dlThe ARCHOR Vol. 20, No. 14-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., April I, 1976
An Anchor
of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St.
Two Arguments Against Abortion A "grassroots mandate" to Bishops and pastors emerged clearly from a Pro-Life Study Day held last Saturday for representatives from the archdiocese and three dioceses of Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Catholic Conference and held at Assumption College, Worcester, the study day drew some 200 priests, religious and representatives of diocesan prolife groups. At workshops following a morning during which delegates heard addresses by Humberto Cardinal Medeiros of Boston, Atty. Edward Hanify and Dr. Joseph R. Stanton, the preeminent feeling expressed was one of frustration that parishes in general have not given pro. life programs priority. "What could be more basic than life itself?" queried one delegate, who said she had been rebuffed at several parishes where she requested facilities to make pro-life presentations. Other delegates noted that in one Massachusetts diocese the chancery office had requested "several years ago" that a prolife petition be included weekly among general intercessions of the Mass, "until a human life amendment is ratified." This is seldom done, they said. Hope was expressed that the study day would give impetus to parish efforts and delegates agreed that education" through the parish structure was the key to organizing support for a prolife amendment to the Constitution, a prime goal of the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities promulgated last November by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Education Begins Such education began at the morning session of the study day, when Atty. Edward Hanify, a Fall River native now a Belmont resident, offered a general presentation of the Pastoral Plan with reference to the present state of law and public policy with regard to life. Stressing that the first course of action to be taken was an educational and public information campaign, Atty. Hanify described Pro-Life as "a solemn and holy cause, where enlistment is the privilege of a lifetime." He said that people in general路 are expressing the spiritual and moral loneliness of contempo-
I----In This
Diocesan Delegation Attends Pro-Life Study Day rary America. They seek information and a deeper understanding of basic issues. Such people," he declared, "seek assurance of the permanence of the conjugal bond and of the rational use of the procreative faculty." "I suggest,"he said, "that the women of the Church have a special place in the pro-life movement, with their unique qualities of perception, compassion and guidance. "The feminist movement," he continued, "should be alerted by the women of America that abortion and contraception are probably the worst species of male chauvinism ever perpetrated on womankind. Women have obtained the freedom to have their bodies invaded by surgical knives or by artificial products in an era stressing natural products, and all this to service the sexual requirements of some male who would probably repel as an insult to his masculinity the suggestion" of a vasectomy." The attorney said the number of abortions worldwide is estimated to have reached the num-
ber of 40 million yearly, and he added that artificial contraception "is the nose of the abortion camel sliding under the tent." . He also warned that legality of abortion might well open the door to legalizing suicide "as 'long as there's no public gore." Emphasizing the importance of parish cooperation, which was to be reiterated later in the day by workshop participants, Atty. Hanify said, "Unless parish activity is viable, the superstructure may fall." In an emotional conclusion, he minded his hearers, "In all our efforts, we should remember the cry of the children." Chureh's Magisterium Clarifying Church doctrine as applied to pro-life, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros declared, "At no time within the .memory of any person here has respect for human life reached such a low point as it has at present. More 'lives are lost by abortion each year in the United States than by all the wars of the past 200 years." The prelate quoted from papal declarations, scripture and
Church fathers in establishing Catholic doctrine with regard to the sanctity of human life. "The abortion decisions of the Supreme Court have violated the moral order," he stated. Pointing out the continuity of the Church's attitude on the sacredness of human life, he continued, "From the curse of Cain to this hour, God has called us to the protection of life." Cardinal Medeiros exhorted his hearers to shun temptations to discouragement in the prolife battle. "Pity and have compassion on the opposition," he concluded. "They are brothers and sisters in need of redemption." Audience Groaned Dr. Joseph R. Stanton, a graduate of Boston College and Yale University Medical School and associate clinical professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, spoke and presented slides on medical and scientific evidence for the humanity of the unborn in the concluding section of the morning program. Drawing groans from the au-
dience with his vivid descriptions and slides of the results of abortion, Dr. Stanton said, "I hope I am making you angry. I hope you will work to counteract the tremendous pro-abortion forces that have managed to get two ideas into the minds of the public: that abortion is only a Catholic issue; and that the product of abortion is unhuman and neuter." Speaking at the study lay luncheon was WIlliam J. Cox, executive director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, the organization formed in 1974 by the U. S. Bishops to educate Catholic citizens to the need for a human life amendment to the Constitution. Cox pointed out that abortion has been considered a crime in the Western world since the time of the fall of the Roman Empire and contradicting the notion of abortion as a Catholic issue, said that "not one major Protestant theologian supports permissive abortion." He stated that Gallup and Harris polls 'showing that Americans favor abortion are usually conducted with a sample of 1500 phone calls, with respondents asked "one or two simplistic questions." In contrast, he said, his organization commissioned a poll of 4100 persons who were interviewed for an average of 45 minutes in their homes. He reported results showed "a great level of initial uncertainty" among respondents when asked, "When does life begin?" After a short explanation, he said, the level of certainty rose dramatically, seeming to indicate that opinions on abortion are greatly influenced by education in the matter. "When people understood the Supreme Court decision, 73% favored Congress taking action to reverse it," deC'lared Cox. Ramifications of the Supreme Court decision are nothing short of disastrous, declared Cox. "This is the first time in history one whole class of people (unborn infants) has been deprived of the protection of law. The afternoon workshops, at which Mrs. Olaire B. McMahon of the Fall River delegation was among facilitators, brought forth a variety of pro-life suggestions and comments from delegates. Sister Thomas More, O. P., suTurn to Page Eight
Cathedral Chorus
Modem Nuns
Jesus' Message
Baseball Rules
For Penance
for Anniversary
and Relevancy
In The Gospels
Page 3
Page 6
Page II
Page 12
Page 15 .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
munist law. He is to be tried for writing a newspaper article in defense of South Korea's estimated 10,000 political prisoners.
Americans Named
Reassure Missioners
- VATICAN CITY-Two Americans are on a nine-member Catholic commission which the Vatican has formed to prepare for forthcoming dialogue with the Orthodox Churches. Th~y are Jesuit Father John Long of the Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity and Father J. Peter Sheehan, assistant director of the Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U. S. National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Father Long is a member of the New York province of Jesuits. Father Sheehan is a diocesan priest from Birmingham, Ala.
SANTIAGO - A rash of arrests and expulsions of foreign missionaries by the military government here has prompted the bishops of Chile to reassure foreign priests and nuns that the country's Catholics will need and welcome them. "You have been working for the Church -in Chile with great love and sacrifice," said a letter of the Chilean Bishops' Conference to all foreign missionaries. "We appreciate and value this help. Go on, so that together Chileans and nonChileans can face the challenges of today and tomorrow."
Dynamite Church Paper SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador-A dynamite charge exploded at the Criterio printing plant, home of EI Salvador's national Catholic newspaper and other Church publications in one wing of the archbishop's house here. Observers said the blast came from rightist groups opposing Church attempts to improve conditions of the poor in this nation of four million people.
Cuban Ambassador VATICAN CITY-Pope Paul VI stressed the need to uphold human dignity, peace, justice and fraternity at an audience here at which the new Cuban-ambassador to the Holy See presented his credentials. Jose Antonio Portuondo Valdor, in his first official visit,.described Cuba's new constitution to the Pope and expressed his desire to maintain the cordial relations existing between the Vatican and his country.
Poet on Trial SEOUL - The trial of Kim Chi He opened here recently with the dissident South Korean poet facing a possible death sentence for allegedly violating the country's strict anti-com-
Necrology Ap/rilj 9
Rev: Cornelius McSweeney, 1919, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. April 10 Rev. John ·F. Doyle, 1944, Pastor, St. William, Fall River. April 11 Rev. John F. Downey, 1914, Pa~to.r, Corpus Christi, Sand· wich. April 12 Rev. John Tobin, 1909, Assis-' tant, St. P~rick, Fall River. April 14 Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North Attleboro. April 15 Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, D.D., 1908, Rector, Cathedral, Fall River.
National Wins Laetare Medal NOTRE DAME - Paul Horgan, novelist and Pulitzer Prize winning historian, has been awarded the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal for 1976. In announcing the award, Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame, said, "In more than four decades of writing, Mr. Horgan has achieved distinction by his ability to convey in. both historical narrative and in fiction, counselling evocations of people, place and belief."
Opinion Divided PRINCETON, N. J.-Public opinion is closely divided on whether there should be a constitutional amendment limiting abortion, according to a poll conducted by the Gallup organization in March. The Gallup poll showed that 45 percent of the public favored a constitutional amendment prohibiting abortion except when themother's life is in danger, 49 percent opposed it and 6 percent had no opinion.
Resurrect Board SACRAMENTO-After heated and at times acrimonious debate, the California Assembly approved by a 54-24 vote an emergency appropriation to resurrect the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board. In the process, the original $3.8 million appropriation was cut to $2.5 million. The board, which administers farin labor elections, had shut down when its original appropriations ran out last month.
Disservice to Church HARTFORD, Conn. - Discrimination against women in the Catholic Church is a "disservice to the Church, the people it serves, and more importantly, the Gospel," a noted canon lawyer said here. Father Thomas J. Lynch, former president of the Canon Law Society of America, suggested in an interview that the top Church leadership should change Church law to recognize the equality of women.
At 8fonehill EASTON - Ambassador Eamonn Kennedy, Ireland's permanent representative to the United Nations, will speak at 7:30 tomorrow night at Stonehill College. His appearance will be part of an Irish Studies Conference to be held this weekend.
Programs For The Fifth Week of Lent FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY April 2, 3,4 St. Patrick, Fall River: Saturday: The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed following noon Mass until 4:30 p.m. Mass, with the rosary and litany recited at 4:15. Sunday: Exposition will follow 11 :30 a.m. Mass, closing prior to 5 p.m. Mass, -with rosary and litany recited at 4:45 p.m. St. Mary, Seekonk: Sunday: Noon Mass will be followed by Exposition throughout the afternoon, with various groups assigned to each time period, closing at 4:45 with Benediction prior to 5 p.m. Mass. St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset: Friday: Mass and Expo. sition at 5 p.m., with adoration continuing until 10 p.m. Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m. and a
CYO Bible service at 7:30 p.m. Saturday:. Masses at 7:30 and 9 a.m., with 9 o'clock Mass foL lowed by Exposition and a living rosary service with members of the Women's Guild and. St. Vincent de Paul Society. Adoration will continue until 4:45 p.m. and confession's will be heard from 4 to 4:45. Sunday: Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., with 10:30 Mass followed by procession and Exposition, continuing throughout the day, with a communal penance rite scheduled for 5 p.m. and a closing Benediction service to be held at 6 p.m. Holy Name, New Bedford: Sat· urday: Opening with Mass at noon, with Exposition through· out the day. Mass at 5 p.m., Holy Hour 7 to 8 p.m., closing
with Benediction. Sunday: Open. ing with Mass at 11 a.m., with Exposition throughout the day. Holy Hour 3 to 4 p.m., Mass at 5 p.m., closing with Benediction at 6 p.m. St. Anthony, Taunton: Sunday: Exposition following 11 a.m., Mass until 8 p.m., with a Holy Hour from 7 to 8 p.m., conduducted by Rev. Arthur Pereira, O.F.M.
Wednesday, April 7: St. Wil· Iiam's Center, Stafford Road, Fall River.
Area supporters of the United Farm Workers are invited to at· tend a "sacrificial meal" followed by a film and speaker at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7 at St. Anthony of Padua Church hall, 48 16th Street, Fall River. Proceeds will purchase food for families of farm workers in the Lenten Program California fields. . "What's Happening Among supporters of the April 7 program, in addition to St. to Confession?" To he held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Anthony of Padua, are the Sisters of St. Joseph, the Holy in both locations: Union Sisters, St. Anne's parish, Tuesday, April 6: St. Mark's Fall River, and the Diocesan parish hall, Stanley Street, At- Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates. tleboro Falls.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
to '76 Appeal
the Spirit of '76'
Special Gift Phase Opens April 19 With the slogan "Give to the '76 Appeal in the Spirit of '76," the Special Gifts phase of the annual Catholic Charities Appeal of the diocese of FaH River will begin Monday, April 19 and end Saturday, May 1. The traditional
house-to-house parish campaign will take place from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 2 and end officially on Wednesday, May 12. The Appeal, now in its 35th year, helps support the works of charity, mercy, education and
social service of the diocese. The Special Gifts campaign reaches fraternal, professional, business and industrial organizations throughout southeastern Massachusetts, who support the nonsectarian Appeal as part of
Guidelines Indicate Place, Time for Rite of Penance Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, vised Rite of the Sacrament of S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, has Penance. formally approved the guidelines The committee, appointed by for the time and place of the the Diocesan Ordinary, published proper celebration of the Sacra- the Bishop's guidelines this past ment of Penance. . week together with a thorough These guidelines were the commentary on the environment third and fourth topics discussed for the Sacrament of Penance. by the Ad Hoc Committee for "A. Although the ritual is not the Implementation of the Re- specific about the place for the
Statistica I Study On American C'hurch Stirs Controversies From NC Sources Father Greeley commented about NEW YORK-A new study, the 483-page report published "Catholic Schools in a Declining by Sheed and Ward. Church," co-authored by the The study predicted that the priest-sociologist Father Andrew trends of the last 10 years would Greeley, has drawn immediate . continue unabated to produce a commentary by two prominent Church that is "hardly recogU. S. bishops and a fellow nizable" as the Church in the sociologist. post-Vatican II era. Only oneArchbishop Joseph Bernardin third of American Catholics will of Cincinnati has commented on attend Mass each week, it said; the new study's appraisal of the 29 per cent will find themselves impact on the encyclical "Hu- happy at the prospect of a son manae Vitae" on American Cath- becoming a priest; and only one olics and Auxiliary Bishop Wil- per cent will be active in Church liam E. McManus of Chicago, affairs. has dealt with some of the eduThe study found that 90 per cational aspects of the report. cent of American Catholics favor Father John L. Thomas, a continuation of their school sysJesuit sociologist, questioned tem, and 80 per cent would inFather Greeley's interpretation crease their annual contributions of statistics. to the Church to sustain the In a two-hour press confer- schools. ence at the Princeton Club, Turn to Page Five
St. Mary's Cathedral Downtown Fall River
ATTENTION All Former Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary's: This year we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the dedication of St. Mary's and we want to include you in all of the festivities. The opening event of the 75th anniversary celebration is the appearance of the New England Conservatory Chorus at the Cathedral on April 8 at 7:30 P.M.
Tickets are available at the rectory or at the following locations: Rogers Cigar Store, 93 North Main Rainone Music Store, 347 So. tt\ain Pufour Piano & Organ Studios, Harbour Mall NOTE: Limited space available. Tickets will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
their community service programs. The five areas of the diocese participating in the Special Gifts phase are Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, the Attleboros and the Cape and Islands. Response to the phase is usuaHy a barometer for house-to-house campaign results, noted Msgr. Anthoy M. Gomes, diocesan Ap,. peal director. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, honorary Appeal chairman, has sent
celebration of the Sacrament of Penance, the revised rite in providing for prayers and responses, the reading of Scripture and the imposition of the priest's hand(s) implies a place for the celebration of the Sacrament which has more light and openness than is afforded presently by the confessional. For this reason the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy recommends that the celebration of individual confessions take place in a small chapel or reconciliation room. This room should be located in the Church building. Turn to Page Five
Calls on Priests To Be Visiona ry HOUSTON (NC) - The National Federation of Priests' Councils (NFPC) called on priests to be genuine, responsible, prayerful and visionary, in a 1,700-word statement completed during its annual house of delegates convocation last week in Houston. The meeting was attended by Rev. Thomas Lopes, St. John Baptist parish, New Bedford, and Rev. Richard Beaulieu, St. Jacques, Taunton, who will report on tit to the Fall River Priests' Senate meeting sheduled for tomorrow morning at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River. Entitled "Ordained Priesthood in a Ministerial Church," the statement emphasizes that in all areas "priests must be genuine persons, responsible in themselves, persons of prayer, having Gospel vision, and relating in a human way to all those with whom they share life and ministry." Father James E. Ratigan, 37, a priest of the diocese of Joliet; Ill., was elected NFPC president succeeding Father Reid C. Mayo. ,In other convocation activities: New ministries of the Church were termed "gif.ts of the Holy Spirit" by Father Reid C. Mayo, Referring to such ministries as the permanent diaconate and extraordinary ministers, he said that "priests must learn how to relate positively to these new ministries in order to support Turn to Page Nine THE ANCHOR Second Class Postagl Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid '5.00 per year.
personal letters to Special Gifts solicitors and many have already indicated willingness to solicit funds from area organizations. Msgr. Gomes announced today, "Over 800 solicitors will make 4,125 Special Gift contacts throughout the five areas of the diocese. Their success wiU give encouragement and enthusiasm to the more than 18,000 parish solicitors who will contact 103,250 homes in the 113 parishes of the diocese on Sunday, May 2,"
Have you ever wished your family had a nun? This Lent you can have a 'nun of your own'and share forever in all the good she does: .•• Who is she? A healthy wholesome, penniless girl in her teens or early twenties, she dreams of the day she can bring God's love to lepers, orphans, the aging. . . . Help her become a Sister? To pay all her expenses this year and next she needs only $12.50 a month ($150 a year, $300 altogether). She'll write you to express her thanks, and she'll pray for you at daily Mass. In just two years you'll have a 'Sister of your own' .... We'll send you her name on receipt of your first Lenten gift. (All gifts are tax-deductible, of course, in the U.S.A.) As long as she lives you'll know you are helping the pitiable people she cares. for.... Please write us today so she can begin her training. She prays someone will help.
Has your Stock gone down? Do you wish your investments paid you a steady income? This is possible and at the same time you can provide the necessities of life for Christ's poor. A CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION GIFT ANNUITY guarantees a steady income with no worries for life. You receive an attractive rate of return while gaining immediate and long term tax advantages. Write now for additional information a~d the rate of return you will receive on your investment in the poor. Please indicate your date of birth and whether male or female.
Tell your lawyer, when you discuss your Will, our legal title is: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION.
Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND Monsignor Nolan: FOR Please NAME return coupon STREET with your offering C.ATHOLIC
_ _ _
NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G, NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, I'!I.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826-1480
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Abortion, Emotion And Death of Babies Guest Editorial Patrick Joyce Catholic Review Cited by NC News As' a Timely Editorial Newspapers often describe abortion as an "emotional" issue, usually with the implication that all of that sloppy emotion is a very bad thing indeed. Many people who are quite serious in their opposition to abortion agree with that evaluation and try to combat abortion using only cool reason. No bloody fetus pictures allowed. As a diocesan newspaper editor, 1 have tended to try to cover the issue thoroughly but without emotionalism, but last week 1 decided to run a frankly emotion account of a doctor's reaction as he witnessed an abortion for the first time. "I am not trying to argue," Dr. Richard Seizer said as he described seeing a fetus struggling to defend itself against the abortionist's needle. " 1 am only saying what . I've seen. The flick. Whatever else may be said in abortion's defense, the vision of that other defense will not vanish from my eyes." It's funny how you can. know two facts but not put them together-like the fact that the fetus described in that story was 24 weeks old and the fact that my wife, Cathy, is six months pregnant. It is only after the story appeared in The Review that 1 managed to put the facts together and realize that the fetus who fought against death in the story was the same age as our baby. Part of the problem was that Cathy and 1 don't consider our child a fetus but a real, live baby, kicking and pushing and squirming, often as rambunctious as one of our other kids. Cathy can feel all that moving around inside in a way 1 can never understand, but 1 can put my hand on her stomach and feel the little rascal thumping and twisting and acting the role of a friendly, playful and hidden child. It was a child like this who died in that abortion. The rational arguments against abortion are powerful; they really ought to convince any reasonable and objective person. Unless you adhere to some ancient theory of human development, it doesn't take much of an argument to prove that from the earliest stages of pregnancy a baby is living and growing. And even if you have some doubt about the early stages, does the doubt really justify something as drastic as abortion? But the arguments are, in a way, irrelevant. When you stop and think and look at the reality of abortion,' the reality that in every abortion a helpless little baby dies, perhaps then there is some reason to get emotional-not angry at those who perform abortions (unless you happen to be able to read the hearts and examine the consciences of other people) but sad, terribly sad for those tiny, namefess victims.
Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
ACTING EDITOR Rev. John R. Foister, S.T.L.
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John Regan . . . .leary. Press·-Fall
Members of the Vincentian Council of Greater Fall River will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 6 at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. A meeting will follow at the St. Vincent de Paul Store, 1799 Pleasant St., at which plans will be made for attendance at the annual Northeastern Conference of Vincentians, to be held in Manchester, N.H. the weekend of June 4 to 6.
Responsibility "The social pressures of today's complex life do not excuse from, but rather create a demand for, a greater exercise of personal responsibility. No man can be neutral on a moral cause."-Catholic Bishops of the U. S., November 1961
area of the nation is the Sun Belt, the land stretching from the Carolinas to California. Two of the basic reasons why Americans are fleeing to new FREEDOM lands are crime and industry. A young black man stands reverently . . . at the Many American cities are begrave of Martin Luther King, Jr.... in Atlanta, Georgia coming jungles. The crime rate is soaring to such levels that · . . A gentle flame burns continually . . . recalling the no longer is' personal freedom undying spirit of a man . . . whose love of freedom a civil guarantee. People lock • . . led to a tragic, violent, early death. themselves in at night and travel His tombstone proclaims his final possession . . . c about in daylight fearful and of the full freedom that eluded him . . . and all of us guarded. Cities are just no longer safe. Crime, with all of its · . . during life ... "Free at last . . . Thank God Al.vicious implications, is destroymighty, I'm free at last." ing the fabric and quality of The epitaph suggests a challenging reality.. . . urban life. For the citizen who that death is always the price of freedom . . . Only in can afford it, fleeing is the only dying can we find real freedom. answer. We are all slaves . . . held by chains that bind Industry Also Flees our minds and spirits . . . chains of selfishness and Industry is also a major factor in the new migration. Because fear . . . chains that bind us to petition . . . jealousy of the ever-increasing tax prob· .. injustice <' •• even hate . . . chains that St. Paul lems of the cities, industry is calls "Sin." also on the move to the south From these chains there is no freedom . . . except and southwest. Here they find in dying . . . dying to the selfishness that keeps us tax relief, a very important factor in our capitalistic society, from caring about others . . . dying to the fear that along with a cheaper labor mardrains us of courage . . . dying to the blindness that ket. Unions seemingly have a dims our vision of other's needs. far smaller power base in the Such daily dying . . . frees one to care . . . to new lands than in the old cities. reach out with compassion ... to listen with sensitivity Another factor that is luring industry to the Sun Belt is that · .. to stand up and fight for justice . ~ . to face physiheating costs and other maincal death with confident hope . . . of fuller life and tenance expenses are lower than Jesus said ... freedom .... "Unless the seed die," the frigid lands of the north.. "it remains barren ... but if it dies it bears rich People must go where the jobs fruit." are to be found, especially in these days of high unemployment. The security of income cannot be assured in our blighted cities. To some these reasons may be too simplistic. Yet the facts are real. The face of our nation is once more changing. The Sun Belt boys are the national presidential candidates, from California's Reagan to Georgia's Carter. The seats of national represen. tation are changing in favor of the South and West. The politiREV. JOHN F. MOORE St. William's Church cal clout of the North doesn't have the punch it once had in Congress. The cities of the Midwest and Northeast are simply decaying. They can't pay their bills. Their unemployment rates Ever since Vance Packard wrote "A Nation of Strang- and their welfare costs are ers" in 1972, Americans have been aware that ours is a bringing them to ruination. As a result there is a new country on the move. The fixed roots of our society with look to America. For those who their predictable patterns are a thing of ,the past. This can move, it can hold promise. restlessness so evident a few . For example, in the last fOUf For many of the poor who can't years ago is now even more years over two mIllion more move, it offers little hope. For apparent as Americans en- Americans have fled the big all of us it offers challenge, ter their third century as cities than have moved into change and conversion. With alI a people and a nation. them. Rural areas are now grow- the difficulties this new migration holds for this land, it also The men and women of this land are involved in a new mi- ing faster than urban. However, may bring new promise and new gration as dramatic and dynamic the new migration is not local. vision. We are a people of restas that of the early pioneers. It's national. The fastest growing less energy.
The New Migration
Vincentians To Meet
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Guidelines Indicate Place, Time for Penance Continued from Page Three "B. The reconciliation room should be attractive but simple and reflect the peace and quiet joy the Sacrament of Reconciliation bestows. The room must be so designed that the penitent will always have the freedom to' choose the anonymity of kneeling or being seated before the usual confessional screen or to seek a face to face exchange with' the priest. "C. Confessionals need not be removed from the Church. Where providing a reconciliation room will be a project of considerable scope and expense the Chancery Office should be consulted. Time for Celebration "A. While the Sacrament of Penance may be celebrated on any day and at any time con-
fessions should not be heard during Mass or any other liturgical celebration. "B. The introduction to the new rite states that the sacrament should be celebrated at fixed times so the people will know clearly when the priest is available. The commentary of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy mentions setting aside at least one day a week. Careful pastoral judgment in this area is essential; in addition to considering the convenience of priest and people the manner of the celebration of the new rite must be considered when deciding on a schedule. For example, hearing confessions immediately before Saturday afternoon Masses may be very convenient for everyone but the atmosphere may not be conducive to a calm
program has been underway during this Lenten season in all parts of the Diocese to acquaint the laity with the new rite. In January, the priests of the Diocese met for workshops to discuss the new rite of Penance in detail. The Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the Revised Rite of the Sacrament of Penance was formed by Bishop Cronin early this year to aid priests. Rev. Barry W. Wall, assiStant pastor at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River, is its chairman.
Ii f'lhtinf'l_-H-_O
priest l s chair_-H--.3loo.
Worcester Sets CCD Congress
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Greeley Report on U.S.' Church Continued from Page Three It contends that two-thirds of the drop in Catholic school enrollment resulted from the failure of the Church to bui'ld new schools in the suburbs where thousands of Catholics have moved in the last decade. Other things affecting American Catholic life, the report states, were: • Only about one-sixth of American Catholics continue to support the Church's traditional teaching against artificial contraception. • The overwhelming majority of American Catholics endorse the changes set in motion by the Second Vatican Council. • The encyclical "Humanae Vitae" and not the Council is "responsible for the deterioration of American Catholicism in the last decade. Had It not been for the Council the deterioration would have been worse." • The correlation between Catholic school attendance and tolerant racial attitudes "has increased in the last decade." • Catholic schools seem to be "more important to a Church in transition than to a stable Church." "At the end of the study," said Father Greeley, "I find myself more strongly committed to Catholic schools than I have ever been." The report cites a "comprehensive shift in Catholic sexual values": • Ten years ago' only 29 per cent agreed strongly with the notion that husband and wife may have sexual intercourse for pleasure alone. 50 per cent say that now. • Remarriage after divorce was approved by 52 per cent a decade ago; it is now approved by 73 per cent. • Artificial contraception was approved by 45 per cent Ii decade ago; it is now approved by 83 per cent. "We don't speculate that the cause of the Catholic decline was the birth control decision," Father Greeley declared, "nor do we simply assert it. We prove it with the kind of certainty one rarely attains in historical analysis."
Archbishop Bernardin In response to the report, the Archbishop, President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, responded: "First, the study says a great deal concerning the teaching of the Catholic Church as expressed in the encyclical letter 'Humanae Vitae'. Catholic truth is not determined by sociological data or analysis. "As Father Greeley himself states, 'It is not the function of social scientists to make theological judgments. Ethical values cannot be arrived at by counting noses.' 'Humanae Vitae' contains the authentic teaching of the Church concerning human sexuality and the morality of contraception, and that teaching is not affected by the sociological analysis contained in 'Catholic Schools in a Declining Church.' "Second, this study reports valuable and important data, but it also contains interpretations of these data which are problematical and open- to question. It deserves serious and careful stlidy by the professional peers of its sociologist-authors. I await the results of such study with interest." Turn to Page Ten
celebration and beneficial reception of the Sacrament. "C. It is obvious that the season of Lent is a most appropriate time to emphasize the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance. In spite of the longstanding custom of people going to Confession on Holy Saturday, schedules should be so arranged that the faithful will be strongly encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Penance before Holy Thursday, in order to prepare for the Sacred Triduum. Advent, the season of preparation for the Lord's Coming, is a fitting time for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation." Ongoing Education The Bishops of the Ecclesiasti-
cal Province of Boston (Boston, Fall River, Springfield, Worcester, Burlington, Manchester, Portland) have decided that the new rite may not be generaHy used until the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent, 1976. The National Conference of Catholic Bishops, following the directives of the Holy See, has determined that the use of the new rite will be mandatory throughout the country by the first weekend of Lent, 1977. An extensive adult education
Among workshop speakers at a two-day congress of religious education to be held Saturday and Sunday, April 3 and 4 at Holy Cross College, Worcester, will be Rev. Roger Chauvette, MS of Mark IV multimedia center, La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Sponsored by the diocese of Worcester, the congress theme will be "Jesus Today." Featured speakers will include Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Rev. Regis Duffy, OFM of the Washington Theological Coalition and Rev. James A. O'Donohoe of St. John's Seminary. Archbishop Sheen will preach at a closing para-liturgical service at which diocesan catechetists will be commissioned.
.-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
To Aid Nazareth Over 500 are expected to attend a "Twenty Week Club" party tomorrow night at Venus de Milo Restaurant, Swansea. A cocktail hour will begin at 7 and dinner and dancing will follow from 8 to midnight. Sponsored by the Parents' Guild of Nazareth Hall, Attleboro, the event wHl benefit the school for exceptional children.
312 Hillman Street
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New Bedford • $ ,
27 rark Street, Att:eboro, Mass.
278 Union Street, New Bedford,
The Diocesan Department of, Social Services and Special Apostolates is looking for innovative profesionals to implement a Diocesan Plan for Catholic Counseling Serivce. ADMINISTRATOR: ACSW/MSW - 3 - 5 years experience-individual, family, group therapy-skills business management, budgeting, program planning, fund raising, grant writing, public relations, community education-task: plan, direct, evaluate the services, supervise professionals and para-professionals, establish and maintain cooperative working relationship with related professionals and agencies and the general community. COUNSelOR: MSW/MA - 3 - 5 years experience in supervised clinical setting-evaluatic;m and treatment services to wide age range-crisis intervention and short/long term therapy-intake, individual, family, group treatment. Salaries open-fringe benefits. Send resume and supporting materials to: Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Director, Diocesan Department of Social Services and Special Apostolates, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. 02720. (Rev.) PETER N. GRAZIANO, Director
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Parish Honors Two Priests
Spring R,eioic,es G,ard,ein,er, As 路H,ous,ewife D,espairs By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
With the advent of the gardening season we have been asked a number of questions which we will take time to answer in this article. When and how to start a vegetable garden? Start any time now by spading as deeply as you can at least six inches and preferably more. Give some have been that filthy last week, where did those cobwebs come - attention to the soil. If it is from and why oh why did I hard and clayey, add build- ever think every boy should have er's sand in goodly amounts so that it is reasonably friable and will not become hardened and caked during the hot weather and after a rain. If it is loose and sandy, add peat moss, compost, manure or loam to give it some substance. Remember that the last frost date in this area falls about the 15th of May, so tender vegetables cannot be sell out until then. Tomatoes, string beans, and peppers fall into this category. Peas, radishes, and lettuce may be started by mid-April as they do well in cold weather. For the beginner, invest in started plants rather than attempting everything from seed. Easy things to grow are tomatoes, peppers, radishes, pole or bush beans, cucumbers and summer squash. More difficult are lettuce, eggplant, carrots, brussel sprouts and melons of any kind. Where to Buy Treatment of climbing roses does not differ appreciably from tea roses or floribundas. Just remember in pruning that you are shaping the bush so that as it ~rows it will give the appearance you want it to have. The more you remove the larger the bloom and fewer the flowers. Where can we buy plants? Any reputable nursery should satisfy the average gardener. Obviously, nurseries carry general stock and for specialty items one has to go to a nursery that limits its stock to two or three varieties of plants. Such nurseries that offer plants at low prices or those offering exotic plants: the kind of nursery that advertises on full pages in the Sunday supplements. When to plant annuals? Plants such as marigolds and zinnias should be planted after the danger of frost has passed. For the most part they are tender and will die if temperatures drop too low. To l'epeat, the "ast frost date here falls round the middle of May. Should we spray or not? This is really a personal choice but is becoming less of a problem as manufacturers have begun to develop non-poisonous sprays. For instance, I am using an organic spray on my iris which kills slugs and borers by repelling rather than poisoning them. In the Kitchen The forsythia has just begun to open its buds, the daffodils near my father-in-Iaw's house are already in bloom and there is mUe doubt that spring is here. Strangely, there 'appears to be something searching about the spring sun; it focuses on all the things that need doing in a house. Those windows couldn't
a dog, especially one with hair. Of course, if you're made of stem fibre then you can probably convince your children that they should join in the housecleaning. Joe insists that this takes the kind of miracle that brought the wise men in from the east following a star, and I must agree. The suggestion of room cleaning generally results either in a 'list of excuses or a full clothes hamper (the theory being that if you can't find a place to hang it up it must be dirty). I wouldn't be so discouraged about this state of affairs except that when I look at the pictures of teenagers' rooms in magazines I must admit that the only resemblance they have to mine is that they have four walls and windows. Where oh where do those people keep their clothes, cosmetics and schoolbooks? My conclusion is that they must have awfully large cupboards for concealment purposes. No Time I remember when my mother did spring cleaning and from early morning untH late into the evening for days on end we lived in chaos. In the end, however, we had a home that had been cleaned from stem to stem. Today we have the problem of time affecting us all. Weekdays most women work and weekends come a time of errands and shopping. The days of taking one whole week to do nothing but clean seem to have disappeared along with a 10 cent cup of coffee and a 25 cent piece of pie. The women of today work twice as hard, it seems to me, because cleaning has to be sandwiched between taxi driving the kids to their activities and our own working schedules. While I know it can be done, my mood at the moment could be described as one of quiet desperation and such drastic solutions have crossed my mind that I hesitate to put them on paper. Let's just say that the mildest of them would result in moving into a new house and starting afresh. And I thought spring was supposed to be a season of hope. For our rice bowl recipe of the week rice pudding is the order of the day, so why not delicious sweet rice, Portuguese style. Portuguese Sweet Rice Yz pound rice 1 regular size can of evaporated milk 5 eggs % cup sugar nutmeg 1) Boil the rice with water as the directions on the package indicate, until rice is almost soft.
CITIZENS FOR UFE: New officers of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, statewide pro-life organization, are, from left, David Forrester, Marshfield, treasurer; Francis T. Gibson~ Marshfield, board chairman; Mrs. Katherine P. Healey, Wellesley, president; Atty. Raymond Jennings, Weymouth, clerk. Among group's principal goals is passage of human life amendment to U.S. constitution.
-r,o Hear Chorus at Catherda I The 75th anniversary celebration of the dedication of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, will open at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8 with a concert of contemporary and classical music .by the New England Conservatory of Music Chorus, directed by Lorna Cooke deVaron.
'Rice Bowl' Menus
Considered one of the finest college choruses in the country, it has numbered many area musicians among its members during their student days. They include Rev. William G. Campbell, Diocesan Director of Music and assistant pastor of Holy Name Church, Fall River; David Carrier, Cathedral organist; and Madeline Delisle, it music teacher in the Somerset school system. Members of the planning committee for the concert are headed by Miss Anne Marie Lingard as chairman and Father CampbeiI as honorary chairman.
Hundreds of members of St. Joseph's parish, North Dighton, joined in a recent tribute to Msgr. Bernard J. Fenton, former pastor who is now retired, and Rev. Thomas C. Mayhew, transferred from St. Joseph's to St. Anthony's Church, East Fa'lmouth. The celebration began with a concelebrated Mass, with the Rev. William O'Connell, the parish's present pastor, the two priests being honored, and the Rev. John St. John, of Boston College High School as concelebrants. Following the Mass, an informal reception was held at the parish center at which gifts from the children of St. Joseph's were presented. The testimonial concluded with a dinner at the V.F.W. Hall in Taunton, attended by 500 parishioners. Robert McGuirk was toastmaster and J. WilHam Bleau and Mrs. James E. Wil1iams, co-chairmen of the event, presented gifts to the priests as a love offering from the people of the parish. Invocation was by Msgr. James Murphy, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Foxboro, and the benediction was offered by Rev. Bento Fraga.
John's Shoe Store 43 FOURTH STREET Fall River
Bath Tub Ruined ?
Wednesday, April 7 Creamed Peas on Toast Rice Pudding Wednesday, April 14 Tomato Soup Two Cracker~ Drain and replace the water with fresh water just to barely cover and add the evaporated milk. 2) Over a very low heat, simmer the rice until done. 3) Beat the eggs with the sugar and stir in the rice until well blended. Simmer a few minutes longer until the pudding is firm.
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 South Main St. Fall River (Corner Osborn St.)
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Local Church "The most potent evangelism is that which takes place daily, weekly, yearly through the work of the local church."-Georgia Harkness, "The Church and It's Laity," 1962.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
S,ee:king Persoinal Happi,n,ess
The Parish Parade
Is N,ever Satisfactory
ulterior motive. There's no Easter tree with presents under it. If a child makes an effort during Lent it has to be to please God. Some, with a better understanding of the Passion, recognize that Jesus made great sacrifices for them . . . and still does . . . and their Lenten sacrifices return the favor. But the Lenten sacrifices should be much more satisfying to the child-precisely because they're done for someone else. Immediate Pleasure We know that when we seek solely our own happiness, it constantly eludes us. We find joy in pieasing another. So the Advent sacrifices, which have the partia'1 goal of presents under the Christmas tree, don't really bring deep joy. The motivation wears out . . . or there is disappointment Christmas morning. . However, with Lenten sacrifices, if the goal is pleasing God, there is joy for the child because there is immediate pleasure he's given his parents . . . and from that, he can believe he's pleased God. And feeling good about what he's doing can be the best motivation to continue.
Ch i I'd Search To Aid Youth With the slogan "Your Handicapped Child Has the Right to an Education," Massachusetts child-serving agencies are conducting a massive "Child Search" program through April 15 for the purpose of locating all handicapped children in the state from ages 3 to 21 who are not receiving educational services. 'Parents or relatives of such children are urged to call tollfree, 1-800-882-2010, before April 15 in order to obtain information on special educational services available through public school facilities. They may also write to the Federation for Children with Special Needs, Room 338, 120 Boylston St., Boston 02116. Explanatory material on "Child Search" is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, Greek and Chinese.
vided among all the chi'ldren. She did her own, then started doing the other kids' chores as welt Instead of it being drudgery, she was happy, did a better job than if it were done grudgingly, and made everyone MERIT CERTIFICATE: happy. Consequently, she was Lillian L. Shapiro, school lihappy herself. I doubt she fully understands brary consultant and author the psychology of what she's of "Serving Youth," a study doing. But she is learning a most useful lesson for life. Seeking of the role of high schoollipersonal happiness never satis- brarians, will receive a Cerfies. Joy comes from pleasing tificate of Merit from the others. High School Section of the This line of thought started Catholic Library Assn. at the me thinking about something which, at first, may seem un- organization's convention to related to kids and Lent and so be held in Chicago this month in conjunction with forth. I've always been puzzIed why the annual meeting of the the list of saints of the Church National Catholic Educationincludes so few married people. Saints all seem to be bishops, al Assn. The preseentation martyrs, virgins, and confessors. will be made by Dr. Owen T. P. McGowan, High School If you think about this in light of eternal happiness com- Section chairman, and a ing from pleasing others. then member of Holy Name parit's easy for married people to get to Heaven. They help each ish, Fall River. other get these. They seek the partner's ultimate happiness, and consequently are much more likely to achieve it ... together. Bishop's Problem A workshop on future trends While bishops have a great in religious life wiH be held from love for all their people. they must love in generalities instead 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April of specific persons. It's tough to 10 at Mont Marie, Holyoke. do anything well in generalities. Sponsored by the New England Few bishops become deeply in- regional unit of the Sister Formation and Vocation Conferinvolved with any individual. And worse, how many indi- ences. it will be open to all viuals are deeply involved with . interested clergy, religious and their bishop? How many have a . laity. deep moving force of concern Speakers will include Sister for his happiness? Sure, we all Margaret Mary Modde. OSF, pray for them at Mass, but not who will give two presentations with the intimate concern we on "Futures Evolving from Past pray for our spouses. Identity and Experiences: A To really pray for our bishop, Study in Role Stress." Presently we'd have to personally love a student of canon law at Cathhim . . . and it's impossible to olic University of America, she love someone you don't know. is the former directress of the How many of us get to know National Sisters Vocation Conference and a co-author of a reour bishop? So who does a bishop have search project dealing with really concerned about making women leaving religious life. him happy? And who can he Also on the program is Sister work to please? His diocese? Shawn Madigan, CSJ, whose Whatever he does, half the peo- topic is "Ecclesial and Cultural ple think he's wrong. Challenge to the Future of ReliCan he work simply to please gious Life." She is a doctoral God? That's tough to do when student in theology at Catholic you don't have the immediate University and has for two sumknowledge that you're pleasing mers taught a course on Futursomeone here and now! ology and Theology.
To Query Future
At Workshop
SHAWOMET GARDENS 102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Man. Tel. 674-4111 3~ roDII 4~ roDIlI
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Includes heat, hot water, stoYe, reo frigerator and maintenance service.
OUR LADY OF PURGATORY, NEW BEDFORD The parish Bicentennial committee has announced a schedule of activities including a lecture OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, series describing the role of Arabic peoples in America's BREWSTER The Women's Guild will spon- growth, a religious observance sor an ecumenical meeting to and a social gathering or Mahwhich members of aU area rajan. The latter two events will church .organizations are invited take place in August, with detaHs at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 13 in to be given at a later date. the church hall. The program will Lectures will be held in the feature Mrs. Doris Doane, who auditorium of Southeastern will give an illustration taIk on Massachusetts University, with "Cape Cod Houses." the first scheduled for 7:30 p.m. ST. ANTIIONY, Sunday, April 11, when Rev. MAlTAPOISElT George I. Saad. pastor, will give The Women's Guild will meet a brief history of the Lebanese at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. April people and the Maronite Rite, 7 in the church hall on Barston with special attention to happenStreet, with a business session ings of the past century in conducted by Mrs. John Bren- Southeastern MaSsachusetts. nan, president. and a talk and Scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Sunslide presentation following by day, May 23 is a summary of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Baker, contributions of Arabic Ameriwho will explain the services ofcans in the United States comfered by Birthright of New Bedpiled from presentations at three ford. a volunteer emergency nationaI expositions, dating back pregnancy service. to 1876. The speaker will be Dr. Miss Emily Perry is program Adele Younis. professor of hischairperson for the evening. A social hour will conclude the tory and director of graduate meeting, which is open to all history studies at Salem State University. interested persons. The final lecture win be given OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Sunday, June 20 by James GaTAUNTON briel, U.S. Attorney in BOllton, The Holy Ghost Society has who will discuss the strong announced its Domingas for family and religious ties found 1976. At each of seven homes in Lehanese and Arabic comthe Holy Ghost Crown will be munities. displayed for one week, beginAll lectures· will be open to ning Easter Sunday, April 18. the public and there wiH be no Each night of the week the ros- admission charge. ary is recited at the home and on one night there is a home ST. PETER & PAUL, Mass. Open house begins each FALL RIVER Margaret O'Neil, aided by night at 7:30 p.m., with the rosary following at 8 o'clock. Helen Polak. is chairman of a Refreshments and raffles follow fashion show to be sponsored the religious service and all are by the Women's Club at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7 at welcome to each home. Domingas are Louis Furtado, White's restaurant, North West17 Agawam St.• Nancy Valcorba, port. Parishioners will model 26 Highland St., Stephen Val- styles for men and women and corba. 6 Winter Ave., Emily the program commentator will Camara, 17 Clinton St., Joao be State Sen. Mary Fonseca. Pereira. 41 First St., Ruth An- Ticket returns should be made drade, 99 Plain St., and George to the chairman and co-chairman Peny, Mordomo, 7 Marvel St. by Saturday, April 3.
I'ubllclty chairmen of Darlsh orlanlzltlon. are IIK.O t~ suomlt news Items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be If.eluded II well IS full dates of all actiVities. P{elSe send news of future rather than IIlSt events.
I learn a lot from my eight children. Lately I've been observing how different their attitudes are about Lent, in comparison to Advent. The, kids usually use Advent and Lent to make a deliberate effort to behave better, to offer / up sacrifices. But let's, face Let me give you an example. it, in the best of them, there's Last weekend, one of our daugha bit of undercurrent in Ad- ters went on a cleaning spree. vent sacrifices that the suf- We have household chores difering will payoff materially Christmas morning. . But Lent is different. The effort is there, but it's missing the
The Television King
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
In Favor of Abortion
'And Yet There Is The Flick Of That Needle' NEW YORK {NC)-"There is the flick of that needle. I saw it. I saw ... I felt in that room, a pace away, life prodded, life fending off. I saw life avulsed - swept by flood, blackening then out." In these words, Dr. Richard Seizer, a surgeon attached to Yale University, told of his reo action to the first abortion he had ever seen. In the January, 1976, issue of Esquire magazine, published here, Seizer described an injection' abortion at 24 weeks. "In the room we are six," he said, "two physicians, two nurses, the patient and me. "The participants are busy, very attentive. I am not at all busy - but I am no Jess attentive. I want to see. "I see something! "It is unexpected, utterly unexpected, like a disturbance in the earth, a tumultuous jarring. I see something other than what I expected here. I see a movement - a small one. But I have seen it. "And then I see it again. And now I see that' it is the hub of the needle in the woman's belly that has jerked. First to one side. Then to the other side. Once more it wobbles, is tugged, like a fishing line nibbled by a sunfish. "Again! And I know! "It is the fetus that worries thus. It is the fetus struggling against the needle. St11,lggling? How can that be? I think: That cannot be. I think: the fetus feels no pain, cannot feel fear, has no motivation.
"It is a reflex, says the doctor." "I hear him. But I saw something. I saw something in that
mess of ceIls understand that it must bob and butt. And I see it again! I have an impulse to shove to the table - it is just a step - seize that needIe and pull it out. "We are not six, I think. I THINK WE ARE SEVEN."
Seizure described the rest of the "routine procedure" - the injection of a prostaglandin to throw the uterus into contraction, thus expelling the dead fetus within eight to 12 hours. "1 know," he said, "we cannot feed the great numbers. There is no more room. I know, I know. It is a woman's right to refuse the risk, to decline the pain of childbirth. And an unwanted child is a very great burden. An unwanted' child is a burden to himself. I know. "And yet there is the flick of that needle.
AT STUDY DAY: Diocesan delegates to Pro-Life Study Day at Assumption College are, seated from left, Rev. Peter N. Graziano, chairman, Miss Marcella Warrener, Mrs. Claire McMahon, Rev. Jay T. Maddock; standing, Sister Thomas More, a.p., Mrs. Annette Dwyer, Mrs. Jean Paulson, Rev. Thomas L. Rita, Mrs. John Silvia, Rev. Michel Methot. Not present, Sister Jean Marie, a.p., Atty. Frederic J. Torphy.
"It is a person carried here as well as a person, I think. I think it is a signed piece, engraved with a heiroglyph of human genes. "I did not think this untid. I saw. The flick. The fending off. . . ." "Does this sound like an argu· ment? I hope not. I am not trying to argue. I am only saying I've seen. The flick. Whatever also may be said in abortion's defense, the vision of that other defense will not vanish from my eyes. "What I saw I saw as that: a defense, a motion from, an effort away. And it has happened that you cannot reason with me now. For what can language do against the truth of what I saw?"
Pro-Life Continued from Page One perior of Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, emphasized that concern for pro-life must not be exclusively involved with abortion. "Euthanasia is a serious problem as far as the aged are concerned," she declared. On the same day Rev. Gino Concetti, a leading Vatican theologian, spoke to the same issue, writing in L'Osservatore Roamano, "Jon countries where abortion has already been introduced, there are insistent projects to legalize euthanasia even if, for the moment, under the euphemism of dying with dignity." Other suggestions concerned establishment of training programs for pro-life speakers, use of CCD programs as "readymade channels for pro-life activities," the importance of prolife homilies, workshops for priests and regular pro-life family Masses. At one workshop 'Msgr. Leo J. Battista, director of Catholic Charities for the Worcester diocese, asked participants, "How much do we talk to God as well as to each other about all this?" He said regular prayer should be an important part of pro-life programs, "as we used to pray after each Mass for the conversion of Russia." Diocesan Pro-Life Committee members will follow the study day with weekly meetings throughout April. Rev. Peter N. Graziano, chairman, stated, "Because of the distance involved, residents from Cape Cod are not involved each week in the meetings of the working committee. However, the committee plans to have at least one special session on the Cape in order to receive that region's input into the diocesan plan. The Cape Cod area of the diocese," he emphasized, "has been in the forefront of the Pro-Life movement not only within the diocese but throughout the state."
'MR. MIDWIFE': Norman Casserly holds year-old Kenneth Goltz of ColUmbus, a., one of' the more than 3,500 babies he has delivered. Casserly is thought to be only male midwife in U.S.
'Mr. Midwife' Is Pro-Life By GEORGE BARMANN DAYTON, Ohio (NC)-When it comes to childbirth, "Mr. Midwife" supports a woman's right to choose: not the right to choose abortion, but the right to choose where to have her baby. "I don't want to go as far as to say that every woman should have her babies at home," said Dublin-born Norman Casserley, believed to be the only male midwife in the United States, "but I think every mother should have the right to choose." Claiming record of 3,500 successful deliveries all over the world in the past 28 years, Casserley, a bachelor, vigorously defends methods that critics say are relics of the past. "I feel the miracle of birth has been suppressed by knocking the mother out and having her wake up with the baby after it's all over," he said in an interview with the 'Catholic Telegraph, Cincinnati archdiocesan newspaper. "It has become a fact of technology, rather than an experience of creation." "The miracle of creation, the presence of a Supreme Being, is more apparent at birth than at any other ,time in life," Casserley said, and complained that technology inteferes with the "spiritual aspect" of chBdbirth and reduces it to "a matter of chemistry, of forceps or obstetrics." According to Casserley, who was dubbed "Mr. Midwife" by an American songwriter, both United Nations and U. S. Health Department records show that 19 countries have a lower infant mortality rate than the United States, despite this country's medical leadership. "For a normal birth," he said, "I don't believe the hospital is the place. In Scandinavia and
the Netherlands, insurance companies don't pay for normal births in the hospital, but they do for births at home. They think hospital births are a waste of hospital facilities. The reverse is true in this country." Casserly estimated that there are only about 50 midwives in the United States. Most serving Mexican-Americans in the Southwest. He said, however, that natural childbirth education programs are becoming more popular, although they are still hospital-oriented and supplemented with technology. He is a practioner of the LaMaze Method of childbirth, which emphasizes serenity and quiet at the time of delivery. Casserley's objection to abortion is apparently shaped more by his professional ethics than by his Catholic background. "I never heard of a midwife who carries out abortions," he said. "They are concerned with bringing life into the world, so the' ideal of terminating it is against their basic philosophy." The midwife attributed the increase of abortion partly to reaction against the pain and trauma of childbirth, circumstances that can be avoided, he said, if the procedure is carried out correctly. During births at home "you have to handle the pain prob· lem, by eliminating it or at least reducing it. It's taken for granted that pain is a part of childbirth. I disagree. The basic thing about pain is that it results from injury to the body or by doing something wrong. Childbirth is excruciatingly painful because it's done wrongly." Casserley, whose fees are high and schedule filled, has delivered babies in 49 countries, in· cluding the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Have Already Been Born Protestants For Lite FeHow Christian: I am a Protestant theologian, not a publicist or politician. I have never written a letter of this kind. Yet I feel deeply that the time has come for us to take a clear, public stand on the abortion issue. Abortion is an issue that Protestants can no longer leave up to others. We can no longer permit our legislators and judges most of them good people who would not knowingly destroy a basic element of our spiritual heritage - to think that the abortion question concerns only a sectarian minority (i.e., Catholics in our "pluralistic" society. Does "pluralism" mean that we Christians have no right to contribute anything to the discussion of public morals and law if it comes from our Christian faith? Marks of Degeneracy Everybody knows that Roman Catholic bishops and thelogians have taken a forceful stand against abortion. But how many people know that the very first Christian writings after the New Testament, such as the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, written as pagans were beginning to tum in larger numbers to Christ, took a specific stand against abortion and infanticide as hallmarks of the degeneracy of the pagan empire? Or that every early Christian teacher who mentioned the issue said the same thing? Or that Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German Lutheran who gave his Hfe in the struggle against Hitler, wrote: "Destruction of the embryo in the mother's womb is a violation of the right to life which God has bestowed upon this nascent life" (Ethics, p. 175)? To say that American law should not be made to suit the wishes of a particular denomination or sect is one thing, but to say that it must be purged of all Christian tradition is quite another. Yet that is what will happen if Protestants do not begin to speak out and be heard on this issue. -From a letter sent to Protestant leaders by Harold O. J. Brown, chairman of the Christian Action Council 'for a ProLife Solution to the Abortion Problem.
Cape Cod Birthri'ght Training sessions are in progress for new volunteers in the Cape Cod Birthright program. They will be held from 8 to 10 p.m Wednesday, April 7, Tuesday, April 13 and Wednesday, Aptil 2ti at the Birthright office, 328 WJnter St., Hyannis. All interested persons are invited to attend and for further information may call 771-1102 from noon to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday or from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday.
Bishop, Cardinal Testify at Hearing In House on Human Life Amendment By JIM CASTELLI WASHINGTON (NC) - The president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) told a House subcommittee that "it is not religious doctrine we wish to see enacted into law, it is respect for human dignity and human rights specifically . . . the right to life
"Our position," he said, "has been and remains that whatever the formulation of an amendment to protect unborn human life, it should embody certain principles." Those principles, he said, would:
for those who feel the stab of hunger's pain, for those ravaged by war, for those who will never see the inside of a school or explore the wonders in the pages of a book. "With you and with all my feHow Americans, I dream 0 f a
-Establish that the unborn child is a person under the terms of the Constitution. -Express a constitutional commitment to the universal and maximum protection of human life.
better world and I wish to share in building it. But I am convinced that the road of abortion is not the path to this better world." "Abortion is advocated by some as a solution - indeed, the solution - to such problems as poverty, the denial of women's rights and child abuse," Cardinal Cooke said. "As is typical of panaceas, however, abortion promises what it cannot deliver and delivers what society neither wants nor needs. Abortion does not remove the cause of these or other social problems. "It is certainly true that the Catholic Church and many other churches teach abortion is wrong," said Archbishop Bernardin, "just as they teach that racial discrimination is wrong, that exploitation of the poor is wrong, that aH injustice and injury to others are wrong."
Day of Infamy Jan. 22, 1973 By REV. ANTHONY D. IWUC Thursday, January 22, marked the 3rd anniver~ry of the blackest day of infamy in the 200 year history of our country, the day the Supreme Court overruled the Supreme Lawgiver and reversed 2,000 years of Christian enlightenment by "legalizing" the killing of the unborn. Back in January, 1973, while getting ready to sign the cease-fire agreement in Vietnam, we declared war on the unborn in our country. One tragic war was being brought to a close, but a new one, much more total and tragic, was being declared. We rejoiced at the release of POWs . . . and legally began killing other POWs, Prisoners of the Womb. We were so concernen about some MIAs, those Missing in Action, and totally unconcerned about other MIAs, those Murdered in America. How inconsistent can the Supreme Court be? It makes illegal capital punishment for ruthless, convicted, even self-confessed criminals, but declares it perfectly legal, almost praiseworthy, to murder innocent, defenseless, unborn human babies in their mothers' womb, without even the due process of law ... that which is allowed to the worst criminal. The Suprem.e Court declared the death penalty unconstitutional and said that capital punishment was "uniquely degrading to human dignity." We ask them, "Is the killing of an innocent baby in the mother's womb uniquely UPGRADING to human dignity?" Our hospitals and clinics are becoming pre-natal chambers of horror, where in Nazi-like fashion, ,medical technicians carry out the cold and clinical extermination of unborn children. Physicians will soon be doing more killing than curing. Abortion was wrong yesterday, it is wrong today, and it will be wrong tomorrow . . . no matter what laws may be passed, and no matter what court decisions may be rendered. -From "Narod Polski," newspaper of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America.
The NCCB head, Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati, was testifying along with Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York during hearings on constitutional .amendments to restrict abortion. "We are committed to the democratic process," the bishops declared. Cardinal Cooke, chairman of the NCCB Committee for ProHfe Activities, said that the bishops do not support "any specific formulation for a constitutional amendment." I
Say Life Begins At Fertilization By JOHN MAHER WASHINGTON (NC)-Human life begins at fertilization, a physician and nurse, husband and wife team told a House subcommittee hearing testimony on constitutional amendments designed to reverse the 1973 Supreme Court abortion decisions. The team, Dr. J. C. Willke, a Cincinnati physician and president of the Ohio Right to Life Society, and his wife Barbara, a former professor of nursing arts and cochairman with her husband of Cincinnati Right to Life, Inc., presented testimony with photographs of children born at 21 weeks or less of gestation who survived. "Today, viability is down to 20 weeks," they testified. "We fully expect, that by the tum of the century, it will be down to 10 weeks, and if the test tube baby makes it some day, it will be at fertilization." Calling the use of viability to measure the humanity of the unborn "completely irrational," the Willkes said: "Viability is a measure of the sophistication of. the external life support system, of the knowledge and abiL ity of the doctors, nurses, and laboratories around the baby, it is not a measurement of the baby himself." In their testimony, the Willkes contended that abortion is a civil rights issue. "Abortion is a civil rights violation as' it discriminates against an entire class of living humans in the United States, primarily on the basis of place of residence," they said. "That place of residence is the mother's womb which today is a free-fire zone."
"If we wish to eradicate poverty, let us destroy the causes of poverty-not destroy the life of the poor and defenseless unborn child. "If we wish to correct violations of women's rights, let us do so-not violate the right of ,the unborn child to continue living. If we wish to halt child abuse, let us do so by finding and treating its causes-not by abusing and killing innocent unborn children through abortion." Cardinal Cooke -Give the states power to enact enabling and related legis路lation. -Restore to the unborn child the constitutional protection of the "unalienable" right to Hfe. Asked by Jesuit Father Robert Drinan (D-Mass.) whether their principles ignored completely the right of privacy which the Supreme Court cited in striking down most laws restricting abortion, Archbishop Bernardin said "we believe Congress can balance those rights." Cardinal Cooke opened his testimony by saying, "Let me begin by expressing respect for those who in good faith oppose the conviction which we have concerning the evil of abortion. It is not my intention to. question their honesty. "Indeed," he said, "I share the concern of many of them f.or the poor and the underprivileged,
Priests Continued from Page Three them and to foster their growth and development." Delegate Speaks Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in ,the United States, addressed the delegates in a homily during a liturgy. Archbishop Jadot said that "faith relationship of priests and bishops is based on their com路 mon ministry to Christ in his sisters and hrothers through the sacrament which they share. "We need to strive especially to intensify this aspect of our life together," he said, terming the faith relationship of priests and bishops "the most vital vet least tangible area of development" in resolving problems of priests' senates.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
II Letters to the editor Asks Clarification Dear Editor: After reading your article in the March 4th edition of The Anchor regarding the relationship of divorced and remarried Catholics and the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, there seems to be a movement by some of the clergy to allow divorced and remarried people to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. I suggest they read from the New American Bible, Page 1009, Mark, Chapter 10 which says, "Let no man separate what God has joined." Also, "Whoever divorces his wife or husband and marries another commits adultery." Before they took this serious step, they must have thought of the consequences involved and made their choice. What would be the result? More divorced persons would remarry adding more broken homes and neglected children. If this comes to pass, the church would lose more of her members. The majority of people do not want a watered down religion. The attitude of the youth today is that one church is as good as another. It is high time somebody in authority realized that the laity is confused with conditions as they are today and make a posi-
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tive statement of the rules of the Church. James E. Mann So. Attleboro
Not Clerics Dear Fr. FoIster, I'm writing concerning :the caption that accompanied the photo in this weeks' Anchor of
Greeley Report Continued from Page Five Bishop McManus Bishop William E. McManus, Chicago auxiliary and chairman of the Education Committee of the U. S. Catholic Conference, noted that Father Greeley's book supports the traditional position of the American bishops as .to the importance of Catholic schools. He declared, however, that "research of this kind cannot be normative on what is right or wrong in the Church's teaching on doctrine and morality" and agreed with Father Greeley "that it's not the job of sociologists to make a theological judgment on Pope Paul's birth control decision." The prelate concluded that "the Church is well served by a Pope whose doctrinal convictions and moral judgments are not con.ditioned by their 'organizational impact' Vatican Council II, which this book hailed as a 'great success' was started by Pope John XXIII who refus.!!d to be talked out of it by advisers who feared its 'organizational impact.' " Questions Interpretations Interpretations of statistics in Father Greeley's books were questioned by Jesuit sociologist Father John L. Thomas, who queried the conclusion that decline in religious practice and acceptance of Church teaching among U.. S. Catholics is attributable to "Humanae Vitae." Noting that the study compared two national samples of . Catholics taken by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, one in 1963 and the other in 1974, Father Thomas said that "past analysis does not give causality, but linkages." His impression of the study was that it moved too easily from finding linkages between things to saying that one thing is the cause of another.
the new candidates for Diaconate and Priesthood. Since when are candidates for Diaconate and Priesthood clerics? I respectfully suggest that you or members of your staff read the Apostolic Letters of Pope Paul VI "Ministeria quaedam" and "Ad pascendum," in which is given an instruction on Admission to Candidacy, the Ministries of Acolyte and Reader and Diaconate. The issue is of importance because, it would seem to me, that the Anchor should be a source of education in matters such as Candidacy and the revised Min- . istries of Acolyte and Reader and not a source of confusion. A labelling of these men as clerics is unfair, since in no way do they assume the responsibilities of that state. I realize fully that this error was made unknowingly, nevertheless, I feel that a correction would be helpful so as to educate and to ease the confusion that might exist. Respectfully submitted, Joseph M.Costa St. John's Seminary , Brighton, Mass. (Ed.-Oops!! I guess the reminiscent joy of my first committed step toward the priesthood showed through! Yes it was then Tonsure and it was a commitment to the Priesthood,a hopeful step. Even our cut-lines are formal, pronounced education! Wow! We refer our readers for your clasification on this. page.
Weston Center Sets Retr·eats Two "Genesis 2" retreats will be conducted this summer at Campion Renewal Center, a recently opened Jesuit facility in Weston, 20 miles west of Boston. The retreats, to be held Thursday, July 1 through Thursday, July 8, and Tuesday, Aug. 10 through Tuesday, Aug. 17, integrate spiritual and psychological insights in a prayerful atmosphere, with multi-media presentations and dialog inviting participants to deeper levels of Christian living. Guided retreats scheduled Wednesday, July 21 through Tuesday, July 27 and Sunday, Aug. 1 through Saturday, Aug. 7, include two optional conferences daily, liturgy, evening prayer and spiritual direction as desired. Both retreat programs are open to all and further information is available from Rev. Edward F. Hallen, S.J., Campion Renewal Center, Weston, Mass. 021'93.
FOR SEMINARIANS: A check for $5,000 for Chicago Archdiocesan seminarians is presented to John Cardinal Cody by (from left) High Chief Ranger Louis E. Caron and High Secretary Paul H. Lamontagne of the Catholic Order of Foresters. Lamontagne is from Fall River, where Foresters second largest U.S. Catholic fraternal insurance society, maintain three courts, one ip Notre Dame parish and two in St. Anne's parish. The order's national headquarters are in Chicago, where the 40th annual national convention will be held in August.
CLARI F'ICATION Admission to Candidacy By Joseph M. Costa St. John's Seminary Brighton, Mass. Candidacy, what does it mean? To answer this question let us first examine a bit of the Church's history. The Church has always had Ii ritual ceremony with which, in a public fashion, men were received· into the ranks of those studying for the priesthood. Prior to August of 1972,. alI men studying for priesthood would receive what was called 'tonsure' soon after they had begun their theological for-
mation. This rite of tonsure, which was known for its ceremonial cutting of hair, was the Church's way of acknowledging in a public fashion those men who were studying for the priesthood, setting them aside as belonging to the clerical state and therefore preparing for the reception of minor orders, diaconate and priesthood. As the Church, after Vatican II, began to move back to a more ancient notion of ministries and away from the idea of minor orders, it was decided that tonTurn 'to Page Eleven
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Stresses Vatican Position On Anti-Israel Campaign
Relevant, Advanced Nuns Don't Attract Followers
On Sunday, March 7, the mission of the Libyan A:rab Republic to the United Nations ran. a. full-p~ge advert~se颅 ment in the Washington Post, Chnsban SCIence Momtor and other major newspaper entitled "Islamic-Christian. Dialogue." Included in this advertisement was the full It also caused acute embarrassment to the Vatican. In any text of 24 resolutions and event, the Vatican, as noted in recommendations reported- this column on Feb. 23, has al-
ly adopted by unanimous consent at an Islamic-Christian Dialogue held in Tripoli, Libyan Arab Republic, February 1-6, 1976.
An explanatory footnote stated, "These resolutions and recommendations have been agreed upon through the mutual understanding of the Moslem and Christian parties with regard to the meaning, the aims and pre; cepts of the dialogue." This statement is erroneous with respect to resolutions 20 and 21. These two resolutions, as the government of Libya knows very well, have been rejected by the Vatican as one of the sponsors of the Tripoli Dialogue. Both resolutions are blatantly political, despite the fact that the Vatican, according to reliable news sources, had extracted a pledge in advance of the meeting that such issues were to be excluded. Sets Record Straight The two objectionable resolutions were aimed, of course, at Israel. Resolution 20 called Zionism "a radical aggressive movement, foreign to Palestine and the entire Eastern region." Resolution 21 said, in part, that "the two parties reaffirm the national rights of the路 Palestinian people and their right to return to, their homeland, and to affirm the Arabism of the city of Jerusalem, and the rejection of Judaization, partition and internationalization projects, and denounce any violations of all sacred shrines." It also caIled for the formation of "a permanent commission to investigate the alteration of sacred Moslem and Christian sites and reveal all these to the world's public opinion." The adoption of these two resolutions at the Tripoli meeting caused consternation in Jewish circles all over the world.
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ready taken steps to set the record straight. A front-page announcement in the Feb. 11 edition of the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, said the Vatican is not able to accept the above-mentioned resolutions "since their content does not correspond in essential points with the position, well known to all, of the Holy See itself." By ooincidence, the fifth annual meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee took place in Jerusalem, March 1-3, just a matter of days after the Tripoli Dialogue had been concluded. The liaison committee is composed of representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and of the InternationaI Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations (!JCIC). Need to Counteract The Jerusalem meeting, in which I ~as privileged to participate, took note of the antiIsraeli resolutions adopted at Tripoli and, more broadly, of other recent attacks against Israel in various international forums. The final communique of the Jerusalem meeting reads, in pertinent part, as follows: "The liaison committee noted with satisfaction the repudiation by various authorities of the Catholic Church of the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations equating Zionism with racism. Profound concern was expressed over the continued campaign to defame the state of Israel and the Jewish people and isolate them from the international community. The need to counteract these trends was stressed. The committee expressed its satisfaction over the disavowal by the Holy See of paragraphs 20 and 21 of the Declaration of the Seminar on the Islamic-Christian Dialogue that took place in Tripoli, Libya, on Feb. 1-5, 1976." In the light of the foregoing information, I find it impossible to understand why the mission of the Libyan Arab Republic to the United Nations should deliberately persist in distorting the record by continuing to leave the impression that the Vatican agrees with the two anti-Israel resolutions referred to above. There is no excuse for this kind of chicanery. Let us hope, nevertheless, that this unfortunate incident will not derail the Islamic-Christian dialogue which began at the Tripoli meeting. The work that was begun at Tripoli is extremely important for many reasons, not the least of which is the possibility that it might eventually lead to a broader dialogue among the three great religions which have common roots, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. (Copyright (c) 1976 by NC News Service)
Anyone who tries to take a serious look at the ~istory of American Catholicism is struck by the long stnng of remarkable women who have kept the American church going. You wonder why so litt.e attention has been paid, for example, to Maria Kaupas, Frances Ward, and did not sound angry, hateful, or they were not militants. Francesca Cabrini. I guess a strident; All they did was attract thoulot of it has to do with our sands of young women to foHow
DECEASED: Archbishop eal'1y years in Catholic schools. Robert J. Dwyer, former bis- We heard so much from the hop of Reno, Nev. and for- "good sisters" about their "holy mer archbishop of Portland, foundress" that these latter auOre., until recently the publisher-editor of the National Catholic Register, died March 24 in Oakland, 路Calif. Iy
Candidacy Continued from Page Ten sure would be discontinued. Ministries were once again introduced as appropriate for laypersons so that it was only with the reception of diaconate that a man became a member of the clerical state. However, there was still the question of how to appropriately receive and recognize those men who had begun a program of theological formation; a program that would hopefully lead them to the diaconate and priesthood. It was as a result of this need that the Church instituted the rite of admission to candidacy for the diaconate and priesthood. The rite is celebrated when the candidates have reached maturity of purpose and are shown to have the qualifications necessary for the priesthood. The intention 路of receiving orders is to be expressed publicly by the candidates to their bishop or major superior. The rite is simple, calling only for an instruction by the bishop, the calling of the candidates by name, a questioning of them and their acceptance by the bishop. A simple ceremony, but nevertheless most significant: for the four young men who presented themselves to Bishop Cronin on March 20, it was their public commitment to continue, ever more fervently, preparing themselves for diaconate and priesthood; for the Church in Fall River it was a sign of hope because four young men were dedicating their lives to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Congratulations to the candidates and we promise them our prayers.
Most Necessary "What is most necessary for understanding divine things is prayer."-Qrigen
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gust personages took on a mythological aura. Of course they were remarkable people; sister said so. But they weren't people like us. They belonged in the same category as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Poor Francesca Cabrini was safely pigeon-holed as a saint. That made her doubly unreal, and you couId readily exclude her from the history books and your own thinking. What could be more irrelevant than a saint? So we took it ~or granted that such women could start out with virtually nothing and build large communities with numerous institutions providing a wide variety of indispensable services. So what else is new? So Maria Kaupas was smuggled across the Russian border at 16 - quite -literally running from soldiers - and within a few years would found a religious community which at the time of her death would number more than half a thousand members. But what have the sisters of St. Casimir done for us lately? Dangerous Tasks But as I continue my "Critic"inspired search for the meaning of American Catholicism, I wonderwhy we don't take these women more seriously than we do. They were not feminists, of course (and we must judge the past by our standards and by the rhetorical fashions of the present, must we not?), though heaven knows, no man pushed Kaupas, Ward, or Cabrini around not twice anyhow. They issued few statements and certainly no unnegotiable demands. They did not insist that they be ordained priests (though it was a shame they were not); they
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them in what were almost always difficult and uncomfortable tasks, and frequently dangerous and, in the case of early Mercy Sisters, deadly assignments. Alas for them, they are no longer relevant. The habits are gone, nuns can smoke and drink and tell dirty jokes just like priests. They can stay out as late as they want and go wherever they want, and protest as much as they want. Isn't progress wonderful? Identified as Nuns Look, sisters, don't get me wrong. I support all the changes. So does the majority of everyone else in the country - as much as the absence of opposition may offend you. Casimira Kaupas would have been every bit as effective in lay garb as she was in the habit - though I suspect she would have worn some sign that she was a nun, and would not have been hesitant or reluctant to be so identified. She certainly wouldn't have thought such identification was a barrier to "relating" to people. My point is different. These "old fashioned" women who founded your communities attracted followers. They may have been out of date, irrelevant, not with it; but they still attracted followers. You, of course, are up to date, relevant, advanced, with it; but you don't attract followers. And if I were ,in your shoes that would scare the living daylights out of me. Minimally, I would want to question some of my assumptions.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
KNOW YOUR FAITH Key Elements in Jesus' Message
Message in Differenf Ways Okinawa, Alabama, Alaska, every country in Europe, now Dayton, Ohio - Fr. Paul McDonald has touched down and labored in all these spots during his quarter of a century as a priest.
-That may sound remarkable even in this jet age of transportation, but such a worldwide itinerary is the customary background of any Air Force chaplain like Lt. Col. McDonald. Conversation with these men at dinner resembles the kind oJ discussion you expect in some travel agency. They speak of experiences in Tokyo, Turkey and Thailand much as we recount our visit to a city an hour's drive away. Fr. MoDonald now serves as senior Catholic chaplain at the
Wright-Patterson Air Force Complex in Ohio, a logistics and academic center for the USAF. He and his two priest team members care for the spiritual needs of 500 single plus 1,500 married airmen and. their families. . To do so on weekends requires nine Masses, each liturgy having a tone or approach of its own. How does an Air Force chaplain spend his time? In most instances, his responsibilities and routines parallel the duties and activities of the typical parish priest - weekend Masses, celebrating the sacraments, visiting the sick, burying the dead, teaching Jesus' message to children and adults. Two Programs At Chaplain McDonald's base, the staff fulfills that -last function by offering two quite distinct religious education programs. One follows the pattern of traditional CCD efforts in parishes across the United States. Held on Sunday mornings from 10:1511 :45 it reaches about 450 young persons from grades K-12 and some 40-60 parents involved in Turn to Page Thirteen
What Is Jesus' Message to Us? By WILLIAM E. MAY
Jesus, the uncreated Word of God become flesh, become one of us On 1:14 is indeed "the way, the truth, and the life" (In 14:5). In the Sermon on the Mount the Gospel according to Matthew presents Jesus as the new and perfect Moses, the One who gives to us a new "law" that brings the old to fulfillment by perfecting it and challenging us to be the beings we really are: God's chosen people, His children, whose hearts are to be aflame with a love for His justice and righteousness, blessed in our poverty and suffering (Cf. Mt. 5:1-48). . Certain things stand out in the teaching of Jesus, and three in particular demand our prayerful reflection: (I) His call to repeIitance, (2) His words of encouragement, and (3) His summons to perfection. Jesus begins His ministry by telling us "The reign of God is at hand! Reform your olives and believe in the gospel" (Mk 1:14-. He tells us that the very first thing we must do if we. are to hear the joyful and liberating news of God's surpassing love for us is humbly to recognize our own sinfulness, the hardness of our hearts. We cannot, we must not, deceive ourselves, for if we do we shall become like those whom Jesus denounced as filled with rapaciousness and evil, as hidden tombs (Lk 11 :39 ff). If we are self-righteous, unwilling and thus incapable of seeing the plank lodged in our
own eyes (Lk 6:42), we will never be able to see the light that Jesus is or hear His summons to love, even as we have been loved. And we are sinners. For "if we say, 'We are free of the guilt of sin,' we deceive ourselves" (1 Jn 1:8). Hence our first need is to acknowledge our sin and ask our Father for f.orgiveness. Time and again Jesus reminds us that sin, like its opposite, love, is rooted in our hearts. Thus the need for a conversion, a changing of our minds and hearts. Sin, Jesus tells us, springs from our faithless hearts. "Do you not see," He said, "that nothing that enters' a man from outside can make him impure? It does not penetrate his being, but enters his stomach only and passes into the 'latrine.... What emerges from within a man, that and nothing else is what makes him impure. Wicked designs come from the deep recesses of the heart . . . and render a man impure" (Mk 7: 1823). It is for this reason that "anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts" (Mt 5:28). Ardent Lovers But Jesus does not want us to be discouraged because of our sinfulness. He and His Father are ardent lovers, and they seek us out. The will to make us their friends, and they are ready to give us their love and forgiveness, and Jesus _delights in telling us of the surpassing joy that Turn to Page Thirteen
By Rev. John J. CasteIot Each of the evangelists had his own theology, style, literary method. As for Matthew, it has been suggested that his experience as a tax collector and accountant developed in him a passion for orderliness and a feeling for numbers. Whatever may be the validity of this observation, there is no denying the fact that his Gospel does display a remarkable orderliness and an adroit use of numbers to suggest ideas. Recognizing this helps us to discern the overall plan o(the book. Five times we come across the same refrain, or a variant of it: "Jesus finished this discourse and left the crowds spellbound at his teaching" ,7:28; -11:1; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1). It serves to mark off the five booklets which form the structural framework of the Gospel, each booklet containing a narrative followed by a long discourse. Knowing what we do about the significance which the Jews attached to numbers, we may surmise that Matthew chose this fivefold division purposely to get across a key idea. He clearly intended to show in his Gospel that Jesus was the Messiah promised by Moses and all the prophets who followed him. Jesus came to perfect the Old Law and to promulgate the New, which was not really a "law" in the same sense' as the Old. But at any rate, just as the Old Law had been promulgated on Mt. Sinai, so the New Law was given in the Sermon on the Mount. And just as the Law of Moses comprised five books, so did the Law of Christ, the Gospel.
4181 International Eucharistic
Toward a World ,Community By REV. JOHN P. FOLEY Several years ago, an imaginative soft-drink commercial showed a multi-racial, multinational group on top of a hill joined in the song. "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." Their message was that CocaCola is used around the world and brings people together - a rather exalted theme for a commercial message. There is mtle doubt that the bonds of commerce and of similar taste do help to bring the different peoples of the world closer together - but there is another message and there is another food both catholic and Catholic, universal both in appeal and effectiveness. The message which is truly universal is the Gospel, the good Turn to Page Thirteen
OF FIVE GREAT sermons of Christ, longest was Sermon on Mount. Father Castelot notes that in it the Lord stressed the spirit which should animate one who would open his heart to the reign of God. It does not promulgate laws in the sense of a set of rules. Preferred Logie Such a plan of composition necessitated a good deal of rearrangement of the traditional material. WhHe respecting the broad outlines in which this material was usually presented: the Galilean ministry followed by the Judean, Matthew exercised great freedom in grouping Jesus' words and deeds. Mark and Luke followed a more or less chronological order in their Gospels; Matthews ordering of the material was dictated rather by logical considerations. This is especially true of the five long discourses, in which sayings of Jesus which were uttered on quite diverse occasions are grouped together on the basis of subject matter to form large synthetic sermons. The ancients actually preferred this logical arrangement over the chronological, and in their writings praise Matthew for his orderliness while chiding Mark for his lack of order. Today we are inclined to take just the opposite view; we much prefer to know exactly when and where something happened. At any rate, five great sermons form the backbone of Matthews general plan. They are as follows: 1. The Sermon on the Mount: the Charter of the Kingdom (5-7). 2. Instructions to the disciples for the spread of the Kingdom (10). 3. The true nature of the Kingdom (13). 4. The Christian community (18). 5. The downfall of the old Israel, the establishment of the new (24-25). The longest of these discourses is the weB known Sermon on the Mount. It is not exactly a new Law in' the sense of a set of
rules, a legal code after the fashion of the Law of Moses. Rather it states the attitudes, the spirit which should animate one who would open his heart to the reign or rule of God. Significantly, it begins with the eight Beatitudes, startling reversals of the values by which this world -lives, declaring blessed the poor in spirit, the meek, those who mourn, the persecuted. In like manner we are later urged to offer the Ieft cheek to one who would strike us on the" right, to be merciful rather than to insist on strict justice. Lays Groundwork Writing for Jewish Christians, Matthew had to address the difficult question of the relation of the Christian life to the Old Law, a matter of some importance in the early Church. Consequently he reports Jesus' teaching on this subject. In this teaching the Master insisted that He had no intention of rendering null and void the Law and the Prophets. But now that He who was Truth and Wisdom incarnate had come, he meant to perfect their teaching, to realize all its glorious potentialities. Even though the prophets had urged true interior religion, the emphasis in the Old Law had Turn to Page Thirteen
679-5262 LEARY PRESS
THE ANCHORThurs., April 1, 1976
What Is Jesus' Message to Us? of God-and because of the great Continued from Page Twelve seizes God Himself when we re- and surpassing love that God pent of our sins and turn toward has for us and has given to us Him (cf. Lk 15:4 ff). More than in Jesus, we are capable of makthis, Jesus tells us to have cour- ing a different response to atage and hope. "Would any of tacks from enemies. We can you," He says, "hand his son a reach out to embrace them in stone when he asks for a Ioaf, or love! And in being willing to do a poisonous snake when he asks this, we "image" the Father. For for a fish? If you, with all your we, sinners that we are, have sins, know how to give your betrayed Him countless times. children what is good, how But despite our betrayals, His much more will your heavenly love is steadfast and reaches out Father give good things to any- to forgive us and to welcome us one who asks him!" (Mt 7:7-11). to His bosom. ' And this, Jesus If we had to rely on ourselves tells us, is what we are to do. alone, we would have cause for "If you love those who love you, discouragement. For are we all what merit is there in that? Do not, at times, seized with a feel- not tax collectors do as much?" ing of helplessness and power- (Mt 5:46). We, the friends of lessness? Can we not all say, Jesus, are to love our enemies with Paul, "who can free me and pray for our persecutors (Mt. from this body under the power . 5:44). And in doing this we will death?" (Rom 7:24)? But because prove we really are the sons of of Jesus, we know that we are Father who sent us Jesus, and not aIone! We know that He, the our wHlingnes to do this, a willgood shepherd, is searching for ingness made possible because us now, that He has borne our of Jesus' saving deeds, wiU eniniquities -and suffered every- able the "reign of God," a reign thing, including death itself, to of peace and justice and joy, to help free us from sin and create take root in the hearts of men! in us a new heart. And Jesus, the Uncreated 'Re·ligious Heritage' Word who is fully one with us, tells us that we are to be made For Diocesan Girls Members of the Catholic Com"perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48). He sum- mittee on Camp Fire Girls and mons us to the perfection of Girl Scouting have voted to God Himself! At first this seems offer the Religious Heritage projimpossible, for we are aware of ect to the girls of the FaIl River our weakness and frailty. But Diocese served by Camp Fire this is th goal to which Jesus and Girl Scout councils. The project, developed by Rev. summons us, and we dimly perceive that with His help it is Martin Buote, St. Michael's parish, Swansea, as a Bicentennial possible! program of religious awareness, Love Enemies Here, I believe, it is worth is divided by age groups into reflecting on the difference be- junior, itermediate and senior tween us and other animaIs. A sections for third graders dog, for instance, will frequently through high school. It is easily show great affection and even adapted for any religious denomi"friendship" for his master, at nation and upon completion of times even sacrificing his life for its requirements participants him. But a dog or other animal, qualify for a patch and certifiif attacked, will either fight or cate of accomplishment. flee. And this· is frequently our Religious Heritage materials own response. are available from Camp Fire But because we are the kind council offices in FaH River and of beings we are - living images Hyannis and from Girl Scout neighborhood chairnien as well as from Father Buote at 270 Ocean Grove Ave., Swansea, Ma. Continued from Page Twelve 02777. Program requirements been on the external act. And must be completed by Dec. 31 of the ·Pharises had stretched this year. this emphasis to the point of absurdity. In the Sermon on the Mount especially, Jesus showed just how he meant to perfect the Law. One way was by focusing atten& tion on the importance of the FUNERAL HOME dispositions of the human heart. The Law had forbidden murder; 1521 North Main Street he forbade anger. The Law had Fall River, Mass. forbidden adultery; he forbade Raymond R. Machado impure desires. He was the new, Arthur R. Machado the perfect Moses, stating the Tel. Office 672·3101 new ideal of perfection from the Mount oft Beatitudes as Moses Res. 673-3896 - 673-0447 had given the Old Law from Mount Sinai. The Sermon treats a wide variety of subjects and in the past there was a tendency on the part of many to look upon it as the sum total of the. teachings Doane' Heal-Ames INCO"O.ATlD of Jesus. This is simply not true. The Sermon lays the groundFUNERAL work, spells out fundamental SERVICE Christian attitudes, but there is Serving All Faiths Since 1926 much more in the Gospels than just these three chapters. In the Robert L. Studley, freas. weeks to come we shall have Gordon L. Homer Howard C. Doane Sr. Robert L. Studley Howard C, Doane Jr. the opportunity to see more of HYANNIS 775-0684 what the Master came to teach South Yarmouth 398·2201 us. Harwich p.ort 432-0593
Key Elements
Manuel Rogers Sons-
Different Ways
CHRIST IS 'THE REAL TIDNG' writes Father John P. Foley. "It is He alone who is the principle of perfect harmony in the world which He made. The message which is truly universal is the Gospel, the good news of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ."
Toward a World Community Continued from Page Twelve news of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. The food which is truly univers~l is the Eucharist, the spiritual nourishment which communicates the life of Jesus Christ to all who receive it. Thus, the "real thing" is not Coke; it's Christ. It is He alone Who is the principle of perfect harmony in the world which He made, among the persons He created and in the universe which He designed. Our unity oomes from the fact that we have one Father, God; that we have one brother, Jesus Christ; that we have one life, grace; that we have one truth, the Gospel; that we have one food, the Eucharist. Our unity, however, is not the monotonous flatness of one tone or of one color; it is the rich harmony of a colorf.ul mosaic or of powerful polyphony. Cannot Rest As we are nourished by Christ in the Eucharist, our concepts should be clearer and our com· mitment deeper. A central concept is that our relationship is universal - we are brothers and sisters to all men and women and we bear a responsibility for their material and spiritual wellbeing. A fundamental commitment is that our mission is universal - we cannot rest as long as one person has not heard of Jesus Christ or as -long as one person is not treated as we would treat Christ Himself. Since we receive the life of Christ in the Eucharist, we realize that, as long as one person suffers injustice, it is Christ our brother to Whom the injustice is done. If we refuse to share our bread with the hungry, it is Christ our brother to Whom we are refusing food; if we refuse to share our clothing with the
needy, it is Christ our brother to Whom we refuse warmth; if we refuse to defend those who are robbed of their dignity, then it is Christ our brother Whom we mock and ridicule again just as surely as if we lined the path to Calvary and shouted insults at Him. The human family surely hungers for food and dignity; but it hungers even more profoundly for faith and destiny. And it is a paradox of truly Eucharistic spirituality that those who find faith will share food and that those who discover their destiny wiH respect other people's dignity. Thus, it is no oversimplification to say that the Eucharist alone is capable of satisfying all of the hungers of the human family - for it is in sharing the Bread of Life that we recognize and serve our brothers and sis· ters in Christ. ,"""""""""""J
: Norris H. Tripp: : SHEET METAL : , J. TESER, Prop. : : RESIDENTIAL , : INDUSTRIAL : : COMMERCIAL: , 253 Cedar St., New Bedford'
Continued from Page Twelve first Communion or first Penance classes. A mission helper of the Sacred Heart, Sr. Barbara from the Dayton religious education office, directs this program. The other, an innovative alternative for young and old, revolves around the family and uses a master kit from the Paulist Press as its resource. Over 80 families (around 350 persons) signed up for this program and agreed to come eight times a year, as a unit, on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-6:00. Each session examines a central theme which runs throughout the visual presentation, discussion, activity project and concluding 5:15 Mass. For the first hour participants separate into five groups: parents, teenagers, junior high students, elementary level pupils and pre-schoolers. They watch a slide show geared to their own understanding abilities which explains the main concept of that lesson. They then reassemble as a family unit for discussion of the theme. After approximately 30 minutes of dialogue, the family works together for another half hour on a project and, finally, rejoins all the participants for the Eucharist. -Fr. Paul shepherds a very sophisticated parish community. In his flock at Wright-Patterson are over 1,000 young captains and lieutenants studying for advanced degrees together with many high-ranking civHians working at the base. Is this. imaginative and unique religious instruction program effective with such a congregation? Fr. Paul replies in the affirmative. He judges it to be a good series, useful in drawing families closer together and in promoting better communication between teenagers and parents in a family. Traditional Catholics find the Paulist approach less satisfying, but so-called avant garde parishioners appear to lend strong approval. Chaplain McDonald thus views this family centered series as an addition or alternative to, rather than a substitute for more conventionaI religion courses.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
_your basic youth page focus on youth . . . by CECILIA BELANGER The recent column on loneliness drew many comments and many readers asked for more, olike W.M. below. Q. Thank you for the col-umn on loneliness. I am interested in what others think and feel about this psychological state because I, like the other fellow who wrote you, am very lonely most of the time and it worries me. W.M. A. Are there many who haven't been lonely at one time or another? Rather, we are thinking (and I feel you are thinking) of loneliness as being - a condition that could be described by the words "estrangement," "unrelated," "alienated," etc. Thus, a person Il)ay lead a genuinely solitary life and not be lonely. One may deHberately seek solitude to feel the presence of a power beyond one's self. If you are in touch with what your "loneliness" really means, there is nothing to w0-rry about. I don't think one should be laughing and joking all the time. I cannot take a person seriously who does. Personally, I'm drawn more to the face that isn't always smiling for I do not believe that one "should smile though one's heart is breaking" and that sort of thing. The artificial has never appealed to me. You also say that you spend a lot of time alone. My word, that takes courage! One is reminded of Thomas More, that staunch Catholic layman. In one memorable scene from "A Man for All Seasons," Cardinal Wolsey says to him: "You're a constant regret to me, Thomas. If you could just see facts flat on, without that horrible moral squint." I gather from your letter that you are criticized and "poked fun at" because you. see the world turning .into "one -large sewer." Many of us are in the same boat, Bill. We get laughed at for being "old-fashioned," and whateverlhat means. You've got to dare to do your own thinking. It is a lonely stand, but many brave people have taken that route. Although it takes a lot of courage in a world where there is so much peer group pressure (yes, adu~ts have it, too), where popularity is such an overwhelming goal, where Social acceptance is so important and so aggressively sought, where disdain and disapproval are frequently bitter fruits for those who refuse to "go along" or to -line up behind the "in thing" of the moment: Nothing Way Out After the Thomas Mores of the world we have the Common Man who steps center stage and addresses the audience: "I'm alive and breathing . . . better than being dead, isn't it? . . . It isn't hard, friends just don't make trouble - or if you do make trouble make the sort that's expected. Don't do any-
thing way out like having a moral conscience or anything like that. And so good night. It won't be too difficult to recognize one another. Most of us are alike."
"I AM VERY lonely most of the time and it worries me." And there are those who accept the fact that from the moment of birth, their main objective is to engage in the process of letting their child or children go, freeing them to create and to live their own lives. Alan Paton wrote of this kind of loneliness and the kind of courage it takes to let go. Parents (and others) can identify with him: "I see my son wearing ·long trousers, Turn to Page Fifteen
New Magazine Makes Debut At Connolly Approaching its 10th anniversary, Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River has issued a magazine to appear three times a year. Titled "Directions: the magazine of the Bishop Connolly High School Community," it will circulate to alumni and present students. The first issue includes a retrospective look at the school's first decade by Rev. Richard J. Wolf., S.J., principal, who has spent his entire priestly life at Connolly. Leo P. Smith of the Class of 1970 is saluted as the first alumnus to enter the Society of Jesus. After making the traditional "Long Retreat" of the Jesuits, he will spend three months in Belize, Honduras, participating in an apostolic involvement project. Also noted in "Directions" are National Merit Scholarship Exam 'resuIts at Connolly for this year: two semifinalists, Paul Viana and Steve Goncalo, and seven commended students. Fine Arts Announcement is made of the inauguration of a fine arts department at the Fall River school, with Paul Domingue of the class of 1970 as its director, and its first offerings including courses in art history and studio art. A workshop in photography is also in progress.
St. Anthony Booster Club Presents Spring ~tyles BY RITA JASINSKI School Correspondent Swinging into Spring, St. Anthony High School's Booster Club sponsored its first Spring Fashion Show, held in the school auditorium. Olub members, teachers and students at the New Bedford school modeled preview styles with a theme of "Focus On Fashion." Commentator for the evening was Miss Lori Taylor, an alumna, whCi noted, "The trend this Spring is for pastels and vivid floral jersey prints." She also pointed out that the "natural look in unbleached cotton muslin is a top fashion maker in this season's styles." Music bubbled gaily from St. Anthony's baby grand piano to accompany models strolling down a floral runway to show such costumes as double-knit suits, sport coats, coordinates, gowns and leathers. At intermission time refreshments were served and a raffle was conducted. The comical highlight of the evening was provided by Senior Richard Valois modeling a gift robe guaranteed to bring grateful "growIs" from its recipient. Made of soft
jersey, it featured a bright tiger print. Proceeds from the show will benefit various activities at St. Anthony High.
Life to Come "The life to come will be better for thee than the life thou livest, for the bounty of the Lord shall come to thee." -"Koran"
You know I love that organic cooking, I always ask for more And they call me Mr. Natural on down to the health food store I only eat good sea salt, white sugar don't touch my lips And my friends is always beggin' me to take them on macro-biotic trips. Yes they are Ah but at night I take out my strongbox
that I keep under lock and key And I take if off to my closet where nobody else can see. I open that door so slowly, take a peek up North and South Then I pull out a Hostess Twinkie and I pop it in my mouth. In the daytime I'm Mr. Natural, just as healthy as I can be But at night I'm junk food junkie-Good Lord have pity on me. Well at lunchtime you can always find me at the Whole Earth Vitamin Bar Just .suckin' on my plain white Yogurt from my hand-thrown pottery jar And sippin' a little hand-pressed cider with a carrot stick for dessert And wipin' my face in a natural way on the sleeve of my peasant shirt. But when that clock strikes midnight and I'm all by myself I work that combination on my secret hideaway shelf And pull out some Fritos corn chips, Dr. Pepper and an old moon pie Then I sit back in glorious expectation of a genuine funk-food high. My friends down at the commune they think I'm pretty neat I don't know nothin' about arts and crafts but I give them all something to eat I'm a friend of old Yul Gibbons and I only eat· home-grown spice I got a Johri Keats autographed Grecian Urn filled up with my brown rice.- Yes I do. Ah folks, lately I've been spotted with a Big Mac on my breath
Stumbling into a Colonel Sanders with a face as white as death I'm afraid someday they'll find me just stretched out on my bed With a handful of Pringles Potato Chips and and a Ding-Dong by my head. Written and sung by Larry Groce Peaceable Kingdom - ASCAP "Junk Food Junkie" is a song that offers us more than a commentary on nutrition. Beneath the story of a man caught between carrots and corn chips, there is a lesson about inconsistency and the fact that we are not always what we say we are. Inconsistency occurs in us when two or more of the things we value conflict, and we find ourselves switching back and forth. I like to lose weight by dieting, but yet I like to eat a lot. I like to watch the sun rise, but I also like to sleep late. In small matters we don't have to be consistent; and in fact, consistency can hinder spontaneity and be a bore. I like to wear different clothes, and I spend some free afternoons with ~y guitar and other afternoons with my friends. In the more important areas, we have to be more carefuI to be consistent. If I want to have a chance at a scholarship I must be consistent in studying. If I want to have friends, . I must be consistent in caring for them. Nobody is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is to keep trying. Errors, mistakes and a few strikeouts may make a bad baH game, but they aren't the whole season. We can live with our inconsistencies if we . know we are trying to do our best in whatever we are doing. Finally, there is a difference betweep. inconsisency and hypocricy. The hypocrite pretends to be the friend, the Good Christian, the devout spouse, but really isn't. The sincere person tries his best, but fails sometimes along the way. It is important to distinguish between the two because at times we feel our inconsistency makes us hypocrites and this is not necessarily so. If the heart is right and we have the will to do better, not even our inconsistncies can hinder us from living a happy life.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. April 1, 1976
Baseball Has Simple Objective And Rules Suitable For Debate "Baseball is a game between two teams of nine players each, under direction of a manager, played on an enclosed field in accordance with these rules, under jurisdiction of one or more umpires." The objective of each team is to win by scoring more runs than lose sight of the fact that basethe opponent. The winner of ball is first and foremost a the game shall be that team game, and as such, is played for which shall have scored, in enjoyment.
accordance with these rules, the greater number of runs at the conclusion of a regulation game." The preceding definition taken from Official Baseball Rules clearly established the guidelines for our national pastime. The objective of the game is easily grasped. However, the. phrase "in accordance with these rules," which applies to the' 109 pages of rules that follow the definition, provides the substance for debate. • It is not imperative that alI fans and players have a thorough knowledge of the rules in order to derive pleasure from baseball. A simple, working understanding of what is happening on the field is sufficient. We must not
Too often the young athlete is placed under undue pressure to win. The value of athletics is lost in the all encompassing, win at aU cost philosophy. The game should be played according to the rules of sportsmanship. Once the final out is made, it is over, only to be replayed as a game. Part of the enjoyment of baseball comes from replaying the contest. To discuss tactical maneuvers, errors of omission or commission, umpire judgments, and the like, adds another dimension to the game. Players, coaches and umpires accept the fact that they are second guessed.
POPE WILL KNOW 'SIGN': These Florentian youth made their presence known to Pope Paul VI during the 1975 midnight Christmas Mass in St. Peter's Square. In Los Angeles, one million hours have been pledged by California youth to Operation SIGN-Service in God's Name. They will be part of 100 Million hours of service to be offered by American teens at the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress. "It's really important for kids to know they are doing something useful," said Ana Hizon of the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Youth Action Council. "The 'Pope will know they are around."
••••••••••••••••••••••• focus on youth ... Baseball Quickie Quiz
Misunderstood Rules Cause Confusion However, a player should not be criticized for making a physical error, or a coach for an occasional tactical mistake. And, it should be remembered that umpires are human and will, at times, make an incorrect call. Even those actively involved in baseball become confused on some of its rules. It is the duty of the men in blue, the umpires, to interpret those rules. When in doubt ask the ump. We have asked an umpire to comment on some common misunderstood rules. "But, ump, I checked my swing. I never broke my wrists." While the broken wrist standard was used as a guide in the past, it has been discarded. The position of the bat in relation to the plate is now the criteria. If the swing carried the bat more than halfway across the plate it is a strike, if not ball.
An umpire if often criticized for calling a pitch at the knees of a batter a ball. "Come on ump, that was right at the knees." The strike zone is that space over home plate which is between the batter's armpits and the top of his knees, when he assumes his natural stance. A pitch at the knee is, therefore, rightfulIy called a ball. There are 13 different ways for a pitcher to commit a balk. Is this one of them? Coach yells, Balk! The pitcher was on the rubber when he faked a throw to third base to drive the runner back." A pitcher on the rubber may not fake a throw to first base, but nothing in the rule book prohibits him from faking to third to drive a runner back, so long as his non-pivot foot steps directly toward the base to which he is faking.
Are You a Genius or In Need of a Rule Book Last week we presented five questions to test your knowledge of baseball's rules. If you answered all five correctly, you can consider yourself a basebaii genius, four correct is excellent, three right indicates you have a good understanding of the rules, two right is fair and one is poor. If you had none correct you should consider purchasing a rule book. 1. When the catcher interferes with the batter the ball is dead immediately. False. If the batter reaches first base safely, and all other runners advance at least one base, the play proceeds without reference to the interfer-
ence.. If a play follows the interference, the manager of the offense may advise the plate umpire that he elects to decline the interference penalty and accept the play. 2. A runner is hit on the head by a thrown ball between home and third base and falls down unconscious-catcher tags runner out, the umpire calls him safe due to injury. Incorrect call. Runner is out except ,if an accident to a runner is such as to prevent him from proceeding to base to which he is enitled, as on a home run hit out of the playing field. 3. Batter hits a home run with
1. It is a balk when the pitcher brings his pitching hand to his mouth with runners on first and second base. 2. Runner. on third base steals home, ball hits the runner in the strike zone, catcher picks up the ball and throws runner on second base out trying to steal. Legal play is the umpires ruling. 3. A batter is awarded three bases when the fielder intentionally throws his glove at his batted ball. 4. The fielder's position determines whether the baU is fair or foul when he touches it. 5. When a foul tip on a third strike rebounds off the catcher's protector and is caught by the catcher the batter is out.
Answers Next Week
••••••••••••••••••••••• an Hlegal bat 43 inches in length - umpire counts run and ejects player. Incorrect ruling. The run does not count and the batter is ejected. 4. Can the first baseman back up the catcher on an intentional walk. No! When the ball is put in play at the start of, or during a game, all fielders other than the catcher shall be on fair territory. 5. The pitcher may use the set position only when there is a runner on base. False. There are two legal pitching positions, the windup and set positions, and either position may be used at any time.
Continued from Page Fourteen I tremble at this; I see he goes forward confidently; he does not know so fully his own gentleness. Go forward, eager and reverent child; see here I begin to take my hands from you.... If you would seek the help of some other person, I shall not come forcing
myself upon you." (I wish to thank all those who
have been writing such kind letters and who have sent messages in various ways, as well as the CCD teachers I meet here and there who know how to encourage along the way.)
Church Militant "Faith means battles; if there are no contests, it is because there is none who desires to contend."-St. Ambrose
NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS The non-public schools of the Dioces-e of Fall River admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic prigin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the schools. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of their educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship
and loan pro-
grams, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Color Process
Year Books
American Press, Inc. OFF SET -
1-17 COFFIN AVENUE New Bedford, Mass.
Phone 997-9421
THE ANCHOI(Thurs., April 1, 1976
The St. Anthony High School Boosters' Club wiH sponsor its second annual All People's Concert lit 8 p.m. Saturday, April 10 in the high school auditorium. With a theme of "All People's '76," the program will feature selections known and loved by Americans over the past 200 years. Groups to be heard include the Stetsonaire Singers, the Musical Notes, the 64th Regiment of Foot, the New Bedford Choral Society, a jazz trio and several specialty units. Tickets wrII be available at the door or may be reserved with Mrs. Leon Poyant, telephone 995-5437 or Mr. Donald Drolet, 995-9294. Proceeds will benefit the high school athletic and scholarship programs
ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO A Mass honoring Scouters from all parts of the diocese will be offered at 7:30 tomorrow night, with Bishop Cronin as principal celebrant. A buffet will follow in the parish hall. The CCD will sponsor a cake sale this weekend, with proceeds to be used to purchase Bibles for students. :Knights of the Altar supervisors, wives and Knight Kadets will attend a show and have dinner at the China Royal restaurant, FaU River, Saturday night, April 3. Also on Saturday, parish Boy Scouts will attend a Bar Mitzvah ceremony for Scout Michael Attar at a Providence synagogue.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 8 p.m. Monday, April 5 in the church hall. Rev. Edmund J. Fitzgerald will speak and Mrs. Yvette Riley will be chairperson for the evening. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER A cake decorating demonstration will be presented at the Women's Guild meeting planned for 8 p.m. Monday, April 5 in the school hall. Co-chairpersons are Mrs. James Carey and Mrs. Louis Cunha. ST. GEORGE, WES11PORT
The Women's Guild will sponsor a whist party at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 3 in the school hall. Refreshments will be available.
ST. MARY'S CATIlEDRAL, FALL RIVER The Father Francis J. McCarthy Scholarship Fund will benefit from a public penny sale to be sponsored by the Women's Guild at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 5 in the parish hall. Mrs. Michael J. McMahon and guild officers will be hostesses.
Stations of the Cross, followed by Benediction, will be held at at 7 p.m. for the remaining Sundays of Lent. The program is sponsored by the parish Liturgy Planning' Committee as an opportunity for families to introduce children to the traditional devotion of the Way of the Cross.
Scriptures "This is a book which reveals men unto themselves, not as creatures in bondage, not as men under human authority ... It reveals every man to himself as a distinct moral agent, responsible not to men, not even to those men who he has put over him in authority, but responsible though his own conscience to his Lord and Maker." ~Woodrow Wilson
ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A half hour service of adoration will follow the 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow, the First Friday of Aprit The observance will con tinue each First Friday until August as a means of preparation for the Eucharistic Congress.
Knights of the Altar will hold their monthly meeting at 7:15 p.m. Sunday, April 4. Parents and other relatives are invited to attend and the Attleboro Swat Police team will stage a demonstration.
Car Care Specialists Featuring Simonizing - Blue Coral Waxing - InteriorExterior Cleaning - Custom Auto and Truck Washing Engines Pressure Cleaned LARRY BRYAN - 343 DILLINGHAM AVE., FALMOUTH For Appointment Telephone or Stop In
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Three students are at study at the Nazareth Hall School for exceptional children on Highland Avenue, Fall River. This school is one of the many institutions and agencies funded by the annual Catholic Charities Appeal.
Special Gills Phase APRIL 19· MAY 1
395 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. 996-5611
No matter where you live in the Fall River Diocese, there is a Fernandes ·near you!
.NORTON, West Main St., .NO. EASTON, Main St., .EAST BRIDGEWATER, Bedford St., .NEW BEDFORD, Jct. Routes 140 & 18, .ATTLEBORO, 217 So. Main St., .SOMERSET, Route 6, .RAYNHAM. Route 44, *FAIRHAVEN, Route 6, .BRlDGEWATER, Route 18, .MANSFIELD, Route 140, .FALL RIVER, Southway Plaza, R. I. Ave., .FALL RIVER, Griffin St., .S~EKONK, 17 Central Ave., .Middleboro, 133 So. Main St., .NEW BEDFORD, Mt. Pleasant St., .NEW BEDFORD, Rockdale Ave., .FAIRHAVEN, Howland Rd., .SO. DARTMOUTH, Dartmouth St., .NEW BEDFORD, Rodney French Blvd., .SOMERSET, Route 138.
House-to-House Phase MAY2.12 This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River DURO FINISHING CORP. THE EXTERMINATOR CO. FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU