
Page 1



.~~';;·I· .. . .-------------------,it>~

The ANCHOR An Anr.hor of the SO'Ul, Su,re and li'irm-ST. PAUL

Fall River, Mass. Thursday, April 3, 1958 '.

Vol. 2, No. 14.


Clasa Mail Privilel'"

Aathorized a' Fall River, Mllss.


$4.00 per Year


Solemn High Mass Monday For Rev. George A. Lewi~ Rev, George A. Lewin, former pastor of St. Mary's Church, Hebronville, died Tuesday morning at St. Francis Xavier Rectory, Hyannis. Father Lewin had been ill for the last few years and it was this sickness that

eaused him to resign from

the Hebronvme parish which

he served from March of


photograph shows Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bullock of Fall River with, left to right,

Lauria M., James E. Jr. and Martha F.


Easter Vigil Is Sharing In Action Of Christ


Known for his kind and jovial

disposition, Father Lewin's sud­

den death came as a shock to the


Father Lewin, son of the late

Charles and Agnes (Daley)

Lewin, was born on January 19,

1900, a native of St, Kilian's

Parish, New Bedford. He re­

ceived his early education in that

city and attended St. Charles

College, Catonsville, Maryland.

He studied Philosophy at St.

Mary's Seminary in· Baltimore,

and Theology at the Sulpician

Seminary in Washington. He

held A.B. and M, A. degrees ru,.n io Page Twelve

If the churches of the Diocese are in darkness on the eve of Easter, it

will not be because of a power failure-at least we hope not. It will simply

mean that the people of God are ready to take an active part in the greatest'

'event of the whole year, the Easter Vigil. The darkened church is

the symbol of the e~ptiness of the world before the

Attleboro Parish Reaches

Quota for . Th· e Anchor

"resurrection of ~hrist. It's easy to ·stumble In the dark. Adam and his sorry sons. found The first parish in the Attleboro section of the Diocese th~t out. We needed a lIght.to to reach its quota in the second annual subscription carn­ brIghten our darkness. ChrIst , , " . REV. GEORGE· A. LEWIN was that Light. paign bemg conducted by The Anchor IS St. Mary s parish Under ~he stars of an eleven. in Hebronville where Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher is pastor~. o'clock sky, Catholics of the Fall This report carne to our River Diocese will gather around Circulation Department to­ san parish to reach its quota. Many parishes are close to the their priest outside the church. d ' , d th . At the door of the Church the ~Y as p~stors receIve .~Ir quota and some have refrained priest will strike a flirit and as fmal notice that all subscrIp­ from sending the list of subscrib­ In a special class at Sacred Heart School, North Attle­ the shooting sparks are' fanned tions must be in our office by ers, apparently Doping to reacb ·Turn to Page Eighteen this weekend to assure delivery the quota before supplying all boro, a group of children receives remedial help and . -by mail of The Anchor to those the names. We suggest that pas­ individual attention from Sister Gabrielle Lucie of the Holy· . families who have subscribed. . tors send subscribers names Union of the Sacred Hearts, who haS served in the parish along as fast as they secure them Father Keliher's announce­ 8Chool for the past 22 years, both teacher and pupils. : ' ment that his parish has attained because of the time factor in­ With the patience of Job,. Retarded i~ one way or an­ volved in the mechanics of as­ its quota is most pleasing be­ .' t ,. 1 d 'I t · · other, members of the class cause the same parish feil short suring continued delivery of the DIS er IS III C ass. al ~. 0 gIve range in age from 9 to 15. Sis­ of its quota last year. St. Mary'~ pap~r. them the specIal aid they ter's goal is· to prepare them to VATICAN CITY (NC)in Hebronville is the ninth dioce­ .Turo to Page· Twelve Jlequire, despite the constant resume their studies on their pain and physical handicap in­ own grade level, from third to The "enemies of. God" are "uced by an arthritic condition eighth. _At the present time making special efforts to which forced her to give up try­ three of her boys have res­ spread hatred and discord ing to teach her regular first ponded so well to her instruction in Italy because that country is grade class from a sitting posi­ that she expects' them to be the "heart of the Church," His tion, unable to raise her arm to ready to return to their own Holiness Pope Pius XII said write on the blackboard. class in September. here. ' CHICAGO (NC)'--:-Schools Ways and means of' in­ No blackboard work is neces­ St. Jean Council Helps The Pontiff addressed a pil­ Sister Gabrielle Lucie is grimage which had come from . creasing membership will be are meant. ,to b.e' "work­ lI8l'y in the special class; in its place a flannel board and flannel grateful for the cooperation and the central Italian province of discussed at a meeting of the shops" not·· "palaces," His letters are easier to handle for Turn to Page Seventeen The Marches. The context of his New EnglaItd Regional_Unit,' Eminence Samuel Cardinal speech made it clear \that the Secondary School Department, Stritch told some 300 school ad­ "enemies of God" to whom he to be held in connection with ministrators here. referred are those several groups the 55th Annual Convention of The Archbishop of Chicago now engaged in a pre-election ,the National Catholic Educa­ spoke to a joint meeting of the anticlerical campaign, generally tional Association to be held Midwest units of the college and understood to be Masonic in­ university department, and the April 8-11 in Philadelphia. fluenced, the Liberals and left Turn to Page Twenty Turn to Page four wing Socialists. The Pontiff cautioned the "Marchigiani," as people from . Turn to Page Seventeen r

No. Attleboro ,Nun Teaches Special·'Class Despite ,PQin

Enemies of God Spread H.atred, Pope As, serts


Holy Unio'n Nuns Chicago Prelate Plan to Attend Asserts School School Conclave Palaces: Fail

,Mission Bishops Confirm Here Page two of this issue of The Anchor contains the re­ vised Confirmation list for the Diocese. Administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to an estimated Turn to Page Two

Holy Saturday GIVES SPECIAL AID: Sister Gabrielle Lucie instructs

pupil in use of the flannel board.

According to 'Church Law, Holy Saturday is a day of fast 'for those who are so obliged, and it is a day of abstinence for all Catholics seven years of age and over.

Fathe-r Gorman Announces First Annual Diocesan Science Fair

Rev. Edwafd J. Gorman, Superi.ntendent of ~thools of the Diocese today announced the FIrst Annual DIOcesan Science Fair win be held on April 24 and 25 in the Dominican Academy in Fall .~ouc 1="-1 River: Since \ the Annual ~ Diocesan Teachers' Ct)llven­ SUPPORT tion will be going on in St. . THE Anne's School at that time, the will be easily available to of- CATHO~IC PRESS 1­ Fair the almost 1000 sisters, brothers . BUY FROM THE t and priests who will partici­ in the ~onvention. ADVERTISERS IN 'I­ pate Father Gorman's announce­ " ~ CATHOLIC . ment of this significant event in the educational life of the ~(:" PAPERS Diocese follows: We are pleased to announce Turn to Page Seventeen









Renew Your Subscriptio.... to The 'Anchor Now





, Thurs., April 3, 1958

Revised Confirmation Schedule

Supreme' Pontiff To ,Give Easter Talk on TV


VATICAN CIT~ (NC) ­ His Holmess Pope Pius XII will" deliver his' traditional Easter message from' the

~ntral balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at noon Rome time (6 a.m., E.S.T.). The Pope's speech and his blessing will be telecast by Eurovision, TV network cover­ ing ,all free nations, of Western Europe. The topic of the Pope's' address was not immediately announced. Last year his ,Easter message' stressed that scientific and tech­ nical advances can' bring the world hope and peace only if they are accoDlpanied by an ac­ ~ptance of c;hrist's message. When His Holiness Pope piu!! XII appears on the balcony of St. Peter's it will be 11 years since he established the Easter discourse 'and bless'ing as an an­ ,Dual occurrence. The first time the .HolyFather Inaugurated this direct Easter eontaCt with theCaithful of the world was in 1948. On that 'occasion he gave an address on the ,"Christian' Conscience." He 'laid: ' "Th~ 'great hour oC' the' Chris­ tian conscience has sounded. We invite all of you. 0 people of Rome, 0 people of Italy, 0 peo­ ple of the world, to unity, to . concord, to love. to peaceful thoughts and intentions."Ever since that fir~t Easter discourse-with only two excep­ tions, in 1949 and 1950-the an­ nual message and blessing has been repeated. Each time it has been more or less on the same theme-peace-and each time it has been a short 10-minute ad­ dress of about 2,500 words.

Mass 'Ordo FRIDAY-Good Friday. Double of I Class. Black and Violet. Readings. Prayers. Adoration of Cross. Holy Communion. SATURDAY - Holy Saturday. Double of I Class. Violet and White. Easter Vigil Service:' Blessing of New Fire; Lighting and ,Praise 'of PasChal Candle; R~adings;' Blessing of Baptis~ mal Water 'and' Renewal of Baptismal' Promises. Mass' of ,"'. the Resur~tion. .Gloria. No ",' Creed. or 'Offertory. Proper ;. Preface. CommuniCantes and :.:' Hanc Igitur of : Easter. No Agnus Dei; No Last Gospel. SUNDAY, Easter Sunday." ..Double ,of ,I Class. White. ~Gloria; Sequence; Creed; Pre­ face';Communicantes'and Hanc Igitur : of Easter' (each day' during Octave also). MQNPAY _ Easter Monday. J;)oub1e .of I: Class. ,White. :Mass,;:J'r~p~r;' 'Gloria; Se­ 'q~enc.e;,.Creed; Preface. T,UESDAY -.: Easter Tuesday. ,,Double of I Class. 'White., Mass "Proper; Gloria' 8e­ qUEmce; Creed; Preface.' WEDNESDAY _ Wednesday in Easter Week. Double, .. White. :Mass Proper; Gloria' Se­ quence; Creed; Preface.' THURSl?AY ~ Thursday in Easter Week., Double. W'hite. Mass Proper; Gloria; 8e­ quence; Creed; Preface.



April 6-St. Francis Xavier Acushnet. ' St. 'James, Taunton. April 13-St. Paul Taunton sf. John the Ba'ptist, Fair River, April 20-our Lady of the Holy Rosary. New Bed­ ford. Holy Ghost, Attleboro. April ,27-St. Michael, .Ocean Grove Our Lady of the Immac­ ulate Conception, Fall River. THE ANl:HOR Seeond·eJass mail prlviteees authorized at ~'all River. Mass, Published eveJ']l T~ursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall R!ve, Mass.. by &be Cathol", P ...... of tlw ; D1()('es~ of Fall ,River Subscri"tioD price ,1>7 maiJ, 1lO"~ $•• 00 per ,~.....


~n h~norary doc~orate o! laws from Georgetown University IS BIshop Martm J. 0 Connor' (right) 'Rector of North

American ,~olIege, Rome. Making the presentation is Father Edward B. Bunn, S.J., university President. NC Photo.·

Dramatic and Music Groups To Enterta,n' Club Members

9-7:30 10-7:30 11-7:30 13-2:00 4:00 7:30 14-7:30 15-5:00 7:30 16-5:00 7:30 17-7:30

P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.. :p.M. P.M. P.M. 18~7:30 P.M. 20-2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M'. 21-7:30 P.M. 22-7:30 P.M. 23-7:30 P.M. 24-7:30 P.M. 2s...:.-7:30 P..M. 27-2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M.­ o 7:30 P.M. .' 28-7:30 P.M. 29-7:30 P.M. 80-7:30 P.M. May 1-7:30 P.M. 2-7:30 P.M. 4-H :00 A.M.· 4:00 P.M., '1:30 P.M. 5--7:30 P.M. 6-7:30' P.M.,

Bishop of Lishui St. Anne, Fall River Notre DaDle, Fall 'River St. Louis, Fall River Holy Rosary, New Bedford St. Anthony, New Bedford St. Joseph, New Bedford St. Roch, Fall River St. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Joseph, Fairhaven St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford St. Mary, New Bedford ' Sacred Heart, Fall River St. Patrick, Fall River Sacred Heart, North Attleboro St. John, Attleboro St. Mary, Hebronville Holy Name, New Bedford St. Thomas More. Somerset St. Mary, Fairhaven Sacred Heart Fairhaven St. John the Baptist, New Bedford Our Lady of. the Assumption, New Bedford St. James, New Bedford l¥It.Carmel, New Bedford St. George, Westport St. Patrick, Falmouth' St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Pius X, So. Yarmouth St. Louis of France, Swansea Cathedral, Fall-mver St. Mary, Mansfield Holy FaDlily, Taunton St:-Patrick, Somerset St. Anthony, Taunton



Viear .ApO!itolic of the Bahamas \:) P.M.' Immaculate Conception, Fall River P.M. ,St.' Matthew, Fall River P.M. 'Holy. NaDle, Fall River P.M. Holy Rosary, Fall River P.M. Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton P.M.' Sacred Heart, Taunton P.M. St., Paul; Taunton ' P.M. Immaculate Conception, New Bedford P.M. Espirito Santo, Fall River P.M. St. William. Fall River P.M. Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet P.M. St. Peter, Provincetown P.M-. Holy Redeemer, ChathaDl P.M. Holy Trinity, West Harwich

'The dramatic and ' music-- defollowing club members: April 8-7:30 9-7:30 partments of the Catholic Wo'Mrs. Richard J. Donovan, Mrs. 10-7:30 man's 'Club of Fall ,River will JohnC. Corrigan, Mrs. Thomas 11-7:30 entert~in at' th~ club's' meeting _ E. Marum, Mrs. Victor A Pal­ 13-2:00 ~t 8 0 clock next Tuesday night ,umbo, Miss N. Eileen Hi'ggins, 4:00 ~~toth~ Sacred Heart School Au... lVII'S, Philip T. Silvia, Mrs. Fred7:30 I A rIum. " t I erick J . S u ll'Ivan, J 1'., M'ISS "Th' Th' 14-7:30 one-ac " p ~y" IS 109 Clare J. Nagle,Mrs. Carroll P. 15-7:30 Called Lo~e Will be. present~d. Gettings, and Miss Eleanor M. 16-7:30 The cast mcluc;les MISS PauhneHiggins. 17-5:00 . Bel:!uregard, Mrs. George P. Hur­ 7:30 !ey, John Trainol', William 18-5:00 D'Elia, David Souza and ,Ernest Continued from Page One 7:30 Med~iros. Miss Barbara A. Lan­ 6000 young ~en and women and zisera and Miss Henrietta Pow­ adults will be the Most Rev. ers ~re co-chairmen of the dram­ Paul L. Ha,garty, O.S.B., Vicar atic department. The 'glee club ,under the',di­ rectionof A. Edmond Furgiuele ner) ,S.F.M., exiled Bishop of ~ VATICAN CITY (NC)-Radio tent people have already indi­ will offer a varied, p"rogram of cated the road to be followed." Lishui, China. ' Vatican has urged the formation light classical melodies and folk ' The Bishops will begin the of ~Christian trade unions..in Radio Vatican continued. songs. Members of the glee 'club "They agree that a well organ-. • Confirmation schedule on Easter Asia and Africa to combat com­ are Mrs. James'S. Nicoletti, Mrs. Tuesday ~nd will visit 48 munism. • ized Christian trade union would Norman S. Durette" Mrs. Ray­ Churches in the Diocese ad­ Recalling Pope Pius XlI's be the best instrument to solve mond 'J. McMullen, Mrs. Gilbert a social problem in which ,trade 'minilitering this Sacrament. stateznent that each year 20 mil­ Stone, Miss Elizabeth A. Neilan. Bishop B:agarty, a Benedictine, lion young people begin their, unionism plays a predominant Miss Pauline Laferriere.; Miss part. • is Ordinary of the Islands of the working life, the Radio Vatican Lucille Boldue, Miss Pauline G. "With a Christian trade union Bahamas. Bishop Turner,a ~em­ c~JIimentator said the figUre was Johnsen, Mrs. Alfred Berube, ber" <;If the Sca'rboro Mission not only a statistic but. "also a , a - spiritual acti:vity penetratel Miss RoseH. Messie~; Miss Jean the people 'and leads to ,their 'Society, the mission .society ,of ,~arnipg.~... ' ( '" ; 'B. Routhier, Miss Grace N. Del­ development in line ..with" the Cana.da, is the exiled, Bishop of "In fact, for a large pefQentage ahanty,and Miss Laura Nobrega. Lishui, China. ' of these young workers, speci-' digf?lty o~ the hwnan being, ac­ ,The"glee club is:beaded by Mrs. cording to what has been' "laid fically in Asia and Africa, initiaNicoletti and Miss Nobrega. down by the social doctrine oJ. I . t i o n into· the world of 'work is Mrs. Thomas F., Higgins, Jr. , t, • f t· quite different from that of 80 the Church." and, lVII's. Francis, F. D'Errico , ,Radio .Vatican further,noted 0 ," many of their brotheriin Eur­ ,will be co-chainnen of. the hospi­ that such trade unionism can be . Regent Mrs. Catherine Leten- :'I" ..opeand America.'" tality committee assisted 'by the dre ,of the.' Hyacinth Circle, No." .:. "Th~ missionaries and roDlpe­ fostered succesSfully in countriel in which ChriSti~ns are a Dlinor­ '7.1, Daughters of Isabella New' ' ity and cited the suecessof such Bedford a~ounced at:a ~eCent ' " uniOllS in Vietnam. ' . meetipg that reservations'for the . THE HAGUE (NC)-j\ prom­ 'day' of Reco~lection which .., is ment member of the Catholic NEW' ORLEANS (NC) - Far from home and still a good deal slaU:d to take place on, Sllnd~Yt ,Peopl~'s, Party has been named AprIl 27, in the' Sacred Heart to, the, Councll of State, highest short d the $11,000 needed for a, Academy may' be mad'e' with ',a4visory body to Queen ,Juliana tractor, truck ,and jeep for his Mrs. Julia Morris who is in' of the Netherlands. .. ..mission in Brazil is Brother charge of arrangements. Prof. ,Louis J. M. Beei, 56,' :Pedro Dias Neto a member of . A program of sacred music in succeeds the Catholic 'ex-Min­ the Diocesan Oblates, who has keeping with tile Lenten sea~oh .',' ister of Defense, Dr. N: L.'beek­ been in this country .'for 'six was held'recently in the'Moose ' ers, who had to resign he months. He said he will not go Hall. The-DowereUes, ,under the -, reached the age limit for the ho.me until he_ ha~ raised the direCtion of Mrs.' Edward J. council which is 75. funds for, equipment needed at Dower were accompanied by the' Case Nazareth Institute of Miss Mary J~ne Walker imd Miss the Child Jesus which, the Kathy Morrissey. Soloists were . IEI_ !HESE Oblates operate in.centrarBrazil: Mi~s Barbara Fernandez and Six years ago the Oblates be­ Miss Marguerite Mundorf and a . gan their work in Brazil with 20 trio comprising, the Misses J'iJdy cents and a ~arge chicken house. ,Tydor, Susan Narva and Susan Today they serve soIlle' 1 300 .. "--«ITCH EN 5.-7 Gollis. . I>e?ple. They' raise caitle, h~gs, chickens and crops with which of frie:ndly wood they' feed' the poor and operate Warm and companionable, witb an orphanage for 25 abandoned, children. many work-saving convcnicDCell APPRAISER

Brother Pedro said the' people: ••• in new NATURAL FINISH, 9,44 Cou"ty St. "(. ., - ,REAL cESTATE

are poor and ignorant, easy prey or choice of lovely colora. " for communists. .' , New Bedford


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As Means to Combat Comu'nism

New Bedford' D. of Reco II ec Ion


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Calls on Others

To Follow Lead·

Of Labor Unions

'CHICAGO (NC) - A top labor leader challenged other organized groups to start working as labor has done to clean its ranks of racketeers. George M. Harrison, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks and an AFL-CIO vice president, said "In the past five years, the labor movement has been investigated by five Con­ gress committees and all of these committees have turned up only lOme 40 corrupt trade union officials. "There may be more, but ev·en If the number is multiplied many times it will be a small portion of the 16,000 fUll-time paid national and international officers and the 420,000 local union officials in the AFL-CIO's affiliated unions," he noted. He said that when top labor officials found corruption they expelled unions which had been proved guilty, and they spelled out ground rules for the future c:onduct of unions. "The AFL-CIO has already expelled six unions. Has any business group, doctors' group, lawyers' group or any financial group expelled six of its sub­ aidiary .bodies?" he asked. "The American labor move­ ment of the future is going to be cleaner, more effective and bigger, unless its enemies suc­ eeed in enacting state and Fed­ eral legislation that will place labor unions in a strait-jacket," he concluded. I

Says Movie Ads Getting Worse ALBANY (NC) Motion picture advertising "is becoming increasingly objectionable," a c:ommittee of the New York state legislature has declared. The Joint, Legislative Com­ mittee on Offensive and Ob­ acene Material takes exception to the "lurid displays to attract the prurient minded, and the ,arish presentations of horror and terror" which it said, are becoming increasingly common in movie ads. ' The committee pointed out that such advertisements in newspapers and on billboards "frequently distort the charac­ ter or content of the motion pic­ tures actually shown." State obscenity statutes, the c:ommittee report added', "will be fruitless without greater in­ terest, assistance and coOpera­ thm on the part Of the c:otirts.: '

Thurs., April 3, 1958


Use TV to Cover Up Own Faults COLOGNE (NC)-Parents too often blame television for abuses for which they themselves are to blame. Dr. Gertrud Simmerding of· the Bavarian TV network placed some of the blame for poor TV programs directly on the shoul­ ders of parents. ­ ''Too often parents use TV as a substitute for proper 'care of their children. They simply turn on the set and leave the child alone to imbibe anything that happens to come on. Children need parental guidance in the selection and interpretation of certain shows. Certain programs are harmful simply because no adult is there to explain to the child what is going on and what OFFICERS A-T PREVOST: Representing the Freshman A group at Prevost High attitude ought to be taken to­ School, Fall River, as class officers are, left to right, Vice-president Maurice Philibert, ward the events being shown," President Richard Bourgeois, Secretary Ronald Berube al)d Treasurer Michael Larrivee. she said. Parental Duty , I Dr. Simmerding urged ,parents to watch certain programs with their children. Some programll The Joseph P. Kennedy Youth would benefit the entire family Th~ first joint session of At­ The second in a 'series of Cana Center, New Bedford will present and should be w.atched by the tleboro, Fall River and Provi­ Conferences for married couples "Minstrel Capers" at ,8 o'clock, family as a group, she said. will be held at St. Joseph's Saturday and Sunday nights, dence Serra Clubs was held at There are other programs which a dinner meeting at the Meta­ parish hall on Tuesday, April 8, April 12 and 13. are good for children, she con­ at 7:30 p.m. under the auspices Miss Kathleen Morrissey, c:omet Country Club, East Provi-' tinued, but it is the responsibil­ dence, with Dr. Paul· Van K. of the· Council of Catholic Wompianist for the production, will ity of parents to know which ThomsOn, professor of English en of the parish in cooperation also act as chairman of arrange­ programs belong in that cate­ at Providence College, as guest gory. with the Family Life Bureau of ments. Working on the commit­ the Fall River diocese. The contee are Miss Rita LeBlanc, Miss speaker. She further suggested that The meeting had as its theme ference is opened to all married Joan Mendonca, Miss Jeannette women's groups might put pres­ the objective of the Serra move­ couples of the section, and deals· Dufficz, Miss Barbara Russell, sure on TV networks to classify with the parent-child relation- Miss Lucy Francis, Miss Martha ment, to ·foster vocations and programs for the benefit of the assist in the education of Cath­ ship with special emphasis on Sullivan, Miss" Alice Marky, family and to improve their olic ytlung men for the priest­ the child's growth from infancy William Freitas, Richard Green­ hood. International in scope, offerings to the public. to puberty. Rev. Luiz G: Menwood, Paul Ouellette and Robert Serra has 8,000 members.

donca of the Immaculate CortGracia. Rev. James McCarthy, assist­

ception Church, New Bedford, Proceeds of the event will be and Rev. Reginald M. Barrette used for needed sports equipment ant at St. John's Church, Attle­

of St. Roch's Church, this city, for the. center. Tickets may be boro, and district chaplain, gave

will conduct the conference. obtained from the members of the 'invocation. Rev. Daniel F.

Shalloo, general manager of The

the social committee, the cast, Anchor and Fall River d,istrict

or at the door.. chaplain, gave the final blessing.

Very Rev. Msgr. John W. $truck,'

NEW BEDFORD BOISE (NC) - The Diocese Providence Serra Club chaplain,

of Boise will publish the first· extended greetings to the 175

edition of its newspaper April members present.


4, Bishop'James J.Byrnehas cis Cardinal Spel1~an, Archbish­ announced. The publication will op' of New. York, will speak on HEATING OILS become the ·34th member of the the Church of the Ai'r radio Register 'system of newspapers. program on Easter Sunday. . "'SPECIAL MILK TlMKEN Father Nicolas E. Walsh of St. . . Pr9duced' by the . National From Our Own .Jerome, Idaho; has been named Council of Catholic Men in co­ N OIL BURNERS

Tested Herd , acting editor. The Diocese of operation' 'with' the Columbia' Boise· embraces all' Idaho: It ,has' Broadcallting System,the pro­ AcUshnet, Mass. 'fly 3-4457'

& a Catholic population .of' abOut "gram will be heard at 9:30 Sun­ 37,000. • .SpeCial Milk day. morning. • HomQgenized .vit; D Milk

Next'eana Ta'iks' New Bedford Center To Present Minstrel In Fall River

Serrans Attend Joint Meeting'



Boise Now to Have Diocesa'n Newspaper Cardinal to Speak Over Radio Sunday

Whitels Farm Dairy



'Legislation; Seeks . ,to PrQl1ibit" Mission, Schools in Philippin'es. , ,.

MANILA (NC)-.-Education in '''Shall we postpone the educa­ the Philippines, cannot maintain tion of the youth' in' those te­ its high level if leg.islatioriis gions until' such time as there WORCESTER (NC) The passed which would prohibit.anyare enough Filipfno teachers willing to endure the hardships public library is a symbol,' in foreigners from directing' a of missionary life?" the stateitS own way, of the freedom this, , school, ,college or university.,' This statement is contained in ment asked. nation cherishes, Bishop John J. ,_ declaration issued by ~he Cath­ Wright of Worcester said in ob­ Thi! ",Philippines have 261 .ervance of National Book Week. olic Educational Association of Catholic grade schools, 458 Cath- , the Philippines. "Our churches are not symbols oli!= high s~hools .and 105 Cath­ Oppose Measure· of things shared," he declared~ olic collegE;s. Most of these in­ "nor am I sure they· should be, There are now before the for they represent different re-' Philippine congress bills which stitutions are operated by for­ ligious and cultural heritages.· call for the "nationalization" of eign missioners. Our colleges are not, for they the country's schools. This step exist to do different things and would not mean that the gov­ represent different intellectual ernment would take over the heritages. schools, but that only a Philip­ "But our libraries are repre­ pine citizen could direct any

sentative of the things we ·share educational institution in. the

in every field," Bishop Wright islands,

I18Jd: "The good library has an 'In its statement, signed by

important place in the good life Feliciano J. Ledesma, dean of

of the general community." San Beda College and president

of the CEAP, the group said:

CHARLES F. VARGAS "We are for the gradual and 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE spontaneous Filipinization of our NEW BEDFORD, MASS. schools but against Filipinization

ROME (NC)-Relations be­ by: legislation.

tween France and the Vatican' "It is our patriotic duty to

"have,reached an unprecedented give our youth the best we can.

degree of cordiality," according the best teachers and school

to Roland de Margerie, French If administrators happen ... to be .

Ambassador to the Holy See. The veteran diplomat holds foreigners, we want them for our

schools. If they happen to be

such ceremonies as his recent Filipinos, so much the better.

presentation to Pope Pius XII of But we should not deprive our

a special gold medal minted by youth of the very best just be­

France to commemorate the cause the very best happen to

Lourdes centenary is but a sur­ be aliens."

face symbol of the deep-seated Foreign Operated

accord between the Holy See and Special mention 'was made in

France. Ambassador de Margerie said, the statement of the mission

that "the Church has definitely schools in isolated districts.

made great progress in France Missionaries have opened high

ever since the law oJ separation schools in areas where govern­

of Church and State came into ment schools could '·not survi~e,

be- pointed out.

effect in 1905."

Says Public Lil)~ary , Symbol of Freedoms'

• • • .'


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Realpolitik or World Federation

Unfriendliness of ,Nations Argument for Federation '.

By Donald McDonald

Davenport Catholie MesSenger

About a year ago I commented 'here at length, and with qualified favor, on th~ foreign, policy views of Dr. Henry Kissinger,' as presented in an j'ssue' of Foreign Af­ fairs Quarterly. Dr. Kissinger, an associate director of Har­ vard university~s center for sChisms exist, world, federalism International Studies and is not going-to heai them. And Iltaff di~ector of the Rocke- I think it is somewhat unrealis­ feller Brother's special stud- tic to ·expect that nations that

ies of U. S. military and foreign can't agree to limit their arma­ policy, gave three lectures re- 'ments will agree to limit their

cently at Grinsovereignty."-

Dell College. ' Some Colonies UnfriendlY

In those lecTo be fair to Dr. Kissinger, he

tures as in his was' tired when he was inter-

Foreign /,ffairs viewed. On another occasion

article and now and if pushed to defend, his

in h,i s new viewpoint, he might develop that

book, "Nuclear ,viewpoint more satisfactorily.

Weapons and But, taking his expression as'it

Foreign Policy," stands, .it undoubtedly ~flects

Dr. Kissinger ~is position in essence, aDd it

,develops a perseems to me that such an offhand lJUasive argudismissal of the federalist argu­ men t against ment i!1 i~elf unrealistic. relying excluIt is precisely because nations

sively on "massive-retaliation" are unfriendly and have today

thermonuclear weapons as an the capacity to express their un~

effective instrument of Amer- friendliness with wea~ns' that

lean foreign policy. -can wreak destruction of un-

His argument is that theIn. imaginable magnitude, it is this

will never' use ",massive" weapthat constitutes one of the

ons on less-than-massive issues, strongest arguments for world

'thus permitting and inviting federation. Soviet Russia to continue to The American colonies did not nibble away at the free world, federate because they were politically, economically and friendly to 'each other, but be­ militarily, without fear of re- - cause some of them were un-' taliation., friendly. The federalists at the At9mie Blackmail Constitutional Convention in He offers an alternative: rapid Philadelphia well understood and 'extensive U. S. development that the- American pepole could of "limited" nuclear weapons, not affClrd the luxury of this conventional arms and manunfriendliness. power that can be moved swiftly Is it the world federalists who to any part of the world where are unrealistic? Or is it the real­ Soviet aggression is 'active and pol~ticians who, are unrealistic serious, but not serious enough when they continue to rely on to risk triggering an' all-out the historically discredited poli­ thermonuclear war whose detics of the past-revocable pacts vastation it is impossible to and treaties, balances of power, comprehend. alliances and counter-alliances, Only in this way, argues Dr, arms- races-all those political . w h'IC h yieI ded only b an k ruptcies Kissinger, can we block' the "atomic blackmail" tactics of the the fruit of war,s? Soviet Union and then go on to . Minimum Requirements present Russia with anif-Com­ 0 munist situations from which And, . I might ask, is it Real­ she can extricate herself only at politik to ignore one of the fun­ the expense of a':war she, too, damentalprinciples of politics does not desire.' as elucidated by both Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinall. namely This, of ,course, is Realpolitik, that self-sufficiency and the undisguised and unabashed. And ,c::pability of p'reservin.g peace while we may shrink and find it morally uncongeilial, I think are the minimum requirements of any political society or Ste.te? it would be a mistake to classify Dr. Kissinger's brand, of RealIs it Realpolitik 'to ignore the politik morally illicit. fact that today no individual We may' regret the political nation is either self~sufficient or capable of preserving peace and circumstances in which military force must be reckoned an essentherefore must yield some of the' prerogatives of sovereignty to a tial.instrument of foreign policy. higher power, one based on law, But our regrets will not change one that is capable of preserving the circumstances nor will it peace? lessen the necessity of employ­ .jng armaments with the greatest While I can admit the realism political effi~iency; . ~f Dr. Kissinger's policies as a condition for today's. survival, I However, it is precisely at this' point that I draw back' from Dr. cannot agree that they are suf­ ficient to forestall tomorrow's Kissinger's position so' far as his extinction. '

general assumptions are con­ cerned. It seems to me that the And I have a strong suspicion

only future he,can foresee is one that weaker nations wilrnot vol­

in which Realpolitik will be the' unteer to "limit their sover­

ruling politics and victory will eignty" until a nation of the

,belong to the shrewdest masters stature of ours offers to lead the

o( the 'art. ~ay.

Foree of Law In his, Foreign Affairs article, Dr. Kissinger did not even ad­ vert to the possibility of a future in which international relations AND SALES CO., INC. could be conducted without rely­ ing on the use or threat of arms 47-51 North Se~ond St•. by individual nations or blocs ,New Bedford. Mass. of nations. ' WY 6-8578 He made no mention of the "EVERYTHIN~ ELECTRICAL­ very cogent argument of world federalists that the law of force in the world must yield to the force of law Or there will be no world worth saving when the "re,alpoliticians" iose their pa­ tience or miscalculate their op­ ponents and everything ex­ Maintenance Supplies plodes. SWEEPERS -' SOAPS Interviewed at Grinnell a few D!SINFECTANTS weeks ago by a Davenport Cath­ olic Messenger reporter, Dr. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Kissinger said he was "not sure" that world federalism is D.~HILL even desirable. 18.116 PURCHASE ST. "It can only be an extension of ;, real community ot friendly NEW BEDFORD nations throughout, the world." \flY 3-3786 he said. "As long as. d.eep,

School Conclave


Thurs., Af>ril 3, 1958

Continued from pqe ODe

Plans for the annual regional ALGIERS (NC)- Archbishop convention to be held in' De­ Leon Duval of Algiers has ... cember will also be discUssed, ~ed a new appeal to ChristiaDl Sister John Elizabeth, sust, tb work harder for peace JD principal of the Academy of the North Africa. Sacred Hearts, as secretary of "AD increase in the number the Regional- Unit, NCEA; will of individual measures' inspired take part· in this meeting. The by true charity is absolutely in- "­ other officers of -the Unit are dispensable to overcome the im­ Chaiiman Sister Rose Concepta, in the Algerian situation," SSJ,-principal of St. Mary's Cen­ he said. tral Catholic High, Milford, "'The future belongs to those

Mass., and vice-chairman Rev. ""hose deeds !ire m~tivated b7 Robert Donahue, headmaster, St. faith, in the power of love," be Bernard's Central Catholic High, shid. He appealed to Christialll Fitchbw:g, Mass. ., . ~ be heroic and generous ia The Secondary School Depart.,. their attitudes toward their fel­ lOw men. ,ment of the National Associa­ Recalling the words of Bia tion will 'hold general and spe~ ci8I 'sessions' throughout the Holiness Pope Pius XII, Arch­ week to develop the general bishop Duval reminded the pe0­ theme of the convention" "The ple that communal life does not Right to Educate," and such c6me about automatically. It ia SCIENTIST: Sister Mary allied topics as "Guidance," the result- of ihe conscious will of the people who make up the Beatrice, Ph.D., of St. Jo­ "New Developments in Math'e­ seph's College, Brooklyn, will matics ,and Science," "Challeng­ cOmmunity, he said. Peace will only after courageous per­ study at Marine Laboratory, ing the High School Student to cOme severing effort, he said. a Love of and a Respect for Woods Hole, on a National Lea~ing." j"Peace, which is the heritage

' Science Foundation Fellow­ of Christ, is often the result, not

Mother Anna Marguerite, of great and spectacular sacri­ ship. NC Photo. S.U.S.C:, Superior at St. Mary's fife, but rather of little acts 01. Convent, 'taunton, and principal gOodwill." he said. of St. Mary's elementary school. I and Sister Terese Anna, S.U.S.V., ~aster vice-principal of St. Mary's High School, will also attend these 'TORONTO (NC) - The best sessions.

NEW YORK (NC) - "Tbe convert maker is the ex~mplary Sister Mary Aloysia, S.U.S.C., Easter Vigil," a film made lD Catholic layman. dean of Sacred Heart School of Fnnce, will be televised under Addressing the Conference for Education, will attend the tile auspices of the National Conversions and Lay Apostolate, , teacher training sessions. . ChuncH of Catholic Men at 12 Jesliit Father E. J. Sherry told nbon, Easter Sunday. his listeners "Communists and IProduced by Les ProductiODl Jehovah Witnesses 'spread their du ,Parvis, independent Catholic doctrine. Why should Catholic , film company in France, the film laymen be hesi~nt to spread WASHINGTON (NC) ,-'- The will be telecast over the Nation­ the divine truths?" . all Broadcasting Company Det­ general secretary of the National Father Sherr'y declared that work.

Catholic' Welfare' Conference the Catholic laity had the most -IThe film depicts highlights 01.

here will be a featured speaker opportunities to contact those at the 55th 'annual convention 'of WI~ new Easter vigil liturgy ..

outside the Church. He said held in the famous Church of

National Catholic educators in that if laymen are timid, apa"" Villiers-Le-Bel, with the aim

Philadephia, starting April 8. thetic or ignorcant of their posi­ ofl emphasizing' and clarifYIDa

Magr. Paul F. Tanner will give tion, the'opportunities pass with­ . one of the addresses' scheduled ' the ceremonies. -I ou~ fruit. for the annual dinner on April 10. Msgr. Raymond J. Gallagher, ~adio aSsistant director, Catholic Char­ I ities, Archdiocese of Cleveland, WASHINGTON (NC) - ''The is scheduled as the 'other speaker. Gifts of Eastertide," a f!>ur-part Msgr. Gallagher is past president '"finest since 1877" radio series highlighting the of the National Conference of blessings of the Redem'ption, will Same day service be presented on the Catholic Catholic:. Charities. if desired!

Bishop Matthew F. Brady of Hour in April.

Manchester, president general,

The'National Council of Cath­

will preside. The chairman will olic Men, producers of the pro­ be Msgr., Henry M. Hald, school . gram, announced here that 6 CAMPBELL ST. Father Vincent 1. Carroll of San superintendent of the Brooklyn F . '11 b th k NEW BEDFORD diocese. ranCISCO WI e e spea er on

the series, which will be broad';

cast at 2:30 Sunday afternoons

over the National Broadcasting LET - US - PLAN Company radio network. Father Carroll's talks are en­ titled: Joy, April 5; The Prie~t­

hood, April 12; Life, April !9, • and Peace, April 26.






Layman Is Best Convert Maker

Vigil Fitm 1'lelecast Sunday

Catholic Educators To Meet Next Week


Gifts of Eastertide_ On in April

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Catholic Intellectuals

Education Includes Training In Wisdom and Goodness

K. of C. Council To Honor Penha At Testimonial

By Joseph A. Breig

Cleveland Universe Bulletin

Unless somebody goads me beyond endurance, this win be my concluding article about the "intellectual medioc.­ rity" charges leveled at American Catholics by Msgr. John Tracy Ellis and Father John J. Cavanaugh. I complained ·last week be so; but that was not their about what Alice in Wonder­ main mistake. land might call the "con­ The main mistake, in my opin­ fusedness" of the discussion: ion, lay in making an unscholarly

Brother Knights of Bishop Stang Council No. 4532, Knight:; of Columbus of New Bedford, will honor Arman­ do Penha of Fairhaven, FBI counterspy against Communism for the past eight years at a. Communion Breakfast Sunday, April 13, in Gaudette's Pavilion, Acushnet, following the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Mary'. Church, North Fairhaven. A first 'degree member of the council, Mr. Penha will receive the second and third degrees ,of the order on Sunday, April 27. Guests at the testimonial will include Rev. Egbert Steenbeck, SS.CC., Mr. Penha's pastor, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Walter J. Furlong ef Newton, his chief source of guidance during the eight yean when regular practice of bis Catholic religion would have exposed his status as counterspy. Other guests at the testimonial will ~e Judge August C. Taveira of the New Bedford District Court and Judge Walter L. Con­ -'dine of, the Bristol County Probate Court; Mayor Francis J. Lawler and members of the New Bedford City Council, and area Representatives to the General Court. Joseph Rousseau heads the committee planning the testi­ IIlOnial, with Richard Parsons as eo-chairman. Members of the council serving on the committee are David Roderi~k, Roger BoI­ tlue, Raymond Souza, Hebert A. aulIivan and John Maduro.

President Diem Cited For Exemplary' Life MANILA (NC) President Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam be­ Ian his visit of the Philippines . by attending Mass at the AsR1mption College chapel. Ernesto Escaler, Preside~t of Catholic Action in the Philip­ pines, presented President Diem with a citation in which he was praised as a "symbol of freedom and morality in this confused world." President Diem replied that "Vietnam is very much en­ couraged to have a neighboring country as predominantly Catb­ elic as the Philippines." President Diem was presented . . honorary degree of Doctor .,{ Laws by the Dominican Fathers at Santo Tomas Univer­ mty. He was cited for stead­ fastly adhering to his religioUi convictions, and for the exem­ plary nature of his ·public and private life. He comes from a family that embraced....the Cath-. olic faith at a time when per­ llecution was raging in Vietnam. It was noted. President Diem denied rumors that his country will join the Southeast Asia Treaty Organi­ zation, SEATO. He said: "If 'we jOin any military alliance, we • hall play into the hands of the eommunists."

FIRST LADY: Hele~ Hayes, first lady of the Amer­ ican Theatre, presents books to Father Kevin Ke~lai1, T.O.R., to replace vqlumes destroyed'in fire at St. Francis College, Loretto, Pa. NC Photo.

Maine Bishop F:orbids Attenda"nce At Public School Baccalaureates PORTLAND (NC)-Bishop Daniel J. Feeney of Port­ land has forbidden Catholic pupils in Maine public high achools, and their parents, to attend baccalaureate exercises. The Bishop's position that these ceremonies are religious affairs was defined in a let­ they may speak on general sub­ ter to parish priests jects, carefully avoiding "doc­ Although the exercises are trioal matters which may appear . to be subtle propaganda." generally confndered non­ M' 1" Sit 't' sectarian, Bishop Feene,. ex­ plained, "there cannot be non­ sectariani~m in any religious atmosphere" Ins~ructs Priests

"The format of these, eere­ is always that of New Engla.nd Congregationalism. The conscience of those who are not products of this tradition is thu. violated in the name of non­ sectarianism and even sometimes in the name of politeness, and democracy/' the prelate wrote. Baccalaureate services gen­ er~lly are n.ot ~art of the gr?du­ atlOn .exerclse Itself. Sometimes held 10 a church, they usually include a "praye~ service" and an address on a religious theme, often delivered by a Protestant clergyman. Bishop Feen~y's warning made clear that prIests are free to take part in graduation exercises by giving the invocation or the closing prayer. He also said moni~s

Reds Reject Prayer Books for Hungary VIENNA (NC) - Communist eustoms officials have turned back 60,000 children'. prayer books being st!nt to Father Vas, a religion teacher in Kaposvar in southwestern Hungary. They were part of a consign­ ment of 100,000 prayer books ordered from St. Severin's Mis­ sionhouse in Fuerstenfeld, Aus­ tria. The other 40,000' books were delivered.. The 60,000 were turned back for the "Ueged lack of an im­ port license. The incident is be­ lieved to have been caused by a ~inor official· who exceeded his authority. It is hoped here that compiaints made to the Hungarian government will re­ sult in the delivery of the rest of the prayer books.

I~neapo IS ua Ion In, Livermore Falls, schO?I ,,:,perlOtend.~nt,Clyde Mann ~Id hiS commumty s school commlt­ tee will discuss the. problem soon. In Jay, school head Gerald Cushing said his school commit­ tee expects to do away with the services. The town of Jay • heavily Catholic' in population. Baccalaureate exercises were in the news two weeks ago in Minneapolis. Seniors at Wash­ burn High School there voted to replace the exercises with a "dedication service." In May 1957, Archbishop Wil-. liam O. Brady of St. Paul, a Fall River native whose arch­ diocese includes' Minneapolis, .critic'ized baccalaureate services saying that "our children en­ rolled ift our public schools may properly insist on their rights that their graduation and their' baccalaureate follow the exact pattern of the rest of the school year."

Providence Chorale On Radio Su~day


ASHINGTON. (NC) - The first performance of "Ingrediente Domine," a new musical work by Father Russell Woollen will be presented on the Catho'lic Hour radio program at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, March 30. Father Woollen is director of chorus and liturgical music ac­ tivities at the Catholic Univer­ sity of America. "Ingrediente Domine" will be sung by the Peloquin Chorale of Providence.

Behind the confusion lies the . failure to define, plus extrava-­ gance in rhe­ toric. The critics have not told us what they are tal kin g about. What is education? What should it pro d u c e? In what is Catholic education strong~~st, in what weakest? What is an intellectual? Such questions have' been left aside. Complicating the confusion is the tenaciously surviving "man bites dog" philosophy of jour­ nalism. The fact that the critics did not take the scholarly approach, but indulged in sensational gen­ eralizations, had much to do with the fact that they captured head­ lines. The press left the public, by and large, with one impression: a couple of Catholic educatol'l had. bitten the dog of CatholiC: education. Most readers, I 'suppose, sim­ ply let it go at that. How sorely Catholic education was wounded fa anybody's guess. Servioe Performed fi. few obser.vers seized upon Father Cavanaugh's rhetorical query/ "Where are the Catholic Einsteins, Oppenheimers, Salks," a'nd created a diversion by de­ nouncing Dr. Oppenheimer and the late Dr. Einstein for their religious views and their asso­ ciations. . Catholic education then was congratulated for not having produced Oppenheimers and Einsteins. That, I suppose was a neat debating trick, but it had noth­ ing to do with the question at issue. Others took the comfortable position that although Msgr. Ellis and Father Cavanaugh per­ haps went off the deep end, nev­ ertheless they performed a serv­ ice by jolting us out of our al­ leged complacency. This sounds suspiciously lik~ arguing that the end excuses the means--or' at least the method. Critios of Critics Still others held that the two critics had made a public rela­ tions blunder in not keeping the dispute within the family. May­

attack upon the alleged unschol­ arliness of American Catholics. All in all, I disagree not only with the critics, but with tho critics of the critics. Nothing could be healthier than discussion of American edu­ cation-eatholic or not-if only ~he debate were rational, and concerned solely with improve­ ment of schools, and not wilb. charges and counter-charges. Until recently, anybody who asked questions about schools, whether public or independent, was considered outside the pale.' Parents were expected to do and die and not to reason why. If we are going to discuss what ought to be done to make schoow better, we must begin by decid­ ing what education is for. Father .Cavanaugh, in a second. talk defending his first talk, em­ phasized that the specific pur­ pose of schools is to' educate tho mind, and that piety is no au.... stitute for learning. Eduoate Whole Man P.artly true, but partly not. There is more to education thaa training the intellect. The whole man must be formed-all the wonderful complex of body ancl soul, intellect and will, emotiorw and all the rest. "Education" without wisdolll and goodness is not education at all.' It is rather like teaching tricjts to animals. If Americana are somewhat anti-intellectual, it is at least partly because some badly educated intellectuals have demonstrated themselves to be fools or worse. What the nation wants frolll its educators is humble deter­ mination to give America.. youth the best in every field at education - including spiritual and moral nobility. 'This should be our concern-without accu­ sations or rhetorical questions, and with reference not to Who'. Who, but to what'll what, and what ought to be.

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dro ·Cardinal Verde, oldest

member of the College of Cardinals, has died in Rome­ after a long illness. There are now 56 Cardinals in the College whose full compl~ ment is 70. NC Photo.

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Thurs:, April 3, 1958

". , The Easter Vigil'Service is the climax IN()FeD WI/.$' of Holy Week and of theChurch Year. It.is WA5 TIf'..,DN a night of prayerand.spirituaiienewal. it 'O~OOD is the holiest night of the year, the true celebration of Easter;. the re-living of the redemption. TODAY"":Holy Thursday, com­ The new fire represents .the resur­ memorating the institution of rection .of the Lord. The Pachal Candle, the Holy Eucharistic and the symbol of the Risen Christ, is marked with' priesthood. Generally this date the cross, Christ's own sign; with the is the feast of St. Richard of Chichester, Bishop-Confessor. Greek letters Alpha and Omega to show He spurned wealth and a bril­ 'that Christ is the beginning and end of all liant. marriage to study for the things; with the current date to show that' priesthood at Oxford, later be­ the year and, our lives are consecrated to coming chancellor of the univer­ Him and rooted in Him. The grains of sity. He was a friend and advisor of St. Edmund of Canterbury. incense stand for the. five wounds. Consecrated Bishop of Chichest­ So th~ lighted candle speaks eloquently er in 1246, he stoutly defended to us of Christ,' the Light of the world, the rights of his See against royal Who conque~ed sin and death and hell. usurpations. He was noted for Light' means salvation. In every in­ his care of the poor. He died at Dover in 1253 and was canon­ stance in the Scriptures when we read the ized nine years later. word "iight" we can substitute "salvation" . and vice versa~ The two ideas are one. St. TOMORROW - Good Friday, John could tell us, in his first epistle, ~ And commemorating the passion and death of Christ, Generally this the message which we have heard from date is the feast of St. Isadore him and announce to you, is this: that God . of Seville, Bishop-Confessor­ is light, and in him is' no darkness. ~ And Doctor. Scion of a noble family again in the Apocalypse, speaking of of Carthagena, Spain, he was heaven, St.John writes, "For the glory the brother of SS. Leander, Ful­ gentius and Florentina. He suc­ 'of God lights it up, and the Lamb' is the

ceeded St. Leander as Bishop of lamp thereof." , .. '

Seville in' 600 and thoroughly So, too, is the Risen Christ' the Lamp of our lives,

reorganized the' Spanish Church .;rhe Family Clinic bringing salvation to us, shining with the light of His resur­ which had just emerged .from rection in the hearts of those who 'have died to sin· with Him, the struggle with the Arian here­ sy. He died in 636 and was de­ . and who rise to a resurrected life with Him. dared a Doctor of the Church The' whole story of the life of Christ is one of qarkness

within 16 years after his death. and light. "I am the light of the world." Christ carne to,drive

SATURDAY - Holy Satur­ the /darkness from the souls of men and from the world;

By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.l.

day, the Vigil of Easter. Gener­ and to unite men to Himsel,f in the brightness of God's,love.

ally this date is the feast of St. Assistant Professor of 'Sociology

As we light 'our candles from the Paschal Candle of Holy Vincent Ferrer, Confessor. He .St. Louis. ~niversity Saturday, we know that our lives are meant to burn with the was born at Valencia, Spain, in Ho~ can I change my husband's reading habits? Out­ light of Christ, that the Risen Lord enters into our souls to 1350 and' at an early age joined drive away the darkness of self and sin and negligence and side the sports page, he reads mostly' pocket-size westerns, the Dominicans. He became the to brighten'it up with a foretaste of heaven. "The Lamb is and mysteries. Lately, our two boys still in grade school are advisor ·of the King of Aragon trying to imitate him, though I 'don't think they get much and of the Avignon pope with the lamp ,thereoL" whom he sided in good faith. out of the· stories. It would Suggests Indirect Approach

Endowed with the gift of be' too bad if they formed , .How can you 'effect a change? tongues, he traveled t:lrough Well, Laura, I think you have to ,Spain, France, Switzerland and :Rear Admiral Hyman G. Rickover is chief of,the Atomic the habit,. but afraid approach the task indirectly. Italy attempting to heal the 'Energy Commission's Naval Reactors Branch. He Js the 'they will' if he continues. at direct persuasion schism of the Papacy, preaching "father of the atomic'submarine." He is a dedicated scientist How can I get him to read some Attempts won't get 'you very far, but· penance, working miracles and and a man of balanced judgment. good Catholic' literature? there are other ways available. converting thousands. When it First, see to it that there is became clear to him that the This top-flight scientist asserted'that the United States B ~ ~h~~k i~~a~ good literature around the home. Avignon .party was not in the is "reaping the consequences of the destruction of traditio~al said, "Reading This should include some well right', he turned his efforts to­ education by the Dewey-Kilpatrick experimentalist philos- ,maketh a "full . selected periodicals and books, ward bringing them into obedi­ / ophy." . mind." You r both Catholic and secular. ence with the legitimate Pope. That philosophy of education led· to the elimination question, Laura, It is amazing how empty, many He is credited with being the homes are of such. litera~ure. primary' cause of the cessation from school curricula of· many academic subjects on the :h:t~l1;f one People who do not hesitale to of the schism. He. died in 1418 grounds that they would not be useful in life. Training of r e ads trash,.

spend freely on entertainment at Vannes, France., the mind, cultural value, formative subjects-these were that's what one

or travel often display a strange laughed to scorn, and in their place ~ere substituted social will carry in

SUNDAY Easter, which reluctance to buy, a book or pur­ and~recreational and ·vocational. subj,ects, called more· his ,mind. Not

chase a subscr~ption to a good commemorates the resurrection "practicaL". . .that all westmagazine. ' of Christ from the dead. Gener­ . .. ,. ' e r n s imd mys:' ally this date is the'; feast of SS. How many Americans have The .' results have been :..seen, and are being felt-- teries are trash, Thnothy and Diogenes, Martyrs. ever ventured inside a book­ unhappily-in th'is country now. . ' but a solid diet'of them is rather store? How many ever. enter a They, were martyred at. Philippi Many students have. received· neither a basic ooucation , cheap intellectual pabulum; library after they .leave school? in Macedonia, probably v·i<;tim. fitting,them for a modern 'technological society, nor a solid' Besides, judging from their Second, plan your attack' on' . of the Arians, in about 345. un<klrpinning for subsequent ,education. . ,.... . covers,' the majority appear to your husband's reading habits.. MONDAY - St. Epiphanius ,..The 'student' h'as. been haiided, accordinig to Dr. Rick-be little more than thinly dis­ _.Ask him to read an article or it and Companions, Martyrs. St. guised .means for discussing sex paragraph you 'feel is particu­ over," ·.'abag know-how trickS'; he is, helped to become and brutality. Of course, you Iarly interesting, Get his opinion Epiphanius was an African Bish­ a pleasant, nicely mannered young persoJ1, able to get along :have some grounds for rejoicing; on it, discuss it with him-he op, but':.the date .of his lifetime with whatever,groups he joins."· your husband has apparently may rise to the occasion once his and his .See are unknown. He is But he has' not ·been educated. "Recreation, manual or graduated from .the large class of masculine pride is aroused. This cpmmemorated in the Martyrol­ ogies with SS. Donattus, Rufinus is more than mutual education, and 13 others as having saeri­ clerical training, etiquette and similar know-how have little adult comic' book readers! it is an enduring bond of unity. . ficed his life for the Faith. Most Are Escapists effect on the mind itself-and it is with the mind that the Provide Good Literature school must solely concern itself." . In all seriousness, Laura, you Third" prOVide appropriate TUESDAY - St. Perpetuus, It is satisfying that the Catholic concept of education do face a real problem. Adults reading. material for your chil­ Bishop.' .He served as Bishop of is finally receiving its just recognition. How few schools. 'who subsist on such literary fare dren. Pick out passages you feel Tours. He was renowned for his are either escapists-they want outside the Catholic schools teach Latin and Greek? What to avoid the effort of thinking, they will like and have them religious zeal and his care of other schools insist that the proper aim qf education is not or morons-they are incapable read these to you or vice versa. the -"oor.. He reb'uilt many Take them to the appropriate churches in his diocese and pro­ the cultivation of a skill nor the' production of a specialist ,of much thinking. departments in the library and' vided shrines for saints' relics but the maturing of the whole man. While other ,school I rather think the majority let them select their own books. venerated at Tours. After 30 systems were abandoning cultural subjects in favor of the are escapists. They avoid read­ When they are older, you can years of service as bishop, he "practical" and pointing the finger of scorn at the old­ ing anything solid or spiritual frequently get them to read an died about 490. because this would disturb the fashioned methods· of the parochial school system, our even tempo of their more or less article or even a book if you WEDNESDAY - St.' Mary of and your husband discuss parts Catholic schools were still maintaining what Admiral biological existence. They, live of it when they're around. Cleophas, Widow. She'lived in Rickover and men like him are calling for today. in 'a small, habit-controlle~ Young people like to be in on the first century, one of the Perhaps the picture of the public schools is not' quite world in which their interests' the conversation,' even at the three Marys who followed Christ 80 bad. as it is portrayed. Blit the Catholic school system seldom extend beyond their job, cost of having to read something. from. Galiliee and who stood at - food, sex, sports, and recreation.. the foot of the Cross at Calvary. Finally', your best overall ap­ is long overdue for its just appreciation .and emulation. When all goes well, one day in proach in this, as in .50 many She was the wife of Cleophas their lives is pretty much like other areas, will be your own and the Mother of the Apostle the last; while t~e sports page example. By insisting that good St. James the Less. furnishes them with an inex­ literature be available around haustible subject of conversa­ the home-and by reading it yo\!r­ 'Catholics to Teach tion, and their reading of paper­ self, you will best show your backs, a little safe, vicarious esteem for it. This will impress Now in Swiss City experience in the crudely fasci­ .HERISAU (NC )-Citizens 01. your children more than any..; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER' nating world of brutality, sex thing you may tell them-they this Switzerland city voted in 'and murder; learn primarily' by imitating favor of a decision of their Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of fall River municipal council allowing Cath­ Have I- painted an exaggerated those they love. 410 Highland Avenue' " . What about your husband? olics to teach in public schools. picture? ,Watch theiractio.ns, fall River, Mass. OSborne '5-7151 All local Protestant ministen listen' to the habitual run of He's not immune to your exam­ PUBLISHER their conversation, ask their ple, and if good reading material had urged their congregations Most Rev, James L. Connolly. D.O.• Ph.D. opinion on any subject outside is available, his curiosity may to vote in favor of the decision. ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER their narrow world of interests. eventually get the best ·of him. Final tabulations revealed that Rev. Daniel f.' Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll Even with increased leisure, we Remember, Laura, there's some 1,654 votes favored Catholic MANAGING EDITOR find no widening of mental hQi­ hope for him-he's not reading teachers in public schools, while Attorney Hugh J. Golden' ~ns, only more of the same. 1,254 were against the move. comic books.

Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days

Wife's ExgmpleCan Change Husband's Reading Habits


In Education







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'Re;.no'ving' Pai~t,t~om .Bi,cks' Unifying Experience - But ...


, ,·-,-THEANCHOI Thurs., April 3" 1958 ' ,

Chicago Home Happy With J3 Children

By Mary TinJey Daly Happy Easter! ' ,", '", A serious Lent, and then joyful preparation for Easter ~those were in the plans at our house. Guess we achieved them within ourselves, but you'd never guess it by the looks of the hOl,lse. We're in a mess. matum, "we, didn't finiSh by , It all started with a too- 'Easter as we'd hoped. What date enthusiastic approach to shall we set?" Ilpring cleaning about, a: April 20th was agreed Oa by month ago. Started precipitously, mutual consent. as 'a matter of, fact, when t~e All ,right: clean bricks by Head of the ' April 20 and our early Amer-

House sat down ican decor can take sbape-or top I a y the else! piano and the A family project SlJch 88 this, bench b r 0 k e ' is' a unifying experience, DO ander his 180 doubt about that! pounds. 'But, when and if you are look- , "Oh, dear,", Ing 'for a family project, please we murmured, ' heed this voice of ,experience: "we must get 1I1at 'fixed.'~ Don't ever try to, take paiDt "Fixed!" he off bricks! exploded from IUs 'undignified position amidst , the ruins.' "It's been fixed a lIozen times. Let's replace it." WASHINGTON (NC) -M8I'1 ' , "It's no worse than this," Pat Donohoe, secretary of the Na­ punched the broken springs of tional Council- of Catholic Wo­ the 30-year-old Sofa. men, has begun a 12-week field "And Daddy's reading chair,~ service tour of Catholic women'. Markie wobbled the broken ,arm. groups affiliated with the Mill-, "It's a disgrace." tary Council of Catholic Womeo Fireplace Focal Point in Europe. , -Well," we'got into the act at Miss bonohoe will confel' with what seemed a propitious mo­ Msgr. (Lt. Col.) Charles J. Mur­ ment "since we decided last fall phy, .vicar' delegate of' the tore'-do 'the 'living, room, why American Military Ordinariate don't we go ahead? Now, before in Germany, and Mrs. Hugb -a;>ring cleaning.. ." ' . Kevin, Sheboygan FallS, Mill­ "And really fix up," Mary , tary Council president, in Frank­ and Ginny chimed in together. furt on affiliations attached to With one accord, critical eyes U. S. military chapels in Europe. auveyed the room. We'd been She will also meet with Father best friends of that living room (Lt. Col.) Edwin R. Chess, Air 'lOng enough-we now became' in Wiesbaden. ' Its severest critics. The military councD Wu ..­ "Let'. start' by re-doing' the Force Chaplain stationed ia fireplace," the ever-imaginative ganized in ,1957, M unite with Pat exclaimed. "It's the focal the NCCW Catholic women'. 01"­ Point of the room and it could gimiZations attached tie' the be beautiful." " chapels in the worldWide U. s.' "Paint it what cotor this time?" military Command. we caught the enthusiasm. "Paint it!" Pat went on ,with Bedford Women her ,pian. "That's the trouble. Those' bricks never should have been painted in the first' place. Coyle Mothers of New B~ord Let'. un-paint, them-take all the gunk off and get right down met at the home of Mrs. Zephyr to the bare bricks. Let's make it D. Paquin; to . plan, a'poUlick rustic and go early American!" supper to be.held at 7 P.M.';-:'Wed­ nesday, April 9 at the home 'of Paint Baked On Mrs. Mary Sullivan, ~ Pearl The very thought of "unpajnt­ S1,reet. Ing:' the bricks in that huge fire­ Mrs. GCQrge Souza has been place bro'ught us back to reality., Let's See . . '. they had been appointed in cha'rge of the' aD­ nual whist party to be held on

Painted tan when we moved in, Thursd'ay, April 10, in Monsig­

a quarter-century ago, then nor Coyle High School, Taunton.

, green; and successsively white, For reservations memben gray, and now a dark maroon­ urged to contact her.

and with,those countless fires all the'paint had baked and rebaked

on. With brick as porous as it is,

e<mld the paint ever be removed?

We had serious doubts.

Not to be a killjoy, we kept

Home made the doubts to ourselves as every­

, CANDIES~ , body else went along with Pat's

CHQCOlATES . idea.

150 'Varieties But thafs why we're in a

mess. . .

ROUTE 6 Near 'Literally, gallons of paint re­

Fairhaven Auto Theatre mover have been.used and we're

FAIRHAVEN. MASS. only now' get,ting down to the

tan layer' of paint. The acrid

odor. of 'that chemical smells

WATCH OUR "home" 'to us these days and a

.tep 'ladder is stannard, equip­

TIME and'· ment in front of the fireplace.

TEM~ERATURE Anybody 'who has an hour,. a '

half-hour or even five minutes

SIGN' of unocc'upied time on his or her

ITS FOR YOUR bands picks up a chisel and/or

• wire: brush and takes up the

'CONVENIENCE, . .eemingly 'endless task:.

TtiE . There are complaInts - long

and loud' - about the almost

lilterminable work but every­ body keeps at it. '

Attleboro-South Attleboro Tired and discouraq,od at the

disorder, last night r thlreatened

to end it all-slap 011 II coat of

paint. \

"Oh, no!" came the chorus.

"'Waste all the time we.'ye al­

ready spent? Should say riot!"

Change Deadline

Efforts were redoubled. In­

. HOMOGENIZED and ltead of just one person digging

. PASTEURIZED away, teams of two were 'organ­ Iz~: one on the stepladder, an­ Milk. Cream other on a table. Even some of ibe ,tan paint' was off and for

Dial OLdfield 4-8711 ,the 'first time we saw the bare

. 651 ~IN ,RD., brick! It ,was like· Columbus-­ nyERToN, R. L :lIi;hting land. ... .

.: '!O.K.", we let· dowll-aj).·.-ulU­

National Leader Visits Military'

New Plan Potluck Supper,


SOPHOMORE LEADERS: Jesus Mary Academy, Fall River Sophomores are led by, left to right; Jacqueline Le­ Comt~, secretary; Pauline Beaulieu, vice-president; Pauline Roy, treasurer, and Patricia Lafleur, president.

Recollection Day Program April 27 For New' B~dford District Women A Day of Recollection for members of the New Bedford District, Diocesan Council 'of Catholic Women, will be held Sunday, April 27, at Sacred Hearts' Academy,' it was an­ nounced at a district mee'ting' in Mount Carmel Social Center. The program of. the, day will be 'as follows: Mass at 9 o'clock followed by breakfast; first con­ ference at 10:30; dinner at 12 o'clock; second conference at 2 o'clock and Holy Hour at 3 o'clock.

CHICAGO (NC)':":"Every few years Atty. Peter Fitzpat,rick remarks to his wife: ' "Alina, my dear, I g~ess we'll have to tack a new addition onto the house again." And on go a couple <xl more rooms. Originally, the house was a six-room affair, and that was adequate when they moved in 19 years ago with only one child -James, now 19.

Then along came Maureen and Elaine and Joe and Micha.el, and the walls o,f the house began to bulge. So, four more rooms were tacked on. Then the advent 01. Colleen, Yvonne and Bobby and Thomas meant another additioll to the old homestead. . A few years later, after Rita , and Barbara and John and Wil­ liam were born, more rooJnl were added, bringing the grand , total up to the present 13 roomL So, you folks who. think you have your hands full with off­ spring, 'step up and meet the ever-smiling Fitzpatrick, 51, and his wife, who have 13 childrell and 14th due in May. Add Mrs. Fitzpatrick's mother, who lives with them, and there is a houseful of 16. And you can't find a happier spot, even if there is only one televisioD set.

How about more children? Says Fitzpatrick: "Sure we'd like more children. The more the better! The Lord has' sent us only 'one at a time, so it's not been a matter of havillJr suddenly to adjust ourselves."

'Mrs. Charles Dupont, youth chairman, gave a,' report of ac­ tivities at the Kennedy Memor... ial Community Center. Miss An~a Don'ovanof the Catholic Nurses' Guild, an­ nounced that a Marian Music Festival' be 'held April 17 at the Cohannet School, Taunton, with the St. James Choir and

the Sacred Hearts', Academy Glee Club participating. Mrs. Emmitt P. Almond, di­ ocesan president, stated that the' annual Diocesan retreat will be held the week-ending May 2325 at Cathedral Camp. Th~ diocesan convention will be 'held SALEM (NC)-8isters of thE! May 17 in New Bedford at the,' Holy -Names of Jesus and Mary Kennedy Memorial Community here in Oregon have been preCenter; She urged all members To aented the annual Fraternal to attend so that they can be­ Order of Eagles civic award for come bet,ter informed of', dioc­ PHILA.-DELPHIA (NC) ,oUtstanding civic and community esan activities. Sister Helen de Sales of the ,service in Oregon's capital city. The dioce'san chaimanof lWir­ Sisters of St. Joseph, who is It marks the first time the'award itual development,',Miss Louise went to an organizati9n. Finnel, gave, a brief report on, stationed at ChestJ:}ut Hill .Col", Dr. 'Floyd U,tter, former s~te activities that will take pla'ce at .lege, has been named a ~ember president of the Eagles, cited the the annual retreat.' '. , ,of. 'the Philadelphi;;i Child Wel­ Sisters for' their quiet, efficient Miss McCarthy reported on the ,work in the city over the years. four' seminars that were held fare Board by Mayor Richard­ BOn Dilwo~. The Mayor said ~He said: "Their, devoted work during -' March. bas not gone unnoticed., They Rt. Rev. Msgr., Hugh A. Gal­ , Sister Helen de Sales is the first have made an invaluable con-, lagher comlJ1ended' the cou'ncil nu'n to serve on the Board, which tributionto the ediicati9n and 'tin it~"qatholic aCt;.on and urged he called one 'of the ritost' iJD­ 'development 'of children .. of," for 'fu,tl!re support of it's activ", ~rtant in the citY'sactiviti~. Salem in the past 95 rears." itie~. .



Oregon Nuns Receive Eagles Civic Award

-Appoints Religious Welfare Board



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Todays Fashions


Overblouse G:nd -Blouson In Spring Fashion News

Declares Family Trouble Causes Child Problems

By Ellen Kelley '"The overblouse look" .. just about the easiest way to achieve a chemise effect this season. It's beautifully wear­ able on many types of figures. In dresses, the overblouse idea is strong in two-piece effects • . sometimes simulates the 0 n e - pie c ~ style .. is, .. as well as in full-skirted, actually, a two-pIece ensem- pleated and slim sheath silhou­ ble. ettes. In separates, the overTh~re's fashion news in col0';S' blouse is very important, middy .. WIth a great deal of emphaslll .tyle •. with barrelled-back or on navy,. beige ~nd gray. How­ banded hipline . . best with ever, thJS Sprmg' sees a new matching skirt for a "dress emphasis too, on the new light­ look." In blouses, the overblouse ened bright tones,. and soft, .. one of the very biggest fashmisty pastels. ions of the season .. worn as a There's fashion news· in print. suit blouse .. or worn with sepa. '. just about the most exci~g ate skirts. ~ fashion news on the Sprtng "The Blouson Shape" has bescene.. prints. for the entire . . costume, and prmts coordiDated eome real fashion news for ·th lid I . 1958 Th 1 WI ao co ors. Sprmg, .. e reasons: The new prints . • go practiThe B.louson IS an easy-to-wear II th board you'll f't, d ca....y across e •• approach to r~I axed 1 an a see them in' dresses and dress «ood alternative to the tme .. . . _I. • 2 Th ' b d costumes, In SUIt blouses and SUIt ere s a ran. new linings', in separates and co­ ORIemlse. look to ~e ~louson when It folordinates in blouses in hats and lows Sprlllg s trend to lower and h ' n l'n 'scarves and 6I-tt bl . s oes, yes, eve , ousmg. handbags! ...... er "The Blouson" is good in many New Look fashion categories: it's excellent Coordinated separates for ia one-piece dresses, won~erful In dress-and-jacket costumes .• Spring are really delightful. Yes, the big deal in sportswear. equally fine in suits, is, indeed a right now is go-together sepa­ "'best-seller silhouette!" The rates, built around a specific Blouson Look is sure to gain in shirts and blouses for the new fashion news idea: New dress looks .• shirts or season .. is terrific· in sportswear blouses with matching· skirts separates and' neckwear jackets. combine into the neW and Short-Jacket Suits charming chemise, overblouse or The pretty short:"jacket suit is blouson dresses. 1ft our midst and increasing in New suit looks •• jackets and fashion importance, momen­ skirts appea·r with the new suit tarily! The short jacket is the ideas: blouson, barrel-back. keynote of the young and pretty ChaneI.. low-belted, and coor­ suit look for Spring .. but is a dinated fashions. short jacket in varied shapes. . New color themes are to the Most outstanding fashion news fore . . orange' tones, yenows, In the short-jacket suit .. is the brilliant greens, pink-to-red suit with the ''unwaisted'' short tones, and plenty of white. jacket, contoured longer in back. New look of checks .. you'll Important too " • is the new see plenty of checks. in varying. waist-length blouson jacket suit designS .• lots of wbite ground and the new shorter Chane! checks. ; plenty of newly im­ jacket suit. portant houndstooth checks and ~ prime favorite at the mo­ :New nautical ideas .• you'll ment is the low-belt "chemise" applaud .versions of navy. wit~ sUit. In these and. other ,suits, red and white ... and like lots of' there's further fash'ion news to· middy details: feature: coordinated overblouses, Hats and Accessories detachable fur colli\.rs. soft, ·New· .chemise accessories 7 ~ ~ve1y pastels, .bril.liant colors of bring to ready-to':'wear, a' spe­ red, green, blu~ •• , 'crisp litUe cifiealiy new look . . a straight; checks .. and of course, the top­ selling color trio'of'Davy, beIge uncluttered and young look' . . perfect background for lots of and gray. "go-with" accessories: Complete Costume Chemise hats ue simple in The dress-and-jacket costume line and young .. with particu­ will be one of your most fashion­ tar fashion emphasis on rollers hnportant ensembles froin now and the new cloches. . en. Yet, it's a big season for the . Chemise jewelry • • has "the eomplete costume of dress plus 20's look" that moves and dan­ matching jacket .• with fashion gles! You'll like the long bead DeWS enough to tempt just about ropes, lariats, matinee-length every style-aware gal to invest necklaces, hanging pendants, 1ft this popular costume! long ear-rings, swinging chate­ There's fashion news in the­ laines, and "noisy" bracelets. Jacket . . the new waist-length Chemise handbags . . feature blouson, the barrel-back, t~ the "thin look" • • stress the chemise-look, easy fit, and brief fashion' importance of the new Jackets to or above the waist. horizontal shapes •. the under­ There's fashion news in the dress arm type and' the envelope . • •• in chemise and blouson styles aU, definitely, "chemise-right"!' Chemise gloves are long and slim, are meant to give tapered fit to hand and' forearm.

NEW YO R K (NC) "Severe family disorganiza­ tion" was blamed by the director of the child care department of New York Cath­ olic Charities as a chief cause of the problems of children placed in foster homes and· insti­ tutions. Father Michael F. Dwyer said "improved and increased serv­ ices to children in their own homes have kept more farnilie. together." He noted that "never before In the history of. child care has there been such a num­ ber and variety of services aa those provided today for chil­ dren who need substitute -family


xpec an 0 ers Visit Sfo,k'and

YAKIMA (NC) Monthly "heirport" tours 'of Storkland­ the maternity ward-are a pop­ ular innovation at St. Elizabeth's Hospital here in Washington. • Sponsored by the hospital's St. Gerard Guild, the tours offer expectant 'mothers a chance to learn about maternity facilities at the hospital many weeks be~ fore they enter. The "heirport" tours inl;Jude, a close-up view, of labor and. delivery suites, the nursery, and . tire mothers' room, where parents are invited to attend baby bath and formula aemonstrations.

Ordain Colonel .


ROME (NC h-A former chic( of. the programs, division for the. NA'l'O Southern Air. Command has be~n ordained at' the Basil­ ica of Sl John Lateran for the ;.rchdiocese of Washington. He i~ former U. S. Air Force Col­ onel, now Father Frank B. Harding, 43, son of Mr. and Mr•. .1. M. Harding of Omaha.

Lacks Power to Force Mother

To Rear Her Son 'Os Catholic

MILWAUKEE (NC) - A Circuit Court judge here ruled that he lacks·legal power to order the Lutheran mother of a child baptized as a Catholic to rear the child in the Catholic Faith, bu~ added that the mother "haa a moral duty to do so." Judge Harvey L. Neelan made the ruling in a divorce action in which the child's father had asked that the court ~rder the. mother to-rear the child in the Catholic· Faith. The innocent

. Easter TV Mass NEW YORK (NC)-A Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated by Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston will be nationally teleVised . from Boston's Holy . ,Cross Cathedral by the CBS­ TV network' on Easter Sunday, 10 to 11 a.m.• EST, the network

announced here.· Archbishop'

Cushing· will also preach the


~\ ~~ /

, HONORED. BY KIN G~ Bishop Theodore Suhr, 0$.,.. B., of Copenhagen has been honored by the King of Den­ D1ark with a decoration and • 'personal audience, an un': lIsual occurence in that 'pl'&­ dominantly Protestant COUD­ try. This is arecognitiori of the IItronggrowth ~nd stand­ iDa gf the Chllreh. ~C Pbotct.

pawn in the case is 2-year-old Thomas Adamski. The boy's mother, Mrs. PhilU. V. Adamski, 23; a machine oper­ ator, field sull for divorce from her husband, Walter C. Adam­ ski, 30, a laborer. The husband tiled a counter suit in which he aought the order for the boy'. religious future. The court awarded custody of the child to the mother.. Robert Krome, counsel for Mr. Adamski, submitted a baptismal . certificate to show that the bo,.

had been baptized in the Cath­

olic faith and alSo a· written

statement made at the time 01. the mixed' marriage in which the mother agreed that an,. children of the union would be reared in the Catholic faith. The Adamskis were married in Jul,. 1955.

Gilbe'rt C; Oliveira





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Father Dwyer also indicated a growing acceptance by foster parents of Spanish-speakine children, Nearly 500 Puerto Rican boys and girls were placed with non-Puerto-Rican families . during 1957. Affiliated with New York Catholic 'Charities are 36 child-. caring institutions and agencie. which last year cared for a com­ bined total of 17,606 childreD and adolescents.

FAIRHAVEN ACADEMY OI<'FICERS: Sophomores at Sacred Heart Academy, Fairhaven who represent their class as executives are, left to right,., Alice Mary Oliveira, president, and Claire Reinhardt, vice-president. E"' f f M th



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Thurs., April 3, 1958

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Sage,_~lI'Oc' r;,,.. •


S"rives to Achieve Perfec.tion of Democracy

Considine Urges Boa rd to Offset Red Propaganda

By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. . Bishop of Reno


WASHINGTON (NC)­ Formation of a board of leading American experts in the communications field to

"The conversion of the American people to the Catholic

faith has ripened into a conviction with me which lies beyond the region of doubt. My life, my labors, and my death is consecrated to it." The busy pen scratched on 'and the easy, rhetoric of men while Father Isaac Hecker like Henry Clay and Daniel confided his dream to his Webster. The mental wrestling with the correspondent. It wa,s hard­ ly a year' since that astonishing

reversal of fortune in the sum­ mer of 1858 had opened the way for the estab­ lishment of the Paulist e.o m­ munity and the launching ,of his American missionary' ex­ periment. H e was still aglow with that "first fine car e 1 e s s rapture" known to great. and generous souls. There is little question but that Hecker, at the o\ltset, was confident of immediate and spec­ t:tcularresults. It is easy .enough to write him off as a heady dreamer, and it is certainly true that· he badly misjudged' the toughness and durability o~ American, Protestantism. . It might have been to his ad­ vantage hBJi he been able, during, those months of 1858, to sit down with the aging 'Count Alexis. de Toqueville and compare ~otes on the prospects and possibili­ ties' of a Catholic conquest of the new' Republic.. :, The older man would have sympathized, doubtless, bui he ,would have tempered Hecj{er's zeal with his own sterner real­ ism. Perhaps it was just as 'w~ll that Hecker's enthusiasm was to 8Muire its own te~pering. Enthusiasm R'emains . ~or a man like' Hecker was bound to stub his toe. The amaz­ ing thing abo.tit· him is that it did not. embitter him. Long before he died in 1888 he had come to the realization that the task to which he had so blithely dedicated his life, labors, and death, was of incomparably greater magnitude than he had first conceived. The 30 years of his activity as an apostle of American Caiholi­ cism; while successful to a. de­ gree, fell far short of what lie had hoped for. What might have beeri a temptation to discouragi­ ment was blunted by his tem­ peramental buoyancy and his honest correspondence with grace.' His enthusiasm was ~s vibra~t at the end as in, bis heyday. It was Hecker's' abiding con­ viction that America needed only. to be 'assured that Catholi­ cism and democracy were com­ patiblEi for the floodgates of con­ versions to be opened. He eagerly grasped it as .,his mission to preach that compatibility with all the eloquence at his com­ mand and by all the means his ingenuity hit upon. -. Actually, he refused to be con-' fined by the concept of mere compatability. He would assert,. in season and out, that the two were m'ated by the divinity that shapes our ends and were des­ tined by a kindly providence. to progress ,from strength to strength in this new world' of ' promise. Hecker' could never reconcile himself to pluralism in America. . Magnificent Unity It was strong' doctrine ' to preach in the hearing of con­ servatives of whatever religious persuasion. However tliey felt about his dream of a Catholic America, from warm e,ndorse­ ment to violent reaction,. they were far from sharing his views on democracy. It was his weakne'ss that he was ,never able to subject his democratic theory. to ~igorous examination; he lacked .both the time and the' intellechJ~1 acu­ men. 'He took his ideas: on the, subject ready-made; with a'

naive 'rellaric,e upon his i memo~ rles of the rough-a'nd~tumbie of 'New York p6litics:o{ his'youtb

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., April 3, 1958

problem of his old Brook Farm associate and fellow convert, Orestes Brownson, was' always a' trifle incomprehensible to him, arid he was prone to dismiss it with impatience. The solution was so clear: Catholicism was right, democracy was right; to­ gether they made not two' rights but a single magnificent and self-evident. unity. Our 'Hope Identical There is no doubt, all the same, that Isaac Hecker fulfilled an essential ftinction in the his­ tory of the. Church in America. If he was flot the first to voice the harmony and concord of the Faith and our repu1::l\ican insti- I,' tutions, he spoke out at a time when an immigrant Church needed a powerful advocate. ,He had the native accent, even the twang, and he ha~ a vivid sense of the urgency' of hi.s message. If he was surprised and hurt thal-so few came all the way over to his way of think­ ing and believing, he could take comfort in the evident ameliora­ tion of popular prejudice which resulted from his speaking' and writing and from the apostolate of his devoted followers. . After all, it is' hardly fair to ask of a man more than his endow­ ment or his opport,unity ena'bles him to give. -Hecker was. no genius, perhaps not even a pass­ able' philosopher, but· ·he was a man who had gotten hold of a truth and would never let go. Nor have we, God knows, any, reason to patronize his memory. His' zeal was a consuming fire, and his almost instinctive recog­ nition of the importance of the reconciliation of the Faith and democracy was in itself of enor­ mous significance. If we are forced to .admit that .the problem is less simple than his analysis would make it, our hope is identical with his. For today; 100 years after'he' penned his consecration, we are' still striving to perfect' a democracy which will render to God the things, 'that are God's, and t6 Caesar the things that are Caesar's. .

Ordinary Scores Wealthy Spani~h SARAGOSSA (NC)-The fail­ ure of rich Spaniards tci prac­ tice' Christian charity is Ii chief cause of the discontent .th'at exists among this .cOuntry's wOrkers. This was stated in a pastoral letter issued here by Archbishop Casimiro Morcillo Gonzales of Saragossa. Spanish landowners live Spendthrift and luxurious lives, the archbishop said. "Employ­ ers," he added, "refuse the workers even the small 'amount of money that would represent an improvement in their eco­ nomic situation.' "The wealthy go. to Mass and receive Holy Communion daily. But they do not put into prac­

tiCe the elements of 'charity

which· the Church asks of its followers. "

HELLO AMERJCA: OrPhans Leopoldo, three and one half, . and Dina, thirteen months, arrive in America from Italy, brought here by Catholic organizations ·for families in New York and Massachusetts. NC ,Photo.

Colleges Must· Recognize Man's Spiritual Nature and Destiny WASHINGTON (NC)· - The able shocks of modern life, to rector of the North American parry threats that assail his in­ College in Rome said here that tegrity and to proIT;ote the re­ any university wh'ich "professes newal and advancement of pub­ to pursue knowledge on' to the. lic and private life." full grasp of truth" must'recog'However, he said, while the nize man's spiritual nature .andtraditional mission' of the uni­ destiny. . versity, is to be "a center raBishop Martin J. O'Connor dediating. intellectual life for the ciared that "an essential part of benefit of the national commun­ 'education" is'."instruction in the ity," the Catholic school remains revelation of God and an underaware of the faCt that "man's standing of the objective norm citizenship . . . is not limited to of morality, God-given, that any country of this wodd." points the essential difference '., Bishop. O'Connor added~ that between good and evil." . ,the university "which professes The Bishop declared that· "our to pursue knowledge on' to the . Catholic universities are . . . full grasp of truth' must come to always alert to the sacred duty entrusted to them. ' In her halls, acknQwledge" this ·fact. the university knows, are being prepared the citizens who will do 'much to determine what I shape the state of tomorrow is to take." MONREALE (NC) - Italian Christian Life Foreign Minister Giuseppe Pel­ 'The Catholic university, he la, in a speech delivered in this eontinued, will "take care" to Sicilian city,. praised the work make its student "a child of his C?f His Holiness Pope Pius XII own era, capable of drawing on toward furthering a unified and the inexhaustible strength. of a 'peaceful international life. Christian life· to' withstand un­ "The ~teachings of the Vicar holy' pressures and the inevit­ of ·Christ,''' he said, "have always been directed with extreme Makes New Friends steadfastness and effectiveness toward the safeguardinr: of peace On South Pole Trip 'in justice and freedom. He has CINCINNATI (NC) - A Jesuit appealed for external peace' on scientist charting the thickness the international level, but he of the ice cap at the South Pole bas· also appealed for internal suddenly turned his attention to peace,: .. that social peace which a 'cram course in Spanish. .removes the motives. for' un­ The 500-mile air trip of Father rest. . • .. • Edward A. Bradley, S.J., Xavier Mr. Pella gave particular em­ University seismologist, at Ells­ phasis to the' papal Christmas wor'th Station on McMurdo messages of 1953 and 1954 in Sound brought him to a station wpich the Pope spoke in favor operated by the Argentine Gov­ of a united Europe for coordi­ ernment. The isolated Argen­ nated and effective action in the ti']es begged him to return, offer international field. M!lsS for them, and' hear their confessions.. So Father Bradley, in Antarc­ tica since last October as a mem­ ber of the U. S.· Navy. team of

Plumbing - Heating scientists studying the polar

region, expects to discover some 915 Acushnet Ave.. things about the Spanish lang­ At Weld Square

uage;- also.

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Nine students at- the HoI,­ Union Juniorate, Tiverton, R. L, were triple winners in the South­ eastern Massachusetts Chapter' of the National Office Manage­ ment (NOMA) business spelling tests. \ The group includes. Joan Blake, Patricia Neral, Mary Ag­ 'nes Shaughnessy and Mary Su­ san Winchester of Point Pleasant, N. J., Lynn Boilon, Marjorie Boul)ds and, Barbara Laukaita8 of Baltimore, Md. and Barbara Mackay and Margaret McCabe of Astoria, N. Y•.

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counter worldwide Soviet propa­ ganda which consistently puts the United States in a false light with other nations, has been advocated by 'Bob Considine, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and author. Mr. Considine addressed a Communion breakfast of the John Carroll Society. He told the professional and business­ men: "The Soviets have committed the greatest theft in l'1istory-· they have stolen the word 'peace,' They are lIsing an un­ believably tremendous propa­ ganda campaign to convince the rest of the world that Americans are warmongers and the Soviets are the real peacemakers," Mr. Considine, who recently made a trip to,Russia, added: "It is time that the United \States moved swiftly and surely to broadcast the' truth-that our people and our government are the real peacemakers." The assembly heard Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. Hannan 01. Washington praise Mr. Consi­ dine as "a true Catholic Amer­ ican of whom all of us can be proud." Dr. Philip A. Caulfield, chairman of the society's board of governors" paid tribute to the "tremendous amount of good" Mr. Considine has accomplished "through his' column, bookS; national telecasts and broad­ casts."

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l'RI: ANCHORThurs., April 3, 1958


Says Laity Best S£tua"eC: to ~~tOW World America's Vocation as Nation

Gates Speaking Invite Causes Many Protests DALLAS (NC)-A storm of controversy has been created bY' an invitation ex­ tended to John Gates, fOQl1er editor of the defunct Daily Worker newspaper, to $peak April 23 at Southern Methodist University. The invitation to the one-time editor of the communist daily organ was made by the Univers­ ity's Student Forum. It was immediately criticized by the Public Affairs Luncheon Club here. Other citizen's groups joined in the opposition, and the SMU Campus, university semiweekly newspaper said in an editorial: "SMU has no responsibility to provide a forum for an atheist and for one who has been con­ victed of conspiracy." Changes Stand Tbe controversy was height­ ened when it was announced that Herbert Philbrick, former FBI counterspy, had been in­ vited to serve on a forum of cross-examiners for Gates. Gates and Philbrick have been bitter foes ever since 1949 when they faced each other in a New York City courtroom where Gates was on trial. Gates was LEADER OF YOUTH: His Holiness is shown bless­ convicted of advocating violent ing Italian Catholic Action Youth Members in St. Peter's revolution against the U. $. gov­ ernment and 'sentenced to the Square, NC Photo., Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. He served a five-year sentence, with time off for good behavior. When Gates, learned in New York that Philbrick was to serve NEW DELHI, India (NC)- gious instruction in public on a panel of interrogators, at Having banished religion from schools. the university, he said he would the nation's public schools, In­ Catholic educators were the not fulfill his speaking engage­ dia's government is now planning first to call attention to the ment. Later, he retracted this to bring it back in another form dangers of a "religionless" edu­ stand. through the backdoor. cational system. Apart from the Underwrite Expense The central government has spiritual aspect of religion, said Sterling Wheeler, SMU vice suggested to the states that all these educators, there ,are mate­ president, said Gates will pre­ public schools and colleges hold rial disadvantages to education sent some preliminary state­ an assembly of students and without religion. ments April 23. Then he' will teachers each day for a "uni­ They were fearful-that Indian be questioned by a panel com-' versal prayer." students of the current genera­ posed of Philbrick; Dr. Lloyd In a sense, this is an admis­ tion would grow into irresponsi:.. Wells, a professor of history; sion of failure. For, if the new ble citizens if they were not 'Dr. Douglas Jackson, a theology government plans mean any­ given firm religious foundations. professor; and Dr. J.' Claude thing, they mean that the exist­ Advocates of the new govern­ Evans, university chaplain'. ing "religionless" policy has ment plan hope that it will "de­ The Public Affairs Luncheon been wanting. velop the moral sense of the in­ Club announced it would under­ Since the adoption of the In­ dividual and social integrity." write the expenses of Dr. Fred dian Constitution in 1949, the One difficulty with the plan is Schwarz, an outstanding anti­ government has vigoJ;ously pur­ the problem of choosing BeP'rayer Communist, to be a questioner sued a policy of prohibiting reli­ which will not offend the diverse at the discussion.' religious elements of- India. ,Wins Recognition Fred Bryson, director' of the SMU Student Center, stated that WASHINGTON (NC) - The Gates' appearance would riot be National Council of Catholic in the form of an "indoctrinary Men has received official status lecture." He said that "Gates at the United Nations and at the will present his position and United States mission to the UN, then his position will be thor­ Judge David McMUllan, NCCM oughly examined by qualified president announced from the persons." organization's headquarters here,

Indian Government Now 'Admits Need for Religion in Schools


Plans Only Approved Movies

BUFFALO (NC) - A down­ town movie theater devoted ex­ elusively to family entertain­ ment will be opened here in April by a religious community which specializes in the use of modern communications. "The Catholic Theater" sched­ ule calls for programs only on Sunday afternoon and evening. Bishop Joseph A. Burke of Buffalo granted permission for the 'TX!periment to the Pious So-,

ciety of St. Paul, a community of men founded in Italy in 1914 and now working in, two arch­ dioceses and two dio,ceses in the United States. The theater's purpose is not to compete with commercial movie houses, but rather to stim­ ulate exhibitors to present de­ cent films. Only films classified as family entertainment by the National Legion of Decency will be presented. '

Msgr. ·Freking described the opportunities for helping newly developing countries as adding up to a picture of possible world service in the lay apostolate for Catholic Americans. He said that America's wealth of natural resources and the varied skills 'of its technologists can be shared with other coun­ tries, but he warned of the need

Says .Laymen Needed For Work in Africa

Youth Can Play Impor~ant Role In Journalism

NEW YORK (NC)-Lay Cath­ olics are needed overseas to give assistance to the emerging pe~ple of Mrica. BIRMINGHAM (NC) Catholics must realize their "responsibility to Mrica's future 'The important role young and help form capable African Catholic writers for high leaders who also are thoroughly school and college papers can Christians," said Anne Hope, a , play in the Catholic journalism member of the Grail, intenation­ field has been emphasized here 81 lay apostolate movement for at the annual "Catholic Press young i;'0men. Night" sponsored by the Knigh. Miss Hope will leave soon for of Columbus. Uganda with an American Grail Msgr. Frank Wade, councD team, to set Up a school for ,M­ chaplain, who is editor of T~ rican community development Catholic Week, Birmingham leaders. diocese newspaper, told the Warning that the communists young journalists of the need for Ilre "working everywhere" in cooperation between Catholic journalists and educators .. Africa, "especially in the uni­ make the Catholic student aware versities," she said it is essential of benefits av'ailable to them ill that a mature Catholic laity be the Catholic press. He quoted Bishop Thomas It. developed in Africa during' the continent's next crucial decade. Gorman of Dallas-Forth Worth, former episcopal chairman of "Americans can assist w.ith the N.C.W.C. Press Department, prayers and w.ith financial who urged at the 1957 Catholic gifts," she emphasized "Some Press Convention "an unremit­ could also go overseas-not only ting campaign 'of education t. drive home to the studellts of t,p fil~ the ~reat need for tech­ our schools and colleges that nical and, educational assistance, the Catholic press offers them ,but to show forth the witness a life long working tool for the practice of their Faith." of love."



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for spiritual motivation in those who undertake programs of tech­ nical assistance. Stating that "the spiritual force of a nation does not grow out of its own political constitu­ tion." MsgI'. Freking added that "the future response of America to its vocation of world leader­ ship will depend upon the lead­ ers who are now being trained in our schools." Urges Acceptance , He said U. S. Catholics are challenged to illustrate the true character of the Church as being in the world but not of it. "This challenge is primarily to the laity," he continued, most deeply into the life of the nation and strengthens the nation most effectively to stand as an ex­ ample before the world." "It is in the hands of the teachers now in our schools to prepare America for the fuD accepta'nce of its vocation as a nation," he concluded.



VOCATION CLUB: Sister Mary Alphonse,' C.S.C., is shown with three members of her Vocation Club' at St. Joseph's School, Attleooro. are:' left to, right, ,Muriel Laporte" " :. Claire 'Graveline Uei ;Adrienne sic8rd.

WASHINGTON (NC) - U. S. lay Catholics are best condi­ tioned by circumstances of his-" tory ~nd geography to show the world America's "vocation as a nation." Msgr. Edward A. Freking, secretary of the Catholic Stu­ dents' Mission Crusade, told some 1,000 priests, Brothers and Sisters attending a teachers' in­ stitute that the United States has a "vocation of world leader­ ship."

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The Scars of Christ

Story of, Vince~lt-.T r~cy

On TV Eas~er, Sunday

God Love You _By Most Rev. Fulf.on' J. Sheen, D.O.

Bv William H. Mooring For Easter Su~day; "General Electric Theatre" is giv­

from whose span of, time most s~relY iiiustrates how God alcohol stole several years" sometimes "writes straight with eonverting them into a ver- crooked lines." It should provide itable preview of hell. a . stron?, half-hour on TV. It How Vincent Tracy drank sbl~ CrIes out. for full-length ....thr h f t nes l'nto telhng as a movie. I hope some­ usa way oug or u . H 11 od w ill til mi. ·t pan- h an dling on the ,' one m 0 ywo . ._ Bowery bow finally, at Hope m Moseow tile point of Bob Hope's visit to Russia may auicide, he saw have been good for a laugh or • I i g h tan d tWo somewhere. It was not likely ·came back" to 'be would find among Moscow'• atheists any talent BI>ecially ap-, • e,-t 'u p the, Tracy Farms, -propiate to his Easter telecast ­ .0 w devoted If the communists didn't giv~ to . reclaiming_ him much, it was equally true chronic a 1 c o· , that ,he didn't take them much bolics and drug addicts, w'm be' either. His new United Artists' c:apsuled in a sharp half-hour. release, "Paris Holiday," cou14 tele-drama titled "No Hiding_~ giv~ the Russian reds no hint of Place." --, _ how the average American be- , This title also covers an Db- haves, in Paris, Washington or IOrbing book by Beth Day. It Hoshkosh, _ About the only funny sequence tells the story, not of a lost weekend, but 'of an almost lost in this rather ridiculous comedy '. life. The book oHers what Hol- does raise Hope, literally speak­ b'w,ood producers usually refer' ing. It shows Bob dangling from to as "everything," meaning ad~ the:·rope ladder of a helicopter, venture, tragedy, social contrast, raCing over ~aris, while thugs eomecty, love interest and "(of take pot shots at him from below. -. The - trip to Moscow bagg~d eourse!) -sex. ' _ There is Heddie, the fashion Bob some world-wide, publicity buyer, now Mrs. Tracy; patient a,nd gave a little __ more of, the and dev-otect. She waited and same, to 'Khrushchev. It may prayed for Vincent's recovery have -proved to Nikita that a fel­ even when she knew of other low needn't be in his cups to be women who shared his half- funnT. ~ long as he hires good alive, haif-dead years of alro-' gag writers. Unfortunately Bob bolic haze. _ Hope wrote ,and produced "Paris There is the brother, Father Holiday" himself. .Iohn Tracy of Schenectady, who To Keep Films Off TV i.lmost broke 'his own heart tryAn organization of 'British lag to shock Vincent when pertbea'ter owners UI throwing auasion seemed useless. As hap-_ moneT into a hat (millions ot pens all the time, there is the it!), hoping to buy up the bulk bewildered mother;. the many ot old Hollywood movies and so friends who' give up and the few keep them off TV. This pro~es who do.. not. , that at least some of the British, Ther~ is the former boss who who take pride in "Free trade," _ver turned his back; the have e' sense of humor, If the,.,. punt shadows of men and can swing t~e, deal it also will women who crossed Vincent'. prove that the theater owners of _wnwani path to the Bowery; Great Britain have not. beea Ibe doctor who diagnosed hia doing 80 badly after all,' in spite 'case 'as "hopeless" and the PBYof high entertainments tax and dliat~ist who could neither cue.- the creeping curse offjreside' Tracy nor save himself. 'IICreens. American theater ow~ Hill of Hope en co~ldn't do it. Finally there are the Jewish dothier, the New York attorney, the bankers, stockbrokers and CoDtinuedtrom Paf:e ODe all the great, little people.­ A' large' numl:>er ': of pastors, Amazed by Vincent's recovery aiming, for.the parish quota, have lIley ,helped him, in various adopted :'~he" plan worked suc­ ways, to found the Tracy Fal'DUl eeSsfuny~y a few priests last at Coeyman's 'Hollow, New York Tear. That is, pastors have _as­ State, to which these days come sUred their' parishioners who . writhing "druQ-ks" from all want,TheAnchorweekly, that walks of life and various part. theT will receive it by putting ei the world. their name on an envelope and dropping - it into the collection For many '"the Hollow" be­ eomes a Hill of new hope. The basket. The pastor bills the sub­ eomedy shows. as.- well as the _ scribers every four months. The pastor 'sends the, parish elrama, because Vincent_ Tracy 'never lost his IriSh' sense of. 'check to The' Anchor' and theft bumor, any more',than he lost keeps the quarterly paymenb the Faith he so long neglected, ' as they, are received from the but which eventually:, by "the' parishioners; Most aimualsubscriptions ex­ Grace of -God, delivered' him to become the helpmate of others pire next we,ek. The vast major"­ whose problem he learned '80­ it1i of our' - weekly sub!lcribers' purchased, -subscriptions' 'one well by heart. On-the TV set, I met Vincent-­ year ago when we -commenced Tracy and Ronald Reagan, who-_ publication; , Hence, their: first will p,01;tray him .on "General armual Subscription expires next Electric Th'eater" Easter Sund~y. week~, They' must renew their I saw them shoot the opening subscriptiops immediately to as­ .cenes; an impressionistic ',mon­ sure 'contimied delivery. tage with Ronnie, staggering

towards a Bowery tave:r:il,', " Q._'D~. clutcliing the precious,. 1>an-,:

bandIed quarter, while friends anxious to turn him speak from the distance of he~plessness. ,


Great Story

Direct.... n was only when Tracy him­

.elf realized that his trouble was CIt Locust st.:, Fan River not disease but sprang from his. own moral weakness, that, he OS 2-3381 reeled from the Bowery, back

into the light where _he might.

8ee to help himself and others.

This is' a great story because ~HARRINGTON It is true and because millionS

of pe~ple will know it~ It ili"

FUNERAL HOME' " potent' drama because; ,a,s Tra!ly,"

told me, it illustrates that' "there' ,.­ , -': ' '986 'Plymoutll' Ave.' are two ways to beat the b~Ze:'" , FaD aly~ \.; " , moderation or abstention, ex­ " . eept ~t for some there ia I»

Anchor ,Qu'ota


Columba Marmion, O.S.B." Irish born Benedic,:, tine " whose, beatification cause was staded last year, has been hailed by Pope J.>ius XII ,as a "great son of St. Benedict.If NC Photo.

Let it not be that we dress with undue luxury on Easter all etU-ist wears His Scars and as the pagan world grop~s in the dark Continued from Page One for Him Who is the Light of the World. The burden of the world'. from St. Mary's. Father Lewin sin is ours, but we are one with Christ Who bore it. was ordained to the priesthood on May 28, 1926, at St. Mary'. As the RtIS9lan poet Nekrasov put it: "There are times, ,there Cathedral, Fall River, by the are ages when nothing, is more'desirable. nothing more beautiful late Most Reverend Daniel F. than, the Crown of Thorns;" While then our heads are adorned for Feehan. Easter, in reparation for any excess, be -mindful of Him Who bore Father Lewin served as as­ the Thorns._ With a finger ,that touched His Sears. write a sacrifice sistant in St. Mary's Church. for those who might do even more than we, if the,. couN touch North' Attleboro;' Holy Name the Sear of His Sacred Hean. ' Church, Fall River; St. James Church, Ne'w Bedford, and Sl GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. F. P. for $40 "'.M1is Is-$! f~r each:day Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. On 'March 1, 1947, he was made of Lent and I know that the. Holy Father will use it where 'it ia administrator of St.· Mary'. most needed." ... to J.M.K. for $500 "To express my thanks to God Church, Hebronville, where he for an improvement in health and guidance.in selling my business." remained until· he resigned his '... to M.V.B. for-$25'''ln thanksgiving for a'!l8t~actory'medical examination." ' pastorate a few years ago be­ caUse of illness. Since that time Father Lewin was stationed at The lovely white statue, of, OUR. LADY OF TELEVISION the Priest Hostel In Fall River, shows the Blessed Mother holding Christ· before the world:~our and also at Our Lady's .Haven, sacrifice-offeriQg of $3. fQr the statue -will· help - the mission'aries­ Fairhaven. More recently, he'has • supported by th~ ,S9~(!ty for, tt,te propagationo~. the ,Faith to brin« been assisting Very Rev. Leon­ Christ to the world and-the world,.to Clu'ist. You_may' address your ard :1, Daley. pastor of St. Fran­ request and offering to 'the- National o'ffice at' 3~6 Fifth Avenue, cis Xavier Chuch, Hyannis. New, York 1, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN DI~ECTOR REV. RAY· The funeral ~will take place MOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River; Mass. wiui e Solemn High Mass sung at 10 A.M., Monday morning at ' st.. Mary's Church, Hebronville, ~is la~ parish. ' The Office- of the Dead will precea~ the Mass at 9:30 A.M. Father Lewin is survived by a sister, Sister Agnes of the Car­ melite Order of Roxbury, also .~ '.' . a num~r of nieces and ~ephews. 0

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.iDceDt Tracy'.

Bot how shaD He be brought to them except tbroo~h a more Immediate contact on our part with Our Lord. Not until we pot finger: into His Hand, and Band into His Side shall we feel His sacrifice Is oar sacrifice. .

Father Lewin



It is those glorioUs Scars of Christ that

_must be brought to the people of Asia and

Africa; while they suHer their Buddhas sit.

" Only One Who has been Identified with their hunger, their th~ their' poverty, their sufferings, their deaths can bri,ni them hope.






No teacher in Mission lands' ever eame

back from the grave. to' say to doub~in~

disciples, as Our Lord said to Thomas:

"Let Me have thy fhiger; see, here are My'

Hands. Let Me have thy hand: put it Into

~Iy -Side. Cease thy doub~ingand beUeve."

(John 20, 27K) This is the only place In

Scripture that the nails were mentioned.

The finger of Thomas evidently correspond

to the size of the nails and the' hand of

Thomas to the wound In His Side.

'Sullivan &"80n8 ­



The -deities in, our Mission hinds are, 10 unlike~. Buddha had, no wounds; Confucious had no scars; Lao-,Tze, had ~,defeat; not one of -the millions of gods in the Itfndu Faritheon wu ever challenged to come down fro~, the cross. Only Christ wears scars; only He has stumbled to His Throne on Easter so that no man can eve~ say: "God does not know what it is to ~er!"

ing us. a"true story o{'faith -triumphant Over the CBS-TV network, m'illionswill follow the graphic, real-life story of Vincent Tracy, former Fifth Avenue- fashion executive

:_c. P





'-'" _:,,; 'dSi9~6072' ..,-,






";7' '.

" .,: '''':~-_·::'':':L •.,C-J.r-H\,...... __I~


• • ~.



Thurs., April 3, 1958

ST. PA1JL'..


MiSi Barbara R. O'Brien, BriIt­ County home demonstration agent, will talk on "Consumer Facts and Frauds" before mem­ bers of the Women'. Guild at a o'clock next Thursday night preceding their regular monthly llession. ' Miss Helen Shove and Mrs. Stephen Martin', co-chairmen, wl11 be assisted by the following committee: Mrs. Walter' Fin­ negan, Miss Ll11ianWhite, Mrs. Henry Lee, Mrs. Clarence Shove, Mrs. Richard Neville, Mrs. Charles Reed, Mrs. Arthur Me­ deiros and Mrs. Robert Don. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON All members of the Women's Guild are invited to participat! in the Liturgical ceremonies during Holy Week, it W88 an­ nounced by President Mrs. Francis Sweet last Monday night at a meeting held in Frothing­ ham Memorial Hall. Numerous members have vol­ unteered to spend one hour in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament on· Good Friday and also to take part in the proces­ aions . during Holy Week. It was voted that the Catholic Action Committee should post a Legion of Decency Movie Guide on the church bulletin board. A progressive report on the


I 1 I


Planning Special Easter Broadcast


minstrel IIbow alated ~ 23 and 24 was submitted b7 the c:bairman, Mia Elizabeth Caba­ JUl. - The show will be presented In the Oliver AmelI,High School. Auditorium. New JIlemben wm be wel­ comed at a membership tea 0Ill ' Sunday, April ~, in the home of Miss Helen Derby, M Pond Street. In charge of the went are Mrs. ,Sweet 88 chairman, Mrs.. Arthur Heath, Mn. Edgar L0i­ selle, Mrs. Fred Piazzi, Mia Betty Almeida,' Mrs. John Wal­ lent, Miss Marguerite Carter and Mrs. Ralph Dahlborg. SACRED HEART, ---NORTH ATTLEBORO Duvernay Council, Ro. a; rUnion S. Jean Baptiste d'Ame­ rique, recently .presented two ciboria to the church. The pres­ entation was made to ReT. Ed­ mond L. Dickinson bT Adelard Canuel of the Council ill the name, of its president, Rene Pinsonnault, as a token of unity between the Council aod its ac­ tivities and the parish aDd JU clergy. Earlier this year, Mn. Aglae Fortier gave another eiborium to the Sisters of the Holy Union for use in their' cOnvent. chapel ill memory of her husband, the late Arsene Fortier. The ciboria were made b7 Joseph Carriere, Lionel and Rene Lallier, all members of the parish and of Duvernay Council.

FLINT BRANCH 1219 PleQ8ant Street

HOLLYWOOD (NC) - FCYr the 11 th consecutive year the Family Theater will present its special full-hour Easter broad­ cast of "The Triumphant Hour.'" The program, to be . broadcast Easter Sunday over the Mutual network from 8:05 to 9 p.m. (EST), will relate the story of Christ's Resurrection in drama, music and prayer. Featured will be Stephen McNally, Jimmy Durante, Pat Crowley, Victor Jory, Betty Lynn. Dennis Day, Jo Stafford, Brian Sullivan and Licia Al­ banese. opened with a talk on Lenten

and Holy Week services by the NCWC GIFT TO ~ITHUANJANS: Archbishop Fran­ Pastor Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia. CIS P. Keough of BaltImore, Chairman 9f the Administra­ members introduced. in­ tive Board, National Catholic Welfare Conference, presents . New cluded Mr. and Mrs. Virginio a $20,000. check to Msgr. Joseph B. Koncius, President, Brazil and Mr. and Mrs. Louis United Lithuania Relief of America, Inc. . The gift is to Borges. The Holy Name Society and foster relief among needy Lithuanians in the free European the . Women's Guild will eo­ countries and behind the Iron Curtain. NG Photo.



llelDi-annual communion.·


During the busineSs of the Couples Club held recenUy in the Church hall a semi-annu­ al pot-luck supper Wall placed on schedule for Sunday, April 2'1 in the church hall. Also on schedule is a break­ fast to be served in White's Res­ taurant, No. Westport, Sunday morning, May 4 following the

Serving on the hospitality committee. are: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vieira, chairmen assisted by Mr. and' Mrs. Manuel Avila, :Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Soares, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Correira" Mr. and Mrs. Vito Gerardi, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Homen and Mr. "nd Mrs. Manuel Camara. Conducted by thePreside~t Manuel Alexander the meeting

sponsor a square dance to be held at 8 o'clock, Saturday, April 12, in the Polish National Home. Tickets are available from Guild and Holy Name members. A minstrel show under the direction of Mrs. Dolores Con­ gello will. feature· the next mont!"!ly meeting of the Women'. Guild, sdieduled for a P. M., Monday in the church h;n. . Mrs. John Terceira will be charge of the hospitality ~ mittee.

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SOMERSET BRANCH 1045 County Street

A. Fan River Trust Savings Account has helped thousan~1 get the most out of what they earn. Why don't you join this group of progressive wage ,earners and enjoy the many advantages the Fall River Trust

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Total Asset, Over $27,000,000.00 n..rNT BRANCH 1219 Pktuanl Strtd. SOMERSET BRANCH 1045 Coun,y Strut SOUTH END BRANCH . '649 Soulh Mom SITtItJI MEMBER ~eder.al Depolil ,Federal R..... '.






' .'.





.... ',

The' Yardstick




Thurs., Aprit 3, 1958

Role of 'Labor 'Priests' Is

To Inspire Lay' Leaders '


By Msgr. George C. Higgins

Director NCWC Soelal ActioD Dept. March 24 and 25 the McCle~lan Committee rele~sed

On its first two reports on the subject of labor racketeerm~. We gather from reading summaries of these documents m the daily press that the Committee's findings and recom­ mendations are, rather con­ references to labor recketeering troversiaI. We are not now have been published by this in a position to say whether writer and many other so-called they merit the severe ,criti­ "labor priests". cism leveled at them 'by George Meany and his colleagues on t h,e Executive CounCil of the

Moreover, many of these priests have lectured about labor racketeering in labor schools and have frequently dis­ cussed the matter with, individ­ AFL-CIO. We

ual union members and officials. shall have more

The fact that these priests were CHAPLAIN HEAD: Rear to say read when and we

not aware of all the particular have evils which have recently been Admiral George A. Rosso, a digested the uncovered by the McClellan Monsignor of the New York two rep 0 r t s, Committee is no more surprising Archdiocese, and a chaplain copies of which than the fact that they were not we, expect t0 since 1937, is, new Chief of aware' of, the evils. in manage­ re ce i v e mo­ Navy Chaplains. NC Photo. ment which have been uncov­ mentarily.

ered by the same,Committee. Meanwhile,

" Obvious Fact ' ,we wish to set It might be pointed out that the 0 r d straightr ec with regard to our own the McClellan Committee's in­ ASUNCION (N<;::)-Paraguay's attitude-and that of our col­ vestigation of r~cketeering in the government has been urged to leagues in the field of Catholic labor movement has been much ' restore' freedom to this coun­ IOcial action-on the subject of more energetic and comprehen­ sive than its investigation of try's people in a pastoral letter labor racketeering. racketeering in the ranks of issued by Archbishop Juan Mena' Charge Bias management. It is sOmething of Porta of Asuncion. Issued in the name of the Ever since the McClellan Com­ a mystery as to :why 'the, pro­ mittee'launched its investigation fessed 'critics of the so-called nation's bishops, the letter de­ into this problem, the charge "labor priests" have' neglected clared: bas been bandied about in cer­ to bring this obvfous fact to the '1'he people, who are the ori­ 'tain Catholic circles that the, attention of their readers. gfD of political p<!wer, should so-called "labor priests" have It ought to be added that the be given greater 'participation been guilty of ig\?-oring, or de-, role of the clergy is not, to at­ in public. life, and, above all, liberately covering up the sins tempt to reform either labor or freedom 'of- opinion and' human of labor. Only two ,weeks ago management themselves. Their dignity should be recognized." this charge ,was repeated in a role is rather to train and inspire The government's most press­ letter to the editor published lay leaders in both groups to put ing task, the, letter continued, In The New World, official their own houses in order. Only is to see to it that all political newspaper of, the ArchdiOCese a few such leaders have been parties are given 'greater repre­ of Chicago. trained thus far in the ranks of sEmtation. At present only one This letter is' typical of many organized labor and probably party the conservative Col6r­ others published in varioUs fewer still in the ranks of man­ ados,is represented in Congress. diocesan newspapers in recent agement, The Archbishop published his months. It reads in part: "For However, their influence for pastoral following several' out­ too many years we read nothing good in the field of labor-man­ bursts of violence against the except the Right of labor. It re­ agement relations"has been out quired the expose of the' abuses of all proportion to their number. government of President Alfredo to condition the average view­ This fact is too often over-looked Stroessner, re-elected February point to a realization of the by critics of the so-called "labor 9 in an election in which he was the only candidate. Obligations of Labor. 'prie~ts" who have trained these "For much too long the critics men with a modest assist now of the abuses of Labor (Pegler, and then from the present writer for instance) were unjustly la­ and his associates at NCWC but belled 'anti-labor'. The New with little or no assistance from World could undo a great wrong most of thefr critics. l>y correcting such a misconcep­ ,tl.on. The 'Labor-Priests' had ,their opportunity, but failed to, PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Con­ utilize it." FaD R!ver's Largest

struction of a two-million dollar 1% Years A~o

science center by LaSalle Col­ Printers and Lithographers

, The present writer published lege here has been, announced • strong condemnation of labor ,by Brother' E. Stanislaus" presi­ School Books racketeering in a column dated' dent of the liberal arts institu­ Feb. 11, 1946; which reads in tion for men conducted by the 62 'County St., 'Fan River ,part: "Anyo!1e who follows the Christian Brothers. Tel.' OS 4-3525 Jabor movement even c~ual1y will recognize • . • that Mr.' ~~.Jer, whatever our opinion of SUMMER STREET bis tactics and his over-an eco­ nomic philosophy, has probably written considerably more fact than fiction about union rack­ eteering and that Communism 591 SUMMER ST.

does continue, to exert itS pain­ Ne~ Bedford VVY 3-1346

ful influence'in a certain sectioD -'t's a ~hale or a drinJ(' of 'the labor movement. These All BUDdies Insured While

and similar abuses are in fact so in Our Possession

17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS thoroughly reprehensible that one can only wish that the BEST SINCE 1853 friends of labor were always as WE DELIVER

'interested in eradicating them An EASTER Wish as are its enemies. ' CALL

"The American .labor move­ May the Joy of the Easter

WY 9-6264 mEmt isn't as strong as it ought Season

and 9-6265 to be- . '. . , but it is probably

Pastoral Advocates Freedom for People

R. E. Smith Co.



Science Center








stronger today than ever before iIi the history of the United States. For good or bad, it has taken on in recent years a kind of semi-legal status, and accord­ ingly if it hopes to forestall . . . hampering legislation . . . , it would do well to denounce and discipline those of its leaders, who show as little public re­ sponsibility or, if you will, as much deliberate and calculated irresponsibility as was exhibited. by the officer of X union in their recent demonstration of naked economic power. ,"This type of irresponsible leadership is the exception and not the rule. For the sake of the decent majority, it ought to ' be called to task immediately." Record Disproves Charge Note that htis was written 11 years before the McClellan Com­ mittee came into existence. Dur­ ing the intervening years similar

Bring ,lasting peace to you Emily C. Perry

Hiram Wheaton

KEATING'S 562 COUDty Street

Opposite St. LawreDce Church

New Bedford. Mass.

and Sons, Inc. 45 SCHOOL Sf. At So. First St.




for the BEST DEAL in a

Ford Car or Truck




Purchase St.

New-Bedford, Mass.

Congressman Says Tax, Exemption ,ToPrivoteSchoOI5 :15 Bargain SACREMENTO (NC) - COD­ gresSman Clair Engle of Cali_­ fonda mid here that tax exemp­ tion ,of' private schools "is • good bargain and shouldn't be undermined." Rep. Engle declared: "In my view, the tax exemption, these scbools receive is 'little enough recognition for the burden they lift off the back of every tax­ payer in the state." He said "the record is clear" that private, nonprofit sch,ools "render a substantial public ser­ vice." He added that "the ratio between, the actual saving in public school taxes-$118,OOO,OOO -and the tax exemption granted nonprofit schools~$1,800,OOO ­ is 65 to ,I, according to the State Board of Equalization and State Controller's statistics." "I think this is 'a good par­ gain," lie concluded, "and, shouldn't' be undermined." 'The California Register-Paja­ ronian has charged an organiza­ tion which advocates taxing private schools with circulating incorrect information. The daily newspaper described a press release from "Californi­ ans for Public Schools," as say­ ing the U. S. Supreme Court h:is held tax exemption for parochi­ al schools is unconstitutional.

The newspaper Said • letter was sent to "Californians for Public Schools" r~uesting evi­ dence to support the statement. The publication said • reply from the organi:z;ation's northern California chairman conceded he did not know of any legal basis. "We haven't had a peep of further explanation," said the Register-Pajaronian. "Californians for Pub 1 i c Schools" is spearheading an ef­ fort to reimpose property taxa­ tiOI} on private, nonprofit schools below the collegiate level. This tax was lifted in 1956. California was the 'last of the 48 states to exempt such schools. The California Republican As­ sembly and the executive board of,the Democratic State Central Committee have adopted reso­ lutions saying it is against the public interest ~o reimpose prop­ f:lrty taxes on private schools.

Red Poles POZNAN (NC)-Polish Catho­ lic students continue to be re­ fused, government permission to form a students' organization despite the fact that such per­ mission has been granted to atheist groups now active iD ac­ ademic circles here.





The ehalice of the Mass Is at onee a glorious symbol of the love of Christ for each of us and a vibrant means of our sanctification. The night before He died. the Son of Man raised the chalice of His Blood and thus began the final days In which His love for us would lead Him to the death of the Cross. The ralslnr of the Chaliee In the Upper Room is eontinued in the Saerlfiee of the Mass:. It Is through this offering of Christ that we have His life today and the pledge of His glory on the morrow of eternity. At the Holy Sepul­ ilher, early OD Easter morn, His Beatitude. the Latin Patriarch will offer' a Pontifical Mass for you, your loved oneS. and for your spe­ elal intentions. Immediately following the Patriarch, ten of your missionaries will each offer a Mass for the same intention. In this way the Patriarch and your missionaries will beg the Risen Saviour to bless all of you who have made their work possible by your gen­ erous support of the appeals of the Holy Father for the welfare 01 , the Oriental Church. YOUR MISSIONARIES TELL THE WORLD OF THE RISEN




"'TWO HUNDRED FAMILIES have been received into the Chnrch.

and fifty morefa~iliea are onder I~structlon." Archbishop Mar

Gregorios reported to lIB in a recent letter. "The Chureh Is makinc

,creat progress in this important db of KwathupuZha (South india)," be continues. "but this ereates a serious problem. For HIDe yean we h"v~ beeaa~leto Use an ab~doned 'shed ,for a Ch~-:-bat.tb. creat namber ,of eonvens are literally crowdlq as oat 01 the Bouse ,., GOd." An .adequate Church w1ll ClOSt $%,000. Can you share your

Joy 01 Easter with these poor people...:.. will 700 help them' build •

.proper . . 'Church for . the ,Risen Christ to Ih'e 'limon I' them!



Jaeob and Paul are burnin.- at this moment te tell tlle world of Ole RIsen Christ and His love for all 'men-BUT~the, cannot be­

do their seminary studies (at Alwaye, In­

dia) until a generous benefaetor ~II pledge

$600 for each to pay the necessary expenses

during the six year eourse. On Easter morn.

Sister Liliane and Sister Denise prayed for

a benefactor who would make It possible

for them to bring the Risen Christ to the

poor of Lebanon. Each has need of $150 a

year for two years to pay the expenses of

novitiate training. You ma, pay the total

amount iD instalimeDts while your "Easter child" Is_preparing by

prayer and study to bring C~rist to the world.


A WEEK . , . CAN




Innocent child who has received Him for the' first time in the Sao­

rament of His Love. Many children In the Near East need a new

suit or a dress for First Communion Day. Their parents are pennI­

less and cannot help them-wlIl you share your Easter Jo)' with

them? Ten dollars will bur a complete outfit for one ehlld.

GIVE TO WIN THE WORLD FOR CHRIST. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK ••. EVERY LlTTLB HELPS • . . this Is the thought behind our DOLLAR-A-MONTH MISSION CLUBS. The dues are only a dollar each month, BUT. with many generous souls eontributiag we are able to do a great deal for the missions and for the poor people of ' the Near East. Chapels are furnished (Monica Guild), starvin&" ehildren fed (Or­ phan'. Bread), priests educated (Chrysostoms), nuns are prepared for the missions (Mary's Bank), old folks protected (Palace of Gold). Would )'ou care to share :four Easter Joy In this "painless fashion?"



Msgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat" Sec',

Send all communications to:


New York 17, N~ Y.

480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.

....- ... ~




Debates Continue

Spotlighting Our Schools JESUS MARY ACADEMY. Sandra Mandeville, a junior, ac­ FALL RIVER companies at rehearsals. Sister Alumna Jeanne Dumont 'S'1 Vitalienne, SS.CC., is the in­ received her diploma from the structor. National School of Aeronautics, The annual scholarship exam­ Kansas City, Missouri on last -ination will be held at 9 A.M.' Eighth Friday. Miss Dumont completed Saturday, April 19. the course of study and practice graders of academic ability and good moral character are eligi­ prescribed through a correspond­ ence course in the early part of ble. Application blanks may be May '57. She spent the ,month obtained from the principal of each candidflte's school or direct of February in Kansas City visit­ ing various places o.f interest in from the' academy. These blanks the field of aeronautics and will should be filled out and returned on or before Tuesday, April 15. be interviewed in Boston by Miss Louise Mahoney, Latin authorities on airline hostess. Jeanne Dumont is the daughter teacher, attended the 52nd an­ of Mr. and Mrs. Luc Dumont, nual meeting of the Classical 401 Barnes Street, Fall River. :Association of New England at She will address the Senior ClaSll Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., last weekend. The prin­ '58 on the interesting points con­ cipal address at the two-day cerning her course. meeting was given by Rolfe Seniors Cecile Nadeau, Clau­ Humphries of Amherst College. dette Nadeau, Muriel La Chap­ ,. elle, Annette Parent, Doris S'l\ MARY'S HIGH

Mathieu wP' visit the Campbell TAUNTON

School, New Bedford next Tues­

During "Know Your Bank day. Week," the Juniors and Seniors Twenty members of the Sodal­ in the Business Department, un­ ity entertained the old folks at der the direction of Sister Stella Bayside, Fall River, recently. James, S.U.S.C., were given a Senior Catherine Goulet will tour of the Bristol County Trust participate in a United SUItes Company, Taunton. The girls History competitive examination were shown the Bookkeeping BPonsored by the Exchange Club Department, the va1Jlt, ·the Loan of Fall River on Friday, April Department, the night deposi­ 11 at 9 a.m. at Durfee High tory, and other phases of bank­ School. ing. Senior Doris Dupont was With the closing of the fourth awarded a Spelling Certificate marking period, the honor roll by the Massachusetts Chapter was posted. The Seniors had.the of the National Office Manage­ highest number" eighteen, and ment Association for having at­ also led high honors with eight. tained the highest rating in three The Juniors led the honor group, business spelling examinations. and the Sophomores the honor­ Miss Dupont attended a ban­ able mention division..

quet sponsored by the repre­

The Glee Club practised the sentatives of the NOMA recently music designated for the Palm at Stevenson's. She 'was accom­ Sunday procession, in order that panied by senior Lorraine St. the girls might be able to con­ Georges who took part in a tribute to the Palm Sunday round-table business discussion. services in their various parishDoris Dupont is the daughter . es. Also, in accordance with our of Mrs. Lorretta Dupont of Fall Holy Father's wishes, the" stu­ River, an honor student at Jesus­ dents were' taught. the proper Mary Academy, and is a member _ responses for "all Holy Week of the Honor Society. She ex­ services. pects to enter a secretarial career

SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY. in the near future.

FALL RIVER Honor Roll S.H.A. bowed 'to Coyle High Grade eight: Phyllis McMillan, debaters in a debate at the Claudette Beaulieu, Jeannine Academy. Mary Jane CollWlS Picard. and Barbara Levesque upheld Grade nine No. 13: Jacqueline the negative side for S ..H.A. Allard, Madeleine Lacroix, Mu­ . Senior retreat will be held at riel Levesque. Cathedral Camp the weekend of Grade nine No. 15: Muriel St. Amand, Diane Cote, Diane April 18. Seniors at St. Mary'. High School will join, with the Ouimet. Academy girls. Grade 10: Claudette Baraby,

Sister Mary Hortense, S.U.S.C., Pauline Beaulieu, Annette CU8­

Sister Anne Thomas, ineau, Patricia Lefleur, Pauline and Le BOeuf, Dorothy McMillan, S.U.S.C., attended the Steinman Yvette Mercier, Georgette Nunes, Visiting Poets Series' at Boston College recently when Rot>ert Pauline Roy, Lise Toupin.

Frost gave a reading _of his Gra<je 11: Claire Delisle, D0­

poems on the occasion of hil lores Larrivee.

' Grade 12: Doris Dupont, Cath­ 84th birthday. Eight new members will be erine Goulet, Muriel La Chap­

Initiated on Wednesday, April elle, Doris Mathieu.

16, into the Quill and Scroll, an Honorable Menti~n international honorary society Grade nine No., 15: Collette for high school journalists. Fer­ Jusseaume, Aice Cote.

Danda Carreiro, Rita Louise Grade 10: Vivianne Dion, Eil­

een Grillo, Claudette Lapointe,

Doris Letendre, Colette Posey.

Grade 11: Jocelyn Cyr, Cecile

Ducharme, Diane Duquette, JUd­

ith Goulart.

Grade 12: Annette Jusseaume,

Gertrude Lavoie.

FOUR. CENTURY TRADITION: HeinriCh MOt"oder of Ortisei, Italy, carries on a 400 year family tradition as he carves a lindenwood-crucifix. NC Photo. awarded a partial scholarship to Providence College. Roger plans to enter the medical field. He was first of his class last term, and he is also on the Prevost High Debate Squad. Shacady News Staff - Lynne Prevost defeated J.M.A. in a Collins, Rita Faria, Janice non-league debate concerning Wojcik, Louise Banks, Lucretia· foreign aid. Richard Durette Carreiro; Anchorites Staff - ' and Maurice upheld the negative Janice Faria; Janua Staff­ for Prevost. . Leslie Salvo, Barbara Levesque. Prevost was host to Holy The volleyball team won its Family High School of New first victory when it defeat~d Bedford in a Narry League de­ bate. Prevost emerged victori­ Mount St. Mary's team at Dart­ ous and won unanimously. Af­ mouth High School. New Bed­ ford Vocational and Fairhaven firmative for Prevost: Ronald A. scored a victory over S.H.A. this, Valcourt and Paul E. Lambert. week. In a junior varsity debate, Junior and Senior Sodalists Prevost emerged victorious as Paul Charland and John Mc­ attended a meeting at Jesus­ Nerney defeated Susan Koch and Mary Academy. Rule 34 per­ taining to daily duties was the Louise Dumont of Holy Family. topic of discussion. .. HOLY FAMILY HIGH, NEW BEDFORD PREVOST HIGH, The Debating Club bowed to FALL RIVER Prevost High of Fall River in a This week, the student body debate in Fall River'. is praying for the beatification The regular weekly Talks for of the Venerable John Marie Teenagers held at the Kennedy Robett De La Mennais, founder Memorial Catholic Youth Cen­ of th~ Brothers of Christian In­ ter on Sunday nights have been struction. These teaching bro­ well attended by eligible Holy thers have been instructing Pre­ Family students, but last Sunday vost students for thirty years all Holy Familyites who could now. attend were there to hear Father Seniors Ronald A. Valcourt and Roger Raymond have been chosen to take the annual schol­ arship exam on American His­ i tory given by the Fall River Exchange Club. Souza, and Mary Louise O'Neil, present members of the Mother Helena Chapter, will preside at the ceremony. The ,new me~­ bers include the following:

LISLE (NC) - His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, newly appointed Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, has been honored here by St. Pro­ copius Abbey for his work fur Catholic unity. The Archbishop of Chicago was awarded the abbey's Uniias Medal by Benedictine Abbot AmbroseL. Ondrak. The citation accompanying the medal said that Cardinal Stritch "has incessantly striven with heart and mind for the extension and preservation of Catholic unity." Church Example In accepting the award, the Cardinal said "the modern world needs a concept of the monastic role of 'pray and work'." "The real unity in the Church is the acceptance of the Divine origin of the Church," he stated, "and its test is the acceptance, by all, of St. Peter as the first vicar of Christ.' ' He added that an example of the Church's unity today. is the new post given him by His HoB­ neSs Pope Pius XII, whereby he becomes the first American-born Cardinal to serve in the Vatican Curia. Cardinal Stritch is scheduled to leave Chicago April 15 for Rome to take up his duties as Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Propaga­ tion of the Faith., Hogan, former director of the school. The Sodalists are much im­ pressed and very grateful for the generous response' to, their ap­ peal for material to be made into bandages for the Leper col­ ony. A Sodalist Retreat is sched­ uled for April 25 and 26 to be conducted' by Father Rooney• S.J., at Cathedral Camp. Pla~ at this time are tentative, but much interest has been shown by the Sodalists. Susan Craig, editor of the MARIA, and her staff report that the yearbook has gone te press.






.BOWEN'S Furniture Store


21 Bedford St.

Di::':; 6.8246

Citizen's Savings Bank: BuRdin,

Fall River, Mass.'


. owner/mgr. 142 Campbell St. New Bedford, Mass.




Sales - Service :- Installation ,MAIN OFFICE- 10 DURFEE ST., FAll RIVER

Phone OS 5-7484' Eyery Wednesday and Friday is Fish Day STUFFED QUAHOGS


Cape Cod Steaming CLAMS 2 qts.­

95 c MacLean's for

39c pkg.


Award. Cardinal Unitas Medal


SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FAIRHAVEN Student.s are busily rehearsing

for their 11 th annual spring

concert, which will be held in

New Bedford High School AUdi­


The program-A Cavalcade of

Songs-is scheduled for 8:15

P.M. Sunday, April 27. The glee

club will be assisted by 16 pro­

fessionals, members of Musici­

ans Local No. 214 A. F. of M., of

which Adolph Coimbra is the

president. This will be the sec­

ond year that the choral group

will have orchestral accompa­


-As usual there will be a wide

'Y8riety of selections including

religious, patriotic, classiC! and


The concert--a take-off on the

famous Fred Waring Show-will

be directed by Edmond H. Des­

rosiers, who has been director

of the glee club since Its incep­

tion. The accompaniSt will be

:Mias Dora 1.. Sullivan. '49, :a.u.


Thurs., April 3, 1958








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I 16.

Balancing the Books


Story of' Irish

Spirited but Sketchy Book


~!hurs., April 3, 1958



St. Thomas -More

Saints In Crosswords - - - - - - By- Henry Michael -


By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Leonard Patrick O'Connor Wibberley-quite a name!

It belongs to the author of a new book' which, under the

title "The Coming of the Green" (Holt $3.50), undertakes

'to tell "the triumphant story of the Irish immigrant in

America." The book is a of 'other national' backgrounds

spirited but sketchy affair, who followed them here.

There are a nUmber of inac­

ancommonly readable but by no means' completely curacies in Mr. Wibberley's book.

eovering the subject.·It is. at its For example, he _speaks of a

best when the story is least Father Matthew Thornton as

"the great reformer and· preacher triumphant i.e., ­ of abstinence." SlU'ely he means In describing Fattier Theobald Mathew? For the conditions various sweeping statements In 'Ireland there is no documentation which drove whatever. people out, and After Entering

the hardly bet­ ter conditions

Some years ago Father George

which faced.

L. Kane .edited a book called

NO MORE BRACES: Fol­ them on their

WhY' I Entered the Convent in arrival here. lowing. the earthquake of which 21 religious sisters re­ The land in counted the emergence of their 1927, s e ri 0 u s structural Ire I and had respective' vocations. Now in weaknesses in the Bas.ilica' laeen preempt­ Melody in Your Hearts (New­ ed by the Brit­ man. $3), he has persuaded 13 of the. HoI y Sep.ulchre, tish invaders. "By the beginning of them to tell of their lives in Jerusalem, were discovered, el the nineteenth century ••• - threatening danger to wor­ religion. "'CROSS It BI....k. T1....... boldll' TRIED BY twenty, or thirty ·tenants often 1 M.... book eo.1 derlnU... • Trr TIIB B008. Five of the 13 are teacheR. , shippers, and to th~ building " Deaery U IDdlvldual. 1& S.vored

OF ......_ lhared a farm that· a few dec­ One is now a nurse after ,having itself..Entrance to the Basil­ 11 ... wood,. &,r_ as PereaOlloa DOWN

ft Warbllll edes previously bad supported put in years as a ~ac~er. One

17 BlS MOST la.nameD" ! SII..... U B.tebe4 ....... ica shows a' typical suPWrl- ' FAMOUS " HE 8AID . . i N.'he (.aJIlIrt 61 BIS kat one farmer and his family." is a director of college admis­ BOOK WAS GOD'S Coadll.torr .. ~~~.It'O• • The Irish were reduced to· sions. One works with' retarded work holding part of the U S&, Pblllp _ FlB8!' • ~:;'.,~a..... '" HE WAS lleggary and bounded.' by mon­ children. Two are nurses. One building, in place. Restora­ ::OWAS .......p a _ IRLD lit' 7Ra '.ous injustice; They began to serVes lepers in the Fiji Islands. tion will mean removal of' , WN roB -live 0:1' ~ ~.~ ~ til ~~::g,~ ~d for America. The horrible One is a medical'missionary. ODe these temporary supports. . It -8keU. 18 Rapfd-llrl... LARD .. ClImbl .... , lunine in the middle of tite cen­ i8 in social service. .

ZI Oreek Ie"" . .mall .... • 1,.t1a ....wl P'" ,"a' , lory spurred emigration. By 1850

.IM BaaDe... II hODlte .., 8&a_,. pone.. It A considerable range' of work, III Period of tI_ dar.'lo. 10 1'elpa . 11 IDd _ lio_ tbere were alm~st a million and a' considerable i-ange, toO, N Rail ' a Dlad_ 11 HI!: DIICD BY as SbID•• 'Irish-born in the United States, ot experience and personality,­ Z8 CIea n ." Golf _ . . .

811:11'10 IN 1.' • Rl'brld liS­ II Free

D ~ad...1.11... II AI..o. ...... _d by 1880 almost two million. are exemplified ill this' book. eMU. It IIDpeI .....

U italt af . . .1. . . Ne_Iltr LONDON (NC)':"-Rev. 'Charles .. Relp ., OI"'-Ilre41


1'1 Weoc1l'

Problem Remains Generally the- tone ia light­ Alfred Clemence Hann, head of II Sfa.ll' per.oa'

U TiD,,· .......

PU... D'"

~T=o-m--aketll~ney'-Wiiii""iii hearted. Whether the task ia a leading Anglican theological II SavIor III slim 11 11111..,,, lit Tu&,le4 . If J.:1.vste4 • BIS ......._


• Vlotlllll

teaching creative writing ill ~palling problem. First the - eollege for the past seven yea.... WAS azna. U Simpleton.

a BlClCutIo.....

.e<:es.sary money had to', be Maryland or building a hospital bas been received into the Cath­ • AUw~ted INQ TB. N IUDd of ....

III Re.. "'..ea

.. Coatalaer KING It ... oenal

III in India, the sisten take it ill olic Church.

lIttaped together; then th~ gaunt­ U 60w. . . . " UDlt 01...... 18 II...'. D.....

6'7' U.lli of .......

stride and gaily. me... u r e : a t wn. p'a_ .. Co. . ., . let of conscienceless crooks at

Mr. Hann, who was rector of II Pu'.n IIn.r­ 11 W.rm drlllt: • Rom.......d _ 7. TarrltoV)'

tile ports had to be run; there r' Joyful Diseover:r the Church' of England seminary lor lid< of CI'Op. 71 Small bear

U MOil. .,. 0.11 II Roalldl

n 01 followed a. long journey ill The reason is the preparatio.. at Lichfield, near Birmingham, 16 Tbl In fa RE WAS'" 81 BoD& U UDlted S..... . abOminable vessels 'whose holds U Bmplo,.. ' SKIJ,LJ.:D _ _ 81 lIa.leal of America was staying' at Downside- Bene-. they had in the noviate and the .. V.....,I a0e4 .. 711 Hldd.,D las'n....... <.bbr.) were literally pesthouses. flow of graces in eommunity' dictine Abbey in western Eng­ M.... 81 App!"r.,Dt III Propo.IUo. 75 Food oa.... Once on these shores, the Irish life. several of the contributo~ land. It is reported he is con­ In Und"r.. II Prep.re4I S8 Domin..... 78 llali:e 1_ Iboo& agala sa n Poem Were not rid of the problem. In speak frankly of their early days sidering studying for the Catho­ • T _ • . Confroa. II HE WAS XOT 11 A oaiM Mil' port 'cities too, they. w~ in .the convent, especially the lic priesthood. fleeced and exploited. They were difficulties in. adjustment to' a A farm w,orker in Alberta. Solutioll OD Page Elchteell forced into ghastly living quar­ very different way of lifil. But Canada, in hiS youth, Mr. Hann ------------.:------::.------------==

te'i-s: Jobs were hard to get and they dwell on the patience and is now 5J and has been an . keep. In .speaking of the de­ kindness of their superiors, and Anglican clergyman for 2 years. IPOndency of the newcomers and He was quoted in the daily ­ th~ir own joyful discovery that llae resort by some of them to press as saying that the "straw unsuspected happiness followed .rink, Bishop John Lancaster .. that broke the camel's back" was upon the necessary adjusur.ent. Spalding said,. "The perfectly Sister Catherine Joseph, S.P., . the. recent Anglican- Church de­ ..mer would die from mere loat~ says that "the important thing , cisiol\' to take no action against log of life." about convent life is not what a vicar who married a divorced But· the vast majority weath­ you do but whylyou do it. Con­ woman. "I completely and their desperate lot. They vent life is not really something utterly disgusted.," Mr. Hann It_ung on, fought their way. up­ to live through, but Someooe .. ·told news!'ften. .ard. They contributed materi­ live for.': " " al.li to the. progress of this Taste of Life . ~untry. On ·this point Mr. Wib­ Sister M. Paschala, O.P., ten. berley is fairly explicit, and h~ of a' woman 'who said of her South NEW YORK (NC)-Tbe 15th dOes, not minimize the bitter when she was' -a young. nun, DIt national eonference of diocesall p~judice to which the Irish were "Poor child! She'll never 'have a Boy Scout chaplains will be held Ilibjected, or the real reaSOlla tas~e of li~e." She adds, "I wish here April 9 and 10. More thall for it. OF NEW BEDFORD

I could meet that woman now! 150 delegates from all over the ae gives a great deal of space If there is anything that the con­ MAIN BANI( PURCHASE AND WilLIAM STREETS

to the Irish in the Civil War. Of . vent doe's for you, it gives you country are expected to ~ttend 11-0- , ~ Depoftt lJUlKrG_ CorpcwGCWa the meeting, which- will feature the foreign-born who fought in . a rich and 'varied taste of life." discussions of .wilYs in wh,ich the the Uriion" ranks, well over a . Sister Paulette Fortier, S.G.M., scouting program ean be made third were from Ireland, and says that the, nursing sister more effective in the live. 01. this does not include those of learns "to become less of the Catholic boys. Irish stock born in the United world and more lor the world ,,' States. Their bravery soon be­ Here is copious evidence, win­ came legendary. nin~ly presented, of the unique Mr. Wibberley discusses the fulfillment religious life' brings . The 0nl'Ji Catholic College in the Diocese of Fall River CONTRACTORS famous Draft Riots of 1863; to those who enter it. A delight­ whicQ. have been considered a fully human book, it' is shot -and black mark on the record of the ·through with the presence and Irish. But they' were in protest the love of God. BUILDERS iagainst a grossly unjust con-,

aeription act, which provid~d

that a man might escape being John B. , drafted by paying the govern­ GUARANTEED ment $300.

In short, the rich could put

. up $300 while the poor put up SERVICE - REPAIRS their lives. 'And who were the and Sons, Inc. Member R. T. T. G. poor? They were, of course, the

JAMES· E. NORTON OSTERVILLE ' immigrants, largely the Irish."

He also gives extended treat­ 46 Middle Road G~dell 1-85Ot ment to the Irish miners and the Acushnet wY 5-7548 notorious Molly Maguires, show­

ing that the criminal violence of'

the latter was provoked by

heinous; mistreatment of the

Our Lady of 5ton~hill

miners by management which


had the government. and the

courts securely in its pocket.

V~t01"S Ar~ Always' Welcome

Lacks Documentation-

HELP YOUR COllEGE TO GROW The Irish in better days get less attention. This undoubtedly

is because they were by then

~-----------Re~. THOMAS C. DUFFY, C.S.c. no longer imm'igrants but es­

Business Bleakfasts, Parties

Du-et:torof Building Fund SttmehiU ColU". ta\;!lished Americans. The author

does not fail to note that, vic­

Avai'c.ble for' Social Organiations

PHONE CEdar 8-2221 ' tims of discrimination .them­

NORTH EASTON, MASSACHUSms selves, the naturalized Irish,

were frequently hostile.to ~

.. :::an'.

:,,,:;lID." ...




Anglican Theologian Becomes Catholic





,Boy.ScoutChaplains Convene Next Week











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1.1 .,'


JEnemies of God THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., April 3, 1958






Continued from Paa-e One

The Marches are known, not to

abandon their sacred national

tl'aditioDs and not to fall "ictim

to the fear being spread about

that "Christianity may take

from Caesar what Ia Caesar'.."

Heart of Church

Saying that be wished to pro­ pose thoughts to them which would help them to be "g~ Marchigiani, good Italians and good Christians," he cautioned them, in the same order, against provincialism, against the loss of a world outlook, and the 10811 of family values. "Italy, conceived and willed by God as· the seat of the Church," the Pope said, "was the object of His special love and one of His special actions. Thus, . no other nation has its destinies so closely linked with the work of Christ as has Italy • • • but precisely because the heart of the Church is in Italy, it can easily be understood· that the enemies of God press their ef­ forts to spread the discord of subversion and the poison of batred in this country." Good Italians with a world outlook must also be good Chris­ tians, the Pontiff pointed out, for there is only one way of giving attention to the world, "while .till loving your province and your country: you must become conscious of one supreme real­ ity-the Church." Anti-Clerical Campaign The Pope called upon his listeners to become good Chris­ tians by making their families living members of the Church. He said th!lt the Holy ,House of Loreto, which stands in The Marches region, should be their inspiration .for following the Holy Family. Referring to the present anti­ clerical campaign, he said: "There are people m Italy who are worried because they fear that Christianity may take from Caesar what is Caesar's. As if to give Caesar what is his were not the command of Jesus; as if the legitimate soundness of the laity in that state were not one of the principles. of Christian doctrine; as if the continlled effort to keep the distinction as well as thc unity-a unity which is al~ays in keeping with honest principles - between the two' powers (Church and State) were not a tradition of the Church; as if history itself had not shown that the mixing of the sacred and thc profane were not always the more strongly felt when a part of the faithful' had separated themselves from the Church."

Special Teacher,


Continued from Pa&'c One generosity of Duvernay Council 42 of L'Union S1. Jean Baptiste d'Amerique, whose members have become very active and interested in her efforts and have .upplied the special equipment she needs. She finds film strips extremely effective and uses them especially in teaching phonics and science. Each E'riday is devoted to manual training or shop work. The current project of the boys is a flag stand for the parish Boy Scout troop, of which her pupils are members. Each completed project is placed on exhibition at the troop meetings. It is planned to give the boys special instruction so that they can meet the tenderfoot and second class requirements. Preparation tor Sacraments Among her other duties Sis­ ter Gabrielle Lucie has volun­ teered to hclp a young nun make the altar boy program more efficient. Under her guidance the number of boys seeking ad­ mission into this group is mount­ ing and she is now making plans to enroll all of them in. the Knights of the Altar. She is giving instructions to 'six members of her special class in preparation for receiving' the Sacrament of Confirmation, and on Holy Thursday, a 21-year­ old Mongoloid who has res­ ponded to her patient effort and instructions will receive b~ First Holy Communion.

Science Fair ConUn1led from Paa-e ODe that we shall hold our First An­ nual Diocesan Science Fair on April 24 and 25, 1958 in the Dominican Academy Auditori­ um, 37 Park ;Street, Fall River. We have chosen the dates and the place so that the teachers attending our Convention will also be able conven,iently to viait the Fair. It will also be open to the public. The pdmary pu~ of the

win be permitted to send In one exhibit for every fifty pupils of its total enrollment. We shall accept only material that is being .exhibited for the first time. The only exception to this rule will be that a school may have its own Fair for the purpose of selecting its repre­ sentatives to the Diocesan Sci­ ence Fair. . The basis for judging the best exhibits will follow rather close­ ly the standards used by the Massachusetts Science'Fair Com­ mittee..

Fair will be to encourage our science students to pursue their studies beyond the limits of the high school curriculum and by personal investigation and study .to produce original .achieve-:­ ments in the field of science. Although we must still work out some of the detail of the plans, we are sending you the following. definite information which you may give to your students. The detailed plan will be released as soon as compiled. The number of exhibits will be limited. Every high school









The following awards win he made: First Prize-$lOO.OO; Sec­ ond ,Prize-$50.00; Third Prize -$25.00. These awards will be made directly to the students and not to the schools, The win­ ners of the three awards will be invited to represent the diocese at the Massachusetts Science Fair at Boston. Every student exhibiting will receive a CerU­ ficate of Merit. We sincerely hope that every high school in our diocese will be represented at our Science Fair.


. C

10 TO










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'Il' I" eSCAPE! ,r

, Action Easter Vigil' Shares

18 ' -THE ANCHOR , I I ' Thurs., 'April 3, 1958

where Christ is seated at the wrought redemption for His right hand of God. Mind the' people . . . as He promised Continued from Page"One:And so it continues, the Church's , . things that are above, not 'the through the mouth of His , Into fire an unmistakable ines- happy song of viCtory. , C,"OSSI things that are on earth. For prophets of ol.d." ' age is telegraphed to us: Christ ',. When at last the "E,x,suItet" you have died 'and your life is A moment later and the Easter ' has dispelled the dark,ni'ght of resolves itself in ~ gr~at Am , e~, IA L hidden w'ith Christ in God." Vigil is over. We have cel­ an. The first part of the Easter the people extmguls1:J. their A Then, as tholJgh in- answer to ebrated the '.'Passover" of Ghrist 'Vigil the Light Service has candles and thl'! first part of the St. Paul's message' of hope, we in the most perfect way. And begu~. Easter Vigil is over: sing out the great Easter "Alle- piease note: we were not re­ Fire Blessed Keep in ·mind, as you turn to' ,luia". It is a cry of triumph and hearsing a relic of past ages, the next section of your Holy of joy. And we sing it not once honoring a model of theorists, As the new' fire dances in the ': Week Missal, that this is a' real but three times. Our subdued exploring an archeologists para­ deepy eyes of the altar boys, the "Vigil". It is not a warming-up tones of' Lent are swallowed up dise. This is how the Catholic priest will, bless the fire with ceremony for a midnight MaSs. in this happy song of Easter. Church, 1958, wants the people these beautiful words: "0 God, It is a real time of watching "Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. . ." tbi'ough thy Son, the true Cor- and waiting. In the eaFly days The altar bOy slips across to of God to worship their God. Let us take the lead of our Holy aerstone thou has enkindled in of the Church, Christians spent the other side with the book and Father (82 years young) who has the faithful the fire of thine own the time from sundown till sunthen St. Matthew tells us the not only restored to us this most brightness. Hallow now for our up "keeping vigil." This meant with, clirist in newness of life. joItingnews of the empty tomb. beautiful rite, bU,talso encour­ ase and' profit this new' fire for them three things: looking If therel are any converts to be "He has risen even as He said." aged us to take as active and muck from stone, and grant us, to the'past-Christ's resurrection' baptised, their "rebirth" at this We offer wine and bread at the pl'ayerful part in it as possible. through this Easter feast to be 'from the dead; looking to the most sacred time is most fitting. Offertory', and this God accepts Easter Parade glorifies a .. inflamed with desire for present-their share in this,risen Follo~ing the baptisms (if at the moment of Consecration. " set, The of fashions. , The Easter Vigil heaven that w.e may attain with life through Baptism; and lookthere ar~ any) the candles 6f the The'ncomes the long-awaited glorifies the Risen Christ. Which pure souls to 'the feast of, ever- ing to the future-:-the Second congreg~tion are lighted again moment of our Easter Com­ will it be for you, the Parade lasting brightness." The fire is coming of, Christ. It is unfortu-, for the tenewal of the baptismal ' munion,' and the gap between or the Vigil? Our Holy Father, : then sprinkled .'with holy water nate 'that we modern-'day,Cath- ,vows. Aill stand and listen-to the 'hea'ven' and earth is sacramen­ the real Pa~tor of souls, has made 'and honore'd with incense. ,olics have lost so much,of this priestla\i ,he addresses them in tally bridged. 'Already we are that choice quite .clear. It is' 'With the new 'fire, the Easter, third elemeni, that keen, open":' English. Here we have been living' the life :whichis "life high time that we, the sheep, Candle is now lighted. 'rhis eyed await~ng of'the Coming, of, given sOmething quite' new by', eternal". If ever, there is a 'per­ starting follOWing! 'large', 'Qi-~ate' candle represents 'Christ. "When Christ, your,life, our HolY Father - ,a genuine' 'feet, time for all Catholics to Mil' risen" Lord shining, in the shall appear, then you too will liturgical 'innovation, and in our receive' Holy Communion it is ,.plendor of his, resun:ection. He appear with ,Him in glory';" , ", ,own ~ngl!e. We' raise ,ourthi. night, this moment. ~O JOB TOO BIG ill the new, "pillar 'of fire" lead:" , The 'second part 'of the Easter candles high and renew the VOWI 'Being joined to Christ a~d to \..... big redee-med 'Israel 'out'of the Vigil' begins. This is cailed'tht! made o~ our behalf years ago. eachothet In Holy Communion, NONE TOO SMALL 'bondage of sin into the,'promised Baptlsrmil ServiCe, since it cen,,:, This is • solemn moment. ;'Do" we express our' happiness in ,land of heav'en,' Into this' Candle, ters, ,around' the mystery-, '.jf you rell~unce S,~ta,n? And all his singing together' the Church's the priest, ~uts the sigri ,?f the Baptism-by which,the Light of.' wo["ks? ,DO you ,believe in God inorning praise of 'Laudes. As Cross, togeth!'lr' with ,the first Christ'was first given to us. This" . • . d~ you believe in Jesus puffs of. incense switl around the , and last letters' of the Greek was. the time during ina'f.iy cen-' "Christ? 'Father,' Who art, high altar, the choirsirigs of the: atphabet and' the numbers 1958., tuties'. of the Church's historT ">n heaven.', ." ,After the final "God' Who "has "Visited and The symbolism'here is 'easy: the when the 'converts wei-e' bap:" '''Ainen; t~e-people are sprinkled Mel", Offic~ ,end PI...t "riSen Ch'rist, "the Lord ',9f ail tised.TheY used to "walk down' 'with' Easter water,'and the sec­ ~ LOWELL, MASS. .~" ,should' shine in our lives into the water (a symbol of their ond part of' the Vigil, the 'Bap­ during ,this coming·year,of ,grace. ,death with Christ)' and then'riSe ,tismal S~rv\ce;eomes to a close. Tol_hone Lowe" 'The priest". now enters the to ,newness of -life. " "', -:., ,gesuirectioDMass , GL 1-6333 and GL 7·7500 darkened 'church', candle in', Before' Baptism,' howeve.r, The E~ster'Vigi,1 now reaches ELECTRICAL , band. 'He .lifts it on higha'nd' there, was an instruction' from its climax with the celebration A~xlliary Plant. CONTRA'CTORS sings; "Lumen Christl" ' (Behold, the Old Testament, ,the Litany of of-Holy MaSs, the most beautiful lteilldenUal'_ 'Commerclal ' .~e Light 'of q'lrist!).,All genu- '_the Saints;'and'the' blessing of Mass, of: the' entire' year;' By , BOSTON heet ,toward the candle and ' " , _ "" :,~. Industrial ' answer,' "Deo Gratias'" (Thanks t~e, baptisJ?al vva~er for 'this 'baptism iwe were made s~arers 'OCEANPORT, N. J. ,, 'mght and the commg yea 1'; , In . of the, death and resurrection of, , 633 'Broadw~'y, F~II River PAWTUCKET, R. t. be to ,God.) Amazing, isq't it, the liturgy of the present day' Christ. That now entitles us to , OS 3-1691 how one candle cill1 dispel the there are four, lessons from the become ~hai-ers of his eucharistic ~~~ . darkness? Oid Testament. We sit and read 'sacrifice: , The assisting priests light their this flash-back of the ·history of "Gloria in excelsis Deo," the' candles from the great, Easter our redemption. priest sipgs. And suddenly the Can':le, the procession mov:es to All th~n ~neel for the Litany Church'sl joy becomes electric. the center of the church, arid the of the Saints. Since by Baptism, The full-throated organ 'vies priest sings again, but this time we' enter the communion of with :thJ pealing of the -bells, on a higher note, "Lumen saints, we now ask' them to while a dozen altar -boys ,scram­ ChristL" Again a hearty "Deo assist us to be true to our Bap-: ble to unyeil the church's statues. Gratias" from the people:, The tism. ,The baptismal water is Lent is definitely over... Christ light of Christ is spreading!, The ,exorcised, blessed' and even has risert! Glory to God in the procession moves' to the front anointed, and finally the Easter highest.' of the cnurch, the "Lumen Candle (Christ) is lowered into . The c~lebrant moves again to Christi" is sung for the third it and raised out again, even as the side t of the alt~r and. prays from the

time and the 'candles of ,all in He was lowered into. death and in the name of the people. Fol­ the church are now lighted with rose from the tomb. . lowing this Collect, St. Paul FRANCISCAN FATHERS

the new fire. The Candle-bearer Dramatically before our eyes, speaks td us through the stirring Prayer of ST. FRANCIS of ASSISSI

places the Easter Candle 'in the this splasl!ing urn, of water has words' ofl the epistle "Brethren, middle 'of the sanctuary and become the symbol of death and if you llave risen with Christ, LORD, make' me an instrument of Thy peace.

sings the "Ex'sultet". life: our death to sin and rising seek the things that are above, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where

Rarely do words and music, ' . - ~' , , i ,_,__ ~_ there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, ,blend in so captivating a re.... frain. "This is the very night," I faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness. light; and where there is sadness, joy. singsallthe,who Church, "which deliv.1· ers believe in Christ

o Divine Moster, grant that I may not so much f["om worldly vice and' from

seek to be consoled as to console; to be under­ darkness of sin, which r e s t o r e s ' I " . stood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardon­ them to' grace and makes them co-sharers with ·saints... This is ' , , ' , . ',' ,':, " ' in.g that we are parc;loned, and it is in dying that the night in which Christ burst

we are born to eternal life. the bonds of death and came i

forth as Conqueror 'from, the , ' "

FOR A COpy OF ST. FRANCIS, PRAYER grave. . . 0 truly necessary, sin' ~I ~I WRITE'Tq FR. DAVID J. FLEMING, RECTOR ,of Adam" which the death of I~ Ii Chr.ist has blotted OlJt.'.. . !l ' . " , , 572 Pleasant St. happy fault", that merited" a ' 1'45 Wash'i'1g ton Str~et, Fairhaven. Jus. off 'Route 6" New Bedford Redeemer so holy and so great!" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11••••••••••••••••


'Word Sol....tion










Ii We WI'sh







ARM'S ", ,









i THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., April 3, 1958


Catholic Tourney Splendid

Exhibition of Basketball



Select AU Star Hoop P~ayerS


Somerset High School Coach



High school basketball at its best was in evidence last

weekend at Rogers High gym in Newport, the site of the

21st annual Eastern States Catholic Invitation Tournament.

The official title is actually a misnomer in that a state as

far removed as West Vir- 20 points against the skYScraping

ginia was represented in the Carroll outfit in a 63-61 losing

competition, but ESCIT it's cause. That, as it turned out,

called and that it will be. was-the only time the Caps were

College coaches were a dime fully extended in tourney play.

a dozen at Rogers. Among those A lad that captured the fancy

present we r e of the fans was red-headed

Din 0 Martin, Kevin Reilly of All Hallows.

Boston College, Reilly, built more along the lines

coach of the last of a running guard (5'8", 170

De La Salle Ibs.), was a demon on defense.,

ESCIT Cham-' What he lacked in height, he

pion eight years made up in hustle and aggres­ ago, and himsiveness. On one occasion he

self a member missed flying connections trying

HUNGARIAN PRELATE: Mter giving the opening of the first All- to intercept a Manhattan pass, prayer at the morning session of the U. S. Senate, Msgr. Tourney team skidded almost to mid-court, in 1938; Matt regained his feet and hustled Bela Varga, President of the Hungarian National Council, Zunic, Boston back to take the subsequent at right, chats with Vice-president Richard Nixon, President University; Roy Leeming; Holy rebound. of the Senate, and Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, Chaplain Cross; John Bach, Fordham; Ed Become Collen Sian of the Senate. NG Photo. Markey, St. Michael's, Vt.; Al Leafing through the tremen-

Grenert, St. Anselm's; Ernie dous ESCIT program, we paused

Calverly, R. I.; Bud Miliken, at the section which listed the 0 ICS Maryland; Frank Power, B.C. previous All Tourney Teams, freshman coach, and J~~ Gib- and' going down the rosters I~

bons, yearling mentor 'at Notre through the years we encounNEW YORK (NC)-The inROME (NC) Hungarian Dame. tered the names of many young creasing activity of Catholic or- Catholics greeted the Vatican's The beautiful and spacious men who later went,on to excel ganizations represented at the"" excommunication of three Hu~­ Rogers High gym, modern in in the collegiate and professional United Nations' in promoting garian priests with "deep feel­ every respect and housed in ranks. Perhaps the most notable humanitarian measures along ings of relief and respect for ,the Newport's multi-million dollar are Jack George, Tom Gola, and lines of Christian social doctrine Holy See." , secondary school plant, provided Tom Heinsohn, 'former Allwas emphasized in talks given The Italian Catholic Action an ideal location. Its seating Americans, who are active in here to a Catholic young people's news service said first hand re­ capacity of 1800 proved more pro circles today. ' group. ports from. Hungary indicated than adequate, but only because Offhand it would seem that Miss ~atherine Schaefer, of that Catqolics in that country. most area basketball fans are Holy Cross has been most sucthe NCWC Office for UN Af­ welcomed· as "timely" ·the ex­ evidently unaware of the calibre cessful in attracting, these young fairs, traced the origin and communications of Fa the r s of ball exhibited by the particip- men to its campus. The names growth of non-governmental ac- Richard Horvath, Miklos Beresz­ ating out-of-state teams. Heinsohn, Earle Markey, Joe tion at the UN and stressed the toczy and Janos Mate. The Washington Team Wins 'Early, George Waddleton, Joe increasing work being done by priests V\[ere excommunicated, New York City was repre- Liebler, Matt Forman, to menCatholic organizations. with absolution reserved in a sented by two fine teams, All tion a few, had more than a Dr. Gary McEoin, Catholic au­ special'manner to the Holy See, Hallows and Manhattan Prep; little to. do with the Crusaders' thor and representative at the for refusing to heed a decree of from New Jersey came Qefend- rise to national prominence in UN of the International Catholic the Sacred Congregation of the ing champion and first seeded basketball. Earle Markey, St. Press Union, described the Council, issued last July, forbid­ Trenton Catholic and St. Aloy- Peter's, N. J., '49. Holy Cross union's role in advancing the ding priests. to accept or hold sius, Jersey City; La Salle, Cum- '53, is now Rev. Earle IVJ;arkey, cause of freedom of information governmental posts in Hungary. berland, Maryland, Archbishop S,J., doing missionary work in in.. religious matters. Hungarian Catholics were re­ Carroll, Washington, D. C.- the Philippine Isla·nds. ' UN representatives of other lieved by the excommunication, tourney champion--St. Joseph's, Coaehes Attend ,.Catholic groups discussed t!te· the news service said, because Huntington, West Virginia, and A host of prep and high school activWes of their offices in fields "for some years past whenever host school De La Salle of New- . coaches were in attendance durof.. interest to Catholic women a 'progressive' priest celebrated' port rounded' out the list of ing the tourney's 'three ,day run. and girls, Catholic workers and Mass, ,the faithful as a sign of protest did not attend and did entries. Those seen by the writer. in-Catholic students and intellec­ not apply to him for the admin­ In annexing the title Arch-' eluded the'Rev. Bede Gorman tuals. istration of the sacraments." bishop Carroll High became the and Brother Stephen, PortsA first schooi from 'the Capitol to mouth Priory; Brother Michael, • take top honors. T~e Caps. had .. Coyle; John Harrington; Durfee; , BUFFALO (NC)~ Nearly 600 a relatively easy .hme of It in . H~mLane, Taunton:" J oh n librarians and educators' from COLOGNE (NC) - The num­ the finals, defeatmg. A~ Hal- , O'Brien, 'Somerset,' ari«ci'Nick the United States and. Canada ber .of Sisters 'in Germany has lows, 66-45. For the BIg Ci!y 'Cariglia, Warren. , a r e expected atte~d the annu­ grown from 60,000 in 1920 to al­ school it was the, fifth time 10, ' , CYO C l i ; , ' · a l meeting of the Catholic Lithe finals 'but All Hallows is, ,. ~mplon~, ' . ,"brary, .ASsOciation here from, most 100,000 now.

Cath' I·

Busy ,I n U ..... Work

nnual' Meeting

Holy See Action Grand Jury Charge~. Wins Approval Banned Film Obscene




PHILADELPHIA (NC)"':"Th( controversy here over the sho;"­ ing of a movie cond'emned b~ .'the National Legion of DeceJ1(:~'

took a fresh turn when ih(·

March Grand Jury charged the

film is obscene. '

Managers of two center-cit~' theaters were indicted' 010 charges of possessing an'd dis­ playing an obscene motion pic­ ture, "And God Created Worrian," Indictments were returned after the grand jury, composed of ninf women and seven men, viewe<~ the film.,

BOWLING • SKATING: ,Special Arrangements For


Sisters Double


ltill seekirg ~third .leg on and, OUr La9Y of. the .Assumpt~on " April' 8 through lL

permanent -possession of the annexed the CYO Dlocesan title r;;.;;;;;'~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

BishQp McVinney Trophy. last Thursday night bydefeat,ing

,Few VioJations Santo CliriStos, 62~61, in CYO

Hall, Fall River. The 'victory

We weJ;'e particularly im- gave the New Bedford area its

pressed with the poise displayed second successive·' crown, :St. ,. '

by not one, but all of the teams Mary's of Fairhaven hav'ing

'. ,. I in the competition.' They played taken top honors last Year. Dave

the game with a "savvy" that Duarte,', lanky OLOA' pivotman,

CITIES SERVICE could have been inbred only led the New Bedford contigent


through years of experience. It with 27 points,. high for. the

was mentioned Plat New York game. He had plenty of, he~p.

City schools don't play much however, from John Silveira and

Gasoline football which, no doubt, tends Diniz, who posted 15 and ]2

to place greater emphasis on respectively. Tony Avilla tossed

Fuel and Range basketball. But whatever the in 20 points to spearhead' the

reason, those boys really knew Christos' offense. Len 'Nicolay

their way around. . with 11 and Ron Avilla, 10, were

Seldom was a ball thrown other Fall Riverites to hit double

OIL BURNERS away; violations were few; plays fi~res.

were utilized time and again; G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS rarely were poor shots taken. '!"

The high school' "gunner" was

For prompt delivery significant by his absence. Good & Day & Night Servke

height was something each team possessed. Champion Carroll

MAKES YOUR Rural Bottled Gas Service

High was singularly fortunate, however, having John Thomp­

CAR RUN BETTER 61 COHANfI.!ET ST. son, a 6'9" sophomore, and Tom


At New Car Dealers Hoover, a growing junior at

and Service Stati,ons Attleboro - No. Attleboro'


Small )\fen Good, Too

Taunton Everywhere Neither was awkward despite

his youth. And both boys had

good weight which made them

that m u c h more effective.

Thompson scaled J98 and Hoov­

er, the tourney's Most Valuable

Player, a mere 235. The boy

thnt made the team go, however,

was sophomore guard George

Leftwich, a speedy 6' operative,

who with Hoover was an All­

Tourney selection.

Proving that there's still room In basketball for a talented small '


316 FIFTH ST. man was Vin Ernst of St. Aloy­

lIius. A diminutive 5'8" guard,

, OSborne 4-5698: Ernst had his best night in the

openiD.jj: round r - he tallied


Dame's Johnny Jordan has been

picked as coach-of-the-year anC:

Seattle University's Elgin Bay­

lor as player-of-the-year in thf

Brooklyn Tablet's ninth annua:

Catholic College All-Americar.,

basketball team.

The selections for the Brook­

lyn diocese new/lpaper wert

made by 60 Catholic college

coaches throughout the nation

Teamed with Baylor on the

major college first team wen

_ Tom Hawkins of Notre Dame, M~!te Farmer of San Francisco, Jim Cunningham of Fordhau. and Dayton's Don Lane. Hank, Kuzma of the Colleg(' of Steubenville (Ohio) waf chosen the small college coach­ of-the-year and his own Jim Smith was selected as small col­ lege player-of-the-year. AlS{, voted to the small-college firs', team were St. Peter's Hank M 0 ran 0, Ed. Kazaka~ich 0: Scranton, Ken Leslie of Sal' Diego and Dennis Boone 0: Regis.

~ss~ 91L BURNERS

Also eompJete Boiler-Burner or FUrnace' Units. Elfi~ieDt low cost heating. Burner aDd fuel oil sales and service,'

Stanley Oil Co., Inc. ' t80 ali. Pleasant Street New Bedford) Wl' 3-266'7

The Franciscan

'Fathers '. ,Third Order Regular:",~J' Sf. Francis -' 'Offer to Young Men and ,80)'11 -speciaJ opportunities" tel study for the Priesthood,' LaClit of funds no obstacle For further information. write to






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See MORENCY Wool Tweed Carpet $9.95


sq. yd.

DORSEY LANDSCAPE & TREE, CO. Designing-Planning-Construction Specializing in Church Property




., 20

Stonehill College Fund Increases

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., April 3, 1958

Tape Recording Teaching Plan' Is Expanding NEW YORK (NC) - A new'system of simultaneous, yet 'individualized, teaching by tape recordings, begun


More than $145,062 of a $325,­ 000 goal was reported raised at a meeting of the Family Division of Stonehill College Develop­ ment Fund on the campus. Rev. James J. Sheehan, C.S.C., college president and Family Division chairman, stated that the funds came from 491 donors' repre­ senting an average of $296 each. This goal is part of a $5-mil­ lion development program' being conducted by the college under the direction of Rev. Thomas C. D.uffy, C.S.C. Rev. Ernest P. Royal, C.S.C., ch~irman of the Holy Cross Fathers and Brothers, announced his committee had obtained $5,045 from friends and fam­ ilies of the priests and brothers, over-subscribing their goal by $45. ,The contributions came from 33 donors at an average of $153 each. Faculty and Staff Donors Previously, the college faculty raised $2,202 against a goal of $2,125 under the chairmanship of Dr. John J. Reedy of North Easton. This was followed by the college staff subscribing $3,.14f! against a goal of $2,000 with Miss B. Anne Thomas of Taunton as chairman. Faculty and staff subscribed 100 per cent with the average gift amounting to $198. , I The House Mothers surpassed a $3,000 goal by $65 with Miss Helen M. Derby of North Easto~ as. chairman. The sum raised caine from 19 housemothers who pledged an average of $162 each. The $325,OCO Family Division Fund is for ~ new Student Cen­ ter and Cafeteria now being built on the North Easton cam­ I?us.

experimentally about four years ago, now embraces ten class­ rooms in eight Southern Cath­ olic schools. About 500 students in the four-state network are taking regular instruction by t 11 e method which was started at a school in Covington, La., by a community of Benedictine Sis­ ters. Thus far, visible results from the radically new technique have included: reduction ill the amount of time'a teacher must devote to routine tasks; inten­ sive stimulation of the pupil's thinking processes, and closer attention to the individual stu­ ~er'1:t by the teacher, even in largj. classes. Private Instruction SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR: .All grades are represented in St. Monica's Science' Fair, 'In essence, the system is based Dallas; as Sister Ambrosette helps students set up such displays as cloud formati~n, soil on a classroom that is wired for and rock formation, model radar stations. N C Photo. ' 8Ound.The' pupils' desks have jacks for headsets and the teach­ er sits at a 'console which plays recordings from playback units. Continued from Page One Lessons on the tapes ,- are secondary school department of graded to three levels of learn­ ETIENNE (NC) ~Acting ROME (NC)-Hopes for the the National Catholic Educa­ ing, and the teacher may direct like members of the Ku Klux success of the Christian Demo­ tional Association, held in Chi­ any lesson to a particular pupil Klan, a group of unidentified cratic party in Italy's forthcom­ cago's Palmer House Hotel. or group of pupils. persons tarred and feathered a ing national elections have been Palaces of Today Variations ,from this basic sys­ young priest here, apparently raised by the results of recent Cardinal Stritch said: "Today tem include allowing the teacher to give personal attention, via elections for administr'ative posts there is, a trend toward being because he had taken part in a protest against French policy in in the Rural Social Insurance satisfied with a modern and well the pupil's "private line," to one Services cooperatives. equipped educational institution, Algeria. The priest was Father ef her children who needs extra Marcel Matricon. Approximately 7,000 Italian and unfortunately, this mental help. This can be done without municipalities had to choose be­ complex seems to be spreading." Interrupting the others. Pierre Cardinal. Gerlier, Arch- , tween candidates put up by the Such an attitude is ,a "mis­ bishop of Lyons, has expressed Solve Some Problems Italian Confederation of Private take," he s'aid, adding: "A school, his shock over Father Matricon's Also, the teacher may take a Farm Owners, a Christian Dem~ after all, is a workshop, and mistreatment. IleCtion of the class and work ( ocratic trade union organization, existS to do something for the NEW YORK (NC)-Auxiliary The priest was awakened dur­ with them without tape record­ and the socialist-communist or­ student." , ing the night at his rectory. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of New Ings, while the remainder of, the ganization, the Peasant Alliance. "The palaces of today do not York will deliver an hour-long When he answered the door, a dass is uninterrupted. ' The confederation candidates do the job of the old schools," The new system is aim~d at young' woman standing there . radio address on Good Friday the Cardinal said. "You can't asked him to come to give the night. The Bishop's talk, on the the twin problems of a shortage ,won 902,837 votes, or about 91 cent of the vo~es c~st, against pour education into Ii pupil as Last Sacraments to a dying 'per­ Seven Last Words of Christ, will Of teachers and crowded class­ per into a glass of water.'" be broadcast, from 8:30 to 9:30 rooms. The method is said to' 77,245 votes for the Peasant son. A car waiting to take him Alliance. ' , He pointed out that "the p.m. (EST). effer a multiplication of the to the dying person's home, she teach,er's powers that wil~ permit' , The Confederatio'n 'of Private 'teacher's function is'to develop said. in the pupil what God has put in her to focus upon the individual When the priest got into the Farm Owners, a typ~ of trade him, and whet the appetite for NICKERSON Rudent, regardless of clasS size. union among, farmers who work . , automobile, there were several their own land, was founded in - what i~ good. It's not the' big . other, persons in it, and he no­ FUNERAL and . 4'8 modern school that counts, but ,ticed that ~hey were followed t>y 1· .944 b'.y P aoI' 0 B onoml"a, -, 'the e d ucatlon . h e stu d ent gets ~t' D " ' t ' t " MONUMENT . rls Ian ' emocra IC ' t h " year-o Id Cli , "

another automobile. member of the Italian Parlia-.

t· f th C

eIre't h d -to-fter driving out of, the town, SERVICES M' , . .d th n e e \,lca 100 0 you , ar­ the' cars stopped and Father ,ment. ~~ Bonoml sal, e re­ dinal Stritch 'said, there can be BOURNE·SANDW"CH.·MASS. that -the. great " ma­, Matricon was told to get, out. . z/' . Dr. John' J. Reedy, associate suIts . . showed ' . no "mass pro d uc t·lOn ,as' .III pro­ ducing automobiles," He con~' He was, then st~ipped' to the Serving professor of biology at Stonehill Jonty of Itahan p~lvate" fal;'m waist and tarred and feathered. owners repr~sent the, strongest ,'tinued: "Teaching. must be di­ College, has been awarded a ,CAPE bulwark. aga~nst the advance of rected personally ~nd equally to His assailants then drove off, National Science' -, Foundation .nd Surroundlng Communltl.. ' III rural areas. grant for' research and training . commUnIsm ' , a'II p Upl'1 S" b Ut no t on a mass leaving hini behin~. this .summer. Dr. Reedy' will' 'prod,uction basis." work at the Unniversity of Min­ The Cardinal stressed that nesota:s ,forestry and Biological there'must'be close cooperation COX,CO~ Station' at Lake Itasca. between home and school jn the Inc.

WASHINGTON (NC) A Dr. ,Reedy holds a master's education of a student.- He said seasonable decline in new relig­ degree' and ,doctorate from the that "Catholic doctrine req'uires Fabricators of

ious construction activity oc­ University of Notre Dame, He that the schpol and the home curred during February, accord­ earned his bachelor's degree' in must cooperate in the education science at Niagara University in ing to estimated figures prepared of youngsters." by the Department of. Labor and New York: While at Notre Dame, and Commerce. he conducted 'extensive research New religious construction on wh~ther,l1eredity played any CHICAGO, (NC) - Prisoners dropped from $68 million in part, in s\lsceptibility to polio; at Cook County Jail here have 753 Davol St.,' Fall River January to'$64 million in.Febru­ His 'positive findings were pub­ completed a set of Stations of ary, the figure's showed. The licized nationally and in the OS 5-7471 Banking is Handier the Cross, whIch will be installed February figure was $1 million Journal of l;Ieredity, scientific in the prison chapel. below the $65 million spent on organ of the American Genetics When You Use OU'r new religious contruction inI • A ' , :-)+-:......:..:-X.......:-:......)(-)+.'(..........-:-:..:.............:-:-.. . .-:..:..: ~ &,"-'--._!> Association. ~-f

Dr. Reedy serves as chairman February, 1957, but the January 'i' 'J' ,J ,',~ CONVENIENT of the Science Division and 1958, figure topped the January ,':( ~ 1'-' 1957, figure by $1 m'illion. ..t. member 'of the Academic Coun­ BANK..BY-MAIL Total new construction for ~. cil for Stonehill College. Among SERVICE! the :professional organizatioils February 19117, was up $70 mil- .~ • in which he holds membership lion over that of February 1957, 'i' I, Whether you want _to make are: Society of Systematic Zool­ 'reaching $3,077,000,000. New :t: deposits, take out savings religious construction in the first 1. 't ogy; American Genetics Asso­ 'or make mortgage pay­ ~ y ciation; Society for the Study two months of 1958 equaled that ... " ments you can do it by 6 of Evobtion; American Asso-' for the same period in 1957. And f':' mail This is just one of :

many modern banking ser­ ciation for the Advancement of two per cent more w~s spent ,'.' vices available at THE on total new construction in the

Science. OLD RED BANK, the bank ©

He is a veteran, of World War first tw,o months of 1958' than- in' 'J' that's always first in ser­ n, is married and the father of January and February, 1957. ~: 0<' vice. two children. He ma)tes his home <;:alled For and Oelive~ed

at 30 Western Ave., North East­ 'S' 6 The on. Dr, Reedy is a native of Buffalo, N. Y., where his mother, Once-A-Day in Somerset and S"",ansea at 4:30 P.M'j" Ml;'s. Fra'nk A. Reedy, still makes her home at 88 Mineral Springs Road.

Tar "and Feather French Priest

School Palace.s

Italian Commies Suffer' Setback





t' -


""," I


Bishop Sheen Talks

Good Friday Night




Grant 'Awarded To Dr. Reedy


Religio'us Building

Activity DeClines





Stations in Jail


Miscellaneous Iron










' Protect


~ What You Have '~ ~/McGOWAN


:, '. .I


: Insuran.ce Agency :' ~f

, CHICAGO (NC) - A Chinese dragon dance was performed in :, honor of His Eminence- Samuel :, 54 PLEASANT STREET , Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of

NORTH ATTLEBORO , Chicago, after he officiated at·a , confirmation ceremony.in Chi­ ~ TEL. Myrtle '9~8231 : cago's Chinatown.

~ ............" .... ~ ..., .... , ..., ..., ......... ~



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