VOL. 47, NO.12
• Friday, March 28, 2003 .
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Diocesan Emergency Committee: Stay attuned to civil' authorities ~
Theremini:ler from the diocesan Heightened concern for cause of the war with Irl:).q. "In Bristol County the office , committee comes as the U.S. Deterrorist attacks and department of SheriffThomas partment of Homeland Security prompts reminder. Hodgson has elaborated plans with has raised the level of watchful-
By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR NEW BEDFORD - Pastors and administrators of Fall River diocesan agencies are being urged to stay closely attuned to various public service and civil agencies in the w;llce of heightened alerts for terrorist attacks on America be-
THIRD-GRADERS at St. Mary's School, Taunton, display their projects at the school's recent Religion Fair. (AnchotiGQrdon photo)
Move over science, there's a brand new fair in town By MIKE GORDON
families," said Father Frank Zlotkowski, pastor of St. TAUNTON - Third-grad- Mary's. "By educating children ers have been busy in recent and supporting parents to get weeks at St. Mary's School and involved we're building a stronat home preparing for their first ger faith community. annual Religion Fair held ''We recognize that faith is a March 18. gift - this religion fair focuses They used cardboard and on the faith life of people." colored paper, scissors and Some students created glue, and even toys they had on shadow boxes depicting scenes hand to create projects which from the Bible such as Daniel focused on a religious topic falling into the lion's den. 00such as the sacraments, a saint , ers had models of Noah's ark or a story from the Bible. in front of their presentation to The projects the students give passersby a visual aid to created, with a little or a lot of their project. Some drew help from mom and dad, were stained glass pictures, others on display for its open house traced the history of a family and judging by the creations christening gown or recounted themselves and the enthusiasm the story of their favorite saint. of the student.. it was a success- Student Delaney Adams went ful endeavor. so far as to paint and fire a ce''This is our first year doing ramic plate and cup for her the Religion Fair and we've project ''The Last Supper." been very impressed with the "I was happy with the way children's efforts," said Princi- it came out," said Adams. "I pal Brian Cote. like learning about Jesus in "It's one way to promote our school." Catholic identity and we're Another student, Matt very pleased with the way it Lewis, smiled as he showed off turned out," Cote added. "It's his project which included a something we hope to continue replica of the burning bush. He in the future." enjoyed working on the. story "It's an idea that$lerged , because it was "one of his fafrom the school's go~ in~d vorltes," and .added m~t it was ing. enhancingfh~ ~~ :We ,qf , to p~ge 16 'J:1{li)' .' . "," ,J;' ANCHOR STAFF
J -
the relevant authorities providing public safety in all of the cities and towns," Msgr. Thomas H. Harrington, chairman of the Diocesan Emergency Committee, said in an advisory earlier this week. ''The sheriff's office is a very useful resource, to be sure," Msgr. Harrington added.
ness for all Americans in the event of terrorist attacks. The diocesan committee was formed by former Fall River Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., in one of his last actions before taking over the Diocese of Palm Beach, Fla., last October. Thm to page 13 - Emergency
Two to be ordained transitional deacons ~ 'Bishop Sean
P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., will return to ordain the two men for his former diocese.
FALL RIVER - Two seminarians en route to the priesthood will be ordained transitional deacons tomorrow at 11 a.m., in St. Mary's Cathedral. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., bishop of the Palm Beach, Fla., diocese and former bishop of Fall River, will ordain Michael J. Fitzpatrick and . Ethan McCarthy. The Fall River diocese has been without a bishop since Bishop O'Malley took over the Palm B'each diocese in October 2002. .
Fitzpatrick, 33, is the son of Michael and Elena Fitzpatrick ofWrentham. His home parish is Blessed Sacrament in Walpole. McCarthy, 29, is a native of Annapolis, Md. and the son of Permanent Deacon Dana McCarthy and Diane McCarthy of Harwichport. He is a member of Holy Trinity Parish there. 'The ordinandi are currently in their fourth and final year of theological studies at Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. Concelebrants of the Mass will include Msgr. George W. Coleman, administrator of the Fall River diocese; Father Daniel Mindling, OFM Cap., a memThm to page 13 - Deacons
IRAQI YOUTH cheer British Royal Marines as they drive through the port town of Umm Qasr in southern Iraq. In Rome, Pope John Paull! prayed for the "gift of peace." (eNS photo from Reuters)
Friday, March 28, 2003
~ TOMHEALEY, left, the new administrator of the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, joins Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of the Diocesan Health Faciliti~s Office, in wishing outgoing administrator Carmelite Sister Mary Robert Romano well at a reception. The Carmelite Sisters were recently called to other assignments after serving the home for 63 years.
Brothe'r Paul Monette FIe LA PRAIRIE, QUEBEC, CANADA - Brother of Christian Instruction' Paul (Jacques) Monette, 92, a teacher at the former Msgr. Prevost High School in Fall River, Mass., and moderator of its first graduation class in 1938, died on March 12. Born in Montreal, Canada, he joined the Brothers of Christian Instruction in 1926, beginning 77, years of religious life. He taught at the brothers' schools in Canada, Maine, Plattsburgh, N.Y., and spent 30 years as a missionary and builder in Africa. In 1931 Brother Paul was assigned to Prevost, then a grammar school for boys in Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish. The school had opened in,I927. He stayed for only
two years at that time, but returned in 1936 when Prevost had expanded into a high school for boys. Although he retired in 1977; he was a familiar visitor to Fall River in the late 1980s and early 1990s, taking part in special celebrations and attending reunions of the Msgr. Prevost High Alumni Association. Because as a hobby he collected writings, photos and souvenirs from the various brothers' centers, he earned the title of auxiliary archivist of the American Province, headquartered in Alfred, Maine. A memorial Mass was celebrated March 18 in the chapel at the Brothers Residence in Notre Dame Parish. Burial was in La Prairie.
Sister Raphael Desrosiers OP NEWBURGH,N.Y. ~ Sister Raphael Desrosiers of the Dominican Sisters of Hope; died March 17 in the Siena Hall Residence Care Unit in Newburgh. , She was 80. Born Constance Simone Desrosiers in Worcester, Mass., she was the daughter of the late Theodore and the late Marie Blanche E. (Fournier) Desrosiers. She entered the Dominican Sisters at Fall River, Mass., in December 1940, made her first profession of vows in August, 1943, and her final profession in August, 1946. She earned a bachelor of science degree in elementary education from Providence College. Sister Desrosiers taught at schools New York and Peru; at St.
Anne's School in Fall River and S1. Francis Xavier School in Acushnet, Mass.; and also served as sacristan at St. Anne's Church. In May, 2002, she transferred to the Dominican Sisters of Hope in Newburgh. She leaves a sister-in-law and nieces. She also was the sister of the late Jean Marie, Joseph, Georges, Albert, Eugene" Laurent, Blanche and Jeanette Desrosiers. ' Her funeral Mass was celebrated March 20 in the main chapel of the Newburgh Center of Hope. Burial was in the Dominican Sisters of Hope cemetery there. The Perrott-Bernardinelli Home for Funerals, Inc., in' Newburgh, was in charge of arrangements.
~ DIOCESAN HEALTH Facilities Executive Director Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald greets Mother Mary Suzanne, Superior General of the Carmelite Sisters at a farewell reception for the Sisters at Catholic Memorial Home.
Saint Anne's Hospital announces April schedule FALL RIVER -SaintAnne's pita\. All locations are in Fall clinical 'breast exams, Pap tests, Hospital announces its April River. physical exams and breast and cerschedule for its Women's Health Since, 1994, Saint Anne's has vical education at host sites Network outreach program of provided free breast and cervi- throughout the area. Mammograbreast and cervical cancer medi- cal services to more than 4,3QO phy" is provided at the FIRSTFED cal services as follows: uninsured or underinsured Center for Breast Care. Other health . April I from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 women. To find out if you services including free further dip.m., SSTAR Family Health Cen- qualify or to make and appoint- agnostic testing as order by the phytel', 400 Stanley Street; April 8 ment call 508-675-5686 or check sician are included as needed. from 6:30-8:30 p.m., FIRSTFED the hospital's Website: . Portuguese speaking staff and Center for Breast 'Care at Saint www.saintanneshospital.org. in_terpreters of other languages are Anne's Hospital; April 12 froll) A nurse practitioner provides available.,. : . 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., .FIRSTFED .. . ,J , ,'. ',' ,I • ,~. Center for Breast Care at Saint . .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, -...-.)'" -. . . '.".' Anne's Hospital, corner of South Main and Middle streets; April 17 from noon to 3 p.m., Healthfirst Family Care Center, 102 County Street; April 26 from 8:30a.m. to 3 p.m., FIRSTfED Center for Bl'east Care at Saint Anne's Hos-
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week
Daily Readings
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On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of , making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be . preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses co"'!mitted against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." , ConfeSSions may'be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2,4-6,1112a,13b; In 4:4354 EZ47:1-9,12; Ps 46:2-3,5-6,8-9;
In 5:1~16
46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River or call: ..
Is 49:,8-15; Ps 145:8-9,13c14,17-18; In 5:17-30 Ex 32:7-14; Ps, 106:19-23; In 5:31-47 Wis2: 1a, 12-22; Ps 34: 17-21,23; In 7:1-2,10,25-
April 5 April 6
Jer 11 :18-20; Ps 7:2-3,9b-12; In 7:40-53 Jer 31 :31-34; Ps 51:3-4,12-15; " Heb 5:7-9; In 12:20c 33
THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July ani the week after Christmas at 887 Highlanl Averrue, Fall River, Mass. fJ2720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS selxl address changes to The Anchor, P,O. Box 7, Fall River, MA fJ2Tl2.
March 31 1953, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George,c. Maxwell, Pastor: SS. Peter & Paul', Fall River
April 1 1958, Rev. George A. Lewin, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville 1974, Rev. Edwin 1. Loew, Pastor, St. Jos~ph, Wcio'ds Hole . April 2 , 1961, Rev. Adolph Banach, OFM Conv.,·Pastor, Our Lady of" Perpetual Help, Ne~Bedford ',' , , ' 1976, Rev. Donald Belanger, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro 1993, Rev. James B. Coyle, Pastor Emeritus, St. Dorothea, Eatontown, N.J. "
April 3 " 2000, Rev: Roger G. Blain, OP· April 4 1972, Rev. Lionel Gamache, S.M.M. 1985, Rev. James F. McCarthy, Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River 199 I, Rev. Gaspar L·. Parente, Retired Pastor, St. Theresa, Patagonia, Ariz. ' April6' 1977, Rev. Msgr. John A..Chippendale, Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham 1980, Rev. Lorenzo Morais, Retired Pastor, St. George, Westport . . 1987, Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson, Retired Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis . 1994, Rev. Gerald E. Conmy, CSC, Associate Pastor, St. Ann, DeBary, Fla. 1997, Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan, St. Paul, Minn. 2001, Rev. Lucien Jusseaume, Retired Chaplain Our Lady's Nursing Home, Fairhaven' "
the' anGh<iS>
Friday, March 28,?~93
is done for them," S;lid Maher. team and promotes a coll~gial "After a day's work, the group is working relationship," said often invited to the homes of the Leffers. "Each member of the people, and on Ei Dia de Tres. Reyes team returned home a better per(January 6) we were invited to a son for having given something street party complete with ethnic of his or herself to those in need foods and dances;' added Leffers. and enriched by all the special â&#x20AC;˘ The two' nurses 'agreed it is es- moments with the Dominican pecially rewarding to include people." Helping to organize the trips, nursing students on these trips. "Often it is the first time that stu- and providing lodging were dents are able to directly experi- Redemptorist Fathers Gerald ence another culture and health. . Campbell and Angelo Sanchez issues they face," said Maher, and Redemptorist Brother Chris. "They are able to learn first hand topher Walsh. St. Joan of Arc Parish in Orof di~eases that they only read about in textbooks, becoming leans assisted the volunteers, as , aware of the i'mportance of pub- did the S1. Vincent de Paul Socilic health worldwide." . eties of S1. Mary's, Norton, S1. "The student's enthusiasm arid Mary's, Mansfield,¡ and Sl. energy invigorates the whole Michael's, Swansea.
.GATHERING FOR a'photo during a recent good-will visit to the Dominican Republic are, from left: Redemptorist Brother Christopher Walsn; Jeanne Letters, RN, from St. Michael's Parish, Swansea; Redemptorist Father Gerald Campbell; Kimberly Hastings from St.,Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans; Redemptorist Father Angelo Sanchez; and Jean Maher, RN, from St. Mary's Parish, Norton.
Area residents bring healthcare ~o people of, the Domi~icanRepublic NORTON - For the past y.ear most of the headline grabbers have been wars and threats of wars. But without limelight, several good Samaritans from the Diocese of Fall River have been fighting battles of a different nature. Registered Nurses Jean Maher of St. Mary's Parish, Norton, and Jeanne Leffers of St. Michael's Parish, Swansea, faculty members' at UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing, have made significant contributions to the latest health , outreach program of Intercultural Nursing, Inc., through their donations of time, skill, personal care items, and 'cash. The two', along with'Kimberly Hastings from St. Joan ofArc Parish, Orleans, ari undergraduate nursing student, recently returned, from a trip to the Dominican Republic to bring health care services to the poor who live in the western region of the country near Haiti. This was the fourth INI trip fOf Leffers, the third for Maher and the first for Hastings.
Once there, the trio, along with ' other INI volunteers from. New England, Arizona, California, Colorado, and Illinois, distributed hundreds of pounds of medications and supplies during daily missions throughout the region. '''Every person seen is given nec'essary medications or treatment as well as gifts oftoiletries, toothbrushes or combs," said Maher. , This year the volunteers distributedmore than 100 pairs of reading glasses. "The recipients, even if unable to read, found it miraculous that they could once again see in order to sew or perform daily actiyities," said Leffers. Also making the recent trip was Dr. James Leffers, also a ' ,member of St. Micheal's, Swansea. He had also made a Novernbel'. trip to theDominican Republic 'with a surgical team spon- . sored by the Diocese of Orlando, Fla. While there, the team lived in primitive conditions, experiencing the discomforts ,most of the natives live with on a daily,
.JrJ ;;. ......
basis including mosquito nets fOf sleeping, bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth, care in what is eaten, and' vigilance to check for tarantulas. As difficult as that was, it is small compared to t~e challenges the villagers face every day, yet "the Dominican hosts an~ warm, 'Yelcoming and very appr.eciative of anything that
JEAN MAHER, RN, distributes reading glasses to a Dominican villager. .
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JEANNE LEFFERS, RN, treats a Dominican patient.
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Friday, March 28, 2003
themoorin~ In harm's
the living word
It ~s almost unbeliev'able how few Americans have any real concept of. Middle East politics 'and history. Sad'to say, the' vast majority of American high school, stude~ts know little about their own nation's story. This huge void of ignorance does not stand us well as we try to become the world's police force. Somehow ~e are being led to believe that the Iraqi war is all about American democracy. When all the guns are qu}et, Iraq ~ill evolve into another freedom-loving nation with a government that resembles our own constitutional conventions. This is a prop~ganda pipe dream that really cannot be achieved. As we watch this full-fledged media war, all Americans must reach out in heart and prayer for the men and women in the service of our nation. Also, we should not forget their families and loved ones here at home. The evil of the Saddam regime is obvious. This government has done more to destroy its own people a.nd brutalize into. supmission all opposition. The record is clear and well documented. It has become the prime motivation for this cur': rent ,war. The removal of Saddam from .the' world stage is a . necessity. However, once this is' achieved, then what do we do? This part of the world has always been fractionalized. Look at the' ~" Iraqis waiting in the wings ready to follow in the footsteps of Saddam. Th~ Kurds in the north oJ Iraq are .divided 'into two hostile groups. In the sOllth, two Arab groups, the 'Sun'ni and' the Shiite~, compete for domination. On the one hand, the Al Dawa is a radical Islamic"group; on the other hand, the consti-, tlltional monarchy mo~ement wants to restore a king. There are many other players that will have to be dealt with 'when the military phase is completed. The goals and objectives of those who would be the new Iraqi government are divided along countless political, religious and ethnic issues. There. was n'o Iraqi government in exile that could speak for all the POPE JOHN PAUL II GREETS A YOUNG GIRL AT THE VATICAN'RECENTLY. CALLlNQ PEACE A Iraqi people. during Saddam's days. Somebow Americans feel GIFT, POPE JOHN PAUL II DECLARED THAT WEAPONS CAN "NEVER RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF that we can get all these people around one table and have . ' MAN." (CNS PHOTO FROM ~U'TERS) , 'I .' . . them bury their hatChets. History simply tells us this cannot become a reality. . "COME; YOU CHILDREN, LISTEN TO ME; 'I ~iLL TEACH YOl} THE. .,. In the 19 th century Britain and France thought they could . FEAR OF THE LORD" (PSALM 34:11). bring their version of civilization to that part of the. world. When the Ottoman Empire dissolved, all unity iri the region also disappe.ared. However, the old hatreds continued to fester. The nations we'recognize todayjn the Middle East are a 'result of what .we might call colonial 'revolutions. Britainan'd FI:ance lost all influence in the region when they had to retreat. after the Suez War. Now we are being told that America will bring freedom an~ democracy to' Iraq. Recent world efforts do not reflect that By FATHER EUGENE' HEMRICK fear the destruction of large popu- is nothing more disturbing than this country has the ability to achieve this ideal. We are not CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE lations? • not knowing the face of our eniiked by many Arab states, and we have many world enemies. As I write this, the' presence of If we stop and examine these emy. When we walk with death, We might not view ourselves 'as colonial imperialists, but oth- police with machine guns and·of fears, we realize that what is most we see its face and are in a better ers see us as 'capitalistic warlord.§., Inan area of the wo.rld where helicopters overhead, along with dreaded is the death of everything position to learn how to cope with oil is a common leverage, Americ&n intrusion can be viewed worries of a terrorist attack on precious to us.' it. We learn that we can't beat it with much suspicion. . Capitol HUI where I live are at an None of us, especially me, physically, nor can we perma.Let us ,hope that we can reconcile the current situation and all-time nigh, as is the difficulty likes to think about death. When nently deter it. What we learn bring ol;lr miiitary home as soon ~s possible. However, let us .of preserving peace of mind. To, we hear of it, we usually dismiss above all is that only faith has the not forget we. have stirred up an historic caldron that could ·.wh~t to whom do .we ~urn. to it from our thoughts as quickly as power to conquer death. The con· put us all in harm's way. maIntaIn ou~ balance In thIS hIgh possible. We are forever running quest doesn't mean we will live froni it, 'and seldom, if ever, do longer; rather, we will live better state of tensIOn? because of our p ''.:e of mind. The Executive Editor We must begin by squarely we study it. . face our fears. War carries many When Cardinal Joseph Our faith teaches us that this fears, one of them being the loss Bernardin of Chicago was con- life is not an end in itself, it is a of loved ones. Do we fear that we fronted with the inevitability of steppingstone to life without will we see our sons and daugh- his death, he took counsel with the death. ters dying or coming home well-known spiritual writer Fa~ Easter faith is the goal in this crippled, or that we could see a ther Henri Nouwen, who advised regard because it teaches us that global war much like World War. him to befrienq death. This' is a just as Christ conquered death so OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVEn II? Do we fear economic insecu- very frightening, yet profound will we. pUbil~hed weekly by the Catholic Press of the Dioqese of Fall River rity ---:- that world markets will insight that speaks to our fearful A proper frlime of mind is our " 887 Highland Avenue ' P.O. BOX. 7 collapse and 'cause a depression? times. . best means of achieving peace of , Fall River, MA 02720 , Fall River, MA02722-0007 Do we wOll-y'that our free-andFear of death is the greatest mind in these beleaguer:ed times. : Telephone 508·675·7151 FAX 508-675-7048 easy lifestyle could become a source of tension in life. Death is When we cultivate a proper frame \' E-mail: TheAnchor@Anchornews.org thing of the past? seen as ,the end of everything o(mind, we see that it is God, not 'Sefid'address changes to P.O. Box,. call or use E-mail address With the news focusing on meaningful for us. Yet, when we us, who is in control of this life. . germ warfare, there is a height- befriend it, walk side by side with This life is not an end unto itself, , EXECUTIVE EDITOR . .ened worry that this could hap- it and see its' face, we destroy its . nor is death its end. . Rev. Msgr. John F.Moore. ' , , pen in our bigc.ities. Do we fear' grip oil us and the tensions it us Most important, it reminds ., EDITOR NEWS ~DITOR O,FFICE MANAGER that we will see people contract- . causes. How so? that without faith, death has. the David '8. Jollvet • James N. Dunbar , Barbara M. Reis ing mysterious .diseases~ Do we' Death is an ene'm y, and there run of our life. "
Withoutfaith, our lives are under ·death's·control
:theancho~ ~
' . .
The ·time of year to forgive and forget
Letter 'to the Editor
Editor: I read with great satisfaction your' editorial rebutting our governor's suggestion regarding The heart staqs to chug a the Fenway grounds crew to re- won't say thing about it. Not privatizing the Massachusetts Marilittle faster with just the thought install the left field net to pro- yet. Oh de,ar! Memories of time Academy. of it. Maybe, just maybe, this tect wall sitters from a steady 1978 are rushing at me - WedWhat I.find.most bewildering is will be the year. Why not? Why barrage of laser-like homers? ding or World Series? - Wed- why anyone would want to change not us this time? What will it feel like to fin,fllly ding or World Series?· or tinker with an extremely success- . Some folks tingle with an- win the whole thing? . Arrgghhhhhhh! Wedding anni- ful and perfectly functioning opera"' ticipatiolJ as Christmas rolls It's Opening Day when I versary or World Series? tion. As a grad and an active memaround, others sense a jolt of can't wait for the arrival of Oc- Wedding anniversary or 'Yorld ber of the alumni, I can attest to the adrenali ne as vacation. .Series? Artggghhhhhh! success oftheAcademy's graduates, No, I can't let it both in the rriilitary and private intime nears, and others get a kick frpm July 4th worry me yet: Not now. dustry. Few people are aware, that fireworks, beaches and It's nearly Opening next to the U.S. Naval Academy, Day, and all is right Mass Maritime has;graduated more barbecues. As for me, .it's the with the world. Be- flag officers than any other college Red Sox opener that sides, after 25 years in the country. Quite a feat, when makes me giddy. In a Denise must surely know the significance few short days my red By Dave Jolivet CAPE COD stockings won't be hung of each October ... besides our anniversary of by the chimney with - - - - - - - - - - - NATIONAL .care, but ratht;r will course. MORTGAGE adorn my hats, T-shirts, jack- tober - summer is great but Focus Dave, focus. Home LOW, LOW RATES STARTING AT ets and license plates. And if I let's just get to the World Se- runs, 20-win seasons, batting could, I would decorate my ries! It's the beginning of Red titles, RED SOX BASEBALL! home as well but I don't think Sox season when I refus.e to That's more like it. NO POINTS, NO CLOSING COSTS that would go over very well . make any concrete plans for the Anyway, let me take this op1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES lOth month. Back in 1978, my ,portunity to wish all of ybu a with family members. PURCHASE OR REFINANCE For me, nothing refreshes beloved Sox let me off the hook. Happy Opening Day, espeIMPROVEMENT, REPAIR DEBT CONSOLIDATION the soul like Opening Day! For- - although with much regret. cially to those whose hearts are CREDIT CARD PAY OFf'S, given and forgotten are failures My then' fiancee Denise and I chugging a little bit faster as HOME EQUITY, COMMERCIAL 2ND HOMES, TUITION, SELF EMPLOYED from the past. On Opening Day had a wedding scheduled for 5: 15 p.m. on March 31 ap. NO INCOME VERIFICATION' no longer do I despise Bucky October of that year, and but for proaches. POOR CREDIT - NO CREDIT Dent; no longer does Bill a total Red Sox collapse (and a .Hmmm, I wonder if Denise PAY OFF LIENS & ATIACHMENTS FORECLOSURE· BANKRUPTCY Buckner's booboo bother me; dinky home run from "Bucky), would like World Series tickAPPLICATION TAKEN ON PHONE and no longer does a blown the wedding reception would ets for a~ 25 th anniversary NO APPLICATION FEE. catcher's interference call had to have been switched to a present ,... or maybe even a roFAST SERVICE. WE CAN HELPI mantic get~way to Bost.on·awaken' me at night. No, all is local. sports bar. Phew! CALL NOW Nope, I must keep October for a wild and wooly champiright with the world on OpenNew Bedford 508-636-7000 open at all times ... until the Sox onship parade? ing Day: Cape Cod 508-945-0060 Dave Jolivet, editor of The' As the event nears hundreds are mathematically eliminated. Free application on Internet of thoughts bounce around my Wait a minute! Let's see, 2003 Anchor, is a former sports edi. www.ccnm.com· head like a pinball dancing be- take away 1978 ... that equals' tor/writer, and regularly gives 'MB#1161 'APR 57/8, Adj. $10k min. . tween electronically juiced ... oh no ... 25! My 25 th wed- . one.fan's perspective on the . bumpers. Will Pedro win 20? ding anniversary is in October! unique world of sports. Hmmmm. I wonder if Comments are welcome at Can NomaI' pull a Ted Williams and bat .400? Will Manny force Denise realizes this yet? I davejolivet@anchornews.org.
My View From the Stands
you ~onsider that the average class size was 65 cadets. Many major and small businesses throughout the United States and around the world are owned or operated by MMA graduates. A school that can boast 100 percent placement at graduation must be doing something right. It's too bad' our elected officials continue to try and gum up well operating and functioning facilities. Thank you for your editorial. Vincent E. Corsano Monument Beach
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'Pilgrimage to Italy
Care manager named .for diocesan health program FALL RIVER .- Msgr. Edmund J. Fitzgerald, executive director of the Diocesan Health Facilities, is pleased to announce the recent hiring of Claire M. Sullivan, RN, as the Care Manager for the Diocesan Health Facilities Care Manager Program, based at Our Lady's Haven.,
Fairhaven. The Care Manager Program specializes in assisting older people and their families with se- . nior care and related arrangements. The services of a care manager would be useful to elders living in the community, elders returning to the community after a stay in the hospital or nursing home, family members, 'physicians, attorneys and social serv·ice providers. Sullivan, a resident of Westport, is an experienced reg- . istered nurse and certified case manager ~ith an extensive background in critical care and worker HONORED EMPLOY.EE compensation. Her past experience includes - Sandy Perrone, LPN, was 27 years of service at Saint . recently named Employee of Anne's Hospital. Emergency the Quarter at Our Lady's HaDepartment and e~ght years as ven, Fairhaven. A reception director of Occupational Medi- was held in her honor and she. cine at Saint Anne's. A gradu:" received a cash award, rec~ ate of the hospital's nursing proognition plaque and reserved gram, Sullivan holds a bachelor of science in social and health parking space as 'part of the services from Roger Williams award. Perrone has worked at the home for. seven years. University.
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Friday, March 28, 2003 ,
T~e mysterious allure of icons the last chapter, titled "Holy stopped short when'I saw one· I never really- appreciated New Martyr, Sister Mary icons, those colorfully painted . with an icon of Christ on the , Antoinette, Daughter of Wiscover. The title also' attracted religious images that originated in the Eastern churc.h,until 1992- me, "Christ All Merciful," with, dom." In the icon, she is visited by Wisdom, traditionally a simple italicized promise, when I did'a summer program depicted as a spirit with wings, in religious studies at Oxford "The wondro.us saving grace of bearing a blood red Publicity Chairmen are, MIS,CELLANEOUS - A University. One lecture cross. How right this asked to submit news ite,nsfor Mass and healing service will be' was on icons, given by . image is. this column to The Anchor, Celebrated Sunday at 2 p.m. at Irn:- Bishop Kallistos Sister Antoinette was P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722•. maculate·Conception Church, 122 Timothy Ware. He came my friend,who'ran a Narne of city or town should Canton Street, Stoughton. It will be with a ton of jcons to school iii. the Congo. be included, as well as full led by FatherJoseph P. McDermott. show.tis, along with a dates of all activities. DEAD- For more information call 781-762- great explanation of why She ~as martyred there LINE IS NOON ON FRI- 2029. these paintings don't in 1964, singled out by .By Antoinette Bosco look at all like mirror DAYS. , the Congo rebels, . ,Events published must be MISCELLANEOUS - The representations of becoming the victim of ...._~--~------t._'-...,,;; __...J.. rape and beatings before of interest and open' to our next Retrouvaille weekend will be human beings. That, in fact, under-, general readership. We do not held April 4-6 and, offers couples a , her lifeless body was carry notices offuild-raising chance to heal and renew troubled , scored the point. The icons, Jesus comes alive in both image then thrown into the river. and word" (Orbis Books). ' activities, which may be ad- marriages., Rediscover yourself and . with their brilliant colors and Seeing that icon, I felt so vertised at our regular rates, your spouse and a loving relation- mysterious faces, were meant to Written by Megan McKenna, connected to her, remembering , obtainable from our business ship in marriage. For more informa- represent eternal truths which the book was illustrated with 21 ,an interview I did with her when office at 508-675-7151., icons painted by William Hart tion call 1-800-470-2230 or the Di- transcend.earthly limits: Icons', she came back to the United McNichols, a Jesuit priest and . States to "beg," as she said, for ocesan Office of Farnily Ministry at he explained, resulted'because ATTLEBORO-, La Sah~tte, 508-999-6420. iconographer who lives in New "tradition and dogma took the crucially needed supplies for her Father Andre Patenaude will cel"children." There was chaos in place of nature, imposing a Mexico. ebrate a Mass and lead a healing ser'MISCELLANEOUS - The formal art whose aim was an The author 1iwites us to look the Congo and so many of her vice on Sunday at 2 p.m. at the La Diocesan Council of Catholic .abstract expression of religious at "the faces of Christ" in friends ple~ded with her not to I ' Salette Shrine Church. Itwill include WOlpen's annual retreat will be held emoti-on." " ' reflective chapters that give go back. But nothing could k~ep the opportunity for people to be , April 4-6 at the Dominican Sisters I was hooked with fascinaunusual insights about our . her from going back to her prayed individually. For more of the Presentation facilities, 3012 tion'once I understood that these connection with divinity; children there. The last thing information call 508-222-5410. Elm Street, Dighton. Father Michael were images meant specifically' she said to me was, "I don't' But tliis is notto be a one-sided Racine will be spiritual director. For to help us yearn for the Godactivity - with us, on the outside, know the ending - but what EAST FREETOWN - A more 'information 'call Claudette who transcends all creation, yet looking at the icon images, we do is a beginning." Young Adult Lenten Retreat Day Armstrong at 508-672c I658. is linked to all creation eterMcKenna wants us to recognize Of course, we're never meant· will be held April 5 from 11 a.m. to nally. I have since admired. that "the icon is a mirror, held to k~ow "the ending." That's the 4 p.m. at Cathedral Camp. It will NEW BEDFORD - The New showings of icons created by before our eyes so that.we can see message in the icon. We live include inspirational talks, Christian Bedford Women's Club wi)l be rec-· modem iconographers who our faces, our souls and our lives with mystery, true, but we have music, prayer, reflection, food and ognized at a noon Mass Sunday at f;lithfully keep the tradition of as· God sees us." . promises given by Christ ,that Mass. For more information call St. Lawrence Church in celebration mys,tery and eternity 'in their The book is rich with stories' life will prevail. The people in 508-675-3847. of its 85 th anniversary. A luncheon works. of people- who, by,the courage' this book believed in Easter in the, auditorium of Holy'FarnilyNot surprisingly, as I looked of their lives, were living the promise. I looked at the FALL RIVER....,... The YQuth Holy Name SC):lOol will follow. The for books that would be inspirimages of Jesus. I had an icons and could see that all the Apostles Institute will present its group willalso meetApril 9 at7 p.m. ing for Lenten meditations, I '. astounding surprise as 1 reached faces are Christ. Spring Youth Minist~y Seminar at the Wamsutta Club. For more inentitled "Leading Youth to Christ. formation call 508-995-9319. Through Mary: Ideas for Implementing the Year of the Rosary," NEW BEDFORD ~ Devotion April 1 at the former St. William's .to Our Lady of Perpetual Help'is You people who have,had to the asphalt was not going to let they cal} them granny glasses? I rectory, 42 Chicago Street. It will celebrated every Tuesday and devo- wear glasses since you were that happen. All attempts to hold had thought they might make rpe begin with Mass at 7:30 p.m. It tion to Divine Mercy every Thurs- young are the lucky ones. You the-car up at a.ilh's length failed. look smarter, but have.been told will be led by Fathers Kevin Cook day following the noon Mass at Our" learned long ago ho\\:, to rememI had to 'admit I needed' I resemble a confused loan shark and Ramon Dominguez. For Lady ofPerpetual Help Church. For ber your glasses. You do not glasses: I bought a car with with a migraine. . more information call 508-672- more, information call 508-992- need to keep a pair in'every higher ground clearance instead. I try to buy glasses with the 9378.. 2755. room. You rarely sit on them. Then there was this silly little little pre-stamped "correction" of , You don't throw thern: ' either 1.25 or 1.50. , FALL RIVER ~ St. Stanislaus NORTH DARTMOUTH on-the pickup truck _ - -.....;",;.-----...;.. .--::;::;::::--... However, one must be Parish will host a special program Dr. Mark McGowan, chiropractor dashboard and scratch wearing glasses to read April 12 in preparation for the Di- and health care specialist will give a them, You can fold them the magnification level. vine Mercy novena which begins 6n presentation entitled "De-stress for . and store them'in a So you either find Good Frioay. David and Joan Stress," at the March 31 meeting of pocket and almost another pair to read the Maroney, Mother ofMercy Messen- , the Diocesan Divorced-Separated always remember later pair you want to buy or gers, will present an audio-visual Support Group. It will be held from which pocket. you ask a stranger. It can progt:arn in which the words ofJesus 7-9 p.m. at the. Family Life Center, The rest of us are By l:?an Morris be an inter((sting way to as conveyed to St. Faustina come to' 500 Slocum Road. For more infor~ faced with two options:, meet people, especially if ' life in anintriguing waY.,The pro- mation calI508-993-Q589. go through life holding they remem~er having gram will be held in the school authe TV re'mote between our incident where I microwaved read a menu to you. ditorium from 6:30-8 p.m. Refresh. SEEKONK,;,..... A Young Adult knees as well as b~gging some popcorn according to a , I honestly do not know how ments will be'served at 5:30 p.m. Prayer Group will meet April 11 strangers to read menus to us setting based on the number of many pairs I have accumulated following the 4:30 p.m. Sunday from 7-8:30 p.m. in the parish cen- (friends and relatives eVentuallY calories·it contained. Before long over the years, no~ how many I Vigil ~ass. All welcome. ter of Our Lady of MOJ,lnt Carmel refuse) or amassing enough pairs - two or three years ..:- I began have lost, crushed, mangled or Church, 984 Taunton Avenue. Din- of glasses for every room, jacket, buying glasses on the sly. loaned to friends who could not MISCELLANEOUS'-:'" Provi~ ner at a local restaurant will follow. 'yehi~le and vessel. ' . Luckily, I don't have health or read their menus. ' dence College will present a sym- For more information call Bud I have chosen the amassing vision insurance so I don't have : . The ones I keep in the posium entitled ,"After Aquinas," Miller at 50&-675-3847. " path. to labor under the burden 'Of ,'nightstand are old friends. One April 4-5 in. Moore Hall II on the, I distinctly remember the day buying glasses for a specific vintage,pair is held together at campus, It will feature several guest SEEKONK -:-.The Women's I had to admit I needed glasses. I , prescription. I can buy them the hinges with a paper-clip wire speakers including Dominican Fa- GuildofOur Lady ofMount Carmel ' was on my back under ~he car when they are on sale at the where the little screws once ther Fergus Kerr v.;ho will speak on ' .C;hurch is sponsoring a Women's where I was going to replace.the pharmacy or if I find a pair at the resided. It looks like I could be the, topic' "Ambiguity in Thomas Day of PI:ayer with the Franciscan bracket holding the exhaust pipe. St. Vincent de Paul store or a receiving a radio signal while Aquinas," and Dominican Father Sisters of the Renewal April 5 from ' However, I could not tell if the garage sale. reading. Brian Shanley on the 'topiC "Imago 8: 15 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the parish cen- . screw on the clamp holding the I still only buy half-glasses Sometimes I do. Dei and Human Freedom 'in ter, 1040 Taunton Avenue. For more bracket required a standard-edge you know, the ones you can P':lt Comments are welcome. EAquinas." For more information call information call Linda Nason at ' or Phillips screwdriver. I tried ,to on the end of your nose over , mail Uncle Dan at 40 1-865~2777. 508-336-6579. .' move.my head back a little, but , which to look at others. Why do cnsuncleOl @yahoo.com.
The Bottom Line'
Excuses for .not.getting glasses
,The' offbeat world of·, Uncle Dan
Friday, March 28, 2003
Christ in the Euc,harist Q. What happens to the Body and Blood of Christ after we receive holy Communion? How long does it remain in our bodies? (Ohio)
tifiable as bread and wine. Thus, there is no longer a eucharistic presence of Christ in that sense. Of course, this does not end the sacramental and spiritual effects. of our Communion, which remain as elements of the believer's relationship with the Father and with our Lord. As St. Augustine reminds us
A, It is Catholic doctrine that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist as long as the reasonable' appearance of bread and wine is there. The traditional theological phrase is that Christ is present in the Eucharist "under the species," or appearance, of bread and wine. The Latin word "species" means that which can be seen or that which By Father makes manifest. In other John J. Dietzen words, as long as the eucharistic species looks or tastes like bread and wine under (in his commentary on the Gosordinary human observation, the pel of John, treatise VI), whatever sacramental Christ is present. other ministers may be involved, When that appearance or "spe- Christ is always the first and cencies" of bread and wine is no tral minister of all the sacraments, longer there, as in almost micro- particularly the Eucharist. He scopic crumbs, for example, the gives his promise of "hope and body of Christ is no longer strength for life's journey in that sacrament of faith where natural present. The Church wants us to deal elements (bread and wine) refined' with the sacraments, including the by men are changed into his gloEucharist, with eyes of reverent rified body and blood, providing faith, but also in a common-sense, a meal of brotherly solidarity and , human manner. It is not neces- a foretaste of the heavenly bansary, in the ex'ample I gave, for quet" (Vatican'II, Constitution on instance, to worry scrupulously the Church in the Modem World, about tiny, almost invisible par- No. 38). That pledge of hope and ticles that "may" have fallen and strength endures as God's gift, adhered to clothing or fingers. This shouId answer your ques- renewed each time we receive the tion. Our digestive路 processes Eucharist with reverence and quickly change the eucharistic faith. Q. My enthusiastic and exspecies so they are no longer iden-
Questions and Answers
Men of the Sacred Hearts looking to spread devotion FAIRHAVEN - Local chap- ish priest or, one from our comters of the Men of the Sacred munity of the Sacred Hearts FaHearts of Jesus and Mary, a na- thers, celebrate Mass in the home tional organization of men who and conduct the enthronement, strive to foster a special devotion including blessing of the house," to Jesus and Mary, are looking for he added. Costa said the devotions stem new members. According to Marc Costa of , from the 1674 appearance of Fairhaven, a member of the Na- Jesus to St. Margaret Mary tional Board of Directors of the Alacoque, a French Visitation organization, and also a member Sister. One of the promises made of the Fairhaven chapter of the to the saint was that those who group, that unit, others in New observe the first Friday of nine Bedford and on Cape Cod, as well consecutive months by receiving as another being formed in Fall the Eucharist will be assured of a holy and happy death. River, are recruiting. While some members 路of the Members come from various ethnic communities, professions organization are better in the puband teGhnological fields, as well lic ministry of the apostolate, othas industries and business, and ers are good at being in the background, helping and praying. include the retired, says Costa. "Whatever you style is, we will "We are invited into homes and we facilitate the Enthrone- accept it and you are welcome to ment of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, help spread the devotion of the with new members being there Sacred Hearts," said Costa. Those interested in joining as and praying with us, learning as well as anyone wanting an enthey go alone," said Costa. "It is a healthy and friendly thronement in their homes, environment where we meet won- schools, or businesses, can call derful people., We share our ex- 508-999-2680; or make contact by perience and knowledge. A par- E-'Mail at necenter@juno.com.
travagant son gave me a goldbeaded, gold chain and gold crucifix rosary, made by our local jeweler. Since it's very expensive I'm afraid to take it out of the house, and now that I am a widow I'm trying to simplify my life. Could I have this blessed rosary broken into nine segments, one for each of my sons and daughters? They would be worn probably as some form of neck chain or other jewelry. (Florida) A. There is nothing wrong or irreverent in what you propose. Blessed articles should be treated devoutly, of course, but when they lose their identity they are no longer considered blessed. Most Catholic homes gradually accumulate more religious articles than they know what to do with. Some can be given away. When they become unusahle, however, it is normally proper that statues be broken, blessed pictures burned or tom, crosses broken and then discarded. Other parents have done what you suggest. It can be a lovely way of sharing a symbol of your faith with the family you leave behind. When you disassemble your
rosary it loses its blessing as a rosary. But the necklaces or other pieces of jewelry you make from its parts may be blessed when you are finished.
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"LEADING YOUTH TO CHRIST THROUGH MARY" FOR: Youth Ministers, Volunteers, Parents, Priests, Teachers, etc. WHEN: Thesday, April 1, 2003 7:30 p.m. Mass , 8:00 p.m. SeminCl:f PRESENTERS: Father Kevin Cook, Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Mount Carmel (New Bedford) Father Ramon Dominguez, Administrator, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (New Bedford) WHERE: Youth Apostles' Residence, 42 Chicago St., Fall River (The former S1. William's rectory, next to Maplewood Park) Info: please call' Youth Apostles 508-672-2755
....... _."
Fall River diocese marks its centennial The following are the next in a series ofhistorical sketches ofthe parishes comprising the Diocese ofFall River, founded in 1904. The series will run in chronological . order from oldfSi to n~west parish, according to diocesan archives, concludingin March, 2004, the centennial anniversary of the diocese. . .
Annunciation of the'Lord Parish, Taunton ~'.
TAUNTON - In 1873 Sacred Heart Parish was formed in Taunton. It included Weir Village, East. Taunton~ . the Dightonsand Myricks. Father H.ugh J: Smith was appointed the first pastor and from. the parish's inception until Nov. 14,1874, parishioners attended Masses in Staples Block at the corner of West Water Street arid Staples Avenue. The original church built by the congregation, a wooden building on land that was former city property, was used until 1903. Its windows wer'e sUbsequentiy donated to c~urch communities springing up in Seekonk and Dighton. Father James Beaven became pastorin 1879 and he immediately built a rectory. In 1899 pastor FatherJames L. Smith initiated plans for a new Romanesque-style church at Weir Village. He died before it could be ~ompleted in 1912 under the pastorate of Father Thomas Magee. During World War I, the
church's Honor Roll showed that 131 men. of the parish served.in !he military; 12giving t~eir lives. World War II records show 245 men in the riliijtaryand 10 lost during military service. . F~ther Francis McKeon was pastqr during the World War II . years and he promoted many youth activities in the parish, including Boy Scouts and Gid Scout troops. He also established the Regis and Trinity Clu~s and .the Sacred Hearts Players. . It, was during Father McKeon's pastorate that Sacred Heart Parish Convent was build on iand' purchased at Somerset Avenue and First Street. Bishop James L. Connolly laid the cornerstone on Sacred Heart School, of which Father McKeon served as his own clerk of the works during its construction; on June 14, 1954. Father McKeon was appointed a monsignor on Oct. 30, 1961. He retired in September 1969. Fathe,r William A. Galvin,
pastor from 1969 '~o 1971 restored the church: He 'was succeeded by Father Walter A. Sullivan. Among the curates who served Sacred Heart Parish were Fathers Joseph Delaney, BriaJ;l Harrington, Francis B. Conn<?rs, Paul J. McCarrick, Edward J. Byington, Jay Maddock and Robert Hopkins. Sacred Heart Parish 'was merged with Our 'Lady of Lourdes Parish in Taunton in 2000, and became the new parish of the Annunciation of the Lord, and the parish school carries that name. Father John A. Gomes is the current pastor of Annunciation of the Lord . Parish. Joseph P. Medeiros is the deacon and Margie Copeland is the director of Religious Education. The parish is located at 31 First Street, and the rectory and office at 311 Somerset Avenue, Taunton, MA 02780. It can be reached by telephone at 508-823-2521;"by FAX at 508-823-2522; and by E-Mail at annoI325@aol.com.
Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, Fall River FALL RIVER - The rich, 129-year saga of Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish has many facets, but the overwhelming focus lias to be on the remarkable courage, tenacity, generosity and faith of the Canadiail immigrants and the Franco-American families that made their parish so vibrant. It was just as the American Civil War ended in 1865 when approximately one million Canadians headed south to take advantage of the Industrial Revolution. By 1869 registers at the first French parish, St. Anne's, show 600 families. In the East End there were 250 FrenchCanadian families. Because it was a long walk to St. Anne's, the' comniunity asked the bis~op of Providence for a' second French parish in the region that at the time was under his domain.' In July 1874, Notre Dame Parish was founded and named after the 1858 appari, tions of the' Blessed Vrrgin at Lourdes, France; The pastor was Father Pierre JeanBaptiste Bedard of the Diocese of Montreal, Canada. A massive wooden church, 45 by 110feet, was built on St. Joseph's Street. By . 1880 the parish had a school, a conventboarding school run by the Religious Sisters of Jesus and Mary; an orphanage, a rectory and a boarding school for girls. A boys' school was y~t to come. In the rnid-188OS Irish priests who spoke French were assigned to replace native Canadian priest and in response a local corporation decided to take control of the parish. Tensions had become so great that for' eight months the chUrch was closed by Bishop
Thomas Hendricken of Providence. A subsequent decision from the Vatican suggested that French-Canadian priests be placed in charge, and the parish resumed its faith-filled mission to more than 5,000 parishioners. . After a November 1893 fire pestroyed the church the congregation attended Mass under a massive tent and at other sites. A majestic new Notre Dame Church that could hold 1,600 people was dedicated under th,e tenure of pastor Msgr. JeanAlfred Prevost in November 1906. The structure, with its two high steeples (later . to be reduced in heightbecause they were swaying) was a landmark seen by travelers from many miles away.. . As the century turned, there was a new, school and rectory and there were 120,856 parishioners. Fires were to become a grim part of the parish's history. In 1968, an ill-timed fire led to the closing of the Msgr. Prevost High School in the parish. ' In May 1982, as the marvelous church structure was undergoing repairs, sparks 'caused by workers using torches to repair gutters on the roof the church, set a horrendous blaze, one of the worst in the city's' history. It not only destroyed the church, but more than a dozen tenement houses nearby, causing an estimated $13 million damage. However the parislt dug in and groundbreaking fora new church was h~ld ' in May 1984. The new church was dedicated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin on Dec. 13,1987.
. Pastors included Father 'J. M. LaFlamm.e, Msgr. Louis D. Roberts, Father Philias Jalbert, Msgr. Alfred J. Bonneau, Msgr. Reginald Barrette, Msgr. Alfred Gendreau, Father Ernest E. Blais' and Father Richard W. Bealieu. Father Thomas Frechette administered the parish from December 1999 to June 2000. The current pastor is Father Richard L. ,
Chretien; and father Leonard Hindsley, O.P., and Father Marek Tuptynski, are in residence. Paula Raposo is direc;tor of religious education. The rectory is locate~ at 529 Eastern Avenue, Fall River, MA 02723. It can be reached by telephone at 508-679-1991 or 508-679-1992; the church phone at 508-675-9803; or by FAX at 508-676-5276.
Vatican to issue decree on Eucharist afterencycHcal'spubHcation VATICAN CITY The Thursday, April I? Vatican's doctrinal congregation Archbishop Francesco Pio and the congregation overseeing Tamburrino, secretary of the sacthe sacraments are drafting a docu- raments office, said the planned ment underlining the importance decree "depends on the text of the of following Church norms re- . encyclical and whether the Holy garding the celebration of the Eu- Father feels a need for practical charist and eucharistic adoration. indications to be given." Another Vatican official said Vatican officials said the decree of the congregations for the Doc- the number of letters both congretrine of the Faith and for Divine gations receive from people either Worship and the Sacraments is questioning liturgical norms or expected to be published in the fall. complaining about alleged abuses Pope John Paul II's new encyc- suggested it would be a good time lical on the Eucharist, tentatively for the Vatican to issue specific titled "Ecc1esia de Eucharistia" instructions. He would not elaborate on the ('The Church of the Eucharist"), is scheduled for publication Holy issues to be addressed.
St. Anne's Church, Fall River
MEMBERS OF St. Mary's Parish, Taunton, Youth Group, present a check for $2,050 to Birthright of Taunton Director Kay Poirier, left, following a fund-raiser for the organization, in the memory of Father Francis B. Connors. At right is one of the posters prepared by the group to explain what Birthright is about.
Visionary Ivan Dragicevic of Medjugorje
Confession Available from 5:30 p.m. 6:00 Rosary I
:6:40 Time of Silence
Taunton youth group continues legacy of beloved Father Connors By DAVE JOLIVET
Connors who had tears in his eyes;' EDITOR added Sollecito. ''We didn't know TAUNTON - Honoring a man why at the time, but his family later whose legacy was one of compas- told us that Father Connors was sion and generosity, the St. Mary's overjoyed at the visit from the ParishYouth Group recently orches- group." teated a fund-raising event to assist Since that visit, many different Birthright of Taunton. The group of sources told the teens about Father II teens and four adult advisors Connors life - such as his involveraised a record $2,050 in the name ment with starting the Birthright ofof the beloved Father Francis B. fice in Taunton; his love for the Connors who passed away at Taunton CYO of which he was diMarian Manor this past January. The rector; his wo~k as a chaplain in the funds will assist Birthright of Juvenile Court system; and his beTaunton, which always had a spe- ing the spiritual director of the Dicial place in Father Connors' heart, ocesan Council of Catholic Women to counsel and provide material in the Cape and Islands region and needs for pregnant women and new the Father McSwiney Knights of mothers who are in difficult finan~ Columbus in Hyannis. cial and social circumstances. 'Father Connors was baptized, "I could go on and on about confirmedandreceivedHolyQrders this youth group," said Father at St. Mary's, and the Youth Group Frank Zlotkowski, pastor of St. thought it only natural to dedicated Mary's. "I was very impressed. theirannualBirthrightfund-raiserto with the way the teens represent him. the value of life. Their primary "It made perfect sense," said focus is Christ, whether it be rais- Sollecito. 'The group knew very ing funds for Birthright or bowl- well of Father Connors' generous ing. They have fun and they pro- spirit. They were told he never had claim Christ." much more than $1 in his pocket "The group first met Father because he would usually give it to Connors while visiting Marian someone who needed it. Manor in May of 2002;: said Joe "One story 路they heard was that SolJecito, one of the group's youth Father Connors told a particular ministers. "He made such a great youth that if he stayed out of impression on the teens, that they trouble, he would buy him a bireturned to see him in August of cycle. And they learned that the that year, at which time Father man didn't have a car for many Connors, unable to speak, blessed years, and would walk to and from each member with a hand that was the CYO Center and parishioners mostly paralyzed. homes to sit by t1ie bedside of a sick 'The visit was a very emotional person for hours." . one for the group and for Father The group has run this fund-
raiser four times prior, last year raising $1,200. In January the teens created posters, pamphlets and prepared speeches promoting Birthright as a prequel to the March drive. At all Masses on a designated weekend, each member of the group gave an oral presentation about Birthright, and provided a custom-made heart for each pew with the name of a woman Birthright had recently helped. After the Masses, the youth group asked parishioners to pray for the 'Woman whose name was on theirpew's heart. The teens also sold carnations after the Masses. After all was said and done, the group had collected a very impressive $2,050 for Birthright. They presented a check to Birthright of Taunton Director Kay Poirier, as well as a framed picture of Father Connors. The teens also presented a framed picture of Father Connors to the priest's brother, John Connors. During the ceremonies, a woman whom Birthright had recently assisted paid an unexpected visit with her three-month-old daughter. The woman felt a need to. express her appreciation for Birthright's efforts. Members ofthe youth group are: Jesse Beaulieu, Carly Bosh, Lauren Charest, Jessie Frias, Brian Ktinnedy, Matt Medeiros, Kimberly Pinto, Danielle Restagno, Jay Silvia, Jessica Soares, and Nichole Soares. Along with Sollecito, the youth ministers are Kevin Gingras and Joe and Karen Harnois. To contact Birthright ofTaunton, call 508-822-2921.
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Call 508-675-7151 or FAX 508-675-7048 or ..mail Theflnchor@flnchornczws.org This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concern in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT c. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY
Friday, March 28, 2003
C·NS video reviews NEW YORK (CNS)- The following are video capsule reviews from the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Theatrical movies on video have a USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification and Motion Picture Association of America rating. . ''Broadcast News" (1987) A news producer (Holly Hunter) in the Washington bureau of a TV network finds herself drawn away from a' hard-working reporter whom she admires (Albert Brooks) by an off-again, on-again attraction to a handsome but unprofessional reporter (William Hurt) being groomed as network news anchor. Written, produced.and directed by James L. Brooks, the romantic comedy is often quite funny and also wOIthwhile in its satiric portrait of television news being more concerned with image and packaging than with the news story itself. Permissive attitude toward casual sex, .several explicit sexual references and some rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-IV adults, with reservations. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is R - restricted. (Fox) "The Face: Jesus in Art" (2001) Exquisite documentary explores artistic representa~ions of Christ through the ages and around the world, detailing how art attempts to comprehend and touch the divine by depicting the human Jesus. Visually stunning and further enhanced by remarkable special effects, a glorious music track and. insightful narration, director Craig MacGowan's superb film allows the viewer to experience both great rut and spiritual uplift. A few strong images of suffering and the Crucifixion. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-
II - adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association of America. (EBC) "Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie" (2002) . Whimsical, computer-animated retelling ofthe biblical story ofJonah and the whale, featuring a salad bar ofChristian vegetables who sing and dance their way through this parable of God's unconditional love. Writ- . ten and directed by Mike Nawrocki and Phil Vischer and based on the popular "Veggie Tales" video series, the movie's strong positive message is effective in reducing complex moral concepts to child-sized bites making it an appealing alternative to the glut of merchandise-driven flicks geared to younger audiences. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G - general audiences. (Artisan) ''Moonlight Mile" (2002) Disjointed study of a 1973 Massachusetts family grieving the death of a murdered daughter and exploring the entangling relationship binding the girl's fiance (Jake Gyllenhaal) and her parents (Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon). Writer-director Brad Silberling's drama offers moments of honest emotion and even humor but strong performances are .mired by competing subplots, a plodding narrative and contrived resolutions. An implied, shadowy sexual encounter, sporadic profanity and an instance of rough language. The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting classification is A-III adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be in" appropriate for children under 13. (Touchstone)
PIGLET AND WINNIE the Pooh sit on a log to think in the Walt Disney film "Piglet's Big Movie." (eNS photo courtesy of Buena Vista Pictures)
Little 'Piglet' ·is a bi.g .hit with ch.ildren NEW YORK (CNS) - Children learn that even his whereabouts. Along their journey, they discover a small person can make a big difference in the sweet that tiny Piglet.has been a big hero in a lot of ways. animated adventure "Piglet's Big Movie" (Disney). "Piglet's Big Movie" features the vocal talents Director Francis Glebas' whimsical tale is bright of John Fiedler in his 35th year as the humble, hosand colorful with the familiar characters from the. pitable Piglet. Fiedler is the last member of Disney's Hundred Acre Wood all taking part. The animation original "Winnie the Pooh" cast to continue prois playful and charming, doing justice to the liter- viding the voice of his character. The rest of the ary creations of author A.A. Milne, who originated cast is superb, especially Cummings. It is ,difficult the characters. Refreshingly, "Piglet's Big Movie" to imagine that such dis.tinct voices as ~ooh 's and is perfectly aimed at the younger set - no double Tigger's come from the same vocal, cords, ,but entendres or wisecracking characters meant to court Cummings accomplishes this with apparent ease. and entertain the adult chaperones. It is a simple, A big disappointment is the film's soundtrack, innocent story for the young ones to enjoy. which was largely composed and sung by Carly Children are likely to identify with little pink Simon. Most of the songs have a bouncy, albeit forPiglet's feelings of frustration when his bigger pals gettable, beat. But they blend into one another, with tell him he's too small to join them in their "honey few well-defined characteristics. harvest." But when he disappears, Winnie the Pooh, The USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting Tigger (both voiced by Jim Cummings), Rabbit classification is A-I - general patronage. The Mo(voiced by Ken Sansom) and the rest of the gang set tion Picture Association of America rating. is G out to find him using Piglet's scrapbook for clues to general·audiences.
Diocese of Fall'River Leadership Opportunities Principal at Coyle and Cassidy High School Grades 9-12 Taunton, MA Elementary Principal Grades K-8 Fall River I New Bedford Area Elementary Principal at St. Pius X School, South Yarmouth 2003-2004 - Planning for opening 2004-2005 - School opening Qualifications include: • Faithful commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church. • An understanding of the philosophy and mission of Catholic Schools. • Five years teaching experience and appropriate academic credentials.
Applications to close April 4, 2003 Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent, resume, \ranscripts and three current letters oLreference to: George A. Milot Superintendent of Schools .423 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720
tC~§ ~t()vle
(CaIIV~UI.(e~ NEW YORK (CNS) - The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Boat Trip" (Artisan) Exceedingly crass comedy in which a heartbroken man (Cuba Gooding Jr.) recently dumped by his girlfriend (Vivica A. Fox) is mistakenly booked on a gay cruise where he falls for the gorgeous Latin dance instructor (Roselyn Sanchez). Writer-director Mort Nathan uniformly presents homosexual men as promiscuous airheads while objectifying
women in a dismal one-joke film lence and recurring rough lanthat strains to be funny yet fails. guage and profanity with some A few vulgar sexual encounters, coarse sexual references. The many base sexual references, USCCB Office for Film & Broadsome nudity, fleeting drug con- casting classification is A-IV tent and intermittent rough lan- adults, with reservations. The guage ~nd profanity. The USCCB Motion Picture Association of Office for Film & Broadcasting America rating is R - restricted. "The Guys" (Focus) classification is 0 - morally ofMoving drama in which a New fensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R York City journalist (Sigourney Weaver) is asked to help a fire - restricted. captain (Anthony LaPaglia) write "Dreamcatcher" a series of eulogies for the (Warner Bros.) Grisly horror flick in which firefighters he lost at the World four boyhood friends (Thomas Trade Center as they both struggle Jane, Jason Lee, Damian Lewis to come to terms with the event. and Timothy Olyphant) who be- Based on the play by Anne came telepathically ·connected Nelson, director Jim Simpson's after performing a heroic act in emotional journey respectfu lly their youth, battle an invading ·captu,res the confusion, sadness .alien force that takes over and helplessness many felt dipeople's bodies. As directed by rectly after the tragedy through Lawrence Kasdan, what initially sincere: affecting performances. seems like a well-crafted film col- An instance of crass language. lapses under the weight of ridicu- The USCCB Office for Film & lous characteri~ations and an un- Broadcasting classification is Awieldy story line that forgoes sus- II - adults and adolescents. The pense and. tension for gory spe- Motion Picture Association of cial effects, eliciting ennui instead America rating is PG ~ parental of terror. Much grotesque vio- guidance suggested.
National Council of Catholic Women to honor noted author
CONSOLATA MISSIONARY Father Giovanetti Giuseppi comfor:ts children from the village of Arba Gosa, south of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa,·rec~ntly. Etl:liopiafaces drought and famine,"With more than four million people needing direct food aid. (CNS photo by Declan Walsh) .
WASHINGTON (CNS) -Author Mary Higgins Clark will r\lceive the National Council of Catholic Women's 2003 distinguished service award September, 28 during the organization's biennial convention in Minneapolis. "Mary Higgins Clark is a living example of the fact that one can be a successful author in today's society without resorting to morally objectionable or sexually explicit imagery to sell books," said Barbara, Garavalia, NCCW president. Archbishop John J. Myers of Newark, N.J., praised the selection of Clark for the honor. "In the short time I have served the church of Newark, I have come to know Mary, her husband, John', ' and members 'of her family well," he said. "She is a true example of a woman. who lives her faith, and
Dry soil, swollen bellies: Agencies work to avoid.(amlne in Ethiop.ia By
Our Lady's ,Monthly Message From Medjugorje
with more than 20 years' experiA local population explosion ence in Ethiopia. and a quasi-medieval farming ARBA GOSA, Ethiopia In Father Giuseppi said he could economy are partly to blame. Two Ethiopia, it is a painful yet familiar remember the hist major famine decades ago there were 40 milscene. Inside a dark hut, ~ desperate in the area, in 1984, when chil- li.on Ethiopians; now they numfather cradles his hungry children in dren survived on emergency ber almost 70 million. Most are his lap. Outside, the parched soil has drips, health clinics were full and peasant farmers trying to eke out blown his crops to dust. Now he can many people died. Then, as now, a living' from ever-smaller tracts only crouch in the gloom and wait he was relying on relief aid from of land, badly degraded by lack ' Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. of irrigation and massive deforfor Western food aid. "We are just praying to God," bishops' international relief and estation. The war with Eritrea, which said Kedir Ido, a farmer who has development agency, to help feed turned to begging in this village the hungry. ended just three years ago, and 60 miles south of the capital, Relief workers· say that in a .plummeting coffee prices also Addis Ababa. As he spoke he worst-case scenario this year hurt badly. Coffee is Ethiopia's rubbed the fingers of Nul', his could see a repeat of the 1984 largest export crop. , , two-year-old son with a swollen famine, but that scenario looks But the recurrent crisis has rebelly and thinning hair. sulted in fresh questions about the unlikely, at·least for now. Western nations have filled the , effectiveness of Western aid. The sword of famine hangs over Ethiopia yet again. A scorch- food"pipeline," or supply chain, Desperate to avoid stark teleing drought last year ruined the until late June. Supplies for the vision images of skeletal children, harvest; now there are chronic following months have not yet Western governments plow food shortages with 14 million been promised, but government money for famine relief into Ethiopia. In the past two years, people at risk. Even areas that· officials are confident. . But if this is success, it is of a the United States has given food used to produce a crop surplus, like the area around Arba Gosa, very narrow kind. Despite more aid worth $172 million to the are stricken. . money and better r~lief organiza- U.N. WorldFooct Program. But while the flood of funds is "People's grain stores are 'tion than ever, Ethiopia's hunger empty, their cattle are dying, and crises are getting deeper and more crucial to staving off death it does· they are selling their oxen for over frequent. In 1984 more than eight relatively little to prevent the next half the normal price," said Fa- million people were 'affected. Now crisis. During "quiet" years there ther Giovanetti Giuseppi, a. 66- at least four million need food aid, is relatively little enthusiasm for slow-burn development projects year-old Consolata missionary even in a good year, to survive. - such as irrigation schemes or tree planting - that contain few . dramatic images but could help to stave off famine permanently. Government controls can hamper what development projects exist already. Although Catholics account for perhaps just one percent of the population, the Church runs 230 schools, five hospitals and more than 60 health clinics if! Ethiopia. Until now, Ethiopia has had the highest per capita level' of emergency aid in sub-Saharan Africa, but the lowest rate of development assistance. But change is slowly coming: Last December donors A YOUNG boy hugs a pole in the drought-stricken village pledged $3.6 billiop. over the next of Meki, south of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. (CNS three years for a mixture of emergency and development work. photo by DeCian Walsh) .
who, through her art, encourages others to do the same." Clark, a mystery writer with more than two dozen best sellers to her credit, lives in Saddle River, N.J. A widow for many years, she, married JohnJ. Conheeney in 1996; between them they have nine children and 15 grandchildren. The award honors a nationally recognized Catholic woman for her achievements. It is presented biennially to woman whose life and work exemplify the NCCW mission to "support, empower and educate Catholic women in spiritual-' ity, leadership and service." Previous winners include Corinne "Lindy" Boggs, former U.S. ambassador to the Holy Sec, and death penalty opponent Sister Helen Prejean, a Sister of St. Joseph of Medaille.
March 25, 2003 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina "Dear Children! Also today I call you to pray for peace. Pray with the heart, little children, and do notJos~ hope because God loves His creatures. He desires to save you, one by one, through my coming here. I call you to the way of' holiness. Pray, and in prayer you are 'open to God's will; in this way, in everything you do, you realize God's plan in you and through you. "Thank you for having responded to my call."
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Friday, March 28, 2003
Church leaders, groups plead for aid for civilians, peace in Iraq By
of prolonged fighting," the'stateWASHIN.GTON - As the ment said. U.S.-Iraqi war began, Church leadBaltimore-based Catholic Relief ers and organizations' worldwide Services p~ovided an initial allocapleaded for humanitarian aid for tion of $1- million to help local Iraqi civilians' and for peace. church agencies in Iraq, J,ordan, Aid age.ncies raised 'concerns Lebanon, Syria and Turkey respond' and mobilized againstlhe possibil- to humanitarian needs. ity of an influx of Iraqi refugees into Some of the funding already has neighboring countries. been used to rehabilitate medical In Britain, leading aid agencies centers and purchase medical supurged the government to ensure the plies and food aid, said Joe Carney, protection of Iraqi civilians and to CRScommunications associate for . provide Iraq with much-needed hu- the Middle East. . manitarian 'assistance. U.S. President George W. Bush' ,Directors of the Catholic announced that $22 million would Agency for Overseas Develop- be made available to assist, the ment, Oxfam, Save the Children needs of potential refugees. The and Action Aid also warned the funds will be distributed by the U.S. British and U.S. governments that Emergency Refugee and Migration they had a legal obligation to avoid Assistance Fund. In Toronto, the Canadian Cathothe loss of civilian life. • The United Nations' predicted lic'Organization for Development that as many as three million Iraqis and Peace provided $100,000 for cQuld flee their homes, but remain emergency medical aid and shelter within Iraq, while another 600,000 for Iraqi civilians. could flee the country. A statement. The money is being channeled on the Website ofCAFOD, the qf- into Iraq through Caritas ficial aid and development arm of Internationalis, said Mary Corkery, the Catholic Bishops' Conference regional coordinator in Toronto. of Englan" and Wales, expressed' The funds will be used to stockconcern that the international com- pile medicine, train 42 doctors and munity was unprepared to care for 220 volunteers to cope with the expotential refugees. pected large number of casualties, "Intemational donors - and par- and prepare shelters to house those . ticularly those countries attacking displaced bY,bombing. Iraq - must ensure that states bor"The impact (on Iraqi civilians) dering Iraq have the resources to re- will be far worse than you can ceive refugees," the statement said. imagine in a country already de'v. CAFOD said the United Nations astated by sanctions," said Corkery. She said the agency was prepar, had an obligation to facilitate distribution ofhuJ!lanitarian aid in Iraq ing an emergency appeal to assist During the war. . Iraqi civilians. "Even before war started, as The Canadian Conference of many as 16 million Iraqis relied on Catholic Bishops expressed its U.N. food aid. As a' matter of ur-· "profound sadness" concerning the gency, a new U.N. Security Coun- war and acknowledged Canadian <;il resolution is needed to establish Prime Minister Jean Chretien's dealternative food distribution sys- cision not to commit troops to the " ' tems should thecuIient system col- war. lapse during the conflict. ,This will The conference said it was praybe pa!1icularly ~rgent in the event ing that the war ended quickly and
AGNES BREAUX stopst0 pray at a disp'lay of photos of U.S. military,personnel from the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux on the grounds at St. Bridget Church in Schriever, La. Breaux's' ' grandson, Pvt. Dustin .Breaux, is serving in the Middle' East and her great-niece also is' enli,sted in, the Air Force. "Many p'eople passing in cars in front of the church' stop for a moment to pray at the display," said Father Mike Bergeron, pastor. (CNS photo by Lawrence . ' Chatagnier, Bayou Ca(holic)
speak out against the war. doors open~d. "It is time for us ,to renew our "We know since Sept. 11, 200 I, conviction also that the arrogance that churches lire places in which of power can paradoxically be people look for answers in times of humbled by the conviction of the' crisis," he said. weak and the apparently pow'erIn Japan, the president ofCaritas less," he said. • challenged Catholics to demand an "Throughout history, there have immediate end to the U.S.-led war been many examples of the saints in Iraq, reported UCA News, an and of the humble who through Asian church news agency based their concrete gestures of pCace, of in Thailand. friendship above boundaries, have . ''CaritasJapan reiterates its strong been able to change the destiny of , stance against the use of military their generation and have bent the force to resolve any conflict among stubborn hearts of those bitterly nations. We urge the Japane.se govpointed on the ways of war and vio- 'eminent to take initiatives to bring ~bout peace," said Archbishop Leo (ence," Archbishop Martin said. '. In Germany, Church leaders ex- 'Jun Ikenaga of Osaka. "The attempt tq use military. pressed deep distress at the start ,of , the war and called for continued force in the fight against terrorismis dragging the world into a spiral prayers for peace. "We in our country are deeply of violence where hatred nurtures dismayed at the decision to take up more hatred. We must stand up and arms," said a statement signed by c;all for an immediate end to this Cardinal.Karl Lehmann of Mainz, war," Archbishop Ikeriaga said. chai,nnan of the Gemian bishops' In Philippines, Auxiliary Bishop conference, and heads of the Socrates Villegas of Manila said the Lutheran and Methodist churches. war in Iraq represented the "dark"We have no illusions about the est moment since the start of the regime in Baghdad and its contempt third millennium" and called on for humanity. And there can be no people to be "united in peace." doubt that we share the political val- ' "We must be ul)ited in our love ues 'nurtured by the United States for peace, in our respect for one anaJ)dGreatBritain, but we oppose the other, in our continued belief in path of shedding blood which has freedom and justice, in love and no'w been taken. We see no justifi- harmony, and in working for the cation for it in ethical terms or in in- common good. We must be united ternationallaw," the statement said., because now is not the time to build Bishop Franz Kamphaus of on animosities arising from politiA,MEDIC from the U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit Fox Company "~aiders:' treats a group, Limburg, Germany, ordered cal and ideological differences," he· of Iraqi civilians caught in crossfire during the effort to take control of the main port of Umm in the diocese to keep their said. churches Qasr i~ southern Iraq. (CNS photo from Reuters) , " 0
,.,..... .
that the innocent "be spared from its most de,vastating effects." In Switzerland, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Vatican representative to U.N. ·age.ncies in Geneva, said it was time for the world to "move beyond the logic of war and all fonTIs of the arrogance of power." , ' The archbishop, speaking during a recent WorldCoul'lcil ofChurches prayer service in Geneva, said those who want peace should continue to
Friday, March 28, 2003
Emergency, Msgr. Hanington repolted that in his conversations with public safety officials in the local communities "there is some residual disappointment that little real funding has been provided to first responders in the'aftennath of the Sept. I I, 200 I ten'OIist attacks on America, despite considerable fanfare and promise." Furthercomplicating the plight of police, nrc and emergency rescue personnel in the region has been the "extreme reduction" in local allocations in the state budget of Gov. Mitt Romney.
Continued from page olle
Msgr. Harrington lamented loss ofthose revenues, saying they "have necessitated cutbacks in the very departments which provide the nrst I~vel of response to such emergencies as bioterrorism or 'dirty bomb' scenarios." Preliminary measures for contending with the threats posed in the new global environment of war have been suggested in such diocesan areas of concern as schools and residential child care agencies. "The diocesan facilities for the elderly are well prepared for
'most emergency situations," Msgr. Harri ngton reported. "Like other hospitals in our state, Saint Anne's Hospital in Fall River, has, in cooperation .with the Fall RiverFire Depattment, a working decqntamination unit with a good deal of sophisticated equipment.': . In the event of ariy sweeping bioterrorism incident in the area, "the best course is to follow as closely as possible ,the instructions prov'ided by local, county, state ~nd national officials," Msg~. Hanington asserted.
schools make emergency plans to ·cope with terrorist attack
WASHINGTON (CNS) - Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. II, 200 I, and with recent warnings of possible future attacks against the United. States, Catholic schools across the country have made it a point tl) be prepared to hilOdle. such an emergency. "There is no question Catholic schools have a heightened, awareness" of safety issues, said Daniel Curtin of the National Catholic Educational Association. Curtin, executive director of NCEA's department of chief administratorS', said many dioc€san school officials have called him over the past few months wondering if his office could provide guidelines for how schools should respond to a possible terrorist attack. Overall guidelines are difficult, he told Catho. lic 'News Service, because every state jurisdiction is different. That's why he advises school officials to be in touch with their state and local officials. . He also makes sure Catholic school superintendents are aware of the Website launched recently by the U.S. D.epartment of Education, www.ed.gov/emergencyplan, which includes advice on how schools can best prepare for ari emergency. The Websfte urges schools to have a crisis plan in place and to review it and prac,tice it. It stresses the urgency of working with local law enforcement, fire, health and emergency prep~redness agencies to develop a plan for evacuation, communication and resuming routines after an emergency. " Cu'rtin also passed on to school officials a letter written by Patricia Weitzel-O'Neill, superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of Washington, as an example of a clear way to present the .issue of school safety in this current climate.
The letter; sent to Catholic school parents last month, a week after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised its terror-threat 'llert from yellow to orange to warn the public of a potential "~igh risk" of attacks, stressed that school teachers and staff have been trained and drilled in emergency procedures. ."In the rare event of a biological or chemical incident," she said, "the safest and most prudent action for the principals will be to' create safe spaces in the schools so that the children and staff can be 'sheltered in place.''' In that type of crisis, she said the school would be locked and parents would not be permitted pick up their children until local authorities determined the area to be safe. ' Weitzel-O'Neill urged parents to keep their focus on their children and their needs and to be calm, reasoned and positive with them. . "Pause and take time to'listen to their concerns and work whh th~m to ease their anxieties," she said. "Pray with them. This is a time when prayer is so valuable and you have the opportunity to teach them how.to pray for peace." In the Archdiocese of New York, schools have had crisis management plans in place since the shootings in April 1999 at Columbine High Schoo.l in Littleton, Colo:, but when the nation was put under high alert status in February of this year, all schools were urged to revise their crisis plans, according to Nora Murphy, spokeswoman for New York's ar~hdiocesan Catholic schools. She said'schools can "already handle what they would do if someone na~ a gun" on school property, but "everything's changed now." As a result, school officials have considered a wide range of possibilities and are prepared "as best you can prepare for this," she added. " ,
Continued from page one
bel' of the seminary faculty rep- n~ry. Vesting Ethan McCarthy resenting Ml. St. Mary Seminary; will be his father, Deacon Dana and Father Mark Noonan, a mem- McCarthy. Readers at the Mass will be ber of the seminary faculty at St. John Seminary in Brighton. He Mary Fitzpatrick and Erin Santa taught in the college where both Ana. The gifts will be presented by ordinandi received their undergraduate degrees, as well as be- Anne Marie Fitzpatrick and Rob. ert and Jo'ann Green. ing the spiritual director. Seminarians from the FaH Deacons assisting at the ordination will be Deacon Dana River diocese will be the Mass McCarthy as the liturgical dea- servers. ,Master of Ceremonies con, and Deacon Vincent Walsh will be Father Richard D. Wilwho will serve as the deac.on son. The Fall River Dioce'san chaplain to the bishop. Vesting Michael Fitzpatrick Choir, under the-direction of will be Deacon Robert Pecotte, a Madeleine Grace, music director classmate from Mt. Sl. Mary Semi- and Cathedral organist, will sing
the Mass. Seminarian Robert Lepage will be the cantor. The newly ordained Deacon Fitzpatrick will serve as deacon for the first time at the 10 a.m., Mass on .Sunday .at St. Michael's Church in Swansea. For Deacon McCarthy, his first Mass as a deacon will be Sunday at 10:30 a.m., in Church of the Holy Trinity in West Harwich. No date has yet been set for the priestly ordinations of the new transitional deacons. However, C.hurch law requires that they serve as deacons for at least six months prior to ordination to the priesthood.
Pennsylvania nuns ,eager for founder's canonization CRESSON, Pa. (CNS) :- The . Sisters, Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have served in the United States since 1959 and in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown , since 1962, but few people are familiar with the their founder, Blessed Jozef Sebastian Pelczar, who was also a Polish bishop. The leaders ofthe order'hope that he will beCome better kriown iR the Unifed States with his canonization May 18, the 83rd birthday,of his fellow Pole, Pope John Paul II. "Bishop Pelczar is not so well known in this country as he is in Poland, which is really a shame," said Mother Clare Marie, provincial. superior of Sacred Heart Province, which has its headquarters in Cresson. Approximately 30 members of the order, including postulants and novices, now minister in the United . States. They have four houses in the Altoona-Johnstown diocese and convents in Philadelphia and in the Diocese of Metuchen, N.J. "He was a tfue shepherd in every sense of the word, an exemplary bishop who was,so concerned with the spiritual welfare of every person , in his diocese," Mother Clare Matie told The Catholic Register, newspaper of the Altoona-Johnstown diocese. Blessed Pelczar wrote extensively - books of meditations for priests, religious and the laity. She said the books are considered spiritual classics in Poland, where they are used in seminaries and convents. Few are available in English, however. JozefSeh~tian Pelczar was born , on Jan.17, 1842, in Korczyna, Poland. He was ordained a priest on July l7, 1864. His first assignment was in a parish with 12,000 people. . Father Pelczar went on to earn two doctorates in Rome before returning to Poland. . While a profes~or and then rector of Jagellonian University in Krakow, Father Pelczar lived as a guest in' a Franciscan monastery, where he became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, now
known as the Secular Franciscan Order. With his deep devotion to the Sacred Hemt of Jesus, to the real presen~e ofJesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary, Father Pelczar found a home with the Franciscans. In 1891, Father Pelczar founded the Confraternity or Our Lady, Queen of Poland for the cm"C of domestic servants and women workers. To help with this task, he called on the Handmaids of Jesus and Sister Louise Szczesna from the order went to Krakow to help. It soon became clem' to Father Pelczar and Sister Szczesna that a new congregation of women 1"Cligious was needed to promote the spilitual and temporal welfare or working women. . On Aplil 15, 1894, they established a new order. Three months later, Sister Szcze$na l"Cceived the habit of the Sisters, Servants of the Most Sacl"Cd Heatt of Jesus, and the new religious name, Sister Clare. The sisters now pray ror her beatification as co-founder of their order, which is'also known as the Congregation or the Handmaids of the Sa-. cred Hemt of Jesus. Father Pelczm' was ordained an auxilimy bishop on Feb. 20, 1899, and two years later he became head of what is now the Archdiocese of Przemysl. During World War I, Bishop Pelczar, assisted by his nuns, clergy and laity, aided the wounded and oppressed on the front lines when Russian forces invaded PrLerriysl. The bishop's wartime service, .and his efforts to rebuild the infrastructure of his diocese following the war, were recogfuzed by the Polish government in 1922 when he was decorated with the Order of Pplonia Restituta. He died in Przemysl on March 28, 1924. The sainthood cause for Bishop Pelczar was Initiated in 1954. He was beatified June 2, 1991, by Pope John Paul during a trip to Poland.
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Friday, March 28, 2003
Feehancheerleade,rs ,colDplete 'successful season !
I '
ATTLEBORO --.-: The Bishop 'Feehan High Cheerleading Champic;mship held' at Hopkinton School Varsity BasketbalVCompetition Cheerlead- High School. " , ers lead by seniors Captain Kim ÂĽacKenzie, Lauren In addition to these achievements, the Varsity Cotter, Caty Noonan, Betsy Rehbein and Lacey squad was: also presented a Golden Academic Roome recently completed a successful season, , A~ard from the MIAA for its outstanding academic", The squad was awarded second place at both the performance during the winter season..' ' Milford Invitational and the Eastern Athletic Con, Other teain members include: Erin' Cannon, ference League Competition held at Somerset High Arianna Ciosek, Katelin Doogan, Kim Dulude, School. By excelling at these competitions, the team Jenna McNulty, Jillian Megn~, Emily Moor, Nicole was able to compete at State Regionals where they Porter, Jenna Rignanese and Julie Rojee. Th.ey are, placed third,in Division II South, The c~eerleaders coached by Feehan alumni Lisa Tetreault and Jillian finished seventh in the Division II Stat~ 'Hardy.'
Stang 'stud~nt na~ed state h'omecoming ,queen finalist _
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FALL' RIVER - Players ment held at the Sullivanfrom throughout the diocese re- _, McCarrick CYO Center in Fall cently participated in a series of River, the Fall River team CYO All-Star basketball tourna- emerged victorious. ments. These annual games They defeated Taunton in the bring together the best players opening'round 55-46. For Fall from. many parishes arid are an River, Marissa Mello with 19 opportunity to reward hard work and Sydney Higginbottom with 10 led the team back from a 21and good sportsmanship. The Junior Boys Tournament 16' half-time ,deficit. 'Leah \yas held at the Kennedy CYO Harrigan of Taunton lead all Center in New Bedford" In the scorers with 25 points. ' In the champi<?nship game, first game Fall River 'defeate~ Taunton 48-3u'. Jason Oliveira Fall River bested New Bedford had 14 points in the victory with 38-28. Mello lead Fall River team'mate B.J. McDonali:J add- with 14 points and Allison ing '12 and Tyler White scoring Arruda collected six. Ashley 10. Nick O'Keefe, Mat Mirka Hennessy and Maria Orfanello and Brendan Cordeiro all had had nine and five points respecsix points for Taunton. tively for New Bedford. Iri,the championship game . The All-Tournament tearn ,was: Sydney Fall River lost to New Bedford chosen 63-45. High scorers for New Higginb.ottom, Fall River; Jen Bedford were Adam Clement Farias, Fall River; Maria with 14 and Ryan Machado with Orfanello, New Bedford; Ashley nine. B.r McDonald and Tyler . Hennessey, New Bedford; Leah White had 10 and nine points Harrigan, Taunton; and Marrissa respectively in the loss. Mello ofFalI River also the MVP The All-Tournament team of the tournament. . named was: Matt Mirka; Our In the Prep Division TournaLady of the Immaculate Con-ment, played at Taunton Ca~ho ception Parish, Taunton; B.J. lie Middle School, New Bedford McDonald, Holy Name, Fall defeated Taunton by a score of River; Tyler White, SS, Peter 50-46. . and Paul Parish at Holy Cross In the championship game' Church, Fall River; Colin they defeated Fall River 78-62. Corr~ia, St. Mary's Parish, New The AII- TOlJrnament 'team Bedford; Jared Lockhard, Holy was Andrew Bellany, Matt Name Parish, New Bedford; and' Raposa and Jeremy Lavoie of ,Adam Clement, St. Mary's Par- Fall River; Justin Gillon, ' ish, Dartmouth. <;:]ement was Taunton; Antwant Murphy, named MVP of the Junior Boys New Bedford; and MVP Shane Tournament., Dextrader also of New" In the Junior Girl's Tournac Bedford.
CLASS R'EPRESENTATIVES'from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford; hold crosses they a'nd their peers made to wear during Lent as a reminder 6f the , sacrifice of Jesus. The crosses were blessed during Mass and distributed to the students. '
NORTH DARTMOUTH Senior Ashley Nobriga of Bishop Stang High School was sele<:ted, as a finalist for the Massachusetts 23 rd annual Homecoming Queen selection. She is the daughter of Daune Nobriga of New Bedford. , State homecoming queen finalists are young women who were selected a& homecoming queens at their individual.schools and were then chosen by judges for ~merica's Homecoming Queen, Inc. . As a finalist, 'Nobriga will go to Albany, N.Y., in May to com~ pe'te. If selected as the homecoming queen of Massachusetts she would receive a cash scholarship and free trip to Disneyland where
Nobriga would compete with qiJeens from other states.
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Friday, March 28, 2003
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Youth Convention brings Christ to young people By
FALL RIVER - The Diocesan Junior High Youth Convention held last weekend at Bishop Connolly High School attracted more than 200 young people from around the diocese. It was sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry and according to its executive director, Father Hernando Herrera, it was a great success. ''This provides an opportunity for all young people to spend time in prayer, learning about their faith and having fun," Father Herrera said. "I think the young people get a lorout of it. Children allover the diocese see others their own age fired up about the faith and realize that they're not alone."· The day was themed "Lord ofthe Kings," a spin on the "Lord of the Rings" book series by J .R.R. Tolkien. It featured a student, Bethany Fuller of St. Mary's Parish, Mansfield, dressed as the wizard Gandalf the Grey. It opened with prayer and a skit performed by volunteers. Music for
the day was provided by the musical group "Spirit of Life" led by guest speaker Dave Dumaine. When asked about his involvement with the day Dumaine stated simply but powerfully "I love kids and working with young people." As' one listened to his talk later on the Eucharist it was clear that he did, as he presented them with advice for life and how to embrace their own faith. "In your lives you'll be faced with mountains to climb that will seem impossible to get over," said Dumaine. ''HomewOlK, tests to take, your parents coming down on you. Jesus says if you have a little faith you can get over that mountain. Nothing is impossible with God." He advised the young people who are on the brink ofentering high school that the next four years will be the most influential of their lives. ''The kids who are praying and going to church are having an easier time in high school," stated Dumaine. "I know, I'm around them all the time." His message was clear. Having
FATHER HERNANDO Herrera, executive director of the Diocesan Office of Youth Ministry, greets guests to last week's Youth Convention at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River.
a strong faith in God and active prayer life will help teens as they face peer pressure to drink, be sexually active or do drugs. "Pray the greatest prayer we have, the Eucharist," Dumaine added. Kirsten Quinn of St. Elizabeth Seton Church; North Falmouth, and her friend Nicole Bratton of Christ the King, Mashpee, enjoyed the day and shared some thoughts after one of the programs. "I really enjoyed the speakers," said Bratton. 'They had a good message for us and they made it fun." Quinn agreed, adding it was "nice to meet kids who are enthusiastic about their faith and Jesus." Guest speaker Ray Vaillencourt, a youth minister from the Archdiocese of Boston, gave a.talk entitled "Return of the King." In it, he advised young people not to wait for Jesus to come to them, but to instead "go out and meet Jesus. We don't have to wait for him." Vaillencourt asked the young people where they can find Jesus and was told he is in church, in our prayers, in those that need help, in the Bible. "We need to get ready for Jesus," stated Vaillencourt. "There are all kinds of ways we can meet Jesus. In serving others, through the Scriptures and in the Eucharist." Other guest speakers included Terrie Dumaine and Daughter of St. Paul Sister Margaret Michael. Dumaine led a session entitled ''The Fellowship," which focused on prayer while Sister Michael talked about contemponuy music, videos and whether'their message can help growth in relationship with the Church. Parent Maureen Williams, from Immaculate Conception Church, North Easton, attended the conven-
tion with her son Ryan and said it wonderful," said Williams. "I think was good for the young people to the children are getting much out learn about their faith in a way that' of being here." brought it down to their level. The day ended with Mass cel"It's great and the speakers are ebrated by Father Herrera at 6 p.m.
JUSTIN RAULINO and Josh Lebreux pose with Gandalf the Grey as played by Bethany Fuller at the Junior High School Youth Convention. Themed "Lord of the Kings:' after J.R.R. Tolkien's series it included the celebration of Mass, guest speakers, prayer and music: (AnchodGordon photos)
Starting ove.r an important project By
.A few months ago, my daughter committed herself to a science fair project. She had to fill out forms, explain what she was going to do and why, as well as present a hypothesis. She did all that, and she even started the-project a couple of mo.nths before it was due. It involved plants, so she needed time. But as the weeks passed, it became clear that the project wasn't going the way she'd thought or hoped it would. I won't bore you with the details, but it all came down to this: What seemed like a good idea at the time wasn't. . A couple of weeks before the project was due, Catherine
said, "You know, I have a good idea for next year's project." She described the idea, and it was, indeed, an excellent, creative, interesting idea. We decided on the spot that she didn't need to wait until next year to do it She still had enough time to make it this year's project. . Fast-forward two weeks: Her new project, dreamed up idly on the spur of the moment, won first prize. You just never know, do you? It's way too easy to get stuck in a rut. We let this happen to ourselves way too often. We've made OK or even really good grades through most of our school years studying a certai~ way. Then
friend's parents are getting divorced or his sister is really sick, and the jokes just sound . stupid and.hollow. Should you keep telling them or can you adapt to what's called for by these changes? We can all get stuck in a million different ruts if we let ourselves. Some of us get used to thinking about ourselves a certain way. We're the lesstalented younger brother, the perfect daughter who never makes mistakes or the class troublemaker. definitions doesn't seem to cut . These definitions can trap it anymore; we actually have us. They can limit the way to understand stuff! How can others see us, and, most . we adapt? important, limit the way we We've gotten along with see ourselves. They can make our friends just fine, cracking us very unha·ppy. A definition jokes, making fun of lame teachers and wandering around of a part of ourselves that worked for a while doesn't at the mall. But now your
we get to high school, and all of a sudden, what worked before doesn't even come close to working. Just memorizing answers to questions or
Coming of
anymore. The world is filled with people who are miserable because they watched the project called "My Life" go in a direction that really didn't work but that they were also either too lazy ,01' ~o scared to change. Maybe you know some of them. . It doesn't have to be that way, you know. If you're. feeling like that, this might be a good moment to take those feelings to God. Because, of course, God didn't create you to be unhappy hut he did give you imagination. And, if you ask, he also gives you the wisdom to see a new direction and, more important, the. courage to ditch the old project and just start over again!
Friday, Marettas, e003
Continued from page one
"nice to work on it with my family." Whatever project they did, it was easily sensed walking around the gymnasium and talking to the students that they enjoyed it and were very proud of their efforts. Those participating were from the third-grade classrooms ofteachers Kathy Bettencourt, Irene Castro and Carol Tapis and all were pleased with the students involvement. , ','The children did an outStandingjob," said Castro. "They had a lot of enthusiasm and we're very proud of them." Tapis agreed and said it's been a "fantastic" experience for all involved: ,"I ,think the children learned alot from this," she added. "Personally I was very impressed with the quality of the work the children did and the' many things they built," said Father Zlotkowski. "They got excited about researching their saints or building their projects. It was a great success.
"Parents from t!le beginning were very supportive - one said this is one of the reasons they send. their children to Catholic schools. "I'd like to complement and!thank Mr. Cote and the teachersin'this project.~' Each third-grader participa!!rig received a Mary medal and a certificate of award during the nighttime open house. Here is a list ofparticipating stUdents , and their projects: Delaney Adams, The Last Supper; Julia Aparicio; Noah'sArk; Tess Arikian, First Communion; Joshua Barbour, Saint Sharbel; Austin Barboza, Italian Home for Children; Dylan Benoit, Jonah; Erin . Benvie, Parts of Mass;'1uliaBevelander, Saint Elizaoeth; Katherine Boutin, Stations of the Cross; Gourtney Bracken, Noah's Ark; Danielk BraCkett, Stained' Glass Windows; JeilDa Caporelli, The Seven Sacraments; Katherine Clark, The Seven Days ofCreation; AlexandraCote, Vestments; Samantha Coute, Rosary;
Robert Curley, The Church; Corey Malloch, Kateri Tekakwitha; Aubrey Dinneen, Holy Holidays: Christmas; Eric Martin, Stained Glass Windows; Malory Dost, A Married Deacon; Nicole Dulin, Mendoza, Rosary. The Eucharist and the Episcopal Church; Lindsey Meunier, History oflmmacubauren Dykas, The History of the late Conception Church; Michaela Raposa Family Christening Gown; Brett Oliveria, Noah's Ark; Michael Pacheco and Tyler Pearson, David and Goliath; Enos, Saint Georg~. Alexa Ferreira, The Commandments; Kyle Perry, Saint Elizabeth; Timothy Rebecca Flaherty, First Communion; Preston, Saint Timothy; Tricia Quinn, Kyle Foley, Stained Glass Windows; Baptism; Cassandra Riley, Saint Anne; Megan Ritchie, Rosary; Chris Brittney Fontaine, History of Stained Glass; Raechel Gasbarro, St Thomas Roumbakis, The Ten CommflI1dments; AquinasChurch; William Gavigan, Saint Mfltthew Rusek, St. Matthew; Victoria William; Kolby Hebert, Fairy GodRusek, Stained Glass Windows; Cassie mother Project; Alexa Henriques, Vest- , Sanderson; St. Francis ofAssisi; Melanie ments; Sarah Hom, Mary; Jessica Katon, Santos, St. PatJ;ick; Matthew Sly, Stained Saint Teresa; James Kelleher, Noah's Glass Windows; Connor Smith, Stations (Ark; Gabriella. Kole, Saint Anthony; of the Cross; Andrew Sotelo, SS. AnAshley Kptko\Vski, First Communion; drew and Phillip; Jessica Soule, Holy Eucharist; Falyn St. Martin, The History of JSelsie LeNty,'Sta,itl¢d Glass Windows; 'JillieLeClaii:, The'ChirrchoChoir; Jzanev the Easter Egg; Amy Starvish, St. Chris, Uitao, BedtirhePrayer; Matthew Lewis, tine; Phillip Tracey, Bible Stories; ThoMoses and the Burning Bush; Tyler mas Weineck, Angels; and James WithMachnik, First Communion; Rachel ers, Noah's Ark.
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