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VOL. 45, NO. 13 • Friday, March 30, 2001 ,
Southeastef~ Mas;achusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year ,
The Anchor moUrns loss of general Dlanager ~
Rosemary Dussault had been with the Fall River diocese's newspaper for more than 40 years. By JAMES N.
FALL RIVER - Rosemary Dussault, who helped launch The Anclwr in 1957 and as general manager guided the diocesan newspaper's growth across the expanse of the Fall River diocese, died March 22 in St. Anne's HospitaL . Dussault, who had battled cancer since last summer and had gone into retirement earlier this year, was 71. A Somerset resident for 20 years and a member of S1. Thomas More Parish, she had moved to 'TIverton, R.I. a month ago. Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., reflected on Dussault's dedication. "I was ple~ to be able to present Rose, mary Dussault with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Medal, a sign of the Church's recognition of decades of selfless service to the Diocese of Fall River in our media apostolate. She was a woman of faith, a competent pro-
circulation and style as she added feature writ- one of the founders of its credit union. fessional, an outstanding Catholic." In 1970 she was honored by the diocese Born in Fall River, she was a daughter of ers, veteran editors and skilled production techthe late William H. Dussault Sr., and the late nicians. Having assisted in the years when with its Marian Medal for her dedication and Helen (McGough) Dussault. Her mother died cumbersome paste-up of newspaper pages service. Last November, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, when she was twowas the style, she was years-old. She was quick to bring sophis- OFM Cap., presented her with the prestigious raised by her father an~ ticated computer tech- . papal medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice for outby Joseph and Celia nology to all facets of standing service to the Church. The medal was Watson. She resided in the newspaper's op- instituted by Pope Leo XIII in 1888 in memory , Fall River during her erations and just this ,of his golden sacerdotal jubilee. Made a peryouth. year realized a long manent award in 1898, it is awarded to those, As one of the first ambition to bring who, in a general way, have served the Church employeesofthefledgcolor to the pages of ,and the papacy. Dussault leaves a brother, William H. ling newspaper, she The Anclwr. ~~-~ ~~~~ Dussault Jr., of Swansea; three sisters: Rita ing long hours in circuwas the only female LaPointe of Fairhaven, Helen Souza of lation, production, ad- ~, advertising executive Tiverton, R:I., and Cecilia Mahoney of at national Catholic Tiverton and Somerset; and nieces and vertising and bookkeep- . ing to get The Anclwr PressAssociation con- nephews. , Msgr. John E..Moore, editor of The Anknown and read by ventions. .Catholics in the region. A 1948 graduate of clwr, wll$:pruid~ celebrant and h8milist at Under Dussault's 44 the fo~er Academy her funeiil Mass on Monday in S1. Thomas of the Sacred Hearts, More ChUrch. Bishop O'Malley presided. years of professional ~~'. "_.' leadership and as gen- r----::c--,;T"'" Dussault was a com- Burial was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, Fall ' eral manager and ad'_ municant of Immacu- River. The Jeffrey E. Sullivan Funeral' Home, vertising executive, the 1L... ._-R....;..;O'-S-EM-A-R-y...:.-O-U...:.SJlSA·U:....L:=:r=--_.. late Conception Parish 550 Lo¢~sr Street, Fall River, was in charge newspaper advanced in ,in her youth and was of artangtiments, .' I
Youth· make impact at diocesan Pro-Life Mass·· By
In front of a filled church, Bishop O'Malley said, ''The future of our Church is in our youth, as is the future of the ProHYANNIS - Continuing to ride the Life movement." youthful momentum of the Pro-Life March The Mass is Washington, D.C. tionally held on the this past January, feast of the Annunciascores of Catholic tion. "Mary'sjiat, Mary's school students from saying 'yes' to God, was throughout the Diocese Mary saying ~yes' to life," of Fall River gathered said the bishop. "When at St. Francis Xavier Jesus was conceived, he Church here on Monwas not a lump of tissue. day to attend the annual He was the Word made diocesan Pro-Life Mass, flesh." sponsored by the diocBishop O'Malley told esan Pro-LifeApostolate. the students that thos~ Students from Bishop who advocate abortion Stang High School in deceive people by calling North Dartmouth, St. themselves pro-choice. Margaret'S in Buzzards "In fact they are really pro Bay, Holy Trinity in death," he said. West Harwich, St. Marian Desrosiers, assisAnne's in Fall River, ESSAY CONTEST winners meet with Bishop O'Malley after the Pro- tant director of the diocesan St. Mary-Sacred Heart in North Attleboro, and Life Mass. The essays were .based on a poem by Madele[ne Lavoie, Pro-Life Apostolate, was St. Francis Xavier Pre- left. With Lavoie and the bishop are, from left: Myles Derbyshire, Caitlin Tum to page 13 paratory School in M~ueen, sarah Smith and Alissa Mari Rebello. (AnchodJolivet photo) Pro-Life Hyannis heard Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. deliver an impassioned homily on behalf of society's most vulnerable members, the unborn and the elderly.
Locl!l pri~st
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iii Honduras : WEST HARWICH -.:... When Polishborn Father Joseph' Blyskosz heads to Guaimaca, Honduras April' 25 to join the Fall River diocese's mission there, h"e'll be realizing an ambition he had as a young seminarian: "Isn't it funny that I had to . learn J;':ngli,sh in: order to come to this country in: order to. stu'dy' .and become a priest and when I get here, have FATHER JOSEPH to go to Mexico' : BLYSKOSZ to learn Spanish to work in a mission in Central America," the 32-year-old parochial vicar at Holy Trinity Parish s.aid with a wide grin and an infectious laugh. Father Blyskosz, who was ordained Tum, to page 13- Mission
Mass.: Council of Churches blasts legali~ing. assisted suicide
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall Riwer-Fri., March 30, 2001
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~ Massachusetts
in the Commonwealth, in a statement from Atty. Daniel Avila, its associate director for Public Policy, said that the statelJlent "and the proOver 35 Years cess by which ... conclusions were' of Satisfied Services Tel. (508) 997-1165 reached exemplify what tremendous Reg. Master Plumber 7023 . Mon. ~Sal 9:30 am - 5:00 pm good can happen when a difficult JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. .By JAMES N. DUNBAR 88·A STATE HIGHWAY , moral and legal.issue is addressed 432 JEFFERSON STREET (Rt.6)- NO. DARTMOUTH BOSlDN ....,.... An historical ecu- with honesty and care:..." FALL RIVER 675·7496 Across Fmm SkUlK RS. NaJ Door to Rulllurant menical statement by the board of Avila also said that the endeavor directors ofthe Massachusetts Coun- "should' serve as a national model 'cil of Churches opposing the legal- for reaching consensus on meeting ization ofassisted suicide in the Com- the medical, social and most impormonwealth and calling for positive, _ tant, the' spiritual needs of. persons life-affirming responses for the dy- approaching death." • Prompt 24 Hour Service· Automatic Deliveries ing, has found widespread support. He added that the MCC looks • ~allin Deliveries • BudgetTerms Available . Father Marc Bergeron, ecumeni- forward to working with the Mas• Free Estimates , cal officer for the Fall River dio~ sachusetts Council ofChurches and " cese, and a member of the Council, , all other in~restedgroups."in ~very You Never Had Service said that the Issue of legalizing as- way nece~sary to make truly comUntil You Tried Charlie's sisted suicide "might be quiet for the passionate, Iife-affinning care a reWe're located at ... . moinent, but it is an issue regularly ality iri Massachusetts for everyone." 46 Oak Grove Ave., Fall River raised in the legislature since 1997 Dr: Diane Kessler, executive diorcall ... . ' .. , and we wanted to make sure our rector of the Church Council said opposition is always before people's. .that the significance of the decision 508-675-7426- 674-0709' eyes and in their minds." . "is the board's willingness to venDespite the defeat of a recent ture into an,area of great moral and ballot initiative on physician-assisted ethical complexity over an extended .suicide in Maine - after a coordi. . na~d opposition from the region's Catholic bishops, "Public .debate about -'end 9f life' issues will continue," said Father Bergeron . . 1600 Bay Street .. FatherBergeron, who was instru.FALL RIVER - As part of Fall.River, MA 02724 mental in writing .the Council's its comprehensive approach to :~ : (508),673-2322 eight-page statement "PhysicianAs- treating cancer, the Hudner On'" .. .. sisted Suicide: A Christian' Perspec- cology 'Center at Saiilt Anne's tive from the Massachusetts Coun- Hospital will offer a IO-week, , !free 1fea[tli Care for inaLrafJfe. ~ patiin~s wfw . cil ofChurches,". said the suppoI:t spring "Get Fit, Live Fit:' total cannot afforti to pay for nursiJJB>care.~e.w,~~:,> '.. . coming from the Massachusetts .fitness program series for\vomen Catholic Conference "is inost im- with cancer. ltUlivUfudizetf care atuf attention in an atmoipliere of portant and well received." atuf warmt/i, wliere Cove, wuferstatufing atuf compassion prevail. The program, from. March 26 The Massachusetts Catholic Con- through June 4,' meets on Mon'Beautifu{ setting ovef[oof(jng Mt. ':J{ope ·'Bay. ference, the official public policy days from 4:30-5:30 p.m., and on voice ofthe Roman Catholic Church Wednesdays from 9:30-10:30 p.m. . . .
Montie Plumbing ,& Heating Co. ,
Catholic Conference applauds the action by board that includes a Fall River priest. '.
Charlie's. Oil Co., Inc.
Spring fitness program for women with cancer
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home. ' '~'
We .still have some 2000 Fall. River Diocesan Directories available
April 2
. April 3
.April5 April 6
April 7· April 8
... _ ... - - . : ..
...............- . - - r - _ . _ _._. -
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This Message Sponsored by the Following " Business Concerns in the Diocese,of Fall River GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY .WALSH PHARMACY DURO f!NISHING CORPORATION
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All sessions are held in the hospital's Clemence Hall, Room' 135. .. Participan~ need not be patients at'Saint Anne's and may join at any time. There is no charge, but registration is recommended. To register and 'for informa-· tion about the program or any specialized oncology support or educational programs for men and women, call Karyl Benoit at (50S) 674-5600, ext. 2515.
Daily R.eadings
April 4
To obtain a copy, send 'a check for $7~00 (includes s&h) to Anchor Publishing, P.O. Box ' 7, Fall River 02722 - or stop by the An.chor ' office Mond~y-Fridayfrom 9, a.m to 5 p.m~·
period of time." The board's statement is addressed especially to Christians and their churches. The 40-member board consists ofclergy and lay rep-· resentatives of 15 of the state's Protestant denominations and includes ecumenIcal representatives from the state's four Roman Catholic dioceses . as well as Orthodox traditions. While the various Council members "varied considerably" in the positions and the ethical approaches used the reach them, the statement, written from a Christian standpoint, said that" board members seriously doubt and some reject categorically that physician-assisted suicide is an . ethically responsible option. A right and good answer is found in the creation of measures that will effectively diminish suffering, so that the terminally ill patient can live and die with a maximum of consciousness and a minimum of pain." The MCC board's statelJlent can be viewed on the Council's Website at
On 13:1~9,1517,19-30,33-62 or 13:41 c; Ps 23:1-6; In 8:1-11 orJn 8:12-20 Nm 21 :4-9; Ps 102:2-3,16-21 ; In 8:21-30 . On 3:14-20,9192,95; (Ps) On 3:52-56; In 8:31'42 ' Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9; In 8:5159 Jer 20:1 0-13; PS 18:2-7; In 10:3142 'Ez 37:21-28; (Ps)Jer31:10- , 13; In 11 :45-57 Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9,1718a,19-20,23-24; PhiI2:6-11; Lk 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-49
11II11 j I11111111111111111111111
THE ANCHOR (USPS-545'{)20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly eXcept for the first two weeks in July the week after Ouistrnas at 887 Highlanl Avenue, Fall River. MaSs. 02720 by the Catholic . Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Stih<;cription price by mail. postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS Seoo address changes to The Aochor; P.O. Box 7. 'Fall River, MA 02722.
In. Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week April 2 1961, Rev. Adolph Banach, OFM Conv., Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford 1976, Rev. Donald Belanger, Pastor; St. Stephen, Attleboro . 1993, Rev. James B.'Coyle, Pastor Emeritus, St. Dorothea, Eatontown, N.J. . April 4 1972, Rev. Lionel Gamache, S.M.M. 1985, Rev. JamesF. McCarthy, Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River ' 1991, Re~. Gaspar L. ~arente, Retired Pastor, St. Theresa, Patagonia, Ariz. . April6 1977, Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale, Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham . 1980, Rev. Lorenzo Morais, Retired Pastor, St. George, Westp9rt 1987, Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson, Retired Pastor, St. 'Francis Xavier, Hyannis ' 1994, Rev. Gerald E. Conmy, CSC, Associate Pastor, St. Ann, DeBary, F l a . ' . . 1997, Rev. Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan April 7 1976, Rev. James A. Dury, Chaplain, Madonna Manor, North Attleboro AprilS 1988,Rev. Alvin Matthews, OFM, Retired, Our Lady's Chapel, New,Bedford .
Walk for Hunger will raise funds for area Project Bread progralDs ~
Sixteen local agencies turning to emergency pantries to help feed their families." are among 58 in Project Bread is a nonprofit Southeastern community orgarization dedicated Massachusetts to alleviating, preventing and endto benefit. ing hunger in Massachusetts.
FALL RIVER - Concerned citizens from local schools, religious organizations and businesses are currently working with Project Bread to recruit participants for the Walk for Hupger slated for Sunday, May 6, beginning at Boston Common. Proceeds from the walk will ' provide funds for nearly 400 emergency food programs in 129 communities throughout Massachusetts, including 58 agencies in Southeastern Massachusetts. "Although' jobs are plen~iful right now, many do not pay sala-ries that are consistent with the high cost of living in Massachusetts," said Ellen Parker, executive director of ProjeCt Bread. "More and more working families are struggling and they are
The statewide problem is also reflected locally, according to Drew Ward, director of St. Joseph's Food Cellar in Attleboro. "We're seeing more working families and more elderly at our pantry," said Ward. "Thanks to the Walk for Hunger funding, this year we celebrate our 10th year of helping people at the food cellar." The walk is expected to attract 40,000 people. Walkers and fami~ lies and friends can walk all or part of the route, which weaves through Bo~ton, Brookline, Newton, Watertown and Cambridge. Leadership sponsors for the Walk for Hunger are Au Bon Pain, Fleet, Raytheon, and Stop & Shop. Registration will take place on May 6 from 7-9 a.m., at the Boston Common. The, MBTA \YiII
offer free -rides to walkers with registration forms between 6 and 9 a.m., on any subway, bus or commuter train. To learn how you can participate in the Walk for Hunger, contact Project Bre\ld at (617) 7235000 or at Local agencies funded by Project Bread include: - . Fall River: Citizens for Citizens, Inc., Greater Fall River HAMMOND ORGANS WANTED!
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 200 I Food Pantry, The Salvation Army; - New Bedford: American Red Cross, Market Ministries, Inc., The Salvation Army,. United Way of , ~outheastern Massachusetts; ~ Raynham: Raynham Food Basket, Inc.; - Taunton: Coyle & Cassidy High School Food Pantry; Cross-, roads Kitchen Center; Our Daily Bread; Society of St. Vincent de Paul;
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by Diocesan Health
Facilities FALL RIVER - Diocesan Health Facilities Office recently annoUilce'ci' 'ttlc' recent'promotion of Laura Mitchell as its director of finance. A resident' of Acushnet, Mitchell has been with Diocesan Health Facilities for c four-and-a-half years and was promoted from controller of the Diocesan Health Facilities system. She holds a bachelor's degree in management and a master's degree in business administration
from the University ofMassachusetts-Dartmou tho " ''the Mil(jo'nnaManor Nursing Home recently announced that Tim Levesque was hired as its new food service director. He has been emp'loyed in the food service department at the home from 1979-1987 and is a resident ofNorth Attleboro. Levesque holds a certificate as a food service supervisor and has been a chef at the Mansfield Holiday Inn for the past 13 years.
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Dioces~ of Fall River:......: Fri., March 30, 2001
the living word
themoorin~ . . .
Thanks for the memories On Dec:' i4,1963,almost 3.8 years ago, Pope PaulVI issued the . 'decree on the Instruments, of Social Communications, one'of nine 'decrees passed by the' Second Vatican Council. It marked the first .time that a general ,Co!Jl)cil of the Church addressed itself to the prob.'Iem of communications. It also marks the first general mandate of the· ',Church to the clergy and laity on the use of communications media. Passed at the final seconq session of the Council, therehas been much speculation that if this particular subject had been discussed later in the Council, the texture of the decree might have been fuller and richer in context. Yet it was an important beginning and since that time the current Holy Father has rendered many reflections and guide~ lines on this subject directed to all in the Church with special reference to the role of the laity in the field of coml)luriications. The Council Fathers reflected that all the children of the Church should strive most energetically to use the instruments of social communication effectively in the many fields of the apostolate. LaYlpeople who have' a role in using these instruments are urged "to be busy giving witness to Christ, by performing their duties skillfully and with apostolic ardor." The Fathers became quite specific in reference to journalism. "By way of thoroughly inculCating a Christian spirit in its readers, a Catholic press worthy of the name should be supported." The goal of the press is to form, strengthen and spread public views, which are in harmony with the natural law and with Church teachings and precepts." , Established by Bishop James L. Connolly, the fourth Ordinary of this diocese, the first issue of this paper, The Anchor, rolled off the press on April II, 1957. From the first day of its reception, Rosemary Dussault came aboard as an assistant to. Hugh Golden, the first editor. In successive year~ until her death .this past week, Rosemary was the heart and soul of the paper. With her dear friends, Msgr. Daniel Shalloo and Father John Driscoll, she effectively and competently grew in the roles of bookkeeper, advertising director and office manager. So well did she face the many tasks and difficulties of these' positions that.Bishop.Daniel A. erollin promoteq.her to general manager of the paper. '. For the'.past 44 years, The Anchor was her vocation. No matter , how da4nting w~r.e,tl)~ m~QY p.ap!';r:,f~~~.£qp._.l?r9.-.. duction and'contimt, Rosemary was the very steady hand that guided . The Anchor's course and direction.' There were no 9 to 5 days; no clocks were punched and no cutting of corners. Endless hours on the job were a standard commitment. The many difficulties that an~ assodated with production and mailing were faced wi'th a 'determined spirit. She dealt with the clergy of the diocese with a courteous professi6nalism. Even when there were times of care and concern, her wonderful spirit ruled. the day. Her involvement in press assoCiations led her to meet many new loyal and devoted friends serving on other diocesan papers. These friendships had a lasting effedon her life. She kept in contact often with them and a wonderful support group was formed with the one common denomination, namely, service to the Church through the apostolate of the Catholic Press. For over 35 years this editor has been a part of The Anchor family.·. As an op-ed ~riter I certainly gave Rosemary some anxious moments. However, as time. continued 'and a young priest grew into middle age, a more mature approach to writing gave her fewer gray hairs. I learned much from her guidance and experience an.d even as my time at The Anchor will come to its completed end, I will always remember ~he gifts of presence that Rosemary shared with all of us ..who worked with her on a week-to-week, day-by-day basis. She was truly a class act and one that cannot be duplicated. Rosemary, thanks for the memories. ' The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly' by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675~7048 . Send address changes 10 P.O. Box 7 or calilelephone number above
Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault. PRODUCTION MANAGER
Dave Jolivet
James N. Dunbar
Stonehill forum for Catholic-bashing .. speaker shocks bishop FAU RIVER - Bishop Sean narians John Cornwall and P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., spoke Gary Wills and the ex-priest out strongly today against ac- James Carroll,' who are all tivist and columnist James lapsed or angry Catholics. The . Carroll being given a forum at Rabbi writes: 'For Jewish leadStonehill College's Martin In- ers of a previous generati<;>n, the stitute Auditorium for a talk campaign against Pius XII would have been a source of . scheduled for Sunday. Carroll's appearance is shock. During and after the sponsored by' the Journeying war, many well-known Jews' Together in Faith Committee, such as Albert Einstein, Golda pari ofthe Jewish Catholic Dia- Meir, Moshe Sharett, Rabbi Logue Committee funded in Isaac Herzog, and innumerable part by the. Winick Symposium others publicly expressed their on Catholic-Jewish Relations. gratitude to Pius. In his 1967 Bishop O'Malley's statement . book, "Three Popes and the Jews," the diplomat Pinchas reads: "It is very sad that James Lopide (who served as Israeli Carroll, who has made a lucra- Consul in Milan. and intertive cottage industry out of viewed Italian Holocaust surCatholic-bashing, is being vivors) deciared Pius XII was given it forum to peddle his instrumental in saving at least tawdry notions at a local cam- 700,000, but probably as many pus. His patently unfair char~ as 860,000 Jews from certain acterization of Pius XII, indeed death at Nazi hands.' Many Catholics today might of Christianity, is an outrageous assault on the truth. I am be surprised that one of the shocked and disappointed that strongest witnesses to Pius some people have deluded XII~s activities in support of the t.hemselves into thinking that Jewish People is The New York this presence could in any way Times, which during the war further the Catholic-Jewish years carried several stories documenting his role in fightDialogue.. . One can only suspect that' ing Nazism and defending JewCarroll's vitriolic attack against ish refugees. In' fact, Stephen Pope Pius is fueled by his dis- DiGiovanni has done a fascidain for the teachings' of the nating study .entitled, "Pius XII Catholic Church. Be is hardly and the Jews: the War Years," a dispassionate or objective in- based almost entirely on the terpreter of history. I.nvitirig him ample documentation of events to promote· Jewish-Catholic reported' by The New York understanding is tantamount to Times. By way of example, a having the Reverend Al front-page headline on Oct. 28, Sharpton give a eulogy at 1939 declared: 'Pope ConPatrick Buchanan's wake. Sur- d~rnns Dictators, Treaty Violarealistic.. ' . tors, Racism.' Allied airplanes Rabbi David Dalin observes dropped thousands .of copies in a recent article, 'Pius XII and of one of the Pope's Encyclithe Jews,' that the worst detrac- cals over Germany in an effort tors of .the pope are 'ex-semi- 'to raise anti-Nazi sentiments i
among the people. Another unlikely supporter of the Pope is that bastion of secular humanism, Time Magazine, which published an article in December of 1940 quoting Albert Einstein as saying: 'Only ·the· 'Church' 'stood- squ~rely across the path of Hitler's campaign for suppressing the truth. I have never had any special interest in the Church before, but I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and the persistence. to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, · I now praise unreservedly.' Countless Holocaust survivors have professed their gratitude for the role of Pius XII during the war years. With Rabbi Dalin, I lament that dissident Catholic authors are conducting a character assassina· tion on Pius XII with the 'complicity of the media. Dalin says: 'None of the'recent books is finally about the Holocaust. All are about using the sufferings of Jews 50 years ago to force changes on the Catholic Church today.' . I feel sure that serious Catholics and Jews will boycott James Cafroll's presentation. I am positive that the important gains made by Pope John Paul II's efforts at Catholic-Jewish reconciliation will not be compromised by Mr. Carroll's rantings."
Bishop of Fall River
Witnesses urge passage of bill protecting unborn from violence By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN
WASHINGTON - The murder of a pregnant woman causes two deaths, but federal law only recognizes one, witnesses told a House subcommittee recently in testimony on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., would stipulate that an individual who injures or kills an unborn child during the commission of certain violent federal crimes may be punished for a separate offense. , William Croston brought the story of his late sister, Ruth Naomi Croston, and his unborn niece to the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution. Ruth and her unborn child were killed by Reginald Falice, Ruth's husband, in April 1998. "Our family will forever be in mourning over the loss of Ruth Croston and our unborn niece," Croston said. But when Falice was charged with her murder, the jury was not even allowed to hear that Ruth had been pregnant, he said. "While I understand that the intent here is to avoid jury sympathy for the victim, the real,\~y is. that ~hl? current pro~ess dismisses the life of the unborn child and the family's ~\lffer)ng IM~P.ciM~,Ql~ifh,~ spry X~'ll loss," William Croston added. Richard S. Myers, a professor of law at Ave Maria School of Law in Ann Arbor, Mich., told,the subcommittee that he felt sure the legislation "would withstand constitutional scrutiny." , "There is nothing in the act 路that restricts a mother's, right to an abortion as protected by" the Su preme Court cases of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Stenberg vs. Carhart, Myers said. "In fact, the act promotes the liberty protected by Roe, Casey and Stenberg," he added. "That liberty obviously does Ilot require a woman to choose an abortion; she might choose to carry her baby to term. The act promotes just that freedom by creating a criminal penalty for acts that result in the death or 'bodily injury of her unborn child." The legislation would apply only to crimes committed under federal or U.S. military ju,risdiction. Eleven states currently have laws recognizing the unborn as vktims of violence, while 13 others recog'nize them as potential victims during part of their prenatal development. Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, chairman of the subcommittee on the Constitution, said the law was needed in cases like that of Ruth Croston and that against Gregory Robbins, an airman at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base in Ohio who beat Robert J. Cynkar, a former his eight-months-pregnant wife federal prosecutor who is now in the face and abdomen, kill- founding partner at a Washinging their unborn child. ton law firm, said the proposed "Military prosecutors were legislation, recognizes "that a able to charge Robbins for the violent act against a pregnant death of the unborn child by as- woman has two victims, the similating Ohio's fetal homi- mother and her unborn child, cide law through the Uniform and so should constitute two disCode of Military Justice;" tinct offenses in federal law." Chabot said. "Had Mr. Robbins The only witness to oppose beaten his wife just across the the bill at the hearing was Juley Ohio River in Kentucky - a Fulcher, public policy director state which has no fetal homi- of the National Coalition cide law -'- he would have re- Against Domestic Violence, ceived no additional punish- , who said the legislation would ment for killing the unborn not protect battered women. child." The bill could come to the
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 200 I House floor before the next congressional recess, set to begin April 9. Identical legisla-
tion was approved in the House last year by a 254-172 vote, but the bill died in the Senate.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 2001
Describing eternal /r~alities
'Q.Yourrecentcolumnaboutwhathappemtooursouls abstractions or physical places, at least in our experience when we die raises some serious questions for me. You of "place." They are relationships, or lack of relationships, acknowledge that most questions about eternity can be with the Holy Trinity. Actually, we're quite accustomed to this in countless answered in detail only with someamountofspeeuIatiolL But you quote people, for example; who theorize that other contexts. When Jesus or the creed speak of his sitting at the right hand of ~e Fa- . Publicity Chainnen are as~ed of Perpetual Help Church. For the next conscious moment after death could be the resther, we instinctively know more information call 992-9378. to submit news items for this colurrectiOILYou then say that ' those words are to be underumntoTheAnchor,RO.Box7,FaII NEW BEDFORD- The Catho- this could ''make sense, in. stood metaphorically, symRiver, 02722. Name of city or town bolically. should ,be inc1uded, 'as well as full lic Home'School Support Group sofar as any explanation wl! Thus, scriptural language dates of all activities. DEADLINE meets every frrst Friday of the month might make of the next life can make sense, given our describing eternal realities II :30'a.m. Mass at St. following the IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. Kilian's Church. They will next very limited experiences in By .Father cannot be interpreted liter. ally. They are God's ~ttempts, ATTLEBORO - Singer.gui- meet Aprir6. Confessions will be this life!' Don't these ,opinions John J. Dietzen through the sacred authors, tarist John Polce will lead a available at 10:30 a.m. Attendees are somehow to put into human BethanyNights Program at 7:30 encouraged to bring a picnic lunch. deny such Catholic doclanguage realities which are . p.m. tonight at the: La Salette For more information call Brenda trines as prayers for the dead, the Commuriion of Saints, the judgment, purga- 'ultimately humanly inexpressible. Shrine. It will focus on the themes Peter at 991-6570., tory or the (act that sOme people, great saints maybe, go 'None of these limitations at all contradicts or miniof healing and reconciliation ana offer people the opportunity to be ", NORTH DARTMOUTH-The to heaven immediately? Do you really think all the dea(J mizes Catholic doctrines, including those you mention'in prayed over individually. For more next Retrouvaille weekend will:be are insome giant dormitory until the end ofthe world? your question. They simply say in another way something we already know, that God's world,.his framework of time held April 6-8 and offers couples a (Louisiana) information call 222"5410. chance to heal and renew troubled A. YoUr concerns, and those ofothers who wrote to me, and space, is not ours. To require that we interpret t!}ose time-related words CHATHAM - A parish mis-' marriages. Rediscover yourself and seem to be. based on an assumption that somehow there sion, themed "Worship in Spirit your spouse and a loving relation- must be time - days, weeks, years - after death, similar literally, to insist, for example, that we will literally wait and Truth," will be conducted by ship in marriage. For more infor-, to the time divisions we experience in this life. around for centuries after death anticipating the resurrecAs you said, I noted that final answers to what and how tion or whatever else may come, would be to circumscribe '. ,Father Bill Fic::kel at Holy Re-' mation call 1-800-470-2230 or the deemer Church April 2-4. Masses Diocesan Office of Family Minis- things,happen in eternity involve some speculation. But God, to enclose and limit his actions inside our earthly ' will be c{:lebrated at II a.m. and 7 try at 999-6420.' . speculation is not simply pulling ideas out of the blue sky. frame of time.p.m. Monday, Tuesday and It deserves repeating that when our Holy Father says It's using what we know to try to explain things we don't, .NORTH DIGHTON - Mem- and cannot, understand now. purgatory "is not a place" but a "condition;' a "process of Wednesday and the sacrament of For example we know that time-relatOO terms :...- wordS purification," he is saying nothing new in Catholic teachreconciliation will follow each bers of the Taunton District Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society like "immediaiely;' "until;' "before;' "after"-cannot sim- ing. Mass. Even though popular Catholic tradition speaks of"time will sponsor a 7 p.m. Mass on April ply be transferred to the-framework of life after death, to. FALL RIVER - The Fall River 3 for the intention of the canoniza- eternity: Eternity, or infinity, by definition cannot be diin purgatory" and so on, the Church has never officially Clover Club is looking for new tion of the Blessed Frederic Ozanam vided into parts; there can be no half, or 365th, of etemity. taught (except as reflecting the figurative language of the members to help promote the pa- and in memory of deceased memThus, can there truly be any "past" or "future" in eter-' Bible) That this purgation or purification is an actuallocatriotic, civic and cultural aware- bers. Their regular monthly meet- nity? As we say, for God altcreated reality, from beginning tion or'that it involves time, again as we experience it. n(;ss.of American citizens of Irish ing will follow in the parish hall. , to end, is .one eternally present moment. In this context, Obviously, none of this in any way denies that, after heritage. They meet monthly for everything happens, so to speak, "immediately;' with no sinning in this life, apurification from our imperfections guest speakers and dinner. For PROVINCETOWN -A musi- . time gaps. ,. may take place upon death and that this suffering can be more information call Tom F.Iynn. cal drama,entitled "Resurrection," It's a different way of thinking than we are, of lessened, as the pope says, "through prayers and works of at'636-346l orRon Boulay at 678'-'- will" be 'presented"by"the' St. com-se:B'iit Pope JblinPaurIT, wno disCUssed t1iese'matters· 10veY, • . .. I . . - • 8109. . 'Patrick's Family Players at 7 p.m. at length not long ago, noted that when we use words, To cite Pope John Paul once more, descriptions of ~. • • f, ~ Saturday· at ·St., Pet~r ·th~·'-Apostle even biblical words, to describe eternal realities, it is es- heaven and other eternal realities will always remain inad• ',..:- :FALLRIv.ER',,-: The Fall River' Q-Jl,lrph.-·It-wiH ,chrenicle 'the spiri- sential to realize we are speaking.symbolica11yand figura-...,. equate.;l~,is ,good to, remembeF.tI1is"Tl)IIDg to..parti.cipate First Friday Mens Club invites inen tual' Journey' of St. Peter and his tively. Therefore, said the pope, the words need to be inter- in those realities by imitating Christ and shirring in his from all diocesan parishes to'join life witli Jesus. For more.informa- preted symbolically. _ paschal mystery is more important than describing them. them for a 6 p.m. Mass at Sacred tion call 487~0095. For example, even though we'speak of "going to" The above citations from Pope John Paul are mainly Heart Church. An informal dinner heaven, or "being in" heaven, or about the ''fires of hell;' 'from his ad~ses during papal audiences on July 21 and ~ilI follow,in the parish center. SOMERSET-The Nurse Min- . he explained, heaven (and hell and purgatory) are not 28, and Aug. 4, 1999 istry Group of St. Patrick's Parish HARWICH - The Novena of will sponsor a daylong program on Divine Mercy will begin on Good health care ethics from 9 a.m. to 3 Friday, April 13, at 3 p.m. at Holy p.m. on April 21. It will feature, Trinity Church. It will follo)V Sta- Catherine Seeley as guest speaker One very special evening in late February the eighth writer because of this priest's magnetism. tions of the Cross. The remainder and attendees can earn contact That eventful day was in the fall of 1945, the year flqor of the Time-Life Building in Manhat~ was alive of the Novena will be celebrated hours. 'For registration call Claire with people who had come to celebrate exceptional artis- , Father Keller published his bool\ "You Can Change the on Holy Saturday at 3 p.m. and Stevens at 678-3831. tic work done in film, publishing and television in the World" and began the ~ork he would call The Easter Sunday through Easter Satyear 2000. Awards wert: to be given to the creators ofthese Christophers. I was a freshman at the College of St. Rose urday at 7 p.m. The Mercy Sunday . SWANSEA - St. D9minic's works by The Christophers, an organization begun in 1945 in Albany, N. Y.; and we used to have Wednesday assemcelebration, April 22, will begin Church hltS daylong ,adoratiqn of .by Maryknoll Father James Keller. He believed that every- bly meetings fOr which a speaker wOl,lld be brought in, at 2:30 p.m. No confessions will the Blessed Sacrament every first body was a ''Christ-bearer,'' charged to bring God's light while we would try to stay awake and listen. be available this day. Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass One Wednesday the speaker was this handsome young and love to the world. until 6':30 p.m. when a holy hour By 1949, aware of the power of the media to bring the priest, Father Keller, and we all stayed awake! You couldn't NEW BEDFORD ,- The and Benediction will be held. DeGospel to the marketplace, this energetic priest singled help it. He mesmerized us with his enthusiasm and belief Catholic Women's Club of New votions to Our Blessed Mother are . that we each had it in us to out the best he had .seen 'in Bedford will hold it's Bishop's held on the first Saturday of each change the world. Specifithis field to receive an award. \ .----~------ Night at 7 p.m. April 4 at the Cen- month following the 8 a.m. Mass. Gally, he pointed us to three Thus began an aI!nual tradi- . tury House i'n Acushnet. Guest professions where we 'could tion, to put a spotlight on the . TAUNTON .:..... The Youth' speaker will be Bishop Sean P. make that kind of difference: best artistic and technically O'Malley and entertainment will Apostles Institute will hold a semipolitics, teaching and writRroficit:nt work manifesting be provided by pianist/vocalist nar for youth ministers, teachers, ing. . a vision that matched his: Johnny Wildwood. For more infor- catechists, parents arid interest~d I was a pre-med student, The work had to "affmri the parties entitled "Principals of Ef~ mation ca\.l 995-4053. hoping desperately to get to By Antoinette ,B()sco highest values of the human fectiveYouth Ministry," April 3 at spirit." medical school after gradua. NEW BEDFORD-A program 8 p.m. at Dolan Center of St. tion. Yet I was always writDuring the 52nd annual entitled "Praying with the Patriarchs Mary's Church. Attendees are ining. I had been my high Christopher Awards that and Prophets," will be held from 7- vited to join for Mass in the side night at the Time-Life Building, awards were being given schooi's correspondent for The Evangelist, the Albany , 8:30 p.m. April 3 at the parish center chapel of the church at 7:30 p.m. to 23 winners, their 96 creato~ and three special honorees: Catholic weekly, and even could brag of having had poof Our Lady of Fatima Church. Pre- For more information call the Fred Rogers, the beloved ''Mr. Rogers," who, via television, etry published. When Father Keller said we could change senter Lisa Gulino will speak on the Youth Apostles at 672-2755. for so many years made days special for children; Carro.1I the world by our writing, he really got my attention. Hebrew Scrip~ures and their imporWell, being female and poor were the wrong requireO'Connor, the actor who has become a determined antiWESTPORT - An educatance to the Catholic faith: For more drug spokesperson; and Andrew Shue, an aetor'who works ments for getting into medical school in 1949, but perinformation call the Adult Educa- . tional seminar for all health care on behalf of youth empowerment to change their commu- haps very good ones for becoming a writer; Thanks to 'tion Office at 678-2828. / workers will be held from 8:30 a.m. , Father Keller, I chose by writing to do what he challenged nities and ultimately; to change the world. . to 4 p.m. April 7 at White's of I was privileged to be invited this 'year to participate in us to do: to light the candles and not curse the darkness, NEW BEDFORD - Devotion Westport. It is entitled "Lighten the Christopher Awards celebration. The evening had spe- to affirm, always, the life-giving values of the human to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is Up 'EX-STRESS' Yourself," and cial meaning for me, especially when Msgr. James LisaJ)te, spirit. , celebrated every Tuesday and de- will feature several, guest speakByth'e time Father Keller died in 1977, his Christ-bearthe newly appointed director of The Christophers, spoke votion to Divine Mercy on Thurs- ers. CEU's will be awarded. For about the founder, Father Keller. I guessed I might have ing message of hope hac! encircled the world, brilliantly day at the noon Mass at Out Lady more information call 678-2373. been the only one present who was inspired to beco~e a - and determined the path of my life.
Iteering pOintl
Questions and' A nswers
Still lighting candles
The Bottom Line
Thanks Rosemary, you were one of the best.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 200 I bara Reis, Monsignor John Moore and John E. Kearns Jr. They. were fortunate enough to have known Rosemary for what seems to them as forever. There's a huge void that will never be filled. Good-bye Rosemary. I miss you. And thanks for everything.
In a world where good sports are rare, you were a gem. You weren't just a good sport, you were one of the best.
Dave Jolivet is a former
sports writer/editor, and curI think I was born a little too home at the end of the day, she when my wife and I lost an inrent staff member of The Anlate. It seems that I never got to was still at her desk. . fant four years ago, Rosemary chor. Comments are welcome at . fully experience all the couldn't do enough for DaveJolivet@ good sports like Ted us; from helping us Williams and Stan through the mourning Musial in baseball; process to making OURLADV'S Bob Cousy and Bill phone calls in the afterAdvertisillg & Promotiolls RELIGIOUS STORE Russell in hoops; Joe math when the oil and Louis and Rocky water mixture of hospiMon. - Sat. 10:00 - 5:30 PM Calendars, Pens, Mugs, Gifts, Etc. Special Awards,' Commemoratlves Marciano in boxing tals and insurance comand so on. GIFTS panies left its residue. . Shop 24 Hours - Visit By Dave Jolivet I would love to It's with a heavy CARDS have seen the lov.e for heart that I put this colShowroom: 297 Columbia St. Fall River BOOKS their job and their umn together, but my ~mail: work ethic day in a'nd heart breaks for FAX 508 / 324-9242 day out. But this became all too She was never above Rosemary's family and her longevident in the real world this past complimenting you on ajob well time friends and co-workers BarTel. 508 / 677-3820 936 So. Main St., Fall River week with the passing of my done, nor was she ever below corfriend and cQ-worker, Rosemary recting something that needed Dussault. correcting. She treated everyone I had the privilege of getting with the same professionalism to know and work with Rose- and courtesy, yet no one could mary for only a few years, but pull the wool over her eyes eilike the afore-mentioned sports ther. When she was right, she legends, she was an old-schooler could be as tough as nails. Join us Easter Sunday for full course who made a lasting impact on me. As much as she could have She started with The Anchor run The Anchor in her sleep, she OF WESTPORT Family Style Dining from 11:30 AM in its infancy in 1957. Rosemary always accepted input from her wasn't just a' fixture at The An- staff, input that could make the Roast Turkey - Baked Virginia Ham - Southern Fried Chicken ~ chor, she was The Anchor: paper better. Much in the same way that Rosemary was the consumYankee Pot Roast - Steak and Seafood also available Yankee Stadium is the House mate professional. Yet, she that Ruth built, The Anchor is wasn't one-dimensional. She had Or you can enjoy our Easter Brunch Buffet 10:00 AM -1:30 PM the Home that Rosemary built. a great wit, andwhen talk around And The Anchor is a home. Just the lunch table stumbled upon ask anyone whose ever worked sports, Rosemary could more here. . than hold her own. She .was .al-. -:, . ~staurant elrravern No one ever will run this ship ways up on all our beloved New. like Rosemary did. She knew this England teams, and ,she could 438 :Main 1?,sJaa, 'Westport -'bus·ines's' 140Ne' the "baek'·ef,cn6f' "'1tIoaIl' and, groan about them with ".. ' ." .." ... ";..,.......,.,..~" ... -, ,'w "01', "(50'8)''63'6~0085 ",,,,,1 "," ',,' hand, and this business was her the best of us. -~._. life. Come in to start your day Her heart was generous and Bittersweet F~rm Restaurant & Tavern is also taking reservations in the morning, Rosemary was caring. .she always showed con. for Easter Dinner as we celebrate our 3rd Anniversary! already here. Pack up and head cern for my family and me, and
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THE ANCHOR -Diocese of Fall River-Fri.; March 30, 2001' •
'PQpeor(lains' ni~e ,new bishops, .'inclu(ling two North Americans .~
Archbishop Broglio is a former classmate of' priests in the Fall River diocese.
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"awitness ofthe affection ofthe suc- '. cessor of Peter among th~ dear peoples" of the Dominican Repub, b y Alissa Mari Rebello, .: lic and Puerto Rico, "at the doors of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk . the American continent." submitted by . VATICAN CITY -On thefeast· The pope told Bishop Ouellet his Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High SchoQI of St. Joseph, Pope John Paul II or~ . new post at the council for Chrisdained nine new' bishops, including ,tian. unity is one "of particular irntw9 from North America, and told portance because of the very noble , . There exists a delusion that them to care for the Church as Jo- goal which inspires it and because' "Haley ~,nd Ev~n shne~ .as 'Krissy brings happiness, sephcaredforJesus. ,oftherenewedhopeswhichthecel~ I capture them! m~ cousins compassion, and love to a baby is not "human" until Before the pope placed his hands ebration of the jubilee year raised in and I coll~pse giggling: Aft~r people online and off, .and birth, but'science has proven on the heads of the new bishops the souls of many Christians." my year In the. hospital, It Mozart's music entertains, otherwise.ThegeneticcharacMarch 19, he asked them to "care Through 46-year-old Auxiliary feels weat to laugh. When my soothes, and inspires people . teristics are fixed at fe'rtilizafor the holy people of God with the Bishop Djura Dzudzar of COUSinS leave,. I open my everywhere. . tion. By the time a woman of a father." Mukacheve, Ukraine, Pope John books to do homework. UnFew women are at peace alizes she is pregnant, the Among those kneeling before the Paul said he wanted to send greet- able to focu~, I p~t on a with themselves after having baby's heartbeat and pope in St. Peter's Basilica were ings to the entire nation' Mozart CD. HIS Q1USIC helps an abortion. A woman who .brainwaves are detectable. Archbishop Tunothy P. Broglio, a "acountrywhich,Godwilling,Iwm me concentr?te, and soon my ~ad an abC?rtion will.tellyou, When she has an abortion, the 49-year-old native ofCleveland, ap- have the joy of visiting soon." . h~mework IS completed. I. I Wo~!~ Give Anythln~ to Go major organs, body parts, eyepointed nuncio to the Dominican . The pope is scheduled to visit slQn onto AOL to locate Back, I Was Pro-ChOIce Un-lids, toes and fingers 'are Republic'andapostolicdelegatein Ukraine in late June. '. Krlss~. Though we have til the Abortion," and "It Never formed; often the baby can Puerto Ric,?; and Bishop Marc The pope ordained siX othernew neye~. met,:.stl.e is o~ten ~y Stop~ Hu.rting." She will s~y ·move, hear, and respond to Ou¢llet, 56, a ,native of Quebec bishops:' best ~u'ppo~t:.. S~ruggling With abortion IS "More TraumatlG light and sound. The baby was hamed secretary of the Pontifical _ Italian Archbishop Femando an)·:d.lsorper herself, .Than Cance~," and. "A. Mis- human the day before he or 'Council for Promoting Christian Ftloni,54,nunciotoIraqandJordan' Krlssy IS one,of the·few take I Am Stili Paying For." she was born, the week beUnity. . ' _ Polish Archbishop Henryk 'people who truly understands . Thes~ are ac~ual headlines fore, the month before. The ''If, at times, you shouldencoun- Nowacki 54 nuncio to Slovakia' me. _ . denoting stones of women baby was human the moment ter difficulties and obstacles, do not ._ Itall3!1Archbishop Domeni~ .Evan, H?ley, Mozart, -and suffering from "Post-Abortion he/she was· conceived! Aborhesitate to be willing to suffer with Soi:rentino, 52, prelate of theSanc- Knssy are Just four of. co~nt- Syndrome," who ?re severely tion is indeed murder. :Christ for the good of his mystiCal tuary of Our Lady of Pompei' , less people who help, inSpire, depressed, hospitalized, and Just as my cousins', l?ody;' the pOpe said in his homily. _ Polish Bishop Tomasz' Peta, and strengthen me. Yet all suicidal after an abortion:, Mozart's and Krissy's lives . The pope addI:essed each new 49, apostolic adminIstrator of (our could hav~ been. De~enders of legalized have changed my own, any ..~ishop,bp.~fly Whis homily, offer- Astana;Kazakstan; .' a~orted. My cou.SIn~ a~d abortion say you have the abortion may impact our 'o!mgthiuikS for-the seiiiM't:hey'bl1've "•. !:....;:1. 'Iuilia'n"Bisq0'P"Marcelo ~,Kn~sy a~e, a~ppted; thelrblo~ r,ight to choose regarding lives. Maybe the unborn child gi,:en~~ep~tandprayerSfortheir SanchezSorondo, 58, chancellor of ·Ioglcatmothers,' pregnant:as.l ·,·pr.egnancy. You,d(j::hav.~; a-i': wOUI.qrt:u~v.~.b~~r;l,~y.QuJd), hew niinistries: L .' " . ,:,.. ,the'PoritifieatAcacleiny'ofSdences ,te~n-age~s:.were too you~g choice. Yo~ cho?se to' have friend, I11Y tea,cher"or your He thanked ArchbIshop Broglio, and the Pontifical Academy of So- . to k~ep a ..bSiQy,: Mozart S:, ·sex,;~nQ ..!hls chOice accol:Jn~s ,: ;;bro t per·;J..,1flybe,: he,; lor ~.he who had served as chief ofstaff to cial Sciences; . 'mother wq.uldllkelyhave~ for 99'percent 'of abortions.' -.would have foun'd:.a 'cure'for Ca~dinal Angelo Sodano, the _ Italian Bishop Giampaolo been .a~v,lsed to. abo.rt Inconve~ience, medically- cancer,. saving our, friends Vatlcan secretary ofstate. He prayed Crepaldi, 53, ~tary of the Pori- , Mozart, five of her ~!X c~ll- threatenln~, and unwanted and family who are !?uffering that the new archbishop would be tificalCouncilforlusticeandpeaee. dren had .not ~urvlved In- pregnancies can be pre- and dying. We dona know.
Second' Place - Grades 9-12
fa~cy, leaVing lI.ttle hope for t~IS seventh child. Fear, SO-\ cle~al pressur~s, ~nd the le-
gahty of. abortion could have persuaded these mothers to h~ve abortions, but, they resl~ted: N?w Haley and Eva~ bnng JOY Into the .lIves of their par~n~s, o~~e dlstraugh~ by their inability to conceive.
vented by choosing absti-', nence. Victims of rape or in~est account for the remainIng ?n~ percent of abortions. While Indeed these women ~id n?t have a choice, abortlon IS. murder~ murder, is wrong, and "two wrongs don't make a right!" Remember, adoptio!) is an option!
Only God knows. You don't bring your TV ·to Dunkin' 00nuts to have it repaired - they won't know howl Don't bring the decision of life to someone who is .unequipped. Let God do His job! Listen to·your unbor!) c'hild: "Let me live! You never know who I may turn out to be!"
Second Place' - Grades- 6-8 by Sarah Smith,' St. Mary Parish, North Attleboro submitted by . '. St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro Abortion. Such a small word, te~ and an even tougher choice. 'loves you. One of my dreams is yet it can be a source ofgreat pain to gIve me up. ,,' " ',-to attend a' prestigious college. I and sorrow. Many people say that I am fortunate, God willing, to woulCl also like 'to become a SUfabortion is only wrong in certain have ~e chance to ,enjoy a full and' geon or emergency room doccircumstances, but I believe that 10ng·life.My mother chose to have tor; Perhaps I will have the opit is wrong in all circumstances. me ~d now I can use my talents 'portunity to help someone make It is my feeling that when you !lIld gIfts that God gave me. I hav~ the choice for life over abortion. abort, a baby, you are killing an so many hopes and dreams and If iUs the Lord's will, I hope innocent person. There are always have the ability to accomplish to have my own children. When other choices such as adopti(:m or them b~cause my mother chose to the end of my life draws near, I . actually keeping the child. . put me up for adoption..If all the hope that my children will know I can only guess that I so women who are faced with thi~ that only God can choose the hour strongly oppose abortion because difficult decision would c1).oose of my death. I will look back at of my own personal circum- adoption over abortion, then, there .my children and reminisce with ,stances. I was born to a young would be S? many more children' them about our good life together. woman in South Korea' in 1987. 'Yho are thankful that their mother I will tell t1).em again about my In that country... many women listened to God. life and remind them that aborchoose to have abortions, howAmong the many aborted chil- tion is such a small word that can ever,my birth mother chose to ' dren that die each year there could cause great pain and sorrow. I will have me. I can only imagine the be a future president, the creator also tell them that life is also such tough decision that my· birth of the cure for cancer or AIDS, a small word that·can bring great mother made to carry me to full or more imp()rtant, a child that happiness and joy.
Please' note that as of March' 29, 2001, the E-mail address for The Anchor is no longer anchorpress@sneplanet.coin. You ,can now reach us on the Web at 'o~e ofthe following E-mail addresses: TheAnchor@Anchomews.ora: . ,Msa:rMoore@ Ancho~ews.ora: .JimDunbar@Anchornews.ora: MikeGordon@Anchornews.ora: Dave.Jolivet@ Anchornews.o~a:
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 2001
thought that abortion was the ing the Holocaust) thus far. mother's decision. Possibly the Though the number of abortions abortion may have been the right has continued to sky-rocket, more course of action under certain cir- 'than half of Americans are Procumstances (for example: teen Life. In a survey taken in 1999,51 pregnancy, rape, etc.). Through the percent ofAmericans were against course of this year my views on abortion, 46 percent were proabortion have changed greatly choice and the rest did not have ,by Myles Derbyshire, through' further education on the an opinion. If more than half of 'subject in health class and from U.S. citizens are against this awAdamsville, R.I. stories of those abortion survivors. ful act, then why does the killing submitted by I can not believe that some would continue on? Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth not be here today (people whom I This is where the Church comes care for) if their birth mothers had in. As human beings, we make up , Our society contradicts itself . is found guilty,~e or she can face Live" by Madeleine Lavoie emchosen abortion over life. the Church. Therefore, why should quite often. In the United States, life in prison or even death. How- phasizes this greatly - abortion Six years ago my aunt was hav- abortion be allowed to carry on? the crime of murder is regarded as ever, in this great nation of ours, i,s the killing of ahuman being, not ing trouble getting pregnant. After It is time to take a stand and let ' a very serious offense and is not abortion (which is murder) is le- just a fetus. countless efforts, fertility medica- people kriow that there are more taken lightly by our judicial sys- gal and accepted by at least half At the beginning of my sophotion, and years of struggle my aunt options; you can let a child live. tem. Ifone person kills another and our society. The poem "Let Me more year, I was pro~choice and and uncle finally decided to adopt. Some use the excuse that the My cousin Emma 'came into our thought ofgiving up their child for family, despite the fact that she was adoption would be too emotionally adopted. If her biological mother damaging. I would rather give my had decided to have an abortion baby to someone who desperately instead ofmaking the right decision wanted a child than live with the by Caitlin Elizabeth McQueen, and giving her up for adoption, my fact that I chose to kill my own Corpus Christi Parish, Sandwich family would now have an empty flesh and blood. submitted by seat at the dinner table and one less This past semester of my SI. Francis Xavier Preparatory School, Hyannis smiling face to look upon with ad- sophomore year has changed my miration. My family is thankful to views greatly. Through stories, stathis day for Emma and thank God tistics, and information on the bruThere's much I can do, if given the chance, for bringing her into our lives, even tal procedure itself, I now look at If only my mother could know though it was through the womb of abortion with a totally different That God gave me talents to help all mankind another. perspective. What I believe now I do want to live and grow. , , Though my family was blessed is what the Church has been teachwith an abortion survivor, some ing for years -life begins at conLife. It is defined in the dictionary as a period of existence, living things collectively, human are less fortunate. Recent statistics ception. Abortion is murder, thereexperience, a way of living, animation, and/or biography. It's also defined as survival, presence, have shown that in the United fore making it a sin and an absoliving, consciousness, breath, continuance, flesh and blood, viability, metabolism, vitality, and/or States alone, over 1.4 million abor- lute wrong. Every ,human life was vital spark. But what is human life and what is its purpose? We do not know exactly, but human life tions are petformed each year. In intended ,on by G~d and \y~do not .' is·the;greatest giftfro'rri 'God'. The gift of'life:can be respeeted by'discol:Jraging and fighting 'against" five' yearS alone: that'is more lives have the right to take that awayabortion, euthanasia, abuse, suicide, murder, neglect to the environment, anorexia, the ~eath taken than in any genocide (includ- especially from an unborn ,c!UI~. l?~n~lty, e~~~.rime~ts..p[l,,~!!.1~~o~~~~~ Il]~ny_~}~~r~is~u~~: I.t !~ n~t.Ju~r a~~uH~a~9rti0!l andt~ercy ..• ' , . . , .",,--,i •. " ....;"u ::.~".I"'J'" _LHG"J.I"'~'J.'-'.:J"JU<l.1)),1.>-1"-1'-' " •. !.>~L. ''Klnlngs. 'Every6h€lias a speCial purpose In tnls world, tHat only God knows. uman life las s from _. -~, --'ce' ''.--: ---:;-' --'~ - . -, . . . . . ~ ---:. : . -~-- . - . . the momel)t of conception and up until death. Only God can give the gift of life, a,nd only He can take that away from us. Babies need protection before, as well as after birth. Every human being, no' matter how helpless he or she is, deserves the right to 'live. ,: ' ' ":
First Place - Grades 9-12
First Place - Grades 6-8
Let Me Live
Nobody asked, "Do you want to be born?" It is not my decision to make; Though I cried in sorrow in my mother's womb, , I knew my life she would take.
?(p60tfy as~ "Do!JOU wantftJ 6e 6ornl· It is 7UJt my tftdsion ftJ ~ 'IfwuaIi I aid in. SIJTTO'UJ, in. my motIiers WtJ11rD,
In 1948, the United Nations drew up the Declaration of Human Rights, and in 1959; they drew up the Rights of a Child. These rights stated that children and people alike have freedom, the right to live, and are not subject to torture, abuse, slavery, cheap labor, etc. ,But later on, the~e rights fell apart. Many peacemakers, such as Mother Teresa; AI Lemmo, and even Pro-Life Walkers and Participants in the Annual Pro-Life Walks in Washington, D.C. and Boston have tried to bring these rights back. Life is no longer a precious gift. If you object to this, take a good look around you at all of the wars, famine, hunger, homeless, environmental issues, poverty, drugs, cigarettes, and morel Why have our attitudes towards life changed? We have neglected the gift of life and ouro'!"n physical and mental abilities and talents, if we don't treat life with respect. ' ,
lao M'lJt tIie riBfit ftJ 6e 60m atuf ftJ ~ tJJut no one am ftear my plea.
rro forJe atuf6t forJeJi is alltliat I want. pfease (jot!: tef{Iier ftJ fisten ftJ me.
mudi Iam ao, ifawm ~ dUma. If onIij my motIier t:DUft{fqrow tIliat (jot!,f4'lJt ~ tIlfmts ftJ fiJp all ~ I ao want ftJ IirJt atuf,grtJ'W. lJ1im~s
The yearS have gone by, my children are grown, My health has started to fail. I' accomplished a lot with the gifts I received, But now I feel tired and frail. ' Most people think that to, have mercy killings, or euthanasia, that it is actually helping the ' elderly. Actually, they will get more graces if they suffer before they die. God is the only living , visible and invisible'being who can choose the time and place where he wants someone's life to :,' end. He might have a special reason for that person to live longer, who knowsllt's all part of His plan, and everything and everyone has a special purpose to fulfill before their life ends. ':: )!: PLEASE, MOM, LISTEN TO GOD! I'd like to tell you of my own experiences with abortion. Quite a while ago, my mother had found 'out that she was having a fourth child. My whole family was overjoyed with this wonderful news. In my mother's third month of pregnancy, she went to Boston to get an ultrasound and an emergency amniocentesis. My parents came home depressed. We were having a girl, but she had serious heart problems and was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a severe chromosome prob~ lem. It was a sad and difficult period of time leading to her birth. While many friends supported us, others encouraged an abortion. They asked my mother why she was putting herself ,through this and that it was a simple procedure that would end our suffering. Just because a baby isn't perfect, that doesn't mean that it isn't still a precious gift from God anymore. Sarah Mary was a beautiful baby, but stillborn. I am very proud of my departed baby sister and my family, and what we overcame with the help of God. We just did it God's way, and now, see how many people were inspired by our love, faith, and trust in God and how he took care of us. Life is beautiful! Don't ever take it for g r a n t e d . ' -
f\!reUJ "'!J. aft sIie '1JJOUU{ ~
PIlE/liSE, ~ Ll9I'E11('1O
~ (jot!!!MDm1ieJm{ my pfeil: ~ tIlS!J 6ut sM. nuufe tIie riafit cfwia. 10r me ~ tfuma ftJ fBu{ 4 Boot! lift,
10r tIiat, I amtinua/ly TPjoia.
izM !Jt41'S IUwt.Bone 6y, my cIiif4rm art..,grown,
9tly fieJzltIt lias stand ftJ fail. I aaompfislid 4 fot witli ~Rifts I rtaifJtJf, 'But now I.ful tirtIf atuffrail. !My pfea, ona 1lfJtUn, is ftJ continue. ftJ ave. just (jot! IQunus tIie Iiour amftfay. If'onEg myJamif!J fIJi([Iimwr my wjsIi, JW{ not Iiasten. my tfeat4 I pray! PL/lifSE, Ll9I'E11('1O
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River,- Fr~.;March30,2001 '
Jazz legend Dave ·Brub'ek .to perform Easter Mass ~
ABC-TV will air selections of his Mass
'To Hope" on April 15. WASHINGTON - Jazz musician Dave Brubek will perform selections of his Mass, "To Hope" as part of an Easter Sunday Mass 'to air on ABC-TV station on April IS. .Brubek's selections l;lre part of "Easter 200 I: A Celebration with Dave Brubek." The hour-long liturgical special, which is prod!Jced by Oblate Media, for the Catholic Communications Campaign, features the jazz legend' performing pieces from '1is 1979 'compositil;m. He will be accompanied by two cantors who will sing additional selections. . Taped on location at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph in San Jose, CaIif.;"Easter2ool" expresses
, the joy inspired by Christ's resurrection through a blend of jazz and classical music, sacred text, and Brubek's siinature use of complex , rhythms and polytonality. The'se sounds will be complemented by a mosaic of images from Holy Week' ceremonies at parishes in St. Louis, San Jose, and Washington. The production reunites the jazz pianist with the Easter special producer Ed Murray, who originally 'commissioned "To Hope" on behalf of the national Catholic newspaper,
Our Sunday Herald.'
HEATHER GRAHAM and Chris Klein star in the film "Say It Isn't So:' For a brief review of
The live, broadcast feed will be this film se~ CNS Movie Capsules o,n this page. (CNS photofrom 20th Century Fox) on Easter Sunday morning, April 15 at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time. The 'CatholicCommunicationsCampaign will post broadcast times from its Website http://www.nccbusclcc as they become available. Viewers can ' also call their'local ABC-TV affiliates to ask' about their plans to air By ANNE NAVARRO keep audiences engaged ~ unsuccessfully - Boyd disthe program. CATH9,uc NEWS SERVICE , covers that Latrell isn't who he seems to be, and may NEWYORK - Steven Seagal's latest feature, "Exit just be the only one to help him cle~ up the deadly drug - Wounds" (Wamer·Br:os.), is an explosion"heavy, gtin- conspif1lCY running rampant at the precinct. firing doozy. , ' . Seagal's acting abilities are limited to furrowed eyeNEW YORK (CNS) ~ The and Peck's characterization is enApparently, studjo executives made the action film brows, intense looks and a world-weary sigh. He is utfollowing are home videocassette tirely likable and sincere, tI1ough, star loSe some weight-as well as his signature ponytail, terly uncharismatic and is even shown up by the younger, reviews from the U.S. Catholic as in so many vintage Hollywo09 but the bad acting is intact. Seagal plays Orin ,Boyd, an more physically fit talent around him. During Seagal's Conference Office for Film and, pictures about religion, it lacks arrogant police detective who in the film's first scene first martial-arts display with a gang of Asians trying to Broadcasting. Each videoc<l$sette much spiritual depth. The U.S. single-handedly - and recklessly, - saves the· vice steal his car, and in almost every hand-to-hand combat is available on VHS format. The- Catholic Conference classification president from near death. scene after that, clever editing disguises the fact that atrical movies on video have a U.S. is A-I ~ general patronage. Not , With the emphasis on action, little attention is paid Seagal isn't doing much of anything. Catholic Confe~nce classification. :rated by the Motion Picture Asso: to developing a'cohere,ntplot. But who goes to Steven' 'Anthony Anderson is Latrell's smart-mouth sidekick, and Motion Picture Association of ciation of America; (Fox) Seagai "ino~ies''f6t 'Intellectual stimuhition? Director ,. , but.the.role'isho:streteh fot Andersoh 'arid~ he' seems' to America,rating. All reviews indi''MenWitb GunS" (1998) Arldrej Bartkowi.ak seems to know this, so he Jays it on ,be recycling ;10 _old stand-up comedy routine. ·Jill I cate the appropriate age :group for' ',' Powerful drama of a troubled ,thiCK, shoWing dose-ups of lethal kicks snapping bones Hennessv olays the orecinct commander - and, appar'the video audience. Latin American country where. an and'eyen imitating sCene from ''TotaI'Recall';'inwliicli' . ·entiY.'ttS3~iY'femal~merrioer -2:WhiieTom ffili6fd is a "Dead Man Walking" (1995) idealistic physician (Federico a human body is used as a shield. The film's cynical trashy talk-show host Seagal meets at an anger managePowerful fact-based dramatiza-' Luppi) sets out to visit the novice bru'tality is deplorable and gratuitous, with the body ment claSs. . tion about a Louisiana nun (Susan doctors he had trained to. care for count in the 'first 10 minutes, alone ratcheting up far . Viewers unfortunate enough to stay through the closSarandon) offering spiritual com-', the rural poor, but, he despairs after beyond reason. , ing credits see Anderson and Arnold telling vulgar, if fort to a hard-bitten prisoner (Sean findirig' they have been killed or . Sent to the worst police precinct in Detroit because apparently imProvised, toilet and other crude jokes. Penn) condemned ~o death for the driven off by soldiers or guerrillas, of his indePendent ways of enfordng the law (read:' Although the story line tires with its ineptitude, the rape and murder of two teen-agers, though his selfless example comes he's aione wolfcop who doesn't follow orders), Seagal's film's sickening violen<;:e is far and away the movie's 'while at the 'same,time attempting .to inspire others. Writer-director Detective Boyd suspects the 15th precinct harbors some most repulsive and inexcusable aspect. to share in the painful loss of the ,John Sayles explores the spiritual dirty cops. Soon Boyd discoverS an inside drug operaDue to excessive violence, some drug content, spovictims' grieving parents. Directed strengths and human weaknesses of tion where police offiCers steal heroin from police prop- radic nudity, a few 'sexual references and much rough by Tim Robbins, the picture is people struggling to survive the caerty vaults and sell it to drug dealer Latrell Walker (rap- language, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is .balanced between the nun's respect 'lamities ofcivil war. Subtitles. Brief perDMX). . 0 - morally offensive.'The Motion Picture Associafor the dignity ofevery individual violence occasional rough lan- ' As the .badly written thriller ties itself in knots to tion of America rating is R --"- restricted. - even the despicable killer guage. The, U.S. Catholic Confer~ and the parents' qiJest for justice enceclassification isA-ill--,. adults. in the state's execution of their, The Motion Picture Associatibn of to state the obvious. Several in'- . adults, with reservations. The .children's murderer, leaving view- America rating is R -·restricted. tense sexual situations and crass Motion Picture Association of 'ers at the end to ponder what moral . (Columbia TriStar) references, fleeting violence and .America rating, is PG-13 - paror social purpose is served by capi''Romero'' (1989) sporadic'rough language with ents are strongly cautioned. Some tal punishment. Flashbacks to savPowerful dramatization of the some profanity. The U.S. Catho- material may be inappropriate for age crimes, the depiction of an ex" last thrt;e years in the life of Archlic Conference classification is A- children under 13. ecution, racial slurs and several in- bishop Oscar Romero of San Sal, IV - adults, with reservations. "Say It Isn't So" (20th stances of rough language. The vador" whose condemnation of . The Motion Picture Association of Century Fox) U.S. Catholic Conference classifi- human rights abuses led to his asAmerica rating is R restricted. Lame comedy about a young cation is A-III - adults. The Mo- sassination in 1980. Director John tC~§ ~'I()v.e "Heartbreakers" (MGM) .man (Chris Klein), given up for tion Picture Association of Duigangetsabrilliantperformance , Crude comedy about mother- adoption as a child, who falls for America rating is R - restricted. from Raul Julia, who invests the daughter con artists (Sigourney a girl whom he is made to think (Polygram) title role with an intense spiritual Weaver and Jennifer Love' is his sister (Heather Graham). As NEW YORK (CNS) Fol"The Keys of the Kingdom" dimension that makes credible lowing are recent capsule reviews Hewiit) who marry and immedi- produced' by Peter & Bobby (1~44) . Romero's courage in condemning issued by the U.S. Catholic Con- ately divorce for hefty settlements Farrelly and directed by J.B. . Underrated adaptation of A.I.. the immorality ofaruthless regime. ference Office for Film and - but find trouble when the daugh- Rogers, the film's tiresome 'mis- , <;:ronin's novel about· a Scottish Its graphic 'scenes of violence are ter falls in love and the mom's taken-identity premise, gross-out Broadcasting. priest (Gregory Peck) sent at the not for the immature, though most latest ex (Ray Liotta) tracks her humor and forced high jinks are "The Brothers" (Screen Gems) end of the 19th century to China, adolescents will understand the ju~ down. Director David Mirkin's draining. A few sexual situations Bland relationship.drama about where he rebuilds a ruined mis- tice issues involved. The U.S. broad-strokes comedy is sporadi- with extended crude references to four young African-American sion, endures misunderstanding, Catholic Conference classification men '(including Morris Chestnut cally amusing but is weighed incest, brief nudity, comically inwar and disease but perseveres isA-ll - adults and lldolescents. through humility and cheerful ser- The Motion PictureAssociation of , and D.L. Hughley) who face their down by the script's predictabil- tended violence, fleeting drug individual issues about commit- ity. Heavy sexual innuendo and content and some rough language vice to win inany converts and America rating is PG-13 - parment and honesty after one ofthe . related visual jokes, rationaliza- and profanity. The U.s-. Catholic friends, until his retirement in Scot- ents are strongly cautioned, Some quartet gets, engaged. Director tion of theft, disrespectful treat-. Conference classification is A-IV land fishing for suppefrather: than material may be inappropriate for Gary Hardwick's male perspec- ment of a corpse an9 minimal - adults, with reservations. The souls. Directed by John Stahl, the children under 13. (Vidmarl<, (800) tive on dating and m¥riage lacks. profanity. The U.S. Catholic Con-' Motiott Picture Association of narrative is interestingly contrived, '424-7070) America rating is R-:-.restricted. energy and uses cliched dialogue ference classification is A-IV -
'Exit'Wounds' offers the viewer nothing of value
eNS video review,s
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri" March 30, 2001
Pope blesses Italian, expedition to No.rth Pole By JOHN NORTON
of several of the participants. . The pope said the new expediVATICAN CITY - Pope tion had a "clear missionary . John Paul II blessed members of value." an Italian expedition that plans to "Planting the 'wood of the make history by celebrating Mass cross' and renewing the eucharis'and erecting a cross at the North' tic sacrifice at the 'ends of the Pole on Easter. earth,' you intend to recall that Meeting with the expedition humanity finds its authentic diteam last week and blessing the mension only when it is able to cross they planned to carry, the fix its gaze on Christ'and totally pope said he prayed "that this .trust in him," he said. mission, so arduous and laden with At the same time, the expedisignificance, will be crowned with tion was a testament to humanity's complete success," unquenchable desire "to study the He noted that the expedition less-explored pages of the marwould fulfill Pope Pius Xl's velous book of creation," he said. dream; as a priest-alpinist, the In February, Italian news . SORAYA SANTOYO serves as a eucharistic minister at Our Lady ofPerpetual Help Parish , future pope prepared to join an ag~ncies reported that a separate in Hammond, Ind. According to a U.S; bishops' report, Hispanics make up 30 to 38 percent of 1899-1900 Italian mission to the Italian expedition hopes to celNorth Pole, but was forced to can- ebrate the first Mass at the South the U.S. Catholic population. (CNS photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic) Pole on Christmas Day. cel at the last minute. The 2001 expedition, which Msgr. Liberio Andreatta, who plans to reach the North Pole April runs a pilgrimage tour organiza15, Easter Sunday, will commemo- tion in Rome, plans to accompany , rate that earlier mission, which both expeditions, the agencies reended in tragedy with the deaths ported. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
Culturesblend as Hispanics interact with U.S. society By AGOSTINO BONO
Parroquia (Our Parish), a bilingual
that a new people begins to emerge." "Both need each other. Latinos WASHINGlON-As the growbring the devotion and are getting to appreciate the importance of the ing number ofHispanics internet with their U.S. surroundings, the parish and the parish community," he said. result is mutual contact rang,ing from,.interrilll.rri~ges to : . ,,"In-Hispanic culture a value put- "Fa~e~~lizoriHo traces' the blended ways of thinking and ting spiritual life above material life. . mestlzaJe theme t~Jesus?f CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE'
monthly newsletter published by the Claretians. . Theologically, this journeying
ac.ti~~hin the-Church, thi~"
An ~nti-value'.is'"!ac~ismo. 'In' u.s. ' ~~~:r~:~t~~~P~;~~~~ ,~~I~ socIety orgamzatlon IS a value and mixture of the Jewish, Greek overemphasis on individualism and and Roman cultures in Galiself-sufficiency are anti-values," said lee. .., Father Mario Vizcaino director of the Through hIS mestiZo eXls~-
contact has given rise to a Hispanic theology and has influenced ways of experiencing .,and understanding faith. Many Hispanic leaders use ' . . the term "acculturation" for the Southeast Pastoral InstItute. mutual influence of two cultures that come into close contact. symbolizes a people on pilgrimage Spanish-born Carmen A'quinaco to heaven, she added. Mercy Sister Ana Maria Pineda, notes that acculturation goes beyond learning each other's mother tongue. presi,dent of the Academy ofCatho"It means learning each other's lic Hispanic Theologians in the cultural language. To think in Span- United States, said that popular reish means to think from and within ligiosity is a cornerstone ofHispanic Hispanic culture," said Aquinaco, a theology. This theology defines popular Catholic journalist who'has lived in the United States for 20 years and is religiosity "as a community's exon the executive board of the Na- pression oflived faith" and takes into tional Catholic Council for Hispanic consideration the Hispanic Ministry. community's struggle for justice, Acculturation also involves tak- 'better living conditions and human ing a critical look at both cultures, dignity, said Sister Pineda, a consaid Father Mario Vizcaino, director suitor to the U.S. bishops' Commitof the Southeast Pastoral Institute. tee on Hispanic Affairs. Extracting theology from every"In Hispanic culture a value is putting spiritual life above materiat day lives also has given rise to the life. An anti-value is machismo. In theme.of "mestizaje," from the root U.S. society organization is a value word "mestizo" meaning of mixed and overemphasis on individualism parentage. This theme is. fed by inand self-sufficiency are anti-values;' termarriages and the growing conhe said. tact Hispanics have with U.S. culAquinaco said that thinking His- tural influences through schools and panic includes a spirituality tied to a workplaces. popular religiosity punctuated by The theme of "mestizaje" has processions, because Hispanics need been developed by Father Virgilio to walk behind the statue. Elizondo, founder and former presiA procession is symbolic of the dent of the Mexican Amdican Culjourneying that they have done as tural Center in San Antonio. immigrants, ajoumeying that often , Father Elizondo, a first-generadoesn't stop in the United States as tion Mexican American, defines they move from place to place as "mestizaje" as "the process through migrant workers, said Aquinaco, -which two totally different peoples managing editor of Nuestra mix biologically and culturally so
ence, "Jesus breaks the bamers of ~paration, as does every 'mestizo.' And already . begins to live a new unity," wrote Father Elizondo. In an interview, he said that God often chooses people who. are rejected "to create a new space where others will not have to suffer our rejection."
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -, Fri., March 30, 2001 ,
New play tells life story. of Father Solanus Casey .By JOE WINTER CA1ll0UC NEWS SERVICE
HUDSON,. Wis. - By all accounts, a candidate for sainthood' who grew up in western Wisconsin never wanted to be the star of the show. However,Capuchin Father Solanus Casey, a candidate for sainthood, now has a play written about his life"by a Hudson woman with college degrees in drama and theology.' " ,. Father Casey was declared "venerable" in 1995, the first of three steps to being declared a saint. He was the first U.S.-born male to reach that stage. Before he can be beatified, which is the next step, a miraculous healing that cannot be attributed to medical in-' tervention but to his "intercession must be authenticated. The final step, canonization, would require a second such authenticatedmiracle. "I think the way that he worked with the poor and the needy really has had an affect on me, personPRESIDENT BUSH greets the retired archbishop of Wash- ally. He was not famous ington, Cardinal James A Hickey, in the East Room of the or someone who held a high position in the White House recently. Bush greeted several U.S. bishops church," writer Molly - and founding trustees of the Pope John Paull! Cultural CEm~ Delaney Druffner told ter at an evening reception. (CNS photo by N~ncy Wiechec) the Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Superior Diocese: . Father Casey was a largely unschooled man who got to know the poor Please make a note that effective immeNote while working as a doordiateiy, the f~~ sU~~issiOll,sto The keeper in parishes and church Anchor is 4 p.m. on the Friday prior to the . Offices~··Ih later "years, until" his deathin 1957, he was sought out date of publication. . '; All advertising, copy,'photos, press rel~~w.,and by large numbers of people who believed he had gifts of prophecy and healSteering PointS must arrive by the deadline to be coning. ' sidered for publication. This is the result in a change of Bernard Francis Casey was born near Prescott, the delivery schedule at the Post Office. Thank you. Wis., on Nov. 25, 1870, the sixth of 16 children of an Irish immigrant couple. ' The play gives the audience a sense of the history of the Hudson and Prescott areas and of Stillwater, Minn., during the late 19th and early $2,495 pip " 20th centuries, said Druffner. She was in the midst of rehearsals as director of June 24 - July 5, 2001 - 12 days a planned staging of her work at St. Patrick Church Venice, Florence, Pisa, Assisi, in Hudson. The multimedia drama requires 20 acRome, Sorrento, Capri, Pompei" tors and includes historical retellings, a monologue, " comedy, slides, dance and music. Travel with Rev. Dave Costa As a young man, Father Casey worked on the Sacred Heart Parish, No. Attleboro, MA St. Croix River near Stillwater in the logging trade, , . drove a trolley car in Superior, and worked at the Stillwater Prison guarding, among others, the Jesse James gang. " July 10 - 25, 2001 - 16 days After becoming a Capuchin priest and moving to Detroit, and then to New York City, Father Casey St." Michae~, Madeira, Porto, Fatima, Lisbon was widely re<;ognized for his services to the poor Calffor information & brochure" at soup kitchens, Druffner said.
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"His miracles were done in a simple way. He " blessed people and prayed for them," she said, adding that he never sought the spotlight. Druffner called the rehear~als extensive and said the cast of actors, who are from St. Patrick's and other area churches, has often prayed together. "This play is important because he lived right here and he had first Communion in our (St. . Patrick's) parish," said Barb Ruemmele, who helped with Druffner's research. "He helped people'with all different kinds of problems. He did it by praying; he never wanted to draw attention to himself," added Ruemmele, who directs the local chapter of the Father Solanus" Guild. "~he asked me to put together a skit on his life. That was about a year ago," Druffner said. "But when I did the research, I found that his life was far , too fantastic to just do a skit. It needed to be a fullfledged play." Father Casey's lite is perfect for the stage because of his many expe~ riences, she said. Father Casey spent much time as a porter, writing from his desk and giving counsel to people who came by. In the play, he is shown reading from his journals at the right side of the stage, while on the left side, flashbacks are enacted by the other actors. '. ,'-In one scene, Father:'Casey is riding a streetcar and sees a woman murdered by her lover. He decides to become' a priest to help prevent such injustice. Father Casey retells the,experience while it is portrayed on the other side of the stage. In another scene, the soup kitchen runs out of bread, and, after Father Casey prays, a truck comes by and delivers all the loaves that are needed. Deacon Peter Braam, who some local parishioners say resembles Father Casey, had to be persuaded to portray him. Deacon Braam at first declined because he is going through chemotherapy for cancer. "I'm tired but this could be good for me:" he told Druffner. He ,thought the role could playa' double benefit since Father Casey has long been . associated with healing. . "I think:(his medical situation) keeps him in touch with who Solanus is," Ruerrimele said. "He was a 'man of humility and the play shows that. The acting by Braam shows that." Four Capuchin priests from the St. Bonaventure Monastery jn Detroit, a pl~ce where Father Casey served and t,he headquarters of his canonization campaign, planned to see· the plilY..
Pope to visit Athens jn~arly\ M~y By JOHNTHAVIS
em pope to Greece, was mad~ possible when Orthodox bishops voted VATICAN CITY - Pope John earlier in March not to oppose t\1,e Paul II will visit Athens, Greece, pope's pilgrimage. At the same May 4-5, the first stop on a pilgrim- time, several Orthodox leaders have age that also will take him to Syria made it dear that they have deep misgivings about the papal visit. and Malta, a Vatican official said. About 97 percent of the Greek The dates of the visit were announced by Archbishop Leonardo .population belongs to the. OrthoSandri, a high official of the dox Church, while the Catholic Vatican's Secretariat of State, after community numbers about 63,000," he met in Athens last week with or less than one percent. The popeis traveling to the Archbishop Christodoulos, head of the Orthodox Church of Greece, Mediterranean countries ~ part of according' to news 'reports from an ongoing pilgrimage to biblical sites, which began during the jubiAthens. The visit, the first by any mod- lee year. His stops in Athens, DamCA1ll0LlC NEWS SERVICE
ascus.~Q ~yria, and Malta will retrace the, missionary route of St. Paul. . Th,e 79 bishops of the Gre~k .Orthodox Church's Holy Synod, or governing body, voted unanimously earlier this month not to oppose the visit, but made clear that it was doing so to honor the pope's desire to make a pilgrimage and not to erase what it called the "historical memory" of strained relations with Catholicism. . Some have warned that militant opposition to the visit would come from Orthodox "Old Calendarists" who oppose any ecumenical ties.
Butler gets St. Vincent post By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
leading' the fund-raising and reST. LOUIS - Joseph E. But- source development activities of ler, former vice president of com- the society in coordination with munity relations and marketing at some 4,500 councils and conferIndianapolis Power and Light ences with more than 72,000 Company, has been named na- members throughout the United tional development director for States. the U.S. office of the Society of In addition to working with St. Vincent de Paul, based in St. . Indianapolis Power and Light for 15 years, Butler has served as diLouis . . Butler will be responsible for rector of community develop- .
ment for the state of Missouri, managing one of the largest voluntary citizen participation programs in the nation. He is completing final requirements for ti doctorate of management from Webster University in St. Louis. Richard E. Hennicke, executive director of the U.S. office, said creation of the new post was made necessary by the society's
COlltillued from page aile.
very encouraged by the dominance of youth at the Mass. "More and more young people are becoming involved in the Pro-Life programs in the diocese," she said. "The Pro-Life movement is coming alive in the diocese. Youth are becoming involved and active. Much of that has to do with the work of diocesan superintendent of schools James McNamee, who en.courages our young people to take part in this important ministry." McNamee was present at the Mass. Youth was indeed the theme of the day. Each year, the diocese conducts a Pro-Life essay contest for students in grades six through 12. Two winners in the grade six to eight and grades nine to 12 categories are chpsen. This year all four winners read their essays at the Mass. The theme of this year's contest was "Let Me Live," based on a poem written by Madeleine Lavoie, a parishioner of Our Lady
----.of Grace Parish, Westport, and a
eight and nine in this edition of member of the diocesan Pro-Life The Anchor. Committee. For a Coinmunion meditation First place in the grade six song, the St. Francis Xavier to eight category was Caitlin School Choir offered a heartfelt Elizabeth路 McQueen of St. rendition of David Haas' "Before Francis Xavier Preparatory I Was Born," based on Psalm 139. School, and a parishioner of "How moving' is Psalm 139," Corpus Christi. Parish, East . commented Father Stephen A. Sandwich. In the grade nine to Fernandes, diocesan director of 12 category, Myles Derbyshire the Pro-Life Apostolate and pasof Bishop Stang High School tor of St. Francis Xavier Parish. took first-place honors. "But it is particularly poignant Second place in the lower when sung by middle-school grade category went to' Sarah voices." Also attending the Mass were Smith of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro and many diocesan priests and deafrom St. Mary's Parish there. In cons, school principals, a Knights the upper grades, Alissa Mari 'of Columbus honor guard and Rebello of Our Lady of Mount many parishioners and Pro-Life Carmel Parish, Seekonk, and a supporters. A strong youth movement in student at Dighton-Rehoboth' High School, was awarded sec- the Pro-Life arena is evidenced ond place. in this diocese, and Monday's The four .winning essays and Mass was clear confirmation of Lavoie's poem appear on pages that.
a priest for this diocese in 1995, Not one to stand idle, the son sometime after Easter and will join the five-year mission young priest founded the Mission they will see the advances made, established by Bishop Sean P. Friends of Guaimaca, Honduras, notably after the substantial O'Malley, OFM Cap., that cur- . with headquarters in Dennisport. $10,000 donation." rently is serving two, priestless "The group is comprised of He was referring to the Decemparishes - St. Francis of Assisi Catholic lay men and women of ber 2000 gift of Albert Makkay and St. Rose of Lima - in the our diocese who like to help in Sr., a member of our Lady of Vicpoorest sections of the Archdio- three ways the Honduran mis- tory Parish in Centerville. cese of Honduras. "We're also planning to presion," he said. He will be replacing Institute Their suggested help includes: pare accommodations at the misof the Incarnate Word Father support prayers for the mission- sions to be able to house the lay Gustavo Dominguez of Argen- aries and their churches and chap- professionals and young people tina, a member of the Spanish els; offering a few dollars a we expect will come down to Apostolate. It follows a plan in month for their continued finan- join us in the missionary work," effect when Father Dominguez left cial support; and being a resource Father Blyskosz said. 路"The plan in September 2000 for a six- . person - such as health profes- is to have the lay people receive month assignment in Guaimaca. sionals who would offer medical training from Janet Kirsch, a The team currently in Hondu- equipment or medication for the member of Corpus Christi Parras also includes Father Paul E. mission's. use and/or education ish and a travel agent by profesCanuel, former diocesan director officials who could donate text- sion, before they arrive in Honof the Spanish Apostolate; and books or computers. duras." Saying that lay involvement in Deacon James Marzilli Jr., and his "And the final area of support nurse wife JoAn, from St. John would come from professional the Honduras missions is of prime the Baptist Parish, Pocasset. people who, after training, might importance, Father Blyskosz reDominican Sister of. the Pre- come down for a time, to serve flected that such commitment has sentation Marie Ceballos from and work in the mission." Father been voiced many times by Pope John Paul II. Dighton, a nurse, is also expected Blyskosz said. .'''This mission to Guaimaca is to join the team in May, followHe said that offers have already come from several groups the answer, the response of our ing studies in France. "I was asked by Bishop of young adults in the diocese Fall River diocese to the challenge O'Malley to consider joining the who would come to work at the 'of the call to everyone in the Church to be a missionary," Famission and because I wasn't flu- mission. "Father Marcel H. Bouchard, ther Blyskosz opined. "It is a ent in Spanish was sent to / Mexico last June and returned in pastor at CorpiJs Christi Parish in wonderful opportunity and a July," Father Blyskosz said. "I East Sandwich, will become the blessing that we have." The Mission Friends of was with priests and seminarians spiritual director of the .Friends from other dioceses learning group, after I leave," the mission- Guaimaca, Honduras can be . reached at P.O. Box 558, Spanish. When I returned here I ary reported. In a update, Father Blyskosz. Dennisport, MA 02639, tel. 508worked with Father Wilson in the Spanish Apostolate in said the' mission is "doing well. 398路2490 or 508-432-4000, and Hyannis to help prepare myself We will be receiving a visit from FAX 508-398-2490 or 508-432Bishop O'Malley and Father Wil- 3494. further."
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 2001
recently completed national stra- to these tasks," Hennicke added. The Society of St. Vincent de . tegic plan, which "calls for significant growth in .the soci~ty's Paul, founded in 1833 by Blessed membership and services to the Frederic Ozanam, offers tangible poor and needy." . assistance to those in need. World"We will need new resources to wide the organization has more achieve our ambitious goals and than 900,000 members providing Mr. -Butler brings extensive expe- service to the poor in over 132 rience and educational credentiais countries on five continents:
Our Lady's Monthly Message . From Medjugorje March 25, 2001 Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Dear Children'! Also today I call you to open yourselves to prayer. Little children, you live in a time in which God gives great graces but you do not know how to make good use of them. You are concerned about everything else, but the least for the soul and the spiritual life. Awaken from the tired sleep of your soul and say yes to God with all your strength. Decide for conversion and holiness. I am with you; little children, and I call you to perfection of your soul and of everything you do. "Thank you for having responded to my call." OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE GROUP
Marian Messengers P.O. Box 647, Framingham, MA 01701路 Tel. 1-508-.879-9318
The Youth Apostles Institute presents a seminar entitled:
"Principles of Effective Youth Ministry" Where: . polan CeQtet;, St.. fytary's Parish, Taunton. When: Thesday, April 3, 2001 7:30 p.m. Mass in Church Side Chapel 8:00 Seminar in Dolan Center Presenter: Fr. Hernando Herrera, Y.A., Chaplain, Coyle and Cassidy H.S., P.V., Our Lady of Mount Carmel For: Youth Ministers, Teachers, ReI. Ed. Volunteers, Parents, Priests
Info: Youth Apostles .(508) 672,2755
"Let the c.hildren come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom ofGod belongs to such as these... Then he . embraced them and blessed them..." (Mk. 10.' 14,16)
Director of Faith Formation Holy Cross Parish, South Easton, MA, is looking for a direCtor of faith fonnation. This position will average 32 hrsIwk or 1600 hrsIyear on a varied schedule, beginning July 11, 2001. Holy Cross Parish is a suburban parish consisting of approximately 2,000 middle to upper-middle class families. We are a hospitable community that believes in the principles of Vatican II and collaborative ministry. The successful candidate will (preferably) possess a master's degree in Theology, and have previous experience in religious education. The salary is based on the guidelines of the Diocese of Fall River, MA. Incentives will be based upon education, experience, and other qualifications set by the Religious Education Commission of Holy Cross Parish. . A resume and salary requirements may be sent to: Religious Education Search Committee, Holy Cross Parish, 225 Purchase Street, South Easton, MA 02375. You may also direct any inquiries by phone to Rev. John .M. Santone, C.S.c. at (508) 238-2235 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Deadline for applications is April 27, 200 I.
14 TH~ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River---.Fri.,March 30, 2001
.White' House honors .Taunton teacher TAUNTON - Science teacher she told The Anchor. Holy Union Sister Mary Catherine Each year the White House rec~ Burns of Coyle and Cassidy High oglJizes the best oftht: nation's K~ School was recently named by l2.mathematics and science teachPresident George W. Bush, as a re- . ers with this highest honor and cipient of the 2000 Presidential Sister Burns was selected from Awards for excellence in mathemat- more than 600 national finalists ics and science teaching. Sister around the country. A national Bums had the opportunity to receive panel of scientists, mathema~cians the award in Washington D.C. and and educators recommends up to met the President during her stay. 216 teachers to receive the award. "It was really awesome," said Approximately two million teachSister Burns. "We received our ers across the country are eligible. . awards on Thursday at the National Each recipient received a . Academy of Sciences and then $7,500 educational grant for their . around n06n we all met President school and a trip to Washington, • Bush in the Eisenhower building p.e. Sister Burns v.isited the adjacent to the White House." nation's capital recently to receive ,A teacher for 41 years, 35 of the award and participate in a vathose at Bishop Stang, Sister Burns riety of educational and said she was surprised to hear she celebratory events. Among her was one of the three finalists for highlights were visiting with the award here in Massachusetts. members of Congress and meet"It was quite a wonderful honor," ing the President.
CELEBRATING HAWAII - Students from Saint Joseph's School,· Fairhaven, enjoyed dressing up for a Hawaiian Luau with a family dance theme recently.
- EIGHTH-GRADE students at Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, were recently 0!1 the trail of the Underground Railroad in that city. Lead by Carl Cruz of the New Bedford Historical Society, students participated in a walking tour of significant sites, including the Nathan and Polly House ~home to Frederick Qouglass. With Cruz are from left: Dylan Turner, Martin Hammond, Curt Jordan and Ray.Luiz.
YOUNG PEOPLE from Christ the King Parish, Mashpee, prepare to travel home after. a recent retreat weekend at Oakhurst in Whitensville. Sponsored by the parish Peer Ministry Group, it focused on young people's relationship with Jesus and building community.
THE BISHOP FEEHAN High School (Attleboro) Majorettes won a first place award, sec- . THIRD-GRADERS ALYSSA Olivei~a, Jenelle Bellany and . ond place and several third place finishes in recent competitions. They will compete April 8 Deanne Allard of Notre Dame School, Fall River, take a tour of for the New'England Majorette Association Championships. Front, from left: Mandi Stockwell, White's of Westport as part of a recent field, trip for the Junior Anne Marie Loiselle and Ashley Nobrega. Back row, from left: Katie Smith, Caitlin Gaudet, Achievement PrQgrar:n. Chris LaFrance runs the program. Amanda Coppqla, Maeve Kelly, Kayleigh Carrigan and coach Marianne Whelan .
,I ' ,, ,
Missing out for no good reason By AMY WELBORN
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., March 30, 200 I
than others. isn't like a class. It's not that God CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE No, you'd never dream of de- has a big old grade book in My son, a high school, liberately taking a zero on a test which he keeps track of how sophomore, is currently in the or term paper. But that quiz? many assignments, you've proce~s of trying out for a turned in. Not at all. But we're spring sport which shall remain not talking about God's end of' nameless except that it involve~ this. We're talking about your walking around a lot with a stick end. in your hand and gazing, The simple fact is that if you mostly in frustration, at a little neglect what seem like, small aswhite ball. pects of your relationship with This story, such as it is, isn't God, the whole thing will sufFO~ YOOTH • ABOOT YOOTH about my son. It's about how fer. We get into trouble when we his chances of making the team let our spiritual life slide in little have improved in the last week That set of end-of-chapter ques- ways such as neglecting prayer; because of someone else - one tions? It's just a little assignment. forgetting that virtue is someof the top players in this sport, Yikes. Did you see that re- thing that has to be practiced evwho has been revealed to be in- port card? Did you see that you ery day, in small ways; letting eligible for one simple reason: almost made a "C" in that class? your heart be guided by what He's failing ceramics class. Did you hear what. the teacher the world desires, rather than Don't know how, don't know said when you went down on what God desires. why, but there it is. The kid cur- your knees to ask for "just This trouble we get into isn't rently is flunking pottery, so he one - more - point? Please?'" about punishment or God turncan't be on the team. The teacher said: "Well,. sure, ing away from us. It'sabout what Has anything like that ever there's just one point between we lose when we don't let happened to you? Have you you and a better grade. Seems , God's love in. ever missed out on doing some- to me, though, that you could It's about putting ourselves in important because of an- have fixed it very simply by turn- a situation in which, because other thing you forgot or ne- ing in that set of homework , we've not been listening to God glected ,to do which didn't seem questions you seem to have for- in the little ways, we forget what to be that important at the time? gotten about a while back. Yup. his voice sounds like, and we Take school. When it starts, That would have done it. Next?" start to harbor the suspicion that a semester seems like a very long Little things. It's funny how we're all alone in the world, time. A teacher's syllabus, pre- little things can make a differ- without a soul to care about us. sented at the beginning of the ence. It's true ev~n in our relaAnd that is a pI;etty sad situa·term, can appear-to be-packed' 'tionships with God. . 'tion ~'sadder'even'than ineli~ with way too many assignYou have to understand, first, gibility due to ~ grade in potments, some clearly weightier that your relationship with God tery; don't you think?
"-~~cOming of
SSe Peter and Paul School near top'in national contest FALL RIVER - SS. Peter Month, event leaders like Bates and Paul School has taken sec- try new ways of teaching techond place in the National Com- nology, to introduce new techputer Learning Foundation Con- nology products and to share test. knowledge with those in their "It was a real surprise," said local community. InesBates, technology coordi"October was an extremely nator at the school. "I never busy month for us," Bates explained. "We ofthought we would actually fered fi ve spewin." cialized classes But win they such as:, "On did, after Bates Line Travel submitted her N i g h t " , October Learn"Internet Safety ing Month activifor Adults", "On Line Shopping ties held at the schooL Both f' Night", "ShopBates and the ping for Comschool received puters", and copies of Adobe "AT&T Broadband N(ght" Premiere, a powerful - and exsponsored by pensive - deskAT&T. ..l:-'-'...,. top movie editing L.-_~ Those parsoftware proticipating told INES B~TES gram. Principal The Computer Learning Kathleen Burt that not only were Month Event is an annual con- the classes informative, but fun. test to encourage and recog'nize Burt said that not only has SS. people who host local events to Peter and Pa\ll School developed help others in their community , a unique, effective classroom learn more about the benefits of technology program for its stutechnology. The contest is to dents, but also has serious comfocus attention on the important mitment to educate the public. role computers, software and, All of the evening division other technologies play in classes are offered free to the people's lives, particularly in public. children's-teamin-g and their fu- - , For upcoming classes conture. . tact SSt Peter and Paul School During Computer Learning at 677-3938.
lligh school student finds·computers for needy kids By IRENE HEY
Beach's diocesan newspaper. nated computers and equipment from In 1999, Caruso started her own non- ' large companies, repairs and assembles DELRAY BEACH, Fla. - A volun-' ,profit business called Kids On Com put- them, and in turn, donates them to needy tee I' job at a local health clinic led 16- ers Inc. The organization receives do- children and families. yea~oldChristyCar~sotooneof ~ ~_ _~~ ~~ the most rewarding experiences of "; , •I ," ...., her life and brought computers ~; G / into the lives of dozens of needy children. She began volunteering at the i. Caridad Health Clinic in Boynton Beach as a way to complete her community service hours for her school, Pope John Paul n High School in Boca Raton. j "~:::::=='''''_~ "I met a lot of families in need . "£. 'IF,.. and it rea)ly felt great to reach out to them and help them in any w a y , I could," said Caruso, who resides in Delray Beach and is a parishioner at St. Vincent Ferrer Parish in the Palm Beach Diocese. Car.uso witnessed firsthand how 'poverty seemed to hold some _:--.", ~ people back. ' "Many of these kids don't have the opportunity to get computer 0 CD:l'JCD:IJCI:ID&EI_ CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
¥i¥ . ,.t?,o;,'W,'.?g.I.· . dh ,' , fill
Since then,local businesses have also heard about Caruso's mission and have begun to donate, as well. The business is based completely on volunteers and ~ has received more than 100computers, printers, and other equip- . ment since its inception two years ago. Caruso donates more than 15 hours each week to her cause, often staying up late at night. According to Jay Lower, the student activity director and service coordinator at Pope John Paul II High School, Caruso has started to motivate other ,students at the school and has' become an example of service t? others, ' Caruso is one of seven chi 1dren who grew up in what her mother, Beverly, cal1s a wel1rooted Catholic family. She credits the family's strong faith and God's gifts with Christy's desire to help others. . Christy Caruso is hoping to at-
experience to better themselves ~g .'. '" ~.i552!:==. educationally because they can't afford to buy a computer' and I truly believe computers are the' wave of the future. So I decided I CHRISTY CARUSO, 16, started the nor:tprofit Kids on Computers Inc., collecting dowanted to do, something to help them," the high 'school junior told nated computer equipment and distributing it to needy families in Florida. She is a junior at The Florida Catholic, Palm Pope John Paull! High School in Boca Raton. (CNS photo by Irene Hey, Florida Catholic)
tend an Ivy League school like Princeton but vows that her business's mission will live on. "I plan on continuing this through college and even after, but I will eventually pass the torch on to my younger b.rother when the time is right," she said.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River -:- Fri., March 30, 2001
"'- ....;.
Teache~ Volunteers, Prayers, D~natioriS Needed '.:
India'n Mission Director Asks for Your Help
.J '~"
Special to The Anchor,
THOREAU, NM "Lord, when did I see you hungry and feed you?" "When you did it for one of the least of , my people, you did it for me." Mati 25:40
As Catholics around the world ' for Lent,, ' , fast, pray, and give alms the director, sisters, lay missionaries, and staff of a New Mexico Mission . school are concerned about urgentlyneeded help. They work daily to make quality Catholic education a reality for American Indian children' , in their care. Thesechildren "do without" as ' '" ... will you he Ip them.? a way 0fl lie For many ofour students, the school at SI. Bonaventure Mission is their "last hope." Many of our stude~ts experienced failure in other schools or inability to get to school from great distances. Will youhelp?
Trusting in God, everyone atthe • The suicide rate among Mission prays for help to pay our , Navajo teenagers is ten times • month to month bills. higherthanfortheirage group • ·St. Bonaventure Mission started in the U.S. poiJUlationat large. : aschool more thim adecade ago when .McKinley County has. the • the founder realized the Indian highest alCoholism rate in the ' • children in the Mission's CCD classes United States. • didn't have even the most basic Thl'rtyded'l'cated lay ml's'sl'onarl'es reading and writing skills. Today over teach and carry out the other work of 300 children, most. of them Native the Missiop. 'This "other work'~ American,join in prayerto keep th~ir ·includes maintaining the buses and school from closing. Mission staff vans which travel thwemote mesas to believe education is the key to bring the children to school; preparing' breaking the cycle of poverty, two nourishing meals daily for the The Indian boys and gir. ls children; and bringing both'food and attending St.', !30naventure Indian 'water to 'aging Navajos living in Mission and School live with the p'oyerty' I'n remote areas o.r t.he barren following realities: , Reservation.' .55% ofthe Navajo population New lay missionaries often ask, cannot read or write; "Can this be America?" .McKinley County (where the Gifts made io 5t. Bonaventure Mission is located). has the Indian,Mission and Scho01 are taxhighest povertyrate'(43%) in deductible. The school also qualifies tlie s t a t e ; ' ,for "Matching Gifts."
* * Help,Wanted - Teachers * *
St. Bonaventure Mission depends on the , genero'sity of loving volunteers to staff our school. If you are interested in teaching, or know someone who is, please contact me for furthe'r information; ,
At St. Bonaventure, students work together to make a good Lent. This 4th grader will be, more kind to everyone:
Dear Anchor Readers, In this special season of sacrifice, I'm asking for your prayers and for your help. My concern is for the children and elders served by St. Bonaventure Indian , ,Mission. Without car\ng friends like you we can't exist. Only through educaJion can the-Navajo children in our school break free o(the poverty so prevalent on the reservation. We depend on volunteers to heed the call to· service fortea.ching and counseling in OUf school. Please pray that the HolySpirit will guide willing volunteers to heed the call. . . 'I also invite you to become part of this gospel work' among our Navajo brothers and sisters. Your generosity will bring love and hope, in the fonn·of .education and caring, into struggling lives. . I can't meet these needs without your help. . In Chrisfs Love,
., Please check here if you would like to receive a beautiful rosary handstrunK with reconstituted turquoise nUKKets and silver-plated beads as a . ,token ofappreciation for your Kift of$100 or more.
Bob O'Connell, Director 51. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School
Here's my sacrificial gift of love of $
... •......
Please pray for my special intentions:
)' Please check here if you would like to receive a sterlinK silver cross, set with turqullise: made by our local Indian artisans, a.~ a token of appreciation for your Kift of $35 or more. It is a unique piece ofjewelry you will wear-or Kive-with pride. (
Please check here if you would like to receive a copy ofa video showinK the work made pljssible throuKh your donation and the people at St. , Bonaventure Indian Mission and School; as a token o/appreciation/or your Kift of$15 or more.
Name Address ."Zip - - - City ---,---------------~- State ---,.--~
Send 'to:
Help from The Anchor Readers St. Bonaventure Indian ,Mission' and School Eastern Navajo Reservation, P.O. Box 610, Th~reau, NM87323~0610
0129 KHX 015
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