'The >ANCHOR . Am Anchor of the Soul, Sure·and P'irm-S'r.
Thursday, April 2, 1959 Fa:1I River, Mass. PRICE 10e Seeond Clasa Mail Privilec.. ,VOl. 3, No. 14 Authorized $4.00 per Yea' a' Fall Rioer. Ma...
Dio:esan Catholic Charities Appeal Plans to Feature Pledge Contributions ,
The 1959. Catholic Charities Appeal will be distinguished by the'introduction of the pledge system of contributing, Atty. Daniel F. Sullivan of Hyannis, Lay Chairman for the Appeal, announced today. The Appeal has be"en based strictly on cash contributions in the . past. Both phases' of the Appeal, Special Gif tand Parish, will employ the new feature. A new type of'card for contacts, . has been designed. This will indicate the total contri bution, the amount of the initial contribution, the amount pledged and the period in which the contributor wishes to complete his pledge. The App~al Steermg Commit-. tee has been studying the desirability of this change for several months. Final decision to try this innovation is based on the knowledge that many would welcome an opportunity to Turn to Page Eleven
North Attleboro Pari~h Is No. 22 To Gain Quota The net paid weekly circulation of The Anchor con~ tinues to climb. , Weare ple-ased to report
.(>/ . . ,
SEMINARIAN RECEIVES DIACONATE: Bishop Connolly imposes hand on thehea!l of Rev. Mr.. Thomas C. Mahew of Boston, a Diocesan seminarian, as the last ,order before Ordination to the Priesthood.
DiO(esan Ordinary '. Confers
today the 22nd diocesan parish has not only reached but has 'exceeded by :...5% its quota of mailed home-delivered copies of this newspaper, the largest weekly publication in Southeastern Massachusetts, and, still growing. . Like so many other pastors, Rev: Joseph A. Larue has not been content to rest upon his achiev;ement of reaching his quota, but, is determined to attain complete parish coverage in the Sacred Heart parish in North Attleboro. Setting this lofty objective, Father Larue reports sales in Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro, now exceed. his quota by ->25% as he seeks to accomplisfi his goal, that is, that every , Turn to Page Twelve f'
.Legion ()f Mary , H'~lds Ceremony. At Cathedral
Orders on .Seminarians, Bishop Connolly conferred tonsure, four minor orders Im.d two major orders at cermonies Monday· and Tuesday ill ·St. Mary's Cathedral. Receiving tonsure and the first two minor orders on Monday were Brother Donat Major Seminary in Attleboro. ~auvin, M.S., Brother RayAt the ceremony Monday Bishmond Lacasse M.S., and o~ Connolly conferred the Sub'. M S Dlaconate on Thomas C. Ma-, Brother Gerald BIron, .. hew of Boston. studying for the They received the second two Minor orders on Tuesday, toge~her with Brother R?ger MolIum, M.S., Brother Adnen Fra.n-, eoeur, M.S., and Brother Damel Charette, M.S. All six Brothers are pursuing "eological studies at La Salette
Fall River Di~cesan priesthood. Rev. Mr. Mahew and Brother Albert Bard, M.S. wereorda{ned Deacons Tuesday. Chaplains to Bishop Connolly were' Rev. Lionel LeMay, M.S., superior of La Salette Seminary, . and Rev. John H. Hackett.
Most Rev. James L. Connolly presided' Easter' Sunday at the Legion of Mary's annual consecration ceremony held in St. Mary's Cathedral. The Cathedral was nearly filled to capacity with Active, Auxiliary and ,Adjutorian members of the Legion from ,the various 'parishes of the Diocese. Many relatives and friends also attended the colorful ceremony. ,Active Legionaries of the eighteen Diocesan Praesidia were ~ated in the center aisle, each , Turn to Page Fourteen
House, he formerly taught at at. John University, College.Ule, Minn., and headed the sociology department at St. Thom• College, St. Paul.
8enatOl' McCarthy .aid OM
not religious issues, The Minnesota Senator declared sending an ambassador to the Vatican is a political issue, not a religious one,' and the eonsiderations to be taken into account are 'fthe same for a'CathTurn &0 Page Twentl' ,
ATLANTIC CITY (NC)-An experiment in limiting., pre~college Catholic education' to the seventh through· twelfth grades in some areas, has been proposed at the' U. S. Catholic educators' convntion. :, Bishop Lawrence J. She-· and perhaps much to gain;' be:han said by a carefully ca~se all Catholic children then 't' . I " t I t ' mlght.be enabled to attend p Ianne d . ,rIa a eas we. Church schools even if only at' wo~ld have nothing to lose ,a certain level.' "
Catholic Schools Enrollment Now
Nears 5,000,000 , WASHINGTON (Ne) :More than 4.8 million young: sters~ a record high total, are enrolled in the nation's Catholic grade and high schools this academic year. This is an increase since 1956 of more than 600,000 according to a survey by Jhe Department of Education of the National Turn to Page Eleven
The bishop of Bridgeport said statistics, indicate about 1,945,252 ; Catholic primary school pupils . and about 780,33(, Catholic . high school student.; are not being educated in Church schools. Added to the reported total of 1.284,534 infant baptisms in 1956, these figures seem a clear indication "that the size ·of our educational system will have to be not merely doubled, but tripled within our next generation" if Catholic schools aspire to reacb all Catholic children, in Connecticut. Turning them to ways of atTurn to Page Nineteen
Rev. Edward J. Gorman,' Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, has announced that' an unusually signal honor has been conferred on the elementary schools of the Diocese. , A display, showing a sample of the handwriting of every ehild-approximately 18,000 complimentary to us". - in every elementary school M·iss Cecilia O'Neill, handf)f the Diocese, is exhibited writing supervisor for the A. N. at the National Catholic Ed- Palmer Company, in cooperation
CLEVELAND (NC) - Any politician with religious principles inevitably will let them affect his approach to political issues, Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota has 886erted. In fact, said Senator Mc- ought to be able to recognize a politician by his prinf:arthy, the politician has a Catholic ciples and the way' he. applies special obligation to bring them not by his view of ChurchVtose principles into polit- related matters that really are leal debate. Elected to the Senate
Connecticut Prelate Suggests Dropping Some Grades
Schools of Diocese Win Rare Hono~r
Declares Decisions Hinge on Religion
last tall after 10 years in the
TAUNrrON CHARITIES APPEAL LEADERS: William J. Fagan (left) and Manuel J., Drummond (right) of the Steering Co~mittee aid Rev. John J. Griffin, pastor of St. Paul's 'Parish, Taunton, and'area director of' the Appeal Special Gifts ·in the,preliminaries for the Diocesan Charities Appeal 'next month.
CUR I A PRESIDENT: Mortimer Kennedy of St. 'James' Parisl;1, New Bedford, is Curia' president of the ,Legion o.f- Mary.
ucational Association Meeting now in session at Atlantic City. The A. N. Palmer Company, New York, secured two booths at the meeting in order to show the superb handwriting that <;an be secured when a whole school system like the Fall River Diocesan system, has an orga.nized handwriting program with the Palmer System. Father Gorman, further' stated. "For the A. N.' Palmer Comp~ny t6 choose our . IICbOols .for this display ill most
with Father Gorman, forwarded the annual penmanship examinations of March 16 this year to Atlantic City. ' . Father G~rman/ is attendinG the Convention in the official capacity as Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. Sister M. Miriam, . R.S.M. and Sister M. Felicita, R.S.M., supervisors in the Diocesan System, ·are also attending with many other Religio'us Teachers from the varioua wders stationed in the Diocese.
.i,: '. ".' :.. .>rftE ANCHOR , Thur.s., April 2, 1959
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THE 'ANCHOR Second..class mail privileges authorized ." ,t Fall River. Mass, . Published, every',. [,hunday at 410 Higbland Avenue. Fall :liver. Mass.. oy tbe Catholic Press of the , Jioeese of Fall River. SubscriptioD price, ly mail. oostvaid 14.00 Der vear. .
StanleyOil Co~: Inc. ,tSo Mt. Pleasant Street New'Bedford WY 3-2667
Made Rite Chips Ask For Them Today
" DEVOTiON: Apr.5-St. Fx:an<;is Xavier,. Acushnet. ' .:: St. JaIn-es,; Tatinton. Apr:12.:-st. P,auI,Taunton. St. John the Baptist, Fall,
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Apr. 19:-0ur Lady of the, Ho~y Rosary, New .Be<!f~rd., Holy Gho~t. Attleporo.~ April 26--51. Michael, Ocean .Grove. ' , < : 'Our Lady 'of the If!lmacu c . 'late' Cohcepti~n, Fall River. "
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See- 'the MA.YFlOWER From Maclean's
Theologian, ,Upholds, Right From God to Die in 'Peace
Fall River CYO Dance S~turday
, ConsecrateMaryknoU Bishop. on April. 9
Princess Tours U. S.' For Boy.s' T9wn
Meet" April 25 In Chicopee ' Sister John' Elizabeth, s.U.s.C.; principal of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, and Secretary of the New England regional unit of the National Catholic Educational Association, Secondary School Department, announces the group's first Spring meeting, to be held at the College of Our Lady of the Elms, Chicopee, Saturday, April 25. Delegates from the 11 New England Dioceses will attend the session which has as its' theme "Meeting the Challenges in Catholic Secondary School Education." Topics in sectional meetings include evaluative criteria, programs for the gifted and current trend~ in gUidanc~.
Bishop' Connolly Banquet Guest
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: At the Catholic University of America, the Scholarship Committee of the National' Federation of Catholic ,College Students examines applications of Catholic high school students. Financed by tge participating colleges, the ~andi9ates are accepted from 19. dioceses in the South and Southwest. Father. Gerard S. Sloyan, advisor is shown with Noel Siakey, chai~man, and Beth Sally, secretary. NC P h o t o . ' ,
His Excellency, the Most'Reverend James L. Connolly, heads guests who will attend an anniversary banquet Monday evening, April 6 at 6:30 at Knights of Columbus Home, Hodges Street, Attleboro. The event will celebrate the 60th anniversary of St. John's Council 404, Knights of Columbus. Judge William E. Powers of the Rhode Island Supreme Court will be the speaker of the evening. Other guests ,of honor will WASHINGTON 'NC) -:- Con"It is only through the enlistinclude members of the clergy, gress has been told .there IS n~ed ment of local groups to work not State Deputy Thomas Feenan for more researc? mto effectIve only to'improve environmental and other state officers of the wa.ys of r~achmg. teen-agers conditions, but to help with the organization. gUIlty of serIOUS dehnque~cy. problems of their neighbors that Other events in the week-long Ralph W. Whelan, speakI~g as' we can achieve maximum 'imobservance of the Council's 60th a board member of the NatIOnal pact. anniversary ,will include a ball Conference of Catholic, ChariFace Own Problems Saturday evening. April 11 and ties, testified before a special ,"Such self-help programs have exemplification of the third deeducation sub-committee of the not been sufficiently developed, gree at 8 ,Sunday evening, House Education and Labor in the United States. Not only April 5. Committee, declared: do they afford neighbors the op,"We need, to learn new and portunity to face up ~o their more effective ways of reachown problems, but there is a/ ing and' influencing people. We remarkable chance for various must evaluate the personalities of those who are able to estab- ,religiou~ groups to work together in dealing with problems in . )ish contact and gain the confitheir own communities," ;e,said. dence of this, age group as well Mr. Whelan, who is -::omndsas determine the kind of traming such workers require to be 'sioner of Youth Services or ~~ew NEW BEDFORD York City and, executive vice effective:'''' Mr. Whelan also emphasized ,chairman of the New York City Youth Board, said youth agen"we must broaden th<.. base of INDUSTRIAL OILS cies have been far more successthe delinquency prevention effort by getting neighbors to, ful in working with pre-adolesHEATING OILS cents than .with teen-agers. work' together, to resolv'e the problems of their own' local TIMKEN communities.' ,
Notes Need .to. Find Effective Ways To Reach, Delinquent Teen-Age,rs
James F. 0 Neill 1
S,hedule Congress To Promote UDion LISLE (NC) - The T h i r d Unionistic Congress will be held here in Illinois from July 1 through July 4 with the permis.sion of the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, according to Abbot Ambrose L. Ondrak, O,S.B., of St. Procopius Abbey, The congress has as its purpose to contribute, through discussion, study and prayer to the return to the Holy See of dissident Christian groups, particularly the Orthodox churches.
APPRAISER REAL ESTATE INSU:ANCE WY3-5762 136 CotnelI St. New Bedford
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LECH' GARAGE AUTO BODY AND GENERAL REPAIRS 75 Bellville Ave. WY 3-7661 New Bedford
WELCOMED BY CANNIBALS: Crosier missionaries have recently been sent, to the Asmat area of southwest Dutch New Guinea. At Ajam, , a·"village of 13QO people notorious for, its headhunting and cannibalism, their big chief welcomed them. Left to right, next to native boy are Fatl)er Delmar Hesch, Q.S.C.; the Big Chief of Ajam, and Father Frank Pitka, O.S.C:, Superior. NC Photo.
N. E. Educators
in medico-moral. matters to the Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds, declared: "Some families literally impoverish themselves keePing barely alive a relative who in all honesty is beyond medical hope, and in so doing they are going beyond the , strict requirements of duty when they put themselves to- that terrible expense and· anguish. There is such a thing as a Godgiven right to be allowed to die' in peace."
After the Lenten recess, weekly CYO d~uces will resume at the Catholic Community Center, 'Franklin Street, Fall River, with a record hop from 8 to 1~ Saturday night. . . Miss Catherine M. Coughlin, eyO social director, announces that, .Clement J.' Dowlii)g will be disc jockc and have charge of special dances. Intermission entertainment will: also be fea~ tured. The dances are open. to ' MARYKNOLL (NC)-:Bishop'all high school st'uderits. -, A' cadet dance for 7th and 8th' designate John W. Comber wili grade students wiil be held from ,become'Maryknoll's 11th living '7:30 to 10 Friday night, April 10. ' Bishop and the 15th" in the Society's 48-year history upon his consecration Sunday, April 9. The 52-year-ole' veteran missioner from Lawrence, (Mass.), will be consecrated Titular BishWASHINGTON (NC) - The op of Foratiana by Francis wife of a nephew of the late Pope Pius XII was received at 'Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, in the new Mary':' the White House by Mrs. knoll Chapel. Dwight Eisenhower. The S.uperior General of Princess Gabriella Pacelli, Maryknoll, who will continue in wife of Prince Marcantonio Pacelli, is visiting the United this post after his consecration, States on behalf of the nine is the fifth Maryknoll Bishop Boys Towns of Italy. The first fi-om Massachusetts. New York Italian Boys Town is marking has contributed four Ma'ryknoll its 15th anniversar;v thia ;year. bishops.
Euthanasia Father Lynch :said that the difference between the legiti, mate . nonuse of extraordi'nary means and euthanasia (so-called . mercy killing), is: "Euthanasia implies the positive induction of the cause of death or else consists in 'withholding. ordinary means of avoiding it.",' All patients have a right to be informed of approaching death, Father Lynch said. so they may arrange their spirituai and worldly affairs. He said: "The responsibility ·for telling the patients rests with the attending physician, but he, acting in the patient's b~st interests, may dele. gate the task to a relative or some other responsible person close to the patient." Father Lynch' said that "special care" should be taken of,.,the rights of mental patients, since they usually are incapable 'of making proper decisions for themselves. He stressed that all patients are entitled to religious care", which includes the' giving of baptism, seeing' to it that the patient has opportunity for confession, Communion, Extreme Unction and for the Christian burial regarding fetus and ampu~ tated ·members.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 2, 1959.
MINNEAPOLIS (NC)-"There is such a thing as a moral God-given right to be allowed to die in peace" theologian declared here., ' Father John J. Lynch, S.J., moral theology professor at; the Jesuits' Weston ColI ' dd d "would offer 'no reasonable hope ege, a resse' some 150 ';of' substantial benefit" F th' ' ' t h " d - said. ,aer .prles s, nuns, p YSlclans an Lynch nurses fro m Minnesota, The Jesti!t, who is'a consultant Iowa, Montana, North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, Wisconsin,' Nebraska and Canada, at a threeday medico-moral institute in the Hotel Leamington. The institute was cosponsored by the Catholic Hospital Association and' the Minnesota Conference of Catholic Hospitals. Discussing prolongation of life, Father Lynch said hospital patients, morally speaking, "must use ordinary means to prolong their lives, but they usually are, not required to submit to extraordinary treatment unless they 80 choose." , He explained that ordinary means is "of a kind that can be provided without excessive pain,' expense and inconvenience and which, ir addition, offers reasonable hope of substantial bene':' fit to a patient." Ordinary Means 'For a patient with pneumonia, the use of oxygen is a "common therapy" which is relatively inexpensive and which generally means restoration of normal good health, he explaine.d. Oxygen in, such' a case represents "ordinary means of preserving life and must be employed," he said. "The same treatment for a comatose woman of 90 years with terminal cancer would be considered 'extraordinary' for it
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Sage and Sane.
'. Injustice Greatest Obstacle' On Path to 'World, Peace
Thurs., April 2, 1959
Catholic Group Joins April usa" ·Celebra.tion
By Most Rev. Rob,ert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop"of:Reno
RIVER• • •\tll••
"The praise' of'fortitude," wrote S[ Thomas Aquinas, "depends upon justice." It is an~olympian sentence, austere . and calm, but it is as contempor~ry ,as the morningpape~ and a great deal more meaningful. It -might w'ell have. been wrl'tten quite especially for' racial injustice. The Federal law, ' us~ with all our' anxieties 'at ieast, ha: hen brought 'into and worries crowding in up- closer conformity with the naturon us at this Easter time, al law of man's basic equality
'WASHINGTON (NC) Representatives of the. National Catholic Community Servl'ce l'n thl'S count'ry and abroad will join with thousands of USO leaders' in the' annual observance of "April is USO Month," Frank ·M. Folsom, NCCS executive committee chairman, has announced. During April, USO leaders wiD undertake a major educational - campaign to arouse greater interest of the American people ill the' welfare needs of the 2,5,00,000 American service men
'th th Ch" 1 f h' and with our Presiderit, haggard an d WI e, t' nstIan h awh 0 IS I and drawn, exhorting us to be common e ec lOn to t e ousebra v e and hold, and . .family of God. B ut It IS one thing to legislate. steadfast in Ue , face ofthe gravjustice; it is another thing en" . 1 ' est peril, that tIre y to secure its public. achas yet · t h r e a t _ C e p t a n c e . W e h ave a 1ong strugI 'ened the nation· , gle ahead )f us still" " one which d eman d s th e utmost f orbtudeon and the whole world. the part of all' those who see • and women now in the Anned Forces, Mr. Folsom said. bl em in its proper B,ravery, as the ' pro t . d light . The primary purpose of "April the A n gel i c as a con est br the vm ,icatlOn , Is ' USO Month" is to interpret Doctor went on . of . justice in our domestic reto the American public USO'lI . to explain, can 'IatlOns.' function in the cold war and its only be real and Justice in Education contribution to good morale in en'during if it has in view the We have not yet faced up to America's armed forces wherepurposes of justice. Otherwise the question of educational justever they ,may be stationed. it. degenerates a mere exice in this co ltry. By way of High Morale h into . ' h Ibition of p ySIcal prowess 01' a letting sleeping dogs lie, there kind of in'sane slug-fest. On the has been little' agitation on the ' "The task of safeguarding our .other hand, it is impossible in part of religious leaders to obNUN WINS SINGULAR HONOR: Conrad Hilton, Sr., country," Mr. Folsom said, "repracJice to be just without being tain more than a few paltry _ member of the Board of Regents of .Marymount College, quires not only the best and ' tho'ut po e l' g what most " advanced in scientifl'c' bra v e , WI .' Los Ang:,eles, congratulates,, Mother Martin of the' college equipment ' ss ss n tO,kens of to.lerance.. for Amer·ica's. ""'0 g con r the our f oall d ," ,we c , a e 0 ou - . ' :rhe ~asslve sec~larIst preJ~ -' faculty as the first W()lnari to receive the Doctor of"Philosand one-half million m,en ;:d t.. ,victions. To be just without be- _ Ice agamst accordmg the relIg-.., h d ' . - B . " Ad .'. .. . ...' ,jng brave and to ,be brave' with- ious school 'anything more than Op y egree m usmess mInistration from the.. VnIve~ ',~omen in uniform'l;)Ut equally ~ut being just equally, futile 'the bare right Of existerice h'as, sity of California.NC Photo. ' a s important is a military'force ge":'ures. hardly been challenged; yet'it . .' with. high m'orale a~d 'sOund ,How vividly we recall the im~ is'a fundamental injustice which ~Class R:etai~'s, moral and spiritual values. USO pact of FrankliL,~?os,:veI~seley- .impc;>ses a c~ouble.-taxation' upon, ' aids in the defense program of tric phra1e, "The. only thilW, we, "conscientious ·p·arents'and:·.puts .e the United States by assisting the have to fear is·fear itself." (Is i~ ,~heavy:~premium,on t.he ,main-:. ; . devoted chaplains of the three possible that two decades have" te'nance- of. the Very ,institutions, .', NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A bile plants in Germany, Spain; branches of service in mainslipped away since that mem-,:. ~hich . deserve mosLfromthe·.~tirfestwho lived as a" workingFrance, Austria and Italy.' The taining morale, principally, orable oroadcast?)'It was .·the' countdron the. score ofte':fching, ·:·man ,for the past 10 years bas fact that he w~s a priest was through providing wholesome ~upr:me test ofan orator, an.' not '.rrierelyt· patrioti!!ni, .bui t~e, sai!i t~e de-C?ristianization of unknown to his fellow workers. opportuni.ies for decent recre10splred phrase-maker, and he "dogmatic and moral pr,mciples: Europe s .workmg, class has not Father Rosier carried out his ational' and social' activities ill 'passed .with pe~nantsflying.. which make patriotism Ii liVIng 'gone as far as is often claimed. unusual apostolate" with the communities near military inUnthmkable It was not to rereality' F th I R' 0 permission of his religious sUpestallations at home and overspond to the thrill of that chal..... I a e r reneus OSler, . riors to study at first hand the seas." · d t Economic InJustice ;Carm., asserted that he . . k' " found alleged . de-Christianization of As a kick-off for the April Ienge, h owever so b er JU gmen might insist that it was neither Nor have we solved economic among wor mgmen an unworkers. . educational campaign, several , .'. . .' . ' bounded trust in God's mercy the whole truth about ourselves mJu~tJ~e here 10, America. ' .'. As a result of his experience, hundred USO leaders across the ither enlightened capitalism and reverence for be I'S convI'nced th~t 'statI'stical na t'lon-Inc . 1u d'mg a Iarge group nor th e woe ' d tl "Chnst which h I answer. t 0 our Ne problem. nor triumphant unionism haVe mov~ me grea y. studies purporting"to show 'that of Catholic leaders-will meet in Have Much to Fear succeeded in riddin'g the nation, The Dutch Carmelite has' for workers have become alienated Washin,gton the first week in .. But. today we are constrained of ~ts ills of ?~verty, the blight th~ .' past dec~de' wo~ked in from religion do not give a true April to discuss the challenge to admit'that fear is a mounting of Its great CIties, .the hopeless- mmes. steel mills and automopicture of the situation. USO and Ame'rica face today. obse~ion of our timeL a,grownessofsomanyofltsp:opl~, c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lng psyc.hological problem for . T~~re has beento~ ~Ittle re,al-, men and nations alike. ~zatIon t.~at, the socia. p~ob~elll IS essentIally a matter of Justice, "~ ~,,: ~, ' :~ We have much to fear; much to not of economic 'necessity 0'1' of., , fear from the murky depths of diaiecticinaterialis~:.w.e·reject our ?wn selfh~od; from th~ '.u n - Marxism as a theory, but .we are ~ertaJnty ,of our hum.an condltIo.n; aU'too willing to rely on lts,:cor~, , fro~ those phYSIcal .power!! rollaries in business and' bar.... . ,w~lch .have . ~een" unleashed gaining' practic~:- " ,'c .. wltho~t adequa ..~ g~_arantees as . -T1)e.maS!nitude of our, 'ow"; to t~el~ contr?l; f~9m. the' she~r , problems, those we have' faced "mahglllty WhICh mSDIres those' arid' those' we' .have :. thus 'far' men. ~ho pres~ntly 'control the ignored; is but a faint :reflection des times of half the world. . of the mountainous sum of the ... But suppose all these terrors world's burden. Peace-in our were to ass as a tad dream gives time; peace fe:' this Easter ,of '" # way to the promise of. a bright- 1959, would be a' gift beyond er dawn. Suppose we were . to price, but it is foolish to suppose # find' that the masters of the that' it can 'be secured by the Kremlin were. really only little mere postponement of war. boys in long PLltS, and that callPeace is the ,work of justice; I inc their bluff was as easy as it can only come to us if we threatenirig to spank them. have fulfilled that w0rk in our Suppose' that the' Summit Con- lives. For the thing we have to I ference turned into a'love ie~st, fear is pot fear itself; but injus. I, with beaming faces gathered ',tice and the God of Justice who I' around the board quoting poetry, is its Aveng,,I ' and profess:ng undying love for' ,,'.' . all mankind. K 'of CPlans Contest I
Says Working Still Unbo'unCled, Tru'st n God's Mercy
,"", ,.,, ,, ,,, , ,,, ,,
Penny for Penn.y ,
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Something like this, indeed; For, A't'tleboro' Yo'ut. h.,'," was suggested in the Moral Re".. Seve'nth and ~ighth grade pu-' armament play, The Next Phase, pils in Attleboro public and parwhere an equally improbable miJ:acle was credited with solv- 'ochial schools are -eligible for ing all of Africa's outstanding the ninth annual, essay contest problems. Would this be the ,end sponsored by St. John's Council; Knights' of Columbus. . of fear in our generation? The contest; to close Thursday, Product of I,njustice April 16, is or ,the topic "What It would not. For fear is the I Could Do to Promqte World product of injtJstice, and so long Peace" for, eighth graders. Sevas injustice exists anyv.. here in enth graders are to write on the 'world, man is bound to be "I Pledge Allegiance to My Flag." afraid. ' , Essays will be judged on orig,· If there \'. ere reasonable 'hope iJ;1ality and composition, "said that the tale of injustice op:" Past District Deputy Patrick J. pressing mankind were to be .D,uffy, contest chairman. He said substantially r~duced by a return .Ii was desirable· that contestants of peace and prosperity we might 'use' other 'sources than: .textbooks'breathe a litt') easier for th'e and their own understanding Of' time being: but until we have the essay topics 'would' ,be con-, solved the . 'oblem we shall re- sidered iml'lortant. .." ' tain our old and intimate ac- • J~dges will represent the' Atquaintance with fear. tleboro school committee, teachIt is certainly true that here ers and members of the Knights in the United States the,past few of Columbus. First, second' an'd years have seen long strides th'rd nr:zes will be awarded in", taken to reduce"ccri.ainforms of, . each .divisign. C1f tl).e c;OJ:lt~1<t
I', ,I I, I
, I
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Life Lived on Straight and Narrow In Parish Located in Florida Keys MARATHON (NC) - Life in San Pablo parish here is lived on the straight and narrow. Located in the Florida key~ tiny islands wbich string out to sea from the state's southern tip -the parish is 95 m,iles long and • half-mile wide. Its sandy communities are linked together, like beads on a rosary by tho! longest overwater road in the world, the Overseas Highway. And if names are needed to Increase distinction, San Pablo is bounded by Jewfish' Creek on the north, and on the south by Ramrod Key. Somewhere between them .are Keys Fat Deer and Teatable. Ulllike other coa~tal parishes which fringe the nation and carry the common identification of being by-the-sea, San Paulo is a parish in-the-sea, transformed during hurricane season to one that is under-the-sea in many parts. Key Position The pastor is 33-year-old Father James Connaughton who was assigned to the key position in 1956. He brought with him the experience of more than 20 years of island-li~ing, gained as • schoolboy and seminarian on • sea-washed patch of green in the far Atlantic-the- Emerald Iale. "I average approximately, 400 miles a week keeping up with parish activities," said Father Connaughton, describing his
r I
work among the 300 Catholic families of San Pablo. .sitting behind his desk in a private-home type of ranch rectory just off the Overseas Highway, he. explained that the parish Inc Iud e s two' mission churches-St. Mary of the Pines on Big Pine Key, and San Pedro churc'h, on Plantation Key.
ATCHISON (NC) -The most significant impact 01. Hawaii's entrance into the Unfon as the 50th state may
Attendance at Sunday Masses is swelled at the churches hy visiting' fishermen and tourists who stream into the keys for. weekend diversion, ~he 'pa':ltor said~ They also crowd the main church of San Pablo located at Marathon Shores. . Marathon Father Connaughton has to run something of a marathon in meeting the schedule of Masses, confessions and personal cans lrequired by families up and down the vacationland archipelago. .. "Every day our school bus travels some 180 miles to'" brlllg youngsters to classes at· Marathorn Shores," Fattier Connoughton said. As their bus rambles l1:>ng the Overseas Highway to and from school, pupils at the windows can see the Atlantic Ocean on one side of them and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. The two bodies of 'water merge under some of the bridges crossed on the daily journey.
, AT SHRINE. OF MONTSERRAT!: In the famed shrine of the Benedictine Abbey of Montserrat, a choir boy' of the "Escolania" kisses,the hand of the "Moneneta" as do more. than 50,000 pilgrims every year, It is located in Catalonia, Spain. NC Photo. .'
- -.
• I
Says Hawaiians To Speed Better Racial Relations
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. appear in ';he field' of international relations. This view has been expressed by James S. Burns, 21-year old native of Hllwaii studying at St, Benedict's College here in Kansas. He is the son of John A. Burns, Hawaii's only elected representative in the 86th CORgress. "Hawaii is entering the Union with a large number of Americans of Oriental descent," said .the college senior. "Our U. S. diplomats, as' they sit at the bargaining table with statesme. of the Orient, now can point to the Oriental-Americans taking up the responsibiliti'!s of statehood as equal citizens." White Minority Mr. Burns noted that 35 per cent of the islanders-approximately 580,000 persons-are 01. Japanese descent and that about 21. per cent are of Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian blood. There aN also large numbers of Chinese, Filipinos and Koreans. Approximately 23 per cent of the people ar.e white, he said .. "Eventually, Hawaii's membership in the Union may tend .. speed better racial understanding in continental United States,· he al'lded.
,In,"the :'Spotlight"" "",, , f1
Weekly Calendar Of Feast .Days
TODAY-St. Francis of Paula, Confessor. He was born in 1416 in Calabria of poor parents and at 14 began the life of a hermit ,at a seashore cave, where he was joined.by two other pious youth. His followers had become so numerous 17 years later that he founded the "Minims" (Least), who looked upon themselves as the lowest of religious communi. ties. The movement spread in Italy and France. He was sent to France at the request of King Louis XI, and attended him at his deathbed. He remained at the request of Kings Charles VIi and Louis XII, carrying on 'his work. He died in France in 1508 at the age of 92. He was canonized in 1519. His relics were destroyed later" iil that century by the Huguenots.
and Sports
, Andy Pafko, of the' Milwaukee. Braves answered" well ,the question-Is there a place for prayer in sports 1, ,',Andy remarked that he thought 'a public display of prayer was out. of place on the playing field because it smacked ofexhibitioriism and 'could be intrepreted as superstition. It is surely true that a hectic sign Of the cross when" the count is three balls arid two strikes or before taking a basketball foul shot usually causes more erribarrassment than inspiration. The action seems more directed by the spirit of desperation than the, spirit' of reverence. All will admit that the sportsman involved has the right, intention-at least at' the moment. But lJlany, a good in.::.' tention suff~rs in the expression, , There is alWays the danger'that such prayer is a prayer, of'convenience. It ,touches ,on automat religion-the coin of' prayer is given to God and in return He is ,expected to make a 300 hitter out of'a mediocre player, or else He must guide the shot in the right direction. . Of course, there is alwaystl)e s~ntence of Fp,tnk Leahy, , too, that, haunts one at these times-:..."The prayers" work' better when the backs are big." , ,', " 'And so Andy Pafko concluded that p~~yers should pray not for the purpose of making a show of prayer but privately, to commune with God. And' he ended his comments with~an inspiring sentence: "I have always been taught , that whatever a child of God does, he should do to the glory , of God and for the welfare of his fellow man. As a Christian I must 'not forget that even when I am on the playing field" and especially in the heat of the contest." " " .,'
..:..THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 2, 1959
For'the iIext few months, both Bishop Connolly 'and~ Bishop Gerrard will be visiting every area of the Diocese administering the Sacrament of Confirmation. v 'Several thousand young m~n and worrien, and older persons will be made mature,adult Catholics through this Sacrament of strength. They will receive the 'charge that Christ gave to His Apostles-to be witnesses of Him wher'eever they are. In theory the Catholic Church should be judged on its-Founder and dogmas, on its unity, holiness, catholicity and apostolic succession. But on an everyday ~cale, in the eyes of the average person -who live's 'and works and recreates with Catholics, the' Church is judged by the ~tti~ tude and words and actions of its members. ' Confirmation tells the Catholic that the spotlight is ,upon him, that he stands in some measure for the-whoie, ' Church and that 'he mu'st take a mature attitude toward the responsibility that is his. , Confirmation gives the Catholic' the character o~ a , mature Catholic. But it is up to tl~e individual himself to. use the gifts of 'the Holy Spirit which are increased in this' Sacrament. God gives the means-the individual must give his cooperation in using the gifts of Goa
I':' / } : : : : .
TOMORROW---':St. Richard of Chichester, 'Bishop - Confe'ssor. ' H;e spurned wealth and a bril,,( )£ liant marriage to study the priesthood, at Oxford, later becoming chancellor of the university. He w'as a friend and ad~isor and of St. Edmund of Canterbury. Consecrated Bishop of Chichester in 1246, he stoutly defended E==:;;;;;;'*===3'tE;:;===3',EE===;}"rE;:;====3~' the rights of. his See against BY REV. JAMES' A.' McCARTHY royal usurpations. He was noted Holy Name C!hurch-FaIlRfver ,for his care of the poor: He ........ died at Dover in 1253 and' was I thought that marriages,al.;, wider powers in his metropoi-' ' canonized nine years'later'. ways took place in the parish 'itan district; but' now, outside ,SATURDAY-St. Isidore of of the bride, except, of 'course, of his episc6pal powers wiihin, when ,the bride is a nort-Cath- ,'his oWridioces~;his'pi:'incipal" Seville, Bishop':'Confessor-Docolic. Recently I heard 'of one duty as Metropolitan is to serve: . tor. Scion' of a noble family o'f Carthagena, Spain, he was that took pla;ce in' the IJ'!'rish as presiding officer at Metroof the young, man. The girl ,poiitan Councils. Other rights ' the brothe,r of SS. Leander, Fulwail, I,believe, a membe,r of the a!1d duties may.be exercised by ;gelitius and Florentina. He suc()rierital Rite. IS that the' rea-him in' exiraordinary circom,;,' "ceeded St. Leander as Bishop of . son for the" marriage' taking ,stances;' v.g., when one of the Seville in ,600 and thoroughly teorga'hized the Spanish Church place in.theboy's pa;rish? 'suffragan:bishops'·dieli. which had just emerged from the The gener~i la~ of th;Church ' struggle with the Arian heresy. as contained in the' Latin Code ,of He' died in 636 and was declared Canon Law (canon 1097J~0. 2), , 'As the result of 'an accident a Doctor of the "Church within states, that: "In every case the , a"short while ago, my ear, 'was " 16 years of his· death. rule £,hall be that the' r:nardage damaged. The insurance' ad:.. is celebrated' before the pastor' ·,juster appri»v~d 'the 'mechanSUNDAY-:St. Vincent Ferrer, of the bride, unless a just cause ic's' estimate for repairs. : ,Confessor. He' wa's born at excuses from it; marriages' be'Valencia, Spain, in 1350 and at Through'an honest misealculatween Catholics of different rites an early age joined the Domintion. actual repairs were made are to be celebrated in the rite icans. He became the advisor of ,for a ,few dollars less than the , of the groom unless otherwise the, King or' Aragon and of the original estimate. Am. I bound ordained by particular law." Avignon pope', with whom he to return the, unused portioD sided in good faith. Endowed of the money? . In the United States, there is with the gift of tongues, he a 'particular'law' for marriages The last couple of decades saw many changes in the,' If there' were any ,dishonesty,' between' Latin Catholic~ a,nd even' by collusion 'of adjuster traveled 'through Spain, France, lvorld,' , Switzerland arid Italy attempting Greek,Rutheriians; a decree of Ideologies warred with one another~ 'Technological the Congregation of the' Oriental and mechanic to which the per- to heal the schism of the Papacy. benefiting was not a party;' pre a c hi.h g penance" working advances held out the promise of a high standard of living Church (March 1, 1929) renews son but of which he was 'aware, miraclel? and converting thouthe principle set down in an for the whole world. Science pushed back the frontiers of naturally the money, could not sands. When it became c1eal; to earlier decree (August 17, 1914) its knowledge in many startling ways: be kept. But as stated, there was' him that, the Avignon party was that the marriage (Latin-Greek In' the midst, of this change and advancement", the; Ruthenian) takes place in the no dishonesty, and the amount not in the right, he turned his world needed: a cle.ar voi,ce to apply principles of morality , rite' of the 'bride and before the was slight. Under these condi- efforts' toward bringing them tiorts, ,there is no obligation to into obedience with the legitiand truth-to the changes that were taking place. The world pastor. of the bride. restore the few dollars acquired mate Pope. He is credited with found such a teacher in the person of Pope Pius XII. In marriages between two through an ho!?est error. being the primary cause of the With brilliant penetration of situations and in incisive parties belonging' to the Latin On the basis of the particular cessation of the schism. He died language the late Pontiff held up to men of every profession Rite,' petmission to officiate at case as stated here, this is the in 1418 at Van'nes, France. the marriage may be granted to answer, but since each case can and calling the moral standar:ds by which they must live the pastor of the groom or any different angles, .iUs' better MONDAY'- Annunciation of and work in their vocation., And to Jhe whole world, Pius other pastor, if there is reason- have to consult some priest personthe Blessed Virgin Mary, transwas the embodiment of God's law and unswerving truth. able cause. ally, for he 'has the advantage ferred from March 25. Generally \. Another Pope has followed Pius and Pope John XXIII I~ a decision of the Congre- of being able to ask questions, this date is the feast of SS. Timshows forth the characteristics that this present age is in gation of Sacraments (1916) it the answers to which might sub- othy ,and Diogenes, Martyrs. was clearly implied. that the , stantially change the course of They were martyred at Philippi search of. , pastor, of the territory in which action to be 'followed. in Macedonia, probably victims Men feel that the progress and complexity of this age the bride has a 'domicile or, of the Arians, in about 345. * '•• has caused them to lose significance. And Pope John, in quasi-domicile is competent ,to TUESDAY - St. Epiphanius all his talks and actions, has always showed a deep rec- assist· l'\t the marriage, whether At the consecration of Bishop and Companions, Martyrs. St. ognition of and reverence for the humanity of the individ- the' bride be Catholic or not. In Gerrard. Bishop Senyshyn was Epiphanius' was an African many dioceses there seems to be '," . ual. . ' ": present. He was listed as ex-' Bishop, but the date of his lifea contrary custo~ in effect sancPope John's Easter message- brings home this fact. tioning marriage' before the ' arch of Sta~ford.~atis an time and his See are unknown. "exarch"? He i:;; commemorated in the MarHis words are the words of a pas'tor to,his flock, a father pastor of the Catholic' part>: ' An exarch is a bishop next iri tyrologies with SS. Donatus, to his children. There is nothing obscure nor' difficult in' • • • rank to a patriarch, or orie rul- Rufinus and 13 others as having ,what he has to say. He repeats the fundamental truths' in, , .'' " ' ,ing a province in ,tfieEastern sacrificed his life for the Faith. , language that all understand. ,',' " " , 'In the March .5. ~d,ition' of _. cIiurch. The exarchy (or epar~ ',The Anchor, you stated that,. chi) of "Bishop Senyshyn inWEDNESDAY-St. Perpetuus, God' indeed gives the man for the ,age. Bishop Connolly,is:a SUffr~gaD~ . eludes, the state'. of N'ew 'York Bishop~, He served as Bishop of Bishop to Ca~~inaICushing. ,and ail the N:ew England States, ,T9urs.~He was renowned for hill, .Underthis condition,it,a spe,Within the ,territorial boundaries religious zeal and his care or' eial dispensation ~sgranted by of the Fall River Diocese, the . the poor. He rebuilt many Cardinal CUshing, such as disChurch of St. John Ukranian churches, in his diocese and propensing'the fast o~ February in the city of Fall Rive~ comes,' vided shrines for saints' relicll 23 when Washington's Birthunder his jurisdiction., venerated, at .Tours. After 30 day was celebrated,would WI, " ,years of servi~z as bishop, be OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DJOCESEOFFALl RIVER in fall River be dispens~iI? Elevate ' Edi~or dted about 490. Published weekly by The C~tholic Press of theOiocese~f Fall' Ri~er No. When Cardinal Cushing' MARQUETTE (NC)':"":':Editor is , , 410 Highland, Avenue" ;', New Cc.thedral , dispenses fi-om ihe fasi; as 00 the' among four priests of this Michi. Fall River, Mass. OSborne, 5-7151 , TRENTON (NC) ---,. Bishop occasion mentioned, he does so gao • diocese honored by' PQpe 'PUBLISHER ' as the Archbishop of Boston and' John. ,He is Very Rev. David P~ George W. Ahr of Trenton' has -Most' R~v., Ja~es L. Connolly, D.O.• ' 'PhD., the dispensation applies only to Spelgatti, editor' of _'the North:' blessed the new' St. Mary's cathehis 'own diocese and his own ern Michigan edition 'of Our Sun- dral here on the third anniversGENERAL 'MANAGER , ASST: GENERAl,MANAGER subjects. Within the, metropol- day; Visitor, newspaper of, the' ary, of the fire.. which destroyed, Rev. Dani~1 :F. Shalloc). ~.A. ' \ 'R~v; J~hn P.,O;isc;oll. ' , itan 'area, each Bishop regulates Marquette diocese.. He has been ~ the old Cathedral claiming th'e MANAGING EDITOR' ,', .'' for his own territory and people. named ''Prelate' with the title of lives of the rector and two houseHugh J. G,olden' Formeriy, the, Archbishop had Right Reverend Monsignor. , \.-/'lepers.
:+1 •.•
• • ••
The Man for the Age,
Check Ti-t'le's"of Films Here
THE ANCHOR'~ Thurs., Ap~i1 2, 1959
Before Going to Movies
Measure Defines Neglected Child
A·l- Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage AIK" Jesse James The Moon 'Old Man of the Sea Around the World in 80 Giant From The UnknoWft Pother Panchali (India) Days Good Day for a Hanging Ride Lonesome Andy Hardy Comes Harne Hong Kong Affair Shaggy Dog Bandit of Zhobe Inn of the Sixth Happin.ss Silent Enemy Sleeping Beauty Black Orchid Isle of Lost Women ,Bridge on the River Kwai I Was Monty's Double Submarine Seahawlt Barbarian & The Geisha It, The Terror from Tempest Buccaneer Beyond Space Ten Commandments Cinerama South Sea~ • Joe Dakota Ten Days to Tulara Adventure ,Juke Box Rhythm Tom Thumb Tonka Cosmic Man Last of the First Game Torpedo Run Embezzled Heaven Lourdes and Its Miracl.. Escort West Micacle of St. Therese Ohvanquished Escapade in Japan My Uncle Up, Periscope From the Earth to Night to Rememl~."
ALBANY (NC) - The New York State Legislature h~ passed a measure establishing a new definition of a
A·2 - Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and Adolescents Arson for Hire Black Tide Cosmic Monster Crawling Eye Cry from the Streets Devil Strikes at Night Enchanted Island, Face of Fugitive Fearmakers First Man I"to Spac. Forty Guns Frontier Gun Geis~a Boy Guns":'oke in Tucson Gunman 'From Laredo
Hanging Tree Nice Little Bank That Hangman Nowhere to Go Hot Angel Once Upon A Horse Houseboat Premier May House on Haunted Hill Revenge of Frankenstein Joy Ride Stranger in My Arms Last Blitzkrieg Tarawa Beachhead Last Hurrah, The Terror of A Texa's ToWll Legion of the Doomed ,', ".Thunder in the Sun Lone T e x a n . - , , ; ,~l/;'p ,: Man or GIln -Villa Man 'Who' Died Twice Wh,en Hell Broke Loo.. Mardi Gras, " "Windom's Way Naked and The Dead Wodd;Flesh ,'cindd)evil :,,>',:'~: Should Be R o b b e d ' ' '
A·3 - Morally Unobjectionable for Adults .
, ISRAEL'S 'FAVORITE COEJ)',:. ~is_ter G,eorgineof the Order of Notre Dame de SioD, elected "Our Favorite , Coed," is. the first nun, enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is shown with a student frqm New York 'and Amos Hahaq1: (withha't),a World Bible Quiz champion. (NC Photo).
Of'Life and Lov. Pogons lemarkable IN. P.-,.., AI Capone ' Horror of Dracut. packer Hot $peU Rio Bravo Another Time, Another Roots of Heav.. Place Imitation of life As Young As W. Are , Indiscreet Rouge Et Noir Auntie Mame In Love and War 1lX Murder Badlanders I Want To Live ,S\,nechal, The Magnificent Journey Separate Tables, , Bell, Book and Candl. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ' KathY:.o She Gods of Shark ieef China 'Doll Key Sound and the Fury Cool, and The ,Crazy ,Ufe Begins at 17 South Pacific Compulsio'1" ' .Lore1y, Harts ""," ", 'S,t~Qnge ,Case of ;Dr., ' V~TICANCITY (NC)'...;..Crime & Punishment Machete .. ;t~anning, " Man: Inside' ' , Tom Nort~ Frederick Cry 'Terro. His ' Holiii~ss:; ,Joh~.' Maracaibo,.. ':' This Happy Feeling Damn Yankee ,XXIII celebrated "·the - tri.,. Defiant Ones ' Me and the Calonel ' T(;o Much, Too SoOn' umph .of, Christ's Resurrec~ Fiend Without A Face Marjorie Morningstar' Touch of Evil ' Fra;'kenstein-1970 . Mating Game' "" 'TwiHght'for the Gods :tion -in St.' Peter's"'basilica on M i s t r e s s ' , , Unw'ed -Mother Frauelin Easter ,Sunday, climaxing a week'· ,Murder by Contract', ',', ,Vikings Gigi " : : of perSonal and public prayers Gunman~s Walk ' Naked Earth ' , "Wolf "Lar,sen <'among thefaithflil. i Gun Runn""s Never Steal Anything Small Witches of Salem" The solemn pageantry ofa full " Harry Black and The Tiger Never Love A Stranger young lions . Pontifical' Mass in the' presence Haunt,d Strangler Notorious Mr. Monks of thousands, closed a week that Paratroop Command Nigh 'School Hellcats ,
"permanently neglected child" fo.r purposes of adoption. The new bill, sent to Gov. Nelson Rockefeller for his signature, would classify a child as permaneI].tly neglected if: -The agency that is his temporary guardian has tried but failed to bring the family back together. -The parents have failed for more than a year to maintain contact with the child 'and plan for his future. -The court finds that it is in the "1IX)ral and temporal interests"of the child to be separated permanently from his parents. -The parents fail to appear at a court hearing upon notice,.regardleSs of, their! financi'l c0ndition.' , The State Social Welfare DepartmE!~t 'has estimatect that, ~ the 40,000 children now living , in foster' homes and institutiona intbe state 15,000 would be adoptable if the consent of &be , parents could be obtained.
Ponti'ff Close ': ,To Faithful
Try these . lu5Cious
B - Morally Objectionable in Part for An
Parker' Trea~1 LGE Bft·l LB'B,OI·
'Blueberry Pie 6~:~~ S9c LGE 8"·1 LB BOl
Pineapple' Pie5~~.49c
Super-Right Cut from Tender Young Porkers : ..... '!
PORK LOINS c : 2' 9 c: 43
,to share ,even more next year.in the 'stational Lenten observances, of his -:ity of Rome. Washing F"eet On' Holy Th~rsday the Pope took part in the commemoration of the Last Supper at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. At his insistence he reinsthuted the old custom of the washing of 'feet during Holy, Thursday Mass. 'Kneeling~ before 13 newly or-' 'dained priests, the Pop:e washed and',dried the right foot of each. 'Then, in a further sign of humility, he bent and kissed each foot. The, latter part' of ,the" ceremonyreminded,' many of tl~e' tim'es the Pope -himself h'ad his foot, kIssed 'during' ceremonIes lover's Return of h.~s election and coror,lation:. ' Mademoiselle Gobette In contrast to the magnitude Separate Classification of the Lateran' basilica, Good Ad~m .an~ Eeve (Sens~tional exploitation i~ advertisi~g!endsto'negat~ the s~iritual "Friday's services iii the small mohvahon of the f,lm mak~r and ~est."ctsthe viewongto a special aud,ence.)" baroque Church of the Holy Madamoiselle Striptea.. Scarred Maid in Paris Sensualita (Barefoot Sovage, The) Marie du Port Miller's Beautiful Wif. She Shoulda' Said Na Mitsou Sins of the Borgias' Miss Julie Smiles of a Summer Night Mom and Dad Snow Was Black Moon Is Blue, The So" of Sinbad ' , Smiles of A Summer Naked Night, The Nana Night Stella Night Heaven Fell No Orchids for Miss 'Strollers; The Blandish .The Bed One Summer of Happiness Three Forbidden Stories Passionate Summer Thrill That Kills, The Paris Nights Violated Please! Mr. Balzac Ways of' Lave Pot Bouille We Want a Child "Woman of Rom~' Question of Adultery'" Raven, The' , Women Without· Names Rosanna Young, and, the Damned, The . Savage Triangle Seven Deadly Sins, The
C.ase of Dr. Laurent (Obesrvahon: ThIS film presen,ts th!, case for the psychoprophylqstic method of childbirth, which is more populady' :kn9wn as '~natural.. chil<:\bi~th". This medical theme, whi~h is handled :-'lith discretion and good toste, can have' significant educational value' for adults and for alder adol-' escents: However, the subject matter itself to tOo saerold, "private and pers~nal for indiscriminate showing in entertainment motion picture theaters.),'
C 'I.·p' Th.·s"'L'.·st, nd',Sa'v"e I,t'.', , . " " ' . , ", " ' .,. Arg' entinc Ccirdinal Made Cho'ncello', g'
. Jine
has seen Pope, John closer to the people of Rome than any other
Alaska, ,Passage Great St. Louis Bank -Onionhead pontiff in ,almost a century. As Beat Generation , Robbery :, Panic in ihe Parlor ' he stood at the altar above the, Black Patch Gun, Girls and Gangsters . Party Girl Tomb of St.. Peter; the first Pope, Blood -of, Dracula '~oor But Beautiful High Hell to offer Mass, ,he was surrounded .. Blaod of The Vampire High. School Confidentiol Perfect F,urlough ' Bonnie Parker Story Home Before Dark "P,erisienne '. , by his ,cardinals and the multiBorn Reckless Hot Car Girl, 'Portrait of an Unknowtl colored brilliance of ,the papal Bride' and the Beast Intent to Kill 'womall court. ,'" c, ' . ' 8rid~1s Much Too Juvenile Jungle :""'Q~ee'ri ,of Outer Space Poi>e ' John' ,be~an the' Holy'" Beautiful ' King Creole ',Rally Round the Flag, Boys Week schedule of devotions' by Confessions of Felix Krull Last Mile ',·,Reform School Girl· I' Dragstrip Riot taking Pilr:t iq the Palm Sunday:. Live Fast, Die Young Sorority Girl fiend Who 'Valked Th. 'Machine Gun Kelly Some Like It' Hot procession. a~, the B,asilica of ~t. West Mam'zelle Pigalle ' This .'Angry Age Paul-Outs~qe,:,the-Wal~s, Durip,g: Forbidden Fruit Man of the West Three' Faces of Eft the rites he personally hushed the ' Forbidden Island : Missile 'to the 'Moon Tunnel of Lo... vOll;lble Roma~s to poillt up the Frankenstein's Daughter Mobster Y,oung Captives ' solemnity of' the cer~mooies. Gang War Night of the Blood Beast Young and Wild. Girl in the Bikini Night of the Quarter 'Moon What Price Murder On WednesdayU,le Pope went' Girls on the Loose Na Sun in Venice Wind Across The to St.' Prisca, his former ·titular God's Little Acr. (Suggestive sequences) , Everglades , 'church, and gave. his promise ' Adorabie Creature And God Created Waman Boby Doll Bed of Grass Desperate Women, The Elysia Flesh Is Weak French Line Fruits of Summer Game of Love Garden of Eden' House on the Waterfront Husband for Anna Liane, Jungle Goddess I Am a Camera Illicit Interlude, Karamoja La Ronde Le Plaisi" Letters fro,m My Windmrn' Light Across the Street
Loin Portion O!' Full Rib Half LB '
FaD Loi. Half,
:~ ~.'
2%-3% lBS'
CrOSIi, of :Ter.us~lem seemed per-" sonal. and .mbmate. Not more, than 1,000 people were ,able to join the Pope'i'nside the church:' . Intiinacy
Whole, Split or Cut-Up ... 'An .at One low Pricer , U. '.S. ,Governm,~nt Inspected' Grade ~
'great intimacy during' the 'i-l~ci"; , tatioh of" the 'In,ayers.' Fir'st.:- . because "the 'Holy Father 'was only few feet away"":::":there 'was VATICAN CITY (NC) -His " ticipate 'iIi'> the wotK of the a thrillin~i' moment'w'heii. 'al(re-' Eminence Santiago Cardinal. Co- Roman, Curia. ,'. I cit~ ,:the: ,prayer, ,for ,the Pope:, pello, Archbishop' of Buenos As chancellor the Cardinal -, "May Our; Lord "aod ·:,God _who, Aires, ,has been named, Chan- will' head, the ,Apostolic Chan- has chosen him .Bishop, keep him, cellor of the Holy Roman cery, the office-whose main duty. well and safe."... · " ',' Church by His Holiness Pope is the drawing up and dispatch- , Another' , especially moving John XXIII. ing of letters of canonization and . moment came when the prayer The appointment of the Argen- papal bulls· 'dealing with the . for theoconversion of the, Jews tine:' prelate to this post means erection of new dioceses and·;,' was recited, Qrnitting"-as directthat he wiiI come to Rome to chapters and other' .important ed by ·the Pope-the formerly take up residence here and par,,:' matters. ' used, term ~'perfidious,!'
PortiOtl LB '
Thi.s Week's Feature R~rding.'
!~J~~._.' S~_~PRISE
_' .1':35 ....:-.~~. SYMPHONY' <"
r.'-, 1'2" ton~t Play>Hi~fi 'I,
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Symphonic •• ".
At Our Hou:se'
Parents 'Must,." .
Be E~tertainers'
By Mary Tinley Daly "Never talk to strange men." This was one of those ,........y mamma don'e tol' mp.'~, adage's .from 'way back. And we .1U .. have impressed the same on our daughters. ' . Nowadays, however, I seem to ,be talking; every weekt h ' . . en d evenmg, 0 . men. w ose II'ke soprano. No response, except 'names elude me or whom music from rec.ords being played : I've-never met before. Some- above stairs. A few steps up and tl'mes, l't'S '~the .face·l·s fam. il- the ladyliken,3s is gone-cres-'
, itt ,. otber "'late- ,', · teeners and ear':'; ,..;;'~. "twentl·.·es,·· , ;:. . .., We .find ,l>ur,;,' east ipso: ':laCk» into the ' -.ole; 'of .pai'lor·
entertainers. " , . 'Tbese are · Rally "strange" men, mind you; but as' far as our 'failing memor· ies go,' they niight as well be the' folks in the' blue Chevvy , we passeci at the corner of 14th' and Main. We find 'it difficult to distinguish' eci:.lte~y Ed from Fred, Jack 'from ·Jim. 'Crew cUts all;' fresh, young, I elean-shaven f~ces.. . . . Parlor Committee The doorbell rings. There's a lCurrying upst ~irs on the part of the girl~urs and thei~ friends -who have lingered too long over dessert. "But we're 'all but ready, Mom," comes the stage' whisper a. the female daters rush upstairs.' "Just, heels ·am' earrings and Jipsti .~ to put on. You and · Daddy go in., and .-talk to 'em.:" .~Can't you ever be' ready? the ·.Head of the House grumbles. :Meanwhile,.1 r ' ; apron, slip into .··pair of heels strategically placed at the dining room door for just such occasions, go to the front door ..nd beam a welcoming, "Good evening, boys!" "Good evening, Ma'am," thill from the spokesman-there's al:' ways an M,C.---:with a mumbled .. 'Eveniri'" from the chorus as they enter the house and ~tand around more or less uncomfortably, MC introducing his troop. At about this cue, the Head of the House saunters in; Me makes introductions all over again. The . h b k H ead . lOvltes t e oys to ta e · coa t san d th ~y 0 bl'Ige, o ff t h elr Heavens,. I think, why bother? The girls are "all but ready"they said so themselves. (Ever optimistic. I keep believing this.) "I'll tell the girls you're here," I say, to their relief, and go to the foot of the ;;tairs-never sure whether it's Markie's gang or Mary's the present .contingent is calling for. . "Girls!" 'goes .forth· the SOS from the bottf'm of the steps in _ what is' supp.osed to be a -lady..
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4..1· Lay M. issiohers A+d'Divi ne'Work S· .,.. . N' G· V' . t . ety n
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REALi.Y ~~~~
Assumption College Gets Federal Grant
Grant· to
WASHINGTON (NC) - With the largest grant of its kind made to a women's organization, the Allstate Foundation has awarded $6,000 to the National Council of Catholic Women for the con. timiation of its highway safety . promotion program. The grant wi" be used to . . finance a three-day leadership cendo has :Jet in: ','GIRLS!" . training seminar for 34 national No' answer. Somebody is askcommittee chairmen and vice ing somebody else whether this chairmen beginning April 8. shade of lipstick goes better with In a letter to Margaret Mealey, her dress-or Lis? Now, be honNCCW executive secretary, A- ' es . top of the litairs, , . presAtt .the I over- ' .. E' . S po ttk e, f oun d a t'Ion vice heaJ:, "Are. y u sure he's tall .AIDING THE' MISSIONARIES: Au~tr~lifin~P¢t~~:V~,' .ident, said: enough, for me. to wear heels?" ' . Meere an.d his wife. Leonie are among. the 41 lay. workers:: '.' "T.he Nati~na.1 Council of Catb. . li W 'ts b d Then the appeal, ....Mrs. Daly, is ,as.sist.i.ng'·the' Divi.n~' ord' M~SSl.·q!1~ries:~n. th.e ew 'Gu.,~n. ea - 'Opr~.ac.·h" ~.,.m~~ff:: m:.f.ety,r.~:s ~::.; , . he tall enough for 'me' to V·lCarla t e 0 f Al eXlS hH.f' . ' '. wear en. Ame:r:lcan :coupIes "'are·aI SO' d a~ mg ,'. 'interested in 'driver education' heels? You saw him!.~ . , ', (Certainly; I saw', him-but. the missionariesiri· their work..·. . , . . innlore consistEmtand intelligebt which -"him"?,) ". . ..:.' .. ' . . 0 , ' " ' . : , ,:ehforcemen't and in'sound driver iii '.Shake )~censin~:pr~ctices. Att(md~nce . . , , ' .,~ . .' ", .. ' "'" . . ·at ·YO,W:'. Institute. of committee Commissioned \0" . ascertain chairmen and other important the ~ength of a boy named ,OC I 'I I .I members at the local, state and George, I go downstairs and join .national levels with a potential the entertainment committee, ALEXISHAFEN diC)''':'- A . 12 .more English-speaking teach- for good work in highway safety, everybody th~re ';atching'a game record total of 41 lay missioners ers are still urgently needed for. will t>e very, he'lpful in generat. on TV, appraise the approximate "are now assisting ·Divine. Word the p~imary.· and secondary, ing a ,better understanding of height, when unfolded; of George' . Missionaries' in the' Vicariate' schools to cope with the govern': the problem among all of our and' go up again with the reas- Apostolic of Ah~xishaferi. . ment's new plan' for unh[ersal people." suring news, "You can wear· The 29 men and' 12 women in literacy in English. ,heeis, honey, He's five'-eleven the group are from Australia, .. . L.lY ri;issioners live singly or. Attleboro N",rses Offer or six feet. 'But for heaven's America, Germany and the Neth- iri pairs at mission stations scat'sakes; comt: on!" erlands, and serve as school tered throughout the coastal and Scholarship Aid Members of, the .Catholic Ultimafely, departure of girls" teachers, mechanics; builders, mountainous vicariate.. th~ir friends and the dates. 'The plantation managers, derks' and They have fortnightly spirit~ Nurses Guild, of the Attleboro Head and I can relax. .. . engineers, ual conferences and assemble area will sponsor a scholarship for a student nurse, it was deDifficuitas the mob scenes are, Bishop Adolph A. ~oser, S.V. once a year for closed retreat. the solo appearances' are even D" Vicar Apostolic of A 1exis h Lay missioners of the Alex-. cided at the March meeting. The scholarship board includes more so: afen and~a native' of Belleville, ishafen Vicariate, like .the priests, Mrs. Colotta Robinson, AttleAlways, our daughters/ assure Ill., said many personpe . 1 nee d s Brothers a'nd Sisters, ar~.· unsal-. . us, they will be ready "in a of the vicariate have now been arl'ed'and agree to serve the mis,- boro; Mrs:' Bernice Titus, Mansshake," W~ .of the parlor com- "'cared for, thanks to the, lay mis- sion for. five years in return for . field; Mrs. Dorothy Pelletier, ,Norton; Mrs. Beatrice Amos, mittee don't .know what "a sioners. transportation and keep'. ' . . shake"is ,but sometimes think Twelve lay. missioners are Bishop Noser said that· appli-. Seekonk; Miss Rita Regan, North it's ' . Bishop . . . Noser. saId ,.' can'~ . short only in' .comparison to . ..: teachers. But .... fo'r te'a,'hl'ng POSI·tl·on~· l'n', Attleboro.' April events include a bridge canonization proceedings. the vicariate,should write to him We'ask as t ,tlte health of the df d W" at the Alexishafen Catholic Mis- party scheduled for 8 tonight in young man's'ParEmtS (we usually New ,Be ot. . omen.' .'; 'sion, P ..0. Madang,Territory 'of Knights of Columbus Home, Hodges Street. The guild will know, 'having seen them at Mass Plan Recollection Day New Guinea. ' entertain the Blind Guild SUDlast Sunday.·or ·at ,the groc'ery 'New'Bedford District Council store.) We send· them our best of the Fall River DiocesanCoun..; .Women Schedule' Panel ·day, April 19 at Holy Ghost Cenacle. regards. Then we discuss; in suc- eil of Catholic Women will bold cession: a day of recollection at Sacr'ed At South Attleboro :. The weather _ exbausted Hearts Academy,· Fairhave~, . A family panel on "Parents as First Music Festiyal Educato'rs" will be sponsored by quickly or drCigged on intermin- Suriday, April 12 from 9 to 4. , NEW YORK (NC)-Fordham ably. .;.,. -' '. With Rev. Eugene' Robitaille, District Four. of the Dioeesan University's first· annual Music 2, Sports-here's where the SS.CC. as retreat mast~r, the Council of Catholic Women at 8 ·Festival will open on April 11 Hcad takes over and I sneak upday's 'program will begin with Wednesday evening, April 8 in with a "miss;1 cantata," in which stairs to hustle up the recalci-, Mass at 9, followed by. confer- St, Theresa's Church Hall, W'ashthe congregation will sing the ington Street, South Attleboro. trant d a t e s . ' ences, Stations of the Cross, and Proper of the Mass, A panel of physicians, moder3,. World events, By this time, a holy hour. Meals will be ·ated by Rev: Luiz G, Mendonca, . ,~ ~ we'd like to have the young man served. will discuss imparting' of the stay for the evening ... Women wishing to attend the facts of life to children. ·The sesBut there they go. (. sion will include question : RAVE about 'em We like these "Strange Men I day may make reservations with theft guild officers or with Miss period, and all area parents are have Known." . EVERYBODY DOES I . Lillian Ross, district spiritual invited to attend. ArrangementS for th~ panel B p i T Ik 'development chairman, at 245 Bar.;B-Q Chickens _earn ope s a 'Sawyer Street, New Bedford, are being made 'by the Family . Behind Curtain WYman 6-1543. Reservations and' Parent EQ.ucation Committee of the district, headed by NEW YORK (NC) _ Radio should be.made by Saturday. Mrs. Adrien Piette; Free Europe said from itS headquarters here that it broadcast Qu~en/s Daughters Plan Penny Sale _ ' the Easter Message of His HoliSale, J~enefit Bridg'e FARMS Jesus-Mary Academy, Alum- t1411 was.hingtoD St. Falrhay_ ness Po~ John XXIII to CzechJust off Route • . oslovakiil, t Poland, Hungary. Qu~en's Daughters o~ Fall ~iv:- nae Association will hold its • Bulgaria and Romania in .the' - er Will spons~r a Sp~mg~brld.ge, 'a,nnualpenny' sab ·at'l:30'. Sat~ .. .. languages of these countries. '.. - for the .beneflt. of t~eWhlte SI~.., , urday evenin~. April 4 in. the' . ,ters Saturday" April. 4atl Hotel academy allditori4m~ Fall'River~ . ·'Mcllen. . , '" . Open'oto' the ,public, . the . sale is' 'ro start at 1 Saturday after- under the chairmanship of'Miss . noon with 'a . food' sale, bridge Cecile Gen1reau-. Miss. Armande wiil be played from 1:30 on. Door: Vigean.t is ·co-chairman. .. . . and special pri~es will be award~, "-' .. ,._--~" -. ed. Arrangements are in cbarge of Miss, Gertrude . A. Lynch, .Queen's Daughters presicfent. .
Notional Council
-THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 2, 1959
,As Well 'As, Everything Else
· tar" ro'ut'ne-other' times it's' 'I hope- I _ remembe'r -wh'en-next. we-meet. And, like it or not, · ..i._' Head of the ...., Ho,u.se J' oins ii.l
Truck Body Builden C'
. WASHINGTON (NC)..-F i v e' Catholic colleges and unIversities ,will' share in a, Federal grant for programs explaining to bigh school students the careers" available in science, mathematic. and engineering. . The Nat ion a I S c ie n c e , Foundation has announced about . $1,600,000 will be divided among 105 institutions which previously . carried out such programs on • ,limited sca'~.· The majority of .. the schools will also contribute funds. KOREAN DIPLOMAT CONVERT: Mr. Atigustine.To The' Catholic institutions" are: College of the Holy ·Names in· WUn- Suk, First Secretary of the Korean Legation in Rome, receiven the sacraments 'of Baptistn: 'and Confirmation Oakland,Loyola University, L~ Assumption College, recently from Archbjshop. Peter' Sigismondi, Secretary of Angeles; Worcester, University of:Qetroit ~ the 8.aQe<i Congregation for Propagation of the Faith• and Manhattan College" New NC:Ph6W;'~."';"'.: ",.., " , ' y . ' ::;:-'i-:~: :~ ';- ..,,- "-;;""::;ij, Yock. ., ,
'• •-
~ ....'1....\
944 County 51. . NEW B~DFORD MASS. Wy .. 2-6618
BALLROOM Available for
Banquets, Testimonials, Etc. For Full Information Contad ROLAND GAMACHE WYman 9·6984
21 .Bedford 'SI: .
Dial os
Fall; River. MaSs.
'Ifome Decorcltioh'<,o: •
By Alice Bough Cahill
THE ANCHORThurs;> ApriL 2, 1959
l-Iere,'Are Tricks For Altering, Refreshing Old Curtair1s ., When
Entreat Women To Join Crusade
one moves or remodels a house the' problem of
WASHINGTON (NC) - in , 'support-' 'of"Radio"Free Europe, 181vaging curtains takes:s lot- of thought; bcause invariably the National Council of Catholic ~ first house had' windows of an entirely different size. Women, has invited its 12,000 af'But 'you'd put a lot, of money into ,those curtains (if filiated organizations to particiwnr,l've bought eurtal'n mate pate in the 1959 Crusade for I ~use a matching pair to drape Freedom contest. . rials recently you know how the table and stool. When you Mrs. Mark A. Theissen' of Covthat is) and you can't tie back your cUrtains, be sure ington, Ky., NCCW president, afford to throwaway per- you, always hold them high on said: "For years, the National Counfectly good draperies because both sides. they are too short or narrow for To perk Jp .old curtains make .cil of Catholic Women hall sup.win dow s in a swag of bright, plain or figured ported the work of the Crusade Jlour new home, . material. You can easily make for Freedom in bringing truth, 'Add a band of the swag yourself by cutting a news qnd religious broa9casts eontrasting ma- ,piece of 36-inch material foul' via Radio. Free Eurol?e to the 'retial at sides; feet longer than the width of 70 million captive people b~hind wp and bottom, your window. The' ends of -the the" Iron.,Curtain. 'or, 'if the'mater.., S W q g , should."be cut s l i g h t l y " o n : , ' , ; ' A ' priilcip~i:.£~atJ.p:e" Of this "tal happens, to . the ,bias qnd hemmed or rolled. ,yeaJ"-'s".Crusade, .!.Qr .,f..r~.~dom , 'be chintz or:lin-: . r:' hang 'tlie sw~g,' screw' small: .;:¢~mpa'ign is a. nati!?\lwide . pro. ·en take 'one' ,of' "'.";cup-nooks' 'iilto' tile 'top', 'outer':" ",~~¥.(;to)nter.~s,t th,i,.,,AmEiican '" ,th~, colers' f.rom: most corner of your windowpe()ple in"writing .,messages for frame. Hang brass or wooden '. actilai'. broadc.l,l.~t tq',jhe;,,~~ptive " .. tbepa'tern, in. ,a . plain' fabr-ic 'to: ,curtain rings on, the hooks. ' . ' . ' 'MERiT AWARD FOR SCIENTIST~.'SCI'e'ntl'st Natall·e.··.. p,~:Oples over Ra<Ho Fr~e~l,Irope. "JIl'll'k e "b a,nd Loosely fold 'the swag imci pull ,Two hundred and' six messages ..' it through the rings. Adjust the Carbone Mangini of Crabtree,''pa:~'iscohgr~tti1i\.teabY"J. W~~;' will he selected'..for.'broadcast. : trimming. ... . Following the rule of not using ends; and pull the swag fairly Simpson, vice-president and general manager, Eettis Atomic " The writers of the .si~ outstand: too many busy, or important, pat- tight across the top. You can tack Power Division of Westinghouse; on being ,named one of 10 ing messages will be rewarded terns in a rO'om,' keep, draperies. it in place if necessAry. Sew big with ex.pense paid trips'to Mun, , . young women in the United States, to receive a "Mademoiand' upholstery in plains,' stripes bows of wide 'ribbon on the rings ich to broadcast their. m~ssages er small conventional if walls and then ~lide the' bows up on the selle" 1958 Merit Award. Mrs. Mangini received the award in person. 'Hallicrafter ' short, are paperel'--in a bold pattern.' ring and cup hooks. Your swag . for her work in nt:1clear power. NC Photo. wave radios wili be awarded to If you've moved into Q' house' is ready for its brightening job. 200 other entrants." with a picture window, as so 'We mustn.'f forget to remind 'many' houses have, remember' you that you can achieve "decorDiocesan Women .Plan that although the window brmgs ator perfect" windows by using· Annual Convention' an outdoor feeling' to the room, the 'swag plea,ters which you can The last quarterly board meetglass curtains are needed to buy in curtain department of The Right Reverend Hugh J. circles throughout New England. temper strong sunlight' and to local 'stores, You might make a Gallagher, pastor of Saint James He has studied organ with Mr., ing of the Diocesan Council of JDsure privacy.' swag, with no seWing or cutting, Church, New Bedford, announces George, Faxon, organist and Catholic Women will be held Pull-Type Clft'tains from one panel of· yoUr last . that an organ and choral con- choirmaster at .Trinity Church, Monday evening April ·6 at St: '!'he pull-type of curtain' is a' 'year's drapes. ' . cert' will be given at the Church Boston, and church music with 'James Church Hall, New Bed"" ' good compromise soiutiCnl of the Smart' colors of fringes give on Sunday; April 5, 1959 at 7:3Q., Mr. Everett Titcomb, director ford, Rt. 'Rev. Msgr. "Hugh A. Galproblem, which solution ymi can· .your' draperies and curtains . in the evening, The recital will pf music at St. John' the' Evan:-, , achieve by using all the curtains' 'bright n:ew' beauty. Because ,a .. demonstrate .' the . magnificence. .gelist Church,' Boston. He. re-, lagher' will'be host to the'meetyou had in your many-winCl6wed' few~ards of hinge go so' far,' "'and' unusual quality of the c~tved his Bachel,or of Music ing, to be presided over' by' Mrs. :Ii.'ving robin: Seam them' together you'll find fringe fits 'your'bud- Church's historic organ, and wiii .degI:ee~n those fields ,from the'. Emmett; P. "'Almond,Diocesan ." and hang them on a traverse rod.' 'get: beautifully, too.' Six-inch, feature Mr. William G. 'Camp:". New . England C~mserv:at.ory of pre·sident. Details Of plahsfor the DiocIt may be that you will' want to . cotton fringe tacked over an ord- 'bell,' B.Mus,,' assisted' bymem- music in ,1953. Mter serying as , tint them to match your new col..' , itlary "wood" cornice' will" lend bers of the Philosophy House organist at St. Monica's Church, esan . convention of' Catholic .. 'sCheme; but in us,ing colored' drama to your window' if you ' Choir of Saint John's Seminary, 'South . Bosion, from 1949 until women, sch~duled for Saturday, curtains, 'al'.'!ays 'consider 'the ef- . W~ 'Back the' 'overdrape 'With a Brighton, Mass. 1953, he ,was "appointed c)l'ganist May 16 at Kennedy 'Memorial , teCtfTom' outdOQI's;. ' , ' loop af'the same fringe; to which and .choirmaster at St. Mary's Cente't, New Bedford, will be 'iiYQu have a set 6f white or- has been added a tassel. Fat .ball;,: 'The church organ" originally Cathed'ral, Fall Riv,er, where h,e . discussed and preparations made , gandy curtains that show,'wear af' "fting~ scallops, about ''three installed in Trinity ChUl:ch, Bos..; served until entering theSem- for the dialogu0Mass whicl:i will the bottom, try cutting them off inches above the hem line, add ' ton,. was at 'one time among the inary. While"at the Cathedral he 'highlight the day. and going gay by adding bi~ . style and, color ,to plain glass greatest anq best-known organs directed several choirs and .pes in bright colors: These cur:" .. curta~ns. Trim thevalan,ce,:with' in New England., The original, groups in the City including the tains will' be proper iIi. you.r, more \lc:;tllops", but be, sur,e to •instr:ument was built by..J ohnson. Catholic Women's Glee Club of . , , kitchen 'bathroom or dinette. let valance scallops clear, the' in 1896, t?e famed organ builder Fall River, and he participate~ l' ," tr ans f" at least ' one, inch' of the. .century' and' in 'many organ recitals held , S I'in'l I ar y, YvU can orm 0 Id , bottom. edge.by . . . Idnm.eteenth to th F 11 R' D' 571, Second St. ourtains by edging' them "with ,Some of the neW-plastic cur:" ' .,wass.a ea Iver '. ?o- throughout New England. Fall River, Mass'. .. ,.., ..' taO . 1 " th' t' t 'cese . m 1928. It was electrIfIed. a gay rU~fl~" or b~ usmg'rlbbon . 19n5 ~~e a so ~~r 1 myes 19a -t ,and reb~ilt, by William, Laws Closing Ceremony' OS 9~6072 tiebacks 111 sparklmg colors. m . ey cer k·t m hyare . bmos . an d S on, I nco WI·th ou t saCrl'f'ICIng . The program wI'1l clo= th' ...... wI'th' bl MICHAEL J. McMAHON Su.ppose you have four wind- :c~~ta e:n a I c en or a - its characteristic quality and. S~lemn Benediction of the Most licensed Funeral Director ows m your old bedroom and had 0 . unique 'Jo~nson . ensemble, and Blessed Sacrament, Rt. .Rev. Registered Embalmer used ru££led organdy curtains at 'Bi~h()p Continues ". installed in St. 'James here in the Hugh Gallagher, celebrant, Rev. city. The presentorgan; ..with the .' Mr. John T. Moore, deacon, Rev~ those four windows. Now you have only t~o windows, but they' 'Radio Program . ne\¥' 4 maI;1ual console, is placed Mr. AUgUstinho Pacheco, :suhare wider. Try hanging. two pair PITTSBURGH (NC) _ Bishop, irithe rear of the gallery of the deacon, and Rev. Mr. Thomas W.hite's Farm Dairy of organ~y. curtains back-to- '. John' J:' Wright of. Pittsburgh .Church, and incorporates an O'Dea, deacon of exposition. back, one set on either side of a . will' "visit" with t1)e faithful of Echo organ; placed high over There is no admission charge, "SPECIAL MILK, window. Hold them in with a his diocese and their neighbors the sanctuary in the Nave of the all are invited. From Our Own pair of big ribbon bows. You'll for 15-minutes every Sunday Church. Tested Herd" get a stunning impression of evening' over radio station Di'i-ector NICKERSON satisfying luxury. KDKA. Acushnet, Mass. WY ~57 Mr. Campbell, p-rior to his en. . FUNERAL and Another way of salvaging bedBishop Wright thus will be !rOom' curtains would "be to use contin,uing a practice. which he . trance into the seminary in 1957, • Special Milk ' " MONUMENT them as 'an effective background began when he became Bishop : was very active in church musi~,:' • HomOgenized Vito 0 Milk tor a dressing table; draping" of' Worcester, Mass., in 1950, the " ." • ,Bot~er~i1k .. '. ,( .. them on the wall back of the'; dioCese heheadM' Defore his' • Tropicaiia Qr.ange}u\c:e BOURNE· S!<NDWICH. MASS. ckessing 't..ble': You might 'even' ",recent ttaruiferhere," , • Coffee and' Choc.~ilk • . . .. "; r '.' :. Eggs -' Butter . .'
'M.onsi.·gn.or Go Ilag'her Announces .Organ. and Chora. I Concert
OIROURKE Fune,al HiJfite
"469'~ lOCUST
,:"j ~~LL, RI~ER,~SS":
, ....' ,: C~PE COO ';~d~Su~nClirj'g ComlllU1tfties . '.t;".,· ...: :..
. ,~
, OS ·2-3381,: '" Wilfred C; James E. ' Driscoll Sullivan, Jr.
, PAINTS ST. JOSEPH: Sister Francis Leo of the Sisters of Saint Joseph,': eh~b:'man of the department at ' eb.estnut Hill College, is' piCturetHnhet studio working on'" _ oil painting of Saint' Joseph~ At the left is Sister's oil ,portrait mother, who 4ied' several years' ago. NC
FUNERAL HOME .86 Plymouth Ave•. '. Fall River
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Rose E" SullIVan . . '. Jeffrey E . Sullivan,
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, . 550 Locust St. , , Fall., River Mass., , OS' 2'.,2391, '"
1344-86' Purchate
New Bedford" Mass.
St.range Affinity...
10 - THE ANCHOR . Thurs., April 2, 1959
::Dep'I'ore Use of . L·iberty ·As. 'Guise for Bigotry
Polish Leaders Demand Cburch End: Red ·Fight.
By Donald McDonald Davenport Catholic. Messenger . Gerard Sherry, managing editor 'of The' qatholie 'lteview, Baltimore archdiocesan newspaper, made a state· ;m~nt the other day which I suppose a good many Amerjcan :'Catholics might find dIfficult to believe. . .
'WARSAW (NC)-Polisl't communists have called OIl the Church iilPQland to stop what they call its "hopelesa :",: Speaking at a Holy Na~epeople ~an Vie dream exists,' battle" against' communism~ · Society meeting in Peimsyl- peopl~ who both fear and hate .. The demand,' made in a res&.:vania, Mr. Sherry said: "Oil those 'who are not exactly: like .lution ·passed·by. the congress Qf :the question of racialisni, themselves, who: do not have the Polish United Worker' .one finds .a.rather strange' af- the same color o{skin, the same . (Commun~st)party, said: fi'nity between the professional racial roots,' who do not speak "The party and the people.. anti _ Communwith. the same accent. .government ddl not want war ists, the 'professWhen II discuss with others with the Church. The Churcb' ional segrega- \ this "st-range affinity", of which must, however, confine itself io POPE JOlIN'S DAY: This "shot" from a documentary tionists and the Mr. Sherry spoke last week, matters of faith and renounce the professional some (who were only mild Mc- film on a day in the life of His Holiness shows llim readhopeless attempts at fighting ing the breviary. NC Photo. 'anti-Semites." Carthyites in the McCarthy era) socialism." ~'. He added that dismiss it with the comment that Poland's communist chieftain, . "the compete 1 the anti-Semites and the antiWladyslaw Gomulka, told hiro1 Catholic cannot Negroes are only the "lunatic comrades: ,belong tq any fringe" of. the ~nti-Communists S "We warn the Church Hiel'oo oft h e s e and are in no, way. representa. Nigeria, Africa, or- archy not to violate the laws ROME (NC)-The 1959 ordicolony in groups." tive. nation .class. of Beda College, dained for the Archdiocese, of and state decrees, something n' By "profess. whl'ch I'S agaI'n taking place.. we A ccep t s 8t.a tern e ot seminary. for late v:oc~tions to Manchester, England; ionalanti-ComI am prepared to accept the:. the priesthood, is proof that it Varied Professions advise it to stop provoking the munist",- I take. stat~ment if for no other. reason is never too' late for a man who Robin Noel, 35, former Angli- people's authority, because this it means'the kind of person who than to protect myself, from the who wants to be a priest. can minister, ordained for the will not be to the advantage is obsessed with one aspect of 'charge of ;;meaI'ing t.he "good" A Class of J.4 men ordained by Diocese of Portsmouth, England. of the Church. . · Communism - its conspiratorial .anti-Communists with' the' non-' Archbishop Luigi Traglia, ViceDan Sexton, 55, lawyer who "We repeat once again that . miture-and 'who ignores, or is representative lunatics.in their regent . of Rome, ' .m S t. J 0 h n prac t'Iced m' .. B os t on an d N ew we do not want war with, the · not eve~ aware oi, the need to midst. \ Lateran basilica :has an average York, ordained for the Diocese Church. But the Church .must recombat Communism on the lesS' But then this'is as good Ii ti1'lle age of 46. Almost all' of them . of .Steu1?en~ille, Ohio;' ,.' strict 'itself to matters of faith. ,. ..... ." ' ) ~'L; ~ .. , ..:",: ~,~ .... ,... , to''. ask .'.",," ," . ' Wa'Iter H' as...any, th.'e. "profession.,a.l.· had careers· before: they b egan... annaw, 47,,. f orm~r. One'm,'us! li'dJ'ust' to pr~gress imet p;l'~bablY ~~re'lmporr:;l)tgmunds anti;':Cominunis'ts'" , whether"!a 'studies' for the priesthood. - Anglican minister, ordainecf for renou~ce 'the : hopeless thought of political" social, military., and man' Hke'Clareh'ce Manioidruly '~, A brief ~evie~ of .. ~he .newly the Archdi'oceseo(We'stininster,' of combatting socialism." . economic .action.·...:. represents theIr' 'o\ivri" .thi'r'lking: ordained shows the vliried back:':' .on loan to, 'tht\-. archdiocese Of ,:', 'Dep~tY Sounds Off : :;What must .f:~em incredible ·to · For r find in :the.Dec·.12~'"1953: ·ground· ofihe 'men .whocome , Montreal,' Canada.'·· . ". '. In' another' congress address. some· Catholics· is .Mr.' Sh.erry~.s newsleth~r issue'd"By the "NIan- ~from aliover the world to Elida Edward ·Jerram,· 42,""forIh'et Polish' Premier Josef Cyranobservation· th<lt .an· '''a:tfinity:~', iOn toi'um" .0Ut· of South 'B~na; . Col~ege to prepare'foran enHte- . accountant, . ordaine'(I' for:' 'th'e ~'i'ewicz' said it i~' impossib!e exists, between, the", pl'Ofessional · Ind., ·this state'fueht· ovei-. the'sig':' .ly 'new life in the service of God." Arcliilio<;ese'of Melbourne,·Aus~ not speak of i'the political ,aoti-Comm.unist, ·anti..Semite and nature of"L"'F:"Reard6'ri;"Vice~ . They are Fathers,: ." " tralia.· ..:': . , . " , ' a'rid anti-sociaiist' activity. of 'the · anti-Negro. ,1,',.' .... ".' ,j ..'.Joliii'· AI.mstroilg, . 46., .'former. clerg'y','espebdail'Y"on . the. higher ·.President. in.'Charge,of Or.gaili- .: "'Cedric,· J anvriiI,'" 58,' former:' .: ",But' I ~an··verify., the, existence '. '. ·British·army :colonel,' ordained employee 'of''the :Dub~ini'~ealth . levels,'" HecOritihiiea:: ' . _ ~f tha t affinity,:through ·perigo.n'al ~ z~~~~~~;~:~'il~~g~~sp. the: tor~~:of . for the Diocese of' Victoria, BritL Departmerit;ordliiried', :'or 'the: .. '''What '}'S 'the' reason for the · experience. Several ·years· ag~ li.bert,·y:.whk'',,··fellfro.In.·'the,hcin'd. S . isl:l;'Colombia, Canada;·,"" . ArclIdiOcese··.'of ':CaPe<Town;' . faetthatpart,,'Of 'the' C.hurch · actually."it was back;::in; the' .Fall · of, the BriCkersi:·Knowhmds·and' - "Jolin" .Ra~~Y, '33;" ". for~~r' '. SouthA'ffica...· ;. . HI~rarchy carmot' get used tie of..l952. and the first ~ew months Malones.. There are :Goldwaters :. major' in the" Scots Guard, or-' . Francis . Sharkey, 47,. fOrll\er' the' necessity of confining itse,lf · of' 1953-when I criticized the · and MutJdts and Talinadges and dained' for the'Archdiocese of' . MariS! Brother; ordained for the to matters of religion and, ill ··late Senat(1r 'osepl: McCarthy · Thurmonds .. .1e f t-,:and·· . th ere . .WI'11: . compliance with the separation .,' . St. ·Andrews .. and· .Edinburgh,' Archdiocese ·of Melbourne. for the metho·ds.' he was· using . be more." .. ; . ' ' ' ' .:Scotland; 'John' O'Connell, 43, former of'Church and State, of renouncin carrying out his anti-ComIn case any'~nedoesn't know ii, 'Francis Hsu, 39, former 1i;ng- . bank cle~k in the ~ation~al Bank .. ing the fight against socialism. munist "cr'usade," I received. a . . ' ." lish professor at the University'. of D';lblm, ordal,ned. -.or. t~ The point is that part of. the large'volume of letters, perhaps · Talma :·g.e ana 'thurmond are .two "of Nanking, China; ordained' for ArchdIOcese of. Westmmster. Church Hierarchy wants· to more letters than I have received · ?f th~ bltter:~~pro,-se~~egabO~d_ . the' Dioceseof'Hong Kong;' Francis Greenan, 72, ...former spread discontent and to fight before or si.nce on" any other . lStS . In the..' .., a'1.d . I~ .':V0u . . ' . William 'Erby, '52," form~r ac,!.- headmast.er of. Gommer?lal Road' against us in' a more or less be mterest!ng to ask ..So~ther~ 'ministrative' offiCial of' a leo~r . Schoo~,' ·LOndon; ordamed for.' v~i1ed manner, 'full of ainbilf-' issue. .,. .,. '.' ., the DIOcese of Brentwood,"Eng-'uities slanderous to socialism~'~ "What is most disturbing ·to.me : Negroes, whether the.,' torch' .b . A' , land. " . ..: " , 't.aking advantage of the relig.. : ll.ll'·I read~ through'i these· -letters these'fwo ~r~' holdiiIg is'the' . D· ... ,t.,•. ~I' .. U .• ·~c>r 'ppe~,~, '.. Charles' .N.apier,' 30,'. Camwas :no1:' so much:thaf·~boufhalf. .iWrchiM 'iibert,'.y~"·"or'~om.'tltUl~,'f' , ". 1.. S ' i o u s ; .feelings· of the ,:believers; or ,'. i m, an' br:idge ~~iversity' grad~llte. :or- it wants to 'sustain in the major'> had been written'by\'people'whO: kIQ'd.." ":,'.' ':v,,': ""~..' :'" . "'In ~'c'h~il1tm~s,"~9~,' ~:~~~ge' WASHINGTON ·(NC)-:.Afilrri' dained for, ..the):'·o~don Orat.ory., ity of thfml: a feelili,l that oUr had been f9Ql~d_1;>y. the' Senator.. '. ,; It ;a"s' ~ather .that there was'! frqm:, 9.1are'1~e. M,:ani~rihim,self, (disttibuting:companyhas'argued' ~~r,~r~!llAdderle~~ 36, :t;>er~h . sy'SteM is transitory.' . a substan,tial spr~BI,ding,~netter~; I ,fil'ld,rhil? sentep'~e,sand~ic~e4 before the U; S: Supreme Court: U~uverslty ,.(A~strahl:l).grad~ate""This, of course, has nothing · ·.(about 15 '1r 20 per cent of the·: in among ;:larms ()ver; "Soclllh that it'iis unconstitutional tobal'l' wI\~.a rh.D... fr()~ Georgeto\o\lll tij'do with r:eliglon. ~his IS an total), from people .who; cpuple&: ism", "union' Commissars~.'·and . a motion picture'everi ·though·'it l!mverslty, .~a~hmg.!on, ordal.~-. al:hise of religion for politicai their extravagant praise of the.' "t'o'n'linuni~t'bra'inwa'shi~g';':' .. 'may' "condone or approve'adult-:- ed, for ~e Diocese of B.uobury,. purposes;' it" is known whom: . 'St'~t~merit'La'ck~ 'Suppo.ri,':" ery.'" :',., " . ., " ~ustrah~ ...., . . . .• ' , . these purposes serve:" l~te' Senator I . •.,w,itfr . . s.om.e",M the'. , 'ilA great 'majority' of . Jewlsh' T'h'e" k'ingsle"y . International The. m~nner I~ which. ttt~SP., most vile, obscel)e attaCkS on:" '\:' ,; .., . . . ' '''' "",' men receIved their vocatIons .10 Jews and Negrqel/ in this coun- Amencans thel.r '''th'' d' IS .' as" vane . d" . .as . have, ' . '. ,forgotten. . , ...... ,,,,, . P'I"C't'u'rei Corpor'atio'n: p"re'sented" thOe ": pnes 00 : '.' l!ry. . : _,. .'" ',.'. .... r' ortJ:1odox 'SPECIAL reh~lon :.~pd.ll1a!lyot .' this cohtention ina' briel' flIed' the lives' thioiy ied before ·til.ev-' " r. ,.'One· Too ,:Many the~' llave gOl}e.over, to.Man~.. With the high·:~ourt'." .. ', ., came together for thei~sirigje ~ALLEt SIZE PICTURES. • .' , These attacks ~ere-not pin- and M a m m o n . "It·is seeking to have reversed purpose. Father. Ramsay's vocaLaminated (Seal in Plastic) No evidence is offered to ~up,. a ban placed on New York State tion crystalized while he was pointed. They were not specific as to indiVidual Jews or Negroes. port' that statement. - .• -s'howirig of the film "Lady Chat- with the troops that occupied 15c ea. 2 for 25~ p.p. Since Mr. Manion- is' sO often terley's . Love~" • by the Motion the Suez Canal Zone. Father They were att3cks on all Jews . 24 HOUR SERVICE quoted approvingly in a few of Picture Division of the 'New Hsu, a convert', decided to beand on all·Negroes.o f do not say that all of these our Catholic publications' that . YOI' k education, department, cOme a priest· while he was becorrespondents were Catholics, pride themselves on their "anti,. which licenses films for exhi- ing "brainwashed" by' his NEW BEDFORD, MASS. but some of them obviously were Comm'unism", I think it only fair. bition. . ,I Chinese communist captors. and even or.e would be too many. tO'ask' wheth'erbe; jS~'consi,:i'erecl ., The high 'court' agreed last . . : What isi( tthought 'the; ~~e~~l~~~.~~t!""'f.~t~ge"',"of;;:it·:(;r,;;~t'! November to review: a 'deCision' ;~-'---"----'---~~---; time;' that' would account' for of the New YorkStilte Court 'ot d :shou'Jdthjnk·it quite mon- . Appeals in whicnit'upheld th~· people thinking :haOGominunlst.s; Jews ar::d Negr.oe-:.ar:e the; stt'ous that 'American Cathoiics_ ~c': .. I~. ~ommon enernY of' ·"'Am~rica" be asked b swallow.- the Thur-:, b~l~" ~p.pe, , Prescription's' called 'fOr' . The Kingsley 'corporatioriconAmerican freedom, "etc.~, Ii.don't: monds and:. thE; .Ta~rn.a,!i~.es· :and:; teI:;(j's 'iri its" brief that "Lady "and. delivereCi :', LADIES : ihink Senator 'M~'Ca~thy'even:' their'racist bigotries,' aU:' in';the:: Chatterih's' Lover" was bimned HEA~QUA~TERS ~irectly link.M the':three.in any; name of "liberty" and'.anti-Com-'! :WEARING APPAREL : : . '. DIETETIC SUPPLIES munism. But Mi·.:'Ma~lo;;,'a Cath} . "j)kcausi the ideas'presented of his public statements, were thought evil, not because of , 1875 Acushnet Avenue , 600 Cottage St. WY.4-7439 It must be that xenophobia is olic, in asking them to do that. the manner in which the ideas :. New Bed'ford WY 3-2684 : New Bedford much more widespread 'in this If this is authentic Americanism ,were presented.", country than we suspect. It must and anti-Communism; then we're -~---------~----,----~. 'le that there are 'more demented in bad shape iildeed.
Rome's Seminary for late Vocations . M en of Va·rie d . Bac kgroun d Draws
... New. Y k FIB
SEALAST, Box 574
, .LARIVIERE'S. ". Pharmacy',
Sh .' .
, ,
Pilgrimage .
AMSTERDAM (NC) ~ About 1,000 mernbers of the 'Dutch armed forces will participate in a JlJorth Atlantic Treaty; Organization pilgrimage" to U?urdes ~m June 6.
Attention Mechanics! Y()U Work in a Factory, Garage; Machine Shop or GasoJirie Station? ..-we Pickup 'and dei·ive·r. clean
. 'Do
~rd repc* .,?veralls. Also. ~e have a comple~e line ot Covertllls., Ponts a.nd :Shirts tor sale. . We teclaim 'and wash· ,any oily,' dirty 'or greasy ·ra.gs.· , : ' .
...Why '~uy 'W~n W~ ,SuDply .' I:BUILT FOR FAMED PASSION. PJ.:;AY: This new tlieatr.e"usi~g the latest 'technical advances in staging, h:,l.s
been.. ' .'completed:: ~t ' Erl, Austria,' ·will.pr,oduce .an·e,w ( . ..1. ,_ .' -, . . - ' .. " ,. ., , versi()Q.0f.'the. famous J.'y.f0lean passion play' this: ~,.lJ11Jjler•. Ne'Ph§t9;'~' .. ,.: ..... . '/;J;;.... " .,.(, .. ',.. ' .:,,\:,\ '
I' ••
,. r._lllli
, '2~H()ward,·Ave •• New' Bedford .~. 1-6424 • WY 8-642:511
HOLY WEEK RITES IN DIOCESAN CHURCHES: Solemn services commemorating the Passion and Death of Our Lord were held in churches throughout the Diocese. Leftphoto, ta~en at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church, New Bedford, shows Washing of the Feet ceremony on Holy Thursday. Rev. Asdrubal G. Branco, pastor; is assisted by Rev. Jaime V. Mendes, left, and Rev. MaJ:luel M. Resendes. Altar· boy is Law-
,School Enrollment
renee Teixeira. In center photo Mrs. Edmund Cusson kisses the crucifix at Good Friday', ceremony ,in St. Francis Xavier' Church, Acushnet. Altar boys are, left fo' right,Raymond LeBlanc, Rene Picard, Paul LaLibertie, and William Crombleholme. Rev. M. Roland Boule inscribes the Pa:,:chal Candle at Easter Vigil service in Blessed Sacrament Church, Fall River. Altar '!?oys are Armand Levesque, 'left, and Richard Cote. ,
~'11' I Compared w!th,' an' esti~.~te· .1 TH~ ANC"?R"': Th,urs., April 2, 1959 ' , for,'We' current pubiic' gradeC}'nd h\~p',;!Cho~l:to~al enr,oll!T\entof about 34,711,OOJ !')'lade available el11~: by tlle'U.S. 'Oftice of. Equca'tion' ~." ,here. the latest NCWC 'figures .... i~,~~c~t~; one. iiJ.':ab,Out, every, ')2WAS'HlNG,TON (NC) ~. The AgW'icell ,~choo.lchi~dren.attends l). S~ Supre!')'le Court, has refused a Catholic school. " . , ' the petition of a .New York man ,.',l'Pe; ;NC,wC.uni(re~e,ases,' eli- fora J:eview of,bis cOlwictionon r,9~,lmert,f~g~res Jr,aqitionaUy)n, a" charge ,of interstate, ,shipping aqya~clf,of..the.,!nn\lalc~nv~f1tion of, ,o,bscene materiaL ' ~ccor\1il1gto,the "J.~partIT1enf!l ~~i,th~ ~at\9n~1 ;Cj\thO~IC ..]i:ch.lc~,;, . The man•. Max Padell;', was; statement whiche,xplained, ti:l~ bonal Assocmtlon. '.~he.re '" the "I4;>",n\1" gui~t;y . bY:,~Jhe, ' Di~trict number of faculty members and tea~hers ai'!dadmmlstrators of Court for the Southern District schools on this level will be ,re- the nation's Catholic schoolchil- - of New York of shipping obscene ported at a later date." dren' come together.: . . ' books. The total for grade and high. . This year t,I'!e. convention .is On June 26, 1958, he' was schools given by the departmentsche,duI~d'for thIS week at At.,. ,fined, $5,000 and' costs, , given' .a , . lantlc CIty The keynote address . suspended' ~entence for two wa~ 4,892,261, jump of 616,409 ' t h thO "c' h . t· Ed over the total given for 1956. on. e' erne" ' ~I,S lan, u- years and placed on probation catlOn:. Our CommItments and for five years. The U. S. Court G ra d e sc h 00 Is accoun t e d f,or R " ,,' . d I' d b 530 52f. f th e . d h' h esources, was e lvere . y ' 0'f' A ppea If" s or" th'e S econ d D'1S~ho' ols' 0 fo'r mtchreea.se~ea~ajn:~g ,Bis.hop Lawre~c~ J .. Shehan of ,trict subsequently refused to re~~ B 1;1 d gepor, t preSl d en t ··genera I 0f' view his conviction. ' 85"881 ,I :." , , " , '. , . . . , the educational association. :'....,.,. C,ours~~ ..for, Mr, :Padell.,con+
"Continued from' Page One '. " bitholie Welfare Conference' here'.' . ,"".,.1' '.' \., Abou.~. 4,101,790 children are enrolled in 10,195 grade schools, atcotdirig to ihe"sur~ey. They ~re . ~ing taught' by'til faculty' "M. ~7,965 teachers,. compose(,l' o,~ 75,914 Religious' and 22,05i Jay p~rsolls, tl1e det>aft~~ht sal,9.. ·: ': . 'Some 790,469" $tudents are"·eJl.,. r:wJed, in ,cat~olic,:righ.s~hool~;
S'lJp.. ' C ',' our,t ,R"e',fu'"s,es' :Re'vI-e'
Appeal to feature Pled9!~s
, Continued. from Page One
sp~e~d th~i~ c~~tributi~n ov~r ~
"The Catholic Charities AJ)'" peal is. not a mere request, for funds: . It is a call to' sacrifi~e. The casual donation made WIth a thoughtles~ finality may satig.,. fy the instinCt to charity, but it does not fulfill the call to sacri.. fice, Some ,invasion 'of hisoWD comfort . and some willi!igness to suffer with those we aim, to help can elevate meregivi!'1g,'to real· charity-and '.the' ap')e\!lia 'to charity::' .. "." .~, ~'Even a sh9rt vigil with: the anguiilhof 'the rriortalIy~ 'siCk leaves us upset for days. We shy .from too. frequent contact with the maladjusted or, thehelpless innocents., Yet the care of t.hehelples9 'and deficient is the obligation in 'conscience of all: of: us. The Catholic Ch~lI;ities A I th f b f II ppea, 'ere ore, can eor .a ' f 0 us not Just another occasion· to give of our abundance" but an, opportunity. to. join in the sacrifke of .,those whoseon17 abundance ,is. want." . ' ,
lon~err p~r:iod. All who wis'iJ. may · continue to make their 'annual c~nt~ibution iri a lump sum, Mr. Sullivan e~plained. Only contributions of $10 and up will be el'iglbl.e 'for pledges. , ." , ,:E~pect Higher Total, '" ' , ' . . . , ..- ,Atty, ',~ulhvan predlcte~ ,~e' , 1Otroduchon of pledge~ ~Ill '10· cre.as~ ,the, level of. glvmg ~nd the.,:fm~ltotal. . ~ach w~rkm.g : person,·"m ,t~eDlOcese',w~ll'be" contacted. Smce t~ey wtll:' be a.ble ,to spread ~elr contnbu, hons ov~r th,e penod of. a year, · man:v wIll Wish to contnbu~ on. a '. higher level, Atty. Sulhvan said.' .. . .. Th~re. WI]] be. no ~lgmf1Cant , change 10 contact1Og either Spe. I' G'ft ' h 1 or p ans con t n 'b u t ors. · CIa Th l"t "ll k tit .. ,e ~ IC1 or WI rna e e con· ta~~ .1,.~ • t,he, cpstom~ry. maT1n~r a,ll~ },nd~f.,~~e,on. the .con~a,ct~card all pertm~nt 1OformatIon.· Al~. ' arky:loSnd' pledges w111 be handled by the .Q le'$ . "OW" '., enrollment irtdicates:no '~hlckeri':" - d~r~tanding'~·,regarding.the,legal · Diocesa'n iieadquariers. B00 .'. ANNAPOLU;.'(NC) .:....:. ~ary.. i11g'in the sch ol's rapid"moy'e- . definition of,obsCenityand. that, 'Chairman ,Sullivan Summed lan.d's Gov.. J. MUlilrdo'l,'awes.has merlf'rowarda 100' per CElnti'n- th~ . ,District 'Court erred inre-, up his approach to the Appeal In 'The Family That ~lgnect'into law," bUiJlla,k.ing crea!:;e'since file end of W orid fusing" to grant a mistrial in this statement: Prays Tog~.ther ow.ners ,Of q90k:;t~nds, an~ $cm:; Wat 'II, . when thf, en.roll~en't, . view of this fact, ," 'l'For 'y~ars w'e have admirect l:l-~d" their empl'oy¢e~" legally, r:r~-~ boom" jib", iJdng felt sfia~piy' by' ,In' .its ciecis~ol),: tb~Courtof, the· priests, the sisfers andottier Stays Together" sponsible for ,.sales' of ,obsce!1~ many schools is. said to' have Appeals declared that the jury, religid:lis' w'ho are giv'in!i of their literature. . ,. " . b'e'gi:itt. i , , . . . , r , " " "" "w.a~ en~i.peq to f~nd the dJ;eary time'and 'their effortS and;' in THE' ,. i The bill'also prph,ibits dis~laY: ~"G~a~'~'school eri~olrn;e~t.'1e~p~ i~O:'ri{~~:i~~~ri';;r~~Z:~::~i~~;~' ma'tly diies,their e'ntIte lives to th'e care of' the sick, 'the infirm," of ,0bjectio!1ablerriagazines' and: to't;each 4,173,588' tp dO\.lblp. it~ ni>" ~rror in ~he'~ohduCtQf.the, FI RST ,NATIONAL and .the:: unfortunate. Now'. lay:' , »ooks where they, can be. ,seen ' 1~45 tot~l.. It now" stands 'ol'!'ly trial. ", , , " ,. men are privileged to share 'in from the street and makes it il71,79.6 short and undoubtedly BANK . The Supreme Court did 'not · their work by assuring them of legal for opera'ors to allow chilwill increase this much by the Attieboro-SQUth Attleboro dren to browse through .such next school year. explain' its action in refu~ing to the financial and material assistSeekonk review the decision of the -Court ance' required to enable theD). material. . High schools must attain an of Appeals. to carryon. The bill was introduced in the' erirollmentof 841,414 to double _.. ,legislature early in' the year at the total reported for it in 1945. Oblate Says Oldest R. A. WILCOX CO. the behest of Baltimore Mayor's They now are about 40,000 short Hospital Still in Use Committee for Decency. The and may increa~e,that much next OFFICE FURNITURE committee is composed of repre-' year.'· ' .S,AN.A~TO:NIO (NC!......,. :I7he In Stoek for hnmediat.. O("lIyelY sentatives of various religious ,'No ·statistics·.were made avail- first hospital built o,n the Nort)} • - DESKS • CHAIRS faiths, civic and veterans groups.' ~ble, by' the: NCWC department american" co~tinent ',435 yea~!/ FILING CABINETS . . ' on current enroilment.in Cath- .a,~,<!' ' ~tHl.j,s)n: u~e Mex,il:cl: .• FIRE FILES • SAFES New Nuncio to Chile bliC colleges and uniJersities. City. It was .called the Catholic, Hospital of the Immaculate Con.Distributed by FOLDING TABLES ,B'orn I·n' Am"eriea However, its .1956 report put enception, 'n is\{n<'Jwn the Hbsrollme'nt oYe~ the 300,000 mark, AND eHA!RS . ~azareth. ,',': , VATICAN CITY (NC)-Arch~ ~nclud~ng "22~,282 fU~I':'tI~e stu-: . pi'tal of Jeslls bishop Opilio Rossi, Amer.ica/)- aents, ~ plus those m summer "The 'disclosure \vas ITladeby A. ·WI LCOX CO. ,Beverage Co.' Father' Johnj;' Lazarsky' in born prelate who has been Apos- sessioTl1i;' correspondence courses, 22 BEDFORD 5T 331 Nash Rd., New ,Bedford tolic Nuncio in Ecuador since extension courses and evening article written for Mary Immac-' FAll RIVER 5-7838 WYman 7-9937 ]953, has been appo;nted Nuncio divisions, ulate m~gazine published by the Oblate Fathers. . "'. to Chile by/ His Holiness Pope John XXIII. Bi~hop's Invitation Born in New York fn 1910, ff· J Archbishop Rossi was taken to auses ra. Ie' am Italy by his parents when he 'PITTSBURGH (NC) - When was two years old, and grew Pittsburgh'S new Bishop anup in the Piacenza archdiocese. nounced informally.. that he' Ordained in 1933, he entered the would be "at home"· to anyone '0' I' I'. ,,,,,~' . diplomatic service of the ,Holy who cared to ;call, 'some35,OOO~ :'~r\f? See four years la'ter~ Jle ser~ed ,people took him.:llt ,l,tis, word. . for a ·time in the Vatican 'Secre':' ,M 0 r e ,~h 1),.20,000. people '\i:"" .. t.ariat tlf State; arid subsequently , '. flocked.to' a' public reception for -= .~ YOU'LL in posts in Belgiliin, Fraltce; the '.diE? Bisiiop', the )VIOst' Rev. John: .. .,,', ,.. ~., ...·BE '.' Netherlands and Germany." , . J.' Wright. Abou~, 15,000 others ~. ~ T1(~~ED!. Named Tjtula,l;,Archbishop .of . were unable fo:ge't,through the' . C'l~~, ,/ , Ancl~a and N'uncio te., Ecuador "traffic ,jal.I" .exten,ding ,<for·two free deliver,Y-(lill / ' " . by Pope Pius XII in November, r,niles, or the'lqng qi.leues,which , ./ '1953, he was consecrated in PiahecesSitated 'il ':waif', of -'as' 10Tig cenza a month later, by Arch.,. as two hours. . ., I PEAL lt~UNDRV: bishop Aloisius J.' Muen'ch,' For nearly seven hours, Bishop. Bishop of Fargo, N. D., and Wright stood 'in. Dtiqtteime Uni- , Fall ~iver ' :05 ,8-5677 . BRE,AD Apo!'tolic : Nuncio, to Germany versity's 'Rockwell, .Hall and' under whom he had served as' ,greeted each caller.' To . each he ' 373' New BQsfol1Road counsellor in ·the. Bonn nuncia-: :spoke, a ~'God bless' you," ; or, Wre for five yeav ,requested',PFa.YP..r."
·'~:iL'gh.t~~~~:': :.,~~;, ~~:::l~it:~::~,~~ s~~l)61' ~ ~'~~:aer~yth~~~~f~~~~~nl:~~al~~a:~~
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::'iR'odman ' Club
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._ .... .' DIOCE!;E. OF
- THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 2, 1959
;:::MOL J~'@~~
Movel Undeff~mn~s LHU~~1)@[ft) rE~~ment in Chur<J:h
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Holy Father Loves the Missions
God love YQu ,
By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen; D.D. By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The sacrifices made during 1958 to the Holy Father by the · A good many years ago Bruce Marshall wrote a sprightpeople of !he ':qnited States are being reported to him now.: ~ .1y, charming, sometiines biting novel about a Scots priest. · $oinewhatl:iter;M't;:wr()te"a:"noy¢I>:abollt;,~li"Fteiich'ptiesh"'\- "'. " " T h e ~ollowing points should be recalled: · N'o~:'he 'publisil'es ~~taIi;·anil~GardinfifA:;artipb~h:::<Hought~:ri. i ; : . l ) T h e Society lor the Propagation of the Faith is his missionary Mifflin. '$3.50) whi~h ispri~';':,~r;; ':'y ··:::c::.:: '.'.',>: . :.' '-".:','. Society;' Every other society begs only for itself. For example, : ..... '. . ' , ..: " ...• : >.·. .aspects, ~nd' should. speak .out,.:.. Society· A aids Society A but not B; B gives m.arI1y about a.Scots prle~t,... with prophetic counige.and force. all of its alms to B, but gives not to'C. This is · bllt also, features.a· French " in denunciation of it. .' . good and neces.sary, but in order to assure : priest and . some Spanish ... :.,He .:loathes cr,u~ltr and com-' :; :. equaVty the 'Holy Father must have his own
clergy. .It is 'pretty much' a repeat 'performance and all too illug· trative . of the · workings of· the. law of dimin- . isning returns.' . ,~ .' Whe~' we meet ." ;'him' . in' .1907 ·•. :0.· .. Q'. n.·. a.ld. ·".:,.<D.~n.· ~'.' .;l~hin~i~ !;Camp-
:. {>lacent unconcern about it. He. . society'which is the Society for the Propaga.,', takes a gloomy view.of the f i l i t h t i o n of .the Faith: of the generality, wondering how ..- 2) All alms .given to the Society for the much .in fact they believe. At PI:0pagation of·:.the Faith are distributed by one point he 'has Bish~p Camp'the '~oly F!lther.to all mis:?ionary societies, in all areas. bell say, "At present. most ", ,people's r~ligion.boils down to .. . the· not very corffident reiter.. ~owmuch will the Holy Father have from ;. at.il!g. of their fa.ther's. gu.ess at .,. ihe .United States to distribute to all the .,,·,mi~~i.oJ!aries.ofthewprld; this. year? i \ . Jhe.tra.~S$.,~ndentaV!·;:....: , . . ";:.. :::Y;;;'." .,:~;_<::
__._. .
. approves hIS b:~COi:n~1Jg"~':.9a.tho-.< goSS)p,' sq.me~u!1.rl;y.:.~ap~r;·:'but' . . -~; ,.~! ....; " '.;'" .,'1 Z3c lie not to mention his: beeomiri'g '. not.wholly irreverent or unaffec. . '. '."" ·a ~riest. So:he'lsal~ alone. The" . tinate portrait9r~ ·of two p()pes, . ' ·.Why n'ot -undertake the support of a single missionary. Sacri. ).,.·gruff craggy, but w'a'rm":heat:ted' morethanascattering'ofv\llgar 'F" IRS T JAP'A'NESE .' ·lice23·c·a·dai:·forhim. Give up a dessert, a package of cigarettes. ,·archbis:hOp. asks him'to come talk', ~omidantastic-indeed,"()ut'-' ." ..' -. '.ft . : - . '8 magazine or'even a necessity. At the end of the month send us ··.:"o·ng· .w·l'th h"ml ·"'Par;s,···'to.·at-.·.······rage·.o"u .. S-bl·ts a""\,:o'u't'a n'un ·ru-. Benedicto, '. If'.yo.u·,work . .. '" .... u ,Brother . . . . . na~iVe.of. . ' . . . . .., the' $6;00. in an office start a collection among your ,tend ,the funeral of a bishop .. ~ing a. gas station, and some scar- .'. Yokohama,~nd ~ con;,,~rt.-tO . fellow workers; if in a school begin one among the students. When ", there.. : . , . :' ' ' ' . >ifylrlg comment$ on· American. the Catholic faith, has, prQ- ' .. ·you think· of·thffHoly Father think of his Society for the Propa',' Th~s begfns Father Ca~p.:", ,phctIor4en~.;:;" .', .,..; '·fess~d·his 'final vows 'as the gation oUhe Fai~il. Every cent goes to him and he is the Vicar 01 · bell's long, close asso.chition with . '.: His: car!,!lessn~!;lS W:itb:;L~t'iii.·.first. J apa~ese , :Jay. brother .Christ. This is ,the best' way in the world, to aid the Missions. "'his Or01Jlary. At f~rst Father would makei~appear.thateven. for tho Gray·mo.o.r Friars 'at ',Ca~pben is. assistant to a' .snob:- . the missals in American churches '< . GOD LOVE YOU to S.K. & M.C.P. for $5 "This extra money , biBh pastor who is writing a "a~ .. ch.aracterized by 'ungram- 'their'monastery in.' Japan. ;, ~me'wI1en we needed it mosr' ...:toW.X.C. for $80 "To be applied ". book which will make mince- matical howlers, but; at leas~ in . NCPhoto. ~. where it can'do the most good.":' .. to J.M. (8 years old) for 40c "I J meat of all modern errors and ,his yersion, the liturgical· texts. . am sending you 1.0 cents for the poor people, and I am sending 10 .Hi be calied Freewill and Ui~ use!! 'in Scotland' are I;IO :less bar:: ,:. cents for my' mother, father and sister also.". ~ . to A.L.W. for $1 Molecule.. The'il he becomes an .' barous.., ".' ~ .' ~ .."My landlady iowered the rent and I wish to send this small token army chaplain. Returning from Mr.. Marshall 'is, . patently, . ~ .·in gratitud·e.":i: . ,.; the war, he is given.a pastorate. greatly concerned about the hu",: The white decade of the WORLDMISSION ROSARY is for Short Order man, element in the Church. He NEW ORLEANS (NC)-The '~In h .h t d h . indicts it stingingly, 'when' he . soul of Russia is yearning for Europe, whose sp,ihtual capita1::is.Rome.and, . whose·Shepherd, the . rat er' s o.r or er e 18 is not burlesquing it uncon':' ·God. '( Holy Father,' wears white. The introductory beads are in w~ite too nommated a bIS~OP. In even scionably. By no means does he This statement to the arch- bcause they are offered for the Holy Father. Send us your sacrificeshorter .order he 18 consecrated. ignore the divine element'; but' diocesan Coti~cil of Catholic Wo- offering of $2 or more 'for the' Holy Faiher' and at your request we O_n gettlllg wor~ of the appomt- he does not give it the attention men has been. made 'by Father will send a WOR~DMISSION ROSARY that you may pray fQr His ment, the.'.archbIshop says,k. "h L t's .. t te '1 II e WhICh experIence, as well, as _ PI aCl'd J or d an, 0'. S .B ., w h \> was, Holiness as well a~ sacrifice for h~...,. · say M onuay a n 0 c oc , s a fa'th' d' tes·t de erves before becoming a priest; Euro• 1ftl1 That will give me time to. I , III Jca 1 ~. pean director of the National _ {let hold of the co-consecrators." Other Entries Broad'casting Company.,. '. Cut out this column, .pin ·your.. sacr:ifice to'it and mail it ~ the . ! Monday at ten o'clock it' is. . Two. more.' .quick biographies Atheism is still the official Most Rev: Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for Bishop Campbell is sent off.to '. of the present Holy Father are, creed .ofcom~unisni, .Father' the Propa~ation the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, 'New York 1, N. Y., tile United States on a begging' now at hand. Ope is Above All a Jordan said., But in contrast.'to. or your mOC,ESAN DIRECTC?R REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, ~r. Th'is .gives Mr. Marshall Shepherd b; 'Father Ugo Grop-' the persecution and strong-' 368 North Malll Street, Fall RIver, Mass.. · ", ' lID opportunity to rehearse his pi and Dr. Julius Loinbardi, : armed interference of the early ~ familiar comic-caustic animad- translated by Salator Attansio 19~Os the Soviet government has Pa.r~nt~. H~ly"'~~r . versions on the Church in Spain. (Kenedy. $3.95). The other is now adopted a policy of 'reluctNEWARK (NC).:....A congrega- Last year, a Holy Hour ·fpr par'OR occasion the bishop is in Jol?-~ XXIII Comes to the Vati~ ant tolerance toward the Ohho- tion of· about- 1,600 persons is 'ents of priests was held. . France. This gives Mr. Marshall can by Father Francis X. M~r" . 'dox Church. expected to attend an April 12 The service will be sponsored -etc. ' p h y , C.SS.R. (McBride. $3.95). Between 1917 an" 1925, he Holy Hour in Sacred Heart by the Serra Club of. the The a'rchbishop dies.' Bishop Both are illustrated with photosaid, "the Orthodox church suf- Cathedral for .parents of Sisters . , Oranges,' a gr'oup of Catholic Campbell succeeds him. In 1946 graphs, fered the most cruel persecution residing in Newark archdiocese.' businessmen devoted to fosterArchbishop ThOI:nas A. Boland ing. vocations to .tlle religious he becomes a cardinal. Then, full These books ~ollow the pattern any branch - of Christianity ever of years and' labor:; and some- already estabhshed: ~ sketchy :suffered. Some 10,000 priests of Newark will preside and cel- life. The sermon at the Holy what mellowed, he dies. The accou!'t of the P?pe's fa~ilY, died in the purge," he declared, ebrate Solemn B'enediction' of Hour will be 'preached by Father William N.Field, chaplain of the whole thing is raced through, early years, e~u.catIon; ~ rev.lew, but today approximately 35,000 the Blessed Sacr~ment at the Serra 'Club. under the propulsive force of largely superfICIal, of ~lS prlest- .orthodox priests are serving service on Vocation Sunday here. needle and siapstick in 205 11' career, a .glance at hIS wo!k as cOngregations, compared' with 'g ,. representahve ot the ,Holy See pa es. in diplomatic posts and as Pa- 75,000 before the :revolution of Satirical Strokes "e triarch of Venice; a journalistic 1917 . T' w elve semmarl s ' are opThere are many good things in 'report of 'his election and coro-' erated by the Orthodox Russian the book. For example, .there :is nation as Sovereign Pontiff. '. . . church 'and they are crowded, ....,. Father' Cat;npbell's first sermon; he said. . Of the twr, J :.>ove All a Shep-
R..u·s.s. ian:. Pe.o.p.le.. Yeo rn-" for God .'
r~:7~;i;~~;I::~~1;~0;~,~::.,";.;;~:t ,S;::. ~~:~~~h:~~~0~; ~~9,~h~~, .Q~ot~,;, ~
.. other, and also than Uie fIrst· - Continued from Page' One e er- book . th . b' t . d" .. . ; roneous notion that the Eastern on e so Jec reVlewe - member of every family in his schism occurred under the Pat- here some weeks ago., .c'.>'.' . ,~aris~r~!lds thi!l,djoc~sal1_n~~,,~. : riarchate of Photius in the last Saints and 'Ourselves paper weekly.' ;l quarter of the ninth century." The third ~olume in the excel" Th 9se families who are not ; ! This though exaggerated for ef- lent series Sai ts ane Ourselves on the subscription list are re,·d ,.' n ·e.i1 J··ted·· by Father· Phl'l'p -Car ' :miss in their obli<1ation to read f t ' h't h . :'.' ~:the; :ati~::i S~:~k~~s."m.!lY:'''m~~, 'S~J. '>(ke~ed~.·f$3\O) 'h:~:" "the''''ttilth'' iIi.'· 'ijur ·f :d'ioce~an) Legitimate and telling too are "just appeared. It' matches its newspaper. The Anchor continthrusts at the shortc~ts 'and. predecessors in quality. . ".--,-les to. impro."~; ,itself an~. ~g.it short-comings of churchmen; at There are 12 contributors, all does. I know o.ur s,~les. will also the tendency toward mere rewell known writers. Each offers contmue to climb, saId Father .ligious formalism uI;lquickened an essay on a favorite saint. The .Larue today. . . by awareness, reverence and saints range from' James the The Nort~ Attleboro parIsh 18 love; at routine and laziness; at . Apostle to Bernadette. In each ·the ~econd m ;the Gre.ater Attlepreoccupation with sexual sin as case, the author haL thoroughly boro area to meet. Its weekly if it were the only sin.. studied his her subject and .. qU~.ta. of home-del~vered. su~.Readers of ~r Mars~~ll's· pre-has unhackneye,d insights to of-·..!lcnphoJls. S1., ·~a.r'y s pansh:,.m .. VIOUS books WIll recogmze echoes :fer. :These pieces 'have n'bt .been·~eekonk had .,PfElVlou,sly. move.~ 'from them in the' strictures od. produced after has'ty' co~siJlta- l·n to' . the 100% quota~'sales' . i the gabbling of the Divine Of- tion of standard sources but are" bracket. fke in European cathedrals; on pa1pably. the fruit of r~flection: p s~andal?us s~eed, s~oppiness,and They are admirably written. . ar~s UI dl8tractIon 1D the celebration ,.'. . 'ol M . 0 th ,. . AnJnsh.Jesult .. has.,produced ems~,ves of H Y ass, n , i e SJmpermg,. 'I'd Tttl 'b' k . , b' t·· . .., '" .! sugary emptiness of . certain; ~~~c·~· :t~·OU~gh·!>.°Of·.:l?n ..a rS~ll Jlec ; i:' ' '.'\NP~RSO,N· (:N~)~:rhe ..~ew statues of Our Lady; on the". " ' ....•. l!.nR~,_a. e e d ,t- l~. ,dedIcated' Church of"'- the ~bocking abuse practiced in some\.. lffiP?r~an~,.ls litUe.treated..The Sacred Heart here in California places whereby the unbelieving book IS Heaven by Father J. P; is a special church building for rich are given elaborate funerals McC~rthy (Kene~y. $3).. parishioners. . . ~ J.'., and the devout poor are fobbed It 18 f~ee of pIOUS vaporu!.gs For almost four years m~moil with the skimpiest of rites. and confm~ to the .explanatIon bers of the parish labored by the . . of theological doctrme. Every- sweat of their brows and the Gloomy View 01 Faith 0 thing about heaven found ill skill of their hands to constrUet Mr. Marshall believes that. Scripture, tradition, the teach- the church themselves. ·The comchurchmen should be more con- ings of theologians is succinctly. pleted building is 80 .~ cent eenecl· witbjustice iIi all lta presented. \ ., PlU'ishioner-built. all to n'd yourse1ves
f th'
hOB Old loners C h urc h 'Th I' . 0
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Special Attention Given To ~~.ergency Prescriptions
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This Timely Message Is Sponsored By The Following Public Spirited Individuals an~ Business Concerns Located in Greater Fall, River
An" Dale Products, Inc. Donnelly Painting Service John F. Doyle, Contrador Enterprise Brewing Co. Globe Manufacturing Co.' Gold Medal Bread A.G. & W.J.' Howland, Inc. Insurance
Highway Killings
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Is No Sport
MacKenzie & Winsjow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Gerald E. McNally Contractor
An a~tomobile is a dangerous vehicle if not handled properl)'.
George M. Montie, Plumber
Too many accidents are caused by carlessness and speed. Stafford Fuel Co., Inc. Sobi.loff Brothen
Pra,~,tice caution
at all. times~,Make sure
car is mechanicaUy,
Sterling Beverages, Inc.
safe and obey the' traHic' laws. '
Textile Worlcers Union of America, AFl-CIO
Q"r schools' andPolic8' Department ,are
Yellow Cab Company,
reduce accidents. You can help by reducing your speed.
Wm. N. Wheelock & Son, Inc. (The
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doing their utmost to
·Children GROW-UP
: .~ "
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. .'-r.
:~j~W·:~t~\t~~h'f<~~1nt~·~O~~:~·:-"~ ~/:t:3·B~·~· ":';';'{;ft~i!,~flt:~~::'f~~~~~~;-~:;-:;:f::~'
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reus.,' ];·~·c"L.,.,,,,::<,,-:;;,,",<,~;,
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~".' ';:nb"'oC,E~f~~ ·~~L:".IVi!R" MAU;~'
·PQ'pe ElcJquently·:·Explains
. "'14'· .;
Effects of Holy Eucharist,
BonnGovernment Gives. Billions For Refugees
A. Breig
Universe Bulletin
What makes. a man most perfectly a Jtlan? And a woman most perfectly a woman? Where can a husband and wife find the source of "the highest spiritual fusion?'" , When comes' harmony in .the sacrifices proper families, and 'peace and co- transforms to marriage, thus giving stability operation atll0ng nations? to .family life. In one word, Pope John "And' still more," said Pope gave the -answer. The word Communion, . The Holy Father spoke eloquently . 'in 'a message to the fir s t Central American Eu, charistic Congress:. Let 'us put into; question-' and ,. ~ . answer
:~,: . ~hat
Thurs., April 2, 1959
SAN FRANCISCO (NC)West Germany in 15 years . has kicked $11 billion into freedom's kitty - the amount its taxpayers have put up to al'd' 12 ml'II'IOn eXI'Ies f rom communism's '·paradise." An official of the Bonn government here spelled out the scope of West Germany's refugee program. Said Werner G. Middelmann, assistant director of the Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refukees, and War Victims: "The flood started in 1945 and it's still coming at the rate of 1,000 people a day who cro~ft .,.. £rom Soviet into West Germany. '''We'vehad to make room for these people, provI'de shelter and food, and s~art them on a new
John at this point. .' . The effects of Holy Communion reach out through the in-, dividual not only to the members of his family, b'ut to all mankind. . In th!s ,'source of love, all agreeJDents between m:en find their purest wellspring. The friendship between .the soul and .God, . ''and' . betweeil ' . soul "and soul, extertds itself. ' '.,'
,:~reaterlla~~n~., ,
f~~S~t~;i:~~ ~~~~~.n~:
he . ,"FAM<<\:LL THINE MY QUEEN": were the opening ".::;:inf? What does the Holy Eucharist As "result, comrhunitY life" wordsreci,'tedby Hannah 'Keogh' of·the Cathedral 'Parish, ~i;istarice'.·. . . ' . .' .. ' . do to us? . and international life are brought Fall River, 'and Pauline Silva of St. John,of God Parish, Som"T~at's se'{en times as much. It instills in our hearts "a new .more' and· more into harmony ' of W . d en~rgy." erset as they renewed their Legion Mary Pledge at as es t G ermany h as receIve with human nature. h A' . S M' , C hedr 1 S· in Marshall Plan aid. But we're ... The name of the energy- SU-. t e Cles ceremony at t. ary 8 at a on Easter un- willing to write it off. After all, Human nature has an essen- day . pernatural love: it's an investment in freedo'in." tial unity. And the graces of Does this supernatural love. Holy Communion make that uni.;, L:egl·o~ push aside human affections? :"1 No; it strengthens human af~' ty mQre, ,and;' more pperative;-., . . , ·Ciuitinued'fr.om' Page One fection, makes it truer, purifies, r. Thus does Communion draw 'group identified by a blue and more '~work for moUler among us, It. and channels it· in tbe right... the ~<!rld together. Its effec~' gClld;barm~be;tringthe.ir title. BUT. In Maghagha (Egypt) it Is direction. work for harmony among men; The' 1mpressive' ceremonies .. '. equivalent to·the total education and Wb~t' is' the effect.upon 'for t;>e~ce ~ot war; for ~ove.'not.:J.oPEmE;(r~i,~h,~r~Y.e~san4.:R.osary . recrea~.on available to, the children. upon you and me? Po~ J()~ri hatred, for understa,ndmg not led by, :Rev... Albert Sho;velton of The' 'poveny of this' sUuation defies replied: . , . ' 'confusi6ri,an'd for joy riot .Sol"; ... St. Ja~es Chur~h' 'New Beclibrd. d~scription • ,i•. th~ sl#Iering of the people is beyond the 'imagination • . • ~'~ran 'iscorrlplete wh~n he. lias row. , The ,.,senp.on, iW;t'~.prea~I;Ied . by and ..who'"dares to. speak of the total God ",v'ithin his breast-God who . A,nd iWha~ aqout th,~ .:,Church.? Rev.. ,E9:~~Xd,: 4 •. QliYeira, pioc~. effect of: all t~is. on the helpiess chii~ remains' 'united 'with li'iiii" Pop~ Joh~~id: " , esan Moderator of the Legion, of,. dr~n.. The Holy. Fatiier~, reP,resentaatren~~h'ening hispersonality. '.': . , "On: the ,'religious level. the ,9u .r ~a4y o(.Lqtird'e~ Ch,~rc~, '.' U~"!l,;Mo~sigI!~r' Oddi, Is' atpr:esent "The' na:tural.virtue~..them:'" Church,haso,this,seed, of un~ty;.. · .TauntCln.~~;spo~~ ot~?eL~gion ,trying to., build' a combination'school' .lv·es' are' elevated it{ ci'uallty.·· " ..Far from armuling· (lr weakeJ?,ing"., C?f .,lVJ:,ary;.~,s; ~eil1:g. a. system,atic,. "-. _' . ' . . and.c.~iirch btthis area to brIng the' {'the'y ripen into the ideal type' natural ties among meri,' it con- orderly way to practice the. full' 'ThtRoly Farhrrt MiJJi01l Aid .c,hlldren and "tlieir .paren~s_ closer to of'ttle perfect man; mad.e in the' solidates and ennobles them.", Christian life, ,and poil1ted out. &- tht Ori tal Ch'... -1.. ,~u~.anlife and DIvine Love: ~an image of God, conforming to the ' As St Paul said: "Be~~use the th~t.the, source. of its strength ~:. m lI1UJ you help him? ThetotaJ cost will example of His Son; in whom" bread'is'one,wethoughmanyare lies in Consecr<ltio~ to ;Jesus r ' : .' ": be' $5,000. . .the·Father is wellpleased.~ one'Dody~ all of us. who partake through M~rY~ . W,ilA!.. YOV PLACE IN !tHE llANDS OF OUR HOLY FATHER - . Relations With Others" of th~ one bread." . ,. Renew. Consecration ~OU ACTUALLXPLA,CE IN THE HANDS OF CHRISTl CAN . .. in', the Mass for' the feast of After. the· sermon, the Spirit-· YOU SEND HIM AS,TRlNGLESS GIFT TODAY? - What IS the, effect .upon our. C'" "Ch" , t' ' . th L d ·ualDirectors present approached 1 t' . 'th th ., orpus rIS!, we pray. e or, -. re a IOns WI Q, ers. .. ' t o ' f h' Ch h "th iftS f the LegIOn standard and renewed "A BARBED WiRE PLAY PEN;" writes Mon-. "Human relatIons. acqUIre a ~ran .. ~s ,urc .. ,. e g .0 'th' · tIOn ' · t0 '0 ur"L'a d'y, . umty and reace, mystIcally SIg. elr C ,onsecra. , .. signor Ryan, "is all these . poor refugee chilnew,,tone from the person who 'f' d'" b th' B' d f' 'Lif .. followed by the Active LegionDI Ie y e rea 0 . e o n · · , .... . . · dren have ever seen or known.'~. , Soon It will th thr h E d G po~ss~,s. 0 oug:. e " u- " the altar. ' : . ' .. " ;.' aries ,wJto, 1l).ad~, their C;onsecrabe the day. .of First ·H9ly Communion in the char1St. .... , . tion, in pairs. • , Holy. Land. Will you help. to . brl~gjoy. into. ' ' To parents, Pope John said: The i\.\Pf:Bi~rY .and, 4 d il;l{0I;.,:' tile life. of an onfortunate child ,"'" ; show him Wliy is this·so? _', Because Communion brings ; ,"Look upc 1 'the Holy Host and' ian members. were le,d in making lom'e'body ca~es. Why, not'supply·.~ne refugee for~~ and :noui'ishes tr~e lo;ve<' as.k the Lord to bless your homesthei~iC~~s~Sr~tt~nby:,Rev. Ecich~ld wi~h ,a' First C;:onimunlon Q~tfit! The It spothessouls; curbs desires; ',wIth the most perfect har1l).ony . ward Mitchell·of· Sacred Heart cost .is· $10, L~(~hejoy of .the child ·be your . " .', -'. .. eal~, troubled spirits;,. ~pu.~s . and f~!f~~i.tr,and :wit~tp.~}ruit' ~hur,,~,;tati.rJ,tqil, wl]o:~l~o. led: 'reward. . . us to -good works. and t,o, Jl:Isqce . of many ppesUy vocations among " the recitation of the Magnificat, MASS OFFERINGS. ARE ESSENTIAL TO LIFE ,OF YOUR and mercy, ' you~,·. so~,~.~. ., . . , and .Oration.... M~SSI~NA~IES, : .. WHY.NOT SEND SOME TODAY? "Christ in the sacrament of the . "Ask that He enlighten your ".' Benediciion.:was given by.. altar/:' said Pope John "is' more' leaders and give just balance to Bishop ConnCllly, assisted. by Rev. I'=""~::-W-I!ll'"'l!:~-'" T.nE ANGEL OF THE ANNUNCIATION truly 'and completely' with us" the social life of Your' peoples.' _ Fraqcis:' Re.gis, S8.ce." St. ~o-. (Feast April 6) has spoken' to SISTER than in any .Other of His ·inani'- "Ask that' He keep' you" firmseph.'~ Ch.urch" Fairhaven"as SOPHIE and SISTER MATHILDE. The~ festations." ·in the Faith. . 'Deac()n, and'R~v.· Luiz. G. Men-. wish to do the will of God in all things: This Sacrament is divine Love "AsiC' that He will fill your' donca', Mou~t" Carmel Church, they wish to serve Him as Dominican Sisters in,lraq .(the scene of recent suffergiving itself. In Christ therefore 'homes with .prospei'ity, and your New Bedford, Sub-Deacon. Deaing and disaster). Can you help them? husband and wife achieve high~ natio'ris ~ith true progress. con of expo~ition was Rev. Paul They will give their lives U yOU will give est spiritual' fusion. "':l'h~seare. also. our wislles, F. McCarnck of St. Mary's $150 a year for the two year novitiate ·It is Love also sacrificing .itand our most ardent prayers.to Cathedral. Priests training necessary for each Sister. -:OJ self. Tberefore it sanctifies and the Love of Loves." Chaplains to Bishop Connolly were Rev, ·Arthur W, Tansey, ;Rector .·of St.·:i.~ary's Cathedral, . and ··Rev•.. ;J.oseph· O'Donnell ..of .. St.· . Paul's "·Church, ·Taunton.' M;aster.. of·ceremo~ies was. Right . . Rev.. ' Humberto S, 'Medeiros" Chancellor of the Diocese, Also assisting at the Ceremony were the following Spiritual Directo~s aild guests: Rev, Norma~ J, ferris, S~. Mary's ,Church, Taunton;' R.ev. Bento Fraga; St. John 6f God Church, Somerset; Rev. Maurice Lebrun, 'O;P., St~ Anne's Ci:J.,urch, Fali 'Riv~r; Rev. Roger-Mary . Char~st,' 8.M.M., : Montfort Fathers,'Bayshore', New : York; Rev: Louis R.. Boivin, St. .: Joseph's Church, .New Bedford; .c. Rev. John .H....Hackett;-·Vice, .Chancellor,and Rev. -Fatl1~r Ru: dolphFbf Espiriio'Sahto:ciiurch, :~Fall River. " ',?-,., " ,:i, At the'c1ose'of'the ceremonies' ~'~e Active Legio l1 aries ,~eft the (;Cathedral in:prqcession. with Mr. ''[Mortimer Kennedy, Curia Presi..:~ent, as, standard, bearer.. ',;, .,
of· Marv.,
'uS---: ,
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~. CONVENTSTNl'ION(NC);'The '60thanniversary' of the Col'lege of St.· Elizabeth here-in ,.·New 3ers'ey' wiu be' celebrate'd '. May 2. +bi~ ..is ,.tlle. centennial year of the Sisters' of 'Cha;ityof cial~y .i~tr?~ucep. ~t a. sp~cial ce~em?l).tAu~jp~,th~:rjqCM St. Elizabeth':\vh6' cOildi.lct the n~tlOnal conventIon now m seSSIOn m DetroIt. NC . Photo• .' college. ' .
'\:UNFURL NEW FLAG.:'~1heh·e*1Y·,adopfe:(f'fiago f the .~' ~~tional Coun.cil 0'£ Cathollc'Meii; shown here by"e'xecutive dir,ector Martm H. Work, left,· and Homer.·H. Hammond prbgramdirector-and.desigher;of ,thestandatd, will be offi~
..•. .'
".' ."', ~ ~ .. _~': _:zo, _ .
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HIGH-SCHOOL COOPERATION: Parents, teachers and children work together at St. Stanislaus' School, Fall River. In left picture are shown, left to right, Edward E.. Holewiak, Jo!,eph F. Gromada and Sister Benvenuta as they study the workings of a PTA-donated projector. At second left 6th, 7th and 8th grade members of the girls' .choir rehearse with DIOCESE
THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 2, 1959
INCHON (N:;) - Sea-going missioners are the order of the day among the new Maryknoll island-parishes here. This is the opinion of Father Edward A. Moffett,M,M., of Newark, after surveying the newly acquired mission territory -some 170 islands off the eastern shore of Korea in the Y~llow Sea. _. The Inchon area and its offshore islands, lOntaining an 'estimated 650,000 people, entrusted to Maryknoll last October, is being directed by veteran Korean missioner, Father Joseph W. Connors, M.M., of' Pittsfield, Mass. Close to Reds "Some of the isla':lds. are located perilously close to Red northern Korea," said Father' Moffett. "The nearest to land iii only one mile from Red troops; farthest is 280 miles out' hi the Yellow Sea, near the China mainland. We're in the market for a sizeable cr _it to navigate the intricate waterways here, but then we'll need a crew to man . her." Maryknoll hopes to have five priests in the new area very shortly. There are now 10 catechists on the islands who are preparing s eve r a-I hundred people for Baptism. "We are surrounded with wonderful opportunities for the spread of the Faith," said Father' Moffett. "But just think hovr much faster we could get around with a couple of old ·tars to steer us among the scattered islands!" .
St. Stonis,lous PTil Contributes
Missioners Need Nautical Help .
To Welf..re of· School
St. Stanislaus Parent-Teacher and Alumni Association, .the first Catholic PTA ill the city of Fall' River, is swinging into its seventh year with a solid record of achieve~ ment behind it. .' " . . Working under the direction and with approval of Rev. Hugo E. DyIIa, pastor, the 200-member PTA has done fire inspectiQn requirements, the projects. They include food large-scale r e ~ 9d eli ng PTA sponsor~d installation of an sales, fashion shows, mystery . I' , up to date fIre alarm system at rides andmiscellaneo\ll; sales. th rough ou t · St0 " . St·allIS aus St. Stanislaus. An outside stairFun Too School, asphalted the play- case and playground floodlights '.
Lecturers Plan American Tour
4. 5.
Canadian Hierarchy Faces Busy Schedule
BOWEN'S Furniture Store
By BRIAN CRONIN Who, in the words of ·the Bible, " ••. hanged himself with a halter"'?:-(a) Pilate? (b) Herod? (c) Judas? (d) Cain? . The faithful are gi'.anted· the following indulgehcefor kissing the ring of a cardlnal:-(a) 3' days? (b) 40 days?' .(50) days?" (d) 100 days?.': : .. . . . . . '. .:' , What was the first of Christ's Seven Last Words?:-(a) "Father, into Thy hands ICllinmend My spirit"? (0) '.My God, My God; why hast Thou forsaken Me"? (c) "I thirst"? (d) "Father,' forgive them for they know not' what they do"?' . The anti-Catholic May Laws were' applied' almost a century ago' by what country?:+-(a) Prussia? (b) France? (c) Mexico? (d) Russia? " . . Who incurred God's wrath by·disobeying His command in' look..: ing back on the destruction of Sodom?:":-(a) Solomoh? (b) Lot's wife? (c) Henoch?; (d) Abel?. .' .' c ' Of the twelve apos~les, two were also evangelists. One was Jl;)hn; who was the other:?,:'-(a) Matthew? (b) Luke? (c) IVIark? Who was it said "I.am the voice of one ,crying in the wildernesS ...":-(a) Jonah? '(b>' Peter the Hermit? .(c) Jesus? (d) John the Baptist? On what day is Our Lord's eventful entry into· Jerusalem com",: memorated?:-(a) Palm Sunday? (b) Holy Thursday? (c) Easter Sunday (d) Ash Wednesday? , Give yourself 10 marks for each correct answer on page 18. Rating: Sa-Excellent; 7a-Very Good; 6a-Gl;)od; 5a-Fair
be achieved' best by imitating the virtues of Christ. He said true reality is to be found in the way in which Jesus Himself invited us to behave. Citing Christ's words "LeaI'D from me for I am gentle and humble ot heart," the Pope said if. one possesses these qualitie8 all big questions can be solved without tl1e lIse of force, violence and weapons.
Annual Spring Revue'
VATICAN CITY (NC)~ Pope John told Falk steel works in northern Italy that unity in various fields can
Imitate· Christ's Virtues, Pontiff Tells Workers
ground, and Pfl?vided .. many have. recently been' added to But all isn't work. Members audio-visual aids. . school equipment. The play- :r:ecreate as well as labor toUnlike many ~TA's JJlen are. ground also serves as a~parish gether. A Christmas party for active. members of ·the group; in parking lot, .and the floodlights parents and children, an annual fact, . 'every president, frj)m', ~re designed to t:riake night time field day' and a Summer time Joseph F. Gromada, the first, to . use easier. '. . clamboil are am'ong sodal the present, Edward E. Fiolew~ .Modern chalkboards througli- events looked forward toby all. iak, has been a man. . out' the school are a boon for "Anything other school.s have The organization' is also' un-. which the Fel1cian Sisters staffHe explained this applies parusual in that it welcomes school ing it· are gratefuL They also we try to get at :St.· Stan's," said ticularly to the smooth' running a'lumni as members; whether appreciate newly-sanded floors . a PTA father. They're more 'than of families, then to the working married or' single' parents 01' and desks,' maps, hymn' books,. accomplishing. their goal for m childless. J projector and· film strips, all .a'ddHlon 'tp financially. valuaJ:>le environment and finally to all school' equipment they're giving Most of the w~rk. done by the donated by the PTA. . . . ' their' children an example. of . other arid larger environment&. PTA "has. been accomplished by' . Especially, dear to the heart home-school cooperation that's To be patient and to know how to love one's neighbor still is the members themselves, said Gro- of Sister Teresa, principal, is the above pric.e. best wa3' to be victorious, the mada. Craftsmen in many fields nucleus of a library, a brandPope concluded. are among St. Stanislaus' parish- new. project. Eventually· she' ioners s6 whether a project calls hopes to have enough books to for wiring plumbing carpentry allow borrowing from school by or what-h~ve-you, there's usu- the children as. a ~upplement ~o NEW YORK (NO)-A Scoially a man experienced in the use of the publIc lIbrary. And If field ready to hand. the PTA has its way, she'll.have . tish priest and two English converts.. have scheduted speaking C t p . ts her wish. urren rOJee How are funds raised for the engagements iIi the U. S.during Even before intensification' of many i~provements at "St. . the 1959-60 season. ~AII .WYmaR . Stan's~'? Always cooperating 3-6592 They are .Father Alan Keenan, with Father Dylla in his deep O.F.M.,· well known in England Rene Cormier, Past Grand interest in' school activities,. the CHARLES F. VARGAS for his sermons and writings; . Knight of Jarries Coyk Council, PTA 'has many fund-raising 254 ROCKDALE A VENUE and converts Douglas Hyde, colTaunton Knights of CoiUinbUs, NEW BEDFORD MASS. umnist and author associated will be musical director of the w,ith the British Foreign Office; Council's 10th animal Spring reand Hilda Graet, author of sevvue, for which rehearsals started' MONTREAL (NC) - Thirteen eral books, including "The Way Monday. of Mystics." The revue will.climax a year- bishops will assist Paul Emile' Cardinal Leger at Confirmation long celeb'ration .of the Council's 65th' anniversary, a.ccording to ceremonies in the Archdiocese of Bernard F. Cleary, also 'a Past Montreal. .The sacrament will be Inc. Grand Knight a':ld general di- administered in 24. parishes and institutions during the eight days rector of the produc;ti,on. Fabricators of from Sunday, April 19 to'Mon.day, April 27. '
How Do You Rate' on Facts of' Faith 1.
their new hymnbooks. At right center Gromada and Holewiak check booka in the school library,and.at far right are'sh9wn,'left to right, June Holewiak, Joyce Skowron and Iren~ Kulpa, studying geography with aid of globe and books ·fromPTA. To give their parish school anything other schools have is the aim of the association. .
JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY owner/mgr. . 1;42 Campbell St. . New Bedford, Mass. .
D.b.HILL CO. . 1'886 'PURCHAS~ ST. NEW' BEDFORD WY 3-3786
Structural Steel
fDr fll/ic/( delivery Df
Miscellaneous Iron 753 Davol St., Fall River.
OS 5-7471
and ENGINEERS JAMES H. COLLINS, C.E., Pres. , Registered Civil and Structural Engineer :Member Nationa~' Society Professional Engmeers FRA~CIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas. THOMAS It COLLINS, Sec·y•
The Yardstick
Press Coverage.. of. Labor News Is Unsatisfactory
·Saints In Crosswords r.-.....;-----Bylienry Michael--------'
By Msgr. Ge()rge G. Higgins
Direct,or NCWC. Social Action' Depa~tment
Is the, American .press ,adequately and'-objectively _ eovering labor news? ' ... Twi~e during the past .month this question was dis-, cussed in public forums-first on an educational TV program sponsored by The' '. . . 'th RbI' d services that unions provIde for f F d ,D un ' or 'e. epu IC an their members. '. subsequently .at, a laborMr. Townsend expressed the management conference h'eld opinion that there is a lack of under the auspices of the -New' School for Social Research In New York City. Both for urns came to sub\> stantially the 'same conclusion '-namelY, that while labor re'p 0 r tin g has' markedly improved in recent yea r s, it still leaves much to be desired. , Participants
'experienced and .k!lowledgeable reporters capable of g,iving. b~~. anced coverage of. union 'activities. Many, newspapers and magazines" he said, gave a distorted,' biased and inadequate account of organized labor's role in society,.· but it is hard to say, he 'added, how mUqh blame 'should be laid to personal bias and how much to ignorance. Double Standard On the basis of a fairly extEmsive reading of the daily and the weekly press I find myself in substantial agreement with all of the above statements.
In The Fund for the Republic',s TV program on "Labor and the Press" were It is my impression that whiie Gordon M. Cole, public relations labor reporting has greatly imdirector of the International proved in recent years, it is still Association of Machinists, and true to say that the general Sam Romer, labor editor of the press tends to qveremphasize the Minneapolis Tribune. Romer connegative side of labor., relation ~! tended that there has been a 'news .and frequently ,tends to steady improvement in the re-. ,employ ~,double standard. of port,ing of labor news by daily morality, at ·the expense 'of' ~ papers. unions. Cole insisted that "no. group TheSe. faults are not found, in In the United States has suffered ,'equal measure in 'all of, our Dlore than American labor from leading dailies and' weeklies. In Inadequate ,and inaccurate re- my experie'nce,. howev~r, they porting'in our daily' press." He are' sufficiently widespread to charg'cd that the American preSs justify the criticism publicly , tends to play up disagreements directed at the press 'by Messrs. between labor and management, Cole and Gerber 'and privately whereas, in fact, the overwhelm- voiced by the majority of their log majority of all collective confreres in the labor movement. bargaining negot.iations ended Lacks Depth with _peaceful settlements last What can be done about the year. . problem? Well, for one thing, it Enthusiasm for Abuses ought 'to be discussed in public Mr. Cole pointed out that "the much more frequently, not onlT enthusiasm of our daily ,papers by reporters and union repreand wire services' for labor Sentatives, but by the publishers abuses is boundless," while "the of newspapers' and magazines' - abuses' of business are covered, ,who, in the final analysis, are but they are one-day sensations . the . only people who can dO and quickly, forgotten." Romer: anything about' it. . agreed' on' the la~ter point, and Meanwhile, : itythe man' who' \ sugge'st'ed that the solution to the pretends to be an expert· in' the p~oblem is to give equal cove r field of labor-management rela-" age,to abuses on both sides. ' tions if his r~ading 'is confined The second panel at the New to. the general press:' , . School for Social Research was This is said with all' due re": composec 'of Martin d~rber, • spect to the grow~ng numper of' district director of, the Uriited competent labor reporter's on our AutO 'Workers; A. H. Raskin, better - dailies 'and' weeklies. labor reporter on the New York These men are deserving of the Times, and-Edward T. Townsend; highest praise, but ur{fortunately labor editor of Business Week., They spo- ,e on "The Press ,and there are not enough of them" and, with few exceptions-the the Public, Image of Labor." Mr. competition for space·, Deing Gerber echoed the complaints of Mr. Cole about the, alleged' in- what it is in the average newspaper or magazine--even' they, I adequacy and partiality of the as a general rule, are not coverAmerica"n press in its coverage ing labor news in adequate of labor news. ' depth and perspective. Mr. ,Raskin agreed that "vast improve'ment" was still, to be achieved in handling labor news ',. . ... . )The monthly meeting of. the in the general press. He pointed' - out 'that the coverage "of labor Fall River Particular Council, news, even, when technically, ac.. Society of St.Vincent de PaUl,' curate, may omit certain aspects will be held at 7:45 Tuesday evof union activities that are vital ening, April 7, beginning with to .. total picture of the move- benediction 'in Notre Dame lowment, such as the invaluable er church, Fall River. '
ACROSS 1 Stull
1~ ~ii~t~N~
Tl>lRED A .............. AT 1lI 11 Half (prellx) 18 More salntl1' 18 l\[el..dlo·us III tbo .tylo of an.alr _ .. City iu Iowa %l Speaker ' II PreJudlc". per.oD.' II De1Iser" U Palo ' Iii ,Groed1' 11 DI""e.. . ' III Work. te.arel It Commullist leader II P ....e..... pronoull . as Row Sf. Masten 'M ProDoun S8 Forward part S9,Mlot. &II HI>:8 FAlIIILY NAME U (;"rded,woo1 fabric. &5 Ta.k &6 Klud of 1I.1a &1 One wb. e",eel. &8.(Jot·up &9 Sell"menl ',Ill WO....Il·. _ _
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I Arabian rnler & SHE IS
Conduits bit I Ha ua I proOCrmededur. F French river Clllb • Old Testamelll book ,EF'axkbearnste4, ' Mister lab".. I Tamulh . • U.S. Sta" )0
.....68 Nul.alleM 69 Despise. 78 Bequo.t 74 SHE WAS NOT ALLOWED TO 111 Man'. Ilam. 76 Cook slo'll'l1' 77 Pro.perer 79 EIIl.,ve Oil. 83 .Car for blre ,88 Fits 84 Open to ,view 85 Period. 86..Annoy 87 Firm 88 Hallll" DOWlf 1 Fellow. I Render pa,melll
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U More tid1' 45 Sound. 46 SHE IS THE OF THII UTTJ,F. WAY &8 J'erfum. I 49 Hurts
SJlE IS ASSOCIATED WITH A OF BOSES......•.. 53 Comes Jewish ' tOll"~ber revelatloll' li6 W~poll. ,.: books 117 Site Mall'. " ' " lIS Botb~red 60 S~ WAS Panicle , ...... Mall'. Il...... , ONE OW' 1IIIs.lon. f3¥~B"'''''''Small bou.. CONVENT Dr;r Fram. 11 HOllse Dlllmai Kllld of d _ Il! Tbe tIIlllll" , , .' Cbemlcal" U'V"dly compollDd 8lI Heath. . . I. deprived' 611 Custom - ,a,vi. 67 A· ..arm..... J..ar..o"ve••",: 1I8 Analy.e Frellcb rIval' IrraDlJllaUcally, Sea ....lrl. 89 Fen ' Grollp 10, Wateb'lIJ[edlr" Uitbolllld, 11 Cltl.enof a Skin erllptloll. 11.S. Stato HER NATIVE - 7Z Citisen of • J,AND~ Europeall Happ...s,u.... country DI.clo.ed . 14 Apprebend Sounds III 111 Tboulrbt harmolly 18 Seille Frencb rlv. 60 Db.bar..ed Crown. .oldler PNvailoa I. HalllllftT
SoCial inequality, social' injustice and' economic miseq form the basis of all communist propaganda and the main causes of its success, according to the Bishop. Thus efforts to wipe out these evils are the best way of rendering such propaganda ineffective.
LIVERPOOL (NC) - Archbishop John Carmel Heenan of Liverpool has indicated he is having second thoughts about his. predecessor's plan to build • massive, cathedral second ia. size only to St. Peter's in Rome.
Why Settle For Less?
of Steubenville, Ohio, told • meeting at' the 56th annual convention of the National Catholic J!,:ducational Association.
side influence. .'Tor, the Touth, it is th~ time to do or die to make or break. This is why' In my thought, the secondary school period, in these ,Bishop Mussio, who taught ill times, is of such primary impor-thigh school .. anel' college before ance," he' commented. . becoming a priest, said he is so He asserted that "the secondconvinced of the importance 01. ary school of today, whether it Catholic secondary school train- likes the idea or not, 'must plaT, ing that "if 'forced today to in many, instances, the part of choose one of the levell' the home, (and· the teacher of education~primary, second- in u s t ), in certain instances, ary, or collegiate - we would assume the Character of' &be well serve. the, imperative needs . parent." . of modern education by' selecting the secondary..... .
Congressman Favors t:tospital Tax Relief
PERFECTION OIL "'For Your Protecti_
WY 5-7947
. ...;.
and Loan Associatioll
o/·Fall River 1 ~h Main St., Cor. BeclfonI Open ~riday Evening. 'til •
. Emily C. Per~ 562 CovntySt. New BedfonI ·Op,p. St~ lawf'enceChurch
First Federal
New Bedtord
All anticipated dividend of 3114 % will be paid by FIRST FEDERAL of FALL RIVER en all savings'accounts for the I-months period ending June 30, 1959. nu. higher rate is due to our record growth in 1958 ... and to further encourage thrift. START aD acc~unt with . . NOW • • • share in a higher" dividend next July! WHERE you lIave DOES make a difference.
olic Church. Bishop William Bouter of Nellore has also said, after a study of communist progress in India, that Red drives to "discredit" the Church have resulted in widespread defections of CathoJjcs to communism. At the same time, he asserted communist activity has made it difficult to' gain new converts, and in many areas, communism is the chief obstacle to successlul missioI!ary work. Use Every Means Dutch-born B ish 0 p Bouter ·made his study of communist prospects in his capacity as head of the section on Church extension of the Indian Catholie Bishops' Conference. The· prelate .'emphasized the Church as 'their greatest opponent,and thus will continue using every means at their disposal to 'attack her. ' . Aid 'Red Cause But for Catholics to adopt a negative' approach in dealing with the Red threat is no solution, Bishop Bouter said. While the clergy m\.:' '; study communism and know it so well so 'the faithful can be made to understand .. its evils, he declared, positive social action is also vital.
Thinking It Over
A'l'LA,N:r'IC CITY (NC)-High; schools should attend to the social and personal needs of their students and enter into some pattern of supervised social programs, a bishop, who formerly was a high school teach.t;!r,· said. here. "Detachment . will keep Adole!!cence, he said, brings an office hours but, not:the adventurous. pel'.1od in which 'd' Of ,values are reappraised, the inc~nfl ence of t~e young~ , terchange< of ideas explored. and BIshop John ,Kmg MUSSIO ,parental authority'offset byoui-
Missals, Rosaries and oth'er; Gifts
Says Reds Cause Church Leakage Among Indians
Solution on Page Eighteen
WASHINGTON (NC)-A bill to exempt non-profit ~hospitall from payment of"excise taxes hu been introduced in the U. S. House of Representatives by Rep. Aime Forand (D-Rhode Island). 1-"5 bill would extend to non-profit hospitals the exemptionalready granted. non:'profit schools.
TREE·RIPENED DELIVERY: ,Brother Oblate' Jack' M. Gorham, manager of Florida's Saint Leo Abbey citrus packing plant, -hands waybill to Ruben Budkofsky, ~ he sets off fc;>r Saint Joseph's HospitaJ, Bronx, N.:Y., with 18 tons of Abbey tree-ripened ,grapefruit and temple oranges. NC. P'ho.to.- .... _~ ;..-..'. . _. . , ': ,
Thurs., April 2, 1959
BANGALORE '(NC)-Intensive communist activity in India has caused a "definite'set-back" for the Cath-
Prelate Considers Secondary Scho()ls ,.Most Impressiy,e-.N~edof. Educati.on
Council to Meet
,,2666 Noit~ MAIN 'ST.
_..' \ o
Family Clinic
Canon Law StatesRule~ For Ma'rriage Annulment
Award Winners
THE ANCHOR ' Thurs., April 2, 1959
Spotlighting, Our Schools ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEARTS, FALL RIVER S.H.A. won'its sixth game of volley ball out of eight schedlded games when Taunton High and Westport High bowed to the Academy. Debrabl'mt Debaters, represented • by Nanc: LaFleur and Mary Gallagher, were victorious . over New' Bedford High. The decision was unanimously made in favor of S.H.A. who presented the- negative view of the, league topic. Theresa Costa, a senior in the commercial department, is the recipient of an honor certificate awarded by NOMA. Only three Fall River area students achieved this recognition from the Nation'al Office Management Organization.
·By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology Saint Louis University
What are the rules govrning an annulment? Recently a girl in my town received one from the Church after living with her husband for eight months. Next month she's going to get married again and'have a big church wedding. It's being rumored that she sons) that has been consumpaid a lot of money. When mated. , In other words, there is never people ask me about it, I don't know what answer to any question of dissolving. a
valid consummated sacramental give. How did she get her first marriage. marriage annulled? However, Church legislation Allhough you don't know all . the specific details in this case, does provide a dissolution of you can be sure of one thing, marriage in a few special cases. Madge, she wouldn't be per- Among these, the principal ones are: first, an unconsummated mitted to enter a second marriage unless she had a right to marriage in which the parties it according to the Church laws. cannot ,be reconciled, and one There's nothing mysterious about party petitions for dissolution. The Pope may terminate the an annulment. . bond of the unconsummated marThe marriage riage by a decree to that effect. -legislation of Second, if the marriage bethe Church is JUBI LEE MESSAGE: tween r. baptized and a nonclearly stated in Editing a weekly Catholic baptized person breaks down and the Code of ' . . C later one of the partners is con- reVIew IS an arduous task, Canon Law, and verted to' the Catholic faith, a ecclesiadical declared Pope John in 'a spedissolution of the previous noncourts exist in cial golden jubilee message sacramental bond may be grant-, every diocese to to "America," national Jes_ ed by the Pope to allow the con: han dIe any uit weekly. Father Thurston, vert to marry in the Church, cases which may provided the parties. cannot be N·. D~vis, S.J., is, .present come up. The reconciled and scandaJ.is avoided.' editor. Roman Rota, the Pauline Privilege Church's highThe: third case is called the est court of appeal, is the official interpreter of Pauline privilege. This occurs when, 'there has been 'valid the Code and also passes on spemarriage between 'two unbap:" cial cases sen to it from the vari~ ous diocesan marriage courts tized persons, the .subsequent, ROME' (NC/ - ' His Holiness throughout the world. con'version of' one of the part- Pope John XXIII has <tnnounced Hence the first marriage of the ners to the Catholic faith, and • that he plans to participate per- ' girl you mentioned must hav!! the refusal of the non.:.convert - sonally in L. nten services at the been handled by one of these to 'live- in harmony with the con- "stational churches of 'Rome' annulment courts. Since we don't verted spouse, again next :'ear, beginning with have any specific information Under these· circumstances, the blessing and distribution of about this first n.nrriage, we can dissolution of the previous non- ashes at St. Sabina's next Ash only state the general norms sacramental marriage is granted Wednesday. to allow the convert to remarry which govern such cases. 'Pope John revealed bis'inten-' AnnuUn,; Conditions' in the church. tion as he took part in Holy First, evidence may be preNow the first marriage of the Week stational rites at St. Prissented to the court to prove that girl you mentioned, Madge, must ca's which was his titular church a valid marriage contract has have fallen under one of the in Rome when he was a cardinal. never existed-that is, a somany possibilities all too briefly The custom of papal particicalled marriage is null and void outlined above. This is clear from the '1eginning either be- from the fact that she now has pation in the ancient rites at the stational f'hurches had lapsed cause of some existing al1 nullin g permission to, marry in the int" near oblivion since the 14th impediment (age, impotence, exChurch. century. Pope' John revealed' istence of previous marriage But fQu have a further quesduring the second week of Lent bond, prohibited degree of retion, "What about money?" Obhe intendeci to revive it, howlationship, etc.), 'or from lack of viously, . there' are court costs, eve~, and he did so first on the proper consent (caused by force though they are ridiculously low Second Sunda~ of the penitential or fear, defective knowledge of when compared with legal' fees the object of the contract, pre- involved in similar cases in civil season by taking part in the procession and Mass at the station tence of fictitious consent, etc.), courts. of the day, St. Mary~s in Dom- ' or from substantial defect in the Minimum Fee pre&cribed form of celebration For example, the fees in one nica, which is near the Colosseum. (Catholics must t>e married be- -large diocese range from 10 to While participating in the worfore the priest' and two wit- 25, dollars, depending on the na-' ture of the case· and the number ship at sub~equent stational nesses.) churches by no means daily, he If conclusive evidence is of- ' of judges required to hea~ it. did go to a number of them. St. fered that any of these annull- 'When cases must be appealed to Prisca's is the station for Tuesing conditions existed, the court the Rota in Rome, a minimal day in Holy Week. issues a decree of nullity. It charge covering advocate fees ~ should be noted that this decree and printing costs is assessed. does not dissolve a valid marIn all cases; a free' hearing ,or riage; it merely states that no a reduction of the .or:dinary fees ATCHISON (NC) Board,valid marriage was found to is granted if petitioners are poor. room and tuition charges at ,In my study of one large diocese exist. St. Benedict's college here in Only Death 'Dissolves I found that between one-third Kansas will be advanced apSecond, a much rarer ,possibil- and one-half of all cases were" proximately $170 for the twoity is that a valid marriage' bond not required to pay anything. semester yea'r beginning next existed but .las dissolved by the This article hasn't been easy September. Fat her Brendan Church. To avoid all misunderreading, Madge, but I think if Downey, 0.8.0., president point:'. standings let it be stated at once you stuck with ~t to the end, you ed out ,that even ,with, the inthat only death dissolves a sacra- are now reparer' to silence a crease, students will not pay the' mental marriage bond (valid few unhealthy rumors -in your full cost of their education. town. ' marriage between baptized, per-
Pop'eto Conti'nue'
Lent Customs
Don't Cover Costs
CORREIA & SONS ONE STOP SHOPPING C:NTER--, • TeleVision • Furniture • Appliances • Grocery 104 Allen St.. New Bedford • WYman 7-9354 ..,eo-o_O_O_.I_o__ o_a_u-...:. ,
and' Carole Berard. Sister John Mathilda, science instructor, has. been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for graduate studies in biology this summer.
DOMINICAN ACADEMY, FALL RIVER As part of their current good grooming campaign, the student council will conduct an assembly next Tuesday, featuring m-oving pictures ... and student demonstrations. Sister Ovila of St. Margaret's Hospital, Boston, spoke' to students on religious vocations at an assembly in the auditorium. She' outlined the work of the Daughters of Charity and als() explained devotions to the' Miraculous Medal and the Green, Scapular, illustrating her talk by' a filmstrip. Dominican debaters closed' their Narragansett Forensic League season by winning -from, Holy Family and New Bedford High, brin ~ing their season's record to six victories and, two losses. St. MARY'S HIGH TAUNTON Betsey Gale Robbins and Lea E. Cyr will represent the school at the annual Diocesan Science Fair and at the state fair to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They won first and second places at St. Mary's fair, Miss Robbins with an exhibit demonstrating quantitative analysis of crude plat.:. inurn and Miss Cyr with a' chemical analysis of leather. Miss Cyr was also first place winner at last year's Diocesan Science Fair. 'Runners-up in a field of 35 entries were J01Jnne M. Silva
JESUS-MARY ACADEMY, FALL RIVE~ Five seniors, six juniors, three sophomores, and eight freshmen have attained the honor roll for the latest marking period. Awards made to academy studepts include spelling certificates to Colette Robert and Cecile Ducharme, and a trip to Canada to Jeanne Morrisette, winner of an essay contest on Mother St. Cecile of Rome, outstanding member of the Religious of Jesus and Mary. Juniors are participating in a nationwide ,program sponsored by the National Education Assaci~tion: Abraham Lin col n through the Eyes of High School Youth. Essays, plays and poetry submitted to the association will be judged for inclusion in a souvenir book. Mother St. Vincent de Paul, academy principal, and Mother St. Victoire, principal ·of Notre Dame elementary school, represented the community at the National Catholic Education Association, c.onvention held this week, '
.America to Observe Golden Anniversary NEW YORK (NC)---;-E ,:'e.ry Monday morning about 11 o'clock, a dozen or so Jesuit priests begin a meeting Qy. getting down on their knees to pray for divine guidance. They are edi~ors of the national Catholic weekly review, America, which on Sunday, April 5 begins the c-elebration of it.s 50th anniversary of pubilcation. They meet in Campion House, on West 108th Street, between Broadway 'lnd r' "Orlve. This is the editorial office of America, as well as tile residence of the priests who serve in boUl the editorial business offices.
LOWEll, MASS. TelepboDe Lowell GL 8-6333 and GL 7-7.500
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DAUGHTERS OF ST PAUL , Invite young girls, (14-231 10 lobo' .. Christ·s vaSI vineyard as an 'Apostle at the Editions: Press, Radio, Movies- and Tele..ision, Wilh these modern means, th.... I't\lSsionary Sisters bring Christ·, Doctrine 10 all regardless at race. colo, 0' creed. For information write to:· REV MOTHER SUPERIOR 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS•
. ; , ,...•..,.:.'.,../.;.:.~.\ I·,.'.rt.:. . \'~'.(" ....:\~.. ·., .,:,,~t:
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:',. ':~"'-"':"';":::~'~:' ..>n",~.I·'·-·· '-',' ·t·~f:ft
l'lU 1tKJ.'lR~MENT HERE: No-strikes, layoffs or bargaining wit}} management-just 70 years of service to God and man. That's the record of Fathers Joseph W. Sweeney, M.M., 63, of New Britain, Conn., and Hubert M. Pospichal, M.M., of Elma, Iowa, shown ,w,ith a retired K9rean papa"Rn. NC Photo.
Jet. 106 & 15'·
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,' . .
FORceg Hl:RE.
'eM.Y . . eNOUGH.o.
~ :post-Lenten
18 . Thurs., .
:The Parish' Parade
THE. ANCHOI April 2, 1959
Ca,nadia:nCardinal Leger Says Few Realize Catholic Church Benefits
MONTREAL (NC)-Too lI)any Catdinal said. "After giving a Catholics fail to realize the bEm- 'superficial attention, they refuse .NOTRE DAME, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION .' efits which are .theirs as memto Impregnate their daily . lives CRAM STABLE CARHE'L ·FALLRIVER MISSION, MEGANSETT bers of the Church, Paul Emile 'with 'that which :would assure it 'R II ROLlER ARIOSG Cardinal .J.. egf " Archbishop of re'al·value. Money, pleasure, amAHEiS ORATOR BIOO S , The Women's Guild will'sponWAN AV D SEE The Altar Guild will hold a . Montreal, has declared. . bition take -up their interests, 'sOr·1i. cake' sale following Masses· E S ·1 II HEn s party to assist in expenses OAt ORDS liE . Events' of recent months-end their activities and limit their on Sunday, April 12, with Mts. card FR NTicor r HARTl incurred in redecoration of the of the Marian year, death ·of ideals.. Their existence· moves as . R E S A R D. N E . Fabiola Chouinard in charge.' mission. Members. are studying Pope Pit:s XII, election of His if it were outside the Church of '·Next meeting i:. scheduled for -a textbook based on the ConfraoHoliness Pope John XXIII, the which they are members and to I Monday, April 27 with Mr~. ternity of Christian Doctrine _Consistory-gave the world a Which their apathy is prejudicial. Robert Messier as chairman and catechism.' . glimpse of' the place which the "How many there are who Mrs. Andre Roy co-chairman. The group's April meeting is Church occupies, the Cardinal show themselves little fouched' scheduled for the home of Mrs. BACRED HEARTS, pointed -out. It .is unfortunate by the. glory of belonging to the Francis Rose. that daily' ,earthly pre-occupaFAIRHAVEN Church?'" he' centinued. "How tions seem to set up a screen to many Catholics· are there who Louis Rogissart and Aldei ST. JOHN BAPTIST, hide' from nien this reality alstop to meditate on the advanMontplaisir are chairman :and , CENTRAL' VILLAGE' ANSWERS: 1 (c); 2 (d); 3 (d); , ways present in the world,' h~ tages' attached to their title of co-chairman of a planning com4 (a); :> (b); 6 (a); 7 (d); 8 (a). added. sons of the Church? The Ladies Guild will .sponsor mi"ttee for the 50th anniversary "Momentarily stirred, Catho. "Unfortunately, temporal' af·of the parish, to be celebrated' a whist at 8 Saturday night; in 0 ICS lics themselves seem to harden filirs seem to preoccupy all. From July 5. A special committee is .the parish hall with Mrs; Casi~ir themselves against understandthis attachment the result is a doing research on notable events Bartkiewicz as' chairmart.A pot- . Refu~e ing .this pe'rman~~t reality,", the demoralizing materialism, degluck supper will be 'held at 7:30 during the parish history. An radation of morals and absence Thursday evening·.April 9 and COLOMBO (NC)-A Catholic . aimiversary brochure will be of ideals." .' . will be·.followed by election· of, priest lias vehemently' denied' _ . IgIOU$; 0 lay' publishe.d. The Cardinal addressed 40,000 officers.. "completely and absolutely'" a WASHINGTON (NC)-A bill :All parishioners are invited 'to Also scheduled for April is a - Ceylonese cabinet minister's"ac- . - which would ma'ke Good Fr:iday persons at ~ Pontifical Mass in atte"r'ld' the group's next 'meetihg, a· legal. holiday ha's bee·IIIII·ntrothe Basilica of St. ·Joseph's OranSlCheduled for 7:30 next Monday' rummage sale from 10 ·:to 4 on' cusatio.n that the-Church' in, thii .Saturday :the 25th in' the parish country is engaged in 'subversduced in the U.S. House of Rep- . tory, ,world fan~lOus shrine foundnight in the parish hall. . 'hall. ,A mdher 'laughter com- "ive~ctivities." resentatives by i Congressman ed, by the 'late Brother Andre, . b rea kast f "will be held" ST. THERESA'S, ·C.S.C. here. mUnion . Father' Manik' Muttukumaru, Francis E. Dornof New York. SOUTH. ATILEBORO Sunday, May 10. following ''1:30. editor of the' English-language The Holy Name Society will Mass. ~ev. John F. Hogan;. chap- paper the '1essenger, spoke' in lain of ,St.Mary's. Home; New· answer to' charges made· by sponsor a: sports show Saturday ~e,dford,.will speak. Philip Gumiwardena, Minister of evening, April 11 in the church Th~ gl,!,ild's annual banquet .r'ood and Agriculture. haH, featuring the finals of the The cabinet member had desenior Mr;:New England contest. ,is listed for Tuesday, June 16. clared the (,hurch is meddling Boxing, wrestling, judo and mus- IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, in politics. and trying to oust cular control tests will be highNORTH EASTON' 'oJ lighted:' ' , , the present Ceylonese government because of its "progressive Spring activities of the Wo';' OUR' LADY OF ANGELS, , men's Guild will include a cake legislation:" FALL R;lVER The priest pointed out that sale Saturday;' April Hand a· The Women's Guild combined. tE;lephone-whist Monday, April Catholics have never entertained .thoughts, of conspiracy, .nor that i~ regular meeting last nigttt .27. their churches been used for with'a membership potluck supRev. Elbert Gay spoke on work political purposes. per. Mrs. Dorothy Almeida and at a Panamanian leper colony o.ther Catholic spokesmen Mrs.. Alma Viv(!iros were co- . at the guild" 'annual communion chairmen. ' . breakfast.· At the monthly meet- . noted. that Mr. Gunawardena's charges probably stemmed from ing sl ides of activities' at St. Paint and Wallpaper WATER HEATERS ST. PETER'S, Coletta's School, Hanover, were . 'Catholic protests concerni~g . a Dupont Paint 20 gallon capacity DIGHTON' shown by Sister Mary Shawn of . land reform bill introduced in .~ PARKING parFament by his ministry. CathThe Women's Guild will ho~d the school staff. I -_. Rear of Store olics, it was stated, felt obliged a bean supper in the· elementary ~ . ST.. BERNARD'S, to protest because they ·believe school from 5 o'clock Saturday . . .Q..~~. 422 AC~Sh. Ave. the bill is aimed at bringing evening, AprE 11. A . May bas- ASSONET .. ' , cor. MIddle StPIPING AND HEATING poor farmers under too much ket whist is scheduled for next 25' So. Main St.. WY 3-0096 . . . New Bedford The Women's. Guild lias schedgovernment control. . month. . uled a-whist at the Legion Hall ~ Monday even{ng, April 20 ST. MARY'S.
Cross Word$olutjon
t • • :.
Facts of Faith
C ey I'on 'C a. th ICh.·a.rges
R I" e
FAIRHAVEN ST. MARGARET'S,. Benefiting the parish building BUZZARDS BAY ELECTRICAL· fund, a varicit;- show will be A Bean . Supper, under the presented at 8 Saturday and . CONTRACTORS, Sunday evenings, April 11 and 12 joint sponsorship of the St. VinResidential ....:... Commercial cent de Paul Society and Sts.. at _ the Oxford school, North Industrial Fairhav( .', Mr. and Mrs.-Antone. Margaret and Mary Guild, will be served Saturd<i-y evening in F. Cardoza are directing a'nd 633 Broadway, Fall River have scheduled many specialty' the,tfarisl) Hall from 5:30 to 7. OS 3~1691 acts. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, .~..~c.~~=~~~dtJ;::l:::liCiQ~::n:~n:::i~~!3 ST; FRANCIS
XAVI~R,. :.'
HYANNIS Members ()f the Women's Guild A penny sale will be conducted··. will attend Mass and receive cor- . Thursday, April 23 by the. Wo- . "pc:irate' ~colrtm:union at 'S'Sunday' men's Guild. Motion pictures and . ITlorni!1g,. The 'Mo~day', April 6, a travel talk by Mrs. Gerald L ... guild m'eetingwill' feature a. Doherty, Falmouth, highlighted c~ramics' '~emonstratio~: , the group's last meeting, at The. guild and Holy Name which Mrs. Robert O'Neil'al~o Soci'ety will co-sponsor a lawn' displayed priests' 'vestments she. party Thursday, Friday and Sat:. had'designed and ~ade. urday, May 28, 29 and 30. ' .
UPHOLSTERING ,ALL WORK CUSTOM MADE DA Y - WY 2-2891 NIGHT - WY 1 68IZ 248 North Front St. New Bedforil
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Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street New Bedford WY 6-5661
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Plumbing - Heating
915 Acushnet Ave.' At Weld Square
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1320 No. Main St., FALL RIVE~
NBtD Bedford's Uading ; Plumber
J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St. New Bedford WY 3~3222 ,;
.. Sports .Chaffer
'.,- -
Natio~al Catholic" Champs Seek Repeat' f;Jt Newport"
sader's fantastic yearlings, were ton Catholic (19-2) at 4:30 and ESCIT All Stars last year. All Hallows,' New York City ( 1 9 - 5 ) has Baseball on Scene d raw n Bishop Baseball is just. around the McDevitt, Harcorner despite the stormy weekr i s bur g, Pa. end, The area schoolboys are 23-2) in the 9 scheduled to launch their season o'clock finale. about the middle of the month The feature 'but New Bedford: Tech, under contest of what Coach Jim Regan, .former 'H~ly promises again Cross standout, ,beat everyone to be the ultiaway froin. the mark with a five mate in schogame southern "trip. The Red lastic hoop play , Raiders found the Dixie compe-' pit s defending "" ' tition too much, however.' Lack GSCTT titlist and national Cath-, of outdoor practice proved an olic champion, Archbishop Car- insurmountable hurdle. roll of Washington, D. C. (29-2) The Red Soxinove' into' the against Power Memorial of New championship season. April 11 York City (27-3)' in a 7 o'clock and ,on April 14 they'll be at encounter. home in Fenway. Missing from These are indeed phenomenal the cast will be two-thirds of records. Yet at least four of the best all round outfield in these schools are quite familiar major leagtie ball last year. Ted ,on the Newport scene. St. Peter:s Williams is expected to be out and All Hallows h;lve two legs for an indefinite period ,with a on the major tournament a)Vard, n~k' iI'ilm'ent, while JUn' Piedall the Bishop Russell J. McVinn~y henceforth will: perform' in h Cleveland spangles~ , Cup. Trenton Catholic and Arc The, Popular Piersall 'has ha'd bishop Carroll have each won ,it one of the best Spring training once. Three tournament titles are necessary to retire the Cup. periods of hiS career. Jim' currently is hitting a solid .313 and o the r t r 0 phi e s will be his performance was' so encourawarded the teams finishing in aging that the Indians jumped at the first four places, the winner the oportunity to peddle La'rry of the consolation tourney, to Doby a couple ot weeks ago. ; the three outstanding players, to Standing in for' the departed the winner of the foul shooting Piersall will 'be Gary Geiger: a contest and to the two groups throw-in in the 'deal that sent and to the two individuals furnJimmy' to' Cleveland. Gene Steishing the best entertainment at phens, Williams" veteran caddy, the daily luncheons. will no doubt spell the big man Social Aspect in left. The veteran Vic' Wertz Tourney participants and their is slated to open'at first base. At entourage will be treated roy- short will be Buddin or Green, ally, New England style, during the first negro to break the color their 'four day stay in N ~':,;p:>rt. barrier at Fenway. The team has Launching the gala weekend power. Pitching remains ,the will be a dinner-dance on ,Wed- question marK. ' nesday evening. ,Girls from St. Holy Cross Star';" Catherine's Academy, Newport, "'voted into the '~ol{¢iq~~,iI~n will be the players' guests; '" of F<t me iast' week: was Red Sox 'Thursday morning 'will ':be scout' Fred' Magti.ire,' f<>'rrner given over to sight seeing with major leagues~cond:'6aseinan guided tours of the Naval estab- arid e~ varsity ba~ebaIi coac'h at lishment, historical sites and Boston College. New York atscenic places. Mayor Henry 9·- torney Joseph T. Higgins also Wilkinson will extend the. city's \vasselected for "honors.' He is greetings at Thun'r!ay's l~'l:heon cons'idered the 'first great track which will be preceded by a star at the Cross, Class of 1916. basketball clinic co'nducted' by Maguire w,as grad~ated in 1922.. Lester M, Fuchs, one of the,,' StopehiUCoilege: is slated for tourney's referees. an early .start 'on the diamond On the social calendar for Fri- with an April 11th date sched: day will be more visitations. uled with Lowell Textile. Coach Featured speaker at the lunch": Gene Savard in his first year at eon to follow will be Jim. Duffy, the Chieftains' helm has had his NBA official and former major charges outside' for~ ·a few sesle,,"ue baschall arl.'·:."':', Jim cur- "sions. Candidates, for team inrently is working the NBA play- clude a number of local high offs. His stories of the bigtime school stars. Those reporting: will no doubt hold the rapt, at- Phil Travi!;, Swansea; Paul Daly, tention of the youthful hoop Randolph; Pat Joyce, Roslindale; aspirants, many of whom hope to Bill Buckley, Arlington; Ed emulate several of their ESCIT Monteiro, Wareham; Clyde Bririi, predecessors who are now per- Plymouth; Bob Boudreau, Fall forming in the NBA. River; Dick Costello, Brockton; The Most Reverend Russell J. Pete Connolly, Rye, N. Y.; Pete McVinney, D.D., Bishop of Prov- Giambranco, Dedham; Bob Lotidence, will address the Saturday terhand, Quincy; Fred Mansulla, luncheon, which will be held at Brockton; Tom' Foley, Norwood; the Naval Base Commissioned Frank Pierson, Yonkers, N. Y.; Officers' Club. Guests at the af- and Bill Gibney, Somerset. fair will be Rear Adm, Edmund B. Taylor. Commander Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet and Rear Adm. Henry Crommelin, ComRev. William F. Gartland, mander, Naval Base, Newport. C.S,C., has been'appointed direcOn hand for the tourney festor of athletics at St!'nehill Coltivities proper will be a plethora lege, succeeding Robert, V. Daly, of college coaches each seeking who will devo full time to basto interest outstanding players ketball coaching. ' to further their education at colA graduate of Notre Dame arid leges they represent. Many of Catholic Universit~<FatherGartthe tourney's' top-flight person- land was formerly .athletic di';' rector at Father 'Baker High 'School, "Bu'fialo, where he RIVERPALE (N,C) - Faculty ,coached John Dingens, Detroit members at Manhattaii College , University fullback and pro foothere in New York State will act bail draftee, and Ray Albee, Deas editorial consultants for all troit's leading basketball scorer ', future volumes the 150-vol- and team ·captain. Father' Gartland has been on ume "Twentieth Century Ency'clopedia of Catholicism. Broth- the Stonehill faculty since 1956. er Celestine Luke, F.S.C" of the He is also director, of,. student Manhattan theology faCUlty, will 'acti~iti~s' ~nd assistant professor of theology. be coordinating' editor.
New Athletic Head At Stonehill College
, THE ANCHOR...., '
Thurs., April 2, 1959
'19 j
Golf Tou~r-'I'~ment In So. Yafi'mouth
By Jack Kineavy' " The 22nd annual Eastern States C8:tholic Invitation Tournament is ,scheduled to get underway .:th\s afternoon at 3 P.M. at Rogers High, Newport, when Centra,l Cathol!c, Allentown, Pa. (20-6) takes on St. Peter's Prep., 'Jersey City (22-3). nel-Cousy and Heinsohn to DeLaSalle Academy, New- mention two-have matriculated port (13-11) the host at Holy Cross. Dave Slattery and school--dashes with Tren- Ken McClory, two of the Cru-
New Consultants
. •LL
A Golf Tournament. under the sponsorship of the Holy Name Society of St. Pius Xth Parish, , So. Yarmouth, will be held Sunday, April 12th, at th" Bass River Golf Club. Entries for all amateur golfers are now being accepted by Thomas J. Martin, P O. Box 727, West Yarmouth. The fee is four dollars. Play will be in two divisions a Holy Name championshi~ brac~et and a guest division for amateurs. Gross and net prizes will be awarded in each diVision. Special awards will be given for ,drive nearest to the ,pinon certain short. holes, long,~st drive, most sevens; most "bitdies' and a special door prize. , , Starting' "time 'will be between , 8 ,o'clock in th'e ~orning' and 1 , .o'Clock, in the afternoon. Early entr.ies will be given their choice , of times. "
CYO 'EASTER. ,TOURNAMENT: Don Murray, SS. Peter and PaUl" FaU,:River, and Rir:hard Conley,)St. Tijeresa's CYO, Attleboro, excitedly await the ' toss-up;f~orn ' Referee Don L'Heureux, in Fall River's CYO Hall at the stai'tof the elimination of the tournament listing 24 teams from all sections of the Diocese. '
C'ardina'l'Agagianian Praises Japanese '
TOKYO (NC)-The religioWl freedom existing in Japan ba6 been warmly pra\sed by His SomeGr~des Eminence Gregor~o Pietro XV Cardinal Agahianian. Continued from" :fage One only. No one can be' c~nsider~d The Cardinal, Pro-Prefect of taining this gOal," Bishop Shehan tr~lyeducated 'in .this modern the Sacred Congregation for'the comm:~nted:'",:~, ~. ; ." :: :," ',~" ',' world without. at least a basic, Propagation of the Faith, also " "In' ,certain' localities, 'wJtere knowledge cf science." ", ~~,-,ded the Japanese people~s inwith ~xisting i>la~t, personnel Insofar, as the charge is' true dustrfal and social activity, w~ich and' resourc'es, ,it seems imposs- that, Catholic colleges have rehe ,called "a sign of their determible, to proviCle full ,Catholic, ed- laxed their emphasis on the lib- .ination to defend and uph,oJd ucation for all Cattiolicchmiren, "eral arts, "it undoubtedly has ,everywhere the dignity. of ,man' the, quesfion has' ,b~en, rliised been due to the trend of the and his God-given rights., about the advisability 'ol"offertimes and the influence of ac- "The Cardinal, ~oncIuding, ing every, child' Cath61~c, ed~ca- crediting agencies on whose de- eight-day' visit to the country, tion iira certain .level. "'! "cisions th,e survival of our young expressed his appreciation for ,, '" ' " " , jnstitlltions, of" higher learning "the courteous respect and honor .' "Since . young: ' children', ,'are often depend." paid to the humble n:presel)tamore completely under the contive of His Holiness Pope J olua trol of their parents, since it is Lay Teachers' . common experience that during In his discussion of the need XXII!." Declaring tilat he had the younger years attention and for teachers, Bishop Shehan said been "deeply impressed by the interest can be held by extracur- . the major teaching burden in beauty and grandeur of this great ricular religious instruction, and pre-college education wnI con- nation of Japan," he added that 'since neither of these conditions tinue to be borne by nuns, but 'he would "always treasure' a hold" true during -the years of lay teachers have begun to play memorable sOJ,lvenir of this' Dation, its 'lovable people,' and 'the adolescence, thought might well an important role'. audience with His Majesty the be givefl to a plan to provide all ,,, Urging care in recruitment and 'Emperor." ,cpHdJ;en, with,C,ath,olic e~ur.atjon, I, provision, for the' laity, he said ,say, ,{rpm ,the, seventh W" the that "certainly we cannot ex: ... SI;FORE . YOU . twelfth, grade~", ' " .pecl. to" get properly' qualified , Need for'.Science'., ,lay personnel ,if they 'are"conBUY ~ TRY ,. " " I,Other matters highlighted ,by ,sidered,'merely·temporarysubBishop Shehan included': "'" '" stitutes for, religious teachers:'! .New emnhasis, Q1ust~ given ' "While we shall hilve' to loeik I : ,t~e skill!;, ofr!'lacI'ing andW,riting '.to' all Catholic' lay teache~s for , an(;l'the study' of na turql sciences, a ,willingness to make' sacrific'es " OiOSMOBILE' ,", ~thoug4 caution must lJe exercised ,for the 'cause of Catholic 'educa, ,that, science course~ do, not, be- 'tion, yet their' just' ren'nlriera- , Ilenault • Peugeot • Simcci come mere ""er'ash programs';' tOtion, 'their security and their de67 ,Middle Street', 'Fairhaven f,ill an, immediate need ,or. ,"elite velopment become for us an prngrams'; for gifted students obligation to which we cannot be blind," the Bishop declared.
Suggests Dropping
Leaves Boa rd NOTRE DAME (NC)-Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, said here he will not accept reappointment to the Civil Rights Commission whim his two-year term 'expires nex:t fall. , ' , Father Hesburgh said he accepted the appointment from President Eisenhower in 1957 with the understanding that 'it would' be for two years only. He said his decision not to accept reappointment should not be interpreted as a si gn of. diss'atisfaction with the commission's work.
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Automatic Coal Stokers Bag Wood. Coal and Charcoal
- THE ANCHOR :. urs., April 2, 1959
D· h o~ A.u.. · "1'!Jli"vw6.~ Guw '" ,~f. Honor .~.
I,n ~ ~ - ~',,,!Bedford High praise of St. Lawwence's p3rish, New Bedford. was ex~ressed by the Most· . Rev:' James L.Connolly,D.D., Bishop of Fall River,' and his . auxiliary, the Most Rev. James ~. Gerrard, D.D. V.G. ata reception ho~~':":ng newly-consecrated Bishop Gerrard; tendered· by' members of the parish at Kennedy Center, New Bedford. . Terming St. Lawrence's a center of Catholic activity, Bishop €onnolly singled out for spe.cial· mention parochial support of the IlewBi~hop Stang regional high'
; I
C· A -· ongress' ,9(Un.
" Lauds University For Emphasis On Spiritual
Wa rns nt.roY: 0,:, :Re.d··.·A.p. athy'
school. H" was gratified too. he COU' said, at the. demonstration of affection and admiration shown lJishop Gerrard. . WASHINGTON (NC) Bishop '}errard; . to.o, comWASHINGTON (NC):-A men ted 'on the faith and charity. charge that Americans have· · A cabinet officer lauded of St. La\,;rence's parfsh. as ,evi- been too--'p'athetic toward Georgetown University here denced in its' past ,and .present .,.,.. . for its emphasis on the spirhistory. He expressed gtatit~de communism lately has b~en itual motivation of education. lio all those assisting .in arrangemade by the House Committee Awarded an honorary doctorments f"r the rec~ption. on Un-Americ1:!n Activities. i.n its ate of laws at the school's spring .~'. Thou!:lands' Atfend annual report.· \ convocation, Arthur S. Flemming, o.ver .3,000 parishiOIiers ~were, "It is the studied judgment of Secretary of Health, Education present at the three-hour recepthis committee that the commun·and Welfare, said he had "long Uo"ri. lii~hli'(hted by 'the entrance ist apparatus in the U. S. is more admired the outstanding contri;' Of. the two Bishops in their epis": treacherous " ana,' in some. re:' 0'butions" the Jesuit-conductild robes and. tliei'r 'passing s'pects, a greater menace than university "has made to the ad;" through a guard of honor formed eyer'· be~ore," the committee vancelpent of the good life In tty men. and .women 0 £ the parish.· reports. ~_ '- :. . 'this !=ommunity,' in our nation, :Tnroughout the .eveqirig those .' Thecominittee also· stated: ·and in the other nations of tile' ·.pce·sentflocke(; to the Bishops to, . l).Rus~iil· -AIttbassador ·lVIik -. , ' world." ii:Jss -tjleir rings Music was pro-'.hail M~nshikov and Soviet DepSecretary Flemming said ~ videdby .an, orchestra: arid the· uty Premi.er Ariasias 1. Mik,oyan, . ·was thinking of Georgetown's ie'nior" choir of· Sf: Lawrence'srecen( visitor, did '~yeomanpro'p , contributions in the professional murch. A large' committee of 'aganda service"', for the :q. S. . ".areas, of the help it has ~iven in yourig. of. the parish communist party ~qd the'Krem-, strengthening "the concept of attired ,in evening dresses served lin. . ,0' liberal arts education in the na~freshments.· ." " . 2) There;s're-ason to believe tion," and "of the constant em. Tribu,c was paid to' the' llewarguments : that' the U.S. ·Red phasis that / Geargetown has Bish'op by laY. representatives of movement is 'dead "are part of a . placed on the' fll'Ct that the purthe parish,' inclUding Dimiel F. deliberate effort to deceiv'e the suit of knowledge can have real Dwyer, g'enenil chairman of the American people."" , - meaning only as it is motivated r-eception; Attorney William S. 3) Laws-should be adopte4' ;eby and related to great spiritDowney, who described Bishop strieting cominunist'propagandais ual laws." Gerr~rd's activities in the par- , flow into this couniry by maiL He said too that he knew ish; Attorney William M. Conroy, Devious Routes Georgetown "will hold tenawho gave a history'of the Church - The committee said if the U. S. ciously to the concept that puriR New Bedfor·. and presented a public doesn't awaken 'from its suit of knowledge can have real purse to Bishop Gerrard on be:' apathetic appr9ach to' coIrimun':'~ FIRST PONTIFICAL AN EP haif'of the parish; and Dr, Arthur ism, the party will take advan-" .I . D REC TI9N: Auxiliary ·meaning only as it is motivatedF: Buckley, master of ceremoll- tage of this favorable: condition Bishop Gerrard w.as the guest of honop at. a reception tenby and related to the great spiritual laws revealed by the Lord ills." ' ' ' f o r regainingthE('power: it for:': der~d' by the' parishioners of St. Lawrence's Church, New .' Bea~tiful decorations enhanced merly possei;sed;:~,·' Bedford, at'the Kennedy -Memorial Center in New Bedford and Master of alL" lite .. setting of th.:l happy occa,.. . It also' warned ,·that ,commun- . Sunda'y nigh( Tpe ,new Auxilia,ry ,( upper)eft)" chats wit,h' a.ion, with .. palms' and Easter ,ism's impact cannot be measured , . . 6~ies used. as a decorative motif. . by the m~mber of party membe,rs. . the diocesan Qrdiilary, Bishop Connolly (left) and Attqrney . ~ish,op, C.errard's sister" brother The Reds put. greai' store inWiliiam M. Conroy whopr~sente.d, Bish9pGerrarda purse , and. sister-in-law were present "quality" rather than' "quantity." .. on behalf of his' parishioners. Bishop. Gerrard 'talks to his ~ share in the honor paid him. . The report ·said an estimated parish assistants (upper righ~)--; Left to: right are Fathers' Several tim'es in the.. course of 10 million' ~epar~te . pieces o~' John J. Murphy, Jui:lti~ ',J. Quinn and Arthur K . . Wingate: ICE CREAM .!,!vening the planned pr.o-, propaganda from the .commun-:(P'am was delayed by Spontan-.ists were'mailed irito the"u.S.. Bishop Gerrard'exterids his blessing to the congregation ,. LEO H. BERUBE. Mgr• eO~s ovationsfrom theaudiellce during 1958. If noted not all this' . (below) following the' 'celebration of. his Pontifical mass; . i!N'. both Bishops. came from, the Soviet bloc but 951 Slade St. Tel. Of. 1-7836 some from Red age-ncies in friendly countries lIUP.h as' \ Canada. . NEW DELHI (NC)-Charges Christians in the National ParliaContinued from Page. One that, India's Catholics are not ment as well.as in the legislative \ " . ' Religion Continues oIic as they are for non-Cathoadequately represented in the assemblies of '.he states. Among lic" . country's legislative bodies will . other points noted is the t'reatTo Bother Reds Another example is Federal ROME (NCj"':"'A Russian Jes- be examined by the head of the ment· of Christia:. missionaries PRESCRIPTIONS aid to private schools. He said uit priest said' that the Soviet ruling Congress party. in, some states,' the virtual ban Joseph A. Norris, Jr. be thinks a good case can be. authorities are still greatly con',l'he Catholic Union which rep- on the entry of !oreign missio.nReg. Pharm. made for, direct .help to the pupil . cerned. with the survival of re- resents the country's laity made aries and the official government 686 Pleasant St. and his parents. But, he added, ligiolls, sentiment \ within the the charge in r~sponse to a Con- campaign in .favor of birth New Bedford a Catholic legislator could op- Soviet: Union. . . gress party request for informa-. control. ' . pose such aid in good conscience WYman 3-3918 tion on the position of religioul! Father Teofilo Horacek, rector if he saw too many practical of the Pontifical Russian College. minorities in India. The docu-' and constitutional obstacles or here, told a study group that the ment has been given the Con;'~""'--------------; £eared' government control of the religious spirit .of the Russian gress party president, Mrs. Inschools. There is no "official" or people is one of the survivals" dira Gandhi, daughter of Prime dogmatic position on such issues, of pre-Soviet Russia which has Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Fath~rs be said. The Union document complains the communist leaders most The Senator observed the best concerned. . of "most inadequate" represenI BOYS. WANTED for the ehristian politician is not necPriesthood and ·Brotherhood. As an example of the concern, tation of Catholics and other essarily the ot;le seen most often' Father Horacek cited a recent lack of funds NO impediwith Churcl} leaders or,who' talks Russian novel. The novel fea- .~,-------------_.-~--_. =" ' . • ment. . most about Christian political a' teacher who represents' Write to: : 365 NORTH FRONT STREET ~ . and social teachings-though he tures the' state, engaged in a discus-must know and understand p . O. Box 5742 : NEW BEDFORD ~ sion with the Church represented ': Fuel Oil Treatments: them." by .l! pope. _ . ' . , Baltimore 8. Md. : . WYman 2-5534 : The Christian politician, SenNaturally, in the course of the : Are Ideal' For Churches" ator McCarthy said, "must re- argument the author lets, the r:' Schools, Convents, Orphan-: member how dangerous' it' is to teacher .win. Yet the fact that -~--------------------ages, and Re'ctories. , : render to· God the. things that argumentative attacks against :. REDUCES Service C~lIs " are Caesar's; just as 'it is danger- the the Church are still' going on , ous to render to Caesar the indicates the official concern , _ Due To Dirty Strainers . : .... things that are God's!" . felt in the' face of surviving ' : : ~ue'l 1./ l·n~s A Christian politiCian has ob- religious sentiment, the priest'-I ,.Jl '-1 ligations to bot' the Ghurch and stated. . , . . t,be state aqd they should not be rr1 eonfused, he emphasized.': . College Expands : lin ' DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS CRESSON (NC) -,- Ground-: .' ~/C:' '. Due Next Month breaking ceremonies: for a'~: RUSSELL.T. STONE .,' VATICA!'~ CITY (NC)-Arch- $450,000 dormitory bu.ilding a t '" B 'kt Ch em. C' ,, .. ' . , ,rocon o. bishop Egidio .vagnozzi, new Ap- Mt. Aloysius Junior College here· , 34 Silver: Road : . MAIN OilflCE ~ 10 DURFEE ST., .FALL RIVER ~~olic Delegate to the U. S., will .. in Pennsylvania are scheduled' . , . I . Jeay¢ Italy for his, Washington April ·6~. The' new structure will' " ,Brockton 19, Mass. .: post April 12., f . ho.use ,1OOstu.den. ts.' ,: JUniper 6-3080,-." .~., o
9~DlJb .' f
'Indian Catholics Ask for 'Voice
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