t eanc 0 VOL. 35, NO. 13
Friday, March 29, 1991
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
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Bishop Cronin's Easter Message .
Why s·eek you the living with the dead? He is not here but is risen! -Luke 24:5-6
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we celebrate this Easter morning, always fills us with the greatest joy. This Easter joy is all the more alive in our hearts today because of the recent resolution to our country's involvement in war. All of us hope that this marks the beginning of a new and more secure peace in the Middle East. Our hearts and prayers are with the families of the many victims of the war, as well as with the courageous men and women who served our country in the Gulf War and their families. Jesus Christ our Lord is the King of Peace. In the celebration of the Mass each weekend we hear our Lord's prayer for peace for His Church and for all humanity: "I leave you peace, my peace I give you." Likewise, in the coming Easter Sunday celebrations, as our Lord appears to His disciples after His resurrection, His words of greeting" which are also the first words coming from His mouth after His resurrection, are "Shalom! Peace be with you." There is a certain connection between Christ's resurrection and His gift of peace. It is because of Christ's Passion, Death and Resurrection that the Christian faithful can boldly proclaim: "Christ is our Peace!" By His resurrection the Lord Jesus is not only the source of all life, He is also the source of all peace. Now that the war is over, it is time to rededicate ourselves to peace. We must rededicate ourselves to being preservers, guardians, as well as active agents, of Christ's peace on earth. We must continue to pray daily that. Christ's peace may take hold of the hearts of all men and women, and that His peace may reign on earth. May the grace and peace of the ris'en Christ be with you and all your loved ones throughout this joyous Easter season. Faithfully yours in Christ,
Ao.-...;~ t:.. ~ Bishop of Fall River
Bishop Cronin will be principal celebrant of the Mass of Easter, to be telecast on Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on WLNE Channel Six. \ The television Mass will resume its usual broadcast time oU a.m. on Sunday, April 7.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
Sects, abortion, war to be topics at cardinals' parley VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope John Paul II will seek the insights of the world's cardinals on the growing phenomena of sects and contemporary threats to human life, such as abortion and war. The consultation is scheduled for April 4-6 when the full College of 141 cardinals is to gather at the Vatican. Bishops throughout the world have increasingly complained to the Vatican that sects and anti-life mentality are seriously eroding Catholic life and values, said Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Vatican spokesman. The pope chose the themes and convoke~ the college because "many cardinals are also heads of archdioceses and have exp~rience with these situations," NavarroValls said. "It also shows the pope's policy of reviving the role of the college as a major advisory body," he added. The April meeting will be the fourth time the pope has convoked the college during his 12-year pontificate to discuss specific church problems. The meeting comes on the heels of the Persian Gulf War, which sparked numerous papal appeals to end the use of war as a means for solving political problems. It also follows decades of worry by church leaders over the growing use and acceptance of abortion.
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Some recent examples: - Earlier this year, Archibishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk of Cincinnati, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, said the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion estab~shed "a legal reign of terror." - In Mexico, an abortion rights coalition called the National Front for the Struggle of Voluntary Motherhood formed in January to push for a liberalized federal abortin law, while local bishops continue fighting state efforts to expand the reasons for allowing abortions. - In the pope's native Poland abortion is widespread and a papally supported bill to make it illegal is controversial. "Abortion is the culmination of an anti-life mentality because it sees the birth of a child as a problem," said Navarro-Valls; Sects are a growing problem in ma,ny countries with a large Christian population and tradition, said Navarro-Valls. Complaints have been coming from Latin America, the United States and Western Europe, he said. In 1986 a Vatican document on sects called them a "pastoral challenge" to the church because many people see in them an answer to their spiritual yearnings. Sects challenge the church to create "caring communities of living faith," it said. The document said mainstream Christians should avoid a naive view of such religious movements, but added that "our attitude as sincere believers should be one of openness and understanding, not condemnation." It criticized "brainwashing" and other "highly sophisticated" techniques of "social and psychological manipulation" used by some sects to recruit and hold members. The document, sent to the world's hierarchy, included a two-page list of questions to encourage I'ocal study and research into the rise of sects. But complaints continue pouring in, said Navarro-Valls.
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Archbishop Lefebvre dies in Switzerland MARTIGNY, Switzerland (CNS) - Traditionalist Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who provoked a schism and was excommunicated in 1988 for ordaining bishops against papal orders, died March 25 at a Martigny hospital after suffering from cancer. He was 85. According to a Vatican statement, the pope had been ready "up to the last moment" to lift the excommunication if Archbishop Lefebvre had shown remorse for his actions. Archbishop Lefebvre's funeral was held Milrch 26 in Econe, Switzerland, where he had founded a seminary. Canonical approval for the seminary was given in 1970 but withdrawn in 1975. The French archbishop was suspended from priestly ministry in July 1976 by Pope Paul VI for ordaining priests without church approval. He and his followers rejected the Second Vatican Council reforms especially those dealing with ecumenism, religious liberty and liturgical reform. News of the archbishop's death was received with "sadness," the Vatic'an statement said. It said the Holy See had not forgotten his years offaithful service in Africa. Activities of the traditionalist society are likely to continue despite the death of Archbishop Lefebvre. He had transferred the post of superior general of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X to Father Franz Schmid berger in 1983. "~ don't think his death will make that much difference," said a Vatican official. He noted,:that,the
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PRIESTS OF the diocese join Bishop Daniel A. Cronin in the consecration of the chrism at Tuesday's Chrism Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. (Hickey photo)
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archbishop had prepared for his own death by illicitly ordaining bishops. Another official said that the society has grown in recent years, but that its influence has been largely limited to France. . Society officials claim I million followers worldwide; Vatican officials estimate 500,000. Born Nov. 29, 1905, in Tourcoing, France, Marcel Lefebvre was ordained a priest of the diocese of Lille, in 1929, but later joined the Holy Ghost Fathers. Ordained a bishop in 1947, he was apostolic delegate to French Wt::st Africa from 1948 to 1959, during which time he was first apostolic vicar and later archbishop of Dakar, Senegal. In 1962, Pope John XXlll made Archbishop Lefebvre the bishop of Tulle, France, with the personal title of archbishop. He headed the diocese for. about eight months before being elected superior general of the Holy Ghost Fathers. He broke with the order in 1968. "Insofar as the pope [Paul VI] stays true to the faith which has always existed, we are with him," he said in 1976. "To tne ext.ent that he departs from it, it is the pope who is in schism." During a 1983 visit to Trent, Italy, Archbishop Lefebvre said hedid not consider himself a rebel. "Me, a rebel? Certainly, a rebel
O.L. Perpetual Help sets Divine Mercy triduum April 4-6
against modernism, progressivism, socialism, communism. But certainly not a rebel against the church," he said. Before the 19HH episcopal ordinations which led to his excommunication and that of the four bishops he ordained, Archbishop Lefebvre said he was taking the action so that his Priestly Society of St. Pius X could continue to effectively "guard against the spirit of Vatican II." "Radically opposed to the destruction of our faith and resolved to stay within the traditional doctrine and discipline of the church, we feel the absolute need to have church authorities who take up our concerns and help us to guard against the spirit of Vatican II and the spirit of Assisi," he said in a letter to Pope John Paul. The Assisi reference was to a 1986 interreligious prayer service convened by Pope John Paul in that Italian town. Archbishop Lefebvre had called it an act of "public blasphemy."
yew reunion set CHICAGO (CNS) - Current and former m'embers of the Young Christian Workers/ Young Christian Movement are invited to a June 14-16 meeting at the University of Notre Dame's Center for Continuing Education in South Bend, Ind. The weekend will commemorate the 100th anniversary of "Rerum Novarum." the papal encyclical considered the beginning of the church's modern-day social teachings and will include a panel discussion by former YCW and YCM members on how they have made church social teachings part of their lives. For registration information, contact Josephine Furnari Stewart, 5815 N. Sheridan Rd. :100 I, Chicago. I L 60660 or call (312) 271-1904.
Continuing its annual tradition, Ol.\r Lady of Perpetual He/,p parish, New Bedford, will conduct a triduum to the Divine Mercy Thursday through Saturday, April 4 through 6. Mass will be celebrated and triduum prayers will be offered each day at noon and the observance will be followed at II a.m. Sunday, April 7, the 'Feast of. Spiritual .Communion Divine Mercy, with a special liturgy and devotions. ·"When we cannot come to The triduum, believed the only church, let us turn toward the one in Southeastern Massachusetts, tabernacle and make a spiritual is associated with Mercy Sunday .communion. A wall cannot separat Stockbridge, where priests of ate us from God." - St. John Vianney . the Marians of the Immaculate Conception congregation maintain 11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a Shrine of the Divine Mercy and THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second will conduct a day of prayer and Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. penance on April 7, expected to Published weekly except the week ofJuly 4 draw some 10,000 people. and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 by The New Bedford observance is the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall coordinated by Fathers Roman River. Subscription price by mail. postpaid Chwaliszewski and Isidore $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address Kowalski, both members of the changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River. MA 02722. Order of Friars Minor Conventual.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
Anxiety "Anxiety does not empty empties today of its strength."tomorrow of its sorrow; but oh! it Jan Maclaren
f////(•. DOMINICAN JUBILARIANS, from left, Sisters Madeleine Clemence Vaillot, Marie Emilia Gauthier, Maria Teresa Gomez, Gertrudis Maria Betancourt, Camille Descheemaeker, Beatrix Marie Laberge and Cecilia Michaud.
Seven Dominican jubilarians honored Five Dominican Sisters of the Presentation were honored at a jubilee Mass March 3 in the chapel of the sisters' Dighton provincial house. The Mass, attended by. most of the sisters of the United States province, was celebrated by Father Daniel L. Freitas, pastor of· St... John of 'God parish, Somerset. Concelebrants were'Father David M. Andrade, also of St. John of God; Father Raymond Graham, S M M, pastor ofSt. Pefer's parish, Dighton; and Father Hugh J. Munro, chaplain at Marian Manor nursing home" Taunton. Father Munro was the homilist and music was provided by organist Mrs. Madeleine Grace. Celebrating 60 years in religious • life are Sisters Beatrix Marie Laberge and Madeleine Clemence Vaillot, both of whom professed final vows on Feb. 28, 1931, in Tours, France. Sister Laberge, born in the United States, was sent to Toulouse, ' France, after professing first vows. During World War II, she endured bombings in Marseille in 1941.' then was sent to safer villages in central France in the zone not occupied by the Germans. After the war she came to St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River, where she was in charge of the laundry, then supervisor of the physical plant at the hospital's former school of nursing. Former students still recall her never-ending war on sloppiness and disorder.
Afte'r the school of nursing closed, Sister Laberge ran the linen room at Marian Manor. She remained at the nursing home until her retirement last year and now resides in the sisters' Taunton convent. Sister Vaillot, a native of France, began her career in religious life teaching at a school run by the sisters in Barcelona, Spain. Soon after, political turmoil forceq, transfer of some of the sisters, and' Sister Vaillot was sent to teach on the island of Mallorca off the east coast of Spain. Then she returned to' France to work in the general secretariat and study nursing. After completing her training, she returned to Spain in 1936. When the Spanish civil war broke out, she and her colleagues escaped to France on a destroyer. She was an operating room nurse in Rome for a short time before taking a post at St. Anne's Hospital, where she directed the school of nursing from 1940 until it closed in 1969. She then became founding dean for the Southeastern Massachusetts University college of nursing. She also taught parttime at Boston College graduate school in the 1960s. She retired from her S M U position in 1977 and now resides at the provincial house, where she is archivist for the congregation and does some writing and tran~lating. She is also a St. Anne's Hospital board member.
Goldlen Jubilarians Celebrating 50 years in religious life are Sisters Marie Emilia Gauthier, Cecilia Michaud and' Camille Descheemaeker. The three had a traumatic novitiate, being caught in the German offensive of the summer of 1940 as they traveled from Tours to Lourdes. Their journey,. partly on foot, partly on freight trains, was often interrupted by bombing alarms. However, they did reach Lourdes, then returned to Tours, where they professed final vows in 1941. Because they were American citizens, Sisters Gauthier and Michaud were sent to the part of France not occupied by the Germans and stationed in small towns Where foreigners were less likely to be detected if they spoke French, as both sisters did. The two returned to the United States after the war and were assigned to St. Anne's Hospital. There Sister Gauthier, who had Turn to Page 10
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A Triduum to The Divine Mercy
APRIL 4, 5, 6, 1991 Mass and Triduum Prayers Each Day at 12:00 Noon The conclusion of the three days of prayer will take place on Sunday, April 7, 1991 at the 11:00 A.M. Mass. We invite and encourage all our parishioners and friends 'to join us in the Triduum in honor of the Divine Mercy. WOMEN EXPLORING possibility of religious life meet at Dominican Academy, Fall River, with, seated from left, Sister Carole Mello of the Dominicans of the Presentation; Msgr. John J. Smith, diocesan director of vocations; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin; Sister Theresa Bisson of the Dominicans of S1. Catherine ()f Siena; standing, 'Sister Mary Noel Blute, RSM, Episcopal Representative for Religious; Sister Mary Golden, MSBT. Others in picture are among women in attendance at the program. (Gaudette photo)
Divine Mercy
Sunday, April 7, 1991 Special Liturgy & Devotions at 11 A.M.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
the moorina-., The Need of Easter Hope We are called to be an Easter people. But what does this really mean for most Catholics? Is Easter simply a time to
parade a new fashion? Do most of'our family effort路s center about the preparation of Easter dinner? Or do we look at the feast as an archaic leftover from a ceremonial church? Actually, from the very outset Easter was a controversial affair.' In the early days of the church, rio one could agree when it should be celebrated. It took the Western church six centuries simply to agree on a date. The pagan rites of spring and the Jewish passover ceremonies have also contributed to our Easter observances. Amid ~ll this, the true meaning of the feast has been obscured. There can, however, be little question about the tremendous impact of the revised liturgical celebration of (he day. When Easter and the Holy Week rites leading up to it are faithfully observed, the Spirit is alive. Where tokenism is the norm, it is no wonder that people concentrate on clothes and the Easter bunny. . We cannot cease to emphasize the necessity of Easter, not only for the church but for all of society. The Easter vigil should be the summit of parish liturgical life and all in the parish should be well aware of this. The commercial world expends much time and effort in promoting Easter, with manufacturers, advertisers and retail outlets celebrating the season simply as a profitable undertaking. Would that we of the Christian community expended equal energy and creativity in emphasizing the true meaning of the feast that promises us eternity. To be willing to do this, of course, we must be truly convinced of the new life of Easter. Easter people do not remain indifferent: they care and they are concerned. "Whoever does not carry his cross and come It is the Easter person who shelters the homeless, who works disciple." Luke 14:27 with the addict; it is he or she who dares to help the victim of AIDS, who serves the terminally ill in a hospice program. For such a person, Easter is not a once-a-year feast; it is a way of life, as it should be for all the baptized. But few of us live up to such an ideal. Psychologists and other students of human By Father Kevin J. Harrington Indeed, nothing more imperils a nature tell us that the average person achieves only 10 percent Our culture has raised to an art mission than a perceived indifferof his or her potential to live, to learn, to love and to enjoy. form our ability to avoid suffering ence among those who are responand death. But Good Friday is the sible for its spread and growth. One wonders what happens to the other 90 percent. So many one day of the year when Chris- Note the radical difference between people never really live, never fully utilize their talents. Such tians are brought face to face with the lukewarm apostles who hid in people do not see in themselves the glory of Easter, nor realize both realities in the form of the the upper room and' the zealous how much they could give the world. cross, our primary Christian sym- missionaries filled with the fire of This year, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, let us share bol. However, many who' call the Holy Spirit after that first Pentecost. . themselves disciples nevertheless personally in its message, not superficially but substantially. keep a safe distance between themGood Friday was the point at Imagine what would happen ifthose called to be Easter people selves and the suffering and dying which the apostles "hit bottom" in really became healers and helpers, fully believing themselves present in the least of their broth=- their lives. They had gone as far as ers and sisters. their own effort could possibly sustained in their endeavors by a loving God .. Strangely enough, many ofthese take them and despite having the May each of us take from this Easter not a mere passing same Christians, when they hear best of all tutors had not yet .vision of hope but the courage to view ourselves as a fulfillment the Passion proclaimed, fail to learned that it was only in letting of that hope. . identify themselves with those go that they would finally encoun-
after me cannot be my
The lessons of Good Friday
The Editor Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin. D.o .. STD. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault '.1~';~;','L Leary Press-Fall River
apostles who fled from the foot of the cross on that first Good Friday. The Church has survived heresy and hatred, sin and persecution but Jesus warned his followers of an even more deadly enemy, that of indifference. In this connection, Good Friday must be more than just a day on the Church's liturgical calendar; it should influence what goes on every day in the life of a Christian. On this Good Friday, 1991, at this point in your existence, whom are you most like? John? Mary? Pilate? Herod? Joseph of Arimathea? Peter? The other apostles looking on from a safe distance? Good Friday is as good a time as any to take a searching personal inventory and address the question of how one has advanced on one's journey in the Christian life from the day of his or her baptism to the present moment. Jesus reserved his harshest criti. cism for those whose faith he considered lukewarm.
ter the God who could make all things possible. Sooner or later, in some way or other, every Christian must learn to let go, to let himself or herself go to the Father with Christ. This lesson is best learned through personal involvement in the Paschal mystery. Being told and shown by Christ did not suffice for the apostles. It was only when they shared the sufferings entailed in the preaching of the Gospel that they truly understood Christ's teachings.
praye~BOX God the Father
o God the Father, Giver of life, grant to praying souls the grace of life to do Thy Will. Amen.
The laws that govern mankind show that dying is the price of living. The core of Easter faith is that the same law pertains to the special dying we call death. No other faith has for its foundation symbol a dead young man stretched upon a cross - a cross composed of an "I" that has been crossed out. What dying to oneself does that cross entail for each of us today? Preaching Christ crucified brought fierce persecution in the early days of Christianity. St. Paul tells us that the Greeks considered the cross to be folly and the Jews thought it a stumbling block. But the cross was never meant to be an obstacle but rather an invitation to love God, neighbor and self unconditionally. Those who respond to that invitation will be no strangers to suffering, nor will they be strangers to a God who will console them in ways beyond their imaginings. Good Friday is a stark reminder of everyone's need to let go of the past. of other people, of grandiose expectations of themselves. Perhaps the hardest thing for Christians is to let go of the halftruths they harbor about God. They must face the terror ofletting their false gods go so that the one true God of love can enter their lives to cast out all fear. When Jesus himself exclaimed from the cross: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" he faced life's darkest moment and surrendered his spirit to his Father. In the same way, those with the eyes of faith can look upon this Friday, give thanks for it. and dare to call it Good!路
Mass intentions not to be combined
Entering the ~iob market De~lr Dr. Kenny: My two children are both in school and I'm going crazy with boredom. I need a job. I have no creditable work experience and no marketable skills. I have a high school degree but I've spent the last 15 years being a full-time mother. Please help. (Iowa) You are not alone in trying to enter the job market without formal work experience. Not only other full-time mothers, but teens and young adults face the same challenge: how to present your abilities when you don't have ajob history. The first question is to decide what you want to ,do. Office job? Factory? Sales? Outdoors? Medical field? Arts and crafts? Look at the want ads in the newspaper. Talk to your friends. If you still have no idea, you may want to see a career counselor. A short interview and/ or a career assessments test can crystallize the direction of your search.
The other major problem is how to bring yourself to the attention of the job market. I would suggest strongly that you write a resume. Why would you write a resume when you have nothing to write about? I'suspect that's not true. My kind of resume is different. It will give you the opportunity to present yourself in ,in organized and attractive way. My resume has five sections, all of which should be summarized on one page: personal, educational, employment, specific achievements, references. The "personal" section is obvious. It includes name, address and phone number. Include age and marital status, if you wish. The "educational" section should include not only the school and date of your high school degree but also any course or workshops you may have attended since, anything from flower arranging to computers. Include even half-day workshops. The "employrp.ent" may be brief. Include allY part-time or summer
Mar. 30 1963, R~v. Aime Barre, On Sick Leave, Fail R'iver ,. 1985, Rev. Benoit R. Galland, Retired, U.S. Navy . Mar. 31 1953, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George C. Maxwell, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River Apr. I 1958, Rev. George A. Lewin, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville 1974, Rev. Edwin J. Loew, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole Apr. 2 1961, Rev. Adolph Banach, OFM Conv., Pastor, O.L. Perpetual Help, New Bedford 1976, Rev. Donald' Belanger, Pastor, St.-Stephen Attleboro Apr. 4 1985, Rev. James F. McCarthy, Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River
By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY jobs. Give job title, firm or company and dates. Don't get into reasons for leaving or job description. Save that for the job application. "Specific achievements" is the h you have th e c hance ca t egory were to present yourself. What skills do you have? Are you good with peopIe? Are you a good organizer? Typing? Bookkeeping? Cooking? Tell what you have done well as a mother and think you can do. Also in this section include any school activities. How about clubs and organizations while you've been mothering? Brownie d~n mother? Band boosters? Teacher's aide? Volunteer? . Have you received any awards? Did your jam win a blue ribbon? Were you honored by the school for helping in the classroom? Include here any hobbies and activities you enjoy. You never get the chance to put this on a job application, but it may catch a potential employer's eye. The last section is "references." List three persons, preferably persons with some standing in the professional or work world, who can say that you are reliable and responsible. It helps a lot to show that there are good people ready to speak in your behalf. . Type up your resume. Make lots of copies. And pass them out to friends and potential employers. A 'resume has a big advantage over a mere phone call. It shows that you are well-organized and it remains . on an employer's desk until some . action is taken. It also has an advantage over a job application since you can leave a resume in places where they may not be passing out job applications at this time. See YOl~r reS).lme as a sales documenL You are selling yourself. Good luck!
VATICAN CITY (eNS) - The Vatican has issued rules to curb the practice of combIning intentions of more than one person making an offering for a Mass. Such Masses do not fulfill the expectations of donors and could be seen as an abuse of the offerings they make to priests, the Vatican said. The rules were contained in a five-page decree, drawn up by the Congregation for Clergy and approved by Pope John Paul ll, which was made public March 22. The decree was issued after consultation with bishops' conferences and in response to widespread requests for clarification, the Vatican said. It emphasized that normally no more than one offering should be accepted for each Mass, and only the donor's intention should be applied to that Mass. A priest who accepts such an offering should celebrate the Mass himself or find another priest to do so, it said. Mass intentions can be combined only if the previous and explicit consent of the donors is obtained, the decree stated. Such Masses are exceptions' to the rule, however, lind should not be celebrated more than twice a week in anyone church. At the same time, it noted that the rule would not apply to situations where Mass offerings and intention lire meant to be collective - such as in poor parishes where periodic offerings of goods and money are routinely brought to the church at Mass time. Similarly, the rules Clearly allow a group of Catholics to agree on various intentions for a Mass. Most Mass intentions are for the deceased and, in practice, many offerings for individual Masses arrive on All Souls' Day or other feast days. If a priest cannot himself celebrate the large number of Masses, he should seek help from other priests or his bishop rather t,han reject the requests, the decree said. . In general, the document said, the practice of Mass intentions deserves protection from the abuse of a "collective" celebration. In an article explaining the new rules, the secretary of the clergy congregation, Archbishop Gilberto Agustoni, said individual intentio.ns and offerings were one of the best
Diocese of Fall River -
ways for Catholics to share in the Mass. Those who argue that the practice overly "privatizes" the -Mass do not have a proper understanding of the church, he said. The church has constantly taught that the fruits of the Mass are variously distributed, he said.
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
Likewise, he said, it was unrealistic to think that the church could do without cash offerings in this day and age. In f~ct, he said, the majority of today's priests draw in some way on these offerings for their own support and that of parish activities.
I Happy Easter. I I•
Easter is a time / of rebi rth and r·L--'o;..-T"-.....N' renewal. It is a time of hope and joy, as family afld friends gather in joyous celebrations of faith.
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The Anchor Friday, Mar. 29, 1991
By Father Roger Karban Easter Vigil Readings: Gn 1:12:2; Ex '14:15-15:1; Rom 6:3-11; Mk 16:1-8, Actually there are nine Easter Vigil readings, but because of space limits, I will comment on only four. The Easter Vigil is Christianity's most important celebration. Since the entire ceremony revolves around baptism, the readings logically emphasize the new life which
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The EasterV'igil: recalling first faith experiences the catechumens are about to receive. Th,ose brought into the church tonight have been prepared differently from' past "converts." We have stopped producing"catechism Catholics." The restored catechumenate (RCIA) has returned to the early Christian practice of using Scripture as its primary formation tool. No longer are candidates' brains overflowing with facts. Tonight we shall see people who have been led to reflect on how God works in their lives - past, present and future. Though facts are.. important, they cannot be understood correctly until we first see how God is present in every aspect of our being. And the Bible is ideal for such a process. Scripture scholars agree that the sacred authors did not begin 'their faith journeys at logical jumping off points. We might assume, for instance, that the ancient Hebrews recognized Yahweh's presence from
the time of their creation, recounted in the first reading. Instead~ we find that God's people first began to experience his love and attention during their Exodus from Egypt, described in the third reading. The wondrous events at the sea convinced the Israelites that Yahweh really cared for them. Only after generations spent reflecting on the their liberation did they begin to understand that this same Yahweh had created them and all the world. A deep faith in God's immediate love eventually led them to find that same love in their distant past and hazy future. The Exodus is the beginning of all Jewish belief in Yahweh. A parallel chronology took place in Christian belief. We may think our faith stories should begin with Jesus' birth narratives; yet if we wish to imitate the step-by-step faith of the Lord's original followers, we must start with his dying and risi?g an,d w,ork 'our way back.
His disciples first had to copy his self-giving lifestyle and recognize his new, resurrected life in their own lives, before they could understand the past and future correctly. Paul summarizes this experience in our eighth reading. "Through baptism into [Jesus'] death," he writes, "we were Duried with him, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live a new life." Catechumens can even identify with the women visiting the tomb on Easter morning. Jesus almost always comes into our lives in unexpected places and at unexpected times. Who would think of finding life while looking for the dead? Mark's comment that "00. because of their great fear, [the women] said nothing to anyone" makes a lot of sense. We might experience'the Lord in our own lives, yet because, We' were once taught that such personal expe-
riences are suspect, we tell no one about them. Thankfully the church has returned to a process which builds on these experiences. The restored catechumenate implicitly rejects the idea that faith is primarily an assent to a collection of intellectual facts. Instead it helps us see how God has already been in our lives, even before we began expressing that faith within Catholic parameters. We are returning the Bible to its proper place. Catechisms, no matter how comprehensive, simply cannot mirror the Christian' conversion process. Tonight offers an occasion for all Jesus' followers to reflect on their first faith experiences. No wonder our readings in this, and all liturgies, are taken from Scripture. When it comes to our lives' most important moments, catechisms just cannot measure up to God's word.
Lilies of the field, fiber optics: how mighty the small they had to reach in that great metropolis.
Imagine a city like New York having its lines of communications unexpe~te~lycut.
That is whathappen.ed one Friday not too long ago. All the people in the business and service sectors and others with personal matters to :attend to were immediately out of-contact with ,those
, The source of the trouble was traced to an ~merican Telephone & Telegraph Co. crew that was pulling out antiquated cables in a manhole in Newark, N.J., when a worker accidentally snipped a fibre optic telephone cable the thickness of a person's thumb. It turns out that this was a main telephone link, connecting New York City and Newark to the rest of the world. " While AT&T's depen'dence on a single cable ,l1-S the lifeline for such a huge and important n'etworkof communications came as a surprise to many, the disruption was a
vivid example of how we should their weapons dead., They floated was when he told people how never underestimate the importance 'silently to earth'and the life'forms important each one of 'them was. within began to emerge, dying, ". And if they did not believe it, they of little things. , one after another. The author, in a could just consider creatures even I have always felt' that the parbrilliant piece of plotting, explained 'smaller than' themselves, like the adox of this world was that in the midst of the very big things, like that it was not the guns and rockets lilies and the birds: to get the idea the sky, the earth, the oceans, cit- hurled, at the invaders that had 'of how much the Creator loves ies, stockmarkets and banks, it is ' done them in, but rather the aliens every little thing'he brought to life. With all, the big things that so often the small things that make had ;been overcome by germs. It was, said Wells, the tiniest things 'envelop u's, we can sometimes a major difference. of our ,earth, our microscopic'bac- become overwhelmed with our I think this truth hit me decades teria, that had destroyed them and smallness and forget' our o'wn ago when I read H.G. Wells' science saved the, earth. importance. fiction novel, "The War of the And then a solitary workman that, the power I never forgot W'orlds." Alien invaders were cuts a cable, affecting'several milwinni'1g a war against the earth. .ofthe tiniest things on earth~ ,lion 'people (or'halhi(iay. It is a Desfructionwas all around and it I have ai~ays feit thatJesuscan disruptio'n with a message, a'nother appeared all would be Iqst. help u's look at the, iittle things,with reminder of paradox designed by n!=w undl';rstanding. In fact, I often the Creator: How mighty the small Unexpec,tedly, one by one, the what ,the reaction have .:wondered invading sp~ceships went silent, can be! : .
',Easter d~ring wartime? Now. we 'know file answer '"By DOLORES CURRAN
must have felt that first Easter: ,uncertain. They didn't know what was happening or what lay ahead. Some didn't believe reports of Jesus" rising from the dead. Some didn't recognize'Him on the road to Emmaus. It's at times like the,se that we most desperately need the hope Easter promises.
Easter and war; lilies and cruise missiles, resurrection and death. I am struggling with this column because, writing at the end of J'!nuary to meet deadline, I don't know ifthe war will have ended or just seriously begun by' the time you read this. I feel as the e:;uly Christians
,During the time of the plagues in Europe, people turned to God as their only hope. During times of war we do the same. When asked on Jan. 14 if there would be war, the United Nation's Javier Perez de Cuellar said, "Only God knows." But it wasn't God who was doing the planning.
War began at 5:30 p.m., my' together: Listening to' war'news time, Jan. 16. Ironically, I was can diminish hope. Being together slated to direct a workshop for ,and rejoicing in the resurrection Methodists that evening on hope, 'can restore it. humor, and'idealism. " In' wartime, depression reigns. I dreaded going and hoped for ''we'feelpowerless. But Easter hope cancellation, but my hostess said, reminds us that we are never pow"Let's see if a~yo!1e comes and erless as long as we believe in a wants to talk about the war in- loving and forgiving God. He has stead." promised us over and over that he T ~ our astonishment, 200 showed will not forget us and our, pain as up and when given 1the choice of ' long as we trust in him. topics, selected hope, humor, and As I write this, the world is is idealism. "We have war, we need that Upper Room, fearful and hope,"they said.' grieving. Jesus is dead. What will I don't know if we still have war, happen to us? but I do know that we still need ,Little did those early Christians hope and, like those early Chris- know that the resurrection was tians, we need to experience hope ' indee~ a'fact or that is signaled the
birth ofChristianity,~a faith that would change the face of the world. / 'Only God knew. Only' God knows what we're really feeling arid fearing and only God can give us the 'courage and, hope to go on. I pray that' by the time this column appears" we'll be talking about Desert Storm 'in the past tense. I pray that our young men. and women will be back home and that we will all be renewed in our determination that, as Christians, we must find alternatives to war and killing. As I write, I am still fearful in that Upper Room, but I must not forget that Easter has already happened.
On r.eceiving penance and Eucharist at' Easter time
A. Church law states 'th~t all who have reached the age of reaFATHER son are obliged to confess' any serious sins once a year (Canon JOHN J. 989). In this instance,however, as in past similar statements, the ch~rch DIETZEN, does not impose a new obligation for confession. It simply prescribes, a time within which any n10rtal Q. Please clarify the churc"'s sins should be confessed so,t1tat, if position concerning rece.iijng-::ihe ,for no other reason, the indi~idual sacrament of penance once a year . might receive the Eucharist. at Easter time. Is this binding if Thus the law does not apply to there'is,no seri"'u~sin?'i\'e"heard,' anyone' ,who is not aware, of an: several interpretations from var-, , unconfessed serious sin. '" , iou!i, s9urces, inc.luding priests. All the faithful who have received (Ohio)' . first communion should receive
the Eucharist at least once a year. that even'today some Catho{ics ish, 704 N.Main St., BloomingThis should be during the Easter remember when it was assumed ton, 61701. Questions for this time unless there is some good rea- one should go to confession every ,column should be sent to him at son for choo'sing another time of time before communion. Both sac- 'J the, same ~ddress. the year (Canon 920). " ' raments were received' once or Obviously 'the background of twice a year, at most.), , ' these church laws goes back cenTllose days of negleCt ~re past, TOKYO (eNS) - l"he Tokyo~ turies to the days when receiving: happily. Every knowledgeable and based Niwano Peace Foundation communion fell into great decline. practicing Cathl,>lic today;,cighJly "has, announced that Hildegard By the 12th or 13th centuries, '_considers at least weekly commun- 'Goss-Mayr, anA~stdan Catholic when such regulations first appear' ~',ion as normal and proper, and -.' advocate. of non-violent conflict for the whole church, even priests, ~onfes~ion, once a year as hardly a resolution, has won its $150,000 and sisters of strict religious orders bare minimum.' i 991 peace prize. Honorary presiconsidered communion five or six - A, free brOChure, "Infant Bap- ,,' dent of the Intemational Fellowtime.s a year as more than en~ugp.; tism: Catholic Practice Today" is ship of Reconciliation, she has Lay people in those days ang ,available by sending a stamped,' ,worked with the 'organization for much later might go years without self-addressed envelope to Father 38 years in interna,tional peace tlie Eucharist. (This is the reason John Dietzen, Holy'Trinity Par- efforts.
n.\. .. ~路
Letters are welcomed but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit. if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address. They do not necessarily express the editorial views of The Anchor.
PORTRAIT OF "The Joyful Christ" by Francis Hook (CNS photo) . '
Fools for Christ set sights on Easter Monday
Dear Editor: Sometime in your life, you have to find yourself; then you have to let go! Then start over again. You cannot duplicate what you may have already had but you can go on to something you may never have had. It's that time in your life when you have to make up your mind what side of the line you . want to stay on. You may have been distracted by someone or something in the past, but don't let it stand in the
DELUXE & FIRST CLASS TOURS Rev. J. Joseph Kierce Author and Producer of The New England Passion Play
Biessed are ye that weep now, In many countries of northern for you shall laugh. "(Luke 6:21) Europe, Easter Monday is marked ,"THE CHRISTUS" The Fellowship of Merry Chris- by "drenching" customs: boys tians plans to take advantage of drench girls with water, then the this year's concurrence of April girls retaliate. Fools' Day and Easter Monday, FMC's campaign to restore the traditionally day of celebration Eastertide custom of Easter Monand parties among Catholics, Orthoday celebration has lel1 to a variety dox Christians -and Protestants. of events, like last year's ice cream The interdenominational fellowsocial at St. Joseph's Church in ship, headquartered in Kalamazoo, 'Mich., urges churches and prayer , Kalamazoo. About 150 adults and children participated in the event, groups nationwide to organize which began with' a procession Easter Monday celebrations with featuring pictures of a joyful risen "Fools for Christ" themes. TOUR 1 Created on April Fools' Day Christ, clowns with balloons, jugglers and musicians. SCENIC COLORADO & NEW MEXICO 1986 with the aim of encouraging Clowns and musicians led a ser- Denver, Colorado Spring~, Taos, Santa joy, ~u!U0r an~ celebration, in Fe, Albuquerque, Mesa Verde, Durango, church life, the FMC also observes ies of celebrations at St. Augustine Grand Junction, Apsen; Vail, Rocky Elementary School in Kalamazoo, its fifth anniversary April I.. Mountain Park! which culminated in an interdeThe goal set forth by founder ONLY nominational celebration service Cal Samra and his wife Rose is designed by the fellowship. summed up in the organization's monthly Joyful Noiseletter, which St. George Catholic Church in JULY 12 - 21 proclaims, "Our modest aim is to West Falls, N.Y., held a "Holy From/to Boston OR New York recapture the spirit of joy, humor, Humor Day~' last year with the (Air fares subject to change) unity and healing power of the "Original Holy Humor Chorus," early Christians. We try to be "Clowns on Parade" and a 1990 TOUR 2 merry more than twq times a year." version of the parable of the prod- CANADIAN MARITIMES - Boston, PortThe fellowship, whose member- igal son, while Bernadette Mc- land, Yarmouth Crossing, Digby, Peggy's , ship is comprised of 10,000 clergy Carver Snyder, a columnist for the Cove, Halifax, Antigonish, Baddeck, Cabot and laypeople from all walks of national Catholic newspaper Our Trail, Charlottetown, St. John, Bar Harlife, includes in its ranks Steve Sunday Visitor, helped lead an bor, Acadia National Park! Allen, Doc Blakely, Leo Busca- interdenominational April Fools' ONLY glia, Joe Garagiola, Bil Keane and Day retreat in ~t. Louis. Archbishop John L. May. The late For information about the felMalcolm Muggeridge was among lowship write to Fellowship of AUGUST 10- 21 the newsletter's 40-member board Merry Christians, P.O. Box 668, From/to Boston of consulting editors. (Air fares available from/to other cities) Kalamazoo, MI 49005. The fellowship encourages ChrisSPACE LIMITED - CALL NOW! tians to follow St. Paul's lead and REV. J. JOSEPH KIERCE be "fools for Christ's sake" (I Cor. Saint Kevin Rectory 4: 10) on April I and throughout 35 Virginia St., Dorchester, MA 02125 April, de~ignated Holy Humor Telephone: (617) 436-2771 Month. OR The April Fools' Day/Easter Sales and Service ~ HELEN FLANAGAN for Domestic ;;:. Monday concurrence is a source THOMAS COOK/CRIMSON TRAVEL and Industrial ' ,..:: of special delight for FMC, which 104 Mt. Auburn St. holds. as did fourth-century theol995-1631 Cambridge, MA 02138 ogians John Chrysostom, Augus2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Telephone: (617) 868-2600 Ext. 368 tine and Gregory of Nyssa, that Toll Free: 1-800-365-7733 Ext. 368 NEW BEDFORD Easter commemorates the biggest joke in history: that God's raising Jesus from the dead was a sort of cosmic joke on the devil. God had the last laugh. Easter Monday was once a holMay 17-19 Lake George, 2 nights, 4 meals, cruise, tour, race track iday among Christians, celebrated $190.00 p.p. double with parties and picnics. In Greece, the celebration begMay 26 Pawtucket, dinner & show "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" ins on Easter Monday and con$26.00 tinues through "Bright Week." In Polish communities Easter MonJune 7-9 Von Trapp Lodge, 2 nights, 4 meals, tour day is known as Dyngus Day. $275.00 p.p. double In Slavic countries it is an old custom that anyone may enter the For more information & trips, call Annette Dellecese at belfries on Easter Sunday and (508) 679-3278 Monday and flng the church bells.
Diocese of Fall River -
way of your life. You only have one! Time waits for no one. Someone may be out there with both arms reaching toward you - touch them - let them hold you! Is this for real? What should I do? Confused, disoriented, depressed, now is the time for you to go
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
forward. Take that step! A new life and a whole lot of love may make your new life worth living. Try - give it a chance. I, Opportunity, am here waiting for you! It's your life! Edward Pacheco Fall River
~:y the Spirit of this Easter Season fill you with Peac~ and]oy.
Telephone 67.8-5201
Diocese of Fall River -
Cease-fire asked in EI Salvador SAN SALVADOR (CNS) On the same day as a massive march commemorating the death of his predecessor, Archbishop
Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
Arturo Rivera Damas of San Salvador issued a Palm Sunday plea to army and rebel troops for a Holy Week cease-fire. Archbishop Rivera Damas said during a Palm Sunday homily that it is "regrettable that while the canonization process [of Arch-
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bishop Romero] proposed last year to the Vatican by the Salvadoran church continues, the trial of those responsible for his death has not begun.'.' Archbishop Romero was shot to death March 24, 1980, by an unknown gunman while saying Mass in a San Salvador hospital chapel just days after begging army troops to disobey their commanders if ordered to commit human rights abuses against civilians. An inquest into the killing implicated former Army Maj. Roberto D'Aubuisson but he has never been formally charged. Meanwhile, more than 10,000 people marched through San Salvador streets in a "pilgrimage for peace" marking the anniversary of the Romero assassination. The march ended in an ecumenical gathering in front of the downtown Metropolitan Cathedral. Marchers carried large portraits of the slain archbishop and banners denouncing the "impunity after II . years" enjoyed by Archbishop Romero's killers. 234 Second Street .
MSA Landscape, Inc. would like to put its 35 years of experience
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AT TOP, Father Barry W. Wall, diocesan spiritual director ofthe Legion of Mary, leads the annual Acies ceremony of rededication to Mary.at St. Mary's Cathedral; bottom, Dr. David J. Goodman leads Haggadah ritual of a Seder supper sponsored at St. Anne's School,' Fall River, by St. Anne's Fellowship. (Gaudette photos)
Hospice Outreach to begin new training series
Hospice Outreach, a home health with him iffamily members needed agency that provides home care . to go out "became almost a member for terminally ill patients and their of the family," she said. "The families, is conducting interviews volunteers have to be a special for potential patient care volun- kind of person; it isn't a job to teers. Volunteers visit patients and them." . help where needed. Volunteers may Hospice also provided support be asked to do errands, provide - after her husband's death, she said, transportation, or just"sit with the "and even though it's been a year patient. Good listening skills, com- and a half, every so often I will get passion, and a nonjudgmental attia call and I know if I.want to I can tude are needed. call them at any time." Training for new volunteers will "I couldn't have handled everybegin April9 and continue on con- thing without their help," she secutive Thursdays and Tuesdays added. through May 21 at Clemence Hall For more information on the in St. Anne's Hospital, 243 Forest training sessions, call Hospice Street. Fall River. Sessions will Outreach at 673-1-589. cover the history of hospice, medical aspects and pain control, sensitivity to death, communication and listening skills, psychosocial and In the first such liturgy of the spiritual care, bereavement and bicentennial year of St. Mary's grief, caring for the AIDS patient, Seminary and University in Baland the role of the volunteer. "I can't speak highly enough of timore, Bishop Bernard W. Schmitt of Wheeling-Charleston, W. Va., them," said Helen Morley of Holy conferred the ministry of lector on Name parish, Fall River, who reMichael S. Racine and of acolyte ceived assistance from Hospice on Andre H. Faria Jr. Both are Outreach volunteers during her from the Fall River diocese, Racine husband's terminal illness. "They provided any service that, from St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, and Faria from St. AnI needed and any service my husthony, Taunton. band was entitled to they took care A dinner for family, friends and of," s~ch arranging for a visiting the seminary community followed nurse and home health aid. "While the liturgy. it's going on you don't realize how much they're doing for you because Stored Fruit you're so caught up in it yourself, but once it's over you realize how "The faithful should' therefore much they did." enter into themselves and make a PROVIDENCE - RI Caring for a terminally ill family true judgement on their attitudes 401-781-S050 member "is a 24 hour a day job; of mind and heart. If they find you need a backup," said Mrs. some store of love's fruit in their EXTERIOR MASONRY SPECIAUSTS SINCE 1941 Morley. hearts, they must not doubt God's The Hospice volunteer who presence within them." - St. Leo .lBiJIm1m11l.5IJiI\1II11l1I11111UU!ll!i1IM!!IUB1I1111Il!11!!IIIIllIllIlUBlllmn!MllJlIllinmI!lllU!ll!I\mI!!MmII!il1!!IUB\IUU!ll!nmu!JllBl1!!U!1I!aII1JlIlIIlIIIllIlll1lU~D. . . y isi.t ~(:L. h. er 111,J5 band .an d stayed the Great Call for Details (508) 679-5262
Ministries received
From sacristan to nanny
grew the need for a nanny, she moved to after-school care for two other youngsters and a foster grandparent assignment at St. John Evangelist kindergarten in Cambridge. , Like any grandparent, she is more than willing to pull from her wallet pictures of the youngsters
By Pat McGowan Sister Margarida Tavares, FMM, 70, will celebrate 50 years of religious life at 4 p. m. Saturday, April 6, at Espirito Santo Church, Fall River. A reception will follow her Mass of thanksgiving, to be celebrated by Father John Bavaro, OFM, formerly of St. Louis parish, Fall River. A warm and friendly person, Sister Tavares looks back on a career that began in the pre-Vatican II years with traditional assignments such as cooking, performing the duties of a sacristan and visiting the sick and poor.
Fri., Mar. 29,1991
who've benefited from her devo-. tion. The Anchor reporter and photographer can also testify to her loving nature. It's the first time either of them has received a goodbye kiss from an interview subject. Ad multosannos, Sister Tavares!
HOLY WEEK SERVICES Saint Anne Parish and Shrine Cor. Middle & South Main Sts. Fall River, Massachusetts,
THREE SISTERS: Sister Margarida Tavares, FM M, center, with her sisters, Anna Foley, left, and Beatrice Mello, right. (Hickey photo)
parish, a 1936 graduate of its school and one of II children, four of whom still live in Fall River: BeaIn the post-Vatican II church, trice Mello'and Anna Foley, both of I mmaculate Conception parish, however, she has since 1977 been a who came with her to the Anchor; nanny for grateful professional Mary Mendes, a resident at the families, absolutely secure in the knowledge that a sister was caring Catholic Memorial Home; and George Tavares of Holy Name· for their children. parish. S he has loved both parts of her Entering the Franciscan Mislife and is now eagerly anticipating sionaries of Mary in 1940 at their her golden anniversary gift: a North Providence convent, she month-long trip to Italy, beginserved in Cincinnati for three years ning May 6. after completing her novitiate. Last week she, accompanied by There she was assigned to a parish two of her sisters, dropped in at for home visiting and work with the Anchor office to talk about it . . children. all. She spoke, thankfully for this . After taking final vows in 1946, reporter, in English, but is equally Sister Tavares was a cook at St. proficient in French. and PortuClement's Shrine in Boston for 10 guese. years, followed by a return to She is a native of Espirito Santo North Providence for two y~ars to ... ..;;. . - :-- . ': ".: /
Diocese of Fall River -
cook and care for retired and infirm community members. From 1961 to 1971, she was at the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary convent on Fall River~s Second Street, teaching catechism, working as sacristan at St. Anthony of Padua parish and for four years also serving as a pediatric nurses' aide at St. Anne's Hospital. From 1971 to 197; she was an aide in the cardiac children's ward of St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn; N.Y., following that with two years in Lebanon, N.H., where she helped open a convent and did catecheti- . cal work in two parishes. Assigned in 1977 to her community's Covenant Convent in Boston, she embarked on her career as a nanny, first for 13 years in a family where both parents were doctors. When the: children out-
• Confessions from //:00 a.m. to /2 noon, and /:00 to 3:00 p.m. • Liturgy of the Lord's Passion and Death at 3:00 p.m. • /0/ th annual paraliturgical and dramatic Way of the Cross and Procession at 7:00 p.m.
HOLY SATURDAY • Confessions in the shrine from // :00 a.m. to /2 noon and /:00 to 4:00 p.m. • Easter Vigil and First Mass of the Resurrection at 7:00 p.m.
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The Anchor Friday, March 29,199'1
Mother Teresa warns against U.S. scam
Continued from Page'Three WASHINGTON (CNS) graduated from the hospital's Mother Teresa has asked U.S. school of nursing before entering bishops to warn people nationreligious life, served as an operatof several fund raising scams wide ing room nurse. She later held that are using the Nobel Prize positions at Marian Manor an,d winner's name without her apMadonna Manor, North Attleproval. boro. When the congregation left "Many people are giving generMadonna Manor, she returned to ously for the poor, thinking I have Marian Manor, where she pres- , authorized such persons to collect ently serves. money for us," MotherTeresa said Sister Michaud's career closely in a letter sent to all U.S. bishops paralleled that of Sister.Gauthier: in late February. "I have not authshe went from her post at St. orized anyone to raise funds or Anne's to Marian Manor, then to receive donations in my name." . Madonna Manor until the sisters Mother Teresa, founder of the left. She spent a few months at the of Charity in CalMissionaries provincial house before joining cutta, India, said in the letter that Sister Gauthier at Marian Manor the so-called fundraisers sell piconce again. tures and statues of her and make Sister Descheemaeker came from people "believe that donations and a large and deeply religious family AT RECENT convocation of permanent deacons of the diocese with Bishop Daniel A. proceeds from sales are given to in northern France. She was alCronin are newly appointed area coordinators for the diaconate, from left, Deacon Richard J. me." ready a registered nurse when she Fundraising efforts are prohiMurphy Sr., Cape Cod; Deacon Paul J. Macedo, New Bedford; the bishop; Deacon John joined the congregation and after bited in the order as well as among profession had assignments in the Welch, Taunton/ Attleboro; Deacon Robert Normandin, Fall River; Father John F. Moore, lay workers of the order, Mother sisters' hospitals in Paris and in director of thediaconate program. Teresa said. . Brussels, Belgium. "Please help us to get this In 1966, she came to the United information to the people because States and continued her nursing they work hard and give genercareer at St. Anne's Hospital, then ously for the poor and it is sad taught in the hospital's school of CLAREMONT, Calif. (CNS) after the Jesuit superior general classified it 0 - morally offensive. their gifts are not reaching the nursing. Father McKenzie also com- poor," she said. - Father John L. McKenzie, 80, a chided him for criticizing Pope . In 1971, she was asked to open a sometimes 'controversial Catholic Paul VI's statement attributing a mented over the years on a variety Mother Teresa indicated in her mission in Brownsville, texas by theologian and biblical scholar, decline in religious vocations partly of other issues. In 1966, he critithen Bishop Humberto Medeiros. , died last month of heart disease in to a dhire for soft living. "Come cized theologians who condemn letter that she had written U.S. bishops before about the problem, There she worked in a local hospiClaremont. off it, Your Holiness," he wrote in evolution out of hand for making but she had continued to hear tal before returning to fall River The author of such well-known The Critic magazine': "You can a judgment on a field about'which from people about the fundraising to serve in the St. Anne's Hospital works as "The Two-Edged Swot-d," read lessons to no one about soft they know little or nothing. ploy. drug clinic. Later she worked ;.viih , "Dictionary of the Bible" a'nd living." he disputed a physiIn 1978, Mother Teresa said people who hospital volunteers. . "Authority in the Church," Father At the time he said he was leav- cian's claim, published In the wish to give something for the Since 1982; Sister DescheeMcKenzie was the first Catholic ing th~ Jesuits not because of the Journal of the American Medical poor should make donations maeker hasheen assigned to the faculty member at the University article but because of "a gradual Association, that the temporary directly to the M iss.ionaries of community's house in Washingof Chicago Divinity School, an estrangement" from the order. He blindness that led, to St. Paul's .' Ch~rity in tht;ir ~rea, '. ,. ton, DC, where her activities interdenominational school with became a priest of the diocese of conversion could have resulted A nun at the order's motherinclude visiting shut-ins and garBaptist roots, and the first priest Madison, Wis. from epilepsy, m'igraine, optic house in the Bronx section of New . dening. ' ,. elected president of the Society of Even after retiring to Claremont neuritis or six other eye conditions. York City told Catholic News Silver Jubilarians Biblical Literature. 13 years ago, he sometimes became "Anyone who has a theory is Service March 26 the order had no His views on ecclesiastical au~ involved in controversy. Consulted free to propose it," he said, "but further comment about the inSisters Maria Teresa Gomez and thority, contained in "Authority in by director 짜artin Scorsese when there's not enough basis for any cidents; Gertrudis Betancourt professed the Church," were labeled as he was developing the scripts for known medical cause." final vows on May 30, 1966. In St. Louis a nun at the mothBoth sisters came from their "heresy" in 1967 by then ,San his film, "The Last Temptation of Born Oct. 9, 1910, in Brazil, erhouse there told the St. Louis native Colombia to complete their . Antonio Archbishop Robert E. Christ,"Father McKenzie said the Ind., John Lawrence McKenzie Review, newspaper of the archdiLucey, but the Catholic Theologi- idea was "not theologically bad" novititate in Dighton. Following joined the Jesuits in 1928 and was ocese, her order had not heard of her profession, Sister Gomez stud- cal Society of America went on and was "dramatically faithful" to ordained a priest in 1939. He earned such scams in that city, but had ied at Salve Regina College, New- ,record in support of Father Mc- what Christ might have done in a doctorate in theology from Wes- heard of incidents elsewhere. Kenzie and called the charges such a situation. port, then joined Dominican siston College in 1942. unjustified. ters teaching in Puerto Rico. She "We can't make Jesus a museum He began his long teaching career When the book on authority was later transferred to Brownspiece - a plaster Jesus," he told 1942 as a professor of Old Tesin was reportedly under investigation ville where she worked with miby the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic News Service in 1988. tament at the Jesuit seminary in VATICAN CITY (CNS) - For grant workers. From Texas she the Doctrine of the Faith in 1968, "Some find it repulsive that Jesus West Baden, Ind., and later taught economic and political reasons the went to Washington, DC, where Father McKenzie said the congre- would ever be tempted. I think it at Loyola University in Chicago, U.S. coalition went beyond its she is now pursuing religious gation should deal with him di- would be repulsive if he were not. the University of Chicago, the Uni- U.N. mandate in the Gulf conflict studies. rectly, not through the Jesuits, the It's part ofthe human experience." versity of Notre Dame and DePaul to destroy the Iraqi regime and its Sister Betancourt studied nursUniversity in Chicago. The U.S. Catholic Conference order to which he then belonged. warmaking potential, said a Jesuit ing for many years and served at He was president ofthe Catholic magazine which often reflects Vatboth Marian and Madonna man- "They can deal with me directly or Office for 'Film and Broadcasting later termed the film a "deeply Biblical Association from 1953 to ican views. ' they don't deal," he said. ors. Presently she works with Latin 1964. , He leftthe Jesuits in 1970, shortly flawed portrayal" of Christ and and Central American immigrants The United States saw Iraq as a through Catholic. Social Services threat to "the existence of Israel, in Providence, RI. the independ~nce of bordering Arab countries and the supply of oil to the Western world," said a WASHINGTON (CNS) She won an earlier Oscar in the IOOth anniversary of 'Rerum nine-page article in the March 16 "American Dream," which was VATICAN CITY (CNS) issue of "La Civilta Cattolica." 1977 for the documentary "Harlan Novarum,''' Ms. McCloskey said. "'Rerum Novarum" is Pope Leo The article favored the economic Social sins can best be eliminated funded in part by $35,000 from the County, U.S.A.," about coal minX1II's 1891 land mark encyclical embargo against Iraq, rather than by avoiding. personal sins, said Catholic Communication Cam- ers in Eastern Kentucky. paign, took the Oscar for best Pope John Paul II. The Catholic Communication ' on capital and labor and is consi- armed force. Editorials and major articles in Although the church defines documentary at the 63rd annual Campaign granted funds for dered the starting point of the the Rome-based magazine, which social sins as the "collective com- Academy Awards ceremony March "American Dream" to Cabin Creek church's modern social teaching. The documentary also comple- appears every two weeks, are portment of vast social sectors" or 25 in Los Angeles. Center for Work and Environments "Economic Justice for All," reviewed by the Vatican SecretaThe documentary ,explores the "the leadership of entire nations or mental studies, which produces the U.S. bishops' 1986 pastoral on riat of State prior to publication. block of nations," they are caused devastating effects that massive documentary and dramatic films the economy, Ms. McCloskey said. The Gulf war also blackened the by personal immorality, the pope factory closings in the mid-'80s on economic problems of workers "American Dream" also was image of the United Nations besaid. ' had on workers in the meatpack- and justice in the work place. "Social sins are the fruit of, the ing industry of the American MidEllen McCloskey, manager of funded with $75,000 from the cause it showed that, although it r Corporation for Public Broad- authorized military force, it was " accumulation of and the concen- west. productions for the Catholic camcasting and $10,000 fro'm the powerless to control military The Oscar went to producers paign, told Catholic News Service tration of many personal sins," he Presbyterian Hunger Program. said at his March 20 weekly general Barbara Kopple and Arthur Cohn. actions once the war started. March 26 the coveted award "comes Catholic Communication CamMs. Kopple, who also directed "Everything was decided by the audience. at a timely moment in develop"We are called to avoid sin" and , the documentary, made the film paign funding is provided through allied forces command," said the ment of the CCc." "American "to reflect God's love in our lives while living three years among a collection taken up annually by article. Dream" is "the caliber of programand in our' relations with one displaced workers in Minnesota, dioceses throughout the United The U.N. authorized a "limited ming that we want to fund." another, as individuals, in our llIinois, Iowa, Nebraska and WisStates for church communications military intervention" to free "The topic reflects the social families and society," said the pope. consin to capture their story. efforts. Kuwait from Iraqi troops, it said. teaching we're talking about on
Controversial Bible scholar dead at 80
Magazine raps U.S.
How to do it
Catholic-funded documentary gets Oscar
TH.E ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-F.ri., Mar. 29, 1991
• -
~ Walsh' Pharmacy
202 Rock St.
Fall River
The National Catholic Pharmacists Guild of the United States
UKRAINIAN CATHOLICS gather around a shrine in front of a Lvov church in this " Easter 1990 eNS photo.
Ukrainian prelate to return to homeland VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Ukrainian Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivsky and his staff in Rome had a thousand things to do in preparation for his return tomorrow to the Soviet Ukraine. On Holy Thursday according to the Julian calendar, a week behind the Gregorian calender used in most of the world, Cardinal Lubachivsky will wash the feet of 12 priests who were imprisoned for their faith. The cardinal, who is the major , archbishop .of Lvov, has not be~n , to his homeland in more than '50 years'. There' hasn't been a major archbishop in r,esidence there for more than 45 years. , In addition to personal items "and liturgical 'vestments, the cardinal is bringing a chancery to Ukraine with him. Ukrainian church offices in the diocesan sees of Lvov, IvanoFrankovsk and Uzghorod "are very primitive,"·said Msgr. Ivan Dacko, chancellor of the archdiocese of Lvov and secretary to Cardinal Lubachivsky. Benefactors and foundations in the West have donated money and materials to help reestablish diocesan. offices, 'which have' not existed since before the Ukrainian Catholic Chinch was outlawed in the Soviet Union in 1946. Six huge truck's were loaded up in front of St. Sophia's Ukrainian Cathedral in Rome. When they departed for Lvov earlier this month, they had left their mark. Their weight had damaged some
DAILY READINGS Apr. 1: Acts 2:14,22-32; Ps 16:1-2,5,7-11; Mt 28:8-15 ,Apr. 2: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5,18-20,22; In 20:11-18 Apr. 3: Acts, 3:1-10;Ps 105: 1-4,6-9; Lk 24: 13-35 Apr. 4: Acts. 3: 11-26; ,'Ps 8:2,5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Apr. 5: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2,4,22-27; Jn21:1-14 Apr.~: Acts. 4:i3-2'1; p's 118:1,14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Apr. 7: Acts 4:32~35; Ps 118:2-4,13-15,22~24; 1 In 5:1-6; Jn2i:19-31
of the intricate brickwork on the The cardinal's,first,public litu;gy square in front of the church. in his homeland will be held March 31, Palm Sunday on the Julian Among items in the trucks were " office supplies difficult or impos- calendar. Many Ukrainian Catholics livsible to purchase in the Ukraine ing 9utside the Soviet Union are -from pens and paper clips to computers and photocopying expected to join the Holy Week and Easter festivities. Those unable' machines. ' The trucks carried 3 million to make the trip may be able to see souvenir holy cards with a repro- highlights on televi~ion. The carduction of an icon on one side and dinal's office has arranged for two the date of the cardinal's'return on documentaries, one on the 1946 the other. liquidation of the church, the other They also brought the first 50,000 on its current status. 'copies ofa Ukniinian prayer book. The books; over 1,000 pages long, contain prayers, liturgical texts arId a catechism. ' The German-based organization Aid to the Ch'urch in Need funded "Masks and Mirrors," a presenprinting of the book, which \;Vas tation designe.d to aid adults sexuedited by Studite Father Hlib ally abused as children, will be Lonchynaof St. Nicholas' parish presented at 7:30 p.m. April 9 at in Passaic, N.J. the Catholic Center of Bridgewater As the Ukrainian church emerged 'State College in Bridgewater. from its underground existence A one-woman show written and over the past two years, priests acted by Roberta Nobleman, herthere began celebrating liturgies in self an abuse victim, produc, the ' the Ukrainian language. Ukrain- tion draws on masks, pantomime, ian Catholics in other parts of the , poetry,' music, first person narraworld began using the vernacular tion and audience participation to instead of Church Slavonic more convey its message. It includes than 20 years ago. excerpts from stories written by , The few prayer books preserved novelist Virginia Woolf, also a in Ukrainian cities are yellow with childhood abuse victim, as a 'io age and ragged from use. They and l2-year-old: The music is from were printed in the 1930s and '40s. Gustav Mahler's First Symphony. ,A't most liturgies, the priests Ms. Nobleman has also written pray in Ukrainian and the people and presented one-woman shows make the responses in Church on Dame Julian of Norwich and Slavonic from memory because they have no texts Qf the Uk-' pilot and Episcopal priest Jeanette Piccard. rainian-Ianguage services, Msg.r. Dacko said.. Religious and theological books are one of the greatest needs of the , WASHINGTON(CNS)-One church in the Ukraine, he said. in five persons,in the United States ,Stacks of texts and theological is a member of an ethnic minority 'works, as well as some ,Gospels group following a more than 50 and EpistIesused for liturgies and percent jumpin the Hispanic popbolts of b'lack' cloth for cassocks , ulation in the 1980s 'and a douwere also aboard the trucks. bling of the numbers of Asians, the The cardinal and 103 other peo1990 census indicates. At least 49.1 p'e will (ravel to Lvov tomorrow millio'll of the nation's 248.7 milon a plane chartered from,Aerolion people identified' themselves flot, the Soviet state airline. as members of an ethnic minority. , , T~ree gozen .jo~nlalists from , Hary.,the United States, England, , Jesuit F;ather Joseph P. Fitzpa',Gerlnany, Australia and Aus,tria frick, sociology professor emeritus will fly with Cardinid Lubachivsky at Fordham University in New from Ro'me: More than 20'MoscowYork, says the numbers don't surbased correspondents of.Western prise him and that "the character news agencies alsoare expected in of the U.S. population continues Lvov for the events which will to be what it always has been. It's includ~ a parade from the airport alway!\ included very large numbers to'St. George's Cathedral. of immigrants and refugees."
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Religion 'Textboolcs For Classes Aids For Religious Educat;on Closses
Catholic Education Center Bookstore 423 Highland Avenue - Fall R,iver
"Masks, Mirrors" at Catholic Center
One in five
EASTER Easter is a special time of year;,a joyous reaffirmation' of Faith. It is a time of new promise and renewed optimism, when family and friends join together in the spirit offaith and hope. As you gather with your loved ones to celebrate this glorious season of rebirth and ,renewal, everyone at Stop & Shop would like to wish you and yourfamily a verY happy holiday. 'Mqy your hearts be filled'~ith love. " ' May your holiday and all your future days be' filled with happiness. And. may peace fill th~ world and bring those who are far away home agamsoon.
The Stop & Shop Companies.
CHILDREN OF San Jose in front of their typical Honduran homes; Ronald Comeau and a friend display the catch of the day: armadillo.
Cape Cod medical group returns to Honduras By Marcie Hickey Ronald Comeauof Holy Rosary parish, Fall River, came back from his recent trip with photos to show and tales to tell. But his Feb. 9 to 16 trip to warmer climes was no midwinter getaway vacation: it was a medical mission to Honduras. part of an annual effort by the Cape Cod chapter of the Central America Medical and Dental Foundation. The interdenominational organization, based in Texas, functions year-round, each month arranging for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dentists to bring supplies and skills to remote Central American populations who otherwise have no access to medical treatment. The February effort was the third for Comeau. a registered nurse employed at VA Medical Center in Brockton. Among those accompanying him on the trip was Betty Mazzucchelli of St. Eliza': beth Seton parish. North Falmouth. who has discussed previous Foundation trips with the Anchor. The two have been with the Cape group since it was organized about three years ago. This year. 25 health professionals set up clinics in a San Jose schoolhouse and in a newly-built church in the outlying village of Corrasita. It took about an hour and a half for the group to get from th~ir hotel up a mountain road 'to the village. where "all the people turned out" for the visit, said Comeau. , The nearest local doctors are in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, ,187 kilometers away and out of reach to mountain populations like those visited by Comeau's group. , If riot for theseU .5. vol~nteers the "nlO~rtlj.in people \yould likel;,:' get no medical care at all. save for occasional immunizations administered by local public h,ealthnur~es, said Comeau. '' v ,
complete invalid ~ there was nothing we could do for him." And there was the case of a little boy with a club foot who had been seen at the clinic the previous year. The group had arranged an appointment for him at the hospital in Tegucigalpa, but the family had arrived two hours late and were not seen at the hospital, so the boy's condition was unchanged. "You can see I wasn't too happy in this photo!" said Comeau, showing a picture of himself treating the boy. This year he sent a child with spinal meningitis to the hospital but learned later that he had died. "This is what I mean about shedding a lot of tears," he said. "But we've saved a lot oflives, too, and helped a lot of people, We can't save them all," He marveled at the Hondurans' uncomplaining attitude toward their trials, "They have a lot of bad cavities because they eat sugar cane," said Comeau. "Last year one of our dentists pulled 222 teeth in one day, The people are very brave about it. There's no anesthesia, but I don't think we saw anybody - even the kids - crying. They just accept the fact." Their response to the medical group is one of "tr'emendous generosity," he s~id. "As we give up our time to go there and give of ourselves, it's nice to know that they lj.ppreciate what we do." He recalled one' thankful Honduran mother bringing him a bean and rice dish that had an unusual flavor. After aTew bites he learned that the unfamiliar dement was lizard: 'Comeau' s"aidhe imnjediately : -, i told the cook that It was very, good,bu't he iust wasn't hungry at the moment. ' , ",He ';tdmits \0 'hav'ing'tried the iguana ttiat an a'dventu,~ous group member b'ought an9 Qad had pre'COMEAu.AND two of his clinic, patients: left, a l3-year-old boy suffering from worms pared at the hotel. but says he and miilnutrition;';right, a boY, with ~ club foot':¡ ' .' . , " , shi,ed away froom some 01 the even , , , ' more'unusual food,off~ririgs,such '" So this time the group brought. ries t'here are frustbitions. Comeau The leaflet ,idea "worked very, as armadillo, ; leaflets designed to educate the vilwell" and was praised by the said he tries not to get discouraged When he saw,a boy ,on the roadlagers about the health risk. government, said Comeau, adding that he can't do more for the peoside selling one ,of the bony-plated The leaflet was Comeau's idea,' that "the educational a~pect is all ple: especially the chil<jren,' mammals, he bougpt it and let it ,created before the trip with the part of being a nurse." "These are lovable children," he go. help ofa coworker at the V A MedHe noted that another Cape said of the Honduran youngsters Future Plans ieal Center: group visiting the same area in ,who despite their poverty are Comellu said that the Cape has On one side, the artist drew the mid-March "did not need to bring "happy the way they are." . , decided that "San Jose will be¡our river, depicting "what people use it as much medicine for worms." "You see these little kids, all of place" for return trips. "We will for" and a truck, transporting water "Hopefully we can get them to them so cute.. ." said Comeau, "We work closely with the public health keep boiling the water," he said. to home cisterns. shed a lot of tears [on these trips] minister there and hopefully raise The other side of the leaflet In the Field - all of us do." the level of health." Comeau's group saw more than shows people using the stored He told of a 13-year-old boy Sending several groups a year is water: in one drawing, marked by 800 people during their stay. A few carried to the clinic on a blanket sure to have a positive impact, he a frowning face and a death sym- cases made a deep impression on by his parents. At three months noting that an April trip is said, bol, they are drinking it straight the nurse. old, he had been diagnosed as havplanned in addition to the two that One that brings a smile to his ing polio and "the parents had from the cistern, without boiling face involved a six-day-old baby cared for him all his life. He was a Turn to Page 13 it; in the other, marked by a happy dirt floors that turn to mud in the rainy season and windows without screens." The villagers "average a meal a day," he added, "It's a difficult place to live, The people are very, very poor, but they hang in there and they pull through." Comeau noted that there has been some improvement in living conditions since the medical missions began. "Last year we saw abou't 1,500 people and treated about 1,000 for worms and vitamin deficiency; this year we didn't see half as many people with worms," he said. But the contaminated river which runs through Corrasita is a major source of problems. "The people do everything in that water - drink it, swim in it, bathe in it, do their laundry, use it as a latrine, said Comeau,
a "
"T.hese ));Cople are' isolated i~ mountainous region.of a. lp'gor coun.try. T~~ public health nurse may have tnree or four thousand peopie .tq look ~fier> he said.,' If'hospital treatment is, needed" !Ie added, a family must find a way to transport the'patient to the city, '~or else they don't go," , The medical professionals trea'ted people for health problems ranging from cavities to serious diseases or injuries, but the most common illnesses, such as malnutrition and parasites, are povertycaused. Comeau described the average villager's home as a hut of "grass tied together with vines and sticks chopped from trees. The fairly well-to-do have plain houses with
face, they are' boiling it b'efore using it to drink or in food preparation. "It was something simple and easy to un,derstand," said Comeau, explaining that he brought about 2,000 copies of the leaflet to be distributed by the public health nurse for hanging in village homes. Hopefully the effort will help overcome one of the major obstacles to improving health conditions: the lack of education. The people have been told "over and over" not to consume the contaminated water, but sometimes that message doesn't get through, said Comeau. "According to our standards they need a lot of education, but according to their standards, they're doing what's always been done. Their rationale is 'my grandmother lives this way, so I will too.'''
who was having trouble breathing. Comeau was ushered into the family's home by the grandmother, who had delivered the baby. "The mother was tucked away in a little corner on a metal frame bed, sheets hanging from the ceiling over her - that was her 'room,''' he said, It turned out that the baby's problem was simply congestion, a condition common in the mountains. Comeau provided some saline nasal drops and told the mother to administer them to the baby each night at bedtime. "I showed her how to put them in the baby's nose - and the kid promptly sneezed," Comeau chuckled. When he returned next, day "the baby was doing beautifully. The mother gave me a hug, What better thanks?" But along with the success sto-
Iteering pOint, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are lI.ked to .ubmlt new. Itam. for thl. column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town .hould be Included, a. wella. full dat.. of allactlvlIle.. P1e..a .end new. of future rather than pa.t event•• Note: Wa do not normally carry new. of fundral.lng actlvltle•. We are happy to carry notice. of .plrltual program., club meeting., youth prolect. and .Imllar nonprofit actlvltle•• Fundral.lng project. may be adverll.ed at our regular rete., obtainable from The Anchor bu.I· ne.. office, telephone 675-7151. On Steering Point. Item. FR Indlcata. Fall River, NB Indlcatell New Bedford.
ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN ,Baptism preparation meeting 7 p.m. April 2. SPIRIT OF JESUS PRA YER GROUP, HY ANNIS Father Frank Santelli. vocations director for Providence diocese, will conduct a generational healing Mass 7:30 p.m. April2. S1. Francis Xavier Church. Hyannis.
O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Support groups for caregivers and the unemployed are being formed; information for caregivers 896-9382; for unemployed 896-3401. CORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Ecumenical Easter sunrise service 6 a.m .. Shawme Pond. Ushers' evening of recollection 7:30 to 9 p.m. April 3. Miramar Retreat Ce·nter. Duxbury; bus transportation from church leaving 6:30 p.m. Information: Bill M ulcahv, 420-1889; Dante Gallerani. 888-0890. Parish Couples' Club premiere gathering 8 p.m. April 5, parish center; information: Stephen and Joyce Dealy. 888-5492; Ken and Philomena Figueredo. 888-0375.
HOLY NAME, FR Women's Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. April 2, school hall. Mrs. Edward Nicoletti will chair and officers will be elected. Holy Name School Advisory Council meeting7: 15 p.m. April' 4, rectory. O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Confessions 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Canned and packaged foods for food pantries may be placed in containers at church entrance. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Adult confirmation class meets 7 to 8 p.m. April3, parish center room I.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Six adults will be fully initiated SWANSEA Confessions 3 to 4 p.m. tomorinto the church during tomorrow's 7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil. Mother's row. Raymond Saucier will lead Novena of Divine Mercy beginning Group-sponsored Easter egg hunt for children age 7 and under 10 a.m. . after stations of the cross 3 p.m. today and continuing at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. CCD students will bring tomorrow and at 7 a.m. daily Easter Easter baskets to Marian Manor resSunqay through the following Sunidents tomorrow. departing from day. CCD center at I p.m.
ST. JOSEPH. NB Confessions 3 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Blessing' of food II Jo a.m. tomorrow. Confessions 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 4 to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM Youth group will sponsor Easter egg hunt for children in grade 4 and younger following 10 a.m. Mass Stonehill College, North Easton, Sunday. will host a radio broadcast of The SACRED HEART, FR LaS~LETTE SHRINE, Peter Meade Show on WBZ-AM Veneration of Cross service 4 p. m. ATTLEBORO Radio 1030 from 6 to 9 p.m. April today. Confessions 3 to 4 p.m. Easter Sunrise service 5:30 a.m.; 18. The program will be an on-air tomorrow. Women's Guild meeting. participants gather attomb at end of open town meeting with discuspotluck supper 6:30 p.m. April 2. outdoor stations of cross: Mass will sion about the Bill of Rights in D, of I., ATTLEBORO continue in People's Chapel celeconjunction with the documents Alcazaba Circle 65 Daughters of brated by Rev: Joseph .Ross. MS. bicentennial. _ Isabella. monthly meeting followlng-Easter'cetebran:on-for-chIld~en-up-ro-' Admission is free, but advance 6 p.m. supper April4. K. of C. Hall: -agt; 10; 2 pomo-~unday. Shnne caferegistration is required. For free Hodges St. Mystery Sisters will be tena. InformatlOl): 222-5410. . tickets call 230-1120 between 8;30 HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO revealed. . . . and 4:30 p.m. ROSARY FOR LIFE, HYANNIS Morning prayer9tomorrow. One 'The program will be broadcast .. f h J h A rosary I' n defellse of ·11·fe--is.- candidate will receive the sacraments from the audltonum 0 t e osep recited 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays in of baptism. confirmation and Euch'1 W. Martin, Jr. Institute for Law . at Easter V'Igi. front of Womancare. 65 Camp St.. anst and Society atStonehill, Hyannis. Information: 428-7418 VINCENTIANS . S Th .320 . North . Washmgton t. e mstltute IS FR Taunton District Council monthly . 'bl ANNE, ST. handicapped access) e. . Confessions II a.m. to noon and I .Mass 7:30 p.m. April I. Immaculate to 4 p.m. tomorrow. Conception Church. Main St .. North Easton. Meeting follows in church SS. PETER AND PAUL, FR ST, JULIE BILLIART, hall. Fall River District Council CYO meeting 7:30 p.m. April 2. N, DARTMOUTH meeting beginning with 7 p.m. liturgy room 8. school. Women's Club Applications for Ladies' Guild April2. S5. Peter and Paul Church. meeting 7 p. m. April I. hall. Vincenscholarship must be submitted by tians meet 7 p.m. April 4. rectory. April I. Pastoral council seeks new ST. MARY, NORTON members; names may be submitted Confessions>3 to 4 p..m. to'morOUR LADY'S HAVEN, to nominating committee or one of row. Grade 9 students will atte~d a FAIRHAVEN the priests. Confessions 4 to ..4:·30·.... talk on, sub~tance ~buse' Apnl I.. Volunteers sought to plan and p.m. tomorrow. Women s GUIld meetmg 7 p.m. Apnl assist in activities for nursing home 2. residents. Activities include pet visRETROUV AILLE its. music, crafts. one-to-one visits. Program .to help heal and renew outings and special events. Informatroubled marriages; upcoming weektion: Gail Lawrence: 999-4561. end April 26 to 28 in Marlboro. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON Continued from Page 12 Information: Phil and Diane Caruso. Blessing of food II a.m. to I p.m. have already taken place this year: 429-6293, or Diocesan Office of tomorrow, church. Confessions 3 to "As for May - that's the rainy Family Ministry. 999-6420. 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. season. so we're not sure about EMMAUS RETREAT ST. STANISLAUS, FR that yet.'" A coeducational weekend retreat Blessing of Easter foods and Comeau has also expressed an program under .the leadership of baskets noon and 2 p.m. tomorrow. interest in visiting a dispensary religious and laity, Emmau~ proOne catechumen will receive sacrarecently opened in EI Salvador by vides persons ages 19 to 30 ~Ith the ments of initiation at Easter Vigil. opportunity to de~pen th~lr rt;laFranciscan Fathers. Evening prayer for Easter 5:30 p.m. Sunday. "I've explored t.his on my own tionship with ChrISt. Reglst.ratlOn - written to the local bishop to deadline for Emmaus 88 (Apnl 19 to ECUMENICAL EASTER 21) is April5. I nformation: Lorraine ask what the clinic's needs would SERVICE, EASTON Roy, 763-8954. be," he said. The clinic is not far An ecumenical sunrise Easter serST. PATRICK, SOMERSET vice for the town of Easton will from the Honduras location, and SI. Patrick's pro-life group will begin at 5:30 a.m. Sunday, Sheep "if they could assure me a place to join other pro-life groups in prayer Pasture. Refreshments will follow. stay and feed me, I'd go." at the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Comeau noted that another Providence tomorrow, meeting in A Pattern medical group is forming in Conchurch parking lot at 7 a.m. and "Let this be the pattern; show necticut arid a combined effort returning about 10:30a.m.lnformamercy to others in ~he same way, might permit an expanded ministry. tion: 676-0213. with the same generosity, with'the "Our membership has grown' ST. ANTHONY, same promptness, as you want fantastically" since the group first MATTAPOISETT Liturgy of thanksgiving for end of others to show mercy to you." started in the Cape area, he said, Persian Gulf ~ar 7 p.m. April 2. SI. Peter Chrysologus "We purchase the medical supplies and pay our own way down there - about $1,200 apiece. That includes the hotel and food - two meals a day and a snack in the field at lunchtime." He concluded, "It's a good crew - nice people, dedicated people: We go out and cry a lot, but we also laugh a lot. "It's fun and it's great - I love it. It's an opportunity to do something for your fellow man, to show Attleboro~ there are still some active ChristNational~ ian-minded people out there. When you go to another country and Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. work directly with the people, you can see the benefit of your efforts."
Stonehill College
'This is where God wants me. "
Cape Cod
Sister Mary Clare Age: 39 Native of: Larned, Kansas Interests: Music, oil painting and crafts.
"From growing up on alarm in Kansas . .. to working as an LPN in Salt Lake City, Galveston, and Ketchikan, Alaska . .. to entering religious life. It was an interesting journey. It led me to a truly awesome life commitment." .
'DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE A religious community of Catholic women with seven modern' nursing facilities in six states. Our one apostolate is to nurse incurable cancer patients. This work is a practical fulfillment of our faith. The most important (alent, highly prized by us, is the talent for sharing of yourself - your compassion, your cheerfulness, your faith - with those who have been made so vulnerable and dependent by this dread disease. Not all of our sisters are nurses, but as part of our apostolate, all directly help in the care of the patients.. If you think you have a religious vocation and would like to know more about our work and community life, why not plan to visit with us. We would be happy to share with you a day from our lives.
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Please send me more information about your Congregation. A'N 3/29/91 Name
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
By Charlie Martin
By Mick Conway
When Joe heard of his upcoming appointment with a substanceA late morning call from. the abuse counselor, he reacted preguidance counselor at Joe's school dictably. "I'm no druggie! Druggies came as no surprise to his parents. are losers, and I'm no loser!" he For several weeks Joe had been yelled. quarrelsome and difficult at home, The next day Joe's parents acso hearing tha't he was in trouble at companied him to an adolescent school only reinforced the.ir fears treatment center for his assess·ment. that something was wrong. The" After several hours, the evaluator guidance counselor informed Joe's ,called Joe !lnd his parents into a parents that his' grades had. been confere'nce room to share the falling rather dramatically, that he assessment outcome. had been absent from scho.ol on "The results of Joe's test indiseveral occasions and that he had cate that he has a' diagnosis of' fallen in with a group of kids with marijuana dependence. Joe was a reputation for using drugs. . reluctant to admit the extent of his' When Joe was confronted by his usage, but after we spent consider- , parents, he reacted with predicta- able time talking about what was ble vigor. He angrily denied all going on ill his life; he did get ' allegations of misbehavior at pretty honest with. me. school, denouncing the cQunselor "Marijuana is a very addicting. soundly for his in~erfei-ence, substance,. a·nd- ait,houg'h Joe Joe left the house in a rage,' thought he was smoking it 'just for squealing the tires ofthe family car fun,' he has developed a dependas he sped away, In yet another ence on this drug." . unprecedented event - taking the Joe's parents could hardly believe car without permission - Joe's their ears. They ~ad not seen Joe' out-of-control emotions gave evi- smoking marijuana, or anything' dellce that he was indeed undergo- else for that matter. His mother ing significant behavioral changes. admitted she had searched his room Now thoroughly alarmed, Joe's on several occasions, but found, parents called their parish priest nothing to suggest he might be for advice. using drugs. "Have you seen any evidence "Well, I didn't want you to that Joe might be using drugs?" he know about it," said Joe. "All my' ask'ed. friends smoke pot and I didn't, "Oh, Father, he couldn't be using think it wo,uld hurt anything if I drugs, Wouldn't we know if he did, too. I knew you wouldn't like were? Do you think that might be it, so I didn't smoke at home," why Joe has be'en acting so com"Not all kids smoke pot, Joe," pletely out of character these past said the counselor. "The kids you months?" they asked. choose to hang around with smoke "I don't know, but all the warn- it. They may not be addicted to it, ing signals are there. I believe you but you are. That's why your life should arrange for Joe to have a has taken such a different course." substance-abuse evaluation right "J oe has agreed to stay here and away. That way we'll know for go through our inpatient treatment sure what we're dealing with." program," said the counselor. "Our patients are all teenagers and he'll find that they have had similar experiences with becoming hooked on drugs. Recovery programs produce a real bonding because kids FUNERAL HOME help each other get well. It will be a, 550 Locust Street pos,itive experience for Joe and Fall River, Mass. one that should get his life back on' Rose E. Sullivan track." William J. Sullivan ''I'm glad you're staying, Joe," Margaret M: S~l1ivan said his dad. "It's the best decision 672.2391 you've ever ":lade."
"SHOREWAY ACRES IS. A SURE tHING" It's 'What Life On C~p~ Cod Is All About"
~:~~::~'::::: DA~
Why be afraid if I'm not alone t~ Life is never easy, the rest is unknown Up till now for me it's been hands against stone Spend each and every moment Searching for what to believe Coming out of the dark I finally see the light now And it's shining on me Coming out of the dark I know the love that saved me Sharing with me Starting again is part of the plan And 111 be so much stronger Holding your hand Step by step 111 make it through I know I can ' May no.t make it easier But I have felt you near all the way Forever and ever Stand ,on the r'of:k of your love , Is all it takes' No matter what we face Written and sung by Gloria Estefan (c) 1991 by Sony Music Entertainment, In,c. " "COlVlING Ol,JToft,heDark" As ~uch, the so'ng spe~ks for the i's Gloria Estefan's: personal meaning of Easter. , Estefan was one of pop musstatemen't ~bout facing death and then evei1tually' finding her ic's best-known and most-loved life and career renewed. stars before her tragic accident. Once it was clear that she would This 'song is her first hit since 'last ,year's life-threatening bus survive, it remained_ uncertain she would perform again, accident which lert her with-a broken back. For the recording Through this journey of dark Estefan joins up with a Gospel uncertainty, Estefandiscovered a shining truth: "Why be afraid choir, turni'rig the song into an if I'm not alone?" anthem of belief in God's love Estefan reminds us that God's and the power of-personal hope.
At my last Easter egg decorating By Hilda Young I have my favorite seasons to be volunteered as a homeroom mother. Easter is not one of them. Of course, I have been food poisoned at Thanksgiving, nearly electrocuted setting up classroom Christmas trees and stabbed (three stitches) with a plastic Cupid's arrow on Valentine's Day,; but these experiences are cakewalks compared to Easter egg decorating with Miss Sweeney's fourth grade. In all fairness, Miss Sweeney had taught onlY,one year and was inexperienced with students like Benny Fitz, Crazy Carl Weather- , bent or Rachel ,Radbury.my.son ' Thug's best friends. Actually, 'the c::gg deco~ating could have gone well if Miss ~ Sweeney had, not wanted to' use real eggs, real~vinegar, real fake' dye and .real students.
I had suggested we use pingpong balls and crayons to minimize the spill-and-splatter factor and that the students stage their decorating party in the bus garage where Mack Thudenburn, our maintenance man, could keep an eye on them. Miss Sweeney would not hear of it. She felt "platoons" of four students could comfortably decorate three eggs each at the room's artwork station. Perhaps her mistake was grouping Benny, Crazy Carl, Rachel and Thug. I subtly tried to warn her. "Yoli are nu'ttier than an ele.! phant's cage if you think I'm taking that group," I said.' "O'on't fret, Mrs. Young," she said coolly. "I'll take this platoon (she loved that word) if you will sit at my desk and oversee silent reading."
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love is never extinguished by' the darkness offear.lndeed, we may face personal loss. We may become disillusioned by the hurt in our worldwide family. We may wonder why governments make choices based on fear and generate the violence that flows from these decisions. Yet, to remember Easter is to believe in love's ultimate triumph. The song suggests that we must "stand on the rock" of God's love, "no matter what we face." We do this when we open our hearts to God, sharing with him what we experience and feel. Sometimes, peo'ple are afraid to share their true feelings with God. Yet, we need to know that God wants to listen to whatever we are feeling, such as our anger, hopelessness or even our hatred. Easter is God's,promise of his eternal openness to each of us, that the healing miracle of love carinot be lost. To celebrate Easter is to be invited once more to open our hearts to the one we can feel "near all the way,"-" Easter' brings 'us challenge. We are to be mirrors of God's love, helping others come "out of the dark." God asks us to reflect his healing miracle. Many need to be "holding your hand" so th~! "step by step" they can "mak~ it through~~ wqatever p~rsonal darknes~ covers their live,S. Easter encourages us to evaluate how often and how generously we hold out our hands to others. ' On the 'first Easter Jesus walked out of the, cold, dark tomb. Estefan's song gives tes-' tament to her own emergence from the dark. Open your heart wide to Easter's message! Resolve to live fully in the light! Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635.
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It was about two minutes later I heard her from the back of the room point out to Crazy Carl that she made it perfectly clear their eggs were to have been hard-boiled. Actually she used an additional word before "eggs," but I am sure I must have heard her incorrectly. "N 0, you certainly may not use that word on your egg," she said somewhat louder after a short time. Soon she came to her desk arid fumbled through the top drawer with trembling fingers. "My doctor says I may use these on rare o~casions," she:: s~id, popping a large pill into her mouth and gulping. "This is one of those occasions. Have you ever seen a human be~~gsw~llowa hard-boiled egg wholel" It was about then the coughing in, t'li~ back of the r'o()m began. It moved up ,the rows 'of students alon'g wi'tha foglikephenomenon which gradually' enveloped the room. " , ~fter, t'he school' evacuation, Thug l;ll)d ~enny.explained to the firemen they had spilled a little vinegar on the steam valves. This was interesting because the steam v~lv,es were eight feet high and couldn't be opened without a wrench oJ; perhaps a Boy Scout knife with a spoon and fork attachment. We \yeren't surprised when Miss Sweeney asked to extend her Easter vacation until Labor Day of an undisclosed year.
-('.~ .~.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 29, 1991
in our schools . Bis~op Connolly Ms. F. Ann Blumenthal, guidance director at Bishop Connolly High Schol, Fall River, has annou nced that course selection materials for 1991-92 have been distributed to all students. Registration for courses will take place in ApriL "We ask parents to carefully review this material with their sons and daughters," said Ms. BlumenthaL "Those entering the junior or senior year should be especially careful to choose classes which will meet the entrance requirements of the colleges in which they are interested." Senior Brigitte Rubano, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rubano of Somerset, is the recipient of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Chancellor's Award for excellence in art. Award recipients receive a four-year tuition waiver and are expected to remain in good aqademic standing and to contribute to the university's artistic community.
Glenn Martin, Jayme Carvalho and Jon Ruel received second team honors. Camara, ajunior forward, scored 26 goals with 17 assists. Macy, a senior defenseman, earned EAC all-star status for his consistent defensive play and his leadership. Both were also named to the New Bedford Standard Times all-star team.• Martin, ajuniur, scored 14 goals and had 18 assists. Carvalho, also a junior, scored 20 goals with 18 assists; and Ruel, a sophomore, scored three goals and had II assists.
• * * •
Classes. resume Wednesday at Connolly following the Easter recess and faculty attendance at the National Catholic Educational Association convention in Boston.
St. James-St. John School
The first grade class from St. James-St. John School, New Bedford, had a lesson in maple sugaring March 13 at the Dartmouth Children's Museum. After learning to identify a maple and viewing trees that had been tapped, the students visited a sugar . shack to learn aboutmaking maple syrup and maple sugar candy. They tasted sap and maple syrup. On March 14, first graders staged a baptism ceremony using dolls. Each child who brought a doll selected classmates as a parent; godparents and a priest. The "godparents" held a lighted candle during the brief ceremony, which consisted of baptismal promKathleen Sheridan, president of ises recited by the "parents" and the debate club at Bishop Feehan "godparents," the naming of the High School, Attleboro, has re- "baby" and the pouring of water ceived the Coaches' Award for her by the "priest." , contributions to the club. Many of the dolls were dressed During a recent South Shore in the children's own baptismal Debate League meet, Katherine outfits, and students prepared for Goldman, Nita Patel and Kristen the ceremony by asking their parSaintdon placed fourth in the first ents about their own baptisms. round. Miss Patel placed fifth in a • second round of competition, and On March 14, fourth and sixth Miss Goldman and Elaine Dwyer grade classes attended a producfinished·sixth. tion of "Harriet the Spy" ·at the During a tournament at Tabor Zeit~rion'Threater.', Academy, fiistSpeaker awards went: The sixth graders also wrole to Feehan's Joseph Boyle, Timothy plays of the'ir own:, working in Famulare; Kathleen Sheridan, Nita small groups, they created four Patel, Melissa Mille'r. D~rek Wes- "radio" plays that were recorded, ley, Darcie D~nnigan,katherine complete with sound effeats, in the Goldman and Diane Masla'sk·a. library. A mystery, a haunted house The Feehan dance' and rriiisic tale, a rescue mission and a com~dy: departments will, present "Carou-' were tl,Ien air,ed fo~ ,the whole slass. sel" Aprin I to 14:
* • *' •
Senior Cara McDermott has been named to the Fall River Herald News all-star girls' basketball second team. She has also been selected an Eastern Athletic Conference all-star. A four-year varsity player and three-year starter, she averaged 12.1 points per game this season. Five members of the Connolly hockey team were selected for the Herald News all-star hockey squad. Brian Camara and Matt Macy were named to the first team, while
Bishop Feehan
• • •
, "
Art' Contest Students in gr~des 6' through 8 may enter' an art conteSt' sponsored by the Bishop Feehan High School NatiO'nal Art Honor Society: Works in any two dimensioi,tal medium, any size,-that have been completed quring this school year may be submitted. Entries will be exhibited in' the foyer of the Attleboro high school from 6 to 9 p.m. May3 and awards will be annQunced at that time. Art teachers, principals, students, par-' ents and relatives are invited to the exhibition. Entry forms and information may be obtained from Brenda Loiselle at Feehan, 226-6223. Deadline for entries is April 19.
· '. ',.' ",.
The school has obtained ·three new printers and a;disk drive through a .supermarket receipts program .. ,
St. Mary-Sacred' Heart School , Christqpher Ffynr;; an,; eighth' grader at'St. Mary-Sacred Heart· School,. North Attleboro, 'was ' awarded a second place certificate' at thc:n:cent Massaph!.!setts Region. III Science Fair at Bristol Com-' munity. College, Fall River. ' The St. Mary-Sacred Heartgirls' basketball team, coachedby Tony Lanci and Tom O'Connell, captured the Sunday School Girls' Division title in the Attleboro YM CA-Church'Basketball League.
Disabilities director
Recent box office hits 1. The Silence of the Lambs, A-IV(R) 2. New Jack City, 0 (R) 3. The Hard Way, A-III (R) 4. Sleeping With the Enemy, A-III (R) 5. The Doors, 0 (R) 6. Dances With Wolves, A-III (PG-13) 7. Home Alone, A-II (PG) 8. Shipwrecked, A-I (PG) 9. King Ralph, A-II (PG) 10. L.A. Story, A-III (PG·13)
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list cOIIlesy 01 Variety
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General ratings: G-suitable'for general viewing; PGt3-parental guidance strongly suggested for 'children under 13; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or young teens, Catholicratirigs: At-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3--approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (givep films not morally offensive which require some explanation); 0morally offensive:
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. 'The fall Rive'r Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide conta~ins complete diocesan inf~(n"ation and a telephone diT~'ctory of prie~tsl dire:ct~r.s" of dioces~n institutions, parish reiigious ed ucation coordinators and permanent d e a c o n s . , '" . . • . Also in-eluded are 'addresses of retired clergy and those serving outside the' d'iocese, as wei fils a listing of priests by years of ordinatioo anda t·able of movable'feasts through-the year 2002-. , ·It may'be orde'fed by telephone at ,675-,7.l51 or by m.ail"using ~he coupon below." THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage 'and han~ling per copy).. ' ~:'-ANCHOR ~blishing Co~-;-~-_-":'_--------~----------.:
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