents," said Father Bowen. Youngsters pay a nominal fee of $1 every six months

Proper Application Every branch of knowledge which a good man posseses, he may apply to some good purpose. -Buchanan

Also, volunteers are youngfor use of facilities, and 170 are sters who stay after hours to paid-up members. "About 60 to 70 kids come clean up. In the large upstairs every night we're open," said auditorium in the parish center, the priest. Hours are from 7 to he runs dances for. some 350 10:30 Friday land Saturday / t~ens one or two Saturday nights and from 7:30 to 9:30 mghts a month. Monday nights, following CCD "We get youngsters from all classes. over the Attleboro area," he obTwo chaperones are on hand served. whenever The Dugout is open, As Mrs. Yarusites observed, drawn from a volunteer force of "Maybe if The Anchor published 25, said Father Bowen. The 25 a story' on this delightful place, include eight couples. "We may other parishes might attempt the open additional nights if we have same thing in their communimore chaperones volunteer," he ties." ' said. As we chaperoned that night, I thought of the many times IT wondered how and what we Ministell'°pP9ses could . do to show the children how much fun there was in good Catholic' Observers clean activity. Father Bowen NEW YORK (NC),.-- A New has found the answer. York minister has charged that Sincerely yours, the presence of 28 Catholic observers at the first annual meetKathryn J. Yarusites ing of the New York Council of Churches inevitably wiII "w~ter down" some of the coun~i1's Council to Examine policies. Rev. Howard Moody, pastor of Judson Memorial Church here, said that "a conciliar structure has to water everything down to the most common denominator" in its efforts to secure agreement. Rev. Mr. Moody's statement followed council reevaluations of policies on abortion and state aid to education. The reevaluations are reportedly being made in deference to the Catholic observers. But the presence of Catholics and Orthodox observers is only one of the problems facing the council. Leaders within the organization feel that it has failed to respond to social change and claim it ignores the fact that some 75 per cent of the city's Protestants are black. Formerly the New York Protestant Council, the group represents 650 of the city's 1,866 Protestant churches. Faced by falling contributions from white congregations and reluctance of the growing black congregations to join, the council has been working to widen its scope.

CLEVELAND (NC) - A Black Benedictine - Nun has been appointed to the staff of the diocesan commission of Catholic Community J\ction to work in',cooperation with the Board of Catholic Education to improve service in inner-city schools. She will serve as consultant to the school board. The appointment of Sbter Joyce Williams, a native of Mississippi was announced Wednesday in a joint statement by Richard M. Kelley, executive director of the commission, and Msgr. William N. Novicky, diocesan schools superintendent. The statement, praising Sister Joyce for her leadership in the Black sisterhood, said: "Her special qualifications will enable the Board of Catholic Education to strengthen its efforts to meet the special needs and problems of our children in our inner-city schools. This has bQen an area of .deep concern for the b,oard and was highlighted in a report to the commission by a black task force last fall. "Of particular importance will • be the contribution she will make in providing in-service training to our teachers in the inner-city schools. Sister Joyce will serve as a consultant to the schools." Sister Joyce has been program coordinator for Project Bridge, an organization to promote interracial understanding funded here for two years by the Ford Foundation. Before coming to Cleveland she taught in the diocese of St. Cloud, Minn. for 18 years.

., .'

Layman Heads Ohio Co-ed High School CINCINNATI (NC)-James .I. O'Leary, 37, is the new principal of McNicholas High School, coeducational institution conducted ,here by the Sisters of St. Joseph since 1951. He is the first layman named principal of a major high school in the Cincinnati archdiocese. He succeeds Sister Mary Janet Roesener, who will return to teaching at a nearby parochial school. The faculty at McNicholas, which will have an enrollment of 1,200 next fall, includes 36 lay men and women and nine Sisters. O'Leary is a founder and former president of the Archdiocesan Lay Teachers Association.


-Education Crisis

GENEVA (NC) - The World Council of Churches will sponsor a conference on educational problems May 17-22 in Bergen, the Netherlands. The conference has been' organized by the council's office of education, which opened last year. "Our major aim is to discover a good way of understanding the large forces creating changes in education around the world today," said Dr. William B. Kennedy, executive secretary of the Office of Education. "With this understanding, the Church can build on its long involvement in educational enterprises to influence general education so that it becomes a humanizing force." Three persons from each of 13 countries have been invited to attend the small explanatory conference. They represent three areas of education: general, Christian and public policy and opinion-making. In addition to Catholic participants, there will be an official observer from the Vatican.


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THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. ~6,.197.0

,The PaJrish Parade

F~the[f Evely/~

latest Book Reiterates Theme of love ,

. By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy

A new. book by Father Louis Evely is no longer a novelty, but it 'is still an event. His latest publication, In His Presence (Herder and Herder, 232 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.V. $4.50), proves this assertion. As always, he writes incisively about the Chris' tian life in today's world, original, arresting, moving. They exemplify not only extraordinary his insight applying equally 'technical competence, but thearwell to the ancient. Gospel tist's ability to penetrate a faand to our present circumstances. miliar subject and come up with The hew book is a collection of fresh, jolting revelation. 72 short pieces Looking again and again at dealing with a the reproductions, one ,longs to variety of subSee the works of which they can be but remote reflections. , jects: evil,' predestination, povSignificance of Stations erty, atheism, FR. LUIS MEDRANO, S.J. The von Balthasar meditations contemplation, are not in the least conventional, bigots, liturgy, the sacraments. nor are they a series of thoughts juxtaposed to the pictures. They A theme familiar from previare based on the artist's render- , . S 0 ings. ous Evely books is inevitably reSAN SALVADOR (NC) - A Thus, in his depiction of the iterated here: Eighth Station, Hegenbarth runs Panamanian priest ousted by the that of love. We facilely say that a strong black line along the military regime there on charges God is love, but do we know cross and into the crowd, like a of subversion said here he has what it is we are saying? net, around the women of Jeru- written them to plea for his reFather Evely illustrates this .salem. turn and a chance to prove he is commonplace showing us its But von Balthasar is not sim- innocent. wealth of practical meaning: ply commenting on J:{egenbarth's Father Luis Medrano, S.J., di-' work. He develops what Hegen- rector of Radio Hogar in Panama Why Don't We Pray? City and a constant crl'tl'c of sob art h suggests' as to the signiHe dwells, too, on the love ficance of each of the stations. cial conditions there, told of harone of another which is the test An d he .match es t h e artist in per-' ' rowing experiences earll'er I'n of our love of God. "That com- ception and strength. ' March during his abduction by unknown men, his interrogations mand existed already in the Old It might be possible to use the and his jailing incommunicado Testament,", he writes. "The real , newness of this evangelical pre- text in any church, but its im: for several hours. "The Panamanian 'authorities cept consisfs in the fact that the pact and amplitude can be expesecond commandment is the rienced only if one is looking at charge me' with 'subversive acHegenbarth's creations. . tions against the state', and say same as the first." He speaks of the absence of they have as proof a letter purportedly stating that 'there has God' which is all too common Bishop lHeGds StlOlte in contemporary living, even that been $16,000 collected for the guerillas, and Father Medrano of nominal Christians. Thi's he Religious l@adeir~ , knows it and approves it.' " attributes 'to the individualism JACKSON (NC) - Bishop Jowhich shuts us off from other seph B. Brunini of Natchez-Jack"They also said I have' held people. "The absence of God in son was elected chairman of the conversations with known Arnulour life is perhaps only the ab- newly formed, Mississippi Reli- fista followers now residing at sence of our ,brethren." gious Leadership Conference at the Panama Canal Zone." He has some striking things to , its first annual meetirighere. ' At the time of his ouster,' say about prayer. Why don't we authorities had arrested several of the state's The leader pray? It is not that we don't , want to. But "an ungovernable 82,000 Catholics sounded a call members of the Panamenista nervous energy drives us on, in a sermon last Christmas for Party of former President Arrushes us into some urgent piece the state.'s religious leaders to nulfo Arias, deposed by a junta of work, some errand t.hat has make "a great leap forward" in pf the National Guard in October to be run, some service that has fighting racial injustice which 1968 after 11 days in power. "I certainly reject such charges to be rendered-it doesn't matter has prevailed since the days of ' " (of subversion) and I am ready what, provided it means, move- slavery. At the conference meeting in to go through legal procedure to ment, action, talking, escape." United Methodist headquarters prove I am innocent," Father Way the' Cross building here the Rev: Henry Medrano stated in an interview An impressive, and indeed iri Clay, Jackson district superin- here. "I have consistently conMethodist demned .violence and guerrilla . some sense a stunning, little tendent, . United warfare, as well as communism. was elected vice-chairchurch, ,book is'The Way of the Cross ,(Herder and Herder: $2.50) with man; , Rabbi Perry Nussbaum, J have even pointed out, that graphics by Joseph Hegenbarth Beth Israel congregation here, there are communistagellts inand meditations by Han's Ur~ secretary" and Owen Cooper, filtrated in ,the government:.' And ~aptist layman, Yazoo City, 1 have no relationship whatsovon Balthasar. ever with the Arnulfistas." treasurer. ' Hegenbarth's designs' 'are at The conference, open to all once stark and rich. They are religious leaders in the state is , designed as a forum where iss'ues Testimonial Dinner and needs' of the people of the To Honor Dr.' Peale Dominicans Join state may 'be discussed and studNEW YORK (NC)-Neil ArmStaff of Center ied to encourage a united action strong, first man to walk on the WASHINGTON (NC) - Father program.. moon will be chief speaker at Ii Thomas H. McBrien, O.P., has dinner here April 27 honoring joined the Center for Applied ReDr. Norman Vincent Peale, 71, Catholic Librarian's search in the Apostolate in the minister of Marble Collegiate newly-created ~osition of directTo Meet in Boston church here and president of the 0.[, of administration and public Reformed Church in America. BOSTON (NC) Trends and affairs. Dominican Sister Peter Dr. Peale will be honQred for Claver has also joined the execu- problems in modern library work tive staff as director 01' docu- will be explored by'over 1,000 his efforts in the field of mental delegates to the annual Catholic health. He wrote the hook, "The mentation. Father McBrien is a' former Library Association Convention, Power of Positive Thinking" and national director of the St. slated here for March 30 to spearheaded the founding in 1937 of the American- Foundation Thomas Aquinas Foundation, and April 3. Highlights of the convention of Religion and Psychiatry, a until recently was prior at St. Mary's Dominican priory, New include a banquet address by nonprofit, interfaith, interracial columnist and TV personality foundation which counsels minHaven, Conn. Sister Peter CI&ver is a former John Ciardi on Wednesday eve- isters, priests, social workers and director of ,the graduate library ning, April 1, and the presenta- others in matters of mental . school, Rosary College, River tion of the Regina Medal Award health. Mrs. Richard M. Nixon is honForest, Ill., and also served as to Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Audirector of the, Dominican Edu- laire for "distinguished contribu- orary chairman of the testimotion to children's literature." nial. cation Center, Sinsinawa, Wis.

Oust'ed Pr.oes't e II f 0 rdeo I


ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER' A calendar party followed by a demonstration of handwriting analysis by Mrs. Thomas (Jean' 02722. Caya) Bancroft will be sponsored ST. JOSEPH, by the Women's Guild at 8 MonFALL RiVER day night, April 6 in the school The Clover Club choir will hall. Applie pie a la mode will be sing at 9:30 Mass Easter Sunday 'served by' a committee headed qy morning. Mrs. Robert Regan. " , Men of St. Joseph are asked The guild plans a rummage to sign for adoration from 9 to- sale from 9 to 2 Saturday, April night until 6 tomorrow morning. II. in the hall. Chairman Mrs. , Parishioners in general are asked Joseph Drobyski asks that conto participate in adoration from tributions of clothing and bric a • 7 tomorrow morning until 7 tobrac be left at the school Friday morrow night. night after 6. Donations of white cloth are ST. STANISLAUS, requested by the guild sewing FALL RIVER The annual Polish Easter Sea- group for use in. making pads son.-Supper, featuring Polish for the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop foods, will be . served from 5 Home. Material may be left at o'clock Sunday afternoon, April the school at any time. , A public guildola will be held 12 in the school hall. Tickets are at 8 Thursday night April 16 in available from members of Holy the hall under chairmanship of Mrs. Joseph Fazzina and Mrs. Rosary Sodality. New memers will, be inducted Stanley Pitera. into the Parish Youth Council at ' OUR LADY OF FATIMA, 1:30 Sunday afternoon, April 5, NEW BEDFORD I also in the school hall. The Couples Club will sponsor a public auction in the parish S1". GEORGE, hall on Tobey Street Saturday WESTPORT The Women's Guild will spon- evening, April 4. Doors will open sor a public whist party at 8 at 5 and the auction will start at Saturday night, April 4 in the 6. Refreshments will be available. school hall. Tickets will be avail- OUR 'LADY OF ANGELS, able at the door. FALL RIVER There will be no 4 o'clock S1". PATRICK, Mass Holy Saturday afternoon. SOMERSET Easter Vigil services will begin The Spring Social and Smor- at 6 o'clock and Mass will start b d h did f S gas or sc e u e or unday at 7, fulfilling the Sunday oblievening, April 19 in the Roseland gation. Ballroom , u Ta n t on, WI'11 c Iose I'ts There will be no 5 o'clock reservation on Sunday, April 12. Tickets are $5 each and may be Mass Sunday, April 5, due to confirmation services scheduled obtal'ned a't tIle recto ry. M' USIC for 4. wI'11 b e by M'k I e Megan ' s orc h esST. JOHN OF GOD, tra. ' Proceeds will benefit the par- SOMERSET A penance celebration for first ish. All women of the' parish are' communicants' and' their parents invited to the Women's Guild will be held, at 6 Wednesday Annual Communion Breakfast night, April 22 in the church. ,... following the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday mbrning, April 12. Pr~est Fights Fires Tickets may be obtained by con:For the Fun of It , tacting Mrs. Jean Nowak at MACON (NC) - Father Perot 6-1445. Fiero, pastor of Holy Spirit SOT. MARY, Church here since 1967, may NEW BEDFORD fight the fires of Hell as a priest The Women's Guild will host but his hobby has more immedian open' meeting of the District ate impact on many residents of Council.of Catholic Women at Macon. ' 8 Orl, 1:~i~sday evening, March 31 Father Fiero is Macon's only in the school hall. , , trained volunteer fireman. Rev. James W. Clark, assistant :'Every!>ne i~ entitled to a hobat St. Mary's Church,' Taunton by," he says, '''al'\d mine is and· chairman of the Taunton fighting fires. It's cheaper than Municipal Drug Commission 'will golf lind it keeps me in' good be the featured speaker. shape." A long-time fire. buff, Father Fiero served .as a fireman ST. MARGARET, in ,the navy and while. he was' in BUZZARDS BAY , , college at the, University· Of SS. Margaret and· Mary, Guiid North Carolina. " , of Buzzards Bay and Onset will hold guest night on Wednesday evening, April I at 8 in St. Margaret's Center. Area guild memo' ,bers and their guests are welFUNERAL HOME, INC. come. R. Marcel Roy - &. Lorraine Roy Rev. James Skehan, S.J., of Roger LlIFrance ; the department of geology at FUNERAL DIRECTORS Boston College will be the speaker. His topic will be "Rift Valleys 15 Irvington Ct. in East Africa.'" Father Skehan New Bedford will also use visual aids in his 995-5166 lecture. Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River



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•• 19

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 26. 1970


Kevin Phelan of Fall River


Prime Candidate for Huskies Varsity


't.r" ,

. ;~~. ~!:

Norton High Coach





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Bomback Brothers' Return Enhances Durfee Outlook Again this Spring, Durfeee' High of Fall River is rated the t.eam to beat for the Brist.ol County baseball league championship because of the trfed and true adage that "pitching is 90 per cent of the game." However, with most schools reporting large agree that the circuit will be squad turnoats, it will take more evenly balanced this seaonly a "find-or-two" to con- son than last and that only two vert an also-ran into a top or three games will separate the flight contender. New Bedford High, Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth and New Bedford Vocational all will field clubs certain to make their presence known, and, anyone of the trio, with a break or two along the line, may very well force a nip-and-tuck race with the Fall River pre-season front runners. Taunton and Msgr. Coyle High, both of the Silver City, are expected to be much improved over last season, but, neither is being mentioned as a serious title contender. "There isn't a team in the league that can't beat anyone club on a given day if it capitalizes on the breaks," says one coach. Most who are closely associated with scholastic baseball

first and fifth place clubs in the final standing. It is, because of this anticipated closeness, that coaches will direct more than usual time in trying to develop well rounded pitching staffs. And, it is ih this department that Durfee appears to have the edge with the Bomback brothers providing Coach Joe Lewis with probably the best one-two punch in the league. The Fall River brothers rackedup 15 victories last Spring while experiencing only one loss. Herman, now a senior, compiled an 8-1 mark while Mark, his younger brother, was undefeated in seven decisions. The Bomback brothers were responsible for all 16 Durfee victories, except one, in its championship season last Spring..

New' Bedford 'Clubs Are Optimistic Lewis, a crafty master who Coaches John Pacheco at New gets the most out of his squad, Bedford High and Bill Norton at and more especially pitching Vocational are pleased with the corps, has an uncanny ability to way things are shaping-up at make the right change at the their schools. right time. The fact that Herman The former is· looking for a is a southpaw and Mark is a suitable replacement for Wayne right hander gives the accomplished coach a little something Pitts among his 80 squad candiextra to work wJth when his dates. Pitts was a better-thanaverage receiver last season. Paclub is in need of relief work. Both Bombacks possess strong checo, is whittling down his arms. They can come up with the squad to get a workable' unit. big strike-out. Herman k'ed 112 Then, he will focus his attention batters in 60% innings last year on the pitching and catching bewhile Mark registered 91 strike- , tore trying to round-out the balance of the club. ' outs in 52 innings. Most talented baseball men Coach Norton is 6ptimistic also insist that a first-rate about his Artisans who are recatcher is a must for a cham- puted to be as strong as they pionship aggregation. And, it is were last season when they hatin the catching department thl;lt tied Durfee for the top spot. The Durfee also holds an 'edge over lack of depth appears the biggest its opponents. ' weakness momentarily confrontPepper·pot Bruce, Viera gives ing Norton, who like 'Pacheco, is Lewis experience as well as 'on the look-out for a "find" who spirit behind the plate. The will ease his pitching worries. classy receiver will keep the rest Coaches Mike George at Taunf the club on its toes. In addito his competent defensive ton High and Steve Winslow at , Viera proved one of the Coyle have more serious probead-off hitters in the lems. Both need to fill the shoes ,ast Spring when rivals of several regulars who have seemed unable to keep /lim off been' graduated. They are both short of capable battery hands. the bases.

Three New League Coaches Take Over Veteran basketball men tor .John O'Brien at Bishop Stang High will direct the fortunes of the baseball team this Spring for the first time since he affiliated with the diocesan secondary institution six years ago. The Dartmouth team, which will play all first half games on the road because of the condition of its field. must come up with some competent batterymen if it is to figure in the pennant race. "We positively need a stopper on the mound and a good catcher," says O'Brien who seems much happier about the pros-


peets for: the other positions. Two coaches make their debut in the Attleboro area where Paul O'Boy has taken over the helm at Bishop Feehan High and Harold (Chet) Hanewich will direct the reins at Attleboro. Bo'th have the knack of finding talent. Feehan, always in the running in the league baseball competition will be out to regain the title it dropped three years ago. The Shamrocks won both the football and baseball championships that school year under Hanewich.

Won All-Catholic Honor as Stang Hoopster BY LUKE SIMS

The 6-3 center had onc,of lhc best outside shots around and could mix it up under the boards, despite being plagued by a bad back which forced him to wear a brace over the second half of the season.

Over the' years, little Northeastern University has made a big ,impression on New England basketball powers. Seemingly always lacking in height, the Huskies have combined quickness and good shooting to pull off many memorable upsets. ' A premier 'example was in 1969, when the little guys from Boston hustled their way past Yankee Conference power University of Massachusetts, 68-64, and city rival Boston University, 75-50. They proved the latter was no fluke when they nipped the Terriers, 66-64" in a return match. The trio of upset victories helped pave the way to one of the finest seasons in Northeastern hoop history. Under the guidance of Dick Dukeshire, the Huskies rolled to a 16-5 record. All five losses were. by II points or less.

Coaching Career Goal Stang played 17 games over the course of the campaign with Kevin finding the range for double figures in 16 of them. Nine times he was over 20. The Spartans didn't make the Tech tournament, but they earned an invitation to the annual Catholic classic in, Lawrence. Stang reached the semifinals before bowing to eventual champion Catholic Memorial. Phelan's 23 ppg tourney average earned him All-Catholic honors. Kevin is undecided about his post college plans although he would eventually like to go into the coaching profession. But for now he's content to play basketball. Nothing could please Dick Dukeshire any more.


Sparked Frosh The Huskies enjoyed their second winning season when they rolled to a 14-8 log this past year and, again, they did it with pure hustle and good shooting. Senior Fran Blais (6-6) was the only player over the 6-4 mark. As Coach Dukeshire looks toward the 1970-71 campaign, a familiar pattern stares him in face. No height * ':' * just hustle and hopefully some good shooters. A prime candidate for a starting berth on next year's varsity is Kevin Phelan, the former basketball standout at Bishop Stang High School. Not very big, 6-3, Phelan enjoyed a banner freshman campaign as he helped spark the young Huskies to a winning season with· good shooting and fine defense. 'Mosf Consistent' The ruggedly-built Fall Riverite averaged better than 10 points-per-game despite playing the forward position, a slot generally . reserved for the 6-5-andupward college performer.' "He was one of our most consistent performers," said publicity director Jack Grinold. ' Phelan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Phelan, 189 Highland Ave. and is one of three Phelan offspring. His brother, Mickey, recently discharged from the ,U. S. Marine Corps and his older sister Carline, is a housewife living in California. The Phelans are communicants of Sacred Heart parish. League's Top Scorer _ Kevin was a two-sport star at Bishop Stang, (baseball and bas-

Feehan's sole conquest since has been a shared-title in football under O'Boy. Both know their baseball and it would not be surprising to see either one, or both, pushing Durfee for first place. The BCL gets underway on April 13 and, ironically, Attleboro will open at Feehan. Other games on the same day will see Stang at Taunton, Durfee at Coyle and Vocational at New Bedford.


ketball) although his claim to fame was his prowess on the hardwood. As a junior he helped spark the Spartans to a Bristol County League tri-championship and berths in the Catholic and Tech Tournaments. During his final year, he led the county league in scoring, with 297 points over the 14game slate for a 21-3 per-gameaverage, the only player to top the 20ppg plateau.

Lifts Restrictions On Catholic Station LA PAZ (NC) - Government restrictions on a Catholic radio station operated by Maryknoll missionaries in Cochabamba were lifted following direct negotiations between Cardinal Clemente Maurer of Sucre and the Bolivian gove~nment. A government appointed investigation commission had taken over B.adio San Rafael in January after student protesters claimed that its equipment belonged to the people. The station stopped broadcasting altogether in February. 'It later resumed transmitting but for only six hours daily because of government restrictions on the availability Qf equipment. The station was returned to the archdiocese of Cochabamba after Cardinal Maurer intervened with government authorities. He said "the good relations between the ChJlrch and state" could best be served by high-level negotiations.

P·lan To Build? See Us

Criticizes Costly ,Church Buildings AUCKLAND (NC)-The large amount of money spent on church buildings that are used "for perhaps an hour or two each week" was questioned by a New Zealand Baptist leader. At a commencement ceremony at the Baptist Theological College here, the Rev. A. H. McLeod. president of the New Zealand Baptist Union asked: "Is God ever more present in a church building than in a hospital ward or a community center?"


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"Christ Is Risen!" J.0yous _:oices proclaim afresh the message of spiritual rebirth, of faith renewed and hope triumphant. And as the Easter season blossoms forth in, all its wonder and glory, we take pause to' reflect with reverence and gratitude upon t4e promise of that





At this holy, happy time, we greet our friends and neighbors, and share




in your rejoici,ng. With our greetings go our wishes to each of you for the deepest bkssings of the season. In Easter's message, may all of us find comfort for tod~y, and inspiration for tom~rr~w.


{ (



• I


This Mess.age Sponsored by the Fol!owing Individuals and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River ~ North Attleboro---; !EDGAR'S FALL RIVER - BROCKTON INSURANCE AGENCY ~LOBE MANUFACTURING CO. !NTERNATlONAn. LADIES GARMENT /' WORKER$ UNION ii,OUIS HAND, INC. FEITELBE~G







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