dJ The ANCHOR Vol. 21, No. 13-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., March 31,1977
An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
"Keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died' for us and is rIsen from the .dead. He is our savIng Lord, he is Joy for all" ages. " I
Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp. ŠCopyright, 1965, World Library Publications, Inc.
Vatican document) in the paper and say: 'That's it,' " the delegate noted.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
-The priest shortage and the role of laymel). He said he is "impressed by African bishops who don't want a permanent diaconate because it will reinforce the conviction already existing that to work for the Church you have to be ordained."
St. -Mary's Cathedral Holy Week Services
-Debate in the American Church, which is "less emotional" than it was four years ago, in his view. He recommended that Catholics "who are committed to, the fact that Christ lived" become more concerned with what Christ said.
PASSION SUNDAY, April 2-3: The Solemn Blessing of Palm, Procession and Mass will be celebrated at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 2. Celebrant: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin. Designated Concelebrants: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Msgr. John J. Regan, Rev. Barry W. Wall and'Rev. George W. Coleman. Deacon: Rev. Mr., William Baker. MASS OF THE CHRISM, 4 p.m., Tuesday, April 5: This is an especially appropriate occasion for all members of the Presbyterium, secular and religious priests alike, to join in concelebration with the Most Reverend Bishop. Every priest who wishes to concelebrate at the Mass of the Chrism is asked to bring amice, alb, cincture and stole and to assemble in the Bishop's chapel in sufficient time to form the procession. Celebrant: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; Designated Concelebrants: Priests of the Fall River Diocese; At Throne: Rev. William O'Connell and Rev. Andre Jussaume; Chrism Bearer: Rev. John J. Smith; Oil Infirmorum: Rev. William Babbitt; Oil Catecheumen: Rev. John Moore; Deacon: Rev. John J. Oliveira. Holy Oils may be obtained in the Cathedral Vestry following the Mass of Chrism and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday. HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 7. The Mass of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Celebrant: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; Designated Concelebrants: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Msgr. John J. Regan, Rev. Barry W. Wall and Rev. George W. Coleman; Deacons: Rev. Mr.- John Ozug and Rev~ Mr. John Raposo. GOOD FRIDAY, April 8. The Celebration of Our Savior's Passion will be held at 3 p.m. Presiding: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; Chaplains: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington and Rev. George W. Coleman; Celebrant: Msgr. John J. Regan with Rev. Barry W. Wall; Deacon:. Rev. Mr. Joseph M. Costa. HOLY SATURDAY, April 9. The Vigil Service and Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated at 7 Presiding: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin; Chaplains: Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington and Rev. George W. Coleman; Celebrant: Msgr. John J. Regan, Assistant: Rev. Barry W. Wall; Deacon: Rev. Mr. Raymond Cambra. EASTER SUNDAY, April 10. The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin will be the celebrant of Easter Mass on WTEV, Channel 6, at 8:45 a.m. Master of Ceremonies: Rev. John J. Oliveira, Vice Chancellor; Rev. Horace Travassos, Asst. Chancellor.
Slain Cardinal Pope Paul VI led the Church in mourning slain Congolese ~ Cardinal Emile Biayenda, dePROBLEM OF PAIN: Part of large group of nurses at- claring that churchmen contending one-day seminar on "Cancer Pain: Assessment and. tinue to pay"with their blood Nursing Intervention" held at Dominican Academy, Fall and with suffering" the price River, under sponsorship of St. Anne's Hospital and Boston of peace and love. The CarUniversity Medical Center Regional Cancer Program. Pre- dinal, 50, was murdered sented by Carol Gribbons, RN and Elaine Quagliozzi, RN, March 23 in Brazzaville. the program emphasized positive approach. to pain manage- Those who knew him lauded ment and understanding of its sociocultural aspects. him as a pastoral leader who lived very simply. "He was so very down to earth, and not at all the type you would expect to be named a cardinal," said a Vatican official. Ordained a bishop in 1970, WASHINGTON (NC) - The institutionalized racism, term- Cardinal Biayenda was apostolic Delegate in the United ing it "the pride of the white named the first Congolese States called on America's man." After four and a half years cardinal in 1973. At the 1974 Catholics to begin reading the documents of Vatican Council in the United States, Archbis- synod of bishops in Rome he II if they wish to know what the hop J adot said he can sense made a special plea to the "that we Catholics still are, for Vatican to make marriage Church should be doing. Archbishop Jean Jadot made some other social groups in the legislation more responsive the suggestion during a wide- United States, a despised min- to the cultural and pastoral ranging interview with the Na- ority." In the lengthy interview, the problems of Africa. tional Catholic Reporter, an in"
Delegate Says U.S. Church Still 'Despised Minority'
dependent weekly published in Kansas City, Mo. According to the interview, Archbishop Jadot feels that this country's Catholics suffer from parochialism " I wouldn't like to use the word narcissism," he added. The Church in the United States needs "co-responsibility" and "communion," the papal diplomat continued. 'But he praised the Leadership qualities of the country's Catholic bishops, saying it is unequalled in the West, except possibly in Germany or Holland. The delegate will visit this diocese in July, when he will preside at dedication ceremonies for the new St. Elizabeth Seton church in North Falmouth. The archbishop, who has held posts in the Third World, criticized what he called the West's
archbishop also talked of: -The October, 1976, Call to Action conference in Detroit, which he said "in fact reached a very small minority." -Women's ordination, of which he said, "I have the impression that most people on both sides are arguing at the level of sociology, general equality'and so on," while "the real level is theology and, more specifically, ecclesiology." -The Catholic bishops' conduct during the presidential campaign last year, which he said may inadvertently "have given the impression" of partiality. -The American Church's understanding of Vatican directives, a task which most bishops do not take seriously enough. "It's much easier to publish (a
Holy Week Guidelines for Diocese The celebration of the Rites of Holy Week in parishes of the Diocese will 1;>e in accord with the Guidelines promulgated in 1971, at which time the revised Rite of the Missale Romanum was introduced.
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Croin, Bishop of Fall River, calls to the attention of the clergy of the Diocese the following specific regulations: (1) For 'Passion Sunday, a solemn form for the Blessing of Palm is to be celebrated at one of the Saturday Vigil Masses and/or one of the Sunday Masses, preferably at Masses well attended by the faithful.
(2) At other parish Masses on Passion Sunday, the Simple Entrance may be used. (3) All priests are urged to concelebrate the Mass of the' Chrism, which manifests the unity of the Priesthood, regatdless or' other Masses celebrated that day. (4) The principal parish Mass on Holy Thursday is that of the Lord's Supper, celebrated in the
evening. However, for pastoral reasons it is permitted to schedule a second Mass exclusively for those who are in no way able to participate in the evening Mass. (5) On Good Friday, there is to be a single Celebration of the Lord's Passion in each parish. Pastors who recognize a compelling pastoral reason for requesting permission to schedule
a second service must make explicit representation to the Chancery. (6) ,There is to be a single Celebration of the Easter Vigil and Mass of Resurrection in parishes of the diocese. No Second Celebration is permitted even in parishes where two Vigil Masses are customarily celebrated. The rites may not begin until 7 p.m.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
Natured Family Planning Course At St. Anne's St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, has begun an educational . service in the methods of Natural Family Planning. They include the Billings ovulation method and the Sympto-Temperature method. Natural Family' Planning techniques have progressed and developed after significant medical research and study. These simple methods now offer effectiveness which insures detection of fertile and non-fertile periods. Their use has proved safe, as well as physiologically and psychologically fulfilling, for many couples. Classes will begin Wednesday evening, April 13, in the hospital's Clemence Hall and will be taught in a series of four monthly meetings. Pre-registration is required and enrollment ~ill be limited. The course coordinator may be contacted at St. Anne's Hospital, telephone 674-5741 for registration details and further information.
DCCW To Hold 24th Convention The Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) will hold its 24th annual convention Saturday, April 23 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon, DCCW president, is honorary c1tairman and Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., Fall River, is general chairman. . She will be aided by Mrs. William Grover of the Taunton District Council, in charge of registration; Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, Fall River District Council president, coffee hour; Mrs. Anthony J. Geary, Fall River, luncheon and publicity. Also Miss Margaret M. Lahey and Mrs. James Leith, New Bedford District Council first vice-president, special guests; Mrs. Vincent Coady, Fall River, hospitality; Mrs. Raymond Poisson, Fall River, table arrangements.
Vicar Possibility Will B'e Studied Four delegates from the Sisters' Senate of the Fall River diocese will attend a workshop on politics, ministry and life style to be given the weekend of April 30 at Anna Maria College, Paxton, by Sister Marie Augusta Neal. Two Sisters' will represent the senate at the National Assembly of Women Religious convention to be held in New Orleans in August. At their March meeting, members ratified revised bylaws to the senate constitution and voted unanimously to accept responsibility for a youth day to be held Sunday, May 1 at Southeastern Massachusetts University. Projections for next year's programs were discussed and plans were made for a study on the possibility and feasibility of the appointment of a Sister as Vicar or Co-Vicar of Religious for the Fall River diocese.
States Obligation Of Confession
TAUNTON DEANERY: Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, center, looks over Taunton Deanery plans for the annual Catholic Charities Appeal with Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, left, assistant area appeal director, and Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, area director.
Appeal Special Gift Phase The Special Gift phase of the 36th Annual Diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal will begin Monday, April 18 and end Saturday, April 30. The Special Gift campaign reaches fraternal, professional, business and industrial organizations of the southeastern area of Massachusetts: Since the Appeal provides services to all, regardless of color, race or creed, these groups see their support as a community endeavor benefiting all area residents. rBishop Daniel A. Cronin, general Appeal chairman, has sent letters to solicitors in the Special Gift Phase. Many have already acknowledged their willingness to participate in this year's Appeal. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Appeal, announced today: Over 800 Special Gift solicitors will make 4,250 contacts in this phase of the Appeal throughout the five
EurOReali leadership of
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ness to and in the liveliness of the Christian life and the awareness of ecclesial life," he asserted. He scored the "diminished awareness of the deep regeneration brought about in us through Baptism" among Christians who no longer confess. The Pope asserted that modern man is losing the "moral courage" to admit that he has committed sins. He said that this trend is "certainly not a sign of social progress." He added, however, that the popularity of psychoanalysis proves that the sacrament of Penance is "not an unnatural practice, but rather one which follows the mainstream of man's development." The pontiff scolded priests who do not make themselves available for confessions. He urged them to "show esteem for the sacrament" and "not to flee from the penitence of hearing confessions for hours." tHe called Penance "the therapeutic sacrament par excellence."
Sixteen pages, clearly written and colorfully illustrated, tell why you should make your will and how to go about it. Charts on page 3 show what your heirs can lose if you die without a will. Page 5 discusses why you need a lawyer's help in drawing up your will. Page 6 goes into detail about how to start and what to include. No father, young or old, should neglect his will. Maryknoll's booklet will convince you!
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areas of the diocese. The success in this phase will serve as a barometer of the parish phase of the Appeal, when more than 18,000 parish solicitors will contact 104,500 homes in the 112 parishes of the diocese on Sunday, May 1 from noon to 3 p.m. Joseph C. Rayball, Attleboro, this year's diocesan lay chairman of the Appeal, has requested that all Special Gift solicitors fulfill their assignments promptly. Reports are to be mQde to the area special gift headquarters by the closing date of the phase, April 30.
VATICAN CITY (NC) - In an apparent response to the questions of some bishops, Pope Paul VI declared March 23 that general absolution may be permitted only in exceptional cases and may never dispense a Catholic from making a private confession. Many interpreted his comments as a clear sign that the Vatican does not intend to endorse the use of general absolution outside the very narrow conditions it has established. In his audience talk, the Pope also firmly restated that the "very ancient Church precept" requiring Catholics to confess annuall if in mortal sin and receive Communion at Eastertime must still be obeyed. "This is a very serious law of the Church which still holds," he insisted. "It is not a mere proposal nor a way of saying that those who want to go can, while those who don't want to don't have to." tion to confess once a year if in mortal sin. may be a difficult rule. But, he added, it is a "very health, wise and liberating one as well." "We must call attention to the growing lack of this sacramental practice," said the Pope. "There have been noteworthy and multiple drops in faithful-
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
Bridging The 'Gap
This week the Anchor begins a new dimension of the "Know Your Faith" series. A column entitled "Truth and Life" will be published, hopefully each week, in the Portu- . guese language. There are several impelling reasons for this diocesan newspaper to understake this course of action. During the past ten years over 50,000 people have migrated from Portugal to this diocese. It is estimated that the rate of present-day immigration is still close to 10,000 people each year. There are several parishes in the diocese where well over 75% of known parishioners speak only Portuguese. Like so many other people who came to· this country in years past, language has been a very difficult barrier for these new Americans to overcome in the process of assimilation. To help this process achieve its due course, the Church must do everything it can to help the immigrant. After all, the Catholic Church in these United States is itself an immigrant church. In past years many of the communication means now at the disposal of the Church, such as Catholic newspapers, just did not exist. Today, however, the Church has many means of communication to help those who are seeking the freedoms and opportunities that are a part of the American dream. Few people are aware that the new immigrants are subject not only to the pressures of our materialistic society but also to the evangelization eff<1rts of other churches. The vast majority of the Portuguese speaking peoples are Catholic. However, the religious atmosphere of this country is quite different from that of their native land. As a result, several non-Catholic communities in this diocese have undertaken a determined effort to "convert" present-day immigrants to their beliefs. Taking advantage of the language barrier that exists between the new immigrants and their older neighbors, these churches have launched a very well organized effort in the new Portuguese community. The Catholic Church just cannot sit back, ignoring the "Situation, not helping the many new families that are immigrating into our diocese. They are our brothers and sissters in the faith. It is incumbent on all of us to help them in their efforts to maintain a deep and abiding commitment to their spiritual legacy. Hopefully, the effort of this newspaper will be an effective pastoral tool in the Church's work of bringing the message of the Gospel to all men and women and especially to those people who are coming to our land in search of the same opportunities as our ancestors before us.
The Despised Minority It is interesting to note the recent reflection of Archbishop Jadot, the Apostolic Delegate in the United States, thatin this land "we Catholics are still a despised minority."
It was refreshing to read the Archbishop's statement. So many Catholics think they have arrived into the mainstream of social acceptance and just refuse to realize the feelings that prevail in many parts of this nation concerning "Catholics." Some have become so comfortable in their own security that they ignore the real position of the Church in this country.
Perhaps, with this reminder, some Catholics will see that they must get out of their rocking chairs of complacency and self-satisfaction, realizing once more that the American Church is a pilgrim people, traveling through a vast wasteland of prejudice and bias. They should keep in mind that the Church in the United States has been, from its first days, an object of scorn and derision. Modern day bigotry has only changed in form, not in content. Many of today's Catholics do not realize this fact because they have lost the spirit and drive of their forefathers, seeking the good life, not the God life.
there is another religious or "mystical" element to terrorism, what Hacker calls the "terrorist ritual," "The willingness of the terrorist to give his life," he says, "confirms and seals the covenant with spiritual entities . . ; The ritual of communal action is the best way to fortify the bonds of the terrorist group and create identity feelings. Through blood sacrifice the insignificant mortal transforms himself into the immortal hero," It is virtually impossible to predict terrorist actions although the gathering of intelligence on terrorists and groups with violent tendencies is helpfuL
ETERNAL UFE A group of young men take a break in their work . to look around the world about them . . . Their commitment to Jesus Christ . . . is suggested by the neckchain cross of one ... and the T-shirt of another. The cross of the risen Lord and the words . . . recall the remark"Jesus Christ ... Eternal Life" able words of Jesus . . . as St. John writes them . . . "Let me firmly assure you . . . He who believes in me ... has eternal life" (John 6:47). Jesus' promise of eternal life ... is not grounds merely for future hopes .. . but the assurance of a present reality . . . Eternal life has already begun . . . for those who open themselves in faith .. '. to His constant presence with us. The immediacy ... the down-to-earth presentness of Jesus' words ... seems emphasized ... when seen on the back of a young worker . . . who with his friends . . . in the midst of their work. . . shares and proclaims their common faith ... in Jesus Christ ... who is their life. Copyright (c) 1977 by NC News Service
Dealing With Terrorists By Jim Castelli
The seizure of three Washington buildings by Hanafi Moslems has promoted intensive public discussion of the appropriate response to terrorism. After such incidents, many people demand retribution and there are calls for stricter law enforcement and social control. But the growing concensus of experts is that overreaction is just what the terrorists want. The chal1enge, then', is this: How can society eliminate terrorism without becoming a police state? Realistically, terrorism can probably never be eliminated, but it can be made less frequent and less dangerous. A first step is to learn as much as possible
about the pyschology and politics of terrorism. For example, Dr. Frederick Hacker distinguishes three types of terrorists ·in his book "Crusaders, Criminals and Crazies." The crazies, he says, are severely emotionally disturbed people whose actions and causes make sense only to themselves. The criminals are just that - criminals using terrorist techniques. The third type of terrorist is the crusader. " Crusading terrorists are ideologically inspired," Hacker says. "They believe that they act in the service of a higher cause." Terrorist activities may be activated by religious grievances, as was the case with the Hanafis. But, according to Hacker,
A report on civil disorders and terrorism prepared by a task force of the National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals cautiously predicts that there will be a slow growth, but no drastic increase, in terroristic activities in the United States. But the committee also warns that "there is considerable evidence that contagion and imitation are significant factors in the incidence of terroristic activity. Often, after the use of novel and seemingly succ!,!ssful terroristic techniques has been been imitated and embellished by other terroristls." "The advisory committee says its recommendations are "based firmly upon the primacy of the value of human life above all other values,' concrete or abstract. "To take advantage of a situation for any other purpose is to carry out an execution, one, moreover, that is undertaken in the heat of the momeI)t, without a trial under due process of law. By taking the life of the perpetrator under such circumstances, society would sacrifice its primary values,"
Necrology Apnl 9 Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, 1919, Pastor, Immaculate Conception,. Fall River Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River April 10 Rev. JohnP. Doyle, 1944, Pastor, St. William, Fall River April 11 Rev. John F. Downey, 1914, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich April 12 Rev. John Tobin, 1909 Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River April 14 Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, Pastor, Sacred' Heart, North Attleboro
First, Last Act
@rheANmOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore, M.A.
Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~ Leary
Preu-·ftll River
"Qur Lord's first public act was prayer, 'As He prayed the heavens were opened,' The last act of the Crucified before giving up His life in atonement for the world's sin was prayer."Oswald Hoffman ....""111 .. '"111••• 111I.11111111111111"11I111111.1"1'1'1'111111111111111.""".IIIIIIIIII""",II'llllllr ••
THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every ThursdaY at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $5.00 per year.
Pro-Life Subject For First Friday
News from Rome
Pope 'Paul VI told a crowd in St. Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus that Easter holds out great promises for all but makes demands on all. To celebrate Easter. said the Pope, "means for each in his own conscience and with total commitment to celebrate the marvel of our freedom from the death of sin and our regaining of a lost life by arising with the risen Christ."
Tomorrow night. for the first time, "wives; daughters, sisters or sweethearts" of First Friday Club members are invited to attend a meeting of the organization. To follow 6 p.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church. Fall River. the gathering will include supper and a talk by Pamela Smith of Our Lady of Fatima parish. Swansea. Her topic will be pro-life activity and she speaks as chairman of the Greater Fall River chapter of Massachusetts Citizens for Life and an executive board member of the state organization. Reservations for the program JUBILARIAN: Rev. Andre may be made with First Friday P. Jussaume, pastor of St.· Club captains.
Jacques parish, Taunton, was honored at a Mass and testimonial dinner marking his 25th anniversary in the priesthood. Also honored were his parents, who will mark their 55th wedding anniversary this summer. Pre,Easter. he said. is the central event of the year which affects sentations were made to the each human being. whether he jubilarian by represenatives knows it or not and whether he of parish groups. Father Juswants it or not. "It gives a di· saume came to the parish in mension." he went on. to the 1958 after assignments at philosophy of the earth and. for Notre Dame parish, Fall us, a sense to the theology of River, and St. Theresa's, life. New Bedford. He has been "Hence we must prepare." he pastor since 1972.
Our sharing in these blessings sacramentally. he said. is not always an easy thing. "It demands an internal act of humility. of faithfulness and of courage" which goes against the· human tendency toward spiritual idleness.
In an emotion-filled visit with Czechoslovakia's five funcitioning bishops. Pope Paul VI declared that the Vatican is still trying hard to break down their government's resistance to appointment of bishops in eight vacant dioceses. The meeting with the Czechoslovak bishops was the first in a series of meetings which Pope Paul will have with Iron-Curtain bishops who are making their five-year "ad limina" visits to Rome this year. In November. 75 of Poland's 76 bishops are exepected to meet the Pope.
Vincentians Members of the Greater Fall River Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday. April 5 for Mass at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. A business session will follow at St. Vincent de Paul Store. 1799 Pleasant St.
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New Bedford Catholic Women's Club will honor Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at its annual Bishop's Night dinner program at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. April 19 at the Wamsutta Club in New Bedford. Members may bring guests. Reservations will close Friday. April 15 and may be made with Miss Helen L. Stager or Mrs. Joseph C. Motta. The unit will sponsor "The
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CLASSMATE: Honored last weekend on the occasion of his jubilee was Rev. William F. O'Connell, pastor of St. Joseph's Church, North Dighton, and a classmate of Father Jussaume. A Taunton native, he was associate pastor at St. James, New Bedford, SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River and St. Lawrence, New Bedford; and pastor at St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven, and Sacred Heart, Fall River, before assuming his present post in January, 1976. He has also been a Boy Scout chaplain in New Bedford and Fall River, moderator of the Catholic Guild for the Blind in New Bedford and moderator of the Fall River Catholic Women's Club. Only Thing "The only thing which binds God is prayer." - Tertullian
Mrs. George Mello or Mrs. Mot· tao An earlier luncheon presentation of the show has been sold out.
Winning Look." a style show. at 6 p.m. Wednesday. April 13, also at the Wamsutta Club. ReservationS may be made with
Bishop's Night In New Bedford
said. "for this central mystery of Christ . . . which commemor-· ates the redemption of man wrought by Christ and which reflects His mercy and love."
Pope Paul has reaffirmed opposition to ordination of married men, telling a group of French bishops that he considers a change in celibacy regulations for priests to be among "impossible and illusory solutions" to the vocation crisis. He said that a crisis in faith and the inability of youth to make lasting commitments were probably responsible for the slowdown in seminary enrollments; and suggested that bishops try for a "better distribution" geographically of their priests and a greater use of the diaconate.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
We are preparing a special issue to mark the 20th Anniversary of The Anchor. If your business, church organization or company would be interested in placing a message ~f congratulations, please contact our advertising manager, Rosemary Dussault, by April 14 at 617-675-7151.
New England Pilgrimage To FATIMA and LOURDES Under the sponsorship and leadership of His Em'inence HUMBERTO CARDINAL MEDEIROS Archbishop of Boston *Portugal *France *Ireland May 9 • 23, 1977 Price $995.00 Organized By BROTHER GERARD BRASSARD, A.A. For Complete Infonnation Write or Phone:. NEW ENGLAND PILGRIMAGE P.O. Box 291 - Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Telephone 864·7800
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
What Is Membership By
What is it' worth to be a member 'of the Catholic church? If one is to judge by many of the Catholic reviewers who commented on John Cogley's posthumous memoirs, "A Canterbury Tale," membership is not worth much of anything. Cogley become a hero for leaving the Church, and those who stay are cowards. Thus in the New York
For me, Christ showed¡ His human nature most clearly when He spoke the fourth time from the cross. "My God, My God, why, have you forsaken me?" Christ must have felth the desperate sense of emptiness and abandonment so fequently known to all of us. The frustrations I endure as
Catholic Church Worth?
"Times," "Commonweal" Jesuit Raymond Schroth writes that "some of us who have remained both CatholiG, and libera1 during the last 30 years have occasionally sustained our faith and hope with the exaggerated fantasy that there were really 1'.vo Catholic churches: theirs and ours~" "Theirs," of course, is the church of the liberal elite. It does not o~cur to Father Schroth that there might be a third church represented neither at Detroit nor at Washington, a church which reads neither "Commonweal" nor the "Sunday Visitor," and is made up of the ordinary Catholic laity. But that is another matter. So too, is it another matter
whether it is faith at all that needs to be sustained by fantasy. Father Schroth apparently would agree that fantasy is no substitute for religious seriousness; and John Cogley, heaven knows, was serious. He was "too honest, too rational to sustain himself with an occasional two-church fantasy. In a way, he took Roman Catholism more seriously than the rest of us, perhaps too seriously - certainly too seriously to remain in it," These words are ambiguous. I have no reason to doubt Father Schroth's religious commitment, yet what else can one conclude from the quotation except that the honest, rational, serious person leaves the church, and only
the dishonest, irrational, and nonserious can remain in it. Father Schroth ends with a phrase about "those of us who could not follow him . . . " Again, I wonder what that means. Does Father Schroth remain in the church because he is not as honest, .rational and serious as John Cogley? When Cogley left I wrote that while I wished him well and believed in his sincerity, I did not think that in the objective order his reasons for leaving were good ones. I lamented that the family of the faithful had lost an important and influential member for inadequate reasons. Since he received virtually universal applause for his. depar-
ture, Cogley was angry at me for breathing a word of criticism, and the .cogley cult has never quite forgiven me. In reviews of his book, two Cogley cultists, Jesuit book review editor for "America," Father John Breslin and Coleman McCarthy, editorial writer for the Washington "Post," went out of their way to settle scores with me. I'm baffled. Do Jesuits Breslin and Schroth no longer believe in the family of the .faithful? Do they no longer think that unity of the Catholic Christians is important? Do they no longer think that there is an objective order in which actions are to be judged, however sincere those actions may be?
a parent sometimes make me cry to God with those same words. I want to have all the answers, 'fulfill all my children's wants, provide for all their needs. I raised my children to. expect that. But that's impossible, and a day comes when the child knows it's impossible. ,J cannot be all things at all times. My child feels abandoned. He feels I don't understand. He cries out against me . . . forsaken. i wonder if God . . . as a father . . . felt that emptiness I so often feel. I feel I'm climbing up a steep cliff. Every toe-hold crumbles beneath my feet. Every ledge
breaks away. I continue, and finally claw my way up. I get a grip on the top - try to pull myself to it - and it seems God steps on my fingertips. Bruised and battered, I cry out with Christ, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" I want Him to reach down, take my hand, and lift me up. I want Him to ease the pain, solve the problems, soothe the cares. Why do I expect that? When His own Son cried out to Him, God provided no quick relief. Yet I expect instant solutions. Worst Feeling What of all the parents who have been forsaken by their chilren? How often the elderly feel
that terrible abandonment that Christ felt on the cross. Empty, depairing loneliness ... with no other alternative . . . must be the worst feeling in human existence. Those who felt forsaken by their parents when they were young are the same ones who in their old age feel forsaken by their children. I wonder if now, two thousand years later, Christ cries out, "My children, My children, why have you forsaken me?" For me, the message of Christ's anguished plea . . . and God's not answering . " . is a lesson in understanding human suffering. Suffering is not God's pun-
ishment for sin. Christ committed no sin but He suffered the Passion. Suffering is a means of accomplishing good. We can bear with our own suffering and by _our example inspire others. We can be inspired by the suffering of others - inspired to renew our courage, to try harder to alleviate one another's pain. Christ set an example for us. He spent His life helping those who suffered . . . yet He suffered Himself . . . for our sake: And . that suffering included feeling abandonE:d by God. He showed us that even those who feel abandoned by God will share in the Resurrection.
NLRB Statistics Should Not Occasion Complacency By
The fact that 30 million votes have been cast in union representation elections conducted by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has been hailed by union leaders as a milestone in the history of labor-management relations.
One of the most rewarding aspects of gardening is the sharing of information, plants and enthusiasms with other gardeners and especially children. A child's innocent delight in flowers and vegetables is extremely rewarding, especially if we do not place great burdens on them to be perfection-
But George Meany, president tacked on to the original statute of the AFL-CIO, has warned that , have weakened it and strengwe should not be lulled into thened the hand of anti-union complacency by those statistics employers, who are past masand has called for reform of the ters at resorting to "procedural National .Labor Relations Act. delays," thus avoiding enforceFour decades later, Meany ment of the law for years and pointed out, the public policy of nullifying its original purpose the United States has not been and objective. realized. He charged that beSome of labor's critics are intween the intention and the clined to dismiss Meany's comreality of the law there is a col- plaint as one-sided union propaossal and growing gap of empty ganda. Surprisingly, however, promises, delays, and frustrathe March 7 issue of Barron'sa business-oriented and consisttions. The gist of Meany's comp- ently anti-labor weekly - says, laint is that the Taft-Hartley and in effect, that Meany's criticism Landrum-Griffin amendments of the Act is well founded.
"Four out of five union representation elections," Barron's says, "are held without opposition from the employer; and take place within a month after the filing of an -election petition. But where the employer challenges the election, it is generally postponed for an average of two-and-a-half months of hearings, and for an average of 10 months if the employer's case is heard by the board itself. And the longer the delay, the more organzing momentum is lost, and the weaker the union's showing invariably proves. "Moreover, if a worker in-
volved in the orgamzlOg drive or with union sympathies is fired and successfully challenges his dismissal as an unfair labor practice, it is likely to take about two years before the courts finally order his reinstatement with back pay, even if his complaint is upheld by the NLRB." In -other words - justice delayed is justice denied. That's precisely what Mr. Meany is complaining about and what the labor movement under his leadership, is determined, to correct through a series of amendments to the National Labor Relations Act.
ists. The nature of children is terest was in the fresh fruit she such that they do not have the was able to pick and eat; strawperseverance or single-minded- berries, raspberries, blueberries, ness of adults and so they fluc- pears and currants. tuate from heady enthusiasm to Once introduced to the procomplete indifference in a short ducts of the garden as a small period of time. However, ohild- child, she gradually took an inren should be brought into the terest in the aesthetics until she garden so that they can experi- has graduated to the point ence ~he joy of growing things where for the past few years themselves. she has had her own section of I think the key to most chil- the garden to maintain. dren's interest lies in a food Instant Success value of the garden. Of my three children, Melissa shows the Children must have immedimost interest and I think her 'interest began much as mine did ate success if they are to beby seeing something tangible, come interested in the garden, come from her efforts, however so adults should be selective in sporadic. Melissa's greatest in- . what they recommend for them.
An elderly friend once said to me, "They're great fQr flowering, but not much for weeding." Truer words were never spoken! In flowers, \.ve should recommend things that grow quickly, such as marigolds, zinnias, calendula. Almost all the annuals fit into this category. They are reasonably easy to start from seed and flower in time to give the children some feedback, or they can be bought in flats and planted in the garden for almost immediate results. In vegetables, one should work with pole and bush beans, tomatoes, . radishes, green peppers and the easier vegetables which again give results quickly in a
short period of time. Beans are particularly good because the children can see results about in a week and then quick, lush growth afterward. The most important element with children is not tQ make the garden such .an overwhelming disciplinary task that we take the joy out of it. Too often we think of any adult-child relationship as a teaching situation. We see the garden as another method to teach the child something when in fact it is the perfect place for the child to learn on his or her own. The message of growing things is self-evident and children need no parental guidance in understanding it.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
'Light Ha:s Not Gone Out of Church' By Richard Higgins WORCESTER, Mass. (NC) When the history of the current period is written, "there may be found no more articulate and forceful witness to the sanctity· of human rights in the generation following World War II than the bishops of the Catholic Church," Msgr. John Tracy Ellis, the noted Catholic historian, told the spring meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association. "The mounting protests of bishops against human righ~s violations "in South Korea. The Phillipines, Poland, Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, South Africa, Rhodesia, and elsewhere prove the light has not gone out of the Catholic Church," he told about 175 scholars gathered at Holy Cross College. Msgr. Ellis, professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of America in Washington, also observed that the study of history is showing signs of a resurgence after the "blackout of the 'now' generation." He said the spectacUlar success of Alex Haley's "Roots" and "the growing curiosity of Americans over their genealogical and ethnic origins" are indications of a national phenom-
enon which may help to "break. the spell of neglect with which Americans have treated history." According to Msgr. Ellis, "The American Catholic is doubtless less dramatic than the story of Kunta Kinte and his descendaQts, but if properly told is far from devoid of its own color and drama." Although still in the "malaise which overtook the discipline a decade ago," the study of history may be emerging into a "brighter hour ahead" from the "mindless curriculum and madness which descended upon higher education in the 1960s," he said. \
The relationship between Pope Pius XII and the Nazis during World War II and the failure to record an adequate history of women Religious in the United States were among other topics discussed and debated by history professors and scholars from 30 states at the bi-annual conference. Pope Pius XII did not fail to act during the Nazi occupation of Europe and extermination of Jews as some recent historical criticism has suggested, an edi-
tor of the Vatic/l.n wartime documents released 13 years ago told one seminar. Jesuit Father Robert A. Graham said Pope Pius was "proGerman but anti-Nazi," and that criticisms of his "alleged silence" were either uninformed or unjust in the light of existing diplomatic factors. The Pope chose "confidential protests" on some occasions and behind the scenes activity instead of strident denunciations, Father Graham said.
•• ••
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When are you happiest? Happiness lies in giving. You're happiest when you give yourself to the people who need you most. . . . A mother, for instance, hums with happiness when she bathes and dresses her baby. A good nurse always has time for a smile. Good fathers whistle at their work. . . . The best sort of giving involves more than writing checks-still, how better can you help the children now who need you overseas? Boys and girls who are blind, lepers, deaf-mutes, orphans-your money gifts, large and small, will feed them, teach them, cure them, give them a chance in life.... Want to be happier this Easter? Give some happiness to a child. Yoo'll be happy, too!
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MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480
THE ANCHORThurs., March 31, 1977
DURING LENT why don't you come and pray one hour ••• at the
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By Robert E. Rodes, Jr.
Traditional Cat hoI i c thought relates law closely to morality. The fundamental principles of morality are found in what is caned tht'! "natural law." We learn them by reflecting on what it means to be human. God has "written them in people's hearts." Human laws - laws enacted by legislatures and administered by judges - are derived from this natural law. They serve to apply and enforce it. Thus, tra.ffic laws apply the principle that you should not endanger other people. Criminal laws enforce moral rules against stealing, killing, etc. Any law that does not serve purposes of this kind can be regarde~ as no law at all. 'Modern legal scholars, both. Catholic and non-Catholic,' have tended to find this traditional natural-law doctrine unsatisfactory - less because of what is says than because of what it leaves out. In the first place, it seems to offer no sour:d foundation for our concern with personal freedom. While tbe traditional theorists concede that human law does not have to suppress ~ll vices, they see its role as primarily a matter of leading people to virtue through rewards and punishments. They do not hesitate to use law as a way of forcing people to be good, because they see the practic~ of virtue as the primary means for achieving human happiness. Traditional natural law theorists do recognize the importance of a person's conscience in his nonnal life, and they know that even an erroneous conscience must be followed. But since they derive moral precepts from the exercises of reason, they do not see much excuse for having an erroneous conscience in the first place. They seem to feel that if your conscience is in error, either you should have reasoned more carefully or you should have submitted 'to the guidance of persons wiser than yourself. Their'system leaves no scope for the moral and spiritual value of having a person make his own decisions and decide freely what he thinks is right. Another defect in the traditional natural-law doctrine is its failure to deal with institutions and administrative techniques. The medieval philosophers and theologians who played a large part in its development used for their model of law the late Roman law, which was built mainly on the orders issued by emperors to their unruly and disintegrating empire. As a result, medieval people thought of law in tenns of rules or precepts (do this; don't do that) rather than in terms of in: stitutions and techniques capable of actually affecting the way people behave. Since morality is expressed in rules or precepts, is easier to relate morality to law if we think of law as also expressed in rules or precepts. It is easy to say that since race discrimina-
tion is immoral we will make a law against it, or since paying debts is a moral duty we will make a law requiring people to do so. It is harder to make moral judgments when the Department of Health, Education and Welfare cuts off federal aid money to a segregated school or when a creditor is allowed to garnishees a debtor's wages. Much modern legal thought deals with these hard institutional questions rather than with the easy questions of what should be commanded or for. bidden. Hence, the traditional natural law doctrine does not shed as much light as we would like to have on the moral issues with which we are faced. It may be this lack of concern with institutions and techniques that is responsible for a third defect in the traditional doctrine, its failure to pay enough attention to social justice. Where other branches of justice call for dealing fairly with individuals social justice calls for setting up and supporting institutions. The concept was developed in a 'series of papal encyclicals begining with Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum (1891). Structural Change Needed These encyclicals responded to a growing awareness in secular social thought that with all the good will in the world, there were important human rights that could not be adequately respected without changes in the institutions and structures of society. The idea of social justice makes it possible to fonnulate the moral obligation of each member of the community to work for the necessary changes, and accept them when they come about. Until this development in the late 19th century, traditional Catholic legal doctrine had had very little so say about social justice. It did recognize that law was supposed to implement the "common good." but its way of serving the common good was to make rules about the conduct of individuals. Too often, when rules of this kind failed to solve .problems, Catholics lapsed into a sterile conservatism, as if they had nothing' further to contribute. Only in this century have Catholics begun to explore the possibilities of social change through the creative use of law. In doing so, they have often found traditional Catholic legal doctrines more a hindrance than a help. When I call the traditional natural-law doctrine "Catholic," I do not mean that it is an essential part of the Catholic faith. One can be a good Catholic and abandon the doctrine wholly or in part. A great many exemplary Catholics have done just that. They have felt that the doctrine did not allow them to give effect to their deeply held convictions about freedom, or to concern themselves' adequately' with legal institutions and social justice. But for my own part, I would like to refonn the traditional doctrine instead of giving it up. The fundamental insights on Which that doctrine was founded are as valid today as they ever were. There is still a huTurn to Page Eleven
, ; '
IS THE YOUNG MAN right to remove sod from the Pentagon lawn in a demonstration against arms spending? Is the security officer right to arrest him? "Real life for most people involves a number of hard choices," points out Notre Dame law professor Robert E. Rodes Jr. (NC Photo)
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Donald Attwater LONDON (NC) Donald Attwater, a Catholic writer well known for his work both on tile
lives of the saints and on the Eastern rites, died recently at Storrington, Sussex. He was 84. Among his works are the twovolume handbook, "The Christ-
ian Churches of the East," his revision of the Thurston-Butler "Lives of the Saints," and his own Penguin "Dictionary of .Saints,"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaU River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
Obliged to Tell Only Mortal Sin WASHINGTON (NC) In the wake of recent controversy surrounding use of general absolution, confusion has surfaced over a related matter: whether or not annual confession is required by Church law. Vatican statements restricting general absolution to exceptional situations have emphasized that individual private confession must be made within a year by anyone who receives general absolution. And on March 23, Pope Paul
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VI told his weekly general audience that Church law still requires that Catholics confess their sins and receive Communion during the Easter season. Canon law seems to indicate, however, that annual confession is only required for those aware of having committed mortal sins. A canon lawyer at Catholic University of America here said that the applicable canon "does not explicitly state that. but that's the understanding,"
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Yes, there are Jesuit Brothers. I have been one for twenty years. As a member of the Society of Jesus in New England, I am presently using my training and experi~nce to advise and assist our Provincial and serve our Province in financial matters. If you have any desire for more information about a vocation to Jesuit Brotherhood, I'll be happy to assist you. You may contact me at:
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977,
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'LOUISV1LLE, Ky. (NC) The annual convention of the National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) has called for a review of the ban on ordaining women priests and for permitting permanent deacons to marry or remarry after ordination. At the conclusion of the convention, delegates also expressed support for the reconciliation rites last December in the Memphis, Tenn., diocese, which included the giving of general absolution to thousands. The NFPC delegates asked that the bishops take steps to form a national pastoral council, that the diaconate be opened to women and that "all forms of sexism" be eliminated in the Church.
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VOCATION DISCOVERY WEEKEND FOR: Young Women, High School Seniors And Older AT: Sacred Hearts Academy, 330 Main St., Fairhaven, Mass. FROM: FRIDAY, APRIL 29 TO SUNDAY, MAY 1st . TO: Consider the future of their lives in the context of prayer, reflection, discussion and personal guidance. CONTACT: Sr. Jo-Ann McKenzie, Sacred Hearts Community 330 Main Street, Fairhaven Mass. - Tel. 993-1082
Representing the Priests' Senate of the Fall River diocese was Rev. Michel G. Methot, associate director for adult education of the diocese and assistant pastor at St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford. Also attending from the diocese was Rev. Thomas Lopes, assistant pastor at St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford, who is NFPC representative for the Boston Province and serves on the organization's executive board. In the convention keynote address Dr. David J. O'Brien of Holy Cross College, Worcester, said that priests must develop "professional organizations which can influence training, certification, evaluation and standards of promotion and which can enforce an ethical discipline." He added that efforts must be made to move away from o clerical leadership in many areas and to share power and authority with lay. people. "They must_make the decisions regarding priorities, budgets,
educational programs and even some decisions regarding liturgy," he declared. Delegates heard Bishop John J. Sullivan of Grand Island, Neb. speak of the benefits of team ministries and Joshua Alves, a permanent deacon from the Chicago archdiocese, discuss the history and role of the permanent deacon. . The position of nuns in the' Church was addressed by Sister .Joseph Kathleen Keating, chairperson of the National Assembly of Women Religious. She said that priests must see nuns as having their own gifts and not as "slot-fillers, dollar-savers or priest-substitutes," and said women should be involved in all possible Church ministries. The vocation of the religious brotherhood was described by
Holy Shroud Turin May Be Displayed 'f.URIN, Italy (NC) - New scientific studies and perhaps even a period of public display of the Holy Shroud of Turin will begin here next year, acCording to reports. The shroud, kept in a huge chapel annexed to Turin's small Renaissance cathedral, has not been placed on public display since 1933, the year celebrated here as the 1,900th anniversary of Jesus' death. Tradition says that the shroud of Turin was the cloth in which Jesus' body was wrapped after His crucifix~on. The image of a man is clearly visible on the cloth's 14-foot surface. The upcoming international conference on the shroud will try to answer, according to Turin's daily newspaper La Stampa, whether what appears to be blood on the cloth is really human blood and whether the cloth was made in Palestine at the time of Jesus.
Brother Robert Mcann, president of the National Assembly of Brothers, as a "way of life which makes us free to minister where needed and to give a life witness to the Gospel in the world today." Delegates called on the councils they represent to convene diocesan and regional meetings for dialogue on ministry and directed the NFPC executive board to request both the National Council of Catholic Bishops and Pope Paul vi to review the issue of the ordination ;of women "for the purpose of removing those canonical impediments to ordination based on the sex of candidates."
Divorced Pa rley At Wheaton "Is There Life after Divorce?" a one-day program sponsored by the Northeastern Regional Conference for Separated and Divorced Catholics, will be held Saturday April 2 at Wheaton College, Norton. Speakers will present religious, legal, emotional, sexual and social issues and resources, for men and women experiencing separation, divorce and transition to a new life style. Workshop leaders will include Caryl Rivers, author of "Aphrodite at Mid~Century"; Rev. James J. Young, CSP, nationally known minister to the separated and divorced; Rev. Paul T. O'Connell of the Worcester diocese marriage tribunal; and Atty. Robert F. McGrath of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. The day will close with a dinner-dance. Further information is available from Design for Human . Development, 73 Tremont St., Boston 02108, telephone 5236518.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
Letters to the editor
letters are welcomed,~ but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address.
Likes Authority Dear Editor: I read Mary Carson's column ("I Intend to Stay"-Anchor, March 10). Her idea that the teaching authority of the church is something to be chopped away at until it becomes a "friendly neighbor" that she can "call over the fence to" is typical of so many other erroneous ideas about Holy Mother the Church. Christ left a visible church on earth, that can be looked on as a Parent. A home needs a head of the house. Look at the evidence of what happens when parental authority gives in to children's cry of "all the others are doing it," or "I have a mind of my own," or "who gave you the right .to tell me what to do" (God!). The Pope is Christ's repre. sentative on earth, our spiritual parent. We as Catholics are as children in a loving family. Sometimes some of us do not understand ( as children do not understand a parent). We are fortunate in our Catholicism in these troubled times, to know that Christ is still at the helm. His Church will stand. We should applaud Humanae Vitae
and the ruling on ordination of women. Like children, the dissenters will cry and have their little tantrums, but the Church will not dissolve into a so-called loving democracy. Fortunately our family subscribes to a Catholic weekly that prints the full content of Pope Paul's general audience each week. How Catholic it would be if the Anchor would do the same. Shirley De Visscher South Attleboro
Cursillo Page
Dear Editor: . . . It really did my heart good to see the Cursillo page in The Anchor. Words cannot express my wife's and my feeling of thankfulness to Almighty God for leading us closer to Him through the method of Cursillo. May 29th will be the 20th anniversary of the first Cursillo in the United States, so it is relatively young here, but praise God it has touched every diocese and continues to grow with His blessings. After all, He is almighty and His glory is what every movement' should be about. John O. Rego Swansea
DURING A TYPICAL WEEK Bishop Cronin moves
Moral Choices Continued from Page Eight man nature that must be understood if people are to be served by law. Virtue is still the best route to human happiness, even if it is one that has to be freely travelled. Law can do many things to point out the route, even if it cannot compel people to follow it. Christian Understanding There is no reason why laws cannot be founded on morality and natural law, and yet give due respect to freedom, take institutions and techniques into account, and use them for the achievement of social justice. In fact, I believe laws can do all these things better if they are founded on morality and natural law. As regards freedom, for instance, I think we will enjoy more of it, and enjoy it longer, if we found our laws on a Christian understanding of human nature (which is, after all, what natural law theory is all about, then if we round them on that stern abstraction of secular philosophy, the consenting adult. The consenting-adult approach presupposes a world full of intellectually and morally autonomous people who have already made up their minds exactly how they want to live, and will live exactly as they have decided to if only they are left alone. This approach is the work of middle-class Victorian philosophers who were considerably sheltered from the ecomomic anc! social realities of their (or any other) time. The same thinking that is behind today's "permissive society" was behind the 19th-century view that
throughout the diocese, presiding at a variety of functions. Last week his schedule took him (left to right, top to bottom) to Holy Name, New Bedford, for parish center groundbreaking ceremonies; to St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford, for a special Mass for the parish high school; to Councit 86, Fall l~.iver Knights of Columbus, for Bishop's Night; to St. John of God, Somerset, groundbreaking for a new church; and to St. Mary's Cathedral, to preside at a silver jubilee Acies ceremony for the Legion of Mary.
every working man has an inalienable right to work a 14hour day. We have many- examples of the failure of the consentingadult philosophy, from the confused teenagers who pass through the abortion clinics to the equally confused middleaged man coming out of the Nixon White House. Real ·life for most people involves a number of hard choices - cases where it is dif(icult to determine what is right, and more cases where it is difficut to live up to the right as they have determined it. If we base our commitment to freedom on respect for human nature as it actually is, we will respect people's doubts and temptations as well as their free choices. It is good that we have learned how much people need to find their way without coercion. But they do not need to find it without moral support. A legal system that is at once free and supportive is not easy to come by, but it will help if we realize that that is what we want. We will also be better able to develop the institutions and I techniques we need and to focus them on meeting the real demands of social justice, if we keep looking at human nature as it actually is. People need institutions because it is not enough to tell them what to do. If they are to make right choices· and live up to them once made, they need not simply instructioJl, but a network of support. Recognizing this need is surely the first step in trying to fill it.
Father Kueng Says He'll Clarify Views on Christ Father Hans Kueng, the con- Christian." troversial theologian who. However, the bishops said teaches at the University of that the clarifications received Tuebingen, has told the German were insufficient. bishops he never intended "to Vatican spokesmen have also express doubts about the ,son- criticized doctrinal positions exship of God in Jesus or about pressed in "On Being A Christhe Holy Trinity." tian," a lengthy presentation of At a meeting in Stuttgart what Father Kueng considers to with Cardinal Joseph Hoeffner be the ·essentials of Christian beand other German bishops, lief. Father Kueng agreed to comply The theologian said he "abwith their request that he clarify solutely refuses to be put on the some of the views concerning same level with dissident the saving mission of Jesus French Archbishop Marcel LefChrist that he expressed in his ebvre," who has rejected the best-selling book "On Being a liturgical reforms and other
teachings of the Second Vatican Council. "I have ·never had any idea of pretending that I am infallible or of challenging the orthodoxy of the Roman· authorities, Father Kueng said. adding: "I never wanted to be more Catholic than the Catholic Church and I want to remain true to this my Church." In compliance with the German bishops' request, he said, he is planning to clarify his thinking in a supplement to "On Being a Christian," to ~e published next year under the title "Does God Exist?"
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
Through Death to Life k '41'
Light in Darkness By Msgr. Joseph B. Champlin In St. Joseph's parish, Oriskany Falls, N.Y., the celebrations of Christmas and Easter are closely connected by means of a candle ceremony introduced into both liturgies by Father Moritz Fuchs, pastor. At the Gospel proclamation during Christmas Midnight Mass, candles are lit according to a pre-developed pattern. As the priest mentions different individuals in the Nativity narrative, a single candle is ignited symi1()lizing each particular character. The major taper, of course, represents Christ, the light of the World coming into our midst. As the Biblical account continues and the various figures, like the shepherds or wise man,
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After Death: Life? By Steve Landragan
withdraw from Bethle1".em, the lighters extinguish all but the, dominant Christ candle. In the midnight or early winter evening darkness, with church lights dimmed or off, this one candle thus stands out clearly. Immediately after the Gospel, several parishioners step forward, light their own candles from the Christ taper, then pass the flame along to other worshippers. Soon the building is beautifully illuminated by many candles, all ignited from the one light. The Infant, in this symbolic ceremony, becomes not only the light shining in the midst of darkness, but the source of light for each person's life. When a parallel ritual takes Turn to Page Thirteen
A truly religious person faces death with tranquility, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has founer, but she adds "there aren't very many of them." This report should not be difficult for a Christian to understand . . . at least the first part. Victory over, death and sin is a central doctrine of Christianity. The second part of Dr. KublerRoss' statement, that there are very few truly religious persons is a little different. It appears to indicate that the faith of many Christians falters in the face of life's ultimate crisis . . . death. Could it be that most Christians reflect the desolation of Job who cried out" . . . I go whence I shall not return, to the land of darkness and of gloom, the black disordered land, where darkness is the only light." (Job 10,21-22) What has become of -St. Paul's triumphant echo of Isaiah and Hoses, "0 death, where is your victory? 0 death, where is your sting?" . Death today is something to be fought. .It is not only the ul.timate crisis, it is the ultimate challenge, reaching its zenith to the act by which men and women order their bodies frozen immediately after death to await the victory over death that they are certain will come from man, not from God. The legal struggle over the use of extraordinary means of life's support, the question of by whom, and when the plug may be pulled, both center on the belief that anything is better than death, even artificially maintained life as a vegetable. Those who would maintain life mechanically when medical hope is gone can hardly be regarding death in the terms of St. Paul. Greatest Doubt' . Man is faced with his greatest
doubt in regard to death. The public reaction and pubHcity surrounding the recent 'research of Dr. Kubler-Ross and other scientists into the realm of life after death is an indication of the hope that men and women hold out for the time when the doubt of death can be replaced by the certainty of science instead of the certainty of faith. Any who have not read Dr. Kubler-Ross' little masterwork, "On Death and Dying," should do so. It documents not only the torment most people go through when they are facing pain and the gradual enfeeblement of their bodies but their inability to accept the prospect of ceasing to be. Actually, the inability to accept personal annihilation comes from an implicit knowledge of each of us that within human existence is the seed of eternal life. Each of us longs for a life to come with a longing no technological advance will ever satisfy. The only an!;wer is faith, faith in God's own revelation that the death which each of us must suffer because of sin will be overcome when we are restored to the integrity for which we were created. Man and woman w~re created for a life with the Father, a life' without corruption and death. Sin separated us from the Father and our original wholeness. Jesus by His perfect obedience restored the gifts of grace we lost by disobedience. This is the Good News of salvation. It is to faith in this that Jesus calls men when He preaches "This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the Gospe!!!" (Mark 1, 15) It is this faith, which by its very definition can exist only in the presence of doubt, that the Christian finds the tranquilty to face death.
DEATH IS A FINAL LIBERATION, writes Michael Warren. At ,a church in the Ukraine family and friends gather for a funeral. (NC Photo) through death to new life and be raised up by the Father. Such For some time now in my a hope doesn't deny death, doescatechetical ministry, I have been n't cancel the pain of death, trying to see how various as- doesn't dismiss the fear of death. pects of human experience are It does assure us that we must in continuity with one another go through death to life. and with the Christian mystery. How Show Continuity? These relationships are not alThe above considerations ways easy to see. Death, for ex- seem to say that death is in fact ample seems to be out of har- quite discontinuous with life. mony with life. After all, it is How can a catechist show a conthe interruption of life, the end. tiIiuity between the Christian The reality of death is like a view of death' and the rest of huge, inescapable, confining human experience. The followstone wall. ing is one approach. 'Even faith does not deny the In a sense, the physical death reality of that stone wall. I' of every person is the final and myself am offended at glib at- definitive tleath in a series of tempts to explain it away or smaller, less painful' but ' very even bless it away.. Recently, real "daily deaths." Our experiwhen I stood at the coffin of a ence tells us. this. Christian or dear friend, dead after three not, all persons undergo continyears of suffering the humilia- uous struggles and suffering ting paralysis of a stroke, I the daily deaths that are part of found myself angered at some living. For a Christian, howeve'r, of the inane comments meant these sufferings and "deaths" as condolences. "He's better off are part of the fabric of God's now, in a better place." "Isn't it loving plan for one's life. Again, wonderful the sufferings are this sense of God's loving Will over?" doesn't take away the pain and I wanted to tell those people struggle of these "deaths." What to be quiet. I wanted to say it does is put them into a catethat those of us who loved him gory of hope. Our hope is that had lost someone we needed. they will not be in vain - that Christian faith does not turn they are leading us somewhere. away from the mystery of death. Instead of a stone in a massive It faces death squarely as an stone-wall-obstacle, they repreobstacle. In the face of that im- sent one more stone that will fit mense wall, it offers no slick, . into the mosaic of the total picbalm or glib words. Christian ture of God's plan for us. faith offers hope blossomed into I have asked many adults over trust and confidence that the the past five years if their own promise of Jesus will not be experience is the same as mine. false. Just as Jesus' own trust I've asked if looking back on in the Father led Him through their lives they see that the death to resurrection, our own times of greatest growth have faith is that we too, shall go also been the times of greatest By Michael Warren
suffering, The answer invariably is: "Yes, those were the times when I grew." What they are saying is that they came, even in these little deaths, to new life through death. They have already have had an inkling that the promise of Jesus will not be in vain. In general the catechetical response to death must not be to deny it or kiss it away. The response must rather be to face it. However, I find that catechesis and preaching dwell too little on the dark side of life, on the daily struggles and pain that are such a part of our ordinary experience. These "deaths" need to be reflected on in the light of Jesus' hope in a loving Father. My own friend crippled by stroke had spoken to me of his own death in a similar vein, in the sense that he had spoken of his coming death and had looked to it as a final liberation.
Slate 5-hr. Vigil Tomorrow Night A First Friday vigil of reparation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will be held beginning at 7 p.m. tomorrow at St, Joseph Church, New Bedford, The service will begin with a votive Mass of the Sacred Heart and a second Mass, honoring the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will be celebrated at midnight. The rosary will be recited and a holy hour will be conducted in the course of the evening and there will' be a 10 p.m. coffee break. All are fnvited to attend the entire vigil or any part of it.
. THE ANCHORThurs.• March 31, 1977
A Verdade E A Vida por Rev. Edmond Rego Unidos no unico Sacerdocio de Jesus Cristo, Bispos e Sacerdotes sao, porem, simples instrumentos, !!servos do Misteriol:. Quem, por intermedio deles, age na Igreja eo Esp(rito de Jesus, 0 Esp(rito Santo, como 0 subl inha t~da a Liturgia da Missa Crismal. Renovando, na Missa Crismal, 0 seu compromisso ao servi~o comunidade dos crentes, os Sacerdotes reafirmam 0 seu de'sejo de fidel idade ao Esp(rito Santo, que receberam com a imposi~ao das maos. Nos ultimos tres dias da Semana Santa celebra-se ritos evocativos das grandes interven~oes salv(ficas de Deus. Apesar de serem celebrados em tres dias seguidos, que primeira vista parecem ser tres comemoracoes distintas, estes ritos criam uma unidade. 0 acontecimento redentivo e uma.festa unitaria, que abra~a a Paixao, Morte, e Ressurrei~ao do Messias, Jesus que e Cristo. Esta Semana exige de cada Cristao varias coisas. Exige a nos sa participa~ao nas varias Liturgias e que nos consagremos esta semana como uma Semana Santa. A participa~ao, porem e apenas um aspecto da nossa responsibi I idade durante esta semana sagrada. 0 outre aspecto que nos, como crentes, como batizados, como aqueles que proclamam que Jesus Senhor, incorporemos estes mlsterios nas nossas vidas. Incorporemos estes misterios reconhecendo 0 facto que somos salvos, os nossos pecados sao perdoados, e que 0 Senhor Jesus alcanrou para nos a vida eterna.
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CQNYlTEj Todos os fieis da Diocese de Fal I River s~o convidados a participar na Missa Crismal na ter~a-feira da Semana Santa na Catedral em Fal I River as 4:00 horas da tarde SILENT TEACHERS
Light In Darkness Continued from Page Twelve place at St. Joseph's during the Easter Vigil, with the congregation's tapers lighted from the Paschal candle, participants should automatically recall the Christmas ceremony. Silent Teachers Father Fuchs asked his flock to hold the burning candles throughout the homily. They silently teach several spiritual lessons and the homilist needs little assistance in linking each person's candle with the fragile gift of faith bestowed in Baptism. We must, he points out, use the same care in preserving and promoting that spark of belief given through the holy waters of a baptismal font that we are employing now to keep this taper burning or the wax from spilling. In the revised rite for infant Baptism, the Church asks the families involved to gather around the Paschal or Easter taper and that candles be distributed to them. Then, "the head of one family lights his candle from the Easter candle and passes the flame on to the rest." Meanwhile the priest says: "Receive the light of Christ. Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. These children of yours have been en-
lightened by Christ. They are to walk always as children of the light." Many, possibly most American parishes today present parents with a baptismal candle as a gift for the occasion. They could be a yearly reminder of the day an individual received the flame of faith into his or her heart and Christmas and Easter candle services would then possess even deeper meaning as the child grows into maturity.
Sisters Request Study, Dialogue WASHINGTON (NC) - The heads of eight national sisters' organizations have called for more "study and dialogue" on the women's ordination issue. The call was made in a joint statement endorsed by the heads of Religious orders belonging to Sisters Uniting, a council of national . organizations of women Religious. ~ According to Sister Carla Przybilla, Sisters Uniting secretary, the ordination statement may be the first joint effort by the group since it was founded in the early 1970s to promote information exchange among members.
Hossana nas alturas! Bendito 0 que vem em nome do Senhor! E0 Rei de Israel: Hossana ao Fi Iho de David! Aproximam-se os ultimos dias da Quaresma quando se comemora os misterios centrais da nossa Fe e os acontecimentos principais na vida de Jesus. A Semana Santa que principia com 0 Domingo de Ramos na Paixao do Se~hor,termina na c~lebra9~0 do mist~rio Pascal, a Paixao, Morte, e Ressurrei~ao do Senhor. A Igreja revive e renova aqueles acontecimentos com varias Liturgias. 0 Domingo de Ramos revesta dois aspectos, a primeira vista contraditorios. A Liturgia fala-nos de triunfo e gloria, para logo a seguir, nos falar em sofrimento e paixao. A figura de Cristo apresent~da no seu aspecto de Re i Hess ian ico e ao mesmo tempo, de '·Servo do Senhor". Na verda de a entrada triunfal em Jerusalem conduz a Paixao so e plenamente compreendida por aqu@le que reconhece 0 caracter messianico de Jesus Cristo. Durante a Semana Santa celebrada a Missa Crismal: Esta Missa celebrada pelo Bispo, como sucessor dos Apostolos e 0 primeiro servidor da Igreja local, em volta do qual se reunem, para com ele celebrar, a Eucarastia, os Sacerdotes dos diversos lugares e ministerios da Diocese, numa proya de unidade eclesial. Atraves dos Santos Oleos par ele banzidos nesta Missa Crismal e pelos Sacerdotes levados para todas as paroquias, oBispo "fundamento da unidade na sua Diocese" estara presente ao Batismo, Confirma9ao, a Un9ao dos Enfermos.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
..-your basic youth page locus on youth ...
by Cecilia Belanger In answer to a mother of three teenagers who is very worried I would say, "Yes, more alld more young people are finding Jesus." .But let them find him their own way. Let them find the real Jesus. In the past an inexpressible distance was placed between the approachable Jesus and those who wished to know Him. He never wanted to be treated as a king, even though many who witness for him do. "When Jesus was sought for to be made a king," says St. Bernard, "he escaped; _but when He was brought to the cross, He freely yielded himself." Those who wish to be bowed to and made a fuss over, should heed these words. Youth tell me they see none of the humility of Jesus around them. All the beauty and pain in the universe are found on the face of our Lord. If we look long enough, perhaps some of it will rub off on us, and then we will find that we cannot live without. it. Our shame is that we defy nightly the Gross National Product. How huriedly his name is muttered in prayer as if to be done with it and on to more "important" things. Several readers have complained that they were sick and tired of how hurriedly prayers are muttered in church, that the Protestants take time over their prayers "as if they meant something." Don't Waste Your Beauty I'm going through mail as I type this column. Too many write who have no confidence in themselves, yet everyone has the capacity to be "mover and shaker" of human lives, so that under their impact lives can find new direction and purpose. The poet has reminded us of flowers which bloom where no human eyes can see, but you, readers of no confidence, are fearful of rejection. Don't waste the beauty that God gave you. Let it do something, persuade somebody to a higher calling. Forget the critics. What do they know? Speak The Name Don't be afraid to tell the story of Jesus to those who wish to hear. How often have I heard men and Women say that in the arena of business, politics and education, on the sophisticated turf of the world, they were afraid to say Jesus' name. I do not mean to say that one should hold a revival meeting on the instant in some public place, but should the name of Jesus find its appropriate moment, then it should be spoken.
~ \:~~ HE HITS THE BOOKS: Thomas K. Reilly of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, is a National Merit Scholarship finalist, the result of four years of hitting the books. His hobbies include music, bicycling and boating and he aspires to a legal career.
Feehan High School Cheerleaders at Feehan High School, Attleboro, have been active lately, placing fifth in a contest in Spencer,. Mass. and second in the diocesan cheering tournament. Ski Club members enjoyed recent trips to New Hampshire and Mark Amesbury was singled out for commendation for his organizational ability on a Loon Mountain excursion. New National Honor Society members have been inducted and also in the new department, incoming Feehan freshman attended an orientation session last week. The annual Freshman-Sophomore social took place last Saturday, while five science stu~ dents participated in a regional science fair held last weekend at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River.
Forester Gral1lts The scholarship committee of the Catholic Assn. of Foresters has announced availability of 12 educational grants of $500 each for members. Applications, which must be completed and returned by Friday, April 15, may be obtained from Edwin J. Turner, High Secretary-Treasurer, Forester Headquarters, 347 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 02115.
A REMINDER If news lind pictures of your school do not appear on this page, it is because you have not sent them in.
Faculty News In faculty news, teachers at Feehan and Attleboro High Schools met .last Saturday for a basketball game benefiting the Attleboro cr>olice Scholarship Fund. And Sister Mary Ricarda Wobby spoke to the Spanish Club on life in Honduras, while Sister Mary 'Faith Harding spoke to the Attleboro Serra Club on the work and philosophy of Feehan High: Sister Norma Mousseau will participate in a teacher training course on consumer rights offered by the state Consumers' Council at Suffolk University.
Bread for World Sets Food Day Plans Members of the Cape Cod chapter of Bread for the World, meeting Monday at Our Lady of Victory parish hall in Centreville, made plans for participation in a Food Day exhibit Thursday, April 21 in Cape Cod Mall. The day is a national event, stressing education and action on food issues, hunger and the role of government and agriculture in supplying world needs. Also discussed was a Hunger Walk to be held in¡ Hyannis Saturday, May 14. The meeting closed with a letter-writing session to President Carter and Congress in support of a food reserve program to prevent famine and excessive food price fluctuations. Members ask all interested people to join in the ~etter-writing project.
Have you ever felt a southern night? Free as a breeze Not to mention the trees Whistling tunes that you know And love so. Southern nights, Just as good even when you close your eyes. I apologize to anyone Who can truly say that he has found a better way. Southern skies, Have you ever noticed southern skies? Rich, precious beauty lies Just beyond the eye That go running through the soul Like the stories told of old. Mysteries, like these and many others in the trees flow in the night in the southern sky. Sung by Glenn Campbell, Written by Alan Tousaint (c) Marsaint Music Inc. BMI Yankees should read this article with caution because it is loaded with southern pride! The singer is a southerner who has learned to share his hospitality through music. The composer is a quiet genius of southern music who has done musical arrangements for almost everyone in the business. If that is not enough southern spice, be aware that the writer of this article is a born and bred southerner whose usually slow southern heartbeat has quickened a bit for having the chance to extol the praises of his beloved homeland. Music is such a part of the South that it is in the breeze. Much of what made America's music distinctive' comes from the South. The great spirituals were born of simple faith here. The blues grew out of the black man's struggle with slavery and oppression. And of course jazz sprang as southerners got playful with sounds. The music in this song is a weaving of many of these southern influences. There is a definite playfulness that comes from jazz, but a close listening will also bring out the sound of minstrels like those who rode the showboats and played to crowds on the levees on many a "'southern night." . I only boast of the South because it has been important in helping me become who I am. !,laces are important for us because of the meaning they. have. And the meaning comes from what happens in that place. But you will only realize what is happening if you are fully aware. So whether it is in a "southern night" or a northern morning, you can make it important by sensing the "mystery" it contains.
Want Catholic Peace Corps HOLYOKE,' Mass. (NC) - A Catholic Peace Corps? That was one suggestion made by the 'Boston archdiocesan delegation to the New England Bishops' convocation to bring young adults back into the Church. Under the proposal, young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 would volunteer for one, two or three years to work full time with the youth of a parish, bridging the gap between their peers and the priests and Religious. Sister Mary O'Rourke, a delegate and staff member of the Boston archdiocesan office of religious education said the peace corps approach is suggested by a number of studies showing that peer group ministry may be more successful in bringing young adults back into the Church than more traditional methods. "There are many young peo-
pIe on our college campuses, or a bit older, who have a strong faith commitment and would truly be interested in doing something for the Church," she said. "They may very well wish to dedicate themselves to work with the y-outh of a parish for a limited amount of time and a minimum amount of subsistence pay." Nearly 200 priests, Religious and lay persons from New England dioceses attended the convocation. Father John Mulvehill, director of religious education for the Boston archdiocese, said: "Those volunteers while they may not have the complete ressponsibility for a youth program, could provide an important link between the young people and the priests and Religious of a parish. It would be an effort to use the untapped energy of our young people."
THE ANCHORThurs., March 31, 1977
Interscholastic Sports
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'Tis' Spring ! Time For Outdoor Sports ! Although baseball seems to have more appeal than the other spring sports, those other sports are certainly not without faithful followers and are not lacking in competitors, as evidenced by the number of schools that have tennis, golf, softball and track teams as well as baseball combines. Two of those sports - tennis and track - are getting the jump on the others in starting their 1977 seasons. All three divisions in the Southeastern Mass. Conference open their season today in boys' tennis, and both girls' divisions are doing likewise. ,In the boys' East Division, today's matches list Old Rochester Regional at Barnstable, Wareham at Bourne and Fairhaven at Dennis-Yarmouth. Durfee is host to Holy Family, Dartmouth visits New Bedford, Somerset entertains New Bedford High and Bishop Connolly High is at Bishop Stang High in Central Division action, while Coyle-eassidy is at Attleboro, Case at Bishop Feehan High, Dighton-Rehoboth at Norton and Seekonk at Taunton in
West Division play. Tuesday, it will be Old Rochester at Fairhaven, DennisYarmouth at Falmouth, Barnstable at Wareham in East; Durfee at Dartmouth, Somerset at Holy Family, Connolly at New Bedford High and Stang at New Bedford Yoke in Central; Taunton at Case, Feehan at CoyleCassidy, Attleboro at DightonRehoboth and Norton at Seek-· onk in West. After opening matches today, girls' tennis also has matches set for Tuesday. IIi the East Division today, Dennis-Yarmouth is at Fairhaven, Stang at Falmouth, Barnstable at Old Rochester, Bourne at Wareham, as Attleboro visits Coyle-eassidy, Durfee goes to Dighton-Rehoboth, Feehan is at New Bedford and Taunton at Seekonk in West Division. Tuesday's matches list Wareham at Barnstable, Dartmouth at Bourne, Falmouth at Dennis· Yarmouth, Fairhaven at Old Rochester in East, Dighton-Rehoboth at Attleboro, Seekonk at Durfee, Coyle-eassidy at Feehan and New Bedford High at Taunton in West.
Falmouth Relays Highlight Track Card Falmouth relays Saturday for boys and girls highlight tHe early spring action in track but non-league dual meets are -on tap for tomorrow, including Diman Yoke at Fairhaven and Stang at Connolly. Except for the Attleboro at Falmouth meet on April 8, there is no conference track action scheduled before April 12. Several non-league, games are on tap for next week, Monday, St. Anthony and Connolly meet
at Lafayette Park, Fall River and Westport is host to Case Tuesday. Three non-leaguers scheduled for Wednesday list Westport at Connolly, Dartmouth at F.almouth and Seekonk at Diman Yoke. In their third game of the week, the Connolly Cougars visit Diinan Yoke one week from tomorrow when Westport entertains Seekonk. Meanwhile, New Bedford Yoke visits Case next Thursday.
Tributes To Durfee's State Champs The swirl of tributes paid to Durfee High's state basketball champions continues, including official congratulations from the Fall River City Council and the Massachusetts State Senate. Already honored at a mayorsponsored luncheon and by the Greater Fall River Chamber of Commerce at its annual outstanding citizens dinner, the Durfee hoopsters will be guests
at a testimonial dinner at the Rustic Pub next Monday night. Sponsored by Russell Win- • slow, the event will bring together the only two Durfee teams to go through a season undefeated. The other team was the 1947-48 team coached by Luke Urban, who of course, has been invit~d to attend the affair. The Tom Karam-coached 1976-77 team will be honored at a testimonial late next month.
Hockomock League Opens Next Week The Hockomock League opens its varsity baseball, tennis, softball and golf schedules one week from today. The opening card in baseball lists Mansfield at Oliver Ames, King Philip at Sharon, Foxboro at Franklin, Stoughton at North Attleboro with Canton having the bye. The same schedule applies to boys' tennis but in girls' tennis the same pairings hold but with the home teams in boys' tennis being the away teams and in girls' tennis. In golf it will be North Attleboro at King Philip, Sharon at
Foxobo; Oliver Ames at Franklin, Stoughton at Canton with Mansfield getting the bye. And in softball Oliver Ames will be at Mansfield,' Sharon at King Philip, Franklin at Foxboro, North, Attleboro at Stoughton, and, Canton getting a bye. Fall River South will meet runnerup Taunton at nine o'clock Sunday and WestportDartmouth will oppose champion New Bedford, at 10, in the best-of-three semi-finals in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River.
Cornwell Memorial Chapel Dignified funeral Service WAREHAM
SOCCER TO 'EM, SISTER: Sister Paola gives some pointers to her Aquilotti (Little, Eagles) soccer club in Rome. She is said to be the only nun in Italy to hold a soccer coach's diploma. (NC Photo) .
Acclaim, Protest Greet NBC 'Jesus of Nazareth' Even before its public unveiling, NBC's presentation of "Jesus of Nazareth" stirred widespread controversy, prompting a Vatican official to defend it and its major U.S. sponsor, General Motors, to withdraw its backing, although sponsorship has been picked up by the Proctor and Gamble Co. . The six-hour television film is scheduled to be shown April 3,Palm Sunday and April 10, Easter Sunday, from 8 to 11 p.m. EST each night. Preceding its debut has been what the U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) Office for Film and Broadcasting termed a "smear campaign" by some· fundamentalist Christian groups concerned about the film's portrayal of Christ. In a sharp response to the film's American critics, Msgr. Pietro Rossano, a Vatican official and a friend of Zeffirelli, defended the film, calling assertions that it downplays Christ's divinity "absurd." At a London Press conference Zeffirelli said he tried to portray Christ as both God and man. "I was rebelling against the shrine that had been built around him," he said "But he can't be caged in by anything. His message has to go straight to our hearts." But according to Dr. Bob Jones, fundamentalist president of South Carolina's <Bob Jones University, and others, Zeffirelli's message misses the mark. Explained Bob Harrison of the University: "When you make Jesus out any less than God himself, then we're c~rtainly not for that." NBC and General Motors have 'been deluged with letters reflecting Jones' position, prompting the company to withdraw its sponsorship and the network to mount a publicity campaign to head off criticism of the $12 million production. Echoing Msgr. Rossano and Franciscan Father Agnellus Andrew of London's National Ca-
tholic Radio and Television Center, the USCC Office for Film and Broadcasting defended "Jesus of Nazareth" as theologically sound. In one of the few comments based on a full screening, the film, the usee office said that despite some flaws, "Jesus of Nazareth" is a "traditional and theologically sound, sincere and often emotionally powerful retelling of the Christ story."
Evangelization Parley Theme Two delegates, yet to be named, from the Fall River diocese will attend the second national pastoral meeting of U.S. Catholic Spanish-speaking citizens to be held in the past five years. Convened by Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin, president of the National Conference. of Catholic Bishops, the meeting will take place in Washington, Aug. 18 through 21. Its theme of Evangelization was selected by Hispanic leaders at a planning meeting held last month. Topics to be covered will include education, human rights, political responsibility and the role of the Church in the Hispanic community. Preparatory meetings for the August gathering will be held on community, parish and diocesan levels across the nation, following the pattern developed for October's "Call to Action" conference in Detroit.
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679-5262 LEARY PRESS
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Mar. 31, 1977
The ·Parish Parade
Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all sctivltles. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an announcement several times.
Tickets for the farewell buffetdance Saturday night, June 4 marking the closing of Sacred Heart School are available from Mrs. Willard Piper, telephone 673-6734 or Mrs. Robert Nedderman. 672-7700. No tickets will be sold at the door.
A Springtime Whist open to the public will take place at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 2 in the parish hall under sponsorship of the Council of Catholic Women. Refreshments will be available and tickets will be sold at the door. In charge of arrangements is Mrs. Paul Audet, aided by Mrs. Edward LeBlanc. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER
ST. GEORGE, WESTPORT The Women's Guild will sponsor a whist party at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 2 in the school hall. ST. THERESA, SOUTH ATILEBORO Following attendance at 7:30 p.m. Mass Monday, April 4 members of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers will hold a business meeting and Hawaiian luau. HOLY ~EEMER, CHATHAM Color slides on Ireland will be shown by Mrs. Robert Stanton at the meeting of the Association of the Sacred Hearts to be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday. April 5 in the catechetical center.
Openings are available in the weekly bulletin memorial and ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, information is available at the ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER TAUNTON rectory. The Council of Catholic WomAn international Easter proThe Women's Guild will meet en announces a malassada supgram featuring a ~paghetti supat 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 5 and per for 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April per will be held in the church 2 in the parish hall. Tickets are . will sponsor a penny sale Tues- hall at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April available from all members. The day, April 26. 5 by the Women's Guild. ReserA Holy Week penance will vations will close Sunday. unit will also sponsor a bazaar in the hall at 7 p.m. Monday, take place at 7:30 p.m. Mon- SSe PETER AND PAUL, April 18 and will hold its regu- day, April 4. FALL RIVER lar meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, A public whist party will be day, April 19. FALL RIVER held at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April ST. THOMAS MORE, _The annual Country Store sale 3 in the Father Coady Center SOMERSET will be co-sponsored by the with Mrs. Helen Ozug as chairThe 1000 Club will hold a Women's Guild and Mel1's Club man and Miss Barbara Lee as party tomorrow night at the Ve- at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 3 in the . co-chairman. nus de Milo restaurant. A new parish hall. Donations of prizes ST. MARYS CATHEDRAL, club session will begin Sunday, and canned goods may be left FALL RIVER May 8 and new members are in the hall at any time before The Rev. Francis J. McCarwelcome. the sale., thy Scholarship Fund will beneA program on the Holy The Women's Guild will meet fit from a public penny sale to Shroud will be presented at 7:30 at 8 p.m. Monday, April 4 and be sponsored at 7:30 p.m. Monp.m. Wednesday, April 6 in the a cake decorating demonstration day, April 4 in the parish hall by the Women's Guild. Mrs. church hall. will be featured. Michael J. McMahon and guild officers will be hostesses. " , HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER ,Mrs. Raymond McGuire will be chairman of a handmade hat show to be presented by Womens's Guild members at their meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, ~ The Post Office has increased from 13 to 25 ~ April. 4 fn the church hall. Mrs. ~ cents its charge to THE ANCHOR for notificC'ftion ~ Manuel Ponte will be pianist for' the event. ~ of a subscriber's change of address. Please ~ OUR LADY OF LOURDES, : help us reduce this expense by notifying us : TAUNTON A dance and chamarita spon~ immediately when you plan to move. . ~ sored by the Holy Ghost Society will take place in the school hall ~ Please Print Your New Address Below ~ from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, April 2. Music will be by ~ NAME . : Bebe's Orchestra and Portuguese and American foods will : STREET ADDRESS...................................................................... : be available. Tickets will be sold at the door. " . Apt. #, CITY, STATE................................................................ ,
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OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, NEW BEDFORD The St. Martin de Porres Guild will sponsor its annual fish and chips dinner from 4 to 7 tomorrow night in the church hall at Sixth and Cherry Streets. Mrs. Walter Galvin. chairman, will be assisted by Miss Millie Sylvia. Tickets will be available at the door. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE Due to Holy Week services, the monthly whist sponsored by the Ladies' Guild will be held at 8 p.J;Il. Thursday, April 14. Irene Moniz will be chairman. Door prizes -will be awarded and refreshments served. BI,.ESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER The Nautical Chorus of Newport will entertain at an open meeting of the Women's Guild to be held Wednesday evening, April 13 at the church hall. The guild is also sponsoring a fiveday trip to Williamsburg, Va. and Washington, D.C., for which reservations may be made with Helen Ouellette, president. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Achievements by special needs Scouts will be exhibited at the Women's Guild meeting to be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 in the parish center. A business seession and social hour will follow· the exhibit.
ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET The Brayton Club will meet following 9:45 a.m. Mass Sunday. April 3. Awards will be presented and refreshments served. ST. ANNE FALL RIVER A ._ "Bread Sharing Celebration" for First Communion candidates and their parents will take place at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 3 in the sch'ool auditorium. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER A meeting for those participating in a trip to Greece and Turkey will be held Sunday, April 3 at 5 p.m. in the lower church hall. A Women's Guild cake sale will follow all Masses this weekend. Donations may be brought to the school kitchen.'
MIRACLE BOOKSHELF Christian Bookstore WHY NOT VISIT US THIS WEEK Mon. - Sat. 10-5, Fri. 'Til 9
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