diocese of fall river
t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 13
20c, $6 Per Year
Devotion Day Set In Most Parishes Most parishes in the diocese will hold a Day of Devotion on Sunday. Planned as a spiritual highlight of the diocesan Jubilee, the day "seeks to deepen awareness as Christians within
Cathedral Drive Report Is Made
~I't Of ST
DIOCESAN GROWTH in the Jubilee year is exemplified (top) at St. Pa.trick's parish, Wareham, where the parish staff meets in front of the new parish center. From left, Father William Norton; Sister Mary Thomasine, MSB'I:; Father J.ames Lyons, pastor; Father John Daly, CSC; Sister Helen Anne, MSBT. Bottom, enthusiastic groundbreakers for the new St. John the Baptist Church in Central Village are, from left, Father Edward Sharpe, pastor; Bishop DanielA. Cronin; Paul Cleary, contractor; James Edwards, architect.
'Forty-one parishes have reached or exceeded their goals in the Jubilee Fund Drive for the renovation of St. Mary's Cathedral. Total funds sub¡ scribed through last Friday amount to $639,335.99. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, pastor of Holy Name parish, Fall River, reported that his parish has more than doubled its targeted goal. The following parishes have reached or exceeded their' individual goals: • Fall River: St. Mary'S Cathedral, Blessed Sacrament, Holy Name. Holy Cross, Our 'Lady of Angels. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, St. Anne, St. Patrick, SS. Peter and Paul, St. Roch, St. Stanislaus. St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, South Attleboro. St. Anthony, 'East Falmouth. St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis. St. Mary, Mansfield. Our Lady of the Isle, Nan-tucket. New !Bedford: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sacred Heart, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Hedwig. St; Joseph, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Theresa. St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth. St. Joan of Are, Orleans. St. Peter the Apostle, Provincetown. St. Anne, Raynham. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk. Somerset: St. Patrick, St. Thomas More. Holy Cross, South Easton. St. Pius X, South Yarmouth. 'Swansea: St. Louis de France, Our Lady of Fatima. Taunton: Holy Rosary, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Paul. Turn to Page Three
a parish and diocesan community" and to serve as" a means of renewing the faith of participants. Some parishes, because of other programs, such as confirmations, will hold their day at a later date, but most members of the diocese will have the opportunity of participating in the carefully structured experience. John Levis, chairman of the committee that worked for more than a year in preparing a parish instruction kit for the day, noted that it allows for great f1~xibility in format. Turn to Page Seven
Father Sullivan Jubilee T~esday Very Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Taunton, will mark his silver jubilee of ordination Tuesday, April 3. He offered a Mass of thanksgiving last Saturday at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, his parents' parish, for members of his immediate family. His own parishioners and friends from the ,Fall River area will honor him on Sunday, April 8 at a testimonial beginning at 2 p.m. with a Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Taunton. A reception will follow in' the parish hall. 'Father Sullivan was born in Fall River Oct. 2, 1924, the son of James H. and AnnaL. SulliTurn to Page Three
Bumper Turnout For NCEA Meet The Philadelphia meeting of the NlI.tional Catholic Educational Association, to be held April 16 to 19, will draw a larger than usu~l attendance from the Fall River diocese, said Sister Marion Geddes, RSM" superintendent of schools. Convenience of travel to Philadelphia and the coincidence of the convention with Spring vacation, not always true for Massachusetts, where many Catholic schools no Ionger have the traditional Easter week Turn to Page Seven
Sunday: Parish Days of Devotion
THE ANCHOR"":Oiocese
of Fail
·., River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
ill People·Places·Events-NC News Briefs ill Everyone's Job
Person Comes First
VATICAN CITY - Working with immigrants is the "work of the whole local church, priests, sisters and laity," Pope John Paul II told clergymen and laymen involved in immigrant programs, as he spoke to a world congress of pastoral work with immigrants. The congress was sponsored by the Pontifical Commission for Migration and Tourism.
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II said church teaching makes it clear that "the human person can never be sacrificed to any national or international political interests." The pope reaffirmed the church's commitment to human rights in a talk to the board of directors of the International Institute for the Rights of Man.
Peace Mass BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Bishops from Chile and Argentine concelebrated a Mass of thanksgiving at the monument to Christ high on the Andean borderline and used the occasion to pray for peace hetween the two countries.
African Forecast
ARCHBISHOP FRANCIS FUREY of San Antonio, Tex. is offering up his cancer for Lent.
ROME - Africa faces a disastrous future in which malnutrition and illness will reach catastrophic proportions unless substantial political and economic changes take place, said a report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.' Nutrition in Afric~ is becoming' worse, the report said.
L5mited Change NEW YORK -Election of a Polish pope will likely bring some reordering of church-state relations in Poland, in the view of the United States ambassador to Warsaw. But Poland's geographical relationship to the Soviet Union puts limits on the amount of basic change in the system that can be expected, Ambassador William Schaufele said.
What It Should Be
MOTHER TERESA of Calcutta has been awarded the $300,000 Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace and Brotherhood.
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II told rectors of Roman ecclesiastical colleges that the common life in their institutions should not be "a mere complex of external relationships." The common life in the ecclesiastical' colleges should be "modelled on the spirit which animated that of the apostles and the first disciples in the Cenacle: 'All these with one mind continued steadfastly in prayer . . . with Mary, the mother of Jesus," the pope said.
Antidote VATICAN CITY - ' Fasting helps people rid themselves of the "consumer attitude." Pope John Paul II told thousands of people at a general audience.
Popular PD's FREIBURG, West Germany - Nearly two-thirds of all the permanent deacons in the world. are in the United States, said a statistical report pupblished by the International Center for the Diaconate in Freiburg, West Germany.' There are 4,781 activ.e permanent deacons in the world, of whom 3,087 are in the United States, the study found.
Long-Range Impact
BISHOP THOMAS MURPHY, Great Falls, Mont. delivers a Lenten lecture series to members of his 94,000 square mile diocese via a 37~station telephone network.
WASHINGTON - The tractors and most of the 3,500 farmers who came to Washington to demonstrate for' higher price supports last January have gone home without having left much of an impact, according to chul'ch officials working on rural issues. "I'm looking at it long-term," said Father Anderw Gottschalk, rural life director for the Archdiocese of Denver and a supporter of the American Agriculture Movement. He said' he thought the demonstrations would have a long-range impact but not a short-range one.
Lay Network NOTRE DAME, Ind. - Concluding a three-day meeting designed to advance discussions which led to the 1977 Chicago Declaration of Christian Concern, more th~n 100 lay persons called for the establishment of a national network of concerned Christian lay persons. Participants in the National Assembly of the Laity at the University of Notre Dame backed the efforts of the National Center of the Laity toward that goal.
Support for Parents MUNICH, West Germany - A Lutheran pastor specializing in the study of new religions said churches should give more support to parents whose children are involved in sects. After a recent month-long, fact-finding trip to the United States, Pastor Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack, secretary for sects and world ideologies of the Bavarian Lutheran Church, said he was puzzled by the apparent lack of interest in the effects of these movements. "I wonder why the churches don't give more support to pafents," he said.
FATHER JOHN GALLEN, SJ director of a center for pastoral liturgy at Notre Dame University, says Vatican II liturgical reforms are still not being taken seriously in the US.
UN Acd Threatened WASHINGTON A U.S. Catholic Conference official has urged Congress to repeal an amendment he says is part of an effort to "force the United States to pull out of the United Nations system." The amendment, written by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), was passed at the end of the 95th Congress. It cuts assessed U.S. contributions to the UN's, specialized agencies by $27.7 million and prohibits the use of the balance' of the $220 million American UN contribution for technical assistance.
CATJCAN CITY - The death of Car~ dinal Jean Villot is causing Vatican ob· servers to speculate anew about a shakeup in the Vatican and a' consistory to ~ame new cardinals. Cardinal v~mot, papal secretary of state, died March 9.
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~Ia SISTER MARIELLA FRYE is coordinator for. implementation of "Sharing the Light of Faith," the new National Catechetical Directory.
Irish Safeguards Asked A British government document saying that officials in Northern Ireland mis'treated Irish prisoners has prompted a call for a meeting to devise legal safeguards to protect the rights of prisoners in the province. Amnesty International which monitors human rights violations, called for a meeting with British secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Roy Mason.
Guinean Mass
WASHINGTON - As President-forLife Francisco Macias Nguema of Equatoral Guinea commemorated 10 years in power marked by religious and political persecutions, Amnesty' Internationa'l and other human rights groups sought to alleviate the fate of the victims.A Mass at St. Matthew's Cathedral in -Washington celebrated by exiled Bishop Rafael Nze Abuy, formerly of Bata, was attended by Guinean 'refugees, Congressmen and by refugees from other nations.
C~INAL FRANZ KONIG of Vienna enjoys a light moment during a press conference in Washington, where he was speaking at the Georgetown University Kenriedy Institute of Ethics.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thvr., Mar. 29, 1979
Cathedra I Drive Continued from Page One St. Joseph, Woods Hole. Parishes are asked to make final reports to the Jubilee program office by today. Individuals, organizations or businesses
wishing to contribute to 'the Jubilee Fund Drive may mail suc~ donations to the Chancery OffIce, P.O. Box 2577, Fall River 02722.
Natural Birth Control
CELEBRATION OF HIS silver jubilee in the priesthood doesn't deter Father Walter A. Sullfvan from his annual responsibility of supervising the Catholic Charities Appeal in the Taunton area. From left, Father Normand J. Boulet, assistant CCA area director, Bishop Cronin, Father Sullivan.
Yes! The modern sympto-thermal method of natural family planning (NFP) has been shown to have an .effectiveness at the 99% level when practiced by well instructed couples. It really works! . . . and without any medical hazards (such as with the Pill and IUD). What's more - - - many couples experience a better marriage when they get off the Pill and into NFP! Discover for yourselves what thousands of couples like you have already learned. Return this ad and receive a free introductory packet of materials.
Fath-er Sullivan Jubilee Tuesday
P. O. BOX l1084-A CINCINNATI, OHIO 45211
Continued from Page One van. An identical twin, Dennis, now deceased, was a member of the Fal' River fire department, and he has two other brothers and three sisters. He attended Sacred Heart, SS. Peter and Paul and St. Patrick's grammar schools in Fall River and graduated from the former Msgr. Coyle'High School in Taunton in 1943. After four years in the U.S. Army, he completed two years of a pre-law course at Xavier University, Cincinnati, before
entering St. Mary's Seminary, town for many years and dioceBaltimore. san director of CYO and Boy CCl is a non-profit, nationwide organization He was ordained April 3, 1954 Scout activities. He has been dedicated to helping married couples learn the sucat St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall . Taunton area director of the cessful practice of natural family planning, and is River, by Bishop James L. Con- Catholic Charities Appeal for nolly. eight years and in April, 1977, endorsed by the Bishops' Pro-Life Committee. As an associate pastor, Father he was appointed vicar of the Sullivan served at St. Lawrence Taunton deanery, with the title Church, New Bedford, and at of Very Reverend. St. Mary's Cathedral.' He was named to his present post. in October, 1971. In addition to his parish work, the jubilarian was director of This free booklet tells Cathedral Camps in East Free-
FATHER EDMUND - J. FITZGERALD, director of the Diocesan Department of Pastoral Care for the 路Sick, has also been appointed Diocesan Liaison to the Cursillo Movement, effective immediately. In this capacity he will represent Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in matters affecting the fast-growing retreat movement.
WASHINGTON (NC) Father Kevin Tripp, chaplain of St. Luke's Hospital, New Bedford, is among Catholic and Presbyterian-Reformed representatives who this month held their fifth consultation in Washington. The meetings are aimed at .producing a statement on ethics and ethical sources. The representatives remain at odds over whether abortion is permissible and Father J. Peter Sheehan, co-chairman of Catholic participants, said the issue might put an end to the talks. The other Catholic co-chairman is Bishop -Ernest Unterkoefler of Charlestown, S.C. The Consultations are sponsored by the U.S. Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs and the North American and Caribbean Area Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Father Sheehan said the future of the negotiations could hinge upon the question of abortion, which he said the Catholic Church unequivocally opposes. Rev. Andrew Harsanyi, Presbyterian chairman, while holding it is wrong to abort a viable fetus, said his tradition holds "Everyone should be free to make a decision amid difficut circumstances." .
Fr. Kevin Tripp Shares in Talks
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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
the living word
,themoori~ Organize To Prot~ct Your Rights Pope John Paul II, speaking to a group of Indian peasants during his triumphant visit to Mexico, told them that they must organize to protect their rights. What the pope was surely saying to these peasants of Mexico was that justice, freedom and rights will never be handed to them or to any other discriminated against group on a silver platter; that to achieve the fundamental dignities and liberties that are due a man because he is a man, they must be organized even for political action. The question, especially in reference to our own church in these United States, is crucial. Who has the responsibility of bringing the social doctrine of the church into the proverbial marketplace? The pope was most emphatic in his reply. He declared, "It is to the laity, though not exclusively .. to them, that secular duties and activity properly belong." , to Pope John Paul, it is the responsibility of the laity to to Poper John Paul, it is the responsibility of the laity to carry the social doctrine of the church into the. political arena. The pope told priests and bishops that they must preach, educate individuals and' col~ectivities, form public opinion and offer orientation to the people's leaders. This indicates quite clearly that the laity are not to be replaced by the clergy. It is the duty of priests and bishops .to mold public opinion on issues that have religious or ethical dimensions. They must be the catalyst to motivate the laity to do' their Christian duty' in the formation of public policy. The words of our Holy Father to the people of Mexico should not fall on deaf ears here in the United States. All we have to do is look around to see how Catholics are treated. Children who attend parochial schools are treated like some constitutional plague. Powerful anti-Catholic forces were determined, organized and successful in defeating the Packwood-Moynihan tuition tax credit bill which would have brought some justice to the matter of parochial education. In our cities, many of our Hispanic brothers and citizens are treated like creatures from another planet. That they speak another language and have non-Wasp cultural and religious customs seem in some eyes to reduce them to a subhuman level. Issue after issue, from abortion to the oppression of capitalism run rampant (as evident in the so-called' "oil crisis"), are actually moral and ethical questions which路 should concern all who seek to promote the rights of man. The bishops and priests of this country must be outspoken and fearless teachers. The laity must be activists and doers. Without this mutual support, the church in America will continue to suffer injustice and be devoid of any effective influence in our materialistic society. But together, organized with a' social conscience at all levels within the community of the church, we as Catholics will be able to show to all peoples in this land that our church' is truly a valuable instrument of formation and action.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER' . Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of fiall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore ~I
Leary Press-Fall River
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered together thy children, as the hen doth gather. her chicke ns under her wings, and thou wouldest not.' Matt. 23:37
Basic Communities New Church Force From Brazil to Ecuador, from Guatemala to New York and across the United States to San Diego, basic Christian communities are emerging as a strong force for church renewal. TQe communities, prominent in Latin America and among the Hispanic population in the United States, are. called communidades de base" in Spanish. Their main characteristic is a fostering of strong personal relations in a depersonalizing society. Most of the Christian communities thrive among the poor in rural and city areas. They stress action for human dignity to overcome poverty and sin, including the social sins caused by injustice. Many community members have suffered repression. The communities were encouraged to continue their work at the recent Puebla assembly of the Latin American bishops. The bishops called the communities a basic cell of the universal church. Their membership consists of families "bound by an intimate personal relationship in the faith," said the final document issued by the assembly. "We are building a church from the people of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit," said leaders of Christian communities from six provinces in 'Ecuador at a recent meeting. "We reflect on our faith confronted by the reality in which we live: poverty." These poor people, the leaders
added, are the great majority in Latin America. and they are baptized Catholics. "When you suffer want and oppression in your own flesh, there is no question about the need of uniting word and action in the struggle for liberation from sin. Yet we are reproached because we get in trouble for seeking justice," they said. Basic Christian communities also are active among Hispanics in the United States. ~'Hundreds of basic communities throughout the country voiced their concerns and thoughts in 1978," said Father Edgar Beltran of the Secretariat for Hispanic Affairs of the U.S. Catholic Conference. The secretariat "has these basic communities as one of its priorities," he added. "We could speak of a church that is reborn since the Holy Spirit who gives her life' makes everything new and, as now, does it in a very profound way," a secretariat paper comments. People . in big cities are squeezed into amass, says the paper. "People are lost, are unknown to one another. In contrast, in the communities people know each other, can fulfill and express their views, grow in understanding." Awareness of liberation from sin and want is developed through "a sense of community, dignity and the worth of each person," adds the paper. A meeting of basic communi~ ties at Paraiba, Brazil, drew 160
leaders from 40 of the nation's dioceses to review two years of work and to show how their members "face daily the experience of poverty." A final report of the meeting said that the displacement was affecting "13 million people among established farming families. Small owners are persecuted. There is injustice and corruption." This is one reason for migration into city slums, said the participants. "In the midst of such realities the basic Christian communities are flourishing in Brazil. Members become conscious of their problems and their roots in living and working conditions, wages, transportation, food and health. They also learn that others are with them in the struggle to overcome poverty." . "The Christian community creates the climate for the development of the human person, for prayer, for values taught by the Gospel," the report said. Basic Christian communities in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua are undergoing persecution from government and special interest groups. A statement issued by 36 Christian communities in Guatemala speaks of the killing by government and pro-government agents of one priest and dozens of Indian catechists since lU78. However, the encouragement given by the bishops at Puebla is expected to increase the work and importance of the communities in Latin America.
" THE ANCHORThurs., March 29, 1979
Letters to the Editor
Papal Baptism
letters are welcomed, but should be no 1Il0re than 200 words. The editor reserves Ihe right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All ietters must be signed and Include a home or business address.
Superb Job Dear Editor: Throughout all of this Jubilee Year, the dedicated efforts of many have already been felt and will continue to be felt as the many and varied projects are unfolded. As the coordinator of these efforts, I take this opportunity to congratulate you' and your fine staff on the superb job already accomplished in the Jubilee Edition of the Anchor. The monumental task that it was has indeed proven itself to be of more than ordinary value not only for all of us now but for those to come in the future. (Rev.) Ronald A. Tosti Jubilee Coordinator
Congratulations Dear Editor: Congratulations to you on the Jubilee issue of .The Anchor. A most excellent publication. Deacon Frank J. Trudo, Editor Texas Concho Register
To Be Treasured Dear Editor: Forgive me for failing to congratulate you on the historic issue of the Anchor, which means so much to everyone. It is a paper to be kept and treasured. Sister M. Margaret, O.P. Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home Fall River
Necrology April 6 Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale, 1977, Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham April 7 Rev. James A. Dury, 1976, Chaplain, Madonna Manor, North Attleboro April 9 Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, 1919, Pastor, Immaculate Conception , Fall River Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River April 10 Rev. John P. Doyle, 1944, Pastor, St. William, Fall River April II Rev. John F. Mooney, - 19.14, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich April 12 Rev. John Tobin, 1909, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River
THE ANCHOR (USPS·545·020) . Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland I\venue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Sub~cription price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA' 02722
RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GOVERNMENT of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield for the next four years are, from left, executive council members Sisters Eleanor Spring, Constance Quinlan, vice-president; Edith McAlice, Kathleen Keating, president; Rita Eagan, Joseph Annette McKeown and Christine Swords. The community staffs St. Jean Baptiste and St. Joseph Montessori schools in Fall River and St. Joseph's School, New Bedford.
Jubilee Issue Dear Editor: I wish to congratulate the staff of The Anchor for the excellent and comprehensive Jubilee issue. It was a joy reading the history of a diocese. The pioneering spirit is always exciting to read about. It sets the example of what can be done. At this time I'd like to say something I've been putting off and that is that I enjoy "The Mooring" very much and cut out many an editorial. I've several filed away and sometimes I have need to refer to the~. Cecilia Belanger . No. Vassalboro, Me.
NotA Word Dear Editor: How on earth could Rev. Sheerin .(Anchor, Feb. 8) label Mr. Carter as a champion of human rights? When Carter made his major policy statement on Northern Ireland in September 1977, (it) was a blank cartridge and a coup de grace to Irish hopes for justice, peace and unity. Not a word about discrimination or in housing or the brutal treatment of prisoners at Long Kesh prison, which has been found guilty of British brutality by the Council of Europe and Amnesty International. . . . It is estimated there are 25
DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 344 Highland Avenue P. O. BOX 2577 Fall River, Mass. 02722 TEL. 675·1311 Prot. No. M·14/79 (Please Prefix To Reply) EDICTAL CITATION DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETIS Since the actual place of residence of RAYMOND WIEMERS is unknown. We cite RAYMOND WIEMERS to appear personally before the. Sacred Tr!bunal of the Diocese of Fall River on April 3, 1979 at 1:30 P.M. at 344 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: . Whether the nullity of the mamage exists in WRIGHT-WIEMERS case? . Ordinaries of the place or pastors haVing the knowledge of residence of the above person, Raymond Wiemers, must see to it that he is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. Henry T. Munroe, Officialis Given at the Seat of the Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts, on this, the 20th day of March, 1979. Raymond P. Monty Notary
million people in the U.S. with Irish names; they are so saturated with British propaganda from the secular press that they are a do-nothing lot and will tell you they are against IRA violence, but not a word on the violence inflicted on the Catholics since the landing of Cromwell in the 1600's ... Secure among the 25 million . . '. is a generous litany of bishops and pastors. . . . They can babble about Taiwan, the Panama Canal and abortion but not a word about their butchered Catholic brothers in Northern Ireland and some. of them don't mention St. Patrick's Day from the pulpit. P. "Jerry" McGuckin North Attleboro
made the Pentagon's budget not only exempt from budget cuts, but worthy of an increase of 3% after, of all things, inflation: a grand total of a 10% increase. . . .
Real' Security
- U.S. nuclear weapons are more varied, more accurate, and more sophisticated in every way than the Soviet's weapons;
Dear Editor: We have come a long way since the campaign days when Jimmy Carter promised a cut in military spending and placed ~s his priorities the human needs of our society. The -President plans cuts in: the CETA (jobs) "Program; Food Stamp Program; Aid to Cities; Housing; and other Human Needs Programs, in the hopes of curbing inflation. It seems ironic that a President, who, when a candidate, saw the inflationary impact, the waste, and the ineffectiveness of military ~pending has now
To spend more than 130 lion a year on arms, one might think we are rather vulnerable and a very insecure nation and that the Soviet threat to Western Europe and the U.S. is imminent. Let's look at some facts before we accept Western insecurity as reality: - The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff maintains that the U.S. is ahead in the arms race; - The U.S. has three times as many nuclear weapons as the U.S.S.R.;
Security is obtained primarily by solving the _social problems that cut away the heart of our society. Let's fund human needs and be really secure. Rev. Robert Nee, SS.C.C. Sacred Heart Community Fairhaven
Solitude and Silence "A discipline of solitude and silence is essential for those who would acquaint themselves with God and be at peace." - E. Herman
Little Fabiana de Fusco doesn't know it yet, but she has something to tell her grand-' children. She was baptized by the pope. "It was the most beautiful coronation of the most beautiful event of my life," said her mother, 25-year-old Anna Maria de Fusco, a kidney dialysis patient. The baptism took place when Pope John Paul II toured a Rome hospital whlM'e Mrs. de Fusco had had an appendectomy. Knowing the pope would visit the hospital, Mrs. de Fusco and the staff nuns had everything ready for a baptism. . "When he entered, the pope approached to bless me. I' timidly asked if he could baptize my baby and right away without thinking a second, he agreed," said the mother. "Since his schedule did not provide for a baptism in the hospital, a rigid priest accompanying him opposed us. But the Holy Father, when a nun told him that everything was ready, approved with a marvelous smile. My joy was boundless." The baby girl, Fabiana, was born Dec. 14. Previously Mrs. de Fusco had given birth to a baby who died two hours later because of th~ mother's kidney ailment. She has dialysis twice weekly and doctors advised her against another pregnancy. She became pregnant again, however, and during her fifth month could have had a kidney transplant, but refused because it would have involved an abortion. Fabiana was born healthy.
Prayer Is .Tops COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. Church leaders say the major interest of their congregations is prayer. Bookstore personnel note that pubilcations of spirituality are selling two to one over those on the second most popular topic, Scripture. And Benedictine Father Colman Barry can verify these trends by the response he has had to an institute for Spirituality which he founded at St. John University in Collegeville.
In a CHRIST-CENTERED LIFE SHARE YOUR VISION WITH US TO SERVE ... the sick the poor the lonely the young the elderly the neglected
THROUGH A LIFESTYLE OF ... community-living praying loving sharing caring
With the SISTE·RS OF CHARITY (GREY NUNS) Sisters of Charity Formation Center 249 Cartier Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03102
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur.,Mar. 29,1979
Biography Occasions What-Might-Have-Been Blues By
Someone has written a book about me, One would think that reading one's own biography would be flattering and reassuring, especially when the author is basically sympathetic. Yet I could not finish Professor John Kotre's "The 'Best of Times, the Worst of Times" the first time I tried to read it, and when I finally did, I almost wished I hadn't.
I cannot judge the accuracy of Profesor Kotre's "intellectual portrait" and wi~ accept the testimony of others that it's a favorable book. There are also nice things in the introduction by Harvard psychologist Robert Coles and on the dust jacket by California psychologist M. Brewster Smith. Still, the book terrified me because I did not find the life described therein attractive, which I suppose means that I don't find the leading character all that attractive. I found myself saying, "What a wasted life, what a tragic misuse of time and energy and ability. He should never have got involved in the things he's
Not,hi,ng's By
We say that God gives us free will . . . but we aon't believe it and don't act as if we do. Some people blame ,. outside forces for problems they should solve themselves. Let's consider a man who must move frequently. The fam. i!y can either accept the moving or he can change his job. If that's out of the question, they
doing. He should have stayed a parish priest working with teenagers."
quarter-century, frequently to the point of exhaustion, in the production of an -inordinate amount of printed pages. Now I realize how much the effort was a waste, how worthless the product.
Is it a bizarre reaction? Perhaps. I am asked repeatedly how I react to the book and I must路 say that I react with dismay and discouragement - not Doubtless this confession will because 路Professor Kotre set out bring glee. to critics who have to write a condescending, dim- been saying the same thing all inishing profile of me, but be- along. One priest summarized it cause I simply don't like the per- when he said, "Who do you son who emerges in Kotre's . think you are that someone sympathetic and preseumably should write a biography about objectiv~ portrait. you?" When I put down the biography, I wished I had never written an article or a column or published a book: I've worked very hard over the last
I don't mean that the objective quality of my work is poor. That is not for me to judge. That's not the point; the point is whether I might have made better use of my life - and the answer to that question is yes, . though I don't know how, and it's too late to change. That is a very melancholy thought indeed.
Father Greeley will lecture for the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club at 7:30 p.nt. Sunday, May 20 in the auditorium of But my problem with the . Bishop Connolly High School, book is not that it will stir up Fall River. Ticket infonnation is The Anchor, such petty reactions. The sense available from of failure it produced in me is P.O. Box 7, F:all River 02722, telephone 675路7151. not a pleasant feeling.
路G,ood or Bad
can either accept or reject the moves. Their handling of the situation is not a result of the moves, but in whether they accept or reject - and that is within their own free will. Let's look at the good side of frequent moves. Aside from the financial benefits they frequently bring, moves are opportunities for new beginnings. Often people are unhappy about community obligations. A move cancels them all and allows a fresh start. There ar.e other parts .of the country or world to see, other paces of living, different customs. A move can be a more valuable education than a uni-
versity. Or it can be a curse. It can force you to give up comfortable patterns of habitual living. It can demand that you go outside yourself. I heard of a man who moved permanently to a Maine community where he had vacationed for years. He was sure that he had been an outsider all those years and even as a full' time resident he felt uncomfortable. One day there was a funeral and it seemed everyone was there. He guessed it was someone from a family that had lived . there for generations. Inquiring, he learned the woman had
moved there more recently than he. But she was a nurse. She had gone out of her way to help everyone, They all loved her. Isn't that the difference? She used her free will. She didn't wait for the community to come and welcome her. She went to them and shared her love and talents. Complaints about the hardships of moving can be rew..orded to fit the problems of living in the same place for a lifetime. There's no opportunity for change, no new inspiration, no new friends. Or one can look at the other side. Living in the same place
provides stability, continuity. There is a rubbed in comfortableness about all the familiar nooks and crannies. Some people are determined to be unhappy, no matter what. If they live in the city, it's too congested; in the country, it's desolate. In the north, the weather is too cold; in the south, too hot. In a city, other people are tied up with their own problems; in a rural area they just don't welcome strangers. But others will find happiness wherever they are. They recognize uncontrollable curcumstances, but they control their own reactions.
'Redemptor Hominis"Encourages Social Activists By
will be seen as a shot in the arm to Catholic social activists.
The 70s have been a difficult time for people working on social justice issues and. the situation has .been complicated for Catholics by a continuing theological debate over the role of social justic in the church's mission.
"If I were a diocesan social justice director who was under-funded," says a Catholic activist not in that position, ''I'd bring a copy of that in to my bishop." "That" was Pope John Paul's first encyclical. The remark indicates that it
Few t~ings in the garden give us as much pleasure as starting our seeds in March. This year we ordered zinnias, marigol~s and impatiens as well as asters, petunias and alyssum. In vegetables we have green peppers, a number of varieties
But Bishop Thomas Kelly, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, says the encyclical makes it clear that concern for social justice is integral to the church's work.
He cited one section in particular: .. , .. the church cannot remain insensible to whatever serves man's true welfare" any more than she can remain indifferent to what threatens it." That quotation will probably become fairly familiar to American Catholics in years to come. Few people read encyclicals cover-to-cover; most come in contact with them through quotations carefully selected to ~ring about moral pressure. Bishop Kelly himself probably became the' first to use the new encyclical in that political
sense in a letter to Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Joseph Califano in which he urged Califano to reject federal funding of research and clinical trials on vitro fertilization or "test tube babies." He included this quotation from the enyclical:
Anuther quotation is likely to be used often by church groups concerned with the arms race and world poverty:
"We all know well that the areas of misery and hunger on our globe could have been made fertile in a short time if the gigantic investments for armaments at the service of war and destruction had been changed into vestments for food at the service of life." Finally, the encyclical's attack on the consumer civilization is likely to be repeated often in the. continuing debates over the exploitation of natural resourc~s. such as energy, development for the world's poorest nations and international economic relationships.
allows for a rapid turnover in seedlings. The major problem with starting seeds, of course, is not germination but holding them over until it is time to put them in the garden. I have a bank of lights under which I keep - the seedlings growing before trans-
ferring them to cold frames by late April. By mid-April I have the daily task of watering plants daily and fertilizing as necessary. This can be burdensome but there is no way around it if one wants to grow different varieties of plants cheaply.
"The development of technology . . . demands a proportional development of morale and ethics."
. of lettuce, tomatoes, and broccoli for starting indoors and peas, spinach, radishes and beans for outdoor planting. Indoor seeds are started in a homemade box with which I have had great results. It is 18" x 4' is made up of 2 x 4's with a plywood bottom. A heating cable is stapled to the bottom and covered with a half inch of sand. The box is then filled with a sowing medium to one half inch of the top. My medium is one part sand, one part vermiculite or perlite and one part Redi-earth or sphagnum moss, whichever I have available.
Suspended over the box, I use a four foot fluorescent light fixture containing two GroILux bulbs. Prior to sowing seed I plug in the heating cable and give the medium a good wetting so that it is evenly moist and ex,.",,!,: water can evaporate or run off. Flower seeds are started first, since they germinate very quickly. As soon as they develop two sets of leaves, they are transplanted into flats and ;-lIp,."" l1n~"r li~ht". For seeds requiring no bottom heat, I merely pull ont the plug for the heating cable. This
Greatest Challenge TORONTO - Human beings created in the image of God may soon be created in the image of man through biotechnologies, including selective abortion, monitored mating and cloning, a theologian who is a
physicist said. If the public does not become aware of this, human beings as individuals and as a society face the greatest technological and spirituill challenge ever known, said Jesuit Father Robert A. Brungs.
Bill Prohibits Abortion Funds
High Court Rules On Lay Teachers
House bill 5296 will probably be placed on the legislative calendar of the commonwealth this week, report workers in the state house office of Taunton Representative Theodore J. Aleixo Jr., house chairman of the joint committee, on health care of the Massachusetts legislature. The bill, essentially the DoyleFlynn bill of past years, would prohibit use of tax funds for abortions. It is being refiled "to re-establish commitment" to pro-life principles, said a spokesperson for Rep. Aleixo. The legislator has consistently supported commonwealth pro-life measures and also favors a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution and legislation providing positive alternatives to abortion.
WASHINGTON (NC), - The Supreme Court has ruled that lay teachers employed by church-operated schools are not covered by the National Labor Relations Act. The 5-4 decision, issued March 21 in Washington, was based on the assertion that the legislative history of the act showed "no clear expression of an affirmative intention of Congress" to include teachers at church-run schools in its coverage. The justices chose not to resolve First Amendment questions ra.ised by the case.
AT WHAT WAS DESCRIBED as the best-attended religious event of the year in Taunton, 1000 persons crowded St. Mary's Church earlier this month for what is expected to become an annual ceremony of Anointing of the Sick. Some 312 persons from 26 parishes, some outside the Fall River diocese, attended Mass and received the sacrament of AnointDevotion Day ing of the Sick. Boy and Girl Scouts, Catholic Nurses, members of the US Army Reserves, Continued from Page One the Taunton police department and the St. Vincent de Paul Society were among aides to This feature has been taken the infirm. A reception followed the service, hosted by the Taunton District Council of Cathadvantage of by parish planners. Some days will run the suggest- olic Women. In the picture Father Richard Beaulieu, principal of Coyle-Cassidy High ed seven hours and others will School, Taunton, is assisted by Chaplain's Aide Thaddeus Figlock. (Adams Photo)
,be shorter. Some will incorporate a Eucharistic liturgy, .while others will close their program with Benediction. Most grOups will offer refreshments, ranging from a coffee and doughnut break in the midst of the program to a closing potluck supper. And at least one parish, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford, where Jubilee Coordinator Father Ronald A. Tosti is pastor, has found the Day of Devotion such a runaway success that it will have to hold two sessions to accommodate the numbers wishing to attend. Those attending Sunday's programs will find that they follow a. small-group format, with ample opportunity for each participant to hear and be heard on subjects discussed. Talks will have as subjects the person of Christ, prayer and the sacraments. Each presentaion will be followed by a smallgroup discussion. It is hoped that a fruit of the day will be increased community feeling within each parish. John Levis also said that the organizing committee hopes that participants will want more 'such days and will be willing to help plan them on a parish level. Other Jubilee year events yet to come are Masses' and dinner dances in the five areas of the diocese, a jubilee pilgrimage to Rome, a summer Bishop's Ball in Hyannis and a vocation awareness day in Fall River.
M. Connolly Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presided at a funeral Mass last Thursday for Michael J. Connolly of Blessed Sacrament parish, Walpole, the (ather of Rev. Paul G. Connolly, pastor of St. Mary's parish, Taunton.
Essential Loneliness "The essential loneliness IS an escape from an inescapable God." - Walter Farrell, O~P.
Thurs., March 29, 1979
D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll
Bumper Tu,rnout for NCEA Meet Continued from Page One holiday, were given by Sister Marion as reasons for the bumper number of conventiongoers. Delegates, headed by Father George W. Coleman, diocesan
'Pueblo' Parley Asked by NFPC BOSTON (NC) - The U.S. bishops should hold a meeting similar to the Latin American bishops' once-a-decade gatherings in order to analyze the particular structures the U.S. church confronts and to prepare guidelines for dealing with them, said the 1979 House of Delegates of the National Federation of Priests' Councils. A proposal asking the NFPC to actively promote a 'Puebla' gathering was at the top of a list of four recommendations approved at the recent NFPC meeting in Boston. The delegates also passed five recommendations for' action' within local priests' councils and nearly 20 resolutions on a variety of topics. Father Richard Roy and Father Richard Beaulieu were diocesan delegates to the meeting and Father Robert Kaszynski, diocesan Priests' Council president was an observer. Father James Ratigan, NFPC president, said the key to the meeting, was "the whole process we went through." Major speakers reviewed various understandings of ministry and of Jesus throughout history and presented ideas about how the U.S. church -"can beoome more rooted in the experience of its own people," he said. Theme of the meeting was "'Priests' Councils U.S.A.; Ministry, Evangelization, Community." Nearly 200 priests representing 110 local church councils attended.
director of education, and Sister Marion, will come from Feehan, Stang, Gerrard and Connolly high schools, St. MarySacred Heart School, North Attleboro, St. Mary's, New Bedford, and Notre Dame, Fall River. "Creative tensions" are expected at the. meeting, said Norbertine Father Alfred McBride, executive director of the National Forum of Religious Educators - NCEA. And delegates will be stimulated by taking an in-depth look at "Sharing the Light of Faith," the National Catechetical ,Directory. Father McBride, who will give an overview of the directory at the meet:ng, said that creative tensions, when rubbed together "produce the spark of the soul spoken of by the spiritual writers, the insight that only comes when all of truth is reached for." "Sharing the Light of Faith" is the convention theme also and other NCEA speakers will discuss specific chapters of the directory as well as its impleIl\,entation. "We're hoping for a good shot
in making the directory known." said Father John F. Meyers, president of the NCEA. In addition to sessions on the new directory, which was introduced March 6, convention speakers will address a variety of subjects. "The major issues of the church are the major issues in education; the major issues of society relate to education. We expect our people to be relevant," Father Meyers said. Sen. Daniel Moynihan (DN.Y.) will speak on justice and education, and Father Meyers said issues such as abortion, women's rights, teaching' justice in Catholic schools and seminary training will be discussed. Practical "how to" sessions will also be included, the NCEA president said. "We're going to discuss what schools have done in the inner city, the role of education for the poor and minorities and bilingual education," Father Meyers said. "The role of parents in education, how to involve parents in education we're going to look at those kinds of things."
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THE ANCHORThurs., March 29, 1979
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Top, Bishop Cronin officiates
at ordination to the transi-
tional diaconate of Rev. Mr.
New BedfOrd
John T. Crabb, SJ at Holy Name Church, Fall River; left, Joseph Reilly commits himself to the ideals of the Legion of Mary at the traditional
held at S1. Mary's Cathedral; bottom, Bishop Cronin con-
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secrates altar at Carmelite Monastery of Christ Crucified and Mary Mediatrix in South Dartmouth.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
Deacons Discuss Ministry DALLAS ~NC) - The nature, functions and relationships involved in church ministry came under close scrutiny from priests involved in diaconate programs and from deacons themselves and deacons' wives - at a four-day conference at Dallas' Lebaron Hotel. Participants in the National Conference of Permanent Diaconate Directors also heard preliminary reports of a study of. deacons commissioned two years ago by the U.S. bishops' Committee for the Permanent Diaconate. Father Eugene Hemrick, director of research for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops-U.S. Catholic Conference, said the survey was needed because of anticipated growth in the diaconate program. "We expect the diaconate to
double within the next five ence among the ordained has years," said Father Hemrick, d,lallenged the priest and bishop "and b fore it gets so big, it is as they find themselves struggood to stop and look back and gling to land on their feet," he concluded. reflect." Lay ministry is growing, and . Calling on dioceses, to intepeople should avoid drawing grate their permanent diaconate certain conclusions about what and lay .ministries programs, that growth means, said Father _ Father Tom Allen of Green Bay, Reid Mayo, former president of Wis., told the conference the the National Federation of deacon's role in a local church ;Priests' Councils, who address- "is to enhance the _development ed the gathering. of other new ministries and not Father Mayo called for a to provide a second-rate stop"close bond" between bishops, gap for the priest shortage." .priests and deacons. Conflict Both the diaconate and lay can and does occur, he said, but "these tensions will be construc- ministries spring from baptism, tive if there is present a funda- "the primary call to ministry," mental element of trust and re-' Father Allen said. "They also spect, trust in God's word of both call forth members of the promise, and respect for the latity and publicly acknowdignity and personhood of the ledge -their gift to the church, thus drawing th~ rest of the other. "With the freshness of new .laity into a realization of their life, the deacon and his pres- own baptismal call to ministry."
A Banner "The Lives He Touched" is the -Lenten program theme chosen by Our Lady of the Assumption parish, New Bedford, where a lecture series is being held at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday night of the season. Already heard have been Father Charles Soto, OFM, Sister Joanne and Sister Gail. Father Richard Gendreau, Father James Murphy and Marianne 'Ronan complete the
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They are a towel and basin, a rooster, a gavel, dice, a crown of thoms, a palm branch, a chalice and spikes. Members of the parish spiritual life committee, with Sister Marianna Sylvester as coordinator, made the symbols and reo cruited' readers for the accom· panying scripts.
ed by 60 percent of resp.ondents by interviewing all adult Ameri-.1,500 adult men and women cans." around the United States. Tuition tax credits won ml}The Times said, "In theory, jority support across educationone can say with 95 percent al, regional, income, age and certainty that the results based political lines, according to addion the entire sample differ by tional survey information made no more than three percentage 'available to The Tablet, newspoints in either direction from paper ')f the Brooklyn Diocese. what would have been obtained
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New Bedford
schedule. Complementing the speaking series is a Lenten banner, offering a visual portrayal of the last days of Christ. At the beginning of Lent the unadorned purple banner was hung in the sanctuary. £ach Sunday of Lent a symbol of the passion of Christ is added to the banner as an appropriate script is read.. Additional symbols will be put
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ASLAN, THE NOBLE LION, who is a figure of Christ in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," a special to be seen on CBS from 8 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Monday, is . comforted by Susan, a human visitor to the land of Narnia. The fantasy is based on the classic "Chronicles of Narnia" by C. S. Lewis. (NC Photo)
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,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
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Ministry Is Chancery's Main Business MIAMI (NC) The "extremely important activities" of· any chancery office "should not· be work, but ministry," Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy of Miami told archdiocesan department heads and their staffs at a recent Day of Reflection. The Archbishop said the reflection day, which will be held regularly, is designed "to enrich our experiences, transform work to joy and encourage growth and appreciation of each person with whom we deal." Calling the chancery office "a very special place," Archbishop McCarthy said, "'Because we use typewriters, adding machines, ledgers and the like, we are inclined to think it is like any other office. It's a problem and we get into a pattern of this thinking. "This is partially good because it preserves and perfects experiences," he added. "But sometimes it becomes merely mechanical and routine. We forget who we are, lose the thrill of the call and sense of i:lirection." He urged the archdiocesan officials and staff members to take time to "re-examine our bearings, find out who we are, what we are" and reminded them: "As the chancery goes so goes the diocese, is the popular thought. Still worse - as the chancery, so the people." Archbishop McCarthy said the special spirit of a chancery office, and all diocesan offices linked with it, must include a sense of union with God. Its members must be "authentic and be genuine. They must not
only be doers of the word, but livers of the word," he added. "We must learn to accomplish more by witness, as a community of faith, of prayer and of love,", the archbishop
ARCHBISHOP McCARTHY said. "If we are promoting the idea of supportive communities of faith, then by all means the chancery should be one. . "The Jesus chancery rejects the impersonal, rejects the idea of bureaucracy," he· said. "Not only are we judged by what we dq, but by what we are as people getting along together - living the ideals we stand for as a faith community. Some see the chancery office as "a foreboding place . . . al-
most a police station," Archbishop McCarthy said. "We must make it a loving, warm, encouraging, supportive place. Then people will view it as a haven for coming home. Those tired or in trouble will then find understanding and the loving, helpful hand of encouragement. We must create the feeling that Jesus has been here - that he has just left the room. "So in Jesus' chancery there must not so much be work as ministry," he added. "The staff members are not employees, but brothers and sisters of a faith community in Christ. And our communion with each other within the archdiocese must be not so much by letter, phone or memo (with 15 copies) - but . more powerfully by witness, by the example of earnest, serious putting into practice of the faith." Archbishop McCarthy said all archdiocesan personnel are "immensely, frightfully important . . . because you are the core community of the church. Even for the chancery office and its subsidiaries, evangelization is the top priority. "This means bringing the teachings o.f the Gospel into our lives - to compare; to change, to transform and to conform to Jesus," he said. "The Gospels, like on X-ray, quickly reveal defects with a view to bealing. As we evangelize - as we see our service going far beyond mailing, accounting, editing, typing and preaching - let us be first to reflect on and examine the basic behavior of o·urselves in the light of Christ."
• First 10 Causes of Death Suicide In 'By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Recently I replied to a mother whose son had taken his life. Today I want to say a few things about suicide in general. Suicide is much more common than most people realize. It ranks among the first 10 causes of death in most Western countries. In the United States, an estimated 200,000 persons attempt suicide each year. About 25,000 succeed. The rate is highest among males in th~ 15 to 24 age group. Suicide literally means to kill oneself. Actually, there are many ways to accomplish this. Some people overwork. Others drive too fast. Still others overeat regularly. There are those who smoke and drink too much. While less immediate than a suicidal act, the self-destructive result may be the same. The suicide acts decisivelyThere is no chance for second thoughts. The successfull suicide act is irrevocable. Contrary to what some people would like to think, not ail suicides are mentally ill. Suicides transcend all age groups, from the very young to the elderly. Suicides often have very logical reasons for wanting'to end their lives. A job is lost an.d a career ends. A loved one dies. A terminal illness is diagnosed.
Old age incapacities. A situation is perceived as hopeless. The successful suicide is usually more mentally healthy than the person who attempts suicide and fails. Further, the suicide usually happens not when the person is at his lowest ebb, but' when he starts to recover from depression. He is on the way back when some setback occurs, and he gives up. All suicides have probably suffered great personal hurt. The hurting may be inside and not easily observed by those nearby. .iThe pain is more than I can bear," says the person. "I must stop." The solution is to end a life that seems to have more pain than pleasure and no hope. We cannot judge people who commit suicide. Judgment belongs to God. I can see only the immense personal distress which must have preceded such 8. fateful act.
Suicide scares those of us who hang on to life with such tenacity. How can someone deliberately terminate something we value so much? It is for this reason suicide has a special stigma. It also brings a special kind of grief. A person willfully departs from friends and family. In effect he says that his paiI.l is more present to him than our friendship and love. We feel grieved, guilty and even angry at the suicide for totally rejecting us. The, mystery of suicide is the mystery of suffering: that a person can hurt so much as to want to return the gift of life, The hurt is twofold, that of the suicide that sends him on, and that in those left behind. Readers questions on family living and child care ,are invited. Address to The Kennys; c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
ConfrontatDon Seen SEATTLE -"One of these days; Catholic medical schools in the United States are going to have a confrontation with the government over their pro-life policies. In view of the Supreme Court attitude today, I'm surprised that it has not yet happened," an official of the Creigh-
ton University Medical School told alumni in Seattle. Dr. Joseph M. Holthaus said the four Catholic medical schools at Georgetown, Loyola, St. Louis and Creighton have been able to keep abortion and sterilization off the curricula.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
Question (orner ?•
? •
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc.
283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass. 1el. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett
Complete Line Building Materials
1118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN By Fatht!r John Dietzen
Q. Perhaps you can advise me on a problem I'm having with my nine-year-old daughter. She received first Communion about two years ago and made her .first confession about one and one-half years later. AIthoogh she receives Communion regularly, she resists co~ession. I have not made a big issue of it, but am hoping to persuade her to go during Lent. Must I force her to go, if she resists, or should I let it slide for awhile? (Canada)
in the sacrament of penance' brings him directly into the everyday realities of our guilt, our need for cleansing from sin, and our identity with the death and resurrection of Jesus' in a way nothing else does. 'These tremendous realities must be thought through and made our own if we expect ,them to become real to our BRO~HER DAVID TOUchildren. I suggest you utilize.one of the many good books on CHETTE, FIC, a mathemaconfession, geared for younger tics and physics teacher at people, available from a Cath- Bishop Connolly High olic ,bookstore or through 11 School, Fall River, left SunCatholic catalog you could borday to attend a three-month row from your pastor. I'm truly happy you want to spiritual and personal renewhelp your child become more al session to be held in Rome comfortable with the sacrament for members of his communof penance. One of the giant ity. priests and theologians of our The program will include a time, Father Karl Rahner, spoke three-week retreat and leconce of how many Protestant tures on spirituality, the leaders today recognize the need of regular confession even scriptures, the documents of when there is no mortal sin. He Vatican II and the history of added, "With this situation the Brothers of Christian Infacing us, would it not be very strange if he began to neglect struction. Brother David will also frequent confession out of carelessness and a desire for com- make a pilgrimage to the fort in the spiritual life?" Holy Land and will tour With thoughtful parents like French historical sites assoyourself, maybe that is chang- ciated with his community's ing.
A. Yours is a widespread problem of parents with their children these days. But we shouldn't be surprised since most adult Catholics are still attempting to discover just where the sacrament of penance fits into their lives in light of the newer understandings of the Eucharist, of our relationship to the church, and most of all of this beautiful sacrament itself: No one, even a parent, should "force" another to receive any sacrament. It can do no real good either spiritually or psychologically. On the other hand, you shouldn't "let it slide for awhile." I think there is a middle way. It is important that by your Questions for this column own words and actions, you should be sent to Father Diethelp your daughter understand zen, c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, a few essential things about sin Fall River, Mass. 027,22. • and the sacrament of penance. (You perhaps need some little reading and study yourself in, order to do this.) One key truth forgotten by many who say confession is The greater Taunton area useless unless one has commit- Mass and dinner dance celebraed mortal sin, even venial sin, ting the diocesan Jubilee will is an offense not only against take place Sunday, Sept. 30, at God but against all the church. the Coachmen restaurant, TiverIt weakens and diminishes the ton, Rt. holiness of all by lessening my A 'concelebrated Mass at St. own holiness and spiritual good- Mary's Church, Taunton, will ness. I injure the body of Christ precede a cocktail hour, dinner and, to the degree of my sin, and dancing. The Buddy Braga distort the image of Christ ex- group will provide music. isting in all my brothers and General chairman for, the sisters. Taunton celebration is Miss AdI become part of a sinful rienne Lemieux of St. Jacques church and to be whole, to be parish. Mrs. Anthony Margarido honest again, I need not only of St. Josephs will be program the "private" telling of my sin booklet chairman and Mrs. Aristo God but I also need the tides Andrade of St. Anthony's church, through its' priest, in will be ticket chairman. that living encounter of confession and forgiveness, saying to me: "We forgive you. In the Letter Is Asked shadow ot the cross of Christ, I tDP>LLAS "The time i§ Let's all undergo 'a change of , ripe'~ for a pastoral letter from heart, and try to be again the the U.S. bishops on the permansign of his loving presence to ent diaconate and the question each other and the world that of ministry in general, the presiwe were meant to be." dent of the National Association Surely there are other ways of Permanent Diaconate Directhat our daily fauns are fQr- tors said at the group's annual given apart from confession. But conference. Josephite Father even most of these relate close- Robert Kearns" rector of St. ly to our ties to our fellow Cath- Joseph S~minary in Washington, olics, for example, the peniten- said such a letter "can give us tial rite lj.t Mass, Communion and a vision and recognition of the good deeds we do for others. presence of the Spirit in diaBut the special encounter with conal and lay minstry moveGod's forgiving and healing love ments."
Taunton Jubilee Fete Is Planned
foundation. On his return he will continue as a Bishop Connolly faculty member.
Bishop Praises Deacon Ministry In a recent pastoral letter, Bishop Howard Hubbard of the diocese of Albany, N.Y. shared reflections' on his vision of the diocesan church after a year and a half in the episcopal office. It is interesting to note his appreciation of service given the diocese by permanent deacons. "The restored order of the permanent diaconate has been one of the most exciting and fruitful ministries to emerge in our p'ost-conciliar church," he declared. "You who have accepted this call - and your families have given generously and selflessly of your time and talent in preparing for ordination and in pioneering the implementation of this ministry in our diocese. "In a very brief time you have made your impact felt in our jails, hospitals, nursing homes and parishes, and in ministry among the poor, in rural areas and to various racial and ethnic groups. "Your ministry flows out of your family life and work experience and, in a unique way, bridges the false but all too frequent distinction that is made between the sacred and the secular, between the sanctuary and the pew."
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
THE BARBED WIRE and watch towers of the Polish concentration camp of Auschwitz have much to tell us of sin. (NC Photo)
The Meaning of Sin.
For Children By Janaan Manternach
After Jesus stilled the terrible storm on the Sea of Galilee, he and his disciples sailed across to the opposite shore. They were not very familiar with that area. Its people were not Jews but Gerasenes. Jesus and his friends pulled their boat onto the shore and looked around. Not far away they noticed a large cemetery from which a man was running to meet them. The man was a very troubled .person. He roamed around. the graveyard and the hillside screaming loudly day and night. People thought he was possessed by an evil spirit, a demon. People were frightened by him. He was often chained by people who thought they were protecting him as well as themselves. But he was so strong . that he pulled the chains apart. Whatever the power was that tortured him, it seemed beyond anyone's control. The man ran right QP to Jesus and threw himself at Jesus' feet. Jesus shouted. "Unclean Spirit, come .out of the man!" The man shrieked in reply, "Why meddle with me, Jesus, Son of God most high? In God's name, do not torture me'" Jesus was not frightened by the man. Nor was heput off by his plea to leave him alone. Gently Jesus asked, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he responded. "There are hundreds of us." "Legion" was the Roman name fqr a large section of the army, l~ke a division in modem armies. 'It was a name that suggested that other powers were Tum to Page Thirteen
pen am<:mg you. No; anyone who wants to be great among you Most of us learned about sin must be your servant.. . . just early. We memorized its defini- as the Son of Man came not to tion and acquired a list of sins. be served but to serve" (MattThe list, we soon found out, re- hew 20,25). flected路 particular concerns of Pagan rulers "Lord it over" parents, and teachers. So we -their people because that is how revised it according to the they imagine their gods ruling amount of respect each of these them; not so the God whom came to command. Jesus reveals. What would be !But it was the definition we virtue for a pagan becomes memorized that has served us wrong for a follower of Jesus, better over the long run: Sin is' for he reveals God to be our an offense against God. Each Father. time we revised that list of sins, A bizarre list of sins reflects . we discovered a new face to a grotesque God, while' a modGod. This happens in spite of est yet clear list offers a better ourselves, as we are challenged likeness of God. Yet to speak by individuals we admire, and of sin at all demands that we yet who value things different- believe in God, for whatever actions we name sins, sin itself lyfrom the way we do. It also happens as we become remains an offense against God. Here is where it helps to dismore familiar with the Scriptures, especially with those tinguish "sin" from "sins," In people in the Gospels who play biblical language, sins are acthe role of pharisee, and who find themselves so threatened by Jesus' presence, They held clear ideas of right and wrong, of lawful and sinful actions, and Jesus' behavior often scandalBy Father James Schall ized them. What he was trying Several years ago, while at to say was: This is what God is like; you have distorted him. Campion Hall, the Jesuit resiThe definition serves us well dence at Oxford, I visited the because it scores this telling Anglican Church of -St. Mary point: My list of sins gives a the Virgin where John Henry profile of the God' I worship. Newman preached before he beFor whatever God takes offense came a Catholic and eventually at tells us a good, deal about a cardinal. Newman is mostly rememberGod. What the definition does not tell us at all is what those ed for "The idea of a Univerthings are. That is why we need sity," for his "Apologia," his a list too. Jesus' words to his "Essay on the Development of apostles well along in their Dogma" and his "Grammar of training in discipleship make Assent," Yet his fame and spiritthis point clearly: "You know uality are best glimpsed in those that among the pagans the fascinating sermons he gave in rulers lord it路 over them, and St. Mary the '{irgin. "There ,is something in moral their great men make their authority felt. This is not to hap- truth and goodness, in faith, in By Father Davicl Burrell
II tions that miss the mark. They represent ways of falling off from faithfulness to a God who is ever faithful to us. Sin, however, calls \attention to our at~ titude toward those actions we recognize to be sins. If we can admit to having done them, and ask forgiveness for the part we 'played in committing them, we have taken a giant step toward a forgiving God. But if we try to shift the blame, describe our actions in a more flattering light, or otherwise dodge responsibility, then we are drifting from sins to sin. The state of sin, then, looks like a massive cover-up campaign. It calls on every. resource we have to avoid calling what we have done by its proper name, to deny any major part in the affair ourselves.. No single action may loom up, Tum to Page Thirteen
Spirituality Of Cardinal Newman
The Demoniac II By Father John J. Castelot An especially puzzling narrative is that of the exorcism in Mark 5,1-20, with parallels in Matthew 8,28-34 and Luke 8, 26-39. As the basic datum was passed on in the pre-Gospel tradition. It seems to have picked up several picturesque details, some of them smacking of popular folklore. One encounters confusion from the beginning. The locale is on the eastern shore of the Lake of Galilee, in "Gerasene territory" (Mark 5,1). But this would be about 30 miles to the south'east, and the story tells us that after the exorcism the now frenzied swine "went rushing down the bluff into the lake," suggesting a spot overlooking the water. That this difficulty was noticed early is indicated by the fact that Matthew changed the site to the "Gadarene boundary," but this would give the pigs a six-mile dash.
A later. variant for all three accounts . reads "Gergesenes." However, it has long been recognized that, apart from the distinct possibility that the author of Mark was unfamiliar with the geography of Palestine, he often used geographical indications for theological purposes. Here he would be intent primarFor Newman, beauty and truth were not at odds. The ily on telling us that Jesus' inEnglish novelist Muriel Spark fluence extended beyond "Israel wrote of him: "It was by the. eyen into Gentile territory. way of Newman that I turned The narrative has many eleRoman Catholic. Not all the be- ments of a good horror story. headed martyrs of Christendom, The possessed man is said to be the ecstatic nuns of Europe, the living a scary existence among five proofs of, Aquinas, or the the tombs. All attempts to repamphlets of my Catholic ac- stain him had proved futile. quaintances, provided anything Not even chains did any good. Tum to Page Thirteen Tum to Page Thirteen
firmness, in heavenly-mindednesS', in meekness, in courage, in loving-kindness, to which this world's circumstances are quite unequal," So he began a marvellous sentence epitomizing Christian holiness in a sermon on Oct. 23, 1836.
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego Os Carismas Na Hi~t6ria Da Salva)~o Sao Paulo, nas cartas, principalmente aos Cor!ntios, apresentanos uma Igreja carismatica, maravilhosa, guiada sobretudo pelos dons .do Esplrito. \Emque consistem esses dons e qual a variedade dos mesmos na Hist6ria da Salva~ao? Os carismas sao os efeitos do Esplrito de Deus no crente individual, que nunca podem ser exigidos pelo homem, nem previstos pelos orgaos dos sacramentos, ainda que possam ser supostos ou conjecturados sempre e em qualquer parte da terra, ja que pertencem a ess~ncia necessaria e permanente da Igreja, do mesmo modo que a hierarquia e os sacramentos. Na Historia da Salva~ao, ha uma gama infinita de carismas. A finalidade destes carismas tornar vislvel e digna de credibilidade a Igreja, como Povo de Deus. Segundo as diversas circunst~ncias his~6ricas por que passa 0 Povo de Deus ser~o diversos esses carismas para fazerem a Igreja visfvel e digna de credibilidade. Assim temos: No Antigo Testamento, a presenya do Esplrito de Deus manifestase na clarividencia dos Profetas, nos raptos misteriosos, na mudan9a dos cora98es humanos. _. ~ . No PenteGostes; nao sao apenas os dons do Esp1rito: e 0 proprio Esp{rito quem se infunde com abundancia sobre a Igreja, como tinha profetizado 0 profeta Joel. Nas cart as de Sao Paulo: Descobrimos uma Igreja eminentemente carismatica e guiada pelo Esp!rito. Sao paulo tern grande estima por estes dons. Sao Paulo fala-nos nos carismas de sabedoria e ciencia, de profecia e discernimento de esp1ritos, do dom das llnguas e 0 de os intepretar, do poder de fazer milagres. Ha problemas formulados pelos carismas. 0 homem quis ser como Deus - contra os Seus pIanos, conforme nos relatam os primeiros cap!tulos da . B!blia. , 0 homem tern querido tambem, atraves dos tempos, Lazer passar por obras de Deus aquilo que era simples criayao das suas paixoes, da sua 10cura e temeridade. Muitas vezes 0 homem intenta fazer chantagem a Deus apresentando como obra de Deus as 0bras das suas maos: a verborreia humana, como se fosse sabedoria divina; a vembriaguez, do vinho, como e. xalta~ao do Esp1rito. S. Paulo teve experiencia disto em Corinto. . Mas S. Paulo da-nos normas muito sabias. Apesar das trapa9.as que 0 homem pode fazer com os aons de Deus e 0 perigo de anarquia que da{ pode advir a Igreja, ele sabe que os carismas contribuem grandemente para a edifica~ao da Comunidae, do mesmo modo , que a . hierarquia e os sacramentos. E por lSS0 que os estima e recomenda: "Nao apagueis 0 Espirito; nao desprezeis a profecia; examinai tudo e aproveitai 0 que for born.
Continued from Page Twelve Uninterruptedly night and day, amid the tombs and on the hillsides, he screamed and· gashed himself with stones. A truly dramatic challenge to Jesus' power over evil. He had sensed the stranger's power as the agent of one stronger than the one who had subjugated him, and was at one and the same time awestruck, frightened and defiant. For Jesus had been saying to him: "Unclean spirit, come out of the man!" And now Jesus. asks an apparently irrelevant question: "What is your name?" But it was a popular belief at the time that knowledge of a person's name gave the possessor of that knowledge a power over the other which he would otheJ,"Wise not have had. . The demoniac's answer. is even stranger: "Legion is my name." A legion was a Roman army unit of more than 6,000 men. It has been suggested, however, that in the earliest, the Aramaic, form of the story, he had answered, "My name is ligyona ('soldier'), and I am just one of a vast army," or words " to that effect. Later, when 'ligyona' was read as 'legion,' the story had to be adapted to accommodate a whole army of demons. But the most fantastic detail of the story is Jesus' transfer of the demons from the possessed man to a herd of abotlt 2,000 swine who stampeded down the bluff into the lake and drowned. This is the sort of thing that makes for a picturesque folktale, especially from the viewpoint of the Jews who first told it. It fitted in with their loathing of swine. And it underscored the power of the demonic forces conquered by Jesus. The swineherds run to tell the
Spirituality Continued from Page Twelve like the answers that Newman did." Newman is an intellectual's theologian. Yet, he is also the giver of precisely "plain sermons" in St. Mary the Virgin, sermons we could all understand and respond to. In this, he is in the tradition of Ambrose. Gregory and Augustine, men who knew that they must speak also and at their best to the weakest and the simplest. The standards by which Newman judges the Christian life are those of Scripture. He is insistent that the world's values are dangerous, some of them evil. Newman was convinced that the spiritually popular, when examined, was likely to be contrary to Christianity "How little we can depend in judging of right and wrong: on the apparent excellence and high character of individuals. There is a right and a wrong in matters of conduct, in spite of the world." These are striking words a century and a half later when the Christian's greatest temptation is precisely in the area of conduct, in accepting views of life quite ~ontrary to those of the church.
The Demoniac
Thurs., March 29, 1979
townspeople, who come out and are amazed at the complete transformation in the madman. But they are still more concerned about the loss of their pigs, and beg Jesus to go elsewhere, apparently pigs meant more to them than people. This was certainly not Jesus' attitude, and the liberated man appreciated it deeply. H~ pleaded with Jesus to let him join him, but his Savior had other plans for him. He told him to stay in his own district and spread the good news. The missionary took his commission seriously. Not infrequently Jesus' plans for us are surprisingly different from even our most noble aspirations, but if we take him seriously, results can be simply amazing.
Tel. 678-5651
Member F.T.D.A.
b~~~~~~~._~JV~~~-~.""- '
For Children Continued from Page Twelve speaking through the troubled man, who then pleaded with Jesus not to drive him away from the neighborhood. The Gospel story now becomes like a colorfully folktale. It seems there was a large herd of pigs grazing on the slope of a hill overlooking the lake. Jews of Jesus' time considered pigs unclean animals. Still today many strict Jews will not eat anything that comes from pigs, like pork or bacon. But the Gerasenes apparently raised pigs for their food. As the' story goes, the evil powers torturing this man asked Jesus to send them into the pigs, which suddenly stampeded down the hill and into the lake and drowned. The men caring for the pigs were amazed. They ran into town shouting the news. The townspeople came out to the lake and saw the wild man sitting quietly beside Jesus, seeming perfectly sane and in control of himself. The Gerasenes were frightened. They wondered what kind' of powers Jesus had. They asked him to leave their neighborhood. Maybe they did not want to lose any more of their pigs. How much of the story about the pigs really happened is not certain but its message is that Jesus freed the troubled man from his torment. The man was so grateful that he wanted to stay with Jesus, but the Lord said, "Go back home to your family. Tell them how much the Lord, in his mercy and love, has done for you." The man did that, and much more. He went from village to village, and city to city to tell everyone what Jesus had done for him.
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Sin, Continued from Page Twelve but we can each be sure that we are engaged full time in "editing an elegant version of orselves" (Kierkegaard) and that it is probably false. We can then pray to become enlightened enough to know to ask forgiveness and healing from the one whose Passover we celebrate, our light as well as our life.
BRONZE Memorial Cemetery Markers TEL. 678·5305 PERSONAL HOME VISITS BY MRS. ALICE Y. ROY
(at no obligation)
,.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
By Charlie Martin
THE WINNERS of a National Nutrition Week essay contest sponsored by professional dietitians at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall R bell, are congratulated. by Ronald ."Fitz" Fitz~erald, hospital chef. All lO-year-old Fall River fifth graders, they are, from left, Christine Normandin, Mt.. St. Joseph School; Christopher Serpa, St. Jean Baptiste; Ronald Levasseur, Notre Dame. Ronald was first prize winner, Christine second, Christopher third, out of nearly 100 entr~nts. (Torchia Photo)
focus on -youth • • •
This is part of life, but not what it is all about. To risk in faith Three letters recently received and hope is what it's all about. from youth hlive talked about A little Child told me of her being betrayed. One spoke ':)f friend's hurt. "Amy told me she betrayal in love, another of be- was hurt and she was crying." trayal by friends, a third of be- "What did you tel~ Amy?" trayal by family. "I told Amy that if she was Betrayal is part of growing up. hurt then I was hurt, too. She's A man wrote me that he did not my friend." grow up until he was 63. So, How simply and beautifully a teenagers, you'd better start child expresses the deepest in growing up now because 63 is a the human heart. long way from 18! The earth is hurting today. IT There are also letters from feels betrayed. The ravages of youth who picked themselves up war and hate continue. We are after they were betrayed and killing the earth. It does not went on to be happy. want to die. It is still struggling, One said,· "I made a decision still moving. People look on in to be happy, not to let others fear and trembling. What to do? ruin my life. I had to come out We are digging our own of my shell in order to over- graves, pushing ourselves into come my unhappiness. I had to tHem, exterminating ourselves. BE for something and not just Is this hell? let everything act on me. If youth say that life is meanTo my letter-writers I would say, "Pray for the grace and· ingless and destructive, these faith to get you through your are .some of the reasons. Adults heartaches, your rejections and are supposed to be wiser, hence we should make it a better your feeling of being alone." world. But who is really the There are scars, results of most wise? hurts, on the bodies of most hu"I am grasping the beauty of man beings. Those who hurt someone I love before it all others do not always ask for blows up," said one youth. "We forgiveness, nor do they care. are up against awesome and formidable' odds." The earth is still moving and we are being shovelled under. There is a raw tribalism in our time and the antics of our triLeica • Nikon • Bolex • Hasselblad bal chieftans are abhorrent. We Ampex • Sony • Panasonic lack leadership. It's time we 267 MAIN STREET stopped worshipping a pantheon FALMOUTH - 548-1918 of national deities at the ex-· pense of human compassion for ARMAND ORTlNS, Prop. other men and women on this ~ earth. There is hatred in this land. People sue, hate, fight, kill. The young are suffering as no genFuneral Home eration should suffer. And they 550 Locust Street ask, "Is this what life is about? 'Fall River, Mass. Are these' the options?" 672-2391.. No, they are not. Rose E. Sullivan Other Visions William J. Sullivan There are other visions, other Margaret M. Sullivan perceptions of the character of By Cecilia Belanger
the sea-changes which are occurring. The deposit of faith out of the Jewish, biack, Indian, Mexican and other experiences of which we know nothing, and then the experience of Jesus Christ and His disciples . . . all these shout "NO!" 'These have looked at the awesome power of evil, their persecution a hall-· mark ·of overcoming, the symbol of triumph over evil. In the weeks ahead we look at the Cross, the. signal of Christian faith, the ultimate triumph, the incomparable beauty and compassion of our Lord. We listen to Paul who suffered agonies for his new vision, . who asked: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine or peril of the sword?" Certainly not betrayal or the earth moving over us. We will never be separated no matter what happens. This we can depend on as we can not depend on man's word.
Middle School Individual classroom Masses are part of the Lenten program at Taunton Catholic Middle School. Directed by religious coordinators and Father Arnold Medeiros, school chaplain, students prepare readings and' prayers for the celebrations. Also offered are penance services individualized by age groups and the opportunity for individual counseling.
Coyle-Cassidy Faculty of Coyle-Cassidy High in Taunton will play basketball against Taunton Catholic Middle School faculty at 7 tonight. Coyle Cassidy Mothers' Club has published a second edition of its popular cookbook,' containing over 400 recipes and available at the school office.
Sometimes I feel like I've been livin' much too long And I've wasted too much time J think I've lost the inner harmony that flows through me And my body and mind Like the Shoreline that divides the'sea and sand I'm a surface ever changing I get burdened by the things I just don't understand And the mountains left to climb But then the morning sun comes shinin' through my window And its good to be alive It's gonna be a golden day Green. trees Blue sky If I can only learn the lesson of the seasons Of a balanced rearranging Though they may not always come just when I want them to Still they come and keep me high Written and sung by Carole King, (c) 1978, AM Records, ~c. "Morning Sun" is refreshing in its message and its rhythmic way of uplifting the listener's spirit. This song challenges our perspective of life experience. With bills to pay, tests to be studied for and hundreds of other pressing concerns, life can be burdensome. These exterior pressures often affect us inwardly. We lose our sense of inner peace and hecome anxious about what we are doing with our lives. We lose our "inner harmony that flows through our bodies and minds." We become preoccupied with pain and inner searching. Seldom do we remain static. We often experience changes. "Like the shoreline that divides the sea and sand, I'm a surface ever changing." Our most subtle Changes occur in our feelings._ Feelings are less controllable than other parts of ourselves. They often surprise us because they are so strong. Each of us possesses corners and spaces of our persons that are not always known to us. A particular happening can bring an unknown part of ourselves to the surface. When we base our security on a certain level of sameness, we limit our growth possibilities. We do not and should not always feel the same, think the same thoughts, or ask the same questions. Remembering how we have changed in the past helps us handle today's changes. During all of our changes, God's presence intertwines with our lives. He gives us all the gifts around us, the skies anp the trees, the people who love us and, most importantly, our inner strength. Our final change will occur in the mystery of death, and through this change a new dimension of self-completion will be found.
steering points ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER Mrs. Leo Martin, nominating committee chairman, will present a slate of new officers at the Women's Guild meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Mrs.. Michael McMahon, aided by guild officers, will be hostess for the evening. Lenten devotions at 6:30 tomorrow night will include stations of the cross, sung evening prayer and the opportunity for personal confession. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER A Day of Devotion will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, with a coffee break at 3 p.m. Rev. Giles Genest, M.S. of La Salette Shrine will preach a
retreat, April 2-5 at 7 each· night. Mass will be said Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights and a penance service will be held Wednesday. Father Genest and parish priests will be available for further counseling after the services in the parish center. A Women's Club meeting scheduled for Monday has been postponed to Monday, April 9.
. LGved Convictions MANAGUA, Nicaragua Father Gaspar Garcia Laviana, killed as a guerrilla in midDecember, remained a priest of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart until his death, said his religious superior. "1 have a deep res'pect for Gaspar as a priest and as a brave man for living his convictions to the utmost, prompted by love of neighbor," said Father Jose Mari.a Junay, head of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Nicaragua.
Interscholastic Sp,orts,
Diocesan Athletes Shine Three Coyle-Cassidy hoopsters have been named to the Division Three Southeastern Mass. Conference all-star team and two other Warriors ~ave been selected for the conference's Division Two all-star ice hockey team. Junior center Kevin Chisholm, junior guard Timothy Leary, junior guard Ronald Silvia are the stellar basketballers. Senior forward Eric Fleming and senior defenseman Ed Ring are the hockey selectees. Bishop Connolly High's Bill Shea was named to the Division One all-star basketball team, and two Bishop Feehan High icemen, senior forward William Hyland and senior defenseman John Brennan, are on the Division Three hockey stellar aggregation. Others named to the Division One basketball team are Marlon Burns, Dartmouth, Darwin Watkins, New Bedford; John Gonet, Fairhaven; Jim Holleran, Durfee; Dan Lonergan, Attleboro; and, Carl Robidoux, Dartmouth, in the order of their selection. Shea was second. Seniors Alvin and Dave Costa, of Diman Voke; senior. guard Todd Charles and senior forward, Robert Wilson,. Falmouth; senior center Tracy Williams and junior forward Steven Wetherell, Bourne; sophomore guard Scott Eaton, Dighton-Rehoboth round out the Division Three team. Completing the Division Two hockey team are senior goalie Doug Brown and senior forward Gary Najas, Seekonk; senior forward Steve Burke and senior defenseman Ken Aguiar, Dartmouth; senior forward Gerry
Fletcher, Dighton-Rehoboth; senior forward Dan "Rapoza and senior defenseman Albie Harwood, Attleboro; and, alternate goalie senior Peter Hathaway, Bourne. The Division Three team includes senior forwards Paul. Le'Page and Peter Holden, senior defenseman Joe Marshall, and, senior goalie Ernie Michaud, Greater New Bedford· VokeTech; senior forwards David Goldstein, Dean Ducas, junior forward Glenn Marble and junior goalie C. R. Durocher, Wareham; junior forwards Tim Charette and John Miranda, Fairhaven; senior lineman Jay Hiller, Old Rochester; senior defenseman Tony Malone, Case; and, senior Carl Phillips, alternate, Wareham. The Division One hockey team is made up of goalie Ed Monteiro, defenseman Shawn Chicoine, forwards David Connors, George Young, Falmouth; defensemen Mark Correia, New Bedford; defenseman Michael White, Taunton; defenseman Steve !Bishop, DennisYarmouth; forwards Brian Paskowski, Somerset, William Sullivan, James Pinho, Barnstable, .Paul Carey, Durfee, with John Melchiono, Barnstable, utility. In girls' basketball senior forwards Joanna Polonchek, Attleboro, and Mary Ellen Langfield, Somerset; senior center Cathy Kovatsi, Dighton-Rehoboth; and, senior guards Ginny Plasski, Durfee, and Robin Perry, Seekonk, are the coI'lference's Western Division all-stars. Judy Cote, Somerset, 33.7125, and; Patti Shea, Barnstable, 32.3625, were named -to top all-around gymnasts in the conference.
Hockomock Also Names All Stars The Hockomock League's allstar basketball team lists senior guard Chris Mendes Oliver Ames, junior forward Mike Dineen, Oliver Ames; senior center/forward Paul Souza, Mansfield; senior guard Keith Buggs, junior forward Pat Lacivita, Stoughton;
senior guard Rick .Berard, Canton; junior ,guard Mark Maguire, Foxboro; senior guard, Ralph Greenidge, Sharon; senior forward Josey Johnson, King Philip; senior forward Joseph Fitzgibbons, North Attleboro.
Miscellaneous Items Wednesday is the reservations deadline for the annual Attleboro area CYO awards dinner to be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 5, in St. Mary's Parish Contact Hall,· Hebronville. Father Normand Boulet, Immaculate Conception rectory, 387 Bay Street, Taunton, for reservations. The Taunton Catholic Middle School basketball team will be honored at an awards banquet next month. The Crusaders won the Taunton Middle School City Championship and took first place in the annual Heart Fund tournament. Further information may be obtained from Michael J. Tabllk, Taunton Catholic Middle School, telephone 8220491.
Approximately 1,000 persons attended the Father Donovan Scholarship all-star hockey game in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last week. The Bristol County Catholic Hockey League stars defeated the Seniors, 7-0. Named top three players on each team were Bob Berube, Jay Manning and Charles Ripley of the league team, John Viveiros, Mike Medeiros and· Paul Carey of the Seniors. Fall River South, defending champion, and New Bedford will meet at 9 p.m. Sunday in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, in the opener of the best-of-three final in the Bristol County Catholic Hockey League playoffs. In a sweep of the semi-finals South ousted Rochester and New Bedforc:t eliminated TauntQn.
tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which' do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation); C-condemned.
quires an adult rating. PG, A3 "Voices," (MGM-UA) is the story of a romance between a young singer (Michael Ontkean) and a deaf girl (Amy Irving) who wants to be a dancer. The principals are appealing, but the material is so slight and a subplot involving the young man's all-male family situation is so awkwardly handled that "Voices" is mediocre entertainment. An ambiguous view of premarital sex calls for an adult rating: PG, A3
"Real Life" (parmount) An On Television egocentric filmmaker (Albert Viewers will have to choose between two super-programs at Brooks), paranoId but moder8 p.m. Sunday, when _NBC will ately lovable, makes a film of begin an expanded eight-hour· an average American family, version of "Jesus of Nazareth," one that depicts not only to seen by 90 million Americans "Real Life," but those of the when it was first shown two film makers. The results are years ago. At the same time often hilarious, thanks to fine CBS will offer the first of a performances. by Brooks and two-part family special, "The Charles Grodin, the Phoenix Lion, the Witch and the Ward- veterinarian whose life is being robe," based on the world- immortalized. The nature of famous Narnia books by C. S. some of the humor calls for an adult rating. PG, A3 Lewis. The show is a fairy tale about ........Norma Rae" (Fox) is a ficfour children who enter the tionalized account of the strugmagic land of Narnia where they gle to unionize textile workers and in the Roanoke Rapids, N.C. meet talking animals powers of good and evil. AsIan, plants of the J. P. Stevens texa noble lion, leads the forces of tile organization. Sally Field is good in what has been termed Norma Rae, a hardbitten young an alleg.ory on the death and widow who lives with her children and parents in near-destituresurrection of Christ. Produced by the creators of tion. She is recruited as an orSesame Street and animated by ganizer by Ron Liebman, a New Bill Melendes, artist responsible York activist assigned to get for the Peanuts television pro- a union into the textile mills. grams and films, "The Lion, the The acting of both is excellent, Witch and the Wardrobe" although Sally Field does not should be a memorable viewing look the part of a hardworking, undernourished, beer drinker. experience. It will continue from 8 to 9 "Norma Rae" is an inspiring p.m. Monday. film that gives one people and "Jesus of Nazareth" will con- a cause for whom to cheer. But tinue from 9 to 11 p.m. Monday the seriousness of its subject and Tuesday and from 8 to 10 matter, the adult nature of p.m. on Palm Sunday, April 8. some scenes and its frank disIts expanded footage includes cussion of illicit sexual conduct scenes such as the young Jesus make it mature viewing fare. preaching in the temple, the PG, A3 healing of tHe paraplegic and "Fast Break" (Columbia) The the encounter with the rich assistant manager of a Greenyoung man. wich Village restaurant (Gabriel Kaplan of "Welcome Back, New Films "Take Down" (Buena Vista) Kotter"), who is a basketball is the story of a young· man fanatic, gets the chance to coach (Edward Herrmann) marking the team of an obscure Nevada time while waiting for a Har- college. With help from some vard teaching position by giving black youths, including a girl, a remedial English course in a he scales the heights of basketsmall industrial town. To his ball glory. It is impossible but chagrin, he is also'made wrest- thanks to good acting and dialing coach, but initial distaste logue and superb basketball segives way to respect and under- quences, it is pleasant enterstanding. Lorenzo Lamas is a tainment. Explicit language and poor boy, son of an alcoholic, the adult nature of some scenes who becomes a wrestling star make it mature viewing fare. iPG, A3 and Maureen McCormick is his girl friend. PG, A2 "The China Syndrome" (Col"The Promise" (Universal): umbia) A TV newswoman (Jane Kathleen Quinlan and Stephen Fonda) and her camerman (MiCollins are lovers separated by chael Douglas) witness a malthe young man's mother after a function at a nuclear power car crash in which the heroine plant. When they attempt to is disfigured. The mother pays circumvent a consequent coverfor plastic surgery on the prom- up, they get unexpected assistise that the girl will not see ance from a shocked and disilluher son again. (The boy is told sioned technician (Jack· Lemthat she has died.) Predictably, mon). A first-rate melodrama the two get together and, there done with intelligence and style, is a happy ending, contrived "The China Syndrome" focuses and sentimental. A fuzzy ap- upon the vital issue of nuclear proach to premarital sex re- safety. PG A2
THE ANCHORThurs., March 29, 1979
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IRISH CHILDREN, CAPE COD The annual Cape Cod Irish Children's Program will have as _ its new directors Mr. and Mrs. Cris Christopulos, aided by Mr. and Mrs. William Nangle, all of Buzzards Bay. The ecumenical program, which yearly brings about 50 Catholic and Protestant children, ages 9 to 11, to Cape Cod for a supper holiday, offers Belfast youngsters a respite from Northern Ireland's 1!nrest. Those interested in participaST. MARY, ting may telephone 759-3589 in NEW BEDFORD The Ladies Guild will cele- Buzzards Bay; 775-6868 in Hybrate its 25th anniversary with annis; or 432-3116 in the lower a men's night and potluck sup- Cape area. A slide presentation per to which preseI!t and past on the program is available for group showing. members are invited. It will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 23 and reservations may be made with Mrs. Rita Raymond, 995-3528. The guild will not meet Monday, April 2.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Mar. 29, 1979
• steering
ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will celebrate its 25th anniversary at a tea from.2 to 4 p.m. Sunday in the school hall. New members .are welcome. The unit's next regular meeting will be Thursday, April 19, beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a potluck supper and conti!1uing with a snipping _party. STONEHILL COLLEGE, NORTH EASTON Governor ,Edward J. King will be the main speaker at a Stone~ hill College testimonial dinner honoring former Boston Mayor John F. Collins. The dinner will be held at the 'Boston Park Plaza Hotel Tuesday, April 3. Collins has heen a Stonehill trustee for seven years and chairman of the trustees' board for the past three. New trustees, to repiace members whose tenure will expire in May" are Mary Joan Glynn, senior vicepresident of Esquire Fortnightly and Ralph J. Lordi, vice-president and director of grocery purchasing and sales for the Stop and Shop Companies. Also elected to the board are Victor P. Caliri, acting dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Southeastern Massachusetts University and Rev. Guy Couturier, CSC, professor of theology at the University of Montreal. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A "Seeds of Life" series of talks on the sacraments will be· gin at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the context of the parish Day of Devotion and will continue Monday through Thursday at 7:30 p.m. All talks will be held in the school auditorium, and speakers will be Fathers Bruce Neylon, Edward Correia, Normand Grenier, Joseph Costa and Raymond Cambra. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Miss Jane Ellis has been appointed coordinator for lectors. All lectors will meet at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 8 in the lower church. Volunteers are sought to sew baptismal robes to be presented to infants baptized in the community. Information is available from Miss Mary Zmuda, parish housekeeper. ,The parish Day of Devotion will take place from-2 to 8 p.m. Sunday, including a fellowship supper and a closing holy hour. Parish leaders will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. Palm Sunday afternoon for a "vision-sharing session."
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER Choristers from Holy Family High School, New Bedford, directed by Arthur Buckley, will entertain at the Women's Guild meeting slated for 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 2 in the parish center. All parish women are invited to attend. Mrs. Mary Metral and Mrs. Theresa Marcoux will be co-hostesses for the coffee hour. The annual guild banquet will be held Wednesday, June 6 at the Gangplank restaurant. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER Donations of Easter plants or flowers in memory of deceased persons are being accepted at the rectory or may be mailed in or placed in the collection basket. Robert Raymond is parish Catholic Charities Appeal chairman.
ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN The congregational life commission of the parish council has formed a welcoming committee which WIll greet new parishioners and explain parish activities. Cub Scouts Roger Bazinet, Matthew Donovan, Devin Harvey and Jessie Mattos received Parvuli Dei awards for advancement in religious knowledge at a Mass last Saturday. DISTRICT COUNCIL, FALL RIVER _ The District Council of Catholic Women will hold a president's meeting at 7:45 tonight at Sacred Heart School, Fall River. Miss Claire O'Toole will
present final plims for the annual Diocesan Council convention and Mrs. Kenneth Legei' will give a nominating committee report. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET The parish prayer group will meet Thursday, April 5, beginning with Mass at 7 p.m. A social hour will follow the session. ST. PAUL, TAUNTON A seder supper will be held Wednesday, April 11. Reservations will be accepted at all Mas~es this weekend. Confessions will be heard after 4 p.m. Mass each Sunday and in the rectory at any time.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK First communicants will hold rehearsals today and tomorrow from 3:30 to 4:40 p.m. A parent must attend tomorrow's session. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER TACT youth group members will work on craft projects from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday in the parish center. The Women's Guild will host a president's meeting of the District Council of Catholic Women at 7:45 tonight in the school. The unit will sponsor an overnight trip to New York City on Saturday, April 21. Reservations may be made with Stella Pavao, 673-6881. LA SALETIE SHRINE, ATILEBORO A Way -of the Cross will be presented _in the shrine chapel 3 p.m. Sunday. It will include acting, narration, music and special lighting effects and will be produced by Father Joseph Paquette, shrine director. A different presentation of the stations will be offered at 3 p.m. the following Sunday, with a script written by Father' Donald Paradis of the shrine staff and acted by members of the La Salette Fraternity.
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This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER TOM ELLISON QUALITY MEN'S APPAREL