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Fall River, Mass., Friday, March 26,: 1982

20 cents

MEMBERS OF HISPANIC PRAESIDIA of the, Legion of Mary from AttIe·'. boro, Taunton and New Bedford surround the Vexillum, traditional Legion stan­ dard, at the 20th annual Acies ceremony: held last Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral. At right, Sister Maria Ines Cobos of the Guadalupanas Sisters who work with the diocesan Hispanic community. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

New canon law code

reflects mod,ern life

By Patricia Bartos

PITTSBURGH (NC) - When the church's revised Code of Canon Law goes into effect later this year it will mark "the end of the beginning of the Vatican II era," according to a canon lawyer who addressed a three­ day Pittsburgh forum on the new code. . Father Francis G. Morrisey, dean of the canon law faculty at St. Paul University in Ottawa, said the new law would reflect life in the late 20th century. The revised code, with 1,728 canons or' regulations, is ex­ pected to be' promulgated by Pope John Paul II either on Pentecost Sunday (May 30) or the first Sunday of Advent (Nov. 28). Forum speakers said the new code will put into effect many changes implemented since Vatican II and will bring new concepts and terms into promin­ ence in church life. Among these are a type of

"bill of rights" for laymen, bringing them into church roles once reserved for clergymen. An­ other emphasis is that of unity and of viewing the church as a "communion of the people of God" in a world where concepts of God, religion and church are challenged. The code also stresses the need for pastoral support of marriage and recognizes conju­ gal love as the primary aim of marriage. Taking into account advances in behavioral science, it con­ siders personality failure, the in­ ability of a person to fulfill the marriage vows or a "lack of due discretion" in granting annul­ ments. According to Father Morrisey, among goals of the canon law commission were increased ·in· volvement of the laity. in the church and elimination of any form of discrimination against women in .church life. The laity will more, fully parti· cipate in the threefold mission of the church to sanctify, teach

Six nations in.world spotlight ':>



rent news. Nicaraguans are con­

By Jerry FUteau vinced there is a major covert

NC News Service effort by the United States to de­ Central America, a thin strip . stabilize the Sandinista govern­

of tiny nations linking two con­ ment -' a move they see as a

tinents, has in the past few years logical extension of the open

drawn world atten~ion far out of U.S. policy to force the govern­ proportion to its size or its own ment toward the center by isola­ political, military· or economic ting the left politically and econ­ importance. omically. The Reagan adminis­ The reason is simple: the viola­ tration is equally convinced that tile region is center stage in a Nicaragua and Cuba are the chief conflict between the United supply lines to Marxist guerrilla States and the Soviet Union over forces in El Salvador and that global influence. the hard-line M~rxist elements Despite their proximity, the in the Nicaraguan government 'six key nations in the region are will gain increasing control un· about as different politically as less they are forced into isola· tion. countries within shared geogra­ -:- Guatemala, where Gen. phic, cultural and economic Fernando Romeo Lucas Garcia's bonds could be. right-wing government was over­ - lEI Salvador, where U.S. in­ volvement is strongest and thrown on Monday and replaced fighting fiercest, has topped the with a junta headed by retired list of hot spots for the last two Gen. Efrain Rios Montt, follows years. At the beginning of his closely on the heels of El Salva­ administration Reagan declared dor in civil violence. The coun· try has not received U.S. military it the front line of the U.S. bat­ tle to halt Soviet incursion into aid since 1977, due to massive Latin America. Its ruling junta, human rights vf.olations but the new regime has stated it will at­ headed by a civilian but domina­ ted by the military, is engaged tempt to improve its foreign im­ age, apparently in hope of re­ in full-scale civil war with left­ ist guerrillas. The violence and sumed U.S. assistance. In the past, the Catholic suspicion of possible fraud have Church has been a particular raised serious doubts about elec­ tions March 28 for a constituent target of the government and assembly empowered to draft a rightists. More than 20 church new constitution and choose a workers have been among vic­ new president. The left is boy­ tims of, violence and over 100 cotting the elections, leaving the missionaries have been forced to flee the country. field open to the centrist Chris­ tian Democrats and five parties - Honduras, restored to elect­ on the right. ed civilian rule in February, has - Nicaragua, the newsmaker seen 385 armed rebellions and of the late 1970s when leftist 126 governments in its 160 years Sandinistal' waged a two-year of independence. It is in the news war before overthrowing the U.S. chiefly because of its stategic backed Somoza dictatorship, position on the southern border comes' in a close second in cur. Turn to l?age Seven

and govern, he said. Through a sanctifying role, laymen may officiate at baptism, distribute the Eucharist, receive the vows in matrimony and in certain cases conduct a funeral. In teaching they will, as is already the case, serve as lectors and catechists, share in mission- , ary work and in teaching the faith in educational institutions and in social communications. In governing, the laity will be formally included as delegates to SEATILE .(NC) - Archbishop synods, sharing the role of Raymond G. Hunthausen of Se· priests. They may serve in church attie, singled out for criticism by offices earlier reserved for cler­ the Secretary of the Navy for ics and may. "possibly exert a speaking against nuclear arms, very innovative influence" par· said he strongly rejeots the no­ ticularly in the area of marriage," tion that bishops cannot speak Father Morrisey said. on issues that touch on politics. Dominican Father Thomas "Although it is ·troe that the Doyle, secretary of the apostolic disarmament ;issue has a political delegation in Washington, said side, it is also true .that it has that the 1917 Code of Canon Law a moral side ,that religious lead­ was promulgated in a world "not ers must address," said Arch­ hostile" to religion. Thus its pri­ bishop Hunthausen in a state· mary concern was that of matter ment. In a speech March 7 in PhilaTurn to Page Six

Bishop rebuts

Navy head

delphia, Navy Secretary John F. Lehman Jr. said it is "deeply im­ moral" for religious leaders to use their position to promulgate radical pacifist ideologies. Lehman cited a statement by Archbishop Hunthausen criticiz­ ing the Trident nuclear subma­ rine and said such statements "illustrate how far the abuse of clerical power has been taken by a few religious leaders." In response Archbishop Hunt· hausen published a statement in his archdiocesan newspaper, the Turn to Page Six .





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of. Fall ,River-Fri., March 26, 1982

WASHINGTON (NC)-The Sisters of Mercy hav~ filed a stock­ holders' resolution criticizing Western Airlines for its part in return­ ing Salvadoran refugees deported by the U:S. Immigration and Na­ turalization' Service. Five provinces of the omer - Baltimore, De­ troit, New York, Providence, R.I., and Scranton, Pa. - introduced the resolution. "Widespread reports in tl)e press indicate -that Sal­ vadoran deportees may face persecution, torture and assassination upon their return to EI Sa'lvador," the order said. At a press confer­ ence in .Washington, Sister of Mercy Carolyn Burgholzer said the order does not expect its action to stop IWestern from transpoI'ting the deportees, but hopes it will help educate the IAmerican public about what she caHed the "immoral posture" of the United States toward the refugees.

. PRAYER AND RECONCILIATION were the themes of a Lenten day of recollection co-nducted 1;>y Bishop Daniel A. Cronin for priests of the'diocese at Stoneh,ill College, North Easton. From left, 'Father William Farland, Father James Lyons, the bishop, Father Fran­ cis Mahoney. ' '

WASHINGTON (NC)-Msgr. George Higgins, former secretary for special concerns at ,the U.S. Catholic Conference and a longtime labor activist, has been named recipient of the AFL-CIO's highest award for humanitarian service. He wilt receive. the Murray-Green­ . Meany award in Ohicago May 5. T~e award is named in honor of .'American Labor' movement -ieaders. ~


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WASHINGTON (NC)-A .comprehensive bill which would reo structure U.~. immigration :Iaw appears fair, although· it is too soon to say if the USCC will endorse the measure, two U.S. Catholic Con- ' - ference migration officials said. A major concern of the usce has been amnesty for several million people wilo are in the United States illegally. The bill would allow some of them to 'legalize their status. The new bill also puts a cap on immigration. The ceiling would not include refugees.

WASHINGTON (NC)-The number of Poles serving in the United States wil'l soon ,be on the increase and the church is more than'ready to accept them, said Joh Il E. McCarthy, di're,ctor of the Catholic Church's resettlement agency: "there has' been a tremen­ cous outpouring of enthusiasm and good wiU for these people ex­ pressed in offers of housing and employment that have come from dioceses aH over the country," said McCarthy, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference's Migration and Refugee Services. Many dio­ ceses are actively clamoring for more refugees, he added,

SISTER MARY SEAN, RSM, conducts class at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River. The home is among beneficiaries of the annual Catholic Cha~ities Appeal.

MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (NC)-The Miskito Indians and others relocated by the Nicaraguan government miss their old jungle homelands along' the Atlantic coast but say they enjoy better con­ ditions in their new camps, according to a joint March report by 15 Nicaraguan church groups. In February the Nicaraguan bishops said '. the population transfer. was "drastic" and violated ,the human rights of the Indians. The U.$. government accused Nicaraguan troops of killing Miskitos'aild burning'their villages. But the joint report said conditions in the camps at 'least "meet the basic' needs of the thou­ sands relocat'ed thus far." The church groups involved in the re­ port included, both Catholic and Protestant organizations. WASHINGTON (NC)-A 20-eent commemorative stamp mark­ ing ,the SOOth anniversary of ,the 'birth of St. Francis of Assisi will be issued Oct. 7, according to, the Citizens' Stamp Advisory COm­ mittee of the' V.S. Postal Service. Rep. Peter Rodino (D-N.J.), who led a campaign for the stamp, said his efforts drew support from '''Americans of every natio,na'! origin and religious persuasion, as well as from those professing no religion at alL" The campaign had the 'endorsement pf the 'United Church of Christ, ,Methodists,' Presby-. terians,' Lutherans and a number of smaller Protestant groups, . Rodino said. .

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B.SHOP CRONIN and Father Gerald Shovelton, taunton area director for the Cath­ olic Charities Appeal, display this year's poster, soon to appear in all diocesan churches.

MIAMI (J:'IC)-The Immigration and Naturalization Service dis­ .criminates against Haitians, said Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh, a specialist in refugee affairs testifying in court action seeking the release of more than 2,000 Haitians from detention centers in the United States. Msgr. W{llsh" director of the Miami Archdiocesan Migration and Refugee Services, told the court that ,until 1980 political asYlum was routinely granted to any Cuban, no matter how he arrived, and denied to' Haitians. "The immigration service was operating on two tracks," Msgr. Walsh said. "Cubans and Haitians arrived here at the same time and gave the same a~swers in regard to their expecta­ tions of establishing a new 'life 'her~ and working. Cubans ~ere taken to the refugee center for assistance and the Haitians were jailed.", He told the court. that other national groups, including l:lungarians, Nicaraguans and Chinese, also were favored over Haitians. ./

Taunton confirmation At 7 p.m. Wednesday, in a first for the area, St. Mary's Church, Taunton, will be the set­ ting for a five-parish confirma­ tion ceremony. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will administer the sacrament to 240 young people from the parishes of St. Mary, St. Paul, Immacu­ late Conception and St. Joseph in Taunton and St. Joseph in North Dighton. Over a year of planning has gone into the event, say organ­ izers. They explain that although parishes usually celebrate con­ firmation individually, they felt the joint ceremony would dem­ onstate the solidarity of partici­ pating churches. "Since these youngsters attend school together and share other things in common, why not a visible demonstration of the faith which they share?" queried Father Herbert Nichols, associ­ ate pastor at St. Joseph's. Earlier this month," he said, "the youngsters of the five par­ ishes joined together at St. Joseph's for a penance service in preparation for confirmation. The Spirit was already at work moving the crowd of nearly 400 to confession lines - lines like that haven't been seen in many churches in many years. "At least one parent remarked, 'Father, tonight has changed my mind. At first I didn't like the idea of not having confirmation in our own parish; but tonight, witnessing these young people gathered in prayer with God ­ it's beautiful.' .. The only inconvenience attend­ ing Wednesday's serVice, noted Father Nichols, is that because of limited seating at St. Mary's, admission has had to be by in­ vitation only.

Father Toomey A funeral Mass, concelebrated by many priests of the diocese, was offered Wednesday at Holy Name Church, New Bedford, for . Father Edmund A. Toomey, MM, 77, who died last Sunday. The veteran Maryknoll Mis­ sioner was a New Bedford na­ tive, the son of the late John J. and Sarah J. Toomey. He re­ tu~~ to the city in 1974 to re­ tire. In 1921, as a senior at New Bedford~s Holy Family High School, Father Toomey entered the Maryknoll community. He was ordained in 1930 and served twice in China, in 1951 being ex­ pelled by the Communist govern­ ment. Most of his service was in 'Hawaii, where he was pastor of 51. Philomena's Church in Hono­ -lulu for 17 years. The cIty proclaimed his golden jubilee of ordination, Jan. 26, 1980, as Rev. Edmund A. Toomey Day and he was declared an hon­ orary dtizen of Honolulu "in rec­ ognition of outstanding charac­ ter, achievement and Aloha spirit." His actual celebration took place at Holy Name, New Bed­ ford, wttere he offered a con­ celebra,ted Mass followed by a parish l1'eception. Interment took place yesterday at Maryknoll Seminary, N.Y.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-fri., MariCh 26, 1982

Bishop Weldon Funeral services were held Wednesday in Springfield for Bishop Christopher Weldon, 76, the retired fourth bishop of the Springfield diocese,. who died March 19 after a long history of heart problems. 'Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was among prelates at­ tending the rites.


Poyant on NCEA board

Dennis Poyant, principal of St. Mary's School, New Bedford, has been elected to a four-year membership on the elementary schools advisory board of the National Catholic Educational Association. He will represent New England Region I of the or­ ganization. Poyant, a graduate of Msgr. Coyle High School, Taunton, holds a bachelor's degree from Southeastern Massachusetts Uni­ versity and a master's degree from Providence College. His ad­ ministration credits were earned at Boston College, Salve Regina College and Bridgewater State. The new NCEA board member has taught adult education courses as well as on the ele­ mentary and secondary levels. He has been principal of St. Mary's since 1976. In conjunction with the Edu­ cation Department of SMU, Poy­ ant has worked with student

teachers and has lectured at the university to those preparing for practice teaching. In the Fall River diocese,. Poy­ ant is chairman of the Principal Evaluation Committee and a member of the Diocesan Testing Committee for elementary schools. He serves on the Poten­ tial Administrators' Program and is New Bedford diocesan repre­ sentative for Title IV federal programs. He was responsible for introducing computerized learning programs at early levels in the diocese. .

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The meeting will center on ini­ tiatives and innovations in di­ ocesan communication and wnl include special presentations on the new Catholic Telecommuni-



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F A I R H' A V E N

During the Easter Season April 4 - April 11


8:00 A.M. ·6:00 P.M. '11'


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also prefect of the Supreme Tri­ bunal of the Apostolic Signature, the highest church court. In his homily at the Mass where he was stricken, he said, "Our duty is that of creating a better society. We commit ourselves to this until we are no longer on this earth. And then, Mary, you will be there awaiting us." Cardinal F:elici. died only a few months before the promulga­ tion of the new Code of Canon Law, expected this spring. He had headed the canon law revis­ ion commission since 1967.

\' ~ Look to the light

for guidance ,

in everything_financial.

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To attend meeting of communicators Father John F. Moore, editor of The Anchor and diocesan di­ rector, of communications, will represent the diocese at a re­ gional meeting of the U.S. Cath­

olic Conference Department of

Communication, to be held Wed­ nesday through Friday at th~

57 Park Plaza Building, Boston.




He is listed in the 1974 and 1975 editions of "Outstanding Elementary Teachers of Ameri­ ca" and in 1979 was the recipient "of an Outstanding Lay tperson's Award from the New Bedford chapter of Kiwanis International. He will retain his position at St. Mary's while serving on the NCEA board.

Leading canonist dies

ROME '(NC) - Cardinal Peri­ c1e Felici, the church's leading expert in canon law and an ac­ complished Latinist, died March 22 in Foggia, Italy, after suffer­ ing a heart attack: The 70-year-old cardinal, known worldwide as the voice that announced the elections of Popes John Paul I and II in 1978, was stricken at the end of a Mass in the Foggia cathedral and died a few minutes later. At the time of his death, Car­ dinal Felici headed two Vatican agencies and was a member or consultor to eight others. He was

Born in New York City, he studied for ,the priesthood in Montreal and at St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y. After ordination in 1929 he did gradu­ ate studies at Catholic University of America, then served in par­ ishes and as a chaplain at a boys' school. During World War II he was a naval chaplain:

'FOllowing ,the war the future bishop was .briefly master of ceremonies for Cardinal Francis Spellman. In 1947 he was named .assistant and then executive di­ rector of New York's archdioce­ san Catholic Charities. He was appointed bishop of Springfield in 1950, serving until his retire­ ment in 1977.

c.ations Network (CTN). Similar ~eetings were held in Miami, Seattle and St. Louis earlier. this month.

Powerful love

"Believing in the crucified Son means 'seeing the Father'; means believing that love is present in the world and thalt ihis love is more powerful than any kind of evil in which individuals, hu­ manity or the world are in­ vO'lved,"-Pope John Paul II.




Bristd CountY, NA.

Member FDIC

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,'March 26, 1982

the living word


TJ,e ';Rit~s: 'of Sp'ring,


, ':' .'I~. the sec~lar '~b~ld' springtime ushe~' in baseball,', gardening arid fashions. 'Thousands flock ,to the 'spring tralpinggrourids iri art attempt, to foretell the future· of favorite baseball teams. .A boom seaSon, for. hardware, stores, ,sprinir is the tirn.e for rakes and mowers. In the. 'world of fashion it is a time for new wardrobes, even if , onl~ '.faded jeans. Yelu after year this season inspires bursts : . , of, 'enthusiasm' ~hat somehow bum out in' the dog days of summer. ' / ,. What. can be. stated about secular rites is' often mirrored in those of religion. Spring is the traditional time ,for first penance. and firs,t Eucharist. It is what is commonly. 'referred to as the confirmation season. A quick gl~nce at ,parish schedules will also- show .that many a:' bri~e, and groom are planning to march altarwards. Young children will' come to the Lord ~nthe beauty of ;the Eucharist; those beginning the adventure of adolescence will be confirmed in the Spirit; many who, 'wish to share love \,V,ill seek the blessing of the sacrament of matrimony. 'Yet these steps in the sac~mental life are for 'many 'qulck~y halted. It is' growingly obvious that for many they ,h.8ve rio ,lasting UnJ)9rtance. _ Too many first-communicants do not return to the altar until' Christma'-s or until the next significant event occurs in faroily ',life. The blame, of cour~, is not theirs. The,ir parents gear up for a· big first communion celebration but the idea ,of weekly reception of the Eucharist is nonexistent. The sacrament of penance is similarly neglected. ' 'The situation wiih confirmation is almost the same. . .Even. with the recent revived interest in the Spirit, reception .of this' sac~ment too often ~arks an end rather than a J>eginning. "No more catechism" is the chant loudly sung on confirmation day.. For all practical purposes, religious. education. is. completed.-. Commitment, renewal and wit-· nesslng have had but a one-night stand. As far as the sacrament of matrimony is conceme4, we' need only loo}c at the divorce scoreboard. It is a losing game. The religious significance of marriage carries little weight intoday's pagan Amen'ca. Weekly' one hears of Catholics being married at a quaint historic site or in .a beautiful garden setting with the unspoken understanding that if the marriage doesn't work, there will still be a chance to try again in the church. The stories are endless. Too .bad the same ,cannot be said of the marriages. All this of course indicates that the church should be seeking new methods of combating the spiritual indiffer­ ence of so many of its sons and daughters. It should be obvious that the first area to be developed and .supported is that of adult, education. Although many of today's spiritual problems are rooted in the adult world, our efforts remain centered on the education of' children. The latter, of course, should not be neglected but adult education should be the priority for the remainder of this century. Even with this, however, we must -realize that knowl­ e4ge of itself will not suffice. Catholics must begin to convert Catholics. Adults must be.'given the opportunity to ,turn to the Lord on every level of their lives. Hearts must be moved before minds can be fed. Anew spring brings new promise. May it be one of hearts renewed., ~ , , I


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River , ,410 Highland Avenue 675·7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER' Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,

FINANCIAf ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . . . I.eary Press-Fall River

'Winter is now past, the rain is over and gone •.. . arise my love, my beautiful one, and come; my dove in the clefts of the rock, in the . h~lIow places of the wall, show me,thy face, let thy voice sound , in my ears; for thy voice is: sweet and thy face comely.' . Cant.2:11,13-,14 ' I

Genetic poisons By Juli Loesch P!IX Christi Press ,Service !At the heart of the Right to Ufe movement, is the conviction th,at our .unborn hrothers and sis-' ters have rights which we - the born-are duty..bound to .respect. The most direct and immediate' assault on -the unborn, -up to this time, has been abortion and the .whole system of attitudes, socia,l situations and institutions that promote it, motivate it andd>rofit from it. _ But in the 1980's we find our­ selves facing a threat tha't cowId be even more bloody than the present medical .holocaust and even more far-reaching in its im­ plications. ~is is the increas­ ingly urgent problem of genetic assault. The instruments of assault-by­ abortion we know weH; the in­ struments of genetic assault are less familiar. They are known as genotoxins - genetic poisons. Genotoxins can kHil direot-ly by causing miscarriage: "technologi­ cal" abortion. If the victim does Jjl1"th, he or she not die before '1.1 may die later from cancer, leu­ kemia, and genetic diseases which may be painf.ul, crippling, and deforming as well as deadly. This is what gives a decisively new and different-and .terrible -meaning to· modern warfare. Because of the atomic, chemical, and biological weapons found in the military arsenals of the great' wOl'ld powers,- any threat of war . now includes the greater threat of launching a devastating attack upon the unborn of all future generations. Because of ,their radioactive faHout, we now nialize nuclear weapons should be ,regarded, not simply as another kind of bomb with a' bigger bang" but, also as

weapons of genetic warfare. In . survive to maturity. fact, the ·idea of a "limited, win­ This amounts-physically and nable'" nuclear war is necessarily morally-to a continental curet­ based on -the assumption that tage. massive. technological abo1"tion is ' Among the survivors, genetic an acceptable price to, pay; Her­ damage would be unforgiving. It man Kahn, in his treatise, On would be passed on from parents Thermonuclear Wa,r, makes this . to children, generation after gen­ quite clear: eration, forever. (The only anter­ "Erribry-onic deaths are of lim­ native at that point-if you can ited significance. These are con­ imagine it-would be to scteen cep.tio~s which would have been and select or geneticaUy "fix" all successf.ul had it not been for future human conceptions, a ,radiation which damaged the prospect as destructive to the germ cell. ..,.There will probably dignity of human life as the first • be one hundred million of these ai-ternative.)' ;in f.uture generations' (after a HistoricaHy, the Church has -limited nuclear war). On the whole, the human race is so at times entel'ltained arguments fecund that a small reduction in for waging qimited war in this fecundity should not be a serious generation. For example, a "just war" using very restrained force maHer even to individuals." for ,the ~stablisment of a just Some strategists assume, in peace. But there ca~ be no moral the face of mounting evidence to justification - and no ensuing the contrary, that one nation "just peace" --- if we make war could launch a preemptive "first on the next generation. strike" against an' enemy. This .If we wish to protect the un­ would be a sort of unilateral­ disarmament-in-reverse. That is, born-aH the unborn-then we clearly must renounce the use of the U.S. would unilaterally "dis­ arm" the USSR, for example. In genotoxic weapons. It is my this fashion, by' knocking out as hope that:the Right to Life move­ many of Ithe enemy's weapons as ment, because of its proven lead­ possible before they are Jaunched, ership in defending the .rights of it is said' we would be sparing the unborn, will be able to add the enemy's popuhltion .as well its own special emphasis to the demand that we spare the chilo as our own. dren who must inherit this planet. What this-perhaps the most Julie Loesch, a'member of Pax "mora'I" nuclear scenario yet pro­ Christi from Erie, Pennsylvania, posed-fails to face is the result­ ing devastation to the unborn. is the founder of 'Pro-Lifers for An effective "first strike" would Survival. te1ease such enormous amounts of genotoxins such as Strontium­ ..'.n'.......mu.umnnlll....n.m"...."'_n...III1I'ntl"'"'n""""".,III""..III...'.....

90 into ~he circulating atmo­ THE ANCHOR (USPS·545-o20). Second Clan

Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published sphere that, according to' one Postage weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· University of Pi,ttsburg radiation ue, Fa II River, Mass. 027~2 by the Cath. ~esea:rcher,' veri few children olic Press of the Diocese of Fall Riven SUbscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 conceiveli in the' U.S. or USSR per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA in the' followingl decade would 02722.

Disengagement Th~re

comes 'a transitional period in family Hife called disengagement or nest leav­ ing, when; offspring begin leaV'ing home. College, military service, jobs away and other temporary absences begin to pre­ pare the single parent or couples for me without children and to prepare young, aduLts for everl­ tual permanent separation f.rom parents. AIt'hough much of the ground­ work for this separwtion occurs earlier in family me, how the couple and offspring experience the disengagement period ,largely determines ,the 'success of the neJtlt stage, the empty nest. If young adults are given an opti­ mistic and confident shove to­ ward the 'future, they wiH look forward to Jeaving with hope. If not, they can approach separa­ tion with both dread and guilt. If the pa,rents hold on to these emerging aduJ,ts with' despera­ tion, dreading life without them in the home, itheir eventual empty nest situation can be bit­ ter. That's why this perIod is as important in preparing spouses to become a couple as are, the engagement and prenatal periods. Yet, so often it is neglected, deliberately ignored. "r just don't think about the children leav­ ing," some parents tell me. "I figure it wiU be painful enough'

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 26, 1982 0

when the time comes. Why an­ ticipate it?" Because ·this is the time to scrutinize th.e coupi"e's il"ela'tion­ ship and rebuild it if it has been allowed to disintegrate during the child-centered years. If there are . no shared interests, they need to' be develop~, whether it's gardening, sailing, or taking courses together. ' Some coupiles meet this need ,creatively. I know one thaJt has begun to cook together. After' years of prepa.ring routine' meals for five chHdTen, .they now set aside Saturday night in. the ki,tch­ en just for themse'lves and gour­ met meals. Another couple takes a differ­ ent cou·rse every semester at the ~ocal community college night school. So far they have enjoyed learning together such diverse subjects as computer science, conversational Italian, yoga and jazz appreciation. This is also a time that individua:I spouses should develop friends and inter­ ests to keep them enthusiastic once the children .are gone. Agaiil, ·Lent can serve as a good opportunity for a couple to focus on its readiness in becom­ ing a couple again. Here are some of the questions to focus on . this week: 'Is our relationship as rich as, it was before chi'ldren? If not, in what ways has it




changed? What are some con­ crete ways of rebuilding f.rieild­ ship and intimacy J)etween us? Are we qooking forward to the empty nest wi,th anticipation or dread? What's good abowt being alone again? (Think !bathroom, phone, and car!) How can we let our children go without mak­ ing them feel guilty for aeaving 'Us? What friends do each of 'Us have? Should we nurtu·re new friendships with other couples? Can we share feelings, dreams and fears? Should we seek some professional counselling to help us reestablish a relationship? Where does God fit into our iives now? Do we need him once the children are gone? Can we pray together? Should we con­ sider a' marriage enrichment weekend or course? . The empty nest can be an ex­ citing stage for coupiles who re­ discover one another. They can share the pleasure of having launched a fami,ly together while beginning ·to do some of the things they have ~ong wanted to share together, just themselves.

Nucle'ar freeze'

Though it- began as a quiet missiles that the U.S. and the little grassroots" movement U.S.S.R. have aimed at each other.. with support from some U.S. An example of the first set of bishops, the nl;lclear weapons ,talks are the Geneva discussions freeze began making national headlines when several New Eng­ land town. meetings passed nu­ clear freeze resolutions and thou­ sands of Californians signed weapons freeze petitions. More than 140 members of Congress a:lso got into the act. But just as suddenly, it seemed,ilie' Reagan administra­ tion began running up the cau­ tion flags. A freeze now would leave the Soviet Union with a potentially devastating nuclear advantage, said officials. Thus it came as no surprise that a freeze proposal advanced by Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev a few days' ~ater was rejected wi,thout a second thought. Freeze advocates, though, were fighting back. They arg,ued that the administration was distorting the freeze proposal and- was un­ willing ,to debate the issue fairly. So who's right? The adminis­ tration for saying the Soviets are proposing the freeze now be­ cause they're ahead? Or the freeze backers, who say ,that the two sides are roughly equivalent? The answer, to that depends on whose definitions and arithmetic you accept. But first, some basic concepts. Arms negotiations are runni~g primarHy on two tracks: discus­ sions on intermediate-range mis­ siles in the ,European theater and talks on limi'ting or Il'educing the big intercontinental strategic




LACKEY which stal1ted :last Nov. 30 at the height of the European nuclear protest movement; examples of the second are t!he treaties ham­ Pershing and cruise missiles 'are mered out at the Strategic Arms in late 1983. deployed Limitation Ta:lks, or SALT. Also In the U.S" meanwhi'le, debate in the second category is the pro­ between 'the adminis~ation. and

posed START - Strategic Arms nuc1ear f.reeze backers has been

Reduction Talks. . running along primarily the same

Though SALT was a major is­ lines. Even before Brezhnev an­

sue two years ago, the main fo­ nounced his proposal Reagan

cus now is on those Geneva ne­ was saying that the perceived

gotiations. Reagan's proposal imbalance in Ew:ope made freeze

last faU to cancel European de­ endorsement impossible. .ployment of 572 Pershing II and But Sens.Edward' M. Kennedy cruise missiles in return for So­ (D-Mass.) and ~aTk O. Hatfield viet dismantlement of its SS-20 (R-Qre.), pdme sponsors of .the missile fleet became the opening freeze resolutions, said their proposal at the negotiations. freeze proposal applies not just According to the Reagan ad­ to Europe Ibut to all strategic ministration, . the new Pershing forces, while the Soviet Union and cruise missiles are needed in may appear to be ahead in Eu-' Europe to give the Western aUi­ rope - something fre.eze backers ance a force equiva:lent" to the do not necessarily concede - the Soviet's intermediate-range mis­ worldwide picture shows the two siles. sides roughly even, w.ith 9,000 But the Soviet Union sees U.S. nuclear warheads and 7,000 things in the opposite 'light. It Soviet warheads. says tha,t when you add up all of From there on, freeze argu­ NATO's nuolear forces in the ments become e~tremely techni­ European theater - including cal and to opponents such tech­ U.S., French and British aircraft nicalities show ,that a freeze and independent French and Brit­ would be simpleminded and a ish missiles - ' the two sides al­ poor substitute for negotia­ ready are equal. . tions between the superpowers. That was the rationale behind But to freeze backers the sheer Brezhnev's proposal to freeze enormity of the nuclea.r arsena:ls, European nuclear weapons at the with their capabilIty of de­ current level, as wel:l as his threat. stroying the world several times to rescind in kind, perhaps, some over, makes the technical issues say, with missiles in Cuba, if the irrelevant.

Town meeting tactics Some 42 New Hampshire towns have already stood up and instructed' Leonid Brezhnev and Ronald Reagan



produced the first fireworks. Suddenly, in the back, a stocky, fair-haired woman stood t~ knock off the n:uclear arms ull and introduced herself as race. So far only Antrim (popu­ Jane Chase. In ringing, trem­ la,tion 2,000), a ~ovelylittle place bling tones, she saidl, ''My great­ in the Monadnock Moumains, great· great - great grandfather has done so in the middle of a was a colonel in the Revo1ution­ raging love affair wi,th a warship . ary War. My family has lived at of the U.S. Navy,' the Butterfield farm since 1800, Antrim, bred.;in-the-bone Re­ I was a flower girl at the dedi­ publican conservative, has' a catiot1 of this gymnasium. My proud patriotic tradition. A husband and .J choose to make plaque set in the ,bou1der at the Antrim our home. I do not choose highest point on Main Street re­ to have my hometown repre­ cords that "every man except sented to the rest of the world one marched in response to the by an itlstrument off war." Lexington alarm." . . In the gasps that ·followed, a . But Saturday, at its annual white·haired man named Pete town, meeting, Antrim som'ehow Wallace rose and riposted in managed ,to make official its near-.apopleotic tones: "My an­ meaningful relationship wibh ;the cestors fought the Indians, they USS Antrim, which, everyone is fought in the Revolutionary War, pretty sure," carries nuclear mis­ the Civil War, World War rand siles, and at Ithe same time to World Wea II. I hope they con­ come out almost 2 to 1 in favor ' tinue to fight in the 'last of the of a bilaterail U.S.-Soviet nuclear wars. Let's adopt it." weapons freeze. He was much applauded. The Antrim's. emotional involve­ commander, somewhat shaken ment wi~h the missile frigate >by this geneaIogical exchange of came about through an enter­ fire, said I1hat yes, it was a war­ prising Navy public relations of­ ship, but that the relationship be­ ficer, who wrote Ito six U.S. .tween the town and the ship was towns named Antrim seeking a "spirituaUy ,uplifting." . hometown tie with the ship.

.The resolution camed over­ Antrim, N'!H., aJone responded, whelmingly. and three citizens, all members Most of ,the citizens went back of the VFW, journeyed to Seattlle down the hiN to the PresbYiterian for the commissioning last Sep­ tember. Since then, the romance church and an excellent home· has blazed. In the first raptures, mad.e lunch. The affable, lionized the commander. of the Antrim commander,' who had changed BUI Wright, confided his hope of out of uniform, had done a tour seeing a New England· town with a SALT negotiating team, and as a citizen, had no qua.rrel meeting. It was a genuine co­ with the freeze. But he decided incidence, both sides thought, that he happened on one where not to return ,to the Itown meet­ Antrim took up war and peace. dng, because It might be dicey. A banner was stretched across "You are talking about petition­ ing my commander -in chief," he the side of Wayno's S'Upermar­ ket: "Welcome to your town,' explained. It was' 3 p,m. by the time Capt. Bilt" At the welcoming ceremony, Wright presented the Article 30 came lllp. It almost ship's flag to the town. Nuclear sank immediately. An inten'se, stooped man named Ben Pratt freeze-force ~eader Bonnie Ach­ terman, a black-haired mother of said that the Soviets would in­ three daughters and secretary to terpret it as "evidence of divi­ the pastor of the PresbYiterian siveness." The anti-freeze faction church, watched these signs of in the middle of the hal'l clapped rising patriotic fever wi,th some 'loudly, and an 18-year-old named Jeffrey Merrifield caBed for a apprehension. tabling of the resolution. She had collected the 10 signa­ What turned the tide. was an tures necessary to put the freeze on the warrant at Edmund's amendment offered by a TWA Hardware Store. whose motto is, pilot named Pat Webber, who "If we don',t ,have -it, you don't seemed! to understand that the anti-freeze people were torn by need it." "They have the tilag," she said a feeling that /the whole thing was an affront ,to Ronald Reagan. wistfuUy. as she watched a pres­ A clause asking the president "to entation that 1eft severaI specta­ continue and intensify his nego­ tors awash.. Thus stirred, the. townspeople, tiating efforts" split the opposi­ with the commander in tow, tion andI on a ballot vote, the freeze won, 83 to 44. toiled :up the hiH to the elemen­ "Isn't It funny," said modera­ tary school's gymnasium to do tor Robert Flandetll, who had the town's and the world's busi­ ness. Article 10, ",to see if the presided with near-perfect equa­ Town will vote to adopt the nimity. "We voted for and against nuclear weapons in the U.S.S, Antrim (FFG-20) and here­ tofore be known as the '!Home same day. But that's what a Town' of the U.S.S, Antrim," town meeting is a1'1 abou't."

/ •


THE ANCHO~­ Friday, Mar. 26, 1982


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J:_I ,a__ occ L 11

St. J atncl.: s Puz:le rot., ,

Whet. irs pretty clear . St. Patrick is tops

To 1M shamrock o' sreen.

The whole of th. yeor.

for it to be seon;For lu.....e

t',ft-:~ •



00 you know whith they ar.? Can .you ton wk.... each is? Th. luck of tho Iri\-h On thit littlo quiJ:!




. Over 2,000 persons attended a recent assembly of the' Portu­ guese Charismatic Renewal of the FaH River diocese. An ac­ count· of the day prepared by Bernice Ponte, among its organ­ izers, follows: The ·Portuguese Charis·· matic Renewal assembly held on Sunday, March 7, 1982, at the Kennedy ceriter, an annex' and also St. John the, Baptist Church on County Street, New Bedford, where . three' .worlcshops were givep, was a glorious time of pt;'aising,loving and thanksgiving arid worship in the. unity 9f the HOJY Spirit.

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Includes all meals, sightseeing, service charges and 1st class hotels.



Father Morrisey and Msgr. John . Alesandro, chancellor of the Rockville Centre, N.Y., Dio­ cese, discussed marriage and the new code.



A key element involves use of the word "co~enant" to replace the legalistic marriage "contract" of the earlier .code, Father Mor­ risey said. The new code reflects greater understanding of the meaning . of' conjugal.. love, he said. Where the 1917'code listed the primary ends of marriage as, first, procreation, and second, mutual assistance, the new code reverses this order, emphasizing .•the total person and making the new sequence "the good of the spouses and the generation of children." In the new code the church's

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ARE YOU WONDERING if you guessed right on the mystery churches pictured in our last two issues? Here are the answers.


v{#I;JINGT;O,N :.(i:rfq -·Par­ ticipants in /).~.' offic;:ial Unit~d Methodrst~Rom~n- ,Catholic di~l~ ogue have foun4: ~c;:olls~derable agreement on the structure of the . eucharistic celebration but diff­ lAir fares subject to change) erences in understanding of the , SPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW parts of that celebration and of, various elements of eucharistic REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE

doctrine. Issued in Washington St.Kevin Rectory

35 Virginia St., Dorchester, Ma. 02125

by .the U.S. bishops' Committee T~lephone: (&171436-2771

for Ecumenical and Interreligious OR

Affairs, a 19-pagereport stated GEORGE OSBORN·UNIVERSITY TRAVEL CO: that participants in the dialogue 129 Mt. Auburn St, Cambridge, Ma 02138 found "remarkable unity and agreement on the structure of the' Teleph'one: (&171 864-7800

,eucharistic celebration ~nd on

unity ,



'.:.central ..eucharistic pItayer.~' . It,alsO,:' declared their.: :'''inutual re.<:Q(:nition .. of· ...the uodetLying unity of the' whole' eu"c:haristi« service," but added that "the un­ derstanding of the 'structtirai parts of the eucharistic celebra­ tion is not always the same in the two churches."

Living Intensely . i'Helping someone to die is really helping him to live illtense­ Iy during the last stages of his life." -The bishops of West Germany, A Death that is :Worthy and Christian

They listened with pro­

found 'aHention for the

Father God to instill in them

the 'light of Jesus, that they

may be filled with his mar~

velous light an\l fulfi'll the

commission of St. Mark

16:15-18: "He said to them: Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes . and is baptized will be sav~~ 'but whoever does not believe ~ wiU be condemned. And these signs wiN accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up snakes with their hands and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all. They will place their hands on sick people and they wi'll get well." Many kinds of spiritual and physical healings were attested to at the day.

.. New c~non law code

Continued from page one and form,' the "valid execution of ritual." The new code emphasizes the ecclesial dimension, with ritual seen as the "peak moment, the time when spe,cial grace is given," he explained.

See Amman & Qumran, Jericho & Jerusa· lem (Old and New), Bethlehem & Beth· any, Nazareth & Cana, Tiberias & Haifa, Caesarea & Tel Aviv, Dead Sea & Sea of Galilee (Cruise), Garden of Agony & 'Way of Cross, Wailing· WaH & Dome of Rock, Mounts· of Carmel, Temptation, Tran· figuration and Beatitudes!

Visit Knock & Cork, Connemara and Cliffs of Moher, Killarney· & Ring of Kerry, Blarney & Bantry Bay, Dublin & Ga:way, Ennis & Limerick, Longford & Youghal, Waterford, Westport & Waterville! Go to London & Llangollen, Edinburgh & Jedburgh, Oxford & Stratford·upon·Avon, Coventry & York, Gretna Green & Had· rian's Wal!, Salisbury & Stonehenge, Bath & Bristol, Cardiff & Chester, Hamp· ton Court & Windsor Castle, Lake District & Roblnhood Country! (Scheduled flight from/to Boston or N.Y.! (FROM N.Y. + $50)

.. • •

Over 2,000 of God's peo· pIe in the ~nity of love dem­ onstrated their complete re­ liance on Jesus, the ·light of the world. They waited for His word of encouragement. guidance a'nd vision .through His committed prophets.



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pastoral duties ill relation to mar­ riage are stressed, said Msgr. Alesandro. "We must develop the sup­ ports that society used to pro­ vide," he said, suggestihg more counseling to aid couples "before' problems reach the crisis stage." As people increasinglY. become "ciphers" in an impersonal so­ ciety. and "we don't have many occasions to be personally re­ lated to others," the' value of marriage as a place "where you are really yourself" increases, he said. However, the "personality fac­ tor," the inability to fulfill the marriage commitment will con· tinue to be the main reason an­ nulments are granted, he said. The new marriage 'riorms will af­ f~ct procedures in the United States, requiring that all annul­ ments be approved by another tribunal before being granted.. This, according to Msgr. Alesan­ dro was expected and involves an "organizational and legalistic problem more than a substantive issue."

Bishop rebuts Continued from Page One Catholic Northwest Progress, 're­ . affirming ",the rigM of reiigious leaders to speak out on the moral aspects of political questions." ':He said, "To think that I and other religious leaders have no right ,to 'speak out on such issues political issues that, touch the welfare })f persons is to reduce the role of the hishop and of Christianity to the realm ofindi­ vidual ,morality. "It is to declare with ,the sec'u­ 'larist mentalHy, of recent cen­ turies," he continued, "d,at reli­ gion ;is, to be locked up in .the sacristy and the home. .'

Archbishop Hunthausen said those who Chink bishops havl! no

right to speak out on such issues '''misunderstand -t'he long Roman Catholic tradition. , "The bishop' is supposed to speak out on the mora:l aspect of public questions. That is not oonly his right; m.ore importantly it is his duty. He has to make ,. -the effort to apply the values of the Gospel -to the concrete social situation of his day," the arch­ bishop said. Also criticizing Lehman was Bishop Leroy T. Matthiesen of Amarillo, Texas, who said in an interview in Pasadf:!na, Calif., that Lehman "hasn't done his homework" if he believes that the church -teache~ that t'he threat to use nuclear weapons is moral.

THE ANCHOR .... Fridlay, Mar. 26, 1982

global superpowers. In Nicaragua before the revo­ lution the church was a strong critic of the Somoza dictator­ ship. It is largely credited with thus far preventing the revolu­ tion from being totally Marxist. It seeks U.S. aid to and friendly relations with Nicaragua as the means of rebuilding the country, saying that rebuilding the economy is the best way to assure political moderation. In EI Salvador the church was one of the strongest critics of government repression before the country was enveloped in full-scale civU war. Now'it seeks a negotiated peace, participation of all legitimate factions, and political settlement of problems with outside aid but without outside military or political inter­ ference. (See related story, page

t.hemail packet Opus Dei Dear Editor: Recently there have been ref­ erences in tfte press to a sup­ posed rivalry between Opus Dei and the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). There is no rivalry. Both insti­ tutions serve the Church, each in " Its own way. As the founder of Opus Dei said in 1966 in an interview with Tad Szulc of The New York Times when asked about the Society of Jesus, "I am person­ ally acquainted with Fr. Arrupe, its Superior General, and can assure you that our relations are of mutual esteem and affec­ tion ... We venerate and love all religious, and ask our Lord to make their service to the Church and to all mankind ever more fruitful. There will never be a dispute between Opus Dei and a religiolls."(Cf. "Conver­ sations with Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer," n. 54, Sinag-Tala Publishers, Inc., Manila, 1977). DWight Duncan For the information Office of Opus Dei in the United States

Easter Dear Editor:

Easter is the season we

cherish spring, The migrant birds come to nest and sing. Flowers and trees starting .to show life After' a winter's spell, the days a·re 'longer and bright. A new life within us begin, 'like the rising morning sun. We think of warmer days, the ohildren having fun. Na'ture's ,beauty flourishes all through the country Thanking God for giving us this bounty. . . . His resurrection proved it to- all. So be on the alert, for he may caB. It may be sooner 'or later, So let us follow ¢he Creator. Let us heed .the Scout motto, Be Prepared. For your spiritual Ufe, we should care Therefore let Easter be on yOW' mind. To aU he is forgiving, let us not be blind. Anthony Guerra NOl'lth Eastham

Fool for Christ Dear Editor: Bravo for your publication of Mary McGrory's column (The Anchor, Ma·r. 5) on a nuclear arms moratorium. As a Roman Catholic and a member of a citi­ zen's group supporting a bilateral nuclear arms freeze, I believe that the nuolear weapons issue is one thllt each Christian must confront in his/her own heart. If Chfist has called us to be peacemqker, how can we con­ tinue to support a system where peace, or some facsimrIe thereof,

is bought with weapons that promise only genocide? If we purport to trust in our God, how can we misplace that trust in articles of war that can never truly save us? A review of avai:lable informa­ tion shows that Russia and America now possess enough weapons to kill eacih other sev­ eral times over. To think that a nuclear war is winnable, or pro­ posed civil defense plans feas­ dble, becomes the more naive stance. We Catholics might do well to follow the example of some of our own American bishops who are risking their reputations, and in one case a possible jai'l term, to take a stand against. nuclear weapons. St.Paul states: "God's foolish­ ness is wiser than human wis­ dom, and God's weakness is ,stronger than human strength." (ICor.l:25) Instead of living with fear and the supposed "logic" of nuo1ear aggression, perhaps the Christian should move to the cutting edge of faHh and become a peacemaking fool for Christ. Jane T. ElJis Mattapoisett

Thank you Dear Editor: Just a word to thank you for remembering the patron of the Universal Church, St: Joseph, on his feast day. In a society that. those of us who are of the male species need an example on how to live the way Jesus did, St. Joseph shows us that way. He is the patron of fathers and foster fathers, of workers and of the dying. St. Joseph was one of us, born with original sin, who lived a simple life much in the background but loved God at whatever cost or whatever the obstacle. In another article in The An­ chor, the Catholic Physicians' Guild of Chicago has petitioned the Holy Father to make the feast of the Annunciation a holy day of obligation to reaffirm that human life begins at conception, which is great. Maybe someday, like some countries of the world, we can have the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, a holy day of obliga­ tion. Father Normand Boulet St. Michael's Church Ocean Grove

Dialogue in truth Dear Editor: Raucous laughter or tears of frustration would suffice as a fitting response to your March 19th editorial in' which you call for the development of a'{enues of truth where Protestant Evan­ gelicals and Catholics can dia­ logue. Perhaps the following will show why either response would be appropriate. "On Dec. 8, 1973, the superior Consistory of the ultra-Protestant Church (Evan-



MSGR. ANTHONY M. GOMES, pastor of Our Lady of Angels parish,' Fall River, and diocesan Catholic Charities director, is also the number one area fan of the University of Notre Dame and chaplain of its football team. He was recognized as such on Monday night when Rhode Island and Southeasterrt Massachusetts alumni named him Notre Dame Man of the Year. He received plaql.!es and Knute Rockne mementos to commemorate the occasion.

Six nations in spotlight Continued from page one of Guatemala, the western bor­ der of EI Salvador and the north­ ern border of Nicaragua. Refu-

gees from all three countries flee to Honduras, and some use it as a base to return to their own nations as guerrillas.

- Costa Rica, still a develop­ gelical) of the Confession of ing nation but the richest and Augsburg of Alsace-Lorraine is- most stable of the Central Am­ sued a statement authorizing its erican countries and long the members to receive Holy Com- show~ase of democracy in the munion in Catholic Churches. region, had a peaceful transition It concludes the follo.wing: "It of power in February. It faces should be possible for a Protes- economic austerity, however, be­ tant today to recognize in the cause of the international econ­ Catholic Eucharistic Celebration omic situation. Its export in­ the Supper instituted by the come from agricultural com­ Lord - we attach great impor- modities has declined while im­ tance to the use of the new port costs for oil and consumer prayers with which we feel at goods have skyrocketed, causing home, and which have the ad- serious inflation and rising un­ vantage of giving a different in- employment. terpretation to the theology of - Panama, scene of one of sacrifice than we were accus- the sharpest U.S. debates on for­ tomed to attribute to Catholic- eign policy through the 1970s ism. until treaties were signed in 1978 These prayers invite us to rec- giving 'Panama full control of ognize an Evangelical thedlogy the Canal Zone by the year 2000 of sacrifice" - which is noth- is enjoying a period of relative ing more than a sacrifice of quiet. Second to Costa Rica in praise and thanksgiving offered prosperity separated by Costa by the' community. ("An Open • Rica from. the turbulent Central Lesson to.a Bishop," p. 16, by American nations to the nortlt' M. Davies) and looking ahead to increasing How can "dialogue in truth" command of its own destiny as it take place when the ambiglOus moves toward control of the New' Mass has "invited" many canal. Panama can only benefit Protestant Evangelicals to be- from domestic peace. Throughout the heavily Cath-' Iieve that now only a supper service is the object of Cath- olic region the church has played olic worship? The very heart of a major intermediary role, press­ the faith is being ignored in the . , name of ecumenism. Such faint- mg for socia] refor11,l but reject­ heartedness would lead to the ing Marxist solutions, urging self­ "suspicion" you mentioned in determination and pleading with any circle. the international community not Harry J. Booth to let Central America become a South Dartmouth pawn in the struggle between •

With Monday's coup, the Guatemala situation remains un­ certain but will be watched care­ fully by both church and govern­ ment officials in the U.S. In Honduras the church has also criticized government re­ pression and in the 1970s found itself persecuted for backing land reforms. Recently church· state relations have held a pre· carious balance as the govern­ ment has slowly moved toward reforms. In Costa Rica the church and the government have generally been friendly and mutuaUy sup­ portive, reflecting the country's relative sererJity and the govern­ ment's progressive social policies. In Panama the church has a key backer of the country's search for autonomy through control of th~ Panama Canal.


March 27 Rev. James W. Conlin, 1918, 'Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset March 28 Rev. Alfred J. Levesque, 1960, Pastor, St. James, Taunton Rev. Bernard A. Lavoie, 1972, Catholic Memorial. Home, Fall River ' March 29 Rt. Rev. Edward J. Moriarty, 1951, Pastor, St. Patrick, Fall River Rev. James H. Carr, S.T.L., 1923, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River March 30 Rev. Aime Barre, 1963, On Sick Leave, Fall River March.3t Rt. Rev. George C. Maxwell, 1953, Pastor, 55. Peter & Paul, Fall River .

. Rev. Pastor, Rev. Pastor,

APRIL 1 George A. Lewin, 1958, St. Mary, Hebronville Edwin J. Loew, 1974, St. Joseph, Woods Hole

APRIL 2 Rev. Adolph Banach, O.F.M. Conv., 1961, Pastor,O.L.O. Per­ petual Help, New Bedford Rev. Donald Belanger, 1976, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 26, 1982

Nun, :recovered alcoholic, aids others By Bob Koenig -


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BOI G, Dept. A, Shore Street, Falmouth, MA

PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Sist~r of Mercy 'Monica Maureen Sheehy didn't know she, was an alcoholic until she took her first drink seven years ago. Two years ,later she went to it treatment center for clergymen and Religious, the Marsalin In­ stitute in Holliston, Mass., where she was "saved," as she de­ scribes it, and now she :is work­ ing to save other Religious men' and women who 'may be too frighten.ed or conf.used to admit Ithey are alcoholics. . A!lcoholism is "a disease of denial," said Sister Sheehy, who teaches at Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary School in the Philadelphia suburb of Brook­ ,line.· "I really didn't talk about it because I didn't want :it to be a problem. You can't do some­ thing about a problem unless you know that it's a problem." In an interview with the Cath-·­ olic Standard and Times, Phila­ delphia archdiocesan newspaper, Sister Sheehy stressed that the key to understanding alcoholism is recognizing that it .is a disease. "I had no wi1'l to stop and this is what I'd like to make clear about this disease, :this sickness." RecaUing her experience, she said, "I. was having a hard time because I knew that something was wrong inside me, but I wasn't sure eX!lot!y what. My turning point came at a meeting· of our ollder in Merion (Pa.) when S~s-

tel' Cordis Bums, a therapist and nurse from Marsalin Institute in Massachusetts, got up on stage and said, "I am a recovered al­ coholic.' Something in me really eased. I thought if a ,lady like -that could be who she is and get in front of the whole community' and say that, there must be something that is okay within me." One of the difficulties with al­ coholics who are in service to any church is ,that people don't exped clergymen and Religious to have such prbblems, Sister Sheehy said. "I think with the. Religious and anyone who is in the helping 'professions <like doc­ tors and laV{yers it is harder, be­ cause society puts a label on them and they'~e supposed to be the sav.iors of the world." Her struggle with alcoholism· h,as led ,to "a deeper relationship with God than I ever had be· fore,~' she said. ",I caU my alco­ holism a gift because 'I'm a,lways learning' and giving. I've experi­ enced a whole death and resur­ rection." She is motivated by "the pain I've gone through myself and the fact that I c~n help somebody to learn how to 1ive with that kind of pain - not to do away with it, but to :Jive wi·th it," she said. . "Alcoholics have to' accept their disease. They can't take drugs. In our, society, we are used to taking something to ·rid ourselves of pain. The alcoholic can't do

that. You have to hit rock bot­ tom before you can begin to be saved." Sister Sheehy is going to be on a' three-person panel addressing the problem of alcoholism among clergymen and Religious during a conference May 6-7 at Eagle­ vi'lle, a drug and alcohol rehabili· tation center near Philadelphia. Lutheran . pastor Karl A. Schneiders, director of education at Eagleville, said there are 41 recognizable behavior signs indi­ c!lting that one is an adcoholic. "One of the earliest is a black­ out," he said. "Others are de­ creasing tolerance, requiring a drink at a stated time, aggres­ sive behavior and c~anges in mood and personality," Pastor Schneiders went on: "The crucial element is loss of control. U's not the quantity (of alcohol) but the effect it has on you."

CHD helped WASHINGTON, (NC).- When President Reagan announced "he would not press for decontrol of natura:! gas and' a jury awarded civil damages to Ku Klux Klal.l victims, the U.S. Catholic Con­ ference Campaign for Human Development shared in the two victories. CHD helped fund a Citizen-Labor Energy Coalition, which opposed accelerated de­ control of natural gas, and the project against the Ku Klux KIan.

Smallest" sc4ool· wins again

WINOOSKI, \l,t. (NC)-For the Center, for the ·Performing Arts '. second year in a :row St. Michael's this spring. "The Birds~' will be performed College in WinooskI is the only Catholiccoilege, and the small­ April 30 and May 1. The' coHege, run by the Ed­ est schoo1, chosen ,to participate in ~he American College Theater mundite Fathers, made the Ken­ nedy ,Center finals last year ·with Festival in Washington. The St. Michael'sproductiori its production of "Story Theater" of tAristophanes' comedy "The, in . its first entry in American Birds" is one of six college and CoHege Theater festiva1 competi­ university produC'tions from tion. There is no judging of throughout the country to be Kennedy Center performances. staged at the Johri F. Kennedy Adapted by Walter Kerr from the ancient Greek play by Aris­

,tophanes, the modernized "Birds" was· first performed in 1948 at the Catholic University of Amer­ ica in Washington. The play fea­ tures two Athenian men, fed up with the society of their day, who leave towri Ito establish a better society among the birds. St. Michael's, a coeducational Catholic oliberail arts college with 1,600 undergraduates, has a theater department staffed by three faculty member!!.

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Shepherd of a troubled flock

By Sam Dillon SAN SALVADeR, E Salvador (NC) - The masked guerrilas with M-16 rifles art: first paid no attention to Ithe dusty sedan stopped at theii" roadblock on the Pan-American Highway east of San Salvador, Eol Salvador's capi­ tal. They were busy coHecting money - what they ca:ll "war taxes" - from passengers in a line of stopped buses. But when a chunky man with a clerical collar climbed OUit of his car and approached a bus, a peasant woman recognized him. ~'It's the archbishop. Help us." The eyes above the masks , turned. Bus passengers strained for a view. Si~ence. It war Bishop Arturo Rivera y Damas, -the 58-year-old apostolic admin· istrator ,of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, smiling at the gueriUas and at the packed bus. Apparently war taxes no mongo er seemed appropriate. "Please, go on," shouted the guerrilla commander. The buses and cars began to move. The bishop reo turned to his car and drove on. It was a minor event, but iuus· trative of the ,mediating Il'ole that Bishop Rivera has played since ,the 1980 assassination of his pre­ decessor, Archbishop Oscar Ar· nuUo Romero, thrust him into the world limelight. Bishop Rivera--¢he people call him ·~the archbishop" aithough technically he does not have that title-is. a one-man political cen­ ter in EI Salvador, a country bad­ -Iy polarized between armed left· ists and a right-wing military government. After a conference with a group of 'lay church workers, a talk wi'tb a woman whose hus­ band had been kidnapped and an interview wiJth a Colombian tele· vision crew, Bishop Rivera sat back in his breezy office in the capi,ta:l In early March for an in­ terview, He loosened his collar and began to talk about elec­ tions, the changing church and his work.

"To have a decent climate for elections, dt's necessary to have a fuB dialogue with aU the parties in any confJict. This is lacking here," he said. "Nonetheless, 1 support the elections, because perhaps they will bring to power a legitimate government that can use its pow­ ers to call for dialogue," he said. Christian Democratic -leader Jose Napoleon Duarte, .civiHan head of the country's ,predomi. nantly mHitary ruling junta and a personal friend of the bishop, intended Ito stop the violence that has claimed more than 30,000 Gives during his two years of rule, Bishop Rivera said. '~ut he hasn't accomplished this. I've told Duarte he has great responsibilioty, but that he has no power to solve our prob­ 'lems. He knows this," he said. Neither the guerriHas nor the army now enjoy the support of the people, Bishop Rivera said. As a resu~t, Bishop Rivera has tried to 'lead the church into a position he calls a "critic8Jl dis· .tance" f:rom both sides. The middle ground is a differ­ ent position from that which the church occupied under the mead­ ership of Archbishop Romero. Archbishop Romero urged his Salvadoran flock to challenge the country's injustices., "He animated Ithe people Ito implant the me of God in our country," Bishop Rivera recaHed. Although Archbishop Romero did nM back the guerril:la forces and often sought to mediate con­ . fliets peacefully, the government and entrenched powers of the right often bore the brunt of his searing attacks on injustice an(l repression. After his assassination creftist guerrilla· forces quiclcly 'pro­ claimed him as a mal'tyr of the revoJution. . But following Archbishop Ro­ mero's murder, the new chief spokesmen of the Salvadoran church adopted what many con· sider a more moderate centrist position.


(onslrudion (orp~ a •


GENERAL CONTRACTOR He frequently spoke . out : against the growing violence of : PAVING - EXCAVATING - UTILITIES : Ithe ~eftist guerrillas as well as : : - EQUIPMENT RENTALS against .government ki11ings. "A TRUSTED NAME IN CONSTRUCTION" • Bishop Rivera has continued Ito : speak out on behaU of ,the poor, • SINCE 1933 said a church official close to (617) 673-2051 .: him, but "wiJth 'less emphasis" : than his predecessor. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! ''Let's face .it, if Rivera took the same position that Romero did, the ,right would kiU him too. Then we would be' without an archbishop," the official said. His studied impartiality has . .' ' . ! made Bishop Rivera unique on EI Salvador's politic::al scene. tAtter ,the French and Mexican governments declared their sup­ .G&N£RAt: CON1'AAC1"ORS ! POJlt for the guerrjllas' political arm; the Democratic Revolution. , t" MEllltJiAN $tlf"r ! ary Front, as a legitimlllte politi· i ca'i force qast year, the entire Salvadoran establishment· con­ demned the declaration. 1t·IS.DEN .... AL - 'NSI'TUff'ONA" "''>. "',' -,--- ­ ; In contrast, Bishop Rivera wrote a calm and balanced state­ ~OMMI.CIAL ment 'lauding the declaration, which added greatly to its credi· ItffUfNCE$UPON IEQOeSl ..­ biHty. . '" i Despite 'his political dmpor­ tance, Bishop Rivera emphasizes his episcopal role. "I'm just a pastor," he said. When he was named adminis­ trator of EI Salvador, he con­ ,tinued as bishop of the rural Diocese of Santiago de Maria in eastern EI Salvador, so he is now Thomas !Pasternak Reg. Ph.

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of his time he is in the capital interceding with governmental authorities on behalf of relatives of political prisoners and meet­ 202 ROCK STREET - FALL RIVER dng with lay workers. Most Sun- ' days he celebrates Mass in the 619 .. 1300 San Salvador cathedra;l before a packed congregation. - ALSO ­ Asked if he found his. work 1224 Pleasant Street, Cor.. Harrison Street satisfying, Bishop Rivera rubbed a burly hand over a tired face", Fall River, Mass. glanced llIt a portrait of Arch­ 676 8939

bishop Romero on his wall, and began signing a stack of episco­ NOS FALAMOS PORTUGUES

pal documents. "Yes. Something makes it go," he said. .


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.The l{'llo,w-it.-all

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Dr. Kenny: I have an 11­ year-old grandson who is a know-it-all. This boy is smart; his grades are good. He plays soccer, football, has gone to scouts, goes to camp, and is a good swimmer and skier. But no matter what subject his parents or anyone else talks about, he has to butt in and give ,his side. He is an authority on ev~rything. If we walk away from him, he will follow and keep it up. ' He has a 7-year-oId brother, and he is always giving him a bad time, saying ''You're dumb," "You don't know anything," "You're just a' baby." Then there is a fight. this' grandson is physically small for his age. .With aU his cockiness, he is sensitive and cries easily.-British Columbia You have vividly pkoored the pre-adolescent know-iit-all. Yet you are wisely aware ,that be­ neath the surface your g.randson is sensitive and unsure. His brash act is only skin deep. Your grandson displays in somewhat exaggerated fashion \ important signs of adolescent ·growth. ·Breaking away from the family and becomi~g a distinot,

unique individual are critical life tasks. Adolescence is nature's transition period when these tasks arli addressed. The temptation w'ith a know­ ,i,t-all is to put him firm~y in his place. You want to ten him that hedoes not know everything and that no one likes a universal self-proclaimed exp~rt. 'Tha't would the a mistake not because it is untrue, but because it is not the most effeotive tactic. Remind yourself that some­ thing gopd is happening with your grandson. He is looking at life aQd ~aying, "I can do it aU by myself." However naive that may be, it is better than being dependent and depressed. Respon~ to this beginning self­ confidence. Listen .to him tell you abou,t the many activities he enjoys and does well. Encourage him. Look also for ways ·to touch and love him tha't are uncondi­ tional, that do not require an achieve~ent.

,Encourage him to· try new ac­ tivities. He sounds Hke a capable young man. Don't 'let him rest on his laurels. School athletics and hobbies may chaUenge him. Beginners make maI)Y mistakes. Your sup­ port may ?ive him the courage to grow.

This is also -the time to offer him new privileges and duties. A 'later bedtime. A 1arger allow­ ance. He may now be reqruired to prepare a fuLl meaJ, mow the 'lawn, clean house. He is grow­ ing ~p. The objectionable part of your grandson's behavior is not his superficial self-confidence, but the way he uses this to put .down others. Ignore this part of his brash aot. Self-confidence is a marvelous trailt. PuWng down others is not. 'When he puts you or someone else down, do not respond.. Talk about something else. ,Lose in­ terest in the conversation. Walk away. Help his !JittJIe brother to get away at th8lt time. . Truly §elf-confident persons are able to Hsten to and value the opin­ ions of others. ' At the same time, make him feel secure. Give :him new privi­ leges and expectations consistent with his ,increasing age and abil­ 'ity.· And let him know you ~o've him. Reader questions on family living and child care to be an­ swered in print are invited. Ad­ dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

K of C to marli lOOth anniversary


NEW HAVEN, Conn. (NC) ­ The Knights of Columbus will commemorate their 100th anni­ versary Monday, March 29, in the structure where the Catholic fraternal society was founded, St. Mary's Church. in downtown New Haven. The centennial festivities will include a Mass coricelebrated by Ar~hbishop John F. Whealon of Hartford, Conn., and Bishop Charles P. Greco, retired bishop of Alexandria, ·La., and supreme chaplain of the K. of C. and the entombment of the remains of Father Michael J. McGivney, . founder of the Knights, in the rear of the church. The century-old St. Mary's Church has been .completely re­ novated and is acquiring an in­ ternational' reputation because Uie more._ than 1.35 million

knights around the world regard it as a "mother church." .In 1879, on the other hand, The New ,York Times described it as "an eyesore on the avenue, a source of anno'yance and injury to neighboring residents, and a complete failure as a business enterprise!' The paper complain­ ed, that the Catholic structure had invaded "the most exclusive home of wealth and culture." Father ,McGivney, assistant pastor at. St. Mary's when he conceived the idea of forming the Knights, died in 1890 and was buried in his family plot in Old St. Joseph's Cemetery in Waterbury, Conn. Exhumed on Dec. 8, 1981, his remains are be­ ing entombed in a bronze sarco­ phagus in the rear of St. Mary's. Another event of the centennial ·observance will be release of a·

new history of the Knights by Christopher J. Kauffman, a for­ mer member of the faculty of St. Louis University. Being publish­ ed by Harper and Row, the book is titled "Faith and Fraternalism: a History of the Knights of Col­ umbus 1881-1982." The K. of C. has spread throughout the United States and Canada and now has. units in Mexico, Puerto Rico, the' Philippines, Guatemala, Panama, Guam, the Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic. Total membership as C?f March 1 was 1,359,628, with more than a million in the United States, about 200,000 in Canada, 45,000 in the Philippines, 9,000 in Mexi­ co, more than 3,000 in Puerto Rico and smaller numbers in the other countries. Members are af­ filiated with 7,156 local councils.

Computers aid church reseal'cll WASHiNGTON '(NC)

Church research possibilities in­

creased when the U.S. Catholic

Conference (USCC) and the New

York .Archdlocese linked into

each other's computers, said

Father Eugene Hemrick, director

of the usec Ofic'e of Research.

Computer terminals that use phone couplers have enabled the offices to dial directly into the computers each uses to process and store research data. Father Hemrick, who' works out of the Boys 'Town Center for the Study of Youth Develop­ ment at CatholiC University of America, said that, for example, .the center 'has a wealth of infor- . mation on youth. "As more dioceses hook up

with the bishops' conference this will encourage a synthesis of re­ search information,'" he said. A diocese concerned about youth or family ministry issues, for ,ex­ ample. could call the data bank and within moments have a print-out of the most recenf find­ ings on the ·topic. Diocesan data banks could be put into the national data bank, making information available to other dioceses. Another advantage· of compu­ ter links between dioceses, uni­


•••••••••••••••••••••• ;



• • • • • • •




versities and the usee, said Father Hemrick, is that lag time is eliminated. He also said it would be less complicated "when conducting a national study, if we could send the questionnaire to the compu­ ter terminal of a diocese and once completed have the infor­ _mation returned via that same terminal," Father Hemrick said. "Add to this the fact that as soon as information is computed the results cali be relayed back immediately and you experience an example of collaboration at its best. Often now it takes al· most a year or more for a dio­ cese to receive 'feedback 011 a research project in which 'it has cooperated." ,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 26, 1982

Retired bishops lieep busy

By Jerry FUteau

WASHINGTON (NC) "Things have changed since those days when we thought we would die with our boots on." That comment, by retired Bishop John 'J. Russell of Rich­ mond, Va., summarized a new problem facing Catholic bishops since the Second· Vatican Coun­ cil. Once they stayed on the job until death or, on rare occasion, incapacitatin~ illness, now they routinely retire at age 75, al­ though many still have years of active, useful ministry ahead of them. Today &ome 80 U.S. bishops, about 20 percent of the American hierarchy, are retired. In 1980 the Center for the Study of Pre-retirement and Aging at the Catholic University of America in Washington held a three-day symposium on what retirement m~ans for a bishop. Last December a booklet sum­ marizing that meeting was pub­ lished. It describes the problems and challenges faced by bishops who retire from administrative re­ sponsibility but still have the ability and desire to continue their priestly ministry. At the symposium several re­ tired bishops discussed the prob­ lems of turning the reins over to a younger man; and Catholic University experts spoke of the physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions of aging as they affect bishops. Among major difficulties cited for the retired prelates were chQice of a new home, ministry and life style, use of talents and experience without interfering with the aauthority of one's suc­ cessor. Among positive prospects were mentioned opportunities to grow in prayer life and spirit­ uality, to engage in special min­ )stries, and to pursue hobbies for which there had previously been insufficient time. /

Cardinal John Dearden of De· troit, who at the time of the con­ ference had just retired for health reasons but was still ad· ministering his archdiocese until a succe.ssor was named, said, "In my case, I like' contact with people so I look forward to the opportunity to go into high schools and seminaries. "The major task of reorgan­ izing my files on Vatican II is s9mething which can be carried out in the years ahead. "Likewise, there will be oppor­ tunity to get out into parishes more often . . . I have no fear that I cannot fill out my life." Cardinal Lawrence Shehan, re­ tired from the Baltimore Arch­ diocese since 1974, spoke of cele­ brating daily Mass and hearing confessions at Baltimore's old cathedral, helping with confirma­ tions, writing articles for maga· zines, and working on his mem­ oirs. . Bishop Russell said that when he retired in 1973 he first moved into a parish in a low-income black neighborhood in Richmond, "in general act,ing as ~n associ­

Jesuit scores hank policies

ate pastor - and it was a good experience . . . "I then went out to Appala­ chia where I worked with Father Frank Corzinek in an area that's less than 1 percent Catholic," he said. "Here I did hospital visits and visits to the shut-in elderly and sick. I als!> did a radio show,. visited miners and enjoyed the beautiful fall colors. At the same time I also took half the confirmation sched­ ule. This was also a good ex­ perience. "However, the Little Sisters of the Poor opened a new facility in Richmond and they offered me an apartment, and there is no place on earth I'd rather be ... Hare I say daily and Sunday Mass. "In the regular life of the home we all come down for our break­ fast and stand in line for our pills - you might say we are all pillars of the church! How­ ever, th.ere are other opportuni­ ties of service: talks to various groups, regular nocturnal adora­ tion, board memberships and dedications and anniversaries."


Hospital • meetIng set

Sister Mary Patricia, OP, presi­ dent of the corporation of St. Anne's Hospital, FaU River, will 'lead the hospi·tal delegation to the 1Nh annual Catholic Hea.Jth Assembly, to be held June 6 to 9 at the S~eraton.Boston Hotel. More than 1,000 administra­ tors, religious order leaders and hell'1th personnel are expected to attend ,the meeting. They wi\.! represent some 900 Catholic heaHh ca,re facilities. The agenda includes speeches by Jesuit Father WaUer Burg­ hardt of Georgetown University on Catholic values in health care delivery 'and by Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Pilarczyk of Cincinnati on the question, "Catholic hospitaff: Would You Know One If You Saw One?" Discussion topics will cover heaIth care as a business; the '~new federalism" and other pro­ posed changes in federal, state and private health care programs; brain death and medical~moral :issues in termination of treat­ ment; evoIution of genetic medi­ cine; revisions in the Code of Canon Law; and other subjects.

FATHER LANE DIXON KILBURN, CSC, a native of Norton and the fifth presi­ dent of King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., died March 14 in Bethlehem, Israel. At the time of his death he was business man­ ager of the Ecumenical In­ stitute for Advanced Theo­ logical Studies in Jerusalem. Interment was in that city. The son of the late Mary and Winford Kilburn was educated at Boston College and Lavall University. He also studied piano at the New England 'Conservatory of Music. He was ordained in 1955 and joined the faculty of King's College, where he taught, served as dean and then as president' until 1974. During his presidency the .college added five buildings, became fUlly coeducational and initiated a core curricu­ lum as the basis of its aca­ demic program. In Wilkes-Barre, Father Kilburn was active in civic affairs. In 1980 King's Col­ lege awarded him an honor­ ary doctorate. A campus art gallery bears his name and he is also memorialized by the Kilburn Medal, awarded to outstanding area Citizens.

.Chile gets appeal LONDON (NC) - Amnesty In­ ternational has appealed to the Chilean military government to :release political prisoners, to halt tortures and killings by the security forces and to account for an estimated 1,500 people who disappeared between 1973 and 1977. The appeal, made by the London-based independent human 'rights group, came eight years after· the current military government overthrew President Salvador Allende, a Marxist. Re­ ports from Chile indicate im­ provements in human rights in recent years, but Amnesty claims that over the past year several people have been killed after arrest or abduction.

.Language Lesson The Chinese characters for Christ signify opportunity and danger. .


WASHINGTON (NC) - Cur­ rent policies of financial institu­ tions handling check deposits are detrimental to consumers and businesses, a Jesuit economist said. Jesuit Father Robert J. Mc­ Ewen, professor of economics at Boston College and a member of the Consumer Advisory Council to the Federal Reserve Board, testified last week before the Senate Committee on Banking and Urban Affairs. The com­ mittee is examining the practice' of banks withholding customer check deposits for long periods. Consumer groups have protest­ ed the lengthy. "holds" the na­ tion's banks have put on the check deposits, which average between five and 15 business days. The consumer representa­ tives Claim that the banking in­ dustry unnecessarily extends the period so it can use those re­ ceipts for investment purposes. But bank officials contend that delaying the depositor's use of the funds is the only way the fin­ ancial institutions can protect themselves from fraud and clients with "insufficient funds." Father McEwen told the com­ mittee that a check clearing pro: cess "at most takes two days." The money is then considered to be part of the bank's reserve. He noted that many institutions use the remaining holding period in an "overnight funds market." The "overnight funds market" or federal funds market involves lending between financial insti­ tutions when the borrower's reo serves have dropped below the level required by the Federal Re­ serve Board. The financial lender, whose reserve is high enough above the limit to participate in the transaction, earns interest On the loan at federal funds rates, usually slightly below the prime rate and currently around 14 percent. Father McEwen pointed out that the hold, which inconveni­ ences private depositors waiting for their checks to clear, is also a problem 'for businessmen. He cited as an example a California businessman who, after deposit­ ing a check for 23,000, wrote another check on the strength of that deposit for $20,000. The bank.. failed, however, to inform him that they would hold the deposit for seven business days until it cleared. The check was returned for insufficient funds. The committee chairman, Sen. John Chafee (R-R.I.), said "an institution might understandably want to hold a check until it has received credit for the funds." He said the committee was con- . cemed about "those institutions that, across the board, deny cus­ tomers the use of funds far be. yond the time it takes for the bank ,to receive credit for the check."

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THE ANCHOR-Dioce,se of Fall River-Fri., March 26, 1982

Th~'role.·~f comm~nitY


By David Gibson The story' of the ~o-caned ':Wild boy found in a French forest in the 18th century"has fascinated researchers and the general pub­ , lic 'for Ii long ~ime. ; Afiter he was found, Ithe myste­ rious boy who apparently had lived apwt from c,ontact With 'other people; was sent :to PlU'is where a physiCian' named Jean Uard studied his habits, tried' to instroefhim and, especially, tried

to teach him to speak. Sadly, the boy never ;l~arned !to speak., What researchers want to know is: Why not? Some '1'esearchers, th;ink :there' may be a' criibical periOd in a child's speech development. If


remov~d f.rom an 'environment For each person, life has a pri. Wh~r..~ ,speech i~ stimulated dur~ vate side; my life is a journey ing tliat period, the child's speech ' I ,take alone. But it is aJlso a may be impaired later on or not journey undel'taken with others; emerge a't all, explained an ar- There ,is a sense in which It is ticle ina recent issue of Psycho'l- "our journey" too. ogy Today magazine. It is natural to ,take life's com­ Apparently, Ito 'learn to speak, munity dimension' for granted,' people 'literaUy n~d contact with' 'never spelling out what ,one others who speak. Removed}com- gains through others. To appre- " plete1y ,from other people, the ciate the support gotten from speech part of one's human po- the human communi'ty, try think­ tential could wither.' ' j n g of e~treme examples of what , The story suggests that P8.f'ts might happen wi,thout it.

of an individual's ,life are awakImagine .for a moment a family

ene~ by other people. w~tJiout whose members Hve in: the same

contact with at least one other house, but have separate en­

,caring person, an infant, for in- >trances to separate rooms. At no

stance, ,could not survive emo- time does one family member

tionally or physicaHy. Turn to Page Thirteen

Power over evil ,

,synagogue. Built in the second, that Jesus "entered ,the syna­ Ma,rk opens" his ' account, of century, i,ts 'imported white ~ime· gogue and ,began to, teach." Jesus' activjty as a teacher is stone stands _out in sharp con­ Jesus' ministry with a story Hilus­ trast with the native black vol­ stressed throughout the Gospel, trating'two impofotant aspects' of ,;thalt ,ministry: his authoritative canic rock of which the other but Mark' gives surprisingly Httle teachingandlhis power over the , buildings were constructed. Whi,le of the contents of the teaching, not the synagogue in' which, in this differing from Matthew, forces of evil. ,"Mark tel'ls how, a few days Jesus preached, it was probably who put together long discourses Of, Jesus in his Gospel, afiter the caU of the first disci­ , built over the earlier one. Like aliI good Jews,' Jesus went Mark concentrates rather on the , pIes, 'the small group went to Kenny needed friends. to the Sabbath synagogue serV­ actions of Jesus, which are them­ Capernaum,' a town on the north­ west shore of the Lake of GaIHee. ice, and: the congregation invited selves instructive 'for those who him to, speak on' the scr'ipture~ have the insight to catch their , Capernaum was ,to be Jesus' cen­ message. There is an emphasis Iter of operations. He had lefit' readings. ' I, ' on the ,authority with' which

,Nazareth, returning there only The' synagogue w'as a lay in­ , for occasional visits. stiotution; any, qualified male . Jesus taught, an authority which

By Dolores Leckey his parole' introduced into ,our The ruins of Capernaum (feB , member' could preach. When a Ieft his hearers spellbound. They

Hum) ~e still quite impressive; visitor showed up, it afforded an had never hea'rd anyone quite . Some years ago my' husband, ,hopes." The day of.his celease,' sQme of ,especia'liy the remains of what , opportunity to hear aomeone like Jesus, but they failed to Tom, and I were asked to help Turn to page thirteen Kenny, a,prisoner who had been our cominuni,ty friends went with must Ihave been an imposing new. Mark teNs us very simply . denied parole cepeatedly because Tom to, drive Kenny to his .new he had no one to help him adjust ,home;' We' knew we were not to me outside. alone. , . , . ", The community found Kenny a Instmctivel~, I kn:w w.e cO~d place to Hve and a job he could not deal w~th !this 'Sl,matlon . handle., We all .felt pretty good at home in an unfamiliar city tray the promises she had made By Katharine Bird alone. Kenny - unseen and un- about things' none of us g'limpsed ' wioth unfamiHar customs, before God. , known - . nee dcommumty, ed' ' , ' the future 'problems. As a Caitholic ',college. student, Gradual-Iy she came ,to appre­ "a nightmare." Shopping was help. So d~~ my husband and I.' KennY'lost his first job" then Ma'rissa thought she knew what' ,She' stood in Hne at separate ciate and enjoy the lovely medi­ , At ~he time, we were part .of another. We stepped in,lent him direction her' Hfe would take. shops to buy vegetables, meat eval city. GcaduaJHy, too, she a. smll'll ~roup o~ fellow ChflS- money and helped him fiB out She Iheld strong convictiol1S , 'and bread. During the merciless­ ilearned to communicate a bit ,bans. With their support, and endless unemployment' forms , about justice and hoped to help with her kindly landlady. Cath­ 'Iy coid winter, the lines were ~rayers; we traveled to the pris- To~ kept encou~aging him. . people in, Africa~earn skil:ls to oJonger,because supplies often olicism was a bond they Shared 0. to. meet, Kenny. .Kenny wanted a better j'ob, so :raise ·thei.r standard of HVing. and eventual,ly talked about as were sc~rce. ' I wIlI n:ver forget ~yentraJ1ce I, an educator, arrange<! for him ' they became frie'nds, a friendship Instead, right. after graduation, Initiany; she l)ad n~ friends which continues by mail today. to the PrISO? In~lsplay cases. to attend adult education classes. Marissa married and went with and no absorbing interests. were the, chams and other instru- He didn'·t like, classes though, be­ All in a:ll, it Was a time when her husband to Krakow, Poland, Though $he loved ,to cead, books ~ents ~f restraint used in preTurn to page thirteen , where he had' a scholarship to in Engli~h were not easy to come Marissa and her husband were VIOUS times. I was overwhelmed '

on their own. ,study languages. During her fi,rst 'by. • with revulsion and terror. I told

A few years ~ater they opened ,'year of marriage, she shared the the chaPlain I, cou'ldn't go

Marissa often felt she coUJIdn't a smaH, bookstore in the Mid­ 'apartment 'of an older couple, through with it. My husband

'learning Polish painfully and par­ stay in Poland for, the whole ye.llr. , western city where they had been wowd have to go it alone.

Only her' marriage vows kept her raised. They knew the under­ Hally as the months passed. The ,chaplain ~ooked at me

from !leaving her husband ,to fin­ !taking was a gamble wfttich By JanaaD Manternach "The year was to.ugh," Marissa ,iSh the yea'r alone; but as' a Cath. would not payoff financially for said, "We went ,through a aot to gain SdmWi:ance for you, ,a womJoseph's liealt was heavy. His admIts. WhHe her husband was olic, she feIt that ,returning to some time. ~~: We think this man lis worth eyes were red from crying., ,He 'at the university, she remained her comfortable, 'home would beto Page Thirteen It. ,• was helping to cany the ,body of I went 10 and met Kenny. Or- -.... a dead friend to the cemetery phaned at age 9,. he told us about, outside Naim,their hometown in :the brothers and sisters he lost Galilee. Weeping relatives 'and when the family scattered in dif- friends pressed' against them: -ferent directions. School ended Mru,sicians played somber melo­ dies as, the funeral wound for him in the sbct:h grade. Because he ,,ran away from his through ,the narrow Streets.

many' foslter home~, he Wa& de·Behind ,the' stretcher, ,holding

clared dellinquent. H~ had been one hand /Up to touch it, wa,lked

in the pen~tentiary now' for 12 the youpg man's widowed'moth­

years, convicted of armed rob-' er. He had been her only son.

hery. Now she was alone.

He was small, spontaneous As the funeral reached the vii-

Hke a child, and anxious to prove lage gate, Joseph was' surprised

his sincerity. My husband and I to see ,another large crowd ap­

Hked him. That fact probably proaching the Itown. They were

Turn to Pag~ Thirteen

saw .us through the difficulties By 'Father John J. Castenot


Kenny's story






For children


know your faith


Evil Continued from page twelve discern the reason for his unique·


An incident took place in the synagogue iHustrating another

strong point of Mark's teaching:

Jesus' mission to confront and destroy evil, in Whatever' form. Here it is encountered in an emo­ tionally disturbed man. He is described as "a man with an unclean spirit" because in a prescientific culture people at­

tributed all SOl"ts of i11nesses,

espeeially psychic disorders, to the influence of evJ.1 spiri,ts. Heal­ ings ami exorcisms (casting out)

of evi'l spirits !thus went hand in

hand. They were usual,ly de­ scribed as an encounter of the exorcist with the spirit, as here. The spirit shrieks in alarm and, in effect, tells the purpose of Jesus' mission: to destroy him and the veil for Which he stands. There was a belief then that krrowing a person's identity and name gave one power over him or her. Accordingly, the demon cries: "I know who you are ­ the holy one of God!" There is irony here that is typical of Mark. The demon rec­ ognizes Jesus as the Messiah, while others are blind to his ,Identity, seeing only an extraor­ dinary exorcist. Nonetheless, in their amazed reaotion, they proclaim that Jesus has both ,those roles. They say: "What does this mean? A completely new teaching in a spirit of authority. He gives or­ ders to unclean spirits, and they " obey'"

Pathways Continued from page twelve At the same time, the ci'ty had few resources for teenagers and the couple decided to anow youngsters to meet at the store. It has become a center where teenagers play games and social­ ize. One enterprising youth even planned an ambitious fi:lm proj' ect for the store. GraduaUy, Ma,rissa said, a community of fr:iendship has de­ veloped and she has found her­ self becoming a "surrogate· mother," a role she connects with her Christian beliefs. With no children of her own, she feels that caring parttime for other peoples' chi,ldren is a way she can serve as a Christian. A woman who attraots by her easy manner, Marissa is firm too, expecting teens to conform to her few rules. Once in a while, an unruly student starts' to pick a fight and finds himself. or her­ self ejeoted from the stop. Frequently, ·the young people bring their troubles, to Marissa, knowing they can count on her good advice. A I5-year-old whose parents were going through a painful and protraoted divorce re­ cently spent many hours with her. Another youth explained, "I like talking to her because she seems so content with what she is doing. She and her husband give a good example of what marriage can be." On occasion, Itoo, Marissa re­ lates, p~rents remark how much they appreciate knowing their children h~Je a safe place to go.



1. Country "".t of J!s7pt (Aota 2.10) 5. Seoratlon of tho l1ver 6. Leave (R8V1llaUOI1II 20,8) 8. Svq to and tro (Ioalah 24,20) 9. BocI7 11mb. (Hark 10,6) U. Babylonla 00cI (J.r_.h SO,2) 12. Prool.a1A (Ilatthav 4,17) . 14. 2nd .on or Japhoth (Osllll.l. 10.2) 16. Love .0lIll ( _ as Phll_la) 18. Canopu.' oOMtallatlon 19. You (Old Elllll1.h)(Luko 12,))) 2O.. lIrlUllll lnatr_nt 0 John 1'13) 22. Chbt Etl7PUan Ood 2). Natlonal Guard 24. Chancel (Eaatam ohuroh) 26. I..... 27. An adlbla bu.hy plMt (Japon) 29. A raturlllle rith Z.rubbobel (Ezra 2,49)

)0. A crude barge

)2. rathor of Sethur (llmdl.ra 1)'1) )5. Clty b._n T7ro and Sldon (Luk. 4,26) 37. A .Uok tor b.at1na tlme (Mu.lo) 36. Bahold (Hatthav 28.20) "

)9. TantalUlll (aloo a rom of tho. or thou)

40. A moth.r oMok.n (Ilatthav 2) '37) 41. Noar rlver or Oozan (1 Ung. 18.11) 42. Your (Old Elllll1.h)(Aota 9:)4) 43. Shupp1m'. tath.r (1 Chronlola. 7.12) 44. 5th .on of Jaoob (nonoal. 30,6) 45. An artlo10 47. AU r1ght 48. A ooat of mall 51. An artiola 52. Son of Nahor (Oollll.lo 22,24) 54. P""••••lvs pronoun (Plur41)(Ju~. 1,6)

U. ~.am (Ilulm.r. 4.10) Shad. of oolor

13. 14. 1$. 17.

1Il. 19. 21. 24. 25. 28. 29. )1. 3). )4.


PM••t ri th Z.rubbab.l (N.";"lah 12,5) Osorll1a ' A 1IIlla11 l1quor Broad partlo1. (IlaUhov 15,27) P..lt1ve a......r (Matthav 17.25) Tho dov11 (Luk. 4,8) , A oh1me (Exodu. 39.26) . ~amlnlno tom of Al (I.aiah 10.28) .A ••rh. or alght ilxl.t (Romano 12.16) A olty ln A.h.r (Joshua 1),4) n.... ' fathar-ln_la.. (Numb.ro 10.29) P••udonym' '


Sun beam

45. Son ot S.lr (O.noo1. )6.20)


1. 2. ). 4. 5. 7.

A tal••hood (Aots 5,) Slok (DoutaronOO17 15 '21) Ild.t (Romano 12.16) Conform (Hatthav 18'19) To so rith ( Hark 9,41) A tonth or an ophah (Exodus 16.16) 8. Area (Lun ).1) 9. 0l\lI of Paul' a ollllp301ona (TUu. 3,14) 10. A rod or aWt (Hobravu 1.8)

For children Continued from page twelve

talking and laughing but as scon

as they saw the funeral, they became quiet.

One man ,at the front' of th~

crowd, seemed to standout. Jo­ seph guessed the people were following him. At the ga·te, both groups met. J:oseph saw 'the leader, up close. "This must be Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth," Joseph thought.

"-I wonder what he will do."

Jesus walked to the grieving 'mother. Hi,s' eyes were moist ,with tears of compassion. He walked slowly beside her. Joseph heard 'him say, "Don't cry." .Then Jesus was right beside' him, t1'eaching up to touch the stretcher. The bearers stopped. "Young man," Jesus said to the dead man.."I bi dyou to get up." Joseph felt the dead man move on the stretcher. He watohed him sit 'up and heard him speak. Joseph was stunned and afraid, but he was calmed by the way Jesus acted. Jesus helped the young man off the stretcher and gave him to his mother. She hugged her son and began to thank God. The whole crowd began chanting praises to God. They were seized by fear and wonder. "A great prophet has risen among us," they shouted. "God has, visited his people." Joseph prayed too and pon­ dered what he had seen. "Our sacred writings say the great prophet Elijah once did something like this," he thought. "He prayed over a dead boy. God brought the boy 'back to life. Elijah gave the boy back to his 'grateful mother. Is Jesus a prophet like EHjah? Is he even g~eater ,than Elijah?"


!Friday, Mar. 26, 1982




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Continued from page twelve cause :the other students were foreign. ,I was furious. The parole officer had cau­ tioned us that helping Kenny would be like adopting six ohil­ dren. Now I cou,ld see whwt he ,meant. I was relating to Kenny , as if he were a child who would not do what I knew was t1'ight for him. I wasn't only angry, though, I was still, scared. Why? In many ways, Kenny and I were worlds apart. While my community was on the scene, I could extend him ,the hospitality of my home and heart. Without

Helping Each Other "... Families should reach out to other families in di,stress due to illness, disability or death. This distress is often first ap­ parent to neighbors and friends, who in times of trouble may be the best outside source of per­ sonal concern and assistance. In simple but important ways neighbors and friends can be the presence of Christ to those who suffer. Such support can strengthen their hope in the res­ urrection." U.S. bishops' pastoral letter on health and health care



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I{enny's story



Community Continued from Page Twelve get together with another for conversation or assistance with a household task. They never eat Ithem, I distanced myself from together and find nothing un­ Kenny. I felt comfortable as his usual l,lbout the fact. Such a family would not be a sponsor and his teacher but . . . family by any' known definition. friend? My husband was able to relate We take it for granted tht the

to Kenny more easBy. Tom community dimension adds con­ would drop in on Kenny at work siderably to what a fami:1y is. The point ~s that our personal and .Jisten to the many strands of lives are acted out on a stage

his complex story. Later, Kenny was arrested where others have roles to play.

When my wife and I began again, on charges of stealing. We :last fall to prepare 11 eighth

worked with his court-appointed attorney, and he received a light graders for confirmation, we ,in­

sentence. On release,· a year vited 'them aU to dinner. Why?

WeH, we hoped they would

1ater, he headed back to us. I had litJUe energy for coping have a nice time and would think

with him again. But Tom, his of, the classes as a pleasanil: ex­

'friend, met the bus, found him perience. But there was more.

We wanted them to share a

a room and kept in touch. meal; to be reminded that Chiis­ Then Kenny began to long fQ1

his blood kin. He paged through tians share another meal, the

telephone books of the city Mass; to keep in mind that peo­ where he last saw his brothers ,pie who break bread !together be­ and sisters and found a sister. come a part of each other's lives. She had never married, had a

good job and, best of aU, wanted Model of Mercy

to see him. "By becoming for people a

She came to Washington and model of merciful ;Iove for oth­

'invited Kenny to join her, to be­ ers, Christ proolaims by his ac­

come a fami'1y again. tions even more than by his

Kenny is inaNied now. Not words that caU to mercy which

long ago, he wrote a brief note is one of the essential elements

to Tom. It said, "I'm OK. I'll of the gospel ethos."-Pope John

Paul U.

never forget you."



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THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Mar. "'26, 1982



By Cecilia Belanger

Mrs. Mary WiUiams of the faculty of the Taunton high school has been named modera­ tor of the C-C Mothers' Club. ,strictly for early biros is a course in introductory computer programming which is meeting from 7:20 to 7:50 a.m: three times weekly through April 30. Sister· Mary Catherine is the in­ structor.

Group to profile desired bishop WORCESTER, Mass.(NC)­ Bishop Bernard J. ·Flanagan of Worcester has approved forma­ . tion of a committee to describe the "qua1ities and qualifications desired" in his successor as head of 'the Worcester Diocese. The 23-member committee wil!l also prepare a profile of the diocese. Bishop Flanagan will be 75 on March 31, 1983. Bishops are re­ q~red to submit their Ifesigna­ tions on reaching that age. The diocesan Senate of Priests formed the new committee at the suggestion of Bishop Flanagan, Senators said they believed the diocesan profi·le and description of the desired qualifications of a bishop would help Pope John Paul II and' the Vatican Congre-. gation for bishops in picking a successor. . . "Our recommendations wil'l certainly 'be only advisory in na­ ture," said the committee chair­ man, Father Chester J. Devlin, headmaster of Notre Dame High School, Fitchburg, Mass. The other committee members are six priests, four nuns, a brother, a seminarian, a permanent deacon, five ~laywomen and four laymen, one a student. The committee's task is to eli­ cit facts and opinions from "aH segments and section of the dio­ ~e," Father Oev,I1n said. Findings will go to Archbishop Pio Laghi, 'apostolic deiegate in the United States..,




Kids want parents to quit smoking here are two good books on the subject: ' Q. Please publish .our' first "How to Give Up Smoking," names so that our parentS will by 'Herbert Brean. This, paper­ know this question is 'from us. back is brief, very entertaining Mom and Dad each smoke nearly to' read and effective. two packs' of cigarettes a day, "You Can Stop," by Jacquelyn and you wouldn't believe how Rogers, co-founder of the Smok­ awful our house smells. We have Enders program, is a longet book begged them to stop, but they .that, c~ntains .fasc,inating infor­ won't. How can we get them to mation. ' quit? (Too, Maureen, .Ann and You can look for either of Rick of Indiana) these books at your local book­ A. I know some other young . store or possibly at a natural health food store that also car­ people who live in houses pol­ ries literature on healthy living. luted by smoke from their par­ Keep in mind that screaming ents' cigarettes.. All of you are at your parents and nagging faced with a mighty tough prob­ them to quit will only make them lem. I cannot give you an answer more tense and in need of a ciga­ guaranteed to work. I can only rette, K,eep 'all discussions calm, kind, and filled with the spirit of offer suggestions that have help­ helpfulness. ed other people. Be 'aware that your parents are In some communities there'are in the grip of a habit exceeding­ periodic· five.day programs (per­ ly difficult to break. It at first haps at -a. hospital) to help peo­ ple give up smoking. Ask your you don't succeed, ask them very parents calmly if they would gently' to try, try again. . consider attending 'one.' You Tell them you know a man (me) who, struggled for seven might accompany the~ to rein­ force their own determination years before he finally kicked the habit for good. You might also .not to smoke. If they don't want to attend mention that not smoking brings this program or don't have time, a sense of liberation and. other, By Tom Lennon',

They·ask why NEW YORK (NC) - An in­ creasing number. of religious groups holding stock in corpora­ tions involved in producing nu­ clear weapons are challenging the corporations on that activity, said' Timothy Smith, directo~ of the Interfaith Center on Corpor­ ate Responsibility (lCCR). There are more sponsors this year for proxy resolutions on nuclear weapons 'production to be voted on at stockholders' meetings, Smith said. ' , Church groups file resolutions as a way of forcing public con­ sideration of ethical i~sues and as a way of expressing their own sense of moral responsibility as part-owners of corporations. Originally established under Pro­ testant auspices, the ICCR now repoNs.Cl membership of 14 Pro­ testant denominations and more than18Q Catholic bodies, mostly religious orders and provinces of o'rders.



DURING 'HIS· ANNUAL pastoral visit to Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, BishQp Daniel A. Cronin blessed the school's new ,religious education center, comprised of a classroom and chaplain's office. The facility was a gift from Mr., and Mrs. Frank M. Tabak of Holy Rosary parish, Taunton, parents and grandparents of 'C-C alumni and present stu­ dents.

,By Charlie Mall'tin

YOU ,.COULD HAVE BEEN WITH ME You're the seventh son' of the seventh son Maybe that's why you're such a strange and special one You CfUl't even seem to love' yourself. And with a few exceptions Not anybody else . You can lead a horse to water


But you ca.imot make him drink You can give a man your whole heart and soul But you cannot make him t.Wnk. You could tell him the date of departure' Exactly the place and time He might really want to be there' But he misses every time ' Sung by Sheena Easton" Written by Lea Maalfrid, © 1981 by AlV Music Ltd.


unexpected pleasures. One thing your parents will desperately need i~ a calm atmos­ phere in your home, as free from tension as possible, for at least six months. So, let them know that you want to help in this regard as much as you can. Keep the vol­ ume of your stereo down low. Outlaw bickering and loud arguments'. Do all you can ~ith the household chores. Keep the deman_4s for a chauffeur down to' a minimum. Search for all possible ways to make life easier and more pleasant for your mom and dad as they try to kick the habit. And reme~ber that during the first week or two without nico­ tine, your parents may b~ short- ' tempered. 'Strive to. und~rstand· and. forgive. If they jUst can't give up smok­ ing completely, tell them about a young' fatl'!er I. know who has four little children. He smokes about five cigarettes in the evening- down in the base­ ment. ' Send questions to Tom Len­ non, 1312' Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. WHILE :THE SINGER calls this person a "strange and spe­ cial one," her description more aptly portrays a person' at'raid of relationships. Real appreCiation. of onese!fis the necessary basis for building healthy relationships. Self..Jove begins wIth the awareness of who we are - our goals, feel­ ings, needs and dreams. . , Some peoPle refuse to work on self-awareness because of whaJt it might revea~ about them. They attempt to block out cer.tain· in­ sights and .thus forfeilt growth in self-acceptance. Such a block costs more'than we think. None of us can force anmher to accept or ·ilove himself. But sometimes .by continuing to reach out we help the other to realize his, value. ,The Gospel stories show Jesus reaching out to others 'and even healing this kind of lonely' pain. We too hold such a healing pow­ er, but we must realize that we can only offer it by invitation.

I asked three students what their greatest needs were. Here are some of their answers: . -:-Aside ,from the physical need such as food, air and shel­ ter, my greatest needs are to find purpose and meaning in me. -I'm not interested'in power or prestige; Making' enough money to get by is good enough for me, Ibut I do want tOffeel needed, to i>e of some use. -I don't worry about security as some people do. If I'm secure within myself, then I'm secure every other way; but of course I don't want .to have to depend on others to get by. -Society has become imper­ sonal. I'd like to be one of those people who means it when she says, "Good morning!" There's too much outer functioning ItDd not enough inner sincerity. -'It goes without saying tha't our greatest need is God. We are needed and wanted by Go~. On Other Matters My friends also had thoughts on many other matters. For in­ stance: -I can't understand how two kids in the same fami:ly, caQ be so different. I ,know two brothers, one involved with drugs and a1­ cohol and the other won't touch either. You never saw 'two such different guys. You can't say it's always the environment or pov­ er·ty because there's no poverty in this home and the environ~ ment is good. I think there are ,too many excuses'made for why people do things. -I don't 'like the image teen­ agers have: pregnancies, drugs, alcohol, etc. We're not aU like that and our. friends don't have to be either. -Nobody puts their foot down.· U's time people took re­ sponsibility· for themselves. Peo­ ple don't pelp themselves if someone keeps propping them up. -How can anyone think of · getting married before they're out of high school? How can they think of marriage without .a job, without being self-support­ ing? No wonder there are so many on, the welfare rolls. I don',t think I should support people who don't have their heads on straight. -I'm fed up with politicians. In my opinion they exploit peo­ ple :to get votes. My grandmother gets good and mad about this. She says "Why do these politi­ cians always IUse us folks to get votes? I don',t need them and 1 wish they'd stop ta1king as if everyone my age needed their help." -I wonder what kind' of a world it will be when we hiot, say, 40 years old? Will it be so crazy and chaotic no one can handle it? We're on our way. The problems multiply every day, but if there · were more people :like our par­ ents and grandparents, we'd be better ·off. They looked ahead and never spent on what they • could not afford. They were proud 'and independent, the kind who built.this c.Quntry. They dug in, .took.any job and made it. You can:leai~ from them. They're the ones to look to for examples.


, !By Bill Mocrissette

portswQtch New Bedford Gains Hockey Defending champion New Bedford routed Marion, 6-1, in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last Sunday and advanced to the final in Bristol County CYO Hockey League post-season playoffs. Having won the first game, 5-3, last Sunday's victory gave the New Bedford skaters sweep of that best-of-three semi~final. ' The Whale towners, however, will have to wait until next Sunday before their opponent in the, final is determined as Seekonk nipped Fall River South, 4-3, in overtime to deadlock that semifinal. South won the first game, 7-5. They will meet at 9 p.m. Sunday in the Driscoll Rink in the deciding game of that series with the winner opposing New


Bedford in the best-of-three final, starting April 4 and continuing on April 11 with the third game, if needed, on April 18. Bryan Perry's goal on a pass from Carl Crane at 40 seconds of the overtime gave Seekonk its first victory of the season over Fall River South. Goals by Damien Spellman and Bill Wilkinson gave Seekonk a 2-1 lead after one period, Paul Hogan scored for South in that period. Seekonk widened the gap to 3-1 on Kevin Rodrigues's goal in' the second period. Goals by Dave Nobrega and Mike Sev­ igny early in the third period tied the score at 3-3 setting the stage for the overtime stanza.

Stang All-Star Hoopster Mary Beth Bruce of' BishOp Stang High School has been named to the New Bedford Standard-Times Division One SQutheastern Mass. Conference all-star team. The diminutive Spartanette only 5-2 -,-" is rated as one of the best point guards in the area, has averaged 10 points per game, leads the team in assists l;lnd is the team's playmaker. Melody Livramento, ,another Spartanette, was given secondteam rating. All-star girls basketball teams in Southeastern Mass. Conference Divisions One and Two

are: Division One - ' Petra Farias, Dawn Lima and Nancy""Stanton, Durfee; Debbie Kelley and Carey Newton, Somerset; Patty Du­ mont and Lacey Simmons, Dartmouth; Stephanie Marcin, Sue Shephard, Bishop Feehan; and Sue Governo, Attleboro. ' Division Two - Maureen Mc­ Ca':e, Sue'Gray and' Melanie Fig­ ueiredo, Case; Karen ,Pontibrand, Bishop Connolly; Amy B'eaulieu, Tracy McGrath, Laura Ainslie and Carmel Hazen of Old Ro­ chester; Joanne Reedy, Fair­ haven; and Judy Cruz, New Bed­ ford Voke-Tech.

Sports important i.n allof life

VATICAN .CITY (NC) - Pay­ ing tribute to sports, Pope John Paul II recently told athletes that the qualities and talents which count most in athletics "are im­ portant not only for sporting events but in other areas as welL" The pope spoke at the Vati­ can's Hall of the Consistory to several hundred male and female athletes from' 38 countries who were in Rome for cross country championship races. "Athletic competition," said the pope, "draws Qut ,of the hu­ man person some of his noblest qualities and talents. He must learn the secrets of his own body, its strengths and its weak­ nesses, its stamina and its break­ , ing point.'~ "He must develop, through, long hours of exercise and ef-, fort the power of concentration and the habit of discipline," the, pope continued, "learning how to hold his strength in reserve and to conserve his energy for that final moment when the vic­ tory depends on a great burst of'

speed or one last surge of strength.'" , , The pope's words were pro­ phetic of the main event on the following day, when 23-year-old American Alberto Salazar led for most' of the' 12,000-meter (seven-and-a-half-mile) race be­ fore being nipped in, the last 200 yards by the diminutive Ethiop­ ian Mohammed Kedir. Salazar is the, current world record holder in the marathon, a much'longer event of more than 26 miles. . The pope told the runners that in life itself "the mature perl?on is o~e who knows his OWl) strengths and weaknesses, 'and who through discipline arid p.er­ serirering effort,' can place these gifts at the service of others for the building up of society." Highlighting the, international dimension of the competition, 'the pope said that "tliere is, present among athletes a kind of uni­ versal, brotherhood, a sincere re­ spect for each person and a live­ ly appreciation of one another's abilities and gifts."

tv, mOVIe news

NOTE Please check dates and times of television programs with local listings, which may differ from the New York net­ work schedules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. , General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ 'llral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adu~ts; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; O:-morally offensive.

"Deathtrap" (Warners): A washed-up playwright (Michael Caine) contemplates murdering an up-and-coming one (Ohristo­ pher Reeve) and stealing his play in this competent if uninspired movie of Ira Levin's Broadway comedy-thriUer. -It drags and the ending is weak, but Ithe perform­ ances are first-rate and make it fair entertainment. Because of aberrant sex and many verbal obscenities and profanities, it is rated A3, PG. "Parasit~' (Embassy): A scien­ tist develops creatures that fasten onto people, propaga1te and burst out through various sections of their victims' anatomy. A per­ fectly nauseating and loathsome movie. Because of exploitative and graphic sex and violence, it is classified O,R. "Porky's" (Fox): Sex-obsessed adolescents cavort at a Florida high school during the Eisenhow­ er era. An extended dirty joke made even more offensive by some stabs at seriousness. One of the most witlessly vulgar movies of recent memory, with much nudity, graphic sexuaIity and almost non-stop verbal obscenity. O,R. Films on TV Sunday, March 28, 9 p.rn. (NBC) - '''MacArthur'' (1977) ­ Gregory Peck plays the great American hero in this capable if, unspectacular film biography. Some vio'lence in the battle scenes but not much. A2, PG Friday, April 2, 9 p.m. (NBC) - "Let's Do It Again" (1975) ­ Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby play two -lodge brothers from Atlanta who ,take on gangsters in a boxing ,scheme in order to raise money for a new lodge hall. Funny to begin with but grows repetitious. Two scenes involv:-. ing Hlicit sex and some vulgar verbiii exchanges make it mature fare. A3,PG TV Programs "Aging: The Methuselah Syn­ drome," PBS,. March 28, 8-9 p.m. This documentary declares that it is a harmful social myth to, associate old age with such con­ cepts as "sick, senile, sexless, helpless and hopeless." The re­ port shows individuals in their 80s and older carrying out vigor­ ous activities. It also points out how the me span has increased

Friday, Mar. 26, 1982



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Monday, March 29, 8-9 p.m. (ABC) "Pavarotti and Friends." Chape', Inc.

Opera star Luciano Pavarotti re­ 5 CENTER STREET turns to his. hometown of Mo­ WAREHAM, MASS. dena, I,taly" and sings some of his DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE favorite arias. DIRECTORS


Saturday, April 3, 10-11 p.m. EVERETT E. KAHRMAN

,(ABC) "Perry Como's Easter in .295 -1 810 Guadalajara." Ann JiUian, the Ballet Folldorico, the Charros (cowboys), 'PedrHo Fernandez and Charo playing classical gui­ OUR LADY'S

tar with the Guadalajara Sym­ phony Orchestra are some at­ RIELIGIOUS STORE

tractions in this musical enter­ 936 So. Main St., F~n River tainment taped in Mexico. !LINEN CALENDARS Religious Broadc"asting Sunday, Mar. 21, WLNE, Cillan­ LINEN MURALS nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ 11 :00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday vision Mass, celebrated by Rev. Tel. 673-4262 John Ozug, whose homily topic will be "The· Implications of, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - " Discipleship." "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday, repeated 'at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ rector of social services; Rev. Dr. Paul Gillespie of th~ Rhode Is­ 619-5262

land state Council of Churches; , and Rabbi 'Baruch Korff. "The Glory of God," with L.EARY PRESS Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. , each Sunday on Channel 25. Monday, March 29, '7:30 p.m. "American Catholic" with Father John PoweD, WPRI, Channel 12. On Radio Need money • Charismatic, programs are fora new' Sometlhlng? heard from Monday through Fri­ NBIS'llkes to say 'yes' day on station WICE, 1290 A.M. Father John Randall is heard from 7 ,to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and Father Real iBourque is heard from 8:45 to 9 a.m.

CRS special depicts work NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services is taking its fund­ ,raising message to the TV screen in 20 major cities April 4 and 5, Hning up a series of ~tars for a two-hour special ,highlighting CRS' work. "The World of Catholic Relief ServiCes," will, feature. documen­ tary footage on CRS projects and messages from such celebrities as Dolores Hope, Brooke Shields, 'Erik Estrada, Jack Klugman, Lynn, Redgrave, Larry Hagman, Gary Coleman, Angie Dickinson, Barbara Mandrell and baseball 'ace Fernando Valenzuela. A toll·free telephone number will be available for, viewer pledges for CRS. Cities where it will be broad­ cast include Boston. It is to appear on either April 4 or 5 in aj] cities and to be broadcast at 7 or 8 p.m. local time.

New II8dfOnI

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., March 26': 1982 .



Iteering pOintl

PUBLICI" CHAIRMEN are ·asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of' city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. prease send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsls, dances. suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual proRrams, club meetlnllst youth profects and similar nonprofit activlbes.· Fundrafslng pro­ jects may be advertised as our regular rate., obtainable from The Anchor business office, . telephone 675-7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall" River, NB Indicates New Bedford.

FAMILY LIFE CENTER. N.DARTMOUTH Forthcoming events: TEC weekend today through 'Sunday; CARE program for St. Stephen, Attleboro, Monday; for St. Pius, S. Yarmouth, Wednesday. Both continue from 3:30 to 10 p.m. St. Anthony's, Falmouth, will hold a luncheon Saturday for' parishioners attendin~ the ,film­ ing of the diocesan TV Mass. Family Ministry leadership couples will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. • Senior citizens of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford, will hold a ~ay of prayer from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday. ST. ANNE.FR Congratulations go to the CYO cheerleaders of the parish who won first place in recent dioce-' san competition. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following 11 :30 a.m. Mass today and an hour of ado­ ration will take place in the shrine from 2 to 3 p.m. A triduum of prayer in prepa­ , ration for Holy Week will begin Sunday. '



OUR LADY OFFATIMA.NB The Pilgrim Virgin statue of China which it is hoped to re­ turn to that nation will be on view at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 16, at services conducted by Father Philip Bebie. All wel­ come:

WlDOWSjWIDOWERS. ATTLEBORO The area support group for 'widowed persons will meet at 8 p.m. Friday, April 2. at St. Theresa's church hall, South Attleboro. ST. PATRICK. WAREHAM 'The last in a series of Lenten marriage forums will take place at 7:30 p.m. SundaY in the parish center. "Parenting: The Real Joy of Marriage" will be the topic presented by William and Gabrielle Giblin. All welcome.

ST. MARY. NB First communion, candidates will receive the sacrament of penance at 10 a.m. tomorrow. A holy 'hour, hicluding Bene­ diction, is taking place from 7:15 BL. SACRAMENT ADORERS to 8:15 p.m. each' Monday of A 'holy hour is scheduled at· 'Lent. 7 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Hearts A parish Mary Garden project Church, Fairhaven, under direc­ ig in its initial stages and parish­ tion of Father Rene Belanger; - ioners are asked to participate in SSS, a retired Army chaplain. this tribute to our Lady. Refreshments. All welcome. The Adorers will participate HOLY .NAME. 'FR A 10-week cardiovascular ex­ in exposition of the Blessed, Sac­ ercise and dance program will .rament from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, April '2, also at Sacred begin Tuesday under sponsor­ ship of the Women's Guild. In­ Hearts Church. formation: Cathy -Lowney, 679­ D OF I. ATTLEBORO 0078. Alcazaba Ci~cle, Daughters of FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FR Isabella, will meet Thursday at Members will meet Friday, 7:30 p.m. at K of C Hall on April 2, for 6 p.m. Mass at Hodges Street. The unit will en­ Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, tertain the Guild for the Blind followed by supper in the school Sunday; April 18, and will hold and an address by Father Pierre a roll call supper Thursday Lachance, OP, who will discuss April 22. At that time "mysterY the charismatic renewal. . sisters" will be revealed. I MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER ST. MICHAEL. SWANSEA Confirmation will be adminis­ A Marriage Encounter week­ tered at 3 p.m. Sunday by 'Very end begins tonight at LaSalette - Rev. John Smith. All welcome. Shrine, Attleboro. A we.ekend Stations of the cross will be scheduled to .begin AI;lr\1 16 has conducted at 7 tonight with some ~acancles remammg. In- __ Women's Club members partici­ formatIon: Norm and Lucy Paul, ·pating. Lectors will meet follow­ 678-8694. ing the service. _ Father· Bert Demers, who will A unit enrichment· day will take place Saturday.. In·forma:- conduct a parish retreat through tit>n: Jeff and Ellie Wall, Coh'as- next Friday, will speak at' all set, 383-6882. weekend Masses:

SS. 'PETER &. PAUL. FR eyO 'members will attend 11 a.m. Mass Sunday. Senior and junior mel.l1bers will meet for 7 p.m. Mass Tuesday, continuing the session at the Father Coady Center. . . Pictures. of the parish's first two pastors, Father Patrick Doyle (1882-1893) and Bernard F. McCahill (1893-1!l07), are sought for a 100th anniversary booklet in preparation. Anyone with either picture is asked to call the rectory. O.L. GRACE, WES11P()RT A ~arish golf league is being orgamzed. Further information is available at the rectory. . Recipes are invited for'a re­ vised edition of a cookbook pub- . lished Some years ago by the Council of Catholic Women. Submissions may be dropped in the collection basket this week­ end. Adult Bible study will be held in the church at 7 p.m. Sunday. Chapters 4 through 6 of St. Mark's Gospel will be discussed.

PERMANENT DEACONS Deacons. candidates and their wives will attend a day of recol­ lection Sunday at St. Mary's Church, New Bedford. Cape Cod members of the diaconate will be h9sts for the day. ST. JULIE BILLIART. N.·DARTMOUTH . First communion candidates and their parents will partici­ pate' in 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. With the theme. "The Eucharist: It's about Sharing a Meal," the liturgy will include special songs and readings. Candidates and families will- also meet at, 7 p.m. Sunday for rosary and benedic­ tion services. All welcome. BL.SACRAMENT. FR Vespers and Benediction are being held at 3 p.m. each Sun­ day of Lent. A parish retreat conducted by Father Bertrand Demers will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ nesday of Holy Week. ST. DOMINIC. SWANSEA The parish choir will present a Dubois cantata, "The Seven Last Words of Christ," during Holy Week, as part of a parish re.treat.

ST. lLOUlS, FR The last in a Lenten series of films, "Poverty and - Power in Latin America," will be shown. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Discussion will follow. Second graders will receive first penance .at 10 a.m. tomor­ row. Parents are invited to join the celebration and also to at­ ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Cath­ tend a meeting at 7 p.m. Wed­ nesday to plan reception of first -olie Health Association has is­

communion~ . sued a report criticizing ,}egisla-'

A day of recollection for tion ~I) the '.'determina'tion of

ad~lts will take place Sunday. death," . ST. STANISLAUS, FR A ~pring .series of BillIe study Authors of the CHA report meetmgs Will begin at 7:30 p.m. claim that 'legislative action on Thursday, April 15, continuing each Thursday through May 6.. the. topic is unnecessary and that To be discussed are the letters' educational efforts are needed of Paul t,? the Corinthians. All instead' to help doctors. ~awyers welcome. ' and people working in pastoral T'~e next in a se~ies of family semmars on parentmg will take care deal with the. issue. place at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 4. CHA ,represents about 900 Catholic health care facilities in .BLIND GUILD.FR The Catholic Guild for the the United States. Blind of Fall River will meet at" The report says the real ques­ 2 p.m: Sunday at Holy Name School, Fall: River. Mass will be tion is determining accurate, re­ celebrated by Father Bruce M. liable and practical medical cri­ Neylon, chaplain. teria for diagnosing when a' pa­ XAVmR SOCIETY tient has died: . Free braille weekly and monthly periodicals are avail­ The authors were Father Al­ able to the deafblind. Further bert S. 'Moraczewski, vice presi­ i_nformation on them and other services is available from the dent for research at the Pope Xavier Society, 154 E. 23 St., John XXIII. Medical-Moral Re­ New York, !':l.Y. 10010. search and 'Education Center and J. Stuart Showalter. director of LaSALlETTE SHRINE,


CHA -legal services. A seder supper will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday in the shrine cafe­ They accept brain-related med­ teria. Reservations are n'eces­ ical criteria in determining death sary. A healing service will take place at 2 p.m. the same day in and note a medical aM -legal con­ the People's Chapel. Father sensus which believes that when Andre Paten~ude, MS, will speak . the total brain. inoluding the on the· healing power of the brain stem, has irreversibly cross. stopped functioning, death has ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN occurred. First communion candidates will receive first penance in the "It seems unlikely :that courts church at 10. a.m. Saturday. Cub Scouts will meet in the would deviate from this consen. churc~ hall ~t 5:30 p.m. Sunday. sus," says Showalter. "Because Pansh volunteers will initiate the determination of death is a participation in aNew Bedford medica-l decision, it is not an soup kitchen from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, April 2. Others appropriate topic for -legislative wishing to. assist the program action, except perhaps for statu­ may call 992-7371. . tory recognition of its' medical ST.. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET nature." The parish ,council and organi­ Father Moraczewski says noth­ zation officers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the ·rectory ing in the Bible or in official to discuss the spring and sum­ church ,teaching prevents using mer parish calendar.' brain death criteria to determine A prayer meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday with Mass. death. He added ,that Catholic Fellowship will follow in the teaching mandates that human pari~h center. life be respected from concep­ gon and that innocent .Jife· may BLUE ARMY The Army. will not hold a holy not be 'taken, regardless of age, hour Easter Sunday, Ap'ril 11, condition or social st~tus. but will' sponsor a visit at 7:30 p.m. Easter Friday, at Our Lady What Couq,ts of Fatima Church, 4254 Acush­ net Ave., New Bedford, of the "Provided that God be glori­ China Pilgrim Virgin statue. escorted by Father Philip Bebie, fied, we must not care by whom," - St. Francis de Sales C.P. 'All welcome.

Death laws not needed, says eRA


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