
Page 1

Cardinal Tells Delegates

Church Committed To Total Education "We are not glvmg up," proclaimed Terence Cardinal Cooke of New York as he viewed the widespread closing of schools and the depletion of religious in schools for the National Catholic Educational Association in convention in New York. ' The 67th annual convention with 10,000 delegates heard the Cardinal state that the Church has a commitment to total education and that it would carry it out from pre-school to adult programs.

"It is not true to say that the policy of the American Church with regard to the Catholic School System is· in doubt. . "It is not true to say that we are gradually getting out of the' business of education. . "It is not true to say that the vocation of religious teachers in Catholic schools is less important or less relevant than work in other apostolates," the Cardinal emphasized. "It is the mission of the Church to teach, to educate, to create a community of love and the Catholic school is certainly

Parish Assignment$ Affect Five Priests





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one of the best means of achieving this," the prelate explained. He went on, "When the Catholic Church ceases to educate or ceases to try to develop a sense of community in her children, on that day she has become unfaithful to her Founder and unfaithful to the world' whose leaven and whose conscience she is appointed to be. "We recognize if we care to provide total education, there's a need for more efficient restructuring of resources and programs and for a more innovative use of personnel and facilities; for a more realistic system of research and planning. It can be done." The Cardinal warned against provincialism and isolationism as having "no place in the e<.!ucational world in the nineteen seventies. Provincialism could occur, the Cardinal stated, in the un'willingness "to share with parents their primary rights and obligations in the development and education of their youngsters." To help this, the Cardinal welcomed decentralization and community control. Is there isolation from public education? "Today the grave needs of all education in the nation," the prelate ,explained, "~all for a new, partnership of public and non-public educators throughout the United States." In reference to student demonstrations, the eminent New Yorker explained, "They may be trying to tell us something of their longing for oneness. It

Primary Job Education FR. DAIGLE


To Nort~ A"leboro

To Fall River

His Excellency, the Most Rev. Bishop announced to-

day t.he transfer of one pastor, the appointment of an adminstrator and the transfer of two assistants. Rev. George Daigle; pastor of St. Roch Church in Fall River, becomes the new pastor of Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro. Named administrator of St. Roch Church, Fall River, is Rev. Rene Gauthier, assistant at St. Anthony of Padua Church, New Bedford. Rev. Maurice H. Jeffrey, assistant at St. Roch Church, Fall River, ~i11 go to St. Anthony of Padua

Church, New Bedford, as assistant, and Rev. Roland Deschenes, assistant at St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, will assume the same position at St. John the Baptist Church, Fall River. The Bishop also approved the nomination of Rev. Antonio P. Pinto, C.M. by Very· Rev. Fernando Veiga, Provincial of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians), from Mount Car!'TIel Church, New Bedford, to St. Michael Church, Fall River, as assistant. Rev. George Daigle, son of the late Sanuste and Victoria (Jalbert) Daigle, was born in St. Turn to Page Six



To Fall River

To New Bedford

To Fall River FR•• PINTO

KINGSTON (NC) - Education is .the primary task of the Church in t.he vital work of development, Archbishop John J. McEleney, S.J.,. of Kingston, Jamaica, said here. And education is the Church's greatest achievement in Jamaica, the Boston-born archbishop told NC News. "The important achievements in education, and the association of the Chur~h in meeting social problems and in assisting the poor" are being undertaken with the collaboration of other churches and in cooperation with the government, especially since Jamaica's independence, he said, Independence, the archbishop said "automatically made all churches aware of doing their part to have independence succeed." The Archbishop described how Jamaica's churches are cooperating not only in education but also in solving other problems of national life. The churches, he noted, were the first sponsors of education and they are now working together in revising curricula in response to new trends. Secondary school curricula, he said, are being revised for students who are not going to college, vocational training is being emphasized and Christian churches are cooperating witl) , the Jewish community in estab:' Iishing basic schools to meet the needs of the disadvantaged. Turn to Page Six


An Anchor of the Soul, SU're and Firm -


- .

Fall River, .Mass. Thursday, Aprol 2, 1970 PRICE IDe Vol. 14, No. 14 © 1970 The Anchor $4.00 per Year g

Suggest Retirem-ent Fund for Sisters COLUMBUS (NC)-A recjmmendation that each Catholic school in Ohio pay $400-per-year per working nun "for the benefit of the retired and infirm Sisters" has been made by a committee which comprises four of the state's Catholic Bishops, major religious superiors and diocesan school of. ficials here. Bishops Clarence Elwell of Columbus, John Mussio of Steubenville, John Donovan of Toledo and James Malone of Youngstown attended. Whether the $400-per-year and other recommendatio~s, are accepted as state policy, will be determined at a later meeting of all Ohio's bishops. The me~ting was the tl)ird between the bishops and.major superiors, sponsored by the Catholic Conference of Ohio. Recommendations made in December 1968 and March 1969 resulted in state standards for teaching Sisters' salaries. Under the plan, Sisters' sal-

Film on Eucharist Award Winner NEW YORK (NC) - A 10minute color film produced for American television has taken first place in the worldwide competition sponsored by the International Catholic Association (or Radio and Television. Meeting in Monte Carlo, a jury of broadcasters representing 15 countries voted the prize by unanimous acclamation to the film "Eucharist," produced by St. Francis Productions of Los Angeles. The film, part of a series on the Eucharist focuses on the sacraments through the use of symbolism. Prince Ranier of Monaco presented the award, a sculptured dove, to Charles Reilly, executive director of the United States National Catholic Office for Radio and Television and head of the American delegation to the 12th annual UNDA festival. Accepting the honor in behalf of the U. S., Reilly noted that the film "Eucharist speaks the language of teleVIsion in. the effective manner broadcasterslalways strive for and rarely achieve." The NCORT executive praised the Franciscan Fathers, calling them "the most creative group working for the Catholic Church . in religious programming today."

aries should be $1,800 this year; $2,200 during the 1970-71 school year and $2,500 for the 1971-72 school year. If the additional $400 per working Sister is put into effect by 1972 as recommended, a parish's cost per Sister will be $2,900. Mother M. Eileen Pentecost of Akron, a Dominican, chairman of the group's finance committee, explained the reasons for the $400 per year request this way: Conservative estimates show the average cost to support a working, non-wage earning Sister is $1,000 per year; to support an infirm Sister, $2,800 per year. "It is proposed that the basis of a solution is the wage earning Sisters in each diocese and parish," she said. . Bishop Malone said, if the proposal is accepted, "the money should be put in a formal retirement fund by each community," s'uggesting Sisters and "any other part of our Church" seeking funds must base their app,eal on a full, public accounting of their funds. ' Other recommendations included: rhat each diocesan superintendent of schools arrange small group meetings of all pastors and principals to determine responsibilities in operation of schools. That minimum standards for religion teachers, department chairmen and coordinators, be accepted. That religious communities supply parishes with persons trained in religious education and parishes finance training of Sisters in this field, with a guarantee that the parish will get a trained Sister for its money. That dioceses implement continued education of priests in the field of religious education. That there should be collaboration between clergy and religion teachers for the benefit of the children taught and as a means of furthering Ii,turgical renewal on the parish level.




Installs Auxiliary Of Alaska See

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 2,: 1970




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JUNEAU (NC) Auxiliary Bishop Francis T. Hurley of Juneau formally was installed in office at ceremonies in JuneauDouglas High School here. Archbishop Joseph T. Ryan of Anchorage officiated at the rites and was a principal celebrant at the Mass which followed. There was a reception tendered by Gov. Keith H. Miller of Alaska and Mrs. 'Miller. Members of the Alaska legislature, plus churchmen and other' dignitaries attended the reception in the governor's mansion. Also present were Mrs. Mark Hurley of San Francisco, mother qf the new bishop; Bishop Mark J: Hurley of .Santa Rosa, Calif., a brother, who was principal consecrator at Bishop Hurley's episcopal ordination earlier in San FranCisco. \ The new auxiliary bishop had been associate .g~neral secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the United States Catholic Conference in Washington.



Diocese of Fall River




AU5ptCI. Jil4"RIA




Rev. George S. Daigle, pastor at St. 'Roch Church, Fall River, to Sacred Heart Church, No. Attleboro, as pastor. I Rev. Rene G.' Gauthier: assistant" at St. Anthon~ ,of 'Padua Church, New Bedford to. St. Roch Church, Fall River as administrator.' I ' Rev. Maurice H. Jeffrey, assistant at St. Roch Churc,h, Fall River, to St'. Anthony of' Padua Church, New Bedford as, assistant. Rev. 'Roland J. Deschenes, assistant at St. Joseph Church, . ,New Bedford to St. John the Baptist Church, Fall River as assistant. Assignments arc effective Wednesday, April 15, 1970. NOMINATION APPROVED I

Dishop Connolly has approved the following nomination made "by the Very Rev. Fernando Veiga, C.M., prpvincial of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)::

, Necrology

Rev. Antonio P. Pinto, C.M., assistant at Our Lady 6f Mount Carmel Church, New Bedford, to St. Michael Church, Fall River as assistant. ' Assignments effective Wednesday, April 15, 1970. \





Bishop of Fall, River.


2:fI .


RARE IF NOT UNiQUE CEREMONY: For the fir:t time in the memory of those familiar with the matter, a bishop received episcopal ordination at the hand,; of his brother, as Bishop Mark J. Hurley of Santa Rosa, Calif .• laid hands on his brother, Bishop Francis T. Hurley, in the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus in San .Francisco. Bishop Francis Hurley will serve in the diocese of Juneau, Alaska. NC Photo.

Amateur Barber AbO,rt,Don on. Demand


NEW YORK (NC) - The' 25 decline of morality within ',our Catholic Bishops of New York society." The prelates added: . State have called on the state assembly to defeat a sweeping "We affirm the principles I,exabortion bill approved by the pressed in the United Nations' state senate. Declaration on the' Rights I of The Bishops of New York's Child that the child, by reason of eight' dioceses denounced the his physical and, mental iminameasu're, saying it was "funda- ,turity, needs special safeguards mentally detrimental to our so- and care including proper legal protection befor~ as well as after ciety." birth. Government must safeThe bill would enable a woman guard and preserve the right of to obtain an abortion after con- innocent human beings to life. sultation with a physician.', It 'It comes from God himself." , places, no provisions on when ,and where an abortion may be Mass Ordo performed: Opponents claim it I permits abortion on demand, FRIDAY - Easter Friday. White. since no grounds are stipulated Mass Proper; Glory; Sequen,ce; in the legislative proposal. , Creed.' . Gov. Nelson Rockefeller fa- SATURDAY - Easter Saturday. Whfte. Mass Proper; Glory; Sevors changing the state's abor-' : tion law but has not commented quence; Creed. directly on the Senate-approved . SUNDAY -:- First Sunday After Easter. White. Mass Proper; measure. Glory; Creed; Preface of Easter. The Bishops stressed that hu- MONDAY-Annuniciition of The man life, even though unborn, is Lord. Solemnity.' White. sacred and inviolable. Denounc-" (Transferred from March 125 ing the measure, they warned: this yea!;'). Mass Proper; Glory; "Such legislation will not only Creed (during 'the words: "And destroy the right to life but will was made flesh," all shoOld contributed greatly to the future kneel). TUESDAY - Mass (Choice 'of " Celebrant) Weekday,. ' Day of, Prayer WEDNESDAY-Mass (Choice ~of Celebrant) Weekday. Apr. 12-our Lady of the Im-, THURSDAY -'Mass (Choice lof .maculate Conception, Celebrant) Weekday Fall River. '. . St. Boniface, New Bedford.





funeral Home

Apr. 19-5t. Paul, Taunton St. John the Baptist, Fall River. ,











THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at, Fall River. Mass, Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Rver, Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4).00 per year.

571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON I Registered Embalmer ' licensed Funeral Director:

~h,il}~ldel,pl1ia-.F'olicemoll1 ~n


Qu~,ck, Trim

Archdiocesal'il Office: :

PHILADELPHIA (NC)- A The officer rang the front Philadelphia policeman got 'his doorbell of the building which sideburns trimmed by an ama· . adjoins the Cathedral of SS. teur barber, but he did not find Peter and Paul and asked the ' out until the trim was finished young woman who answered the that his barber was a' distin- door if someone could give him a quick trim so he could pass inguished clergyman. The police.man,a plainclothes- ' spection. The tall clergyman who volunman who had been put back into uniform for the day as part of a teered to do the job was' interspecial squads to control demon- rupted by a telephone call as he stratqrs, was sitting in a police was finishing the trim' job. bus outside the brownstone The policeman' was surprised house whidl contains the offices when the priest identified himof th~ Philadelphia archdiocese. self on the telephone: "This is A fellow officer told him .that the, cardinal." . An astounded but grateful uniform regulations require sideburns to be ,trimmed and that 'his . policeman passed inspection. As for the amateur barbersideburns had better be trimmed immediately. I John, Cardinal Krol - his only comment was, "I was happy to do it." Ro~ds


APRIL 10 Rev. John P. Doyle; 1944, Paslor, St. William, Fall River. APRIL 11 Rev. John F. Downey, 1914, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich. APRIL 12 Rev. John Tobin, 1909, Assistant, St. Patrick, Fall River. APRIL 14 Rev. Louis N. Dequoy, 1935, Pastor, Sacred Heart, North AtUeboro. APRIL 15 Rev. Christopher G. Hughes, 1:).0.,1908·..·· Rector,' Cathedral, Fall River. ,APRIL 16 Rev. Arthur E. Langlois, 1928. On Sick Leave, Denver, Colorado.

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Cardinal Defends Grant to Study Police Issue

THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970

South Vi'etnam Honors Priest

DETROIT (NC) - John Cardinal' Dearden turned columnist to explain an $8,000 archdiocesan appropriation for a project to Improve police-community relations, and also to criticize the current "era of over-simplification, of slogans, or trying to state complex issues in 25 words or less." In a by-lined article in the Michigan Catholic, archdiocesan newspaper, the Detroit archbishop asserted: "Brevity may be a virtue at times, but it can cause great harm when it leads to major misunderstandings, as in the case of grants made from the 1968 Archdiocesan Development Fund." Daily newspapers had reported an $8,000 appropriation lJlade to the Ad-Hoc Action Group was for watching Detroit police: The cardinal said: "One oversimplification called the investigation 'a bought and paid for search and destroy mission.' " Pollee Task Difficult Considerable Catholic opposition to the appropriation resulted, threats of refusal tq contribute were made, and the success of the annual $1 million fund-raising drive was jeopardized. Cardinal Dearden emphasized development fund projects "are . tOQ varied for thumbnail descrip- . tion." He said they include a way to halt price gouging of the poor, a plan to help tenants force landlords to obey housing regulations, to overcome early deficiencies in schooling, self-help activities and a number of other programs. Regarding the $8,000 appropriation to improve police-community relations, the cardinal wrote: "In this particular instance, the proposal addresses itself to the issue of police-community relations. And truly this is an issue that has implications for the peace and order of our whole community. We all appreciate the difficult task and responsibility that the police officer bears In the conscientious discharge of his duties." Search Out Facts "The' proposal of the Ad-Hoc Action Group is designed precisely to bring about the development of participation and understanding leading to citizen support and cooperation with the police. This group in<;ludes p,rofessors, clergymen, executives and many other reputable persons, and it has. credibility in the inner-city. "What it reports would be widely believed. Its members, aware of the allegations that are made of citizen mistreatment by the police, propose to search out the facts. "I believe tjlat -wIth this explanation of the Ad-Hoc Group's proposal, you will agree that it deserves our support. I am sorry that an unbalanced, dramatized account of what was proposed reached print before an informative report ~ould be prepared."


BISHOP ORDAINS SEVEN TO DIACONATE: On Holy Thursday evening the following seven were ordained to the Diaconate in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River by Bishop Connolly: Rev. Mr. William T: Bobbitt of Taunton; Rev. Mr. Robert C. Donovan of Brookline; Rev. Mr. Raymond P. Monte of New Bedford; Rev. Mr. Edward J. Byington of Fall River; Bishop Connolly; Rev. Mr. Michael G. Methot of Fall River; Rev. Mr. More H. Bergeron of New Bedford; Rev. Mr. Richard W. Beaulieu of Acushnet. .

Says More In-Depth Reporting 路'Needed Prelate Stress'es Catholic 'Press Role BALTIMORE (NC)-The U.S. Catholic hierarchy's top man in the field of communications hopes the Catholic press will get into more indepth reporting of current problems and will not avoid critical and opposing viewpoints. "I think that the newspaper should reflect the views of society, and therefore it should communicate to Catholics the opposing view - but it should communicate it in a way that is perfectly respectful of authority," said Archbishop. Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans. Chairman of the U.S. Catholic Conference communications department, the archbishop was himself a diocesan weekly newspaper editor-in-chief while auxiliary bishhop of Washington, D.C.. He expressed his views on the Church and communications in an interview in The Catholic Review, the Baltimore archdiocesan newspaper. "Many of the problems that we face today depend upon. the application of our theology to our life," he said, "and I am hoping that the Catholic press will address itself in depth to some of these great problems.

Full Catholic Life "I think the Catholic press is needed just as much today to help solve our problems as, for instance, it was needed in days when it used to ward off the attacks of anti-Catholic newspapers." Archbishop mentioned polluEducational Plan tion as an example of what he .SEATTLE (NC)-An inner-city meant about theology giving educational plan that will put "the perspective we need" as seven Catholic schools into a' the world passes through a perregional school system with its iod of transition and tries to own administrator and central- adapt to a technological environized bookkeeping, accounting, ment. He asked whether it was right purchasing and maintenance departments, has peen recommend- for a man to drive a 350-horsepower car "that he really doesn't ed to the Seattle archdiocese.

need, using up a great' deal of fuel provided by nature-and using it for a very 'limited purpose-a purpose that can be served by much less expenditure of fuel, and therefore with less fumes." . "It is basically a theological problem," said the ,prelate. Spiritual Direction He said it would, become increasingly e\:,ident that the diocesan newspaper greatly interests the community at large "as an expression of the full Catholic' life - using that word 'Catholic' in its broadest theological sense." "I have found time and again,

Praises Proposal For Desegregation WASHINGTON (NC) - President Nixon's 10,000-word statement proposing $1.5 billion be used to finance desegration programs throughout the country was praised bY.. Father C. Albert KO,ob, president of the National .Catholic Education Association. Father Koob .pointed to the President's proposal to finance innovative educational experiences between children of different races in order to reduce de facto segregation-rather than creating massive and expensive bus systems as "a wise choice." "The immediate problem is to get as much quality education as possible to the underprivileged," the Catholic priest continued. "While integration certainly ranks among the highest of national priorities, unwieldly, wasteful, and strictly mechanical integration devices should not be permitted to disrupt t.he parallel goal of expanding education to all citizens, particularly when imaginative alternatives can be developed," Father Koob said.

in talking with very prominent people, that the Catholic newspaper-through which they receive the thinking of the Church -is of great value to them," he said. "You have to remember that a sermon is not long enough to allow a pastor to reflect, completely, the thinking of the Church. The great need today is for spiritual direction and inspiration, and Catholics cannot get this fully by any means other than the Catholic newspaper." . Archbishop Hannan said the Catholic, newspaper functi9ns in the role of a prophet, "a prophet coming from the world." Asked whether a diocesan newspaper should print news stories that might represent criticism of a stand taken by a bishop, he said opposing views should be reflected but in a way that respects authority. "In so doing," he said, "the Catholic newspaper actually strengthens authority in the Church be<;ause it gives the' people an educated view of authority."

, SAIGON (NC) - A Canadian priest responsible for the daily feeding of 1,200 Vietnamese has been honored by the South Vietnamese government. Redemptorist Father Lucien Olivier, who came' to Vietnam from Quebec 40 years ago, received the Social Action Medal First Class from Minister of Social Welfare Tran Nguon Phieu. Stationed in Hue from 1929 to 1953, Fr. Olivier first became interested in social work and wefare during the famine that struck central Vietnam in 1944. He' began providing food for 100 children every day and soon was supporting 400. In December of that year, he opened a soup kit路 chen that fed 20 people a day, and by March 1945, the number had grown to 200. In 1953 Father Olivier came to Saigon and, with the aid of U. S. Catholic Relief Services, the overseas aid agency of American Catholics, opened a home for unwed mothers and a nursery for their children. His nursery also takes in babies abandoned in city hospitals and now has 85 of them. Father Olivier now also has an orphanage caring for 140 children from two to six years old. At Binh Loi, outside the city, he has an institution with a small farm where 95 families of widows and their children are settled. He also manages a home for the aged and crippled. Father Olivier has returned to Canada, only once in the past 40 years and he has said he does not intend to go again. "My life is here among my peopre," he explained.

Lawmakers Shelve Sex Education.. Bill ANNAPOLIS (NC)-The issue of sex education in state public schools has been shelved by Maryland legislators for this year. The state Senate voted 23-17 to send back to committee a bill which would impose strict limitations on teaching the subject in schools. Supporters of sex education legislation concedeed that the action killed further consideration 'of the subject this session.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 2, 1970

Moyniha,n Hits Rise of Violence

Lauds Proposal. -for Com:batting' Racisr,l' ,Provides 'Benefits for Whites, Nonwhites

WASHINGTON (NC) - Daniel Patrick Moynihan, counselor to President Richard M. Nixon, criticized the rise of violence in America and a growing demand for instant social perfection. Moynihan said that he was disturbed "at what seemed to be a trend that, if society is not going to become perfect quickly, it had better be destroyed quickly," Speaking to delegates to a conference of the National Jewish Welfare Board here, Moynihan pointed out that. the youngsters killed iil an', explosion in :New 'York's ,Greenwich Village were makirig bombs "not to blow up b~i1dings, but to blow up people." He urged that young people work to elect Congressmen rather than seek violent 'means to change society.

tion of other' points of view to the extent that this would help Director, Division of Urban Life, U.S.C.C. the American people (blacks as Almost two years have of whites do not understand how well as whites) to make a scru· elapsed since the Report of they can be blamed for riots ~nd pulously 'honest examination of disorders' among' people ~ith on the extent of racthe National Advisory Com- ,whom they have very littledi· conscience ism (again" black as well as mission on Civil Disorders- rect contact, \ and whose affairs white racism) in our society and, the so-called ,Kerner Report ~ have' ,been-and still are-Iarge-' iii the light of all the facts,' to was made public. The report was Iy unknown to' them." make a firm purpose of- amendWhatever of th'at, Mr. Downs ment. extensively and ' FRANK P. HOY is convinced that the Commisrather dramatiMeanwhile, the Commission on , sion on Civil Disorders was b~si­ Civil Rights is to be congratucally covered by cally correct in what it had I to, lated, very' sincerely on, having all of the news say about white racism, but the sP<tnsored the publication. Mr. . media-more so' great merit of his own recent Downs' extraordinarily percepperhaps t han study is that, unlike the Kerner tive study. In the words of Judge any similar docWASHINGTON (NC) - Frank ument published Report, it makes a serious effort Otto Kerner, Chairman of the to define the term "white rac- Commission on Civil Disorders, P. Hoy, award-winning Washingin this genera-, tion. In retro'ism" and goes to great pains :to Racism in American and How to ton Post news photographer, has spect, however, illustrate what it means in prac- Combat It,' is "direct and, suc- joined NC News Service as picI think it would tice and how it has benefitted cinct·and should be must reading ture editor. be fair to say the white majority and worked for all of us." The appointmel)t was an- Catholics Join Ohio that, in spite of to the iJorrible disadvantage .of nouncedby NC News Service di, Significant Force of all the, pubthe black community and :of rector Richard M. Guilderson Jr., Council of Churches, Downs' study, 'however suc- who ~;aid Hoy's addition to the licity it received, the Kerner Re- other minority groups as well. COLUMBUS (NC) ~ Four of tinct, is too long to be summar- staff coincides with planned ex- Ohio's six Cat,h9liq jurisdictions port never really caught on. , Because of Color . ! , To the contrary, it might even will join the' now all-Protestant Mr. Downs says that "perhaps ized at the' tag end of this col- pansion of NC Photo Service. be argued that it was counter·, the best definition of racism; is umn; but, if. I had to single out Ohio Council of Churches. E. Ryan, wh'ose 24 years John productive in the sense that, in- an operational one. This means for special attention just one of They are'the Cincinnati arch'stead of winning the public over that it must be based upon the Mr. Downs' recommendations or with NC News have included 're- diocese and Columbus, Toledo sponsibility' for the picture serto the cause of interracial justice, way people actually behave, basic strategies for combatting and Youngstown dioceses. The as the Commission on Civil, Dis- rather than upon logical consis· racism, I would 'be inclined to vice since 1965, has been pro- Cleveland arid Steubenville dio-, moted to administrative assistorders obviously hoped that it tency or purely scientific idea~. choose this one: ceses decided not to join at this ,.ant to Guilderson, would, it had the opposite effect "Develop legislative and other "Therefore, racism may be Hoy has won eight photo jour. time. of turning many people off and viewed as any attitude, action, pr prograJ!ls which simultaneously The announcement was' made nalism awards, including four making it easier for them to ra- institutional structure which sub~ provide benefits for significant tionalize their indifference to the ordin'ates a person or group be- parts of tile white majority and first place citations, in major here at a press conference by plight of the blackminority (and cause of his or their color. Even for deprived. or other members of competitions during the past Bishop Clarence' E.' Elwell of of other minority groups as well) though 'race' and 'colOr' refet ~o nonwhite minority groups, so it three years. They include the Columbus, chairman of the Cathand their opposition to needed two different kinds of human will be in the immediate self- first prize gold medal for color olic Conference of Ohio's planreforms in the American socio· characteristics, in America it is interest of the former to support in the 1969 World Press Associa· ning and, coordinating committion cpmpetition at The Hague, tee; Methodist Bishop Francis E. economIC system. the visibility of- skin color-and programs which aid the latter." Kearns of Canton, president of Netherlands Mr. DOWllS points out that this Resent Conclusion of other physical traits associated the Ohio Council of Churches He worked for a time as actOne can only make an edu· with particular colorS or groups strategy seems especially signiand Father Carlton N. Weber, ficant now because' of the aping pictures editor~ of the Post -that marks individuals as 'ta'rcated guess as to why the Kerexecutive director. ner Report bo'omeranged; so to gets' for subo~dination'by mem- "parent dfscontent 'of, the 'so-called during his, final months with the Bishop .Elwell said: ::This is a "silent majority" comprised of daily newspaper. speak, as I am inclined to think bers of the white majority... ~ day.~ ,of • grel;l~.rej<;>!d~g, ,W,h,~n low.-middle-income .whites.. This is true of Negroes,Puerto .IHoy·,is"a' 1966' graduate: 'of it 'did. My own guess .is that "Recent politi<;al' develop- George Washington University, we join hands and hearts and many people who probably never Ricaris, Mexican Americans, Jap. minds in Christian collaboration read or heard more than a gar- anese Americans, Chinese Amer- ments," he says, "indicate that where he majored' in history. to march together to that unity millions' of these white AmeriWhile working fulltime as a bled summary of its contents re- icans, 'and American Indians.' and service which Christ wished sented anel still--resent its most Specifically" white racism subor- cans believe public programs in Washington Post photographer, to be a mark of His Church." the past· few years have unduly of all these dinates meinbers Hoy earned a master's degree in, widely publicized conclusion, namely, 'that "white racism is es- other groups' primadly because focused upon the problems of ,communications at American sentially responsible for the ex- they are not-white in color, even ethnic minority groups 'and the University in ,1969. He concenplosive. mixture which has been though some are technically con- poor. Regardless of whether or trated there on theory, film makaccum\llating in our cities since_ sidered to be members of the not this belief is accurate, it con- ing, layout and design and wrote 'white race' and even view them- stitutes a significant political his thesis on the possibilities for the end of World War II." , force. color negative use in daily newsFor my own part, I am inclined selves as 'whites!' " Moreover, it is extremely rele- papers. . to think that this statement is 'Different Viewpoints vant to ,whether or not Congress substantially correct. Neither Mr. Downs' definition can be persul;lded to adopt legisThe trouble is, however, that 'CITIES SERVICE the Commission on Civil Dis- of racism nor his detailed illus- illation with significant anti-racist Sees Credit Uni,ons' what it means in prat, tration of DISTRIBUTORS ,impacts." orders failed to define what it Future Uncertain meant by "white racism,", with tice will meet with the cOplpletb Fact 'of Life , Gasoline SAIGON (NC)-"Credit unions the result, as Anthony Downs approval of all his readers. As 11 : In putting forth this, recom- here face an uncertain .future, Fuel and Range has suggested in a remarkable matter of fact, his -study didn) 'follow-up document recently is- even re<;eive the unqualified aPI- mendation, Mr. Downs hastens due to the instability of the curto add that'''Any program which , proval of all the members of, the rency," according to a priestsued by the U. S. Civil Rights Commission, that many whites \ U. S. Civil Rights Commission. redistributes income to poor organizer of credit unions in The chairman. of the commis:· people must cause a net'loss to Vietnam. OIL BURNERS felt that they were being unfairly "Inflation can eat away 20 or accused of a sin that they were sion, Father Theodore Hesburgh, some otiJer group. The only For Prompt Delivery not conscious of ever having C.S.C., and three of the other group with enough total income 25 per cent'of the value o( your to support a meaningful redistrimembers enthusiastically favored & pay,& Night Service money in a short time, so it is committed. (Racism in Ameri&a bution of this kind is the middleits publication by the commis~ difficult just now to tell people and How to Combat It, U.S. Commissio.n on Civil Rights. For sian as a chailenge, in Father income majority. So no program of the value of the credit union," G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS sale by the Superintendent of Hesburgh's' words: to all thought~ can cause net redistribution fav- said Father Louis Robert, S.J. oring all of the lowest-income He is an adviser to Socio-EcoDocuments, U. S. Government ful and concerned Americans. Rural Bottled Gas Service On the other hand, two mem, group and all of the middle- nomic' Life in' Asia, 'the JesuitPrinting Office, Washington, income group simultaneously." 61 COHANNET ST bers of the commission, 'though organized 'committee formed in D. C. 20402. Price $.50) Those of us who find ourselves 1959 "to promote and stimulate they were willing to see th~ TAUNTON 'White Racism' study published for purposes of in the upper reaches of the responsible social action aimed Attleboro - No. Attleboro Most white Americans, Mr. discussion, have raised question~ middle·i,n~ome group will have at helping people to help themDowns points out in his very concerning the validity of Downs' to learn to. live with this proposi- selves in these critical times of Taunton timely study, "did not believe basic thesis and have recomt tionas ari inescapable fact of transition." ' that they had racist attitudes or mended that the commission life. that they exhibited racist behav- look for an ,opportunity to pub" , What ,Mr. Downs is telling us ior. After all" most whites are far Iish additional studies expressing is th'!.t we cannot expect -to elimremoved from direct contact different and possibly conflicting inate the evil effects of white with what the National.Advisory points of view on the nature of racism at bargain rates~r, to Commission on _Civil' Disorders our current racial crisis. iI change the metaphor, that we APRIL 18-25 called 'the ghetto.' • cannot hope to have our cake 'Must' Reading "So they did not see themand eat it too. FATHER CALLAN, O.P. selves as 'deeply implicated' in The commission has alread~ That's admittedly a hard saycreating, maintaining, or condon- announced that it plans to act ing, but unless the more affluent Also JULY ,1-8, FR. RICHARD CLEARY, S.J. ing it. Most of all, they cannot favorably on this recommenda-! citizens of the United States can ARRIVAL-For Su~~er 6 P.M. CLOSING-After Breakfast understand why they should be tion. That's fair enough. I learn to swallow it gracefully, held 'responsible for the exploFEES:-$40 I am sure, incidentally, that' there is no hope of our ,being sive mixture which has been ac- Mr. Downs himself would not able to solve the urban crisis Wrile 10 SR. DIRECTRESS cumulating in our cities since the claim to have said the last word' w.hich, on all the available evi· 197 Pleasant Street, Marlboro, Mass. 01752 end of World War II.' on the subject of white racism dence, threatens to 'destroy our Tel. Area Code 617·485-0740 "The overwhelming' majority and would welcome ,the publica-I society. ,

By Msgr. George G. Higgins



,INC News Names Picture Editor

W.' H. RILEY & SON, Inc.

o I L'S-





Junkie Priest' Hits Drug Abuse Among Troops


THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970


Lauds Decision On Welfare

WASHINGTON (NC) Marijuana may be an occupational hazard for American troops in Vietnam, a

WASHINGTON (NC) - Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran, director of the National Conference of Catholic Charities, called the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on welfare "a large step forward in bringing about an equitable welfare system." The 5-3 court decision ruled that welfare recipients are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before their payments can be stopped. Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., speaking for the majority, said halting of payments without a hearing constituted deprivation of the due processes of law. Under the new ruling, which affects cases in New York, California, Iowa, Texas, Georgia and Florida, "the recepient must be allowed to retain an attorney if he so desires" and "the decisionmaker should state the reasons for his determination and indicate 'the evidence he relied on

a priest famous for helping addicts told a conference of 50 military chaplains here. Father Dan Egan, a Graymoor Franciscan called "the junkie priest" because of his work among New York City's drug users, said without referring directly to the alleged My Lai \ shootings: "Gl's who act out of all context may have been hopped up on marijuana." Father Egan came to Washington for a symposium on "ministry to the drug user" at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. By coincidence, the meeting was a few days before the Senate subcommittee on juvenile delinquency started hearings (March 24) on drug use in Vietnam. Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D::: ¢ ¢ Conn.), subcommittee chairman, Dissenting from the majority scheduled detailed discussion of opinion, Justice !Hugo Black said both My Lai and drug abuse the ruling renders a state helpamong U. S. troops. less to stop payments to welfare Need Treatment recipients. The priest said his "challenge CARDINALS MEET: Jean Cardinal' Danielou, French theologian and Scripture scholar right, "I do not believe," he added, tc the big brass" at the Walter talks with his host, Patrick Cardinal. O/Boyle of Washington, as he prepared to meet the press "there is any provision in our I~eed chaplains conference was while visiting in the Nation's Capital. NC Photo. Constitution that should thus this: if the armed forces arc getparalyze the government's efting "the cream of American forts to protect itself against vouth" and if there is a possi. making payments to people who hility of dope addiction because are not entitled to them," drugs are available in places like Vietnam, then the military has ail obligation to return American Conservation Issue ~ ouths to society in the same to newsmen at a press conferneglecting holiness, spirituality WASHINGTON (NC) "The condition as when they entered anCl God, have been too preoccu- Alarms Churches Church dQes not need tQ adapt ence. the service. WELLINGTON (NC)-The New Once considered suspect by pied with humanism, modernism "There is not one single re- to the modern world," French Zealand non-Catholic churches the Vatican for the progressive and other "isms." Cardinal Jean Danielou declared habilitation center for addicts in They are teaching a purely have entered a conservation conthe armed forces," said Father. here. "It needs to revive the theology he advanced before troversy by sounding a 'warning Va.tican. Council social message," he said. II" the 64-yearspiritual life QUhe people."." . ' , Egan.. I" that "progress" can have "seriold cardinal insisted he had not Catholics should be concerned A ' Def¢tl!lse [;' ! 'Oeparhn'ent "If the Church does not give ous 'effects on the balance of spokesman ·c.dnfirn'l'cd his' asser- God ,to th~; modern',world.~1 'he changed' his ,original positions in wit" social questions, Cardinal nature." ' Danielou said. But he cautioned: tion, sayingit'ldividual doctors warned,' :'then the Church is 'use- recent times.. The public controversy, one of "It is not necessary to have llnd military hospitals treat ad- less." Purely Social' Message the Church to make a social the country's most intensive in c1u:ts but there is no long treatOne of Catholicism's leading order. The chief mission of the recent years, stems from a gov!'lent unless an addict was theologians, the Jesuit prelate "I have always been a chamChurch today is to recall to man, ernment hydroelectric proposal wounded in action, in which case discussed in an interview with pion of the divine dimension, of that would raise the level of his drug problem is treated at NC News the crisis facing the the spiritual life of the Church," that the Church is not in the New Zealand's Lake Manapoursocial order, but rather in the the same time. Church, priestly celibacy, and the he said. "But this dimension is supernatural order." ri, generally regarded as one of Lauds Chaplains development of shared responsi- lacking today in the Church," the most beautiful in the world. Some Catholics,he said, while The issue has spread into the The spokesman said an addict bility at all levels of the instituLack of Faith area of environmental pollution. ran turn to federal treatment tional Church. Love of neighbor cannot be facilities after his military disThe National Council of A staunch defender of. papal Forms Task 'Force substituted for love of God, he Churches, which comprise the charge. All three branches of the authority, Cardinal Danielou was said, adding that love of neigh- major non-Catholic churches in service have programs for men in Washington for Holy Week To Determine Goals BLACKWOOD (NC) The bor stems from love off God. court martialed on various services at Epiphany Church, a the country, in a statement, said Cardinal Danielou said the that its intrusion into the concharges, some of whom are dope predominantly French-speaking Camden diocese has initiated a addicts. The programs include parish in the city, and to deliver process with outside professional crisis in the Church stems from servation question is based on a "character building" and psychi- several lectures. He also spoke assistance to set goals for itself. the faiure of some Catholics to Christian attitude toward life The objective is to measure how accept the Church's dogmatic and creation, which views the atric treatment if needed, but well it is performing its Chris- teachings. Today's crisis, he said, achievements of modern techno medical care is included. tian ministry and to improve its is more radical than the troubles' nology as a gift of God. Subject of the book "The Invokes St. Joseph besetting the Church during. the Junkie Priest," now in its ninth services. So far, the Catholic Church . Department heads, pasto,rs, as- 17th-century Reformation be- in New Zealand has made no printing, Father Egan has cam- To Protect Church pltigned around the ·country for VATICAN CITY (NC)-St. Jo- sociate pastors, Religious, school cause it centers on a lack of public statement on the issue. the opening of rehabilitation cen- seph must today be invoked officials, laymen 'and women and faith in God, rather than on the ters for drug addicts. He estab- more than ever as protector of priest administrators participated role of the Pope. lished the first "halfway house" the Church which is now "tor- in a goal setting conference at On the issue of celibacy, Carin the United States for female rnented, theatened, suspected the Catholic Center here in New dinal Danielou said it would be addicts trying to kick the habit. and rejected," Pope PauJ VI Jersey. "impossible" for the Church to The priest said the Walter said in a message that was given During general sessions and abandon its teaching at this time. Reed chaplains conference was from his window overlooking 5t. group workshops, the following To do so, !'Ie said, would appear Over 35 Years <Ippropriate because it has been Peter's Square. six areas of concern were deter- to be "a. concession to modern of Satisfied Service a military tradition for years to The Pope said that St. Joseph mined: Iiturgyan.d worship; edu- sexology and secularism." Reg. Master Plumber 7023 "see the chaplain" if a soldier must be asked to continue bene- cation; service to the complete Because of these sociological JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. has a personal problem. He said fiting "the mission of the Church human person; ecumenism; home 806 NO. MAIN STREET chaplains "have a confidentiality which is the mystical body of and foreign missions; and dioc- conditions, he said a priest's celibacy commitment is greater toabout themselves that can't be Christ" just as he watched over esan administration. Fall Rivell' 675·7497 day than it was in the past. broken." The 32-member task force deChrist during the Saviour's incided each department would fancy. ' recommend goals to be estab- glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111111~ As told in the Gospel, the Pope Gravediggers Strike lished and finalized at another REGULAR SAVINGS DETROIT (NC)-Gravediggers said, "the Church needs to be task force meeting June 14. defended and preserved in the at three Catholic cemeteries here walked off the job after six school of Nazareth, the poor, months of unsuccessful negotia- laborious but living and always DAY NDTICE ACCDUNTS BEFORE YOU tions for a new contract. The conscious and valid school for BUY -TRY 50 'cemetery workers, members its messianic vocation." "It needs protection to' reof Local 115. of the American Federation of State, County and main intact' and to work in the S 2 YEAR SAVIKGS CERTIFICATE S Municipal Employees, are seek- world," the Pope said. "And toing a 58-cent hourly raise over day we see well how great this OLDSMOBilE the next two years. The Detroit need is; therefore, we invoke the 0 archdiocese is offereing a four- patronage of St. Joseph for the Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault § OF ATILEBORO § ($100,000.00) ~ § cent hourly r(\ise over the same tormented threatened, suspect 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven and rejected Church." f.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I1111111111111~ period. (In

Tells Church Give God to Modern World Cardinals Deplore Preoccupation With 'Isms'

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THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 2, 1!970

The Hand of Herod •


Another 'Side of the Issue For the past few years there has, been a selling job going on, trying to equate many if not most of the ills of the world with overpopulation. According to this theine, environmental pollutio!J, and economic problems could: all be resolved if population were controlled' and reduced. In a little publicized speech-,a week ~o ago, H~n­ drick S.. Houthakker, a member pf the President's Cou~cil of Economic Advisers, expressed the view that "the.r~ is little reason 'to expect overpopu~ation", in 'the world. \He said -that there was "no evidence" that the world's poor " I countries were in general overpopulated. Describing population control as a ",simple - mirided idea" and a "panacea" this high official has 'said, "it has not been demonstrated that there exists any close cas~aJ relation between the growth of per capita gro!!s national product and the growth of population, and there is no· qbvious reason why there should be. The use of facile biQI'ogical analogies obscures the fact that ,man is a producer I as well as a consumer." . Mr. Houthakker pointed out that "there .is little reason to expect overpopulation for the world as a whole .in the foreseeable future. Most serious studies of the sJbject suggest that the food supply can be expanded to ac'commodate a much larger population than now exists ~>n earth." He also said, "what is of course more seIious is that overpopulation may lead to a degradation of the' social and physical environment, but this appears' to be morel a matter of the proper distribution' of the population than I of total numbers. Much can be done .to improve the en~ vironment without attempting to influence population trends:" I Perhaps - and this is not a very hopeful perhaps ..;.-. this view of a' responsible and knowledgeable official may help bri~g before the minds of people a side of tQe issue that is not often publicized.





It has been reported that since 1966 there are no churqh

: buildings open in China and no open church activity. But there are Christians in China and these are operating in cells of three or four in the cities and In cells' Of eight to te!l in smaller places. It is the age of the persecutions and: the catecombs ,all over again: . " I Christians in China are underground not because the~ want to be but because they must. They would wish nothing more than to be able to worship openly andt~ bear witness to Christ before others in an open manner. But their life under present conditions is to preserve their faith in Christ and to keep alive the slender flame of ,Christianity in China against the day when Christianity will be able to come out into the open again. It is no "persecution game" that they are playiri~. This is harsh reality. .: It is also a lesson to those Christians in countries where religion can be practiced openly. These should grasp the opportunities they have to bear witness to Christ in an open and forceful way. I




Published weekly 'by'The Catholic Press of the Diocese,.(lf Fall River! 410 Highland Avenue 67'.5-7151 Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER' Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. . Rev. John P. Driscoll ' MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden. J.D..


Pressc;-Fl!II, River"


Sulpicion .F·o,ther Expiains Today/,s Identnty Crisis Among Pri'e~ts ORLANDO (NC) ....:.. Scripture ,scholar Father Raymond Brown. S.S., told a conference of diocesan priests, here that ,"there should be no identity crisis among priests * '" * if others can see Christ'in him." But, Father Brown told his audience' at St: Charles Borrom~o cathedral, there does seem to be an identity crisis on the practical level. The Sulpician' attributed this to the fact that modern priests must fill fo.ur' distinct roles ,in their ministry. , . "The first minist,ry is that of discipleship," he said. Unlike Old Testament priests who w.ere born to the priestly function. "the Twelve were called to follow a special' way, called to pattern their lives on that of Jesus." The second ministry' was that of apostle," of one sent to preach the risen Christ." This, Father Brown said, is a ministry of the Church, "a, ministry to spread the word." Next, he continued, was' the ministry of the bishop-presbyter, the man who presided at local churches. "It is not known precisely how this role developed." Father Brown commented, "or even if all churches had, such ' men, because it was basically an administrative task." The fourth ministry was presiding at the Eucharist, the priest concluded. Time of Grace "By the end of the second century,all roles came together in one person - the priest - a fact which was both his grandeur and his weakness. ' "It was his grandeur, because he summarized in himself the whole heritage o~ the Christian tradition. It is a weakness in that priests find it difficult to meet the demands of these four ministries in modern societies." But, Father Brown told the priests, there should be no identity crisis if the relationship of Christ and priest is kept in mind. 'Later, in an interview' with .the Florida Catholic. Orlando's diocesan paper, Father Brown reminded Catholics that efforts to make the Church more appealing should not lead people to water down the harsh demands of 'Clirist. "" The priest said that he, views the current turmoil of renewal in

the Church as "a time of tremendous grace, depending on' how we deal with it." Responsibility to Others Referring to' the critical mood of many Catholics, he added: "Today it is fashionable for socalled Catholics to attack the Pope ., '" * it takes much more courage to defend the Church today than to criticize ,-Pope PauL'··.· :,.>, ' When asked how he likes the way ChLirch renewal is going, Father Brown was not overly optimistic. "We must remember that the obligation to bear witness to Christ implies an obliga- . tion to love one another. This' love is not too apparent either on the part of many conservatives or liberals in the Church." Commenting on .the current . move toward democracy in the Church. he warned that people must be willing to accept each others' decisions. He urged that all . Catholics recognize that neither the parish. .the diocese nor the national Church is autonomous. Each, he said, must look to its responsibilities to others, and ask what effect its decisions might have on the whole Church.

Primary Job Continued from Page One University students are surveying the needs. "The government heartily welcomes : this cooperation." the archbishop said. Christian churches and the Jewish community he said, are also working with the govern; ment on a basic religious education syllabus for all schools. Moral education is the "root" of development, the archbishop said. 'Economic development alone cannot change the world, he said, adding: "There is an innate godliness in men that requires, nourishment."

AblOrtion Study TRENTON (NC)-New Jersey's abortion study commission held three public hearings. before fil· ing its sh~rply-divided !eport, but now the Assembly's judiciary committee has called for another hearin~ April 9.

Assignments Continued from Page ,One Pamphile. P.Q., Canada. Aug. 15. 1906. After attending Grammar School in Fall River. he studied at Montreal College and S1. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore until he was ordained May 26, 1934. Father Daigle has served at St. Michael Church. Ocean Grove. St. James Church. Taunton; Sacred Heart Church, No. Attleboro; St. Joseph 'Church. New .Bedford and Holy Rosary Church, New Bedford. Father Gauthier Born on April 3, 1924, Rev. Rene Gauthier is the son of the late Ignace and the late Aurore Champoux (Gauthier), of Fall River. After studies at Notre Dame and Prevost High School in Fall River, Father Gauthier studied at Joliet Seminary, P. Q.. Canada and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore. He was ordained to the Priesthood on May 22, 1948. Father Gauthier has served at St. Anthony of Padua Church before his present assignment there now, Sacred Heart Church. and St. Hyacinth Church, all in New Bedford. Father Jeffrey Rev. Maurice H. Jeffrey, son of Oliver Jeffrey and Normande (Prevost) Jeffrey, was born in New Bedford on Oct. 29, 1934. After studying at Assumption College (Canada), he prepared for the Priesthood at S1. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop James L. Connolly on April 2, 1960. Father Jeffrey has served at St. John the Baptist Church, Fall River, and St. Roch Church, Fall ~iYl7,r. He is ,~~No~arY';9f J,~e Aiocesan Tribunal and 'Religion Instru'ctor at Dominican Academy in Fall River. . Father Deschenes . Rev. Roland J. Deschenes, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adenard Deschenes of North Attleboro, was graduated from St. Francis High School, Biddeford, Maine and attended St. Francis College in that city for two years. completing his studies for the Priesthood at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. Ordained to the Priesthood on May 20. 1967 by Bishop James' L. Connolly, he has served at St. Michael Church, Ocean Grove, before going to St. Joseph Church, New Bedford. Father Pinto Rev. Antonio Pedro Pinto. C.M., son of Maria (Ferreira) Pinto and the late Baltazar Pinto was born in Oporto, Portugal. on June 29. 1931. After studies in both Spain and Portugal, he prepared for the Priesthood at the Seminario de S1. Teresinha in Felgueiras, Portugal. He was ordained to the Priesthood in Oporto. Podtugal, on Aug. 5, 1956. He has served in the Missions of the Archdiocese of. Lourenco Marques, Mozambique; the Seminario de S. Vincent <Ie Paulo, Mafra, Portugal; Immaculate Conception and Mount Carmel Churches in New Bedford..

New' Limitation WASHINGTON (NC) - Sen. Robert Packwood of Oregon will amend his controversial tax incentive plan so that only two children. instead of three, per family would be given tax ex· emptions. Packwood said tax incentives to encourage smaller families are necessary to save the environment.

Conservative Spanish Jesuits Seek 'True Society of Jesus' MADRID (NC)-The efforts of * >:> they do not pretend to bring a small group of conservative about a juridical division of the Spanish Jesuits to establish "a society," true Society of Jesus" apart from In Rome a high Jesuit official the parent body have, been re- at the society's headquarters said jected by the top superiors of the Father Arrupe's answer to the order. But news reports indicate proposals of the dissident group they have received some consid- of Spanish priests was a definite eration by - the Spanish bishops "No," because the superior genand the Holy See. eral contended that they are The group, estimated to con- divisive in nature. sist of from 20 to 100 priests of The official said that Father the 3,500 Spllnish Jesuits, said , Arrupe is due to make a visit to the aim of its movement is "to Spain in April but that the visit preserve the true spirit of St. had been scheduled for some Ignatius (the .founder of the So- time and is not a reaction to the ciety of' Jesus) and guarantee" conservative moevement. the society's survival by setting 'Genuine Jesuit Spirit' up its own houses and scholastiThe official cited a report in cates and being subject only to the Spanish newspaper, Vanguarthe superior general of the Soci- dia, late in February that the ety of Jesus.in Rome. Spanish bishops had discussed However, both Father Pedro the proposal of the group of Arrupe, S.J., the Spanish-born Spanish Jesuits to form "a true superior general,' and Father UrSociety of Jesus" in Spain and. bano Valero, S.J., the Spanish that the bishops had referred the Jesuit provincial, have disap- matter to the Vatican. proved of the conservative The official said that the prespriests' proposals. ent problem began more than a Sees Divisiveness year ago with "a relatively small Father Valero's office here is- group" of Spanish Jesuits who sued a statement acknowledging proposed that they be allowed to the attempts to start "an experi- operate houses of the Jesuits in ment in community and apostolic Spain solely under the jurisdicliving within a line for the most tion of the Jesuit superior genpart conservative." But the state- eral in Rome and bypassing all ment added that "the So'ciety of local provincials and superiors.. .Jesus has found the proposal unThe houses, the official said, timely in its present form," would be run 'according to the Father Valero dismissed press "old traditional" basis of the, reports that the society is di- society which the priests mainvided "between reformers and tain has been set 'aSide by the conservatives." , recent renewal of the society. "It is true," he said, "that It was also stated that the some Jesuits, who generally up- group additionally proposed that hold the renewal of the society, it be allowed to recruit novices disagree with the practical ways and supervise their training acof acllieving it and if they have cording to the "genuine Jesuit asked for a special arrangement spirit."

THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970

Propose Office For Ecumenism


Archbishop ·Dwyer Hits Proposals To Enforce Family Limitation PORTLAND (NC)-Archpishop Robert .J. Dwyer of Portland has strongly criticized attempts to enact I'cgislation to enforce family limitaation "by some form of tax discrimination or by wholesale sponsorship of abortion or artificial birth prevention," Such action by any state, the Oregon prelate said here in a public statement, "would be grievously interfering with the rights of its citizens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," The archbishop referred to recommendations by Robert Finch, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, and by U. S. Sen. Robert Packwood of Oregon as being of a "highly tendentious nature," Archbishop Dwyer said any proposal "which would put the state in the place of God, as possessing final power over human life, human freedom and human dignity must be rejected absolutely." Sen. Packwood has introduced federal legislation allowing .a maximum of three children per family for personal income tax exemption and legalizing abortion in the District of Columbia. Finch has suggested that Americans limit their families to two children. Colored }»ropaganda The archbishop said "the current debate on ecology and the population crisis is theological at bottom." "Let certain points of this debate be clarified. We share, as Christians and as Catholics, as concerned Americans, the general anxiety of the Civilized' world over the problem of population," he ,said. "We are fully aware that at




KANSAS CITY (NC) - A request that consideration be given to establishing an office for ecumenism in the U. S. Catholic Conference was onp. of two resolutions resulting from a meeting of the Catholic section of the National Workshop for Christian Unity here. In another resolution, ecumenists asked the Bishops' Committee on Eecumenism and Interre- Iigious Affairs to study the fact f)f incidence of intercommunion, to get a better idea of its scope and its significance. 'The Bishops' committee, which met separately on the occasion of the workshop, gave some consideration to these resolutions, but has not yet developed a definite response to them, according to Father John F. Hotchkin, associate director of the committee. Record attendance at this year's seventh annual workshop totalled more than 500 ecumenists, including Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Lutherans and others. The majority of those were not Catholics, a first for the Catholic-sponsored' event, Father Hotchkin noted.

Suggests Mobile Mission Force

FIGHT POVERTY: Champions of non-violent movements for justice, the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, president of the South.. ern Christian Leadership Conference, and Archbishop Helder Camara of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, discuss their plans for a worldwide campaign against ':the human cost of poverty, racism and war." NC Photo.

least in certain areas of the world, population growth threatens to outstrip the present and foreseeable possibilities of accommodation and vital sustenance. "At the same time, we entertain some grave reservations as to whether the threat is as genArchbishop Camara, Dr. Abernathy Join eral, as acute or as' portentous • Hands in Brazil for the future 'of the race as some of the more highly colored RECIFE (NC)-Two leaders of together." propaganda now in circulation . non-violent movements for jusArchbishop Camara and the would persuade us to believe. tice, - one. a Brazilian and the Rev. Abernathy will take their Will Fight Back other an American - ioined message to the World Confer"But insofar as population hands here for the first time to ence on Religion and Peace to be growth poses a genuine problem launch "a worldwide campaign held at Kyoto, Japan, in October. for human life and happiness, to awaken the conscience 'of the Meantime, they will work at the . we too would seek means of lim- peoples to the great human cost national levels: Archbishop Caiting or controlling that growth. of poverty, racism and war," mara through his non-violent U. S. civil rights leader Rev. Action, Justice and Peace moveSuch means, it goes without say.ing, must be sanctioned by the Ralph David Abernathy, presi- ment, and the Rev. Abernathy as Christian moral code and ap- dent of the Southern Christian head of the Southern Christian plied by force of conscience, not Leadership Conference, met for Leadership Conference. "We two, a Baptist pastor and by the exercise of the police five hours with Archbishop HeIder Camara of Olinda and Recife a Catholic bishop, are not dispower of the state." Archbishop Dwyer said he can at the prelate's residence in this couraged," the leaders said. "appreciate the sincerity of those city to exchange views on the "There is hope, and there is a who are advocating the substi- aspirations of the poor. great dream of a world in which "We are especially concerned there will be no more misery, tution of the law of God by the law of Thing, insofar as they are with the widening gap between no more war, no more prejudice, motivated by an honest" if mis- the poor of the world and the and all men will be free. This taken, anxiety over the shape of rich-not only in material goods was the dream of Jesus Christ, tllings to come and the means to as fhe rich get richer and the of Mahatma Gandhi, and of be adopted in order to avoid poor remain in misery-but the Martin Luther King. It is our growing gap in understanding," dream, too." possible, catastrophe." "But at the same time," he they said in a joint statement. Archbishop Camara and the added, "We must serve notice "The indifference of the well-to- Rev. Abernathy paid a tribute to that if these political leaders per- do is perhaps the major obstacle youth, who, they said, can make that dream come true. 'sist in their efforts to propagan- in the world today." "We feel we must warn the "We recognize and salute the dize compulsory family limitation, planned parenthood as a peoples of the world that present youth of the world for' their national policy and abortion and trends toward the. permanent' courageous attempts during the the pill as weapons in the hands pauperization of two-thirds of past few years to call attention of the state to impose confor- the human race," the statement to the great needs of the poor, mity, in defiance of conscience said. "The poor people of every the injustices of so much of the and the rights of God, the Cath- nation arc being locked out of world today, and the insanity of olic community will fight back. the system of opportunity to re- war," the statement said. "We Please God, it will not fight back main in misery for future gener- pledge our support and prayers ations, unless mankind can find to these youth as they continue alone," and choose a better way to live the struggle."

'Our Dream, Too'

DUNEDIN (NC)-Falher Brian Winders, a New Zealand priest on loan to the Cook Islands, has urged establishment of a mobile missionary force to meet the needs of the Church in the Pacific. Commenting that staying at isolated mission stations was harmful to priests' morale and that a shortage of priests makes mobility morc esscntial, Father Winders urged that the Chun:h set up traveling missionary teams. He suggested that n'ltive cate. chists could instruct the faithful and supervise Church property while missioners worked in oiher areas.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:Thurs., April 2; 11970 .. ·1


Mixed R"eaction Tp Nixon's Plan

Somethi,ng Should Be Dope About Midis-But What?'

WASHINGTON (NC)-Political leaders and educators around the nation have shown mixed reactions to President Nixon's 10,000By Marilyn Roderick . word statement on racial desegregation. Up to this point I:ve been quite neutral in rega~d to Catholic reaction has ranged from high praise to harsh criti, the coming wave of midis upon the fashio~ scene, h~~ever cism. The Task Force on Urban . suddenly it -has dawned upon me that It really 'IS: one Problems of the United States terrible hoax that is being put over on the women of the" Catholic Conference called the statement "discouraging," noting world, especially the AmeriI it "does not convey a strong . can women. Oh you listen Most women I k~ow buy one . . .' . or two good OUtfits a season presidential stand for the princito the Pans deSigners saymg, and fill in with a few things ples of school integration as how marvelous the mid-calf bought at random over th~ restated in the Supreme Court de'skirts look on' their models (said mainder of the year. These purcision of 1954." models are about five foot nine chases along with the few :good President Nixon's statement, in heigJit and items that they have purcha~ed proposing a $1.5 billion gover.nweigh about 90 the year" or two before give ment effort to erase segregation, promises new efforts for equalpounds soaking them very workab~e war~~obe~ wet), Women's without overspendmg th~lr ality in jobs and housing to take Wear Daily says lowances. If we all?w s~lr~s to the burden of desegregation off the nation's schools. . that just everyfall as far a~ all signs md,l~ate one who is anythey are gomg to, every Item Specific provisions of the one is wearing we own (except our blouses and statement call for elimination of the new lengths pant-outfits) will be obsplet~ by segregation in teaching staffs, (in 'fact they FaiL absolute equality -of educational even have refacilities in segregated schools, I Ugly on All· sorted to showand compliance with U. S. Su. . . II ing Jackie 0 with a large "X'.' preme Court directives to wipe . Why should American women across her knee line because allow themselves to 'be dictated out de jure (by law) segregation. she wasn't wearing a midi) and to in such a' manner by. a l);and-, . Critics of the proposal say it the stores are' very discreetly ful of designers' and manl,lfacgoes a' long way toward recogstocking their Fall lines in the turers who are thinkingi' of nizing de facto (in' fact) segreganew length', but has anyone ask- nothing more than their '·'own tion growng from neighborhood ed Miss or Mrs. Average Amer- pocketbook :.and .certa.inlY rn~t;, . residential patterns. rhe Presiican Consumer? . , dent· has been a' critic of busing ours. :;/ '. J.. " i <;:.... ; ..... ~ . :" as a way to solve the school in. Eating. Baloney If money. is '0:0 object t9, :ypu ;-::'. VARIANCES ABOUND: Costumes of traditiona'i and mpdern tegration problsem. Many ex. It's quite easy for Mrs': Car'- th~n ..perhaps ~,not~er as»ec~. of ... types 'contrasVin the EXPO .'70 ~!odium. c.ol)course, as .dQ the perts '. believe the Presidential this new look ~Ill. set yO!!, off ' signposts 'with; Japanese and English lettenng. NC Photo. . message will bring a slo-w:down ter Van something or other or -the fact that It IS a length . ..; I • . : .. " .. of integration across the country. one of, the. Rockefeller ."hei~s to .that will look ugly on. all b~t a . '; . '". '. In partial a'nswer'to such crUrush right over to' her favorite few very tall, very. thin worren. ics, the statement says:··..It will designer and :order a whole new be the purpose of this adminiswardrobe so she can be in the . Aging it is an.q cert'ainly 9nce , ';. tration to carry out the law fairheight. of fasl;lion but'for. the we leave our teens I can't ImaBut South Vietnamese Wont Give Up .No~ . ly and fully. And where problems majority of women across the n~­ gine a woman alive who wants exist that are:'·beyond the man, .' Says Ambassador's S~cr~tary,.,., ,. tion who· have to share their to look older than she is I (or :. date. of' legal. requirerrients". it even her own age). T.his. s..t.ratng. .e. ,. \ . , .., - .....,. d' "1" ... ;.,.' '1" ',: clo~hing budget with two, tht:ee or more' members of the family, midcalf length demands .a . cer-' .;. R"I'V E·R·'FOREST (NC)-South call it quits:ari . Ive. our. Ives will-be! OUr purpose' to seek solu-i . ',' tions -that are 'bothifiealistic 'and this would be an impossible ,hap- tail1. type, of accessory to, ~ake Vietnam wOl:lld fight o~ al()ne to . peacefully,'~.. ,. if everi 'presentable: The coats defend' her fn!edom,if the United She spoke. of SO'!th Vietnam s appropriate.;' .'. pening. , Why, I couldn't even run down look quite elegant with boots, States withdrew its troops from peace move 111 haltl.?g the ~?mbwar-torn country. IIIg of the North. Our mlhtary to the nearest bargain outlet and but who wants to put on b,?ots 'theThat's what Mrs.' Nguyen The actions were cut down," . she Nuns Teach Protestant purchase a' whole new wardro~ every time she wears a coat? . Loc, second secretary to the am- said, "and President Thieu III a Sunday School Class without putting such a dent m On a recent talk show some- bassador from South Vietnam, speech last year offered. freed?'?l . HARRISBURG (NC) - Two my budget that we w0l.!ld eating one characterized American ~o~ declared in a lecture. at Rosary to all who come back to parttclnuns who taught an exCatholic hamburger·' (no make that ba- men as a group of ~heep being College here in Illinois. pate in normal life, if they stop perimental Sunday school class loney) for the next 364 days. led to slaughter by the Pari~ian "I think we have fought too fighting. at Christ Presbyterian church "The North has' not conceded here during Lent have been designer sheepherder and at ~his . long to give up now," she said. . . d writing I'm quite inclined I to Referring to the American' one point," she continued. "They praised highly by' the church :Trust Fund to Ai . agree. ! moves toward military disen- agreed to the Paris peace talks, members. For just a moment or twp gagement in Vietnam, she said, : but what have they done-noth- . . Mrs. Carole Spahr, a class C th I, C II ges a 0 IC 0 e . too almost fell for that line- "We are grateful for what you- ing but sit there and call us member, summed up the general WASHINGTON (NC)-A group do your own thing and w~ar have done for us. But you are names." Mrs. Loc disagreed with those 'concensus: "They came here as of representatives' from educa- the length that you like, put tired. And this. is ironic when. tion, government and business, when I learned that the Fall is- we really have a chance to win." who say that the South Viet- sisters in the true sense of the headed by the president. of sues of the well-known mailTo ,the 'argument that South nal11ese peasant does not really word. They were accepted by all Southern Methodist University, order catalogues are going, to Vietnam hasn't done anything to care what government he lives of us. They made' us aware of how alike we are. Not one :of has formed the' Four Colleges press with almo~t. every outfit bring about a compromise; she under.. us felt that they were Catholic Trust Fund to aid four Catholic in the longuette length I realized replied, "I disagree.. W.e ~av~ 0 "He may not know the whole and we were Presbyterian." institutions in Connecticut de- that our goose is cooked ~nd done everything except gIve up. theory of democratic governSisters Joan' Supel and Ann pending legality of federal aid to that all that will appear on the On '''Vietnamization,'' she re- ment," she said, "but the peas- Devaney, who teach regularly at church-related. colleges. racks come Fall will be the mid- marked,"1 don't like .that word. ant knows when he is working Bishop McDevitt High School The interaenomination group calf length, dreary thought :at It sounds as though 'It :was not on his own land, working 'for here,gave a six-week course on 'was formed. to help ,defray ·ex- best. , I al~ays a Vietnamese: w!1r.'" 'his own family. He knows when "Images of God and Man in penses of the. four Catholic colWhat are we.as women, goMrs; Loc, whose famdy fled he is free." She noted' that 80 Various Forms of Literature." leges in litigatioJ:} expected be ing to do about it? I wou Id. I'k per cent of the South Vietnamese I, !'! from 54 GNorth Vietnam tafterd the t reme S, Supto to the . U. appealed to, say s t an d up ·and pro t es. t , 19 d' eneva. h S agreemen h 'd h an 'se - voted in that country's last genCourt. - , ' WEAR ' tle m t e f out, sal t er tmem- eral election. · I Th.e four colleges ar.e Fairfield but most of us are a IItt e ·too ··..The Vietnamese' love their Unl'versl'ty,' conducted. by the old for this sort of activity. Re- ~ries are 0 ,ahlmos~ ckons 8:n "w~r. Shoes That Fit t th . t 0 b uy: th"IS. I'S a p'ossl'bly W.ear O.f I, S et freedom. We are a very'individuJesul't'S,' Sacred Heart 'University, f use d ••eThrat er. SIC th ''THE FAMILY SHOE· STORE" a alistic people and that is one Bridg·.ep'ort.,· Albert Ma.gnu.s .Col- goo d I'dea b'u t ';N h ell. I't' co m es I'to sal.Id kere, ISh no. rmg than to h clothes most of us are ,:very wou . rna e us apple of the reaSons why we are lege; Ne~ Hayer.· and Ann urst· weak-willed and we might end ,. . . ' , fighting so hard,"she added. College,',S9u~h A up I00 k'mg qUI'te s Ila bby b y 'th e Presbyterian - Catholic "Maybe because you have althree ·J·ud.ge, ·U, ~S. .Woqdstock. District <;ourt Dialogue Set fo. r: ·Rome ways been free, you don't value time the battle 'was won. , I 43 FOURTH, STREET . . . ' i' it as much as we do," she told. panel in Hartford 'dismissed a SUI't agal'nst the four colleges. inNevertheless Ife!,!1 that h,opeVATICA.N CITY .(NC) - The Fall River OS 8.-5811 her American audience. . ' . f ' , stittited' by 75-Connecticut resi-fully there will be a re usaI to first meeting of a commission for dents who claimed federal con- .. buy and that if enough of us re,~ dialogue, ~e~ween Roman Cathostruction grants made to the in- - .fuse a change co~I~' possi?ly lics and the World Alliance of SIX CONVENIEN~, OFFICES TO SERVE YO,U stitutions are unconstitutional. take place. Wouldn t It be mC,e, Reformed Churches, a. PresbyWilliam M. Tate, Southern just for once, if the cus.tomer terian body, will be held in Methodist University president.· were right (and had some nghts). Rome from April 6-10. . . A and honorary chairman of the The meeting, the first of five R I~ "Four Colleges" group said: "The dON planned over the next three· matters at issue in Tilton vs. Her rugs ext I years, is the direct result of two ... A' Finch (title of the suit) are likely. TORONTO (NC) ~ A gover~- consultations by Protestant and I~·. I~ I~ to affect vitally the interests of ment-sponsored research agency Catholic representatives in Switsome 800 institutions of higher here has released results ofa zerland and the Netherlands in OF TAUNTON education," .He added that rever- two-year survey' indicating that 1968 and 1969. North Dighton • North Easton sal of the Hartford, court ruling marijuana users are 62 times as . 'The alliance was founded in Norton would have significant.reperc4~- likely to try LSD and oth~r 1875 by the Presbyterian Church, Raynham • Taunton_ sion on 'church-related colleges, "hard" drug's as non-marijuana whic htoday numbers 60 million Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation regardless C?f re\.igiolls affiliation., .,u~~r!l. ,,' ,'.. • ..1.' adherents. . .

Sic·k of War'



John's Shoe Store





TIO...IAL BA...IK. •

THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970

Avers American Life Style Too Rushed for Happiness By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick It has become quite fashion~ble to write about what is wrong with our society and many people have their panaceas. I have no doubt that something is awry with the vay we live (how many of us suffer from tension headaches, upset stomachs, by some chance you do come etc.?) but I have yet to find across the material you're looka solution. We work too ing for, its price is generaIly behard, run too fast, play too yond your wildest imaginings. furiously and live as if tomorrow will never come.

Take doors, for example. Heavy, Spanish-like wooden doors are being shown in all the better home magazines as the perfect foil for the heavy furniture that is in vogue now. When you start to search for this type of door you find similar designs but somehow you know they're not as rich looking as those you saw in House Beautiful or Better Homes or any of the other 101 idea books filled with dream rooms. Oh, we bought a door, not the one I reaIly wanted but it did appear to be the only type available in this area. A month or so after we hung it up Tom Medeiros gave me a catalogue of unusual shutters and doors and 10 and behold there was my dream door.' Disappointment flooded'me-I had found it too late, I certainly couldn't ask Joe to take down the' one he had already stained, but I was tempted.

. This is particularly evident when we compare ourselves to other cultures. Many of my mother's relatives are either newly arrived to this country or are still in Portugal so 1 do the have the opportunity to compare life styles. The most appropriate comparison I have heard came from an elderly immigrant who was quite dumbfounded by our breakneck pace. No Joy His analysis foIlows in a rough translation from the Portuguese: "When we work in Portugal, we work at our our own speed. Let us say that we are working in a field and come to a big rock. We try to remove the rock and if it is too big we caIl our friends to help lis.' We argue about how to remove the rock, try five or six ways, have a drink and go home to- think about it. "The next day we return and Practical Wings try again. Now there are more of Temptation soon fled on liS. Someone tries to prove his strength, another his cleverness; wings of practicality when, I we have a good time and finally looked at the price -(I reaIly had to look twice), for my charming, we remove the rock." He then goes on to say, "Here rustic-looking 'door could be you COme to a rock and befpre ordered - unfinished - for the you can think, about it' bull- paltry' sum' of '$500. And that, dozer rips it out of the ground, dear friends, is why': most of dumps it on a truck and you our homes do not look like a page out' of House and Garde'ns. just keep right on working." This happens on not one but His point, of course, is that most occasions. The material we have largely remov~d the joy of work, of personal involve- that is so attractive that it puts ment, for efficiency and speed. the thought of any other out of Unfortunately, we have also dis- your mind turns out to be seIlcovered ,that efficiency has de- ing for $75.00 a yard, the, light creased immeasurably as we fixture is a European import have lessened the importance of impossible to get without a trip pride and personal involvement abroad, and the tile that makes that picture kitchen look, just in what we do. With a decrease in satisfaction like Cl picture, turn out to, be comes an increase in tension and hand-painted originals. This alas all of the accompanying ills. So is my hang-up, it's what I'm we search for our own tension- hooked on. rhe housewives of relievers. Playing the guitar, the thirties - had their drawing gardening, listening to the birds, room comedies to, escape into taking walks with the children, and I have my house ma'~azines. The other day a cold reaIly watching a ball game:. these are the things t.hat work for me. Un- had me down but I still felt I fortunately, the pace of our lives should make something' for desmakes even these simple plea- sert. My mother-in-law came sures tough to come by, and we over and gave me·this recipe for find ourselves fighting for time a marvelous, easy cake that took very little time and energy to to enjoy them. whip up. In the Kitchen Woodland Nut Cake Joe swears that my avid love of home magazines is my down2%, cup flour fall and after almost a year 13;.1 cup sugar spent on our remodeling job ,2 teaspoons baking powder I'm inclined to agree. What you 1 Y2 teaspoons salt see in the magazine is practicalI cup sOft white shortening ly impossible to come by and if ~4 cup milk , I teaspoon almond extract 1 teaspoon orange e~tract Preview Teach-ins 4 eggs I,mbeateri On Environment 112 ,cup' walnuts and pecans, ANN ARBOR (NC)-Students very' finely chopped (I used just at the University of Michigan walnuts) 1) In a large bowl put' the gave the nation a preview of the massive environmental teach-ins flour, baking powder, salt, shortslated April 22. More than a ening, milk, (which has had the thousand persons helped produce flavorings added 'to it, and one of the eggs. Beat for two minutes Michigan's four-day teach-in. with a beater. lt was the first demonstration 2) Add the remaining ,eggs and on campus that the community . actively contributed to with its beat 2 minutes more. 3) Add the nuts. time and buildings. In more than 4) Bake in a weIl-greasec.l tube 125 workshops and seminars as many as.13,000 persons in a sin- pan in a 375 oven 60 to 70 gle day studied various forms of minutes or until done. pollution. '. 5) Frost if you' Wis".



,., • _.. • .. '


,", '. _


Supports Cuts In Colleg-e Staff WASHINGTON (NC)-Despitc a four-day student boycott of classes, members of the Trinity College board of trustees here voted unanimously to uphold the oismissal of nine faculty members when their present cont.racts expire. Speaking after the board of trustees met with five students and five faculty members to discuss the contract terminations, Trinity president Sister Margaret Claydon, S.N.D., said: "In view of the fact that the proper administrative and faculty procedures were followed (in terminating the contracts), the board unanimously agreed that the request to reconsider the action must be declined." In other action at the meeting, the board of trustees voted: To set up a student-faculty committee to give students a voice in evaluating faculty and making decisions on faculty promotions and tenure. To refuse a student request that money slated for construction of a student union be diverted to academic use. And 10 continue distribution to studen1 ; of the school's financial, statemt ~ts. The first such disOFFERTORY PROCESSION ON 60th BIRTHDAY: Campfire tributic 1 was made in the course Girls participate in the Presentation of Gifts at the Offertory' of the 'neeting. of the' Mass celebrating their 60th anniversary in services conducted in Washington. NC Photo. ' Assume Switchboard

Waiting Lists Grow

Duties at Vatican

VATICAN CITY (NC) - .TIle number of women working in the Vatican will soon be increased British lDoctor Asserts Abortions Delay as 12 nuns assume switchboard duties in the tiy city-state's teleNormal Treatment phone syst,em. STOCKPORT (NC) - The in- local Hospital Management ComThere are now 'about 70 creasing number of abortions be- mittee expressing concern that women working in the Vatkan, ing performed in hospiltals is 79 beds were out of use in the according to a spokesman. delaying normal gynecorogical town's hospitals because of staff Four Sisters of the Divine treatment, a Catholic doctor said shortages. Master have been in training for "Yet," said Dr. Fay, "many the past mont.h to take over the here in England. Dr. Hugh P. Fay told members nurses are employed in abortion , switchboard work from the Sons of the Stockport Health ,Execu- wards where valuable beds are of Divine Providence, the male tive. Council, of which he is being taken up while waiting Religious who have handled the chairman, "Abortion~re putting lists of other gynecological cases telephone system since the days a tremendous strain on gyneco- continue t<? grow." of Pope Pius XI. Eight other logical wards and lengthening QHe continued, "Stockport is no nuns will soon join the staff. the already long waiting lists." more amoral than any other part Dr. Fay arso pointed ,out that of the cotlntry, but the number many doctors and nurses ob- of abortions done in hospitals jected to doing abortions, and he now take up much of the docfelt that this contributed to the tors' and nurses' working time. present difficulties, particularly For some of them, it is work the shortage of nursing staff. which is not acceptable. DRY CLEANING The council has written to the "We are having our morals deand cided for us by politicians and I FUR STORAGE feel this is totally wrong. They Priests Shun Politics are no good as pOliticians, but as 34-44 Cohannet Street moralists they are even worse," In Dominican Republic Taunton 1 822·6161 he said. ~~~~~~~~~~.-:~SANTO DOMINGO (NC)-Because of efforts by various factions to involve the clergy in the DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL-combine' a life of violence and tension that has prayer and action. Bringers of the Gospe! Mespreceded the forthcoming nasage to souls everywhere by means of personal tional elections, about one-fifth contact; Pauline Missionaries labor in 30 Nations. Me.mbers witness to Christ in a unique missionof the priests of the Santo Dopropagation 'of the printed Word of Sad. The mingo archdiocese have vowed Sisters write. illustrate, print and bind Iheir own riot to involve themselves in polipublications and diffuse them among' people of tics during the campaign. all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14-23 "Forty-seven priests signed a Interested in .this vital Mission may write to: letter stating: "We are not talkREV. MOTHER SUPERIOR . 50 St. Paul's Ave., Boston. Mass. 02130 ing, writing, or even advising private' citizens, on politics for the forthcoming elections." The rest of the archdiocese's 216 pries~s did not ·sign the letter. Some said, they felt they should 'advise their parishioners on their civic 'duties, and others said they wanted to be free to at decide on their actions at a later time. In their I~tter, the 47 prie'sts also promised "not to, say Masses or impart blessings that, could .be given, a political twist." Elections, for president, congress, 1.1 5 .WILLIAM ST~ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. and local offices' are scheduled for' May '16: ' ' '



10 "

Orthodox Leader To Meet Pope

THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970

Pope D~nounces Racism, Violence O~ Modern Age VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paui VI has denounced ' racial intolerance and the use of violence in the defense of liberty ana justice. , "Racial intolerance and iniquitous ethnic and social discrimination," the Pope said, "seem to us ignoble relics of the past." He added a denunciation of the use in the defense of liberty and ' 'justice, of violence, .revenge, re-', prisals, acts" of terrorism- and guerilla ,warfare," particularly agll:inst 'de(enseless populations. : ' , The ,Pope told his weekly gen'eral audience that the Christian has to be aware of evil if he is to cope with the future, and he went on to speak of various evils in the modern world. Awareness of evil, he said, is not pessimIstic but realistic. The evils that killed Christwickedness, hypocrisy, injustice, viciousness, delinqueQcy, cruelBOY OF THE YEAR: James Heath, 17, of Catskill, N.Y. receives a plaque from President ty, cowardice, human frailtyNixon desig!1ating him the 1970 "Boy of the Year" in a White House ceremony. T~e award are still present, the Pope said. Discussing various contempor- is made by the Boys' Clubs of America. NC Photo. ary evils, the Pope added the problem of growing armaments to that' of war in the Middle and Far East. Traffic in armaments, he said, "at times constit~tes a considerable part of the commerce between great indus,trial powers and weaker nations the naming of a new bishop by SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Five will help close that gap." which are in need of quite difFather Robert Schmidt of placing their nominations in the bishops met with about ,60 ferent supplies." priests here in a dialogue' on Moulton, Tex., vice chairman of collection basket. In an apparent reference to "Everyone just voted for their Brazil, although he did not men- 'selection of bishops, the pbs- the Federation, called the exchange "a great step forward" pastor," the archbishop said. tion the country by name, the sibility of a national pastoral Bishop 'Reed expressed conPope. deplored police torture and council', priestly celibacy, artd toward bridging the trust gap. other current topics:' , Other bishops attending w'ere cern over "politics" in the se',.. I said, he had tried to inte~ene. The bishops, from dioceses ,in John L. Morkovsky of 'Galv~s­ lectio ll ' of a bishop. He specuTexas 'and Oklahoma, were in: ton-Houston, Vincent M. Harris lated that "if' gates were' 'left Archdiocese to Close vited to the meetingby,the F~d­ of 'Beaumont,' Tex., Victor' J. open; ,the priestly ministry might eration o~ Priests Councils of Reed of Oklahoma City-Tulsa, become to a great extent just Seminary SchoQI the San Antonio province, which and Lawrence De Falco of Ama- a popularity contest." He said that situation would be bad for rillo, Tex. ' DETROIT (NC)-In the after- encompasses the two states.i ,the Church. Considerable_ discussion cen~ noon the school basketball team While no issues were settl~d, lost, 58-47, in a Catholic tourna- Archbishop Francis J. Furey, tered on the procedures involved Procedure Exists ment here. That evening the stu- one of the bishops present, ob- in the selection of bishops. Some The Oklahoma bishop said he ' dents learned they are going to served: "I hope that if there lis priests wondered whether they felt that participation of the the laity might have 'a demoand lose their school in June. a trust gap, meetings like' this laity in the selection of bishops 'cratic voice> in the process. After 50 years of preparing would come "in time." He said youth for priestly studies, Sacred it would appear there , Cigarette Tax , is Noting Heart ,Seminary High School will not much democracy in the the laity could gain necessary HARRISBURG (NC)-Penns}\i- naming of a bishop, Archbishop insights for, judging priests as close in June. The school, for a time known as Cardinal Mooney vania's Gov. Raymond P. Shafer Furey said:' "There is actually candidates for the episcopacy Latin School, will close" because has authorized use of 14 per cent a large amount, but it is -not through ,involvement in the dem- , ocratic processes of parish counof high costs of education, drop- of thet state's 18-cent-pe'r-pack on the surface." cils, diocesan pastoral councils, outs and dwindling' enrollments. cigarette tax for ,aid to noilHe ~nd the other bishops personnel, boards' and similar I . John Cardinal Dearden of De- public schools. pointed out that in most dio- Church units. : ' , troit named a committee to deThe governor said that the ceses the bishop polls a number Father Emile Farge of Hopstermine the future of the schools. legislation, makes Pennsylvania of clergy, asking them to subThe decision came ,after a "the first to acknowledge t1te mit names of possible candidates t9n, "diocesan director, of the Galveston - Houston Community 'lengthy study of conditions and need to assist the education of for the hierarchy. prospects. all its' students." ' He added that in some cases, Relations Council, suggested a as in the Galveston-Houston di- resolution asking that the Naocese, 'all the priests are polled. tional Conference of Catholic Bishops outline the procedute for Archbishop Furey said there selecting bishops. is " a certain sense of democra"Our ignorance on this matcy" in the present system of se- ter is appalling," he said. lecting bishops in the United Bishop Harris said the entire States. He questioned the wis- procedure has already appeared dom of opening the process en- in the Canon Law Digest. Bishtirely to the public. He noted op Morkvosky admitted he knew that, in Cleveland, the laity nothing of the procedure until· were invited to participate in after he had been named a bishop himself.

Or,~inaries Bridge 'Trust Gap' Federation ()fficer Sees Great Step. Forward





for Bro'adlltosters CHICAGO (NC)-The annual broadcasters' Mass is scheduled for Sunday in Old St. Mary's church here prior to opening sessions of the National Association of Broadca~ters convention.' The Mass is sponsored by' the National Catholic Office for. Radio and Television, a division of the United States Catholic Conference communications depart, i ment. Father Donald F.X. ConPAPAL VISITOR: A member of a delegation from Swaziland: nolly, coordinator, will be prinkisses the hand of Pope Paul VI during a recent general audience.! cipal celebrant of the Mass, asThe Pope denounced racial intolerance and the use of violence I sisted by other priests associated as "relics of' 'he past.", NC Photo. ' with organization.


VATICAN CITY (NC)- The heads of the Roman Catholic and Armenian Orthodox Churches will have a personal meeting for the first time' in history this May. Pope Paul VI will be host to Vasken I of Echmiadzin, in Soviet Armenia, supreme patriach and Catholicos of the Aremenian Orthodox May 8-12. The Vatican' announced that Vasken I will lead a contingent. of archbishops and bishops to the 'historic meeting. In addition to the planned private talks; it was announced that Pope Paul and Vasken I will jo!n 'in 'prayer meetings in each of, the four' major basilicas ,of Rome, St. Peter's, St. Mary Major's, St. John Lateran and St. Paul's Outside'the Walls. Numerous receptions have been planned for the Armenian churchmen while in Rome. During his stay, Vasken I will live in the Towers of St.' John within the Vatican gardens, the residence provided for Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople when he visited the Vatican.

Vatican Grant Aids Common Bible Work VATICAN CITY (NC~A Vatican grant will assist Catholic Protestant scholars in compiling a basic text of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament from which translations will be rendered into hundreds of modern languages with the exception of English. Jan Willebrands, Cardinal president of the Vatican Secretariat for Promo~ing Christian Unity, in his capacity of overseeing,the Catholic :participatlon in common Bible work, forwarded the $25,000 donation to the New York headquarters of the 'United Bible Societies. The Protestant groups have been, providing Bible translations for more than 150 years, but Catholic participation with the Protestants for a common Bible commenced only, after the Second Vatican Council. Since then, father Carlo Martini, S.J., head of the Biblical Institute in Rome, has cooperated with four Protestant scholars to produce' a Greek New Testament as a basis for translation into modern languages.



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.. Censures SIECUS Sex Materia I For Schools

THE ANCHORThurs., April 2, 1970

Deplore Crime Against Blacks

TRENTON (NC)-A Joint Education Committee of the New Jersey Legislature is recommending' legislation that will prohibit the introduction of sex education courses in any public school district except by referendum. ' The recommendation is the result of a study ,into the controversy over sex education programs in various areas of the state. Controversy arose when most local districts inaugurating such programs Ignored guidelines prepared ,by the New Jersey State Department of Education. Those guidelines issued in 1967 suggested that the public be consulted by school districts con-, sidering sex eduQition courses. They also suggested that such courses be integrated with comprehensive family living programs. The Joint Education Committee was formed by the legislature to look Into the controversy aft~r the education department was asked to advise local districts to call a one-year moratorium on the introduction of sex courses. It is also recommending that materials from the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) not be used in any courses being taught in New Jersey. Much of the controversy in New Jersey centered on the use of this material.

Delays Expulsion After Protests QUITO v(NC}--Expulsion of a Spanish priest from Ecuador on charges of interfering in local politics has been delayed by protests of priests and laymen. Father Luis Hernandez, who has been working in the diocese of Riobamba, has been accused of mixing in politics as "an agitator against the established order" and as a result his resident status was questioned by authorities.

BEFORE SHE WAS DEPORTED: Sister Vivian Votruba, a Maryknoll nun and a medical doctor, was one of 29 Catholic misisonaries deported from Nigeria in the wake of the Biafra war. This' picture, Jaken last October, shows Sister Vivian at work in Owerrinta hospital, near Aba, East Nigeria. Theirs was the second group of Catholic missionaries to be dep~rted. NC Photo.

Enroll~ent Opponents See Church - State Violation'

Chicago Halts Proposed Dual CHICAGO (NC)-A proposed dual enrollment program between a Catholic school and a public school' on Chicago's southwest side, has been shelved temporarily" by the Chicago board of education. The proposal would have involved hiring a public school gym teacher part time to accommodate Catholic school students. If approved, the plan would have been the. first of its kind in Chicago to involve a cost to the board of education. Schools Superintendent James Redmond, in a report to the board, recommended the pro-,

,! f





I ",


posal be 'withdrawn "for further study within the community" and possibly be reconsidered next Fall. Redmond last month proposed giving gym classes at Kellogg School for students of Christ the King School. Kellogg uses its gym part time.' Christ the King has no gymnasium. '

Nun, Priest Elected To School Board. NEW YORK (NC)-A Brooklyn priest and a Bronx nun were among winners in local district school board elections here. - Father. Michael C. French, 31, associate pastor of St. Anselm's church In Brooklyn, won in his district by a landslide. He received 8,000 votes, 5,200 more than needed for election. His slogan was "Children are the Only Issue." In the South Bronx, Sister Alice J. Kerins, principal of St. Anthony's School and a former missionary in the Bahamas, received 987 votes, 687 more than she needed for election. She was 0I1e of 11 candidates in the ra-' cially mixed and predominantly' Protestant neighborhood.

Missionaries Elect Two Provincials

BIRMINGHAM (NC) - The spiritual leaders of Alabama Catholicism deplored a "cowardly and cynical" denial of civil rights to a community of Black Muslims and asked that law enforcement officials punish the crUne. "The honor of our state. demands no less," said Bishops Joseph G. Vath of Birmingham and John L. May of Mobile in a joint statement. They referred to the fatal poisoning and shooting of 64 cows on a farm run by Black Muslims near Ashville. B'ishops Vath and May said in their joint statement that "Alabama has been again dishonored" and "the entire nation shacked" by the cattle poisoning and' shooting. "In the interest of justice and in the discharge of our responsibilities as religious leaders in the state of Alabama we feel compelled to speak out," they declared. "We differ with much of the ideological position of the Black Muslims. But we deplore this cowardly and cynical denial of their civil rights in our state. We call upon our law enforcement officials to make every effort to punish this crime. -The honor of our state demands no less."

Opposition to the shared time plan l)as come from representa-' tives of various area PTA, civic and neighborhood associations. According to Manford Byrd Jr., deputy superintendent, the key reasons for withdrawing the proposal were controversy on the issue, questions raised by board members and the financing of a teacher. Byrd said the controversy, "which we didn't have with oth- . er shared time programs," arose within the community. A number of people he said, have claimed the proposal would infringe on- church-state separations. And many people "think the space and time could be better used for Kellogg students." Others, he added, including some board members, "questionan additional outlay. In a period of money shortage, they want to know why we're planning to expand an educational program."

.. Elected by Man CINCINNATI (NC) - Father Charles T. Brichler. C.PP.S., has been elected provincial director of the Society of the Precious Blood's Cincinnati province in balloting conducted by mail among the' society's 400 members here.

Names Four Laymen .To Conference PITTSBURGH (NC) Pittsburgh's Bishop Vincent M. Leonard named four lay people to posts in the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference. The four will join four Pittsburgh priests already serving with the conference. Common Pleas Judge Joseph Ridge of Bethel Park will join Father Adam J. Maida on the pce administrative board; Mrs. Frank T. Lesquin of Aliquippa will serve with Msgr. Joseph C. McCarren in the social welfare department; Mrs. Richard Fahey will work with Bishop John B. McDowell, auxmary bishop of Pittsburgh, in the education department; and Anthony Lutty of Penn Hills will join Father James A. Spelmlln in the community action department.

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TECHNY (NC)-Father John Donaghey, S.V.D., 41, a native of Charlestown, Mass,. has been elected provincial of the Society of the Divine Word Northern province, with headquarters here in 路IIlinois. ~NC. Father Donald J. Ehr, S.V.D.; 41: a native of Jesup, Iowa, has been re-elected provinci.al for the Eastern province, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. He Jwas first appointed to this pos, in March, 1968. ~ ~ Father Donaghey was dean of students at Divine Word College, Epsworth, Iowa, prior to being elected provincial. He succeeds Father Joseph Connors, _ 363 SECOND ST. FALL RIVER, MASS. _ S.V.D., who has served as provincial for the past six years.. ' ~IIIlIJIJIJJlIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIJIJIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIJJllllm"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~lIIl11l1l11l11lJnllllJlJlIllIIlllllllllIIllllJlIIlIllllIJIJII~



RUSSIAN VISITOR: Metropo!itan Nikodim, Patriarch of Leningrad and Novgorod, chats with Msgr. Marvin Bordelon, director of the International Affairs Department, U.W. Catholic Conference, while' visiting in the Nation's Capital. NC Photo.




I <

Court Approves College 'Grants

FINALIZING PLANS: Completing arr~ngementsfor meeting on drugs scheduled for Tuesday night at Connolly High School, Fall River are: Mrs. Morris B. Goldin, Mrs. Samuel Siegel, Mrs. Eugene O'Riordan, seated, and Mr=;. Julius Grozen, standing.


Organize PLANT

HARTFORD (NC) - Construction grants made to four Catholic. colleges and universities 'in Connecticut by the federal government are constitutional, a threejudge U. S. district court panel ruled :here. Judges J. Joseph Smith, William H. Timbers and M. Joseph Blumenfield held that the grants from the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, totalling nearly a million dollars, are legal. The grants were made to Fairfield University, operated in Fairfield by the Jesuit Fathers; Sacred Heart University, a layadministered diocesan institution in ·Bridgeport; Albertus Magnus College, operated by the Dominican Sisters in New Haven; and Annhurst College, conducted by the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in South Woodstock. The building aided by the grants are a library, a fine arts center, a science building and a language laboratory. The judges ruled· that the primary purpose of the grants had nothing to do with advancing the cause of . religion. A suit had .been brought against the federal and state government and the four institutions by 75 Connecticut residents alleging that the grants promoted religion and therefore violated the constitutional provisions for separation of. church and state. The plaintiffs were supported by the American Jewish Congress and the Connecticut Civil liberties Union. Attorneys for the plaintiffs indicated the decision would be appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court..' '. ~ .

Moment ,tassed I Thus we,see, as the··Cnristian Try t'! Understand' Drug Abuse faith takes shape,'the tension petween clutching the: faith with An attempt to bring more parThe program, sponsored by the grip of an inte'nse,' ]tical loy~ ·ents. together' to,' f~ce and, deal Bristol South Medical Auxiliary, alty or' w'ideriing it to include lall' with the problem of drug use the Union United Methodist God's creatures. Throughol,lt the among youngsters has crystal- Church, Holy Name Church and Church's history, the tension has' ized in the establishment of Temple Beth-El, will attempt to been maintained. In the Middle PLANT: ., ..... answer important questions' in Ages, Christianity became II a~ . PLANT stands for Parents ' today's drug-use crisis. rooted in a white, West 'EuroLeague Against Narcotic TempA film and panel discussion pean culture as the 'Jewish faith had, before, been rooted in the tation, It 'has scheduled a meet- will be held by representatives ing for all' interested parties at of the clergy, bar, medical proculture of Jewry. ' ; Bishop Connolly High School, fessions, police force and a re'When, Jesuit missionaries' went out to China in the sixteerith Fall River, on Tuesday evening, habilitated drug addict. • • f i' century-when, for a time, under April 7 at 7:30: Among questions to be dea~t the Ming Dynasty" it 'seemed:as with' are: ,What don't y,ouknow? . though the whole of China might What is drug dependence? Which Scores Totalitarian be opened to Christianity, rivaldrugs cause dependence. Why ries . and .misunderstandings be- Spirit in Rhodesoa do people abuse drugs? Can drug tween different missionary orSALISBURY (NC)- The pres- abuse be prevented? ders, between Rome and the All are urged to attend. ent regime in Rhodesia is guided Jesuits frustrated the effort. ' An assimilation of. Confuci~n by a "totalitarian spirit," a priestmoral order into the central editor ordered out of the counDepiore Deviations Christian message., cif u.niversal try said here before boarding a BRAGA (NC) - Responsibility plane for Malawi. salvation was not accomplished. . for orthodoxy in the Church beAbout 150 persons, of all races longs to the pope and the bishWhat St. i Paul had achieved" in ' opening classical Greco-Roman cheered Father Michael Traber, ops, not with' priests or the'laity, culture to the person of a Jewish former editor of Moto, at the Archbishop Francisco da' Silva of Messiah was' not .'achieved :in airport and "sang the anthem of Braga told a meeting of priests Asia. The moment p·assed., Tod~y, . Rhodesia's black Africans, "Ishe a secularized Christian' heresy- Komborera Africa" (God Bless here. for Marxism; too, is rooted in the Africa).. . Old Testament~ha's. conquer~d The Swiss-born priest was orChina for' universalism. '. dered out of the country after But is all this relevant to our receiving 'a suspended sentence concerns today? Of course· it is. of six months at hard labor for In fact, the Christian Church jis publishing it "subversive ~tate­ INDUSTRIAL 'and DOMESTIC facing pe~haps its greatest chal- ment in Moto, which has been lenge between a local culture in ca,:npaigning for' the rights of which it '; is' imbedded and the' Rhodesia's black majority for planetary' society which man- ':'lany years. kind has to achieve or perish. The locaI"culture is the Atlantic society of Europe and North America where, with extensio'ns to South Ameriea, the great mh- " .·'ComP!~t~ 312 Hillman Street 997·9162 New Bedford jority of Christians live.. ' , ' It. is the wealthy, successf.til, :·-·~A.Ni<8NG highly technological and scientific society which commands. $0 .'.~ SE~V.ltE per cent of the world's power and wealth~with less than 20 per cent of the world's people~. . for Bristol County It adds each year to its goods 'and services the equivalent of the entire national wealth Of Africa and India combined. A whole year of safe-keeping In our vault costs The agonizing question facing every. Christian is therefore this: lust 56: You get complete theft-proof protection Are they narrow. culturally plus privacy for family records. whl1t you will restricted Christians, shari~g ThiS kmd of peac8-of-mmd cant be bought. but wealth and, opportunity only TAUNTON, MASS. at SFT you can rent It. within their. own super-wealthy nations? Or areth~y open Chris" THIE BANK ON . tians, open to God, open to cre~­ TAUNTON GREEN THE GO·AHEAD BANK THAT PUTS YOU AHEAD tion, open to the. human race, Member of Federal . Deposit ready ,to share anp. help·On. ~ . Insurance Corporation . planetary scale? Man's survival, may depend on the answer they -0 RIGHT BY THE STOP & SHOP, SOMERSET, MASS. give. i I



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Dio.cese Convenes Past9ral Coundl DAVENPORT (NC) - Bishop Gerald O'Keefe convened the opening meeting of this diocese's first pastoral "ouncil, giving t,he 20 council members, anover~ view of diocesan projeCts. and pointing out the areas where they could be olmost help. The Iowa bishop, urged the council, composed' of seven laymen,~, .f!V~, .sisters,'. and. eight priests, .including 'himself as preside'nt, to' help him' in financial' planning 'and in setting up due process procedures for settllng ·disputes. " . " . " ...... He .also asked their help in furth,E;ring channels of communication in the. diocese, and/in implementing .the:. findings of an Iowa South E~st, Evaluation surveyon ' e~J~a1!9Jl,· w.Orship and socia~ actionw; ;~~l}qtiCted' within the dIOcese a'y~a'r ago.




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S'PECIAL GIFTS PHASE OPENS APRIL 20 The Special Gifts phase of the Catholic Charities Appeal of the diocese of Fall River begins Monday, April 20 and ends on Saturday, May 2. The Appeal is made to fraternal~ . profession, business 'and industrial .organizations. Since the Charities Appeal provides 'services to all in the community, the groups mentioned路 in the Special Gifts category are interested in supporting community services to 'all regardless of race, color or creed. This year's Appeal has a special significance since it is a tribute to His Excellency James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River '~n the occasion of his twenty-fifth'episcopaLan-' niversary. Most Reverend James J. Gerrard, Auxiliary to the Bishop of Fall.River, said: "This year's Appeal should be a banner year. .We are honoring Bishop Connolly for his twenty-five silver jubilee years as a Bishop. All these years have been spent in the diocese路 in the caring for the poor, needy, elderly, youth and exceptional and underprivileged_ children. He has championed these causes by works of charity and social service." The six areas of the diocese in the Special Gifts phase are Fall River, New Bedford, 'Taunton, the Attleboros and the Cape. and Islands. The campaign for the Special Gifts serves as a barometer for the house-to-house parish appeal beginnin,g May 3 and ending May)3. Bishop Ger~ard, this year's episcopal chairman of the' Appeal, has sent personal letters to the Solicitors and contributors in this phase. Many Solicitors have already acknowledged their willingness to take an active part in this year's Appeal honoring Bishop Connol.... Iy for his twenty-five years of .care fOf the

."\','VI' ,I, ,

thirty-one agencies of the Appeal. Names of . the contributors will be assigned to each solicitor in his area. The solicitors will hold a "pep" meeting with their area director. The slogan of路 the Appeal will read: "Honoring Bishop Connolly because he cared for twentyfive years." Mr. Joseph C.Murray of North Dighton, this year's Lay 'Chairman of the Appeal said: "It is hoped with special emphasis placed on the- tribute to Bishop Connolly, the Special Gifts phase of the Appeal will be highly success ful ." ' . Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, Diocesan Director of the Appeal, announced today that 710 solicitors will make 3,125 contacts in the Special Gifts phase throughout the diocese. Monsignor Gomes said: "The success of the Special Gifts solicitors will give encouragement and confidence to the parish solicitors when. these 15 ; 125 solicitors contact 97,250 homes in the diocese on Sunday, May 3, from noon to j P.M.

"Becquse He Cares"; Bishop James L. Connolly of the Fall River Diocese is shown with students of the Nazareth Hall for Exceptional Children, Hyannis.



Washington Priests Renew Promises

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 2, ,1970

Reports Hi'gh Rate of Response To Survey 'on Priesthood CHICAGO (NC)-The national average response to. the most comprehensive survey of. the priesthood ever attempted by American Catholicism has so far been one of the highest reported for mailed surveys of such broad scope. The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, which is. conducting the survey for the National Confer. ence of Catholic Bishops, reported that some dioceses and religious communities already have a completion rate of over 90 per cent. . Every bishop and major superior of Religious, in addition ·to· more than 6,000 priests, was' mailed a 46-page. confidential questionnaire' ,to 'determine what they see' as' the past, present and future role of the priesthood and the Cath'olic Church in the United States. Encouraging Response The questionnaire, a sociological survey, forms part ·of a comprehensive study of priestly life and !'Jlinistry under a contract signed by the bishops' conference. Responsible for ~he overall study is the Bishops"Committee on Pastoral Research and Practices, chaired. by Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia. The q'uestionnaire was dra'fn up after 'Iong study an'd consultallQ" among leading scholars in theology, . psychology, sociology and allied fields. Aspects of the priesthood under investigation include: personal characteristics,

ana psychological spiritual growth, the rofes of the priest, celibacy, professional performance and job satisfaction; as well as decision-making and authority in the Church. "The response to the questionnaire has been very enco'uraging," said Father Richard A. Schoenherr of Detroit, senior study director. . , Amended Version I. "We are making' use of every means at our disposal to encour" age priests who have, not returned questiopnaires tp. d,o so right away. To get· as' accurate a picture,oUhe American priest as possible, we need a unif6rmly high rate of response across the nation." . . . An amended version .of the questionnaire is being pre~ared for sending to a random sample of priests who have resigned from the active ministry in the past five years. .' I In preparing that samplej researchers have be.en gatMring national figures on how. many priests have actuaJly left. Father Andrew 'Greeley, sociologist. who 'is program director of the :research center, noted: "Everyone's making guesses about it But to have the: real picture, we are getting the official numbers from every dio.cese and religious community in. the sample." . A detailed sociological arlalysis of the data will be ready for the' bishops' 'conference in e1arly 1971.

'Nun's, Choice £tUlggest Central Per$@Uilll'u~1 BOQ1fd

. For Teacher Assognmenh CHICAGO (NC)-A conference of nuns. here recommended establishment of a central personnel board for deployment of teaching Sisters .in archdiocesan schools and areas of, their ,pwn choice.

Cc~fere.nce y


.W.e~fare Fr~eze CHICAGO (NC)-A,restriction on funds' ·for social services in the' proposed federal budget. of President Nixon was deplored as a "welfare freeze" by a commission of the National Conference of Charities. at a meeting here. The Conference Commission 'on Families and Children urged the President to reconsider his action. . According to the budget for fiscal 1971, federal expenditures for social services, staff training and administration may not exceed II per cent of the aggregate amount estimated for these purposes for the fiscal y~ar, 1970. The "freeze." the commission said, will limit "effective delivery of rehabilitation services" which are "designed to help people achieve their maximum potential for self-support and personal growth." It will also impede. efficient planning for the most effective use of social and rehabilitation services, the commission added. It said not only is the I 0 per cent increase over the 1970 bud~ get inadequate, but it also places a ceiling on expenditures. for social services. The' commission complained that the new appropriations will become "closed" whereas previously' they have' been "open-ended."

HEADS STUDENTS: Edgar Chase III is' the f'irst Negro to be elected president of the student council at Loyola University of the South, New Orleans. NC Photo. .. .


WASHNGTON . (NC) - More than 100 clergymen joined Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle .in renewing priestly promises of celibacy and obedience during the Holy Thursday' Mass of the Chrism at St. Matthew's cathedral here. The vow renewal was a suggestion made when the Vatican released a new preface for the Mass during which a bishop' blesses sacramental oil's' to be used during the year. A controversy arose when the suggestion was interpreted by some as an order 'i'rom the Vatican which priests were obligated to follow. Some U. S. bishops chose to leave the renewal ceremony out of Holy Thursday liturgy until uniform text Is released from the Vatican. Others were using a: sample form supplied by the Vatican in February. Some modif ied the text to meet their owJ:t needs. . Cardinal O'Boyle 'had invited priests in the archdiocese· by letter to attend the ceremony, if it

did not interfere with other pastoral duties on Holy ·Thursday. He told clergymen in the congregation, following the blessing of the holy oils, "I want you to know that I am deeply grateful for your presence here this morning. God Bless ·you."

Support Pope BERLIN (NC)-The bishops of East Germany have expressed their support for the pro-celibacy position of Pope Paul VI in a public declaration in the East Berlin chUrch weekly St. Hedwigsblatt. Cardinal Alfred Bengsch of Berlin, who resides in the Soviet sector of Berlin, had previously rejected the view of the Dutch National Pastoral CC)lincil, which supported optional celibacy Jor priests. The cardinal called "illusory and irrelevant" the notion that the present crisis in the Church could be resolved by abolishing obligatory priestly celibacy. '

law S«:hool

Has Actmng Dean_ · BOSTON (NC)-Prof. Richard G. Huber, an expert in environmental law and a member of the Bos,tonCollege law school faculty since 1957, has been named as the school's acting dean. Editor of the Environmental Law and Science Journal, ProfHuber is a frequent lecturer on environment and ecology. He has helped draft several laws dealing with land zoning , and the question of eminent domain (the right of a government to appropriate privately~owned land for the common good). ' Prof.. Hubf:!r replaces Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J., 'who is on a leave of absence. Father '1)rinan is presently'seeking the Democratic nomination as candidate for the House of Representatives from Massachusetts' Third Congressional District.

"There are areas where. some religious communities haven't made investments. A central personnel board would. give each Sister an opportunity to t~ach in an area of her choice, whether her particular order has a school . Priest Adldll'ess~s there," said' Sister MargllFet Flaherty of, the Sisters of ISt. Baptislt'. Meeting. , . 'BIRMINGHAM (NC)-Baptists Joseph. I Chairman of . the education called it "history-making" when committee of. th~Sisters~ Ad- a Franciscan priest addressed a visory Council which sponsored series of conferences on spiritual the conference, Sister Marg~ret renewal at Vestavia Hills Bapdetailed that religious communi- tist church here. Father Duane Stenzel, O.F.M., ties deal directly with pari!;;h of Louisville, Ky., said his reschools in providing teachers. Under the parish contract Sys- ception at the ~hurch "was,tretem, she added, a nun interested mendously warm and wonderin teaching an inner city school ful." His talks centered on the would have to seek employment renewal of ail Christians and in the public school system :or emphasized that experiencing through some other area if her Christ is as important as doccommunity did not have a school trine. Frank questions about the Catholic Church were directed in the particular area. i ·Father H. Robert' Clark, ar~h­ to the Franciscan. · He· called the Baptist chu~ch diocesan· schools superint~nde'nt, said one order presently is using "progressive In the best sense of the school board as a clearing the word." The priest was inhouse for job 'placement: He vited to address parishioners by added: "Others are welcome Ito Rev. Otis Brooks, Vestavia Hills pastor. Rev. Mr. Brooks sought do so,'''·· " "Intercommunity staffing lof' the approval of his parishioners schools . is another possibility before he extended the invitawhich should be investigated," tion ... he declared. I. · Father Stenzel said' some BapSister Margaret predicted the tists of other churches· objected schools' image would change! if to' his participation in' the' concentral deployment goes into ef- fere.nces. But, he added, he fect. I found no opposition at Vestavia "The concept has been paro- Hills: chial in terms of parishes and ~e­ ligious communities. Schools Vincentian Meeting have always been referred to as 'Mercy schools,' 'Benedictine The monthly meeting. of the schools,' and 'Dominican shools.' Fall ,River Particular Council, SoCentral deployment would change ciety of St. Vincent de Paul, will all this," she said. "There is" a . be held Tuesday evening, April 7. . place for religious communiti~s Mass will be celebrated at the to serve the archdiocese. and not Immaculate Conception Church, necessarily through the pari~h Thomas Street, at 7:30 and the structures," ' . meeting will follow.

UHe Took Bread and ·Gave Thanks" Our English word, "Eucliarlst," comes from the Greek, 'eucharlstla," meaning "thanksgiving." The Lord's Supper, the Passover Meal, was actually a Thanksg~vl,.g M~llk It... celelJra~~cL the.; Chosen People's exodus from Egypt's $Iavery to the freedom· of.: . their own tal'd. Each time we celebrate this meal our Lord gave us, we express' our thanksgiving as God's People freed from the slavery of sin to live' in peace and brotherhood with all men in every land. When we receive the Eucharist we accept all others as brothIn Chrl.st. Is not Holy Communion a sharing of our Christ'.. life with the community of men? To receive the Eucharist Is . to thank God for' the blessings of our life by 'sharing with those In need. CI'S

As Catholics and Americans we have much to be than~ful for. We have, when needed, our doctors, dentists, hospitals; and drug stores. We have good fqod and water, supermarkets, and cooking appliances., We have clothes, shoes, warm homes, and f.anitatlon. We have education, career opportunities" the theater, arts, and television. We have the means to live Christian lives" and the freedom and personal dignity that America· provides. We reap the good things of America from automobiles, highways, and space pioneering to welfare, insurance, and social security. And on and on . . . Thank God for the good life He has provided you and your family. Receive the Eucharist and .accept In your heart those of our world who are illiterate, diseased, homeless, hungry, and naked. Those imprisoned by inhuman poverty. Thank God for the' goodness you have received by sharing some good with the / missionaries bringing to underdeveloped peoples food, homes, medicine, education . . . the Eucharist. Send a donation to the missions with a real lEncharlstic spirit • .' • with Thanksgiving. Can' we truly break bread together • . . and not? ~






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SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Right Reverend Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, DepL C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your 10CliI Diocesan Director. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street .Fall River, Massachusetts 02720




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• Portland Designs 'Second Career' Plan for Nuns

THE ANCHORThurs.., April 2, 1970

Schools Reject Special Program

PORTLAND (NC) - A second . time . around pilot project designed to activate able-bodied nuns forced into retirement by compulsory age rules in schools and institutions has been launched in the Portland diocese. Bishop Peter L. Gerety said the Maine diocese, plus the Advisory Council for Religious and the Major Superiors of Religious Orders, designed the program to provide "second careers" for retirees anxious to get back in work for the Church and people of the diocese. A task force has been established to get the program into full operation. Sister Elizabeth Cyr, task force chairman, commented: "Most of us will agree that aging is something we can neither ignore nor escape. None of us is getting any younger and more of us than ever before in history are already old. If we live long enough, we will eventually find ourselves lal;leled as senior citizens." Needs, Services "A little more than a halfcentury ago, there were only three million people who were 65 Qr older. Today, over 15 million people fit into this category. The number of senior citizens is becoming a segment of population that is making its presence felt in society, bringing about gradual changes in attitude toward old age and retirement." "In the immense fluctuating variety of life within the Church, it is possible to discover many stable patterns of Meds,and· services which can be met by Sisters who are in the retirement age group. "The plentiful avenues needing attention are the caring for the sick, the poor, those needing instruction in the rudiments of the faith, and the filling of personnel g&PS in the vocational and other educational programs. Community activity and the opportunity to serve can give our older Sisters an active role and a sense of worth."


......... DISCUSS BENEFIT FOR BISHOP CONNOLtY HIGH SCHOOL: Arthur Guimond, Mrs. Robert Nedderman, president of St. Ignatius Guild; Leo' P. Smith, publicity chairman; Charles. Gagn~n discuss the final plans for the evening of April 12 when the Loyola Club and St. IgnatIUs GUII~ will co-sponsor a dinner dance and discourse by Senator Edward M. Kennedy for the benefit of the Fall River Boys' ,High.

Pluriform General .Ecumenical Council . Dr. Espy Proposes UN Type of' Organization HARRISBURG (NC) - A National Council of Churches official has proposed a United Nations-type organization. for the various religious deI)ominations in this country. \

Dr. R. H. Edwin Espy,' the council's executive secretary, supported the idea at the Pennsylvania Council of Churches biennial meeting here, advocating "a pluriform general ecumenical council" in which all Christian communities and agencies "can regularly gather to' share their views on major issues in the life

Rochester Closing ROCHESTER (NC)-King Preparatory .Schrool, Monroe county's only coed Catholic high school will shut its doors for the last time this June. Rochester's Bishop Joseph L. Hogan announced that an annual financial deficit of about $100,000 made the school impossible to run. King Prep opened in 1957, succeeding the 97-year-old St. Andrew's Seminary.

of the church in the nation." "Such a consultative assembly might have two manifestationsone, an official legislative body or parliament, the 'other a gathering of the people of the Church on the order of the Kirchentag (a biennial meeting of, Protestants) in Germany. High Level Discussions "Within the broad framework of such a general ecumenical council, there should be designed, on the analogy of the specialized agencies of the United Nation ...' highly focused instrumentalities for particular spiritual, educational, ideological, social, communication, or service objectives to which only those communions and. groups should belong that were deeply concerned with these respective objectives." He said the proposal originally was made at a council meeting earlier in Detroit. Dr. Espy said "we are selling ourselves short and indulging in a contradiction if we call ourselves 'ecumenical"

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while the Roman Catholic Church and various conservative evangelical bodies. "are not somehow integrally a part of our effort to manifest unity." Dr. Espy said discussions at high levels are starting concerning possible admission of the Roman Catholic Church into the council. Interna'tionally, progress has been made in joint talks between the World Council of Churches and the Vatican, said Dr. Espy. Common Cause Church councils must "not only find common Christian values, but make common cause in the broader area of human values, without retreating for a mo· ment from that which is distinctive in our Christian Faith," Dr. Espy said. , Church councils, Dr. Espy added, should express the essential life of the churches, rather than serving simply as agencies. And while recognizing the justice of some demands, they should be more than mere partisans for particular causes, hc asserted. He said a major part of the mission should be to seek to end, in a united way, the confusion of values. "It is a bit ridiculous to feel that we can resolve this issue of values with the Baptist answer, or the Lutheran answer, or the Roman Catholic answer," he said. "We can come at this problem with any kind of adequacy only with the fullness of the faith that has been vouchsafed to us all together in the univer.sal church of Christ," Dr. Espy declared.

DENVER (NC) - Representatives of Denver's five archdiocesan high schools rejected a suggestion for a six-day program in the schools on peace, Vietnam and the draft. However, they agreed there might be value in a training seminar for interested tcachers on these topics. The suggestion for a program in the schools was made by the Pastoral' Concerns Committee, a subcommittee of the archdiocesan Priests' Council, at a meeting of teachers, principals and counselors. Msgr. William Jones,' superintendent of schools, stated: "The vital issues of war and peace demand critical analysis. AII of our schools need the help of groups who can give us their perspective. The need is relative. Schools have to be open to the needs of youngsters today and we should do anyhing we can to help." Those attending the meeting rejected the special program because: It is not the position of the schools to provide information concerning the draft; Within the context of history and social studies courses the material about Vietnam is adequately covered; Religion classes discuss the social gospel and include 'conscience, violence and social justice as a part of the total curriculum. .

Appoints Education Department Head COLUMBUS (NC)-Nelson N. Harper has been appointed executi",e secretary of the department on education of the Catholic Conference of Ohio. Theodore N. Staudt, evecutive director of the conference. made the announcement at the recent meeting of Ohio bishops, superintendents of schools and major superiors of Religious communities teaching in Ohio. For the past 15 years Harper has been with the Ginn and Company Educational Publisher in the Catholic school department.


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Among ,he o;gh' "uden" 8;,hop Con,,?"y H;gh Foil River who will pursue studie3 at the University of Grenoble In France fo~ SIX weeks thIS Summer are' Robert E. Nedderman, Stephen F. 'Plichta, standing; Raymond A. Dionne, seated; Rev. Raymo~d R. legesse, S.J., teacher of French at Connolly High, who will act as chaperone.

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• 16

THE ANCHOR-Diocese ~f Fall River-Thurs., April 2,' 1970

Bishop CClssidy Students P!resent Study of Taunton Are@ Pollution In Preparation for Earth. Day.. Students at Holy' Family High· in New Beoford are preparing for their annual retreat, to be held Wednesday, April 29 through Friday, May 1. Also at HF; Tu~sday marks the beginning of a series of tennis matches for boy players, who will meet" ."... I o ponents from Taunton Paw Pnnts present a~ m~ldepth ~ ., study of factors contrIbutmg to High. HF baseball Will begm pollution!n Tatinton, writ~en in Thursday, April' 9 with a connection with observance of game at Seekonk. Juniors at Cassidy High, Taun· ton, are counting days until Saturday, April 18, when their prom "the":led "In an. April Dream, Will. be. held m t~e school cafete~la With Jack. Shea s Tempos p~aymg f~r dancmg. Dec~ratlOns Will feature. a fountam surrounde.d by SprIng, f1o~ers, and are I~ ch~rge of Demse Bedard, Demse. Riendeau and Doreen B~auvals. Th~re must be somethmg about girls whose first names begin with D. Also. in on the pl;mning· are Carol Thomas, class. president, handling invitations, catering and programs; and Jean Shea, in charge of music. The entire junior. class is. on the clean-up committee. Their dates, tQo? Wins Scholarship .Jane Martin, Holy Family senior, has received a $1000 yearly scholarship from Boston College: At Cassidy half-tuition scholarships have gone to Caril Viera' (Emmanuel) and Barbara Baran (Regis). . The current issue of Cassidy':;

Earth Day April .22. Evidencing much researc.h, It offers, con· crete suggestIOns for stu<;lentsagainst-pollution. I Some .50 students and chaperones from the HQly Family Spanish Club will descend upon New York City this weekend:The program will include attendance at "Man of La Mimcha," and the. -Radio City Easter show. Spanish clubbers will also tour the UN, paying special attention to Latin countries .' . . I . Officers of the new~y 0fga~­ . Ized. club are. Nanci. Scott~, preSident; .A!1 n Costa, v!ce-presldent; PatrIcia Cabral, secretary; and Maureen Berry, treasurer. Farther Afield . I .. I Planning a trip farther afield than New York are 100 Taunton students, including ml!-ny from Cassidy High,. who will spend Spring vacation· in England. Among Cassidyites packing their bags are Joyce Mulvey, senior; Donna Faidell, freshman; lVIariellen Souza, senior; and ~aile Rogers, sophomore. I

Start CamlPoign to Popul~ rize St. Francisl Peace Praye.. ". .CINCINNATI (NC) - (Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.) St. Francis of Assisi's little prayer of peace may' become one of the best known and most frequently heard of all prayers if the campaign being launched here by the St. Anthony Messenger magazine is successful. . (Where there is hatred, let me sow love;) The Franciscan magazine appealed to "as many men in positions of leadership as possible" to recite the prayer daily "in the hope that they will come to think and act always in· the spirit of that prayer." (Where there is injury, par. don;) To begin the "campaign for positive moral lea<\ership, ". the magazine presented a· copy of the prayer to President Richard M.. Nixon. \ (Where there is doubt, faith;) President Nixon accepted the prayer from Rep. Robert A. Taft, Jr., of Ohio, who made the presentation on behalf of the Cincinnati Franciscans. (Where there is despair, love;) Into Effect Taft reported that· the President expressed personally "his admiration for the effort that is being made to secure (the prayer's) additional recognition and usage as an inspiration to all Christians." (Where there is . darkness, light;) Father Norman Perry, O.F.M., the magazine associate editor, said: "We believe that the world can definitely be made better if people will say and live this prayer. However, it is particularly important that the leaders of our society should strive to put the principles of the Peace Prayer into effect." ..

(And where there is sadness, joy.) Moral Leadership I. "To be moral ,is to do positive good," said Father Perry. "Morality demands that we concern ourselves with the prob· lems of others-with the ptoblems of the whole world." . (0 Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;) I . "Positive moral leadership will light the way to pea<;e," said Father Perry, "it will work to eliminate hunger, poverty and I disease." (To be understood as to lunderstand; to be loved as to loVe;). First suggestion of the campaign came from John F. W~ar-· ton, who in an article entitled "Toward an Affirmative Morality," in the Saturday Review; of Literature, cited St. Francis';. as one of the few great historical leaders who inspired "a morality that demands· action to Help others, not me.rely abstinence from acts' that might harm one's neighbor." , "I . Offers Copies , (For it is in· giving that we receive;) . I Wharton referred to St. Francis' "famous prayer" and suggested that "whether or not our leaders will say this prayer eC\ch night, the rest of us might be I well advised to do· so." (It is in pardoning that we are p:lrdoned;) ., Copies of the prayer are being offered to the public by the St. Anthony Messenger. Readers were urged to send copies (available for a stamped, addressed envelope sent to the magazire at 1615 Republic Street. Cincinnati, Ohio 45210) of the prayer to public officials and leaders lin basiness and industry. i (And it is in dying that we are born to. eternal life.)

Schedul·e Public Smut Hearings WASHINGTON (NC) - After gathering testimony behind dosed doors for almost two years, the federal government's Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography announced it will hold public hearings on the issue. The hearings will take place in Los Angeles on May 4 and 5 and in Washington a week later. Representatives of church and youth groups and law enforcement agencies will be invited to discuss problems of pornography with commission members. Executive director W. Cody Wilson and commissioner Edward E. Elson said the public hearings were being scheduled as a result of the findings of the 18-man group. Both officials denied that pressure by commission members Rev. Winfrey Link, a Nashville Methodist minister, and Father Morton Hill, S.J., a veteran New York pornography fighter, led to the open meetings. The two clergymen joined Charles H. Keating, the Cincinnati attorney who founded Citizens for Decent Literature, in an attack' on the commission published in the April issue of Columbia, the magazine of the I<nights of Columbus. In the Columbia interview, the HONOR STUDENT: That's a" winning smile on Holy' Family three criticized the commission's student Jane Martin; a National Merit semi-finalbt and her members, methods and goals: "At the rate it is going, the comschool's Anchor reporter. . mission report won't be worth a hill of beans," Rev. Mr. Link charged.

New. Set.Up

Counci'l of Social Concern Supplants ~OWCJI Dioc~se Charities Agency DES MOINES (NC) - The Bishop Maurice J. Dingman of Catholic Council for Social Con- Des Moines has announced that cern has' been .formed here to three 'main service' programs supersede the former Catholic . have been established-Catholic Charities. social service, family life education and social action. Admiqistrative director for the. Invests Millilisteli'$ new organizatiqn will be 35-year- . 0. f Holy Comm~lni~n old Charles R. Roth who has nine years of experience with the CINCINNATI (NC)-More than Catholic Charities. He will also 150 men and women of the Cin- serve as direct.or of the Catholic cinnati archdiocese received the social service division. . privilege of distributing CommuA 19-member boarq of direcnion at what Archbishop Paul F. Leibold described as "a his- tors has been named to represent the entire 23-county diocese. toric ceremony." Membership includes Bishop Investiture of the "extraordi- Dingman, one member from each nary' ministers' of Holy Commu- of 12 regional communities nion" was· held in St. Peter in which last year replaced the Chains cathedral following in- deaneries and six at-large mem. ,structions. in liturgical proce- bers. dures and a discussion of the meaning of the Eucharist. Arc hb'IS hop L'b el 0Id'In h'IS sermon said that the number of

Norris H. Tripp

persons receiving Communion at Mass was increasing, despite the fact that "some seem to have lost their hunger for the Eucharist."


••"".,q,••, •••• ,~•• ~<

Lutherans Support Aid for Schools TALLAHASSEE(NC).~ Lead. erll:of\ th,e L,utheran (;hu/:ch (Mis.;souri Synod) have an.nounced· their support for the principal of government aid to .church-affiliated schools on both the state and national levels. In a letter sent to a Florida state senator, George A. Hollahan Jr., Lothar Kleinhans, president of the church's southern district, said: "Such aid to non-public schools is not offensive to the Constitution of the United States nor to the principles of separation of church and state as espoused through the years by our Lutheran church."





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Says Conference Aids Movement F'or Peace

THE ANCHOR-Thurs.. April 2, 1970

Urge Retention Of Tax Status

WASHINGTON (NC) "It would be presumptuous to think that our division could start a youth movement for peace. It's already started," said Father Patrick McDermott, S.J., assistant director for peace of the Division of World Justice and Peace of the United States Catholic Conference. "In fact," the priest told NC News, "the momentum of the peace movement in this country is due largely to youth involvement." He was commenting on a proposal for an international Cath. olic youth organization to work for peace approved by the peace committee of the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace. That committee had also said that the establishment of such an organization will be left up to individuals and groups on the national or regional level. , Father McDermott .said his division will aim at channeling the energies of American youths "into a positive direction by alerting young pesople to the possibilities for non-violent change and the mechanisms by which it can be accomplished." Permanent Commitment . Many youths "are hitting drugs and copping out of struclured society because they feel powerless to change society for the better," he claimed. I "However," he stressed, "it is important that those youth who are genuinely interested in change remain open to the complexity of the peace issue so that they can sustain some sort of permanent commitment to social change ·and ,not burn· out too quickly." The Jesuit said that the division of world justice and peace "will use whatever resources we can find to encourage youth in this direction. We are in the process of holding training seminars on international social issues for young leaders, beginning with seminarians." The division's work to establish draft information and counseling services in each diocese, he added, "is certainly youthoriented and is related to the whole question of conscience and war."

University Refuses To Rehire Teacher SEATTLE (NC)-Seattle University officials stood firm against rehiring an Orthodox Jewish rabbi as an instructor in its school of theology next year despite a petition signed by mor!'l than 1,100 students favoring rehiring. The. petition was presented to officials after they had disclosed Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobvitz would not be offered a contract for the 1970-71 school year for "economic reasons." Recommending retention of Rabbi Jacobvitz, the students' petition said he was paid "a mere $1,000 for teaching two courses" and this could not make too great a budgetary difference. Father William F. LeRoux, S.J., theology department chairman, said the rabbi is paid $500 per quarter for instructing in "A Survey of Jewish History" and "A Survey of Jewish Theology." Father LeRoux said the univer· sity has an "overall plan to put into effect this Fall that will uffer more courses" in the theology deparment. The courses would be on a two-year basis, he said.


BISHOP LECTURE SERIES: Principals at the fint discourse of the Bishop James L. Connolly lecture Series at SMU were: Dr. David W. Crellin. assistant professor of education at Boston College, lecturer; Rev. Harold Wilson. assistant at St. Patrick'.. Church. Fall River; William Boker, a SMU student from New Bedford.

Check Missouri Discrimination Charge Protest State Education Department Policy WASHINGTON (NC)-Officials of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare here have begun checking into charges that Missouri's Department of Educa· tion is discriminating against private schools by withholding Federal funds without cause. The HEW check was announced after members of the state's Congressional delegation here urged an investigation. Public protest _I)as been steadily mounting in the state over a department of education decision barring public school personnel paid with federal funds from the premises of non-public schools. In a letter to HEW secretary Robert H. Finch, Missouri Congressmwoman Leonor K. Sullivan requested U. S. action, noting that: "Since the position of the state department of education seems to be completely at vari· ance with the Federal law and the regulations of the Office of Education, and since it disputes also the official position of the state attorney general, would you please review this matter as expeditiously as possible?" Legislators P"otest "Let me know," Congresswoman' Sullivan continued, "what can be done to overcome the obstructionism taking place at the state level in the use of Federal funds intended .for the education of all children, including those attending private schools." Earlier, 13 members of the Missouri legislature, including the speaker of the state's House of Representatives, publicly protested the education department policy. In letters lo state education officials, legislalors cited the January opinion of state attorney general John

Danforth. Danforth had announced that Federal funds provided for educationally deprived students under the provision of Title I of the 1965 Elementary and S~condary Education Act (ESEA) should go to all qualifying students regard· less of the school they attend. In the face of the protests, the president of the state board of education said that' the board might review its policy at its April 10 meeting. But board pres- ' ident J. Warren Head said that

Priests Question Morality of ABM HELENA (NC) - Members of the. priests' senate of the Helena diocese have issued a second appeal for national consideration of the morality of building a massive anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense system. The priests' .statement, relayed to President Nixon, Montana's congressional delegation, and other public officials, said: "Within the past month, the national administration has proposed to expand the ABM system. We do not wish to enter into the military or political arguments concerning this proposal. We do insist once again, however, that there are definite moral questions raised by this proposals." .

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he doubted' reconsideration would lead to a reversal of the present policy.. Benefits for All At the same time, the Missouri" Federation of Citizens for Educa· tional Freedom asked the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare to stop all welfare grants in Missouri until state education officials pledge to distribute ESEA funds to private school students. In another protest, officials of the Missouri Catholic Conference accused the state education dep~rtment' of "wanton disregard of law" for its refusal to share the Federal money with private school students. Rep. James Symington of Missouri stated in a letter to Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe of Jefferson City: "I share your sentiments as the purpose of Public Law 89-10 is to provide the benefits of education to all educa· tionally deprived children in poor circumstances, whether they be enrolled hI a public or non-pUblic secondary or elementary schooL"

TRENTON (NC)-A legislative commission ha's recommended the present tax exempt status of religious, education and charitable institutions be left almost unchanged. The special 12-member study group, established in 1968, in a 76-page report said it found tax exempt organization in the state are paying taxes on income proI ducing properties. The report came as something of a surprise since Chester Apy of Red Bank, former assemblyman and commission chairman, several times during the course of the study advocated elimination of the tax eltempt status. The commission recommended few changes be made. It suggested the impact of exemptions be spread throughout a county because exempt property fre· quently serves people from areas outside the immediate location. The report said in many cases this works a hardship on taxpayers of individual communities, specifically citing the case of hospitals. . The commission recommended exempt status of such organizations as the Boy Scouts, Red Cross and YMCA be changed so the exemptions applied to buildings only, rather than buildings 'and land. It also recommended that the exemption for veterans groups be eliminated.

Maryland Senate Passes Prayer Bill ANNAPOLIS (NC) - Maryland's Senate has voted 30·10 to approve a constitutional amendment authorizing prayers in the state's public schools. The measure, passed without debate, now goes to the House, which has already approved similar proposals. House approval will win the amendment a place in the voting booth in the November elections. Liberal opponents of the bill fear that it is unconstitutional on the grounds that it violates constitutional guarantees of the -separation of church and state.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River"":'Thur:;,., April 2, 1970

The Parish Parade_

Pope John's' Letters· Reveal ~nvolYementWmth Family By Rt. Rev.


Publicity chairmen of parish or· ganizations are asked to submit news items for this column ·to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River


John S. Kennedy


The fact of Pope John's lifelong involvement with his family was \v,ell known during his pontificate. But. its· in- . tense particularity is revealed in a fascinating bo~k ,just. published, Pope John XXIII: Letters to· His, F~mily (Mc. :, Graw-Hill, 330 W. 42ndSt., · t f latest misfortune or reverse I sufTh f N" Y... 10036 . . $15 ' . e. Irs . ? fe,red by /:lis kindred, advising as the 727 commUnIcatIOns In to the Christian attitude to illthis volume was written in ness, co",s'oling the bereft. I

St. Casimir's Circle will conduct a rummage sale from 9 to noon on Saturday, April 11 in the church hall at 2056 Acushnet Ave:, New,' Bedford under the chairmanship of Louis F. Peltz. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER

ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANNIS Members of St. Francis Xavier Guild will sponsor a "giant mage sale" from 10 to 12:30 Saturday morning, April 25 in the parish center. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. D~nations may be left at the parish center, in the lower church hall or at the home of Mrs. Barbara Flunn, 76 Pine St., Hyannis. For pick-up service contributors may call Mrs. Marie Cheney, telephone 7755478. .


190I, shortly after young Angelo He sp:aks of paradise: as if h~ . ST. JOSEPH, Roncalli entered the Roman sem- beheld It, and never ceases to A school science fair will be 'FALL RIVER inary. The last is urge his correspondents.· on, open ,to visitors following all Men 'of St. Joseph will serve dated September through .their sorrows, toward Masses Sunday, April 5. 'FATHER RALPH RUIZ 30, 1962, when that goal. The Honeybees, a school sing- a 'Portuguese dinner Saturday his pontificate Homely Problems I ing group, will be heard at the night, April '25 as one of a serw.as 'entering its Evidently his family consulted 7:15 Mass' Saturday evening, ies of monthly dinners featuring specialty dishes of various nafin a I months. him about all sorts of homely ,April 4. tions. The let t e ~ s problems. We find him, fori exThe Holy Rosary Sodality will The parish council .will meet at themselves fill ample, while Nuncio to Paris, meet in the school hall follow- . 7:30 tonight in the school hall. over 800 pages, writing to his brother about I the NEW YORK (NC)-Padres, a ing Vespers Sunday afternoon. A and are follow-, wisdom of acquiring a cow.1 He fledgling organization of Mexi- social hour will follow a busi- OUR LADY Of THE ANGELS; ed by an index dis'cusses the advisability of a can-American priests, has been ness session. FALL RIVER of recipie,nts: brother's getting false teeth,.~and . awarded a $7,000 grant by the 'Sl'. LOUIS, these names, all is pleased that one of his sisters, Interreligious Foundation for There will be no 5 o'clock of relatives, fill having secured false teeth now Community Organization. Mass on Sunday evening, April FALL RIVER three pages. The Roncallis were looks so much younger. ' I 5 because of the scheduled ConAnnouncement of the grant Guild members will sponsor a firmation at 4. The 5 o'clock simple folk, and such they re-' He advises another sister how was made at offices here by mained as young Angelo grew to deal with her children who Father Ralph Ruiz of San Anto- one-day bus trip to New York Mass will be resumed on Sunday, older, was with them less and evidently, are not behaving' id~al­ nio, national chairman of Padres, City Saturday, -April 25. Reser- April 12. Icss, and advanced in the hier- ly: "A few words, carefully which was formed last year. vations should be -made by 7:30 A rehears~1 for the Confirma- Tuesday night, April 7, when .tion class and the sponsors will archy of the Church. , spoken, gently and perhaps tearFather Ruiz said the funds will the guild will hold its regular Their ever more illustrious r~l- fully, so that they may see ~hat go toward implementing plans to meeting in the church hall. Ac- be held at 2 o'clock on Saturday ative always wrote to them an a mother's heart suffers." : afternoon, April 4. Confessions simple terms, and mostly about Family money matters engaged establish mobile teams ,of priests cepting them are Mrs. Frank will be heard after the rehearsal. work with· churches , who would Rebello, trip chairman, telephone Members of the Holy Name Sosimple matters. There is, inevi- him. It appears that there were tably, a vast amount of trivia, frequent appeals for his help, lind and other institutions, trying to 673-9653; and Mrs. Raymond ciety, Holy' Rosary Society, and also of repetition, in this he responded as best he could, use their resources better in sup- Morin, guild president, 673-2309. Council of Catholic Women and port of self-determination efforts volume. almost always giving something, of poor Mexican-Americans. CYO will form a guard of honor ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, Yet it is, throughout, fasci- but reminding his people that, for the Bishop as he proceeds The community organization JFALl RIVER nating, as said above. F6r John however prominent his position, from the rectory to the Church. XXIII is fascinating, like all great he was a poor man and intended ,proposal was among the major A 7 o'clock potluck supper at resolutions adopted by Padres MT. CARMEL, men. We want to know more so to remain. ! its first national convention last will precede a business session NEW BEDFORD ane! more about him, to' peneSimplicity Patience of the Council of Catholic Womonth in Tucson, Ariz. trate the mystery, to resolve the . '.. The PTA will conduct a Famparadoxes, to find the key to the We fand he~e, an a. letter ?at~d Father Ruiz also, announced men Monday night, April 13 in ily Game& Party· at 7 o'clock on the' church hall. Mrs. Armand magnificence which shone upon 1951, somethang which he IS Ire- that he had been loaned for a the whole world in the last years ported to have repeated later, two-year period by the San An- Thiboutot is supper chairman, Saturday night, April 4 in the of a· long life. And where. better when. pope: "My. ·syste~,,:'. Ihe tonio archdiocese to help organ- aided by, Mrs. George Canuel. parish school. Many valuable prizes will be Elections will highlight the busito look than in his letters to his tells hiS brot~er GlOvanm, lSi to ize Padres. awarded and refreshments will ness me~ting. own people? 'observe all, Ign.ore a grea.t d1al, be served. . and correct a little. In thiS way "'"""''''''''''"''''"''''''''''III'"''''''1111111''l11lIli'''''''''''''''"'"I''''''''""Ill""''''''''''' SACRED ·HEART, ' Large, Close-Knit FamIly we can do great things." 'v NOTRE DAME, Certainly one will !10t look. to Is there much else to suggest 'In 1948, he says that "self- FALL RIVER FALL RIVER these letters for anformatlOn what his pontificate would 'be sacrifice, application, and dili"Astrology for Fun" will feaThe First Friday Club of the about the important business and like? 'One concludes that he was gence" are ~'qualities no longer ture a Women's Guild meeting Holy Name Society will attend the great events with which'A as the same kind of man ·before and popular with the young ecclesiat 8 Monday night, April 6 in the 7 o'clock Mass on Friday papal diplomat, patriarch of an after his choice as ·pope. ' astics of today, who like to get ancient See, cardinal and pope, Calmness, simplicity, patience quick results in all spheres, to the school hall. Key Segoris will evening and then proceed to the parish school for a smorgasbord. Roncalli was connect~d., He told were his watchwords all through the prejudi<;e of sound learning present the program. Co-chairmen for the evening Rev. Richard Gendreau of St. his family practically nothing of his adult life, as the letters atte'st. and the neglect ,of treasures of his official concer~s.· Trust in God, courage, the pbl- former scholarship - and this will be Mrs. John Patota and Michael's Parish, Ocean' Grove will be the gue&t speaker.. The only revelations are of the icy of 'living from day to day lin means the loss of 'all that is Miss Madeline McDermott. Tickets are $2 per person and man and of his fa~~ly. Toward the assurance· of supportirg most valuable in the sacred HMMACULATE CONCEPTION, reservations-may be.made:; by them, he was unfadangly affec- grace, these were principles· he ,apostolate and gives true dignity NEW BEDFORD contacting Bernie Comeau tJonate. But it~s in.teresting that, adhered to early and late. I and. piestig'e to the Lord's The Couples Club will sponsor 3-7226; Romeo' "Pete',' Parenteven as a semanarIan and even But there is almost no hint of . Church." a cabaret dance beginning at 2-7966; or Richard Perry-2-8486. in add~essing. his p~rents,. he the changes which, once po~e, There 'are incidental disclo- 7:30 Saturday night, April 4 at The annual father, and son 'never Signed himself With a mck- he would put in train. For exname. It was "SeminaJ:ist An- ample, in the letters from Bul- stires to intrigue us. In 1924, he the school hall. A continental Mass will be offered at 8:45 over 'gelo" i':1 his seminary days, and garia and Turkey' there is prac- writes, "I cannot find it in· my breakfast will conclude the C,hannel 6 on Sunday morning, " conscience as a Christian '·and a event. Tickets are available from April 5. All planning to attend are "Oo~ ~ng~lo" as ,soon as he' was tically nothing to indicate the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abreu, tele- asked to meet in. front of the ordaaned. . ecumenical activity he would ini- priest to vote for the Fascists." From Paris he sends word that phone 994-3290. Prevost High property no later tiate., ' . ' . Christian Attitude he is dieting to reduce his than 7:45. Transportation will be Spe~king of Mohammeda.ns, he weight. He mentions his troubles OUR LADY OF F ~TIMA, The family was linge and available for any?ne seeking it. close-knit. Anyone who beloriged says, Among them, too, If yqu with a typewriter, his preference N~W BEDFORD to it mattered to Roncalli. At know how to. take therp, ',~here in cars. His· hours of re'st and The Ladies of St. Anne will ST. GEORGE, first, it is, the relatives in and are so many g~od people. No work in Venice are much like sponsor a whist party at 7:30 on WESTPORT about Sotto II Monte, his bi,rth- more tha~ that. those he followed as pope: to Thursday night, April 16 in the The Women's Guild will hold place,' who are mentioned in Old Patter,n bed fairly early at night, up at parish hall. its annual communion breakthese letters. Eventually, howHe does speak, in 1948; qf three in the morning, with an Tickets ~ay be obtained at fast in the school hall following ever, when Roncalli becomes giving "a modern form to the old hour's prayer and much work the door or by contacting Rita 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, . Nuncio to France and thereafter, doctrines." But as a young priest, before Mass. Medeiros, Rita Pepin or Loretta April 5. The Mass will be offerhe encounters "a w1)ole new crop he recommends "a Christian life Hudon: ed for deceased guild members. of Roncallis," and he opens his after the old pattern," and arms to all of them. .continues in this vein over the Heads Harrisburg H~ is foreve~ instruc.ti~g, coryears and. ~ecades. . I rectmg, sometimes chldmg the The spIrItual books he ap- Social Service Unit HARRISBURG (NC) - For the people at home. As a seminarian, proves· are the old ones. If lam he writes to his mother, 'I beg not mistaken, the only contelT\- first time in the 32-year history you, mother, to pray often and porary book mentioned in th¢ of the Harrisburg diocese's Cathto show yourself to the family whole volume is Monsignor Ro- olic Social Services corporation, as a true pattern of meekness mano Guardini's The Lorq, a layman has been named chairand patience. Accustom yourself, toward which he was favorable. man of the unit's board of diDOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS little 'by little to keeping your Incidental Disclosures : rectors. tcmper on every occasion." . Writing to his sisters "and Henry Buckingham of York, Sales - Service - Installation In a family as numerous as his. all the family" (1950), he urgeS, Pa., was elected chairman by the almost always there will, be "Go on following the rules laid priests, 'Religious and laymen MAIN OFFICE - 10 DUR.FEE STREET, FALL RIVER someone ill or in difficulty, and down by ecclesiastical authority. who make up the board. Harrisdeaths will be occurring. So it is You will always gain by doing burg Bishop George L. Leech that he is often discussing the so, and the Lord will bless you." is president of the corporation.

Padres Receives $7,000 Grant



Phone 675-7484



: ' '



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., April 2, 1970

John O'Brien of Stang High


Athletic Director to Coach Baseball



60 .Candidates By Luke Sims

Unique Overseas Experience For 21 Cape Cod Boys When flight 054 departs from Logan International Airport in Boston at 8 Friday night, April 10, there will be no fanfare, brass band or hullabaloo but for 21 Cape Codders it will mark the beginning of an experience of a lifetime. The group, known as the Cape Cod American Austria, Italy and Spain. Ambassadors also travel to Portugal, Sports Ambassadors, will be Russia and the South Pacific on its way over-seas to take area. in visits to Stockholm, Helsinki, Leningrad, Moscow along with East and West Berlin. The Ambassadors will be participtating in a program that commenced in 1965 with the objective of fostering "international knowledge and understanding through educational travel and sports." The program idea originated with an American teacher on exchange in a British secondary school in 1963. As a result, 50 prep school American Sports Ambassadors journeyed abroad to engage in basketball, ice hockey and soccer contests in England, Scotland and Scandinavia. Since that time, the program has been extended to include France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland,

The Cape group will engage in sightseeing trips, school visits and basketball games and clinic in the European cities that they visit. Coach Leo Miller of Nauset Regional will act as group leader for the Cape hoopsters. He will be assisted by Paul White. The youngsters, all of whom competed in either the Cftpeway Conference or Cape and Islands League this past Winter, have been practicing under the watchful eye of Coach Miller in preparation for the contests against their European counlerparts. In addition to practice sessions, the Cape Ambassadors have entertained and competed against a group of 15 basketball players from the London area.

P-Town 11'0 Hub to london to Moscow


for Pre-Season .Drills


with a dramatic 72-67 victory, putting the damper on Stang's tourney hopes. "I hope things will be a little easier in baseball," says O'Brien, who added a fresh crop of gray to his' silver-covered hair.


"I'm looking forward to the season with eager eyes and a heart full of hope." That: was the way Bishop Stang High baseball coach John O'Brien summed up his thoughts on the upcoming diamond campaign. " For' the affable Spartan athletic director, baseball is a new experience. For nine years, the Somerset resident has been an "indoorsman," guiding the fortunes of the Stang basketball teams. "I've never worn a hat, let alone take over a baseball team," confessed O'Brien. The Spartan AD took over the reins when last year's coach, Jerry Cunniff, accepted a teaching-coach position at Bishop Feehan. Admittedly inexperienced in the field of "signalsending," O'Brien possesses enough knowledge of athletics to do an outstanding job. He proved his astute 'coaching ability this past season when he guided his Spartans to an outstanding 11-6 record despite a serious shortage of height and a roster weighted down with unaerclassmen. Dubbed the "mini-mob", the Spartans were the talk of the Bristol County League during the final three weeks of the season as they battled for a berth in the annual Tech Tournament.

Won Five of Six seeing, visit schools, and particiOwning. a 6-5 record, the pate in a basketball game and Maroon and White' was faced clinic. The following Tuesday morn- with the task of winning' their ing the Cape youngsters will fly final six games of the season if to Helsinki for a similar stay a trip to Boston Garden was to plus social sessions. The follow- be realized. They won. five ining Saturday, the Ambassadors cluding an impressive triumph depart for Leningrad where they over a good New Bedford High will go sightseeing in the cultu- School team. ral capital of the Soviet Union. , Stang went right to the wire On Tuesday, April 21 they move and entered New Bedford Vocaon to Moscow for more sight- tional's Hammond' Auditorium needing one victory to make the seeing, games and clinics. dream come trile. Friday the 24th will find the The Spartans stayed with the group in Berlin where the Ameri- rugged A.rtisans for three pericans will have' the opportunity to see both East and West Berlin, first hand. Cancels Support The exact number of games Of Student Paper the Cape Cod boys will play BOSTON (NC~The adminisduring their European stay has not yet been confirmed, but, it tration of Jesuit-operated Boston is expected they will play at College has withdrawn official least once in all cities that they support of the student newspaper "The Heights." College ofvisit. ficials cut off money to finance its operation. Once ina Lifetime Opportu'nity The action follows closely the latest in a series of controversies On Sunday morning, April 26, sador Program, located in New concerning the weekly publicathe U.S. contingent will return York, which organizes similar tion. The most recent was a sato London to board flight 055 projects in other fields in asso- tirical. article aimed at two pofor Boston. The Capesters will ciation with schools, church litical figures. which the college depart the British capital at 3:30 groups and youth organizations. officials say "was extremely ofand arrive at Logan at 3:40 the In these projects not only do and had indeed raised the same afternoon (Eastern Stan- the participants have the oppor- .fensive question of criminal libel." dard time.) tunity to compete in athletic "The Heights" was founded in contests, they also gain the .exThe sports schedule operates perience of living with the fam- 1919, has a current press run of as a part of thc Student Ambas- ilies of the boys on the opposite 10,000 and is distrib'uted free teams. This experience, in addit- among the students. For the curion to the sightseeing trips, thea- lent fiscal year the administraForm Conference ter visits and trips to points of tion contributed $27,000 from historic interest offer the parti- the general fund and this will SAN 'ANTONIO (NC)-Eigh- cipants an educational experi- now be withdrawn. teen representatives of five Ob- ence they undoubtedly may The administration said the late of Mary Imm~culate prov- never again realize. staff can use quarters in the Stuinces in the United States, MexThose instrumental in promot- dent Building but ordered reico and Haiti are meeting. to es- ing the Cape Cod American moved from the paper the statetablish a permanent Social Com- Sports Ambassadors, along with ment: "The Heights is the univermunications Conference. Func- Coach Miller and his assistant sity newspaper of Boston Coltion of the conference is to alert Coach White, are to be congratu- lege, supported by efforts of the all missionaries to the media lated for taking the initiative in students, faculty and administrarevolution and its impact on offering their area youth a novel tion and funded by the university." missionary work. and priceless experience.

The 'boys making the tri'p include Brock 'Papetsas of Provincetown, Harwich's Bill Crowell, Allen Long and Robert Ericson both of Chatham, Steve McCormack and George Abbott of Dennis-Yarmouth, and Gene DeLorenzo of Barnstable. Also David McDonald of Falmouth and Ron Cardoza 'of Bourne. Those from Coach Miller's Nauset team l1'1aking the trip include Clayton Reynard, Robert O'Brien, Steve Peno, Rick Mul.holand, Bruce Taytor, Jon Rice, and. managers Ron Deschamps and Ron Durgin. Mike Walwer will be the team's statistician. The itinerary is very inclusive, one that matches any prepared by a commercial travel agency. . The Ambassadors are scheduled to arrive at Heathrow International Airport, London, on Saturday, April II. From .there, they will fly to Stockholm to stay with host families, do some sight-


Traces of Thaw Like other area coaches, O'Brien has limited his preseason drills to indoor workouts in the opening two weeks, but unlike other coaches, he may be delayed in getting on the diamond.路 . The field outside the North Dartmouth school still路 sports traces of the Winter thaw. Scattered "ponds," which in several sections _seemingly swell into river proportjon will keep the Spartans in the "practice" area for another week or two. "We haven't done' anything but limber up, run and throw the ball around," confesses O'Brien. Cutting Problem


ods and with less than 7% minutes. remaining in the game enjoyed a 51-47 lead. . Voke rallied in the remaining time and walked off the court

Endorses p'resident's Education Message JEFFERSON CITY (NC) Spokesmen for the education department of the Missouri Catholic Conference announced here that the department had endorsed President Nixon's education message' to Congress. Officials of the department pledged to put "the full resources of the department of education at the disposal of the President's Commission on School Finance," despite its own severe financial problems. The Catholic Conference statement added: "We agree with the President that the non public schools provide a healthy competition and diversity in educa-. tion .. * * .'~ "Above all, we are encouraged by the President's recognition of the important contribution that Catholic and other nonpublic schools are making to the spirital and moral formation of our future citizens."

"Without hitting practicc, it's hard to tell just how we'll be, but I do know one thing"" * we'll be in great shape." Stang had in the neighborhood of 60 candidates report for the initial drill. From that number, O'Brien and assistant Henry Fortin will trim the list to 15-20. "That's always a problem, whether it be in basketball or baseball," says the Stang mentor. "You always let a good boy go." . But it's a cinch he won't let too many "good" ones get away. Basketball still remains O'Brien's first "love," but come April 8 when the Spartans open the Bristol County League sea. son, "diamonds" may be his best friend.

Slate' Convention . NEW ORLEANS (NC) - The Catholic Broadcasters Association annual convention here May 5-7 will center on the theme of media education. Gabriel Awards for outstanding radio and TV programs will be made at a dinner May 7.




WYman 3-6592





",fUick d,/lWI1" . 944 County St.

New Bedford





Thurs., . April 2, 1970

Oldest Youth Publication Dies at 85 DAYTON (NC)-Founded as an antidote -to the "dime novels" .of the last century and familiar in Catholic classrooms for 85 years, the Catholic Messenger series of periodicals has come to the end of the line. . George A. Pflaum, Jr., grandson of the original publisher, announced the discontinuance. He said his firm, which bears. the family 'name, would con<;:entrate in other areas of the religious education field. "In the past few years," Pflaum said, "it has become increasingly .ev.ident that· the need has declined for general . interest magazines such as J:he Messengers, covering several areas of the curriculum. "Because of departmentalization and falling enrollment in our schools, there is no longer sufficient demand for specifically Catholic .periodicals which, in addition to religion, cover such areas as current affairs, and the language arts." . Award Winners Young Catholic Messenger, the oldest youth publication in the nation, served the junior high school level. Its first companion publication, Junior Catholic Messenger, was begun in 1934, and Our Little Messenger, for the primary grades, in 1939. Starting in 1939, the Messen. gers were also issued in Confra· ternity editions, designed to aid in the. religious instruction of Catholic children attending public schools. These editions were replaced by the Witness/Discover series of periodicals in 1964, which will continue publication. Over. the years; the Messen, gers have won awards for their outstanding work from the Cath-. olic Press Association and other organizations. One CPA citation pointed out that the Messengers were the only Catholic publications that could be compared favorably with their counterparts in the secular field. Visual Aids. In addition to Witness/Discover, Pflaum, which has been a division of Stanard International Corporation since 1968, also publishes a children's comic book, Treasure Chest, and sever,al professional teachers' magazines, Today's Catholic Teacher, The Catechist and Modern Media Teacher. Its expanding education division is concentrating in fields of film education and guidance, as well as religious education rna· terials. Its textbooks, Exploring ,the Film, are used in both Catholic and public high schools, as is, its new guidance program, Dimensions of Personality. The Pflaum education division also publishes the Christian Ex· perience and Christian Identity paperback series for high school, college and adult education, 'an extensive variety of visual aids for use in religious education programs, and the Prep Program, literature series for junior high schools. • The education division is cur· rently developing teacher .train· ing programs as well as numer- \j. ous other materials of interest \ 'to Catholic and public s.<:hool ed,ucators. '. ,'. "

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