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t eanc 0 VOL. 26, NO.' 13


20c, $6 Per Year

Christ is in agony till the end of the world.

Bishops join spring peace push

By Jerry Filteau NC News Service

Religious leaders are launching .new efforts to control or stop the nuclear race. Catholic bishops played a large role in a springtime peace of­ fensive aimed at changing minds and hearts - and eventually, the lea4ers hope, public policy ­ on nuclear- weapons. - Cllrdinal John Krol of Philadelphia ~eynoted a mass rally afainst the arms race at Independence Mall in his city March 27, calling the nuclear buildup "an irrational and sui­

cidal way" to maintain peace. The rally was one of dozens of interfaith meetings aro~nd the country at the end of March and beginning of April that featured 10 European religious leaders touring the United States to build up public opinion against nuclear weapons. - In New Jersey the state's 12 bishops issued a joint state­ ment March 24 saying the nu­ clear arms race is immoral both because it robs the poor and because it heightens the proba­ bility of nuclear holocaust. - In Maryland Auxiliary Bish­

op P. Francis Murphy of Balti­ more, speaking on behalf of all the bishops serving the state, on March 25 urged the Maryland House of Delegates to pass a resolution calling for an im­ mediate U.S.-Soviet nuclear weapons freeze. - In the nation's capital Bish­ op Roger Mahony of Stockton, Calif., urged a congressional for­ um to back the nuclear weapons freeze, saying that U.S. and So­ viet arms buildups have long since "exceeded .the moral limits of deterrence." Cardinal Krol challenged the

view that disarmament rallies not a moral justification for un­ are "a fringe action of bright­ leashing massive destruction eyed visionaries who ignore against innocent non-combat­ ants." harsh current realities." He cited a list of Soviet mili­ The Philadelphia prelate con­ tary adventures since World War demned the use of nuclear weap­ II and characterized former So­ ons and the threat to use them viet Prime Minister Nikita and said that even their possess­ Khrushchev's remark, "We will . ion "cannot be justified in prin­ bury you," as still operative in ciple, but can be tolerated only Soviet policy. if the deterrent framework is used to make progress on arms But he also cited the destruc­ tion that would follow even a limitation, reduction and event­ medium-sized nuclear blast and ual elimination." "As religious leaders, we must said that in a realistic Judeo­ Christian moral view "the right resist the conquest of the world of legitimate self-defense ... is Turn to Page Ten

Tax credits

are urged

THE ANCHOR -­ .. Thurs., April 2', 1982


Bishop sends greetIngs



Bishop Crol1in will send Easter greetings to diocesan residents via a taped radio message to be broadcast by several area radio stations. The 30-second spot de­ · scribes what Christ's death and resurrection mean for each per­ son. . Rev. John F. Moore, diocesan director of communications, noted that many stations have less advertising on Easter Sun­ day, and seek religious program­ ming. This provides a good op­ portunity to remind people that Christ died and rose so that our sins would be forgiven, he said. Paulist Communications is pro­ · ducing the radio spots. Bishop Cronin recorded his message at last fall's Washington meeting of the U.S. bishops. Twenty-seven other dioceses also participated in theyearly Easter project. This year, mess­ ages are being sent to 875 sta­ iions, up from 530 in 1981. Many local radio stations con­ tinue to give the Fall River Dio­ cese· airtime, said Father Moore, · despite partial deregulation of public service time by the fed­ eral communications commission. The stations, he added, pro­ vide time for other seasonal and year-round programs and spots produced by Paulist Communica­ tiqns . for the diocese of Fall River.

Final., Rep~rt needs study eI

WASHINGTON (NC) - The agreements reached by the Ang­ lican-Roman Catholic Interna­ tional Commission are "not easy reading" but should be "studied, scrutinized, prayed over and dis­ cussed 'by Anglicans and Roman Catholics," the chief representa­ tive, for Anglican Catholic dia­ logue in the United States said, March 31. The Final Report of ARCIC, covering agreements on the Eu­ charist, ministry and ordination, and authority in the church, was released the same day. Bishop Raymond Lessard of Savannah, Ga., Catholic co­ chairman of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States, declared that "if the Final Report is widely accep­ ted . . . there would be no doc­ trinal reason why these churches would not be in full, canonical 'communion with one another." His '''if,'' however, was a major one, since on March 30 the Vati­ can's Congregation for the Doc­ trine of the Faith releasea a let­ ter saying it did not think an "agreement which is truly 'sub­ stantial'" had' been reached yet. Bishop Lessard's statement briefly explained the report and commented that it "is meant as an instrument to bring the Ang­ lican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church to a new stage in their joint quest for organic unity."


"The Final Report," Bishop Lessard added, "maintains that Tum to Page Three .

Confirmation' candidates at Holy Rosary parish, Taunton, 'participate in

Seder supper..


The Palm Sunday liturgy, to be celebrated at 4 p.m,' Saturday, Apri13, wiil be offered by Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin. Concelebrants will be Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington and Rev. George W. Coleman; deacon chaplains Deacons John Schondek and Leo Racine; liturgical deacon, Deacon Richard DeGagne. The Passion will-be read by Deacon Racine, Christ; Deacon DeGagne, narrator; Deacon Schondek, other parts. At the Chrism Mass' at 4 p.m. Tuesdar, April 6, Bishop Cronin will be celebrant with diocesan clergy as concelebrants. Designated concelebrants will be Msgr. Arthur Considine, Rev. Cornelius Keliher, Msgr. William Thomson, Rev. Bernard Unsworth, Rev. Manuel Resendes, Rev. William O'Reilly, Msgr. Daniel Shalloo, Msgr. Luiz Mendonca, . Msgr. Anthony Gomes, Rev. Joseph Martineau, Rev. Adrien Bernier, Rev. John Cronin, Rev. Hugh Munro,Msgr. Patrick O'NeilL Rev. Arthur Wingate, Rev. Edmund Fitzgerald. Rev. Stephen Avila and Rev. Gerard Hebert will be Bearers of the Oil of Chrism; Rev. Thomas Lopes.and ~ev.. Mi.c~.a~I,Nagl~ .B~axers .of the· Oil of the Sick;· Deacons' .R.acine and, ~chondek, Bearers of ~be :Oil,of C·l;i(ec}j1,lme:ris.. . . . ' -.',' .. :beacori's'James Meloni arid Joliii CwiekowsIG will be deacon chaplains"and Deacon DeGagne will be liturgical deacon. Bishop Cronin will celebrate the Holy Thursday liturgy at 7 p.m. April 8, with Msgr. Harrington and Rev. George W. Coleman as concelebrants. Deacons Francis Camacho and Schondek will be deacon chaplains and Deacon DeGagne will be liturgical deacon. . ,. On. Good Friday, April 9, .the Celebration of the Lord's Passion will be held'at 3 p.m. Bishop Cronin will pr~side and Msgr. Harr ington will be celebrant. Deacons Paul Metilly and Eugene Orosz will be deacon chaplains and 'Deacon DeGagne will be liturgical deacon. Deacon Orosz will take the part of Christ a t the reading of the Passion, Deacon DeGagne ' . will be narrator and Deacon Metilly will take the other parts. The Easter Vigil will be celebrated at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10. Bishop Cronin will be principal celebrant, with Msgr. Harrington and Father Coleman as concel~brants. De~cons Oscar Drinkwater and Schondek will be deacon chaplains and Deacon DeGagne will be liturgical deacon. An Easter Mass will be telecast on WLNE, Channel 6, on Easter Sdnday, at a time to be announced. Bishop Cronin will be celebrant, with Deacons Meloni and Schondek as deacon chaplains and Deacon DeGagne as liturgical deacon. Robert P~lland and Willi­ am Martin will be lectors.' Msgr. John J. Oliveira will be master of ceremonies for all cathedral rites and for the television Mass. .


I. Passion Sunday: A solemn less of 'other Masses celebrated nize a compelling pastoral rea-. fomi for the blessing of Palm that day. son for requesting permission to 3. Holy Thursday: The' princi­ is to. be celebrated at one of the schedule a second service must Saturday Vigil Masses and/or pal parish Mass on Holy Thurs­ make explicit ,representation to one of the Sunday Masses,- prefer­ day is that of the Lord's Supper, the chancery office. ably at Mass(es) well attended , celebrated in the evening. How­ 5. Easter Vigil: There is to be by the faithful. At other parish ever, for pastoral reasons, it is a single celebration of the Easter Masses on Passion Sunday, the permitted to schedule a second Vigil and Mass of Resurrection Simple Entrance may be used. .' Mass exclusively for those who in parishes ·of· the diocese. No . 2. Mass of Chrism: All Priests are in no. way able to particpate Easter Vigil ceremony is to be are urged to concelebrate the , in the evening Mass. scheduled before 7 p.m. No secMass of the Chrism at St. Mary's 4. Good Friday: On Good Fri­ ,ond celebration is permitt~d even Cathedral, which manifests the day, there is .to be a single cele­ in parishes where two Vigil unity of the priesthood, regard- bration of the Lord's Passion in Masses are customarily celebra­ each parish. Pastors who recog- ted. ,


WASHINGTON (NC)- The U.S. Catholic Conference admin-~ istrative board has urged Presi­ dent Reagan to get tuition tax credit legislation passed during the 97th Congress. "Without the' personal leader­ ship of the president, Congress may not act this year on this important issue of social justice," the administrative board warned in a statement issued last week. The board, composed of 45 bishops from throughout the

country, met in Washington

March 23-25. The. USCC has

. been pushing for tuition tax

credit legislation since 1971. "Our request for immediate and forceful action by the presi­ dent stems from our belief that . all children will benefit. It is time for the president 'and Con­ gress to work together to estab­ lish social equity for all children." said the bishops. , Although Reagan has said he supports tuition tax credits, he did not provide for them in his . February budget message. "Ther.e is limited encourage­ ment in the budget message's statement that the administration will send Congress a tax credit plan 'later in the year,'" usee General Secretary Father Daniel F. Hoye Said then. "But the fail­ ure to make provision now for tax credits is troubling."

Catholic kids hit by Title I cuts . WASHINGTON (NC) - Non­ public school students will bear the brunt of proposed cuts in Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Father Thomas Gallagher, U.S. Catholic Conference spokes­ man, told a House subcommittee March 23. Father Gallagher, ~SCC sec­ 'retary for education, and four Catholic school officials from Boston, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia testified before the House subcommittee on element­ ary, secondary and vocational education. Fathes Gall~gher called it iron­ ic that the Reagan administra­ tion's proposed cuts come in the wake of several recent studies that show Title I services are well targeted to students in the poorest areas and in the lowest rank of achievement. Proposed reductions would have their greatest impact on non-public school students be­ cause, even with so-called ade­ quate funding, their participation' is well below the level mandated by Congress, Father Gallagher said. He estimated that 50 percent or 2.5 million children would be eliminated from the program. If the participation of Catholic and .other private school children is reduced by 50 perqmt it would mean that 96,500 s\Jch children would be eliminated from Title I programs, Father GI411agher said. Also testitfying before ·the House subcommittee was Father Eugene Sullivan, ~oston Arch­ diocesan school superintendent.

Pope prays

for priests

WASHINGTON (NC) - In a Holy Thursday message to priests Pope John Paul II strong· Iy defended priestly celibacy and suggested that relaxation of the church's rule would be giving human weakness priority over God's love. The pontiff acknowledged the crises in vocations and priestly identity that have confronted the church in the. past 15 years. ·But he repudiated calls to "give up this tradition and heri­ tage" of clerical celibacy, saying that the real solution to the crises lies in faith and confidence in God's love. "Can anyone who lets himself be guided by living faith in the founder of the church doubt this love, to which the church owes all her spiritual vitality?" the pontiff asked. Pope John Paul indirectly re­ buked those who question the requirement of priestly celibacy. "Is it proper," he asked, "to continue, in opposition to the voice of the recent ecumenical council (Vatican II) and the Syn. od of Bishops, to declare that the church ought to give up this tra­ dition and heritage?" The pope's message to priests was his annual one for Holy Thursday, the "birthday" of the priesthood. It took the form of a 2,500-word prayer, including thoughts on the special spiritual gifts of the priesthood and on the central place of the Euchar· ist, preaching and prayer in. priestly life. , . ' , " But'the pope~ . meditation also.' addressed specific controversies of today. Besides the issues of celibacy and the vocations crisis, these included questions of clerical identity and garb, depar­ tures from the priesthood, and secularizing tendencies. On priestly garb he prayed that priests would be saved from "grieving" the Holy Spirit "by whatever shows itself as a desire to hide one's priesthood before men and to avoid all external signs of it." On departure's from priestly ministry he prayed similarly that priests not grieve the Spirit "by whatever can in the end bring one to the temptation to run away, under the pretext of the 'right to freedom.' "


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2,' 1982

Hiroshima visit is commemorated HIROSHIMA, Japan (NC) ­ An eight-foot-tall monument commemorating Pope John Paul II's visit to Hiroshima has been unveiled in the Japanese city. The monument bears' the words, in Japanese and English: "To youths of the entire world I say, let us create together a

new future of brotherhood and solidarity." During his February 1981 trip to Japan, the pope visited Hiro­ shima and Nagasaki, sites of the atomic bombings at the end of World War II, arid called for an end to the nuclear arms race.



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finest selection of fashion eyewear FRANCISCO ALBERGARIA


R.D.O. No. 3096

TIMOTlHIY HUTTON contemplates suicide in this scene

from "Or~inary People.", (NC Photo)

Teen suicide is TV topic.

Sister Dorothy Byrne, CSF, St. The other cases are of suicide

Mary's Home, New Bedford; attempts and the program also

Father Kevin Tripp, coordinator includes a segment showing an

of Catholic ministry at St. Luke's actual attempt and efforts of po­

Hospital,. also New Bedford; and lice. and medical personnel to

Monica Dickens, Falmouth, save a young man's life.

founder. of, the ,American branch!'

Southe~n .[ngland's~est Entertairu!11e~t Valu~ " THE; 'local :pa~tof 'tile .program' " . ,oJ . : . ' '.., • of The Samaritans, a suicide­ . ,IS Gr~pt E~ter~ainm'enf'C~nte,s' '.." " 'prevention .ser.vice,will particl-. c~nters on the loss of self-esteem pate in a' two-hour television 'pro: :as ttie' common .deho~fl'\litor 'in - Featuring, ­ gram on suicide among teen·' teen suicides. Early warning signs and the role of the parents, "THE INTERNA1rIONAL FESTIVAL IFOR ~982" agers. clergy, law enforcement agencies, IRISH PUB fADO ROOM GERMAN 'ROOM .To be seen from 9 to 11 Tues­ day night on WLNE Channel 6, hospitals and social 'service fa­ FRENCH CANADIAN! 'ROOM LEBANESE ROOM "Teenage Suicide" will be hosted cilities are explored. ITALIAN ROOM DIXIELAND CASINOS "Suicide is a common feeling," by Academy Award-winner B~OADWAY REVIEW "CLASS OF 58" WITH MORGAN Timothy Hutton for its first hour not~s Monica Dickens. "The feel­

and will feature local profess­ ing should be shared and there

- NOW 'lJ'WO WEEKENDS­ ionals during its second hour, are people who care."

when area mental health work­

"The cries of the survivors ers, counselors and. juvenile po. are intense," summarizes Truman lice officers will discuss how to ~ ~ combat the growing, problem of Taylor, host of the locally-orig­ inating segment of the special. $6.00 PER PERSON teen suicides. "Someone is needed who can That problem is highlighted; hear and understand the pain. TICKETS LIMITED FOR IIlESERVATIONS 996-5602 say program organizers, by the The need is for a friend." fact that in the two hours the special is on the air, 114 teens

will attempt suicide and 36 will


Recommended for viewing by

the National Education Associa- ,

tion, "Teenage Suicide" features '

four case studies and is dedica­

Continued from Page Two despite differences of vocabulary ted to Chris, a young suicide vic­

and theological -emphasis the tim whose storY' is told 'by his

Anglican Communion and the parents.

Roman Catholic Church are in fundamental agreement in the ~ ~ three areas on which since the 16th century Anglicans and Ro· MAJOR PROGRAMS man Catholics' have maintained On April 16 we will 'publish they differ from one another SQ ADOPTIONS a special issue commem·

sharply that in conscience their orating the silver anniversary

~ . Individual - Marriage - Family INFORMATION! REFERRAL ~ communities would have to re­ of The Anchor. Since it will ~ UNWED PARENT SERVICES ~ main officially separated from be a retrospective of the past one another." . ":REFlJ,GEE RESETTLEMENT INFANT FOSTER CARE ~ 25 years, we will carry no

He emphasized the need for regular features. Steering

the churches to accept the com· ~ NEW BEDFORD ,FALL RIVER ATTLEBORO ' CAPE COD ~ Point items that would norm· mission's findings before they ..: . 398 COUNTY S1. 783 SLADE ST. 10 MAPlE STREET 1441RTE. 132 ~ ally appear' In that .issue have official status and noted ~ 997-7337 P.O. Box M - So. Sta, P.O. BOX 971 CENTERVILLE ~ should, if possible, be sent to that even then difficulties for re­ ~ .' ,674-4681 226-4780 771·6771 ~ us in time' for publication union' would remain, although ~' REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director ~ next Friday, April 9. these '''WOUld more easily.. be overcome." ~'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD' ...'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.~lIIP.IlIJP.~.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'.'llD'~.





** * **







APRIL 16 17

APRIL 23 • 24


















the living word

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2, 1982

the moorina......,


Educational Woes



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There can be little doubt that the cost of a private college education is swiftly moving beyond the' reach of most middle-class American families. ' . Even our, own so-called Catholic institutions are pric- , ing themselves out of the.range of mi4dle Americans. ,As a result, many in our diocese can afford only' to attend state institutions. Yet those colleges and universities are facing serious difficulties of their own. In Ii recent brief­ ing for public officials, the Commission of the New England Board of Education reported that t~e region's tradition of educational excellence is in jeopardy. Two areas of concern were specifically targeted: the deteriorating public school system; and the lack of state support for higher education. Commission members, pointed out that New England high school students have demonstrated a significant decline in the critical thinking skills necessary to complete problem­ solving tasks in the course of one's employment. This de­ cline, is coupled with the fact that the six New England states rank nationally at or near the bottom in allocations ot tax revenue to public higher education. If 'these trends continue, the future outlook wOlild seem bleak. Their effect, if not stemmed by positive and direct reaction" could have a serious economic impact. More people are likely to flee New England for areas of greater opportunity. It will not be merely a matter of students ' attending colleges in other states, but of entire families leaving the region for areas better able to serve their nee4s. Public education needs taxpayer support if it is to survive effectively and productively. It must be more than a baby sitting or police patrol service; and teachers must be freed from the fetters that, so often hamper classroom ~ciplin~ ,a!14 ~n~tructiO!1. ~ Legi~latipn ..shpl,lld ,be .el)act~d . ,QJl ,!ll .lev~I~,.tQ,remove, the hi.ndrances that,are:dr.agging , public elementary and secondary education, into a mindless . mire. In the area of higher education, state legislatures, viewing public colleges and -universities as keys to economic vitality, should increase financial support and implement policies ensuring educational excellence. In addition, New England industries, particularly those in the high tech­ nology field, should collaborate with higher education in establishing foundations and matching grant programs. In all of this, it ought to be remembered that New England has 50 percent ~ore public educational institutions and nearly twice as many private institutions than has the nation as a whole. It should also be recalld that the region's institutions of higher learning spend nearly 10 percent of. the gross regional product, well over $11 billion. .' . The threat to education should then be ·voiced loud and clear to all the peoples of this region. It is n<,>t merely a matter of educating children. The current erosion in edu­ cational excellence should also be viewed as a grave threat to the total economic and social development of New England. As Catholics we should and indeed, must' support ' o~r own educational· institutions, helping them to excel: not only in secular knowledge but als6 in divine wisdom. Yet as citizens we also have the obligation to be concerned about the deterioration of public education and to join in combating all thr~ats to its well~being.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL' RIVER 410· Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675·7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.




ltev. John F. Moore, ~



I.eary Press-Fall ,River , • !

\~ •• ' :

, .... j








1, ,:




'Now-..... it is.. -fini~,hed.' John 19:30 --......



The hunger for truth

By Father Kevin. J. Harrington

Minnesota in 1981; and· "Christ , , I n The Psalms" by Brian McNeil, People often seek in vain for published by the Paulist Press in spiritual reading. There are few 1980. ' ' Catholic bookstores and many that do exist lack variety in readWith the sc;arcity of modern ingmaterials. However, a profit~ inspirational material, it becomes able network of Christian book­ imperative to. dwell upon the stores are flourishing throughout ' classics' of spirituality. A wealth our predominantly Catholic dio­ of books written prior to Vati­ cese, while Wall Street bears can II Council applied the in. witness to the economic boom "sights of such classics to the' being enjoyed by many Protes­ period following the Second World War. I have found it edi­ tant companies. ' fying to read. authors popular The failure of Catholic 'pub­ then but all but forgotten now. lishing companies to produce a I . would, highly recommend, greater variety of quality publi­ for instance, "The Divine Pity" cations is deplorable. Popular by Gerald Vanit, O.'P., published Catholic authors appeal mostly iQ "1945; al~o. "The' Eight Be~ti, to the followers of pop·psychol­ tudes" by George Chevrot, pub-, ogy, the charismatic renewal or iished in '1959. Such titles' can the contemplative life.' How many books can you write about . ~:t:~~e ~~~~:a~~e l~~~:i~~ ~~~~ . - the Holy Spirit, Thomas Merton ondhand bookstores. or loving yourself? Never have so ,few authors published so Perhaps, the flack of Catholic many titles! One wonders publications of :inspiring quality whether some have ever had an is a function of the scarcity of adult education programs on the, unpublished thought,? I parish level. The past few years I 'have had Lamenting the sad state of Catholic publishing avails" little, . remarkable good fortune in at­ tracting large numbers of adults however. Instead" we must culti­ vate a careful eye to rescue gems to Bible studies. This indicates amidst th,e debris. Two recent a thirst for quality adult educa­ publications that I have -found tion. It is a crying shame that nothing less than inspirational so few parishes have undertaken are "Christ In Us: Reflections on to help quench' this' thirst and Redemption" by Alban Boult- little wonder that so many Cath­ wood, D.S.B., published by the olics have turned to Bible studies Liturgicai Press of Collegeville, under Protestan~ auspices. ~

. ~ ..

The church must recognize that every God-given faculty is meant' to aid the believer in his quest for ultimate truth. When religious activities stress only the emotional, the rational ele­ ment of humanity cries out for nourishment. We are the church of St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and Cardinal John Henry Newman and we must never lose sight of our members possessed of an inqUiring mind. Perhaps, the post-conciliar at· titude of accommodating as many people as possible.has its drawbacks. We must never for­ get that we are a "fisherman's church." We have mended our nets since the Council and have tried to express eternal truths in language acceptable to our times. This prudent mending of the nets coincided with the reign of Pope Paul VI. Our present pope, however, seems ready to cast the nets once more. John Paul II will find that when those nets are clearly defined, there will be no short· 'age of loyal sons and daughters willing to be captured by the truth of the church's teachings.

THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.Q2Q). Second Clan Postage Paid at Fall River," Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and tha week after Christmas at 41P Highland Aven· / . ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese' of Fa II River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send eddress changel to The' Anchor, P.O. BOI 7, Fill River, lilA 02722.


The empty nest

The sixth stage in family life is no stranger to us. The empty nest has been praised, maligned, feared, and enjoyed, depending upon a couple's preparation I for and anticipation of it. Women usually experience this stage before men who often have 5 to 10 years of work left or, if not, enjoy the anticipation of be­ ing freed from a lifelong daily 8-5 work schedule. As I wrote last week, if the couple has made an effort to prepare for this time before it arrives, they have a much smoother shift into the life­ style this stage brings. But even with preparation this stage can surface some surpris­ ing and unpleasant feelings. The most common and overwhelming reaction is that of uselessness. Many couples report loss of a sense of self-worth when they no longer have useful work in the marketplace or home to give them purpose and gratification. Our culture plays into and em­ phasizes this loss because we equate a person's worth with his or her work. Instead of applaud­ ing leisure and encouraging self­ esteem after retirement, we won­ der how people will "fill their time" and we ask them what they do all day. We imply that life without work is meaningless rather than rewarding and they come to believe it. Within the family at this' time,

other tensions can surface. If parents are disappointed in the outcome of their children or the work on which they've devoted their life, they can become bitter. "I spent $50,000 on my kids' education," said one 60-ish father, "and not one of them' cares about getting a decent job." Other empty-nesters complain about grown children who have abandoned the church after their parents' lifelong efforts to be models of faith to them. Others are shaken over divorces, job shifts and attitudes of grown offspring. Couples best able to weather the empty nest are those who 1) have prep41red for it; 2) continue to feel worthwhile, even if they aren't working; 3) interact with their grown children as friends rather than as offspring; 4) rec­ ognize the limits of parenting, accepting that how the children' mature is in God's hands, not theirs; and 5) develop a faith life congruent with the empty nest. It's at this point that we see many' couples volunteering for church work. They are, in fact, our best resource in family min­ istry. They enroll in adult educa­ tion courses, do retrea't work, whatever. I know a .retired accountant who works on the parish books while his wife keeps the parish scrapbooks up to date. A deacon­ , __ "'I

Just like the blooming of the cherry blossoms, an an­ nual rite of spring in Wash­ ington involves people with concerns about the feut:rdi lJud­ get commenting before various congressional committees on the new budget proposals. This year two bishops were among those testifying: Auxili­ ary Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan of Brooklyn testified on food stamps, and Auxiliary Bishop James Lyke of Cleveland testi­ fied on housing for the poor. Bishop Sullivan said proposed new cuts in the food stamp pro­ gram were "particularly unfair," given ·the large-scale cuts enacted in the program last year. The 4 million people who would' no longer receive food stamps be­ cause of both sets of cuts, he said, are, In the majority, truly needy and are being hurt by other cuts as well. Even Sen. Robert Dole (R­ Kansas), who chaired the hear­ ing at which Bishop Sullivan testified, said It would be diffi­ cult to make additional food stamp cuts since whatever fat might have been in the program was trimmed last year. Administration officials have said food stamps are a prime ex­ ample of the grow.th of federal spendin~. Food stamp outlays have scored from less than $1 bil­ lion in 1970 to an estimated $11.3 bililon in the current fiscal year.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2, 1982



couple opened an 'interparish library. A group of empty nest mothers run a: "Mother's Day Out" in their parish. On Fridays they baby-sit, read and teach tot religion classes to pre-schoolers. They love it and the young mothers love it even more. Empty nest parents can utilize Lent to focus on the present rather than the past and on these questions: Can we accept life with all the joys and disappoint­ ments God has given us? If not, can we do something concrete like getting counseling, praying or making a retreat to gain this acceptance? Can we face depend­ ency on one another? Are we looking toward the future with its predictable illnesses and aloneness with' fear? Can we talk about it? How can we develop a deeper prayer life to help us face it? This stage can be painful and joyful. I've seen couples who have begun this stage with emp­ tiness and bitterness redevelop a relationship with each other and God that brings them a peace and acceptance not experiened in earlier, "happier" times of fam­ ily life.


Over the same period, individ­

pal participation in the program

also has "exploded." Where less than 7 million were receiving food stamps in 1970, now more than 22 million participate. The administration wants to cut food stamp costs to $9.5 bil­ lion next year, down from the $11.8 billion the administration says the program will cost in 1983 if no additional cuts are made.


For instance, a family with $100 weekly in disposable house­ hold income would lose $5 week­ ly from its current benefits.

'Proposal critics say that such But critics of the proposed a change is a major across-the­ new cuts, like Bishop Sullivan, board cut in food stamp benefits say the program has grown pri­ and would especially hit the marily because malnutrition was , elderly, who might lose as much such a major problem in the as $200 each in food stamps over 1960s. Rather thari ari exa~ple a 12-month period..

of 'uncontrolled federal spending,

Another controversial proposal

food stamp proponents call 'the program one of the nation's most is to consider low-income energy

assistance payments from the successful. government .as regular income Malnutrition had dropped for computing food stamp bene­ sharply because of food stamps fits. 'But critics say such a pro­ and other food. programs, al­ posal would be unfair to north­ though one group recently said ern households and would make that malnutrition is on the rise some ineligible for winter food both because of the recess~on stamp benefits since the energy and last year's budget cuts. payments would ~ift them over While the administration has food stamp income limits. made a number of proposals for

An added complication is the new budget-saving changes in administration offer to take over the program, two of the most the states', share of Medicaid' if controversial involve major the state will take over the fed­ changes in the way food stamp eral food stamp and welfare pro­ benefits are computed. grams in 1984. But the lack of enthusiasm .for the plan and the One calls for raising the "bene­ time, it would take to implement fit reduction rate," the percen­ tage that benefits are reduced probably mean the federal gov­ ernment will continue running for each dollar of household in­ ,.~he food stamp program. . come.

Politics at its best Brian Brown looks like the late-night television detee;­ tive Sam McCloud. He is the police chief of Antrim, a small town in southern New Hampshire that I know and love well. -Brian Brown was at the door of the gymnasium of the elemen­ tary school on the day of An­ trim's annual town meeting, helping out in small ways. I speak of him because he is the first public man I have ever heard who said he did not need larger quarters to perform his official duties. ~t happened like this: Article 21 of the town warrant, a resolu­ tion to spend $14,000 to restore the Old Fire Station, proved un­ expectedly controversial. It touched two sensitive chords in the town's psyche in that it involved the expenditure of money and its sense of his­ tory, as well as another element that I know from my exposure to the urban form of town meet­ ing, the condominium a~sembly: the availablility of parking. In­ evitably, someone proposed that the.' 'Old Fire Station 'be' 'torn .-dow.n, to ·make,a .parking lot, even· though that course had 'been vetoed at last year's town meet­ ing. . The matter was presented by an earnest young man named Geoffrey Goff, who ran into a hail of questions about the need for the building and the pos'sibil­ ity of renting the renovated in­ teriors. Goff said that it was possible that the Police Depart­ ment could use more space. "The Police Department has not said anything about this," said moderator Bob Flanders. Brown stepped forward and said, amazingly, "Chris (Deputy Police Chief Christopher Joseph) and I think our office is adequate at this time. I cannot justify the use of money or ask you to reno­ vate solely for the 'Police Depart­ ment. We do most of our work on the street or in your houses, which we do not ask you to renovate." The townspeople seemed to glow at this demonstration of candor and thrift. I was simply stunned. "There was one time when we were interviewing a juvenile while the Planning Commission was having a meeting, and there was some interference," this paragon went on, "but that only happens once or twice a year." Since I have spent much of my life listening to senators and congressmen whining about the hopelessness of conducting their business in anything less than 20-room suites, I was floored by the whole episode. But it was merely for me the high point of the town meeting, which, to tell you the truth, I



found the [inest political gather­ ing I have ever attend~d. I liked everything about it: the good humor, the purposefulness, the way Dorothy Lang, the wife of the postmaster, would fling up her hand to second a motion without missing a stitch in her knitting. I liked the way they swung frpm the pedestrian to ,the cosmic without any gear­ stripping. As we went through the long day, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., I fell to thinking what a marvelous invention it was - "as near to pure democracy as you dare," said Town Clerk Martin Nichols proudly when it was over. It gives people a sense of control over their own destiny, from re­ pairing the dam at Gregg Lake to giving orders to the White House and the Politburo. I thought of EI Salvador, to we send guns; of Nica­ ragua, ·to which we send covert activity. The town meeting would be better for both. People say this kind of participation re­ quires it long tradition: But if .they had a decent- weapons de­ tector at the door and a modera­ tor such as Bob Flanders, who lets everyone speak and only gets mad when children run across the floor in front of him, and a counsel such as Lloyd Hen­ derson, who sees that the rules are followed; people would get the hang of it pretty quickly ­ especially if they understood they wouldn't be shot or jailed for speaking out. whi~h

Democracy is a roll of the dice. You take a chance that people will rise above themselves, and any human collection will pro­ vide some needed talent. A town meeting would be a gamble, but who knows? Some Central American village might even turn up the likes of Brian Brown.


April 6 Rev. Msgll'. John A. Chippen­ dale, 1977, Retired Pastor, St. Patrick, Wareham Rev. Lorenzo Morais, 1980, Re­ tir,ed Pastor, St. George, West­ port , April 7 Rev. James A. Dury, 1976, Chaplain, Madonna Manor, North Attleboro April 9 Rev. Cornelius McSweeney, 1919, Pastor, Immaculate Con­ ception, Fall River Rev. Edward F. Dowling, 1965, . Pastor. Immaculate Conception, Fall River


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall R.iver-Fri.,


2, 1982

• Contemporary prO'CeSSIOn from Sacred Scripture and a COLUMBUS, Ohio (NC) ­ Bishop Edward J. Herrmann of prayer. If' there happen to be political. implications, that is Columbus plans to lead a con­ simply according to the nature of temporary Palm Sunday pro­ cession from the cathedral to an . things, whereby 'action on be­ abortion clinic, an' employment half of social justice is a con­ office, a welfare office and a stitutive element of the Gospel.' " Those. wishing to participate in military aircraft plant. The procession, .sponsored by the procession have been asked the diocesan Justice and Peace to bring the palms they re<;eive Commission, has been endorsed in church on Palm Sunday to St. by the diocesan Pastoral Council Joseph Cathedral at 2 p.m. They will walk to Founders Clinic, the and Council of Religious. , "It is to be stressed that this Ohio. Bureau of Employment is a prayer service, not a politi­ Services and. the Franklin County cal rally," said Father Ted Welfare Department and go by Thomas, chairman of the Justice car to the RockwelUnternational and Peace Commission. "At each plant, where major components site, there will be-a re~ding from of the ·B-l bomber are to be a church document, a reading built.

"The choice of sites is ilO way meant as a judgment o'n people who work. there or are served by them," said Father James T. Smith, pastor of St. Christopher parish in Columbus. "The ration­ ale is that, prescinding from' any guilt, it is an objective fact that abortion, unemployment, inade­ 'quate welfare and the nuclear arms race. diminish life, '" the quality of'1ife and even the possi­ bility of life." "The position of the church is clear on these social issues," Father Thomas said. ;'Abortion is simply wrong. The nuclear arms race is a unqualified evil. Everyone has a human right to adequate welfare and Social Security. Unemployment. may not be used as a cure for econ­ omic problems."

Get . Q . Better Deal

from .Your

!FATHER LACHANCE at his trusty typewriter .(Mis­ sionaries of Africa photo)

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He found God~s will

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"You're cr~zy!" That's the re­ sponseFarH River native Father Gerald Lachance got when he told' a conference' that he loves hir- wbrk,'Which" consiSts; oftY'p­ in'it typing;[Wi'iing:a'i'lhe' '~ome', Italy, house' of the Missionaries

of Africa. . I The remark didn't upset Father Lachance, especia.JIy after anoth­ er confrere told him soon after, "You're not drazy. You have Ii charism. You: can'.t do Ithe work you're doing without having something special." That something special in­ cludes serving as secretary dur­ 'ing the terms cif six superiors gen­ eral of ,the White Fathers (Mis­ sionaries of Africa). In that span, 1938 to 1982; Father Lachance has tapped out mil-lions of words on typewriter keyboards.








He dearned ito type at age 12 at a school thEm operated by the Christian Brothers in St. Anne's parish, FaH River. "I was able to type 80 to 90 words per min­ ute when I was 14 or 15," Father . Lachance said: . His most important job is to - type the minutes of each council meeting of tile White 'Fathers' superior general, now Father Robert Gay, arid his four assist­ ants. He's been doing this since 1956. He also types the' person­ nel year: book,: a detailed Iistin' g . which requires frequent use of -tabular stops. Most of his work is in French and English, with a little Italian tht-own in. He gets a heavy wor~load in English because no one else in the White Fathers' community in' Rome types as well in that language as he does. A slight, gentle man, Father Lachance was told by two supe-

riors that he was not physically or temperamenta'lly suited to be a missionary. But he persisted and eventually serve'd his novi­ -tiate"with tt'ie White'Fathers in 'Algeria.: :.'E;"""":".' ,"',

After his ordination in 1938, he was appointed secretary to Msgr. (Ia-ter Bishop) Joseph Bir­ raux, superior genera'l,of the so­ ciety at the time.. He also taught English to novices. And in 1943, soon after Allied forces landed in Algeria, he was named vicar gen­ eral for U.S. armed forces in North Africa. When -Bishop Birraux died, Father Lachance continued as secretary to the next superior general, Bishop. ·Louis Durrieu. When the bishop came -to Rome in 1952, Father ~achancecame with him and has served as sec­ retary ,to each superior general since then. "Although I have never worked in the missions proper," he said, "I have a'lways considered myself a 'fuB-f1edged missionary. I do so because of the oath I took when I joined the Society to con­ secrate myself until death. to the Church's misison in Africa, and ,to be obedient and faithful to the superior general in aU that con­ cerns . charity and community life." . F~ther Lacha~ce regar~s ~is servIce as a typIst and Imgulst as being very much a part of that mission. And he does not dook upon his ,typing as a robot­ like job. He plays piano well, the organ even better, and he sees in typing an e"tension of his musical talent. "For,me, typing is rhythm," he said. lilt's like tapping a drum. When I'm near my typewriter, I'm happy."


. " THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2, 1982




the moil pQc~et Making rosaries Dear Editor: The Lenten season of 1982 has a special significance for prayer and penance due to a general increase in devotion to the ros­ ary now going on in several countries, especially in mission areas. The rosary starts with the cross. In 1981 nearly 2,600,000 new mission rosaries were made and distributed freely to those in need. For the four years ending in 1981, over 9,100,000 new miss­ ion Rosaries were distributed but still only one-tenth of re­ quests can be taken care of. It any reader would like infor­ mation on making mission ros­ aries with mission rosary-making groups, or for those Catholic groups which have been asking for rosaries to send to those in need, they may send a self-ad­ dressed large stamped envelope to the address below. Lawrence B. Severson P.O. Box 132 Albany, N.Y. 12201 .

Adult education Dear Editor: In the March 26th Anchor you raised the most crucial and neg­ lected need of our Church, that of Adult Education. In my opinion, th.e falling off in Mass attendances, and the neglect of the vital sacrament of penance, is due to ignorance, conveyed by the secular media which influence so many Cath­ olics and other denominations. It is heartbreaking, on Mar­ tha's Vineyard, to witness the presence of some 30 members of the laity, at the outset of a 10­ week seminar, and to see in the eighth and ninth week that number reduced to three persons.

The pastor, the Reverend James Greene, is a superb teacher and had put in many hours preparing to teach adults the New Testa­ ment. Such a falloff, in attendance; is extremely discouraging to the pastor, and many fear that this great annual winter opportunity for adult instruction, which helps us so much to grow within the Church, will no longer be possible.... The laity, that now will 'play a more prominent role ~han ever under new canon laws, are by their own choice lacking in that true adult education, which alone . can stop the spread of heresy within the, Church, which was said. to exist by Pope Paul VI. ... A fee should be levied for all who start attending a seminar, so that they will not slaken off as the course progresses. Arthur Hartog Vineyard Haven

Theology's role WASHINGTON (NC) - The­ ology cannot provide concrete answers or ready-made rules for difficult bioethical issues. But it does provide the fundamental moral perspectives necessary for truly human and humane decis­ ion7maki~g" ,s,ays.,.~Jes4it. bjo; ethicist, Father Richard. ·A. M;c~ Cormick of Georgetown Univer­ sity in Washington said that when bioethical decision-making is separated from the framework of the Christian "story," what is left is "a merely rationalistic and sterile ethic" which has "no relation to the ultimate meaning of persons." His remarks came in a lecture celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Kennedy In­ stitute' of Ethics at Georgetown.

THE DIOCESAN DEPARTMENT of Social Services is among apostolates funded by the annual Catholic Charities Appeal, which begins its Special Gifts phase Monday, April 19. New Bedford office counsellors are, counterclockwise from top left, Patrick McCarthy, Rev. Francis Allen SJ, Fred Chapman, Holly Fitzgerald, Rev. Maurice Lebel, SJ, Peter Kedwin, Rosa Lopes. '.

Insatible Desire

, "Modern man and woman are: discovering that the marvels of contemporary medicine, science, psychology, sociology fail to satisfy that insatiable desire, in­ herent within each of us, for the divine, the infinite, the Lord who alone can give true and lasting peace." - 'Bishop Howard Hub­ bard




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• Liturgy of the Lord's Passion and Death at 3:00 l?M• • Confessions from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M.

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• Stations of the Cross and 'Procession at 7:00 P.M.


i, •• - .

--'-,' 1 -


--\-', - ~?;~;

PLANNERS MEET in Hyannis to make arrangements for the 68th 'annual national meeting of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to be held Sept. 23 to 26 on Cape Cod. From left, V~to V. Gerardi, New Bedford, convention chairman; John R. Simmons, national president; Dudley L. Baker, executive secretary; Father Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan spirit­ ual advisor; George G. Mendonca, program chairman;


• Confessions from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. • Easter Vigi:l. and First Mass of the Resurrection at 7:00 P.M.


Masses at 8:00, 10:00 A.M., 12 Noon and 6:30 P.M.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2, 1982

. By Fr. Pierre E. Lac~e, OP Bible-oriented Christians some­ times attach little or no impor­ tance to the church, We Cath­ olics, on'the other hand, are def­ initely churc~-oriented. Even the word of God we receive from the church. Ours is also a sacramen­ ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford tal church and the Mass and sacraments have 'at times over­ One of Southern New England's Finest facilities shadowed the word of God.' Re­ cently the Vatican Council atNow Available lor .. tempted to correct that im­ balance by emphasizing the im­ portance of the scriptures both . in the liturgy and in our personal life. FOR DETAILS, CALL 'MANAGER - 636-2744 or 999-6984 A careful consideration of the . relationship of the Bible to the church makes it clear that the two should never be opposed; in fact, they depend on each other and are inseparable. To explain this, let us formulate a few simple statements. 1. The church is the mother of the Bible (not the other way . round). The church did not come into being from reading the Bible. For some 20 years she • BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES _w~s a going concern before the first line of the New Testament • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS, was written down around the year 50. And it was only toward . FALL RIVER 1343 PLEASANT STREET the end of the first century that the Bible was completed with 673-7780 the writings of John. the church existed before the Bible. She is indeed its mother. The New Testament is her baby, the ex­ pression of the Good News of I Jesus. as it was experienced and preached in the church of the apostles. 2. We depend .on the church ,I, . to·.·.kno~ which, book~ ~Iong;to, ,the Bible. Until the end of the I I fourth century, a number of I pious books circulated among the 1 Christian . communities, besides I those now officially a part of Est. 1928 the New Testament. Some were ,attributed' to apostles,' such as' the "First Gospel of James," the "Gospel of Thomas," the "Acts of John" and the "Acts of And­ rew." It was not always clear which. were inspired by the Holy





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the Special



about some a~pect of Lent. For example, one states: RAPID CITY, S.D. (NC) - If Woman: ,:H,ow are you enjoy­ Bishop Harold J. Dimmerling of ing the special season?" Rapid City didn't believe in the Man: "Special season? You power of radio before Lent mean the.new TV shows?" started, he does now. Woman: "No. The special . His belief is due,· in part, to the season - Lent." responses the diocese is getting Man: "Too early for baseball .to a radio campaign: "Lent: the and football just ended . . . " Special Season." Woman: "Not sports. Lent." The 3Q-second radio "spots" Man: "Lent?" began running Feb. 22. Since Woman: "Le,nt is the time dur­ then, they have produced at ieast ing which you take a closer look one phone call a day to the chilO- , at your relationship with God .cery office. Each ad ends. with and with others." an invitation. to the listener to Man: "That sounds more' seri­ call the Catholic Church for more ous than TV or baseball." information. Woman: "It is serious. There's "We've used radio before to no better time' of year than Lent pr~mote our stewardship cam­ for making those spiritual self­ paign, the Propagation. of the improvements.',' . Faith and, various diocesan Man: "And i bet no one goes events. The'response has always on strike in the middle of this been good but it was never any­ season ... " thing like what we're experi­ In addition' to the calls re­ encing now," the bishop said. ceived at the chancery office, the The spots were designed to be' impact has been felt in parishes both informative and entertain­ ,as well. ' ing. On each commercial a man "I've never s'een an Ash Wed­ and woman engage in a dialogue nesday (Feb. 2~) crowd .like the By Brian Olszewski



cere people read the same Bible, have the same Holy Spirit, yet they disagree on the meaning of the Scriptures. They cannot all be right! There can be no unity among Christians, no sure understand­ ing of what the Holy Spirit says in the Bible unless there is an authorized teacher to interpret it. Jesus knew that and appoint­ ed "leaders" for his' church who would enjoy the speciai guidance of the Holy Spirit in teaching the Scriptures authentically. 4. Bible, Tradition, Magister­ iurn. The Word of God lives and is passed on from generation to generat.ion in what we call the Christian tradition. The Bible alone is just a book, a dead_ letter. 'Its content, however, is part of the original experience of Jesus living on in the faith of the church. For almost 2,000 years the church has pored over the Word of God, enlightened by her living tradition, and in the process has accumulated a wealth of new insights and new applications to current situations. Thus tradition has developed and been enriched. before them,] "It is the decision The "magisterium" is simply the of the Holy Spirit and ours too." teaching office of the church, (Acts 15:28) 'All who accept the the body authorized by Jesus to 27 books of the New Testament teach his word without f~ar of as the word' of God do so, error, under the guidance of the whether they realize it or not, Holy Spirit. 5. Finally, and emphatically: on the sole authority of the the church needs the Bible, church. ' 3. To ful'y and correctly treasures it and always refers to understand the Bible, we must it in her teaching. What a bless­ read it with I the church as our ing for' all times that we should guide. Some -Christians say they have in writing a clear and per­ don't need tJt.e. church: ,They 'can., manent record of the Good News read the Bible by themselves and of Jesus as the Apostles and the understand it' as the Holy Spirit first generation of believers ex­ enlightens them inwardly. That's perienced it and handed it on! The Bible and the church are the principle of "private inter­ pretation" a~opted by the Pro­ inseparable. The Holy Spirit, whom we experience in the testant Reformers. But as history has shown, church, is the most important private interpretation just person in writing, transmission doesn't work. It is responsible and interpretation of God's for the splintering of Protestant­ Word. This makes the church ism into' more than 250 denom­ of supreme importance to its inations and sects. All those sin­ members.

Spirit and which were not. In 393, the church in council sorted out tpese writings,. retain­ ing only the 27 books, that com­ pose our New Testament. How did the church arrive' at its de­ cision? Through prayer and re­ flection, but ultimately through the guidance of the Holy Spirit who Jesus had promised would lead her into all truth (John i 16:13). The fathers of that council could have said like the apostles



the Bible?

The .church


one we had," said Father Thomas Gorman, pastor of Blessed Sac­ rament Church in Rapid City. Benedictine Father Ignatius Potts, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea in Newell, S.D., con~ curred. "The radio spots made a difference," he said. The campaign costs $3,000 for purchasing 1,554 spots on seven . stations. An average of 40 spots airs each weekday. "When the office of communi­ cations presented the idea, I had my doubts," the bishop said.. "After all, that's a large sum of money, especially in our diocese. , However, Bishop 'Dimmerling decided to support the campaign because of the absence of pro­ grams and spots stressing the church's liturgical seasons. With radio, "oftentimes we're able to say more about Lent to more people in one 30-second ad than we can in a 10-minute homily." The communications office is already planning another cam­ paign for Advent and a third to be directed towar4 the un­ churche~.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., April 2, 1982


It pays to advertise in The Anchorrn the largest


weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts, reaching 27,000 subscribers and an estimated 100,000 adual readers.

hostage By Gloria Barone PROVIDENCE, R.I. (NC) Former Iranian hostage Kathryn Koob said that during her 444 days of captivity she learned to make the most of her time to glorify God because each moment could have been the last. "A lot of people are concerned about what's going to happen next year, or tomorrow. I be­ came very conscious of all we have right now," Miss Koob told high school students as a CYO spirit weekend. "We're given each moment. All we do is for, the glory of God," she said. Since her release in January 1981, Miss Koob, a Lutheran, has toured the country speaking about the strength and comfort that God gave her during her captivity. During her Rhode Island visit, she said that she is not a hero­ ine. Rather, she said, God sus­ tained her as he sustains others. "We're not expected to do these things on our own strength," she said. "The Holy Spirit is here to guide us." Her ordeal began Nov. 4, 1979, when she reported to work as the executive director. of the Iran-America Society, an arm of the U.S. International Communi­ cations Agency. When the American Embassy was attacked, Miss Koob stayed at the Iran-America Society Building for 24 hours, talking to the State Department by tele­ phone. But on Nov. 5 she was taken to the American Embassy. The first days of captivity were the most restrictive, she said. She and another captive, Elizabeth Ann Swift, were forced to sit in chairs all day, not speak­


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VATICAN CITY (NC)-A pro­ jected $25-mi:llion deficit in the Holy See's 1981 operating budget has been balanced out by in­ creased contributions from the world's 700 miHion Catholics, the Vatican said March 18. But it told a council of 15 car­ dinals projected 1982 deficit is $30 million. NC News has dearned that the council, established to review the Holy See's finances and organi­ zation, plans to propose meth­ ods for full disclosure of Vatican finances, which for years have been cloaked in secrecy and an object of considerahle contro­ versy. Last Ju'ly the cardinals' coun­ cil, meeting to examine financial and organiza'tional problems of the church's centra:) administra­ tion, W$S told to expect a 1981 operating deficit of some $25 million. But last month the council







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CREED ing and looking straight ahead. she and Miss Swift prayed and They were' allowed to get up' for studied scriptures together and only 10 minutes a day, to exer­ found special courage in Mat­ cise or use the bathroom. thew's Gospel: "Where two or The two· women were separa­ three are gathered together in ted later that month and not re­ my name, there am I in the united until March 12, 1980, midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). when they became roommates. They, also' were given reading They did not join the male hos­ material taken from the embassy tages until their release. and devoured everything - in­ cluding a 1976 football yearbook It was during the isolation, be­ fore she joined Miss Swift, that and "The History of· Bell Tele­ her faith was most tried, Miss phone." Koob sai<,l. She was given a Bible : 'Miss Koob said she was pre­ on the first Christmas and she . pared to be held indefinitely' or "searched' for a promise of a to be killed. savior on those pages," she said. She said she knew' the death She reached into her memory for of the exiled shah of Iran would hymns she could remember and not mean the hostages would be sang 'to, herself. She also im­ freed. plored God to help her love her "The Iranians really didn't like enemies and prayed for her cap­ the American government," she tors, the Ayatollah Khomeini and said. "If the shah had not been then-President Bani Sada. Event­ admitted here (in the United ually, she began to tutor some States) there would have been of her student guards in English. another reasonu for taking hos­ Once they were roommates, tages, she said.

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was told by the' papal secre­ tary of state, Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, that increased contri­ butions from the world's Cath­ olics had' eliminated the esti­ mated deficit. Contributions, in the form of diocesan collections and private, contributions, came even from some of the poorer nations of the world, Cardinal Casaroli said. The projected 1982 deficit is caused chiefly by the salaries and pensions of more than 5,000 Vatican employees, which com­ prise more than 60 percent of the total budget, said a Vati~an communique following the meet· ing. 'I'he budget includes the work of ,the church's central congrega­ tions and commissions, which deaI with such matters as reli­ gious education, justice and peace, and communications. One of the major problems be­ setting the Vatican budget is the Italian rate of inflation in I,taly, which last year exceeded 20 per·


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cent. Apart from salaries and pen· sions, many of which are tied to automatic cost of living increas. es, congregations and commis­ sions have tightened 'their belts in presenting their proposals for 1982 spending. Besides....woposing methods for full disclosure of the Vatican's finances, future meetings of the council of cardinals will also examine complete organizational charts of the church's central operations. On March 17 Pope John Paul II met privately with the two Americans on the council, Cardi­ nals Terence ,Cooke of New York and John Krol of Phi'ladelphia. No details of the meeting were released. Vatican sources said the :two' Americans aIso joined :the pope that evening for dinner.





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THE ANCHOR-Diccese of Fall River-Fri.; April 2:' 1982




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Planning kids'


and Mary Kenny

One of our columns about a 13-year-old girl 'Who picks on her younger brother prompted a re­ sponse from a reader in Iowa. Many children act out, our reader suggests, because of some simple lacks: They are tired, they are hungry, they have noth­ ing constructive to do. In addi­ tion, 13-year-olds need' to feel that they belong arid are needed within the family. Our reader suggests a myriad of things which children can do which are useful, fun and con­ tribute to a sense of importance and belonging. If you have won­ dered what children might do be­ sides watch television, try this suggestion list: . Children are often tired after a full day of school. Schedule a rest period immediately after school before they 'go on to other activities. Hunger. Try to get children to eat a decent breakfast. Have a nutritious snack ready right after school: sandwiches, fruit, pud­ ding, milk. Duties: Children can be very helpful around the house. The secret is to schedule time care­ fully. Don't be afraid of lists

and charts. Schedule time for who really knows these skills can teach them to others. chores, homework, rest, tele­ 2. Learn new words from the vision, free time, night prayers. Allow time for snacks or treats, dictionary. The family mi!,ght and let the child plan, prepare learn one new word per day. and serve a surprise treat ­ 3. Activities need ~ot' be ex­ particularly nice after doing pensive; have popcorn balls, chores. ' candy, ~crapbooks, photo albums, candles. Outside Activities: Some child­ 4. Have ,a pet, perhaps one ren have too many, but one or two are· good for a child. These which can be kept in the child's include band, scouts, 4-H, sports, room. Gerbils, fish and birds are popular, as well as dogs and lessons, music. Quiet: time with the parent is cats. 5. With parents' help, plan important. Eevry parent and . and redecorate your room in your child should make some time to talk pri'vately, Sometimes big favorite colors. 6. Get a foreign pen pal and. sisters or big brothers can be exchange letters, valuable confidants for adoles­ 7. Start a secret pal group cents. Helping others: Read to or aid through the parish, Send holiday an elderly relative or neighbor. and birthday greetings and small gifts to a secret pal, revealing Find news or an article of in­ terest to' the family and share it identities at the end of each year. Television can combat bore­ at mealtime. dom, but its passive setting can Family' Togetherness: Parents destroy initiative. Parents should can share with the child wh¢ plan time and provide an active they do at work. To the extent growth environment. that the ~ child can understand, Reader questions on family they can share family finances, living and child care to be an­ how theYI budget, make purchas­ ing decisions, pay taxes. swered in print are Invited. Ad­ Other activities: dress The Kennys, Box 872, St. 1. Learn to knit, crochet, do Joseph's Colege, Rensselaer, Ind. woodwork, gardening. The child 47978. ,


Spring peace push Continued from P~ge One evil' because it heightens the by a totalitarian system,". he possibility' of a war that would said. "We must resist tyranny and destroy populations indiscrimin­ oppression by every human ·atelY;;.'~,the.y:,w.rote.· ,h, 1.:.";'1. O' In his testimony before Mary­ means, but we must not act in an irrational' and suicidal way . " . land's House Judiciary Commit­ I pray that we may speak with tee Bishop Murphy said he was one voice, the voice of human "compelled as a Christian . . . consciences in persuading' our to support whatever positive pOlitical le~ders and decision and realistic steps are taken to makers to change directions, to alter and t9 begin to reverse this make a moral' about-face and to. morally unacceptable" 'nuclear ensure that nuclear' war shall arms race.' never occur." In the name of the state~s bish­ With Cardinal Krol at the rally ops he, backed passage of a were other Catholic, Protestant resolution in the Maryland legis­ and Jewish leaders of Philadel­ lature calling for a bilateral So­ phia and three of 10 European viet-U.S. freeze on the produc­ tion, testing and deployment of religious leaders who were visit­ all nuclear weapons. ing the United States March 20­ April 5 for a barnstorming, tour The ams freeze resolution, of 50 American cities. which has been backed by more The Europeans', visit, called than 70 U.S. Catholic bishops, U.s.-Europeace Tour 1982, 'was has gained momentum in many aimed at provoking American parts of the' United States in re­ cent months. grassroots interest in and sup­ port for w.orld disarmament in It was the object of a special preparation for this summer's congressional forum called by special. U~N. session on'disarma­ ,Senators Edward M. Kennedy ment. {D-Mass.) and Mark Hatfield (D­ The joirit statement signed by Ore.) at whi~h California's Bish­ New Jersey's 12 Catholic bishops o,p Mahony testified. urged "our fellow citizens to Urging adbption of resolutions press our government to take for the ,nuclear weapons freeze deliberate steps toward mutual sponsored by, Kennedy, Hatfield disarmament with a sense of and others in the U.S. Senate great urgency for the future not and House ,of Representatives, only of our country but of the. Bishop Mahony declared; "It is entire human family." my conviction' that Catholics ­ Citing both the "immense and and implicitly all A'mericans ­ persuasive danger" of nuclear an­ no" longer have a secure moral nihilation and the social costs basis to support actively or co­ involved in "spending billions on operate passively in the current nuclear weapons," the New U.S. arms policy and escalating Jersey bishops called the nuclear arms race." arms race immoral on both Testifying after four survivors counts. of the Hiroshima atomic: blast Even if the nuclear arms buil4­ described its horrors, Bishop Ma­ up were not a way of robbing hony also criticized the "grow­ the poor" which it is, it· would ,-ingmoral callousness whic:h per­ have to be condemned as a moral mits some government officials

to speak publicly and rashly of 'limited' and 'winnable' nuclear wars." , J3ishop .',Mappny ~ said. t~e~e is little or no discussion today on

whether the use of nuclear weap­

ons can be justified ethically.

"We 1)ave all become so numb­ ed, so used to the nuclear um­ brella, that we forget that less than a decade ago no responsible statesman, on either side, ever spoke of actually using nuclear weapons," he said. He also said the attitude that it 'is possible to "win" a nuclear war "assumes that there is no longer any such thing as an un­ acceptable' level of population loss." Bishop Mahony said three re7 lated moral arguments provide the only possible Catholic sup­ port for a policy of nuclear deter­ rence: - That the primary moral im­ perative' is to prevent any use of nuclear weapons under any cir­ cumstances; - That the possession of nu­ clear· weapons is always an evil which can be tolerated only if the deterrence strategy is used to make progress on arms limitation and reductions; - That the ultimate goal of the remaining "interim deter­ rence policy" is the eventual elimination of nuclear arms and of the threat of mutual assured destructi9n. But since American arms policy "has exceeded the moral limits of deterrence" and since there has been, in ~ishop Ma­ hony's judgment, "no serious connection between American arms policy and a serious at­ tempt to reduce arms world­ wide," current policy cannot be justified morally, he said.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri:, April 2, 1982.

uestion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. How does one tell a Cath­ olic priest his homJlles are as boring as Hades? Does an adult congregation have to be told that an Epistle to the Philippians was written to the people of Philippi? For attention-getters do we have to be shown an applil! or a banana? On various Sundays we have had a man's hat, a flash. light, picture of a lamb "who also looks like a victim," and U.S. currency ("money to bum"). (California) A. I'd like to bet $10 that for most priests who read this, the first gut reaction will be: You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. . I realize what you're saying, having been subjected myself to some awfully condescending and childish talks in my life. But with all the wailing about the quality of unprepared homilies today, I think you have to at least give your priest credit for trying. As a parish priest who wants to meet the minds and hearts of a whole rainbow of . people on Sunday mornings, I can assure you that any priest, who exer­ cises the time and ingenuity on his homilies that yours does, would welcome greatly whatever critiques and suggestions you might offer. I and most other priests, I be­ lieve, deeply appreciate such re­ actions from our parishioners. Feetlback'on hls'homilies' is one of the things a priest n.eeds most and receives least. Sometimes it is difficult to implement these suggestions, for one reason or another, but we're grateful for . them anyway. So tell the priest how you feel. He mayor may not be able to do anything about it, but I bet he thanks you. Q. I have a friencll whose daughter is pregnant and not married. She and her boyfrien4 do not wish to marry until they finish high school in about a year. Can she have the baby bap­

[Ileering pOinl, ]

A. It is possible for children of unmarried mothers to be bap- _ tized, however, several require­ ments must be met before the priest could baptize the child as a Catholic. Several times in this column in recent months I've discussed these conditions and why the church requires them.

I would strongly advise your

friend's daughter to think twice before naming the baby after the father. They're still awfully young, and much can happen in the next year, or before they de­ cide finally whether or not to marry. To answer your question, how­ ever, the laws are generally very liberal about names. One may choose nearly any name one wishes for himself- or for a child as long as the choiCe does not injure the rights of others. State laws do differ in a few instances, howev~r, so the girl involved should check with a lawyer, and with the boy in­ volved, before she acts. Questions for this column .should be sent to Father Dietzen, St. Mark's Parish, nn13 W. Brad­ ley, Peoria, 111. 61606.

HAllETT Funeral Home Inc.

(See also page 16.)

tized in the church without being

married? Also, can she give the

baby the father's name even

though they are not married?


283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.


CARDINAL JOI:llN DE­ ARDEN, retired Archbishop of Detroit, is the 1982 recipi­ ent of Notre Dame Univer­ sity's Laetare Medal. The award is the university's highest honor and the old­ est award for American Catholics. The cardinal is the first member of the hierarchy to receive the award, until 1973 presented only to layCath­ olics. He was cited for his tremendous influence on the Second· Vatican Council.

Guatemala terror HEREDIA, Costa .Ri~,(NO)·....,.,.

Dominican Father Carlos -Mor­

ales, 36, was gunned down by

unknown assailants in Guate­

mala, and three other Domini.

cans have been forced to leave

after death threats, said Father

Jorge Chavez a spokesman for

the Dominicans in Costa Rica.

Father Morales, a Guatemalan

who had received several death

threats, was killed in Guatemala

SISTER GRATIA COR­ City as he walked downtown. "He knew he ran a high risk RIVEAU, FCSCJ, decorates a six-foot, 4o.-pound Easter because of his work," said Fath­ er Chavez, but he "insisted that . candle made by Father he wanted to serve the people of Henry Brodeur, MS, of La­ . God in his rural parish."

Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Its size is intended to draw ad­ ditional attention to its 'flame as a symbol of light in the risen Christ. It will be on display at the shrine chapel and will be lit as the Easter Vigil service scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 10.

An Easter Mass and social will take place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 18, at St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford. The pro­ gram will include a children's egg hunt. Donations of pastries will be welcome. A spring concert, "Songs Sung Signed" will be presented at 8 p.m. Thursday, May 6, at St. Anne's Shrine, Fall River, under sponsorship of the 'Deaf Aposto­ late. In song and sign language, students of Cranston East High School and Rhode Island School 'for the Deaf will offer a varied program.

Tel. 398-2285

O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHlON Registered Embalmer

Licensed Funeral Director


Parish organization officers will conduct adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10:30 p.m. following 7:30 p.m..Mass on

Holy Thursday.



FUlleral Dome

550 Locust Street

Michelene Roth, MD, will

speak to parents and others in­

terested on "Teaching about Sex

Is Our Responsibility" at 3 p.m.

Sunday in the church hall.

Fall lRlver, Mass.


Rose E. SuUlvan

William J. Sulilvan

Margaret M. Sullivan


All CCD students will meet in the church at 9:45a.m: Sunday' to participate in Palm Sunday services. Confirmation candi­ dates will' be measured for gowns Saturday. A choir rehearsal will take place at 7 p.m. Sunday in the rectory chapel. Mrs. Marcelle Soares will 'show Holy Land slides at a Women's Guild meeting slated for 8 p.m. Monday in the school hall. Application blanks for the Rose E. Sullivan Scholarship for. ,children of llctiv.e members are now ava.Hable at ~ area high' ;schools. . . ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA


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Sunday afternoon with a "Turn

to Me" day and continue Mon­

day and Tuesday at 7 p.m. with

evening services. It will con­

clude Wednesday evening with a

cantata, '''The Seven Last

Words," by Theodore Dubois.

Confessions will follow the can­


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C4\ST MEMBERS of "Were You There?" a contempo­ rary Passion play in talk show format, rehearse for presen­ tations at 4 p.m. Sunday and at 6 p.m. Good Friday at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. From left, Carol Burke, Herb Hurteau, John Levis, Theresa DeLuca.

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'. ,



THE, ANCHOa ­ Thurs., April 2, 1982


By Father John J. ,Castelot




Friends -


By David Gibson

Proclaimer II Mark's Gospel describes a typi­ cal day in the ministry of·Jesus. As part of it, Mark tells of Jesus going from the synagogue to the house of Simon and Andrew. There Simon's' mother-in-law is laid' low by fever. Jesus ap~ proaches her, takes her by the hand and helps her up. The fever breaks immediately and she be­ ginswaiting on the little group. On the surface, this is a simple story, but neither Mark nor his community was concerned with human interest stories for their own sake. Every action of Jesus proclaim­ ed something deeper. His miracles were more than amazing dis­ plays of God-given power; By connecting the incident with the one' in the synagogue where Jesus haa driven out an evil spirit. Mark indicates they are related. Both exorcisms and healings were assaults on the realm. of evil. In Jesus' case, they were an integral part of' his mission to proclaim the advent of God's reign. This involved the. defeat of the forces of evil, in what­ ever. form. The story contains other ele­ ments; The cure is effected quietly,. effortlessly and immedi­ ately. This underscores the su­ preme'. P9W.~.r: .Qf;' J{!SU~,.;_ ~' ;, By his worefs, - Mark-suggests something of great' importance. The phrase he used for "helped her up.. ·· is actually "raised her up," the technical term for the resurrection of Jesus and of Christians. By using that termin­ ology, Mark suggests that Jesus, by his power as risen Lord, has raised Christians from the in~ capacitating fever of sin. ,Just as Simon's mother-in law began immediately to serve so the Christian is called to min­ ister. The ~ypical day in. the life of Jesus ends at sunset, as does the Sabbath. The people are now free to carry their sick to Jesus, and Mark describes ~e ensuing .activity in a characteristic sum­ mary statement, not wit~out ex­ aggeration: "Before long - the whole town was gathered out­ side the door." . But it is an impressive' picture of Jesus' healing power, which reaches out to all:' 'The Gospel says he cured many ~nd cast out many demons. They were. not allowed to speak "beca,use they knew him." One of the striking features of Mark's Gospel is .his concern with secrecy about Jesus' true identi­ ty. . This has been variously ex­ plained, but whatever the' rea­ sons, it clearly is Mark's way of stressing that before the· cross and resurrection Jesus' simply cannot be understood correctly by anyope.. The fact that Jesus goes off by hims~lf to pray early the next morning suggests that a crisis has arisen. People are getting ex­ cited about him, but their exciteTurn to page thirteen

" "

TENTS CROWD the Taize grounds at a youth meeting that drew an estimated . 40,000 young people from many riations.(NC/CIRIC Photo)

The Heart of 'Taize By Neil Parent Recently a friend told me that a key experience of his life had been a visit with his fa~i1y to Taize. '.. I knew that Taize. is an ecu~ p1_~nic~~"cqnlJrl\~ni!y,-of"p1on.k~,;jlJ

France. But I wanted to ~now more, so I asked my friend to tell me why his visit had made· such . an impact on him. The more' he talked, the more I wanted to visit Taize. myself. But he said the important thing about Taize is riot that one go there, but that one ~e reached by its message. The unusual community was ·founded. in 1940 outside the vil­ lage of Taize in east central France by Brother Roger Schutz, . now called simply lJrother .Roger of Taize. He wa~' a 25-year-old minister's son who wanted to" re­ store a monastic tradition 'to Protestantism and to. work .for unity among divided Christians. Over the years, Brother Roger has carried his message through­ out the world, including Rome, where he has been. enthusiastic­ ally received by every pope since . Pius XII. In fact, John XXIII named ,Brother Roger an official ob­ server to the Second Vatican

Council. Pope Paul VI, knowing from many nations. They do not the Taize community's profound relinquish' membership in their concern for the world's poor, in- own churches. This seems to be vited Brother Roger along 011 his' a uniquee~umenical feature of journey to the J968 Eucharistic the community. Congress in Bogota, Columbia. Small bands of the monks live ._.' I~~.-mEm~~~~~ ;9,f T,aj?~n0':Y1 ip;~ rJn"H~ic,,;. Asia, ,J"aUp ,America 'Chide"Some '85' Anglican;' R6'rhlfnl..··'iind '·tne"-uiilied:;SiMe's:-'."":'0' . 'Turn to Page Thirteen Catholic and' Protestant monks

'Brother Hector By Kath(!rine Bird As a teen-ager, Hector thought his neighbors seemed caught in an endless round of drugs, vio­ lence and poverty. "They weren't bad," he says. "They were vic­ tims, caught in a situation they couldn't ·change." At the time, the' Hispanic youth said, he was living with his parents, in a Brooklyn, N.Y., sluni. . He felt very alone and search~ . ed restlessly for something worthwhile 'to commit himself to, preferably something connected with his beliefs as a Catholic; .Then, four years .ago, Hector met .a brother connected with Taize, the ecumenical, monasic community in France. Invited to'

attend a retreat for young adults,

Hector went "to find out what Taize was all about." Gradually, Hector says, "I became friends with the brothers and slowly be­ came interested'in their way of life:' , After a time, Hector went to live with the brothers at Taize's home comqlUnity. There he -met young people from many coun­ tries. and many cultures who were troubled by the same ques­ tions I had.: I began to see there was hope .,..... because C.hrist is with us. Underlying all the tur~ moil in our environment,' he is present:~ I

After five months,.the young man returned to New York. "I wanted to live. among my own people," he, says. The,re a small Tum to Page' Thirteen

know your faith

The pope had just arrived in Boston. It was Oct. 1,1979, and heavy rain fell during the ,Mass he celebrated on the Boston Common. His words that evening were directed to youth: "Faced with problems and dis­ appointments, many people will try to escape from their respon­ sibilities: escape in selfishness, escape in sexual pleasure, escape' in drugs, escape in violence, es­ cape in indifference and cynical attitudes. But today I propose to you the option of love, which is the opposite of escape • . . Whatever you make of your life, let it be something that reflects the love of Christ." 'Later during his U.S. visit, when the pope met young people in New York's Madison Square Garden, they gave him four gifts: aT-shirt, blue jeans and a guitar. The fourth gift: their pledges to serve other people in need. The young people in Madison Square Garden may not have fit s'ome images of modern youth: But the pope was surprised neither .by their pledges of 'service. He has great confidence in youth. Another great friend of youth is Brother Roger Schutz, prior of the French ecumenical monastery of Taize. Over the past decade, Brother Roger has influenced youth from, many nations who have camped out on the Taize grounds. " Youth go to Taize to pray; to discuss the Beatitudes or the meaning of faith with other young people and with the monks. They pray for Christian unity and world justice. Brother Roger is a good listen­ er. He once said: "We who are older must listen, and never con­ demn. Listen, always listen, and so grasp 'the very best of the crative intuitions alive in the hearts of today's youth:' To learn how to speak witli the world's youth about poverty Turn to Page Thirteen

II For .children I By Janaan Manternach Shimon and his brother Aaron walked quickly from the prison. They took deep breaths of fresh, clean air. It had been dark and smelly inside. "I wonder how long John will be able to stand it in that awful place," Aaron wondered aloud. Tears came to their eyes as they thought of their friend John, the Baptizer, chained to the stone wall of a cell deep inside 'the prison. "I'm sure Jesus must be down along tbe shore," Shimon said. "I'm really curious to hear Jesus' answer to John's ques­ tion." John wanted his friends to ask Jesus, "Are you 'he who' is to come' or do we look for some­ \. one else?" "He who is to cO\1le"was a popular name for the one God had promised to send to free his Turn to page thirteen

Taize Continued from page twelve

They hold secular jobs' and

all lead lives of great simplicity. They don't even have interest­ bearing savings accounts in banks. Practically from its founding Taize was a place where people went to seek understanding of

life's meaning. According to my friend, in

1968 it became a gathering place for many youths involved in the extensive student demonstra­ tions that shook Paris that year. That was when it came to be re­

garded among youth as a "safe place to talk." The monks were

willing to listen in a non-judg­ . mental way. Indeed, many young people found . that their ideals were shared by the monks, who be­ lieve that all persons, regardless· of race status, are children of the same Father. Today, Taize is best known as a place where thousands upon thousands of young people ~ave converged. Each year, particularly at Easter, youth travel to Taize. Last spring, more than 8,000 peo­

ple attended the Good Friday services under colorful tents

erected by the monks.

It was this tremendous draw­

ing power of Taize that captured

my friend's curiosity. Once there, he found that there are no tricks, no spectacular displays.

Instead, he found Taize to be a profound experience of the ability to direct peoples' imagina­ tions to the possibli1ities for bringing about the kingdom of

God; My friend and his family dis­ covered people go to Taize for various reasons: --out of concern for Christian unity and for h\ternational social justice; -to talk with the monks and to be counseled by them; -to participate .in the dis­ cussion groups that meet at these times on the Taize hi1lsides; -to pray. What counts for the monks, however, is not that large num­ bers of people come, but rather that they pray and work for unity; listen to others with care and sensitivity and make the good of the human family a priority. That is the simple message of Taize, a message that has touch­ ed an astonishing number of young people.

Proclaimer Continued from page twelve ment has nothing to do with who he really is. Even the disciples have caught ·the fever. . The disciples track Jesus down and as the Greek suggests, urge him' to take advantage of his growing popularity. But Jesus is not out to win a popularity con­ test. He has come to proclaim the reign of God. So his answer is: "Let us move on to the neighboring villages so that I may proclaim the good news there also. This is what I have come to do." He (fontinued in that way throughout Galilee.

For children Continued from page twelve

people. John wondered if his cousin Jesus were that one. "There's Jesus!" Shiman shout­ ed. John's two friends hurried to. him. '''We are 'the disciples of John," they said. "John sent us to ask you if you are 'he who is to come' or do we look for someone else?" Jesus smiled. He wanted to give his cousin an answer that would really make him think. "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard," Jesus

told John's friends. "The blind recover their sight. Cripples walk. Lepers are cured. The deaf hear. Dead men rise to life. T~e poor have the good news preach­ ed to them." Jesus paused, then added a r personal challenge to John not to doubt or lose his faith. Bless­ ed is the man who does not find me a stumbling block." Shimon and Aaron looked puz­ zled but thanked Jesus and walk­ ed quickly back up the road to­ ward die prison. "Jesus certainly has helped the blind see and the deaf hear," said Aaron. "Some of the peo­

ple he's cured were right there, in the crowd. But what does that

have to do with John's ques­


The two walked deep in

thought. Suddenly Shimon stop­ ped. "I think I've got it. Remem­ ber the· words of Isaiah? Isaiah

said that when God came to free us there would be certain signs." "I think I remember the pass­ age exactly," Aaron said: "Then will the eyes of the blind be open­

ed. The ears of the deaf will be BROTHER ROGER conducts .Taize pray~r. service. cleared. Then 'the lame will leap

(NC/CIRIC Photo)' like a stag. Then the tongue of.

the dumb will sing." "Is it possible?" Shimon asked with wonder. "Can Jesus be the one we've been waiting for? I Continued from Page Twelve tion," Hector adds, believing wonder what John will say?" Taize community lives in "Hell's firmly· that reconciliation must Kitchen," a notorious New York come first within the Christian City slum. family. Only then will the world According to Hector, the group family be reunited. Continued from page twelve found a rundown apartment, Gradually, as others saw what and the need to serve others, with broken windows and holes was happening in the building, Brother Roger repeatedly has in the roof, where nothing work­ they moved into the other apart­ ed except the electricity. They ments, Hector relates. The lived with the poor in the far corners of the globe. moved into the virtually aban­ brothers met with their peigh­ Once he, some other monks, doned building and began, slow­ bors regularly. Working with a and an international team of ly, to make repairs. tenants' association, they have Hector lives with four other deaned up and renovated the young people stayed among poor people living on junks in the Taize brothers of different na­ building. Recently, .working South China Sea. At other times tionalities, denominations and through a city program, the 20 ages. . They are from Spain, tenants, including struggling they lived among poor in Cal­ Puerto Rico, Switzerland and actors and menial laborers, were cutta and in Bangladesh. What do Christian youth find Holland. Hector, at 21, is the able to buy their individual in Brother Roger? Why are young youngest, the oldest is 72. Half apartments very inexpensively. people drawn by Pope John Paul are Protestant and half are Cath­ The brothers live on what they II? olic. All continue to participate earn. On~ a talented artist, sells The answers may not be fuIly in their own churches. . his work. Hector works parttime clear. What is clear is that they The aim of the 'community, with older adults and he studies are individuals of overwhelming Hector explains, is to be "a faith­ at Fordham University. Christian belief, deeply com­ ful presence of prayer living in Eventually Hector hopes to mitted to the world's poor and the midst of the poorest of the take the Taize vows of celibacy, poor. We are a group of fragile communal living and obedience. doing somet~ing about it. men with a dream of living to­ He has decided to do this, he Two Wings gether. We know we are weak says, because the brothers have Death and love are the two and that God has chosen us to "such a deep committment to the live· in this community." Gospel life. We live in clo.se wings that .bear us, to heaven. Reconciliation is at the heart friendship and share our lives

of Taiz~. Members "try to live with each other and with our as visible signs of reconcilia­ other brothers throughout the world."

What are his future plans as He Is AllI of Us "The Son of God has assumed a Thize brother? Brother Hector

every nationality and every race just laughs' and says, "I'm not

by becoming identified with each preparing for anything especi­ human being on earth." - Bishop ally. We don't plan for the future." -Raymundo Pena

THE ANCHOR .­ Thurs., April 2, 1982


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first place in a Perseus costume contest. , School 'winners' in a French contest sponsored by a New Eng­ land . and Canadian insurance company are Julie Emond, French I; Jill' Smallhoover, French II; and Thomas Benoit, , French III. , Students recently named as outstanding athletes in a contest sponsored by a local bank are Chris Leary, boys' basketball; Emily Larocque and Chris Coch­ rane, girls' basketball; and Terri Quinn and Dave Plummer, hock­ ey. A successfulretreaffor seniors was recently held at LaSalette Center in Attleboro. '

THE ANCHOR­ 'Thurs., April 2, 1982


Newman' Club members, at 'Southeastern Massachusetts Uni. . versity, North Dartmouth, mark. ed Lent with a skip·a~meal pro. "ject involving '1100 ,students. . Participants' skipped a cafeteria meal and the campus food service gave the money' the focid would have cost to Axfam America. "Oxfam is a nonprofit organ­ , .ization that takes all donations and puts them towards buying food as well as farming equip. ment and tools for needy people in America and all over the world," explained Michael Ma­ 'guire, Newman Club president.: The, project, in its third year, included commuter students for the first time this year, account­ ing for a substantial rise in the number of participants. The SMU Newman Club has Father Richard R. Gendreau as chaplain.

"Mutual esteem'

Coy le~Ca~sidy Latin Club' members at Coyle- ' Cassidy High in Taunton recent­ ly attended a Classics Day at 'Regis College, participating in , Greek dancing and academic and costume competitions. In the' latter, C-C's Ted Figlock too~

VATICAN CITY {NC) - Cath­ olic-Jewish relations have been sometimes marked by "misun­ derstanding, ,errors and even in­ sults," but, must go forward "with understanding, in. peace THEY'RE THE BEST: Cheerleaders from St. Anne's parish senior CYO in Fall River, and in mutual esteem," Pope already diocesan and tri-state champs, will go for their second straight New England John Paul II declared at ,the Vati~ championship Suriday, April 18, at Nashua, N.H. Coached by Celeste Marciszyn, left and can to 40 experts in Ohristian­ CarolAnn Nagle, right, the IO-memb~r squad -practices 24 hours weekly in addition to Jewish rela·tions from IS coun­ ,tries. "If there have been: in the cheering attwo parish games. They pride themselves on producing all-new routines each past mis!lnderstandings,. ~rrors time they compete. "We stay up nights figuririg them out," confides Mrs. Marciszyn, who and even insults in the relations adds that the squad disdains using "claps and stamps" as a ~eans of catching its breath. between Catholics and Jews, we "We're always moving." Both she and Ms. Nagle are graduates of the former Bishop Ger,­ must now overcome these with rard High School" where both were cneering captains' and members of New England , , understanding, in peace ~nd in 'chal1lpion ,teams. (Torchia Photo) ,', ,. .m!ltua'l estee.~,", he, said.


•••• :.





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luVO 9iher ~..liBG;r!i7t,,~ ~ 'Mesee7Plms II'


tv, movie news


CYO Stars Win Father Donovan, Game The . Bristol County' CYO League All-Stars defeated the Seniors, 9-5, last week in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, in the ninth annual Father Donovan Memorial Scholarship hockey game. It was the CYO skaters' fourth win of the series against five for the Seniors. In the scoreless first period the glory belonged to the goalies ­ Jamie Coleman for the Seniors and Steve Rivard for the CYO team. The situation changed dramati­ cally in the second period in which four goals were scored in a two-minute span. The CYO skaters took the lead when John

Rodrigues scored at 3:13 and went ahead, 2-0, on Paul Hogan's goal at 6:35. Nineteen seconds later Dave Nobrega's goal made it 3-0. Bob Pavao, Bishop Connolly High standout, narrowed the gap when he scored for the Seniors at 7:02, and Durfee High's. Rick Roderick narrowed it more when he scored at 8:37 for the Seniors. Eight goals were scored in the third period. Bryan Perry netted two, Rick Coleman, Ted Boe­ hner, Steve Blanchard and Mike Moran for the CYO team, John McMahon for the Seniors. A capacity crowd of more than 1,000 attended the game.

It's New Bedford and South Again For the third time in as many seasons, New Bedford and Fall River South will meet in the best-of-three final in the post­ season playoffs of the Bristol County CYO Hockey League. The series opens at 9 p.m. Sun­ day in the Driscoll Rink, New Bedford, the defending champion, swept its best-of-three semi-final with Marion but Fall River South clinched its berth in

the final with a 7-3 victory over Seekonk last Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink, in the third, and deciding, game of that semi­ final. At 1:30 of the last period the· game was still close, South lead­ ing, 4-3, but goals by Dave Nobrega, Rick Coleman and Chris Heaslip in the remaining time settled the issue.

More All-Stars Melody Livramento and Mary Beth Bruce of Bishop Stang High School have been named to the Southeastern Massachusetts Con­ ference girls' eastern division all­ star team. Miss Bruce had also been named to the New Bedford Standard-Times stellar combine. Others on that all-star team are Rita Roach, Ada Silvia and Adele Thatcher of Wareham, Donna Fields and Cathy John­ son of New Bedford, Mary lin­ hares of Bourne, Beth McSorley of Barnstable, and Allison Adams of Dennis-Yarmouth. Bishop Feehan High of Attle­ boro and Coyle-Cassidy High of Taunton each placed two skaters on the conference's Division Two all-star hockey team. Feehan's representatives are forward Kevin McGrath and defenseman Terry Quinn. Other forwards on that team are Dan Lareau and Mark La­ verdiere of Seekonk, Charley Fountain of Bourne, and Steve Melloni of Wareham. On defense· are Chris Lambert and Mike Blanchard of Seekonk. Rick Dietz of Seekonk is the goalie, Jamie Hopewood of Bourne, the alter­ nate. Stang's Richard Morin was named to the Central Division's winter track all-star team as the top performer in the 300-yard run. Also on that team are Mark Cabral, Fairhaven, shot; Arthur Leonard, Fairhaven, high jump, James IYIartin, Fairhaven, hurd­ les; Michael Morgan, Fairhaven, lwo-mile; Casille Fonseca, 50­ yard run; John Breault, Durfee,

600-yard run; and John Nolan, Durfee, 100-yard run. Players selected as the three outstanding on each team in the Father Donovan CYO Scholar­ ship Fund hockey game are Steve Blanchard, Rick Coleman and Dave Nobrega of the CYO all-stars, Jamie Col.eman, Bob Pa­ vao and John McMahon of the Seniors. Cheerleaders from Saint Anne's parish, Fall River, will compete in the New England Cheerleading Championship Com­ petition to be held in Nashua, N.H., on April 18. In a recent competition in South Grafton, Mass., they took first place with 30 points more than their nearest opponent. In another recent triumph they won the senior CYO and high school championship in the 23rd dioce­ san competition held at Ken­ nedy.Center, New Bedford.

eRD officers WASHINGTON (NC) - Gloria Pitt, Kinston, N.C., has been elected chairperson of the Cam­ paign for Human Development (CHD) national committee. Other new officers are Michael Raff, Jackson, Miss., first vice chair­ person, and Sister Cathy Gor­ man, Apopka, Fla., second vice chairperson. OHD, the U.S. Cath­ olic Church's domestic anti­ poverty program, provides grants -to self-help projects planned and directed by people with low in­ comes and seeks to inform peo­ p'le about poverty an:J injustice.

NOTE. Please check dates and times of television programs with local listings, which may differ from the New York net­ work schedules supplied to The Anchor.

Religious Broadcasting Sunday, April 4, WLNE, Chan­ nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ vision Mass, celebrate4 by Rev. William Campbell, whose hom­ ily topic will be "Suffering: An Experience of Christ."

"Confluence," • 8 a.m. each Sunday, repeated at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is Symbols following film reviews indicate a panel program moderated by both general and Catholic Film Office Truman Taylor and having as ratings, which do not always coincide. permanent participants Father General ratings: G-suitable for gen·' eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· Peter N. Graziano, diocesan: di­ gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for rector of social services; Rev. Dr. children or younger teens. Paul Gillespie of the Rhode Is­ Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for Illllld State Council of Churches; adults and adolescents; A3-approved for and Rabbi Baruch Korff. adults only; A4-separate classification "The Glory' of God," with (given to films not morally offensive Father John Bertolucci, 7:30 p.m. which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; O-morally offensive. each Sunday on Channel 25. New Films "Victor-Victoria," stars Julie Andrews as a starving colora­ tura soprano in Paris of the 30s. She finds a job impersonating a female impersonator and be­ comes the toast of Paris. Complications arise when a Chicago nightclub owner with gangland connections arrives in the city to scout new talent. In­ terested in' Victor-Victoria, he becomes her lover, to the fury of the mistress he brought with him from Chicago. . Various subplots further tangle the story line of a too-lorig film that is at best mediocre enter­ tainment. A benign attitude to­ wards homosexuality is .not like­ ly to blur the moral outlook of mature viewers in its farcical context and the film is classified A4, PG.

Sunday, April 4 (CBS) "For Our Times" - An encore pre­ sentation of "David Wept" for Passover. Wednesday, April 7, 8-9 p.rn. (CBN cable) "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." First aired by CBS three years ago, this two-part animated version of a C. S. Lewis children's story that many regard as an allegory of the Resurrection will conclude Thursday, April 8, 8-9 p.m. 'Wednesday, April 7, 9-10 p.m. (PBS) "Community of Praise." A family of fundamentalists per­ sistently call upon their faith to surmount the problems, strife and emergencies of daily life in the "Middletown" series of so. ciological documentaries.

Sunday, April 11 (ABC) "DI­ rections" - New approaches to "Amin - The Rise and Fall" music in religious services. Sunday, April 11 (CBS) "For (Twin Continental): An amateur­ ish and exploitative account of Our Times" - Easter service the bloody dictator's career,' from the student chapel at Duke classified 0, R because of its University. graphic sex and violence. Sunday, April 11 (NBC) "Reli­ "Cat People" (Universal): gious Special" - Easter morn­ Based on a classic horror film of ing liturgy from Mission Santa the 30s, this ciumsy remaIs:e is Barbara with music by the miss­ ion choir and a tour of this about a brother and sister (Mal­ colm McDowell and Nastassia California landmark. Kinski) who turn into black pan­ On Radio thers at odd moments and must Charismatic programs are kill to regain human shape. heard from Monday through Fri­ There's much repulsive behavior day on station WICE, 1290 A.M. garnished with blood and graphic Father John Randall is heard sex. A movie to be avoided at from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. all costs. 0, R and Father Real Bourque is heard· . "Mephisto" (Analysis): This from 8:45 to 9 a.m. Hungarian-German production is an extremely interesting study WEAR of the temptation to power. A provincial German actor, whose Shoes That Fit forte is playing the great tempter "THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" Mephlsto, is favored by the Nazi party and becomes director of the Berlin National Theatre. Aus­ NEW LOCATION

trian actor Klaus Maria Brand­ 321 Rhode Island Avenue

auer is brilliant as -the good­ Fall River 678·5811

hearted but feckless hero. Be­ cause of graphic nudity, this is extremely mature fare, rated A4,



Film on TV Sunday, April 4, 9 p.nt. (NBC) - "Meatballs" (1979) - Bill Murray directs a' haplessly iII­ organized summer camp. Some off-color jokes and sex-oriented pranks, but relatively mild, A3, PG.


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Thurs., April 2, 1982



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THE-ANCHOR-Diocese 'ofFall'River-FrL,' April 2, 1982




, '--A retreat, "Wholly, Holy You,"

Iteer~ng pOintl

will begin at 7:30' tonight and conclude Sunday under direction . of Sister Virginia Sampson, SUSC. The program will include individual and group. experi­ ences, journal reflection and prayer. Information: 222-8530. LaSALETTE, ATTLEBORO




The greater Fall ,River sup­ port group for Separated, Oiv­ .orced and Remarried Catholics _will meet at. 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, and Wednesday, Ap:ril 28, at Our I.:ady of Fatima : church hall, 530 Gardners Neck Rd., Swansea. All welcome. The greater New Bedford group will meet at 7:30 p.m. every Sunday of April. Group .discussions .will be held on· the 4th, 18th and 25th and a social . ST. THERESE, .NB . evening is scheduled .for the Holy Week services will 'in­ 11 th, all at Our Lady's Chapel, clude a solemn vesper service at 600 Pleasant St., New Bedford. 3 p.m. Palm Sunday in the chap­ An annulment clinic is held at el and prayer and teaching Mon­ 10:30 a.m. each Saturday at the day through Wednesday. The chapel. Information: 996-8275. , three-day retreat on the topic "Celebrating the Paschal Mys~ ST. ANNE, FR A Marriage Encounter rookie teris" will offer Mass at· 7 each and general team night will be evening with guest celebrants held at 8 tonight in the school and homillsts. Communal morn­ . ing prayer will take place at 9 cafeteria. a.m. Holy Thursday, Good Fri­ FIVE HOUR VIGIL day and .Holy Saturday in the A five-hour vigil held month­ chapel. ly in churches of the diocese will take place from 7 p.m. tonight INTERCHURCH COUNCIL, NB Volunteers are, sought by two tol a.m. Saturday at Holy- Fam­ ily Church, East Taunton. Mass programs to be trained as coun­ will begin and end the vigil,a selors for people who desire holy hour will be conducted and help with problems of living. the rosary will be recited. All Both programs .need empathetic persons, able to attend training welcome. Refreshments. sessions and willing to make a ST. MARY, SEEKONK one-year commitment to the Openings are available for a program of their choice. Know­ family' retreat at LaSalette Cen­ ledge of another language would ter during May. Information: be an additional asset. An Elder Sharon Papineau, 336-5453. Support Program reaches per­ NOTRE DAME, FR' sons 60 and older and a Pastoral Care giver Program is for adults , Father Andre Patenaude, MS, of all ages. Information: 992­ will be heard in concert at 2 p.m. Sunday at the chu,rch. ' 8010 or 993-2352. are asked to' submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, . 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of' all activities, please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry new. of fundralslng actlville. such as bingos. whlsts, dance., .uppers and bazaars. We are' happy' to carry notices of sDlrltuaJ prollrams, club 'meetlngs youth proJects and similar ·nonproflt' activities. Fundra[slng pro­ Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, teleghone 675-7151. n Steering' Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB Indicates New Bedford.

There will be no scheduled celebrations of the sacrament of penance at LaSalette Shrine on Good Friday, Holy Saturday, or Easter Sunday. The solemn lit­ urgy for each day will take place in the shrine chapel at 7:30 p.m. A singalong directed by Father Andre Patenaude, followed by a children's egg hunt will begin at 2 p.m. Easter Sunday on the shrine grounds. Over 3000 eggs will be hidden, including a. spe­ cial one whose finder will re­ ceive a gift. FAMILY LIFE CENTER, N. DARTMOUTH

The Children of. the Light prayer group will hold a week­ end retreat beginning today. O.L. GRACIE, WESTPORT

The Teen Club will meet in the parish center at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. ST. ANTHONY, E. FAI_MOUTH

On Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week con­ fessions will be heard from 4 to 5' and 7:30 to 8 p.m. and on Holy Thursday and Good Friday' from 4 to 5 p.m. A visiting priest will administer the sacrament from 10 a.m. to noon and from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Holy Saturday. A bulletin with times of all Holy' Week services is available. SS. PETER


Last fall's first communicants will participate in the Holy Thursday procession; meeting in the hall at 6:45 p.m. There .is no school today due to a day of recollection for' teachers.

CCO and parochial school stu­ dents will meet with their re­ spective teachers at 10 a.m. Sun­ .day in .preparation for partici­ pation in the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Holy Rosary Sodalists will meet in the school hall at 1:15 p.m. Sunday. WIDOWIED, NB

A support group for widowed persons will meet at 8 p.m. Mon­ day, April 12, at St. Kllian's rec­ tory. Father Paul Guido, OFM, will present..a workshop, slides and ·meditations. . ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN

Confirmation candidates will be measu~ed for gowns at 7 p.m, Monday at the school. Practice for cheerleading try­ outs, open to boys' and girls in grades 4 through 7, will begin at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow in the school. : Parents lof first communicants will' meet' at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the schc;>ol. ST. MICHf\EL, SWANSEA

Parish liturgical dancers will participate in the solemn bless­ ing of pal'rls at 4 p.m. Mass Sat­ urday and 9:30 a.m. Mass Sun­ day. I. ST. ROCH, FR

A Holy Week Mass at 7 p.m. Tuesday will be followed by a "parade of saints." The Council of .Catholic Women. will meet after the church ceremonies. ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET

Fellowship will be observed at the Holy Thursday service at 7 p.m. April 8. Catholic' Charities captains will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the rectory. ST. MARY; SEEKONK

CCO Registration will be held tomorrow morning for children entering grades land 2 in Sep­ tember. , Sponsors ,and parents of con­ firmation candidates will meet at 7 p.m. 'Sunday in the CCO social room.


Healing Masses followed by prayer or Bible study are held at 7 p.m. each Wednesday. ~RY, NB A marriage support group will meet Sunday night at the rec­ tory CCDcenter. An informational letter re­ garding a proposed Mary Gar­ den will be mailed to parish­ ioners. Work will soon begin on car,ving a statue for the garden. Report cards will· be distrib­ uted .today and parents' confer­ ences will take . place 'Wednes­ day, by appointment.



The Marian Society, a men's devotional group, has been or­ ganized in the parish, with meetlnp.s at 8 p.m. each third ·Tuesday. Officers are Robert Habbel, president; Albert Star­ 'key and Thomas Chartrand, vice..,presidents; Frank Smith, secretary; William Stempsey, co­ ordinator. .CYO members will host mem­ bers from ·St. Joseph Church, Medford, this weekend. The pro­ gram will include a whale watch in Provincetown, Mass., and a dance. The Medford group will ente'rtain the Orleans members in May. Representatives of Pope Paul VI Council Knights of Columbus will be at all' Masses this week­ end recruiting new members and inviting former Knights to seek reinstatement or transfer to the local council. ST. JULIE, N. DARTMOUTH

Confirmation program teach­ ers will meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. A penance service for confirmation candi­ dates unable to attend a previous service will take place at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. New Ladies' Guild offfioens will be ,installed at 11:15 a.m. Mass Sunday, April 25. The an­ nual meeting of the guild and a communion brunch will follow at New Bedford Country Club.


'And The. Reconcilers BENE'FIT 'OF :';~ ~RESTORATION FUND

Palm·Sund:ay,April 4, 1982 2:00P.M.




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