
Page 1

Swansea Pastor First to'Seek Complete Parish Coverage

A Swansea parish has decided it is what they were going to get when they ({ling' to be the first parish in the diocese subscribed to The Anchor last year. ~ realize complete family coverage for They were asked to buy a paper before it The Anchor-that is, a paper delivered by commenced publication. Everyone can be Jl1,ail every week to each and every family be mighty proud of 'olir diocesan paper ,in the parish. \ now. It stacks up with the best Catholic Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer, pastor, has newspapers in the country. The Anchor iKlvised the Circulation Department of The should be in every diocesan Catholic Anchor, that he will not be:aatisfied merely home/' with meeting a parish quota, this year as The Ocean Grove pastor said his two he set about on his laudatory program of assistants, Rev. Maurice E. Parent and .omplete parish coverage. ·"We w<;m't con­ Rev. Clement E. Dufour, are as interested elude our drive until we' succeed and we in the success of The Anchor as he is. "And will succeed this year," the Ocean Grove they, too, want The Anchor, delivered by mail to every family in St. Michael's parish pastor asserted. Father Cournoyer was loud in his praise every week. The Catholic,press is the right arm of the church pulpit," Father Cour­ of The Anchor. "The people did not know

cr;o Th \e ANCHOR



An Anr.hor of the SO'Ul, Sure a:nd Firm-ST.


Fall River, Mass. Thursday, March 27, .1958

Vol. 2, No. 13

Seeond Claoo Mail Prlvile&,eo Authorized at Fall River. Mas';.

PRICE 10. $4.00 pe' Yea'

Pope Sees New Springtime Of His'tory for, Mankind VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Pius XII told more than 000 young Italians packed into St. Peter's Square here that "all the world is reawakening" 'and that mankind is on the threshold of a new "springtime of history." He said that humanity is ing and a time of ~pring."" "d k ' "All the world IS reawaken­ comlllg out of a .ar Wlll- ing," the Pontiff said. "Material fler" of errors, dIshonesty life even in the 'midst of so and war. Not only this year's ma~y sadnesses and miseries, is l~O


spring, but also the springtime of history is not far off, he said, and beyond that there lies "a bcilliant summer" for mankind. The Pope traced the passage of. the "dark winter," which was made dark, he said, by "errors which have disturbed so many minds; dark because of the mud which has contaminated so many hearts; dark because of dish<lnesty . . . because of badly oriented people and broken femilies; because of devastated Ilations; because of a world torn apart by the horrors of war." World Reawakening "But God" he continued "who has permitted the dark ~inter and has readied a brilliant summer, obliges us all to live and work in a climate of reawaken-

moving always toward better and more widely distributed welfare. He who considers the ascending curve of scientific progress' notes that it follows almost a type of chain reaction." "Also in the life and activity of the spirit," he said, "there are evident signs of a reawaken­ ing. Man will be ever more free from material labor and fl'om servile work. Automation is transforming the greater part of human labor into intellectual activity, while extraordinary technical progress is making the diffusion of culture among men always rtIore possible and easier. "We also .not~ evid:nt ~ig~s of a reawakenmg 111 SOCial hfe, the Pope stated. , Turn to Page Twelve

j ~,

noyer stated. "The Anchor covers items and provides instructions that cannot be given with such completeness from the pulpit on Sunday." Father Cournoyer's' complete parish coverage plan-which sets an example for every other pastor in the diocese-is even more ambitious when it is noted that the Ocean Grove parish fell short last year. Most annual subscriptions to The Anchor expire in two weeks. If you have not already renewed your subscription, drop your renewal in the collection basket at Mass next Sunday. Use any type envelope and mark it The Anchor.

Fairhaven Catholic

Exposes Red Plot

"If I had gone to church I wouldn't be here today." With t~ese words, Armando Penha, 44, of Fairhaven summed up the worst part of an eight-year ordeal as an FBI counterspy ~or the Communist party.' ' COIQmunist ; activity in­

volved giving up many

things, including a well­

paying job, Mr.' Penha said.

But the thing that he missed the

most was the regular practice

of his Catholic ~eligion.

A plot to assassinate Louis

F~ancis Budenz, former editor

of the defunct c'ommunist Daily

Worker newspaper who returned

to the Catholic' faith, was dis­

closed in testimony by Mr. Pen­

'ha before a special session of the U. S. House of Representatives

committee on un-American ac­ tivities here. .

School Bomb Plot

The plot was formulated by a

communist group in New Bed­

ford after it was announced that

Mr. Budenz was scheduled to

lecture at a New Bedford high

school. Mr. Penha did not dis­

close the date of the assassina­

tion plot.

Turn to Page Eighteen

Against Queries

On Religion

DENVER (NC)-Former

President Harry S. Truman

said here that ques'tions

about the religion of a can­

didate for the U. S. presidency

should be "baJ,3red."

Asked by a reporter, "Do you

think a Catholic could be elected

president?", Mr. Truman replied:

"I don't' like to make any state­

ment in regard to religion in

politics in this great country of


Later he added: "1£ you'll read

the first ten amendments, you'll

find out that they (questions

about 'a candidate's. religion)

ought to be barred." Mr. Truman implied that reli­ gious principles are essential to any American president. He said: . "I think any man elected to the presidency will have enough religion to believe in the 20th chapter of Exodus and the fifth, sixth and seventh chapters of 'Matthew." He later included the fifth chapter of Deuterono­ my. "Now you read 'em and you'll find out what' they are," Mr. Truman said with a grin. (They contain the Ten Commandments and the SermOn on the Mount.)

FBI COUNTERSPY: Mr. and Mrs. Armando Penh. leave St. Mary's 'Church, North Fairhaven, on Sunday. Penha was revealed last week as an FBI counterspy inves­ tigating communism. He was forbidden to attend Mass by the Reds while in the underground.

Rev. E. J. Sharpe Celebrates First Solemn Mass

Most Rev. Russell J. McVin­ ney, D.D., Bishop of Providence, ordain~d Rev. Edward J. Sharpe of Needham to the priesthood in St. Mary's Cathedral, on Sat­ u~clay morning. Father Sharpe was ordained for service in the' Fall River Diocese and will receive his as­ signment shortly from Bishop Connolly. In the ordination ceremony Bishop McVinney was assisted by Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Mur­ ray, chancellor of the Providence Diocese; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hum-, berto S. Medeiros, chancellor of the Fall River Diocese and Rev. Daniel Riley, Providence, mas­ ters of ceremonies; Rev. John J. PAMPA (NC)-The Celanese Hayes of New Bedford and Rev. Corporation announced here 'in, Alfred Gendreau of St. Mar\,s •

Texas that its' employees again Cathedral. will be grante-~ a paid holiday Ht. Rev. Msgr. James J. Ger­

rard, P.R.,V.G., pastor, of St. on Good Friday, April 4. This is the ~econd year that Lawrence Church, ~ew Bedford,

was seated in the sa,nctuary. the closing has been put in ef­ fect. Catholic employees com­ Father Sharpe celebrated his

prise 33 per cent of ,the working first Solemn Mass last Sunday' force at the piant here. in St. Joseph's Church, Needham.

Assert Religion Helps Catholic Office Seekers I

BOStON (NC) - An inter­ preter ,of national voting pat­ terns said here a future presi­ dential candidate who is a Cath­ olic will be helped, rather than hindered, by his religion. Dr. Lawrence Fuchs of Bran­ deis University, who has studied voting behavior since World War made this statement in an address to 200 faculty mem­ bers arid students at Boston Uni­ versity's Citizenship Project. T~lrn to Page Twelve


~ouc ':--1



Should Be More


NEW CHAPEL SCENE OF CAPPING: :at. Rev. Msgr. Jemes J. Gerrard, V.G., presides at the capping of 36 stu­ dent nurses at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, on Monday evening. At Msgr. Gerrard's left is Rev. Augustine Seguin, Q.POf hospital chaplain.










2, ' .

-:-T~E AN~HOR:


, ... Thurs.; March 27, 1958



,.Send Invito'tions To Solicitors

.Diocese of FaU River

" I~vitationsto special' gift collectors of, the Catholic

Charities Appeal ,for 1958

have been sent out this week.


'Solemn Pontifif.'al Mass and Blessing of the Holy Oils

Twelve 'hundred men and

women of the Diocese have

been requested to contact the

business ~oncerns throughout

the Diocese in this phase of the

appeal. '

The collectors are requested

to return immediately their in­

- dication of acceptance of the invitation to'serve. '

Materials for the parochial

phase of, the drive are being

readied and will soon be dis- '

tributed to the parishes .in prep­

aration for the general appeal.

.at 1&:00 A.M.

Celebrant: Assistant Priest: Deacons of Honor:

Rev. James J. Gerrard', V.Go

Rev. James Dolan .

Rev. Edmund J. Ward

Rev. Hugh A.. Gallagher

Deacon of the Mass: Bt. Rev. Alfred J. Bonneau Subdeacon of the Mass:' Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros

Masters of Ceremonies: Rev, Paul :W. McCarrick

Rev. Adalbert Szklanny

Chanters: Rev. Edward J. Burns

Processional Cross Bearer: Rev. John J. Murphy

Priests at 'be Co_ration of the Holy Oils Rev. Leo M. Curry Rev. Arthur G. Dupius Rev. John E. Boyd " Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau Rev. Donald E. Belanger Rev. Leo T. Sullivan Rev. John J. Galvil). Rev. Roland Boule

Rev. Lester. L. Hull Rev. Ambrose E. Bowen

Rev: Edwin J. Loew Rev. Henry R. Canuel

, Deacons at the Consecration (Sf the Holy OilS Rev. John J. Hayes ",,' " Rev. ThomasF. Walsh Rev. William E. Collard" ' Rev. Aurelian L. Moreau' R~v. Joao V. Rezendes Rev. Raymond T. Considin'e Rev. Edward J.. Gorman Subdeacon; at the COllSecration of the Holy Oils , Rev. Henri Charest Rev. John G. CanoU Rev. Gerard E. Boisvert' Rev. Manuel M. Rezendes Rev. D~iel F. Shalloo Rev. Ernest R. Bessette Rev. An:~n.y M., GQmes

Vocation Film The film, "The Glen Ellen Story," is available for all youth

groups,' parish organization~and

societies of, the diocese. It was

produced by the Maryknoll Fathers and depicts the evolution of a vocation. You' may obtain this ·film by' contacting Father Stanton of the ,.:lmmaculate Conception Parish, Fall River, . OS 3-2122.

Most Rev. Eric F. MacKenzie, DJl).

FAITH-:-PROFOU'!:'JD AND NOISY: Amid a rising tumult ofcheers, His Holiness 'Pope Pius XII enters the Hall of Benedictions at St. Peter's Basilica, carried aloft in his gestatorial chair. Occasion is a once-a-week gen':' ­ eral audience, happening almost every week of his 19-year reign.' NC Photo.

Famous Passion Play .At" New Bedford' ;. S·' t , Dr. Alvin. Borges. will direct,. IS er

'Mory,· "'. c-'arme ." I(I..eonsu " I' tont At S·'Isterso ,.' 'f' ;1''' ' 'C f ' J.YIercy onerence··

Ilt. Rt. Rt. Rt.

, I



' . :'.' , . Bearer of the Oil of Infinn: ' Rev. Henri Charest Bearer of the Holy Chrism:' Rev. John G.Carroll the stage production of."Pilate 'and The Cross," presented by ,Bearer of the Oil of Catechumens:' Rev.Anthony M. Gomes '

Bearer of the Balsam: '.. '~Rev. Daniel, F. ShaHoo'

,the Catholic Theatre Guild of·" "Sister ,Mary Carmela, RS.M., " " ,.., ', , .

,New Bedford, Inc. ' ,A.M., principal' of Mount St. was part ,of the Re~olutions

ChanterS Of the Passion on Good Friday ' .. The Guild!s presentation of, Mary Academy, Fall River,wHl Committee for the Secondary. Christus: ;" Rev. Roger P. Po'irier .James J. Glade's famous Passion act as consultant to the Second- ,School D,epartment., Following Synagoga: ' '::Rev. Louis G. Mendonca Play will be staged at the Ken- ary School, Division of,the' sixth this. assignment, . Sister was Cru:onista: Rev.' John F. Hogan I" nedy Youth Center at 8:30 next annual Religious, Sisters of ,elected N:ational Secreta,ry of' Wednesday nigh£' Mercy Educational Conference;' the Sec()ndary Schools for a term One Mass may be celebrated ,in each Church of the Diocese on Holy Thursday,morning. The Holy Thursday , to be hel4 in Philadelphia, April of ~o year:s. , ' , 7-11. ThIS year, at the request of , Liturgy is'to take place in the

FRIDAY-The Seven SorroWi 's. 1953 t h . 1 h the executive committee ap­ evening as usual. of. the Blessed Virgin Mary; be me:: Id" e c.olU.e~ence, .as proved by the Mother ee'neral Gr~ater Double.' White. Mass then N"e 10 CContJliunl~honEdwlth 'Sister Mary Carmela is serving' P roper,. Gl ona, . . S econ d C 0 Ia tiona.1 t' a M0 Ieti uca- . the capacity <lol ti e I A S· the Conference In lect Friday in Passion Week; ona, ssocla Ion ee~. IS- of Consultant for the Secondary The following films are to be WARSAW (NC) - Poland's Third Collect St. John Cap- ters of ~ercy from al~ sectlons of School Department. '. added to the' listS. in their 400,000 members of the Ortho­ istran Confessor" Sequen'ce' the Umte,d States wIll convene . pective classifications: dox Church constitute this coun­ Creed'. Preface' of Blessed this year in Philadelphia to disOther Sisters to Attend Unobjectionable, for General Virgi~. cuss pertinent educational probThe following Sisters of Mercy try's largest religious minority. Patronage-Country ·Music Boy, While 22,500,000 of the 28 mil­ 8ATURDAY-Saturday in Pas- lems. _ fr?m the Diocese of Fall River HoI!' Poles are Catholics, there Ha-l"dle With Care, High Flight, sio Week. Simple. Violet. MaSs The Mother General of the wI1~ ?ttend. the NCEA and the are also numerous Protestan~, I!lt~mational Counterfeiters. Proper; Second Collect for Religious Sisters of:' Mercy, RehglOus Sisters of Mercy Con­ Unobjectionable fOr Adults­ Jews, Moslems and adherents of Peace; Preface of the Holy Mother Mary Maurice, R.S.M., .!er~nce: . Notorious Mr. Monks" YO,wig other. re~igions. Cross.' and all the Mothers Provincial ' Sister Mary Olga" H.S.M., Lions. SUNDAY-Second Sunday of of the nine· provinces 'in the' M.S."superior of 'Mount St. Mary Objectionable in Part f~r AU Passiontime or Palm Sunday. United States will meet '!V ith Conven~ and head of the acad­ R.S.M., M.Ed., St. Joseph's, Fan -Blood of Dracula. Double of I Class. Vionet. Mass' the various educational heads 'emy sCle~c~ ~epartment; Sister River. Proper; No Gloria, Passion, of the Mercy colleges, secondary' ,M~y. Virginia, 'R.S.M., A.M., Creed, PrefaCe of the Holy schools, and elem'entary depart-" prmclpal of Holy 'Family High '. ,Sister, Maureen. B.Ed." Naz- . , AUTO"TOP SHOP Cross. ments.'" School, 'New ,Bedford; Sister " areth ' Hall, Fall' River; Sister ;,. (In' Masses, that do not-im- " The' object of this ed~~ational Miriam,R.S.~..' A.M., and Sis­ AUTO·& FURNitURE':'

Mary CarolYn, B,Ed:; St. Mary's mediately follow the Blessing ',~onfere,nce .is to, adv~nce' the ',t~r. Mary 'Fehci~a, R.S.M., A.M., U~HC;>ILSlERING, "

''(Cathedral), Fall 'River;' Sister' ,,;of Palms, the 'last' Gospel is work. of the ,Sisters of, Me~cY. in , diocesan supervisors ofelemen­ ~a;y Leander, M.Ed.,.:!;t: Jo~n's:: 'AU kinds upholste-rrng:

taken from the, ceremony of accordaricewith '. the:~~ims- of ' , t a r Y ' l ? c h o o l s ; , the Blessing of Palms.) :' ,c:aUlolic, e,ducation ,,,and' ','to 'Also, the fdllowingprincip,als ' New 'Bedford; Sister MaJ;y Cb~r­ 'FABRrCS ' The' Blessing 'and Distribution encourage the spirit' of . help- .' 'o~ e,len,ten:a.r! ~chool~, ii1 the 'Fall 10tte,A,B.,St. ;Louis', ,Fall River. .O. E.' NERBONNE. Prop~,'" , " of Palms. . fuln'eSs andcoopetatiori in pro-~' Rlyer DIOcese:' Sister' Mary 1863 Punhaoe St.. New Bedf'ord' Centa. St.. R~.nn.· ; ,MONDAY _ Monday in ,Holy". moting, the educational progress' 'Angela, ··M,Ed.; "'Holy Family" : Week. Simple: Violet.. Mass ..·, of:'the,' Sisters, of Mercy in all New Bedford; Sister Mary Ed­ , Proper; No Glor,iaor Creed;/ the'~pioviric'es '-"of :'the Unio,;'ward,. M'.Ed,,·. St. "Mary"s, New , Second Collect ,for peai':e;:'f~'The:";'inQttOt.of,:th1("'i:Onferen~'Bedfol'd;Sister Mjlry ImmacU­ '; Preface"of the, Holy Cro'ss:::.::", -is,. "Edutation~' Un'ification"':':' .lata;M,Ed;;' St.' 'P'atrick's : Fall TUESDAY _ Tuesday in' HOlY'" Siulctification.".. , ' " 'River; Sister Mary Matgaret, W~k. Simple), Violet. M;a~ Si~ce the', beginning· f th R,S.M., '~.Ed., St. John's, Attle­ Proper; No Glvria; Passion; conferences, Sister Maryo Car~ boro; Sister .Jeanne Marie,

' Mass Ordo


Mostly Catholic


w~~e~~~D~yH?I;.,Cdros~:... , ;' , ' ' ? e ,ne.,da~ 10 Holy Week. Simple. Violet. IMass Proper; No Gloria; Sec, on: Collect for Peace; Pas­ sion; Preface of the Holy


THURSDAY - Holy, Thursday.

pouble of I Class. White. Mass

Proper,; Gloria; No Creed;

Preface of the Holy Cross.

Communicantes, Hanc igitur

'and Qui pri!Jie proper.

m.ela has served in variqus posts.

First, as a delegate from, the

Province of Providence .. Sister

' "


TIlB' ANCHOR Second<1ass mail prlvileK'ft authorised at f'al! River, ,Masa. Published f!VerJ T~ursday III 410 Highland Avenue. Fall

.!llver Maa.. by the Catholic P..... 01 t .... DiQc~f' of Fan Rive!' SnhseriJ)twD price

..., mail, poo; tpaid ".00 per lie.....

9.44 County St.


A. Charpentier .Reg. Pharm., . 1902 ACUSHNET A VB. NEW BEDFORD ,TEL. WY 6-0772 PRESCRIPTIONS ,

New Bedford,





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NCEA SPEAKER: Attor­ ney Joseph· C. Duggan' of New Bedford" will speak on

. "The Importance of Religion in American Education" at the 55th annual convention 'of the National, Catholic

Educational Association in

Philadelphia, April 8-11.





March 30--St. Boniface, New


St. Peter,' South lDight­ on. .

April '6-51'. Francis Xavier,


St. James, Taunton.

April 13-St. Paul, Taunton '

St. John the Baptist, Fall

River 'April 20--0ur Lady of the Holy Rosary. New Bed-' ford. . ' _Holy Ghost, Att~eboro.

Decency res­

MidcftebOro Roodl. Route fAST fREETOWN



l '-1354 '_' __ ••• 0


THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.• March 27, 1958


Priest-C'ritic Says Irresponsibility Weakens American Fiction

Lutherans Lead M.ove to Return To -Catholicism'

IOWA CITY (NC)-One great

\ defect of current American fiction is not that its characters are

ism.' Denying this whole world of intangible values is the most unrealistic type of approach. Such utter realists are in fact sentimentalists."

sinners, but rather that they sin unthirikingly and lack a "sense STUTTGART (NC)-We of responsibility," a priestNaturalistic Realism Dead eannot do without the Cathliterary critic declared here.

Father Gardiner said he be­

olic Church, a Lutheran Jesuit Father Harold C. GarClergyman says in a new diner, literary editor of America, lieves naturalistic realism 11 "pretty well dead, for the pres­ book published here in Germany national Catholic weekly, made ent at least, on the American to promote Christian reunion. this statement in an address at literary scene." Five Lutheran' ministers who the University of Iowa.. As an example, he pointed to contributed to "Catholic' Re"All great literature is filled "the new monstrosity of young formation" used that term as with sinners," Father Gardiner its title h express their desire pointed out in analyzing the de- James Jones' 'Some Came Run­ for an all-embracing reform, afficiencies of modern American ning,' which is a type of work that simply doesn't appeal to fecting all Christian religions; fiction. "All the most horrible people today. The book is as aimed at restoring what they things have been written about consider the fullness of aposand yet, by this strange alchemy limp as a dead fish." tolic truth. of the creative artist, these He said it is "harder to put The reform would be things that are horrible in them- .your finger on the naturalistic realism that permeates the re­ achieved by means of an agreeselves turn out to be for us a ment on what both Catholics catharsis, a basis of hope, a basis cent best-seller of James Coz­ and non-Catholics regard as of striving for achievement." zens, 'By Love Possessed,' be­ cause the book is a little more unrelinquishable fundamental "I would like to see a book," tenets of faith find practice. i PULPIT DIALOGUES IN NEW BEDFORD: Rev. said Father Gardiner, "in which genteel. Mr. Cozzens, though his Need True Church. Richard D. Payne, 'C.S.P., left, and Rev. James E. Dixon liex is taken seriously, a' book English style has been coming in for some recent criticism, at' . Dr. Hans Asmussen, former C.S.P., of the Paulist Fathers are shown conducting a new which doesn't just talk about it · I h -that's easy to do-but which least can write an English sen­ K 1 t f th d ca e ra'd provos 0 ' H'd Ib Ieg w 'd0 approach to religious questions in St. Lawrence's Church, takes sex as it is, as a means of tEmce now and then. Mr. Jones, nowhisresl es In el e er, sal New Bedford. One priest advances current obJ'ectl'ons to great glory, of great achieve- ,J-don't think, can. in contribution: "One test I believe you can The Catholic question is the the teachings of the Church, while the other defends the' ment, or as a means' of great pre-eminent question of this gen_ beliefs on the subject. tragedy. Sex is . . . one of the always give to a book," said Father Gardiner, "is to see the eration, for we come from the . dominant 'forces of our lives." attitude of the author on human Catholic Church, and only with' "The greatest effect' of Sinher can we find our fullness: we clair Lewis," he said, "is that love as manifested in the sex C8nnot do without her. C his' sinners never sinned; the angle and in marriage and the . "It is a Catholic truth that the 0 0!11y thing they ever did was to family. And I think Mr. Cozzen. Church of Christ on earth had, BOGOTA (NC)_A call to the prejudice the person, good name· flout convention. That isn't the is quite cynical about the whole and should have, a unified gov- Colombian government to expro- nor property of his employer. stuff from which great literature ,business. It's very frock-coated cynicsim, or perhaps a tuxedo ernment," the Die Sammlung priate land from large property "3. A 'Worker must present comes. In the medieval and re­ letter issued last Summer by the .holders and distribute it to .less his grievances without violence naissanee times, sinners were cynicism. It isn't brutal like Mr. aame group said. Protestantism, . fortunate citizens was included and in su-::h a way that they are sinners-they sinned gloriously;' Jones' is, but Mr. Cozzens doesn't think much of the insti­ it added, must face the claim of in a Lenten pastoral issued here not seditious nor exorbitant. and. when they were saints they tution of human love and mar­ the Bishop of Rome as the suc- 'by the Bishops of Colombia. "4. Workers who make out- were saints. riage." cessor of St. Peter, who is "the Signed by His Eminence rageous and 'unjust demands on "In so much of current litera­ lOCk". Crisanto Cardinal Luque, Arch- employers and thereby cause the ture, the sinner is a weak little Although they represent a bishop of Bogota and 51 other closing of a shop are guilty of guy who hasn't got the nerve to minority opinion among Luther- prelates, the letter discussed the a grave fault against social commit a good sin. That may ans, nevertheless their influence needs for reform in property justice." surprise you but, from a literary cannot be underestimated. ownership, workers' wages, laEmployers' Duties point of view, it's true." Set Up by God bor-management relations and . On the other hand, the Bish. Realism in Fiction The other authors all agree housing. ops pointed out, though manF th G ' agement has the right to its own a er' ardiner distinguished Underll'nl'ng t h with Dr. Asmussen, whose statee serIOusness between two kinds of "realism" inherent in a disproportionate capital, an intelligent cooper. Am . mellts are supplemented by the d' t 'b t' f ation from its employes and the m encan fiction-naturalis­ frank admission of Pastor LackIS l'l U IOn 0 land, the Bishop tic realism, introduced by Theo­ "the Church of Rome wrote: administration of its own propd D ' ore reiser, and' the "idealistic" mann that is a symbol set up by God Him"The large property owner 'erty, there are also certain ob- realism which affirms the exist­ self for the ·truly Catholic worldwho does not cultivate his land ligations which binds employers: ence of intangibles like truth wide church." nor allow it to be cultivated 1. Employers must be careful d' t not to treat workers as slaves. an VII' ue. 1 The authors find that many b>: ~eop e disposed, to do so cer- They should, therefore, remem~ But realism of itself is merely Protestants long for the restortam y commits a grrve fault b th t h . I 1 a technique,' not a way Of think":' ation of the sacrament of Pen- for which he shall have to render' ennobll'ng er a pth'ng YSlca d abor is an ing, said the priest. "It uses com­ t ance in their churches and that. account to God." I an no a source mon and current similes and of shame. they would accept a central "Under previously arranged "2. Management should be- metaphors, description taken teaching authority as legitimate legal indemnities," they added, ware' of the shameful and in- from current events and so on." TAUNTON, MASS. for the "Protestant doctrine of "the government should take, human attitude which values a "It is when this. writing," he individual inspiration by the steps to expropriate such lands worker only as a source of in-, said, "is conjoined with the , THE BANK ON Holy Ghost becomes un-catholic, and' put them at the disposal of come and greater productivity. naturalistic frame of mind TAUNTON GREEN ,if it implies doing without the the common good." 3.. Christianity demands that (which neither denies nor af­ episcopal authority of protecting As things are now, in Colom- the spiritual needs of a worker firms the existence of Intan­ Member' of Federal DepOSit

the faithful from teaching bia, only about 10 per cent of the b k ' 'bl l' errors." a'ctl·ve. farml:ng' pop'ulatl"o,n owns e ept in mind by tl,1e employer. gl es, Ike truth and justice and Insurance Corporation

The employer, ,therefore, should faith and love and peace) that While' realizing the many ob- th~. l!U1d it cultivates. be careful not to' create or al- it becomes.. 'naturalistic real­ .tades still in the way 'of a ttu~ Lab M t low, <>ituatl'ons whl'ch could be'. ~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unity of C'tristianity, the 'authors . . 01'- a n a g e m e n . . r , lee a hopeful sign in the faCt "The Church reminds workers source of tell1ptation to his that the Lutheran World Coun,cil that· they' have not only "certain workers. ' , has recently established an in-' rights 'but also opligations' in' ',4. Work4:!rs should not be put, ,stitute for interdenominational, strict. justice, for it would be to tasks which are beyond the research which, says Dr. Asmus- ' ,absurd to suppose that only capabilities of their intellects, . '1 eges. an d to ,bod,ies, or se,x. len, "is a step Lutherans have wor k ers h ave pnVI never taken before in the direc- overlook the rights of owners. tion of an approach to the Cath- Among the obligations of a work­ olic Church." er, we may ·list. the following:, NO JOB TOO BIG "1. A worker must carry out _E~IJlS NONE TOO SMALL exactly the work for which he At All Guimond Farms Cash 'n Carry Outlats has freely contracted. "2. He must be careful not to .and from your Guimond Farms Driver-Salesman VATICAN CITY (NC)-Jesuit Father Robert Hodapp pas been appointed Bishop of Belize, Brit­ ish Honduras, by His Holiness Main Office and Plant Pope Pius XII. LOWELL, MASS. A native of Mankato, Minn, 47-year-old Bishop-elect Hodapp Teleohone Lowell

Regular Creamed becomes the second Bishop of GL 8-6333 and GL 7·7500

Belize, succeeding Bishop David Chive Flavored F. Hickey, S.J., who resigned 273 CENTRAL AVE.

Auxiliary Plants last August. Olive. Pimento Ordained to the priesthood in NEW BEDFORD

BOSTON 1941, the new Bishop has been OCEANPORT, N. J. Try Them All ••• working in British Honduras WY 2-6216

PAWTUCKET, R. I. since 1936. He is a member Deliciously Different! of his order's Wisconsin prov­ ince. 1

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Fall River, 'Mass.

Prominent Co'tholic Peer Lashes Brainwave of Beelzebub

Spring Events Pla~ned

The Parish, Parade

NOTRE DAME, SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER NORTH ATTLEBORO A cake sale .to be held in April Rev. Edmond r;" Dickinson, was -announced· by/ Miss Helen spiritual director of St. Anne's Chace, president of the Women's Sodality received several new Guild, at a meeting held last members at the' closing of a Monday night. recent retreat. Medals were Highlighting the meeting was . pinned on the newcomers by a movie entitled "Hill No. I", Vice-president Mrs.Arthur Clou­ presented by Rev. Brother tier and Counselor Mrs. Emile George, F,LC. Tondreault. New members were intro­ Plans are being formulated duced and a report on spiritual for a Spring, bridge which is development was submitted by slated for Thursday, April 2~ Chairman Miss Gertrude Dion. in the church hall with Mrs. A favorable report on the Rose Clarence Fisher in charge. . Hawthorne project was also New members are urged to given by -Miss Jeannette Dupuis. attend the next monthly'session . Prayers were, led by Rev. which is scheduled for Tuesday, Gerard Boisvert. '. April 15 in the church hall. ST. PIUS TENTH, Mrs. Hector Debois' and Mrs. SOUTH YARMOUTH Armand Horton are in charge The Holy Name Society, Wom­ 'of the making of Cancer pads for en's Guild and Catholic Youth the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Society will jointly sponsor a Home which is scheduled week­ Post Lenten, whist, party at 8 ly for Wednesday afternoon in o'clock, Monday night, April 14, . the ,church hall cafeteria. in the church hall on Station OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, Avenue. NEW BEDFORD The committee in charge;"" Rev. Edward C. Duffy a former made up of members from each Navy Chaplain and at present society, consists of Chairman assistant at St. James Church, Francis .Chase and Robert Kelly . New Bedford was guest speaker of the Holy Name Society; Mrs. at the second annual parent and Charles Webster and Mrs. Den­ son Communion breakfast which nis O'Connor of the - Guild; was held last Sunday morning Donna Jordan and David Lip­ in the church auditorium fol­ pard of the Youth Society. "lowing the 9:30 mass. A- valuable door prize will.be Sponsored by the CYO Chap­ awarded in addition to the 50 ter the mass was celebrated by prizes to be awarded to the the Pastor Rt. _Rev; Antonio P. winners at whist. Refreshments Vieira.' will be served during intermis­ Seated at the head iable be­ sion. sides Father Duffy were Chap­ Proceeds from the party will lain, Rev. Luciano Pereira, Mr. be used for the purchase of a and Mrs. William R. Freitas, Mr. sound motion picture and screen and Mrs. Lionel Souza, George for the church hall. Souza Jr" master. of ceremonies Whist players from the entire and treasurer of the CYO, Ron­ Cape are invited to attend:Tick­ aId ·DeMello, chairman of the ets may be obtained from com­ event and William Baroa, Jr., mittee members or at the door. president of the organization.

Walsh '160 and Denault 161 Ele~ted Stonehill Basketball Co-Captains


, Joseph F. Walsh, a sophomore, and Leo J. Denault, a freshman, have been elected co-captains of the 1958-1959 basketball team of Stonehill College, it was an­ nounced by Robert V. Daly, athletic director and basketball coach, . Walsh, nicknamed "SmokeY", 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Walsh, 11 Hodges Ave., Taun­ ton, is a valuable defense player with a good set shot. 'I1le 6 foot 1 1/2 inch guard scored 179 points during the re,cent season'

sCorer this season, having scored 443 points for an average of 21 points a game. An aggressive ball player, the '5-foot 10-inch guard was voteq. most valuable player in the 1955 Tech Tourney while starring for Holy Family High, School of New Bedford, from which he was. graduated in 1956, Denault has received scholarships' from' the Touch­ down. Club of New Bedford 'and Holy Famii y 'Aumni: Both students .are' Business Administration majors..

MAN WITH MISSION: Father William A. Kasch­ ~itter, a missioner who 'has travelled 80,000 miles in the past two years, believes, that "we don't have a really ade­ quate science Qf internation­ al sOCial justice." He is seeking world'-wide intellec­ tual and financial help to research facts of ipterna­ tional relationships and the relevant theological and ethical principles. NC Photo.

New Jersey. Doctor Wins Boston Award " BOSTON (NC) - Dr. Harold Jeghers of South Orange, N. J., has been presented .the Laetare Medal of. the Boston Chapter, Guild of St. Luke. A,' former pr'ofessor at the Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, Dr. Jeghers is presently engaged. in founding a School of Medicine at Seton Hall University in South Orange. Archbishop Richard J. Cush­ ing of .Boston praised him' for his imitation of Christ, the Divine Physician. Catholics, Archbishop Cushing said, have always had "a reverence for .the healer and the healing arts, a reverence akin to that which we _ . give. the priest and the priestly office." In both 'cases, doctor and priest, Christ is the pattern and prototy'pe, the Archbishop said.

.. New Book for "Pha,rmacists






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All Religions Oppose He pointed out that the prac­ tice is almost universally con­ demned by every great mono­ theistic 'religion and that'. the Christian Churches are united "in, the, strength of tbeir con­ demnation." The Archbishop 01 Canterbury, Primate of the An-: glican Church, had already in the debate condemned the prac­ tice-demanding that it be made u a legal offence or else strictly controlled by registration. Lord Pakenham added that the Amer­ ican Episcopal Church has stig­ matized it as adultery" that Protestants in Sweden;" France and the Netherlands have also disapproved, as does the Jewish law. "I cannot believe that any practicing Christian would have any hand, lot or part 'in it, or would refrain from doing all in his power to discourage it," be added. Social Consequences Lord Pakenham said whether what is so universally regarded as a' sin should be made a crime is a matter for debate. But be held that most Catholics would agree that the social conse­ quences of A.J.D. could be 80 damaging to the welfare of the nation, especially of its children, Good HeariD&' that the government could be Lord Pakenham, .as. a Cath­ asked to consider how best it olic, was given a good hearing. could be brought within ~ He drew the attention of' the orbit of criminal law. house to four documents cover­ He said he fully recognizes ing the whole matter-Pope Leo . the sincerity of thi)se who XIII's condemnation as early as . thought of the unhappiness 01 1897, a speech by the late Car­ ~hildless parents, but that "im­ dinal . Griffin, Archbishop· of mediate happiness, while a laud­ Westminster, to Catholic doctors able objective to be promoted by here in 1945; an address 'by His all legitimate scientific means, d Holiness Pope Pius XII to physi­ not the highest value here be­ cians in 1949, and a sermon last low." It is literally impossible January by Archbishop William to help' anyone, childless couple Godfrey of West.minster. '.. , or anyone else, however humane the' purpose, by evil means, be Lord Pakenham went on to said. say that artificial insemination by donor (A.I.D.) is "unequivo­ cally condemned by the Catholic Come see our WONDERFUL Church." . SELECTION of


Urges More. Tea.'cher.'.s or Special Pupi.ls

for an- average Of 8.9 points' a game. He is currently serving his second year as· president of F. his class.' WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. ", A 1956 graduate of Coyle High Richard Neuberger of Oregon' School in Taunton, Walsh serv.ed has introduced a bill that would · as captain of his 'high school establish a seven-'year, $21 mil~ .basketball team, as well as class' 'lion program of Federal grants o.fficer during three of his four to expand the'number of teach­ years in high school. ' . ers who work with exceptional Denault, son of Mr. and Mrs. children. . Leo V. Denault, 159 Newton St., The legislator's measure pro­ ,'New, Bedford, was team high poses. $18.5 million iil scholar­ ships and followships to potential teachers of children who. are mentally and pbysicallphandi­ capped. It also calls' for $2.5' ,million in grants to public an,d The .Catholic Pharmacists private institutfons of higher Guild of St. James, dedicated to education. · the elevation of the profession Of pharmacy, is recommending to its mem bers a new book on · pharmacy. The book, "Pharmacy-A No­ ble Profession," was written by Stainless Steel Track Window Rev.. William L.· Wolkovich, a Ornamental Iron priest of the Archdiocese of Chain Link Fence8 . Boston. . 1533 Acushnet Ave. The 31 page booklet' applies moral pr.inciples to every-day New Bedford, WY 4-1332 situations that are encountered Home'· Tel. WY 9-6505' by registered pharmacists ­ .;_o_.. .._ ..__.__ '_.... 'owners, managers, clerks, sales­ i ~en and manufacturers. . : . It treats of such questions as : Unlawful sales, secrecy regard- . t , prescriptions, literature,' , . . . . ; lng ! pricing and, other elements of ! justice. " The""booklet.is ·recommend~d >, B~RNER SALES . · for all pharmacists, Catholic and : non-Catholic alike,. and may be , & SERVICE 'obtained from the Catholic Pharmacists Guild of St. James, 21 Wilbur St., Taunton 'c/o Timothy' P. Keating, 415 '. County Street, New Bedford. Phone VAndyke ;Price of the booklet is twenty­ · five cents. . ~ .;...~~~ -~~' . )

LONDON (NC)-A prominent Catholic peer has told the House of Lords that Britain must re­ ject artificial insemination as a "loathsome • • • brainwave of ~ Beelzebub." Lord Pakenham, socialist, father of eight, outstanding Catholic spokesman in Parlia­ ment participated in a debate in . the upper. chamber climaxing a national controversy on the sub­ ject. The controversy arose when Lord Wheatley in the Scot'­ tish High Court in Edinburgh ruled that a woman who had a child through artificial insem­ ination by donor without her husband's consent was ~ot com­ mitting adultery. Religious and other national leaders and· the press imme­ diately joined in a furious argu­ ment for and against "test tube babie!!," and Parliament subse-· quently decided to ventilate the need for some· official ruling in addition to the' solitary legal opinion on one aspect of it given by Lord Wheatley., The issue fell to the House of Lords, whose members include' ~he leading bishops of the Church of Eng­ land, 'the High Court judge8, senior medical experts and the nation's elder statesmen.

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.,March 27, 1958


Holy Cross Sister Urges Audience Of College Students to Think

Right-to-Work Laws Oppo~ed By H ie'ra rchy COLUMBUS (NC) -The 8o-called right to work laws are unnecessary and unwise, the six Catholic bishops of

KANSAS CITY (NC) -One voice of our civilization is not doomful, defeated. One voice, at least is not strident with crisis,. crackling with terminology of war and space. Though diffident, the voice was for the listeners authoritative. It was that of Sister Mary Mad­ eleva, of the Sisters of Holy Cross, for 21 years president of S1. M;lrY's College, Notre Dame, Ind. She delivered a Visiting Scholar lecture in Rockhurst College- here. "Ten per cent of college stud­ ents think. Twenty-five per cent of graduate students think. I'm going to start a kind of apostolate of thinking. I~ seems very much more important to me that we . record our thinking about sub­ jects . than our feelings about ,subjects. I recommend that to you. Notice how often people say, 'Well, I feel this way . ..• 7

greatest possession." Poets and Poetry Sister Madeleva, herself a poet of distinction, next consid­ ered poets and poetry. She con­ teneded: "It isn't an abnormal thing to love poetry, and to write it even,. to want to write it. It isn't an abnormal thing to love philoso­ phy and to want-to study it, and to want to understand it. These are only the normal appetites for truth that we all have." "We haven't any great poetry today to boast about," she said, '~but the best of what is being written today is being written, I think, by religious poets, and even by Religious themselves." On the Body Of the human bo~y, she re­ marked: "We are all familiar with the fact that our bodies are described as miserable and sinful, and the occasion of a great many dis­ orders, and we blame them for all sorts of inordinate appetites and desires and .uncontrolled.


"I think the soul has more to

answer for than our bodies," Sis- ­

ter Madeleva said, "and will have eventually. Besides that, 1 think God is on the side of the bodies, too. He has shown many preferences for bodies. He has given them to us, has created. them. He accepted a body Him­ self, through the natural meall8 of birth. "He has given us the sacra­ ments. The angels do not re­ ceive the sacraments, The entire sacramental system was given to us by God to minister to our souls through the avenues of the body, and if we didn't have· bOdies we couldn't receive the sacr:lments. And God has prom­ ised that our bodies shall be restored at the end of time and will be glorified and immortal. . Now that is quite a good deal for these miserable bodies."

Ohio declared here. The heads of the six dioceses in Ohio .in a statement released by the Ohio Catholic Welfare Conference, took their stand be­ cause a proposal to include the .a-called right-to-work laws as an amendment to the Ohio Con­ stitution may appear on the bal­ , lot next fall. • Supporters of the proposed PRE-CANA IN ~EW BEDFORD: Attending Pre­ amendment are circulating pe­ titions to have the measure, Cana Conference at the Kenn~dy Community Center ·in which would outlaw the union New Bedford are, left to right, Thomas J. Long of Fall shop, on -the ballot. River and Joanne P. Burke of New Bedford, with Richard No Unconditional Rlglit F. Medeiros and Natalie Costa, both of New Bedford. On Contemplation The Bishops deplored "state Turning next to the subject of intervention" in the issue and "contemplation," she observed: urged management and labor to "The philosophers. say that eorn;ct the abuses in their re­ ·man is called to supernatural spective camps with an increased contemplation and that to in­ emphasis on moral responsibil­ Representative artists, archi­ man of the local committee. for ity. vite him"1'o another darkness is

tects, designers, makers, and the Liturgical Week, plans for The bishops said that so-called marketers of sacred art and hospitality and accommodations to rob him of his ·possession. "Man is called supernatural right-to-workJegislation appears church goods, as well as authors for the delegates already are contemplation," she said. "No to fall into the category of laws and publishers of liturgical writ- well under way. . that -doesn't mean the Jesuit of which at times "have beeri mor­ . ings will take part in an exhibit A pageant on the conference ally valid in themselves but in­ that, will be a major feature of theme, "The Church Year" will Rockhurst, or the Sisters of the ept and mischievous in their the 19th annual North American be staged by students of Our Holy Cross, or the nuns of St.' results.'; • Teresa's College, or. at S1. Jo­ Liturgical Week, August 18-2lst, Lady of Cincinnati College on seph's Hospital, or the Benedict­ "Man has aright and duty to in Cin<:innati. the opening night of the Week, work for his livelihood,'" the 'August 18-21. Archbishop Alter ine Nuns in their cloister. It The 100-booth exhibition, in­ bishops said These cannot be cluding arts, crafts, and litera­ will address the delegates "and means you; it means all of you. taken away to the "extent that ture, will be on display in visitors at this meeting. "You are called-man is called a man loses his liberty of choice Cincinnati's historic Music Hall, "':""to supernatural contemplation. Schedule · of a vocation, nor to the extent which will be the scene of gen­ Tentative schedule for the Just think, Think. What shall we that he is deprived of an op­ Week calls for Dialogue Masses think about? Of whom shall we eral convocations, demonstra­ "portunity to support himself and tions, lectures and workshops in think? Well, on the supernatural in the Cathedral in the morn­ his family. It does not follow the four-day conference. ing in Music Hall at 10 o'clock; level we think of God, first of all, that a man has the unconditional and then everything else will . Morning and evening Masses workshops and special discus­ right to work in any and every will be celebratedc in' 113-year sions in· the afternoons, except follow from that infinite object," industry or business at will," on Aug. 20, when there will be "And if we invite ourselves to old S1. Peter" in Chains' Cathe­ the statement ass~rted. an exhibit of contempor~ry a lesser level of thinking," Sis­ dral, unique neo-classical struc­ Intensify Damage ture recently enlarged and sacred art at the Cincinnati Art ter Madeleva added, "we are "State intervention" is unwise, restored as the Mother Church Museum, .followed by a buffet robbing ourselves of . • . our the bishop said, whether "it be of the Cincinnati Archdioce~. supper. There will be afternoon Mass in favor .. : or against" the right­ Deeper Understandin~ at the Cathedral at 5:15 on Aug­ to-work laws. Abuses which cor­ Archbishop Karl J. Alter will ust 18, 19, and 21, the last one rupt the labor movement cannQt be host to· the Liturgical Week, to be a Solemn Pontifical Mass be remedied by. such interven­ Do You Work in a Factory," tion, the bishops observed, but which will bring bishops, priests, of Thanksgiving to close the Garage, Machine Shop or religious, alld lay people from conference. . only by increased emphasis on Gasoline Station? · moral responsibility by union all Sta~es of the U. S. and from many other nations to promote leaders and members. We pick up and deliver, clean deeper understanding of divine and repair overalls. Also. we have worship and more widespread' a complete line at Coveralls. Pants active participation in it. and Shirts tor sale. According to Right Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Sherry, general chairWe reclaim and wash any oily, ~irty or greasy rags. NEW YORK (NC) - United Mations Secretary General Dag

Why Buy When Y!. S~pply Hammarskjold should ask So­

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Hungary. Hyannis 2921 The New York governor de­ .. -'_' __ D_U_D_.~a_'_D.+ elared that while "ha.t;chet-man Kadar has been carted away • • $ to make things look more attractive in Hungary, in secret the trials and executions are' Truck Body Builders ping on." Aluminum or Steel "There is nothing the Kremlin 944 County St."­ · would like better than that we per annuli' NEW BEDFORD. MASS. ahould forget about its captives," Wy 2·6618 be said. "But the plain truth is we must not, for our freedom is Involved. And peace cannot be O'~EIL FISK TIRE built upon oppression." 276 Central St., Fall River Latest dividend on Savings Accounts


North American Liturgical Week To Be Held in Cincinnati

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'Holy W~ek''''''::' "...:' '~~': :,'~"::: ;,~ ;.,:::3~t'~{,:,·;,~!~:,:



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Holy Week is the center and heart of, the;Church c,",

It is not simply, a rejoicing over ,past events, nor,a'

recalling of these events to mind. It: is, a re~livingof ,the," lalvation-filled events of Christ. ' What happened in the JIead now liappe~s' in the .Members. . - " " , : , ': The great experience, Qf Christ was His'"p!lssage" His , passover from death to life,'from suffering to glory,'frorn the cross to the resurrection'. 'This is the paschal mystery~' , Jt is the mystery that is ever 'lived and re-lived/in th~ Church at all times of the year but in a 'more i~tense manner during Holy Week. , " The divine plan of God, hidden from all eternity but. manifested in the fullness of ,time and realized in Christ, .. is to form of. all men a holy nation, a kingly people. -"It is to make all "~>ne man in Christ Jesus.", ' . Christ is, the Divine Vine, and all men are called- on to be branches of the Vine, living'the Christ-life, 'living and, re-livingwithin' the framework of their own lives the mystery of Christ, the life of Christ, the passover from the ' ,i death of sin to the life of God,from' suffering -to' glory'i from the cross bf the natural life to the resurrecti9h- of , J


life with and-' in C h r i s t . ' " , The divine plan for' man's redemption underlies' Holy 'Week. We are reconciled'ioGod 'through Christ. 'And for , ' , ", Christ Himself, the way was one of the cross. ' Christ effected our redemption through suffering'and death. And if this is true of the Vine it must be true iri the members. All are called on to follow His example; to share His ex~erience. , St. Peter tells us, "Christ also sUffered, for us,'leavlng you an example that you should foll,?w in His steps.". , We canriot live the same life as Christ nor in the same let of 'circ:umstances., \ But we can live the Christ-life; w~ Sage ea.n die to sin-and to our lower natures,we can rise toa mewness of life,' we can live for God i,n, Ch,'rist, we can live '




,": ,,6,

,:":'THEANCHOIt' thurs:,March

27, 19.58 '

WeeklyC~lendar ~ Of Feast Days

.. .. .





TODAY-St. John' Damasc~n~, Priest-Confessor-Doctor. He was born about 676 in Damascus, where his father was the caliph's vizier. He was educated by Cos­ ' mos, a Greek monk, and brought to Syria as a slave. He succeeded his father as vizier, but realized the danger of his position in a Mohammedan court, gave his 'riches to the poor and went to ' .Jerusalem where he entered th,e monastic life. He boldly resisted Erpperor 'Leo the Isaurian, Of Constantinople, but is best re~, membered as a theologian. He is the author of the first SU,mma Theologica and many liturgical, hymns. Last of the Greek fathers he died about 749. Pope Leo XIiI proclaimed him a poctor in 1890.

TOMORROW:-Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother. This feast observed on the Friday after Pas- , sion Sunday, com~emorates the Seven Sorrows in the life of the 'Mother of God which are: the prophecy of Simeon; the flight into Egypt; loss of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem; meeting d" d .Jesus on the way of Calvary; the an Sa" \ ' Crucifixion; removal of Christ's, body from the cross, and" toe " " " " burial of Je'sus. Gbnerally this , ' date is' the feast of St. 'Johon Capistran, Gonfessor. 'He was a resurrected-life, a life in which the brightness,of"God's, '"glory' shines over the darkness of the world 'and the flesh ,I, -botn, in I Capistrano, Italy, hl' 'and the devil with, all his' works' and' p<>mps. ' By Most Rev. Robert i. 'Dwyer,' D.D. ' 1385 and became well versed' , ,', It is not" ~i~,p'ly' ,imita,ti~g: the v'irt~es of it is ' , ' , ' ',Bishop 'of Reno " , in civil and canon' law ,before ": , ' , ' he joined the Franciscans 1ft " a deeper thing than th,at., It isa putting on of Christ~ ,it ~The devil was sick; 'the devil a,monk would be." All Perugia in 1415. Noted for humil­ 'is reproducing, as far ,as we are able with, God's grace,. is in readiness, at thi~:writing,.forthem()nasticclothing Hy and self-denial,' he' became :His expeJ;'ien~e, His suffering; His death; His burial, , Hi8 of American public education. I,t ~as fallen most 'grievously the first General of the Obseni­ resurrection, His giory., ' " ',, " " , 'iil; it has confessed its fault with a loud voice; there only atine Franciscans in 1437. He , ' , , , , , " , preached with great success in' Christianity is an event;'it is som~thing that happened ,remains for it ~o, ~~ei~e'Jhe ,'the.. the~is tnat if a fraction~ of 'Itaiy , Austria, Germany, and ,in, Christ, something that continues to happen" something, habit and take the dlsclplme. ' ':the time devoted to athletics in 'Hungary and was the chief sup­ 'that must happen in us. It)s dying with Christ in the 'But, if the devil, gets well, our schools in t~e, past genera- porter of John Huniades in de­ w~tei's of baptism, it is'rising innewtress,of life 'W:ith Christ, one wonders how long the' tion had been used for. honeSt fending Vieima from the Turks it is feeding upon the Body' and Blood of ,Ch:rIst.' ,. devil amonk wi1lbe~ , " study, we would not be wringing in 1456. He died that year at By His ~xperience, Christ c()nquered ~in and d~ath, 'There are times-- whether in our hands today over RussianVilak, Hungary. ' , dreams or' in the hard 'actuality scientific competition. This iii SA U AY and rose to glorY and' ,victory. ' By, our entering into fli8 of" "c'onsciousness: when one has not ,the co~ment of a crank;, it T RD '-St. Cyril, De8­ . . II y' d ' H 0 Iy"W ee, k we, reIIve "" con-Martyr. was a deacon of experIence especla urmg:, In, our- 'the electric sensation of having ,is on.lY the regret of one who is Heliopolis inHe Lebanon., About Do



20 Ye' ar'-s of F.-ddl.-ng G.-v'e' 'Ed Uc'at-on' F.-' e-Lo', ng Star' ', ",.,r:'" ,, t '


~elvel:l, the Members, what nappened' in Christ, th~ Head. 'lived through' this 'scene before;conVI~ced that a sound body ,'362,he was tortured and put to 'And His victory becomes' ours, for as we share in His dying ,'It is a recognized p!lychological ,need ,~ot devl;lUr. 'a sane minQ. death, for the fa~th in the Per­ we share too iiI His resurrection. '" " , -"', ,',pht'momenon, and, the~e' is an 'The, storm-center is America's secution of Julian the Apostate. It . . ' h f C . d t ,-, , ,: 'entire School'of psychic'research sciimtific lag, result of a, soft r,ame p mm ,t awe must prepare 'devoted' to ,the :'studY of 'this educational policy_which,. has SUNDAY-5econd Sunday Of , lS m some suc , for Holy .Week." '",' "phenomenology;:'" " ; " " 'played' down essentials and 'the Passion (Palm Sunday). ' ' ' ' : : ' A t ' a n y rate"vie have the,dis~ 'played up, ,non-essentials., Dr., 'Gel1erally this date is the feast,,, '~', ':,tinCt impression of hllving,Uved Conarit and, the oth~r doleful' of St. Quirinus, Martyr. He was , " " ' "',", , ' , ' ',"<' '-through' this particular 'sequence' 'prophets' are grimly exercised the j'ail~r of Pope St. Alexander A Forum for 'Young Adults hasj~st concluded.in th~ ,::OOfore·'the' tardy'recognition on, over our immediate prospects, I, by whom he was converted' ~i~ies, of. Fall' RIver' and"New Bedford;::, For ,the p~st five the pa~t of edu~ators_)na.t t)ley for the damage done to our,sci- wi,th his daughter, St· Ba!biri~':­ , ,Sundays~in,','Le,'nt,,', y', oung, ,adu,lts" 'six,te,e"n" "year",s".of age a,'n,d' , ha,',v,e. ',so,mehow, faile,4 '" in. ;,~eir" 'entific and technoiogical,leader.,. Sh9rtly' 'afterwards he was ar­ ' :.- h'li r d'1Y", 'be"" , rested, ',as a Christlah,' tortured th'~", s' h"" Gver,' have heard, talks' ,by,' pri,es,ts, ,and Catholic .laym,'e,n ,o,bVIOUS, d uty o.f prep~rl~g. ,}P' can remed'ed' I .' d- 't' . . th " t t ' t d ", to d th Sac ~outh Qt~e natIon to c;ope WIth, 9ver -night' , 'and put to death about 117,' iD alme , a, gIVI!'g em proper a 1 u es' wa:r, e' "ra- 't)ie"urgencies of th'erontempj)r_ ,'What' a school teaches ~r, th~ persecution under H~dria~. ,ment of MatrImony• ,, My conflict.' The \Varnings 'were. , fails to, teach: is only measurable '~ONbAY-St.&nos, Prophet. ' Total attendance at the talks approximated an.impr~8- 'iiounded as, ~ar',ba,ckas we eana generation 'afterwards. With He was "one of the minor prO­ live six thousand. Some of the ,young: men and 'woirien remember:; but; ofcour~e:, on,ly us, 20 years of fiddling has given phets, a shepherd of Te,koah ,attending were not of our 'faith: They 'showed, as did our ',fo?l.s .and moss-backs dared ~ the,fire a lo~g start.,,' '(Koa)' near Bethlehem, who · yout h ,a d ' . the '. ' ' ultIclze ,th~ elect of ColumbIa . hth cen t ury B.C. C at h 0 I IC eSlre to receIve mm d ,0f C hrll~t ,OD 'T'eacher's College. Fail to Educate Thinkers '- 11"ved'In' th e elg h . t t . 1 ,He aptly described, himself as suc an Impor an SOCIa sacrament. ,_ ' Lid Flies orr But there is an even ;;'ore nn-' "a herdsman plucking wild figs." The purpose •of thed talks was "to counteract much of " 'FIrs . t a few murmure ' d d ou bts, portant storm-center than the His'prophecy was a denun,ciation h 11 th e c h eap vu 1qarlt~ an s a ow. fhghtmess t?~t masqu.e- then a strident gabble, and scientific lag. If the system has of evildoers. The Roman Maj'­ rades as marrIage m the magazmes, on teleVISIon and In ' finally a long wail of repentence. failed to produce an adequate tyrology says he frequently ,was movies; 'Thi,~ 'false view of marriage can be effectively. We were not too much, upset crop of scientists and technicians, scou.rged by the priest, Amasias~ it has still more lamentably and died when his head was . , t h d e~trQyed not' b y d enunciation alone, which 'g~nerates more when It was ~om ed out t at failed to educate a generation of pierced with an iron spike by, heat than light, but by ,building up, over a series of weeks, Johnny couldn t read, becaus~, thinkers capabie of evaluating h ' . t l'k . f " after all, what were the comIc ' , t e priel?t's son, Ozias., th e p.OSI't'"Ive an d t rue an d Ch rlS - 1 e VIew 0 ChrlstJan books and pictorial magazines the cont~mding philosophies of our time. ' TUESDAY - St. Theodora, marrIage. , , , for if not to supply the defiVirgin-Martyr. She was a RoMarriage was presented, in the Y outh- Forum, as a eiency? Is that too much to expect of man, the sister of St, Hermes.,' vocation, a' way in 'which a man and woman, adult and :When it was revealed that a school? To say so is equivalent Like him, she was, put ,to d e thl r . way:to poor match " d an d WI'11 an d emo t'Ions f'm rna t ure 0 f mm , ' , Johnny was'no, . for to no admitting real valuethat -in schools training' have the death for the Faith in 132 dur­ G d 'th H" h I d 'th th 'd f' h ' young Ivan, the buddmg sClening the reign of Emperor Had­ o WI IS e p an Wl e al 0 eac other. tist of Minsk, we were ever so ,mind. A graduate without a rian. She and her brother were It is a sad commentary, on many parents that their slightly, miffed. T)1en Sputnik ,basic philosophy is, as, danger- buried side. by side.

children are reaching' young adulthood with so little in the went off, and the lid of the edu- ous as a' scientist. without prin"­ , correct attitudes on this sacrament. Thank God ea t'lona1 ~canda 1 fl ew 0 ff WI'th't WEDNESDAY - St. Francis way of I. ciples, and 'very neady as dan,' h t th C h' I' Y .." , " Our frIend Dr. James Conant gerous as a,lunatic' at large. The of Paula, Confessor. He was t a e, at 0 I~ outh OrgamzatIOn and the FamIly LIfe (who, it may be recalled from philosophical neutralism, or born in 1416 in Calabria of Bureau of the DIocese have taken a wonderful step toward a few years back, was all for more properly negativism, of our poor parents and at 14 began correcting this omission. ' , abolishing the non-public'schools public educational system leaves the life of a hermit ataa sea­ as "divisiVe") candidly admits us, intellectually naked to our shore cave, where he' was join­ that'the public, school educa- enemies. ed by two other pious youths. lprogram ' t· ,lOna of the past genTh,e, fact, is of course, that an His followers ' had become ,so , , so has , eration or notoriously adequate philosophy is prac- numerous 17 years later "that failed to produce the required "tically dependent upon an ade- he founded the'" Minims" ' (Least), who looked upon' them­ results. qulite theology, selves as the lowest of religAthletics Sacred Cow This is an ugly fact, but we ious communities. The moveSo far as we have read, inci:' might as well face up' to it., It is ment spread in Italy and France. , ()FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER dentally, no one, yet' has had the a penalty of our vaunted plural- He was sent to France at the Published Weekly by The Catholic Press ot the Diocese ot Fall River temerity, to come out and say ism. request of King Louis XI" and , : 410 Highland Avenue flatly that one of the cardinal I But the ',dev.il may get well. attended him at his death~d. Fall River, Mass. 'OSborne 5-7151 faults of the educational pro- We may find that our scientific He remained, at the request of gram has been the obsession lag is not so serious ,after all, Kings Charles VIII a'nd Louis PUBLISHER with athletics. The reason, likely that we are still miles ahead in XII, carrying on his work. He Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O." Ph.D. enough;, is that it is hardly con- the race. That still leaves the died in France in 1508 at the ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER sidered prudent to.irritate sacred, heart of the matter untouched. age of 92. He was canonized Rev. Daniel F:Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. DriscoJ.l cows. Our guess is that the devil will in 1519. His relics were desMANAGING EDITOR ' But we are willing to stake the leap over the wall, DevilJ sM- troyed later in that century, by Attorney Hugh J. Golden , poor shreds of our reputation on dom make good monks. the Huguenots.


'youth " Forum ""

, ',"




,JHE·ANCHOR,T~rs.,Ma,,~~·27, 1.9~~,

7.. '


Trappist F,lm To be: ShQwn On Cape Cod

CoyJe Students Present Cain~ Cou'rt-Martial A well I)leased audience en­ the Coyle High School StUdent Theater production' af Hennan Wouk's "Caine Mutiny Court'-Martial." The play, a two-act drama, concerns martial proceedings a'gainst a young naval officer who relieved his captain of com­ mahd of the U.S.S. Caine during the height of a typhoon. The basis for the young officer'. action was that the captain was psychopathic during the crisis and was directing the ship and its· crew to certain death and destruction. The odds and naval tradition' are against the young officer, but during the trial itself the weakness in the character of ,the captain is slowly revealed by the' testim~my of the various wit­ nesses. The disturbed Captain Qq.~g waa brilliantly portrayed by George 'Costa, while Thomaa Hanford did a fine job as the accused Lieut. Stephen Maryk. .John Kennedy acted the part. of the prosecuting attorney Jack Challe; and the defense attorne,., Barney Greenwald, was played by Stephen Hewey. ,, ',Together these two magnifi­ ee~tly enacted the courtr~, battle. David DeThomas acted as' Judge Blakely with the ut­ most stateliness. .' . . Other characters who ap':' ~a~ as witnesses were Philip' 4vis as J.,ieut. Tho~as Keefer, Douglas Roach as Signalman Third Cla~ Junius Urban, AI;.., bert Gibbons as Lieut. (jg) Wil-, liS Keith, I;>aniel Nerney as C;lP-' fain . Southard, John Zawacki' ~ ','Dr. Lundeen, Fred Fitzsim-' mons as Dr. Bird. Other members of the cast in­ cluded Willhim Devereaux as the 'court 'stenographer and' Chester Martin as the' orderly. The court members included Timothy Robbins, Francis Re­ zendes, John Cross, John Ha-' nieski, Walter Precourt and Roger' Poyant. 'The' play was directed by: Brother Richard MacDonald, C.S:C. The "Caine MuiinyCourt-' l'4ilrtial" was an altogether dif-:­ ferent production from those presente~ at Coyle, during the past years and it proved,~ be very I successful.' " ,,', '

A ~lor fiim' of scene~ of the' daily 'life in a Trappist monas­ tery will be 'shown for the first' , time on. Cape Cod at 7:30 P.M. 'next Sunday in the Chatham Memorial Auditorium. The compiling of the film "Pax Intrantibus"-"Peace to Those Who Enter"-is the, work of Vincent Andrews of South Attle­ boro, who received special per­ mission to photograph scenes within a Cistercian abbey. SPonsored by the societies of .Holy Redeemer Church, the showing of the film is open to the public. There will be no admission fee, but donations will be accepted and given to the Monks to assist in the building, of their abbey at Spencer, Mass.


PI,~n ~~ry'$. 'Hour

At Los



ANGELES (NC) , ­ "Mary's Hour" in the giant La. Angeles Memorial Coliseum on­ Ma')' iI will be this archdiocese's tl'ibute to Our Lady of Lourdes during this centennial year of her apparitions. ' "Our Lady of Lourdes, Grant Us Peace Through the Rosary" will be the theme of this hour of public devotion to the Blessed Mother, Father John P; Lan­ guille, Mary's Hour director, an­ nounced this week. Students of the foul' local Catholic colleges, and members of the 23 Newman Clubs in the archdiocese, will again organize and present Mary's Hour, as the,. have done for the past 10 years. Mary's Hour consists of reci­ tation of the rosary a brief ,sermon and benediction. A rep­ tation of the rosary, a brief formed by hundreds of elemen­ tary and high school children. In the past 10 years attendance at a single Mary's Hour' has been as high as 100,000. The de­ votion was originated in 1948 by Catholic college students here. Il was first held in Hollywood Bowl, but was transferred to the Coliseum because of the size of the congregation. His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, presides at "Mary's Hour." LOS

Free Textbooks SALEM, Ore (NC) - Gov. Robert D. Holmes of Oregon said here that opposition to a state law providing free text­ books to private and parochial school children is "based on reli­ Cious prejudice."

Cites Philosophy Underlying Law SACRAMENTO (NC) -


need for a "basic. philosophy" underlying law was emphasized

DEDICATION SET FOR MAY 13th: Ou~ Lady of Fatima statue receives finishing touches by' U. S. Dominican sculptor Father Thomas McGly~n,athjs workshop in Pie­ trasanta; Italy. After Easter, the statue will be on display to local people, then crated and; shipped to Our Lady's Shrine at Fatima, Portugal, where it is expected to be dedi­ Cated Gn May 13th. ' Father McGlynn, a Dominican of St. Stephen's Priory, Dover, Masa., was commissioned to ~o the statue by the, la~e ,Bishop Jose AI~es Correia da Silva, of, Leiria. It will be ins~l1edoverthe entrance of the basilica in Fat~ma. NCPhoto.

here by James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop of Loll Angeles. Cardinal McIntyre warned that "soCialism and communism are the destiny of thinking de­ prived of phil()sophical guid­ ance." He added: ''The law of God is the law on which all law is based." The Cardinal spoke at a din­ ner following celebrations of the f~rst annual Red Mass in the Sacramento diocese.

: Cardinal McIntyre pointed out that '''we' cannot -have life with­ out law." He said: "We all rec­ DUBLIN (NC)'- An Ir,ish clude both ,plays"in -this;;ye~r'~, -'I.7he If~,Tim,.es, Dublin,secu­ ognize a, drift, away from, the pr\est has, denounced, newspaper, ,festival, it later deci.ded to with., lar daily, attacked what it called 'democracy of law which 'is a attacks on 'Archbishop John Mc-' draw'them. No reason, for theit' the provincialism of the council fundamental factor in the Ub­ Quaid' Gf, Dublin for his'decision withdrawal was gfven'~ and "protested against what it erty of man." to deny permission to open An " : ,,'i termed"the interference 'of the" "If the'fundamentals of de­ Tostal, ,Ireland's national festi­ Church. mocracy are infringed upon," he val, with a Votive Mass.

' , , No Curtain-Raiser remarked, "we can look with ,It was understood that the deci­ The' 'Sta'ndard leading Irish some apprehension to the sion ,was made in protest against GOA '(NC)-,.Archbishop Jose Catholic we~kl;, published a future." two plays scheduled as features Vieira Alyernaz"Patriarch of the strongly worded reply by Father of the festival. One was an adap­ East Indies and, Archbishop of Alfred' O'Rahilly popular au­ tation of James Joyce's novel, Goa, blessed ,the restored church thor, ~peaker aoci former presi­ "Uly.sses." The other was the on nearby Angediva Islanq which dent !)fthe University College At OUR LADY OF world premiere of Sean O'Case had be,en built by Portuguese Cork: ' .THE ASSUMPTION wor:ld, ,p r!! m ~ ere, o( Sean . expl()rer Vasco da Gama in 1498. .' Th~ ~~iest' noted that Arch­ O:Cas~y~s; late:;;t plaY,,"No DJ;'Uml!. ,Vasco da Gama was commis-; bishop McQuaid' had made no . CHURCH fQr Fath~r Ned.!' ' . " , " . ' sio,~ed;by King Manoel of Port':' direct"comment 'on the 'contro-: .<So. Sixth and C'henJ' StL ,~thoUgh th~, festival. CQuncIl ugal to find an ocean route'to versial plays. He merely exer­ New Bedford at"llrstann~unced Utat It yr0';lld, the, East Inqies..,.He sailed, from cised his right "to decline to have, Daily Evening Mass 10, a~ad wlth the plans to m:r..is~n in ,1497 ~nd arI:~ved ~ Holy. Mass used as a curtain­ (Except Sunday) lndi~ in, May" 1498, ,becoming, raiser for two plays." St~ CoUe'ge~, the first ,man "to round the, Cape:, ,' The ' priest charged' the-' Irish 5:15 P.M. .,DiaJJ1 Stations of. &be 'c~ Tim:es with flouting and ridicul'-'.; Sc~olar~hips';,:' of, ~ood Hope", " 12:10· "LQRETTO (NC) '.,...- Scholar- , , The little church had 'fallen' ing,,;the convictions-of Gth<dics to undermine the Ships .'to' Francis' College, into disrepail" through ,the cen-' ami' attempting' ConfessioDs ,before all Massea 1 valued at $575 each" be lUries, and rest<>rationwork, 'on dignity' an4 spiritual authority ~hers of ~Sacred Hearts awarded 'to 10 ' high scliool it, was ,only recently finished.' ,: of·the ChurCh: """ , ... I. seiii,o"rs together: with six partiai , " scholarships vaiued' at $285' to $100. ' , ' Scholarship recipients will be eelec,ted from the highest, re­ dired . on tt.e ftist and popular .21 ,OOO-ton vessel lults of the Princeton College Entrance Examination, plus out­ from New York Apn1 12 standing academic and personal Q~EEN qUalities. The deadline for from Boston April 13 scholarship applications with In time 101' this Pennsylvania college is March 31, Applicants may writ" to the Secretary of the Scholar­ , ship Committee.

Dublin Prelate Refus,es ,Mass: 'For "()pe.,i,,g 'of Festivql

Vasco' da Gama Church Blessed


During ,LENT










tlte great



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'r. ' , .

Vatican' Exh'ibit

'Seeks Pictu're·s. '.

By Mary Tinley Daly The special . delivery; air mail ·letter from. Eileen in Bristol came some months ago:. . , "Dear Mom and Daddy," it read, "Tony and I are going



_. Bureau· of Information, of,


National Catholic Welfare an­ . llounced here that it is gather., ing photographs of American to have a baby. Isn't it wonderful 7. We are so thrilled. • • .. Catholic life for exhibition' at Needless to say, we are As the olde~generation, we see the ,Vatican Pavilion ·of. the llappy for them' and with the other side of the coin-and Brussels World Fair of 19~8., them. But we should like to what fun to make 'up that pack,Father .John E. Kelly, direc­ be nearer than an Il-ho'ur age! . tor of the bureau,. said in 8 ·th f r grandchl'ldren al statement that a' request for Wl drive over mountains. Why? ou such' photographs was made. to Well, just because-.:a woman's ready, 'we are not unfamiliar ftason, eo mwith the baby departments. of Archbishop Francis P. Ke.ough 'p 0 u n d e d of stores--and is there.8 more deof Baltimore,' chairman of the many 'factors. lightful one? ' NCWC administrative board, by According. to .Welcome U1e New ' the Commissariat Gene'i'al's of..; the SOciologists, . Recently, we visited another fice for ttte Hoiy See's exhibit. ·:E'i I e en a'n'd departlnent, buying 'a dress for .. Fath~r Kelly' sai4 theb~rea'u '1'~my 'and' 'the Eileen in a cheery a'tmosphere, "f has appealed in llletter toCa~h~. baby are a . surrounded by happy customers' . ' olic organizations '.lor :photo­ .-conjugal' fam.: .: and clerJ!:s. In this era, it's hard STUDENT NURSES CAPPED:, Among th'e 36 'stu-: .graph!! and .negatives't~..~ ~~r~' .. 1Iy" (husband, to believe, but I ca,n ~ell, re- d' S A ' " 'H'. ' ."t I F' II R" '. '... ,of a collectIOn: of such .~)lct~re. wife' aod' chil.: member asking for a ma~ernity dent nurses cappe at t. nne fi. OSpI a,. . a Iye~, ~re,' from all eountries of. ,the world; dre'n),' wh i l e dress' and being directed surrep-left to r~ght,Jea~ine Lavo,ie, Muriel Byro~,. CI~udet1;e Saloi~ " Li. 'T~pi~ . :johnny and L'u'::'::::.. titiously' to the back corner of and JudIth CorreIra. ' . ; TIt·,· t ' h ' : d ish ld'




::n,thl~~n~~il~. 'Iii: metropolitan ar~a


.' ~~i~::~~~r~ss::;':~;o~e:. 'St'udent ~Iurse's Re'ee' .-Ye'


a" p'"s" .


"a~ ~~ca~ret 3~la;n~het~bY

are' part'. out: maternity dresses. on one 1"llIIl 6 3/4 inches and the' negativ.es of the so-called ."kinship fam.;. side and on the other side-of all 'An~.els' should be 2 1/4 by'2 1/4 inches. lly,". with in~laws' all over the things--shrouds!Ugh! Let's f o r - , An explanatory caption sho'uld place. get the old and welcome ill the Rt. Rev. Monsignor James J: New' Bedford: Ann Aylward; accompany each, he said. Gerrard V. G., Pastor of St. Gail Barton; Pauline CharpenThe topic's for the pictures . 'Which is better, conjugal or new... 'kinship? It's' a nice question, Back to the "conjugal" vs. Lawrence's Church, New Bed- tier' Jane' Constant; , Beverly' were listed 'as the following:' and one which can be answered "kinship" family;· ... We always ford, capped thirt~ six student Dickens; Claudette Dufresne; , 1. A realistic idea of the so­ only by the young people in- have to translate this, as we ~ nurses at ceremomes conducted Alma LaFrance' Joan Manha' cial needs of different classes volved. Probably, it is a yes-no- the discalced and, calced Car- for the first time in the .new Phyllis Menard; 'Rosemarie Mot~ and the solutions proposed by iffy answer. . melites: in the first instance, it Chapel of St. Anne's Hospital, tao Rosemary' Norton' Doris TetCatholics. Though we try not to drop in is without and within-laws, in the only Catholic hospital in the re~ult. ' '.2. The collaboration of too often at the little house on the second, ,~ithout and witb Fall R.iver Diocese. . Swansea:' Helen Johnson; Vii'- people of different professions, Valley Road where Johnny and sho·es. In hl~ serm~m, Mons1~nor Ger- ginia Morissette; SharonO'Bri«m. class, nationality or race woi'kLu and the four babies live, we , With tb,e speed. of modern rard emphaSized the Idea that . ' ing for one goal. f\nd .an almost irrisistible im- transportation, a "conjugal fam- care of the body is only one side Eas.t Taunton: Janet Conlon. 3. Family life, education and pulse to direct the nose of the ily" could' become, for the time of .the nursing profession. "The North Dartmouth: Joan Galli- preparation for marriage, the 'car that way. Somehow, just being, a "kinship family". wi.thin soul," he said,. "is the vitalizing gan.. ·. significance of the woman in .eeing them ... well, forgive a a matter. of hours, but it would . principle of life and thus must Raynham: Maureen.Connors." socfety. ".' . irandmother. And, resolutely, not, of, course,. change theintrin- .. be of the utmost concern to the. . Somerset: Madeline Frado. "4. Vocational orientation, we don't too' often "drop in." sic' nature of : the family. They' nurse. The compassion that,. 'l;'aunton:' Sandra Souza.' professional life, safety at work, We know; though, that when and are' still on' their'· own; ·making Christ manifested so often dur- " 'NeWpod: . Abigail. Powers;. mao and' automation, man and if ,theyrieed' a helping hand they· their. way as a fam~ly· unit. in' ing life' should the foremost' '. : "., , :the' technical progress... ' .' :. wiU turn to' us of the in-law a community other than that in idea and perpetual ideal in the.. . JOIns, Cla,i'etiQi'ls: 5. Habitation,' home decor­ ~'be ' . Wh'IC h th ech'ldh d h orne i s life of a nurse." " ' t y.. 'I l'fe.'

.. I •.. ' I 00· . ROME (NC)-A former prime.- a t"Ion,' communi .Far From Kin ., .located, with all the relatives Following the capping cere-, minister of Colombia' 'and 'one-

A. for Eileen and T,ony',·th,e and friends. ' . ' m o n y , Benediction of the Most ,," .' Story of .Eas' t'e,' . .' Blessed Sacrament was c'ele-, time ,am,bassador of that country. . ,. ..'. ~ . . , -conJ;ug'a, 1 fam. ily" ,far away: .HOL LYWOOD (C , As. a "conjugai family" of th,e br·ated. by Monsignor Gerrard. .' to th e Ho1y S ee, h as ta k en h IS N ) -'-,' 'The· ·•...ey a're' in the same .position the, pa.st,.. we. missed the proximity He wa's assisted by" R,t. Rev..·· vows , h'ere as , a mem b er 0 f the . D'ay, . 'After,. ,;. s't' ory . .'. C!f th e.· f'Irs' t WI · Head;of the House and I were in,' of relatives.. · Yet, .on the:other,. lium.oerto S.. M.,edeiros, Chancel-" M'Isslonary' . ' S ons 0..,: .~ 'th e I' mmacu. , E as t er, WI "II. b'e'presen t e d 'on.·the aquarter-ce,n,tury ago, establish- .hand, we had .• certain sense. . lor, Rev. Augus.tine Sequin O.P:, Ia te ' H'ear. t 0f M' ary. '. (C'l' . . Th ea t er, b ' d -. aret·18n A'l pn 6 M ar18n roa lng our family far. away from of independence; , t .b' ' k' . ' We had no . Rev. Anthony Lanoue O.P., hos- . F a th' s ) . . , cas . y thO e' M u t ua 1'" ne t wor all kin. .The bonds of family' in'-law problems, 'but we had no . pital chaplains and Rev. COr/DeL' Add t d I' f" 0 to' 30 P M-' EST') . UIS. n. ra e. en ere. r~.I-, ' rom 1 10: . . ( . .were .kept up by. letter, by rare family confidences during times Hus J. Keliher, ch.aplain to the' ,gl.OUS 1If e·s h o~ tl.y a ft e~ h 1S w.,If e.. F ea t' ure d ro1es WI'11 b e' I p aye d long-distance, phone calls .and of uncertainty...,,-and we had no' Nurses' Guild. d 1e d ~evera.1 years ago. H e h as b y Lo re tta Y oung, Step h en . M c­ . by pray'ers. in-law help, eith..er! . h The music portion of·the protree. c h il d ren, all of w h om are. N a 11y, P a t O'B' nen, M" aureen Now, for the first time, we Eventually Kinship d ' O'S 11' d R' d O'C onnor. ' grain was rendere.d by the Glee \,~ marn.e . . u Ivan an o· realize the pleasure that our In a quasi-philosophical mood, ~ Midwest family must have de- as the Head of the House and I Club. of St. Anne's School of' .

rived from "sending on a few· were discussing' this, and making Nursmg. : '

things for the' baby." At· the plans 'for a trip to Bristol to The· Rev. Philip C. Kelly, C.-

time, we thought that ·we, as' welcome the' new Master or Miss S.C., conducted a· three day re­ . , treat for the following thirty-six recipients, had all the pleasure. Brennan, ,the Head of the House, came up .with a compromise that students who were capped: . never before had occurred to us: Fall River: Rose Marie Barry; Muriel Byron; Judith. Correira; ·~'Start out with one of your C eel'1 e C ou10m b e,. Mary Coyle,' so-called 'conjugal families'?" Pauline Garcia; Jeannine LaThat are RI~H'I\J'YELLOW'N'ROBU~TFrom A Jesus-Mary Academy senior· he asked. "That's, the way we voie; Margaret Nester; Ann did. After a while-:-quite a while Marie Pacheco; Barbara Peck­ has won. a second place scholar­ ship, valued at $500, in the Betty -'-you 'automatically became a' ham; Madeline Ring; Mary Lc:>u '. . 'kinship family' if you rear chil- . Ryan', Claudette Salois', Jane' , . Crocker ~omemaker of .Tomor­ dren. . , . Zawrotny; Rut.h Zygiel. 145 W~shington Street, Fairhaven ., Just oH Route 6 row contest. "But," the chuckle 'came from Catberine GQulet, daughter of great depth .of understanding, Mr. and Mrs. Julieri R.' Goulet a"you find yourself in need of of 233 ·Brightman Street,Fall . in-laws .... You 'get, along and The Jesus Mary Alumnae AsRiver,. received, the. rating for eventually you fiiid yourself 'a' .aciation will sponsor its aimua~"

her: say on ho~emaking father-in-law-yoU're. a . grand- :'. white elep~ant sale ~t 8 o'cloCk'

knowledge" and- aptitudes in fabler. and married to "rand- Saturday nI~ht,. April 12 in .the.. '. . . .... . eonvent auditorIUm.

.' , . competition' with 9611 'senior mot~,er. And.~o.u.dls~o.yc:r.t~!lt, ,,'Miss Cecile; Gendreau chair-'

. girl~, in ",223 sChools ';throughout you've established a' 'kinshIP': . ': ' ! , . the state~'\ ' fam'l ,,,.. . . . . man, apd' Mrs. ·:Yvette LaJOie, co­ .' chairman were chosen, to head .i:Miss GoUlet; now' attending· '. ' I y', . . . , the 'academy ,OIl ai four-year, the 'committee during a special '.' 'sCholarship, plans _to' use this 'ir1eeting of the officers, PHILApELPHIA (NC)--.,.New-' new grant ·toward a' degree in electrical engineering at Brad- . vocations' to the religious life totaled 601· in the Archdiocese ford Durfee College of .Tech­ ,0f.PhiladelpQ~alast year,' accord_ nology, Fall River. ing to figures released by the office of the superintendent of diocesan schools here.

Hosp.-t·O· I..

A·t. St_






Fall River Girl Wins Scholarship


Alumnae Plan Sale'






Many : Vocations:"



Church Meeting LONDON (NC)-A meeting between members of the World Council of Churches, a non­ Catholic ecumenical group, and the Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church will take place next August.

LEQH.BERUBE. 951 Slade St.


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'Toda(s Fashions,


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New L:in'gerie WCl,~~C):be,<

Is Essential for' Spring. ",.;

-mt ANCHOR.;..' ,

Maryknoll Nuns Describe Mission Wo,1c "to, New Bedford,Women

, Thun., March 27:"9~a

, By 'EDen Kdey, . . , , :-:p The 'new' lingerie is: :slim or fuB;,'. as you choose. Defi­ nitely

y<>u,. need·.a shorter

aength in lingerie for pleasing length skirts call for new, shorter .slips and pettis. By the way, the lacy petti­

result~ with '~the new 1(J)():!r!" Shorter

skirt features the ~ew length, tapers, too •• Just like chemise dresses. And. for really short chemises, do try the cherrusette! For full dresses you will., of course, want • different style • . a slip.or petti-skirt that's softly fi~unoed. b t t bouffant. uKano ·f 'bri let 1~-~erie sy-care ~ cs . u.u,s go frothy .. ofier genuine luxui-y . . . -lacy el.eganeeplus e&$}'-eare. . ....' T~e new, d~;" ial.oohtfuhems ' "'~~~ fl~~eesare so ,,,,e 19 .. u, ~ ...",:,,~

and they reall.; hold their .shape. 1I noted a stunning cotton suit

yesterday... a black/white ·check that was real!Ystu~. It could be worn ~Vlth or Wlth­ out a bl~use, and Its new longer ~t can be worn over other .thIF~":'· fr p." d' . ......ton news om ans In 1­ cates that colorful "glitter jewel-. ," h' h th S .-i.... .fashien ry ...,. Ig on e p• ...-­ horIZOn. Large and bnpDrtant­ •__.... bOb d ;sauto'U'l!l ....... .-i.­ ~_Ing 1 . S an 'colorful aeeentto ZDm1Y ~ tumes. M:as~s of Pit chains in.lI~e,. tIJo.,: ~any, f~~ ,.~; are, .draped into. heart-shaped , ~leate p~eatin~~ t~at stay 11'1.,. bibs' combined with rhinestones .' ,So~e ,Qf .thll,~ew ~nd .~ncreas;- ,clli'/in dimon'd 'shapes : (showA lfigly popular petti-skirts are at :'crea,' with great ,fashiGft made of a clever· ·blend of ftair)! 0 ~acroQ-a11ld:nylliln., (~~ .. If)Ok Cilt filagree roses are placed ll~e e:x~nSlv.e.sa~ .. ,,~t :are ateac'h side of the hair at Lan­ nylon or dacrop-nylon. blenlis.) 'Vm...castiUo. Leaves to mateh Th~y was,? an.d dry qUiCkly, re­ make interestingearringswoM qUIre no ~romn~. (What tI boon w,jth them. Two white feathel" to busy ~the:s and equally wings and shooting stars studded bll.!'Y eareer.astsl. with golden stones" accompany Lounge Wear a white evening dress at Bal­ The new lounge wear is main. ehemise-stylecl, too. Have .TOll P 8 to u features oollar":like seen the new" delightfullY dif­ nec1claces filf blue and ,green ferent chemise-look housecoats'! stones set in silvery mount­ They let you have the new look inp with long front pend­ for ~t-home, ·too. Many dust~, ants. for instance £eaturebackbow~. A 'bib of multicolorst9nes Many feature the cozy COCOOD masses various shapes in blue" l,ook" ~ike a ,chemIse. green and turquoise, with rhine­ Another housecoat features.a stones and mock pearls at Liln­ front tie and loosely dDpecl yin-Castillo. ' " 'Earrings anel Pins back. AoothCrstyle features interesting, deep flounces. Many Eatrings and pins take new are featured :'in solid colo~s . .. fOnTIS for Springtinie, '581 Dior in soft pastels and dc:p, Vl'brllnt shoWs 'jet earrings abOUt tbiee eolors. Others come lD marvel"" inches long ending in a pendant OlU prints . . . in novel c01or­ of pointed 'stones. com'bines-all ·4efiniteiy ,flatter­ Rhinestone earrings Shown at lng. Lanvin-Castillo are 3* inches !I should like to stress again long! th~ importance ·of 'Spring aJiU,. Pendant brooches and unusual Aetu.al1~, you ~ really live in leaf forms, give new feeling to a :SUIt for ~he nex.t tw~ months. pins. Petals stUdded with rhine­ The new hght.-weIght wools ;are stones end wi.\h dangling !ba­ a joy to wear. On cool, SI'l(!)~7 roque pearls fonn a tiered or rainy days, nothing looks brooch at .Dior. . A branch-shape brooch at smarter .'. . feels more com­ f~tab1e, '. . IHor is entirely studded with 'A litUe suit' !like the light;- rhinestones. Weight wool is. 'Wonderful for 'Despite the angry winds that travel • . . with :. mange of bow ami the veiling of snow, blouses, it ahvays looksiliresh "the hounds of Spring are on and crisp. You'll enjoy wearhlg Winter's traces" and we have this light-weight wool sw.t ~gain entered the v~nal equinox. •.. beginning in"early Fall.. •. Spril~g, in all its unearthly beau­ and on ,through the Wmter ty, is at the threshold. Saluting JIlctnths. . it, let us lift up our hearts in ~o, you can ~adily see. thatglactness that this wonderful thIS type of surt is practically newaeason is a-boming! perfect for .'most of the fOIl,r lIeasons here in New England where the weather's so whimWASHINGTON (NC) - Ar­ lIical! ' rangements have been com­ Cotton Suits, Popular pleted for the TV network of :Spring '58 is a great season West Germany to purchase the too for the cotton suit. You'll award - winning film '~ries note real designer suits in cotton "Rome Eternal." produced 07 this year . .• many look just the National Council of Catholic like worsteds, they're so firm Men.



, Approximately 1300 American The Communists use a nine­ nuns are working closely with point program in their infiltra­ people constantly 'exposed· to tion' methods, Sister said, the Communism in China;. Africa, main: points being ,(a) to pene­ Ceylon, F.ormosa, Bolivia, Peru, trate sch~ls operated b'y the Korea': and Hong Kong,' Sister . :Churches, both' Catholic and Mary Winifred, P.G., of the" Protestants, (b) to· join student Maryknoll Missions' :told the associations and become leaders members of Hyacinth Circle No. of these students, (c) to attend 71 Daughters of Isabella at their 'religious serviCes and take tlie annual Communion breakfast at initiative in causing' dissension New Bedford Hotel following . among the teachers. Their slogan the 9.o'clock Mass at Holy Name is "Use the enemy to divide the Church. enemy." .' Sister Mary Winifred then in­ in 1912, Sister Winifred said, troduced Sister Herman Joseph, ' when the Maryknoll Sisters M.M.; ~ho has spent most of order was founded, many people her religious life in the Pusan prediCted mission work would Clinic in Korea. Sister Herman be too· difficult for American Joseph spoke 'of the goodness of ·girls. The number of American our servicemen .in Korea, and nuns' irithe miSsion field proves how ,they· bathed and fed the the prophecy wrong,. SiSter poor .Korean children. She said Winifred poin!ed out. . . that, at the Clinic, they have take~: care of as many as 2,0()0 patients daily:. , In '1951, there were. 300,000 families in South" Korea and. six months later, 'the number had pl~Steee~, has also b~n',~ffered increased to two million fami­ , half-tuition scho.larshlp"w lies. The infl U:l[ was, due .10 Stonehill College. She lias refugees cOming from Commu­ imlintained highest h 0 n or I nist-controlled' territory above throughout high 'school, whi~h the 38th parallel. .she entered, on a scholarship Sister Herman Joseph said that won in a competitive examina­ the Koreans are a simple and tion at the academy. lovable people, and are grateful She is a member of the Dom­ for the aid from the American inican Debaters and ~ co-editor people. She described their of :the 1958 yearbook.. She has method of distributing clothing, held several class offices', be­ food and medical· supplies with­ longs to glee club, journalism out, thought of religious distinc­ and Quo Vadis clubs, and has , tion. participated in intramural ,tour­ naments in basketball, volley­ ball and ping' pong.

AI"erfusMagnus College Awards': Schoia;sh'jp to'FallR.rver Girl, . RooheUe H.:mivier,· a senior at Dominican Academy, Fall River has been awarded a full tuiti~ 'scholarship to Albertos Magnus Col,lege, given on the basis of the' January College Entrance Examinations and the 'National Merit Scholarship examiriations of October, 1957.' ,RGChelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olivier of 239 Whip-

Newsstands Feature 'New Prayer Book NEW YORK (NC) - Some­ thing new in prayer books has made its appearance on the na­ tion"s newsstands. ' , Un~que in format, "A Catholic

Prayer Book" is also anapolo'­ getical. work that explains the

'faitl: as .it presents the pray¢ni. The Hail Mary, for instance, is

preceded by an explanation of

'why Catholics pray to Mary. ' The pocket-size . paperback volwne offers selections from

the Mass, -the Divine Office,the

Liturgical Year, the' Creed, the Stations of the Cross, the Sacra­ ments and the Marriage Instruc­ tic)D. It also includes the little known English Catholic prayer frmm which comes "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep," which ,many parents taught tbeir children as , a night prayer. A special section lists addresses where the reader could Qbtain more infonnation about tbe Church and ways of developing

spiritual life. Father Tbomas

Merton wrote the preface of the book which is edited by Dale ' Francis, editor of the Lone 'Star

Edition of Our Sunday Visitor,

which is the Austin, Texas diocesan ~per. '

On sale for 50 cents, "A Cath­

fillic Prayer Book" is published

by Dell Publishing Company here.


Telecast on Famed ShrOud of Turin

,NEW YORK (NC)-For. the fifth eonsecutive year the Amer­ fcan Br6adcasting Company tel­ evisien network will present a Good Friday telecast' regarding the Shroud of Turin. . . ' Th- program will be seen from 4:30 to 5 P.M, on Good Frid\lY, ApT'il' 4. It 'will be narrated by Jesuit Father Francis L, Filas, theology professor' at Loyola University ,Ch icago.

Funeral Home Helen Aubertine Brough Owner and Director

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129 Allen St.

New Bedford


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-Photo by Co.lvey


JUNIOR CLASS AT ST. MARY'S: Junior class officers

'at the Taunton high school are, left to right, Irene Dubois, treasurer; Beverly Oliveira, secretary; Leona Morin, vice­ president; and Rita Hutchins, president.

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The FamHy (:!:nic I

Cites Steps to be Taken In Determ~ning' Vocation

\ I

By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. . .


Assistant Professor of Sociology St. Louis University

.When is a girl ol<;l enough to make up her own mind about what she will be in life? I've wanted to enter the religious life /lince I was in sixth grade. Because' I'm an only child, my parents are very much opposed and are even sending me to a public high tual and moral endowments. You apparently have the right inten­ school so I won't be "promp­ ted" by priests and sisters. tion, enjoy good health, are I ~on't 'want to disobey my doing well in your studies, and parents, but I'm 16 now and feel 'are obedient and persevering. I'm old enough to make my oWn Understand Religious Life decisions. What do you think? Second, siQce you are not going Well, Agnes, to start your own order-I hope .there are deci­ -you have to select some reli­ .sions and deci­ gious congregation engaged in sions. We' r e the type of work you feel you old enough to . would be able to do, and in . make our own which you would llke to serve . decisions when ,God. Is it nursing? Teaching? we' r e o I d . ' Missionary work? Contempla­ e n o' ugh t o " " tion? There are religious. con::' know the neces- . gregations establishe'd for almost ' RECORD NUMBERS MARK POPE'S ANNIVERSARY:' More than 50 nations were sary facts, the '., 'every variety of work, 'and many represented at a Solemn Pontifical Mass in Washington'sNational Shrine of the Im­ pertinent prin. of them combine: several major m~culate Conception, marking the 19th anniversa'ryOf the coronation of His Holiness eiples; and how ".types..·..'.. ~ .. ,. ,Pope Phis XII. .Pictl,lred. are fiv.e: ambassadors attending, from left, Mr. Hugues Le Gal- . ' to apply t h e s e ; " Third,: b~causey'o", 'h~v~beerl' lais, ambassador of Luxernbourg ; Signor Manlio Brosio,' ambassador of Italy; Senor DOD logically to the reading about the religious life, ' ease ,under discussion. IU!k~ it for gran~e4_ that . you Jose' ~. de Areilza; ambassador of Spain; Mr. John Joseph Heam;'ambassador of Ireland; This'isn't really a function 'of have a generaf ide'a concerriirig' and Senor Don Fernando Berckem~yeJ:'..ambassad6! of Peru: The occasion was the largest , age, 'but of knowledge and pru.,. the vows, rules, and wayof.·life turnout of ~iplom~ts to- honor· the ,Holy, Father, in ,the years that the anniversary ··hal dent.judgment. IJ:1 making dt!Cj.. : :which ,religious ,congregations ooen observed in the natio~'s :capitol. NC Photo. . sions. which have far-reachj'~g uniformly opset"e. . consequences, such as choosing . ;;Make Own Decision .', :~-TH.E.A~~~()R our life vocation, we mustpro-' I., .. Fourth, ..although " you owe· Thurs.,March 27, 1958 Af" .. . C ..... NEW YORK (NC) - Father reed slowly 'andwith care. ".,. :. respect' and 'obedience to yo~r".,· . . ". . '. . . Good sign' ',. '.". " parents, they have taken such enou'gh" to make your OWi'l'deci..:' :WASHINGTON (NG) -:. The, ,.Joh·~. L. Thomas, S ..J., assistant You tell me that you have:' "'an' unchristian 'attitude toward sion in this regard. White Fath"ers of Africa baptized ,pro~essor of sociology at St. been praying a lot and readin'g "':your vocation that one may well .. Seek Advice 364,~56 persons in their missions Louis University, will speak on books.. on the religious life for .. "question their judg~ent in this . dunng 1957. Of the total '''Holy Week and the American the past six years: Such petse';" I 'matter. At any rate; it is imposYour ne:c~ step' w!ll be to con111,187 persons were adult con­ People" on the "Church of the verance in spite of no 'outside" sible to justify their decision to sult a spiritual dl~ector, your verts. The number of baptized support from parents or teachers"" transfer you 'to a public 'school ·confessor or any pnest you feel native Catholics in the White. Air" 'program at 10:30 Sunday is a good sign you're not day- so that you would not be encour- .' you can talk to with confidence. Fathers' missions reached an night,. March 30, over the Co­ dreaming or letting your imag~ aged 'in your vocation by priests Explain your views and put all-time high of 3 875087 during lumbia Broadcasting System inat;ion run away with you. ' or sisters. , y o u r s e l f under his direction. 1957-more than 15 per cent of radio network. Aren't ,you now old enough' to', Since .you tell me, "they don't' If,?e feels that you ·have a the total population in the areas mak;~ up, your own mind in',' want' me to enter now ·or later," .vocation, he can. then help you under their jurisdiction. regard,. to your vocation? I think we can safely assume select some religious community Also in 1957 the White Fathers W.e, can probably answer that that their judgment in this mat- for 'furt?er study.' When you, opened eight new mission posts, question better if we see what ter is not based on sound moral enter Will depend upon your bringing their total African mis­ is needed to make an intelligent principles and can consequently mutual decisions, and, of course, sions to 585. The number of decision ,in this matter. , b e ignored.' the p,ermission of the' 'religious, White Fathers serving in the First, wpat qualities are reWhat should you ao? Well, supenors. missions totaled 1,976, and there quired for success in a vocation Agnes, if you think you have What about your parents? were 298 Brothers. . Since you are only .16, you may to the religious life? Stated·. the 'proper qualifications, if you have a problem trying to enter briefly, you must have the in- know enough about the religious . at once, as you' now desire. On tention of consecrating yourself life to understand what such a th. th h d l't' 'bl th t CHARLES F. VARGAS . \., . . .' to: the service of ,God and the .' vocation implies, and if you have'. e 0 e~ .tanl '·d . IS Pt OSSI ~ talak" 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE . ' .. ...:1' your spin ua uec or can . ELECTRICAL saI vatIon .of ~~ls, together With - pray.ed over the matter 'as you II. to th" d h I d'f th' '1J\Y BEDFORD, MASS. the necessary physical, intellec- ;'indicate,I think- .youare .' em. all., ~ p mo I .y elr .CONTRACTORS , , . .' "old ", erroneous views. : .':, p~rental Objections R~sid'enti~l - Com~er~laI Industrial Some parents have acquired , strange prejudices against sisters: 633 Broadway, Fall River . and. convents.·. They· object that.. they do not want to "lose" their, --~ daughter by giving her to Chr.ist.. Tl1is is a strange perversion .of . . Christian. thinking. Oddly , enough, these same parents. do' : not ,hesitate to "lose" their ' daughter in marriage,' even" though she may move far away , from them under present condi­ tions of mobility. S 0 m e Christians evidently , FALL RIVER think very little of Our Lord, MAII:-ING, SERVICE the Divine Spouse.

";10:,,, ...

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CARDINAL SUPPORTS RED CROSS: His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, pre­ sents $2,000 to New York City's Red Cross campaign to raise $6-million. He is presenting his check to Gen. Alfred. 1\1. Gruenth'er, natoinal Red Cross president, with the ex­ planation that "I am giving more this'year because of the mariy disasters which have depleted Red Cross reserves." NC Photo.

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The Yardstick

THE A"'~HO~­ Thurs., March'27,1958

Garment Workers' Union Has· Outstanding' Record

Holy See Grants

Indulgences to

Famed Shrine

By Msgr. George C. Higgins Director NCWC Social Action Dept.

QUEBEC (NC)-New indul. gences have been granted the Shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre by the Holy See on the occasion of its 300th anniversary this year. _ Father Eugene Lefebvre, C.SS.R.,director of pilgrimages for the shrine, announced that pilgrims may gain a plenary in­ dulgence when visiting the shrine on six days during the year, or when making group pilgrimages. Those pilgrims who visit the shrine on the Feast of St. Anne, July 26; on Assumption Day, , August 15; the Feast of S1; Jo­ achim, August 16; the Nativity of Mary, September 8;.Presenta­ tion of Mary, November 21, 01' on the' Immaculate Conception, December 8, and who fulfill the usual condition will be granted plenary indulgences. - Three or more 'persons making a pilgrimage to the North Amer­ ican shrine any time during this tercentenary year ·will be grant­ ed a plenary indulgence.

Several years ago a prominent American industrialist, since deceased, delivered a very interesting and humorous speech on the harm that can be done by the careless and emotional use of slogans in the field of economics and labor relations. He was thinking of words like socialism, responsible unions in the United Slates. . statism, collectivism, com­ There was a time, of course, munism, and the "welfare when it had -to struggle. almost state."

The catchy title of this remark­ able s pee c h, Danger-Words at Work! came to' mind a few weeks ago dur­ ing a conversa­ tion I had with the editor of a European Cath­ olic publication about the strike which had just been called by the In tel' n a­ tional Lad i e s Garment Workers Union in the New York.Pennsylvania area.,;, This strike, which has sin~~ been settled very amicably" was the first' one called by the ILGWiU. in approximately ~, years:' This fact in itseJf 'is' prima facie evidence, (which car;l, be amply supplemented, by studying the record) that lab.or relations in the ladies garment' industry are 'much better than' average and that the union which represents the majority of ,tl'\e, workers in the industry is an ex­ ceptionally mature organization with' a highly developed sense of social' responsibility. Misinformation Unfortunately, however, that isn't the way the ILGWU had been pictured to our distin­ guished friend from Europe. He had been told by people who should have known better that the ILGWU is a "radical" and irresponsible organization con­ trolled by socialists and commu­ nists and that the strike which w~s the'l in process was moraily ini:lefenslb!e. . This isa classical example of the harm that can be done by the careless and emotional (not to'say\malicious) use of slogans in the field of labor relations~' Fortunately, our European vi!l­ itor took'the trouble to check his first impressions of the ILGWU wnich were based' on misinfor­ mation given him by respectable people of considerable standing in their community. 'Otherwise he might well have reported in the influential pub­ lication which he edits in his homeland that the ILGWU is a revolutionary organization dedi­ cated to the abolition of private property, etc., etc. But he is not the gullible type. Without being warned by any­ body, he instinctively sensed the danger refe,rred to in the title of the above mentioned speech-the danger thato is always lurking around the premises when "words are at work" in the con­ troversial field of labor rela­ tions.

violently for the rights of its members, but today, in the words of The New York Times' ace labor reporter, A. H. Raskin, it is "the one stable factor ... in what is probably the most vola­ tile, unpredictable and chaotic sector of' the American econ­ omy." According'to Mr. Raskin, "The manufacturers make no secret' of their dependence on the union as the single force capable of enforcing uniform labor stand­ 'ards in this last outpost of free­ 'wheeling business competition. Without wage stability Seventh .Avenue ,(the center of the ladies, garment industry in New .York ~ City) would start back' down the' . . .YOUTH FORUM .INTERESTING: Doris Bergeron dreary 'road' t6 the 'sweatshop~' and Walter J. 'Gaudette, Jr. are among the many who atten­ Each employer would seek 'an ded the· Youth Forum for Young Adults held in the Ken­ EDMONTON' (NC)-Two "ice advantage over' his neighbor-at nedy Community Center on the five Sundays of Lent. postulates,have been established the expense of' his workers. . Attendance has averaged, 700 every Sunday evening and ir Canada to facilitate Oblate Those who lacked ingenuity in causes of 0eatification before the ' . inch.i'cles a number of Non-Catholics. The talks were on trimming labor costs would lind Sacred Congregation of Rites ill proper attitu~es toward marriage. " ' it hard to stay in business." Vatican City. Father Leo Des­ chatelets, Superior General of , C'onstructive Services , 'the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, In this connection, it is perti­ said' one vice postulate has been nent to note that the ILGWU not created in Montreal, for Eastern only doesn't want to drive em­ Canada, and the other in Edmon­ ployers to the wall but has fre­ NEW YORK (NC) - Despite Until World War I, he said, ton, for Western Canada. quently .taken steps (in the form the rapid population growth in, governments and people in the of loans and technical assistance) relatively recent times "there is West looked upon large and in­ basic problem is not so much one to keep a number of them iii. no. evidence that an inevitable creasing populations' 3l> an eeo:' of overpopulation, but rather . business when otherwise' they catastrophe awaits us" a Brook­ nomic asset. Since then many that of distribution. He said it might have gone into bank,: lyn priest told delegates to a persons have attributed unem­ may be readily demonstrated ruptcy. National. Council of Catholic ployment, poverty and wars to "that the world today, taken as These and many other con­ Women's institute. \ overpopulation. a whole, is perfectly capable of structive services rendered by Decrying the widespread pes­ Even if thE! practice of birth properly nourishing its people. the ILGWU to individual em­ simism current in prosperous control, said the ,priest, were Food is produced in abundance ployers and to the several asso-' western 'mitions, Msgr. William morally tenable "who can dem­ in some areas, insufficiently ill other areas." ciations that represtmt manage- F. Kelly, director of the Social onstrate that it per se would meni in collective bargaining in Action Department of the Brook­ effect the necessary changes in the ladies garment industry are lyn diocese, challenged those international economic trade a matter of public record. They population alarmists who appeal policy and practice? should have been well known to for birth control on the grounds "Who will demonstrate that the' people who handed out so : that "the world is rapidly filling birth control would ipso facto much misinformation ab9ut the.' up..,,-, , uplift the hungrY-from, their. IL(;WU to our European' friend, \ Msiir. Kelly said that ,"obvi­ ' poverty? Can birth control pro"" 3. The ~.nt strik~ in the ':' ously the earth's ,resources are' 'ducetechnological development? ladies' g'arment industry was' oh.e . limited, but who knows those Provide extensive participation of:the most peaceful 'strikes in 'limits? Who today can predict in technical ,l>rogress both in the history of the United States. ' , new discoveries and the P9SS i - ", method and means? Or changes The causes of the strike; which 'bilities yet awaiting discovery 'age-old cult\lral and social' cus­ Women's Apparel , are too involved to be analyzed 'and' use?" toms' of backward people en~ at the tag end of a brief column, No.ting that accelerating tech- . 'ablingthem to adopt modern 262 Union St. Ne", Bedford were adequately' summar:ized in nological developments aremak­ efficie~cy methods?"

Vice Postulates

Asserts BirthControlists Leave

Population Problems Unanswered

aissue feature in Week. the March 8 of article Business ,This article was entitled: "Garment Workers Strike, But 'Nobody Is Very Mad at Anybody." That doesn't sound very revo­ lutionary, does it?


(1) The ILGWU, far from being a communist or pro-com­ munist organization, was one of the first unions in the United States to eliminate the commu­ nists from its own ranks and one of the first to sound the alarm against the threat of communism in other parts of the world. Indeed, the story of this union's vigorous and very effec­ tive crusade against communism both at home and 'abroad has been told so often and is so widely known that one hesitates even to mention it again for fear of being dismissed as an insufferable bore. (2) The ILGWU, far from be­ ing a "radical" 01' revolutionary

ing the'unlimited; world's resources prac­ ticillly Msgr. Kelly poiilted out that food production and'c'onsumption have'improved throughout the world at an 'ap­ proximate rate of three per cent per year.

Check These Banking Services

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Strike Appraised This has been a long introduc­ tion to a 'brief appraisal of the ILGWU and its recent strike:


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By Mo~tRev. Fult.on J. Sheen, D.O.

TAlJPEI ~NC)-Continuecl

United States is a maj@r

reason for the confidence


which has led to the ever-in­

creasing growth of missionary

work on Formosa.

This w,asthe reaction of many

missioners :to the renewed pledge

of U. S.support for this country

by American .Secretary of State

John Foster Dulles on his ·re- .

cent arrival here.

Mr. Dulle~, who caine here.

after attending the Mani'lacon.,.

ference of the Southeast A.si!,

Treaty Organization, said.. ' ;.,.

"The Republic of China, ~\H,la.E!r .

the leadership· of ,l"r~Si~.~t :':.

Chiang Kai-shek, is a major·-a!i\i:~·;.'

indill,Pensa'b'le part of 1:he.~~<!.,

world . defensepartne~ip;f.· ,.

against 'communist expansl~:;~ ,:

The . United . 'Statescontinu~i'; ,-"

3teadf~st in its 'Support of ttiti' H &!public of ehina. -

Father Kennard went to the most iso­

lated mountain 'mission ·of Peru; His terri­

tory he found to be the si~e of Delaware.·

On his arraval, the natives gave him a "Fare­

weLl Dinner" to. indicate that .he was unwel-.

co~e. " .. ' .. : 'Communists ran ~e highschool. Wfthin

a .year, be threw out the Communists and

became its director. The Communists tried

to take his life by sawing the supporting

logs 0' fa bridge that spanned a mountairi

tor.renf over which Father Kennard had to

pass. The, Lord protected him, the bridge

collapsed as he .put hiS foot on land. Today .

he. is so beloveci by: his. people that theT

never will give him alfarewell ciipner.


. •.

1') Note that Communism got Into this rem~te and I1lm.ou" area. -Communists have great zeal for the anti-Chrm bat :Ie. meal 'than this priest had for the ,cause of Christ. v.oeations multiply in those dioceses where the B ~ allow. priests to gO on .foreigti missions. , . S) 'The Holy Falher asked the Bishops to send 'priests for the foreign missions. . Buth.e asks the -laib' to send saerifices . . tb..t he ean support the foreign misBiolUl.

. .

':NEW~BOOKO'N'THEilWASS: Bishop FWton~. :Sh~Jl

. 'dis(;u:sses a ·momentm Ithe .MaSs with internationaHy-kn(j)Ml .photogr.aphe~· Yousuf Karsh of Ot.taw.a.. Karsh took' 30 fun page photographs of Bishop'Sheen ,celebrating .Mass to illustrate descriptions .~y Henri. Danie1~R0l>s f.or "This Is The ,Mass;" . p"tibllshed ,this week. by Hawthorn Books.


DES MGINES(NC9-' '''Aog~sors upon t'he natura1 :tiights


In 1953 Our Holy Fathe~ asked American' Bishops to send. priests to neglected' Mission .lands. Boston has sent some; so has St, Louis. Our story is about Portland. Oregon wbere Arcb~ bisbop Howard allowed one of his priests \0 go to "l!o place where no 'one else would wanl . . .. to go."

sUPJl0rt iof iFree China !by the



Sacrifices SUp,port Missio~s

God Love You

Mis's'ion .'Priests Are £ncourag~d By U.S. Aid

Bishop 'S.t,resses - P a.- h a ren'u ;' 19 ' Is

.. ,.;.~,:~.:'.

. '



·Last year the citholiea of 'the ,United States averaged 300 'Pa'l'ents~" .to educate ithe~r' :~Ie apiece sent to the Holy Faherfor his 135;000 missionaries.. Think chilal'en must be "watcheiaand .• ':~ p~ :I~ W, ' ., . of it! The equivalent of one paek'age of cigarettes a year to the dealtwi.,th immediately t "Bish9P ' . Continued from Page One ,'Continued ,Ifom Page One Vicar of. Christ for the pOOr of the world. In the Name of Our . Stephen:S. Woznicki of $agUui~,· .:i:>r"'Fu~hs said he believesth~i' ;'For the first time," he said, Lord and His Blessed Mother make' that much of a sacrifice daily Mioh. Ihas warned. .. ;"'.. ; 'a'ritf"Catbolic ..voting.'5entllnent . '~men areaWaI'e not only of their and send it to the Holy Father through his own' Society for the Bisl~op Wozn'icki 'made 'tlie··. oit,·the Presidential.;'1e~l 'h~s ,.increasing interdependence, 'but Propagation of the Faith. statement in a .pastorn'l· le't~:'· been diminiShing lor the .past 16· ,alSO of their marvelou~ unit,y. nOting Naw@nal Cath01ic:.R~F'l.'years and 'what remains :o{:it·i~.That means that humamty wrn GOD LOVE YOU to J.A.C. tor $5 "This is an every payday Life 'Week, March 116 ll:o~.:ftIe ... now .to be found·.il.angelY·~n;areas::becomealways more ready to promise for the Missions." . . .: to M.G~B.. for. $2.5 "I am sending is ?resident'~f the !National Cath.:.~: tha.t .are politically uJUm..jH»1~t.· feel itself a part of >the Mystical you some money to be used for the poor." . . . to MoE. for ,$1 "I otic Rural Life eonference,.Jy0m,.. :. . ' .. Anti-{)&tholie:Ar.eas· ','.' Body of 'Christ. Consequently, give you this ·dollar from my own money. I earned this money w1loseheadquarters 'here t'he:.let7.. .·,,·tt ;.... t· . ·d.: ·th· .... "'," th.· "8. the necessi.ty <of a .christian solu­ bywork'ing for it. I was going to use' this dollar for a' new Scrap­ ter . d ' .,..' . .-e··,Cl e ., e ,roT....· .'" ,. tion for so many pl'obleffi$, ' ""ahs Ihssue h 'd "<)['-t'" io:.. ,i~er.' ,extent;th'e".rUfalMidbook,but then I thought of giving it to you. I am 10 years old." Ch' Bot t e' urc 'an J'l~~. s, '>'.; .'. '''as··'Wanfi-Cath.6lic'''ir.eaS which hold the world inanguisb., '" to A.L. for $2 '~is wal!. pr.~mised. if 1 found. a ~ost r.ing­ BiShop WoznicKi ;deClare\I,·J11a\r~.'···:;~·he·~r "'<1 'th''(:there' ~ will be and will appear always -I did.". ". , long 'been aware oftlle.;iin:pOr7:·,' ,U·. ·,c ~e .. · ~, . .., more evident to the eyes ef taut part that -education ..plii.Ys;~; :.be~? .a fadmgof ?l~ there.•. an. honest men." '. i: .'" , the formation ·of 'YoUng' p~p'P~, ·'.4d1,tion.:Jo a,decJj~g \PQP~~ Voice of Reaction 'There "is no better way to give ~thanks for the gift of faith thaD But also others "'not ':50' ·viell ' . tIon; . ,'." ,'.. tho ':~:"': . ' '"As in all' springtimes, so in byptayer ":and ;sacrifice for the spread of ,the fai~ a~oD,g others. . '" h .. a (1 'fb .. - Prof. Fuchs· saId ano· e.I' ,1JII-. it t h ' l l be YoU 'Vil!l~rerriember to pray for those who have not the falthas Intentioned ..ave ~n~va.. e . e :,,:' ~t.' fa ( . the.teadll :.. ·t~. one .to come· ere WI, yeu'finger.';your own' WORLDMISSION ROSARY. The sacrifice­ d field of educatIon, h~ sa'ld:~':Ws. ~ o~ ~ . . ~ ti' ~'" w.mds··a.ll storms," the Pope ,'0.fJerlDg..of·$2''that you send'along with'your request for the JlOsary In.. £ol'ce to .captUl1e· the ,.i.igh.ts, ",gr,O,wlIlg . 11. 0. c· '~0p' ..a .on, continued.' "The Church, has I).o.t.. .

-... . which he rnai.ntained is lIlcreas thee'missionaries to bring' the message of the Gospel to

to educate youth," he a d d e d ; . . . ' " -: finished' her martYl'dom' sl~~e' '. wiU.·.h.~lP.:: _

has beef! the policy of. ':l:Iitler, mg. at a gre.ater. rate. than th8;t of . ~e faces 'in these .days, unanhe.d . ;~~pa.gans, of the world. .

MussQiinr . and <OU1Tently ·the n()n-.Cath0li.cs m. the u.rbaruzed but fear1e~ as always, the -furi~. ,

champions.. 0f,Conimunism·~; . and mdustrIal states WhICh carry ous assault of those who ten4.. "':',GiJ(out this coluinn,pinyour sacrifice .to it and mail it to the Bishop .Woznicki ..then' de-: ·largeel~ctor.al.vote blocs.., to beal'her w~th malignant in'; . Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,National Director of The Society f0l' cl&red: "Thei'e';ar~ perS<ilns even:' .Th~ .BranC!eIs ana1yst sa?~. he sinuatio'ns and .jn~urious stigpi..: .:th'e·Propagation of t,h~ Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York l,N'. Y., ia OUI":"6wn United Stat&"- who ~as ·f{Jund. much l~ss rellgloull. cions, directly throWing mud .or !our.DIOCESAJIM:>IRECTOR REV. RAYMOND'T.CONSIDINE, would like to: 'Put their hands mfl~e~ce l~ p~ten:~l vote~ for her immactilate vestments." ' .. 368 ·N.orth Main Stree~, Fall RiVer; Mass. 011 the" rights· to. the exclusive a big ~atlona. 0 . Ice, ..sueas· "There is passing through the education··of OUT. youth in order th~ pre~~,dency,. than . for local . world. a voice ·of reaction against •••••••••••••••••• ~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• to slant this education .as they offices.' . evil. .Will ·.)'ou 'hear it?" the . ' . . " . . please:" . . Youth .Hllri Pope asked: "Will you ma'keit Se~Vl" 'The Bishop said that "it finally He added ,that ,he ,thinks .the your own? Will y.ou give it to I, .. '.&. '. " resolves 'itself 'into thequ~stion: effects of the 'Soviet ·challeiQlles others ;so that -it may become ·the, INC. . cry' of 'Italian youth and the • w'bose is the child, the parents' 'in .defense, educationand.,eao­ or ;the .state~s:? . . ;. ,nomic ..fields wHl far .ou'tweigh world's youth?'" '. He -added that"aggressors eup­ any· religious factor 'in future ':Make Our hope .yours, and 011 the !lU\tural' rights of the',par-' .national .elections. . tell all that· we ,are in a ·.spring" eots must be watched and dealt Prof. Fuc;hssaid that. in 1956 time of history. May God grant with immediately:" he consulted with nearly every that this sprin,g will be onem 'The NCRLC ,pr.eSident· then state -delegation at the .'Bemo­ th~ most. beautiful that man has tlll"ned to an ,exposition of the cratic National 'Convention, and ever lived," .the Pope conclu­

R''1-'J.glon -" ':H',e,'1'


: S 6'u . .




D' &. D 'Sa·", Ie's a'. nd''.

·ce J


~ ~Un;:l ~~u:~r~~, ;:~~:' '~~:li~ ~i~e~~?c~~~nt for


Country." He asserted that it was Massa-, '''Being close to .nature," Bish­ ·chusetts Sen. John ,K;ennedy's. . op Woznicki wrote;' "i~ already .youth that prevented' 'him from:: ." in itself being .closer to God, its . , beingnom1nated.as . the vice :.vIaker . . . The ,temptations ol~"'p~esidehtial candidate that year ~he rural districts are not ,to be and not his religion. compared with the temptations , of large cities." '''Our wish is to ·.influence 'rural :routh so they ,would see 'the .ad­ Iantages of making their flit,ure :tome in the country," 'he con-' tinued. Among these adva'ntages :le cited: !l.) "A spirt of family cooper­ !"ation . . . which can hardly 'be [ound elsewhere." This spirit, :he :ldded, :manifests itself in 'rnutmil . :lssistance among farm lamili~s. ,2) The increased number :of naterial conveniences found t6-. -lai)' on farms. 3) MechaniCal and electrical ,:kills naturally developed by a .'armer, which enable him ito .,ave money on repairs. 4) The fact that "the cpuntr'y .3 proverbially the best place" .'Ol' raising .a .family, '5) Improvements in comm\.1Ri- . ,:ations 'and transportation whid1l nean that today "young parents .lllt in the ,country ,do not have -'. ~O worry about the oldtime >Qgey of loneliness:" 1») Statistical evidence that "divorce courts don't have mucb 'lUsiness beyondt~e co.nfines ,of. -JIe -cOnf;t:.sted ,l;~ti~~:" ~.. '" . ~.





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They dart into the streets ••• ride their bikes without a thought to traffic conditions and in most' cases are oblivious to the dangers around them.

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,'::::..: 1'4'. '. . 'Th'·

'War 'on ·/Papacy~"!:,


.. M'a r ·h·2·7' vrs... c . 19'58' ,

, ,


BO(lsting About..

Cath'blic Stats" ';,'

Dangerous Folly.,

BERLIN (NC) - Worshippers , : overflowing, Co r'p us Christi'

:church in' the',Red' sector of this

, city.l)eaid i,Bishop Julius Doep­

,fner. ~f, }Jerli?,~d~9.19-l."~, ul1c~m­ prorriisi~ J.oy~IW. to. ,the Holy See. ', .. , ", . ". ,'. . · . ALB,kNY (NC): '-';'The;~'':> "The first goal" of those who praCtice of praising the vir­ oppress. the Church in large tues of Catholic moYie' and areas of; the world today is to , t~levision stars is dangerous'.. loosen and then destroy all· ties ~ause it backfires too often.­ with Rome," the Bishop said.' '. " "Bet's think twice before pub'- . Throughout history, the first liclY.: extolling the virtues of step in' the' 'attempt to destroy Catholic movie and television Christianity has been to attack stars," Franciscan Father 'Edga,r .the .papacy, he pointed out. we are confident that ~tld1~i::~;~~~:H:~:~:~IO::n:~ COYLE YEARBOOK SUPPORTERS: Th~ ann~al Coyle Moth~rs' Bridge and Whist· the"ButChurch cannot be de9­ selaer, advised more. than 250 IJarty will be held at. Coyle on :Th·u'rsdil.y, April The party. is. to finance the Coyle troyed," he declared. \"Persecu­ ~mpJoyees of the N. Y.· State yearbook,·renamed, ;at this twerity-fifth' edition; "The Coyle Viking." Shown with Br0-' tion"may lessen the numbers of the faithful" but it only strength• . D:ep'ai-tment of Labor, divisiOn of ther Richard O'Brien, C.S.C., Viking. advisor arid, moderator,· are; left to right; Mrs. 'emp.~oyment. . ' George Souza, ·New Bedford; Mrs. J~hn Meunier; general chairlady, Taunton; Mrs. Peter ens our confidence in the exist· :of. the. Church.'" . ,·"H()\~.many times m~ woe Beaupre North Attleboro' Mrs. Granville Robbins, Norton; ·Mrs.Bernard 'Harrington, . enee Bishop poepfner declared that Catholics have our fmgers ..'. ' . b . ,.. ' ' , k' '1' f " sCorched . before 'iearnirig' the . ,Fall 'River; and Mrs. Raymond· Gazzola,Attle oro. Fifty wome~' ar~ rna mg ,p ans . or. th~re can .. ~e ,no compromise with'. godles~nesS. dangerous folly of boasting 'that' ,the even to ." thiS or that Hollywood star is . , .. . 25-day "culiural tour" of the he asked. . country, but added that it did . AUGUSTA' (NC) - Appeal not impress him.' The prelate: probably; will be. made in June . : for "::;:e::t;;:tty. tired said he· feels no raricor toward" to the Main.e :State Supreme of holding my ~reath every time, CLINTON (NC) _ Admission of China's millions accept com­ the.' communists . who tortured Court from the ruling which dis­ a theatrical' personality lets .it' , of Red China to the United Na- munism and how many reject him, least of aU to the Chinese missed, a petition seeking to be. known that he or she is a tl'Ons merely' would' provl'de' an it, Bishop Pinger sal. 'd In ord er people ,whom he served for 30 block this ci,ty's plan to provide Catholic," Father Holden stated. .,opening' ;'wedge in their relent- to save their. own necks, Chinese years. schoolbus rides for private "And I am equally fed up with less effort to impoSe their servile who disagree with Communism school pupils. thing to look the other way scheme ~n all nations of the _ merely keep their mouths shUt" wlien the same entertainer be­ '. modern' world," a Franciscan ~ said. ' comes a 'fallen star' in the eye.'. .,b""lIop =_L declare d h ere. . . ' • ,. The prelate also took a dim Need Tower Weapons • i. the Church." • • · Declaring it is "no great, boon vie~ of the eff~tiveness of what Communist-indoctrination be- ' tbese were: tbe barsb worela burled at tbe Poor familiell' Of AD­ to':the Church" that· it' 'Counts American''Dews correspondent.. lins early in life for the Chinese ....er,. (South India): who, bad .declded, to :plecl~e obedience and 10,... . theatrical celebrities among its might aCcomplish if' permitted a~d the propagandil imparted is , .' " t. . .' ..aUy.'to, our Holy Fatber. "These new con­ members, Father Holden. indi­ by the' State Department to carefully screened, l1e said. . L",~S (b .." ..Yens .nowbave no eburebiD .which to .. .V . ~~ wo~lp_ Our. Lord," .writes their bishop.: c",f.ed that the case of Catholicity' cover communist Chilla; "You will never' defeat comis: 'not strengthened by lauding He is Bishop Henry. Ambrose . munisffi '. with military means ., ~ ~. . "They' have.. made., a ,~reat sacrifice.", h.~ tb.~ir v;iitues. . "Pinger, 61, a veteran of'30 years . alone," Bishop pinger declared. , ',Q,I 0 con.inues. "tbey are sufferiD&" in soci~l '~ ~ .·life; in basiness and ~ many ~t~er ways. :: J,udgment· Day .

as a missionary in China when The neVII. and powerful nuclear , CfA . They can survive, and they will survive ,, ..

"lij; . '~as . banished"'- from his weapons, the Bishop declared, 'Although 'a'sta,r's defection " , 'f + and" spread" tbe' tme iaiih jlmoni . thliir' . . . -('::liowtSun diocese in 1956 by the must be siip"plemented, with other sCarcely d.i.scredits Catholicism, neiglibors, . Ii' we carl' but' giVe 'them a Chinese Reds. Before he was "power weapons" such as prayer, .' Father Holden sil'id, that over­ ' churcli (a slnaU buildin« will be fine) 80 . exiled, Bishop' Pinger was arand action in the fie,ld of social . e~.'phasis upon th¢individual's . . , ' that 'Our Lord can 'remaln 'atnong them , rested by the, ,Reds, imprisoned J·ustice. ' membership in the Faith m a y " ,. t~' give' strength and consolation." There "l~nd credence to ,the view that ami subjected to indignities and, Bishop Pinger said that a few is no need' for ustOdescnbe'the. situation ,. ,.' brainwashing tactics. . church.es are allowed to .remain further. "Will you help lis to raiSe the necessary $2,500 to· give Christ

=~it'ht~~~~!on i~ damaging to The Bishop '·was interviewed open in Ch~na ,to impart a ~ague a ,bome, among these heroic' souls? 'Will y~ur Lenten mortification"

'. 'fAnd while ft is hardly up. to here when he came to ,fulfill a l'mpre'ssl'on of rell'gl'OUS toler-.' · contribute to this ~ood work? '

. , speaking .engagement at Mount a'nce. The Chinese people must U8': to sit· in judgment on, the ' CI" C . J' . , . St. 'are onvent,' umorCol- w·ork, 0'n' Sunda'ys and have holi­ MASS OFFERINGS SUPPORT YOUR, MISSIONARIES ••• RE­ state of, soul of any' given perA lege and cademy· conducted by days '0'n'ly' a few days of the,' · ' ., " MEMBER THEM' TODA Y. son," he 'orlcluded, "still, in all S· f ,. the Isters 0 the Third Order year, he sal'd, which provides. . such matters, might it not b e f S . f , "HAVE YOU' EVER bEEN REALLY HUNGRY •••T" 'This was . o 1. FranCIS 0 the Immaculate them with little' time for reli­ hAtter to a, dopt .the wise policy C· t·IOn. Th'e preI a t e now gl'ous wors'hl·'p'. the startling question a recent visitor tc» your office asked the other ~ , . of' Mother' Church? She awaits ' oncep .. . .. 'day. "Well." we said; "who' hasn't misse'd a meal •.. who hasn't' resides in Chicago at St. Peter's Th Ch' b k the death of a person Qefore. church. rectory which 'is cone . I.nese pa.gan .ac. -. been on a diet; . ;"'''That's 'Dot hunger," our visitor exclaimed, souie- . proposing him for. our imitation ductedby the. Frimciscan Fath-' gr~und, Blsh~p Pmger ~Id, what 'annoyed; "most ·people in this countr;' have never 'bee~ 'really' and veneration... ·· , .. , . t , ' . . "eri." ' .... " ',",' .....~inders·:the9hl'!esefromre!i~t-:'. hung'ry.' They 'justdon't: know"what it meaas. BU~' I do and that'.' 'j: " O b s t a c l e s for: Reporten ~ng the· slavery of com~~msm . 'wby I'm giad to "give this .$10 for a food packli~e so that at least one­ ~~pe "lfa'seat in the United NationS'm~~:~alJ'IJ.tCr.,ofthe t~:l~ltl~J.lal- , 'tamili" of refugees can:'eat for:' another 'week.'~: Are you willin~ to '. 11 C b A" h' was' extended to; the. land of" ly. .Chr.lstl~n HungarI~?s. B.ut; · give 'a'food packa~e ($10) to supply.an Easter diimer for the·poor. ,;i~ Y P.remier::Cliou En'.:.lai· 'it Would"c,: as It ~ld In Hungar!, mtenslve,. : In. gratitude; FatherKin~· will ',send' you' an OLIVE' SEED: ROSARY , ,)YATICAN,CITY(NC)-In his .·o'6vio~i:y benefit the'Red-ruled ed.uca.tlOnof the Chmese.YQ';l~ ,: BLESSED IN TliE .HOLY ,LAND. arwual address to "Rome's pas.:. "" Chinese' regIme,'" the Bishop thmk:,n g more a~~ q¥est~~mng FOR YOUR OWN 'EASTER GIFT •.. GREGo'RIAN MASSES' FOR ~rs and Lenten preachers His, said. "SUCh an ,.action, on ,0ur'J·",:~ay boo,r;t~~an~.,He said ,the ~""YOURSELF·.. '.ASK ABOUT OUR 'SUSPENSE"CARD TODAY. '. ~+liness Pope Pius XII called>:""'part'''woiild' merely: 'provide a,;;f,Chine~":,,~~u~ents .·today'., a~e .. ' .; ".. J .':.. •• ' .' on: them t<? keep' .ilie~ city fmlll ,wedge' toe al,l implacable foe of ~ewI~dom o~ commumsm s . i .... EASTER ,MAIL WIL.L· BE, "COMING' 'IN' SHORTLY uid.' most· 01' .~\.tiring a reputfl..ti~n for "re-' : Wes'tern civilization." , dlct?torlal '~octr1n~~:,':, :.'."" . ·.. -.s ,tdJI be. glad to receive a .greeting' card from' a loved one. Not 'ge . li~~ous apathy" and "moral in-";,-" .., ..On ,th~,.. questio~ of ,allowing. ';":,BlShop. Pmg~r. sa14 that be- , ,~~ija,:' Le9n ,an4 Je~"n~r: ~I~I!.Sister Anastasia and Sister MonicL differel)ce.'~.. .American news. correSPori.dentS,,:,·.. for~. he was l'e1eased ~y the. · :'Leo(l:and.Jean wish to' be priests and·they are watehinctbemail .to ::.~peaking as l;'ishopof Rome; ,,'to 'cover Red China' Bishop Chmese Reds, he was given a. :seek,we'have found a benefactor who will pay $100 a year for deb' tf,ie Holy Father urged the pas-. Pinger said:' "It would be ex": ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;; '~hi'e: 'he~spends six Yea~s in the seminary to prepare 'fot thissn­ tOrs to help put an end to. condi­ .. tremely . diffi~ult 'for American bUme vOcation. The Sisters wish to work amon~ the' poor in India ti~ns thre~tening the city with a correspondents to be effective.. "aDd they ai~o must wateh for .ihemail man to diseover If a bene­ tWo-faced. existence.' .' .­ reporters there. Such corres­ factOr is' 1riilin~ .to p;.y .' total of $300 for each while she prepare. · He .Said that a' true son of pondents would encounter in­ herself in prayer and stUdy in the novit.iate. Would you like to wel­ Rome, such as himself, "could .~u~!-"able obstacles, possibly in come a priest or a nun into your family? Why not do it for EasterT You' may make the payment, in any manner convenient while yoar never tolerate the world being the way of languages, certainly · "SOD or daughter in Cbrist" prepares to spread the kincdom of God given an occasion to form a dual iIi, the way of contacts." among' men. image of it: one ablaze with the The Bishop said that corres­ -lYs a 'whale ct\. a drink'" glories of history and· worthy of' pondents would have special ,YOUR WILL IS GOD'S WILL WHEN YOU MENTION THE MIS­ admiration, and the other: me­ difficulty in getting anyone "in 17 !>ELlCIOUS FLAVORS SIONS IN YOUR WILL .' .. DO IT TODAY ... YOUR GOOD WORK diocre and without glory, on a .. 'the know'" in Red China to tell WILL LIVE' AFTER YOU. . BEST. SINCE 1853 level with other places dismally' them fundamental truths about Itn~wn for th~eir religious ,apathy ,.life" in China today. It is diffi­ , SUGGESTION OF THE WEEK . ,WE DELIVER arid their spiritual and' moral cult~o .ascertain just how many YOUR EASTER JOY may bring a beautiful :"eJdrava/t'ance" to • CALL indifference." '. . ,, poor refugee child.' Ten dollars will l:'ive one child the sheer jO)' of Among the current·evilsof the, a new suit or dress for First Communion Day. You caD WY 9-6264 SORRYl No HerriDg city noted by the pastors in their perform this act of charity for a loved one who' Is de­ and 9-6265 oi'Lobster Stew ­ reports to.him, the Pope singled ceased OR our beautiful gift' card will teli a special BUT you're sure to out suicides and attem'pted 'sui­ " friend or relative tbat this kindness bas beeD done for Fan in Love witb ' eides for special mention. their intention.' We'll send the card anywhere for you and : Another of Rome's ills which .' enclose PRESSED FLOWERS FROM THE lIOLY LAND PIZZA which' have been blessed on the Hob Sepulcher. the Pope 'underlined is its repu­ tation for reckless driving'and GIVE T() WIN, THE WORLD ,FOR CHRIST? 45 SCHOOL 5T. its record for traffic fatalities. At So. First St. He· asked the preachers to in­ "HE'S A JOINER •••" you will often hear people say of someone struct the faithful. on the mat­ tbey',know who is a ~ember of every club yo~ can imagine. "Join­ Rte. S :NEW BEDFORD Mattapoisett,.ass. ters of .conscience involved in, inc" is sometimes goOd. and sometimes a little' less than desirable.' ~j's matter. . BUi, there's no mistake about joinin~ the Holy Father's Mission Aid for the Oriental Chureh. The membership dues are pure gifts yo. place'in the hands of the Vicar of Christ for his work amon~ the poo~ of the Near Ellst. Annual membership is ONE DOLLAR for. PARIS (NC)-A'decree Of the' " the individual and FIVE DOLLARS for the family. Join today and Sacred Congregation of the Af­ become associated with the work of the lIoly F;.ther whicb is the fairs of Religious has federated' · work of Christ. into two groups the 17 convents of cloistered Dominican nuns of France. See us for the BEST ,DE~L in a

. Ford Car or 't~uck . ,Eight convents have formed

FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. President . the Federation of St. Dominic . Ms·gr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y with its central house at Prouille. The other 'nine convents, united Send all communications to: ,FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS ' into the Federation of Our Lady, CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WElFARE ASSOCIATION will have their central convent' 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford. Mass. 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New York 17,N.Y. in Langeac.




Planning Appeal

"Admission'of Red Ch'ina to U. N. Would Be. Wedgefo~ 'Co~munism






Urges pastors:," om, at . ,pat



r •••••




• . • •"














at the NEST

, Hiram Wheaton and Sons, Inc.


'. Two Federations





Honywoocl in



Publication Exposes' Soviet, Exchange 'Offer as Hoax

" ~ Angeles police have bad the .me .experience in prosecuting, peddlers and exhibitorll of ob­ ilcene films. Supreme· Court ruling . OIl "'freedom of the press and


IlCI'een" and its subsequent ~-. THE ANC""O~fusal· ~ define obscenity" ha.s Thurs., March 27, 1958 increased' dirt peddling. It will be . shameful if the courts Of America the Beautiful now de­ rate, to offer obscene' pictul1lll cide, that it is· a crime, at any.· and deliver only immodest one.

By William H. Mooring Six weeks ago, when President Eisenhower expressed the hope that a U.S. State Dept. deal to exchange movies ., and TV shows' with Soviet Russia might "promote better understanding between the American and Russian people", this column asked who was Ilia and various satellite states kidding whom. without ever paying MGM a If the Russians took any single dollar. MGM protests of our films they would through the U. S. State Dep~.

. make them serve (as they have were shrugged off. The worst danger, as "The in the past) as anti-American propaganda: They would send Hollywood Reporter" now con­ firms, is not that Hollywood us only such may get no money out of the Russian films as Russians, but that th~ Kremlin gild the lily for film experts "will distort any communism and Ame~ican films sent' to Ru~ia, not being ad­ What's more, First National cash savings deceptively translating . the . dicted to cen­ increase rapidly, item by item. Indeed you re 8Orship, w e soundtracks, cuttil1g and adding scarcely aware of-how sizable your savings are, till you would be open­ sequences" to make use of them ing up Amer­ in the Soviet's "never-abating

count the total. Then you know that at First National Jea's screens to

'Hate America' campaign." .yoUr budget "never ha~ it. 50 good f'~ pro-communist propaganda. Easy To Take W. A. Scharper, editor of "The One of the most phenomenal Hollywood Reporter" has since box-office successes of the year, blown the lid off' what he calls "Witness for the Prosecution", this "Russian Hoax". He says: indicates that a good "who--dun­ "Hollywood actually got mouse­ it.., like a good Western; never trapped by the U. S. I5tate Dept., lacks an audience. Many of the in which there obviously still most effective pictures in Hol­ is a scattering of scattered­ lywood history have. been brained, One-World schemers or "trial" stories, from "East Lynn" dreamers". to "12 Angry Men". Mr. Scharper reveals that the LB Agatha' Christie's melodrama, major Hollywood film compan­ more concerned with the con­ ies "were dragged into this 'cul­ duct of the 'court than the com­ tural" scheme because President mission of the crime,' did 'well Eisenhower named Motion Pic- . on the stage in many countries. ture Association President, Eric As a movie .it is faring even .Johnston head of the U. S. mis­ bette~.": . . , . Ilion which would e~pedite the' There seems to be world"-wide' . exchange. appeal 'in a good battIe: of legal Exchange Only wits, although. the clinching CTN'of 'AnPopl,llar Johnston descended from the magic of "Witness. for the Pros­ 2-4 BARS Varieties airy clouds of 'cultural' relation-' ecution" lies in the finar twists ship long enough, to assert the and turns of' verbal warfare film interchange would be com­ which have audiences guessing merciaL" and gasping at the same time. However, the American film Charles Laughton's attorney companies have now discovered for the defense makes him a hot .. llB Kr~spy Craders that the Russians "will not buy contender for the upcoming PKG -either for 'dollar's or rubles Oscar. It seems disgraceful that which can be converted-any Marlene Dietrich 'was not nom­ American films. They merely inated for her brilliant double wish to 'swap' pictures. On their role in the· same film. own terms, of course! However, t'-,e public is happy. They. wanted 12 films from The fibn poses no weighty prob­ MGM, including Danny Kaye's lems. It, wafts the' imagination "Merry Andrew" and Mario' _for an hour or two; clear away. Lanza's "Seven Hills of Rome". from the troubles of :the day. It "MGM", adds Mr: Scharper, . ·sends people' llonie 'with a tan­ First Ncltional Produce is Fresher! . New ·Lowei' .Prices - Big Values! "scrutinized its product hard talizing little problem' of . their because it ,didn't want to deliver own. Just how did that. Itory . '. Brookside - High·SCor. ~ ~s LI'7Oc .' . into the hands of the USSR, work out at'the finish?, Its twirl­ films the Kremlin could mutate ing climax is as hard to;latch. GO and warp into its own ideological ~ as • sputteiing'live wire. . . u.s'. . designs." , ' . . Salad Dr.ssing .. . 'Lel'ai Grou~d$ . , Then MGM began talking .. We see what til.ings'are ~ming Trimmed and WlIlShed - U.$. Grade A money imd "I learned point­ · .....R .. ' . . to when the United Statell' Post blank that all the Russians pro­ posed. to give in return we~. Office and' a cii; Attorney 'are, Itallan Imported Russian films to 'show .in the driven to' take' action against Crisp and Flavortul one of these"plain-wrapper, mail USA", This proves .my prog­ HB nosis of six weeks ago. . order publishers of smut-'on the PKGS The late Mike Todd flew to legal grounds that he allegedly Sliver Skillet Heat Mel s.rw' Long Green SpN,S Moscow with a copy of "Around offers the. public 'lew4 picturell .ILB8oz and then delivers so'mething leg CAN . -. the World in 80 Days..·. There LB was no cash deal. Producer Sam immoral than he advertized. Such ,an action has been' taken Spiegel followed with a copy of his "Bridge on the River Kwai". by the Postmaster and City At­ First National Bakery Products are always Fresher - Tastier! ~rney of Los Ange~es against. a So far, no cash sale. And if any­ mail oreier firm, reputedly mak­ one 'can do a "deal" with the ing $400,000 year, near Holly­ EA Commies, Spiegel is the man. wood. . Risk. Now Evident ~ . " Some . time ago Postmastelj When the Russians occupied Oleson told me his hands are """ Belty Alden Bread Joan Carol - Plain, Sugar, Cinnamon Austria after World War II, they tied because the courts refuse 1 ~~~F (Regul~~ P~iceOOZ 29c) ~fg 'found' 11 pre-war MGM movies. ~ convict .mailers of nasty, Joan' Carol - Ideal Toasted Joan Carol - Old Failhioned These tJ.1ey showed all over Rus- plain-wrapper advertising.. The

Best Week-end Meat·· Buys I

celiBieii'NS 'Z"':~~39c

Corned Beef M~~~ ~~;d Bo log na F-;:~.;I~-




Ca~h .Saving ~SpecialsI

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Appian. Way"::'. 2 ~:C:. 6~c.•,.1:

BettyCrocker Br~::ie ~:~ 31c~~\J-



MiraCle Wh~p, .Tomatoes

I~L 67c

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- ~ LEMON PIE Joan~:~tO~::it~~~::fresh 39c


Whole Wheat & White Corn Cakes

. Sponsored by The

Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette


Under the Spirit\ltll Direction of a missionary of Our Lady of La . 5ale"e, members will deport June 25, 1958 from New York aboard the 5.5. lie de France to visit Lourdes' during The Year of Jubilee-proclaimed by the Holy Father to commemorate the 1OOth Anniversary of Our Lady's appearances to St. Bernadette.' 57-day Itinerary includes: La Salette ••• p'aris • ~ • BrusselS ••• Cologne. :. Wlesbaden .•. Strasbourg ••• Lucerne .•• Geneva ••• Lyons ••• Milan .•• Venice ••• Florence ••• Assisl ..•• Rome o • • Pisa ••• Genoa ••• Nice ••• Marseilles ••• Carcassonne o•• Angoulome • : . Tours ••• Rauen ••• Le HavFe •••• from 1,244.


More than 60 Pilgrimage departures January through October


1 9c 2 1c

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~"~,~ ,I



I 16.·


L=-T~hurs.,March 27, 1958

Patronal Feast Observed


Spotlighting Our Schools

St. Matthew

Saint-s In Crosswords ....._-~-- By Henry Mlchael-----.....

proje~ts are Barbara Baker,

ST. MARY'S HIGH, Margarida Carreiro, Jacqueline TAUNTON

This week the' student body Cusick, Agnes D'Aguiar, Nancy

Fauteux, Diana Flood, Joan

celebrated the feast of the An­ Hayes, Charlene Lapoii'1te,

nunciation by assisting at Mass JoAnn McKenzie, Muriel Mon-' and by the reception of Holy teil'O and Claire Reinhardt.

Communion. This feast day of Our Lady is held in special ob­ 'SACRED HEART,

servance ,because it is ,the pa­ NORTH ATTLEBORO

tronal feast of the Sisters of the . The future graduates were

Holy Union of the Sacred 'the first in the history of the

Hearts" who teach at the high school to have' a special ring

8Chool. blessing ceremony. It was per-:­

Many of the high school stu­ formed after the 8 o'clock Mass

dentS are eagerly awaiting the on the Feast of the Annuncia­

annual retreats, held' at Cathe­ tion, which day is the special

dral camp through the coopera- ­ feast of the Sisters of the Con­

lion of Rev. William McMahon, gregation of the Holy Union 01

SMUT UNDER ATTACK: director of the camp~ The Senior the Sacred Hearts who staff the Citizens for Decent Litera­ class will attend the retreat held school. All the students atten­ on the weekend of April 18-20. ded the Mass, as well as many ture, headed by. young Cath­ Members of the newly-formed of the parents of the graduat­ olic lawyer, Charles H. Keat­ IIOdality will be present at the ing class. ing; Jr., of Cincinnati, has exercises conducted from April won a major legal victory in 25-27. The retreat master for the DOMINICAN ACADEMY, .udalists will be Rev. Richard FALL RIVER the Walton case involving Rooney, S.J., who is associated The annual' high school re­ obscenity. The lower court with the' Queen's Work. . treat, being conducted by Rev. opinion _has been upheld QY' Representatives of the soQhoLawrence- J. Poetz, S.V.D., of the Court of Appeals. "Our more class assisted at the Coyle : Boston, will close tomorrow aft­ play, "The Caine Mutiny," by ernoon. Seniors. will sing the job. is to create a' climate in Riling candy. proper of the High Mass in . which the million-dollar por­ HOLY FAMILY WGH, honor of the Seven Sorrows of nography racket no ionger NEW BEDFORD Our Lady tomorrow, while all will be tolerated," Mr.. Keat­ Mary Jan.e Walker and JOJeP~ students w.ill sing the other ing NC Photo. _ Duggan met New Bedford High parts. School Varsity Debaters on 'WedScience students are prepar- Several other teams that eon­ Desday a.t Holy Family. ing their entries for the Science stituted . the Narry Basketball The Fall River Herald News Fair which will be held :April 14 League. IIPOw.ored All-Narry BasketbaU' and 15 at the/academy. The'club . The following students mer­ team has among i~ first-string works under the patronage of {ted, the gold honor· award from' members Thomas Muldoon, a St. Albertus Magr us , the re­ the principal for receiving the Holy Familyite who resides innowned Dominican scientist. , highest. number of honor points Boly Name parish. Philbert PisSenior ~embers of the year­ for this fourth marking period, earino is listed among the second book staff will forman entire %4 points: Carole Mattimore '58, , ming players in the AU-Nany panel at the New'England Cath­ Louise Boulay '50, Ann Mis '50, League. olic Publications Conference to Muldoon was selected because be held on May 10 at Merrimack Frances Moson '60, Sylvia Lau­ reanno '61;' 23. honor points: ef all-around court play together College, North Andover. They Beverly Leach and M~ry Ann with the skill that averaged him will demonstrate how a year­ 15 points a game. Piscarino, a Dook can make a worthwhile Christensen '61; Silver honor «Uard, beside playing fine ball contribution to the general good awards were· merited by: 22 h~nor points: Valerie Polka '60 throughout the season was the of, a school by pro~er choice and Corneiia Harrington and Car~ eoordinating force among the use of a theme. lyn Howarth '6i; 21 honor Lowenyites during the 'past seaVarsity basketball players fineon. ished their season on a victori- points: Joan'. Macomber, '50 All the loyal supporters of the . ous note by winning from Diane Perry and Joan Majkut

Blue and White are happy about Alumnae, 47-28, and from Colt '61; 20 hO,nor points: Kathryn lite honor conferred on two pop- Memorial High, 44-30. All Magriby '50" Patricia KowalCzyk .aar members of the senior class. players attended the Girls' Narry' and Frances Thomas '00. Sister M. Charles Francis, League banquet at Stevenson's. ,SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY• •.S.M. has been invited to serve Jeannine Barreite was elected FALL RIVER . as a judge in the Rhode Island captain of ~he varsity volleyball "Love in Action", a three act Science Fair which is to be held team which is to play in the next Monday at Brown UniventNarry Girls' Volleyball t()urna- 'play., ,will be presented, by the. ay. . I ment, beginning this afiernoo~ freshman class tomorrow. The 'ESUS MARY ACADEMY, at Somt;rset. Members of the. 'setting .of this· voca.tiona1 play "ALL .RIVER team' include Hannah Sullivan, .takes place· at Regis College leanne Renaud '54, R.M.; Carol Kirkman,. Claire Sinotte, during the senior year of a 'group . .ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Claire Reilly, Theresa Lapointe, of modern college girls. ' The play is under the di~tioa Renaud, 86 Irving Street,.witl be 1IIIadeleine Gariepy, Marie of Sister Stephen Dolores. The cuest speaker tomorrow as part Caisse, Claudette Pelletier cast ineludes_ Kay Dal!nemall, ~ the ·vocation w.eek program, Winifred Vermet.te. Colleen Prke, Kathryn Goode, _Ip(moored by the members of MOUNT ST. MAAY AC'ADEIIY, Maureen D'Andrea, Maurie Des­ the Sodal~ty. Miss Renaud will ­ FALL IUVER laurier, Michaeline Ruttle, Ka­ .,.esent an informal talk on tbe The reception into theSodal­ 'ren Kolakowski, Jane Landry, .ractical benefits derived .from ity of the Immaculate Heart of Elizabeth Wells; Mariette ne.­ . IIu! generai health training ia Mary and St. Franees Cabi'inl marais and Mary Bergrnire. tile home.' Miss Renaud . M _ held in the eonvent chapel Mary Castro, a senior, re­ ...-duated from Catherine La­ on Tuesday, March 25, the Feast ceived Honorable Mention for IMJure School of Nursing. her article on Current Affairs, of the Annunciation. Senior Doris Dupont will be' A meeting' of the Sodality from the Our Times Scholarship ebosen as School repcesentative Union ot. the Diocese of Fall Program., Forty-five states, the tot Student Government Day ·River will be held at Jesus-Mary District ~ Columbia,. and Ha­ lteld recently. . Academy at 1:45 P. M. next Sun­ Seniors Doris Dupont wiu be day. The program will consist OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO presented a Spelling Proficiency of a panel discussion on Rule 34 Certificate !?y the principal,' ~piritual Exercise. The schoo" .CONTRACTORS Mother St. Vincent de Paul, at attending are Jesus-Mary Acad­ • school assembly for having at­ and emy, Dominican Academy, Pre­ tained· a perfect score on three vost, Academy of the sacred business' spelling 'vocabulary BUILDERS Hearts and Mount St. Mary tests., The activity was. spon'7 Academy, ~red by the local. chapter of. Sister Mary Denisita, R.S.M.. Noma National Office Manage­ JohnB. B.S., moderator .of Mount St. ment Association. Mary Academy Sodality, will at­ SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY. tend the training course for di­ FAIRHAVEN rectors and moderators at Boston Projects completed by the College High School next Sat­ and Sons, Inc. Latin ~I class are now on display urday. III the high schoollibrary.-Mem­ The Girls' Athletic Associa­ OSTERVILLE bel'S of the class construed scale tion will participate in the Nar­ models of Roman war machines GArdea '-6501 ~ansett Volleyball League., . &bat were used by Julius Caesar The Mount players will play the during the Gallic War. model actually works, and. the cirls demonstrated the opera­ tional procedure of each' ma­ chine to the class before the models were placed on display. / A paper explaining the histOIT of the machine accOmpanies each at model. Those who 'completed .




DOWN 66 Expert 66 Wears .wq 1 ~~~'::r. 68 Hide . I Major w,o""

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86 AUacker 51 Elf • Ski. alrtled••


SOIU&iOD OD Page EighteeD

wail took part in this contest. For I>eing judged the best­ dressed unit in the Fall River St.. Patrick's Day Parade, S.HA. was. awarded a trophy (women's diyision).

Last Tuesday, feast of the Annunciation, S.IiA.'ers, en­ joyed a holiday since this day marks the patroilal feast of the Sisters of the. Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts.

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Relaxing: Between Clalses


V&Bitor. Ar. Altoo,. WelcOtM


- Rev. - -THOMAS .- - C.,- DUffY, - - -C.S.c. - - .~

Dweotor ./ B.amw, ,... Se-lill PHoNE Qidar 1-1221




THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., March 27, 1958

New Bedford Guild to Breakfast Rev. John J. Murphy, assist­ ant at St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, and the parish choir will be guests on the Cath­ olic Theatre Guild's broadcast at 7 P. M. next Sunday over WNBH. Father Murphy will act as narrator and explain the liturgy

of the Palm Sunday Mass. The choir of 33 voices led by John Curry will sing selected hymns from the blessing of the Palms and the Mass. Christopher Best, the guild's director of radio .dramas, will supervise arrangements for th~ broadcast, 14th in the current series.


Special TV Shows NEW YORK (NC)-A special Holy Week film produced in France will be' presented OIl television by the National Coun­ cil of Catholic Men at 10:30 Sun­ day morning on March 30. The French film propuction is "The Easter Vigil."

SENIOR CI,ASS OFFICERS: St. Mary's High, Taun­ ton, is led by officers, left to right, Frances Corcoran, presi­ dent, Elaine O'Keefe, secretary, Irene Miller, treasurer, and Patricia Goggin, vice-president.

Archbishop of Tokyo at Requiem For 'Madonna of Ragpickers' TOKYO (NC)-Tokyo's "ma­ donna of the ragpickers," .28­ year-old Maria Reiko Kitahara, has died. The best loved resident of Ari-no-machi (Ant Village), on the Sumida river, succumbed to iJIness in the tiny, one-room but she had built with her own hands. Daughter of a professor at the Gumma School of Agricul­ ture, Miss Kitahara gave up her life as a student at Tokyo's Showa Pharmacy college to live among the poorest of the city'. poor. For eight years she shared the work of this group of scaveng­ ers who collect' paper, tin and rags from the streets here to eke out a living. She lived within their tumble­ down wooden compound helping them to sort junk, dressing in­ juries, and instructing their children. With the grief-stricken rag­ pickers who packed the Ant Vil­ lage's tiny chapel for the Re­ quiem Mass was Archbish.op Peter Doi of Tokyo.

eyes Miss Kitahara had suffered a martyr's death. that Miss 'Kitahara first came to Ari-no-machi. She had just be­ come a Catholic and was still • pha~macy student. During a visit with some rela­ tives she decided to stop at the nparby Ant Village to speak with Brother Zenno Zebrosky,O.F.M: Conv., who was working with the ragpickers. Brother Zenno was the former companion of Father Maximilian ,Kolt>e, another Polish Conven­ tual Franciscan who worked in Nagasaki from 1930 to· 1936. Father Kolbe,known as "Our' Lady's fool," died a martyr's death in Germany during World War n. . At the end of the war, Brother Zenno came to Tokyo where he has dedi,cated himself to an apostoJate among the city's rag­ pickers, which at that time num­ bered several hundred thousand.

Teaches Vagrants Miss Kitahara sought out Brother Zenno and asked how Martyr's Death she could serve the unfortunates Many of the tough and cal­ in Ant Village. loused ragpickers, whose daily She returned the following lives are a tragedy, wept during day and brought food for the the funeral services in the children and began giving les­ drafty, frame chapel. ]n their lIOns to the vagrants. \ At that time, when the scars of war were still evident in Tokyo, the ragpickers were mostly drinking, brawling hood­ lums. The daily visits 'of ~his ALBANY (NC) - The New young, refined girl. alarmed the York State Assembly has rejec­ police. They urged her to stay ted by a vote of 85 to 61 a measaway; but nothing shook her de­ , ure which would h;lve permitted termination. New York City merchants to do Finally, in 1950, she received business on Sundays if they ob­ her father's permission to live IIerve another holy day. in. the settlement with her rag­ The assembly's vote was to pickers.' Headman at the vil­ recommit the legislation to com­ lage, Motomu Ozawa, tells how mittee. It is generally agreed astonished he was the day when that because of the religious overtones' of the measure it is Miss Kitahara came to the vil­ lage and began building herself scheduled for more study. a hut among the hovels. As a measure affecting a speci­ , Under Brother Zenno's and fic community, the legislation needed 100 of the 150 votes in Miss Kitahara's influence a trans­ formation has taken place at the assembly for passage. Ari-no-machi. Drunken brawls Catholic organizations in New are a thing of the past. Walls York City, particularly the New have been erected around the York Archdiocesan Coordinating Committee of Catholic Lay Or­ . community, more sturdy living lani]:ations, had taken' strong quarters have been built. a com­ stands against the Sunday open­ munity kitchen and dining ball ing propollal. have been added. Principal beneficiaries of the MaD)' Become -Catholia measure would 'have been Jew­ A pension plan and health in­ ish storekeepers who observe the Sabbath on 'Saturday. surance have been set up for the members of the village, And community funds have been used to purchase a paper baler and several motorcycle trucks HERISAU (NC) Citizens to help them deliver their waste of this Switzerland city will, be paper and junk to market. asked to vote on a decision of Most important of all, was the their municipal council allow­ constr-uction of a tiny chapel in ing Catholics to teach in the the middle of the village and public schools. the building of a shrine to Our Observers here consider it a Lady. The chapel is the village;! good sign that Protestants of tallest structure and is sur­ the city were the first to object to the tradition barring Cath­ mounted by a wooden cross. Many of the ragpickers have olics from public school teach­ since become Catholics. ing positions. ' During these past eight years The tradition began in ]597, Protestant leaders have said, and' Miss Kitahara' and Brother Zenno were joined by one of since that time Catholics and Tokyo's. most popular play­ Protestants have come to co­ wrights, Toro Matsui. Also a operate on economic and other issues and the present state ,of convert, Mr. Matsui left behind a promisil1g career in Japan's their mutual rc:lations calls for traditional Noh and Kabuki greater tolerance. This is all theater to give himself to an the more true, they add, since about 28 per cent of Herisau's 'apostolate of Christian charity population .ia Catholic.

Sales on Sunday Measure Loses

Catholic Teacher Bon May Be Lifted


It was a little over 10 years


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WHILE CHAPLAIN' 17M AH~ wAlrfl /VIIO' PflAy~ IN. mE" {iEC~

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'MAl lEe liM FOUND HE~ WAY ,


FATH£R. I~ f.lEl..O fRlfVNE~

MID NOW........





Fairhaven Man' Exposes



Thurs., March 27, 1958

Continued from Page One of Christians, church,Newton;

The count'erspy told the where Msgr. Furlong is pastor.

Congressional investigators that Reds Are Dangerous

• New Bedford communist . "The thing 'that seems to

named Roland Bothelho "came weigh most heavily on 'Mr:Pen­

to me and asked 'about putting ha's mind was 'his inability to

• bomb under the' speaker's, attend religiOlls services," Msgr.·

.bind." Mr. Penha character- Furlong said. "1 would talk it

Ized Bothelho as "one of the most over with him and compare his

dangerous communists of them situation to that of 'a soldie~ in

all," who has a "pastime-of time of war. In the middle of

making pombs." a battle a soldier can't always

"My hair rose," the witness fulfill his religious. duties. Of

.id. "I knew Budenz very well course, Mr. Penha's war was &

and couldn't believe my ears cold Qne, but the' situation was

when I' heard of the plot. I fairly si,milar." ,

wouldn't have been able to live Once or' twice, Msgr. Furlong

with myself 'if it had been ex- recalled,. he was able to say Mass

ecuted." privately for his secret', visitor.'

Abandoned Scheme In addition to spiritual counselThe plot leaders went so far ing, their meetings were devoted

l1li to prepare a sketch of the largely to talks' about commun­

high school'" auditorium, its en- ism.

trances and exits, the' counter"Mr. Penha has a keen mind spy said. and a good grasp of the problems "They felt' that if they could of communism," Msgr. Furlong

eliminate B'udenz, they would sa!d. "I learned a lot from him­

have one less person to worry and I learned to' fear a lot."

about," Mr. Penha testified.. "I RUD Every Detail

went to the leaders of the moveIn answer to committee ques-·

ment and, by the grace of God, tioning, Mr. Penha paid an ela­

BOWLING - SKATING talked them out of it." 'quent tribute to the importance

Mr. Penha also told the Con- of religion in d;lily life. Special Arrangemenw For P'essional investigators that he "Any' person, be he Jew, ProCOUNTERSPY AND PASTOR: Armando Penha is BANQUETS bad been to church· "no moretestant,or Catholic, doesn't real- shown wfth his pastor, Rev.' Egbert Steenbeek, SS.CC.out­ than 12 tinles", in his eight-year, l'ze the great prl'vI'lege he e . 'nJoys Rrvice to the F.B.I. He' said he to be abie, to go to his 'church at, sid'e of' S.t. M,ary's Church, Nor,th Fa"l·r,ha;ve'n.. Pe.nha, an. joined the Communist party in 'any time, he said. "i:, never re- FBI counterspy against communism, revealed that his faith eady 1950, shortly after Herbert '~lized this, ,untiL I. got iiItO· the' in God ·su·stained.him through his long· ?rdea:I; .. Philbrick of Malden .disclosed 'party: ' . . " . , , himself publicly as 'an unde.r"Once' i:gbt '.into ~he 'party' 'I area ... il ,member and delegate.. 'Based on,my: .experience; I feel ClOVer" agent for the FBI'among realized 'that the'verything I . from New .England,of the .com.,. ' .. that' the.Communistparty by. .Thi'rd Orde~ Regul~1r of tbe cominunists. ' needed to have' close' to' me' r ,munlst;. party to the, ·national.· ,and ,large .is ,much stronger .than· St. Francis. " , Sees, Msg'r: Furlong : ' ..could not have:'-my, religion.'" textile' commission in ,New,',' e,ver before." I' don~tknow of, , .. ' • " ,,; "w' hat' dl"d" t"~y'.: '(,th'e' co'm'm'un- . York)~, . ' , 'any organization in' the world . Offer to Young Men and Boys ; He singleciout Msgr. ~alter. II ' < • • .' of Newton" , . fonner, . ists) have to' do" 'w'itk.pre've'ntl·n·g.,. ,:.',' Ironi,c,ally'"Mr., Penha dis- '.' tha~. ill better q.rga!1 iz ed." ~ . speCial opportunities to 3. Furlong.' II , ", ' 'you from. goihg' 'to: ehur,ch,'; "he 'closeli.· his" last service ·to the" study ·for ·the Priesthood. Lack Chancellor .of th,e A.r¢hdiocese, . '~'Spariis", 1 of funds. nO,.obstacle.. . of Boston, as his' chief source of 'was asked by Rep'. Clyd'e" D'oyle' . 'Communist 'party, ,', three, days For further information, write inspiration' and guidance duri.ng of California. ' earlier, 'had" been giving advice LIMA, PERU, (NC)- The' to'

the eight' yea'rs. Foes of Religion I to' members on how to testify at Bishops of Peru have sent "W'th 't h' " M' P h "S' ,,' , the 'present committee hearings., "heartfelt, Congratulations ~nd FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R.

I ou 1m, r. ' en a Ir answered the counter . • Asked to estimate the present . encouragement" for the work of said, "I could not have. suc- spy , "they t I FRANCISCAN con ro every mo- str'ength of' th'e Co'mmun'l'st part·y,. Noticias 'Catholicas, Spanish ,and PREPARATORYSE~NARY "eeeded." . ment of your l!fe and' they are ," Msgr. Furlol1g today' reca' lIed atheists to begin with.' The tfie witness said. that the com- Portuguese language editions of P O. BOX 289 the NCWC News Service, Wash­ a long series of secret meetings hard~core members do not be- munists try to give an appear­ HOLLIDt\ YSBURG 12. P~ with the undercover agent: Re- I' ance of' weakness, particularly ington, D. C. leve in it (religion) and I can through the loss of members. luctant to discuss details, Msgr. assure you if I had gone to ~~:-:--:'.).: ..:-<~:-:.~,...........~.:••:••:-+.,..:..:+.. ...,..:-

Furlong 'said that, generally Mr. church l.wouldJ;l't be here today~' "Nevertheless," he said, "this Penha "came and talked things Only those who, are ln~iltrating is not true. The party has over with me whenever he had religion go to church.'" . strengthened itself every time • chance." Sometimes they' Mr. Penha testified that he that it weeds out weaklings, those would meet in other pmces, but knew ab6ut 65 per cento£. the that they suspect, those who do generally, whim he was sure he 400 Communist party:'members not respect the party discipline. . a was unobserved, Mr. Penha went in the new England area. Be­ to the rectory of Our Lady Help tween 40 and 60' per cent of party members are "secret mem­ bers" 'who "infiltrate organi­ 'zations, industry and fraternal groups," he testified: New Bedford Area The party had made him give Called For and Delivered

up his own position ,as an. in- ­ surance agent to take a job in ; .6 ind!lstry with, less pay, he said. He enumerated some of the -Once-A-Day ;n S?mersei and. Swans~a al 4:3D P.M.

positions l;1e had held in the party-"section organizer for the New Bedford area, that' hI; 'the ' :: To head communist for that' area . . . chairman of the Bristol, 464, Second St~ i.AI Co. • County area for the Communist party , .. chairman 'of, the sec"" FALL RIVER tion organizers' committee . . , .... member of the New England OSborne 2-2143 Arthur J. Shea, .Prop~ ".. . .' .' District Comrriifision which is the ranking committee that controls :; 202 and, 206 ROCK ST"" "TEL'. OSS,;78~~ ..: . MONSIGNOR FURWNG - the Communist ,party, .in this 'ifuc!ffi!li!!Ji!!Jii!!re!lic!re!ffi!ffi!ffi!li!!Ji!lli!!re!lic!re!!Ii!!ffi!ffi!li~ "'l><o+H+'O>oX~oX·~·:+H+Hoo."Ho~ to 0 • to ••• o--:...""'Ho •

Cross Word Solution

The "Frbnc;:iscan 'Fathers

. Edition '

I. i'



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CityChampio!'s' Compete"" ForD~ocesan,C.YO. Title ' By Jack Kineavy

Somerset High School'Coacb

The second game of the D~ocesan finals between Santo Christos and Our Lady of the Assumption ,will be played tonight at CYO Hall, Fall River. The championship sel'ies was launched Tuesday night in New Bedford where the preliminary game matched the possibility of the formation the runners-up in their res­ of a new interscholastic league Southeastern Massachusetts. pective divisions" St. Louis in No definite action was taken by of Fan River and Holy the group but provision. was

Name, New Bedford. Santo Christos gained the finals after sweeping a two-game set from St. Jo­ seph's of Taun­ ton. The Fall River contin­ gent ,really earned its spurs in the wind-up of that series when it posted a 67-61 win with an under­ manned squad. Christ'os will be without the services of ace Tom Arruda who left last week for Sanford, Fla., and a career in pro baseball. Our Lady of the Assumption defeated Holy Name, 65-49, last week in a replay of their pro­ tested game and thereby gained the finals. A key man on the OLOA squad is better known for his exploits on" the, cinders. He is John Silveira, State 1000­ ~ard champion from New, Bed­ ford High. ' , Not since the '52-'53 'season when St. Anthony of the Desert won the crown, has the Diocesan title been won by a Fall River team. Santo Christos will strive to rectify that situation and be­ come the seventh Fall River titlist in the competition that goes back to 1939. The high scoring OLOA unit has other designs., however. It shapes up as a great series. Discuss New League A ~ting of authorities rep­ resenting six area high schools convened last Thursday at Dart­ mouth High School to explore

Reds Show Guilt By long Silence NEW YORK (NC) - Henry Cabot Lodge, U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, said here that if Hungary's Red rulers do not answer inquiries regarding the whereabouts of political prisoners "they will actually acknowledge themselves as guilty of the worst things which have been said against them'" : Mr. Lodge was ~mmenting on the fact that he has received no reply to an inquiry submitted ,Feb. 11 to ,the Hungarian mission ,:to t~e ,UN. He said the inquinr asked about the "presen't <;i'rcum:' stances of' certain prolt\inent Hungarians who disappeared from public life since the Soviet Union's armed overthrow of the Hungarian government in 1956." Mr. Lodge said receipt of the inquiry had ,been acknowledged Feb. 17 by the Hungarian rep­ rentative to the UN, who said he would forward it to Budapest. No reply has yet been received, he said, "yet people all over the world - • • demand answers about these Hungarians whose fate appareritly is now being de-­ cided in secret."

Trucking Firm Head Receives Citation NE(WARK (NC) - The 1958 Rerum Novarum Award of St. Peter's College in Jersey City has been conferred here on Hugh E. Sheridan of Forest Hills, president of Sheridan and Dun­ can, Inc., a trucking concern in New York City. The award, a medal and rib­ bon, was pinned on Mr. Sheri­ dan's lapel by Jesuit Father James J. Shanahan, college president. The citation stated that 141'. Sheridan "has preserved untar­ nished through the years a shin­ ing reputation, for fairness and loyaltY in dealing with his- em­ ployees" and "has consistently blazoned new trails in the peace­ ful settlement of industi-i31 eOD­ Diet.­

made to meet later this Spring for further discussion. In attendance were John Erickson and Joe Bettencourt, Dartmouth; William R. Mackin­ tosh and Z. Walter Janick, New Bedford Vocational; Mel Entin, Don Gavin and Alec Clement, Fairhaven; Leo Shields and Brian Connors, Barnstable; Mike Gaddis and Jim Kinney, Fal­ mouth, and Pau}. O'Connell, Clem Spillane and George White, Wareham. , Dartmouth last 'week officia~ly severed connections with the Narry League wherein' it had been a ch'arter member. Fal­ mouth is Narry in football but mas Cape affiliations i!1 .baaket-, ball and baseball, as docs Barn-, stable which plays 'an in~epen:" dent grid schedule. Wareham; also unattached in football, is member of the Old Colony League in basketball and base':': balL Fairhaven and Voke".of, course, are full fledged ,Bristol County schools. ' Xavier Wins NIT' Anything can happen in 'tour­ nament play" where one loss means elimination. In the we­ cently completed National Invi­ tation Tournament unseeded, unheralded Xaviel;' of Ohio threaded its way through top calibre competition to annex the' title. The Ohioans had onl'y a so-so season's record, winniJl& 15 and losing 11, but they showed their mettle in the Gar­ den. Dayton, top-seeded entry, fen victim to Xavier in the tourney final. The 'defeat marked the Flyers' fifth unsuccessful finale foray. Catholic entries in the NIT showed to definite advan­ tage. In addition to Xavier, a Jesuit institution, St. John's of Brooklyn and St. :Bonaventure compiled enviable recotds. The latter two met in the' cOElsola­ , tion final, the "Bannies" taking , :, the decision. Prayerful Thanksgivinc. ' New Eng 1a'n d scholastic hockey c,hampion is Walpole Hidt, coached by Len Ceglarski, ' former B.C. star. Walpole 'was runner-up ,to Cambridge", l,a.tin ',in the Massachu~eUs'" iourney. ,En route to the tiUeCeglarski's .lads, ~isposed of both, Connecti­ ,cu~ ,~n4'ies. Wilbw' ,Crolls" ap'~ Hamden, and, :aurri~lville, ~ ..I. titlist. " ' , , , At the final whistle, pandem­ onium broke loose with Walpole adherents really whoopirigit up. Then came a dramatic' silence, for there in a circle at center ice was the entire Walpole squad kneeling in prayerful thanks­ giving. When the boys arose bedlam again broke loose and the noisy celebration resumed. In marked ~ontrast was the riotous finish that marred the



-Photo bY' JCUIltCS Spina"

STONEHILL CO-CAPTAINS: Newl:y elected eaptainsof the Stonehill Chieftains are, left to right, Joseph (Smokey) Walsh, Taunton, sophomore, andl Leo Denault, New Bedford, freshman. They will captain the 1958-59 team.'


Wilbur Cross-Somervillee game up to that point had been well TH! ANCHOR'at' Boston Garden. With only a ,J;eceived. . ,Thws.,March 27, 1958 .. ' few secondS' left on the clock, a Catholic Tourn/lQlent " melee broke out on thefl'oor and The lone remaining: post sea­ tional title. The tourney wiD" ~ walt a full 10, minutes &.fore lIOn. hoop extravaganza is sched­ ,put, a temporary: cnmp' in. the order was restored. Various and' uled to get underway tonight, at spring football' practice at Roc­ sundry missiles were ,..h urled Rogers High, Newport,: when ,e~, inasmuch as the visiUna from the top reaches of 'the' Gar­ " eight outstanding Catholic teams basketl!Jall men will tax d'ressina den endangering spectators and representing the Eastern sea­ facilities at the NeWport schOGt. players alike. The incident cast ': board states compete for the The three-day tourney will eoa,.. a, pall! over the tourney' :which Eastern States Catholic Inv:ita- . ,elude en Saturd'a!y.











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THE ANCHOR'-­ Thurs.,March 27, 1958

'ScientistsNow Reveal St. Christopher Medal Secure'd to 'Brains' of Navy's Orbit Circling Vanguard Rocket

Notes Spiritual Bases Protect Hum~n Rights'

CAPE CANAVERAL (NC)­ A medal of St. Christopher, patron of,travelers, was in the second stage of the Navy's Van­ guar.d rocket which shot' the satellite into outer space. This was disclosed after the

successful firing of the rocket. The medal was attached to the gyroscopic guidanc~ system in the second of the three-stage Vanguard. This section burned out at an altitude of about 140' miles, but it 'carried the "brains" of the ~ehicle-the,controls for guiding the final stage~into the proper position to put the sateliite into orbit. Indusion of the medal in the rocket amounted to a "technical modification" and required sub­ mission and approval of the same ,form demanded for an,.

NEW YORK - Human

rights will never be safe­ guarded by an "exercise in semantics" but by a- real­ ization of man's relationship to '! God, Auxiliary ,Bishop James H. Griffiths of New York told the National Council of Cathc;llic Women here. Bishop Griffiths said "it is an incontrovertible fact that there is no permanent foundation for true, inviolable human rights in a view 'of life which denies the existence of God the Creator and Sustainer.." , ,'Supernatural Bases He defined a human right as "a moral and inviolable power of having something, of doing something, 'or, of demanding something from others." He stressed - that by "inviolable power" he meant one that "may, not ,be interfered with by others." Recalling that the U.N. Char­ ter declares' as one of its pur­ 'poses "to reaffirm faith 'in -the dignity and worth of the human person" Bishop Griffiths said Dot en'ough persons ask "why" -in'regard to this statement. He declared that some "mod­ ern thinkers and world leaders lIuffering from intellectual myo- . pia ... *. ~, will conjure up the most fantastic formulae and theorems rather than admit the supernatural bases of man's per­ sonal dignity." God Himself "Human. rights will never be impregnably safeguarded' by mere affirmations about the dig­ nity of ' human personality," the Bishop continued. "This is merely an exercise in semantics. Human rights can only be ade­ quately safeguarded, securely founded and based if men realize why the dignity of the human person must be respected-and that is man's nature created by God a~d destined for an eternal rendezvous with Qivinity."· "It is God's plan eternal that man keep this rendezvous," the Bishop stated, "and in His wis­ dom ... * * God must confer on him the means to satisfy the hunger for God which He placed in man's soul at the moment .of creation." ' "And in this sense," the Bishop concluded, "we may ac­ curately state that the ultimate or remote basis of human rights is God Himself."

EducatQrs Urge I


Religion Study . ANN ARBOR (NC) - A state university has no, right to ig­ nore the fact of its students' religious commitments, a' Jesuit theologian said at the University of Michigan. Father John Courtney Mur­ ray, S.J., declared "your college and university student is acad­ emically empowered to grow in all its discussions of knowledge ---except the dimension of reli­ gious knowledge.'" Father Murray, professor of theology at Woodstock College, a Jesuit seminary in Maryland, was a speaker in a series en­ titled "Religion and the State University," commemorating the centennial of organized student religious activity at the univers­ ity. Vital Force _

Paul C. Kauper, professor of law at the university, asserted a ,university which deliberately excludes all courses with a posi­ tive content is forcing itself to become a "telling witness" that religioll is irrelevant to the pro­ cess of cultivating the mind and spirit. Prof. Kauper said a university ~, which fails to deal with religion "as a vitrol force in the life and history of man • • • . may well take the position that it is der~­ lict to the high purpose for which it was created."

TOGETHER AFTER 43 YEARS: Msgr. Joseph' Ca­ cella, Director of ~t'. An'Uwny's Welfare ,Center" New York, .to renew acquaintance ~ith' a75-pound tortoise at the Bronx Zoo. 43 years ago, Msgr. CaceHa, then a young missionary human experienc~ and is in this' 'in th,e jungles of the Amazon, Brazil, was' present when sense maimed." Academic Objectives Theodore Roosevelt, then ex-President .of 'the U. S., cap­ Father Murray said a univers:" , tured the animal in 1915. Teddy, as'the tt,lrtle was called, is about 200 years old. Kno,wn in missionary days as ity has no right to judge the' validity of its student re~igious' Padre de Selvas, Padre of the, Jungle, Msgr. Cacella has commitments. written of his missionary experience. . "Similarly" he continued "it' Kenneth E. Boulding, profes­ sor of '\economics at, the university, called for greater interaction, between social science, and religion. "Since re-

,change in the vehicle's ,design. The form .was signed by engi­ 'neer F. Pa~l Lipinski of the Martin ,Company; a Catholic, and by 11 other persons who worked in the Vanguard. ' On the form, under the head­ ing "Description of Change Re­ quired," a drawing was made- of the St. Christopher medal and another drawing showed how, it wouid be inserted inside the rocket. Under another heading, "Rea­ son for 'Change," were the words: "Addition of ,Divine Guidance." A note said that "the cost will be deferred by field crew mem­ bers and no additional charges will be made ,for engi~eering, manufacturing, installation, in­ . spection, processing."

whatever else they somewhat schizophrenically may choose to be outside its walls." He specified two general acad­ emic objectives that a college or university could legitimately aim at in the field of religious knowledge. :'The first is a gen­ uine understanding of the has" no right to ignore' the!fact nature of religious faitb-. The ligion," he said, "is part of the of these commitments, '!'luch less whole experience of mankind, to require that-for the space of second is an understanding of the social scientist who does not four .years-its students should' the systems of belief in. their participate in it is cut off from ' be content to become sCientific, relations to other areas of human a deep 'and meaningful area of naturalists within the university" knowledge,": he said.

25 Years of Building the Future


This month, the John A. Volpe Construction Company completes its first tw~nty.five years of building the future. We look back with pride and gratitude on the quarter-century that saw ~ur company grow from hopeful begin,nings to national prominence in its field. . W~ look back with thanks on the enormo,us opportunity and' chall~nge preserited us by our ,loyal clients - ' and by'the contribution of our faithful employees. ' Welook back with satisfaction on our contributions to a better future: I}ew schools and colleges, public and private oflree buildings, hospitals and laboratories, military and naval iIlstaIlations, and suburban shopping centers. . We look forwar~ with anticipation to the bright and solid future we are building today - a future symbolized by the North Shore Suburban Shopping Center in Peabody, Mass.; by the, additions and alterations to the Harvard Medical School in Boston; by the new Marine training' facilities at Quantico, Virginia; by the C~rdinal Spellman Central High School in Brockton, Mass.; by the' addition to the Union Hospital at F~n River, Mass.; by large additions to the headquarters of the Atomic Energy Commission at Germantown, Mary. land;, and by the many other important prQjects we are constructing 'in this, our 25th Anniversary Year.



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