VOL. 34, NO. 13
Friday, March 30,1990
AT MEDICAL ETHICS symposium, from left, Father Mark R. Hession of S1. Anne's Hospital ethics committee, Dr. John Delfs, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Curtis P. Wilkins and Father Albert Moraczewski, a.p. Right, pane-
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
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lists Father Moraczewski, Dr. Delfs, Lorraine Silveira, RN, and Dr. Makolm MacDonald discuss case studies. (Hickey photos)
Symposium addresses ethics at the end of life By Marcie Hickey Last year, a Texas family approached Father Albert Moraczewski, O.P., Houston regional director of the Pope John XXIIl Medical-Moral Research and Education center, for advice regarding their daughter. In her early 20s, she had been injured in a car accident and released from the hospital after her apparent recovery. However, a short time later she suffered a seiz-
ure and was unconscious when readmitted to the hospital. After several weeks du'ring which she never regained consciousness, she was weaned from a respirator and fed through a stomach tube. She was diagnosed to be in a persistent vegetative state, with virtually no chance of recovery. Her parents faced an agonizing decision, said Father Moraczewski, among speakers at a March 20 symposium on Ethics at the End of Life sponsored by the ethics and
physicians' education committees of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. Should they continue their daughter's nutrition through the stomach tube, preserving her indefinitely in an unconscious state, or should they have the tube removed and permit her to die? Their dilemma, said the priest, is typical of cases· involving the question of provision of nutrition and hydration to the permanently unconscious, a major topic of discussion <luring the symposium.
The day-long program at White's of Westport was attended by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, clergy of the diocese, pastoral care workers, hospital and nursing home administrators, medical professionals and social workers. Among prime supporters of the event was t~b1shop, to whom issues of medical morality have been of continued interest. The bishop's 1950s doctoral dissertation on the subject was recently republished by the Pope John
XXlll Center in Braintree in light of increasing interest in ethical controversies surrounding prolongation of human life. Entitled "The Moral Law in Regard to Ordinary and Extraordinary Means of Conserving Life," the dissertation is a study of the views of theologians over the past seven centuries on the morality of preserving life in the case of patients whose condition is incurable. Turn to Page Six
Cardinal Bernardin discusses role of Catholic politicians WASHINGTON (CNS)-Cath- pro-abortion - collides directly could hardly have stated their prin- firmly committed to the position olic politicians who recognize "the with this moral teaching," he said. ciples any differently." that public officials who recognize evil of abortion" must work to '''In this specific judgment of moral "In accord with the bishops' the evil of abortion have a respon"limit its extent," but those who and legal precepts, the bishops statement," he continued, "I am sibility to limit its extent, to work are "personally ... but not pub- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•• licly opposed" to it are conducting their public role in "unacceptable" fashion, Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago said March 20. other honors, including the 1989 By Catholic News Service "In multiple ministries of word, For the church, though, "moral U.S. Catholic Award for further- song and suffering, Sister Bowpersuasion, not punitive measures" Sister Thea Bowman, the ing the cause of women in the man has shown church and world will prove most effective in hangranddaughter of a slave, last Sun- church and the recently - formed alike a face of Christ both black dling disagreement, he told about day became the first black Ameri- Sister Thea Bowman Black Cath- and female," Holy Cross Father 500 people in Washington. " can to win the University of Notre . olic Educational Foundation. The Edward Malloy, Notre Dame presThe cardinal, former chairman Dame's Laetare Medal. foundation will aid black students ident, said in announcing the award of the National Conference of She adds the recognition to many at all levels of education. Turri to Page Seven' Catholic Bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities, discussed "The Consistent Ethic of Life After Webster." The speech was sponsored by Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University. In the Webster decision handed down last summer the U.S. Supreme Court upheld portions of a law limiting abortions in Missouri. The ruling gave abortion foes hope of enacting state restrictions elsewhere. . In discussing politicians and abortion, the cardinal cited the U.S. bishops' November 1989 statement that declared that "no Catholic can responsibly take a 'pro-choice' stand when" the 'choice' in question involves the taking of innocent human life." "Because all directly intended eNS pbolo abortions are judged immoral in Catholic teaching, a pro-choice Sister Bowman receives communion (rom Archbishop Marino at St. Michael's College public policy - which, in effect, is. Mass last October
Laetare Medal to Sister Thea Bowman
for its prevention, and to protect unborn life." The cardinal said he was applying his "personal interpretation" of the bishops' November s!atement. "The position of a public figure who is personally opposed to abortion, but not publicly opposed in terms of any specific ch'oices, is an unacceptable fulfillment of a public role," he said. When dealing with disagreement, however, "I believe that the church can be most effective in the public debate on abortion through moral persuasion, not punitive measures," he said. Acknowledging that he cannot spell out tactics to be used in all cases, he said that "moral consisten<:y requires that personal conviction be translated into sollie public actions in order to validate the personal view." "Moreover, all public officials should be held accountable for their positions, not only Catholics," he said. He said he is "also firmly convinced that all Catholics are bound by the moral principle prohibiting directly intended abortion," "However, many Catholics, politicians and ordinary citizens, will disagree on strategies of implementation to lessen and prevent abortions," he said. During a question-and-answer Turn to Page Six
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2 THE ANCHOR'- Diocese of Fa:lI River -
Fri., 'Ma'r:
30: 1990
"Renew a Life" is topic of nurses' seminar The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Nurses will hold its spring seminar from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 21, at St. John the Baptisrchurch hall, Westport. With the theme "Renew a Life," the program will present the "how and why" of the procurement, preservation and distribution of organs and tissues from living or deceased donors. Dale R. Powis, RN, MSN,donation coordinator for the Providence regional office of the New England Organ Bank, will discuss the function of the organ bank; identification of potential donors; costs involved; matching of donors and recipients; the matter of present-' ing the possibility of donation to relatives of a dying or deceased person; the recipient's perspective on donation; and the ethical issues involved in procedures. Betty Novacek, DCCN president, said that health profession-
als will receive five continuing education units by attending the program. Further information is available from her at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, tel. 674-5741, ext. 2081. World Congress Mrs. Novacek also noted that several nurses from the Fall River diocese plan to attend the 14th quadrennial world congress of the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants, to be held June 10 through 15 at the College of Mt. St. Vincent, Mt. St. Vincent-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. Congress participants will represent Switzerland, South. Korea, Spain, Germany, Ivory Coast, India, Australia and Japan, among many other nations. Mother Teresa will be a featured speaker and New York Cardinal John O'Connor will be homilist at a pontifical Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
World congratulates Namibia By Catholic News Service On Marc.h 21, as Namibia, the last colony in Africa, officially emerged from 75 years of South African rule the new nation received congratulations from Pope John Paul. 11, the bishops of southern Africa and the U.S. National Conference of Catholic Bishops. . Decrying racism and offering his blessings for Namibia's future, the pope said, "To its people and its new leaders go my greetings and my wish for material and spiritual prosperity. For all the inhab. itants of Namibia, 1 invoke the most abundant blessings of the Lord." The same day, Vatican representatives joined other world leaders in a ceremony in Windhoek, the Namibian capital, to mark the country's independence. The southern African bishops also paid tribute to the Namibian people, calling the advent of sovereignty part of a "continued process toward full, participatory democracy."
"We rejoice that at last our brothers and sisters in Namibia have reached a stage when they can with confidence say that the flow of human blood has finally been superseded by the shedding of tears ofjoy,:' the bishops said in a statement released March 19. In Washington, the U.S. bishops' conference sent a congratulatory letter to Namibian Catholics through Windhoek Bishop Bonifatius Haushiku. "Your own deep personal involvement in the struggle for independence truly reflected a shepherd's genuine concern for his flock," said the letter, addressed to Bishop Haushiku and signed by Los Angeles Archbishop Roger' M. Mahony, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on International Policy. "May God grant you the strength and wisdom to continue providing the same sense of direction as Namibia confronts the crucial task of building a new nation," it said.
SMOKE POURS from windows of the former St. Anthony School in Taunton at beginning of fire that eventually caused the building to be declared "pretty much a total loss" by Taunton Deputy Fire Chief Russell L. Bradshaw. (Mike Gay photo courtesy of Taunton Daily Gazette)
Former Taunton parish school burns The former St. Anthony School in Taunton was gutted on March 21 by a fire that began about 2 p.m., while Head Start children and staff members and an Alcoholics Anonymous group were in the building'. All escaped safely from the fastmoving blaze, which continued for nearly four hours and saw firefighters remaining on the scene until II p.m. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who was also on the scene, said his chief
feeling was of gratitude that no one was injured. As yet, there is no estimate of loss on the building and nodecision has been made as to its future. Fire officials said they do not suspect arson. St. Anthdny School was built in 1954 at a time when many Catholic schools were opened in the Fall River dioc,iJe. It closed in the early 70s, as di4 the former St. Joseph, St. Jacques, Immaculate Conception, SaCred Heart and St. Anthony
schools, also in Taunton. All were victims of dwindling numbers of nun-teachers, rising costs and falling numbers of schoolchildren as the baby boomofthe 50s flattened out. Taunton is now served by Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Mary primary schools, Taunton Catholic Middle School and Coyle and Cassidy High School. The Head Start program had been housed at St. Anthony School since 1978.
NY priests Covenant House acting heads NEW YORK (CNS) - Msgr. William J. Toohy, associate executive director of Catholic Charities for the Archdiocese of New York, has been named acting president of Covenant House. CardinalJohnJ. O'Connor. who had been asked by the Covenant House board to assist in finding an interim chief executive who coJld restore public confidence in the agency, sent the board the name of Msgr. Toohy March 23 and he was approved the next day.
At the same time, the b.oard approved Cardinal O'Connor's further recommendation of Msgr. Timothy A. McDonnell, vicar for Manhattan's West Side, as deputy acting president. Both appointments became effec,,: tive March 27 and are for not more than nine months. The two priests will continue to be paid by the archdiocese at their regular salary. Salary levels for some top Covenant House executives. including the president's salary of $98,000,
Church aid prompt after NY C fire NEW YORK (CNS) - The fire that killed 87 Hondurans and others at the Happy Land Social Club in the South Bronx brought an immediate response ofprayer and _ service from the church. New York Cardinal John J. O'Connor visited the area later the day of the fire, March 25, and returned the next afternoon for a prayer service in front of the burnedout club building. The service was initiated by Auxiliary Bishop Francisco Garmendia, vicar of the South Bronx and pastor of nearby St. Thomas Aquinas Church. He led a procession from the church to a ropedoff area in front of the club, where hundreds of people and a large press corps were in attendance. When Cardinal O'Connor arrived, he spoke in Spanish and English, thanking the people for SAM NUJOMA, left, is sworn in as the first president of coming, then called on Bishop Garmendia and others from his Nambia by UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar in parish to lead in praying the rosary. ceremonies in Windhoek, the new nation's capital. (CNS/ UPIBishop Garmendia announced Reuters photo) that an ecumenical service would
take place March 29 at St. Thomas Aquinas and the Stations of the Cross would be held April 1 at Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx. The cardinal said a memorial Mass would probably be held later at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Archdiocesan officials and area parishes offered counseling and other services to families, including provision of cemetery plots at reduced or no cost. By coincidence the fire occurred on the same date as the fire, also in New York City, at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911, and brought the greatest loss of life of any city fire since the Triangle tragedy, which took 146 lives. Meanwhile, New York police announced arrest of Julio Gonzalez, a 36-year-old Cuban who had come to the United States in the Mariel boat lift of 1980路 and who allegedly admitted setting the fire after a club woman employee spurned his efforts to reestablish a relationship.
have been among topics of public controve,rsy. A search committee, headed by Covenant House board chairman Ralph A. Pfeiffer J r., has been named to seek a permanent successor to Franciscan Father Bruce Ritter, the agency's founder who resigned as president Feb. 27 following allegations of sexual and financial misconduct. Under an agreement reached with Father Ritter, the permanent president must be a Catholic priest, nun or brother. Following Father Ritter's resignation, the board accepted his recomme.ndation that James J. Harnett. who had been serving .. under him as vice president and chief operating officer, be named interim chief executive. The board then asked Cardinal O'Connor to aid in finding an acting president. However, since then three New York dailies ha ve called editorially for replacement of the entire board of directors, The board has not responded to the editorials. Harnett will return to his former position as vice president. Msgr. Toohyholds a degree from Harvard Law School and is archdiocesan director of legal affairs. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!IIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02720 bv the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fail River. SUbscription price by mail. postpaid '$11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
Pope urges peace' as EI Salvador recalls Romero SAN SALVADOR (CNS) Pope John Paul II has expressed hope that the memory ofthe murder 10 years ago o'i,Archbishop Oscar A. Romero of,\San Salvador will stimulate a "ne.w call for reconciliation and forgiveness" in EI Salvador. The sentiments were expressed in a telegram to Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas of San Salvador for a March 24 commemorative Mass in the Salvadoran capital for the slain church leader. About 7,000 Salvadorans, some carrying placards echoing the murdered prelate's homily shortly before his death - "In the name of God, stop the repression" marched to the city's Metropolitan Cathedral for a Mass to commemorate the outspoken critic of violence and defender of the poor. Archbishop Romero was shot as he celebrated Mass in a hospital chapel March 24, 1980. No one has been convicted of the crime. The march, officially a pilgrimage, was authorized by the government despite a five-month state of siege that forbids public demonstrations. In searing heat thousands crammed into the cathedral, closed since October for repairs, to attend Mass and hear eulogies by visiting churchmen from around the world. Many had come to the capital from the surrounding countryside, some walking barefoot or in sandals. At the end of the cathedral ceremony, loudspeakers carried a tape recording of Archbishop Romero's final moments: "Let us join, then, in intimate faith and hope in this moment of prayer for Dona Sarita and ourselves," the tape recorded him saying. Then the boom of the rifle shot and screams from the tape sounded through the cathedral. As part of the commemoration, church offIcials began proceedings to have the Vatican declare Archbishop Romero a saint. For many Salvadorans, he is already that. His portrait adorns homes across the country, and his tomb, until the cathedral's temporary closing, was a place of constant pilgrimage.
Mariolo-gical parley There will be five presentations at the 41 st annual convention of the Mariological Society of America, to be held May ,30 and 31 at Providence College. "Newman on the Blessed Virgin" will be among papers given around the world honoring the centenary year of the death of John Cardinal Newman. It will be by British Newman scholar Father Roderick Strange. Fathers Bernard Lazor, OSA, John Melloh, SM, and Frederick Jelly, OP, will discuss teaching and preaching on the place of Mary in the liturgical year. As the first of a three-year cycle, the 1990 presentation will deal with the liturgy from Advent through the baptism of Christ, usually celebrated the Sunday after Jan. 6. A bibliographic survey of Marian books and articles will be given by Father Eamon Carroll, O. Carm. Further information on the convention is available from Father Theodore Koehler, SM, Marian Library, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469-0001.
THE ANCHOR -Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Mar. 30, 19903
u.s. bishops said-to be "planning for reduction"
Father Alfred McBride DCCW parley keynoter Rev. Alfred McBride, O. Praem., .spiritual director of Aid to the Church in Need, will be the keynote speaker at the 37th annual convention of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women April 21. Themed "We Serve the Lord with Joy and Gladness," the convention will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 ·p.m. at Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. A member of the Norbertine Order, Father McBride was ordained to the priesthood in 1953. He has been a parish priest, high school teacher and university professor. Born in Philadelphia, he is a ' graduate of St. Norbert College, De Pere., Wisconsin. He holds a diploma in religious education from Lumen Vitae, Brussels, Belgium, and a doctorate in religi~us educa-, tion from Catholic University, Washington, D.e. For seven years he was executive director of the department of religious education at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and for three and one half years the president of the University of Albuquerque. For two years he was senior editor of the Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association. He is the author of numerous articles and 20 books, including Invitation: A Catholic Learning Guide for Adults (PNCEA publications), The Story of the Church (St. Anthony Messenger Press) and Death Shall Have No Dominion (W.e. Brown). The U.S. Catholic Conference appointed him to write the catechesis in preparation for the second pastoral visit of Pope John Paul II to the United States and to be the information officer for the U.S. Catholic bishops during the visit itself. Presently, he is spiritual directorfor the U.S. office of Aid to the
Church in Need, an organization that raises funds for the persecuted church in Eastern Europe and the Third World. Convention Program On April 21, Madeline C. Wojcik, president, will officiate at the opening session of the DCCW convention, to be followed by the keynote address and remarks by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, who will present Our Lady of Good Counsel awards to an outstanding member from each of the council's five districts. Bishop Cronin will be principal celebrant and homilist for a noon liturgy at St. Mary's Church, Taunton. District moderators and other diocesan priests will be concelebrants. Council members will return to Coyle-Cassidy for luncheon, followed by the convention's afternoon session, to begin with a report by convention registrar Mrs. Raymond Lavoie; Workshop speakers will then be introduced by Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, coordinator of presentations by DCCW commissions on church communities, family affairs, international affairs, organization services and community affairs.
ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) - The National Conference of Catholic Bishops has to answer a "basic question" - whether it can "continue to do everything it is currently doing and more with little or no increase in the availability of resources," said Mercy Sister' Sharon Euart, associate general secretary of the conference. Sister Euart commented in addressing a joint convention of the Parish and Diocesan Council Network and the National Pastoral Planning Conference held last month in Orlando. In another address, Jesuit Father Thomas J. Reese, an authority on the U.S. hierarchy, told the convention that cutbacks may be forced on the church at every level if Catholics continue to give less in support than other denominations. Sister Euart said that the U.S. bishops are currently "planning for reduction," not unlike many dioceses. While numbers of U.S. Catholics have increased by almost 10 million in the last 25 years, she said, numbers of priests and religious have decreased. She called for coordination of the bishops' planning efforts with local initiatives and listed some 1990s conference objectives that could "spark some ideas and enthusiasm"-for such cooperation. One, she s~id, was "faith formation through catechesis and ministries" at each age level. She noted repor~s on- a recent study by the Lilly Foundation of six Protestant denominations that found only one third had "a mature integrated faith" combining belief with social action. The most important single factor in building mature faith, the study found, was "adult Christian education." "That study," Sister Euart said, "could have important implications" for the Catholic Church. Noting studies showing U.S. Catholics give less to their churches
than do Jews and' Protestants, Father Reese said: "If this continues duri.ng this decade, there will be continued cutbacks in services at every level of the church: the parish, the school, the diocese, the national conference of bishops and the Vatican." . "Setting aside the supernatural, the church needs two things to operate: money and personnel," said Father Reese, a fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Ge~rgetown University and author of "Archbishop: Inside the Power Structure ofthe American Catholic Church." While the church has expanded its programs since the Second Vatican Council, he said, it has "lost the cheap slave labor provided- by religious women." Were money available, he said, laypeople could perform most ministries excluding hearing confessions, anointing the sick and celebrating Mass. During visits to 31 archdioceses while researching his book, Father Reese said, he "found little evi~ dence of successful archdiocesan planning in the United States." But he said church planners are handicapped by lacking a "bottomline measure of success." They "can count baptisms and Mass attendance," he said, "but we cannot measure the quality of sacramental experience. We cannot weigh grace or love." Dominican Sister Lucy Vazquez, . president-elect of the Canon Law Society of America, said that while allowing its baptized members to . participate more fully, the church was falling -short in assigning women and laymen to influential positions. Sister Vazquez, director of the marriage tribunal for the Orlando diocese, said that as the priest shortage continues bishops should consider giving nuns and laypeopie in diocesan jobs titles and formal installations.
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Diocese of Fall River -Fri:, M'ar: 30, 1990
the moorinSA., Let's Get It Right Few would seriously oppose the reunification of Germany. The tidal wave of history has engulfed central Europe and the Germans are in the center of the action. What is needed is the assurance that they can stay in that position and avoid their tendency toward extremes. On the surface, the so-called Big Four, Britain, France, Russia and the United States, are prepared to accept a united Germany. We tend to forget these nations still occupy their former enemy. However, their influence and power are limited. There is little or nothing London or Paris could do to halt reunification or even influence its terms. The Soviets are recalling troops from Hungary and Czechoslovakia and they too seem unlik.ely to impede German unity. As for ourselves, this nation is interested in the commercial significance of a new Germany. Altogether, there seems little to stop the course of German history. This is not to say that there are not serious concerns to be faced in the light of a united Germany. First there are the Germans themselves. East Germany is economically and politically bankrupt and will need massive help from the West. The result could be massive inflation and devaluation of the mark. The last time that happened, Hitler was in the wings; and that thought still haunts the world. Is another Hitler waiting? Only the Germans can answer this question. Then there is the Common Market. As the European Economic Community nears its target date of 1992, at which time trade barriers among member nations will be removed, the role of a united Germany assumes major significance.' Another issue that is surfacing concerns 3,000,000 Germans who were expelled from territories appropriated by other countries after World War II. Many of these peoples still yearn for their native soil and it is obvious that the territories of Siberia, Pomerania, East Prussia and the Sudetenland cannot be surrendered without taking into account those who once lived t h e r e . ' . Politics aside, the human dimension must be addressed in this particular circumstance. After all, the post war restructuring of Germany's borders was not objective. Russia especially imposed its own brand of totalitarianism on the region in a fashion similar to the previous rule. Caught in between, as always, were the people. Finally, America should be involved in all this. The United States is outside Europe only geographically. We have fought two wars in this century to ensure the very existence of Europe. This aside, we are basically the grandchild of Europe. Few realize that the largest ethnic group in the nation is made up of those with German forebears, to say nothing ofthe millions of immigrants who came to America from other European nations. Europe is part of our heritage and any concept of a new Europe will have to take the United States into accountand not for merely political reasons. As these exciting days continue, we should keep in mind that it is the changes in the rest of Europe that have brought about the change in Germany and have enabled its reunification. The barriers yet to be surmounted and the races yet to be won are -.. . . . . . the responsibility of the Germans themselves accompanied, of rourse, by the encouragement of the European family and the rest of the world community. Past efforts have failed. This time, let's get it right. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722 Telephone 508-675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O.. S.T.D. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall River
"In his hand are all the ends of the earth and the heights of the mountains are his." Ps. 94:4
Confession decline studied the ritual" which gives the bishop WASHINGTON (CNS) - A they experienced reconciliation the sole authority to decide the use U.S. bishops' study on the sacra- outside of the sacrament. of general absolution. Father Walsh said lay Catholment of reconciliation shows sigIn the United States. certain nificant differences among bishops. ics' experience of reconciliation strict conditions must be met for priests and laity as to why they through other means shows "a general absolution to be permitted think the sacrament's use is in success of the catechesis" that bap- such as being unable to confess. decline. tism. communion and penance are one's sins in a timely fashion withThe study results are "illuminat- . three sacraments of reconciliation. out ~eneral absolution. ing." said Father Michael Walsh. as stated in the Rite of Penance. More than two-thirds of the head of the bishops' Office for "People have come to apprePastoral Research and Practices. ciate a broader and deeper tradi- . priests surveyed said they felt inadewhich conducted the study. . tion of church teaching." Father quately trained to serve as confessors in accord with the revised penWalsh said. The study. "Reflections on the If catechesis on the Eucharist ance rites. The study includes an Sacrament of Penance in Catholic worked for the laity. Father Walsh outline for a clergy formation proLife Today: A Study Document." said. then "a catechesis on penance gram on the sacrament. was released in January. Priests evaluated individual should have some kind of effect. Forty-two percent of all U.S. confession. the first rite. "in a very Catechesis can be a very effective bishops. 44 percent of a random positive way." the study said. tool." sample of 2,500 priests. and 35 Still. "some 70 percent of priests The decline in the sacrament's percent of Catholics from three that they preach on the responded use started in the early 1960s. even dioceses who regularly attend importance of the sacrament often before the Second Vatican Counchurch.- responded to the survey. cil. which many consider the chief to very often." the study said. "yet conducted in mid-1988. 63 percent of the laity responded factor for the drop. Father Walsh Bishops responding to the surthat they hear preaching on penance said. vey on. which the study is based rarely or never." The study also dealt with the said "a less pervasive sense of sin" The disparity "raises the questhree rites of penance. was the most significant factor tion of the effectiveness of preach. In the second rite of the sacraleading to decline in the use of ing on penance." ment, a communal celebration with penance. But priests placed that Individualism. pluralism and the individual reconciliation. "bishops fourth in importance. and the laity the media were among cultural see some problems." the study had it tied for seventh. factors attributed by the study as said. "Because of the extended Priests said "general confusion time needed for individual confescontributing to the decline in the over what is right or wrong" was sions." it said. "the liturgical elesacrament's use. the leading factor. which was Individualism is marked by a ment often suffers." Priests shared ranked third by the bishops and similar concerns. "live and let live" principle. the tied for seventh in ranking by the study said: Under pluralism. it In the third rite. a communal laity. added. people may choose an celebration with general absoluThe laity said "reconciliation tion. priests surveyed cited "ratios opinion but "do not feel compelled experienced by other means" was in today's climate to draw any of I00 or more penitents per availthe biggest factor. Priests ranked consequences for their religious able confessor" as their reasons for that second and' bishops placed it granting general absolution. Only . adhesion or affiliation as a result." fifth. The media. the study said. relay II percent of the priests surveyed "values born of the individualism Receiving the Eucharist. personal had any experience with this form. praye-r. making an act of contriand pluralism in the culture." "Either the unexpected numbers tion. and talking with a friend Opinion poll results. it said. "are did not allow for recourse to the were each cited by mo're than half bishop," the study said. "or priests often presented as if they were on a the lay people surveyed as ways par with moral norms." may not be aware of the change in
... 'Bible resour'ces Earlier in this series, I' mentioned that I would offer some books and 'other resources for those who are interested in studying more about the Bible on their own. If you are or think you may be one of those, you might want to clip this column. I will offer addresses where you can obtain these or you may prefer to call a Christian bookstore in your area and have them order them for you. Please do not send orders to me. "The Bible and You" is a simple little pamphlet offering an easy over-view of the Bible with an especially convenient centerfold map and chronology. Many parishes use this as an introductory aid for beginners. (Channing L. Bete Co., Inc., South Deerfield, MA 01373; no price indicated on booklet). Another helpful pamphlet is Fr. Ivan Havener's Spiritual Reading o/Scripture: A Guide/or Beginners which offers a spiritual approach to praying the Bible. (Liturgical Press; Collegeville, MN 56321; .75, 1979). U.S. Catholic magazine put out a special issue, "Why Catholics Can't Get Enough of the Bible" in September of 1989. This excellent issue is well worth the $2.00 cost. Among equally interesting articles are those by Fr. Eugene LaVerdiere, S.S.S. on "There's No Such
Thing as a Catholic Fundamentalist," Fr. Leslie Hoppe, O.F.M. on "What You Don't Know about the Old Testament Could Fill a Book," and Gerald M. Costello on "The Best Books on the Good Book." (Customer Service: Sylvia Sanchez 1-800-328-65 I5). The Collegeville Bible Commentary Series is probably the classic on Catholic Bible study of individual books of the Bible. Each clear but informative guide is well written by respected biblical scholars. I especially like these little guides because they give so much historical and translational information. Available are 25 guides to the Old Testament and II to the New Testament. (Liturgical Press; address above.) Liturgical Press also offers a series of leaflets which run about .15 each and are too numerous to mention here. Some representative titles: "Reading the Bible as God's Word," "Selecting a Bible Translation," and "How the Bible Came to Be." Because Liturgical Press has so much Bible-related material, you might want to send them a note asking them to send you information on biblical materials and costs before you order. God's Word Today: A Daily Guide to Reading Scripture (P.O. Box 7705, Ann Arbor, MI 481079959) follows the Gospel readings for the month with helpful notes. I especially like the biblical and church history articles which ac- ,
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Tel. 674-4881 company this subscription service. An individual subscription is $13.00 Free copy sent on request.
The Bible Today from Liturgical Press (six issues annually, $15.00) is a similar subscription publication with special features like "Ref-Iections for July-August," and "The Bible in Review" which offers old and new books and resources on the Bible.
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A popular curriculum is the Little Rock Scripture Program. (P.O. Box 7565, 2400 N. Tyler, Little Rock, AR 72217). A video-based program. in the Bay Area, Shared Scripture Study is drawing a great deal of interest. (Information from Catholic Television Network, Menlo Park, CAl. Leaven Press (P.O. Box 40290, Kansas City, MO 64141) offers biblical aids dealing with social justice themes. Good for actionbased Scripture groups.
FATHER JOHN DIETZEN A free brochure explaining Catholic teaching and practice on annulments is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions may be sent to him at the same address.
-lRx -
The above are useful either in groups or for individual study but since one of the most popular forms of Bible study takes place in small groups, we need to look at those resources.
Q. I was out of the church for Introduction of the Roman Misnearly 25 years. I came back- sev- sal, No. I). eral months ago and I never realized A believer could not drink in the how much I missed it. words and actions of the Mass I'm trying to catch up, but one year in and year out, without their thing that bothers me is that the taking deep root in the heart. Mass is not in Latin the way I The point is that ordinarily all remembered it. I enjoy your column this could not conceivably occur and hope you can help me underwithout the immediacy of comstand. (New York) munication in one's own language. A. I'm happy for you. Obviously After trying all kinds of substiyou consider the church your home tutes for centuries, including finally and I welcome you back. vernacular translations of the misYour letter intrigued me. About sal (which were on the index of 20 years ago, when I began writing Forbidden Books until 1897), the this column, questions like yours church has returned to its ancient were frequent, but it's been many tradition of celebrating the euchayears since the last one. ristic mysteries in the language of I believe the reason is simple. the people who are there. Most Catholics are now so accusI hope these ideas help you and tomed to participating and prayothers like you. Give yourself time ing in their own language that they and take the effort to discover can hardly imagine the Mass other- . what that "conscious, active and wise. full participation" can do. This is why most efforts to revive the Latin Mass have failed. My own conviction is that if Vatican Council II had accomplished nothing else, hearing God's Word and offering the Eucharist in the language of the people would have made it worthwhile. . Perhaps a few thoughts may ofgcil~l1ess; help you understand all the above Mother of mercy, l~ntrust and see an answer to your question. Take our Eucharistic Praymy body and soul, my, ers, for example. thoughts and actions, my They are, of course, as are all . Ufe an~death to Y()~t9 mr other parts of the Mass, first and Queeri;help me and (jeliver preeminently our worship of the roe from the grasp of the Father in and with Christ. But they are also a "school" in which devil. Obtain for. me the we encounter week after week the grace of loving your Son essential truths and challenges of truly and perfectly and of our faith. loving you also with aU my we profess Add to this the creed heart. Amen. and the Word of God we hear and reflect upon and it's no wonder -Prayer of St. Thomas that the celebration of the Mass is Aquinas "for each person, the center of the whole Christian life" (General
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Principal Bishop Connolly 'High School Fall River Write or Call For Job Description and Application Procedure.
Catholic Education Center 423 HIghland Avenue Fall River, MiX 02720-3791
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Application Deadline: April 19, 1990 March 31 . 1953, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George C. Maxwell, Pastor, SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River April I 1958, Rev. George A. Lewin, Pastor, St. Mary, Hebronville 1974, Rev. Edwin J. Loew, Pastor, St. Joseph, Woods Hole April 2 1961, Rev. Adolph Banach, OFM Conv., Pastor, O.L. Perpetual Help, New Bedford '1976, Rev. Donald Belanger, Pastor, St. Stephen, Attleboro April 4 1985, Rev. James F. McCarthy, Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River April 6 1977, Rev. Msgr. John A. Chippendale, Retired Pastor St.. Patrick, Wareham 1980, Rev. Lorenzo Morais, Retired Pastor, St. George, Westport 1987, Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson, Retired Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis
Ethics at the end of'llfe Continued from Page One Father Moraczewski, who has served on bioethical review boards around the country and has written books on bioethical decisionmaking, said that Bishop Cronin's dissertation has been very influential in his own thinking. Symposium Program The symposium began with a welcome from Sister Dorothy Ruggiero, board chairman at St. Anne's Hospital, followed by prayer offered by Bishop Cronin. Alan Knight, hospital president, spoke on behalf Of St. Anne's 12member ethics committee. Composed of hospital board members, pastoral ministers and health care professionals, it provides a forum. for dealing with health care dilemmas. The ethicians, joined by the physicians' education committee, plan to make the symposium an annual event. Last week's program reviewed factors related to treatment decisions for permanently unconscious patients and examined application of ethical principles to end of life technology in accordance with church teaching. Father Moraczewski noted that cases like that of the Texas family give rise to questions as to when nutrition and hydration are ordinary means of sustenance and when they become extraordinary means. If technology exists to maintain the life of a permanently unconscious person, must it be used, or is it optional? Who makes that decision, and when? Dr. John Delfs, assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, who spoke on "Levels of Consciousness: Medical Descriptions and Prognoses," suggested a three-stage process as a starting point for ethical decisions: - Accurate data: Before any decisions are made, all medical facts must be known, based on the experience of the doctor with the type of patient and accumulated medical knowledge on the subject; - Communication: All involved in the decision-making process must fully understand the facts; - Decision: A conclusion must be reached based on ethical principles and available information, beginning with the patient's desire, if known through such means as a living will, or the patient's probable desire, if ever expressed in the past. Failing that, others must make a decision based on what is best for the patient.
"It is only when we have accurate information and communicate it fully that we can approach a reasonable, moral and caring discussion," said Dr. Delfs. "Decisions must be grounded in morality and spiritual beliefs" and are not always a case of pure medicine, he added. In order to fulfill the first step in the decision-making process, said Dr. Delfs, the physician must distinguish between short-term and long-term neurological impairment. He clarified the distinction by describing current medical understanding of what is experienced at various levels of consciousness. Consciousness, he said, is the state of being awake and aware. Debates over nutrition and hydration arise, he said, when there is damage to part or all ofthe brain causing persistent unconsciousness or severe disability, but brain stem
functions vital to survival of the body recover. These states can be characterized as coma, persistent vegetative state, or locked-in syndrome, said Dr. Delfs. Coma, he said, is a state of unarousable unresponsiveness with no purposeful response to stimuli, merely reflex action. True coma is never permanent, with possible outcomes being death, recovery of some or all of normal functioning, or a persistent vegetative state. In the latter, there is not enough functioning tissue to support consciousness, but brain stem functions are spared. Sleeping and waking cycles remain, but self-awareness does not return. For this reason, "the tendency to equate wakefulness with consciousness is misleading," Dr. Delfs said. A third possibility is locked-in syndrome, in which a person is fully conscious but cannot move or speak so that he or she in unable to communicate except through means such as eye movements. The ethical dilemma which arises regarding these various states is that of when quality of life is sufficiently reduced to warrant discontinuing nutrition and hydration. Persistently vegetative persons remain unconscious with virtually no hope of recovery, while those with locked-in syndrome often wish to die because they cannot function. Father Moraczewski examined relevant church teachings on these issues emphasizing that there is no official church doctrine regarding mechanical aids to conserving life.
Dr. Delfs explained that determination of the vegetative state cannot be made quickly, since victims of head trauma may exhibit only a transitory vegetative state. After three to six months the probability of persistent vegetative state becomes very high, although it does not reach the certainty of a diagnosis of brain death, in which the brain stem has been destroyed, causing cessation of all brain function without possibility of recovery. In addition, said Dr. Delfs, studies indicate that persistently vegetative patients experience no consciousness and that autopsies on such patients indicate major neuronal loss, suggesting there was no consciousness or understanding. Finally. said Dr. Delfs, among thousands of cases studied, there are only a few cases of revival from what was thought to be a persistent vegetative state. with the individuals remaining severely disabled. A final argument for obligatory ;issisted nutrition and hydration to the permanently unconscious, said Father Moraczewski. is to protect other vulnerable persons, such as the severely retarded. For this reason, he said. it must be made clear that arguments for optional nutrition and hydration apply only to the permanently unconscious.
'Said Dr. Delfs. "We have to draw the line between non-obligatory means and mercy killing. There is a distinction between a person with no consciousness and a person with a severe disability." The symposium concluded with a panel discussion in which partiThe current approach, as ad- cipants discussed ethical decisiondressed in the 1980 Vatican Decla- making process using hypothetical ration on Euthanasia, is to weigh case studies. With Curtis P. Wilordinary and extraordinary modes kins, hospital director of communof treatment against reasonable ity and social services. as moderahope of benefit or possible burdens tor. panel members were Dr. Malposed by treatments. colm W. MacDonald and Lorraine Among benefits, Father Morac- Silveira. RN. also of St. Anne's, zewski cited cure. pain reduction. Father Moraczewski and Dr. Delfs. restoration of consciousness 路or They concluded that the medifunction, and maintenance of life cal profession should develop prowith hope of recovery. Burdens. he cedures for making ethical decisaid. include disproportionate pain sions. including determining who and suffering, excessive expense should make the decision for the for the family or community or patient. disproportionate resource allocaStandard practice is to consider tion with little or no hope of the family members as representative of the rights and wishes of the recovery. According to the Vaticandecla- patient, said Dr. Delfs. However. ration, refusal of medical treat- problems can arise if relatives disment when pain and suffering are agree, Ms. Silveira pointed out .. disproportionate to patient gains noting that families sometimes have is not suicide or killing but may be difficulty discontinuing treatment considered acceptance of the hu- despite previously specified wishes man condition; desire to avoid a of the patient or probability of no medical procedure disproportion- recovery. ate to benefits expected; or desire In this case, Father Moraczewnot to impose excessive expense ski said. it is often helpful to seek on the family Of community. objective advice from social workAfter weighing these factors, ers, pastoral ministers, or families Father Moraczewski said. the who have been through a similar Texas family decided to discon- , situation. tinue the feeding of their daughter, In addition. said Ms. Silveira. it as there was little hope of her re- is important that the public be covery from her vegetative state. educated about the issues, includShe died a short time later, and her ing living wills. "right to die" cases . parents are now writing a book on and euthanasia. the ethical issues surrounding her路 "The movement toward euthanasia is frightening and a very real case. Father Moraczewski also pre- threat," said Dr. Delfs. Physicians sented several reasons supporting and ethicists, he concluded, "have o.bligation to provide assisted nu- a responsibility to get the informatrition and hydration. Some feel tion out and draw the lines as that withholding nutrition would clearly as possible, to stand solidly open the door for pro-euthanasia and defend our beliefs and morallegislation. . ity on those points. We must conAnother point of contention is sider at all times the implications the certainty of diagnosis. Those of our moral and ethical decisions." who argue for obligatory assisted feeding note that the diagnosis and prognosis of the persistent vegeta~ CATHOLIC CHARITIES tive state is based on probability, not certainty.
THE ANCHOR is well displayed at the information desk ofSt. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, thanks to Ron Rousseau of the hospital's engineering staff, who stands beside his custommade newspaper rack. (Hickey photo)
Hospital offers parental consent form In conjunction with National area schools. They may also be Children and Hospital's Week, . obtained by contacting the hospi' tal at 674-5741. which ends tomorrow. St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, has introAlso during National Children duced a new medical consent form and Hospitals Week, area third designed to provide hospital staff graders toured St. Anne's and obwith permission from parents to served demonstrations of new treat their child in an emergency. medical equipment. Each child reIt is hoped that the forms will ceived a balloon and a路 gift bag prevent loss of time in treating a containing the consent form, "weechild due to delay in contacting a pals," poison control information parent. They provide important and American Cancer Society information such as the name of a booklets. Each bag also contained a home child's physician and allergies to food or medications - informa- fingerprinting kit providing space tion which the child or a relative for a picture and written description of the child. may not know. On Wednesday, balloon artist The form will remain on file in the hospiial's emergency depart- and magician Lon Cerel entertained ment or may be given to caregivers children in the inpatient unit, and when parents are unavailable. St. today David Mello of the Fall Anne's will distribute the forms by River Public Library will tell stomail to households as well as in ries to the young patients.
Cardinal Bernardin Continued from Page One period that followed, he also said that in cases of comatose medical patients, "the presumption should always be in favor of continuing to provide food and water." even if it has to be done artificially. "However, vou havetoevaluate the burdens ~nd benefits" of the treatment in each individual case. addressing such questions as whether what's being done is useless and burdensome. he added. Furthermore "we would be very much opposed to some kind of a constitutional right to die." he said., A case involving food and water withdrawal for a comatose patient. Nancy Cruzan of Missouri. was pending at the U.S. Supreme Court. He added the bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities has been working on a statement on nutrition and hydration. Overall. "for the church and for. the consistent ethic, there are both opportunities and dangers in this post-Webster era," Cardinal Bernardin said. "We have the opportunity - by our witness, advocacy, persuasion and arguments - to make a positive contribution to the national debate on abortion," he said. "But there is also the danger that we could make the mistake of some of the pro-abortion groups
and narrow our public concern to a single issue. ignoring the other threats to human life." he added. In his address, the cardinal also discussed the future of the consistent ethic itself. the ramifications of an end to the Cold War in relation to the message of the U.S. bishops' 1983 war and peace pastoral. and the growing threats of euthanasia and the death penalty. Since the earlv 1980s, Cardinal Bernardin has promoted a consistent ethic of life. which. he said. "seeks to protect and enhance human life from conception to natural death." "I remain convinced after seven years of experience that its original premise remains valid," Cardinal Bernardin said. "We are not a single-issue tradition or a singleissue church; we enhance our treatment of each issue by illustrating its relationship to others.~' "The danger of nuclear war, perhaps more than any other single issue, symbolizes the new character 'of threats to life in the 20th centurv." he said. In 1983, the bishops sought "a mix of arms control measures and modest political changes to transform gradually the world we have known for almost 50 vears. However. the last two years have produced anything but modest change." he said.
The Anchor Friday, March 30, 1990
Laetare Catholicism seems to be the main Christian religion which seems to pose a threat to the racist, Marxist, atheistic forces which are being embraced by society. And, while these forces are militantly exercising their "rights" most - or Dear Editor: too many - who profess a faith in The March 16 letter from "an God sit back in apathy and let evil unwanted baby" to its mother was take over. ...fearing to be accused way off base. Fifty percent of all of anti-something or other, which conceptions are terminated by sponhas been a successful ploy used in taneous abortions. The abortion many areas of nationalism and proponents could write the same religion. Isn't it about time we letter George O'Brien wrote, but stopped being intimidated and have it begging the mother to pro- ' responded positively to this threat tect it from the abortion caused by to the world? Gpd. Arthur Romero In addition, the fetus says to the North Chatham mother, "We could be dear friends too, all our lives. And I could help you through the years." What does this say to the woman who is carryDear Editor: ing a defective child? It doesn't Some years ago you printed a gain its right to life from what it letter describing the work of a will do for the parents. Father Gabriel Mariscal among "The pain is really hurting me," some of the poorest of the poor the fetus says as the abortion pro- - Indians in the mountains of ceeds. We don't convince pregnant Mexico - and asking donations women to carry to term by telling for him. them how painful abortion is to I recently received a letter from their child. The pain of living may him telling of his mission's need be just what is driving them to for food, medicine and clothing choose abortion. especially for the poor children. If we are going to write letters to Anyone wishing to help out may expectant mothers contemplating contact: abortion, let them be from Jesus. Father Gabriel Mariscal Mine begins, "Dear woman, your Apartado Postal 24 life seems like a disaster right now. Acaponeta, Nay Did you ever hear the story about Mexico how I sweated blood over the path Thank you for your courtesy. my feet were placed on? I grabbed James L. Keany hold of my father's hand, and it all West Yarmouth worked out in the end. Here, grab hold of mine..." Deirdre Greelish Mashpee Dear Editor: The Cape Irish Children's Program is in its 16th year of bringing children from Belfast, Northern Dear Editor: Ireland, to the Cape for six weeks The following observations are in the summer. prompted by another assault on The children are 10 and II years. Christian'laity in general and the old, girls and boys, Catholic and Catholic faith in particular by the Protestant. We still have a need TV networks.' for a few host families for the In a current commercial prom- children. oting a profit-making alcohol rehab Please contact us at 888-3337 or facility the viewer is confronted 477-0055 for more information and with a confession by a "Father an application - or write to P.O. John" (in clerical garb and includ- Box 46N, Centerville 02632. ing the Roman collar) describing The program pays for their trip his addiction and his subsequent over and insurance - all you need recovery through the treatment by to provide is love, room and board. this center. It would indeed make a special Some of the questions which summer for your family! come to mind are.. whether the Claire Watts "Father John" is actually a priest Forestdale or a paid model...if a priest, who in church authority would have permitted this image-destroying promo to be aired. Over the years the media of Dear Editor: motion pictures and TV have Many thanks for the generous escalated their dissemination of coverage of Father Halbert's motion pictures and commercials appearance at Holy Redeemer, which depict priests as clowns, Chatham. immoral, weak or guilty of other We appreciate your support. human shortcomings. Nuns have Richard C. Spitzer not escaped this character assassiChatham nation, often being portrayed as stupid and cynical. This Catholic cannot forget a motion picture shown on TV some years ago which had a number of Funeral Home scenes which were outrageous in their anti-Christian themes. One 571 Second Street showed a young and an older priest on a train; the younger priest Fall River, Mass. says to his companion, "Well, after 679路6072 all. Father, religion is only an idea." Letters are welcomed but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address. They do not necessarily express the editorial views of The Anchor.
Letter from Jesus
Help needed
For Irish kids
A ssaults on church
Father Halbert
IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN: Flanked by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Catholic Charities Appeal director, left, and Father Daniel L. Freitas, assistant director, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin displays the familiar Appeal poster, this year marking the 49th annual fundraising drive on behalf of diocesan , apostolates.
To K of C, RSVP stands for vocations NEW HAVEN, Conn. - To most people, RSVP is a request to respond to an invitation, but to the Knights of Columbus it also has another meaning. In the past year, 1,100 K of C councils and assemblies in the U.S. and Canada gave personal encouragement and $1,078,000 in financial aid to 1,780 men and women preparing for the priesthood and religious life under the Knights' RSVP, Refund Support Vocations Program. The program takes its name from the fact that for every $500 contributed by a local councilor assembly to the education of a seminarian or postulant, it receives a $100 incentive "refund" from the Knights' Supreme CO\Jncil in New Haven. The units keep in personal contact with their seminarians or postulants, offering support and encouragement. "The seminarians and postulants receive much-needed financial and moral support while the Knights and their families learn about vocations from those preparing to follow the Lord in the priesthood or religious life," explained Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant. . "One of our hopes is that involvement in RSVP will cause many sons and daughters of Knights of Columbus families to give serious consideration to the
A Christian's Possessions Faith is the Christian's foundation, hope is his anchor, death is is harbor, Christ is his pilot, and heaven is his country.-Jeremy Taylor'
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priesthood or religious life for themselves." RSVP is one of several K of C projects that support religious vocations. Others are education and motivation regarding vocations and financial assistance to seminaries for advanced training sponsored in Rome by the bishops of the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Philippines.
Continued from Page One given annually to an American Catholic on the fourth Sunday of Lent. A member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Sister Bowman, 51, is confined to a wheelchair and regularly undergoes chemotherapy for the cancer she has had since 1985. Despite her illness, she fulfills a heavy schedule of lectures and singing performances on black Catholic culture. She helped organize the 1987 National Black Congress and has been profiled on the CBS television program "60 Minutes." An audiocassette of her reflections on being black and Catholic is available from the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development. , , Speaking to the bishops last June at their semiannual meeting, Sister Bowman encouraged them to consult more with blacks and to incorporate African-American culture in liturgy. After singing a spiritual, "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child," she persuaded the bishops. to stand, link arms and sing in their turn, "We Shall Overcome," an action that left many of them in tears.. The Thea Bowman Foundation was launched last October at St. Michael's College, Winooski, Vt., where 35 scholarship recipients, 16 of whom are at St. Michael's, attended a Mass concelebrated by five bishops. Atlanta Archbishop Eugene A. Marino, the nation's only black archbishop, was principal celebrant of the Mass.
"This is where God wants me."
Sister Mary Edwin
k L
Age: 42 Native of: Cleveland. OH Vocation: Service 10 God Work: Nursing incurable cancer patients. Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Interests: Reading. music and needlepoint.
..Frolll cllifelhooel Oil I \lwlleel 10 be a siSler. allel ./i"om \l'orkillg as a Illlrse.I路路 aiele elllrillg my high school sophomore year. I kll~\I' Illlrsing \l'as II,e aposlolate fill" lIIe. Ilm'e lhis life Dill' Lorel calleel me to.
DOMINICAN SISTERS OF HAWTHORNE A religious community of Catholic women. with seven. modern nursing facilities in six states. Our one apostolate IS to nurse Incurable cancer patients. This work is a practical fulfillment of our faith. The most important talent. highly prized by us, is the tale~t for s~aring of yourself-your compassion. your cheerfulness. your f~llh-wlth. those who have been made so vulnerable and dependent by thIS dread dIsease. Not all of our sisters are nurses. but as part of our apostolate, all directly help in the care of the patients. If you think you have a religious vocation and would Iik~ .to k!l0w more about our work and community life. why not plan to VISit WIth us. We would be happy to share with you a day from our lives.
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AN 3/30/90
The Anchor Friday, March 30, 1990
North Attleboro missioner serves in"Japan By Maria Pia Keiko Shiiya ,
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DELUXE & FIRST CLASS TOURS Rev. J. Joseph Kierce Author and Producer of . The New England Passion Play
The following article is reprinted by permission from the December . 1989 issue of Columban Mission, published at St. Columbans, Nebraska. Father Martin Dubuc, who baptized the patient who is the subject of the article, is a Columban Father from North Attleboro, where he graduated from the former Sacred Heart School. Editor I first met Mrs. Chiyoko Ichinomiya about three years ago when I worked at a facility for persons with severe handicaps. She's completely bedridden and isn't even able to move any part of her body. Mrs. Ichinomiya was still working as an elementary school teacher when one day she suddenly collapsed and took ill. Her husband, a teacher at the same school, took it upon himself to look after her, as their only child lived in Tokyo, many miles away from our city of Nobeoka, on the southern island of Kyushu, Japan. It was Mr. Ichinomiya's sudden death that brought his wife to the facility where I was working. Mrs. 'Ichinomiya's body had become rigid, and she was unable to move not only her arms and legs but her neck and head as well. I had the opportunity of helping to take care of her for only one month, because even though she was only 62 years of age she was transferred to a nursing home for the elderly. Since then I have kept up my relationship with her by visiting her as often as I can. She is by far the youngest resident of Keijuen Nursing Home, but she has the most severe disability. Mrs. Ichinomiya has also lost
most of her ability to speak. At times all she can do is move her lips and I have to try to lip-read to see what she is saying; other times she can speak in a barely audible whisper. But in spite of her disability, whenever any of her friends come to visit she always' greets them with a big smile. When I first visited Mrs. Ichinomiya after she had -been transferred to the nursing home, she whispered to me, "Please read to me." Since then I always bring a book or recent article and spend some time reading to her. I also talk of the previous home where she had been, of the' weather, or about my family. It's always a oneway conversation, but she's always so glad when someone comes and spends time with her. In the course of our "conversations," I had told her that I was Catholic, and she whispered that she'd like to hear a bit more about Christianity, and that she'd like me to read to her from the Bible. One day she took me totally by surprise. She told me that she would like to be baptized. To help her in her preparation, I asked some of the other women in the parish to visit her. We all took turns reading the Scriptures to her, trying to explain them as best we could, and when we visited her as a group we'd even attempt a hymn or two. It was around the time that Mrs. Ichinomiya first spoke to me of wanting to be baptized thatColumban Fr. Martin Dubuc came to us as our new pastor. Fr. Martin joined us in visiting Mrs. Ichinomiya, reading the Bible to her, and augmenting our attempts to explain the Scriptures to her. Her desire for baptism grew stronger and
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IN THIS 1987 file photo, Father Martin Dubuc meets in Japan with fellow graduates of the former Sacred Heart School in North Attleboro. From left, Sisters of the Presentation Louis and Francis Pinsonnault, also blood sisters, both stationed at that time in Sakai City on the main island of Honshu, Japan. Father Dubuc is on the island of Kyushu.
mouth. Sometimes it takes a while, but I'm able to make out what she's been trying to tell the nurses. She often tires from trying to speak, so often we've no way of knowing what she's trying to say. Every time I visit Maria she seems to be getting thinner and thinner. She was recently hospitalized and had to be operated on, which took what little strength she did have, but she always has enough energy to greet everyone with a big smile, or to laugh at one of Fr. Martin's many jokes. Through her pain and suffering she has come to know God's love, and I'm sure that it's through her prayers that many of us are kept alive in our faith.
Chernobylstill radiates, says New Jersey visitor WASHINGTON (CNS)-Chernobyl's nuclear power plant is still "shooting out radiation daily;" according to a New Jersey woman who earlier this year accompanied 98 tons of supplies flown to the Ukraine. The cargo included $371,000 worth of medicines from the New York-based Catholic Medical Mission Board. Nadia Matkiwsky of Short Hills, N.J., a spokeswoman for the Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund Foundation, told Catholic News Service the situation in Chernobyl is still "desperate." In April 1986 a reactor meltdown at the plant spewed nuclear fallout over a wide swatch of the Ukraine, parts of Czechosloyakia, Poland, Scandinavia and the Soviet Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia ' and Estonia. Mrs. Matkiwsky and five others connected with the relief fund left New York's Kennedy International airport in a huge Soviet Anton 124 military cargo plane with medical and food suplies. She spent a week in the Ukraine. The Catholic Medical Mission Board helped provide aid for more than 2 million Ukrainian, Russian, Byelorussian and Jewish children suffering from leukemia, sarcoma, thyroid cancers and other conditions related to radiation poisoning. In addition to dried milk, making up nearly half the shipment, supplies included vitamins, dispos'able syringes, antibiotics, other medicines and two ultrasound diagnostic machines. Taras Hunczak of Chatham, N.J., a history professor at Rutgers University and fund chairman, and Matkiwsky, who'is chief of surgery at Union Hospital in New Jersey and fund vice chairman, returned with 6-month-old Maria Kavasiuk and her father, Vasilij, 37. Maria's mother was not permitted to leave '
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stronger, and on Christmas Day surrounded by her newfound friends from the church, Fr. Martin baptized Mrs.lchinomiya, giving her the baptismal name of Maria. I was one of the happiest ones there because Fr. Martin asked me to be Maria's godmother. It often pains me, seeing Maria unable to move and speak to those around her. But remembering her face when she was baptized makes me realize that God's love is active in this world. Some days when I visit her one of the nurses will tell me that Maria has been trying to tell something to them, but that they can't make it out. I proceed to remove the rail from the side of her bed, and put my earright up to her
DETROIT (CNS) - Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Moses B. Anderson has an added name and title -Kwasi, Aduanahene of Antoa, tribal chief. Bishop Anderso.n, one of 13 U.S. black bishops, received the title during a recent trip to Ghana, where he traces his ancestry. The ceremony, called an "enstoolment" for the stool on which the chief sits, was "bigger than Mardi Gras in New Orleans," said Bishop Anderson.
the country, Mrs. Matkiwsky said. The baby is in the early stages of leukemia. Doctors believe her father, a composer and conductor forced to work 91 days in the Chernobyl clean-up, has suffered radiafion damage to his reproductive system. That may have resulted in the death of another daughter, who was 16 months old when she died of leukemia. He also suffered eye damage. Officials at the Catholic mission board said in announcing the donations of medicine that "an alarming increase in birth defects has been reported." "Genetic mutations are being observed in plants and animals," the statement said, "and experts predict that the horrible effect of the Chernobyl accident will plague the area for many years to come." Malnutrition is rampant because of contamination of the local food it said. The incidence of women - suffering toxemia during pregnancy and of premature and still births is also occurring at a disproportionately high rate, it added. Dr. and Mrs. Matkiwsky are members of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in a Newark suburb. Once in Kiev, they were greeted by mothers and their children, said Mrs. Matkiwsky, who called it "the most moving moment in my ' life." While in the Ukraine, Mrs. Matkiwsky saw the "dead zone" around the reactor from a distance of about two kilimeters, or 1.2 miles. She said the party went with a convoy of trucks that took'some of the supplies to Lvov for use in western Ukraine where many children and families have been resettled. There was "no food" because of the persistence of the radiation and there was a shortage of water because it was being used to cool a Chernobyl reactor back in use. The plant, which is still producing dangerous radiation, she said, is being used to transmit energy to Poland and the West, but the electricity generated was not being used in the Ukraine. She credited "glasnost," or openness, and "perestroika," restructuring, with making Ukrainian officials only recently receptive to aid. The fund was begun after a visit last October from a Ukrainian deputy who asked for help. For more information, contact Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund Foundation, 272 Old Short Hills Road, Short Hills. N.J. 07078.
"Gilliganiana" famous By Bob Zyskowski The following article is reprinted by permission from the Jan. 4, 1990 issue ofthe Catholic Bulletin, newspaper of the archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan is a native of St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, who shortly after his ordination- went to St. Paul in response to a request for priests from the late Archbishop Austin Dowling. A sister, Miss Claire Gilligan, is also a Cathedral parishioner, and her brother is frequently in the area to visit her and other relatives. "Gilliganiana," Monsignor John Sweeney called it. and there is plenty to go around through the 91 years of life and 65 years of priesthood of Francis J. Gilligan. For instance, back when he taught at the St. Paul Seminary -for 29 years until 1957 - he was nicknamed "The Sheriff' by the seminarians, and it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how one gets a moniker like that when charged with keeping the reins on college students. But when a member of a seminarian's family took ill. Monsignor John O'Sullivan said, guess who would be coming around first. asking how the penniless student was going to get home, reaching into his own wallet. , He was, several priests said. the one teacher whose classes they all enjoyed. Monsignor Gilligan was "ahead of his time in teaching us how to think theologically," Monsignor Sweeney remembered. "We would want definite answers - a college-boy approach," Monsignor Sweeney said. "Instead, he made us think. "He didn't want a correct answer. He wanted to see if we were thinking correctly." Challenged by "The Right Reverend New Dealer" Monsignor John A. Ryan - "Have you any guts? Will you work and write on the morality of the color line?" young Father Gilligan, ordained
on Christmas Eve, 1924, became an advocate for racial minorities. "He got blacks their first jobs in the department stores in St. Paul," Father Leo Dolan recalled. He pushed for - and won adoption of the Fair Employment Practice Code at 3M, Monsignor O'Sullivan said. "He knew as few others did the discrimination blacks were feeling," Monsignor O'Sullivan said. "Where he has passed and paused, people are a little more accepting." That was true in the area of labor rights, too. He began evening classes to impart to labor. leaders the church's teachings on social justice, and he passed the same information on to management officials when he pressured them to recognize the right of labor to unionize. After "retiring" as pastor of St. Mark parish in St. Paul, he took the position as archdiocesan director ofthe Society for the Propagation of the Faith, a desk at which he still sits as his 92nd birthday approaches. And he's sharp as a tack. Just ask the man who lives with him, Archbishop John Roach. '" come to table in the evening," the archbishop said, "and' bring up a book, and he'll have read it two years ago - and he remembers it'" . He was rough on associate pastors, said several who served under him at St. Mark. Curates were expected to take all meals at the rectory, even on their day off, Father Michael Jakobek remembered. But that's what the times were like, his former associates said, and they hold no grudges. As for himself, Monsignor Gilligan said he was grateful for the privilege of being associated with "the rugged men who came to the Northwest Territory to preach the gospel," and for the great power of offering Mass and the sacraments. After 65 years as a priest, though, what was the best thing he's done? '" think speaking out for the weak, for people who were in need." That's true Gilliganiana.
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THIS 1987 photograph of Msgr. Francis J. Gilligan with his sister, Miss Claire Gilligan, was taken during one of his visits to Fall River. (Torchia photo)
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How to cope in hard times By Dr. James and Mary Kenny' Dear Mary: We are in a financial bind. We owe everyone in the country - doctors, medicine, bank, store, hospital, credit cards. We live real simple. We don't throwaway a penny. We don't even eat as we'd like to. We have always had it so hard making ends meet. I don't understand. We really try to live and do right. We both go to church. We have a 14-year-old child, and we see she goes to class. I am even in the choir. I tried to join the ladies' sodality, but I could see only rich, well-educated people went, and I felt left out. I work for 53.60 an hour, five, days a week, and it is backbreaking, but I am thankful for it. I have been sick a lot, but I have a wonderful boss and she understands. My husband works hard and long hours too. - Mississippi , The problem you raise goes back at least as far as Job. Why isn't life fair? Comparing yourself to others only makes matters worse. When you meet people briefly and casually, you are apt to conclude too quickly that they have no problems. You already identify some posi-
tive elements in your life. You par- your area. Finally, your local welticipate in and enjoy the choir. fare department might be able to You have a job and a good boss. help you locate an adviser. You have a hard-working husband. Our own troubles appear the And you have a daughter who is worst because we know them best. apparently doing well. But look at some comments from You and your husband both , a reader who has suffered mental seem to be working to capacity. illness for many years. Perhaps your child can now work "I am 56-, married, seven childa parttime job. In times past child- ren, 15 years of shock treatments ren often contributed, financially and 10 years with a doctor who to the family. experimented with drugs on me ..... You can' share your financial "If you write an article on mensituation with her and suggest ways tal illness again, please tell the she might help as she develops the patients to have a strong constitumaturity to handle a job as well as tion, love, patience, think positive school. Giving her such trust and thoughts. Tell them to remember encouraging responsibility might that they are unique and beautiful be far more important to her than people: They are not alone. God the material gifts you cannot give loves them and so do I. her. "I cope with this every day.... If 1 An outside adviser might be able to help you improve your help one person, it was worth it. If financial situation. Preferably such 1 can cope with this, others can a counselor will have nothing to too. I was once told that there are gain personally by suggesting helpless cases, but no hopeless changes in your debt situation. cases. Don't ever give up on God. Perhaps your pastor or a member You can get mad, and. do a lot, of a social action organization in but he understands when no one your church could suggest some- else does." Reader questions on living or one. If no pne at your church can child care to be answered in print help you, try the business adminis- are invited. Address The Kennys; tration department of a college or Box 872; St. Joseph's College; university or even a high school in Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
Merry Christians yuk it up for God By Antoinette Bosco If some Christians have their way, from now on April will be known as Holy Humor Month. The Kalamazoo, Mich.-based Fellowship of Merry Christians aims to restore April Fool's Day to the calendar of the Christian year, reminding us that St. Paul called us to be "fools for Christ's sake." And the group wants the sense of fun to continue all month because' it was at Easter that the biggest joke in the world occurred, according to FMC. "The joke that God played on Satan by raising Jesus from the dead was indisputably the greatest and most imaginative practical joke in the history of the world," FM C founder Carl Samra was reported as saying when the group first proposed Holy Humor Month. They are on pretty solid ground with this, since they refer to a tradition inspired by a famous Easter serm'on in the year 407 by the "golden-tongued" St. John Chrysostom, who in that sermon , described a vision of Christ laughing at the devil. From its beginnings, FMC's founder and his wife Rose had a clear goal, stated in each issue of their Joyful Newsletter: "Our modest aim is to recapture the spirit of joy, humor, unity and healing power of the early Christians. We try to be merry more than twice a year." To emphasize the healing and inspirational aspects of humor, FMC is cosponsoring a retreat titled "Humor, Healingand Hope: Spiritual Medicine for the 90s" with the Catholic Charismatic Centre at Kendrick Pastoral Center in St. Louis. Speakers will include Ed Koehler, cartoonist-author of a book titled" Amusing Grace." "During the weekend, if you have not smiled, laughed or yukked once, we guarantee to refund your misery," state the retreat coordinators. • first heard about FMCa cou-
pie of years ago and it sounded like. an idea whose time had come. After all, humor is God's gift, so why have we ignored it so badly when it comes to remembering the Lord? The truth is that, as a popular poster has it, "J oy is the echo of God's life in us." And certainly God has integrated some wonderful jokes into creation. One I particularly like is how we initially declared the atom, derived from
the Greek word for indivisible, to be the tiniest particle in nature. And then we smashed it, finding that God has surprises for us just when we thought we knew it all. If Holy Humor Month does nothing more than get a few people thinking about what it means to be a whole and healthy Christian, it will have accomplished its purpose. For, as FMC reminds us, we have been called to know joy.
The ministry of the stamp By Hilda Young block 7 please come to the warden's Our pastor used the coming office for a person-to-person call nickel increase in the first-class from Marie Young.' Or, 'Please postage stamp as the subject for hold the line while. walk 10 miles down the Congo to tell Sister his homily last Sunday. "Thirty cents is still a small price there's a call for her from a lazy to pay to brighten the day of American.''' someone who needs to hear fro'm ". wasn't thinking of prisoners you," he said, "a small price to pay or missionaries, you dufus," Ma to leaven the lives of others with a Bell replied. "Maybe none of us do little joy from your own, a small price, indeed, to assure others enough," offered oldest son from you're thinking of them, praying his window seat. Keep in-mind that the generafor them." He called the sermon "Ministry tion of a coment from this person of the Stamp." You would have to on something religious in nature, hear it in the. original Irish brogue much less a homily, ranks with catching a face on Mount Rushversion for full effect. "What did you think of the , more blowing soap bubbles. homily?" • asked my husband as "Give me a break," his sister we drove out of the parking lot. laughed. "You don't even know The 13-year-old face leaning which side of a stamp to lick." forward from the backseat ansHe gave her his "look," "Rewered for him. "I liked it," he said. member the Jesuit who was here "It made me think of Grandma last summer and then went to and the pen pal I used to have in Zaire?" Germany." "Father Andrew, sure." "With your handwriting you "Did you write him like you said could send them both the same let- you would?" ter and they wouldn't know the None of us could answer yes, difference," commented his sister. although. recall all of us hugging "That's almost the point,"1 said. him in front of All Saints Church "At least they would know you and assuring him we would. cared enough to take the time to ". did," said oldest son. "But. write them a note and mail it." think 1 should again." "I think the phone is a better He stared at his sister. "Maybe option," the sister thought aloud. you can lick the stamp for me." "You would, Ma Bell," her "OK, St. Mailman, make me brother cackled. "I can hear it feel like toe jam. Save room in the now: 'W oU}d the prisoner in Cell- envelopefor a note from me, OK?"
Minding the church's store isn't enough today By Father Eugene Hemrick Most people accept the idea of "hyphenated priests" - priests who also are psychologists or professors or scientists. But the idea of a social-activist priest, or especially a social-activist bishop, makes some people nervous. Images may spring to mind of Jesuit Father Daniel Berrigan pouring blood on the step of the Pentagon, or of Mitch Snyder fasting for the homeless, or of the Rev. Martin Luther KingJr. marching for civil rights, and people wonder if the clergy should be in the front lines of what they consider civil disorder. They might argue that a priest or a bishop can be a better social activist by minding the parish or diocese. These have enough of their own problems. If churchmen interpret the Word of God well it will provide the kind of inspiration needed to get parishioners marching. Roman collars don't need to lead the march. It is true that there is no power to match God's Word when it comes to moving people into action. But I don't think a priest or bishop should be defined as one who only translates God's Word and therefore always remains on the sidelines.. , Why? Because justice-minded people must make the issue of justice personal. The Old Testament prophets, who were social activists, sought the kind of righteousness associated with a burning compassion to aid the oppressed. The power of that compassion moved them to become public protesters. Although the prophets singled out individuals who were serving the people poorly, more often they addressed the institutions within Israel, the king and his court. Social justice and evangelization have much in common. Both are
Stewardship isn't option, says prelate ST. PAUL, Minn. (CNS) Stewardship is "not a gimmick to attract funds," but "a critically important part of our heritage and of our mission" as a church, says Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis. Addressing lay leaders at an annual Archdiocesan Assembly Day, the archbishop said stewardship was the response to gifts God has given his people. He said the question must be, "What do lowe to God in return?" .. How we respond, how we return the gifts," the archbishop said, "is stewardship. It is not an option." In cataloging the gifts, he said, "Start with faith. Start with family and life." Archbishop Roach, who chairs the Iowa-based National Catholic Rural Life Conference, said environmental issues involve much of his time and that those were logical matters for stewardship. "We as a nation are destroying this incredible gift from God," he said. "What are we doing to God's gift of land? What are we doing to God's gift of water? To God's gift of fish? To God's gift of grain? To God's gift of ducks? "We are an incredibly selfish society," he said, calling on all to help turn around the misuse of God's gifts of nature.
concerned about making the kingdom of God live on earth. Both call us into action. Pope Paul VI's writings on evangelization emphasize the need to be in the public area when proclaiming the good news. He wrote,· "Evangelizing means bringing the good news into all strata of humanity and through its influence transforming humanity from within and making it new." And where should one bring the good news? To "all strata of humanity." One does not just send the message out. The message must be carried to the marketplace, government or private institutions. But many feel uncomfortable being activists. Granted, it is not easy for one who is a private person, or who feels it is beneath his or her dignity to contribute to public discord. Yet when we see the steps that have been taken toward racial justice, and the growing concern for the live's of migrants, and what has been done to lift the Iron Curtain, we see that social activists are a vital force. Much of the peace and unity we enjoy today are due to social activists within an "evangelizational" zeal. A good number of those activists in various countries were priests and bishops. But injustices still abound. In the United States, for instance, if ever we needed priests and bishops in our inner cities, in the barrios, among migrant farm workers and in dozens of other critical areas it is now. We are at a period in history when we cannot allow ourselves to think only in terms of staying home and minding the parish or diocese.
Brazilian bishop is recuperating BRASILIA, Brazil (CNS) The president of the Brazilian bishops' conference, severely injured in an auto accident, has been released from the hospital after a 26day stay. While in the hospital, Archbishop Luciano Mendes de Almeida of Mariana, Brazil, conference president, underwent II operations. In a car accident Feb. 23, Archbishop Almeida had ruptured his aorta and fractured his skull, jaw, left ann, femur and both legs. There was no brain damage. Archbishop Almeida was in "very good condition, improving every day" and in "good humor," according to a March 20 statement from the Brazilian bishops' conference headquarters. The archbishop has one arm in a cast and continues to have some difficulty speaking, the statement said, but he is out of danger and those conditions are expected to be temporary. For a 90-day recovery period, he will be at the residence of Belo Horizonte Archbishop Serafim Fernandes de Araujo. Archbishop Almeida's secretary, Italian Jesuit Father Angelo Mosena, 53, died in the crash, which occurred when the bishop's car rolled over into the opposite lane . of a highway outside Belo Horizonte, and was hit by a tanker truck. The driver of the car suffered a dislocated leg, fractured ribs and facial injuries.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 30, 1990
Opinion "Opinion is something wherein I go about to give reasons why all
the world should think as I think." -Selden
2-WAY RADIO MSGR. JOHN A. Abucewicz, pastor of Holy Trinity parish, Lowell, presents a copy of his newly-published novel, "A Seamless Garment," to Pope John Paull!. The novel relates the effect on the lives of those touched by the robe Jesus wore before the crucifixion. Proceeds will benefit blind children in Poland and a girls' orphanage in Jerusalem.
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Berakah Award to Milwaukee nun MILWAUKEE(CNS)-School Sister of St. Francis Theophane Hytrek has become the first woman and first musician to receive the Berakah Award from the North American Academy of Liturgy. She has served 50 years on the music faculty of Alverno College in Milwaukee. The Berakah, Hebrew for blessing. h~nors contributions to liturgy and has been won by U.S. and Canadian Catholic. Protestant and Jewish liturgists. A teacher, composer and organ recitalist, Sister Hytrek was one of two persons selected to Write music for the 1976 International Eucharistic ~ongress in Philadelphia. Her"Pilgrim Mass" was performed six times at the congress by a 100piece orchestra and a chorus of 2,000 voices.
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-..Apaches,"environmentalists disturbed by---Vatican 路tel'es~ope路 sife- '" .,,~,., By Catbolic News Service Environmentalists and Arizona Apache Indians have stepped up efforts to halt construction of a $200 million observatory in southern Arizona that will house a Vatican-owned telescope, described as one of the most powerful in the world. , Construction of the observatory, scheduled to be built in late spring on Arizona's highest peak, Mount Graham, has drawn criticism from environmentalists who say it would destroy the unique ecological system and force an endangered species, the Mount Graham red squirrel, into extinction. The squirrel, whose numbers have dwindled to about 150, can only be found on Mount Graham, southwest of Tucson. "A spruce fir forest in the middle of a southwestern desert is unique," Tom Waddell, a biologist who oversees Mount Graham for the Arizona Game and Fish Department, told the Was'hington Post March 8. "It's an isolated museum of what was here 11,000 years ago." Apache tribal leaders are angered about the project because they say the 1O,700-foot mountain, an isolated section of the Rocky Mountains, is sacred. Project officials "don't care whether it's sacred or not," Ernest Victor Jr., a tribal council member of the San Carlos Apaches, told Catholic News Service. "It is a space where Apaches pray and it is a home of the mountain spirits." Meanwhile, plans for the observatory, a joint venture between several organizations, including the Vatican, the University of Arizona and the Smithsonian Institution, are going forward. The Vatican's $3.5 million telescope, the first of seven telescopes to be placed on the mountaintop, passed various stress and motion tests in late January and could be ready for use by the fall, said Jesuit Father Christopher Corbally, the principal scientist on the project. The Vatican's telescope will be the first to test a new technology for making telescopic mirrors. It is the prototype of a generation of telescopes that will utilize nev.
JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 550 Locust Street Fall Ri ver. Mass. Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan 672-2391
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mirror casting techniques to see farther into space. In October, Jesuit Father Martin McCarthy, a Vatican Observatory member, said Vatican scientists share concern for maintaining Mount Graham's unique ecology. He said he was assured that the observatory's construction would not endanger wildlife. "My experience in observatories all over the world has been that the astronomical community has great concern and interest for the manifestations of life that we encounter," Father McCarthy told The Catholic Sun, newspaper of the diocese of Phoenix. Little has been said from the Vatican end about the Apaches' concerns. Victor said the Apaches are considering what action they will take. Environmentalists have already taken the controversy to the streets and the courtroom. In early February, members of the environmental group Earth First! protested in front of the
Smithsonian in Washington to defend Mount G'raham's fragile ecology. On March 7, a small group of Italian environmentalists marched in St. Peter's Square to demand that Pope John Paul II withdraw Vatican support for the observa-' tory on the mountain considered sacred by American Indians. The group held a large banner reading "With the Apaches, we defend the sacred mountain." A leader of the group, Athos de Luca, told CNS that the group planned to gather signatures for an appeal to the pope, Italian President Francesco Cossiga and the U.S. Congress to halt construction of the observatory. Jesuit Father Sabino Maffeo, vice director of the Vatican Observatory at Castel Gandolfo, told CNS that he was aware of the environmental controversy in Arizona, but there had been no discussion at the Vatican of delaying the project.
U.S. environmentalists traveled through Europe in mid-February to meet with several European partners of the observatory project to get them to withdraw support, Father Maffeo said. The Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit last year in the U.S. District Court in Tucson to stop construction plans for the observatory. The environmental group sued the U:S. Fish and Wildlife service and the U.S. Forest Service, claiming the agencies had not lived up to their duties in not stopping the University of Arizona from building the observatory, university spokesman Steve Emerine told CNS March 9. The university has joined the wildlife and forest services as defendants in the lawsuit, he said. Emerine said the university had contacted 19 Native American tribes, including the San Carlos Apaches, to get their feelings about the construction of the observa-
tory. No one objected to the project, he said, Tribal council member Victor said he never received anything from the university about the project, but he said some members of the tribe have been talking to the media in favor of the construction and their comments have been misconstrued as representative of the entire tribe's sentiment on the project. There are 10,000 San Carlos Apaches in the area, he said. Even at the University of Arizona, opinions appear to vary on the project. Construction of the observatory would mean clearing 24 of I 1,000 acres on the mountain, and biologists say that would claim the desirable squirrel habitat on the mountain. But Roger Angel, a university astronomer, has said the project is "not a dam ... not a mine" but is "to build the world's biggest telescope." . The Vatican's involvement in astronomy dates back to 1891, when Pope Leo XIII established the Vatican Astronomical Observatory. The Jesuit-run observatory, based at the pope's hilltop summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, began collaborating with the University of Arizona in the early 1980s when light pollution from Rome made it difficult to observe faint celestial objects from Castel Gandolfo.
Vatican USSR rep highly skilled
New Priests
1987 1988
Planning a synod African-style VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The African synod, designed to mark a coming of age for the continent's . young Catholic Church, is slowly taking shape more than a year after its announcement by Pope John Paul II. The pope talked up the synod during his recent trip to West Africa, but when it comes to details, he could not tell his African audience where or when the meeting would occur, or who would attend ..,- because no one knows for sure. At the Vatican, there are no . deadlines in sight. Planning seems to be following a relaxed African rhythm rather than the ticking of the curial clock - and many Africans believe that might bea good thing. Many leading African Catholics, in fact, view the synod as a continentwide "happening," in which discussions and local gatherings over the next few years will be more important than any final set of propositions. Last June, the pope named an 18-member synod planning council, which met in Rome in December to prepare a "Iineamenta" - a collection of basic premises and questions meant to stir preliminary
debate in African dioceses and parishes. The thinking is that it will take 18 months for "Iineamenta" responses to be collected; then the council will draw up an "instrumentum laboris," the synod's working document, probably in late 1991 or 1992. Africans then want an ample interim period for discussion of the document. The reason: for most African Catholics, this time of reflection will be the real synod experience. "It should reflect the style of African meetings, in which the simple act of coming together means more than final decisions," said Father Johanny Nana, director of the West African Catholic Institute. Where will the synod be held? Some feel it should be in Africa, but "there would be tremendous
technical problems in Africa: accommodation, communication, transportation from one part of Africa to another, health concerns. And besides, how could the pope stay away from Rome for a month?" said one Vatican prelate, throwing up his arms. But an African priest at the Vatican said it was possible that the Synod could begin in Africa and concl,ude with a final session in Rome, presided over by the pope. Who will attend? It is unlikely that all of Africa's nearly 500 bishops will participate - though that has been suggested. A more probable number is onefifth of the total, along with an equal or greater number of experts and assistants. Some African church leaders have urged that synod participation be extended to include all levels of church life - in particular laypeople, who are often the dayto-day "pastors" in rural villages. "If the delegates are all'intellectual clerics,' then we will have beautiful reflections, excellent technical analysis and nothing more. If all categories of people are involved, then something will really start to move," said the Vatican priest from Africa.
VATICAN CITY(CNS)- The Vatican's first diplomatic representative to the Soviet Union, Italian Archbishop Francesco Colasuonno, 65, is known as a highly skilled, hard-working trouble-shooter who has traveled the world in the Holy See's foreign service. . As Pope John Paul II's special envoy for Eastern Europe since 1986, he was the point man in the Vatican's patient strategy of bargaining with communist regimes. He once said he viewed the oftenfrustrating talks over bishops, seminaries and various religious liberties as essential for the church's future in these countries. Archbishop Colasuonno's view of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was, in the mid-I980s, cautious. But by early 1989 the archbishop and others were convinced Gorbachev was committed to reform and could be a serious dialogue partner. Inside the Vatican, this view prevailed and led to the first meeting between a pope and a Soviet leader last December. A soft-spoken man known for his frankness, Archbishop Colasuonno has always emphasized seeing things firsthand, and he is expected to travel extensively to visit Catholic communities inside the Soviet Union. In Yugoslavia, where Archbishop Colasuonno was nuncio for little more than a year, he managed to visit all 23 dioceses in the country's diverse republics, helped name three new bishops and learned. the basics of the Croatian and Siovenian languages. He also speaks excellent English - learned during his first diplomatic assignment in the United States in the 1960s - and several other languages, including some Mandarin picked up during a stint in Taiwan.
FILM RATIN GS A-I Approved for Children and Adults All Dogs Go to Heaven
Babar: the Movie The Bear Courage Mountain
Major religious sculptor represented at Vatican
The Lillie Mermaid Prancer
A-2 Approved for Adults and Adolescents Always Back to the Future Part II Dad Driving Miss Daisy Henry V
The Hunt For Red October Joe Versus the Volcano Romero Stanley and Iris Ski Patrol
Strike It Rich Veronico Cruz When the Whales Came The Wizard The Wizard of Speed and Time
A-3Approved for Adults Only Cinema Paradise Coupe de Ville Crimes and Misdemeaners Everybody Wins Family Business Flashback Glory Heart Condition Homer and Eddie Immediate Family Lambada The Last of the Finest
Lonely Woman Seeks Life Companion Lord of the Flies Love at Large Mack the Knife Madhouse Men Don't Leave Mountains of the Moon Music Box Mystery Train National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation The Plot Against Harry
Revenge Roger & Me Rosalie Goes Shopping She Devil Steel Magnolias Stella Time of the Gypsies Torrents of Spring Tremors Triumph of the Spirit True Love Valmont Where the Heart Is
A-4 Separate Classification (Separate classification is given to certain films which while not morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a protection against wrong interpretation and false conclusions) Born on the Fourth of July Drugstore Cowboy
Enemies: A Love Story Hawks House Party Nuns on the Run
Sweetie Too Beautiful For You War of the Roses We're No Angels
O-Morally Offensive Apartment Zero Bad Influence Blaze The Blood of Heroes Blue Steel Downtown
The Handmaid's Tale Hard to Kill . Harlem Nights Internal Affairs Labyrinth of Passion
Look Who's Talking Loose Cannons Nightbreed Shocker Speaking Parts Tango and Cash
Area Religious Broadcast.ing The following television and radio programs originate in the diocesan viewing and listening area. Their listings normally dO?ot vary from week to week. They will be presented inthe Ancbor periOdically and will renect any changes that may be made. Please dip and retain for reference. On TV "Spirit and tbe Bride,"ai~lk Each Sunday, 8:00 a.m WLNE, show with William Larkin, 6 p. m. Channel 6. Diocesan Television Monday, cable channel 35. Mass. Those in the Greater New On Radio Bedford area who do not have "Be Not Afraid," 15 minutes of cable TV can see a rebroadcast of musie and Gospel message coorthe Mass at 11 a.m. on UHF dinated by Father Craig A.PteChannel 20 gana, parochial vicar at St. John Portuguese Masses from Our the Evangelist parish, Attleboro, Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, is heard at 8 a.m. Sundays on New Bedford: 12:15 p.m. each station WARA, 1320 AM. The Sunday on radio station WJFD~ Catholic dergy of the Attleboro FM, 7 p.m. each Sunday on tele- area sponsor the program. vision Channel 20. "The Beat," Christian rock "Confluence," 8:30 a.m. each music and information produced Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel by Building Block Ministries of program moderated by Truman Taunton, is broadcast at 6:00 Taylor and having as permanent a.m. Sundays on station WVBF participants Father Peter N. Gra- Boston, 105.7 FM, and may be ziano, diocesan director of social heard in tbe Attleboro, Fan River, services; Right Rev. George Hunt, New Bedford and Taunton deanEpiscopal Bishop of Rhode Island, eries. and Rabbi Baruch Korff. Charismatic prograrnswith "The Beat,.. produced by Build- Father John Randall are aired ing Block Ministries of Taunton from 9:30' to 10:3.0 a.m. Monday and aired on many cable systems through Friday on station WRIB, 1220 AM; Mass is broadcast at 1 in tbe Fall Ri.ver diocese features videos from and information on p.m. each Sunday. contemporary Christian rock art"Topic Religion," presented by ists. Check local listings for times two priests, a rabbi and a Protand dates. estant minister, is broadcast at Mass 9:30 a.m. Monday to 6:06 a.m. and 9:06 p.m. each Sunday on station WEEI BosFriday, WFXT, Channel 25. "Breaktbrough"6:30 a.m. each ton, 590 AM. Programs of Catholic interest Sunday, Channel 10, a program on the power of God to touch are broadcast at the following lives, produced by the Pastoral times on station WROL Boston, Theological Institute of Hamden, 950 AM: Monday through Friday 9, 9:15, 11:45 a.m.; 12:15, Conn. "Maryson," a family puppet 12:30, 1 p.m. A Polish-language Mass is show with moral and spiritual perspective 6 p.m. each Thurs- heard from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. day, Fall River and New Bedford every Sunday on station WICE, 550 a.m. Cable Channel 13.
SISTER CATHY Gorman, who has worked with migrant farmworkers in Florida for nearly two decades has received the Development of People Award, the highest honor of the U.S. bishops' Campaign for Human Development. The Sister of Notre Dame de Namur received the award from Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza, chairman of the CH D, an anti-poverty program. He said she had been "successful in facilitating the development of one of the nation's most unique farmworker ministries, made up of blacks, Haitians and Hispanics from Mexico, Puerto Rico and Central America." (CNS photo)
GREENWICH, Conn. (CNS) - Frederick Charles Shrady, 82, who sculpted the first modern work of art by a U.S. artist to be displayed in the Vatican Gardens, has died in Greenwich. His 6-foot bronze statue depicting Our Lady of Fatima and the three children to whom she appeared on May 13,1917, was placed in the gardens in 1983 on the anniversary of the apparitions. The work was commissioned by Pope John Paul II. Shrady, who lived in Easton, Conn., became a Catholic in 1948, and much of his subsequent work involved spiritual subjects. At the time of his death he was working on a bust of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 19th-century English Jesuit priest and poet. Other Shrady works are in the Vatican Museums, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Joseph Hirshhorn Collection in Washington. A 28-foot statue, "Peter, Fisher of Men," depicting the saint casting a net, was erected in 1969 at Fordham University's Lincoln Center campus in New York, and a statue ofthe first U.S. saint, Mother Elizabeth Seton, is in the Mother Seton Shrine at St. Patrick's Cathedral. He sculpted a 6-foot risen Christ for the New York archdiocesan
How to flee the world in style BRUGGE, Belgium (CNS) Belgian police were questioning eight Poor Clare nuns, the eldest 93, who sold their convent and fled in a limousine to a castle they bought in the south of France, a court spokesman said. The spokesman said the nuns, who were not identified by name, were not suspected of crimes but would be questioned at their French castle about their financial manager, Ronny Crab, 35, accused of forgery, fraud and breach of confidence. He was arrested Feb. 15. Early in March, the abbess and another nun were dismissed by the bishop of Brugge for failing to let the convent's books be examined by the diocese and for refusing to let a church official enter the convent. The eight nuns then fled to the ruined fortress near Tarbes, France, in a limousine worth $110,000. The limousine was accompanied by an ambulance for the 93year-old nun, who cannot see, hear or walk". The nuns sold the Brugge convent for $1.4 million to a group of local textile company owners because they felt it was too big for them. In addition to the limousine, the nuns also bought several racehorses, the court spokesman said. The Brugge diocese has tried to buy back the property, but without success. Crab apparently appointed a 74-year-old nun as convent treasurer and let her sign checks as a proxy for the others. He also convinced them they needed the castle to be close to the Marian shrine in Lourdes, France. "They followed him blindly," said a spokesman. "They ran off like thieves in the night, and I don't think they will ever come back," he added. "But
they did leave behind their racehorses." He said that Brugge court authorities had seized some of the convent's art treasures, some dating from the 15th century, but others were missing.
Patient dialo'gue VATICAN CITY(CNS)- Pope John Paul II has asked Greeks and Turks on the ethnically troubled island of Cyprus to talk their problems out. "In spite'of deeply rooted disagreements, hope for their just settlement must never be abandoned," he told Frixos Colotas, new ambassador to the Vatican from Cyprus. "The solution to longstanding divisions between peoples is to be found in patient dialogue," the pope added.
. '/.i
headquarters, "Descent from the Cross" for St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna and the main doors for the Basilica of the Annunciation in the Holy Land. Not all of his work was religious. Other pieces included a 15foot bronze for FBI headquarters in Washington, and another for General Electric headquarters in Fairfield.. Conn. Shrady was the son of sculptor Henry Merwin Shrady, who designed the Grant Memorial in Washington, and Harrie (Moore) Shrady. He was awarded the French Legion of Honor for his liaison services as a U.S. Army officer to Free French forces in World War II. After the. war, he helped find looted works of art in Vienna.
Vatican encourages perestroika VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Soviet reform process of perestroika deserves encouragement and cannot simply be dismissed as another form of totalitarianism, said the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. The paper, in a front-page editorial March 18, described Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's restructuring program as part of "a long pilgrimage toward freedom." The editorial said the current phase of perestroika includes "various and often dramatic aspects, such asjuridical and economic restructuring. the restructuring of interethnic relationships and rec': ognizing essential human rights." The program "should be judged, or rather accompanied by, a perspective of sympathy, especially toward the peoples and nations which are involved," it said. The newspaper compared the situation to that of stagnating waters that have begun to flow again and said "political wisdom" dictates that the process be watched carefully so that it doesn't turn inip a destructive flood. The editorial said it was wrong to compare the recently adopted presidential system, which gave wide powers to Gorbachev, with Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's monopoly and abuse of power in the 1950s.. "The presidential republic was approved with difficulty and for the moment is more a plan than a definition of necessary balance of powers. However, it cannot be summarily compared to' a dictatorial and neo-Stalinist disguise," it said. Stalin, for example, '''instead of making a law to return land ownership to peasants, massacred them by the millions," it said.
The only way VATlCAN CITY (CNS) - Dia-
THE AMERICAN Cathlogue is the only way to settle disolic Theater Company will putes arising from the normalizaperform a musical Passion tion of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Soviet Union, said a play, "INRI: The Living recent document approved by the Silence" at 2 p.m. Sunday Vatican and the Russian Orthodox at St. Mark's Church, AttleChurch. Practical problems, such boro Falls. The performas which denomination should have ance 路is sponsored by Laaccess to certain church buildings. Salette Shrine. Information: " "must be resolved within the context of a dialogue aimed at reestab222-5410. lishing full unity, it said.
St. 'Mary's School
THE ANCHOR-Diocese o{Fali'Riv~r~Ftl~:"Mai:jO·;·199t)"·,·
in our schools Bishop Stang
.... 1
March 19-23 was Drug and . Alcohol Awareness Week at Bishop Stang High School, North partmouth. Activities included announcements by students committed to a drug-and-alcohol-free lifestyle; a banner and poster display in the school cafeteria; and setting up a table offering materials on the subject. In addition, recovering addicts met confidentially with students during the week. Students also learned at an assembly about early warning signs of substance· abuse; family, peer and social pressure; and where to go for help. During a presentation "From Methadone to Marathon," speaker Michael L. Barry discussed his struggle with heroin addiction and alcoholism and how he became a competitive marathoner, triathelete and campaigner against substance abuse. On Wednesay evening Anne Cole, a substance abuse counselor at Edgehill, Newport, spoke to parents about warning signs of teenage drug and alcohol abuse and offered suggestions on dealing with it.
* * * * 1986 graduate Anne Marie Treadup, a senior guard on the Tufts University woman's basketball . team, has been named to an Academic All-American basketball team. The New Bedford native has tied the Tufts record of 14 assists in a game and has recorded a new school record for three-point shots. A four-year letter winner for the basketball team, Ms. Treadup also
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lettered in softball. A premed major, she was named to Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year and received the Churchill award in general biology. At Stang she was valedictorian and a three-sport all-star.
St. Anne's School Andrea Neto, grade 7, and Stacy Medeiros, grade 8, of St. Anne's School, Fall River, were prizewinners at the recent Region III Science Fair at Bristol Community College.
* * * *
Faculty members Brenda Gagnon, Julia Levy, Palmira Levesque and Beatrice Allen accompanied principal Irene Fortin to "Strategies for Working With Students From Families in Crisis," a workshop for teachers of kindergarten and gnides I and 2 held March 2,3 ,in Mansfield. Today Mrs. Levy IS representing St. Anne's at another workshop "Reason, Rules, Reminder - the Three R's of Effective Discipline."
MARRIAGE PREPARATION AT ITS BEST! Gil'" ..t Gift ('("rtifieate For II M'("..kend ..tu·ay For Info Contact DAN & TERRY ALEXANDER TEL. 636-2494
* *. * *
Grades '1, 3 and ·5 have completed a IO-week program "Learn Not to Burn," which included a demonstration of breathing "techniques and apparatus used by the Fall River fire department. Other recent educational programs at the school have included an Eastern Edison Company safety program "Stay Clear, Stay Alive" for grade 5, and a schoolwide civic lesson explaining the importance and magnitude of this year's national census. A number of drug and alcohol awareness programs are part of St. Anne's curriculum. Sharon Carey conducted a substance abuse program' for grades 2-4 throughout March. "Bear Down on Drugs" will be presented to' grade 5 in April, and Detective Mike Sweeney will speak to sixth graders about alcohol. On March 22, Mrs, Fortin spoke to parents of children in preschool through grade 2 about the school's human sexuality program. On Tuesday, grade 4 visited Bishop McVinney School in Providence, with whose students they have been exchanging letters, cards and videos' throughout the school year.
* * * *
\\mt COWE.\IE.\T OFFICI'." mROl'GIIOlT SOllllEA....n :R\ ,t\'\"
. Geographic Society geography bee, ., to Dur.an, Ecuador, to live and is among 100 winners competing work with the poor. in state finals today in Winchester. Students in Debra Letendre's fifth grade class at St. Mary's The state winner will advance to national finals to be held in May in School, New Bedford, are sharWashington D.C. pening their writing skills through the use of Buddy Journals. Students designed their journals using construction paper covers ROME (CNS) - A 77-year-old and lined paper for entries. The Coyle-Cassidy High School, Dutch Catholic millionaire wants writing is done for 15 to 20 minTaunton, has been celebrating Lent utes on alternating days during with ceremonies and programs for "to bring the Gospel to the ends of the world," and his organization is language class. Each student swaps students, parents, staff and faculty. offering a free weekly half-hour his or her journal with an assigned A large cross has been erected in writing buddy to read and answer the foyer to which religion classes TV program to help do that. Piet H. Derksen, president of what was written on the previous have attached envelopes containLumen 2000, said his organization journal day. ing listings. of student sacrifices is offering its weekly TV magazine Every two weeks writing partners and needs. show free of charge to any organiare changed. At the end of each Each Wednesday teachers and two-week period, Mrs. Letendre students participate in voluntary zation that can get it broadcast reads the journals and comments fasting, with fasters wearing a bur- and any cable or broadcast station on creativity without marking them lap cross pin as a sign of the effort that will air it. More than 800 cable stations in for mechanical errors. to intensify their faith lives. The class agreed on ground rules Money saved on fast days is the United States have or will broadcast the show, said Ed Arons, before beginning the project: all donated to various Boston shelters. comments should be positive; Another Lenten program is the executive director of Lumen 2000 International. journals are not for gossip and celebration of the Stations of the The first show in the series opens should not contain anything too Cross in the school chapel after with Pope John Paul II and a brief personal; they should be used, for school on Thursdays, with a difexample, to comment on favorite ferent school group, leading the segment explaining how Catholics all over the world celebrate the books or authors, interesting prayers each week. activities, or favorite sports. Throughout Lent students may . same Eucharist with local cultural Class members feel that the celebrate the sacrament of reconci- adaptations. journals are helping them learn to liation. Father William Boffa, Arons said annual production express themselves in writing by costs are expected to be only chaplain, and area priests have providing an audience for their celebrated reconciliation services $660,000, because most of the work, footage was produced by local with each class. During Holy Week, the schoo," Lumen associates or Catholic * * * * Seventh-grader Amanda Thompmedia groups for other projects, will commission 12 students and son, winner of the school's National then given to Lumen 2000. two facu~ty members who will travel
Special programs for children in preschool and primary grades are planned for the national Week of the Young Child, April 1-7. Second quarter report cards will be issued April 8. On April II, David Mello of the Fall River Public Library will conduct a story hour for kindergarteners at the school.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 675-7496
By Charlie. Martin
.JUST BETWEEN YOU' AND ME Staring at each other with accusing eyes. Keep our voices low and don't act surprIsed If the word gets out, that's all right . . I know that you are just looking for some sympathy But listen, you don't know how it gets back to me You're getting reckless girl But that's all right . Don't you know that one cold word's gonna lead to another Then we'll have nowhere to go Even if heaven and earth collide tonight We'll be all alone in a different light I don't care what the world can't see . It's just between you and me You and me . I see a telltale sign of a love denied Should be something to say We don't take the time And I don't understand, but that's all right Now you can turn the page or you can tear me apart You can make an open book out of my-private heart You should know better now That's all right If we don't work this out we won't recover We lose so much love for each other But in all that I've heard and all I've seen It's still lost in the mystery . Written and sung by Lou Gramm (c) 1989 by Atlan!ic Recording Corp. for the'United States and WEA InternatIOnal Inc. WHAT DO YOU DO when there is conflict in a relationship? Lou Gramm's "Just Between You and Me" tells about such a situation. The song describes how "cold words" and "staring at each other with. accusing eyes" happens, even though two people are trying to hide their problems from others. However, one person realizes that "if we don't work this out we won't recover." All of us need to knowhow
to handle anger and conflict successfully. We get our first lessons in this important.skill in our homes. Every famIly has rules about what to do an.d what not to do when s~meone IS upset and ang.ry, Unlike other house regulations, such rules a,re not posted on the refngerator. . Yet, if .you think about w~at your family members do dunng conflicts or arguments, y~u ~re likely to uncover the thinking
Lumen 2000 offers free TV shows
that currently guides your behavior when in a conflict with someone you can, for. As. the song suggests, stern looks and harsh words may get results, but they do nothing to safeguard the relationship. These ways of acting are unfair fighting tactics. Whenever someone uses these approaches, resentment will build in the other person and the closeness in the relationship is hurt. A direct, problem-solving style is much more effective. When something bothers you or makes you angry, resolve to talk about the conflict. Do this in private, temporarily putting your feelings aside if the problem occurs while both of you are with others. Later, ask your friend to discuss the problem. Before giving your view ofthe situation, invite the other person to share his or her opinion. After listening and trying to understand why the other acted as he or she c;Iid, share your feelings. Then request that both of you work toward an alternative, constructive way of handling a similar problem in the future. Be specific about what changes in behavior will be attempted. Sometimes it helps to ask what we could do differently that could keep hurt from entering our relationship. Write down any possible solutions and eventually choose one approach that both of you can accept. Obviously, blaming the other or acting defensively will sabotage such an effort; so will ridicule, put-downs or assumptions about why another behaved as he or she did. . The song is right when it states that conflict is "just between you and me," but how we handle conflict often determines if the "you and me" can endure as a loving relationship. Your comments are welcome always by Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, Ind. 47635 ..
tv, movie news NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local listings, which may differ from the New York network schedules supplied to The Anchor.
By Linda Rome While in the spring thoughts turn to love, many times for a high school student love translates to : "Who will ask me to the big dance?" or "Who will I ask?" The senior prom is just a culmination of each year's dancing hurdles: mixers and dances after the basketball game, the Sadie Hawkins affair or the Friendship Dance. Each one is cause for high anxiety, pretend nonchalance and, occasionally, simple fun. I was never belle of the ball. And the young men who asked me out were not exactly Romeos. But I'm convinced now that the "charmed circle" of laughing, elegant students who seemed to know the latest dance step and "the" place to eat afterward were just as worried as I that their hands would sweat during the slow dances. It's the fashion now for an escort to rent a limousine and for a girl to spend enough on her dress to clothe several toddlers for the summer, but the trappings of a dance are just that - glitz to hide behind. How can you ensure that you'll have a good time at the next dance you attend, regardless of who provides the transportation or how little you spend on your dress? Maybe the following sets of reflections will help you begin to figure out ways' to make that special night memorable for you and your dates. I. The person I asked was: a. , Someone I have fun with. b. Someone I want to get to know better. c. The only person I thought would go with me, even though I don't like him/her much. d. Someone I wanted to be seen with. 2. I accepted the invitation because: a. My mother said to give the girl/ guy a chance. b. I couldn't bear to be the only person who didn't go. c. I ~hought we'd enjoy each other's company. d. I didn't have the courage to say no.
3. I'm so worried that I'll make a fool of myself on the dance floor that I: a. Picked up my date while wearing a fake cast. b. Took dancing lessons. c. Volunteered to help out at the refreshment table. d. Suggested that we get together and practice ahead of the big "night. 4. I'm afraid we won't have enough to talk about, so I: a. Suggested we triple date with two other couples. b. Memorized 20 icebreakers I found in a book at the library. c. Read up on current issues in 10 magazines. d. Practiced being a good listener. 5. Being polite is important, so I: a. Will try to remember to compliment my date on how nice he/ she looks. b. Will not point out that .the flowers are the wrong color and arrived wilted. c. Will be sure to introduce my date to other people I know at the dance. d. Will check with my date about his/ her preferences on where we sit, whether we dance and what he/ she would I.ike to eat or drink. 6. When it comes to saying good night, I: a. Will make sure our braces don't lock. b. Will' make sure we both get home before curfew. c. Won't hesitate to say how much I enjoyed the evening.
Satan's a headliner NEW YORK (CNS) - A homily about some rock music helping the devil and a warning of Satanism brought him an "outpouring" of supportive letters from parents and more media attention than he could have expected, New York Cardinal John J. O'Connor said. "N othing had really prepared me" for front-page headlines he got from three New York daily newspapers about a recent homily, the cardinal wrote in Catholic New York, the archdiocesan newspaper. He explained that he preached about the devil that Sunday simply because Satan was the subject of the day's Scripture readings.
BISHOP CONNOLLY High School students bring. up the gifts during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel A. Cronin as part of his pastoral visit to the school last week.
anti-drug and alcohol message, it is also implied that the kids are sexually active. Non-stop rough language with much sexually explicit dialogue and black rap, some bathroom humor, incidental cartoon violence and white stereotypes. A4,R
.The Anchor Friday, March 30, 1990
Golding's 1954 novel about a contigent of schoolboys who deteriorate quickly into savages while marooned on an uninhabited tropical island. Too much emphasis on the island's lush wildlife rather than the characters and the use of novice performers, Americanisms and popular culture asides detracts from Golding's human parable of good vs. evil. Much profanity and some grisly, conscienceless violence between adolescent boys. A3,R
"Lambada" (Warner Bros.): Math teacher (J. Eddie Peck) in a wealthy high school moonlights in Symbols following film reviews an East Los Angeles barrio disco, indicate both general and Catholic where he dances the lambada and Films Office ratings. which do not educates the blacks and Latinos so always coincide. . Sophomores and juniors at they can pass their high school General ratings: G-suitable for Bishop Connolly High School, Fall equivalency exams. Sexual moves general viewing; PG-13-parental guiRiver, recently attended a Career dance strongly suggested for children of scantily clad female dancers and Awareness Day at which some 20 under 13; PG-parental guidance sug- . a student's lust for her teacher are alumni discussed options in law, .gested: R-restricted. unsuitable for played up in a cut-and-paste exbanking, education, engineering, children or young teens. ploitation of adolescent male sexfinancial planning, busipess, pubCatholic ratings: AI-approved for ual fantasies. Many sexual innuenlic service and medicine. children and adults; A2-approved for does along with vulgar language. adults and adolescents; A3-approved In a keynote address, Fall River A3,PG for adults only; 4-separate classifiCity Councilor John Mitchell, '71, cation (given films not morally offennoted that alumni find that their "The Last of the Finest" (Orion sive which. however. require some Connolly education prepared them Pictures): Suspended veteran Los analysis and explanation); O-morally well for college and careers. Angeles cop (Brian Dennehy) and -offensive. "The basic lesson of Connolly' his three young cronies bust a bigCatholic ratings for television was don't be one-dimensional ... movies are those of the movie house time drug and money-laundering be concerned with the quality of versions of the films. racket with ties to politicians life and with the community," said covertly supplying arms to Central "House Party" (New Line): Mitchell. American rebels. Directed in plodGrounded by his well-meaning dad, Connolly faculty member John ding, unimaginative fashion~ th~s a black, middle-class teenager Cheney, '70, coordinated the day's implausible cop lidventure Jl.Ist!(Christopher Reid) is determined schedule with the assistance of fies vigilantism as a sign of true to attend a pal's house party. Comic patriotism. Some profanity laced several alumni. obstacles block the teen's enjoywith sexual vulgarities, bathroom • ment of the party, including his humor, explosive comic book vioBishop Connolly hosted a recent ranting father (Robin Hari'is), a lence. A3,R Southeast Regional Citizen Bee at gang of toughs and some buffoonwhich area high school students ish white cops. Although this "Lord of the Flies" (Columbia): . answered questions on U.S. govgrowing-pains comedy has a clear Pointless color remake of William' ernment, history, geography, economics and current events.
Bishop Connolly
• •
Mixed rev-iews for "Nuns on the Run" WASHINGTON (CNS) - Sisters and film critics have given mixed reviews to the movie "Nuns on the R un," a British comedy about two genial gangsters masquerading as Catholic sisters. "I thought it was very funny," said Franciscan Sister Judy Zielinski. "Robbie Coltrane looked like everybody's eighth-grade teacher." "I got mad when I saw the ad" which shows Coltrane and Eric Idle clad in pre-Second Vatican Council habits, said School Sister of Notre Dame Mary Oliver H udon. "I challenge every Catholic .who buys a ticket to see this movie to contribute an equal amount to the Retirement Fund for Religious." Sister Hudon heads the fund, established by the U.S. bishops in 1987 to collect money over a 10'year period to meet the retirement costs of the nation's aging religious. Film critics also had divided reaction to the movie in which . Brian, played by Idle, and Charlie, played by Coltrane, run from fellow gangsters "and police, escape into a convent, don habits and pass themselves off as visiting nuns. The rest of the film mines the sight gags and broad humor inherent in the situation. Critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert gave "thumbs down" to the movie on their PBS television show and ridiculed the movie and its promotional campaign on the "Live with Regis and Kathy Lee" TV program. Variety, the film industry's weekly trade newspaper, praised the movie. It is "raunchy enough to include a shower room scene of the phony nuns ogling their teen-age charges
as well as some salty language," the publication said, but "the tone of the humor is essentially benevolent, and the film could even be enjoyed by some of the more enlightened members of the cloth." "The pragmatism of the genuine nuns goes refreshingly against pious stereotype," the newspaper added. Sister Zielinski and Sister Hudon differed in their assessment of the film's treatment of nuns. It was "irreverent but certainly not blasphemous" and "ultimately portrayed nuns as caring and compassionate persons with human foibles," said Sister Zielinski, communications director for the Conference of Major Superiors of Men .. But Sister Hudon said the movie made nuns look "stupid" and took advantage of them. "The realization that this movie makes a mockery of convent life and will mean big profits for its producers at a time when religious have to beg for retirement support cries to heaven for vengeance," she said. Henry Herx, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting, in a review of the film, said "one's response to the movie is more a question of taste and the individual's sense of humor than of morality and respect for religious institutions." Herx'said the film's humor "will not please all adults" but "provides some measure of healthy laug'hter about Catholic life." The USCC classified the film AIV - adults, with reservations because of irreverent but goodnatured humor about Catholic matters, some mild double-entendres and saucy language, and flashes of nudity.
• • • • Sarah Ann Thiboutot of Tiverton Middle School has won a full tuition renewable Connolly.scholarship. Additionally, Connolly will award smaller tuition grants to the most qualified applicant from each Catholic grade school of the diocese.
• • • • Senior Kyle Costa, junior Eric Stubbert and sophomore Brian Camara of the Bishop Connolly hockey team have been named to the 1990 Herald News All-Star Hockey Team. Costa and Camara were first team picks, while Stubbert earned the goalie position for the second team. Paul Phaneuf, Craig Bernat, Kyle Costa and Robert Guay, all senior members of the Connolly hockey squad, were among area all-star seniors facing off against the Bristol County League AIIStars yesterday at Driscoll Rink. Proceeds from the game benefit the Father Donovan Scholarship, a renewable scholarship to Boston College.
Bishops' wish list WASHINOTON(CNS)-From opposing more government-funded abortion to seeking controls over sale of assault weapons, the U.S. bishops have a lengthy wish list for the U.S .. Congress, according to their official legislative agenda. A compilation of the agenda of the U.S. Catholic Conference provided to state Catholic conference directors covered 52 issues. Among top priorities are day care legislation providing direct assistance·to parents and allowing low-income families to use a facility of their choice, including church-run day care.
NOTREDAMEde LOURDES, FR ' ST; JOHN EVANGELIST, ' Parish retreat April 7-14. Bread POCASSET may be reserved for blessing at Holy Evening of reconciliation and healThursday service. ing 7:15 p.m. Monday; Father Tim Goldrick of St. John Neumann parINTERFAITH PROGRAM, ish. E. Freetown, will conduct the SOMERSET-SWANSEA service and five area priests will be "The Seven Last Words of Christ" available for confessions. First comProgram sponsored by the Somersetmunion parents' meeting 7:30 p.m. Swansea Interfaith Clergy AssociaWednesday. 5 p.m. Sunday Mass tion 3 p.m. Sunday, St. Thomas will resume April 1. O.L. ANGELS, FR More Church, Somerset. ST, ANTHONY, SECULAR FRANCISCANS The parish will have a Mass for MATTAPOISETT ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN New West Harwich prefraternity deceased members 5 p.m. April I . Grade 4 penance mini-retreat 3School reunion beginning with 5 will meet 2 p.m. April 8. Holy Trinand a living rosary and Mass 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Monday, parish hall; parp.m. Mass tomorrow. First comity Church, West Harwich. StigmaMay 13. Its diamond jubilee celebra- ents are asked to pick up their chilmunion retreat 2 p.m. Sunday. tine Father Nick Spagnolo will celetion is set for June 10, with a 4 p.m. dren at 6:30 p.m. to bring them to church hall. brate Mass and speak. Inquirers pontifical Mass celebrated by Bishop the sacrament of penance. Grade 4 welcome. Information: Dorothy WilCHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Daniel A. Cronin followed by a catechism teacher needed until May; liams, 394-4094. Parishioners are asked to donate banquet and ball at White's of Westinformation: religious education offood items this weekend for the par- BREAD OF LIFE port. fice, 758-3735. ish pantry's Help the Needy pro- PRAYER GROUP, FR DCCW ST. MARY, SEEKONK A Life in the Spirit seminar will gram. Meeting for first communion Open meeting of Diocesan CounFirst communion class Mass of begin following 7:30 p.m. prayer parents 7:30 p.m. Thursday, parish cil of Catholic Women Thursday, . Presentation 10 a.in. Sunday. CYO meeting Friday, April 20, at Blessed hall. St. John Neumann parish, E. Free- basketball players will attend II :30 Sacrament Church, Fall River. FurST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN town. Sister Theresa Sparrow, RSM, a.m. Mass Sunday; banquet will folther information: 644-2375. Family Mass 9:30 a.m. Sunday. of St. Julie Billiart parish. N. Dart- low. Students in grades q-8 will parCORPUS CHRISTI, SANDWICH Saints and Singers concert 8 tonight. mouth, will discuss preparation of a . ticipate in Stations of the Cross 7 Confirmation rehearsal 7 tonight. Parish Lenten mission with Father seder meal. p.m. April 6. Explorer Post I youth Candidates should arrive at SandMartin Gomes. SS.Cc.. 7 p.m. MonCATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB,NB group dinner and awards night wich H.S. at I p.m. for confirmation day-Thursday. Annual Bishop's Night 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Christian life explanation ceremony Sunday. Women's Guild ni~ht 7:30 p.m. Sunday. HOLY NAME, NB Wednesday, Wamsutta Club, NB. meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, FaMeeting of Holy Week liturgy ther Clinton Hall, husbands and Reservations: Jean McGinnis, 993- O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER committee 7 p.m. Monday. 5321. Youth ministry group will particguests invited for potluck su!'per. ipate in Stations of the Cross 7:30 ST, GEORGE, WESTPORT RCIA scrutinies· for the elect 9:30 tonight. O.L. Cape Peace and Jusa.m. Mass Sunday. A catechist is Parish representatives needed to _ _ _ 234 Second Street tice Ministry and World Awareness attend Chrism Mass 4 p.m. April I0, needed to complete the year for a . . . . . Fall River, MA 02721 Youth Group· will sponsor a free , Cathedral, then to bring the oils fifth grade class; information: Sister • Web Offset showing of the film "Romero" at 8 blessed by the bishop into the church Doreen Donegan, 888-8267. Newspapers tonight, parish center. Mass for Con- during the Holy Thursday entrance ST.. JOSEPH, TAUNTON • Printing & Mailing firmation II families 8:30 a.m. Sunprocession. Information: Father RogGrade 6 students will present Sta(508)679-5262 day; Confirmation will be celebrated er LeDuc. • . tions of the Cross 7:30 tonight. Thursday. Lenten day of recollection with sesO,L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Now! ST,PETER THE APOSTLE, sions at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Parish mission with Father James New Computerized Mailing PROVINCETOWN . Thursday. Each session will include C. O'Brien, SJ, superior ofthe Jesuit Parish mission, "God's Dream and a Lenten reflection presented by SisCommunity, Boston, April 2-5. ProFirst Class Second Class How to Live It," presented by Fa- gram: daily Mass and mission serter Beth Mahoney. followed by holy First Class Presort Carrier Route Coding ther Robert A. Oliveira, April 2-5. hour and opportunity for sacrament mon 9 a.m. Ecumenical Lenten reConferences will be held daily at II Third Class Bulk Rate lip Code Sorting of reconciliation. flection and renewal with Father a.m. and 7 p.m. Coffee will be served O'Brien and Rev. Peter J.D. Allen 7 Third Class Non Profit List Maintenance SACRED HEART, NB prior to morning session and partic- p.m. Monday-Wednesday. Penance Confirmation class day of recolALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS ipants in either session are invited service Thursday evening. High lection 1-6 p.m. Sunday. Lenten for refreshments and fellowship fol- school seniors may apply for Father Cheshire labeling on Kirk·Rudy 4,up renewal week begins with 7 p.m. lowing the second session. Tom McMorrow and Vincent and labeler, And Pressure Sensitive Labeling Mass Sunday. Father Angelus M. Rose Curran scholarships; deadline TAUNTON STATE HOSPITAL Shaughnessy will give morning and Inserting. collating, folding, Volunteers sought to help reno- is April 13. evening conferences daily. Catholic metering, sealing. sorting. addressing. vate greenhouse and assist in develstudents in grades 7 and up should HOLY NAME, FR sacking. completing USPS forms, opment of a small tree farm to attend evening sessions. Women's Guild open meeting 7 direct delivery to Post Office enhance rehabilitation services. A VINCENTIANS . , Printing. . We Do It AI/I list of needed material goods is also p.m. April 3, school hall. Eileen Taunton District Council meeting Potvin Miles will speak on "Making available. Information: Sanford EpCall for Details (508) 679-5262 following 7 p.m. Mass Monday, Colors Work for You." All welcome. stein, 824-7551 ext. 127. Holy ~osary Church, Bay St., Taun,ton. Ozanam Sunday Mass 4 p.m. April 29, St. Paul's Church; dinner 6 p.m. Holy Rosary parish center. SACRED HEART, N.ATTLEBORO Ministry day for lectors and Eucharistic and music ministers following 10:30 a.m . Mass until 4 p.m. Sunday. The Fall River Diocesan Directory and Buyers' Guide contains ST. STANISLAUS, FR complete diocesan information and a telephone directory of Parent orientation for students enpriest. directors of diocesan institutions, parish religious educa· tering .kindergarten 5-6 p.m. Sunday, school. Holy Rosary Society tion coordinators and permanent deacons. meeting 1:15 p.m. Sunday. ST, PATRICK, FR Also included are addresses of retired clergy and those serving Day of recollection for confirmaoutside the diocese, as well as a listing of priests by years of tion candidates 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Sunday. Women's Guild meeting ordination and atable of movable feasts through the year 2011. 7:30 p.m. Monday, school. Sister Christopher of the Rose Hawthorne It may be ordered by telephone at 675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. home will speak. THE DIRECTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy). ST. JAMES, NB cya council meeting 7 p.m. Tues.. .... _--._._._--- .. _----_ .. .. _------_ ... _----------------_.-------------------------------day, parish center. School advisory council meeting 7 p.m. April6, school ANCHOR Publishing CO. library. P.O. Box 7, Fall Riv"er, MA 02722 CATHEDRAL, FR Penitential celebration 7 p.m. Monday; additional priests will be availPlease send me __ copy (iesl of the 1990 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY AND BUYERS' GUIDE able for confessions. Women's Guild Lenten Mass 7 p.m. Tuesday; meeting will follow in the school. _ _ Payment enclosed 1$5.00 per copy plus $2 postage and handling per copy) DAY OF RECOLLECTION FOR THK SPANISH·SPEAKIN G NAME: Diocesan-wide program for the Spanish-speaking9 a.m.-2 p.m. with Mass to follow tomorrow, SS Peter ADDRESS: ---~-,.~O--.:B,.-------"C'T'·t ----.."Z'"='J'p--and Paul Church. FR. StreetiP ox Iy O.L. ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE This Message Sponsored by the Following Guild day of recollection with Abbot Nicholas J. Morcone, OSB, Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River of Glastonbury 'Abbey, Hingham, April 10. Program begins with 10 GLOBE MFG. CO. FEITELBERG INS. AGENCY GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INS. AGENCY a.m. Mass followed by luncheon and closing with Benediction.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Mar. 30,1990
Iteering pOintl
ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET Annual Women's Guild and Holy Name Society corporate communion 9:45 a.m. Mass April 8 followed by family brunch in parish center; guest speaker: Sister Jean Marie Willis, O.P. Monthly prayer meeting after 7 p.m. Mass Thursday; social (ollows in parish center. Scholarship committee meeting 7:30 p.m. April 9, rectory meeting room. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E, FREETOWN DCCW retreat Friday-Sunday. St. Patrick's, Falmouth youth retreat, Saturday and Sunday. St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet, 7th grade day retreat Tuesday. SACRED HEART, FR Confirmation rehearsal for candidates and sponsors after 7 p.m. Mass Sunday. ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH . First Eucharist students will participate in Celebration of the Cross ceremony at 9 a.m. Mass Sunday; each student will receive a cross signifying new life. Parents' meeting will follow at Bishop Stang H.S. chapel. Confirmation I instructional session 7 p.m: Wednesday, church hall. Mass of anointing for sick, handicapped and elderly not usually able to attend Mass 3 p.m. Sunday, followed by a meal. Information on transporation: rectory, 993-2351. SAINTS AND SINGERS CONCERTS Saints and Singers Chorus will perform "Calvary's Love," the Easter story in classical to contemporary music, at 8 p.m. on following dates at diocesan churches: tonight, St. Mary's, Fairhaven; April 5, St. Margaret's, Buzzards Bay; April 7, St. Patrick's, Wareham; at 3 p.m. April 8. St. John's, Pocasset. ST. MARY, N, ATTLEBORO Cub Scout registration for boys in grades 1-5,6:30-8 p.m. Sunday. Information: Jim Taylor, 695-5080; Dennis Boutin, 695-7935, evenings. WIDOWED SUPPORT NB area meeting 7:30 p.m. April 9, St. Kilian rectory basement. Topic: evening of caring and sharing. Information: 998-3269; 992-7587. Bridge to Other Widowed, a support group sponsored by Cape Cod Catholic Social Services. meets 7:30 p.m. each first Wednesday, 261 South St., Hyannis. Information: 771-6771. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FR 44 second graders will celebrate first penance II a.m. Saturday. Confirmation rehearsal 7 p.m. Monday. Women's Club meeting 7 p.m. Monday; photographer Ruth Edwards will show slides of Ireland. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Living rosary sponsored by Women's Guild 7 p.m. April6. Confirmation II afternoon of reflection 1-7 p.m. Sunday. parish center. Parents and grade 2 students will meet 8:45 a.m. Sunday, parish center. SEPARATED/DIVORCED Programs for separated and divorced Catholics and their leaders ·will be held in July at Marymount College, Tarrytown, N.Y. Lay and professional leaders will hold a workshop July 17 to 19 and group members will participate in their 19th annual international conference July 19 to 22. Further information: North American Conference of Separated & Divorced Catholics, 1100 S. Goodman St., Rochester. NY 14620. Region I, Separated and Divorced Catholics, will sponsor a workshop, "Support: Compassion and Mending."9: 15 a.m.-4 p.m. May 19, Ascension Church parish center, Worcester. Presenters will be Dorothy Levesque, spiritual advisor to the regional board. and Jane Hogan and Rev. Alfonse Ferreira of The listening Place, Lynn. Information: NACSCD-Region I, Office of Family Life Ministry, 49 Elm St., Worcester, MA 01609-2957.
ANCHOR HOLDS ................ """""- ........... --"'- ...................