t eanc 0 VOL. 44, NO. 13 • Friday, March 31, 2000
Pope ends historic sojourn ~
The weeklong . pilgrimage to the Holy Land found Pope . John Paul" walking in the footsteps ofJesus Christ.
overtures to other religions and other Christian churches, he brought energy to his own personal prayers at churches marking the site of the Angel Gabriel's annunciation to Mary in Nazareth, Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and, especially, Jesus'· By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE death in Jerusalem. In fact, instead of resting beJERUSALEM - With slow but determined steps, Pope John fore going to the airport, .the Paul II made his long-desired pope returned to the Church of pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the Holy Sepulcher to pray at preaching peace and reconcilia- what is believed to be the site of tion among the region's peoples Jesus' crucifixion, death and resurrection. and religions. The pope brought the same inFrom the heights of Mount Nebo in Jordan to the shores of tensity of prayer with him the Sea of Galilee in Israel, the March 26 to Jerusalem's West: pope visited holy sites of the Old ern Wall, the holiest site of Juand New Testaments, making daism. The stooped pontiff stood and . dramatic gestures of respect for Jews and Muslims and pleading placed his trembling hand upon the massive stone blocks of the for the unity of Christians. Walking carefully through a 2,000-year-old wall, as Jews have minefield of political sensitivi- done for centuries. As is the Jewties, Pope John Paul also urged ish practice, he left a prayer writa renewed commitment to the ten on a piece of paper in a crevMiddle East peace process, guar- ice between the stones. The prayer· was the same he anteeing the security of Israel but also satisfying the Palestinians' recited earlier in the month at the Vatican, asking God's forgiveright to a homeland. The March 20-26 trip culmi- ness for Christians who have POPE JOHN PAUL II places a prayer into a crevice in the stones of the Western nated in Jerusalem with visits to "caused these children of yours Wall during his visit to Judaism's holiest site in Jerusalem. The pope prayed at the wall the city's holiest Muslim, Jew- to suffer." The prayer was to be put onodisplay at the museum at for a few minutes on the final day of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. (CNS photo from ish and Christian sites. Turn to page J3 - Sojourn While at every step he made Reuters)
Eucharistic Congress speakers anno~nced ~
Congress events diocese and is planned as the .begin June 18 across centerpiece of its Jubilee Year the diocese and 2000 celebration. In announcing the schedule conclude with a June of speakers, Congress Chairman 25 outdoor Masso at Fall River's Kennedy Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Avila said that he and the committee are Park. "excited by the variety and caliBy JOHN E. KEARNS JR.
FALL RIVER - St. Clare Sister Briege McKenna, whose healing ministry has reached countless people all over the world, will be the speaker at the first of a series of five evenings of reflection to take place as part of the Fall River Diocesan Eucharistic Congress in June. This will be the first Eucharistic Congress to be held in the
ber of the speakers and the backgrounds they will bring to the evening reflections." Each speaker will focus on a particular aspect of the Elicharist in his or her talk. The congress will get underway with prayers in paI:ishes on Sunday, June 18 and conclude the following Sunday, June 25 with an outdoor Mass celebrated by Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., at Kennedy Park in Fall River followed by a EucharisTurn to page 16 - Speakers
Diocese launches information website ~
Those with access to the Internet will find a whole new vista of diocesan history, stories, pastorals, upcoming events and parish schedules at their fingertips. By JAMES N. DUNBAR
FALL RIVER - Learning all about the Fall River diocese and what's of news to Catholics in its broad region extending to Mansfield and out to Cape Cod and the Islands, will get increasingly easier starting this weekend. That's when the diocese's official website, fallriverdiocese.org goes online, announced John E. Keams Jr., assis~ant director of the Office of Communicatioons. "Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Capo, felt that the use of the Internet is increasing, that it is a new medium whose popularity is growing, esper--;::::::::::::::::;:::;::;:::;;::;::;:::;::;:::;::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:::lL_-o"" cially among young.people and that the dio=,~, cese needed to be a voice within that medium," Kearns said in an interview this week ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~ Turn to page 13 - Website
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THEAN~HOR -"DiOCese ofFall River- Fri., March 3(;2000' ,
®bttuarg .;.
Sister' Mary DePaul " . " 'Dubiel CSSF
;. 'FAb'U ;RIVER- ,~:'Felicia~
),Si~t~~ M~ry DyJ:)~Ql nu.bj~l;. 9.~, ~aiilaJiiv~':O,rthi,S:~ity;,ai~&Matth
~4.. iQ' iFe' '\rj:{(r'TI, a~Y~:,qf:f.he
Jeli<,:;ian -S.\~ters,at:Our,.Lady or ;the Angels.:~o~ve~t in 'Enfield~ "C.onn", "~:.~,,,::' ':",._ ,', ._. '" .. " ,: F:;Si~,t,yr-M~J-1:i:~.a,s:::tAh.,q~,e:$l§-lt ,e brafe'4~::h'er.:1~:': y.:'e'a'r~~:as - ,.~ -Fe l1fi~n,'Sfs (ef~t:a ili'niTe:ecM~s§ :scheg!l)eg f<;>,f May :1-,3 ',',' , : ; " The daughte,r of the late :Albert and 'ttie :r~'t~ Josephine' 'CLuszcz) Dubiel~ she was a ,member of St. 'Stanisiaus Par:ish and attended its parochial school. She graduated from B.M.C. Durfee High School in 1925 and entered the Felician Saint An~e's Hospital gratefully acknowledges contributions to the Tribute Fund during , February.· Through'your generosity, our mission of "Caring for Qur Community" is profoundly enhanced,
Anne Ainsworth Arthur Banville Alvaro Bento George Botelho Jay Browri Joseph A.R. Charron Jesse Cordeiro Rev. Vincent Diaferio Claire Dufresne Joseph Dugal Walter J. Eaton Joseph R. Glennon James Griffin Vivian E, H~lnisin Eleanore M. Kuss , Gerard:~. LaVigne Marcel,A. LaVigne Arthur J. McGo'ugh Henry E. Maddaleno Richard N, Marshall Ma'ria Medeiros , - Stanley F. Naftygiel James F. O'Neill Raymond E. Parise Joseph c', Satilino Charles W.'Souza Patrice Vavala Raymond J, Walkden,
SAINT ANNE'S HOSPITAL 795 Middle Street Fall River. MA 02721 (508) 674-5741 MEMBER CARITAS CHRISTI HEALTH CARE SYSTEM -As of February 29/ 2000
Holy··Cross- Fafuily Ministries'. new building set for fall opening
EASTON ~ With its steel framenow,_ raised on prope~ty adjace.nt to Stpnehill ~ollege,l' ~isters, ;.,':'~ _ ,', ~ construction 'continues on 'a~' j 'SL~,ter,Ma'rytaught in schools 22,700-square~:"', ,:' . ., ' staffed:~by: the-'J~licjaJ.l~·Sisters. foot building~to " , In:-New. Ymk; New Jersey,'and, house' rhc"oew " ,'!' , ,across' New, E.nglan.d until be~ in te r n'a-t i ci f(a;H'" " ing 'as'signe'd,in' 198:t to -St.: headqliarters ;for:" Stanislaus'Parish fonhe Prayer HolyCross Fiirrt 1 ,'. ApostoEit~:arid,asa.hoiise:alde~, ily Ministries. , She renraihed there;iin'til 1984 . tiie headq4ar~":' \vhen: b~~~lu~ of she'. tel's wi Ii" m'ov.e : . ..... illh'ea'lth, .. ~as ad~itteq to the infirmary' by Septefnber,' f :,~' in ~nfield. ':,': ',' " •, ' from 'Albany; , Her. furler-al Mass was cel-" N.Y., where it ebrated'Monday atOur Lady of has beensince,is the Angeis Chapel in Enfield.' founding in: 1942. The reloca"l\i1ontle' Plumbing tion is expected & Heating Co. to draw visitors Over 35 Years from all parts of of Satisfied SeNices the United States Reg. Master Plumber 7023 . 'and the world, JOSEPH RAPOSA, dR. ,and also will 432 JEFFERSON STREET bring with it sevFALL RIVER 675-7496 eral job opportti~ nities in management, middle' OUR LADY'S management and staff positions. RELIGIOUS STORE Bill Riley of Harwich, the orMon. -Sat. 10:00-5:30PM ganizations vice president for Operations, is overseeing the GJFTS building project and the'move of CARDS:~ the headquarters: Tl10se interested in available jobs can call BOOKS him toll-free at 1-800-299-7729 in Albany.. , Holy Cross Ministries is spon936 So. Main St" Fall River sored by the Congregation of the Holy Cross which' admin'isters Stonehill College. The congregation owns .the property on '
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which the bui'lding is bdngc,on- Aibany and in Hollywood respec_tively~y the late -Father Patrick structed. , .... ,.!:Ioly Crpss MiJ1istri~~ cQnsists "p~yto,?x a Hol~ Cross .priest in: of, Family Rosar:y; -a:Ja/TI i ly , terIjationally kn9~n,as the "Ro-
prayer ministry; Family Rosary sary Priest" and a Catholic meinternational and the new Father dia pioneer. He died in 1992 and Peyton Family Institute, estab- is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery lished in Easton last year; and , adjacent to the college and close Family Theater Productions, to the new building which will Hollywood, which groduces fam-: be calle,d the.PeXt9n Center. ily.oriented'radio and 'TV pro- :"", Fam'ily Rosiirfserves 30,000 grams. .' members/supporters. It seeks to "Family Rosary and Family foster family prayer and spirituTheater were founded in 1942 in ality.
In Your Prayers
Daily Readings Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2;4-6,1112a,13b; In , 4:43-54 April 4' Ez47:1~9,12; Ps ' 46:2-3,5-6,8-9; In 5:1-16 April 5 ' 1549:8-15; Ps 145:8-9,13c"~" '1.4;17-18; In 5:17-30 . Ex 32:7-14; Ps April 6 106:19-23; In ,5:31-47' . 'April?"" Wis 2:1a,12-22; Ps 34: 17-21,23; ~ JnJ-2,10,25-30 AprilS ;jer 11 :18-20; Ps ,·-7:2·-3,9b-12; In "7:40.~53" April9 . Jer 31 :31 ~34; Ps , ':' ,5l:3-4,J 2-15; Heb 5:7-9; In 12:20-33
'Pleasepray for the following priests during the coming week
April 3
111I111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-D20) Periodical , Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the firSt two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887,Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese ofFall River, Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14,00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P,O. Box 7, Fall River, MA fJ27'12,
1972, Rev. Lionel Gamaclie~S:M.M. ' 1985, Rev. James F. McCarthy, Retired Pastor;,Sacred Heart, Fall River \,\~~r1~91, Rev. Gaspar L. Parente\ RetirecCPastor, St. Theresa, patagOn~a,AriZ~\ '
, ~,April6 1977,Rev. Msgi. JohnA. Chipp~ndale, Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham ,,' .,\.\, , , -l980, Rev. Lorenzo MoraIS, RetJreoPastor, St. George, Westport '1987, -Rev:'Msgr. William D. Thom~oh, Retired Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis' '-\ \ ' , 1994, Rev. Gerald E. Conmy; CSC, A~sociate Pastor, St. Ann, DeBary, F1a: ~' : , . 1997,'Rey;'Msgr',Francis J. Gilligan \ ' . ,
, ': ', , April 7 1976, Rev. -James A. Dury, Chaplain, Madonna Manor, North -Attleboro ' . April'S 1988, Rev. Alvin Matthews, OFM, Retired, Our Lady's Chapel, ' New Bedford April 9 1919, Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, Pastor, Immaculate Concep' .. tion, Fall River , 1965, Rev. Edward F Dowling, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River
THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., March 31, 2000
Bishop O'Malley to receive Mendes Fellowship Award FALL RIVER - The Portuguese-American BarAssociation will present the Aristides de Sousa Mendes Fellowship Award to Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., at is second annual awards banquet April 14, 6 p.m., at The Cultural Center on South Main Street. The award is named after Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese Consul General in Bordeaux, France during the early years of World War II. He assisted thousands of Jewish refugees to escape the advancing
Nazis and to flee to the United States by the mass issuance of Portuguese passports. The actions of de Mendes was against the instruction of his own government and he was later recalled and punished for his actions. In ~electing . Bishop O'Malley, the Port~gueseAmerican Bar Association said that he be~t exemplifies the- humanitarian principles that embody the award, through his. many acts of kindness and compassion to the Portuguese-.
Saint Anne's Hospital renews scholarship aid FALL RIVER Saint Anne's Hospital has announced that applications are now being taken for' its 13th annual multicultural scholarship program. The hospital will award six, $500 scholarship awards ~o 10-
FALL RIVER - In honor of the 300th anniversary of the death of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame are hosting a one-woman play on her life, performed by famed actress Roberta Nobleman, who gives similar perfo'rmances about other holy women in the New York and New Jerseyareas. The play, "Marguerite: A Heart Still Beating," will take place at St. Pius V Church, 55 Elmhurst Street, Providence, R.I., on April 9 at 2:30 p.m. There is no charge for the performance. A free will offering will be taken. On April 17, 1620, Marguerite Bourgeoys was born in Troyes, France to devoted Catholic parents. Twenty years later, during a rosary procession, she would feel a calling from God that would change her life forever. Having been a teacher and advocate of the poor in her home town, Bourgeoys received and accepted an invitation from Governor de Maisonneuve to go to Ville Marie (Montreal) in 1653, and help tutor children of the new settlers in the New World, and . help them adjust to their surroundings. Having )eft everything she had in France, Bourgeoys arrived in Canada and eventually
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ing DIghton, Fall River, Freetown, Rehoboth, Swansea, -Somerset and Westport; and Tiverton and Little Compton in Rhode Island; - be entering or pursuing a degree in nursing and/or a healthcare-related profession at an accredited college or university; - be a graduating high school senior or currently enrolled college student. Priority will be given to new applicants, but former recipients opened a school in the stable will be considered. given to her by Maisonneuve. The deadline for submission Through the years, she of applications is April 28. gathered women around her Scholarships will be awarded in who were also concerned for May. the we.lfare of children and of For an application or more the poor. This was the infant information, call Natalia beginnings of the Sisters of Konarski at Saint Anne's Hosthe Congregation of Notre pital Interpreter Services, Dame. 674-5600, extension 2455. Bourgeoys died on January 12, 1700, but she left this earth leaving behind the legacy of a women ·devoted to God, the Blessed Mother and the poor. On October 31, 1982, she was canonized by Pope John Paul cal bilingual or bicultural students pursuing a healthcare ca-' reer. To be eligible, applicants must: - be bicultural and/or bilingual; - be a resident of the greater Fall River area, includ-
Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame remember foundress· By DAVE JOUVET
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Office of AIDS Ministry Administrative Assistant Applicants are invited for the position of Administrative Assistant at the Diocesan Office ofAIDS Ministry. Responsibilities include a range ofsecretarial and reception duties. Computer literacy required, college degree and human services experience preferred. Hours negotiable, salary commensurate with education and experience. Send a letter of interest, Resume and names (address and phone) of three References to: Krysten WinterGreen, PhD, Office of AIDS Ministry, Clemence Hall 225, 243 Forest St., Fall River, MA 02721. Application deadline: 18April 2000, 5 p.m.
Today, in different parts of the world, the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame maintain their mission "To follow Jesus in a preferential option for the poor and to live our mission of liberating education in fidelity to the prophetic charism of Marguerite Bourgeoys." The sisters currently educate and administer to the poor in the U.S.; Canada, Japan, Honduras, Guatemala, Cameroon, El Salvador: France' and Paraguay. Sister Anne Landry, assistant diocesan superintendent of schools, is the lone remaining member of her congregation in the Diocese of Fall River. For more information on Marguerite Bourgeoys or on the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, visit their website at www.cnd-m.com.
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Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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8 p.m. Alliance Church 8 p.m. S1. Mary's 8 p.m. Holy Trinity 4 p.m. S1. Margaret's 8 p.m. Sacred Heart 8 p.m. First Baptist 8 p.m. Our Lady of Fatima 4 p.m. St. Elizabeth Seton A free-will offering will be taken.
1HEANCHOR- Diocese of FiliI River- Fri., March 31,2000
the mooril19--
the living word . .,.,
He's alive in the Spirit For years our American culture has delegated so-called senior citizens to a lifestyle called retirement. As one enters the marketplace, retirement and medical benefits become an urgency. Projecting at least a double generational span of about 40 years, the retirement mind-set becomes the goal and object of life planning. Thus, at age 65 work ends and life supposedly begins. An entire industry has been based on this concept. People live in retirement villages; they belong to retirement associations; and senior centers are developed to take up their time. The retirement litany is ever-developing and will continue to do so. However, t1)ere is a glimmer of hope for seniors on the horizon. Congress is going to allow people over retirement age to work productively without income limitations. The job market is in such a critical state of need that many seniors are encouraged to continue the use of their employm~nt skills. In general,.there is a developing trend that age is not a time for putting one's self, or being put on, the proverbial shelf. For those who truly believe that age is not the benchmark for imposed inactivity, the pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to the Holy Land must be viewed as a sign of positive encouragement. Here is a man up there in years, suffering from Parkinson's disease, a viCtim of an attempted assassination, recovering froin cancer and walking with a cane, doing more in one week than some people try to do in a lifetime. Without moaning and groaning, with physical encumbrances 'and without a personal sensitivity to his infirmities, he set his mind and soul to all that would raise him up from all that could drag him down. To be sure, his' personal life in the Spirit and indefatigable determination are the influences that keep him on the journey. What a wonderful example to all in the Church, but especially to those who use age as an excuse for their own inactivity. John Paul should be an inspiration of accomplishment and gpal-setting for young and old who have relegated themselves to the status of couch potato. So many just sit and moan in their own self-pity and let all of life pass them by. They have lost all motivation for true '~~, living, often caught up in .the trivia of theiI: own making. People like this need to ')get a life." The pope has 'become a stirring motivator in a search for that life". He came to the HolyLand as a pilgrim, not a politician. He preached the Good News of brotherhood, justice and peace. His prayerfulness was worn not on his sleeve, but came from the heart. This was the energy that drove him to keep a schedule which would ~xhaust many a young person. He steered the barque of Peter on an exemplary course, as he prayed for t~e peace of Jerusalem. And he did this that all people living in this holy place' might do so sharing and enjoying their right to live in harmony and to worship freely. , " As the secular media reflected with, unexpected enthus;asl11 pn the papal visit, all in the Church family should certainly be proud of the successor of Peter as he journeyed in faith to the holy places. AIl _people of good will who believe in the oneness of God 'should see ' this as a divine moment in time which summons us not merely to a personal reflection of fqrgiveness, but an inspiration to the holiness of life. This week's papal visit was not a mere interlude in' the his.tory of religion: It was an historic event that transcended the boundaries of time. As he stood at the Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem, the pope, in the tradition of the place, placed a petition in the crevices of the wall's foundation. In that note was a prayer for God's forgiveness and a pledge of brotherhood with all the people of the Covenant. May that be our goal, no matte~ what our age, in this journey of life.
The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER '. Published weekly by' The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River '887 Highland Avenue, ' P.o., BOX. 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-715 i FAX (508) 675-7048 ~~nd address changes 10 P.O. 8011 7'or call1elephone number above
EDITOR GEI\iERAL MANAGER NEWS EDITOR Rev: Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussa~ltJames N. Dunbar ~ - LEA'AY '"~ss -
, "
Is it possible to teach the meaning of "respect" 'to young people without sounding out of touch with the times? Most everyone ,agrees that in contemporary society there is a serious shortage of signs of the virtue of respect. Yet respect is essential for famIly unity, for maintaining dignity in the exercise of government, for ensuring good relations among people of various cultural groups, for ensuring the well-being of the environment and for preserving religion. We're at great risk if disrespect outweighs'respect. Then laws of the jungle will prevail. To respect others we need 'to esteem their dignity and worth to hold them in'a certain awe. And that needs to be combined with a measure of humility on our part. But take a look at two of the most pervasive influences within society: music and prime-time entertainment. Are they dominated by the virtue of respect? Much of the music we hear, and especially the music that surrounds
our young people, not only is injurious'to the,ears,' but contains lyrics' that demean the sacredness of sex, laud the use of drugs, condone antisocial behavior and mock religion. Interestingly, in the Library of Congress we honor' composers who wrote music that.elevated the human spirit down through the ages. They realized that music enables us to get in touch with an inn~r harmony. Yet, when we listen to much oftoday's music, isn't it true that it speaks to our dark side and attempts to dazzle us by being bizarre and chaotic and demeaning? , Our world ofevening entertainment is no better in this regard. One of the Church's deepest concerns is respect for life. But how can this be achieved when much of what we view in prime-time television portrays people being casually blown away with guns and otherwise treated savagely? So many movies today thrive on the disrespect their characters exhibit toward each other. Another indicator of the breakdown in respect is found in the
deterioration of the spoken word. We need only listen to conversations on the streets to realize that language once considered foul and degrading has become fashionable. What can we do to reinstate re~ spect as a most-honored virtue? I ~;uggest starting with small courtesies at the dinner table and with our gestures in church. At the dinner table, how about an extra dose of the words "please" and "thank you"? And how about initiating the practice of waiting for everyone to be seated before starting the meal? Most important of all, do we begin and end the meal with grace? As we enter church, a carefully made Sign of the Cross with holy water, and a respectful genuflection, are good lessons of respect to teach young people. When ,they are done with reverence, they reveal our unabashed sense of awe in the presence of God. My guess is that if we all continued to fill in this list with other courtesies and reverential gestures, and then practiced them, the level of respect expressed in our surrounding~ would rise enonnously.
Propagation of the Faith seeks help for missio~s worldwide FALL RIVER - Lenten appeals aimed especially at helping the Church in Ethiopia, Sudan, Mongolia and other missions is being made this year, reports Msgr. John 1. Oliveira, diocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. As Catholics in the United States and around the world observe Lent in this Jubilee Year, the Paschal Mystery of suffering, death and Resurrection continues in mission areas around the world. "Good Friday" experiences are
many. During 1999 there were 31 missionaries who spilled their blood in the service of the Gospel. Many were killed while working in troubled spots in East Timor, and in Congo (formerly Zaire), where civil war has raged since August 1988. Their heroic sacrifice is a prophetic witness for our age, a witness that will surely act as a "seed" for the faith throughout the world. But along with '~Good Friday" news also comes "Resurrection" news as well. In Ethiopia, EastAfrica, the Daughters of Charity are
THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2<XX>
engaged in health care, education and social works. One of their activities is a feeding program for malnourished children. In the neighboring country of Sudan, priests are "beacons of light in the dark," following a decadelong civil war that produced ~wo million refugees into the capital city of Khartoum, reported Archbishop Gabriel Zubeir Wako. The Church renewed her mission in Mongolia in the summer of 1992 with the arrival of a few missionary priests of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Today in Mongolia, there are of the students said. "The impormore than 200 converts and a larger tant thing is that people meet Christ group preparing to enter the in those of us already in the Church. Two young people from Church, especially the missionarMongolia, recently in Rome for ies." The appeals for the Church in studies,' spoke. about . the catechetical courses they were tak- Ethiopia, Sudan and Mongolia this ing at the Gregorian University. Lent are so that those serving there "When we return to our coun- can continue to be instruments of try, we will be able to explain 'the hope and the means by which othfaith to all those people who are . ers meet Christ and come to know anxious to know about Christ," one his love and salvation.
The simple fact of caring for the sick often gets lost in complex discussions of healthcare. The cost of providing needed care is a burden that keeps shifting among providers, health plans, employers and the government. Unfortunately, those in need become the victims. Our federal government, with a primary objective of balancing the budget, decided to shift the increasing burden of caring for the sick by reducing payment in the Balanced BudgetAct of 1997. As managed care health plans faced financial pressures, they decided to let providers, rather than employers, cope with the cost burden. They feared that employers might switch health plans to avoid higher premiums. As pressures intensified, these same plans decided to let those in need take a greater share of the burden through reduced benefits such as prescription coverage. Now larger increases are being added to employer premiums, but little of the increases are passed back to providers, leaving the burden of high drug and technology costs at their doorstep. Blue Cross of Mass. successfully returned to a healthy financial position as it perfected its information technology to determine what the right premium should be for each employer group; that is, those with the sickest employees would be required to pay a much higher premium. At the same time, Harvard-Pilgrim's computer system was unable to make such determinations and lower premiums were offered. Blue Cross was willing to lose sicker employer groups if the premium was too low and unprofitable. Should not all employers pay the same premium for the same set of benefits so there is an equitable distribution of the burden of caring for the sickest among us? Constant shifting of the burden causes instability throughout
the health care system for plans, hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies and physicians. New technologies and new drugs cannot be ignored. Someone has to bear the cost, otherwise judgments have to be made about what is allowed for whom. Hospitals are paid fixed rates no matter how much care is provided a patient. When new, expensive procedures, tests and' drugs are introduced, their costs are not added to reimbursement rates for hospitals. Understandably, physicians want to give the best available treatment and they use the new technologies, but the hospitals take the loss. It is folly to think providers have the ability to absorb higher costs through improved efficiency. A recent report by the Massachusetts Council of Community Hospitals shows how hospitals have reduced costs and capacity over the past decade in reaction to payment pressures. Massachusetts Community hospitals have a cost per discharge that is 15 percent lower than the rest of the nation, and 21 percent lower than the best community hospitals selected by U.S. News and World Report. . Mostly due to high managed care our community hospitals are paid almost 25 percent less than those nationally for treating non. Medicare patients and we have 11 percent fewer beds per 1,000 state residents. There is a dire need for increased revenue. It is time for simplification. One health plan with one set of rules is the answer. We ~an no longer tolerate the needs of the sick becoming secondary to balancing the budget or emerging from financial crisis. ()ur government must face up to the right of every American to be properly cared for when confronted with the burden of illness. It is time to get rid of the com. plexity and be an advocate for the sick. We are treating the sick as if they are to blame for their illness. They are not to blame; they are the victims. Each of us is subject to the nature of illness and accident. Let's simplify our system
with a single plan, with the single purpose of truly caring for those in need, rather than shifting the burden to whomever it seems most expedient at the time.
Michael W. Metzler is also senior vice president of the Caritas Christi Health Care System. He is a resident of Dartmouth.
REBUILDING in homes and hearts in Liberia is part of the healing process following the civil war there, says Archbishop Michael Francis of Monrovia, shown here with some of his people. The local Church's radio station broadcasts not just daily Mass and catechetical programs, but "broadcasts hope - to counteract the experiences of war," he said.
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TIIEANCHOR---: Di~ ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2000
Can chaplain
with IRS?
Now that a Catholic priest has been named chaplain called it several times until there finally wasn't a busy of the U.S. House of Representatives, millions ofCatho- signal at 3 a.m. Then it took a couple more tries until I lic Americans are ~king the same question: Where made it through the multilingual, psychologically chalshould letters be sent pleading for him to intercede on lenging options menu to someone who could put me on hold for the better part of the weekend. Then I was transtheir behalves with the Internal Revenue Service? For years I've wondered why parishes have not had ferred to someone who told me exactly which forms to outreach ministries to the tax-code challenged. If we as a use if I was either the Boeing Company or an 83-yearold widow living on SoChurch can go on record against capital punishment, ....----------....jr-:;::::::---.., cial Security in a foreign country that did not beI don't see why we cari't at long to the United Nathe same time go on record The offbeat tions." against having our capital I tactfully avoided punished. telling her I had read that Sure, it's easy for those the answers the IRS taxof you who never have been payer assistance holline audited to say, "Render unto By Dan Morris provides are about as acCaesar what is Caesar's." But .. onceyou've been there, you Lcurate as asking advice from the McDonald's get the feeling the IRS has a different notion of"render" - something along the lines takeout window, only you don't get fries. of extracting oil from an animal, a dead one in most ,"You know, Mr. Morris, it is common.knowledge the cases, IRS hold-'em-'til-you-fold-'em hotline cannot be used It's easy for you because you've never had to sit be- as an excuse for inaccurate returns." "I'm glad you have a little sense of humor," I venfore a 24-year-old accounting graduate on the 23rd floor of a federal building with 75 pounds of boxes full of tured, "because I was admiring that cattle prod you keep wrinkled receipts wondering ifshe wants to confiscate mounted on the wall there." your house. 'That's a clothes hanger we keep around in case sOmeDuring one of my early audits, I was told something one locks their keys in the their car," she claimed. 'Then why does it have an electrical cord hanging along the lines of: "Mr. Morris, your interest deductions have raised a red flag and we need to see documentation. from it?" I asked innocently. Also, you listed it on Schedule C when it seems you Her eyes narrowed. She glanced left and right, then should have included it in Schedule E as is readily clear leaned forward. "In case someone has electric windows," in Publication No. 375-005." she whispered with a grin. Oh, how I wish I could have said, "Hey, I am a CathoI wondered if it was true that to get one of these jobs you had to join a secret society and have ''Confiscation lic, you know, and the chaplain of the House of RepreFever, Catch It" tattooed onto your shoulder blade. sentatives is a priest." '.'But I called the 800-number," I told her. ''Actually I I rendered instead.
world of
Uncle Dan'
Celiacs and the Eu路charist
Q. I have read your two recent columns in our gluten-free wheaten flour. Catholic paper about eucharistic bread. In some In a letter on this subject to the American bishops ways I feel sad that' so much attention is given to . (lime 19, 1995), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the form of the bread. As a person with celiac dis- the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, again
'immoral.organization' By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
was NRA executive vice president DALLAS - The Texas Catho- Wayne LaPierre, who during a lic, newspaper of the Diocese of recent national television interview Dallas, called the National Rifle said that President Clinton "needs Association an "immoral organi- a certain level of violence in this zation" and urged Catholics not country ... a certain level of killto support it. ing to further his political agenda." Editor Bropson Havard said "After that remark," said the ----,_-, edi tori ai, "there th~ March editorial .--was in response to "Catholics should should be路 a the NRA's "newest heightened level not give any support of propaganda camconcern on the paign against rea- to the NRA. It would part of every citisonable gun regu- be immoral to do so," zen over the NRA. lation proposed in the editorial conThe charge is so Congress'." vicious, so irratiocluded. "Every citizen nal, that it reveals should raise his or the deepest, darkher consideration of the gun is- est nature of the NRA, whose sole sue in America to the level of reason to exist is to lobby on bemoral conscientiousness," said the half of the interest of th9Se who editorial in the 51 ,ODD-circulation manufacture and own guns." . newspaper. "Catholics should not give any The editorial added: "The NRA support to the NRA. It would be consistently fights to thwart ev- immoral to do so," the editorial ery social effort made at reduc- cOllcluded. ing gun violence through better' The newspaper has been outgun n~gulation. Gun violence spoken over several years l;lgainst plagues our schools, our inner- , gun violence and has called for, city neighborhoods and even our better gun regula!ion, such as churches (Remember the Fort longer waiting periods for purWorth Baptist church?)" . ' chases at gun shows and strengthSingled out for sharp criticism .ening the federal "Brady Law."
ease, who can eat nothing made of wheat, I realize affirmed that bread from which all gluten is removed people should be grateful just to receive Commun- is not valid for the Eucharist. ion. If enough gluten remains to perniit the making of It is apparent from our support group that bread, however, such flour could be used.for Comceliacs are finally managing to get diagnosed. When 'munion. Low-gluten hosts, containing only about 13 there are enough of us, maybe some way will be' percent of normal gluten, are available now. Again, found for us to b e , . since sensitivity to gluten among those called to r - -__--------~w:0L::ii can differ, this may answer the supper ofthe Lord. Questions the problem for some' Some time ago you people. suggested that c e l i a c s a n . I return, however, to could receive Comn s we' i s ' what I've said on this submunion from the cup ject before. The most obonly. A friend asked By :Father vious solution is to receive her priest to do that John J. Dietzen Communion only under the form of wi ne. A lot of .and was told, ''We will not serve wine in this ....---....;.------~ people are still under the parish." Others don't even seem to believe they impression that unless one receives the host, one does receive Communion unless they receive the host., not receive Communion. That is wrong. I feel better at least having unburdened myself It is Catholic doctrine, and always has been, that about the plight of celiac "second-class citizens" in Jesus is no more or less present under the form of the Church. Is anything being done to help? (New wine than of bread. I have heard even priests occaYork) sionally speak of ministering the "cup" with the preA. As one. who is blessedly spared from this dis- cious blood, and then of ministering "Communion" ease, I had no idea how many celiacs there are, many with the host. Botli are equally holy Communion, ,of the~ Catholics with the same dilemma you have. whether received separately or together. The disease is now more carefully diagnosed. Even a Perhaps this confusion is behind some of the reluctiny bit of wheat (or rye, oats, barley and other grains) tance to give or receive Communion only from the can, in many cases, be dangerous for those who have cup. Whatever the reason, a large number of Cathoit. lics who cannot tolerate wheat ar~ consistently miss,Obviously, for them the Eucharist is but one of ing the opporturuty to share in the Eucharist by choosing many daily challenges, but that one is a major spiri- not to receive (or, as in the case of your friend, not tual concern for any Catholic, since bread must be having the option to receive) under the form of wine made of wheat flour to be valid for celebration of the' ,only. Eucharist. Two sources of information on what is being done Some efforts are under way to find a solution. A to deal with this problem are the Benedictine Sisters possible alternative presently being worked on is spelt ofc:Iyde, Mo. (phone 800-223-2772); and the Institut flour. Spelt("triticumspelta") is a grain related to wheat, Voor Doven in the Netherlands, who supply Catholic but digests differently from other flours in that it doesn't distributors in the United States. The number for their stay in the digestive tract as long, For some this may host bakery is 011.31.735.588434. Both of them are eventually be a solution, if it meets the conditions. quite willing to discuss their research. I will appreciate receiving from readers any furA group of Benedictine sisters in Missouri, who bake Communion hosts for hundreds of parishes, are ther information to share with others who write to me working with specialists to produce a low-gluten or on this issue.
Religious pluralism It's a fact I happened to be reading a book Bo~ton University School of Thethis week on "Prayers of the Women ology, in his book"The Divine Deli" Mystics" by Ronda De Sola Chervin (Orbis Books), challenges "the ac(Servant Publications) and noted a cepted wisdom that God only works· revelation received by St. Birgitta in the Christian Church." He says; of Sweden. "Time will come when "Such an exclusive teaching simply there shall be one flock and one shep- does not make sense anymore, if it , herd, one faith and one clear knowledge of God," she was told. That fit in well with what we Catholics prayed for in decades past - that one day, all the world would be Catholic. CerBy Antoinette Bosco tainly Catholics of my generation were given a misguided teaching - that we were the only ones in real contact with heaven. Fortunately, Vatican ever did." Pope John Paul II explains this Council II set the record straight with the great document on relations with' beautifully in his book "Crossing the non-Christian religions that begins Threshold of Hope" (Alfred A. with the words "Nostra aetate" ("In Knopf). "From the beginning, Christian revelation has viewed the our time"). ,Truly we are in a new place to- spiritual history of man as includday in understanding that a world as ing, in some way, all religions," he big and diverse as ours is character- writes, "thereby demonstrating the ized by' religious pluralism. John unity of humankind with regard to Berthrong, associate dean of the the eternal and ultimate destiny of
r----------The Bottom Line'
Berthrong Writes because it is such , flect a ray of that truth which enachallenge. He sees greatjoy emerg- lightens all men. Yet she proclaims ing.when Christians meet with people and is duty-bound to proclaim withofother faiths "in order to share their out fail Christ who is the way the man. The' council document stories." • truth and the life (In 14:6)." ("Nostra Aetate") speaks of this Pope John Paul II, still quoting There is no contradiction in recunity and links it with the current the council document, wrote: ''The ognizing the good in other relitrend to bring humanity closer to- , Catholic Church rejects nothing that gions while still openly believing gether through the reSources avail- is true and holy, in these religions." and living our Catholic faith. As The document continues: "[The . Berthrong writes, "Christians have able to our civilization." I can tell you that embracing re- Church] has a high regard for the Jesus as the Christ and the record Iigious pluralism is difficult manner of life and conduct, the pre- of his incarnation, teachin'gs and for many Catholics, espe- cepts and doctrines which, although passion to share with a weary cially older ones. Young differing in many ways from her world." We must remember and people don't have the same own teaching, nevertheless often re- act on this. difficulty because they've been raised in a world defined by ethnic pluralism, and they are familiar with faiths we knew little about, LANDSCAPE SERVICE such as Buddhism and Hin, 276 Meridian St. • Fall River duism. I remember covering a .~ '673-9426 talk back in the '60s given by the RICHARDS.AGUIAR,owrer remarkable man who was a key arWe are one ofFall River's oldestgardeners. , chitect of the Vatican II document Let us put over 36 years of experience to work for on religious freedom, Jesuit Father you. Contact us if you have a lawn problem or for a John Courtney Murray. He said that free estimate. we Catholics would have to be converts to ecumenism, but our chil,Fullyinsured -No Job Too Big orToo Small dren would be "natural-born COMMERCIAL· INDUSTRIAL· RESIDENTIAL ecumenists." I think he has been proven right. I have reflected on what John
The Youth Apostle Institute presents a semi.nar entitled
Exercising your brain as you age Dear Mary: I am getting more - Listen' to a kind of music that - Write a family cookbook. forgetful as I getolder, and I won- is new to you: classical, religious, Write down the recipes your chi1der if there is anything I ~n do country. dren grew up with, and add contriabout it. There are many articles - Try sketching, ~special.ly tI)' . butions from them. Copy it, and dison the subjec~, and sometimes to create depth in your sketc~. .' tribute it to the· family. :tl)ey .seem to disagree. (Illinois) : .'~ .po math you~selt instead oC~, ,~;Write ;p~ay~rs t.hat express As you rightly observe, there are using a calculator. your feelings, needs and insights at many articles now about this point in your life. getting older, and the quesChoose one or two ideas tion of memory often to start, and try them for a arises. Dr. Robert month. Then review your Goldman shares interestprogress, and try another ing ideas in his new book idea, or two. You will not "Brain Fitness" (Robert only exercise yourbrain but Goldman, MD, and Lisa' add interest to your-life and With Dr. James & Berger, Doubleday, 1999). the lives of those around Mary Kenny According to you. Goldman, as you age you Address questions: win some and you lose The Kennys; St. Joseph's some. On the losing side, you need - Recall aconversation that took College; 219 W.· Harrison; longer exposure to something in or- place 24 hours ago. Write down all Rensselaer, IN 47978•. der to remember it. Response speed the details you can remember. slows as you age. The tendency to - Practice reading upside down. forget where things are increases as -:.. Pick a year from your past does the tendency to forget some- and write down as many events as thing that is "on the tip of your you can remember from that year. tongue." Once you have tried some of What do you gain? According to Goldman's ideas, make up some of Goldman, vocabulary improves with your ow.ll. Here are some more sugyears as does the capacity to form gestions: ' new and original ideas. - Learn how to use a compass. "Use it or lose it," the adage that Learn how to read a topographical applies to keeping the body fit, map. seems to apply to the mind as well. - Explore an Internet website Keep your mind fit by using it. with a subject that is new to you. Goldman suggests mind exercises Become a sculptor in clay or which not only challenge the mind' even sand. but are novel and interesting. Choose - Join a book club or a club from the following exercises, and about current issues. Your library might host such clubs. If not, sugbegin to exercise your mind: -'- Wear your watch on the other gest it. Your mind is emiched and wrist. stimulated when you exchange ideas - Use your other hand to brush with others. - Write poetry. Share it with your teeth, stir your coffee, open or close a door, tum on a faucet. others or not as you choose. - Write your life story for your - Choose something to read from a field which is new to you: children and grandchildren. - When doing a craft you enjoy science, computers, medicine. - Do crossword puzzles. Play such as cross-stitch, crochet or sewing, try to design apattern from scratch word games. ·L - Memorize poems. rather than using one from a book. i
THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2000
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Chicago priest becomes Bereavement,ministers new House- chapJain breathe' new life into' -their ministry
lection of Mr. Wright for the job even though a bipartisan selection committee had voted in favor WASHINGTON - Father Daniel Coughlin is of Father Timothy O'Brien, a Marquette Univerthe new House chaplain ending a four-month po- ~ity professor of political 'science. By MICHAEL D. WAMBLE ber of people in parishes minCATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE litical quagmire over who would get the position.', In the ensuing rancor, many Democrats refused istering to the bereaved," said , Father Coughlin, vicar to meet with Mr. Wright CHICAGO - "Since we are Tressler. "There are those who for priests in the Chicago and seemed ready to vote made of dust, what makes us may bake or baby-sit or drive Archdiocese, was sworn against him when the isspecial is the breath of life," parishioners to the funeral. in by House Speaker Densue came to a floor vote. sai,d Ray Deabel, a deacon, hos- . Then there are others who conis Hastert, moments afThe vote, which was to pital chaplain'and, board mem- ordinate everything, including ter he announced the ap~ hav'e taken place in Febber of the 'National Catholic wakes and prayer services." pointment on March 24. ruary, was postponed and , Tressler said one of the most Ministry to the Bereaved. then ultimately done away Applause fot the 65"When God breathed into important aspects of bereaveyear-old priest belied the with when Hastert used Adam, his soul was born," said ment ministry is bringing forth division that had been the speaker's prerogative Deabel. "God's breath is our the message of resurrection. building behind the scenes to simply appoint a new "Even Jesus wept when soul. So when a person dies, for the job that requires chaplain. Lazarus died. That's part of our , God's presence - that breath, ' The speaker 'of the of life - simply returns'to humanity," she said. "We can't, opening each daily session with a prayer and House has always had the God. We then, respectfully, deny the hurt, but we can't deny providing counseling to role of assigning the the hope of the Resurrection." bury the dust." House members. House chaplain, since She added, "We must remind This perspective is one way Father Coughlin called 1789 when the position to guard against burnout in the people that through ~heir sadfirst began. his appointment as the burgeoning field of bereave- ness and pain, there is reason first CatholicHouse chapFather Coughlin, a Chiment ministry, said the chap- to, be hopeful either by going lain "terribly unexcago native who was orlain at St. James Hospi~al in back to Scripture or simply by not even dained in 1960, has served pected." He had being present to them." Chicago Heights since 1995. applied for the position as tht:< vicar for priests in De,abel said that, in his hosDeabel spoke with -The that had stirred up s6 Chicago for the past five Catholictvew World, Chicago pital work, he sometimes is political controyears, assisting priests much archdiocesan newspaper, in ad- asked to deliver the news of a versy on Capitol Hill in with their spiritual, 'provance of his talk to parish care patient's del;\th. "I don't know recent months. 'FATHER'DANIEL 'COUGHLIN fessional' and personal facilitators and bereavement if there is an excellent way to Just two days earlier, needs. ministers at the archdiocese's do it," he admitted. Rev. Charles Wright, a Presbyterian minister PriC?r to that position, l1e served ,as director the In addition to offering sup10th annual Bereavement Conand the primary candidate for House chaplain, of the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House in port after a death, said Deabel, ference. offered to withdraw his name for consideration Mundelein, Ill. He has also been pastor of St. bereavement ministers must路 Martha Tressler, archdiofor the post. ' . ' F r a n c i s Xavier Parish in ~a Grange, I~l., direccesan be'reavement ministry co- help families ,become open.. to He said in aletter that he w.as withdrawing be-' tor of the' archdiocesan Office'ror Divine Wor- ' ordinator, told the New WorLa.. their loved ,ones as they expecause of the dissension among House members ship and assochite pastor in two ChiCago parthat the painJul void felt in dif- rience dying. over his appointment. ishes. ferent $ituations can be diffiThe deacon said he has talked The dispute over who would replace the retirHe took a one-year sabbatical to study Eastcult to grasp, especially if with grandmothers who reRev. James Ford, began in DeWest religions, serve with missionaries in India ing chaplain, the 'ported trying to talk to family, someone tries to do it alone. cember when House leaders announced their se~ and teach at North American College in Rome. She said much of the growth members about readings for and change in bereavement min- their funeral Mass, or their istry over the past 20 years has sense of peace, or just about happened in the Chicago area. dying, He said the women have She referred to Rainbows, a told him, "They won't listen to ministry to those experiencing me. They won't help me die." the loss of family due to paSaid Deabel: "In hospice rental separation and divorce as and in any form of bereavement , ByTRACY EARLY well as death, and to Joyful ministry' - we need to walk But Father Dulles said global and who wish to give greater auCATHOuc NEWS SERVICE , Again, another ministry begun with families as their loved ones tonomy to bishops and local' authority had now become more locally. fight for life and when they NEW YORK - The expanded churches, frequently invoke the important than ever because of "It's hard to count the num- must submit to God's w.ill." , developments that have brought. global role exercised by the pa- principle of subsidiarity. 'But that' principle was origi- people into more immediate conpacy in recent times has been necessary to meet the conditions of ' nally developed in relation to the, tact. "Rome cannot sit back inertly the modem 'world, according to role of governments, and the ~x颅 Jesuit Fatl)er Avery Dulles. 'tent to which it applies to the while doctrinal issues are debated Although Catholics who advo- , Church is still debatable, he said. on the local level, as might have cate a return to the more limited While local problems should been done when communications papal activity in the medieval and be handled locally, in the Church were slow and transportation was patristic pe.riods call themselves 'local issues often have universal difficult," he said. "Today, Rome progressives, actually they are ramifications and require the in- is drawn in as soon as a contro"nostalgic and anachronistic," he volvement of higher authority, he versy arises." When Pope John Paul II, in his sai<;l in a lecture on "The Papacy said. Although earlier periods alfor a Global Church." lowed for extended processes of , encyclical "Ut Unum Sint," inDelivering the spring McGinley deliberat!on, he said, if something vited leaders and theologians of Lecture at Fordham University last is ruled permissible in Peoria, in non~Catholicchurches to suggest week, Father Dulles said the pa- today's world it imm~diately be- ways he could facilitate Christian unity, some Catholic theologians . pacy '~will never go back" to the comes an issue in Warsaw. Father Dulles said that even in .took the appeal as an occasion to status it. had before the developments brought by the First and earlier periods the more limited present their own views on reexercise of Roman authority led structuring the papal office, FaSecond Vatican Councils. "The global Church, in a world to quarrels among the patriarch- ther Dulles observed. These proof rapid communications, de- , ates and the disruptions caused by posals came mostly from Catholics who were "discontent with ' mands a primatial office that nationalism in the West. "The resurgence of Roman recent developments," he added. holds all local an~, regional "Precisely because of the in, churches in dialogue and reaches authority in the 19th century was' DEACON RAY Deabel talks with patient Susan Barker out to the whole world with the a signal benefit," he said. "It en- creased activity of particular 'at S1. James, Hospital in Chicago Heights: Among his truth and love of Christ," he said. abled Catholics of different na- churches and conferences, Rome is many duties as chaplain is informing the family of the death Father Dulles said Catholics tions to maintain a lively sense of required to exercise greater vigiof a loved one. (CNS photo by David V. Kamba, Catholic who contend the papacy has be~ solidarity even through the two lance than ever, lest the unity of New World) , come "too' active and. powerful," world wars of the 20th century." the Church b~ jeopardized," he said.
'.Papacy will n,ever relinquish' global'role, Father Dulles says
THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2000
, ' More than 2,000 priests to hear confessions at World Youth Day VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Underscoring the jubilee's central theme of repentance, more than 2,000 priests will be stationed in an ancient Roman field to hear confessions during August celebrations of World Youth Day. , Though previous World Youth Days have also offered confessions, "it has never before been of these massive proportions," Nello Scavo, , a spokesman for World Youth Day's Italian committee, told Catholic News Service last week. Based on reservations received by mid-March, at least one million
young people from around the world were expected to participate in the Aug. 15-20 youth event, making it one of the biggest of the jubilee year. Among other main activities planned, Scavo said, was' a "reconciliation celebration" in the Circus Maximus, a large grassy field used for chariot races in imperial Roman times. . World Youth Day will culminate in an evening prayer vigil and a morning Mass with Pope John Paul II at an 800-acre field on Rome's outskirts.
ADMIRERS OF slain Archbishop Oscar Romero prepare a sidewalk mural of his image last week in San Salvador, where commemorations are marking the 20th anniversary, of his death. The Salvadoran archbishop was gunned down 20 years ago March 24 as he celebrated Mass. (CNS photo by Edgar Romero)
Monks begin casket business to boost dwindling farDl profits By JUDITH BANDY
owned forest in Iowa. Long comof both," he said. The monks purchased an ex- mitted to conservation and proper PEOSTA, Iowa New . isting cottage industry from a lo- land stewardship, New Melleray Melleray Abbey, home to contem- cal farmer to begin their business. ,has been touted by the Iowa Deplative Trappist monks for more Sam Mulgrew began building partment of Natural Resources for than 150 years, has announced.it wooden caskets by' hand three its expert forest management. The monks will do everything from is launching a wooden casket years ago. business to offset lagging farm He wi11 now teach the monks logging the trees to lining the casprofits. all he knows about building cof- kets with white muslin. . The monks have been making The Trappists will continue fins (simple, rectangular. boxes), producing soybeans and com on caskets (shaped wide at the shoul- simple caskets for members of 1,800 acres of their land, one- der and narrow at the feet) and their community since the abbey third of which will soon be certi- cremation urns. He will also serve was founded in 1849. The differas general manager of the ence wi11 be in the magnitude of fied organic. , the operation, however. The abFor decades, New Melleray has monastery's operation. The new business, called bey has appointed six monks to derived its livelihood from 2,000 acres of rich Iowa farmland sur- Trappist Caskets, wi11 produce a work fulltime on the business, rounding the abbey, but dwindling line of simple" handcrafted nearly a sixth of its population. The handcrafted caskets, availprofits have forced the monks to wooden caskets for clergy and the tum to another nearby asset: their general public. The monks be- able in pine, oak, walnut, ash or massive forest. ' lieve this is an ideal niche for maple, are fully lined. Prices start According to Abbot Brendan them and one consumers will at a few hundred dollars. , Their primary market wi11 be Freeman, the monastery's main embrace. Raw materials for the caskets priests, sisters and religious orgoal is to combine a commercial wi11 come from the abbey's for- ganizations throughout the United endeavor with a spiritual one. "We feel this is a nice balance ' est, the second largest privately States, but they wi11 also sell caskets to the general publie through funeral providers, local distributors and even directly from the abbey. They wi11 be able to ship orders anywhere in the continental United States. Mulgrew said response to the announcement' ha's been strong. "The monks are already taking casket orders and expect to produce 200 caskets this year," he said. "If demand warrants it, they are prepared to triple production next, year." Abbot Freeman said the monks "hope to provide people a reasonably priced casket and a sense of the spirituality of death, which TRAPPIST BROTHERS William Bu'ms, left, and Paul Tanconcentrates on the soul and an ner, right, confer with Sam Mulgrew on finishing a maple cas- authentic, sacred burial ritua1." 'ket. The monks of New Melleray Abbey in Peosta, Iowa, ven"People seem to like the idea tured into the casket-making business to offset lagging in- of being buried in an honest come from their farm products. (CNS photo by Judith Bandy, wooden casket that was, hand~rafted by monks," he added. The Witness) CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
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FRIDAYS IN LENT 11: 15 a.m. - Way of the Cross 1:00 p.m. Cafeteria - Friday Fast Food: Bread-Water & Scripture JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Friday, March 31 -7:30 p.m. - Chapel Musi~ - Prayer - Witness / Donation "CAN WE TALK... ?" SERIES ON THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, April 1 - '1 0:00 a.m. - Chapel "...About 3 Our Fathers & 3 Hail Marys?" Talk / Q & A l Conversation GRIEF EDUCATION PROGRAM Monday, April3! 1:00 p.m. "Guilt & Shame" Counseling Center / $10 per session WORKSHOP: WOMEN & FORGIVENESS Saturday, April 8 - 10-4 Theater / $25 Donation Christine Homen; MSW, L1CSW
'. ' '
~ Boston Archdiocese 'beg~ns '
mo.nthiy Hispanic .newspaper By, CATliOLIC NEWS SE~VICE
' health, immigration, the family, BOSTON - The first issue of education and leisure, with em.: La Vida Catolica, a monthly phasis on issues of interest to reCatholic Hispanic newspaper, has cent immigrants, "Our analysis and studies conbeen published by the Boston , Archdiocese. firm that La Vida Catolica will Cardinal Bernard F. Law of appeal to the greater· part of the Boston is publisher and Father Spanish community," the news James Gaudreau, director of the release said: The distribution plan calls for Office of the Hispanic Apostolate, the newspaper to be given to each is editor. The paper's goal is' "to,present person who attends Sunday Mass an original publication meant to in the 36 parishes that celebrate a ' reach the heart of the Hispanic Spanish Mass. That would mean at least community of Eastem Massachusetts," according to a news release 20,000 copies would be distrib- ' uted in an area with a readership by the paper. La Vida Catolica will include of at least 100,000, according to ' articles on Catholic culture, La Vida Catolica. .. ).
_. "
CHRIS KLEIN and Leelee Sobieski star in a scene from the movie "Here on Earth." (CNS photo from 20th Century Fox)
Leelee Sobieski" adds depth to shallow 'Here on Earth'
A violent tragedy. The U.S: Catholic Conference classifica': tion is A-II - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG - parental guidance suggested.' . By ANNE NAVARRO' between the two is undeniable, bility of.an old one. "Romeo Must Die" CATliOLIC NEWS SERVICE 1l1aking young love bloom. " . (Warner Bros.) As directed by Mark (C~~~',()viite NEW YORK - A girl from "Here on Earth" has all the Piznarski, the film gets bogged Entertairiing hip-hop action ,the wrong. side of, the tI:acks lovey7 dovey scenes nece.ssary down by too mal1Y si:de story drama about an ex-cop (Jet Li) tCaIIV~UIII(e~ falls in love with a rich prep- for a sappy romance. Kelley lines thrown in for effect. In who escapes from a Hong Kong school boy in the sw.eet but and Samantha take long walks scene that borders on the ridicuNEW YORK (CNS) - Fol- prison to avenge the death of schmaltzy teen romance, "Here' in the woods, where Samantha lous, there is a melodramatic lowing are recent. capsule re- his' beloved brother iri Califor" views' issued by the.:..JJ:,;"So' niaonly to get caught in a gang , on Earth" (Fox 2000 Pictures). reveals her' fav'orite spot to him. retelling of ,a parental suicide. Brash and self"assured, They slipi1)to t~e town's bas~- Toward the,..end.9f,the,..fjlm, il Catholic Cohferencepffice fey waribet.ween Asians andAfri" .Kelley Morse (Chris '. ~ foreshadowed .illness Film and Broa-dcasting: . can~Ameritans, and by chance, Klein), doesn't think --------------~--- co mes to the fore"Beau Travail" , ' fall in'love with the ri val gang (New Yorker Films) leader's daughfer(Aaliyah). twjce about sneaking ,Most.ot,the performances are aver- front, giving an ·easy, ,Strange, slow-moving' DirectorAndrzej Bartkowiak's out of his posh prepage. Klein spends a good portion ofthe albeit tearjerker, endschool one night to ing. ,drama about a sergeant (Denis feature debut combines' skilltake his brand new film. sUlking and pouting, or just being Lavant) in the French Foreign fully choreographed martialMost of the perforMercedes for a spin. a pre,tty-boy jerk. The exception' is mances are average. Legion assigned to an outpost arts action with cutting-edge Th~, car is an advance' Sobieski, who adds some depth to an For some reason, in east Africa where brooding music but the surprising twists high, school gradua- . ' otherwise one-dimensional character Hartnett has.a butchjealousy over his cOll}manding and double-crosses produce a qfficer's (Michel Subor) atten- convoluted plot marred by . tion presen~ from his with soulful eyes and appealing be- ered Dutch boy hairfather. An Important • tion to anew recruit (Gregoire skimpy character developcut that is supposed to business deal in Lon- " yond-her-years Wisdom. convey his redneck , Colin) pushes him to make an 'ment. Recurring violence, don will keep his faill-fated decision. Director brief homosexual innuendo, background .. Klein ther away from Kelley's gradu- ball field one night to have a spends a good portion of the' Claire Denis' ,"Billy Budd"-in- fleeting nudity, brief recre~ ation, so the car is consolation pretend game of baseball be- film sulking and pouting, or spired film is rich in dramatic. ational drug use, and some for this as well. , fore they surrender into each just being a pretty-boy jerk. color contrasts and sleek shots, 'rough language. The U.S. ,Feeling a little cocky, Kelley other's arms for their first kiss. The exception is Sobieski, who , but sparse dialogue and the Catholic Conference classificaand a few friends drive into They even recite poetry to each adds some depth to an other, plodding pace make the climac-, tion is A-III - adults. The town and try to pick a fight with other.- coincidentally they wise one-dimensional character tic confrontation fiz'zle. Sub- Motion Picture Association of' some local teens at the town's both favor, Robert Frost's with soulful eyes and appealtitles. Fleeting frontal male, America rating is R ,---'- rediner. Not one to let it go, ' "Birches." nudity and briefrough lan- stricted. ing beyond-her-years wisdom. Kelley ends up in. a dangerous It is a classic love triangl~ Although the teens' families guage. The U.S. Catholic Con"Whatever It Takes" drag .race with Jasper (Josh where the poor boy struggles to playa small - and somewhat -ference classification is A-III (C,olumbia) Hartnett), a local teen, as keep his girl ,from the rich boy. stereotypical- role in the film, - adults. Not rated by the Forgettable romantic teen Samantha (Leelee Sobieski), Having known her all his life', ,they are portrayed for the most Motion Picture Association of comedy in which a socially Jasper's girlfriend, watches. Jasper is certain that he and part in a positive and supportAmerica. awkward boy and a popular Both cars lose control and Samantha were meant to be to- ive Jig,ht. rhe only deviation "The Color of Paradise" high school jock hatch it plan smash into Mable's Tables, the gether and that only their love' . from this is Kelley's distant fa, (Sony Classics) ~ to woo their respective dream din.er owned by Sa'mantha's is real. Samantha is torn be- ther, who comes in after the fact Affecting drama centers on girls, producing unexpected. mother, causing an explosion, tween the excitement and pos- to impose some stern and inefa blind Iranian eight-year-old results. As directed by David which burns the diner to the . sibilityof new love and the sta- fective discipline. (Mohsen Ramezani), much Raynr, the "Cyrano de ground. ' With its manipulative plot loved by his rural grandmother Bergerac" imitator lacks, any In a creative interpretation of and contrived dialogue, even the and little sisters, but wh9se wid- original spark with its predict- . the law, the judge sentences the most sentimental type will owttd father (Hossein Mahjub) able plodind strained comedic, Movies' Online two boys to spend the summer probably want to pass on this callously leaves hiin t,,' appren- efforts. Several sexual. tefer~ . helping to rebuild the diner. To .Lookup film reviews . saccharin tale. tice'with a blind carp~nter be- erices, adolescent drinking and make matters worse, Kelley ,Because of an implied sexual fore fate intervenes. \Vriter-di- some, rough language. The on, American Online. must also'livewith his rival Jasencounter, brief violence and recto'r Majid"Majidicaptures U.S. Cath91ic Conference clasOnce you're con1J,ected per and his family. brief rough language, the U.S. the~Q~eplxfe1temotiQns of the sification is A-III- adults. to AOL"use the ,:keyKelley stubbornly does his Catholic Conference classificavulnerable child, embittered ' The Motiori Picture Associawork, but refuses to have anyword. CNSto .go' to tion is A-III - adults. The Mofather and terider grandmother,' tion of America rating is PG-·' thing to do with Jasper and his Catholic:News'Service's' tion' Picture Assocl'atlon of as well as the natural' beauty: 13 ~ parents .are strongly caufamily, or any of the other .10- ,onlln{! site, America rating is PG-13 - parof Iran's lush countryside, in tioned that-some material may look cal townspeople- until one ents are strongly cautioned that an accomplished' film with be inappropriate for children, !or,movie reviews.' day when, he encounters some material may be inapprospiritual dimensi9ns. Subtitles. under 13. Samantha again. The attraction priate for children under 13.
• lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2<XXl
Programs abound for area seniors Pope to beatify two Fatima
At Council On Aging CCOA) buildings and Senior Centers throughout the diocese there is a wide array of programs and special interest groups. They meet to enjoy hobbies, movies and share aspects of their lives. Below are some activities in local areas. For more information contact your local COA. Mansfield COA A quilting group meets on Fridays. Call the COA at 2617368 for more information. The Walking Club will resume on April 18 at 8:45 a.m. at the COA. The Modified Walk Club begins on April 26 at 9:30 a.m. Call the COA for details. A Podiatry clinic is held on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and a blood pressure clinic is held several times a month. Call the COA for more information. Exercise classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:30 p.m. Line dancing classes meet at 9 a.m. on Wednesdays. Bingo is held on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. Cribbage is played every Wednesday at 9 a.m. A crafts group meets at 10:30 a.m. On Thursday bingo is held at 12:30 ·p.m. Ca.ll the COA for more information and schedule changes. Provincetown COA Watercolor painting with local artist Gail Brown will begin on the first Tuesday in May from 9-11 a.m. To register and find out what supplies you need call the COA at 487-7080. The COA is offering help to seniors filing out income tax forms. A social worker is avail-
able on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Call the COA for an appointment. On Mondays the COA has the program "Ask a Nurse" from 9-10 a.m. A veterans agent is available from 9-noon and aerobics take place from 10:3011 :30 a.m. The Cancer Support Group meets from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the bridge club meets at 7:30 p.m. Yoga is held on Tuesdays from 10-11 a.m. An oil painting class meets on Wednesdays from 9:30-11 :30 a.m. and cards are played from 1-4 p.m. Bingo is held from,12:30-3 p.m. on Thursdays and a movie is shown at 1:30 p.m. every Friday. The COA's exercise room is open from 1-2 p.m. daily. Rehoboth COA A computer instruction course will meet on March 28. It will cover basic computer operations, web "browsing and the Internet and e-mail. To sign up call Pat at the COA office at 252-3372. Space is limited. Tax assistance is available on March 29, April 5 and 12. If you need help preparing your income tax forms call the COA. Health clinics and Qearing screenings are held each month at the senior center. Call for more information. The COA is ~ponsoring an egg hunt for children of the town of Rehoboth ages eight years old and younger on April 22 from 11 a.m. to noon. They are looking for volunteers to help and for donations to help buy candy. If you'd like to help
call Janice Godfrey at the COA. Cribbage is played every Monday at 9:45 a.m. and on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. the senior craft and social is held. The Quilters Group meets at 9:45 a.m. on Thursdays. Yarmouth COA State Rep. Thomas George will be at the Senior Center on the first Friday of each month from 9:30-10:30 a.m. to listen to concerns about state and local issues. Computer classes are being offered several times a week. For more information call the COA at 394-7606. A presentation on Web TV will be held at the COA on March 27 at 1 p.m. They are also off~ring intermediate classes in" conversational French, Italian and Spanish. Registration required. Line dancing classes are held at 9:30 a.m. every Tuesday. Diabetic screening is available on the second Tuesday of each month. If you would like to get your blood sugar checked, call the COA for an appointment. A blood pressiJre clinic is held on Wednesdays from noon untill p.m. The Young at Heart weight training program meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday.s each week-at 8 a.m. Aerobics are held five days a week in the morning. Call for more information. Legal advice is available on alternating Mondays beginning at 9:30 a.m. Call 394-7606 to make an appointment. a
Ca"rdinal urges House to suppor.t Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act . By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
"While local and federal courts have enjoined WASHINGTON - Cardinal William H. Keeler many other state laws, claiming that they are 'vague,' of Baltimore has sent a letter to members of the House this legislation is both clear and specific," the cardiof Representatives urging them to support the Par- nal said of the proposal in the House. "It bans the tial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. direct killing of a child who is partly delivered alive The cardinal is chairman of the U.S. bishops' - a form of killing which the Supreme Court exCommittee for Pro- r------------------------, plicitly exempted Life Activities. A from the scope of its vote on the legisla"SO unique and bru\.~. . Roe vs. Wade decition, H.R. 3660, is tal is the procedure that -~ sion, when it left inexpected in early \ . tact a ban on the killa majority of Ameri.'''il'f~::''. ing of a child in the April. 'This is a procecans who are Pro-Life \! -I. ...... \ process of parturidure more akin to ',,'/ ." I tion." infanticide than as well as those who "It has become abortion, wherein describe themselves crystal clear over an infant is killed years of debate that after being forcibly as 'pro-choice' agree partial-birth aborpartially delivered that it ought to be tions are never outside his or her banned:' CARDINAL WILLIAM H. medically necesmother's body," KEELER sary," Cardinal Cardinal Keeler 1...-- - ' Keeler said. "Even wrote. the American Col"To allow this to continue violates every prin- lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which opciple of human rights and decency this country has poses the ban, has acknowledged that it could find always stood for," he added. "So unique and brutal is no situation in which it was necessary to save a the procedure that a majority ofAmericans who are woman's life or preserve her health." The first Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act approved Pro-Life as well as those who describe themselves as by the U.S. House and Senate was vetoed by Presi'pro-choice' agree that it ought to be banned." . Cardinal Keeler said the "unusual consensus" on dent Clinton in 1996. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban the brutality of partial-birth abortion "is reflected in Act of 1997 met the same fate. Thus far, congressional efforts to override the the number of states which have moved quickly to prohibit" it. Partial-birth abortion bans have taken president's veto by two-thirds majority have passed in the House but narrowly failed in the Senate. legal effect in eight states, he said.
children visionaries in May By JOHN NORTON
make the trip. Archbishop Sepe also announced that the Fatima statue of Mary would be brought to the Vatican in October for a special ceremony entrusting the third Christian millennium to Mary's care. Archbishop Sepe said that at the end of Mass Oct. 8 during the Jubilee for Bishops, the pope will lead an "act of entrustment" to Mary. Pope John Paul has several times spoken of Our Lady of Fatima as a special protectress. He was shot and seriously wounded on her feast day in 1981, and a year later he paid a visit to the Fatima shrine to give thanks for his survival. On the 10th anniversary of the shooting, he placed a fragment of the bullet that wounded him in the crown atop the Fatima statue of Mary.
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II will travel to Fatima, Portugal, in May to beatify two shepherd children who had visions of Mary in 1917, a Vatican official confirmed. '~The Holy Father accepted the invitation of the bishop of .Fatima to hold the beatification ceremony of the shepherd children directly in Fatima," Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary-general of the Vatican's jubilee committee, told Vatican Radio March 21. The pope will leave for Portugal May 12 and celebrate the beatification Mass the following day - the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima - on the shrine's esplanade, he said. The announcement marked the first Vatican confirmation that the pope would travel to Fatima to beatify Francesco and Jacinto Marto, two of the three children who had visions of Mary. The third child, Sister Lucia dos Santos, is a 93-yearold nun living in a Portuguese convent. Portugal's bishops, after visiting the Vatican in November, said that the pope had agreed to
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Russian Catholic leaders unsure what' Putin will do for religion MOSCOW (CNS) - Catholic apostolic administrator of Westem leaders in Russia say it is unclear Siberia, Until the 1991 breakup of the what the administration of newly elected president Vladimir Putin Soviet Union, only two Catholic will mean for religious minorities churches served all of Russia, like the Roman Catholic Church. which Catholic officials estimate "As everyone stresses, Putin is an has more than one million residents unknown quantity. No one knows of Catholic background. what he is thinking or will do," said Aside from the war in Jesuit Father Stanislaw Opiela, gen- Chechnya, political analysts also eral secretary of the Russian bish- . credit Putiri's election victory to ops' conference. his fr~uent pledges to restore law Putin, 47, was elected Russia's and order. It is a promise that second president Sunday with more Caritas official Antonio Santi than 52 percent of the vote. hopes Putin keeps. His popularity grew by leaps and Under a 1997 religion law, bounds as the Russian army slowly Catholic organizations - life battled for control of more and those of all faiths - are required more territory in the breakaway to re-register with the Justice MinMuslim republic of Chechnya. istry. In most cases, the process is The nationalist revival has in- cumbersome, This year, two cluded a higher profile for the 80- Catholic parishes have been denied million-member Russian Orthodox registration on procedural grounds. Church, the country's dominant The Jesuit order was also rejected, faith into which Putin was baptized a decision it is appealing. as a child. However, according to spokesPutin has been the most demon- man Viktor Malukhin, the Russian strably Orthodox, talking publicly Orthodox Church's official position about his faith, attending services is that the 1997 law.is adequate. and speaking of the church's role in Legislatively, Lev Levinson, today's Russia. secretary of the Presidential ComHe began his career in the KGB, mission on Human Rights and an . working 15 years as a spy. Putin's expert on religious freedom issues, ,past in the dreaded Soviet security said Russia's newly elected parliaapparatus is not cause for alarm, said ment is unlikely to take any drasSoviet-born Bishop Joseph Werth, tic steps soon.
Consecration to the Divine Will , Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold ine here before the immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and'make me enter into It to fonn my life all in You, Divine Will.· Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and'eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will, It will be my Life, the center of my· intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. l' do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus fonn the new Eden of Peace, .of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanc~fiesall things and conducts,them to God. . Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the; Most Holy Trin,jty . that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and 'thus retumin .me·:the .first order of creation; just as the creature . was created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign' and Queen' of the Divine 'Fiat,' take my hand and introduce me into the· Light of the Divirle . Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in· and to maintain myself.in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate 'my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart: You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Wtll and I will listen inost attentively. to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, YO\! will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to fonn in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Wtil of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish· and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)
YOUNG PEOPLE from Nazareth chant "John Paul II., we love you!" as the pope arrives for an outdoor Ma~s .overlooking the Sea of Galilee recently. (eNS photo by Debbie Hill)
Far East bishops . speak out on issues Korean bishops urge Catholics to choose Pro-Life candidates SEOUL, South Korea (CNS) abortion and mercy killing. In a' Lenten message, ArchThe bishops' committee un- bishop Nicholas Cheong Jin-suk - Leaders of the Catholic Church in South Korea have derscored the need for politicians of Seoul also condemned politiurged Catholics to choose candi- who are open to those who cians who are fanning regional qates in the general election on struggle against hunger, poverty sentimenfs to gain votes for themthe basis of their respect for "life, and unemployment, and to selves and their parties. truth and love." people whose lives have been The archbishop asked people Catholic voters with authen- threatened and their dig'r.iity dis- to exercise their voting rights tic political consciousness will figured by violence( '·\.~l properly and select candidates find this a useful way to assess "Democracy thardbes n6~ re- who will serve their people in.candidates and political party 'sp"~ct the righ!f?,r-.)!t;hasalr~~dy stead of their parties.' platforms, the Korean bi~hops' lq,~k~ts rgis9ii:4f~lr.:e;",th,e~bishA Mass was also held for the justi.ce and peace commi}}ee ~~'.f~pB~~!,<t",~¥t:;~:., "~: ~:, It . . .\ ) , "repentance of pol.itic~ans and ~e TheIr statement was ~eport1~ ~~~~..:- ;.f9r<;;>Ga~PB,~.c~:.'Yh~ ,are.:obsery,- \. recovery of voters' n¥hts" WIth UCA News, an ASIa!15~~UIjC~.I!1g."the,J:,e!!t~n;~~a~ono f conver.:-"J. some 500 representatIves of 73 news agency based irV:FJj~lihp;,·~'sH),na;q.d);~fac~" th~ ;eleqtion. Catholic groups from 14 dioceses Signed by. the ~o..1TfiJ.1i.tt~e'_sh.pMft;.1?e·.ipl·oI>portirn'iW't~~,n- across the nation attending. Durpresident, Bishop JgmitiusJ.·Pak.' ·.Jl,1s~tlf(Ghrj.stian spirit into, tli~. ing the Mass, Father Simon Chun Sok-hi of ~~~on9'.t.~r'Ille,s~~~~'.:7iP9~it.~~~1\.9~?er.Rnhis w.Qrl~,}hei/;Jong-~u~ of'the Cat~olic Pries~s' : for t?e Apr~~~~gen~~aI;e.lect:~on~,m7~s:ag(t~aI? ASSOCIatIOn for Jus~ce, C~-ch~Ir- . was Issuep",,~~;~~~ \¥'e.d.nesd,~'y,'.:\~:)rE~e..f~ P91~cy an~;e,!e9tron! rpan of the Cathohc Sohda~Ity, The messa~e stressed thClffue,>->rsh?uld'J5e venfiedby the truth, .J urged voters to overcome regIonright to lite'~i~1herhostdff~da'..·';~tirey:sliid; whil¢'e!lpfe,s~jijgJropej alism and to avoid 'playing on mental rig~tOf;'p~oply ~ij$£~'Ia~ ':}hat K~~ean..:.pi()p}~;~111Vo~q6,?vfe~rs ?f communism: which he to be protectej a.g~mstthe~tlJ.r,~~t~ ';the".b,asIso~u:P;t.}i, n~~. on famrl§.j' saId hmder democratIC development. from the cul,t~rep.f death}such,lj:s, . r~glOnal. or, schoo]. t1es~, '. . >'-:,;'.;';. : ' •.';, ;j':, ~;. ..-: "'. •... ,::~~::;. .{
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TAIPEI, Taiwan (CNS) .-.;.... Jer:a<:;tiqn wi~h m~Wand China was elected president by a vote Presidential elections'in Taiwan ·and to .-establish:a :new intema~ of'39,percent, ending the nationshow that the peopl¢wa11.ted not"'Hbnaj image;fo'r 'Taiwan/the alist Kuomintang party's 55 years 'only stabiHty, "but also thorough bish'ops. also "uige'd the com'p'a- -~. of power since the government change," said the Taiwanese bish- triot's irt, m.ainland. China to re:- ffled mainland China. ,ops.. . . . . \' / spect the:choicepfTaiwim p~ople'J Maria Chao Rung-chu, direcIn a'statement last W~J<,after under a democratic proc.yss~~: " .torof Taiwan Pastoral Cen'te'r in Tat~~n.~and 'the mainhgld:--;'Taipei, tqld:!JCANews that she election results became IChbwn, the bishops .called on newl.y sh~)Uld~~or~:,~.o.warf'Co~~,~nsus/Z belie~es th((.!1ew president, wi!! e~ected PreSIdent C:~e~ ShUl- they _SaIa~\\.~_... c , . , :.~'> ~l'r defimtely bn!1~ ch~nge~ to TaIblan ~o foster, reconcIh.atIOn and. "We woulg, hke to say to tli.~~ wan. c, -....-~',.> peace with mainland China and mainland compa:triots' and' leatlA Catholic nun who visits the to build up a new society.UCA ers:'Let us set out on our way; I mainland occasionally and who News, an Asian church news will travel alongside you;'" they requested anonymity said crossagency based 'in Thailand, re- said, quoting the Book of Gen- strait relations are unlikely to . change in the near future because ported the bishops' statement. esis. The bishops said voters exerThey said the Catholic Church people are not prepared for any cised their rights and obligation in Taiwan, which they said has changes. under the democratic system shown concern for the holistic Just days before the Taiwan with maturity, and they urged development of Taiwan, will co- election, Chinese Premier Zhu Chen to lead Taiwan to "forgive operate with the new govern-. Rongji vowed to use all means and reconcile" and to work for ment to foster a society that re- to safeguard national unity, and stability and. progress in the is- spects life, human dignity and analysts said that Chen's victory land nation. social justice. indicated Beijing's intimidation While calling on the new Chen, of the ~ro-independent failed, c~ouding future cross.president to promote positive in- Democratic Progressive Party, strait relations.
with The Anchor. "It goes along with the wishes of the Holy Father that dioceses use communications technology to reach out to people and also strengthen communications within our own diocesan commu-
nities," Kearns added. He said the website was developed by the Office of Communications along with the help of ExtremeSites and Meganet Communications of Fall River, and the latter will host the site.
"It is the beginning of the process and once we get online we'll see what the next' step will be," said Kearns. "We made it easy fo use - to navigate - as well as be attractive and informative." What Catholics will find is a
•• , • • >
WEBSITE LAUNCHING - Bishop Sean P. O'Malley and John E. Kearns Jr., assistant director of the diocesan Office of Communications, scan the menu on the diocE;lse's Internet information site accessible beginning this weekend. (Anchor/Gordon photo)
Sojourn I
TIIEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2000 Continued from page one
Continuedfrom page one
Israel's Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem. Rabbi Michael Melchior; a membel' of the Israeli Cabinet, \Vqlcomed, the pope to the wall, saying the pope's visit confirmed the Catholic Chu.'ch's commitment to "end the era of hatred, humiliation and persecution of the Jewish people." The pope's visit was plagued by Israelis and Palestinians using speeches to the pope to trade claims to the city as their own capital. Just before visiting the Western Wall, the pope met with the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Sheik Ikrema Sabri, who asked the pope to promote the end of "Israeli occupation of Jerusalem." Pope John Paul's last appointment in Israel was his celebration of Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which he described as "the most hallowed place on earth." Before the Mass, the pope kissed the rock marking the place where Jesus' dead body was anointed, then, stooping down to enter a small cave, he kissed the stone ledge of Jesus'tomb. "The tomb is empty," the pope said in his homily. "For almost 2,000 years the empty tomb has borne witness to the victory of life over death." Another highlight for the pope was his March 25 Mass at Nazareth. "I give thanks to divine providence for making it possible for me to celebrate the feast of the Annunciation in this place, on this day," said the pope. Visiting the lower level of the Basilica of the Annunciation, he held onto the altar and knelt to kiss the plaque that commemorates the place the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and "the Word was made flesh." Nazareth has been the scene of
tensions between, Christians and He prayed on Jordan's Mount Muslims over Muslim plans to Nebo March 20, the place where build a mosque on a plot of land Moses glimpsed the Promised Land adjacent to the basiliG3"but all was .before dying, me;! from a promoncalm on the day of the pope's visit tory looked mit 'upon a dramatic to Jesus' hometown. . biblical landscape stretching from ' Meeting the Christian leaders at the Dead Sea to Galilee. the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Pope John Paul went March 24 Jerusalem March 25, Pope John to the Sea of Galil~e, the region Paul said, "Only in a spirit of mu- where Jesus spent the most time tual respect and support can the with his disciples. On the Mount of Christian presence flourish here in Beatitudes near Korazim, he cela community alive with its tradi- ebrated Mass for an estimated tions and confident in facing the 50,000 youths and called on them social, cultural and political chal- to become true disciples as well. lenges of an evolving situation." , "It is strange that Jesus exalts The papal pilgrimage also those whom the world generally marked a milestone in Catholic-Jew- regarc;ls as weak," the pope said. "He says to them, 'Blessed are you ish relations. After a warm encounter with who seem to be losers, because you Israel's two chief rabbis March 23, are the Due winners: The kingdom he prayed at the Yad Vashem Holo- of heaven is yours!'" caust memorial and said the Nazi At a Mass in an Amman soccer attempt to exterminate European stadium for Jordan's minority Jews was a tragedy that "bums it- Catholic community March 21, the self onto our souls. No one can for- pope evoked St. John the Baptist as get or ignore what happened. No a sure guide for Christians of all one can diminish its scale;' the pope ages. Later he paid brief visits to both, sides of the Jordan River to said. Prime Minister Ehud Barak, pray near the sites where St. John who escorted the pope through the is believed to have carried out his Holocaust memorial, said the pope first baptisms. Arriving at Tel Aviv's airport had done "more than anyone else to bring about the historic change that evening, he was met by Israeli in the attitude of the Church to- President EzerWeizman and Barak, ward the Jewish people" - a who walked him down a red carpet thought echoed by several partici- amid a sea of Vatican and Israeli flags. pants. . In Bethlehem, the pope declared The pope did not directly address the verbal tug-of-war by his that he had reached the heart of his hosts on the status ofJerusalem, but pilgrimage. Celebrating Mass in he strongly defended Palestinians' Manger Square, he. encouraged the right to a homeland and said their Middle East and ,the world to redis"legitimate aspirations" wquld only cover the gift ofpeace Christ brought be met through a negotiated settle- to humanity 2,000 years ago. ment. ' At the close of his semon, the Throughout his heavy schedule Mass was briefly interrupted by a of events, the pope looked alert and noontime Muslim call to prayervery much involved in what he has abbreviated out of respect for the called the pilgrimage of his dreams. pope, according to Church officials;
homepage offering a menu or list- traveling somewhere in the diocese or looking to attend Mass ing of other pages on the site. One section, called "A Look away from their home parish, to at the Diocese," presents a history find out what times Masses are of the diocese, information and being celebrated. It will be really statistics; its geographic dimen- handy for people, who for insions; and features a photo and stance, are traveling to the Cape background of St. Mary Cathe- in the summer." Kearns said the system makes dral, its mother church, as well as directions on how to get there. it easy "because if the 'travelers "We are also offering a com- are heading, say, to the midCape plete listing of all the diocesan area, all they have to do is type in ministries and offices along with the name of the city or the town a brief description of what each and they will receive a listing of one does," Keams explained. all the Catholic parishes in that "Those entering the website area and their Mass schedules." can click on those diocesan ofThe system will be constantly fices which have an e-mail ad- updated and it is designed to dress and get a message off to handle that. A section entitled "News and them, so the site can be interactive. And if they have a webpage Events" will offer current events of their own, the site is so de- and features and a diocesan calsigned that all they have to do is endar that viewers can scroll click on the web address and they through and find out what's upwill be linked to it." coming. In the future more' and more "When readers of this week's of the diocese's offices will be Anchor read a1;)out it, they'll be having their own web page, "and able to go to our website address, so it is designed that when they fallriverdiocese.org and be able do, whoever enters our web page to pick up all that is currently will be able to link from the di- .being made available," saitl ocesan web page to the depart- Kearns, adding, "we intend to build on this start and improve ment web page," Keams said. There is also a section center- it." When parishes were contacted ing on Bishop O'Malley that includes a biography and the to obtain their Mass schedules for bishop's significant pastoral let- the site, "we found a great many ters, messages and statements will people excited 'and interested," be posted there for people to ac- Kearns reported. "They gave us great encouragement. Bishop cess. Keams noted that people who O'Malley is eager to use the access that page will be able to website as an educational tool so that hj,s messages will be seen." make copies with their printers. One of the interesting facets of '-"Even before other diocesan 'the site is that viewers will be able agencies establish their own to find a complete listing of the websites, "we'll certainly be parishes throughout the diocese happy to host their information," said Kearns. "The Church has aland their m'issions. "What's exciting about it is that ways made use of whatever means it will include all the Mass sched- of communication are out there, ules of parishes," Kearns said. "It and it was a natural that we jump will be good for people who are into cyberspace as welL"
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TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., March 31, 2(XX)
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~ THE COYLE. and Cassidy High School Portuguese National Honor Society made traditional dishes and desserts recently to share the Portuguese culture and heritage with others during the Taunton school's lunch periods. From left to right are Lisa Moitosa, Nadia Melim, Jeffrey Larivee, Tracy Chaves and' Sandra Medeiros, club moderator.
EIGHTH·~RADE class officers (top) were named at Our Lady of Carmel School, New Bedford. Standing from left are: John Mateus, president; William Horrocks Jr., treasurer; Kristina Arruda, vice president; and Jessica Correia, . secretary. Below, first-graders Angelica Rodrigues, Danielle Enos and Lisa Rodrigues enjoy hot chocolate during th~ recent "Celebrate Mount Carmel Day:' Students presented pr9jects and shared snacks at the ga!hering.
THE EIGHTH-GRADE class of St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, presented a check for more than $450 to Fire Chief Cote for aid to the families of the fallen firefighters in Worcester after a recent school fund-raiser. With students are. firefighter AI Robichaud, Principal Susan Boulay and Assistant Principal Donald France.
lHEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., M'!1'Ch 31, 2<Xp
Our Rock and Role .._. Mendin!ia'brok~n heart· ..
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. .
From the Bottom of My· Broken Heart
J . ':~eve,r,look
back,'.' we s~id ... From t~~Jirst,~isses to the v~ry But you put a dart, I to ~now I'd miss .'.': .. lastro.s~ ,,' .";,,, .' ,;Through my dreams, through .~: ".", you so? . ' Fr,OI~.th~,~p~~qirt of my '. my heart . :',:-Lonelln~ss up ahead, . ." broken heart And'I'm back where I started gall:l . ",:. '.' e~ptlne$s behind '. ·Even tbough time ,!T'ay f,ind mE! ,., ' "Never thought it would end ..t , ' 'Whe~e.dolgo? .sol11eQo~y,new :~"" :'.'~ >; (Repeat refrain) ~,,!d,yo,l;I'didn't h,ear all my joy You wen~ my'real19ve, I.never...·:· You promised yourself, buUQ .. :··,:,--knew love" , . somebody else .. . , through my tears, All rny hQpes through.my fear~, ,,~n,tiI~there:was.you., ::And you' made it so Did Y0l.!;now? Stil,llmiss . ,From,the'bpttom of'!'y, . .' c' perfectly clear " yol,l somehow, ,," ' . ' br~k!,!n heart ' ~ , -, ~tilll ~ish'y~u were her~ " Refrain: , , • ,,'.':, "B.abyi·1 said, "please, stay. .:, (Repeat refrain} ., : F~om the bottom of my '. ~'Giye'ou.r'lovea c,hance for one , "~ever look·back," we said. • bro~en heart. ,' ' , more day," Howwas I to know I'd miss W~ cQuld have worked . you so? There's jU!?t a thing or two I'd like , you to know things out,. Sung by Britney Spears You were my first love, you were T~king.time is what my' (0) 1999 by Zomba . . my true lov'e . ' love's all,about ' Recording Corp. t:t~w w.a~
HOW MANY chart hits can an artist get off' 'theirlove and concern. one disc? Britney Spears has one more! Off her .3. She can acknowledge that she really did care best-selling CD "Baby One More Time.... Spears about the guy. As.she says .inthe song, "You were has another hit with "From the Bottom of My Bro- my first love, you were my true love, fro'm the first ken Heari." kisses to the very last rose." ' The song is vintage Biitney: soft,roma!1tic and She can be proud that she took the risk to care emotioll-ce.ntered. This time the subject is the deeply about another human being. She can conheartbreak of being dumped in a romance. The' tinue to care about the other's well-being. girl in the song has agreed to "never look back." 4. It would be helpful to avoid dating others All she sees now is "loneliness up ahead, empti- 'for a while. She needs to work through her current ness behind." . feelings without the distraction of a new involveShe had asked the guy to "give our love a' ment. By not rushing into a new romance she has. chance for one more day" for she believed that time to gain valuable insights into herself. "we could have worked things out." However. he 5. While dealing with this hurt. she can bring "putadartthrough my dreams, through my hemt." all her feelings to God. God is bigger than any,Now she finds herself"back whereJ stal'ted again-." . - thing we might feel. God accep~s all our emotions. Consequently, she asks herself a potentiaIly Allow God to be a healing, caring presence even helpful question: "Where do I go?" in the midst of pain. . . Here are some suggestions to assist her in 'get. 6. Finally, times of hurt have a way of helping ting through her difficult feelings: us notice more about who ·we are at our deepest I. She should not get lost in "if only." She needs levels. This includes our more vibrant passions to face her feelings with self-generated kindness and interests. our hopes and goals. No matte.r what and compassion, not with self-blame. There will happens, she can appreciate in a new way that she be a time later LO aclmowledge mistakes made. remains forever a person bearing the Image and 2. She shouldn' i pretend that everything is fine. likeness of our Creator. She can tell her friends the truth: She is hurting. If Your comments are always welcome, Please they arc indeed clos'e friends, they will not try to address: Charlie Martin, 7125 W 200S, minimize or fix her feelings, but be present with Rockport, Ind, 47635.
And who might you be today, young person? By AMyWEl.BORN CATHOl.IC N.EWS SERVICE
nament. (It ~iII, ofcourse, tum out to be rightort the money.) 5:22: Teen 2 opens the refrigerator door to' -check' i( any of the food has
Do you"ev(fr wonder why your parents sometimesseem -.:.. ahem -less than enthusiastic when they detect you're headed their way? Well, let me tell you why. I'm a parent of two teens, so I can let you in on this secret: They have no idea exactly who you're planning to be today - or even this minute. Let's take apart a typical 30-minute : ,_ ~~=====~~~ period in my house. It·s late afternoon, •·. .F.O.It.:.YO . .. 0IIII!TII!IH_e.".B_O.O.T.Y.O.O_TH .. ,and I, having answered the truly most' .,bateful question a mom has to field procreated in the last 60 minutes. ("What'sfor dinner?"), am busy attempt. 5:23: Disappointed, Teen 2 resigns ing'to fix it. We',ll leave out the eight-' .himself to the fact that the refrigerator year-old who 'comes dancing through has maintained zero-population growth . the kitchen every 90 seconds or so. We'll' and asks for the business section so he just concentrate on what the teen-agers can check on his mutual fund. - both'b"oys - areupto, . . ' 5:25: Teen,l asks mom ifshe'll miss 5:03: Teen 1stomps in and opens the him when he goes to college. refrigerator, studies the interior with great 5:26: Teen 1 does not ask Teen 2 if .interest and eventual disappointment, and he'll miss him when he goes to college. finally shuts it. 5:27: Teen 2 puts politics and the stock 5:06: Teen 2 enters and does the ex- market in the past and fights with the act same thing. eight-year-old over the comics. 5: 10: Teen 1 re-enters, asksJor the 5:28: Teen I begs,to' pick mom up sports page and ,impatiently brushes off off the ground because "it's so cool that ql.l,estions about what happened at school I can.". , today. , 5:32: Mom declares that if they want 5: II: Teen 2 is flushed out of the to eat tonight, they need to leave the pantry, crumbs dribbling, off his lip, kitchen by the time she counts to three. swearing he was just looking. 5:33: Teen 1and Teen 2join forces, 5: 12: Teen 2 engages mom, desper- munnurdire threats again the eight-yearately trying to keep a gravy on course, in old's stuffed menagerie. and all three race· a conversation about presidential candi- out of the kitchen, yelling and rattling date Alan Keyes. the pictures on the walls. 5: 15: Teen 1appears again, breaks in . Do you get it now? to tell momto guess what happened to.. There may oniy be one of you in day in school. stomps off in irritation your house, but you're just the same: when he's told not to interrupt and shuts calm, cool, collected and mature one the door of his room with vigor. minute, a raving temperamental maniac 5: 17: Teen 2, foqner political ana- the next and a sentimental sop wonderlyst, sticks his tongue out at his eight- ing when she got too big to sit in a year-old sister practicing h~r tap routine parent's lap the next. in the comer. We just never know who you're go.5:20: Teen I bursts through the door ing to be when we see you coming. and asks for someone to go out and shoot· Oh. it's OK, we're not really combaskets with him. He has no takers, so plaining. It's pait of why we love you. he leans across the counter and instead; It's so fascinating to see all these sides Offers his cool, ratherprofessional aniily- come together into one .beautiful piece sis of the NCAA men's basketball tour- of God's handiwork.
"rr:-!1I Coming .
Priest continues. to console students two years after Jonesboro By JODIE HOHN CATHOl.lC NEWS SERVICE
JONESBORO, Ark. - iwo years have passed since the March'24, 1998; shootings at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro took the lives of four students and one teacher. But one. way that students ,have been working through the!~ grief is by reaching 9ut ~o others wh'o have experienced. simtrar situations. . , . Rt?cently, students. teache~s and ,ad'~ ministrators from .Westside, Heritage High.Sc~aol in Conyers, G~., and Columbine Bigh School inLittleton, Colo.; came:together for S.O.S. 'or'Summit of SchoolS in Littleton. "The main reason (for the 'summit) was to get the students together," said Father Jack Harris, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church in Jonesb'oro. "Those kids have things to say to each other that no one else can say," he added. "But they need adults to create the opportunity for them." . Father Harris has been working with the students from Westside since the tragedy and accompanied. 20' students;
\. . ~ . teachers and administrators to Littleton "The only solemn moment was when and given an hour-and-a-half to talk for the S'ummit of Schools in February. they visited Columbine. They needed to about their feelings. He also served as " drive byihe school," "After the hour-and-a-half was up, chaplain during the' the priest said. "It they made it clear to us that they were spring break ,camp was important to do not finished." Fatller Harris said. "So, at, Ferncliff, in that so they c.ould we gave them another nour." Little Rock in .midmake' a connection Teachers also met to discuss their March . for the with the other stu-questions, he said. Oniy one group Westsid~ students. \ . dents." . needed to take a br~ak during the after" St. James Presbyte. Co'nyers sent'15 noon. rian Church in students. teache-rs', ,Father Harris called the. Summit. of · Littleton' h6ste'd the, and administrators .Schools "a strengthening experience for three,;-day event." . and the totai' for the the students" and '''a' wonderfully posi."" "I think:1t is 1mweek'end' was tive experie~ce." lie.said the visi't gave ,portant:to notetliat . around 50, Father s~udents'the chance'ta,set. up a network t,hiswas ,not a nega'-' , Harris said.: . ' to use 'w,hen they need help ,or jusrneed ti've,a<;;tiv ity ," Fa-.' ' Prior to attending .' ~ friend. , , ther Harris said, ,the meeting,' the. . For the adufts; FatherH~rris said the ,"The energy'was so three groups sent in conference gave them "a little more dipositive. They held questions or discus- rection of what to do locally.~' He said · each other up. This sion topics, the Westside has now establis~ed a local could have been priest said. Then at chapter of S.O.S. called Save Our Soself-des,tructive." A CROSS made of flowers was hung the conference the ciety. . . In fact, Father on the flagpole outside Westside School students were diPlans,are being made for Ferncliff Harris said there inJonesboro,Ark.,wherefourgirlsanda vided ,into five Camp in Little Rock to host a national · was only one really pregnant teacher were killed there March groups, given a list meeting where students from every trau.somber moment 24,1998,inashootingspreecarriedout of the questions and mati~ed school can attend, the priest during the trip. by two students. (eNS file photo) discussion topics added.
,'" THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFaiI River'- Fri., March 31, 2000
Iteering pOint/. ACUSHNET - The New prayer community will be availBedford Catholic Women's Club .able for individuals who would like to be prayed over individu~ill hold its annual Bishops' Night on April 1'2 beginning at ally. , 6:30 p.m. at the Century House, A third program in the "Can 107 South Main Street. FOl'more We Talk" series entitled"...About information call 992-0107. Three Our Fathers and Three Hail Marys?" on the sacrament of recATTLEBORO - The Coun- onciliation ~ill be held in the seling Center of the La Salette Shrine's chapel on April lat 10 Shrine offers year-round Grief a.m. It will include a talk and a Education Programs for those question and answer period. For dealing with the death of a loved more information call' 222"5410. A Spring Discussion Series one. For more information or their April schedule call the . entitled ~'Renewing the Land," will begin at the Shrine on April Counseling Centetat 226-8220. 14 at 7:15 p.m. Dominican Sister ATTLEBORO - Singer/ Carole Rossi will be guest . musician John Polce will perform speaker.' at the La Salette Shrine tonight FAIRHAVEN- The musical at 7:30 p.m. Join him for an eveping of song, witness and story of Easter, "Now I See You," prayer. Members of the Shrine's presented by the Saints and Sing-
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'RAYNHAM - An afternoon Courage Group will meet onApril 8 at the rectory of Holy Name of of reflection for CeD.teachers the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish will be held at the parish center beginning at 7 p.m. It is a sup- of St. Anne~s Church on April 16 port group for Catholic men and from 2-5 p.m. It will be presented women who are confronting same by Deacon Robert Normandin FAIRHAVEN - The Spiri- sex attraction issues and who are and his wife Paulette. For more tual Life Commission' of St. striving to life chaste lives. For informatiQ.n call Deacon John Mary's Parish is sponsoring a more information call Msgr. Tho- Welch at 823~3814. Lenten commemoration of the - mas Harrington at 992-3184. , SWANSEA -.A workshop Lord's Passion and Death on April entitled "In Support of· Life: A NEW BEDFORD Calix, a 2at 2 p.m. in the church. group which enlists Catholic men Catholic Priority;" will be pre- FALL RIVER - The second and women who are gratefully . sented by Mary Pat Tranter on in' a series of four Lenten Pen- celebrating recovery from alco- April 3 at 7p.m. at St. Michael's ance Services will be held on April holism, drug addiction and other Parish. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Jean the Bap- 'dependencies will. meet on April. tist Church, 951 Stafford Road. 9 in the parish center of Holy TAUNTON - The Youth The sacrament of penance will be Name of the SacredBeartofJesus' ApostlesInstitute will hold a semiavailable. . nar entitled "Helping Youth Deal Church at 6:30 p.m. with Tough Moral Questions," on NORTH DARTMOUTH April 4 beginning with Mass at MASHPEE --c A Young Adult Prayer Group for sipgle and mar- The Office of Family Ministry is . St. Mary's Church. Mass; will be ried person~ in their 20s and 30s sponsoring a day of healing for' held in the chapel and the semimeets on the first and third the bereaved entitled "Easing the nar follows in the Dolan Center. Wednesdays of each month at 7 Pain of Loss," on April 29 from For more information call the p.m. in the chapel of Christ the 9 a,m. to 3:45 p.m. at the Family Youth. Apostles at 672"2755. King Parish. For more informa- Life Center, 5.00 Slocum Road. WEST HARWICH - The tion call Heather Kirby at 548- It will include prayer, presentations and guest speaker Dorothy Celebrate Life Holy Hour will be 2364. Levesque. For registration infor- held on April 2 at 3" p.m. at Holy Trinity Church. NEW BEDFORD - -The mation call 999-6420. . ers Chorus will be held on April 7 at 8 p.m. at St. Mary's Parish. It will also perform on April 13 at 8 p.m. at Sacreq Heart Parish in FALL RIVER.
the Feast: An Invitation' to Eucharistic'Transformation," was pub" lished. . .' tic p'rocession'to three neighbor- lieves she received in prayer the .Fatller Barron ing parishes. gift of healing for which she . Ordained a priest for The evenings of reflection has become so widely known. the Archdiocese of Chiwill be held during that week For well over 25 years now, she cago in 1986, Father on consecutive nights from has shared herspecial ministry. 'Barron is an associateMonday through Friday at,7 Her popular book, "Miracles professor of philo sop.m. at differe.nt ch~rc~~s Do Happen," tells of her en- phy and systematic thethroughout the dIOcese. Along counter with the healing power ology at Mundelein with the talks, the evenings will .of God and' her insights about Seminary outside of FATHER RICHARD FATHER ROBERT include prayer' and Eucharistic the power of,the Eucharist. It Chicago. He earned a SISTER BRI,EGE , • FRAGOMENI BARRON Adoration. _ has sold thousands of copies in' master's degree in phi. McKENNA The schedule for the eve- many languages around the losophy' from The Catholic course on. the nings of reflection is as follows: 'world and has.been featured on University ofAmerica .in Wash- New TestaMonday, June 19, Sister Briege everythi,ng from "Oprah" to ington, D.C. and a doctorate in ment in the on "The He-aling Power oJ "Mother Angel,ica Live" on theology from the Catholic In- diocesan deaJesus in the Eucharist," at St. EWTN. stitute of Paris. con formation Anthony Church, Taunton; Father Fragomeni He writes and lectures exten~ program and Tuesday, June 20, Father RichFather Fragomeni is an as- sively on theology and spiritu- is treasurer ard Fragomeni, "The Liturgi- ' sociate professor of liturgy and . ality. He is author of the, 1993 for the U. S. cal Celebration of Eucharist," homiletics and chairperson of book, "ThoIIllls Aquinas: Spiri- East ProvinceSt. John Neumann Church, East the Department of Word and' tmll Master," which received. the of the Fathers Freetown; Wednesday, June 21, Worship at the Catholic Theo- Catholic Press Association,'s ' of the Sacred Father Robert Barrbn, "Eucha- logical. Union in Chicago, First Prize iii spirituality, and, Hearts. rist and Service: God's Presence where he has taught since 1990. "And, Now r See:, A Theology In describin the Community," St. Pius X He also serves as spiritual di" of Transformatiqn," publishe'd ing his acaFATHER JOSE: FATHER DAVID Church, South Yarmouth; and re,ctor at the Shrine of Our Lady in 1998, demic, and LIMA REID Thursday, June 22, Sacred of Pompeii, an Italian-AmeriIn', addition to, his teaching pastoral interHeart Father 'David Reid, can spiritual center in Chicago's duties, he also directs retreats, ests, Father 47 "Mystery of the Eucharist in "Little Italy." missions and workshops around ' Reid said they have always the University of Paris, Scriptures," St. Mary CatheHe received a' master's de-' the country addressing various "concerned how religion inter- Sorbonne, and in theology from dral, Fall River. gree i'n religious studies from, aspects of spiritual life. prets people's lived experi- the Catholic Institute of,Paris. On Friday, June 23, Father the University of Lou vain, BelFather Reid ence." He added ~hat most re- His studies also included.a postJose Lima will present a pro- gium, and one in liturgical Now a pastor in New Bed-' cently he has become involved graduate program in Camgram on the Eucharist inPbr- studies from,The Catholic Uni- ford, Sacred Hearts Father in the question Of environmen- bridge, Mass. tuguese at Our Lady of Mount versity of America in Washing- Reid will.bring to the series of tal ethics. ' Father Lima has been a pasFather Lima tor and chaplain and served in Carmel Church, New Bedford. ton, D.C. before his ordination evening reflections the experSister Briege to the priesthood in 1975 for tise and talent of one serving Father Lima is coordinator a lo.ng list of academic and pro- . Sister Briege, a member of the diocese of Albany, N.Y. He within the diocese.' 'of the Pastoral Theology de- fessional posts, among· them the Order of St. Clare, minis- went on to earn a doctorate in A native of Dublin,' where partment at the Catholic Uni- president of the Founding Comters hope and healing around the sac.ramental theology from the his family still lives, he stud- versity of Portugal and an as- mission for the Braga Regional world, from prayer meetings in Catholic University of America ied at the Gregorian University 'sociate professor of theology Center of the Catholic Univerthe United States to rallies in and a master's in vocal perfor- in Rome, earning a doctorate in there, as well as a prolific au- sity of Portugal; a member of Latin America to retreats in Ko- mance from the Rome School biblical theology. He has been thor whose writings are widely that university's Science.Counof Music of that university. a priest of the Congregation of published throughout Portugal. cil'; and. member of the Secrerea. Born in County Armagh, IreHe has 'been active in the the Sacred Hearts for 33 years, He was ordained a priest of tariat for Liturgy of the diocese land, she entered religious life implementation of the Rite of teaching at several academic· the diocese of Viana do Castelo of Viana do Castelo. He has written many books at age 15. After coming to Christian Initiation of Adults in levels, serving as pastor, and in Portugal in 1978. Tampa, Fla., as a teacher, she the U.S., Canada, Scotland and preaching retreats to groups Following his ordination he and is a frequent contributor t.o became crippled by rheumatoid Wales, and is a coordinator of . throughout ihecountry. received master's degrees in the- a variety of journals in Portuarthritis but then experienced a . liturgy and music f9r the North He is currently pastor of Our ology and social anthropology. gal and throughout Europe with miraculous healing during a cel- American Forum on the Lady of the Assumption, a par- and comparative sociology and articles on theology, pastoral ebration of the Eucharist. It was Catechumenate. ish serving the Cape Verdean then continued on to earn doc- ministry, anthropology and the shortly thereafter that she beIn 1997 his book, "Come to community: He also teaches a torates in religion history from Catholic Church in Portugal. Continued/rom page one