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Church to ·Consider Modern Society Vocations .Lag


V.ATICAN CITY (NC) - For the first time in his~ tory, the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and 'Univer~ , sities 'will sponsor an international congress to study vocations to the priesthood. The five-day congress, to be held in Rome beginning on late vocations, and Jose T!lesday, May 22, will differ Cardinal Garibiy Rivera of from the similar convention Guadalajara, Mexico, who will organized here last Decem- discuss the collaboration of lay-

An Anohor of the Soul, 8JU7'O and P'irm-i3T. PAUlL





© 1962 The Anchor

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BOSTON (NC) - A Lutheran theologian urged his cQreligionists to return to the traditional Christian view of the Blessed Virgin, whom Martin Luther called "the foremost" among the saints of God. Rev. Jaroslav Pelikan, presently professor of his- sponsored by the Combined torical theology at the Uni- Lutheran Churches of the versity of Chicago and soon Gt:eater Boston area. Rev. Pelikan, author of the to b e com e professor of

~@mru[p)~®fre C@[9)® C~[Q) C@U11'ffi<e Ceremonies concluding a six week Parish Executive Board training course for Cape Cod area chur,ches were held Tuesday night at Holy Trinity Church, West Harwich. Over 80 men and women received certificates m a l' kin g completion of the course, conducted by Sis tel' , Dolores, O.L.V.M., Holy Trinity Convent, West Harwich. Presentation was made by Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Diocesan CCD Director. Purpose of the course was the preparation of ql,lalified personnel to serve on executive boards upon the establishment of' Confraternity of Christian DO,ctrine units in their parishes. Certificates were received by Rev: Francis Coady, St. Joan of, Arc Church, Orleans; Rev. Francis Mahoney, St. Margaret's, Blizzards Bay; Rev. Christopher Christensen, SS.CC., Holy Redeemer, Chatham; Rev. David Sullivan, SS.CC., Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet; 'Sister Anita Turn to Page Eighteen

ber by t,he Sacred Congregation of Religious. The new congress will not be confined to studying vocations to religious orders and societies,' but will also deal with vocations to the diocesan priesthood. The forthcoming congress will also include delegates from groups ·of laymen who promote vocations. Father Luigi Ferrari, an official of the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities who has worked on organization of the congJ;ess, said that 12 laymen will come from the U.S., headed by George Smith, president of Serra International. Bis'hop John' J. 'Wright of Pittsburgh and ,Father Michael McLaughlin, director of vocations of the Rockville Cenh:e diocese, will head the U. S. delegation. Father McLaughlin has been appointed by the National Catholic Welfare Conference to cooperate with the Congregation of Seminaries and Universities in ,preparation for the cpngress. Bishop .Wright will speak at the congress on "Problems in the Perseverance of Vocations." Father McLaughlin will speak on ~'Teaching Aids for the Ap'ostolate of Vocations." Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, Prefect of the congregation, will preside over the congress. Archbishop Dino Staffa, secretary of the congregation, will be its chairman. Two car.dinals ar'e among the scheduled speakers - Franziskus Cardinal Koenig, Archbishop of Vienna, who will speak

men in promoting vocations. General theme of the congress (Will b~ "Ecclesiastical Vocations in Modern Society: Present Conditions, Problems and Pastoral Concerns."

(U] [f~®@ tL@o~W 11@' S@J~[f1)~!ftt V@~~ti~~$ MINGO JUNCTION (NO -The Church "is drastically in n~ed of a long-range v{)oo cation program," and the laity should be in the forefront of such a program, Ii priest said here in Ohio. , 'Father Francis M. Maloney o~ Columbus told the Home and School Association of St. Agnes Central School that the religiouS) vocations program is needed "to catch up with a world population that is simply running away from us." ,. Father Maloney, who has beem lecturing for the past year on the need for more vocations, stated that in early Christian times it was the efforts of the laity which resulted in the conversion of:o world from paganism. "The bishops and priests wero wanted men, and thus for th61 most part were in hiding," he said. "So it fell to the laity to -lead the way, and they did 00 heroically. "In the crisis confronting the Church today it will necessarily again be lay men and women, by virtue of their numbers alone, who will assume the leadership to stem the tide of the Church's losses and begin to see gains in the generation that lies ahead."

church history at Yale Univer- bo'ok, "The R'iddle of Roman sity, delivered an address en- Catholicism," and co-editor of titled: "The Virgin Mary - A the 55-volume English trans~a­ Rc::formation Tribute" to a capac- tion of Martin Luther's works, ity audience in Jordan Hall at a , presented Mary as a model for rally of Boston area Lutherans Christians in her acceptance of the Word of God, her free cooperation with Divine Grace" and , her reliance on God rather than Lo~tare on herself. Honoring Mary is "way of emphasizing, not of obscuring th~ centrality of Christ alone," Rev. Pelikan said. NO'fRE DAME (NC) i'She is called Mother of God, Tl1e University of Notre not only by the ancient Church Dame has announced a gift but by the Reformation creeds confessions, beCause t~at is of; $1,000,000 from 1. A. and a way of asserting that the holy O'Shaughnessy, oil executive and Child of this' holy Mother is philanthropist. nothing less than the Son of God; Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, the Second Person of the Blessed C.S.C., Notre Dame president, Turn to Page Seventeen described O'Shaughnessy's generosity as "magnificent" and said his benefactions "have been the greatest of any individual private donor in the university's history." The philanthropist and his late wife were the donors of the $2,500,000 O'Shaughnessy Hall of By Patricia McGowan Liberal and Fine Arts which was dedicated in 1953, and the MesThe oldest Holy Union Sister in the world and the only living ,member of the trovic Sculpture Studio which was added to it in 1955. The new community who recollects meeting its founder, Father John Baptist Debrabant, has million dollar gift will be used marked her 70th anniversary in the religious life at the Holy Union Provincial House; to hclp finance the 13-story 520 Rock Street, Fall River. She 'is Sister Mary Cordula, S.U.S.C., 94 years old in JanuPROVIDENCE (NC) Notre Dame Memorial Library ary, and still possessing . ' Use in a public school here now under construction, Father an Irish brogue,a twinkling of the Prayer for, Peace Hesbut:gh said. written by St. Francis of O'Shaughnessy is president of Irish eye, and a .nimble 'the Globe Oil and Refining Com- Celtic wit. "She's the eldest Asslsi has b'~en defended by Dr. JalIles L. Hanley, superintenTurn to Page Two daughter of the family and' the dent of schools, and Gordon F. only one who remembers the Mulvey, chairman of the school father," said Mother Mary Wilcommittee. liam, provincial, who wrote to Hanley said Miss Marie Ci. the congregation's motherhouse Mallory, principal of the Joslin in Rome to ascertain that Sister Street School, who distributed Mary Cordula was indeed the copies of the prayer to her oldest Holy Union religious of teachers .:for use in opening ex~ 1,400 scattered throughout the ercises, was free to do so. BOS'l'ON (NC) - The world. Mulvey viewed the prayer as Born, in County Limerick, secretary of the National , without "sectarian religiouB Ireland, Sister entered religion Conference of Cat hoI i c Turn to Page Two in 1892 at the Athlone house' of Charities appealed here for the community. She was sent to a strengthening of Catholic par- France for her novitiate and ish work for families facing came to Fall River in 1895, only C~lUl~(;n social problems. , nine years after the pioneer Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher Holy Union Sisters arrived in StenogrCll~&ueli'~ of Washington told New England the city. diocesan directors of Catholic Except for nine years in Charities gathered at Boston Lawrence, Mass. and a short College: ROME (NC) - Two stu"The great need for private time spent teaching at Sacred dents of the North Ameri~ voluntary agencies is now great_ Heart parish school, Fall River, can College here have been er than ever before. They are the nonagenarian has spent her named to a corps of stenogiving a vitality to activity in entire life as sacristan at Sacred graphers who will take minutes American life which is concerned Hearts Academy, Pro s p e c t of the Second Vatican Council, with the dignity of the individ- Street, also Fall River. which will open on Thursday, Far younger Sisters envy her ual." Oct. 11. Msgr. Gallagher said private the keen eyesight that has enThey are Father William K social agencies are a part of the abled her to make microscopiLeahy of the Philadelphia arch~ American heritage of private cally perfect repairs to vestphilanthropy. He warned against ments and altar linens through YOUTH AND AGE: Sister Mary Cordula, S.U.S.C., diocese, who is taking graduate any trend that publicly sup- the years. A special avocation oldest Holy Union nun in the world, shares fruits of reli- studies at the college, and seminarian Kenneth Buhr of the Los ported agencies should become has been the crocheting of inQutonomous in the field of social tricatly patterned ornamenta- giotis life with Patricia Spellman, youngest postulant in Angeles archdiocese. The 42 priests and seminariana Immaculate Heart Province of the worldwide religious work. . tions for albs. Turn to Page Eighteen community. Turn to Page Twelve Tum to Page Eighteen

Medalist ~ives $1 Million To Notre Dame


Qldest Holy Union Sister. in World Celebrates Seventieth Year in Service of God'

Officio Is Defend Use of Prayer By Teachers

Cha rities Officio I Favors Greater Private Effort


Are FrOM U.S.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of . • ,_ :"';\".::' Fall •.•...River~Thurs.Mar.29" , _0,_":, ... - ....•. ..-..: ..-:, ••.. ,.:.' - • tot1962" ..-.:, •



ra5~~@~~D Re~ief,' fund' A~ds



y out~

'Wor~d/~ Aff~~~frced



MONTREAL (NC)-OfIlcials of some 30 Catholic student federations havG urged all Catholic studentEl

"I was hungry and you gave Me to eat." St. Matthew : xxv : 35

of North America to shun participation in the World Festival of Youth to be held this Summe1l' in Helsinki, Finland. They adopted a resolution calling the festival "a meeting foIl' one ideological group only.. namely communist." The youth officials took the action at the annual business meeting of the North American Commission of Pax Romana, an international movement of Catholic students, U. S. Catholic youth organizations backing the resolution. included .the National Federation of Catholic College Students .~nd the National Newma'n Club Federation.

March 23, 1962

Beloved in Christ, Next Sunday, we are asked to help in charity the afflicted and homeless in all parts of' the world. This collection is known as the "Catholic Bishops' Relief Fund." It began sixteen years ago as the "War Relief Fund," but since a cold war took the place of a hot war, there 'are still - the sick, the underfed, uprooted refugees, victims of natural disasters, and victims of persecution to be cared for. Some idea of the importance of this charity may be had when we consider that in 1961 there were 67 fullscale programs helping the needy in at least sixty-seven' nations. Almost 40,000,000 were aide~, not just once, but over the whole year, many times. In fact, what we give to support such charity has mearit·the differencebet~eeri, life and death to uncounted children, ap.d this regardless ' of their color or creed. . All the more reason then, for .us to continue our measure of generous support for this vital programme,' FRIDAY-Friday of III Week of vital,-if the image of America is' to be that of, a friendly Lent. III Class. Violet. Mase nation,-vital, if we are to be loyal and true to the example Proper; No Gloria or Creed;' and invitation of Our Blessed Lord. "Whatsoever you' have Preface of Lent. SATURDAY-Saturday of IE: done for one of these least, my, brethren, you have done Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. for me." .. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Next Sunday's Gospel tells the story of the compassion Creed; Preface of Lent. of Christ. We read how He fed the multitude with a few SUNDAY-Laetare Sunday, IV PERPETUAL PROFESSION:. Brother Roger Lapousmall loaves and fishes. He wouid not send them away Sunday of Lent. I Class. Rose hungry lest, perchance, that they might faint in the way. Here, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Francois Labouliere, 1193 Rodor Violet. Mass Proper; "No Next Sunday we are asked to practice the Corporal man St., of St. John the Baptist Parish, pronounces final Gloria; Creed; Prefa'c~ of Le,nt. Works of MercY,-feeding the hungry, sheltering the home- vows in the' La SaJette Order before Rev. Lionel Lemay, MONDAY-Monday of IV Week less, ransoming souls from the evils of disease and squalor superior of La Salette Seminary, Attleboro. of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria'; Second and want. The record of the Fall River Diocese has always . "II 0 nn· I'R\ nn ~ 0 rr. ~ 11 R . , ' Collect St. Francis a Paulo, .been high in sensitivity to charities such as these. Ll\7\\OuUB@~ ~@UU@[[ ~Blff1' fr@ ~@DUe~~ Confessor; no Creed; Preface No ·parish 'is ever poorer .for what it does by· way of Continued frorri' Page· One School and Our Lady of Peace of Lent. ' . relieving pain and penury in far- off places. Just because p~·ny •. St.. Paui. A' member of High .School, all in St. Paul. . TUESDAY-TueSdaY of IV Week we cannot see the misery does not make it any less serious. Notre Dame's associate board of He IS also a benefactor of other of Lent. III Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Just because it is far away does not rilakeour obligation lay trustees, he received an hon- ?rivat~ and pu~lic' ~nstituti~ns Preface of. Lent. to be compassionate any less. Our Blessed Lord tells us: orary doctorate from the univer- mcludmg the Umverslty of Mmin 1947 and was awarded nesota, the .U. S. Naval Academ.y, WEDNESDAY - Wednesday of "I have given y~u an example, that as I have done so you sity Notre Dame's Laetare Medal in Lehigh University, Carleton- Col_ iv Week of Lent. III Class. , . ' do also." .. 1953.' lege and Macalester College. : Violet. Mass Proper; No Glo, .' With all this in mind, let :us then open' our hearts Father Hesburgh pointed out ria; Second Collect St. Isidore, arid handato help the tens of millions who look for mercy the gift will qualify the univerNecrology Bishop, Confessor"and Doctor of the Church;· no Cree~ and kindness especially from those whom the Lord 'has sity for an' additional matching .' grant of $500;000 from' the' Ford MAR. 31 . . Preface of Lent.. blessed with an abundance of good things. So doing~ we ,Foundation; 'The ·fourrdation i s · Rt. Rev. George C. Maxw'ell, ,: ,THURSDAY - Thursday oFIV' will deserve their" grateful prayers. So doing,' we hope .to ,. committed to award Notre Dame', 1953, Pastor, SS.Peter &. Paul, ; Week of Lent. III Class. Violet. merit graces and blessings that .come from God for those one dollar for every'two dollars Fall River.' ",1 .. 1·. ·Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Vincent Ferrer, . that love their neighbor as themselves, and, by' so doing, . which it receives· up to June 30, 1963. APRIL 1 Confessor; no Creed; Preface prove that they love God above all things. ter Ml'nn . , on' Rev. George A. Lewi.n·,· 1958, ". of .Lent. . Born l· n St'll 1 wa. ' ., . Believe me, with cordial appreciation, ·July 31, 1885, O'Shaughnessy, a Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville. Devotedly yours in Christ, . graduate of St. Thomas College, .... APRIL. 2

~~,fJd3-;;5 ... Bishop of



St. Paul, harlcontributed substantially to the development of St. Louis (Mo.) University, and St. Thomas College, St. Catherine's College, Murray High

. .'

,April 1-2:00 P.M., ,St. Roch, Fan River; Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford. Continued from Page One. . would be improp·er. . 4:00 P.M., oUr Lady of th~ .' character," and as unlikely to Miss Mallory got a copy of Holy Rosary, Fall River; St. be construed as "favoring any the.·prayer at ,a-, Pl:irent-Teache~ Hedwig, New Bedford. . : particular religion or embar- As'soc~ation iii' e e t H~:g J'lhere 7:30 P.M. Notre Dame, Fall . rassing any child." F~tliet~,Joseph ~. Ml,1;phy, who River; Our Lady of Mount Hanley was asked for com,. appe.~re~ ,qn. a,. juy,:eQ.Il~ .. d.el~n- .' '. Carmel, New Bedford.. .' ment after a woman complained' ·qll~Pc,y .J>a.ne~,·"left::COPl~l!'. for'~', April 2-7:30 P.M., Espirito : to the Providence Jourrtal';'" »aren.ts who,.~~~te? tpem;;:. .Santo, Fall River; St. James, ':Bulletin that, use of the pra~e~': :" ,.~~hley ,sal,d.. MISS ~allory,_ :' New Bedford. plck~d, up suffiCIent copIes for .' '. ' all her; school's' teacherli~ ,AprIl 3---:7 .30 P.M., St. ~atthew, Protestant lell'dets"'said that ~a~ RlveI;; St. FranciS of AsFORTY HOURS St. hancis' Prayer for Peace is SIS1, N~:w;Bedf~.r,d. 'public property. One I)aid that it should be used everywhere, R. A. WILCOX CO. including the public schools. Apr. 1-St. Boniface; New The Rev.. Homer L. Trickett, OffiCE FURNITURE 13erlford. D.D., minister of First Baptist ID Stocls for lmmedl,,'" DeUverJ St. Peter, Dighton. Church, said he knows the • DlESICS • CHAIRS prayer from memory. ~ Rev. Apr. 8-Our Lady of Perpe~ FiliNG CABINETS Howard C. Olseri, rector of St. - ual Help, New Bedford. Barnabas Episcopal Church' • FIRIEIFILES • SAFES Our Lady of the Immacsaid: "I'm all for it. It should FOLDING TABLES , ulate Conception, Fall be .. used everywhere., It is a AND CHAIRS River. catholic prayer in the very best .St. James, Taunton. sense of the word - in' that it is R. A.WBLCOX CO• a universal prayer' in the 'same 22 BEDFORD ST. \pr;·1:r:-si. Paul, Taunton. way that the Lord's Prayer'is a '. fALL RIVER 5~7838 St. John the Baptist, Fall universal prayer." , River. .

School Officials' Defend Prayer


Apr.22-0ur Lady of the Holy 'Rosary, New Bedford. Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven THE ANCHOR Second Cl.... Postalre Paid a' Vall River. Mas.. Publlabed eYerJ l'hurada7 -' no Hillbland Av...u•. Fall 8Iv.... Mua_ bJ' the CatboU. Preu of the Oloc.... 01 Fall River Sub.eripltoll pl'Ia . . postpaid ".00 . . ,eu.



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Says East-West Power Struggle

Thurs., Mar. 29, 1962

[?[fBe~li' CaMfro@ITU~

Sp~rreft'ual ~@tt~®

~~@OU1l~li' ~@W®[f

SPRINGFIELD (NC) The East-West world struggle for power is a spiritual battle between Christianity

~~@~~ O[M)@@® PHILADELPHIA (N C ) - A priest-editor has cautioned Catholics against projecting a false image of

and atheistic communism, Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York ,said here. The national director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith told 4,50n persons in the Illinois State Armory: "The West has the greatest civilization in the world, not because it is white, but because it is Christian. When it loses its Christian 'soul, it will lose its dominant force." , He called today's Western Christianity soft. "Christ has been torn off the Cross," Bishop $heen said, and Christianity in, the West is like Christ without His Cross-weak, undisciplined, without sacrifice. Reds Obedient "Communism has the cross; it 'has the order, discipline, sacri':' fice and obedience," he emphasized. "The world cannot go on with this divorce." "Is America going to become soft and allow the communists to become strong? Will Christ recover His Cross. before the Cross finds Christ?" he asked. "Which will be first? Will the Christians of the West reclaim the peopfe oppressed by communism, or will the communists take over the West?" Bishop Sheen's appearance was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the diocesan Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Power Shifts "We are witnessing a fight which is political, economic, financial, military and social," Bishop Sheen said. "Power shifted from East to West in the days of Alexander the Great, and now we see that power moving away from us - back to Southeast Asia and Africa." Bishop Sheen said Africa is four times the size of the United States. He added: "South Afiica has the prime racial problem of the world. There are 70 million followers of Mohammed in Northern Africa, and we have lost most of our schools there, llnd are likely to lose them Iill."

Ep;scopal Gift To Island Fund Ideals of the forthcoming Ecumenical COl.lncil on Church unity are already being implemented in tiny Martha's Vineyard, one of Cape ~od's off-shore islands. Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill of St. Augustine's ChurCh, Vineyard Haven, reports that members of Grace Episcopal Chur~h, also Vineyard Haven, have contributed $100 to St. Augustine's 'building fund. An accompanying note from Rev. Henry L. Bird, Episcopalian rector, read: "This small gift comes to you at 'the suggestion and unanimous vote of the Grace Church Vestry, and with it go all our best wishes as you serve in our Lord's apostolate with your new church building.' "It is a joy to be your neighbors and we look forward to continuing warm relationships as we all seek to serve our Lord." Joint Census Also along the lines of church unity, members of all denominations on Martha's Vineyard are cooperating in a census of religious affiliations of islanders. Workers have divided the island into areas and will pool reports to enable all churches to arrive at accurate figures of their own memberships. Sacred Heart Church, Oak Bluffs is participating in the project along with St. Augustinp.'s. Father O'Neill notes that the new St. Augustine's is scheduled for completion in June. It will stand as a monument not only to active Catholic life on the island, but to friendly interfaith relations.


SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Winners of full scholarships to Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River are front, left to right, Jeanne Brown, Christine Baldaia; rear, Elizabeth Raposa, Kathleen Koss" Patricia McGuigan, Margaret Pruitt.

School Principal Heads WASHINGTON (NC)-Father Frederick J. Stevenson, head of one of the nation's largest Catholic high schools and a veteran of nearly 20 years work with youth, is the new head of the Youth Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Appointment of the Philadel:phia priest was announced here by Archbishop John J.Krol, episcopal chairman of the de,partment.. Msgr. John J. Conniff,acting director of the department, will remain as assistant director, the announcement said. Veteran Educator Father Stevenson comes to the


Youth Department

NCWC from his post as principal of Cardinal Dougherty Co-Insti. tutional High School, Philadelphia, whose 5,000 students-3,(7 .... boys and 2,000 girls - make I


Decency Legion Ratings.

SASKATOON (NC)'-The National Legion 'of Decency system of evaluating motion piCtures on a moral basis' was praised by W. E. Murray,' Saskatchewan film censor, in an address before the Saskatchewan Ministerial Association, composed of Protestants. Murray said there is an increase in sadism, violence, sex Postal Rate Increase crimes and blasphemy in movies. said the legion's system of Hearings Under Way He rating films is a va,luable guide WASHINGTON (NC) -The and explained the various cateSenate Post Office' and Civil gories of the system. The primary responsibility for Service Committee has begun hearings on a postal rate in-, evaluating movies is not with crease bill which continues re- government censors but with the' duced second and third class church, the home and the school, Murray said. . rates for religious nonprofit. The bill (H.R. 7927), passed in January by the House of Representatives, would bring in some $700 million in added revenue to the Post Office Department, chiefly by increasing first claSk and airmail rates. The measure would not change the reduced-rate second and third class status' currently granted to religiou~ non-profit publications. An effort to extend the same favored status to profitmaking religious publications was defeated in the House.


one of the largest in the nation. It has a 149-member faculty. From 1953 to 1960, Father Stevenson was assistant superintendent of Philadelphia archdiocesan schools and principal of the archdiocesan, Summer high school for students repeating courses for credit. He is a member of the Philadelphia ' Mayor's Scholarship 'Committee, of the State Advisory .Council for the Middle States Association for Secondary 'Schools and Colleges, and of the executive "Joard of the Secondary Schools Division of the Cath_ olic Educational ·Association of Pennsylvania. He is a past , chairman of the latter.

the Church that could lead people into thinking it is some sort of power bloc. Father Thurston N. Davis, S.J., editor-in-chief of America, . national Catholic weekly re. view, said that the image of Catholics as a "weight-throwing, influence - wielding bloc of power in national affairs is largely - though not entirely - the product of .people's imaginations." "We are not' organized as a vast monolithic power group, nor have we any intention of getting ourselves so organized," he told some 450 persons attending a Communion brea!dast sponsored by St. Joseph's Preparatory School alumni. Window-Dressed "We mustn't fall into the error of thinking that the Church of Christ is something that can be window-dressed and publicized and touted as though it was a sort of sacred counterpart of General Motors or A.T. and T.," the priest-editor said. Father Davis said that the Church "is the body of .Christ, and its only 'corporate image' is and should be the God-man." "This is the imagz we must project," he concluded, "and we shall do so \\ ~.en each of us ... shows forth the face of Christ in personal sanctity and personal good example to the world around us."

Baptizes 19th SUNNYSIDE (NC) - It was really a full house when Maria Martina Salinas was baptized by Bishop Joseph P. Dougherty of Yakima in St. Joseph's church here in Washington. The infant daughter of Viterbo and FiIomena Salinas is their 19th and all members of the family were present at the ceremony.

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THE ANCHO~-Diocese of. Fall River-Thurs. M"r. 29, 1962

Says Sp~rn1dtthraffr fXl M~b(~Hn1@ is· Self8~h, Se~~CJ~®(1)fr®l[®~ By Father John L. Thomas, S. J. Asst. Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University II How do you handle a spendthrift husband?" Our 10 years of marriage has been nothing but debts, debts, deots. He makes good .money but half of it must go for loans. I finally got him to stop. gambling - he had a huge gambling debt when we . losses others may incur because . married-:-yet·he still throws of his delay in paying his debts, money around freely at n'Jr does he bother to· 'plan for the future, since he has always t~verns. I don't think this

managed to get by somehow in is fair. I spend as little as posthe past. Yet his major weaksible for the children and myness is not financial incoms elf. Everypetency. What he lacks is' a thing 'is a joke sense of responsibility. to him. Now he Such persons are always wants to borbasically selfish and self-cenrow on his intered in all their actions, for surance policy this type of irresporisibility is to pay his peressentially the' refusal to comsonal debts. I mit or give oneself deeply. feel the situaIn other words, the irresponLA SALETTE EXPANSION: Bishop Connolly, with the assistance of Very Rev. tion is getting sible person is concerned with hopeless. He'll others - even his wife and Philip LeBlanc, MS, provincial of the La Salette order, breaks ground for a $2-million n eve r grow children - only to the extent construction project at the Shrine in Attleboro. At left ,are Rev. Rene Sauve, Shrine up!" that they serve 'his interests. director, and Brother Lucien, MS, server. In a prosperHe does not see others as perous commercial culture' such as sons, having needs, desires, and ours, it requires much more hopes. similar to his' own, but as ability to use money intelliconvenient objects to be' manigently than to earn or borrow "have the difficulty' of a young and they are frustrated by them. pulated .and .used. CINCINNATI (NC) - Lack it. As your letter suggests, worker in India, where his . They want to' help people, but of confidence is a major underIn Initial Stage Vivian, this is especially true problem might be starving. The their effQrts become boring and Thus when you write that lying problem of youth today, in marriage. tiresome after a while, ~ "everything is a joke' to him," Gerald King, president-elect of solution there is obviously to Indeed, it is a matter of every pecially if there are no signs oi you t:eally mean everything but the National Young Christian find something for him to eat. day experience 'that some cou' himself, for you wil' notice that Workers movement, told a lead- Here the problems are more succeSs," King said. ples do very well on an incomplicated. A young person is 'here he himsel~ is concerned, ership mee'ting \ here. "The purpose of the YCW it! come that reduces others to he manages to get what' he "Young people have never lonely, confused, or lacks conto help us see the dignity, the perennial financial straits. fidence - and we must find the wants. been shown their own worth, worth of our friends and to Stability Pertinent The problem of dealing with their own uniqueness," he said. underlying causes behind these train us to the 'idea that God such " husband is that he lacks "Forty years ago when Msgr. problems of the spirit." The problem .was probably loves them and expects us to' be the capacity of investing an Joseph Cardijn first founded, less acute when' people had to instruments of His love," he Frustrated by Problems enduring interest in the de"make" a living, rather than the YCW mov~ment in Belgium, added. "Young people only too often velopment of his wife and he had an extr,aordinary faith in "earn" it. This is to say, when are floating, looking for the children. there was economic sj:!lf-suffithe capabilities of young workthread that ties things together. ,Marriage failed to transform ing people. He had a tremendous ciency, there was less ready his "I" into a "we" because, belief in their' mission. He told They see the overall problems of money available as well as less like a child, his ability to love the first four members they society whether they be intertendency ,to appraise every national, economic or interracial, had not grown beyond the initial must conquer the world. thing in terms of dollar values. What You H(,'lVe stage of desire., . Most current studies of marHave Same Mission Advise Firmness riage problems report that the Waits on Table What can you do? Well, Vi"spending of money" ranks high "Since that time," he reNEW ORLEANS (NC) vian, I think your first step is among the sources of disagreeminded, "the YCW has spread to understand the situation and to 2,000,000 members In over 90 Coadjudor Archbishop· John P. ment in the family. Insurance Agency accept it - at least as a In this connection it should countries. It was carried to the Cody took a cue from St. JOl!eph be noted that it is the lack of starting point. This is the man United States. And it spread to on the sai,nt's day by donning TEL. MYrtfe 9-8231 consensus on the' expenditure of you married, and it wil: only Cincinnati and to you here who, an apron and helping to serve a 54 PLEASANT STREET family income rather than its increase your frustration if you in turn, are charged with the meal for residents of the home for the aged conducted by Little refuse to see him as he is. . NOR.TH AnlEBORO amount that causes the trouble. same mission." Sisters of the Poor.' , Don't expect him to ta~e the Among -successful marriages, not The meeting,' held in Our initative in saving, long range income level itself but finanplanning, or careful invest- Lady of the Visitation parish cial stability' and security were ment. Experience should have was' the first 'study weekend found to be the pertinent facheld here. Theme of the weektaught you that he' won't. tors. On the other hand, since yo,u end was "Formation in the Lay Money Is Sympton have made some progress. by Apostolate." Just to complete the general stopping him from gambling, WHY NOT B.E' A MESSENGER OF OUR LADY? Emphasizing that personal forpicture, moreover, it should be perhaps continue~ firmness will mation must come through ob-as a Priest or Lay Brother, Teacher, pointed out that although "in- register further gains. serving, judging, and then doing Home or Foreign Missionary sufficient income" is a factor After due reflection and something a b,o u t. prevailing For information about the Fathers or Brothers, over whicr couples frequently thought - otherwise you will problems, King pointed out that quarrel, their bickering over "this process is more difficult, simply nag or get emotional \ write to: money is often a symptom of . make your feelings concerning but often more important in other marital tensio'1s. VOCATIONAL DIRECTOR his irresponsible spending per- America." Unreconciled differences in fectly clear to him. la SALETTE ,SEMINARY "We don't," he explained, temperament, family' g o'a Is; Spell It Out EAST BREWSTER, MASS. social aspirations, sexuol deSuch husban":"s are not easy mands, and so forth, often to get through to and often try generate disputes about the to divert their wives from disspending of family income. In cussing sensitive iss u e s . by s;Jch cases, "money" is a sym- joking or getting angry, yet I'VE FOUND OUT. bol, pointing to deeper probafter the marriage breaks up, TOO. THEY LOOK lems. they complain that their wives Your . case presents some never let them know h~w seriOUT WELL FOR symptomatic features, Vivian, ously they' felt about the matter. DIABETICS AT since the actions an . traits you Your letter infe'rs that you've Invite young ladies to sanctify their own souls ascribe to your husband indiabout had it. Before you move, cate a type of personality that spell it out to him clearly througll serving God· in the Apostolate of differs markedly from your own. but show him you're dead Like most responsible peo, T~aching serious. . p'l, you feel that couples should If he's not utterly irresponsilive according to their means, ble, he'll make some changes. that husbands and wives should At least I hope so, for once Nursing share thf' burdens Jf the famicouples separate for this reason, ly as well as its joys, and that I find most wives .unwilling to parents should make some make a second try. Care of Orphans provision for the future of \ their chidren. Training of Peace Corps P3ans One Step Ahead Your husband is a different Plm:ement Test ExceptDonal type - his gambling. debts beNEW YORK (NC) - The fore marriage should have tipped you off! Profiting from Peace Corps Desk here of the Children the' possibilities in our 'com- National Catholic Welfare Con-: . mercial culturp, his major ference has pointed out that the foreign Missions f''1ancial . ~oal is to remain next Peace Corps placement afloat ~ to keep just one step test will be held on Saturday, Write to: April 21 in principal cities of ahead of' the bill-collectors. . He is' not concerned with the ,the U.S. The examination will begin at MOTHER PROVINCIAL, R. S. Me 8:30 A.M. and in most cases will PROVINCIAL HOUSE Pay Hike for Nuns be held in the main post office' SAGINAW (NC)-Salaries of building of each city or in some RD 3-CUMBERLAND nuns working in the Diocese of other Federal building. Candidates are asked to check bulleRHODE ISLAND Saginaw here in Michigan have been increase..~ from $75 per tin boards in local post offices fo.r additionaldetaila. month to $85 per month each.

Lack of Confidence Is Major Problem of Youth





THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 29, 1962'

Worth while Recipes

Advocates Plead Father Damien Beatification'

By Rev. Joltn R. FoIster St. Anthony's Church - New Bedford

The great and all powerful King David had fallen to' an all time low. People had long looked up to him not only ·as their country's benevolent ruler and savior but also ·as the religious leader of the chosen people - nearly as a prophet who could hold con- cites the first few lines of the 'versation wit h Almighty psalm (instead of the whole) but · God and carefully, truth- 'surely to teach and hope that our .fully teach his people. Now dispositions are those mentioned all were shaken. This hero of heroes had committed adultery and murdered the woman's husband so as to possess her himself as his wife. God's chosen prophet, Nathan,issentto strai,ghten David.Ina moving lesson, the authority of the God whom David had thus offended shakes the entire :throne. David suddenly realizes the terrifying effect of his act: terrifying for himself, his famly, his people. Act of Contrition David repents his sin. Oh, not the brief sorrow many of us "feel" and then go about our business, but a sorrow which would make a saint of David as it cm: with all of us. 'David prays ,'to God and his prayer is the best example ever given of a sincere act of contrition, confession and supplication. The king would not be satisfied with the simple external sacrifice offered to God in rcpentence of sin, his would be that which would rise from a contrite and humble heart. Such is the act which the Holy Church begs of us during this holy time of Lent. Such is the, act which Christ begged us to 'have as we would atone for our sins. During this the "appropriate time" He begs and warns us that our penance be not that which is broadcast to our friends (and therefore brings us celebrated praise) but that which springs secretly from the heart 'and is seen by God alone so that 'au I' reward may come from God and not from ,man. A True Recipe SlJ appropriate and meaningful was David's prayer; so full of divine inspiration was it that the Church has made extensive use of it through its ages. Al, though 'the Bible gives us three · psalms which begin' with the words "Have 'mercy, Lord ..." , t:lis one psalm has attained both liturgically and musically so prp-eminent a position as to be always commonly referred to as The Miserere. And whenever the Church is desirous that her children have these same dispositions which animated the' repentent David, she inserts it in her Mass, sacramental liturgy, breviary, and common prayers. The Old Roman and Benedictine Breviaries ordained this prayer for daily recitation during Morning Prayers (Laudes). Later Pope Saint Pius X partially restored this custom by placing it in that part of Laudes that is recited during a penitential season or day. The prayer found its w~yinto the appropriate Offices of Lent, Holy Week. The Ci'urch's prayers for the dead often repeat the prayer so as to tea('h us what a sou~ before God must feel like and the manner in v,hich we-who soon shall follow our deceased brother or sister-should prepare. The Bishop during his parish visitations often offers this prayer for himself and his flock, as he does in the blessing and consecration of cpurches, cemeteries, bell s , homes, fields, and congregations. While bringing Holy Communion to the sick, a priest ii; encouraged to pray this psalm as that prayer "which is best suited for obtaining divine mercy for the sick" (Herdt, "Praxis"). During the administration of the sacraments and in the Asperges, as in other blessings, the priest so oitell re-

by the inspired and repented author. Ecumenical Prayer During these times in which spiritual brotherhood is so stressed, here is a prayer that such a great part of the world recites in common. Before God our Father, we are all sons and our attitudc toward Him can only be the same. The Jewish rituals for the Day of Atonement mention this prayer (and thus Christ must have recited it with the most eminent of dispositions and example). The prayer is part of,the Ailglican Communion Service. It is not enough to simply say that we should be one, but as the present Holy Father has Sl often stressed, we must show the others who are not of the Fold how wonderful it would be for them to be among us. What an instrument this prayer could be! During this period of conscious and conscientious effort at true penance, our own dispositions must be that which would easily have us beg: "Have mercy on me, 0 God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion, wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me. For I acknowledge my offense and my sin is before mr aiways: 'Against you only have I sinned, at1d done what is evil in your sight,' that you may be justified in your sentence, vindicated rhen you condemn. Indeed in guilt was I born and i,.. sin my mother conceived me; behold you are pleased with sincerity of heart, and in my inmost being you teach me wisdom. "Cleanse me of sin with hyssop, that I may be purified; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Let me head the. sounds of joy and gladness; the bones you have crushed Mall rejoice. 'Turn away your face from my sinS, and blot out all my guilt.,


VATICAN CITY (NC) Special honor was paid to Father Damien, SS.CC., the apostle to the lepers of the

PAR'rIAL AWARDS: To receive partial scholarships at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, are front, Rita Watkinson, Susan Clark; center, Sharon Callahan, Kathleen Foley; rear, Sandra Rezendes, Carol Trainor. The scholarship examination was given at the Academy of the Sacred Hearts on ]darch 3.



Hawaiian islands, amidst the splendor of the public consistory at which His Holiness Pope John XXIII conferred red hats on his new cardinals, The beatification cause of the famous missioner, who became a leper himself, was pleaded in the presence of the Pope. One other person was so honored: Father Joseph Freinademetz, an Austrian Divine Word missionary who labored for 30 years in China. Two velvet-robed consistorial advocates three times presented themselves before the Pope's throne to plead in Latin for the continuation of the beatification causes of the two priests. Ceremonial Pleadings The pleadings are only ceremonial, however, and do not affect the status of the beatification processes. But they are a mark of special honor for the lives of the Servants of God selected for such special pleading. Damien de Veuster was born at Tremeloo, Belgium on Jan. 3, 1840, and entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in October 1863. Provincial House of the Congregation in this country is in Fairhaven. He was sent to the Sandwich Island and ten years later he petitioned to be sent to Molokai, Hawaii, to aid lepers. He arrived there at the age of 33 and worked to save the 800 inhabitants until he contracted ·leprosy himself and died on April 15, 1889, at the age of 49.


Ps. 50 (51, v 1-11)

Holy Bible

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THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese ~f Fall River-Th~rs.Mar. 29,1962





What, Is Your 'Name? The Roman governor, Rictiovar, asked of 'the young Quirinus, "What is your name?" And the answer came back unhesit~tingly, "My name? Christian is my name." And no amount of questioning, no threats, could ex-' tract any other answer. . He might have explained that his name was Quirinus. But he chose. a better one. He chose' the one that was his by the literal' fact of his Baptism. He followed in the footsteps of St. Paul who could say simply, not as a boast, but as a fact, "For me to live is Christ." What is your name? Among all the ancients a great deal of attention was attached to a'person's name. Its revelation was considered as giving a sort of power to the recipient. Its communication was looked upon as something special, as something sacred.' One might observe a man, speak with ~ him, discuss matters, impersonal and otherwise. But such. a contact was, at best, a casual thing. Only with the exchange of names was there a deeper involvement. To reveal one's name was to give away a part of oneself. That is still so. When one meets a person today the first point of the meeting is to find out this person's name. One can talk for hours with him, exchange opinions and even confidences, but it is not until the exchange of names that the relationship takes. on depth and significance. The name is' the key to a person; He gives it to those he wants to know. And these whom he wants to know him. The gre~test insult is to refuse to give it at all. When a person wishes to hide himself he refuses to give his name or gives a false one. As if a name could change a person! But it ~can and does. So with the Christian. By Baptism he is Christian; he is, .as St. Augustine put it, ·Christ.. How many Christians .are aware of their name? If they do not know that their name is really Christ, if they do not think of themselves by this name, if they do not show what their name is to others, no wonder .·that they do not act like their name, they do not ~t like ' Christ. This is at the root of all evil. The man who is aware of his true name, Christ, win attempt to measure up to it. The man who considers himself as John Doe, or any other combination of letters, will not act like Christ. And so sin, evil, corruption, scandal, and - even sadder still- not only' nO sorrow for' it but even an attempt to justify it or to deny that wrongdoing was done. And all because a person does not know his name. Does not know what he has been made by being united by Christ in Baptism. What is your name?

People Project Ideals


It is all very well to concentrate during the month of March on the subject of vocations - to the priesthood, religious life, married state or single state. It is all very well to point out to young men and women the glories of each and all, to encourage tp.em to know themselves that they may decide in what st~te God wishes them to live out this life. It is all very well to talk about these things. But talk is more often than not outshouted by actions. And what will attract a youngster to the priesthood or religious life is not a talk on these states but a person living these states. What will give a young person the correct view of marriage is not alone instruction on marriage as a husband and wife living a holy and happy marriage. ' It is the old story of actions speaking louder than words. It is the fact of psychology that people are influenced not by ideals alone but by people whQ live those ideals. So the answer. to the subject of vocations is to call attention of young people to people - to priests, to sisters, to brothers, to husbands and father, to dedicated men and women. Once aware of these men and women - OIIce conscious of the reasons that led them to chose the state in life that they did - then the young people themselves have something to go on, some guide for their own action, their own decisions.



Vatican· Council By Rev. Wm. F. Hogan, C.S.C.

Stonehill Professor ~,

Canon 228 of the Code of Canon Law states that ail ecumenical C 0 u n c i I possesses supreme power ove<!'

'fhnou.q.h th.& CWu.k 'With. thE. ChWlch By REV ~ ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University TODAY - Thursday, t h i r d Week of Lent. The exercise of Jesus' healilbg power is in order that the kingdom of God (Gospel) should be made manifest. And the idea of the kingdom is one profoundly social-social as our public worship is communal and social, social as the moral obligation of social justice in the Reading from Jeremias. A morality which is individualistic ani private is inadequate for a disciple of Christ, for one formed by ~he liturgy of the common sacrifice and the common meal. TOMORROW - Friday, Third Week in Lent. It was rarely that Our Lord addressed Himself to one not of the house of Israel. The Gospel of today's Eucharistic celebration gives us a glimpse of the universality of His message and His redeeming power. He calls all men (in the persons of the Samaritans) to the community of new life and new worship ("in spirit and in truth"). And, as the instance of Jewish unfaithfulness in the first Reading did not deprive Israel of its election, neither do our lapses from full fidelity deprive us of ours. SATURDAY - Third Week in Lent. There is a community of sin in the human race that places us all in the. same fundamental relationship to God. But there is :a difference between the woman's quiet admissior. of her need in the Gospel and the elders' refusal to admit wrongdoing in the Reading. Our public worship counters human pride with its frequent expression of our guilt, a guilt which makes the message of Jesus' saving acts good news indeed. FOURTH SUNDAY llN !LENT. Lent is a penitcnti I' season, a season of preparation and of baptismal r~treat. ~ut it is not a sad season. There is no sadness iT the ":hristian liturgy, which even in its ceath ar burial rites reflects joy, confidence, hope. , So this mid-Le:1t Mass is full of rejoicing ~d praise. The first lesson exults in the fact that Christ has made us free, free of the bondage, the guilt, the sadness, that the Law by itse1:~ inevitably meant for a sinful human race. And the Gospel sign of the Lord feeding His people foreshadows that Eucharistic Bread which will be the food and staff of freedom for the Church.

MONDAY - Fourth Week in Lent. The Christian's freedom is not a freedom from God's judg;nent. It is a freedom from the terror that judgment strikes in the heart of one who stands alone and unaided, in his human nakedness, before the Almighty, The judgment of which both lessons of today's Mass speak is real for the Christian. But he does not stand alone. He stands in the community of which Jesus Christ is Head, bearing the seal of his risen Lord. In Christ the terror of judgment is gone, and the Judge he addresses as Father. TUESDAY - Fourth Week in Lent. The Bible (and the liturgy) is concerned not with man's thoughts about God, but with God's thoughts l!bout men, as the Protestant theologian Karl Barth has emphasized. Both lessons today underline that truth. God addresses His people and reveals His thoughts about them, first througli Moses, His prophet, and then through Jesus Christ His Son. This is the glory of our public worship: that it brings us into contact with his Word. WEDNESDAY - Fourth Week in Lent. The theme of water and of washing lin all three lessons and other proper parts of today's Mass directs our lenten watchfulness to the Easter Vigil, the Blessing of the Font, Baptisms, and the renewal of'our own baptismal vows. Cleansirig and a "new spirit" are the gifts of Baptism. Negatively, the destruction of sin; positively, the grace of Christ, His Seal,and the indwelling of the Trinity.

JJteW$ 1l={]@11'il1.t»li' lPic)l1'ile~li'$




NEW YORK (NC) - Two founders of the U. S. Catholic interracial movement were honored here by the American Jewish Committee for their "dedicated struggle" against discrimination and bigotry. They are Father John LaFarge, S.J., chaplain emeritus of the Catholic Interracial Council of New York, and George K. Hunton, executive secretary emeritus of the New York council. Both men retired earlier this year from active roles in the council but have remained in an advisory capacity. '

Published weekly by The Catholic Press of tl'1eOiocese of Fall River 41 o Highland Avenue ' . De'dicate Building Fall. River, Mass. 'OSborne 5-71'51 . The Jewish human rights orPUBLISHER NEW ORLEANS (NC) Archganization presented Father La bishop Joseph F. Rummel of Farge with a Menorah, the Most ·Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD,' ,New Orleans has dedicated the seven-stick candelabrum repreGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER new 80 - room administration senting the seven days of creaRev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John' P. Driscoll building for the archdiocese. It . tion, the seven continents and MANAGING EDITOR was built at a cost of about a the seven planets. Hunton reHugh J. C:;olden million dollars. ceived a Seder, or Passover plate.

the universal Church, but that 'there can be no to an ecumenical council from a decisiOB of the Roman Pontiff. The law indicates that while an Ecumenical Council· has authority over the whole Church, it is not above the Pope. In the Middle; Ages there were', so m e theologians, especially French, who taught the supremacy of general councils ovea' the Pope and even that a general council has ·the authority to depose a Pope. This was even affirmed in the Councils of Constance and Basle, but the Holy See never recognized that teaching and it can never re.cognize the supremacy of • council over the Pope. Center of Council As regards the possibility elf a council being able to depose a Roman Pontiff, this could happen only if the Pope fell into heresy; Jor then lie would no longer be a member of the Church imd could not be ite head. If the Pope should commit , serious sins or crimes, he would still be a member of the Churcb and we would' still owe obe.dience to him. That general councils cannot be above the Pope is clear wheD. one considers that general cou~ cils represent the Church. The Pope, then, must stand in the same relation to these councils as he does to the Church. While being its head, the Pope is neither above nor below the Church, but in a sense its cen.ter; so, too, he will necessarily be the center of an Ecumenical Council. Pope Is Supreme A general council apart from the Pope would be a contradiction in terms. For the Pope is the visible head of the Church. the Mystical Body of Christ; without the Pope the Church or a general council, no matter how large it might be, would be lifeless a corpse instead of a living body. For this reason there can be no appeal to an Ecumenical Council from a de-' cision of a Pope. The action of the council is essentially cooperation with tha Pope; and the value of a council, therefore, is estimated according to the measure of its connection .with the Pope. A council which would be in opposition to the Pope could not be 'Said to represent the whole Church because it would not be representing the Pope, the visible head of the Church. Need Papal Call A council, then, must be in union at all time with the Pope or it is not a genuine Ecumenical Council. Indeed, the unioo with the Roman Pontiff is so essential that should the Pope die, the council is automatically suspended until a new Pope o~ ders it to be resumed and con.tinued. And as mentioned previously, no Ecumenical Council can be held which is not con.voked by the Roman Pontiff, One might think that the presence of an Ecumenical Council would add to the authority 01 the Pope, but this is not true. The.Pope whim acting alone ha. .the same supreme fullness 01 power over the Church as whell he acts together with an Ecllomenical Council. But thi~ is Turn to Page Seven


'Vatican Council';;

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 29, 1962'


, Contin~ed from Page Six' tb say that the council is of no' importance! '. R.eal~m~gs . There is a .great deal of ex-' .ternal weight, solemnity and ef:" AttatQJldeD~~@rs f~ctiveness added to matters' taken up in a general council: '~nd confirmed by the Pope; this NEW YORK (NC)-Cathexternal solemnity would be lacking in statements made by olic Relief Services would the Pope. alone. demand guarantees of its Vital Effects freedom to operate before While the internal value of it returned to Cuba to distribute the decrees of the .council confood to the needy, a spokesman firmed by the Pope and ex said here. He doubted getting cathedra statements by His guarantees. Holiness alone is the same, still "We also -Nould be concerned the external aspects of the forabout the communists using our mer are inclined to make a presence to claim that there is stronger impression on the no persecution of the Church" faithful and give us a greater ~id Father Fabian Flynn, C.P., realization of the importance of director of public information of ST. MARY'S 'CHURCH, NEW BEDFORD the matter being treated. FurCatholi~ Relief Services-National thermore, the very participants Catholic Welfare Conference here. in the council, the Bishops who Father Flynn was asked to have personally contributed to comment on a statement in the decrees and definitions, will Washington by a White House often be more individually imaide that the Federal governpressed by them and this will ment would be "very sympabave vital effects on the faith By A vis Roberts thetic" to a request that U. S. in all the dioceses throughout . Before. the building of the new St. Mary of the Assumption Church on Tarkiln voluntary agencies distribute the Church. Some of the difficulties and HIll Road m New Bedford's North End, the church had been designated as St. Kilian's surplus food to relieve hunger misconceptions which arise in Ch~pel and St. ~~ry's .C~urch. The .original wooden chapel was constructed as an among the Cuban people. George McGovern, director of the minds of men concerning the authority of a general coun- adJ~m~t to St. KIhan parIsh and ()pened in 1923 to accommodate 300 English-speaking the Federal government's Food for Peace program, said, howcil come from the traditional' parIshIOners of St. Kilian. The church became the church rectory. Theodore Lar,From June 1953 until too ever, that the voluntary agencies phrase "the council represents St. Mary's in 1927 an~:r and Sons erected the new completion of the new church in could not operate unless there the Church." Our minds tend parish of 'b 'ld' edIfIce. October, Masses were held in were some change in the Castro to view the council in terms of :,In. The church construction is of the auditorium of Normandin government's attitude. th e. UI mg was ded a modern democratic state and mobshed In ,the hurricane of , concrete with brick veneer. It is Junior High School adjacent to Had to Quit the relatiQn'ships of Congress to September 1938. hoped that in the not-too-dis- St. Mary's. McGovern noted that the pri~he president. . , The lower structure of the new . tant future the, superstructure In dedicating the church Bish- vate agencies, including Catholic Unique Society St. Mary of ~e Assum~tion will be erected. oP. Con'nolly said, "I know the We should bear in mind al- Church was dedICated by BIShop faIth that ;nspires you and will . Relief Services, had operated in Cuba after Fidel Castro took ways that the Pope is a mon- Connoll~ Nov. 8, 1953· and the inspire you to complete the work over, but had to quit "because arch· with power which descends n~W' parISh was formed. Ptr~®$t you have begun. The religious the government made it nearly directly from God; he does not . First Pastor sensitiveness, T, have noted here impossihle for them to operate." receive his power from the peo. The church, still without its C&n5~'dl7sRigflllt$ promises well for the future. It Father Flynn said CRS went . ple., All the power of the other . superstructure, ,:was built at an augurs well for the Diocese to into Cuba early in 1959 to assist officials of ,the Church comes estimated cost of $100,00 and it MINNEAPOLIS (NC) A have another church dedicated the victims of the fighting which through the Pope, and thus accommodates 500 parishionerS. priest-law dean called here for to Mary. had been widespread on the there does not exist the parallel When the mission chapel was a "bill of rights" for children of kn~w the torch of faith in island. with civil society. The Church made a parish in February 1927 divorced parents. thIS sectIon, of New Bedford will But he said operations ceased is a unique society, since it per- the Rev. Francis J. McKe()~ Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J., burn brightly and I look forward when the Cuban government tains to the supernatural. (now monsignor) who had dean of the Boston College law to the day, not too far away' We should not think either served for six years previously school, made the appeal in a talk wh:n we will come togethe~ tried to gain control of the prothat the Bishops assembled in at St. Kill.1n's as a curate be- to the 69th annual conference agam to dedicate the completed gram. "We would want to make sure, if we were to return,' that an Ecumenical Council are there came its first pastor. ' of the Minnesota Welfare Asso- church building." we could give supplies to the to protect and promote the Father McKeon, who had been ciation. Long-Range Plans needy, not just to communist rights of their particular peo- director of Cathedral Camp since "Such a bill of rights," he said, Father Unsworth succeeded ple or dioceses. This is very f,ar its inception, next made the camp "must .include in the very min-' Father, Hayes, when the latter party members," he said. from the truth, for the purpose '- chapel a mission of St. Mary's. imum the right to economic, became pastor of Holy Name o~ such an assembly is not the' After the bishop ordered the emotional and educational secur- Church, ~ew Bedford, in March defense of any kind of tem~arish disbanded in 1939, parish- ity on the part of those children 1960. ASSIstants at St. Mary's are poral interests, but the interests lOners again returned to St. to whose parents the law grants the Rev. James Clark and the of . the divinely revealed rules Kilian's. In February 1953 the a divorce." Rev. Kenneth Delano. <> of faith and morals - the Rev. John J. Hayes was named "If the,:-.ctual death of a father Long-range building plans call teaching and governing of the pastor of the new church. brings to societ:' the duty-of pro- for a school and a building fund whole Church. The concern is New Itnglanc!l's Playground! It was the first new parish esviding for those' children who, has been started, Father Unswith spiritual matters and with' tablished by Bishop Connolly through no, fault of their own, worth said. the spiritual alone. F'laf'il Your Dan«:e Party since he became shepherd of the are deprived of the companionThere are 3,000 parishioners at diocese. Father Hayes a New ship of both parents, does it nl>t St. Mary's and approximately Pray for Success Fashion Shows and Much preparation is involved Be~ford native, previo'usly had follow that those minors whose 500 school. children attend CCD Banquets served as assistant at SS. Peter father is absent through divorce classes whIch are taught by laybefore a general council is actually held: there is the problem and Paul Church Fall River. He should receive comparable treat- men as well as Sisters of Mercy at lincoln Park's from st. Kilian's parish. of lining up the matters to be succeeded the Rev. Thomas H. ment?" Father Drinan asked. Active organizations include treated, appointing scholars as Taylor, who was pastor at the MIU.ION-DOlLA~ , The Jesuit educator said the Women's Guild, St. Vincent de con~ultants and establishing time of the hurricane. Present pastor is the Rev. state "should insist that the Paul Society, Girl Scouts, Cub BALLROOM various commissions' to take Bernard H. Unsworth. father who has made the con- Scouts and CYO. Call ROLAND GAMACH~ care of preliminaries. tract of marriage, to which the That is why there is usually - W"m~lIi'D ~·M8.(l Concrete ConsJrUCtiOIll child is an innocent beneficiary, an interval of some length beRep@!I'fr E)!~@!JlJ§n@t1Il The new churdh was· con- must give every advantage to tween the announcement of a structed on the site of the forthe child which he would have NEWARK (NC) - A total of council and the actual start. In er church, next door to a one- if the marriage had not resulted 41 new church buildihgs and adNO JOB YOO BDItV addition the Bishops must ar- family home which became the in failure." ditions were constructed by range many matters before they Catholics in the northern New NONIE YOO> SMAllL leave their diocesses for the Jersey 'area during 1961. The council. total value of the construction MB.Mildle~~D!nl CCn®~® P[l'e$~!1tlf!' Councils ordinarily take place' was $19,088,000. only in times of crisis. This is M~~rron~o~@fr Me~@~ Te~~1rn one of the reasons why so much prayer is required for the sucCHICAGO (NC)-A Texas ed- Cadets and worked with the 8'Ths Famiiy That cess of an Ecumenical Council. ucator will be presented the Civil Air Patrol. She is a licensed We should pray often these days Main Office Clnd paClIl'il~ 1962 Magnificat Medal of Mun- pilot. Prays To~ethef that the Holy Spirit guide the delein College on Tuesday, April Her interest in intercultural WWELl!., MASi$. Church through the crises of 10 for outstanding contributions affairs also began during this Stays Together'° our times and bring blessings to intercultural understanding period, 'the college said, when 'felephono Lowo!~ down upon it through the Ecushe taught Portuguese to U. S. and human relations. Gil. 8·6333 and Gil. 1·750(» menical Council THE She is Miss Josephine Sobrino, transport flyers headed for the Next Week chairman of the department of South Atlantic via Brazil and AlUuoiiary 1'l1~1I111J'l3 lFfiRST NATIONAL Pattern of Spanish and associate professor English to the Brazilian flyers Ecumenical Council arriving in Texas. BOSiON BANK' of modern language at the UniSince that time, Miss Sobrino OCEANi;'ORi, N. J). versity of Houston, who will be Attleboro-Soutb Attlleborall the medal by Albert Car- has worked with the. United Seekonii PAMUCI<EY, R. 8. LaMd C~t~olic Docte»r given dinal Meyer, Archbishop of Chi- States Border Patrol as a consultant for the problems of the cago. For 11!'Il~5~ Sg1l'VBC~ migrant agri,cultural worker, esThe college gives 'the medal tablishing special classes for the . WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. Kenneth Keating of New York each year to a graduate of a teaching of English as a foreign paid. t~ibute to a Catholic eye Catholic college for women language to illiterate immigrants. whose personal life and social I, speCIalIst now on his third volunteer miss~on to India to help ~nd civic leadership reflect an combat blindness and eye dis- "intensified appreciation" for Christian social living. Miss eases there. , . Keating, in a statement placed Sobrino is an alumna of Incarnate Word College, San Antonio. in the Congressional Record Plumbing :-lieOl~orng ·lauded the work of Dr. Willia~ Licensed Pilot Over 35 Years . Caccamise, opthalmologist on the Miss Sobrino began her career staff' of St. Mary's Hospital of Satisfied Service Rochester, N. Y., who is current- as an educator in Texas elemen806' NO. MAIN SlREET FOC~I ly conducting an eye clinic at , tary and secondary schools. During World War II she gave preFall River OS 5·7497 UNION WHAR'F, FAIRHAVEN Holy Family Hospital, Patna. flight training to 300 U. S. Air India.


Aid to ClLlbcDilS

Rebuild Sto Ma,.y~s ' New Bedf~rd, After 1938 Hurrican<e. Demolishes Old Structull'e c.



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-,THE ANGf:lOR-Df~eS;eof Fa" Ri~er-Thurs. Mor~ 29,1962,

\ :U.S.. Sph:ituafity Impresses Nun~

-'Disasters at-Home 'Personalize

WINTERS (NC),.....A group of Spanish nuns, first members of their community to be assigned to the U. S., have reported themselves favorably impressed with signs of spirituality im\ America. The four nuns, members of the Missionary Discalced CarmeliteS from Barcelona, Spain, came to California to do, catecheticarll work among the Spanish-spealo=o lng in this area. ' Mother Bertha of the DiviiKl Heart, superior of the group. said the nuns had come to the United States with "an image oil a more materialistic society ilm this country." Instead, she 'said, they found religious "fervor" among Cathoc lics., The nuns said they were particularly impresssd by the heavy attendance at church aJ:ld the widespread reception oil Holy Communion. The Missionary Discalced Care' melites were founded in 1860•. The community now has 1,964 members in Europe, Latin America, Canada, the Philippines and India. '

,'Annual Bishops' Relief Appeal 'By Mary Tinley Daly A friend with whose family for two summers we had shared a beach place on the 'ocean sent us a picture today, a disheartening picture of the once-lovely summer home. It is a home no longer, simply a jumbled pile of lumber. Tipped crazily, water well With the annual alerting of the past the. first floor, roof 16,500 parishes in the United ripped half off, chimney States, Catholic people of our country will have an opportunity tumbling, the house 'shows to give according to their means,

signs of rather quickly becoming and their consciences,when the the ocean's own. "This is all Bishops make their appeal for that is left of our 'Harbor help to the needy. Help last year Home'" our went to 67 countries and actufriend w rot e. ally touched the lives of over "But, bad as it 40 million poor and needy in is, there are far those lands. worse tragedies Chances are, you at your along that house, we at ours, will never shore, as you actmilly see the beneficiaries of have read in the our "sacrifice money" which papers. Scores during this Lenten season is 1'0-ATTEND MOUNT: Partial scholarship awards to have been killed given "in His Name," but we Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, went to these girls. in the storm, may rest assured it will be hundreds are intelligently and charitably , From left, Aline Desrosiers, Sonia Uchman, Marlene Shea, homeless. Many Janis :Biszko. handled. of these people you and I remember as our Grail Head Announces friends and neighbors during 19 -UP-¥ !!/\"CiJ'k i 9 those two fun Summers. Summer Programs "For 'many 'of these people, it SS. PETER AND PAUL, LOVELAND (NC) - Eileen means that they have lost their ST. ANTlIllO~Y OIF DESIER'1l'.,· , ST. lFlIt.A\NCRS XA VnJER, lFALL RIVER Schaeffler, president of the MYANNllS only home, their business, some IFALL RRVER The Women's 'Club will meet Grail women's lay apostolate The Guild's annual Communhave lost their lives. Had this Blessed Mother Guild win storm occurred while your fam- meet Tuesday, April 17, with iori breakfast will be served Monday night, April 2 in the movement in the U.S., has auily and ours were at 'Harbor Mrs. Linda Lataif and Mrs. Zach- after the 8 o'clock Mass on Sun- church 'hall with Mrs. William F. nounced plans for the group'S O'Neil and Mrs. RaymondJ.' Summer program; Home' we would- be in the same ary Azar among members of the , day at the Yatchsman Motel. Grail centers in San Jose.' fix. refreshment committee.' Sister. Mary Joel, R.S.M., af ,Polak as chairmen and Mrs. Nazareth on ·the Cape will Raymond Dooley as program'. Calif., and Brooklyn, N.Y., will' "Makes you stop and wonde:t, ST. ANNE, address the gathering on the chairman. Mrs. Dooley will pre-' conduct Summer service prodoesn't it, Mary, why some peo- NEW 'BEDFORD , pIe like ourselves, through no' A family style ham and bean problems and needs of the ex- sent a Yankee Swap for whiCh . jects, she said. The San Jose' merit of ours, are spared such \ supp,er will be sponsored by the ceptional child and show slides members are asked to bring project will. center on assistance, small gifts. Films of the year's , to Spanish-speaking persons and disaster and others, through no Parish Committee on Saturday on Nazareth. migrant workers.· The Brooklyn, All members and guests must guild events will follow. iault of theirs, are the victims?" night, March 31 between 5 and OU~ LADY OF PERPETUAL c~nter will conduct a survey <4' It does make one wonder. 8 in the ParishH~1l on Salisbury ,contact Mrs. Leo ,Leger or Mrs. HELP, NEW BEDFORD local neighborhood needs. .' Robert Flinn for tickets. Bishop's Appeal - Street. The public is invited. Adam Michkiewicz Society No. Miss Schaeffler said both ceo-ST. MATHIEU, This ,disaster, 'occurring SO SA,NTO CHRISTO, 899 of the Z.P.R.K. will receive ters are seeking college students FALL RIVER elose to home, personalizes some- FALL'RIVER . New Holy Name Society offi- corporate Easter Duty Commuri- and young business and profeswhat the current Bishops' Relief Parishioners wiH hold their Fund Appeal. We listen more annual, patronal feast Saturday cers include' Gerald' Deslauriers, ion on Sunday morning April 8 sional women to help in the attentively, consider more care- and'Simday, May 26 and 27. A,l- president; Hector Lapointe Jr., at the 8 o'clock Mass in Our work of both centers. fully, the annual request for fred Campos is general commi~ vice-president; Louis De G. Ber_ Lady of Perpetual Help Churcb, nier, .secretary-treasurer., Rev. No. Front Street, New Bedford. funds to be dispensed through tee chaiman. -C~NTER the Catholic Relief Services to . The Council of Catholk Thomas E. Morrissey is chaplain. ST. HYACINTH, victims of all sorts of tragedy Women will hold a potluck sup- llMMACULATE CONCEPTION. NEW BEDFORD Paint and, Wallpaper all over the world. per Wednesday night, April 25, IFALL RIVER The Holy Name Society will . Dupont Paint In thanksgiving, in compassion and a calendar party is set for Women's Guild members will sponsor a show featuring six New Bedford -but most of all in plain and Sunday, May 13. Ne'xt regular receive corporate Communion at, master magicians from the' simple justice, we of the Catholic meeting will be at 7:30 Tuesday' 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, Charles A. Frates Magic & Wand" cor. Middle St. laity must respond' to the Bish- night, April 10, at the church April 1. Dr. Norman Gauthier, Club at 7:30 on Sunday evening.• 422 Acush. Ave. ops' Laetare Sunday collection. hS~.l.JAlIllN BAP'Jl'lIST_ psychologist at Union Hospital SACRED lIllEARTS, PARKING As Pope John XXIIi says in IlJ • Mental Health Clinic, Fall River, IFARRHAVEN Rear of Store Ladies of St. Anne will spon"Mater et Magistra": "We are all NEW BEDFORD will be featured speaker at the equally responsible for the unThe Ladies Guild will hold a regular monthly meeting Mon- sor a public whist at 7:30 Sunday night, April 1 in the church basedernourished peoples •.. JUStice ham and bean supper and games day night, April 2. ment. Profits will go to the and humanity require that the Sliiturday. night, May 5. Mrs. It is announced that high richer countries come to the aid Olivia Avila is in' char,lle oJ ar- school scholarship applications church and' school funds, according to Mrs.• Arthur Leblanc of those in need." rangements. are, now available to girls of the chairman. .' With little fanfare and bally- ST. MARY'S, parish. BLESSED SACRAMENT, hoo, and with a minimum" of ad- .; NEW BEDlFORD OUR lLADY OlF GRACE, IFAlLL RRVER ministrative costs, Catholic Re-: 'Annual whist party of' the' New officers of the Council of lief Services~National Catholic Women's Guild is set for Wed- NO. WESTPORT Communion Breakfast of the Catholic Women include Mrs. Welfare Conference, continues, nesday, May 2. Council will be served Sunday Gladys Barre, president; Mrs. year after year to administer a ST. CASl!MlIR; , morning after the 8 o'clock Mass. , Theresa' Garant, vice-president; vast program of world-wide NEW BEDlFORD Nomination of officers for the Mrs. Claire St. Laurent, treasurelief, all brought about by the Two Polish films will be sustaining help of millions of in- shown in the church hall at coming year will be made Tues- rer; Mrs. Bertha Dutilly, secreCHARlISS F. YARGAS dividual Catholics. 6:15 Sunday, April 1. The public day night at the regular meeting tary. They will be installed in 254 ROCKDALE AVENUI of the Council. Plans will also June ceremonies. Last year, for instance, for the is invited. NEW BEDfORD, MASS. be made at this meeting for the April events include a regular , fifth. consecutive year, CRS- ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA. Maybasket whist and members meeting Wednesday; the Jlth;' a NCWC overseas shipments to- FALL RIVER " taled more than one billion' The Council of Catholic Women are asked to bring in articles for district council meeting to which the Blessed Sacrament unit will · pounds or food, clothing' and' will receive ,corporate Commu'il- the whist. Following the' business meet- be hpstesses Thursday, the 26th; medicines for free distribution ion "at 7 o'clock Mass, Sunday ne'eay ,peoples regardless of' morning, April 8. An hour. of' ing, Rev:William McMahon, Di- and' a rummage sale, Friday the race, color ,or creed. . recolIeCtion'will be held' that . 9cesan Director of Retreats, will 27th' at 308 East Main Street.' show slides on retreats. A coffee OUR ~J;)Y OF ASSUMPTION, This makes CR8-NCWC the afternoon.' . - ... . - , largest voluntary overseas relief A mother-daughter corporate hour will follow. . NEW BEDFORD agency in the world. Communion is set for· Sunda3lo - OUR LADY OF ANGELS, P.arishio,ners 'plan public fish FALL RIVWi;R' Constantly alert to changing May 13. and chips supper fr9m 4 to 7, Forty Hours, Devotion win conditions, for the past several Nomination of officers and tomorrow' evening in the church months CRS-NCWC has been sewing for Rose Hawthorne start Sunday, April 1. Conclud- hall. Mrs. Luiz M. Lopes and Mrs. ~arrying out an orderly reduc- Home will be featured,' at the ing ceremonies will be held Manuei Ganeto are chairmen. tion of its refugee welfare and ,April meeting of the uni.i:; with Tuesday. April 3, with an eve- ST. LAWRENCE,' · resettlement programs in Europe. Mrs. Mary Silvia iIi charge of ning High Mass at. 7. NEW BEDFORD The Council of. Catholic Youth · It expects' in June to close its presenting a slate. of, officers. A A ham and' bean supper will countries such as Spain, Greece board meeting will be held;Mon- will meet Monday night, April be sponsored Saturday' night, 2 at 6:30 and Knights of the Altar April 28' in Our Lc:dy. of Assump. and Italy. day, April 2 lit the parish hall will meet Saturday morning, tion Church hall by the- Couples Operations Expand SACRED HEART, _ March 31, at 10,' at which 'time Club; Mr. and Mrs; 'Arthur 'Hl:\r,t ,. At 'the same time, the Service FALL RIVER ' . has been expanding operations The Men's Club and Women's . Girl Scouts of ~he parish will are· chairmen. ., : in the Middle and Far East, in Guildwill present are-showing alsO meet. Brownies will meet at 2 SatAfrica and Latin America. As an of their St. -Patrick's entertainexample, in 1961, it initiated ment Saturday night, April 14 at urday -afternoon, March 31 and " . . -. . .. .,.-. " -. eight new programs in African Westport High School. Proceeds, St. Vincent de Paul Society and Latin American countries" will benefit St. John, Baptist:· members' "have' 'scheduled a $a~ing!l Ba"k ,:lifelnsurance -' bringing to 20 the totalof such ~_ Chur~h, Centr~~' Village; whose meeting for 10:30 Sunday morn- . relief programs in Africa, with' -pastor, Rev. John G: Carroll, was ing, April 1. Brownies will hold ~ o ~e~1 .Estate Loans 21 countries in Latin America a former curate at Sacred Heart. an investiture ceremony at 2 Christmas and Vacation Ci:lubs: () and the Caribbean area being, The Women's Guild plans an Sunday afternoon, April 8 in the served. "open meeting at 8 Monday night, .parish' hall; o Savings Accounts , In addition, CR8-NCWC re- April 2 in the school hall. Motion . 'Lenten Masses are celebrated cently set up a socio-economic pictures of Trappist life will be daily at 7 in the morning and 5 <Convenient Loca~ionll o department to implement proj- shown and proceeds of a collec- 4:30 in the afternoon. Parishioners will meet at 7:30 ects for housing, .rural develot>- tion will benefit the Trappist ~~w ~~[Q)rr©IRtD ment, rooperatives, training m'onasteiy. Mrs. Edward F. Mc-' Sunday night, April 15 to plan schools, hospitals and dispensa,. Grady and, Mrs. Thomas McVey the annual celebration of the D[N~uDu(LDu~(Q)tN1· ~@[f, ~~~D~@$ ries in areas of need throughout are co-chairmen of the hospital.- . patronal feast of Our Lady of the , Am~els. tl!~_'!YQtld, ,. _ . _. . _ . )ty ~omm~t~~~_, _ ff·

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Reasoning, Guidance Should Accompany Spanking insight, "he's big enough to hit me ba.ck." This mother's kank comment reveals a good deal about the nature and use of corporal punishment. What she was saying,

MOUNT WINNERS: Named to receive full scholarships at Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, are from left, Lynne Chrupcala, Susan Jenkinson, Carolyn Walas.

Sisters Staffing Brazi ( Mission Report Fi rst Native Postu (-ants CINCINNATI (NC) Less than a year after Franciscan Sisters of the Poor established their first mission in Brazil, four young Brazilian women joined them as "lostulants. , • This was disclosed in a letter from the mission at Pires do Rio to the provincial convent of St. Clare here. ,The four postulantl; - two of them Negroes-joined the Sis,.. ~rs in January. "The vocational outlook is most encouraging," reported Sister Mary Cunigund, superior of the mission. Next step, she said, is construction of a novitiate. The seven American Sisters staffing the mission reported that in their first eight months at Pires do Rio they treated 12,800 patients in their clinic, including 8,600 children. 'Poor Help Poor' At their soup kitchen they disttibuted 65,600 bowls of soup and more than 25,000 loaves of bread, along with large quantities of powdered milk, flour, and rice. Sister Cunigund stressed the "true but sad story of how this part of the world is living." "Lack of proper food, proper

housing, or even a minimum degree of sanitation, lack of educational facilities for the poor . .. ," these are some of the problems the Sisters have found. "One thing, however, is very striking," she said. "The poor help the poor, and poverty carries with it no stigma."

SYRACUSE (NC)-A 16-year.. old Negro girl student at Most Holy Rosary High School here hag been named grand prize winner in Extension magazine's Teen Board Contest. Laura Trotman, a junior will receive a four-year schol;rship to the Catholic college of her ehoice. . She will also receive a trip to Chicago for one week. Transportation, hotel accommodations and personal interviews will be part of her week in Chicago. Other prizes include a campus wardrobe and a television set. She was chosen from among 1,800 contestants. The annual contest is conducted to stimulate interest in creative writing among high school students.

To Explain Passover

CHICAGO (NC)-The Catholic Hospital Association will sponsor an institute here to evaluate the practice of psychiatry in Catholic hospitals. More than 20 leaders from the fields of psychiatric medicine, mental health, nursing and hos,. pital administration will address the three-day institute beginning Thursday, April 12.

Miss Catherine McCarthy will preside at a board meeting of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses at 7 tonight at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River.


Cerde Literaire


Cercle Literaire will present a mid-Lenten concert at 8 tonight in Dominican Academy auditorium, Fall River. Dominican Academy orchestra will be among featured musical groups. Mrs. Armand Lagasse is chairman with Philippe Armand Lajoie aiding her as co-chairman.


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Rev. Manuel Ferreira of St Elizabeth's Church Fall River· will address St. An'ne's Hospitai Alumnae Association at 8 Tuesday night, April 3 in the hospital conference room. His topic will be the ritual of the Passover meal and his talk will be illustrated with slides. He will explain the significant differences between the Eucharistic sacrifice and the Old Testament rite.

Hospital Group Plans Psychiatry Institute

Diocesan Nurses

." ENGAGING IDEA: Judy MeGlumphy of Minneapolis, tenter, and Mary Jo Tierney of St. Paul. right, shew their aparklers to Mother Rosemary Reid. director of the ~eJl.acle Retreat House, Wayzata, Minn., as they register fOr the tenth annual retreat for engaged girls that the eenter has pioneered in conducting. NC Photo.


Negro Student~ Wins Contest

By Audrey Palm Riker Overheard in a supermarket recently - one mother ~nfiding to another, "I still spank Mickey, but, Bruce is too much to handle. Besides," she added with candor and the backside, keep these suggestions in mind: How to Spank 1. Remember the spanking was the punishment. Don't add irl. effect, is that you can hit a a verbal lashing of further penchild who is too weak or little alties. • hurt you, but 2. When angry feelings cool. you'd better be ,".' express your continuing affecmore thoughttion for your child. One father ful and cautious, explained, "I love you very when selecting" much, but when I tell you not to punishment for go swimming without permis• strapping adsion, I mean business." elescent capable This kind of reassurance tells efflatteningyou your doubting child that you in return. Early really do care for him, but that this year the you are also a just parent. Children's Bu3. Evaluate the frequency and reau announced effectiveness of spankings. Do that the problem they really stop undesirable beof physical abuse of children aphavior? At what cost to you and pears to be growing. There is a your youngster? big differeince, of course, beSpanking may be a mark of tween a light spanking and lazy or unimaginative parentsadistic child beating. ship. If Greg destroys a neighHowever, most children fear bor's property, it is easier to physical punishment far out of wallop him than explain why it proportion to the actual hurt was wrong, insist upon an apolinvolved. ogy and help him repair the l!:ven those who can count the dllmage. DUro ber, o,f their spankings on 4. The real meaning and pur_ one hand remember them with pose of discipline is education., magnified intensity and someBe sure, your child knows why times embarrassing clarity. he was spanked. And what he is supposed to do instead. Parents .The pal: may be negligible but youngsters fear their par- who want to be more than policeents' anger and feel humiliated, me,n use reasoning and guidance. by the kind of punishment that along with necessary punishUlcludes an, attack on their self, ments. Il8SP€ct and dignity. Some experts state that spank.... Opens Women's Annex ing never is advisable. The,- say it not only is brutal but may Hospital for Alcoholics cause emotional problems later. PATERSON (NC) -The first Others claim that the shock hospital for women alcoholics treatmen~ of an infrequent swat in New Jersey has been opened on the bottom may be an effec- here at the Mount Carmel Hog.. tive last- resort for frustrated pital. parents. Magr. William N. Wall, direetor of the Mount Carmel Guild Most parents find they must and Hospital, said the women's punish on occasion, but there are many alternatives to physical annex occupies separate facilities at the institution and is staffed force. If once in a while you by a medical team with specialfeel you must apply the brush to ized training in treatment as a result of seven years' work with' Nurses to Elect men alcoholics at the hospital. Bishop James A. McNulty of Election of new officers will feature the Thursday, April 26 Paterson inaugurated the work of rehabilitation and hospital meeting of the Fall River Cathactivity for alcoholics in 1952. olic Nurses' Guild. Mrs. Joseph He began the work of rehabiliCosselin heads the nominating tation with the establishment of oommittee. the Mount Carmel Guild with Msgr. Wall as director at that time, and later extended the Rivier Alumnae work to hospital care for men. Fall River-New Bedford chapter of the Rivier College Nurses' Meeting Alumnae Association will spon-Fall River Diocesan Council ~r a regional alumnae meetIng Tuesday, April 10 at the of Catholic Nurses will hold a Ilome of Mrs. George Cote, 74 board meeting at 7 tonight in St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. lIorgan Avenue, Somerset.


Thurs., Mar. 29, 1962'



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar, 29, 1962

Urges Catholic Social Agencies Extend Work

Prelate Says Federal Aid Involves Equal Rights for All Americans WOODSFIELD (NC) - The question of the constitutionality of Federal aid to private schools should not be set aside but should be tackled' ithout delay, Bishop John Ki.,g Mussio of Steubenville said here in Ohio. He told a deanery Holy Name Society workshop that the key principle involved in the issue is the matter of equal rights for all Americans. "I cannot understand," said the Bishop, "why we delay a solution to a problem which reflect, gravely upon the service to America of a school system which historically has proven its public function," and which "certainly has established its curriculum of secular su1::'jects as taught in Catholic schools." "What profit is there in dividing our people on a subject so

ST. LOUIS (NC)-Catholie organizations must 'measure up' to the standards of other agencies in a commun-

touching in its implications? It isn't a matter of Federal aid, rather it is a principle of equal nghts in matters American." Violation of Conscience "Freedom of conscience is guaranteed to all Americans," Bishop" Mussio continued. "But if parents cannot pay the c'ost of a God-centered education because of the failure of F~deral support, then they are forced to sena their children to schools without religious training. "This would be a violation of their conscience forced upon them by Federal policy. They would have to pay for the exercise of that privilege of freedom of conscience guaranteed to them by the Constitution ... It would seem something 011 that spirit which says 'Here it is: Try and get it.'''

Seminary Open House Highlights 'Operation Know Thy Neighbo'r' SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Catholics and non-Catholics from throughout the San Antonio archdiocese visited Assumption Seminary here as part of "Operation Know Thy Neighbor." Mayor Walter W. McAllister marked the occasion with a proclamation designating the day "'Know Thy Neighbor Sunday." The seminary visit, designed to acquaint both Catholics and nonCatholics with the way in which future priests are trained and other aspects of Catholicism, is an annual event in the San AntC'nio archdiocese. Sponsored by the San Antonio Serra Club

and the faculty of Assunnption Seminary, it is a highlight of the archdiocesan observance of Vocation Month. Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, in a statement preceding the open house, commented that under the leadership of Pope John "our priests and laymen are today more sympathetic toward men of good will, regardless of their religious loyalties." "Our way of life is an open book," he said. "We have no secrets. We have nothing to hide. Let our fellow Americans visit our seminary to see what it is like."

Mayor Advocates Law Prohibiting Adults-Only Apartment Renting . ALBANY (NC)-Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York City said here he will propose to the New York City Council a bill that will bar apartment owners from renting to adults only. The Mayor told the 11th annual political conference of the Democratic State Committee's women's division such restriction is a form of "anti-social diserimination, which is unfortunately widespread." "At the same time, he suggested that New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller "follow suit" and recommend enactment by" \~e

state Legislature of a law that will prohibit giving childless couples preferences over families in filling vacancies in apartments. The proposed city legislation would give the city's Commission on Intergroup Relations jurisdiction over complaints that a landlord had refused an apartment to a prospective tenant because he had children. The commission now has juris:' diction over complaints of discdmination in housing based on race, religion or national orJ~ip;.

CONFIRMATION AT HOME: Bishop Connolly confirmed Thomas Skammels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Skammels of 147 Osborn St., Fall River, at his home when a three months serious illness prevented him from going to St. Louis Church for reception of the Sacrament. Matthew Felix is the sponsor.

Pa stor Insists Pa rents Prepa re Children for First Communion OTTAWA (NC)-Responsibility for preparing children to re. ceive their first Holy Communion has been ttlaced directly on parents in St. Basil's parish here in Ontario. Announcinrt the change of policy, Father A. J. Ruth, C.S.B., pastor, said parents will be expected to bring their children individually to him for a personal examination of their readiness for their first Confession and Holy Communion on the basis of their knowledge of religious truths. Each child will receive first Holy Communion whenever the pastor is satisfied the child is ready for the Sacrament. This might be at any Sunday or weekday. Mass, the pastor said. The usual "First Communion SU,Dday" will be replaced by the. Solemn Communion festival, in,'

which the entire parish will join with children who earlier will have received Holy Communion for the first time. Father Ruth said the change is being made for three reasons: to increase parents' awareness of their responsibility for giving religious instruction to their children; to impress on children the fact ~'lt their parents shared directly in preparing them for what is for many of them the first Sacrament they remember receiving, and to emphasize the spiritual significance of the Sacrament. "Some parents may say that they don't feel competent to instruct their children," Father Ruth said. "If they felt qualified to marry and bring children into the wC'rld. they should be able t() prepare them for receiving Holy Communion."

nity to be effective, Joseph Car-' dinal Ritter said here. ' "If we want to continue to exist and have a voice in what is going on, we've got to measure up," the Archbishop of St. Louis told the annual meeting of St. Louis Catholic Charities. "We've got to make our agencies more effective than in the past. We've got to extend their work into every part of the community." The radical changes in the U. S. social structure during the last two decades were underscored by another speaker, Father Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J., of the St. Louis University social service school. He said organizations rather than individuals now hold the power in the U. S. social service field and that Catholic agencies will be accepted by a community only to the extent that they meet community needs. Obligation to Others Cardinal Ritter said some private agencies in other parts of the nation failed to meet "racial needs" by overlookinrr problems of certain groups in a community. He stressed the obligation Catholics have toward other persons. "Our blessed Lord clearly stated who our neighbor is. Everyone is our neighbor-every member of a community," the' Cardinal said. Pastors have an obligation not only to their parishioners, bilt to all other living persons living within their parishes, the Cardinal said. That is why in their annual report to their bishop, pastors must list the number of all persons residing in their parishes, Catholics as well as nonCatholics, the Cardinal said.

Former Courtroom Is Catholic Chapel YORK (NC)-Catholics of the Yorkshire village of Sherburnin-Elmet have ripped the prisoner's dock, the witness boxes and the judge's bench out of the local courthouse and turned it into a church. The courthouse had long been in disuse. But about 30 years ago it witnessed the arraignment of a wealthy local squire on charges' of killing his groom and burning' the body. The case was frontpage copy in the British Press.

t30vernment of Britain to Support More Catholic Teachers Colleges LONDON (NC) - The British _"JVernment has agreed after 18 months of negotiations to approve the opening of additional state-supported training colleges for Catholic teachers. Details of the agreement between the Education Ministry and the Catholic Education Council are due to be announced shortly. The country now has 12 Catholic teachers' colleges and a 13th is scheduled to be opened during 1964. Because of the rapidly increasing Catholic child population, it is estimated that by 1970 statemaintained Catholic schools will need an additional "12,000 teachers. They now have 18,750. Current estimates will have to be raised if the National Union of Teachers has its way and makes education authorities restrict all classes to a maximum of 30 pupils. Many Catholic schools now have 40 or more students in a class. When all currently planned

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 29, 1962

expansions of existing facilities for training Catholic teachers are completed, the present 12 colleges will turn out 4,000 teachers a year - about 3,000 women and 1,000 men. The 13th opening in 1964 will begin adding another 450 teachers by 1967. The ordinary teacher training course takes three years. The newly approved colleges are expected to provide another 1,000 teachers yearly. The Catholic schools maintained by the government or local authorities in this country are bursting at the seams. Between the years 1950 and 1975, according to the newest estimates, the Catholic population 01 compulsory school age (now five to 15 but shortly to be 16) will be doubled from 650,000 to some 1,300,000. The present figure is about 670,000, of whom some 560,000 are in the maintained schools. The rest are in independent fee-paying schools.

No. Attleboro Parish Plans

CYO Exhibit

NEW YORK (NC)-The Comfor Fair Voting Standards has called on Gov. Nelson Rockefeller to back legislation to extend the right to vote in New York State to citizens literate in languages other than English. Such legislation, if enacted, would enfranchise several hundred thousand citizens in this state, most of them Spanishspeaking. Among the member-organizations of the Committee for Fair Voting Standards are the New York chapter of the Association

Planning Broadcasts In African Tongues LUANDA (NC) - Radio Ecclesia, the only Catholic broadcasting station in this vast Portuguese west African territory, plans to begin programs in African languages as well as Portuguese, it was announced here. The announcement was made by Father Jose Pereira, director of the six-year-old station. Throughout Angola, he reported, pries' - will set up loudspeakers connected with their receivers to enable Africans to hear the broadcasts. Programs of African music are also being planned, he added.

CYO members of Sacred Heart Attleboro are sponsormg an ambitious exhibit featuring the Lay Apostolate as implemented in parish organizations. Nineteen groups active in the parish will be represented at 12 booths. Visiting hours will be Sunday afternoons of April and 8:30 Sunday night April 8 in addition to Wedne'sday, Thursday and Friday nights at 8:30 March 28 through April 13 and 8 Monday night, April 16. Father LeDuc Moderator of the project is Rev. Roger D. LeDuc CYO Parish Director. He an~ounces as its purposes the enlargement of CYO activities in the parish and area; better appreciation of the role each group plays in the parish; awakening of all to the possibilities of youth in Catholie Action; and .P,'reater understanding on the part of youth of the role they can play. The exhibit dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will be located in the parish hall. Exhibits will be summed up in a booklet, "Socio-Religious Societies in the parish," prepared by Rev. Edmond L. Dickinson.

par~sh, North

PROGRAM DEDICATED TO PASTOR: Rev. Joseph S. Larue, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro, receives the CYO Exhibit program that has been dedicated to him from Rev. Roger D. LeDuc, director. Present also are, left to right: Robert Poirier and Jeanne Marcil, cochairmen, and Donald Cardin, president.

Catholics Back Measure Relaxing Literacy Standards for Vote ~ittee


of Catholic Trade Unionists and the Catholic Interracial Council of New York. The committee, in a telegram to Rockefeller, protested lack of action on the proposed voting bill. Urging passage of the measure, it said: "The present inequitable literary requirements deprive several hundred thousand citiizens of their fundamental right to choose those who make the laws under which they live."

Enrollment at Formosan Catholic Center Expands Beyond Facilities but his center is tabulating its facilities each day and over 650 people are enrolled in the correspondence course. "But our present facilities are so small," the missioner explained, "that they allow only one activity at a time. We need to build or rent a five-story building right now to accommodate all tlhe people interested injoining the center.

MIAOLI (NC) - A Catholic center, which was given no chance of survival when it opened two years ago, has not only laste-t, but has already out_ grown its present quarters. When Father Edwin McCabe, M.M., of Providence, R. I., opened his modest shop in the center of this bustling city of 40,00o-with only a tray of rosaries and a small stack of Catholic literature -most Formosans doubted that he would remain open more than a week. But today the center is in full swing, with a reading room, study hall, book shop, lecture room, language classes, and conferences on doctrine---all revolving around the theme of making Christ known in the market place. Not only has the Providence Maryknoller dismayed his critics,

University to Name Library for Prelate CHARLOTTETOWN (NC) St. Dunstan's University will name its new library for the late Bishop Francis C. Kelley of Oklahoma City and Tulsa who attended the institution from 1885 to 1887. Father J. A. Sullivan, president of the university in this capital city of Prince Edward Island province, announced the plan. Construction of the library will be started this spring, he said. Father Sullivan noted that Bishop Kelley, on the 50th anniversary of his ordination, gave the university $20,000 to start a . library fund. He also bequeathed his entire personal library, numbering about 5,000 volumes.

Publisher, Unionist Get Labor Awards NEW HAVEN (NC)-A publishing executive and a uniOIl official will receive the 1962 Mc_ Auliffe Medal Awards of the Hartford Archdiocesan Labor Institute. Msgr. Joseph F. Donnelly, director of the institute, said those to be honored are Benjamin Bogin, vice president of Conde Nast Publications, Inc., of Greenwich, and Michael E. LaRose, president of Local 371 of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Food Store Employees (AFLCIO), of Hartford. Bogin was chosen, he said, "ill recognition of the constructive personal contribution which he has made to the establishment of the sound structure of industrial relations which today prevails between Conde Nast Publications and its employees." La_ Rose was cited as typifying the "far-sighted labor leadership" which has hehed to "establish the employer-employee rela~ion"; ship on a sound basis of justice."

Kansas Court Voids Sunday Closing Law TOPEKA (NC) - The Kansas Supreme Court has unanimously struck down a state law forbid-' ding the sale of anything on Sunday except groceries, drugs and necessities. The court held that the law dating from 1855 when Kansa~ was a territory, was "so general, vague and indefinite" that persons charged with its enforcement "cannot determine its meaning." The effect of the decision will be to legitimatize Sunday operation of discount stores, chain grocery stores, filling stations, movie theaters and other businesses.

Gets U. S. Grant WASHINGTON (NC) - The University of Notre Dame has been awarded a $25,103 U. S. grant for research in credit union services to low ir.come groups, it was announced here by Social Security Commissioner William L. MitchelL .




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THE ANCHOR-DiOceseafrclll'R·iver-Thurs. Mat< 29,1962"

Pyramid of Values

God Love You

Bishop Walsh of Maryknoll Long Aware of Red Peril

By Most Rev. Fulton.J. Sheen, D. D. Wha.t a. chaugc .bas taken place in the miBBional'Y world within the past 100 years! At the Council of the Vatican in 1870, there were no native bishops from Africa, Asia or Oceania; a few Vicars Apostolic of European origin represented the mission world. Today, all of the hierachy of Japan is native, and Africa has over 42 native bishops, a few more than Asia•. Despite persecution, or perhaPs because of it, the Chureh has had a remarkable growth.

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy There is irresistible inspiration in a new book reeounting the career of a great churchman and a great American who, among other distinctions, enjoys the un· common one of having - and deserving to have - his bi. egraphy published while yet Already in the 1920's Bishop he lives. Written about in Walsh had run up against the many m ed i a for many Communists in China. And alyears, he has not un- ready in the 1920's they showed til now been the subject of themselves fanatically devoted a whole book, but his life is so eventful and significant as to afford matter for several volumes. A strenuous life, and a full one, his, and likely to be crowned with martyrdom at the hands of the Communists, who s e evil designs he discerned and spoke out against long before there was general awareness of them. It is the latter aspect which is particularly stressed in the title of this biog!'aphy, Bishop Walsh of Maryknoll, Prisoner of Red China (Putnam. $4.95). The author, Ray Kerrison, begins with an account of BishOD James Edward Walsh's trial bY' a People's Court in Shang. bai in 1960, and concludes with a description ,,~ the last known e";'.ounter b f" t wee n Bishop Walsh and a fellow Americanhjs. brother William, who was allowed to visit him in prison. In between, a wen-balanced and always interesting, if not always wen written, review of the bishop's seven decades is presented. Among First Missioners He was one of the handful of pioneers in the old farmhouse at Hawthorne, New York, which was Maryknoll's first home. Like all the beginners, he was strongly influenced by Father .ram~s Anthony Walsh, the other co-founder, whom, years later, he would succeed as superior general of Maryknoll. Ordained in 1915, Father James Edward was assigned to the Venard, Maryknoll's preparatory seminary. In 1918, when Maryknoll secured its first mission, in China's Kwan. tung province, he was one of the four named to launch the '-ork. Father Price was to be in eharge. Loting was Father Walsh's post. An arduous 220-mile journey. mostly on foot, was necessary to reach it. Once established in a house which was floorless, windowless, chimneyless. he investigated the state of the Church in the town and found that the Catholic number was precisely eight. Nothing daunted, he set about building ahd going out to the people. and •(»on made his first converts. Named Superior i In' 1919, Father Price died, and Father James Edward became. against his will, superior of the little Maryknoll band in China. Now more priests of the growing society came to join bim. More mission stations were opened or re-opened. Despite obstacles and setbacks, the light of the Faith spread. Four years later, the Maryknoll territory was made the Prefecture Ap0stolic of Kongmoon, and Father Walsh, as first prefect apostolic, was made a domestic prelate. In the city of Kongmoon there were only 30 Catholics, but Monsignor Walsh sailed ahead with the building of a seminary, the organization of a language school for missioners, and other projects. Consecrated in Sancian. In 1927 he was made a bishop, and chose for the scene of his consecration the spot in his dioeese which he held most precious - Sancian, the lonely island on which St. Francis Xavier had died while awaiting admission to China.

to the triumph of their cause, ruthless in serving it, and inimical to religion. James Anthony Walsh died in 1936, and James Edward, to his displeasure, was chosen to head the society. It then had 546 priests, brothers, students, and oblates; eight houses in the United States; and the mission stations. He built on the foundations so well laid by his predecessor, but did not hesitate to introduce new ideas and practices formulated and tested during his 18 years in China.

Secretary of Bureau In his 10 year term as superior general came World War II, playing havoc with the missions in the Orient. He had hard decisions to make. To withdraw Maryknoll per son n e 1 from places where they were well established, was heart-breaking, But other fields opened up. Bishop Walsh sent missioners to Latin America and Africa, continents where, by the 1960's, hundreds of Maryknollers would be entirely at home. When his direction of the society ended in 1946, he was worn out by the strains, exertions, worries from which he had not been free for a decade. He had a period of rest in California. Then, in 1948, he made a trip through the Orient and when stopping in Shanghai, was asked to become executive secretary of the Catholic Central Bureau, which the Papal Internuncio had set up to organize all Catholic activities in China. Of his appointment, Bishop Walsh said, "I am certainly pleased with it, would be with any that gives me the privilege of working for the people of China." 'China Is LOR' In short order he had the bureau operating with maximum efficiency. But he knew that the Reds were not to be stopped. "China," he said, "is al_ ready lost." By 1949, Shanghai had fallen to the Communists. Bishop Walsh refused to leave. Step by step, the Communists closed in on him, harassing him, taking away his associates one by one, making accusations against him in the press and on the radio. His activities, m 0 v e men t s were more and more restricted. At last, there was only his mute presence, as a witness. After a spell of house arrest, he was taken off to prison. There is no word now as to whether he is living or dead, or, if living, where he is and in what condition. Style Limping' An outline of this crowded life does not begin to convey the quality of the man, the priest, the missioner. This is best brought home to the reader in the long excerpts from letters, books, and articles from Bishop Walsh's pen which the author has had the good sense to include. Mr. Kerrison has put his copious materials together with considerable organizing skill. But his style is oftelt limping, sometimes atrocious.

Fair Warning Members of Holy Name parish, Fall River, no longer cut across the church lawn. A neat sign reads "Beware Ferocious Grass."

HEADS YOUTH: Father Frederick J. Stevenson, principal of one of the nation's largest Catholic high schools and a veteran of nearly 20 years in youth work,has been named director of the Youth Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. NC Photo.

Holy Union Nun Continued from Page One Sister speaks proudly of "my boys," the altar boys she trained through the years to serve Masses at the academy. One youngster, she recollected, was serving Mass before he was six years old. "He couldn't move the book from one side Itf the altar to the other." 'Her BeyS' Occupying special places in memory's niches are the Delaney brothers, Joseph and Edmund, both now priests in the Fall River Diocese, and Rev. James Coyle, a pastor in Eatontown, N.J. All were from Sacred Heart parish, and all served Mass at the academy. Father Coyle, unable to attend Sister Cordula's anniversary celebration last Sunday, sent her a big bouquet of flowers, and all the Holy Union houses in the province were represented by flowers, spiritual bouquets and other remembrances. Sister Cordula attended a special Mass at the Holy Union Provincialate, celebrated by Rev. John J. Regan. It was followed by a gala banquet and presentations from the Sisters, novices and postulants at Rock Street. Future Plans At 94, what are Sister's plans for the future? Well, there's a grandnephew in Ireland who will be ordained in another two years. Sister confidently expects to. be around to celebrate the occasion. She will return to the Prospect Street academy when the building program under way there is completed. In the meantime, two Sisters are attempting to fill her shoes as sacristan. Advice to younger Sisters? "None," twinkled tiny Sister Cordula, who is surrounded by admiring postulants and novices at every opportunity. She needn't say a word her 70 years in the service of God speak for themselVes.

Fall RiverVincentians Fall River Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will meet at 8 Tuesday night, April 3 at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. Benediction at 7:45 will precede the meeting.

LARIVIERE'S Pharmacy ' ....criptions called for and delivered HEADQUARTERS FOR DIETETIC SUPPLIES 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 New Bedford

As Paul, a Jew, Hellenized the Church at Corinth and other sites, so Pius XI, Pius XII and John XXIII have made the Church native in as many places as possible. The New Testament Church did not become Latin or Greek by rejecting everything Jewish; r·ather, it perfected the latter with Latin and Greek culture. The same thing is happening today. The Church does not become Indian or Indonesian or Korean by throwing off the three cultures proclaimed over the Cross on Calvary; it does so by enriching the latter with the vestures of new civilizations. The bishops of Africa and the East who will attend the Second Vatican Council point up the necessity of aiding the Church at its center, namely, the Vicar of Christ. The Holy Father knew what he was doing when he said he must be aided "first and principally." He did not say "only" or "exclusively," but he did establish a pyramid of values. He alone can name native bishops - no one else in the world can do so. Missionaries can train natives, but they cannot build up a native hiera.chy. That must come from the Holy Father. Last year the Catholics of the United States gave the Holy Father an aver'age of 27 cents each for his Missions. This year, we would like to see every Catholic offer the Holy Father a minimum of $10. We give much in foreign aid to restore countries which are in danger of turning Communist - some $Q9 million to Venezuela, $357 million to Brazil, $135 million to Chilebut we spend too little for "native aid." Arouse yourself to the truth that Africa and Asia will determine the future of the world, politically and religiously, and send a sacrifice to the Holy Father for the native bishops in those countries. He will receive it through his Society for t~ Propagation of the Faith. GOD LOVE YOU to G.K.B. for $19 "I offer pari of my salary in tile hope tilat it will inspire othrs to 40 the same. Use it as you see fit." ••• to Miss X for $5 "I wiD seltel $5 eaeh month for the next five month.." • • • to H.H. for $5'J.95 "Please accept my credit-union intere&t in thanksgiving for three of my children ~ in Catholic schools. All of the interest 1 receive will be sent to the missions to help provide schooling for the less fortunate." . . • to A.L.S. for $I "In thanksgiving for having passed a math exam." Solve your gift problems with OUR LADY OF TELEVISION statues, now available in two sizes. The ll-inch figure of Madonna and Child, constructed of unbreakable white plastic with goldcolored cross and halos, reminds Us that as Mary gave the Divine Word to the world, so television projects the human word. A 4-inch model with black suctioncup base is ideal for use in automobiles. Bend your request and an offering of $3 (ll-inch) or $1 (4-inch) to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, New York. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.

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Science Fairs Dominate 'Activiti'es' Of All Students in Preparation For Diocesan Fair in May

TtiE ANCHOR""'!?iocese of F.aR Rlv8r:-:-Thurs. Mar. 29,




By Clemelmt J .. Dowling Father Leo J. Trese, writing in the fine magazine of Catholic family living, "Marriage," recently declared: "The two major factors involved in a child's development are (1) his biological heritage; that is, the particular set of mental and physical equip~ passing Fair will be held illl ment with which he is born conjunction with' the annual into the world, and (2) his Diocesan teachers convention. Feehan's sci e n c e assembly environment; that is,' the particular world "If persons, things and events into which he is born and in which he grows." FatherTrese continues "These two factors have been sum~ marized in the phrase, 'nature and nurture' and out of them evolves the adult with his own individual personality." Saint Mary Urban, princip'al of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, agrees and adds "Our purpose as teaching Sisters of Mercy is to help train and form these young personalities that they might become happy and productive citizens of this world and saints in heaven." Roughly one half of our high school students' waking hours are spent in school or doing homework. Our 12 Diocesan high schools are more than meeting state standards as they provide an education aimed at full development.

Future Scientists Getting its share of the 9pot~ light these days is the science field. Sciel\ce fairs dominate the scene in most schools. Holy Family's Science Club, for instance, is captivated by a field tour through New Bedford's Revere Copper 'and Brass Company. Tropisms in heredity, penicillin in milk, the effect of radio-active fallout on man, and epidermal transplants in mice are some of the projects to be shown at the Bishop Stang science laboratories' Tuesday and Wednesday, April 3 and 4. About 260 students will exhibit' their productions at the North Dartmouth school's Science Fair. The fields of biology, chemistry, general science and mathmatics will be featured. Normand Meny won first prize at the St. Anthony High Science Fair in New Bedford with a project titled "Reflexes of Hamsters." Richard Payant was second with "The X-ray Machine," and Cecile Guimond with "Air Pressure in Flight" took third spot. ' . Ham Operators

Participating were 39 New Bedford students, top 10 of whom will show their wares at the Diocesan Science Fair to be held May 3 and 4 at Bishop ~eehan High. The all-encom-

featured winners Robert Plante, Marie Bilello, and Jeanne Bren~ nan showing and describing their projects. For freshmen their progress reflected unusual 'ingenuity and study. "Radionauts" is the unique name given to the Bishop Stang Radio Club. In conjunction with their Science Fair 25 ham radio operators win include an ex~ planation of equipment used in radio operation and will make actual contact with distant amateur stations. Interesting it is to find that half the club's members are licensed "hams" with the Federal Communications Commission. The other half are studying radio theory and Morse Code in preparation for their FCC exam. Weekly meetings are held at Stang for these .!lnthusiasts. . Vocation Mass Windy March is expiring but Vocation Month still brings reports of career thoughts. "Judy Hits the Jacmpot" will play tomorrow before the combined classes of Jesus-Mary Academy in Fall River. With the accent on vocations, the sophomores, featuring Collette Dufault in the' . lead, will attempt to ·delight· and inspire their schoolmates. The feast of St. Joseph found the scholars of Bishop Stang replacing each other in the school chapel during free time. Special prayers for vocations were recited in this all-day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Yesterday at St. Mar y' S Church in Taunton a beautiful and inspiring Vocation Mass was offered by our Most Reverend Bishop with a full congregation of students from St. lIIIary's, Coyle, and Feehan. Tomorrow one 'of the Feehan classes will panel discuss the single, married, and religious callings. Feelianites have been featuring books and pamphlets on 'vocations all week, directed by their Students Council. Win Scholarships Announcements of scholarship winners continue to. come in. Dominican Academy's Mar if Rose Dupont has won a full scholarship' to ~atherine Gibbs Secretarial School. The Fall River girls recently played Taunton High in the Herring City for a scholarship benefit. . Coyle's Geoffrey Kane has

ClHIAMPION DEBATERS: Award - winning debaters at Holy Family High S~hoo] New Bedford include, left to right, Maureen Hayes, St. Mary's parish, South Dan: mouth; Susan Aguiar, St. Mary'sg New Bedford; Richard Perras and Brian Healy, both of St. Lawrence, New Bedford. garnered a presidential all-expense scholarship at Boston College, following in the footsteps of last year's alumnus George Tyson. Com i n g freshman Pauline Dugal of Notre Dame parish in . Fall River has won a full' scholarshi,p at Jesus _ Mary Academy. Parthll scholarship, winners are Jane LePage of St. George's in Westport, and Anne Marie Grillo and Rita Laflamme o.f Notre Dame. Varied Activities History will r e cor d that March 1962 saw 700 Stang parents attending an "Evening of Recollection at Bishop Stang High conducted by the Rev:· Thomas Reddy, O.M.I.; the business-course Juniors of St. An-. thony's entering the 25th annual international bookkeeping con,. test; and the Sodality at Holy. Family conducting a cake sale today to finance expenses of three students to the week-long Summer School of Catholic Action in New York. . Additionally, the ambitious' girls of Sacred Hearts Academy in Fairhaven are seen raising. funds for the senior prom and banquet while their Glee Club perfects songs to be sung at· the


annual concert durin,g the last . cise. Vinnie will referee two week in April; the crack de- games for the Attleboro' school! bating squad of Holy Family tomorrow night. traveling to Feehan and amazing " Admirable is the religious ina ' the Feenanites with its forenterest of the Feehanites as they' sic skill arguing the topic "Fed- approach 100% attendance at eral Aid to Education, Yes or the Sunday night Youth Forumo No"; and Coyle students laying held during Lent at the c.Y.a. plans for a three-day retreat· Every student is also a member'· during Holy Week. of Mary's League which con-' Not to go unnoticed will'be ducted a special assembly thill' Mount St. Mary's students at-· week to' honor the Blessed tending the model United Na- Mother on her Feast of the Antions at New Bedford Technical nunciation. The fourth Sunday Institute, the Fall River girls' of' each month Feehan studenttl representing the Union of South attend Mass imd receive Holy . .Africa and Tunisia. Ten Mount Communion in their school UlIlI~ girls are planning attendance at iforms. the Youth Citizenship Conference at Bridgewater State College on April 14, the theme &. being "Liberty and Responsibility Under Law". ONE STOP . SHOPPING iCEmlER Youth Forums Unusual will be'. consider.ed t> Televislollll I) lFUll'nituIl'ill the journey of Providence Colt> A\JlIpliancee t> Grocery lege basketball star Vinnie Ernst, as he visits each class at ll041 A\Rlen se.. New Iae411llorcD Bishop Feehan to talk Rbout the WlYman 1-93541 importance of sports and exer-


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WASHINGTON (NC) Sixty - three students at 30 Catholic colleges and universities in this country have. been awarded .graclu~tefellowships in sciences, mathematics and engineering by the National Science Foundation for the -19,62-63: academic year. A total of. 1,760 fellowships we r e . awarded.

~ ~ ~ [Q)~



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COMPLETE SPEAllnNG COURSE: Taunton CYO of~ ficers completed a 15 week course in public speaking with graduation exercises. Left to right: Rev. Francis B. Con~ nors, CYO moderator; James McMorrowg instructor; Diane Souza and Thomas HoyeD graduates..

JR®ll§®9 § Dairy Swansea os 4-4601 Taunton BL 2-4629


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"'the Lenten Youth Forum has brought together young men and young women of the Fall River area to participate in discussions of vital and contemporary problems that face the youth of today.' An audience of between 300 end 400 ,young men and women have shown their enthusiastic support and desire for this program. Their intelligent responses to their needs have been shown by the many important questions that they have asked the speakers. Plan Bowling Tournament The second annual Fall River VISITOR:(Mother General Area CYO bowling tournament ' M. Felicia Pastoors of the will be organized in the near future. Parishes with bowling Ursuline Order of nuns has leagues are requested to con- I announced that she will hold tact Father Sullivan of the Fall an educational conference River CY0, Office in order to for all Ursuline educators, form definite dates, times and concerning the education places for the competition. Ursulines are giving their CYO basketball program has 'been settled in the Fall River high school and academy' Area. The champions in both students. NC Photo. northern and southern' division leagues have been crowned. Santo Chisto took the honors in the Southern Division. St. Anthony of Padua received the :trophy emblematic of championFal1~ River Area is proud to ship in, the Northern Division. St. Mary's Cathedral team and present in its spotlight, Miss Sacred Heart, the second place Mary Cronin· of ,542 Briiadway, , finishers in 'their respective di- a member of St.' Louis' parish, , daughter of Mr. apd Mrs. ,John .. viSions, contested with the first place finishers to represent the Cronin, a~d sister of Rev. ',Tohn · city in the Diocesan finals. Both J. Cronin of St. Patrick's Parish, ' , St -'--Anthony of Padua and the Fall River. Saer'ed Hear·t teams were de'-- , . Miss Cronin' has hei,' master's· feated in the preliminary conin education •and 'is a tests . for this' honor. Santo' faculty'memberof New Bedford. Christo finally b est e d St. Vocational High SchooL She has Mary's in a' two' out of three been, for the last five years,' diSeries and carries the honor of rector of the girls CYO Center represe'nting Fall River in the' in the' Fall River 'Area. She is Diocesan finals. also adult advisor for the Dio&san CYO Council. Tennis ll'rogram ,She has been instrumental in Fat her Sullivan has announced that the second annual organizing and complementing a CYO Tennis Tournament is in series of activities' in the CYO which has made the Catholic' the process of being co-ordi,Community Center a beehive of mited. All parish CYOs are invited to have representatives in activity for the girls of the ' this tournament. Time and place Fall River Area. Since Miss Cronin has become ar,e to be announced at a later leader in the program, the date.. Catholic Youth Organization, In the meantime, hther Sulboth on the area and the. parish livan requests ·that those interested in' participating and level~ has become in, fact, as representing their parishes in well as theory, .a program that the tennis progr,am, should con- invites both boys and girls from tact him at the CYO Hall. This the area parishes to develop their cultural, social, athletic year the tennis tournament will be extended to include three age and· spiritual endeavors for the groups - 20 and under, 16 and good of the individual, the under, and 13 and under. Tro- parish and the community. With her encouragement and phies and prizes 'Yill be awarded to the first and second . enthusiastic support the CYO is place champions in each divi- Catholic youth in action. It is with pride and gratitude that sion. we of the staff acknowledge our There will, be competition for both boys and girls. Parish and thanks for services well done. individual applications for participation in the tennis tournament will be available in the Diocesan Convention CYO Hall immediately after. It will be the privilege of the Easter: Mr: Leo Strickman, who conducted the tournament ·so Attleboro Area to be the host successfully last year, has an- for the 1962 Diocesan Convennounced that he will continue tion of the Catholic Youth Orin .an advisory capacity for the ganization of Fall River. We of the Attleboro Area .are proud program. of this ,opportunity to serve as Communion Breakfast host for this Convention. Fall River 'held its quarterly We plan a meeting very soon to meeting at the Catholic Comtry to get every parish in the munity Center on Franklin Street, with 19 parishes repre- area interested in this big event, which will be held at Bishop sented and participating in a summary of proposed activities Feehan High School on the last Sunday of May. for this area. , With the aid of Bob Almedia, The spiritual chairman, Miss diocesan treasurer, and' 'Ann !Marion Mellen, proposed the second ann u a I Communion Decosta, diocesan vice-presiBreakfast for parish officers dent, 'we hope to plan a convention that will represent a united and drew a committee from St. effort on the· part of all the Patrick's, St.. Jean the Baptist, parishes of the Attleboro Area. ' 5.anto. Christo and Immaculate With the 'help' of 'every' parish ,Conception, to form the plans. we hope to make this a confor arrangements' for this' Com:' vention that will be the outn,lunion Breakfast. standing· CY0 event of the The cultural chairman, Miss year. Claire Coares, reported that there was interest in forming a debating program in the CYO. Mr. , UMIPJO ll'ffanrn fDCilI. q-te s ,Daniel Delaney.. a teacher at DurAPRIL 15 - St. G e 0 l' g e ,fee High School, has agreed 'to 'Awards Banquet 7:00 P.M. St. · coac?h and organize such a cul_ tural endeavor. A meeting was John's School, ~ttleboro. !held Monday for all interested APRIL 29 - Dio~esan CYO · in ,representing their parishes in , x:neetini, .New Bedford' Youth .Center. ' ', & debating league.

Appreciate Work Of Mary Cronin




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Forum 'Speakers Please Audience The Lenten Youth' Forum has begun! We really are fortunate to have such a star-studded cast of speakers. We heard Dr. Vincent Paul Wright, Dean of the Graduate School of Busineslil Administration at Boston College who gave a wonderful and instructive talk on the growth of Communism in this country. Dr. Wright answered many questions following his lecture. We have also heard Msgr. George Kerr, former AU-American football player at Boston College and captain of the nat ion a 1 championship and Sugar Bowl football team of 1941. Msgr. Kerr was excellent and gave the young men and women present a stirring message about the necessity of determination in the great game of life. lFather Manton We are looking forward now to hearing Rev. Joseph Manton, C.SS.R. nationally known Redemptorist preacher who so skillfully combines humor and holiness in his homilies. We will then have Rev. Kenneth Murphy of Rescue, Inc.; Senator Richard Caples of the Senate Subversive Activities Committee; and Bill Cleary, hockey star of the Olympic Team which defeated the Russian hockey team in the last Olympic games. Mr. Cleary is now travelling for Sports Illustrated Magazine. This will be a Forum that the young men and women of the Attleboro Area will long remember. Basketball Finals Attleboro Area basketball league finished its last league game on Thursday evening, March 15. The Intermediate League C ham p ion is St. Theresa's Parish from South Attleboro. They were defeated only once and that was by runner-up St. John's of Attleboro. St. Theresa's won the championship of the Intermediate League last year, 51. Theresa's CYO Intermediate team met the champions of the New Bedford Area Intermediate League, Our Lady' of Assumption, and Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Our Lady of Assumption won 78-46. The Junior CYO League finished with St. Theresa's team making a clean sweep of the honors in the Attleboro area by once again beating out the St. John's junior team. St. Theresa's junior team lost to Holy Family, New Bedford's School league champions. The next game will be played as a preliminary to the Our Lady of Assumption51. Theresa's InteJ:mediate semi-final game. Sponsor Exhibit Sacred Heart CYO under the guidance of Rev. Roger LeDuc is sponsoring an outstanding exhibit of the. "Lay Apostolate" within the parish and its organi_ zations. The purpose will be to present the ends and activities of the different parochial so• cieties and organizations. The exhibit is under the direction of the cultural and the spiritual committees. It is to be the results of the cooperation of all committee chairmen artd CYO members with the guidance of the Advisors and the Reverend Moderator. The exhibit will be held in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. There will be 12 booths and 19 organizations will be explained. Dates are as follows: SundaysApr111-3 P.M. - April 8-~ P.M. and 8:30 P.M. (after Confirmaiion) April 15-3 P.M. Weekdays - Every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, March 28 through April 13 at 8:30 P.M. Monday-April 16 at 8 P.M. This leaves a lot of time for all to attend this wonderful exhibit. We hope that CYO members throughout the diocese will try to take a trip to North Attleboro to see this marvelous CYO project. The Attleboro Area is very proud 01. Sacred Heart Parish eyO Unit and we Invite all of you to come and C'njQY this exhibit.

THE ANCHOR-;Th·urs., Mer. 29, 1962


Name Contest Wil7101er Sunday

Taunton Director Urges Close Inspection Of ·Magazines Before Purchasing There is an old saying that" you can't tell a book by its cover." We might expand it to read, "you can't tell a magazine by its cover, either." Why do I say this? Last month there appeared on our news-stands a 'magazine with a beautiful color picture of Bob Cousy on the cover. Everyone, especially the you n g e r generation, knows Bob Cousy. His achievements (without thumbing through it, caption this to be an original with a basketball are too of course) and thought, "I'm story. I did not have anything numerous to mention. Let's so glad our boy is interested in to do with this, nor did I know just sum it all up by saying sports-certainly keeps him oc- this was to be published. I menthat he is often called simply "Mr. Basketball" or the "Court Magician". The kids all try to imitate him. They love to watch him play. They love to read stories about him. . , Cover Features Cousy So it was that last month Fawcett Publications (one of the largest in the U.S.) ran a feature article on Bob Cousy, and to call attention to the article placed his picture on the cover. . It was a crime for them to do it,' in a way, for' what up to then had been a decent magazine, with that issue became an indecent one. There appeared page after page of women in various stages of undress and some of them without even the usual bikini. No longer was it possible to tell even a magazine by its cover. (At least they were decent enough to cover the magazine). Deceives Purchasers Young boys who wanted to read the Cousy story rushed out to buy the magazine. Perhaps your son or grandson was one of those who did. Imagine the harm done to young minds by such easily available pictures. How many parents have seen the magazine in Johnny's .room

cupied". Never was Johnny SO tion this as an example of what occupied as he was last month. others as well as myself have to That is why I said it was a contend with in regards to how crime for the company to de- the use of biographical material ceive us as they did. Dirty books is concerned. I am afraid that and filthy magazines we will a1- we have no control over how ways have with us. Those who it is used. "need" them know where to "I have received a number crawl to get them. of letters such as yours in this Such books are known by regard and have written a their covers. But this one strong protest to the magazine pretending to be on sports in question; however, I am certainly could not be recog- afraid it is too late as the damnized. This particular issue was age has already been done. not for perverts, for even a "Thank you for bringing this pervert would be fooled by that to my attention." cover. No, this issue seemed deLet Buyer Beware signed to make more perverts What is the moral of all this? and at an earlier age. It's so immoral, I'm not sure COUSy's Position there is one. Write to the pubI, for one, was so angry that lisher? He will send you a' I wrote to Bob Cousy, begging - -mimeographed copy on the "imhim not to let the field of sports portance of freedom of the be invaded by the purveyors of press". (Sometimes two copies filth. Bob too was upset as you slip into the envelope by miscan imagine. To quote from his take). letter: "I did not know that the One thing an incident like story was to be printed, nor did this should remind us - that we I know that I was to be the are free, too. Free to buy or cover of a national magazine not to buy. Perhaps we have and I certainly was not aware learned a lesson. We will exof the other contents of the amine every magazine now, remagazine." gardless of the cover. We will He continues: be on our guard in the future, "You may have noticed lately for, as you can see, you definite_ a pocketbook edition with my ly can not tell a magazine by picture on the cover and the its cover.

Since last November, James McMorrow, CYO Counsellor, has been conducting a public speaking course for CYO officers in the Taunton area. The group has appeared before an audience of priests, parents and friends to demonstrate the progress that has been made over the past four months. John Digits, cultural chairman, was in charge of arrangements. Weekly dances will be resumed after Lent. The next dance is scheduled for Friday, April 27. St. Joseph's of Taunton is the junior basketball champion with a league record of 10 and two. In the senior' division, the neighbors at the Weir are vying for top spot, just as happened in baseball last Summer. Sacred Heart won the first half and tied Our Lady of Lourdes in the second half. Once again

Sacred Heart Parish CYO Intermediate Basketball team will carry the laurels for Taunton in the diocesan play-offs. Sacred Heart will meet Santo Christo of Fall River in the Diocesan semi-finals. ) Grammar School Tourney In the recent CYO grammar school basketball tournament, open to all schools in the area, 51. Patricks' of Providence emerged as the champIon of the

Governor to Speak NEWARK (NC)-Gov. Richard J. Hughes of New Jersey will speak at a Communion breakfast of the Catholic Forum here Sunday. The Catholic Forum is an organization of business people who promote interest in current problems through a program of lectures.

A division, winning four games en route. Mike Giarusso of St. Patrick's was chosen MVP in the A divisions. In Class B, a new champion was also crowned - the Weir School of Taunton. Mike DelSolio of Weir was chosen MVP in the B division. 21 schools entered this year with 10 in Class A and 11 in Class B. Trophies were awarded for the first time to all-tournament team. In the CYO bowling tournament conducted annually, Jack Torres led the senior division with 387, Dave Dovner led the juniors and Dave Cole won the bantam .crown. This year a special division for girls was set up. Judy Katon emerged as senior winner, Donna Rogers took the junior class trophy and Donna Cole, sister of David, led the girl's bantam divisions.

Final filing period for the Miss Personality Contest was reached Sunday and a winner will be announced next Sunday night at the Kennedy Center. The leaders in the contest at the secohd filing period were: 1 Virginia Baker - St. Mary's, New Bedford.. 2 Priscilla Cassidy - St. Patrick, Wareham. . 3 Claire Gauthier - Sacred Heart. 4 Jeannette Lequin - Sacred Heart. 5 Helen Rose Machado - St. Mary's, New Bedford. The winner will receive $1,000. Second price is $500 and the third, $200. Assumption Victors The consecutive victory streak of Our Lady of Assumption basketball team was ended recently when St. Lawrence's five defeated O.L.O.A. 49-42. A week later OUI; Lady of Perpetual Help pinned another defeat on O.L.O.A. and thus necessitated a play-off for the New Bedford area title between these two teams. O.L.O.A. won this play-off in two games to prove that they are still the champions in New Bedford and capable of carrying the laurels of New Bedford into diocesan competition. Naturally, their aim is to retrieve the Diocesan trophy emblematic of diocesan basketball superiority. At this writing the competition between Attleboro and New Bedford has seen O.L.O.A. take the honors in the first game by a score of 76-48. The O.L.O.A. victory record had reached 122 and embraced four and a half seasons of regular season play and diocesan playoffs. The record is not likely to be challenged for many years, if at all. Al Silva, O.L.O.A. coach, is to be congratulated for hig fine record as the team's mentor. In the boys' Junior League competition, Holy Family win represent the New Bedford arem in the Diocesan play-offs. This club also had an excellent record. They finished with an 11-0 mark and second place went to 51. Joseph of New Bedford (10-1). Holy Family took their first game in diocesan semi-finals by b eat i n g St. Theresa's of So. Attleboro. The girls junior leag~e, has tl three way tie involving St. S1. Theresa, St. Joseph, New Bedford and Holy Family. AU three clubs have 8-1 records and are closely followed by 51Kilian with 7-2. The junior all-star girls will play the New Bedford area championship team .on Saturday, April 7 at the Kennedy Center. Mary Newby of Holy Family has been averaging 35 points a game for the league high. The Senior All-Stars are riding high with a four game winning streak which includes home and home victories against Fall River, a home victory over Taunton, and a spectacular upset over the leading club of the New Bedford City L~ague. Plans are underway for the Fourth Annual Providence College Scholarship Game. All' the Providence College seniors from the current N.J.T. P.C. team and several other well-known college players from New England will appear at the Kennedy Center in the near future to oppose an All-Star squad composed of the best college players in the Southern New England College Conference. The date of this annual exhibition will be announced soon. All proceeds are divided between the Providence College A 1 u m n i scholarship committee of New Bedford and the Kennedy Center. Very attractive CYO emblems for blazers, j a c k e t s , and sweaters are available at the Kennedy Center for CYO members. Lenten forums will be held DIll Sunday evenings at the K~ nedy Center beginning April L





THE ANCHGR-t)iocese of Fall River-Thu'rs. Mar. 29; 1962


.SAilS FROM BOSTON JULY 17 Mo,ke Your Reservations ;Now For The Second "Official Pilgrimage' of the Diocese of Fall Rover -Under The Personal Leadership of His' Exce~lencYi 8ish~p Connolly ,

MAIL TH~S COUPON Fall River Diocesan Travel League P. O. Box 2026 Fall River, Massachusetts

Please send me complete information on the Second Official Pilgrimage of the Diocese. of Fall River under the personal leadership of His Excellency, Bishop Connolly. NAME


ADDRESS Famed Basilicas, Cathedrals and Monasteries. in P~rtugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Hoiland and England are on the itinerary

Devotional visits to the Shrines of ,Our Lady of Fatima and Lourdes will be the highlights of the Pilgrimage




Tltis Mess~ge is Sponsored ,By rite Following Individuals and 路Business .Concern's in Greater Fall River: Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Enterprise Brewing Co. G@M Med<Ol~ BlTeCldl G~obe Mall'\lllJJ*ltlldl!.DlToll'\lg C<c>.

Hutchinson Oil Co. International ladies Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Wi!'lslow, Inc. M<OIsoll'\l IFllDlTIl'\lihJlD"e 5howlI'@OMS

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.George R. Montie, Plum'ber Plymouth Printing Co., Inc. SobiioH Brothers Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers UIl'\lBOIl'll of AmerocG. AfL-COO Yel~@w C(OJ~ COMjplltllll'\l}f'




Explains American Position On Trade Union PllDrcli!)m

THE ANCHORThurs., Mar. 29, 1962



MB~~o@n !D)off~~\J'@r

.By Msgr. George G. Higgins


CtffiMl?ch Gaining ilnl lEa~t

Director, NCWC Social Action Department

American Unions have traditionally been opposed to "dual unionism." They have always maintained that there should be only one union for each craft or industry and have also fav9red the ideal of a single trade union federation. At times in the history ments is a well-founded fear of of the American labor move- .Marxism. Experience has demment this policy has admit- onstrated, the Pueblo editorial tedly been more honored in points out, that wherever there

MINNEAPOLIS (NC) Communism is a fully organized movement against divinity, but despite this "Christ is living and moving in the East," Auxiliary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New York has said here.

the breach than in the observ- is considerable Marxist influance. Nevertheless, it remains ence, trade union unity is .The national director of the illusory. . the official polSociety for the Propagation of Begs Question icy of all but a the Faith cited Korea, where handful of disThe editorial also points out Bishop Harold Henry, C.S.C., sident labor orthat in totalitarian countries now has 101 seminarians conganizations in unions are converted into unitrasted with none in 1953. the United ·tary organizations of the StateIn Korea, Bishop· Sheen said, States. In this instruments in the hands of the there are 104 conversions per respect, government for directing and priest each year as compared to the point of controlling the working class. 2.8 in the United States. "This is view of AmerThe Christian unions are on due to the zeal and suffering of ican unions difvery solid ground in favoring the clergy," he noted. In Africa, fer s sharply trade union liberty as a bulwark the Bishop reported about 50 to from that of the against totalitarianism. Their 100 seminary applicants are European and opposition to Marxism is also turned away each year. Latin American unions affiliated well founded. with the International ConfedBut it seems to me that the Bishop Sheen made a special eration of Christian Unions. Tra- editorial is guilty of begging the appeal for aid to lepers, saying ditionally the -unions affiliated question when it says, without there are 10 million lepers in the with the IFCTU have favored a qualification, that trade unions world and that his society has plurality of unions as the only are "essentially ideological" and 2,000 leper colonies. He seconded means of safeguarding religious that trade union unity is "necesJESUS - MARY WINNERS: Scholarship winners at a plan by Bishop Henry that and ideological freedom. sarily totalitarian." Jesus-Mary Academy, Fall River are (seated) Pauline would have U. S. parishes Editorial View Wholly Independent Dugal, recipient of a full award and (standing) Anne Marie "adopting" parishes in mission The point of view of the Chrislands. American trade unions are Grillo; Rita Laflamme, Janise Lepage, who merited -par~ial tian unions .on this matter is certainly not esssentially ideoawards. stated very succinctly in an edi- logical. And trade union unity Wil50n Fellowships torial entitled "Trade Union in the United States is not totalPluralisll'" in the February 1962 itarian. Whatever else may be PRINCETON (NC) - Seventy issue of Pueblo, the official or~rges said for or against American seniors of Catholic colleges are gan of the autonomous Christian unions, it cannot be said that among 1,058 students awarded Continued from Page One of God "can help us to figl).t the one year's tuition and fees unions of Venezuela. This edi- they have suppressed religion or. Trinity," he said. "Where He is torial makes the following points . imposed a particular philosophy temptation-as vigorous in the for graduate studies in preparamong others: heirs of the Reformation as it is ation for teaching by the Woodor ideology upon the American thus honored, she must be acknowledged as Mother of God; everywhere else-to rely upon row Wilson National Fellowship The working class needs a working> class. certain unity of trade union ac:Nor can it be said that they and where she is rejected as ourselves, 'our piety, our moral- Foundation here. ity, our right doctrine, rather tion, but this does not ~ean that have tried to control or direct Mother of God, there the centrality of Christ is not enhanced than solely and utterly upon the all workerf in a given craft or the lives of American workers. industry must necessarily belong As the auU:ors of a recent study but threatened." action of God." The present attitude toward to one and the same union. On point out, "The typical American Rev. Pelikan noted that an inthe contrary, "Christian social trade union is an organization Mary held by most Protestants crease of Protestant respect for teaching stands for trade union the Blessed Virgin would "also established and maintained for is "far from the spirit and intent freedom." the primary purpose of obtaining of Luther's Reformation," Rev. make its contribution to the Sam. J. LaGasse, Manager This freedom, respecting the higher wages and improved labor Pelikan assert~d.. She "reprehealing of the wounds in the different trade union tendencies conditions. It is a wholly inde- sents principles of truly evangelbody of Christ." 1872 ACUSHNET AVE. (philosophies or ideologies) and pendent organization and is not ical and, in the fullest sense, near Brooklawn Park the pluralism of trade union sponsored or controlled by gov- . Catholic Christianity," he added. He made it clear that the groups, must be given first place ernment or employers." NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ~;:..h Contractors honor he was suggesiing should as against trade union monopoly. Has Free Choice be paid to Mary in terms comTrade unkn monopoly is said to Electrical The American worker, say the patible with Lutheranism, not be "necessarily totalitarian." authors, "does not· regard himnecessarily identical with CathEndangers Freedom Trade unionisim is "essentially self as a member of a distinc.t olic devotion to the Blessed featuring ideological." The establishment class set apart from other classes Mother. He discussed Mary's role of a new social order, the Pueblo . in the nation. As a worker, he in terms of such principles as "The Gaslight Room" has specific economic interests salvation by "grace alone" and editorial explains, calls for a Idea! for Communion Breakwhich he wants to see actively justification by "faith alone," program and consequently a fasts. Organization Banquets conception or philosophy of the furthered by a strong and pow- criticizing "the consistent effort, erful labor organization. _ 386 Acushnet Ave. so prominent in the late Middle world and of man. 944 County St. "But aside from these imme- Ages, to glorify man and his New Bedford Trade union unity imposed by New Bedford favoring one tendency or ideol- diate concerns, as in the case of efforts at the cost of the grace Call WYman 2-1703 ~-A. ogy over another is the prelude other Americans, the worker's and initiative of God." to a trade union system without choice of a political party, He said that the faith and trust freedom. Moreover, the editorial church, and other organizations of the Blessed Virgin in the grace contends, such a unified trade does not rest on his particular union system rapidly becomes occupation and economic status." If you want to save real money while you enjoy the finest ("The Economy of the American bureaucratic. It neglects the inGood Friday Bill foods you should call for our free price list now! Free food terests of the workers and be- People," Gerhard Colm and WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. consultant service-NO OBLIGATION! comes preoccupied with other Theodore Geiger, National Plan- Kathryn E. Granahan of Pennning Association). matters. sylvania has introduced a bill PER WEEK While the point of view of the AS LOW AS Trade union pluralism "clari(H.R. 10863) to make Good Frifies the situation." It permits Christian unions with regard to day of each year a legal public for ALL your meats, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, juices, trade union unity may be valid minorities to express their own holiday. The meas~re was reice cream, specialties, etc. particular point of view and it in certain countries of Western ferred to the House Judiciary Europe and Latin America, it is serves the cause of the worker FRANK BRUCE food service, inc. not relevant to the trade union Committee. and the unity of trade union ac860 WASHINGTON ST., NORWOOD, MASS. call 762·4000 situation in the United States. tion better than a central unified For True Economy! Since 1912! movement can hope to do. The unity of the latter type of movement is said to be fictitious and Urges Closer Ties merely a facade. Maintenance Supplies Underlying all of these arguSWEEPERS - SOAPS BOSTON (NC) - A Baptist . ".; ... minister, speaking in the TreDISINFECTANTS mont Temple herEl, urged Catho-_ Report Two. Priests FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Earn our new, higher 4a~ lics and Protestants to seek rate on regular savings. Face Trial in Cuba greater spiritual solidarity to Each account insured MIAMI (NC) - Two priests present a united front against safe by an agency of . V are among the 1,200 prisoners communism. 1886 PURCHASE ST. the U.S. Govt. . A Year "While we cannot agree the Castro regime is trying as NEW BEDFORD war criminals, according to in- doctrinally with the Roman ~ Wy 3-3786 formation given by Cuban Church," Rev. C. Go I' don ,0"e.bY·~ Brownville told his congregaexiles here. .. _ _ .. ~ coupon tof f "of"ng on . . • • • •<l» ., The exiles said the priests are tion, "there must be a better . . . . . . . - send, u' ""s on d detoih 01\ l:'!'I Fathers Tomas Macho and understanding bet wee n the ~ A Il=AMILY TttlEAT ~FREE/I{'T Moil tor"" ~ Segundo Lasera, and they are churches of Christ'if we are to ':. occo un " ~ among some 30 prisoners in cell save mankind with the message IBAR-B-Q • 3 seven at El Principe Prison in of salvation." II SIGNEO . , "The world is on fire," he ~ Havana. Trial of the prisoners, charged with taking part in the said. "One of the scandals of ~ , & NO. • • • • •11 FARMS abortive invasion of Cuba last Christendom, shocking to Chris- • ~S. . . ••••• April, Is scheduled to begin to- tians and 'incomprehensible . to Washington St., Fairhaven ~ Resources over non-Christians, is the division day. ............ $20,OOO,OQO The exiles said that among among those who follow the the prisoners are the sons of Son of God, who claim to live Mil'o Cardona and Antonio' de in the Lord's name and find salVarona, joint leaders of the vation .through His sacrifice on Cuban Revolutionary Council Calvary's . crOBS and His reStop at thiS Delightful Spo 1 North Mam St., .... Bedford • • Open Fri. !ve 'til • . Burrection... here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~...+'l.


Marian Devotion





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. P;re,'ate-'· Pra·ises·

~ar. 2,~/1962' ,.









kefugeeProg'ram On Anniversary

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NEW YORK (NC)-:.Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. By Most Rev. Robert J. ][)wyer, D. D. Swanstrom, head of the U.S. Bishop of Reno Catholics' worldwide relief , The announcement that Latin is still the official lanagency, has lauded the U. S. Es,guage of the Catholic Church could hardly be described capee Program (USEP) on its .as surprising. It' has held that position for a considerable 10th anniversary. -length of time and it is likely that it will still retain it The executive director of :when most of us, restless ministers who Cf1,·q. not or Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic Welfare Confer• ,souls, have cea,sed to concern would not read it well. ence said in a letter to President - ourselves over problems of The Latin, 1-'''' . ; bluntly, Kennedy: "Catholic Relief Servtongues. "It is now being de- is a protection against the deices is proud of the part it has bated whether the Holy Father mands of eloquence. For while played in the accomplishments of 'intended to\ put a quietus on the it is certainly true that few USEP ... which has exemplified movemerit for things on earth can be as stately in a special way Am~rica's con-the extension in' sound ag Latin. finely enuncern for the opp~essed." of the use of dated, even when it is, poorly "In cooperation with USEP,'" the vernacular voiced it does not offend. Not wrote BiShOP Swanstrom, "Cathor w h e the r .. nearly so much as the vernaolic Relief Services has' helped it u i te simpiy, cular abused, chewed up, or ' 54,542 refugees to' reestablish he wished to subjected to false emphasis and themselves in the' free world. In emphasize a the tyranny of bad· rhetoric, addition, 22,361 }lungarian refuprinciple. CharAny prayer poorly recited is WIN SCHOLARSHIPS: Annual competitive -examina- gees were assisted in the U. S: as acteristicallY,he an offense against God and a tions make these girls schcilar~h~p winners at Fall River's, w~l1 as many thousands resettmay well' be 'scandal, but a pr'ayer poorly retIed in Europe, the Near and Far Dominican Academy. Left to right, -Jeanne Fronczek, Holy en joy i n g a cited iri the vernacular for' all East." . Cross parochial school; Kathleen Higgins, St. Patrick's; chuckle ' 0 v e r to hear is also an offense against The Bishop praised the Presiihe furore enthe human hearer. Helene Bileau, St. Anne's; Catherine 'Sullivan, Dominican dent an<;l Congress for supportsuing. Now this may be something Academy's elementary division. ing the program. , There are many attractive of what the rhetoricians call gaB arguments for the vernacular in the reduction to the absurd, but A AUAtt4A&' 'the public liturgy. It seems to it has its importance. It may US, however, as less, wise, that well expI:iin why the vernacuwe are apt to ignore the ex- lar, where it has been tried over Continued from Page One perience of the Reformation in the centuries, has not made THE VILLAGE OF ADDIS ADDI, IN SOUTHERN ERITREA, making up the stenographic corps this precise area. the impact it was supposed to IS A MEDIEVAL MISHMASH, A MONSTROUS HEAP OF come from the U. S., Austria, MUD. The village "streets" are nar· The Reformers, almost to a do. Ceylon, Egypt, France, Germany, row, crooked alleys ,which, in the man, opted for the vernacular. as Beauty of Prayers India, England, Ireland, Italy, rainy season, flow with scum and soon as they made the break On this debate of the Latin Mexico, Paraguay, Spain and mud. Parents and ohildren eat and with the unity of the Church. v. the vernacular, it is of in- Rwanda-Burl!ndi. sleep together in one-room huts made Some of them, gifted to the terest to read the recently pubThey have been chosen from of thatch and mud, ••. In ERITREA point of genius, devised. a Jished correspondance of the many nations to record better <which _is part of ETHIOPIA) the liturgy and composed liturgical late Rose Macaulay, the En"the various pronunciations of man wealthy enough to own a horse formulas of rare and enduring Ush novelist and essayist, and Latin that will be heard in the is a member of the "gentry." The beauty. ' the late Father Hami'lton Johncouncil's sessions. "rank and file of the Emperor's subIJt is difficult to match, for' son, member of the Anglican The stenographers are being jects are living as in the Middle example, in any language, the community known as the Cowtrained two hours daily, five Ages." . . . For generations now, splendor of the Anglican Prayer ley Fathers. T6t Holy Falhn-'s MisfiOll Aid Catholics in ADDIS ADDI have wordays a week until they attain the Book. It is liturgical prose at its ,It· was through him that she required degree of proficiency.' for fhi Orimtal Churrh shipped on Sunciay In a mud-hut highest pitch of eloquence. returned, late in 'life, to AngliThe training program started "church."They kneel for Mass on the hard-mud 'earth, erowded can ,faith and practice; even Monday. together around the altar. ,Few of them ean read or write. All Cites Experience through one is struck, throughof them are penniless ... Despite their poverty, however, these They are being trained in Yet for all that the vernacular out, by the constant, almost 'stenography for Latin and the Catholics are progessive. In recent years they have built by has not prevented the decline nagging, awareness of the Cathhand a school for their children, a house for their priest. Now principal modern languages. of religion ip the areas chiefly olic Church. they need '•. church' . . . The' BISHOP OF ASMARA writes affected by the Reform. that the present church wlll- not withstand another torrential But the point is that in the AnLEBORO'S Granted that there are many mind .of these two cultured rain. Its mud wall is cracked and split: the pathetic mud Leading ,Garden Center' , other reasons which' explain, moderns there was and could structure may oollapse without warning . . . The men in the in whole or in, part, the de- parish (there· are '750 Catholics in ADDIS ADDI) will build the be no substitute for the Latin ,Christianization 'of 'lTI 0 d ern prayers of the missal and brechurch themselves-free-of-eharge, of course. They must, however, have building materials ... In ADDIS ADDI the typical European society in those areas, viary. Pages of the cor'responwage earner gets six OT seven cents a day. How can our Catholics it is still true that the immedance are devoted to an analysis there buy materials for a church?· •.. The church, as planned, diate understanding of the of these prayers, their history South Main & Wall Sts. will be the "heart" of the parish, a proper place in which to liturgy in 'terms of the common and meaning, and to- the warmkeep the Blessed Sacrament.· It will "e' plain and simple, of . language has not significantly est and most enthusiastic ap.:. ,permanent construction. The materials will cost $5,000 . . • delayed this process. CA 2-0234 preciation of their beauty. Where else in the world can one build a church for $5,000? Th~ point is that if the quesIt struck this reader as just ,In ADDIS ADDI, however, $5,000 is a fortune . . . Will you tion were as vital as some proslightly ironic that while so ~1"~1""ti;;;,"4 help? . . . Our. Catholics in ADDIS ADDI must have helpponents claim it to be, it ought many Catholics tOday have been all the help ,that we can give. They must have help now . . . to be able to invoke experience inveighing against the continued Would that someone would give ihis church all by himself, as in its favor. But it seems that use of Latin in the liturgy and -a gift to the missions in memory of a loved one. If you'd like this cannot be done. plumping for the vernacular .in ~' ' "CO. ~ to do this, write us now- ... Or perhaps you'd ,like to give the Mass and Sacraments, two Demands Eloquence altar? ; . . Our Catholics in ADDIS ADDI need desperately Anglicans should be discovering, . whatever you' oan give-$I, $5, '$10, $25, $50. They need It Perhaps a major difficulty in with shouts of joy, the treasures DOW •• "They're praying for your help ... Please write to us. the way of the vernac'ular as a of the liturgy in' the ilncient substitute for Latin in the tongue. Perhaps we ,would do THOUGHT F:OR LENT liturgy is the demand it makes well to take a long second look IN INDIA LAST DECEMBER a two-week cold spell took the '365 NORTH' FRO_NT STREET ~ for eloquence on the part of before we are tempted to j'etti':' lives of 600' ill-fed, ill~cIothed, hU!Jlan beings .•. In the U.S.A., the priest or minister. . son somethingwhicll, 'if not'es- ~ NEW BEDFORD , during 1961, Americans spent nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS sential to the Faith, has .been ~ Eloquence, histrionic talent, .wYman 2-5534 ~ (for diet formulas,' appetite-despressives, exercising gadgets) or' simply the abil,ity to read our tradition and has nourished to combat excess poundage. ' ·I,,,,,.I"-I'-I'~ well in public, with the proper our roots. emphasis and the required Perhaps this is precisely what FEED THE HUNGRY? clarity, these are rare gifts. His Holiness Pope John XXIII MORE THAN ONE MILLION ARABS (some of them CathSome possess a native bent had in mind when he addressed olics) need food and clothing in the HOJ:,Y LAND. Refugees of toward them,' others acquire the Church on the subject the the Arab-Israeli War 14 years ago, they depend on us for the them by dinj;'"ltof hard struggle, other day. necessities of life . . . Will you help us feed them? For $10 but many more, perhaps the we oan FEED A FAMILY OF REFUGEES FOR A MONTH. majority, never master them. 11 you'll feed a family for a month, we'll send you, in thanks, aD Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy Land.-Write to us. Offense Against Hearer Continued from Page One This, by the way, is not a re- Marie, M.S.B.T., St: Francis MASSES DURING LENT flection on the clergy, alone; it Xavier, Hyannis. PRIESTS IN MISSION COUNTRIES like INDIA, IRAN. is a broad human characteristic. Ten lay men and women reIRAQ, EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, and ERITREA, are pleased to offer The Anglican liturgy, for all its promptly the Masses you request. Send us your Mass Intentions. beauty and dignity; suffered in- ceived certificates from St. The offering you make, when a missionary priest offers Mass tQlerably in the mouthings of Margaret's, Buzzards Bay; Holy Redeemer, Chatham, eight; St. for your'intention, supports him for one daJ'. Anthony's, E a s t Falmouth, OUR EASTER GIFT CARDS seven; St~ Patrick's, Falmouth, five; St. Francis Xavier, HyanEASTER IS JUST THREE WEEKS AWAY ••• The money you'd spend on Easter gifts wm go to the missions If you. use nis,nine; St. Joan of Arc, Continued from Page One our EASTER GIFT CARDS. . Spnd us, with your donation, Orleans, seven; S1. Pius, X, Government agencies, he addthe name and addrefls of the person for whom you intend an ed, should not be the sole plan- South Yarmouth, 17; Our Lady Easter gift. In that person's name we'll select something for ning agencies in communities. of Lourdes, Wellfleet, seven. • needy mission. Then, shortly before Easter, we'll send that Also Holy Trinity, West Har"The privately supported agency person • GIFT CARD, explaining what you have clone. wich, five; St. Mathieu's' Fall must play its rightful role when programs affecting entire com'" River, one; St. Peter's, Dighton, munities are contemplated," he one. said. Resume Hearings PRANCIS GARDIN~ 5HLL~AN, " ••Ide,,' He warned the directors MIf', Jo•.,.. T. RiGIl.· ... leo', WASHINGTON (NC) - Sel).. against secularistic tendencies creeping into the field of social Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut Send ail CIOlIIl1IliltllccmOllO to: said here his juvenil pelinquency work, addIng: "Religious influ" (lA'HOLIe N,§AR IiA.t W~FA~j AS-',O¢,I~'jO.H ences must not be removed from subcommittee will· resume hear480Lexin9t~"Ave. at 46th £It. Now York l";lN. V.consideration in the important ings shortly on sex and violence" BEl1)f(»~D .810' on television. mission of cocial work."





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ESCIT Marks Anniversary

THE ANCHOR-Dloc~se "f 1:",11, River-Thurs. MQr 29, 1962


Quarte"rfinals Today

By Jack Kineavy , The 25th annual Eastern States' Catholic Invitation Tourney opens this afternoon at Rogers High, Newport. R.I. A select eight team field, including defending champion St. Peter's Prep of Jersey City, N.J., will participate in the three-day competi'. .. · h' h . king-SIZe scheduhng assIgnment, t IOn w IC wIll conclude Oil lost no time in launching th Saturday. Top seeded is De- program. e Matha High of Hyattsville, For the second successive year

Kilgore Collegian Agglressiv~


Hoopster May Return to UJRI

By Frank Trond

Captain of New Bedford Md. whose John Austin is one of a sophomore came away with the most sought after players in the NIT's Most Valuable Player High School bas k e t b a II the East. Award. The issue was hardly in teams during his last two DeMatha will doubt this year and -the selection years as a schoolboy hoop.. me e t Bergen of Dayton's fabulous Bill man, James F. "Jim" Taylor is Catholic of OraChmielewski met with unani- currently furthering his educadale, N. J. in tomous approval. The 1961 recip- tion at Kilgore, Texas, J 6j,ior night's quarterient was Vin Ernst of Providence College, where he is stHl an final feature. St. College. Chmielewski and team- ardent basketball enthusiast. Peter's Prep enmate Gordon Hatton, also a Jim, a member of the Class (}f tertainsAll Halsophomore, were named to the 1960 at New Bedford High, was lows, New York All-Tourney team. City in the eveAlso awarded All-Star berths graduated last June from Worning co-feature. were St. John's Leroy Ellis and cester Academy, where he Afternoon paircaptain Kevin Loughery, The starred as a member of the prep ings pit St. latter started his collegiate ca- school's hoop squad. lRackcourt' Ace John's High, Washington, D. C. reer at Boston Colleg~, but ~rans­ Last Fall the aggressive backvs. St. Agnes, Rockville Center, ferred to St. John s mIdway Long Island in the 3:00 P.M. through his sophomore year. court whiz from the Whaling opener and second seeded TrenThe Redmen would have City enrolled at the University ton Catholic goes against Ford- been no match at all for the of Rhode Island. At URI Jim ham Prep in the afternoon finale. Flyers had it. not been .for the gained a berth on the junior Fr. Clarence O'Shea's Trenton deadly outSIde shootmg of varsity basketball unit, but club must check Fordham's tal- Loughery who posted a game dropped off the team just before ented Tom Kelly who comes into high total of 26 points. the start of the season, since he planned to transfer to athletictourney play with a season's No Surprise high of 541 points. DeMatha's The outcome of the N. E. minded Kilgore. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Arne Austin checks in not far behind Schoolboy Basketball Tourney with 525 credits. The individual surprised no one. Indicative of Olsen of 278 Austin Street in high for a single game is owned the general apathy was the poor New Bedford, Jim stands only .by the Celtics' Tom Heinsohn attendance for the semifinal and 5-7% - not a big man as baswho racked up 42 markers in championship rounds. On neither ketballers go - but what he 1952 when a member of the St. night did the crowd hit the 7,000 lacks in height he more than Michael's quintet of Union City, mark. Hartford Public in annex_ makes up in his determination N. J. ing its'second straight' N. E. title and constant aggrressiveness (}n ESCIT festivities actually be- became only the third such the hardwood. gan last night when the partici- team in the history of the comSwain Scholarship pants wer, guests at a dance at petition to' turn the trick. PubJim did not suffer scholastiSt. Catherine's Academy, New'" lic's victory over Bulkeley was cally when he transferred to the port. The tournament committee 'its fourth of the season over its Texas junior college, s'ince he under the general chairmanship intra-city rivaL,. is studying the same subjects he of F. Herman Rathkamp has arUniversal All-Bristol choices had while at URI. At the conranged an interestlng program on the various teams selected by clusion of his year-and-a-half for the visiting hoopsters who c 0 a c h e s Ii n d sportSwriters at Kilgore, Jim, who weighs in will receive souvenir T-shirts throughout the area are Durfee's commemorative of ESCIT's Sil- 'Manny Papoula and Ed Berube, , at an even 145, plans to finish ver Anniversary. Bob Higginbotham' of Attleboro ,up his college education here in Featured speaker at Saturday's and Fairhaven'" Mike ,Fitzgerald. the East, possibly at URI. The 19-year-old hoopman (he Navy Officers' Club luncheon Papoula' will erit~r Boston Colwill be 20 next month) has been will be. Mike Holovak,· head le'ge hi' the Fall;' Fitzgerald recoach of the Boston Patriots' of . PQrtedly is headM: for the' Uni- the recipient of 'many awards the' American 'Football 'League. versity of, Rhode Island. Woody , and hon'ors, which· attest to his Genial Mik~' whose Boston Col"'; Berube, a junior, will be the boy : bas1l:.etball prowess. , ' In September of 1960 Jim was lege elevens n.ever experienced about whom coach Tom Karam the first recipient of the Robert a losing !leason arid who guIded will build his club 'next year. the Pats into cha'mpionship con,A note froin our Stang corres- J. Swain Memorial Fund Scholtention afters,:!cceeding Lou pondent, Jim Donnelly, informs l arship, set up to benefit the Saban early last Fall is sure to us that the Spartans are busily 'children of fishermen, (his be well received by the students. preparing for the Spring sports father is a fisherman out of the Diocesan Tourney season ahead. Some 56 diamond Port of New Bedford) who exOn the local tournament aspirants have reported to' coach cel in athletics. scene, a record 69 teams entered Chet Hanewicl1 and another 50 Active in CYO the 4th annual CYO Diocesan are working out on the track His, senior year at NB High, Tourney which got underway under the guidance of coach Pete Jim was named to· an Ail-State last Saturday 'at CYO Hall, Fall Bartek. The Spartans will sched- hoop squad (selections are made River. The unusually large num- ule opponents on an independent by Boston sportswriters) and he ber of entries spanned the entire basis preparatory to,entering was chosen the outstanding athDiocese from Provincetown to Bristol County League competi- lete of the year at his school, Attleboro. Tourney DirectoJ;' Paul' tion commencing with the 1962 receiving a fine trophy. Borkman~ cOI1fronted with a football season. For his outstanding, performances he has received other Scho,ol',Sy~te, ,trophies from ,the CYO Easter O!l Tournament in 1960; the Na-

Can"adia, n ,Pro,vin,ce m . ID'e~,i'at'of , F~B1~amental . R,ight~!:,' 1~0~~~0~~~~dH~~u~:::n~h:;~~

SASKATOON (NC)-A priest- province's Catholic' trustees. He educator characterized Saskatch- said: "For the larger areas, ewan province laws which deny where the secondary school act tax support 'and grants to Cath- pertains, we ask for an identical olic high schools as "the most system to the public schools, bare-faced disregard of fundaeither allow us to forql a separmental ,rights." ate high school board or .abolish Father James Mahoney of St. the present high school board Paul's High School here spoke and let two elementary boards in place of Bishop Francis J. care for the entire 12 grades. Klein of Saskatoon, who is re"For country area where cencuperating from a heart attack, tralization is an obvious necesbefore the convention of the Sas- sity, we ask for a redefinition of katchewan School Trustees. separate school boundaries mak"For 55 years in this province ing them coterminous with the the laws have been on the statute centralized area of the public books absolutely denying the schooL" rights of Catholics to form and O. A. Turnbull, province edusupport through their tax dollars c~tion minister, told the convenseconary schools in larger cen- tIon the Saskatchewan' Governters," Father Mahoney said. "In ment would prefer to help supaddition these schools receive no porters of Catholic high schools high school grants from theDe_solve individual financial:probpartment of Education" lems Urather than create 'a divl-' . '. sion in the school,system" at the Ask Identical System secondary level. The priest-educator .recalled The education minister said he requests made since 1959 by the personally was prepared to "defEmd the right of any gmup to its own, school system," and was Benedictine Oblates, "quite prepared to work out" Oblates of St. Benedict ,will balanced, school systems in the meet at 7:30 Tuesday night, futur"!, but he questioned the wisdom of separating school sysApril 3 at St. Vincent's Home, terns through the high sehom North Main Street, Fall River. grades.


(his parish) hoop team 'in the . Greater New"Bedford CYO loop . .in,1958; and .he was,-the junior winner of a Boys' Club of New ,B.edford basketball trqphy in '60. . ' ,Other trophies' (ldorning his home are OIJe he was awarded in 1956 as a midget basketballer and another he received in 1953, the Patrick Mahoney award for his prowess in' baseball. ' , Enjoys Soccer Basketball. has long been Jim's first love, but he is also a fine soccer player. He played with booters' units at New Bedford High, Worcester Academy and URI. And while he excels at soccer, although too modest to ,.a,dmit liis prow:ess, he plays !l).,at sport mainly to stay in, condi'tion for 'basketbalt' ,·Jim· has" had many' thrills while playing, the hoop sport, ,but the one he remembers best came in a game against Brockton High. It was during' his senior year at' New Be'dford, when Jim -:- his mates were trailing in overtime with· only seconds of play remaining,sent one through the rigging to knot the score and send the game into sudden death. The Crimson finally won that tense

.HM TAYLOR ON COURT struggle with the Shoe CitY·five While Jim was not keen' on and Jim was carried off '~he leaving URI, he' decided :.. the floor by his teammates and Jails, school was too, big for him - m least at present - so he chose Rich Dividends' . smaller Kilgore to make: a At Worcester last year,' among gradual transition. Also, athlethe games Jim played a key role tics are given much attention at in winning, was one in which Kilgore, while a't the same time he sank a 55-foot shot at' the scholastics are not neglected. firial buzzer to provide his team with a triumph. The classy New Bedford baclt_ To demonstrate Jim's keen court ace plans to complete his college education' somewh'ere love for basketball, one, Summer he got a job at the Ted 'much closer to home' than the Williams Camp, 'in LakeY-ille, Lone Star State. When that 'time saved" his wages, and when'he 'arises, look for the name of Jim had sufficient funds, he' paid Taylor to figure prominently in his way at Bob Cousy's b;lsket- Eastern collegiate' hoop circles. ball camp in' New Hampshire. At Cousy Camp Jim received wonderful coaching. Men t o,r s taught him - because of "his lack of height - to jump 'better, something which reaped him rich dividends while at Worcester. Majoring in Business ' CITIES SERVICE Other Summer jobs Jim' has DISTRIBUTORS held have seen him driving a truck around New Bedford 'and Cape Cod for a wholesale GC!I$(l)~Dne grocer, and working as a loborer fuel olJ'ild Range for the New Haven Railroad.' For hobbies, besides playing the hoop sport in most of his spare hours, Jim has' a stamp OIL BUJ~NERS collection, he enjoys reading and likes to' swim. ' , .G. ,E. ~OILIER BURNItR UNITS A business stude~t, Jim's ~ub­ jects this semester at Kilgore for prompt deliv0ry' ,: ,are accounting,· e con 0 ni'i c s , a,' Day & Night SarvicQ, :: American P,o 1 i tic s, business math ~nd English composition. L1ll1ral BottladGas Service Nearer to Home 61 COHANNEl ST. He has a brother, Dennis, who is serving with the Army Air VAtJJNYON Force in Alaska, and a sister, Attleboro - No. AUleboro Mrs. Patricia McKee of Silsbee, Taunton Texas.

W.H.RI.LEY & SO~, Inc.

on fLS


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featuring the Function and Activities of t~e Illaro(hiai Organizations under the theme of

The Lay Apostolaie 12


Dates of Exhibit-SUN,DAYS, April 1-3:00 P.M. April 8..:3:00 and 8:30 P.M. (after Confirmation) April 15-~:OO P.M.

WEEK DAYS, Every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, March 28, April 13, 8:30 P.M. Monday, April 16, 8:00 P.M.


.20: . 路THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs/ Mar. 29, '1962



Pontiff's Easter Message on. Air Holy Saturday VATICAN CITY '(NC) 'l'he annual Easter message of Pope John will be broadeast to the world on Holy Saturday, April 21, at 8 P.M. Rome time (2 P.M. EST). . The, Pontiff's message will be earried by .Vatican Radio and many 'radio systems throughout the world. , ,Pope' John's participation in 'Holy Week ceremonies will be'gtn on, Palm Sunday, 4pril 15, when he takes part in the bless-. Ing of, the palms in St. Peter's basilit.: and offers lYIass there. On Ho~y Thursday, he will go ,to the Basilica of St. John Lat-' eran to officiate at the consecration of the 12 cardinal deacons as bishops. On Good Friday he . will go to the Basilica St. Paul 0utside the Walls to join in the celebration of that day's liturgy. , The Pope will again offer Mass In St. Peter's on Easter morning.. At 12:30 P.M. he will appear on the basilica's center balcony to give his blessing to the city and the world.



Members of the New Bedford Legion of Mary have issued their Spring edition of Worthwhile Books, a quarterly pamphlet listing recommended titles. Twenty books are listed, including biog- ' raphies, hagiographies,' meditations and miscellaneous volumes of particular Catholic interest. Copies of the list, are available, at New Bedford Public Library ~nd its branches. '

S(QIV itnl 9 S INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Catholic elementary and secondary schools in the five dioceses of Indian拢 save Hoosier taxpayers more than $50 million each year.

FA'THERS and: BROTHERS of t'he

SACRED HEARTS' of:' 路JESUS: and MARY (s.s~cc.), Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and 'Mqry 'and of Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Alt~r


AMERICAN PROVIN'CE IPriests '_ Brothers' 'Perpetual Adorers Perpetual Ad~rers, Foreign Missionaries Foreign Missionaries Teachers, . ' Cooks' Carpenters Bu ilders-Gard n~rs Parish Priests Printers Preachers - Missions, Clerical Assistants , Retreats,' Enthronements Chaplains Diocesan Schoois " Bishop Amat High, laPuente, Calif. Pomona Catholic ,Boys' High, Calif. Japanese MissioB'll Stations in: ' Ibaraki' Prefecture Yamagata Prefecture

As a member of' this ,Congregation you will wal~ in the' footsteps of the modern day apostlesFATHER DAMIEN, ss. cc., of Molokai, and FATHER, MATEO, ss. cc., founder of the'Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Crusade. . Provincial Houses of Study Queen of Peace Mission Seminary, Jaffrey Center, New, Hampshire Sacred Hearts Novitiate, Fairhaven, Mass. St. josep~l's Novitiate (Brothers), r Wareham, Mass.

Father Daniien Hall-St; Mary's College, Winona, Minn. Sacred Hearts Seminary, Washing,ton, D; C. Father Damien Seminary, LaVerne, Calif.

Write to: Director of Vocations, 3 Adams Street, Fai~haven, Mass.

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